HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.07.03_City Council Agenda 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Vice Mayor Randy Brogdon 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA on [kOO at and office the filed 2001. Community Regular July 2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, OF MEETING: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff will recommend Council authOlization for the purchase of two fully equipped 2001 Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles from Southwest Ford, Weatherford, TX, in the amount of $24,500 each for a total cost of $49,000, and authorization for payment. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Purchase of Two Vehic1es for the Owasso Police Department. Chief Greene Attachment #6 The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #681, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on June 19,2001 to approve the PUD and authorize an ordinance. Action Relating to Ordinance #681, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located Between Mingo Road and Garnett Road and East 96th Street North and East 106th Street North, and Containing 408.7 Acres, More or Less (Ward 1); and Repealing Ordinance #603. Attachment #5-D The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastmcture improvements. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constmcted to Serve Nottingham Estates IV, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Attachment #5-C Approval Attachment #5-B 1 2001 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "ConsentH are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. Owasso City Council July 3, 2001 Page 2 Adjournment. i"H: New Business. it M Report from City Councilors. Report from City Attorney. _~~~~w~~~-~,-~----~."-~~._~---~~~~<~~-~-'~~~-~_.~~~'~~" <t:j~K Report from City Manager. ~-~~~--~-~~~~-~'~~-~ _.~~~~--~---~~~-~~~~^-_.~._~-~~-~~--~~~~~ to the 1,000. an staff will budget 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Amendment to the General Fund Budget for Fiscal ear 2001-2002. Ms Bishop Attach.."'TIent #7 Owasso City Council July 3, 2001 Page 3 Pursuant to Section 6-138 of the City Code, staff will recommend that fees collected by the Court be increased from the CUHent $25.00 to $30.00 to conform with the recent changes in CLEET fees. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Approval to Increase Fees Collected by the Court. Ms Stevens The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on June 29, 2001. Items numbered 1 through 7 shall remain the same. Items number 8 through 12 are now numbered 9 through 1 and a new item 8 is listed as follows: ADDENDUM TO AGENDA at 10:00 a.m. on at the the Community Center Regular July 2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, TYPE OF MEETING: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 1. Legislative Updates from CLEET ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends the City Council by motion, increase the CUHent amount of fees collected by the court to $15.00 for the purpose of CLEET as mandated by Oklahoma State Statutes. RECOMMENDATION: The Court currently assesses, in addition to the appropriate fine, $15.00 in court costs and $10.00 for CLEET Fees. CUHent CLEET fees include $7.00 for the Penalty Assessment Fee and $3.00 for the Automated Fingerprint Identification System. The additional $5.00 Forensic Science fee will bring the total fees collected by the court for CLEET to $15.00. The court will collect a total of $30.00 in costs and fees, along with the fine assessed. Effective July 1, 2001, the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) will require that all Municipal Courts collect a Forensic Science Improvement Assessment Fee, pursuant to Senate Bill 753 and Senate Bill 546, in the amount of $5.00 to be used by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations. 2001 CLEET FEES and New Report Form for Forensic Fee Revised Report Form for Penalty and AFIS -::Iosure: After reading the update and reviewing the forms, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact '.uanne Smith at (405) 425-2756 or Janet Ingram at (405) 425-2758. Changes Effective November 1, 2001 S8 541 The Council will have the authority to use it's discretion to waive late fees. The Council will develop guidelines for waiving fees, however it is anticipated that late fees would only be waived in certain circumstances. For example, if the court forgot to mail the payment, the late fee may not be waived. If unforeseeable circumstances occur, such as the court computer system crashed or the court clerk had a death in the family, the fee would be considered to be waived. S8 753 and S8 546 Added a new Forensic Science Improvement Assessment Fee in the amount of $ 5.00 to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the Penalty Assessment and AFIS Fees. A new form is attached to report this fee. All Municipal Courts are authorized to retain five percent (5%) of the amount collected as the administrative fee. County courts will not retain the five percent but will add the 10% handling fee. Monies from this fee are for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and will be used to upgrade laboratory facilities; equipment and personnel. Note: Payments for all three fees may be made with one check. S8632 County Courts will not retain the $0.08 administrative fee for the Penalty Assessment and AFIS fees. Instead the County Courts will add a 10% handling fee to the fees listed above. County Courts will collect $ 7.70 for the Penalty Fee, forward $ 7.00 to CLEET and retain $ .70. They will collect $ 3.30 for AFIS, forward $ 3.00 to CLEET and retain $ .30. This authority is found in Title 19 O.S., Section 220. 632 Approved Academy City Courts: A municipal court in a municipality approved to conduct a basic law enforcement academy may retain as an administrative fee two percent (2%) of any penalty assessment or other state fee imposed by state statute. The two percent (2%) administrative fee shall be deducted from the portion of the penalty assessment or other state fee retained by such municipality. A separate form is attached for courts whose city conducts their own academy. Changes Effective July 1, 2001 S8 632 Municipal courts will retain $0.08 as an administrative fee for the Penalty Assessment and AFIS Fees. The authority to retain this amount was removed from Title 20 Section 131 and 131 and placed in Title 11 Section 14-111.1. This amendment changed the amount the AFIS administrative from $0.06 to $0.08 per our Tees ana your to implement changes made during the last year. This newsletter is to inform you of legislative changes during this and the effective dates of the change. LEGISLA TIVE CHANGES AFFECTING THE FOLLOWING PENAL TV ASSESSMENT FEES (CLEET) (Collected pursuant to Title 20 O.S. Section 1313.2) AFIS (OS81) (Collected pursuant to Title 20 O. S. Section (NEW OS81) pursuant to Title 20 S. NEW REPORT 1, State of Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training COURT NEWSLETTER. June 20, 2001 The consent agenda included minutes of the June 5, 2001 regular meeting and June 12, 2001 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $86,340.99; (2) Ambulance Fund $6,197.85; (3) Ambulance ITEM4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the June 5, 2001 Regular Meeting and June 12,2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to an Agreement With Gabriel Communications Inc for the Collection ofE-911 Funds and Remittance of Same to the City of Ow as so. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #678, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Propeliy Located North of North 116th Street North and East of North Garnett Road, Generally Described as a Portion of the S/2 SW/4 S5 T21N R14E; from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 37.42 Acres. A quo11lm was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor ITEM . ROLL CALL the flag salute was held during the OPW A meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 2: at 7:08 to The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 19, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 19,2001 - 2 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Bishop said that Resolution #2001-05 conesponds to OPW A Resolution #2001-06, and approves the action taken by the OPW A to issue promissory notes for the wastewater treatment plant improvements. It also ratifies the previous lease and revenue pledges between the City and the OPW A and authorizes the execution of documents. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Resolution #2001-05. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2001-05, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING ACTION TAKEN BY THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF TWO (2) PROMISSORY NOTES OF THE AUTHORITY TO THE OKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD; RATIFYING A CERTAIN LEASE, AS AMENDEK ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS WITH _RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY IN_ CALENDAR YEAR 2001; AUTHORIZING DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A YEAR-TO-YEAR PLEDGE OF CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUE;AND___CQNTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. Motion carried 5-0. 'Nilliams, Capital $748.46; (4) Bond Projects $22,630.00; (5) City Garage $15,456.79; (6) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $3,506.93; (7) Interfund Transfers #1 $8,913.88; (8) Interfund Transfers #2 $16,833.37; (9) Interfund Transfers #3 $16,833.33; (10) Interfund Transfers #4 $244,550.47; (11) Interfund Transfers #5 $5,600.00; (12) Payroll $196,402.72 (13) City Garage Payroll $4,164.25; (14) Ambulance Payroll $12,036.29. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of an Agreement with Gabriel Communications for the collection and remittance of 911 funds. Item requested approval of Ordinance #678, approving the rezoning of 37.42 acres located N 116th N and east of N Garnett from to Mr Williams, to approve the consent June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 3 ~, Ms Bishop said that in accordance with the Municipal Budget Act of 1979, all funds of the City with revenues and expenditures are required to have annual budgets. Expenditures may not legally exceed the appropriation within a department or fund. All transfers of appropriations between departments and supplemental appropriations require City Council approval. Five supplemental appropriations are being requested. Three supplemental appropriations are to increase revenues and the associated expenses and interfund transfers. The other two supplemental approptiations are to increase expenditures in departments that have exceeded appropriations. Staff recommended the following budget amendments: tIl/) Increase the General Fund, sales tax revenue and interfund transfer to the OPW A Sales Tax Fund by $675,400; tIl/) Increase the Ambulance Service Fund, Billing Revenue and Interfund Transfers to the Ambulance Capital Fund by $13,000; tIl/) Increase the Garage Fund revenues and expenditures by $40,000; tIl/) Increase the General Fund, General Government Department expenditures by $35,000; tIl/) Increase the General Fund, Fire Department expenditures by $27,000. Following several questions to Chief Allen by Council regarding the increase in expenditures in the Fire Department for salaries, professional services and sick leave incentive, Councilor Helm asked about the encumbered purchase orders. He requested a listing of the encumbered purchase ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO VARIOUS FUNDS. Motion cauied 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Bishop presented the item. Resolution #2001-06 approves the action taken by the OPWA Trustees authorizing the issuance of a promissory note relating to the Ator Relief Line. The resolution also ratifies the previous lease and revenue pledge between the City and the OPW A and authorizes the execution of documents. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve Resolution #2001-06. SALES TAX REVENUE; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION _AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2001-06, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING ACTION TAKEN BY THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORI(S AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF A. PROMISSORY NOTE OF THE AUTHORITY TO THE QKLAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD;RA TIFYING A CERTAIN LEASE, AiLt\M:ENDED; ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S REASONABLE EXPECIA TIONS June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 4 - Motion caHied 4-1. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, AHnstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #680. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ATTACHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE #680. Motion cmried 4-1. AYE: Williams, AHnstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Mr Carlson said that the City Council must approve action taken by a t11lst authority to raise rates. The OPGA Trustees approved OPGA Resolution #2001-03 increasing certain rates at the golf course. Ordinance #680 would approve that action. The rate increase being requested by the OPGA resolution will become effective on July 1, 2001. An ordinance becomes effective thirty days after passage and publication, which would not allow the rate increase to take place on July 1, The attachment of an emergency clause to the ordinance allows the ordinance to become effective immediately upon passage and publication, and staff is requesting the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #680. The ordinance and emergency clause must be acted on separately. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve Ordinance #680. #200 1 ~03 PROVIDING FOR A RATE INCREASE. IN GREEN FEES""._LARJ~ RENTALS AND RANGE FEES, AND DECLARING Al'JEMERGENCY. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse Helm, Brogdon orders in the Fire Department, including when they were issued. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the requested budget amendments and supplemental appropliations. June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 7 - Ms Sonells presented the item. Nottingham Estates IV is a 14.19 acre, 20-lot subdivision, located south of E 96th St N and west of N 145th East Ave, immediately north of Nottingham Estates II & III. This final plat was brought before the Council on March 16, 1999, where it was tabled to the next regular meeting because DEQ permits had not been secured. The item was once again tabled on April 6, 1999 because the required permits had not been secured. Those permits have now been received, and the plat is again before the Council for action. The property is subj ect to a $1580 per acre assessment under the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor agreement and a $16 per acre emergency siren fee. Those fees have been paid by the applicant. Ms AHnstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the final plat for Nottingham Estates IV. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR NOTTINGHAM ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OPQKLAHQMACW ARD 1 ). Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms SOHells said that a request for approval of a final plat for Metro Heights has been received by staff. Metro Heights is a 15.42 acre, 52-lot subdivision located north of E 106th St N and east of N Mingo Rd. The Owasso Planning Commission recommended approval ofthe final plat at their September 12, 2000 meeting, subject to DEQ permits for water and sewer being received. Those permits have now been received, and the final plat is before the City Council for action. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the final plat for Metro Heights. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR METRO HEIGHTS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO~,TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF: OKLAHOMA (WARD no Ms SOHells presented the item. The Seayco Group, owner of the property, wants to close part of the easement on this property in order to locate a water storage tank to provide additional fire suppression capability for additional fire suppression been requested by not by the Department Following a lengthy discussion regarding drainage and it will affected closing a of the drainage channel, as well as the type water storage tank being considered, Mr Williams moved to approve the easement closing and adoption of Ordinance #679. The motion died for lack of a second. There was no one present from The Seayco Group or their engineers to answer any of the questions. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #679, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF A .uTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LDT I, BLOCK_2, OW ASSQ MARKET II. June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 6 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Bamhouse NAY: Helm Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve OPUD-O 1-02 The Lakes at Bailey Ranch, subject to the 17 conditions listed. 5. Minor transfers (15% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling units from one residential development area to another may occur if a significant change in the character of either development area is not created; 6. No building permits shall be issued within any portion of the PUD until all requirements of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 8 "Building Permits" are fulfilled, and 7. All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for approval of the PUD be met as conditions of the PUD; 8. conditions imposed by the plat approval be met as condition 90 detailed drainage by an at the 1 Within the PUD the maximum number dwelling units shall not 1898 units; 11. Acceleration/deceleration lanes shall be installed at access points along E 96th St N & E 106th St N. and N Garnett Rd and N Mingo Rd. Provision of acceleration/deceleration lanes should be included within the deed of dedication of any associated plats; 12. The developer shall incorporate access management techniques in the development of commercial areas. Such techniques may include, but not be limited to, unified circulation and parking plans, joint access and parking lot cross access, restriction of the number of driveways per parcel, controlling driveway spacing, sight distance and comer clearance; 13. A barrier fence be erected between the SKO Railroad property and proposed commercial area near the corner of E 106th St Nand N Mingo Rd and the abutting multi-family residential area; 14. Detailed landscape plans, including plant type and size, location, and irrigation, shall be required to be submitted with site plans of any commercial development. Said plans shall be reviewed by staff and approved by the Planning Commission; 15. All landscaping plans for the entrances of the development shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the time of platting, and the landscaping installed prior to occupation of buildings; 16. Sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all internal roads and along the perimeter arterial road. Provision of sidewalks should be included within the deed of dedication of any associated plats; and 17. The minimum side yard of any comer lot shall be no less than 25 feet and, if needed, commercial lots may be required to provide on-site detention. This requirement shall be determined at the time of site plan review. June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 7 <" Ms Sorrells presented the item. Nottingham Estates IV is a 14.19 acre, 20-10t subdivision, located south of E 96th St N and west of N 145th East Ave, immediately north of Nottingham Estates II & III. This final plat was brought before the Council on March 16, 1999, where it was tabled to the next regular meeting because DEQ permits had not been secured. The item was once again tabled on April 6, 1999 because the required permits had not been secured. Those permits have now been received, and the plat is again before the Council for action. The property is subject to a $1580 per acre assessment under the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor agreement and a $16 per acre emergency siren fee. Those fees have been paid by the applicant. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the final plat for Nottingham Estates IV. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR NOTTINGHAM ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF QKLi\HOMA (WARD 1). Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, AHnstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms SOHells said that a request for approval of a final plat for Metro Heights has been received by staff. Metro Heights is a 15.42 acre, 52-lot subdivision located north ofE 106th St N and east of N Mingo Rd. The Owasso Planning Commission recommended approval ofthe final plat at their September 12, 2000 meeting, subject to DEQ permits for water and sewer being received. Those permits have now been received, and the final plat is before the City Council for action. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the final plat for Metro Heights. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR METRO HEIGHTS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASS~ULSA COUNTY, STATE_OF OKLAHOMA (WARD 1). Ms Sorrells presented the item. The Seayco Group, owner of the property, wants to close part of the easement on this property in order to located a water storage tank to provide additional fire suppression capability additional fire suppression has been requested by not by the Department. Following a lengthy discussion regarding drainage and it will be affected closing a of the drainage channel, as well as the size and type water tank being considered, Williams moved to approve the requested easement closing and adoption of Ordinance #679. The motion died for lack a second. There was no one present from The Seayco Group or their engineers to answer any ofthe questions. IT~M 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #679, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENTLQJ=ATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2,DWASSO MARKET II. June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 8 - Motion caHied 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon,Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Ewing said that an agreement is being proposed for the lease of land immediately south of Lot 3, Block 1, RCB Center. This site is adjacent to the newly const11lcted Titan Tower at 96th St N and U.S. Highway 169. The land is approximately 20 feet wide and tuns approximately 220 feet east and west. It will be used to provide 13 +/- parking spaces for office/commercial development on the referenced property. The lease will contain an access easement to the benefit of the City in order to access the water tower site. The lease is for 30 years at $500.00 per year. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the proposed lease agreement with Owasso Land T11lst LLC beginning on July 1, 2001 at a lease rate of $500 annually. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REAL PROPERTY LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO,"_QJ~1AHOMAANILQWASSO LAND TRUST LLC. Motion caHied 5-0. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Barnhouse NAY None contract was lOr one terms tor a up to three That contract will on 30, 2001. specifications were mailed to cleaning establishments in Collinsville, Claremore, & Tulsa, with one bid being received. That bid was from Yale Cleaners. The Police Department is satisfied with the work that has been performed by Yale Cleaners and believes that they have received a competitive bid. This contract may also be extended for successive one-year telms for a period of up to three years. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve a contract with Yale Cleaners, Owasso, OK for the purpose of providing uniform cleaning services to the Owasso Police Department for the petiod July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. Motion canied 5",0. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None June 19,2001 Owasso City Council - 9 ~ ANNEXATION COMMITTEE - All telms ending 6/30/02 Mr Randy Brogdon - City Council Mr H C "Will" Williams - City Council Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Charles Willey - Planning Commission Mr Dale Johnson - Public Schools Chief Bob Allen - Fire Department Chief Jim Greene - Police Department Mr Robert CalT - Public Works Mr Lan)' Mitchell - City Manager Mr Ted VanCuren (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ms Trish Hauser (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 Mr Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) Telm Ending 6/30/02 Mr H C "Will" Williams (Council Representative) Term Ending 6/30/02 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr Frank Enzbrenner (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/06 PERSONNEL BOARD Ms Mary Ann Alexander (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 ADJUSTMENT Mr Ken Foster (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 Willey 6/30/04 Mayor Barnhouse presented the following names for appointment to various Boards, T11lsts, Commissions, and Committees, and moved for their approval: ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS TO V ABJOU.s, BOARDS, TRUSTS"C_QMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. June 19,2001 Owasso City Council June 19,2001 - 10- Mr Robert Carr Public Works Director TelID Ending 6/30/02 REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop Finance Director Term Ending 6/30/02 INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Allan Harder, Human Resources Officer Term Ending 6/30/02 Mr Larry Mitchell, City Manager Alternate BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr H C "Will" Williams, City Council Term Ending 4/30/02 Jim Ablett ~ Mr Tom Kimball- Representative Mr Frank Enzbrenner - Banking Representative Mr Dale Prevett - Banking Representative Mr Tim Rich - Chamber Representative Mr John Groth - Citizen Ms Sherry Bishop - City Finance Director Mr Bob Allen - Fire Chief Mr Jim Greene "' Police Chief Mr Robert Carr <- Public Works Mr Stan Ewing ." Planning & Economic Development Mr Tim Rooney .~ Assistant City Manager Mr Lanoy Mitchell - City Manager IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE - All terms ending 6/30/02 Ms Rebecca Armstrong - City Council Maloy Mr Tim Rooney - Assistant City Manager Mr Stan Ewing - Planning & Economic Development Ms Donna SOHells - City Planner Mr Ron Cates - City Attorney Owasso City Council - 11 - Councilor Helm referred to the supplemental appropriations item and asked for a breakdown relating to volunteer firefighters, as well as infOlIDation on the open purchase orders in the materials and supplies line item in the Fire Department budget. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. Mr Mitchell reported that a public meeting relating to the Downtown Redevelopment Project will be held at 6:00 p.m. on July 12,2001 at First United Methodist church. ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Barnhouse, Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon NAY: None The motion was seconded by Mr Williams. Mr Phil Lutz, Engineering Staff Alternate TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/02 Mr Timothy Rooney, Assistant City Manager Alternate Mr Randy Brogdon, City Council TelID Ending 6/30/02 INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/02 June 19,2001 Owasso City Council Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor June 19,2001 - 12 - Marcia Boutwell, the was adjourned at 15 Helm, Armstrong to adjourn, by Helm moved, None IIE_M2J: 1'-TEW BUSINESS. Owasso City Council 3,884.62 1,218.55 5.58 2,464.70 250.00 95.00 537.30 8,455.75 28,294.68 284,336.64 312,631.32 550.00 10,351.45 10,901.45 119.99 119.99 254.09 '1,233.50 1,487.59 317 .40 1 60.00 3,198.13 420.00 266.34 6,853.04 26.21 73.07 2,301.50 262.54 52.42 31 4.23 580.26 1 5:r 4 648.16 50.00 275.29 Tot<1! Merchandise Daily Operating Account 605 Cart Operations 610 Golf Course Maintenance 670 Food and Beverage Operations 690 Golf Administration 691 Clubhouse TOTAL OPGA Project Management City Hall/Police Station TOTAL Bond Projects 96th Street Signalization Computerization TOTAL Capital Improvements 255 Ambulance TOTAL Ambulance Capital Refunds 255 Ambulance TOTAL Ambulance Deposit Refunds 105 Municipal Court '110 Managerial 120 Finance 150 General Government 160 Comrnunity 170 Engineering 175 Information 181 Support Services 190 Cemetery 201 Police Services 215 Police Communications 221 Animal Control 250 Fire Services 280 Emergency 300 Streets 515 Park Maintenance 550 Community Center 710 Economic Development TOTAL General Fund City of OW<1SS0 CI<1ims 7/3/01 75.00 75.00 11,155.16 11,155.16 750.00 750,00 904.21 2,361.83 170,339.50 3,406.46 6,481 .24 10,696.64 6,709.57 '150 Workers' Comp TOTAL Workers' Comp Self Insurance 185 City TOTAL City Debt Service TOTAL OPW A Sales Tax 400 Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 455 Wastewater Collection 480 Refuse Collections 485 Recycle Center TOTAL OPWA City of Owasso Jun 28, 2001 03: 16pm Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -~-~-~~- ~--- ~~---- --~-~------- ---~---- --~-~------- ~------- ---~-----~ ------------ ----------------------- 2732 627 06/12/01 10598 114173 07/03/01 199.41 199.41 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2734 766 06/01/01 10777 04-2122350 07/03/01 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2736 1294 06/14/01 10624 500197307-01 07/03/01 383.60 36.55 12 PHONE USE-CHIEF 5 260.47 12 PHONE USE-OTHERS 86.58 PHONE USE-TAYLOR 2869 769 06/11/01 10698 2001122 07/03/01 335.65 335.65 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 2872 591 06/21/01 10696 156893 07/03/01 5.55 11.10 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/14/01 156123 5.55 63.60 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/14/01 156121 31.80 06/2'1/01 126891 31.80 2876 645 06/05/01 10608 455062 07/03/01 13.14 32.22 6 UNIFORM CLEAN / RENT OS/29/01 452058 8.82 06/12/01 457507 '10.26 2886 537 06/15/01 105'77 61501 07/03/01 80.00 80.00 10 AT OR PARK MOWINGS 2886 537 06/25/01 10700 62501 07/03/01 80.00 80.00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2934 554 06/01/01 10611 2357 07/03/01 40.00 40.00 12 DIAL-UP SERVICE 3002 142<7 06/08/01 10661 4 07/03/01 2,200.00 2,200.00 COLUMN COVERS-6/6/00 3053 7 06/20/01 10769 756490 07/03/01 166.50 166.50 COPIER RENTAL 3091 538 06/21/01 10689 1184 07/03/01 229.56 60.25 MAINT SUPPLIES 06/15/01 993 44.02 9.99 MAINT SUPPLIES 6.58 MAINT SUPPLIES 16.57 MAINT SUPPLIES 90.41 MAINT SUPPLIES 83.33 MAINT SUPPLIES 6.45 MAINT SUPPLIES 3115 591 06/07/01 10622 155355 07/03/01 14.75 63.55 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 05/31/01 15/.576 14.75 06/14/01 156120 1 1,.75 06/21/01 156890 19.30 3194 750 OS/25/01 10582 17 07/03/01 28,294.68 28,294.68 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3202 129 06/10/01 10601 15118235 07/03/01 129. 