HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.08.21_City Council Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of August 7, 2001 Regular Meeting and the August 14, 2001 Special Meeting. Attachment #4-A 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. 3. Roll Call 2. Flag Salute 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA on Regular August 21, 2001 6:30 p.m. MEETlNG: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staffwill request the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #682. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Attachment of an Emergency Clause to Ordinance #682. Ms Bishop See Attachment #5 The staffwill recommend Council approval of Ordinance #682. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #682, an Ordinance Approving and Adopting OPW A Resolution #2001 m09 Establishing Sanitary Sewer Rates and Refuse Rates for Rural Water Distlict Customers Residing Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Ow as so, and Declaring an Emergency. Ms Bishop Attachment #5 staff recommenus ~/ny LounCH Ol urmnance H015j Dasea on action on July 17,2001 to approve the code amendment and authorize an ordinance. Pertaining to the an Action Relating to Within the B.Approval of Claims. Attachment Owasso City Council August 21, 2001 Page 2 The staff will recommend purchase of two Toshiba Studio 45 copiers from Western Business Products, Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $7945 each, for a total of $15,890. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Purchase of a Copier for the Police Department and a Copier for City HalL Chief Greene Attachment #9 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the investment in the Amended Revenue Anticipation Note ofthe Owasso Public Works Authority. Relating to an Arnendment to a Revenue and the Public Works Authority. Consideration and Appropriate Action Anticipation Note Between the City of Ms Bishop Attachment #8 8. the 2001 and approval a supplemental appropriation to the budget of 16,416, and to the Capital Improvements Fund budget of $203,524, 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a "Carry-Over" Budget and Supplemental Appropriation to Various Departments Within the General Fund, and the Capital Improvements Fund.. Owasso City Council August 21,2001 Page 3 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase and installation of window treatments for the new City Hall/Police Station be awarded to Kimball's Ace Hardware, Owasso, OK in the amount of $6t89. ~ttb, 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for the Purchase and Installation of Window Treatments for the New City Hall/Police Station. Mr Rooney Attachment #12 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase of one Kubota Diesel M4900 Tractor be awarded to Enlow Ford Tractor Inc, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $15,540, and authorization for payment. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for the Purchase of a Utility Tractor for the Parks Department. Mr Rooney Attachment # 11 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Constructed to Serve Coffee Creek, an Addition to the City of Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Mr Lutz #10 Owasso City Council August 21,2001 Page 4 16. Report from City Attorney. 15. Report from City Manager. The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval ofthe requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. 14. Consideration and Approp11ate Action Relating to OZ~01-04, a Request to Rezone Property Located North of East 96th Street North and East of North Garnett Road, Immediately West of Owasso Market from (Agriculture) to (Commercial Shopping Center), Containing 4.5 Acres. Ms SOlTells Attachment #14 to 13, Consideration and Appropriate Relating to an Amendment to the Metro Heights Subdivision Plat. Ms SOlTells Attachment # 13 Owasso City Council August 21, 2001 Page 5 19. Adjournment 18, 170 Report from City Councilors. Owasso City Council August 21, 2001 Page 6 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 21, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at city hall at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, August 20, 2001. ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on August 17, 2001, and amends the recommendation on Item #12 as follows: 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for the Purchase and Installation of Window Treatments for the New City Hall/Police Station. Mr Rooney Attachment #12 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase and installation of window treatments for the new City Hall/Police Station be awarded to Kimball's Ace Hardware, Owasso, OK in the amount of $6224 The consent agenda included minutes of the July 17, 2001 regular meeting, by reference made a pmi hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval ofthe Minutes of the July 17,2001 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Streets and Drainage System Constructed to Serve The Summit I at Southern Links, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. D. Action Relating to Workers Compensation Settlements and Authorization for Payment. E. Action Relating to an Application for Disability Retirement. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Annstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor Councilor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The invocation was offered by Public Works Director Robert Carr. meeting to order at The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 7, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 7, 2001 - 2 - Motion cauied 5-0. AYE: Williams, Helm, A1mstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Lutz said that a contract was awarded to Brewer Construction Company on October 3, 2000 in the amount of$127,245 for the construction oftwo vehicle storage and maintenance buildings, one at the Public Works building and one at the Vehicle Maintenance facility. One change order was issued in the amount of $8,278.32. A final inspection was conducted on June 4, 2001. All deficiencies have been couected, and the contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the buildings. Previous payments amount to $135,023.32, leaving $500 due the contractor. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to accept the work performed under the contract and authorize a final payment of $500 to the contractor. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER A CONTRACT FOR EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS, BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND BREWER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AND_AUIHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE. Motion carded 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None $51,653.03; (2) Ambulance Fund $5,336.47; (3) Ambulance Capital $424.00; (4) E-911 $7,731.90; (5) Bond Projects $214,211.80; (6) City Garage $11,512.62 (7) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $3,749.85; (8) Payroll #1 $186,863.48; (9) Payroll #2 $190,687.72; (10) City Garage Payroll #1 $4,520.70; (11) City Garage Payroll #2 $4,064.59; (12) Ambulance Payroll #1 $12,988.19; (13) Ambulance Payroll $12,660.83; (14) E-911 Payroll $875.04; (15) Worker's Comp Payroll $910.56. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of the streets and sanitary sewer constructed to serve The Summit I at Southern Links. Item requested approval and authorization for payment, as outlined memorandum, temporary total disability a not to a compensation filed by Ted Smith an injury to ills left payment, as outlined by permanent partial disability for a claim filed Dennis Thompson a knee injury; and approval of a joint petition settlement and authorization for payment and associated costs in the amount of $4279.76 for a workers compensation claim filed by Joey L Smith for an injury to the right hand. Item E requested approval of the disability retirement requested by Artis Dean Parker and authorization for the authorized agent to sign applications for the retirement request. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the consent agenda. August 7, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 - Mr Bates said that the 1998 bond issue contains funds to complete work on the 86th St N & Main St intersection and portions of the surrounding streets. Original funding through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Local Government Division established a $750,000 cap on the federal portion of the project, leaving approximately $1,204,530.38 as a contribution from the City of Owasso. On June 26, 2001 a meeting was held with representatives from ODOT to discuss funding options. At that time the City was informed that funding could be increased to 75% federal participation with no cap. The amount of federal funds to be contributed by ODOT is established at $1,244,576, leaving the City's contribution at $706,724, or almost $500,000 less than was anticipated. ODOT requires a Project Maintenance and Finance Agreement with the City and a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. It is anticipated that bidding for this project will occur in early November. Councilor Armstrong asked why the project is being delayed until November and the 76th & 169 project will be started in October. Mr Can' said that the two projects are under different divisions of the Department of TranSpOliation. The 86th & Main project falls under the jurisdiction of the Local Government Division and the 76th & 169 project is under the Traffic Engineering Division. Following discussion, Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Resolution #2001-08, authorizing the execution of the Project Maintenance and Finance Agreement between the ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2001-08, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROJECT MAINTENANCE AND FINANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO FOR INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT 86TH STREET NORTH AND MAIN STREET. ~____~~__n Motion carried 5-0. AYE: A1mstrong, Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Chief Greene presented the item. An item has been placed in the FY 2001-2002 Police Depmiment budget to fund the purchase of new vehicles. Hudiburg Auto Group in Midwest City holds the state bid for police vehicles. Because the production year for 2001 vehicles has ended, no new vehicles can ordered until the 2002 state bid is published in October. Keystone Chevrolet in Sand notified the depm1:ment that they have two new 2001 police vehicles that were ordered another department, but that department was unable to purchase These vehicles are being for $19,400 each, which is than the state bid. is a full three-year bumper to bumper factory warranty on the vehicles. purchased, these two vehicles will replace two of the older vehicles that need to be retired. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to authorize the purchase of two 2001 Chevrolet Impala police vehicles from Keystone Chevrolet, Sand Springs, OK, in the amount of $19,400 each, for a total cost of $38,800, and authorization for payment. ITEM 7:. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF TWO VEHICLES FOR THE OW ASSO POLIJ:EJJEPARTMENT" August 7, 2001 Owasso City Council - 4 - Mr Can" said that on May 2,2001 final review plans and a revised estimated construction cost for the 76th & Highway 169 project was submitted to ODOT. The estimated construction cost was $1,231,000. ODOT said that the project was originally programmed with the Transportation Commission in the amount of $700,000, and requested that the City pmiicipate in the amount of $523,000 in order to place it for bid in October. Additional funds from ODOT Traffic Engineering Division would not be available for 2-3 years. A meeting was held with ODOT Traffic Engineering Division and ODOT Local Government Division to explore funding options. As a result of greater federal participation in the 86th St N & Main St project, approximately $498,000 became available from that project that could be reassigned to the 76th & Highway 169 project ODOT is requesting a resolution committing the City of Owasso to financial participation in the project. Upon receipt of the resolution, ODOT will have all documentation required to advertise the project in October. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Resolution #2001-09, committing the City of Owasso to participation in the U.S. Highway 169 & 76th St N Interchange Improvements in the amount of$523,000. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2001-09, A RESOLUTION COMMITTING CITY OF OWASSO FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE U.S. HIGHW A Ylf>2AND76TH STREET NORTH INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Motion carried 4-1. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong Mr Bates said that Item #11 in the agreement approved in the previous item states that the contribution by the City to the above-mentioned project be deposited with ODOT prior to advertisement for bids or prior to the end of the fiscal year, whichever occurs first. In order for bidding to occur in November, the City must deposit the funds with ODOT at this time. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to authorize staffto deposit the sum of $706,724 with ODOT, such sum representing the amount required by the agreement with for the 86th St N and Main St Intersection Reconstruction and Traffic Signals project. carried 4,.1. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong Oklahoma Department of TranspOliation and the City of Owasso for intersection reconstruction and traffic signals at 86th St N & Main St. August 7, 2001 Owasso City Council - 5 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor Motion canied 5-0, and the meeting was adjoumed at 7:06 p.m. AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams adjourn. ITEM 15~ ADIQURNMENT None ITEM 14: NEW BUSINESS. Mr Helm asked how the City establishes what officers receive new police vehicles. Chief Greene said that it is based on work product and not on seniority. Councilor Helm also requested that items to accept infrastructure improvements not be placed on the Consent Agenda. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY COllliJ':ILORS" No report. water to on Motion carried 4-1. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong August 7, 2001 Owasso City Council Mayor Barnhouse recessed the meeting at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 7:20 p.m. Mr Mitchell asked the Council if they are interesting in leasing the City Hall building at 207 S Cedar to Volunteer Network Owasso, or do they want to do something different. Councilors had several questions concerning the proposed lease agreement, including the term of the lease, what happens regarding reimbursement if VNO breaks the lease, if the amount of the lease is market value, and who should be responsible for utilities and maintenance. Vice Mayor Brogdon suggested that, in the interest of fairness, other individuals or groups be allowed to offer a proposal. It was suggested that an advertisement be placed in the Owasso Reporter notifying the public of the availability for lease of the top floor of the City Hall building and requesting proposals. After an hour of discussion, Councilor Helm requested that any further discussion be tabled to the Work Session on September 11,2001. ITEM 5A. LEASE WITH VOLUNTEER NETWORK OW ASSO A quolllm was declared present. STAFF Lany Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca A1mstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor at 6: 10 Barnhouse called meeting to The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, August 14, 2001 in the Lower ' Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2001, and Addendum to Agenda posted on the Hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on August 13,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, August 14,2001 .,2- Because of the lateness of the hour, Mr Mitchell deferred 5-B to the August 28th Work Session, and reminded the Council that there will be a Work Session on August 28th to discuss water ITEM 5: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A. This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. B. Replacement Vehicle for City Manager/Transfer to Police Department C. Other Items. Mr Rooney presented an overview of the bids received for a new utility tractor for the Parks Department. If the tractor is purchased, it will replace a 1975 Ford Tractor and a 1982 Kubota Tractor, both of which will be declared surplus. This item will be on the August 21 st agenda. He also presented a brief overview of proposals received for window coverings for the new city hall/police station. Five proposals were received, one of which did not meet specifications. ITEM 4: REPORT FROM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER. A. Review of Utility Tractor Bid B. Review of City Hall Window Treatment Proposals C. Other Items Mr Carr discussed the update of the Wastewater Master Plan and the steps that need to be taken for that to occur. He also discussed the engineering needed and a break-down of the proposed fees for engineering. the streets proj ect, Mr Carr said that bid documents for street repairs have been prepared and will be ready on Thursday, when the project will be advertised. He said it will be an "on-demand" project, whereby the contractor awarded the bid will make the repairs as requested by the City during the remainder of the fiscal year. Item C was an addendum, and Mr Carr said that the contractor for the Ator Relief Line project hit rock when boring under the railroad tracks and has requested a time extension because of the delay encountered. DEQ has been notified and doesn't have a problem with the request. A Change Order will be on the August 21 st agenda requesting a time extension for the proj ect. A. Discussion Relating to Wastewater Issues Overview of Street Projects Discussion Relating to a Change Order Requesting a Time Extension for the Ator Relief Line Construction budgets. to the discussed the items listed, and explained the concept behind the not budgets be over current is was a lengthy sewer ~ as ITEM 2: FINANCE ITEMS. A. Carry-Over Budgets B. Supplemental Appropriations Elm Creek Revenue Anticipation Note/Update on Elm Creek Payback Resolution for Sewer Connection Fees August 14,2001 Owasso City Council - 3 ~ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor at was Mr to adjourn. Ms ITEl\1JO: ADJOURNMENT issues. He also said that a walk-through of the new city hall/police station will be planned for the Council before the move-in date. August 14, 2001 Ow as so City Council City of Owasso Claims 8/21/01 Fund Department Total General 105 Municipal Court 634.47 110 Managerial 1 150 General Government 11,012.04 160 Community 170 Engineering 383.81 175 Information 203.95 181 Support Services 201 Police Services 215 Police Communications 153.68 221 Animal Control 1 ,494.74 250 Fire Services 130,059.10 280 Emergency Preparedness 90.32 300 Streets 10,903.81 515 Park Maintenance 3,184.41 550 Community Center 3,075.34 710 Economic Development 49.50 TOTAL 1 134.43 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 1,498.97 TOTAL 1,498.97 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 7,143.15 TOTAL 7,143.15 Capital Improvements Computerization 4,100.00 TOTAL 4,100.00 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 118,075.22 TOTAL 118,075.22 OPGA Merchandise 2,852.98 Food and Beverage 670.50 605 Cart Operations 70.62 610 Golf Course Maintenance 5,044.00 690 Golf Administration 3,732.42 800 Debt Service 38,934.43 TOTAL 51,304.95 4,414.41 TOTAL 4,414.41 150 Workers' Camp TOTAL 185 City 111,498.65 TOTAL 111,498.65 Debt Service 156,120.35 TOTAL 1 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 455 Wastewater Collections Debt Service 61 TOTAL Refunds 400 Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 455 Wastewater Collection 480 Refuse Collections 485 Center 101.51 2,973.19 4,348.71 19,821.72 16,023.55 5,378.99 1 Workers' Self Insurance City OPWA Sales Tax OPWA OPWA Totai~ TOTAL Hall/Police Station Bond FI.md City of OWaiSSO Claims 8/21/01 ADDENDUM Amount Total Description EIFS SYSTEM 6/6/00 (Exterior Insulation and Finish system) Vendor EIFS SYSTEMS PO Addendum to Claims List 8/21/01 City of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~n~~u_ ___~__ ~~~_____ _~__ ______ ___~________ _____~__ ____________ ________ __________ ____________ _______________________ 2989 352 06/25/01 11671 1 08/21/01 l,4 , 4 1 0 . 00 44,410.00 FINISH HARDWARE-6/6/00 2991 352 07/06/01 11670 1 08/21/01 3,004.20 3,004.20 LOCKERS & BENCHES-6/6/00 3660 1503 07/02/01 11669 740102206 08/21/01 3,442.00 3,442.00 ELEVATOR 6/6/00 3677 1512 07/03/01 11667 6 08/21/01 10,038.60 10,038.60 MECHANICAL 6/6/00 6866 2323 07/31/01 11643 92983 08/21/01 95.00 95.00 CONFERENCE-BROGDON 07/31/01 93010 33.00 33.00 CONFERENCE-BROGDON 6869 2178 08/31/01 11715 083101 08/21/01 200.00 200.00 4 RESTROOM CLEANING 6870 537 08/08/01 1170l, 080801 08/2'l!01 310.00 80.00 11 MOWINGS-ATOR PARK 230,,00 11 MOWINGS-MCCARTY PARK 6873 129 07/24/01 11640 1212l.152 08/21/01 41..19 44.19 12 PHONE USE-ROONEY 6876 1952 02/27/01 '11634 85666864 08/2 '1/01 39.67 39.67 12 SECURITY MONITORING 6879 1098 07/29/01 11644 2496362 08/21/01 69.74 193.l,9 ADVERTISING 07/29/01 2l,98579 123.'15 68'19 1098 08/05/01 "11'116 2502905 08/21/01 148.30 316.24 ADVERTISING 08/05/01 2501'129 167.9/. 6882 l,15 08/13/01 11854 36439 08/21/01 51.80 1'17.60 EMPLOYMENT ADS 08/13/01 3641,0 51.80 08/02/01 363'14 29.60 08/02/01 36373 4/. .l,O 6884 1171 0?/31/01 11777 635648 08/21/01 100.00 100.00 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 6887 627 08/01/01 11864 115788 08/21/01 210.00 210.00 12 COPIER MAINT 6891 2326 07/13/01 11719 895 08/21/01 277.25 499.05 10 LODGING-DEMAURO 08/01/01 905 221.80 6958 371 08/01/01 11896 801 01 08/21/01 605.25 605.25 METER READINGS 6960 38 07/31/01 1189273101 08/21/01 280.65 280.65 METER READINGS 6961 2075 07/31/01 11895 73101 08/21/01 342.00 342.00 METER READINGS 6962 171 07/25/01 11894 72501 08/21/01 351.00 351.00 METER READINGS 6963 264 08/01/01 11893 080101 08/21/01 167.40 167.40 METER READINGS 6992 591 08/02/01 11898 161593 08/21/01 13.40 53.60 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 07/26/01 160773 13.40 08/09/01 162383 13.40 08/16/01 163216 13.40 6994 554 08/01/01 11708 2876 08/21/01 40.00 40.00 DIAL-UP SERVICE 7010 362 08/03/01 11623 34515 08/21/01 90.00 90.00 12 BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 7017 642 07/30/01 11629200-?/01 08/21/01 27.23 1,457.7812 UNIFORM CLEANING 07/31/01 203-7/01 25.93 07/31/01 204-7/01 35.42 07/31/01 205-7/01 5.95 07/31/01 206-7/01 62.33 07/31/01 207-7/01 53.13 0?/31/01 208-7/01 38.67 07/31/01 209-7/01 14.87 07/31/01 210-7/01 50.36 07/31/01 211-7/31 88.97 07/31/01 212-7/01 50.57 07/31/01 213-7/01 91. 80 0?/31/01 214-7/01 72.90 07/31/01 215-7/01 41.51 07/31/01 219/7/01 59.36 07/31/01 220-7/01 11. 90 07/31/01 221-7/01 63.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 a*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 2 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.Oo Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~-~~~~~ ~~~~ ~---~- ~___~__~____ ~_____~_ ~~__________ ___~___u. __________ ______~_____ ____w__________________ 07/31/01 222-7/01 35028 07/31/01 223-7101 38053 07/31/01 224-7/01 65066 07/31/01 225-7/01 69096 07/31/01 227-7/01 89004 07/31/01 230-7/01 35035 07/31/01 232-7/01 65.83 07/31/01 234-7/01 41, 12 07/31/01 235-7/01 20030 07/31/01 236-7/01 90.54 07/31/01 237-7/01 73.88 07/31/01 238-7/01 38.39 7019 1012 07/03/01 11784 522037 08/21/01 21000 21.00 12 FILING FEES OS/22/01 5136/;1 9.00 9.00 COPY EXPENSE 7029 123 08/07/0'1 116f.9 '.3613 08/21/0'1 223. :~5 223.35 BATTERIES 7032 364 07/13/01 11769 166158 08/21/01 59.99 129.99 TIRE REPAIRS 07/09/01 166277 70.00 7033 446 08/07/0'] 11888 344383 08/21/0'1 294.56 2,398.24 REPAIR PARTS 08/09/01 345042 304087 08/08/01 34'.864 1.89 08/09/01 345041 90.42 08/07/01 344377 106.91 08/08/01 344861 2080 08/09/01 345046 28.28 08/08/01 344940 91012 08/03/01 343252 12.32 08/07/0'1 31,4551 370095 08/03/01 343255 1,07f..99 07/17/01 337792 -9.49 07/26/01 340663 -10.00 08/01/01 342440 1,99 07/24/01 339775 9.82 07/27/01 340865 26.81 7034 591 08/09/01 11793 162386 08/21/01 5.55 63.60 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/02/01 161596 5.55 11.10 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/02/01 161594 31.80 08/09/01 162384 31.80 7035 1050 07/24/01 11797 398482 08/21/01 419.72 143.04 CYLINDER RENTAL 56.68 CYLINDER RENTAL 220.00 WELDING HOOD 7043 2242 08/01/01 11847 2887 08/21/01 1,650.00 1,650.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY MOWINGS 7050 1557 07/31/01 11827 53176 08/21/01 952.02 2,443.42 BILLING SERVICE 08/10/01 53203 1,491.40 7091 818 08/31/01 11691 1996-9/01 08/21/01 38,934.43 38,934.43 12 1996 REVENUE BONDS 08/31/01 1997-9/01 35,448.50 35,448050 12 1997 REVENUE BONDS 08/31/01 1998-9/01 76,050.15 76,050015 12 1998 REVENUE BONDS 7093 818 08/31/01 11690 ORF99008L 08/17/01 2,412.58 2,412.58 12 ORF-99-008-L 08/31/01 FAP920107L 3,513.10 3,513.10 12 FAP-92-0107-L 08/31/01 FAP920107-L 19,735.90 19,735.90 12 FAP-92-107-L 7102 1059 08/03/01 11694 557154 08/21/01 398.00 398.00 SEMINAR-DEMPSTER/ALLEN 7110 941 07/29/01 11825 225397 08/21/01 92.46 92.46 ASPHALT 7111 100 08/02/01 11681 50870 08/21/01 160.00 520.00 DIRT/HAULING CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~- ~~~~-- -~---~-~ ~--- ------ ~~---------- ---~---- ------------ -------- --------~- ------------ --------~-------------- 08/02/01 50864 320.00 08/02/01 7 1.0.00 7112 357 07/27/01 11683 T4570 08/21/01 50.00 180.00 12 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 07/03/01 T4372 30.00 07/11/01 T4429 50.00 07/18/01 T 44 78 50.00 7114 239 08/01/01 11674 104908 08/2'1/01 72.76 39.13 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 07/31/01 1 0/,867 83.76 39.13 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 07/27/01 104799 39.13 39.13 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 39.13 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 39.13 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 71'16 366 07/23/01 11659 654313 08/21/01 4.98 4.98 REPAIR SUPPLIES 7116 :366 08/07/01 11802 656'J 11 08/21/01 2.69 27.76 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/07/01 656094 10.76 08/07/01 656011 11..31 7121 360 07/27/01 11668 11136330 08/21/01 <11025 71.25 COPIER MAINTENANCE 7125 805 07/25/01 11819 2006 08/21/01 490.44 490.44 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 7126 6 07/27/01 11664 9533 08/21/01 55.00 165.00 SOD 07/27/01 9538 55.00 5.88 SOD 07/27/01 9537 55.00 07/20/01 9150 5.88 7130 1056 07/23/01 11662 67?L.3 08/21/01 39.20 39.20 RENTALS 7147 805 07/18/01 11660 1972 08/21/01 907.50 907.50 REPAIR PARTS-PUMP 7179 1491 07/30/01 11808 26636 08/21/01 18.00 369.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS/NAME TAGS 08/13/01 26750 :$51.00 7186 475 07/25/01 11820 73745 08/21/01 199.23 199.23 RENTAL 7190 1075 08/06/01 11807 52908 08/21/01 155.68 155.68 SAFETY BOOTS 7192 162 07/25/01 11798 615321460 08/21/01 3,012.00 1,506.00 COMPUTER 1,506.00 COMPUTER 7196 108t, 08/08/01 11829 775301005 08/21/0'1 137.48 137.48 6 CH/PD MONTHLY USAGE 7198 1038 07/11/01 11801 7381 08/21/01 6.99 0.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/26/01 8324 9.72 16.71 CLEANING SUPPLIES 7209 688 08/08/01 11818 571366 08/21/01 1,342.00 442.00 CHEMICALS 08/08/01 74601 -900.00 7210 435 07/30/01 11672 073001 08/21/01 1,150.00 1,150.00 FENCE RELOCATION 7213 1386 07/27/01 11633 96045 08/21/01 376.92 376.92 ANIMAL TRAPS 7219 602 07/30/01 11658 13885 08/21/01 18.00 361.75 CROSSWALK SUPPLIES 07/30/01 13884 343. 75 7226 1271 07/03/01 11645 2588150 08/21/01 92.65 92.65 S05241 7228 1039 07/13/01 11678 352100 08/21/01 3,910.00 3,910.00 WATER METERS 06/19/01 7228 1039 07/30/01 11822 354616 08/21/01 170.00 170.00 WATER METERS 06/19/01 7230 223 07/25/01 11661 37605 08/21/01 2,914.83 2,914.83 CROSSWALK SUPPLIES 7232 2403 08/03/01 11834 117031 08/21/01 380.00 380.00 TRAFFIC CITATION BOOKS 7243 162 07/31/01 11866 620230177 08/21/01 6,202.00 6,202.00 COMPUTERS 7/17/01 7245 676 07/13/01 11622 2K1474 08/21/01 35.00 399.95 COMPUTER REPAIR 07/20/01 2K1507 349.95 35.00 BENCH TEST COMPUTER 07/31/01 2K1525 50.00 7253 1239 08/06/01 11865 EF07945 08/21/01 941.15 941.15 BATTERY BACKUPS 7/17/01 7262 129 07/24/01 11630 12449146 08/21/01 15.10 15.10 PHONE USE-SR VAN 7281 2409 07/27/01 11646 4533 08/21/01 80.00 80.00 VEHICLE,REPAIR 7282 1040 07/30/01 11695 2445 08/21/01 978.41 978.41 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 4 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~-~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~- ----~~~--~~- --~-~--- ------------ -------- -~---~---- ------------ ----------------------- 7286 504 07/11/01 11768 39549 08/21/01 55.00 71.52 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 07/13/01 39685 16.52 7288 764 08/16/01 11871 82101 08/21/01 8,864.09 159.70 VEH ~lAINT 4,096.79 VEH MAINT 106.40 VEH MAINT 263.07 VEH MAINT 359.05 VEH MAINT 125.88 VEH MAINT 1,524.01 VEH MAINT 2,185.65 VEH MAINT t,3.54 VEH r~AI NT 7289 789 08/01/01 11 M 7 48621 08/21/0'1 6,579.59 52.1'. FUEL 8.60 FUEL 225.42 FUEL 84" '15 FUE L 192.07 FUEL 181.49 FUEL 2,323.27 FUEL 1,262.08 FUEL 62.79 FUEL 522.09 FUEL 139.24 FUEL 252.50 FUEL 412.17 FUEL 817.87 FUEL 43.71 FUEL 7295 1958 07/30/01 11770 3010442 08/21/01 t.50.00 900.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 08/15/01 3010444 450.00 7296 538 08/07/01 1176'7 1341 08/21/01 339.09 64.96 MAINT SUPPLIES 5.46 MAINT SUPPLIES 23.96 MAINT SUPPLIES 16.15 MAINT SUPPLIES 158.73 MAINT SUPPLIES 69.83 MAINT SUPPLIES 7305 893 07/28/01 11786 560041 08/21/01 275.61 2'75.61 POSTAGE SUPPLIES T518 1907 07/26/01 11673 787906 08/21/01 2,293.20 2,293.20 CHEMICALS 7320 881 07/25/01 11776 6397 08/21/01 181.42 13.02 12 WATER USAGE-CART BARN 08/02/01 6398 83.70 83.70 12 WATER USAGE-MAINTENANCE 07/25/01 6399 13.02 181.42 12 WATER USAGE-CLUBHOUSE 7349 778 07/31/01 11650 7-4519 08/21/01 352.50 352.50 FIRE EXT SERVICE 7358 372 07/23/01 11625 43398 08/21/01 70.65 70.65 M09120 7359 209 07/19/01 11632 200042-03941 08/21/01 160.00 120.00 S11208 -002 07/19/01 20042-03943- 136.00 144.00 S10310 001 07/19/01 2000t.2-03942 1'.4.00 136.00 M06151 -001 07/19/01 200042-00584 120.00 160.00 E02141 -010 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~_~w~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ________~_~~ ~___~a~_ ___~_~~~____ ~~___N__ ~~~_______ ________~_~_ _____.._________________ 7361 1556 08/21/01 11635 1 08/21/01 2,000.00 2,000.00 POSTAGE 7362 2184 08/09/01 11811 373845519 08/21/01 290.99 0.00 C06141 290.99 C06041 7362 2184 08/09/01 11812 447625051 08/21/01 165.93 165.93 C06141 0.00 C06041 7363 1038 07/26/01 11636 3157 08/21/01 71.00 143.43 MAINT SUPPLIES 07/25/01 2665 72.43 7364 500 07/13/01 11638 59081 08/21/01 77.66 77.66 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 08/01/01 60373 5.97 5.97 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 7365 568 07/19/01 11637 154713 08/21/01 128.25 89.22 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/13/01 18991 ~39.03 7366 778 07/27/01 11639 7-4489 08/21/01 105,,20 105.20 FIRE EXT CHECK 7368 1329 07/30/01 11679 82572 08/21/01 88.95 88.95 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 7371 1209 013;01/01 11826 568"288065~2 08/21/01 2:~L 74 231.74 VACUUI4 0.00 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 73TS 812 07/13/01 11675 1508078904 08/21/0'1 29.99 56.29 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 0712t,/01 1508079102 5.3t, 0.00 SMALL TOOLS 07/06/01 1513078765 20.96 7377 100 08/02/01 11682 5088t, 08/21/01 265.00 265.00 ROCK 0.00 TOP SOIL 0.00 TOP SOIL 7381 6 07/26/01 11821 9521 08/21/01 55.00 0.00 SOD 07/20/01 9435 55.00 110.00 SOD 7383 1039 07/17/01 11676 352225 08/21/01 841.50 4,200.34 WATER METERS 6/19/01 07/02/01 351397 2,423.84 07/09/01 351396 935.00 7383 1039 07/30/01 11845 354615 08/21/01 935.00 935.00 WATER METERS 6/19/01 7384 1039 07/02/01 11680 351400 08/21/01 55.68 665.04 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/02/01 351401 17tt. 96 07/10/01 353465 t,3t, . 