HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.05.15_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 15, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4.:00 p.m. on Friday, May 11, 2001. Marcia outwell, City Clerk Call t® Order Mayor Barnhouse Vice Mayor Randy Brogdon 30 Flag Salute 4, Roll Call Owasso City Council May 15, 2001 Page 2 5a Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable, A. Approval of the Minutes of May 1, 2001 Regular Meeting, May 2, 2001 Special Meeting and May 8, 2001 Joint Special Meeting. Attachment #5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5- C. Action Relating to the Election of Two "Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Official Ballot, Attachment #5-C The City may cast a ballot in the annual election for trustees to the OMAG. The OMAG is our liability insurance carrier and is comprised of a pool of Oklahoma cities joined together to ensure municipal insurance coverage. The staff recommends the Council cast votes for Doug Henley, City Manager of Nichols Dills and Larry Shelton, City Manager of Chickasha. Teo Action Relating to a Worker's Compensation Claim for a Luck Injury, and Authorization for Payments. Attachment #5 -T7 Owasso City Council May 15, 2001 Page 3 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action. Relating to a Request for City Council Approval for the City of Owasso to Participate in the FY 2001 CDBG —Small Cities Program. Mr Ewing Attachment #6 The staff will recorn end Council approval for the City to participate in the FY 2001 - CI BG- mall Cities Program, direction for the staff to draft a fetter of Intent to participate in the program, and authorization for the Mayor to sign such letter. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #675, an Ordinance Providing for an Increase in Ambulance Service Fees and Allocating Use Thereof, Chief Allen Attachment 97 The staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #5750 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2001 ®03, a Resolution of the Owasso City Council Establishing Fees for the Use of Baseball and Softball Fields at McCarty Park. Mr Rooney Attachment #8 The staff will recommend approval of Resolution 112001 -03 Owasso City Council May 15, 2001 Page 4 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order 93, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Oil Capital Electric for the City Hall/Police Station Project. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #3, adding $9972 to the contract with Oil Capital Electric, such change order generated by addition and installation of a lightening protection system. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Annexation of a 160 -Acre Tract of Land Generally Located on the Northeast Corner of North 145'h Fast Avenue and Fast 106th Street North. Ms Sorrells Attachment #10 The Owasso Annexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to OZm01 -02, a Request to Rezone Lot 1, Block 2, Original Town of Owasso (302 N Birch); from RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) to OL (Office Light), Containing Approximately 9600 Square beet. Ms Sorrells Attachment #I I The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. Owasso City Council May 15, 2001 Page 5 12, Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Amendment to Chapter 10, Section 1010, Use Unit 11 Offices and Studios, of the Owasso Zoning Code. Ms Sorrells Attachment #12 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the requested amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code and the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, and direct the staff to draft the necessary ordinance to amend those documents. 11 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Lakeridge Shopping Center, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 3). Ms Sorrells Attachment #13 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Lakeridge Shopping Center, a 2.89 acre, one-lot subdivision, located north of E 86 St N and west of N 1291h East Ave. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Central Baptist Church, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 3). Ms Sorrells Attachment #14 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Central Baptist Church, a 15.02 acre, one-lot subdivision, located north of E 86th St N and cast of N 145th East Ave, north of Preston Lakes. The staff concurs with the recommendation, Owasso City Council May 159 2001 Page 6 15. Report fTom City Manager. 16. Report f-rom. City Attorney. 17. Report from City Councilors, 18. New Business. 190 Adjournment. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 1, 2001 The Owasso City Council met in regular session, jointly with the Owasso Public Works Authority and the Owasso Public Golf Authority, on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 27, 2001, ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Dr Roger Ferguson, senior pastor at First Baptist Church, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Owasso City Council May 1, 2001 AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. - -- - ------ --- - ----- - - -------------- - -- - ------------------ --- - - - The OPWA consent agenda included minutes of the April 17, 2001 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $124,221.09; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements $26,411.58; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $111,498.65; (4) Payroll $34,484.89. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the OPWA consent agenda. -2- Owasso City Council May 1, 2001 AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: T AGENDA. The OPWA consent agenda included minutes of the April 1.7, 2001 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Golf Authority $67,308.75; (2) Payroll $24,393.05. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the OPGA consent agenda, AYE: Voss, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COUNCILOR-ELECT HELM. City Clerk Marcia Boutwell administered the oath of office to Councilor-elect Helm, who then took his seat at the council bench. ITEM 9: ELECTION OF MAYORJOPWA CHAIR/OPGA CHAIR. Mayor Williams called for nominations for Mayor/OPWA Chair/OPGA Chair. Mr Brogdon nominated Ms Barnhouse for Mayor and Chair of the OPWA and OPGA, seconded by Mr Helm. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and Ms Barnhouse was elected Mayor/OPWA Chair/OPGA Chair. . ..... ....... .... ..... I - 111 ­_- Mayor Barnhouse called for nominations for Vice Mayor/OPWA Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mr Helm nominated Mr Brogdon for Vice Mayor and Vice Chair of the OPWA and OPGA, seconded by Mr Williams. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 5 ®0 and Mr Brogdon was elected Vice Mayor/OPWA Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mayor Barnhouse announced that a reception honoring newly-seated Councilor Helm, Retiring Councilor Voss, Mayor Williams, Vice Mayor Barnhouse, and the newly-elected Mayor and Vice Mayor would be held immediately following the Council meeting. -3w Owasso City Council May 1, 2001 CONSIDERATION ITEM 11: ORDER ORDER f A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND McGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION FOR 96"" STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, YE: Williams, Armstrong (with reservations), Holm, l ro don, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. �. RIF Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to accept the work performed under the contract with McGuire Brothers Construction and approve final payment, including retainage, in the amount of $85,187.34. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Mr Looney said that bids were opened on April 16, 2001 for the purchase and installation of eight bleacher covers for the softball 4 -plea at the Sports Farb. The only bid received was from -4- Owasso City Council 11 Allied pence Company, Tulsa, OIL. The bid mot all the specifications and was under the estimated cost. The vendor will be able to install the bleacher covers within two weeks of award of the bid. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to award a bid for the purchase and installation of bleacher covers for the softball 4 -plea at the Sports Park to Allied :pence Co, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $8900. AYE. Armstrong, Brogdon, holm, Williams, Warehouse NAZI: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGE R Mr Mitchell gave a brief report on the status of the 76t" St intersection project. He also thanked Mr Williams for his service as Mayor. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. ITEM 16: REPORTIROM CITY COUNCILORS. Councilor Helm introduced his mother -and father-in-law, Mayor Barnhouse also thanked Councilor Williams for his year as Mayor. Former Mayor John Groth stated that he thought this was the best run administration we've had in a long time. z; 81142 Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Armstrong, helm, Barnhouso NAY: None Motion carried 5 ®0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -5a Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES • _ SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, May 2, 00 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Wednesday, May 2, 2001 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City }Tall per the Notice of public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3 :00 porno on Monday, April 30, 2001, and the Addendum to Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5 :00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 20010 ITEM 1. CALL O ORDER Mayor Barnhouse galled the meeting to order at 5 :30 p.m. PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Will Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald Crates, City Attorney Marcia 13outwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present, SENT Michael Helms, Councilor BODY. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PENDING ACTION AGAINST THE PUBLIC FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS TO OFFICE OF MANAGER, • PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. SECTION 1 Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to move into executive session for the purpose stated. Owasso City Council AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None May 2, 2001 Motion carried 4 -0, and the City Council entered into executive session, with the City Attorney present, at 6:35 p.m. Out of executive session at 7030 p.m. Mayor Barnhouse stated that no items, other than ghat was listed on the agenda, were discussed. ITEM 4:, ADJOURNMENT Ms Arm - strong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to adjourn, AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7032 porn, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -2- Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL /OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY/ OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY M TES Of SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 8, 2001 The Owasso City Council, The Owasso Public Works Authority, and The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint special meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2001 at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 2001 ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER, Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL, PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor /Chair H C "Will" Williams, Councilor /Trustee Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor /Trustee BERT Randy Brogdon, Vice MayorNice Chair Michael Helm, Councilor /Trustee STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Houtwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Others present: Kevin Shank, Owasso Reporter; Joei McKinley; Herb Cunningham; Sherry Bishop, finance Director; Tim Rooney, .Assistant City Manager; Jim Greene, Police Chief, Russell Carlson, Director of Golf; Mark Stuckey, Deputy fire Chief; Jinn McElrath, Support Services Director; Robert Carr, Public Works Director and Stan Ewing, Community & Economic Development Director. 1 M gO l UNNIUMWAIA1 VAIIIM9151919H Mr Mitchell presented the proposed FY 2001 ®2002 budget, and budget summary. He outlined goals for the coming fiscal year° following the presentation, opportunity was provided for questions and comments from the public. The proposed budget will be considered for action by the City Council, OPWA, & OPGA at the June 5, 2001 regular meeting. The public hearing concluded at 6 :50 p.m. Owasso City Council/OPWA/OPGA May 8, 2001 ITEM 3: PRESENTATION REGARDING THE KEEPING OF BEES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO LIGHTENING ARRESTOR FOR NEW CITY L. Mr Mitchell stated that a City Council budget workshop is scheduled for May 22, 2001 at 5:30 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to adjourn. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Barnhous* NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary 2 Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 70.00 1OG Municipal Court 2W82 110 Managerial 67420 120 Finance 6.50 150 General Government 5'248.08 1GO Community Deve|upment 1.04127 170 Engineering 3,61439 175 Information Systems 40.31 181 Support Services 2.475.35 201 Police Services 8.616.62 215 Police Communications 775.87 221 Animal Control 783.57 250 Fire Services 2.538.27 28O Emergency Preparedness 64.09 300 Streets 31.735.86 515 Park Maintenance 5,650.13 550 Community Center 947�82 TOTAL 65.443.05 Bond Projects ChxHa(KPoioe Station 219.032.29 76th &189Engineering 5'018.00 TOTAL 225'05029 OPGA Merchandise 10,055.34 60O Golf Shop 738.06 605 Cart Operations 15.25 O10 Golf Course Maintenance 3.55377 6QO Golf Administration 1.225.10 801 Clubhouse 1.514.07 80O Debt Service 4.138.04 TOTAL 21.239.63 OPVVA 400 Administration 2.225.67 405 Utility Billing 2,837.01 ["It 420 Water 11,956.23 450 Wastewater treatment plant 14,503.33 455 Wastewater Collection 4,652.14 460 Refuse Collections 13,656.62 485 Recycle Center 4,997.93 TOTAL 60,030.93 OPWA Sewer Line Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 TOTAL 23,000.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 7,4.11.47 TOTAL 7,411.47 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 8,719.26 TOTAL AL 8,719.26 °ity of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account whim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571037 05/15/01 01 -000 -26501 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571437 05/15/01 01- 000 -26502 9598 1361 5646 4/5 -4/26 04/26/01 240.00 05/15/01 01-105 -53001 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405°01 05/15/01 01 -105 -53610 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202.95 05/15/01 01- 105 -53650 9847 1953 5569 5490994445005473 05/03/01 60.81 05/15/01 01-110 -51700 9593 666 6304 3953 04/27/01 100.00 05/15/01 01 -110 -52001 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 01- 110 -52470 9592 826 6312 6904°2 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 01- 110 -53610 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405001 05/15/01 01-110 -53610 9572 1083 6334 91227 04/24/01 110.00 05/15/01 01- 110 -53650 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202095 05/15/01 01- 110 -53650 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571037 05/15/01 01- 110 -53650 9575 678 6305 159864 04/26/01 24.95 05/15/01 01-- 110 -53657 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571,37 05/15/01 01- 110 -53657 9596 678 6344 1821154 04/28/01 28.81 05/15/01 01- 110°53680 159868 05/01/01 69065 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01- 120 -53650 9571 406 6333 4009 05/01/01 20.98 05/15/01 01-150 -52001 4820 04/18/01 64°73 9571 406 6333 4009 05/01101 20.98 05/15/01 01 °150-52100 4820 04/18/01 64073 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14°98 05/15/01 01- 150 -52100 126966563 -001 04/19/01 139.88 127385968-001 04/26/01 240056 127385968-002 04/26/01 6.17 9758 1062 6358 4/01 04/30/01 3,742.40 05/15/01 01- 150 -53001 9819 187 6384 6112 05/01/01 451400 05/15/01 01- 150-53001 9820 487 6383 043001 04/30/01 150000 05/15/01 01-150 -53001 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971°66 05/15/01 01 °150 -53200 9584 893 6297 530608 05/03/01 218060 05/15/01 01-150 -53505 9635 931 2930 042701 04/27/01 27.00 05/15/01 01 -150 -53600 9641 1098 3214 2401595 04/22/01 321.14 05/15/01 01- 150 -53600 9816 768 6402 986479 04/15/01 254.17 05/15/01 01-150-53600 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405.01 05/15/01 01 -150 -53610 9613 129 3022 12449146 03/24101 14.50 05/15/01 01 -150 -53610 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01-150 -53670 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15101 571037 05/15/01 01 -160 -52001 9574 812 6309 1516077098 04/13/01 5094 05/15/01 01-160 -52100 1515077097 04113/01 4x98 1512076979 04/06/01 77473 1512076852 03/30/01 34°92 1512077347 04/25/01 5.99 1505076975 04/06/01 1050 9752 1908 6366 1014813 -3 04/22101 18000 05/15/01 01 °160 -52100 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01 -160 -52100 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14.98 05/15/01 01- 160 -52100 126966563 -001 04/19/01 139.88 127385968 °001 04/26/01 240.56 127385968-002 04/26/01 6.17 