HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.06.19_OPGA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 19, 2001 `riME: 6:30 p.m, PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 15 , 2001. Marci B _!ouh M"v1l_,jAAu�thority �Sccre�tary Call to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 5, 2001 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Golf Authority Juno 19, 2001 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-13 Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a bequest for Trustee Adoption of OPGA Resolution 112001-03, a Resolution Establishing Rates for Green. Fees at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. Mr Carlson Attachment #5 Staff will recommend Trustee approval of OPGA :resolution #2001-03, establishing rates for green fees at Bailey Ranch Golf Club, and establishing an effective date. 6. Report from OPGA Manager. 7. Report from OPGA Attorney. 8. New Business. Owasso Public Golf Authority June 19, 2001 Page 3 Adjoumment. OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 5, 2001 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1, 2001. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE `I'E The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3 : ROLL CALL PRESENT SENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. CONSIDERATIONITEM 4: APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING • R APPROVAL A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 15, 2001 Regular Meeting. B . Approval of The consent agenda included minutes of the May 15, 2001 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Golf Authority $77,462.48; (2) Payroll $25,417.60. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Golf Authority June 5, 2001 Ms Bishop presented OPGA Resolution 9-2001-02, which adopts the FY 2001-2002 budget for all funds administered by the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve OPGA Resolution 92001-02. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: Done Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6e REPORT FROM OPGA MANAGER No report. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OPGA ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS. am ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Mr helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams to adjourn. AYE: helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Mary Lou Bamhouse, Chair -2- Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 40.00 105 Municipal Court 194.36 110 Managerial 1,509A8 120 Finance 972.34 150 General Government 6,796.10 160 Community Development 1,015.80 170 Engineering 452.03 175 Information Systems 363.99 161 Support Services 6,407.27 201 Police Services 14,452.E 221 Animal Control 1,016.7E 250 Fire Services 6,756.21 260 Emergency Preparedness 160.64 300 Streets 35,069.50 515 Park Maintenance 7,359.92 550 Community Center 1,751.09 TOTAL 86,340.99 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 6,174.51 TOTAL 6,197.85 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 746.46 TOTAL 746.46 -911 -911 Services 2,098.90 TOTAL 2,098.90 Bond Projects City Nall/Police Station 22,630.00 TOTAL 22,630.00 OPGA Merchandise 16,605.83 600 Golf Shop 324.00 605 Cart Operations 33.52 610 Golf Course Maintenance 3,492.6E 690 Golf Administration 670.20 691 Clubhouse 4,413.25 800 Debt Service 4,138.04 TOTAL 29,682.52 OPWA Refunds 200.00 400 Administration 2,314.6E 405 Utility Billing 4,099.04 420 Water 18,907.82 450 Wastewater treatment plant 12,726.09 455 Wastewater Collection 9,063.19 480 Refuse Collections 11,020.22 435 Recycle Center 3,921.17 TOTAL 62,257.21 OPWA Sewer Line Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 TOTAL 23,000.00 City Garage 165 City Garage 15,456.79 TOTAL 15,45639 ork rs' Comp Self insurance 150 Workers' Comp 3,506M TOTAL 3, 506.03 261,919.65 TRANSFERS WORKEI S° OMP SELF -INS CITY OF OWAS O ®PGA A/P TRANSFER REPORT TRANSFER FROM OPGA l TRANSFERS FERS `DOTAL 90-8 37- CITY OF OWASSO ®PGA A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS WORK ERS'COMP SELF -INS TRANSFER FROM OPGA 608.33 TRANSFERS TOTAL --- _ - - ­6 06/02/01 DEPARTMENT' OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Golf; ou 6' ra, ions art Operations 0.00 2,720A2 Food & Beverage 11111111100AN MR MEMORANDUM To.. THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWES SO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FROM- RUSSELL CARLSON DIRECTOR OF GOLF SUBJECTS OPG A RE, SOLUTION #2001-03 INCREASING THE GREENS FEE SCHEDULE DATE- June 1, 2001 BACKGROUND - Bailey Ranch has not instituted a price increase for Resident/Patron Cardholders since the city took over operations in 1996. With the drastic jump in energy costs, coupled with the increase in employee benefits, it now becomes imperative to raise golf rates one dollar ($1.00) for Residents/Patron Cardholders and three dollars ($3.00) for regular weekend greens fees. Institute price increases as follows: TYPE OF FEE CURRENT RATE Regular Weekday $22.00 Regular Weekend $26.00 Regular Twilight $15.00 Resident/Patron Weekday $15.00 Resident/Patron Weekend $18.00 Resident/Patron Twilight $11.00 Junior $ 9.00 1/2 Cart $11.00 Small Basket Range Balls $ 2.50 Large Basket Range Balls $ 5.00 VON = lwluxluv"'I11mom PROPOSED RATE $23.00 $29.00 $16.00 $16.00 $19.00 $12.00 $10.00 $12.00 $ 3.00 $ 6.00 Based on FY 2000 levels, the proposed increased will create an additional $60,000 in revenue. These additional monies will help offset increased costs of conducting business. OPGA Resolution #2001-03 June 19 2000 Page 2 RE COMMENDATION. The staff recommends adoption of OPGA Resolution #2001 -03 0 ATTACHMENTS: Market Analysis Resolution 92001-03 MARKET ANALYSIS AS OF -0m 1 `'&L l., PRICESINCLUDE: GREEN FEE, CART FEE AND SALES TAX Forest Rid e . Battle Creek Whitehawk Pay r ball pe i 4 0 i r a 6.00 LaFortune/Southiakes $29.14 $3.00/$6.00 Heritage Hillse _s `R$2.00/$4.00 Sand S rin s $24.00 $27.50 $ " .0 BAILEY RANCH BAILEY RANCH PROPOSED BAILEY RESIDENT/PATRON RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY OPTING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR GREEN FEES, CART RENTALS AND RANGE FEES AT BAILEY RANCH GOLF CLUB, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE CTIVL+ DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY THAT - SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the rates charged .v =� by the Owasso Public Golf Authority for green fees, cart rentals and range fees at Bailey Ranch Golf Club be, and the same hereby are, established as follows, to -wit: TYPEIYPE OF FEE RATE Regular Weekday $23.00 Regular Weekend $29.00 Regular Twilight $ 16.00 Resident/Patron Weekday $16.00 Resident/Patron Weekend $19.00 Resident/Patron Twilight $12.00 Junior $ 10.00 1/2 Golf Cait $1100 Small Basket Range Balls $ 3.00 Large Basket Range Balls $ 6.00 SECTION TWO. The rates hereby adopted shall become effective on the ls` day of July, 2001. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19`r' day of June, 2001 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Ronald I3 Cates, Authority Attorney