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2001.09.18_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 18, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 14, 2001. Marci Boutwell, City Clerk AGENDA L Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse 2. invocation 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of September 4, 2001 Regular Meeting and September 6, 2001 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 -A Owasso City Council September 18, 2001 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment 95-B C. Action relating to the extension of a Contract for Uniform Dental and Cleaning. Attachment 95-C The staff recommends Council approval of a one year extension of a contract with UniFirst Corporation to provide uniforms and cleaning for the Parrs, Support Services and public Works Departments through December 30, 2002 at the prices specified in the contract dated September 21, 1999, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the extension agreement. 6. bequest to Address the City Council. Councilor Williams The City Manager has received a verbal request from Councilor Will Williams to address the Council. 7. Request to Address the City Council. Mr Albro Daniel Attachment #7 The City Clerk has received a written request from Mr Daniel to address the City Council regarding an alternative utility billing plan. Owasso City Council September 18, 2001 Page 3 & Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Lease Agreement With Volunteer Network Owasso. Mr Mitchell Attachment #8 The staff will recommend City Council approval of an agreement with Volunteer Network Owasso for the lease of the top floor of the city hall building located at 207 S Cedar, Owasso, Ok, such lease terms outlined in the attached agreement. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #685, an Ordinance Modifying the Defined Benefit Plan of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. Mr Harder Attachment #9 The staff will recommend City Council approval of ordinance #685, and authorization to execute any required documents. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #686, an Ordinance Modifying the Defined Contribution Plan of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. Mr Harder Attachment #10 The staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #686, and authorization to execute any required documents. Owasso City Council September 18, 2001 Page 4 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Bid for FY 2001 -2002 Street Repair Proj ects. Mr Lutz Attachment #11 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommnend that the Council award a contract for 2001-2002 Street Repairs to J.L.T. Construction, Cushing, OK in an amount not to exceed $189.,400.00. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Bid for Sidewalk Improvements. Mr Dates Attachment #12 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend that the Council award a contract for sidewalk improvements to Davis Construction, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $55,578. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Bid for Soccer Field Lights at the Owasso Sports Park. Mr Rooney Attachment # 13 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend the Council reject all bids and authorize the staff to rebid the project. Owasso City Council September 18, 2001 Page 5 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Approval of a Tobacco - Free Policy for City facilities. Mr Rooney Attachment #-14 The staff" will recommend that the City Council establish a policy abolishing the use of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco, in all city facilities, such policy to replace the Clean. Air Policy adopted by the Council in 1988 and amended in 1989. 15. Report; from City Manager, 16. Report from City Attorney. Owasso City Council September 18, 2001 Page 6 19. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to recess the City Council Meeting for the Purpose of Convening the Meetings of the Owasso Public Works Authority and the Owasso Public Golf Authority, the City Council Meeting to be Reconvened :Immediately Following Adjournment of the Owasso Public Golf Authority Meeting. Mayor Barnhouse The Mayor will request a recess of the City Council meeting so that the OP WA & GPGA meetings may be held prior to the Council entering into executive session. The City Attorney will request an executive session for the purposes stated. 21, Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Any of the Matters Set Forth in the Foregoing Executive Session. Mr Cates 22. Adjournment OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 4, 2001 The Owasso City Council net in regular session on Tuesday, September 4, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on 'Thursday, August 30, 2001, ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barrihouse called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Vice Mayor Randy Brogdon. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Barnhouse led in the flag salute, ITEM 4: ROLL CALL Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mayor Barnhouse read a proclamation naming Scott Medical Clinic as Business of the Quarter for the third quarter of 2001. Office Manager Mary Greenwood accepted the proclamation on behalf of Dr Scott and his staff. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 2001 Regular Meeting and the August 28, 2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #684, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located North of East 96th Street North and East of North Garnett Road, Immediately West of Owasso Market 11; from Ag (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center, Containing 4.5 Acres. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, ouse NAY: Motion carried. Motion carted 5-0. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Armstrong, Helm, ouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. sue I'M ORONO Mr Ewing said that a citizen participation plan is also a requirement for the CDBG and will be incorporated as a part of the application to be submitted to ODOC. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the required Citizen Participation Plan and authorize the Mayor the execute documents relating to that plan. -2- Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Heim, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 9. PUBLIC HEADNQ--RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND NEEDS WITHIN THE �JIY OF OWASSO, OKL-- AHOMA Mr Andy Armstrong of the INCOG staff conducted a public hearing beginning at 6:45 p.m He explained the purpose of the Small Cities Program, and requested input from citizens regarding the use of the $67,132 the City of Owasso expects to receive under this program. Hearing none, the public hearing was closed at 6:50 p.m. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPIRLIATE ACLIQN RELATING TQ RESOLUTION #2001-10, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DOWNTOVrN DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None R11191MARM) -3 - Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Motion carried 4-10 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION' RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF THE STREETS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE CAMDEN PM&1_AN_A.DDID1ON_-I LQj CITE'; _ OF 0WASSO.JULSA COUK[Y KLAj1OMk. Mr Lutz said that the development is located cast of 129" East Avenue, between Barrington Point and Windsor Lake 11. All deficiencies noted on the punch list have been corrected, and a final walkthrough was held on August 27, 2001, The contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the drainage system and a two-year bond for streets. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to accept the infrastructure improvements. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ........ . . O 1 111, w t111-1111:14r, 1'o it'll" UNIN 11 1 is AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Bamhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. -4- Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF THE STREETS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE BAILEY RANCH ESTATES 11.,_A.N ADDITIONJO THE CITY OF OWASSO ,TULSA COUNTY OKLAHOMA.. AYE. Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Holm, Armstrong Motion carried 3-2. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Barnhoui MkY: lJone 1 =W.174 0 1 Q Lei 11 "M W mug IONIC il=w 18JO I a -I a vit K ► ► 11*A 0, 0 11�v'vffA'jbAr&'�....—.—" XA—, N I q UT L%M 1, JOT* -b - Ago--VIA ... Im -5- Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 Ms Armstrong moored, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the agreement with the Department of Corrections, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Bro don., Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5.0. ITEM 170 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION _RELATING TO ✓ c� RESOLUTION' N #2001 12, A. 2ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR THE 76 T STREET NOR.TH/IIIGHWAY 169 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Harsh ®use NAY: Armstrong m • __ _ UP -6- Owasso City Council September 4, 2001 AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Helm, Ban-ihouse NAY: Armstrong Motion carried 44 ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND A13PROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. AYE: Armstrong, Heh-n, Williams, Brogdon, ouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mx Mitchell requested a special Work Session on September 25h . He announced that the target date for the Police Department to move into the new station is September 24t". 