HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.04.03_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORK S AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: April 3, 2001 TIME: 6:30 pam PY L CF . � �_A A E ±;o licit (,."'harnbers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 30, 20010 AGENDA 1. Call to Order Chairman Williams wvna� " = 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of March 20, 2001 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority April 3, 2001 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4- C. Action Relating to the Extension of a Contract for Mater Service Installations. Attachment 4 -C The staff recoraniends Trustee approval of a one year extension of a contract with Cunningham Plumbing Co, 'Tralsa, OK, and that the Chair be authorized to execute the extension agreement. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to the Establishment of a Sanitary Sewer Pay Back Area, Mr Lutz Attachment #5 The staff will recommend Trustee approval of the QuikTrip Commercial enter 92 Sanitary Serer Pay Back Area as proposed, collection by the OP WA of an amount not to exceed $5580.31 per acre or portion of acre for future connections to the new line, remittance of such payment to QuikTrip Corporation, and authorization for the Chair to execrate the Letter of Agreement. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Yardwaste Action Plan. Mr Carr Attachment #6 The staff will recommend 'Trustee adoption of a plan of action relating to the yardwaste separation program. Grasso Public Works authority April 39 2001 Page 3 y Report from OP WA Manager. 8e Report from OP WA Attorney. 90 Now Business, 100 Adjournment. f v= O ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 20, 2001 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda pasted on the City Mall bulletin beard at 4=:00 porno on Friday, March 1. 6, 2001 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chaimiarr Williams called the meeting to order at 6030 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION Public Works Director Robert Carr offered the invocation. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Chairman Williams led in the flag salute, ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT C "Will" Williams, Chairman Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Chair Voss, Melinda Randy Rebecca ArmstrR n, STAFF Larry Ronald D Cates, Attorney Marcia Boutwell, [ R R' ITEM 5. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATINGIQAIE-QUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of March 6, 2001 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso Public Works Authority March 20, 2001 AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, AYE: Armstrong, Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITHRUMFIIII[I 1112,1 FAQ -2- Owasso Public Works Authority March 20, 2001 seconded by Ms Barnho se, to approve Change Order 13, increasing the contract amount by $17,7822.92 and increasing the contract time by one day. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Armstrong, Voss, Williams NAa None Motion carried 5 -00 ITEM 8: REiPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY. N® report. ITEM 10: NEW BU IT , None, ITEM _11: - ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Armstrong, Brogdon, Voss, Williams NAY: None m3- H C Williams, Chairperson City of Owasso Claims 4/03/01 Fund Department Ambulance Capital Park Development Total 326.38 465.53 935.00 5,700A9 290070 218.09 10.00 480.84 8,451.45 897.40 81.84 6,831 A5 30.03 5,868.97 5,573.22 2,262.75 308.29 38,75168 146.35 1,746.20 1,892.55 No 1M and Projects Streetslintersections 19,357.00 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 319,392.50 TOTAL 333,749.50 11 OPWA Capital Improvements OPWA Sales Tax Workers' Comp Self Insurance Debt Service TOTAL FM� 185 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 1,139055 3,`972,12 197,189023 4,886M 1,233,12 3,605,75 251331 123,414,62 Claims Too 735,433°52 A-0 PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE DEPARTMENT own, OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Utility Billing 0.00 1,891. Wastewater 1640.62 6,454.91 1W A Refuse 38.01 4,673.62 ,fle, Chairman Trustee 1111=0 SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION CONTRACT A. March 20, 2001 BACKGROUND: Public Works staff contacted Cunningham Plumbing on March 14, 2001 to determine their intentions concerning rates for the period of August 1, 2001 to July 31, 0 Plumbing responded on March 19'n' with their intent to remain at the same rate. Service from Cunningham has been satisfactory. 