HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.01.02_City Council Agenda 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute Invocation Councilor Randy Brogdon L Call to Mayor Williams AGENDA on Regular January 2, 2001 6:30 p.m. TYPE MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 8. Report from City Councilors. 7. Report from City Attorney. 6. RepOli from City Manager. #2001 staff recommends Council adoption Action Relating to Resolution #2001-01, a Resolution Calling a Non-Partisan Primary and General Election Pursuant to Provisions of the Owasso City Charter for the Purpose of Electing a Council Member for Ward 5. Attachment Claims. Attachment 1 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under IIConsentll are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent request motion to adopt the Agenda is non...debatable. Owasso City Council January 2, 2001 Page 2 The staff will request that the City Council consider retiring to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the arbitration opinion and award rendered in the matter of arbitration between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Fraternal order of Police Lodge No 149 regarding the discharge ofH Burl Cox. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Personnel Matters Related to the Police Depmiment, as well as Litigation In The Matter of Arbitration Between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No 149 Regarding H Burl Cox, Such Discussion Allowed Pursuant to 25 O.S., Section 307-B(1) and 307-B(4). Mr Harder The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on December 29, 2000. Items numbered 1 through 9 shall remain the same. number 10 is now numbered 11, and a new item 10 is listed as follows: ADDENDUM TO AGENDA on hall at at Community Regular January 2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, MEETING: DATE: TIME: TYPE PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 10. 9. New Business. Owasso City Council January 2,2001 Page 3 ITEM6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the December 5, 2000 Regular Meeting and December 12, 2000 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Resolution #200-13, a Resolution Directing Filing and Notification ofthe Publication of a Biennial Supplement to the City Code. Mr Bill Rothrock, Yale Cleaners, presented a plaque to Councilor Mary Lou Barnhouse in recognition of her many years coordinating Yale Cleaners Coats for Kids program in Owasso. ITEM 5: SPECIAL PRESENTATION. A quorum was declared present STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT H C IIWillll Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. JTEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The invocation was offered by Allan Harder, Human Resources Officer. to order at The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday December 19,2000 in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda on the Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 152000. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 19, 2000 - 2 - Ms Bishop said that the budget needs to be amended to reflect projects requiring transfers and supplemental appropliations. A transfer in the amount of $29,200 from the Economic Development Department and the OEDA Work Plan to the Owasso Economic Develo~ment Authority has been approved. SEA YCO Group and RCB Bank have contributed to the 96t St N Improvements project and funds in the amount of $5240 remain in the community center grant ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND; AND A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND AND CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANT FUND BUDGETS. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Mr Rooney presented the item, stating that one of the fund raising projects for the United Way was a "Name That Park" contest for the city park on East 86th St N. This fund raiser was started in 1996 as an opportunity for persons to enter a contest to name the city park on E 86th N, with the name to be in place for two years. During 1997 and 1998 the park was known as Ram Park. In 1999 and 2000 it became Pride Park. The winning entry for 2001-2002 was drawn during the "Light's On Ceremony" on November 2ih. The winning entry was from Carroll Harris. Mr HmTis is active in the VFW and has requested that the park be named "VeteIans Park". If approved by the City Council, this name will be in existence for two years. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the name "Veterans Park" for the city park located on E 86th St N, for a period oftwo years. ITEM ~L CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A NAME CHOSENFOR THE CITY PARK ON 86TH STREET NORTH. Motion carried 5-0. Williams None The consent agenda included minutes of the December 5, 2000 regular meeting and December 12, 2000 Special Meeting, by reference made a pmi hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $168,179.86; (2) Ambulance Fund $4,187.17; (3) Ambulance Capital Fund $2,987.53; (4) Capital Improvements $44,496.90; (5) Bond Projects $98,194.24; (6) City Garage $7,170.30; (7) Workers Comp Self-Insurance $1,898.21; (8) Payroll $189,022.80; (9) City Garage Payroll 13; (10) Ambulance Payroll $10,139,08. Item C on the consent agenda requested of #2000~ 13, directing filing and notification the publication a biennial to to approve consent agenda, December 19, 2000 Owasso City Council - 3 .. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Ms Bishop presented the item. The carry over concept allows departments to cany over funds remaining in their budget to the next fiscal year. The General Fund has a total of $795,557 in budgeted, but unexpended, funds remaining fi'om the 1999-2000 budget. Of that amount, $422,326 is eligible for carry over requests. Funds from the personal service line items are not eligible for carry over. The General Fund cany over requests are for $397,923. The new ambulance was budgeted and ordered in FY 1999-2000, but was just recently delivered, and that expenditure needs to be included in the current budget. Five projects in the Capital Improvements Fund were budgeted in FY 1999-2000 and are still in progress and have unexpended funds that need to be canied over to the current year budget. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the carry over request from FY 1999-2000 and approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 2000-2001 General Fund budget of $397,923, the Ambulance capital Fund of$154,453, and Capital Improvements Fund of$330,457. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND, AMBULANCE ~TAL FUND, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Annstrong, Voss, Williams NAY: None and those budgets must be amended. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve an amendment to the General Fund, wherein expenditures in the Economic Development Department are decreased by $8959, expenditures in the Work Plan Department are decreased by $20,241, and transfers to the Owasso Economic Development Authority are increased a supplemental appropriation to the Capital Improvements budget, miscellaneous revenue $1 a December 19, 2000 Owasso City Council - 4 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Mr Lutz said that the 96th Street North Roadway Improvements project was awarded to McGuire Brothers Constmction in June 2000. Notice to Proceed was issued on August 4, 2000, with a completion date of December 30, 2000. The number of weather delay days has exceeded those included in the contract pe110d, and staff recommended extending the completion date to allow for those delays. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Change Order #1 to the contract with McGuire Brothers Construction, adding 18 days to the project time, extending the completion date to January 17, 2001. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #1, A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND MCGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION FOR 96TH STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. Motion canied 5-0. 'iVilliams Brogdon, Armstrong, None Lutz said that the surface placing a stmctures. milling drainage on 2000 in the amount 709.31. the contract amount of$llO,OOO. Tulsa County did the under an interlocal agreement. project was completed on December ih and a final inspection held on December 11th. deficiencies were noted in the work done by Horizon. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to accept the work perfOlmed under the contract with Horizon Constmction Inc, and to approve final payment, including retainage, in the amount of $10,357.29, for a total contract amount of$109,217,45. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO FINAL ACCEPT ANCE OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER A CONTRACT FOR MAIN .sTREET REHABILITATJQN.^^~_~TtIE~^CITY.OF. OWASSO .A~ HORIZON CONSTRUCTION CO IN~ND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE. December 19, 2000 Owasso City Council - 5 - None ITEM 16: NEW BUSINESS. No report. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 13~ REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Motion carried 5-0. Williams Brogdon, Barnhouse, Armstrong, None presented the the negotiations with liability included a $2000 deductible new to establish a to handle are less than deductible, an Adjustment Jim Allan Harder, and alternate to the committee would be Risk Manager Tammy Grimes. The committee will meet as necessary to review claims and make recommendations to the City Manager for final approval and payment. Claims reviewed by the committee but not handled within 35 days of receipt will be submitted to NAICO. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve a Letter of Agreement with National America Insurance establishing a Claims Adjustment Committee to act on claims under the deductible amount and authorize the City Manager to approve such claims, and authorization for the City Manager to execute the Letter of Agreement. met with ITEM ,CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROV AL OF A LETTER OF AGREEMENT WITH NATIONAL AMERICAN INSLTRj~.NCE~~~>~TQ__>_EST ABLISH CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT COMMITTEE. December 19, 2000 Owasso City Council - 6 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk C Williams, Mayor at was Williams Barnhouse, NAY: None Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouseto adjourn. JTEM 17: ADJOURNMENT December 19, 2000 Owasso City Council City of Owasso Claims 1/02/01 Fund Department Total General 105 Municipal Court 70.40 110 Managerial 1 .71 120 Finance 10,141.42 150 General Government 1 1 BO Community 73.85 170 Engineering 24.19 '181 Support Services '1 5.00 201 Police Services 16 215 Police Communications 468.7B 221 Animal Control 552.01 250 Fire Services 5,069.43 280 Emergency Preparedness 1,996.08 300 Streets 7,139.94 515 Park Maintenance 413.20 550 Community Center 1 8.52 710 Economic Development 192.82 TOTAL Ambulance 255 Ambulance 986.80 TOTAL 986.80 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 888.00 TOTAL 888.00 Bond Projects Streets/I ntersections 21,110.00 City Hall/Police Station 84,985.36 Project Management 6,276.06 TOTAL 112,371.42 OPGA Merchandise 3,809.54 605 Cart Operations 11.55 610 Golf Course Maintenance 460.08 690 Golf Administration 3,565.97 691 Clubhouse 854.78 800 Debt Service 33,253.85 TOTAL 41,955.77 Claims Total OPWA 400 Administration 957.61 405 Utility Billing 2,520.42 420 Water 125,626.21 450 Wastewater treatment plant 227.T1 455 Wastewater Collection 480 Refuse Collections 183.48 485 Center 1,700.69 TOTAL A I OPWA Improvements Debt Service TOTAL OPWA Sales Tax Debt Service 120,621.23 TOTAL 120,621.23 City Garage 185 City Garage 7,815.70 TOTAL 7,815.70 Collision Self~,insurance 150 Collision Self-Insurance 731.80 TOTAL 731.80 City of Owasso Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description w~w~~~~~ ~,~~~ ~~~~~~ W~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~w~~~w~_w_~ ~~~~~_w~ w~__ww~w__ _____~w__~__ ~~__________________~__ 2732 627 12/07/00 7150 108465 01/02/01 243.00 243.00 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2734 766 12/05/00 7114 120500 01/02/01 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2737 961 12/12/00 7184 121200 01/02/01 27.99 27.99 12 PHONE USE-KLAHR 2747 239 12/11/00 7143 98776 01/02/01 161.98 40.49 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 40.50 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 40.50 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 40.49 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2753 1043 11/30/00 7130 2912 01/02/01 896.50 896.50 6 SIGNALIZATION 2759 'i320 '12/01/00 7133 5699 01/0210'1 '1,628.00 21L 00 9 76 ST N MED IAN I~OWI NGS 1,600.00 3 HWY 169 MOWINGS 2763 1038 12112/00 7146 1158 01102/01 48.47 48.47 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/03/00 9036 43.92 43.92 UNIFORM JEANS 11/20/00 4441 188.00 181:10 00 EMPLOYEE BANQUET-CANDLES 2769 827 12/12/00 7127 237292 01/02/01 70.00 0.