0� am III Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None -1 - Owasso City Council Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 porn, Marcia. Boutivell, City Clerk m8- September 4, 2001 Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, September 6, 2001 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Thursday, September d, 2001 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 11000 a.m. on "Tuesday, September 4, 2001 IT 1: CALL `To ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:04. porno PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor (in at 6:09) Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ron Cates, City Manager Allan Harder, Deputy City Clerk OTHERS Phil Lutz Russell Carlson Noble Sokol ®sky A quorum was declared present. Owasso City Council AYE: Holm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: lone Motion carried 4-0 ITEM 3 ADJOURNMENT Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to a jouin. AYE: Arm- strong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse :STAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the greeting was adjourned at 1020 p.m. Mary Lou Bainhouse, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk r 11 The above minutes were recorded by Allan Harder acting in the capacity of Deputy City Clerk in the absence of Ids Boutwell. mom Fund General Ambulance Ambulance Capital E-911 Capital Improvements MEMMEM 50.00 512.00 997.26 304.00 11,635.61 1,682.69 218.12 1,026.78 1,107.20 9.78 10,671.01 627.33 703.40 6,140.11 63.91 13, 000.16 3,695.72 2,835.43 12.50 55,293.01 1,298.94 1,716.05 788.00 2,694.62 2,694.62 430.50 430.50 21,891.89 21, 891.89 8,243.82 138.85 195.93 7,165.15 2,885.90 4,138.04 22, 767.69 IF OPVVA 400 Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 455 Wastewater Collection 480 Refuse Collections 405 Recycle Center OPWA Capital Improvements OPWA Sewer Line E>�ension City Garage Workers' Comp Self Insurance TOTAL 455 Wastewater Collections Debt Service TOTAL Debt Service TOTAL 185 City Garage TOTAL 150 VVnrheny'Comp TOTAL 2.417.15 �785.0 23,109.77 11.343.81 9.703.33 22,738.38 3'132.48 75.31k7@ 133,457.00 25.873.43 1G9'33O.43 23,000.00 23,000.00 8,809.21 8,809.21 8.575.76 8'575.7G Claims Total 379,906.89 City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04o02pm Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - ° - - -- ---- -- -- - ----- - - -- - - - --- ------ -- -- -- -- - -- --- ---- -- - --- -- -- ---- -- ---- - - - -a- ------------ --------- - --- -- 3660 1503 08/04/01 12263 7401023848 09/18/01 14,911,00 3663 1506 07/13/01 12264 5 09/18/01 1,263,60 3680 1508 08/15/01 12265 1 09/18/01 5,100000 6869 2178 09/30/01 12323 9/01 09/18/01 200.00 6870 537 09/10/01 12330 8/30 -9/10 09/18/01 620000 6871 1382 09/13/01 12429 54 09/18/01 513,90 6881 931 08/30/01 12259 25376 09/18/01 190000 08/23/01 25687 51.00 08/09/01 23928 26.75 08/23/01 25281 26075 6883 615 08/28/01 12217 298 -142 09/18/01 30000 08/28/01 298 -140 30000 08/28/01 298 -143 30,00 08/28/01 298 -146 30000 08/28/01 298 -147 30.00 08/28/01 298-141 30.00 08/28/01 298 -145 30.00 08/28/01 298144 30.00 08/28/01 298 -137 30.00 08/28/01 298 -139 30.00 08/28/01 298 -138 30°00 6884 1171 O8/31/01 12329 674171 09/18/01 100°00 6888 1294 08/20/01 12248 500197307 -01 09/18/01 338.79 7 6889 939 09/01/01 12245 090101 09/18/01 150.00 6958 371 08/31/01 12351 083101 09/18/01 612.00 6960 38 08/31/01 12353 083101 09/18/01 212,85 6961 2075 08/27/01 12350 082701 09/18/01 341.70 6962 171 08/30/01 12354 083001 09/18/01 354°15 6963 264 09/04/01 12352 090401 09/18/01 152410 6989 313 08/30/01 12219 26 09/18/01 530°00 6990 313 08/30/01 12218 27 09/18/01 56011 6994 554 09/04/01 12260 3148 09/18/01 40.00 7006 1301 09/01/01 12209 9/01 09/18/01 49,50 7008 252 09/01/01 12208 9/01 09/18/01 49050 7009 124 09/01/01 12210 9/01 09/18/01 49,50 7010 362 08/29/01 12206 34678 09/18/01 60,00 7013 7 08/21/01 12205 768964 09118/01 183°37 7017 642 08/31/01 12322 200 -8/01 09/18/01 69061 08/31/01 202 -8/01 19,95 08/31/01 203 -8/01 56052 08/31/01 204-8/01 29°75 08/31/01 205 -8/01 2097 08/31/01 206 -8/01 86,62 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 14,911000 ELEVATOR 6/6/00 1,263°60 FIRE PROTECTION 6/6/00 5,100.00 ACCESS FLOORING 6/6/00 200000 4 RESTROOM CLEANING 160.00 11 MOWINGS -ATOR PARK 460.00 11 MOWINGS- MCCARTY PARK 420000 11 MOWINGS- RAYOLA PARK 93.90 11 MOWINGS- VETERANS PARK 294050 EMPLOYMENT ADS 330400 PRE - EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS 100°00 DIGITAL PLAYER - CONTRACT 36055 12 PHONE USE CHIEF 302.24 12 PHONE USE SUPERVISORS /DETECTIVES 150400 12 RETAINER 612.00 METER READINGS 212.85 METER READINGS 341070 METER READINGS 354.15 METER READINGS 152.10 METER READINGS 530800 INSPECTION SERVICES 56.11 MILEAGE 40000 DIAL -UP SERVICE 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49,50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 60000 12 NIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 136.56 12 COPIER RENTAL/MAINTENANCE 46.81 12 SUPPLIES /SERVICE 1,574°21 12 UNIFORM CLEANING By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Sep 13, 2001 04e02pm Page 2 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description __nae ------ -- ---- -- rm_m ------ ------------ -------- ------------ -- - - - ®ms ---------- d__.,__-m_ad® ----------------------- 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 56052 38.67 41°30 55079 82.53 26077 10115 76075 23.80 11.90 59050 14087 32072 24.99 50.57 51076 47060 62047 8092 71.33 10702.7 71022 95020 44°62 50857 133.00 8415 76.50 159050 84.70 452.76 32.87 37074 9072 57°40 153035 59099 63.00 125.00 0037 90,88 163.58 19814 19099 19°99 12060 5.98 9,09 30000 5.88 167,50 18022 133400 12 FILING FEES 404.85 12 LEGAL NOTICES 452.76 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 137.73 REPAIR PARTS 153.35 BATTERIES 247.99 TIRE REPAIRS 651009 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 08/31/01 207 °8/01 08/31/01 208 °8/01 08/31/01 209 °8/01 08/31/01 210 -8/01 08/31/01 211-8/01 08/31/01 212°8101 08/31/01 213 °8/01 08/01/01 214°8/01 08/31/01 215 -•8/01 08/31/01 218/8/01 08/31/01 219.8/01 08/31/01 220-8/01 08/31/01 221-8/01 08/31/01 222•x8/01 08131/01 223 °8/01 08/31/01 224-8/01 08/31/01 225-8/01 08/31/01 227 °8/01 08/31/01 229 °8/01 08/31/01 232 °8/01 08/31/01 234 -8/01 08/31/01 235-8/01 08/31/01 236 -8/01 08131/01 237 -8/01 08/31/01 238-8/01 7019 1012 08/31/01 12311 533790 7020 931 08/28/01 12310 844346 08/28/01 844347 08/28/01 844393 08/28/01 844392 7021 360 08/28/01 12312 11168156 7028 857 08/31/01 12378 D202030 08/27/01 D201741 08/31/01 D202051 08/23/01 D201448 7029 123 08128/01 12379 43870 7032 364 08/21/01 12373 167717 08/22/01 167713 08/08/01 167567 7033 446 08/30/01 CEPO 12374 155351843 08/30/01 155351713 08/30/01 155351712 08/31/01 155352026 08/30/01 155351732 09/05/01 155353477 08/29101 155351351 08/31/01 155352110 08/30/01 155351705 09/05/01 830100654 08/30/01 155351690 08/31/01 155352170 09/05/01 155353439 :CS „AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 56052 38.67 41°30 55079 82.53 26077 10115 76075 23.80 11.90 59050 14087 32072 24.99 50.57 51076 47060 62047 8092 71.33 10702.7 71022 95020 44°62 50857 133.00 8415 76.50 159050 84.70 452.76 32.87 37074 9072 57°40 153035 59099 63.00 125.00 0037 90,88 163.58 19814 19099 19°99 12060 5.98 9,09 30000 5.88 167,50 18022 133400 12 FILING FEES 404.85 12 LEGAL NOTICES 452.76 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 137.73 REPAIR PARTS 153.35 BATTERIES 247.99 TIRE REPAIRS 651009 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04o02pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code (dumber Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - -- ------ - ° -- ---- -- -- --- --- ---- -- - - ---- -- -- - --- ------------ -------- -- aped - - -- ------------ ----------------------- 7116 366 09/07/01 12303 155354027 08/31/01 09/06/01 609522 830100809 7034 591 08/30/01 12377 8240164837 09/18/01 658712 09/06/01 8240165629 658042 08/30/01 08/23/01 8240164835 657962 09/06/01 8240165627 7035 1050 08/31/01 12376 33857 09/18/01 7044 104 08/27/01 12228 01 -08 -18 09/18/01 12458 243834 08/27/01 1056 01 -08-19 12337 7049 938 08/17/01 12233 9180IB567722 09/18/01 7132 812 08/24/01 12346 60 7050 1557 08/31/01 12425 53359 09118/01 7081 770 08/17/01 12204 172438 09/18/01 12159 12348 08/17/01 1149 172433 12207 9/01 7191 09/09/01 07/17/01 168280 071701 7084 2391 08/22/01 12212 81501 09/18/01 7090 89 09/01/01 12237 1 09/18/01 7096 717 09/30/01 12222 69525 -10/01 09/18/01 7109 567 08/24/01 12334 621001 -17 09/18/01 7110 941 08/22/01 12332 227540 09/18/01 08/26/01 227821 08/19/01 227053 7111 100 08/27/01 12341 500075 09/18/01 7114 239 08/28/01 12231 105611 09/18/01 7116 366 08/27/01 12303 658360 08/31/01 609522 08/23/01 657958 08/30/01 658712 08/24/01 658042 08/23/01 657962 08124/01 658078 08/20/01 657485 7121 360 08/28/01 12230 11164321 7129 829 09/06/01 12458 243834 7130 1056 08/27/01 12337 68482 08/29/01 68519 7132 812 08/24/01 12346 1510079764 08/03/01 1510079334 08/17/01 1510079639 7164 2394 07/21/01 12159 12348 7178 1149 08/30/01 12207 9/01 7191 158 07/17/01 12213 071701 08129/01 082901 7198 1038 08/29/01 12305 8622 09105/01 2382 7201 812 08/24/01 12339 1513079767 08/10/01 1513079491 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 09/18/01 10.60 77027 5037 5.37 30.89 30,89 62.80 400.00 299000 2,101 78 947.82 325»60 - 363°87 380.97 559.38 4,138004 23,000.00 1,404021 102°38 84039 16025 320000 122086 mrim owl W f a •t tf f! 61.78 UNIFORM RENTAL 10074 UNIFORM RENTAL 47°10 CYLINDER RENTAL 15.70 CYLINDER RENTAL 400000 THREE LAKES DRAINAGE 299.00 LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE 2,101078 12 E -911 947°82 BILLING SERVICE 342070 CLEANING SUPPLIES 559.38 AIR COMP MAINT 4,138004 12 CART LEASE 23,000.00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 1,404°21 STREET SIGNS 203.02 ASPHALT 320.00 DIRT /HAULING 24°57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 24,58 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 24,57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 24.57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 24°57 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 263.87 REPAIR SUPPLIES 110069 COPIER MAINTENANCE 92065 REPAIR SUPPLIES 102078 RENTALS 122°31 REPAIR SUPPLIES 110,00 2 LODGING- GOSVENER 250000 12 EMS AUDITS 337°93 10 UNIFORM PANTS 90.