HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.06.19_City Council Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of June 5, 2001 Regular Meeting and June 12,2001 Special Meeting. Attachment #4-A 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. 3. Roll Call 2. Flag Salute 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA on 4:00 posted at and agenda filed in the office the June 15,2001. Community Regular June 19,2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff will recommend City Council approval of Resolution #2001-05. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2001-05, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Approving Action Taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Authorizing Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Two (2) Promissory Notes of the Authority to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Ratifying a Certain Lease, as Amended; Establishing the City's Reasonable Expectations with Respect to the Issuance of Tax - Exempt Obligations on Behalf of Said City in Calendar Year 2001; Authorizing Documents Pertaining to a Y ear-to- Year Pledge of Certain Sales Tax Revenue; and Containing Other Provisions Related thereto. Ms Bishop Attachment #5 The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #678, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on June 5, 2001 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #678, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located North of North 116th Street NOlih and East of North Garnett Road, Generally Described as a Portion of the S/2 SW/4 S5 T21N R14E; from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 37.42 Acres. Attachment #4- D to staff City approval execute the appropriate which approve remittance of those funds to the City of Owasso. Action Relating to an Agreement With Gabriel Communications Inc the Collection of 11 Funds and Remittance of to City of Owasso. Attachment B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4- B Owasso City Council June 19,2001 Page 2 (ill Increase the General Fund, Sales Tax Revenue and Interfund Transfer to the OPW A Sales Tax Fund by $675,400; (ill Increase the Ambulance Service Fund, Billing Revenue and Interfund Transfers to the Ambulance Capital Fund by $13,000; (ill Increase the Garage Fund revenues and expenditures by $40,000; (ill Increase the General Fund, General Government Department expenditures by $35,000; and (ill Increase the General Fund, Fire Department expenditures by $27,000. The staff will recommend City Council approval of the following amendments to the budgets: 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of Budget Amendments and Supplemental Appropriations to Various Funds. Ms Bishop Attachment #7 The staff will recommend City Council approval of Resolution #2001~.06. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2001-06, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Approving Action Taken by the Owasso Public Works Authority Authorizing Issuance, Sale and Delivery of a Promissory Note ofthe Authority to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; Ratifying a Certain Lease, as Amended; Establishing the City's Reasonable Expectations with Respect to the Issuance of Obligations on Behalf of said City in Calendar 2001; Authorizing Documents Peliaining to a Y ear-to- Year Celiain Revenue; and Containing Thereto. Ms Bishop Attachment #6 Owasso City Council June 19,2001 Page 3 The staff will recommend assignment of the above-mentioned bid package for the remainder of the work on such bid package, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Assignment document. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Authorization for the Mayor to Execute an Assignment of Bid Package 9D Acoustic Ceilings from Asta Enterprises Inc to M L Jones Acoustics Inc for the New City Hall/Police Station. Mr Cates Attachment #10 The staff will request the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #680. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Attachment of an Emergency Clause to Ordinance #680. Mr Carlson See Attachment #8 staff will 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #680, an Ordinance Approving and Adopting OPGA Resolution #2001-03 Providing for a Rate Increase in Green Fees, Cali Rentals and Range Fees, and Declaring an Emergency. Mr Carlson Attachment #8 Owasso City Council June 19,2001 Page 4 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Metro Heights, a 15.42 acre, 52-lot subdivision, located north of E 106th St N and east of N Mingo Rd. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Metro Heights, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 1). Ms Sorrells Attachment #13 The staff will recommend approval of the easement closing and adoption of Ordinance #679. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #679, an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II. Ms Sorrells Attachment #12 Planning has on this request and recommended Council approval of The a on propeliy located Mingo and Garnett and East 96th North and 106th Street North, and containing 408.7 acres, more or less. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request from Pittman, Poe & Associates for Council Approval of OPUD-01 <- 02, a Planned Unit Development. Ms Sorrels Attachment #11 Owasso City Council June 19,2001 Page 5 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the proposed lease agreement beginning on July 1, 2001, with an initial term of 20 years at a lease rate of $500.00 annually. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a Real Property Lease Agreement Between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Owasso Land Trust LLC. Mr Ewing Attachment #16 The staff has reviewed the bid received and will recommend Council approval of a contract with Yale Cleaners, Owasso, OK, for the purpose of providing uniform cleaning services to the Owasso Police Department for the period July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Contract for Uniform Cleaning Services. Chief Greene Attachment #15 Planning conducted a hearing on request and recommends the final plat for Nottingham Estates a 19 acre, lot subdivision, located south of E 96th N and west of N 145th East Ave, immediately nOlih of Nottingham Estates II & III. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Nottingham Estates IV, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 1). Ms SOn"ells Attachment #14 Owasso City Council June 19, 2001 Page 6 22. Adjournment. 21. New Business. 20. Report from City Councilors. 19. Report fTOm City Attomey. 18. Report from City Manager. appointments to 17. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to Various Boards, Tmsts, Commissions and Committees. Mayor Barnhouse Attachment #17 Owasso City Council June 19,2001 Page 7 ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 15,2001 Regular Meeting and May 22,2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Mayor Barnhouse read and presented a proclamation to Couch Larry Tumer, the coaching staff, and members of the Owasso Rams 2001 6A State Championship Baseball Team. Trophies were also presented to the team and coaching staff. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attomey Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Michael Helm, Councilor ITEM 4: ROLL CALL Mayor Barnhouse led in the flag salute. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The invocation was offered by Councilor Helm. INVOCATION Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at D:j) p.m, The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1,2001 and the Addendum to Agenda filed and posted at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, 4,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 2 - Mr Carr presented the item. He said that the proposed change order contains items that have resulted in changes, modifications and additions to the project. The costs have been divided into three categories: errors and omissions, construction change directives and non contractual items. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #4, A CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND VARIOUS CONTRACTORS FOR THE CITY HALL/POLICE STATION PROJECT, ALL AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None The consent agenda included minutes of the May 15, 2001 regular meeting and May 22, 2001 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $69,702.58; (2) Juvenile Court $75.00; (3) Ambulance Fund $4,076.29; (4) Ambulance Capital $959.93; (5) Bond Projects $171,704.36; (6) City Garage $8,873.33; (7) Workers' Comp SelfInsurance $575.92; (8) Payroll $170,877.66 (9) City Garage Payroll $4,396.90; (10) Ambulance Payroll $11,977.91. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of Ordinance #674, approving the annexation of 160 acres at the northeast corner ofN 145th East Ave and East 106th St N. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #677, approving the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 2, Original Town of Owasso fTom RS-3 to OL. Item E requested extension of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement covering Municipal Court jurisdiction over juvenile offenders. Item F requested acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer systems constructed to serve the RCB Center. Item G requested approval and authorization for payment in the amount of $1000 plus $75 court costs, for a workers compensation claim filed by Steve Tryon. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the City Council consent agenda. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #674, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of Approximately 160 Acres Located at the NOliheast Corner of N 145t11 East Ave and East 106th St N, and Generally Described as a Portion of the S/2 SW/4 Section 5, Township 21N, Range 14E. Action Relating to Ordinance #677, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located on Lot 1, Block 2, Original Town of Owasso (302 N Birch); from RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) to (Office Light), Containing Approximately 9600 Square Relating to the Extension of an lnterlocal Municipal Jurisdiction Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Constructed to Center, an Addition to the City County, Oklahoma. Action Relating to a Workers Compensation Settlement and Authorization for Payment. Systems Owasso, Tulsa June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council ,.., - J ~ Mr Carr said that on March 16, 1999, the City Council approved a contract revision with Cowen Construction for Program Management Services associated with the 1998 Bond Issue project at the City Hall, Police Station, and Community Center. Cowen Construction is now requesting a modification of this agreement. At the time of the original agreement, there were many unceliainties as to building location, size, and potential costs. A fee schedule was provided, with a provision that if this schedule is increased more than 10% in any stage of the work, an adjustment in fees will be negotiated between the PMT and the City based upon hourly rates or upon a negotiated fee. Cowen Construction has indicated that the size of the project has increased by 44%, the value of the project has increased by 13%, and the duration of the project is scheduled to increase by 58%. Cowen has reviewed their costs through March 31, 2001 and projected expenses through what is expected to be the duration of the project. They have lowered their hourly rates to finalize the project at minimum costs, requesting an additional amount of $49,920. Councilor Brogdon stated that he would be voting against this request because of many unanswered questions. He questioned why the project is taking longer than what was originally anticipated, what constitutes a 58% increase in project time, and what is considered uncontrollable forces for delays. He asked if the management company has not been proficient in bringing the project to a conclusion in the required time. Mr Carr responded that much of the time increase is because of the number of hours required by design changes requested by the City. Councilor Williams asked who requested all of the revision and what key personnel changed during the process. Mr Carr said that the design revisions were requested by ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVIGESmBETWEEN COWEN CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO. Motion carried AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm, Brogdon Errors and Omissions include installation of jail floor drains and detention skylights to conform with jail facility design criteria, and modifications to the mechanical room to properly house specified equipment. A pOliion of the costs of these revisions will be incurred by the project architect Construction Change Directives are a compilation of costs that were generated by either a revised space plan, revised site plan or discrepancies in the construction documents. Non~Contractual Items include those that have not been incorporated in the contract documents and are needed for the facility. The total cost of the change order is $70,083, and will be offset by a $90,000 grant for jail construction that has been received the Oklahoma Department John Groth asked about errors and omissions and why these items were not included in the original contracts. FIe also questioned where the money is coming from for cost overruns on the project Shouse asked if this change order includes modification to the roof and was told that it does. Councilor Brogdon said that he agrees with the statements of both citizens and is also concerned about the cost ovemms. He said he is not pleased with the change order and will be voting against the change order because he believes there are items included that the city should not be paying for. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve Change Order #4. June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council -.4- Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Cates presented the item. He said that the drywall contractor for the city hall/police station project, Asta Enterprises, walked off the job, and Cowen Construction has secured the services of another contractor who is willing to assume the remainder of Asta's contract. That contractor, M L Jones Acoustics Inc, has executed an assignment of the contract and is willing to complete the remaining work on the contract. Mr Cates said that Asta also had the contract for the Acoustical Ceiling and an assignment of that contract will appear on the next City Council agenda. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the assignment of Bid Package 9A Drywall from Asta Enterprises Inc to M L Jones Acoustics Inc, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the assignment document. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ASSIGNMENT OF BID PACKAGE 9A DRYWALL FROM ASTA ENTERPRISES INC TO M L JONES ACOUSTICS INC FOR THE NEW CITY HALL/POLICE STATION. Motion carried 5-0, tabling the item to the June 12th Work Session. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm the City, and that there have been two city manager changes and a police chief change during the duration of this project. Also the project itself was changed from remodeling the current city hall building for a police station to constructing a new police station as a pali of the city hall construction. Councilor Brogdon asked if we know what dollar amount was spent on the project by Cowen during the design phase, and how much of the total amount of their contract was used during the 13 months between the time the contract was signed and the building was actually started, Doug Peterson, the construction manager for Cowen Construction, said that he did not have those figures with him, but could get them for the Council. Councilor Brogdon asked all the money included the contract has gone and how much is left Mr Mitchell responded that all the money has been used, and that has performed the services they agreed to perform under the terms of the contract. Mr Cates said that the original term of the contact was 19 months beginning on March 6, 1999. Although there were some delays related to weather and material deliveries, most of the delays experienced were because of changes requested by the City. Cowen has fulfilled their obligations under the contract. Councilor Brogdon requested that this item be pulled fi'om the agenda until questions can be answered concerning billable time and how it has been calculated. He then asked for that request to be in the form of a motion. Councilor Williams asked for the motion to be amended to allow the item to the be placed on the Work Session agenda on June lih, allowing the issue to be resolved within a few days and, thus, not delaying the project. Councilor Brogdon agreed to the amendment, and Councilor Williams seconded the motion. June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council - 5 - Ms Sorrells presented the item. The attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #676 will allow the ordinance to take effect immediately upon publication rather than 30 days from publication. This request is being made in order to not delay the project. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #676. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ATTACHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE #676. Motion carried 4-1. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Almstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm Ms Sorrells said this request was approved by the City Council on May 15th at a regular meeting. This ordinance would nOlmally appear on the Consent Agenda; however, because of the request for an emergency clause which must be voted on separately, it has been placed on the regular agenda. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Ordinance #676. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #676, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 10 "USE UNITS", SECTION 1011.4 "OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQU1REMENTS" FOR OFFICES AND STUDIOS, OF TIiE~CIIYnQF OW ASSO ZONING CODE, AND I2EELARINGA1,-LEMERGENCY. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Almstrong, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None presented the item. application has for this undeveloped property. The 2010 Land use Master Plan designates this as residential, and the proposed use is appropriate. During the discussion when the property was annexed, Mr Lawrence who owns adjoining propeliy, stated that thTough a historical agreement with previous landowners a portion of his septic field lies within the subject property. The new property owner has agreed to remove Mr Poyner's septic field, as well as the septic field of another neighbor, and allow these two homes to be attached to the sewer line that will be constructed. The Owasso Planning Commission has reviewed the request and recommended approval. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the rezoning request. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-Ol-03, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF NORTH 116TH STREET NORTH AND EAST OF NORTH GARNETT ROAD, GENERALLY pESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF THE S/2 SW/4 SECTION 5, TOWNSHI~ 21N" RANCE l4E; JROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO RS-3{BESIDEl'-TTIAL SINGLE FAMILY HIGH DENSITY),~,CONTAINlliG37.42 ACRES. June 5, 200l Owasso City Council - 6 - Chief Greene said that furnishings will be needed for the dispatch area when the move is made to the new police station. Staff has received a quote from Oklahoma Correctional Industries in the amount of $7511.92 for custom designed dispatch furniture, which includes two dispatch workstations. These workstations will provide room to install computers, radio consoles and printers, and include integrated power strips and storage. OCI is a non-profit state organization that markets and sells products produced by inmate labor. These products are of excellent quality, and municipalities are exempt from competitive bidding when purchasing from OCI. OCI also manufacturers a line of heavy-duty chairs which have adjustable arms to accommodate officers in full gear. A quote of $450 each has been received for three chairs - one for each dispatcher and one for a supervisor position. Staff is requesting the purchase of these furnishings for the new building. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the purchase of modular dispatch furniture at a cost of $7511.92 and three chairs at a cost of $1350 ($450 each) from Oklahoma Correction Industries, for a total purchase price of $8861.92. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO PURCHASE FURNISHING FOR THE DISPATCH AREA, _AS JiY:ELL AS THREE DUTY CHAIRS, FOR THE NEW POLICE_STATION. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Williams, Almstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None currently are to law enforcement or police protection or respond to calls for assistance on Indian land, even though that land is located within the city limits of Owasso. Cherokee Nation Marshals may not leave Indian land to assist Owasso Police Officers. On June 8, 1992, the Cherokee Nation entered into a law enforcement agreement with the State of Oklahoma that provides authorization for cross- deputization agreements between the State of Oklahoma and its political subdivisions (cities and counties) and the Cherokee Nation. This agreement allows cooperation between the entities regardless of the status of the land. The only thing needed for the City of Owasso to participate in the Cross Deputization Agreement is an addendum containing the signatures of the Police Chief and the City Council. That agreement has been prepared. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the Addendum to a Cross Deputization Agreement between the City of Owasso and the Cherokee Nation for the purpose of cooperating to provide comprehensive law enforcement protection on Indian land within the city limits of Owasso. Motion carried 4--1. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Helm June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council ~ 7 - Motion carried 3-2. AYE: Williams, Barnhouse, Helm NAY: Armstrong, Brogdon Ms Bishop presented Resolution #2001-02, which adopts the FY 2001-2002 budget for all funds administered by the City of Owasso. Councilor Brogdon stated that it is a great budget and easy to read. He said, however, that he planned to vote against the budget because the percentage of increase is 9.31, which is 75% higher than other municipalities. He said he believes the spending is greater than it should be. He also said that he is concerned about health insurance premiums, and that the City should take a serious look at another carrier or the employees should assume more of the responsibility for insurance premiums. He also had concerns about the retirement program, as there appears to be a significant increase in what the City is paying towards retirement over FY 2000-2001. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mayor Barnhouse, to approve Resolution #2001-02. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 2001-04, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN FY 2001-2002 BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Edmisten, representing Golf and Athletic requested City Council approval for a public fireworks display at their facility on July 3rd. Code requires approval from the City Council for a fireworks display within the city limits. also requires that any fireworks display within the city limits be open to the public and free of charge. Mr Edmisten said that the fire department has been contacted and will provide fire protection. There will be an aliicle in the Owasso Reporter regarding the celebration. The article will state that it is free and open to the public. Councilor Helm asked if alcoholic beverages would be served. Mr Edmisten said that there will be no alcoholic beverages. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the request for the Owasso Golf & Athletic Club to hold a fireworks display on July 3rd in celebration ofIndependence Day. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council - 8 - Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm to adjourn. ITEM 23: ADJOURNMENT None ITEM 22: NEW BUSINESS. Councilor Helm asked about alcoholic beverages being sold at Bailey Ranch Golf Course. Mr Cates said that only low-point beer is sold at the golf course. ITEM 21: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. Mr Mitchell referred to a letter distributed to the council complimenting Public Works employees for a job well done. Mr Rooney gave councilors baseballs autographed by the 2001 6A State Champion baseball team from Owasso High SchooL ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Barnhouse, Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon NAY: None Mayor Barnhouse said that the contract with the City Manager was discussed in an executive session at a work session, and that all councilors have received the final contract document. There were no questions concerning the contract, and Mayor Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve a contract for services between the City of Owasso and the City Manager for the period July 1,2001 through June 30, 2002. There was no request made for an executive session. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. ~ SECTION ~07m2ill. June 5, 2001 Owasso City Council June 5, 2001 - 9 -. Marcia Boutwell, Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. AYE: Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Owasso City Council Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None This item was tabled from the June 5th regular meeting in order for more infOlmation to be presented to the Council. Doug Peterson from Cowen Construction was present and presented a pay application summmy for their services from March 1999 through Apri130, 2001. Following a discussion of approximately one hour, during which time the changes in the scope of the project were discussed, as well as the changes in the size, value and duration of the project, Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve an amendment to the Agreement for Program Management Services between Cowan Construction and the City of Owasso relating to the construction ofthe City Hall/Police Station, in the amount of $49,920. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT FOR PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN COWAN CONSTRUCTIOt'L__~N12__IHE CITY OF OWASSO. quorum was declared present. STAFF Lany Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor (in at 5:55 p.m.) Michael Helm, Councilor (in at 5:55 p.m.) the to at 5' The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, June 8, 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 12,2001 - 2 .. Mr Mitchell distributed a letter from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation regarding the 76th St N & U.S. Highway 169 intersection. ODOT is requesting that the City participate in the project in the amount of$523,000. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. A. SUPPLEMENT AL APPROPRIATIONS Because of the lateness of the hour, this item was discussed only bliefly. It will be placed on the Work Session agenda for July lOth and on the regular City Council agenda on July 1 ih for action. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO ANIMAL ORDINANCE (BEES). Mr Carlson discussed a proposed increase for the golf course. He said that resident and patron cardholder fees have not been increased since 1996. Because of increased energy costs, as well as the increase in employee benefits, it has become necessary to raise rates $1.00 for residents, patron cardholders and regular weekday play and $3.00 for regular weekend play. Based on FY 2000-2001, the proposed increase will generate an additional $60,000 in revenue. An item will be placed on the June 19th OPGA agenda requesting adoption of the new rates. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO AN OPGA FEE INCREASE. Mr Ewing discussed a proposed lease agreement with Owasso Land Trust LLC for a strip of land approximately 20 feet wide and 220 feet long located adjacent to the newly-constructed Titan Tower at 96th St N & Highway 169. The land will be used for parking spaces in connection with the RCB Center property. The proposed lease would begin on July 1,2001 and nm for 20 years, with two five-year renewals. The annual lease amount is $500. This item will appear on the June 19th agenda for action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OWASSO LAND TRUST. Mr Mr Mitchell discussed several items relating to the Wastewater Master Plan and the Water Included in the wasterwater discussion was sewer line payback . as well as development of future fees. Mr summarized water plan which included a new water treatment plant or master to our on the analyses performed, the staff will recommend proceeding with improvements proposed the 200 1 Water Master Plan. ITEM:t DISCUSSION RELATING TO PUBLIC WQRKS ITEMS. A. WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ]3. WATERMASTERPLAN-PLANB C. ELM CREEK SEWER LINE PAYBACK D. DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE SERVICE FEES. June 12,2001 Owasso City Council ..., - 5 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjoumed at 8: 10 p.m. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Williams, to 30th through July 8th. Mitchell announced that willoe 011 The staff has made submissions for funds available that have not been appropriated. Mr Mitchell requested that the Council also submit their ideas for use ofthese funds. He also repOlied that engineering design has been started for the 86th St N & 145th East Ave intersection improvements. June 12,2001 Ow as so City Council City of Owasso Claims 6/19/01 Fundi Total General Deposit Refunds 40.00 105 Municipal Court 194.36 110 Managerial 1 120 Finance 972.34 '150 General Government 0 160 1 5.80 170 Engineering 452.03 175 Information 383.99 181 Support Services 201 Police Services 14,452.88 221 Animal Control 1,016.78 250 Fire Services 8,756.21 280 Emergency Preparedness 160.84 300 Streets 35,069.50 515 Park Maintenance 7,359.92 550 Community Center 1,751.09 TOTAL Ambulance 255 Ambulance 6,174.51 TOTAL 6,197.85 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 748.46 TOTAL 748.46 E~911 E-911 Services 2,098.90 TOTAL 2,098.90 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 22,630.00 TOTAL 22,630.00 OPGA Merchandise 16,605.83 600 Golf Shop 324.00 605 Cart Operations 33.52 610 Golf Course Maintenance 3,492.68 690 Golf Administration 670.20 691 Clubhouse 4,418.25 800 Debt Service 4,138.04 TOTAL 29,682.52 OPWA Refunds 200.00 400 Administration 2,314.68 405 Utility Billing 4,099.04 420 Water 18,907.82 450 Wastewater treatment plant 12,726.09 455 Wastewater Collection 9,068.19 480 Refuse Collections 11,020.22 150 Workers' TOTAL 1 1 185 City TOTAL 23,000.00 23,000.00 Debt Service TOTAL 3,921.17 62,257.21 485 Recycle Center TOTAL Seif Insurance Workers' City OPWA Sewer Line Extension :ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page Open Claims by GL Account Slaim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc D t Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.1806/19/01 01-000-26501 40.00 10348 1361 5646 5/01 05/30/01 180.00 06/19/01 01.105-53001 180.00 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-105-53610 14.36 10368 1038 6739 273 06/05/01 35.68 06/19/01 01-110-51700 35.68 10391 406 6628 8181 OS/25/01 35.97 06/19/01 01-110-52001 7.98 423 06/11/01 25.97 10450 761. 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-110-52470 130.01 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-110~52500 67.36 1 0336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-110~53610 12.00 10305 1083 6627 91703 OS/21/01 120.00 06/19/01 01-110-53650 120.00 10332 2254 661.3 040201 Ot,/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 01-110-53650 180.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.1806/19/0101-110-53657 7.00 10478 '1083 6761 92098 OS/25/01 100.00 06/19/01 01-110-53670 50.00 10340 '1'122 6672 20011558 06/04/01 780.00 06/19/01 01-110-53680 780.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-110'53680 119.85 1 Ot,65 2307 6716 130301426"" 00 1 05/31/01 66l,,01 06/19/01 01-120"52001 12.34 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 10l,75 666 6749 4026 06/0l,/01 200.00 06/19/01 01~120-52001 100.00 10513 822 6360 20337 OS/21/01 60.00 06/19/01 01-120-53400 60.00 10495 75t, 6692 101901 10/19/01 1,125.00 06/19/01 01-120-53650 750.00 10l,78 1083 6761 92098 OS/25/01 100.00 06/19/01 01-120-53670 50.00 10448 2301 6709 250245-0 05/31/01 76.55 06/19/01 01-150-52001 2.95 10465 2307 6716 130301426-001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 01-150-52001 20.79 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 1 0475 666 6749 4026 06/04/01 200.00 06/19/01 01'150-52001 100.00 10503 1143 6694 6593090 OS/24/01 47.60 06/19/01 01-150-52001 262.50 6642190 05/31/01 262.50 10304 294 6630 58 OS/25/01 19.45 06/19/01 01-150-52050 19.45 10491 1098 6760 112826-1 05/31/01 72.00 06/19/01 01'150-52050 72.00 10341 360 5120 11075896 05/31/01 635.06 06/19/01 01-150-52070 635.06 1041,9 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 01'150-52100 19.16 10308 615 2932 1645472 04/10/01 30.00 06/19/01 01-150-53001 360.00 1676881 04/26/01 30.00 1685361 05/01/01 30.00 1691252 05/03/01 30.00 1694819 05/07/01 30.00 1668201 04/23/01 30.00 1668995 04/23/01 30.00 1663012 01/20/01 30.00 1699826 05/08/01 30.00 1678390 04/27/01 30.00 1701457 05/09/01 30.00 1706431 05/11/01 30.00 10383 209 6675 200042039400004 OS/21/01 24.00 06/19/01 01-150-53001 24.00 10438 1062 6660 5/01 05/30/01 4,360.14 06/19/01 01-150-53001 3,540.14 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-150~53200 851.08 10299 1098 3214 2444047 06/06/01 163.03 06/19/01 01-150-53600 163.03 10303 2255 6644 211698 03/27/98 228.69 06/19/01 01-150-53600 228.69 10337 415 2931 35777 05/31/01 51.80 06/19/01 01-150-53600 51.80 10466 931 2930 14903 05/11/01 23.50 06/19/01 01-150-53600 52.25 16577 OS/25/01 28.75 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-150~53610 89.05 10436 129 3022 12449146 OS/24/01 19.30 06/19/01 01~150-53610 19.30 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 2 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10384 781 6658 5-836-62239 05/17/01 42.24 06/19/01 01-150-53615 21.96 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-150-53615 17.50 10342 1012 3299 513767 OS/23/01 110.00 06/19/01 01-150-53670 110.00 10392 2302 6718 2089 05/04/01 25.00 06/19/01 01-150-53670 137.39 1888 05/02/01 112.39 '104L,1 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 01-160~52100 1.98 1513077389 OL./27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101.92 '1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11;01 24.39 1510077525 05/01.;01 5.9L, 1501077656 05;11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/0'1 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 05;25/01 34.35 1508077524 05;04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 -12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 10497 399 6758 829434 06/07/01 33.30 06/19/01 01-160-52100 33.30 10327 591 3115 8240153911 OS/24/01 14.75 06/19/01 01-160-52200 59.00 8240151510 05/03/01 14.75 8240152264 05/10/01 14.75 8240153050 05/17/01 14.75 1 OL,5 0 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-160-52470 40.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-160-52470 4.00 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-160-52500 301.32 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-'160-52500 10.00 10321 313 3382 021 05/31/01 51.77 06/19/01 01-160-53001 51 .77 10322 313 3381 020 05/31/01 300.00 06/19/01 01-160-53001 300.00 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-160-53610 9.43 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 01-160-53650 180.00 10323 860 6609 91 OS/21/01 25.00 06/19/01 01-160-53670 25.00 10465 2307 6716 130301426-001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 01-170-52001 73.94 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 10482 406 6687 8519 06/05/01 154.64 06/19/01 01-170-52001 56.12 10443 1491 6639 26285 OS/22/01 38.00 06/19/01 01-170-52100 38.00 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-170-52470 15.15 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-170-52500 154.58 10402 777 6729 42 06/01/01 77.00 06/19/01 01-170-53670 77.00 10448 2301 6709 250245-0 05/31/01 76.55 06/19/01 01-170-54600 37.24 10495 754 6692 101901 10/19/01 1,125.00 06/19/01 01-175-53650 375.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-175-53650 8.99 10502 1038 6708 3515 05/30/01 47.79 06/19/01 01-181-52001 27.87 10449 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 01-181-52100 38.95 10457 812 2871 1504077534 05/04/01 17.91 06/19/01 01-181-52100 53.37 .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 3 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1504077662 05/11/01 27.47 1504077788 05/18/01 7.99 1504077523 05/04/01 1.38 10465 2307 6716 130301426-001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 01-181~52100 74.08 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 10453 591 2872 8240155358 06/07/01 5.55 06/19/01 01-181-52200 11.10 8240154579 05/31/01 5.55 8240154577 05/31/01 31.80 8240155356 06/07/01 31.80 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-181-52470 575.34 10/.54 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-181-52500 203.09 '10493 1958 6773 3010416 04/03/01 450.00 06/19/01 01-181-53100 1,350.00 3010421 05/1/,/01 /.50.00 3010/,25 05/17/01 450.00 10t,98 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 01-181-53480 61.1,7 '10332 2254 661.3 040201 Ot,/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 01-181-53650 180.00 10306 360 563'7 1152648A 03/29/01 3,832.00 06/19/01 01-181-54400 3,832.00 10296 2253 661.2 100400 10/04/00 490.00 06/19/01 01-201-51600 490.00 10351 813 6626 052801 OS/28/01 845.00 06/19/01 01-201-51600 845.00 10390 417 6659 304t,2 OS/29/01 93.99 06/19/01 01~201-52001 93.99 10391 406 6628 8181 OS/25/01 35.97 06/19/01 01-201-52001 35.97 423 06/11/01 25.97 10465 2307 6716 130301426-001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 01-201-52001 575.67 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 10448 2301 6709 250245-0 05/31/01 76.55 06/19/01 01-201-52100 9.60 10449 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 01-201-52100 132.27 10502 1038 6708 3515 05/30/01 47.79 06/19/01 01-201-52100 19.92 10439 485 6631 52t.01-02 OS/24/01 505.00 06/19/01 01-201-52200 505.00 10t,41 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 01-201-52400 8.92 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101. 92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 3t,.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 -12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-201-52470 4,894.22 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-201-52500 2,817.76 10349 939 2735 6/01 06/01/01 150.00 06/19/01 01-201-53001 150.00 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-201-53200 626.12 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 4 Ipen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10333 642 2733 200-5/01 05/30/01 36.34 06/19/01 01-201-53470 1,074.45 202-5/01 05/30/01 34.91 203-5/01 05/30/01 25069 204-5/01 05/30/01 41. 10 205-5/01 05/30/01 2063 206~5/01 05/30/01 41.94 208-5/01 05/30/01 66.98 209-5/01 05/30/01 25069 210-5/01 05/30/01 17036 211-5/01 05/30/01 32.10 213-5/01 05/30/01 79.88 214-5/01 05/30/01 37.73 215-5/01 05/30/01 36.09 218-5/01 05/30/01 15.41 219~5/01 05/30/01 65.58 220-5/01 05/30/01 15 of, 1 221-5/01 05/30/01 56.14 222-5/01 05/30/01 17.98 223..5/01 05/30/01 61.65 22L, - 5/01 05/30/01 25.81 225-5/01 05/30/01 45.68 226-5/01 05/30/01 25069 227-5/01 05/30/01 8L,.71 229-5/01 05/30/01 7071 230-5/01 05/30/01 12.84 236~5/01 05/30/01 91.92 237-5/01 05/30/01 43.67 238-5/01 05/30/01 25.81 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388091 06/19/01 01-201-53610 111.40 10477 938 6756 5/01 NON>,PLEXAR 05/30/01 389033 06/19/01 01-201-53610 49.59 10352 1033 6625 6/1/01 06/01/01 136.00 06/19/01 01-201-53615 136000 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 01-201-53650 180.00 10338 556 6531 7218 06/05/01 1,697.00 06/19/01 01-201-54400 1,697000 10350 2222 6467 995265 OS/29/01 370.09 06/19/01 01-221-52100 370.09 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-221-52470 311.47 1045L, 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-221~52500 70.68 1043L, 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-221-53200 264.54 10345 812 6337 1503077661 05/11/01 7.99 06/19/01 01-250-52100 69.11 1503077787 05/18/01 19.45 1503077913 OS/25/01 L,1.67 10386 1038 6336 6854 05/01/01 46021 06/19/01 01-250-52100 131. 17 4583 03/22/01 84.96 10416 496 6690 3791 OS/25/01 62.50 06/19/01 01-250-52100 62.50 10324 1075 6052 51286 OS/25/01 119.69 06/19/01 01-250-52200 119.69 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-250-52500 958.39 1043L. 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-250-53200 798.03 10346 556 6608 6931 OS/22/01 120.00 06/19/01 01-250-53400 120.00 10328 1110 6635 K6298860E OS/22/01 141.92 06/19/01 01-250-53505 141.92 10415 129 6656 12152617 OS/24/01 188.61 06/19/01 01-250-53505 66.24 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-250-53610 25.77 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800000 06/19/01 01-250-53650 180.00 10344 126 6132 383034 04/27/01 263.50 06/19/01 01~250-54400 3,584000 384141 05/08/01 1,921.50 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 5 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 385048 OS/22/01 1,399.00 10387 2048 6131 338837 OS/23/01 863.06 06/19/01 01-250-54400 2,499.39 339988 05/31/01 1,636.33 10t,34 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-280-53200 6lt. 09 10477 938 6756 5/01 NON-PLEXAR 05/30/01 389.33 06/19/01 01-280-53610 96.75 10441 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 01-300-52100 56.22 1513077389 Ot;/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101.92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524. 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 -12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 10t,49 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 01-300-52100 19.33 10452 1050 2870 22802 05/31/01 58.15 06/19/01 01-300-52100 13.98 10487 107 6043 61385 OS/25/01 19.50 06/19/01 01-300-52100 87.39 61587 05/31/01 67.89 10397 239 5346 1 03172 05/31/01 377.1906/19/01 01-300-52200 88.39 103095 OS/29/01 6lt.76 10400 591 6669 8240154580 05/31/01 15.80 06/19/01 01-300~52200 6:10 90 82t,0154582 05/31/01 31. 70 8240154583 05/31/01 57.00 8240154574 05/31/01 31. 95 8240154575 05/31/01 18.35 8240154581 05/31/01 4.55 8240155359 06/07/01 15.80 82',0155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69.90 8240155353 06/07/01 31. 95 8240155354 06/07/01 18.35 8240155360 06/07/01 4.55 10481 647 6666 012301 01/23/01 586.00 06/19/01 01-300-52220 586.00 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-300-52470 2,063. 18 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-300-52500 958.46 10409 1318 6036 ',1 06/04/01 111.95 06/19/01 01-300-53100 111.95 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-300-53200 294.68 10476 1084 6751 167841949 05/31/01 3,862.29 06/19/01 01~300-53210 3,862.29 10398 1043 6526 3050 05/31/01 749.25 06/19/01 01~300-53430 749.25 10395 100 6677 267555 05/12/01 650.00 06/19/01 01-300-53500 1,300.00 267556 05/14/01 650.