HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.03.20_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: March 20, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda -filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4000 p.m. on Friday, March 16, 2001. I a Call to Order Mayor Williams 3. Roll Call 4. -Signing of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Williams Mayor Williams will sign a proclamation signifying the month of March as DeMolay International Month. Members of the organization will be present. Owasso City Council March 20, 2001 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an itern from consent by request, A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of March 6, 2001 Regular Meeting and March 13, 2001. Special Meeting. Attachment #5-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5® C. Action Relating to the Extension of Contracts for Mowing City Properties. Attachment #5-C Owasso City Council March 20, 2001 Page 3 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation and .Amendment to the General Fund Budget. Chief Greene Attachment #6 The staff will recommend City Council action to approve a supplement appropriation to the General Fund, increasing miscellaneous revenue and increasing the Police Department expenditures by $310900, reflecting a payment from the revolving drug fund. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of a Generator for the City Hall/Police Station. Mr Mitchell Attachment #7 The staff will recommend City Council authorization for the purchase of a generator for the new City Hal"olice Station facility from Clifford Power Systems Inc in the amount of $18,120. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Furnishings for the City Hall/Police Station. Mr McElrath Attachment #8 The staff will recommend City Council authorization for the purchase of work stations a:'ri--J office furnishings for the new City Hall/Police Station from Tulsa Office Furnishings in an amount not to exceed $86,589.96. Owasso City Council March 20, 2001 Page 4 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Mowing Contract for U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way, Mr Roberts Attachment #9 The staff will recommend that a contract for inowin services along the U.S. Highway 1.69 Right-of-Way between the SILO Railroad and E 96' St N for the 2001 mowing season be awarded to Fifth Seasons Inc, Bixby, OK in the amount of $1495 per mowing, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract, 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #1, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Brower Construction Company for the Consti action of Two Equipment Storage Buildings. Mr Lutz Attachment # 10 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #1, adding $8278.32 to the cost of the project, for the purpose of electrical changes. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #6709 an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 2, Block 5, Nottingham Estates III Ms Sorrells Attaclunent #11 The staff will recommend approval of the casement closing and adoption of Ordinance #670. Owasso City Council March 20, 2001 Page 5 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Partial Plat Vacation for Owasso Market. Ms Sorrells Attachment #12 `rho staff will recommend approval of the vacation of the Owasso Market casements and rights-of-way modified by the platting of Owasso Market 11, and authorization for execution of the Plat Vacation document for recording. 13. Report fi-om City Manager. 14. Report from City Attorney. 15. Report from City Councilors. Owasso City Council March 20, 2001 Page 6 18. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Any of the Matters Set forth in the Foregoing Executive Session. Mr Mitchell Mr Cates OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 69 2001 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, March 6, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4: 00 p.m.. on Friday, March 29 20010 rrEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. The invocation was offered by Support Services Director Jim McElrath. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUrE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4. ROLL CALL PRESENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Tebenr x L_rw#_1jM_Cjj_0y_ STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, CiLy, A Atornqy Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Mayor Williams read and presented a proclamation to Emergency Preparedness Director Tim Rooney, recognizing the week of March 4-10, 2001 as Tornado Preparedness I Week in the City of Owasso. Mr Rooney said that the Owasso Wal-Mart is making two styles of weather radios available to the public at a reduced cost until March 31, 2001. Owasso City Council March 6, 2001 D. Action Relating to an Agreement with Primetel LLC for the Collection of E-911 Funds and Remittance of Same to the City of Owasso. E. Action relating to the Extension of a Contract for Auditing Services for FY 2000-01, AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRfATE ACTION RELATING TO THE PRESENTATION OF AN INDEPENDENT AUDIT OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUNDS FOR FY CIL TO RECEIVE THE AUDIT REPORT. Mr Frank Crawford presented the annual audit to the Council. He said,that no reportable conditions considered material weaknesses were noted and no instances of noncompliance were noted in financial statements or major federal program. The end of year fund balance is 27.2% of annual revenues, considered to be a healthy balance. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to receive the audit for review and information. AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: No-tie Owasso City Council March 6, 2001 AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND INCOG. AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None m a "is- , at - 'to N relaman W-'VAV le ewak wou alutir-mm Uwe" HNOWNUMATJ MVI Mr McElrath said that City solicited bids from 11 vendors for a closed circuit video and access control security system for the new city facility. Bids were received from two vendors, Sonitrol and SecureNet. Sonitrol had assisted in the design for the bid specifications, but had assured staff that the specifications would allow any vendor to bid, even though some of the specifications contained Sonitrol designations. Prior to the bid opening date several vendors were questioned as to why they were not submitting bids. Most said that the specifications were -3- Owasso City Council March 6, 2001 AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF A WATER LINE EASEMENT. AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. A A, IWANU J1W XT Ms Sorrells said that the City has received a request from First Baptist Church of Owasso for a review of a final plat for a 20009 acre, 1 -lot subdivision located on the north side of E 96th St N, -4- Owasso City Council March 6, 2001 AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A LOT TIEING AGREEMENT FOR LOTS 1145,6 & 7, BLOCK 10 AND LOTS 2 & I LOT 15 ORIGINAL TOWN OF OWASSO. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A LOT TIEING AGREEMENT FOR LOT 4. OWASSO COMMERCIAL CENTE WASSO COMMERCIAL CENTER Ill. k4s Sorrells said that a lot split has been granted separating a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Center III, owned by Best Western. This lot split will provide more property to Flraum's to construct addonal parking if the lot tieing agreement is approved. Mr o• o'.. moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the requested lot tieing agreement. AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams A Motion carried 3-0. -5- Owasso City Council March 69 2001 AYR Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR McCARTY PARK. - 6 - Owasso City Council March 6, 2001 AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 17: REPDXI'FROM CITY MANAGER ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. am- AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -7- M�IM�� OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, March 139 2001 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, March 13, 2001 in the Lower revel Conference loom at Owasso City Fall per the Notice of Public Meeting and agenda posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 9, 2001, ITEM 1: CALL 'To ORDER ;R Mayor Williams galled the meeting to order at 5:30 porno Ms Bishop 2001-2002 -, This budget o + all requests .d by departments, ,,d point. Manager is in the process of discussing the budget department directors. Plans are to have the budget d for public hearing in late May and adopt the budget at the June 5h regular meetings of the Council, O P , A and OPGA. Mr Rooney presented a preliminary budget for improvements to the park in the Preston Lakes subdivision. Staff has had discussions with the developer regarding this park, and whether it will become a city park or remain a private park. If it is developed as planned, it will have a three - mile walking trail, the longest in the area outside Tulsa. Development of this area as a city park Owasso City Council March 13, 2001 would also coincide with several of the goals contained within the 2010 Land Use Master Plan, Staff will continue to work with the developer on developing a workable budget for improvements, ITEM 4: EVALUATION OF YARD WA_ STE AND RECYCLING PROGRAMS. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO STORAGE BUILDING LIGHTING. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PURCHASE OF FURNITURE FOR CITY EL-MOLICE STATION. O 0 14 R Volunteer Network Owasso Coordinator Nancy Johnson presented a proposal to the Council whereby the upper floor of the present city hall building would be leased to the organization for a Family Resource Center. VNO would then lease space to participating organizations, allowing -2- Owasso City Council March 139 2001 those organizations to share clerical assistance and office equipment, and provide one place for clients to receive all needed assistance, The Council was generally in favor of the proposal, and staff was instructed to work out details of a lease agreement to be presented at a later date. ITEM Bee REPORT FROM CI Y ANAGl R.— Mayor Williams discussed the current lease agreement with the YMCA for the use of the former recreation center and the swimming ing pool. The YMCA has plans to expand and perhaps enter into a partnership with the school system and city to construct a new pool. They are looking for some assurance from the Council that the current lease will be extended. Mr Mitchell briefly discussed the draft of the Strategic Llano Items discussed in the Council planning sessions have been ranked. Mr Looney requested that the Council consider a joint meeting with the Capital Improvements Committee to discuss the items, as well as funding for those and other items. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms doss, to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Noss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion. carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8012 p.m Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -3 H C Williams, Mayor City ®f Owasso Claims 3/20/01 Fund Department Ambulance Refunds 255 Ambulance TOTAL Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance TOTAL E0911 E-911 Services TOTAL Capital Improvements 96th Street Signalization TOTAL Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station TOTAL Total 171.03 3,981.27 4,152.30 MN TrIM, 4", 713, 483.82 3,324.98 3,166.80 211.47 499.50 1,018.03 4,138.00 OPWA Capital Irnprovernents CIA Sever Lime Extension OPWA Sales Tax Workers' Corp Celt Insurance 450 Wastewater T r e tryr rat Plant TOTAL, . u, 135 City Garage TOTAL CAL 150 Work rs° Comp TOTAL 3,1 X34.35 2,494.02 19,129.55 12,935.27 4,471.40 10,593.03 224.33 53,133.00 223,330.14 223,385,14 Claims Total 430,027.21 Fund »» v # » <v* Department Total 450 Community Center 3,45¢00 Total 3,45+00 City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number - -- - -m Number ---- -- Date -------- Code Number ---- ®w - -mm Invoice# ------ -- ---- Due Date m- wn ®n - -- --- Amount Date Amount --- ---- -- - mee ®a-- vm- d ®e ---- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------- ---- -- 2732 627 03/05/01 8525 111114 03/20/01 182.00 182.00 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2733 642 02/28/01 8522 200-2/01 03/20/01 78.43 2,219.63 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 02/28/01 20242 74.83 02/28/01 203 -2 50.14 02/28/01 204 °2 64.23 02/28/01 205-2 5.14 02/28/01 206-2 68.74 02/28/01 208-2 28.25 02/28/01 209-2 55.24 02/28/01 210-2 92.47 02/28/01 211 °2 125.69 02/28/01 212 °2 25.69 02/28101 213-2 156.70 02/28/01 214 °2 134.11 02/28/01 215-2 79.63 02/28/01 218 °2 35.96 02/28/01 219 °2 115.72 02/28/01 220-2 48.81 02/28/01 221-2 75.02 02/28/01 222 °2 38.53 02/28/01 223-2 77.07 02/28/01 224-2 105.42 02/28/01 225-2 77.06 02/28/01 227-2 150.88 02/28/01 229-2 28.26 02/28/01 230-2 87.46 02/28/01 233-2 64.22 02/28/01 236-2 180.88 02/28/01 237-2 43.67 02/28/01 238 -2 51.38 2734 766 03/01/01 8618 04 °2118551 03/20/01 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2735 939 03/01/01 8485 030101 03/20/01 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 2746 763 02/16/01 8463 9679964 03/20/01 28.52 28.52 6 LAB SUPPLIES 2787 124 03/01/01 8478 3/01 03/20/01 49.50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2789 483 03/01/01 8479 3/01 03/20/01 49.50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2791 252 03/01/01 8480 3/01 03/20/01 49.50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2794 1301 03/01101 8481 3/01 03/20/01 49.50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2868 857 02/21/01 CEPO 8604 D183326 03/20/01 18.37 454.00 24 REPAIR PARTS 02/23/01 D183539 75.13 15.69 REPAIR PARTS 02/28/01 D183993 19.40 03/05/01 D184431 29.88 03/07/01 D184559 18.13 03/08/01 D184770 7.37 03/02/01 D184183 193.04 03/06/01 C8811 37.28 03/02/01 D184184 77.62 03/07/01 D184576 7.36 03/08/01 D184698 3.99 03/06/01 D184535 19.92 02/22/01 D183455 21.07 02/13/01 D182628 9.26 02/07/01 D182133 6.43 CCS.AP Accounts payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) city of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 2 lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber ° - - - -- Number - - - -w- Date -- - - - - -- Code Number - - -- -- - - -- Invoice# ----- ae - - - -- Due Date -- -- -- -- Amount Date ------ - - - - -- -- - - -- -- ---- Amount Amounts - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Claim Description ----------------- - - ---- 2870 1050 02/28/01 8623 11773 03/20/01 52075 13000 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 39075 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 2872 591 03/08/01 8611 8240145484 03/20/01 26°95 11410 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145486 5.55 53090 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/01/01 8240144720 26°95 03/01/01 8240144722 5.55 2873 446 02/15/01 CEPO 8600 155 - 289785 03/20/01 77.33 196098 24 REPAIR PARTS 01/23/01 155- 282894 3099 01/19/01 155-281804 26.48 02/08/01 155 °287786 34084 02/08/01 155 - 287788 54.34 2931 415 03/02/01 8505 35112 03/20/01 51080 51.,80 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00 -6/01 2932 615 02/20/01 8499 1537307 03/20/01 30.00 1170.00 PRE -EMP DRUG SCREENS 02/05/01 1515469 30000 02/07/01 1521780 30.00 01/15/01 1470947 27°00 2934 554 03/01/01 8521 1606 03/20/01 40.00 40000 12 DIAL -UP SERVICE 3091 538 03/02/01 8613 030201 03/20/01 6098 29.