HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.04.17_City Council Agenda 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Allan Harder Human Resources Officer 1. Call to Order Mayor Williams AGENDA on Regular April 17, 2001 TIME: MEETING: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #672, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on April 3, 2001 to approve the annexation in concept and authorize an ordinance. E. Action Relating to Ordinance #672, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of 37.86 Acres Generally Located NOlih ofE. 116th St N, East ofN Garnett Rd. Attachment #5-E The staff recommends Council approval of a one year extension of a contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma to provide gasoline and diesel fuel through June 30, 2002 at a bid margin of 8.5C per gallon over the Oil Price Index Service, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the extension agreement. Action Relating to the Extension of a Contract for the Purchase Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for City Vehicles. Attachment #5-D staff recommends Council approval and authorization to execute the appropriate documents which approve collection remittance of those funds to the City of Owasso. Action Relating to an Agreements With Delta Phone Inc and Sure-Tel Inc for the Collection of E-911 Funds and Remittance of Same to the City of Owasso. Attachment #5-C Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B 1 1 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, remove an item from consent request. A to adopt the Agenda is Owasso City Council Apri117,2001 Page 2 The staff will recommend that the Council designate the Mayor as the City's celiifying official for environmental documents required by the grant and authorized by the Council. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Designate the Mayor as the City's Certifying Officer as Provided for by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 for the Purpose of Assuming Overall Responsibility for the Environmental Review Process for #9716 CDBG 00, Small Cities Grant for the Sidewalk Improvement Program. Mr Armstrong Attachment #7 The City Clerk has received a request from residents of Wilawood Addition to address the City Council regarding an unpaved private drive being used by businesses in the 400 block of East Second Street 6. Request to Address the Council. Representative of Addition Attachment #6 2000 to staff the consent section agenda based on approve the easement closing and authorize an ordinance. Action Relating to Ordinance #673, an Ordinance Providing for the Partial Closing of a Utility Easement Crossing the Forest Creek Business Park Located on the West Side of the North 76th Street North Adjacent to the Owasso City Council Apri117,2001 Page 3 The staff will recommend that the Council authorize the Mayor to execute a "Release of Funds Request" as required by grant conditions. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a "Request for Release of Funds", and that the Mayor be Authorized to Execute Such Documents as Required to Gain a Release of Funds for Project #9716 CDBG 00. Mr Armstrong See Attachment #7 The staff will recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Environmental Certificate as required by the grant conditions. Authorization 00. Appropriate to a the Mayor to an Environmental Certificate for Project #9716 Mr Armstrong Attachment #7 as a to execute on activity, and that no #7 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request that a Finding of "No Significant Impact on the Environmentll Will as a Result the #9716 00 Sidewalk Improvement Activity. Armstrong Owasso City Council April 17, 2001 Page 4 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase and installation of a phone system for the new city hall/police station be awarded to Dan-D Company, Catoosa, OK in the amount of $ 18,530.00. 13 . Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase and Installation of a Phone System for the New City Hall/Police Station. Mr McElrath Attachment #13 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase and installation of network and phone cabling for the new city hall/police station be awarded to Dan-D Company, Catoosa, OK in the amount of $15,841.24. to a Request for the Purchase and City Hall/Police Station. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating Installation of Network and Phone Cabling for the Ms Willson Attachment # 12 12. to execute an 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval or an "Antidisplacement Plan" Project #9716 00. Armstrong Attachment #7 Owasso City Council April 17, 2001 Page 5 The Mayor will offer appointments to a Yardwaste Committee to look into alternative ways of yardwaste disposal, such committee authorized by the OPW A on April 3, 2001; and appointments to fill vacancies on the Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Confhmation of Mayor's Appointments. Mayor Williams Staff will recommend that the City Council authodze entering into a joint venture with the Owasso School System and the YMCA of Greater Tulsa to conduct and fund a feasibility study assessing the potential for a new YMCA to serve the City of Owasso, at a cost to the City of $7500.00 for the City's portion of the feasibility study. to aNew Relating to a Feasibility Study 15. Consideration and Appropriate Serve the City of Owasso. Mr Mitchell Attachment # 15 to AUT Services Tulsa, enter into a contract . and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to complete the purchase. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase and Installation of a Security System the New Hall/Police Station. McElrath Owasso City Council April 17, 2001 Page 6 The staff will request that the City Council consider retiring to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations with the FOP for FY 2000-2001 and FY 2001- 2002, and for the purpose of discussing litigation in the matter of arbitration between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Fraternal order of Police Lodge No 149 regarding the discharge of H Burl Cox. 21. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations Between the City of Owasso and the FOP (Police); and Litigation In The Matter of Arbitration Between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No 149 Regarding H Burl Cox, Such Executive Session Provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307-B(2), 307-B(1) and 307-B(4). Mr Harder 20. New Business. from 19. 18. Manager. from 17. Owasso City Council Apli117,2001 Page 7 24. Adjournment. Relating to No Oklahoma, Regarding Consideration Police Lodge v The City Mr Harder Mr Cates Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract Between the City of and FOP Lodge #149 (Police). Harder Attachment Owasso City Council Aplil17,2001 Page 8 The staff has completed the bidding process and will recommend that the bid for the purchase and installation of a phone system for the new city hall/police station be awarded to Verizon Enterprise Solutions Group, Tulsa, Ok in the amount of$18,514.92. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase and Installation of a Phone System for the New City Hall/Police Station. Mr McElrath The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on April 1 2001, and amends the recommendation on Item #13: ADDENDUM TO AGENDA on Clerk and posted at city at 2 of Addendum filed in the office of the April 16, Regular April 17, 2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL Mayor Williams read and presented a proclamation to Dr Greg Strathe recognizing Strathe Veterinary Hospital as Business of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 200 1. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor PRESENT C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mmy Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. Councilor Randy Brogdon offered the invocation. to order at The City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, April 2001 the Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the Hall bulletin board at 4:00 on March 30, 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 3, 2001 ",2," Ms Sorrells presented the item. Double Oaks Inc and John & Dorothy Buller have submitted a petition for annexation of their property totaling approximately 37.86 acres. The property will be developed by Heritage Construction Corporation. The zoning is cUlTently AG and will remain AG until it is rezoned. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the request in January and recommended approval. The Planning Commission reviewed the request in February and recommended approval subject to celiification by Rural Water District #3 Washington County that minimum state mandated fire protection standards be met. A letter was submitted by the engineer of record for the water district certifying the District's ability to adequately serve the property. Staff has received no negative comments from adjacent property owners. However, several adjacent property owners were present at the Council meeting with questions concerning the annexation. Lawrence Poynor asked if he would have access to city sewer. He currently has a septic tank with lateral lines on the property being annexed. He stated that he has a problem with the annexation if there is a problem with the sewer. He also said that he will work with the developer of the land regarding the septic problem. Jeny Priddy questioned how the annexation will affect him. He specifically was concerned about drainage. Following a lengthy discussion, Community Development Director Stan Ewing suggested that the Council might consider ITEM 7:, CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM HERITAGE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR ANNEXATION OF A 37.86 ACRE TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF E 1 16TH ST N, EAST OF N GARNETT ROAD. Motion carried 4-0. Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None consent a B on the consent included claims: $38,752.68; (2) Ambulance Fund $1,892.55; (3) Ambulance Capital Fund $1 (4) Capital Improvements $1,485.00; (5) Park Development $11,571.00; (6) Bond Projects $338,749.50; (7) City Garage $4,586.30; (8) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $4,586.30; (9) Payroll $156,884.85 (10) City Garage Payroll $2,071.91; (11) Ambulance Payroll $11,683.37. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of agreements with Reconex, Hubbard, OR and Universal Telephone, Tulsa, OK for the collection ofE-911 funds and remittance of those funds to the City of Owasso, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreements. Ms Voss seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the consent agenda. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQ.1l.EST FOR APPROV AL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 20,2001 Regular Meeting. Approval of Claims. Action Relating to Agreements Hubbard, Universal Telephone, Tulsa, for the 11 Funds and Same to the April 3, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 _. Mr Roberts presented the item. The Street Division is requesting the purchase of a new dump huck to supplement the present equipment fleet, which consists of a 1974 truck and a 1979 truck. Specifications were developed to include as alternates to the base bid a centralized chassis lubrication system and a dump body vibrator to increase operating efficiency. Bids were received from four vendors and were opened in January. The low bidder failed to meet the specifications requiring a three-year walTanty on parts and labor and did not bid on alternate #1. The next low bidder, Tulsa Freightliner, met all specifications and bid on both alternates. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A BID FOR THE PURCHASE OEA_J2UMP ~RUCK FOR THE STREET DIVISION. Motion calTied 4-0. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Sorrells that the Original of Owasso, platted prior to statehood, was an arrangement of square city blocks, each bisected by an alley. Greenlee's Addition was platted on the west side of Original Town and also had square city blocks bisected by an alley. Starlane Addition, platted in 1955, overlapped Greenlee's Addition on the east side and was adjacent to Block 5 of Original Town. No alleys were platted in Starlane Addition, which resulted in a stubbed alley bisecting half a block and dead-ending at the Starlane Addition. The adjacent property owners located within Block 5 of Original Town have requested that the alley be closed. Staff mailed letters to utility providers in the area, and each provided signed certificates of approval of the closing. Council approval of Ordinance #671 will formally close the alley. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve Ordinance #671, closing the alley located within Block 5 of the Original Town of Ow as so. ITEM It;. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #671, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF AN ALLEY: LOCATED WITHIN BLOCK 5, ORIGINAL TOWN OF OW ASSQ. Motion carried 4-0. NAY: continuing the item for two weeks to allow the applicant to address his questions to the developer. Issues need to be satisfied between the original owner, the new owner, and Mr Poynor regarding the lateral lines on the property being annexed. Councilor Voss reminded everyone that the only questioned being considered is that of annexation, and that there are several steps to taken before development begins, allowing time for the questions to be platting will including Ms April 3, 2001 Owasso City Council - 4. - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk H C Williams, Mayor Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Vass to adjourn. ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT None ITEM 13: NEW BUSINESS. No report. No repOli. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No NAY: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to award the bid for the purchase of a 2001 Freightliner Model FL 70 dump truck to Tulsa Freightliner, Tulsa, OK in the amount of $50,983, and authorization for payment. April 3, 2001 Owasso City Council Ms Willson explained the type of cabling needed for the project, based on research and recommendation from Rusty McMurray of InfiNETe Technology Solutions. Bid specifications were developed and mailed to eight vendors. Five bids were received and opened on April 9th. Of those, three failed to meet the bid requirements. The two bids considered were from Dan-D Company in Catoosa and Lorecom in Tulsa. Although the Lorecom bid is slightly lower than the Dan-D bid, the cable and termination products bid by Dan-D are compatible, while those bid by Lorecom may not necessmily work well together. Also, Dan-D submitted a bid for the phones, which is the best bid received for that product. There are advantages to having the same company install the wiring and the phones. This item will be on the April 1 ih City Council agenda for action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO NETWDB1(ANDIELEEHONE CABLING FOR THE CITY HALLIPOLICE STATION. Jay Updike, engineer for the wastewater treatment plant expansion project. A tour of the plant expansion to date was then conducted. TOUR OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. quomm was declared present. STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Councilor Will W-illiams, Mayor Melinda Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor (in at 6:15) to order at 5 The City Council and the Owasso Public Works Authority met in joint special session on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 in the Recreation ofthe Community OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL/OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF JOINT SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 2 - Chief Allen said that a committee has been meeting for several months to review and evaluate all possible funding sources for the fire department. Funding sources identified are sales tax increases, revenue bonds, user fees, direct billings, and utility surcharges. Options seriously ITEM 7: REVIEW OF ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mr Jay Updike, engineer for the wastewater treatment facility expansion, conducted the public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m. He said the notice of hearing was published 30 days prior to the hearing as required. He explained the project and said that staff anticipates an October bid date, with constmction lasting approximately one year. The hearing concluded at 7:15 p.m. ITEM 4: PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES AND ASSOCIATED COSTS, AND POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACTS. Mr Rooney presented plans for the development of Preston Lakes Park, as well as the costs to the City should ownership be turned over to the City. If the City receives the park, the developer would make all the improvements and would enter into an agreement with the City for payback of the funds expended. There was discussion concerning parking and "turn around" points on the walking trail, as well as access to the park. ITEM 8: UPDATE RELATING PRESTON LAKES PARK. Mr McElrath said that bids were opened at 4:00 p.m, just prior to this meeting, and that staff had not had time to review the bids. Bids were received from five vendors, and ranged in amount from $34,663.89 to $73,816.00. Off-site monit0l1ng was bid as an alternate and is not included the base bid numbers. Off~site monitoring will probably not be recommended because we will have someone in dispatch at all times who can monitor the system. Staff plans to place this on the April 1 ih City Council agenda if a review of the bids can be made and references checked prior to the agenda packet going out. STATION. Mr McElrath explained that the City will be purchasing a Norstar digital telephone system the new City Hall/Police Station facility, Bids were solicited fi'om approximately 15 vendors, with five bids being Staff will be recommend that the system be purchased from bid was 5 higher than are the telephone on 1 ih ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PHONE SYSTEM FOR CITY HALL/POLICE STbTION. April 1 0, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 .. Mr Rooney asked for dates to be suggested for a joint meeting with the Capital Improvements Committee to discuss their financing report. Such a meeting was called for Thursday, April 26th from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the community center. Mr Mitchell said that agreement has been reach with the FOP for a contract for FY 2000-2001 and FY 2001-2002. The lodge has ratified the contract, and it will be placed on the April 1 ih City Council agenda for action. An Executive Session will also be placed on the agenda to allow the Council to discuss the contract if they desire. A copy of the full agreement will be distributed to the Council in their agenda packets. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. Mr Mitchell presented the latest figures in the budget preparation process. He said these figures do not include any personnel costs. It is planned to hold the budget hearing at 6:00 p.m. on May 8th at the Community Center. ITEM 11: GENERAL DISCUSSION AND BUDGET PREP ARA nON UPDATE. Mitchell said that the YMCA is considering expanding their Owasso facility to include new programs and expand existing programs. Discussions have been held between the City, YMCA, and School System concerning some type of joint venture, so that all entities would have access to the expanded facilities. It has been proposed that a feasibility study be conducted to assess the potential for a new facility, with all three entities sharing in the cost of the study. The City's share would be approximately $7500. This item will be on the April 1 ih Council agenda for action. Ewing told the that there have been where the grading of to developed has occurred without an approved site plan. This often results in damage to adjacent properties. An ordinance is being proposed that will address developing, excavating, grading, land filling, retaining, berming or diking of land within the city limits. It would also define terms and adopt standards for earth change and erosion control. Following discussion, staff was directed to discuss the proposed ordinance with the Developer's Council at their next meeting to receive their comments. discussed by the committee were revenue bonds, sales tax increase, and utility