HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.10.17_OPGA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: October 17, 2006 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of th City Clerk and posted at City at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 2006. 11,E iann M. Stevens, Ad nlstrative Assistant 1. Call to Order Chairman Stephen Cataudella 2° Flag Salute 3 ° Roll Call 4° Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any 'Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable, A, Approval of the Minutes of October 3, 2006 Regular Meeting. Attachm-ent MwA B° Approval of Claims, Attachment #4-13 C. Aclu-iowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2006-2007 budget status report, Attachment # 4®C S:\_Agendas\0PGA\2006\1017 doc OPGA October 17, 2006 Page 2 Report from OPGA Manager. 6. Report from OPGA Attorney. 7. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 8. Adjournment. S\A,-endasVOPGAA2006V 017.doe OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 3, 2006 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, October 3, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. ITEM 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Chair Brent Colgan, Vice Chair D, J. Gall, Trustee Wayne Guevara, Trustee Susan Kimball, Trustee A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, Authority Manager Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney ITEM 4. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A, Approval of Minutes of the September 19, 2006 Regular Meeting, B. Approval of Claims. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to approve the OPGA Consent Agenda with claims totaling $62,251.21 and payroll claims totaling $28,310.61. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority October 3, 2006 None ITEM 6. REPORT FROM OPGA ATTORNEY ITEM 7. NEW BUSINESS None Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk Steve Cataudella, Chairman N [PEA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 10/17106 FOOTJOY TDLBST T|TLBST CALLAWAY GOLF CALLAWAY GOLF CALLAWAY GOLF PING CLEVELAND GOLF PEPG|BOTTLING GROUP SOUTHWEST FOOD DISTRIBUTORS SOUTHWEST FOOD DISTRIBUTORS STANDARD DISTRIBUTING NAL-MART WAL-MART SOUTHWEST FOOD DISTRIBUTORS SOUTHWEST FOOD DISTRIBUTORS WAL-MART CRDVVLMECHAN|CAL UNITED LINEN UNITED LINEN UNITED LINEN ATVVOODS VVORLEY3GREENHOUSE &NURSERY YALEUN|FDRK8 PSO LU8ERBROO AT&T BROOKS GREASE SERVICE LOWE3 0WASSOCOPIER SERVICE WALMART KCGOLF MANAGK8ENT ONG P8O WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITED LINEN UNITED LINEN UNITED LINEN OVVA3SOFENCE C0 COUR8ETRENO8 AT&T CASE & ASSOCIATES SHIRTS 1.560.50 CAPS/GOLFBALLS 1.102.55 GOLF BALLS 2.189.02 SHOES 92.80 SHOES 80821 GOLF CLUBS 890.80 MERCHANDISE 348.80 GOLF CLUBS 111.62 GOLF SHOP MERCHANDISE DEPTTOTAL -7,113.60 BEVERAGES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MONTHLY MAINTENANCE LINEN SERVICE LINEN SERVICE LINEN SERVICE FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPT TOTAL. PAINT PANSIES/MULCH TOVVELRENTALKCLEAN|NG 000GU8E PARTS PHONE USE COURSE MAINTENANCE DEPTTOTAL GREASE REMOVAL VACUUM TONER SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES O9/00U8E OA0OUSE TRASH SERVICE LINEN SERVICE LINEN SERVICE LINEN SERVICE FENCE REPAIR WEB HOSTING PHONE USE RETAINING WALL ADMINISTRATION DEPT TOTAL 53025 325.73 721.71 77.2 30.04 36.76 138.01 18.40 1.98 24910 138.80 107.54 319.84 58.20 158.00 24.81 1,740.13 75�O2 19.08 2,075.24 100.00 159.00 5724 5.94 3.33193 004.56 2.O4219 186.01 15�5O 15.50 15,50 475.00 345,00 114.44 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ®PGA FUND TOTAL 44,3 7 00.36 PUBLICOWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE DEPARTMENT Golf Shop Operations 9/30/2006 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES $0.00 $2,923.36 • 0.00 4,671.04 CITY OF0VVASSO OVVASSOPUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FISCAL YEAR 20OO-2007 Statement ofRevenues &Expenses AonfSeptember 3O.2O00 Month Year Percent To -Date To -Date Bu�et _det_ OPERATING REVENUES: Golf shop fees 87.495 253.768 849.000 29.89% Merchandise sales 19.931 53.860 200.000 26.83% COS-mnen:handise (14'849) (39'977) (149'000) 26.83% Food &beverage 24.717 72.031 234.500 30.72Y6 COS -N»md & beverage (6,794) (22,752) (78.515) 30.95% Interest &other 279 1.387 45.000 3.08% Transfer from General Fund 33.333 100.000 400.000 25.00% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 418.117 27.78% 144.112 1.505.085 OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Materials &supplies Other services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 53,849 3,769 9,952 2.818 42,167 112,553 172.801 22,498 37,497 2.810 129,517 365,019 NET INCOME (LOSS) 31,559 53,098 662,105 90,950 173.218 41.185 538527 1,505,985 26.08% 24.74% 21.65% 6.84%