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2001 01_Primary Election Ward 5_2001.01.02
2001 02_2001_Authorizing Lease Purchase Agreement_2001.02.20
2001 03_Baseball User Fees_2001.05.15
2001 04_Annual Operationg Budget_2001.06.01
2001 05_Public Works Promissary Note_2001.06.19
2001 06_Okla. Water Resource Board Promissary Note_2001.06.19
2001 07_Rates for Polycarts_2001.07.17
2001 08_Federal Aid Project Agreement_2001.08.07
2001 09_Additional Funding for Hwy 169 and 76 st._2001.08.07
2001 10_Adopting Downtwon Land Use Devel_2001.09.04
2001 11_Small Cities CD Block Grant_2001.09.04
2001 12_Hwy 169 and 76 st Interchange Project_2001.09.04
2001 13_PW Promissary Note_2001.11.06