bill surcharge, The recommendation of the committee is utilization of the utility bill surcharge, increasing the current surcharge by $2.00 per month. Councilors had questions concerning comparisons to other communities and requested hard copies of the slide show presented. It is anticipated that a special meeting will be called to adopting an ordinance amending the current flmding April 10, 2001 Owasso City Council April 10, 2001 C Williams, Mayor ~ 4 ~ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk was aalOurnea at 8 Barnhouse, NAY: None Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. ITEM 13~ ADJOURNMENT: Owasso City Council City of Owasso Claims 4/17/01 Fund Department Total General 105 Municipal Court 284.14 110 Managerial 919.02 120 Finance 6.13 '150 General Government 160 Community 1 170 886.25 17f, Information 182.45 181 Support Services 421.81 190 Cemetery 838.25 201 Police Services 7,776.98 2'15 Police Communications 47.00 221 Animal Control 828.37 250 Fire Services 8,961.02 280 Emergency Preparedness 160.84 300 Streets 10,518.95 515 Park Maintenance 4,334.59 550 Community Center 1 710 Economic Development 12.50 "115 OEDA Work Plan 25.00 TOTAL 46,044.89 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 3,602.75 TOTAL 3,602.75 E-911 E-911 Services 2,176.84 TOTAL 2,176.84 Capital Improvements 96th Street Signalization 45,887.31 TOTAL 45,887.31 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 423.46 TOTAL 423.46 OPGA Merchandise 6,181.90 Food and Beverage 1,215.41 600 Golf Shop 220.90 610 Golf Course Maintenance 4,886.95 670 Food and Beverage Operations 238.50 690 Golf Administration 215.25 691 Clubhouse 1,575.09 800 Debt Service 38,748.08 TOTAL 53,282.08 OPWA 400 Administration 1,973.87 405 Utility Billing 3,200.32 420 Water 25,889.65 450 Wastewater treatment plant 19,679.89 455 Wastewater Collection 2,626.10 480 Refuse Collections '16,431.39 485 Recycle Center 10,664.7'5 TOTAL 80,465,97 OPWA 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant .08 TOTAL ,08 OPWA Sewer Line Extension Debt Service TOTAL City Garage 185 City Garage 2,443.47 TOTAL 2,443.47 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 4,997.76 TOTAL 4,997.76 CI@ims TOltal Council Member Council Member Mayor April 1 APPROVED: Ambulance Fund 04/07/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1. Agreement with Delta Phone Inc 2. Agreement with Sure-Tel Inc 3. Owasso City Ordinance #571 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documentation which allows Delta Phone Inc and Sure-Tel Inc to provide service to Owasso citizens and to collect identified E-911 fees. RECOMMENDATION: The latest requests are from Delta Phone Inc, Delhi, LA and Sure-Tel Inc, Oklahoma City, OK. The attached agreements authorize Delta and Sure-Tel to collect the E-911 service fees assessed on local access lines and remit same to the City of Owasso. The City of Ow as so provides Emergency 1 service to citizens with specifically identified telephone prefixes. Agreements have been made with the telephone service providers that provide, in accordance with Ordinance #571, five percent (5%) of the customer's telephone bill to be returned to the City of Owasso to aid in the suppOli of providing this emergency communication service. Until September of 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone was the only emergency provider for our customers. Since then several telephone providers have requested agreements with the City to provide telephone service to our citizens, and to collect the E-911 service fee assessed on local access lines and remit that fee to the City of Ow as so. BACKGROUND: April 10, 2001 THE HONORABI-lE MAYOR CITY MEMORANDUM (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this information to Southwestem Bell Telephone on the forms provided by Southwestern Bell. _ 1 _ 3. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: 2. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit ofthe City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Delta toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 1. As authorized by the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's ordinance Number 571, Delta shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Delta shall retain two percent (2%) ofthe total amount collected. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WHEREAS, Delta, through SWBT resale, is willing to :furnish and maintain said features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. WHEREAS, Delta, offers its subscribers Enhanced Emergency Number 1) resale Southwestern Telephone (SWBT) service; with SWBT providing the actual 1 including, not limited the development a Master Street Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Location Identification (ALl) and Automatic Number Identification (Am) services; and Delta providing the billing and collection 1 assessments from the end-users; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications serVIces to subscribers within its certified areas; and, Enhanced Number 11 the 1 th day April, 2001, by and between its at AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-911) SERVICE Delta Agreement - Page 2 8. Delta shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems. 7. While it is the intent of the City to renew this Agreement, the parties agree and understand that the City, being a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, cannot be bound in this Agreement past its current fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Therefore, the parties agree that the contract's term shall be from the date of execution through the end of the City's current fiscal year, and that the parties upon mutual agreement may renew this Agreement at the end of the contract term for successive one year periods. In no event shall the City be bound to any such renewal until and unless the City approves the renewal and it is executed by the authorized official of the City. In no event shall the City be obligated financially or otherwise or be subject to any penalty or damage for failure of the City to renew this Agreement. Delta's Credit Records and Billing Records are confidential and proprietary. The City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this information is used only in connection with City's provision ofE-911 Service. The parties hereto further agree that, in the absence any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control Delta, the in-service date for the by this Agreement shall as soon as possible. 4. MSAG updates will be processed by SWBT as quickly as reasonably possible after receipt of information from the City. The ALl data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion ofthe order for service. (b) Coordinating the accuracy of the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) information used to update the Automatic Location Identification (ALI) data file and advising SWBT of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address number used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in local jurisdictional boundaries, annexation, or any other matter that will affect the of any 11 call to the City to Delta Agreement - Page 3 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by written notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. Ms DeLora LaPrarie Delta Phone Inc PO Box 784 Delhi, LA 71232 To Delta City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 To the City: All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: The City and Delta agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and laws, regulations, and codes the perfonnance of this Agreement 11. failure of either party to enforce any of its provisions this Agreeu:n.ent, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its any but at the same shall, and remain full and effect. xees to to infoffilation to agents of the City who, during the course their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose impl.ementing and administering 1 Services. When such information is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Delta at Delta's reasonable request. 9. Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, war, acts of omissions of carriers and other similar conditions ("Force Majeure Condition"). If a Majeure Condition the party whose performance is affected shall notify the other patiy and shall resume as soon as Delta Agreement - Page 4 (b) The City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by Delta of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Delta and failure by Delta to cure such violation within such period. Delta shan have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event the violation the City of any of the terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation within such period. as this the right to 1 the City 170 Delta further agrees that there will De no this Agreement. assessment 11 et Delta further acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to the appropriation sufficient funds in each fiscal year which E-911 Services are provided and, the event of the failure of the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shall be null and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 26). IS Agreement contains the entire Agreement the parties with described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or party, or to any employee, officer, or either shall or to by is 110t 15. 14. The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. Delta Agreement - Page 5 -t JJ. af/JJ~ :?t~~, ATTEST: Vd~ E. 11"";$ ~;/ Printed Name & Title D THE OF IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said paliies have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf as of the date indicated below. - - (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this information to Southwestern Bell Telephone on the form provided by Southwestern Bell. 3. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: 2. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Sure-Tel toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 1. As authorized by the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's ordinance Number 571, Sure-Tel shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Sure-Tel shall retain two percent (2%) of the total amount collected. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WHEREAS, Sure-Tel, through SWBT resale, is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. WHEREAS, Sure-Tel, offers its subscribers Enhanced Emergency Number through resale of Southwestern Telephone (SWBT) with 11 including, not limited the development a Master Street Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Identification the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) services; and Sure..Tel providing the billing collection of 1 assessments from the end-users; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-911) SERVICE Sure-Tel Agreement - Page 2 8. Sure-Tel shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems. 7. While it is the intent of the City to renew this Agreement, the parties agree and understand that the City, being a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, cannot be bound in this Agreement past its current fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Therefore, the parties agree that the contract's term shall be from the date of execution through the end of the City's current fiscal year, and that the parties. upon mutual agreement may renew this Agreement at the end of the contract term for successive one year periods. In no event shall the City be bound to any such renewal until and unless the City approves the renewal and it is executed by the authorized official of the City. In no event shall the City be obligated financially or otherwise or be subject to any penalty or damage for failure ofthe City to renew this Agreement. Sure.,Ters Credit Records and Billing are confidential proprietary. City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this infonnation is used only connection with City's provision of E-911 Service. The parties hereto further agree that, in the absence any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control of Sure-Tel, the in-service date for the covered this shall as soon as possible. MSAG updates will processed by as quickly as reasonably possible after receipt information :from the City. The ALl data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion ofthe order for service. (b) Coordinating the accuracy of the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) information used to update the Automatic Location Identification (ALl) data file and advising SWBT of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address number used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in local jurisdictional boundaries, annexation, or any other matter that will affect the routing of any 1 call to the Citis desires to have made occurred" basis, to Sure- Tel Agreement - Page 3 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by written notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. Ms Phyllis Stumbaugh Sure-Tellnc 5 N McCormick Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73127 To Sure-Tel City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 To the City: B. All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: The City and Sure-Tel agree to comply with all applicable Federal, and laws, regulations, and codes in the performance of this Agreement. 11. The failure either party to enforce any of its provisions of this Agreement, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shall not constmed as a general or relinquishment on its part any such but at the same shall, nevertheless, and remain full force and to confidential to refrain from disseminating information except to and agents of the City who, during the course of their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose of implementing and administering 11 Services. When such infolTImtion is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Sure-Tel at Sure..Tel's reasonable request 10. 9. Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, war, acts of omissions of carriers and other similar conditions ("Force Majeure Condition"). If a Force Majeure Condition occurs, the party whose performance is affected shall notify the and shall resume performance as soon as Sure-Tel Agreement - Page 4 (b) The City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by Sure-Tel of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Sure-Tel and failure by Sure-Tel to cure such violation within such period. Sure- Tel shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event the violation of the City of any of the terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation within such period. this Agreement as the right to and the City shall 18. 17. Sure- Tel further agrees that there will be no additional charges incurred by the City upon execution of this Agreement. further is to the sufficient funds in 1 are provided and, event of the failure of the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shall be null and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 26). 1 15, This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the service described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or promises made by any party, or to any employee, officer, or agent, of either party, which is not the shall binding or valid, 14, The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. 1. Contract Extension Agreement ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the City Council extend the contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma for fleet fuel management services for FY 2001-2002 at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Contract Extension Agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Fuelman did extend their contract for FY 2000-2001, and they were contacted on April 4, 2001 concerning their intent for contract renewal for the second year. A Contract Extension Agreement was mailed to them on the same day, and that Agreement has been executed by Fuelman management indicating their willingness to extend the contract through June 30, 2002. In September of 1998, Systems was purchased by Fuelman of Oklahoma. Fuelman honored the GO! Systems contract for the remainder of the fiscal year, and the fleet fuel management service was re-bid for the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Fuelman was the successful bidder, at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon. The contract contained a provision that allows for the contract to be extended for successive one-year terms for a period of up to three years if agreed to by both parties in writing not less than sixty days prior to the expiration of the initial one-year term or of any successive one-year terms. The first contract for privatized fleet fuel services was awarded to Systems on October 5, 1993, following the bidding practices required by law. Contract terms stated that Systems would supply fuel the city a seven days a week, at a margin 7 ~ gallon, based on the average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis. The contract was re-bid each succeeding year through FY 1997-98, with Systems awarded each bid, 1 2000 THE HONORABLE MAYOR OW ASSO MEMORANDUM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: H C Williams, Mayor CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Fuelman of Oklahoma for a of twelve months between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002. FUELMAN to FUEL MANAGEMENT SERVICE CONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 672 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 672. RECOMMENDATIONS Ordinance No. 672 would formally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the April 2001 meeting. At the April 3, 2001 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved an annexation petition for a acre, more or less, land located 116tl1 N. and east N. BACKGROUND April 11, 2001 MEMORANDUM 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 673 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 673. RECOMMENDATIONS Council at the August 15, Ordinance would formally adopt the action taken the 2000 meeting. At the August 15, 2000 regular meeting the City Council unanimously approved a request for the a of a utility easement located within Industrial BACKGROUND Aprilll,2001 HONORABLE CITY MEMORANDUM ALL THAT PART OF FOREST DRIVE INDUSTRlAL PARK, CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 6, FOREST DRlVE INDUSTRIAL PARK; THENCE N89024'43"E A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 94.76 FEET; THENCE NI7019'53"E A DISTANCE OF 6.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 6; THENCE N17021 '54"E A DISTANCE OF 155.76 FEET; THENCE N1301T04"E A DISTANCE OF 319.52 FEET; THENCE N76042'56"W A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NOoo04 'OO"W A DISTANCE OF 1 00.00 FEET; THENCE S89025' 11"W A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE SOoo04'00"E A DISTANCE OF 98.11 FEET; THENCE S1301T04"W A DISTANCE OF 317.77 FEET; THENCE S1704T57"W A DISTANCE OF 161.21 FEET; THENCE EAST A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 13,107 SQUARE FEET OR 0.302 ACRES. Section 1. The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, WHEREAS, the above holders of ft'anchise or purported holders of a ft'ancmse that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and/or Cox Communication; and, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 6, FOREST DRlVE INDUSTRlAL PARK; THENCE N89024'43"E A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 94.76 FEET; THENCE NI7019'53"E A DISTANCE OF 6.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 6; THENCE N17021 '54"E A DISTANCE OF 155.76 FEET; THENCE N1301T04"E A DISTANCE OF 319.52 FEET; THENCE N76042'56"W A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET; THENCE NOoo04'00"W A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE S89025'11"W A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE SOoo04'00"E A DISTANCE OF 98.11 FEET; THENCE S1301T04"W A DISTANCE OF 317,77 FEET; THENCE S1704T57"W A DISTANCE OF 161.21 FEET; THENCE EAST A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 13,107 SQUARE FEET OR 0.302 ACRES. Oklahoma, described Tulsa All that part of Forest Drive Industrial as follows: said utility easement is described as follows: the has deemed it neceSSlJ1)' lJ11d expedIent to close to public use a portion of a certain utility easement; AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A PORTION OF A UTILTIY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN FOREST DRIVE INDUSTRIAL PARK, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAThTING UNTO SAID CITY OF OW ASSO, OKL.AHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RlGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 673 I if ~J The Residence of Wilawood Enclosed is a copy of our petition and we sincerely thank you for your time and attention to this matter. our homes and taken care of as soon as possible neighborhood and the protection of of our cars. .!