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,25 OFFICE SUPPLIES 80°72 REPAIR SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04o02pm Page 4 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 08/17/01 1513079641 29.84 7209 688 08/20/01 12399 76767 09/18/01 -1,200000 444000 CHEMICALS 08/20/01 578313 1,342000 08/31/01 76886 °300.00 08/31/01 578483 676°00 08/31/01 76894 °750000 08/31/01 578490 676400 7214 1294 08/20/01 12452 500093816-01 09/18/01 185090 30.59 12 CELL. PHONE- ROBERTS 8 30059 12 CELL PHONE-STAND BY 33°59 12 CELL. PHONE -ON CALL 30059 12 CELL PHONE- STEVENS 60.54 12 CELL PHONE -ON CALL 7231 1505 08/27/01 12321 26C °1 09/18/01 508000 508.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 7262 129 08/24/01 12156 12449146 09/18/01 11.80 11°80 PHONE USE-SR VAN 7295 1958 08/28/01 12375 3010433 09/18/01 450°00 450.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 7296 538 09/07/01 12380 1286 09/18/01 253.38 41043 CLEANING SUPPLIES 25°98 PAPER SUPPLIES 23.94 COFFEE 56049 CLEANING SUPPLIES 31066 MAINT SUPPLIES 53059 MAINT SUPPLIES 9030 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10499 PAPER SUPPLIES 7322 1044 09/01/01 12327 113647-1006° 09/18101 206037 206.37 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 8 7368 1329 08/30/01 12340 98249 09/18/01 99075 49.87 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 49.88 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 7373 812 07/27/01 12333 1513079204 09/18/01 3029 63°44 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 08124/01 1508079763 6093 3.29 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/10/01 1508079489 9080 08/03/01 1508079333 21.60 07/27/01 1508079202 4.98 08/10/01 1513079491 20013 7376 812 08/17/01 12338 1508079637 08/17/01 56044 119.15 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 08/24/01 1511079765 1017 0400 SMALL TOOLS 07/27/01 1511079203 56.38 08/24/01 1513079767 5,16 7381 6 08/22/01 12347 9831 09/18/01 55000 0.O0 SOD 55°00 SOD 7384 1039 08/24/01 12449 358942 09/18/01 158°20 172°19 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/21/01 359234 13.99 7386 729 08127/01 12224 T12560 09/18/01 3,440.00 3,440000 METER SETS 4/3101 7386 729 08/30/01 12348 T12582 09/18/01 4,580°10 10,801452 METER SETS 4/3/01 08/29/01 T12578 6,221042 7386 729 09/07/01 CEPO 12457 T126O2 09/18/01 2,570°00 2,570°00 METER SETS 4/3101 7387 1039 08/23/01 12448 358906 09/18/01 11°75 185°01 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 04/25/01 338192 °CM - 382040 08101/01 358944 444000 08/03/01 358404 111,66 7404 855 08/28/01 12439 874113 09/18/01 289°20 289.2O FIRE PREVENTION MATERIALS .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADEOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04o02pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# - deeo- ------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ----- ----- ° Amounts °-- ° ° - - ° ° °® Claim Description ----------------------- 7419 1329 09/15/01 12242 90797 09/18/01 210088 314.84 UNIFORM JEANS 08/15/01 91143 103.96 7447 1382 09/13/01 12426 53 09/18/01 111095 111095 MOW MEDIANS 7452 904 09/22/01 12202 55464 09/18/01 58°00 136000 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 08/13/01 55371 27000 08/03/01 55285 51000 7453 1038 08/09/01 12203 945 09/18/01 8.82 89,42 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/08/01 5490 72.66 13094 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/08/01 9706 16.76 7044 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/23/01 8961 21038 8.82 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 7454 812 08/10/01 12234 1503079487 09118/01 8002 8002 MAINT SUPPLIES 7455 857 07/23/01 12235 D198225 09/18/01 1047 13076 REPAIR PARTS 08/18/01 D200952 6.70 08/02/01 D199308 5.59 7485 496 08/01/01 12445 4505 09/18/01 42.79 42079 MAINT SUPPLIES 08/10/01 4624 7.64 7.64 MAINT SUPPLIES 08/06/01 4564 1071 1.71 MAINT SUPPLIES 7499 2560 08/23/01 12246 1194 09/18/01 414,00 414.00 4 LODGING-S. JONES 7510 2446 08/28/01 12345 93158 09/18/01 3,822°08 3,822.08 STREET STRIPING 7519 2448 09/27/01 12243 092701 09/18/01 179000 179000 TRAINING -FRY 7520 591 08/30/01 12266 8240164839 09/18/01 5020 27°80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/30/01 8240164838 15.32 22.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/30/01 8240164840 22°80 15032 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/30/01 8240164841 66.95 66.95 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/30/01 8240164832 27.80 21.40 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/30/01 8240164833 21°40 5.20 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 7520 591 09/06/01 12342 8240165631 09/18/01 5020 27080 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/06/01 8240165625 21.40 34°80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/06/01 8240165630 15.32 15032 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/06101 8240165632 34.80 54.95 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/06/01 8240165633 54.95 21°40 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 09/06/01 8240165624 27080 5020 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 7553 2477 08/29/01 12381 471562589900 09/18/01 73.57 17.95 INTERNET SERVICE 2515 -8/01 55.62 INTERNET SERIVCE 7563 826 08/07/01 12211 81437 09/18/01 164.85 164085 CELL PHONE BATTERIES 7567 66 08/09/01 12215 363720 09/18/01 320038 396060 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 08/21101 364537 27.30 08/27/01 365093 48.92 7585 2479 08/29/01 12302 11224 09/18/01 168°05 168005 REPAIR PARTS 7586 902 08/22/01 12404 1071 09/18/01 4,585050 4,585,50 PUMP SEALS 7601 100 08/28/01 12349 50076 09/18/01 650.00 650°00 DOZER RENTAL 7605 1044 08/18/01 12306 113353 -1006- 09/18/01 2,780066 2,780.66 RECYCLE REFUSE 3 7607 1044 08/18/01 12304 113165 -1006° 09/18/01 617.29 617.29 REFUSE COLLECTION 1 7608 1039 08/21/01 12451 357856 09/18/01 1,020°35 1,020,35 PUMP & HOSES 7630 66 08/14/01 12214 364038 09/18/01 473037 473°37 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 7636 1123 01/13/99 12309 212679 09/18/01 68835 68°35 S01139 7663 2492 08/29/01 12355 082901 09/18/01 65025 65°25 METER READINGS 7664 961 09/02/01 12433 5227234 -2 09/18/01 29.99 29099 12 PHONE USE - MITCHELL 7665 1953 09/05/01 12328 549099444500 09/18/01 88001 88.01 MEETING EXPENSES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Sep 13, 2001 04e02pm Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber ...mew- Number e_dmem Date -------- Code Number ---- --- --- Invoice# ------------ Due Date _.,_. ---- ------------ Amount Date Amount - -------- ---------- ----- Amounts __ep. -- Claim Description ----------------------- 5473 °9/01 7676 638 07/24/01 12308 1625768 09/18/01 181.75 181.75 B07241 7687 707 08/28/01 12244 NC1e152077 09/18/01 111078 111°78 3 PRISONER MATTRESSES 7722 2184 07/18/01 12249 47252 09/18/01 258075 486057 007181 07/18/01 4725 °2 75°94 07/08/01 472 °52 75494 07/08/01 47 °252 75094 1723 507 06/14/01 12158 2950360498 09/18/01 259.60 259,60 006141 7725 1118 08/27/01 12216 51125648 09/18/01 972487 972087 WORK STATION 7736 1903 08/14/01 12227 1008073 09/18/01 197000 197000 PUMP REPAIR 7738 1144 01/15/01 12267 7617 09118/01 63.71 63071 CARHARTT OVERALLS 7739 406 08/29/01 12239 138155022 09/18/01 592°84 592.84 OFFICE FURNITURE /CABINETS 7/17/01 7747 1039 08/14/01 12400 358598 09/18/01 329°00 1,264 00 METERS 06/19/01 08/10/01 357787 935°00 7748 2260 08/09/01 12268 77734 09/18/01 1,103.00 1,103000 4 LOCKERS 7749 1040 08/13/01 12262 2456 09/18/01 11,600000 11,600°00 POLYCARTS /6 19 -01 7750 1040 07/30/01 12229 2444 09/18/01 1,500.00 1,500 00 RED POLYCARTS 7754 1491 08/22/01 12344 26811 09/18/01 190000 190.00 PRINTING 7757 366 08/06/01 12336 655864 09/18/01 8.97 54.36 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07123/01 654330 54036 11066 MAINT SUPPLIES 08/15/01 657011 2069 7760 1209 08/22/01 12269 864-786626-1 09/18/01 154025 154°25 LOCKS /TAPE 7761 2508 08/28/01 12225 312 09/18/01 173°34 1733.34 CARPET CLEANING 7762 1903 08/08/01 12226 1007944 09/18/01 855035 855035 PUMP REPAIR 7768 1408 08/25/01 12335 3165 09/18/01 276075 430.50 CONCRETE 08/28/01 3189 153.75 7768 1408 08/31/01 12459 3213 09/18/01 1,414050 1,414050 CONCRETE 7770 1574 09/04/01 12247 8390 09/18101 512000 512000 PRINTING 7774 1038 08/20/01 12238 9777 09/18/01 52022 52022 CLEANING SUPPLIES 7788 511 08/24/01 12343 553849 09/18/01 728.00 728.00 VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 7792 1009 08/23/01 12241 6404 09/18/01 90.00 90.00 4 VEHICLE TRIM 7793 556 08/22/01 12240 9207 09/18/01 144,86 144086 RADIO REPAIR 7819 209 08/22/01 12256 200042-03973 09/18/01 144„00 144.