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 70.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 2868 857 12/22/00 CEPO 7204 0178485 01/02/01 52.17 133.38 24 REPAIR PARTS 12/20/00 0178266 15.90 10/12/00 0172876 41.86 12/11/00 0177626 10.87 12/11/00 01776'.0 12.58 2869 769 12/11/00 7191 2001051 01/02/01 371 .25 371.25 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 2870 1050 11/30/00 7198 819 01/02/01 52.75 12.22 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 40.53 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 2871 812 11/24/00 7217 1504074484 01/02/01 2.99 49.46 12 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/03/00 1500074110 4.49 7.48 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/17/00 1500074392 0.89 3.88 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11124/00 150074',81 2.99 35.84 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/03/00 150474113 38.47 4.49 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/08/00 1504074203 10.99 11110/00 1504074140 35.84 11/17/00 1504074370 4.49 2872 591 11/30/00 7195 8240134630 0'1/02/01 26.55 47.43 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/07/00 8240135415 26.55 107.20 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/14/00 8240136206 26.55 12121/00 8240136972 27.55 12/21/00 8240136974 12.00 12/14/00 8240136208 11. 45 12/07/00 8240135417 11. 45 11/30/00 8240134632 12.53 2873 446 12/19/00 CEPO 7192 155273553 01/02/01 36.12 269.94 24 REPAIR PARTS 12/19/00 155273621 47.76 12/04/00 155269255 10.56 12/06/00 155269951 3.59 12/19/00 155273501 21.54 12/04/00 155269283 -4.08 12/04/00 155269376 9.52 12/01/00 155268451 16.99 12/11/00 155271474 35.88 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page 2 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line It em Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~_~~~ Q~w__~mQ~~~= =~~~~Q=~ _~~~~~~~~~~Q _~______ Q__QQQQ___ ~_m_~__~_~__ ___=Q__Q___=_~_________ 12/01/00 155268470 59.85 12/01/00 155268452 24.47 12/01/00 155268469 7.74 2930 931 11/16/00 7100 111600 01/02/01 83.50 83.50 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 2931 1.15 12/15/00 7112 34557 01/02/01 29.60 29.60 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 3053 7 12/19/00 7177 719027 01/02/01 46.20 46.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3091 538 12/07/00 7216 14/,6 01/02/01 321.49 321.49 MAINT SUPPLIES 3189 1068 12115/00 7168 A-000'14.'! 01/02/01 13,500.00 1 100.00 AUOIT SERVICES 00 AUDIT SERVICES :5194 '750 12/1/,/00 7219 1/, 01/02/01 6,276.06 276.06 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3196 1219 12/19/00 '1'218 3248280 01/02/01 21,110.00 21,110.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-26-98 3202 129 12111/00 7176 15118235 01/02/01 41.50 41.50 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 321/. 1098 12/1 0/00 7101 2309871 01/02/01 122.68 122.68 EMPLOYMENT ADS 3322 1152 12111/00 7173 121000 01/02/01 266.40 266.40 METER READINGS 3324 171 12/18/00 7174 121800 01/02/01 281. 70 281.70 METER READINGS 3325 371 12/06/00 7170 120600 01/02/01 :3l.4 . 25 344.25 METER READINGS 3326 264 12/10/00 7171 121000 01/02/01 139.95 139.95 METER READINGS 3398 785 12/07/00 71/,4 861.9190892 01/02/01 289.68 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 289.68 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 3/,42 255 12/20/00 7183 371642 01/02/01 10.00 29.95 SECURITY MONITORING 12/20/00 371643 19.95 3662 1505 11/18/00 7251 26-4 01/02/01 5,850.00 5,850.00 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 3663 1506 11/28/00 7248 1 01/02/01 2,068.20 2,068.20 FIRE PROTECTION 6/6/00 3667 1515 12/08/00 7249 5 01/02/01 68,648.00 68,648.00 CONCRETE 6/6/00 3749 811 10/17/00 7243 13869 01/02/01 650.00 650.00 DOZIER & BACKHOE RENTAL 3762 661 10/12/00 7221 S3531 01/02/01 150.00 150.00 TRAINING-FLICK 3792 598 11/10/00 7194 111000 01/02/01 525.00 525.00 REPAIR PARTS 3862 811 08/14/00 7244 13256 01/02/01 650.00 1,710.00 BACKHOE RENTAL 08/14/00 13261 60.00 08/21/00 13336 500.00 09/01/00 13403 500.00 3997 1557 12/20/00 72/,5 21779 01/02/01 1,427.37 1,427.37 BILLING SERVICE 4018 708 12/14/00 7110 8132 01/02/01 632.50 632.50 5 FIRE HELMETS 4045 743 12/05/00 7250 4 01/02/01 6,367.50 6,367.50 ROCK BASE GRADING 4210 129 11/25/00 7095 12124152 01/02/01 