HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.04.03_City Council Agenda 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Councilor Randy Brogdon 1. to Mayor Williams AGENDA on Regular PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff recommends City Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents which approve the collection of E-911 funds and remittance of those funds to the City of Owasso. Action Relating to Agreements With Reconex, Hubbard, OR and Universal Telephone, Tulsa, OK for the Collection of E-911 Funds and Remittance of Same to the City of Owasso. Attachment #6-C Approval of Claims. Attachment #6- B 2001 Approval Attachment #6-A Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Cmmcilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Williams Attachment Owasso City Council April 3, 2001 Page 2 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase of a 2001 Freightliner Model FL 70 dump truck be awarded to Tulsa Freightliner, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $50,~, and authorization for payment. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the A ward of a Bid for the Purchase of a Dump Truck for the Street Division. Mr Roberts Attachment #9 Staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #671. 8. Consideration Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #671, an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of an Alley Located within Block 5, Original Town of Owasso. Ms Sorrells Attachment #8 on mmexation. Owasso Planning recommended approval to a landowners agreement being acquired prior to the request being taken to Council. That document has been submitted, and the staff concurs with the recommendation for approval of the annexation. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request from Heritage Construction Corporation for Annexation of a Tract Land Generally Located North of E 116th N, ofN Ms Owasso City Council April 3, 2001 Page 3 14. Adjournment. 13. New fi"om Councilors. 11. 10. RepOli from City Manager. Owasso City Council April 3, 2001 Page 4 H C Williams, Mayor IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 3rd day of April, 2001. STRATHE VETERINARY HOSPITAL SECOND QUARTER 2001 BUSINESS OF THE QUARTER NOW, THEREFORE,1, H C Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor ofthe City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim WHEREAS, A consistent quality in business operations, together with a focus on the betterment of Owasso through civic activity, merits appreciation and recognition by the entire commlmity, Dr Greg Strathe and the employees at Strathe Veterinary Hospital have demonstrated concern for the Owasso community through involvement in various community-wide projects; and, The involvement of businesses through their support of local projects and promotions by the sharing of their resources, provides for the economic well- being of the community and demonstrates a commitment that goes beyond the standard measure of business success; and, The quality of life in Owasso is a reflection of the level of involvement exhibited by its business owners and employees and their active support of commlmity events; and, T11e the Owasso Chamber of the and the City of Owasso have developed a special business recognition program as a means of honoring the valuable contributions of local, community-minded businesses; and, OKLAHOMA CITY OF The consent agenda included minutes of the March 6,2001 regular meeting and March 13,2001 Special Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $71,773.22; (2) Ambulance Fund $4,152.30; (3) Ambulance Capital Fund $480.19; (4) Capital Improvements $33,263.55; (5) Bond Projects $31,474.94; ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 6, 2001 Regular Meeting and March 13, 2001 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to the Extension of Contracts for Mowing City Properties. Mayor Williams read and signed a proclamation recognizing the month of March as DeMo lay International Month. Members of the DeMo lay organization were present for the signing. ITEM 4: SIGNING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk PRESENT C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda V 08S, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor ITEM): The flag salute was given during the OPW A meeting preceding this meeting. to at The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, March 2001 in the Council at the Community Public Meeting on at 1 OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 20,2001 ~ 2 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Armstrong, Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Chief Greene said that the Police Department has received funds in the amount of $310.00 from the Tulsa County District Attorney Revolving Drug Fund to be utilized in the purchase of a hidden radio antenna for the new undercover vehicle recently purchased for the detective division. That money has been receipted into the General Fund, and a supplemental appropriation is needed. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund, increasing miscellaneous revenue and increasing the Police Department expenditures by $310.00, reflecting the payment from the revolving drug fund. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRlATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRlA TION AND AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND BUD_GET. Motion carried 5-0. Brogdon, NAY: None consent to byMs , at Heights Utility - J B Stigall at 1.00 El Rio Vista Center Medians & Frontage, & Median - TLC Lawn Care at $111 per mowing Three Lakes Drainage Easement - BrushHog Services at $400.00 per mowing Lakeridge Drainage Easement - BmshHog at $299.00 per mowing Main St, Fifth St Drainage, & Third & Main St Easements - J B Stigall at $83.00 per mowing (6) City Garage $6,210.37; (7) Workers' Comp SelfInsurance $2,290.31; (8) Interfund Transfers $134,666.64; (9) Interfund Transfers $44,676.87; (10) Payroll $170,993.95 (II) City Garage Payroll $2,445.49; (12) Ambulance Payroll $11,567.22. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of the extension of the following mowing contracts for the 2001 mowing season, and authorization for the Mayor execute the contracts: March 20, 2001 Owasso City Council ~ 3 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Mr McElrath said that furniture needed for the new City Hall includes 16 workstations, furniture for the City Manager and City Treasurer's offices, planning review station for Community Development, conference room furniture, and lateral file cabinetso By utilizing a bid by the City of Tulsa for office furnishings, we were able to obtain pricing equal to or lower than that received by the City of Tulsa, through a government contract for Knoll furniture through the National Association of Countieso Our ordinances allow us to take advantage of the bidding work already done by Oklahoma govemmental entities with a population of more than 50,0000 Three other companies were also asked to give quotes so that a comparison could be made. NACO also provides discount rates of from 6607% to 70% off list price. The contract with NACO includes furniture and the cost of installation. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to authorize the purchase and installation of work stations and office furnishings for the new City Hall from Tulsa Office Furnishings in an amount not to exceed $86,5890960 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF FURNISHINGS FOR THE CITY HALL/POLICE STATION. Motion AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Armstrong, Voss, Williams NAY: None to serve new City to sufficient was area with the low quote from Clifford generator will be installed and tested by the electrical contractor for the new facility. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to authorize the purchase of a generator for the City HalllPolice Station facility from Clifford Power Systems Inc in the amount of$18,120.00. to will new the to the ITEM 7~ CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF _A GENERATOR FOR THE CITY.HALL/POLICE STATION. March 20, 2001 Owasso City Council - 4 ~ Mr Lutz said that a contract was awarded to Brewer Construction Co on October 3, 2000 in the amount of $127,245 for the construction of two vehicle storage and maintenance buildings, one at the Public Works facility and the other at the Vehicle Maintenance facility. A change order to the contract was placed on the February 20,2001 agenda for changes to the lighting and fixtures. That item was tabled to allow time to further evaluate the lighting fixture options and clarify additional costs. Changes requested include increasing the number of fixtures from eight florescent to 13 high efficiency florescent fixtures with zero-degree ballast and installation of conduit/wiring for six future fixtures at the bay door, a larger circuit-breaker panel box to accommodate a dedicated circuit to warm engine blocks, and other miscellaneous electrical changes, including receptacles for overhead door openers and air compressor units. Funds are available from the sale of the old streets maintenance building. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #1, A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND BREWER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY n EOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Annstrong, Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Mr Roberts said that the City has utilized private sector mowing services specified areas for past years. program was developed to reduce workload to allow crews to attend to other maintenance that must the contracts were awarded 2000, a to mow same contractors were to contracts. were the E N Center Medians, the Expressway West Easement, the U.S. Highway 1 Right-of-Way. Staff determined that it would be more cost effective for city personnel to maintain the 76th St N Center Medians and the Owasso Expressway West Side Easement. Therefore, the only property put out to bid was the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way. Bid documents were mailed to seven prospective bidders, with three contractors responding. The lowest bid submitted was from Fifth Season Inc in Bixby. Since the City has had no previous experience with this contractor, references were requested to verify work history and the ability to perfOlID the duties. work history includes mowing approximately 16 miles highway right-of-way the City Bixby, and it was verified that their work satisfactory. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to award a contract for mowing services along the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way between the SKO Railroad and E 96th St N for the 2001 mowing season to Fifth Season Inc, Bixby, OK in the amount $1495 per mowing, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. ITEM9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A MOWING CONTRAC~I FOR US. HIGHWAY 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY, March 20, 2001 Owasso City Council ~ 5 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Ms Sorrells said that the City has received a request for a partial plat vacation for Owasso Market. A portion of Owasso Market was replatted into Owasso Market II. At that time no accommodation was made for dedicated easements and rights-of-way that were revised or rendered obsolete with the replat. The requested document, when approved and recorded, will serve to fully amend the area of Owasso Market replatted to Ow as so Market II. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the vacation of the Owasso Market easements and rights-of-way modified by the platting of Owasso Market II, and authorization for execution of the document for recording. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR A PARTIAL PLAT VACATION FOR OW ASSO MARKET. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Voss, Almstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Ms Sorrells presented the item. The City has received a request to close a portion a utility easement located on Lot 2, Block 5, Nottingham Estates (13802 E 94th St N). The applicant has requested closing the north 75/ of an existing 25' utility easement to accommodate the construction a swimming Technical Committee mId the Planning Commission reviewed the request and neither body ha'J any objections. Ms Voss moved, by Ms Almstrong, to the easement adoption Ordinance #670. by Ms Voss, to approve Change Order #1, adding $8278.32 to the cost of the project, for the electrical changes. March 20, 2001 Owasso City Council - 6 - Motion canied 5-0. The City Council entered into executive session at 7:05 p.m. and returned from executive session and reconvened the meeting at 8:24 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams. NAY: None Mayor Williams requested that the council consider retiring to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the arbitration opinions and awards rendered in the matter of arbitration between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Fraternal order of Police Lodge No 149 regarding the discharge of Michael Denton, the litigation involving H Burl Cox, and for the purpose of discussing negotiations between the City of Ow as so and FOP Lodge #149. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to enter into executive session for the stated purposes. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE_ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING pERSONNEL MATTERS RELATED TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS LITIGATION IN THE MATTER OF ARBITRATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAlIOMA AND FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE NO 149 REGARDING MICHAEL DENTON AND IN THE MATTER OF ARBITRATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA AND FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE NO 149 REGARDING H BURL COX: AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND THE FOP (POLICE): SUCH DISCUSSIONS ALLOWED PURSUANT TO 25 O.S., SECTION 307-B(I), 307-B(2) AND 307- B(4). None NEViLBUSINESS. class for attending the City Mr Mitchell thanked the students in the Youth Leadership meeting. The Mayor those remarks. ITEM 13: REPORT~TY MANAGER March 20,2001 Owasso City Council .> 7 >> Boutwell, City Clerk H C Williams, Mayor Motion 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at NAY: None Willimns to ~ENT Motion cauied 5-00 NAY: None ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRlATE ACTION RELATING TO ANY OF THE ~-===-~ . ~ . ~========== MATTERS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING EXECJlIIYESESSION. March 20,2001 Owasso City Council City of Owasso Claims 4/03/01 fund Total 105 Municipal Court 326.38 110 Managerial 465.58 120 Finance 935.00 150 General Governrnent 160 290.70 170 Engineering 218.09 175 Information 10.00 181 Support Services 480.84 201 Police Services 8,451.45 215 Police Communications 897.40 221 Animal Control 81.84 250 Fire Services 6,831.65 280 Emergency Preparedness 30.03 300 Streets 5,868.97 515 Park Maintenance 550 Community Center 710 Economic Development 308.29 TOTAL Ambulance Refunds 146.35 255 Ambulance 1,746.20 TOTAL 1,892.55 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 159.30 TOTAL 159.30 Capital Improvements Computerization 1,485.00 TOTAL 1,485.00 Park Development Playground Equipment 11,571.00 TOTAL 11,571.00 Bond Projects Streetsll ntersections 19,357.00 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 319,392.50 TOTAL 338,749.50 OPGA Merchandise 14,091.05 Food and Beverage 2,638.36 600 Golf Shop 174.96 605 Cart Operations 150.02 610 Golf Course Maintenance 5,206.19 670 Food and Beverage Operations 641.05 690 Golf Administration 781 .45 691 Clubhouse 1,175.84 800 Debt Service 39,142.62 TOTAL 64,001.54 OPWA 400 Administration 1,139.65 405 Utility Billing 3,172.12 420 Water 107,189.28 450 Wastewater treatment plant 4,886.52 455 Wastewater Collection 1 480 Refuse Collections 3,605.76 485 Recycle Center 88.17 TOTAL OPWA Imorovements Debt Service 8 l'OT Al 8 OPWA Sales Tax Debt Service 1 .23 TOTAL 1 .23 City 185 City Garage 4,586.30 TOTAL 4,586.30 Workers' Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 1,246.72 TOTAL 1 Claims ~r<<Jtal City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Li ne I t em Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~@~~- ~d~Dd~ ~0~~~~d~ ~~_~ _d~OOd~ W=dW=dd=WQdd m~dd=WQ= QQ=W=~ddQ=dd dWdddddd dd~=dd=dQd ==ddddWdddd= ddWdd==m==ddd~==Wdddddd 2746 763 03/14/01 8826 204257 04/03/01 186.35 186.35 6 LAB SUPPLIES 2755 6 03/14/01 8819 7516 04/03/01 55.00 0.00 6 SOD 03/14/01 7515 55.00 110 . 