6 111, �WXMV 60111MM RiW"", '5T =771cre is no rate increas -1 1,7 August 1, 2001, through July 31, 2002, staff recommends that the contract with Cunningham Plumbing Company be extended for a successive one-year term. MY[ I . Letter to Cunningham Plumbing dated March 14, 2001. 2. Response letter from Cunningham Plumbing dated March 19, 2001. N 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 M"IrcIn 14, 2 001 Jinn Cunningham Cunningham Plumbing Company P.O. Box 9491 Tulsa, OK 74157 Dear Mr. Cunningham: < Owasso ;4 � P As stated in our contract, Bid Specif�cations page 10 Duration of°Contract. Contract- Options for one-year renewal well be with the consent of °both parties, for two (2) ora "fore successive one-year periods. The contract rr,aay be extended for° successive one (1) year terms of agreed to by boil, parties in waiter, 'got less Man ninety -days prior to the expiration of the initial one (1) year term or ally successive one (1) year ter°rraa Assuming we maintain the present contract terms, ghat are the intentions of Cunningham Plumbing Company concerning rates for the period of August 1, 2001 to July 31, 2002? Should you have any questions, please contact this office at 2724959. Sincerely, OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Chris Roberts Field Operation's Manager cc: F. Robert Carr, Public Works Director 2 723 W. 40" St. Tulsa, OK 74107 March 1992001 Chris Roberts Owasso Public Works Deparftnent 707 South Cedar Owasso, Ok 74055 Dear Mr. Roberts: (918)446-3730 (918)446-8244 RECEIVED MAR 2 .0 X001 In reference to our contract with the City of Owasso, we at Cunningham Plumbing find the current rates satisfactory and plan on maintaining those rates threw the next contract term. CcA Jim Cunningham, President 0�11111=j TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASS O PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: PHIL IJUTZ, P. E. ENGINEEPJNG PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF A SANITARY SEWER PAYBACK AREA QUIKTRIP COMMERCIAL CENTER 02R DATE -. March 26, 2001 BACKGROUND: The QuikTrip Corporation is in the process of relocating from the northeast comer of 76"' Street North and U.S. Hwy 169 to the southeast corner (see attached map). Development includes installation of a new 8-inch line from the existing sanitary sewer termination at the southwest corner of the Holiday Inn Express property to the southwest comer of the Chimi's property. Representatives from the QuikTrip Corporation and their consulting engineer (DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc.) approached the City in late 2000 requesting that a sanitary sewer payback mechanism be established for any future connections to the sanitary sewer line constructed to serve their new location. The QuikTrip Commercial Center #2R sanitary line design has been approved by the Public Works Department Engineering Division and permitted by ODEQ. Following completion, SANITARY SEWER PAYBACK AREA MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 2 RECQMMENPAUQN� Staff recommends acceptance of the QuikTrip Commercial Center #2R Sanitary Sewer Pay Back Area as proposed, collection by the Owasso Public Works Authority of an amount not to exceed $5,580931 for each acre or portion of acre for future connections to the new line, remittance of such payment to QuikTrip Corporation, mid authorization for the Chair to execute the Letter of Agreement. A-11ACUMENTS- 1. Pay Back Area Agreement 2. Letter from DeShazo, Tang & Associates 3. Map of Area arch 23, 2001 Owasso Public Works Authority City of Owasso To the Chm-man mid Trustees: CORPORATE OFFICE 901 Noah Mingo Road Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 P.O. Box 3475 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-3475 918-836-8551 Quik-frip Corporation hereby requests the City of Owasso to provide assistance in the monitoring of future development within the sanitary sewer set-vice area for recovery of capital outlay QuikTrip Corporation has expended to extend the public sanitary sewer service to areas previously without said services. QuikTrip Corporation requests the action and acceptance of the proposal by the City Council of' Owasso at the earliest opportunity. Respectfully submitted, chita Divisions Attachment by reference only: ODEQ approved plans for Sanitary Sewer Extensions dated April 20, 2000 MOM DeShazo, 10830 E 451➢ Street, Suite 204 0 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 0 (918) 627 -0046 0 FAX: (91.8) 628-0091 0 e -mail: IQTA LIULM@nisn.com Much 3, 2001 pill uEz, P.E. City Engineer City of Owasso 301 W. 2 d Street Owasso, OK 74055 Rea QuikTrip Commercial Center 42R QuikTrip DTA File 00017 DeShazo, Tang Associates, Inc. EMSAMMOrrs - Tommmairs LIZ 0 100 200 -300 SUBJECT: I OF YARDWASTE ACTION PLAN DATE.