15 129.15 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 3203 1362 06/14/01 10576 61401 07/03/01 484.00 484.00 11 ELM CREEK MOWING 3322 1152 06/20/01 10772 62001 07/03/01 212.17 212.17 METER READINGS 3324 171 06/20/01 10'775 62001 07/03/01 293.10 293.10 METER READINGS 3325 371 06/20/01 10773 62001 07/03/01 349.65 349.65 METER READINGS 3326 264 06/20/01 10'774 62001 07/03/01 295.65 295.65 METER READINGS 3634 14 06/26/01 10747 40851 07/03/01 2,100.00 2,100.00 RADIOS 3661 1504 06/08/01 10681 8 07/03/01 18,1,55.00 18,455.00 PLUMBING 6/6/00 3662 1505 OS/25/01 10682 26-9 07/03/01 40,500.00 40,500.00 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 3668 1427 06/06/01 10685 5 07/03/01 7,695.00 7,695.00 ROUGH CARPENTRY 6/6/00 3673 1516 06/08/01 10683 20811 07/03/01 101,272.00 101,272.00 MASONRY 6/6/00 3675 1514 05/31/01 10678 1 07/03/01 28,391.40 28,391.40 BUILT-UP ROOFING 6/6/00 3677 1512 06/07/01 10686 5 07/03/01 3,745.80 3,745.80 MECHANICAL 6/6/00 3894 362 06/18/01 10771 34243 07/03/01 90.00 90.00 BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 4210 129 OS/24/01 10565 12124152 07/03/01 91.08 60.10 PHONE USE-ROONEY 6/01 30.98 PHONE USE-WILLSON 6/01 4210 129 04/24/01 10566 12124152 07/03/01 89.24 43.82 PHONE USE-ROONEY 5/01 45.42 PHONE USE-WILLSON 5/01 4210 129 03/24/01 10567 12124152 07/03/01 56.25 56.25 PHONE USE-ROONEY 3,4/01 4559 1280 06/21/01 10684 62101 07/03/01 495.00 495.00 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 4597 960 06/09/01 10741 300-0062-280 07/03/01 95.00 95.00 12 ADVERTISING CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 86.80 EQUIPt4ENT RENTAL 683.86 BILLING SERVICE 23.90 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.90 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.90 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.90 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.90 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.84 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.84 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.84 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.84 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23.84 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 60,358.50 METAL ROOFING 6/6/00 94.50 5 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 553.50 WELDER/GRINDER 29.99 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 120.00 BAILIFF DUTIES-3/01-6/01 85.00 TRAINING-WOFFORD 219.92 REPAIR SUPPLIES 17,558.82 METER SETS 9/7/99 330.00 RESCUE CLASS-HURST/WAKELY 820.19 REPAIR PARTS 50.00 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 50.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 129.00 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 181.68 ASPHALT 1,400.00 PLUMBING-STORAGE BLDG 11/21/00 57.80 6 UNIFORM RENTAl./CLEANING 100.00 Sl.UDGE ANAl.YSIS Line Item Amounts Claim Description Jun 28, 2001 D3:16pm Page 2 131. 04 7.18 6.15 34.27 3.99 1.69 21. 95 35.04 19.79 136.68 82.56 7.46 27.96 25.71 85.00 219.92 4,430.00 13,128.82 330.00 60,358.50 9/..50 553.50 29.99 120.00 119.20 1/..45 11..45 14.45 86.80 683.86 119.50 14.1.5 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 129.00 181.68 1,400.00 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 07/03/01 5876 446 06/12/01 10697 326928 06/14/01 327539 06/18/01 328570 06/18/01 328604 06/18/01 328609 06/18/01 328616 06/19/01 328839 06/19/01 328859 06/19/01 328908 06/19/01 328996 06/19/01 329010 06/21/01 329524 06/14/01 327559 06/18/01 328559 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 5391 1514 05/31/01 10679 1 07/03/01 5/,15 212 06/26/01 10740 JUNE 01 07/03/01 5573 1209 06/19/01 10748 864-332620-3 07/03/01 5601 961 06/05/01 10607 522723/,- 2 07/03/01 5646 1361 06/21/01 10620 6/01 07/03/01 5681 149 03/20/01 10606 1313 07/03/01 5704 1039 06/14/01 10709 346913 07/03/01 5849 729 05/31/01 10647 T12/,56 07/03/01 06/07/01 T12494 5868 149 05/16/01 10588 1302 0'7103/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 Full Amt Due Date 10670 103603 239 06/15/01 53/.6 155357 154578 156122 10655 665/.4 10739 52930 10656 103381 591 06/21/01 06/07/01 05/31/01 06/14/01 1056 06/04/01 1557 06/20/01 239 06/11/01 5137 5147 5334 5346 10623 156892 00 10653 4136 4197 10667 4257 10664 236594 10680 18183 10706 221799 10657 2542 357 06/06/01 06/12/01 357 06/19/01 829 06/19/01 322 06/19/01 941 06/20/01 1055 05/31/01 4677 4677 1,797 1,804 4968 5091 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# : i ty of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Jun 28, 2001 03: 16pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~-~-~~ ~~~--~ ~~~~-~-- ---- ------ ------~-~--- -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ---~--______ __________<0____________ 06/19/01 328833 32.30 06/19/01 328863 17.40 06/19/01 328877 6.80 06/19/01 328890 2.25 06/19/01 328610 37.98 06/25/01 330774 181. 99 06/12/01 326927 -131.04 06/12/01 32687/. 131 .04 5878 857 06/22/01 10699 192184 07/03/01 86.56 370.17 REPAIR PARTS 06/11/01 193937 6.34 06/13/01 194235 18.37 06/15/01 194433 28.18 06/19/01 194766 23.10 06/19/01 19/.788 63.09 06/19/01 19/,832 50.27 06/20/01 194891 22.37 06/26/01 195486 66.23 06/26/01 195471 5.66 5889 2036 06/22/01 10742 2005 07/03/01 5,025.00 5,025.00 REPLACE SHOWERS 5931 1209 06/06/01 10654 864-399290-5 07/03/01 72.36 72.36 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5931 1209 06/19/01 10705 864-332619-5 07/03/01 102.05 102.05 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/25/01 864-718081-2 17.64 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 17.64 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6036 1318 06/19/01 10665 44 07/03/01 111. 95 111. 95 ~10WI NGS 6037 104 06/20/01 10675 01-06-25 07/03/01 400.00 400.00 MOWING-3 LAKES DRAINAGE 06/20/01 01-06-26 299.00 299.00 MOWING-LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE 60/,4 537 06/11/01 10644 6/11/01 07/03/01 31.00 31.00 AT OR EASEMENT MOWING 06/11/01 6/11/01a 83.00 83.00 MAINT ST EASEMENT MOWING 6154 1049 06/14/01 10572 2600 07/03/01 17.60 17.60 WATER USAGE 6155 537 06/15/01 10578 61501 07/03/01 230.00 230.00 10 PARK MOWINGS 6155 537 06/25/01 10701 62501a 07/03/01 230.00 230.00 10 PARK MOWINGS 6191 1039 06/01/01 10707 346987 07/03/01 163.60 163.60 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6235 1382 06/15/01 10575 43 07/03/01 256.95 210.00 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 46.95 10 VETERANS PARK MOWINGS 6267 722 OS/22/01 10639 472 07/03/01 70.00 70.00 4 UNIFORM SHIRTS 6348 1952 06/21/01 10779 915'17711 07/03/01 3,466.00 3,466.00 SECURITY SYSTEM 6364 366 06/11/01 10663 649570 07/03/01 19.36 122.41 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/07/01 649197 7.47 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/13/01 649883 51.66 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/18/01 650381 4.98 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/14/01 650056 38.94 6456 66 06/18/01 10746 358526 07/03/01 85.68 85.68 REPAIR PARTS 6482 1040 06/13/01 10595 2426 07/03/01 1,029.25 1,029.25 REPAIR PARTS 6487 485 06/20/01 10640 062001-03 07/03/01 505.00 505.00 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6497 6 06/08/01 10668 8813 07/03/01 30.00 30.00 SOD 0.00 SOD 6504 602 06/01/01 10651 13669 07/03/01 1,057.50 1,057.50 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6517 1065 06/12/01 10744 Z10368888 07/03/01 143,136.19 143,136.19 PURCHASED WATER 6591 1164 06/13/01 10571 11779 07/03/01 4,870.00 4,870.00 2 NETWORK SWITCHES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) : i ty of Owasso Jun 28, 2001 03: 16pm Page 4 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~_~_~_ ~_~~ ~~~~_~ ~~~____~____ ~~~__u__ ~___u~~_____ ________ __________ ____________ _______________________ 6605 1239 06/05/01 10587 DV98650 07/03/01 2,330.62 2,330.62 LAPTOP COMPUTER 6606 148 06/12/01 10778 5008751 07/03/01 18,120.00 18,120.00 CITY HALL GENERATOR 3/20/01 6650 1574 06/12/01 10612 8297 07/03/01 50.00 50.00 PRINTING 6651 [,91 05/31/01 10610 74055owpo ZB 07/03/01 92.00 92.00 SUBSCRIPTION 2828 6657 883 05/30/01 10609 92[.50 07/03/01 80.00 40.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-STEVENS 40.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-JACKSON 6662 2256 06/08/01 10600 15510 07/03/01 59.99 59.99 EVIDENCE ID SUPPLIES 6663 556 05/31/01 10602 13162 07/03/01 35.00 35.00 RADIO REPAIR 6664 2257 06/11/01 10645 16520 07/03/01 750.00 750.00 PRINTING 6669 591 06/14/01 10M2 156124 07/03/01 15.80 31.95 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/1[,/01 156126 31.70 31.70 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/14/01 156127 57,,00 15.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/1[,/01 156118 3L95 57.00 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/1[,/01 156119 18.35 18.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/14/01 156125 1,.55 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 6670 1294 06/14/01 10673 500093816-01 07/03/01 155.95 33.59 CELL PHONE USE 6 30.59 CELL PHONE USE 30.59 CELL PHONE USE 30.59 CELL PHONE USE 30.59 CELL PHONE USE 6671 1044 06/01/01 10615 86645.1006.5 07/03/01 50.72 50.72 REFUSE COLLECTION 6676 929 06/01/01 10658 2185-6265 07/03/01 335.08 1,247.34 TIPPING FEES 05/16/01 2185-5933 912.26 5,222.99 TIPPING FEES 06/01/01 2185-6261 7,275.00 2,052,,01 TIPPING FEES 6680 1044 06/01/01 10643 86771-1006-9 07/03/01 2,419.13 2,419.13 RECYCLE REFUSE 6683 511 06/13/01 10671 553722 07/03/01 3,602.00 3,602,,00 VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 6684 150 06/14/01 10674 1557644 07/03/01 202.56 202.56 SAFETY SUPPLIES 6686 108 06/16/01 1061[. 3425101 07/03/01 113 . 96 113.96 CAMERA ACCESSORIES 6702 94 06/01/01 10605 4/5-6/1/01 07/03/01 1,218.55 1,218.55 REIMB PETTY CASH 6721 814 05/13/01 10637 22855 07/03/0') 5.0[, 76.27 PHOTO PROCESSING OS/23/01 22874 5.18 05/12/01 23928 53.02 05/04/01 24791 3.59 05/09/01 24796 1.76 OS/21/01 24844 1.92 05/30/01 27051 5.76 6723 [.85 06/06/01 10638 060601-02 07/03/01 505.00 505.00 PROTECTIVE VEST 6724 499 05/31/01 10599 MAY 07/03/01 20.00 20.00 AMMUN IT ION 6725 1038 05/31/01 10636 1551 07/03/01 53.17 17.85 OFFICE SUPPLIES OS/27/01 7215 3.94 185.53 MAINT SUPPLIES OS/25/01 3821 [.9.70 13.63 MAINT SUPPLIES OS/25/01 5822 3.67 113.92 SHELTER SUPPLIES 05/15/01 898 60.75 05/10/01 7009 13.71 05/08/01 7449 80.06 05/04/01 884 7.23 05/04/01 880 58.70 6726 567 06/07/01 10652 621001.10 07/03/01 114.88 222.64 STREET SIGNS 06/07/01 621001-11 107.76 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 52.44 5/01 PLEXAR 71.29 5/01 PLEXAR 356.05 5/01 PLEXAR 243.26 5/01 PLEXAR 311.47 5/01 PLEXAR 52.43 5/01 PLEXAR 248.97 5/01 PLEXAR 26.21 5/01 PLEXAR 26.21 5/01 PLEXAR 472.80 5/01 PLEXAR 31.765/01 PLEXAR 129.33 5/01 PLEXAR 27.65 5/01 PLEXAR 125.13 5/01 PLEXAR 76.69 5/01 PLEXAR 27.64 5/01 PLEXAR 191.94 5/01 PLEXAR 52.42 5/01 PLEXAR 60.36 5/01 USE 52.82 5/01 USE 44.67 5/01 USE 177.23 5/01 USE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 164.49 OMNIPORT XE3 143.39 EMPLOYMENT AD 206.25 DEVELOPERS MEETING 675.36 ARBITRATION SERVICES 482.00 AIRFARE-BISHOP/JACKSON 241.00 AIRFARE-WILLSON 479.00 SOFTWARE 52.42 5/01 PLEXAR 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 99.00 WORK JEANS 0.00 WORK JEANS 50.00 LICENSE RENEWAL 34.31 DOOR/DRAWER HARDWARE 36.