HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.09.06_City Council Agenda_Special
September 6,2001
6:00 p.m.
Owasso City Hall
Lower Level Conference Room
Notice filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at
11 :00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 4,2001.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Barnhouse
2. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Proposal to Dredge the Lake (Owasso
Lake) Located South of 86th Street North at the Bailey Ranch Golf Club.
Mr Mitchell
3. Adjournment
a. Appoint and, when deemed necessary for the good of the service, layoff, suspend, demote, or
remove all directors, or heads, of administrative departments and all other administrative officers and
employees of the city except as he may authorize the head of a department, an officer, or an agency to
appoint, layoff, suspend, demote, and remove subordinates in such department, office or agency.
b. Supervise and control, directly or indirectly, all administrative depattments, agencies,
officers, and employees.
c. Prepare a budget annually and submit it to the council, be responsible for the administration
of the budget after it goes into effect and recommend to the council any changes in the budget which he
deems desirable.
d. Submit to the council a report as of the end of the fiscal year on the finances and
administrative activities of the city for the preceding year.
e. Keep the council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the city, and make
such recommendations to the council on matters of policy and other matters as may seem to him
f. Have such other powers, duties, and functions as this Charter may prescribe, and such
powers, duties, and functions consistent with this Charter as the council may prescribe.
Section 3-4
Administrative Departments, Offices, and Agencies
There shall be a department of finance headed by a city treasurer, a city attorney, and such other
administrative departments, offices, and agencies as the council may establish.
Section 4-1
De artment of Finance' Ci Treasurer
There shall be a department of finance, the head of which shall be the city treasurer. The City
Manager shall appoint the city treasurer for an indefinite term. Subject to and in accordance with this
Charter, applicable law, and such ordinances and other policies as the council may adopt, the city
treasurer or personnel under his supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money
for the city; shall be responsible for its custody, safekeeping, deposit, and disbursement; shall maintain a
general accounting system for the city government; and shall have such other powers and duties
with this as may be by or applicable
a. City Manager, subject to any regulations which the may adopt, shall contract
and purchase, or issue purchase authorizations for, all supplies, materials, and equipment for the offices,
departments, and agencies of the city government Every such contract or purchase exceeding an amount
to be established by ordinance, shall require the plior approval of the counciL The City Manager also
may transfer to or between offices, departments, and agencies, or sell, surplus or obsolete supplies,
materials, and equipment, subject to such regulations as the council may adopt.
b. Before the purchase of, or contract for, any supplies, materials, or equipment, or the sale of
any surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment, ample opportunity for competitive bidding,
under such regulations and with such exceptions as the council may prescribe, shall be given; but the
council shall not except an individual contract, purchase, or sale from the requirement of competitive
c. The council by ordinance may transfer some or all of the power granted to the City Manager
by this section to an administrative officer subordinate to the City Manager.
Section 4-3
Sale of Property Valued at More Than $25,000.00
The sale of any city property, real or personal, including public utilities, or of any interest therein,
the value of which is more than $25,000.00 may be made only (1) by authority of an affirmative vote of a
majority of the qualified electors ofthe city who vote on the question of approving or authorizing the sale
at an election, or (2) by authority of a special non-emergency ordinance. Such ordinance shall be
published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage,
and shall include a section reading substantially as follows: "Section --. This ordinance shall be refelTed
to a vote of the electors of the city if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within
thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage." The sale of an
entire public utility may be authorized only as provided in (1) hereinabove.
Section 4-4
Public Imj:)rovements
Public improvements may be made by the city govemment itself or by contract. The council shall
award all contracts for such improvements; provided that the council may authorize the City Manager to
award such contracts not exceeding an amount to be determined by the council and subject to such
regulations as the council may prescribe. A contract for public improvements of more than $2,000.00
may be awarded only to the lowest and best responsible bidder after such notice and opportunity for
competitive bidding as the council may prescribe. All bids may be rejected, and further notice and
opportunity for competitive bidding may be given.
Section 4-5
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the city govemment shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last
day of June of every calendar year.
Section 4-6
Inde:l2endent Annual Audit
public accountant
or accountants
or subordinate
shall designate a
audit the accounts and
all other departments,
fInancial transactions, as
the Manager.