- m :arch 26, 2001 BACKGROUND- Analysis of the errant yardwaste handling procedures, including collection and disposal, used by the City of Owasso was presented at the March 1. 3, 2001 Council work session. A copy ®f the report presented is attached for reference. The following options were presented acid evaluated: * Continue d.dwaste collection/disposal prog * Discontinue the yardwaste collection/disposal p ro:. ,. modifications * Provide some short-term o the progr * Combination of above options Page 2 Adoption of Yardwaste Handling Action Plan Provide some shortWterrx� rnodications to the am With limited disposal area available, modifications to the program focus on reduction of yardwaste volume, Public education pertaining to composting, mulching and other on-site residential yardwaste, reduction methods is needed. Information concerning yard-waste and recycling program relationships would be developed and user fee structures modified. Z' - LIR01POSED ACTIQN_ PLAN � n An Action Plan is -­ (see below) that combines each of the above option elements. YARD WAS TE COLLECTION/DISPOSAL PROGRAM: MaLch-ApKff 2001 • Initiate public education program in FY 01-02 - Maintain existing City of Owasso refuse collection i ales and regulations requiring mandatory yardwaste separation - Homeowner segregation of yardwastes using compost bins - Lawn maintenance mulching • Conduct sale of compost bins ARdl-_October 2001 Continue yardwaste collection by city personnel through mid-October 2001 October - December 2001 Continue ability for residents to disposal of yardwaste materials at the currently designated disposal area until end of calendar year 2001 Evaluate fee structure for refuse disposal at Recycle Center January 2002 Close yardwaste disposal area ® Implement fee structure for refuse disposal at Recycle Center * Provide rolloff container at Recycle Center for specific yardwaste materials disposal AV 12002 Spring/Earth Day clean-up event ® City of Owasso will provide free day at the Quarry Landfill for residential yardwaste disposal. Page 3 Adoption of Yardwaste Handling Action Plan RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends Trustees approval of the Yardwaste Handling Action Plan as submitted. ATTACHMENTS- I. Memorandu m- — Yard mate Handling Review and Analysis (dated March 99 200 1) MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: YARDWASTE HANDLING REVIEW AND ANALYSIS DATE® March 9, 2001 Currently, the City of Owasso policy requires mandatory segregation of yardwaste from residential refuse. Rules and Regulations governing the collection and disposal of refuse were developed in 1990 that implemented these restrictions. One of the overall objectives of yardwaste separation was to reduce the volume of materials ultimately being transported and disposed of at the landfill, thereby reducing costs and potentially extending landfill capacity. Yardwasto collection and disposal was initiated at that time and consisted of the following major elements: Simultaneous to yardwaste segregation, a disposal station for refuse was constructed at the Recycle Center. This station was to provide an alternative location for large and bulky residential item refuse disposal. The yardwaste collection and disposal program was initiated based on a "user pays" concept. Customers were either charged a monthly fee and provided a special polycart for yardwaste or purchased clear plastic bags from the city. In addition, customers were given the option of Page 2 Yardwaste Handling Review transpoiling yardwaste materials to the Recycle Center -for disposal at no cost. The program was not intended to provide a system or location for commercial landscaping/yard maintenance operations to dispose of waste materials. Helpers on this program are usually workers provided through the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (DOC). Maintaining a dependency on using DOC manpower has periodically :,,reated challenges in yardwaste collection. During times of reduced DOC worker allocations to *wasso, it has been necessary to use city personnel. In addition, certain DOC workers are difficul -&-t1lection. t Vi Ly-tite use f vi Based on these conditions, the proposed FYO 1 -02 budget converts the seasonal