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 821.53 AMB SUPPLIES 82.86 STREET SIGNS 63.00 SAFETY BOOKS 64.88 SAFETY BOOKS 31.50 SAFETY BOOKS 84.00 SAFETY BOOKS 93.52 SAFETY BOOKS 79.95 WORK JEANS 258.87 UNIFORMS/BOOTS 19.72 6787 863 06/07/01 10564 111051949501 07/03/01 o 06/07/01 111240732600 1 06/07/01 111052374001 o 06/07/01 111052375401 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 24.95 52.82 60.36 6728 1329 05/30/01 1 0648 1.6182 07/03/01 184.92 06/08/01 51713 73.95 05/31/01 1.6771 79.95 6728 1329 06/21/01 '10669 59616 07/03/01 99.00 6"147 8'11 06/01/01 10580 99006 07103/0'1 50.00 6748 34/, 06/13/01 1057/, 6475045 07/03/01 34.31 675/, 9/,3 06/21/01 10621 25650 07/03/01 36.95 6775 66 06/15/0'1 10745 358480 07/03/01 672.98 06/18/01 358601 48.65 06/19/01 358731 99.90 6779 1239 06/12/01 10635 DX12727 07/03/01 164.1,9 6780 1098 06/10/01 10586 2452699 07103/01 143.39 6781 1528 05/18/01 10581 51801 07/03/01 206.25 6782 159 05/31/0'] 10579 58047 07/03/01 675.36 6783 152 06/14/01 10585 14490 07/03/01 723.00 6"785 406 06/13/01 10584 680 07/03/01 479.00 6786 938 OS/29/01 10583 918272225182 07/03/01 2,576.11 85 82.86 168.45 168.45 10710 621001-13 10646 750 743 567 06/21/01 1,25 06/04/01 06/01/01 6726 6727 07/03/01 07/03/01 Line Item Amounts Claim Description ------ ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor ,.umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Jun 28, 2001 03:16pm Page 5 City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order 68.08 REPAIR PARTS 450.00 JANITORIAL SERVICES 71.45 RADIO REPAIR 54.25 FUEL PUMP 75.00 REPAIR PARTS 38.85 REPAIR PARTS By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 14.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES 52.46 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.08 OFFICE FURNITURE 316.08 TIRES 6.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.57 OFFICE SUPPLIES 179.84 OFFICE SUPPLIES 550.00 TRAFFIC SIGNS 250.00 ANNUAL DUES 5.58 5/01 USE 72.54 5/01 USE 21.49 5/01 USE 58.49 AMB REFUND #287 1,605.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 23.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 82.90 STEAM CLEANER REPAIR 31.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES 68.86 5/01 USE 61.07 5/01 USE 93.L,6 5/01 USE '132.66 5/01 USE 30.16 5/01 USE 32:1087 5/01 USE 79.02 237.06 68.08 450.00 71.45 54.25 75.00 3.15 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 07/03/01 6797 865 06/12/01 10593 7182 06/19/01 6290 6798 1134 06/05/01 10591 14717 6799 1958 06/11/01 10690 3010429 6801 2319 06/14/01 10630 153961 6802 107 06/15/01 10629 62476 6803 224 06/08/01 10592 22803 6804 3 06/08/01 10596 31425 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 0 06/06/01 111252665500 1 77 . 23 2 06/0L,/01 111287633700 68.86 1 06/12/01 111029968601 22.56 0 06/12/01 111030329301 9.2L, 0 06/04/01 11105/.011101 8..87 0 06/'15/0'1 111249740400 10.30 1 06/12/01 111255690800 '10.10 1 06/0'7101 111051937301 93.46 0 05/30/01 11'1240181400 132.66 1 06/06/01 111252109000 30.16 1 06/14/01 111281164000 323.87 1 6788 98 06/26/01 10708 6801 07/03/01 550.00 6789 19 06/12/01 10603 99470718 07/03/01 250.00 6'790 881 06/05/01 10604 639'7 07/03/01 21.49 06/05/01 6398 72.54 06/05/01 6399 5.58 6'791 14'78 06/11/01 10563 287 DEBOARD 07/03/01 58.1.9 6'792 2079 06/11/01 10568 2 0'7/03/01 1,605.00 6'793 406 06/15/01 10573 5004 07/03/01 23.98 6'794 '785 06/11/01 10631 568-710282-1 0'7/03/01 82.90 6796 2307 06/21/01 10688 131'779747-00 07/03/01 211. 86 1 06/1L,/01 130301/,26-00 36.09 2 06/0'7/01 130631533-00 233.16 1 06/21/01 132092L.38- 00 56.01 1 Line Item Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~--~-~ --~----- -~-~ --~-~- ----------=- --=----~ ------------ -------- --------~- --__________ ____________________u__ P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Jun 28, 2001 03:16pm Page 6 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order vity of Owasso Jun 28, 2001 03: 16pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~_~~ ~___~_ _~__~_~~ ~~__ ___~__ _~~_________ ________ ____________ ________ __.0_______ ____________ ----------------------- 06/12/01 31488 35.70 6806 559 05/31/01 10628 J31497 07/03/01 1,219.00 1,219.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 6807 1191 06/04/01 10626 18351 07/03/01 92060 30.86 FLAGS 30.87 FLAGS 30.87 FLAG 6808 2320 06/07/01 10632 15~25932 07/03/01 52/,.36 524.36 HYDRAULIC PUMPS 6809 124/, 06/15/01 10625 374757 07/03/01 36031 36.31 TOOLS 6810 648 06/0?/01 10594 18?1 0?/03/01 329.85 329085 VEHICLE REPAIR 6811 10?2 06/13/01 10590 90239 07/03/01 15.34 15.34 REPAIR PARTS 06/07/01 90094 ?09.02 2,?09.02 TRANSMISSION/PTO 6813 698 06/20/01 10692 196801 O? /03/01 21 501.11 OIL/LUBRICANTS 06/22/01 196945 ~86.10 6816 819 06/18/01 10597 16286 07103/01 5?34 206.34 TOWING FEE 06/04/01 16068 1/,9.00 6817 811 06/0?/01 10589 30972 07/03/01 180.00 825.95 REPAIR PARTS 06/0?/01 30484 645.95 6819 6/.9 06/22/01 10662 13981 07103/01 76. I.? ?6.4? SAFETY SUPPLIES~RAGSDALE 6821 586 06/08/01 10672 16991 O? /03/01 122.69 122.69 PIPE 6822 496 OS/22/01 10659 3754 O? /03/01 ?44 4.99 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/02/01 3507 17.08 24.52 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/02/01 349? 1/,.96 1 1,.96 TOOLS 05/14/01 3631 4.99 6823 784 05/17/01 10649 1195 07/03/01 50.00 60.00 SIGNS 06/07/01 1218 38.00 88.00 SIGNS 06/08/01 1220 60.00 6824 107 06/06/01 10650 61925 07/03/01 60.41 141.59 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/06/01 61924 81.18 6828 1500 06/08/01 10627 60801 07/03/01 1,361. 00 1,361.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 6832 1143 06/12/01 10633 6727290 0?!03/01 52.50 52.50 COPY PAPER 6836 352 06/12/01 10569 93935 O? /03/01 57.00 5?000 DOOR LOCK 683? 1574 05/07/01 105?0 8263 07/03/01 68.00 68.00 PRINTING 6839 857 06/18/01 10743 194644 07/03/01 186.97 186.97 REPAIR PARTS 6840 1848 06/12/01 10634 4070725 07/03/01 750.00 750.00 ADMINISTRATION FEE-OWRB 1999 6841 1083 06/12/01 10616 92540 07/03/01 85.00 85.00 MUNICIPAL CODE BOOKS 6846 2076 06/13/01 10702 267402 07/03/01 90.00 90.00 EUTHANASIA SERVICES 6847 826 06/09/01 10691 720/,630-2 07/03/01 206.39 6.98 05/01 USE 13.97 05/01 USE 0.19 05/01 USE 34.91 05/01 USE 6.98 05/01 USE 1.25 05/01 USE 9.01 05/01 USE 0.41 05/01 USE 41.90 05/01 USE 20.96 05/01 USE 34.91 05/01 USE 6.98 05/01 USE 6.98 05/01 USE 20.96 05/01 USE 6848 406 06/20/01 10617 1636 07/03/01 31.96 86.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) B.25 REPAIR PARTS 3.01 REPAIR PARTS 7.00 REPAIR PARTS 6.95 REPAIR PARTS 13.14 REPAIR PARTS 85.33 CITY MGR EXPENSES 4.00 CHECK FEES 250.00 TAX STAMP 3.00 VEHICLE WASH 5.98 REPAIR PARTS 5.97 COPY E)(PENSE 16.03 COUNCIL EXPENSE 6.50 MEETING EXPENSE 10.49 REPAIR PARTS 5.00 TIRE REPAIR 20.15 REIMB MILEAGE~BISHOP 71.61 REIMB MILEAGE-JACKSON 75.00 FILING FEE 86.44 REIMB TRAVEL-GRIMES 14.00 REIMB TRAVEL-HOFFMAN,ROBERTS 50.00 REFUND DEPOSIT 81.71 REIMB TRAVEL-MCELRATH 7.80 SHIPPING CHARGE 23.25 REIMB FOR REPAIRS 27.40 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 15.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 76.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 750.00 SIGNALIZATION 88.00 MEMBERSHIP-ROBERTS 50.00 PARK SIGN 1,731.54 TIPPING FEES 5,325.87 TIPPING FEES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 139.49 SAFETY BOOTS 287.13 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 18.25 CLEANING SUPPLIES 4.65 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10.65 CLEANING SUPPLIES 5,481.45 SOFTWARE TRAINING 6/1/99 114.00 AIR COND REPAIR 51.88 TRAILER TONGUE 40.00 LICENSE-RAGSDALE 40.00 LICENSE-RAGSDALE 82.22 05/01 USE 30.59 CELL PHONE USE Line Item Amounts Claim Description Jun 28, 2001 03:16pm Page 8 15.80 18.80 76.35 27.1,0 18.35 4.55 750.00 88.00 50.00 7,319.33 1,731.54 591 06/21/01 10666 156894 06/21/01 156896 06/21/01 156897 06/21/01 156888 06/21/01 156889 06/21/01 156895 98 02/28/01 10677 6958 07/03/01 1100 06/26/01 10641 1712276 07/03/01 784 04/12/01 10619 1148 07/03/01 929 06/16/01 10711 2185-0006365 07/03/01 06/16/01 2185-0006368 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 6895 6897 6899 6902 07/03/01 6893 06/25/01 7482 54.98 6849 1285 06/12/01 10770 13668 07/03/01 114.00 6850 1329 06/18/01 10618 58038 07/03/01 51.88 6852 773 06/15/01 10751 1.44929195 07/03/01 80.00 6855 108/. 06/08/01 '10676 775301005 07/03/01 82.22 6856 129/, 06/02/01 10695 941582085-00 07/03/01 30.59 5 6857 1075 06/13/01 10693 51671 07/03/01 139.49 6858 2325 05/08/01 10694 56495 07/03/01 287" 13 6859 568 06/21/01 10687 '153821 07/03/01 33.55 6861 75/, 05/31/01 1061:'> 982 07/03/0'1 3,905.00 06/12/01 UI1927 1,576.45 6892 1002 06/28/01 '10776 63001 07/03/01 860.61 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# : i ty of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Jun 28, 2001 03:16pm Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description _~~_~~ ~_~_~_ ~~~_~___ __~_ _w__w~ ~----------- ---~---- ---~-------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 1,993.46 TIPPING FEES 6904 1039 06/15/01 10749 347923 07/03/01 1,202.50 7,234.86 WATER METERS 6/19/01 06/13/01 347702 961. 00 06/12/01 34698t} 2,220.00 06/07/01 346321 335.86 OS/21/01 3t.3607 1,850.00 06/01/01 345519 665.50 6905 1039 06/05/01 10750 346435 0-r;03/01 85.M 431.75 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 06/05/01 346434 26.10 06/01/01 346/.36 216..51 06/13/01 346988 29.00 06/12/01 346985 74.50 6906 943 06/21/01 1070t} 25649 07/03/01 32.40 32.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/31/01 25585 9.45 9.45 OFFICE SUPPLIES 06/01/01 25589 9..55 9.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 690"7 1850 01/02/01 10"703 444884"769 0"7/03/01 192.00 192.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 6909 868 04/21/01 10"738 25651 07/03/01 100.00 100.00 TRAINING-PARRIS 6910 1110 06/20/01 10"73"7 K6298860F 07/03/01 1t.1.92 141.92 PAGER RENTAL 6914 366 06/08/01 10721 649308 07/03/01 39.84 39.84 GRAVEL MIX 6915 816 06/18/01 10722 113004 07/03/01 38.57 38.57 REPAIR PARTS 6916 2327 06/11/01 10723 40885 07/03/01 102.90 102.90 REPAIR PARTS 6917 1488 06/26/01 10724 103809 07/03/01 86.96 86.96 REPAIR PARTS 6918 609 06/11/01 10725 13160 07/03/01 30.00 110.00 PLANTS 06/19/01 13138 80.00 6919 6t.5 06/26/01 10726 462/,76 07/03/01 8.82 17.80 SHOP TOWELS 06/19/01 460011 8.98 6920 953 06/22/01 10'727 1932681 07/03/01 52.36 52..36 REPAIR PARTS 6921 774 06/08/01 10728 364283 07/03/01 392.00 588. 00 CHE~1! CALS 06/11/01 364361 196.00 6922 812 06/22/01 10729 78512 07/03/01 71.73 85.57 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 06/18/01 78425 13.84 6923 2328 05/31/01 10730 DS3028 0"7/03/01 392.00 392.00 FERTILIZER 6924 300 06/1t,/01 10731 16557 07/03/01 7t,.87 74.87 REPAIR PARTS 6925 153 06/16/01 10732 103t,8789 07/03/01 176" 1 0 176.10 MAINT SUPPLIES 6926 486 06/19/01 10733 061901sf2 07/03/01 60.60 60.60 REPAIR PARTS 6927 475 06/07/01 10734 61223 07/03/01 105.00 105.00 MONTHLY RENTAL 6928 2329 06/21/01 10735 3t.97 07/03/01 79.18 79.18 AMB REFUND #3497 6929 1478 06/21/01 10736 2"756,287 07/03/01 116.42 58.04 AMB REFUND #2756 58.38 AMB REFUND #287 6931 1329 06/25/01 10753 62414 07/03/01 186.90 186.90 UNIFORMS-EATON 6932 107 06/26/01 10752 63066 07/03/01 48.90 48.90 SAFETY EQUIP-EATON 06/19/01 62739 10.00 10.00 EQUIP REPAIR 6933 568 06/21/01 10754 153820 07/03/01 80.15 80.15 MAINT SUPPLIES 6934 1851 06/28/01 10755 498780771 07/03/01 294.00 294.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 6935 556 06/19/01 10756 7600 0I/03/01 240.00 240.00 RADIO REPAIR 6936 846 06/26/01 10757 62601 07/03/01 100.00 100.00 ABATEMENT MOWING 693"7 3 06/20/01 10758 31709 07/03/01 69.50 88.90 REPAIR PARTS 06/25/01 31797 19.40 6938 2335 06/26/01 10759 62601 07/03/01 345.28 345.28 VEHICLE DAMAGE CLAIM 6939 556 06/21/01 10760 7770 07/03/01 230.00 230.00 TOWER BASE PLATE 6940 42 03/21/01 10761 93378517 07/03/01 -370.00 314.56 GLASSES 06/04/01 93647042 557.16 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 7 'i .:: 6 8 ~., ,~ c:' {I .f. r' '/ j~,. : Ii {~" P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item 'umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~-~~-- ~~~~-~-~ -~-- ------ ~----~------ --~----- ~-------~~-- --~-~-~~ ~~~--~-~-- -~------~--~ -----~--~-----~--~-~--- 06/11/01 93676864 78.70 06/08/01 93669576 48.70 6941 57 06/05/01 10762 981449 07/03/01 321.00 07/04/01 12.60 957.00 GOLF BALLS 06/06/01 988841 636.00 07/04/01 2L..68 691.2 1265 06/14/01 10763 3217 07/03/01 96.57 96.57 REPAIR PARTS 69L,3 300 06/18/01 10764 16578 07/03/01 25.00 25.00 REPAIR PARTS 6944 1549 06/1L,/01 10765 251211 07/03/01 2,549.78 2,514.78 SHIRT,SHORTS 04/04/01 30619 -35.00 69ti,5 1019 06/07/01 10766 35836 07/03/01 135.56 135.56 GOLF GRIPS 6946 770 06/25/01 10767 167005 07/03/0'1 70 . 1.1 70"41 MAINT SUPPLIES 6951 2336 06/26/01 10768 62601 07/03/01 236"00 236.00 LODGING-ROONEY/CARLSON 6952 38 06/21/01 10780 62101 07/03/01 527"40 527.40 METER READINGS 6953 1098 06/17/01 10781 2457989 07/03/01 133.57 133.57 EMPLOYMENT AD 6954 781 06/21/01 10782 5-884-16867 07/03/01 61026 61,,26 POSTAGE ==_.~=="_=_=~~-.o =,~,=o"'=~~====" "~~~~=-~-"--~- ==,=="~=>._~,<~= 'OTAL 577,727,,22 37.28 110 I"ecords listed Jun 28, 2001 03:16pm Page 10 : i ty of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Council Member Council Member Mayor July 3, 2001 APPROVED: Police 388.72 55,246.72 78,344.89 .41 06/16/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PERI ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor July 3, 1 06/16/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1. Location map 2. OEDQ permits 3. Maintenance bond ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Nottingham Estates IV water and sanitary sewer systems. RECOMMENDATION: Final water and sanitary sewer system inspections were conducted on February 5 and Feb11lary 19, 2001, respectively. All deficiencies identified at the inspections have been COlTected. The contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the utilities (see attached). FINAL INSPECTION: Designs were approved and construction inspected by the Public Works Department. The water and sanitary sewer systems have been permitted by ODEQ (see attached permit letters). The subject development is located south of 96th Street North about one-half mile west of 14Sth East Avenue (see attached location map). The water distribution system includes 723 LF of six-.. inch, 1,047 LF of eight-inch and 721 LF of 12-inch lines. The sanitary sewer system includes 1,584 LF of eight-inch lines. June 2001 AND MEMORANDUM LOCATION MAP NOTTINGHAM ESTATES IV CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION --- PAGE NO. 1 OF 1 T (f) 0 T I BF~Ef\JT CL WOOD --) EC'T'S _'~J I EAST 86TH STREET NORTH > T :::i: <( :c '-' rZ 1= o ;$- u o ...J ,/ 0::: W rE ~ (J) 0... <( :::i: W (J) <( ~ i.k S HIGH SCHO L t--- (j) <:( w I\J I I :1 r- L[) I:! I r- 0:::: 0 I f--. 0:::: o ,,~ r-~ I f\J f\J PINT I II ~. ~ ()) ("-I NG )'111111'.1 111111'I:ydl'd Il,1I11'1 WIllI ',(l\' Ink '" ~' >} 707 NORTH ROBINSON, PO. BOX 1677, OI(LAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73] 011677 Enclosure c: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB RWC/HJT Iso ,-7 " , / l CQ- /- f \ _ => /_) ',,--Q; e 1:.;; --..- Rocky Chen, P.E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division Very truly yours, We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on December 21, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072001249 for the construction of 723 linear feet of six (6) inch plus 1,047 of eight (8) inch, plus 721 linear feet of twelve (12) inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates IV water line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. WL000072001249 Nottingham Estates IV Water Line Extension PWSID No. 30027 '18 F. Robert Jr" P.E, Director of Public Works City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 December 21, 2000 FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY --- ==>- - -. -- ------ --- ~-..., === = --- - ---- - - ---- -- - - ~~LI~:.:=;~-_. r) ( l A H 0 M A 'I~~W.'I; f~i'/iP()!I!,\Ull/d OiJl,fIU MARI< COLEMAN Executive Director 1'1 ;1~ll'd ,\11 ll:!, fI-I!:!] jJil!,I'1 \\lltl ';! 1,/ !flY 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 731011677 Enclosure c: Dennis L. Hodo, r.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Wayne Craney, r.E., WPC Section Manager, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ RWC/HJT Iso (--/ ~. . . . .-,." 1.. '~l "-\~-~<^7 /---- Rocky ~hen, r.E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division Very truly yours, We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on December 21, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. SL00007200'1250 for the construction of 1,584 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line plus all appurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates IV sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Fie: Permit [\]0. SL000072001250 Nottingham Estates IV Sewer Line Extension S-21310 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Director of Public Works City of Owasso I)ost Office Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 December 21, 2000 FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY :.,~~/.Vf,i,l,f\;: ...:" ENVI~'-;~jl/UjL\l ,~~ ~_,"! MARK COLEMAN Executive Director --- --- -- ---- ---- 1=== = --- - --- - ---- -.wf..-- rJKlAHOMA J,ttOflWy-ilrlaGt OKlAHOMA SURElY COMPANY ~]~' ~ '---' " ; (- /' ' Hichael Tedford Principal LQ D~Q..~ ':B c rL~\i~) President )Jl..2.Q.O 1 ~ day of lith SIGNED, sealed and dated this The Obligee, by and through Its projMlr rep~, shall Oiva ttW Principal and tOO Suroty written notice of all mpairs requil'lld to fulfill tOO terms of this maintenance oua~; and the said Principal and Suroty shall, aftllr receipt of any sudl nolice, 00 allowed a ~Ie period of time In whidl to make any sudl repairs, NOW, THEREfORE, THE CONOmON OF THIS OBUGATWN IS SUCH, that, If the said Principal shall maintlln said improvements for a period of one year(s) against My fuilum due to defec:liw workmanship or materials, said one year(s) periOd to begin with the date of tompkltion and acceptance of sudl tomplmoo improllllments da.scriOOd abollll, then this obligation shall 00 null and I/Oid, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subject hOW'Wllr to tOO following oxpmss provision: Whidl said improllllments haw bailn constructed to conform with specifications prnpal'lld by Sanitary Sewer System ~$40.810.71 Water Supply System =$37,801.14 Owasso, Oklahoma Nottingham IV Estates WHEREAS the said Principal has constructed certain dllWibad as follows: SEVENTY EIGHT THOUSAND. SIX HUNDRED in the penal sum of ~~~ TIJKLVK~DOI,T.AR S '_ Dollars (1L,",:;L~), lawful money of the United States of Iumlrica, forttw ~ of whldl~ well and truly to 00 made, ws bind OU~Ml$, Ollr heirs, exllClrtors. administrators, successors and assigns, joirrtiy and firmly by th9 p~. _~ as Obligee, as Surety, are held and firmly bound lJmo~. TYANN .llliY.ELOPMENT as Principal, of llusin!!m> in tile City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, and OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, an Oklahoma corporation, hailing ITs principal THAT WE. KNOW All MEN ~y 'THESE PRESENTS: BOND NUMBER BOND OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 OKLAHOMA 01 2JlQJ June. IN WITN I':SS Wlll~RI~()F. I hav..: h..:r":lll\tl) sd IllY hand and artix..:d lIw lilcsimik scal of said cOlvoratiol\ ~..d"o:t.... ~d.. ,..,.,.\- \.\ i:(N 1".--"'-, .' zR on '. a,"Ii- _",,-""""" .r'm.{ll'<f'a.!llp ~.....ii' "q ..;::"+ ~..I1. "''''1'"" l.of1' OJ"" ~r'~-a'tt' l!!I,!,,'YJ......~.. ~ '--'" nQJ:lI ......... j # ~: t.'\'lt\.'\ 'B..Jj~ ~y ~ .:0; FFus.W ::r--: ;: -: SE "." ::: "; j';-:' ~ Xi :-(; ~'.1 ~~ ~ ;:.... i~ ~ Ellq ~14 ~ ""<l.q-'d 0- ::'~t.l'l~.tJ ~ W"~ l}.. /,tl~ ""', F] LA H. '0""../ r,.....~".."........d"..~"" il II HHHH 1\\t' HNt)J()OOS9B ~ SARA ANDE~ e-...-~ L Assist~Ult Secretary day of ll.th this This cCltilies that any ffwsimile or mcchanically-prorlu.:cd signaturc of any officcr ofthe Company and Company scal, whercvcr app.:aring upon a power of attol11cy issued hy the Company. shall be valid and binding up,'n Ill.: Compan~' with the samc I()rcc and cll;:.:t as though manually aflixed. TODD BAiA-fA J;;-r- On this 03 day of January ,2000 before me, a Notary Public of tile State of Oklahoma in and for the County of Tulsa, came the individual to me personally known to be the officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrwnent, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY aforesaid, and tilat the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, and that Article IV, Section 7, of tile By-Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. \\\\'11111111' '" .,,~ .)[,. -~ 1,1p'~ '-~ 1iT-!JI\\YrJ{i:'f.tI~OF, I have her.:unto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Tulsa, the day and year first above written. ,"" ~"'fl O!",,-,.. ~ f V......~O 1" A ~.'f,,'1.J\ "'. ~ t~ :I,I( J- \1. ~ST fJ~~Af~)J\A ! IN ANt) rOR.. I t.COl ~ 'If. >>.... \ -" '.~ ~~ ~ .(,p. .4..:... ,,0...... (~.aed.be-seA4 G., ,- ~ti:: --'f .s..li Iff' ~ "<l ~,.. ft, / '1 "" \\\\ ,.,/.1.4 &.tal,l\ I, SARA At(Jut:RSON Assistant Secretary of MID-CONTlNENT CASUALTY COMPANY do her~by certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attomey issued pursuant tilereta, are true and correct, and that both tile By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and eff~ct. My Commission expires 11-14-00 or L. FAY SCOTT (/' / Notary Public ss VICE PRESIDENT ATTES~~~ L ~ SARA ~~ ASSISTANT SECRETARY has executed and attested these 2000 MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY day of January IN WITNESS WHEREOF, presents this 03 ^nd the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall b~ us binding upon the said MID-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the sume had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. and as its act and deed, its true a11dlawli.d attorney(s)..in-lact, to execute, seal and deliver for and 011 its behalf as ^ny and all bonds and underiakings of Suretyship "Article lV, Section 7. -- The Executive Ol1lcers of the Company shall have pt1\\er and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatOlY in the nature ther..:oJ: one more Resident Vice President, Resident ^ssislant Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fm:t and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attornev-in-Fact and revoke the power and authority given him, None of such appointees need be Directors of the Company." The Company docs hereby constitute and appoint V. Brown and Michael Tedford, individually of CI..AFIEMORE, OK Know all Men hy the~e presents: That the Ml])-CONTlNI~NT CASUALTY COMPANY, a cOlvoratioll orthe State of Oklahoma, having its principal ofiice in the city or Tulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By-J ,aw, \\hich was adopted by thc Stockholders or the said Company on March 13th, ] 947, to-wit: MID-CON'I'INENT (:ASUAL'I'Y COIVIPANY Tulsa, Oklahoma 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 681 ATTACHMENTS Staffrecommends approval of Ordinance No. 681. RECOMMENDATIONS Ordinance No. 681 would formally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the June 19,2001 meeting. At the June 19, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request for a 408.70 acre, more or less, parcel ofland located within the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) and the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 18, Township 21N, Range 14E. BACKGROUND June 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OF MEMORANDUM n.ru (D 'bWi l$V@ >>Y e.w' ~ ~r"3W--!if' cmallSO, Oklahoma at Bailey Ranch Prop<;sd Zoning fie Lakes 9ath StraM: Norih &iI'JI lkmch CommuNitJl lk~_1 (PVDI<9-G/y of 0,;.,,_) I III I I II II II II II II II II I I J / / I ~ I I I / I I I I I / / I / I , I I I I I / I 1/ I I I / / / 11/ /1/ IJ/ /1 IfJ, ./ III II I I I I I \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ III I III - I I I I I I .""""""-....-"'_--""~RB4"""'<J_"lSOO I 000~ 8~t46.2 0lJJAem. III II II 2408.7 ~ .., TcMJ Fio}M;t Area :1::334.1 Aerea 1514 Waf> :U.U AcI'&9 164 OU'o klU_ 1!11l.ma,F. :t1ElO ~fOO 329,'100 aF. ~O _ 183.310 a.F. 8l~""'Hy (RS03) (4.97 OO/Ao.) MullW'.....Hy (RM-2) (UI.16 OO/Ao.) 0ffI<$ (OL) (FAR 0.26) Colnm<m:IoI Shcpplfll! (C8) (FAR Ml C~ a..."" (CG) (FAR O.76j llATA SUMMARY 048t PaN:el ID&Ih SlrOOl North [ E. 1 06th STREET N. I BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SAID SECTION: THENCE S 88054'33"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 400.00 FEET; THENCE N 01005'27"W A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET; THENCE N 88054'35"E A DISTANCE OF 399.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST UNE OF EL RIO VISTA ill SUBDMSION, SAID POINT ALSO BEING LOCATED ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, CONTAINING THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SAID SECTION 18, LESS AND EXCEPT THE ATCmSON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND LESS AND EXCEPT THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4), SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4), NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) , LESS AND EXCEPT THE WEST HALF (JI/2), SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4), NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4), LESS AND EXCEPT: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT LOCATED 400.0 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4); THENCE S 88054'33"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 750.00 FEET; THENCE N 01 005'27"W A DISTANCE OF 204.29 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 340.37 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41030'33" A DISTANCE OF 246.59 FEET; THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING N 19039'49"E A DISTANCE OF 241.23 FEET; THENCE N 40025'06"E A DISTANCE OF 544.92 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET AND CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10018'10" A DISTANCE OF 86.31 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING N 35016'Ol"E A DISTANCE OF 86.20 FEET; THENCE S 59053'04"E A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET; THENCE S 01005'27"E A DISTANCE OF 754.52 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPT: ,&eetion L The zoning map of the City ofOwasso, Oklahoma be amended to reflect the supplemental designation ofOPUD-01-03 (planned Unit Development) on the following described property, to-wit: OF THE CITY OF NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: the Owasso Counell has considered the and all statem.ents for and the ofthe OWll.SSO WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for aUlJroval of 1;1 Plmmed Unit np"plnnment concerning the nrooertv herein AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. OPUD-01-02, PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGNATION PUD ON A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 408.70 ACRES, LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 681 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA; THENCE N 00059'l1"W A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 88054'35"W A DISTANCE OF 1.48 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 01 015'03"W A DISTANCE OF 1273.14 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 88054'35"E A DISTANCE OF 7.34 FEET TO A POINT ON EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, AND ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF EL RIO VISTA IV, A SUBDMSION IN A PART OF THE NORTH HALF (N/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA; THENCE S 00059'11"E ALONG THE QUARTER SECTION LINE AND ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF EL RIO VISTA IV AND EL RIO VISTA ill A DISTANCE OF 1273.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 408.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SAID SECTION; THENCE N 01 "15'03"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE S 88054'33"W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE CHURCH PROPERTY A DISTANCE OF 399.11 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE SCHOOL PROPERTY; THENCE N 01 "05'27"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 434.52 FEET; THENCE N 59oS3'04"W ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PROPERTY A DISTANCE OF 294.96 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET AND CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22021'18" A DISTANCE OF 187.28 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING N 18"56'16"E A DISTANCE OF 186.10 FEET; TIIENCE N 07"45'37"E A DISTANCE OF 150.37 FEET, THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 480.00 FEET AND CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22045'00" A DISTANCE OF 190.59 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING N 03036'53"W A DISTANCE OF 189.34 FEET; THENCE N 14059'23"W A DISTANCE OF 178.44 FEET; THENCE N 88054'35"E A DISTANCE OF 612.15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF EL RIO VISTA ill SUBDIVISION, SAID POINT ALSO BEING LOCATED ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4); THENCE S 01 015'03"E ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF EL RIO VISTA ill SUBDMSION AND ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 1273.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPT A TRACf OF LAND: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN TIlE EAST HALF (E/2) OF THE EAST HALF (B/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECfrON 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTII, RANGE 14 EAST OF TIlE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID WEST LINE OF EL RIO VISTA ill SUBDMSION AND ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTIIWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPT: A TRACf OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SAID SECTION 18; TIlENCE S 88054'33"W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 1150.00 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIlENCE S88054'33"W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 685.00 FEET, TIlENCE N O1005'27"W A DISTANCE OF 470.00 FEET; THENCE N 88"54'33"E A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE N 01 o05'27"W A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE N 8S054'33"E A DISTANCE OF 510.00 FEET; THENCE S 49034'54"E A DISTANCE OF 425.39 THENCE S 40025'{}6"W A DISTANCE OF 117.80 THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41030'33" AND A RADIUS OF 340.37 FEET A DISTANCE OF 246.59 FEET; THENCE S 01 o05'27"E A DISTANCE OF 204.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AND EXCEPT: Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Clerk ATTEST Mayor Mary Lou of Owasso, Oklahoma 2001. PASSED AN1J APPROVED this Section 4",- That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 603, confirming OPUD-16, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes development upon such tract in accordance with the provisions of the Outline Development Plan of May 15,2001 submitted with the application, as well as all amendments or modifications thereto, as required by City Council, same being hereby made a part hereof such Outline Development Plan and included therewith. The full-size police vehicle for 2001 is the Ford Crown Victoria P-71 Police Interceptor. The 2001 Oklahoma State Bid dealership for these vehicles is Joe Cooper Ford in Midwest City, Oklahoma. The department contacted the dealership and asked for a fully equipped unit that includes all emergency lighting specific to that which is utilized by the traffic divisions of other Over the past two years, the department has been purchasing the "mid-sized" police unit for our patrol officers. While the mid-sized unit is fine for routine patrol functions, we believe that the Traffic Unit would be better served driving the "full-sized" police vehicles, as these cars are bigger and able to accommodate the extra equipment needed for traffic control and the increased number of persons that we anticipate will be aHested as a result of the units stepped up enforcement efforts. The department is planning to implement a two person "Traffic Division" at the beginning of this new fiscal year. We have seen an increase in the number of traffic related complaints over the past year that is directly associated to the rapid growth of the City of Owasso. Complaints such as speeding, stop sign violations, and reckless drivers are received from the public on a daily basis. The regular shift officers cannot always address these complaints, as they are busy responding to the increased number of police calls for service. To this end, therefore, we will implement this new two-person traffic division, whose primary duties will be to handle all traffic complaints, enforce traffic ordinances, and respond to the majority of motor vehicle crashes that take place during their shifts. The Owasso Police Department operating budget for fiscal year 2001-2002 contains $140,000.00 in funding for the purchase of police vehicles. The present Oklahoma State Bid for 2001 police units, while still in effect until October ofthis year, is limited to any vehicles that the bid dealers may have "on hand", as the 2001 model year has closed and no new vehicles may be ordered from the factory. 