HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.04.10_Worksession Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL/OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special April 10, 2001 5 :30 p.m. Owasso Community Center Recreation Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, April 6, 2001. ~-eL4.J (;;j~ Marci Boutwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Williams Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Discussion to Hall/Police Owasso City Council/Owasso Public Works Authority April 10, 2001 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING 4. Public Hearing to Discuss Proposed Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Associated Costs, and Potential Environmental Impacts. Mr UpDike Mr CmT 5. Discussion Relating to Secmity System for City Hall/Police Station. Mr McElrath Discussion Mr McElrath to Hall/Police 7. Review of Altemate Funding Department. 8. Update Relating to Mr Owasso City Council/Owasso Public Works Authority April 10, 2001 Page 3 9. Discussion Relating to Emih Change Permit Mr Ewing Attachment #9 10. Discussion Relating to a YMCA Feasibility Study. Mr Mitchell Attachment #10 11. General Discussion and Budget Preparation Update Mr Mitchell 12. Report from City Manager Mr Mitchell 13. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT: COUNCIL WORK SESSION SCHEDULE FOR 4/10/01 DATE: April 6, 2001 Information and discussion relating to the following issues is planned for the City Council work session on Tuesday, April 10th at 5 :30 p.m. in the Recreation Room at the Owasso Community Center. 1. Tour of Wastewater Treatment Plant m, A tour of the wastewater treatment plant will be conducted preliminary to the public hearing on proposed improvements. 2. Discussion Relating to Network qnd Telephone Cabling for the City HalllPolice Station - Bids for this item will be opened on April 9t\ and Ms Willson will evaluate and discuss those bids. 3. Public Hearing to Discuss~Proposed Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facilities ftnd Associated Costs, and Potential Environmental Impacts ~ A public hem'ing on this project is required by the Water Resources Board prior to bidding. Mr Updike and Mr Carr will conduct the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. as advertised. DiscufiSion Relating to Securtly System for City Hall/Police Stati.9ll ~ opened on April 10tl" Mr McElrath will bids. item will 5 on Allen findings of a committee established to review funding sources for the Fire Department 7. !lpdate Relating to Preston Lakes Park~ Mr Rooney will discuss the status of Preston Lakes Park and staff evaluation relating to accepting the park as a city park. COUNCIL WORK SESSION APRIL 10, 2001 PAGE 2 8. Discussion Relating to Earth Change Permit - Mr Ewing will discuss a proposed ordinance that will mandate the issuance of an earth change permit before any excavation can occur on any property. (see attachment #9) 9. Discussion Relating to a YMCA Feasibility Study - Mr Mitchell will discuss the possibility of a joint venture with the YMCA to expand and upgrade the Owasso facility. 10. General Discussion and Budget Preparation Update - Mr Mitchell will discuss the status of the budget preparation process. T MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City cmmci~ Stan Ewing, Director of Community & Economic Developme t FROM: SUBJECT: Earth Change Permit Ordinance DATE: April 5, 2001 BACKGROUND: There have been instances where the grading of property has occurred without approved Site Plans. The result of such action often results in damage to adjacent properties and modification of drainage pattems. This proposed ordinance pertain to developing, excavating, grading, re-grading, land filling, retaining, berming or diking of land in the City of Owasso. The ordinance also defines terms and adopts standards for earth change and erosion control. This ordinance will open the door for the upcoming "Design Criteria" which is well along in the development phase. RECOMMENDATION: The staff is requesting review and comment on this proposed ordinance. on Council wishes, the Staff will forward the draft ordinance to the Developers Council on their next luncheon meeting. This will give the proposed ordinance hopefully develop suppOli fi'om this group. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DEVELOPING, REDEVELOPING, EXCAVATING, GRADING, REGRADING, LANDFILLING, RETAINING, BERMING, OR DIKING OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO; DEFINING TERMS PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF STANDARDS FOR EARTH CHANGES AND EROSION CONTROL; REQUIRING CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLAT AND ISSUANCE OF EARTH CHANGE PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM THE EARTH CHANGE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL AND VARIANCE PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; AND DIRECTING CODIFICATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise defined by the terms of this section, the definitions of words used in the Ordinance shall be interpreted to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this article its most reasonable application. CITY. The City of Ow as so. DESIGN CRITERIA. The engineering "Design Criteria," standards and specifications for storm drainage, streets, earth change and erosion