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 03/02/01 03/02/01 259.84 29087 MAINT SUPPLIES 206.97 CLEANING SUPPLIES /BLANK AUDIO TAPES 3165 1392 02/20/01 8674 10 03/20/01 158,869 71 158,869071 WWTP °PHASE IIA °3/7/00 3193 263 01/15/01 8588 5 03/20/01 47,790.00 47,790800 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3193 263 03/01/01 8681 20 03/20/01 21,726 43 21,726°43 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3214 1098 02/25/01 8498 2359324 03/20/01 133.57 133057 EMPLOYMENT ADS 3291 717 03/01/01 8508 69525 -3/01 03/20/01 23,000.00 23,000000 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 3299 1012 02/27/01 8633 496252 03/20/01 40.00 40000 12 FILING FEES 3322 1152 03/06/01 8650 030601 03/20/01 188.40 188040 METER READINGS 3324 171 02/27/01 8651 022701 03/20/01 489.00 489000 METER READINGS 3325 371 02/28/01 8649 022801 03/20/01 550°80 550080 METER READINGS 3326 264 03/03/01 8648 030301 03/20/01 151.20 151.20 METER READINGS 3350 475 03/04/01 8589 72902 03/20/01 130000 130000 RENTAL 3671 1518 12/07/00 8675 1 03/20/01 3,285.00 3,285000 TERMITE TREATMENT 6/6/00 3679 1509 01/04/01 8676 1 03/20/01 28,059.94 28,059094 FLOORING 6/6/00 3826 1534 03/09/01 8677 6 03120/01 33,263055 33,263055 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 -20 -00 3894 362 03/07/01 8643 33668 03120/01 60.00 60000 BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 3905 1039 03/02/01 8688 330223 03/20/01 105000 105000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4286 594 03/07/01 8585 16520361 -001 03/20/01 99400 99.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 4306 601 03/01/01 8497 3857 03/20/01 1,417067 1,417067 8 CONTRACT ADMIN 10/17/00 4345 1614 03/07/01 8678 3 03/20/01 20,206080 20,206,80 EQUIPMENT STORAGE BLDG 4508 89 03/01/01 8509 1 03/20/01 4,138,00 4,138.00 7 CART LEASE 4619 1408 02/27/01 8466 2093 03/20/01 937,63 937.63 CONCRETE 4673 797 10/31/00 8516 1882386 03/20/01 51.66 51.66 S10310 4741 1773 01/26/01 8578 55143 03/20/01 1,471083 1,792.97 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01/30/01 55322 113°35 ZCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold CLaim Vendor FuLL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ww - -am Number a -m-e- Date -- - ----- Code Number m -md -- ---- Invoice# - AO ®mem ----- Due Date - edaw - -- ------ Amount Date Amount -- ---- -- - ----- -- -- ---- -- ------ Amounts - ----- CLaim Description ----------------------- 02/07/01 55745 100.00 02/13/01 56027 107°79 4527 935 02/27/01 8470 E911 -2/01 03/20/01 2,101.84 2,101.54 5 E °911 4535 797 10/12/00 5517 1905334 03/20/01 34.44 O.00 510310 34.44 T10120 4968 941 03/04/01 5554 209€191 03/20/01 42001 420001 ASPHALT 4965 941 03/06/01 5654 210415 03/20/01 34.50 34.50 ASPHALT 4995 797 11/07/00 5515 1965325 03/20/01 50062 50.62 M11070 5027 655 02/26/01 5465 10- 0102 -5761 03/20/01 242.00 242.00 CHLORINE 3 5027 655 03/05/01 5579 1001035795€1 03/20/01 442000 554¢00 CHLORINE 03/05/01 10010357517 442000 5031 729 03/02/01 5563 T12371 03/20/01 5,120 00 11,761 30 METER SETS 9/7/99 03/06/01 T12380 3,551430 03/13/01 712357 2,760.00 5120 360 02/26/01 8495 975343 03/20/01 333015 333.18 6 COPIER MAINT 5137 591 02/05/01 5645 5240142415 03/20/01 15005 55040 6 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 02/15/01 5240143155 14°45 02/22/01 5240143944 14.45 03/01/01 5240144721 14.45 5147 1056 02/27/01 5557 64110 03/20/01 25.89 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL O.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 25059 PROPANE BOTTLE 5167 1035 03/01/01 8693 7795 03/20/01 39092 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 39492 UNIFORM JEANS O.00 UNIFORM JEANS O.00 UNIFORM JEANS 0,00 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 5176 812 01/26/01 8550 1513075680 03/20/01 25x97 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/23/01 1508076221 5.96 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/02/01 1511075527 29040 25.97 REPAIR SUPPLIES O.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 29040 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5.96 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5183 1038 03/10/01 8682 1535 03/20/01 19°29 8a97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/06/01 4138 8a97 0000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 19,29 CLEANING SUPPLIES 5188 356 12/15/00 5576 14574 03/20/01 177876 177076 812150 5317 360 02/22/01 8459 39125A 03/20/01 35000 104045 COPIER MAINTENANCE 02/26/01 975297 69045 5334 1557 03/09/01 8573 52255 03/20/01 919°02 919002 BILLING SERVICE 5346 239 03/07/01 8694 100916 03/20/01 62°36 12047 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 12.47 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 12°47 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 12.45 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 12047 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 5364 827 02/21/01 5685 109242 03/20/01 52.00 140.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR053 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 4 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber mwmo- Number emus ®e Date -- -- ---- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# mm ®mme - ----- Due Date -------- e-- Amount Date Amount euw ---- -- -------- dm- ®e ®---- ------- Amounts ---- -- Ctaim Description ---------------- ... ®__mm 02/21/01 111285 88000 47.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 02/21/01 272897 47000 5365 1873 02/26/01 8468 25 °2114832 03/20/01 465.42 465042 SAFETY SUPPLIES 5370 812 02/02/01 8500 1518075831 03/20/01 10.26 62.80 MAINT SUPPLIES 02/02/01 1503075823 1.67 02/09/01 1503075964 5099 02/16/01 1503076078 44088 5371 1038 02/21/01 8475 4052 03/20/01 6.72 124.82 MAINT SUPPLIES 02/24/01 8486 12094 02/05/01 5130 44041 01/30/01 1492 32024 02/21/01 7247 24.54 03/06/01 922 3.97 5372 904 02/28/01 8477 53031 03/20/01 67.00 125.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 01/30/01 52601 24000 02/12/01 52825 26.00 02/08/01 52796 8 „00 5388 1039 02/19/01 8689 328650 03/20/01 1,017°50 2,960 „00 WATER METERS 10/19/99 02/08/01 328352 1,942050 5392 1930 02/27/01 8513 14759 03/20/01 50.00 50 „00 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 5434 1199 03/12/01 8616 5023 03/20/01 570000 570000 ALIGNMENT 5449 1168 02/28/01 8524 177723701 03/20/01 594.13 2,042,65 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 2/6/01 03/05/01 177723702 1,448052 5452 1936 03/01/01 8523 11901 03/20/01 4,028.00 4,028.00 RADAR GUNS 2/6/01 5456 605 02/08/01 8612 109089 03/20/01 1,025.00 1,025.00 VEHICLE SCANNER SOFTWARE UPGRADE 5485 1123 09/11/00 8646 212313 03/20/01 162.99 162.99 M09110 0000 612150 5494 497 02/26/01 8494 42226200 03/20/01 467040 467040 INK CARTRIDGES /PLOTTER PAPER 5500 773 04/13/01 8679 041301 03/20/01 80.00 40°00 LICENSE EXAM °RABER 40.00 LICENSE EXAM -RARER 5509 127 02/27/01 8511 405014201 03/20/01 480.19 480019 MAINT SUPPLIES 5550 66 02/19/01 8641 348034 03/20/01 602.25 634.08 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 02/20/01 348185 19.44 02/26/01 348680 12.39 5554 1075 03/07/01 8644 49206 03/20/01 119,69 119469 UNIFORM BOOTS-KELLEY 5556 1039 02/26/01 8690 329584 03/20/01 25063 81063 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/09/01 326918 56,00 5557 366 02/20/01 8582 637956 03/20/01 17.59 54037 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/01/01 638726 36078 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0800 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5559 1144 01/19/01 8583 011901 03/20/01 56.95 0.00 JEANS /CARHARTTS 01/17101 011701 90091 0.00 JEANS /CARHARTTS 90,91 JEANS /CARHARTTS 56.95 JEANS /CARHARTTS 0000 JEANS /CARHARTTS 5568 1952 02/27/01 8484 85664555 03/20/01 375000 375000 ALARM SYSTEM INSTALL 5569 1953 02/08/01 8670 3409 03/20/01 18000 57,69 CITY MGR EXPENSES :CSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 5 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number doavme Number ------ Date -d - -mud- Code Number ea_e ---- -- Invoice# ®- emmm -- ---- Due Date -------- - Amount Date Amount woeed ---- -- dm -eo --- -- -- ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 02/06/01 0230 19069 02/23/01 7169 20800 5575 497 03/07/01 8590 42 °226938 03/20/01 139075 139075 PLOTTER CHIP 5576 773 04/13/01 8705 4/13/01 03/20/01 80000 40°00 EXAM -DUGAN 40°00 EXAM -BOGGS 5578 100 03/06/01 8581 538752 03/20/01 60000 630000 TOP SOIL 03/06/01 538848 480.00 0.00 DOZER RENTAL 03/06/01 538763 90.00 5580 1954 03/08/01 8683 030801 03/20/01 325.00 325000 WASTEWATER LINE INSPECTION 5585 771 02/15/01 8602 250684 03/20/01 35046 35.46 REPAIR PARTS 5599 1958 03/12/01 8595 67 03/20/01 900400 900.00 JANITORIAL SERVICES 5601 961 03/02/01 8647 5227234-2 03/20/01 29.99 29.99 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 5605 1132 02/26/01 8476 4013619 03/20/01 20.00 20000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 5612 465 02/21/01 8597 95814 03/20/01 50°00 50000 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 5617 182 02121/01 8482 61885 03/20/01 200.00 200.00 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 5618 1961 02/13/01 8483 13452 03/20/01 404000 404000 TRAINING VIDEOS 5619 372 03/08/01 8575 39666 03/20/01 33.25 33025 510310 5636 660 02/25/01 8607 128571 03/20/01 198000 198.00 VEHICLE TONING 5639 18 02/23/01 8493 547072470002 03/20/01 36020 327.79 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 02/21/01 547072470001 291.59 5640 1962 03/06/01 8619 19207 03/20/01 95865 95,65 SAFETY SUPPLIES 5641 72 02/21/01 8496 67377 03/20/01 21000 21000 SAFETY SUPPLIES 5643 1110 02/20/01 8474 K6298860B 03/20/01 129.50 129050 PAGER RENTAL 5644 1963 02/19/01 8473 60022820 03/20/01 24.76 24.76 REPAIR PARTS 5645 649 02/23/01 8460 13931 03/20/01 112048 68050 RAIN GEAR °CORLEY /SAUER 43098 RAIN GEAR - CARR /MCGILL 5654 158 02/23/01 8512 022301 03/20/01 1,531096 1,531.96 UNIFORM PANTS 5656 1055 02/22/01 8486 2341 03/20/01 65000 65.00 CHECK FOR GAS LEAK 5657 722 02/24/01 8487 441 03/20/01 112.00 112.00 UNIFORM PATCHES 5658 897 02/19/01 8488 203120014048 03/20/01 185 ®70 335.65 UNIFORM 1 02/23/01 204120014482 149.95 1 5659 485 02/19/01 8489 21901 °03 03/20/01 65025 165000 UNIFORM TROUSERS /BELT 02/21/01 22101-01 48000 159,10 UNIFORM GEAR 02/22/01 22201°01 117.00 02/22/01 22201002 93085 5660 496 02/22/01 8490 2734 03/20/01 1.78 83039 MAINT SUPPLIES 02/22/01 2730 52088 1078 MAINT SUPPLIES 02103/01 2552 30.51 5661 548 02/20/01 8491 33301 03/20/01 147.75 147.75 EUTHANASIA SERVICES 5662 943 02/23/01 8492 25292 03/20/01 21.90 27.86 OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/05/01 25315 5.96 5663 221 03/06/01 8617 4655 03/20/01 67845 67045 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5666 1965 02/21/01 8526 022101 03/20/01 76.66 76466 AND REFUND 5668 1556 03/01/01 8527 030101 03/20/01 2,000000 2,000.00 POSTAGE 5669 812 02/02/01 8507 1516075830 03/20/01 1.88 21°58 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/09/01 1516075974 4.99 9487 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/16/01 1516076086 14.71 02/09/01 1515075973 9.87 5672 666 02/22/01 8469 3848 03/20/01 125000 125000 PRINTER TONER CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.046 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -mmm ®em ®mm -mm ®mod- ---- w -v -m® ------------ n ®a ®wm -® ------ ---- -- 04 -- ---0 ---- --- --- we- mmm ---- -- ----------------------- 5600 1070 02/26/01 0501 0440 03/20/01 84098 5603 792 02/00/01 0472 13064 03/20/01 °0,74 SERVICES 576092 02/12/01 USE 13002 02/01 -4.27 345466 02/01 01/29/01 456.98 53622 USE 62092 02/01 USE 02/06/01 02/01 54090 64.07 3066 USE 954024 02/06/01 USE 54116 02/01 8074 463816 02/01 02/00/01 9,661,46 54296 USE 20070 02/01 USE 02/09/01 02/01 54396 512024 3403 USE 02/09/01 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 54401 4427 5604 012 02/02/01 0471 1506075025 03/20/01 1.04 02/09/01 1512075971 11°15 02/16/01 1512076004 4.36 02/19/01 1512076141 6.9€1 5685 1966 02/23/01 0510 503403 03/20/01 400.00 5606 1123 12/15/00 0514 211640 03/20/01 33.12 5600 159 01/31/01 0510 54961 03/20/01 2,197.07 5691 773 04/13/01 8680 41301 03/20/01 40.00 5692 1404 02/22/01 8467 4103 03120/01 420800 5693 647 10/24/00 8462 273000 03/20/01 586.00 5694 1058 02/24/01 8461 136809 03/20/01 285.68 02/28101 160909 244057 5696 475 03/04/01 8577 72903 03/20/01 65000 5701 1225 02/27/01 8464 529 03/20/01 1,500 00 5702 594 03/01/01 8506 16228716°001 03/20/01 123°00 5703 1907 02/26/01 8692 775317 03/20/01 °713086 03/03/01 775880 2,293 20 5704 1039 02/27/01 8691 329749 03/20/01 25.56 02/20/01 329128 329.00 02/23/01 329127 172.61 03/01/01 329977 23437 03/01101 329976 281.00 5706 1960 02/05/01 8506 020501 03/20/01 169058 5707 1084 02/28/01 0519 167841949 03/20/01 3,723.74 5700 1062 02/28/01 8504 2/01 03/20/01 2,698086 5709 1004 02/28/01 8520 2/01 03/20/01 17,814 92 "ja 04090 UNIFORM JACKET/PIN 90.31 REPAIR SUPPLIES 23.53 REPAIR SUPPLIES 400000 MAILBOX REPLACEMENT -DUNN 33°12 812150 2,197.87 ARBITRATION SERVICES 40400 LICENSE EXAM- MCKNIGHT 420.00 ROAD BORE 586.00 SIGN POSTS 530.25 ROCK 65000 RENTAL 1,500 00 WATER T0WER LIGHT REPAIRS 123.00 RENTALS 1,579034 CHEMICALS 831054 REPAIR SUPPLIES 169°58 REIMB TRAVEL EXPENSES 3,723 74 02/01 USE 700°00 RETAINER 70000 RETAINER 1,298086 LEGAL SERVICES 576092 02/01 USE 8214 02/01 USE 345466 02/01 USE 456.98 02/01 USE 599,25 02/01 USE 597.75 02/01 USE 64.07 02/01 USE 954024 02/01 USE 885010 02/01 USE 463816 02/01 USE 9,661,46 02/01 USE 410°42 02/01 USE 212,24 02/01 USE 512024 02/01 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 15® 2001 03o17pm Page 7 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ---- -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- ---- -- Invoice# w- dma ®- ,._aw„ Due Date -- ---- -- ------ Amount Date Amount - -dmmm -- ---- -- m ®omme- --- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 662.61 02/01 USE 510.09 02/01 USE 020.59 02/01 USE 5710 1478 02/23/01 8456 2701 03/20/01 42.10 42410 AMB REFUND #2701 02/27/01 287 52.27 52,27 AMB REFUND #287 5712 1164 02/28/01 8458 11351 03/20/01 114.00 114000 COMPUTER CABLE /JACK 02/28/01 11352 110°00 110.00 COMPUTER CABLE /JACK 5713 1038 02/21/01 8631 7972 03/20/01 130077 28007 OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/27/01 9959 19088 97046 OFFICE /MAINT SUPPLIES 02/09/01 869 36051 175.17 OFFICE /MAINT SUPPLIES 02/14/01 5526 53.64 02/07/01 5775 40008 02/05/01 9369 19.82 5714 814 03/12/01 8629 24766 03/20/01 1.44 96.68 FILM PROCESSING 02/09/01 22508 1047 88012 PRISONER MEALS 02/20/01 22510 1826 1.44 PHOTO PROCESSING 02/08/01 23382 2480 02/10/01 23383 0.80 02/14/01 23395 13.41 02/19/01 23398 6084 02/23/01 23453 1.92 02110101 24292 10,89 02/02/01 24294 6.11 02/22/01 25521 51,18 02/06/01 25471 58012 5715 386 03/01/01 8627 030101 03/20/01 70000 70.00 DUES °PERRY /CLARKSON 5717 1405 03/07/01 8642 C °10081158 03/20/01 38.42 139066 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 03/07 /01 C °10081161 22.64 03/06/01 C- 10081099 78060 5723 2014 02/28/01 8634 02/28/01 03/20/01 45°00 90000 SEMINAR - SWING /SORRELLS 02/28/01 022801 45°00 5725 574 02/06/01 8630 9578 03/20/01 14025 83063 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 02/12/01 9601 25050 25050 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 02/21/01 9655 19.13 02/27/01 9700 24075 02/01/01 9545 15°00 02/19/01 9643 10.50 5726 406 03/06/01 8628 8162 03/20/01 299.99 299.99 DESK 5731 1946 04/14/00 8632 9783 °0101008 03/20/01 78.64 78064 504140 A 5733 356 11/15/99 8626 3470191 03/20/01 250.16 37014 C11159 162069 011159 50,33 P07270 5734 399 01/25/01 8635 798002 03/20/01 554070 554.70 DOWNTOWN OWASSO SURVEY 5736 573 03/06/01 8592 10873 03/20/01 246000 21075 VEHICLE REPAIR 02/26/01 10854 246000 492000 REPAIR PARTS 02/26/01 FOCS653553 21,75 5737 698 02/27/01 8606 191637 03/20/01 195.20 339081 OIL /LUBRICANTS 03/06/01 191954 183065 02/28/01 191736 ®39.04 5735 648 02/27/01 8608 1676 03/20/01 301083 481.30 VEHICLE REPAIR 02/26/01 1673 179.47 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR053 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 8 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ----- ------ e- -- - --- mama mmvo-- ----- -- ---- -------- ------------ ®ammo --- -- --- ---- -- ------ ---- -- ----------------------- 5739 932 02/21/01 8596 577946 03/20/01 65000 5740 865 03/07/01 8605 5481 03/20/01 394,80 31017 CELL PHONE 02/21/01 COPY PAPER 6466 COPT PAPER 96°13 5741 1054 02/21/01 8622 40071391 03/20/01 155095 5742 1029 02/26/01 8591 5011041 03/20/01 735050 5743 568 02/14/01 8701 149626 03/20/01 8095 5744 1574 03/02/01 8609 8182 03/20/01 279.00 5745 1294 03/02/01 8593 941582085 °00 03/20/01 31017 708°83 FUEL 02/01 495017 FUEL 02/01 2 FUEL 02/01 18050 5746 1143 02/26/01 8624 5753290 03/20/01 238000 5747 627 02/26/01 8625 110982 03/20/01 51028 5748 406 03/01/01 8614 122689645°00 03/20/01 578008 O.