'pACKGROUND: June 14,2001 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1. Price Quote - Joe Cooper Ford 2. Plice Quote - Southwest Ford ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council authorize the purchase of, and provide payment for, two 2001 Ford Crown Victoria P-71 Police Interceptor police vehicles in the amount of $49,000.00 to Southwest Ford in Weatherford, Texas. RECOMMENDATION: The Owasso Police Department is requesting authorization to purchase these two fully equipped 2001 Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles from Southwest Ford in Weatherford, Texas at a cost of$24,500.00 each. While we dealerships than dealer in the past, we have never purchased vehicles fioom out state before. We contacted Owasso City Attorney Ronald Cates, who researched the issue. Mr. Cates has advised us that there are no problems associated with purchasing these two vehicles, as the selling price is less than the official Oklahoma State Bid price. Both of these vehicles will have a full three-year, thirty-,six thousand mile factory warranty from Ford, and any and all service and wananty work can be done locally at any Ford dealership. Believing that we could do better price wise, we contacted other Ford dealerships, and found Southwest Ford in Weatherford, Southwest Ford is a police fleet dealership that has police vehicles to Oklahoma in the quoted us a for the same equipped vehicle $24,500,00 per law enforcement agencies. The depmiment felt that it would be more efficient and cost effective in purchasing a fully equipped "turn-key" unit from the dealer as opposed to outfitting the vehicle ourselves. Joe Cooper Ford quoted us the State Bid price of $25,900.00 per vehicle. POLICE VEHICLES JUNE 14,2001 PAGE 2 I I I I I S 8 ~ """'>.':~' ~ Md'jt, '." .,~ .' ~'Q ....~. . f';:.~ . :'" d ./.::' 1.1 ~ g From mirror mountsd (bJueand..md) Rear ded< mounted mrobe& (blua:fimi red) Sicl~ mirror ~w,too e~ (blue) Four (4) corner strobes Front 'grill mOlJnted strobes (blue l'md red) WJg~Wag head lamps Siren Speaker SWitch box Cent.roonoole ~_v' (,. 71 (~t7.: two each on the above l.isled equipment) ~, If?'' 52- ~ . 'Zi {' fr/!7?//lC/C -=[7/'f J - ~( ~ jC.f p Co We thank you In advanCE' for your quotQ on the abovo limed '1ehicl~ and equipment Please C(lllwt.1 myseff (Offioer Chris Latta) or Officer Nick 800.tman with you!" information. Additional contact phone numbers to reach us at are (918)274-8044 or (918)80S-SS30. in Mr. As our ~cerlt d~M on ~1 w pi,"" and note the following: The quote we have rm;ewad'from Sooth w~ rOfd In WQathelfOfd T~ for the two .below listed vehicles and equipment is $24,500.00 a piece, The vehldw and equrpment we are .mquOOting a quote on fT Ford are as follows 1WO (2) VICTORIA INTERCEPTORS, IN COLOR. (BlaCk In COlor WOUld be !Jrefel1'oo. da!fk blue or white would and third option) I. ~"J ~u<>='"" Q''''.~~~~~.==u 'o"".~ . . .0 .... _. .0 0....... PAGE 61 OWASSO PD 9182724'388 B6/05/2881 15:62 p. 1 4052787903 CRUISERS DIV .Jun Uf U! !1:"f1a ~~~ I I I I I 8 I (i(1!~ ~MA'/t. #1 Akw. ':.... ,:'7~/,'.:~~d. c:7~8~.., Je.:.;irI ~ ..... ,'0'.- "'6h~:~ 7 ,'" .. ~ ' . . . ~ ~'... . . . 24,575@00 680~00 25,2550000 1,570..00 ~ .Ne, """"'". ....-..,,==-~.....-.~.. " .N'C..:....~... . ".. "0'0 ... .. " ~ .. . 95~;00. ." 340":.:0~:'~'" . 21;5@'.~~' 70$S00 600~00 1854100 NC N R D AP OH '" '" rONIN [ Vi Ll iNf :. DRDER 1 S CONL> 1 T ION D Uj:'DN' FINAt:.~.... ..... ""LE'VEL i' I F 1 ~rI 1 CI f\j (j r:. .of H V H 1 m i 121 Jun 07 01 11:47a CRUISERS DIV 4052787903 p.2 U IifTll-Il 1 UN J HH I WUULU H....!;'~.... ..:,.1;45:-;,.. . ,.q.""..."". ';"\ [~.I)S PRODUCED TO THE SPEG~fl.; .,.~.)~~. ::~:.':' .JWw,)t:!;iRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CRA~"':-W'J~T"'NOi~.fCEil Terry C. Richards, Police Fleet Manager (817) 596-5700 Office (817) 401 M bi .,........ \,). '1 ! _. -::" .. .... I I -...... t._,.,.. b: .). i.. ...... 1..... -'~!! 1.........; '" t) .-.,....... .-..' v''} r<! ,~~ ,-" "'4 .'!' .' 4 ....... 1" j- .,. iJ ..-~. \,-.. ;J_.:, Ajl In-,;)lO\..,,( cJi:Jt;:, ,::;,U, Jec'. \0 pnor;:::,a t;. Ai Lill....~) ".:~--ll.(J[e;:, lJ;",Li,-,),j~ ~rac,e'::l '/a Ie ,), '_,,;1j~ :,-ern d3te of bid. * olack Clearcoat Exterior * Dark Denim Blue Interior * 4. Liter I nterceptor Engine * Heavy Duty Suspension * Heavy Duty Auto 135 amp Alternator * Power Disc Brakes 27 Rear ?<' Windows * Power Door * Tilt ng Wheel *E'lectronic Trunk * 750 Battery,... . * Remote Fuel Door Release * Frontgl9!h Bucket *** ~~~;f';;X!nyl Bench * Air Conditioning. * Dui1fAir.'Bags * IntermitteQtY\lipers . ....... . ....'~Bf~t'.TIr1!~(jGlass * Dual E.I~qtroQic........~.i,~,,~,..'~irror~;/::;:*...~Jl)gl~.. ~~Y..kocking * AM/FM Stereowitb:Clock' ....':;.;.~;:,:t;J~earWindow,Defrost * Courtesy Lam p....[)i~.~bl.e....:');.::'i:iJ.r:,~~j:9~&~l,;IDt,~gRf.~JYl~.P".bighl:..; ..........-';~....'>.......J'.'- * P225/60VXR 16 BSW Tires * O..;140'MPH'(,3. a. "'ibf~~..e. '~:$. 'p'eedOm'eter * Front License Plate Bracket *** Driver's Side Spot Lamp *** Heavy Duty Rubber Floor Cover *** Keyed Alike Key Code 1284X * Auxiliary Wiring for Emergency Equipment ** 3 year /36,000 mile Bumper to Bumper Warranty *** Indicates Optional Equipment L 2",,10 1 1, J INT ROWN VI www.southwestautoplex.com SD~ulh"IBst '-_ ~.~'_"'_.i:: ~ l::_ ~ Metro (817) 596-5700 Fax (817) 596-0019 PO Box 234 Weatherford, Texas 76086 rl.. J ..::J I:; f'>J~) Of (),. Front Rear View Mirror Mounted Strobes Rear Deck Mounted Strobes Wig-Wag Console Siren Speaker Switch Box Emergency Equipment Installed: 200 1 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Black Clearcoat Dark Denim Blue Interior 4.6 OHC SEF I V-8 Engine Electronic Auto Over Drive Tnmsmission P225/60VRX16 BSW Tires Heavy Duty Rubber Floor Cover Keyed Alike Key Code 1284X Driver's Side Spot Lamp Cloth Bucket Front Seats Vinyl Bench Rear Seats Power Disc Brakes Power Windows Tilt Steering Wheel 750 CC Battery Air Conditioning Intermittent Wipers Dual Electronic Side Mirrors AMIFM Stereo with Clock Courtesy Lamp Disable Heavy Duty Suspension 135 Amp Alternator 3.27 (Regular) Rear Axle Power Door Locks Electronic Trunk Release Remote Fuel Door Release Dual Air Bags Solar Tinted Glass Rear Window Defrost Dual Interior Map Light 0- 140 MPH Calibrated Speedometer 3 year 36,000 mile warranty 3 year 36,000 mile roadside assistance (Approximately 800 miles or less) 2 Push Bumper Front (Push Bumper) Mounted StrobesIFlashers Side Mirror Mounted Strobes Rear Deck Mounted StrobesIFlashers Wig-Wag Console Siren Emergency Equipment Installed: 2001 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Black Clearcoat Dark Denim Blue Interior 4.6 OHC SEF I V-8 Engine Electronic Auto Over Drive P225/60VRX16 BSW Tires Heavy Duty Rubber Floor Cover Keyed Alike Key Code 1284X Driver's Side Spot Lamp Cloth Bucket Front Seats Vinyl Bench Rear Seats Power Disc Brakes Power Windows Tilt Steering Wheel 750 CC Battery Air Conditioning Intermittent Wipers Dual Electronic Side Mirrors AM/FM Stereo with Clock Courtesy Lamp Disable Heavy Duty Suspension 135 Amp Alternator 3.27 (Regular) Rear Axle Power Door Locks Electronic Trunk Release Remote Fuel Door Release Dual Air Bags Solar Tinted Glass Rear Window Defrost Dual Interior Map Light 0- 140 MPH Calibrated Speedometer 3 year 36,000 mile warranty 3 year 36,000 mile roadside assistance (Approximately 3,000 miles or less) 1 used as If Just an ~b~ b ~I~~ eaglex83@email.msn.com (eaglex83) Wed, May 30, 2001, 9:39pm (CDT-2) boatman859@webtv.net 2001 Victoria Units From: Date: To: Saved message Ir Terry . Richards, Police Fleet Manager (81 Offi r (817) 401 M lie :'-'~'(r1 (.:lata c{ .o:d. -~:;:':~ ;i"~ .~,.-.._--.J.( I;-"''';!-;' '~110' .i:,,'),~\' f"\ r;"i~"','" ~:i1,5 i\:~ ~,,",:(..i:. -? ,'"'il"-}.;:)"" ~~'l(""'I;'i"li"-"'(1 +"I'~-1t~;).~: ','::->li,-1 '1.;'"'} ~1'.':1;:-- .",." I \Jj '.; ~'yJ'"""" '.J! ,j '.,._' -,__I ),"J,~...t"_;Vl .Gf ....,\....(1"...-, r\il A../!...,".) ~t '....1.-~-...J1.......:;, tI;....... U~~~d i.::J '" .-, ..J __....J I,~_L,'_", "..I,," l4"'>-.tj.:) ErontMirror Deck Mounted II Mirror Mounted Deck Mounted Wig-Wag Headlamps Console Siren Speaker Switch Box 4 corner Stobes Antenna Mount After Market Window Tinting ~cle-,,/, t"'Jrrr FI'1.J'/1&./ 2 it 1 Additional Emergency Equipment rofessionally Installed: 2 10 1 J INT 1 ROWN Metro (817) 596-5700 Fax (817) 596-0019 SDuthWest J__ ~_ '=_ ...~. '-- ~ _ '..:::: P.O. Box 234 Weatherford. Texas 76086 SouthWest FOrd, Inc. "Police Fleet Specialist" All Invoices are payable upon receipt! ~ [Office Use On~ Expires CC $49.000.00 TOTAL Payment ~ils o Cash @ Check o Credit Card $49.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 SubTotal Shipping 8; Handling Tax~ State 1 1 , ~ ""'" $24,500.00 $24,50(100 2FAFP11W21X121963 , 2001 Crown VICtoria P-11 Polite 2FAFP11W01X121002 t 1 TOTAl ~.oo Phone ~ Invoice No. 2001. Owa$;so SouthWest Ford, Inc. 3001 Fort Worth Hwy. WootheIford, T~ 10086 (S11) 500..5100 fax (811) 613m2525 ~006 Bob Clark 06/01/01 FRI 14:43 FAX 8173412387 Staff recommends Council approval of an amendment to the FY 2002 budget increasing the General Fund, Street Department expenditures by $51,000. RECOMMENDATION: In the OPW A, the water and the wastewater collections departments each have funds budgeted in FY 2001 for vehicle purchases that are requested to be re-budgeted in the FY 2002 budget. Public works is preparing to take bids for those vehicles. The City Council awarded a $50,983 bid to Tulsa Freightliner for a dump truck for the street department on April 3 with a 120-day delivery. The funds are in the FY 2001 budget and are requested to be re-budgeted in the FY 2002 budget. Budget amendments for construction-in-progress projects will be brought to the Council at a future meeting, after the final June 30 invoices are received. These projects include the City Hall/Police building (const11lction, furniture and equipment purchases) and the Ator Relief Line construction. As the year comes to an the status purchase orders is reviewed. Any purchasing transaction not completed by June must be or transferred to the fiscal 2002 budget. Purchase orders for routine operating expenditures are reissued under the new budget year. Capital purchases budgeted in FY 2001 and still in progress at year-end need a budget amendment to "move" the budget from FY 2001 to FY 2002. BACKGRO~illill: June 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR MEMORANDUM