HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.05.15_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 15, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 11, 2001. _—ty Marcia outwell, Autho 111 _Secretary L Call to Order Chairman Bainhouse 010"6111MI 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 1, 2001 Regular Meeting and May 8, 2001 Joint Special Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority May 15, 2001 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment 94-B 5a Report from OPWA Manager. 60 Report from OP WA Attorney, 7. New Business. 8. Adjournment. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS S AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 1, 2001 The Owasso Public Works Authority mot in regular session, jointly with the Owasso City Council the Owasso Public Golf Authority, on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, April 27, 20019 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER :Mayor Williams called the inceting to order at 6034 pmi. ITEM 20 INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Ur Roger Ferguson, senior pastor at First Baptist Church, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4_e ROLL CALF, STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Owasso Public Works Authority May L200l AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None The OPWA consent agenda included minutes of the April 17, 2001 regulax meeting, by reference nade a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $124,221.09; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements $26,411.58; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $111,498.65; (4) Payroll $34,484.89. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the OPWA consent agenda. -Z- Owasso Public Works Authority May 1, 2001 AYE; Moss, Barnhouse, Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAZI. None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM .70 1ZE FTE T P1ZC��%Al t�I TFIE C)PGA CC�N�� �T AGEN DA. The CAP WA. consent agenda included minutes of the April 17, 2001 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Golf Authority $67,308.759 (2) Payroll $24,393.05. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the OPGA consent agenda. AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTEIZED TO COUNCILOR-ELECT HELM. City Clerk Marcia Boutwell administered the oath of office to Councilor -elect Helm, who then took his seat at the council bench. ITEM 9e ELECTION OF MAYOR /®PWA CHAIWOPGA CHAIR. Mayor Williams called for nominations for Mayor /OPWA Chair/OPGA Chair. Mr Brogdon nominated Ms Barnhouse for Mayor and Chair of the ®PWA and OPGA, seconded by Mr Helm. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: bone Motion carried 5 ®0 and Ms Barnhouse was elected Mayor /®PWA Chair /OPGA Chair. Mayor Barnhouse called for nominations for Vice Mayor/OPWA Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mr Helm nominated Mr Brogdon for Vice Mayor and Vice Chair of the OPWA and OPGA, seconded by Mr Williams. AWED Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and Mr Brogdon was elected Vice Mayor /®PWA `lice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mayor Barnhouse announced that a reception honoring newly - seated Councilor Helm, Retiring Councilor Voss, Mayor Williams, Vice Mayor Barnhouse, and the newly - elected Mayor and Vice Mayor would be held immediately following the Council meeting. -3- Owasso public Works Authority May 1, 2001 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #3 A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND McGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION FOR 96TH STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. AYE: Williams, Airnstrong (with reservations), Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Notion carried 5 -0. r -------------------- - - moved, Ms Armstrong .d ed by Mr Brogdon, to accept performed contract with McGuire Brothers Construction and approve final payment, including retainage, in the amount of '{ AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, NAY: None Mr Rooney said that bids were opened on April 16, 2001 for the purchase and installation of eight bleacher covers for the softball 4aplex at the Sports Park. The only bid received was from -4- Owasso Public Works Authority May 1, 2001 Allied Fence Company, Tulsa, OK. The bid met all the specifications and was under the estimated cost. The vendor will be able to install the bleacher covers within two weeks of award of the bid. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to award a bid for the purchase and installation of bleacher covers for the softball 4" -plea at the Sports Park to Allied Fence Co, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $8900, AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Heim, Williams, Barnliouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell gave a brief report on the status of the 76t" St intersection project. He also thanked Mr Williams for his service as Mayor. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Councilor Helm introduced his mother-arid father-in-law. Mayor Barnhouse also thanked Councilor Williams for his year as Mayor. ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS. Former Mayor John Groth stated that he thought this was the best run administration we've had in a long time. Upon advice of Counsel, the meeting was adjourned rather than recessed. AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary -5- Mary Lou Barnhouse, Chair OWASSO CITY COUNCIL /OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHOFITY/ OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 8, 2001 The Grasso City Council, The Owasso Public Works Authority, and The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint special meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 2001 ITEM 1: CALL TO OFDERa Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:12 porno ITEM 2: ROLL CALL. PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor /Chair H C "Will" Williams, Councilor /Trustee Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor /Trustee SENT Dandy Brogdon, "Mice Mayor /Vice Chair Michael Helm, Councilor /Trustee STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Others present: Kevin Shank, Owasso Reporter; Joei McKinley; Kerb Cunningham; Sherry Bishop, Finance Director; Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager; Jim Greene, Police Chief; Fussell Carlson, Director of Golf; bark Stuckey, Deputy Fire Chief; Jim McElrath, Support Services Director; Robert Carr, Public Works Director and Stan Ewing, Community & Economic Development Director. ff U Mr Mitchell presented the proposed FY 2001-2002 budget, and budget summary. He outlined goals for the coming fiscal year. Following the presentation, opportunity was provided for questions and comments from the public. The proposed budget will be considered for action by the City Council, OPWA, & OPGA at the June 5, 2001 regular meeting. The public hearing concluded at 6:50 p.m. Owasso City Council/OPWA/OPGA May 8, 2001 ITEM 3: PRESENTATION REGARDING THE KEEPING OF BEES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO -LIGHTENING ARRESTOR FOR NEW CITY HALL. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr Mitchell stated that a City Council budget workshop is scheduled for May 229 2001 at 5:30 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall. ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to adjourn. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Mary Lou Bainhouse, Mayor/Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary N City of Owasso Claims 5/15/01 Fund Department MM amd�� Total 70.00 259.62 674.20 6.50 5,249.08 1,041.27 3,614.39 40.31 2,475.35 9,616.62 775.87 783.57 2,538.27 64.09 31,735.86 5,650.13 947.92 65,443.05 M WOPMW 738.06 15.25 3,553.77 1,225.10 1,514.07 4,138.04 OPWA 400 Administration 2,225.67 405 Utility Billing 2,837,01 11"I mm� Claims Total 25019 420 Water 11,956.23 450 Wastewater treatment plant 14,503.33 455 Wastewater Collection 4,852.14 480 Refuse Collections 18,658.62 485 Recycle Center 4,997M TOTAL 60,030.93 OPWA Sewer L. Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 TOTAL 23,000.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 7,411.47 TOTAL 7,411.47 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 8,719.26 TOTAL 8,719.26 mm� Claims Total 25019 TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKERS' COMP SELF-INS GENERALFUND, CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT Immommium, TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFER FROM OPWA TRANSFER FROM OPWA AMOUNT TRANSFERS TOTAL 4-775-91.6-7 PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/05/01 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES OO,WA Adrninistration 0.00 $9,202.56 Utility Billing 13,41 2,196.56 Wastewater 1667.31 5,631.89 Wastewater Collection, 3,045.02 Refuse 353,42 5,973.35 Recycle Center. 73.08 1,757 02 `�...! I