HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.11.06_City Council Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Regular November 6,2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 1, 2001. ~~du~-a Marcia' Boutwell, CIty Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse Flag Salute 3. Roll Call Attachment #4 The Mayor will read a proclamation designating November 11".17, 2001 as Oklahoma Heritage Week. The proclamation will be forwarded to the Oklahoma Heritage Association. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 2 5. Consideration and AppropI1ate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) A. Approval ofthe Minutes of October l6, 2001 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B C. Action Relating to Ordinance #689, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located at the Northeast Corner of East 106th Street North and North 145th East Ave; fl.-om AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General) and RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 160 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #5-C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #689, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October l6, 2001 to approve the rezoning and auth0l1ze an ordinance. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #690, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located at the Northeast Corner of East 106th Street North and North 145th East Ave, and Containing a Total of 160 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #5-D The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #690, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 16, 2001 to approve the PUD and authorize an ordinance. Action Relating to Ordinance 15 (Preston Lakes), , an Providing a Amendment to a The staff recommends approval 1 , has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 16, 2001 to approve the PUD amendment and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 3 F. Action Relating to a Workers' Compensation Settlement and Authorization for Payment. Attachment #5-F Staff will recommends Council approval in the amount of $2364.88 plus associated taxes, fees and costs (total settlement amount of $2699.52), for a wrist injury claim by Julie Williams, an employee at the golf course, per workers compensation court order, representing a 10% permanent partial disability to the right hand, such payments to Ms Williams to be made in an initial lump-sum payment of $1730.40 and bi-weekly payments of $144.20 until the total amount is paid. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2001-13, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Approving Action Taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Authorizing Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Two Promissory Notes of the Authority to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Ratifying a Certain Lease, as Anlended; Authorizing Documents Pertaining to a Year,.to-Year Pledge of Certain Sales Tax Revenue; and Containing Other Provisions Related Thereto. Mr Allan Brooks, Bond Counsel Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #2001-13. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Relating to a for Annexation Way Containing . Generally Located at the Southeast of North and North 145th East Avenue (Rogers County). Ms Sorrells Attaclnnent #7 Right,..of. 86th Street The Owasso Annexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 4 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Annexation of an 89.34- Acre Tract of Land Generally Located 1/4 Mile South of East l16th Street North and West of North 145th East Avenue. Ms Sorrells Attachment #8 The Owasso Annexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Annexation of a 3.94-Acre Tract of Land Generally Located North of East 98th Street North and East of U.S. Highway 169. Ms Sorrells Attachment #9 The Owasso Amlexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Rep1at of Hale Second Addition, Ms Sorrells Attachment #10 The Owasso Planning Commission conducted a hearing on this request on March 14, 2000 and has recommended Council approval of the replat of Lots 13 & 14 of Block 4, Hales Acres Second Addition, east of the Owasso Sports Park and north ofE 114th St N. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 5 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for Soccer Field Lighting at the Owasso Sports Park. Mr Rooney Attachment #11 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend that the Council award a contract for Soccer Field Lighting to Shawnee Lighting Systems, Shawnee, OK in the amount of $51 ,659.00. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Determination of Recoverability of Telephone Service Provided to Volunteer Network Owasso. Councilor Armstrong Attachment # 12 Councilor AImstrong requested that this item be placed on the agenda. The staff will not make a recommendation. 13. Report from City Manager. Report from City Attorney. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 6 15. Report from City Councilors. 16. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting ofthe agenda.) 17. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Personnel Matters Relating to the Office of the City Manager, Such Executive Session Provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)1; and for the Purpose of Discussing Pending Actions, Claims, and Litigation Involving: A. FOP Lodge 149 and H Burl Cox v The City of Ow as so, a Municipal Corporation, and Lany Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-200l-00379, Tulsa County District Court; City of Owasso, Oklahoma v Lodge 149, Case No CJ-2001-0389, Tulsa County District Court; City of Ow as so, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ 2001-01986, Tulsa County District Court; D. FOP Lodge 149 and Michael Denton v City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJoo2001-02094, Tulsa County District Court; Burl Cox v City Owasso, City Council of Owasso, Oklahoma State Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge Officials, Police The ex No CJ-2000-4474, Tulsa F. Edgar and No Tulsa County District Mark Cleveland, Shane Davis, John Edwards, Danyl Jones, Buddy Pales, Richard Dean Parsley, David Renfro, Carla Stone, Tracy Townsend, Steve Tryon, and Jim Leigh v City of Owasso, a Municipality, Clifford Motto and Rick DeArmond, Individually and as Officers/Employees of the City of Owasso, Case No CJ-2000- 06164, and 01-CV-47-H (M), In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma; H. Jeny Keys and Marlene Keys v City of Owasso and HMG, Inc, a North Carolina Corporation, Case No CJ-2000-04029, Tulsa County District Court; Owasso City Council November 6, 200 1 Page 7 1. James Baker and Mike Kight, d/b/a Baker-Kight Development v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Sapulpa Digging, Case No CJ-2000-0540l, Tulsa County District Court; J. Ronnell Haney v Danyl Jones, Case No 00-CV-476-H (1), In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma; K. American Waste Control Inc, an Oklahoma Corporation v City of Owasso, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation, Case No CJ 2001 04653, Tulsa County District Court Grievance; L. FOP Lodge 149 and Johnny Edwards v City of Owasso, FMCS Case No 010724- 13928-8, Grievance Arbitration; M. FOP Lodge No 149 and Buddy Pales v City of Owasso, FMCS Case No 010905- 15822-8, Grievance Arbitration; N. Notice of Tort - H Burl Cox, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Mayor, Mary Lou Bamhouse - Claim is made for defamation of character and violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); FOP Lodge No 149 and H Burl Cox and Michael Denton, FMCS Case Number Such Discussions Allowed Pursuant to 25 OS, Section 307-B(4). Mr Harder The staff will request approval of an executive session for the purposes stated, 18. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Any of the Matters Set Forth in the Foregoing Executive Session. Mr Harder 19. Discussion and Appropriate Action Relating to the Office of the City Manager. Vice Mayor Brogdon Vice Mayor Brogdon requested that this item be placed on the agenda. Owasso City Council November 6,2001 Page 8 20. Adjournment R CLAMATION CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, the signing of the Statehood Proclamation on November 16, 1907 was one of the most significant actions in the history of the State of Oklahoma; and, WHEREAS, the week of November 11-17, 2001 has been declared Oklahoma Heritage Week in the State of Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, it is our desire that all Oklahomans pause during this time and reflect on our Oklahoma heritage, as well as our national heritage; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has the opportunity to play an important role in the observance of this great week, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mary Lou Barnhouse, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Ow as so, do hereby proclaim November 11-17, 2001 as OKLAHOMA HERITAGE WEEK in our community, and encourage all citizens, clubs, churches, business organizations, and schools to observe this week by giving personal attention to all special Statehood Day observances, to fly the State Flag and the National Colors and to participate in and help sponsor programs, projects, and activities emphasizing the heritage of our great state, IN WITNESS I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 6th day of November, 2001. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 16, 2001 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 12,2001, and Addenda to Agenda posted at 2:00 p.m. and at 4:45 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 2001. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the OPW A meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca AImstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor ABSENT STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk quorum was declared present. Approval the Minutes 2001 Special Meeting. Approval of Claims. Action Relating to Renewal of a Contract Between the and a "Third Party Administrator1! for the City's Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Fund. Action Relating to Ordinance #688, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located East of North Mingo Road and NOlih of East 106th Street North, Immediately West of the AT&SF Railroad; from CG (Commercial General) to RS,-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density), Containing 12.95 Acres, More or less. Owasso City Council October 16,2001 The consent agenda included minutes of the October 2, 200l regular meeting and October 9, 2001 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $127,403.87; (2) Ambulance Fund $2,056.78; (3) E-9l1 $5,ll5.24; (4) Capital Improvements $1,750.50; (5) Bond Projects $902.00; (6) City Garage $6,462.02; (7) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $16,493.74; (8) Transfer from General Fund to Cemetery Care $140.63, Transfer from Ambulance Fund to Ambulance Capital $3,609.20, Transfer from Ambulance Fund to Fire Capital $678.66; (9) Transfer from General Fund to City Garage $8,083.33, Transfer from General Fund to Workers Comp Self-Insurance $8,333.33; (10) Payroll $182,323.75; (11) City Garage Payroll $5,048.23; (12) Ambulance Payroll $11,928.60; (13) E-91l Payroll $893.66; (14) Worker's Comp Payroll $737.52. Item C requested the renewal of a contract with United Safety and Claims for one year at a rate of .00335% of annual payroll, to provide the services of a third party administrator to assist in the management of the city's self-insurance workers compensation program, and authorization for the payment of premium. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #688, based on Council action 011 October 2, 2001 to approve the listed rezoning and authorize an ordinance. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Motion carried. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR GE1':mRAL LIABILITY, PUBLIC OFFICIALS, ERRORS AND OMISSIONS, LA W ENFORCEMENT PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY, EMPLQYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY, AND AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL. Ms Grimes presented the item. The City has been notified that the current liability/property insurance carrier, National American Insurance Company, will not renew coverages due to "Adverse Loss Experience". The City's local agent, Moe Hogan, solicited quotes from various insurance companies who write for municipalities. Three quotes were received: Associated Risk Managers (packaged proposal), OMAG/CHUBB (combined), and St Paul Public (packaged proposal). After reviewing the proposals and various deductibles associated with each proposal, staff determined that Associated Risk Managers provided the City with the best quote and for a package. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the expenditure of $152,015 to Associated Risk Managers for the insurance premium for Liability, Public Officials Errors and Omissions, Law Enforcement Professional Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, Auto Liability, and Building, PropeIiy and Equipment coverage. AYE: Helm, Annstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion calTied 5-0. - 2 - Owasso City Council October 16,2001 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN COWAN CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO. Mr Mitchell said that because of delays in the completion of the City Hall/Police Station, staff is requesting that the Constmction Management Contract with Cowen be extended through project closeout to ensure that contractors complete the work called for in their contracts. In order to minimize the management costs, the management work period will be capped at 20 hours per week, and city staff will be on site the remainder of the time. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Amendment #2 to the Agreement for Program Management Services between Cowan Construction and the City of Owasso, extending the management agreement through the project closeout and capping the management work period to 20 hours per week. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong, Helm Motion canied 3~2. ITEM 7: PUBLIC HEARING RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO OPU:Q.:J5 (PRESTON LAKES1 Ms Son-ells said that Preston Lakes LLC has requested approval of an amendment to a previously approved planned unit development. The subject propeIiy is located at the nOliheast comer ofE 86th St Nand N 145th East Ave. The amendment affects only Lots 3, 8, 13, & 18 of Block 1, Preston Lakes Amended. The applicant is also requesting an amendment to the Preston Lakes plat modifying an area of 18 duplex lots to 30 single-family dwelling lots. The duplex lots were on a cul-de-sac, and the re-platting caused the four subject lots to be slightly less than the minimum 65-foot width established by the POO Outline Development Plan. The Owasso Planning Commission has recommend approval of the requested amendment, subject to the condition that no future variances be granted on the affected lots. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the requested amendment to OPOO-15, subject to the condition of approval imposed by the Owasso Planning Commission. NAY: 5,"0. - 3 - Owasso City Council October 16, 200 1 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-01-08, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST 106TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH l45TH EAST AVE; FROM AG(AGRICULTURE) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) AND RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY HIGH DENSITY), CONTAINING 160 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Ms Sonells presented the item. Charney & Charney has requested approval of a rezoning request and a Planned Unit Development application. The entire tract is currently zone AG, and was annexed by the City of Ow as so in June 2001. The property is located at the northeast corner ofE 106th St Nand N 145th East Ave. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at their October 9, 2001 regular meeting and recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Sidewalks along all public rights-of-way be required at the time of platting. 2. Accelerationldeceleration lanes be required at the time of platting. 3. Detailed covenants and restrictions governing the unified design and function of the POO be required at the time of platting. 4. The applicant's Development Text shall be considered the Outline Development Plan and shall be filed of record in the office ofthe Rogers County Clerk. 5. Unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this POO, single-family development shall meet the requirements of a typical RS-3 district. 6. Unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, commercial development shall meet the requirements of a typical CG district. 7. Within this POO, the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 560 single- family residences. 8. Minor transfers (10% increase in a development area's density) of dwellings from one residential development area to another may occur if a significant change in the character of the development area is not created. 9. All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical AdvisOlY Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions ofthe POO. 10, A detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting, and the document be certified by registered engineering. 11. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the POO shall an PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the within the until all 8 the Subdivision Regulations are met by 13. Detailed landscape plans shan submitted at the time of site plan The Planning Commission reserves the right to prescribe additional buffering, screening, and setback during the platting process. Approximately 25 citizens attended the Planning Commission meeting and voiced concerns regarding upstream development and its effects on stormwater runoff. Concerns expressed by the 20 citizens attending the City Council meeting also related to stormwater runoff, as well as intersection improvements at 1. 06th St N & N l45th East Ave. Staff and David Charney answered - 4 - Owasso City Council October l6, 2001 questions presented by the citizens. Citizens speaking to the Council were Ray Hatfield, Sharlee Kuhns, Art Roslewski, and Lila Martini. Following discussion, Ms AImstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the requested zoning with the stipulation that the developer work closely with area residents concerning drainage and ingress and egress, and further subject to the stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission. AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPUD-01-03, A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPRO V AL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the requested planned unit development, subject to the stipulations listed in Item #8 regarding zoning on the same property, and subject to the developer working closely with area residents concerning drainage and ingress and egress. AYE: Annstrong, Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Ms Annstrong out. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLAT AMENDMENT FOR PRESTON LAKES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA (WARD 31 Ms SOlTells said that the City of Owasso has received a request from Preston Lakes for a minor amendment to a previously approved plat. The subject property is located at the northeast corner E 86th Nand N 145th East Ave. requested amendment would modify an area of 18 duplex lots to 30 single..family dwelling The duplex lots were on a cul-de..sac, and the re..platting the four subject lots to slightly less than the minimum 65".foot width established by the PUD Outline Development Plan. The Owasso Planning Commission has recommend approval of the requested amendment, subject to the condition that no future variances be granted on the affected lots. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the plat amendment. - 5 .. Owasso City Council October 16, 200 1 AYE: Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Ms Armstrong in. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR SA WGRASS PARK AT BAILEY RANCH, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA (WARD 2). Ms Sorrells said that the City has received a request for approval of a final plat for Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch, located approximately 1/2 mile north of E 86th St N and east of N Garnett Rd. The plat contains 179 residential lots on 53.24 acres. DEQ permits for sewer and water have been received. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the final plat for Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROV AL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR TULSA TEACHERS CREDIT UNION, ~N ADDITION TO THE CITY OF~ OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STArE OF OKLAFlOMA (WARIUJ", Ms Sorrells presented the item. The City of Owasso has received a request to review the final plat for Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, located north ofE 96th St N and east ofN Garnett Rd. The plat contains one commercial lot on 4.159 acres, more or less. DEQ permits for sewer and water have been received. Mr Helm asked who would be supplying water, and Ms Son-ells responded that it is in the Washington County Rural Water Area. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr to approve the final plat Tulsa Teachers Credit Union. Motion 5-.0. - 6 - Owasso City Council October 16, 200l ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF A VEHICLE FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Mr Ewing requested approval to purchase a new pickup for building inspections to replace the 1992 Ford pickup currently in use by the department. Classic Chevrolet has offered a 2002 1/2 ton Chevrolet pickup at a cost under the state bid price for the same vehicle. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the purchase of a 2002 Chevrolet l/2-ton pickup from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, OK, in the amount of $14,284.1 0, and authOlization for payment. AYE: Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell reported that Lowe's will be holding their grand opening on Wednesday, October 17th at 10:00 a.m. . REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. Mr Helm asked who will be fumishing water to Preston Lakes and Sawgrass Park. Ms Sorrells said that Preston Lakes will receive water from Rogers County, and water for the west phase of Sawgrass will be from the City of Owasso, while Washington County will supply water for the east phase. Vice Mayor Brogdon told of participating in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Expressway dedication on October 12, 2001. He presented the Council with a marker from the dedication. Each World War II veteran attending the dedication had also been presented with a marker. to the was that it was not under the jurisdiction new business. then presented the with a petition signed by 10 taxpayers requesting his reinstatement as a police officer, as well as that of Burl also presented a request to appear on the next agenda. Burl also presented the Council with a petition signed by 30 taxpayers requesting that he & Mr Denton be reinstated, and a request to appear on the next agenda. All of the documents are made a part hereto by reference. Mr Cox also presented the City Clerk with a claim against the Mayor for defamation of character and violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act, by reference made a part hereto. - 7 - Owasso City Council October 16,2001 ITEM 18: DISCUSSION WITH SUSAN DANIEL, STAFF ATTORNEY WITH THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE, REGARDING PROVISIONS OF THE OKLAHOMA OPEN MEETING ACT. Ms Daniel discussed situations covered by the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, including what actions the councilors may and may not take under provisions of the act. She also discussed what constitutes a meeting, and answered questions presented to her. ITEM 19: ADJOURNMENT Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk - 8 - City of Owasso Claims 11/6/01 Fund Department Total General Refunds 150.00 105 Municipal Court 493.82 110 Managerial 1,410.35 120 Finance 1,666.94 150 General Government 3,839.59 160 Community Development 925.97 170 Engineering 3,394.37 175 Information Systems 604.56 181 Support Services 2,100.98 190 Cemetery 16.57 201 Police Services 3,429.43 215 Police Communications 2,432.77 221 Animal Control 405.82 250 Fire Services 3,454.05 280 Emergency Preparedness 91.90 300 Streets 7,579.57 515 Park Maintenance 6,290.58 550 Community Center 1,365.55 TOTAL 39,652.82 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 2,900.99 TOTAL 2,900.99 E-911 E-911 Services 5,130.34 TOTAL 5,130.34 Capital Improvements Computerization 2,890.00 Street Repair 553.50 TOTAL Bond Hall/Police Station '76th & 169 TOTAL 56.48 OPGA Merchandise Food and 7 Daily Operating Account 1,701.38 605 Cart Operations 103.24 610 Golf Course Maintenance 15,778.07 670 Food and Beverage Operations 1,025.13 690 Golf Administration 3,090.57 800 Debt Service 38,934.43 TOTAL 74,620.76 OPWA Refunds 38.46 400 Administration 1,313.73 405 Utility Billing 3,082,22 420 Water 187,143.68 450 Wastewater treatment plant 11 ,456.41 455 Wastewater Collection 6,174.55 480 Refuse Collections 10,311.25 485 Recycle Center 6,526.91 TOTAL 226,047.21 OPWA Capital Improvements Debt Service 37,160.40 TOTAL 37,160.40 Capital Projects Grants 300 Program Management 351.66 TOTAL 351.66 OPWA Sales Tax Debt Service 111,498.65 TOTAL 111,498,65 City 185 City Garage 10,042.73 TOTAL Workers' Self Insurance 150 Workers' Camp TOTAL ; i ty of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# 2988 2992 352 10/05/01 352 09/28/01 13311 100501 13314 2 3196 1219 09/25/01 CEPO 13217 3289825 3658 3662 1501 09/30/01 1505 09/26/01 08/27/01 09/25/01 1427 10/05/01 1508 10/05/01 1507 10/01/01 1427 10/05/01 3668 3680 3683 3684 4045 6867 743 10/05/01 1362 10/15/01 591 10/11/01 10/04/01 09/27/01 09/20/01 537 10/15/01 1382 10/23/01 6868 6870 6871 6872 6875 129 10/10/01 1049 10/11/01 1952 11/01/01 415 10/15/01 10/22/01 10/08/01 615 10/04/01 10/12/01 10/05/01 10/15/01 10/15/01 10/18/01 10/04/01 438 10/05/01 627 10/16/01 1294 09/14/01 6876 6882 6883 6885 6887 6888 6890 6958 6960 6962 6963 6966 766 10/01/01 371 10/09/01 38 10/12/01 171 10/04/01 264 10/11/01 1065 09/28/01 1411 10/10/01 6976 13261 2 13263 26-13 26-12R 26-11R 13259 8 132M 2 13260 3 13310 9 13262 5 13095 OW024 13172 8240169828 8240168953 8240168156 8240167311 13171 101501 13207 65 13173 15118235 13178 101101 13175 97257752 13229 36859 36904 36827 13228 2001782 2016996 2002103 2021483 2021186 1968320 2001618 13103 6885 13201 118052 13132 500197307-01 8 13146 04-2205606 13090 100901 13089 101201 13091 100/,01 13088 101101 13205 9/01 USE 13177 202 Full Amt Due Date 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 10/10/01 190 6992 591 10/11/01 13156 8240169826 11/06/01 10/04/01 8240168951 09/20/01 8240167309 09/27/01 8240168154 7031 812 10/13/01 13269 1504080671 11/06/01 10/19/01 1504080747 10/05/01 1504080535 10/25/01 1504080857 10/16/01 1504080705 7033 446 10/29/01 CEPO 13238 830108574 11/06/01 10/19/01 830107006 10/29/01 830108573 10/29/01 830108583 10/22/01 830107510 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 20,973.00 2,510.00 5,954.00 18,682.80 8, 603 . 1 0 9,450.00 22,500.00 7,650.00 2,150.00 5,135.00 24,174.00 13,455.00 242.00 18.40 18.40 18.40 18.40 310.00 770.85 39.98 23.90 35.00 37.00 29.60 44.40 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 240.00 210.00 314.20 350.00 364.95 77.85 15/, .20 143.10 1'1/,,652.03 85.00 75.00 10.92 10.92 10.92 10.92 84.69 2.97 25.19 8.99 2.97 7.60 10.68 3.37 5.08 9.52 Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page Line Item Amounts Claim Description 20,973.00 DOORS/FRAMES-6/6/00 2,510.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS-6/6/00 5,954.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-26-98 18,682.80 PAINTING 6/6/00 40,553.10 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 7,650.00 ROUGH CARPENTRY 6/6/00 2,150.00 ACCESS FLOORING 6/6/00 5,135.00 EIFS 6/6/00 24,174.00 INSTALL DOORS/HARDWARE 6/6/00 13,455.00 ROCK BASE GRADING 242.00 11 ELM CREEK PARK ~10WI NGS 73.60 12 UNIFORM CLEANING-PARKS 80.00 11 MOWINGS-ATOR PARK 230.00 11 MOWINGS-MCCARTY PARK 630.00 11 MOWINGS-RAYOLA PARK 140.85 11 MOWINGS-VETERANS PARK 39.98 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 23.90 12 MCCARTY PARK WATER USAGE 35.00 12 SECURITY MONITORING 111.00 EMPLOYMENT ADS 210.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS 240.00 TRAINING-WOFFORD 210.00 12 COPIER MAINT 36.55 12 PHONE USE CHIEF 277.65 12 PHONE USE SUPERVISORS/DETECTIVES 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 364.95 METER READINGS 77.85 METER READINGS 154.20 METER READINGS 143.10 METER READINGS 174,652.03 PURCHASED WATER FY 01/02 160.00 CONFERENCE FEE-ROONEY/CARLSON 43068 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 49.74 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 52.15 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 2.97 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 19.95 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 885.13 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order PoOo Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Full Amt Due Date Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 10/05/01 155362133 17020 10/19/01 155366139 40.79 10/24/01 830107820 31092 10/19/01 155366111 13.89 10/09/01 830105494 16099 10/16/01 830106476 4050 10/01/01 830104245 202045 10/05/01 155362089 68053 10/03/01 830104541 10075 10/11/01 830105714 9017 10/11/01 830105733 43.26 09/07/01 830100926 16003 09/07/01 155354026 17029 10/16;01 830106462 7096 10/10/01 830105561 181.99 10/09/01 830105432 8034 10/04/01 155361824 50.41 10/19/01 830106939 2.32 10/23/01 830107625 3059 10/18/01 830106774 84096 10/10/01 830105625 3059 10/12/01 830105924 12095 7034 591 10/11/01 13266 8240169829 11/06/01 5.37 10/18/01 82l,0 170793 9077 10/25/01 8240171767 9.77 10/18/01 8240170791 31089 10/25/01 8240171765 31.89 7035 1050 07/31/01 13267 30178 11/06/01 60.85 7049 938 10/19/01 13255 E911-10/01 11/06/01 2,027.15 7050 1557 10/10/01 13136 53567 11/06/01 1,594.39 7050 1557 10/20/01 13203 53663 11/06/01 711.48 7094 576 10/22/01 13208 10/01 11/06/01 61.89 7097 255 10/22/01 13200 534896 11/06/01 29095 10/22/01 542251 29.95 7110 941 10/03/01 13112 231018 11/06/01 74.42 7112 357 10/12/01 13166 T5268 11/06/01 50.00 10/12/01 T5240 50000 10/04/01 T5165 50.00 09/25/01 T5080 50000 7114 239 10/15/01 13331 106787 11/06/01 88.98 10/15/01 106759 9014 10/11/01 106700 22.15 10/09/01 106633 10.72 7116 366 10/01/01 13164 663366 11/06/01 1.60 10/10/01 663390 18050 10/11/01 663443 73013 7116 366 10/15/01 13318 663756 11/06/01 2.35 10/10/01 663363 334040 10/23/01 664582 73.48 10/11/01 1??1?? 1.60 10/26/01 664881 11020 10/11/01 663497 21030 10/10/01 663421 36038 10/11/01 663504 84.99 10/11/01 663505 -169098 10/11/01 663496 63069 10/15/01 663815 3.60 10/10/01 663340 100.91 09/17/01 660606 0033 09/17/01 660596 10065 09/17/01 660603 1.34 7130 1056 09/19/01 13324 68886 11/06/01 36096 09/28/01 69051 12.04 7130 1056 10/26/01 13332 69616 11/06/01 218.40 '7138 1038 10/23/01 13301 9708 11/06/01 300 '71 '7169 212 10/05/01 13140 10/01 11 /06/01 91.00 '7186 475 09/25/01 13113 68320 11/06/01 235.00 7196 1084 10/08/01 13137 9/01 USE 11/06/01 43.98 7196 1084 10/22/01 13215 10/01 11/06/01 25078 :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 2 Line Item Amounts Claim Description 63.'78 UNIFORM RENTAL 24.91 UNIFORM RENTAL 45063 CYLINDER RENTAL 15.22 CYLINDER RENTAL 2,02'7.15 12 E-911 1,594.39 BILLING SERVICE 711.48 BILLING SERVICE 61.89 12 CABLE SERVICE 59.90 12 SECURITY MONITORING 74.42 ASPHALT 200.00 12 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 104.69 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 6058 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 6058 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 6.57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 6.57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 93.23 REPAIR SUPPLIES 576.24 REPAIR SUPPLIES 36096 RENTALS 12.04 PROPANE 218.40 RENTALS 30.71 OFFICE SUPPLIES 91.00 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN FY 02 235000 RENTAL 43.98 6 CH/PD MONTHLY USAGE 25.78 6 CH/PD MONTHLY USAGE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) .;ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:/,9am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~-~-..~~ ~----- ------------ -------- ---.,,-------- -------- ---------- ------------ -------------------..--- 7214 1294 10/14/01 13268 500093816-02 11/06/01 170.10 24.59 12 CELL PHONE-ROBERTS 0 24.59 12 CELL PHONE-STAND BY 71.74 12 CELL PHONE-ON CALL 24.59 12 CELL PHONE-STEVENS 24.59 12 CELL PHONE-ON CALL 7216 1075 10/11/01 13118 25719 11/06/01 160.18 160.18 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING/SAFETY BOOTS 7303 1045 10/04/01 13150 12 11/06/01 1,180.00 1,180.00 LODGING-ANNUAL RETREAT 7318 1907 10/20/01 13308 794563 11/06/01 2,293.20 2,293.20 CHEMICALS 7320 881 09/30/01 13139 6399-9/01 11/06/01 20.46 20.46 12 WATER USAGE-CART BARN 09/30/01 6398-9/01 68.82 9,731.52 12 WATER USAGE-MAINTENANCE 09/30/01 9711-9/01 9,662.70 43.81 12 WATER USAGE-CLUBHOUSE 09/30/01 6397-9/01 43.81 7321 960 10/09/01 13161 9/01 11/06/01 95.00 95.00 12 ADVERTISING 7387 1039 10/01/01 13333 365364 11/06/01 312.22 328.55 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 10/01/01 364279 -7.27 09/13/01 363373 16.33 09/20/01 363762 7.27 7472 2338 09/30/01 13312 3 11/06/01 9,121.36 9,121.36 DRYWALL-06/06/00 '7520 591 10/11/01 13222 8240169830 11/06/01 19.72 53.30 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/11/01 8240169832 22.80 57.60 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/11/01 8240169833 73.40 59.44 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/11/01 8240169824 26.65 131.10 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/11/01 8240169825 21.40 42.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/11/01 8240169831 5.20 10.40 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/18/01 8240170'794 39.72 10/18/01 82401'l0'796 34.80 10/18/01 82401'70'797 57.70 10/18/01 82401'l0788 26.65 10/18/01 8240170789 21.40 10/18/01 8240170795 5.20 '7522 1073 08/21/01 13202 2100 11/06/01 2, 185 .00 2,335.00 RECORDER/SOFTWARE 07 /1'l /01 08/21/01 2101 150.00 7531 1361 10/30/01 13226 10/01 11/06/01 240.00 240.00 44 BAILIFF DUTIES 07/01-06/02 7624 2487 10/11/01 13141 224061 11/06/01 1,13.40 413.40 M09110 '7637 790 07/30/01 13108 2824704HS501 11/06/01 609.87 609.87 D07301 766ft 961 10/02/01 13120 0005227234-2 11/06/01 33.95 33.95 12 PHONE USE-MITCHELL '7'717 763 09/12/01 13326 3349023 11/06/01 1,896.45 515.72 DESICCATING CABINET 0.00 MAGNETIC STRIPPER 1,380.73 AMMONIA METER 7727 116/, 10/15/01 13225 12234 11/06/01 15,841.24 15,841.24 DATA/VOICE CABLING 4/17/01 7731 360 08/30/01 13339 11170286 11/06/01 188.40 188.40 COPY ~lACHINE MAINT '7'746 1574 10/24/01 13338 8/,68 11/06/01 208.00 208.00 PRINTING 7747 1039 10/03/01 13322 365729 11/06/01 935.00 1,776.50 METERS 06/19/01 10/01/01 36ft 757 841.50 7768 1408 10/11/01 1321/, 3502 11/06/01 553.50 553.50 CONCRETE 7833 2338 09/30/01 13313 It 11/06/01 3,614.09 3,614.09 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 6/6/00 7836 7'73 09/2/,/01 13111 OE45040'7'7 11/06/01 40.00 40.00 EXAM-O'BRIEN 784~) 818 10/30/01 13135 1996-11/01 11/06/01 38,934.43 38,934.43 3 1996 REVENUE BOND 10/30/01 1997-11/01 35,448.50 35,448.50 3 1997 REVENUE BOND 10/30/01 1998-11/01 76,050.15 76,050.15 3 1998 REVENUE BOND 10/30/01 ORF..99-008-L 2,624.43 2,624.43 3 ORF-99-008-L 10/30/01 FAP-92-0107- 3,713.62 3,713.62 3 FAP-92-0107-L L 10/30/01 FAP-920107-L 21,,385.33 24,385.33 3 FAP-92-0107-L 10/30/01 ORF-01-0002- 3,915.00 3,915.00 3 ORF-01-0002-L L 10/30/01 FAP-01-0003- 2,522.02 2,522.02 3 FAP-01-0003-L L 7863 2526 10/05/01 13145 1003-5060 11/06/01 130.00 130.00 2 LODGING-GREENE 7884 582 10/05/01 13329 10013 11/06/01 750.00 750.00 WATER ANALYSES 7918 1608 05/01/00 13152 4087 11/06/01 505.17 505.17 W05010 7924 1039 10/01/01 13321 365742 11/06/01 1,156.60 1,156.60 METER CAN LIDS/VALVES 7938 868 10/11/01 13121 799 11/06/01 125.00 125.00 TRAINING-SADDORIS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 4 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~-- ~--~-~ -~-----~---- _",__"ri__ ......_..........~...._- ---........... ---------- -~-....~_.._---- ----------------------- 7941 883 10/22/01 13199 94670 11/06/01 65.00 65.00 WORKSHOP-STEVENS 7945 2078 09/18/01 13098 AOO04329 11/06/01 125.00 125.00 CONFERENCE-BISHOP 7969 2561 10/17/01 13099 268383 11/06/01 102.00 102.00 LODGING-BISHOP 7981 1123 09/11/00 13142 212313 11/06/01 45.56 45.56 M09110 7990 567 08/20/01 13116 621001-18 11/06/01 83.82 83.82 REPLACEMENT SIGNS 8004 1039 10/01/01 13309 365744 11/06/01 26.72 4,876.96 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 10/01/01 365741 35.66 10/01/01 365731 296.35 10/01/01 365738 2,574.26 10/01/01 365366 33.40 10/02/01 365094 11. 50 10/01/01 365363 9.92 10/01/01 365730 62.01 10/01/01 365746 155.28 10/01/01 365732 61. 98 10/01/01 365737 159.l.5 09/17/01 362499 6.78 10/01/01 365735 1,443.65 8012 771 10/01/01 13174 25324 11/06/01 1,450.00 1,450.00 MOWER DECK 09/12/01 108469 6.94 6.94 REPAIR SUPPLIES 8013 2571 10/03/01 13176 42251 11/06/01 1,691.25 1,691.25 WOOD CHIPS 8038 729 10/23/01 13330 T 12632 11/06/01 2,720.00 2,720.00 METER SETS 6/19/01 8039 1408 10/16/01 13323 3537 11/06/01 184.50 184.50 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 8039 1408 10/22/01 13328 3575 11/06/01 922.50 922.50 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 8051 1608 05/01/00 13143 4087 11/06/01 162.98 162.98 1405010 8058 1043 09/30/01 13336 3148 11/06/01 104.50 104.50 TRAFFIC SIGNAL BULBS 8073 638 09/12/01 13110 1707259 11/06/01 105.58 105.58 H09061 8103 1316 10/04/01 13134 1350749445 11/06/01 768.19 768.19 TELEPHONE INTERFACE 8141 18 10/04/01 13144 40247259 11/06/01 143.90 143.90 UNIFORMS 8143 1581 10/02/01 13149 46208896-1 11/06/01 294.80 294.80 UNIFORM COATS 811,8 808 09/12/01 13138 202067 11/06/01 351.66 351.66 PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 8149 406 10/05/01 13096 141336744-00 11/06/01 1,509.93 1,509.93 OFFICE CHAIRS/COMPUTER 10 CART 8169 2587 08/31/01 13191 01-0901-C 11/06/01 100.00 100.00 ELEC PERMIT REFUND 8183 1963 09/26/01 13148 61320 11/06/01 227.23 227.23 VEHICLE REPAIR 8185 209 09/19/01 13151 200042006060 11/06/01 144.00 1l,4.00 S01139 08 8186 209 09/19/01 13153 200042039440 11/06/01 200.00 200.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01 8187 209 09/19/01 13155 200042-00595 11/06/01 120.00 120.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -006 8196 209 09/19/01 13154 200042-03943 11/06/01 312.00 312.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -003 8199 366 10/10/01 13319 663393 11/06/01 40.24 40.24 MAINT SUPPLIES 8214 1005 10/01/01 13277 CVW84698 11/06/01 164.22 246.96 REPAIR PARTS 10/02/01 CVW84824 3.98 10/03/01 CVW84868 5.22 10/11/01 CVI~85033 70.76 10/08/01 CVW84925 2.78 8215 1199 09/12/01 13281 5750 11/06/01 20.00 279.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 10/23/01 5809 135.00 10/10/01 5790 121,.00 8216 2301 10/08/01 13337 254199 11/06/01 255.93 88.17 INK CARTRIDGES 10/24/01 254788 510M 20.57 WRIST REST 10/25/01 25479/, 7.83 15.67 OFFICE SUPPLIES 147.05 OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.25 FAX CARTRIDGE 7.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8217 1.,76 08/29/01 B27/, 1266313 11/06/01 472. 66 691.55 REPAIR PARTS 09/28/01 266148 241. 89 10/25/01 1266190 -23.00 8218 115 09/17/01 13275 638315 11/06/01 434050 434.50 FORK TRUCK RENTAL 8219 118 09/26/01 13271 1003 11/06/01 110.00 476.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 10/03/01 1004 366.00 8220 227 10/09/01 13279 99322 11/06/01 96.56 35.83 REPAIR PARTS 10/03/01 540715 23.80 80.91 REPAIR PARTS 10/05/01 540961 12.03 02/05/01 520919 -15.65 8221 1038 10/03/01 13234 6355 11/06/01 157.45 89.64 UNIFORM-P.TAYLOR 48.87 VACCUUM 18.