00 6 SOD 03/06/01 7461 110.00 110.00 6 SOD 2800 1294 02/14/01 8816 500093816~01 04/03/01 122.1tO 30.60 12 CELL PHONE~ROBERTS 2 30.60 12 CELL PHONEH)N~CALL 30.60 12 CELL PHONE~STAND~BY 30.60 12 CELL PHONE"STEVENS 2800 1294 O:~/1/f/O'1 8829 500093816-01 04/03/01 265.93 30.60 12 CELL PHONE-ROBERTS 3 30.60 12 CELL PHONE.ON~CALL 30.60 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 30.60 12 CELL PHONE~STEVENS 143.53 CELL PHONE~HOFFMAN 2869 769 03/12/01 8857 2001088 04/03/01 :~73"32 373.32 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 2872 591 03/22/01 8845 8240146988 04/03/01 26.95 11.10 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146249 26.95 53.90 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146251 5.55 03/22/01 8240146990 5.55 2879 576 03/22/01 8899 3/01 04/03/01 61.89 61.89 12 CABLE SERVICE 2932 615 02/19/01 8779 1545037 04/03/01 30.00 330.00 PRE~EMP DRUG SCREENS 02/22/01 1553122 30.00 02121/01 1549781 30.00 03/06/01 1578301 30.00 02121/01 1550599 30.00 02121/01 1550607 30.00 03/07/01 1581107 30.00 03/14/01 1595024 30.00 02/27/01 1562677 30.00 03/07/01 1580778 30.00 03/07/01 1580364 30.00 3022 129 02125/01 8788 12449146 04/03/01 9.70 9.70 SR VAN~USE 3091 538 03/20/01 8841t 8268 01+103/01 27.U16 61.90 MAINT SUPPLIES 18.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 30.84 MAINT SUPPLIES 65.70 MAINT SUPPLIES 4.99 MAINT SUPPLIES 22.86 MAINT SUPPLIES 22.86 MAINT SUPPLIES 22.87 MAINT SUPPLIES 22.86 MAINT SUPPLIES 3189 106B 03/15/01 CEPO B781 A~00014~10 04/03/01 220.00 220.00 AUDIT SERVICES 0.00 AUDIT SERVICES 3196 1219 03/07/01 CEPO 8797 3259076 04/03/01 13,342.00 19,357.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5~26-98 03/09/01 3259469 6,015.00 3202 129 03/11/01 8759 15118235 04/03/01 41.80 41.80 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 3214 1098 03/18/01 8727 2378127 04/03/01 113 . 93 113.93 EMPLOYMENT ADS 3234 1044 03/18/01 8836 76540-1006-0 04/03/01 175.45 175.45 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 3298 931 03/13/01 8B30 810978 04/03/01 140.80 299.75 12 LEGAL NOTICES 03/06/01 809612 46.75 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) I ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03: 09pm Page 2 npald Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description _~~m= ~~~m~~ ~~=~~~g~ ~~~m m~~m~~ =~~WW=4_m~=~ ==_==~~= ==Q==_==~=== m~==~_~= m=~==g~=~_ =~=~Q==~===Q -~~=Q_=~==W=======w==~= 02/21/01 802677 112.20 3322 1152 03/20/01 8879 032001 04/03/01 271.60 271.60 METER READINGS 3324 171 03/14/01 8877 031401 04/03/01 291.75 291.75 METER READINGS 3325 371 03/15/01 8878 031501 04/03/01 371 .70 371.70 METER READINGS 3326 264 03/20/01 8880 032001 04/03/01 285.30 285.30 METER READINGS 3398 785 03/08/01 8799 864-318620-1 04/03/01 72.52 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/07/01 864-160484-1 72.30 239.88 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/07/01 864-160485 -8 20.19 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/07/01 864-160483-3 121.88 72.52 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/12/01 864-51465~F5 25.51 03/09/01 864-382177-3 -13 .95 03/09/01 864<382176-5 13.95 3661 1504 03/09/01 8862 5 04/03/01 756,,00 756.00 PLUMBING 6/6/00 3662 1505 02/26/01 8863 6 04/03/01 .00 044.00 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 3668 1427 03/01/01 8864 2 04/03/01 ROUGH CARPENTRY 616/00 3677 1512 03/09/01 8861 04/03/01 .40 713.40 MECHANICAL 6/6/00 3679 1509 03/01/01 8865 2 04/03/01 .47 15, .47 FLOORING 6/6/00 3894 362 03/23/01 8872 33785 04/03/01 60.00 60.00 BID-WASTE DISPOSAL 4286 594 02/02/01 8815 15928680-001 04/03/01 593.54 593.54 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 01/29/01 15684159-002 403.00 838.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 01/29/01 15714977-001 435.00 4346 818 03/30/01 8749 ORF-99-008-L 04/03/01 2,412.58 2,412.58 7' OWRB LOAN 03/30/01 FAP-92-0107- 3,513.10 3,513.10 7' OWRB LOAN L 03/30/01 FAP-92-0107L 2t+,077.50 24,077.50 7' OWRB LOAN 4347 81B 03/30/01 8751 1996/4 04/03/01 39,142.62 39,142.62 7 1996 REVENUE BONDS 03/30/01 1997/4 38,432.48 38,432.48 7 1997 REVENUE BONDS 03/30/01 1998/4 82,188.75 B2,188.75 7' 1998 REVENUE BONDS 4597 960 03/09/01 8898 3/01 04/03/01 95.00 95.00 12 ADVERTISING 4797 829 03/12/01 8817 227324 04/03/01 35.36 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 35.36 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4968 9t.1 03/11/01 8820 210942 04/03/01 143.00 143.00 ASPHALT 5032 1043 02/28/01 8752 2983 04/03/01 332.50 1,082.50 SIGNALIZATION 02/28/01 3000 750.00 5088 1239 01/23/01 8762 DC97117 04/03/01 490.32 490.32 MEDIA FOR RECORDER 5141 1491 03/15/01 8745 25901 04/03/01 972.72 972.72 UNIFORM SHIRTS 5147 1056 03/08/01 8814 64269 04/03/01 28.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 28.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5154 766 03/15/01 8760 12-2100142 04/03/01 60.00 60.00 :3 INTOXILYZER COURSES 0.00 SUPERVISOR COURSE 5154 766 03/09/01 8773 12-2100137 04/03/01 20.00 18.00 3 INTOXILYZER COURSES 2.00 SUPERVISOR COURSE 515t, 766 03/21/01 8843 12-2100149 04/03/01 60.00 60.00 3 INTOXILYZER COURSES-DANIELS 0.00 SUPERVISOR COURSE 5183 1038 03/15/01 8867 5660 04/03/01 29.96 0.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/22/01 8164 279.72 0.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 29.96 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 279.72 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order PoO. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line It em Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description QN~~~= ~~w~~~~= ~=~Q ~=~W=_ _=__==_==~== =_====== _~~==_=====~ =_====== =======_== =~~========= _==~=_=_===_===___=_=== 5292 255 03/21/01 B746 420063 04/03/01 29.95 59.90 8 SECURITY MONITORING 03/21/01 413175 10000 03/21/01 413176 19.95 5313 1044 03/01/01 8753 74421"1006"5 04/03/01 1,291027 0.00 RECYCLE GLASS 1,291.27 RECYCLE REFUSE 5334 1557 03/20/01 B780 52370 04/03/01 1,494.19 1,494.19 BILLING SERVICE 5364 B27 03/23/01 8822 269935 0/.;03/01 107.00 0.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 107.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 5393 1931 03/17101 8842 13"6763 04/03/01 560.52 560.52 UNIFORM PATCHES 5394 556 03/20/01 8840 5066 04/03/01 ',618.00 , 618.00 RADIO HANDPACKS 5409 1510 03/09/01 8866 1 04/03/01 113,40(1000 1 .00 DRYWALL 6/6/00 5450 556 02/08/01 8841 5064 04/03/01 5,370.00 00 RADIOS/INSTALLATION 2/6/01 5497 722 03/16/01 8761 451 04/03/01 253.00 253.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS 03/16/01 453 45.00 45.00 CAPS 5538 1123 03/16/01 8790 212313 04/03/01 870.98 870.98 M09110 5557 366 03/12/01 B824 639690 04/03/01 9.04 92.89 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/07/01 639203 37.37 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/06/01 639049 35.78 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/12/01 639688 10.70 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5597 353 03/13/01 B740 538598 04/03/01 11,571000 11,571.00 PLAYGROUND EQUIP 2/20/01 5598 1957 03/05/01 8739 12/01 0/./03/01 5,040.00 5,040.00 PICNIC TABLES 2/20/01 5620 1123 09111/00 8789 212313 04/03/01 65.05 0.00 B12150 65.05 M09110 5621 1065 02/28/01 8876 2/01 USE 04/03/01 105,670.21 105,670.21 PURCHASED WATER 02/01 5646 1361 03/01/01 888/. 3/01 04/03/01 240.00 240.00 SAI LI FF DUT! ES- 3/01-6/01 5671 285 03/08/01 8772 333922 04/03/01 963.00 963.00 PUBLICATIONS 5673 1193 03/14/01 8875 12490 04/03/01 315.00 315.00 CHECK STOCK 5690 794 03/09/01 8754 2644983 04/03/01 390.00 390.00 COLORIMETER 5697 1952 04/01/01 8766 86750728 04/03/01 35.00 35.00 4 SECURTITY MONITORING 5705 929 03/01/01 8755 2185"0005381 04/03/01 336.07 1,388.94 TIPPING FEES 02/16/01 2185-0005268 1,052.87 3,447.65 TIPPING FEES 03/01/01 2185"0005378 4,297.36 B49.71 TIPPING FEES 5716 1239 03/07/01 8770 OJ47502 04/03/01 48.83 14.11 CO ROM REPLACEMENT 34.72 SOFTWARE 5722 765 03/02/01 8786 32335 04/03/01 366.40 366.40 HEATER REPAIR 5730 144 03/12/01 8787 286012 04/03/01 725.00 725.00 POPCORN POPPER 5732 209 02/20/01 8791 200042-00584 04/03/01 120.00 120.00 PROF SERVICES-SUPERNAW -009 VRS 5733 356 07/27/00 8785 3833031 04/03/01 51.66 0.00 C11159 0.00 C11159 51.66 P07270 5756 1491 03/21/01 8812 25945 04/03/01 486.00 486.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS 5759 1075 03/21/01 8874 49598 04/03/01 119.69 119.69 UNIFORM BOOTS 5760 877 03/05/01 8771 41706 04/03/01 193.90 193.90 VEHICLE REPAIR 5762 2015 03/13/01 8800 W266040 04/03/01 74.40 74.40 MANUAL 5763 2016 03/08/01 8798 198197"00 04/03/01 271.82 271082 LAB SUPPLIES 5769 773 01/10/01 8794 S-21310 01/10/01 2,000.00 04/03/01 2,000.00 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 5771 1909 03/16/01 8832 76790 04/03/01 310.01 310.01 ANTENNA CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) 720.00 METER SETS 9/7/99 21.50 CEILING TILE 137.50 5 STREAMLIGHT BATTERIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 50.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 269.47 CLEANING SUPPLIES 810.00 TIRES/WHEEL ALIGNMENT 29.99 PHONE USE-ALLEN 383.04 PHONE USE-OTHERS 35.00 TITER CHECK-ATWELL 278.95 REFERENCE BOOK 35.05 REPAIR PARTS 233.00 TRAINING-RABER 136.80 TRUCK REPAIR 300.00 FIRE PENSION PHYSICAL 57.34 02/01 PLEXAR 54.61 02/01 PLEXAR 73.33 02/01 PLEXAR 354.12 02/01 PLEXAR 92.16 02/01 PLEXAR 331.15 02/01 PLEXAR 57.35 02/01 PLEXAR 237.36 02/01 PLEXAR 30.03 02/01 PLEXAR 27.30 02/01 PLEXAR 324.21 02/01 PLEXAR 32.85 02/01 PLEXAR 103.49 02/01 PLEXAR 31.05 02/01 PLEXAR 136.14 02/01 PLEXAR 54.29 02/01 PLEXAR 27.30 02/01 PLEXAR 253.70 02/01 PLEXAR 54.60 02/01 PLEXAR 540.43 02/01 USE 634.08 02/01 USE 179.07 02/01 USE 1,008.48 02/01 USE 242.41 02/01 USE 486.09 02/01 USE 1,002.38 02/01 USE 132.66 02/01 USE 240.58 02/01 USE 548.96 2/01 USE 577.36 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 159.30 CD DRIVE 295.63 01/01 USE & 02/01 USE 46.48 WADERS/GLOVES-MCGILL 40.00 REIMBURSEMENT-TEST 101.75 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2,634.00 CONCRETE 442.00 CHLORINE Line Item Amounts Claim Description Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 4 577.36 159.30 295.63 46.48 40.00 101. 75 2,634.00 442.00 720.00 21.50 137.50 5,0'15.14 8833 350428 04/03/01 8757 2642 04/03/01 8792 775301005 04/03/01 8821 13616 04/03/01 8796 OE4503082 04/03/01 8827 2649170 04/03/01 8823 2153 04/03/01 8818 10-0103-5813 04/03/01 B 5849 729 03/14/01 8825 T12389 5850 137 01/30/01 8838 1091549-00 5852 485 03/09/01 8839 30901-01 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 66 03/19/01 655 02/02/01 1084 04/02/01 649 03/20/01 2027 02/08/01 794 03/14/01 1408 03/19/01 688 03/14/01 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5847 5848 0/1/03/01 8741 2/01 USE 863 02/28/0'1 5839 ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount R~~~R~ ___R~_~~ ~~~_ =_R_~w __R________w =R_~___R __R=RR=_____ ~~=RWW~_ W__R__W=_~ 5785 2018 02;28/01 8768 1141 04/03/01 50.00 5791 770 03/06/01 8767 156343 04/03/01 269.47 5792 304 03/08/01 8769 762.17096 04/03/01 810.00 5795 129 02/25/01 8763 12152617 04/03/01 413.03 5798 384 03/12/0'1 8758 977626 04/03/01 35.00 5807 193 02/28/01 8764 0182649"" 111I 04/03/01 278.95 5812 470 03/09/01 8765 42960 04/03/01 35.05 5831 661 03/02/01 8795 53664 04/03/01 233.00 5835 242 03/09101 8793 40776 04/03/01 136.80 5837 287 03/06/01 8756 1953 04/03/01 300.00 5838 938 02;28/01 8750 2/01 PLEXAR 04/03/01 2,332.38 City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 5 Unpaid claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~w~~w www~w~ W~~~WW=w =WQ~ g=m=~w WQ=~mmW=m==~ ==m~==== ===========0 ===~=~== ~m======== =====Q==~~== ==_===~================ 03/16/01 31601-01 119 J+O 29.00 SLACKS 90.40 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5853 2028 03/16/01 8742 031601 0/,/03/01 76.66 76.66 REFUND #1046 585/+ 2029 03/16/01 8743 031601 04/03/01 69.69 69.69 REFUND #3254 5855 754 02/28/01 8744 889 0/,/03/01 1,485.00 1,485.00 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6/1/99 5856 2030 03/02/01 8747 T00864 04/03/01 196.50 196.50 3 FAUCET REPAIR KITS 5857 90 03/02/01 8748 086246 04/03/01 206.00 206.00 MEMBERSHIP-ROONEY 5858 159 02/28/01 8775 55675 04/03/01 327.65 327.65 ARBITRATION SERVICES 5859 860 03/18/01 8834 031801 0/./03/01 85.00 85.00 EXAM-BISHOP 5860 500 03/19;01 8728 51256 04/03/01 29.99 29.99 INSPECTIONS RECORDER 5861 1852 03/12/01 8813 93919 04/03/01 T3.00 73.00 fLAT REPAIR 5865 47/, 02/28/01 e:/7I+ 1 0993 0/,/03/01 7.64 34.92 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 02/28/01 10989 1.97 02/12/01 10943 1.46 01/12/01 10947 2.85 02/28/01 10987 7.69 02/28/01 10986 1.94 03/16/01 11027 1.90 03/16/01 11031 /,.53 03/16/01 11034 4.94 5866 379 02/14/01 8725 021401 04/03/01 125.00 125.00 EQUIPMENT INS POLICY 5867 2033 03/07/01 8726 030701 04/03/01 1,647.18 1,647.18 ARBITRATION SERVICES 5870 1288 01/15/01 8778 866951 04/03/01 30.37 30.37 C09050 5871 259 07/09/00 8777 A029360 04/03/01 68.34 68.34 W07090 5872 1123 01/29/01 8776 211640 04/03/01 5.40 0.00 M09110 5.40 1312150 5874 1086 04/03/01 81B7 040301 04/03/01 53.32 6.45 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.99 KEY MADE 38.58 OIL/VEHICLE REPAIR 7.30 TOLLS 5875 1029 03/05/01 8854 3188583 04/03/01 58.00 423.50 T! RES 03/13/01 5011588 423.50 58.00 FLAT REPAIR 5878 857 03/14/01 8846 0185237 04/03/01 19.36 1,307.13 REPAIR PARTS 03/13/01 0185158 203.95 14.91 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/14/01 0185238 193.04 02/22/01 0183423 334.33 03/16/01 0185541 5.79 03/20/01 0185884 104.92 03/21/01 0185980 236.68 03/19/01 0185719 64.75 03/22/01 0186080 108.47 03/23/01 0186207 11. 58 03/13/01 0185167 24.26 03/14/01 0185202 14.91 5879 406 03/15/01 8859 123656349-00 04/03/01 1,000.11 13.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 03/15/01 123707482-00 44"88 140.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 03/12/01 1;Y.317816-00 -441"66 18"19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 57.53 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHAOBOLT (SRS) 27.45 COFFEE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 424.05 GROCERIES 729.68 BEVERAGES 49.00 PAPER SUPPLIES 92.10 REPAIR PARTS 90.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 320.00 REPAIR PARTS 36,69 REPAIR PARTS 218.50 SWEEPER ATTACHMENT 7.04 02101 USE 21. 12 02101 USE 22.97 02101 USE 35.20 02101 USE 7.04 02101 USE 351.91 02/01 USE 14.08 02101 USE 9,13 02101 USE 72.25 02/01 USE 42023 02101 USE 28.16 02101 USE 35.20 02101 USE 7.04 02101 USE 7.04 02/01 USE 21. 12 02101 USE 501.68 VEHICLE REPAIR 203.40 METER READINGS 570000 FUEL 118.93 GROCERIES 15,46 GROCERIES 47,49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 53.86 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.82 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 164.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 142080 OFFICE SUPPLIES 238.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 384.38 TRUCK REPAIR 200.45 REPAIR PARTS 501.68 203.40 570.00 26.21 35.72 57000 15046 -124.00 -7.44 64.00 110.90 429.52 305.70 159015 236.70 28.20 27.45 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 04/03/01 5895 2046 03/23/01 8853 5352 5896 2047 03/21/01 8881 032101 5897 46 01/23/01 8738 86949 5898 678 03/16/01 8730 1820951 03/13/01 159814 02/04/01 159869 03/19/01 1820915 5899 732 03/13/01 8731 58444454 03/13/01 58444455 03/14/01 58444516 03/19/01 58444787 03/13/01 58444453 03/20/01 584444860 5900 229 03/13/01 8729 650478 03/20/01 652005 12/12/00 631498 5901 1151 03/19/01 8732 6930 :CSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 5880 1143 03/14/0'j 8850 5923490 04/03/01 238.00 03/09/01 5889190 '14;U30 5881 648 03/12/01 8852 1713 04/03/01 :584.38 5882 1005 03/19/01 8858 80605 04/03/01 101.21 03/14/0'1 80521 24.68 02/21/01 80038 74.56 588:5 771 03/15/01 8851 251406 04/03/01 92.10 03/12/01 S8813"01 90.00 5884 224 03/13/01 8860 20196 04/03/01 320.00 5885 1021 03/12/0'1 8855 222167 04/03/01 36.69 5886 811 03/14/01 8856 89286 04/03/01 218.50 5893 826 03/10/01 8835 5214480-2 04/03/01 681.53 Li ne Item Amounts Claim Description .