(c for the health must be problem, but as feel that this help to put an end to today.. .no help and no for solution! We of this serious There have been numerous request in the past 3 years being carried by the south winds and covering our homes and cars just to the north. The properties getting the worst part of this dust are 400, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406 East 3rd Street. industrial buildings located at 40Lf, 406, 408, LflO East 2nd Street. This has resulted in more dirt and dust been an excessive amount of traffic in and out of the With these increased businesses, there has 2nd StreeL Since that petition date, there has been 2 new business built and the one business has expanded on the part of We have called Tim Rooney and Ted McCord on numerous occaSSlons about this problem and nothing has been done, except that the owner has added more gravel. The residence of Wilawood have read and signed a petition and delivered it to the City Clerk, Marcia Boutwell on September 11, 1989, and still nothing has been done to eliminate the gravel dust arising from the .6,00 block of East 2nd Street. inside our homes. amount of dust on everyth the paint on our cars, as well as, leaving a tremendous to breathe and it also damages very idtat It 1 orhood. gravel d\lst that invades our nel and \lnheal the hazal:dour ing someth l,O get 1998, i 1 , r done since long before our petition of September been try We, the residence of the Wilawood Addition, have To the Members of the Owasso City Council: April 11, 1998 ~ 'fvy/~ lJeiJ 5'111 I ({5 rJ If /I ,0 '4. ~'Y' ~lAMid~J) . , 3JII.- tt 16. J~a'tJ" ~ cyvil 8'd~'d::L~1~ l/6J1, E "3@~ 10. ltJr;!J4~~;P~ 5 () t, IE yA;P f''T 12. -P~I1, ~~ , Lip I E Jl ~d ()t.-' 4 i'$(J e-k 2. f~J~Q Y6 s c. eel 36. 35, 34. 33. 32. ~ Jb CrhA{ q Iii /q R ~,vJ-~ jo~ 29. 3 I . 30. 28. 23. 27 . 26. 25. 24. 22. 2 I. 20. 19. (velY V ,-{l' ~ 17. 6. 1.J1vj,p ~~ If".} J:',,} ~ 3,1{Q7 fOrtE" 5. ~;C:. / .fi" 30<{ F :s de( 7. <<U!3L t1D'z, iE, 3rd fL 9. ,/ ' e /fJeu1 Iv, L(.\,J~fi 50'/ r::: $r.:..4 Sr-,e.e..-i'. II.QdJ.~~L (/SlJ $ c: J ~ .Sf// - 13./~J) 1fi;~ Jof e }17if7 IS. '1YlrJ ~ .- 1/ () :L cf. 2J;wj. 5/;, I 4. He \~ANT something done and feel this problem deserves "direct and immediate" attention in order for us to live "healthy" lives as citizens of Owasso. We understand a COll1plaint >vas made about this particular problem about t,.]O years ago, and nothing was done. A verbal complaint ~7as made to Hary Lou Barnhouse then mayor, and again tvlO months ago checking with her to see if anything was being done. \'}e the residence of East 3rd St, between Birch and Elm Place, in Wilawood addition, would like to file a complaint of the substance and condition of the "private drive" on East 2nd nO\07 being used for business. The dust from this gravel type road has greatly damaged our paint jobs on our cars and diminished the quality of our homes, on a daily basis. This is also very hazardous to our health as it invades our breathing and allergies. (!tijJ!..cjJ 1IIIdelI , , This appointment is to fill the unexpired term of Bob Randolph, ending on June 30 2003. PLANNING COMMISSION Dewey Brown 10804 E 99th St N Term Ending 6/30/03 This appointment is to fill the unexpired teml of Susan Kimball. It is my recommendation that the Council confirm this appoint for the remainder of the telm ending on June 30, 2001, and for the term July 1,2001 thru June 30, 2004. This would eliminate the need for a reappointment of this position in two months. BOARD OF ADmSTMENT David Hall 10205 E 89th St N Term Ending 6/30/04 It is, therefore, the purpose of this memorandum to recommend for Council confilmation the appointments to the following. Pursuant to authority contained Section subsection (e) the the has established ordinances for the to appoint members to boards, commissions, trusts, committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the Council. Additionally, the has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. There is currently one vacancy on the Board of Adjustment and two vacancies on Planning Commission as a result of resignations. Appointments need to be made to fill those vacancies, as well as appointments to a newly created short-term Yardwaste Disposal Review Committee. 1 1 WU.lL MEMBERS OF THE CITY MEMORANDUM Letters of Resignation from Susan Kimball, Bob Randolph, and Lany Helton ATTACHMENTS: I recommend Council confirmation of the appointment of David Hall to the Board of Adjustment for a term ending on June 30, 2004, Dewey Brown to the Planning Commission for a term ending on June 30, 2003, and Bill Williams to the Planning Commission for a telID ending of June 30, 2004; as well as confirmation of the appointments listed to the Yardwaste Disposal Review Committee. RECOMMENDATION: In addition to the committee appointments, Mr Michael Patton of the Metropolitan Environmental Trust has agreed to assist the committee in an advisory capacity. 12707 E 78th N Scott Blaker 8808 N 12pt East Patricia Marlar 306 N Birch Roberts, Chair (staff representative) Randy Brogdon (Council representative) Shane Williams (Youth Leadership Owasso) 12906 E 80th N Young 12409 E 80th N it PLANNING COMMISSION Bill Williams 1807 N Elm APPOINTMENTS APRlL 17,2001 PAGE 2 Susan Kimball 8u~ ~1~' Sincerely, Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve. However, due my health, I must tender my resignation the board, effective immediately. I have always wanted to give my best to any project or position I have undertaken and do not feel I could do so at this time. me to serve as a a half. has an enlightening things to manK you of Adjustment this and me Mayor City of 1 (918) 272~2251 fAX (918) 2724999 Bob Randolph to Letter Resignation tbh I 2001 207 South Ced.u PO Box 180 Ow@sso, OK 74055 wasso (918) 272~2251 FAX (918) 2724999 Larry Helton Sincerely, I have enjoyed the opportunity to I Letter of Resignation March 207 South C~dal' PO BO:lt: 180 OK 74055 wasso ity of Lutz Mr. Rooney said the citizens have been infonned in the past that the area in question is private property and that the City can not provide paving here. I would assume that it is a civil matter between property owners and may be a situation for a civil suit. jYIUlHtan CHen In rue cmzens' letter to over parking areas. There should no dust fi.om the The 1995 INCOG map shows some existing structures. There are now several fairly new prefab steel buildings housing light industrial businesses. The 2nd Street dedication ends at the property line a at NW comer of 2nd Birch (immediately west through to west 1 water is a 1 2001 lA/II;: iJlec-i ;/<:jO/ ;Od0foM ~J SYL t? Cl "" kl ~h ttAk The ~esidence of Wilawood of au r cars.*= Enclosed is a copy of our petition and we sincerely thank you for your time and attention to this matter. and homes our soon as possible the protection of and neighborhood for the heal th as of help to put an todaY.Hno help be taken care must this that feel ~ve solution! no and for of the past 3 years problem, but as request In this ser ious to end numerous have been There being carried by the south winds and covering our homes and cars just to the north. The properties getting the worst part of this dust are 1.00,402,403, 40LI, 405, 406 East 3rd Street. East dust and IIOB, dirt industrial buildings located at 404, 1.06, 2nd Street. This has resulted in more 410 to eliminate the gravel dust sris of East 2nd Street. Since that petition date, there has been 2 new business built and the one business has on the part of 2nd Street 0 ~Vith these businesses>> there has been an excessive amount of traffic in and out of the from the ({OO block occassions about this problem and nothing has been done, except that the owner has added more gravel. The residence of Wilawood have read and signed a petition and delivered it to the City Clerk, Marcia Boutwell on Seotember 11, 1989, and still nothing has been done and Ted McCord on numerous the paint on our cars, a amount of dust on everyth vie have called Tim well as, leaving a tremendous inside Our homes. been trying, since long before Our petition of September II, 1998, to get something done regarding the hazardouX' and unheal thy gravel dust that invades Our neighborhood. It is ve y irritating to breathe and it also damages have the residence of the Wilawood Addition, We, To the Members of the Owasso City Council: April II, 1998 We are request to be put on the for the next 0\;7 as so City Council meeting, which we believe 18 next Tuesday, Apri 1 17, 200] . Enclosed is a copy of our complainto_ The Residence of Wilawood Addion To the Members of the Owas~o City Council: ril 11,2001 ~ ~oNJ (C(Q)[P>1f F~EC IVED APR 11 2001 (!;'XAA. 