HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.04.26_City Council Agenda_Special PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special April 26, 2001 6:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 23, 2001. ~LLi.~-f:wdL Marc Boutwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Williams Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #674, an Ordinance Empowering the City Manager to Set User Fees for City Park Facilities. Mr Rooney Attachment #2 The staffwill recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #674. 3. Appropriate for an Increase in Ambulance Chief Allen Attachment #3 to Ordinance an and Allocating Thereof. The staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #675. Owasso City Council April 26, 2001 Page 2 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Personnel Matters Relating to the Office of the City Manager, Such Executive Session Provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(1). Mayor Williams The Mayor will request Council approval of an executive session for the purpose of discussing fiscal year 2001-2002 contract between the City and the City Manager. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract for Services Between the City of Owasso and Larry Mitchell. Mayor Williams This item is placed on the agenda in the event the discussions held during an executive session result an agreement and Councilors wish to take action on that agreement. Adjournment. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DAVID WARREN PARKS SUPERINTENDANT SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 674 DELEGATING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH USER FEES FOR ALL PARK FACILITIES DATE: ApIil 23, 2001 BACKGROUND: Currently, the City of Owasso's only ability to assess a fee for the use of park facilities is through the Council approval of fees as they are established. With the recent acquisition of McCarty Park, the possibility of future park system expansion, and the goal to conduct a complete review of the City of Owasso park system as well as establish user fees in the applicable parks; staff is requesting that the City Council authoIize the City Manager to establish these fees. Collection of any established will assist the Owasso with ongoing maintenance and care of the facilities. If the Council approves Ordinance No. 674, it is staffs intent to review any user fees that are established in January of each year. Any changes that are made would then be communicated to the Council via the City Manager's Report and would also be forwarded to the Owasso Reporter. RECOMMENDATION: to set user L 674 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER 674 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 11 PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL AFFAIRS SECTION 11-103, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THE AUTHORITY TO SET USER FEES FOR PARK FACILITIES, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO-WIT: Section One: That Part 11, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, Section 11-103, Rules and Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, be and the same hereby is amended in the following respects: Section 11-103 Rules and Regulations: A. The council shall have full and exclusive power to make rules and by-laws for parks. B. The City Manager shall prescribe and define the respective duties, powers and authority of all park department personnel and shall fix and regulate the compensation to be paid to the several persons so employed. C. The City Manager is hereby empowered to set user fees for users of the Rark facilities under the management. care and control ofthe City Council. Section Two: That upon passage, this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days fiom date of first publication as prescribed by State Law. PASSED.AND APPROVED this 26th day of April, 2001. CITY OF OKJ-,AHOMA He ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, APPROVED AS TO :FORM: Ronald D MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE SUBJECT: ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCE DATE: April 18, 2001 BACKGROUND The committee to review alternative funding sources for the fire department met for the first time on November 5, 1999. The goal of the committee was to review, evaluate and recommend an alternative funding source for the fire department. The committee established the following objectives: Research the available funding sources DetelIDine the cost increase for an average family Required enactment method Amount of revenue generated Minimum ISO requirements Equipment and apparatus needs for the next 10 Benefits to the city A survey of surrounding emergency services. After extensive research was conducted, a report was drafted and presented to the committee for review on April 9, 2001. The report identified each objective that was identified in the previous meeting. The current needs of the department were identified in order to obtain the approximate total funding needed within the next 10 years. These were to the rating, fleet apparatus, construct additional maintain current a telID The findings of the committee were presented to the city council during a workshop. The presentation included the specifics of each objective. There were five (5) funding sources identified for Capital Outlay expenses. These included a sales tax increase, revenue bonds, user fee, direct billing and utility surcharges. The lowest cost per family would be a utility surcharge at $25.00 per family. To enact the utility surcharge, the Owasso City Council would approve this type of funding source. This type of funding source would generate approximately $156,000.00 annually. This would create the necessary revenue needed to fund the items identified as major needs within the next ten (10) years. The benefit to the City of Owasso would be in excess of $150,000.00 annually to be returned back into the city's budget for use on other projects. A comparison of other surrounding communities was conducted and the City of Owasso's funding sources are typically lower than other communities. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The committee recommends council approval of ordinance #675 Attachments: Project Proposal Committee Report Ordinance 675 MEMORANDUM ~\ TO: J. JEFF HANCOCK, CITY MANAGER FROM: BOB ALLEN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: ALTERNA TE FUNDING SOURCES DATE: November 5,1999 PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal is to review and evaluate all possible funding sources for the fire department. BACKGROUND CUlTently, the fire department engines (pumpers) are approaching their life expectancy. Also, this year our 1974 engine was placed out-of-service, permanently, due to mechanical and pump problems that were unable to be repaired. In 1995, we were rated by insurance service organization (I.S.O.) and we received a rating of six,_which is too high for a city of our The City of Owasso should be rated no higher than However, to obtain that rating capital outlay monies need to be available. This we now are to a ladder truck. In consideration of the rapid growth, we are experiencing and we feel this trend will continue for several years. The need for an additional fire station is in the planning stages now. were a " team 'il. the available funding sources. b. Determine the cost increase for an average family for each funding source, 'c. Determine how each funding source would require to be enacted? ~\ d. How much revenue would each funding source provide? e. Establish the minimum ISO requirements f IdentifY the m~jor equipment and apparatus needs for the next 10 years. g. What benefits, ifany, would the entire city receive if the fire department had an altemate.funding source? h. Survey the surrounding area fire and ambulance services to determine what fundin~ sources they have. APPROACH The project team has been assembled to conduct research and evaluate to determine the future needs of capital outlay items and funding source. The project team members will be assigned specific objectives to ensure a complete and thorough research and evaluation. BUDGET A project budget $500.00 is projected. calls, and printing. All will will cover the cost materials, through Mayor Mark Wilken will serve as project TEAM MEMBERS team The project is scheduled to stalt on November 17, 1999. A January 18, 1999 is projected completion date of 2 'b ' PROJECTED PROJECT TASK TASK PROJECT TIME RESPONSmLE PERSON RESOURCES Research & Evaluation 4 - weeks Project Team Phone, Mail, Past Reports, computers Draft Proposal 4 - weeks Project Team Phone, Mail, F AX, Printing, computers Forward Proposal 2 - weeks Proj ect Manager Mail, City Manager ~- Report MAJOR MILESTONES MODE DESCRIPTION DUE DATE RESPONSmILITY 1 Start November 17,1999 Project Team 2 Review & Research November 18, 1999 Project Team 3 Evaluation December 15, 1999 Project Team Start Proposal Development --- 4 December 30, 1999 Project Team 5 Proposal Completed January 6, 1999 Project Team - -" -- 6 Proposal Submitted for Approval ~ y 18, 1999 Project Team '--------. -- fire chief will manage the project will initiated at various milestones throughout the project. The fire chief will advise the mayor, city council, and city manager when the project termination checklist is completed. 1. Ensure completion of work at various milestones. 2. Ensure payment bills. 3. team. 4. 5. a The project team will recommend a funding source sufficient to meet the future needs of the Owasso Fire Department. 3 ATTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE APRIL 9, 2001 ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION Analyze alternative funding mechanisms that adequately fund the capital outlay needs of the Owasso Fire Department. CURRENT NEEDS OF THE DEPARTMENT To lower the present ISO (Insurance Service Organization) rating of six (6). Replace an aging fleet of apparatus with dependable, technologically up-to-date apparatus. Construct additional fire stations within the department's response area. Maintain the current level of s,ervices for the community. And a long term plan for additional equipment and apparatus.. NEEDS WITHIN THE NEXT TEN (10) YEARS Continue the payment plan for the ladder tmck at an approximate cost of $300,000.00. Also, replace the two (2) aging pumpers at a combined cost of $700,000.00. Constmct an additional fire station at a cost of $450,000. Purchase a wildland/rescue apparatus to be housed at the additional station, this apparatus could cost $150,000.00. Numerous types of equipment will need to be replaced, for example: SCBA, tools, hoses, nozzles and Jaws of Life at a cost of approximately $200,000.00. total funding needs next ten would be approximately $1,800,000.00. The objectives identified the committee are the establishment mlmmwn requirements,--researc.hi.ng-Sillnmnding-..emer.gency-services_iunding .. EOlrrces,,--1lllcLlhe. available types of funding. The amount of revenue generated by the funding source. IdentifYing the annual cost family. How to enact each funding source the benefits to the City Owasso. sources revenue The lowest average yearly cost per household would be a utility surcharge at $24.00. The expenditures for the other types are, bond issue $60.00, sales tax increase $80.00, user fee $150.00 and direct billing $514.00. ENACTMENT To enact the utility surcharge, direct billing, and a user fee, the Owasso City Council would approve these types of funding sources. A vote of citizens would be required to enact a sales tax increase and bond issue. PROJECTED GENERATED REVENUE The bond issue, user fee and direct billing will generate 1.8 million dollars each over a ten (10) year period. The sales tax increase could generate $1,125,000.00 yearly and a utility surcharge of$156,000.00 annually. MINIMUM ISO RATING For a municipality the size of Owasso, typically an ISO rating of four (4) is awarded to the community. The alternate funding source committee recommends a rating of four (4) be established as a goal. MAJOR NEEDS WITHIN TEN (10) YEARS The replacement of two aging pumpers will be needed immediately. An additional fire station will be required, to ensure adequate coverage of the response area. A wild land vehicle will be needed to be housed within the additional station. Numerous pieces of equipment will reach its maximum life expectancy within the next ten (10) to be replaced; air bottles, ladders An alternate funding source would retum excess $150,000.00 mmuaUy back into the city's budget to use on other projects. SURVEY EMERGENCY a SOUTces are #; A sales tax increase would increase the local tax rate from 7.917% to generated would fluctuate with the economy. 