control is to be adopted by the City of Owasso. Until such time as the Design Criteria is adopted by the City, other standards accepted and approved by the Engineer shall be followed by every person, firm, corporation, or governmental entity in the construction, installation, and maintenance of drainage facilities, storm water detention facilities and retaining walls. The temporary storage and controlled release storm water. DETENTION water. A facility that provides temporary storage and controlled release of storm DEVELOPMENT. Any man~made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, retaining walls, paving, excavation, or drilling operations. DRAINAGE FACn,ITIES. necessary to convey storm water initial contact with earth to its disposition in Said drainage facilities shall both public and storm sewers conduits), improved channels constructed in with adopted unimproved drainage ways left their natural condition, areas by drainageway easements for the purpose providing overland flow and all appmienances to the foregoing, including inlets, outlets, walls, erosion protection, manholes, junction boxes, headwalls, dissipators, culverts, etc. EARTH Excavating, grading, re,"grading, landfilling, retaining, berming, or diking of land within the City of Owasso. DRAFT EARTH CHANGE PERMIT FORM, This permit form shall be designed by the Engineer and in no way shall this fonn replace or supercede the permit requirements of the City of Owasso' s Code of Ordinances for a "Flood Zone Permit" as outlined in Part 12, Chapter 4, Flood Damage Prevention. ENGINEER TIle Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. FLOOD. A temporary rise in the level of water that results in inundation of areas not ordinarily covered by water. FLOODPLAIN AREA. The area subject to flooding as designated on floodplain maps or other areas suspected of flooding. GRADING PLAN, A series of drawings, text statements and engmeermg calculations accurately depicting planned improvements to a particular site. NATURAL The cover and topography of land before any manmade changes, or in areas where there have already been manmade modifications, the state of the area and topography of land at the date of the adoption of this ordinance. REGULA TORY FLOOD. The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year based upon the full potential urbanization of the contributing watershed. RET AINING WALL A structural wall built to hold back a mass of earth, as at the edge of a terrace. SEDIMENTATION FACILITIES, Debris basins, sedimentation traps, silt fences, berms, interceptor ditches, land terraces, hay bales or vegetative ground covers. W ATERCOURSK Any depression serving to give direction to the flow of storm water. 2, This ordinance is enacted for the purpose of protecting the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Owasso from the hazards and dangers of flooding, inadequate or improper drainage and structural failure of retaining walls by: 2,1 Securing review and approval of the method for handling and disposing of storm water runoff in the jurisdictional area of the City of Owasso, and securing review, analysis and approval by the appropriate authority of the design, construction and maintenance of drainage facilities and retaining walls. 2,2 landfilling, retaining, and land 3, The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to and be binding upon every person, finn or corporation, and every city, county, state, or federal governmental entity, seeking to develop, redevelop, grade, regrade, excavate, landfill, retain, belli, or dike land within the City of Owasso. DRAFT Page 2 of9 04/05/01 SECTION 4. DESIGN CRITERIA. The City of Owasso Engineer shall prepare Design Criteria, where applicable, for drainage facilities, storm water detention facilities, retaining walls and erosion and sediment control. Said Design Criteria or other standards accepted and approved by the Engineer shall be followed by every person, firm, corporation, or governmental entity in the construction, installation, and maintenance of drainage facilities, storm water detention facilities, retaining walls and erosion and sediment control. SECTION 5. PLANS AND PERMITS REQUIRED. 5.1 Grading Plan. A grading plan, as defined and regulated by the provisions of this ordinance, shall be submitted to and accepted by the Engineer prior to his approval of any plat or replat of any subdivision ofland. Prior to the Engineer's approval of any lot split or earth change permit, and prior to the issuance of a building permit when a grading plan has not been previously required under the terms of this ordinance, the Engineer shall determine whether a grading plan should be required and may require such plan in such instances where the same is necessary to meet the purposes of this ordinance. When a grading plan is required prior to issuance of building permit, the structure for which the building permit has been obtained shall not be used or occupied until the facilities as shown on the approved grading plan have been completed by the permit applicant and approved by the Engineer. 