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES °002 08/22/01 200042-03942 176097 176.97 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ®002 7822 58 08/10/01 12157 22835 09/18/01 529°00 529.00 MIG WELDER 7823 2522 01/13/99 12383 1677861 09/18/01 602002 602002 501139 7824 562 07/20/01 12255 21842999 09/18/01 2,576,00 2,576 00 M09110 7825 933 12/05/00 12258 21728624 09/18/01 323019 323019 P12050 7826 1123 07/20/01 12257 212313 09/18/01 783°50 783°50 M09110 7827 1120 07/20/01 12382 1956461 09/18/01 106042 106042 M09110 7828 1288 08/06/01 12307 1396231 09/18/01 45°56 45056 C08061 7829 666 08/28/01 12220 4132 09/18/01 425000 200000 PRINTER TONER 125°00 PRINTER TONER 100°00 PRINTER TONER 7834 2523 04/09/01 12270 040901 09/18/01 522.00 522°00 AMB REFUND #3680 7835 862 07/25/01 12236 1046 09/18/01 550400 550000 LABOR RELATIONS PROGRAM 7837 2524 08/29/01 12232 10829 09/18/01 67000 67.00 VACCINATIONS 7838 812 08/24/01 12261 1512079766 09/18/01 47.68 135°80 MAINT SUPPLIES :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 60007 O *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04:02pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 08/23/01 1512079747 15.92 08/17/01 1512079640 45.74 08/10/01 1512079490 1099 08/03/01 1512079335 24.47 7839 943 08/30/01 12314 25743 09/18/01 37.50 132.49,OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/28/01 25835 94099 7840 812 08/10/01 12315 1518079493 09/18/01 56.29 56029 MAINT SUPPLIES 7841 209 08/28/01 12385 200042039410 09J18/01 232000 232.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 03 7845 1062 08/31/01 12254 58 09/18/01 1,400.00 700.00 RETAINER 08/31/01 45 1,665000 700000 RETAINER 1,665000 LEGAL SERVICES 7846 209 08/28/01 12384 200042005970 09/18/01 136.00 136.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 06 7847 885 07/30/01 12252 838 09/18/01 339.95 339.95 CPR TRAINING MATERIALS 7848 474 07/10/01 12250 11332 09118/01 2.72 54.49 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 07/19/01 11331 2075 07/23/01 11330 3035 07/16/01 11329 2.23 06/28/01 11328 1.90 07/03/01 11327 2.72 06/04/01 11322 8009 07/20/01 11344 21.76 12/05/01 11346 8097 7849 209 08/28/01 12253 200042-00584 09/18/01 40.00 40000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -011 7850 281 07/31/01 12435 3490 09/18/01 862050 862050 GROUND LADDER TESTING 7851 1251 08/17/01 12438 106866 09/18/01 20.91 20.91 REPAIR PARTS 7853 406 08/28/01 12437 2133112885 09/18/01 22.57 188056 PRINTER TONER 08/28/01 082801 165.99 7854 1110 08/22/01 12436 K6298860H 09/18/01 141092 141.92 PAGER RENTAL 7860 379 08/21/01 12251 137844 09/18/01 385.46 1,942.00 INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLES 08/21/01 137845 1,556.54 7861 765 08/28/01 12313 34810 09/18/01 132000 132000 AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 7864 1086 09/18/01 12319 9/18 09/18/01 46.73 21.18 PARKING FEES 18.00 UPS MAILING FEE 7.55 DROP CLOTHS 7865 812 08/24/01 12317 1516079768 09/18101 8.92 38078 MAINT SUPPLIES 08/10/01 1516079492 29086 54086 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/17/01 1515079642 54.86 7866 548 08/18/01 12320 39128 09/18/01 71.75 71.75 EUTHANASIA SERVICES 7868 2048 08/15/01 12440 345973 09/18/01 182072 182472 AIR PACK BRACKET 7869 129 08/24/01 12441 12152617 09/18/01 202069 111.49 PHONE USE-ALLEN 91.20 PHONE USE-OTHERS 7870 877 08/23/01 12443 42987 09/18/01 92000 92000 OIL CHANGE 7871 1285 08/24/01 12442 14058 09/18/01 81075 81075 AIR CONDITIONER MAINT 7874 427 08/17/01 12444 27515 09/18/01 108.00 108.00 DOOR REPAIR 7876 1038 08/30/01 12318 5113 09/18/01 59.39 91.79 CLEANING SUPPLIES 08/19/01 9097 86.09 158.84 CLEANING SUPPLIES 08/14/01 3684 82.81 08/01/01 9150 22.34 7878 417 09/05/01 12331 31394 09/18/01 448.93 448.93 TONER CARTRIDGES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Retease 600.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) dity of Owasso inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Sep 13, 2001 04v02pm Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ °e_de® -------- -- -- ------ ------------ --baba-- ------------ -------- - ---- _ ° -- °- ------------ ------------------------ 7880 1056 08/09/01 12453 68110 09/18/01 17.60 7891 18 08/17/01 12370 68260 09/18/01 17.60 7881 14 08/10/01 12456 196384 09/18/01 255000 7893 785 08/10/01 12367 196385 09/18/01 240.00 7894 573 08/10/01 12417 196386 09/18/01 240°00 7883 567 08/15/01 12454 621006-16 09/18/01 124°00 7887 857 08/24/01 12455 D201511 09/18/01 14.99 7888 764 08/30/01 12423 8/01 09/18/01 12,745„66 7889 789 09/01/01 12422 56916 09/18/01 7,932.26 7890 1529 08/30/01 12360 00107596 09/18/01 26060 7891 18 08/23/01 12370 55086500 09/18/01 160°98 7892 2528 08/24/01 12368 18549 09/19/01 787058 7893 785 08/24/01 12367 864-935725-1 09/18/01 29°92 7894 573 08/24/01 12417 1036FDW 09/18/01 5012 08/31/01 1208FDW 21087 08/24/01 1051FDW 129098 08/22/01 99953FDW 34°48 09/06/01 907010 36044 7895 865 09/04/01 12366 6911 09/18/01 78,90 08/14/01 6730 60.00 7896 932 08/15/01 12363 419932 09/18/01 510000 7898 476 08/28/01 12416 1266312 09/18/01 296°34 7899 419 08/24/01 12365 7455 09/18/01 54.99 7900 966 08/06/01 12364 58196 09/18/01 123.00 MS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 35,20 PROPANE 240000 RADIO REPAIR 240°00 RADIO REPAIR 255.00 RADIO REPAIR 124.00 PAINT 14.99 MAINT SUPPLIES 0000 VEH MAINT 23.27 VEH MAINT 10°26 VEH MAINT 6,553099 VEH MAINT 17.10 VEH MAINT 1,090.67 VEH MAINT 0.00 VEH MAINT 81717 VEH MAINT 0400 VEH MAINT 3,203038 VEH MAINT 203.29 VEH MAINT 763.24 VEH MAINT 0000 VEH MAINT 63029 VEH MAINT 2,710°12 FUEL 87003 FUEL 217066 FUEL 57.77 FUEL 140°89 FUEL 336078 FUEL 34.38 FUEL 358032 FUEL 406.91 FUEL 59.53 FUEL 301059 FUEL 607013 FUEL 893.24 FUEL 60.60 FUEL 1,660.31 FUEL 26°60 TOOLS 160.98 PARTS 531008 REPAIR PARTS 256050 VEHICLE REPAIR 29092 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 227.89 VEHICLE REPAIR 138.90 VEHICLE REPAIR 510.00 REPAIR PARTS 296,34 REPAIR PARTS 54.99 SAFETY BOOTS-TAYLOR 123.00 EQUIP REPAIR By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04:02pm Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date -------- Amount Amounts ---------- ------------ Claim Description ------------------------ 7902 1021 08/23/01 12361 232505 09/18/01 40.94 156.06 REPAIR PARTS 08/24/01 232591 115012 7903 2319 08/14/01 12421 154310 09/18/01 35000 35000 RADIO REPAIR 7904 365 08/20/01 12415 14010680 09/18/01 656086 705095 TIRES 09/05/01 14011297 49.09 7905 698 08/24/01 12362 199848 09/18/01 256019 987.05 OIL/LUBRICANTS 08/31/01 200167 730.86 7906 1199 08/28/01 12419 5730 09/18/01 84.00 84000 VEHICLE REPAIR 7907 359 08/14/01 12357 240994DOW 09/18/01 26040 220.02 VEHICLE REPAIR 08/21/01 149401DOCS 220.02 47028 VEHICLE REPAIR 08/30/01 242234DOW 20088 7908 1005 08/30/01 12418 84203CVW 09/18/01 35049 76.23 REPAIR PARTS 09/05/01 84202CVtJ 39048 474.05 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 08/10/01 83752CVW 1026 08/29/01 CTCS185129 474.05 7909 1040 08/27/01 12369 2473 09/18/01 1,234.49 1,234049 REPAIR PARTS 7911 1366 08/30/01 12356 50202 09/18/01 116.95 116.95 GARAGE CREEPER 7912 1145 08/31/01 12420 35033-0 09/18/01 71052 71.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7913 1054 08/23/01 12358 40107975 09/18/01 45.73 45.73 HAND CLEANER 7914 1143 08/28/01 12359 '7360290 09/18/01 262.50 262.50 COPY PAPER 08/31/01 7398790 52.50 52050 COPY PAPER 7915 2529 08/30/01 12371 8380 09/18/01 185000 185.00 REPAIR PARTS 7916 224 09/05/01 12372 25383 09/18/01 319.82 319.82 REPAIR PARTS 7919 1288 12/03/99 12325 65411 09/18/01 103012 103012 S11109 7920 141 08/15/01 12316 83702 09/18/01 39.50 39.50 PLANT-HAYNES 7922 986 09/11/01 12447 4 09/18/01 133,457.00 133,457000 ATOR RELIEF LINE 1/16/01 7924 1039 08/01/01 12450 356287 09/18/01 443.20 443020 METER CAN LIDS/VALVES 7925 602 08/21/01 12398 14001 09/18/01 1,336053 1,336.53 CROSSWALK MATERIALS 7926 305 08/24/01 12324 200118 09/18/01 500.00 500.00 BLOCK PARTY SUPPLIES 7927 630 05/30/01 12434 199759 09/18/01 788.00 788600 PRESSURE CYLINDER 7928 818 09/15/01 12223 ORF-99-008-L 09/18/01 2,624043 2,624.43 ORF-99-008-L 09/15/01 FAP--92-0107- 3,513.10 3,513.10 FAP-92-0107-L L 09/15/01 FAP92-107-L 19,7-35.90 19,735.90 FAP-92-0107-L 7929 437 06/16/00 12271 THODEN 09/18/01 156096 156096 T10120 7930 1084 08/30/01 12326 8/01 09/18/01 29,077037 1,735042 08/01 USE 43.96 08/01 USE 9.78 08/01 USE 303.71 08/01 USE 1,065089 08/01 USE 274035 08/01 USE 1,308004 08/01 USE 63.91 08/01 USE 492.64 08/01 USE 1,286.10 08/01 USE 1,17086 08/01 USE 9,854.84 08/01 USE 2,308.03 08/01 USE 24392 08/01 USE 2,318.46 08/01 USE 1,887.49 08/01 USE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.007 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jnpaid CLaims by Purchase Order Sep 13, 2001 04a02pm Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 7931 1952 09/11/01 12414 555555555 09/18/01 700000 7942 60 08/30/01 12431 8/01 09/18/01 764°94 7943 1002 09/18/01 12446 9/01 09/18/01 528.41 7944 485 09/04/01 12401 090401°01 09/18/01 277400 7946 726 08/24/01 12386 886373 09/18/01 249097 7947 9 04/09/01 12387 96397297 09/18/01 355.17 03/09/01 96127853 2,713.39 03/12/01 96141754 183008 7948 300 09/04/01 12388 17197 09/18/01 195.93 7949 950 09/04/01 12389 310651 09/18/01 288005 09/01/01 310477 412.48 09/01/01 310219 350.84 7950 42 09/29/01 12390 94016920 09/18/01 83070 7951 1262 08/27/01 12391 90312042 09/18/01 80,54 7952 57 08/23/01 12392 1239121 09/18/01 174039 09/19/01 08/27/01 1247068 780,00 09/19/01 7953 27 08/21/01 12393 376066 09/18/01 1,127456 09/19/01 08/21/01 376111 705097 09/19/01 08/21/01 375928 786°59 09/19/01 08/23/01 377952 42°87 09/19/01 7954 627 08/27/01 12394 116402 09/18/01 68°20 7955 1491 08/31/01 12395 26871 09/18/01 138°85 7956 812 08/28/01 12396 655079845 09/18/01 0,30 08/29/01 655079868 71.76 09/07/01 655080039 20085 7957 674 08/27/01 12397 429661 09/18/01 56095 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 2,198064 08/01 USE 2,511.33 08/01 USE 700.00 DOOR REMOTE 764094 COLLECTIONS FEES 46000 LICENSE TAGS 12.50 PLAQUE-BUS OF QTR 15054 TRAINING- DEMPSTER 5.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 39.00 LICENSE FEE 22.32 MILEAGE-GRIMES 20028 PER DIEM °BLEVINS 85035 M03151 32400 MILEAGE- DEARMOND 22.01 MILEAGE ®BOUTWELL 1200 AMB SUB REFUND 47.90 CITY MGR EXPENSES 3.00 POSTAGE 35.96 MILEAGE- WILLSON 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 9097 SMALL TOOLS 1.78 REPAIR PARTS 16.00 SPRAYER 17°46 AMB SUPPLIES 7043 REPAIR SUPPLIES 13.00 ABATEMENT NOTICE 2.82 P12050 5077 007181 5432 T10180 47.00 FLASHER 230000 UNIFORM PANTS /SHIRTS 249097 SHIRTS /PANTS 3,251°64 GOLF CLUBS /BAGS 195093 REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,051 37 CAPS /SHIRTS 83070 SUNGLASSES 8054 GOLF CLUBS 6.80 954.39 CLUBS /BAGS 30.72 22°55 2,662 99 SHIRTS 14.12 15073 0.86 68,20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138085 PRINTING 92.91 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 56.95 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Sep 13, 2001 04o02pm Page 11 Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Ctaim Vendor Futt Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number wma__m Number ------ Date -------- Code Number _e -- n_m_du Invoicef# ------------ Due Date ------ a- Amount Date Amount ------ ---- -- -------- --------- ----------- Amounts -- Claim Description -------------------- --- 7958 566 08/30/01 12402 24030 09/18/01 52,00 52000 EQUIP REPAIR 7959 107 08/28/01 12403 65643 09/18/01 18°25 18°25 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 09/06/01 65932 2095 2095 REPAIR SUPPLIES 7960 785 08/10/01 12405 5689549458 09/18/01 310.54 1,064.35 PUMP /WRENCH /WATER COOLER 08/09/01 8649162081 -310.54 08/28/01 8641406726 -367.25 08/28/01 8641406718 367025 08/23/01 8648237421 1,064.35 7961 1488 08/29/01 12406 104700 09/18/01 134094 192425 TIRES 09/06/01 104801 57031 7962 342 08/29/01 12407 39767 09/18/01 37.90 150.05 REPAIR PARTS 08/29/01 39765 60080 08/27/01 39727 51.35 7963 19 09/30/01 12408 093001 09/18/01 125.00 125000 DUES -GOWER 7964 475 08/25/01 12409 67783 09/18/01 65000 65.00 RENTAL 7965 774 08130/01 12410 368456 09/18/01 1,260.40 1,982.80 CHEMICALS 09/04/01 368509 578.40 06121/01 365030 144.00 7966 265 08/31/01 12411 415 09/18/01 154070 154°70 SAND 7967 1053 08130/01 12412 138073290 09/18/01 50°05 50,05 SAFETY SUPPLIES 7968 37 08/21/01 12413 OUCH2O 09/18/01 406000 406.00 CHEMICALS 7978 863 08/30/01 12461 8/01 09/18/01 387028 52,69 08/01 USE 28029 08/01 USE 41.09 08/01 USE 171038 08/01 USE 72°64 08/01 USE 17°95 8/01 USE 53.24 8/01 USE 7986 1556 09/12/01 12460 091201 09/18/01 2,000.00 2,000.00 POSTAGE TOTAL ® ®379,997.67 90078 228 records Listed TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS CITY OF OWA SO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL, FUN 6,666.63 6,3333 33 TRANSFERS TOTAL - 6, 6.6 VENDOR TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FIRE CAPITAL A/P TRANSFER REPORT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 53.13 4,91&83 699.04 TRANSFERS TOTAL 69.0 CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TRANSFER FROM SALES TAX FUND 685,238.34 momim TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FIRE CAPITAL TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT MOM DESCRIPTION REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL, FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND 5113 5,321 .97 597.55 Mimi= TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT August 2001 ImpollEffim TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND mommil TRANSFERS TOTAL 6. 6 09/08/01 Depart"i ut ime ffi E Weases Ove— General Fund Managerial UO 149373.37 I 0.00 9,181.28 0.00 1,825.61 Police 1139.38 62,481.37 boommm-'1152 Animal Control 0.00 2,008.07 Streets 69.79 5,717.81 Community-Senior Center 0.00 39742.86 General Fund Total $3,688.28 $181,906.76 Garage Fund Total $0.00 $3,495.21 "UMMUNIM, Off Mayor L70TO =11 Iffimma CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 09/08/01 Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Ambulance Fund Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Emerciencv 911 Fund Total Expenses APPROVED: September 18, 2001 am] Council Member SUBJECT- EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY AND CLEANING OF UNIFORMS DATE- September 5, 2001 BACKGROUND- The Owasso City Council approved a contract with UniFirst Corporation for uniforms for the Public Works, Parks and Support Services Departments, which started on January 1, 1999. Included in the contract was an initial one (1) year term with subsequent one (1) year renewal periods with the consent of both parties. Public Works staff contacted UniFirst on August 15, 2001 to determine their intentions concerning rates for the period of January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002. UniFirst responded on August 28, 2001 with their intent to remain at the same rate. Service from Unifirst has been good. Since there is no rate increase proposed for the supply and cleaning of uniforms for the contract period of January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002, staff recommends that the contract with UniFirst Corporation be extended. 1. Correspondence between City of Owasso and Unifirst Corporation dated August 2001. A P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 15, 2001 Jack Walters General Manager UniEirst Corporation 2100 North Beech Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Dear Mr. Walters: As stated in our contract, Bid Specifications page 59 Part VIII, Contract, (918) 2724959 FAX (918) 2724995 The term of the contract is for a period of one (l) year. This contract may be extended fir successive One -year terms for a period of ° up to three (3) years if ° a reed to by both parties in writing not less than sixty -days prior to the expiration of the initial one-year term or any successive one -year term® Prices shell remain famed for the duration of the contract period Assuming we maintain the present contract terms, what are the intentions of UniFirst Corporation concerning rates for the period of January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002? Should you have any questions, please contact me at 272 - 4959. Chris Roberts cc: F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E., Public Works Director UniFirst Corporation 2100 North L3eeCh Broken Arrow. Oklahoma 74012 Telephone (918) '951 -4334 1= arsirnile (918) 281 27E5 .August 28, 2001 Chris Roberts Field Operations Manager 301 West 2'd Avenue F.C. Boas 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Dear Mr. Roberts: RECEIVED AUG J0Zn In response to your letter concerning the rates for the year 2002, UniFirst Corporation will continue the service at the current rate. For the period of January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 we will not raise prices. We loop forward to continuing providing service for the year of 2002. Sincerely, Jack Walters `J General Manager t .August 28, 2001 Chris Roberts Field Operations Manager 301 West 2'd Avenue F.C. Boas 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Dear Mr. Roberts: RECEIVED AUG J0Zn In response to your letter concerning the rates for the year 2002, UniFirst Corporation will continue the service at the current rate. For the period of January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 we will not raise prices. We loop forward to continuing providing service for the year of 2002. Sincerely, Jack Walters `J General Manager nLr.ii.cuui 11 - DOW I VJVML-LAIVI'I L)t-r I Albro Daniel 305 S. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 274.6346 Dear Marshn, 114U. J�:� r. II/ I I would like to be added to die agenda of the Qwassn City Council for September 18, 2001, I would like to propose an alts tuts billing plan for Owasso Utility custoluers, My presentation should take less di al 10 minutes , Please let 1110 I W` if You need additional inforination, Tluu* you, / 1-Z' Albxo Daniel IgIII III RIO Office of the City Clei* PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGiE(S) IMMEDIATELY TO- DATE- SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TO: AL DANIEL FRO ft MARCIA UT ELL NUMBER OF PAGES (including this Cover Shoot). 1 REFERENCE: 9/18/01 CITY COUNCIL MEETING COMMENTS: I have placed your request to address the City Council on 9/18 on the agenda. The meeting begins at 6-30 p.m. & is at the Owasso Community Center. NOTICE: The documents accompanying this FAX transmission are intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you have received this transmittal in error, please notify us immediately by telephone. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. LARRY MITCHELL CITE MANAGER SUBJECT- Proposed Lease for the "old" City Mall DATE. September 1.4, 2001 The City Council concluded several months ago that leasing the 66old" City Fall building or a portion of the facility would be preferable to selling the property. City staff supports this approach over the short -term simply because the City must maintain its Storm Emergency Center located in the basement of the building. We also need storage space for municipal records that must be retained for seven to ten years. Volunteer Network Owasso approached the City last spring with a proposal to lease the first floor of City Fall for a family resource center. A proposed lease was submitted by VNO in May as a result of a venture grant secured through the Tulsa Area United Way. The proposed lease agreement received considerable discussion during the August City Council Workshop. In addition to making several revisions to the lease agreement, the City Council requested that the City Manager place a notice in both the Tulsa World and the Owasso Reporter inviting other interested parties to submit proposals for leasing the first floor of City Mall. The deadline for submitting proposals, September 5 ", passed without a single bid. The attached VN® lease addresses all of the issues raised in the August 14 "' Council Workshop. Those revisions are outlined as follows; 1) Utility Costs — the term `city utilities' was added to the lease to ensure that VN® is obligated to pay one -half (1/2) of all building utility costs each month. 2) Building Maintenance — language was added to require that VN® contribute to the cost of maintaining the building. VN® will pay the first $300 per occurrence on maintenance and repair for the upper floor or $100 for repairs that benefit both upper and lower floors. 3) Mold- harmless provision — paragraph 8 was added to the lease to clarify a liability issue raised by the City Council. The City is released from any and all damages to the premise and contents unless City is found to be negligent or commits an intentional act. September 14, 2001 Proposed City Hall Lease Page Two 4) Thirty day default — VNO is in default of the lease terms if payment is more than 30 days past due. 5) Lease `termination - -- VNO will not be obligated to pay any further rent or utility cost should a mutually agreed upon termination notice be executed by the parties. 6) Building Renovation . -- VNO will be reimbursed for the pro -rated costs of renovating the building should the City decide to terminate the lease within three years. Should LINO terminate the lease, the City is not obligated to pay for the building modifications. 7) Lease Renewal --The parties will meet in six months after each year to determine whether or not the lease should be extended for an additional year. 8) Reporting Requirements --- 'The City and VNO have agreed that VNO will submit quarterly financial reports to the City along with copies of any activity reports required by the Tulsa Area United Way. Staff believes that the residents of this community would benefit from the service that can be provided by the proposed VNO Family Resource Center. We think that a centralized, convenient location for social service programs will improve the delivery of these services to residents seeking family support from the participating non - profit agencies, We think the proposed lease provides the parties with some mutual benefits over the short- term. The lease will give the City the flexibility to use the lower floor of the building over the next three years while minimizing the cost of maintaining the facility. The bottom -line for the City Manager is simply that Family Resource Centers are proving to be very popular in other communities. It will be up to VNO to make it work in Owasso. I think it is well worth the effort to find out one way or another if the concept can work in our community. Proposed Lease from Volunteer Network- Owasso BUILDING LEASE (Commercial) SPECIAL CONDITIONS; Right of Termination: It is understood and agreed, that either party may request termination of the lease and that for good cause, parties may mutually agree to terminate the lease, provided that parties are given at least 90 days notice of the termination. It is further understood and agreed that Volunteer Network Owasso will not be obligated for any further rents or utility costs after a mutually agreed termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. BITAR0=1 City of Owasso Volunteer Network Owasso MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: Nancy Jobnson, Executive Director, Volunteer Network Owasso SUBJECT.- CONSIDERATION OF LEASE AGREE MENTBETWEEN VOLUNTEER NETWORK OWASSO AND THE CITY OF OWASSO DATE: September 7, 2001 BACKGROUND & MSTORY ATTACHMENT L Lease agreement Owasso Reporter 2001 Aug 23, Aug Tulsa World 27, 200 1. UNIX, �Xll '11�101 W-1111 T© HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. ALLAN HARDER HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE #685, MODIFYING THE DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN OF THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (OMRF) TO COMPLY WITH IRS REGULATIONS, CLARIFY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS, TO UPGRADE FROM A PLAN6BB" TO "AA" AND TO PROVIDE ADDED BENEFITS TO CURRENT DATE: September 129 2001 BACKGROUND: Full-time City of Owasso employees except police officers and firefighters are required to participate in an OMRF Defiried Benefit retirement program. All full-time employees I including police and firefighters are allowed to participate voluntarily in an OMRF Defin] Contribution retirement program. plans Agreements in which they agree to administer the In June 2001, the budget for FY 2001-2002 was approved by the City Council. Included in that budget was an increase in retirement contributions to allow for a change /upgrade in the Defined Benefit from a "BB" pl. an to a "AA" plan. Also included was funding for an increase in bene -fits for current recipients under the "BB" plan who will not benefit from the change to "AA"D The effect of the change to plan. "AA" is an increase in contributions by the City fog° each participant from 2,93% to 5,89% of salary for the affected employee. Employees continue to contribute 4.26%. Future City contributions are subject to annual charge based on actuarial calculated needs, In return, retirement benefits are calculated using a 2,625 % multiplier, up from 2.25 % o Retirees receiving benefits will receive an increase calculated as $3.166 per month for each year of service to the City of Owasso. Actual increases for each current OMRF recipient is included in a spreadsheet attachment. Pursuant to discussions with representatives from O RF, it was decided that calculations and collections of contributions would begin July 1 and subsequent documentation making the actual changes to the Plan Documents would be dated July 1 as well. City Attorney, Ronald Dm Oates has reviewed and approved all documents. RECOMMENDATION: Staffs recommends the City Council approval of Ordinance No. 685, amending the OMRF- r and o. 686, amending the OMRF Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and authorize of the execution of any required documents. ORDINANCE No. 685 rMn Section 1. The Employee Retirement System, Defined Benefit Plan, of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended as reflected on the attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. These amendments shall become effective on July 1, 2001. Section 2. The City Clerk and Mayor be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the amended Retirement System Plan documents and to do all the other acts necessary to put said amendment into effect and to maintain IRS qualification of the Plan. The executed amended document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects. Section 3. If, regardless of cause, any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this ordinance, including the System as set forth in Exhibit "A" is held invalid or to be unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or clauses shall continue in full force and effect and shall be construed thereafter as being the entire provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. Any ordinance inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. ** *END* The foregoing ordinance was introduced before the _ _ on the __ day of , 2001, and was duly adopted and approved by the mayor and City Council on the day of _ 2001, after compliance with notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law (25 ®Sly, Section 301, et seq.). City of Owasso Approved as to forrrr and legality on 2001. 