7%. The funds A utility bill surcharge is currently funding the cost of Owasso's ambulance service. An increase of $2.00 per month would generate the needed funds for fire and medical servIces. RECOMMENDATION The recommendation of a utility bill surcharge of $2.00 per month would provide $153,000.00 per year and the necessary 1.8 million over a ten (10) year time span. If the option of $3.00 per month were recommended, it would generate $230,000.00 in the first year and generate the necessary 1.8 million dollars in seven (7) years. CONCLUSION The enacting of a utility bill surcharge for the purpose of generating funds for needed capital improvements for the fire department would require council action only. This funding source is the least expensive of the sources reviewed and still capable of generating needed fund. A utility bill surcharge would not compete with or eliminate other fundin9 sources for both fire department and city needs. RECOMMENDATIONS Option 1 The recommendation of option one, Utility Bill Surcharge of $2.00 per household would provide $12,750.00 a month and $153,000.00 per year for 6,500 taps. Surcharge Year Monthly Annuallv Accrual $2.00 1 $12,800.00 $153,600.00 $153,600 2 $13,312.00 $159,744.00 $313,344 3 $13,844.00 $166,134.00 $479,478 4 $14,398.00 $172,779.00 $652,257 5 $14,974.00 $179,690.00 $831,947 6 $15,573.00 $186,878.00 $1,018,825 7 $16,196.00 $194,353.00 $1,213,178 8 $16,843.00 $202,127.00 $1,415,305 9 $17,517.00 $210,212.00 $1,625,517 r-------' $218,621.00 $1,844,138 10 $18,218.00 2 recommendation of option Utility Bill Surcharge of $3.00 household, would $19,200 a month and $230,400 6,500 taps. Year ~-~"- 1 2 3 _'o_____~_~~___~.~_,_~~~._~_~_ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Surchar e $3.00 CITY OF ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 13, PUBLIC SAFETY. CHAPTER 2, FIRE DEPARTMENT, ARTICLE C, AMBULANCE SERVICE. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO. OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SECTION 13=236, FUNDING FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE, TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASE SERVICE FEE AND ALLOCATING USES THEREOF AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA, THAT. TO=WIT: Section O~e: Part 13, Public Safety, Chapter 2, Fire Department" Article C, Ambulance Service, ofllie Code of Ordinances of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, be amended in the following respects, to-wit: SECT19~ 13-236 fUNDING FOR AMBULAN~E SERVICE A. For <!reaS within the corporate limits of the city receiving water service from the city or areas within the corporate limits of the city receiving only sanitary sewer service from the city, Iii water fate increase or a sewer mte increase, respectively. is established as follows: 1. For every single family residence, whether same is of a penmment nature Or movf!ble manufactured housing, muhiwfamily dweHing, commercial or industrial establishment, as defined under the zoning code of the city, there is hereby provided 8n increase in water iYJd/or sewer mtes of Four Dollms C$4.0Q} per m.onth per residence or establishment above-referenced, same to be charged and collected on a monthly bElSts by the Owasso Public Works Authority as in the ease of existing sewel;: and other utility charges; 2. within multi.family residential dwellings may, to participate in the ambulatlce service provided for herein, subscdbe to the ambulMce service for a monthly of fpur Dollillll ($4.QQ}, such payable not less than biannually. those citizens residing within such multi-family residentillJ dwellings, not SUbscribing to the ambulance service provided for shaH be charged for emergency or non-emergency medical service based (m the exisdng fee schedule therefore. B. For areas outside corporate limits a subscription fee .is establish.ed. Any person residing witbin the service area above designated, desirous of subscribing to the ambulance filcrvice for the of the or the person's household metnbers, whether same be on' mllY so upon the of a fee person is connected to the water per year if such person is not A. There is established, under the provision of the Municipal Sections 17-201 et seq. of title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes, an enterprise fund, such to artd apart from any departmental account within the general funds of the city, and denoted as the Owasso AmbulMce Service Fund. Thimr-Seven an~ 5/1 (l Nr~ent (37.SJil of all monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created resulting from the increased water and/or ~e""er mte herein chmged for subscription fees and Eight;y~five ~rcent (85%) ofaH service fees, donations, or grants, shall be placed to the Owasso Ambulance Service Fund to be utilized solely for ambulance service equipment or facility acquisition or improvement, education, public relations, ambulance service personnel salaries, or other special uses rdated to the ambulance service as recommended by the city manager and approved by resolution of the city counciL C. In addition to the foregoing there is hereby created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Budget Act, Section 17-201 of Title 1 I of the Oklahoma Statutes, a capital improvement fund, such to be separate and apart from any other existing capital improvement fund with the city, and denoted as the Owasso Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund. Fifteen percent (15%) of <til monies received for the benefit of the ambulance service herein created, whether resulting from the increased water andJor sewJ:r rate herein charged, subscription fees, service fees, donations, or grants, shaH be placed to the Owasso Ambulance Service Capital Improvement Fund to be utilized solely for improvement related to equipment and facilities of the ambulance service; provided, however, if no expenditures are made from the fund with a period of five (5) years fi-om the date of initial deposit therein, then. in such event, no additional accumulation therein shall occur and such percentage amount. subsequently received, shall be paid into the Enterprise Fund. above created. for use for the purposes set forth in the Enterprise Fund. SecdQB_T~o: The provisions ofthis ordinance SllWl become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state l(lw. this _~__ day 2000, ;m~Q.4jO.or\f l'lIllP mer