HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout1996 01_Elections Wards 3,4,5_1996.01.021996 01_Municipal Retirement Fund_1996.01.261996 02_Publication of City Code_1996.02.201996 03_Naming Tulsa County Criminal Detention Facility_1996.02.061996 04_Amended_1996.03.051996 04_Provide Quarterly progress reports on Precision Components_1996.02.201996 05_Quarterly reports to Dept of Commerce_1996.02.201996 06_Adopting Specifications for street construction_1996.03.191996 07_Amedment to OMRF_1996.05.211996 08_Amendment to OPGA_1996.05.211996 09_Annual Budget_1996.06.181996 10_CDBG for Senior citizen facility_1996.06.161996 11_Appropriate part of 3% tax to PW_1996.07.021996 12_Golf course is a proper function of the city_1996.07.021996 13_Interlock agreement with other law enforcement agencies_1996.07.161996 14_Approve indebtedness for OEDA_1996.09.17