31 H rd �" 4 im WrITZ RIUMV1 �7� Section 1. The Employee Retirement System, Defined Contribution Plan, of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended as reflected on the attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. These amendments shall become effective on July 1, 2001. Section 2. The City Clerk and Mayor be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the amended Retirement System Plan documents and to do all the other acts necessary to put said amendment into effect and to maintain IRS qualification of the Plan. The executed amended document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects. Section 3. If, regardless of cause, any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this ordinance, including the System as set forth in Exhibit "A" is held invalid or to be unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or clauses shall continue in full force and effect and shall be construed thereafter as being the entire provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. Any ordinance inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all Esther respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance, * **END*** The foregoing ordinance was introduced before the City Council on the day of , 2001, and was duly adopted and approved by the Mayor and City Council on the day of 2001, after compliance with notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law (25 OSA, Section 301, et seq.). Approved as to form and legality on. 2000 CITY A'T'TORNEY TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECTMANAGER SUBJECT. AWARD OF CONTRACT FYOI-02 STREET REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS DATE: September 12, 2001 BACKGROUND The FYO 1 -02 Capital Improvement Fund line item for street repairs currently is $189,400.00. Bids were opened on September 6, 2001. One bid was received which was submitted by JLT Corporation, Cushing, Oklahoma, with a bid of $184,410.18. The Engineer's Estimate is $189,381.05 (see attached). The bid is based on unit prices and the quantities required may vary, depending upon the best repair method for each site. Therefore, staff is recommending award of the bid in an amount not to exceed the available funds. This contractor has successfully performed several similar contracts with other cities, Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. FY01 -02 Street Repairs September 12, 2001 Page 2 Staff recommends award of°the FYO1 -02 Street Repairs at Various Locations contract to JLT Corporation, Cushing, Oklahoma, in an amount not to exceed $1.89,400400. FYI, ACHMENTS 1 o Project Site Map 20 Project List 3. Engineer's estimate FY 01-02 STREET REPAIRS Engineers Estimate Owasso Public Works Department August 2001 BID ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE QUANTITY" PRICE I Method 1, Emulsion and Chip, sq. ft. 2,000 $3.75 $7,500000�, 2 Method IA-Emulsion and Chip W/Cutout, sq. ft. 2,300 $5.50 $12,650.00� 2a Additional Excavation for item 2 (6" depth), sq, ft. 460 $1.50 S69UO 2b Additional Aggregate for Item 2 (6" depth), sq. ft. r 460 $3.75 P 1, 725.00 3 Method ll, Full-Depth Patch, sq. ft. 2,600 s $10.00 $26,000.00 3a Additional Excavation for Item 3 (6" depth), sq. ft, 550 $1.50 $825.00 3b Additional Aggregate for Item 3 (6" depth), sq. ft. 550 $3.75 $29062.50 4 Method 111, Polymer Modified Sealer, sq. ft. 78,500 $0.15 SJ1 19775.00 5 Method IV, Mastic Asphalt and Aggregate Repair, pounds 23,800 $1.65 $39,270.00 6 Method V, Small Aggregate Polymer Modified Asphalt Sealer, pounds 35,000 $0.60 e 21,000.00� 7 Method VI, Small Aggregate Mastic, pounds 279883 $1.85 $51,583.55 8 Remove and Replace Standard Curb & Gutter 1, Section, LF 260 $55.00 $14,300.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $189,381.05 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JARED T. BATES CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEER SUBJECT- AWARD CONTRACT FOR FY 2000 CDBG SIDEWALK RE, HABILITATION PROJECT DATE- September 13, 2001 BACKGROUND: In July and August 2001, Public Works personnel prepared contract documents and specifications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project, This federal grant project allows for construction of sidewalks in low income neighborhoods and in places where handicap accessible standards are not currently being met. Advertisement for Bids was published in the Owasso Reporter on August 9, 2001. Bids were opened 21 days later on August 30, 2001. Five companies submitted bids on the project as shown on the attached summary sheet. Davis Construction submitted the low base bid of $49,998.00. Three additive alternate bids were include that sum to an additional $5580.00. City staff examined the submitted bid package, and no omissions or errors were found. UMU-TXVAIQ��� Staff recommends Council award the contract for the FY 2000 CDBG Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project to Davis Construction, Inc., Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $55,578.00. I. Bid Summary Sheet 2. Bid Form Q) -Id ro Cl Q) .... ;:\ -Id ro .:: .::9 U} H i:i o ...... ~ (.) t;::: 'f: Q) u - - Q) ~ -Id ;:\ o o::l ro ...... (.) ~ ~ -Id Ul Q) ,.0 Q) .J:l -Id o -Id ~~ .J:l -Id tC 'f: Q) (.) :>... ,.0 Q) .... Q) .J:l o '0 1:: Q) [) :>... -Id U <1i 0.0 '0 Q) ~ o 1;] ~ ] .:: Q) ~ 2 o::l .::~ o ...... ...... (.) e ...... Ul .:: o U S ;:\ t::: 0.0 ro ~ o V) ~ 0\ 0\ r-~ r- fI"r o o o \0 ~ - ~I fI"r fI"r Ul 0.0 .:: 'C 0.. U} '0 ~ U} bfl .:: .~ :> ro (.) ?< ~ .... (!) ~ u lfI o o ('1j r- fI"r ro 0.. "3 ~ U} bfl .:: ...... ...... (.) ro .... -Id .:: o U ~ S ~ (!) Z lfI r- ('1j ('1j r- ~' \0 fI"r \0 ('1j - -I- V) 0\ fI"r fI"r o Ul Ul ro ~ o .::~ o ...... .- (.) e .- Ul t::: o U t::: o N 'C o J:: Ul .~ Cl ro Ul "3 ~ .::~ o ...... .- (.) e 4-> Ul .:: o U 00 ('1j ('1j 00 C'l o~ \0 fI"r o ~ 00 0\ 0\ O\~ "<:t fI"r ~IO 0 0 M 0 0 0 \0 0 C'l I ~ r- \0 00 (.) V) r- oo Q) fI"r fI"r fA i:: 0 (.) 0 .:: ro eLl ;:\ }.,~{ .~o Ul , ".=i :>... o::l '0 Q) .:: Q) l::: ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ""' = .:: o 'R .- ro "-' 'R - ...... ,.0 ro 0.0 i .:: ~ 2 ~ "tJ ~ IE ~ < :'S! :>... U} ;:::::'0 ~ eLl ~ ~ ~ ~ ;j Ul o Q) o o::l~ o ro o::l o 'R C'l 2 '0 ~ ~ (!) ~V)~~ ~ \I'l < = ~ 1"""1 - ~ :> o .... 0.. -< eLl .. eLl eLl -Id 4-> Ul ~ e Q t--' 0.0;:::" .:: .- ...... (.) .:: .:: Q) ;j 0..0 OU .- Ul ;j 0.0 ;:\ ~ - o o C'l o~ ('1j z o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U o Cl Cl ~ co lfI V) o "<:t r-- V) o~C'l ~O~ ?< ~ C'l o 55 ~ co~~ O~~ Cl10~ o U} U} ~ ~ :s:1S Ou ~.J:l 0:5 ~~ ~r- ....... 0 UC'l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00200 ~ Page 2 of 5 0801 figures 1375 SY New 411 thick sidewalk:, complete, in place at~Jwenr'-l ~l{m ( :L7.()() ) $ 3'J J{l5. (10 words figures J 3. 51 SY New 6" thick driveway. complete. in place .--- ~ ( ~~o $_~ ~. 00 at JHtJei'i ( irJ 0 J words figures 4. 65 SY Remove existing concrete sidewalk or driveway , ~ 00 . $ 6Kt>. (;0 at ,\j \NE.- ( . ) words figures TOTAL BASE BID $ 4~[(. 00 Wheelchair ramp, place (approximately ramps), 011 existing sidewalks L QUAN. NO. SInEW ALK REHABILITATION CITY OF OW ASSO. OK or over over I I This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or other BIDDER to submit a false or sham not solicited or induced or a to bidding; not 00200 ~ Page 3 of 5 0801 INr. BY: . {1t;~-O t2 ~~,f~<J ~5 -:g. 'DMtS COMPANY:_])AlII5 C()A'SrRLtLnD~ , :loo I SUBMITTED ON 6. The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions ofthe Construction Contract included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings assigned to them in General Conditions. 5. The following documents are attached to and made a condition ofthis Bid: A. Required Bid Security in the form of BID &AD .~, IJP BIQ B. Statement of Bidder's Qualification. Section 00230; and C, All forms listed in Instructions to Bidders, and Section 00110, BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages of $100.00 for each consecutive calendar day in the event of failure to complete the project within sixty (60) calendar days, BIDDER that the Work will be completed and ready for final payment accordance with the Conditions on or before the dates or within the number of calendar days indicated below figures at 6" thick driveway, complete, in place (Broadway Atlanta to Railroad R-O-W) 18 figures at to at Remove existing sidewalk (Broadway Atlanta to 1 ADD ALTERNATE BIDS Upon the City Council rejection of all bids, the bid documents will be redrafted and bids will be solicited for the soccer field lighting. Staff has reviewed the bid specifications and is confident that with some minor changes to the bid specifications - removing light filters, reducing the warranty from 10 years to 7 years which would be identical to the warranty on the other soccer lights, and reducing the light level from a 30 to a 20 - a bid can be secured that would be closer to the $50,000 that was budgeted for this expense. The Park Maintenance budget did receive a cany-over budget of$6,633, a portion of which could be applied to any shortfall if necessary. A review of the bids indicates that while all bids meet bid specifications, the bid amounts greatly exceed the amount that was anticipated by staff as well as the amount included within the Parks Maintenance budget. $67,911.00 $64,400.00 $64,996.00 $76,400.00 Shawnee Lighting - Shawnee, Dan Dill Electric - El Reno, KC Electric - Enid, OK Wise Electric - Owasso, OK In August, the Parks Department began the process of advertising for bids in order to provide lighting to an additional soccer field at the Owasso Sports Park. The soccer fIeld lighting is the next scheduled improvement at the Sports Park and a total of $50,000 was included in the 2001-2002 Park Maintenance budget for this purpose. All bids were to be submitted prior to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, September 2001. The City of Ow as so received the following bids: BACKGROUND: September 11, 2001 AND THE HONORABLE MEMORANDUM L Staff recommends Council reject all bids received for soccer fIeld lighting at Owasso Sports Park and further recommends authorization for staffto re-bid the project. RECOMMENDATION: I, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk, do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Documentation is true and correct. ~A ~ /l Signature: I' - (---,..