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571037 05/15/01 01- 160 -52470 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30101 4,675.48 05/15/01 01 °160 -52470 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01 °160 -52500 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03212pm Page GL Amount 20,00 50000 240000 14.22 5040 60081 100000 1000 6096 19068 110000 16.00 73077 24.95 62.57 98046 6.50 20098 64.73 2,892.40 451000 150000 62215 218060 27000 32114 254017 101043 14.50 27000 3.55 1.50 18000 22000 4.36 4.00 0,00 10000 By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) ity of Owasso ,pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9599 313 3381 018 04/30/01 380.00 05/15/01 01 °160-53001 9600 313 3382 43001 04/30/01 66096 05/15/01 01 °160 -53001 9617 2176 6359 02 04/23/01 465°00 05/15/01 01 °160 -53001 9597 554 2934 2104 05/01/01 40000 05/15/01 01-160-53500 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648,00 05/15/01 01 °160 °53610 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405.01 05/15/01 01-160-53610 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14.98 05/15/01 01-170-52001 126966563 °001 04/19/01 139088 127385968 °001 04/26/01 240056 127385968 °002 04/26/01 6017 9760 497 6259 42-231041 04/30/01 93.00 05/15/01 01-170-52100 42-231391 05/03/01 93000 9762 2067 6133 126771 04/30/01 988050 05/15/01 01-170-52100 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675 48 05/15/01 01 °170 °52470 9592 826 6312 6904 °2 04/14/01 648.00 05/15101 01 °170 °53500 9747 129 6361 12152617 04/24/01 182064 05/15/01 01 °170 - °53610 /2313359 04/24/01 4.00 9759 1294 2800 500093816 °014 04/14/01 88017 05/15/01 01-170-53610 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202°95 05/15/01 01-170-53650 9619 108 6136 2210404854 04/20/01 1,434000 05/15/01 01 °170-54400 9763 108 6187 2210500331 04/23/01 369097 05/15/01 01- 170 -54400 9822 2080 6156 W1119430 -00 05/01/01 454095 05/15/01 01-170 °54400 9615 2151 6300 051501 05/15/01 19,97 05/15/01 01-175 -52001 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202095 05/15/01 01-175-53650 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01-175-53650 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14.98 05/15/01 01 °181 °52001 126966563 °001 04/19/01 139,88 127385968 °001 04/26/01 240056 127385968 °002 04/26/01 6017 9829 785 6327 8647650111 04/27/01 81094 05/15/01 01-181-52100 8640299304 05/02/01 50.52 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250083 05/15/01 01 °181°52100 1126 05/03/01 220096 9866 812 2871 1504076974 04/06/01 14061 05/15/01 01 °181 °52100 1504077344 04/25/01 2.38 1504077093 04/13/01 5047 1500077342 04/25/01 1 „49 9830 591 2872 8240151511 05/03/01 31.80 05/15/01 01 °181 °52200 8240/49256 04/12/01 26.95 8240150008 04/19/01 26,95 8240150754 04/26/01 26095 8240149258 04/12/01 5.55 8240150010 04/19/01 5055 8240150756 04/26/01 5,55 82401515/3 05/03/01 5055 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 01-181-52470 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571°37 05/15/01 01 °181 ®52500 9826 946 6328 41935 04/17/01 20°16 05/15/01 01 °181-52850 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250,83 05/15101 01 °181 ®52850 1126 05/03/01 220,96 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571437 05/15/01 01-181-53001 9833 2171 6331 29255 05/04/01 295°41 05/15/01 01 -181 -53480 9836 769 2869 2001100 05/03/01 348°76 05/15/01 01-181-53480 ZS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0,7 R*APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 2 GL Amount 380,00 66.96 465°00 40.00 12080 13010 32427 186000 988.50 99073 20089 4000 17063 6.45 1,434°00 369097 454.95 19°97 6070 13064 19.81 50.52 21047 5.82 1,153°04 3.00 20016 19.98 City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor invoice# %nvc Dt invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571°37 05/15/01 01- 181 -53480 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648000 05/15/01 01- 181 -53500 9863 1294 6313 941582085 -004 05/02/01 61064 05/15/01 01- 181 -53500 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202.95 05/15/01 01 -181 -53650 9841 107 6316 59680 04/25/01 339000 05/15/01 01- 181 -54400 59669 04/25/01 62089 59730 04/26/01 10°75 59791 04/27/01 32.55 9862 212 5415 5101 05/06/01 94050 05/15/01 01- 201 -51480 9845 1038 6367 5106 04/11/01 6079 05/15/01 01-•201-52001 9495 04/13/01 305.44 3309 04/12/01 19°74 730 04/29/01 33.45 34 04/24/01 15097 278 04/04/01 24049 9756 1459 6346 1556801 05/01/01 30000 05/15/01 01 °201°52050 9623 169 6307 952 04/30/01 280.00 05/15/01 01 -201 -52100 9753 1086 6345 5/15 05/15/01 36090 05/15/01 01 -201 -52100 9755 319 6347 25792 05/02/01 169860 05/15/01 01- 201 -52100 9811 499 6421 4/01 04/30/01 31°50 05/15/01 01- 201 -52100 9844 500 6368 54181 05/02/01 14099 05/15/01 01- 201°52100 9845 1038 6367 5106 04/11/01 6.79 05/15/01 01 -201 -52100 9495 04/13/01 305044 3309 04/12/01 19074 730 04129/01 33,45 34 04/24/01 15097 278 04/04/01 24.49 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250°83 05/15/01 01-201 -52100 1126 05/03/01 220096 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14898 05/15/01 01 -201 -52100 126966563-001 04/19/01 139.88 127385968 -001 04/26/01 240°56 127385968 -002 04/26/01 6.17 9574 812 6309 1516077098 04/13/01 5094 05/15/01 01- 201 -52400 1515077097 04/13/01 4098 1512076979 04/06/01 7773 1512076852 03/30/01 34092 1512077347 04/25/01 5.99 1505076975 04/06/01 1050 9753 1086 6345 5/15 05/15/01 36,90 05/15/01 01 -201 -52400 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571,37 05/15/01 01- 201 -52400 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 01-201 -52470 9589 939 2735 050101 05/01/01 150000 05/15/01 01 °201 -53001 9624 714 6306 24233 04/23/01 90.00 05/15/01 01- 201 -53001 9810 574 6419 9987 05/07/01 21,38 05/15/01 01- 201 -53001 9258 04/10/01 30°00 9351 04/24/01 11.25 9812 548 6420 35542 05/01/01 138.75 05/15/01 01- 201 -53001 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971,66 05/15/01 01- 201-53200 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250.83 05/15/01 01 -201 -53400 1126 05/03/01 220,96 9622 642 2733 200 -4/01 04/30/01 19493 05/15/01 01 -201 -53470 202 -4/01 04/30/01 17.28 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 3 GL Amount 55°08 34081 61,64 6.70 339.00 94050 1.68 30000 280.00 21060 169.60 3150 14.99 308.81 0 5.94 2.80 15°80 191°45 150000 90000 21.38 e i By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) :ity of Owasso )pen Claims by GL Account Laim# Vendor PO# Mold Vendor Invoice# 9592 826 6312 9594 377 6311 9621 1294 2736 9753 1086 6345 9595 428 6310 9614 1720 6007 9753 1086 6345 9854 1002 6365 9625 1936 5735 9845 1038 6367 9592 826 6312 9754 766 2734 9810 574 6419 203 -4/01 204 °4/01 205 °4/01 206 °4/01 208 -4/01 209-4/01 210 °4/01 211 -4/01 2124/01 213°4/01 214°4/01 215-4/01 218-4/01 219 °4/01 220 °4/01 221 -4/01 222-4/01 223-4/01 224 °4/01 225-4/01 226 °4/01 227 °4/01 229 °4/01 230°4/01 236 -4/01 233 °4/01 237 °4/01 238-4/01 6904-2 64711208 500197307 °013 941582154 °003 5/15 051501 052401 5/15 051501 31601 5106 9495 3309 730 34 278 6904 °2 04-2120459 04-2121093 9987 9258 9351 5106 9495 3309 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 04/30/01 32077 04/30/01 20055 04/30/01 5.14 04/30/01 51837 04/30/01 51030 04/30/01 3.97 04/30/01 °5013 04/30/01 66.18 04/30/01 77007 04/30/01 113.04 04/30/01 -7.89 04/30/01 28.26 04/30/01 41.11 04/30/01 16034 04/30/01 17.99 04/30/01 40.76 04/30/01 5014 04/30/01 5014 04/30/01 43.02 04/30/01 25.50 04/30/01 110.46 04/30/01 63.35 04/30/01 40048 04/30/01 53095 04/30/01 87015 04/30/01 °28°26 04/30/01 30083 04/30/01 69.35 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 01-201-53500 04/25/01 405001 05/15/01 01 °201 °53610 04/14/01 314.13 05/15/01 01-201-53610 04/10/01 2049 05/15/01 36090 05/15/01 01- 201-53615 05/15/01 202095 05/15/01 01 °201-53650 05/24/01 200°00 05/15/01 01-201-53650 05/15/01 36.90 05115/01 01 °201°53650 05/15/01 571037 05115/01 01-201-53650 04/15/01 4,990 00 05/15/01 01-201-54400 04/11/01 6079 05115101 01 °215-53090 04/13/01 30544 04/12/01 19074 04/29/01 33045 04/24101 15.97 04/04/01 24049 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 01 ®215 °53500 04/02/01 350.00 05/15/01 01-215-53500 05/01/01 350°00 05/07/01 21.38 05115/01 01 °221052100 04/10/01 30°00 04/24/01 11025 04/11/01 6,79 05/15/01 01- 221-52100 04/13/01 305044 04/12/01 19.74 May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 4 GL Amount 341014 90010 316x62 7.50 126090 200000 5.00 70000 4,990800 61.94 1l.1 41,25 33045 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *AP20CGL *RPT By SCOTT SMAD60LT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 730 04/29/01 33845 34 04/24/01 15.97 278 04/04/01 24.49 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250°83 05115/01 01- 221 -52100 1126 05/03/01 220096 9574 812 6309 1516077098 04/13/01 5.94 05/15/01 01- 221 -52400 1515077097 04/13/01 4098 1512076979 04/06/01 77073 1512076852 03/30/01 34092 1512077347 04/25/01 5.99 1505076975 04/06/01 1.50 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675048 05/15/01 01- 221-52470 9590 548 6284 35226 04/20/01 30°00 05/15/01 01-221 -53001 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971.66 05/15/01 01- 221 -53200 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405.01 05/15/01 01 -221 -53610 9581 812 6015 1503076848 03/30/01 5.49 05/15/01 01- 250 -52100 1503076973 04/06/01 31.46 1503077092 04/13/01 138x29 1503077327 04/25/01 0099 /503077343 04/25/01 8.68 9750 1038 6016 7172 04/23/01 7094 05/15/01 01- 250 -52100 558 04/19/01 17012 3047 04/05/01 27070 8012 04/02/01 53015 3461 04/13/01 13070 9577 66 6107 352491 04/10/01 44038 05/15/01 01- 250 -52200 353772 04/26/01 228°66 9579 857 6014 D189954 04/28/01 34°75 05/15/01 01- 250 -52470 D187786 04/07/01 4.75 D187709 04/07/01 38.41 9867 764 6329 4101 04/30/01 4,675,48 05/15/01 01 -250 -52470 9603 483 2789 051501 05/15/01 49050 05/15/01 01- 250-53010 9604 252 2791 051501 05/15/01 49.50 05/15/01 01 -250 -53010 9605 1301 2794 051501 05/15/01 49.50 05/15/01 01- 250 -53010 9606 124 2787 051501 05/15/01 49.50 05/15/01 01- 250 -53010 9657 1084 6373 4101 USE 04/30/01 21,971 66 05/15/01 01- 250 -53200 9616 556 6178 5780 04/12/01 114054 05/15/01 01 -250 -53400 5779 04/12/01 240000 9640 1285 6180 13392 04/03/01 81.75 05/15/01 01- 250 -53400 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648,00 05115/01 01- 250 -53505 9747 129 6361 12152617 04/24/01 182°64 05/15/01 01 -250 -53505 12313359 04/24/01 4.00 9594 377 6311 64711208 04125/01 405°01 05/15/01 01- 250 -53610 9583 814 4436 22533 03/16/01 6095 05/15/01 01- 250 -53650 22524 03/13/01 18000 24765 03/12/01 4.80 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202.95 05/15/01 01- 250 -53650 9612 855 6260 821814 04/06/01 36,25 05/15/01 01- 250 -53650 9578 1477 6285 70208 04/26/01 197400 05/15/01 01- 250 -54400 9608 107 6263 59611 04/24/01 259.95 05/15/01 01- 250 -54400 59870 04/28/01 2030 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971066 05/15/01 01- 280 -53200 9629 647 4139 28248 04/16/01 63°97 05/15/01 01 -300 -52100 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *AP20CGL'*RPT May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 5 GL Amount 128087 4.98 0.00 30.00 539088 5014 184.91 66046 273.04 77.91 0400 49050 49°50 49°50 49450 624068 354054 81.75 8.98 91.62 ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account Laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9666 1329 6223 16225 04/20/01 41.90 05/15/01 01-300-52100 18904 04/23/01 39.90 9757 857 3852 D189554 04/25/01 57053 05/15/01 01-300-52100 9777 1408 6003 2390 04/26/01 1,278.00 05/15/01 01-300-52100 9778 107 6043 60156 05/03/01 46.25 05/15/01 01-300-52100 9781 941 4968 215024 04/12/01 36029 05/15/01 01-300-52100 9786 857 3852 D19047 05/04/01 23037 05/15/01 01-300-52100 D190246 05/02/01 10066 9787 366 6364 644409 04/23/01 20.32 05/15/01 01-300-52100 645002 04/27/01 7447 644366 04/23/01 M25 9788 496 6190 3537 05/04/01 1008 05/15/01 01-300-52100 3510 05/02/01 1041 3546 05/07/01 867 3142 04/03/01 9.49 3446 04/26/01 3006 3447 04/26/01 1047 2614 02/09/01 3089 2244 01/03/01 26099 2249 01/03/01 215008 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37038 05/15/01 01-300-52100 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2.87 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14095 1511076978 04/06/01 27.19 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22093 1513076085 02/16/01 3099 1510077095 04/13/01 2458 1510076977 04/0001 79.66 1510076850 03/30/01 180001 1513076980 04/06/01 11.32 1507076849 03/30/01 3094 1513076478 03/09/01 10.99 1513077348 04/25/01 37.28 9855 6 6375 8092 04/26/01 55.00 05/15/01 01-300-52100 8080 04/26/01 55000 8105 04/27/01 55000 8089 04/26/01 55.00 7959 04/19/01 110000 9856 100 6376 538742 04/12/01 520.00 05/15/01 01-300-52100 538741 04107/01 780000 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9.44 05/15/01 01-300-52100 31387 05/08/01 66.95 31389 05/08/01 159.00 27053 05/02/01 227.48 9869 1050 2870 19116 04/30/01 56035 05/15/01 01-300-52100 9632 1144 5559 13662 05101/01 76045 05/15/01 01-300-52200 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26/01 15080 05/15/01 01-300-52200 8240150759 04/26/01 17015 8240150760 04/26/01 72.85 8240150751 04/26/01 33.00 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL*RPT May 10, 2001 03:12pm Page 6 GL Amount 0.00 57.53 1,278.00 46.25 36.29 34.03 273.24 ■ City of Owasso Open CLaims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Mold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8240150752 04/26/01 18.35 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9666 1329 6223 16225 04120/01 41,90 05/15/01 01- 300 -52200 18904 04/23/01 39090 9780 239 5346 102369 05/01/01 238015 05/15/01 01 -300 -52200 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15080 05/15/01 01 -300 -52200 8240151516 05/03/01 30.05 8240151517 05/03/01 53050 8240151508 05/03/01 33000 8240151509 05/03/01 18035 8240151515 05/03/01 4055 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9044 05/15/01 01- 300 -52200 31387 05/08/01 66.95 31389 05/08/01 159.00 27053 05/02/01 227.48 9776 647 6324 28254 04/30/01 586000 05/15/01 01 °300°52220 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9.44 05/15/01 01 -300 -52400 31387 05/08/01 66095 31389 05/08/01 159,00 27053 05/02/01 227"48 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675°48 05/15/01 01 -300 -52470 9631 1318 6036 32 04/25/01 111095 05/15/01 01- 300 -53100 9667 104 6037 01 -04 -21 04/20/01 299.00 05/15/01 01- 300 -53100 01 -04 -13 04/16/01 400,00 9656 1084 6381 167841949 04/30/01 3,862429 05/15/01 01 -300 -53210 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648000 05/15/01 01- 300 -53500 9856 100 6376 538742 04/12/01 520800 05/15/01 01 -300 -53500 538741 04/07/01 780000 9759 1294 2800 500093816 -014 04/14/01 88°17 05/15/01 01 -300 -53610 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 01- 300-53650 9791 1614 4345 4 05/04/01 19,851.20 05/15/01 01 -300 -54100 9633 2072 6081 106581 04/09/01 2,442000 05/15/01 01- 300 -54200 106624 04/23/01 77025 9574 812 6309 1516077098 04/13/01 5094 05/15/01 01 -515 -52100 1515077097 04/13/01 4098 1512076979 04/06/01 77,73 1512076852 03/30/01 34092 1512077347 04/25/01 5099 1505076975 04/06/01 1050 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571°37 05/15/01 01 -515 -52100 9582 2175 6351 218 04/24/01 75°00 05/15/01 01- 515 -52400 219 04/24/01 150000 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 01- 515 -52470 9568 1382 6235 36 05/01/01 256095 05/15/01 01 -515 -53100 9610 1362 3203 90 04/23/01 484.00 05/15/01 01- 515 -53100 9611 1382 6235 33 04/25/01 256.95 05/15/01 01- 515 -53100 9658 537 2886 5/4 ATOR 05/04/01 80.00 05/15/01 01 -515 -53100 9659 537 6155 5/4 MCCARTY 05/04/01 230,00 05/15/01 01 -515 -53100 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971°66 05/15/01 01 -515 -53200 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648,00 05115/01 01- 515 -53500 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405°01 05/15/01 01 -515 -53610 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15101 01-515-53650 9818 2152 6302 042501 04/25/01 2,514.00 05/15/01 01 -515 -54200 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 7 GL Amount 0000 47.63 33000 586.00 159x00 243085 111.95 699.00 3,862 29 69065 1,300400 17863 70.00 19,851020 2,519425 118.64 8.44 225000 By SCOTT SMADEIOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso 1pen Claims by GL Account ;laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# 9609 568 5997 150940 150677 151657 9642 1038 6301 4581 662 9867 764 6329 4/01 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 9594 377 6311 6471/208 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 03/27/01 129,00 05/15/01 01- 550 -52100 03/20/01 102.80 05/15/01 20 °000-44279 04/17/01 39003 6287 353710 03/22/01 65°54 05/15/01 01- 550 -52100 05/03/01 14056 By 353797 04/30/01 4,675048 05/15/01 01 °550 -52470 04/30/01 21,971.66 05/15/01 01 °550 -53200 04/25/01 405.01 05/15/01 01 °550 °53610 9861 1965 6401 030101 03/01/01 80053 05/15/01 20 °000-44279 9576 66 6287 353710 04/25/01 958.68 05/15/01 20 °255 -52100 68018000 By 353797 04/26/01 18042 9580 904 6013 53738 04/17/01 17000 05/15/01 20-255 -52100 53597 04/04/01 43000 53479 03/31/01 90.00 53643 04/09/01 24000 53793 04/20/01 63000 53802 04/23/01 33000 9585 66 6021 351894 04/03/01 353087 05/15/01 20- 255-52100 C353004 04/17/01 -47.13 352029 04/04/01 63°00 353317 04/20/01 26012 9586 1405 6200 C- 10083014 04/25/01 64097 05/15/01 20- 255 -52100 9587 66 6201 353542 04/24/01 123012 05/15/01 20-255-52100 353241 04/19/01 837.93 9601 362 3894 33951 04/25/01 60000 05/15/01 20- 255 -52100 9745 370 6073 29827 04/26/01 338095 05/15/01 20 °255 -52100 9749 362 3894 33992 05/02/01 30400 05/15/01 20 °255 -52100 9750 1038 6016 7172 04/23/01 7.94 05/15/01 20-255 -52100 558 04/19/01 17.12 3047 04/05/01 27070 8012 04/02/01 53015 3461 04/13/01 13070 9602 1005 6262 CTCS179681 04/20/01 133075 05/15/01 20- 255°52470 9746 1217 6176 65588 04/27/01 2,148°00 05/15/01 20-255-52850 9748 196 6286 105035 05/02/01 289,40 05/15/01 20-255 -52850 9607 1149 5119 051501 05/15/01 250.00 05/15/01 20- 255 -53001 9747 129 6361 12152617 04/24/01 182°64 05/15/01 20 -255 -53505 12313359 04/24/01 4.00 9661 938 4827 91801648301158-4 /01 04/27/01 2,099044 05/15/01 21-215 -53610 9761 1534 3826 9 -FINAL 04/26/01 85,187034 05/15/01 40 -000 -54210 -004 9795 1219 3196 CEPO 3267353 04/30/01 68018.00 05/15/01 47- 000-53001°018 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0. 