~~~~~ ~~~~-~ _m~m~~=~ _mrom romm_rom _mm__m~=mm_m rommmmrorom mmmmrommrommmm mmmmm~mm =_mmrommmmm =~~_mm_0mmmm mm=mm~=mmmmmmmmmmmmm=mm P.Oo Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor lumber Number Oate Code Number lnvoice# Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 6 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date : i ty of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description m~~~=m ~~m~m~ m~~m_m~= mm~~ =m_~~Q QmQ_w~0~W~~_ ~~~mm~~_ ~~WW0~~~Qmm= =~~Qmm_m WWWWWWWWW~ _NwWW~ww~Wm~ mWww~wwww~www=ww_~=wwww 5902 336 03/16/01 8733 12629 04/03/01 65.62 65.62 SNACKS 5903 595 03/16/01 8734 73052 04/03/01 51.87 31.37 LINEN SERVICE 20.50 LINEN SERVICE 5904 957 03/20/01 8735 1,54027 04/03/01 286.81 226.30 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 60.51 SNACKS 5905 981 03/16/01 8736 103160418 04/03/0'1 290.02 24.55 PAPER SUPPLIES 03/07/01 103070293 1.32.92 787.49 GROCERIES 03/19/01 103190136 89.10 5906 1038 03/17/01 r::,'737 3475 0/';03/01 58.22 58.22 BEVERAGES 03/17/01 6529 17.44 17.44 SNACKS 5907 881 03/05/01 8784 6399/2 04/03/01 3.72 3.72 2/01 USE 02/27/01 639812 14.88 11..88 2/01 USE 02/27/0'1 6397/2 :~9.58 39.58 2/01 USE 5908 1132 03/22/01 8783 4014420 04/03/01 61. 90 61.90 TIRES 5909 1491 03/15/01 8782 2591'7 0/./03/01 206.45 206.45 PRINTING 5911 8n 03120/01 8871 19780 04/03/01 20.00 20.00 2 MOUNT/BALANCE TIRES 5912 142 03120/01 8868 40280 04/03/01 51:1.90 58.90 CAMERA CASE/VIEWER 5913 14 03/16/01 8873 193651 04/03/01 225.00 225.00 HEADSET FOR LADDER TRUCK 5914 1061 03/23/01 8869 1439 04/03/01 299.30 299.30 BUNKER GEAR CLEANER 5916 556 03/20/01 8870 5069 04/03/01 696.00 696000 2 HEADSETS 5917 1854 04/01/01 8831 041301 04/03/01 150000 150.00 WORKSHOP-SORRELLS/HENSL EY 5928 1002 03/30/01 8912 3/01 04/03/01 1,234.19 4.16 POSTAGE 3.50 COUNCIL WORK SESSION 43003 DOC LUNCHES 2.58 REPAIR PARTS 10.00 TRAINING-WILLSON 246.'76 REIMB TRAVEL-EWING 42.00 PER DIEM-BLEVINS 42000 PER DIEM-WOFFORD 70.00 PER DIEM-DANIELS 23.54 REIMB TRAVEL-CARR 20.00 REPAIR SERVICES 10.50 RANGE USE 4095 UNIFORM SUPPLIES 66.65 TRAVEL-WOFFORD 105.40 TRAVEL-HURST 80080 TRAVEL-DANIELS 140.00 PER DIEM-RAMSEY 82.15 TRAVEL-BLEVINS 16.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11078 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4.76 SCREENINGS 8.70 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 50000 MEMBERSHIP GREENE-MOTO 18.00 REPAIR PARTS 120.00 REPAIR PARTS 6093 COpy EXPENSE 5932 1068 03/15/01 8897 A-01025-1 04/03/01 400.00 400.00 AUDIT SERVICES 0000 AUDIT SERVICES 5939 781 02/22/01 8900 022201 04/03/01 16.00 16.00 POSTAGE CCSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 8 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Li ne I t em umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~-~ ~Q~~-- ~-~--~-- ~-~- =~~=~_ _Q_=_~__~WQ_ =__~QW=ro ~w_=_w=~===w ==w~==~= wW====wro== =ww=w=w~w=== ro=ww~_~=_~w_w======_==w 5940 538 03/23/01 8894 9755 04/03/01 393.92 271.25 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 122.67 GROCERIES 5941 2049 03/19101 8895 8575435 04/03/01 29.53 29.53 UNIFORM SHIRT 5942 377 03/25/01 11896 64700386 04/03/01 332.40 18.68 03/01 USE 7.60 03/01 USE 13.05 03/01 USE 76.57 03/01 USE 10.75 03/01 USE 79.59 03/01 USE 5.51 03/01 USE 39.20 03/01 USE 16.49 03/01 USE 11;.45 03/01 USE 5.31; 03/01 USE 5.55 03/01 USE 5.00 03/01 USE :34.62 03/01 USE 591.3 591 03/15/01 8828 8240146252 01d03/01 20.35 61.45 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146254 21.70 51.75 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146255 66.40 40.70 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146246 28.45 119.90 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 824014621;7 18.35 36.70 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/15/01 8240146253 4.55 9.10 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/22/01 8240146991 20.35 03/22/01 82401/,6993 30.05 03/22/01 8240146994 53.50 03/22/01 8240146985 33.00 03/22/01 8240146986 18.35 03/22/01 8240146992 4,55 5945 500 01/30/01 8893 47752 04/03/01 109.94 264.88 PHONE HEADSETS 03/26/01 51778 15/d;l4 59/,6 342 03/16/01 8892 36970 04/03/01 805.77 805.77 REPA lR PARTS 5947 261 03/12/01 8891 79283 04/03/01 823.04 1,023.07 SAND/FERTILIZER 03/12/01 79282 200.03 5948 812 03/16/01 8890 76616 04/03/01 49.50 49.50 DOOR LOCKS 5949 107 03/20/01 8889 57679 04/03/01 29.99 43.94 EDGER BLADES/OIL 03/13/01 57473 13.95 5950 1488 03/26/01 8888 102518 04/03/01 25.00 142.98 FLAT REPAIR/TIRES 03/23/01 102485 117 . 98 5951 153 03/13/01 8887 10315460 04/03/01 118.82 118.82 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5952 774 03/22/01 8886 359339 04/03/01 805.09 420.00 FERTILIZER 03/14/01 358935 420.00 805.09 FERTILIZER 5953 2050 03/22/01 8885 2880 04/03/01 340.00 765.00 TOPSOIL HAULING 03/21/01 3026 425.00 5963 943 03/23/01 8882 25387 04/03/01 43.05 50.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/19/01 25369 7.05 5965 38 03/17/01 8883 031701 04/03/01 254.18 254.18 METER READINGS 5966 9 02/23/01 8901 96033184 04/03/01 884.50 04/04/01 17.50 9,20B.75 GOLF BAGS/CLUBS/BALLS 02/23/01 96033192 355.1704/04/01 7.00 03/15/01 96172279 89.45 04/04/01 1. 70 03/15/01 96172287 285.02 04/04/01 5.60 03/09/01 96127839 119.87 04/04/01 2.30 .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 736,483-G2 ;\: 73G,-735.76:1:+ bDle A;SL 252.1 iJ. - 002 City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:09pm Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O" Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~=~~ ==~~=~ ~ru~~Wru~~ roQroro ~=~ru~ro rurururu~=ru=ruru=ro ~ru~~rumroru ru~ruru_rororurururu= =~=ruroru== rurururu==ru==ro rorurururu~rururu~== ru~rororu~rururoruroro=rororurururu==roru 03/05/01 96085659 235.23 04/04/01 4.60 02/22/01 96025316 566.65 04/04/01 11,20 02/24/01 96038501 188,,00 02/21/01 96053766 96"44 03/15/01 96112297 831.80 04/04/01 16.32 03/17/01 96196512 179.87 04/04/01 3,,50 02/05/01 95933064 355.03 02/10/01 95963856 060.82 04/04/01 130.78 02/10/01 95963860 04/04/01 1,,00 5967 1263 03/03/01 8902 30301 04/03/01 480,,00 {,BO"OO DUES 5968 1229 03/15/01 8903 796116 04/03/01 99,,52 1, {,89. 1/+ SHORTS 03/15/01 196121 1 03/15/01 796119 40.65 5969 51 02/14/01 8904 626209 04/03/01 90.00 04/04/0"j 3.60 1,911.93 GOLF CLUBS/BAGS 02/26/01 642940 15t+" 73 04/0t+/01 6..00 159,,50 GOLF BALLS 02/26/01 643709 41,,45 04/04/01 1.48 03/08/01 677626 141.09 04/0t+/01 2.70 03/01/01 654094 765.45 04/04/01 30..40 03/01101 654098 325.61 04/04/01 12.80 03/01/01 654685 196.80 04/04/01 7..52 03/01101 654866 196.80 04/04/01 1..52 03/01/01 651545 159.50 5970 17 02/20/01 8905 4150632 04/03/01 94.94 94.94 SOCKS 5971 300 03/23/01 8906 8147 04/03/01 93..88 93.88 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5972 406 03/28/01 8907 2939 04/03/01 21.05 41.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/22/01 3551 41..14 8.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5973 233 03/15/01 8908 299311 04/03/01 1l4..40 84.40 WATER-BATTERIES 5974 482 03/12/01 8909 73-0565482 Otd03/01 87.37 903.43 SHORTS/SHIRTS 03/12/01 73-0565572 397.20 03/14/01 73-0566481 418 . 86 5975 388 03/09/01 8910 38493113 04/03/01 66.22 04/04/01 660.00 GOLF BALLS/SHOES 02/14/01 38229861 56.55 02/19/01 38254964 537.23 04/04/01 21.12 5976 17 03/12/01 8911 4118196 04/03/01 75.00 04/04/01 1.50 15.00 SHOES 03/12/01 4178195 75.00 03/09/01 6752466 - 75 . 00 =~==-====-== ==>===--....-"'" =>=>....====...=....=- =...._---==-= TOTAL 736,735.76 252.14 174 records listed i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03: 10pm Page 'Pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8884 1361 5646 3/01 03/01/01. 240,00 04/03/01 01-105-53001 240.00 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332,38 04/03/01 01-105-53610 73.33 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-105-53610 13.05 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 01-110-52001 164.95 123707482-001 03/15/01 44,88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8907 1;06 5972 2939 03/28/01 21.05 04/03/01 01-110-52001 8.07 3551 03/22/01 41. 14 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-110-53610 57,:,4 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-110-53610 7,04 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332,40 04/03/01 01-110-53610 18.68 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-110-53657 3,50 8748 90 5857 086246 03/02/01 206.00 04/03/01 01-110-53670 206.00 8875 1193 56TS 12490 03/14/01 315000 04/03/01 01-120-52010 315.00 8781 1068 3189 CEPO A-00014- 0 03/15/01 220.00 04/03/01 01-120-53001 220.00 8897 1068 5932 A-OH)25'.1 03/15/0'j 400,00 04/03/01 01-120-53001 1.00.00 8850 11/,3 5880 5923490 03/14/01 238,00 04/03/01 01-150-52001 238,00 5889190 03/09/01 142.80 8726 2033 5867 030701 03/07/01 1 18 04/03/01 01-150-53001 1,647.18 8775 159 5858 55675 02/28/01 04/03/01 01-150-53001 8779 615 2932 1545037 02/19/01 30,00 04/03/01 01-150-53001 330,00 1553122 02/22/01 30000 1549781 02/21/01 30000 1578301 03/06/01 30.00 1550599 02/21/01 30000 1550607 02/21/01 30000 1581107 03/07/01 30,00 1595024 03/14/01 30.00 1562677 02/27/01 30,00 1580778 03/07/01 30.00 1580364 03/07/01 30.00 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/0'j 5,015014 04/03/01 01-150-53200 540.43 8727 1098 3214 2378127 03/18/01 113.93 04/03/01 01-150-53600 113.93 8830 931 3298 810978 03/13/01 140.80 04/03/01 01-150-53600 299075 809612 03/06/01 46.75 802677 02/21/01 112020 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332038 04/03/01 01-150-53610 354,12 8788 129 3022 124/.9146 02/25/01 9070 04/03/01 01-150-53610 9.70 8896 377 591.2 64700386 03/25/01 332040 04/03/01 01-150-53610 76.57 8900 781 5939 022201 02/22/01 16.00 04/03/01 01-150-53615 16,00 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234019 04/03/01 01-150-53615 4.16 8725 379 5866 021401 02/14/01 125000 04/03/01 01-150-53700 125,00 8840 556 5394 5066 03/20/01 1,618000 04/03/01 01-150-54450 1,618000 8907 406 5972 2939 03/28/01 21.05 04/03/01 01-160-52001 6.49 3551 03/22/01 41.14 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 01-160-52100 20089 123707482-001 03/15/01 44088 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332,38 04/03/01 01-160-53610 54,61 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-160-53610 21.12 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-160-53610 7.60 8831 1854 5917 041301 04/01/01 150,00 04/03/01 01-160-53650 150,00 8728 500 5860 51256 03/19/01 29.99 04/03/01 01-160-54400 29099 :CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03: 1 Opm Page 2 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 01-170-52001 140.98 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-170-53500 22.97 8829 1294 2800 500093816-013 03/14/01 265.93 04/03/01 01-170-53610 30.60 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-170-53650 23.54 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-175-53650 10.00 8859 1.06 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 10000.11 04/03/01 01-181-52001 18.19 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8845 591 287'2 8240146988 03/22/01 26.95 04/03/01 01 181-52200 11. '10 8240146249 03/15/01 26.95 8240146251 03/15/0'1 :'L55 8240146990 03/22/01 5.55 8857 769 2869 2001088 03/12/01 373.32 04/03/01 01-181-53480 373.32 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 10234.19 04/03/01 01-181-53480 i13.03 8835 826 5893 5214480,,2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-181-53500 35.20 81337 1086 5874 040301 04/03/01 53.32 04/03/01 01-201-52001 6.45 8764 193 5807 0182649-IN 02128/01 278.95 04/03/01 01-201-52050 278.95 8832 1909 5771 76790 03/16/01 310.01 04/03/01 01-201-52100 310.01 8837 1086 5874 040301 04/03/01 53.32 04/03/01 01-201-52100 0.99 8839 485 5852 30901-01 03/09/01 137.50 04/03/01 01-201-52100 137.50 31601-01 03/16/01 119.40 8842 1931 5393 13-6763 03/17/01 560.52 04/03/01 01-201-52100 560.52 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 01-201-52100 61.90 8850 1143 5880 5923490 03/14/01 238.00 04/03/01 01-201-52100 142.80 5889190 03/09/01 142.80 8859 f,06 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 01-201-52100 57.53 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 '"441.66 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-201-52100 10.50 8761 722 5497 !~51 03/16/01 253.00 04/03/01 01'"201-52200 45.00 453 03/16/01 45.00 8839 485 5852 30901-01 03/09/01 137.50 04/03/01 01-201-52200 29.00 31601-01 03/16/01 119.40 8838 '137 5850 1091549-00 01/30/01 21.50 04/03/01 01-201-52400 21.50 8837 1086 5874 040301 04/03/01 53.32 04/03/01 01-201-52470 38.58 8839 485 5852 30901-01 03/09/01 137.50 04/03/01 01-201-52470 90.40 31601-01 03/16/01 119.40 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 01-201-53200 179.07 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-201-53500 351.91 8750 938 5838. 2101 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-201-53610 331.15 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-201-53610 79.59 8760 766 5154 12-2100142 03/15/01 60.00 04/03/01 01-201-53650 60.00 8773 766 5154 12-2100137 03/09/01 20.00 04/03/01 01-201-53650 20.00 8837 1086 5874 040301 04/03/01 53.32 04/03/01 01-201-53650 7.30 8843 766 5154 12-2100149 03/21/01 60.00 04/03/01 01-201-53650 60.00 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-201-53650 150.80 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-201-53670 50.00 8841 556 5450 5064 02108/01 5,370.00 04/03/01 01-201-54500 5,370.00 8762 1239 5088 DC97117 01/23/01 490.32 04/03/01 01-215-52100 490.32 8761 722 5497 451 03/16/01 253.00 04/03/01 01-215-52200 253.00 453 03/16/01 45.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty aT Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 3 Ipen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-215-53500 14.08 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-215-53650 140.00 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 01-221-52100 18.98 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-221-53610 57.35 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-221-53610 5.51 8772 285 5671 ' 333922 03/08/01 963.00 04/03/01 01-250-52050 963.00 8767 770 5791 156343 03/06/01 269.47 04/03/01 01-250-52100 269.47 8869 1061 5914 1439 03/23/01 299.30 04/03/01 01-250-52100 299.30 8745 1491 5141 25901 03/15/01 972.72 04/03/01 01-250-52200 972.72 8812 1491 5756 25945 03/21/01 486.00 04/03/01 01-250-52200 486.00 8874 1075 5759 l~9598 03/21/01 119.69 04/03/01 01-250-52200 119.69 8895 2049 5941 8575l,35 03/19/01 29.53 04/03/01 01-250-52200 29.53 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1 234.1904/03/01 01-250-52200 4.95 8769 304 5792 762-17096 03/08/01 .00 04/03/01 01-250-52470 810.00 8793 ;;Y.2 5835 40776 . 03/09/01 136.80 04/03/01 01-250-52470 136.80 8871 877 5911 19780 03/20/01 20.00 04/03/01 01-250-52470 20.00 8912 '1002 5928 3/01 03/30/0'1 1 .1904/03/01 01-250-52470 18.00 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 .14 04/03/01 01-250-53200 1,008.48 8771 877 5760 l,1706 03/05/01 193.90 04/03/01 01-250-53400 193.90 8763 129 5795 12152617 02/25/01 413.03 04/03/01 01-250-53505 29.99 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-250-53505 9.13 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-250-53610 237.36 8896 377 5942 64 700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-250-53610 39.20 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-250-53650 105.40 8768 2018 5785 1141 02/28/01 50.00 04/03/01 01-250-53670 50.00 8770 1239 5716 OJ47502 03/07/01 48.83 04/03/01 01-250-54400 48.83 8868 142 5912 40280 03/20/01 58.90 04/03/01 01-250-54400 58.90 8870 556 5916 5069 03/20/01 696.00 04/03/01 01-250-54400 696.00 8873 14 5913 193651 03/16/01 225.00 04/03/01 01-250-54400 225.00 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-280-53610 30.03 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 01-300-52001 1.89 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8817 829 4797 227324 03/12/01 35.36 04/03/01 01-300-52100 0.00 8819 6 2755 7516 03/14/01 55.00 04/03/01 01-300-52100 11 0 . 00 7515 03/14/01 55.00 7461 03/06/01 110.00 8820 941 4968 210942 03/11/01 143.00 04/03/01 01-300-52100 143.00 8823 1408 5847 2153 03/19/01 2,634.00 04/03/01 01-300-52100 2,634.00 8824 366 5557 639690 03/12/01 9.04 04/03/01 01-300-52100 92.89 639203 03/07/01 37.37 639049 03/06/01 35.78 639688 03/12/01 10.70 8829 1294 2800 500093816-013 03/14/01 265.93 04/03/01 01-300-52100 143.53 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 01-300-52100 53.71 8846 857 5878 0185237 03/14/01 19.36 04/03/01 01-300-52100 14.91 0185158 03/13/01 203.95 0185238 03/14/01 193.04 0183423 02/22/01 334.33 0185541 03/16/01 5.79 D185B84 03/20/01 104.92 0185980 03/21/01 236.68 0185719 03/19/01 64.75 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03: 10pm Page 4 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 0186080 03/22/01 1013047 0186207 03/23/01 11058 0185167 03/13/01 24.26 0185202 03/14/01 14.91 /3828 591 59/.3 8240146252 03/15/01 20.35 04/03/01 01-300-52200 61.45 8240146254 03/15/01 21070 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28.45 8240146247 03/15/01 18035 8240146253 03/15/01 4.55 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 30005 8240146994 03/22/01 53.50 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 18.35 8240146992 03/22/01 4.55 8815 594 4286 15928680-001 02/02/01 593054 04/03/01 01-300-53370 838000 15684159-002 01129/01 403.00 15714977-001 01129/01 435000 8752 1043 5032 2983 02/28/01 332.50 04/03/01 01-300-53430 1,082.50 3000 02/28/01 750.00 881/, 1056 5147 64269 03/08/01 28.00 04/03/01 01-300-53500 0.00 8815 594 4286 15928680-001 02/02/01 593.54 04/03/01 01-300-53500 593.54 15684159-002 01/29/01 403.00 15714917-001 01/29/01 435.00 81m 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 01-300-53500 72025 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEl<AR 02/2IV01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-300-53610 27.30 8766 1952 5697 86750728 04/01/01 35.00 04/03/01 01-515-52100 35.00 8907 406 5972 2939 03/28/01 21.05 04/03/01 01-515-52100 6.49 3551 03/22/01 41014 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.1904/03/01 01-515-52100 4.76 8747 2030 5856 T00864 03/02/01 196.50 04/03/01 01-515-52400 196.50 8765 470 5812 42960 03/09/01 35.05 04/03/01 01-515-52400 35.05 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015014 04/03/01 01-515-53200 132.66 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681053 04/03/01 01-515-53500 21.12 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEl<AR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-515-53610 54.29 8759 129 3202 15118235 03/11/01 41.80 04/03/01 01-515-53610 I. 1. 80 8896 317 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 01-515-53610 5.55 8739 1957 5598 12/01 03/05/01 5,040.00 04/03/01 01-515-54200 5,040.00 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000011 04/03/01 01-550-52100 47049 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.38 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8786 765 5722 32335 03/02/01 366.40 04/03/01 01-550-53100 366.40 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 01-550-53200 1,002033 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEl<AR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 01-550-53610 136.14 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332040 04/03/01 01-550-53610 5034 3737 144 5730 286012 03/12/01 725000 04/03/01 01-550-54400 725000 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-710-53605 6.93 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/23/01 2,332.33 04/03/01 01-710-53610 54.60 8912 1002 5923 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 01-710-53650 /: 246.76 FUND Total 38,752.63 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 5 Ipen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8742 2028 5853 031601 03/16/01 76.66 04/03/01 20-000-44279 76.66 8743 2029 5854 031601 03/16/01 69.69 04/03/01 20-000-44279 69.69 8833 66 5840 350428 03/19/01 577.36 04/03/01 20-255-52100 577.36 8872 362 3894 33785 03/23/01 60.00 04/03/01 20-255-52100 60.00 8813 1852 5861 93919 03/12/01 73.00 04/03/01 20-255-52470 73.00 8756 287 5837 1953 03/06/01 300.00 04/03/01 20-255-53001 300.00 875B 384 579B 977626 03/12/01 35.00 04/03/01 20-255-53001 35.00 8763 129 5795 12152617 02/25/01 413.03 04/03/01 20-255-53505 383.04 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.1904/03/01 20-255-53650 / 232.80 8834 860 5859 031801 03/18/01 85.00 04/03/01 20-255-53670 85.00 FUND Total '1,892.55 87/.4 754 5855 889 02128/01 1,485.00 04/03/01 40-000-54400-007 1,485.00 FUND Total 1,485.00 8757 655 5841 2642 02102101 159.30 04/03/01 41-255-54400 159.30 FUND "otal 159.30 8740 353 5597 538598 03/13/01 11,571.00 04/03/01 45-515-54400 11 , 5710 00 FUND Total 11 ,~m .00 8797 1219 3196 CEPO 3259076 03/07101 13,342.00 04/03/01 47-000-53001-018 19,357.00 3259469 03/09101 6,015.00 8792 1084 5842 775301005 04/02/01 295.63 04/03/01 47-000-53200-016 295.63 81:l61 1512 3677 2 03/09/01 58,713.40 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 58,713 .40 8862 1504 3661 5 03/09/01 29,756.00 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 29,756.00 8863 1505 3662 6 02126/01 64,044.00 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 64,044.00 8864 1427 3668 2 03/01/01 37,440.00 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 37,440.00 8865 1509 3679 2 03/01/01 15,743.47 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 J 15,743.47 8866 1510 5409 1 03/09/01 113,400.00 04/03/01 47-000-54100-016 113,400.00 FUND Total 338,749.50 8901 9 5966 96033184 02123/01 884,50 04/03/01 55-000-44901 9,208.75 96033192 02/23/01 355.17 96172279 03/15/01 89.45 96172287 03/15/01 285,02 96127839 03/09101 119.87 96085659 03/05/01 235.23 96025316 02/22/01 566.65 96038507 02/24/01 788.00 96053766 02/27/01 96.44 96172297 03/15/01 1:l37.80 96196572 03/17/01 179.87 95933064 02/05/01 355.03 95963856 02/10/01 4,060.82 95963860 02;10/01 354.90 8903 1229 5968 796116 03/15/01 99.52 04/03/01 55-000-44901 1,489.14 796121 03/15/01 1,348.97 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZDCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 6 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 796119 03/15/01 40.65 8904 57 5969 626209 02/14/01 90000 04/03/01 55-000-44901 1,911 .93 642940 02/26/01 154073 643709 02/26/01 41045 677626 03/08/01 141009 654094 03/01/01 765045 654098 03/01/01 325061 654685 03/01/01 196080 654866 03/01/01 196.80 651545 03/01/01 159.50 8905 17 5970 4150632 02/20/01 94094 04/03/01 55-000-44901 94,,94 8909 482 59711 '73-0565482 03/12/01 87.37 04/03/01 55-000-44901 903043 73-0565572 03/12/0'1 397.20 73-0566481 03/14/01 418.86 !l910 388 59'75 38493113 03/09/01 66022 04/03/01 55-000-44901 660.00 38229861 02/14/01 56055 38254964 02/19/01 537023 8911 17 59'76 4178196 03/12/01 75.00 04/03/01 55-000-44901 75.00 4178195 03/12/01 75.00 6752466 03/09/01 -75000 8729 229 5900 650478 03/13/01 159.15 04/03/01 55-000-44950 1,2/..05 652005 03/20/01 236070 631498 12/12/00 28.20 8730 678 5898 11:120951 03/16/01 26.21 04/03/01 55-000-44950 118.93 159814 03/13/01 35.72 159869 02/04/01 57.00 1820915 03/19/01 15046 8731 732 5899 58444454 03/13/01 -124.00 04/03/01 55-000-44950 729.68 58444455 03/13/01 -7044 58444516 03/14/01 64.00 58444787 03/19/01 110.90 58444453 03/13/01 l,29.52 5841,44860 03/20/01 305070 8732 1151 5901 6930 03/19/01 27045 04/03/01 55-000-44950 27.45 8733 336 5902 12629 03/16/01 65.62 04/03/01 55-000-44950 65062 8735 957 5904 454027 03/20/01 286081 04/03/01 55-000-44950 60.51 8736 981 5905 103160418 03/16/01 290002 04/03/01 55-000-44950 787.49 103070293 03/07/01 432092 103190136 03/19/01 89010 8737 1038 5906 3475 03/17/01 58022 04/03/01 55-000-44950 75066 6529 03/17/01 17044 8!!94 53!! 5940 9755 03/23/01 393092 04/03/01 55-000-44950 122067 8735 957 5904 454027 03/20/01 286081 04/03/01 55-000-44980 226.30 8904 57 5969 626209 02/14/01 90.00 04/03/01 55-600-52300 159050 642940 02/26/01 154.73 643709 02/26/01 41045 677626 03/08/01 141.09 654094 03/01/01 765045 654098 03/01/01 325061 654685 03/01/01 196080 654866 03/01/01 196.80 651545 03/01/01 159.50 8730 67!! 5898 1820951 03/16/01 26021 04/03/01 55-600-53508 15046 CCSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.006 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 7 pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 159814 03/13/01 35.72 159869 02/04/01 57.00 1820915 03/19/01 15046 8783 1132 5908 4014420 03/22/01 61.90 04/03/01 55-605-52100 61090 8908 233 5973 299317 03/15/01 84.40 04/03/01 55-605-52100 84.40 8784 881 5907 6399/2 03/05/01 3.72 04/03/01 55-605.53200 3072 6398/2 02/27/01 14.88 639712 02127/01 39.58 B886 771. 5952 359339 03/22/01 805009 04/03/01 55-610.52110 805009 358935 03/14/01 420.00 8886 77/t 5952 359339 03/22101 805.09 04/03/01 55-610-52115 t~20 0 00 358935 03/14/01 420.00 891 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03101 55-610-52200 13070 BB85 2050 5953 2B80 03122101 340.00 04/03/01 55-610-52450 765.00 3026 03/21101 425.00 8891 261 5947 79283 03/12101 823.04 04/03/01 55.610.52450 1,0230 O'i' 79282 03/12101 200.03 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03101 55-610.52450 11078 8738 46 5891 86949 01123/0'1 570.00 04/03/01 55-610-52500 570.00 87/t 1 863 5839 2101 USE 02128/01 5,015.14 04103101 55-610.53200 21~0. 5B 8784 B81 5901 6399/2 03/05/01 3072 04/03/01 55-610-53200 14.88 639812 02127/01 14.88 639712 02127/01 39058 8746 255 5292 420063 03121/01 29.95 04/03/01 55-610.53250 59.90 413175 03121/01 10.00 413176 03121101 19.95 B890 812 5948 76616 03/16/01 49050 04/03/01 55-610-53250 49.50 8887 153 5951 10315460 03/13/01 118.82 04/03/01 55-610-53408 118.82 8888 1488 5950 102518 03/26/01 25.00 04/03/01 55-610-53408 142.98 102485 03123/01 117.98 8889 107 5949 57679 03/20/01 29.99 04/03/01 55-610-53408 1~3 .94 51473 03/13/01 13.95 8892 342 5946 36970 03/16/01 805.77 04/03/01 55-010-53408 1305.17 8906 300 5971 8147 03/23/01 93.88 04/03/01 55-610-53408 93.88 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 55-010-53610 27.30 8896 317 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 55-610-53610 5.00 8731 732 5899 58444454 03/13/01 -124.00 04/03/01 55-610-52100 49.00 58444455 03/13/01 -7.44 58444516 03/14/01 64.00 58444787 03/19101 110.90 58444453 03/13/01 429.52 5841+44860 03/20/01 305.70 8736 981 5905 103160418 03/16/01 290.02 04/03/01 55-670-52100 24.55 103070293 03/07/01 432092 103190136 03/19/01 89.10 8894 538 5940 9755 03/23/01 393.92 04/03/01 55-670-52100 271. 25 8893 500 5945 41752 01/30/01 109.94 04/03/01 55-670-53408 264.88 51778 03/26/01 154.94 8734 595 5903 73052 03/16/01 51.87 04/03/01 55-670-53500 31.37 8782 1491 5909 25917 03/15/01 206045 04/03/01 55-690-52010 206.45 8781 1068 3189 CEPO A-00014-10 03/15/01 220.00 04/03/01 55-690-53001 0.00 8897 1068 5932 A-01025-1 03/15/01 400.00 04/03/01 55-690-53001 0.00 8898 960 4597 3/01 03/09101 95.00 04/03/01 55-690-53600 95.00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 8 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8902 1263 5967 30301 03/03/01 480..00 04/03/01 55-690-53670 1+80 . 00 8907 1+06 5972 2939 03/28/01 21.05 04/03/01 55-691-52100 41. 1/f 3551 03/22/01 41. 14 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 55-691-53200 548..96 8784 881 5907 6399/2 03/05/01 3.72 04/03/01 55-691-53200 39.58 639812 02/27/01 14..88 6397/2 02/27/01 39..58 8836 1044 323/, 76540-1006-0 03/18/01 175.45 04/03/01 55-691-53200 175.45 8899 576 2879 3/01 03/22/01 61.89 04/03/01 55-691-53200 61.89 8734 595 5903 73052 03/16/01 51.8704/03/01 55-691.53300 20.50 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXilil 02/2B/Ol 04/03/01 55-691-53610 253.70 8896 371 5942 64700386 03/25/01 04/03/01 55-691-53610 34.62 8151 818 43/.' 1996/4 03/30/0, 142..62 04/03/0, 55-800-55000 39,142.62 199714 03/30/01 1998/4 03/30/01 FWJD Total) 64,253.68 8859 406 5879 123656349-00, 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 61-400-52001 5:'L86 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816<<001 03/12/01 -441.66 8867 1038 5183 5660 03/15/01 29.96 04/03/01 61-400-52001 0.00 8164 03122/01 279.72 . 8882 943 5963 25387 03123/01 43.05 04/03/01 61-400-52001 50.. 10 25369 03/19/01 7.05 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 61-400-52400 65..70 8867 1038 5183 5660 03/15/01 29.96 04/03/01 61-400-52400 279.72 8164 03122/01 279.72 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 61-400-52800 16.00 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 61-400-53200 242.41 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 61-400-53610 324.21 8816 1294 2800 500093816-012 02/14/01 122..40 04/03/01 61-400-53610 30.60 8829 1294 2800 500093816-013 03/14/01 265.93 04/03/01 61-400-53610 30.60 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 61-400-53610 16.49 B861' 1038 5183 5660 03/15/01 29.96 04/03/01 61-400-54400 29.96 8164 03/22/01 21'9.72 8877 11'1 3324 031401 03/14/01 291.75 04/03/01 61-405-5301'0 291.75 8878 31'1 3325 031501 03/15/01 371.70 04/03/01 61-405-53070 371.70 8879 1152 3322 032001 03/20/01 211.60 04/03/01 61-405-53070 271.60 8880 264 3326 032001 03/20/01 285.30 04/03/01 61-405-53070 285.30 8881 2047 5896 032101 03/21/01 203.40 04/03/01 61-405-53070 203.40 8883 38 5965 031701 03/17/01 254.18 04/03/01 61-405-53070 254 . 18 8780 1557 5334 52370 03/20/01 1,494.19 04/03/01 61-405-53620 1,494.19 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 61-420-52001 29.82 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8800 2015 5762 \4266040 03/13/01 74.40 04/03/01 61-420-52050 74.40 8822 827 5364 269935 03/23/01 107.00 04/03/01 61-420-52100 0.00 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 61-420-52100 22.86 8828 591 5943 8240146252 03/15/01 20..35 04/03/01 61-420-52200 51.75 8240146254 03/15/01 21.70 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28.45 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03; 10pm Page 9 lpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240146247 03/15/01 18.35 8240146253 03/15/01 4.55 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 30.05 8240146994 03/22/01 53.50 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 18.35 8240146992 03/22/01 4.55 8799 785 3398 864-318620-1 03/08/01 72.52 04/03/01 61-420-52400 0.00 861t-160484-1 03/07101 72.30 864-160485-8 03/07/01 20.19 864 -160483 <3 03/07/01 121.88 864-514658-3 03/12/01 25.51 864-382177-3 03/09/01 -13.95 864-382176-5 03/09/01 13.95 8819 6 2755 7'516 03/14/01 55.00 04/03/01 61-420-52400 0.00 7515 03/14/01 55.00 7461 03/06/01 110.00 8824 366 5557' 639690 03/12/01 9.04 04/03/01 61-420-52400 0.00 639203 03/07'/01 37.37 639049 03/06/01 35.78 639688 03/12/01 10.70 8754 794 5690 2644983 03/09/01 390.00 04/03/01 61-420-52850 390.00 8814 1056 5147 64269 03/08/01 28.00 04/03/01 61-420-52850 28.00 8817 829 4797 227324 03/12/01 35.36 04/03/01 61-420-52850 35.36 8876 1065 5621 2/01 USE 02/28/01 105,670.21 04/03/01 61-420-52900 105,670.21 8825 729 5849 T12389 03/14/01 720.00 04/03/01 61-420-53075 720.00 8814 1056 5147 64269 03/08/01 28.00 04/03/01 61-420-53505 0.00 8835 826 5893 52141+80 - 2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 61-420-53505 42.23 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 61-420-53610 32.85 8816 1294 2800 500093816-012 02/14/01 122.40 04/03/01 61-420-53610 61. 20 8829 1294 2800 500093816-01:3 03/14/01 265.93 04/03/01 61-420-53610 30.60 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 61-450-52001 23.99 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8867 1038 5183 5660 03/15/01 29.96 04/03/01 61-450-52001 0.00 8164 03/22/01 279.72 8798 2016 5763 198197.00 03/08/01 271.82 04/03/01 61-450-52100 271 .82 8826 763 2746 204257 03/14/01 186.35 04/03/01 61-450-52100 186.35 8827 794 5845 2649170 03/14/01 101.75 04/03/01 61-450-52100 101.75 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 61-450-52100 4.99 8867 1038 5183 5660 03/15/01 29.96 04/03/01 61-450-52100 0.00 8164 03/22/01 279.72 8818 688 5848 10-0103-58138 03/14/01 442.00 04/03/01 61-450-52110 442.00 8828 591 5943 8240146252 03/15/01 20.35 04/03/01 61-450-52200 40.70 8240146254 03/15/01 21. 70 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28.45 8240146247 03/15/01 HU5 8240146253 03/15/01 4.55 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 30.05 8240146994 03/22/01 53.50 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03 : 1 Opm Page 10 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 18.35 8240146992 03/22/01 4.55 8799 785 3398 864-318620-1 03/08/01 72052 04/03/01 61-450-52400 239.88 864-160484-1 03/07/01 72030 864-160485-8 03/07101 20019 864-160483-3 03/07/01 121.88 864-514658-3 03/12/01 25051 864-382177-3 03/09/01 -13 0 95 864-382176-5 03/09101 1:L95 882f. 366 5557 639690 03/12/01 9004 04/03/01 61-450-52400 CLOO 639203 03/07/01 37037 639049 03/06/01 35.78 639688 03/12/01 1tuo 8755 929 5705 2185-0005381 03/01/01 336007 04/03/01 61""450-53180 1 ,:~880 SM, 2185-0005268 02/16/01 1,052087 2185-0005378 03/01101 4,297036 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332038 04/03/01 61-450-53610 10301.9 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681053 04/03/01 61-450-53610 21:10 16 8896 377 5942 64 700386 03/25/01 332040 04/03/01 61-450-53610 14.45 8796 2027 5844 01:4503082 02/08/01 40.00 04/03/01 61-450-53650 40000 8794 773 5769 S-21310 01/10/01 2,000.00 01/10/01 61-450-53670 2,000.00 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000011 04/03/01 61-455-52001 11039 123707482-001 03/15/01 4U~8 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8822 827 5364 269935 03/23/01 107000 04/03/01 61-455-52100 1070 00 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273086 04/03/01 61-455-52100 22086 8821 649 5843 13616 03/20/01 46.48 04/03/01 61-455-52200 46048 8828 591 5943 82il0146252 03/15/01 20035 04/03/01 61-455-52200 119090 8240146254 03/15/01 21. 70 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28045 8240146247 03/15/01 18.35 8240146253 03/15/01 4055 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 3(L05 8240146994 03/22/01 53050 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 1!L35 8240146992 03/22/01 4055 8799 785 3398 864-318620-1 03/08/01 72.52 04/03/01 61-455-52400 0.00 864-160484-1 03/07/01 72.30 864-160485-8 03/07/01 20019 864- 160483-3 03/07101 121088 864-514658-3 03/12/01 25.51 864-382177-3 03/09/01 -13 095 864-382176-5 03/09/01 13095 8819 6 2755 7516 03/14/01 55000 04/03/01 61-455-52400 110.00 7515 03/14/01 55000 7461 03/06/01 110.00 8824 366 5557 639690 03/12/01 9004 04/03/01 61-455-52400 0.00 639203 03/07/01 37037 639049 03/06/01 35.78 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 60006 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03: 10pm Page 11 Jpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 639688 03/12/01 10.70 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 61-455-53200 t.86. 09 8814 1056 5147 64269 03/08/01 28.00 04/03/01 61-455-53505 0.00 8816 1294 2800 500093816-012 02/14/01 122.40 04/03/01 61-455-53610 30.60 8829 1294 2800 500093816-013 03/14/01 265.93 04/03/01 61-455-53610 30.60 8835 826 5893 521 t.480- 2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 61-455-53610 35.20 8795 661 5831 S3664 03/02/01 233.00 04/03/01 61-455-53650 233.00 8859 406 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 61-480-52001 18.99 123707482-001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8844 538 3091 8268 03/20/01 273.86 04/03/01 61-480-52100 22.86 8828 59'1 5943 8240146252 03/15/01 20.35 04/03/01 61-480-52200 36.70 8240146254 03/15/01 21.70 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28.45 82401t.6247 03/15/01 18.35 8240146253 03/15/01 4.55 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 30.05 824014699t, 03/22/01 53.50 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 18.35 8240146992 03/22/01 4.55 8799 785 3398 864-318620-1 03/08/01 72.52 04/03/01 61-480-52400 72.52 864-160484-1 03/07/01 72.30 864-160485-8 03/07/01 20.19 864-160483-3 03/07/01 121.88 864-514658-3 03/12/01 25.51 864-382177-3 03/09101 -13.95 864-382176-5 03/09/01 13.95 8824 :366 5557 639690 03/12/01 9.04 04/03/01 61-480-52400 0,,00 639203 03/07101 37,,37 639049 03/06/01 35.78 639688 03/12/01 10.70 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 61-480-53500 7.04 8755 929 5705 2185-0005381 03/01/01 336.07 04/03/01 61-480-53815 3,447065 2185-0005268 02/16/01 1,052087 2185-0005378 03/01/01 4,297.36 8828 591 5943 8240146252 03/15/01 20.35 04/03/01 61-485-52200 9.10 8240146254 03/15/01 21.70 8240146255 03/15/01 66.40 8240146246 03/15/01 28.45 8240146247 03/15/01 18.35 8240146253 03/15/01 4.55 8240146991 03/22/01 20.35 8240146993 03/22/01 30.05 8240146994 03/22/01 53050 8240146985 03/22/01 33.00 8240146986 03/22/01 18035 8240146992 03/22/01 4.55 8753 1044 5313 74421-1006-5 03/01/01 1,291.2704/03/01 61-485-52971 0.00 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 61-485-53610 31.05 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/1 0/01 681.53 04/03/01 61-485-53610 7004 :CSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of OWClSSO Mar 28, 2001 03: 1 Opm Page 12 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8753 1044 5313 74421-1006-5 03/01/01 1,291.27 04/03/01 61-485-53810 1,291.27 8755 929 5705 2185-0005381 03/01;01 336.07 04/03/01 61-485-53815 849.71 2185-0005268 02/16/01 1,052.87 2185-0005378 03/01/01 4,297.36 FUND Total j 123,414.62 8749 818 !,346 ORF-99-00!H. 03/30/01 2.58 04;03;01 62-800-55000 30,003.18 FAP'.92-0107-1. 03/30/01 .10 FAP-92-010n 03/30/01 .077.50 FUND Total \J 003.18 8751 818 4347 199M!, 03/30/01 :;';), '14<::.b&:: 1J4/1J:l/U'! ;){-!jUU-:J:JUUU 120,621.23 19971!, 03130/01 199814 03/30/01 Ij&::,nl<l. FUND Total ~ 120,621.23 8859 !.06 5879 123656349-001 03/15/01 1,000.11 04/03/01 70-185.52001 13.36 123707482- 001 03/15/01 44.88 124317816-001 03/12/01 -441.66 8845 591 2872 8240146988 03/22/01 26.95 04/03/01 70-185-52200 53.90 8240146249 03/15/01 26.95 8240146251 03/15/01 5.55 8240146990 03/22/01 5.55 8846 857 5878 0185237 03/14/01 19.36 04/03/01 70-185-52920 1 ,307.13 D185158 03/13/01 203.95 D185238 03/14/01 193.04 D183423 02/22/01 334.33 D185541 03/16/01 5.19 0185884 03/20/01 104.92 0185980 03/21/01 236.68 0185719 03/19/01 64.75 0186080 03/22/01 108.41 0186207 03/23/01 11. 58 0185167 03/13/01 24.26 0185202 03/14/01 14.91 8851 171 5883 251406 03/15/01 92.10 04/03/01 70-185-52920 92.10 S8813-01 03/12/01 90.00 8854 1029 5875 3188583 03/05/01 58.00 04/03/01 10-185-52920 423.50 5011588 03/13/01 423.50 8855 1021 5885 222167 03/12/01 36.69 04/03/01 70-185.52920 36.69 8856 811 5886 89286 03/14/01 218.50 04/03/01 70-185-52920 2113050 8858 1005 5882 80605 03/19/01 101.21 04/03/01 70-185-52920 200.45 80521 03/14/01 24.68 80038 02/21/01 74.56 8860 224 5884 20196 03/13/01 320.00 04/03/01 70-185-52920 320.00 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 70-185-52920 122.58 8741 863 5839 2/01 USE 02/28/01 5,015.14 04/03/01 70-185-53200 634.08 8835 826 5893 5214480-2 03/10/01 681.53 04/03/01 70-185-53500 7.04 8750 938 5838 2/01 PLEXAR 02/28/01 2,332.38 04/03/01 70-185-53610 92.16 8896 377 5942 64700386 03/25/01 332.40 04/03/01 70-185-53610 10.75 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZQCGI.*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOI.T (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL*RPT 736'[1.83.6:2 ~;, 736,(35076*+ ('1Dlt tsc" 252 .1!~ ~ 002 :i ty of Owasso Mar 28, 2001 03:10pm Page 13 lpen Claims by GL Account :lairn# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8851 771 5883 251406 03/15/01 92.10 04/03/01 70-185-53800 90.00 S8813-01 03/12/01 90.00 8852 648 5881 1713 03/12/01 384.38 04/03/01 70-185-53800 384.38 8853 2046 5895 5352 03/23/01 501.68 04/03/01 70-185-53800 501.68 8854 1029 5875 3188583 03/05/01 58.00 04/03/01 70-185-53800 58.00 5011588 03/13/01 423.50 8912 1002 5928 3/01 03/30/01 1,234.19 04/03/01 70-185-53800 I 20.00 FUND Total v 4,586.30 8714 474 5865 10993 02/28/01 7,,64 04/0:~/01 76-150-53001 34.92 10989 02/28/01 1.97 10943 02/12/01 1.46 10947 01/12/01 2,,85 10987 02/28/01 7.69 10986 02/28/01 1.94 11027 03/16/01 1.90 11031 03/16101 4.53 11034 03/16/01 4 " SlI. 8791 209 5732 200042-00584-009 VRS 02/20/01 120.00 04/03/01 76-150-53001 120.00 8716 1123 5872 211640 01/29101 5,,40 04/03/01 76-150-53750 5.40 8717 259 5871 A029360 07/09100 68.34 04/03/01 76-150-53750 61L34 8778 1288 5870 866951 01/15/01 30.37 04/03/01 76-150-53750 30.37 8785 356 5733 3833031 07/27/00 51.66 04/03/01 76-150-53750 51. 66 8789 1123 5620 212313 09111/00 65..05 04/03/01 76-150-53750 65.05 8790 1123 5538 212313 03/16/01 870.98 04/03/01 76-150-53750 j 870.98 FmJD Tota l 10246.72 Grand Total 735.76 Member Council Member Mayor April 3, 2001 APPROVED: $2,071.91 $0.00 Garage Fund Total 1,642.67 0.00 Animal Control 47,578.64 608.80 Police CiTY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PERIOD ENDING Member Member Mayor April 1 APPROVED: Ambulance 03/24/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PERIOD ENDING DATE 1. Reconex Agreement 2. Universal Agreement 3. Owasso City Ordinance #571 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documentation which allows Reconex and Universal Telephone to provide service to Owasso citizens and to collect identified E-911 fees. RECOMMENDATION: The latest requests are from Reconex, Hubbard, OR and Universal Telephone, Tulsa, OK. The attached agreements authorize Reconex and Universal to collect the E-911 service fees assessed on local access lines and remit same to the City of Owasso. For this service, they will retain two percent (2%) ofthe five percent (5%) fee collected, 911 to identified telephone prefixes. Agreements have made with telephone service provide, with Ordinance #571, percent (5%) the telephone bill to returned to the City Owasso to aid in the support providing this emergency communication service. Until September 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone was the only emergency provider for our customers, Since then several telephone providers have requested agreements with the City to provide telephone service to our citizens, and to collect the 11 service fee assessed on local access lines and remit that fee to the City of Owasso. 28,2001 THE HONORABl,E MEMORANDUM #1 (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this infonuation to Southwestern Bell Telephone on the forms provided by Southwestern Bell. 3. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: . 2. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Reconex toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 1. As authorized by the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 a.s. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's ordinance Number 571, Reconex shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Reconex shall retain two percent (2%) of the total amount collected. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WIIEREAS, Reconex, through SWBT resale, is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. Enhanced Emergency Number 1 through Telephone (SWBT) service; with SWBT providing 1 service including, limited development a Master Street Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Location Identification (ALl) and the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) services; and Reconex providing the billing and collection ofE-911 assessments from the end-users; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications services to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, IS a providing telecommunications and as an AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-9U) SERVICE Reconex Agreement - Page 2 8. Reconex shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems. 7. While it is the intent of the City to renew this Agreement, the parties agree and understand that the City, being a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, cmmot be bound in this Agreement past its current fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Therefore, the parties agree that the contract's term shall be from the date of execution through the end of the City's current fiscal year, and that the parties upon mutual agreement may renew this Agreement at the end of the contract term for successive one year periods. In no event shall the City be bound to any such renewal until and unless the City approves the renewal and it is executed by the authorized official of the City. In no event shall the City be obligated financially or otherwise or be subject to any penalty or damage for failure of the City to renew this Agreement Credit and Billing are confidential and proprietmy. City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this information is used only in cOllilection with City's provision of 1 Service. in the delay or factors which are beyond the control Reconex, the shall as soon as updates will SWBT as quickly as reasoriably possible receipt of infornlation from the City. The ALl data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion ofthe order for service. (b) Coordinating the accuracy of the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) information used to update the Automatic Location Identification (ALl) data file and advising SWBT of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address number used on existing streets, dosing and abandonment streets, changes in jurisdictional boundaries, or any other matter that will affect the routing any 11 the City's additions which Reconex Agreement - Page 3 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by wlitten notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. Mr Dale Powers Reconex PO Box 40 Hubard, OR 97032 To Reconex City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 To the City: 13, All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: The City and Reconex ag-ree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and laws, regulations, and codes in the performance of this Agreement this or a as a general waiver or at the same shall, nevertheless, 11, to any thereof instance, shan not relinquishment on its any such and full and effect telephone The City to such confidential and to refrain disseminating such information except to employees and agents the City who, during the course of their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose implementing and administering E-911 Services. When such information is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Reconex at Reconexis reasonable request 1 Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, war, acts omissions of and other similar conditions CiForce Majeure If a Majeure the party whose perfonnance is shall notify resume as soon as Reconex Agreement ~ Page 4 (b) The City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by Reconex of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Reconex and failure by Reconex to cure such violation within such, period. shall have the right to this Agreement in the event the violation of the City of any of the terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cmlcellation to the City and failure by the City cure such violation within such period. as this right to the City fhrther that there will De no this Agreement is subj ect to the sufficient funds each fiscal year which E-911 are provided and, in the event of the failure the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shall be nun and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution. Article 10, Section 26). 1 15. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement the parties with respect to the service described herein, no other Agreement, statement, or promises made or employee, officer, or agent, either is not or 14, The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. Date:~/i21 '}ir Reconex Agreement " Page 5 ATTEST: AS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf as the date indicated below. 4. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: 3. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Universal toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 2. As authorized by the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended. and the City's ordinance. Number 571, Universal shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service. Universal shall retain two percent (2%) ofthe total amount collected. 1. This Agreement is entered into between Universal and the City for provision of UNE- P telecommunication services by Universal to the City for the City's use in their efforts to receive reports of emergencies from the public in the City's designated areas. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WHEREAS, Universal is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to terms conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. conjunction with Southwestern its Emergency Number which shall include, but not limited development of a Master Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Identification (ALl) and the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications services to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, IS a 1 elecommumcauons "erVlce rrovmer as Administrative 165:55, providing telecommunications services in the State the City Owasso; and AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-911) SERVICE - 2 - 10. Universal will provide maintenance at no additional cost for the City's E-911 Service on a two (2) hour response time, twenty-four (24) hours a day. The City will be 9. Universal's Credit Records and Billing Records are confidential and proprietary. The City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this information is used only in connection with City's provision of E-911 Service. 8. Additions, modifications, or removals of features will be made by Universal at the City's request Each such addition, modification, or removal will be subject to the charges and rates in effect at the time the work is performed. Where service is provided under this contract for use in conjunction with the City- provided communications equipment, the operating characteristics of such equipment shall be such as not to interfere with any of the features offered by Universal. The parties hereto further agree that, in the absence of any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control of Universal, the in-service date for the services covered by this Agreement shall be as soon as possible. MSAG updates will be processed by Universal as quickly as reasonably possible after receipt of information from the City. The ALl data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion ofthe order for service. Universal shall updates Southwestern Ben as .2 of Appendix 1 Intercomlection Agreement between the two companies. MSAG file are to be submitted by the City to Universal at the following address: Address Identification information update advising (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this information to Southwestern Bell and Universal on the forms provided by Southwestern Bell. - 3 - 16. The City and Universal agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations, and codes in the performance of this Agreement. 15. The failure of either party to enforce any of its provisions of this Agreement, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shan not be constmed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provisions, but at the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. 14. In the course of implementing and administering the E-911 Services, Universal may provide the City certain confidential numbers and proprietary information, including non-published telephone numbers. The City agrees to keep such information confidential and to refrain. from disseminating such infOlmation except to employees and agents of the City who, during the course of their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose of implementing and administering E-911 Services. When such information is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Universal at Universal's reasonable request. 13. Neither party shall be held responsible any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstmlces beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, . war, acts of omissions of carriers and other similar conditions ("Force Majeure Condition"). If a Force Majeure Condition occurs, the party whose performance is affected shall notifY the other party and shall resume performance as soon as reasonably possible. Universal shall liable to the City for damages arising out or errors, intenllptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising erro.rs or defects associated equipment and data processing entitled to an allowance to such it is executed the authorized official obligated financiany or otherwise or subject to any penalty or damage for failure of the City to renew this Agreement. intent the City to renew this Agreement, the parties and the City, being a political subdivision State Oklahoma, 2001. 11. provided the names of Universal's personnel to notify when emergency repair is required for the City's E-911 Service. ~ 4- (a) Universal shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation of the City of any of the terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) 22. Universal and the City shall each have the right to cancel this Agreement as follows: 21. Universal further agrees that there will be no additional charges incurred by the City upon execution of this Agreement. 20. Universal acknowledges that this Agreement is contingent upon the availability of funds provided by the assessment of emergency telephone fees imposed by the City in accordance with the Nine-Ont~-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. 2811 et seq. Universal further acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to the appropriation of sufficient funds in each fiscal year for which E-911 Services are provided and, in the event of the failure of the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shan be nun and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 26). 1 This Agreement contains the entire Agreement the parties with respect to the service described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or promises made by any paliy, or to any employee, officer, or agent, of either party, which is not contained in the Agreement shall be binding or valid. 18. The terms this Agreement, and each them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. to which notice Gmy Beddow Universal Telephone PO Box 692069 Tulsa, 17. All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other. than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: - 5 - ~Oklah'=r. ')^' 0:'":". "". l.._.. 'ffi ._, "~ R~ _::_', ,~ ... ., i" ~, ':~:,"j '1} .." EX;l'f'('~ ,.l'~/' r/o# Clmb. /) II ~ ~ l,,j \A ",,<4 ""l~-.\l>!il__~ ~_-- :--~-:-.;rr.J~_~. ~r ... l'rv't/ ,-... '(I ..~.. v. , Date: ATTEST: , j' ~ if ~ 1-;/ (;fJJ?V BEDDCUJ Printed Name & Title UNIVERSAL TELEPHONE By: ~ f2}v..!. b..eJl>)4!..J..Y ,-' Ronald D Cates, City Attorney FORM CONTENT: Williams, to have violation by Universal days written notice of cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation within such period. #3 fJ O'i Section Two: That this ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the date offust publication as provided by State law provided, however, such fees herein set forth shall be assessed and collected from the 1st day of May, 1998, until the 30th day ofJune, 2001, whereupon such fee assessment and collection shall cease unless otherwise ordained. There is hereby imposed upon the tariff charges for exchange telephone service or it's equivalent of the local exchange telephone company providing service within the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a fee offive percent (5%). Three percent (3%) of the proceeds of the fee shall be utilized to pay for the operation of emergency telephone service as specified in Section 2813 ofTitle 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Two percent (2%) of the proceeds of the fee shall be utilized of the purchase of ancillary communication systems necessary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency serVice and personnel. Such two percent (2%) fee shall remain in effect for such time as the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, deems necessary for the purposes aforestated. Section On~: Part 13, Public Safety, Chapter 6, 9ll Emergency Telephone Service, Section 13-604, Collection of Fee, of the Code of Ordinances ofthe City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, shall be repealed and in lieu thereof thereby provided the following, to-wit: Section 13~604, Collection of Fee THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIIY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TlIA.T: the governing body of the City Oklahoma, has determined there exists a need for ancillary communication systems neceSSalY to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel and therefore that restoration of the fee to the amount offive percent (5%) is necessary, , under the provision of63 O.S. Section 2815 the municipality is authorized by ordinance to impose a tariff fee in all amount not to exceed :five percent (5%) during the first year ofthe fee and not to exceed three percent (3%) in any year thereafter of the tariff rate in areas subject to the jurisdiction of the municipality for which emergency telephone service has been contracted; provided, that after the :first year of operation when the governing body of the municipality determines there exists a need for ancillary cor.r.munication systems necessary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel, the governing body by ordinance may restore such fee in an amount not to exceed :five percent (5%) for such additional time as needed for said ancillary communications equipment; and, "111111111,,,/, ""," I(\\<. T {j/""'I ,,- .. ~ ........ .(.J'"""',.,, .f ~~.o.:" 0"'......-1' ~ ;; ~ .0' 00.. '" .. "0. C'J ; Ii ~ l 0 <) lj ..._.. ~ 0 -: ~ 2: . '.1i'" '. c:: _ 5=>~ ~:u ~ ..:.... j:Z:E ~o:.- '\8;' " :'1::: ~ ~ \ OJ ~ : .. Q ~.. "'"' $ ~ ..... 0", -e 0) e...,. $' ~&. ......~.... ".., ~IIIJI' OJ\1A HQl<I"',\,,'" JJUIIIAIII1\\\\\ AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART PUBLIC CHA.PTER 6, 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SECTION 13~604, COLi,ECTION OF FEE, OF THE CODE OF OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO 13..604 AND A REVISED SECTION 13-604 SERVICE FEE ON TARIFF ON SERVICE, DECLARING AN }::FFECTIVE DATE. ~ vfITY OF OW ASSO, Ob.."'LAHOMA ORDmANCENUMBER~ TULSA COUN1Y CLI:-.1<1< - JVAI~ nA'::dJl~\:1.;t "....r I '" IVtV "'~I "'/ "J "',"V,..H' W'C # 98036803 FEE 0.00 PGS 2 B/F 6035/2673-2674 i.r) M o \"C M r- u:l N i~ 2 OI{LAHOMA CiTY OF' 1998. 2780~348.ets day APPROVED this tr) C"':l ~. r- U:l ~j Staff has received no negative comments from adj acent property owners since notification. Notification of the annexation request was published in the March 22 and March 29,2001 editions of the Owasso Reporter. Adjacent property owners were notified prior to review by the Planning Commission. A copy of the procedures for annexation are attached for your information and review, The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their January 31,2001 regular meeting and offered no comment. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their meeting held February I, 2001 and recommended approval subject to certification by Washington CQunty Rural Water District #3 that minimum state mandated fire protection standards will be met. A letter was submitted by the engineer of record for Washington Co, RWD#3.certifying the districts ability to adequately serve the subject property, The certification letter is attached for your information and review. The annexation of a 50' wide strip ofland between the subject property and N. Garnett Road is being requested to satisfY contiguity requirements and provide access to utilities. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) and will remain so zoned upon annexation, All property annexed by the City Owasso is required to the lowest zoning classification (AG) untilmlY rezoning request is received and approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. A copy of Ow as so's annexation policy is attached for you information and review. If annexation is approved, the subject property will have to be platted prior to development. Upon development of this property, acceleration/deceleration lanes and sidewalks will be required along E. 116th Street N, Double Oaks, annexation of Owasso a petition property is to March MEMORANDUM Certification Legal Notification Letter to Property Owners City of Owasso Annexation Policy City of Owasso Amlexation 3, L RECOMMENDATIONS ~~~ The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the February 13, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. LOCATION MAP Eo 11 6TH ST 0 N. 1 ~II~ N (?--------~ N r- ~1 ~E E.. 126TH ST. No ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,S'1Y!) , HllJO~ W . ~b . 0 !\t. 1l:I::t m_ lI) z ,OS ,OS oc W Wl!)"<t Z _ tl::zO<: 00 . o;:::z o ~, 3:WN Ifl(JH- HHjO~J ,96'00, , G\lOtl il3NtI\I~ I~ ~ q !l.. a r .0l:n,9-, ' HUlON 8~ :~" g~ !? 0':; :8 Ili~ m lI) 1fl . I z 0 t--= g U) N !:;: :r: I-- ~ to b ..... 'lo Cl .-- 0 .0 in CD lD (l) LJ m IJJ w !fj ~ in III m !Xl z HillON .1Yn'LO .. """. "'lCl ~~~[{] :kl~ :r! .!\I~ :;;::.- !i:;;:J~ Ii: . g i"'CI Ii: .. %5~,-<il: &i g .......,ltl o~ wa.!P::t o ~ W. NFoU",! U <ll &:~ ~~b!:;:"1NLb ~~ ffiw~ci _ wOOo -rll)o iEiEw~ ""f2 iELb.oji:~m~ ""f2 !!, p,jjO~8 ~5 !:l. oo&: p,jjl-ffi2! iJi!fl ""~:c'in~w!l.. a'i~ ;!~iE~ if! iii~Ii;;~~~~ ~~ !:;: '.-(} om .~OlD w -800 FQ! 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' == r~ :3 .0;,90.00 S__ ...C\1Z ~~ it f !~~~ ! I:lt' 6'l~ ~EtrJP !MI~c::i~ ~ ~ ~ t; ~ l;J~ ~~r.i~~ .- ~ It) I~~~~~; ~ z c:::::!: "'i" .0 ~ old ~ ~g~ 0 00 '>i'~ '" ~ ~~a~ ... <'J wo4 I ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~r"~a~ I'" p ~ rnw ~ ~ a a (I ~~C> e! t!l '" . !M:llIrn_' " i'i~:g w ~ ., to bJ g: 00 1911 "fC'1I~~'" "". U'IoR.""'''''',,",,''''' S YI . ~ "'l @ 00 z w ~ 00 ..:i ~ OF' E;',i:l.~1':'!,~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~'Il'J!.~~T"l)1!'~f1 iiJ~t~ '19$0 ~ Dennis L. Hodo, F.E. Pr~sident The developer will be required to install the line to 126t11 Street North. This is tO,verify that tne water a~sbribution ern in the area the above noted rty, with the addition of a line to 12 Street North, has the capacity to supply water at a minimum of 25psi unde~ all conditions r a residential development; including flows. Rural Water r t'l7a neer I am the Dist D:i.~tr,ict #3" Donna Sorrels City Planner _, Stern. CI'()SS SW/4 SW/4 'l'21N? R14E ie 38 Acres Sect 5/ (0451) Water Re: M;;l c~h 21, 001 ~'I~~I~t,;~~ ~~\g,ljD~~~i!mmrl 11'D~ ~~~ ~~i!il~ =:A=~~~' ==a;:l~ I!J =>;.!;:I~tu ~O~CA",lV@~ mgp~ e/30/(1) 8!5SS R'" l.17~H mfu A VB", ~m~m 8:03 OW'A&~O;p OK 740~S lfJl0~ :u, P.2 FROM DLH ENGINEERING INC 918 272 9039 3-21-2001 10:d7AM LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTH HALF (S/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF. SAID TRACT MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT. TRACT ONE COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 5, T21N, R14E; THENCE N89056' 08"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE OF 995.00'; THENCE NORTH 60.00' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 165.00'; THENCE S89056'08"W 137.00'; THENCE SOUTH 5.70'; THENCE S89056'08"W 472.00'; THENCE NORTH 932.14'; THENCE N89052'24"E 144.00'; THENCE NORTH 164.51'; THENCE The undersigned, constituting not less tlmn three-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: BEFORE THE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION I 1/111 III I I I I II I I I I II 1/// II I 1/ III I / II I /1 II I /1 II // I / III //I I I I II III II I I I I II I I II I I I II I I I II I I I I II I I II II I ANNEXATION PETITION Please publish the following legal advertisement in the March & March 29. 2001 editions of the Owasso Reporter. Donna Sorrells City Plmmer A map showing the proposed annexation area accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 20th day of March, 2001. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 8th day of February, 2001, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:30 PM on the 3m day of April, 2001. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Double Oaks, Box 7 And John 11801 N. 113th Avenue Collinsville, OK 74021 APPLICANT N89051'51"E 1458.84'; THENCE SOoo06'50"E 329.48'; THENCE S8905D2'24"W 285.27'; THENCE SOoo05'56"E 928.18'; THENCE S89056'08"W 710.82' TO THE POINT BEGINNING, CONTAINING MORE All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. NORTH OF E. 116TH STREET N. AND EAST OF N. GARNETT ROAD. LOCATION (SW/4) OF SECTION TOWNSHIP NORTH, RANGE 14 AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY. STATE OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF. SAID TRACT MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT. TRACT ONE COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 5, T21N, RI4E; THENCE NS9056' osnE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE OF 995.00'; THENCE NORTH 60.00' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 165.00'; THENCE SS9056'OS"W 137.00'; THENCE SOUTH 5.70'; THENCE S89056'OS"W 472.00'; THENCE NORTH 932.14'; THENCE NS9052'24"E 144.00'; THENCE NORTH 164.51'; THENCE NS9051 '51 "E 145S.S4'; THENCE Sooo06'50"E 329.48'; THENCE SS905D2'24"W 2S5.27'; THENCE Sooo05'56nE 92S.18'; THENCE SS9056'OS"W 710.82' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 37.42 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TRACT 2 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 5, T21N, R14E; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE OF 1100.96' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NS9052'24"E 386.00'; THENCE NORTH 50.00'; THE SS9052'24"W 386.00'; THENCE SOUTH 50.00' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.44 ACRES, MORE OR LESS.. At that time and place, the Owasso City Council will consider a request from Double Oaks, Inc. and and Dorothy Buller, applicants, for a proposed annexation. subject property is described as follows: is a will in Oklahonla, at6:30 P.M. on the 3rd wasso 207 South Ced<<ll' PO Box 180 OK (918) 272~2251 fAX(918)272~999 Donna Sorrells Plarmer at Community this notice 8) . 1. showing the contact the p" or more inf01mation on the S. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the City Council members at the scheduled public hearing. '" , I . ., '" . "'. . h Adopted by CoU1\QiJ; on Karch 1~ 1988., 6 o!'ty' brought, the Such pub1.ic f~~J""u:t;;;Les 'm.ust im.proved owners expense by . establishment 'of a speciil assessment district or some' other finanoing method.. .' o 0 . 0 40 0 . 00 .~ .0 .. . ,. . ~ere, .'.city boundarY' .ends' a ~eai<<?atea street, boundary will not include 'the street ''right:-Of-way., " ~s policy will establish. consistence and: '.allow c:t.q ~ployees and citizens to know where the city boundaries are.,' , . . . , , 'Properties ~'tt are e ~ej ected for anne~:t~on s~Oul4: not be Cons~de:red for annexation: for a six .month period after rejecti9n,'hy the; City C9unciL, eo " ,,' @. " . e . , . . --- city. 'the n_~__$II classifica'tiQn, is,.. AGfi . agr!cul'tural.,' Landowners ~ then petitiion reloning if .'the.y desire further 4~velo:pment of their .property@ , AU legal USes annexed' int:o ~e ci'ty will be legal, but non-cOnf~g~ . Whi~' llleCU)s that they may but. ''canno~. ~anded without propei' zo~lng~ ., . o . . .no . . :lo 6", ., l'l' 5", 4", 3", 2", 1", '!'J Of. . . o q,.,p I . q ~i? .' lw on 5 ~ Notice published t~o conseoutive ~eeks in the <masso Reporter at the applicant'" s expense of a City Council Hearing t>7hich will include a map and text of the proposed annexatione 6e City Council Hearing and action on the proposaL 7 ~ If the proposal is approved by the City Councilw an Ordinance will be preparedw approved~ 1 'PUblished~ and filed of record with the office of the County Clerk~ with a map of the property annexed. 3" No~icepubiished once in the <masso Reporter at the applicant"s e~nse of a Planning Commission Hearing wrhich ~ill include a map and text of the proposed annexatione dL . Plmming Commission Hearing on the proposal and recommendation to the City Co'lmCil e Rev;1ew by a Standing Annexation Committee and recommendation to the Planning Commission' and Oi ti' CounciL l~ Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition and an administrative fee as prescribed by Ordinencee ,CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNWTION: approvedw publishedw with a s~ 'L 6~ Notice published City Council on a L PROCmmIS lOR ~OO Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 671. RECOMMENDATIONS A copy of Ordinance No. 671 is attached, and Council approval will formally close the alley. Letters were mailed to Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Natural Gas, Southwestern Bell Telephone and Cox Communications on February 26, 2001. No objections to the closing were received by staff and each utility provider signed certificates approval. A copy of the letters and certificates are attached for your review. The City fulfilled the thirty (30) day notice requirement on March 28, 2001. Section 42-110 of the Oklahoma Municipal Code provides for the right of a municipal governing body to close to the public use any public way or easement within the municipality whenever deemed necessary or expedient. The municipality is required to provide written notice of any proposed closing of a public way or easement to any holder of a franchise or others determined by the governing body to have a special right or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the public way or easement at least thirty (30) days prior to passage of any ordinance providing for closing of the public way or easement. The applicants, adjacent property owners, are now requesting the closure of the existing alley located within Block Five (5) of the Original town of Owasso. platted to was an. arrangement square city blocks, each bisected by an Block Five the Original town of represents a half block, by an alley, the plat. The Addition, platted to statehood, was adjacent to west the Original Town Owasso, and also had square city blocks, each bisected by an alley. However, the Starlane Addition. platted in 1 overlapped the Greenlee's Addition, particularly adjacent to Block Five of the Original town Owasso. and no alleys were platted. This resulted in a "stubbed" alley only bisecting one half of the block and dead-ending at the Starlane Addition. Plats of the three referenced subdivisions are attached for your review. HONORABLE MEMORANDUM 1. Original Town of Owasso (Location Map), Greenlee's Addition, and Starlane Addition Request by adjacent property owners 3. Letter to and certificates utility ATTACHMENTS Ie <> ;'Q . . le0 0 16" WI! .. ~ '" i It. Po~j (g, 6'J~' 1;>1<'0.7 .'" !:lOOK: - TULSA COUNTY ~ COPYRIGHT i97\1l, MAP ~H1i:I'NH;:iI: TUL\I!A, OKLAHOMA 'I" ~ . ~~ ~~ ~~ " .~~. ~~~ }.,'" ~i~ ~~ , T. II 300' ~r.A 1\ &'m - (HE~O&(fl ~TIOH w l>>ib,"II~. . ,so PLAT NO. 7to~ ~~ ~ I~~ 1 ~",~l8'~ "l/illl C 10'" AI> ~t'l(l.l~~ ~ ta ~.)( ~ )( ~~ ~fti ll:' \;!.l( 11 l( .. 'IIi iii 'Ib~' ~t!::'\l~ \3~~~~ ~ ~:J~'" lj ~ ~,,~ t .." ..c'" ~~l1~.l( ~~f~lc~ ::::~ ~~h ,,~~ :::::"" " ~ I ;S ~ ft :;e(. ~1 J~ Bun ~~ " ~ ~ ~ ~~i~:: l:l;1.i>~. w~. /h.~ IW' 321l - J '4 .... I , I I :;"',\r. 3~ OS f,,,,,, .9", "Ii..,.. ~~~ti::; ,.,..-~.e -:1 ,:p ~l . tl "~ "J :: ,. ~ QO " 01. ~. 6 fb,l , ~r^ 3 ~ uti ~ (6 CiS ...~" ~, "l '4~ ~i ., "'" '" '" "'.' f: v. r' (;71:.1 ~11. g,.~' \ . 41 i' "..\1) .~JJ \J ~ j:J ~S '!:: .\1) r'D 3tl:ll 4 ",1:'(19("'1 .~ ,:I;I<~ '!He: PLAT !?lOOK - TULSA COUNTY ~ COPYRiGHT 0979, ROY MAL_ERNEE:, COTV MAP 5ERV!CE TUL!!;!A, OKLAHOMA FEDERAL LAW PROHISI'!S REPRODUCTION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF COPYRIGHT OWNER :J lOCATiON ~.14 5~d",.I! I"" 3001! @ ~R.~f:NLe1!:S AJ2I?ITION PLAT NO. 520 ~atlCln6 Additr"oV) J~~e.pla,+ Ir~ S_Ho 1.;"'t4J::t:::jf~ -, ~ "iT -M.I'AA J".,@ j ~ 16 ~ l 15 ;!2@tp' ~ 19 ~ 'S\ ~I~ ~"l \@ ~ DATE FIl.ED ~~k=...~~_..'i~ ;~~~,- We appreciate your consideration in this matter, Original Town, OK Original Town, City of of lot 3, Block Owner of lots 1 & Block Owasso Original Town, City of OW8SS0, OK Signed: ~__{ 'b'~ Date: jy:rtJ!oo adjacent to the alley extending through Block end of Greenlee's Addition, request utilities, TO: City of Owasso Owasso, Oklahoma Alley Closure November 28, 2000 Tmm t1', tfOF\ D3~Db~ 01 ,..---.... SWB02260l.doc Donna S. Sorrells City Planner ~~? Sincerely, Please direct questions or comments regarding the proposed alley closure to Donna Sorrells. City ;Planner, City of Ow as so, P.O. Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055; or by calling (918) 272~2251. If you have no questions or comments regarding the proposed alley closure, please complete the attached form and return to the address above, or fax to Donna Sorrells at (918) 272~4997. purpose this letter is to provide required thirty (30) day notice to your company other utility ~rovid.ers wi.th~n the City of ,?~asso of a planned alley closin&. The proposed !lJ!ey to be dosed 1S located withan Block 5, Ongmal Town ofOwasso between~. 2nd Street and!: 3M Street and. west of Atlanta (formerly Oklahoma.) Street. The proposed closing does not include the associated utility easement A location map is attached for your information and. review. 20m Nally . Southwestern 5305 71st Street Tu.lsa, OK 741 PO Sg>K 180 OK 74055 fAX ~""",,,,,, r;, ""~' d ltJIOl V v ,~\J CI1( ()\ ca) ~N3-d~W ~3d~ WOd~ GS:~T T00G~0G-d~W OJ ro'd 656~G6Gj:i6 t::) k tV1ANAGER=E~~G!;'~2cni:'~J C::~~(:~J Date: OF l0'd ltllOl r',Uj Mar iU lUUl Ib:ll Fax:9185885110 ONG OWASSO the CERTIFICATE OF ./ t\S I, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL /J ...,/.& .A l4l 0021002 03/01/2001 THU 10:13 FAX 9186280894 COX COMMUNICATIONS Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk H. C. Williams, Mayor ATTEST City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this day of April, 2001. .section 4. That the Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. a Clerk of Tulsa Section3. That be filed in the office ofthe true and correct copy of this Ordinance. ~ The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shalll10t affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect ways existing of law unless released in ','mting by the owners thereof. in its entirety is Town Sootion 1" The alley located ,vithin Block 5, closed for public use. OF OF THE CITY NOW, the Owasso and all statements for and afan for the a public hearing bas been held herein AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE AN ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN BLOCK FIVE (5), ORIGINAL TOWN OF OW ASSO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN SAID CITY OF OW ASSO, TIJLSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THIS ORDIN.A..NCE, WITH CERTAIN RESERVATIONS HEREIN PRESCRIBED AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 671 A dump body vibrator enables contro lIed discharge of sticky or wet materials from the truck bed during dumping operations. The bed vibrator replaces the "brake slamming technique" commonly used to dislodge sticky material; thereby, reducing damage to brakes, transmissions, clutches, tailgates and rear ends. A centralized lubrication system electronically meters and pumps lubricant to each lubrication point located along the vehicle chassis. This technology assures efficient and complete delivery of lubricant during each preventive maintenance cycle. The "2000 International Utility Truck" purchased for the Water Division in 1999 is equipped with an electronic lubrication system; the system has proven to be cost-effective and continues to meet our expectations. During specification design, Vehicle Maintenance and Public Works staff determined that in addition to standard equipment, the new truck should be equipped with a centralized chassis lubrication system and dump body vibrator to increase operating efficiency. Due to equipment cost increases associated with these additional features, staff included these items as alternates to the base bid. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION~ FY 00-01 Public Works Department Division includes funds in the amount $50,000 for the purchase of a new single-axle dump truck. The existing equipment used for dumping applications includes a 1974 Ford tandem-axle truck and 1979 GMC single-axle truck. This equipment is used frequently by the Streets, Water and Wastewater Divisions. Due to age and deteriorating mechanical condition, the equipment has become less reliable. The new vehicle will supplement the present equipment fleet to ensure an adequate amount of backup equipment is available in case of breakdowns or extended down time for repairs. March MEMORANDUM 1. Bid Documents 2. Bid proposal from Tulsa Freightliner ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of the purchase of a 2001 Freightliner Model PL 70 dump truck from Tulsa Freightliner, Tulsa, Oklahoma in the amount of $50,983.00 and authorization for payment. RECO_MMENDATION: Funding for the purchase of the single-axle dump truck is included in the FY 00-01 Street Division budget (line item 01-300-54500) in the amount of $50,000. Additional funds (totaling $983) needed for the purchase can be obtained from surplus funds (totaling approximately $3,000) remaining in Machinery and Equipment (line item 01-300-54400). FUNDING S_OURCE: The bid submitted by Tulsa Freightliner at $50,983.00 is the most favorable in regards to package pricing and warranty coverage. The Tulsa Preightliner bid met desired specifications and included a three (3) year parts and labor warranty. Staff evaluation the indicated that Lindsay was the apparent low bidder at $47,345.00. However, Lindsay Chevrolet provided a "No Bid" response for Alternate #1 and failed to meet the general provision desiring a minimum three (3) year warranty on parts labor. The bid submitted by Lindsay Chevrolet included a two (2) year warranty. Total $860. $1 Chevrolet 0- Model ===== Chevrolet, Inc. (Broke "hevrolet Model C7H042 'ghtliner (Tulsa, OK) ightliner - Model r International Tmcks, Inc. ( 1 International - Model 4900 $745. $1,275.00 $8 on is were both BID.PROPQSAL&: Page 2 Street Division Dump Truck 5. INSPECTION - An acceptance inspection shall be conducted between the supplier and the City before delivery will be accepted. The inspection date shall be at the City's convenience. All discrepmlcies noted during the inspection shall be remedied at the supplier's expense, prior to payment for this vehicle. 4. BIDS - The purchaser reserves the right to rej ect any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities, inrormalities, or other minor deviations from the bid document. Tires are exempt from this warranty, but must be covered by the tire manufacturer's stmldard warranty and serviced by the local authorized dealer ofthe tire manufacturer. WARRANTY - A manufacturer's and/or dealer's warranty shall be supplied to cover replacement parts and labor costs. The manufacturer agrees to promptly replace any part or parts which by reason of defective materials or workmanship, or installation, fail under normal use. Such replacement must be free of charge to the owner. Warranty will be for a period of three (3) years or 36,000 miles, whichever comes first from the date of delivery. The City of Owasso shall expect the dealer and/or manufacturer to have adequate stock of replacement parts available to service the vehicle within a reasonable time. all items 0:1: matem and costs to fully the vehicle delivelY. Any items labor omitted the specifications, which are clearly necessary the proper delivelY the vehicle, shall be considered a portion of such specifications although not directly specified or called for in these specifications. Price quoted shall remain effective for a period sixty (60) days after opening of bids. 1. TAX. EXEMPTION - Purchaser is exempt fi"om payment of all federal, state and local taxes in cOID'lection with the purchase. Said taxes must not included in bid prices. The city will provide exemption certificates request. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION~ FOR THE PURCHASE OF A ~Q!10 LB GVW9 DUAL REAR WHEEL SINGLE AXLE, DUMP TRUCK CONTACT PERSON - Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be directed to Chris Roberts by calling (918) 272-4959 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - It is not the policy the City to negotiate the vendor is selected. The supplied bid fonn shall include one price for the basic specified vehicle all equipment and options. All bids delivered to the City shall sealed visibly marked SEALED BID - DUMP TRUCK. , into 11. VENDOR CONTRACT ~, Any proposal should the will enter with the PRIOR INFORMATION - Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the City Owasso nor the vendor. are shan not wi thin to 7. PAYMENT - As with all municipalities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and signed on a claims list by the proper city authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the vehicle, in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council meets regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. C.DmpIICtnc.e. _ CvWlf)ligr}~e Cnmp h'otnc.e Com~ Ilqnc.e : CDmo "ante. ~ G~pliaf)te _ E'f..c<:,!li:ir:tJ type seat with seat belts c. Heavy-duty vinyl seat covering, . Sunvisors: One (1) L.It and one (I) R.H, e. Interior dome light with door activated switch. f. Electric intennittent windshield wipers. (1) interior wide-angle day/night type 7" West Coast style and dual convex mounted on Factory installed air conditioning. 1. Full in.,dash mounted gauge package, j. Full headliner. Full mbber floor mat 1. Factory installed AM/FM radio. m, Tinted glass, all windows, n. Drip rails above doors. 0, Vent windows on both doors. p. Include one 12-volt accessory outlet. q. Flush mounted turn signals and clearance lamps. Ii ' . L Dm p 11t'1fl.t:!~~ Com" !(allte ~Lon:1pl,~nL.e.~ _Cbh1plian~e" Com pllan!:..€!. ~ , LDIrJ p!,gP1(' e. a. 1. must to Please note that these specifications establish minimum criteria and the bidder may exceed the noted specifications. The specifications identify the characteristics desired by the City such that it is the City's intent to bids a tmck, which are similar to the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CDmpfh1~)(!.e. CnfYI {J fiance CnW)oll~r]( ~ ('011';.0 l'tl't)C.e. z.xc ~ rr!ton C~fl1P i /41](e t"f...c.e p~ Com p I,('tr')c-e COVYlO II{j'rye e. {om 1::)/(}o(. e. [Dm~/IZI1~e. . CCfYJp! Q 'f!- ~ LXieMon LOin fJ I,c;,)(e Co~fJJ/qnce C0V>1P!t41}( -e Lompl'cfnt:,e ~Comf!.I,;n(.e.~ .~ COWl12iJanu: jiOVYJ:.l./;f1(J2 Om e.l1i!!JJ:. e Compliance Or Exception 8. SUSPENSION a. Front axle: 10,000 lb capacity. b. Front springs: 10,000 Ib capacity .at pads. c. Rear axle: Single reduction, 23,000 lb with 200 wheel ends. d. Rear springs: Van-rate 23,000 lb capacity. e. Auxiliary springs: Multi-leaf 4,500 lb capacity. f. Rear axle ratio: Geared to 65 MPH. g. Auxiliary springs: Multi-leaf 4,500 Ib capacity h. Front stabilizer bares) to be.included. i. Heavy-duty front and rear shocks. j. GVWR of 33,000 lb. 7. STEERING a. Power steering with stationary steering wheel. b. Ross eTAS-55) steering gear, or approved equal. c. 2-spoke, black; IS" steering wheel. a. Air, dual system for straight applications. brakes to cam, 15.0i' x sq inch brake chambers. c. Rear brakes to be air eam, H5.5" x. 7.0"; include 30 sq inch MGM spring actuated parking brake chambers. d. Brake system to have Full Vehicle Control ABS system (4 chan.) e. Air dryer to be Bendix. type AD-9, with heater. f. Air compressor to be at least 13.2 CFM. Highway e. Automatic engine shut-down, with warning light and buzzer low engine oil pressure, high coolant temperature low coolant level; include automatic override. f: One (1) headboard mounted warning light bar. Light assembly will include six. (6) 20W halogen center lamps and two end strobes board will provide four (4) c. a. 5. 4. CODLING SYSTEM a. Radiator: Largest capacity available Manufacturer. Include coolant recovery system. COM pi/elm. e LOf11 (J//q'JL e C. 0 l~ P IJ'q /1(:. e, tOm pi I "'7 CJl. Corv,pl,afIGe C.omplltil'J(.(t LoMpl/Ci,!<L. C-DMp/ldi1<&_ (' 0Y"1plttt't1U2 CCh1pIICl~(.e Com/JI, ~lJce C:,lr/e1Lanc e Comp./'tll1ce. Co!'!ldL CI flee Corn p J I OJ'l(e Compliance Or E-x~ptio!! IS. DUMP BODY a. CrysteellO' tipper body, or approved equal. b. Dump body; 5-7 cubic yard capacity. c. Certified 50,000 PSI yield: 65,000 PSI tensile strength steel used throughout d. 7-gauge steel floor, 10-gauge side/end. e. Interlocking understructure with one piece fabricated chmmel supporting the floor between the cross-members and 4" grade 50 structural channel on 12" centers. f. 6 panel tailgate, sloped (dirt sheddin'g) top. g. Boxed top rail with dirt shedding tip. h. Full front comer pillar, 8" wide with 4" radius. 1. Full rear comer pillar, 123/4" wide. j. Pressed in horizontal V -brace. Ie FMVSS lights plus stop/turn lights in rear comer pillar. 1. 6" floor radius. 14.PAlNT a. Per manufacturer's standard. 1JNDERCOATING a. Per manufacturer's standard. 1 EUEL T ANI<;, a. One top draw; rectangular, steel, 50-gallon, 1 with step: 1 tank depth, mounted right side, under cab. Fue1Jwater separator: Manufacturer's standard wi~ sight e. a. b. c. 11. to 1 c. yield); 9. FRAME a. Frame rails'to 10.1 x 10,000 Compliance .or Exception .~(1mR II~nu!,-_ ~fomilL~_ ~-Cmnal, ~1l( e. 1. A vVVOGEVv centralized lubrication system, or approved equaL 'VBig BerthaiY volt dump body vibrator, or Ibs amps/4,OOO rpm) special-duty. 1 MlSCELLANEOU~ a. Five (5) sets of keys to ignition or t 15 u. v. Installed on q. r, m. 111 zerk lubricated flame cut top hardware. 1 n flame cut lower hardware pivoting on C1045 shaft, zerk lubricated on both ends. n. Y2 cab shield. o. ,. Around The Clock Freightliner Group TULSA fREIGHTUNER Til!~:1l r:,'"!,,hHh~m' I Ii 1 nJ \ \!,)~t (;nth ~trp,.)t P n Rnv Olir;?; I TI d~" nl< 7 A 1 r;7 ! 1 .i1nn. 7'JIi. r.;'l 1 ') ! 101 m .1,1r;,I;'1nn 12. FUEL TANK a. 45 gallon capacity. 75 gallon option $35.00 9. FRAME b. Inner Frame Reinforcement: ~,. g, SUSPENSION e. Auxiliary springs: Multi-leaf 7000lb capacity. g. Auxiliary springs: Multi-leaf 7000lb capacity. STEERING c. 2-spoke, black; 12: steering whee]. ENGINE a. --- 000 watt block turn L K ~ ~ !ltl!i '\ ~ BID OPENING: FEBRUARY 13; 2001 @2:00 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. 4157 Tulsa Title 5104 w~ 60th Street I am I I on 745 #2 19275 #1 48g96 E'I, 7 U CURRENT YEAR MODEL 33,000 LB GVW, DUAL REAR WHEEL, SINGLE AXLE, DUMP TRUCK OF STREET DIVISION BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL p~ NOTE: COMPLETE THIS AFFIDAVIT AND RETURN WITH BID PROPOSAL Ma~ 2004 My Commission Expires: :me this sworn at a or to or City or employees as to quantity, quality, or or discussions bidder any State, County, or City official or other thing value special consideration in the letting contract. DON B. FREEMAN>> NEW TRUCK SALES ) OKLAHOMA NON~COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT . If you have any question, feel free to call, Justin Brown The following drive train warranties are standard on this vehicle: Caterpillar eng\ne-3 years/iS0.000 mUes Eaton Fuller 7 speed transmlss;on-3 years/unlimited miles Meritor axles..3 years/unlimlted miles The Medium-Duty Schedule B warranty disclaimer covers all other aspects of the vehicle. This coverage is for a term of 3 yearsJ 36,000 miles. Gerald, CPI~ o Pieue X FMRl!l'tvi~ C '~l!ll co: ~ ~t. ~ "'i'O~ Fax: 2 TiM P.01/03 FEB-19-2001 13:32 FIFTH WHEELS AdjustmlQn"ts of the locklng machanlsm sllde looking plungars, Ilnd the repair or rGpllillWman\ of lock guards am consld.ered rou- tlnemall.lt;i)nOll1ce. NORMAL MAINTeNANCe Routine malntananoG s~rvloolS and adjustments as defined in thl!>> Ifll'lhlQle malnll\lnanel') and dl'!VGFS manUElls arll excluded from warranty. The tightenIng of fasteners. fittings, hose clamps, l!.rld IlIloC1rh::1l1 cQl'lneetQI'$ whleh fum lotlsenad hy normal operation of tha vGhlclals considered tQ be normal maintenance !'is art!! axle alignment and rlre balancing. Exceptions to N@rm~1 Warranty G yid~nnes ENGINE E!n,QlnEls (exoept Frnlghtllnar LlO proprfet!uy anginas), and I!ln- glne accC$SoriElll are wliurantad I!:mly by tha engina ml'1nU1M- rurer. For engine warranty or service, contact specifig Illngil'\(!I m.llllul'acturer'!I :!Iutoollzed salM and SBlVic@ facility. Umltatlon t)n lJabmty FrIllIQhtl/,oer'lIiI Iltlblllty to a PI,Il'Qh'-'.ser (In ~ny olalm, for IOflli.! or dl!lm&g~ ~rh~ln!ll out of. eonFl6jh~tGld with, 01' r~l/ol,lltif1t1 from thlil con~ tract or "lflI, or thl!! pE1rform~1'101ll 01' br~~oh lh@l'(tlof, (II' from thl!l aeelgn. m~nufactllfe. aate, dllllivery, €lervl~, flilpalr or U$e of any vehicle mafJu!.!lcrured by Frelghtllner, shall not e.weed lhlil ~)fIC/!ll to the>> Purchasmr Qllocabllfil to the pl!!.rt of such vehicle which gives rl$1Il to the elalm and In no ~vl!ilnt shal! It I!iIx~d thllllll.a103 prle~ of th6 vehll:/e. In no ewnt ~11l!il Fl'@ightllner be liable rOf 6f3f;!liJ1,d \;)1' C(!i'ltiI@quentlal dl1lml1lge$, ineluding, but not IImi~d to. 111m lurilll$ ta porlilCIfl.S 01' dlill'fHlI~e trJ !3l'operty, 14:}!!S of proflte (Ii' tiil'!tl@lp~t<<ld pmflt<<l, I')fI' It:l$!l@ Qt'll'@hlcIQ l.Illi!)llJl. ,The foregoing limited' w<l.rran1y sl1all be the PurOhi'l~I'H'S 1I0llD <l.nd (ll!CIUlOlvlil rsmedy '''';JIlII'1'!;! Fmfgl1t!fnii%l', whlilttll:lr in ct'mtmct, under $tt\~Ut(l (lMluding I'itallJtory provl$lorl$ {;j$ to condlllelnlO a$ to quaf~ 8ty of fl!rt~tl$ iur any parUGUlar pUrp05l'J gf goods ~tJp~ll~d plJl'~U~ 1'!!nt to the contmct of liJaf@s), wammty, tort, strict liability, or M)' oth@f llliJg~1 thl&lClry. hi@!I1il, llilll \f!)lhl~111l miJ~~ be m~l!1ttlll1fl~d liIfld !l>~rvl@~d to ~h$ @~h@dl.ll\'lls oa.!tlh'l@d1 hll thltlJ m.lfln :i\1l"id {jrivaf"~ mlllrlllY.llI),l!, ' bil1-i! 01' (Ptll~1/' itI...l~ dllll'!~,thO'!\I malrlti!li'UllliCiill :!MlInrlt:l!!lJ ha51 ~liJJrII f;:>>rm~d IInlllV I'l)lqulrad by Frolght!ln~1' ~$ l'!! GOK1ldlt!@1't w$ll'r~"ty, To tl1@ @:lctSf1t any pfOvll'!ion of till!!> Ii\HJ.rranty contravl'lns!! 1he law of any jurisdlctlcm, such provision $hal! be inapplicable In 5uc:11 ju- ri51dlctlcm, and tile remll.im:ler of the warmnty shall not OI1J {Af- fected. Iffil i1iJl!lIlll w~u>>ll'! !:ill' ill !:lart to i(l~dl% 11l'il (@1(@llJiIll~ (lW M'II'I@~, ~I' @tl1l@rmlll\U$l!fIl:if !lIbuf$~ @f ~t!6) VIil~ STIECHJ!oQ23 (fl115/Oo1 PI' wlihrr!!!lil8 th~t l'!@OO fl@W Fm1llrl.1iullllr vllIhicle !j!' kit), with me of Gt.lrtaln lIil:va::illu@o .;;;i:lfll- POrliIH'lU:$ j:l1!U'l,$, wm b<!ll to t!'l@ l'ip@M::iilcllltloflll l'!l:lraed upon and wlli be fNl~ from dlilf~rm In material i;;l,nd WCll;!"' ffi1f1ntllhip which und!!!r nQIiYu'JJ UIilli! and Iill?lrvlc@ tr~m clat(1,l of d~lhf@ry, to dlffiI!Jr6Jlrl~ !lmI'J S1nd dlstam:i'~ limitations for spl1J(1!fl(1 ()(;jmpon~nUI land IJI@ >lJ(%lt forth in ih@ ~millcifjc Clm~ tamer Prot~!JU!)f1I Plan Agr..l':lm.mto I€ngllll,l :\\!10 powwriwail1 oovliIragl!llls l1l.vlilnl!ll:ll~ through FI'l'ligh1liner lLO. This ~Ifigl~ sourCi!l oovorag~ Iii! 11 FlaSUIt of cooperative agrel3JmMt~ b~tw\lll'&n Frelgh1IlMr SInd Allison, Alsln, Cummins, El:Iton. and ANlnM~ntor. Tht!! 11l1ml$ and oondltlclfIlll of !illdanded eO\lilll'&\g!1ll ~rovldl\ild by thil'li!llt!ll m~nllfacturerlll Iii! ilPpliaable to ~OlJ'w flrag9~ pllreh~$~d em '!Iu.! Freightlliulr Reg~b1l.tIQil and Agr4ile~ mfllnt fOlmo (SIlll?l <@l'\gln!ilco'\!i!!li'nQellltatemenm.) ThI1iJ Wlimlilnty l:l(3@$ not ~Pp!')' to (!If\glflW~ (l.Ix<;apt Ffli.llghl1iner LLC propnatafjf engiffl~$l, ilrol1l. NOf@l:Ild rafrlgilllfw,tOf&l, Of other I;lO m pl;). nl!;n:II;J ~f p~rm which lIim nm m!:ll1ufl1i'Jtur~d by Fr~ightllMf {;jnd wnlel'i !are w<.\mu'~d 1:l\~1;ltly by th~ir 'l'el:lp~cm,.!'l ffianuiacrurerll, or to routine maint.lI''1al'lotll requlremenu. <A~ l:ililli>crll:l~ in lhl.lvl!lh!ro cla OWI'llU'Ill wlII.rnmty ln1cmn<lfl0l1 1101)((. Wllh Nl$P~Clt to 1h~ for~. going, F~lght)ln@r maklll$ no Warrmlty' whe#le'r expreeaecl, im- pll~d, $UUlJtQIjf', @r olherwl$@ lfJdudlng, hut not J1mitl.l!:l1 W, :mny w!:lrranty gf mll!rl;lnlll.i'lUil.:lllity 01' fltn@M fer pll'llQllil$o F'ult:haser mll$t notify Fll'iJlghtlirlef, withIn th~ IlIppllel1ll:ll~ warrl:lnty p61fiod l:l6ft forth in ili~ CU5mmtllr Protlllctiol"i Plilll'l Agll'iJ~m~fit, of MY fiililurl!l 01 thl!l v~hicl~ to l'JOIDplll wtIh Ihl$ limited W~rtlilnty ~nd Pf,l~",r m~t, ~t PU~U$r'.1il6lJxpel'l", pmrnpily return iheve- hlel@. eOmpOn@Jnt @r p<!.i1 to ;an ~uthoflz~d dllll..i4.llf for Inspection of My defect in mll~ri&1 01' wottmilili$hlp ot::Qurrlng whhll'llh~ lllPPU- G~b16 limoa @f di:mtnc~ IImitlll. Fr~lght!IIi~r'$ l'>ola I:lbllglllticm $hwl b~ tt1~ felpalr or rlllpJIJl.C~m!!fll. e.1 FrelghtUner's optlon, 1:)1 llny dl:tt~t1\i~ eOOlponemt 01' C'~~ !hor6of. Such reJpair or mplaci"lrrillll'll ~hl?ill bl;) without coel to PlJr- chasEli' whaM psrlorm4lld wtlhln !he time OF distance limits, whlch- l!lVIIU oocum Un;t. On e:xpiratiQo of F'reightlh'llilr's QbliQsUon lor 1h~ \")Oill~ 0' parts ,\1,\(1 labor II'Ill.ooord.ancEi with the tlnw .lAnd d~no~ limits stared In th~ CU$tom~r ProtMtlM Plan Agr$(lment, all HablUlIes of FmlghtUfl0i' to F'urchluier Undltf thle IImlt@d eO\leragl) shalllermlnQtfll. WIIU~ ff\'!Il'Ity l'~paJnJ do n@t 4:@n.@Jtltu~ ~B'II 41~nlDk:m @f t~ @li'lgl",,} W'ilU'l'iIIl'lty perl@d kar tililll v@hlclll) or f@r t111111 $p@clflc c@mp@-> f'IIenl 01' pmri. Th!il fom~l:)lnlillllmib;W I:lClVlllll'liClilllfa il'Ix@lullillwilll1l.rad ii1llie&l ~f IIln athtlfl' CQ'Vlilli'lIISl1fiD'lll WhDti11111' wl'itmn, omlor Implied Including, tlut not IImUlild to liIlny warf'snly @f mW'~"'llIfl1tlWjJlly 01' :l';ml!lliJ~ fol' PUIfll@S1el, This limited. WilIII'I'1ml;y IlIPlliU:lifli:lIl11ly I!Ix~llIJd_ liIny gUllllir war-- I'IIIi'ttllill!llil @r eC;lI'ldlllll:lIIUIl j:u'a'll'ided. far 1:1'11' haw, whethllu :iltu.t&lu::uy l:Ir I!:lthl!llrwl~lI!l. Thlmllmltl!!ld wmil'l'lIIIlI'ity lill'lillllll bl!l INlJld, 1I11'1d Prlllllf,3htllner shall ni:lt b~ Obllo"'ted to rilllpliAlr all' filllpl14elillllnll eompan€lll'lt or part, whl1m Ul@ l'I~oeMlty It'>>t €UJ@!l r~pll!l@lIIlmlllll'lt @I' ~p.-all', 11'1 Fl'lIlIlghtllru~r'!3 limitation on The compl~te stlltl!!memt of CU$tom@)r Protf/llctlon PlllftS limIted coverage and liability; and Items excluded from coverage follow~ be'low: Schedule : Limited ~(5 j;;toltifO I'P'J//is Medlum...Duty Trucks Disclaimer FREIGHTLINER LI...O Customer Protection Plans P.02/03 f::EB- Fj-20CJ1 13 : 33 TOTI:JL P 0 03 Frafghtliner is unable 10 aC!::;~pj I".xtl"a timt:l 10 remove body tmlluaf !n~tall/;ld it~ms to war\< on a warrantable repair unlel'll'! .r-rlillghtlln~r $Slllllhlll l:lOmplliltlii f;)hlil!ll1ll$/bodll/~qlJlpmlilnt &Il13 tt plilckag~. if d@a!llfllF$ Q;U l',:lJstCllmfllli"lll hWlV(tl IOllrilf wll'ihleli!l mod"lea~l@n~ Qr I9qulpm~l'lIt II'I$blll~tl@l1fll ~lt'f@m1Ill1d, t@ tllll!ll!!lmnt tl'l4ule modl~ flM~lon$l i)r ~qlJllpm<!J!f1t In!!l~ UaUl.lJflI$ ~d1l!!jll'llIlIjrli filllill€'lt ~th~f VEl" >>licll1)j @ompo<<llJll'lm or v~hlcl~ fM!jri&)Jrm~fI~l;lI, Frl!llghtllillilll' \llh~11 !'lot !'A@C~pt I!IlflY prodllc~ illllblllty @fI' ~11l!l1m1l4 lJIFldl!ll1!' the t~rm!lS cf thlJJ \lliltdcl@ WI!\n'~;U'lty, Ttu!HllJ cl~lm$ blll@@mfl!l tl1tll i!il@i~ ~\9p@nw m U'I\fg Il\Illll'l!I@l'l lll'ilriormlff1J!lj mtl mod'fllJ'*lt!€2I!l~ @If' P.03/03 "Tm;r.o"",,"'~ ItJI/; ~lI\n\ PI!' Modifications to Original Equipment Fralghtllol9f fI~ltha!' appra"&UI nor disapproves and does !'lot war. rant v-thleldl t:ompon4mt or ChllSi/1II1s modiliootioflB or eqtJipm~nt In- sWlatlOM. ammgod by deelar$ Rod CaJstomeNl. $lne~ Frolght- IInal' hu no contral 0\(&1'!hi! wam being parlormml by the various vanlolf;) bady/GlqulpmllJK1C bulle/Elre. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSeS Prillmil.lm d'!~fga$ and worn Mt dlr~e'tiy relOlted to the rapair or ra- ple,CfJll'lllimt af a warmn\able pe.rt will not be (:t;l\ll:lfBG under war. rtil'liy. Soma ~n:ampI81!11I1clude: . Stl"lUlt, pro\llnelllll, f3.nd l&:lal \mi:as ., Trllvllll tI'!I:lCpefl$el$ ., Lou of I'lIlvenu@ · CustomsI' and overtime I~bor .. Downtime & !;)rivlllr'!lI Upfi'll'l$iI'l~ .. Cost of rantall9qulpm6!1t .. 1..061l1 QI perll;lhBble cargo . G@nEli'llll i'lOIJ$l\!llooaping slJppli~ (I.e., rags, sOlventlil, IlweepElr Clompound$. oov8rnlls e!tc.) DAMAGES Oamagaa (;1!'lIJ!lI@d by accld@!'lw. nl!ilgllg~f\c~, atHJiM, mil!l!.!l(>~, 1m.. propt1lr OP~l'lil.tioflll1l. KmlllrQP~r 01' II'Ulufflclsflt mwrrtanaf1CIJ1 @0lVl(J~$, fOfUi huard~, cti~mi~1 $tlillfl$, :!ltQr.ag~ 01' tm.nspcHt, opl'Jr~tlol'l at @~e~gljivl!Il ~1lIQ1dlll. &1l'ld h:)~dli'lg blil1jol'ld iMpaeitl~ am not t':!:l'\fw t!l~d I;;ly w&iu'll'Oln~o GlullI 111m;! iil1Ji'!~ m.nty. CHROMe, ALUMINUM, AND STAINLESS STEEL COMPONENTS Geneml N"'t antJIQI' bluing and/or yellowing, !'\1st pail! ~nd/af' nle~ ~U$@ld by mmrlfJ, @t/'l;}Q!lw, t>U11fllil, IJJ,nd J;Jln1'Q@ !;ll<3n ~YI'Mlld by $Il:IV~f@l w~l;1h solutionl'l (;)1' road <!laltfi ara not !;lO\J'~ l!Iffld by wl!t~ntlf, lIlnd llief~tehlilS afa not cQ\I'l2Jred by w~r~ GLASS ro FL!~a @ l!;i1t bulbiiil lllnd n{ji1",i'~ut\l~bl~ $f;l;;;!lod Ugtlt a5t:!~1rnbl!et\l '" Mud fltlll)fi! .. Wiper lil\fm$ :and bladlllu .. rum f!1i!&hefl!! b...n~l!J1lilnd tubel:l .. CONSUMABLE PARTS PQI'1~ lnlat Qr~ IllYI:lI~ct to consumption during th~lr norrrH,lllliilrvh:;/il life I!lnd a'lre tautil1ely r(iijplt)fJ~d during norma! meirltenl1ll00 /l~rvlce ~ll'1Jl Mt et)\!~r~d ul'\O;1~rWlUl'l!Inty. Ilemlt Il'lolLldlilo:1. but not limited 10: ro EMilI') '" Eim.kl:l iinlnl<Jt\l ., C lutd'! tll'l'ikoJil " CI~tcl1llfllng1f, '" Dat~ It)gg~r bafil.'Yril3t\l FiII~Wl. (fu@!, filiiI', 611, waterl and dalillce~nt '" Floor ml!Jl!!:l - @ MOl!l[l$ FED-19-2001 13:33