driver position to a full time employee. Collection of yardwaste materials will still require use of DOC workers or other helpers on the truck. Vehicles Yardwaste collection, as originally implemented, was considered a refinement in the recycling (landfill conservation) program. Equipment used in the collection of yardwaste has been allocated through the Recycle Center operation. Therefore, most of the collection has relied upon use of two (2) 1984 International rear-loading reftise trucks. Page 3 Yardwaste Handling Review MWQW When yardwaste collection was first implemented, a small area adjacent to and south of the Recycle Center was used for disposal. This area generally was isolated from public accessibility by controlled entry through the Streets Maintenance Building site at the end of Birch Street, In 1993, Main Street was extended and 51h Avenue was constructed as part of a CDBG Block Grant for infrastructure to the Max Buchanan Building (presently owned by Precision Components), Roadway re-configuration provided a direct access to the Recycle Center on 5' .Avenue and separated the yardwaste area to a location south of 5' Avenue. As a result of the above road construction, access to the yard caste area was made easier, but also became uncontrolled. Since that time, various materials varying in composition and size have been observed at the site. These materials include: Based on the above listing, many materials other than residential yardwaste were being placed in the area. Significant quantities of materials were being placed on the site, since many people found the location to be a free alternative to using the Quarry Landfill. In addition, many commercial landscaping/lawn maintenance companies began to use the area at no cost. City- collected yardwaste only comprised a small portion of the deposited materials. Page 4 Yardwaste Handling Review A bt 0 r -na t i ve Iris a UR te s Other city-owned properties could potentially be utilized for yardwaste disposal. Use of these properties is limited, however, by the large amount of land required, aesthetics of the operation and ability to control access to the site. Therefore, only two alternative sites are considered in this analysis, Sports Park Some portions of the Sports Park could potentially provide adequate land area for yardwaste disposal. Controlled access to the site would be difficult to achieve and the ability to maintain an attractive site would be extremely unlikely. Therefore, this location was not considered ftirther. Additionally, water and sewer utilities exist on the property. Finding a suitable site location for a structure will be dependent on locating the gravity sewer, water distribution line and lift station force main. Page 5 Yardwaste dandling Review �Lardwaste Volume Handled Data collected over the yardwaste collection seasons of 1999 -2400 (see attached table of Yard -waste Collection History) indicate the following average amounts collected weekly: Yudwaste ProgramExpenses Costs associated with collection and disposal of yardwaste consist of labor, vehicle fuel and repairs, and disposal area bulldozer rentals �vera �_ex enses are appro�i atel� �i0 per �reeko Each of the expense categories are listed below: Labor: Presently, the only labor-related costs are for f seasonal collection ... Corrections s a hour, total of approximately Fugl/vehicle—rWairs: Due to the age of vehicles used in the collection of yaxdwaste, mechanical repairs can be anticipated. Based on the history of repairs and fuel consumption, 1.11 per - expected to be cs Yardwaste Program Revenue The city has not had any charge for yardwaste materials brought to the disposal area. Customers involved in the collection portion of the program pay for the use of either the red polyeart or purchase clear plastic basso Average weekly revenue is approximately-1633 as calculated below: PVurnbea 0f cont -aims- _ v "LOWS OLMN erial Red polycarts 295 2306 T Bags 437 1.3,1 T Handles 81 1,6 T Total weekly average 38,3 T Yudwaste ProgramExpenses Costs associated with collection and disposal of yardwaste consist of labor, vehicle fuel and repairs, and disposal area bulldozer rentals �vera �_ex enses are appro�i atel� �i0 per �reeko Each of the expense categories are listed below: Labor: Presently, the only labor-related costs are for f seasonal collection ... Corrections s a hour, total of approximately Fugl/vehicle—rWairs: Due to the age of vehicles used in the collection of yaxdwaste, mechanical repairs can be anticipated. Based on the history of repairs and fuel consumption, 1.11 per - expected to be cs Yardwaste Program Revenue The city has not had any charge for yardwaste materials brought to the disposal area. Customers involved in the collection portion of the program pay for the use of either the red polyeart or purchase clear plastic basso Average weekly revenue is approximately-1633 as calculated below: Page 6 Yardwaste Handling Review LRed ol carts: Customers are charged $6.50 per month for a red polycart, Am average of _p 295 polycarts have been collected each week. Assuming each cart is collected only once per month, revenue is approximately $480 per week. ($6.50/month x 295 containers = $1,917.50/rrionth = $4° /9.38 /week) ;f ar Ba s: In lieu of the polycart, customers may purchase clear plastic city-specified Z_ yardwaste bags for $3050/10 bags. Revenue collected for these bags, based on the average number of bags collected each week, is approximately $153 per week. ($3050/10 bags x 437 bags/week = $152.95/week) Cost Sum�ma The above comparison of expenses and revenue indicates a resultant net loasaLper week of approximately $137. Over the 26-week yardwaste collection period, a total loss of over $3,500 would result. Removing yardwaste materials from the waste stream that would normally be landfilled does, however, save landfill tipping charges. An average of 38.3 tons per week of yardwaste were collected during the year 2000, which represents a savingg-of over S 15 800 for the entire season. OPTIONS EVALUATED., Based on the above conditions, the following options are presented and evaluated: Continue yardwaste collection/disposal program as is Discontinue the yardwaste collection/disposal progr Prvide some short-term mdift i ons to the progr Combination of above optins I o o ica o Page 7 Yardwaste Handling Review Yardwaste Collection Analysis (Based on Calendar Year 2000 collection history) m, vi-Qu n —te o I I e Led wegki S� hNLuMb—CK,9f-C.Q,W_a Lne—rq ign&Ormaterial * Red polycarts 295 23.6 T ® Bags 437 111 T * Bundles 81 — 1.6 T Total weekly average 38.3 T Axffag stops ggLweek -- 395 Total of 5,385 residential reffise customers Yardwaste collection represents 7.3% of total customers Ke—venue Red polyearts - $6.50/month x 295 containers = $1,917.50/ oath $479.38/week (Assuming each cart is collected only once per month) Bags - $3.50/10 bags x 437 bags/week = --U52.95/week Avery total weekly revenue $632.33 Expenses Collection labor: 16-hours x $9.00/hr $144.00/week FueVvehicle repairs (estimated) Disposal area bulldozer rental f Provide some shoe- term modifications to the pragrM With limited disposal area available, modifications to the program focus on reduction of yardwaste volume. Public education pertaining to composting, mulching and other ors -site residential yardwaste reduction methods is needed. Information concerning yardwaste and recycling program relationships would be developed grid user fee stractures modified. Page *j Yardwaste Handling Review YARDWASIE CQLLEM0N/D1SP0SAL 1%QGRAK. April-October 2001 Continue yardwaste collection by city personnel through mid-October 2001 October -DeLc_ember 2001 Continue ability for residents to disposal of yardwaste materials at the currently designated disposal area until end of calendar year 2001 Evaluate fee structure for refuse disposal at Recycle Center Jana ary 2002 • Close yardwaste disposal area • Implement fee structure for refuse disposal at Recycle Center • Provide rolloff container at Recycle Center for specific yardwaste materials disposal April 2002 Spring/ Earth Day clean-up event - City of Owasso will provide free day at the Quarry Landfill for residential yardwaste disposal. October 2002 Fall clean-up event ® City of Owasso will provide free day at the Quarry Landfill for residential yardwaste disposal. YARDWASTE COLLECTION HISTORY (1999-2000) Hundles Total Stors Year 1999 Some vehicles inoperable - yardwaste collected with residential Some vehicles inoperable - yardwaste collected with residential Some vehicles inoperable - yardwaste collected with residential Some vehicles inoperable - yardwaste collected with residential ................ 11101,110"I"i x1i'M11, .. . ..... 11111.> '�I` MIMI 11 K YARDWASTE COLLECTION HISTORY (1999-200 City of Owasso Public Wmks Department Refuse Collection Wale 3/6=1 I nd Iq La g r CollexAM [Tippin otal 'Stop'. F —T-re a v, Red P�ejcaas Bags _F Yardwerste Date RM Palpaas Bundles 9 d Year 2000 Some vehicles inoperable - yardwaste collected vvith residential 1 11 '31 MEN 9 �110 41M.C1,21113 R. ff _1 ME FKIMIKITI;z��' MIZIM., _11 01 wamllm win 4