7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 8 FUND Total GL Amount 270.83 65°54 O.00 599.88 11067 65,443005 80.53 977010 270000 WIEW 60.00 338°95 30000 53.15 133075 2,148000 289.40 250.00 91002 FUND Total 6,143078 2,099°44 FUND Total 28099044 858187°34 FUND Total 858187.34 68018000 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9626 1044 5070 78893 -106°1 04/18/01 207.79 05/15/01 47- 000 -54100 -016 9766 1511 3681 2 03/27/01 545.00 05/15/01 47 -000 -54100 -016 9767 1506 3663 3 03/19/01 13,060.00 05/15/01 47 -000- 54100 -016 9768 1427 3002 1 04/02/01 4,300.00 05/15/01 47- 000 - 54100 -016 9769 1427 3684 2 04/02/01 1,500 00 05/15/01 47- 000 -54100 -016 9770 1427 3668 3 03/01/01 37,831.50 05/15/01 47- 000 - 54100 -016 9771 1515 3667 7 04/06/01 30,636.00 05/15/01 47- 000 -54100 -016 9772 1510 5409 2 04/07/01 47,700.00 05/15/01 47- 000 -54100 -016 9792 1505 3662 26 -7 03/23/01 19,620.00 05/15/01 47- 000 - 54100°016 9793 1515 3674 5 04/06/01 26,884.00 05/15/01 47 -000 -54100 -016 9794 1519 3666 2 04/09/01 3,420 00 05/15/01 47-000-54100-016 9821 1504 3661 6 04/06/01 32,459.00 05/15/01 47-000-54100-016 9838 133 6357 042601 04/26/01 869.00 05/15/01 47- 000 -54210 -011 9643 454 6388 921880 04/30/01 177.51 05/15/01 55 °000 -44901 9644 1262 6389 90265409 04/05/01 984.00 05/15/01 55 °000°44901 90271743 04/23/01 729.29 9651 1229 6396 820292 04/22/01 1,196.39 05/15/01 55- 000°44901 9652 42 6397 93517021 04/30/01 73870 05/15/01 55 -000 -44901 9653 314 6398 5066979 04/18/01 1135 05/15/01 55- 000 -44901 5067300 04/18/01 394.90 5084765 04/26/01 325.14 5075284 04/23/01 137.40 5075278 04/23/01 170.14 5078359 04/24/01 685.29 5072179 04/20/01 363.00 5086448 04/26/01 170.14 5092369 04/30/01 175.02 9654 57 6399 753700 03/29/01 834.99 05/15/01 55- 000 -44901 761106 03/31/01 280.20 741585 03/28/01 72.50 755460 03/30/01 66.50 755496 03/30/01 66.50 830477 04/19/01 34.39 839927 04/23/01 140.83 849086 04/25/01 39.39 840630 04124/01 216.00 9655 9 6400 96473456 04/19/01 285,02 05/15/01 55-000 -44901 96482147 04/19/01 -280.00 96473442 04/18/01 119.60 96523848 04/24/01 496.92 96523864 04/24/01 1,723.23 96541568 04/25/01 365.60 9646 1358 6391 621184440 05/01/01 366.00 05/15/01 55- 600 -53670 9751 1239 6298 DQ81024 04/27/01 528.85 05/15/01 55- 600-54100 9647 300 6392 8437 05/04/01 15.25 05/15/01 55-605 -52100 9806 1038 6435 758 04/26/01 17,99 05/15/01 55- 610 -52100 9802 774 6431 360790 04/17/01 568.40 05/15/01 55- 610 -52110 361595 04/30/01 18063,60 360863 04/18/01 123.30 9807 2220 6436 23176 04/25/01 100.00 05/15/01 55 -610 -52115 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03:12pm Page 9 FUND TotaL GL Amount 207.79 545.00 13,060.00 4,300 00 1,500.00 37,831.50 30,636.00 47,700.00 19,620.00 26,884.00 3,420.00 32,459.00 869.00 225,050„29 177.51 1,713.29 1,751.30 100.00 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9801 261 6430 82410 04/23/01 46.90 05/15/01 55 -610 -52160 9798 953 6427 1782203 04/20/01 33025 05/15/01 55-610 -52450 9803 994 6432 17349581 05/02/01 150°35 05/15/01 55- 610 -53100 9809 16 6438 361121422 04/18/01 50.55 05/15/01 55 -610 °53100 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971066 05/15/01 55-610 -53200 9645 1265 6390 2757 04/26/01 73083 05/15/01 55-610 -53408 9799 1021 6428 106360 04/03/01 38.04 05/15/01 55- 610 -53408 106420 05/09/01 231007 9800 1488 6429 102976 04/24/01 41021 05/15/01 55- 610 -53408 9804 857 6433 D189249 04/23101 25.44 05/15/01 55- 610 -53408 9805 40 6434 762404 05101/01 11076 05/15/01 55 -610 -53408 762403 05/01/01 72.05 9808 2218 6437 1214 04/24/01 168.11 05/15/01 55- 610-53408 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405.01 05/15/01 55 -610 -53610 9573 1300 6299 8166 04/23/01 211°10 05/15/01 55-690 -52001 9648 1243 6393 877 04/12/01 495°00 05/15/01 55- 690 -53600 9649 1356 6394 050101 05/01/01 354000 05/15/01 55- 690 -53600 9664 1171 5780 516407 04/30/01 165000 05/15101 55- 690-53600 9650 812 6395 656077368 04/26/01 34°74 05/15/01 55-691 -52100 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971066 05/15/01 55- 691 -53200 9662 1044 3234 81041 - 1006 -2 04/18/01 175011 05/15/01 55 -691 -53200 9663 576 2879 4/01 USE 04/22/01 61889 05/15/01 55- 691 -53200 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405001 05/15/01 55-°691 -53610 9570 89 4508 1 05/01/01 4,138 04 05/15/01 55-800 -55300 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37.38 05/15/01 61-400 -52001 1508077094 04/13/01 3099 1508076976 04106/01 2087 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14095 1511076978 04/06/01 27019 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22493 1513076085 02/16/01 3,99 1510077095 04/13/01 2,58 1510076977 04/06/01 79066 1510076850 03/30/01 180 „01 1513076980 04/06/01 11032 1507076849 03/30/01 3094 1513076478 03/09/01 10099 1513077348 04/25/01 37.28 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571437 05/15/01 61- 400 -52001 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14098 05/15/01 61-400 -52001 126966563 -001 04/19/01 139.88 127385968 - 001 04/26/01 240856 127385968 -002 04/26/01 6.17 9642 1038 6301 4581 03/22/01 65054 05/15/01 61-400 -52400 662 05/03/01 14056 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250,83 05/15/01 61°400 -52400 1126 05/03/01 220.96 9618 497 6186 42- 229752 04/12/01 59.50 05/15/01 61 -400 -53001 :CSaAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 10 FUND Total GL Amount 46,90 33025 150,35 50,55 731030 73.83 269.11 41021 25x44 83.81 168011 6.62 21110 495.00 354000 165°00 34074 1,189°98 175011 61089 52.35 4,138004 21,396042 5498 5.97 127.03 14.56 70°36 59050 By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9758 1062 6358 4/01 04/30/01 3,742.40 05/15/01 61 -400 °53001 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971.66 05/15/01 61-400-53200 9765 360 5317 11041092 04/27/01 85.74 05/15/01 61 °400 -53400 9823 765 6371 32802 05/01/01 156.36 05/15/01 61-400 -53400 9592 826 6312 6904 °2 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 61- 400 °53610 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405.01 05115/01 61-400 -53610 9759 1294 2800 500093816-014 04/14/01 88.17 05/15/01 61 °400°53610 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 61- 400-53610 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202.95 05/15/01 61-400-53650 9764 2081 6157 168036 04/22/01 130.98 05/15/01 61-400-53650 9796 38 6440 043001 04/30/01 193.80 05/15/01 61 °405 ®53070 9848 2075 6272 050101 05/01/01 329.55 05/15/01 61 °405 °53070 9849 371 3325 CCPO 050101 05/01/01 581.85 05/15/01 61-405-53070 9850 264 3326 050101 05/01/01 157.50 05/15/01 61-405-53070 9851 1152 3322 042901 04/29/01 41.85 05/15/01 61 °405 °53070 9852 171 3324 042601 04/26/01 315.90 05/15/01 61-405-53070 9853 1033 6408 PERMIT-9 05/01/01 500.00 05/15/01 61-405-53615 9591 1557 5334 52622 04/30/01 716.56 05/15/01 61 °405-53620 9872 406 6322 6041 05/08/01 14.98 05/15/01 61-420-52001 126966563-001 04/19/01 139.88 127385968 °001 04/26/01 240.56 127385968 °002 04/26/01 6.17 9775 1039 5704 335936 04/02/01 32.00 05/15/01 61-420 -52100 335404 04/02/01 108.00 9783 1039 6217 336552 04/06/01 647.50 05/15/01 61 °420 °52100 338937 04/19/01 1,322.00 338832 04/23/01 315.00 335401 04/02/01 740.00 9784 1039 5704 339336 04/26/01 64.80 05/15/01 61-420-52100 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37.38 05/15/01 61 °420 °52100 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2.87 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14.95 1511076978 04/06/01 27.19 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22.93 1513076085 02/16/01 3.99 1510077095 04/13/01 2.58 1510076977 04/06/01 79,66 1510076850 03/30/01 180.01 1513076980 04/06/01 11.32 1507076849 03/30/01 3.94 1513076478 03/09/01 10.99 /513077348 04/25/01 37.28 9632 1144 5559 13662 05/01101 76.45 05/15/01 61-420-52200 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26/01 15.80 05/15/01 61- 420 -52200 8240150759 04/26/01 17.15 8240150760 04/26/01 72.85 8240150751 04/26/01 33.00 8240150752 04/26/01 18.35 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9666 1329 6223 16225 04/20/01 41.90 05/15/01 61 °420 °52200 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03a12pm Page 11 GL Amount 850.00 659.26 85.74 156.36 6.97 24.32 17.64 5.60 5.40 130.98 193.80 329.55 581.85 157.50 41.85 315.90 500.00 716.56 3.41 Maw 3,024.50 64.80 28.39 76.45 17.15 1 .S1 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso pen GLaims by GL Account Laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 18904 04/23/01 39090 9780 239 5346 102369 05/01101 238015 05/15/01 61 °420-52200 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15,80 05/15/01 61 °420 °52200 8240151516 05/03/01 30.05 8240151517 05/03/01 53.50 8240151508 05/03/01 33,00 8240151509 05/03/01 18035 8240151515 05103/01 4055 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9044 05/15/01 61-'420 -52200 31387 05/08/01 66.95 31389 05/08/01 159°00 27053 05/02/01 227.48 9757 857 3852 D189554 04/25/01 57.53 05/15/01 61-420 °52400 9779 1039 5556 336709 04/12/01 99.72 05/15/01 61-420 -52400 335403 04/09/01 99072 335399 04/02/01 176°60 335094 04/03/01 230011 334654 04/03/01 121088 334993 04/03/01 273.41 335093 04/04/01 103006 336401 04/12/01 65,73 336402 04/12/01 89075 9785 1039 5556 339334 04126/01 321048 05/15/01 61 °420 -52400 337439 04/10/01 93,80 338357 04/23/01 306°50 338107 04/23/01 390070 9786 857 3852 D19047 05/04/01 23037 05/15/01 61-420 -52400 D190246 05/02/01 10,66 9787 366 6364 644409 04/23/01 20.32 05/15/01 61 °420 °52400 645002 04/27/01 7047 644366 04/23/01 12025 9788 496 6190 3537 05/04/01 1.08 05/15101 61 °420-52400 3510 05/02/01 1.41 3546 05/07/01 8.67 3142 04/03/01 9049 3446 04/26/01 3.06 3447 04/26/01 1.47 2614 02/09/01 3.89 2244 01/03/01 26°99 2249 01/03/01 215°08 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37038 05/15/01 61 °420-52400 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2.87 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 /511077096 04/13/01 14095 1511076978 04/06/01 27°19 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22,93 1513076085 02/16/01 3,99 1510077095 04/13/01 2058 1510076977 04/06/01 79,66 1510076850 03/30/01 180,01 1513076980 04/06/01 11.32 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 106 2001 03e12pm Page 12 GL Amount 47063 30.05 "M 16112,48 0.00 0.00 ow By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 1507076849 03/30/01 3.94 1513076478 03/09/01 10,99 1513077348 04/25/01 37°28 9855 6 6375 8092 04/26/01 55000 05/15/01 61-420 °52400 8080 04/26/01 55000 8105 04/27/01 55000 8089 04/26/01 55000 7959 04/19/01 110°00 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9.44 05/15/01 61 °420°52400 31387 05/08/01 66095 31389 05/08/01 159.00 27053 05/02/01 227048 9866 812 2871 1504076974 04/06/01 14¢61 05/15/01 61- 420-52400 1504077344 04/25/01 2.38 1504077093 04/13/01 5.47 1500077342 04/25/01 1049 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 40675048 05/15/01 61-420 °52470 9775 1039 5704 335936 04/02/01 32000 05/15/01 61 °420 -52850 335404 04/02/01 108000 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37038 05/15/01 61 °42052850 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2.87 1511077346 04/25/01 31496 1511077096 04/13/01 14.95 1511076978 04/06/01 27419 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22°93 1513076085 02/16/01 3099 1510077095 04/13/01 2858 1510076977 04/06/01 79.66 1510076850 03/30/01 180001 1513076980 04/06/01 11032 1507076849 03/30/01 3.94 1513076478 03/09/01 10099 1513077348 04/25/01 37°28 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9.44 05/15/01 61-420 -52850 31387 05/08/01 66095 31389 05/08/01 159°00 27053 05/02/01 227048 9620 1204 6220 391187 03/29/01 3,046.00 05/15/01 61-420-53001 9628 729 5849 T12418 04/23/01 1,750000 05/15/01 61-420-53075 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971066 05/15/01 61 °420-53200 9592 826 6312 6904 °2 04/14/01 648,00 05/15101 61 °420 °53505 9759 1294 2800 500093816-014 04/14/01 88017 05/15/01 61-420-53610 9608 107 6263 59611 04/24/01 259095 05/15/01 61-450 -52100 59870 04/28/01 2.30 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250083 05/15/01 61-450-52100 1126 05/03/01 220,96 9632 1144 5559 13662 05/01/01 76,45 05/15/01 61- 450-52200 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26/01 15.80 05/15/01 61-450-52200 8240150759 04/26/01 17,15 8240150760 04/26101 72°85 8240150751 04/26/01 33°00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 13 GL Amount 9.44 209.86 32.00 45097 227.48 3,046°00 1,750°00 445029 41.78 17°64 2.30 MWAN O.00 15880 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account [aim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 8240150752 04/26/01 18,35 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9780 239 5346 102369 05/01/01 238.15 05/15/01 61-450-52200 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15.80 05/15/01 61 °450 -57200 8240151516 05/03/01 30005 8240151517 05/03/01 53050 8240151508 05/03/01 33000 8240151509 05/03/01 18035 8240151515 05/03/01 4055 9787 366 6364 644409 04/23/01 20.32 05/15/01 61-450 °52400 645002 04/27/01 7,47 644366 04/23/01 12.25 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37038 05/15/01 61°450°52400 1508077094 04113/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2087 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14095 1511076978 04/06/01 27019 1513076853 03/30/01 26014 1513075829 02/02/01 22093 15/3076085 02/16/01 3.99 1510077095 04/13/01 2058 1510076977 04/06/01 79066 1510076850 03/30/01 180001 1513076980 04/06/01 11.32 1507076849 03/30/01 3094 1513076478 03109/01 10099 1513077348 04/25/01 37028 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 48675848 05/15/01 61-450 °52470 9774 357 4677 T3693 04/10/01 30000 05/15/01 61- 450 -53001 T3788 04/20/01 30.00 T3757 04/18/01 30.00 T3849 04/30/01 30000 9773 929 6216 2185-0005711 04/16/01 583 „26 05/15/01 61- 450-53180 2185 °0005706 04/16/01 6 ®396075 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21 ®971°66 05/15/01 61-450-53200 9592 826 6312 6904 °2 04/14/01 648000 05/15/01 61- 450 -53610 9594 377 6311 64711208 04/25/01 405001 05/15/01 61-450 °53610 9787 366 6364 644409 04/23/01 20032 05/15/01 61 °455 -52100 645002 04/27/01 7.47 644366 04/23/01 12025 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37.38 05/15/01 61- 455-52100 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2087 1511077346 04/25/01 31096 1511077096 04/13/01 14.95 1511076978 04/06/01 27.19 1513076853 03/30/01 26°14 1513075829 02/02/01 22,93 1513076085 02/16/01 3.99 1510077095 04/13/01 2.58 1510076977 04/06/01 79.66 1510076850 03/30/01 180001 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL *RPT May 10® 2001 03e12pm Page 14 GL Amount 47063 15080 0000 1731 6000 120.00 13,607.96 13.50 17°10 12.25 18.59 By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 1513076980 04/06/01 11032 1507076849 03/30/01 3094 1513076478 03/09/01 10099 1513077348 04/25101 37028 9632 1144 5559 13662 05/01/01 76,45 05/15/01 61 °455 °52200 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26/01 15080 05/15/01 61 °455-52200 82.40150759 04/26/01 17015 8240150760 04/26/01 72.85 8240150751 04/26/01 33.00 8240150752 04/26/01 18°35 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9666 1329 6223 16225 04/20/01 41090 05/15/01 61-455-52200 18904 04/23/01 39090 9780 239 5346 102369 05/01/01 238.15 05/15/01 61- 455 -52200 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15.80 05/15/01 61- 455 -52200 8240151516 05/03/01 30005 8240151517 05/03/01 53.50 8240151508 05/03/01 33.00 8240151509 05/03/01 18035 8240151515 05/03/01 4.55 9857 1329 6223 28351 05/04/01 9044 05/15/01 61 °455 °52200 31387 05/08/01 66495 31389 05/08/01 159.00 27053 05/02/01 227.48 9757 857 3852 D189554 04/25/01 57053 05/15/01 61 °455 °52400 9782 1039 6191 335937 04/10/01 155074 05/15/01 61-455 °52400 334762 04/04/01 311°48 9786 857 3852 D19047 05/04/01 23037 05/15/01 61 °455 °52400 0190246 05/02/01 10.66 9787 366 6364 644409 04/23/01 20.32 05/15/01 61 °455 °52400 645002 04/27/01 7047 644366 04/23/01 12 „25 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37.38 05/15/01 61-455 -52400 1508077094 04/13/01 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2087 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14095 1511076978 04/06/01 27019 1513076853 03/30/01 26,14 1513075829 02102101 22093 1513076085 02/16/01 3099 1510077095 04/13/01 2.58 1510076977 04/06/01 79°66 1510076850 03/30/01 180.01 1513076980 04/06/01 11°32 1507076849 03/30/01 3094 1513076478 03/09/01 10°99 1513077348 04/25/01 37,28 9855 6 6375 8092 04/26/01 55000 05/15/01 61-455 -52400 8080 04/26/01 55,00 8105 04/27/01 55°00 8089 04126/01 55000 7959 04/19/01 110000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 15 0.00 72°85 Oo00 47°63 53450 O.00 0°00 467022 O.00 0000 96.56 110000 By SCOTT SHADDOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso pen Claims by GL Account laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 61 -455 -52470 9634 511 6080 553580 04/05/01 1,096.00 05/15101 61 -455 -53001 553585 04/09/01 1,936000" 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971.66 05/15/01 61-455 -53200 9790 811 6039 30270 04118/01 314.10 05/15/01 61 °45553505 30338 04/23/01 87.50 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 61-455-53610 9759 1294 2800 500093816 -014 04/14/01 88.17 05/15/01 61-455-53610 9595 428 6310 051501 05/15/01 202.95 05/15/01 61- 455 -53650 9627 1040 6038 2404 04/30/01 11,400.00 05/15/01 61- 480 -52100 963°-2 1144 5559 13662 05/01/01 76.45 05/15/01 61 -480 -52200 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26/01 15.80 05/15/01 61 °480 -52200 8240150759 04/26/01 17.15 8240150760 04/26/01 72.85 8240150751 04/26/01 33.00 8240150752 04/26/01 18.35 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9780 239 5346 102369 05/01/01 238.15 05/15101 61- 480 -52200 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15.80 05/15/01 61-480-52200 8240151516 05/03/01 30.05 8240151517 05/03/01 53 „50 8240151508 05/03/01 33.00 8240151509 05/03/01 18.35 8240151515 05/03/01 4.55 9757 857 3852 D189554 04/25/01 57.53 05/15/01 61-480-52400 9786 857 3852 D19047 05/04/01 23.37 05/15/01 61 °480°52400 D190246 05/02/01 10.66 9789 812 6085 1508077345 04/25/01 37.38 05/15/01 61 -480 -52400 1508077094 04/13101 3.99 1508076976 04/06/01 2.87 1511077346 04/25/01 31.96 1511077096 04/13/01 14.95 1511076978 04/06/01 27.19 1513076853 03/30/01 26.14 1513075829 02/02/01 22.93 15/3076085 02/16/01 3.99 1510077095 04/13/01 2.58 1510076977 04 /06/01 79.66 /510076850 03/30/01 180.01 1513076980 04/06/01 11.32 1507076849 03/30/01 3.94 1513076478 03/09/01 10.99 1513077348 04/25/01 37.28 9867 764 6329 4/01 04130/01 4,675.48 05/15/01 61- 480 -52470 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 61-480-53500 9773 929 6216 2185 - 0005711 04/16/01 583.26 05/15/01 61- 480-53815 2185-0005706 04/16/01 6,396.75 9865 1145 6356 327888 -0 04/30/01 42.82 05/15/01 61- 485 -52100 9660 591 6387 8240150757 04/26101 15.80 05/15/01 61-485-52200 8240150759 04/26/01 17.15 8240150760 04/26/01 72.85 8240150751 04/26/01 33.00 8240150752 04/26/01 18.35 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZ®CGL *RPT May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 16 GL Amount 25.05 3,032.00 455.75 401.60 34.81 17.63 6.70 11,400.00 0.00 18.35 47.63 18.35 0.00 0.00 3.94 2,660.22 6.96 4,503.17 42.82 4.55 By SCOTT SHADB ®LT (SRS) City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Bold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 17 FUND Total FUND Total GL Amount 4.55 O.00 198055 6096 2,792094 1,893058 5398 60,030093 23,000°00 23,000000 8.13 18217 36.19 41°37 112°65 53010 1,956042 73.36 81094 320.92 326,97 By SCOTT SHAD90LT (SRS) 8240150758 04/26/01 4.55 9797 591 6426 8240151514 05/03/01 15080 05/15/01 61 °485 °52200 8240151516 05/03/01 30005 8240151517 05/03101 53050 8240151508 05/03/01 33°00 8240151509 05/03/01 18035 8240151515 05/03/01 4455 9665 1044 6219 79055 °1006 °6 04/18/01 2,792.94 05/15/01 61 °485 °52971 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 04/30/01 21,971°66 05/15/01 61- 485 -53200 9592 826 6312 6904 -2 04/14/01 648000 05/15/01 61 °485 -53610 9665 1044 6219 79055-1006-6 04/18/01 2,792 94 05/15/01 61-485-53810 9773 929 6216 2185 °0005711 04/16/01 583.26 05/15/01 61 °485-53815 2185 °0005706 04/16/01 6,396.75 9630 609 6189 12911 04/08/01 53.98 05/15/01 61-485 °54200 9569 717 3291 69525 °6/01 06/01/01 23,000.00 05/15/01 65- 800-55000 9854 1002 6365 051501 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 70 °185 -52050 9831 476 6380 1234594 04/26/01 182017 05/15/01 70-185 -52100 9864 538 3091 1161 05/08/01 250 „83 05115/01 70 °185°52100 1126 05/03/01 220°96 9869 1050 2870 19116 04/30/01 56 „35 05/15/01 70-185°52100 9830 591 2872 8240151511 05/03/01 31.80 05/15/01 70-185«52200 8240149256 04/12/01 26.95 8240150008 04/19/01 26095 8240150754 04/26/01 26095 8240149258 04/12/01 5055 8240150010 04/19/01 5055 8240150756 04/26/01 5055 8240151513 05/03/01 5055 9867 764 6329 4/01 04/30/01 4,675,48 05/15/01 70-185-52470 9825 1029 6323 3198541 04/12/01 1,956442 05/15/01 70-185 °52920 9828 359 6326 233452 05/07/01 31.68 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 232790 04/26101 41.68 9829 785 6327 8647650111 04/27/01 81°94 05115/01 70 °185 °52920 8640299304 05/02/01 50052 9832 446 5876 155315822 05/07/01 23°16 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 155315819 05/07/01 23.16 155316087 05/08/01 9060 155315811 05/07/01 81099 155314496 05/03/01 166°40 155312236 04/26/01 - 109.00 155314497 05/03/01 0.70 155312567 04/27/01 79°82 155311300 04/23/01 2,49 155304721 04/03/01 6,74 155311872 04/25/01 22.38 155304722 04/03/01 13848 9834 364 5877 163906 04/30/01 71.98 05/15/01 70-185-52920 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R *APZOCGL*RPT May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 17 FUND Total FUND Total GL Amount 4.55 O.00 198055 6096 2,792094 1,893058 5398 60,030093 23,000°00 23,000000 8.13 18217 36.19 41°37 112°65 53010 1,956042 73.36 81094 320.92 326,97 By SCOTT SHAD90LT (SRS) ity of Owasso 9814 2181 6410 1399 04/06/01 pen Claims by GL Account 59.99 laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor invoice# 04/23/01 45 ®00 11136 163618 11138 04/17/01 105000 163337 11140 04/26/01 04/24/01 163573 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 168010 163388 9837 123 2867 42277 9839 1005 6353 CM78975 04/30/01 84.38 CVW81662 05/01/01 CVW81650 CVW81664 9840 698 6314 194794 05/01/01 149006 194564 04/17/01 262.95 193895 9841 107 6316 59680 05/15/01 70 ®185-52920 106°19 59669 62.89 59730 04/26/01 10075 59791 9842 865 6355 5918 04/30/01 5969 9866 812 2871 1504076974 179490 /504077344 04/06/01 14.61 05/15/01 1504077093 6096 04/25/01 2.38 1500077342 9868 1040 6318 2398 2397 9870 59 6317 4447666 9657 1084 6373 4/01 USE 9592 826 6312 6904 °2 9594 377 6311 64711208 9827 2170 6321 39555 9835 819 6320 614 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 642 6096 04/25101 40M1 626 70-185-53610 13.54 04/24/01 656 9843 2144 6315 2793 119050 05/15/01 70-185 °53800 2818 9871 1500 6319 3 -33306 9864 538 3091 1161 04/30/01 1126 May 10, 2001 03a12pm Page 18 Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 04/24/01 45000 9814 2181 6410 1399 04/06/01 9817 474 6406 11067 04/16/01 59.99 04/26/01 11134 04/26/01 04/23/01 45 ®00 11136 04/26/01 11138 04/17/01 105000 04/26/01 11140 04/26/01 04/24/01 168010 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 168010 01/11/01 -25°69 05/15/01 700185 °52920 91087 05/01/01 17049 2.91 04/30/01 84.38 05/01/01 15.69 05/07/01 °55890 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 356011 05/01/01 149006 04/17/01 262.95 04/25/01 339.00 05/15/01 70 ®185-52920 106°19 04/25/01 62.89 04/26/01 10075 04/27/01 32.55 04/30/01 79.90 05/15/01 70 °185 °52920 259.80 05/07/01 179490 04/06/01 14.61 05/15/01 70- 185-52920 6096 04/25/01 2.38 04/13/01 5.47 04/25/01 1049 04/23/01 324026 05/15/01 70• °185 °52920 852.00 04/23/01 527074 04/19/01 87.62 05/15/01 70°185 °52920 87062 04/30/01 21,971.66 05/15/01 70-185-53200 235.32 04/14/01 648.00 05/15/01 70°185 °53500 6096 04/25101 40M1 05/15/01 70-185-53610 13.54 04/24/01 57°50 05/15/01 70 °185 -53800 57050 04/11/01 119050 05/15/01 70-185 °53800 612.41 04/19/01 279000 04/18/01 134.91 04/30/01 79000 04/20/01 86°04 05/15/01 70-185 -53800 263.89 04/07/01 177085 04/11/01 1,040.00 05/15/01 70 °185 °53800 1,040.00 05/08/01 250.83 05/15/01 70 °185 °54400 59°98 05/03/01 220 ®96 9588 601 4306 3916 05/01/01 9814 2181 6410 1399 04/06/01 9817 474 6406 11067 03/30/01 11132 04/26/01 11134 04/26/01 11135 04/26/01 11136 04/26/01 11138 04/26/01 11139 04/26/01 11140 04/26/01 11114 04/19/01 1112 04/19/01 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 R*APZOCGL *RPT HUND Total 7,411.47 1,417.67 05/15/01 76-150 °53001 1,417067 266,50 05/15/01 76 ®150-53001 266050 1.90 05/15/01 76-150 °53001 150°44 34.50 14.22 16027 69000 2005 5.29 2.40 2.91 1.90 By SCOTT SHADOOLT (SRS) City of Owasso 05/15/01 76 °150 -53001 Open Claims by GL Account 05/15/01 Claim# vendor PO# NOLd Vendor invoice# 9824 209 6407 200042 °00606 °006 9859 601 6417 009050 9813 2182 6411 110180 9815 2180 6409 04021956 9846 1367 6415 4485841 9854 1002 6365 051501 9858 886 6418 0090500 9860 2185 6416 009050 invc Dt invoice Amount Due Date GL Account 04/20/01 496000 05/15/01 76 °150 -53001 05/01/01 25,50 05/15/01 76 °150 -53001 04/25/01 100.95 05/15/01 76-15O -53750 04/25/01 46000 05/15/01 76 °150 °53750 03/13/01 263076 05/15/01 76- 150.53750 05/15/01 571.37 05/15/01 76 °150 -53750 05/01/01 735489 05/15/01 76 °150-53758 05/01/01 5,214.00 05/15/01 76-150 °53758 CA�._ I .) May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 19 GL Amount 496000 25050 100,95 46.00 263076 2055 735089 5,214.00 FUND iotat 8,719 26 Grand 5otaL /504,4111.98 CCS.AP Accounts payable Release 6.0.7 R *AP2OCGL *RPT By SCOTT SNADBOL`I (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ----- mmm_am -------- m ®dd ---- -- ------------ -------- ------------- -- - - ---- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 2733 2734 2735 2736 2781 2789 2791 2794 2800 642 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 04/30/01 766 04/02/01 05/01/01 939 05/01/01 1294 04/14/01 04/10/01 124 05/15/01 483 05/15/01 252 05115/01 1301 05/15/01 1294 04/14/01 2867 123 04/24/01 2869 769 05/03/01 2870 1050 04/30/01 9622 200-4/01 05/15/01 2024/01 203°4/01 2044/01 205 -4/01 206°4/01 20804/01 209°4/01 210-4/01 211 °4/01 212-4/01 213 °4/01 2144/01 215 °4/01 218 °4/01 219 °4/01 2204/01 221 -4/01 222 ®4/01 223-4/01 224 °4/01 2254/01 226-4/01 227 °4/01 229 °4/01 2304/01 236-4/01 233 -'4/01 237-4/01 238-4/01 9754 04-2120459 05/15/01 04-2121093 9589 050101 05/15/01 9621 500197307 -01 05/15101 3 941582154-00 3 9606 051501 05/15/01 9603 051501 05/15/01 9604 051501 05/15/01 9605 051501 05/15/01 9759 500093816 °01 05/15/01 4 9837 42277 05/15/01 9836 2001100 05/15/01 9869 19116 05/15/01 19093 17.28 32077 20055 5.14 51.37 51.38 3.97 -5.13 66018 77807 113004 -7089 28.26 41°11 16.34 17.99 40076 5.14 5014 43002 25.50 110046 63.35 40048 53095 87.15 -28.26 30083 69.35 350.00 350.00 15000 314.13 2.49 49050 49.50 49.50 4950 88.17 i 2871 812 04/06/01 9866 1504076974 05/15/01 14061 :CS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 6.0.7 ® *APR083 1,096023 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 700000 12 OLETS RENTAL 150400 12 RETAINER 36057 12 PHONE USE-CHIEF 280.05 12 PHONE USE-OTHERS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 17.64 12 CELL PHONE- ROBERTS 17064 12 CELL PHONE -ON -CALL 17°63 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 17°63 12 CELL PHONE- STEVENS 17,63 CELL PHONE-STREETS 168.10 12 BATTERIES 348,76 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 14.98 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 4137 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 5,82 12 MAINT /REPAIR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ damned -- ---- -- °a -_ ------ ------------ v- --beam - emm-m --- - -, -- ------ - --- --- --- above-- - -eau ----------------------- 3196 1219 04/25/01 CEPO 9795 1504077344 05/15/01 2038 3203 1362 04/13/01 9610 1504077093 05/15/01 5047 3214 1098 04/25/01 9641 1500077342 05/15/01 1049 2872 591 05/03/01 9830 8240151511 05/15/01 31080 3291 717 04/12/01 9569 8240149256 05/15/01 26095 3322 1152 04/19/01 9851 8240150008 05/15/01 26.95 3324 171 04/26/01 9852 8240150754 05/15/01 26.95 3325 371 04/12/01 CEPO 9849 8240149258 05/15/01 5.55 3326 264 04/19/01 9850 8240150010 05/15/01 5455 3381 313 04/26/01 9599 8240150756 05/15/01 5.55 3382 313 05/03/01 9600 8240151513 05/15/01 5055 2879 576 04/22/01 9663 4/01 USE 05/15/01 61089 2886 537 05/04/01 9658 5/4 ATOR 05/15/01 80400 2930 931 04/27/01 9635 042701 05/15/01 27400 2934 554 05/01/01 9597 2104 05/15/01 40000 3002 1427 04/02101 9768 1 05/15/01 4,300.00 3022 129 03/24/01 9613 12449146 05/15/01 14°50 3091 538 05/08/01 9864 1161 05/15/01 250°83 3681 1511 05/03/01 9766 1126 05/15/01 220.96 3196 1219 04/30/01 CEPO 9795 3267353 05/15/01 6,018.00 3203 1362 04/23/01 9610 90 05/15/01 484000 3214 1098 04/22/01 9641 2401595 05/15/01 321.14 3234 1044 04/18/01 9662 81041-1006-2 05/15/01 175011 3291 717 06/01/01 9569 69525-6/01 05/15/01 23,000000 3322 1152 04/29/01 9851 042901 05/15/01 41.85 3324 171 04/26/01 9852 042601 05/15/01 315°90 3325 371 05/01/01 CEPO 9849 050101 05/15/01 581.85 3326 264 05/01/01 9850 050101 05/15/01 157.50 3381 313 04/30/01 9599 018 05/15/01 380.00 3382 313 04/30/01 9600 43001 05/15/01 66096 3661 1504 04/06/01 9821 6 05/15/01 32,459°00 3662 1505 03/23/01 9792 26 °7 05/15/01 19,620°00 3663 1506 03/19/01 9767 3 05/15/01 13,060,00 3666 1519 04/09/01 9794 2 05/15/01 3,420000 3667 1515 04/06/01 9771 7 05/15/01 30,636000 3668 1427 03/01/01 9770 3 05/15/01 37,831.50 3674 1515 04/06/01 9793 5 05/15/01 26,884000 3681 1511 03/27/01 9766 2 05/15/01 545000 3684 1427 04/02/01 9769 2 05/15/01 1,500.00 3826 1534 04/26/01 9761 9-FINAL 05/15/01 85,187034 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6,087 Q *APR083 SUPPLIES 11017 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 6.96 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 22.20 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 112.65 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 61.89 12 CABLE SERVICE 80°00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 27.00 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00 °6/01 40000 12 DIAL -UP SERVICE 4,300°00 COLUMN COVERS -6 /6100 14050 SR VAN-USE 21447 MAINT SUPPLIES 70036 CLEANING/PAPER SUPPLIES 19,98 MAINT SUPPLIES 36.19 MAINT SUPPLIES 59.98 FLOOR JACK 12°98 CLEANING SUPPLIES 56067 PAPER /MAINT SUPPLIES 65029 PAPER /CLEANING SUPPLIES 128.87 PAPER /CLEANING SUPPLIES 6,018°00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 °26 °98 484000 11 ELM CREEK MOWING 321.14 EMPLOYMENT ADS 175.11 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 23,000000 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 41.85 METER READINGS 315.90 METER READINGS 581°85 METER READINGS 157850 METER READINGS 380°00 INSPECTION SERVICES 66096 MILEAGE 32,459000 PLUMBING 6/6/00 19,620,00 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 13,060°00 FIRE PROTECTION 6/6/00 3,420°00 SAFETY 6/6/00 30,636000 CONCRETE 6/6/00 37,831°50 ROUGH CARPENTRY 6/6/00 26,884,00 STRUCTURAL STEEL 6/6/00 545,00 LIGHT GAUGE TRUSSES 6/6/00 1,500400 INSTALL DOORS /HARDWARE 6/6/00 85,187.34 STREET IMPROVEMENTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 3 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ----- ------ -------- ---- ------ ma__mwnm_wmm -------- ------------ -------- ----- om °_ ------------ ----------------------- 3852 857 04/25/01 9757 D189554 05/15/01 3852 857 05/04/01 9786 D19047 05/15/01 04/12/01 9779 05/02/01 D190246 04/09/01 3894 362 04/25/01 9601 33951 05/15/01 3894 362 05/02/01 9749 33992 05/15/01 4139 647 04/16/01 9629 28248 05/15/01 4306 601 05/01/01 9588 3916 05/15/01 4345 1614 05/04/01 9791 4 05/15/01 4436 814 03/16/01 9583 22533 05/15/01 336402 5556 03/13/01 04/26/01 22524 339334 03/12/01 24765 4508 89 05/01/01 9570 1 05/15/01 4677 357 04/10/01 9774 T3693 05/15/01 9632 13662 04/20/01 Accounts Payable T3788 04/18/01 T3757 04/30/01 T3849 4827 938 04/27/01 9661 9180123483011 05/15/01 584/01 4968 941 04/12/01 9781 215024 05/15/01 5070 1044 04/18/01 9626 78893 °106°1 05/15/01 5119 1149 05/15/01 9607 051501 05/15/01 5317 360 04/27/01 9765 11041092 05/15/01 5334 1557 04/30/01 9591 52622 05/15/01 5346 239 05/01/01 9780 102369 05/15/01 5409 1510 04/07/01 9772 2 5415 212 05/06/01 9862 5/01 5556 1039 04/12/01 9779 336709 04/09/01 335403 04/02/01 335399 04/03/01 335094 04/03/01 334654 04/03/01 334993 04/04/01 335093 04112/01 336401 04/12/01 336402 5556 1039 04/26/01 9785 339334 04/10/01 337439 04/23/01 338357 04/23/01 338107 5559 1144 05/01/01 9632 13662 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 05/15/01 am 23.37 10x66 60.00 30800 63.97 1,417.67 19,85120 6.95 18400 4080 4,138.04 30.00 30.00 30000 30°00 2,099.44 36029 207079 250.00 85074 716°56 238.15 47,700000 94050 99.72 99.72 176060 230011 121 ®88 273°41 103006 65.73 89.75 321848 93°80 306050 390.70 76045 6 °70-00 57053 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 34.03 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 60000 BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 30.00 BIO °WASTE DISPOSAL 63497 REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,417067 8 CONTRACT ADMIN 10/17/00 19,851 20 EQUIPMENT STORAGE BLDG 29.75 PHOTO PROCESSING 4,138004 7 CART LEASE 120.00 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 2,099044 8 E -911 36029 ASPHALT 207079 REFUSE COLLECTION 250000 8 EMS AUDIT 85074 COPIER MAINTENANCE 716,56 BILLING SERVICE 47063 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 47°63 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 47.63 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 47°63 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 47.63 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 47,700°00 DRYWALL 6/6/00 94,50 5 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 1,259.98 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,112448 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 JEANS /CARHARTTS 76045 JEANS /CARHARTTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso May 10, 2001 03:12pm Page 4 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number w„_A ®p Number end_dd Date --- - e-- Code Number ---- --- --- Invoice# ------ ---- -- Due Date ..0.0°808 ----- Amount Date Amount ------- _ -------- -- -- ---- -- ------------ Amounts - Claim Description ----------------------- 0.00 JEANS /CARHARTTS 0000 JEANS /CARHARTTS 0800 JEANS /CARHARTTS 5569 1953 05/03/01 9847 549099444500 05/15/01 60081 60081 CITY MGR EXPENSES 5473 5646 1361 04/26/01 9598 4/5°4/26 05115/01 240.00 240°00 BAILIFF DUTIES-3/01-6/01 5704 1039 04/02/01 9775 335936 05/15101 32000 108000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/02/01 335404 108.00 32000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5704 1039 04/26/01 9784 339336 05/15/01 64.80 64.80 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5735 1936 04/15/01 9625 31601 05/15/01 4,990,00 4,990.00 5 RADAR UNITS 5780 1171 04/30/01 9664 516407 05/15/01 165.00 165.00 4 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 5849 729 04/23/01 9628 T12418 05/15/01 1,750.,00 1,750 00 METER SETS 9/7/99 5876 446 05/07/01 9832 155315822 05/15/01 23.16 320092 REPAIR PARTS 05/07/01 155315819 23016 05/08/01 155316087 9.60 05/07/01 155315811 81.99 05/03/01 155314496 166840 04/26/01 155312236 - 109000 05/03/01 155314497 0070 04/27/01 155312567 79082 04/23/01 155311300 2049 04/03/01 155304721 6074 04/25/01 155311872 22.38 04/03/01 155304722 13.48 5877 364 04/30/01 9834 163906 05/15/01 71.98 326097 TIRE REPAIRS 04/24/01 163618 45.00 04/16/01 163337 59099 04/23/01 163573 45000 04/17/01 163388 105.00 5997 568 03/27/01 9609 150940 05/15/01 129.00 270083 PAPER SUPPLIES 03/20/01 150677 102080 04/17/01 151657 39°03 6003 1408 04/26/01 9777 2390 05/15/01 1,278.00 1,278000 CONCRETE 6007 1720 05/24/01 9614 052401 05/15/01 200900 200.00 TRAINING - CUNNINGHAM /BAR NESS 6013 904 04/17/01 9580 53738 05/15/01 17000 270.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 04/04/01 53597 43.00 03/31/01 53479 90000 04/09/01 53643 24800 04/20/01 53793 63000 04/23/01 53802 33000 6014 857 04/28/01 9579 D189954 05/15/01 34.75 77091 REPAIR PARTS 04/07/01 D187786 4.75 04/07/01 D187709 38.41 6015 812 03130/01 9581 1503076848 05/15/01 5849 184091 MAINT SUPPLIES 04/06/01 1503076973 31046 04/13/01 1503077092 138029 04/25/01 1503077327 0.99 04/25/01 1503077343 8.68 6016 1038 04/23/01 9750 7172 05/15/01 7094 66046 MAINT SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6°007 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 5 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber ----- Number - -- - -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- - - -- -- Invoice# ------ - -- --- Due Date --men - -- ------ Amount Date Amount --- --- -------- ---- - -- - -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 04/19/01 558 17.12 53015 MAINT SUPPLIES 04/05/01 3047 27.70 04/02/01 8012 53.15 04/13/01 3461 13.70 6021 66 04/03/01 9585 351894 05/15/01 353487 395 ®86 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 04/17/01 C353004 -47.13 04/04/01 352029 63.00 04/20/01 353317 26.12 6036 1318 04/25/01 9631 32 05/15/01 111.95 111.95 MOWINGS 6037 104 04/20/01 9667 01 -04 -21 05/15/01 299.00 400000 MOWING -3 LAKES DRAINAGE 04/16/01 01-04-13 400000 299.00 MOWING- LAKERIDGE DRAINAGE 6038 1040 04/30/01 9627 2404 05/15/01 11,400°00 11,400.00 GREEN POLYCARTS -8 /17/99 6039 811 04/18/01 9790 30270 05/15/01 314410 401060 TRACKHOE RENTAL 04/23/01 30338 87.50 6043 107 05/03/01 9778 60156 05/15/01 46.25 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 46025 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6073 370 04/26/01 9745 29827 05/15/01 338095 338.95 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 6080 511 04/05/01 9634 553580 05/15/01 1,096000 3,032.00 VACUUM TRUCK RENTAL 04/09/01 553585 1,936000 6081 2072 04/09/01 9633 106581 05/15/01 2,442000 2,519825 GATE OPENER 04/23/01 106624 77025 6085 812 04/25/01 9789 1508077345 05/15/01 37.38 273,24 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/13/01 1508077094 3.99 7020 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/06/01 1508076976 2.87 17.31 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/25/01 1511077346 31.96 96456 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/13/01 1511077096 14095 3094 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/06/01 1511076978 27°19 18059 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/30/01 1513076853 26014 5.98 REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/02/01 1513075829 22093 45097 REPAIR SUPPLIES 02/16/01 1513076085 3.99 28439 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/13/01 1510077095 2058 04/06/01 1510076977 79.66 03/30/01 1510076850 180001 04/06/01 1513076980 11032 03/30/01 1507076849 3094 03/09/01 1513076478 10099 04/25/01 1513077348 37°28 6107 66 04/10/01 9577 352491 05/15/01 44.38 273.04 UNIFORMS 04/26/01 353772 228 „66 6133 2067 04/30/01 9762 126771 05/15/01 988.50 494°25 AUTOCAD LICENSE -BATES 494°25 AUTOCAD LICENSE -BAIN 6136 108 04/20/01 9619 2210404854 05/15101 1,434.00 1,434°00 LAP TOP COMPUTER 6155 537 05/04/01 9659 5/4 MCCARTY 05/15/01 230 ®00 230.00 10 PARK MOWINGS 6156 2080 05/01/01 9822 W1119430 -00 05/15/01 454.95 454°95 DIGITAL CAMERA 6157 2081 04/22/01 9764 168036 05/15/01 130,98 130 „98 2 LODGING -CARR 6176 1217 04/27/01 9746 65588 05/15/01 2,148°00 2,148800 SERVICE CONTRACT -EQUIP 6178 556 04/12/01 9616 5780 05/15/01 114.54 354,54 RADIO REPAIR 04/12/01 5779 240,00 6180 1285 04/03/01 9640 13392 05/15/01 81075 81,75 AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE 6186 497 04/12/01 9618 42- 229752 05/15/01 59.50 59°50 POSTER MOUNTING 6187 108 04/23/01 9763 2210500331 05/15/01 369097 369097 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES :CSeAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 6 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number _a_aem Number ------ Date Code -- ---- -- - --- Number ------ Invoice# - ----- ---- -- Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount emm-- --- -- -- -- - - -- ---- Amounts -- ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 6189 609 04/08/01 9630 12911 05/15/01 53098 53098 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 6190 496 05/04/01 9788 3537 05/15/01 1008 13038 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/02/01 3510 1041 257°76 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/07/01 3546 8067 04/03/01 3142 9049 04/26/01 3446 3006 04/26/01 3447 1847 02/09/01 2614 3.89 01/03/01 2244 26099 01/03/01 2249 215.08 6191 1039 04/10/01 9782 335937 05/15101 155.74 467022 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/04/01 334762 311.48 6200 1405 04/25/01 9586 C°10083014 05/15/01 64.97 64,97 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 6201 66 04/24/01 9587 353542 05/15/01 123.12 961.05 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 04/19/01 353241 837.93 6216 929 04/16/01 9773 2185 °0005711 05/15/01 583626 583026 TIPPING FEES 04/16/01 2185 °0005706 6,396 ®75 4,503017 TIPPING FEES 1,893°58 TIPPING FEES 6217 1039 04/06/01 9783 336552 05/15/01 647.50 3,024050 WATER METERS 04/19/01 338937 1,322000 04/23/01 338832 315.00 04/02/01 335401 740.00 6219 1044 04/18/01 9665 79055 - 1006 °6 05115/01 2,792094 2,792.94 RECYCLE REFUSE 0.00 RECYCLE GLASS 6220 1204 03129/01 9620 391187 05/15/01 3,046.00 3,046.00 WATER MASTER PLAN 11/16/99 6223 1329 04/20/01 9666 16225 05/15/01 41090 0000 UNIFORM JEANS 04/23/01 18904 39°90 81.80 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6223 1329 05/04/01 9857 28351 05115/01 9.44 66.95 UNIFORM JEANS 05/08/01 31387 66095 0000 UNIFORM JEANS 05/08/01 31389 159000 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 05/02/01 27053 227048 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 9044 REPAIR SUPPLIES 227048 REPAIR SUPPLIES 159°00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6235 1382 05/01/01 9568 36 05/15/01 256.95 210°00 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 46095 10 VETERANS PARK MOWINGS 6235 1382 04/25/01 9611 33 05/15/01 256.95 210°00 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 46,95 10 VETERANS PARK MOWINGS 6259 497 04/30/01 9760 42 °231041 05/15/01 93800 186.00 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 05/03/01 42 °231391 93000 6260 855 04/06/01 9612 821814 05/15/01 36.25 36°25 TRAINING 6262 1005 04/20/01 9602 CTCS179681 05/15/01 133475 133.75 VEHICLE REPAIR 6263 107 04/24/01 9608 59611 05/15/01 259.95 259095 WEED TRIMMER 04/28/01 59870 2.30 2.30 MAINT SUPPLIES 6272 2075 05/01/01 9848 050101 05/15/01 329°55 329°55 METER READINGS 6284 548 04/20/01 9590 35226 05/15/01 30000 30.00 EUTHANASIA SERVICE 6285 1477 04/26/01 9578 70208 05/15/01 197800 197°00 AIR MASKS /PAKS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6,007 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 7 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 6286 196 05/02/01 9748 105035 05/15/01 289°40 6287 66 04/25/01 9576 353710 05/15/01 958,68 PASS 126090 04/26/01 PASS 353797 PIKE 18442 6297 893 05/03/01 9584 530608 05/15/01 218460 6298 1239 04/27/01 9751 DQ81024 05/15/01 528 ®85 6299 1300 04/23/01 9573 8166 05/15/01 211010 6300 2151 05/15/01 9615 051501 05/15/01 19.97 6301 1038 03/22/01 9642 4581 05115/01 65.54 USE 1167 05/03/01 USE 662 04/01 14056 6302 2152 04/25/01 9818 042501 05/15/01 2,514.00 6304 666 04/27/01 9593 3953 05115/01 100000 6305 678 04/26/01 9575 159864 05115/01 24095 6306 714 04/23/01 9624 24233 05/15/01 90.00 6307 169 04/30/01 9623 952 05/15/01 280000 6309 812 04/13/01 9574 1516077098 05/15/01 5094 04/13/01 1515077097 4.98 04/06/01 1512076979 77073 03/30/01 1512076852 34°92 04/25/01 1512077347 5099 04/06/01 1505076975 1050 6310 428 05/15/01 9595 051501 05/15/01 202095 6311 377 04/25/01 6312 826 04/14/01 9594 64711208 05/15/01 405.01 9592 6904 °2 05/15/01 648000 ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APR083 289 40 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 977010 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 218460 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 528x85 LCD MONITOR 211.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.97 SUBSCRIPTION 65054 CLEANING SUPPLIES 14.56 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2,514.00 SIDEWALK INSTALLATION 100.00 TONER CARTRIDGE 24095 COUNCIL. WORKSHOP 90.00 RADIO REPAIR 280.00 AMMUNITION 118.64 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 1.50 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.94 KEYS 4.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.40 PIKE PASS 16.00 PIKE PASS 6.45 PIKE PASS 6070 PIKE PASS 6070 PIKE PASS 126090 PIKE PASS 22.70 PIKE PASS 5040 PIKE PASS 6.70 PIKE PASS 19068 04/01 USE 13010 04/01 USE 14022 04/01 USE 101.43 04/01 USE 13054 04/01 USE 90010 04/01 USE 5.14 04/01 USE 30073 04/01 USE 24032 04/01 USE 17010 04/01 USE 1167 04/01 USE 5.01 04/01 USE 6462 04/01 USE 52.35 04/01 USE 6.96 04/01 USE 12°80 04/01 USE 20,89 04/01 USE 34°81 04/01 USE 6096 04/01 USE 341014 04/01 13093 04/01 USE 8.98 04101 USE 69.65 04/01 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso May 10, 2001 O3a12pm Page 8 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ ---- -- -------- e -Wd -- - --- ------------ -- ---- -- --------- --- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ------------ ----------------------- 6313 1294 05102/01 6314 698 05/07/01 05/01/01 04/17/01 6315 2144 04/20/01 04/07/01 6316 107 04/25/01 04/25/01 04/26/01 04/27/01 6317 59 04/19/01 6318 1040 04/23/01 04/23/01 6319 1500 04/11/01 6320 819 04/11/01 04/19/01 04/18/01 04/30/01 6321 2170 04/24/01 6322 406 05/08/01 04/19/01 04/26/01 04/26/01 9863 941582085 °00 05/15/01 9825 4 05/15/01 9840 194794 05/15/01 04/30/01 194564 28254 05/15/01 193895 6326 9843 2793 05/15/01 233452 2818 31068 9841 59680 05/15/01 6.00 59669 MAINT 41068 59730 785 04/27/01 59791 8647650111 9870 4447666 05/15/01 9868 2398 05/15/01 8640299304 2397 50.52 9871 3 °33306 05/15/01 9835 614 05/15/01 20016 642 764 04/30/01 626 4/01 05/15101 656 9827 39555 05/15/01 9872 6041 05/15/01 126966563-00 1 127385968-00 1 127385968-00 2 61.64 -55 „90 149006 262.95 €16004 177.85 339000 62,89 10.75 32055 87062 ;24026 527074 1,040000 119050 279.00 134.91 79°00 57050 14°98 139.88 24056 6017 6323 1029 04/12/01 9825 3198541 05/15/01 1,956°42 6324 647 04/30/01 9776 28254 05/15/01 586°00 6326 359 05/07/01 9828 233452 05/15/01 31068 VEH MAINT 04/26/01 6.00 232790 MAINT 41068 6327 785 04/27/01 9829 8647650111 05/15101 81.94 04/01 0.00 05/02/01 MAINT 8640299304 50.52 6328 946 04/17/01 9826 41935 05/15/01 20016 6329 764 04/30/01 9867 4/01 05/15101 4,675048 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 6097 04/01 USE 41°78 04/01 USE 13.50 04/01 USE 34.81 04/01 USE 6096 04/01 USE 6096 04/01 USE 20090 04/01 USE 61064 PHONE USE 356°11 OIL/LUBRICANTS 263.89 REPAIR PARTS 339 =00 LAWNMOWER 106019 REPAIR PARTS 87062 REPAIR PARTS 852°00 REPAIR PARTS 1,040000 VEHICLE REPAIR 612041 VEHICLE TOWING 57°50 KEY REPLACEMENT 130073 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19081 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4436 OFFICE SUPPLIES 83098 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32027 OFFICE SUPPLIES 127403 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,956°42 TIRES 586000 SIGN POLES 73036 REPAIR PARTS 81494 REPAIR PARTS 50.52 REPAIR SUPPLIES 20016 GREASE GUN 209.86 VEH MAINT 04/01 53010 VEH MAINT 04/01 2,660°22 VEH MAINT 04/01 1.00 VEH MAINT 04/01 6.00 VEH MAINT 04/01 0800 VEH MAINT 04/01 32018 VEH MAINT 04/01 0.00 VEH MAINT 04/01 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso May 10, 2001 03;12pm Page 9 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber maeme Number d ®mm -n Date Code -------- ---- Number ---- -- Invoice# ------ - ----, Due Date -- ---- -- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- _ ---------- _ ------ Amounts ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 0.00 VEH MAINT 04/01 0.00 VEH MAINT 04/01 191°45 VEH MAINT 04/01 18153004 VEH MAINT 04/01 99073 VEH MAINT 04/01 243.85 VEH MAINT 04/01 25005 VEH MAINT 04/01 6331 2171 05/04/01 9833 29255 05/15/01 295°41 295.41 VAN RENTAL 6333 406 05/01/01 9571 4009 05/15/01 20098 64.73 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/18/01 4820 64.73 20°98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6334 1083 04/24/01 9572 91227 05/15/01 110000 110000 CONFERENCE-MITCHELL 6344 67€1 04/2€3/01 9596 1821154 05/15/01 28.81 98.46 COUNCIL RECEPTION 05/01/01 159868 69065 6345 1086 05/15/01 9753 5/15 05/15/01 36090 21.60 FILM DEVELOPMENT /BATTERIES 2.80 RADIO REPAIR PART 5.00 PARKING FEE 7,50 POSTAGE 6346 1459 05/01/01 9756 1556801 05/15/01 30°00 30.00 POLICY RENEWAL 6347 319 05/02/01 9755 25792 05/15/01 169.60 169060 TARGETS 6351 2175 04/24/01 9582 218 05/15/01 75,00 225.00 LOCATE LINE BREAK 04/24/01 219 150000 6353 1005 01/11/01 9839 CM78975 05/15/01 °25.69 91087 REPAIR PARTS 05/01/01 CVW81662 17.49 04/30/01 CVW81650 84.38 05/01/01 CVW81664 15069 6355 865 04/30/01 9842 5918 05/15/01 79.90 259080 TIRES 05/07/01 5969 179090 6356 1145 04/30/01 9865 327888 -0 05/15/01 42.82 42.82 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6357 133 04/26/01 9838 042601 05/15/01 869.00 869.00 LEGAL FEES-86TH/MAIN 6358 1062 04/30/01 9758 4/01 05/15/01 3,742 40 700.00 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 2,192040 LEGAL SERVICES 150000 LEGAL SERVICES 6359 2176 04/23/01 9617 02 05/15/01 465.00 465000 ABATEMENT CLEANUP 6361 129 04/24/01 9747 12152617 05/15/01 182864 91°62 PHONE USE-ALLEN 04/24101 12313359 4000 91002 PHONE USE - OTHERS 4.00 PHONE USE -KROPP 6364 366 04/23/01 9787 644409 05/15/01 20832 27079 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/27/01 645002 7047 0°00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/23/01 644366 12025 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 12,25 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6365 1002 05/15/01 9854 051501 05/15/01 571937 8.13 REPAIR PARTS 24,80 MILEAGE- BOUTWELL 70°00 PER DIEM- ROBERTS /HOFFMAN 20000 DEPOSIT REFUND 21,00 COPIES 27°00 LICENSE TAG 9.07 MEETING EXP 50050 COUNCIL RECEPTION :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6,0.7 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order May 10, 2001 03o12pm Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number adman° Number ---- -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number .,_d- - - ---- Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ---- -- - --- - ----- ------------ Amounts Claim Description eo_.__n__m_.mmd m m_-- -- - 3055 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3000 COUNCIL WORKSHOP 4000 VEHICLE WASH 13064 MILEAGE- WILLSON 5060 REIMB PHONE -CARR 17095 INTERNET SERVICE 42°47 MILEAGE-GRIMES 8.44 REPAIR SUPPLIES 70400 PER DIEM-SMITH 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 2,55 T10180 15°80 PAINT & SUPPLIES 15°82 MEETING EXPENSE 55.08 DOC LUNCHES 6.50 MEETING EXPENSE 6050 MEETING EXPENSE 10000 FUEL 1000 COPY EXPENSE 3000 FUEL 5097 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6366 1908 04/22/01 9752 1014813 °3 05/15/01 18.00 18°00 SUBSCRIPTION 6367 1038 04/11/01 9845 5106 05/15/01 6079 1068 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/13/01 9495 305°44 308.81 BATTERIES /FILM /PADLOCK 04/12/01 3309 19.74 61°94 PRISONER MEALS 04/29/01 730 33045 33445 SHELTER SUPPLIES 04/24/01 34 15097 04/04/01 278 24.49 6368 500 05/02/01 9844 54181 05/15/01 14.99 14099 TELEPHONE RECORDER 6371 765 05/01/01 9823 32802 05/15/01 156°36 156°36 AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 6373 1084 04/30/01 9657 4/01 USE 05/15/01 21,971066 622,15 04/01 USE 235.32 04/01 USE 59533 04/01 USE 539°88 04/01 USE 624,68 04/01 USE 64,09 04/01 USE 659026 04/01 USE 445.29 04/01 USE 13,607.96 04/01 USE 455075 04/01 USE 198055 04/01 USE 599.88 04/01 USE 1,402.24 04/01 USE 731830 04/01 USE 1,189098 04/01 USE 6375 6 04/26/01 9855 8092 05/15/01 55000 0000 SOD 04/26/01 8080 55000 110000 SOD 04/27/01 8105 55,00 220,00 SOD 04/26/01 8089 55.00 04/19/01 7959 110,00 6376 100 04/12/01 9856 538742 05/15/01 520°00 0.00 TOP SOIL 04/07/01 538741 780000 1,300,00 DOZER RENTAL 6380 476 04/26/01 9831 1234594 05/15/01 182017 182.17 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order May 10, 2001 03e12pm Page 11 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber omm_e Number momma® Date -------- Code Number e ®ed W_demd Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- °- Amount °- ---a - ° -° Date ®mamma°- Amount ---- ---- -- e Amounts ®omm ®mme__e Claim Description ----------------------- 6381 1084 04/30/01 9656 167841949 05/15/01 3,862029 3,862°29 04/01 USE 6383 487 04/30/01 9820 043001 05/15/01 150.00 150.00 LABOR RELATIONS PROJECT 6384 187 05/01/01 9819 6112 05/15/01 451000 451000 EAP SERVICES 6387 591 04/26/01 9660 8240150757 05/15/01 15.80 33000 UNIFORM RENTAL 04/26/01 8240150759 17015 17015 UNIFORM RENTAL 04/26/01 8240150760 72.85 15080 UNIFORM RENTAL 04/26/01 8240150751 33000 72085 UNIFORM RENTAL 04/26/01 8240150752 18435 18.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 04126/01 8240150758 4.55 4.55 UNIFORM RENTAL 6388 454 04/30/01 9643 921880 05/15/01 177051 177°51 SHIRTS 6389 1262 04/05/01 9644 90265409 05/15/01 984000 1,713.29 GOLF CLUBS 04/23/01 90271743 729.29 6390 1265 04/26/01 9645 2757 05/15/01 73¢83 73°83 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 6391 1358 05/01/01 9646 621184440 05/15/01 366.00 366000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 6392 300 05/04/01 9647 8437 05/15/01 15625 15.25 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6393 1243 04/12/01 9648 877 05/15/01 495000 495000 ADVERTISING 6394 1356 05/01/01 9649 050101 05/15/01 354.00 354°00 ADVERTISING 6395 812 04/26/01 9650 656077368 05/15/01 34,74 34.74 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 6396 1229 04/22/01 9651 820292 05/15/01 1,196039 1,196039 SHIRTS 6397 42 04/30/01 9652 93517021 05/15/01 73470 7"3.70 SUNGLASSES 6398 314 04/18/01 9653 5066979 05/15/01 11075 05/16/01 0.14 2,432.78 GOLF CLUBS /CAPS /BAGS 04/18/01 5067300 394090 05/16/01 7068 04/26/01 5084765 325°14 05/16/01 6.40 04/23101 5075284 137040 05/16/01 2052 04/23/01 5075278 170.14 05/16/01 3.30 04/24/01 5078359 685°29 05/16/01 13850 04/20/01 5072179 363 ®00 05/16/01 7.14 04/26/01 5086448 170°14 05/16/01 3030 04/30/01 5092369 175.02 05/16/01 3.30 6399 57 03/29/01 9654 753700 05/15/01 834099 05/16/01 33405 1,751030 GOLF BALLS /CAPS /CLUBS 03/31/01 761106 280.20 03/28/01 741585 72050 05/16/01 2.76 03/30/01 755460 66.50 05/16/01 2.52 03/30/01 755496 66.50 05/16/01 2052 04/19/01 830477 34039 05/16/01 0.60 04/23/01 839927 140083 05/16/01 2070 04/25/01 849086 39.39 05/16/01 0.70 04/24/01 840630 216000 05/16/01 8016 6400 9 04/19/01 9655 96473456 05/15/01 285°02 05/16/01 5060 2,710037 GOLF CLUBS /BALLS 04/19/01 96482147 -280.00 04/18/01 96473442 119°60 04/24101 96523848 496.92 05/16/01 9060 04/24/01 96523864 1,723,23 05/16/01 34030 04/25/01 96541568 365.60 05/16/01 7.00 6401 1965 03/01/01 9861 030101 05/15/01 80053 80053 AMB REFUND #3514 6402 768 04/15/01 9816 986479 05/15/01 254°17 254017 EMPLOYMENT AD 6406 474 03/30/01 9817 11067 05/15101 1 ®90 150844 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 04/26/01 11132 34.50 04/26/01 11134 14022 04/26/01 11135 16.27 04/26/01 11136 69.00 04/26/01 11138 2805 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.7 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order May 10, 2001 03a12pm Page 12 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date Code -------- ---- Number uunm_a Invoice# ------ ---- -- Due Date -- ---- -- Amount Date Amount ------------ -------- --- - -- -- -- ------ Amounts ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 04/26/01 11139 5.29 04/26/01 11140 2.40 04/19/01 11114 2.91 04/19/01 1112 1.90 6407 209 04 /20/01 9824 200042 °00606 05/15/01 496.00 496000 501139 °006 6408 1033 05/01/01 9853 PERMIT -9 05/15/01 500000 500.00 POSTAGE 6409 2180 04/25/01 9815 0402/956 05/15/01 46.00 46000 T10180 6410 2181 04/06/01 9814 1399 05/15/01 266050 266,50 501139 6411 2182 04/25/01 9813 T10180 05/15/01 100.95 100.95 T10180 6415 1367 03/13/01 9846 4485841 05/15/01 26336 263.76 L03131 6416 2185 05/01/01 9860 C09050 05/15/01 5,214 00 5,214000 W/C SETTLEMENT 6417 601 05/01/01 9859 009050 05/15/01 25.50 25.50 PROF SERVICES-S. CORLEY 6418 886 05/01/01 9858 0090500 05115/01 735089 735089 WCC #2001w5548R/C09050 6419 574 05/07/01 9810 9987 05/15/01 21038 21°38 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 04/10/01 9258 30°00 41.25 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 04/24/01 9351 11.25 6420 548 05/01101 9812 35542 05/15/01 138.75 138075 VET SERVICES 6421 499 04/30/01 9811 4/01 05/15/01 31050 31.50 TARGETS /AMMO 6426 591 05/03/01 9797 8240151514 05/15/01 15080 33.00 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/03/01 8240/51516 30005 30°05 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/03/01 8240151517 53.50 15.80 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/03/01 8240151508 33°00 53050 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/03/01 8240151509 18°35 18035 UNIFORM RENTAL 05/03/01 8240151515 4.55 4055 UNIFORM RENTAL 6427 953 04/20/01 9798 1782203 05/15/01 33025 33°25 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6428 1021 04/03/01 9799 106360 05/15/01 38004 269.11 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/09/01 106420 231.07 6429 1488 04/24/01 9800 102976 05/15/01 41021 41021 TIRES 6430 261 04/23/01 9801 82410 05/15/01 46090 46.90 SAND 6431 774 04/17/01 9802 360790 05/15/01 568.40 1,755030 CHEMICALS 04/30/01 361595 1,063.60 04/18/01 360863 123°30 6432 994 05/02/01 9803 17349581 05/15/01 150,35 150035 PARTS CLEANER 6433 857 04/23/01 9804 D189249 05/15/01 25044 75044 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 6434 40 05/01/01 9805 762404 05/15/01 11076 83081 MAINT SUPPLIES 05/01/01 762403 72005 6435 1038 04/26/01 9806 758 05/15/01 17099 17099 MAINT SUPPLIES 6436 2220 04/25/01 9807 23176 05/15/01 100°00 100.00 FERTILIZER 6437 2218 04124/01 9808 1214 05/15/01 168°11 168.11 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 6438 16 04/18/01 9809 361121422 05/15/01 50.55 50055 SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHER 6440 38 04/30/01 9796 043001 05/15/01 193080 193080 METER READINGS TOTAL cJC504,481.98 156.79 224 records listed 032 TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FUND CITY OF OWASSO AIR TRANSFER REPORT latilluffi= TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND 5,000.00 10,000.00 1,833.33 TRANSFERS TOTAL -----1-6,W33.33 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD NDING DATE 05/05/01 Jpartrner�t vertirne -e Total Expenses General Fund Municipal Court 0.00 2,19 .29 Managerial 0.00 13,473.88 Finance 0.00 9,43:174 Community Development 0.00 7,199.13 ,Engineering 0,00 5,95235 Information Systems 0.00 1,726.26 Support Services 336.1`1 4,674.33 Police 310.30 66,739.25 Central Di gteh'J 128.55 7,182.62 Animal Control 0.00 1,9835.92 FEre 28975.28 , 44,98a,33 Streets 26.46 8,188,90 Community - Senior Center 0.00 3,466 69 eittevelaprnen " " General Fund Total $3,776.70 $182,244.81 w Far" Fund Total $0.00 APPROVED: May 15, 2001 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/05/01 __De artment Ove�lae e�n otpI E nsqs Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $1,430,96 $12,855021' I= Council Member Council Member May 15, 2001 TO- THE HONORABLEI ADO . AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO 'f1'ROM- MARCIA BOUT WELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- ANNUAL ELECTION OF TRUSTEES TO OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP BACKGROUND: Since its formation, the agency/trust has evolved to a full service insurance provider for its members and currently offers liability, property, workers compensation, auto and specialty insurance coverage to its members. Although the City of Owasso no longer purchases insurance from OMAG, the city is a full member of the OMAG, with the voting rights accorded such membership. As an Interlocal Cooperative Agency, the OMAG is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership. Elections are held annually for a prescribed number of trustees. There are seven trustees serving terms of three years. Trustees must be elected from the officers and staff of member cities through a nomination and election process detailed in the organization's by- laws. This year there are two trustees "up" for election for terms ending on June 30, 2004. The nominating process has produced five candidates for those two positions (see attachment). As a member of OMAG, Owasso may cast votes for two of the five candidates. Members of OMAG must have their ballots returned by May 31, 2001 in order for their vote to be included in the V Annual OMAG Ballot May 10, 2001 Page 2 final count. Upon completi ®n of the count, the two nominees with the highest vote totals will be declared the grinners and will be seated_ effective July 1, 2001, The staff has reviewed the biographical sketches of the fire nominees, and feels comfortable in making a reconu- nendation to the Council relating to the election. The staff reconimends Council approval of an O AG ballet that casts Owasso's two rotes for Mr Doug Henley (City Manager, Nichols fills), and Mr Larry Shelton (City Manager, Chickasha), and that the mayor be authorized to execute the official ballot can behalf ®f the city° Bath of these candidates are currently serving as O AG Board members. 10 Official Ballet 911 Y The biographical sketch for each nominee was written by the persons who made the nomination. Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. YOU MAY VOTE FOR _0 (2) NOMINEES, QH __B WAN e ®�an�ilr aka iedmcLnt® Mr. John Brown is 40 years of age, married 15 years with children. Owner /Agent for Shelter Insurance for 15- years. Resides in Oklahoma since 1968. Member Board of Directors SAAC9 Oklahoma Region since 1990, Councilman for the City since 1999, Restores 1965-1970 Mustangs and Shelby's as a hobby. (Piedmont participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan ®) Ken was in the Air Force 1960 -1964, Furniture Appliance and Electronics Store Owner 1970 -19839 Certified Police Officer 1983 -19$59 Police Chief 1985 -19899 Public Works Direcior 1989 -19999 City Manager 1999 - present for Waurika9 Flood Plain Administrator for Waurika and holds watery sewer and gas license and mechanical contractors license, aurika participates in the Municipal Liability :protection Plan ®) DAVYD GLENN. Councilman, Walters. Currently on 3' term as Councilman /Mayor; 9-years on Walters School Board/2-terms President --I" President of the Walters Education Foundation; 20myears Volunteer Fire Dept /10-years Local Pension Board; Chairman of the First United Methodist Church Trustees; Employed 34-years at Cotton Electric Cooperative /currently Supervisor of Cotton Electric Services Inca (Walters participates in the Municipal Liability Protection and Life and Health Benefits Plans.) 0 Y City anager4 Nichols Llildse Mr, I enley has been the City Manager of Nichols Dills for the last 21 years, Mr. Henley served on the OMAG Board from July 219 19112 to June 209 1986 and was appointed approximately two years ago to fill an unexpired terra of a Board member who left the State, (Nichols Hills participates in the Workers' Compensation lane) LARRY SHELTON A City Manager- Chickasha.. Nominee has over 20 years experience in city government and has been City Manager in Chickasha since 1991. Previously employed as the City Manager in Chandler., OIL and Maumelle9 Alts Holds a degree in Business Administration and Engineering. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Trustees with OMACe (Chickasha participates in the Workers' Compensation Plane) x.. k Attested: Date: 92001 Clerk PLEASE B Dj I FAILURE PROPERLY BALLOT fi Assurance INVALIDATE THE 0 _ F: Oklahoma N. Lincoln Blvd, Suite A, Oklahoma City, OK, 73105-5209, and must he ost-maiLked later no 0? MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TAMMY GRIMES RISK MANAGER DATE. May 8, 2001 SUBJECT. WOIUURS'COMPENSATION AWARD AND ORDER BACKGROUND- _Fred S. Corley injured his back September 5, 2000. Surgery was performed October 19 and he was released to light duty December 4 and full duty on January 15, 2001, Through a letter dated February 26, from Dr. John 13, Vosburgh, the City was notified that Mr. Corley had reached maximum medical improvement and that he was rated 11 % permanent partial impairment to his whole body. DISCUSSION- I I% Accrued payment per Workers' Compensation Court Payable to employee Fred S. Corley $5,214.00 Oklahoma Tax Commission Multiple Injury Trust Fund, WCC #2001-55488 $ 436.08 Oklahoma Tax Commission Safety Fund, W/C Admin. Fund, Self Insured Guaranty Fund, WCC #2001-55488 $ 299.81 United Safety & Claims (Third Party Administrator) Legal fees $ 25.50 Total Due Now $5,975.39 The balance in biweekly payments 1_5.,688.00 Total Settlement Amount $11,663.39 PAGE � � it ���. L R�' ►: 11 ) '. [ } ® is s, i !, { FUTURE, MEDICAL COSTS- Because this case is settled under a Workers' Compensation Form 14, the case remains open for payment of future medical claims, should the condition worsen without re- injury. RE COMMENDATION. Staff recommends the Council ratify the actions previously taken to comply with the Order of the Workers' Compensation Court and authorize payment of the award and fees associated per the Claim payment Orders attached and future bi- weekly amounts. United Safety & Claims Claim Payment Orders Form 14 Workers" Compensation Court MAY 0 4 Z001 FRED S. CORLEY P 0 BOX 702 SPERRY, OK 74,073 UNITED SAFETY&CLAIMS INC.. . 01 KIKA-DAVAIMMY rlDCACi7 m.0 PAY FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN AND 00/100 DOLLARS --- DATE 5/01/01 TO FRED S. CORLEY THE ORDER P 0 BOX 702 OF SPERRY, OK 74075 No. AMOUNT $6,214.00 m OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 2501 LINCOLN BLVD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73194 F TO OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION THE OR DER 2501 LINCOLN BLVD OF OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73194 DATE 5/01/01 /) I OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 2501 LINCOLN BLVD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73104 KITED SAFETY & CLAIMS PNC, a CLAIM.P'AYMENT ORDER Date of Service 5/01 /01 Thru 5/01/01 DATE 5/01/01 ACCOUNT NO. 37048 -1 OOR- 00.0.003600 CLAIM NO, 38 EMPLOY. ER C4Y of Owisso OFFICE NO. TULSA PROC_:NO; 10 LOCATION 1. EMPLOYEE F S. CORLEY. ' .... INJURY DATE 9/0.5/00 DEPARTMENT 75.60 S.S. N. O. 447,62-5051 Safety Fund, W /Cm Adrriin Fund, Self-Insured Guaranty Fund, WCC #2001 ®5:54=311 F TO OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION THE 2501 LINCOLN BLVD ORDER OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73104 OF DATE 5101/01 J l� ® 011,147 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. PO BOX 471647 TULSA, OK 74147-1647 -::.:UNITED. SAFfTY::&tWMG I ANC. CLAIM: PAYMENT- ORDEN Date - of:Se.Moe- ..410101 hr . 110(0`1.. - DATE 6101/01. ACCOUNT W 17048-1-99.9-0000W600. CLAIM NO, 38-- EMPLOYER - City of Owasso OFFICE.:NO. TULSA. pRiac. No.. 1.0. -LOCATION: 1 EMPLOYEE F S' CORLEY. -IN JU I WIDATE G105100 DEPARTMENT 7580 S,S. NO. 447 245051 F TO UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. THE ORDER PO BOX 471647 OF TULSA, OK 74147-1647 011144 011144 AMOUNT 05,60 i I �111 0-11 Send Original and 6 copies to Workers' Compensation Court Fred Stephen Corley _Iat—m—a—n—ts 3a_c—iaF'8_6Znfv Iqu—mU 447-62-5051 or WORKERS' COMPENSATION COURT 1915 NORTH STILES OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105-4918 AGREEMENT BETWEEN EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE AS TO FACT WITH RELATION TO AN INJURY AND PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION City of Owasso P Oyer -a rance ame O�in Risk # 16950 (Please type or Print ALL information legibly in ink) September 5, 2000 We, the above named parties, have reached an agreement In regard to the facts with relation to an Injury sustained by said employee and payment of compensation therefor, and submit the following, t That said injury was sustained an Re !ember 5, 2000 at (time) 11-.00 a.m said en�ployer; that claim—ant timely —notified emp*loyer; that claimant's ern I playment was covered by the Workers, the course of employment with s that claimant's injury arose out of and in Compensation Act and that this Court has jurisdiction in the matter. 