5.2 Earth Change Permit. Unless specifically exempted, an Earth Change Permit, as defined and regulated by this ordinance, shall be obtained from the Engineer prior to the commencement of any excavating, grading, re-grading, landfilling, retaining, berming, or diking of any property within the City of Owasso; a separate permit shall be required for each site or lot. SECTION 6. CONDITIONS FOR APPROV AlA OF SUBDIVISION PLAT AND ISSUANCE EARTH CHANGE PERMIT. Subdivision Plat. Prior to his approval of any subdivision plat, and subsequent to the acceptance of a facilities plan for the subdivision, the Engineer may require either: 6.1.1 Actual construction of all required facilities, approval of said facilities by the Engineer and acceptance thereofby the City Council of the City of Ow as so; or 6.1.2 Sufficient surety bond, cash escrow, or letter of credit approved by the Engineer and City Attorney guaranteeing the construction of all required facilities in accordance with an approved plan; or An alternative form of assurance all required facilities in accordance with an approved the the by the to guarantee construction said alternative form assurance 6.2 Earth Permit, to granting any earth change permit, the Engineer shall attach such conditions thereto as he may deem reasonable and necessary to prevent hazard to public or private property resulting from the blockage, obstruction, alteration, or impairment of any storm sewer drain or surface water course and to prevent the work thereby authorized from being conducted in a manner hazardous to life or property, or otherwise likely to create a public nuisance. Such conditions may include but are not limited to: submission of grading plan, specified finished grade land contours, mandatory installation of retaining walls, drains, detention facilities, or other drainage facilities, specified erosion control measures, furnishing any necessary public easements, and a specified method for performing the work thereby authorized. DRAFT Page 3 of9 04/05/01 SECTION 7, GRADING PLAN CONTENTS, 7,1 General Requirements. All grading plans shall be formulated and implemented under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Oklahoma. Plans submitted for final approval shall bear the signature and seal of the submitting engineer, and the following statement shall immediately precede the submitting engineer's signature: "I hereby certify that I am familiar with the adopted ordinances and regulations of the City of Owasso governing drainage facilities, erosion and sediment control, and retaining walls, that these plans have been prepared under my direct engineering supervision, that the above and foregoing grading plans comply with all governing ordinances and the grading standards of the City of Owasso pertaining to drainage facilities, erosion and sediment control, and retaining walls to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. " Following, and in addition to, the certificate of the submitting engineer, the grading plans shall bear the signature of the owner, which shall be subscribed below the following statement: "I hereby certify that the approved grading plans will be implemented under the direct engineering supervision of a registered professional engineer." 7,2 Plan Elements, A grading plan shall consist of text statements, engineering drawings, contour maps, and all supporting engineering calculations, as applicable to the land area covered by the plan which are required to demonstrate full compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance. A grading plan shall include all pertinent information required by the Engineer and may include, but it is not limited to, any or all of the following elements: 7,2,1 An engineering report dealing with the applicable provisions of this Chapter and adopted Design Criteria, clearly setting forth the scope of the engineering problem and the proposed solutions. 7,2,2 An engineering hydrologic analysis of storm water mnoff under existing site conditions and under proposed site conditions. 7,2.3 A detailed evaluation of the projected effects on property adjoining the site and on existing drainage facilities and systems both on an off the site. The location all existing drainage facilities. 7,2,5 O1Hite flood every the plan shall include a and the the area of any floodplain area. In to carry the The method handling allmnoff from the development and a demonstrated capability to handle the pass-through of upstream drainage under fully urbanized conditions, Proposed grade changes such as fills, cuts, levees, retaining walls, channel modifications, and detention facilities. 7,2,8 The location and size of all existing and proposed drainage easements and areas. DRAFT Page 4 of9 04/05/01 7.2.9 The location, size and character of all temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control facilities with specifications detailing all on-site erosion control measures which will be established and maintained until permanent vegetation is established and erosion no longer occurs. 7.2.10 In disturbed areas where new construction slopes would otherwise be steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical, retaining walls may be required. Locations, limits and designs of retaining walls shall be approved by the Engineer. Any retaining wall higher than four feet (4') shall be designed by a registered professional engineer, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. SECTION 8. APPLICATION FOR EARTH CHANGE PERMIT 8.1 General Requirements. Unless excepted by the provisions of Section 10 of this Ordinance, any person firm or corporation desiring to effect an earth change shall file a written application for an Earth Change Permit. Applications shall be in such form and content as the Engineer shall establish, and shall be accompanied by the payment of a permit fee, the amount of which shall be established by the City Council. The grading plan approved by the Engineer, and design standards established or imposed by the Engineer, shall become conditions upon the issuance of the earth change permit; no changes in an approved plan shall be made without prior written approval of the Engineer. 