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 6 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 267557 OS/23/01 400.00 10403 1056 5147 66287 OS/24/01 145.60 06/19/01 01-300-53500 257.20 66465 06/01/01 89.60 58115 04/11/01 22.00 10442 2174 6638 052101 OS/21/01 30.00 06/19/01 01-300~53670 30.00 10412 316 6665 70194945 OS/23/01 542.73 06/19/01 01-300-54100 600.66 70194821 OS/22/01 57.93 10/,46 1614 1,345 5 06/04/01 22,630.42 06/19/01 01-300-54100 22,630.1,2 10413 1894 6679 10047 06/06/01 1,116.00 06/19/01 01-300-54200 1,296.20 10048 06/06/01 180.20 1 0311 366 6640 646965 05/16/01 13.06 06/19/01 01-515-52100 2/t. 20 647116 05/17/01 11.14 10312 792 6641 '1/.283 05/16/01 -2.30 06/19/01 01~515-52100 15 L 2L, 61227 05/07/01 12" 11 61492 05/09/01 8.15 62025 05/14/01 5.86 62224 05/16/01 34.34 62226 05/16/01 4.76 62616 OS/22/01 65.70 62842 OS/24/01 20.52 62844 OS/24/01 2" 10 10339 812 6652 656078004 05/30/0'1 5.20 06/19/01 01-515-52100 117.63 1512077918 OS/25/01 59.14 1512077792 05/18/01 38.82 1512077667 05/11/01 6.68 1512077527 05/04/01 12.99 10367 568 6736 152006 04/26/01 202.65 06/19/01 01-515.52100 202.65 10369 1408 6734 2525 OS/29/01 126.00 06/19/01 01.515.52100 1,638.00 2523 OS/29/01 1,512.00 10370 812 6732 1513077919 OS/25/01 12.95 06/19/01 01.515-52100 12.95 10335 107 6653 61601 06/01/01 60.85 06/19/01 01.515.52400 60.85 10492 107 6774 62204 06/11/01 75.75 06/19/01 01-515-52400 75.75 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-515-52470 700.75 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-515-52500 337.24 10297 537 6155 6/4 MCCARTY 06/01,/01 230.00 06/19/01 01-515.53100 230.00 10298 537 2886 6/4 ATOR 06/04/01 80.00 06/19/01 01-515-53100 80.00 10432 2178 6382 6/1-6/30 06/30/01 200.00 06/19/01 01-515-53100 200.00 10433 1382 6235 42 06/08/01 256.95 06/19/01 01-515-53100 256.95 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-515-53200 1,857.66 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-515~53610 10.05 10310 2152 6629 42501 04/25/01 1,404.00 06/19/01 01-515-54200 1,404.00 10437 1038 6636 951 05/15/01 92.33 06/19/01 01-550-52100 92.33 10467 568 6753 151657 01./17/01 39.03 06/19/01 01-550-52100 275.33 152224 05/02/01 45.15 153326 06/07/01 191.15 10468 812 6755 1518076981 04/06/01 5.48 06/19/01 01-550-52100 36.32 1518077349 04/25/01 30.84 1 0/.69 1033 6752 060501 06/05/01 125.00 06/19/01 01-550-52100 125.00 10/,50 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 01-550~52470 73.36 10/,54 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 01-550-52500 91.31 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 01-550-53200 865.15 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 01-550-53610 12.29 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 01-550-53650 180.00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZQCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 7 Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account FUND Tote' J GL Amount 86,340.99 10490 2029 6776 052501 OS/25/01 23.34 06/19/01 20-000-44279 23.34 10325 904 6338 54214 OS/21/01 21.00 06/19/01 20-255-52100 141.00 54172 05/16/01 29000 54054 05/07/01 29.00 53898 04/30/01 19.00 54258 OS/24/01 43000 10330 66 6529 355999 OS/22/01 870.79 06/19/01 20-255-52100 870.79 '10347 362 3894 34127 05/31/01 120.00 06/19/01 20-255-52100 120.00 10417 66 6655 357136 06/04/01 304.06 06/19/01 20-255-52100 469.52 35'7219 06/05/01 165.46 356413 OS/29/01 47.80 C356259 OS/25/01 '.47.80 1D326 89"1 6632 2041200180923 OS/29/01 42.00 D6/19/01 2D-255-52470 42.00 10388 384 6633 977853 OS/29/01 60.00 06/19/01 20-255-53001 60.00 10435 835 6"119 053101 05/31/01 4,202.67 06/19/01 20-255-53001 t,,202.67 10415 129 6656 12152617 OS/24/01 188.61 06/19/01 20-255-53505 '122.37 10385 149 5674 EDOOOO01312 03/20/01 120.00 06/19/01 20~255-53650 FUND Total I 120.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 20-255~53650 26.16 6,197.85 10389 938 /.827 E911/5-01 05/17/01 2,098.90 06/19/01 21-215-53610 FUND Total J 2,098.90 2,098.90 10/,18 127 6586 413294001 D6/06/01 748.46 06/19/01 41-255-54400 I 7/.8.46 FUND Total 7M3. 46 10334 t,75 6661 73646 05/31/01 130.00 06/19/01 47-000-54100-016 130.00 '10483 1512 3677 3 05/04/01 22,500.00 06/19/01 4"1-000-54100-016 22,500.DO FUND Total 22,630.00 103"11 9 67.30 96829236 OS/29/01 35.00 06/19/01 55-000-44901 1 ,294. 11 96"154142 05/18/01 127.37 96841187 05/30/01 719.43 96817437 OS/25/01 127.29 96829234 OS/29/01 285.02 103"12 /,2 67.31 93587464 05/18/01 75.00 06/19/01 55-000-44901 161.20 93610671 OS/25/01 86.20 10375 314 67.37 5165290 05/31/01 34.55 06/19/01 55-000-44901 1,304.79 5137987 05/17/01 90.63 5144546 OS/21/01 134. 29 5147765 OS/22/01 305.29 5141018 05/18/01 61. 88 5160655 OS/29/01 653.40 5156475 OS/25/01 24.75 10377 17 6740 4295033 OS/22/01 142.75 06/19/01 55-000-44901 3,849.78 4241156 04/19/01 52.50 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 8 Jen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc D t Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 4180120 03/13/01 1,894.58 4182637 03/14/01 347.29 4287860 05/17/01 135.25 4288655 05/17/01 1,277.41 10378 388 6741 38513572 03/14/01 70.26 06/19/01 55-000-44901 3,06'1.85 38513573 03/14/01 652.08 38224330 02/15/01 72/, . 64 39239652 05/17/01 66.22 39295059 OS/23/01 71.57 39186601 05/15/01 652.08 38922297 04/19/01 825.00 10379 57 6742 962282 05/30/01 144.00 06/19/01 55-000-44901 5,61/,.40 644/.129 OS/23/01 -1,275.00 684132 03/12/01 488. 11 666598 03/06/01 514.81 774063 04/04/01 396.00 833531 04/20/01 198.00 852816 04/26/01 198.00 852872 04/26/01 396.00 960706 05/30/01 1 ,962" 56 940400 OS/23/01 40/,.45 9/,5160 OS/24/01 184.39 956150 OS/29/01 229.39 92655/, 05/18/01 546.36 936944 OS/22/01 525.83 942035 OS/23/01 585.00 970186 05/31/01 65.00 971151 05/31/01 195.50 10381 2304 6744 64430 OS/21/01 1,169.4806/19/01 55-000-44901 1 , 169.48 10382 2305 6745 10581 05/17/01 748.00 06/19/01 55~000-44901 748.00 10379 57 6742 962282 05/30/01 144.00 06/19/01 55-600-52150 144.00 6444129 OS/23/01 -1,275.00 68/,132 03/12/01 488.11 666598 03/06/01 514.81 774063 04/04/01 396.00 833531 04/20/01 198.00 852816 04/26/01 198.00 852872 04/26/01 396.00 960706 05/30/01 1,962.56 940400 OS/23/01 404.45 945160 OS/2/,/01 184.39 956150 OS/29/01 229.39 92655/, 05/18/01 546.36 936944 OS/22/01 525.83 942035 OS/23/01 585.00 970186 05/31/01 65.00 971151 05/31/01 195.50 10332 2254 661.3 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 55-600-53650 180.00 10373 300 6733 16403 OS/29/01 33.52 06/19/01 55-605-52100 33.52 10422 812 6765 655077850 OS/22/01 61.35 06/19/01 55-610-52100 97.23 655078249 06/11/01 35.88 10427 606 6770 16449 OS/29/01 231.98 06/19/01 55-610-52100 231. 98 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.1806/19/01 55-610-52100 11.00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 9 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10428 774 6771 364058 06/06/01 604.56 06/19/01 55~610-52110 379.86 040601 04/06/01 -224.70 10426 953 6769 1869658 OS/29/01 44.83 06/19/01 55-610-52450 41.. 83 10424 37 6767 OUCF72 05/30/01 90.00 06/19/01 55-610-52480 90.00 10429 46 6772 91627 06/07/01 1,061.00 06/19/01 55-610-52500 1,061.00 10423 1038 6766 4473 OS/22/01 26.86 06/19/01 55-610-52800 53.79 739 06/05/01 26.93 10l,19 L.75 6762 60701 06/07/01 105.00 06/19/01 55-610-53100 '105.00 10421 2252 6764 18l,8 05/03/01 178.65 06/19/01 55-610-53100 178.65 10l,3l, 108l. 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 55-610-53200 941036 1011,20 40 6763 775968 06/05/01 25.20 06/19/01 55-610-53408 118.94 776224 06/06/01 67.99 777940 06/11/01 25.75 10[,,25 "771 6768 107079 05/30/01 127.14 06/19/01 55~610-53408 161.75 107072 OS/29/01 34.61 10336 377 6688 6l,72147l, OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 55-610-53610 17.29 10339 81 6652 65607800l, 05/30/01 5.20 06/19/01 55-690-52001 5.20 1512077918 OS/25/01 59.1l. 1512077792 05/18/01 38.82 15120"77667 05/11/01 6.68 1512077527 05/04/01 12.99 10331 1171 5780 557046 05/31/01 100.00 06/19/01 55-690-53600 100.00 10376 1243 6738 1043 06/04/01 495.00 06/19/01 55-690-53600 495.00 10307 1206 6645 38829053 06/14/01 70.00 06/19/01 55-690-53670 70.00 10374 2070 6735 2872 OS/29/01 31.4706/19/01 55-691-52100 31.47 10380 2306 6743 302016 OS/21/01 2,848.67 06/19/01 55~691-52100 2,848.67 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 55-691-53200 1,505.54 10336 377 6688 6It721474- OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 55-691-53610 32.57 10430 89 4508 1 05/30/01 4,138.04 06/19/01 55-800-55300 4,138.04 FUND Total 30,280.30 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.1806/19/01 61-000-10200 200.00 10448 2301 6709 250245-0 05/31/01 76.55 06/19/01 61~400-52001 10.50 10465 2307 6716 130301426-001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 61-400-52001 25.95 131144427-001 06/07/01 133 . 00 10482 406 6687 8519 06/05/01 154.64 06/19/01 61-400-52001 98.52 10503 1143 6694 6593090 OS/24/01 47.60 06/19/01 61-400-52001 47.60 6642190 05/31/01 262.50 10448 2301 6709 250245-0 05/31/01 76.55 06/19/01 61-400-52400 16.26 10461 1077 6705 17766 05/29/01 29.95 06/19/01 61-400-52400 29.95 10438 1062 6660 5/01 05/30/01 4,360.14 06/19/01 61~400-53001 820.00 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 61-400-53200 573.62 10396 1239 6634 DV41787 05/31/01 325.99 06/19/01 61-400-53400 325.99 10444 494 6512 108117 05/17/01 74.95 06/19/01 61-400-53400 74.95 10445 360 5317 11070621 OS/29/01 65.99 06/19/01 61-400-53400 65.99 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 61-400-53610 25.07 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 61-400-53650 180.00 10384 781 6658 5-836-62239 05/17/01 42.24 06/19/01 61-400-53670 20.28 10391 406 6628 8181 OS/25/01 35.97 06/19/01 61-405-52001 17.99 423 06/11/01 25.97 10470 171 3324 052301 OS/23/01 318.45 06/19/01 61-405-53070 318.45 10471 2075 6272 053001 05/30/01 332.25 06/19/01 61-405-53070 332.25 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 10 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10472 264 3326 060101 06/01/01 159.30 06/19/01 61-405-53070 159.30 10473 371 3325 CEPO 060101 06/01/01 592.20 06/19/01 61-405-53070 592.20 10/,74 1152 3322 052601 OS/26/01 42.60 06/19/01 61-405~53070 42.60 10496 38 6777 060101 06/01/01 198.90 06/19/01 61-405-53070 198.90 10320 1557 5334 52807 05/31/01 902.88 06/19/01 61-405-53620 902.88 10494 1557 5334 52840 06/10/01 1,534.47 06/19/01 61-405-53620 1,534,L,7 10465 2307 6716 130301426~001 05/31/01 664.01 06/19/01 61-420-52001 It,.2It 131144427-001 06/07/01 133.00 10394 1039 6678 343608 OS/23/01 1,295.00 06/19/01 61-420-52100 12,533.67 343931 OS/25/01 1,800.86 343215 05/16/01 593.49 343156 05/14/01 1,942.50 341635 05/03/01 277.50 3t,3210 05/11/01 .32 3t,3609 OS/22/01 254.00 1 Ot,06 1039 570t, 34f,767 05/03/01 72.45 06/19/01 61-420-52100 1,316Jt9 344336 OS/29/01 20.00 3/.2719 05/10/01 315.00 342720 05/17/01 280.00 341888 05/14/01 629. Of, '10/,07 827 6515 Ot,2001 Ott/20/01 -60.00 06/19/01 61-420-52100 0.00 1336030 OS/21/01 92.00 269935 OS/25/01 33.00 10M.1 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-420"52100 39.33 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101.92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.9f, 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 -12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 1 04f,9 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 61-420-52100 19.32 10397 239 5346 103172 05/31/01 377.19 06/19/01 61-420-52200 88.39 103095 OS/29/01 64.76 10400 591 6669 8240154580 05/31/01 15.80 06/19/01 61-420-52200 50.50 8240154582 05/31/01 31.70 8240154583 05/31/01 57.00 8240154574 05/31/01 31.95 8240154575 05/31/01 18.35 8240154581 05/31/01 4.55 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :: i ty of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 11 Open Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240155359 06/07/01 15.80 8240155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69.90 8240155353 06/07/01 31. 95 8240155354 06/07/01 18.35 8240155360 06/07/01 4.55 10399 1408 6003 2526 OS/29/01 123.00 06/19/01 61-420-52400 123.00 10405 6 6t.97 8385 05/14/01 55.00 06/19/01 61-420~52400 55.00 10441 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-420-52400 19.09 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 151307'1528 05/04/01 101.92 151307'1668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 151007'1665 05/11/01 24.39 151007'1525 05/0L,/01 5.94 150107'1656 05/11/01 5.98 151107'1526 05/04/01 4.98 1511 077666 05/11/01 19.09 151107'1917 OS/25/01 34.35 150807'1524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 150807'1867 OS/23/01 12.99 150807'1790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 ~12.99 150807'1916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 151607'1529 05/04/01 8.92 10480 1039 6502 343502 05/18/01 312.50 06/19/01 61-420-52400 2,693.05 343577 OS/22/01 20.00 342697 05/15/01 1,234.95 343217 05/16/01 220.00 343213 05/13/01 60.00 343208 OS/21/01 568.50 342717 05/10/01 17.85 343016 OS/21/01 192.42 343933 05/17/01 51. 83 343934 05/07/01 15.00 10488 1408 6003 2524 OS/29/01 71.00 06/19/01 61-420-52400 71.00 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 61-420-52470 699.46 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 61-420-52470 12.00 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 61-420-52500 697.31 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 61-420-53200 228.98 10403 1056 5147 66287 OS/24/01 145.60 06/19/01 61-420-53505 0.00 66465 06/01/01 89.60 58115 04/11/01 22.00 10477 938 6756 5/01 NON-PLEXAR 05/30/01 389.33 06/19/01 61-420-53610 66.99 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02/01 1,800.00 06/19/01 61-420-53650 180.00 10449 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 61-450-52100 19.64 10440 688 5848 10-0105-60748 OS/25/01 242.00 06/19/01 61-450-52110 242.00 10397 239 5346 103172 05/31/01 377.19 06/19/01 61-450-52200 88.38 103095 OS/29/01 64.76 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 12 Ipen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10400 591 6669 8240154580 05/31/01 15.80 06/19/01 61-450-52200 31.60 8240154582 05/31/01 31. 70 8240154583 05/31/01 57.00 8240154574 05/31/01 31.95 8240154575 05/31/01 18.35 8240154581 05/31/01 4.55 8240155359 06/07/01 15.80 8240155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69.90 8240155353 06/07/01 31. 95 8240155354 06/07/01 18.35 82/.0155360 06/07/01 4.55 10405 6 6497 8385 05/11,/01 55.00 06/19/01 61-450-52400 0.00 104/.1 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-450~52400 130.18 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101 .92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 150707766'. 05/11/0'1 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 >.12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 61-450-52470 130.41 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 61-450-52500 74.64 10t.14 357 4677 T4128 06/05/01 30.00 06/19/01 61-450-53001 160.00 T1 080 05/31/01 50.00 T4026 OS/22/01 50.00 T3958 05/11/01 30.00 T3912 05/07/01 30.00 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 61-450-53200 11,840.92 10336 377 6688 64721474 OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 61..450..53610 8.32 10407 827 6515 042001 04/20/01 -60.00 06/19/01 61-455-52100 65.00 1336030 OS/21/01 92.00 269935 OS/25/01 33.00 10L.41 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-455"52100 19.94 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 1 01.92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 1,.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 01,/27/01 3..98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 ~12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 10449 538 3091 CEPG 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 61-455-52100 19.32 10397 239 5346 1 03172 05/31/01 377.19 06/19/01 61-455-52200 88.40 103095 OS/29/01 64.76 10400 '591 6669 8240154'580 05/31/01 15..80 06/19/01 61-455-'52200 126.90 8240154582 05/31/01 31.70 8240154583 05/31/01 57,,00 8240154'574 0'5/31/01 31. 95 8240154'575 05/31/01 18.35 821,0154581 05/31/01 4.55 8240155359 06/07/01 15..80 8240155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69,,90 82401'55353 06/07/01 31. 95 821.0155354 06/07/01 18.35 821,0155360 06/07/01 4.55 101,04 158 6667 522162 05/31/01 69.98 06/19/01 61-455-52200 69.98 10395 100 6677 267555 05/12/01 650.00 06/19/01 61-455-52400 400.00 267556 05/14/01 650.00 267'557 OS/23/01 1.00.00 101,41 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-455-52400 29.31 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1'513077528 05/04/01 101.92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3..98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 01./27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 -12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0..7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) GL Amount Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# :laim# Vendor Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 13 : i ty of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 14 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1516077529 05/04/01 8.92 '10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 61~455-52470 689.30 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 61-455~52500 466.78 10393 1954 5580 060701 06/07/01 624.00 06/19/01 61-455-53001 624.00 10411 475 637/, ~JRMACH I NE 05/30/01 105.00 06/19/01 61-455-53001 105.00 10414 357 4677 T4128 06/05/01 30.00 06/19/01 61-455-53001 30.00 T1 080 05/31/01 50.00 T4026 OS/22/01 50.00 T3958 05/11/01 30.00 T3912 05/07/01 30.00 10479 511 6683 553705 06/05/01 886.00 06/19/01 61-455-53001 886.00 10489 475 6374 73491 OS/25/01 21.70 06/19/01 61-455-53001 126.70 73546 05/30/01 105.00 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 61-455-53200 3/f/,.1,2 10408 11,04 6681 4675 OS/25/01 420.00 06/'19/01 61-455-53/,00 1,188.00 4656 OS/25/01 360.00 4657 OS/25/01 408.00 10485 710 6637 305"10 OS/23/01 1,400.00 06/19/01 61-455-53400 '1,400.00 10403 1056 51/,7 66287 OS/24/01 145.60 06/19/01 61~455-53505 0.00 66465 06/01/01 89.60 58115 04/11/01 22.00 10486 22/;1 6598 825224..001 05/31/01 1,783.14 06/19/01 61-455-53505 1,783.14 '10477 938 6756 5/01 NON-PLEXAR 05/30/01 389.33 06/19/01 61~455-53610 176.00 10332 2254 6643 040201 04/02101 1,800.00 06/19/01 61-455-53650 180.00 10484 132 6369 5283480 OS/22/01 125.00 06/19/01 61-455-53650 250.00 5283483 OS/22/01 125.00 10498 1002 6757 061901 06/19/01 533.18 06/19/01 61-480-51100 15.21 10410 1491 6685 26347 06/01/01 135.75 06/19/01 61-480-52010 135.75 10449 538 3091 CEPO 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 61-480-52100 19.32 10397 239 5346 103172 05/31/01 377.19 06/19/01 61-480-52200 88.39 103095 OS/29/01 64.76 10400 591 6669 8240154580 05/31/01 15.80 06/19/01 61-480-52200 36.70 8240154582 05/31/01 31.70 8240154583 05/31/01 57.00 8240154574 05/31/01 31.95 8240154575 05/31/01 18.35 824015/.581 05/31/01 4.55 8240155359 06/07/01 15.80 8240155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69.90 8240155353 06/07/01 31.95 8240155354 06/07/01 18.35 8240155360 06/07/01 4.55 10441 812 6085 1513077919 OS/25/01 13.99 06/19/01 61-480-52400 7.96 1513077389 04/27/01 13.47 1513077528 05/04/01 101 .92 1513077668 05/11/01 0.80 1507077789 05/18/01 3.98 1507077664 05/11/01 3.98 1510077791 05/18/01 19.91 1510077665 05/11/01 24.39 1510077525 05/04/01 5.94 1501077656 05/11/01 5.98 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 15 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1511077526 05/04/01 4.98 1511077666 05/11/01 19.09 1511077917 OS/25/01 34.35 1508077524 05/04/01 2.97 1508077387 04/27/01 3.98 1508077867 OS/23/01 12.99 1508077790 05/18/01 16.35 1508077868 OS/23/01 ~12.99 1508077916 OS/25/01 25.95 1505077663 05/11/01 1.98 1516077529 05/04/01 13092 10450 761. 6700 5/01 05/30/01 405.83 06/19/01 61~480-52470 9,041,.98 '1045L, 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 902.23 06/19/01 61~480~52500 '1,671.91 '10400 591 6669 8240154580 05/31/01 15.80 06/19/01 61~485~52200 9.10 8240154582 05/31/01 31.70 82L.0 154583 05/31/01 57.00 8240154574 05/31/0'1 31.95 82L,0154575 05/31/01 18.35 82L.015L,581 05/31/01 435 8240155359 06/07/01 15.80 8240155361 06/07/01 18.80 8240155362 06/07/01 69.90 8240155353 06/07/01 31.95 8240155354 06/07/01 18.35 8240155360 06/07/01 4.55 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 61~485~53200 FUND Total j 151.15 10401 1044 6680 8627410064 05/18/01 3,760.92 06/19/01 61-485-53810 3,760.92 62,257.21 1 0/.31 717 3291 69525-6/30 06/30/01 23,000.00 06/19/01 65-800-55000 23,000.00 FUND Total 23,000.00 10449 538 3091 CEPa 1235 05/30/01 302.73 06/19/01 70~185~52100 15.42 10452 1050 2870 22802 05/31/01 58.15 06/19/01 70-185-52100 44.17 10455 698 6717 195071 05/10/01 35.76 06/19/01 70-185-52100 35.76 195878 05/30/01 555.56 10500 962 6704 90065 05/14/01 34.95 06/19/01 70~185-52100 34.95 10453 591 2872 8240155358 06/07/01 5.55 06/19/01 70~185-52200 63.60 8240154579 05/31/01 5.55 8240154577 05/31/01 31.80 8240155356 06/07/01 31. 80 10450 764 6700 5/01 05/30/01 19,405.83 06/19/01 70-185~52470 38.20 10454 789 6703 30041 06/01/01 8,902.23 06/19/01 70~185-52500 31.40 10455 698 6717 195071 05/10/01 35.76 06/19/01 70-185-52920 555.56 195878 05/30/01 555.56 10456 865 6697 5892 04/25/01 19.95 06/19/01 70-185-52920 1,112.10 6232 06/11/01 180.00 6176 06/04/01 271.80 6196 06/05/01 488.50 6191 05/05/01 149.90 7035 OS/23/01 201.90 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 16 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Ot Invoice Amount Oue Date GL Account GL Amount 10457 812 2871 1504077534 05/04/01 17091 06/19/01 70~185.'52920 1.38 1504077662 05/11/01 27047 1504077788 05/18/01 7.99 1504077523 05/04/01 1.38 10458 857 5878 0191461 05/15/01 119.88 06/19/01 70~185~52920 538.09 0193047 05/31/01 61.79 D192066 OS/21/01 9.07 0193013 05/31/01 6.22 0192185 OS/22/01 88.64 0191846 05/18/01 13065 0191863 05/18/01 11.83 0192747 OS/29/01 86.36 0192798 OS/29/01 36.32 0192809 OS/29/01 "86,36 0193310 06/04/01 5040 0192341 OS/23/01 4.99 0192330 OS/23/01 33.3", 0192396 OS/24/01 7.64 0191809 05/18/01 1.1 .96 0191799 05/17/01 8.97 0191847 05/18/01 88.39 '10459 1005 6715 82136CVW OS/25/01 59.06 06/19/01 70-185-52920 50.84 82400CVW 06/08/01 11. 52 76849CREO IT 01/23/01 -19.74 '10460 77'1 6695 255606 06/08/01 -63013 06/19/01 70-185-52920 37.5.04 107076 05/30/01 324080 255468 06/07/01 111. 37 10462 308 6707 8437607 11/09/00 194.14 06/19/01 70-185-52920 194.14 10464 433 6711 1211410039 OS/21/01 1.58 06/19/01 70-185-52920 167.29 1211590040 06/08/01 24.12 1211360056 05/16/01 52.92 1211370014 05/17/01 30.74 121141,0029 OS/24/01 2.51 12111,40049 OS/24/01 2.51 1211450010 OS/25/01 47.23 1211520019 06/01/01 5.68 10501 1021 6162 226421 05/30/01 20.35 06/19/01 70~185-52920 20035 10501, 101,0 6351, 2411 05/16/01 419.68 06/19/01 70-185-52920 4,837.91, 2406 05/11/01 445.11 2417 OS/25/01 149082 2416 OS/25/01 30.50 2412 05/16/01 76052 2413 05/16/01 302.48 2407 05/11/01 91.89 2415 OS/25/01 912.30 2408 05/11/01 1,823086 2422 06/06/01 585.78 10505 1034 6696 P03602 06/06/01 567043 06/19/01 70~185-52920 567.43 10506 1029 6352 3210504 OS/24/01 296.58 06/19/01 70-185-52920 998.76 3210443 OS/24/01 313.68 5011458 05/15/01 478.50 '10507 573 6713 97424FOW OS/22/01 352.46 06/19/01 70-185-52920 665.11. 97943FOW 06/12/01 312068 CSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.007 R*APlOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAOBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01 :40pm Page 17 Jpen Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor !nvoice# !nvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 10508 1469 6714 535656967 OS/29/01 35.99 06/19/01 70-185-52920 35.99 10510 123 2867 42779 06/05/01 294.25 06/19/01 70-185-52920 29t,.25 10512 2300 6701 31~0108839 OS/22/01 196.99 06/19/01 70-185-52920 196.99 10514 446 5876 155323547 06/01/01 -207.57 06/19/01 70-185-52920 2,074.36 1553224/,6 OS/29/01 19.99 15532293t. 05/30/01 3.49 155322447 OS/29/01 71. 21 155319336 05/18/01 1.69 155318655 05/16/01 49.16 155318343 05/15/01 187.57 155320380 OS/22/01 185.13 155320558 OS/22/01 174.81 155320563 OS/22/01 268.82 155322508 OS/29/01 148.9t, 155320119 OS/21/0'1 9~,.54 155323t.22 06/01/01 86.52 155322775 05/30/01 23.98 155321453 OS/25/01 10.12 155321073 OS/23/01 221..00 155321534 OS/25/01 92.98 155322518 OS/29/01 65.72 155324462 06/04/01 10.38 155320227 OS/21/01 125.57 155322774 05/30/01 57.38 155321176 OS/24/01 221..00 15531791/, 05/14/01 1.39 155326983 06/12/01 10.98 155325653 06/08/01 20.76 155316268 05/08/01 128.80 10434 1084 6691 5/01 05/30/01 21,426.33 06/19/01 70-185-53200 218.99 10336 377 6688 6t.72147t, OS/25/01 388.91 06/19/01 70-185-53610 21.31 10451 819 6710 16066 05/31/01 75.50 06/19/01 70-185-53800 196.00 16077 05/16/01 t,5 .00 16069 06/06/01 75.50 10456 865 6697 5892 04/25/01 19.95 06/19/01 70-185-53800 199.95 6232 06/11/01 180.00 6176 06/04/01 271.80 6196 06/05/01 488.50 6191 05/05/01 149.90 7035 OS/23/01 201.90 10463 411 6698 6635 05/18/01 309.65 06/19/01 70-185-53800 309.65 10499 1199 6712 4990 05/31/01 32.00 06/19/01 70-185-53800 205.00 4979 OS/22/01 173.00 10506 1029 6352 3210504 OS/2t,/01 296.58 06/19/01 70-185-53800 90.00 3210443 OS/2t./01 313.68 5011458 05/15/01 478.50 10509 364 5877 164293 05/11/01 45.00 06/19/01 70-185-53800 344.99 164756 OS/29/01 125.00 164755 OS/29/01 70.00 164286 05/11/01 59.99 164877 05/31/01 45.00 10511 467 6706 26363 OS/25/01 923.75 06/19/01 70-185-53800 923.75 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 252,51701,3 15,456.79 1,417.67 289.80 37.74 161.60 1 ,600. 12 3,506.93 GL Amount Grand Total FUND Total ( FUND Total Jun 14, 2001 01:40pm Page 18 i. I" '0 :Jjla Go 1 r c1 () :J ,2 .) \.: 1,417.67 06/19/01 76-150-53001 289.80 06/19/01 76-150-53750 37.74 06/19/01 76-150-53750 161.60 06/19/01 76-150-53750 1,600.12 06/19/0176-150-53750 C5.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT 06/01/01 02/19/01 04/30/01 05/01/01 02/19/01 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 39/,5 EDWJOOOO 41407 E02141 EDWJOOOO 4306 6527 6412 6413 6226 PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# 601 310 372 2183 310 10309 10300 10301 10302 103/,3 laim# Vendor ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account : i ty of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Jumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ._~~~~ w_~__~ ___~___~ ____ ______ _~____~_____ _~______ ____________ ________ __________ ____________ _____________________~_ 2733 6l.2 05/30/01 10333 200-5/01 06/19/01 36.34 1,074.45 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 05/30/01 202-5/01 34.91 05/30/01 203-5/01 25.69 05/30/01 20/,-5/01 41. 10 05/30101 205-5/01 2.63 05/30/01 206-5/01 41.94 05/30/01 208-5/01 66.98 05/30/01 209-5/01 25.69 05/30/01 210-5/01 17.36 05/30/01 211-5/01 32.10 05/30/01 213-5/01 79.88 05/30/01 214-5/01 37.73 05/30/01 215-5/01 36.09 05/30/01 218-5/01 15"!,1 05/30/01 219-5/0'] 65.58 05/30/01 220-5/01 15.41 05/30/01 221-5/01 56.11, 05/30/01 222-5/01 17.98 05/30/01 223-5/01 61.65 05/30/01 224-5/01 25.81 05/30/01 225-5/01 /,5.68 05/30/01 226-5/01 25.69 05/30/01 227-5/01 84.71 05/30/01 229-5/01 7.. 71 05/30/01 230-5/01 12.84 05/30/01 236-5/01 91.92 05/30/01 237-5/01 43.67 05/30/01 238-5/01 25.81 2735 939 06/01/01 10349 6/01 06/19/01 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 2867 123 06/05/01 10510 42779 06/19/01 291,.25 294.25 12 BATTERIES 2870 1050 05/31/01 10452 22802 06/19/01 58.15 13.98 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 44.17 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 2871 812 05/0/,/01 10457 1504077534 06/19/01 17.91 53.37 12 MAINTIREPAIR SUPPLl ES 05/11101 1504077662 27.47 1.38 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 05/18/01 1504077788 7.99 05/04/01 1504077523 1.38 2872 591 06/07/01 10453 8240155358 06/19/01 5.55 11.10 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154579 5.55 63.60 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154577 31.80 06/07/01 8240155356 31.80 2886 537 06/04/01 10298 6/4 ATOR 06/19/01 80.00 80.00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2930 931 05/11/01 10466 14903 06/19/01 23.50 52.25 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 OS/25101 16577 28.75 2931 1,15 05/31/01 10337 35777 06/19/01 51.80 51.80 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 2932 615 04/10101 10308 1645472 06/19101 30.00 360.00 PRE-EMP DRUG SCREENS 04/26/01 1676881 30.00 05/01/01 1685361 30.00 05/03/01 1691252 30.00 05/07/01 1694819 30.00 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 1t" 2001 01:41pm Page 2 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~ ~~---~ ~-~----~ ---- ------ ------------ ---~---~ -~---------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 04/23/01 1668201 30.00 Ot,/23/01 1668995 30.00 01/20/01 1663012 30.00 05/08/01 1699826 30.00 04/27/01 1678390 30.00 05/09/01 1701457 30.00 05/11/01 1706431 30.00 3022 129 OS/24/01 10t,36 12449146 06/19/01 19.30 19.30 SR VAN-USE 3091 538 05/30/01 CEPO 10449 1235 06/19/01 302.73 38.95 MAINT SUPPLIES 15.42 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 132.27 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.64 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.33 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.32 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.32 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.32 MAINT SUPPLIES 3115 591 OS/24/01 10327 8240153911 06/19/01 14.75 59.00 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 05/03/01 8240151510 14.75 05/10/01 82401522M 14.75 05/17/01 8240153050 14.75 3214 1098 06/06/01 10299 2444047 06/19/01 163.03 163.03 EMPLOYMENT ADS 3291 717 06/30/01 10431 69525-6/30 06/19/01 23,000.00 23,000.00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 3299 1012 OS/23/01 10342 513767 06/19/01 110.00 110.00 12 FILING FEES 3322 1152 OS/26/01 10474 052601 06/19/01 42.60 42.60 METER READINGS 332t, 171 OS/23/01 10470 052301 06/19/01 318.45 318.45 METER READINGS 3325 371 06/01/01 CEPO 10473 060101 06/19/01 592.20 592.20 METER READINGS 3326 264 06/01/01 10472 060101 06/19/01 159.30 159.30 METER READINGS 3381 313 05/31/01 10322 020 06/19/01 300.00 300.00 INSPECTION SERVICES 3382 313 05/31/01 10321 021 06/19/01 51. 77 51.77 MILEAGE 3677 1512 05/04/01 10483 3 06/19/01 22,500.00 22,500.00 MECHANICAL 6/6/00 3894 362 05/31/01 10347 34127 06/19/01 120.00 120.00 BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 4306 601 06/01/01 10309 39t,5 06/19/01 1,417.67 1,417.678 CONTRACT ADMIN 10/17/00 43t,5 1614 06/04/01 10446 5 06/19/01 22,630.t,2 22,630.42 EQUIPMENT STORAGE SLDG 10/3/00 4508 89 05/30/01 10t,30 1 06/19/01 4,138.04 4,138.04 7 CART LEASE tt677 357 06/05/01 10414 T4128 06/19/01 30.00 160.00 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 05/31/01 T1 080 50.00 30.00 SLUDGE ANALYSIS OS/22/01 T4026 50.00 05/11/01 T3958 30.00 05/07/01 T3912 30.00 4827 938 05/17/01 10389 E911/5-01 06/19/01 2,098.90 2,098.90 8 E-911 5120 360 05/31/01 10341 11075896 06/19/01 635.06 635.06 6 COPIER MAINT 5147 1056 OS/24/01 10403 66287 06/19/01 145.60 257.20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 06/01/01 66465 89.60 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 04/11/01 58115 22.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5317 360 OS/29/01 10445 11070621 06/19/01 65.99 65.99 COPIER MAINTENANCE 5334 1557 05/31/01 10320 52807 06/19/01 902.88 902.88 BILLING SERVICE 5334 1557 06/10/01 10494 52840 06/19/01 1,534.47 1,534.47 BILLING SERVICE 5346 239 05/31/01 10397 103172 06/19/01 377.19 88.39 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OS/29/01 103095 64.76 88.39 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 538.09 REPAIR PARTS 344.99 TIRE REPAIRS 2,074.36 REPAIR PARTS 100.00 I. DIGITAL PLAYER~CONTRACT 2/,2.00 CHLORINE 88.38 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 88.40 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 88.39 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 624.00 WASTEWATER LINE INSPECTION 3,832.00 COPIER 180.00 BAILIFF DUn ES- 3/01- 6/0'1 120.00 TRAINING-BLEVINS 1,316.49 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5580 195/. 06/07/01 10393 060701 06/19/01 624.00 5637 360 03/29/01 10306 115261t8A 06/19/01 3,832.00 5646 1361 05/30/01 10348 5/01 06/19/01 180.00 5674 1l,9 03/20/01 10385 EDOOOO01312 06;19/01 120.00 5704 1039 05/03;01 10406 344767 06/19/01 72.45 OS/29;01 344336 20.00 05/1 0/01 342719 315.00 05/17/01 342720 280.00 05/14/01 341888 629.04 5780 1171 05/31/01 10331 557046 06/19/01 100.00 5848 688 OS/25/0'1 10440 10-0105-6074 06/19/01 2l,2.00 8 5876 l,l,6 06/01/01 1051l, 155323547 06/19/01 -207.57 OS/29/01 155322/+46 19.99 05/30/01 155322934 3.49 OS/29/01 155322447 71.21 05/18/01 155319336 1.69 05/16/01 155318655 49.16 05/15/01 155318343 187.57 OS/22/01 155320380 185.13 OS/22/01 155320558 174.81 OS/22/01 155320563 268.82 OS/29/01 155322508 148.94 OS/21/01 155320119 94.54 06/01/01 155323l.22 86.52 05/30/01 155322775 23.98 OS/25/01 155321453 1 D. 12 OS/23/01 155321073 221.00 OS/25/01 155321534 92.98 OS/29/01 155322518 65.72 06/04/01 155324462 10.38 OS/21/01 155320227 125.57 05/30/01 155322774 57.38 OS/24/01 155321176 221. 00 05/14/01 155317914 1.39 06/12/01 155326983 10.98 06/08/01 155325653 20.76 05/08/01 155316268 128.80 5877 364 05/11/01 10509 164293 06/19/01 45.00 OS/29/01 164756 125 .00 OS/29/01 164755 70.00 05/11/01 164286 59.99 05/31/01 164877 45.00 5878 857 05/15/01 10458 D191461 06/19/01 119.88 05/31/01 D193047 61. 79 OS/21/01 0192066 9.07 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 Line Item Amounts Claim Description -~~~-~ -~---- ----~--- ~--- ------ ------------ -------- --~--------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 3 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order ity of Owasso Jun 1/" 2001 01 :41pm Page 4 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~--- -~~--- ~~-~---- ~--- --~--- -----~------ -------- ------------ -------- -~-------- ------------ ----------------------- 05/31/01 D193013 6.22 OS/22/01 0192185 88.64 05/18/01 0191846 13.65 05/18/01 0191863 11.83 OS/29/01 0192747 86.36 OS/29/01 0192798 36.32 OS/29/01 0192809 ~86.36 06/04/01 0193310 5.40 OS/23/01 0192341 4.99 OS/23/01 0192330 33.34 OS/24/01 0192396 7.64 05/18/01 0191809 41.96 05/17/01 0191799 8.97 05/18/01 0191847 88.39 6003 1/,08 OS/29/01 '10399 2526 06/19/01 123.00 123.00 CONCRETE 6003 1408 OS/29/01 10488 2524 06/19/01 71.00 71.00 CONCRETE 6036 1318 06/01,/01 10409 1,1 06/19/01 111. 95 1'11.95 MOWINGS 6043 107 OS/25/01 10487 61385 06/19/01 19.50 87.39 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/31/01 61587 67.89 6052 '1075 OS/25/01 10324 51286 06/19/01 119.69 119.69 SAFETY BOOTS 6085 812 OS/25/01 10441 1513077919 06/19/01 13.99 56.22 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0/./27/01 1513077389 13.47 19.09 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/04/01 1513077528 101.92 130.18 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/11/01 1513077668 0.80 29.31 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/18/01 1507077789 3.98 7.96 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/11/01 1507077664 3.98 39.33 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/18/01 1510077791 19.91 19.94 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/11/01 1510077665 24.39 1.98 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/04/01 1510077525 5.94 8.92 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/11/01 1501077656 5.98 05/04/01 1511077526 4.98 05/11/01 1511077666 19.09 OS/25/01 1511077917 34.35 05/01./01 1508077524 2.97 0/,/27/01 1508077387 3.98 OS/23/0'1 1508077867 12.99 05/18/01 1508077790 16.35 OS/23/01 1508077868 -12.99 OS/25/01 1508077916 25.95 05/11/01 1505077663 1.98 05/04/01 1516077529 8.92 6131 2048 OS/23/01 10387 338837 06/19/01 863.06 2,499.39 LADDER TRUCK EQUIP 05/31/01 339988 1,636.33 6132 126 04/27/01 10344 383034 06/19/01 263.50 3,584.00 LADDER TRUCK EQUIP 05/08/01 384141 1,921.50 OS/22/01 385048 1,399.00 6155 537 06/04/01 10297 6/4 MCCARTY 06/19/01 230.00 230.00 10 PARK MOWINGS 6162 1021 05/30/01 10501 226421 06/19/01 20.35 20.35 REPAIR PARTS 6226 310 02/19/01 10343 EDWJOOOO 06/19/01 1 , 600. 12 1,600.12 E02141 6235 1382 06/08/01 10433 42 06/19/01 256.95 210.00 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 46.95 10 VETERANS PARK MOWINGS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHAOBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ,umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -~~---~~ ~--- ~~~--~ ----~------- -------- ------------ -------- -------___ ____________ _________w_____________ 6272 2075 05/30/01 10471 053001 06/19/01 332.25 332.25 METER READINGS 6336 1038 05/01/01 10386 6854 06/19/01 46.21 131.17 MAINT SUPPLIES 03/22/01 4583 84.96 6337 812 05/11/01 10345 1503077661 06/19/01 7.99 69.11 MAINT SUPPLIES 05/18/01 1503077787 19.45 OS/25/01 1503077913 41.67 6338 904 OS/21/01 10325 54214 06/19/01 21.00 141.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 05/16/01 54172 29.00 05/07/01 54054 29.00 04/30/01 53898 19.00 OS/24/01 54258 43.00 6352 1029 OS/24/01 10506 321050/, 06/19/01 296.58 998.'16 TIRES OS/24/01 32104/,3 313.68 90.00 TIRES 05/15/01 5011458 1,78.50 635/, 101,0 05/16/01 10504 2411 06/19/01 1.19.68 4,83'1.94 REPAIR PARTS 05/11/01 2406 1,1.5.11 OS/25/01 241'1 149.82 OS/25/01 2416 30.50 05/16/01 2412 '16.52 05/16/01 2413 302.48 05/11/01 2407 91.89 OS/25/01 2t.15 912.30 05/11/01 2408 1,823.86 06/06/01 2422 585.78 6360 822 OS/21/01 10513 20337 06/19/01 60.00 60.00 CALCULATOR/RIBBONS/REPA IR 6369 132 OS/22/01 10484 5283t,80 06/19/01 125.00 250.00 SEMINAR-ROBERTS/STEVENS OS/22/01 5283483 125.00 637tt 475 05/30/01 10411 l4RMACH I NE 06/19/01 105.00 105.00 RENTALS 6374 4'15 OS/25/01 10489 73491 06/19/01 21. 70 126.70 RENTALS 05/30/01 73546 105.00 6382 2178 06/30/01 10432 6/1-6/30 06/19/01 200.00 200.00 RESTROOM CLEANINGS 6412 372 04/30/01 10301 4140'1 06/19/01 37.74 37.'14 E02141 6413 2183 05/01/01 10302 E02141 06/19/01 161. 60 161.60 E02141 6467 2222 OS/29/01 10350 995265 06/19/01 370.09 370.09 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIES 6497 6 05/14/01 10405 8385 06/19/01 55.00 55.00 SOD 0.00 SOD 6502 1039 05/18/01 10480 343502 06/19/01 312.50 2,693.05 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES OS/22/01 343577 20.00 05/15/01 342697 1 , 234 . 95 05/16/01 343217 220.00 05/13/01 343213 60.00 OS/21/01 343208 568.50 05/10/01 342717 17.85 OS/21/01 343016 192.42 05/17/01 343933 51.83 05/07/01 343934 15.00 6512 494 05/17/01 10444 108117 06/19/01 74.95 74.95 REPAIR SERVICE 6515 827 04/20/01 10407 042001 06/19/01 -60.00 0.00 HEPATITUS SHOTS OS/21/01 1336030 92.00 65.00 HEPATITUS SHOTS OS/25/01 269935 33.00 6526 1043 05/31/01 10398 3050 06/19/01 749.25 749.25 SIGNALIZATION :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 490.00 TUITION REIMB-BARNES 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 180.00 SUPERVISOR TRAINING 228.69 ADVERTISING 70.00 RENEWAL DUES 117.63 MAINT SUPPLIES 5.20 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 151.24 REPAIR SUPPLIES 60.00 HEPATITUS B SHOT 325.99 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 141.92 PAGERS 92.33 CLEANING SUPPLIES 1,400.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 30.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-CARR 38.00 PRINTED FORMS 24.20 REPAIR SUPPLIES 289.80 E02141 870.79 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 1,697.00 RADIO 748.46 SHELVING 1,783.14 PUMP RENTAL 120.00 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 25.00 LICENSE RENEWAL-MCCORD 136.00 POSTAGE 845.00 TUITION REIMB-KLAHR 120.00 TRAINING-GRIFFIN 35.97 BINDERS 7.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,404.00 GERMAN CORNER SIGN 19.45 REFERENCE MATERIAL 505.00 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 42.00 REPAIR PARTS Li ne I t em Amounts Claim Description Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page" 6 228.69 70.00 5.20 59.14 38.82 2255 03/27/98 10303 211698 1206 06/14/01 10307 38829053 812 05/30/01 10339 656078004 OS/25/01 1512077918 05/18/01 1512077792 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 06/19/01 06/19/01 06/19/01 10300 EDWJOOOO 06/19/01 289.80 10330 355999 06/19/01 870.79 10338 7218 06/19/01 1,697.00 10418 413294001 06/19/01 748.46 10486 825224~001 06/19/01 1 , 783. 14 10346 6931 06/19/01 120.00 10323 91 06/19/01 25.00 10352 6/1/01 06/19/01 136.00 10351 052801 06/19/01 845.00 10305 91703 06/19/0"1 120.00 10391 8181 06/19/01 35.97 423 25.97 10310 l,250'] 06/19/01 1,404.00 1030l. 58 06/19/01 19.45 10439 52l.01- 02 06/19/01 505.00 10326 204120018092 06/19/01 l,2.00 3 '10388 977853 06/19/01 60.00 10396 DV41787 06/19/01 325.99 10328 K6298860E 06/19/01 141.92 10437 951 06/19/01 92.33 10485 30570 06/19/01 1,400.00 10442 052101 06/19/01 30.00 10443 26285 06/19/01 38.00 10311 646965 06/19/01 13.06 647116 11.14 10312 1l,283 06/19/01 -230 61227 12.11 61492 13015 62025 5.86 62224 3l. . 34 62226 l,J6 62616 65.70 62842 20.52 6284l, 2.10 10296 100400 06/19/01 490.00 10332 040201 06/19/01 1,800.00 6644 6645 6652 6633 384 OS/29/01 6634 1239 05/31/01 6635 1110 OS/22/01 6636 1038 05/15/01 6637 710 OS/23/01 6638 2174 OS/21/01 6639 1491 OS/22/01 6640 366 05/16/01 05/17/01 6641 792 05/16/01 05/07/01 05/09/01 05/14/01 05/16/01 05/16/01 OS/22/01 OS/24/01 OS/24/01 6642 2253 10/04/00 6643 2254 04/02/01 310 02/19/01 66 OS/22/01 556 06/05/01 127 06/06/01 2241 05/31/01 556 OS/22/01 860 OS/21/01 1033 06/01/01 813 OS/28/01 1083 OS/21/01 l,06 OS/25/01 06/11/0"1 2152 04/25/01 291, OS/25/01 485 OS/24/01 897 OS/29/01 6629 6630 6631 6632 6527 6529 6531 6586 6598 6608 6609 6625 6626 6627 6628 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order :i ty of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 7 unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Li ne I t em ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description u~~~~~ _~~~_~ ~_~~__~~ ~_~_ __~___ ____________ ___w____ ____________ ________ __________ _______~____ _______________________ 05/11/01 1512077667 6.68 05/04/01 1512077527 12.99 6653 107 06/01/01 10335 61601 06/19/01 60.85 60.85 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6655 66 06/0/+/01 10417 357136 06/19/01 304.06 469.52 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 06/05/01 357219 165.46 OS/29/01 356413 47.80 OS/25/01 C356259 -/+7.80 6656 129 OS/24/01 10415 1215261l 06/'19/01 188.61 66.24 PHONE USE~ALLEN 122.37 PHONE USE-OTHERS 6658 78'1 05/17/01 10384 5-836-62239 06/19/01 42.2/+ 21.96 POSTAGE 20.28 POSTAGE 6659 417 OS/29/01 10390 30442 06/19/01 93.99 93.99 TONER CARTRIDGE 6660 1062 05/30/01 10438 5/0'1 06/19/01 4,360.14 700.00 RETAINER 2,840.14 LEGAL SERVICES 700.00 RETAINER 120.00 LEGAL SERVICES 6661 475 05/31/01 10334 73646 06/19/01 130.00 130.00 RENTAL 6665 316 OS/23/01 10412 7019/,945 06/19/01 542.73 600.66 ELECTRICAL WIRE OS/22/01 70194821 57.93 6666 647 01/23/01 10481 012301 06/19/01 586.00 586.00 FENCE POSTS 6667 158 05/31/01 10404 522162 06/19/01 69.98 69.98 WORK JEANS-DUGAN 6669 591 05/31/01 10400 8240154580 06/19/01 15.80 63.90 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154582 31. 70 50.50 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154583 57.00 31.60 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154574 31.95 126.90 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154575 18.35 36.70 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/31/01 8240154581 4.55 9.10 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/07/01 8240155359 15.80 06/07/01 8240155361 18.80 06/07/01 8240155362 69.90 06/07/01 8240155353 31. 95 06/07/01 8240155354 18.35 06/07/01 8240155360 4.55 6672 1122 06/04/01 10340 20011558 06/19/01 780.00 780.00 TEAM RECOGNITION 6675 209 OS/21/01 10383 200042039400 06/19/01 24.00 24.00 LEGAL SERVICES 004 6677 100 05/12/01 10395 267555 06/19/01 650.00 1,300.00 DOZER RENTAL 05/14/01 267556 650.00 400.00 FILL DIRT OS/23/01 267557 400.00 6678 1039 OS/23/01 10394 343608 06/19/01 1,295.00 12,533.67 WATER METERS-10/19/99 OS/25/01 343931 1,800.86 05/16/01 343215 593.49 05/14/01 343156 1,942.50 05/03/01 341635 277.50 05/11/01 343210 2,370.32 OS/22/01 343609 4,254.00 6679 1894 06/06/01 10413 10047 06/19/01 1,116.00 1,296.20 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 06/06/01 10048 180.20 6680 1044 05/18/01 10401 8627410064 06/19/01 3,760.92 3,760.92 RECYCLE REFUSE 6681 1404 OS/25/01 10408 4675 06/19/01 420.00 1,188.00 ROAD BORES OS/25/01 4656 360.00 OS/25/01 4657 408.00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 O*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 8 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ---~--~~ ---- ------ ---~-------- ---~---- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------..---------------- 6683 511 06/05/01 10479 553705 06/19/01 886.00 886.00 VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 6685 1t.91 06/01/01 10410 26347 06/19/01 135.75 135.75 PR I NT I NG 6687 406 06/05/01 10482 8519 06/19/01 15t..64 56.12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 98.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6688 377 OS/25/01 10336 6472147t, 06/19/01 388.91 12.00 05/01 USE 9.43 05/01 USE 14.36 05/01 USE 89.05 05/01 USE 21.31 05/01 USE 111.40 05/01 USE 25077 05/01 USE 25.07 05/01 USE 8.32 05/01 USE 12.29 05/01 USE 10005 05/01 USE 17.29 05/01 USE 32.57 05/01 USE 6690 496 OS/25/0'1 10/.16 3791 06/19/01 62.50 62.50 MAINT SUPPLIES 6691 108t, 05/30/0'1 10434 5/01 06/19/01 21,426.33 851.08 05/01 USE 218.99 05/01 USE 626.12 05/01 USE 264.54 05/01 USE 798.03 05/01 USE 61..09 05/01 USE 294.68 05/01 USE 573.62 05/01 USE 228.98 05/01 USE 11,840.92 05/01 USE 344042 05/01 USE 151.15 05/01 USE 865.15 05/01 USE 1,857.66 05/01 USE 941.36 05/01 USE 1,505.54 05/01 USE 6692 754 10/19/01 10/,95 101901 06/19/01 1,125.00 750.00 2 CONFERENCE~BISHOP/JACKS ON 375.00 CONFERENCE-WILLSON 6694 1143 OS/24/01 10503 6593090 06/19/01 47060 262.50 COPY PAPER 05/31/01 6642190 262050 47.60 COPY PAPER 6695 771 06/08/01 10460 255606 06/19/01 -63.13 373.04 REPAIR PARTS 05/30/01 107076 324.80 06/07/01 255t.68 111. 37 6696 1034 06/06/01 10505 P03602 06/19/01 567.43 567.43 REPAIR PARTS 6697 865 04/25/01 10456 5892 06/19/01 19.95 1,112.10 T! RES 06/11/01 6232 180.00 199.95 TIRE REPAIR 06/04/01 6176 271.80 06/05/01 6196 488.50 05/05/01 6191 149.90 OS/23/01 7035 201.90 6698 411 05/18/01 10463 6635 06/19/01 309.65 309.65 VEHICLE REPAIR 6700 764 05/30/01 10450 5/01 06/19/01 19,405.83 130.41 VEH MAINT 05/01 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 167.29 REPAIR PARTS 75.50 45.00 75.50 1.58 24.12 52.92 30.74 2.51 2.51 47.23 5.68 32.00 06/19/01 6710 819 05/31/01 10451 16066 05/16/01 16077 06/06/01 16069 6711 433 OS/21/01 10464 1211410039 06/08/01 1211590040 05/16/01 1211360056 05/17/01 1211370014 OS/24/01 1211440029 OS/24/01 1211440049 OS/25/01 1211450010 06/01/01 1211520019 6712 1199 05/31/01 10499 4990 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 205.00 VEHICLE REPAIR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 06/19/01 699.46 VEH MAINT 05/01 700.75 VEH MAINT 05/01 2,063.18 VEH MAINT 05/01 4,894.22 VEH MAINT 05/01 575.34 VEH MAINT 05/01 130.01 VEH MAINT 05/01 38.20 VEH MAINT 05/01 15.15 VEH MAINT 05/01 689.30 VEH MAINT 05/01 9,044.98 VEH MAINT 5/01 40.00 VEH MAINT 5/01 311.47 VEH MAINT 5/01 73.36 VEH MAINT 5/01 196.99 REPAIR PARTS 7'..64 FUEL 05/01 31.',0 FUEL 05/0'j 67.36 FUEL 05/01 466.78 FUEL 05/01 697.31 FUEL 05/01 91.31 FUEL 05/01 337.24 FUEL 05/01 301.32 FUEL 05/01 958.39 FUEL 05/01 70.68 FUEL 05/01 2,817.76 FUEL 05/01 203.09 FUEL 05/01 154.58 FUEL 05/01 958.46 FUEL 05/01 1,671.91 FUEL 05/01 34.95 GLOVES 29.95 VACUUM REPAIR 923.75 VEHICLE REPAIR 194.14 REPAIR PARTS 27.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.92 MAINT SUPPLIES 10.50 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.26 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 196.00 TOWING FEE 06/19/01 670', 962 05/14/01 10500 90065 06/19/01 34.95 6705 1077 OS/29/01 10461 17766 06/19/01 29.95 6706 467 OS/25/01 10511 26363 06/19/01 923 . 75 6707 308 11/09/00 10462 8437607 06/19/01 194. 14 6708 1038 05/30/01 10502 3515 06/19/01 '.7.79 6709 2301 05/31/01 104'.8 250245-0 06/19/01 76.55 196.99 8,902.23 06/19/01 06/19/01 10512 31.0108839 10/.5'+ 30041 6701 2300 OS/22/01 6703 789 06/01/01 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 9 :ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order i ty of O.Jasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 10 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~--- ---~-- ~~---~..- --~- ------ -~~--------- -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- OS/22/01 4979 173.00 6713 573 OS/22/01 1050"1 97424FOW 06/19/01 352.1.6 665.14 REPAIR PARTS 06/12/01 9"1943FOW 312.68 6"111. 1/.69 OS/29/01 10508 53565696"1 06/19/01 35.99 35.99 REPAIR PARTS 6"115 1005 OS/25/01 10459 82136CVW 06/19/01 59.06 50.84 REPAIR PARTS 06/08/01 82400CVW 11052 01/23/01 "16849CREDIT ~19J4 6"116 2307 05/31/01 10465 130301426~00 06/19/01 664.01 12.34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 06/07/01 1311441,2"1-00 133.00 73.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 575.6"1 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.24 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20.79 OFFICE SUPPLIES 74.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 671"1 698 05/1 0/01 10/,55 195071 06/19/01 35."16 555.56 OIL/LUBRICANTS 05/30/01 195878 555.56 35.76 PUMP 6"118 2302 05/01,/01 10392 2089 06/19/01 25.00 13"1.39 REIMBURSEMENT-TOWED VEHICLE 05/02/01 1888 112.39 6719 835 05/31/01 10435 053101 06/19/01 4,202.67 4,202.67 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 6729 777 06/01/01 10402 42 06/19/01 77.00 7"1.00 SUBSCRIPTION 6730 9 OS/29/01 10371 96829236 06/19/01 35.00 06/20/01 0.60 1,294.11 GOLF CLUBS/BALLS 05/18/01 96754142 127.37 06/20/01 2.45 05/30/01 96841187 719.43 06/20/01 14.0/, OS/25/01 9681 "1437 127.29 06/20/01 2.40 OS/29/01 96829234 285.02 06/20/01 5.60 6731 42 05/18/01 103"12 93587464 06/19/01 75.00 161.20 SUNGLASSES OS/25/01 93610671 86.20 6732 812 OS/25/01 10370 1513077919 06/19/01 12.95 12.95 CLEANING SUPPLIES 6733 300 OS/29/01 10373 16403 06/19/01 33.52 33.52 REPAIR PARTS 6734 1408 OS/29/01 10369 2525 06/19/01 126.00 1,638.00 CONCRETE OS/29/01 2523 1,512.00 6735 2070 OS/29/01 10374 2872 06/19/01 31.47 31.47 REPAIR PARTS 6736 568 04/26/01 10367 152006 06/19/01 202.65 202.65 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 6737 314 05/31/01 10375 5165290 06/19/01 34.55 1,304.79 GOLF BALLS/CLUBS/BAGS 05/17/01 5137987 90.63 OS/21/01 5144546 134 . 29 OS/22/01 5147765 305.29 05/18/01 51/,1018 61.88 OS/29/01 5160655 653.40 OS/25/01 5156475 24.75 6738 1243 06/04/01 10376 1043 06/19/01 495.00 495.00 ADVERTISING 6739 1038 06/05/01 10368 273 06/19/01 35.68 35.68 COUNCIL RECOGNITION 6740 17 OS/22/01 10377 4295033 06/19/01 1/,2.75 06/20/01 2.76 3,849.78 GOLF SHOES/GLOVES 04/19/01 4241156 52.50 06/20/01 4.08 03/13/01 4180120 1,894058 06/20/01 149.76 03/14/01 4182637 347029 06/20/01 27.36 05/17/01 4287860 135.25 06/20/01 2.61 05/1U01 4288655 1,277.41 06/20/01 100.80 6741 388 03/14/01 10378 38513572 06/19/01 70.26 06/20/01 1.98 3,061.85 GOLF SHOES/BALLS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 66.99 05/01 NON-PlEXAR 96.75 05/01 NON-PlEXAR 176.00 05/01 NON-PlEXAR 26.16 REIMB TRAVEL-BLEVINS 8.99 REIMB TRAVEL-WILLSON 40.00 REFUND DEPOSIT 119.85 EMP APPRECIATION 17.50 POSTAGE 61.47 DOC LUNCHES 10.00 FUEL 7.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 12.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 4.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 11.00 COURSE SUPPLIES 15.21 REPAIR SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 49.59 05/01 NON-PlEXAR 36.32 MAINT SUPPLIES 2,848.67 PRINTING 1,169.48 GOLF SHORTS 748.00 CAPS 100.00 PRINTER TONER 100.00 PRINTER TONER 3,862.29 05/01 USE 125.00 POSTAGE 275.33 CLEANING SUPPLIES 78.00 15.96 7.20 9.00 21.60 20.80 23.40 1.30 7.68 1.80 18.5f, 32.64 5.28 5,614.40 GOLF CLUBS/BALLS 144.00 RANGE BALLS Line Item Amounts Claim Description Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 11 18.54 21. 60 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q*APR083 03/14/01 38513573 652.08 06/20/01 02/15/01 38224330 724.64 06/20/01 05/17/01 39239652 66.22 OS/23/01 39295059 71.5706/20/01 05/15/01 39186601 652.08 06/20/01 04/19/01 38922297 825.00 06/20/01 67f,2 57 05/30/01 10379 962282 06/19/01 144.00 06/20/01 OS/23/01 6444129 "1,275.00 03/12/01 684132 488.11 03/06/01 666598 514.81 04/04/01 774063 396.00 04/20/01 833531 198.00 Of,/26/01 852816 198.00 04/26/01 852872 396.00 05/30/01 960706 'I u 962.56 06/20/01 OS/23/01 9f,0400 404.45 06/20/01 OS/24/01 945160 1131+.39 06/20/01 OS/29/01 956150 229.39 06/20/01 05/18/01 926554 546.36 06/20/01 OS/22/01 936944 525.83 06/20/01 OS/23/01 942035 585.00 06/20/01 05/31/01 970186 65.00 06/20/01 05/31/01 971151 195.50 06/20/01 6743 2306 OS/21/01 10380 302016 06/19/01 2,848.67 6744 230f. OS/21/01 10381 64430 06/19/01 1,169.48 6745 2305 05/17/01 10382 10581 06/19/01 '748.00 6749 666 06/04/01 1 Of.75 4026 06/19/01 200.00 6751 108f, 05/31/01 10476 1678419L.-9 06/19/01 3,862.29 6752 1033 06/05/01 10469 060501 06/19/01 125.00 6753 568 04/17/01 10f.67 151657 06/19/01 39.03 05/02/01 152224 45.15 06/07/01 153326 191. 15 6755 812 04/06/01 10f.68 1518076981 06/19/01 5.48 04/25/01 1518077349 30.8f. 6756 938 05/30/01 10477 5/01 NON-PLE 06/19/01 389.33 XAR 675"1 1002 06/19/01 10498 061901 06/19/01 533.18 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Fu II Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# : i ty of Owasso unpaid Claims by Purchase Order ..) :,) .L I . {0 (;o! \ c\ i~L .~) OJ.,.~ j ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 01:41pm Page 12 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~--- ~~-~~~ ~~~~---- ~~-~ ------ ------------ ---~---- ------------ -------- ~--~------ ------------ ------~-~----=--------- 200.00 UTILITY BILLING CASH DRAWER 6758 399 06/07/01 10497 829434 06/19/01 33.30 33.30 ABATEMENT NOTICE 6760 1098 05/31/01 1 0491 112826~ 1 06/19/01 72.00 72.00 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 6761 1083 OS/25/01 10t,78 92098 06/19/01 100.00 50.00 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION-BOUTWELL 50.00 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION-BISHOP 6762 475 06/07/01 10/,19 60701 06/19/01 105.00 105.00 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 6763 40 06/05/01 10420 775968 06/19/01 25.20 118.94 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 06/06/01 776224 67.99 06/11/01 7779t,O 25.75 6764 2252 05/03/0'1 10/,21 18t,8 06/19/01 178.65 178.65 SOIL TEST 6765 812 OS/22/01 10422 6550"77850 06/19/01 61.35 97.23 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 06/1 'I! 0 1 655078249 35.88 6766 1038 OS/22/01 10423 1.1,,73 06/19/01 26.86 53. 79 r~AI NT SUPPLl ES 06/05/01 739 26.93 6767 37 05/30/01 10421. OUCF72 06/19/01 90.00 90.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 6'768 7'71 05/30/01 10425 1070'79 06/19/01 12'1.14 161.75 REPAIR PARTS OS/29/01 10'1072 3t,.61 6'169 953 OS/29/01 10426 1869658 06/19/01 44.83 44.83 REPAIR PARTS 6'170 606 OS/29/01 10t.2'1 16449 06/19/01 231. 98 231.98 COURSE FLAGS 6771 774 06/06/01 10428 364058 06/19/01 604.56 379.86 CHEMICALS 04/06/01 040601 -224.70 6772 46 06/07/01 10429 91627 06/19/01 1,061.00 1,061.00 FUEL 6773 1958 04/03/01 10493 3010416 06/19/01 450.00 1,350.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 05/14/01 3010421 450.00 05/17/01 3010425 450.00 67'7t, 107 06/11/01 10492 6220/, 06/19/01 75.'15 75.75 REPAIR PARTS 67'76 2029 OS/25/01 10/,90 05250'1 06/19/01 23.34 23.34 REFUND OVERPAYMENT-#3446 677'7 38 06/01/01 10/,96 060101 06/19/01 198.90 198.90 METER READINGS ~u________=__. -~-~~~._-_.~ ~~--~~-~~-~- ~~~---_._--~~ OTAL 252,517.43 59'1.78 96 records listed 53.13 REVENUE Ff~OM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL AMOUNT AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO 5,000,00 10,000.00 1 TRANSFER FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E~911 FUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO TRANSFERS GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FUND VENDOR 10,000.00 1 FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E.911 FUND AMOUNT AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM SALES T PIX FUND AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND VENDOR 2,500.00 100.00 TRANSFER FROM GENEr~l FUND TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFER FROM OPGA AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO COLLISION SELF~!NSURANCE COLLISION SELF-INSURANCE COLLISION SELF~INSURANCE TRANSFERS VENDOR Council Member Council Member Mayor June 19,2001 APPROVED: $4,164.25 $18.60 Garage Fund Total Garage Fund Animal Control 37.84 870.42 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,466.27 06/02/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor 1 06/02/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1. Agreement with Gabriel Communications Inc ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documentation which allows Gabriel Communications Inc to provide service to Owasso citizens and to collect identified E-911 fees. RECOMMENDATION: The latest request is from Gabriel Communications Inc, Chesterfield, MO. The attached agreement authorizes Gabriel to collect the E-911 service fees assessed on local access lines and remit same to the City of Owasso. The City of Owasso provides Emergency 911 service to Owasso citizens with specifically identified telephone prefixes. Agreements have been made with the telephone service providers that provide, in accordance with Ordinance #571, for five percent (5%) of the customer's telephone bill to be returned to the City of Owasso to aid in the support of providing this emergency communication service. Until September of 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone was the only emergency provider for our customers. Since then several telephone providers have requested agreements with the City to provide telephone service to our citizens, and to collect the E-911 service fee assessed on local access lines and remit that fee to the City of Owasso. BACKGROUND: June 14,2001 THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this information to Southwestern Bell Telephone on the fOlIDS provided by Southwestern Bell. 3. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: 2. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Gabriel toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 1. As authorized by the Nine-Om~-One Emergency Number Act, 63 a.s. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's ordinance Number 571, Gabriel shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Gabriel shall retain two percent (2%) of the total amount collected. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WHEREAS, Gabriel, through SWBT resale, is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. WHEREAS, Gabriel, offers its subscribers Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911) Service through resale of Southwestern Bell Telephone (SWBT) service; with S.WBT providing the actual E-911 service including, but not limited to, the development of a Master Street Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Location Identification (ALl) and the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) services; and Gabriel providing the billing and collection of 11 assessments from the end-users; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications services to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, as defined State Administrative and in the City of AGRE.EMENT for Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911 Service) (I?Agreement") is made and entered into as the 19th day of June, 2001, by and between Gabriel Communications Inc CGabriel"), a Delaware company, having its principal place of business at 16090 500, Chesterfield, AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-911) SERVICE Gabriel Agreement - Page 2 8. Gabriel shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems. 7. While it is the intent of the City to renew this Agreement, the parties agree and understand that the City, being a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, cannot be bound in this Agreement past its current fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Therefore, the parties agree that the contract's term shall be from the date of execution through the end of the City's current fiscal year, and that the parties upon mutual agreement may renew this Agreement at the end of the contract telm for successive one year periods. In no event shall the City be bound to any such renewal until and unless the City approves the renewal and it is executed by the authorized official of the City. In no event shall the City be obligated financially or otherwise or be subject to any penalty or damage for failure of the City to renew this Agreement. Gabriel's Credit Records and Billing Records are confidential and proprietary. City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this infOlmation is used only in cOlmection with City's provision E-911 Service. 5. The pmiies hereto further agree that, in the absence of any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control of Gabriel, the in-service date for the services covered by this Agreement shall be as soon as possible. 4. MSAG updates will be processed by SWBT as quickly as reasonably possible after receipt of information from the City. The ALl data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion of the order for service. City to (b) Coordinating the accuracy of the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) information used to update the Automatic Location Identification (ALl) data file and advising SWBT of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address number used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in local jurisdictional boundaries, annexation, or any other matter that will affect the routing of any E-911 call to the City's Changes, deletions, additions which the desires to have file shall submitted to on an Gabriel Agreement - Page 3 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by wlitten notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. Brett Kirby Gabriel Communications Inc 16090 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 500 Chesterfield, MO 63017 To Gabriel City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City AttolTIey PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 To the City: 13. All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: 12. The City and Gabriel agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations, alld codes in the perfOlmance of this Agreement. 11. The failure of either party to enforce any of its provisions of this Agreement, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provisions, but at the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain full force and effect. numbers. The to confidential to from disseminating such information except to and agents the City who, during the course their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose of implementing and administering E-911 Services. When such infOlmation is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Gabriel at Gabriel's reasonable request. 1 9. Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, war, acts of omissions of carriers and other similar conditions (IiForce Majeure Condition"). If a Force Majeure Condition occurs, the party whose perfOlmance is affected shall notify the other pmiy and shall resume performance as soon as reasonably possible. Gabliel Agreement - Page 4 (b) The City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by Gabriel of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Gabriel and failure by Gabriel to cure such violation within such period. (a) Gabriel shan have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event the violation of the City of any of the telIDS and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation within such period. 1 and the City shall each have right to this AgTeement as follows: incurred by the City no additional 17. Gabriel further that there will execution of this Agreement is to sufficient funds each fiscal which 1 are provided and, in the event the failure the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shall be null and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 26). 1 15. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement the parties with respect to the service described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or any pmiy, or to any employee, officer, or agent, either pmiy, which is not the shall or 14. The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. Gabriel Agreement - Page 5 ElLEN RUBIN Notary Public - State of Missouri County of St. louis My Commissir'1 Expires Mar. 20, 2005 ~~~ ATTEST: r;J2u)~('J 3_ Cd..Jl,e.\J'l( ~ Printed Name & Title V~ REJJ (t\,~('y By: COMMUNICATIONS Ronald Cates, City Attorney FORM & CONTENT: APPROVED THE CITY OW ASSO, OKLAB:OMA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf as of the date indicated below. 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 678 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 678. RECOMMENDATIONS 678 would formally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the June 2001 Ordinance meeting. At the June 5, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request for a 37.42 acre, more or less, located within the Southwest (SW/4) 5, Township 21N, Range 14E. BACKGROUND June 13,2001 HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF MEMORANDUM LOCATION MAP E. 11 6TH ST. N. LLl 1 I ID I 1'- N In:: I . SUBJECT ~ (3 -~----~ PROPERTY ~ . OZ-Ol-03 -1'"~ E.' 126TH ST. N. ~, Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day ofJune, 2001. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to RS~3 (Residential Sing1e- Family, High Density). COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 5, T21N, R14E; THENCE N89"56' 08"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE OF 995.00'; THENCE NORTH 60.00' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 165.00'; THENCE S89"56'08"W 137.00'; THENCE SOUTH 5.70'; THENCE S89"56'08"W 472.00'; THENCE NORTH 932.14'; THENCE N89"52'24"E 144.00'; THENCE NORTH 164.51'; THENCE N89"51'51"E 1458.84'; THENCE Sooo06'50"E 329.48'; THENCE S89"5D2'24"W 285.27'; THENCE SOO"05'56"E 928.18'; THENCE S89"56'08"W 710.82' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 37.42 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTH HALF (S/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCmillING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF. SAID TRACT MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT. Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to-wit: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO~WIT: the Owasso Council has considered the recommendation ofthe Owasso Commission and all statements for and the OZ-01-03. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for ofthe herein described, and, AN ORDINANCE APPROVlNG ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-01-03 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO RS-3 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE- F AMIL Y, .HIGH DENSITY), REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 678 Resolution #2001-05 ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #2001-05. RECOMMENDATION: City of Owasso Resolution #2001-05 approves the action taken by the OPW A Trustees authorizing the issuance of promissory notes. This resolution also ratifies the previous lease and revenue pledges between the City and the OPW A and authorizes the execution of documents. There are a variety of restrictions placed on the use of funds from the loan programs administered by the OWRB. In order to take advantage of the best interest rates available from the OWRB, this financing actually will consist of two loans. The combined total of the loans will be $2,834,535.03. The OPW A is a public trust of the City of Owasso. State statutes require that any debt incurred by the OPW A must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the City Council. City Resolution #2001-05 approves the action of the OPW A to issue promissory notes. In April 2000, the OPW A Trustees authorized an Interim Construction Loan with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to finance phase IIA improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. Those improvements have since been completed and the construction loan must be converted to permanent financing. 0 PW A Resolution #2001-06 authorizes that financing with the OWRB. BACKGROUND:. June 15, 2001 DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF MEMORANDU1\1 2 Section 2. Approval. That all actions heretofore taken by the Authority in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the 2001A Note and the 2001B Note, and all other aspects of the transaction be and are hereby authorized, approved and ratified. Section 1. Issuance of Notes. That the issuance, sale and delivery of (i) The Owasso Public Works Authority, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Series 2001A Clean Water SRF Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the principal amount of $1,029,535.03 (the "2001A Note") and (ii) The Owasso Public Works Authority, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Series 2001B Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the principal amount of $1,805,000 (the "2001B Note"), all as approved by said AuthOlity on June 19,2001, be and hereby are authorized, approved and ratified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council hereby detelmine that the actions taken by the Authority should be authorized and approved. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") did, by its Resolution adopted on June 19, 2001, authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of its (i) Series 2001A Clean Water SRF Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board and (ii) Series 2001B Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board, in order to refinance the outstanding principal amount of the Authority's Series 2000 Interim Construction Clean Water SRF Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board which financed improvements to the Authority's wastewater system; and OBLIGATIONS IN CALENDAR YEAR 2001; AUTHORIZING DOCUMENTS PERTAINING A YEAR-TO-YEAR PLEDGE OF CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUE; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. COUNCIL TAKEN OKLAHOMA, RESOLUTION NO.200 1-05 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA "l .J [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blarlk] Section 6. Necessmy Action. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City any and all other documents or instruments reasonably necessary to accomplish the issuance, sale and delivery of the 2001A Note and the 2001B Note and all other aspects of the transaction. Section 5. Sales Tax Pledg~. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and deliver any and all documentation on behalf of the City peltaining to a year~to-year pledge of certain sales tax revenue levied pursuant to Ordinance No. 103 ofthe City, as amended by Ordinance No. 153 of the City. Section 4. The City anticipates that the total amount of tax- obligations (other than activity Authority or other issuers on not $5,000,000 year 2001, the hereby to the not to $5,000,000 the pursuant to 148(f)(4)(D) the 1986, as amended, and authorizes the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City or Assistant City Clerk to execute and deliver on behalf ofthe City a Certificate of Designation to that effect. Section 3. Lease. The Lease dated July 31, 1973, as amended by an Amendment to Lease dated as of July 1, 1996, between the City and the Authority, whereby the City leases its water, sanitary sewer, garbage and trash collection systems and the Bailey Ranch Golf Club to the Authority, is hereby ratified and confirmed and the term of said Lease, as amended, shall extend until the Notes are paid. 4 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor (SEAL) APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2001. Resolution #2001-06 ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #2001-06. RECOMMENDATION: City of Owasso Resolution #2001-06 approves the action taken by the OPWA Trustees authorizing the issuance of a promissory note. This resolution also ratifies the previous lease and revenue pledges between the City and the OPW A and authorizes the execution of documents. The OPW A is a public trust of the City of Owasso. State statutes require that any debt incurred by the OPW A must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the City Council. The Ator Relief Line project was identified and required by Consent Order the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). In January, the OPW A Trustees approved Resolution #2001-02 authorizing an application with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to finance the project. The Ator project is currently in progress. The OWRB has approved the application and OPWA Resolution #2001-07 authorizes the loan with the OWRB. BACKGROUND: June 15, 2001 #2001-06 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 2 Section 3. Lease. The Lease dated July 31, 1973, as amended by an Amendment to Lease dated as of July 1, 1996, between the City and the Authority, whereby the City leases its water, sanitary sewer, garbage and trash collection systems and the Bailey Ranch Golf Club to the Authority, is hereby ratified and confirmed and the term of said Lease, as amended, shall extend until the 2001 C Note is paid. Section 2. Approval. That all actions heretofore taken by the Authority in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the 2001 C Note, and all other aspects of the transaction be and are hereby authorized, approved and ratified. Section 1. Issuance of Note. That the issuance, sale and de livelY of The Owasso Public Works Authority, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Series 2001C Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board in the principal amount of$I,005,000 (the "2001C Note"), all as approved by said Authority on June 19,2001, be and hereby are authorized, approved and ratified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council hereby determine that the actions taken by the AuthOllty should be authOllzed and approved. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") did, by its Resolution adopted on June 19,2001, authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of its Series 2001C Promissory Note to Oklahoma Water Resources Board, in order to finance improvements to the Authority's wastewater system; and ON 2001; PLEDGE CERTAIN OTHER PROVISIONS BEEIALF IN DOCUMENTS PERTAINING A SALES TAX REVENUE; AND CONTAINING RELATED THERETO. RESOLUTION NO.2001-06 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 3 [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] Section 6. Necessary: Action. That the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk be and hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City any and all other documents or instmments reasonably necessary to accomplish the issuance, sale and delivelY ofthe 2001C Note, and all other aspects of the transaction. the or uerK Of ~--_..~_._-~-~----. are hereby to execute and all documentation on behalf pertaining to a year-to~.year pledge sales tax fevenue to Ordinance No. 103 ofthe City, as amended by Ordinance No. 153 ofthe Section 4. Certificate of Designation. The City anticipates that the total amount of tax- exempt obligations (other than Plivate activity bonds) issued by the Authority or other issuers on behalf of said City will not exceed $5,000,000 for calendar year 2001, and the City hereby irrevocably allocates to the AuthOlity not to exceed $1,005,000 ofthe City's $5,000,000 exemption from the rebate requirements pursuant to Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and authorizes the Mayor or Vice Mayor and City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk to execute and deliver on behalf of the City a Certificate of Designation to that effect 4 - Ronald Cates, City Attorney AS FORM: Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor (SEAL) APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2001. @ General Fund -- sales tax revenue & interfund sales tax transfer - $675,400; @ Ambulance Service Fund - billing revenue & interfund transfer to Ambulance Capital Fund - $13,000; @ Garage Fund - parts and services revenue & expenditures - $40,000. @ General Fund - General Government Department expenditures - $35,000; @ General Fund - Fire Department expenditures - $27,000. Staff is requesting five supplemental appropriations. Three supplemental appropriations are to increase revenues and the associated expenses and inter fund transfers. The other two supplemental appropriations are to increase expenditures in departments that have exceeded appropriations. Those requests are as follows: The trust authorities (OPW A and OPGA) are required to prepare an annual budget and submit a copy to the City as beneficiary of the trust. However, there are no further requirements such as a legal restriction on spending. Accordingly, staff is not requesting year-end appropriations for the OPW A or the OPGA. The City Manager may transfer appropriations between line items within a department without City Council approval. All transfers of appropriations between departments and supplemental appropriations require City Council approval. The City of Owasso operates under the provisions the Municipal Budget Act of accordance with the Budget Act, all funds of the City with revenues and expenditures are required to have annual budgets. Expenditures may not legally exceed the appropriation or budget within a department or a fund. BACKGROUND: June 15, 2001 DATE: MEMORANDUM GENERAL FUND - FIRE DEPARTMENT. It is anticipated that the fire department will exceed budget by up to $27,000. The attached department budget report shows that $21,592 is the total amount remaining in the fire department budget. The expenses for the final pay period in June will be $44,000 to $46,000. Another $2,500 may be needed for routine expenditures through the end of the fiscal year. Based on these estimates, the department will have a budget deficit between $24,000 and $27,000. A supplemental appropriation of $27,000 is requested. GENERAL FUND - GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT. The general government department budgets for expenses not associated with one specific department of the city. Costs for attorney fees and liability and property insurance for the year have far exceeded the budgeted amounts. The department budget report is attached. The line item for professional and technical services (01-150-53001) has exceeded budget by more than $30,000 and the actual expenses for liability and property insurance (01-150-53700 and 01-150-53701) were $15,495 more than was budgeted. Line-item transfers within the department can cover some of the overage, but the capital outlay budget will be held and carried over to next year. A supplemental appropriation of $35,000 is requested. GARA GE FUND. The city garage provides vehicle maintenance services to other city departments and bills for those services. The budget required for parts and services is determined by the demand for vehicle maintenance. Expenses for parts and services are expected to exceed budget by up to $40,000. That amount will be billed to other departments which will generate additional revenue in the garage fund. Additional information is provided in the attached memorandum from Jim McElrath. A supplemental appropriation of $40,000 is requested for revenue and expenses. ordinance and the Ambulance Capital Fund specifies an : division of revenue between the two funds. All revenue is initially receipted in the Ambulance Service Fund. At the end of each month, 15 % of the revenue is transferred to the Ambulance Capital Fund. Revenues are projected to exceed budget by approximately $80,000 to $90,000. The 15% transfer is projected to exceed budget by $12,000 to $13,500. A supplemental appropriation of $14,000 is requested to increase the revenue and the interfund transfer. GENERAL FUND. Under the pledged revenue requirements of the OPW A bond indentures, the City transfers all of its sales tax collections to the OPW A Sales Tax Fund, then the OPW A transfers two cents of the sales tax back to the General Fund. Because the sales tax revenue in the General Fund is over budget, the transfer to the OPW A will exceed budget also. The final sales tax collection was received on June 11 from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. The total sales tax revenue for the year is $7 ,400.09, which is $675,400.09 over budget. The transfer the to same amount. revenue McElrath memo dated June 11, 2001. General Government Department Budget Department Budget Report. A TT ACllMENTS: il>> Increase the Fund, Fire Department expenditures by $27,000. to il>> @ revenue @ to tax revenue and @ Increase Fund Staff recommends that the City Council approve the following amendments to the budget: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $40,000 to the Garage Fund, increasing line item 70-185-52920 from $80,000 to $100,000 and line item 70-185-53800 from $80,000 to $100,000 for FY 00-01. RECOMMENDATION: It should be noted that both these line items are "in and out" categories as pertain to the garage budget. The monies are transferred to the Garage Fund from the OPW A and General Funds. The parts are purchased by the garage, or outside repairs are ordered and charged to these line items respectively, then the departments are billed for those items or repairs for their vehicles, thus allowing for easier tracking of vehicle maintenance costs within a single department. Although staff attempts to make an accurate estimate of the amounts for these line items at the time of budget preparation, it is common that adjustments be made toward the end of each fiscal year to cover actual costs incurred. this time, staff projects that by fiscal year end the garage will expend close to $100,000 each in expenditures under line item 70-18S.~52920, "Parts for resale" and 70->185-53800, "Outside repair services-resale." In order to adequately fund the expenditures in these line items, it is necessary to increase the budget appropriations from the current $80,000 up to $100,000 for each line item for the current fiscal year. BACKGROUND: >-- June 11, 2001 MEMORANDUM CCS.GL General Ledger Release 5.0.2 R*GLTRWYYYY*RW0076 By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) ~=~==~~~~~~~~= ~~==========~ ========~===== ====~====== ============== ====== 117,240.13 75.75 <35,799.15> 111.46 126,900.00 0.00 15,782.00 28.26 142,682.00 4.18 147.41 23.97 114.82 57.98 79.21 106.07 100.33 76.06 73.30 0.28 119.81 149.18 104.93 100.00 100.00 84.93 70.00 52.92 43.57 12.06 54.27 104. 10 2001 % Used <30,813.69> 5 , 7010 92 <1,926077> 840.47 311. 90 <606.96> <16.27> 3,351.57 934.38 3,989.00 <2,971.20> <1t,,755.00> <740.00> 0.00 0.00 301050 600.00 10,357.28 4,796.71 1,319.05 4,343.91 <102.39> 2001 Unencumb Bal 356,118.37 10,041.50 0.00 0.00 2,243.00 3,975.00 2,243.00 3,975.00 5,487.90 2,072.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,577.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8:58.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 578.60 0.00 0.00 558.60 20.00 2001 PO/Encumb Amount 3t.2,811.25 5 016.27 10 ./'-3 2, .62 11.00 '17,133.20 44,755.00 15,740.00 120,000.00 3,000.00 1,698.50 1,400.00 3,703.29 180.95 t,,597.49 2,582.39 11,064.12 2001 Actual YTD 26,706.40 0.00 25,254.72 0.00 0.00 1,451.68 9,945.77 0.00 919.74 2M, .80 0.00 .'18 .'18 2, Ot,5 .46 0.00 0.00 268.39 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 667.61 91.45 635.06 5'1.56 2001 Actual Period 483, t,OO. 00 148,900.00 8,500.00 1,500.00 9,500.00 2,500.00 22,000.00 65,000.00 7,500.00 13,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 3,500.00 4,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 120,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 312,500.00 900.00 000.00 2001 Budget Annual Jun 14, 2001 02:29pm Page FUND 01 GENERAL, DEPT 150 GENERAL GOVERNMENT +GENERAL GOVERNMENT +CAPITAL OUTLAY BUILDING TRANSITION COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT +SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVI ELECTIONS UTILITIES REPAIR & MAINT SERVICES RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING TELEPHONE POSTAGE RISK MANAGE~1ENT QUALITY TRAINING DUES & FEES LIABILITY INSURANCE PROPERTY INSURANCE WORKER'S COMP SELF-INS FEE COLLISION SELF-INSURANCE INSURANCE & BONDS INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE +MATERIALS & SUPPLIES OFF I CE SUPPLl ES BOOKS & PERIODICALS COPYING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 150 01 150 01 150 54150 01 150 5t.450 01 150 01 150 53001 01 150 53020 01 150 53200 0'1 150 53400 01 150 53505 01 150 53600 01 150 53610 01 150 53615 01 150 53630 01 150 53655 01 150 536'10 01 150 53'100 01 150 53701 01 150 53710 01 150 53711 01 150 53'130 01 150 53780 01 150 01 150 52001 01 150 52050 01 150 52070 01 150 52100 FD OPT CLASS PRJ Account Title City of Owasso Dept Budget Report for Fiscal Period 12 of Fiscal Year 2001 By SHERRY BISHOP (SLB) CS.GL General Ledger Release 5.0.2 R*GLTRWYYYY*RW0076 ity of Owasso Jun 14, 2001 02:29pm Page 2 ept Budget Report for Fiscal Period 12 of Fiscal Year 2001 FUND 01 GENERAL, DEPT 250 FIRE SERVICES D DPT CLASS PRJ Account 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 Title Budget Actual Actual PO/Encumb Unencumb % Annual Period YTD Amount Bat Used 250 51001 SALARIES & WAGES 806,985.00 32,393.40 801,758.99 0.00 5,226.01 99.35 250 51055 SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE 1,200.00 0.00 2,867.57 0.00 <1,667.57> 238.96 250 51070 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3,250.00 0.00 2,375.00 0.00 875.00 73.08 250 51100 OVERTIME 35,000.00 2,536.73 34,648.94 0.00 351.06 99.00 250 51200 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 8,860.00 286.49 7,092.01 0.00 1,767.99 80.05 250 51250 UNEMPLOYMENT INS 2,270.00 24.53 2,504.10 0.00 <234.70> 110.34 250 51300 RETIREMENT 143,530.00 5,359.93 132,775.30 0.00 10, 75!.. 70 92.51 250 51!,00 INSURANCE 84,740.00 3,505.19 77,!,68.16 0.00 7,271.84 91.42 250 +PERSONAL SERVICES 1,085,835.00 44,106.27 1,061,490.67 0.00 24,344.33 97.76 1 250 52001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,500.00 r72.65 1,503.81 0.00 996.19 60.15 'I 250 52010 PR I NTED FORt.iS 500,,00 0.00 475,,00 0.00 25.00, 95.00 1 250 52050 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 230.00 73.16 1 ,851 . 06 0.00 !,3 " 76 1 250 52100 OPERATING SUPPLIES 000.00 262,,78 9,627.85 400,,00 143.26 1 250 52200 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 248.00 1,301.17 18, 73~L83 6,369.00 95.64 1 250 52470 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-PARTS 00 368.52 13,551.50 26!", 45 '110.53 1 250 52500 GASOLl NE & FUEL 00 1,949,,33 9,374.70 0.00 ']44.23 1 250 52850 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIP 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '1 250 +MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 59,978.00 4,127.61 55,119.75 7,033.45 <2,175.20> 103.63 i1 250 53001 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVI 2,100.00 0.00 3,339.58 0.00 <1,239,,58> 159.03 '1 250 53010 FIRE VOLUNTEERS 5,000.00 198.00 2,970.00 1,188.00 842.00 83.16 '1 250 53200 UTILITIES 12,360.00 1,009.!,7 17, 261 .44 0.00 <4,901.44> 139.66 1 250 53400 REPAIR & MAINT SERVICES 13,150.00 1,763.41 6,948.56 !.,874.99 1,326.45 89.91 11 250 53500 RENTALS 0.00 0.00 36.91 0.00 <36.91> 0.00 '1 250 53505 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 5,000.00 535.99 4,989.88 172.63 <162.51> 103.25 '1 250 53605 PRINTING & BINDING 1,200.00 0.00 208.86 0.00 991.14 17.41 '1 250 53610 TELEPHONE 3,090.00 276.79 2,880.57 0.00 209.43 93.22 11 250 53650 TRAVEL & TRAINING 16,080.00 2,168.27 13,509.25 370.00 200.75 86.31 11 250 53670 DUES & FEES 2,800.00 115.00 2,187.00 0.00 3.00 78.11 11 250 +SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES 60,780.00 6,066.93 54,332.05 6,605.62 <157.67> 100.26 11 250 54400 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 10,683.00 6,871.39 11,102.l,4 0.00 <419.44> 103.93 11 250 54500 VEHICLES 202,800.00 0.00 202,800.00 0.00 0,,00 100.00 I'j 250 +CAP IT AL OUTLAY 213,483.00 6,871,,39 213,902.44 0.00 <419.44> 100.20 11 250 +FIRE SERVICES 1,420,076.00 61,172.20 1,384,844.91 13,639.07 21,592.02 98.48 ----~-=------~ ==~---~~~~--- -------------- ---------~~ -------------~ ------ -------------~ -~~~-----~--- -------------- ----------- ----------~--- ------ 1. Ordinance #680 ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance #680 approving rates established by the OPGA pursuant to Resolution #2001-03, and subsequent approval of the emergency clause. RECOMMENDATION:. The rate increase being requested by OPGA Resolution #2001-03 would become effective on July 1,2001. By law, an ordinance becomes effective thirty days after passage and publication. The earliest Ordinance #680 can be published is June 28t\ making the effective date of the ordinance July 28th. Therefore, staff is requesting the attachment of an emergency clause, which would allow the ordinance to become effective immediately upon publication. At the June 19, 2001 meeting of the Owasso Public Golf Authority, the Trustees will consider OPGA Resolution #2001-03 providing for a rate increase in green fees, cart rentals and range fees at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. Should the OPGA Trustees approve that Resolution, the City Council will be asked to consider Ordinance #680 approving the rates set by the OPGA. BACKGROUNDi June 14,2001 DATE: FEE MEMORANDUM Ronald D Cates, APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia ATTEST: Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor OKLAHOMA CITY OF DATED this 16th day ofJune, 2001. Sectiolll Three: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as provided by law. The fees established by OPGA Resolution Number 2001-03 and referenced by this ordinance shall be implemented beginning July 1,2001. The gTeen cart rental and range fees as established by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Golf Authority pursuant to OPGA Resolution Number 2001,.03 and the same hereby are, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO~WIT: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING RESOLUTION NUMBER 2001-03 OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY INCREASING GREEN FEES, CART RENTALS, AND RANGE FEES, AS RELATES TO THE BAILEY RANCH GOLF CLlm AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NUMBER 680 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 1. Assignment document ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends City Council approval of the assignment of Contract 9D-Acoustic Ceilings for the Owasso City Hall/Police Station project from Asta Enterprises Inc to M L Jones Acoustics Inc, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is now requesting assignment of Contract 9D-Acoustic Ceilings from Asta Enterprises Inc to M L Jones Acoustics Inc. No work relating to this contract has been done, and the total amount of the contract is $40,000. This is not a new contract and no additional funds are being requested. Contracts for Drywall and Acoustic Ceilings for the Owasso City Hall/Police Station project were awarded to Asta Enterprises, Inc. When Asta recently walked off the job, M L Jones Acoustics, Inc agreed to accept assignment of both contracts. Assignment of the Dlywall contract was approved by the City Council on June 5, 2001. June 14, 2001 MEMORANDUM Date: V<;"I -" _ I 6 Date: Date: M.L. Jones Acoustics, InC. Assignee fl9KI II/~~ Mke Jo s President Aaron Pettit President Mary Lou Barnhouse Mayor of Owasso Asta Enterprises, Inc. Assignor City of Owasso, Oklahoma Owner 4. M.L. Jones Acoustics, Inc. shall assume no liability for any unpaid material or labor used on the Project. M.L. Jones Acoustics, Inc. shall not accept the assignment of any liabilities created by Asta Enterprises, Inc. 3. Any changes to work completed will be charged to and be the responsibility of the Owner. 2. M.L. Jones Acoustics, Inc. will not accept or be responsible for any liability for existing work done on the Project or for any claims arising from or related to Asta Enterprise, Inc.' s performance or non-performance of work on the Project or of the contract 9D-Acoustic Ceilings. The Owner, Architect and Cowen Construction expressly release M.L. Jones Acoustics, Inc. fi.om any liability arising fi"om Asta Enterprises, Inc. performance or non-performance of the contract 9D-Acoustic Ceilings. All liability arising from Asta Enterprises, Inc.'s performance and non-performance will be the responsibility of Asta Enterprise, Inc. andlor its Bonding Company. Further, M.L. Jones, Acoustics, Inc. will not be responsible for delays caused be existing conditions. All existing work pertaining to contract 9A-Drywall is accepted by the Owner and Architect. terms The Summary attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is and amounts therein are accepted in fun. 1. Assignment of Contract 9D-Acoustic Ceilings Owasso City Hall & Police Station Owasso, Oklahoma 1. The Development Text and Conceptual Development Plan be considered the Outline Development required by the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 8 "Planned Unit Development", and 2. That, unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions ofthis PUD, all development within the subject property shall be in accordance with and shall meet all requirements of the underlying zoning as described in OZ-98-14, and 3. That a subdivision plat be approved by the Ow as so City Council and filed with the Tulsa County Clerk's office prior to the issuance ofa building permit. The covenants associated with said plat shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary, and 4. That a reference on page 23 of the PUD development text pertaining to a lien being placed on a Property Owners' Association member's "personal property" be changed to "real property", and 5. That minor transfers (15% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling units from one residential development area to another may occur if a significant change in The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the June 12, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval subject to the following conditions: The Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 8, Section 880.3 "Time Limit" states that "Failure to file a plat, after approval, for a Supplemental PUD designation within two (2) years shall relinquish the Supplemental PUD designation. OPUD-OI-02 reflects precisely the same Outline Development Plan and Text as was previously approved by the Commission and Council. Pittman, Poe Associates have submitted for review OPUD-OI-02 The Lakes at Bailey The Planning Commission originally reviewed and approved the (OPUD-16) on 8, 1998. Due to an en-or in the legal description in the December 8, 1998 agenda, the item was returned to the Planning Commission for approval on January 12, 1999. The City Council approved the PUD at the January 19, 1999 regular meeting and the associated Ordinance No. 603 on February 2, 1999. June 1 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR MEMORANDUM 1. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Staff Report for 0 PUD-O 1-02 3. Outline Development Plan and Text for OPUD-OI-02 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of OPUD-0l-02, The Lakes at Bailey Ranch Planned Unit Development subject to the Owasso Planning Commission conditions of approvaL RECOMMENDATIONS 11. That acceleration/deceleration lanes shall be installed at access points E. 106!h Streets N. and N. Garnett and N. Mingo Roads. Provision of acceleration/deceleration lanes should be included within the deed of dedication of any associated plats, and The developer shall incorporate access management techniques in the development commercial areas. Such techniques may include but not be limited to: unified circulation and parking plans, joint access and parking lot cross restriction the number of driveways per parcel, controlling driveway spacing, sight distance and corner clearance, and 13. That a barrier fence be erected between the SKO Railroad property and proposed commercial area near the corner ofE. 106th Street N. and N. Mingo Road and the abutting multi-family residential area, and 14. Detailed landscape plans, including plant type and size, location, and irrigation shall be required to be submitted with site plans of any commercial development. Said plans shall be reviewed by staff and approved by the Planning Commission, and 15. That all landscaping plans for the entrances ofthe development shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the time of platting and the landscaping installed prior to occupation of buildings, and 16. That sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all internal roads and along the perimeter arterial road. Provision of sidewalks should be included within the deed of dedication of any associated plats, and 17. That the minimum side yard of any corner lot shall be no less than 25 feet, and, if needed, commercial lots may be required to provide on-site detention. This requirement shall be determined at the time of site plan review. not the character of either development area is not created, and 6. That no building permits shall be issued within any portion of the PUD until all requirements of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 8 "Building Permits" are fulfilled, and 7. All conditions imposed by the met as 8. That conditions imposed plat met as at Technical Advisory Committee and ijI1J@$ .." ~'mn" ""'''-'"''- ~~ :~~=~(@um & ASSOCfAl'l!S. INC. flwdi.4r/M..wM hlU<l.u.s-au IAJ PfmmV'f} 'iJ'f: n.n.J crY WiH _Ill 300' IWQ' ~ I I I / I I ~ I I I / I I I I , / / I / I ! / / I / / / / / / I J II J I 1/ /~/ I~/ II Ii! Ii 11/ II I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ O.vasso, Oklahoma at Bailey Ranch Prqx;rea Zoning tie Lakes 96'ih St1inrl North I I I I I 111I. -I I, I I I ~ ..... l I I I - II II II II II II &~~l\\.llfIb<<of~~fromtl>>~RS-3~dl:$hktb1SOO II Dlftl~gd0mltyof5.2:~, II II II 1 ~ ....... "I I I I II II II II II II II II II 2408.7 ADrM .. Total ?intac!. Area 1:334.7 ~ 1814oo'8e. 13.8 Acroo 164 DU's *15.6_ 1l1l1.795S.F. Z15.0 Aeroo 3~.700 S.F. tMlIoroo 163.3llOS,F. SI"lIIo-F.mlly (RS.:!) (4.9r 001110.) Mulll-J'omlly (RM.2) (111.15 00/110,) 0fIIe0 (OL) (FAR 0.26) C"",morolalShoj>plng ICS) (FAR OJ!) C~1>ll Go"""" (CG) (FAR 0.75) DATA SUMMARY lkJiley ffanch Community Developn"".1 (PV[)tl9-Cily of o....sso) (hit Parcel 10~th Sb'GM Norlh L Eo l06th STREET N. I ~r9300'-{1' Preservation of the floodplain areas and the use ofthese and additional areas as coherent links to the various developed land uses acts as a unifying element for this PUD and provides adequate area for stormwater detention. The open spaces also provide a logical buffer between incompatible land uses, The applicant has proposed 39.9 acres of multi-family residential, apartments located at the southeast corner ofE. 106th Street N. and N. Mingo Road, and towrlhomes 10cated south ofE. 106th Street N. along N. Garnett Road. Single family residential is proposed on 226.9 acres, with 67.8 acres of open space greenways distributed throughout. Commercial and office are proposed on 37.4 acres distributed at the northeast, northwest and southwest corners ofthe Section. A 36.7 acre church site is located directly north ofEl Rio Vista. The appropriate underlying zoning for this PUD was established by the approval of OZ-98-14 by the Planning Commission and City Council at the same meetings that OPUD-16 was approved, Existing development within Section 18 includes El Rio Vista in the Southeast Qumier, Kelly Ann Addition, Larkin Bailey Elementary School, and Coventry Gardens, all located along K 96th Street N, The subject property contains 408,7 acres and is located between 96th and 106th Streets N. and between N, Garnett and N. Mingo Roads. The subject property, less 29.5 acres of rural residential/agI1culture along N. Mingo Road, constitutes the remaining undeveloped land within Section 18, Township 21N, Range 14E. ANALYSIS, Zoning Code, Chapter Section 880.3 "Time Limit" states that "Failure to file a plat, after approval, for a Supplemental PUD designation within two (2) years shall relinquish the Supplemental PUD designation. reflects precisely the same Outline Development Plan and Text as was previously approved by the Commission and Council. Planning Commission originally reviewed and approved .t'UlJ on 8, 1998. Due to an en.or the legal description in the December 8, 1998 agenda, the item was returned to the Planning Commission for approval on January 1 1999. The City Council approved the PUD at the January 19, 1999 regular meeting and the associated Ordinance No. 603 on February 2, 1999, CITY OF OW ASSO Planning Department OPUD-OI-02 (Formerly OPUD-16) Staff Report 1. The Development Text and Conceptual Development Plan be considered the Outline Development required by the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 8 "Planned Unit Development", and That, unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, all development within the subject property shall be in accordance with and shall all requirements of the underlying zoning as described in OZ-98-14, and That a subdivision plat be approved by the Owasso City Council and filed with the Tulsa County Clerk's office prior to the issuance of a building permit The covenants associated with said plat shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Ow as so beneficiary, and 4. That a reference on page 23 ofthe PUD development text pertaining to a lien being placed on a Property Owners' Association member's "personal property" be changed to "real propeliy", and 50 That minor transfers (15% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling units from one residential development area to another may occur if a significant change in the character of either development area is not created, and 6. That no building permits shall be issued within any portion ofthe PUD unit all requirements of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 8 "Building Permits" are fulfilled, and 7. All conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for approval of the PUD be met as conditions ofthe PUD, and 8. That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as condition of the PUD, and 9. That a detailed drainage report, certified by an engineer, be submitted at the time of platting, and 10. That within the PUD the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 1,898 units, and 11. That acceleration/deceleration lanes shall be installed at access points along E. 96th & E. 106th Streets No and No Garnett and N. Mingo Roadso Provision of acceleration/deceleration lanes should be included within the deed of dedication of any associated plats, and Staff recommends approval of OPUD-O 1-02 subj ect to the following conditions: were mailed to surrounding property owners on May 21, 2001 legal notification was the May 1 Staff several what was planned on they no Previous conditions of approval stated that acceleration/deceleration lanes should be constructed at the intersections ofPUD collector roads and adjacent arterial roads. It is staffs opinion this will not be sufficient in that it does not require lanes at the locations ofthe commercial, church, school, and multi-family residential sites. 1. Location Map 2. PUD Application 3. TAC Memorandum 4. Planning Commission Minutes - December 8, 1998 5. Notice to Property Owners 6. Legal Notification 70 Outline Development Plan ATTACHMENTS 12. The developer shall incorporate access management techniques in the development of commercial areas. Such techniques may include but not be limited to: unified circulation and parking plans, joint access and parking lot cross access, restriction of the number of driveways per parcel, controlling driveway spacing, sight distance and corner clearance, and 13. That a barrier fence be erected between the Railroad property and proposed commercial area near the corner of 106th Street N. and N. and the abutting mu1ti~fami1y residential with site shall staff and 1 That all landscaping plans the entrances of development shall be approved by the Plamling Commission at the time of platting and the landscaping installed prior to occupation of buildings, and 1 That sidewalks shall be provided along both sides all internal roads and along the perimeter arterial road. Provision of sidewalks should be included within the deed dedication of any associated plats, and 17. That the minimum side yard of any corner lot shall be no less than 25 feet, 18. Ifneeded, commercial lots may be required to provide on-site detention. This requirement shall be determined at the time of site plan review. 1. Location Map 2. Letter of Request 3. Legal Description ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 679. Staff recommends approval of the partial closing of the recorded drainage easement (Book 6431, Page 520). RECOMMENDATIONS If the closing request is approved by Council, Ordinance No. 679 will formally adopt that action. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the June 12, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The Seayco Group wishes to locate a water storage tank to additional fire suppression capability for Lowe's at the subject location. The additional fire suppression capability is a corporate desire of Lowe's and not required by the Owasso Fire Department. Sack & Associates, agent for owner, has requested a paliial closing a drainage easement filed by instrument 1, 520) and within 1, 2, Market June 2001 MEMORANDUM ~ w z -=== 0:: <( \~ N C) BAILEY BAIlEY' RANCH RANCH ESTAlES ESTAlES II I ~I -+- I ~~ ,~~ I ~ ~. ........ EAST 96TH STREET NORTH W ::Jl Z ~ < 1 D113] (35) 2114.11 JE:sky cc: Chris Seay /The Seayeo Group Enclosure Theodore A. Sack Sincerely, SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Dear Ms. Sorrels: On behalf of the developer of the Owasso Market II project, The Seayco Group, Sack and Associates, requests the partial closing a portion of the 100 drainage easement granted by separate instrument and filed in book 6431, pag~ 520. The channel and the storm sewer covered by the drainage easement has been revised to allow a water storage tank to be constructed in this area. The developer would like to have the tract vacated as soon as possible to allow them to proceed with the development. We have enclosed a portion of the Owasso Market II plans showing the location the parcel and drainage revision. II RE: May 2, 2001 SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INCe $ ENGINEERING $ SURVEYING @ PLANNING @ 111 South Elgin Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74120-1816 P.O. Box 50070, Tulsa, OK 74150-0070 Phone: 918.592.4111 Fax: 918.592.4229 E.-mail: sai@sackandassociates.com ~10~' \ \ "f"r Dl130 (33) 5/2/01 :JE:sky 2114.17 Owasso Ivlarkct lI-Esmt Vacation. doc V'BEGINNING AT A POINTn WHICH IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID '~~.~~---~=~~.~~,~~~~~~.= LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE S 01015'27" E ALONG 'UrE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 FOR 80000 V; THENCE S 88044' 33" W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2 FOR 100.00' TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING 100! DRAINAGE EASEMENT; THENCE N 01015'27" W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE FOR 80.00' TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY IJINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE N8S044133" E ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE FOR 100,00 I TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING" OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. , 'I'O'-WIT: MARKE'I' AS TY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKU~~OMA, BE II", 2, "OWAS A 'I'RACT OF LAND THAT IS PAR'I' OF LOT 1, (NORTH 80' OF 100' DIE) EASEMENT VACATION Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove drainage facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation oflaw unless released in writing by the owners thereof. BEGlNNIN"G AT A POINT WIDCH IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE SOl o15'27E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2 A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE S88044'33"W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2 A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING 100 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT; THENCE NOl oI5'27"W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE N88044'33"E ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OW ASSO MARKET II, CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following described drainage easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAThlED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OW ASSO MARKET II, CITY OF 1ULSA COUNTY, OKLAI-iOMA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE SOl o15'27E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2 A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE S88044'33"W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2 A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING 100 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT; THENCE NOl oI5'27"W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 2; THENCE N88"44'33"E ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. said drainage easement is described as follows: to Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and of a certain drainage easement; the dose to public use a AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OW ASSO MARKET IT, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIP AIXfY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT l-IEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 679 Ronald D. Cates, APPROVED AS TO FORM ATTEST Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of Jlme 2001. City of Owasso, Oklahoma 1. DEQ Permits - Metro Heights 2. Final Plat - Metro Heights ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Metro Heights. RECOMMENDATIONS DEQ permits for sewer and water extensions have been received. Copies of the permits are attached for you information and review. The Owasso Planning approved the final plat for Metro Heights at the September 12, 2000 regular meeting. The City of Owasso has received a request from DLH Engineering for the review ofthe final plat for Metro Heights. Metro Heights is located north of 1061h Street N. and east ofN. Mingo Road. location map is located on the plat within your packet. The subject plat contains residential lots on 15.42 acres, more or less. BACKGROUND June 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR MEMORANDUM pnrrtatl 00 r~atl PBPM witll ""l' lnll ,... IkJ 7071<<Oml ROa ISOI4, PoD. OOX 1677, OKWlOMA mY, OKWIOWt 73101.1671 Dennis L Hodo, P.E., D H Engineering, Inc. Wayne Craney, P.E., W C Section Manager, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regia la'Director, DEO Tulsa DEO Office c: Em:.:lo5um ptJorn! 1# ~ Fall II RWC/HJT Iso Phone # ~c:9-- Rocky Chen, P.i:. DWSRF/Construction Permit 51: roon Water QUCDlity Division Vary truly yours, We are returning one (1) set 01 lhe approved plans to you and retaining one (1 ~ set fol' our files. Recaipt of this permit should i::l noted in the minutes of the ne:lrt regular meeting of the City of Owas50. after which It tIIhould e made a matter of permanent record. The project authorlzā‚¬ld by this p rmit should ~ in with plans apPll'Ovad by this departmant on March 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and speCifications affecting capacity, flow or Opft 'ation of units must bSJ @lppmved, in writing, by the before changes are made. of of eight nn sewer line Ei1c!o~ed is Permit No. 20101 inch PVC sanit..ry seWell" line, plu$ all City of "ru ;a for thtifY construction of linear to serve the Metro Dear Mr. Carr: 01 Sewer l m Extension Permit Matro o fie: OJ,O Pubik; Work~ Dilre tor M <irch 2001 FlANK KWlNG OKLAH( ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl QUAlITY MARK COLEMAN ExOOJiiva Iliractl:ll' OKlAHOMA fltMRTMENT OF ENVtIONMflUAl, WAUT'I 141 0 J. 06/13/01 03:58 FAX ~ ~ 1 ,jrJ ~. ., " I ~: ~ . ~~. . . . ~' 1 i ~ . ,I ~ ~i . ~ . "; if ." " ..!II .1., .,. 1,+;1 'I. ' i .~ ''fItj .1.. ; 1 ! ... ;~ '('j' t prlfltOO on f$<)!dOO p_ will> IOY h1k IA to" 707 wlOlmIlWBINS( ,P.tl BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA em; OKLAHOMA 731111-1671 c: Dennis L Hodo. P.E.. DlH :ngilleering. Inc. Mary Randolph. PWS Oistr :t Representative. DEO Rick Austin. R.S., Regional Director, DEO Tulsa DEO Office Nathan Kuhnert. Planning 8. Vlanagement Division, OWRB Eru;:losure RWC/HJT Iso FlIlt~ Fax. Rocky'Chen. P.E. DWSRf/Cof'lstruction Permit Sect!, n Water Quality Division Co. Co.lt'hlpl. P'ii'OOOi Phone ~ polrt-It'" Fax Note Very truly yours, We are returning one (1) set of thl approved plan3 to you :and retaining on6 (1) sat for our files. Receipt of this piBrmit should be n tad in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso. after which it 5hould be lade a matter of perrml1nent record. The project authorized by this parrr t sh()uld constructed in accordance the plans approved this department on M<llfrch 20 ~" deviations from the approved plan!> and specifk:ations affecting capacity, flow or m IOf units must be approved, in writing, the Department before changs$ tura madiB, 1 construction ()f six IE inch PVC water line plu$ all >>f Tul~s Ok.lahoma. inch Da51f Mil', Carr: 26 Permit No. Metro Heights Water PWSID No. 300211 S Rs: of OWiElSs;O P08t 1 Old<;ihoma Public Works Din ::tor Mu'. , Marcil FIWiK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA JEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL OKLAHOMA DWJl1MlN! Of !NVIRONMlNlIII OOAlITY MARK COIIMAN 19JOl 06/13/01 04:03 FAX 1. Final Plat - Nottingham Estates IV ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Nottingham Estates IV. RECOMMENDATIONS The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the final plat at the March 9, 1999 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The subject property is subject to a $1580/acre assessment under the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor payback and $16/acre emergency siren fee. These fees have been collected from the applicant. This subdivision was previously brought before the Council at the March 1999 regular meeting, where it was tabled to the next meeting due to DEQ pelmits not being secured. At the April 6, 1999 meeting of the Council, the item was again tabled for lack of permits. Since then, DEQ permits have been secured and subsequent phases of Nottingham Estates have been plattedo Tyann Development has requested review of a final plat for Nottingham Estates IV, a 14.1';1 acre, 20 lot subdivision located south of 96th Street N. and west ofN. 14Sth Avenue. The subject property is generally described as a the Northeast (NE/4) Section 21, Township 21N, Range 14E. BACKGROUND June 2001 MEMORANDUM 1. Bid Specifications ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve a Uniform Cleaning Contract for the Owasso Police Department between the City of Owasso and Yale Cleaners of Owasso, in the amounts specified on the attached Bid Proposal-Submittal Page. RECOMMENDATION: The Owasso Police Department is satisfied with all work performed by Yale Cleaners and suppOlis a cleaning contract with the company for the period from July 1, 2001 until June 30, 2002. As with our prior Yale Cleaners contract, the length of this contract may be extended for successive one-year terms for a period of up to three-years if agreed to by both patiies in writing not less than sixty days prior to each terms expiration. The only bid that was received for the 2001-2002 fiscal year was from Yale Cleaners in Owasso. Since 1998, the Owasso Police Department has had its uniform cleaning contract with Yale Cleaners. This contract is due to expire June 30, 2001. Recently, Contract Documents and Bid Specifications were mailed to twelve cleaning establishments in Owasso, Collinsville, Claremore, and Tulsa for the upcoming fiscal year. Interested bidders had until June 7, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. to send in their sealed bids to the Owasso City Clerk, Ms. Marcia Boutwell. June 14,2001 DATE: CLEANERS MEMORANDUM ~ Other Specifications - Cleaner must insure garment replacement while in the possession of the cleaner if items are lost or stolen. 7~' Laundering/Cleaning services - Services to include dry cleaning of all uniforms as shown above, dry cleaning or laundering of civilian clothes and replacement of buttons as needed. Cleaner must provide hours and days of operation. ~5. Cleaner must be able to handle and clean uniforms contaminated with blood or other body fluids in compliance with OSHA bloodbome pathogens and infectious disease control standards. Cleaner must utilize dry cleaning process in accordance with the Federal Dry Cleaning Standards Act, and be able to provide two-day servIce. Number of Uniforms - There will be thirty-eight (38) employees. The breakdown for cleaning services is as follows: 30 officers - full uniforms 6 communications employees - fun uniforms 6 officers - civilian clothing 2 animal control officers - fun uniforms Billing - The uniform cleaning bill shall be submitted monthly, and monthly payments will be made by the City of Owasso. Alterations will be billed separately from cleaning. BILLING WILL BE PROVIDED PER ITEM CLEANED. ;Length of Contract - The initial. cleaning contract shall be for a period of one year (July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002), and may be extended for successive one-year terms for a period of up to three years if agreed to by both parties in writing not less than sixty days prior to the expiration of the initial one year term or of any successive one-year term. If the parties do not agree to a contract extension, the contract may automatically extended until a new contract is awarded. Initials The following is a comprehensive list of specifications for cleaning of departmental uniforms for the fiscal year July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. In general, the cleaning will include all police officer uniforms, communications officer uniforms, and civilian attire for the police chief and detectives. This will include an laundering starching the animal GENERAL DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Specifications ~ Page 2 Comments may be included on an additional sheet. Deviations .. Any deviation from the published specifications should on an attached sheet of paper, to ~ Questions and clarification this the Deputy Police Chief, Clifford Motto at 8-272-2244. shaH Proposed ~ - It is the policy ofthe City Owasso to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected, The supplied bid foxm shall include a total bid price, All bids delivered to the City of Owasso shall be sealed and visibly marked ~ BID/POLICE.DEPARTMENT~ORM CLEANING, the ~~oExpenses - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility ofthe and shall not be chargeable to the City L ~ lfthe Cleaner is located outside the city limits of Ow as so, OK, pick-up and drop-off services must be provided at least three times per week. ~. The City of Owasso reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. BID OPENING: JUNE 7, 2001 @3:00P.M. OWA>)"o &1- '7~CJrr 1/'(- d--;)- ?33s: Phone ir N ItJ3tJ:> E 90 Address ~-I{;vc, DB./J 'tilL/; Ltre/JA.!6tL:5 Company ~ e ~ .~- ()r".A,Je~/O;CJeJ:/l-/l7tJA-- Signature & Title I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal ~ Submittal Pages. * The city will pay a per item cost All billing must be detailed to the officer, date and article of clothing. Provide listing of specifics different trousers L Civilian shirts Civilian dresses L Civilian suits Civilian sports coats trousers shirts Civilian dresses additional information trouser per uniform cleaned and/or shirt) LAUNDER AND/OR STARCH DRY CLEANING BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM CLEANING COSTS Provide NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFF1DA VIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL Commission Expires May 24, 2005._ My Commission Expires: 2001. day swom before me this Name: ) ) SS ) COUNTY STATE OF NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT Sincerely, .1ft2f/'#fl-- R':.~ Bill Rothrock We look forward to a great working relationship with the Owasso Police Department. Yale Cleaners provides same everyday, in by noon, out by Our full service plant allows us to provide two hour service when necessary. We are locally owned and operated and have been in Owasso since January 4th, 1993. We believe in a strong community spirit and are therefore actively involved in the Rotary Club of Owasso and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. We also financially support the Owasso Education Foundation and the Athletic Department of the Owasso School System. Each year our "Coats for Kids" program provides hundreds of coats to Owasso families. As you can see, we truly believe in the Owasso Community. Six Annual Holidays New Years Day Memorial Day July 4th Thanksgiving Christmas To: The City of Owasso Police uniform cleaning bid K~1 inc. Yale June 5th, 2001 \\PDC\USERS\stan _ ewing\Leases\OL T -Memo.doc The proposed lease is to begin on July 1,2001, and run for twenty years until June 30, 2021. There are two renewal periods each being five years thus providing a potential lease for thirty years. The annual lease will be for five hundred ($500.00) dollars. Over the course of the last few months, the city staff has been working with the Owasso Land Trust, LL.C., for the lease ofland immediately south of Lot 3, Block 1, RCB Center. This site is adjacent to the newly constructed Titan Tower at 96th Street North and the Owasso Expressway. The piece ofland is approximately 20 feet in width and nms approximately 220 feet east and west. The land will be used to providing 13 plus or minus parking spaces for the Office/Commercial development on the referenced property. The city is not using the proposed site. Since the lease with Titan Towers, the equipment building has been relocated to the south side of the tower onto a new slab and the old building has been removed. Titan Tower has constructed improvements including new electrical service as well as new security fencing based on the proposed land lease. The lease will also contain an access easement to the benefit of the City of Owasso in order to access the water tower site. BACKGROUND: Presented the Council's consideration is a proposed lease agreement between the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, and the Owasso Land Trust, L.L.c., relating to location for automobile parking to benefit the owners 3, Block 1, ofthe RCB Center, an addition to the City of Owasso. Ju.ne 1, 2001 DATE: ~ HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY MEMORANDUM \\PDC\USERS\stan _ ewing\Leases\OL T -Memo.doc L It is respectfully recommended that the City Council approve the Lease Agreement between the City of Owasso. Oklahoma, and the Owasso Land Trust, and authorize the Mayor to execute such lease agreement. RECOMMENDATION: IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that atthe end of this lease, or sooner termination thereof, the lessee shall give peaceful possession of the premises to the lessor in as good condition as of now, normal wear and tear and damages excepted. And upon the non-payment of the rent, or any part thereof, and after the H :\stan _ ewing\Leases\O L T - Lease.doc IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the lessee shall not assign this lease or sub-let the premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of the lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. And it is also agreed that upon the failure to pay the rentals or any part thereof as herein provided, or to otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of this lease, then, upon thirty (30) days advanced written notice to lessee to cure such non-payment or other wrongful act, and if lessee fails to cure same, the lessor may declare this lease at an end and void, and re-enter and take possession of said premises, as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the Lessee's purpose in leasing the Property is to use the Property for parking, driveway and other lawful purposes appurtenant to an office building owned by Lessee adjacent to the Property. All repairs and maintenance on the Property during any term hereof shall be the responsibility of Lessee. IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the lessee's purpose in leasing the Property is to use the property for parking, driveway and other lawful purposes appurtenant to an office building owned by the lessee adjacent to the property. All repairs and maintenance on the property during any term hereof shall be the responsibility of the lessee. The lesses, for and in consideration of the use and possession of said premises for said period, hereby agree to pay unto the lessor, the sum of Five Hundred ($500,00) Dollars per annum, said sum to be paid on the 1st day of July, beginning in the year 2001, with a like payment due on the 1st day of July each year thereafter during the primary term or any option term of this lease. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ("the Property") WITNESSETH: the in of paid on behalf of lessor and in further consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, does, and by these presents, demise, lease and let, for a period of twenty (20) years from the 1 st day of July, 2001, to the lessee, the following described property, situated in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, to~wit STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) REAL PROPERTY LEASE My Commission Expires: H:\stan _ ewing\Leases\OL T-Lease.doc Notary Public Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of , 2001, personally appeared Mary Lou Barnhouse to me known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument as Mayor of the City of Owasso, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) David E. Charney, Manager Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C. an Oklahoma limited liability company "lessee" Name: Mary Lou Barnhouse Title: Mayor of the City of City of Owasso, Oklahoma "lessor" the binding to iT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the lessee shall have two (2) options to renew this lease for a period of five (5) years each, upon the same terms and conditions, each by providing lessor with written notice of its election to renew within sixty (60) days prior to the termination of this lease or any renewal thereof. time to cure above specified has lapsed, lessor may distrain for rent due and declare this lease at an end and void, re-enter and recover possession by forcible entry and detainer. H:\stan _ ewing\Leases\OL T-Lease.doc My Commission Notary Public Given under my hand and seal the and last written. me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and on this of 2001, personally appeared David Charney, to me known to be the identical person who the within foregoing instrument as manager Commercial Division, an Oklahoma limited liability company, acknowledged to me that as" .." - forth. STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) - WA TER TANK BASE ELEVATION = 715.6' TOP OF TANK ELEVATION = 825.7' ~ , ~~ ~~ "" ~") b V) ~)I ,- "I ~ ~-..: Q) ~ ;;- <: /' ~ ~ l~ fer '- -I ~ ~ I.. 170.00' 170-0.0.' C:> 0) N I'-: I<) 0, Q:,) t<) tor) ';l- POWER POLE- W/ EZ ECTR/C 7l?ANFORMER b ~~~ I-a..." ;;.J .. ~~~ mU)~ tl Mr Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) Term Ending 6/30/02 Mr H C "Will" Williams (Council Representative) Term Ending 6/30/02 OW ASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr Frank Enzbrenner (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/06 PERSONNEL BOARD Ms Mary Ann Alexander (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr Ken Foster (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Charles Willey (reappointment) Term Ending 6/30/04 It is, therefore, the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confinnation the following appointments to the positions indicated: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2~4, subsection ( e) of the Chatter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. jlACKGROUND: June 1 2001 COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE OF MEMORANDUM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE - All terms ending 6/30/02 Ms Rebecca Armstrong - City Council Ms Mary Lou Bamhouse - City Council Mr Cloyd O'Dell - Citizen Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Jim Ablett - Citizen/PSO Mr Tom Kimball - OEDA Representative Mr Frank Enzbrenner - Banking Representative Mr Dale Prevett - Banking Representative Mr Tim Rich - Chamber Representative Mr John Groth - Citizen Ms Sherry Bishop - City Finance Director Mr Bob Allen - Fire Chief Mr Jim Greene - Police Chief Mr Robert Carr - Public Works Mr Stan Ewing - Planning & Economic Development Mr Tim Rooney - Assistant City Manager Mr Lany Mitchell - City Manager Randy Mr H C "Will" Williams "" City Council Mr Ray Haynes - Planning Commission Mr Charles Willey - Planning Commission Mr Dale Johnson - Public Schools Chief Bob Allen - Fire Department Chief Jim Greene - Police Department Mr Robert Carr ., Public Works Mr Lany Mitchell - City Manager Mr Tim Rooney - Assistant City Manager Mr Stan Ewing - Planning & Economic Development Ms Donna Sorrells .. City Planner Mr Ron Cates - City Attomey GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ms Trish Hauser (reappointment) Ending 6/30/04 APPOINTMENTS JUNE 13,2001 PAGE 2 Mr Timothy Rooney, Assistant City Manager Alternate TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Randy Brogdon, City Council Term Ending 6/30/02 METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/02 INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/02 Mr Robert Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/02 REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Sherry Bishop Finance Director Term Ending 6/30/02 Allan Term Ending 6/30/02 DIRECTORS Mr H C "Will" Williams, City Council Ending 4/30/02 APPOINTMENTS JUNE 13,2001 PAGE 3 I recommend Council confirmation ofthe above appointments. TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Ending 6/30/02 APPOINTMENTS JUNE 13,2001 PAGE 4