'tJ/I ' It is anticipated that future actions may have to be taken by the Council to complete other grant requirements not directly related to environmental concerns, However, at this point the following is a specific explanation of each current request by agenda item. First, an Environmental Review Record must be prepared. This record consists of a request for review being sent to various state and federal agencies and a documentation of their responses in the form of a statutOlY checklist and an environmental assessment. The INCOG staff has prepared the record as a part of the administration services contract with the City. We have determined that this project will have no significant effect on the environment. As a result of this determination, the Council is in a position to designate the Mayor as the certifying officer to execute the Environmental Certification and Release of Funds Request and to make finding of No Significant Environmental Impact. In addition, the Council must approve an Antidisplacement Plan even though no displacement will occur as a part of the program. INCOG staff has also prepared those documents. series steps must taken in Department of to release the Small Cities grant funds for the sidewalk improvement project. Each step requires formal action by the Council, however, these steps are generally considered to be Hhouse cleaning" type actions. April 2001 MEMORANDUM The Environmental Celiification is a document which identifies that the City has calTied out its responsibilities for environmental review in accordance with all state and federal regulations and that it has been determined that a full Environmental Impact Statement is not required. BACKGROUND: AGENDA ITEM #9 EXECUTE AN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE Staff recommends that the Council approve the INCOG repOlis and finding of no significant impact on the environment as a result of the Sidewalk Improvement Program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the documents. RECOMMENDATION: This is a finding that the project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to the State for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement. In order to make this finding, it is necessary to complete a Statutory Checklist, an Environmental Assessment checklist, and maintain documentation of the Environmental Review Record information. All of these have been completed by INCOG staff and documentation has been place in the project's permanent file. Staff recommends that the Council designate the Mayor as the City's certifying official documents required by the grant and authorized by the Council. RECOMMENDATION: Release of Grant Funds April 9, 2001 Page 2 Staff recommends Council adoption of an Antidisplacement Plan for the Sidewalk Improvement Program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the plan document. RECOMMENDATION: The Antidisplacement Plan addresses the actual or unexpected demolition of low/moderate income dwelling units. There will be no demolition of dwelling units because of this project. However, it is required that a plan be approved which states that demolition is not planned and, if unexpected demolition should occur, all federal regulations will be followed to mitigate any adverse impact. BACKGROUND: ITEM #11 ANTIDISPLACEMENT PLAN to execute a Staff recommends that the Funds" as required by grant conditions. The Request for Release of Funds is a document that identifies that the City has completed all the requirements of the grant, whether they are state, federal or local grant conditions" This document has been completed by "''' Uk> to execute Release of Grant Funds April 9, 2001 Page 3 The request for a parts list was the result of a consultation with a third party wiring vendor. Although all CAT 5e and CAT 3 cabling must meet minimum standards, certain products are superior to others in their performance. The wiring vendor indicated that certain brands of cables are designed to work in conjunction with certain brands of termination equipment. Although any $19,750.00 $15,841.24 $15,030.00 $12,800.00 $ 7,773.00 * I Network America - Uniview Dan-D * I Pentel Communications Lorecom ~I Crisp *Did not meet bid requirements Five responses to the bid for network and telephone cabling were received. Out of the five received, three failed to meet bid requirements. The bid specified that vendors should submit a list of supplies to be used. Three failed to provide a product list. Category 3 cable is standard for telephone use and is capable of up to 16 mbps. Category 5e cable is capable oftransfening data at a rate of up to 100 mbps (100 million bytes per second). Category 5e is replacing Category 5 as the industry standard and is capable of data and voice transmission. of to telephone equipment for the new City Hall and Police Station. The City I-Iall Transition Team met to discuss the network and telephone cabling needs for the new City Hall and Police Station. After researching cabling options and upon the recommendation of Rusty McMurray, InfiNETe Technology Solutions, it was determined that the best cabling solution would be the use Category cable for data and Category 3 cable for telephone. April 2001 MEMORANDUM Staff recommends that the network and telephone cabling bid be awarded to Dan-D Company, Catoosa, OK in the amount of $15,841.24, and that the Mayor be auth0l1zed to execute the contract documents. RECOMMENDATION: While did not provide the bid, they appear to have specified the best cabling solution for the new City Hall and Police Department. Also, taking into consideration that they are recommended for the telephone system bid has certain advantages, as well. Any connectivity problems or issues could be addressed more easily, if that vendor was responsible for the full installation. This cabling solution is at a cost well below the original amount $32,000 budgeted for this proj ect. for were and were comactea were Public Schools, Guide, and Tulsa Radiology. The references indicated that is thorough and knowledgeable and they were extremely satisfied with their TV Guide uses Dan-D exclusively for all. oftheir cabling needs. The two bids considered were from Dan-D Company and Lorecom. The cable and termination products specified by Dan-D were by Avaya. The cable specified by Lorecom was that manufactured by Berk-Tek and termination equipment was by Leviton. cable can work with any terminator, they will provide the best performance when properly paired. Bids for a Norstar MICS phone system with 39 new telephones (and capacity to also handle the existing 16 Norstar phones at Police Department) and a 48 port Flash voice mail were solicited from approximately fifteen vendors; five vendors submitted bids, listed in descending order as follows: BID SOLICITATION: All City phones are currently operating on the Plexar system provided by SW Bell. This usage will continue after the new City Hall is built, as it is the only option that the City has to linle together all our facilities with one phone operating system. During normal business hours a receptionist located in the lobby area will handle incoming phone calls; at other times the dispatcher at the Police Department will handle any calls that are not directly routed to individual phone stations. The City cUlTently owns Norstar telephone and voice mail systems in the Public Works and Norstar phone systems at the Police Station and Golf Course facilities. This phone system and equipment have proven quite dependable and provided good user satisfaction in the past, and staff anticipates that there is no reason that this will not continue to be true with the installation of a Norstar system at the new facility. Continuing use of the Norstar equipment will allow for cost savings in that the City will be able to immediately utilize a portion ofthe existing equipment from the Police Department. In the future, this will also allow us the option of utilizing the Norstar equipment at Public Works and the Golf Course should we ever install a wide area phone network between City facilities. City of seeks to purchase a Norstar digital telephone system mail use at the new Hall/Police Station. It will replace an outdated electronic phone system at and upgrade and enhance the existing Norstar system at the Police Department. In addition, voice mail is proposed for both facilities, a feature not currently available at either facility. April 10, 2001 MEMORANDUM Staff recommends that Dan D Company of Catoosa, OK be awarded the bid in the amount of $18,530 for the purchase and installation of a Norstar phone and voice mail system, as specified in the bid specifications sent out by the City Clerk and opened at City Hall on April 9, 2001; and that the Mayor be authorized to sign any documents necessary to the completion of the purchase. RECOMMENDATION: The from who were contacted. Many ofthe vendors contacted said that they would not even consider using another vendor because their experience with Dan-D has been so favorable. Vendors contacted included Fintube, Tulsa Radiology, TV Guide, and Union Public Schools. Dan-D has had extensive experience with telephone installations and operations, including phone systems that utilize Plexar service. Staff has also discussed the training procedures that will be followed by Dan- D and is confident that their company has the personnel and the expertise to provide the training that City staff will need in order to fully utilize and benefit from the new phone and voice mail systems. bidders met or on fact that is recommended to receive the award the computer cabling and phone cabling bid, it is also recommended that they awarded the bid for the phone system. Although they are not the lowest bidder, their bid is very close to that ofthe lowest, certainly close enough to justify utilizing them in order to gain the advantage of having a single vendor install both the cabling and the phone system. Phone System April 10, 2001 Page 2 staff completed bidding process and will recommend that the the purchase and installation of a phone system for the new city hall/police station be awarded to Verizon Enterprise Solutions Group, Tulsa, Ok in the amount of$18,514.92. 13. The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on April 1 2001, recommendation on #13: ~4. ,it Community Regular April 17, 2001 6:30 p.m. Council TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL Verizon does meet all bid specifications, including the ability to provide training on a plexsar- based phone system. They are actually the low bidder on the project The references for Verizon have been contacted, and they received excellent ratings from all who were contacted (Dollar Car Rental, MCI/W orldCom, Raytheon Aerospace). $23,322.00 $23,200.00 $20,495.00 $18,530.00 $18,514.92 1. Southwestern Bell 2. Lorecom 3. Network Amelica 4. Dan-D 5. Verizon Because the original recommended vendor, Dan-D, is not an authorized Norstar vendor, staffis recommending that Verizon Enterprise Solutions Group, an authorized Norstar distributor, be awarded the bid for phone equipment, installation and training in the amount of$18,514.92. Subsequent to submitting the to the new Station phone staff received infoITllation bidding not all the bidding were authorized distributors products. Staff was informed that this fact would void any factory warranty on the product and would not allow the City to properly license the system software nor to receive any software upgrades that might become available. Upon being apprised ofthis, staff contacted Nortel Networks directly and learned that such was indeed the case. 1 MEMORANDUM on Staff recommends that the amount $1 PHONE SYSTEM APRIL 16,2001 PAGE 2 Steve Robertson Branch Manager (405)677-1300 (918)669-3478 (918)590-5548 Lynn Guthier 3. MCIMlorldCom Sincerely, Francine Morris 1. Raytheon Aerospace 2. Dollar Car Rental Lana Seawright Reference!! Verizol1 Enterprise Solutions Group has successfully installed hundreds of Norstar MICS with Flash Voice Mail systems across the United States. Listed below are three sizeable companies located in the Oklahoma territory. 