HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.10.17_City Council Agenda_AmendmentQ PUBLIC NOTICE OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MEETING AGENDA OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL The Owasso City Council will meet in regular session on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 6:30 PM at Old Central, 109 N. Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma. Notice of an amendment filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Monday, October 16, 2+Ju1r*nn4M.—Stevens,Depu City Clerk AMENDMENT The following is submitted as an amendment to the Owasso City Council Agenda filed on Friday, October 13, 2006. Item numbered 14 is as follows: 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for the purchase of real property to wit: 7 acres, more or less, located at E. 86 b Street North and N. Main Street owned by Mr. Wesley Ator; and, authorization for the City Attorney to institute and prosecute a condemnation action, if such shall become necessary, to obtain the land. Mr. Ray Staff will recommend Council authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for the purchase of real property to wit: 7 acres located at E. 86t' Street North and N. Main Street owned by Mr. Wesley Ator; and, authorization for the City Attorney to institute and prosecute a condemnation action, if such shall become necessary, to obtain the land. C PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, TYPE OF MEETING: Regular ATE: October 17, 2006 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agendafiled in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Mall 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 2006. *-Stiliann"MStevens, dministrative Assistant 1. Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella 2. Invocation David Langley, Gospel Light Baptist Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call g A.L-Wh, (cunciP2006 1017 d- Owasso City Council October 17, 2006 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove all item from the Consent Agcnda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agcnda is non - debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the October- 3, 2006 Regular Meeting and October 10, 2006 Special Meeting. Attachment # 5-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 5-13 C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2006-2007 budget status report. Attachment # 5-C 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council authorization for the City Manager to execute a contract for property casualty insurance in an amount not to exceed $29,330, Ms. Dempster Attachment # 6 Staff will recommend Council authorization for the City Manager to execute a contract for property casualty insurance in an amount not to exceed $29,330. T Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplau., modifying the land use distribution for the Larkin Bailey PUD, located south of E. 106"' Street North between forth Mingo Road and North Garnett Road. Mr. McCulley Attachment #7 Staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, modifying the land use distribution for the Larkin Bailcy PULE. S :Agendas Coun61 '006 1017 doc Owasso City Council October 17, 2006 Page 3 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, to allow Residential Use of 25.22 acres, currently planned for Commercial Use, located on the northwest corner of E. 106"' Street North and N. 161st East Avenue. Mr. McCulley Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, to allow Residential Use of 25.22 acres, currently planned for Commercial Use, located on the northwest corner of E. 106t" Street North and N. 161" East Avenue. 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a Final Plat for Owasso Fire Station No. 3, containing approximately 3.34 acres, more or less, located at the southwest conger of E. 100"' Street North and N. 145"' East Avenue. Mr. McCulley Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the Owasso Fire Station No. 3 Final Plat. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a Final Plat for Lake Malley 11, containing approximately 55 acres, more or less, located north of E. 106th Street North, %4 mile east of N. 145°i East Avenue, just east of Labe Valley 1. Mr. McCulley Attachment #10 Staff will recommend Council approval of the Labe Malley 11 Final Plat, I L Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council to award a bid to Pierce Manufacturing and authorization of` payent in the amount of $383,426 for the purchase of a Pumper Truck and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Mr. Clary Attachment #11 Staff will recommend Council to award a bid to Pierce Manufacturing and authorize payment in the amount of S383,426 for the purchase of a Pumper Truer; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. S A—,&s(o ,l2006J01,d- Owasso City Council October 17, 2006 Page 4 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Change Order No. 1 and Change Order No. 2 of the Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvement Project; and, approval of a supplemental appropriation increasing expenditures in the Street Department Budget in the amount of $177,000. Ms. Stagg Attachment #12 Staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order No. 1, a deduction in the amount of $50,114.40 and Change Order No. 2, an addition in the amount of $64,116.00 of the Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvement Project for a revised project amount of 5496,000; and, approval of a supplemental appropriation increasing expenditures in the Street Department Budget in the amount of $177,000. 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing the purchase of real property, to wit: 7 acres, more or less, located at F. 86th Street North and N. fain Street owned by Mr. Wesley Ator, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(3). Mayor Cataudella 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for the purchase of real property to wit: 7 acres, more or less, located at E. 86>h Street North and N. Main Street owned by Mr. Wesley Ator. Mr. Rooney Staff will recommend Council authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for the purchase of real property to wit: 7 acres located at E. 86"' Street North and N. Main Street owned by Mr. Wesley Ator. 15. Report from City Manager. 16. Report from City Attorney. S Aecnclas{ ouncii 2006 1017 &c Owasso City Council October 17, 2006 Page 5 17. Report from City Councilors. 18. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have becn foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 19. Adjournment. S `,�eendas founci 120001O I %doc OWA,SSO CITE' COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 3, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The invocation was offered by Reverend Kirby Scaggs, Bethel Baptist Church. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE The Flag Salute was led by Councilor Wayne Guevara. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Mice Mayor D.J. Gall, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Susan Kimball, Councilor A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney At this time, the Fifth Grade Honor Choir from Bailey Elementary School entertained the Council and visitors n)ith a poem and song about the character trait of.Loyally. ITEM 5. PRESENTATION OF THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF LOYALTY City of Owasso's Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney, a member of the Owasso Character Council, presented to the Council the character trait of Loyalty, the Character Trait of the Month for October, 2006. Oii) asso City Council October 3, 2006 ITEM 6. PRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER, 2006 Mr. Ray introduced to the Council Brandon Hancock, the City's Chief Infrastructure Inspector, as the City of Owasso Employee of the Month for October, 2006. nil �#•, :� Mayor Cataudella read a proclamation proclaiming the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Owasso. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OTHE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the September 19, 2006 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Approval of Ordinance No. 877, an ordinance approving amlexation request OA 06-11, containing approximately 7.40 acres, more or less, located east of North Garnett Road, just north of East 116th Street North. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $188,908.02, self-insurance medical claims & fees totaling $62,208,07, and payroll claims totaling $379,719,19. YEA; Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY; None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQIJESI` FOR COUNCIL TO AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE ELM CREEK PARK POND DREDGING PROJECT, AND, APPROVAL OF A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION INCREASING EXPENDITURES IN THE PARKS DEPARTMENT BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT" OF $130,000.00 Mr. Rooney presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, for Council to award a contract for the Elm Creek Park Dredging Project to Ball Construction. of Salina, Oklahoma for the amount of $297,520.00; and, Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 2006-2007 General Fund Parks Department budget in the amount of $130,000.00. 11 Owasso City Council October 3, 2006 YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE, L.P. D/B/A AT&T OKLAHOMA FOR THE MAIN STREET UTILITY RELOCATION PROJECT, AND, AUTHORISATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH AGREEMENT Ms. Stagg presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, for Council approval of an agreement between the City of Owasso and AT&T Oklahoma for the Main Street Utility Relocation Project in an amount not to exceed $35,300.03; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute said agreement. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM IL CONMERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL, PAYMENT TO OKLAHOMA NATURAL, GAS COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 176,299.03 FOR THE RELOCATION OF UTILITIES IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE NORTH GARNETT ROAD IMPROVEMENT" PROJECT Ms. Stagg presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council authorization for payment to Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, as stated above. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray commended Marcia Boutwell on a job well done in hosting a recent gathering of the Museum Association. Mr. Ray also updated Council on the possible options regarding the Ator land lawsuit. e Owasso City Coz.rncil October 3, 2006 ITEM. 13. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None ITEM 14. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS None `� ITEM 16. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Guevara moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Cohan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7.30 p.m Steve Cataudella, Mayor Pat Fry, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, October 10, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, October 6, 2006. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:04PM. PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor D.J. Gall Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor (arrives at 6:08pm) A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO THE 2015 LAND USE MASTERPLAN (2) B. FINAL PLAT (2) Mr. Rooney reviewed each of the above items and acknowledged staffs intent to place each item on the October 17, 2006 City Council agenda for action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. AWARD BID FOR PURCHASE OF A PUMPER TRUCK B. INFORMATION RELATING TO THE SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATION NO.3 Councilor Guevara arrives at 6:08PM. Mr. Rooney reviewed each of the above items. Mr. Rooney advised Council that staff intends to place Item A on the October 17, 2006 agenda for action. Item B was discussed for informational purposes only, staff intends to include an. item on the November 14, 2006 workscssion for further discussion. ITEM 4_ DISCUSSION RELATINGTo PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. THREE LAKES VILLAGE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NO, 1 AND NO, 2 B. APPLICATION FOR ODOT FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Rooney presented the above items and acknowledged staffs intent to place Item A on the October 17, 2006 agenda for Council action. Ms. Stagg presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Council regarding the Intersection Improvement Program Priorities and advised of staffs intent to include an item on the November 7, 2006 Cotulcil agenda requesting action. October 10, 2006 ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO HR DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. PROPERTY COVERAGE INSURANCE RENEWAL Mr. Rooney presented the above item. IVIr. Rooney acknowledged staffs intent to place an item on the October 17, 2006 Council agenda to request action. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO IT DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. INTEGRATED SOFTWARE PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Rooney presented the above item. Mr. Rooney advised that this item was for informational purposes only. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE B. OPWA INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE OWASSO YMCA C. FY 05-06 CARRYOVER BUDGET REQUESTS D. STATUS UPDATE RELATING TO THE ATOR FIELD The above items were reviewed by Mr. Rooney and Council discussion was held regarding each item. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Councilor Colgan moved, seconded by Councilor Kimball to adjourn. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM. YEA: Colgan, Guevara, Kimball, Cataudella NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Stephen Cataudella, Mayor CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO B i VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PSO STREET LIGHTS 13.74 REFUND TOTAL _ 13.74 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.28 FRANK W AMBRUS BAILIFF SERVICES 300.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE/COURT 49.29 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT TOTAL 406.57 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSE 222.16 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.38 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 8.99 FUELMAN FUEL 180.32 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 76.66 CARD CENTER TRAVEL -RAY 381 A 0 SHERATON OKLAHOMA CITY LODGING/RAY 93.00 OTA PIKEPASS TOLLS 24.30 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXP/RAY 153.71 TREASURER, PETTY CASH DIRECTORS MEETING EXPENSE 53.61 BAUDVILLE EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 108.55 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES BY COSS FLYING EAGLE STATUE 1,800.00 HOBBY LOBBY EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 10.91 TREASURER PETTY CASH EOM RECOGNITION 89.73 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 3,265.42 CARD CENTER MICR TONER CARTRIDGE 457.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 31.44 ALL COPY SUPPLIES PRINTER REPAIR FINANCE DEPT TOTAL.,. _820.00 _ T,3,30s_.44 FEDERAL EXPRESS POSTAGE 19.80 HOBBY LOBBY SUPPLIES -CHARACTER POSTERS 32.39 HOBBY LOBBY WIRE 1.99 OFFICE DEPOT COPY PAPER 10.49 OFFICE: DEPOT' OFFICE SUPPLIES 133.12 A N Z SIGNS & SHIRTS CHARACTER BANNER 665,00 INTEGRITY FOCUS CHARACTER CONSULTATION 525.00 INTEGRITY FOCUS CHARACTER CONSULTATION 1,110.00 Tf•IE OKLAHOMAN JOB ADS 264.60 THE OKLAHOMAN JOB ADS 315,34 TULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT" ADVERTISING 433.43 TULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 373.39 AMERICA€NCHECKED BACKGROUND CHECK 359.30 URGENT CARE DRUG SCREEN/FOSTER 33.00 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE C ONFERENCE-DEMPS T E R 275.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE/DAME 17.80 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHAMBER LUNCH 28.00 RICH & CARTMILL BONDS 1,071.00 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT' TOTAL 5,668.65 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 316.03 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINTENANCE 923.67 CINTAS CORPORATION MAT SERVICE HEARTLAND CONSULTING CONSULTING SERVICES 5.00 10,500.00 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL REFUSE SERVICE 129.00 ONG 09/06 USE 269.52 PSO 09/06 USE 5,505.08 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE EQUIP MAINTENANCE 746.00 AT&T PHONE USE 1,091.98 TREASURER PETTY CASH POSTAGE TREASURER PETTY CASH LICENSE TAG 32.85 26.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL 19,545.13 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 1.25 FUELMAN FUEL 368.37 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 92.75 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 230.00 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UP SERVICE 60.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY RENEWAL 20.00 CDW GOVERNMENT FAX MACHINE 238,35 TIGER DIRECT COMPUTER MEMORY 70.98 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL, P'__ 9,081.70 CARTRIDGE WORLD PRINTER CARTRIDGES 86.50 TRIAD PRINTING ENGINEERING REPORTS 31.87 FUELMAN FUEL CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 228.36 230.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CLASS FEES & MEAL/ARZU 104.77 CARD CENTER SYSTEM MEMORY 39.99 TURN -KEY MOBILE COMPUTER -ROGER STEVENS 1,525.00 ENGINEERING DEFT TOTAL '. .. _�,2_46,�9 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,19 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.99 CARD CENTER SUBSCRIPTION 99,50 SOFTWARE. HOUSE. INTERNATIONAL TECHNET PLUS USER LICENSE 254.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEWHOUGHTON 245.00 CARD CENTER HP SYSTEM MEMORY 299.88 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT TOTAL ----909.56 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.75 BAILEY EQUIPMENT PARTS -LAWN MOWER 85,30 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 48.05 11.90 RADIO SI--IACK PHONE BATTERY 8,38 ATWOOD°S WASHER 0.69 EWiNG IRRIGATION PRODUCTS PARTS -IRRIGATION SYSTEM 3.17 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO CABLE. LOWES PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 129.69 58.54 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS LIGHT BULBS 150.64 GELLCO UNIFORMS WORK BOOTS -FIELDS 108.89 FUELMAN FUEL LOWES SMALL TOOLS 329.39 9.48 PLATINUM PROTECTION REPAIR ACCESS SYSTEM 90.00 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL-OC/CH 110.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 230.00 FUELMAN FUEL 195.74 AT&T PHONE USE 132.68 SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT TOTAL - 1,719.29 FUELMAN FUEL 16.98 PSO 09/06 USE 15.82 CEMETARY DEPT TOTAL - 32.80 OWASSO FOP LODGE #149 LEGAL DEFENSE FY 07 122.50 DELL TONER CARTRIDGES 179.98 OFFICE DEPOT SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR 15.99 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 161.33 LEE'S BICYCLE SHOP SUPPLIES -BIKE PATROL 55.97 LOWES AUDIO CABLE 27.46 LOWES RUBBER MALLET 14.21 OSU BUSINESS EXTENSION JOB FAIR 50.00 WAL`MART POLICE SUPPLIES 80.94 GALL'S SHOCK PLATE/HOLSTER-HUTTON 149.16 GALL'S BADGES-LONG/HUTTON 266.46 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 5,784.87 FUELMAN FUEL 7,289.76 TREASURER PETTY CASH FUEL 33.00 OWASSO FITNESS ZONE PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM 90.00 ONG 09/06 USE 124.50 PSO 09/06 USE 2.,835.54 LOWES STEPPING STONES/HEX NUTS 53.10 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 1,902.23 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT%SERVICE 4,531,67 AT&T PHONE USE 950.32 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL. CONFERENCE/TURNER 35.00 O T A PIKEPASS TOLLS 13.25 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE/LYNN 18.81 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM/TURNER 109.75 MOTOROLA 3 RADIOS, WARRANTY & CHARGERS 8,958.00 OWASSO COPIER SERVICE COPIER/RECORD DEPT 4,034.00 OWASSO COPIER SERVICE COPIER/SQUAD ROOM 966.00 FLEET DISTRIBUTORS EXPRESS VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 15,350.00 MOTOROLA 3 VEHICLE RADIOS 9,405.00 LOWES PROPERTY ROOM PROJECT POLICE DEPT TOTAL. __810 �,. Oa2T,691.91T HILLCREST MEDICAL CROUP VACCINE -GRAHAM 87.00 URGENT CARE TB SHOT/GRAHAM 19.00 WAL-MART" PRISONER MEALS 161.25 TOTAL RADIO RADIO MAINTENANCE 675.