2. That the nature of said injury was Herniated Lumbar Disc resulting in claimant's Temporary Total Disability from 2=1Q_, 2000 _ to 12 -3 , 2000 or for a period of 12 weeks, for which claimant received' $_A,J_3_2,_8_Q_ in compensation, computed at 344 _A0 per week, based up ®n claimants average weekly wage of $492 , 00 3. That as a result of said injury, claimant sustained Permanent Disability to The body as a whole which claimant is entitled to for — per week for 46 weeks, beginning an De(3'�imber 3, 2000 and that employer has furnished all reasonable and necessary medical services in the treatment of said injury. 4, The sum of shall be deducted from this award and paid to the claimants Aat9tqfflrn1t_aj& fair and reasonable fee, Claimant ACCEPTS the fee amount and payment method, and WAIVES THE RIGHT TO A FEE HEARING. is -imann initials Claimant REJECTS the fee amount and payment method and REQUESTS A FEE HEARING. The foregoing agreement is herewith submitted for the order, decision or award of this court, under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Oklahoma. It is a condition, however, of this agreement that In the event a change In condition occurs or airlses, that the same shall not be final, but may be reopened and reviewed as provided by law. We, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury that we have examined this agreement and all statements contained herein, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, they are true, correct and complete, Any person who commits workers' compensation fraud, upon conviction. shall he oulltv of n fpinnv- Order Approving Form 14 Agreement Now an this day of , — the Workers' Compensation Court having reviewed the evidence submitted herein by all parties, and being well and fully advised in the premises, finds that the above Form 14 Agreement incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference should be and is hereby approved. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the respondent or insurance carrier pay to claimant the sum of $_J_0__qD2__QD� same being for Permanent Disability ( 11 oq to body as a whole . to pay authorized, reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred by claimant by reason of said injury of 9 ®5 2000 and within 20 days of this Order, respondent or insurance carrier shall file with the Court proper receipt evidencing compliance herewith. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that, except in the case of disfigurement, a 4% assessment shall he paid from this award in the sure of $__4_3fL_0 a_ by respondent, it own risk. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that respondent or insurance carrier shall pay Court costs in the amount of $73.00 for each case, unless the court cost was previously paid, the Special Occupational Health and Safety Tax in the sum of $ 81 . 77 . n three-fourths of one percent of the entire award, excluding any SLIMS for medical payments or Temporary Total Oisabh_itT,' and that respondent, if own risk or having no insurance, shall also pay the sum of $ 2 18 - 0 4 eecrasentina 20/ of the tntil r.nrTirPnmH­ ­;A ------- TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: STAN EWING DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT. ACCEPTANCE OF SMALL CITIES GRANT DATE- May 109 2001 BACKGROUND: In 1997, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Office of Community Development, established a three-year community development demonstration program for communities with a population between 15,000 and 50,000. This program has been extended for three more years to all eligible communities. The first step in the process to receive the funding is to file a Letter of Intent with the Department of Commerce by May 31, 20010 The application must be filed by October 1, 2001. Before the application is submitted, a minimum of one formal public hearing will be required to obtain citizen input regarding the intended use of the funds toward any project. r, 1 V Staff recommends City Council approval for the City of Owasso to participate in the FY 2001 CDBG Small Cities Set-Aside program, direction for the staff to draft a Letter of Intent to participate in the program, and authorization for the Mayor to sign such letter. I. Letter fi -om ODOC Regarding Participation STATE OF OKLAHOMA 900 North Stiles Avenue / P. O. Box 26980 Di--mRENIE'N'r Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0980 U.S.A. OF COINEMEMCF Tel: (405) 815-6552 Fax: (405) 815-5199 W Mai ch 22, 2001 Will Williams, Mayor City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055-0180 Dear Mayor Williams. Please find enclosed a copy of the Application Guidelines for the State Small Cities Set Aside for Fiscal Year 20010 The application guidelines set forth all requirements that must be met to participate in the program, including the ftmding amount eligible to the City of Owasso. To participate in this set aside, a Letter of Intent must be filed with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce/Office of Community Development (ODOC/OCD) no later than 5:00 p.m., May 319 2001. You may send your Letter of Intent to my attention. We hope that this will be a program that will fit your community development needs and look forward to receiving your letter. Sincerely, TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ALTERNA TE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE SUBJECT: ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCE DATE: April 1, 2001 BACKGR The committee to review alternative funding sources for the fire department met for the first time on November 5, 1999. The goal of the committee was to review, evaluate and recommend an alternative funding source for the fire department. The committee established the following objectives: The findings of the committee were presented to the city council during a workshop. The presentation included the specifics of each objective. There were five (5) funding sources identified for Capital Outlay expenses. These included a sales tax increase, revenue bonds, user fee, direct billing and utility surcharges. The lowest cost per family would be COMMITTEE RECOMMENDAMON The cormnittee recommends council. approval of ordinance #675 Attachments: Project Proposal Committee Deport Ordinance 675 MEMORANDUM TO- J. JEFF HANCOCK, CM MANAGER FROM: BOB ALLEN, FIRE CtHEF SUBJECT: AIAT,,RNATE FUNDING SOURCES DATE: November 5, x.999 The project proposal is to review and evaluate all possible funding sources for the fire department. ffvp��� Currently, the fire department engines (pumpers) are approaching their life expectancy. Also, this year our 1974 engine was placed out-of- service, permanently, due to mechanical and pump problems that were unable to be repaired. In 1995, we were rated by insurance service organization (I.S.O.) and we received a rating of six,-which is too high for a city of our size. The City of Owasso should be rated no higher than four. However, to obtain that rating capital outlay monies need to be available. This ISO representative also stated that we now are required to purchase a ladder truck. In consideration of the rapid growth, we are experiencing and we feel this trend will continue for several years. The need for an additional fire station is in the planning stages now. The above items and the future needs of the fire department were a high priority of discussion at our annual retreat. The retreat team recommended that a project proposal team be established to research alternative funding sources for the fire department. The project t;am will review, evaluate, and research the following objectives: mt M-- w CA '. � b. Determine the cost increase for an average family for each funding source. 'C. Determine how each funding source would require to be enacted? MOWM�M The project team has been assembled to conduct research and evaluate to determine the future needs of capital outlay items and funding source. The project team members will be assigned specific objectives to ensure a complete and thorough research and evaluation. A project budget of $500.00 is projected. This will cover the cost of materials, phone calls, and printing. All expenditures will be processed through the fire department. Mayor Mark Wilken will serve as project manager. Councilor Barnhouse, Kathy Hutchinson, Mike Watson, Financial Director Sherry Bishop, Fire Chief Bob Allen, Deputy Chief Mark Stuckey and Captain is DeMauro The project is scheduled to start on November 17, 1999, A target completion date of January 18, 1999 is projected MAJOR MELESTONES PROJECT TERMINATION CHECKLIST The fire chief will manage the project termination. Project termination will be initiated at various milestones throughout the project. The fire chief will advise the mayor, city council, and city manager when the project termination checklist is completed. 2. Ensure payment of all bills. f. Release project team. 5. Close the project book, file all records, and present a final report. The project team will recommend a funding source sufficient to meet the future needs of the Owasso Fire Department, ATTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE APRIL 9,2001 ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE INTRODucrioN Analyze alternative funding inechanisins that adequately fund the capital outlay needs of the Owasso Fire Department, C E NT NEEDS OF THE DEPA-wrMENT To lower the present ISO (Insurance Service Organization) rating of six (6). Replace an aging fleet of apparatus with dependable, technologically up-to-date apparatus. Construct additional fire stations within the department's response area. Maintain the current level of services for the community. And a long to plan for additional equipment and apparatus. NEEDS WITHIN THE NEXT TEN (10) YEARS The objectives identified for the committee are the establishment of minimum ISO available types of funding. The amount of revenue generated by the funding source. Identifying the annual cost per family. How to enact each finiding source and the benefits to the City of Owasso. We have been able to determine that five (5) funding sources could be enacted or capi f outlay expenses. There is a sales tax increase, revenue bonds, user fee, direct billing, utility bill sureharges. The lowest average yearly cost per household would be a utility surcharge at $24. 00' T expenditures for the other types are, bond issue $60.00, sales tax increase $80.00, user f] $150.00 and direct billing $514.00. ENACTMENT To enact the utility surcharge, direct billing, and a user fee, the Owasso City Council would approve these types of funding sources. A. Grote of citizens would be required to enact a sales tax increase and bond issue. PROJECTED GEN RA'T D REVENUE "rho bond issue, user fee and direct billing will generate 1. 8 million dollars each over a ton (10) year period. The sales tax increase could generate $1,125,000.00 yearly and a utility surcharge of $156,000.00 annually. MINIMUM ISO RATING For a municipality the size of Owasso, typically an ISO rating of four (4) is awarded to the community. The alternate funding source committee recommends a rating of four (4) be established as a goal MAJOR NEEDS WITHIN TEN (10) YEARS The replacement of two aging pumpers will be needed immediately. An additional fire station will be required, to ensure adequate coverage of the response area. A wild land vehicle will be needed to be housed within the additional station. Numerous pieces of equipment will reach its maximum life expectancy within the next ten (10) years and need to be replaced; SCA, air bottles, ropes, ladders and hoses. An alternate funding source would return in excess of $150,000.00 annually back into the city's budget to use on other projects. �x typically In a comparison of six (6) other surrounding communities, the City of Owasso's funding sources are And higher of medical services are available in Owasso. Revenue bonds could provide of Owasso l capital outlay purchas but M ld require subsequent ofor further growth. A sales tax increase would increase the local tax rate from 7.917% to 8.417 %. The funds generated would fluctuate with the economy. A utility bill surcharge is currently funding the cost of Owasso's ambulance service. An increase of $2.00 per month would generate the needed funds for fire and medical services. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation of a utility bill s -charge of $2.00 per month would provide $153,000400 per year and the .necessary 108 million over a tore (10) year time span. If the option of $3.00 per month were recommended, it would generate $230,000.00 in the first year and generate the necessary 1.8 million dollars in seven (7) years. CONCLUSION H W� The recommendation of option one, Utility Bill Surcharge of $2.00 per household would provide $12,750.00 a month and $153,000.00 per year for 6,500 taps. Surchar -n Age Year Mont Annua 4 Accrual $2.00 1 $12,80.00 $153,600 Annually 2 $13,312.00 $159,744.00 $313,344 $19,200 3 $13,844.00 $166,134.00 $479,478 2- $l4,39&00-----$l72,779.00 $19,698 $652,257 $239,616 5 $14,974.00 $179,690.00 $831,947 $20,766 $15,573.00 $186,878.00 $1,018,825 $719,217 $16,196.00 $194,353.00 $1,213,178 wm 8 $16,843.00 $202,127.00 $1,415,305 5 $17,517.00 $210,212.00 $1,625,517 10 $18,218.00 __J$218,621.00 6- $1,844,138 EMIM The recommendation of option two, Utility Bill Surcharge of $3.00 per household, would provide $19,200 a month and $230,400 per year for 6,500 taps. Surcharge_ Year Monthly Annually Accrual $3.00 1 $19,200 $230,400 $230,400 2- $19,698 $239,616 $470,016 3 $20,766 $249,201 $719,217 4- $21,627 $259,169 $978,385 5 $22,461 $269,535 $1,247,921 6- $23,359 $280,317 $1,528,238 7 $24,294 $291,530 $1,819,767 8 $25,265 $303,191 $2,122,958 9 $26,276 $315,318 $2,438,276 10 $27,327LI327,931 _$2,766,207 ORDINANCE subscri tion fees° shall be placed in a fire capital fund and utilized for fire department apparatusg equipment facili acquisition. or improvements or rair to any of the fore oink C. In addition to the foregoing there is hereby created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, Section 17-201 of Title 14 of the Oklahoma Statutes, a capital improvement fund, such to be separate and apart from any other existing capital improvement ftmd with the city, and denoted as the Owasso Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund. Fifteen percent (15 %) of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created, whether resulting from the increased water and/or sewer rate herein charged, subscription fees, service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed to the Owasso Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund to be utilized solely for improvement related to equipment and facilities of the ambulance service; provided, however, if no expenditures are made from the fund with a period of five (5) years from the date of initial deposit therein, then, in such event, no additional accumulation therein shall occur and such percentage amount, subsequently received, shall be paid into the Enterprise Fund, above created, for use for the purposes set forth in the Enterprise Fund, SECTION 13-238 FEE DIMINUTION A. Any person residing within the service area above referenced and connected to the Owasso water or sanitary sewer system, whether such connection is pursuant to single family residence or multifamily residential dwellings as herein provided, over the age of sixty-five (65) years, or living below the national poverty level as determined by the United States Government, may, upon proper application therefore, receive diminution in the rate increase or subscription fee provided for herein in an amount of Two Dollars ($2.00) per month per household. B. The application shall be on forms as provided by the office of the city manager of city, and shall be considered by the city manager of the city or his designee. C. In the event a rate diminution is sought and refused by the office of the city manager of the city, the applicant may appeal the decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the city within ten (10) days from the date of denial, whereupon, same shall be considered by the city council of the city. (Ord. No. 373, 8/4/87) Section Two: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. APPROVED this - day of 2000. By: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor MIRIMUM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney 2780430.ord arnb incr TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER AVID WARRE N PARKS SUPERINTENDANT SUBJECT- ES L` I N NO. 2001-03 ESTABLISHING USER FEES AT McCARTY PARK ATE- May 109 2001 With the recent acquisition of McCarty Park, and the implementation of a "User Pays" philosophy when applied to the ballfields contained within that parr, it has become necessary to establish user fees for the baseball /softball fields. Any fee for the particular use of any park area must be established through the adoption of a resolution by the City Council, Resolution No. 200103 would establish user fees for the ballfields located at McCarty Park. Fees of $10000 per two (2) hour period for daylight use and $25,00 per two (2) hour period for night use are proposed. Collection of the fees established will assist the City of Owasso with ongoing maintenance and care of the ballfields at McCarty Park, as well as utility expenses. It is staff s intent to review any user fees that are established in January of each year, The need for any anticipated changes at that time would be communicated via the City Manager's Report and the Owasso Reporter, followed by necessary action by the City Council. Staff recommends Council approval and adoption 2001-03, establishing fees for the ballfields at McCarty Park. Resolution No. 2001 -03 I:ESOLUTION NO 2001-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ESTABLISIENG USER FEES FOR USE OF BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL, FIELDS LOCATED WITHIN McCAItTY PARK, A CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC PARK, E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT from and after the date hereof, the following fees shall be applicable to the use of baseball fields and softball fields located within. McCarty Dark, a public park in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma park systems, to viit: X410,00 per two (2) hoar period for daylight use $25000 per two (2) hour period for night rase, ADOPTED this 15' day of May, 2001 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Mary Lora Barnhouse, mayor AT'TE'ST: Marcia Boutvvell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TERESA WILLSON SOFTWAIZE'SUPPORT TECHNICIAN SUBJECT- LIGHTENING PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR NEW CITY HALL/POLICE DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 19 2001 Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order #3 for the Preventor Lightning Protection System, as proposed by Oil Capital Electric in the amount of $9,972,00, authorizing the Mayor to execute the change order. AT 'AC ` S- 1 o Manufacturer specifications 1 Locations of Installations 30 Comparison of a Faraday and the Preventor system. 094MIMIxes CHANCE ORDER PROJECT: Owasso City Hall/Police Station CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 3 CONTRACT DATE: June 69 2000 DATE: 5/9/01 TO CONTRACTOR: Oil Capital Electric CONTRACT FOR: 16A Electrical The Contract is changed as follows: Add and install lightening protection system. Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor NOTE: This summary reflects changes in the Contract Sum or Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive and included in a change order. CONTRACTOR OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS IM MIN DATE DATE Phone 716-941-6145 USA 1-800-421-6141 Manufacturers Canada 1-800-336-6141 and Dealers FAX 716-941-3828 PREVENT ORS, are a fairly new concept in lightning protection. PI EVENT produce vast quantities of "IONS". which are extremely good conductors of - 1 - 1 Preventor safety ensured. Figure I SIDE VIEW HTS A PREVENTOR is an instrument which may be fitted to aFranklin air terminal. The instrument contains ionizing sources which are capable of creating vast quantities of extremely small particles called "IONS." These "IONS" are good conductors of electricity and when they are in an electric field such as that which exists when a discharge of lightning approaches, they are drawn up by an intense electric field to form a conductive streamer to meet the lightning discharge and convey it safely past the zone to be defended and to earth. It follows that this conductive streamer extends the height of the Franklin air terminal and, in consequence, the height of and the base radius of the Franklin Cone produced by it. See Figure I. 'wilding of any height and having roof areas up to.- ,a) 460 feet x 460 feet (b) 640 feet x 40 feet can be fully protected by One Preventor 2005. TOP VIEW 9" MIS Notes. A Air terminal %" copper material HID 29 CU heavy chrome plated 24 CH. B Lock nut copper material HID. Chrome. plated. C Washer copper material HD. Chrome plated. D Support structure material of soft copper. Chrome plated. E Preventor air terminal screws into top of pole mast. F Sphere -- threaded to air terminal. )OF 21/4" 116" DIA. HOLES 3. 13/16" DIA, HOLES En0N -Tv IEW LEGEND ALUMINUM TUBE, 20'" LONG Y," TAPPED HOLE FOR PREVENTOR AIR 3" DIA. TERMINAL HEAD NATIONAL COARSE THREAD TOP 'HALL BRACKET TOP BRACKET CLAMP BOTTOM WALL BRACKET LIGHTNING PRFVENTOR OF AMERICA, ING ® NAMEPLATE. POP RIVET FASTENED BONDING PLATE CABLE CLAMP CONNECTION FOR DOWN CONDUCTOR TO GROUND ROD. )OF 21/4" 116" DIA. HOLES 3. 13/16" DIA, HOLES En0N -Tv IEW M age I rig. 2 fig® 3 track in the sky. Depending on the author, this discharge is called a lightning bolt, tracer, arrow or pilot discharge (figure 1). Any cause whose effect is to concentrate ion electric charges on the earth's surface, or near it, reinforces the local ion electric field and tends to divert the downward ion leader tracer towards the nearest ion concentration point of impact. The downward ion "tracer" covers 30 to 50 metres at a speed ranging from 60 to 50,000 km/s (figure 2). After a pause of 30 to 100us, a second downward ion "tracer" follows the path taken by the first downward ion "tracer", extending it by about 50 metres (figure 3). A third downward ion "tracer" is released, then a fourth and so on, with the end of the downward ion "tracer" always getting closer to the earth (figures 4, 5, 6). The ion electric field increases progressively between the downward ion leader tracer and the earth, and when it reaches a sufficient level, an upward positive streamer ascending jet leaves a point on the earth and joins the downward ion "tracer" from the cloud. The upward ascending ion positive streamer jet can be as long as 150 metres. An intense ionized current then passes through the conducting channel thus produced. This is the main lightning discharge, which can be followed by a series of secondary lightning discharges, all taking, not stepwise, but in a single stroke, the path ionized by the main discharge. This happens with any projecting conducting structures on the earth's surface, such as HLhtning orotectioq systern air fig. 4 am fig. 6 In a Franklin Lightning Protection System, the air terminal protects the volume of a cone in which the radius of the ....... ........ base is equal to the height of the air terminal. This method is satisfactory for church spires, tall ........... industrial chimneys and towers in which the zones to be defended are contained within the cone. Where this method can be usefully employed, the cost of installation is reasonable and 10 El ® 2 • PREVENTOR ionizing rod. • PREVENTOR earthing circuit fixed to the aerial mast. • PREVENTOR protec- tion diameter. Television- and radio aerial, protected also against most parasitic interferences. Hemispheric zone in which any lightning is controlled by the PREVENTOR ionizing rod: Protection cone. VROJECT NAME First United Methodist Church Nabisco Incorporated Office Building Sebastian Water Tfeaiment Plant North Pod St. Lucie Water Treatment Plant Sears Stove .izabethtown Gas Co. 23MEM Treatment Plant Sheraton Hotel "IM-TrAluamm -x 11 M M MM W-- Mym Office Building The Helmsley ?alace Hotel W"k-1112m ADDRESS 14,11kPI Filbert Street Sebastian, FL Gulfport Ten. North Port St. Lucie, Fl. Glades Road Boca Raton, FL Edison Rd., New Village Stewadsville, NJ Valencia Drive Port Malabar, FL 2220 Village Circle PROJECT NAME Sebastian Highlands Water Treatment Plant Hooker Office Building CHI Corp. Office Bldg. Georgia Power Co. Corporation Headqtrs. Peace River Water Treatment Plant Intake Structure Palmetto General osp. Royal Poinclana Golf Club/Tennis Court Area City Corp. Ctr. Office Building ATT Long Lines Office Building Grosseff &i op Inc, Warehouse Dist. Ctr. W- I, �" —2— ADDRESS Filbert Street Indian River City, FL Goodleffe Rd. (Collier Ct.) Naples, FL 53rd St. & 3rd Ave. (Manhattan Co.) New York City, NY Route 202 & Route 206 Bedminister, NJ I Grossett Dr. (off Rt. 11) (Broome Co.) Kirkwood, NY DYouville College Administraflon Bidg. Carborundum Corp. MIZIUMM ',hateau Towers I 'NORM Service Center Buffalo Museum of Science I A lIg =_.j HU, Hobby Airport ADDRESS SwierM!ewl�amp_shire Parker & Old Palisades Ft. Lee, NJ Modena Ro ad, South Coatesville, PA 421 Ellicott Street (Erie County) Buffalo, NY 320 Porter Avenue (Erie County) Buffalo, NY Fillmore Ave. Buffalo, NY Gr#x4i Ishw-id. it "ROJECT NAME )n-a1wedcan Centm Lofton Manufacturing Pit. Graham Mfg. Co., Ina Office Buildings Ledgernont Country Club General Hospital Crescent Plaza Hotel/ Office Bld Garage I Republic Plaza One 20 Florence Ave. Batavia, NY Route 97 Hancock, NY Warren Place Tulsa, OK Mt, Airy Road Bernardsville, NJ EmgEmmln Montgomery Co. Correctional faca University of Iowa Law School Paulding Co, Courthouse Washington Harbour .ADDRESS Cage Canaveral, FL Cape Canaveral, FL 100 Fairway Drive Deerfield, FL Washington Street between the Jordan Marsh Facility Avenue deLafayette Boston, AAA Courthouse Square Dallas, OA Calf Central Tower Seaton Hall University St. John the Evangelist Church Oyster Creek Site Emergency Bldg, Town of Lancaster Hwy./Office Garage /Criminal Justice Bldg. Christiania Building � -4- 014 -VO Barnes Road Wallingford, CT r� 802 Union Street Schenectady, NY Rte, #9 Lacey %spa, Forked River, NJ 525 Pavement Road Lancaster, NY Los Angeles, CA HUM50MR . multitude of sharp pointed air terminals on roof can prove to be dangerous to maintenance personnel or others with roof access 19 requires no more than two cable routings 19 has an established protection: zone of 328' radius from the unit which enables it to protect the structure as well as the surrounding areas LIGHTNING PREVENTOR OF AMERICA,, INC. TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJEcr: ANNEXATION CHARNEY & ClIARNEY DATE. May 9, 2001 BACKGROUND Two consecutive legal notifications appeared in the May 3 & May 109 2001 editions of the Owasso Reporter as required prior to submittal to the City Council, Letters were mailed to adjacent property owners on May 19 2001, A copy of the Procedure for Annexation is attached for your information. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the annexation request for the subject property, ATTACHMENTS 1. Petition for Annexation 20 Location Map 3, City of Owasso Annexation policy 4. City of Owasso Annexation Procedures BEFORE THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The Undersigned, constituting not less than three - fourths of the registered voters and being the owner of not less than three - fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to wit: SW/4 of Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the LB.M., Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, c;cordin to the U.S. Government survey thereof, containing 160 acres more or less; being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City, Dated this day of March, 2001 ATTORNEY FOR OWNERS: CHARNEY EL CHARNEY, P.C. Beverley K, newsy \299 \RUNAWAY I I 0 M,ESTMJT FARMS DUNAWAY PROPERTY sw t/A, OF sv-cnzm I'D, Towastilp 21 HORTH, IMN,49- 44 Em, ROGERS Coin y, 01K W� Gam ea gee am UK lxom�l nw. lum."alg= tea. lm¢eB 0453 ti T X: :0 ro A� e � o � o MWO on approved by the City Cmailp an Oxdinance wi be Preparadq approved, published, and filed of record with the off j Of thO County, 4. y r' Comission Hearing 1.'s.; '` proposal n 'e; the City ;° Notice published in include awlicant's expense of a City Comoil Hearing which will map and text of the proposed armexation. 6. City Council Hearing and action on the proposal. 7. If the proposal is approved by the City Council, an be ! ' - • a ..•., o ! pC k ,. £ ;. .! r.. a e Office of the County Clerk, with a map of w Adopted by City Council on March j,'1988. TO- 110NOARBLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT- REZONING OZ-01-02 DATE- May 9, 2001 BACKGROUND David Charily, attorney for the owner, has submitted a request for rezoning from RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Density) to OL (Office Light) on property located at 302 N. Birch. The subject property is approximately 9,600 square feet in size. There remains few residential structures within the blocks between N. Birch and N. Main Streets and between E. Pand E. 5ffi Streets. Past rezoning of the portion of this area south of E. 2 d Street established CH (Commercial, High Intensity) zoning. The CH district extends west to W. Atlanta Street. While the request is not in line with the Comprehensive Plan, staff feels this particular property is oriented to the surrounding residential in such a way as to not encourage future redevelopment or reuse of the property as residential. It is staff s opinion, also, that office uses, including the existing churches, is an appropriate buffer between the stable residential neighborhoods to the north. N"W111 RU RN WIM4 MIJ 1XV1 M IRMLWATAIrsINNARMN 11,01 The Owasso Planning Commission heard the rezoning request at the April 10, 2001 regular meeting. At that time, the Commission tabled the item until the next regular meeting to allow for a full Commission vote. The application was heard again at the May 8, 2001 regular meeting where the Commssion voted 4-1 to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Several protestors attended the first hearing of the rezoning request by the Planning Commission. Concerns, primarily, were regarding traffic and potential use of the property. Mr. Charney directly addressed some of the concerns of the attendees. No objectors were present at the second healing of the request by the Commission. Staff recommends approval of OZ-01-029 rezoning the subject property from RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Intensity) to OL (Office Light). ATTACHMENTS I. Location Mkp TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. CITIZEN-SPONSORE D ZONING CODE AMENDMENT PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL OFFICES ORDINANCE NO. 676 DATE- May 10, 2001 BACKGROUND The firm of Norman, Wohlgemuth, Chandler & Dowdell, ®n behalf ®f SJSF Venture, has requested Planning Commission review of a proposed amendment to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 109 Section 1010, Use Unit 1.1 "Offices and Studios". The informati ®n submitted by the applicant is included in this packet for your convenience. The applicant showed the average parking requirement for medical office facilities in and around Tulsa is I space per 200 square feet of gross building floor area. The applicant requested a reduction in the required parking for all medical office facilities from I space per 150 square feet to I space per 200 square feet. IUM= Funeral Home I per 40 sq. ft. of assembly Flo ®r area plus I per 300 sqe ft. ®f non-assembly floor area Medical and Dental 12EIIQjq:.�� Offices, Clinics and area for the first 15,000 s Laboratories ft. of floor area lus 1 200 sq. ft. of floor area i 15,000 sq. ft. excess ofA Other Uses I per 300 sq. ft. of floor area 1 per 10,000-100,000 plus I per each additional 100,000 sq. ft. of floor are] I per 10,000-100,000 sq. An plus I per each additional "I 100,000 sq. ft. of floor are I per 10,0001009000 sq. ft., plus I per each additional 1009000 sqe ft. of floor area Staff recommends council approval of the proposed amendment to Chapter 10, Section 1011,4 of the Owasso Zoning Code amending the parking requirement for Medical Offices, Clinics and Laboratories and Ordinance No. 676, ATTACHMENTS I , O,A-- c e -N 676 Lei 3, 03 1 Q9 F.11 Q 101 �# 4 WIIEREAS, public hearings have been hold regarding the proposed amendment to the Owasso Zoning; Code, Chapter 10, Section. 1011.4, and; 'WHEREAS. the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Plarrrring Commission and all. statements for and against the proposed am.endrnent. NOW, THEREF ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIME COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THA°1, TO-WIT: action 1. That Part Twelve (12), Planning, Zoning and Development, Chapter 2, Zoning Regulations, Section 12201, Chapter Ton (10), Use Units, Section 10 11.4, Off - Street Parking and Loading Requirements for Offices and Studios is hereby amended, to -wit: 1011„4 Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements Medical and Rental Offices, Clinics and Laboratories Other Uses 1 per 150 sq. ft. of floor area for the first 15,000 sq. ft. of floor area, plus 1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area in excess of 15,000 sq. fi. Loading Berths 1 per 10,000100,000 sq. ft., plus 1 per each additional 100,000 sq. ft. of floor area 1 per 10,000-100,000 sq. fl., plus 1 per each additional 100,000 sq. ft, of floor area 1 per 300 sq. ft. of floor area 1 per 10,000100,000 sq. fl., plus 1 per each additional 100,000 sq. if. of floor area Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Those portions consistent herewith remain unaffected hereby. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15s' day of May, 2001. Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Marcia I3outwell, City Clerk f' - Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DON14A SOS RELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT- FINAL PLAT LAKERIDGE SHOPPING CENTER DATE: May 9, 2001 BACKGROUND 1"J"10 Rjlkdut&L�lf - 1. Final Plat for Lakeridge Shopping Center TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT- FINAL PLAT CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH DATE. May 9, 2001 BACKGROUND 1111r, I'm IMIM