1. Verizon, though formed in August of 2000 out of the merger of Bell Atlantic and has been an established business for over 80 years. Verizon is a Fortune 9 Company with presence in 40 nations, operations in 21 nations with annual revenues of $60 billion. We report directly to the Enterprise Solutions Group of Veri;wn. Verizon Enterprise Solutions Group is a value-added Integrated Communications Provider with a singular purpose to meet the needs of the Enterprise Business Customer. At present Verizol1 Enterprise Solutions Group staffs two locations in Oklahoma, one in Tulsa other located in Oklahoma City. Verizon staffs 12 manufacturer trained and certified technicians each possession more than 15 field service experience. This level expertise has allowed Verizon Oklahoma to post the highest customer services approval rate, 9.4 based on a scale of 1 to 10, in the company. Here at Verizon our commitment to you is to provide highly trained and well~xperienced service personnel along with a strong and widely approved product set 2. Verizon has been an authorized distributor and service entity of Nortel products for 18 years. AND the 2 BIDDERS to to Dear Sir or Madam: April 9, 2001 Verizon Enterprise Solutions Group 3158 South 108th East Ave., Suite 270 Tulsa, OK 74146 Telephone: 918.665.8500 Fax: 918.665.8503 V~, / In regard to ongoing maintenance of the system, staff recommends that the City enter into an agreement with the vendor to contract for the second year of maintenance, at the bid cost of $289 per month. Decisions as to fmiher maintenance beyond the end of the second year would be assessed during that time period. Staff has examined the submittals of all bidders. All meet or exceed the bid specifications. The low bidder, ADT, is an established, well-regarded company. Although their bid is much lower than the others, staff has no reason to believe that the bid is too low to be valid. The equipment and materials that they propose in all cases meet and in many cases exceed specifications. They have been contacted directly, and the bid has been discussed in detail to make sure that they cOlTectly interpreted what the City wants and that nothing was overlooked or omitted. Their references were contacted and are very favorable. They are backed up by a parent company of national prominence in the security industry. In short, staff believes that they have submitted a bid that will do what the City wants for the lowest cost. $73,816.00 $69,985.00 $49,792.88 $45,959.00 $34,663.89 1. Defense Security Systems 2. DLSS 3. SecureNet 4. Sonitrol 5. ADT The bids that were on lOa closed CIrCUIt vweo ana access secmity system for the new city hall and police station. Bids were solicited fifteen vendors submitted bids, listed descending order as follows: April 11, 2001 MEMORANnUM Staff recommends that the City Council accept the bid fiom ADT Security Services, Inc. of Tulsa, OK in the amount of $34,663.89 for the purchase and installation of a closed circuit television system and a door access system as specified the bid received on April 10, 2001 and authorize into a contract at per month for second on system and that the Mayor and City be authorized to any documents necessarv to complete purchase. The only bid received for "off-site" monitoring was from Sonitrol. Although three ofthe other companies offer this option, they generally do not recommend it because most clients want the control that comes with access monitoring. the case ofthe City, the . if or Security System Bid April 11, 2001 Page 2 We believe that there are additional benefits to be gained from the study over and above the YMCA facility question. First, the marketing analysis will provide us with valuable infomlation about citizen preferences when it comes to recreational programs and activities. Secondly, the feasibility study will address the future development potential of Rayola Park and what type of recreational uses would be compatible. Collectively, the three paliies agree that the first step in evaluating the merits ofthis joint venture includes an assessment of the community interest in a new YMCA facility. It is the City Manager's recommendation that the City of Ow as so participate in the Winfield Feasibility Study. The City's share of the $30,000 market analysis would be limited to $7500. RECOMMENDATION: The three parties have tentatively agreed that there are several advantages to participating in a joint venture to assess the future potential of a new YMCA facility in Owasso. Recently the planning group learned that YMCAs all over the southwest have successfully built and operated recreational facilities and programs with City and Public School partners. Members of the planning team have toured new facilities in Kansas City and Wichita that incorporated school, community, and YMCA membership into a winning program. I, with Dale Johnson and Claude Marshall, have been exploring the possibility organizing a three-,way partnership with the Tulsa Metro YMCA. The motivation for the initial series of planning meetings stems from the fact that the present Owasso YMCA located in Rayola Park cannot accommodate school swim programs and is unable to meet the family recreational demands of a rapidly growing community. April 1 2001 MEMORANDUM L the account to cover cost Funds are available in the Manager's YMCA Study April 13, 2001 Page 2 - !III_ enclosure Respectfully submitted, ( ~~l~,-Jv-~~ ~ 1. Buckner Winfield President Thank you for asking The Winfield Consulting Group to submit this proposal. Based on our conversation, I have developed a proposal for a market research study assessing the potential for a new YMCA serving the city of Owasso. This proposal discusses our experience with similar work and contains information about the scope of the project, our methodology, and the project schedule and costs. A copy of our client list is also attached. Susan: Susan Market Research Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations 1280 West Street Suite Atlanta, THE WINFIELD CONSULTING GROUE lNC@ A Proposal forrhe YkfCA of Greater Tulsa The Winfield Consulting Group. Inc. 1. How can the YMCA best serve the city of O\vasso and the surrounding communities? Demand The study will answer key questions in each of the following general areas. The purpose of the study is to assess the potential for a new YMCA serving the city of Owasso. Scope of the Project We bring a special sensitivity to research regarding issues related to families and child care needs. Our interviewers are highly capable professionals. With their thorough understanding of YMCA programs and terminology, they can lucidly discuss topics ranging from the emerging role of total health to the intricacies of various pricing strategies offered by YMCAs. Because telephone research (rather than telemarketing) is our specialty, our rate of completed interviews is significantly higher than the national average. We are also able to interview in a variety of languages. including Spanish and Chinese. . more than studies YMCAs throughout the United States, we have more experience with YMCAs than any other market research firm in the nation. Our studies have assessed opportunities for YMCAs in cities throughout the Midwest. including Blue Springs, Missouri; Houston, Texas; Independence, Missouri; Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Topeka, Kansas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Wichita, Kansas. planning was in The Winfield Consulting community Market Research Study NewYM A Proposal for ing th Potential for A Proposalfor the YMCA of Cremer Tulsa n 2 The Winfield Consulting Croup, inc. ~ g) creatively designed spaces for child care programs from infant care to preschool Programming and Facilities for Children ~ f) a gymnasium for pick-up games and sports leagues ~ e) indoor and outdoor walking and running programs and facilities d) fIrst-class aerobics, dance, and gymnastics studios ~ c) a total health and fitness center for health enhancement for people of all ages and physical conditions ~ $ a warm-water pool (or pools) for recreation, therapeutic exercise, and instruction $ a cool-water lap pool for lap swimming and competition $ an outdoor swimming pool, a water park, patios, and a playground $ whirlpool, sauna, and steamroom facilities ~ ~ b) segmented aquatics facilities, such as ~ a frrst-class. comprehensive adult fitness center with a wide variety of cardiovascular and muscle..strengthening equipment that can segmented according to the specific needs of members Which configuration of programming options and major facility features within a new YMCA will attract the highest number of membership units? Will the facilities at the Green Country YMCA be used by the prospective members the new Owasso Which configuration of major features needs to be included in Phase I to ensure a sufficient membership base further growth? Which features, both indoor include, but are not limited 2. What is the level of demand for YMCA programs and services in the targeted survey area? How can the new YMCA complement the existing Green Country YMCA and how will the new impact current membersl1ip? A Proposal for the YMCA of GrcmeJ' TlIlsu 3 The Winfield Consulting Group, Inc. 9. What other public and private partnerships should be explored, such as partnerships with the local public school system and the city of Owasso? Partnerships 8. What specific