40 7384 1039 07/02/01 11799 351398 08/21/01 88.00 582.36 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/17/01 353704 68.48 07/17/01 354614 t,5.02 07/27/01 354617 41.56 07/18/01 354619 198.30 07/24/01 354621 141. 00 7384 1039 08/01/01 11846 355100 08/21/01 24.66 24.66 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 7386 729 06/25/01 11663 T12504 08/21/01 3,460.00 3,460.00 METER SETS 4/3/01 7386 729 08/14/01 11853 T12547 08/21/01 2,410.00 2,410.00 METER SETS 4/3/01 7387 1039 07/19/01 11677 353466 08/21/01 57.60 57.60 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 7387 1039 08/08/01 11852 355617 08/21/01 30.50 60.00 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 08/07/01 355618 29.50 7389 2184 06/05/01 11628 40411 08/21/01 206.10 0.00 C06141 206.10 T06051 7389 2184 08/09/01 11813 447625051 08/21/01 97.59 97.59 C06141 0.00 T06051 7390 543 07/14/01 11626 2432905T4 08/21/01 178.20 178.20 A08260 7398 2433 07/23/01 11717 42383939 08/21/01 60.00 60.00 PEST CONTROL 7399 1435 07/25/01 11718 1312 08/21/01 195.00 195.00 JANITORIAL SERVICES 7402 2436 08/09/01 11886 2585 08/21/01 4,100.00 4,100.00 SOFTWARE/TRAINING 7403 2437 07/17/01 11624 446710 08/21/01 125,000.00 125,000.00 PAYMENT ON LADDER TRUCK ':CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 6 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~_~~~~~_ ~__w ~~_~~~ ~~__________ ____=___ ___~________ ________ __________ ____________ _______________________ 7408 1038 07/28/01 11787897 08/21/01 11.99 33.63 MEETING SUPPLIES 08/01/01 4440 21. 44 11.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/08/01 185 10.97 21.44 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/17/01 2298 33.63 10.97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7409 300 07/09/01 11657 16764 08/21/01 299.70 399.43 GOLF CART REPAIRS 06/28/01 16675 99.73 7411 1100 08/15/01 11800 1458302 08/21/01 88.00 88.00 MEMBERSHIP-NICHOLSON 7419 1329 07/26/01 11665 80315 08/21/01 44.91 44.91 SMALL TOOLS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 7420 812 07/06/01 11641 1512078764 08/21/01 10.98 107.83 CHEMICALS/MAINT SUPPLIES 07/13/01 1512078907 88.88 4.41 MAINT SUPPLIES 07/24/01 1512079104. 7.97 07/06/01 1511078763 1,.41 7/,21 792 07/05/01 11642 66252 08/21/01 15.08 24.21 REPAIR PARTS 07/12/01 33820 2.60 07/18/01 67184 6.53 7448 485 07/29/01 11699 72901-01 08/21/01 15.00 15.00 FILAMENT BULBS 7449 991 08/03/01 11700 256976 08/21/01 '145.89 145.89 EVIDENCE COLLECTION SUPPLI ES 7/,50 452 08/02/01 1169738174 08/21/01 37.85 37.85 EVIDENCE COLLECTION SUPPLIES 7450 1.52 08/07/01 11783 38313 08/21/01 292.95 292.95 EVIDENCE COLLECTION SUPPLl ES 7456 904 06/30/01 11714 54759 08/21/01 270.00 270.00 CYLINDER RENTAL 7/,58 66 07/31/01 11720 362609 08/21/01 281.36 296.36 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 05/07/01 354739 15.00 7459 765 07/27/01 11713 3/.41,1 08/21/01 116.00 116.00 ICE MACHINE REPAIR 7460 406 07/27/01 11771 6980 08/21/01 295.31 130.91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/03/01 6189 47.98 86.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/07/01 6318 1,6.07 13.77 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/03/01 8065 53.97 63.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 148.02 COMPUTER PAPER 7/.61 1,97 08/02/01 11684 42-238167 08/21/01 46.76 80.75 PLOTTER SUPPLIES 08/03/01 42-238278 33.99 7462 1100 08/15/01 11823 1712272 08/21/01 88.00 88.00 MEMBERSHIP-LUTZ 7465 929 08/01/01 11868 2185-0006703 08/21/01 6,908.43 4,832.82 TIPPING FEES 2,075.61 TIPPING FEES 7468 563 07/27/01 11701 1060684 08/21/01 50.26 50.26 EVIDENCE BAGS 7472 2338 06/29/01 11666 1 08/21/01 56,843.71 56,843.71 DRYWALL-06/06/00 7484 129 07/24/01 11712 12152617 08/21/01 183.36 92.19 PHONE USE-ALLEN 91.17 PHONE USE-OTHERS 7486 18 08/02/01 11698 550456130001 08/21/01 131. 95 131.95 TRANSPORT HOODS 7/,87 943 08/01/01 11702 25748 08/21/01 70.35 70.35 PRINTING 08/09/01 25781 33.12 33.12 PRINTING 7489 808 07/20/01 11711 201491 08/21/01 723.20 723.20 PROGRAM ASSISTANCE 7490 814 07/26/01 11710 27050 08/21/01 172.50 172.50 FILM 7494 372 08/09/01 11803 435029809 08/21/01 94.40 94.40 A07231 7495 2184 06/26/01 11627 43490 08/21/01 183.21 183.21 C06211 0.00 T06051 7496 474 07/06/01 11631 11238 08/21/01 1.90 28.39 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 07/06/01 11240 9.97 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) Ci ty of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ ------ -------- ---- ------ ------------ -----.-- -----.------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 07/06/01 11244 1.97 06/01/01 11209 3.67 05/17/01 11186 2.62 07/27/01 11270 8.26 7497 1038 08/02/01 11685 3991 08/21/01 29.00 29.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 7504 1038 07/31/01 11703 6167 08/21/0'1 16.21 15.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/23/01 337 156.01 181.42 FILM/VIDEO TAPE 07/20/01 8632 24.41 9.96 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/19/01 508 139.88 16.21 TOOL KIT/KEYS 07/17/01 3616 7.48 114.21 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/17/01 7414 50.25 192.52 UNIFORM SLACKS/BELTS 07/12/0'1 818t, 195.99 139.88 TV/VCR 07/11/01 3872 70.4'1 17.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/09/01 9490 9.44 08/09/01 8887 17.52 7506 556 08/07/01 11696 8775 08/21/01 502.50 502.50 RADIO REPAIR 7508 1084 07/10/01 11889 488321019 08/21/01 It7.14 47.14 06/01 USE 7511 812 07/09/01 11686 1518078813 08/21/01 35. '1:3 35.13 MAINT SUPPLIES 7512 943 07/27/01 11687 25732 08/21/01 65.98 65.98 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 7513 1494 08/01/01 11688 080101 08/21/01 306.00 306.00 PEST CONTROL 751/t 1893 08/28/01 11705 082801 08/21/01 255.00 190.00 MEMBERSHIPS 65.00 TRAINING 7515 1411 08/01/01 11707 080101 08/21/01 344.00 344.00 MEMBERSHIP-MITCHELL 7516 2447 07/31/01 11692 073101 08/21/01 674.04 674.04 TORT CLAIM-VEHICLE DAMAGE 7517 1455 08/01/01 11706 080101 08/21/0 'I 150.00 150.00 MEMBERSHIP 7518 893 08/03/01 11785 536577 08/21/01 218.60 218.60 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 08/01/01 412669 209.00 209.00 EQUIP MAINT 7520 591 08/09/01 11824 162381 08/21/01 27 -',0 54.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/09/01 162389 33.55 54.20 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/09/01 162387 15.80 31.60 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/09/01 162390 57.00 126.90 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/09/01 162382 21.35 42.70 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/09/01 162388 I, .55 9.10 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/02/01 161591 27.40 08/02/01 161599 20.65 08/02/01 161597 15.80 08/02/01 161600 69.90 08/02/01 161592 21.35 08/02/01 161598 4.55 7521 562 07/28/01 11779 21900387 08/21/01 77.41 77.41 BLOOD ALCOHOL TEST 7525 662 07/09/00 11693 72536 08/21/01 378.95 378.95 W07090 7527 857 07/23/01 11654 D198224 08/21/01 1.47 88.67 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/28/01 D198832 20.14 06/22/01 D195093 67.06 7528 1038 07/05/01 11655 441 08/21/01 18.68 149.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 07/30/01 4587 61. 94 07/18/01 317 28.93 07/24/01 647 15 .71 06/01/01 9974 23.81 06/01/01 4705 -9.96 07/03/01 4990 10.05 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Pag~ 8 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~=~~= ~~~- -~-~-~ ~~-~--~-~~-~ ~~-----~ ~~--~------~ ---~~--- ---------- -~---------- ----------------------- 7529 127 08/06/01 11653 418883501 08/21/01 137.51 137.51 COMPUTER EQUIP TRANSPORT CART 7531 1361 07/31/01 11709 7/01 08/21/01 180.00 180.00 44 BAILIFF DUTIES 07/01~06/02 7532 66 08/07/01 11833 363322 08/21/01 653.94 653.94 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 7533 187 08/01/01 11689 6192 08/21/01 451.00 451.00 EAP SERVICES 07/01-06/02 7534 2434 08/13/01 11903 11310 08/21/0'l 323.12 323.12 31 SETTLEMENT FOR IN,JURY 7535 2/.35 08/13/01 11904 11313 08/21/01 474.00 474.00 5 SETTLEMENT FOR INJURY '7536 568 07/27/01 11796 15/,996 08/21/01 091.50 691.50 FLOOR MACHINE 2,400.00 FLOOR MACHINE '7537 85 07/24/01 11795 0535712046 08/21/01 32.40 32.40 REPAIR PARTS '7538 607 07/30/01 11794 6076 08/21/01 203.00 284.90 INTERNATIONAL MANUAL 08/02/01 608/, 81090 7540 f,1 '1 08/06/01 11816 6767 08/21/01 45.00 45.00 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 75f,1 183 08/03/01 11792 PC500199460 08/21/01 35. f.5 61.44 REPAIR PARTS 07/31/01 PC500199025 25.99 7542 2f.75 08/01/01 11817 68570 08/21/01 44.00 44.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 75/,3 3 07/31/01 11804 32776 08/21/01 47.65 47.65 REPAIR PARTS 7544 2476 07/26/01 11806 1 099 08/21/01 172.50 172.50 VEHICLE REPAIR 7545 1500 07/30/01 11791 073001 08/21/01 735.00 735.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 7546 966 07/02/01 11805 2688 08/21/01 123.00 123.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 7547 1005 07/30/01 11651 83423 08/21/01 9.37 383.25 VEHICLE REPAIR 07/30/01 83422 8.06 17.43 REPAIR PARTS 07/27/01 CVCS183742 383.25 7548 573 07/27/01 11790 FOCS717349 08/21/01 196.50 196.50 VEHICLE REPAIR 7549 296 08/06/01 11815 159219 08/21/01 975.00 975.00 WELDING 7550 1143 07/30/01 11789 7116790 08/21/01 262.50 262.50 COPY PAPER 7551 698 07/30/01 11788 198522 08/21/01 -28.05 234.90 OIL/LUBRICANTS 07/25/01 198357 262.95 7552 2301 08/01/01 11885 252098-0 08/21/01 68.59 68.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/01/01 252137.0 15.64 19.74 OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/09/01 252409-0 4010 7554 574 06/25/01 11780 4252 08/21/01 7.13 91.50 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 07/03/01 4314 16.50 7.13 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 07/11/01 4366 27075 07/19/01 1.418 15.00 07/23/01 4440 11. 25 07/27/01 f,466 11. 25 07/31/01 4482 9075 7555 406 08/02/01 11782 7943 08/21/01 49.99 49.99 TONER CARTRIDGE 7556 1852 07/31/01 11652 4146 08/21/01 97.50 97.50 TIRE REPAIR 7558 808 08/08/01 11867 202026 08/21/01 495.75 3,016.25 INCOG DUES 08/08/01 202010 3,016.25 495.75 LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM 7560 259 08/06/01 11810 511784820 08/21/01 1 , 180. 13 1,180.13 W07090 7562 1849 08/09/01 11828 579400122221 08/21/01 49.50 49.50 COLORED MAPS 7564 1491 04/23/01 11832 26120 08/21/01 702.00 702.00 26 UNIFORM SHIRTS 7565 1164 07/10/01 11831 143008957 08/21/01 70.00 70.00 PLENUM VOICE CABLE 7566 1002 08/21/01 11907 82101 08/21/01 452.64 57.00 LIC TAGS 18.54 INTERNET SERVICE 2.20 REIMB PETTY CASH CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 33.55 PHONE USE 144.98 TONER CARTRIDGES 40.00 TRAINING-MILLER 192.00 32 EUTHANSIA SERVICES 725.00 LEGAL SERVICES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 4.88 REIMB-PETTY CASH 8.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 6.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 407.32 REPAIR PARTS 86.19 TIRES 30.59 PHONE USE 1.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 4.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 22.82 DEPOSIT REFUND 83.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.50 COUNCIL MEETING 5.00 TIRE REPAIR 14.49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.69 DEPOSIT REFUNDS 45.00 REFERENCE MATERIAL 16.00 REPAIR PARTS 70.00 PER DIEM-O'BRIEN 29.95 CELL PHONE 2.00 BANK CHARGE 530.15 7/01 USE .33 7/01 USE 1,064.48 7/01 USE 265.49 7/01 USE 1,253.05 7/01 USE 63.91 7/01 USE 1,238.26 7/01 USE 95.19 7/01 USE 10,651.53 7/01 USE 3,709.73 7/01 USE 238.62 7/01 USE 1,805.14 7/01 USE 1,847.71 7/01 USE 1,454.78 7/01 USE 2,712.08 7/01 USE 136.43 PHOTO PROCESSING Line Item Amounts Claim Description Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 9 144.98 40.00 192.00 1,400.00 407.32 86.19 64.14 9.81 2.88 4.48 24.98 1.89 37.80 22.80 1.80 14.26 9.66 3.19 2.88 18.88 28,255.45 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 08/21/01 08/21/01 08/21/01 08/21/01 7579 417 08/07/01 11773 31108 7580 65 07/30/01 11775 8156-001 7581 2076 08/06/01 11774 269922 7583 1062 07/31/01 11656 32 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 11891 209620 08/21/01 11887 14009701 08/21/01 11890 941582085-00 08/21/01 7 08/21/01 08/21/01 08/21/01 Full Amt Due Date 11772 22712 22713 22724 22730 22731 23642 25784 27039 27042 27046 27073 27078 11863 82101 1'1830 7/01 1032 08/07/01 365 08/02/01 1294 08/02/01 814 07/03/01 07/05/01 07/21/01 07/27/01 07/28/01 07/09/01 07/03/01 07/10/01 07/13/01 07117/01 07/04/01 07/08/01 1086 08/15/01 '108f, 07/31/01 7576 7577 7578 7574 7573 7572 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order : i ty of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 10 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~--~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~-~~-- ~~-~~--~-~~~ -~------ --~---~----- ~------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 07/31/01 41 350.00 700.00 RETAINER 07/31/01 42 725.00 350.00 LEGAL SERVICES 700.00 RETAINER 7584 871 08/16/01 11884 J ALLEN 08/21/01 50.00 50.00 5 TEMPORARY LICENSES-ALLEN 7587 594 07/30/01 11849 17173040-002 08/21/01 -1,150.00 285.23 PUMP RENTAL 04/23/01 17173040-001 1 ,435.23 7589 511 06/29/01 11850 553750 08/21/01 344.00 344.00 VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 7592 773 08/15/01 11851 1.45669673 08/21/01 80.00 40.00 LICENSE-CLAFFLIN 40.00 LICENSE-CLAFFLIN 75 9~~ 552 08/01/01 11814 323007 08/21/01 670.50 670.50 CATERED FOOD 7595 1953 08/03/01 11809 549099444500 08/21/01 770.45 108.45 CITY MGR EXPENSES 5473 662.00 CONFERENCE-MITCHELL 7596 818 08/15/0'1 11897 ORF-01-0002- 08/21/01 16,427.0/, 16,427.04 ORF-01-0002-L L 08/15/01 FAP-01-0003- 9,164.64 9,164.64 FAP-01-0003-L L 7601 100 07/17/01 11848 50750 08/21/01 325.00 325.00 DOZER RENTAL 7606 568 08/07/01 11778 155328 08/21/01 9.00 47.80 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 08/08/01 155377 38.80 7613 2486 08/21/01 11899 82101 08/21/01 1,166.62 1,166.62 TORT CLAIM RE I MBURSEl4ENT 7614 1350 08/01/01 11835 11029 08/21/01 149.50 149.50 ADVERTISING 7615 1491 08/08/01 11836 26740 08/21/01 76.10 76.10 PRINTED FORMS 7616 812 08/08/01 11837 656079441 08/21/01 32.97 32.97 MAINT SUPPLIES 7617 1395 07/30/01 11838 5210696 08/21/01 300.00 08/22/01 15.00 300.00 CLUB 7618 314 07/18/01 11839 5261370 08/21/01 141:30 54 207.42 CAPS 07/16/01 5255831 58.88 7619 42 06/11/01 11840 93676865 08/21/01 78.70 188.90 SUNGLASSES 03/19/01 93369278 71.50 07/26/01 93867877 38.70 7620 9 07/27/01 11841 97306407 08/21/01 1/,4.87 08/22/01 2.80 319.71, CLUBS 07/26/01 97295621 174.87 08/22/01 3.40 7621 454 07/17/01 11842 215908 08/21/01 21.37 108.17 SHORTS/SLACKS 07/25/01 233675 21.37 07/17/01 215909 65.43 7622 300 07/30/01 11843 16935 08/21/01 101.50 201.