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8225 2067 10/18/01 13223 135489 11/06/01 3,346.65 3,346.65 COMPUTER SOFTWARE S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ; i ty of OloJasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# 8226 1044 10/01/01 1044 10/18/01 8226 8229 1044 09/18/01 1044 10/01/01 09/01/01 1044 10/18/01 785 10/11/01 8229 8229 8232 8233 8234 8237 8253 8255 829 10/17/01 2588 10/10/01 1285 09/27/01 1490 09/03/01 814 09/06/01 09/29/01 09/08/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 08/28/01 09/08/01 193 09/26/01 1239 10/02/01 943 10/08/01 09/21./01 67 10/01/01 574 09/07/01 09/12/01 09/17/01 09/27/01 1084 10/31/01 784 09/19/01 1/.69 09/24/01 158 10/15/01 1877 10/30/01 6 09/27/01 09/27/01 10/04/01 6 10/05/01 1276 10/05/01 785 10/09/01 09/26/01 09/28/01 239 10/04/01 406 10/05/01 8257 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8270 8283 8284 8284 8285 8287 8291 8292 8293 8296, 8295 649 10/16/01 1075 10/11/01 778 09120/01 13165 119168-1006- 9 13334 119707-1006- 4 13117 115626-1006- o 13119 119034-1006- 3 115280-1006- 6 13335 119532-1006- 6 13320 864-054201-8 13325 247208 13114 101001 13147 14134 13109 1059 13157 26266 28012 28417 28452 28455 29052 29058 13158 229028 13183 EN78818 13216 25961 25908 131 06 98480 13168 4735 4766 4798 4855 13209 10/01 USE 13179 3601 13093 535771282 13094 101501 13100 103001 13162 10155 10154 42 13300 45 13299 231487-12 13163 8648828773 8649701946 8641391829 13224 106521 13115 2133119441 13265 14011 13221 25707 13211 9..5754 8297 765 09/04/01 13213 34831 8298 568 09127/01 13210 157124 09/19/01 156826 09/04/01 156274 08/13/01 155519 10/12/01 157619 10/19/01 157822 10/19/01 157841 8302 474 07/09/01 13122 11416 08/07/01 11413 08/13/01 11415 08/27/01 11414 8306 1136 10/11/01 13102 101101 8308 597 10/11/01 13167 2860789 8309 548 10/06/01 13159 40658 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 Full Amt Due Date 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/16/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 10/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 1,886.88 2,668.31 412.26 409.37 609.26 607.24 413.00 1,082.20 50.00 88.50 55.00 59.06 5.99 2.55 12.87 2.31 3.96 6.00 412.95 2,890.00 14.28 9.55 45.00 18.37 5.62 8.63 16.05 2,107.05 75.00 134 .99 128.00 288.00 35.00 55.00 55.00 30.00 650.00 545.00 77.58 9.52 '76.85 209.80 123.96 98.99 75.00 87.00 45.55 28.85 5.25 3.50 26.75 47.85 13.60 59.80 6.95 7.10 6.51 250.00 33.08 83.50 Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 5 Line Item Amounts Claim Description 1,886.88 RECYCLE REFUSE 2,668.31 RECYCLE REFUSE 412.26 REFUSE COLLECTION 1,018.63 REFUSE COLLECTION 607.24 REFUSE COLLECTION 413.00 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 0.00 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 0.00 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 1,082.20 REPAIR SUPPLIES 50.00 BASE MOLDING 88.50 FURNACE SERVICING 55.00 T06051 59.06 PRISONER MEALS 33.68 PHOTO PROCESSING 412.95 INFORMATION UPDATE 2,890.00 SERVER LICENSES 23.83 OFFICE SUPPLIES 45.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-ALLEN 48.67 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 2,107.05 STREET LIGHTING '75.00 SIGNS 134.99 ALTERNATOR REPAIR 128.00 4 UNIFORM PANTS 288.00 3 INSPECTOR EXAMS..DEMPSTER 145.00 SOD 0.00 SOD 0.00 SOD 30.00 SOD 650.00 REPAIR PARTS 7'7.58 PANEL LAMPS 9.52 MAINT SUPPLIES 545.00 STARAGE CABINET 76.85 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 26.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 183.57 OFFICE SUPPLIES 123.96 CHEST WADERS/STRAPS 98.99 SAFETY BOOTS~HOLT 75.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER I NSPECT! ON 87.00 AIR COND REPAIR 171.35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 80.36 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250000 REFUND-RADIUS REPORT 33.08 LAMINATING POUCHES 83.50 EUTHANASIA SERVICES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ty of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 6 lpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount line Item 1mber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~-~~- -~~-~~ ~~~~~~~----~ ---~..~_... ------------ ...------- -------......... -_...~_..._..._--- ...--...---......-......--......------- 8310 406 10/10/01 13097 2133029600 11/06/01 63.43 63.43 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8311 722 10/09/01 13169 529 11/06/01 39.00 39.00 2 UNIFORM SHIRTS 8312 2052 10/01/01 13092 5644 11/06/01 241.36 241.36 AMBULANCE REPAIR 8313 144 10/08/01 13212 302188 11/06/01 66.25 66.25 RANGE REPAIR 8314 939 10/10/01 13170 101001 11/06/01 1,300.00 1,300.00 EMERGENCY EQUIP INSTALLATION 8315 1958 10/11/01 13278 3010465 11/06/01 450.00 900.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 10/20/01 3010480 450.00 8316 1377 09/28/01 13280 2809990 11/06/01 203.54 203.54 REPAIR PARTS 8317 1145 10/10/01 13273 35867-0 11/06/01 55.70 55.70 BACK REST FOR CHAIR 8318 1143 10/24/01 13235 7804090 11/06/01 131. 25 52.50 COPY PAPER 10/08/01 7684690 78.75 78.75 COPY PAPER 10/04/01 7671890 52.50 131.25 COPY PAPER 8319 183 10/24/01 13242 SJ500042608 11/06/01 871.58 2,094.33 ENGINE REPAIR 10/09/01 TJ77324 898.86 10/16/01 TJ77449A 323.89 8320 573 09/18/01 13282 FOCS736068 11/06/01 108.95 108.95 VEHICLE REPAIR 10/17/01 FOW2336 253.28 253.28 VEHICLE REPAIR 8321 1029 09/24/01 13233 3246697 11/06/01 1,866.00 1,866.00 TIRES 8322 865 09/13/01 13276 6985 11/06/01 195.00 234.85 TI RES 10/10/01 7956 192.00 195.00 MUFFLER 10/10/01 31906 17.90 10/10/01 33460 24.95 8323 2476 10/12/01 13272 1175 11/06/01 196.75 196.75 INSTALL VEHICLE GLASS 8325 1294 10/02/01 13340 941582085-00 11/06/01 66.07 34.49 CELL PHONE USE 9 31.58 CEll PHONE USE 8327 2620 10/01/01 13086 100106700 11/06/01 350.00 350.00 M06151 8329 662 09/10/01 13087 77643 11/06/01 1,664.11 1,664.11 C09101 8330 2621 10/11/01 13085 610061208 11/06/01 145.60 145.60 M06151 8331 938 09/29/01 13104 9/01 USE 11/06/01 2,456.00 80.90 9/01 PLEXAR 56.56 9/01 PlEXAR 74.11 9/01 PlEXAR 395.85 9/01 PlEXAR 92.58 9/01 PlEXAR 56.54 9/01 PlEXAR 356.81 9/01 PLEXAR 56.55 9/01 PlEXAR 277.18 9/01 PlEXAR 28.27 9/01 PLEXAR 28.27 9/01 PLEXAR 307.60 9/01 PlEXAR 33.82 9/01 PLEXAR 144.91 9/01 PLEXAR 28.28 9/01 PlEXAR 130.66 9/01 PLEXAR 80.92 9/01 PLEXAR 28.27 9/01 PlEXAR 197.92 9/01 PLEXAR 8332 726 09/24/01 13123 905363 11/06/01 21.39 21.39 SHIRT 8333 724 09/27/01 13124 1056146 11/06/01 85.89 85.89 GOLF CLUBS 8334 454 10/04/01 13125 423456 11/06/01 72.63 72.63 SLACKS 8335 2622 10/02/01 13126 15903 11/06/01 256.45 256.45 RAIN GEAR 8336 314 09/28/01 13127 5374102 11/06/01 106.54 106.54 CAPS 8337 57 10/04/01 13128 1359020 11/06/01 24EUl. 11/07/01 1,002.86 GOLF CLUBS/BAGS 10/02/01 1349584 50.20 11/07/01 0.93 10/02/01 1350297 94.64 11/07/01 1080 10/04/01 1357128 292.94 11/07/01 5.76 10/04/01 1357576 316.94 11/07/01 6.2l, 8338 1256 09/28/01 13129 396501 11/06/01 49.36 49.36 SLACKS 8339 1711 10/08/01 13130 100801 11/06/01 200.00 200.00 ADVERTISING 8340 9 10/04/01 13131 9775784l, 11/06/01 285.02 11/07/01 5.60 285.02 GOLF CLUBS 83l.1 1408 10/08/01 13180 31,91 11/06/01 123.00 123.00 CONCRETE 8343 2076 10/10/01 13160 272065 11/06/01 72000 72.00 EUTHANASIA SERVICES 8344 863 09/30/01 13107 9/01 USE 11/06/01 940.53 97.73 9/01 USE 35.94 9/01 USE 116.30 9/01 USE 13.85 9/01 USE 58.49 9/01 USE 74.40 9/01 USE 265.32 9/01 USE 30.07 9/01 USE :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.007 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of O~lasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Full Amt Due Date Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 7 ~~-~q- ~-~~~~ -~~-~~-- --~- -~~--~ ~--------~-- -------~ ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- Line Item Amounts Claim Description 8345 1002 11/06/01 8346 8347 2623 10/09/01 835 09/30/01 09/30/01 2625 09/30/01 1491 10/11/01 148 10/05/01 1561 09/28/01 857 10/10/01 09/14/01 1491 10/05/01 378 10/04/01 688 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/09/01 10/09/01 10/11/01 10/11/01 1408 10/15/01 83t,9 8350 8353 8356 8358 8361 8371 8372 8373 10/18/01 8374 2242 10/08/01 8375 929 10/16/01 10/16/01 8376 8380 8381 1903 09/27/01 1055 10/11/01 101 10/19/01 10/19/01 10/19/01 406 10/19/01 10/16/01 10/2tt/Ol 1411 10/23/01 826 10/13/01 8384 8385 8398 13347 11 0601 11/06/01 13206 10105 11/06/01 13105 90278 11/06/01 90297 13182 093001 11/06/01 13181 27092 11/06/01 13218 3252 11/06/01 13220 LABSERVC0108 11/06/01 14-0026 13302 D205011 11/06/01 D203112 13219 27607 11/06/01 13306 526 11/06/01 13307 588018 80260 79663 586578 79923 587152 13327 3526 11/06/01 11/06/01 3550 13305 3030 11/06/01 13317 2185-0007268 11/06/01 2185 - 0007271 13304 1009362 13303 2706 1320t, 2510 2401 2137 13315 2133111786 2133111261 2133112572 13253 102301 13230 9758243.,2 ~CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6,0,7 Q*APR083 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 878.96 63.48 1,894.27 525.36 25.00 105.50 614.00 130.00 30.36 18.03 115.85 2,887.32 1,342.00 -600.00 -600.00 1,342.00 -1,200.00 1,342.00 2,398.50 553.50 1,650.00 6,095.36 520.03 1,225.15 613050 576.84 583.84 576.8/, 109.43 3.79 17.99 216.48 451.35 223.59 9/01 USE 24.84 9/01 USE 4.00 VEHICLE WASH 50.99 EXAM-MORTON 4.27 REPAIR SUPPLIES 8.00 VEHICLE WASH 5.00 VEHICLE WASH 5.00 VEHICLE WASH 2.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.00 RECORDING FEE 17.36 MILEAGE-BISHOP 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 74.40 MILEAGE-SORRELLS 11.91 REIMB PHONE-MCELRATH 38.46 DEPOSIT REFUND 96.72 MILEAGE-STEVENS 94.60 CITY MGR EXPENSES 170.71 TRAVEL-BISHOP 25.62 TRAVEL-JACKSON 27.72 TRAVEL-WILLSON 92.34 MILEAGE-BOUTWELL 1.50 D12150 75.00 W07090 10.07 REPAIR SUPPLIES 63.48 HYDRAULIC FLUID 2,419.63 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 25.00 FIELD BOOK 105.50 PRINTING 614.00 GENERATOR RENTAL 130.00 CALIBRATION SERVICE 30.36 TOOLS/EQUIP 18.03 REPAIR PARTS 115.85 PRINTING 2,887.32 HOUSEHOLD POLLUTANT PROG 1,626.00 CHEMICALS 2,952.00 CONCRETE-REFUSE BLDG FLOOR 1,650.00 MOWING-HWY 169 520.03 TIPPING FEES 4,311.41 TIPPING FEES 1 783.95 TIPPING FEES 1, .15 MOTOR REBUILD 68.50 PLUMBING REPAIR 1,160.68 LODGING-BISHOP/JACKSON 576.84 LODGING-WILLSON 109.43 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.79 OFFICE SUPPLIES 216.48 MEMBERSHIP DUES-ROONEY 14.33 9/01 USE 21.499/01 USE 35.81 9/01 USE 7.16 9/01 USE 93.11 9/01 USE 7.16 9/01 USE 2.21 9/01 USE 78.81 9/01 USE 98.13 9/01 USE 21.50 9/01 USE 35.81 9/01 USE 7.16 9/01 USE 7.169/01 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) i ty of OvJasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 8 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.Oo Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ---~~ -~~-~~ ---~-~-- ---- -----~ ------------ -------- ------------ ~------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 21.51 9/01 USE 8401 1059 10/05/01 13294 563341 11/06/01 75.00 75.00 TRAINING MATERIAL-DEMPSTER 8402 300 10/23/01 13192 17733 11/06/01 170.00 451.78 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/23/01 17735 131. 78 10/23/01 17732 150.00 8403 42 10/10/01 13193 94149171 11/06/01 128.70 128.70 SUNGLASSES 8404 1262 10/09/01 13194 90318956 11/06/01 499.10 499.10 GOLF CLUBS 8405 57 10/09/01 13257 1366844 11/06/01 118.15 11/07/01 2.18 2,810.74 GOLF BALLS/BAG 10/10/01 1370189 984.00 11/07/01 19.20 10/10/01 1370320 759.00 11/07/01 14.88 10/11/01 1372824 148.66 11/07/01 2.88 10/18/01 1392014 248.14 10/16/01 1382964 114.79 11/07/01 2.21 10/16/01 1382068 438.00 11/07/01 17.28 8407 17 10/11/01 13195 4525122 11/06/01 108.55 11/07/01 2.17 275.58 GOLF SHOES 10/10/01 4520933 167.03 11/07/01 3.34 81,08 388 10/16/01 13196 40767532 11/06/01 2,174.10 11/07/01 2,622.60 GOLF SHOES/BALLS 10/17/01 4078391.5 448.50 11/07/01 17.94 8409 1300 10/18/01 13197 8275 11/06/01 186.83 186.83 PAPER SUPPLIES 8410 950 10/15/01 13198 313399 11/06/01 189.32 189.32 SHIRTS 8412 701 10/19/01 13227 101901 11/06/01 120.30 136.00 YMCA MEETING 10/08/01 100801 136000 120.30 DEVELOPERS COUNCIL MEETING 8418 1059 10/30/01 13295 74023 11/06/01 120.00 120.00 MEMBERSHIP FEES-DEMPSTER 8419 981 10/24/01 13184 110240833 11/06/01 88.15 1,590.14 GROCERIES 10/05/01 110050489 286. 17 26.20 PAPER SUPPLIES 10/17/01 1101701,27 34.81 120.61 PAPER SUPPLIES 10/17/01 110170331 371.12 10/10/01 110100291 671.72 10/03/01 110030283 284.98 81,22 1034 10/17/01 13236 P21053 11/06/01 43.18 43.18 REPAIR PARTS 8423 2307 10/18/01 13270 141598548-00 11/06/01 59.63 18.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 40.64 OFFICE SUPPLIES 81,24 1888 09/01,/01 13237 191 11/06/01 35.00 35.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 8425 981 09/27/01 13342 109270196 11/06/01 33.22 230.78 GROCERIES 09/26/01 109260310 256.53 58.97 PAPER SUPPLIES 8426 1500 10/10/01 13241 101001 11/06/01 1,188.42 1,188.42 TRANSMISSION REPAIR 8lt27 957 10/16/01 13185 471115 11/06/01 373.63 113.76 SNACKS 10/02/01 469950 235.56 495.43 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 8428 366 09/21,/01 13240 661430 11/06/01 18.88 18.88 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 8429 819 10/11/01 13239 17177 11/06/01 42.89 42.89 TOWING FEE 8430 595 10/19/01 13231 23612 11/06/01 81.34 339.11 LINEN SERVICE 10/15/01 S23303 30.90 102.05 LINEN SERVICE 10/12/01 20520 107.29 10/05/01 17409 65.21 09/28/01 14332 56.05 10/26/01 26760 87.08 10/26/01 S27677 13.29 8433 2433 10/22/01 13186 40217885 11/06/01 40.00 80.00 PEST CONTROL 09/24/01 4072410 1,0.00 15lt:34 336 10/19/01 13187 16051 11/06/01 91.86 180.1,2 SNACKS 10/05/01 15842 50.52 10/12/01 15934 31.3004 8435 336 09/28/01 13346 15736 11/06/01 72.24 72.21, SNACKS 8436 1151 10/01/01 13188 8855 11/06/01 109.80 109.80 COFFEE 8f,37 2150 10/17/01 13232 185357' 11/06/01 99.22 937.49 GROCERIES 10/06/01 181807 85.38 68.42 PAPER SUPPLIES 10/03/01 180401 188.38 35.73 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/09/01 182590 124079 69.89 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/01/01 1'79457 107.09 10/10/01 182992 224.47 10/26/01 188901 282.20 81,38 2150 09/26/01 13345 177686 11/06/01 206.00 192.27 GROCERIES 13.73 PAPER SUPPLIES 8439 1038 06/14/01 13189 4702 11/06/01 17'.22 167.68 GROCERIES 10/08/01 3444 65.36 7.82 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/08/01 2562 46.20 9.40 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/05/01 9418 56.12 8440 1038 09/20/01 13344 6886 11/06/01 23.11 17.27 GROCERIES :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of OHasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# 8441 678 10/17/01 10/23/01 10/01/01 10i17/01 10/15/01 10/12/01 10/11/01 10/26/01 8442 678 03/20/01 03/30/01 06/09/01 06/29/01 08/06/01 09/04/01 09/28/01 8443 732 10/08/01 10/23/01 10/22/01 10/16/01 10/12/01 10/02/01 10/08/01 8447 1893 10/19/01 8450 862 10/22/01 8452 678 12/04/00 12/05/00 8453 812 10/13/01 10/25/01 10/19/01 8454 1329 10/30/01 8455 792 10/25/01 10/16/01 10/25/01 8456 1141 10/09/01 8457 938 10/13/01 8458 938 10/01/01 8460 1401 10/09/01 8461 2648 09/19/01 8462 2567 09/27/01 8463 2218 10/23/01 8464 233 10/26/01 8t,65 1084 10/30/01 8466 8467 8468 8469 8470 Full Amt Due Date 13256 1820960 11/06/01 888071 2022209 2022246 2022244 1820940 2022210 1821145 13343 1821147 11/06/01 1820922 1820938 1820907 1820991 090401 1820941 13190 58455367 11/06/01 58456113 58456049 58455769 58455632 58455066 58455366 13316 101901 11/06/01 13252 94497 11/06/01 13251 159839 11/06/01 159802 13250 1512080676 11/06/01 1512080860 1512080749 13243 129523 11/06/01 13244 74427 11/06/01 73734 7t.432 13296 16889 11/06/01 13297 9/01 NON-PLE 11/06/01 XAR 13298 9/01 NON-PLE 11/06/01 XAR 13245 22153 13246 10127 13247 24327095455 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 13248 1629 132~,9 339213 13254 10/01 USE 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 107 10/11/01 13283 66915 47 10/16/01 13284 157926 486 10/23/01 13285 10231 2649 10/04/01 13286 TU-252899 812 10/26/01 13287 656080886 10/17/01 655080717 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 11/06/01 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 38.91 34.56 18.26 16.86 14.97 29.07 36.56 15.10 27.64 17.61 23.44 48.86 119.07 25.90 21.65 -20.00 61. 15 136.42 154.99 218.40 380.53 345.57 140.00 15.00 45.61 20.91 20.97 2.25 14.07 66.95 17.73 10.92 17.73 t,5.00 1,119.t,7 66.99 100.00 127.54 197.57 185.90 52.80 14,959.62 42.45 38.26 172.80 117.00 29.98 3.96 Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 9 Line Item Amounts Claim Description 1.86 PAPER SUPPLIES 3.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 204.29 GROCERIES 176.29 GROCERIES 107.88 DECORATIONS 1,196.31 BEVERAGES 80.75 PAPER SUPPLIES 140.00 CONFERENCE-MITCHELL/HAR DER 15.00 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 66.52 RECEPTION-ARMSTRONG 37.29 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 66.95 SAFETY BOOTS-WARREN 35.46 SHELVING MATERIAL 10.92 MAINT SUPPLIES 45.00 NEW COMBINATION FOR SAFE 943.47 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 176.00 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 66.99 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 100.00 GREASE REMOVAL SERVICE 127.54 PRINTING 192.85 MAINT SUPPLIES 4.72 PAPER SUPPLIES 185.90 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 52.80 WATER-BATTERIES 1,513.59 10/01 USE 210.53 10/01 USE 16.57 10/01 USE 527.33 10/01 USE 91. 34 10/01 USE 603.44 10/01 USE 63.63 10/01 USE 552.04 10/01 USE 567.94 10/01 USE 504.78 10/01 USE 4,357.69 10/01 USE 1,834.09 10/01 USE 26.08 10/01 USE 740.94 10/01 USE 948.55 10/01 USE 786.96 10/01 USE 1,614.12 10/01 USE 42.45 REPAIR PARTS 38.26 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 172.80 REPAIR PARTS 117.00 REPAIR PARTS 53.49 MAINT SUPPLIES 29.98 MAINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) i ty o'F O\oJasso lpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 10 P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Jmber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~--~-~ --~-~~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~--~ ~-----."..".,,-~- -------- -----"'...----- ---~---- --------_.~ ----~~------ ----------------------- 10/16/01 655080702 49.53 8471 642 10/16/01 13288 504941 11/06/01 8.82 19.16 SHOP TOWELS 10/23/01 507501 10.34 8472 37 10/16/01 13289 OUCHV1 11/06/01 220.00 220.00 FERTILIZER 8473 674 10/04/01 13290 435439 11/06/01 79.08 326.96 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10/09/01 436099 195.00 10/12/01 436658 52.88 8474 46 10/08/01 13291 95768 11/06/01 560.00 560.00 FUEL 8475 774 10/11/01 13292 369935 11/06/01 588.00 588.00 CHEMICALS 10/24/01 370334 62.40 62.40 REPAIR SUPPLIES 8476 2650 10/01/01 13293 2913 11/06/01 325.32 325.32 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10/11/01 2921 1,356.00 1,356.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 8479 769 09/28/01 13341 2001149 11/16/01 378.42 592.93 DOC WORK PROGRAM 10/12/01 2002014 214.51 8480 94 10/30/01 13348 11/6 11/06/01 1,701.38 1,701.38 REIMB-PETTY CASH -=-~=-~----- ~----~---= -----==-~--- ---------- HAL 688,041.58 102.41 )1 records listed , ) [wI r: d i':!L 0)2 .L , , 'I' !_ ..:ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 13347 1002 8345 11 0601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-000-26502 50.00 13191 2587 8169 01-0901-C 08/31/01 100.00 11/06/01 01-000-42223 100.00 13315 406 8384 2133111786 10/19/01 109.43 11/06/01 01-105-52001 17.99 2133111261 10/16/01 3.79 2133112572 10/24/01 17.99 13226 1361 7531 10/01 10/30/01 240.00 11/06/01 01-105-53001 240.00 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-105-53610 74.11 13199 883 7941 94670 10/22/01 65.00 11/06/01 01-105-53650 65.00 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-105-53650 96.72 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-110-51700 94.60 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-110-52001 2.29 13182 2625 8349 093001 09/30/01 25.00 11/06/01 01-110-52050 25.00 13252 862 8450 94497 10/22/01 15.00 11/06/01 01-110-52050 15.00 13315 406 8384 2133111786 10/19/01 109.43 11/06/01 01-110-52800 109.43 2133111261 10/16/01 3.79 2133112572 10/24/01 17.99 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-110-53610 80.90 13120 961 7664 0005227234-2 10/02/01 33.95 11/06/01 01-110-53610 33.95 13177 1411 6976 202 10/10/01 85.00 11/06/01 01-110-53650 160.00 190 10/10/01 75.00 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-110-53650 92.34 13227 701 8412 101901 10/19/01 120.30 11/06/01 01-110-53657 256.30 100801 10/08/01 136.00 13251 678 8452 159839 12/04/00 45.61 11/06/01 01-110-53657 66.52 159802 12/05/00 20.91 13253 1411 8385 102301 10/23/01 216.48 11/06/01 01-110-53670 216.48 13316 1893 8447 101901 10/19/01 140.00 11/06/01 01-110-53670 140.00 13181 1491 8350 27092 10/11/01 105.50 11/06/01 01-110-53680 105.50 13324 1056 7130 68886 09/19/01 36.96 11/06/01 01-110-53680 12.04 69051 09/28/01 12.04 13337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 01-120-52001 20.57 251,788 10/24/01 51.64 254794 10/25/01 7.83 13296 1141 8456 16889 10/09/01 45.00 11/06/01 01-120-53001 1,5.00 13099 2561 7969 268383 10/17/01 102.00 11/06/01 01-120-53650 102.00 13204 101 8381 2510 10/19/01 576.84 11/06/01 01-120-53650 1,160.68 2401 10/19/01 583.84 2137 10/19/01 576.84 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-120-53650 213.69 13098 2078 7945 AOO04329 09/18/01 125.00 11/06/01 01-120-53670 125.00 13235 1143 8318 7801,090 10/24/01 131.25 11/06/01 01-150-52001 131. 25 7684690 10/08/01 78.75 7671890 10/04/01 52.50 13337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 01-150-52001 88.17 254788 10/24/01 51. 64 254794 10/25/01 7.83 13338 1574 7746 8468 10/24/01 208.00 11/06/01 01-150-52100 208.00 13109 1490 8253 1059 09/03/01 55.00 11/06/01 01-150-53001 55.00 13228 615 6883 2001782 10/04/01 30.00 11/06/01 01-150-53001 210.00 2016996 10/12/01 30.00 2002103 10/05/01 30.00 2021483 10/15/01 30.00 2021186 10/15/01 30.00 1968320 10/18/01 30.00 2001618 10/04/01 30.00 133t,7 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-150-53001 1.50 13107 863 834t, 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 01-150-53200 97.73 13254 108/, 8/,65 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-150-53200 1,513.'59 13240 366 8428 661430 09/24/01 18.88 11/06/01 01-150-53400 18.88 13269 812 '7031 1504080671 10/13/01 84.69 11/06/01 01-150-53400 52.15 1'504080747 10/19/01 2.97 150408053'5 10/05/01 25.19 1504080857 10/25/01 8.99 1504080705 10/16/01 2.97 13229 415 6882 36859 10/15/01 37.00 11/06/01 01-150-53600 111.00 36904 10/22/01 29.60 36827 10/08/01 44.40 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-150-53610 395.85 13297 938 8457 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 10/13/01 1,119.4711/06/01 01-150-53610 943.47 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-150-53670 13.00 13294 10'59 8401 563341 10/05/01 75.00 11/06/01 01-160-52050 75.00 13156 591 6992 8240169826 10/11/01 10.92 11/06/01 01-160.52200 43.68 8240168951 10/04/01 10.92 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 2 pen CLaims by GL Account I.aim# Vendor PO# HoLd Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240167309 09/20/01 10.92 8240168154 09/27/01 10.92 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-160-52470 4.00 13102 1136 8306 101101 10/11/01 250.00 11/06/01 01-160-53001 250.00 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-160-53610 56.56 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-160-53610 14.33 13100 1877 8283 103001 10/30/01 288.00 11/06/01 01-160-53650 288.00 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-160-53650 74.40 13295 1059 8418 74023 10/30/01 120.00 11/06/01 01-160-53670 120.00 13115 406 8292 2133119441 10/05/01 209.80 11/06/01 01-170-52001 26.23 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-170-53500 21.49 13223 2067 8225 135489 10/18/01 3,346.65 11/06/01 01-170-54400 3,346.65 13204 101 8381 2510 10/19/01 576.84 11/06/01 01-175-53650 576.84 2401 10/19/01 583.84 2137 10/19/01 576.84 13347 1002 83/.5 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-175-53650 27.72 13234 1038 8221 6355 10/03/01 157.45 11/06/01 01-181-52001 18.94 13269 812 7031 1504080671 10/13/01 84.69 11/06/01 01-181-52100 49.74 1504080747 10/19/01 2.97 1504080535 10/05/01 25.19 1504080857 10/25/01 8.99 1504080705 10/16/01 2.97 13337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 01-181-52100 15.67 254788 10/24/01 51. 64 254794 10/25/01 7.83 13234 1038 8221 6355 10/03/01 157.45 11/06/01 01-181-52200 89.64 13266 591 7034 8240169829 10/11/01 5.37 11/06/01 01-181-52200 24.91 8240170793 10/18/01 9.77 8240171767 10/25/01 9.77 82/.0170791 10/18/01 31.89 8240171765 10/25/01 31.89 13234 1038 8221 6355 10/03/01 157.45 11/06/01 01-181-52850 48.87 13339 360 7731 11170286 08/30/01 188.40 11/06/01 01-181-53001 188.40 13278 1958 8315 3010465 10/11/01 450.00 11/06/01 01-181-53100 900.00 3010480 10/20/01 /.50.00 13341 769 8479 20011/.9 09/28/01 378.42 11/16/01 01-181-53480 592.93 2002014 10/12/01 214.51 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451. 35 11/06/01 01-181'-53500 35.81 13340 1294 8325 941582085,,009 10/02/01 66.07 11/06/01 01-181-53500 31.58 1310/, 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-181-53610 92.58 13347 1002 8345 11 0601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-181-53610 11.91 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-190-53200 16.57 13140 212 7169 10/01 10/05/01 91. 00 11/06/01 01-201-51480 91.00 13167 597 8308 2860789 10/11/01 33.08 11/06/01 01-201-52001 33.08 13235 1143 8318 7804090 10/24/01 131.25 11/06/01 01-201-52001 78.75 7684690 10/08/01 78.75 7671890 10/04/01 52.50 13270 2307 8423 141598548-001 10/18/01 59.63 11/06/01 01-201-52001 18.99 13273 1145 8317 35867-0 10/1 0/01 55.70 11/06/01 01-201-52001 55.70 13315 406 8384 2133111786 10/19/01 109.43 11/06/01 01-201-52001 3.79 2133111261 10/16/01 3.79 2133112572 10/2/t/01 17.99 1:,337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 01"201-52001 147.05 254788 10/24/01 51.64 25479/, 10/25/01 7.83 13201 627 688'7 118052 10/16/01 210.00 11/06/01 01-201"52070 210.00 13157 81/, 8255 26266 09/06/01 59.06 11/06/01 01-201-52100 .68 28012 09/29/01 5.99 2841'7 09108/01 2.55 28452 09/18/01 12.87 28455 09/18/01 2.31 29052 08/28/01 3.96 29058 09/08/01 6.00 13107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 94053 11/06/01 01-201-53200 35.94 13254 108/, 8/.65 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-201-53200 527.33 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-201-53500 93.11 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-201-53610 356.81 13132 1294 6888 500197307-018 09/1/./01 314.20 11/06/01 01-201-53610 314.20 13145 2526 7863 1003-5060 10/05/01 130.00 11/06/01 01-201-53650 130.00 13170 939 8314 101001 10/10/01 1,300.00 11/06/01 01-201-54500 1,300.00 13158 193 8257 229028 09/26/01 412.95 11/06/01 01-215-52100 1,12.95 13157 814 8255 26266 09/06/01 59.06 11/06/01 01-215-53090 59.06 28012 09/29/01 5.99 :S.AP Accounts PayabLe Rel.ease 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owassa Nav 01, 2001 08:49am Page 3 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 28417 09/08/01 2.55 28452 09/18/01 12.87 28455 09/18/01 2.31 29052 08/28/01 3.96 29058 09/08/01 6.00 13168 574 8265 4735 09/07/01 18.37 11/06/01 01-215-53090 48.67 4766 09/12/01 5.62 4798 09/17/01 8.63 4855 09/27/01 16.05 13146 766 6890 04-2205606 10/01/01 350.00 11/06/01 01-215-53500 350.00 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-215-53500 7.16 13106 67 8264 98480 10/01/01 45.00 11/06/01 01-215-53670 45.00 13096 406 8149 141336744-0010 10/05/01 1,509.93 11/06/01 01-215-54400 1,509.93 13097 406 8310 2133029600 10/10/01 63.43 11/06/01 01-221-52100 63.43 13169 722 8311 529 10/09/01 39.00 11/06/01 01-221-52200 39.00 13159 548 8309 40658 10/06/01 83.50 11/06/01 01-221-53001 83.50 13160 2076 8343 272065 10/10/01 72.00 11/06/01 01-221-53001 72.00 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-221-53200 91.34 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-221-53610 56.55 13094 158 8270 101501 10/15/01 128.00 11/06/01 01-250-52200 128.00 13144 18 8141 40247259 10/04/01 143.90 11/06/01 01-250-52200 143.90 13149 1581 8143 46208896-1 10/02/01 294.80 11/06/01 01-250-52200 294.80 13093 1469 8268 535771282 09/24/01 134.99 11/06/01 01-250-52470 13l..99 13148 1963 8183 61320 09/26/01 227.23 11/06/01 01-250-52470 227.23 13206 2623 8346 10105 10/09/01 63.48 11/06/01 01-250-52470 63.48 13302 857 8358 0205011 10/10/01 30.36 11/06/01 01-250-52470 18.03 0203112 09/14/01 18.03 13107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 01-250-53200 116.30 1325l. 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-250-53200 603.44 13147 1285 8237 14134 09/27/01 88.50 11/06/01 01-250-53400 88.50 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-250-53505 2.21 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-250-53610 277.18 13121 868 7938 799 10/11/01 125.00 11/06/01 01-250-53650 125.00 13150 1045 7303 12 10/04/01 1,180.00 11/06/01 01-250-53650 1,180.00 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-250-53650 50.99 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-280-53200 63.63 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-280-53610 28.27 133t.7 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 01-300-52001 t..27 13112 941 7110 231018 10/03/01 74.42 11/06/01 01-300-52100 74.42 1311t, 2588 8234 101001 10/10/01 50.00 11/06/01 01-300"52100 50.00 13162 6 828l, 10155 09/27/01 35.00 11/06/01 01-300-52100 0.00 1015l, 09/2"1101 55.00 42 10/04/01 55.00 13163 785 8287 8648828773 10/09/01 545.00 11/06/01 01-300-52100 9.52 8649701946 09/26/01 77.58 8641391829 09/28/01 9.52 13164 366 7116 663366 10/01/01 1.60 11/06/01 01-300-52100 93.23 663390 10/10/01 18.50 663443 10/11/01 73.13 1322t, 239 8291 106521 10/04/01 76.85 11/06/01 01-300-52100 76.85 13267 1050 7035 30178 07/31/01 60.85 11/06/01 01'.300-52100 15.22 13300 6 828t, 45 10/05/01 30.00 11/06/01 01-300-52100 30.00 13318 366 7116 663756 10/15/01 2.35 11/06/01 01-300-52100 576.2t, 663363 10/10/01 334.t,0 664582 10/23/01 73.48 ?????? 10/11/01 1.60 664881 10/26/01 11.20 663497 10/11/01 21.30 663421 10/10/01 36.38 66350l, 10/11/01 84.99 663505 10/11/01 - 169.98 663496 10/11/01 63.69 663815 10/15/01 3.60 663340 10/10/01 100.91 660606 09/17/01 0.33 660596 09/17/01 10.65 660603 09/17/01 1.3t, 13319 366 8199 663393 10/10/01 40.24 11/06/01 01-300-52100 40.24 13323 1408 8039 3537 10/16/01 184.50 11/06/01 01-300-52100 184.50 13328 1408 8039 3575 10/22/01 922.50 11/06/01 01-300-52100 922.50 13336 1043 8058 3148 09/30/01 104.50 11/06/01 01-300-52100 104.50 13222 591 7520 8240169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 01-300-52200 53.30 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page f, pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13331 239 7114 106787 10/15/01 88.98 11/06/01 01-300-52200 104.69 106759 10/15/01 9.14 106700 10/11/01 22.15 106633 10/09/01 10.72 13116 567 7990 621001-18 08/20/01 83.82 11/06/01 01-300-52220 83.82 13320 785 8232 864-054201-8 10/11/01 413.00 11/06/01 01-300-52850 413.00 13305 2242 8374 3030 10/08/01 1,650.00 11/06/01 01-300-53100 1,650.00 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-300-53200 552.04 13209 1084 8266 10/01 USE 10/31/01 2,107.05 11/06/01 01-300-53210 2,107.05 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-300-53500 78.81 13324 1056 7130 68886 09/19/01 36.96 11/06/01 01-300-53500 36.96 69051 09/28/01 12.04 13332 1056 7130 69616 10/26/01 218.40 11/06/01 01-300-53500 218.40 1310f. 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-300-53610 28.27 13268 1294 7214 500093816-020 10/14/01 170. 10 11/06/01 01-300-53610 71.74 13176 2571 8013 42251 10/03/01 1,691.25 11/06/01 01-515-52100 1,691.25 13179 784 8267 3601 09/19/01 75.00 10/06/01 01-515-52100 75.00 13180 1/,08 8341 3491 10/08/01 123.00 11/06/01 01-515-52100 123.00 13244 792 8455 74427 10/25/01 17.73 11/06/01 01-515-52100 35.46 73734 10/16/01 10.92 74432 10/25/01 17.73 13250 812 8453 1512080676 10/13/01 20.97 11/06/01 01-515-52100 37.29 1512080860 10/25/01 2.25 1512080749 10/19/01 14.07 13243 1329 8/,54 129523 10/30/01 66.95 11/06/01 01-515-52200 66.95 13095 1362 6867 OW024 10/15/01 242.00 11/06/01 01-515-53100 242.00 13171 537 6870 101501 10/15/01 310.00 11/06/01 01-515-53100 310.00 13172 591 6868 8240169828 10/11/01 18.40 11/06/01 01-515-53100 73.60 8240168953 10/04/01 18.40 8240168156 09/27/01 113040 8240167311 09/20/01 18.40 13175 1952 6876 97257752 11/01/01 35.00 11/06/01 01-515-53100 35.00 13207 1382 6871 65 10/23/01 770.85 11/06/01 01-515-53100 770.85 13107 863 83M, 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 01-515-53200 265.32 13178 10/,9 6875 101101 10/11/01 23.90 11/06/01 01-515-53200 23.90 13254 108/. 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-515-53200 948.55 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 01-515-53500 21.51 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-515-53610 80.92 13173 129 6872 15118235 10/10/01 39.98 11/06/01 01-515-53610 39.98 13174 771 8012 25324 10/01/01 1,450.00 11/06/01 01-515-54400 1,450.00 108469 09/12/01 6.94 13210 568 8298 15712/, 09/27/01 45.55 11/06/01 01-550-52100 171. 35 156826 09/19/01 28.85 15627/, 09/04/01 5.25 155519 08/13/01 3.50 157619 10/12/01 26.75 157822 10/19/01 47.85 157841 10/19/01 13.60 13269 812 7031 1504080671 10/13/01 84.69 11/06/01 01-550-52100 19.95 1504080747 10/19/01 2.97 150/,080535 10/05/01 25.19 1504080857 10/25/01 8.99 1504080705 10/16/01 2.97 13211 778 8295 9-5754 09/20/01 75.00 11/06/01 01-550-53100 75.00 13212 144 8313 302188 10/08/01 66.25 11/06/01 01-550-53100 66.25 13213 765 8297 34831 09/04/01 87.00 11/06/01 01-550-53100 87.00 1310'7 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 01-550-53200 74.40 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 01-550-53200 740.91, 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 01-550-53610 130.66 FUND Total 39,652.82 13092 2052 8312 5644 10/01/01 241.36 11/06/01 20-255-52100 241.36 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 5 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 13105 835 8347 90278 09/30/01 1,894.27 11/06/01 20-255-53001 2,419.63 90297 09/30/01 525.36 13103 438 6885 6885 10/05/01 240.00 11/06/01 20-255-53650 240.00 FUND Total 2,900.99 13255 938 7049 E911-10/01 10/19/01 2,027.15 11/06/01 21-215-53610 2,027.15 13134 1316 8103 1350749445 10/04/01 768.19 11/06/01 21-215-54400 768.19 13202 1073 7522 2100 08/21/01 2,185.00 11/06/01 21-215-54400 2,335.00 2101 08/21/01 150.00 FUND Total 5 , 130.34 13183 1239 8262 EN78818 10/02/01 2,890.00 11/06/01 40-150-54460 2,890.00 13214 1408 7768 3502 10/11/01 553.50 11/06/01 40-300-54210 553.50 FUND Total 3,443.50 13138 808 8148 202067 09/12/01 351.66 11/06/01 46-300-53001 351.66 FUND Total 351 .66 13217 1219 3196 CEPO 3289825 09/25/01 5,954.00 11/06/01 47-000-53001-018 5,954.00 13137 1084 7196 9/01 USE 10/08/01 43.98 11/06/01 47-000-53200-016 43.98 13215 1084 7196 10/01 10/22/01 25.78 11/06/01 47-000-53200-016 25.78 13113 475 7186 68320 09/25/01 235.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 235.00 13117 1044 8229 115626-1006-0 09/18/01 412.26 11/16/01 47-000-54100-016 412.26 13119 1044 8229 119034-1006-3 10/01/01 1,09.37 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 1,018.63 115280-1006-6 09/01/01 609.26 13225 1164 7727 12234 10/15/01 15,841.24 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 15,841.24 13259 1427 3668 8 10/05/01 7,650.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 7,650.00 13260 1507 3683 3 10/01/01 5,135.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 5,135.00 13261 1501 3658 2 09/30/01 18,682.80 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 18,682.80 13262 7/,3 4045 5 10/05/01 13,455.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 13,455.00 13263 1505 3662 26 -13 09/26/01 8,603.10 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 40,553.10 26-12R 08/27/01 9,450.00 26-11R 09/25/01 22,500.00 1326t, 1508 3680 2 10/05/01 2,150.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 2,150.00 13310 1427 3684 9 10/05/01 24,174.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 24,174.00 13311 352 2988 100501 10/05/01 20,973.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 20,973.00 13312 2338 7472 3 09/30/01 9,121.36 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 9,121.36 13313 2338 7833 t, 09/30/01 3,614.09 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 3,614.09 13314 352 2992 2 09/28/01 2,510.00 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 2,510.00 13335 1044 8229 119532-1006"'6 10/18/01 607.24 11/06/01 47-000-54100-016 607.24 FUND Total 172,156. t,8 13348 9t, 8480 11/6 10/30/01 1,701.38 11/06/01 55-000-10231 1,701.38 13123 726 8332 905363 09/24/01 21.39 11/06/01 55-000-44901 21.39 13124 '724 8333 1056146 09/27/01 85.89 11/06/01 55-000-44901 85.89 13125 45t, 8334 t,23456 1 O/Ot,/O 1 72.63 11/06/01 55-000-44901 72.63 13126 2622 8335 15903 10/02/01 256.45 11/06/01 55 - 000 - 4t,90 1 256.45 13127 314 8336 5374102 09/28/01 106.54 11/06/01 55 - 000..44901 106.54 13128 57 8337 1359020 1 O/ottlO 1 248.1t, 11/06/01 55-000-44901 1,002.86 1349584 10/02/01 50.20 1350297 10/02/01 94.61, 1357128 10/04/01 292.9t, 1357576 10/04/01 316.9t, 13129 1256 8338 396501 09/28/01 49.36 11/06/01 55-000-44901 tf9.36 13131 9 83t,0 97757844 10/04/01 285.02 11/06/01 55-000-l;t,901 285.02 13193 42 8t,03 94149171 10/10/01 128.70 11/06/01 55-000-l;t,901 128.YO 13194 1262 840t, 90318956 10/09/01 499.10 11/06/01 55-000-44901 499.10 13195 17 8407 4525122 10/11/01 108.55 11/06/01 55-000-44901 275.58 4520933 10/10/01 167.03 13196 388 8408 40767532 10/16/01 2,174.10 11/06/01 55-000-44901 2,622.60 t,0783945 10/17/01 448.50 13198 950 8410 313399 10/15/01 189.32 11/06/01 55-000-44901 189.32 13257 57 8405 1366844 10/09/01 118.15 11/06/01 55-000-44901 2,810.74 1370189 10/10/01 984.00 1370320 10/10/01 759.00 1372824 10/11/01 148.66 1392014 10/18/01 248.14 1382964 10/16/01 114.79 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) i ty of Ol.asso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 6 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1382068 10/16/01 438.00 13184 981 8419 110240833 10/24/01 88.15 11/06/01 55-000-44950 1,590.14 110050489 10/05/01 286.17 110170427 10/17/01 34.81 110170331 10/17/01 371. 12 110100291 10/10/01 671.72 110030283 10/03/01 284.98 13185 957 8427 471115 10/16/01 373.63 11/06/01 55-000-44950 113.76 469950 10/02/01 235.56 13187 336 8434 16051 10/19/01 91.86 11/06/01 55-000-44950 180.42 15842 10/05/01 50.52 15934 10/12/01 38.04 13188 1151 8436 8855 10/01/01 109.80 11/06/01 55-000-44950 109.80 13189 1038 8439 4702 06/14/01 17.22 11/06/01 55-000-44950 167.68 3444 10/08/01 65.36 2562 10/08/01 46.20 9418 10/05/01 56.12 13190 732 8443 58455367 10/08/01 -20.00 11/06/01 55-000-44950 1,196.31 58456113 10/23/01 61.15 58456049 10/22/01 136.42 58455769 10/16/01 154.99 58455632 10/12/01 218.40 58455066 10/02/01 380.53 58455366 10/08/01 345.57 13232 2150 8437 185357 10/17/01 99.22 11/06/01 55-000-44950 937.49 181807 10/06/01 85.38 180401 10/03/01 188.38 182590 10/09/01 124.79 179457 10/01/01 107.09 182992 10/10/01 224.47 188901 10/26/01 282.20 13256 678 8441 1820960 10/17/01 38.91 11/06/01 55-000-44950 204.29 888071 10/23/01 34.56 2022209 10/01/01 18.26 2022246 10/17/01 16.86 2022244 10/15/01 1/..97 1820940 10/12/01 29.07 2022210 10/11/01 36.56 1821145 10/26/01 15.10 13342 981 8425 109270196 09/27/01 33.22 11/06/01 55-000-44950 230.78 109260310 09/26/01 256.53 133/,3 678 8442 1821147 03/20/01 27.64 11/06/01 55-000-44950 176.29 1820922 03/30/01 17.61 1820938 06/09/01 23.44 1820907 06/29/01 48.86 1820991 08/06/01 119.07 090401 09/04/01 25.90 1820941 09/28/01 21.65 13344 1038 84/,0 6886 09/20/01 23.11 11/06/01 55-000-44950 17.27 13345 2150 8438 177686 09/26/01 206.00 11/06/01 55-000-44950 192.27 13346 336 8435 15736 09/28/01 72.24 11/06/01 55-000-44950 72.24 13185 957 8427 1.71115 10/16/01 373.63 11/06/01 55,,000-1.4980 495.43 469950 10/02/01 235.56 13249 233 8/.64 339213 10/26/01 52.80 11/06/01 55-605.'52100 52.80 13287 812 8470 656080886 10/26/01 29.98 11/06/01 55-605-52100 29.98 655080717 10/17/01 3.96 655080702 10/16/01 1.9.53 13139 881 7320 6399..9/01 09/30/01 20.46 11/06/01 55-605-53200 20.46 6398,.9/01 09/30/01 61:1082 9711-9/01 09/30/01 9,662.70 6397-9/01 09/30/01 43.81 13232 2150 8/.37 185357 10/17/01 99.22 11/06/01 55-610-52100 69.89 181807 10/06/01 85.38 180401 10/03/01 188.38 182590 10/09/01 124.79 179457 10/01/01 107.09 182992 10/10/01 224.47 188901 10/26/01 282.20 13286 2649 8469 TU-252899 10/04/01 117.00 11/06/01 55-610-52100 117.00 13287 812 8470 656080886 10/26/01 29.98 11/06/01 55-610-52100 53.49 655080717 10/17/01 3.96 655080702 10/16/01 49.53 13288 642 8471 504941 10/16/01 8.82 11/06/01 55-610-52105 19.16 :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ; i ty of O~lasso Nov 01, 2001 08:/,9am Page 7 Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendol' PO# Hold Vendor Invojce# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 507501 10/23/01 10.34 13292 774 8475 369935 10/11/01 588.00 11/06/01 55-610-52110 588.00 370334 10/24/01 62.40 13289 37 8472 OUCHV1 10/16/01 220.00 11/06/01 55-610-52115 220.00 13290 674 8473 435439 10/04/01 79.08 11/06/01 55-610-52450 326.96 436099 10/09/01 195.00 436658 10/12/01 52.88 13291 46 8474 95768 10/08/01 560.00 11/06/01 55-610-52500 560.00 13292 774 8475 369935 10/11/01 588.00 11/06/01 55-610-52800 62.40 370334 10/24/01 62.40 13107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 55-610-53200 30.07 13139 881 7320 6399-9/01 09/30/01 20.46 11/06/01 55-610-53200 9,731.52 6398-9/01 09/30/01 68.82 9711-9/01 09/30/01 9,662.70 6397-9/01 09/30/01 43.81 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 55-610-53200 786.96 13200 255 7097 534896 10/22/01 29.95 11/06/01 55-610-53250 59.90 542251 10/22/01 29.95 13163 785 8287 8648828773 10/09/01 545.00 11/06/01 55-610-53405 545.00 8649701946 09/26/01 77.58 8641391829 09/28/01 9.52 13293 2650 8476 2913 10/01/01 325.32 11/06/01 55-610-53405 325.32 2921 10/11/01 1,356.00 13174 771 8012 2532/, 10/01/01 1,450.00 11/06/01 55-610-53408 6.94 108469 09/12/01 6.94 13192 300 8402 17733 10/23/01 170.00 11/06/01 55-610-53408 451. 78 17735 10/23/01 131.78 17732 10/23/01 150.00 13248 2218 8463 1629 10/23/01 185.90 11/06/01 55-610-53408 185.90 13283 107 8466 66915 10/11/01 42.45 11/06/01 55-610-53/,08 42.45 13284 47 8467 157926 10/16/01 38.26 11/06/01 55-610-53408 38.26 13285 486 8468 10231 10/23/01 172.80 11/06/01 55-610-53408 172.80 13293 2650 8476 2913 10/01/01 325.32 11/06/01 55-610-53408 1,356.00 2921 10/11/01 1,356.00 1310/, 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 55-610-53610 28.27 13184 981 8419 110240833 10/24/01 88.15 11/06/01 55-670-52100 26.20 110050489 10/05/01 286.17 110170427 10/17/01 34.81 110170331 10/17/01 371.12 110100291 10/10/01 . 671. 72 110030283 10/03/01 281,'.98 13189 1038 8439 1,702 06/1/,/01 17.22 11/06/01 55-670-52100 7.82 3441, 10/08/01 65.36 2562 10/08/01 46.20 9418 10/05/01 56.12 13190 732 8443 58455367 10/08/01 -20.00 11/06/01 55-670-52100 80.75 58456113 10/23/01 61.15 58456049 10/22/01 136.42 58455769 10/16/01 154.99 58455632 10/12/01 218.40 58455066 10/02/01 380.53 58455366 10/08/01 345.57 13232 2150 8/,37 185357 10/17/01 99.22 11/06/01 55-670-52100 68.42 181807 10/06/01 85.38 180401 10/03/01 181:L38 182590 10/09/01 124.79 179/,57 10/01/01 107.09 182992 10/10/01 224.47 188901 10/26/01 282.20 13342 981 8425 109270196 09/27/01 33.22 11/06/01 55-670-52100 58.97 109260310 09/26/01 256.53 133M, 1038 841,0 6886 09/20/01 23.11 11/06/01 55-670-52100 1.86 13345 2150 8438 177686 09/26/01 206.00 11/06/01 55-670-52100 13.73 13246 2648 8461 10127 09/19/01 127.54 11/06/01 55-670-52800 127.54 13247 2567 8462 24327095455 09/27/01 197.57 11/06/01 55-670-52800 192.85 133/.3 678 84/,2 1821147 03/20/01 27.64 11/06/01 55-670-52800 107.88 1820922 03/30/01 17.61 1820938 06/09/01 23.44 1820907 06/29/01 48.86 1820991 08/06/01 119.07 090401 09/04/01 25.90 1820941 09/28/01 21.65 13231 595 8430 23612 10/19/01 81.34 11/06/01 55-670-53500 339.11 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 8 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc D t Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount S23303 10/15/01 30.90 20520 10/12/01 107.29 17409 10/05/01 65.21 14332 09/28/01 56.05 26760 10/26/01 87.08 S27677 10/26/01 13.29 13184 981 8419 110240833 10/24/01 88.15 11/06/01 55-690-52100 120.61 110050489 10/05/01 286.17 110170427 10/17/01 34.81 110170331 10/17/01 371 . 12 110100291 10/10/01 671. 72 110030283 10/03/01 284.98 13189 1038 8439 4702 06/14/01 17.22 11/06/01 55-690-52100 9.40 3444 10/08/01 65.36 2562 10/08/01 46.20 9l,18 10/05/01 56.12 13197 1300 8409 8275 10/18/01 186.83 11/06/01 55-690-52100 186.83 13232 2150 8437 185357 10/17/01 99.22 11/06/01 55-690-52100 35.73 181807 10/06/01 85.38 180401 10/03/01 188.38 182590 10/09/01 124.79 179457 10/01/01 107.09 182992 10/10/01 224.47 188901 10/26/01 282.20 13244 792 8455 74427 10/25/01 17.73 11/06/01 55-690-52100 10.92 73 734 10/16/01 10.92 74432 10/25/01 17.73 1334/. 1038 8440 6886 09/20/01 23.11 11/06/01 55-690-52100 3.98 13107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 55-690-53200 223.59 13139 881 7320 6399-9/01 09/30/01 20.46 11/06/01 55-690-53200 43.81 6398-9/01 09/30/01 68.82 9711-9/01 09/30/01 9,662.70 6397-9/01 09/30/01 43.81 13208 576 7094 10/01 10/22/01 61.89 11/06/01 55-690-53200 61.89 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 55"690-53200 1,614.12 13231 595 8430 23612 10/19/01 81.34 11/06/01 55-690-53300 102.05 523303 10/15/01 30.90 20520 10/12/01 107.29 17409 10/05/01 65.21 14332 09/28/01 56.05 26760 10/26/01 87.08 527677 10/26/01 13.29 13186 2433 8433 1.0217885 10/22/01 40.00 11/06/01 55-690-53330 80.00 4072410 09/24/01 40.00 13245 1l.01 8460 22153 10/09/01 100.00 11/06/01 55-690-53405 100.00 13247 2567 8462 24327095455 09/27/01 197.57 11/06;01 55-690-53405 4.72 13130 1711 8339 100801 10/08/01 200.00 11/06/01 55-690-53600 200.00 13161 960 7321 9/01 10/09/01 95.00 11/06/01 55-690-53600 95.00 13104 938 8331 9/01 U5E 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 55-690-53610 197.92 13135 818 784:, 1996-11/01 10/30/01 38,934.43 11;06/01 55-800-55000 38,934.43 1997..11/01 10/30/01 35,448.50 1998-11/01 10/30;01 76,050.15 ORF-99-008-L 10/30/01 2,624.43 FAP-92-0107-L 10;30/01 3,713.62 FAP-92010'7-L 10/30/01 2/,,385.33 ORF-01"0002-L 10/30/01 3,915.00 FAp..01..0003"L 10/30/01 2,522.02 FUND Total '74,723.1'7 3347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 61-000"26001 38.46 3115 l,06 8292 2133119/+41 10/05/01 209.80 11/06/01 61"400-52001 183.5'7 :,216 943 8263 25961 10/08/01 14.28 11/06/01 61-400-52001 23.83 25908 09/24/01 9.55 3235 11/.3 8318 7804090 10/24/01 131.25 11;06/01 61-400-52001 52.50 7684690 10/08/01 78.75 7671890 10/04/01 52.50 3270 2307 8423 141598548..001 10/18/01 59.63 11/06/01 61-400-52001 l,0.64 3301 1038 7138 9708 10/23/01 30.71 11/06/01 61-400"52001 30.71 3107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 61-400-53200 13.85 3254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 61-400-53200 567.94 3303 1055 8380 2706 10/11/01 68.50 11/06/01 61-400-53400 68.50 3104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 61-400-53610 307.60 S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZQCGL*RPT By SCOTT SI1ADBOLT (5RS) City of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 9 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 13268 1294 7214 500093816-020 10/14/01 170.10 11/06/01 61-400-53610 24.59 13337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 61-405-52001 36.25 254788 10/24/01 51. 64 254794 10/25/01 7.83 13088 264 6963 101101 10/11/01 143.10 11/06/01 61-405-53070 143.10 13089 38 6960 101201 10/12/01 77.85 11/06/01 61-405-53070 77.85 13090 371 6958 100901 10/09/01 364.95 11/06/01 61-405-53070 364.95 13091 171 6962 100401 10/04/01 154.20 11/06/01 61-405-53070 154.20 13136 1557 7050 53567 10/10/01 1,594.39 11/06/01 61-405-53620 1,594.39 13203 1557 7050 53663 10/20/01 711.48 11/06/01 61-405-53620 711. 48 13163 785 8287 8648828773 10/09/01 545.00 11/06/01 61-420-52100 77.58 8649701946 09/26/01 77.58 8641391829 09/28/01 9.52 13321 1039 7924 365742 10/01/01 1,156.60 11/06/01 61-420-52100 1,156.60 13322 1039 7747 365729 10/03/01 935.00 11/06/01 61-420-52100 1,776.50 364757 10/01/01 841.50 13222 591 7520 8240169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 61-420-52200 57.60 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13265 649 8293 14011 10/16/01 123.96 11/06/01 61-420-52200 123.96 13331 239 7114 106787 10/15/01 88.98 11/06/01 61-420-52200 6.58 106759 10/15/01 9.14 106700 10/11/01 22.15 106633 10/09/01 10.72 13162 6 8284 10155 09/27/01 35.00 11/06/01 61-420-52400 145.00 10154 09/27/01 55.00 42 10/04/01 55.00 13269 812 7031 1504080671 10/13/01 81..69 11/06/01 61-/.20-52400 2.97 150408071.7 10/19/01 2.97 1504080535 10/05/01 25.19 1504080857 10/25/01 8.99 1504080705 10/16/01 2.97 13300 6 828/, 45 10/05/01 30.00 11/06/01 61-420-52400 0.00 13309 1039 8004 365744 10/01/01 26.72 11/06/01 61-420-52400 4,876.96 365741 10/01/01 35.66 365731 10/01/01 296.35 365738 10/01/01 2,574.26 365366 10/01/01 33.40 365094 10/02/01 11.50 365363 10/01/01 9.92 365730 10/01/01 62.01 365746 10/01/01 155.28 365732 10/01/01 61. 98 365737 10/01/01 159.45 362499 09/17/01 6.78 3657.55 10/01/01 1 ,1.43 . 65 133/;7 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 61-420-52470 5.00 13320 785 8232 864-054201>>8 10/11/01 413.00 11/06/01 61-1.20-52850 0"00 13205 1065 6966 9/01 USE 09/28/01 174,652.03 11/06/01 61-1:,20-52900 17/.,652.03 , 13329 582 7884 10013 10/05/01 750.00 11/06/01 61-420-53001 750.00 13330 729 8038 T12632 10/23/01 2,720"00 11/06/01 61-420-53075 2,720,,00 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 61-420-53200 504.78 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 61-420-53505 98.13 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 61-420-53610 33.82 13268 1294 7214 500093816-020 10/14/01 170.10 11/06/01 61-420-53610 49.18 13298 938 8458 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 10/01/01 66.99 11/06/01 61-420-53610 66.99 13111 773 7836 OE4504077 09/24/01 40.00 11/06/01 61-420-53670 40.00 13307 688 8372 588018 10/16/01 1,342.00 11/06/01 61-450-52110 1,626.00 80260 10/16/01 -600.00 79663 10/09/01 -600.00 586578 10/09/01 1,342.00 79923 10/11/01 -1,200.00 587152 10/11/01 1,342.00 13308 1907 7318 794563 10/20/01 2,293.20 11/06/01 61-450-52110 2,293.20 ~CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 10 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 13118 1075 7216 25719 10/11/01 160.18 11/06/01 61-450-52200 160.18 13222 591 7520 8240169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 61-450-52200 59.44 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13331 239 7114 106787 10/15/01 88.98 11/06/01 61-450-52200 6.58 106759 10/15/01 9.14 106700 10/11/01 22.15 106633 10/09/01 10.72 13302 857 8358 D205011 10/10/01 30.36 11/06/01 61-450-52400 30.36 D203112 09/14/01 18.03 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 61-450-52400 10.07 13166 357 7112 T5268 10/12/01 50.00 11/06/01 61-450-53001 200.00 T5240 10/12/01 50.00 T5165 10/04/01 50.00 T5080 09/25/01 50.00 13220 1561 8356 LABSERVC010814-0026 09/28/01 130.00 11/06/01 61-450-53001 130.00 13317 929 8375 2185-0007268 10/16/01 6,095.36 11/06/01 61-450-53180 520.03 2185-0007271 10/16/01 520.03 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 61-450-53200 4,357.69 1310l, 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 61-450-53610 144.91 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 61-450-53610 21.50 13326 763 7717 3349023 09/12/01 1,896.45 11/06/01 61-450-54400 1,896.45 13222 591 7520 8240169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 61-455-52200 131.10 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13331 2~~9 7114 106787 10/15/01 88.98 11/06/01 61-455-52200 6.57 106759 10/15/01 ' 9.14 106700 10/11/01 22.15 106633 10/09/01 10.72 13299 1276 8285 231487-12 10/05/01 650.00 11/06/01 61-455-52400 650.00 13325 829 8233 247208 10/17/01 1,082.20 11/06/01 61-455-52400 1,082.20 13333 1039 7387 365364 10/01/01 312.22 11/06/01 61-l,55-52400 328.55 364279 10/01/01 -7.27 363373 09/13/01 16.33 363762 09/20/01 7.27 13347 1002 83l.5 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 61 -455-52470 8.00 13320 785 8232 864-05l.201-8 10/11/01 l,13.00 11/06/01 61-l.55-52850 0.00 13107 863 834l, 9/01 USE 09130/01 9l,0.53 11/06/01 61-l,55 - 53200 58.49 1325~, 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 61-455-53200 .09 13304 1903 8376 1009362 09/27/01 1,225.15 11/06/01 61-455-53l,00 15 13218 148 8353 3252 10/05/01 614.00 11/06/01 61-455-53505 616,.00 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 61-455-53610 35.81 13268 1296, 7214 500093816-020 10/14/01 170.10 11/06/01 61-455-53610 24.59 13297 938 8457 9/01 NON-PLEXAR 10/13/01 1,119.47 11/06/01 61-455-53610 176.00 13221 1075 8294 25707 10/11/01 98.99 11/06/01 61-480~52200 98.99 13222 591 7520 82l,0169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 61.,l,80-52200 42.80 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,; i ty of Ol-Iasso Nov 01, 2001 08:/,9am Page 11 Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13331 239 7114 106787 10/15/01 88.98 11/06/01 61-480-52200 6.57 106759 10/15/01 9.14 106700 10/11/01 22.15 106633 10/09/01 10.72 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 61-480-52470 5.00 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451. 35 11/06/01 61-480-53500 7.16 13306 378 8371 526 10/04/01 2,887.32 11/06/01 61-480-53670 2,887.32 13317 929 8375 2185-0007268 10/16/01 6,095.36 11/06/01 61-480-53815 4,311.41 2185-0007271 10/16/01 520.03 13327 1408 8373 3526 10/15/01 2,398.50 11/06/01 61-480-54100 2,952.00 3550 10/18/01 553.50 13219 1491 8361 27607 10/05/01 115.85 11/06/01 61-485-52100 115.85 13222 591 7520 8240169830 10/11/01 19.72 11/06/01 61-485-52200 10.40 8240169832 10/11/01 22.80 8240169833 10/11/01 73.40 8240169824 10/11/01 26.65 8240169825 10/11/01 21.40 8240169831 10/11/01 5.20 8240170794 10/18/01 39.72 8240170796 10/18/01 34.80 8240170797 10/18/01 57.70 8240170788 10/18/01 26.65 8240170789 10/18/01 21.40 8240170795 10/18/01 5.20 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 61-485-53200 26.08 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 61-485-53610 28.28 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.3511/06/01 61-485-53610 7.16 13165 1044 8226 119168-1006-9 10/01/01 1,886.88 11/06/01 61-485-53815 1,886.88 13317 929 8375 2185-0007268 10/16/01 6,095.36 11/06/01 61-485-53815 1, 783.95 2185-0007271 10/16/01 520.03 13334 1041, 8226 119707-1006-4 10/18/01 2,668.31 11/06/01 61-485-53815 2,668.31 FUIIID Total 226,01,7,,21 13135 818 7843 1996-11/01 10/30/01 38,934.43 11/06/01 62-800-55000 37,160.40 1997-11/01 10/30/01 35,1.48.50 1998-11/01 10/30/01 76,050.15 ORF-99-008-L 10/30/01 2,624.43 FAP-92-0107-L 10/30/01 3,713.62 FAP-920107-L 10/30/01 24,385.33 ORF-01-0002-L 10/30/01 3,915.00 FAP-01-0003-L 10/30/01 2,522.02 FUND Total 37,160.40 13135 818 78/,3 1996-11/01 10/30/01 38,934.43 11/06/01 67-800-55000 111,498.65 1997-11/01 10/30/01 35,448.50 1998-11/01 10/30/01 76,050.15 ORF-99-008-L 10/30/01 2,62/,.43 FAP-92-0107-L 10/30/01 3,713.62 FAP-920107-L 10/30/01 24,385.33 ORF.. 01- 0002,. L 10/30/01 3,915.00 FAP-01-000:H. 10/30/01 2,522.02 FUIIID Total 111,498,65 1327/, 1,76 8217 1266313 08/29/01 1,72.66 11/06/01 70-185-52001 691 .55 266148 09/28/01 241. 89 1266190 10/25/01 -23.00 13337 2301 8216 254199 10/08/01 255.93 11/06/01 70-185-52001 7.69 254788 10/24/01 51.64 254794 10/25/01 7.83 13267 1050 '7035 30178 07/31/01 60.85 11/06/01 70-185-52100 45.63 13266 591 7034 8240169829 10/11/01 5.3'7 11/06/01 70-185-52200 63 .78 8240170793 10/18/01 9.77 824017176'7 10/25/01 9.7'7 82401'70'791 10/18/01 31.89 8240171765 10/25/01 31.89 13233 1029 8321 3246697 09/24/01 1,866.00 11/06/01 70-185-52920 1,866.00 13236 1034 8422 P21053 10/17/01 43.18 11/06/01 70-185-52920 43.18 13238 446 7033 CEPO 830108574 10/29/01 7.60 11/06/01 70-185-52920 885 . 13 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 12 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendo!' pa# Hold Vendo!' Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 830107006 10/19/01 10.68 830108573 10/29/01 3.37 830108583 10/29/01 5.08 830107510 10/22/01 9.52 155362133 10/05/01 17.20 155366139 10/19/01 40.79 830107820 10/24/01 31. 92 155366111 10/19/01 13.89 830105494 10/09/01 16.99 830106476 10/16/01 4.50 830104245 10/01/01 202.45 155362089 10/05/01 68.53 830104541 10/03/01 10.75 830105714 10/11/01 9.17 830105733 10/11/01 43.26 830100926 09/07/01 16.03 155354026 09/07/01 17.29 830106462 10/16/01 7.96 830105561 10/10/01 181.99 830105432 10/09/01 8.34 155361824 10/04/01 50.41 830106939 10/19/01 2.32 830107625 10/23/01 3.59 830106774 10/18/01 84.96 830105625 10/10/01 3.59 830105924 10/12/01 12.95 13276 865 8322 6985 09/13/01 195.00 11/06/01 70-185-52920 234.85 7956 10/10/01 192.00 31906 10/10/01 17.90 33460 10/1 0/01 24.95 13277 1005 821/. CVW84698 10/01/01 164.22 11/06/01 70-185-52920 246.96 CVW84824 10/02/01 3.98 CVW84868 10/03/01 5.22 CVW85033 10/11/01 70.76 CVW84925 10/08/01 2.78 13279 227 8220 99322 10/09/01 96.56 11/06/01 70.'185-52920 35.83 540715 10/03/01 23.80 5/.0961 10/05/01 12.03 520919 02/05/01 -15.65 13280 1377 8316 2809990 09/28/01 203.54 11/06/01 70-185-52920 203.5/, 13282 573 8320 FOCS736068 09/18/01 108.95 11/06/01 70"185-52920 253.28 FOW2336 10/17/01 253.28 13107 863 8344 9/01 USE 09/30/01 940.53 11/06/01 70-185-53200 2/,.84 13254 1084 8465 10/01 USE 10/30/01 14,959.62 11/06/01 70"185-53200 210.53 13230 826 8398 9758243-2 10/13/01 451.35 11/06/01 70-185-53500 7.16 13104 938 8331 9/01 USE 09/29/01 2,456.00 11/06/01 70-185-53610 56.54 13340 1294 8325 941582085-009 10/02/01 66.07 11/06/01 70-185-53610 34.49 13237 1888 8424 191 09/04/01 35.00 11/06/01 70-185-53800 35.00 13239 819 8429 17177 10/11/01 42.89 11/06/01 70-185-53800 42.89 13241 1500 8426 101001 10/10/01 1,188.42 11/06/01 70-185-53800 1,188.1,2 1321,2 183 8319 SJ500042608 10/24/01 871 .58 11/06/01 70-185-53800 2,094.33 T J7732/, 10/09/01 898.86 TJ77449A 10/16/01 323.89 3271 118 8219 1003 09/26/01 110.00 11/06/01 70-185-53800 476.00 1004 10/03/01 366.00 3272 2476 8323 1175 10/12/01 196. 75 11/06/01 70..185.53800 196.75 3275 115 8218 638315 09/17/01 1,34.. 50 11/06/01 70-185-53800 434.50 3276 865 8322 6985 09/13/01 195.00 11/06/01 70-185'.53800 195.00 7956 10/1 0/01 192.00 31906 10/10/01 17.90 33460 10/10/01 24.95 3279 227 8220 99322 10/09/01 96.56 11/06/01 70-185-53800 80.91 540715 10/03/01 23.80 540961 10/05/01 12003 520919 02/05/01 -15065 3281 1199 8215 5750 09/12/01 20.00 11/06/01 70-185-53800 279.00 5809 10/23/01 135 .00 5790 10/10/01 124.00 3282 573 8320 FOCS736068 09/18/01 108.95 11/06/01 70-185-53800 108.95 FOW2336 10/17/01 253.28 FUND Total 10,042.73 S.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZaCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ; i ty of Owasso Nov 01, 2001 08:49am Page 13 Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 13122 474 8302 11416 07/09/01 59.80 11/06/01 76-150-53001 80.36 11413 08/07/01 6.95 11415 08/13/01 7.10 11414 08/27/01 6.51 13151 209 8185 20004200606008 09/19/01 144.00 11/06/01 76-150-53001 144.00 13153 209 8186 20004203944001 09/19/01 200.00 11/06/01 76-150-53001 200.00 13154 209 8196 200042-03943-003 09/19/01 312.00 11/06/01 76-150-53001 312.00 13155 209 8187 200042-00595-006 09;19/01 120.00 11/06/01 76-150-53001 120.00 13085 2621 8330 610061208 10/11/01 145.60 11/06/01 76-150-53750 145.60 13086 2620 8327 100106700 10/01/01 350.00 11/06/01 76-150-53750 350.00 13087 662 8329 77643 09/10/01 1,664.11 11/06/01 76-150-53750 1,664.11 13108 790 7637 2824704HS501 07/30/01 609.87 11/06/01 76-150-53750 609.87 13110 638 8073 1707259 09/12/01 105.58 11/06/01 76-150- 53750 105.58 13141 2487 7624 224061 10/11/01 413.40 11/06/01 76-150-53750 413.40 13142 1123 7981 212313 09/11/00 45.56 11/06/01 76-150-53750 45.56 13143 1608 8051 4087 05/01/00 162.98 11/06/01 76-150-53750 162.98 13152 1608 7918 4087 05/01/00 505.17 11/06/01 76-150-53750 505.17 13347 1002 8345 110601 11/06/01 878.96 11/06/01 76-150-53758 75.00 FUND Total 4,933.63 Grand Total 688,041.58 ) J C~ () i~' ,d ;'S,C UJ : "j. j CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1 0/20/01 Department Overtime Expenses Total Expenses General Fund 0.00 14,376.86 Community Development 0.00 9,188.93 Information Systems 0.00 1,825.61 Police 1 086. 13 60,360.37 Animal Control 27.45 2,007.80 Streets 120.08 6,478.59 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,753.65 cl Member Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1 0/20/01 Ambulance Fund Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Total Worker's Camp Self-Insurance Fund November 2001 Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE #689 OZ-Ol-08 (WARD ONE) DATE: October 31, 2001 BACKGROUND At the October 16, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request for a 160 acre, more or less, parcel ofland located north ofE. 106tl1 Street N. and east ofN. l45tl1 E. Avenue. Ordinance No. 689 would formally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the October 2001 meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS Staffreconnnends approval of Ordinance No. 689. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 689 ~ A LOCATION MAP E, 116 STREET N, N,T,S, I CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 689 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-01-08 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) AND RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-F AMIL Y, HIGH DENSITY) REPEALlJ'.JG 1\1.1. ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-01-08. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to-wit: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 10; THENCE N88043'OO"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 10 A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET; THENCE N01 o24'35"W A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET; THENCE S88043'OO"E A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General); and, A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 10; THENCE N88043'OO"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 10 A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N88043'00E A DISTANCE OF 2170 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 10; THENCE N01 ol7'40"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 2636 FEET TO TIm NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 10; THENCE S88046'02"W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 2642 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 10; THENCE SOl o24'35"E AI.,ONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 10 A DISTANCE OF 2172 FEET; THENCE N88043'OO"E A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET; THENCE SOl o24'35"E A DISTANCE OF 467 FEET TO THE POINT OF CONTAINING 155 MORE OR LESS. be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single- Family, High Density). Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of November 200l. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE #690 OPUD-0l-03 (WARD ONE) DATE: October 31,2001 BACKGROUND At the October 16, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a Planned Unit Development supplemental zoning request for a 160 acre, more or less, parcel of land located north ofE. 106th Street N. and east ofN. l45tl1 E. Avenue. Ordinance No. 690 would formally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the October 16, 2001 meeting. Staffrecorm:nends approval of Ordinance No. 690. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map Ordinance No. 690 CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 690 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. OPUD-01-03, PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGNATION PUD ON A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 160 ACRES, LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for approval of a Planned Unit Development concerning the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City COlffiCil has considered the recommendation ofthe Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OPUD-01-03. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: Section 1. The zoning map of the City ofOwasso, Oklahoma be amended to reflect the supplemental designation ofOPUD-01-03 (planned Unit Development) on the following described property, to-wit: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (8W/4) OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. Section 2. The City COllncil hereby authorizes development upon such tract in accordance with the provisions ofthe Outline Development Plan of September 12, 2001 submitted with the application, as well as all amendments or modifications thereto, as required by City Council, same being hereby made a part hereof such Outline Development Plan and included therewith. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall become effective thilty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law, PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of November 2001. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Lou ATTEST Marcia BoutweJ.l, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Ronald D. Cates, MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO, 691 PUD AMENDMENT OPUD-15A DATE: October 31,2001 BACKGROUND At the October 16, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved Planned Unit Development OPUD-15A an amendment to the Preston Lakes Planned Unit Development. The subject property contains 254 acres, more or less. Ordinance No, 691 would formally adopt the action taken by the Council at the October 16, 2001 meeting, RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecomrnends approval Ordinance No. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map Ordinance No. 691 jHD tj~D~ -" ~ ... tj) ~ ( I ~ w I s: ""'It) I " ~ 'F' / Subject z I D:.l I :C! ., ~ ~ I I North 'oO 00 . nl! CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 691 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OPUD-15A AMENDING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OPUD-15 ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CO:NFLICT HEREVlITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OPUD-15A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: Section 1. the Planned Unit Development, OPUD-15A, together with the Outline Development Plan submitted therewith and the following described property, to-wit: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 SW/4) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (W/2 SE/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA; AND A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRffiED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOlrfHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4); THENCE NOoo06'35"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 632.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NOoo06'35"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 690.32 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4); THENCE S89059'16"W A DISTANCE OF 661.14 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4); THENCE SOoo05'31 "E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST (E/2 SE/4 SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 1087.98 FEET TO A POINT 234.67 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4 SW/4); THENCE N58056'55"E A DISTANCE OF 771.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (S/2 S/2 NE/4) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (W/2 E/2 SE/4) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (W/2 SE/4) AND THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 NE/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, LESS AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 997 FEET OF THE WEST 997 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKALHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, CONTAINING 231.4 ACRES MORE OR LESS; AND A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING THE SOUTH 997 FEET OF THE WEST 997 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, LESS AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 667 FEET OF THE WEST 667 FEET, CONTAINING 12.6 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING THE SOUTH 667 FEET OF THE WEST 667 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, LESS AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 467 FEET OF THE WEST 467 FEET, CONTAINING 5.0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING THE SOUTH 467 FEET OF THE WEST 467 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, CONTAINING 5.0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4 NW/4 SW/4) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (W/2 NE/4 NW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGER COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. SURVEY THEREOF; AND THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (E/2 NE/4 NW/4 SW/4) AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4 NE/4 SW/4) AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 NE/4 SW/4) AND THE EAST 220 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE/4 NW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF; AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4 NW/4 SW/4) AND THE WEST 440 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SE/4 NW/4 SW/4) OF SECTION TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, ROGERS COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF. be, and the same is hereby approved, Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of November, 2001. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST Marcia Boutwell, APPROVED AS TO FORM Ronald D. Cates, Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: TAMMY GRIMES RISK MANAGER SUBJECT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION AWARD AND ORDER AWARDING PERMANENT PARTIAL DISABILITY DATE: October 29,2001 BACKGROUND: Julie Williams, an employee at the golf course, injured her fight wrist on July 9,2000. Surgery was pefformed July 9, 2001 and she was released to light duty on August 11, 2001 and full duty on August 27,2001. Tln'ough a letter dated October 8, 2001 from Dr. Michael Clendenin, the City was notified that Ms. Williams has reached maximum medical improvement and that she was rated 10% permanent partial impairment to the right hand. DISCUSSION: The Workers' Compensation Court of the State of Oklahoma issued an ordef fOl" payment for Permanent Pmtial Disability at the rate of 10% impaimlent to the l"ight hand. This is equal to 16.4 weeks ofPPD at a rate of$144.20 or a total of$2,364.88. Approximately two.,thirds of this has met accrual guidelines and must be paid in the lump sum of $1,730.40. The balance ($634.48) will be paid out bi"weekly. I-"'ollowing is a lump sums, costs: @ 10% Accrued Payment per Workers' Compensation Court Payable to Julie Williams Oklahoma Tax Commission Multiple Injury Trust Fund, WCC# Oklahoma Tax Commission Safety Fund, W/C Admin. Fund, Self Insured Guaranty Fund, Total Due Now Filing Fee (Paid via Petty Cash check) The balance is bi-weekly payments Total Settlement Amount $1,730.40 @ $ 94.60 @ $ 65.04 $1,890.04 $ 75.00 $ 634.48 $2,599,52 @ @ @ PAGE TWO WORKERS' COMPENSA nON FUTURE MEDICAL COSTS: Because this case is settled under a Workers' Compensation Form 14, the case remains open for payment of future medical claims, should the condition worsen without re- 111JUry. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council approve the settlement and authorize payment of the award and fees associated per the Claim Payment Orders attached and future bi-weekly amounts. ATTACHMENTS: United Safety & Claims Payment Orders Form 14 Workers' Compensation Court Name 01 Claimant (injured employee) WORKERS' COMPENSATION COURT 1915 NORTH STILES OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105.4918 Please check ( 1/ ) the appropriate box n I. This Is an Original Filing of ~ the Form :I D II. This Amends a previous filing of theForm :I. THIS SPACE FOR COURT USE ONLY SEND original + 2 copies to: Workers' Compensation Court EMPLOYEE'S FIRST NOTICE OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY AND CLAIM FOR COMPENSATION fPTease fype or print) NOTE: A voluntary Mediation Program to address certain workers' compensation disputes is available through the Workers' Compensation Court. For information, call (405) 522~S160 or (BOO) 52.2~821 O. I EMPLOYEE NAME (Last, First, Middle): I Social Security It: I Phone: wi 1 1 i rlm!'l ,'1'" 1 .J "" ,'1' &':\11-'7s:l- lR?Q ( ) Mailing Address (include City, State &. Zip): Date 01 Birth: Age: I Sex: 09119 N. l02nd East Avenue, Owasso, , OK 74055 4-7-76 25 F I Occupation , Was your employment agreement in Avg. Weekly Wage: Length 01 Employment: I Food & Beverage Attend Oklahoma? YES IXJ NO 0 $206.00 years 1 months R I Date of Accident or Last Exposure: Injury resulted Irom: Time Injury Occurred July 9, :2000 Single Incident I]l Cumulative Injury 0 5:00 0 AM I]l PM I Describe parts ot the body injured or alfected: Place 01 Injury: City/County/State I j Right wrist Owasso. Tulsa Co. Oklahoma 1 What is the nature 01 the Injury or Illness: Describe with details how the injury occurred. Include object or substance which directly injured you: TFCC Tear Lifted case of Coke bott~es Treating Physician (full name): Address: City: State: Zip: 74104-5633 Telephone: 9l8~2n-225l Employer: City of Owasso Complele Mailing Address: P.O. Box 180 Complete Street Addre"ss (il K Employer's FEI 11 (FederallD Number): 73~6069613 Owasso OK State: 74055 Zip: "- - = Are you a previously impaired person due to a prior workers' compensation injury or obvious and apparent pre-existing disability caused by accident, disease, birth defect or military injury? _ If "YES", you may be entitled to Special Indemnity Fund benefits. Any claim made lor Special Indemnity Fund benefits must be commenced by the liling of a "Form 3-F" with the Workers' Compensation Court and the Special Indemnity Fund. Any person receiving temporary disabilily benefits from an employer 01" Ihe employer's insurance carrier shall promptly report In writing I the employer or Insurance .carrier any change In a material fact or the amount of Income he Is receiving or any change In his employmen status, occurring during the perIod of receipt of such benefits. ! deciareunder penally or perjury that g have examined this rwlice and claIm, and aU stalemenls contained herein, and to Ihe best of m and belief, are true, correct and complell!!o Any person who commits workers' fraud, upon corwictlcm, shail be City filing this Notice of Acddental Injury And Claim For Compensation, permission is given to the Administrator of the Workers' Compensation Court, the Insurance Commissioner, the Attorney General, a district attorney 01' their designees to examine al! , records relating to the notice. The permission granted to the above named individuals 01' their designees authorizes them access to medica! records pursuant to Section 19 01 Title 76 of the Oklahoma Statutes, induding waiver 01 any privilege granted by law concerning communications made to a physician or health care provider or knowlege obtained by such physician or health care provider by personal examination. .-,~ Signed this 'J. "R" , f!f ~ ) ~ ... Name of claimant's attorney if represented: Mailing Telephone It: ( ) Signature of Attorney tor Claimant Nothing shall be construed to waive, limit or Impair any evidentia nr;HiJano ror-r"fnnjyorl hu I::JW WORKERS' COMPENSATION COURT 1915 NORTH STILES OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 731 05~4918 THIS SPACE FOR COURT USECNLY ~l I Send Original and 6 copies to Workers' Compensation Court Julie 0. Williams ClaImant's Soclat Security Number espondent AGREEMENT 8EnNEEN EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE AS TO FACT WITH RELATION TO AN INJURY AND PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION roup (Please type or Print ALL information legibly in ink) July 9, 2000 We, the above named parties, have reached an agreement In regard to the facts with relation to an Injury sustained by said employee and payment of compensation therefor, and submit the following: 1. That said injury was sustained on Jul y 9 ,2000 , at (time) 5: 00 pm ; that claImant's injury arose out of and in the course of employment with said employer; that claimant timely notified employer; that claimant's employment was covered by the Workers' Compensation Act and that this Court has jurisdiction in the matter. 2. That the' nature of said injury was sprained riqht wrist , resulting in claimant's Temporary Total Disability from 7-12 , 2..Q.Qik. to 8-1-1 ,~()C11 or tor a period of 4.2 weeks, tor which claimant received' $_ 605.64 in compensation. computed at l44. 20' per week, based upon claimant's average weekly wage of $206.00 3. That as a result of said injury, claimant sustained Permanent Disability ( ....lQ..%) to riqht hand , for which claimant Is entitled to $ 144.20 per week tor 16.4 weeks, beginning on August 11 p 2001 and that employer has fumished all reasonable and necessary medical services in the treatment of said injury. k The sum of $_~ _ shall be deducted from this award and paid to the claiman t's attorne as a fair' and reasonable fee. Claimant ACCEPTS the tee amount and payment method, and WAIVES THE RIGHT TO A FEE HEARING. Clalmanrs Initials Claimant REJECTS the tee amount and payment method and REQUESTS A FEE HEARING. flaili1anrs In~1!=::=: ~ 'he foregoing agreement is herewith submitted fOl'the order, decision or award of this court, under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation lct of the State of Oklahoma. It Is a condition, howevel', of this agreement that In the event a change in condition occurs or arises, that the same not be final, but may be reopened and reviewed as provided by law. We, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that we have :', 'Med this agreement and al! statements contained herein, and to the best of auI' knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complets. ,ny'person w 0 commits wor s' c: mpensation frnlJa, upon convic!ion, shall be guilty 01 a felony. Signed this ___ day of ~~_ ~f~~~:!~::5 ddress of Claimant Cit.y of Owasso Employer or Respondent Own Risk H6950 Name at Insurance Carrier or Own Risk Group Marqaret E.vDunn . Type or Print Nama of Attorney tor RespondentJlnsurel' 14156 , 08A# 'x of Attorney for Order Approving Form 14 Agreement w on this day of , ~~_, the Workers' Compensation Court having reviewed the evidence submitted herein all parties, and being well and tully advised in the premises, finds Ihat the above Form 14 Agreement incorporated herein and made a part Ilereof by ':rence should be and is hereby approved. IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the ability (10 %) to IEmses incurred by claimant by reason of said injury of III file with the CotJrt proper receipt evidencing compliance herewith. or insurance carrier pay to claimant Ihe sum of $~ 2 p 364. 88 .~ same being for Permanent . 10 pay authorized, reasonable and necessary medical and within 2Q days of this Order, respondent or insurance carrier IS THEREFORE ORDERED, Ihat, except in the case of disfigurement, a 4% assessment shall be paid from this award in the sum of 94.60 by respondent, if own risk. . , URTHER ORDERED, that respondent or insurance carrier shall pay Court costs in the amount of $75.00 for each case, unless the court cast was Jiously paid, the Special Occupational Health and Safety Tax in the sum of $ 17. 74 . representing three-fourths of one percanr of the re award, excluding any sums tor medical payments or Temporary Total Disability; and that respondent, if own risk or having no insurance, shall also pay sum of $ 47.30 represeming 2% of the lotal compensation paid 'herein for Permanent Disabiiity and Death Benefits to the Workers: npensatian Administra[ian Fund and the sum of $ - 0 - representing 1 % of said award, to the appropriate Self-Insured Guaranty Fund. 1nlir-:1hlo h" 1:::t\,V MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 2001-13 INTERIM CONSTRUCTION LOAN FROM OWRB DATE: October 31, 2001 BACKGROUND: To fund planned improvements to the wastewater utility system, Trustees approved a series of rate increases in May of 2000. Since that time, Phase IIA improvements to the wastewater treatment facility have been completed and the Ator Relief line is under construction. Engineering for Phase lIB improvements to the wastewater treatment facility are complete and the construction bid is ready to be awarded. The Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) operates the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program and the Financial Assistance Program (F AP). These programs provide low interest financing eligible water and wastewater projects. The OPW A Trustees approved Resolution No. 2001-04 on March 20, 2001 authorizing the application with the OWRB to finance the Phase lIB project. On July 10, the OWRB approved awarding a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CW-SRF) loan to the OPW A. In August, the OPW A Trustees accepted a Letter of Binding Commitment from the OWRB for an interim construction loan for an amount not to exceed $2,985,604 at 4.25% interest plus an administrative fee of % on the outstanding balance, The loan matures no later than two years following will with OPWA No No promissory notes revenue pledges the Authority to the the and the OPW A. RECOMMENDATION :. Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution No 2000,~ 13 approvmg action taken by the OPWA. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No 2001-13 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2001-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING ACTION TAKEN BY THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF TWO PROMISSORY NOTES OF THE AUTHORITY TO THE OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD; RATIFYING A CERTAIN LEASE, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A YEAR-TO-YEAR PLEDGE OF CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUE; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") did, by its Resolution adopted on November 6, 2001, authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of (i) its Series 200lD Interim Construction Clean Water SRF PromissOlY Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the original principal amount of $1,419,585 (the "200lD Note") and (ii) its Se11es 2001E Clean Water SRF Interim Construction Bond Loan Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the original principal amount of $945,000 (the "2001E Note"), all in order to finance improvements to the Authority's wastewater system; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council hereby determine that the actions taken by the Authority should be authorized and approved. NOW, THEREFORE, OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: Section 1. Issuance of Notes. That the issuance, sale and delivery of the 2001D Note and the 200lE Note by the Authority, all as approved by said Authority on November 6,2001, be and hereby is authorized, approved and ratified. 31, as July 1, 1 the the whereby sanitary sewer, garbage and trash collection systems and the Bailey Ranch Golf Club to the Authority, is hereby ratified and confinued and the term said Lease, as amended, shall extend until the 200lD Note and the 200lE Note are paid. Section 4. Sales Tax Pledge. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver any and all documentation on behalf 2 of the City pertaining to a year-to-year pledge of certain sales tax revenue levied pursuant to Ordinance No. 103 of the City, as amended by Ordinance No. l53 of the City. Section 5. Necessary Action. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City any and all other documents or instruments reasonably necessary to accomplish the issuance, sale and delivery of the 200lD Note and the 2001E Note and all other aspects of the transaction. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of November, 2001. (SEAL) ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 4 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION RIGHT-OF-WAY DATE: October 31, 2001 BACKGROUND The Owasso Public Works Department is requesting approval of the annexation of a portion of right-of-way located at the southeast corner of the intersection of E. 86th Street N. and N. 145th E. Avenue. A location map and boundary map are attached for your information and review. The annexation of this remaining portion of the right-of-way is required prior to planned improvements of the intersection. A letter from Rogers County consenting to the annexation is included for your review. Also attached is the staff report submitted to the Council for acceptance of the donation of the light-of. way. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the October 9, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Legal notification was published in the October 11 th & 18th editions of the Owasso Reporter. A copy ofthe notification is attached for your review. approval 86th the N. and N. l45th at corner 1. Request for Annexation Location Map 3. Legal Description 4. Boundmy Map 5. Staff Report - Donation 6. Letter of approval - Rogers County 7. Legal Notification LOCATION MAP I 1 I II I I \ J II \-- A:L- I:~/;in II ~ I. >".If ~ ~ ~~ w \ ~(~ ~y- ;~ P ./L. TII M"-' .L _ i-'" ~ 'RM-1 u I ,..- I '-- ') ~ - ~ ~ I \r \ J ..\\ I ,L r;:= f-....-I--- F-=- ~ I--- '" - - - AG ~ I ~ =r \\ z \r'- I T - -- /. )---' ~ 'y o AR \. - t~G 't LJ ~ E, 86 STREET N, SUBJECT I N.T.S. I MEMORANDUM ~: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER FROM: JARED T. BATES V- . c/ /]( CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION OF SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 86TH STREET N. AND 14STH Eo AVE INTERSECTION DATE: October 2,2001 BACKGROUND: The 1998 Bond Issue includes funds for widening and signalization of the intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. Before the project is started, all Right-of-Way should be within City Limits so that the value of all improvements made by the City will be retained by the City. The portions ofthe intersection in Sections 21 (northwest corner), 22 (northeast corner), and 28 (southwest corner) have all been annexed in previous annexations for Silver Creek, Preston Lakes, and the Green's Apartments, respectively. September 2001, the City Council accepted ROW donation fl.-om the Owasso Public School System (see attachment 1). Prior to that date, 16.5 feet of ROW existed on the Pamela Hodson Elementary School site. The donation gave an extra 435 feet of ROW, bringing the ROW on the southeast corner of 145 E. Avenue up to 60 feet from centerline. The ROW on the school's property has never been within City Limits. On August 16, 2001, City staff sent Rogers County a letter requesting connnents regarding possible annexation of the said ROW. A letter of response was received September 11,2001, from the Rogers County Assistant District Attorney, stating that Rogers County had no objections to the proposed annexation attachment 2). It is under-stood that all ROW annexed will be maintained by the comer 1. Memorandum accepting school ROW 2. Letter from Rogers County LEGAL DESCRIPTION The tract of land containing a part of the NW / 4 of the NW / 4 of Section 27 Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the LB.&M., being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence easterly along the North Line of said Section 27 a distance of 530.0 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 27 a distance of 16.5 feet to a point on the existing public Right of Way, thence westerly along a line parallel to the North line of said Section 27 a distance of 55 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 27 a distance of 43.5 feet, thence westerly along a line parallel to the North line of said Section 27 a distance of 415.0 feet to a point 60.0 feet East of the West line of said Section 27 and 60.0 feet south ofthe North line of said Section 27, thence southerly to a point 93.5 feet South of the North line of said Section 27 and 60.0 feet East of te West line of said Section 27, thence westerly along a line parallel to the North line of said Section 27 a distance of 60 feet to a point on the West Line of said Section 27, thence northerly along the West line of said Section 27 a distance of 93.5 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.72 acres, more or less. w C'J.J. C'J...... I zO::: o . r::z Ul w...... IJ)C'J I I- o o r') ~ 0::: It) r.ci ...... Cl ~ a "'CI Ql "'CI Cl ..!: '" .5 >- >-:.:: ~IJ) IJ)g 00 ..J~ 00 dn5 IJ) wlJ) . ~ .~ 0::lE::::J 2~ ~:c ::lEa.. Oel elz '" w I ,,'<t C'J...... I zO::: o . r::z ul w...... IJ)C'J ~ o o C'J I- W ~ 0::: in r.ci ...... ~ I- IJ) X W I- IJ) X W o o t:l '" u IJ) o l.f) :!! ~ ') ~ ? 000 <Dlfj OOC'J ~ ~ I '" I"! 0 C'\I ff} 00 'l""" f"". ...- f41 to '<t <<l ai q ZlAJ r-~ l.fll"! NI"! ~co Z ll.J ---~~ ,,--- r~~ , fE I ~~ o Ib. Z 0::: I ~..JLD uJ 0 :!: :z ",O::;J ~u I- ~0.-J ..J.J W OOU ..~.J w .. IJ)u ~ ~ I :>::ltl a::1-1J)r:: 0::: W . w"'<w woO IJ) 01- ~IJ)~..J ~:>::~ ..<:: 00 ozOfE 4.. .... ffi..J OttJ~ ....l <0 ww", ~ 00 ~fEo 0:::0 I 0 ? o Z Lb w~'" 0:::0 ~ fE< ....J W i7i . I pi Iii < 00 00 I z 3: o 0::: >, !.... a +' c C Q) o E +J Q) O'4-w ~ 0 c C 0 C (f) <( -g J: a Q) E a Q... '*N r-lfj Nl.fl ~f'i lfjt'l NI"! r-r') '*115 zw <(I- LZ Ow IL <( I-z .....J 0::: 0 ~ <(Vi OQ...5d w_z oo~ I (j) (j) z l;j (j) ~- <( 0::: ffi 3: OW o 3:8 lJ... or;] 0 O.....J 0 >- m ~ I-::l m o Q... 0 I!! '" MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: JIM McELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT ~OF~W AY DONATION FOR A PORTION OF THE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT THE CORNER OF NORTH 14STH EAST AVENUE AND EAST 86TH STREET NORTH DATE: August 27, 2001 BACKGROUND: One of the projects included in the October 1997 bond issue was the widening the intersection at 86th St Nand N 14Sth East Ave, Final engineering is complete on the intersection. indicating additional rights~of-way needed, Owasso Public Schools, the property owner on the southeast comer the intersection, is required by State law to donate necessary right..of.way public Attached is a Ms. Marilyn Hinkle, Owasso for the schoors portion of the right-of-way project RECOMMENDATION: 11 to execute DEED OF DEDICATION City ofOwasso P.O.Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: City qerk , NO DOCUMENTARY STAMPS NECESSARY 68 O.S. 32021(11) STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) Independent School DistridNo. 11. the undersigned, being the sole owner(s) ofall interestll, both legal and equitable, for and in consideration of the special benefitll to the remainder of their property, accruing thereto upon this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Owasso, for the use and enjoyment of the Public, the following described portion thereof, to.wit A traet of ltmd more particularly described llli follows: Beginning at a pomt 16.5 feet East and 16.5 feet South of the Northwest comer of Secllon V, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. thence l!Mterly along a line para1.lel to the North line of Mid Secllon '27 a distance of 458.5 feet to a point on the East line of the above described real estate, thence southerly along a line pamI1e1 to the West line of Mid Section V a distance of 43.50 feet. thence westerly along a line pamllel to the North line of Mid Secllon V a distance of 415.00 feet to a point 60.00 feet East of the Wellt line of Mid Section '27 and 60.00 feet oouth of the North line of Section '0, thence llOulherIy to a point 93.50 feet SOuth of th'!! North line of allid Section '0 md 60.00 East of the West !in!!! of Mid Secllon V, thence westerly along Ii line pmille1 to the North line of lIlIid Section V a distance of 43.50 feet, thence northerly I'Ilong a line pamI1e1 to the West line of Mid Section V a distance of 77.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Mid traet being located in the County of Rogers, State of OklahOfiUl, containing 0.4924 acre, more or lelW, . to have and to hold said described premises unto the said City of' OWMSO forever. Signed and delivered this BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OWASSO TUl,SA COUNTIl~ OKLAHOMA ~., By: Presid ofth mud of Education ofOwasso Independent Sch~ol District No. 11 ~====~. STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) 88 COUNTY OF TULSA, ) a NOlary Public in and of' pernona1.ly identiclll executed the fore 011 behalf of the Board of' Education of Owasso of'Thlsll County, 'Oklahoma and aclmow!edged to me that he execured the Sllme M his free and voltmWy act and deed for the purposes Wll<1!XJm set fm:t!)" IN WI'l"NESS WHEREOF, r hereunto set my offieW signature and llfllxed my seal the and yeill IllSt above written. My Commission Accepted by the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, thi5~day 201H. City Clerk RECEIVED SEP 11 Z001 CLAREMORE OFFICE 219 S, MISSOURI, RM 1-111 CLAREMORE, OKLAHOMA 74017 (918) 341-3164 GENE HAYNES DISTRICT ATTORNEY CRAIG, MAYES AND ROGERS COUNTIES VINITA OFFICE (918) 256-3320 PRYOR OFFICE (918) 825-2171 CHILD SUPPORT OFFICE (918) 342-0234 September 10, 2001 Jared T. Bates Capitol Projects Engineer City of Owasso ~ Public Works Dept 301 W 2nd Ave Owasso, OK 74055 RE: 86th Street North and l45th East Ave Intersection Right of Way Annexation Mr. Bates; Commissioner has forwarded your letter of August 16, 2001 requesting comments on the above referenced project to the Office of the District Attorney, Rogers County, Oklahoma. Commissioner Graves has authorized this office to state that Rogers County would have no objection to the annexation of the intersection of 86th Street North and 14Sth East Avenue and attendant roadways as proposed by the City of Ow as so. Rogers County understands that upon annexation by the City of Owasso, Rogers County will no longer be responsible for maintenance of annexed roadways. any additional questions or require anything further from to contact the undersigned. MICHELE SCHULTZ Assistant District Attorney Please publish the following legal advertisement in the October 11 & 18,2001 editions ofthe Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A TTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 Please bill publication costs to: Jared Bates City of Owasso Public Works Department P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-4959 RE: PETITION FOR ANNEXATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEFORE THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than tlu'ee-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION of and N. Section 27 a distance of 4l5.0 feet to a point 60.0 feet East of the West line of said Section 27 and 60.0 feet south of the North line of said Section 27, thence southerly to a point 93.5 feet South of the North line of said Section 27 and 60.0 feet East of te West line of said Section 27, thence westerly along a line parallel to the North line of said Section 27 a distance of 60 feet to a point on the West Line of said Section 27, thence northerly along the West line of said Section 27 a distance of 93.5 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.72 acres, more or less. APPLICANT City of Owasso Public Works Department P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 2nd day of October 2001, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:30 PM on the 6th day of November 2001. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposaL The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. A map showing the proposed annexation area accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed am:lexation contact Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 74055, or (918) L MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION PITTMAN POE & ASSOCIATES DATE: October 31,2001 BACKGROUND Pittman Poe & Associates, agent for the owner, has submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of their property totaling 89.34 acres, more or less. The subject property is located approximately 1/4 mile south of E. Il61h Street N. (State Highway 20) and N. l451h E. Avenue between the Interchange Business Park POO and the Tulsa Technology Center property. A location map attached for your information and review. The subject property is cUlTently zoned AG (AgIiculture) and would remain so upon annexation, as required under Owasso's Annexation Policy. If annexation is approved, the subject property will require rezoning and platting prior to development. Acceleration/deceleration lanes will be required along N. 145111 at time of platting. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the October 9, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval subject to the submittal of a sealed engineering report or letter confirming the ability of Washington County RWD #3 to provide adequate fire protection prior to approval of any plat associated with the annexed property. notification was published notification is attached 18th editions 1. Petition for Annexation 2. Location Map 3. Boundary Map 4. Legal Notification 5. Notice to Adjacent Property Owners > LOCATION MAP ~ E. 116 STREET N. AG A z E. 106 STREET N. N.T.S. I :.;.;.;.;.;.;....,'..;...:.:.;.;.;.;.......,....;.;.;. S 88044'39"W ~ ~III i~ -___ ~ 817.20 FT S88044'40"W ~ nol r ,j ~ ~..,~ tL ..~ to r, ';I" to r"': f..... 0,- ,- (, \ " ,- ,- :2: ~L :~ tL: '> r...... :> r; r..... 00 co ' r~ ~ =5: ~'~M z ~~ ) ) AG ~ ;~ ~ C :::J STATE fnterchange BusineQ Park PUD Ow =1 ~z \U w >. (/)<1. - :::J 1--, (CG, CS, OM, IL) .' 2,248.55 FT N 88044'40"E \~~ ~ \.~ ~ ( I I , "M~, ~ ~ I\lUf'i I rl ~ It · - I! r ~ Please publish the following legal advertisement in the October 11 & 18,2001 editions ofthe Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Ow as so ATTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 Please bill publication costs to: David Charney Charney & Charney P.O. Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-5338 RE: PETITION FOR ANNEXATION III/III/III fill III/III/filii III/III/fill fill / III/III/fill fill fill /////////////////////////////////// BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION undersigned, constituting not less than tln"ee..fourths registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land situated in the East Half (E/2) of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Being more particularly as follows: at the corner (NEI 4); thence and Northeast (NE/4) a distance feet to Northeast corner of the West Half (WI2) of the East Half (E/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4); thence SOlo19'57"E and along the East line of the West Half (W 12) of the East Half (E/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) a distance of 780.77 feet; thence S88044'40"W and parallel with the South line of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) a distance of 817.20 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 169; thence NOIOI8'07"W and along said Easterly right-of-way line a distance of 780.77 feet to a point on said South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4), said point being 174.50 feet East of the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4); thence N01017'57"W, continuing along said Easterly right-of-way a Distance of 1107.45 feet; thence N03033'54"E continuing along said easterly right-of-way line a distance of 212.57 feet to a point on the North line of the South Half (S/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4), said point being 192.31 feet East of the Northwest corner of the South Half (S/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4); thence N88044'40"E along the North line of the South Half (S/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) a distance of 2448.55 feet to the Northeast corner of the South Half (S/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4); thence SOl024'05"E along the East line of said Northeast Quarter (NE/4) a distance of 1319.26 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said tract containing 89.34 acres, more or less. APPLICANT City of Owasso Public Works Department P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 2nd day of October 2001, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:30 PM on the 6th day of November 2001. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Connnission will submit its reconnnendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. more Community Owasso, at this 2001. Donna Sorrells City Planner wasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 1BO Owa:sso, OK 74055 (918) 212-2251 FAX (918) 212-4999 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER ANNEXATION Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso City Council, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:30 P.M. on the 6th day of November, 2001. At that time and place, the Owasso City Council will consider a request from Charney & Charney, agent for the owner, for a proposed annexation. The subject property is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST HALF (E/2) OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4); THENCE S88044'39"W AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) A DISTANCE OF 1652.14 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF (W/2) THE EAST HALF (E/2) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4); THENCE SOlo19'57"E AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF (W/2) OF THE EAST HALF (E/2) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) A DISTANCE OF 780.77 FEET; THENCE S88044'40"W AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) A DISTANCE OF 817.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE N01018'07"W AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 780.77 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4), SAID POINT BEING 174.50 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4); THENCE NOlo17'57"W, CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT WAY A DISTANCE OF 1107.45 FEET; THENCE N03033'54"E CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE 212.57 FEET A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE (S/2) OF THE NORTHEAST (NE/4), POINT 1 NORTHWEST CORNER SOUTH HALF (S/2) THE (NE/4); THENCE N88044'40"E THE NORTH LINE OF THE (S/2) THE NORTHEAST (NE/4) A DISTANCE 2448.55 FEET THE NORTHEAST CORNER THE SOUTH HALF (S/2) THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4); THENCE SOl o24'05"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) A DISTANCEOF 1319.26 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT CONTAINING 89.34 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATION SOUTH OF E. 1 1 6TH STREET N. (STATE HIGHWAY 20) AND BETWEEN U.S. HIGHWAY 169 AND N. l45TH E. AVENUE. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the City Council members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the proposed annexation accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 18th day of October 2001. Donna Sorrells City Planner LOCATION MAP o ~ ~ . AG ~ I4'l ~ .... OL E N:r.S. BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and being the owner of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to wit: A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW/4SW/4) of Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, more particUlarly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East; thence NOoo02'30" W along the East line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distance of twenty-five (25) feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing N 00002'30" W a distance of 610.98 feet; thence S 89053'54" W a distance of 12.17 feet; thence S 41014'27" W a distance of 814.10 feet to a point that is twenty-five (25) feet North of the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Qurm:t!"..ind is also the North right of way line of East 99th St. North; t~c~89052'30" E and parallel to the said South line a di~fance of 549.29 feet to the Point of Beginning, COAAtutN." ~ ,q,'1~~ f ~eHr~ !\> r \ -e ~S. \l>tc being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 12th day of September, 2001. ATTORNEY FOR OWNERS: CHARNEY 8; CHARNEY, p.c. APPROVED BY OWNERS: By jj~[,C~~ David E. Charney 0 ~'-.~;~--- Kenneth A. Robinson \31901 Please publish the following legal advertisement in the October 11 & 18,2001 editions of the Owasso Reporter, Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A TTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 Please bill publication costs to: David Charney Charney & Charney P.O. Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-5338 RE: PETITION FOR ANNEXATION 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described estate situated Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: LEGAl; DESCRIPTION A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, of Oklahoma, more particularly as follows, at the Southeast comer (NW/4) of the Southwest Township 21 North, Range 14 East; NOoo02'30"W the East line of the said Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) a distance 25.00 feet to the of Beginning; thence continuing NOoo02'30'''W a distance of 610.98 feet; thence S89053'54"W a distance of 12.17 feet; thence S 41014 '27 "W a distance of 814.10 feet to a point that is 25.00 feet north of the South line of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) and is also the North right-of-way line of East 99lh Street North; thence N89052'30"E and parallel to the said South line a distance of 549.29 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 3.94 acres, more or less. APPLICANT City of Owasso Public Works Department P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 2nd day of October 2001, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:30 PM on the 6th day of November 2001. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The P1amling Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. A map showing the proposed annexation area accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. at Donna Sorrells City Planner wasso 201 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 14055 (918) 212-2251 FAX (9181 212-4999 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER ANNEXATION Notice is hereby given that a public healing will be held before the Owasso City Council, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:30 P.M. on the 6th day of November, 2001. At that time and place, the Owasso City Council will consider a request from Charney & Charney, agent for the owner, for a proposed annexation. The subject property is described as follows: IAEGAL DESCRIPTION ,. A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST; THENCE NOoo02'30"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET THE OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NOoo02'30"'W A DISTANCE 610.98 FEET; THENCE S89053'54"W A DISTANCE OF 12.17 FEET; THENCE S 41014'27"W A DISTANCE OF 814.10 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 25.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) AND IS ALSO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF EAST 99TH STREET NORTH; THENCE N89052'30"E AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 549.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF' BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3.94 MORE LESS. N. 1 All persons interested in this matter may arguments for any or all of the matters. at the hearing their objections to or As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the City Council members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the proposed annexation accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251, This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 18th day of October 2001. Donna Son-ells City Planner MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: RE-PLAT LOTS 13 & 14, BLOCK 4 HALE ACRES 2ND ADDITION DATE: October 31, 2001 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from David Vines to review a re-plat for Lots 13 & 14 Hale Acres 2nd Addition. The subject property is located north of E. 114111 Street N. approximately 1/2 mile west of N. Gamett Road immediately east of the Owasso Sports Park. A location map is attached for your information and review. The subject property is zoned RS-3 (Residential Single- Family, High Intensity). The proposed plat would contain 9 lots on 2.57 acres, more or less. The re-plat was reviewed at the February 23, 2000regular meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee. All comments were addressed prior to review by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed the request at the March unanimously recommended approval. 2000 regular meeting and The submittal of the re-plat to the Council was delayed while the applicant secured DEQ permits for sewer and water line extensions. The DEQ permits have been received at this time and are attached for your review. 3 L 2nd MARK COLEMAN Ex ecufive Director OKlAHOM.. DP.MH,';nn Of ENVIP.ONMfl'lj,\l QUAliTY FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 4, 2001 F. Robert Carr, Director of Public Works City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072010682 Hale Acres, 2nd Addition (Lots 13 and 14, Block 4) Sewer Line Extension S-21310 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072010682 for the construction of 323 linear feet of ten (10) inch PVC, plus 40 linear feet of ten (10) inch DIP, plus 1,190 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Hale Acres, 2nd Addition (Lots 13 and 14, Block 4) sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on September 4, 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, P,E. DWS~\F/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division RWC/HJT Iso Enclosure c: Warren D. Straatmann, P.E., Civil Design Services Patrick Rosch, P.E., WPC District Engineer, DEO Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEO Tulsa DEO Office 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101.1677 MARK COLEMAN Execufive Director OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAlITY FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 4, 2001 F. Robert Carr, Director of Public Works City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Permit No. WL000072010681 Hale Acres, 2nd Addition (Lots 13 and 14, Block 4) Water Line Extension PWSID No. 3002718 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072010681 for the construction of 370 linear feet of six (6) inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances, to serve Hale Acres, 2nd Addition (Lots 13 and 14, Block 4) water line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on September 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or of units must be in writing, by the before are made. Receipt o.t this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one ('1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, Water Permit Section Division Enclosure c: Warren D. Straatmann, P.E., Civil Design Services Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Tulsa DEQ Office Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 "1677 ""~;...~,,.....I ...... .................I...,...j ........~...~ ".;.h .......... :...1, LOCATION MAP II I 1/ ~I~~I jb I I I I \\ rr I L VIII 1M I E. 116 STRE ETN. L - OWASSO - ~ - SPORTS -..., PARK .....J .111 at=: ~~' ~ == -'III It=H:J:: I-~ LI JY2 -~ === ~ lIT ~l~ ;::: II II. ~ ab- ~ -~ := 8 I "' ~ i SUBJECT PROPERTY I lliilit - z I "~ ~ C ~// ~ III "" ~. III r-'~-~ e,:, nl Z fl II - c--" - " " E, 106 STREET N. If N,T.S, I MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D, ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER RE: REQUEST TO AWARD BID FOR SOCCER FIELD LIGHTING AT THE OW ASSO SPORTS PARK DATE: October 31, 2001 BACKGROUND: In August, the Parks Department began the process of advertising for bids in order to provide lighting to an additional soccer field at the Owasso Sports Park. The soccer field lighting is the next scheduled improvement at the Owasso Sports Park and a total of $50,000 was included in the 2001,-2002 Park Maintenance budget for this purpose. Originally, all bids were opened on September 2001, with the lowest bid corning in at $67,911. Because the bid amounts greatly exceed the amount that was anticipated by staff as well as the amount included within the Parks Maintenance budget, staff recommended that the City Council reject all bids and re-bid the lighting project. Staff was that with some minor changes to the bid specifications (removing light filters, reducing the warranty from 10 years to 7 years which would be identical to the warranty on the other soccer lights, and reducing the light level from a 30 to a 20) a bid would be secured that would be closer to the $50,000 that was budgeted for this expense. It was noted that the Park Maintenance budget did receive a carry-over budget of$6,633, a portion of which could be applied to any shortfall if necessary. A copy of the original memo is attached for your information and reVIew. The City Council rejected all bids and staffre-bid the lighting project as indicated above. All bids were to be by 2001 at 2:00 The the following bids: Lighting ~ Shawnee, $ 51,659.00 Electric ~ $ 56,840.00 & $ .00 all bids indicates all are in with bid tally sheet is also attached for your information and review. Shawnee Lighting Systems has performed work at the Owasso Sports Park before on previous soccer, baseball, and softball field lighting. Staff has been satisfied with their product and work previously and is recommending that the soccer field lighting project be awarded to Shawnee Lighting Systems. FUNDING: Funds for the purchase and installation of the soccer field lighting were included within the Capital Outlay portion of the Parks Depmiment budget in the amount of $50,000. As mentioned previously, the Parks Department received a carry-over budget of $6,633, of which, $1,659.00 would be utilized to address the shortfalL RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval and auth0l1zation of payment for the purchase and installation of soccer field lighting at the Owasso Sports Park from Shawnee Lighting Systems of Shawnee, OK at a cost of $51,659.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Original Bid Memorandum dated September 11,2001 2. Bid Tally Sheet 3. Advertisement for Bids MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSIST ANT CITY MANAGER RE: REQUEST TO REJECT BIDS RECEIVED FOR SOCCER FIELD LIGHTING AT THE OWASSO SPORTS PARK DATE: September 11,2001 BACKGROUND: In August, the Parks Department began the process of advertising for bids in order to provide lighting to an additional soccer field at the Owasso Sports Park. The soccer field lighting is the next scheduled improvement at the Owasso Sports Park and a total of$50,000 was included in the 2001-2002 Park Maintenance budget for this purpose. All bids were to be submitted prior to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, September 4, 2001. The City of Owasso received the following bids: Shawnee Lighting .. Shawnee, OK Dan Dill Electric - El Reno, OK Electric "- Enid, OK Wise Electric - $67,911.00 $64,400.00 $64,996.00 $76,400000 A review of the bids indicates that while all bids meet bid specifications, the bid amounts greatly exceed the amount that was anticipated by staff as well as the amount included within the Parks Maintenance budget. Staff has reviewed the bid specifications and is confident that with some minor changes to the bid specifications,- removing light filters, reducing the warranty from 10 years to 7 years which would be identical to the wananty on the other soccer lights, and reducing the light level from a 30 to a 20 - a can that to the $50,000 that was budgeted for this Maintenance budget did a budget a of which applied to shortfall if the City rejection all bids, the bid documents will redrafted and bids will be solicited for the soccer field lighting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council reject all bids received for soccer field lighting at Owasso Sports Park and further recommends authorization for staff to re-bid the proj ect. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tally Sheet 2, Advertisement for Bids CITY OF OW ASSO/OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272-2251 BID DOCUMENTATION Opening Date: October 29, 2001 Council/Trustee Approval: N/ A Item: Sports Park Lighting Soccer Field I Number of Bids: 3 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: David Warren Witness: Shawnee Lighting Shawnee, 1,659.00 Dan Dill Electric El Reno, OK 73036 $56,840.00 I, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. Signature: Date: SECTION 00100 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (RE-BID) CITY OF OW ASSO 207 SOUTH CEDAR OWASSO, OK 74055 Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of OW ASSO SPORTS PARK LIGHTING (SOCCER FIELD I), including installation of lights, trenching and backfilling, and all appurtenances thereto, will be received by the City of Ow as so, Office ofthe City Clerk, at 207 South Cedar (PO Box 180), Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, 918-272-2251 until 2:00 porn. Central Standard Time (2:00 p.m. CST) Thursday, October 29, 2001, and then at said City Hall publicly opened and read aloud. Said improvements shall include all items in the specifications. Each BID must be accompanied by a BID BOND payable to the CITY OF OW ASSO for Five Percent (5%) ofthe total amount ofthe BID. As soon as the BID prices have been compared, the CITY OF OW ASSO will return the BONDS of all except the three lowest responsible BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed, the bonds of the two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful BIDDER will not be returned until the PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS have been executed and approved, after which it will be returned. certified check may used lieu a BOND. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the Contract Price, with a corporate surety approved by the CITY OF OW ASSO, will be required for the faithful performance ofthe contract Attorney-in-Fact who sign BID, PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS must file with each Bond a certified and effective dated must on blank must fined in ink or typewritten, and BID form must fully completed and executed when submitted. BIDS carrying riders, alterations of construction time or qualifications which modify the amount ofthe BID as submitted can be rejected as inoegular. BIDDER must fill out the BID form and other required documents for the bid opening. The CITY OF OW ASSO may waive any infonnalities or minor defects or reject any and all BIDS. Any BID may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of BIDS - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1001 00100. Page 1 of2 or authorized postponement thereof. Any BID received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No BIDDER may withdraw a BID within sixty (60) calendar days following the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the CITY OF OW ASSO and the BIDDER. BIDDERS shall submit a completed "Statement of Bidderis Qualification", Section 00230, at the time of the BID submittal. All fonus are included. BIDDERS shall submit entire Contract Documents and Specifications book with BID proposal intact BIDDERS who submit BID form only win be rejected at time of opening. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following location: Owasso City Hall Office of the City Clerk 207 South Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 918-272-2251 Copies the DOCUMENTS may be pmchased at Owasso City Hall upon payment of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each set, which is the cost of reproduction and will NOT 1001 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 00100 - Page 2 of2 Telephone bills for Network Owasso For numbers 272-4909 & 272-4969 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 July 87.48 108.83 61.32 62.99 75.48 78.26 August 27.87 64.29 59.92 57.12 63.18 56.54 September 40.36 64.63 58.88 62.99 62.44 74.12 October 28.37 57.70 58.44 56.40 62.99 N/A November 38.68 57.82 56.40 56.05 60.13 N/A December 37.88 55.32 56.05 55.24 60.13 N/A January 38.56 74.17 55.24 55.36 69.46 N/A February 24.00 60.17 55.36 42.38 56.47 N/A March 25.00 60.76 61.31 62.99 56.47 N/A April 38.62 61.30 55.24 70.02 60.14 N/A May 39.01 61.32 57.87 71.28 78.67 N/A June 38.90 59.83 57.41 72.26 78.67 N/A Total $ 464.73 $ 786.14 $ 693.44 $ 725.08 $ 784.23 $ 208.92 $ 3,662.54