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 O.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 1 VEH MAINT 02/01 961011 VEH MAINT 02/01 O.00 03/01/01 122966642 °00 17008 1 03101/01 122898231 °00 149099 1 5750 789 03/01/01 8621 2925 03/20/01 6,357 15 5755 764 02/28 /01 8615 2/01 03/20/01 15,282.77 ,CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 65000 REPAIR PARTS 490.93 TIRES 155.95 HAND CLEANER 735850 TIRES 8895 CLEANING SUPPLIES 208.00 PRINTING 71000 PRINTING 31017 CELL PHONE 190040 COPY PAPER 47.,60 COPT PAPER 51°28 TONER 113.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 149099 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54063 OFFICE SUPPLIES 341.97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0000 OFFICE SUPPLIES O.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES O.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0,00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0800 OFFICE SUPPLIES O.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 85.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 124 ®95 FUEL 02/01 O.00 FUEL 02101 203.55 FUEL 02/01 270.12 FUEL 02/01 2,046071 FUEL 02/01 24012 FUEL 02/01 708°83 FUEL 02/01 495017 FUEL 02/01 177.15 FUEL 02/01 18050 FUEL 02/01 507°52 FUEL 02/01 109°96 FUEL 02/01 481.66 FUEL 02/01 1,140.13 FUEL 02/01 48.78 FUEL 02/01 220009 VEH MAINT 02/01 360007 VEH MAINT 02/01 149096 VEH MAINT 02/01 6066 VEH MAINT 02/01 1,199,45 VEH MAINT 02/01 O.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 O.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 2,135°02 VEH MAINT 02/01 961011 VEH MAINT 02/01 O.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid CLaims by Purchase Order Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number doom-- Number --- --- Date -ea -nd-- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ----- - --- --- Due Date -- ---- -- --- Amount Date Amount - -- --- --- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 105.31 VEH MAINT 02/01 391.34 VEH MAINT 02/01 9,493082 VEH MAINT 02/01 0.00 VEH MAINT 02/01 259894 VEH MAINT 2/01 5761 1834 03/02/01 8687 4986 03/20/01 500000 500800 STREET DE-ICER 5764 630 02/01/01 8686 196340 03/20/01 192047 192.47 AIR MONITOR CASES 5766 1002 03/20/01 8652 032001 03/20/01 386.50 MO REIMB PETTY CASH 9000 REIMB PETTY CASH 3075 REIMS PETTY CASH 66424 DOC LUNCHES 13.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 6.50 REIMS PETTY CASH 13.00 REIMS PETTY CASH 3053 REIMS PETTY CASH 27.90 MILEAGE °BOUTWELL 6088 REPAIR PARTS 7.45 POSTAGE 38.80 CITY MGR EXPENSES 6 ®95 REIMS PETTY CASH 70.00 PER °DIEM JOSE 50000 DEPOSIT REFUND 57,00 LICENSE TAG 5767 531 03/06/01 8574 237584 03/20/01 21058 21.58 PLAQUE 5768 405 03/05/01 8620 030501 03/20/01 60.00 60000 MEMBERSHIP DUES-MOTTO 5772 812 03/13/01 8571 656076562 03/20/01 24,98 40.90 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 01/16/01 1513075473 0.29 24098 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 02/16/01 1506076080 3.49 3049 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 02/28/01 656076307 19.96 0,29 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 03/08/01 656076469 20094 5773 1038 03/08/01 8564 1982 03/20/01 41.87 41087 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5774 595 03/09/01 8565 69833 03/20/01 56066 83.32 LINEN SERVICE 03/02/01 66632 67866 41.00 LINEN SERVICE 5775 336 03/09/01 8566 12518 03/20/01 51.72 79.20 SNACKS 03/02/01 12387 27048 5776 1151 03/05/01 8567 6791 03/20/01 54090 54090 COFFEE 5777 84 03105/01 8568 3712722 03/20/01 192,32 15°00 PAPER SUPPLIES 103.65 PAPER SUPPLIES 73.67 PAPER SUPPLIES 5778 678 03/09/01 8569 159808 03/20/01 15863 75,91 GROCERIES 03/08/01 159813 7.58 26095 COUNCIL MEETING 03/05/01 1821153 52070 03/13/01 159879 26,95 5779 7"52 03/06/01 8570 58444062 03/20/01 283031 258081 BEVERAGES 24.50 PAPER SUPPLIES 5780 1171 02/28/01 8457 452115 03/20/01 100000 100000 4 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 5781 2017 03/10/01 8700 3301438 03/20/01 107850 107050 PHOTO FRAMING 5783 591 03/01/01 8503 8240144723 03/20/01 20.35 28,45 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/01/01 8240144725 21070 21°70 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/01/01 8240144726 72085 20°35 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/01/01 824144717 28.45 72085 UNIFORM RENTAL CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600,6 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full. Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ----- ------ a ®m ®m -em ---- ---- -- ------------ -- ---- -- w- mema ---- -- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 18035 UNIFORM RENTAL 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 750.00 EMS AUDIT 110050 AIR FARE- WOFFORD 50 ®00 2 UNIFORM PANTS - LENHART 49.58 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 66.00 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 96075 02101 NON °PLEXAR 176.00 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 498.00 TRAINING - DUGGAN /BAIN 2,637027 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 30048 REIM6 REFERENCE #13729 3,000.00 ADMINISTRATION FEES 20.57 MAINT SUPPLIES 211.17 GRAVEL 532090 ROCK /SAND 399061 REPAIR PARTS 22000 OIL REMOVAL 235065 REPAIR PARTS 334460 FERTILIZER 679.76 CHEMICALS 39.56 GLOVES 122039 REPAIR PARTS 31062 SHOP TOWELS 815 ®94 SUNGLASSES 87968 CAPS 1,608074 SHIRTS /CAPS /SHORTS /SLAC KS 250000 ADVERTISING 149°50 ADVERTISING 2,771°92 SHIRTS /CAPS By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) 03/01/01 8240144718 18.35 03/01/01 824144724 4.55 5784 1149 03/01101 8502 030101 03/20/01 250000 5787 152 03/13/01 8562 14058 03/20/01 110.50 5796 1144 02/28/01 8699 022801 03/20/01 50000 5797 938 02/28/01 8698 2/01 NON -PLE 03/20/01 388.33 XAR 5801 742 03/08/01 8572 MA -6315 03/20/01 498.00 5802 835 02/28/01 8697 022801 03/2O/01 2,637027 5803 1450 03/13/01 8696 1236 03/20/01 30.48 5804 818 03/09/01 8695 4063411 03/20/01 3,000„00 5805 85 02/07/01 8653 535554126 03/20/01 4.99 02/18/01 535563972 5.59 03/12/01 535582963 9..99 5808 941 02/21/01 8654 209116 03/20/01 211°17 5809 657 02/28/01 8655 46122 03/20/01 532.90 5810 1718 02/26/01 8656 139596 03/20/01 399.61 5811 1352 03/02/01 8657 10778 03/20 /01 22.00 5813 40 03/09/01 8658 740799 03/20101 200.18 03/09/01 740800 35.47 5814 774 02/22/01 8659 358262 03/20/01 334.60 02/22/01 358225 679°76 5815 37 02/20/01 8660 OUCD11 03/20/01 39.56 5816 342 03/06/01 8661 36853 03/20/01 122039 5817 645 03/13/01 8662 422950 03/20/01 11.90 02/27/01 417208 9090 03/06/01 420386 9.82 5818 42 02/22/01 8663 93303843 03/20/01 °80.00 03/02101 93328127 374000 02/26/01 93313441 51.62 03/06/01 93337135 399.12 03/07/01 93341033 71.20 5819 191 03/01/01 8664 44444 03/20/01 879 ®68 5820 454 03/01/01 8665 724602 03/20/01 176.48 03/01/01 728446 80086 03/01/01 682876 90.00 03/06/01 795225 191,17 03/02/01 784279 103497 03/01/01 671638 270,00 03/06/01 794789 186037 02/22/01 761440 398.32 02/12/01 738233 10,94 03/06/01 794788 228.83 03/29/00 CM14664 ®128820 5821 867 03/05/01 8666 030501 03/20/01 250800 5822 1350 03/02/01 8667 9140 03120/01 149.50 5823 950 03/01/01 8668 300094 03/20/01 423.47 03/01/01 299880 423847 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 18035 UNIFORM RENTAL 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 750.00 EMS AUDIT 110050 AIR FARE- WOFFORD 50 ®00 2 UNIFORM PANTS - LENHART 49.58 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 66.00 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 96075 02101 NON °PLEXAR 176.00 02/01 NON °PLEXAR 498.00 TRAINING - DUGGAN /BAIN 2,637027 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 30048 REIM6 REFERENCE #13729 3,000.00 ADMINISTRATION FEES 20.57 MAINT SUPPLIES 211.17 GRAVEL 532090 ROCK /SAND 399061 REPAIR PARTS 22000 OIL REMOVAL 235065 REPAIR PARTS 334460 FERTILIZER 679.76 CHEMICALS 39.56 GLOVES 122039 REPAIR PARTS 31062 SHOP TOWELS 815 ®94 SUNGLASSES 87968 CAPS 1,608074 SHIRTS /CAPS /SHORTS /SLAC KS 250000 ADVERTISING 149°50 ADVERTISING 2,771°92 SHIRTS /CAPS By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03:17prn Page 11 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- Amount ------------ Date -------- Amount ----- ----- ------------- Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 03/01/01 300053 1,924098 5824 57 03/01101 8669 655981 03/20/01 3,300000 03/21/01 132.00 3,300.00 RANGE SUPPLIES 03/01/01 655980 1,543050 03/21/01 60.72 3,491.00 GOLF BALLS 03/01/01 651480 972.00 03/21/01 37.44 03/01/01 655831 780.00 03/21/01 30.72 02/28/01 650577 195.50 03/21/01 7068 5825 1019 03/01/01 8671 32974 03/20/01 112.48 112.48 SUNCARE PRODUCTS 5826 1549 02/16/01 8672 242559 03/20101 78&91 1,518z85 SHIRTS/SHORTS 02/16/01 242569 731.94 51827 2114 03/01101 8673 4965828 03/20/01 170.14 170.14 GOLF CLUBS 5832 364 02/12/01 8703 161283 03/20/01 97.00 239.00 TIRE REPAIRS 02/05/01 161103 45.00 02/26/01 161721 97.00 5833 591 03/08/01 8702 8240145487 03/20/01 20.35 28.45 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145489 34.60 34.60 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145490 53.50 20.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145481 28.45 53.50 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145482 18.35 18.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 03/08/01 8240145488 4.55 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 5834 38 03/01/01 8704 030101 03/20/01 195.60 195.60 METER READINGS TOTAL 480,027.21 268.56 205 records Listed J ty of Owasso )pen Claims by GL Account claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386°50 03/20/01 01 °000 °26502 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 01 °110 °51700 8670 1953 5569 3409 02/08/01 18,00 03/20/01 01 °110-51700 0230 02/06/01 19.69 7169 02/23/01 20000 8696 1450 5803 1236 03/13/01 30048 03/20/01 01-110 °51700 8614 406 5748 122689645 °001 03/01/01 578,08 03/20/01 01-110 °52001 122966642°001 03/01/01 17008 122898231-001 03/01/01 149099 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282.77 03/20/01 01 °110 °52470 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03/20/01 01 °11052500 8609 1574 5744 8182 03/02/01 279,00 03/20/01 01 °110-53605 8647 961 5601 5227234 °2 03/02/01 29.99 03/20/01 01 °110 °53610 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 01- 110 -53650 8569 678 5778 159808 03/09/01 15.63 03/20/01 01°110 °53657 159813 03/08/01 7.58 1821153 03/05/01 52070 159879 03/13/01 26.95 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 01 °110 °53657 8700 2017 5781 3301438 03/10/01 107,50 03/20/01 01-110 °53680 8469 666 5672 3848 02/22/01 125000 03/20/01 01- 120 -52001 8614 406 5748 1226896450001 03/01/01 578.08 03/20/01 01 °120 °52001 122966642 °001 03101/01 17008 122898231°001 03/01/01 149099 8458 1164 5712 11351 02/28/01 114.00 03/20/01 01-120 °53400 11352 02/28/01 110,00 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386,50 03/20/01 01 °120-53650 8624 1143 5746 5753290 02/26/01 238 „00 03/20/01 01 °150 -52001 8495 360 5120 978343 02/26/01 333.18 03120/01 01-150 °52070 8609 1574 5744 8182 03/02/01 279.00 03120/01 01-150-52100 8504 1062 5708 2/01 02/28/01 2,698.86 03/20/01 01- 150 -53001 8518 159 5688 54961 01/31/01 29197087 03/20/01 01-150 -53001 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 179814092 03/20/01 01-150-53200 8498 1098 3214 2359324 02/25/01 133057 03/20/01 01 °150-53600 8499 615 2932 1537307 02/20/01 30.00 03/20/01 01 °150-53600 1515469 02/05/01 30000 1521780 02/07/01 30000 1470947 01/15/01 27000 8505 415 2931 35112 03/02/01 51080 03/20/01 01- 150°53600 8527 1556 5668 030101 03/01/01 2,000.00 03/20/01 01 °150-53615 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 01 -150 ®53615 8633 1012 3299 496252 02/27/01 40000 03/20101 01 °150-53670 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 01 °150 °53670 8510 1966 5685 503403 02/23/01 400.00 03/20/01 01-150 ®53780 8629 814 5714 24766 03/12/01 1044 03/20/01 01-160 °52100 22508 02/09/01 1.47 22510 02/20/01 1.26 23382 02/08/01 2.80 23383 02/10/01 0.80 23395 02/14/01 13.41 23398 02/19/01 6884 23453 02/23/01 1.92 24292 02/10/01 10089 .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6e0e6 R *APZOCGL -RPT Mar 159 2001 03o17pm Page 1 GL Amount 30048 85041 0.00 48078 71.00 29x99 27.90 26.95 FILM 13.00 190.40 333018 208000 700000 2,197.87 576092 133057 117000 y51.80 2,00000 7045 40.00 57.00 400000 1,44 By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 2 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Tnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 24294 02/02/01 6011 25521 02/22/01 51415 25471 02/06/01 88e12 0615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,252877 03/20101 01°160 °52470 360.07 5621 709 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03120/01 01 °160 °52500 124.95 0521 554 2934 1606 03/01/01 40000 03/20/01 01°160 °53500 4M0 0652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 306.50 03/20/01 01-160-53650 13000 8634 , 2014. 5723.1 . 02/20/01 02/20/01 45.00 03/20/01 01°160-53670 90.00 022001 02/20/01 45.00 0494 497 5494 42226200 02/26/01 467A0 03/20/01 01- 170 -52001 467.40 5652 1030 5103 1535 03/10101 19.29 03/20/01 01 °170 °52100 19,.29 4130 03/06/01 8 n97 0615 764 5755 2/01 02/20/01 15,252.77 0.3/20/01 01-170-U470 149.96 0621 709 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357.15 03/20/01 01 °170°52500 203.55 0572 742 5001 MA -6315 03/00/01 498.00 03/20/01 01-170-53650 490000 0590 497 5575 42 °226930. 