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT RENTAL 700.00 COLE INFORMATION SERVICES ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 534.95 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY COMMISSIONS 50.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES SOFTWARE 10,010.00 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL. m 12,237.2® VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ALLIANCE MEDICAL GLOVES 82.85 PALMER CAP'CHUREQUIPMENT DART GUN PART 5.88 PNEUDART TRANQUILIZER DARTS 96.87 VVAL-MART POLICE SUPPLIES 61.08 CITY GARAGE VEH|CLEMA|NT-PARTS 12.30 FUELMAN FUEL 183,43 FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 20.00 P5O 00/06USE 281.40 LOVVE3 PAINTING SUPPLIES 32.47 CITY GARAGE VEH|CLEK4A|NT-SERV|CE 153.33 AT&T PHONEU8E 38.14 LDYVES AWNING PROJECT 3822 ANIMAL CONTROL QEPTTOTAL --------- ALLCOPYSUPPL|ES CARTRIDGE 90.00 OFFICE DEPOT COMPUTER CASES, MOUSE 187.88 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 117.84 D'RE|LLYAUTOK4OT|VE WAX AND APPLICATOR 7.97 TREASURER PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 10.52 TREASURER PETTY CASH UNIFORM 108.51 WEAR -TECH BODN|EHATS 300.00 AFFORDABLE PRECISION GLASS INSTALL WINDSHIELD 100.00 CITY GARAGE VEH|CLEK8A|NT-PART8 1.141.05 FUELMAN FUEL 1,391.78 VVAYEST8AFETY MAINTENANCE GAS DETECTOR 255.00 ONG 09/00 USE 216.01 PSO 09/08 USE 1.204.24 GRA|NGER PARTS -AC UNIT 9122 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE K8A|NT-SERVICE 920.00 BK4| SYSTEMS OFTULSA COPIER RENTAL/MAINTENANCE 20245 SCDTT'S PRINTING &COPYING COPIES OFPROTOCOL BOOKS 1.824.84 AT&T PHONE USE 24038 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS LODGING -DEPUTY CHIEF 239.85 0TA P|KEPASS TOLLS 11,00 0VVASSO FITNESS ZONE PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM 285.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM/5 FIREMEN 394.50 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER D|EM/5F|REK8EN 877.50 FIRE BEPT TOTAL DELL INK CARTRIDGES 120�50 PSO 09/06 USE 135.72 AT&T PHONE USE 19.00 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPl"TOTAL T7�.R6 LOVVES SAW BLADE/DRILL BIT 32A5 UN|F|R9T UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 61.08 TULSA COUNTY TRAFFIC & STREET SIGNS 2.864.40 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE K8A|NT-PARTS 442.95 FUELMAN FUEL 885.52 ATVVOOD'S TOOLS 94.69 MAXVVELLSUPPLY 3K4ALLT0OLS 70.72 PSO 09/06 USE 1.09745 PSO STREET LIGHTS 4.000.13 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 1,533.33 EQUIPMENT ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 26.00 AT&T PHONE USE 23.07 MILL CREEK LUMBER REPAIR/COPPER MEADOWS 11,74 TWIN CITIES READY MIX COPPER MEADOWS STREET REPAIRS 931.25 AUSTIN PAVING THREE LAKES ST RECONSTRUCTION 20,985.20 WATER PRODUCTS VALVE BOX LIDS 26.35 SIGNALTEK SOLAR SCHOOL ZONE SIGNS 15,000.00 MILL CREEK LUMBER SIDEWALK PROJECT 50.32 TWIN CITIES READY MIX CURB IMPROVEMENTS 855.75 STREETS DEPT TOTAL 49,672.28 ATWOOD'S CHAINSAW BAR OIL 4.29 TWIN CITIES READY MIX STORM PIPE REPAIRS 220.00 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 74.78 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 494.39 FUELMAN FUEL 890.82 ATWOOD'S RATCHET BINDER 157,89 WORLEY.'S GREENHOUSE & NURSERY TREE GRANT IMPROVEMENTS 8,300.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 1,073.33 STORMWATER MAINT DEPT TOTAL 11,215.50 ANCHOR STONE CO SCREENINGS 8.52 ATWOOD'S MISC SUPPLIES 1.64 LOWES COUPLING/CLAMP/PANELING/SCREWS 759,05 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.57 OWASSO TOP SOIL SPORTS PARK DIRT' 110.00 FUELMAN FUEL 340.97 BLOUNT LAWN SERVICES MOWING-SKATEPARK 900.00 ALOHA LANDSCAPE MOWING SERVICE 1,444.00 ONG 09/06 USE 177.47 PSO 09/06 USE 1,046.54 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 306.67 AT&T PHONE USE 90.87 PARKS DEPT TOTAL 5920 330 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 67.97 TAYLORMADE LOCK & KEY KEYS FOR COMMUNITY CENTER 30.00 L.OWES OPERATING SUPPLIES 34M2 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 11.52 FUELMAN FUEL 82.71 ONG 09/06 USE 72.85 PSO 09/06 USE 1,485.17 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE: 30.83 AT&T PHONE USE 120.72 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL ONG 09/06 USE 34.00 PSO 09/06 USE 389.88 AT&T PHONE USE 21.82 TREASURER PETTY CASH Mll L. EA GE/BOUTWELL 41.83 REASORS MEETING EXPENSE 42.61 HISTORICAL, MUSEUM DEPT TOTAL 530. 44 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FOCUS CAMERA OFFICE SUPPLIES 136.80 FUELMAN FUEL 99.77 LONE STAR OVERNIGHT DELIVERY CHARGE 12.65 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 76.67 TREASURER: PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 35.58 CROSSROADS COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN/RADIO AD 9,585.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 9,946.47 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 202,333.92 TREASURER PETTY CASH REFUND AMBULANCE SUB 1.00 AMBULANCE REFUNDS AMBULANCE REFUND 20.00 AMBULANCE REFUNDS AMBULANCE REFUND 375.14 AMBULANCE SERVICE REFUND TOTAL 396.14 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 126.00 MEDTRONIC LIFEPACK TRAINING 377.00 AIR CLEANING TECHNOLOGIES PLYMO VENT SERVICES 455.22 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 2,414.73 FUELMAN FUEL 1,925.75 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 766.67 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL 6,065.37 AT&T E911 FEES 1,875.73 E-911 FUND TOTAL 1,875.73" MESHEK & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING SERV-MIS 10,868.15 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING-TFIREE LAKES DAM 8,017.67 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES STORMWATER STREAM/CHANNEL 48.86 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FUND TOTAL m_S3_18,934.68 C2A ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SVS-86/MING0 400.00 POE & ASSOCIATES 06/07 CIP STREET REHAB PR 3,941.24 BOZ ENTERPRISES EASEMENT RECLAMATION--91/GARNE T T 3,175.00 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES SILVER CREEK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1,225.07 VISTA CONSTRUCTION SPORTS PARK RESTROOM 33,758.01 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 3 .42,499.32 TURN -KEY MOBILE COMPUTERS 6,415.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND TOTAL -6 415.00 BUILDERS UNLIMITED RESTROOM-FUNTASTIC ISLAND 4,780.00 DARKS DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL �,780.00 AUS T IN PAVING THREE LAKES ST RECONSTRUCTION 20,985.21 CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANT FUND TOTAL ._ 20,985,21 A"TWOOD'S NUTS/BOLTS 33.23 LOWES OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.33 V 1 i \Lei ATE p�'GHTLINE R GROUP PARTS FOR RESALE 1,176.50 B & M OIL COMPANY OIL/FLUIDS 1,533.45 CLASSIC CHEVROLET PARTS FOR RESALE 336.62 VENDOR CROW BURL|NGAMECOMPANY NAPA O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE KJUSTARDSEEOCUSTOM UPHOLSTERY T & VVTIRE ONG P8O PHOENIX RECYCLING AT&T COLLISION CENTER OF(}VVA3SO LENOXWRECKER SERVICE |K8PRESTACCOUNT UNITED SAFETY &CLAIMS OKTAX COMMISSION |K4PRESTACCOUNT |K8PRESTACCOUNT |K4PRESTACCOUNT |MPRESTACCOUNT FOSTERS PAINT & BODY SHOP FOSTERS PAINT & BODY SHOP DITCH WITCH OF TULSA EDVVARDDJONESCO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FARTS FOR RESALE 23.08 PARTS FOR RESALE 268.00 PARTS FOR RESALE 081.00 REPAIR CAR SEAT 100,00 TIRES 1.511�40 00/06USE 47.69 00X06USE 510.05 RECYCLING OIL FILTERS 55.00 PHONE USE 3815 REPAIRS-PDVEH|CLE 2.388.44 TOWING 93.00 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL -8,795.72 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2.005.57 THIRD PARTY ADK8|MFEES 1.450.00 M|TFWORKERS COMP TAX 000J0 MEDICAL CLAIMS 83013 MEDICAL CLAIMS 200.33 SETTLEMENTS 617.00 SETTLEMENTS 11125 WORKERS COMP FUND TOTAL 6,414.38 TORT CLAIM 3.154.80 TORT CLAIM 125.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 1001069 SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 19,290.58 SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS 581000 GRAND TOTAL -5-44��-96.65- CITY OF OWASO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND i t ,f fllajajli VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 27,673.04 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 21,585.90 ADMIN FEE 13,111.68 STOP LOSS FEE 10,498.56 HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 72,869.18 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 2,190.10 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 3,522.90 DENTAL. MEDICAL SERVICE 2,228.70 ADMIN FEE 1,894.93 DENTAL. DEPT TOTAL 9,836.63 VSP VISION MEDICAL SERVICES 2,117.49 ADMIN FEE 1,021.92 VISION DEPT TOTAL 1,021.92 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL. 83,727.73 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FIND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 9/30/2006 Department Overtime Expenses Total E�.nEig,� 40.47 9,532.66 610.49 10,701.98 Ambulance Fund ta Fund,To Emergency 911 Fund M CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of September 30, 2006 MONTH YEAR PERCENT TO -DATE TO -DATE BUDGET OF BUDGET REVENUES: Taxes $ 1,454,241 $ 4,154,976 $ 16,670,000 24.92% Licenses & permits 11,957 62,000.06 373,000 16.62% Intergovernmental 77,316 156,374.47 382,000 40.94% Charges for services 20,009 56,408.13 217,900 25.89% Fines & forfeits 300 136,693.83 584,000 23.41 % Other 10,538 28,675.33 95,300 30.09% TOTAL REVENUES 1,574,360 25.08% 4,595,127 18,322,200 Personal services 1,068,236 2,514,644 9,894,855 25.41% Materials & supplies 49,226 118,395 535,195 22.12% Other services 84,098 293,220 1,411,265 20.78% Capital outlay 85,101 308,510 1,883,910 16.38% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,286,660m 13,725,225 a_P 23.57% 3,234,768 REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 287,700 1,360,359 4,596,975�9 29.59% TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in 936,969 2,716,048 10,163,000 26.72% Transfers out (1,398,312) (4,052,522) (16,001,375) 25.33% TOTAL TRANSFERS (461,343) (1,336,474) (5,838,375)rz 22.89% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (173,643) 23,885 (1,241,400) FUND BALANCE (GAAP Basis) Beginning Balance 5,026,441 Ending Balance $ 5,050,326 FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance 4,104,455 3,210,000 Ending Balance �$ 4,128,340 l n$ 1,968,600 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MICHELE DEMPSTER HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR DATE- October S, 2006 BACKGROUND: The City's property casualty coverage renews on November 1, 2006. The City's current agent of record and a local insurance agent are providing the City with quotes for coverage. COMMENTS The City's current carrier has provided a renewal quote of $29,330 a reduction from last year's premium of $30,271. Even though the renewal rate is within budget, staff would still like to review the quotes provided by the competing local insurance agent. A carrier must be selected and a contract signed prior to the end of the month due to the fact the City's current policy expires October 31st. In order to allow staff the opportunity to review quotes not yet submitted staff requests the Council authorize the City Manager to approve a contract for property casualty insurance for an amount not to exceed the current renewal rate of $29,300. This authorization will allow the City Manager to enter into a contract for a lesser amount with either the City's current carrier or a different carrier, should the opportunity arise. _ COMMENDATION® Staff recommends Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for property casualty insurance in an amount not to exceed $29,330. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANDCOUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: 'x t ' CHIP P MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER Octoberro � 2006 i BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Mr. Bland Pittman requesting that the 2015 Land Use Faster Plan be revised, modifying the land use distribution for the Larkin Bailey PUD, located south of E. 106th St. N. between N. bingo Rd. and N. Garnett Rd. Currently, the property is zoned OPUD #01 (Planned Unit Development). A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING G LAND USE; The majority of the property is yet undeveloped. A new water storage tank sits in the middle of the property, and the Bailey Medical Center and medical office building are east of the storage tank. The First Christian Church has begun construction on their new church in the southeastern part of the P . . SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Large Lot Residential and future Sportspark expansion area South: Residential (El Rio Vista and Honey Creek) East: Large Lot Residential and Sawgrass Park/Bailey Ranch Estates Test: Large Lot Residential and undeveloped agricultural land PRESENT ZONING OP (Planned UnitDevelopment), with an underlying zoning of residential use. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential., office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. Specific development concerns, such as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and storniwater detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. Planned Unit Developments (P ) are specific types of zoning classifications applied to individual properties with site -specific development requirements. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property. after the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted and reviewed. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. ANALYSIS Staff received a petition from Mr. Bland Pittman requesting that the 2015 sand Use Master Plan be revised, modifying the land use distribution for the Planned Unit Development. The Owasso 2015 sand Use master Plan currently calls for commercial development on the Northeast corner of the development with transitional uses south along the west side of Forth Garnett Road. The request is to further distribute transitional uses along the southern border of the subject property between the Bailey Hospital and E1 Rio Vista to the south. It also requests commercial uses west along the south side of East 10e Street North. A proposed zoning map is attached for your review. If the plan amendment is approved, transitional uses such as offices and multi -family uses could be considered for the 32 or so acres between the railroad tracks and the creek to the east. Commercial uses, including restaurants and retail establishments, could be considered for all the property on the south side of East 106"' Street North between the creek and Garnett Road. Land along the west side of Garnett Road between East 1061h Street North and East 103rd Street North would remain planned for commercial uses, and the hospital and water storage tank would be classified as transitional. The property west of the First Christian Church site on the south side of East 103"d Street North would be planned for transitional (office and/or multi -family) uses. The remainder of the PUD area, north of Honey Creek, would still be planned for single-family residential use. 1n analyzing the request, the staff considered two key factors: first, what is the highest and best use of the property, and second, is the proposed land use distribution consistent and compatible with existing development patterns in the area. The staff believes that the answer to both questions is "yes". HIGIIE,ST AND BEST USE - 'rho staff finds that the :northern and eastern parts of the Larkin Bailey PUD will be a significant business area due to the location of the Bailey Medical Center. The synergy generated by the hospital should adequately provide for the development of these parts of the PUD for commercial and office purposes in the future. COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS m Existing residential developments south of the PUD will remain protected by any potential conflicts with the proposed nonresidential uses by the location of the First Christian Church, the buffering effect of the office uses planned south of East 103'd Street North, and the future single-family residential area in the southwest part of the property. Following a master plan amendment would be an amendment to the PUD itself. For this purpose, a "zoning plan" has been submitted with this request that shows how the PUD would be organized. It is anticipated that the PUD amendment will be brought forward for consideration in November. RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the land use master plan, ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Applicants Petition 3. Proposed Zoning map Pittman-Pne & nssac.Inc. 9ka 355--9393 p,,2 Auggust 21, 20,06 Owasso Community Developmerfat Depan.metnt Owasso City PlIanning D-cparunenn. I I I N, Main St, Owasa), OYC 7405-9 Attn: Mn ErIc Wiles Planning Staff, This is a letter requesting a modifica-fion (,,,f the OvAasso 20!,5 Le,,nad [Jsc Master Plan - With the event of fiby"'flacB"a-fley Mtxlfic� Cewrwr, the ex.--istingzoning and PUDwIll require soutc land use changes, The c-Itakges in. hand use arc,, donfilmatex! bythiis lange in comp�lex- T, nedicall On the northwe"t cooacr of fllkc propeny this should be a tnansifional zonnig area and as the hwd Ilse moves to the east 83"ong 10(P'Sitreet these ti.ses charp, C, to more tdonfifFy with a, I&T-p I 9 ge Medical sincercly, PittIDAD Poe, c",f Associates, bkc, Bland P, F',-esident Goff & Re -son Coi-mmu-Cgcs, J,aM Pfumixig, Zopdag, &` clubhouse Nsign 170.9 VII Gnmeper St, BiDkenknow, OK 74012 Ph0P,,,' M W-8552 nn, 919 355-8393 eiwil: rr F Ys ffiwa 'g- HIM, Data Sumrnarv� Attman Poe =,i A=C1ATE.3IRC, oh SChE: M lm�l 9 M �m Residential i56.97 Acre Single Family 155 Units 2.6 Units/Acre Multifamily t39.91 Acres 590 Units 18.5 Unit/Acres Medium Office ±46.13 Acres +10,047,111.4 SF.1.50 FAR cslcommerda; ±48.00 Acres .tl , 045 , 440 SFJ 0.5 FAR CG/Commerdag ±39.01 Acres t1,276,933 SF./.75 FAR Proposed Zoning Plan TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER DATE: October 11, 2004 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Mr. Denny Woolman, requesting that the 2015 Land Use faster Plan be revised to allow for Residential use of 25.22 acres located on the northwest corner of East 106t1i Street North and forth 161" East Avenue. Currently the property is planned for commercial development. EXISTING LAND USE Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Large Lot Residential (Ranch Acres) South: Large Lot Residential/Agriculture East: Large Lot Residential/Agriculture West: Large Lot Residential (Ranch Acres) PRESENT ZONING AG (Agriculture) DEVELOPMENT PROCESS® The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. Specific development concerns, such as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and storm water detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. Planned Unit Developments (PUD) are specific types of zoning classifications applied to individual properties with site -specific development requirements. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted and reviewed. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. ANALYSIS Staff received a petition from Mr. Denny Woolman to allow for residential development at the northwest corner of East 106th Street North and North 161 st East Avenue. Currently the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan calls for Commercial development at that corner. If the plan amendment is approved, the proposed residential development will consist of approximately 42 lots on the 25.22 acres, with an average lot size of 10,500 sq. ft. The applicant has also set aside three reserve areas throughout the development for additional green space and storm water detention, totaling approximately 6.50 acres. The largest of these reserve areas will be located were the existing pond is located at the northeast corner of East 106th Street North and North 161 st East Avenue. The existing pond will be engineered and modified to act as a wet storm water detention facility for the development. In analyzing the request, the staff considered two key factors: first, what is the highest and best use of the property, and second, is the proposed land use distribution consistent and compatible with existing development patterns in the area. The staff believes that the answer to both questions is "yes". The staff finds that the proposed residential development to the north and west and the existing pond at the hard corner make this request compatible with the surrounding land uses and development patterns. Staff feels that the design of the development is an example of a developer working with the natural features of the land to provide for a good development. Following a master plan amendment would be a rezoning request of RS-2 (Residential Single - Family), and a preliminary plat that will be heard by the Planning Commission in November. The final step would be the acceptance of the final plat following shortly thereafter. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the land use master plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2, Site Drawing Owasso Community Development Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com Amendment to the 2015 Land s. Oct 03 06 1 1 0 09a 918--GG4-33 39 P4 J. NSA 'il I FRI a m 0 �------------------------• 1Vfof,559 "W---6 V � 25, 2' V � E� =m .. .-.--..-.-.----`- e- ------; i r�u I 5A' ro� N. 1.501h E oA VE, d� $ � � ��saq�<n g7v;? Y..dl 10. m N. 15.9 fh E. AVE. NOR TH 161s f �"A S T" A VENtdE n nVr'r-P'16'W m 663.9P' li r •n ---------------------- ------------ ----- Yam"/ 1 RE R f� �7 �p Ip ' / TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCH-, CM OF jr FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER ILTIVOTT M-11 DATE: October 119 2006 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request to review and recommend approval of a final plat proposing one lot on approximately 3.34 acres, located at the southwest comer of East 100"' Street North and North 145 Ih East Avenue. A general area map is included with this report. Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Large Lot Residential/Coffee Crock 11 South: Undeveloped/Large Lot Residential. East: Large Lot Residential West: Large Lot Residential H'I� DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: The four primary steps in the development of commercial property in Owasso include annexation, zoning, platting, and site planning. The third step in the development of property is platting. A prelintinary plat is required for any development, that proposes to divide land into two or snore lots. Plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, casements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. If approved, the final plat is filed with the office of the County Clerk and governs all future development on that property. ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate the development of Owasso's 3d Fire Station on 3.34 acres. Since this is a one lot development there is no preliminary plat required. In a regional context, this proposed addition is in conformance with the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan, as the development is in Use Unit 4: Public Protection Utility Facilities and is allowed by right. The surrounding area is forecasted for both commercial and residential development. Already, there is an emerging pattern of dense residential development occurring to the north as Coffee Creek and Lake Valley, a commercial corridor is also emerging to the west along the Owasso Expressway. The proposed final plat satisfactorily meets the requirements established in the Owasso Zoning Code. The development will be served by water and sewer by the City of Owasso. Utility easements are established throughout the proposed addition so as to adequately accommodate utility services. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat September 27, 2006. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and/or concerns. At that meeting the following concerns were expressed. 1, . Applicant needs to correct the written legal description. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of final plat subject to the above condition. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case Map 2. Final Plat Owasso Community unity Development Department 111 N. fain St. Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 918,376.1597 www. city ofowasso, corn Coffee Creek Final ,. Owasso Final subdivision Plat FLAT NO. Owasso Firs Station No. 3 Addition A part of the SE/4 of Section 16, T-21-N, R-14-E, of the I.B. & M, City of Owasso. Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma Addition has 1 Lot in 1 Block and E. 3SDOL$3 S�R� T contains 3.343 acres, more or less. etbdzofee py /M Plo! a/ L;/q vu E:lorac SuN%.;ann, Plot xo. Ja YJJ — ize+.?3' S/Q• iron G;n Set L Ab;/ Svl 176.73 50.0 17.5' WE � r--- d c s 35' 8u11d�ng tine_ I i y ss i i 9 I P 1 , I w9 d j Lei 9 i i ainpiatted � i ! I I I 4 3 la N a 3 a < m 12j e N Wso'oa" E— 292.46° a r „aa i a l z/a'noe ma ravae 1 dock 2 r 17.5• UDC ryp -----------------------' ?I {� i 0! h i Lot :, Stock 4 m I m 1 City Vue Estates 1 Subdivision s Dofenhon Eo—"m H d c. �' t h FLOOD NOTE i 3 This property is located in flood zone i ; i "X—UNSHADED" (not within o Special Flood fl d 1 d Hazard Area), as per Flood Insurance Rate Mop, ' —= &9f.5T—___ f Community Panel No. 400462 0237H, effective B1� ----------------------- ------------ 3 17.5' u/E date: September 22, 1999, 50.0 eaoi woa sar 368.33' J/Q• rraa va sal / w S BMs,24. V? — 42B.33• 3/8•/Ten Rn Ser /Cqe $ saeoiaosr earaar w� Unplatted i z� ror a ire/Q' � 0 30 60 90 1 "= 30' R-14—E EAST 1061, STREET 'ORTN wnaa+ z 5 e..�.. 16 EAST96t1.STREETN0RTH LOCATION MAP OWNER cay of I I I North Main Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 376-1500 SURVEYOR Survaying and Mapping, PC 2001 South 1141h East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128 (918) 234-4859 Ceriificolc o/ Authorization No. 4656 E.pirea Juna 30. 2007 ENGINEER L Incwporated 6311 East Tecumseh Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115 (918) 835-9588 Cerlificato of Authorization No. 262 Expires June 30. 2008 BEARING BASIS The bearings shown hereon are based on the Oklahoma State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83 (1993). LEGEND B/L — BUILDING LINE U/E — UTILITY EASEMENT MAE — MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT 1-NA — LIMITS OF NO ACCESS Addresses shown on this plat were accurate of the time this plat was filed. Addresses aTesubject to change and should never be relied an in place of legal description Owasso Fire Station No. 3 Addition, Tulsa County Final Subdivision Plut, September 13, 2006 SHEET i OF Oeva a Beeka4'on vnd B«Ivmtion M Raabiaiw Cownaa'a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; fie CRY M Bwawo (t%o "Gam/') boing 1Nm o mr a 1. Ianowing tlaccricad rocl Okl Iwmo me 'P—N") aC.— to tiro City an0vasso, Tulse Coun4y, Sta¢a ei Tn port a Ohm North— Ouvrtmr of ihm —h—I Cuartar a s V, Slfmw (16), iowahip TwmMy-ana (21) NaN, Rangy fovrtoan (19) EaM W 4Ao In?an Eoaa and Mar'Man. Crony al Tuiw. stay vl Owanome, aemoretng 4o thv us. Gowmmmi survey thereof, moan poniculary emcdbad « /olivmn, co -wit: BegindnS a mo SoMMaat Cemvr -: lion« o! ma NE/9 a tiro SE/4; 1,. flv0 Pont; Thenes Wed 933 lees: Thence E— acme; Thanev Evan 38 1Imo: Sevlh S22 led: Thence Ead 91S Pwt 4e !hv print a Oeginning. Lew wd E'%Pt Ohm Wost 228.E Peat a 9Ao —H 2116 Tea merad: and Lem and ExcapP mm Soum 330.05 veI 11H.— awed 4fio ma b La xrveyoe, atokmd, and givMW in rmRy w ro^m^^YIn9 plat�aM nm dmignaatl mm vamm w `OHlA550 FlRE STA"Cs NO. ADDTI.W. a avDdNalon In mo CRC, a Owame, TUIvm County, S¢am cP -- SECTION I. EASEMENTS AND iTILfREs A UTRRY EASEMENTS ant SIGP Eveept va R. vnd rowrvma below, iia Oamr tlom narebq tlmtlleam iw Ohm City um avevt ngM-eP-woy ant w a Wliy wwman1. 1Ao Mgily evammmaa as amplasa on mm « amps"", platdwi9""" on Ohm v componyi�m� 9w Lna albDurpevea oP conavuctM9• maintaining, opmrvPina, mnapdnn g pubf ilium. intludng, put m4 AmHW ¢v v Lary v tdmgphwa o d or ropbcin mmauvn hove, dean¢ Poa IMwe tromlwmam. mtaroi gw floss end waar Anw, tagdher mHh a9 IlHinga cPo w pabv, mHm, centluga, p)pa, valves. mavm orb oquipmeM Iw wcA a ouch 1«iAtba antl aypunenwco¢ 4lwrot, roam 4nm ri^nty a IaMrman oM a9rmav Po ant upon ma nrva0. say meMa a^d rig%iv-a-way ivr ihm u vs e purpenne Mwweid. Ne buillnS. awaum, ar anY �M1sr above grwM w below v Inrd - b1U lion to v I Inlenarm wRh 9ha pvneaw vroaotl will bo Dlacmd, arociad, said play or pormittatl vilhin m open any alromP, a mmM, or RgM-o1-way an0rrt on NOV cvER, rrothin9 hordn shall pronlAR in¢ comFu H. a doves, par q areas curbinn, monument a e pylon aqm, eCM «w Icainq. aervmnin9 4wem, rm4vinaemm doer surface ImprwmmeMn Ma tlol noanda 4 corwttt on oDMmctim to any m onto e NRTHER PRBVIDED, Ma iho Ovnw rmarwa ihm n9M Po 1—a WwbcxAvyY awWemM1meemnM a mOrwmshrelpl t�bacw oponi�anibiwe ntA9ro a ma Agaa0ai hrt .weoa -Ity va¢mm4Droa wo Mde iringaAgnpriapntdookwatrttnwma^ltpWhfltMwliv 0tMIISIIIo y e nsInto. perm wahin the maM, fire Owner Mai ml divtv9�o ow iMnq v co lines onus 4'^.a ub vows advancm a xnL Al c a«klmd with 4ha diaPu2wca w ¢� M av¢P'mg xnricm unoss Cvumd bq Omnefa sell.. situ be bwnm solely by tho S. UNDERGRWND in -ME 1. C--d Anma Per Guppy d dec4dc, taiephom artd cabin imbvivion mrWcea mar bm b<alvtl wRMn the pmrtmvbr eowmenb a iho aubdFdaton. Svae2 A9M Deko or afvndwtiv rosy bm vervad b'y rM1aod line w undw9rovnd Me cod mlaawAare Wrouagnovt tho bCm'vion. uppy Anw rlIhe ng vbctNc, telepnono. caMm 4dmviaivn mrol I Sao Taos Mal bm«aetl rground m movement Ya BaQCMae for gvWIiPy mrvk a tl in Pne ngMn-a-wry of 4M pubic M a aapkbtl m ccompanyMq DIMva Servicm peeevtaly v a trmd➢nnem, w urcm of soppy a s«ondary wlPo9m. m ciao ba bcdatl la bm vvaemerrY woys. ao z. wawgrwna aeMro eedw ono gas a m hove to aA drwm¢mraa wnkh may Dm bcatad wRM1in Pha - -I- mmq bo rvn from 4no nearmn qw m onks a0ev4ai WMomwr to IHma po1M of a�e ddmrmMve br mm «Won vn curaion o4 w�h dmaure w may bm beavd rpon ma P lot reHtletl — 4no open e4hv Ma2v11Mion o4 0 e cMle o��v varviro A portkular alrvaurm, the v�pwbr a asrnco vhail memdter bm d eel . M1ave na ev/1nHiw, par --La ocOrvm d n - ac'u rgnt-el— evwmmM o m loi eevvnng S I- rt Te: -aa' 2.8 Pent w A lift avant iM to Ihv mo Dlao mhgne caMandnvfq Prom un gos can. am «aov4al or 3. Tha auppger a elecvic, tmlmphoneac nkalion, a a Aas ae s, S—Ch R proper egenty one emDkyeev. snap a a w Awe Pna lgM1t a « moot -ways ahoy i tom ac ompanyina plat or o¢ ae prwidod 4w4o^ thk dose �rOledica !ho vnd rgre�untl ml aoe� 4ei� 9. v mown 9, w roawX�ag omytalsa or mvmtoima M the auDDliw sme urli¢y ne, rcan lovinion or qua t "tam¢ 4. Unlma wprexy opyrowtl to bm obuw gr and. di aas.. —C Jm untlmgrwnd. s. Tns emmr eP Uro b¢ afie11 bm —H rmmpw Pw mm pro4oe,on a PPa undorground vmMcm IacIAUw I«Mee w m lot ens anal prswM Piro dbrotbn a garodm w os lion a livtty mniefi wmuW IMen¢ra aR 4ns vl¢anc, 9elapmMaf� -Me 4al¢vlaion 'Yoroi or uw /«IlHiea Each auppger o9 veMee snail Dm rwDoreible 9w ry mdMonence ei naergroune 1ec1119w Dal mm or Mell pq 4or dama9aa o an M auto radmiw ¢wawa w mamtam ay an o1 ¢nth owner w r og,Ms o. <eMreeto .. 6. Inc leregang covonaMs ant tort% I^ para9ropn S MaD Jo aMermaJ.a o «cP. wppAer el ho ebctfic, taleDnena, coDle 2eleWalen w 9av aorwm ana mo wnor aP 4no bP agrow ¢e iw Dowd fimroby. C. 11ATER, SPNRARY SEWER, PND STORM S 1. '— ow er a 4ha Ivt anal] na tlamogm Pha goals maul mans aa^kery as sort' Samar —aa locdod upon 4no ia. war me. 2. me C. �a Owovx. Oklaewma, ar iia sue wapdomib Pear wtlinay M Dubiic or molna. wnHan amwar mdna.co tl Moan maer „r n. nrnrcn 3 lAe ry a C¢dwoo�n mobh«mcompw aa= ap¢nlwayIPi, na gaPuWcc uraa anal aproat 1—¢kna90rPaiwn th is �oePl aacc s w Po an xredm�g, mmoal mpl«irg ary portion M m¢ public wavr mdna, Rary aewar m ana, w do amwor ana. A. Tw 4o%eirg cow oat 1onA t^a—;s, L shall bm mnioremable dby PPa CHy o9 Owaavo, CNIaMma, IPa auc era and tho o v a ho la agrow to by bean %eroby lull 4oroo end mNect<� ail roman in D. CAS SE- ,,GE i. TPm aupaw N goo a ca through 'm 19enla and emvployoaa shall M dI 4i I,— Phm n9n2 oP ova 4o aA a A manta w P%a vent w e provitlatl for in Phia cw "4icam a dvalcWw 4or Pne pumvaa M InvtvlM9.i romovin9• ropaMn9. w roplvcin9 ory pvrtlon a m¢ 4aclRtkc Inaagv0 by Ono vuppllmr a 9w aervke. 2, ilx Omw a mm la Mali Jm rmayomMb gar PAa pramMien a ino waaground goo IalA41w !«vtatl M 4hoH lot and MOA wmwM me attaralivn, pravv. or arty save comtmctlon aarory, wnicA would IMo9am mtth tha gg avrvkv. The auk a 9ho gm amM;v vlMl bm reapenaiDim 4or 9na ordinary mahY<ononc¢ olaaad fad Alma, ba ¢n¢ Owmr anon pay .w damags or rd«Mlon a 4¢ciAiw cwmd M aaa M ihm 9mmr, w Am mgxn4s w cwnmc4ors. w Taw 4oro9oln9 eewmaa as 1-h in INa ➢vregroph Mal 0m on4weaob1a by 4ns aupp9mr M ms gva avni<m ant Ohm Owmr a ¢A¢ kt a9row to bm bound I-, E. SURFACE STORMWATER DR.Nw,GE Tim gropar(v dopktW on my aP «cmqqoo^yin, Pk4 anvil drain mm storm wdh sonata mavm rom Av la 4o dross nd eoaamante�ih. regoin9 cow LN am4 ZPON1 t is pvro9m �v%ah ba oMorc— bq P any aHecbd —p Y evens dby 4Ae Tty o4 avvenIXrlmlomv, F. STORMW TER DETENTION EASEMENTS �owo aaa Storm wc¢v�OatmMiw Eaa monl for Ohm IM wm Jokg groMed 4o PAa C34y a and dioc%v M Morro odor rvnoW Prom ➢umwa M pmrmining Oho fbw, cercvmyvncv rgo propartr wNnM mo saMlNviw. Drvim9m 4acWliw w ahmr imprwvmenty condroaetl ' tho Stonn mamr OaoMion Eoammsnt all Je in «cwdonc¢ vela th¢ mopbtl MorMordv a mm Cdy o4 Gvw Oklahoma. 3. No veal), building w aher oDMrucilon may bm p1«ad or =I-1me in Rho Storm wabr D¢PaWw Eamemant nw hell llram be arty ottaratlon o4 the Srodm w em4 ura , thm easvmoM unlam approved by my City a OwamD, Qklenana. p—d. Aowvscr,o4%cY 4M10 DlonBng oP not rvquhegme vpwovalva tAomCRgcM Omamo, Okkhoma� Pwo arra 0nm-AaN (3 }$J imn¢a anal G. PAYINS PND TAN. —,.a WIR9N EASEMENTS �party wwcivMg mammanl rt-d hamundw shall be rmvpwalllo fw Phm rmDdr and pbcammM of arty lantl¢caping vnd pminq within 4nm duty avav P on 4fis IM In lAo mwnt i4 is «mxary b repay er mdntain w anamr9roane Utinry rvkm; . —11ED HOWEVER, 4ha Cp M ^ Oklahoma, r 4no aupPAvr aYMa un—sai nd —1. aary ono) use maaonabb cv in 2ha pakomwmm a auto aamiiw. Nolhirg c ainmd within this dmclarction vnoll Dv deamol 90 Drohld! dMw, Darting a curbhg, londviceying, and cumomary acrooMng Pemoa and walla Root Do na co PRMo an obaruclion. H. LIMfiS OF NO ADCE55 Tea D.—I. do harmiy oai—ry I, N9h¢a a vanieubr ingroaa w osram m"Rhin vnY portion a mo ,—o, atlj—nI 4o NORM 195th Eat Awnuv NIhi^ Ohm bountla tlwignamd a^ 1Guss OF NO ACCESS' o ompanying pbi, whkh 1-- OF NO ACCESS' may ba a--d relwaad bj 2ho City a Owamv Pluming Commhaioni or Ns auccemor ana and by iia Cay M Onasso, Oklahoma, w vv minaralva wovkl¢tl by tna eves and vlaPaw o4 mm staa i Oklohamv Dvrtolning memeo. BECKON ii. ENSORCEMENt. DURATOY. AM£NOMEM AND SEVERABGRY A EMomamaM. Tho roMnNona herein ant 9ertfi are cownwrtv Po r and Do enfercwbb by PHo Gy a Owa¢ee, ORbheme. H ma Owner, er i. a came r 9ns. anon w m arty a tiro <ewnonl¢ .thin Sect tho ppprer eP WAtty am CIy M Owawadom Oklahoma may brlarq an oabn a law or M equity gvinM 4Ao Dmno� or Dmnona W�elgcomplionncomttht lneolam hunt ouic4 cmcowr duo DmwM tiro ¢now from cuing a 40 row cow a mogvv. B Duvalon. lhwm rmanabm snail vmmain in full }ercm and m14ea unN Jmuvry 3O, 2020 vnd Mdi automatical Q bo tinuel merwl¢or Iw a«thaw Darietla a 10 ywm, unisw tsrminaed or wnenamn ea reinal¢er wov;doa. C. Ammndmvni T%¢ covenants eoMOMma I^ Smc4bn i, Ea vamm��a wn m D bs snood mr ¢vrmnvtvd and vh M ant ¢ m Dq wrAtan M vumcM aged owls gad by ms 1 M the la antl by ¢ho PIamMMlCommiwl.a w au with ih¢eoD rovol a Me CHay a Ovewo, Okknoma. No ono a c aility «wmmt 90 be va etl k vvlitl un4 the Oanem -- w aDDroDdao _E Prom 4Ao dMrta taut M iulw Counry Oklahoma, O. SwaroDl/y. InvorrdNiw a erry roaWMbn as forth iwroin, w any r',1 Pnoma, by an ora5r. roWgmmnP o docroo a arty court, or anemias, ah.A not in�wlitlao D MP«t ry M Ihv Omar Mnakm a any pert %eroa m va forth Mvvin. which ¢ l roman in Pull loam ana mHoa. IN W1RiE55 "'EREDF. Phm City oP Owvwo, a municipd corporation has vvuvad Phmo gwonta 4o ba ma«dud Riau d., 2006. Nam¢ 1HIa: staca a a booms ) count' a Tdaa ) Thm 90 9Ooingmtledcvtion ant me novlor,, ng nanmeP rood p. mnRcllon en conwyenro, iv Wrwler w kadgad bdora dq a ere 2006, by as a ¢M10 Cay o9 Owaxo. C undw my hentl ant veal, Polo day a 2008. rvotary P CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Harlon ffi Ana«t f. Survgrng and Ma IN— PC, an Okknoma Pac. by PPa undamgnatl, a RayivPervtl PMmaienvi Inns Sarvmyw in ma E—a 0kianomt tlwv hmroby —1y .0 tAe Pant of bM dw¢nbve nmrmon hva bwn mrawny aumrymd. auDaMeee ono plMtve ana tna Inv plat -- haroto ana tlwigmbe a •Owmao R, Station No. 3 —t e b a 1— mpravenlaton o1 add urwy and la in eo f—nw vim ana Oklahoma Minimum Stan area Por a Proc,cm oP fond Surveying w a oa ea by Ma Oklahoma B«ra Regiavo4lon for Protwsienol Engtneero 0 Land Survgrom. James E 1-1—a Stab a GM— Co-ry M Tulsa fiia MMrommnt w <knew Wd bdom ma on this say a ax 2OOS, by Jomm Harlan, RPLS. Notary PWAC Mr commma:an E:pima: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION APPFWV CWVRYAN OF THE CITY PLW%ING _N-Fas FOR THE CITY OF -­G. STATE OF OKtPHONA OD HERBT CMIY THAT THE Sao COMMISSION DULY APPROVED THE ANNEXED — OF OWASSO FIRE STATON NO. 3 A➢DRION ON THE _ BAY OF , 2006. CRY CLERK Of THE CM OF OWAS50, STATE OF OKW DO NERBY CERTIFYTHAT I NAVE EXAVINED TILE RECORD OF THE SMD CITY MID FIND THAT ALL DEFERRED PAYMENTS OR UN-Tu— INSTALLMENTS UPON SPECWL ASSESSMENTS HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL AND THAT THERE Is NO SPECALL ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE NOW PENDING Af — THE —D AS SHM ON THE ANNEXED OWASSO FIRE STATION NO. 3 ADEMN. ACEPTANCE OF DEDICATON BY CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE BAY OF OWASSO, STATE OF M MHOMA THAT THE DEDICATICH SHOWN IN THE ANNEKED PLAT OF OWAS60 IRE STATON NO. 3 ADDITION pHEREBY ACCEPTED. ADOPTEDmBY THE COVNM OF a— ON THIS M BF BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBMC OF THE STATE OF OKIP — ON THIS _ day a 2006 PERSONALLY APPEARED TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE IDENTICAL PERSON WH0 IXECUTEO THE WftHIN AND FOREGOING (Mann. in AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME AS HIS TREE PND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE LSEs AND PURPOSES THEREIN EKPRESSED. N-, Public My Commixim Ex'I— OERTIFMATE OF COUNTY CLERK THE INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN FlLED IN THE _E: Of THE Cou— CLERK OF Tia- CauNIY, STATE OF OKUg2WAA THIS DAY OF zoos. cushy clew CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER STATE OF OKLAHOMA I GO HEREBY CERIIIY THAT 1 HAVE IX 1110 THE RECORDS PERTAINING TO AO VALBREM WES ON THE TRACT SHOWN ON THE AHNIXEO PLAT ANO FIND TNAT A OD VPLOREM TAKES HAVE BEEN PND FOR IDOS. AND ALL PRIOR YEPRS AND THAT STATUTORY SECURITY HAS BEEN DEPOSITED GUARMTfEEING PAYMENT OF THE 2DU6 TAKES. SEAL DATE Counry Tromu Final subdivision Plat amass® Fire Station No. 3 Addition A part of the SE/4 of Section 16, T-21-N, R-14-E, of the T.B. & K City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma Owasso Fire Station No. 3 Addition, Tulsa County Final Subdivision Plat, Scptmcbcr 13, 2006 SHFET 2 OF 2 MEMORANDUM Is HONORABLE MAYOD COUNCIL MY OF OWASSO CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT (Lake Valley ) DATE: October S' 00 BACKGROUND: Tulsa Engineering and Planning has submitted a request to review and approve a final plat proposing 118 residential lots, on approximately 55 acres, located north of East 10011 Street Forth, 1/4 mile east of North 1451h East .Avenue just east of Lake Malley I. a general area map is attached. EXISTING LAND ITS Undeveloped SURROUNDING TAND USE North: Undeveloped/Agricultural South: Undeveloped East: Developing as Lake Valley Estates III West: Developing as Lake Malley Estates 'rho Coffee Creek development area is located to the southwest and the Chelsea Park residential subdivision is located just to the northwest. PRESENT ZONING R.S-3/OP 01-03 fake Valley (Residential District) DEVELOPMENT EN'T` PROCESS: The four primary steps in the development of commercial property in Owasso include annexation, zoning;, platting, and site planning, The third step in the development of property is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. Ater obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. If approved, the final plat is filed with the office of the County Clerk and governs all future development on that property. ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 118 residential lots, on approximately 55 acres of property zoned RS-3/OP 01-03 sake Valley (Residential District). The property was the subject of a preliminary plat that was accepted in June, 2005. According to the zoning code, whenever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the owner of the land or his agent shall apply for and secure both Planning Commission and City Council approval of a final plat for such proposed subdivision. The Final flat review process gives the citizens of Owasso the opportunity to actively participate in the physical development and layout of the city. The development will be served water by Washington county rural water district #3 and sewer by the City of Owasso. Utility easements are established throughout the proposed addition so as to adequately accommodate utility services. The Final :plat meets Owasso Zoning Code Bulk and .Area requirements, The lot and block specifications established in the plat layout are adequate for the development of single family homes. In a regional context, this proposed addition is in conformance with the Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Flan, as the area is forecasted for residential development. Already, there is an emerging pattern of relatively dense housing development occurring in the general area. TECHNICAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE: The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the September 27, 2006 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and/or concerns. The Technical Advisory had the following recommendations: 1. Applicant needs to check legal description. 2. Applicant needs to show the standard language for the utilities in the covenants. 3. Applicant inust show the existing water line easements. 4. Applicant must coordinate fire hydrants with the fire marshal 5. The property is subject to a $880.00 storm siren fee. 4°C _E D TI a Staff recommends approval of final plat subject to the above conditions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Case Map 2. Final Flat OWNER / DEVELOPER OPUD 01-03 Lake Valley Investment Group I_LC, ro 11 « ` f(ourtls Property Management, IncLake Vall�y e eP O. Box 1'1 e Ovr — Oklahoma 74S55 - TF^ (Block 1, 2, Lots 1 thru i 1 ,Block 4, - -__-- slo.z7zszaz Block 5, Lots 1 thru 7, Block 14 & Block 15) ENGINEER / SURVEYOR A subdivision in the City of Owasso, being a part of the v ® SW/4 of Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa Engineering &Planning Associates, Inc. P g —1 so 11 ssil -z A,e Rogers County, State of Oklahoma roisa. Oklahoma 741s1 9 a11E 91, AI ( 69,5628-E-5r43 Legend oS 0s0418T7'E 54 2420' o R 17500' ® .Y �ZL 16C 17'A ITI" Monument Notes / ' C3 I\ N A IS 2T3r 52.19 ? /2Ss02446 v✓ `693yp3 Basis of Bearings 12 Benchmarks. Z.. ..r mov�c•1. es ,o.._c,Nd. 13f O6' E m / ;,fib„ ice' - ✓ a �e %� s 2' a"o Backflow Preventer Valve AT 0 y !' �; 1' Table t R =25°560G' R=60000' o �1. L=27f59' J. 152:3.1 E �«� Curve Table mo _ i _ 50,00' �. �`CS S37`36W"W 15 6 IA V"M. 5000' S 327033 M1 .. .. C9 � 7459' z 1 Location Map U R 14 E O` � STATE IT �1-121 / @ 3h AE T �A - L9 i� L265' _ s2r°12 rrE „F C/r 50.07' ----- Secron 10 5'20'/.7:?6"E Ro9ers cowry F r 116 Lols 55 0576 Ames _ `L 10 32500' L 1769I' Ar"" VAIt c y i - 50.00' iS373630' ' Note aos R 17000' n 8 N 23418""1 10, 18 12J 37' y 59.t10 �� �/ / _ J N89`5934ly 830.9r' � Comm n °%`°' L�rlsl I 61h Street North - r�o. Be9lnnrng" II DFFD OF DEDICATION LAKE VALLEY H 1111,11, ild 1,11111 111d I I Ild 11 11, ... .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .... . ... ...... d dl, d 1111 1 d Uv "A' 7F, 1111111- -d. il LAKE VAi RY H Sh-t 2 of 2 F l31lit\LEGNA2111111111A DOO 10 LV 11 pa Au tl I I 1dQG 11 lu,) 011 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD K. CLARK FIRE CHIEF DATE: October 17, 2006 BACKGROUND The FY 2006-07 fire capital budget provides funding for the purchase of a trip lc -combination fire apparatus. A triple -combination fire apparatus is the type of fire apparatus used in the Owasso Fire Department for fire suppression operations, and includes a fire pump, fire hose, and a water tank. Commonly called a fire engine or pumper truck, this vehicle will serve as the structural fire suppression apparatus for Fire Station No. 3, upon its completion. Construction time on this type of fire apparatus is usually 6-8 months. In January, the Owasso Fire Department formed a fire apparatus specification team, whose mission was to evaluate the existing and future needs of fire apparatus. This team began a process of determining the availability of various functions of fire apparatus, inspecting other fire departments' apparatus including interviewing the apparatus users, and finished by initiating the development of specifications for the next fire apparatus. The fire department completed the development of these specifications and a bid packet based upon current requirements and target hazards for the Owasso Fire Department. These specifications are designed to secure a fire apparatus that will meet the fire department's current needs, as well as those in the foreseeable future. Did packets were distributed to six (6) vendors of fire apparatus. This apparatus will significantly add to the improvement of the fire department's fire fighting capability, Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating, and overall emergency response capability within the Owasso Fire Department response area. FUNDING - The FY 2006/07 budget includes funds in the amount of $425,000 for this project. This allows for the purchase of the Loose equipment items carried on the fire apparatus. BIDS RECEIVED. A bid opening was held at City Hall on September 20, 2006 at 2:00 PM. One bid was received for the pumper truck from Pierce Manufacturing. The bid was evaluated by fire department staff and determined to meet or exceed all of the specifications. The bid price for the Pierce fire engine is $401,763.00. PAYMENT OPTIONS. Pierce Manufacturing has offered a pre -payment option to the City that in return will produce cost savings to the manufacturer. The cost -savings options are as follows: Apparatus Purchase Price: $401, 763 Interest Discount: $(12,096) Chassis Discount: $( 6,241) Discounted Apparatus Price: S383,426 The details for obtaining this discount are as follows, and are included in the bid by the vendor: 1. If the City pays for the chassis approximately 60-90 days prior to delivery, the City can deduct $6,241.00 from the bid price. 2. If the City pays for the entire apparatus at the time of ordering, the City can deduct an additional $12,096 to the above deduction. The total amount paid t fierce Manufacturing at the time of ordering would be $383,426. LEGAL, REVIEW. City Attorney Julie Lombardi has reviewed the State statutes regarding this type of prc.-payment arrangement. According to the bid specifications, this project requires a Surety bond for 10% of the total amount of the project. In discussing the pre -payment option with the Oklahoma Municipal League, OML staff recognized that the Purchase Order Act of the Mate of Oklahoma seems to prevent such payments. However, if there was a prc-payment benefit, and the City has entered into a contract to receive the property, then the statutes do not, in fact, prohibit the early payment. The City Attorncy's summation is that there is some risk based on the uninterrupted language in the statutes, but the general view seems to be that the statutes are not prohibitory if the City receives a benefit and enters into a contract which provides for a discounted contract price if a pre -payment option is chosen. RECOMMENDATION - Staff recommends Council award a bid to Pierce Manufacturing for the purchase of a pumper truck and authorization of payment in the amount of $383,426, In addition, staff rccorn ends Council authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract agrccmcnt. ATTACHMENTS 1. Contract Agreement from Pierce Manufacturing NOTICE OF AWARD !W ONE (1) NEW TRIPLE COMBINATION PUMPER The City of Owasso, Oklahoma has considered the BID submitted by you for the above - described item in response to its Notice to Bidders. You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the amount of: You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award within ten days to the City of Owasso, Attn: Contract Administrator, PO Box 180, Owasso, Oil 74055. Dated this ----day of , 1006. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby actcnowlcdged by this ----- day o f --- --- - ---- — -- 2 0— By:-- Title: CONTRACT FOR EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 2006, between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (CITY), and WITNESSETH: (VENDOR). 1. That for and in consideration of the sum of $ , VENDOR will furnish to CITY one new triple combination pumper, as indicated in the specifications. 2. The VENDOR will furnish all of the labor and other services necessary to deliver the vehicle and equipment as required in the Contract Documents and Rid Specifications. 3. The CITY shall pay VENDOR upon acceptance of delivery of the vehicle and following the submission of an invoice. 4. This Contract shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. S. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 6. This Contract shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. I. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. ATTEST: Sherry }bishop, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA �y. Stephen Cataudella, Mayor BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE ONE (1) NEW TRIPLE COMBINATION PUMPER TOTAL BID ' $401,763-00 per your specifications, less exceptions and not including available discounts. See options tab. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the requirements and specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements in those specifications and on this Bid Proposal - Submittal page. Title: Kansas/ORlahoma Sales Rep- Vendor/Bidder's Address:- 2600 Ame'r) can. drive Appleton® Wi� 54912 Vendor/Bidder's Phone Number 600-658-05,31 , Mobile — 785-865-6941 BID OPENING- SEPTIC01BER 20,2006 Gdi) 2:00PaM. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID From: PMI To: Roger Date. 9/19/2006 Time: 4:08:24 PM Page 1 of 1 _,JTPUT AREA: F $ 401,763 (12,096) (6,241) "-1sed on 6.50% rate. i be used if customer is paying cash OR financing through Oshkosh Capital. 41,763 (11,037) (6,241) Eased on 5.00%rate. To be used it customer decides to finance through a financial institution other than Oshkosh Capital. NON -COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF Kansas ss COUNTY OF Douulas Roger A. Brown _, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract. �r I Prime Marne Subscribed and sworn before me this 12 h day of September 2006. Notary Public Commission # My Commission Expires: a6, r'1 I'ai1�.� NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT State of Wisconsin County of Winnebago I Timothy W. Asuma being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Finance D-e ar of Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. ("Bidder"), that such bid is genuine and not collusive or a sham, that said Bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person to put in a share bid, or that such other person shall refYain from bidding and has not, in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought agreement or collusion, communication or conference with any person to fix the bid price of the Bidder or any other bidder from the written contract or to fix any overhead profit or cost element of said price, or that of any other bidder or to secure any advantage over the owner or any other person interested in the contract. All statements contained herein in said Bid are true. Further, Bidder has not, prior to the official opening of the bid, directly or indirectly, submitted this bid, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data, relative thereto, to any association or to any member or agent thereof or to any person who is not an employee of the Bidder, except the Surety who furnished Bid Security and Consent of Surety for purposes of making this bid. (Signature ofA h rued Representative) ]date Corporate Sea] 09/20/2006 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII CITY OF >f PUBLIC WORKS D OR5..,} i jai . _ C i Oi\t We' W=11041131 i, E DATE- October 11, 2006 BACKGROUND: In July 2005, the City Council commissioned the preparation of construction documents for the reconstruction of deteriorated roadways serving the Three Lakes Village residents. On January 17, 2006, following the completion of engineering and advertisement, the rehabilitation work (which includes removal and replacement of over 5,300 square yards of existing pavement complete with new curb and guttering) was awarded to Austin Paving, L LC in the amount of $308,869.40. Initial demolition for this Contract revealed the presence of significantly differing sub -surface conditions, unsuitable for road construction. In response to these conditions, staff recommended the installation of perforated pipe edge drains (located along the back of the curb in the aggregate base course) to drain excess water in the sub grade and base courses. In addition to the pipe edge drains, staff recommended an enhanced version of the geotechnical fabric reinforcement proposed in the initial design to address the low strength of the sub -grade soils. Staff has also recommended additional project scope to relocate the remaining water services in the neighborhood and selective repair of structures and pipes in the existing storm water drainage system. Following Council's approval of a change and expansion of the scope of the project, staff prepared contract documents for "Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvements — Contract 11 (Revised Scope)." This Contract was advefii.sed on May 9, 2006 with a Bid Opening date of June 12, 2006. Tri-Star Construction (P.O. Box 14, Claremore OK) was the apparent low bidder with a bid amount of $149,975,75. Council approved award of this project during its regularly scheduled meeting of June 20, 2006. Notice to Proceed was issued on July 17, 2006 with project duration of 180 days. CHANGE ORDERS NO. I AND 2a Because of the possibility that a Contractor other than Austin Paving (the original successful bidder) could be the successful bidder for Contract 11, project scopes were redefined into two separate, definable phases to eliminate, as much as possible, extensive coordination between the possible two Contractors. Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvements Change Orders and Revised Project Budget Page 2 of 3 This was accomplished in two ways: — Redefining the scope of the initial contract with a series of additive and deductive change orders — Narrowly defining the scope of the second contract to only those items which precede the principle paving operations of the Phase I contract in sequence or location. The redefined scope of the initial contract calls for removing (by deductive change order) all items not associated with base preparation and paving and adding (by additive change order) pay items associated with the proposed enhanced geotechnical reinforcement and edge drain system. These change orders were negotiated prior to acceptance of bids for Contract 11. Contract II provided for all pay items associated with demolition of paving and drives, utility relocation, storm drain installation and repair, dry well construction as well as excavation to the sub -grade elevation. These items include some enhanced scope but are principally items removed from the scope of Contract I. Staff has prepared for Council review and approval Change Order No. I (Deductive) and Change Order No. 2 (Additive) for the original project. These change orders are attached. Change Order No. 1 provides for a deduction from the original Contract amount of $50,114.40 and a reduction in Contract duration of 100 days. Change Order No. 2 provides for an addition to previous Contract amount of $64,116.00 and an addition to Contract duration of 70 days. These change orders represent a net increase to Contract I with Austin Paving, LLC in an amount of $14,001.60 — a 4.5% increase — and a net reduction in Contract duration of 30 days. The new Contract I amount with Austin Paving, LLC, based on these change orders, is $322,871.00. The anticipated date of Substantial Completion, based on these change orders, is January 24, 2007. Final Completion is scheduled for February 23, 2007. No change in Contract amount is anticipated for Contract lI with Tri-Star Construction, FUNDING: FY 05-06 appropriations for this project include funding in the amount of $310,000.00. Additional funding ir.t the amount of $177,000 is to be obtained from the reserve balance of the General Fund if approved by Council. A supplemental appropriation will be required for the net difference between final contract close-out amounts and these appropriations. Funding will be allocated as follows: Contract I (Austin Paving LLC) $308,869.40 Contract II (TriStar) $149,975.75 Net Change to Contract I by C.O. $ 14,001.60 Geotechrucal reinforcement fabric (purchased by City) %23-954.05 Subtotal $496,700.08 Allocated Funding (FY 2005®2006) ($3209000.00) Three Lakes Village roadway Improvements Change Orders and revised Project Budget Page 3 of 3 (Supplemental Appropriation) Total $176,700.08 RECOMMENDATIONS: IONS Item 1: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order No. 1 (deductive) in the amount of ®$50, 114.40 and Change Order No. 2 (additive) in the amount of $64,116.00, representing a net change in Contract amount of $14,001.60. Item 2: Staff recommends Council approval of a Supplemental Appropriation in the amount of $177,000 for a revised project budget of $496,000, ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 - Three Lakes Village roadway Improvements Change Order No. 2 m Three Lakes Village roadway Improvements SECTION 00600 ATTACHMENT A CHANGE ORDER PROD EC'I,: Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvements TO CONTRACTOR: Austin Paving, LLC The Contract is changed as follows: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER DATE: September 25, 2006 rim CONTRACT DATE: January 17, 2006 CONTRACT FOR: Pavement repair, including removal, disposal and replacement of existing pavement as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents Item 1 (Unclassified Excavation) — Deduct 249.7 CY @ $17.00/CY Item 10 (Removal of Concrete Paving and Curb) — Deduct 4576 SY @ $6.40/SY Item I I (Removal of Concrete Driveway Approaches) — Deduct 463.75 SY @ $8.00/SY Item 12 (Double Grate Inlet Box and Grate) — Deduct 1 EA @ $2,000.00/EA Item 13 (18" RCP, Class 111) — Deduct 30 LF a $50.00/LF Item 14 (Separator fabric) — Deduct 5356 SY a, $1.75/SY Total Not valid until signed by the Owner and Conti -actor The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be decreased by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be decreased by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $4,245.00 $29,286.40 $3,710.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $9,373.00 $50,114.40 $308,869A0 $00.00 $308,469A0 ($50,114e40) $258,755.00 (_ 100 ) days (November 15, 20061 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. CONTIZACTOR OWNER ADDIU'ISS ADDRESS HY 13Y SECTION 00600 ATTACHMENT B CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: Three Lakcs Village Roadway Improvements TO CONTRACTOR: Austin Paving, LLC The Contract is changed as follows: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: #2 DATE: September 25, 2006 CONTRACT DATE: January 17, 2006 CONTRACT FOR: Pavement repair, including removal, disposal and replacement of existing pavement as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents Add Item 20 — 3753 LF 4" Perforated Pipe Edge Drain (Installed) @ $12.00/1-F $45,036.00 Add Item 21 — 7200 SY Gcolon 570 Geotechnical Fabric (Labor only) @ $2.65/SY $19,080.00 Total Not vapid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be increased by The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $64,116.00 $308,869A0 ($509114AO) $258,755000 $64,116000 $327,87L00 ( 7® days NOTE:This surnmary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Dircctive. CONTRACTOR OWNER ADDRI?SS ADDRF"SS R DATE