8.2 Contents of Permit Application, Each earth change permit application shall contain the following information: 8.2.1 The name and address of the legal owner of the property for which the permit rs requested. A vicinity map, boundary line survey and legal description of the property for which a permit is requested. 8.2.3 Site drawings indicating each area to be excavated, filled, graded, or leveled; the approximate depth of each land cut or fill; the present and future (as completed) points of surface water entry onto and discharge from the subject property; and all temporary or permanent structures, including retaining walls, or other facilities to be constructed or established for the purpose of contmlling and regulating surface water and erosion on such property. 8.2,4 The applicant's plans for controlling soil erosion and precluding/preventing the deposit of sediment from the site, lot or tract upon any other public or private property or watercourse during all phases ofproject duration. 8.2.5 The applicant's plans for therefi"om during periods construction, and a statement all water onto the the anticipated time the that if the is unable to determine fi'om the application that it meets the requirements, policies and standards goveming the issuance of the required permit, the Engineer shall request in writing that the applicant fumish such additional information as may essential to such determination. 8.3 Duplication of Information. The contents of this section goveming the contents of permit applications shall no require the resubmission of any documents, drawings, or information which was previously submitted by the applicant in conjunction with the processing of any grading plan or floodplain development permit previously approved by the Engineer. DRAFT Page 5 of9 04/05/01 SECTION 9. EARTH CHANGE POLICIES AND STANDARDS 9.1 Policies Established. The issuance of Earth Change Permits shall be governed by the following polices of the City of Ow as so. 9.1.1 No earth change shall be permitted which creates a hazard upon any property within the City of Owasso thought the obstruction, impairment, sedimentation, blockage or alteration of any drainage facilities or any existing surface watercourse. 9.1.2 No earth change shall be permitted which will channelize, obstruct, or impede any watercourse in a manner, which is inconsistent with accepted engineering practices and/or the adopted drainage standards of the City of Owasso. 9,1.3 All earth changes shall be designed, constructed and completed m a manner which minimizes the exposure of bare earth to precipitation or runoff. 9,1.4 Construction activity shall be conducted only if appropriate sedimentation facilities are installed and maintained throughout the construction period in accordance with the adopted Design Criteria. 9,1.5 The redesign or modification of any drainage str"ucture required and presently existing as an element of a previously approved grading plan shall not be required as an incident or condition for the subsequent issuance of an Earth Change Permit unless the proposed earth change materially alters the character of the approved grading plan. Standards Established, The policies governing earth changes shall be implemented by the adopted Design Criteria, which shall specifically regulate the following: 9,2.1 The adopted Design Criteria shall regulate the design, installation and utilization of all detention and drainage facilities and strl1ctures. 9,2,2 The adopted Design Criteria shall regulate the designing, installation, maintenance, and removal of sedimentation and erosion control measures, facilities and structures and shall establish acceptable methods and practices for controlling soil sedimentation and erosion, including retaining walk Ht 10,1 An shall not 10.1.1 Bona fide agricultural and farming operations which constitute the principal use any lot or tract of ground in the City of Owasso and which meet the requirements of the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, provided that reasonable efforts are made to prevent deposit of sediment on adjacent property. 10.1.2 Customary and incidental routine grounds maintenance, landscaping, and home gardening which does not require a zoning use exception, a zoning minor variance, or building permit, and which does not affect storm water drainage entering or leaving any public right-of-way. DRAFT Page 60f9 04/05/01 10,1.3 Emergency repairs of a temporary nature made on public or private property which are necessary for the preservation of life, health or propeliy, and which are made under circumstances whereby it would be impossible or impracticable to obtain an Earth Change Permit. 10,1,4 Temporary excavation for the purpose of installing, maintaining, or repairing any public street, public utility facility, or any service lines related thereto. SECTION 11, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ILl Processing by the Engineer, The Engineer shall either approve or disapprove the submitted grading plan or earth change permit application. Approval of a submitted grading plan shall only constitute acceptance by the Engineer of the certification of the submitting engineer, and such acceptance shall not operate to remove any requirement of Owasso's adopted drainage standards which are not specifically considered in the approved plan. A grading plan which meets the requirements of the Ordinance and which confOlms to all requirements of the adopted Design Criteria shall be approved and earth change pelmit application, which is consistent with the policies, and which meets the standards established by the Ordinance shall be approved. If a submitted grading plan or permit application is disapproved, the certifying engineer or applicant, as applicable, shall be advised in writing of the disapproval. If the required findings cannot be based upon the information contained in the submitted plan or permit application, the general nature of such additional infOlmation, as is required by the Engineer to make such determination, will be identified. In the event that the information deficiency is of a technical nature, the Engineer may also request an engineering conference with the submitting engineer. 11,2 Administrative Appeals, All rulings, requirements, decisions, or interpretations of the Engineer shall be final and binding upon all parties thereto unless appealed to the City Council. Any person aggrieved thereby shall perfect an appeal by filling a written notice of appeal in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Owasso within ten (l0) days from the date of the action appealed. The notice of appeal shall specify the grounds for the appeal and contain a brief summary of all facts which aggrieved party deems material to his appeal. A hearing on the appeal shall be heard by the City Council not later than thirty (30) days from the date of filing the required notice of appeal. 11,3 Stay of Proceedings, An appeal to the City Council shall stay the enforcement of any ruling, decision, or requirement of the Engineer, unless the Engineer certified to the City Council that by reason of the facts stated in the certificate of the engineer, a stay would in his opinion be cause an immediate public hazard or impair life of property; in such case, enforcement shall not be stayed other than by a restraining order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction upon due and sufficient cause shown. 11,4 Variance Council may grant in a particular instance such a or modification of the terms of this Ordinance or Criteria pursuant thereto as will not cause to the public or or to the spirit, purpose and intent this Ordinance where, by reason of unique and exceptional physical circumstance or condition of a particular property, the literal enforcement the or the requirements of this Ordinance will result in an unreasonable hardship. 12, ENFORCEMENT AND PENAL TIES, 12,1 Notification of Noncompliance, If at any time an earth change is perfOlmed which is not in accordance with this ordinance or an Earth Change Permit, including conditions and approved modifications thereof, a Wl'itten notice to comply shall be given by the Engineer stating the nature and location of the alleged noncompliance and specifying what remedial steps are necessary to bringing the DRAFT Page 7 of9 04/05/01 project into compliance. The responsible parties shall have such time as may be allowed in writing by the Engineer to conect all noted deficiencies. The time allowed shall be reasonable and shall be determined by the nature of the deficiency and whether or not it creates a nuisance or hazard. 12.2 Revocation or Suspension of Earth Change Permit. An Earth Change Permit may be revoked or suspended upon the occunence of anyone of the following: a. Violation of any condition of the permit, or b. Violation of any provision of this Ordinance or any other applicable law, ordinance, rule or regulation pertaining to the Earth Change Permit. Upon the revocation of an Earth Change Permit or where an Earth Change Permit is suspended, the Engineer shall issue a stop work order on all construction activity on the pe1mit holder's property which may be directly or indirectly related to site drainage and which is being performed pursuant to any permits, licenses, franchises or contracts issued or approved by the City of Owasso. Such order may order a work stoppage on all construction activity on buildings or sttuctures and all appurtenances thereto, including electti.cal, plumbing, mechanical and street work, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, gas lines, and all utilities including gas, electric, telephone, and cable TV. Notices and orders required by this subsection shall be served upon the parties concerned, either personally or by certified mail, addressed to the pelmit holder at the address given on the permit application filed with City. 12.3 Fine Imposed. Any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity violating the requirements of this Ordinance or conditions made pursuant thereto, shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined as provided in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Section -~--~-, and each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. 