HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2013 01_Miller Mediation Settlement Authority_2013.01.152013 02_Audio Recording of Meetings_2013.01.152013 03_Williams v. Glanz Settlement Authority_2013.02.192013 04_ODOT Funding Agreement 106th & Garnett2013.02.192013 05_Strong Neighborhoods Initiative_2013.03.052013 06 Capital Improvments Priority Determination_2013.04.022013 07_CDBG Funds_2013.04.022013 08_Ranch Creek Trail Grant_2013.04.162013 09_76th St Engineering Agreement_2013.05.072013 10_Annual Operating Budget_2013.06.182013 11_Williams Settlement Authority_2013.06.182013 12_Ambulance Fees_2013.06.182013 13 Main Police Station_City Hall_2013.07.162013 14_Retaining Legal Services Ross vs. City_2013.09.172013 15_ Widening N Garnett Ave_ E 96th St n to E 106t_2013.09.172013 16_Darnaby_2013.10.012013 17_Mutual Fire & EMS Agreement_2013.10.012013 18_provide legal defense 13 CV 658 GKF TLW_2013.11.012013 19_ providing legal defense 13 CV 709 TCK TLW_2013.11.132013 20_OneVoice_2013.11.192013 21_Debt Refunding _ Series 2006 DWSRF Promissory Note to OWRB_2013.11.192013 22_Ranch Creek_2013.12.032013 23_Calling An Election - Wards 3 & 4_2013.12.17