89.65 89.65 PHONE USE-ROONEY 7/00 4286 594 12/11/00 7125 13394180-004 01/02/01 121.20 121.20 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 4289 729 12/08/00 7134 12319 01/02/01 3,440.00 3,440.00 METER SETS 9/7/99 4346 818 12/30/00 7233 ORF-99-008-L 01/02/01 3,432.88 3,432.88 7 OWRB LOAN /1-01 12/30/00 FAP-92-0107- 5,032.89 5,032.89 7 OWRB LOAN /1-01 12/30/00 FAP-n-0107- 24,077.50 24,077.50 7 OWRB LOAN L 1- 01 4347 818 12/30/00 7232 1996-1/01 01/02/01 33,253.85 33,253.85 7 1996 REVENUE BONDS 12/30/00 1997-1/01 38,432.48 38,432.48 7 1997 REVENUE BONDS 12/30/00 1998-1/01 82,188.75 82,188.75 7 1998 REVENUE BONDS 4415 1003 12/18/00 7109 238957 RI 01/02/01 89.99 89.99 AUDIO VISUAL CASE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ NW~~~~ w___~_~~ W~~_ _~~~W~ ww____w~_w~_ ___~_~__ ___~________ ~______= ______Www~. ~~___~~_____ _=__=____=_____=~_=____ 4418 1039 12/04/00 7145 318927 01/02/01 27.50 104.90 REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/04/00 319286 101, .90 27.50 HAND PUt4P 4512 1039 12/04/00 7126 319284 01/02/01 2,334.34 2,334.34 WATER METERS 10/19/00 4597 960 12/09/00 7178 120900 01/02/01 95.00 95.00 12 ADVERTISING 4661 1041 11/03/00 7113 51954983 01/02/01 198.75 198.75 OKLAHOMA STATUTES 4676 1758 12/20/00 7197 1619 01/02/01 2,489.00 2,489.00 SHOP HEATER 1,718 556 12/11/00 7102 2351 01/02/01 888.00 888.00 RADIO ENCODER 1,721 66 11/28/00 7104 341181, 01/02/01 853.::\2 896052 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 12/06/00 342010 43.20 4738 11,91 12/12/00 7131 25383 01/02/01 130.00 130.00 HOLIDAY FLYERS t,745 1065 12/11/00 7190 113000 01/02/01 '1 001,.01 110,004.01 PURCHASED WATER 11/00 4750 855 12/01/00 7108 771468 01/02/01 .95 392.95 REFERENCE MATERIAL 4757 H77 11/27/00 7118 3741.83 01/02/01 1.5.00 45.00 RADAR REPAIR b,761 1,85 '11122/00 7116 112200- 05 01/02/01 135.00 259.00 3 UNIFORM SHIRTS 12/01/00 120100-10 124000 69.00 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/04/00 120400.05 69.00 4770 406 12/07/00 7246 116011532-00 01/02/01 68.97 68.97 COPIER PAPER 1 4774 1778 12/14/00 7096 121400 01/02/01 280.00 280.00 CONFERENCE-MITCHELL/ROO NEY 4779 812 11/10/00 7115 1516074246 01/02/01 15.99 19.17 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/17/00 1516071.377 3.18 18.24 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/03/00 1515071.123 HU4 27.02 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/10/00 1515074245 16.96 11/24/00 1515074487 10006 i,783 Tf3 12/15/00 7103 C- 211,90 01/02/01 80.00 40.00 TEMPORARY LICENSE 40000 TEMPORARY LICENSE 4785 1086 12129/00 7117 122900 01/02/01 32.1,1 12.96 FILM PROCESSING 2.50 CAR WASH 6.95 POSTAGE 10.00 CLASS EXPENSE 4786 556 12/04/00 7121 2147 01/02/01 35.00 70.00 MICROPHONE REPAIR 12/04/00 2146 35.00 4787 574 11/06/00 7120 2502 01/02/01 18.75 33.00 LINEN SERVICE 11/22/00 2618 14.25 19.50 LINEN SERVICE 11/14/00 2558 19.50 4790 H80 12/05/00 7106 GCCS27717 01/02/01 53.49 53.49 BODY WORK i,791 129 11125/00 7105 12152617 01/02/01 214.24 177~45 PHONE USE-ALLEN 36.79 PHONE USE.OTHERS 4792 1781 11/20/00 7139 4547 01/02/01 1,045.00 1,045.00 ATOR RELIEF LINE BORINGS 4793 834 11/27/00 7132 M00656 01/02/01 7,196.00 7,196.00 SHORING SHIELD-10/17/00 4795 1049 11/21/00 7220 112100 01/02/01 1,413.72 1,413.72 PURCHASED WATER 4796 1044 11/18/00 7128 61201,-1006 01/02/01 1,668.26 1,668.26 RECYCLE REFUSE 0.00 RECYCLE GLASS 4799 100 12/07/00 7147 230322 01/02/01 390.00 2,305.00 TOP SOIL 11/27100 192290 390.00 1,040.00 DOZER RENTAL 11/28/00 192293 260.00 11127/00 192289 30.00 12/16/00 230335 1,125.00 12/01/00 230304 400.00 12/01/00 230302 750.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page 4 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ N~m~~~_~ ~~=~ =N~N_~ ~___~__~~~=_ ___~____ ______~~___m ________ _________~ ____________ _______________________ 4802 829 11120/00 7140 220272 01/02/01 76.98 76.98 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4803 1039 11/14/00 7129 316555 01/02/01 18.10 200014 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 11/13/00 316551 123034 12/04/00 318140 30.70 12/04/00 318141 21.69 12/06/00 318928 6031 4804 322 11/20/00 7136 15193 01/02/01 258.00 258.00 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 4805 1058 11/25/00 7141 728209 01/02/01 85.58 85.58 GRAVEL l,806 1315 11/13/00 7138 111300 01/02/01 84.00 84,.00 CRANE RENTAL 4807 419 11/08/00 7137 7109 01/02/01 111. 