1204 Fine not Exclusive Penalty. In addition to fine or imprisonment, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings at law or in equity for the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance or adopted Design Criteria or to correct violations thereof, and, if applicable and appropliate, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings at law or in equity against any surety company, escrow holder, or any third party who has affirmatively acted as surety or guarantor for the faithful perfonnance of the permit holder's work. SECTION 13. CODIFICATION. The substantive provisions of this ordinance shall be codified in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, at Part 14, Streets and Public Worh, as Chapter 9 thereof 14. In event any phrase, or competent jurisdiction, the remaining words, shall not be affected thereby. this shall articles, held any the remaining portions 15. DECLARED, An emergency exists for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, by reason whereof; this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. DRAFT Page 80f9 04/05/01 Passed and approved this _day of Clause voted upon and approved separately. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney DRAFT THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Mr. H. C. "Will" Williams, Mayor Page 9 of9 , 2001, with the Emergency 04/05/01 T 1 THE WINFIELD CONSULTING GROUE INee Market Research & Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations 1280 West Peachtree Street Suite 210 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Phone 404/888-0530 Fax 404/881-9860 February 23,2001 Susan Plank CEO YMCA of Greater Tulsa 2405 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74170 Dear Susan: Based on our conversation, I have developed a proposal for a mm'ket research study assessing the potential for a new YMCA serving the city of Owasso. This proposal discusses our experience with similar work and contains information about the scope of the project, our methodology, and the project schedule and costs. copy of our client list is attached. Thank you for asking The Winfield Consulting Group to submit this proposaL Respectfully submitted, ~J\ I A Proposal for a Market Research Study Assessing the Potential for a New YMCA Serving the City of Owasso February 23, 200 I By The Winfield Consulting Group Experience The Winfield Consulting Group was founded in 1981. We specialize in market research, community needs assessment, site selection, and strategic and long-range planning for nonprofit organizations. Having conducted more than 400 studies for YMCAs throughout the United States, we have more experience with YMCAs than any other mm'ket research fIrm in the nation. Our studies have assessed opportunities for YMCAs in cities throughout the Midwest, including Blue Springs, Missouri; Houston, Texas; Independence, Missouri; Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Topeka, K<3l1sas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Wichita, Kansas. bring a special sensitivity to research regm'ding issues related to families and child cm'e needs. Our interviewers are highly capable professionak With their thorough understmlding of YMCA programs and terminology, they can lucidly discuss topics ranging from the emerging role of total health to the intricacies of various pricing strategies offered by YMCAs. Because telephone resem'ch (rather than telemarketing) is our specialty, our rate of completed interviews is significantly higher than the national average. We m'e also able to interview in a variety of languages, including Spanish and Chinese. is to assess anew study will answer questions in of the following general areas. 1. How can the YMCA best serve the city of Owasso and the surrounding communities? The Winfield Consulting Group, fnc. A Proposalfor the YMCA of Greater Tulsa 2. What is the level of demand for YMCA programs and services in the targeted survey area? 3. How can the new YMCA complement the existing Green Country YMCA and how will the new YMCA impact Green Country's cun-ent membership? location 4. How do prospective members judge the convenience of each of several possible locations? Programming and Facilities 5. Which configuration of programming options and major facility features within a new YMCA will attract the highest number of membership units? Will the facilities at the Green Country YMCA be used by the prospective members of the new Owasso YMCA? Which configuration of major features needs to be included in Phase I to ensure a sufficient membership base for further growth? Which features, both indoor and outdoor, should be included in Phase II? Features could include, but are not limited to, the following: Facilities a) a fIrst~class, comprehensive adult fItness center with a wide variety of cardiovasculm' and muscle-strengthening equipment that can be segmented according to the specific needs of members I aquatics facilities, such as I @ a wm'm-water pool (or pools) for recreation, therapeutic exercise, and instruction @ a cool-water lap pool for lap swimming and competition @ an outdoor swimming pool, a water park, patios, and a playground @ whirlpool, sauna, and steamroom facilities I a total health and center all I I indoor and outdoor walking and running I f) a gymnasium for pick,up games and leagues R and for Children g) creatively designed spaces for child care programs from infant care to preschool I The Winfield Consulting Croup, inc. 2 A Proposal for the YMCA of Cremer Tulsa n :~ h) facilities for a variety of after-school sports and recreation programs for children, youth, and teens, from swim lessons to sports leagues to programs in art, dance, and music i) facilities for summer day camps, from traditional camp with crafts and swimming to theme-based camps like sports camp and computer camp j) creatively used space for activities that promote family recreation 6. What are the individual needs of prospective members with different physical fitness conditions, from fit to unfit to those with special medical conditions? How can the new YMCA position itself to cater to these needs? 7. How can the YMCA strive to improve members' total health, possibly in conjunction with a local hospital? Programs that could be offered include the following: a) health classes in topics such as III weight mmlagement and healthy cooking III diet and nutrition III women's health issues III men's health issues III cancer detection and cholesterol screening @l stress management and relaxation techniques b) sports injury and physical rehabilitation programs as @l cardiac rehabilitation III orthopedic rehabilitation for injuries @l osteoporosis prevention @l new knee and hip rehabilitation @l a "healthy back" program for strengthening the back @l arthritis rehabilitation What specific at facility or What other public and private partnerships should the local public school system and the city of such as partnerships \vith The Winfield Consulting Croup, Inc. 3 A Proposal/or the YMCA o/Cremcr Tulsa Demographies and Psychographies 10. How will the area surrounding the YMCA change during the next five to ten years? Will the population change, and if so, how? 11. How can prospective members be segmented? What are the primary and secondary member groups for the new YMCA? 12. What are the demographics and psychographies of the primary prospective member groups of the new YMCA? 13. What criteria influence prospective members' decision to participate in and join the branch? What promotional strategies will work best to encourage prospective members to visit and join the YMCA? 14. How can the YMCA market to young adults under age 30 with fitness programs like funk aerobics and body pump and outdoor adventure activities like rock climbing and SCUBA diving? Pricing 1 What pricing policy will appeal to the largest number of prospective members and offer the highest amount of operating revenue? Should the offer scholarship programs and sliding-scale fees? 1 What role do existing recreation and fitness centers play in the geographic marketplace? What is the YMCA's distinctive: niche in the m'ea? With this information, it will be possible to predict the prospective potential membership, the obtainable membership level during the fll'st 1 8 months after the new facility is built, and projected armual operating revenues. preceding questions will be answered by qualitative interviews with individuals and/or small focus groups to ascertain trends) and quantitative research (telephone intervie\vs that test the trends identified in the qualitative phase). methodology will include the following steps. The Winfield Consulting Group, Inc. 4 A Proposal for the YMCA of Grealer Tulsa Qualitative Research Step I Designate a strategic planning team consisting of three to five members to work with the Consultant. Step II Conduct secondary research to conceptualize the needs; propose the targeted survey boundaries; analyze population demographics; obtain related information via libraries, online databases, the Internet, and telephone interviews with local planning officials; and audit providers of similar services. Step III Conduct separate focus groups with @ the appropriate representatives of the Board of Directors of the YMCA of Greater Tulsa and other volunteer leaders interested in a new YMCA in the area @ selected staff of the YMCA of Greater Tulsa Step IV Review the information on existing public and private health and fitness service providers in the service area based on the Consultant's previous experience in the regIOn. Step V In order to test the transfer rate from the Green Country YMCA to a new Owasso the Consultant will conduct a quantitative study of 100 current members of Country YMCA who live in the proposed service area of the new Develop the survey mstrument based on focus groups, market audits, exploratory interviews, and national trends identified by The .Winfield Consultmg Group. Field~ test the instrument for the appropriateness of the questions, the chronology, and the language. Tm"get the service area to be surveyed. I I The survey instrument is an mtellectual property owned by The Wmfield Consulting Group and therefore shall not be distributed outside the company under any client has full study findings can to at its own I I 'with 400 randomly households but live within the targeted geographic area. ~ ata 1i1I>> p I Step VIII Develop software and tabulate all findings. I Step IX Deliver the verbal findings and discuss presentation of the fmal report. The Winfield Consulting Group, fne. 5 A Proposalfor the YMCA of Greater Tulsa "~ Step Present the written fmal report, providing analysis and making specific recommendations. The report will answer all questions proposed in the Scope of the Project, including @ maximum new membership units that can be expected in the fITst 15-18 months after the new facility is built @ anticipated revenues generated from annual facility memberships @ estimated impact on other YMCAs in the area @ specific suggestions for programming and pricing strategies @ specific suggestions for promotional strategies and tactics This methodology will provide fmdings with a 95% confidence level and a statistical enor of plus or minus 4.9%. Schedule and The project will take four-five months to complete and can begin in the spring. The total cost will be $24,000 in professional fees and $6,000 +/- 20% in om-of-pocket expenses. Professional fees include the cost of conducting all interviews and focus groups, designing and testing the survey instruments, analyzing the data, and writing and presenting the fmal report. Out-of- pocket expenses include the cost of secondm'y research, software design, tabulation, long distance telephone charges, the purchase of random telephone numbers, printing, and travel. These proposed fees are effective for months. In with our payment procedure, one~thiTd is due at the inception of the project, along with a 50% advance on out-of..pocket expenses. One-third the professional is due at the halfway point (when 50% of the interviews are completed). The remaining third is due upon delivery of the verbal fmdings. The balance of out-of-pocket expenses is billed in the fmal invoice. The Winfield Consulting Grol/p. Inc. 6 A Proposalfor the YMCA of Gra"er Tit/sa D E (' I'~ , , I "~ [" ~\ ..-~::iVt:~) M/\:\ 2; \:~; ::..' , i~;'; ,~ ff ' ",,~"1 ~j~ ,Al\ffiRICAN CAPITAL GROUP 2715 VILLA PROM OKLA. CITY, OK 73107 (405) 946-3000 WRITERS DIRECT NUMBER (405) 946-3000 Ex!. 11 FAX (405) 946-3680 February 20, 2001 Mayor H .C. "Will" P.O. Box 18 207 5 Cedar o so, OK 74055 Re: Bailey Ranch YMCA r Mr. Mayor: I want to thank you for YMCA meeting let you know I am looking rd working with you, La Mitchell a on and our other Bailey Ranch Projects. Okla . I it was mimic the meeting we It was a pleasure meeting you and rry and I am looking relationship with Owasso. a M , cc: r Parks board likes contract By KeIflB'l<!l Griffin Staff Writer EDMOND - A partnership between the city of Edmond and the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City is moving forward with the parks and recreation board's en. Q.orsement of a contract between the entities. The contract must now be ap. proved by the Edmond City Council to become binding. City Manager Leonard Martin said he is unsure when the council will consider the con. tract. He said it likely will be considered within the month. City officials planned to build a multimillion dollar Multi- Purpose Activity Center in Mitch Park as part of the Mitch Park Master Plan. The plan is a list of for the 1501 W fllnded. sales t.ax in Dec..em. ber. Instead of buildhlg a com. pletely city.flmded activity cen.. ter, city officials are considering joining with the -YMCA to build a similar recreational facility that would include a new fa. cility for the Edmond Senior Center. n DA-''-'f Oft LA ~oY'/l A/V 3/<;< /0; I e The partnership contract calls for the city to provide the land for the center at Mitch Park, and the YMCA to build the building and operate progra.ms there. The city's responsibilities, :if the contract is approved, would include planning an outdoor aquatic center at the park in the future and working with the YMCA for joint develop- ment and maintenance of the parking lot, landscaping, utili. ties and other site improve- ments. The city also would agree to join with the YMCA for the de. velopment of the project to en- sure that it is in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. The YMCA's portion of the agreement would require them to build, maintain and operate a YMCA in the park. Facilities at the YMCA could include gymnasiums, weight training facilities, indoor track, cardio-exercise facilities, exer. cise rooms, indoor aquatic fa. cilities, sauna, whirlpool, locker rooms and care, the contract says. The contract calls for the two entities to develop a F~dmond ~lJ;. cess to YMCA portion of the project and allow tives from the city up to seats on the Edmond YMCA. council. The contract also calls for the See P ARTNERSIDP, Page 3 .- "'$>1::l rl () III rl ".,.,. . C/J 0 .-> 2S:jS"CC;;:l;:::: ;j ;;:l"[JJ ;;;: ~ Q., g Q., '<: \) (\) ~ cc ::;'13'13'~ 0 S ;j Cf.l'- ~ cc;;:l" gLgqcrq'C'g'Cl ~ ".,.,. . ~ ;;:l (1) g:. lii 'Cl $l ;;J ~ ~ 0 ~.~ ""1 ~ ro:::1c.r.~~ 0-: (\) = p,. - 0 1'-1" e ()o ..... fJl 'Cl .... 0 $l i3 ~ 0 (I) (1)> 13 rl 0 ... ;;:l ;;:l ~ 'C1ll;:1.0 .- "'" ta .-C/J " '0 ..... """ 0 ;;:l" Q:J (\) (1) 013'8 ;"",,(1) IrQ " rl ;j ~ 0 ~crqSJ(1).-8 f:l III ;;:l S III ""''0 ;;:l";;:l """ ~ :u 'C~ cc:;:l "roC/J (\) '1 .... :;:l Q.. 8 .9. Cf.l ::r ~ IlillllllIiil 00' ~ ~s. (ijo~~rot: III ..... .; '-;;:la Il!lliill S 15 ro 0 .........0 """,,9$l:;:l S' 0' 0 ~'C '0 '0 ~ t::::I '1 .cc.,.,.... '11ll'1:::1"" . ""' ,Ft- cc '<: ......... - >-3 ;::3l ,g cc ';<: () ;!.!. ro < ;;J S ;;:l" ro;;:l ~C/J >Q.,'1!?l;;;-S(1) ('Jill III III (1)Q.,cc......... ....;;:l ,..,...... ",,;;:l 0 Q., III Q..'C _Ft- rl ro Q., Y.- l:::: r:n III '<1 ..... 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