services do prospective members want? Should all YMCA programs be offered at the facility or should the YMCA adopt a "hub and spokes" approach with multiple satellite locations? (@ cardiac rehabilitation (@ orthopedic rehabilitation for sports injuries (@ osteoporosis prevention (@ new knee and hip rehabilitation (@ a "healthy back" program for strengthening the back (@ arthritis rehabilitation sports injury and physical rehabilitation programs such as (@ weight management and healthy cooking (@ diet and nutrition (@ health (@ health issues (@ cancer detection and (@ stress management and relaxation techniques health classes in topics such as new h) facilities for a variety of after-school sports and recreation programs for children, youth, and teens, from swim lessons to sports leagues to programs in art, dance, and music i) facilities for summer day camps, from traditional camp with crafts and swimrning to theme-based camps like sports camp computer A Proposafjor the YklCA oj Grearer Tlllso 4 The Winfield Conslllting Group, 1m:. The preceding questions will be answered by qualitative research (exploratory, face-to-face interviews with individuals and/or small focus groups to ascertain trends) and quantitative research (telephone interviews that test the trends identified in the qualitative phase). The methodology will include the following steps. Methodology With this information, it will be possible to predict the prospective potential membership, the obtainable membership level during the first 15-18 months after the new facility is built, and the projected annual operating revenues. 16. What role do existing recreation and fitness centers play in the geographic :marketplace? What is the YMCA's distinctive niche in the area? Marketplace What policy will to the members the highest amount operating revenue? Should the YMCA offer scholarship programs and sliding-scale fees? How can the YMCA market to young adults under age with fitness programs funk aerobics and body pump and outdoor adventure activities like climbing and diving? to to to will branch? What promotional visit the are can lL 'Will change during the next five to ten How will the area surrounding the the population and if so, Demographics and A Proposal for the YMCA of Cremer Tulsa 5 The Winfield Consulting Group. fnc. Step IX Deliver the verbal findings and discuss presentation of the fmal report Step VIII Develop software and tabulate all fmdings. Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation Step VII Conduct in-depth telephone interviews with 400 randomly selected households who currently do not belong to a YMCA, but live \vithin the targeted geographic area. The survey instrument is an intellectual property owned by The Winfield Consulting Group and therefore shall not be distributed outside the company under any circumstances. However, the client has full ownership of the study fmdings and the fmal report and can choose to circulate them at its own discretion. Step VI Develop the survey instrument based on focus groups, market audits, exploratory interviews, and national trends identified by The \Vinfield Consulting Group. Field- test the instrument for the appropriateness of the questions, the chronology, and the language. Target the service area to be surveyed. In order to test the transfer rate from the Green Country YMCA to a new Owasso YMCA. the Consultant will conduct a quantitative study 100 current members of the Green Country YMCA who live in the proposed service area of the new YMCA. Step Review the information on existing public and private health and fitness area on ~ selected staff the YMCA of Greater Tulsa other volunteer leaders interested 111 a new ~ secondary to conceptualize the Designate a strategic planning team consistlllg of three to five members to work with the Consultant. Step I Qualitative Research A PrQposalfor the YMCA of Greater Tulsa 6 The Winfield Consulting Group. fnc. YMCA of Greater Tulsa Approved: In accordance with our payment procedure, one-third of the professional fee is due at the inception of the project, along with a 50% advance on out-of-pocket expenses, One-third of the pr:ofessional fee is due at the halfway point (when 50% of the interviews are completed), The remaining third is due upon delivery of the verbal fmdings. The balance of out-of-pocket expenses is billed in the fmal invoice. will taKe IOur~nve ana can VC;l:jll! U! un:: ::iprmg, Ine total cost will professional and include the of conducting all interviews and focus groups, designing and testing the survey instruments, analpJng the data, and writing and presenting the fmal report Out-of- pocket expenses include the cost of secondary research, software design, tabulation, long distance telephone charges, the purchase of random telephone numbers, printing, and traveL These proposed fees are effective for six months, a enor a plus or minus 4,9%, <Iii <Iii area on <Iii revenues <Iii in new units can new is built <Iii the Present the written fmal report, providing analysis and making specific recommendations, The report will answer all questions proposed jll the Project, including Step cc: Larry Wilson Fred Minter, Pres. Sincerely g attending working with Mitchell and and our other Bailey Ranch Projects. I have enclosed an article that was in the Oklahoma City newspaper the next day after our meeting, I thought it was extremely Ironic the way this article appeared to mimic the meeting we had just completed. It .was a pleasure meeting you and Larry and I am looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with Owasso. I r :l ry FAX 946~3680 VIRITERS DIRECT NUMBER 946c,3000 Ext, 11 .AMERICAN 2115 VILLA PROM 73107 A .ltj Vil";~ ();~ ':,<'; r '",. \ t; '" t....' I... , RECEIVED RAFT mol The P~rties further agree to: b.Be finaooially responsible for the maintenance and operations of the YMCA portion of the facility. 8. Build and operate ~ YMCA in Mitch Park as part of thl~ joint PfOj~ct. The YMCA facilities may Include, but are not limited to, gymnasiumso weight training facilities, indoor track. cardio exercisG facilities, exercise rooms. indoor aquatic fltllcmtiesp sauna, whirlpool, locker rooms, childctllreu etc. U. The YMCA egrae~ to: 8. Enter Into an agreement with YMCA the development of the project to em~ure compatibility and compliance with all applicable code~ end reguietions. lite Joml't landsceping, utllitil!)l an melntenence . . improvements. center e c. Through finenclng arfangements with YMCA, or as determined by the City u pay for the COlI'u~tructlon op~r8tlon Senior Canter portion of the project including cost parkingu ~md required . faciUtill. 8. ~9 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF EDMOND AND YMCA ~. CITY.YMCA.MITCH PARK mOJECT-02-:l'1001 1.0<>. to on ICC8Si61 (fl:, wm to Il Senior the Dev~op Il program which will permit Cef1ter project aOOEl$$ to Ilo ~. Mediation was thought to have resulted in an agreement, however post mediation drafting of contract language again produced discord. The core of the disagreement was new language in Article 28, Personal Property. Failing to agree, arbitration was again discussed. Meanwhile, notice from the FOP of their intent to negotiate for FY 2001-2002 was received and those negotiations began on February 28, 2001. On March 21, 2001 language for Article 28 was tentatively agreed to and a post mediation settlement offer was prepared and presented by the City. After minor tweaking, a tentative agreement was reached on April 9 for a contract that covers both FY 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. The Contract has been reviewed by Ronald D. Cates and ratified by FOP Lodge 149. The Contract is now presented to the City Council for approval and execution. Negotiation sessions between the City of Owasso, and the FOP Lodge 149 a Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract) for 2000-2001 began March 30, 2000. With negotiations failing to reach a tentative agreement, impasse was declared. The FOP initially declined to mediate, opting to go direct to interest arbitration. Interest Arbitration was scheduled for November 20, 2000. Prior to the hearing it was agreed that mediation would be beneficial. Sidney Perceful conducted mediation on November 10 with City Attorney Ronald D. Cates, City Manager Larry Mitchell, Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney, Chief of Police Jim Greene and me participating from the City. FOP attorney James R. Moore, Chief Negotiator Bob Jackson, FOP President Shane Davis, John Edwards, Kenneth Yount and Buddy Pales participating from the Lodge. April 2001 MEMORANDUM 10. Memorandum of Agreement - Identifies the creation of a labor/management committee charged with developing a promotion procedure. 9. Article 32, Compensation - Section 6 deletes the seniority list from the contract. The pay plans include a 3.5% increase on January 1,2001 and another 2.5% increase on July 1, 2001. Section 7 identifies the $500 due on the first pay date following ratification of the agreement. 8. Article 28, Personal Property ~ Section 2 identifies the Chief's approval of inventory lists and establishes new maximum dollar amounts. 7. Article 27, Uniform and Equipment ~ Section 3 deletes all bdu or nylon type uniforms from the list of uniforms and equipment. Article 25, Retirement and Pension ~ Adds Section 4, increasing the City's contribution by two percent as of July 1, 2001. 5. Article 24, Seniority Deletes references to promotion procedures. Article 23, Work Schedule - Section 2 includes a new paragraph identifying the to a lO-hour shift schedule. change is to be implemented meetings and solicitation of input from the Lodge. ratify the to 3. Memorandum Agreement, <<. 4 as it to the authority the Chief of Police to make changes in police officer shift assignments during the fiscal year. 1. Tentative agreement was reached by also agreeing to Memorandums of Agreement relating to some Contract issues and terms. Significant modifications and terms of the new Contract and related Memorandums of Agreement include the following. DISCUSSION: L Staff recommends approval and execution of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Owasso, and Fraternal of Police Lodge and authorization of the City Manager to execute the related RECOMMENDATION: