HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.10.16_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OFTHE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE CAF MEE TIN G: Regular DATE: October 169 7001 TIME: 6;30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office o1° the City Clerk and posted at City Mall 4,00 p.m. on Friday, October 179 7001. Marti Bothell, Cit Clerk 1 ° Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse 7. Invocation Councilor Williams 3° Flag Salute 4. Roll Call Owasso City Council October 16, 2001 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of October 2, 2001 regular Meeting and October 9, 2001 Special Meeting. Attachment #Sala. B. Approval of Claims, Attachment #5-B Co Action Relating to Renewal of a Contract Between the City of Owasso and a "Third Marty Administrator" for the City's Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Fund. Attachment 4-5 -C Staff recommends the renewal of a contract with United Safety and Claims for one year at a rate of ,00335% of annual payroll, to provide the services of a third party administrator to assist in the management of the city's self-insurance workers compensation program, and authorization for payment of premium. D. Action Relating to Ordinance 4688, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located East of North Mingo Road and Forth of East 116th Street Forth, Immediately West of the AT&SI{ Railroad, from CU (Commercial General) to RS -3 (residential Single - Family High Density), Containing 12°95 Acres, More or Less, Attachment #5 -D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #688, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 2, 2001 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OFTHE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF IEEE TING: Regular DATE: October 16, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at city hall at 4045 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 2001. Marcia. outwell, City C erk ADDEN13UM TO AGENDA #2 The following is submitted as an addendum to the .Agenda filed on October 12, 2001, Item number 4 -D (5D prior to Addendum 9-1) is amended to read as follows: 4I). Action Relating to Ordinance #688, an Ordinance Providing; for the Rezoning of Property Located East of Forth Mingo Road and North of East 106th Street North, Immediately Nest of the A"f SF Railroad; from CCU (Commercial General) to RS -3 (Residential Single- Family Nigh Density), Containing 12.95 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #4-D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #688, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 2, 2001 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council October 16, 2001 Page 3 6. - Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Expenditure of funds for General Liability, Public Officials Errors and Omissions, Law Enforcement Professional Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, and .Auto Liability Insurance policy Renewal. Ms Grimes Attachment #F Staff is awaiting receipt of additional quotes and will be prepared to make a recommendation to the Council at their meeting on Tuesday evening. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Amendment to an Agreement for Program Management Services Between Cowan Construction and the City of Owasso. Mr Mitchell Attachment 9-7 The Staff will recommend City Council approval of Amendment #2 to the Agreement for Program Management Services Between Cowan Construction and the City of Owasso relating to the construction of the City Hall /Police Station, extending the management agreement to November 30, 2001, and capping the management work period to 20 hours per week. (1,8'. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Amendment to OPUD-15 (Preston Lakes). Ms Sorrells Attachment #8 Staff will recommend City Council approval of OPUD -15A, providing an amendment to OPUD 15 allowing for a deviation in lot width on Lots 3, 8, 13, & 18, Block 1, Preston Lakes Amended. Owasso City Council October 16, 2001 Page 4 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZd01 -08, a Request to Rezone property Located at the Northeast Corner of East 106'h Street North and North 145th East Ave; from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General) and RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 160 acres, More or Less. Ms Sorrells .Attachment #9 The Owasso planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation, Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPUDD- 01 -03, a Request for Council Approval of a planned Unit Development, Ms Sorrells See Attachment #9 The Owasso planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and has recommended Council approval of OP m01 -03 on property located at the northeast comer of E 106th St ITT and N 145th East Ave, and containing a total of 160 acres, more or less. IU. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a plat Amendment for Preston Lakes , an Addition to the City of Owasso, Rogers County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 3). Ms Sorrells Attachment #11 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the amendment to the plat for Preston Lakes, a subdivision located at the northeast corner of E 861' St N and N 145t1i East Ave. The staff concurs with the recommendation. Owasso City Council October 16, 2001 Page 5 12'j Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a bequest for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Sawgrass Park at Bailey ranch, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma Gard 1). Ids Sorrells Attachment #12 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch, a 53,14 acre, 179 lot subdivision located north of E 96Th St Fl and east of N Garnett bd. The staff concurs with the recommendation. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a bequest for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 1). Ms Sorrells Attachment # 13 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, a 4.519 acre, 1 lot subdivision located north of E 96t" St N and approximately %2 mile east of N Garnett bd. The staff concurs with the recommendation. ,,,44' Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Purchase of a 'Vehicle for the Community Development Department. Mr Ewing Attachment #14 The staff will recommend Council authorization for the purchase of a 2002 Chevrolet 1/2- ton pickup from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, OIL, in the amount of $14,284.10, and authorization for payment. Owasso City Council October 16, 2001 Rage 6 ak JS. Deport from City Manager, 1 Deport from City Attorney, u _ Report (torn City Councilors. A`r 'k New business vb 19. Adjournment PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING- Regular DATE: October 16, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at city hall at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 2001 Marcia outwell, City lerk�� ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on October 12, 2001, Item -number 1 and item number 19 shall remain the same. Item number 2 is omitted, and items numbered 3 through 18 are now numbered 2 through 17. A. new item 18 is listed as follows: 18. Discussion With Susan Daniel, Staff Attorney With the Oklahoma Municipal League Regarding Provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Mr Cates OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 2, 2001 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 2, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2001. ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Human Resources Director Allan Harder. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Barnhouse led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Mary Lou Bainhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL TAKE ACTION BY RETURNING MR COX AND MR DENTON TO O O EMPLYMENT WITH THE CITY F OWASSO. City Attorney Ron Cates reminded the Council that the City is in litigation with Mr Cox and Mr Denton. He also told the Council that no Councilor may direct the firing or hiring of employees. Mr Burl Cox then addressed the Council concerning his dismissal and that of Mr Denton, as well as the litigation as a result of that dismissal, and requested that he and Mr Denton be returned to employment. Mr Michael Denton also briefly addressed the Council. The Council took no action on the matter. Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL, OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the September 18, 2001 Regular Meeting and the September 25, 2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the September 18, 2001 regular meeting and September 259 2001 special meeting , by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund 18,496.239 (2) Juvenile Court Fund $75.009 (3) Ambulance Fund $5,151.35; (4) E -911 $9,531.77; (5) bond Projects $245,829.02; (6) City Garage $8,904.04; (7) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $3,202.38, (8) Payroll $183,775.4.29 (9) City Garage Payroll $5,057.18; (10) Ambulance Payroll $12,082.20, (11) E -911 Payroll $882.67; (12) Worker's Comp Payroll $486.46. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Earnhouse NAB": Motion carried. Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A-REI-QU-USIT FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR SELF- WORKERS' S COVERAGE POLICY AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. -2- Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE UEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR BLANKET POSITION BOND RENEWAL AND PUBLIC ENTITY HONESTY BO RENEWAL, - _- - - _. Ms Grimes said that CNA/Western Surety has provided the position bond for many years covering; the positions of City Manager, City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, Court Clerk, Deputy Court Clerk, and Utility Cashier, The premium for the $250,000 is $857,70, and does not reflect any increase over the previous year. The Public Employees Honesty Blanket Bond, also underwritten by CNA/Western Surety, covers 18 employees with cashier potential at various City locations. The premium for renewal has been quoted at $114.00, and does not show an increase, Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve an expenditure to CNA/Western Surety in the amount of $857.50 for Blanket Position Bond renewal, and $114 for Public Entity Honesty Bond renewal, for a total premium of $9 71,50. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Bainhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 9: PUBLIC FIE G RELATrNG TO A QI.. EST -__TO DECLARE CERTAIN PROPERTY SURPLUS TO THE NEEDS OF THE CITY AND AUTHORIZE THE DESTRUCTION THEREOF. weapons. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Armstrong, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. -3- Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST - FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR COUNTRY ESTATES V, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO TULSA. COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA aA 2). Ms Sorrells said that the City of Owasso has received a request for the review of a final Plat for Country Estates V, located north of E 116"' St N and west of N Garnett Rd. The Plat contains 187 residential lots on 53.614 acres. DEQ Permits for sewer and water extensions have been received. The Planning Commission reviewed the final Plat on September 17, 2001 and recommended approval. Councilor Helm asked who would be supplying water to the subdivision, & Ms Sorrells responded that it is in the Washington County Dural Water district. 1r Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the final plat for Country Estates V. AYE,: Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. During Item 18, Reports from City Councilors, Mr Helm moved to reconsider this item in light of discussions on items 12 & 13, relating to drainage issues in the same general area. Motion seconded by Ms Armstrong. AYE: Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: Brogdon Motion to reconsider Item 10 carried 4 -1. (questions regarding drainage in the area were directed to Mr Carr, who said that the City has no control over drainage outside the city limits, but is working with Tulsa County to try to resolve some on the drainage Problems. Upon further discussion, Councilor Williams changed his vote to reconsider the item to "Nay". The motion to reconsider Item 10 carried 3-2. Following discussion, Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the final plat for Country Estates V. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong Motion carried 4 ®1. -4- Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A 1ZE VEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR EXCHANGE HAND OWASSO I, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY" OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OIL OMA ()YAl 2 Ms Sorrclls said that the City has received a request for approval of a final plat for Exchange Bank Owasso I, located at the northeast corner of E 86`" St N and N Mingo Rd. The plat contains one commercial lot of approximately ,ql acres. No OEQ permits are required for this development. The Planning Commission recommended approval at their meeting on September 17, 2001. , Mr Helm asked who would be supplying water, and Ms Sorrclls responded that the development will be on City of Owasso water. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the final plat for Exchange Bank. Owasso I, AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None w5_ Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 Motion to approve the requested rezoning, and direct the staff to hold meetings with the developer and the concerned citizens in order to address the citizens' concerns before a final plat is brought to the City Council for approval, carried 5-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-01-07 Z W, A D APPROXIMATELY 1/8 MILE EAST OF NORTH MINGO ROAD AND SOUTH OF EAST 116"' STREET �LQRTH, FROM LL INDUSIR AL Li ht TO RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY HIGH DENSIIMCQN �TAI AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 10 I M RUN ;1111W*41-101W MAX 11116 WS"Keft V W-01LE AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Armstrong, Bainhouse NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-1. -6- Owasso City Council October 2, 2001 ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 1 EI OCI 1, FIRST" BAPTIST CI�iJT�CII C7F' �VVASSO. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to accept the proposed casement, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document. Mr Helm abstained which_, by virtue of law, roust be counted as a no vote. AYE: Williams, Brogdon Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-1 . ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell called attention to a report on Block Parties that had been distributed by Mr Rooney. ITEM 17: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 18: -PORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. See item. 10. ITEM 19: NEW BUSINESS. z Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn, AYE: Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7 :45 p.m. Marcia Eoutwell, City Clerk -7- Mary Lou Earnhouse, Mayor OWASSO CITE' COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, October 9, 2001 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 in the Lower Level Conference Doom at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, October 5, 2001. ITEM 1: CALL TO ODDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Mice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor (out at 7 :15) Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Mr Ewing said that all five additions of Nottingham Estates connect to the Brentwood Lift Station, which was constructed prior to the Elm Creek Interceptor and which will ultimately be abandoned and replaced by a gravity line connecting to the Elm Creek Interceptor. Nottingham Estates falls within the Elm Creek Interceptor payback area. Nottingham Estates I & II were developed prior to the establishment of the payback area and are not subject to the payback assessment. Tyann Development, the developer of Nottingham, is requesting a credit in the amount of $40,759.04, which is equal to their expenses to acquire service from the Brentwood Lift Station. Tyann Development has already paid the assessment on Nottingham Estates IV, and a credit would reduce their payment on Nottingham Estates III & V to $24,539.46. Following discussion, Mr Brogdon requested more background information on the Brentwood Lift Station and the establishment of the Elm Creek Interceptor° payback area. Owasso City Council October 9, 2001 ITEM 4: DISCUSSION REGARDING GENERAL, L,IABIL,ITY INSURANCE. Mr Harder, Ms Grimes, and Mr Moe Hogan discussed the City's general liability insurance. The current carrier, National American Insurance Company, has advised the City that they will not renew due to "adverse loss experience ". Quotes have been solicited from several insurance companies. Two package quotes have been received - one from Associated Disk Managers of Oklahoma and one from St maul Public Sector. Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group has quoted all except the property rates and they are awaiting permission to offer that insurance. Since the current liability insurance expires on November 1", staff will be prepared to make a recommendation to the council at the regular meeting on October 16 "' ITEM S PRESENTATION � AND L7ISCL7SSIOjj C)F UAR`FERLY F ANCIAL EEO ."fS. Ms Bishop presented and discussed first quarter revenues and expenditures for General Fund and OP WA funds. This information will be provided to the council on a quarterly basis. She also discussed sales tax collections and distributed a document comparing sales tax collections to previous years. - ITEM 6v : DISCUSSION RELATING TO EXTE� N� SION - - OF CONTRACT WITH � CO EN CONSTRUCTION. _.� . Items provided to the Council included a request from Michael Denton and Burl Cox to again address the Council at a regular meeting; a bid tab from bids received for the Phase II13 improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, as well as some background information on estimated cost of construction; a quarterly report regarding council strategic priorities; and a memorandum regarding a meeting on water supply issues. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None �7w Owasso City Council Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ... 3 w October 9, 2001 Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor WIN W., Fund Department Total General Refunds 100.00 105 Municipal Court 44734 110 Managerial 2,642.59 120 Finance 412.49 150 General Government 63,253.63 160 Community Development 1,51434 170 Engineering 517.02 175 Information Systems 29.99 161 Support Services 1,05914 190 Cemetery 15.15 201 Police Services 16,961.20 215 Police Communications 266.44 221 Animal Control 402.16 250 Fire Cervices 3,565.94 260 Emergency Preparedness 63.63 300 Streets 11,061.06 515 Dark Maintenance 16,703.06 550 Community Center 1,299.61 710 Economic Development 26,04 Capital Improvements Computerization 951.00 Street Repair 799.50 TOTAL 1,750.50 Bond Projects City Flail /Police Station 902.00 TOTAL 902.00 OPGA Merchandise 3,193.60 Food and Beverage 59.40 605 Cart Operations 153.37 610 Golf Course Maintenance 5,317.06 670 Food and Beverage Operations 57.63 690 Golf Administration 2,575.27 600 Debt Service 4,136.04 °TO°TAL, 15,494.39 I OPVVA Capital Improvements Ol'WA Sever Line Extension INorkers' Comp Self Insurance 2,026.44 3,129.07 6,293. &3 11,247.06 5,868.60 24,691.24 11,1 83.69 64,341.92 11,200.00 113,607.58 124,807.56 24,650.00 24,650.00 6,462.02 6,462.02 16,493.74 16,493.74 I I i o 1 389,838.8 City of Owasso Oct 12, 2001 08a22am Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 3013 1429 10/05/01 12983 2 10/16/01 902000 902°00 WOOD DOORS-•6 /6/00 6867 1362 09/13/01 12829 OW020 10/16/01 726000 968.00 11 ELM CREEK PARK MOWINGS 10/01/01 OW022 242000 6869 2178 10/28/01 12833 10/1 °10/28 10/16/01 186076 186.76 4 RESTROOM CLEANING 6870 537 10/01/01 12830 MCCARTY 10/16/01 230,00 80000 11 MOWINGS °ATOR PARK 10/01/01 ATOR 80000 230000 11 MOWINGS- MCCARTY PARK 6873 129 09/24/01 12925 12124152 10/16/01 108052 78.53 12 PHONE USE- ROONEY 29.99 PHONE USE- WILLSON 6881 399 09/06/01 12945 26845 10/16/01 27.50 50.75 EMPLOYMENT ADS 09/12/01 27849 23025 6883 615 08/24/01 12837 1920057 10/16/01 30400 150„00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS 09/13/01 1959634 30.00 09/14/01 1962497 30000 08/30/01 1932938 30000 09/07/01 1949460 30000 6884 1171 09/30/01 12871 713440 10/16/01 100.00 100.00 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 6889 939 10/01/01 12834 10/1 10/16/01 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 6958 371 09/30/01 12948 093001 10/16/01 629°55 629°55 METER READINGS 6960 38 10/01/01 12950 100101 10/16/01 212.85 212°85 METER READINGS 6961 2075 10/01/01 12946 100101 10/16/01 340050 340050 METER READINGS 6962 171 09/25/01 12947 092501 10/16/01 355.50 355.50 METER READINGS 6963 264 10/01/01 12951 100101 10/16/01 153,00 153400 METER READINGS 6989 313 09/30/01 12763 28 10/16/01 460000 460.00 INSPECTION SERVICES 6990 313 09/30/01 12762 29 10/16/01 64048 64048 MILEAGE 6994 554 10/01/01 12872 3414 10/16/01 40x00 40.00 DIAL--UP SERVICE 7010 362 09/26/01 12752 34835 10/16/01 60.00 60°00 12 BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 7017 642 09/30/01 12938 200-9/01 10/16/01 41065 1,493 52 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 09130/01 203-9/01 46090 09/30/01 204 °9/01 29.75 09/30/01 206 -9/01 50057 09/30/01 207 °9/01 47°60 09/30/01 208 -9/01 48047 09/30/01 209 °9/01 45.32 09/30/01 210 °9/01 47060 09/30/01 211 °9/01 150095 09/30/01 212 -9/01 23080 09/30/01 213 -9/01 86027 09/30/01 214-9/01 99029 09/30/01 215 -9/01 29075 09/30/01 218-9/01 44,62 09/30/01 219-9/01 23.80 09/30/01 220 -9/01 23,80 09/30/01 221°9/01 66°95 09/30/01 222 -9/01 26077 09/30/01 223 -9/01 44.62 09/30/01 224 -9/01 43°92 09/30/01 225 -9/01 29,75 09/30/01 227 -9/01 74027 09/30/01 232 °9/01 73°99 09/30/01 233 -9/01 26,77 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6,0 7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order Oct 12, 2001 08o22am Page 2 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description --- -- ---- -- -- - - ---- ---- ------ ------------ -------- ------------ - -- --- - -- ---- - - - --- ------------ -- --------------------- - 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 81°37 33.95 74837 40.95 35,70 13.00 37.40 33.30 177.65 140.25 140025 543°16 5.95 1.98 12048 4067 1.00 10.51 3.96 3.96 3096 70.00 45.00 23074 7098 1721 27.88 7.27 5046 78.20 59.51 6.23 4001 42039 11092 16050 49°95 83.88 6.80 79°96 3.99 83048 5049 -39051 -10099 -10075 -9.40 23099 12076 31°89 3189 5037 13000 12 FILING FEES 528.85 12 LEGAL NOTICES 543.16 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 20041 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 11.88 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 4067 MAINZ" /REPAIR SUPPLIES 100 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 10.51 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 115000 TIRE REPAIRS 632095 REPAIR PARTS 63.78 UNIFORM RENTAL 10074 UNIFORM RENTAL By SCOTT SHADDOLT (SRS) 09/30/01 234 -9/01 09/30/01 235 -9/01 09/30/01 236 -9/01 09/30/01 237 -9/01 09/30/01 238 -9/01 7019 1012 09/18/01 12884 536688 7020 399 09/20/01 12944 847718 10/04/01 850138 10/04/01 850139 10/04/01 850144 10/04/01 850140 7021 360 09/26/01 12756 11195836 7031 812 09/14/01 12976 1504080156 08/31/01 1504079896 09/11/01 1504080102 09/25/01 1504080370 09/05/01 1500079984 09/07/01 1504080052 09/07/01 1500080050 09/07/01 1500080049 08/31/01 /500079895 7032 364 09/14/01 12975 168492 09/19/01 168365 7033 446 09/28/01 CEPO 12921 830103756 09/18/01 830102346 09/18/01 830102389 09/18/01 155357176 09/25/01 830103358 09/19/01 830102487 09/19/01 830102500 09/19/01 830102466 09/20/01 830102637 09/14/01 830101888 09/13/01 83010172? 09/12/01 /55355624 09/14/01 830101903 09/14/01 830101905 10/02/01 830104439 10/03/01 830104535 09121/01 155358123 09/13/01 830101744 09/04/01 155353122 09/27/01 830103627 09/19/01 830102497 10/03/01 830104571 10/03/01 830104557 09/19/01 830102547 10/03/01 830104559 10/03/01 830104550 7034 591 10/04/01 12919 8240168952 09/27/01 8240168155 09/27/01 8240168157 :CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 81°37 33.95 74837 40.95 35,70 13.00 37.40 33.30 177.65 140.25 140025 543°16 5.95 1.98 12048 4067 1.00 10.51 3.96 3.96 3096 70.00 45.00 23074 7098 1721 27.88 7.27 5046 78.20 59.51 6.23 4001 42039 11092 16050 49°95 83.88 6.80 79°96 3.99 83048 5049 -39051 -10099 -10075 -9.40 23099 12076 31°89 3189 5037 13000 12 FILING FEES 528.85 12 LEGAL NOTICES 543.16 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 20041 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 11.88 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 4067 MAINZ" /REPAIR SUPPLIES 100 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 10.51 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 115000 TIRE REPAIRS 632095 REPAIR PARTS 63.78 UNIFORM RENTAL 10074 UNIFORM RENTAL By SCOTT SHADDOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Oct 12, 2001 08:22am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----­------------------ 10/04/01 8240168954 5037 7035 1050 09/30/01 12910 37538 10/16/01 60085 45.63 CYLINDER RENTAL 15.22 CYLINDER RENTAL 7044 104 09/25/01 12816 010913 10/16/01 400.00 399043 THREE LAKES DRAINAGE 09/26/01 010914 299.00 299.57 LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE 7049 938 09/25/01 12761 918018238826 10/16/01 2,105.24 2,105.24 12 E-911 37 7050 1557 09/30/01 12953 53537 10/16/01 962613 962013 BILLING SERVICE 7090 89 10/30/01 12745 1 10/16/01 4,138.04 4,138004 12 CART LEASE 7094 576 09/23/01 12827 9/01 USE 10/16/01 61089 61089 12 CABLE SERVICE 7096 717 09/30/01 12937 69525-10/01 10/16/01 23,000.00 23,000.00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 7114 239 09/26/01 12822 106307 10/16/01 261.31 46423 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 46.23 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 61.93 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 49.18 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 57074 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 7116 366 09/24/01 12817 661445 10/16/01 59098 59.98 REPAIR SUPPLIES 7121 360 09/26101 12815 11193276 10/16/01 87.73 87.73 COPIER MAINTENANCE 7126 6 09/28/01 12890 10168 10/16/01 55000 55000 SOD 7132 812 09/21/01 12814 1510080280 10/16/01 43040 68063 REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/14/01 1510080164 5.52 08/31/01 1510079898 19871 7159 438 10/05/01 12869 MU037-02 10/16/01 220000 220.00 TRAINING-KELLEY 7163 438 10/05/01 12952 MU037-12B 10/16/01 160000 160.00 TRAINING-GOSVENER 7201 812 08/31/01 12956 1518079904 10/16/01 12006 44.22 REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/21/01 1511080283 7.92 12006 REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/07/01 1513080055 25.38 09/21/01 1513080286 6.93 08/31/01 1513079903 3099 7202 107 09/24/01 12957 66473 10/16/01 120026 246.57 REPAIR PARTS 09/24/01 66474 50.94 09/24/01 66472 75.37 7242 556 09/25/01 12767 9917 10/16/01 1,408000 1,408.00 RADIOS 7/17/01 7255 556 09/20101 12943 9805 10/16/01 1,602.00 1,602000 PORTABLE RADIO 7/17/01 7262 129 09/24/01 12977 12449146 10/16/01 12.70 12.70 PHONE USE-SR VAN 7270 581 10/01/01 12750 70217 10/16/01 200.00 221000 TRAINING-ATWELL 10/01/01 70647 21.00 7283 1034 09/21/01 12920 17460 10/16/01 2,932.09 2,932.09 VEHICLE REPAIR 7295 1958 09/21/01 12989 3010455 10/16/01 450.00 450000 JANITORIAL SERVICE 7347 946 09/06/01 12918 70863 10/16/01 13078 13.78 TOOLS 09/13/01 70942 788.00 788.00 AIR COMPRESSOR 7351 1134 09/27/01 12908 1-25622-0 10/16/01 6.19 6019 REPAIR PARTS 7377 100 09/12/01 12958 500098 10/16/01 460.00 460.00 TOP SOIL 7377 100 10/01/01 12964 500160 10/16/01 300000 300.00 ROCK 7384 1039 09/20/01 12961 363766 10/16/01 75020 730.40 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/24/01 363764 655.20 7467 2439 09/19/01 12819 05-59262 10/16/01 2,540488 2,540488 RIDING MOWER 7475 1015 09/28/01 12930 801627 10/16/01 21,585042 57,451072 OFFICE FURNITURE-3/20/01 09/28/01 801626 35,866.30 7520 591 09/27/01 12821 8240168158 10/16/01 19.72 27.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/27/01 8240168160 22.80 22.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Oct 12, 2001 08a22am Page 4 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber m_n_a Number ,e_ma_ Date Code n____e__ Wed- Number -a -mem Invoice# ------------ Due Date _wm___e_ __d__aeae__o Amount Date Amount _u_mee ®n ---------- Amounts ------------ Claim Description ----------------------- 09/27/01 8240168161 66,95 19072 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/27/01 8240168152 27°80 66,95 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/27/01 8240168153 21040 21040 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09127/01 8240168159 5.20 5.20 11 UNIFORM RENTAL. 7520 591 10/04/01 12960 8240168956 10/16/01 5.20 62037 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10104/01 8240168955 19072 34080 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/04/01 8240168957 34080 19.72 11 UNIFORM RENTAL. 10/04/01 8240168958 54095 54°95 11 UNIFORM RENTAL, 10/04/01 8240168949 62037 21.40 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/04/01 8240168950 21040 5020 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 7595 1953 10103/01 12970 100301 10/16/01 732.37 91.17 CITY MGR EXPENSES 641020 CITY MGR EXPENSES 7598 1168 10102/01 12922 192993101 10/16/01 1,443.00 2,819002 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 09/27/01 192993100 1,376.02 7602 1408 09/25/01 12965 3390 10/16/01 6150 61.50 CONCRETE 7625 372 08108/01 12832 43760 10/16/01 34.37 34037 D07301 7663 2492 09/29/01 12949 092901 10/16/01 73020 73°20 METER READINGS 7724 1270 07/30/01 12831 H2824704 10/16/01 22.50 22050 D07301 7735 65 09128/01 12879 8416-001 10/16/01 52000 52°00 TRAINING °RAMSEY /TURRENT INE 7735 65 09/30/01 12939 8450-001 10/16/01 52.00 52°00 TRAINING- MCINTIRE /SOLOS CHENKO 7737 941 09/23/01 12962 230000 10/16101 389.11 389.11 ASPHALT 7747 1039 09/13/01 12955 364009 10/16101 374000 1,309000 METERS 06/19/01 09/01/01 361234 935.00 13069 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/10/01 362135 13.69 7752 771 09/04/01 12828 25311 10/16/01 15,540°00 15,540°00 TRACTOR 8/21/01 7758 812 09/14/01 12959 1508080163 10/16/01 7.29 36.51 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 08/31/01 1508079897 0.97 09/21/01 1508080279 13.94 09/25/01 1508080371 13.97 09/07101 1511080053 0.34 7768 1408 09/21/01 12818 3363 10/16/01 799050 799.50 CONCRETE 7772 556 09/20/01 12941 9807 10/16/01 3,449.00 3,449.00 2 RADIOS °HANDPACKS 7794 2519 10/02/01 12923 625773 10/16/01 1,559000 1,559.00 FURNITURE ASSEMBLY 7821 829 10/02/01 12969 245945 10/16/01 41000 41000 PAINT 7842 1017 09124/01 12888 8-0551 10/16/01 177095 177.95 CLASS- HOFFMAN 7852 904 09/24/01 12748 55877 10/16/01 17000 139000 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 09/13/01 55785 47°00 10/01/01 56027 75.00 7855 581 10/01101 12751 70648 10/16/01 56.00 56°00 TEXT BOOKS- ATWELL 7862 405 09/07/01 12940 2001 °1329 10/16/01 125.00 125.00 CONFERENCE- GREENE 7873 1038 09/21/01 12768 9378 10/16/01 9.97 37°76 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/20/01 7921 35088 9.93 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/21/01 5731 °35488 09126/01 778 14°36 10101/01 7970 13,43 09/06/01 7288 9093 7879 2527 09128/01 12978 2064 10/16/01 1,556000 1,556000 UTILITY PAYMENT BOX 7885 829 09/26/01 12963 245561 10/16/01 955079 955.79 CONCRETE FORMS 7922 986 10110/01 12967 5 10/16/01 113,607,58 113,607°58 ATOR RELIEF LINE 1/16/01 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Oct 12, 2001 08e22am Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Ctaim Description ------ ------ -------- ---- e___en ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------ ------ ----------------------- 7924 7937 7971 7989 7992 7999 8032 8034 8038 8038 8042 8054 8057 8071 8076 8078 8080 8082 8087 8088 8089 ffm 1039 09/12/01 10/04/01 25 09/21/01 1044 09/01/01 09/18/01 638 07/16/01 1329 09/24101 162 09/26/0'1 2477 09/28/01 1039 09/12/01 729 05/30/01 09/25/01 729 10/05/01 2572 09/25/01 773 10/01/01 1059 09/28/01 543 08/28/01 933 08/16/01 66 09/21/01 287 09/18/01 355 09119/01 1110 09/19/01 2181 09/10/01 474 08/03/01 08/06/01 07/24/01 08/17/01 08/14/01 07/22/01 07/30/01 1239 09/20/01 13004 361590 10/16/01 12758 361233 8096 12825 143122 10/16/01 12887 115409-1006- 10/16/01 10/01/01 1 100101 8138 115797 °1006° 09/24/01 12835 9 8139 12886 109462 10/16/01 12820 111647 10/16/01 12906 653928002 10/16/01 12954 092801 10/16/01 13005 364008 12889 T12440 T12615 12966 T12618 12766 092501 13003 100101 12876 562529 12881 2563805T4 12880 23352648/2 12764 367566 12765 2139 12836 10372 12753 K62988601 12746 2071 12747 11366 11371 11373 11381 11394 11395 11384 12755 EL93759 8095 556 09/20/01 12758 9789 8096 485 09/18/01 12759 091801-03 8097 291 10/01/01 12760 100101 8138 2580 09/24/01 12835 092401 8139 2446 09/20/01 12754 216024 8140 186 10/01/01 12826 11/01 8144 1491 09/17/01 12757 26958 8147 897 09/27/01 12878 11468 8153 1714 09/25/01 12874 M970300 8154 2585 10/16/01 12885 101601 8155 826 09/08/01 12883 9126269 ®2 CCS.AP Accounts Payabte Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 10/'16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 10/16/01 19°30 24°63 220000 2,132066 2,64212 107.00 135.98 95100 300.49 881.83 350.00 330000 330000 514.00 40400 45°00 50062 2,152080 242033 375000 341025 141.92 279.50 1.89 1026 5004 1.89 9077 29084 1026 2,414403 517000 45,00 100000 80.91 230000 1,650000 550000 47090 !1 43.93 METER CAN LIDS /VALVES 220.00 5 LODGING °SADDORIS 4,774 78 TIPPING FEES 107000 HEPATuris SHOT•RABER 135.98 OVERALLS /JACKET- RAGSDAL E 951000 COMPUTER 110.50 SHIPPING CHARGE 120.00 PLANE TICKET-PERRY 69.99 ELECTRICAL ADAPTER 881483 COUPLING GASKETS 680.00 METER SETS 6/19/01 330°00 METER SETS 6/19/01 514.00 CARPET CLEANING 40.00 TEMP LICENSE-NICELY 45000 APPROVAL STICKERS 50.62 B08281 2,152°80 X107091 242.33 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 375000 PHYSICAL-PEACOCK 341025 TESTING EXPENSES 141092 PAGERS 279050 DEPOSITION 50095 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 402034 COMPUTER MONITOR 804.68 MONITOR 402.33 MONITOR 402°34 MONITOR 402°34 MONITOR 517°00 RADIO REPAIR 45000 LIGHT BAR BULBS 100,00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-MOTTO 80.91 BOOT REPLACEMENT 230 „00 BARRICADES 1,650°00 11/01 INTEREST PAYMENT 550°00 BANNERS 47090 FINGERPRINTING EQUIPMENT 96.00 PHONE PROGRAMMING 167,00 SUBSCRIPTION 14.31 08/01 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Oct 12, 2001 08a22am Page 6 inpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber - ---- Number ------ Date -- - - ---- Code Number - - -- - --- -- Invoice# ------ -- -- -- Due Date -- -- ---- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ---- ._- - -- - -- ------------------ 14031 08/01 USE 35076 08101 USE 7016 08/01 USE 107,34 08/01 USE 7.16 08/01 USE 2021 08/01 USE 78.74 08/01 USE 42092 08/01 USE 21.47 08/01 USE 35°79 08/01 USE 7.16 08/01 USE 7015 08/01 USE 14074 08/01 USE 8156 812 09/07101 12815 1503080051 10/16/01 6.99 9.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/21/01 1503080278 2099 9.07 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/14/01 1511080166 0.99 08/31/01 1511079901 808 8157 129 09/24/01 12891 12152617 10/16/01 262.63 77069 PHONE USE -ALLEN 184094 PHONE USE - OTHERS 8158 66 10102101 12984 368722 10/16/01 513.58 513458 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 8159 141 05/24/99 12882 052499 10/16/01 32400 66.00 GREEN PLANTS °GATES /DEMAURO 01/24/00 012400 34000 8160 9 09/05/01 13010 97578714 10/16/01 982028 982.28 GOLF BALLS /CLUBS 8161 314 09/20101 13009 5363808 10/16/01 559059 559059 GOLF CLUBS 8162 1062 09/26101 12892 70 10/16/01 1,400000 700000 RETAINER 09/28/01 75 1,025 00 700000 RETAINER 09/28/01 76 287060 2,162060 LEGAL SERVICES 09/28/01 77 850000 8163 72 09/28/01 12873 81481 10/16/01 99025 99.75 SAFETY SUPPLIES 8164 1962 10/01/01 12942 24437 10/16/01 191.30 191°30 SAFETY GLOVES 8165 1038 09/19/01 12877 9217 10/16/01 39.84 179.54 OFFICE /MAINT SUPPLIES 09/25/01 7883 85°63 158497 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/12/01 8776 49088 40.07 CLEANING SUPPLIES 09/13/01 4085 34,.94 09/18/01 1465 73.34 09/29/01 6369 40407 09/26/01 8217 34.00 09/05/01 6767 20.88 8166 812 09/21/01 12824 1512080285 10/16/01 29.90 122.74 MAINT SUPPLIES 08/31/01 1512079902 22°89 09/07/01 15120780054 19099 09/25/01 1512080368 47098 09/25101 1512080372 1,98 8167 1056 10/02/01 12823 69143 10/16/01 144039 144°39 BOBCAT RENTAL 8168 1002 10/16101 12971 101601 10/16/01 1,014099 5000 REIMB PETTY CASH 6.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 1050 REIMB PETTY CASH 9000 VEHICLE MASH 10416 TRAINING -FRY 63.00 PER DIEM - GREENE 108°69 MILEAGE-GRIMES :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Oct 12, 2001 08w22am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 24.00 SUBSCRIPTION REFUND 26.04 MILEAGE -EWING 560°00 PER DIEM -STAFF 10060 REPAIR SUPPLIES 13078 SMALL TOOLS 1.50 REIMS -PETTY CASH 30.22 DOC LUNCHES 45.00 CHECK ORDER 100.00 DEPOSIT" REFUNDS 8170 764 09/30/01 1297.E 9/01 10/16/01 8,921°11 29033 VEH MAINT 0.00 VEH MAINT 4,828 51 VEH MAIN °F 1,031.37 VEH MAINT 333096 VEH MAINT 126.10 VEH MAINT 0.00 VEH MAINT 19099 VEH MAINT 615.60 VEH MAINT 1,504.60 VEH MAINT 114.82 VEH MAINT 300.65 VEH MAINT 16.18 VEH MAINT 0.00 VEH MAINT 0.00 VEH MAINT 0.00 8171 789 10/01/01 12907 65194 10/16/01 6,676 38 425423 FUEL 182°56 FUEL 109090 FUEL 231.92 FUEL 2,419.44 FUEL 66.19 FUEL 784.69 FUEL 545.60 FUEL 4814 FUEL 5465 FUEL. 264039 FUEL 1,235°80 FUEL 94469 FUEL 33.52 FUEL 179,66 FUEL 8172 2320 09/20/01 12909 15 °28086 10/16/01 61.68 61068 VEHICLE REPAIR 8173 343 09/18/01 12912 2320 10/16/01 385.00 385°00 RECOVER SEAT 8174 2307 09/27/01 12974 139779536-00 10/16/01 320.60 211.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 10/04/01 140264949 -00 211.49 102454 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 218°49 CABINET 8175 1143 09/24/01 12915 7569290 10/16/01 262.50 262°50 COPY.PAPER 8176 627 09/25/01 12870 117349 10/16/01 176.00 176°00 COPIER MAINT 8177 566 09/28/01 12916 24176 10/16/01 47.25 137076 REPAIR PARTS 09/27/01 24173 6075 09/26/01 24155 83076 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Oct 12, 2001 08e22am Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - --- m ------ -------- dd_n -mama- ------------ nm---- -- ----- - ---- -- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 8178 538 09/25/01 12929 70718263004 10/16/01 598070 09/17/01 81328263006 718.44 09/28/01 32906342003 689019 8179 698 10/02/01 12911 201509 10/16/01 262.95 09/19/01 200953 204.96 09/18/01 200875 200.42 09/27/01 201291 37.27 09/27/01 201300 20.52 8180 233 10/01/01 12917 6740 10/16/01 470000 8181 555 09/07/01 12914 090701 10/16/01 70x00 8182 819 09/11/01 12913 16610 10/16/01 80.00 8190 1329 09/27/01 12990 112974 10/16/01 72070 8191 475 08/25/01 12994 67782 10/16101 65°00 8192 784 10/04/01 13002 3587 10/16/01 90.00 8194 328 09/11/01 13001 779 10/16/01 98050 8202 1610 09/20/01 12968 150493 10/16/01 20432 8203 1074 09/28/01 13000 17236 10/16/01 470.40 8204 785 08/31/01 12999 864 °433054 °3 10/16/01 159057 8205 930 09/26/01 12998 S1023418 -001 10/16/01 62°63 8206 1055 09/25/01 12995 2688 10/16/01 385.00 8207 496 08/10/01 12894 4633 10/16/01 54.00 8210 1404 09/21/01 12991 5211 10/16/01 660.00 8212 1174 09/30/01 12997 1079 10/16/01 577.50 8222 714 09/17/01 12987 21309 10/16/01 66000 3223 1086 10/16/01 12988 101601 10/16/01 43003 8224 1847 05/14/01 12986 051401 10/16/01 96°00 8228 688 09/27/01 12996 78828 10/16/01 - 750000 09/27/01 584148 1,342.00 8230 2242 10/01/01 12993 3026 10/16/01 1,650000 08/15/01 2921 1,650000 8231 2589 09/25/01 12992 1092 10/16/01 1,350.45 8236 787 09130/01 12749 10/01 10/16/01 250000 8239 60 10/01/01 12985 100101 10/16/01 336077 8240 793 10/04/01 12972 84773 10/16/01 971.50 8241 793 10/04/01 12905 RSU3501560 10/16/01 13,903.00 8242 863 08/30/01 12935 8/01 10/16/01 217089 8243 1084 09/30/01 12936 9/01 10/16/01 18,500059 °CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 19097 BENCHES 1,197040 BENCHES 239.48 BENCHES 359022 BENCHES 59094 PAPER SUPPLIES 66.84 CLEANING SUPPLIES 13.97 CLEANING SUPPLIES 11488 PAPER SUPPLIES 37.63 COFFEE 20852 PUMP 705¢60 MOTOR OIL 470000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 70000 RELEASE STEERING COLUMN 80.00 TOWING FEE 72.70 TOOLS /MAINT EQUIP 65.00 MONTHLY RENTAL 90°00 SIGNS 98.50 SCALE CALIBRATION 20.32 REPAIR PARTS 470°40 DRAIN PIPE 159°57 LOCKS /WIRES 62.63 RELAY 385000 PLUMBING REPAIRS 54.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 660°00 ROAD BORE 577050 REPAIR SUPPLIES 66.00 RADIO REPAIR 4.25 CLEANING GLOVES 11031 RECORDER POWER SUPPLY 7.00 TOLLS- SOLOSCHENKO 20047 POSTAGE 96000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 592000 CHEMICALS 3,300.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY MOWINGS 1,350 45 REPAIR PARTS 250.00 10 EMS AUDITS 336.77 COLLECTION FEES 114000 HONESTY BOND 857.50 POSITION SCHEDULE BOND 13,903.00 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 10°11 8/01 USE 207078 8/01 USE 2,626°31 9/01 USE 15.15 9/01 USE 237.68 9/01 USE 604066 9/01 USE 155°07 9/01 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Oct 12, 2001 08a22am Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ I ------ -------- _-_o ------ ------------ w_wd__w_ ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------ 8244 1577 10/03/01 12926 56909 10/16/01 153037 8245 57 09/21/01 13008 1318043 10/16/01 25064 10/17/01 09/26101 1331148 780.00 10/17/01 8246 1038 09/24/01 13007 6310 10/16/01 28067 09/24/01 3936 48036 8247 141 06/09/01 12932 60901 10/16/01 40°00 8248 1564 09/18/01 12933 4211 10/16/01 500°00 8249 300 10/01/01 12934 17600 10/16/01 265.04 8250 454 09/21/01 13006 331026 10/16/01 542008 09/26/01 395936 61°05 8251 42 09/26/01 12931 94105907 10/16/01 43016 8259 792 10/04/01 12928 72991 10/16/01 15°97 09/26/01 72271 4x56 09/25/01 72201 3.00 09/13/01 71257 1.81 8260 568 10/04/01 12927 157327 10/16/01 49.45 09/07/01 156457 8095 8261 352 10102/01 12924 95505 10/16/01 287.85 8266 1084 09/30/01 12893 167841949 10/16/01 2,107.05 8271 2614 10/09/01 12895 10092001-1 10/16/01 295°00 8272 342 09/20/01 12896 40111 10/16/01 62.27 10/04/01 40340 57.35 09/28/01 40246 40.35 8273 153 09/16/01 12897 10381350 10/16/01 163020 8274 107 10/05/01 12898 66794 10/16/01 17050 10/02/01 66709 2.70 8275 47 09/28/01 12899 156477 10/16/01 90.01 8276 475 09/25/01 12904 68316 10/16/01 65000 8277 2218 09/20/01 12900 1602 10/16/01 97,45 10/01/01 1614 97095 8278 812 10/02/01 12901 655080481 10/16/01 62074 82799 645 09/25/01 12902 496746 10/16/01 10.34 10102101 499892 10.74 10/09/01 502433 9,94 8280 774 09/25/01 12903 369201 10/16/01 2,772,00 05/30/01 361587 -3010 8281 609 10/01/01 12981 13168 10/16/01 105°00 8282 812 10/04/01 12982 656080520 10/16/01 79099 8299 263 10/05/01 12979 8 10/16/01 11,200°00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 O *APRO83 746069 9/01 USE 63063 9101 USE 499057 9/01 USE 769.41 9101 USE 105°34 9/01 USE 5,054049 9/01 USE 2,690 33 9/01 USE 139465 9/01 USE 1,241.53 9/01 USE 843.56 9/01 USE 1,296.92 9/01 USE 1,41060 9/01 USE 153.37 10 CART WINDSHIELDS 9084 1,030 64 GOLF BALLS /CAPS 15.36 59.40 GROCERIES 17,63 CLEANING SUPPLIES 40.00 DECORATIONS 500 00 ADVERTISING 265°04 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 603.13 SHIRTS /SLACKS 43.16 GOLF SHOES 2534 LUMBER 49.45 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 8095 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 287485 LOCKS /PULLS 2,107.05 STREET LIGHTING 295000 ADVERTISING 159.97 REPAIR PARTS 163.20 REPAIR SUPPLIES 20.20 REPAIR SUPPLIES 90.01 REPAIR SUPPLIES 65000 10 MONTHLY RENTALS 195.40 REPAIR SUPPLIES 62,74 PAPER /LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES 31002 SHOP TOWELS 2,768 90 FERTILIZER 105000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 79099 ALUMINUM LADDER 11,200400 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order Oct 12, 2001 08:22am Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number m__em ------ Date -- - ----- Code Number Invoice# Due Date --n_ ------ ------------ -------- Amount Date Amount ------------ ------ -- _pm_a_____ ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 12/7/99 8300 929 09/01/01 12980 21850006933 10/16/01 686085 1,376001 TIPPING FEES 09/16/01 21850007044 343080 18,419 23 TIPPING FEES 10/01/01 21850007157 345.36 6,062 21 TIPPING FEES 10/01/01 21850007153 5,432.10 09/16101 21850607040 5,929.39 08/16/01 21850006822 6,238°93 09/01/01 21850006929 6,881002 OTAL 389,864,01 w F25.20 90 records listed r TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FIRE CAPITAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT September 2001 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND OMMEM 140.63 3,609.20 678.66 TRANSFERS TOTAL , 28. 9 FAVERM TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT -rRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT {SAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1 0/06/01 General Fund Community Development 0.00 9,16. 0000 19935.89 Police 4 62,855.633 Animal Control 0 Streets 211.49 66 01 1 Center 0.00 3,764.4 General Fund Total $182,323.7 w elIIS Total Garage Fund $0.00 $5,048.23 APPROVED: 6 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/06/01 Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Ambulance Fund Overtime Expenses Total Expenses MIRIMBIRMIK 'Total Expenses Worker's COMD Self-Insurance Fund APPROVED- October 16,tkU$, A MEMORANDUM TO� HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OFOWASSO FROM- TAMMY GRIMES, HR RISK MANAGER SUBJECT SELF--INSURED WORIC-E RS' COMPENSATION THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT DATE: OCTOBER 10, 2001 BACKGROUND: Quotes for services were received from five vendors. Two of the quotes were unclear on their annual bids. Midlands Management provided rates per claim, per claimant. The annual fee for this company would be between $17,000 and $20,000. The other quote was from Griffin & Associates, Inc. This proposal was very confusing and left us with many questions. The top three quotes are as follows: On-line capability not offered by Southwest Risk Management. Southwest has a staff of two and United Safety has a minimum of nine people available. Known VS. Unknown- We know exactly what services are available through United Safety as well as what to expect. Loss Control Services- We have available for our use the expertise in the Loss Control services through United Safety & Claims. Southwest Risk Management will provide those services for an additional cost. Use ofPPO- United Safety & Claims maintain agreements with several PPO's that give additional discounts on both medical bills and prescriptions when a member provider is utilized. Southwest Risk Management does not offer the PPO savings. The top two quotes were provided by United Safety & Claims and Southwest Risk Management. The services offered by Southwest Risk Management appear to be somewhat close to the services we have received from United Safety & Claims. Some ofthe differences in the two quotes are as follows: ANALYSIS: United Safety also conducts safety inspections of City facilities, provides safety training as well as supervising the "return-to-work" process after an employee is injured. In addition, when City equipment is available to utilize infOlmation management features, United Safety's quote also includes on-line capabilities for tracking claims and accessing up-to-date medical information. United furnished timely authorized payments, investigated claims provided training during the cuuent contract year. United Safety has done a consistent jO,b in the performance of their duties and services they provide. Each claimant is contacted upon receipt of the notice of injury as well as claims investigated that are questionable or claims where subrogation potential exists. In addition to monitoring all medical treatment to ensure that it is reasonable and necessary and that it is not for an unrelated medical condition, United Safety also performs any applicable medical "fee scheduling". Workers' compensation guidelines regulate, through the use of "fee scheduling", the maximum fee that may be charged by a provider (such as a physician, hospital, laboratory, rehabilitation facility) for specific medical treatments. $17,004 $10,200 $25,000 Claims (current vendor) SELF-INSURED WORKERS' COMPENSATION THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT PAGE TWO 1. from Safety Quote from Southwest Risk Management, 3. Quote from Triad Claims Management Staff recommends approval of purchase payment for a one contract beginning 26,2001, for Third Party Workers' Compensation administration services, with United Safety and Claims, at a renewal rate of .00335 of annual payroll for the self-insurance Workers' Compensation program. quoted the same percentage the estimated payroll for 2000-2001 to Management did a lower bid than but are to cause some concern a SELF-INSURED WORKERS' COMPENSATION THIRD P ARTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT PAGE THREE 324 South Main #500 Tulsa. OK 74103 918-587.Q4DQ 1.800-471.2564 Fox: 918-587.330{~ Se,rv!c ino Ol<.lohorno Sl Hri<c''''s:>, Submitted By: Southwest Risk Management, Inc@ Contact: Peggy DuvaU/Shelli Hassell 324 South Main, #500 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 587-9400 , Southwest Risk ,1\J\_o0ogement, Inc. jjj <-, There will be a no charge for handling the claims runoff. Adjusters are available for monthly safety/claims meetings at no additional charge. Loss Control Services to be provided on an as needed basis at a rate of $80.00 per hour. Fee due on the first day of each month. Monthly Fee is for unlimited claims during the contract period. Flat Rate Per Month: $ 850.00 Per Monthl$ 10,200.00 Year stated as a fee shall paid by services as follows: 3 nature Payments to date, including Medical, Indemnity, Expected Total Cost Subd c) Written status reports, and monthly meetings, upon request. Subd d) Monthly/Weekly check register, identifying each payment, and total of all payments by categories of paid losses. to as CITY OF OW ASSO Page --4- 5. UNITED shall maintain complete files on aU reported claims on behalf of the CLIENT. 4. UNITED shall report to the CLIENT monthly on injuries reported during such period. Such reports shall include accident date, employee name, injury, description, medical and compensation paid to date, estimated additional cost, whether the claim is open or closed, and the estimated total cost. 3. UNITED shall recommend physicians, surgeons, and other specialist for treatment of employees sustaining occupational injury or disease, if desired by the CLIENT. It shall review doctor's reports of injuries, consult with physicians to resolve medical questions, and if requested by the CLIENT, arrange for rehabilitation se!vices. It shall review medical bills submitted on each claim and determine if they are reasonable and payable under the Workers' Compensation law, and do not exceed the allowed schedule of medical fees for treatment provided. United shall issue payment loss claim settlements. The format the checks must conform with UNITED'S cunent electronic data processing system, and the checks will paid for by the CLIENT. C. Ul'\lllbU smm to determine if injury was amount UNITED agrees to provide an of its normal claim administration services including an reports as required by State regulatory agencies. Normal claims administration does not include items defined as allocated claim expense. as injuries a. to AGREEMENT by and between United Safety Claims, as UNITED, City Owasso, hereinafter to as with self-insurer's obligations SERVICE AGREEMENT This contract is consummated in the State of Oklahoma and all questions pertaining to its validity, construction and interpretation shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma. 14. The CLIENT and/or excess carrier shall have the right to audit all files at any time except that the auditing personnel shall not be associated in any way with a competitor of United Safety & Claims, Inc. 13. The terms of the Agreement may be modified in writing with the consent of the CLIENT and UNITED. 12. In the event this service contract is terminated, UNITED agrees to continue handling all claims remaining open at the time of termination until such claims are closed or otherwise concluded. The fee for this service will be determined at the time of cancellation. 11. The contract will extended by mutual consent both parties. It is the intention of both parties to review the contract within sixty (60) days prior to the conclusion of the terms of the existing contract. Term of this contract is one year unless otherwise specified. It is also agreed tIris contract may be canceled by either party for non-performance, after said party is fully apprised of such non-performance and given 60 days to remedy the problem. Legal is at a rate $75 per hour. 9. .The CLIENT agrees to pay UNITED a flat ammal $.00335 the estimated annual payroll, estimated to $5,078,213. to paid in monthly installments of$1,417.67. Loss Control Services provided on a quarterly basis. The initial is payments are due by the or by to as required. excess msurance S 8. 7. 6. It is understood and agreed that UNITED will not perform, and CLIENT will not request performance of any services which may constitute the unauthorized practice of law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement had been duly executed by the parties as of the date indicated, As stated, we offer a customized claim management program; therefore, our services and fees and are always negotiable. Triad Claim Management's fees are based on delivery of a high level of service which includes but is not limited to: Attendance at depositions, trials and settlements; Claim review meetings with The City of Owasso; On-site investigations of catastrophic incidents and frequent contact with the injured employee, The City's designee, medical providers, etc. $0.00 N@ Charge Loss Control assistance including two ergonomic workstation analysis SAFETY & LOSS CONTROL $0.00 N@ Pre-Certification/authorization for treatment be paid on th.e file Management Medical on additional yeam the same mtes fo~ will to on an can t t t t ~EE at 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 688 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 688. RECOMMENDATIONS the City Ordinance 2001 meeting. fOlmally adopt unanimously a rezoning request 106th east 2001 regular meeting, the City a acre, more or less, parcel land BACKGROUND 10,2001 MEMORANDUM OL RM;2 I 11II. Oz,ol..o6 SUBJECT PROPERTY N.T.S. E. 106 STREET N, OM RD RS~:::~ 'AG Attorney Ronald D. Cates, APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of October, 2001. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. be, and the same is hereby rezoned from CG (Commercial General) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Density). THE NORTH 1236.24 FEET OF THE SOUTH 1766.24 FEET, LYING WEST OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA, AND SANTA FE RAILROAD TRACTS, OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 3 & 4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE & MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA Section 1. The zoning classification ofthe following described property, to-wit: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO~WIT: the Owasso Council has considered the recormnendation ofthe Owasso ~ Commission and all statements for and against the 02..01 ~06. herein ofthe the request for have been held AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-01-06 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) TO RS~3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE.F AMlL Y, HIGH DENSITY) REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 688 Our local agent, Moe Hogan of J-P Hogan, has solicited several quotes from various insurance COMMENTS: Beginning with policy year effective November 1, 1996, National American Insurance Company (NAIC) has provided general liability insurance coverage for the City. The current policy will expire October 31, 2001. As you are already aware, NAIC has advised that they will not be renewing our insurance policies for the upcoming year 2001-02. The coverage for "Tort Claims" is a standard part of any municipal liability policy. However, Owasso, as most entities, purchases additional coverage for those losses "outside" the Act. 1. $ 25,000 each property damages $ 125,000 each other loss per occurrence 3. $1,000,000 aggregate per occurrence As you know, the City's liability is restricted to limits established under the Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act. Liabilities for claims "inside" the Act are limited to: The of through its use a variety insurance products, programs, and safety and health education training seeks to minimize the City's exposure to risk. The single most important component of a Management Plan is the comprehensive municipality liability product. MEMORANDUM Spreadsheet listing quotes up to date /).TTACHMENTS: Staffis awaiting receipt of additional quotes staffwill prepared to make a recommendation to the council at the regular city council meeting scheduled October 1 200!' We will provide a supplementary memo quote. we discussed in the City Council Work Session on 10/9/01, we are still waiting on other quotes. OMAG has filed for property rates and it is unknown as to when they will be approved and rates filed for them to make the quote in a timely manner. There are several other items being researched at this time (Le. change deductibles, choose two companies to insure the City etc.). that is a list 2001-2002 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE RENEWAL PAGE TWO :!: E .- E ..J(!)(l) .~ C :c 0:. 1: 0 .- (!lOuro Q. -. ::J ::J o OlU e: \" ::Q (!) e: Q..mo< OJ .~ U e: (l) ~o.6 Cl@ C>>O~ 00e\! ~~...: C"')E>'7~ N_ ~ C"') N E>'7 mo~ C>>O~ 00114 ~~~ (",)E>'70 N ~ M ~ N E>'7 mot-.. mot-.. OO~ ~ ""a*" ("') t-.. ~ ~ ("') N E>'7 Ol e: u c (!) 0. 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I'll OJ :s ~I.Q .- 0 ctl ~O::J ~~ ~ ~-,~,~,~ ' - - , ~) ~ 5 ;;i j) l) ~,. ~-~~ ~~ ~.." ~ ~ ~~~~ --_. -- --- -- en b: :a b: Q.l CL ---- <<-~ _0 ~ wo ~ 6.0 0 ~ ~I~ ~ c; ~ ~ C'! ~ ;t;. :::s (j .5 _0 ('l) ~ wo ~ ~ 6.0 6.0 IIQ """ crith "<Ii ~~ _ Ii:) """ C'! ~ """ tt _ ~ ~ th :::J (j .5 .... 0 ~ wo 6.0 6.0 ~ w. th ~ ro ~ en OJ ..... b: .S: .... :a U th b: b: Q.l Q.l CL CL '-3-' .....0 ~ """ IIQ wo ~ """ 6.0 6.0 <l:) Ii:) crith to: eO :i ..... ~ ~ C'! """ .... ~ th 0" li - w E '" :::J e ::J U Q.l Q.l I:: e l- I:: Ql Q.l- CL _.0 ~tt I:: w ::l .- m ~tt 1:) -g ::l ::l -Q" .f!!1~ J::U c: .f!! 0 (;) Q.l b: ~&: ~a: we <( \ Also attached is a breakdown for council review of the deductible differences as requested. The premium savings are not significant enough to change from the original quote provided. One claim would eliminate the potential savings. $152,015.00 $173,415.68 $213,127.00 (ARM) Associated Risk Managers (Packaged Proposal) OMAG/CHUBB (combined) St. Paul Public (Packaged Proposal) Attached are the three quotes originally received from insurance companies. The breakdown is as follows: COMMENTS: September 17,2001 we submitted a memorandum to the council advising that our current liability/property insurance catTier, National American Insurance Company, would not renew our coverages due to "Adverse Experience". met with the City on 10/9/01 to discuss the upcoming renewal process. Our local agent, Moe Hogan was present and enlightened the council on changes that have occurred with the insurance industry. Mr. Hogan advised during this meeting that he solicited quotes from various insurance companies who write for municipalities. Some companies had not responded. It was the recommendation of the council to allow another week to receive quotes and to review other deductible options. To date we have not received any additional quotes. It is our opinion that we will not receive additional quotes prior to our renewal date of 11/1/01. BACKGROUND: MEMORANDUM Spreadsheet listing breakdown of three quotes (ARM, OMAG/CHUBB and St. Paul) Deductible Summary Breakdown 2001-2002 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE RENEWAL PAGE TWO .. .. "'~ ----- City of Owasso 2001 Insurance Quotation 10:16-01 ---------- ---_._~~~- 9_<<?_,!lJ)~i1Y Assoc Risk Mgr OMAG St Paul Public CHUBB OMAG/CHUBB . .-.------- ---..---..-- ---~._-~---_.- .------------- .~--~- Co Underwriter Kemper OMAG St Paul Chubb Combined . --- ------ . - "';"'- .._- Package _ PElckfjige? .. packag~/or Liab - -- Coverages ----"~--""---- f-------.- -----------~ -_.._-------_._-~~ .....------.----..- -----~-~._--_._- General Uab Per VCCl!! ij t;ij ivl:1 '1:1 nnn nnn State Tort State Tort . . ------- ..._--_._--_...._-----~-- A '1:? nnn nnn ... ....-- -....-----.--- 1d:.~1 .. 1a:.;J/ ~? I:;l1fl $2,500 __ .._ _OU' .___~____..__ none A . Prem $24,514 i!:77 J:.1f'lff!:; !;.!Ii- 'tAlI If'lA'lI --. ... ~._.._- ~,._----..~----- ~~__o 'P U 0 _ .____~_.m___.__~_~___._ _._.~.._._->~--_._._._--"'._--_._- Law Uab _..._._._------,~-~~----- ..-...-........---.-..-..-- __~...__._._____._._w__.~__._._.__.._._ -_...._...~~------------.~.--_.~~~ _m__....__~..__._____~~_~__<."._.~_ Per~ """ '1:1 non nnn '1:1 nnn I1flfl $1 nfln 111111 ._._--_._._"-~.~-~._._..._"~.~.,~.._-- """ .., -~----..-.~"'._.._...._...__.~-----.~."--- 'I:? onn nnn '1:') mm flnn '1:') nnn nnn '1:') a;nn '1:':\ non $2,500 --- - .- "~. M _ ___~___._..____.~.__~____n .~ - . ... - ~ .--- . -~-----_._---"-~~---- Annual Prem i!:?A ,)Q~ -. . - -~~_.~-_. ---.-- --~-~_.- -~--_._- ~----------_..._._- --~_.------ Pub Off Liab Claims Made -- ~- c-__~~~~~~~~~a_~_=..~~~~~t~5R~=~~--..~._~_= ---------~ Per Occurrence $1,000,000 .-----.- -~~--~----------- Aggregate $2,000,000 __... '__..._..n___ -..'''''' ---- ~--~_._--_..~-~.._~-- Deductible ..__..____ $~2Q2... $3,000 $2,500 ~_..._.....-:-'---------- ---------..----- --..--.-.--..-. -~~.__...__._-_._..~-~ ~.._ Pram_ $1G,026 im:luded $1!5,108 !------_._---~ --.--.-. ---------.. .---....--.....----.- _n..__....____.____ .~---_..._- ~_,__,___~~...~.'_~_m~__ ----..----.--.----- --_.~._.._-----~._--~------ ...~----~-_..~~~ ~---------~-~.._- Auto Llab Per Occur iI:"1 Iv"" '1:1 nnn nnn I State Tort ~!~~..::rorL_n_..___ ~~------~---<--_._-,--- ----.-..------.--...---..-- .--~-~-_. .....--..- ~---~~-~--~_._-,--~ ------~..~---~.- 125/100/25 125/1000/25 'I:? i;l1fl 'i:? i;fll1 ~~~._~--~ Deductible none -------------~"~ /f:,;@ ')il'!Jr:, .'t.?J:. F01.1 $27,411 .~-~-~-~--- Annual Pram .--.-...---.---- ---~~"---~--~- -------------.----- --..----.--....-..- _._-----~ ~~_._------ ._----~..~-~ -~,-.--~~-~~--- Total Annual ---------- t-----------..---- ---~_.._----~._-- -'", --------------- ~------~- UBb Prem $1031094 $103,038.58 $108,588 .. -... .._- ~--_..~~-~- ....- ..- -----_..- 1-. Property Bldg/Cont Limit $23,231,099 $23,231,099 $23,231,099 Deductible $1,000 $1,000 ___ $1,([60 ~------- Annual Prem $41,248 __$10~!...539_ $10,311 -- .._---- - -- Scheduled Eq $1,216,561 $1.216,561 $1.216,561 Deductible $500 $500 1---'--' $1,000 ---~_._-~-- . --~------------- --------~-~_. . Annual Pram $7,613 included induded -- ---- Total Annual $48,921 ~.. Prop Prem $104,539 $70,311 -- Total Annual """.,...<._._....~....~-<~- --~--$f5'fij15 ____.__.._._.__.~._._..._'_._.n_ --.,------- ,.,--<.,~--~~.--"'.~,~ ~.. _~'_.__~.._..._.. ._". _.... ~_ .J<'~ ~_._.__._...._ Pka Prem $213,127 $173,415.68 ($428 less than $500 deductible) ($673 less than $500 deductible) ($1891 less than $1,000 deductible) ($5349 less than $1,000 deductible) ($1252 less than $2500 deductible) ($2467 less than $2500 deductible) $7,245 $7.000 $39,357 $35,899 $14,774 $13,559 Inland Marine $1,000 Deductible $2,500 Deductible Property $5,000 Deductible $25,000 Deductible Public Official Liab $5,000 Deductible $10,000 Deductible $5,000 Deductible $10,000 Deductible Liability $5,000 Deductible $1 ARM (Specialty National/Kemper) options 5 on L 2. 3. 1. Associated Risk Managers of Mid America has quoted the package through Specialty National Insurance Company (A Kemper Company) all lines. They us some deductibles. OMAG, is state City of Owasso 2001/2002 Insurance Quotation Summary During the October 9th City Council Workshop, we reviewed the request to extend the Cowen's Construction Management Contract by thirty (30) days and establishing a not to exceed dollar amount of $7,000. The difficulty in setting "caps" on the contract is the fact that Cowen Constmction has little control over the sub-contractors and even less control over the weather. For example, asphalt paving completed over two weeks ago may not pass compaction tests and there is evidence that some sections of the parking lost must b removed and replaced. Recent rain events have prevented the contractor from returning to the site to make the necessary repairs. DISCUSSION: Unfortunately, the tentative move-in date of October 1st for the Police Department has been rescheduled due to the non-delivery of hardware for the jail doors. Apparently, the door hardware ordered four months ago, will not be shipped until October 26th. City staff met with Cowen Construction on Tuesday, October 2nd to determine how the Police Department might be relocated prior to November 3rd. At issue, was the delayed demolition ofthe "old" Police Station which forces the City Hall move-in date into early December. The City Manager's Office is pressing Cowen Construction to accelerate the scheduled move-in dates by at least two weeks which means the Police Depmiment will be relocated on October 22nd and means the City Hall move could occur on or about November 12th. Cowen Construction and representatives fi'om the City of conducted a "punch.. list" walk-through of the Station on September 19th. The construction inspection did not produce any unexpected surprises other than the dryer vent hook-.up which failed to get installed in the jail laundry room. Most the punch-list items were cosmetic in nature and fairly easy to conect. The project, overall, appears to be making significant progress despite the fact that material delivery and manpower shortages have slowed construction over the past thirty days. J ail design issues coupled with drywall, window glass, flooring tile, and building security have contributed to the loss of nearly six weeks of constmction productivity. October 1 2001 lVIEMORANDUM Letter dated October 1 2001 from Doug Peterson, Cowen Constmction ATTACHMENTS: are recommends that the November 30,2001 and cap the management work period at 20 hours per week. City staff will make effort to minimize the management costs and we have already to increase our physical on the job Our suggestion to the City Council is that we retain Cowen Construction through the project closeout to ensure that contractors complete the work called for in their contracts. We believe it would be a mistake to force Cowen Construction off the project at this late date, Obviously, there will be work taking place after the end of November such as site work and drive completion, project landscaping, project close-out documentation, punch list management and foUow@up. processing of final payment applications of the subcontractors, etc. Additionally, our services may be needed from time to time dwing the one (1) year warranty period, With the current projection for move in to the new facility being October 22,2001 for the police, November 12. 200 1 for City Hall, that would suggest our involvement would be required through the month of November. @) Winter weather/ice storms extended dry@in of the building into heat extremes the summer slowing man-hoW' production. @) Switching the drywall contract at critical path due to bankruptcy. @) Cupola sted design delayed dry-in of the building. * Increased scope to critical subcontractors without time extensions. @ Damaged, incorrect, or incomplete material shipments, * Lost shipments due to September 11 tlI tragedy. Reordering w~ necessary. * Replacement of poor craftsmanship. Other items that have caused our time on project to extend are as fonows: a our original hours for this project to Going to March 1999 when our contract was executed, it was then contemplated that project would construction some six to nine start did not start until August 2000. contrad for Construction Management Services this project is an hourly consulting agreement based on a specified duration and number Septemoor JO~ 2001 our time hours were both we are without a contract" 2001 October 918 584 8922 P.01/02 COl,JEN CONSTRUCT ION l\ 9! 111.58<$.111922 91 S-~i!il~-~;eao 74 I 0 I -3465 TUlSffi< Qr(t,ANOMiI!\ PO Sox :J465 1110 W. 23t:lt;) Sr ) ~ ) ffi ) ~ ) w !i:STABLISHEfj 1896 ii' t ) E ~ I ) ) OCT-12-2001 12:13 TOTAL P.02 Cc: file. field DP:bm ug Peterson Project Manager COWEN CONSTRUCTION Very truly yours, any comments, me if you considemtion give this can to a 20lhour through i''lovemoer "v~ ~vu 1. wc believe the project will at a point that you can put us; on a needed basis. (which is I know you would like to see a "'Not to Exceed" us; revvriting the ent.ire agreement we are unable to our hours since we me not directly in control over the actions of others. Mr. Larry Mitchell October 200 I 918 584 8922 P.02/02 COWEN COt'JSTRUCT I OH UCl-12-2001 12:14 1. Location Map 2. Amendment Request 3. Partial Plat Showing Affected Lots ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of OPUD-15A subject to the condition of approval imposed by the Owasso Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATIONS The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the October 9, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval subject to the condition that no future vaIiances shall be granted by the Ow as so Board of Adjustment on the affected lots. Staff concurs with this recommendation. As this is a minor amendment, no legal notification was required prior to the Planning Commission or Council hearing the request. The applicant recently requested an amendment to the Preston Lakes plat that modified an area 18 previously platted duplex lots to 30 single-family lots. The duplex lots were organized around cul-de-sacs that have been constructed. The cul-de-sacs' existence has limited the redesign ofthe area and caused the four subject lots to be slightly less than the minimum 65 foot width established by the PUD Outline Development Plan. has requested a minor amendment to 15). 13 subj ect property is located at the northeast corner Map is 2001 1 MEMORANDUM .!~ ; .... ".' :,. '. "'-: ' .}.. '. ..' .t. . . .1' .... .,' ..... t:.'.-..: : :.. ';' :~ :..:.. ~:: . ~, . . .... ... .~ . .' ~ LOCATION M ""'01~ j r- ~rOTAL ACRES := 7001 TOTAL LOTS = 30 N. ~ ~w,w N. ......... '" E: ICom m onl2 12 991PRES TONIPUD Amendmen tlAMEN DMENT. doc [Add necessary signature blocks] It is U,D, is frontage than permitted original Unit the dimensions the dimensions Amended Plat submitted simultaneously herewith, It is acknowledged that changes are minor in and the Plat maintains substantial compliance with the outline development plan U,D, purposes U,D, Plat, are as lots, as identified on the Lots 3, 8, 13 and 18, Block 1, Preston Lakes Amended; Pursuant Section 880,9 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Zoning the Unit Development for Lakes is hereby amended permit a Minimum on than MINOR AMENDMENT TO PRESTON LAKES P.LJ.D, TEXT ~l L-!-.. nn nn' 69"Z99 .~ ~c, r- 118,SZ 8917" I ~I P i~ 8 I~ Iii; . I I L__ c .->0 50.01 23 NO.O, 13912 L-. L -'-'- <~s; 49.99 -l' C rr r I I g 10; to I~ -...I I~ I~ z ()l lD .->ocr, .... I I , I , I , , , , 1 1 , , 1 t , \ , zl co, l.D I ..d. 01 (Jl '110 ~ \ . , W'OS ..?..y '3n-:-g~ - l'SS 18,'Gi-' 'I 8909 I _I U1 -' N"I ~ O~I ~ R' -' ~I 1 I ____J 3n ,ll 00'<;9 ~ z ~\ffi -' Nvi CD ~ '!. O-J>. 00_ rri 15'UE ~ - .-=. -' 5' BL 8901 00'<;9 - - -,- - -~ - -I I z OJ ~ I ~\<.D -' q 0 -' Nvi -,cl <.D N 01-...1 rr/' . .. R>I (f) O-l'o ro' <.D 00. '-1 f1i 8908 1 ']i3..2' ~ _ ..-J 3n .<;a Oo'g~'-' -I-'oo'os-'~c;~ 5:""'8!__ 8~6_ 3n I.LL 3Q .SL 00'<;9 00'99 30 S L lO'OS "?<.J' 3/n,sT I'S.s 18 ,~z -~1 8909 0;1 ~ I ..A ~I 0 [D . .1 g I 1 ~. _ -1 o ~\~ N~ UlUl . ~..j CD g ~ q :i -' -Q~~~~~-' 44"E 2.00 00'99 8906 -'\~ NlD N Y1!::i o . o .j>. o ~' -.1 U1 ~I g ~1 to -' [D' m ,I ~ 00'<;9 r )> ^ fT1 (J) 00'99 ~ _.-v ~~. Ov:9C; G6'g~ ,)11 .:) '~I 01 I 1 I I co -' l6'SZ c;.. /".- , / .--'" r '" /'Q,?!o':.J -.... .... " 8904 ..... 6' "--. <t ,-l~U~ 68'S?; I 1 I- I': ;FIi oJ JI -' .1' (J1 eN -..>. : ol LL OJ 8907 3n ,L I (j) co eN Nlm ~ vi a ---! o .j>. 0 :i '" I (Jl if. 917'L9 c ~ \"'" M..vv,OO.OON 6l'SC;~ co Approximately 25 Rogers County citizens attended the meeting and voiced concerns regarding upstream development and its affects on storm water runoff. PUBLIC DISCUSSION The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the October 9,2001 regular meeting. At that meeting, staff presented to the members of the Planning Commission and also received comments and questions from interested citizens. After hearing an concerns and answering all questions, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of both OPUD-OI-03 and 02-01-08. Staff concurs with this recommendation. A copy of the Planning Commission staff report is attached for your review. The public was notified of the rezoning request, OPUD-01-03 and 02-01-08, through site posting and letters of notification to property owners within 300' of the subject property. Additionally, appropriate legal notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. The applicant is requesting supplemental zoning, I on property that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The PUD application is accompanied by zoning application OZ-01-08. The plan and text call for the development of 4 acres of CG (Commercial General) located at the n0l1heast comer of the subject property and 156 acres of RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Density) encompassing the remainder of the property. The text further establishes that within the RS-3 zoning district 107 gross acres will accommodate 9fExecutive Homes9f meeting all requirements of standard RS-3 zoning, 23 acres of "Garden Homes", and 26 acres of "Patio Homes". A proposed land use diagram is provided within the Outline Development Plan and Text for your reVIew. Charney Charney requested a request and a Planned Unit Development application. Cuuently, the entire tract is (Agriculture) and was annexed 2001. is at the comer Map is attached your HONORABLE CITY MEMORANDUM 1. Planning Commission StaffRepOli Outline Development Plan and Text L to Staff recommends approval OZ~.0l."08, rezoning the propeliy from (Agriculture) to (Commercial 4 acres and (Residential Single-Family, High Density), 156 acres, Separate action will be required on each request, with action occurring on the zoning first, followed by the Planned Unit Development RECOMMENDATIONS N.T.S. E. 1.16 STREET N, A The Zoning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public healing and shall determine: STAFF ANALYSIS Staff is proposing a concurrent review ofOPUD-01-03 and OZ-01-08. The applicant is requesting approval ofPUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and text. The PUD application is accompanied by a zoning application OZ-01-08. The plan and text call for the development of 4 acres of CG (Commercial General) located at the intersection ofE. 106th Street N. and N. l45th E. Avenue with the remainder being RS-3 (Residential Single-Family Detached, High Density). The single-family will consist of 107 gross acres of Executive Homes, 23 gross acres of Garden Homes and 26 gross acres of Patio Homes. The property is bound by on all sides by rural agriculatural and residential property. However, the proposed future location ofthe Tulsa Technology Center is to be west of the subject property and the Coffee Creek development is located opposite the subject property at the southwest comer ofE. 106th Street N. and N. 145th E. Avenue. Planned Unit Development #OPUD-O 1-03 is 160 acres, more or less, which is undeveloped. The subject property is located at the northeast comer ofE. 106th Street N. and N. 145th E. Avenue, is described as the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 14 East and is currently zoned AG (Agriculture). The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a ~, coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances ofthe zoning regulations. as a is submitted greater creativity and flexibility than could achieved by traditional planning and development of large parcels land. to a a CITY OF OW ASSO Planning Department OPUD=Ol-03 & OZ-Ol=08 Staff Report Approximately 1/4 mile to the east and 1/2 mile to the north and to the south ofthe subject property are existing rural residential developments. The remaining sUlTounding property is undeveloped rural residential/agriculture. This proposed PUD will constitute the first significant development of the area, so is difficult to identify as harmoniuos with existing development. Harm.ony with Existing and Expected Development It is staff's opinion this proposed rezoning is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, with the exception that no corporate technical development is proposed. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property to be developed as single-family residential, park and recreation, corporate technical and commercial to be located at the comer. The 2010 Land Use Master Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. Therefore PUD and rezoning requests are obliged to be consistent with Comprehensive Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended. COl'fSISTENCYWITH COM~REHEl'fSIVE PLAN a continuity function and design within the development. c. Permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the physical features of the particular site; a. Pennit innovative land development while limitation on the character and intensity assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; IS 4. treatment IS a 3. 2. Whether the is in hannony with the existing and development areas. 1. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Sidewalks along all public rights-of-way be required at the time of platting. 2. All cul-de-sac lots and lots along curves shall meet the minimum lot width within five feet of the front yard setback or rear property line. 1. The primarily east-west road proposed shall be developed as a collector road. Staff recommends approval ofOPUD-Ol-03 and OZ-Ol-08 subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDATION The applicant effectively utilitized the site and its existing features and thoughtfully located the vaIious land uses proposed within the PUD. A Property Owner's Association will be established. At the time of platting, detailed covenants and restrictions should be submitted governing the unified design and function of the Planned Unit Development. Unified Treatment of th~PUD_SJlbjectArea Sidewalks will be required along all public rights-of-way associated with the subject property. Acceleration/deceleration lanes will be required at the time of platting. are mree on the outline development no is proposed at the north end of the property, along the half-section line, staff recommends east.owest developed as a collector Sewer and water have been extended north along the west side ofN. 145th Avenue. The sanitary sewer will be collected by the Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer InterceptoL As this property was not included in the sewer master plan and, consequently, not included area, must facilities are within the south-central and southeast It is staffs opinion that this development would harmonious with existing and As previously stated, the proposed development conforms with the developmental guidelines established in the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, it is consistant with expected development trends in the area. 15. The Planning Commission reserves the right to prescribe additional buffering, screening, and setbacks during the platting process. 14. Detailed landscape plans shall be submitted at the time of site plan review. 13. No building permit be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria oulined within Chapter 8 ofthe Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the developer. 12. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. 11. A detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting, and the document be certified by registered engineering, 1 All conditions imposed by the Technical Advisory subdivision plat approval be met as conditions the one ma area to anomer may occur the area is not single~ 8, Within this PUD, the maximum number dwelling unit shall not family residences. set out the development shall meet the requirements Detailed covenants and restrictions governing the unified design and function the at the platting, 3. Acceleration/deceleration lanes be required at the time of platting. 1. Location Map Application and Checklist 3" Application for A TIACI-lMENTS 6 11. II cr.fi L k'L W~"- a1~~~ Y-;t!~ CAf,'h! ? fiJ~LL~""J2!,tQ. Aa I'I,Q V\ /9/ t~ L- ,7f{YVJIL L i ) (~ Na Ift;ll' ("'~ i) , ! i Y}j rUE r+t"rJ i 0( f ~ ,~ :3 { q(( Lo3 9~ V ,j~& 3 /01 O~5--IJ/. / YI iO 113 iI/: 1:>/ #ue, /J /71/ (:, . ~ / '3 / [) LJ2,:ff rUe r~T 02- ? !j#A .5' F/V f'fZ/.~1 AJ . () 2. /&}~1.1rj/ 1\) -7.Lt,0 \ C() 1'/ , 'b \ 9 N (a( N I T/1 tl-j 14 ~' f ~ ?v {J A(JJ/\ S Ai {-\ /.-f / (,,( /z Staff recommends approval of OPUD-15A subject to the condition of approval imposed by the Owasso Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATIONS None PUBLIC DISCUSSION The Owasso Plamling Commission reviewed the request at the October 9, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval subject to the condition that no future variances shall be granted by the Owasso Board of Adjustment on the affected lots. Staff concurs with this recommendation. As this is a minor amendment, no legal notification was required prior to the Plamling Commission or Council hearing the request The applicant recently requested an amendment to the Preston Lakes plat that modified an area 18 previously platted duplex lots to 30 single-family lots. The duplex lots were organized around cul-de-sacs that have been constructed. The cul-de-sacs' existence has limited the redesign of the area and caused the four subject lots to be slightly less than the minimum 65 foot width established by the PUD Outline Development Plan. amendment to affects at Preston Lakes, Unit Block 1, 861h subject property is IS requested 1 BACKGROUND 10, MEMORANDUM 1. Location Map Amendment Request 3. Partial Plat Showing ATTACHMENTS 1. DEQ Permits -. Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch 2. Final Plat - Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch. RECOMMENDATIONS DEQ pennits for sewer and water extensions have been received. Copies of the pelmits are attached for you infonnation and review. Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch at their 2001 special meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The City of Owasso has received a request fl.-om Bailey Ranch Investment Group, the review ofthe final plat for Saw grass at Bailey Ranch, located approximately 1/2 mile north N. east Garnett A is located on the plat within subject plat residential acres, more or 11, MEMORANDUM P'i_d on ~$d paper wftl, 8\>}' InII .0 70114Mrn IODIN )N, P.O. BOX 1611, OIllAllOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 .16n c: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DI...H Engineering, Irll::orporated Patrick RO$ch, P.E.. WPC listrict Engineer, DEO Rick Austin, R.S., Ragionll Diractor. DEQ Bartlasville DEO Office Enclosure RWC/HJT Iso Rocky 0(811. P.E. DWSRF/Commuction Permit Sect )n Watar Quality Division Very truly yours, We are returning one n) lie! of tt ~ ;approved ph~n$ to you, sending one (1) set to yom engineer and retaining one <<1) set for our 1 es. of the of Receipt of 1:hi$ permit :ijhould be I ,ted in the minutes of the next regular OW(}SSO, after which it should be l'lade a matter of permanent record. The thi~ pl!ll should be C01nstructed in with the this 011"1. J1ly 2001. deviati01n~ the plans and spacifications <'llffeeting capl!llcity, 'low or O1f units must be approved, in writing, by ~ Ia EnclO1sed is Permit No. 010608 for the O1f 1 inch PVC !:lanitarv sewer lirl€l, ph.! all to ser\l'l'l thfll Ranch sewer line )f Dear Mr. Can: $-21310 E ( 308 f :mch Permit No. Afll: 2001 FRANK KEATING oo'lIJfl1!Jr OKLAHO~ \ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIil OKLAHOMA lM~lMlNT OJ' INVlOOHMfIlIAl OOAlrrY MARK COWWl boonivelJimdM I I I 'l!,J "G Em::lo$UHlI 1 I j , 1 I 1 j 1m pffillOOM 107 HOImi ROB ISON, P.O. BOX un, OKLAHOMA on: OWHllMA 13101.1617 c: Danni5 L Hodo, P.E., Dl i Engineering, Incorporated Mary Randolph. PWS Di~ :rict Representative, DEO Rick Austin. R.S., Ragim III Dir~ctorg DEQ Bartlesville DEO Office Nathan Kuhnert, Plann!n! & Management Division. OWRB RWC/HJT 1$0 (....--.. T -: I J' 1'~I~I0 I ~~1t ~f.J i$.Di;.y~:f I ~D.1i~~ ~ . Rocky Ctfen, P.E. OWSRF/Construction Permit Se! tion Water Quality Division .J " Very truly yours, We are returning on@ (1) set of hEll approved plan!); to you, $ending one (1) ~et to your engineer <lnd retaining one (1) set for om files. 1 I of tho of Receipt of this permit should noted in tho mlnutos of the next ragular Owasso. after which it should t ~ made a matter of permanent record. authorized thi$ pe mit should b$ constructed in with the on July = )01. deviations from!h(!;} approv(!;}d pl~n~ i!@nd specificatians flow or opel itiOfil of units I\'mst. be ir, by the bl;lfora changes are !, ~ $ , Em:lo$ed is P(!;}rmrt Na. WlOOOO~ 201 0601 for the iC:anstrudion of '1,004 linear feat of fOlll" inch PVC water ~II Park at the Rl'llnl 1 water line , limllar feat cf six 16) to sarve th€J i ,1 Mr, Re; PiSrmit No, Park at PWSID No, 3002118 af Past Office Box 1 SO 1"0 fRANK KEATING OKLAHOA \ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY OKLAHOMA iltfMIMliNI Of INVUWNMfNIAl GUAUll MARKCOWMN Dirootlf I ! I&JUl i ( t 1. DEQ Permits - Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union 2. Final Plat - Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval ofthe Final Plat for Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union. RECOMMENDATIONS the permits are pennits for sewer and water extensions have been Copies attached for you information and review. Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for the Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union 17, 2001 unanimously recommended The City has received a request Tulsa Teachers' Credit for the review the final plat for Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union, located north 96th N. and east A is on on 4.1 acres, more or less. BACKGROUND 11, MEMORANDUM IUU1Uta M ratvclad paper wim l30y lftM ,. t.,' 707 NORTH ROBINSON. P.O. BOX \677, OKLAHOMA CITY. OKIAflOMA 73101.1677 c: H.J. Thung. Ph.D., P.E.. DWSRFJConsfruction Permit Section, DEQ Mary Randolph. P.E., WPC District Engineer Rick Austin. RS.. Regional Director, CEQ RWC/so Sincerely, ~~~ DWSRF/Constructioll Permit Section Water Quality Division contact me at If you have any quel'iitions concerning this an above project on 3, plans and specifications been reviewed and were approved on October 5. 2001. permit for this construction is being routed for signatures and will sent to you as soon as possible. Mr. sewer Hne extension Re: SL000012Cl! 0859 Tulsa Teachers 310 P.E. 5. FRANK KEATING Govelfiol OKlAHOMA DErAll!M'''! Cl5 [";jIO~Mr.1A1 0,..11 f MARK COlEMAt! Exewlive DilOOOI OKlAHOMA DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY T-963 P,02/02 F~328 10-05-0J 09:31am rromw P. 002 TEL'919 592 4111 OCT.-05'01(PRllI0:11 SACl(&ASSOC., INC. Encl. Classic Chevrolet Bid Letter The Staff request the City Council to approve the purchase ofthe new 2002 ~ ton Chevrolet pickup huck from Classic Chevrolet for $14,248.10, and authorization for payment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Community Development has been budgeted for this capitol expenditure in the 2001-2002 fiscal year in the amount of $20,646.00. This item will be $6,397.90 under budget. I prefer to buy locally, which saves transportation cost for two inspectors to drive to Midwest City. This saves the Department approximately $200.00 and frees the inspectors to do their appointed jobs here in Owasso. I also believe we can expect better warrantee service having purchased the vehicle in Owasso while sUPPOliing local businesses. I am requesting City Council's approval for the purchase of a new pickup for building inspections to replace our 1992 Ford pickup. The state bid for a 2002 )/2 ton pickup truck item 0070-48-,10-100 is $14,249.00 delivered Hudiburg Auto Group in Midwest City. I a bid from the new Department of Classic Chevrolet in the amount 10, for the same specified vehicle. 15703) 1 of MEMORANDUM 10. IS Paul "Shoes" Christian Commercial Fleet Manager Classic Chevrolet Commercial Fleet Dept P.S.C. 4/~- Thanks, IS our Thanks for your consideration Dempster City of Owasso 207 Cedar 180 eommercial fleet Deparinmnt i!iJ Ow~sso. OK 74055 i!iJ 918-2,72~UOt i!iJ f IH'V,"old fkl'! (a'm~m.n)m - I s I