95 111.95 RAIN GEAR '.808 100 11121/00 71l,2 192284 01/02/01 90000 90.00 ROCK HAULING 4809 602 11/17/00 1'148 13128 01/02/01 40.00 40000 EMULSION BROOMS 48'j'l 586 11/06/00 7149 16594 01/02/01 34.28 266068 STOP SIGN MATERIALS 11/06/00 16550 126094 11/06/00 16553 105.46 M.l12 '107 07/24/00 7124 13465 01/02/01 710096 710.96 CUT~OFF SAW 4825 555 12/06/00 7119 120600 01/02/01 30.00 30000 LOCK WORK 4826 898 12/12/00 7167 335942959 01/02/01 289.97 379096 2 UNIFORM COATS 12/07/00 5903 179098 12/16/00 6269 ~89099 4843 943 12/08/00 7122 25002 01/02/01 25058 25.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/07/00 25000 14.43 14043 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4846 1782 11/20/00 7193 4109 01/02/01 149050 149050 AMERICA RECYCLES PROMOT! ON 4851 l.74 09/17/00 7107 10755 01/02/01 3008 47.68 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 09/19/00 1075/. 1.94 09/29/00 10750 3.18 10/05/00 10749 1.52 07/06/00 10747 2.95 09/12/00 10758 2.18 09/06/00 10757 3069 07/27/00 10696 2/. 0 06 09/14/00 10699 5008 4868 350 11/30/00 7135 324103 01/02/01 42.00 42.00 PRINTING 11/06/00 125136 15092 15.92 PRI NT! NG 1.878 1558 11/30/00 7164 254 01/02/01 490020 490020 UNIFORM COATS/PANTS 4879 1003 12/06/00 7163 235192 01/02/01 680000 711000 UNIFORMS 12/05/00 234795 31.00 4880 1132 12/11/00 7166 4011495 01/02/01 250.62 250.62 TIRES/OIL CHANGE 4881 1251 12/06/00 7165 12812 01/02/01 546090 546.90 VEHICLE REPAIR 1,882 141 12/13/00 7098 121300 01/02/01 262.50 262.50 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 4883 1521 12/07/00 7111 12700 01/02/01 100.00 100000 50 POSTERS 4884 797 12/08/00 7123 1089850 01/02/01 168.47 168047 D03159 4885 1038 05/12/00 7151 1163 01/02/01 29092 82.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 04/12/00 7581 52024 4886 1354 12/10/00 7097 121000 01/02/01 212.00 212.00 HOLIDAY HOME TOUR 4887 1056 11/21/00 7099 62321 01/02/01 209000 100000 2 UNIFORM COATS 109.00 SAFETY BOOTS 4909 81/, 11/01/00 7210 21355 01/02/01 2.10 50.41 FILM PROCESSING 11/06/00 21357 8049 15.12 FILM PROCESSING 11/09/00 21367 3096 11/27/00 21381 3.12 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 35.00 2 TUNING FORKS 54.40 11/00 PLEXAR 52.53 11/00 PLEXAR 70.40 11/00 PLEXAR 350.02 11/00 PLEXAR 163.80 11/00 PLEXAR 305.82 11/00 PLEXAR 87.81 11/00 PLEXAR 220.23 11/00 PLEXAR 25.33 11/00 PLEXAR 25.33 11/00 PLEXAR 276.78 11/00 PLEXAR 30.88 11/00 PLEXAR 49.37 11/00 PLEXAR 25.33 11/00 PLEXAR 121.06 11/00 PLEXAR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 59.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 221.24 MAINT SUPPLIES/FILM 25.90 COMPUTER CABLES 495.48 KEYBOARDS/CAMERA/BATTER Y 34.85 COMPUTER CABLE/CABLE TIE 23.75 PHOTO PROCESSING 137.73 CLEANING SUPPLIES/FILM PROCESSING 2313096 DIGITAL CAMERA CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 a*APR083 11/07/00 22267 9.00 11/15/00 22381 5.44 11/17100 22382 9.40 11/18/00 22389 2.24 11/27/00 22394 3.36 12/22/00 22223 5.76 12/14/00 20293 5.'16 12/26/00 22309 3.60 11/07/00 21359 3.:30 1038 05/30/00 '1211 6432 01/02/01 22.14 10/29/00 2316 8.00 10/28/00 1537 8.00 '10/26/00 1222 1.97 10/27100 1367 6.'19 10/27/00 1368 4.77 10/12/00 214 44.70 10/14/00 564 7.97 10/12/00 4559 54.05 10/13/00 4672 10.61. 11/28/00 9770 29.96 11/28/00 6963 '1.20 11/21/00 4567 238.96 11/21100 2333 508.04 11/20/00 6119 59.98 11119/00 6082 12.96 11/19/00 1491 18.91 11/14/00 9374 77.03 11113/00 6565 7.97 11113/00 1973 20.71 11/02/00 8778 39.80 10/31/00 7469 27.58 10/12/00 2669 19.72 311 12/15/00 7208 66915 01/02/01 35.00 938 11/30/00 7180 11/00 NON~PL 01/02/01 2,197.27 EXAR 4912 4913 4910 Line Item Amounts Claim Description ------ ------ ..------ ---- ------ ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page 5 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 812.03 VEHICLE REPAIR 1,088.66 OIL/LUBRICANTS 138.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 7.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 14.30 MAINT SUPPLIES 14.32 MAINT SUPPLIES 14.30 MAINT SUPPLIES 5.38 MAINT SUPPLIES 785.90 TIRES 20.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.32 REPAIR PARTS 200.93 WORK LIGHT 9.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 164.13 OFFICE SUPPLIES 58.03 OFFICE SUPPLIES 271.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.99 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 5.