- - -- -I---,",,~r --"11 Certification: $76,400.00 Wise Electric Owasso, OK $64,996.00 K C Electric Enid, OK $64,400.00 Dan Dill Electric EI Reno, OK $67,911.00 Shawnee Lighting Shawnee, OK Bidders Witness: Marcia 4 Number of Bids: Field Lighting CITY OF OW ASSO 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 1 00100 - Page 1 0801 The CITY OF OW ASSO may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all BIDS. Any BID may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of BIDS All BIDS must be made on the required BID form. ALL blank spaces for BID prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and BID form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. BIDS carrying riders, alterations of construction time or qualifications which modify the amount of the BID as submitted can be rejected as irregular. BIDDER must fill out the BID form and other required documents for the bid opening. IMPORTANT: SURETY COMPANIES EXECUTING BONDS MUST APPEAR ON THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT'S MOST CURRENT LIST AND BE AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT BUSINESS IN THE STATE WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED. Attorney-ill-Fact who sign BID. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS must file with each Bond a certified and effective dated copy of their power of attorney. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the Contract Price, with a corporate surety approved by the CITY OF OWASSO. will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. a tllU tlUl'\!lJ to Percent (5%) As soon as the compared, the OW ASSO the three lowest responsible BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed, the bonds . two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful BIDDER will not be returned until the PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS have been executed and approved. after which it will be returned. A certified check may be used in lieu a BID BOND. including installation lights, trenching and backfilling, all appurtenances thereto. will by the Owasso, Office City Clerk, at 207 South Cedar (pO Box 180), Owasso, Oklahoma 74055. 918-272-2251 until 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (2:00 p.m. CDT) on Thursday, August 2001, and then at said City Han publicly opened and aloud. improvements shall include all items in the specifications. SECTION 00100 J ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00100 - Page 2 of2 0801 Owasso City Hall Office ofthe City Clerk 207 South Cedar Owasso~ OK 74055 91 1 or authorized postponement thereof. Any BID received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No BIDDER may withdraw a BID within sixty (60) calendar days following the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period~ the time may be by mutual agreement between the the ATTACHMENTS: 1. "Clean Air Policy" - 1988 2. Proposed "Tobacco Free Policy" Staff recommends Council adoption ofthe "Tobacco Free Policy", replacing the "Clean Air Policy" previously adopted by the City Council in 1988 and amended in 1989. RECOMMENDATION: If approved by the City Council, the "Tobacco Free Policy" would go into effect on September 24,2001. With this in mind, a new policy titled "Tobacco Free Policy" has been drafted. The proposed policy would prohibit the use of any tobacco product in all city owned and operated facilities, as well as all main entrances into those facilities, and also requires that these facilities be posted as a "Tobacco Free Facility". Additionally, the policy would still afford the City Manager or his designee to designate certain areas within city facilities as "Tobacco Permitted" areas, as the previous "Clean Air Policy" did in 1988. While the "Clean Air Policy" that was adopted in 1988 was relatively thorough, there have been significant changes nationally regarding smoking in the workplace and other public facilities, as well as medical information regarding the adverse effects of second hand smoke and the dangers of smokeless tobacco. With the anticipated move into the new city hall/police station, as well as fairly recent moves by the Public Works Department, it became apparent that there was a need to review the city's tobacco use policy. The last policy that was adopted by the City Council relating to tobacco was originally adopted in 1988, and was amended in 1992. 1, THE HONORABLE AND MEMORANDUM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma on September 18, 2001. SECTION C~ All public entrance points to City facilities shall be posted as a "Tobacco Free Facility". 1. The area is properly ventilated in some manner designed to eliminate smoke or disperse smoke. 2. The area is not generally used as a meeting room or area of concentrated use by the general public or groups of city employees. 3. The area is not a normal "work station" for more than one person. SECTION B: The City Manager, or his designee, may designate certain areas within city facilities as "tobacco permitted" areas, provided that the following issues are addressed: 1. All facilities owned and operated by the City of Owasso. All main entrances into city owned facilities. 2001, the use of tobacco is prohibited in the following Effective September areas: Tobacco use is an addictive behavior that must be addressed within the public work environment. The City Council of Owasso, Oklahoma, adopts the following policy directives: ST ATEMENT It is the expressed purpose this statement to establish a policy that offers protection of the rights of citizens who visit, conduct business, or work in public buildings owned or operated by the It is intended to prevent employee from inhaling cigarette, cigar, or pipe other than his or own, while preventing coming into contact with to set fOlih standards can iJase aeClSlons ana as the PURPOSE TOBACCO FREE POLICY 1. All public meeting rooms wherein the general public is invited or may require attendance, including conference rooms" Section A: Effective July 1, 1988, smoking is prohibited in the following areas: With the above statement as its justification and purpose, the following policy directives are adopted by the Owasso City Council; Oklahoma, along with several other states has enacted a smoking law (some states use the term "employee right to know" law) addressing the need to protect the rights of non~smokers and to insure employees are made aware of potentially hazardous environment" Tobacco smoke is a material that we feel we are obligated to reduce within the work environment while at the same time taking into consideration the rights and needs of the smokers" The U. S. Surgeon General has determined that smoking is hazardous to the health of smokers and further that smoking increases the risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and significantly affects the health of unborn and newborn infants. The Surgeon General has further determined that concentrations of tar and nicotine in the air around smokers are actually higher than in the smoke taken into their lungs. Smoking is an addictive behavior that social norms have recognized and tolerated for hundreds of years. This new information concerning the dangers to non-smokers breathing "passive" smoke, has now contributed to a major social change. That change being the recognition that smoking is not only harmful to the smoker, but may be more harmful to the non-smoking majority. POLICY STATEMENT It is the purpose of this statement to formalize a policy that offers protection of the rights of both smokers and non~smokers who visit, conduct business, or work in public buildings owned or operated by the City of Owasso. It is the further intent this policy to set forth certain and cri a upon which management can decisions interpretations as mandated by the Ci Council. CY Section C: The City Manager may designate certain areas within city facilities as "smoking permitted" areas, provided, however, that such areas are not expressly prohibited in Section A above and provided that the following issues are addressed: 6. Breakrooms located in all City facilities. 5. All private offices. 4. Bay area of City Garage. 3. Police Department dispatch room. 2. Apparatus room of Fire Station. 1. All bathrooms (with exception of the Fire Department). Section B: Smoking is allowed in the following areas: 13. In file rooms. 12. In any area of the Owasso pool facility. 1'1. Any storage room where flammable liquids or gases are housed. 10. Vehicle refueling points. plant. sewer t ry area of 9. Recreation known as the "ili The entire 8. ce In private offices anyone desiring that ir designated as a no~smokin9 area. L In any vehicle being repaired or serviced. 6. In fire engines or ambulances. t O. soners, arrests. In police cars t vate citizens, or 4. ire dining rooms rooms 1 lounges, n "j ties. 3. r general All training rooms and rooms utilized ng points employee meetings" 2, Smol\'i ng Po 1 icy Page TIt/o Ci Council on June 28, 1988. Section D: All areas of city buildings shall be posted as "No Smoking" or "Smoking Permitted" areas. meeting room or area of iCB 20 t'1,rea is con cent :3 B area is not a normal person. one r more station" to areas is prope y i1ated in some manner desi e1i nate smoke or disperse L Smoking Po'jicy Page Three for the Durpose of lie is not allowed leasing the in no case sha"ll or the municipal Council on January 17, 1989, Ci Rooms or ilities that leaseo or ing a private ring wherein gene and attendance is restricted to members of the group ility and their guests. Provided, however, that such exception be made for use of the municipal pool recreation center. ion 1:: Section B AMENDMENT ONE CLEAN AIR POLICY