03/07/01 139.75 03/20/01 01-170-54400 139.75, 0613 538 3091 030201 03/02/01 6090 03/20/01 01 °101-52100 29.90 03/02/01 03/02/01 259.84 0625 627 5747 110902 02/26/01 51.20 03/20/01 01-101-52100 51020 0701 560 5743 149626 02/14/01 8.95 03/20/01 01 -151 °52100 8o95 0611 591 2072 0240145404 03/00/01 26095 03/20/01 01- 181 -52200 11.10 0240145406 03/00/01 5055 0240144720 03/01/01 26,95 0240/44722 03/01/01 5.55 0615 764 5755 2/01 02/20/01 15,202.77 03/20/01 01-181-52470 6.66 0621 709 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03/20/01 01- 151 -52500 270012 0614 406 5740 122609645-001 03/01/01 570.00 03/20/01 01-181-53001 149099 122966642 °001 03/01/01 17000 122595231°001 03/01/01 149099 0595 1950 5599 67 03/12/01 900.00 03/20/01 01- 101 -53100 900000 0652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 306.50 03/20/01 01 °151°53450 66024 0593 1294 5745 941552055-002 _ _.... 03/02/01 31817 03/20/01 01 ®101 -53500 31017 0520 1004 5709 2/01 _ 02/20/01. 17,014.92 03/20101 01°190 °53200 02014 0492 943 5662 25292 02/23/01 21,90 03/20/01 01-201 °52001 27.06 25315 03/05/01 5.96 0617 221 5663 4655 03/06/01 67045 03/20/01 01-201-52001 67445 0631 1030 5713 7972 02/21/01 130.77 03/20/01 01-201 -52001 20.07 9959 02/27/01 19,00 569 02/09/01 36.51 5526 02/14/01 53.64 5775 02/07/01 40000 9369 02/05/01 19.52 5525 627 2732 111114 03/05/01 152000 03/20/01 01-201-52070 102.00 5493 15 5639 547072470002 02/23/01 36820 03/20/01 01-201 °52100 327.79 547072470001 02/21/01 291059 0496 72 5641 67377 02/21/01 21.00 03/20/01 01- 201 -52100 21000 5613 535 3091 030201 03/02/01 6,90 03/20/01 01 °201 -52100 206097 03/02/01 03/02/01 259,04 0614 406 5745 122659645-001 03/01/01 575,05 03/20/01 01 °201 °52100 54063 122966642 °001 03/01/01 17,05 122595231 °001 03/01/01 149,99 5619 1962 5640 19207 03/06/01 95065 03/20/01 01-201-52100 95065 0625 406 5726 5162 03/06/01 299099 03/20/01 01-201-52100 299,99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) vity of Owasso )pen claims by GL Account etaim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8629 814 5714 24766 03/12/01 1044 03/20/01 01 °201 °52100 22508 02/09/01 1.47 22510 02/20/01 1026 23382 02/08/01 2080 23383 02/10/01 0.80 23395 02/14/01 13.41 23398 02/19/01 6084 23453 02/23/01 1092 24292 02/10/01 10089 24294 02/02/01 6811 25521 02/22/01 51°18 25471 02406/01 88412 8631 1038 5713 7972 02/21/01 130077 03/20/01 01-201-52100 9959 02/21/01 19.88 869 02/09/01 36.51 5526 02/14/01 53.64 5775 02/07/01 40.08 9369 02/05/01 19082 8489 485 5659 21901 °03 02/19/01 65x25 03/20/01 01 °201 °52200 22101 °01 02/21/01 48000 22201 °01 02/22/01 117000 22201°02 02/22/01 93.85 8507 812 5669 1516075830 02/02/01 1488 03/20/01 01 °201 °52400 1516075974 02/09/01 4.99 1516076086 02/16/01 14.71 151507597`,3 02/09/01 9087 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282077 03/20/01 01 °201-52470 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357,15 03/20/01 01-201-52500 8485 939 2735 030101 03/01/01 150000 03/20/01 01 °201°53001 8486 1055 5656 2341 02/22/01 65.00 03/20/01 01- 201 -53001 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814092 03/20/01 01- 201 -53200 8522 642 2733 200-2/01 02/28/01 78.43 03/20/01 01 °201-53470 202 -2 02/28/01 74883 203°2 02/28/01 50.14 204 °2 02/28/01 64.23 205-2 02/28/01 5014 206 °2 02/28/01 68°74 208-2 02/28/01 28025 209-2 02/28/01 55,24 210-2 02/28/01 92.47 211 °2 02/28/01 125,69 212-2 02/28/01 25069 213-2 02/28/01 156,70 214 °2 02/28/01 134011 215.2 02/28/01 79,63 218 ®2 02/28/01 35096 219-2 02/28/01 115.72 220-2 02/28/01 48.81 221-2 02/28/01 75802 222-2 02/28/01 38053 223 °2 02/28/01 77007 224-2 02/28/01 105042 225-2 02/28/01 77006 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Retease 6.0,6 R*APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 3 GL Amount 96.68 159.10 21058 1,199.45 2,046071 150000 65000 456.98 2,219 „63 By SCOTT SHAD9OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 227 °2 02/28/01 150088 229 ®2 02/28/01 28.26 230-2 02/28/01 87°46 233°2 02/28/01 64.22 236 °2 02/28/01 180.88 237 °2 02/28/01 43.67 238 -2 02/28/01 51038 8698 938 5797 2/01 NON °PLHXAR 02/28/01 388.33 03/20/01 01 °201 °53610 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 01 °201 °53650 8620 405 5768 03050, 03/05/01 60.00 03/20101 01 °201-53670 8523 1936 5452 11901 03/01/01 4,028 00 03/20/01 01-201-54500 8524 1168 5449 177723701 02/28/01 594.13 03120/01 01- 201 -54500 177723702 03/05/01 1,448452 8629 814 5714 24766 03/12/01 1.44 03/20/01 01- 215-53090 22508 02/09/01 1.47 22510 02/20/01 1026 23382 02/08/01 2080 23383 02/10/01 0.80 23395 02/14/01 13.41 23398 02/19/01 6.84 23453 02/23/01 1092 24292 02/10/01 10089 24294 02/02/01 6.11 25521 02/22101 51018 25471 02/06/01 88.12 8630 574 5725 9578 02/06101 14.25 03/20/01 01-215-53090 9601 02/12/01 25050 9655 02/21/01 19.13 9700 02/27101 24075 9545 02/01/01 15000 9643 02/19/01 10,50 8618. 766 2734 04-2118551 03/01/01 350.00 03/20/01 01- 215 -53500 8490 496 5660 2734 02/22/01 1078 03/20/01 010221052100 2730 02/22101 52,88 2552 02/03/01 30051 8630 574 5725 9578 02106/01 14.25 03/20/01 01 °221 -52100 9601 02/12/01 25050 9655 02/21/01 19 »13 9700 02/27/01 24075 9545 02/01/01 15800 9643 02/19/01 10,50 8631 1038 5713 7972 02/21/01 130.77 03/20/01 01 °221°52100 9959 02/27/01 19088 869 02/09/01 36051 5526 02/14/01 53°64 5775 02107101 40 „08 9369 02105/01 19082 8487 722 5657 441 02/24/01 112000 03/20/01 01 °221 °52200 8488 897 5658 2031200140481 02/19/01 185,70 03/20/01 01 °221°52200 2041200144821 02/23/01 149°95 8489 485 5659 21901-03 02/19/01 65025 03/20/01 01-221-52200 22101-01 02/21/01 48°00 22201-01 02/22/01 117000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.006 R*APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 4 GL Amount 49058 70000 60.00 4,028 00 2,042.65 88.12 25.50 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso )pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# hold Vendor Invoice# 8615 764 8621 789 8491 548 8520 1084 8627 386 8652 1002 8475 10:38 €1500 812 3_ 1002 1070 158 1075 1002 182 857 764 789 124 483 252 1301 1084 1110 1961 1930 1084 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 02122/01 22201 -02 5669 1516075830 02102/01 1516075974 03/20/01 1516076086 02/09/01 1515075973 5755 2/01 5750 2925 5661 33301 5709 2/01 5715 030101 5766 032001 5371 4052 03/01/01 8486 03/20/01 5130 02/20/01 147.75 03/20101 _1492 /247 02/28/01 922 5370 1518075831 03/01/01 1503075823 03/20/01 1503075964 03/20/01 1503076078 5766 032001 5680 8440 5654 022301 5554 49206 5766 032001 5617 61885 2868 CEPO D183326 01/30/01 D183539 D183993 02/21101 D184431 D184559 03/06/01 0184770 D184183 02/02/01 08811 03/20/01 D184184 02/02101 D184576 D184698 02/09/01 D184535 D183455 02/16101 D182628 D182133 5755 2/01 5750 2925 2787 3/01 2789 3/01 2791 3/01 2794 3/01 5709 2/01 5643 K62988608 5618 13452 5392 14759 _.. 5709 2/01 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 02122/01 93,85 02102/01 1088 03/20/01 01- 221°52400 02/09/01 4099 02/16/01 14°71 02/09/01 9487 02/28/01 15,282 77 03/20/01 01 -221 -52470 03/01/01 68357.15 03/20/01 01-221 -52500 02/20/01 147.75 03/20101 01 -221 -53001 02/28/01 178814092 03/20/01 01- 221°53200 03/01/01 70800 03/20/01 01-221 -53670 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 01- 250 -52001 02121/01 6072 03/20/01 01°250 -52100 02/24/01 12094 02/05/01 44.41 01/30/01 32024 02/21101 24°54 03/06/01 3.97 02/02/01 10.26 03/20/01 01- 250 -52100 02/02101 1.67 02/09/01 5099 02/16101 44088 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 01-250-52100 02/26/01 84.98 03/20/01 01- 250-52200 02123/01 18531096 03/20101 01- 250 -52200 03/07/01 119069 03/20/01 01 -250 -52200 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 01- 250-52200 02/21/01 200000 03/20/01 01-250 -52470 02/21/01 18.37 03/20/01 01- 250-52470 02/23/01 75.13 02128/01 19840 03/05/01 29088 03/07/01 18013 03/08/01 7.37 03/02/01 193.04 03/06/01 -37.28 03/02101 77062 03/07/01 7.36 03/08/01 3099 03/06/01 1992 02/22/01 21.07 02/13/01 9026 02/07/01 6043 02/28/01 15,282077 03/20101 01 -250 -52470 03/01/01 6,357.15 03/20/01 01- 250 -52500 03/01/01 49°50 03/20/01 01-250-53010 03/01/01 49050 03/20/01 01 -250 -53010 03/01/01 49 ®50 03/20/01 01- 250-53010 03/01/01 49°50 03120/01 01- 250 -53010 02/28/01 17,814092 03120/01 01- 250 -53200 02/20/01 129.50 03/20/01 01 -250 -53505 02/13/01 404.00 03/20/01 01- 250 -53650 02/27/01 50.00 03/20/01 01- 250 -54400 02/28/01 17,814.92 03/20/01 01- 280 -53200 Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 5 GI_ Amount 9.87 0,00 2412 147.75 599025 70.00 3,75 124082 62080 3053 84°98 1,531.96 11969 6.95 200°00 15069 ;CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03m17pm Page 6 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor invoice# Invc Ot Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8698 938 5797 2/01 NON- PLEXAR 02/28/01 388.33 03/20/01 01-280-53610 96075 8461 1058 5694 136809 02/24/01 285 ®68 03/20/01 01-300-52100 530°25 168909 02/28/01 244,57 8466 1408 4619 2093 02/27/01 937063 03/20/01 01 -300 °52100 937.63 8468 1873 5365 25-2114832 02/26/01 465.,42 03/20/01 01 °300-52100 465.42 8580 812 5176 1513075680 01126/01 25.97 03/20/01 01 °300-52100 0.00 1508076221 02/23/01 5096 1511075827 02/02/01 29.40 8581 100 5578 538752 03/06/01 60.00 03/20/01 01 °300 °52100 630000 538848 03106/01 480.00 538763 03/06/01 90.00 8582 366 5557 637956 02/20/01' 17859 03/20/01 01-300-52100 54037 638726 03/01/01 36078 8584 941 4968 209891 03/04/01 420 „01 03/20/01 01-300 -52100 420.01 8587 1056 5147 64110 02/27/01 25.89 03/20/01 01 °300-52100 25.89 8623 1050 2870 11773 02/28/01 52075 03/20/01 01-300-52100 13000 8684 941 4968 210418 03/06/01 34.50 03/20/01 01-300-52100 34.50 8687 1834 5761 4986 03/02/01 500.00 03/20/01 01-300 -52100 500.00 8503 591 5783 8240144723 03/01/01 20035 03/20/01 01-300-52200 28045 8240144725 03/01/01 21070 8240144726 03/01/01 72085 824144717 03/01/01 28 ®45 8240144718 03/01/01 18.35 824144724 03/01/01 4055 8583 1144 5559 011901 01/19/01 56095 03/20/01 01° 300-52200 0000 011701 01/17/01 90091 8693 1038 5167 7795 03/01/01 39.92 03/20/01 01 °300-52200 0.00 8694 239 5346 100916 03/07/01 62,36 03/20/01 01- 300-52200 12.47 8702 591 5833 8240145487 03/08/01 20.35 03/20/01 01-300-52200 28045 8240145489 03/08/01 34.60 8240145490 03/08/01 53.50 8240145481 03/08/01 28045 8240145482 03/08/01 18.35 8240145488 03/08/01 4.55 8462 647 5693 273000 10/24/00 586 ®00 03/20/01 01- 300-52220 586000 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282.77 03/20/01 01-300-52470 2,135 02 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03/20/01 01-300 ®52500 495017 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814.92 03/20/01 01-300-53200 954024 8519 1084 5707 167841949 02/28/01 3,723074 03/20/01 01-300-53210 3,723074 8581 100 5578 538752 03/06/01 60000 03/20/01 01-300 °53500 0.00 538848 03/06/01 480.00 538763 03/06/01 90000 8585 594 4286 16520361 °001 03/07/01 99000 03/20/01 01 °300 °53500 99°00 8587 1056 5147 64110 02/27/01 25089 03/20/01 01-300-53500 0,00 8678 1614 4345 3 03/07/01 20,206.80 03/20/01,01-300 -54100 20,206.80 8471 812 5684 1506075825 02/02/01 1004 03/20/01 01 °515 °52100 23,53 1512075971 02/09/01 11015 1512076084 02/16/01 4036 1512076141 02/19/01 6.98 8472 792 5683 13864 02/08/01 °8.74 03/20/01 01-515 °52100 90 „31 13882 02/12/01 °4.27 53622 01/29/01 62092 54098 02/06/01 3.66 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT By SCOTT SHA®6OLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 7 )pen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 54116 02/06/01 8074 54296 02/09/01 20°70 54396 02/09/01 3003 54401 02/09/01 4027 8484 1952 5560 05664555 02/27/01 375000 03/20/01 01 °515 °52100 375.00 8645 591 5137 0240142415 02/00/01 15005 03/20/01 01-515 -52200 58°40 0240143100 02/15/01 14.45 0240143944 02/22/01 14845 8240144721 03/01/01 14045 0699 1144 5796 022001 02/20/01 50000 03/20/01 01-515-52200 50.00 0615 764 5755 2/01 02/20/01 15,202°77 03/20/01 01-515 °52470 961.11 0621 709 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03/20/01 01-515 -52500 177.15 0520. 1004. 5709 ... 2/01.. 02/20/01 17,014.92 03/20/01 01515 °53200 662x61 0614 406 5740 122609645 °001 03/01/01 570.00 03/20/01 01 550 °52100 341°97 122966642•x001 03/01/01 17.00 122090231 °001 03/01/01 149099 0615 764 5755 2/01 02/20/01 15,202.77 03/20/01 01-550-52470 0.00 0621 709 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357015 03/20/01 01- 550-52500 18.50 0520 1004 5709 2/01 02/20/01 17,014092 03/20/01 01 °550-53200 512.24 0574 531 5767 237504 03/06/01 21050 03/20/01 01-710-53605 21050 0506 1960 5706 020501 02/05/01 169050 03/20/01 01-710 °53650 169.58 0635 399 5734 790002 01/25/01 554070 03/20/01 01-710 °53670 554070 FOND Total 60,310022 0456 1470 5710 2701 02/23/01 42010 03/20/01 20- 000-44279 94037 207 02/27/01 52.27 0526 1965 5666 022101 02/21/01 76866 03/20/01 20-000-44279 76.66 0477 904 5372 53031 02/20/01 67.00 03/20/01 20- 255 -52100 125400 52601 01/30/01 24.00 52025 02/12/01 26000 52796 02/00/01 0000 0641 66 5550 340034 02/19/01 602025 03/20/01 20- 255 -52100 634.08 340105 02/20/01 19.44 340600 02/26/01 12.39 0642 1405 5717 C °10001150 03/07/01 38.42 03/20/01 20 ®255 -52100 139.66 0910081161 03/07/01 22064 C °10001099 03/06/01 70060 8643 362 3894 33660 03/07/01 60.00 03/20/01 20-255 °52100 60°00 0473 1963 5644 60022020 02/19/01 24076 03/20/01 20-255 °52470 24076 8502 1149 5794 030101 03/01/01 250.00 03/20/01 20 °255 °53001 250000 0697 035 5002 022801 02/20/01 2,637 „27 03/20/01 20-255-53001 28637427 0562 152 5707 14050 03/13/01 110.50 03/20/01 20-255 -53650 110.50 FOND Total 4,152°30 0470 930 4027 G911-2/01 02/27/01 2,101804 03/20/01 21-215 °53610 2,101004 FOND Total 2,101 04 0677 1534 3826 6 03/09/01 33,263.55 03/20/01 40-000-54210-004 33,263.55 aCSoAP Accounts Payable Release 600.6 R APZOCGL RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8511 127 5509 405014201 02/27/01 480.19 03/20/01 41 °255 °54100 8589 475 3350 72902 03/04/01 130.00 03/20/01 47- 000.54100 -016 8675 1518 3671 1 12/07/00 3,285000 03/20/01 47 ®000-54100-016 8676 1509 3679 1 01/04/01 28,059.94 03/20/01 47 °000 - 54100-016 8663 42 5818 93303843 02/22/01 °80.00 03/20/01 55-000-44901 93328127 03/02/01 374000 9331344/ 02/26/01 51862 93337135 03/06/01 399.12 93341033 03/07/01 71020 8664 191 5819 44444 03/01/01 879.68 03/20/01 55-000-44901 8665 454 5820 724602 03/01/01 176.48 03/20/01 55 °000 °44901 728446 03/01/01 80 ®86 682876 03/01/01 90°00 795225 03/06/01 191.17 784279 03/02/01 103 ®97 671638 03/01/01 270.00 794789 03/06/01 186.37 761440 02122/01 398.32 738233 02/12/01 10.94 794788 03/06/01 228.83 CM14664 03129/00 °128020 8668 950 5823 300094 03/01/01 423.47 03/20101 55-000 -44901 299880 03/01/01 423.47 300053 03/01/01 1,924098 8669 57 5824 655981 03/01/01 3,300000 03120/01 55- 000 -44901 655980 03/01/01 1,543 50 651480 03/01/01 912000 655831 03/01/01 780.00 650577 02/28101 195.50 8671 1019 5825 32974 03/01/01 112048 03/20/01 55- 000 -44901 8672 1549 5826 242559 02/16/01 786.91 03/20/01 55 °000 °44901 242569 02/16/01 731°94 8673 314 5827 4965828 03/01/01 170014 03/20/01 55-000444901 8566 336 5775 12518 03/09/01 51°72 03/20/01 55 ®000 °44950 12387 03102/01 27.48 8567 1151 5776 6791 03105/01 54,.90 03/20/01 55 °000 -44950 8568 84 5777 3712722 03/05/01 192°32 03/20/01 55-000 -44950 8569 678 5778 159808 03109/01 15 ®63 03/20/01 55-000 °44950 159813 03108/01 7.58 1821153 03/05/01 52 ®70 159879 03/13/01 26 ®95 8570 732 5779 58444062 03/06/01 283.31 03/20/01 55 °000 °44950 8571 812 5772 656076562 03/13/01 24 ®98 03/20/01 55 ®600-52100 1513075473 01/16/01 0.29 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 8 GL Amount FUND Total V 33,263.55 480019 FUND Total 480019 130.00 3,285000 28;059.94 FUND Total 31 474.94 815094 879.68 1,608074 3,491000 112°48 1,518,85 170014 79020 54.90 15.00 75091 258,81. 24.98 By SCOTT SNADBOLT (SRS) Aty of Owasso 1pen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Mold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account Mar 158 2001 03a17pm Page 9 GL Amount OEM 39.56 31.62 679.76 211.17 532.90 22.00 510.09 20.00 6.88 399.61 235.65 334.60 122.39 103.65 24.50 83.32 820.59 41.00 48138.00 FUND Total 248211.35 0.00 By SCOTT SMAD80LT (SRS) 1506076080 02/16/01 3.49 656076307 02/28/01 19.96 656076469 03/08/01 20.94 8669 57 5824 655981 03/01/01 3 ®300.00 03/20/01 55 °600 -52150 655980 03/01/01 18543.50 651480 03/01/01 972.00 655831 03/01/01 780.00 650577 02/28/01 195.50 8653 85 5805 535554126 02/07/01 4.99 03/20/01 55-610 -52100 535563972 02/18/01 5.59 535582963 03/12/01 9.99 8660 37 5815 0UCD11 02/20/01 39.56 03/20/01 55 °610 -52100 8662 645 5817 422950 03/13/01 11.90 03/20/01 55-610 °52105 417208 02/27/01 9.90 420386 03/06/01 9x82 8659 774 5814 358262 02/22/01 334.60 03/20/01 55-610 °•52110 358225 02/22/01 679.76 8654 941 5808 209116 02/21/01 211.17 03/20/01 55-610-52120 8655 657 5809 46122 02/28/01 532.90 03/20/01 55-610-52120 8657 1352 5811 10778 03/02/01 22.00 03/20/01 55-610052500 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814.92 03/20/01 55-610-53200 8476 1132 5605 4013619 02/26/01 20.00 03/20/01 55-610-53408 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386.50 03/20/01 55°610 -53408 8656 1718 5810 139596 02/26/01 399.61 03/20/01 55 °610 °53408 8658 40 5813 740799 03/09/01 200.18 03/20/01 55-610-53408 740800 03/09/01 35.47 8659 774 5814 358262 02/22/01 334.60 03/20/01 55 °610°53408 358225 02/22/01 679.76 8661 342 5816 36853 03/06/01 122.39 03/20/01 55-610-53408 8568 84 5777 3712722 03/05/01 192.32 03/20/01 55-670-52100 8570 732 5779 58444062 03/06/01 283.31 03/20/01 55-670-52100 8565 595 5774 69833 03/09/01 56.66 03/20/01 55-670-53500 66632 03/02/01 67.66 8457 1171 5780 452115 02/28/01 100.00 03/20/01 55-690-53600 8666 867 5821 030501 03/05/01 250.00 03/20/01 55-690 °53600 8667 1350 5822 9140 03/02/01 149.50 03/20/01 55 ®690-53600 8564 1038 5773 1982 03/08/01 4 1 87 03/20/01 55- 691-52100 8568 84 5777 3712722 03/05/01 192.32 03/20/01 55 °691 °52100 8571 812 5772 656076562 03/13/01 24.98 03/20/01 55-691-52100 1513075473 01/16/01 0.29 1506076080 02/16/01 3.49 656076307 02/28/01 19.96 656076469 03/08/01 20.94 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 178814.92 03/20/01 55 ®691°53200 8565 595 5774 69833 03/09/01 56.66 03/20/01 55 °691 ®53300 66632 03/02/01 67.66 8509 89 4508 1 03/01/01 4 ®138.00 03/20/01 55 ®800 °55300 8614 406 5748 122689645 -001 03/01/01 578.08 03/20/01 61 °400 °52001 122966642 °001 03/01/01 17.08 122898231 ®001 03/01/01 149.99 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL'*RPT Mar 158 2001 03a17pm Page 9 GL Amount OEM 39.56 31.62 679.76 211.17 532.90 22.00 510.09 20.00 6.88 399.61 235.65 334.60 122.39 103.65 24.50 83.32 820.59 41.00 48138.00 FUND Total 248211.35 0.00 By SCOTT SMAD80LT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8624 1143 5746 5753290 02/26/01 238000 03/20/01 61- 400 -52001 0602 1030 5103 1535 03/10/01 19429 03/20/01 61-400 -52001 4130 03/06/01 8o97 0613 530 3091 030201 03/02/01 6090 03/20/01 61 °400 -52400 03/02/01 03/02/01 259004 0450 1164 5712 11351 02/20/01 114000 03/20/01 61- 400-53001 11352 02/20/01 110400 0504 1062 5700 2/01 02/20/01 2,690.06 03/20/01 61-400 -53001 0520 1004 5709 2/01 02/20/01 17,014°92 03120/01 61- 400-53200 0459 360 5317 39125A 02/22/01 35 00 03/20/01 61- 400 -53400 975297 02/26/01 69045 0640 264 3326 030301 03/03/01 151420 03/20/01 61- 405 -53070 0649 371 3325 022001 02/20/01 550°00 03/20/01 61-405-53070 0650 1152 3322 030601 03/06/01 100040 03/20/01 61-405-53070 0651 171 3324 022701 02/27/01 409.00 03/20/01 61°405-53070 0704 30 5034 030101 03/01/01 195.60 03/20/01 61- 405.53070 0573 1557 5334 52205 03/09/01 919002 03/20/01 61- 405 -53620 0614 406 5740 122689645-001 03/01/01 570.00 03/20/01 61 -420 -52001 122966642 -001 03/01/01 17,00 122090231°001 03/01/01 149.99 0500 012 5176 1513075600 01/26/01 25097 03120/01 61- 420-52100 1500076221 02/23/01 5.96 1511075027 02/02/01 29.40 0605 027 5364 109242 02/21/01 52000 03120/01 61- 420-52100 111205 02/21/01 88a00 272097 02/21/01 47000 0609 1039 53€10 320650 02/19/01 1,017.50 03/20/01 61- 420 -52100 320352 02/00/01 1,942450 0691 1039 5704 329749 02/27/01 25056 03/20/01 61- 420-52100 329120 02/20/01 329000 329127 02/23101 172.61 329977 03/01/01 23.37 329976 03/01/01 201000 0460 649 5645 13931 02/23/01 112040 03/20101 61- 420 -52200 0503 591 5703 0240144723 03/01/01 20.35 03120/01 61-420 -52200 0240144725 03/01/01 21070 0240144726 03/01/01 72.05 024144717 03/01/01 20845 0240144710 03/01/01 10035 024144724 03/01/01 4.55 0503 1144 5559 011901 01/19/01 56,95 03/20/01 61- 420 -52200 011701 01/17/01 90091 0693 1030 5167 7795 03/01/01 39092 03/20/01 61 -420 -52200 0694 239 5346 100916 03/07/01 62°36 03/20/01 61- 420 -52200 0702 591 5033 0240145407 03/00/01 20035 03/20/01 61- 420 -52200 0240145409 03/00/01 34060 0240145490 03/08/01 53050 0240145401 03/00/01 20045 0240145402 03/00/01 10035 0240145400 03/00101 4,55 0500 012 5176 1513075600 01/26/01 25,97 03/20/01 61- 420 -52400 1500076221 02/23/01 5.96 1511075027 02/02/01 29.40 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 10 GL Amount 47,60 $497 29007 UUMM 1,998.86 005010 104045 151020 550000 188.40 409.00 195°60 919002 0.00 29.40 140.00 2,960000 031.54 60.50 21070 By SCOTT SHAD6oLi (SRS) ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account [aim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8582 366 5557 637956 02/20/01 17059 03/20/01 61-420 ®52400 638726 03/01/01 36878 8690 1039 5556 329584 02/26/01 25°63 03/20/01 61- 420 -52400 326918 02/09/01 56.00 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282.77 03/20/01 61 °420-52470 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 61 °420 °52470 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357.15 03/20/01 61-420-52500 8563 729 5031 T12371 03/02/01 5,120.00 03/20/01 61 -420 °53075 T12380 03/06/01 3,881.30 T12387 03/13 /01 2,760 00 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814.92 03/20/01 61-420 °53200 8464 1225 5701 529 02/27/01 1,500.00 03/20/01 61-420-53400 8467 1404 5692 4183 02/22/01 420„00 03/20/01 61- 420 -53400 8587 1056 5147 64;10 02/27/01 25089 03/20101 61-420-53505 8698 938 5797 2/01 NON- PLEXAR 07/28101 388 „33 03/20/01 61- 420 -53610 8679 773 5500 041301 04/13/01 80¢00 03/20/01 61 °420 °53650 8705 773 5576 4/13/01 04/13/01 80.00 03/20/01 61- 420 -53650 8614 406 5748 122689645-001 03/01/01 578.08 03/20/01 61- 450 -52001 122966642 °001 03/01/01 17.0€3 122898231°001 03/01/01 149.99 8682 1038 5183 1535 03/10/01 19029 03/20/01 61-450-52001 4138 03/06/01 8097 8463 763 2746 9679964 02/16/01 28.52 03/20/01 61°450 °52100 8682 1038 5183 1535 03/10/01 19„29 03/20/01 610450 °52100 4138 03/06/01 8097 8465 688 5027 10 °0102 -57613 02/26/01 242000 03/20/01 61-450-52110 8579 688 5027 10010357958 03108/01 442000 03/20/01 61 °450 °52110 10010357817 03/05/01 442.00 8692 1907 5703 775317 02/26/01 °713 „86 03/20/01 61- 450°52110 775880 03/03/01 2,293.20 8503 591 5783 8240144723 03/01/01 20835 03/20/01 61°450-52200 8240144725 03/01/01 21.70 8240144726 03/01/01 72 ®85 824144717 03/01/01 28.45 8240144718 03/01/01 18.35 824144724 03/01/01 4.55 8583 1144 5559 011901 01/19/01 56895 03/20/01 61-450-52200 011701 01/17/01 90091 8693 1038 5167 7795 03/01/01 39092 03/20/01 61-450-52200 8694 239 5346 100916 03/07/01 62036 03/20/01 61-450 ®52200 8702 591 5833 8240145487 03/08/01 20035 03/20/01 61 °450-52200 8240145489 03/08/01 34060 8240145490 03/08/01 53.50 8240145481 03/08/01 28.45 8240145482 03/08/01 18.35 8240145488 03/08/01 4.55 8580 812 5176 1513075680 01/26/01 25097 03/20/01 61-450 °52400 1508076221 02/23/01 5.96 1511075827 02/02/01 29,40 8582 366 5557 637956 02/20/01 17059 03/20101 61 °450 °52400 638726 03/01/01 36078 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282077 03/20/01 61-450 -52470 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357 ®15 03/20/01 61-450 °52500 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 11 GL Amount 0°00 81.63 105931 6050 507052 11,761030 46316 1,500000 42000 0.00 66400 40.,00 40400 0.00 000 28052 0.00 242.00 884.00 1,579°34 20 „35 90091 0 „00 12847 20035 0,00 259094 109096 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# hold vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814°92 03/20/01 61- 450-53200 8614 406 5748 122689645 -001 03/01/01 578008 03/20/01 61- 455 -52001 122966642 -001 03/01/01 17408 122898231-001 03101/01 149099 8490 496 5660 2734 02/22/01 1078 03/20/01 61- 455 -52100 2730 02/22/01 52088 2552 02/03/01 30051 8685 827 5364 109242 02/21/01 52.00 03/20/01 61- 455 -52100 111285 02/21/01 88000 272897 02121101 47200 8686 630 5764 196340 02/01101 192.47 03/20/01 61-455-52100 8688 1039 3905 330223 03802,01 ,05,00 03®20801 61- 455 °52100 8460 649 5645 13931 02/23/01 112048 03/20/01 61- 455 -52200 8503 591 5783 8240144723 03/01/01 20035 03/20/01 61- 455 -52200 8240144725 03/01/01 21.70 8240144726 03/01/01 72.85 824144717 03101/01 28045 8240144718 03/01/01 18035 824144724 03/01/01 4055 8583 1144 5559 011901 01/19/01 56095 03/20/01 61-455-52200 011701 01/17/01 90.91 8693 1038 5167 7795 03/01/01 39492 03/20/01 61- 455-52200 8694 239 5346 100916 03/07/01 62036 03/20/01 61-455 -52200 8702 591 5833 8240145487 03/08/01 20035 03/20/01 61- 455 -52200 8240145489 03/08/01 34060 8240145490 03/08/01 53.50 8240145481 03/08/01 28445 8240145482 03/08/01 18035 8240145488 03/08/01 4055 8578 1773 4741 55143 01/26/01 1,471.83 03/20/01 61- 45552400 55322 01/30/01 113035 55748 02107/01 100.00 56027 02/13/01 107079 8580 812 5176 1513075680 01/26/01 25.97 03/20/01 61- 455 -52400 1508076221 02/23/01 5 ®96 1511075827 02/02/01 29040 8582 366 5557 637956 02/20/01 17.59 03/20/01 61- 455-52400 638726 03/01/01 36.78 8615 764 5755 2/01 02128/01 15,282077 03/20/01 61- 455 -52470 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357,15 03/20/01 61- 455 -52500 8683 1954 5580 030801 03/08/01 325.00 03/20/01 61- 455 -53001 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814.92 03/20/01 61-455-53200 8577 475 5696 72903 03/04/01 65.00 03/20/01 61-455-53505 8586 594 5702 16228716 -001 03/01/01 123 ®00 03/20/01 61 -455 -53505 8587 1056 5147 64110 02/27/01 25°89 03/20/01 61- 455 -53505 8698 938 5797 2/01 NON- PLEXAR 02/28/01 388.33 03/20/01 61- 455 -53610 8679 773 5500 041301 04/13/01 80.00 03/20/01 61 -455 -53650 8680 773 5691 41301 04113/01 40.00 03/20/01 61- 455 -53650 8705 M 5576 4/13/01 04/13/01 80,00 03/20/01 61- 455 -53650 8614 406 5748 122689645 -001 03/01/01 578008 03/20/01 61- 480-52001 122966642 -001 03/01/01 17.08 122898231 -001 03/01/01 149.99 8503 591 5783 8240144723 03/01/01 20035 03120/01 61- 480-52200 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT Mar 15, 2001 03 :17pm Page 12 GL Amount 9,661°46 0000 47000 192847 105.00 43.98 72°85 56095 0800 12048 53050 1,792.97 H#1 481.66 325.00 x;.04 123.00 0.00 176.00 1.1! 40.00 40.00 1.1 18035 By SCOTT SNAD6OLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03e17pm Page 13 ipen Claims by GL Account ;laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240144725 03/01/01 21°70 8240144726 03/01/01 72.85 824144717 03/01/01 28.45 8240144718 03/01/01 18.35 824144724 03/01/01 4.55 8583 1144 5559 011901 01/19/01 56.95 03/20/01 61-480-52200 0.00 011701 01/17/01 90091 8693 1038 5167 7795 03/01/01 39092 03/20/01 61 °480 °52200 0.00 8694 239 5346 100916 03/07/01 62036 03/20/01 61-480-52200 12447 8702 591 5833 8240145487 03/08/01 20035 03/20/01 61-480-52200 18.35 8240145489 03/08/01 34060 8240145490 03/08 /01 53050 8240145481 03/08/01 28°45 8240145482 03/08/01 18035 8240145488 03/08/01 4055 8580 812 5176 1513075680 01/26/01 25.97 03/20/01 61-480 -52400 5096 1508076221 02/23/01 5.,96 1511075827 02/02/01 29040 8582 366 5557 637956 02/20/01 17059 03/20/01 61 °480°52400 0.00 638726 03/01/01 36°78 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28101 15,282077 03/20/01 61°480452470 9,493082 8652 1002 5766 032001 03/20/01 386050 03/20/01 61 °480 °52470 9.00 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357.15 03/20/01 61 %480-52500 1,140.13 8503 591 5783 8240144723 03/01/01 20835 03/20/01 61-485 °52200 4055 8240144725 03/01/01 21.70 8240144726 03/01/01 72°85 824144717 03/01/01 28.45 8240144718 03/01101 18.35 824144724 03/01/01 4.55 8693 1038 5167 7795 03101/01 39092 03/20/01 61-485-52200 0.00 8702 591 5833 8240145487 03/08/01 20035 03/20101 61-485 -52200 4055 8240145489 03/08/01 34.60 8240145490 03/08/01 53050 8240145481 03/08/01 28.45 8240145482 03/08/01 18.35 8240145488 03/08/01 4055 8571 812 5772 656076562 03/13/01 24°98 03/20/01 61 °485-52400 3.49 1513075473 01/16/01 0029 1506076080 02/16/01 3.49 656076307 02/28/01 19.96 656076469 03/08/01 20094 8580 812 5176 1513075680 01/26/01 25.97 03/20/01 61 °485-52400 0.00 1508076221 02/23/01 5,96 1511075827 02/02/01 29040 8520 1084 5709 2/01 02/28/01 17,814092 03/20/01 61 °485-53200 212824 FUND Total 53,138.00 8588 263 3193 5 01/15/01 47,790000 03/20/01 62 °450 -53001 47,790.00 8681 263 3193 20 03/01/01 21,726.43 03/20/01 62 °450 °53001 21,726.43 8674 1392 3165 10 02/20/01 158,869071 03/20/01 62- 450 -54274 158,869071 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *APZOCGL *RPT By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Mar 15, 2001 03a17pm Page 14 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Bold Vendor invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount FUND TotaL V228,386e14 8508 717 3291 69525 °3/01 03/01/01 23 „000.00 03/20/01 65- 800 -55000 23,000000 FUND Total 23,000.00 8695 818 5804 4063411 03/09/01 3,000.00 03/20/01 67-800-55500 3,000000 FUND Total 3,000.00 8614 406 5748 122689645°001 03 /01 /Oi 578608 03120101 70 °185 - 5200'1 0900 122966642°001 03/01/01 17A8 122898231-001 03/01/01 149.99 8612 605 5456 109089 02/08/01 1,025 00 03/20/01 70 °185 °52050 1,025000 8571 812 5772 656076562 03/13/01 24.98 03/20/01 70-185-52100 0029 1513075473 01/16/01 0.29 1506076080 02/16/01 3049 656076307 02/28/01 19096 656076469 03/08/01 20094 8622 1054 5741 40071391 02/21/01 155095 03/20/01 70°185 °52100 155.95 8623 1050 2870 11773 02/28/01 52075 03/20/01 70-185 °52100 39°75 8611 591 2872 8240145484 03/08/01 26095 03/20/01 70 °185-52200 53°90 8240145486 03/08/01 5.55 8240144720 03/01/01 26095 8240144722 03/01/01 5055 8597 465 5612 95814 02/21/01 50000 03/20/01 70-185-52400 50000 8615 764 5755 2/01 02/28/01 15,282.77 03/20/01 70- 185-52470 220,09 8621 789 5750 2925 03/01/01 6,357815 03/20/01 70-185 °52500 O.00 8591 1029 5742 5011041 02/26/01 735050 03/20/01 70- 185-52920 735°50 8592 573 5736 10873 03/06/01 246000 03120/01 70°185 °52920 492000 10854 02/26/01 246000 FOCS653553 02/26/01 21075 8596 932 5739 577946 02/21/01 65°00 03/20/01 70-185 °52920 65.00 8600 446 2873 CRPO 155-289785 02/15/01 77.33 03/20/01 70- 185 -52920 196098 155-282894 01/23/01 3099 155-281804 01/19/01 26.48 155-287786 02/08/01 34°84 155-287788 02/08/01 54034 8602 771 5585 250684 02/15/01 35.46 03/20/01 70- 18552920 35.46 8604 857 2868 CGPO D183326 02/21/01 18.37 03/20/01 70 °185 °52920 454°00 D183539 02/23/01 75.13 D183993 02/28/01 19040 D184431 03/05/01 29088 D184559 03/07/01 18,13 D184770 03/08/01 7.37 D184183 03/02/01 193004 08811 03/06/01 °37.28 D184184 03/02/01 77.62 D184576 03/07/01 7 ®36 D184698 03/08/01 3099 D184535 03/06/01 19.92 D183455 02/22/01 21007 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R*APZOCGL *RPT By SCOTT SLIADQOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account [aim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 02/13/01 9.26 4306 D182628 02/07/01 6,43 03/20/01 D182133 8605 865 5740 5481 02/21/01 96013 03/20/01 6466 8606 698 5737 191637 03/06/01 183065 03/20/01 191954 02/28/01 -39.04 4673 191736 8520 1084 5709 2/01 8592 573 5736 10873 02/26/01 246°00 03/20/01 10854 02/26/01 21075 5619 FOCS653553 8607 660 5636 128571 8608 648 5738 1676 02/26/01 179047 03/20/01 1673 8616 1199 5434 5023 8703 364 5832 161283 02/05/01 45000 5731 161103 02/26/01 97000 03/20/01 161721 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 02/13/01 9.26 4306 3857 02/07/01 6,43 03/20/01 76 °150 °53001 03/07/01 394080 03/20/01 70- 185-52920 02/21/01 96013 03/20/01 76-150 -53750 02/27/01 195020 03/20/01 70-185-52920 03/06/01 183065 03/20/01 76-150 °53750 02/28/01 -39.04 4673 1882386 02/28/01 17,814492 03/20/01 70-185-53200 03/06/01 246000 03/20/01 70 °185-53800 02/26/01 246°00 03/20/01 76 °150053750 02/26/01 21075 5619 39666 02/25/01 198.00 03/20/01 70-185 -53800 02/27/01 301883 03/20/01 70 °185 -53800 02/26/01 179047 03/20/01 76 °150-53750 03/12/01 570000 03/20/01 70-- 185 °53800 02/12/01 97000 03/20/01 70°185°53800 02/05/01 45000 5731 9783- 010100BA 02/26/01 97000 03/20/01 76-150%53750 8497 601 4306 3857 03/01/01 1,417867 03/20/01 76 °150 °53001 8514 1123 5686 211640 12/15/00 33012 03/20/01 76-150 -53750 8515 797 4995 1965328 11/07/00 50.62 03/20/01 76-150 °53750 8516 797 4673 1882386 10/31/00 51.66 03/20/01 76- 150 -53750 8517 797 4838 1905334 10/12/00 34.44 03/20/01 76 °150053750 8575 372 5619 39666 03/08/01 33025 03/20/01 76-150 ®53750 8576 356 5188 14874 12/15/00 177976 03/20/01 76 °150-53750 8626 356 5733 3470191 11/15/99 250016 03/20/01 76-150-53750 8632 1946 5731 9783- 010100BA 04/14/00 78.64 03/20/01 76-150%53750 8646 1123 5485 212313 09/11/00 162499 03/20/01 76- 150053750 Mar 15, 2001 03o17pm Page 15 GL Amount 490093 339.81 345.66 21875 198000 481030 570,00 239000 FUND Total 1 6.210.37 Grand Total 480,027.21 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 R *AP20CGL *RPT By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) VENDOR TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FIND TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT ED E S ICR 1 PT 10 N TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E-91 I FUND AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL CITY OF OWASSO A/R TRANSFER REPORT REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND �IM 1,062.53 43,614.34 TRANSFERS TOTAL 9 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/10/01 De r - D pa Itment Q�ffldtmmExwaga - QWLExpaenae—s General Fund Managerial 0.00 13125.47 AT-Rf 797,ml M4 0.00 7,236.71 0.00 1,807.34 Police 1348.77 56,713.19 .Animal Control 0.00 1,985.92 I 1C, Streets 36.24 8,994.36 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,492.11 General Fund Total $4,164.01 $170,993.95 9t Fund Total $0.00 .$2,445.49 rival abr�#VFXJH 1 10. - Of lam- M-1-M-11, CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/10/01 nt Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $382.24 $11,567.22 APPROVED- March 20, 2001 2= Council Member Council Member V O. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- EXTENSION OF MOWING CONTRACTS DATE: March 14, 2001 BACKGROUND- On March 21, 2000, the City Council awarded 12 contracts for the mowing of city properties during the 2000 mowing season. Item 6 under General Conditions in the bid specifications states: On January 18, 2001, a letter was mailed to all 2000 mowing contractors requesting that they execute and return a Contract Extension Agreement enclosed with the letter if they were interested in mowing the same property during the 2001 mowing season at the 2000 bid price. Four vendors representing nine of the properties responded by executing the extension agreement. Those nine contracts are: rnowing EXTENSION OF MOWING CONTRACTS MARCH 14, 2001 PAGE 2 The contractor awarded mowing contracts for the 16" St N Centex Medians and the U S Highway 169 Right-of-Way chose to not extend his contracts, as did the contractor for the Owasso Expressway Nest Side Easement. On ebruary 8, 2001, bid documents for the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way were mailed to seven mowing contractors. Those bids have been ripened and that bid will be awarded under another item on this agenda.. Staff will mow the 16"' St N Center Medians and the Owasso Expressway crest Side Easement this mowing season. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the contract extensions mentioned above for the 2001 mowing season be approved, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute those extensions as Broil as the 2001 mowing contracts. Contract Extension Agreements CONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and TLC Lawn Care, entered into on the 21tb day of March, 2000 providing for mowing services at payola, Park at 210,00 per mowing during the 2000 rnowing season, ray signature on this doci a.ent will serge to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the 2001 mowing season, TLLC LAWN By.. Cott Si ns `1L`he City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and LC Lawn Care for the 2001 mowing season u% Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk H C Williams, May ®r {� l Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Le asters Lawn Service entered into On the 21'x' day of March., 2000 providing for mowing services at Elm Crock Park at $242.00 per mowing during the 2000 mowing season, ray signature on this document will serve to Bormally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the 2001 mowing season, By- Alan Le ast The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension Of the above referenced contract between the City Of Owasso and Le asters Lawn Service for the 2001 mowing season CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA UN Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk H C Williams, Mayor "Please note® My new phone number is (910) 271 -1190® 11,111511111' 111 i 1' 1111111111 1,1111 11 111 1 i�i 11, ��� i f X Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and J B Sti all entered into on the 21 "' day of March, 2000 providing for mowing services at qt r fats :park at $80.00 per mowing daring the 2000 r-nowi g season, !y signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therei n for the 2001 mowing season. Pfi . Stig'all The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and J B Stigall for the 2001 i owing season CITY OF OW SSO, OKLAHOMA y_ - _ __ H C Williams, Mayor J i R WIyffimut' Fill, I ,11JEW TLC LAWN CAIN S Ott Si ns The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and TLC Lawn Cage, for the 2001 mowing season CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA y _ W _ H C Williams, May ®r Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk f � ` Pursuant to terms of a, Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma., and J B Stigall entered into on the 21'1' day of :March, 7000 providing for mowing services at .Ator heights utility Easement at 31 000 per mowing during the 2000 mowing season, y signature on this document will serve to formally and mut ally agree to entered the aforesaid contract with the sarne tens and conditions contained therein for the 2001 mowing season. w /. B Stigall The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and J B Stigall for the 2001 mowing season CITY OFOWASSO, OKLAHOMA By Williams, Mayor MOWING EL RIO VISTA CENTER MEDIANS & FRONTAGE, 96 TH & GARNETT INTERSECTION & 22 ND & GARNETT MEDIAN CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I L uz The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and TLC Lawn Care for the 2001 mowing season ATTEST: mIq W H C Williams, Mayor Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and BrushHog Services entered into ®n the 21'h day of March, 2000 providing for mooring services at Three fakes Drainage Easement at $400000 per mowing during the 2000 mowing season, my signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the 2001 mowing season. BRUSMOG SERVICES Marty "lahe City ®f Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Biushlllog Services for the 2001 mowing season CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA H C Williams, May ®r CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Independent Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and BrLishllog Services entered into on the 16'h day of June, 2.,000 providing for mowing services at Lakeridge Drainage Easement at $299.00 per mowing during the 2000 mowing season, any signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the 2001 mowing season. BRXJSHHOG SERVICES MMarty Tilsj The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and BrusbHog Services for the 2001 mowing season IMMAM) M2 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Um MOWING MAIN ST, FIFTH ST DRAINAGE, & THIRD & MAIN ST EASEMENTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and J B Stigall for the 2001 mowing season CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By ATTEST. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk H C Williams, Mayor TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- JIM GTOKENE CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT. BUDGET SUPPLEMENT DATE. March 1. 3, 2001 BACKGROUND- As you are aware, the Owasso Police Department utilizes "unmarked" vehicles in its detective division. Recently a new undercover voWcic was purchased for our detectives, bringing our total number of unmarked units to four. Since the department wishes to keep these vehicles as inconspicuous as possible, the unit is fitted with a hidden radio antenna mounted inside the vehicle's bumper. The cost for one of these hidden antennas is $310 °00° =v i Ru I I Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund, increasing miscellaneous revenue and increasing the Police Department expenditures by $310.00, reflecting a payment from the revolving drug fund. BUDGET SUPPLEMENT MARCH 13, 2001 PAGE 2 ATTACHMEL NT:& _ 1. Copy of District Attorney's check number 158521 in the amount of $ 310°00 I Letter to District Attorney Th-P. Harris I City of Owasso receipt dated March 9, 2001 OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT NO. ® TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA 158521 TO THE COUNTY TREASURER OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY 00158521 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 03/06/01 SAVE THIS STUB FOR YOUR RECORDS INVOICE' DATE NUMBER AMOUNT INVOICE DATE ONUMBER AMOUNT 02/19/01 ANTENNA-- $310.00 -TOTAL A VC I CE 6 EP V ra �!d P aat i Uwt _ 101 NaWNEGOTIAUE a PLEASEPETACH AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RE OFFICE I 1 ~ TULSA GOUM STATE Of OKLAHOMA u. .TOTWE ... p COUNTY T SURP Fi AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY .N 9 t9he�.r• O `® , . 1 . "" • o' „.p .I 9 Q @� 3 offi. a33p# I �{I VII�ONE Y FR® .vVOAT� o„ �.. PAY TO THE ORDER F AMOUNT a_ 0AO .,SLICE .PATE ... ! 1pp1 99pp .! . ....... .. ... w. ,�� t � � .e,..- ,N Pb 44 •$y jp � °'S'�.w .:6t' °Pii' , , ." i 3 7 a § t �y ®R®fiOF•e9!�: WflgN QP , ' " 1TA� RRlip aIS I TT ..i ' t 'BA �. � .. t ' y j: &-'l {I _ ® . . . c . I d, .. .o -,® H.- .. . . ., . . I . .. . ! A. . - I I . I I .. • I OWA . SSO POLICE DEPARTMENT a. 9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: LARRY MITCHELL CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF STANDBY GENERATOR -SYSTEM FROM CLIFFOXD POWER SYSTEMS DAXE.- March 16,2001 The City of Owasso will need to provide a new generator for the City Hall/Police Station Complex, due to be completed around August V. Originally, we had thought that the City could utilize two existing generators to provide the required emergency back-up power to the new municipal facility. Cowen Construction has since discovered that the existing generator used at the Police Station is not adequate to serve the entire operations of the larger building, A second generator stored at the City's garage appeared to be of sufficient size to meet the anticipated power demands of both the Police Department and the City Administration building. O.C.E., electrical contractor, performed an inspection/start-up test on this generator a-ad found it unusable. The generator's motor "seized" during initial start-up, which rendered the equipment uscles& uwmw tu Nomm irg bill After reviewing the O.C.E. recommendation with Cowen Construction, City staff agrees that the 50 KW generator supplied by Clifford Power Systems, Inc. will meet the emergency power demands of the new facility. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the purchase of the Generac generator for a price of $18,120.00. By purchasing the generator directly from Clifford Power Systems, we can avoid the customary contractor mark-ups. iiiiiiii Ili liff 1 111111 11111 Ill ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter dated February 27, 2001 from Doug Peterson, Cowan Construction ® Generator Analysis 2. Letter dated January 9, 2001 from Steve Yates, PM, Oil Capital Electric -- Generator 501 ESTABLISHED 1896 Febmary 27, 2001 Dor Mr. Mitchol I I 10 W. 23AD Sr, TuLsA OKLAHOMA CCU WITE ZC, RUCU 7 ON, INC. 74101-3465 1`0 918-582-2220 FAX 918-584-a922 Do . Pct�erson Pfoject Manager' l 5` l�,Alli %li 1 11, U tic Cowen construction wo W. 21" Tubs, ® 7410-3465 AftenfloW. DOW Pcteman phone.- (918) 5324377 FEW- (918) 583-8344 Reft, Owano MY &H subjed.. cmaerstar 50 KW our pdce.- $18,734-00 We gar 10"g forward in wo0dag with YOE ON this PrOjed, gaud 'f you akly quesdons to hesitate W CWL 127 18 EAST 55th MEET - TULSA, OK 74146-6221 - PHONE (918) 317-3255, FAX (918) 317-7490 OM-MOMA BLECTRIM LICENSE #1 59B E N C 0 M P A TOTAL P.02 TOTAC F.-02 January A 2001 Cowen COX'struedOR In 21" Tubmi, OK 7410-3465 i®. ® PetcrsOn Phoam, (918) 582-6377 Fix: (918) 583-8,344 OWRSHO CRY HSU Our Price: Xtem I _ SIS�734.00 Kobjer generator Its 2 - S18,120-00 Genmc Mentor an this project,, and if You anY We our looking f0rwIrd in'wOrkn%O w"h y o t' is quesdons t® hesitave T® MH- M I 6v TCITPA- P® 32 TOTAL P-01 January 23,2001 Steve YMes Oil capital Electric IM STANDBY GENERATOR SYSTEM, OWASSO CITY RALL 9310 E. 46th Street North Clifford Power Systems, hic. is pleased to quote the following GENERAL generator set. This unit as proposed %Nill be equipped with the following standard and optional equipment JAN-23-2001 16:21 (910D 664-0980 95% P.02 JAN-23-2001 16:21 0910) 664-•0988 . 95%, P.03 Your prig f ®r this unit F.®. . Owasso, OK is JAN-23-2001 16 :22 (916) 664-0900 95% P.04 q.� This price includes an onsite start-up inspection by one of our factory authorized sex -vice technicians. Delivery of this equipment can be made within 75 to 90 days after receipt of firm purchase order. If we may be of further assistance to you 'low Or in the future, please do not hesitate to contact oar `fulsa facility. Lnccrely, Jerry Bull AN- 23._.2001 16:22 (910) 664 -0966 95% P.05 Southern Plains Power 5800 West Reno &&k January 23, 2001 Oil Cap!tW Electric 12718 E. 66th St Tulsa, OK 74145 EI m W M rr I rAl-Togy, EI m Item Descri 929911pi!M P-Ity- flrlxx = OTPC225 Transfer Switch-Qnan9PwrCmd,225 Amp A028-7 Poles-3 A035-7 Application-Utility To Genset A046-7 Dieting -UL 1008/C SA Certification A044-7 Frequency-60 Hertz A042-7 System-3 Phase,3 Wire, Or 4 Wire 8021-7 Voltage-208 Vac B001-7 Cabinet-Type I 0024-7 Switch Control-Lovel 2 013 -7 Display-Digital K001-7 B ftery Charger-2 Amp, 1 2J24 V dc SPEC -A Product Revision ® A m.� t ,CSC® 300, 225 anp, 3 pole, 4wire ATS in NEMA 1 box® (loose) Your cost, FOB SET:® pi tm tax, if any. Thanks Steve. Please let me know ho n kelp. e on Musick 1 -5 ®2001 JAN -05 -2001 00 :25 9e% Pa01 1j5111N M111, TO: THE HONORABLE MAY AND COUNCII, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JIM MCELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPOR 1-1 SERVICES SUBJECT: FURNITURE FOR NEW CITY BALL E. March 16, 2001 BACK'GROUND: In November 2000, the City contracted with Phil Scott of Tulsa Office Furnishings to provide furnishings design services for the new City Hall facility. These services included the following: * Furniture layouts for specified offices/workstations * Product specifications for specified offices/workstations * Color selections for specified offices/workstations * Budget pricing for the specified offices/workstations Furniture needed includes sixteen workstations, office furniture for the City Manager and City Treasurer, Planning Review station for Community Development, Conference room furniture and lateral file cabinets for all areas. LjLsj$A" 1 This information conics from a conversation with a representative of one of the major furniture representatives in Tulsa, L&M Furniture and was also confirmed by an experienced independent cubicle installer who is familiar with pricing discount structures of the various umufacturers/distributor& MEMORANDUM FURNITURE FOR NEW CITY HALL DATE: Marchl6,2001 PAGE structure was equal to or better than the bid pries received by the City of Tulsa, for similar furniture. Our ordinances permit us to take advantage of the bidding work already done by Oklahoma governmental entities over 50,000 in population. Therefore, in the opinion of City .Attorney Ron Cates, the City of Owasso can also legally utilize the NAO Contract with Knoll.. *Hon "Consensys" is not as strong structurally and is regarded as a lesser quality line than the others. It was included for the sake of an additional comparison because the price list was made available. 2 This information was also obtained primarily iii consultation with the cubicle installer familiar with the various systems of cubicle manufacturers as well as Conversations wide furniture distributors. MEMORANDUM FURNITURE FOR NEW CITY HALL DATE: Marchl6,2001 PAGE 3 Included in the attachments are copies ®f letters fi-om Phil Scott regarding NACO pricing, as well as a copy of the letter from City of Tulsa regarding their bid using NACO pricing. Also included are copies of the original and recently-updated NACO discount rates, showing the increase in markdown off list from 66.7% to 70%. The actual breakdown in prices for the furniture on the NACO contract and for furniture for the City Manager (not on the NACO) is shown on the attached price sheet fi-om Tulsa Office Furniture. It includes all equipment and cost of installation. RE COMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the purchase of furniture and installation of furniture from Tulsa Office Furnishings at NACO contract pricing in. an amount not t® exceed $86589.96 as specified on the attached "Final Furniture Quote Summary." City of Owasso City Hall Project Final Fumfthu �Erq,�mwy 03/16/01 Community Development Four Workstations $ 7968020 Files $ 29237.76 Plan Review, Area $ 7,971.60 Total Community Dev. $179789.56 Namm, Six Workstations $138106.20 Files $ 38366.64 Director $ 1,78230 Total Finance $188244.14 Installation $ 78211.87 Total 1st Floor $43,245.67 Breakroom $ 882.60 Two Workstations $ 49244.40 Mary Jo $ 4,424.60 Files $ 1,886.64 City Manager $ 68161.37 Conference $ 8,387.94 Total City Admin $26,104.85 Two Workstations $ 4,006.80 Tammy $ 5,510.04 Files $ 1,886.64 Total Human Resources $11,403.48 Installation $ 5,953.46 Total 2nd Floor $43,344.39 Total Project Budget $86,589.96 Tulsa Office Furnishings 8510 East 44th Street Tulsa, OK 74145 TULSA OFFICE FURNISHING'S f same rare wig n to uvrrren appr®vp ' Furnishings i below a this agreement acceptable F Chas Igned agreement, Tulsa ®ffQ'e run nish or your new City Hall facilityIs„,4`��x t �.t 'tr*7•J tx� Sincerel Accepted :by Title Phil Scott a� Date February 21, 2001 Lm-. Lm-.Y Mitchell, City Manager City of Owasso 207 S, Cedar P.C. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 `y;"{f �rW Z�, r':`a'�i- °"-�:' •i;�f «:•S= . °; J ir'' t � y._ a.n,.N � +Sdk? 7�wi °JY� Dear a Mitchell: ' api.' .a .,1.•;.,; �',. `: `ark:` This letter is to co at Tulsa Office P �S s „yh® 1 e `City of ss'o e same pricing discounts on Knoll office furuishi�6.far`:y6ur new City. offices as allowed the City of Tulsa on their Hartford d'rpjct. The pribing allowed by Tulsa ce °s is e Knoll �iACC contrast 4 ( tiered ®scb a contract based upon size of order) using the current Knoll 66 ercE pr c .4 ° . The discount lowed is based upon e List price volume of call product d d � .o Each .olI product group must qualify individually. a0.':'... ,':�,.. a;, ,"...y .ig& 4:t:`.'.tii7'.'•: i�i�i 'i,.�.N 't:' * ; °S_'7"w lue 1 }:<e, ,jor+m <;Y i-lw eY '.'•4t••i: ?,�,•`�i?i Ft+.ie�Y`'ti'K{S,ij°�eal'�': The City o T s project a co etidve bid t "6`6: i on o f items required to complete the projects The bid �' awarded to Tulsa Offfed Furid ' s bpd Inc. result of e bid process. The .bid. rtces • ere:: �or. ett�r, - the ,' ��,� ��P�,5'�,� ,- 6 ��A contract ..&a .® ;. "° ct pricesa e City of Tulsa w able to ° `c the i discount due to the volume of product purchased. e City of Owasso will be allowed to use the same discount structure AC) that was allowed the City of Tulsa based upon. the volume of Knoll products purchased. Please call me at (91 8) 627 ®2800 if you have any questions or need. additional information. Phillip La Scott 0 ��10 f: AA4, . Td� ,, nW, k,,,,, AIA ® �IAP,97 9800 - QI8 /62Z 2807 Fax Larry Mitchell, City Manager City of Owasso 207 South Cedar P.O. Box,180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Dear Mr. Mitchell, RECEIVED `l1 `$ SOUTH GREENWOOD a TULSA, OKLAHOMA a 74120 February 21, 2001 This letter is to confirm that the City ®f Tulsa did. competitively. bid the new office fimfishings for ® new Public Works offices located in the Hartford Building at I I I South Greenwood. Sincerely, OILZ 11111111111111I� �� 'M - Jack L. P4ge, P.E. Development Services Director cc, Phil Scott Tulsa Office Fumishings m Page 1 of I TULSA OFFICE WELLS FU RN OFFICEMAX FIELDS DOWNS 1(tern I my 1, Description Mfg. PIN Unit Cost T® I unit cost I Total Unit Cost T otai Unit Cost Total t 40ta 252,676.25 NB SECTION I $ $ 75, .W NB SECTION 11 $ 245,025.18 NB 1$ I6.9,177.W NB USECTION III $ 104,738.70 ARCADR j$ 124,304.35 $ 87,268.00 -NB SECTION IV $ 8,935 .36 $ 9,468.00 $ 9,827.64 SECTION V $ 6,412.14 $ 6,397.08 $ 6, 6-29.72 SECTION M $ 61,996.00 A" STEEL $ 39,427.64 1 ma SECTION VII A 21,842.25 NS 38,555.00 NE I$ SECTIONVI I B 1,690.00' NB 1 601 2.55 NS BRAND QUOTING AS SPEC DELIVERY 84 DAYS 90 DAYS 30 DAYS 10 DAYS TERMS 1% NJIG N/20 50% N/30 RE Q SEC 111 BE PULLED m Page 1 of I TULSA 4 OFFICE FURNISHINGS Bch 8, 2001 Jam McElrath Director of Support Services City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. clra ``fulsa, Office Fumishings has proposed the your new City Hall facility° Our pricing is (NACO) contract pricing, The NACO prices available to individuals or corporations that, products s proposed to the City of Owasso r: r tn f s I f f 4+ 1 1 t a s j tJr 3 ®ry ,� � rdl for r N `soiion ' prd P t �/ less r�s are rri cb ® f 1 have attached a copy of the new NACO con et on most of the products covered under the n `. c n & _hags 'so q e ,,gq9j the GSA (Federal Government) contract pricei.fok, Govermnent must receive the best pricing avdilibil at you °ll a ee at a NACO contract i cis l� c® ts`alllQwed on tii 4 a M GSA contract d e extremely competitive y r Tulsa Office P °s °ns believes at e City q st ossxb q product for your new City Hall facility at tile i st c0 petiti a a°v la t = { x 3 F h 3 Please call me at 91 627 -2800 ® you have ue o r e ditio v information. ( ) y ation° if VF t If Sincerel Phillip L. Scott , r,I ^ f- k aA z1: . - °v° t ---. /- -,1_I....L,--- — `7AI A; . (-)10 /A) 7 ®)satin - Q!8/697 2807 fax t I D--aiezd.- 2101101 - I - x KNOLL, INC. GSA CONTRACT SNAPSHOT . CONTRACT 4GS-28F-8 029 H 0 SCHEDULE 71, PART 1, OFFICE FURNITURE EXPIRATION: DECEMBER 31 � 2002 PAYMENT TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FOS: DESTINATION; DELIVERY: 90 DAYS ARO Single Order GSA Price Product L ®e List Value olscou'nt List Da L--quity $ 0 - $1,785,714 72% W00 �i - I ' iordsonlExtra (includes Reuter) $ 0 -$1,612,903 69% 2101 Dividends $ 0 - $1 a61 2,903 69% 10100 C frents & Upstart $ 0 - $1,562,500 3115100 & 2/01 Insert page 19 (Currents) 1 10101 (Upstart) R.eff 3 0 - $18562,500 68% 2101 Ca lbre Files & Desks $ 0 - $1,250,000 60% 3115100 $ 0 - $1,250000 60% 3115100 Mag. -iusson & Derby $ 0 - $1.282,050 61% zf01 $ 0 - $ 500,000 60% 3115100 Bul)dog $ 0 - $ 533,333 62.5% 3/15100 Pam--7hute $ 0 - $ 512,820 61% 3115100 $ 0 --$ 5128820 61% t 3/15100 Soho s o - s 454$45 56% 3115100 K; i7.1`; Ofow (All Products) $ 0 - $1 J 62,790 57® Various D--aiezd.- 2101101 - I - Extra "Z Is 0 ® 2498999 1 50.0% ® -rKnoll Now I All Orders 1 45.0% *Product lines must qualify individually for volume discounts.. February 1, 2000 KNOLL, INC. CONTRACT SNAPSHOT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES (NACO) CONTRACT #RQ97.11116716C Discount frg Current Product Line Single Order List Value commey.cfal Price List Equity 0 ® 249m999 Z 66.7% $ 250m000 - 1,000,000 $1'000m001 4 .68.7% 70-7% Morrison & Currents* $ ' 0 ® 249p999 62.6% (includes Reuter) $ 250,000-1 ,000800 0 64.6% $1X0'001+ X 6E6% Reff $ 0 - 49,999 59.6% $ 250,00 1,000,000 61.6% $i,009ADI+ 62.6% Dividends $,Z `O ® 249®999 5401%. 250 ®000 ®16000000 57.1% — $1 �000�001 + — 61.2% Calibre & lntera7c-1ion>-7 t$ 0- 249,999 555% 5 250,000 - 16000,000 57.6% $1,000,001+ 58.6% Extra "Z Is 0 ® 2498999 1 50.0% ® -rKnoll Now I All Orders 1 45.0% *Product lines must qualify individually for volume discounts.. February 1, 2000 CONTRACT #RQGI 41131316-C FOB., DESTINATION- DELIVERY: 90 DAYS ARO 9 *Product lines must q_ualify- individually to reach negotiable level, Orders above $1,500,000 list are negotiable. February 1. 2001 i� M� 14661c, el 5 Discount from current� Product Line Single Order List Value, Commercial Price lest Equky $ 0 - 1,500,000 70.0% Morrisono $ 0 - 19500,000 -Oncludes Reuter) Reff, Currentstupstart- $ 0 - 185001,000 65.0% Dividends $ 0 ® 1,500,000 63.0% Calibre & Interaction" fl m 1,500,000 5&0% Wood Casegoods* Extra & Studio $ 0 - 1,5004000 50.0% Bulldog, Parachute, Sapper- $ 0 - 1,500,000 5&0% Soho $ 8500'000 Knoll Now All Orders . 45.0% *Product lines must q_ualify- individually to reach negotiable level, Orders above $1,500,000 list are negotiable. February 1. 2001 i� M� 14661c, el 5 MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- CHRIS ROBERTS FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169 RIG -OF.- WAY MOWING CONTRACT DATE: March 13, 2001 BACKGROUND. For the past eleven years, the City of Owasso has utilized private sector contracts for providing mowing services in specified areas. The program was developed to reduce seasonal workload so city crows can attend to other routine maintenance programs that must be performed during the spring, summer and fall. On March 21, 2000, the City Council awarded twelve contracts for mowing of city properties during the 2000 mowing season. Item six under "General Conditions" in the bid specifications states: Within certain locations, utilization of private mowing services continues to be cost-effective. However, based upon recent drainage channel improvements and evaluation of previous bids, it is more cost-effective for city personnel to maintain the Owasso Expressway West Side Easement, compared with utilization of private sector services. In addition, staff elected to discontinue private maintenance of the East 76th Street North Center Medians; consequently, the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way was the only contract that required bidding. U.S. Highway i69 Mowing Contract March 13, 2001 Page 2 BID ANALYSIS: On February 8, 2001, bid documents for the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way were mailed to seven prospective contractors. Three contractors submitted bids which staff believes are competitive, A summary of the bids is as follows: hlowing, Bid Per Mowi pn,g Total Annual Cost,_ Fifth Season, inc. (Bixby, OK) $1,495000 $10,465.00 TLC Lawn Care (Claremore, OK) $1,575.00 $1.1,025.00 Brush Hog Services (Tulsa, OK.) $1,850.00 $12,950.00 The apparent low bidder is Fifth Season, Inc., Bixby, OK at $1,495.00 per mowing. Since we have had no previous experience with this contractor, professional references were requested to verify work history and ability to perform duties. Recent work history includes the mowing of approximately 16-miles of highway rights-of-way for the City of Bixby, A representative of the Bixby Public Works Department verified that the work was performed satisfactorily. The 2000 mowing contract for the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way was awarded to Complete Household Services at a cost of $1,600.00 per mowing. Total cost for the 2000 mowing season was $11,200.00. Total cost for the 2001 mowing season will be $10,465.00, a decrease of $735.00 for 2001 compared to the 2000 season. Funding for the FY 2000-2001 mowing program (July-October 2000 and April-June 2001) was approved as pail of the Street Division budget for Physical Property Services (line item 01-300- 53100). Funding to continue the mowing July-October 2001 and the start-up of the 2002 season April-June will be included in the ITY 2001-2002 budget. Staff recommends Council award of a contract for the 2001 mowing season for mowing services along the U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way between the SKO Railroad and East 96t" Street North to Fifth Season, Inc. Bixby, OK in the amount of $1,495 per mowing, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract. 1. Location Map 2. Bid Requirements & Specifications 3. Bids Received -:; . �r := . �f:� !:', �1 i'�I, i t .`� BID REQUIREMENTS 10 The City of Owasso is accepting bids for the mowing of Highway 169 Right-of-Way (SKO Railroad north to 96"' St N, cast & west sides) 20 Contractor must call for an inspection of work on the day it is completed. Contractor mowing this right-of-way shall call the Public Works Department at 272-4959, All work must be inspected or payment will not be made for that mowing period, 3. -P-Ujn-Lepnt will be made following the first City Council meeting of each month for the preceding month's work. Invoices must be turned in no later than the last Tuesday of each month. 40 The contract for this right-of-way will begin April 9, 2001 and continue through September 219 20010 An optional mowing may be required by October 19, 2001, and will be at the sole discretion of the City. 5. A map is included in this bid packet to identify the specific location. 60 Return the Bid Proposal and the Non Collusion Bid Affidavit in a sealed envelope marked "SEALED BID - U.S. HIGHWAY 196 RIGHT-OF-WAY" to the office of the City Clerk. 7. If you have questions concerning the intent of the City, contact Chris Roberts at 272-4959 for clarification during regular working hours. MOWING HIGHWAY 169 SKO,RAILROAD NORTH TO 96" ST WEST SIDES SUMMER 2001 SPECIFICA:rIONS ALLAREAS Pick up trash and deposit in appropriate containers before mowing. No mowing of any City ro ver is to be done on Ozone Alert days® c MIAR 0 7 2001 U.S. HIGHWAY 169 (SKO RAILROAD NORTH TO 96 TH STREET NORTH, EAST & WEST SIDES) Amount Per Mowing Name of Bidder Addiess of Bidder 7 &1-1�� DA e- Telephone Nu ber 1F r- 2-61 2 :L Age of Bidder (if minor) If bidder is a minor, please list name and address of adult responsible for contract ad-ministration. iii I - I F 11 I Wi , W A -xi"T U.S. HIGHWAY 169 (SK O RAILROAD NORTH TO 96 TH STREET NORTH, EAST & WEST SIDES) Amount Per Mowing Name of Bidder —rz 6 �s I A-k- Address of Bidder _vim QL r)qoi,7 TelophoneNumber CM� I'll - S(Oov cq) h- (" ? -) - r) '7 c' e- ') I Age of Bidder (if minor) If bidder is a minor, please list name and address of adult responsible for contract administration, U.S. HIGHWAY 169 (SKO RAILROAD NORT Arnount Per Mewing $1,850.00 Name of Bidder Services Address of Bidder 4704 S. 85th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74145 311WOM Age of Bidder (if minor) If bidder is a minor, please list name and address of adult responsible for contract administration, a. MMIMV MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT- CHANGE ORDER H1, EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING AT PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING AND SHOP AT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY DATE. March 159 2001 BACKGROUND: This item was tabled at the February 20t" Council meeting in order to her evaluate the lighting fixture options and clarify additional costs. a. Light Fixtures - A comparison between the original florescent, metal halide and energy efficient florescent shows that, although the energy efficient fixtures have higher first cost, the life-cycle costs are significantly less. The total differential installed cost between the Change Order #1, Storage Buildings March 15, 2001 Page 2 original 8 florescent fixtures and the 13 high of plus additional wiring is $6,912.72 (see attached change order). b. Circuits and Panel Box - All olfthy; existing reffise trucks have diesel engines which must be warmed in order to start efficiently. Previous operation has been to use existin cxfe,rAiM r building outlets and extension cords to warns the engine blocks. Public Works personnel determined that the, current drawn by each truck requires a dedicated circuit which also requires a larger circuit-breaker panel box. The price for additional circuits and panel box is $504.00o c. Miscellaneous - Other miscellaneous electrical changes (including receptacles for overhead door openers and air compressor units) amount to $861.60. d. Total Cost - The price for all modifications for this change order totals $8,278.32 which increases the contract amount to $1.35,5230320 Funds axe provided from the proceeds from the sale of the old Streets Maintenance building amounting to $158,200.00. The funds currently reside in the Street Division Capital Outlay Fund Building Improvements line item (01-300-54100). The revised contract amount plus other work done by purchase orders will result in a total cost to date of $152,791.84. Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order #1 to the Equipment Storage Building at Public Works Facility and Equipment Storage Building and Shop at Vehicle Maintenance Facility contract with Brewer Construction Company in the amount of $8,278.32 and a revised contract price of $135,523.32. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Map 2. Bay Lighting Analysis 3. Change Order VEHICLE STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITIES Change Order ill B3a I,i Ming Analysis 1. General - Criteria governing the lighting of the two bay areas are the lighting intensity, life -cycle cost and coverage which will allow daily operations to be conducted in a safe and efficient: manner. Data was provided by the electrical subcontractor for the metal halide option and by a lighting system consultant Or the high. - intensity (HE-) florescent. 2. � o aris�a _ f fixture alternatives --- Operating efficiency of fixtures (operating cost differential.) is as follows: 1. High - pressure sodium 2. Metal halide 3. Mercury vapor 4. Florescent 5. incandescent The sodium future emits an orange colored light (compared to the white light emitted by the :metal halide) which can cause eye strain when close -band work is conducted over a period of time. The observed color of electrical wiring is also effected by the tinted lights This fixture is not considered appropriate for our needs, The mercury and incandescent do not provide the intensity per unit required. The current proposal is to initially provide six fixtures at the ream seven fixtures in the center and install the conduit and wiring only for the six front bay door lights. We believe that the rear and center lights, together with the natural outside light will be sufficient for today's operation. However, we anticipate that in the future, flooring and bay doors may be installed which will require installation of the additional lights Owasso Public Works- Storage Buflding Project Comparison of Lighting Options 260 Watt Lighting Options: Metal Halide F96T12 Strip F32T8 W/Reffector High Output Angled & Strip Quantity of Fixture Required 12 1 28 19 Energy Consumption per Fixture 295 watts 257 watts 112 watts Total Energy Consumption — 3540 watts 71=96) watts 2128 watts Lam Life 10,000 hours 12,000 hours 205000 hours Total Lamp Replacement Cost -- $420 $448 $129 Total Cost for Fixutures $1,740 $18400 $2,165 Best Choice ' t1 «i1 CHANGE ORDER. PROJECT: Equipment Storage Buildings- Public Works and Veho faint. TO CONTRACTOR: Brewer Construction Company P.O. Box 967 Choutc;au, Oklahoma 74337 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: One (1 ) DATE: larch 15, 2001 CONTRACT DATE: October 3, 2000 CONTRAC T N o Constriction of two maintenance /storage buildings w /shops located at the Public Works and Vehicle Maintenance areas The Contract is changed as follows: Revise the bay lighting fixtures to l 3 high efficiency florescent and wire for additional six fixtures; provide additional receptacles and cable in the bay area; provide receptacles for Overhead doors and air compressors Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum/Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 967 Chouteau, Oklahoma 74337 ADDRESS FOR M Authorized Representative 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OIL 7055 ADDRESS CHANGE_ ORDER 000600 - 1 OF l EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Change Order 91 Cost I-Ii�h Effioler�o�r �'lo- r�so�nt �lt000rr�rn��d�d) Install 13 high efficiency florescent fixtures and wire for additional 6 fixtures, additional bay receptacles, banal box. g:r: oim lli�ildiri Fixtures (6 angled WA ijvnstallpd) JA, 2i A, -11 o' i Fixtures (7 SM installed) 1,117,20 Conduit, wire for 3 circuits) 1,80211 Additional switch 66.00 l emobilization _ 120.00 Subtotal, fixtures, one bldg $4,322.37 Credit, original fixtures X66.01) Total fixtures, one bldg $3,456.36 For two buildings. Total fixtures, 2 bldgs $6,91232 Panel boxes, 2 bldgs 504.00 Receptacles, 2 bldgs - 861.60 TOTAL, HE florescent $8,278.32 �Iffill To. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL, CITY OF OWASSO FROM� DONNA SORRELLS C111 Y PLANNER SUB314 CTa EASEMENT CLOSURE LOT 2, BLOCK 5, NOTTINGHAM ESTATES III ORDINANCE NO. 670 DATE: March 14, 2001 John K. Davis, builder, is requesting review of a proposed closing of a portion of an existing utility casement within Nottingham Estates III located north ®f E. 86"' Street N. and east of N. 1296'E. Avenue at 13802 E. 94"' Street N. The property is described as Lot 2, Block 5, Nottingham Estates III. A location map is attached for your information and review. The applicant has requested the closing of the north 705' of an existing 25' utility easement to accommodate the construction of a proposed swimming pool. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request at the February 28, 2001 regular meeting. No comments or objections were recorded. The affected utilities have each submitted certificates of approval, copies of which are attached for your information and review. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the March 13, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommends approval of the closing of the north 7.5' of the 25' utility casement located along the south property line of Lot 2, Block 5, Nottingham Estates III and the corresponding Ordinance No. 670. 1. Location Map 2. Letter of Request 3. Legal Description 4. Certificates of Approval 5. Ordinance No. 670 WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a portion of a certain utility casement; WHER-EAS, said utility casement is described as follows. NOTTINGHAM ESTATES 1H. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or casement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or casement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. 5_action I That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST H. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO f"ROM-. DONNA SORRELLS CITY'ADIAIJANNER SUBJECT: PAWfIAL PLAT VACATION OWASSO MARKET DATE: March 14, 2001 BACKGROUND Norman Wohlgemuth, Chandler & Dowdell, attorneys, are requesting review and approval of a proposed partial plat vacati ®n for Owasso Market located north of E. 96"' Street N. and west of N. 129h E. Avenue. A location map is attached for your infortnation and review. A portion of Owasso Market was replatted into Owasso Market 11. At that time, n® accommodation was made for dedicated casements and rights-of-way which were revised or rendered obsolete with the replat. This instrument, once approved and recorded, will serve to fully amend the area of Owasso Market re platted to Owasso Market Il. Staff recommends approval of the vacation of the Owasso Market casements and rights-of-way modified by the platting of Owasso Market 11 and staff recommends Council execution of the instrurnent document for recording. 1. Location Map 2. Letter of Request 3. Plat Vacation Instrument CHARLES E. NORMAN JOEL L, WOHLGEMUTH I'1, JAY CHANDLER JOHN E. DOWDELL THOMAS M. LADNER WILLIAM W< O'CONNOR WILLIAM Da LAFORTUNP ROGER K.ELDREDGE Ms. Donna Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar NoRMAN WOHLGEMUTH CHANDLER & DOWDELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2900 MID—CONTINENT TOWER TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103-4023 TELEPHONE (918) 583-7571 P. 0. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 March 8, 2001 Re Partial Vacation of Owasso Market Dear Ms. Sorreflsa CHRISTINE D. LITTLE ANGELA FREEMAN PORTER CHRIS L. ABERNATHY MARICHIEL A. LEWIS TRACI J. CIUICK NANCY E. CONNALLY PAX (918) 684-7846 e -mail rke@nwcd1aw,com s ou and -n I I - IN - ff FIRSTMEM&I The enclosed instrument is currently being circulated for signature by our client, SEAYCO- THF Owasso Market L.L.C., and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. They own all of the property platted as Owasso Market. That process should be completed by the City Council's March 20th meeting. Please take all appropriate action to place this matter on the City's Council's agenda for the March 20th meeting so that we can obtain the City of Owasso's approval as required by the March 8, 2001 Page 2 applicable statute, Based upon our discussions, A is my understanding that %ire need not s b Apt this matter to the Owasso Planning Co rmnissionn There is some urgency to the processing of the required approval because SEAYCO and Lowe's intend to close on their real estate Ixansaction immediately after obtaining the City's approval of the partial vacation, Finally, S have also enclosed copies of the Plats for Owasso Market and Owasso Market Il for your use. Please call me if you have any questions, or need additional information. Very truly yours, Roger K. Eldredge RKE/nh Enclosures 3 � � } m Its Vice President STATE OF ARKANSAS sso COUNTY OF BENTON This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of March, 2001 by -- , Corporation. ,H as Vice President of Wal-Mart §t—ores East, Inc., are Arkansas My commission expir= [seal] Notary Public Ij SEAYCO-THF O"ASS O MARKET L.L.C. BY: THE OWASSO MARKET, .L.C., ITS MANAGER By�------- Michael H. Staenberg, Its Manager STATE OF MISSOURI ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS) This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of March, 2001 by Michael H. Staenberg, as Manager of THE Owasso Market, IT a Missouri Limited Liability Company, as Manager of SEAYCO-'NF Owasso Market L.L.C., a Missouri Limited Liability Company. My commission expires: [seal] Notary Public 11 The within and foregoing Partial Vacation of the Plat of Owasso Market, Plat No. 5373, as recorded in the records of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, is hereby approved this -- day of March, 2001, Attest. City Clerk Approved as to form, City Attorney CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation By: ai City Council I Mayor THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT QE LAND CONTAINS '722 SQUARE FEET OR 080166 ACREES. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINS e22 SQUARE ET OR Oe0166 AC Ss Exhibit (Seayco Property) Lots One (1)9 Three (), Four (4)9 Five ()a Six () and Seven (7), Block One (1)e of Owasso Market, a Subdivision in the City ®f Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat thereof, Exhibit l® Property) Lot Two (), Block One (1), of Owasso Market, a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, "wise COMy, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Fiat thereof. Lots Three (3), dour (), Five (5), Six () and Seven (7), Block One (1), of Owasso Market, a Subdivision in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat thereof,