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.42 OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.52 11/00 PLEXAR 27.20 11/00 PLEXAR 210.80 11/00 PLEXAR 50.66 11/00 PLEXAR 422.10 11/00 USE 603.18 11/00 USE 162.64 11/00 USE 872.32 11/00 USE 251.26 11/00 USE 322.19 11/00 USE 1,047.32 11/00 USE 91.86 11/00 USE 264.87 11/00 USE 567.76 11/00 USE 46.49 009080 89.44 C03270 101.99 W07090 64.80 K08160 212.18 SO/.140 Line Item Amounts Claim Description Dec 29, 2000 09:43am Page 6 4932 227 12/13/00 721/. 516843 01/02/01 39.32 4934 551 12/06100 7215 372 01/02/01 58.99 12/19/00 1063 141.94 4935 496 12/12100 ?199 2071 01/02/01 50.08 11/30/00 1916 5.38 4936 865 12/18/00 noo 6112 01/02/01 28 L 90 12/15/00 6095 504.00 493? 698 12/04/00 n01 187822 01102/01 885.67 12/19/00 188543 202.99 4938 1199 12/18/00 n02 4774 01/02/01 20.00 12/08/00 4"170 118.00 4939 648 12/18/00 7203 1550 01/02/01 364.68 11/30/00 1515 332.65 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 4920 1 M39 12/08/00 7186 2262 01/02/01 1.6,,49 4921 751 12/08/00 7187 CARRUOOO 01/02/01 89..t.4 4922 615 12/08/00 7188 298<30 01/02/01 101. 99 4923 259 12/08/00 ?189 4029 01/02/01 64.80 1.925 1828 12/08/00 7169 9783-0009006 01/02/01 212.18 I 1.929 961 12/02/00 ?185 120200 01/02/01 29.99 4931 1.06 10/06/00 7206 110286742001 01/02/01 289.26 10/04/00 109846716001 152.43 0 09119/00 109114656-00 49.16 1 02122/00 914438150010 - 1 ? .97 09/19/00 19122159-001 164.13 07/21/00 102973478001 ?8.41 0 09/19/00 1.711112/.000 58.03 4,605.50 0'1/02/0'1 7175 11/00 USE 863 11/30/00 It91 I. Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# :ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Dec 29, 2000 09:43am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~D_ ~~~D_~ ____~~_~ _~~~ ~_~~_~ __~_~_~~~~_~ ~_~~~_~~ _~_~____~~_~ ________ ~____~__~_ ______~_____ _______________________ 12/20/00 1554 114.70 4940 1829 12/05/00 7213 58023 01/02101 1.0.74 40.74 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4941 1002 12/30/00 7247 123000 01;02/01 540.58 4.76 REIMB PETTY CASH 2.75 REIMB PETTY CASH 17.99 REIMB PETTY CASH 25.80 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2/,.75 POST AGE 21.75 DELUXE CHECKS 10.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 42.16 EWING-MILEAGE 0.75 REIMB-PETTY CASH 294.80 INTERNET SERVICE 95.07 REIMB PHONE-MCELRATH 4943 548 12111/00 7209 31327 01/02/01 22.75 22.75 VET CARE 1,945 1212 01/01/0'1 7212 27882 01/02101 100.00 100.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4946 1055 12/19/00 720'1 2192 01/02/01 65.00 65.00 PLUMBING REPAIR 1,947 1084 12/07/00 7179 775301005 01/02/01 141.52 1/.1.52 11/00 USE 4948 569 12/08/00 7205 636275 01/02/01 285.79 285.79 OIL/LUBRICANTS 4949 1138 12/18/00 7196 7734 01/02/01 73.55 73.55 REPAIR PARTS 4953 783 12/31/00 7182 123100 01/02/01 1 ,875 .00 1,875.00 STORM SIREN MAINT 4954 701 12/01/00 7181 120100 01/02/01 369.70 369.70 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 4972 826 12/09/00 7222 3146120-2 01/02/01 65/..22 7'.10 11/00 USE 21.32 11/00 USE 14.20 11/00 USE 35.50 11/00 USE 7. 10 11/00 USE 339.62 11/00 USE 14.20 11/00 USE 9.25 11/00 USE 63.91 11/00 USE 42.60 11/00 USE 28.40 11/00 USE 35.50 11/00 USE 7.10 11/00 USE 7. 10 11/00 USE 21.32 11/00 USE 4973 938 11/29/00 7223 112900 01/02/01 1.34.87 49.55 11/00 NON-PLEXAR 63.96 11/00 NON-PLEXAR 49.61 11/00 NON-PLEXAR 95.75 11/00 NON-PLEXAR 176.00 11/00 NON-PLEXAR 4974 300 09/27/00 7224 10175 01/02/01 11.55 11.55 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 4975 1229 12/13/00 7225 770784 01/02/01 977.11 1,120.88 SHIRTS&SLACKS 12/08/00 769158 167.77 11/08/00 92933 -24.00 4976 454 12/14/00 7226 618237 01/02/01 91.80 91.80 SLACKS 1.977 42 12/08/00 7227 93117953 01/02/01 91.76 91.76 SUNGLASSES 4978 9 12/01/00 7228 95649925 01/02/01 129.80 01/03/01 2.40 604.83 GOLF BALLS&CLUBS 12/01/00 95649937 120.00 01/03/01 2.40 12/07/00 95674574 355.03 01/03/01 7.00 4979 57 12/04/00 7229 502881 01/02/01 581.99 01/03/01 23.04 899.20 GOLF BALLS & CAPS & CLUBS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) <'I. :3 S J J!f 2 " if 8 * ooz I.j,d)J3~jl 96*r {j.9.48 .