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 07/30/01 16934 100.00 7623 57 07/23/01 11844 1152774 08/21/01 546.09 08/22/01 21.60 1,546.29 CLUBS/BAGS/BALLS 07/23/01 1153031 198.31 08/22/01 7.40 07/31/01 1182572 292.50 08/22/01 11.52 07/31/01 1181786 329.39 08/22/01 13.00 08/01/01 1185523 180.00 08/22/01 6.80 7629 1029 07/31/01 11648 3230303 08/21/01 593.16 593.16 TIRES 7631 233 08/07/01 11882 312593 08/21/01 57.60 57.60 WATER-BATTERIES 7632 2490 08/21/01 11900 82101 08/21/01 120.60 120.60 TORT CLAIM-6/18/01 7633 2489 08/21/01 11901 82101 08/21/01 85.32 85.32 TORT CLAIM-7/17/01 7634 863 08/06/01 11880 111051949501 08/21/01 50.50 50.50 07/01 USE 0 08/06/01 111240732600 27.45 27.45 07/01 USE 1 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 365.92 CART WHEEL/TIRE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 101.00 RENTAL 150.35 PARTS CLEANER 187.38 REPAIR PARTS 64.51 REPAIR PARTS 56.48 07/01 PLEXAR 72.47 07/01 PLEXAR 941.10 07/01 PLEXAR 154.51 07/01 PLEXAR 369.44 07/01 PLEXAR 60.14 07/01 PLEXAR 260.99 07/01 PLEXAR 26.41 07/01 PLEXAR 26041 07/01 PLEXAR 321091 07/01 PLEXAR 31.96 0?;01 PLEXAR 135.70 07/01 PLEXAR 30.07 07/01 PLEXAR 131.08 07/01 PLEXAR 80.86 07/01 PLEXAR 30.06 07/01 PLEXAR 196.35 07/01 PLEXAR 17.98 07/01 USE 3082 REPAIR SUPPLIES 15.29 MAINT SUPPLIES 72.48 07/01 PLEXAR 66.99 07/01 USE 176.00 07/01 USE 46.49 S01130 43.61 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 48.17 07/01 USE 120.49 07/01 USE 20.46 07/01 USE 9024 07/01 USE 72.10 07/01 USE '132.66 07/01 USE 17.98 14.51 50.00 101.00 150.35 39.08 148.30 365.92 11855 111252109000 08/21/01 1 486 08/06/01 11856 080601sf4 07/30/01 073001sf3 475 07/25/01 11857 73742 994 07/26/01 11858 18202295 342 08/01/01 11859 39309 07/23/01 39161 7649 1488 08/02/01 11860 104339 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 08/21/01 08/21/01 08/21/01 08/21/01 7646 7647 7648 08/21/01 7645 863 08/06/01 764/, 08/06/01 111052374001 28.45 0 08/06/01 111052375401 19.72 0 08/06/01 111252665500 120.49 2 08/06/01 111287633700 20.46 1 08/08/01 111054011101 9.24 0 08/06/01 111051937301 72.10 0 07/30/01 11121,0'181400 132.66 1 7635 1559 08/01/01 11881 918419364962 08/21/01 66.99 63 08/01/01 918149311122 176.00 62 7638 1288 08/16/01 11908 465727857 08/21/01 46.49 7639 474 08/09/01 11902 1 '1307 08/21/01 5.09 08/09/01 11300 32.79 08/09/01 11302 5.73 7642 1,96 07/26/01 11879 4435 08/21/01 15.29 08/08/01 4591 3.82 7643 938 07/29/01 11883 918272225182 08/21/01 2,998.42 85 Line Item Amounts Claim Oescription ~~~~-- ~~~~-~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~D ~~_~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~___~_~~ ___~~______~ __~_____ ________D~ ____~~______ _______________________ P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 11 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date ~ity of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order 0.: {O t; 1_:: ::. ': G . i ty of Owasso Aug 16, 2001 02:52pm Page 12 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~-~ ~~~= ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~_~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~=~_~~~ ~~~~~~~~_~ ~~~~~=___U~_ _~_~~_~__~~_~~=__~~_~~_ 7651 720 08/07/01 11861 71326 08/21/01 71.75 71.75 HORSE SHOES 7652 953 07/30/01 11862 2021096 08/21/01 1,560.00 1,560.00 REPAIR PARTS 7653 107 08/06/01 11872 65011 08/21/01 8.95 62.45 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 07/31/01 64818 53.50 765/. 774 07/31/01 11873 367184 08/21/01 120.96 120.96 CHH1!CALS 7655 657 07/30/01 11874 47839 08/21/01 67.41 67.41 ROCK HAULING 7656 265 07/31/01 11875 399 08/21/01 155.03 155.03 SAND 7657 812 08/09/01 11876 655079479 08/21/01 32.51 140.07 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 08/08/01 655079~,50 107.56 7658 645 08/07/01 11877 1.78338 08/21/01 11.54 28.68 SHOP TOWELS 07/31/01 475307 17.14 7659 153 07/27/01 11878 10363769 08/21/01 180.47 180.47 REPAIR PARTS 7664 961 08/05/01 11905 5227234'"2 08/21/01 29.99 29.99 12 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 7682 388 07/16/01 11906 39791372 08/21/01 "48.60 268.30 GOLF SHOES 06/25/01 39612491 121.39 07/09/01 39725985 108.25 08/22/0 '1 4.32 07/31/01 39983157 87.26 7683 986 08/14/01 11909 3 08/21/01 104,867.09 104,867.09 ATOR RELIEF LINE 1/16/01 ~=~----=---~ =====-~--- =~~=--=--=~-~ ==.===....-=-=- OTAL 706,979.98 85.84 39 recol'ds listed Council Member Council Member August 21,2001 APPROVED: $3,569.91 $84.60 S?~rage Fund Total 08/11/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member August 21,2001 APPROVED: Worker's Camp Self-Insurance Fund Total Overtime Expenses Total CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/11/01 1. No more than 2 hives No hive within 20' of any lot line 3. A 6' screening hedge or fence along the lot line facing the hive entrance 4. Supply of clean water 5. Four inspections between March 1 and October 31 of each year 6. Written notification of the existence of hives to the City Clerk, Police Chief & adjoining property owners & posted on property. Council placed on the Attached is Ordinance #683, which sets out the stipulations the keeping of domestic honeybees. summary of the stipulations: At your regular meeting on July 17t\ you approved an amendment to the animal ordinance relating to the keeping of domestic honeybees within the city limits, and authorized an ordinance. August 14, 2001 THE MEMORANDUM . Section Three: The p~ovisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of fIrst publication as provided by law. Section Two: That p,art 4 - Animals, Chapter 1 Animal Regulations, Article A General Provisions, Section 4-118 Wiild and Exotic Animals, Prohibition on Keeping, Subsection H Bee Hives Prohibited of the Code: of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby deleted. 6. The hive owner shall provide written notification to the City Clerk and Chief of Police of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as to the existence of the hive, as well as certify as to notifIcation of adjoining property owners of the existence of the hive. Hive owner shall place written notification on the property in a conspicuous place so as to inform the public of the existence of the bee hive. 5. Hive owner shall inspect each hive not less than four (4) times between March I and October 31 of each year. A written record, including the date of each such inspection, shall be maintained by the owner and shall be made available to the Chief of Police of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma upon request; 4. A supply of clean water must be furnished within twenty (20) feet of each hive at all times between March 1 and October 31 of each year; 3. Between each hive and the neighboring lot in the direction of the hive entrance, the hive owner shall maintain a hedge or a screening fence that is at least six (6) feet in height, to be located within twenty (20) feet of such lot line, and to extend the entire length of such lot line; 2. No hives shall be maintained within twenty (20) feet of any lot line of the lot on which said hive is located; 1. No more than two (2) hives shall be maintained for each 1/4 acre or less of lot size on any lot; Any species of animals which is venomous to human beings whether its venom is transmitted by bite, sting, touch or other means - to include the keeping of bees whether for commercial purposes or hobby, except domestic honeybees under the circumstances hereinafter provided, to-wit SectionOrw: That Part 4 - Animals, Chapter I Animal Regulations, Article A General Provisions, Section 4-118 Wild and Exotic Animals, Prohibition on Keeping, Subsection A III of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended to provide as follows, to-wit: BE IT OlIDMNED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIm CITY OF' TO-WIT: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 4, ANIMALS, CHAPTER 1, ANIMAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE A, GENERAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 4-11l~, WILD AND EXOTIC ANIMALS, PROHIBITION ON KEEPING, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS TO SECTION 4~118A HI TO PROVIDE FOR THE KEEPING OF DOMESTIC HONEYBEES UNDER CERTAIN DELINEATED CIRCUMSTANCES AND DELETING SECTION 4"^118H BEE HIVES PROHIBITED, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATK ORDINANCE NUMBER 683 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PAGE 2 2780-493 ANIMAL ORDINANCE Ronald D Cates, City Attorney AI'PROVF,D AS TO FORlV1: Clerk Marcia Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PASSED AND APPROVED this 21 5t day of August, 2001. Ordinance No. 682 ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 682 approving utility rates for rural water district customers as established by OPW A Resolution No. 2001-09. RECOMMENDATION: Resolution No. 2001-09 updates the rates for rural water district customers to the current rates for each utility plus the 10% administrative fee. New wording in the resolution references the" applicable rate" as established by the OPW A Trustees. Therefore, any future rate change will automatically apply to rural water district customers. Separate action to apply rate changes to rural water district customers will not be necessary. City Council Ordinance No. 682 approves the rates established by Resolution No. 2001-09. At that time, OPWA Resolution No. 2001-01 and a City Ordinance were approved establishing utility rates for customers on rural water service who are inside the city limits. Those rates were set at a lump sum total for all utilities (sewer, refuse and ambulance) including a 10% administrative fee retained by the water district. Since then, the rates for all of the city services have increased, but the resolution setting rates for rural water district customers was not updated. December the City Council and the OPW A Trustees approved agreements with Water District No.3, Rogers County and with Rural Water District No.3, Washington Those agreements list the shared responsibilities for utility operations areas within the city limits Owasso that are served by a rural water district. The agreement specifies that the rural water district will be responsible for billing and collections of the City's utility charges for sanitary sewer, refuse (polycart) and ambulance subscription services. BACKGROUND: August 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMORANDUM Attorney Ronald D Cates, APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor CITY OF OKLAHOMA ADOPTED this 21 sl day of August, 2001, with the Emergency Clause voted upon and approved separately. Section Two: Due to the absence of sanitary sewer and refuse rates for mral water district customers residing within the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an imminent need exists for the establishment of same, and by reason thereof an emergency is hereby declared to exist whereby the provisions of this ordinance. shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as provided by state law. The sanitary sewer and refuse rates for mral water district customers residing within the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as established by the Trustees ofthe Owasso Pnblic Works Authority pursuant to OPW A Resolution #2001-09 be, and the same hereby are, approved. AN ORDINANCE Al~PROVING SANITARY SEWER AND REFUSE RATES FOR RURAL WATER DISTRICT CUSTOMERS RESIDING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAIIOMA, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO OPWA RESOLUTION #2001~09, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY BE IT ORDMNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO~ WIT: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER 682 Three projects budgeted in the Capital Improvements Fund of FY 2000-01 are currently in progress and have unexpended funds that should be carried over to supplement the FY 2001-02 budget. Those projects are listed in the table below. The General Fund has a total of $1,010,045 in budgeted but unexpended funds remaining from the 2000-01 budget. Of that amount, $516,416 is recommended for carryover budget requests. (Funds from personal services line items normally are not eligible for carryover). The list below itemizes the carryover recommendation for each department. COMMENT: The carryover budget promotes a philosophy of "save and invest it" rather than "spend it or lose it." Managers who save money from last year's budget are rewarded by the possibility of a carryover appropriation to the new fiscal year budget. This is the ninth year for the City's managers to operate under a carryover budget concept. Traditional public sector budgets "reward" the expenditure of all of the funds under a manager's control and "justify" an increasing level of appropriations in subsequent fiscal years. Efforts to be efficient and save money often are "rewarded" by a reduction in future budgets. Since 1993, the City Council has approved a "carryover" supplemental appropriation. "carryover" budget is a concept wherein budgeted, but unexpended, funds from one fiscal year may be re-budgeted (appropriated) to the next fiscal year. The goal of a carryover budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of public funds. BACKGROUND:. August 15, 2001 DATE: HONORABLE MEMORANDUM 20,661 169,229 13,634 $203,524 40,000 40,000 15,846 3,500 4,000 21,300 9,200 23,500 16,500 5,000 12,962 7,739 89,400 20,000 17,700 6,633 1,086 4.571 $516,416 Hale Acres drainage Computerization H wy 169 enhancement Total Capital Improvements Fund Building & Support services parking Clubhouse entrance enhancements Pickup truck & travel AutoCAD design program MCSE license & software ~ ~ van Furniture Computers, radios, cameras, TV/VCR Photo ID imaging system Building transition, furniture & equipment Incinerator (future purchase) Residential street repair program Sidewalks Paving at new storage building % ton truck (future purchase) Window replacement Downtown district plan brochure Total General Fund Capital Improvements Fund Parks Community Center Economic Development Communications Animal Streets Community Development Engineering Information Systems Support Services Police Carryover appropriations have been requested for the Capital Improvements Fund and for fifteen departments within the General Fund. The carryover requests are: REQUEST: $203 Capital Improvements Fund $5 Information Support Services Police Communications Animal Control Streets Parks Community Economic Total General Fund 1,086 3,500 4,000 ,300 54,200 12,962 7,739 127, 100 4,500 General Municipal Staff recommends Council approve the following supplemental appropriations: RECOMMENDATION: The proposed amended Revenue Anticipation Note for $712,970.39 would pay 4% interest semi- annually in February and August until maturity. Semi-annual principal payments would begin in February of 2004 and continue through August of 2008. The RAN may be paid off at any time should funds become available. Currently sufficient funds are not available to make payments on both the RAN and the note at First Bank of Owasso. Staff proposes that only interest on the RAN be paid until the bank note is completely paid in December of 2003. Then semi-annual payments on the principal and interest of the RAN could be paid with a final maturity of August 2008. Interest rates have decreased during the past three years, so staff is also proposes that the interest rate on the RAN be amended to 4 % from the current rate of 5.2%. The RAN (Revenue Anticipation Note) between the City and the OPW A was approved August 8, 1998 by the City Council and the OPW A Trustees. The RAN was set up as a temporary construction loan with funds drawn as needed and interest accrued on the balance. The note is for an amount not to exceed $1,800,000 at 5.2 % interest for one year. The original concept anticipated that when the one-year RAN matured, it would be replaced with another RAN with a fixed amount and term. At the end of one year, the project was incomplete, so the term of the RAN was simply extended for two years with an August 4,2001 maturity. The current balance of the RAN is $712,970.39 with accrued interest payable of $70,060.42. The RAN has matured, so it must be paid or amended to provide payment at a future date. Financing for the project consisted a bank note and a revenue anticipation note. The note with First Bank of Owasso is a five--year, 5% note for $1,200,000 dated December 1998. Monthly payments are $23,000 with the final payment due in December of 2003. March of the OPWA approved a concept plan the and of the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor project. The concept allowed the interceptor to be constructed with city-backed financing supported a private sector "pay-back" as the property develops. BACKGROUND: August 16, 2001 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1 the OPWA, the Staff RECOMMENDATION: All parties (makers, sureties, guarantors and all others now or hereafter liable for payment of all or any portion of the indebtedness evidenced by the Revenue Anticipation Note) severally waive demand, presentment, notice of dishonor, protest, notice of protest, and diligence in collecting this Revenue Anticipation Note and diligence in bringing and prosecuting suit against any party bound hereby, and agree that no extension, renewal or partial payment, or release or substitution of collateral before or after maturity, with or without notice, shall release or discharge the obligation of any party. The City may, at any time prior to the due date of payment of this Revenue Anticipation Note call for an early pre-payment in whole, or in part, if it is determined by the City, in its sole discretion, that the funds heretofore advanced pursuant to this Revenue Anticipation Note are needed by the City for its operations, governmental or proprietary, and the Borrower is afforded a reasonable opportunity to obtain reasonably satisfactory refinancing hereof. This Amended Revenue Anticipation Note is an amendment to the Revenue Anticipation Note referred to in that certain Loan and Security Agreement dated as of the 4th day of August, 1998, by and between the Borrower to finance its cost of the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Project in Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Except as may be herein otherwise specifically provided, the rights and obligations of the Borrower and the City arising by virtue of the Revenue Anticipation Note as well as the Agreement above referred to, shall be governed by the Agreement as if same were specifically incorporated herein, such Agreement surviving the issuance, execution and delivery of the Revenue Anticipation Note. Borrower prepay this Note, in whole or in part, at any time prior to the due date hereof, without penalty. If any payment shall be due on a Saturday or Sunday or upon any banking holiday of the holder hereof, such payment shall be due and payable on the next succeeding banking day and interest shall accrue to such day. an - - . City as its beneficiary, its successors and assigns (collectively, "Borrowerll), promises to pay to the order the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns (collectively, the "City") at its principal office at 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma 74055, or at such other place as may be designated in writing by the City, the principal smn of SEVEN HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND,. NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY AND 391100 DOLLARS ($712,970.39) together with interest thereon at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum payable semi-annually on the 4th day of February and August in installments as set out on Exhibit attached hereto. AMENDED REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF TIIEJlW ASSO~{C WORKS AUTHORITY Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor By CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 2001. Delivery receipted this _ day Marcia Boutwell, Secretary ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Chairman OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY an Oklahoma Public Trust This Revenue Anticipation Note together with all extensions, renewals, substitutes, modifications and/or changes in form hereof is secured by the Security Agreement which respects certain property and interests located in Tulsa County, Oklahoma. 111 Upon the failure to pay when due the principal and or interest, the holder hereof shall be entitled, at its option, to extend the term or declare the unpaid principal balance of this Revenue Anticipation Note to be immediately due and payable. A failure by such holder to exercise such option will not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent default. After maturity (whether by extension, acceleration or otherwise), interest shall accrue hereon at a rate of interest often percent (10%) per annum. Ifthis Revenue Anticipation Note is placed with an attorney upon any default, or to defend or rights the ho1der(s) hereunder or any payment Note, or bankruptcy Payment Principal Interest Interest Total l2are .Emt~ Rate ~i~ Payments 2/4/02 4.0% 14,259.41 14,259.41 8/4/02 4.0% 14,259.41 14,259.41 2/4/03 4.0% '14,259.41 14,259.41 8/4/03 4.0% 14,259.41 '14,259.41 2/4/04 48,000.00 4.0% 14,259.41 62,259.41 8/4/04 68,000.00 4.0% 13,299.41 81,299.41 2/4/05 70,000.00 4.0% 11,939.41 81,939.41 8/4/05 71,000.00 4.0% 10,539.41 81,539.41 2/4/06 '72,000.00 4.0% 9,119.41 81,119.41 8/4/06 74,000.00 4.0% 7,679.41 81,679.41 2/4/07 75,000.00 4.0% 6,199.41 81,199.41 8/4/07 77,000.00 4.0% 4,699.41 81,699.41 2/4/08 78,000.00 4.0% 3,159.41 81 ,159.41 8/4/08 79,970.39 4.0% 1,599.41 81,569.80 $ 139,531.71 $ 852,502.10 UE Exhibit B 1. Copier Brochure ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve the purchase of two Toshiba E-Studio 45 Copiers from Western Business Products for a total cost of$15,890.00 under Oklahoma State Bid Number 0600-38-10-224. RECOMMENDATION: As the Toshiba E-Studio 45 is a digital imaging copier that can be networked, the purchase price for both copy machines will be paid from the City Computerization Fund, which is fund 40-000- 54400-007. The monthly service/maintenance agreement costs however, will be taken from the respective operating budgets ofthe police department and City Hall. After speaking with the City Manager, Finance Director, Support Services Director, and the Network Systems Administrator, it was decided to purchase two machines. One machine will be for the police department and one machine will be for City Hall. The department has selected the Toshiba E-Studio 45 copy machine as one which will adequately suit our needs. The state contract price is $7,945.00. The state contract price for the service/maintenance agreement will be $97.00 monthly for 10,000 copies per month. Over the course of the past few months, the Owasso Police Department has been meeting with representatives from various copy machine companies in order to replace its existing copier. During our research, it was discovered that our current company, Western Business Products, who services our copier under our maintenance agreement, has been awarded the State Oklahoma Bid for copy machines and service contracts for the fiscal year 2001-2002. The State Contract Number is: 0600-38-10-224. BACKGROUND: August 17, 2001 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMORANDUM A Proposal for: asso Police m Digital Copier, Network Printer. Fax. LAN Fax. Network Scanner Internet Fax, Internet Print. Scan-to-Email . Scan-to-File ~.sruDI045 I I I I I *Total document storage capacity is determined by the size of the documents. ~ "'" Advanced Document Processing The fast, powerful e-STUDI045 makes short work of document processing. It features a standard Trayless Duplex Unit that, when combined with the optional RADF, lets you produce an unlimited quantity of duplexed Statement-to-ledger sized copies. The optional Reversing Automatic Document Feeder (RADF) automatically inverts two-sided originals for copying in duplex formats. A standard Electronic Sorting feature effortlessly collates all your printed copies and the Job Build function lets you scan up to 400 originals (200 sheets) through the optional RADF. High-Volume Versatility The e-STUDI045 is packed with office productivity features. A flexible Document feature permanently stores your important company documents, such as manuals, business forms, and company letterhead, in up to 24 permanent locations that can accommodate up to 400 pages each. * Overall document capacity is enhanced with an ample 32 MB Printer Memory and a standard 4.3 GB Hard Disk Drive. Heavy paperwork volumes are kept in check with two standard SSO-Sheet Paper Cassettes and a choice of either a 550-Sheet Pedestal plus an optional 550-Sheet Cassette, or a 2,500-Sheet large Capacity Feeder, that yield a voluminous Total Paper Capacity of 3,700 Sheets. A standard 100-sheet Stack Feed "'Smart" Bypass easily accommodates a variety of paper sizes and thicknesses. I I Ii I I I I I Ive Produ ill Unsurpassed Digital Imaging Quality The e-STUDI045 boasts superior image quality unmatched by any copier in its class. Original scans are output at 45 Pages Per Minute at amazing 2,400 x 600 dpi Resolution with Image Smoothing Technology. A 256-Level Error Diffusion Gray Scale provides outstanding photographic and graphit reproduction complemented by Text, Photo, or Text/Photo scan modes that make your copies look as good as the originals. The dependable e-STUDI045, with a rated volume up to 150,000 Copies Per Month, can easily handle the copy volume demands of most small companies and office workgroups. It features a very competitive First Copy Out Time of 3.9 Seconds and a new Induction Heating Fuser Roller that contributes to an amazingly fast 30 Second Time. shiba 11II'" I I 1- 1 I I r: ""D1045 I-- I I I I I Solution III ffice Produ Scalable I I I I I (" '!'{, rated, Modular Multifunction -. ~ COPV FAX l.h!.MtrowfR @@@ ~~~ Two Separate Print Controller Network Solutions The e-STUDI045 digital copier can be easily upgraded to a fully connected network document processing system by utilizing two separate print controller solutions that each offer advanced parallel and LAN print features. The optional GA-1040 Embedded Fiery" Controller provides basic network printing with parallel and network printing capabilities that fully support Novell", Windows", Windows" NT 4.0, and Macintosh" networks, and protocols including IPx/SPX, TCPIlp, LPR/LPD, 11'1', and EtherTalk". It also features standard PCl6™ and optional PostScript 3™ page description languages, an optional 6 GB HOD for expanded printing capacity, and a Web-based Printer Network Utility via TopAccess that provides remote access to the system status, counters, and job logs. The full-featured, value-added GL-1010 Document Controller solution also adds Network Printing capabilities and can be upgraded with LAN Facsimile functionality, Internet Fax capabilities, and Scan-to-Email and Scan-to-File features. Toshiba's robust controller solution provides cross-platform support for Windows", Windows" NT 4.0, Novell", UNIX", and Macintosh" operating systems over a wide variety of network protocols, including TCP/IP, IPx/SPX, Token Ring, and EtherTalk". A User-Friendly Touch Screen Control Panel The e-STUDI045 is designed with a convenient state-of-the-art Touch Screen Control Panel that allows for one-touch system operation using easy-to-understand text, graphics, and icons. A helpful Graphical Service Guidance System also provides step by step instructions on clearing misfeeds, replacing toner, and removing used toner bags. ~mM ~ c..=:J~I-.] lOA?" UW:W<<lt'l II~ 1\'11...: lMTlrAAUP'i' CD @"'@5' leD @)@)@"M> C1r(~f @"" t--:J @@@ STAJrt r'rofessional Document Finishing Features The e-STUDI045 gives a professional look to all your documents with a choice of an Optional Multi-Position Stapling Finisher or one with Saddle-Stitch capabilities. Both finishers offer three-position stapling flexibility to meet the needs of different sizes of paper and types of documents. The e-STUDI045 also offers a Hole Punch option and the ability to scan once and print multiple, stapled sets. A standard Alternation feature sorts unstapled finished sets in crosswise and lengthwise directions when both letter and letter-R paper sources are available. Other document processing features include a Magazine Sort (Booklet Making Mode) that can copy multiple page documents and scale and order pages for folding into a booklet signature. You can also copy from 2 to 8 letter-sized originals onto a single sheet of paper using standard 4-in-1, S-in-1 Modes. MBlma .. Service Mo .. S~atement- .. TouchSc . .. .. Standard Trayless .. SSO-Sheet Paper '" 3,700 Sheet Total Paper '" 150,000 (opie~~E!r Month,. IPlI'lillri: Fe.. ...mm... ~.'. ~z. co~...... n. ~II'.".. .. . , . .' .'.. '..~ ~ ". . -: ';,:.' ,,' ":.'" .' '.' ",.' GJVj040Em~~~d~~.~i.e~ s:~~<"" ;. 366 MHz prOCessor;"64.tv1B f\II~I1}ClrYi(1 , '" PCL6™Page pescriptionLal)gti.age;,op '" Suppol)s Wil1qows~95,~8'4gQQ, .. MacintosheO~:8,6pr l..a~~r(V\iit~' Suppol)~ N9yell~ f\letviiar~~,~,~,.4 4.0, Windows'" 95, 98; Me,209~(EtherTa Standard, 1QJWQB~~eT.jr~erf~~E7'\;i:!}; @ Proof Prii1t,<~Jivate ~rint, S*QreO Job' @ Optional 6 (i~:};:IJ:)Bji!!, :..;.i;)';i~;'?;' Gt-,. 0100.'. oc. .~......:m............~..... n.....t.c.'.. o......n.....'..t....r.:.~.......n. e....)...,'.: @ celeronTM433MHzpr9c~Ssclr;128 Me (512MB MaxiriJumj,;c, c',.. . ..,' @ Standard,PSL,~f~lPQstscr!ptT~.~<'...,.\:, Page Descnptl911Langliage ,".';;, ... @ Supports Wi~dows@ 95, 98,2000, Wind Macintosh'" OS.8,6~rLat~r'<~ij~P?D). Qperating. .SyStems .;;;",. .,.....'i.;'.:.;;':Z)Y2:,t.f,...' '" Supports Windows'" 95. 98..Me; 200'0;' NetWaree 3.x.~~X; 5.x.. Macirtosl)"':()S,8. ~;'.. . Network Operating Systems." ><; .,,;{/ ' ;'", '10 Standard 1011()OBa~eTlnterface;ppti(' ,1'!;; @ Proof ~rint. P!!Yi:lte,PriJl~, SchedUled P 7{,;~~t.iFitslmDB~. .'F~~: .~i<i:;'<<'....,f'!;:;~!;'i\:_~,' :.. )' "'.Super G3 33.6 Kbps Modem; JBiGCo ,::- ",Walk-up' Fax .". ..... .... '. .';,:.,",: :;''; .' '" Optional 2nd Une NCU .""{.. II LAN Fax & Internet Fax (T.37) (withGl~1t '" 400 Phone Book Entries . .. .. '" Group Dialing (Storage of up to;50Grou e Delayed Fax Transmission & Fax Broad '" Fax Polling '" Chain Dialing . . SQmmlmg ~.1I'eS (with GLm1M~)(.; '" Network Scanning ...:.i.<! '" 600 x 600 dpi Scanner with 256 Gradatl "1WAIN Compatible Scanning .<j '" Scan-to-File/Scan-to-Email '" File Naming Ability from Touch Screen Optlom~D Feaillllm$: '" 100-Sheet Reversing Automatic '" SSO-Sheet Paper Feed Pedestal " SSO-Sheet Paper Cassette for PFP '" 2,50Q-Sheet Large Capacity Feeder '" Multi-Position Stapling Finisher ' '" Multi-Position Stapling Finisher with II Hole Punch Copier Fe~twllres: '" 45 PPM Digital Multifunction Device '" First Copy Out Time of 3.9 Seconds II Document Storage (24 Locations) '" Job Build '" Job Reservation (Scan Ahead) '" Scan Once Copy Many '" Electronic II Page II Rotated @ 2-in-l, Design Your Own Office Document Solution Design your own versatile document processing solution and maximize your office productivity with the compact Toshiba e-STUDI045 digital copier, available now at your local Authorized Toshiba Dealer. TWAIN-Compliant Network Scanning Scanning documents and placing them onto the network has never been easier. The e-STUDI045 functions as a large volume TWAIN-Compliant Network Scanner when you combine the optional GL-l 01 0 Document Controller and Scan-to-Email Kit. The e-STUDI045 Scan-to-File feature converts and stores documents as PDF or TIFF files for file sharing by other PC network users. You can scan and store commonly used documents, such as letterheads or fax forms, as formatted digital "templates" to help reduce paper document inventories and reprinting costs. Flexible Walk-up, LAN, and Internet Fax Functions The e-STUDI045 multiplies your fax productivity with optional Walk-up Fax, LAN Faxing, and Internet Fax capabilities. The optional Toshiba Fax Board incorporates a fast 33.6 Kbps Modem and features Super G3 JBIG compression for speedier transmission and outstanding image quality. An optional Second Line NCU effectively doubles the system's productivity by allowing you to use either phone line, or both, to send or receive faxes. When the robust GL-1 01 0 Document Controller is installed, the e~STUDI045 offers an optional LAN Fax feature that lets you send faxes from any PC on the network. You can also fax documents over the Internet with the Scan-to-Email Kit which saves on long distance charges, especially when transmitted data increases. An easy-to-use Touch Screen Fax Panel lets you scan a document, type an email address and send it to the recipient's email inbox, or print to another fax with I-Fax capabilities. !II "llIlil Maximum Reliability and Minimal Maintenance The dependable e-STUDI045 is rated at an impressive 150,000 Copy Preventative Maintenance Cyde that reduces regular service intervals and minimizes copier downtime. A Scan Once Copy Many feature diminishes wear and tear on the RADF and the copier's advanced Vertical Paper Path enhances reliability by creating a shorter path that minimizes paper jams. A replaceable Toner Cartridge makes for easier user access and serviceability, and accessible Service Modules simplify periodic copier maintenance. The e,.STUDI045 also saves you money by utilizing common Toshiba accessories and supplies which eliminates buying and storing toner, and other for your @ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER. I I I @ 2001 Toshiba AmeriCil Business SolutIons, Inc., ElectronlC Imaging Division (>-STUDI045 Brochure Inv. Code E5451 KD1009-Paper Feed Pedestal 550-Sheet Pedestal; Statement-R-to-Ledger (17-22 Lbs.); Able to be Upgraded with Second 5S0-Sheet Statement-R-to-Ledger Tray (17-22 Lbs.) MY1017-AdditlOnal Cassette (PFD) SSO-Sheet Drawer; Statement-R-to-Ledger (17-22 Lbs.) KD1010-Large Capacity Tray 2.S00-Sheet Drawer; Letter (17-22 Lbs.); Stacks Side-by-Side (2 x 1,250) MJ1012-Multi-Positton Stapling Finisher 2 Tray; Console Design; Non-Sort/Sort/Group/ Staple Sort; Output: Face down; Paper Size: Statement-R-to-Ledger. Tray 1 Stack Capacity: 1,000 Sheets (LT); Tray 2 Stack Capacity: 1.000 Sheets (LT); Staple Capacity: 50 Sheets (LT/LT-R, 22 Lbs.); Locations: Front Corner (LT/LT-R/LG/LD); Rear Corner- Slant/Parallel (LT-R/LG); Center (2) (LT/LD) MJ1013-Multi-Position Stapling Finisher with Saddle-Stitch 2 Tray + Saddle-Stitch Tray; Console Design; Non-Sort/Sort/GrouplStaple Sort; Output: Face down; Paper Size: Statement-R-to- Ledger. Tray 1 Stack Capacity: 1,000 Sheets (LT); Tray 2 Stack Capacity: 1,000 Sheets (LT); Staple Capacity: 50 Sheets (LT/LT-R, 22 Lbs.); Locations: Front Corner (LTILT-RlLG/LD); Rear Corner-Slant/Parallel (LT-RILG); Center (2) (l.T/LD); Saddle-Stitch, 15-Sheet Staple Capacity (l.T/LD); Center Folding MJ6001-Hole Punch Unit 2 or 3 Hole Punch Capability (Must be Configured with One of the Two Multi-Position Finishers) KA 1600-Platen Cover Protective Cover for Glass Platen KK4500-Work Tray Work Tray IPlrlwt l'e..fu~-1M@ !il",~d<N<il Flel'jf" C""tlY@l!elr Processor 366 MHz Memory 64 MB (Expandable to 192 MB); Optional 6 GB HOD Print Resolution 2,400 x 600 dpi (with Smoothing) Page Description l.anguage Support Standard: PCl6™; Optional: Postscript'" 3 Multiple Prints 1-999 Finishing Sort/Group/Alternation; All Optional Finishing Capabilities Network Operating Systems Support Netware. 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, Windows. NT 4.0, Windows. 95, 98, Me, 2000, EtherTalk. Protocol Support IPx/SPX. TCP/IP, EtherTalk., l.PRlLPD. IPP, HTT?, SNMP Drivers Windows. 95, 98, 2000, Windows' NT 4.0, Macintosh. OS 8.6 or Later (with PPD, Optional Postscript™ 3 Required) I/O Interfaces 10BaseT or 100BaseT Special Features Cover Sheet Sheet Insertion Magazine Sort Saddle-Stitch Mixed Size Printing Private Print Proof Printing Stored Job Print Water Mark Print Overlays Web Based UtilitylDevice Management GA-1M@ @pti<>M GC1080 128 MB DIMM GE1020 PS3 Option GE1030 PS3 Option with 6 GB HDD GB1070 Fiery" Command WorkStationTM G81080 Fiery" FreeForm™ GB1090 Fiery" Doc8uilder™ Pro IPrint F.."tu.......... Ca.-10'10 Doc.....ent l:<>om-..lllilr Processor Celeron™ 433 MHz Memory 128 MB (Expandable to 512 MB) Hard Dnve 10.3 GB HDD Print ResolutIon 2,400 x 600 dpi (with Smoothing) Page DescrIption L')(lgiJdge Support Standard: PCL6YM, Postscript™ 3 I Website: www.copiers.toshiba.com or www.fax.toshiba.com I West Coast; 142 Technology, Suite 150 Irvine, California 92618 Tel: 949/462-6262 Fax: 949/462"2700 I Midwest: 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 700 Chic'ago, illinois 60631 Tel: 773/380-6000 Fax: 773/380-8077 South: 4855 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 210 Norcross, Georgia 30092-3024 Tel: 7701209-8540 Fax: 770/209-8556 I Corporate Office: 2 Musick Irvine, California 92618-1631 East Coast: 959 Route 46 East, 5th Floor Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Tel: 973/316-2700 Fax: 973/263-2393 I I ~9y~t!~!,~ I ~~i:~e~sf~~i~~~~~~i~~~Si~~J:~~~~~~~~ea~v~~~out ah..vays use supplies manufactured by Toshiba. Not all options and accessories may be available at the time of product launch. Please contact a local Authorized Toshiba Dealership for availability. I Memory Transmission 100 Jobs; 1,000 Destinations Maximum Resolution Standard Mode: 203 Pels/In. x 98 Lines/In. Fine Mode: 203 Pels/In. x 196 Lines/In. ITU Ultra Fine Mode: 406 Pelslln. x 392 Lineslln. ScannIng Method CCD Line Sensor Scan Speed .7 Seconds Per Page; 45 Scans Per Minute Gray Scale 256 Gradations Maximum Paper Size Input: Ledger Output: l.edger Effective Scanning Width Up to 11.7" (297mm) Print Speed 45 PPM Document Input RADF or Platen Special Features Optional Second Line Dual Access 400 Entries to Phone Book 24 Program Keys Storage up to 50 Groups/400 Locations (Maximum Destinations: 1,000) 8roadcasting (Maximum Destinations: 1,000) Department Codes (up to 50) Polling Chain Dialing 100 Boxes (for Mailboxes & Relay Broadcasting) fl'2€:SImlllil @pU.."" GD1080-Fax Board Fax Board, 33.6 Kbps Modem GD1090-2nd PSTN Line Optional Second Line I I I Specifications AUTHORIZED TOSHIBA DEALER Multiple Prints 1-999 FinIshing Sort/Group/Alternation; All Optional Finishing Capabilities Network Operating Systems Support Windows. 95, 98, Me, 2000, Windows' NT 4.0, NetWare" 3.><, 4.x, 5.><, Macintosh" OS 8.6 or Later. UNIX. (Sun" Solaris. HP UX) Protocol Support IPXlSPX, TCpnp. Net8EUVNetBIOS, AppleTalk', l.PR/l.PD, IPP, HTT?, SNM?, WINS, SMTP Drivers Windows' 95, 98, 2000, Windows' NT 4.0. Macintosh' OS 8.6 or l.ater (with PPD). UNIX' I/O Interfaces 10BaseT or 100BasoT; Optional Token Ring Special Features Sheet Insertion Magazine Sort SaddleoStitch Mixed Size Printing Private Print Proof Printing Water Mark Print Overlays Scheduled Print Print to Image Overlay Web 8ased UtilitylDevice Management @1l...10'1@ D"'''''....,,,t 1:<>~llelr @pU,.."" G8104O-PC Fax SW Module Software for Pc/LAN Functionality G81060-lnternet Fax/Scan Kit Enables Stan-ta-File, Scan"ta-Email. Internet Fax GC1090-Expansion Memory 128 MB Expansion Memory (Gl.-l010 Document Controller) Token Ring Network Interface Card @I'*!""'" IUUlI fI'__"",,, !!,,,,,dj,,,,, 1@1l...1M@ @"Iy) Scanning Method CCD Line Sensor Gray Scale 256 Gradations Maximum Paper Size Input: Ledger Output: l.edger Effective Scanning Width Up to 11.7" (297mm) Scan Speed 45 PPM Document Input MDF, Platen, or LAN Fax Special Features LAN Fax Fax Over IP (T.37) Internet Fax Reception (T.37) Network Scanning File Share Twain Compatible Scan-to-Email W"lk.,,1' 1'l'lGlmll.. ~fu..... Operation Method Touch Screen Fax Panel Compatibility Super G3 Data Compression MH/MR/MMR/JBIG Transmission Speed Approx. 3 Seconds Per Page Fax Modem Speed 33.6 Kbps Fax Memory 120 MB Transmission; 240 MB Reception; 4.3 GB HOD Back-up Page Memory 200 Pages/File B.."I" C<>mi">"Iti"" Copying Speed 45 Pages Per Minute (l.etter) Copying Process Indirect Electrostatic Photographic Method (Dry Process) Copying Type Laser Electronic Original Reading Method CCD Line Sensor Type Desktop with Fixed I'rame Design Original Table Stationary Platen Resolution 2,400 x 600 dpi (with Smoothing)/ 256 Gradations Warmoup Time Approximately 30 Seconds First Copy Out TIme Approximately 3.9 Seconds (l.etter) Duty Cycle 150,000 Copies Multiple Copying Up to 999 Copies Acceptable Paper Size Statement-R (5.5' x 8.S")-to-l.edger (11" x 17-), 17-22 Lbs.; Manual Feed from Stack Feed "Smart" Bypass 14055 l.b,. (110 Lbs. Index) Acceptable Paper Type Standard Bond. Overhead Transparencies, Gummed Labels. Postcards, Tab Sheets Memory 32 MB, 4.3 G8 HDD Reduction/Enlargement 25% to 400% Stack Feed "Smart" Bypass 100 Sheets Control Panel Graphic Display; Icon Based l.CD Touch Panel; Key Top Paper Supply 2 Standard Cassettes @ 550 Sheets (17022 Lbs.); 100 Sheet SFB Toner Control Method Automatic Toner Density Monitoring & Dispensing from Toner Cartridge Dimensions 26.0" x 27.8" x 40.0" (W x D x H) Weight ApproXimately 161l.bs. PM Cycle 150,000 Drum TypelYield Organic Photoconductor/150,000 Black Toner Yield 12,000 Black Developer Yield 150,000 Power Consumption Maximum 1.5 KW (115 V) 1:<>1'11 1F..~ Special Features Alternation Annotation AMSlAPS (RADF & Original Glass Except Bypass) Auto Job Start Auto Cassette Change Auto Trayless Duplex Mode (with Optional RADF) Auto Energy Saver Auto Sleep Mode Cover Sheet Department Codes (50) Document Storage Dual Page Copying Edge Erase Electronic Sort Image Direction Image Shift Interrupt Memory Job 8uild Job Memory (4) Job Reservation (Scan Ahead)-5 Jobs Job Status Magazine Sort (Booklet Making Mode) Mirror Image Negative/Positive Page Numbering Sheet Insertion Text, Text/Photo, & Photo Modes Weekly Timer X-v Zoom 2-in-1, 40in-l, 8-in-l Copy Mode C<>py Optl_s MR3012-Reversing Automatic Document Feeder (RADF) Stack up to 100 Letler/Letter-R-Sized Originals; 100 Legal or Ledger.Sized Originals Simplex (13-33 Lbs.), Duplex (13-28 Lbs.); Automatically Refeeds Two-Sided Originals for One-Sided Copying or Two.Sided Copying; Copying Speed Using RADF; 45 ~'STUDI045 r>~TOSHIBA {(~OPIERS . FAX Qu@te Good F@r 30 Days $154.93 $190.68 $220.08 60 Month FMV Lease: 48 Month Fmv Lease: 36 Month FMV Lease: $11,633.00 $7,945,00 Manufactures Suggested Price: Purchase Price 197.00 '$79.99 ' Includes: OPTIONAL: All labor, toner, developer, drums, not include staples, or paper. ) supplies I 5 Million OPI Resolution MB, HOD Memory Stapling Finisher 33.6 Facsimile Image Shift Photo Mode Reversing Auto Trayless Ouplexing 2 550 1 VI di wasso Police Department I I I I I I i I I I I J I I I I I I I I 4305-C South Mingo <1> P.O. 80x 471707 <1> Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 <1> (918) 628-0071 / FAX: (918) 628-0075 St. Francis Hospital at Broken Arrow Bruce Switzer 455-3535 Claremore Public Schools Dr. Billie Ross 341-7535 Parker Drilling Peggy Boak 631-1303 United Methodist Lovell 587-9481 Owasso School System Dale Johnson WESTERN Business Products, Inc. --.- ~_~tt.&Ji':;WA'><).'/>G;'''L'''.1.,.L-~;~~t.:'::-~t,t::;;:.~''-::;:~'~_."~..:_:_".:~ I I I . I I I I FAXES TOSHIBA COPIERS R~l:l Hw;ris Area Sales Representative 430S.C S. Mingo. P.O. Box 471707" Tulsa. Of( 74147 (918) 621:1-0071 1 FAX: (918) 628-0075 imaging@westbusprod.com WESTER Business Products, Inc, ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Map 2. ODEQ permit letters 3. Maintenance bonds RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the lift station and force main portion of the Coffee Creek off-site sanitary sewer system. FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection was held on the force main on March 13,2001. The line passed required pressure tests. A final inspection on the lift station was held on August 15, 2001 during which the station was tested by the manufacturer. The construction contractor and Public Works personnel assisted. The station passed shakedown operations on August 16th. This recommendation is for acceptance of the lift station and force main only. The construction contractor has provided one-year maintenance bonds (see attached). BACKGROUND: The subject subdivision is located southwest of the 106th Street North and 145th East Avenue intersection. The off-site sanitmy sewer system is designed to serve the Coffee Creek subdivision other development to the north east. The system consists a gravity (currently under construction) which will extend from just south of 116th Street North to the lift station on the west side of 145th East Avenue south of 106th Street North (see attached location map). An 8-inch force main extends from the lift station south to 86th Street North and connects to the upstream Elm Creek Interceptor terminus. Design for the total system, including the Coffee Creek on-site system, was reviewed and approved by the City of Ow as so and ODEQ (see attached construction permit letter). The on-site sanitary sewer system was accepted by the City in February 2001. The water system lies within the Rural Water District #3, Washington County. August 1 2001 AND MEMORANDUM CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION LOCATION MAP COFFEE CREEK OFF - SI TE SANITARY SYSTEM I ~ 'LO t II, FORCE MAIN ~ TO 86th ST. N. ~ T. NO. 96TH . W COFFEE CREEK , W LIFT STATION N. GRAVITY LINE TO 116th "I I ~ Q) C\J w , W plllllnd 01\ Itlcydod pl1por with ~i(jY Ink c: Dennis Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC District Engineer, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Ponca City DEQ Office 707 NORTIl ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101-1677 Enclosure DN/HJT/so Duke Newin, P.E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division Very truly yours, We are retuming one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in with the plans approved by this department on September 11, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. an tHncn and main serve '14, 440 L.F. an 8~inch is 8L000072000922 for construction a 12-inch sewer lines, a lift station, and 9,830 L. County, Oklahoma. Mr. Carr: Permit No. SL000072000922 Coffee Creek 8-21310 11, FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARIMENT OE ENVIRONMENTAl QUAlifY MARK COLEMAN Execulive Director !l..I:roo 011 IIHM'J) '-- OKlAHOMA SURElY COMPANY PMcljnl 13 \; ^^,~\.IV' ~) President ~~ _19--':001 August day of ..lith SIGNED. $&\led Md ~ this . , The Ollllg~. by and through 11:$ proper mp~. shallglw ~ Prlnclpm Md the Surety WrittM noll~ of all mpml'll required to fulfill the tfllTl'lS of this malntl3lW1~ gua~; Md li1e said Prlncipm Md Surety shall. aftIIr mooIpt of any such ooti~. iMl allowed a masooable period of lima In wIl!ch to make any such mpairs. NOW, THEREFORE. THE CONDmON OF THi~ OSl.JGAlWN IS SUCH. that, If li1e said Prlnclpm WlI maintain said improlfllrrnmts for a period of nn P YlW(s) agalnst My fallum dllt! to ~ WOl1cmm1ship or materials, said one . YlW(s) periOd to b&gln wililli113 datil of ~n and 1I~ of 8l1dt oom~ Impllllfllll'lants ~00d~, tMn thts ollllgatloo shall iMl null Mtl wid. otherwise to Illmain In full tO~ Mtl @ffm. sub)tlct ~r to the foJlowlnlllmpmsl; provision: Which said Improwmants I'mw 001I11 WMtructOO to oonfurm wilil S~call!lrul pmpared by No. ~'* u foJ~: (N. 145th Eo Ave.. & Eo 106th ~vasso..Oklahoma main sewer @ ~ ooflWUctOO ~n 1m! "',-"- -~ ~.'a...L t.."'<::u Thousand. in the penal sum of ~~d_.:;Lt:lil .nn l1 nn--_~':'~-----'-~------::;;:1)o!1m ($ -" ~_.J. UVV . uu ). lawful money of tOO United StaW>!:if Am0rlCll, for tOO ~!:if~, Willi Mtl tnllyto bll~, oor~I'll, ~rs, MmIIlJstmf{ll'll. SUGC!lSSOI'll and lISslllrul. j{Jilrtly Md ~rnlly. firmly byhi'l P~. lIS Obligee. as III thll of Tulsa and State of OWASSO & OWASSO LAND TRUST. LLC CITY as am I1Il/d Md firmly bound unto III SURE11' and ~1, THAT KNOW All MEN ~y OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPA Box 1409 OKLAHOMA 74101 n~r'\'l.i,f)I1"t1';; . -2llilL. August IN WITNI':SS WIIEREOF, I have her..:ull(o ~cl my lumd lUld atlixed the Illcsimilc seal ofsllid corporation ....otll'o1'.....d..liI "...... \ ~ E'~ l' ......-.. o(!~ ""^~ ........~Q..".. ("~ "', ~ ~~~.BIil "'fa .cfJ'''j ~ ~ tI w.!~:...r D ~CJ.-b'ia a"\,tP~ i ~ : ","'l:\5(0'R'-4~ =:. -p> ~ .a. .". V~ m!!\l' .:Of ~p~ ::'l~ ~ . SEAL .::, t -; ~ g :;=(;: ~, 'M ~~ ;: '...... ~.. ... <"', " <I,"'w () If".~'~.t.... ",.I ""'". (~WQ..- ~"4~"<l~<I".l ""i<l"""~\ {\ 1I1iHHH I\lt' ,- Assistant Secretary SARAANDE~ o.-...~ L _day of li.th this This cCltifics thatllllY IllCsilllilc or mcchlulically.produccd signature of any ofiicer ofllle Company and Company scat, wherever appearing upon a power of attorney issued hy the Company, shall hc valid Illld binding upon the Comp'UlY with thc same lorce and elfect as though 111lulllally affixed. ..- . . --'." . On this "..' tx:S . ,day of January .'. ., . ,,2000 before me,> a NQtary Public of the ~tate()f9idaho.fu.aw ~d for the County of Tulsa, came the individual to me personally known to be the officer .clescnbed in; and who executed the precedir.lginStrmuent, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, said that he is t4e therein described, . and. authorized6fficetoftl1e MID-CONTlNENT'CASUALTY COl\1PANY aforesaid, and that the seal affixedto the preceding instrumenhs the corporate {)fsitid Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, and thatArtic1e IV, Section 7, of the By-Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is IlQwinJorce. ~\\\\UIIIIIU"e"i; . . , .. .... . ... >,.. .\' :'I.. __!;:. '''~ ...~ 'jI~1.;w,~~~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Tulsa, the day and year fIrst above written. ..<::I; ~l/:I,I o!t.,~&..~ '. '" e."lI J - <<I tV' .,. o"fA ~ .J- f"_ i t" ~ ~Il( l- 'ST r1flJ~ j IN ANt) FOR.ri- t.CO l)YS{W~ k '1..). '.~. + (. AH C) ..... "- ....Q>.... lP ( Ql!ll0.g.0fAeA.",- ~ ~t;; "~'" rJ A Ii" ~ "'" ...... Pt'l "\,,\\ I., f' U "''''.\1.1,,1 I, SARA AI\lut:RSON Assistant Secrdary of MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that the foregoing <.:xlrads of the By-Laws lUld of a Resolulion of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are lrue und com~ct, lUld tiU\t bOtil tile By-Laws, tile Resolution and tile Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. My Commission expires 11-14-00 ~~. L.FAY SCOTT ' 'NotaryPublic ss ATIES~" ! ,..... ...o--~~~, SARA AND SON ASSISTANT SECRETARY MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY day of January IN WITNESS WI-:IEREOF, presents this . 03 has executed and attested these And the execution of such instrument( s) in pursuance of these presents,. shall be as binding upon the saiq MID~CONTINE~rG.ABnALTY .... . COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and ackilOwledged by its regularly elected .. officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. ils true and lawfiJI attomcy(s)-in-fact, to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, 1tlld as its act and deed, Any and all bonds and undertakings of Suretyship , "Arlicle IV, Scclion 7. -- Thc Executive Officers of the Company shall have powcr and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one more Resident Vice President; Resident Assistant Secrctm'ies and Attomeys,.in-Fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice President, Resident AssistHnt Secretary, or Attorney-illo,fi'act and revoke the power and authority gi ven him. None of such appointees need be Directors afthe Company." . The COmpa11Y does hereby constitute and appoint V. and - 0)' Ol( Kilow all Mcn by thc~c rI"C~cl1t~: That the MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMI)ANY, a corporation of the State of Oklahoma, having its principal ol1ke ill the cily oCTulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By-Law, which was adopted by the Stockholders ofthe said Company on March 1:1I.h, 1<)47, lo-wit.: MID-CONTINENT CASUAL TV COMPANY Tulsa, Oklahoma a.12oo Oil (~.ool Atto~bl::t PrlI1clpaI '13~", ]>~ President ~Ol Au,guS1: day 0'1_ l~ SIGNED, s61llcd and dated this The Obligoo. by and througl1lts proper rep~. WlI gM! 1116 PrlncJ~ and tile Surety Wl'ittM Milre of all re~m required to fulfill tlw ~ 01 this maintenanre guanmtell; and tlw said Princi~ and Surety WlI, ~r mcalpt of any sum nollre. ilfi allowed a msooablll period of lime In whicJi to make any such re~rs. "\, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONOOION OF THIS oBUQA'f'I()N IS SUCH. timt, If tlw mil PrlllcJpal WlI maintain said Improvemlmts fur a (J1lriod 01 one Y61lr(s) against any fallum dutl to d~ WOl1u'lwlsl1lp or matllrlals, sll!d one ~ YlW(s) period to begin with tlw am of oom~n and 1I~~ of such wm~ ImplllWl'lW!lts ~bOO lIDIMl. ~ thls @bllgation WlI 00 null Md wid, otherwiS1:l to remain In full furm and ~, $tlbject ~r to tlw fullwiing IIXpI'W P~n: Which said improwmll!lts haw OOM WfiStructOO to comOlm with $pecfficatlOIlS p~ by \' I' /.: ~Oklahoma .., St@ No.. E@ Ave. & E. Lift Station @. (N. '. has COfMuctOO tl'lrtaln WHEREAS tire said . Sixty Eight Thousand, Four'. , . 111 tha (J1lnal sum of Mundtet1 TwenLy and L1u/lOO ___ lawful money 01 the United S~ 0'1 Arml~, fur tM ~!It of lNh1ch, 'ftll and t1IJlyto Sl1Cttlssors and lJS$igns. joifltJy aI'ld firmly ~ P~. ~~Dollafs (S~~. oorMlrn,IlX!iCI1t!lrn. .ildmini~rs, ~ Obligee, as of Tulsa and State 01 as l'i11m!V. am held aI'ld oound an Old<ihOll1ll and OKLAHOMA SURf:lY THAT WE, KNOW AU~ MEN BY BOlD. OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY. Box 1400 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 01 llNO.loOO.\0H 2D.DJ . Augu.s..t IN WITNI ':SS WIIEREOF, I havc hcrClUlto set my IUUld iUld affixcd the facsimile seal of said corporation ~...."Fi"d I': e ~d~0G'A ~,....,. \ ~ E td l' ....... ~"rn. ~ ~ g'flllftl ~ P"f..p&aG!'~ ('a-tfP V....1l4 ~..:: t::) @,qA P.aIfQA ~ ''1. :;:- r..,..~ "...c;.. : i ~ i t.~i.\~QR-4~ ~"P' ::. - .en . ....,,"'<!> '/:-. d r-' If ~ l SE 'Jr'f" ;-~1 ~ .ad ~ " 't:. r. " ''',-, 0 ;.~..,.~, W'.,,:l L JJ. ti t.i.t~6'<l'><l"cl"'<illl<il<...1 1111111111 MI. ~ Assistant Secretary L day of l1u:.h this This ~el1iJies that 'my Jlwsimilc or ll1edmnically-produccd signature of 'UIY ollicer onhe Company and Company seJll, wherever appearing upon a power of attomey issued hy the COlllpany, shall he valid and binding upon the Comp'UlY with the &tUl1C force and citeCl as though ma.nw\lly affixed. On this 03. day.of January, .2000 before me, a Notary Public of the State of Oklahoma in <.md for the County of Tulsa, came the individual to me personally known to be the officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, and that Article IV, Section 7, of the By-Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. \\\\~IIIlII",u" .\,\ -:(. .~~ t"P'.: ,~ 'H~IJf'IJ,Yrll:'~~OF, I have hereunto set illY hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Tulsa, the day and year fIrst above written. ~"'" ~~."fl <110,_ ~ ~.A ~ V..." 01" A ~'~.Jo- t to ~ ,;oJ( J- 'ST I"lf1lJ <l!f.LAf~~A ! IN AND ronri !;.,COl '4)~a:t~ k ~, ,)- eee <. Ai-! () 6~ Ii... . ~ eo . ~ ......oPQ' ( eO<tl~~s.a0A~ ,,' ,-- <:t'li: ", oS I! t () "'J ,..,-.; ft'I,,,, f ,,\,,\ I, SARA f{KlB~RSON Assistant Secretary of Mll)-CONTlNENT CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that the foregoing extrads or the By-Laws und of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attorney issued purswml thereto, are true and corrcd, and Uwl bOUl U1C By-Laws, Ole Resolution und Ole Power of Attorney are still in full force and eHect. My Commission e:\.-pires 11 -14 - 00 ~~ L FAY SCOTT Notary Public ss VICE PRESIDENT ATTEST: . . ~~~k-o~.. . SARA AND SON. ASSISTANT SECRETARY has executed and attested these 2000 MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY day of January IN WITNESS WHEREOF, presents this 03 And the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the sarne had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. and as its act and its true lmd lawful attomey(s)-oin.ofact, to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as Any and all bonds and undertakings of Suretyship "Article IV, Section 7. -- The Executive Officers of the Company shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing !lIld attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one more Resident Vice President, Resident Assisumt Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attomey-in-Fact and revoke the power and authority given him. None of such appointees need be Directors ofthe Company." The Company does constitute and appoint V. 8rown 01' CLAAEMORE. OK Know nil Men hy these presents: That the MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation ofthe State of Oklahoma, having its principal ol1ke in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By-Law, which was adopted by the Stockholders of the said Company Oil March 13th, 1947, to-wit: MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY Tulsa, Oklahoma Staff recommends Council approval and authorization of payment for the purchase of one Kubota Diesel M4900 Tractor from Enlow Ford Tractor Inc., of Tulsa at a cost of$15,540.00 RECOMMENDATION: If the purchase and payment are approved by the City Council, the new Kubota tractor will replace a 1975 Ford Tractor and a 1982 Kubota Tractor. It is anticipated that staff will ask the City Council to declare both surplus in the near future so that they may be auctioned. REPLACEMENT~ Funds for the purchase of the Utility tractor were included within the Capital Outlay portion of the Parks Department budget in the amount of $17,000. Funds remaining in this line item will be used to purchase a mowing deck for the tractor. FUNDING: A review ofthe bids indicates that both bids met bid specifications. The bid specifications, which detail the type and size of engine, are attached for your information and review. Staff has further reviewed the bid submitted by Enlow Ford Tractor and has determined compliance in every category specified. If approved by the Council, staff anticipates delivery of the tractor within thirty days. $15,540.00 $15,850.00 Enlow Ford Tractor Inc., Tulsa Tulsa Ford New Holland, Tulsa In July ofthis year, the Parks Department began the process of advertising for bids in order to purchase a Utility Tractor to be used within that department. The tractor is necessary to assist in the mowing of the large field areas at the Owasso Sports Park and McCmiy Park and is anticipated to be used extensively in Preston Lakes Centennial Parle All bids were to be submitted prior to 10:00 on Tuesday, July 31, 2001. The City of Owasso received the following bids: BACKGROUND: August 7, 2001 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 10 Bid Submittal Pages Bid Specifications ATTACHMENTS: BID OPENING: JULY 31,2001 @10:00 A.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. 'l,{ 00, N Ilw 'S''-e(,lpu.. eel Address . - =r\ ~l,)o.. ()~ '"l Lfl ~ 1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal Submittal Pages. ;:.,..;1 ON OTHER EQUIPMENT & OPTIONS ON A PLEASE ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE. UTILITY TRACTOR THE OW ASSO DEP ARTMENT BID PROPOSAL_- SUB MITT AL PAGE BID OPENING: JULY 31,2001 @10:00 A.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. Title _ TUl.SA .~ewHtftll~b1d Address 119/9 E:" P';N~ 'ZidL.s/l 6/<.' 2y/ /6 the that I am legally I acknowledge that I the specifications statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. 00 ON NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A LISTING ALL .OTHER EQUIPMENT OPTIONS ON SEP ARATE PAGE. UTILITY TRACTOR THE OW ASSO PARKS DEPARTMENT BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE 6. PAYMENT - As with all municipalities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the tractor, in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. 5. INSPECTION - An acceptance inspection shall be conducted between the supplier and the City before delivery will be accepted. The inspection date shall be at the City's convenience. All discrepancies noted during the inspection shall be remedied at the supplier's expense, prior to payment for this equipment. 4. BIDS - The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. 3. WARRANTY - A manufacturer's and/or dealer's warranty shall be supplied to cover replacement parts and labor costs. The manufacturer agrees to promptly replace any part or parts which by reason of defective materials or workmanship, or installation, fail under normal use. Such replacement must be free of charge to the owner. Warranty will be for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery on parts and labor, and twenty-four (24) months from the date of delivery on the drive tram. PRICING - The price submitted any proposal shall include all items labor, materials, tools, and other costs necessary to fhlly prepare the tractor for delivery. Any items of labor omitted from the specifications, which are clearly necessary for the proper delivery of the tractor, shall be considered a portion of such specifications although not directly specified or called for in these specifications. Price quoted shall remain effective for a period of thirty (30) days after opening of bids. 1. TAX EXEMPTION - Purchaser is exempt from payment of all federal, state and local taxes in connection with the purchase. Said taxes must not be included in bid prices. The city will provide necessary tax exemption certificates upon request. PROVISIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFIC~S FOR THE PURCHASE OF A UTILITY TRACTOR Co~4kr Co.\.~ ~~~ (\::A.1J~o ~ 10 ENGINE ao Diesel Engine b. Five (5) cylinders co Minimum displacement of 167 cubic inches d. Net engine - 45 HP eo PTO-45 HP f. Operating range of 1600-2400 RPM Compliance Or Excentions Exceptions to these specific requirements must be clearly noted. Please note that these specifications establish minimum criteria and the bidder may exceed the noted specifications. The specifications identify the characteristics desired by the City such that it is the City's intent to receive bids for a tractor, which are similar to the specifications. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS this bid shall be directed to 1 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONTACT PERSON - Questions Warren by calling (918) 1 11. PROPOSED It is not the policy the City to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the basic specified tractor of all equipment and options. All bids delivered to the City shall be sealed and visibly marked SEALliDBID. this nor d PROPOSAL EXPENSES - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the shall not chargeable to the City 7. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY - If final delivery of the equipment includes the use of services of another company, the City of Owasso will hold the bidder responsible for those outside services. COL{)LJ-- C~u..*} ~'d 10. AIR SYSTEM a. Type: naturally aspirated b. Dry, dual element air filter ~ 9. THREE-POINT HITCH ao Type: category one (1) b. Lift capacity: minimum of 3000 1bs. at 24 inches behind hitch C:OL<'-Vk-j i'~'~J:Jl..~ " CO~J 8. BRAKES a. Hydraulic bo Wet disc c. Park and emergency brake must automatically apply when engine is stopped .C o~L~ c.D...'-\~d HYDRAULIC. SYSTEM a. Gear type pump - with 8 GPM minimum flow b. Minimal nominal system pressure of2500 PSI D;1~~. fu~~ ~~,D'-{k~~._- a. type; with Minimum speed 540 RPM c. Hydraulic clutch (wet type) ~ STEERING a. Hydrostatic C D"'~__ =C~,,~-\ }- Twelve (1 volt battery 45 amp alternator 3. FUEL SYSTEM a. Minimum fuel tank capacity of 1 b. injection c. Filter type; water gallons Compliance Or Excemions 15. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION t~~,~~t_c~,,~. DD..,~t.~ tEit ~ ,) ~ - 'r\:t\ .~\rl~r ~ ~~= 14. OTHER a. Warranty on parts and labor: 24 months Warranty on months c. Manuals: one (1) copy each price shall include delivery to City C. Tach/hour meter Rubber floor mat eo Safety start switch (PTO) 1 structure 11. TIRES a. Front: 7.50 X 1 1 x Compliance Or Excelliions The bid specifications called for Hunter Douglas brand vertical blinds with bids to be provided in two different styles, for 27 windows measuring 48" x 72" and 35 windows measuring 64" x 72". Final measurements of the windows are to be detelmined after award of bid. A review ofthe bids indicates that all but one ofthe vendors complied with bid specifications. Action Blinds of Tulsa, OK submitted a sealed bid with a requirement that they receive "50% down on all custom orders prior to ordering material. The bid specifications mailed out to all parties clearly state that the "payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after the equipment has been received and inspected." Bid Com an T e1 T e2 Total T e 1 Total T e2 Action Blinds - Tulsa '* $4,753.49 $5,689.33 $310.00 $5,063.49 $5,999.33 Ace Hardware - Owasso $5,266.00 $6,312.00 $954.00 $6,220.00 $7,266.00 Walls, Windows, Etc. - Tulsa $5,057.71 $6,053.44 $1,225.00 $6,28?]1 $7,278.44 Tulsa Shade & Drapery - Tulsa $6,368.60 $7,541.80 $650.00 $7,018.60 $8,191.80 Wall a er For Less - Owasso $9,698.00 $10,520.00 $620.00 $~~~18.00 $11,140.00 *Did not meet bid specifications Seven (7) requests for sealed bids were mailed to various vertical blind vendors in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area, and a total of five (5) sealed bids were received. The following is a result of the bids received: August 1, 2001, the City began the process of soliciting sealed bids for the purpose of purchasing window treatments for the new City Hall and Police Station. The quotes provided were to include prices for two different styles of vertical blinds, as well as a price for the installation of either type of blind. All bids were to be received by 3PM on Friday, August 10, 2001 and a copy ofthe bid specifications is attached for your infonnation and review. BACKGROVND: August 15,2001 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OW ASSO MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Specifications Ace Hardware Bid Staff recommends Council approval and authorization of payment for the purchase and installation of vertical blinds from Hardware of Owasso, in the amount $6,220. RECOMM}~NDATION: Funding for the purchase and installation of the vertical blinds is contained within the General Government Department carryover budget request. (See City Council Agenda Item #7) Action on this item is dependant upon Council approval of that calTyover request. IS not IS Staffhas spoken with the provider of the next lowest bid, Ace Hardware of Ow as so. They are prepared to supply and install the vertical blinds should the bid be awarded to them. In fact, because window measurements could only be approximated at the time that the bids were solicited, the actual size of the vertical blinds that will need to be installed could decrease slightly. With this in mind, the vendor has indicated that the billing for the vertical blinds, once they are installed, may be less than the actual price quoted. copy of the bid submitted by Ace Hardware is attached for your information and Questions regarding this RFP may be directed to Assistant City Manager Timothy Rooney at 918-272-2251, FAX 918-272-4999, or e-mail tdrooney@cityofowasso.com. offerer must include the affidavit on the following page as a part of the submittal. All costs associated with the preparation of a proposal response to this will be the responsibility of the offerer and will not be reimbursed by the City of Owasso. All proposals will considered without regard to age, race, creed, color, sex, handicap or national origin, No proposal will be opened and reviewed lmtil the time specified. It is the responsibility of the offerer to ensure that the proposal is received by the date and time specified above, Late submittals will not be considered. a will proposals from qualified vendors pursuant to entering to as detailed in the attached The City WINDOW TREATMENTS FOR CITY HALL/POLICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 10. PROPOSED COST - It is not the policy ofthe City of Owasso to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the specified 9. VENDOR CONTRACT - Any proposal accepted should be incorporated into the contract, which the City of Owasso will enter into with the vendor. 8. PRlOR INFORMATION.- Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City of Owasso nor the vendor. 7. PROPOSAL EXPENSES - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be chargeable to the City of Ow as so. 6. PRlME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY - If final delivery of the equipment includes the use of services of another company, the City of Owasso will hold the bidder responsible for those outside services. 5. PAYMENT - As with all municipalities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after the equipment has been received and inspected. The Ow as so City Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. - The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. ow ARRANTY ~. A standard manufacturer's and/or dealer's warranty shall be supplied. The manufacturer agrees to promptly replace any or palis which by reason of defective materials or workmanship, or installation, fail under normal use. Such replacement must free charge to the owner. PRICING The plice quoted shall remain effective for a pedod of sixty (60) days after opening of bids. lAX .tA.tlV1l:' llU1"1 .om t'urcnaser IS taxes in the taxes must not included city will provide necessary tax exemption celiificates upon request. following is to SPECIFICATIONS FOR WINDOW TREATMENTS FOR OW ASSO CITY HALL/POLICE STATION It is the intent of the City of Owasso to award a bid for either Item#l or Item #2. Item #3 could also be awarded depending upon cost NOTE: Item #3 Installation of either Item #1 or Item #2 Ite11;l #2 Furnish the City a quote on treatments meeting following specifications: @ Hunter Douglas Brand @ Millenia.- Viny1scapes Vertical Blinds @ Style ~. "Flutes" with single dust cover valance included @ Color - Ivory @ 27 windows measuring at 48" x 72" and 35 windows measuring 64" x 72" @ Final measurements to be determined upon award of bid @ Hunter Douglas @ Millenia -- Viny1scapes Vertical Blinds @ Style - "Curves" with single dust cover valance included @ Color - Ivory @ 27 windows measuring 48" x 72" and 35 windows measuring 64" x 72" @ Final measurements to be detennined upon award of bid on a 11. CONTACT PERSON - Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be directed to Timothy Rooney by calling (918) 272-2251 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 or e-mail tdrooney@cityofbwasso.com. equipment. All bids delivered to the City shall be sealed and visibly marked SEALED BID. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE PROPOSAL AFFIDAVIT TO BID. PROPOSALS DUE: AUGUST 10,2001 @ 3:00 P.M, Address Title Signature lam 1 read the - Submittal Pages. 1 statements on the Bid #3 WINDOW TREATMENT THE OW ASSO CITY HALL/POLICE STATION BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE My Commission Expires Notary Public 20 day Subscribed and sworn to before me this - Printed Name & Title of Representative Signature of Representative Name ofPirm The Offerer will, if selected, perform the requirements of the contract for serVIces In. with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations. I have read and understand all the information in the Request for Proposals. to the no submitting a proposal. I am authorized to submit this proposal and to contract on behalf the , of lawful age, being sworn On behalf of the Offerer, I, upon oath, certify that: PROPOSAL AFFIDAVIT COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE PROPOSAL AFFIDAVIT TO BID. PROPOSALS DUE: AUGUST 10,2001 @ 3:00 P.M. rI1:.k 140!S- r- (() tv {c t;;' e;; () I , IJ. {)~tL s~ 5:' o~tLL( i:iOl CUll1Ul~ec '1()A._~-,~~()uJ-j~- 1rit1e ~------------ _~"'~JLJl- ~~ Address --------- that I the I am legally I on #3 {)o DO WINDOW TREA 1rMENT 1rHE OW ASSO CITY HALL/POLICE STA TlON BID PROPOSAL - SUBMIT1r AL PAGE My Commission ExpiresL\ - \~- (j~ ,20~. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day of ~ ~~"'--~~. Notary Pu ic -- Signature of Representative _ ,,~ lL SA U ~tlUl3 It t ~ I V, (1 F (Ji!t:S/ 0 t;'N Printed Name & Title of Representative this The Offerer will, if selected, perfonn the requirements the contract services in accordance with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations. D. I have read and understand all the infonnation in the Request for Proposals. to no to I am authorized to submit this proposal and to contract on behalf of _, of lawful age, being sworn PROPOSAL AFFIDAVIT { On behalf of the Offerer, I, -&LNf2~A- ~~~I upon oath, certify that: 1. Owner AffidavitJNotice to the Public 2. Revised Final Plat ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the plat amendment for Metro Heights. RECOMMENDATIONS Metro Heights subdivision was recorded in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk as Pat Number 5537, Book 6549, Page 2382. The subject property is located north ofE. 106th Street N. and east of N. Mingo Road. Subsequent review the plat, as recorded, found errors in addresses and street names. Staff has coordinated with the developer to correct the errors. The developer has submitted an Affidavit/Notice to the Public with a revised plat attached to recorded upon approval by Council. The Notice and revised plat are attached for your review. BACKGROUND August 16, 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR MEMORANDUM Date Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor """"",; ,~, ~\.ON Ai.?; , ~'\-... WI ""eO 3@8@@fJe G ~ ,ee~Or4eefJJY~ ~ciJ: p ~~ .e'!,k-;' ~ ! 8N ~81.1t : r"~ ...,.Ae fJ1A.1:0FO eO'" ":,,,,,,...().e.. E O/~ :~~ ...~ ..''-1. A "" @ "'4J::::o, ";.~ ...." Ho~r ..@@ ...... """,,0'-4 .............. 4. """"" "''''''4f COU~'\ \\,'1. <f"'U44,AAAA Approved by the City of Owasso: L{-- 0 3 My Commission Expires CZ!A~ '-(}1. .1tt07' Notary Public Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. State Oklahoma) ) County ) Before me the undersigned, a Notaty Public in and for said county and state, on this 3 I day of ~~g~ ,2001, personally appeared b('\ SDILO)D5)wg ()w-,d Ph~'l;s 5lJ1co\c5)LL~" to me k' own to be the identical person who executed the withm and foregoing instmment. Date OWNER AFFIDAVIT ~OTICE TO THE PUBLIC 1. Location Map 2. Staff Report for OZ-01-04 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval ofOZ-01-04, rezoning the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). RECOMMENDATIONS The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the August 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of OZ-01-04. At that meeting, there was no citizen objection regarding this application. The Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union, applicant, has requested approval of a rezoning application. The subject property is 4.5 acres, more or less, and is located north of 96th Street N. and east of N. Gamett Road, immediately west of Owasso Market The applicant is requesting rezoning on the subject property from (Agriculture) to (Commercial Shopping). BACKGROUND August 1 COUNCIL MEMORANDUM Staff recommends approval of OZ-O 1-04. RECOMMENDATION Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on July 21, 2001and legal notification of the proposed rezoning was published in the July 26, 2001 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Staff received no calls from citizens regarding this application. The proposed used for the south portion of the subject property abutting E. 96th Street N. is a Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union branch. This is a low-intensity use which will provide a positive buffer between the residential and Owasso Market. The northern (rear) portion ofthe site will be reserved for future development and will be, subject to a recorded access easement, oriented toward the new N. 119th E. Avenue running between Lowe's and the existing detention facility. The Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan designates this land as low.ointensity residential. However, it is apparent that the Comprehensive Plan shows a commercial boundary in the area of the subject property that conforms exactly to the first plat of Owasso Market. The subsequent addition of land and platting of Owasso Market II, established a precedence for the extension of the commercial to the west. The Comprehensive Plan shows commercial on the south side of E. 96th Street N. west to a point aligned with the west side ofthe subject property. It is staffs opinion, given these factors, that the requested rezoning is appropriate for this site. The applicant is requesting rezoning on a parcel of land, approximately 4.5 acres in area, from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). The subject property is currently vacant and undeveloped. The property is bound on the west by rural residential, zoned AG (Agriculture) and, further, by (Commercial General) at the northeast comer ofN. Garnett Road and E. 96th Street N.; on the north by rural residential, zoned AG (Agriculture) and, further by Bailey Ranch Estates, zoned RS..2/PUD (Residential Sing1e- Family, High Density/P1mmed Unit Development); on the east by Owasso Market, zoned CS (Commercial Shopping); and on the south by rural residential and Oklahoma Natural Gas, zoned (Agriculture), and further east, Center, (Commercial Shopping). N. CITY OF OW ASSO Planning Department OZ=Ol=04 Staff Report Sonells -- 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Letter to Property 4. ATTACHMENTS N.T,S. OZ-Ol-04 SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION MAP cs