- 12/04/00 503280 39.19 12/07/00 512805 118.52 01/03/01 4.56 11/30/00 496072 159.50 4980 24 12/15/00 7230 18126 01/02/01 191.60 191.60 UMBRELLAS 4981 1395 12/04/00 7231 608755 01/02/01 85.01 85.01 GOLF CLUBS 4982 103 12/13/00 7234 800950 01/02/01 171 .60 01/03/01 10.08 171.60 GOLF BALLS 1,983 1019 12/15/00 7235 31845 01/02/01 31.97 31.97 GOLF TEES 4984 1262 12/0B/00 7236 9023650B 01/02/01 52/,.95 474.95 GOLF CLUBS 06/2B/00 90194062 ~50.00 4985 1532 12/04/00 7237 1137 01/02/01 95.42 95.42 SHOE SPIKES 4986 1835 1U1UOO 7238 2001 01/0U01 50.00 50.00 ADVERTISING 1.987 1038 12/19/00 7239 5496 01/02/01 19.96 19.96 PHONE 4988 107 12/12/00 7240 56350 01/02/01 17.50 17.50 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 1.989 812 12/13/00 7241 656074938 01/02/0'1 20.97 20.97 ICE MELT 12/20100 655075047 10.99 57.61 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 1U19/00 655075016 1,6.62 37.41 SMALL TOOLS 1U1UOO 655074909 37.41 4990 881 '11/28/00 7242 6397 01/0U01 76.22 76.22 11/00 USE '11/28/00 6398 5.58 5.58 11/00 USE 5003 38 1U07/00 71 T2 120700 01/02/01 60.75 60.75 METER READINGS ===-=~==~=,=~ ====~~-=== <=-=~====~,==- ~.=-======= TOTAL 486,391.96 49.48 146 records listed Line Item Amounts Claim Description Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Dee 29, 2000 09:43am Page 8 :ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Council Member Council Member Mayor January 2, 2001 APPROVED: - 12,092.69 3,381.58 Street 12/16/00 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor January 1 Ambulance Fund 12/16/00 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE L Resolution #200l~>01 ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends approval of Resolution #2001-01. RECOMMENDATION: The primary election is set by Charter and will be March 6, 2001. If a general election is necessary, it will be held on Apri13, 2000. A general election will be held if one candidate in the plimary election does not receive a majority of all the votes cast for that Ward. The elected councilor will be sworn in at the first meeting in May (May 7, 2001). The filing period is February 5, 6, & 7, 2001. All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Tulsa County Election Board between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on one of those days. Only qualified electors who have resided in Ward 5 for at least six months prior to filing a declaration of candidacy shall be qualified to hold the office of Ward 5 Council Member. All registered voters residing within the city limits of the City of Owasso will be able to vote for the candidates. Staff has prepared Resolution #2001-01 which, if approved by Council, calls for an election to be conducted for this Ward and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County Election Board. It also identifies the process that must be followed to meet all legal requirements. (Melinda Voss) Three Ward #5 Pursuant to the provisions the Owasso City Chatter governing the election of members, the Council shall take action by Resolution to call any necessary Ward Elections. election is needed the following 5 THE HONORABLE CITY CITY OF MEMORANDUM Ronald D Cates, City Attomey APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: H C Williams, Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day ofJanumy, 2001 by the City Council onhe City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The fHing period is from February 5, 2001 through February 7, 2001 for the Primary Election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that the following numbered precincts in Tulsa County are to be opened: 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, and 755; and that the following numbered precincts in Rogers County are to be opened: 130. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in the respective ward shall be qualified to hold the office of Council Member. 3. That the General Election thereafter, if necessary, be held on April 3, 2001. 2, That a non-partisan Primmy Election for City Council Members, as set out, be held on March 6, 2001. 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OKLAHOMA: OF 3, 2001 to shall thereafter be held on a General elect said Council Members. :3 years 5 WHEREAS, a Primmy Election shall be held on the 6th day of March, 2001 for the purpose of electing Council Members to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, for Wards and terms as follows: NOTICE OF ELECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION NO 2001-01 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA