HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.02.20_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY' TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 20, 2001 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2001. SAA9 MarcioutwZefl, Authority Secretary AGENDA I. Call to Order Chairman Williams 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of February 6, 2001 Regular Meeting. Attachment 94-A Owasso Public Works Authority February 20, 2001 Page 2 B, Approval of Claims. Attachment 94- 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPWA Resolution Y2001 -03, a Resolution Adopting the Water Master plan as a Statement of the Authority's policy for the Extension, Expansion and Development of the City of Owasso Municipal Water System, Mr Carr Attachment #5 The staff will recommend iiustee approval of OPWA Resolution 112001 -03 6, Report from OPWA Manager. 7e Report from OPWA Attorney, Owasso Public Works Authority February 20, 2001 Page 3 9. A dj ournment, 31r -, OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 6, 2001 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 6, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 2, 2001. ITEM 1: CAL L T'O ORDER Chairman Williams galled the meeting to order at 7004 p.m. ITEM 20 FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting, ITEM 3: ROLL, CALL PRESENT H C "Will" Williams, Chairman Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Chair Melinda Voss, Trustee Dandy F rogdon, Trustee STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Eoutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. SENT Rebecca Armstrong, Trustee Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO � RE-QUEST FOR APPROVAL A. Approval of of fi. Regular B. Approval AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams • _ Motion carried 4 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 5: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER ITEM 6: RE PORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary -2- February 6, 2001 H C Williams, Chairperson It4< City of Owasso Claims 2/20/01 Fund Department Total General Deposit refunds 129.50 110 Managerial 1,035,88 120 Finance 541.47 150 General Government 11,50823 160 Community Development 876x46 170 Engineering 259,51 181 Support Services 503.57 190 Cemetery 2,914.62 201 Police Services 15,815.81 215 Police Communications 1,801.06 221 Animal Control 1,110.39 250 Fire Services 4,180.00 280 Emergency Preparedness 161.65 300 Streets 62,112.46 515 Park Maintenance 3,281.00 550 Community Center 2,032.60 710 Economic Development 256.90 TOTAL 108,521.13 Juvenile Court 107 Juvenile Court 1,515.97 TOTAL 1,515.97 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 647.21 TOTAL 64721 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 1,118.85 TOTAL 1,118.85 Capital Improvements 96th Street Signalization 105,175.71 TOTAL 105,175.71 Park Development Deposit refund 25.00 TOTAL 25.00 ®PGA Merchandise 6,394.25 Food and Beverage 1,845.84 600 Golf Shop 125.00 610 Golf Course Maintenance 2,065.90 670 Food and Beverage Operations 923.78 690 Golf Administration 794.00 691 Clubhouse 1,297.68 800 Debt Service 4,138.04 TOTAL 17,584.49 It4< OPWA Capital Improveme nt OPWA Sewer Line Extension City Garage Workers' Comp Self Insurance i 450 Wastewater Treatment Pleat TOTAL, Debt Service TOTAL 135 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 3,511.15 3,140.66 16,177.39 19,900.16 4,879.97 31,072031 2,674.31 31,357.46 1 6,636.43 16,636.43 23,000.00 23,000,00 3,577,55 3,577.55 4,615.21 4,615.21 363,775.00 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 01/27/01 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL ;elm. EXPENSES EXPENSES oPWA Administr tion 0.00 $7;900.75 Utility Billing 12.60 2,018.94_ Wastewater 170232 7,051.10 Wastewater Collection 2 4:70 69565.24 Refuse 17.40 5,084.15 Recycle,Cehter 1,756.90 FLJN0 TOTAL X2,60637 $36,732,61 APPROVED: February 20, 2001 Trustee OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING—DATE DEPARTMENT 02/10/01 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES 00 � O.PWA Adniini r st tion 0 $7 970 30 Utility Billing 21.68 2,035.15 Wastewater 1639.02 7,016.49 APPROVED: February 20, 2001 SUBJECT. RESOLUTION ADOPTING WATER MASTER PLAN (OPWA RE' SOLUTION NO. 2001-03) DATE. February 15, 2001 BACKGROUND. On November 16, 1999, the Trustees approved an Agreement for Engineering Design Service for Water System Master Planning with the engineering consulting firm of Montgomery-Watson, An amendment to the original contract was approved on May 2, 2000. Prime components of the plan are water demand projections based on defined land uses and development of a capital improvements plan to meet the system needs. Attached is the Executive Summary of the plan that discusses work items and findings. 111,11,061T The Water Master Plan can serve as a policy statement for the development, expansion and extension of publicly or privately financed improvements to the City of Owasso water distribution system. Such a plan serves to establish direction by determining present and futur* system needs. Therefore, it is proposed that the plan be adopted by resolution by the Trustees. A copy of OPWA Resolution Ni 2001-03 adopting the 2001 at Plan as a statement of policy for the extension, expansion and development of the City of Owasso municipal water system is attached. Page 2 OPWA Resolution No. 2001 -03 RF,COMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Trustees approval of OPW Resolution No. 2001-03 adopting the 2001 Water Master Plan as a statement of policy for Vne extension, expansion and development of the City of Owasso municipal water system. ATTACHMENTS: L Executive Summary -- 2001 Water Master Man (February 2001) by Montgomery Watson 20 OPWA Resolution Ike. 2001-03 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of this eater System Master plan is to provide the Owasso public Works Department with an evaluation of the existing water system's ability to adequately provide water under existing conditions as well as to the year 2020. This evaluation will determine the suitability of the existing water sources, pipelines, storage tanks, pumps, and control valves to provide adequate pressures and flows under both existing and 2020 conditions. PROJECT APPROACH A computer model of the entire water distribution system, including every transmission and distribution system pipeline was created using 1-120NE T by the City of Owasso in 1997. H20 NET is a hydraulic and water duality network model that operates in the AutoCAD Windows environment. Detailed information was gathered from existing documents, billing records, conversations with City staff, aerial reaps of the City, existing and future land use reaps of the City, plan drawings, pump, tank, and valve records, and other sources. In addition, City staff performed surveys to determine accurate tank elevations. Following a'..t o identification of needed improvements to the existing system; a model of the year 2020 was developed and analyzed to determine necessary future system Recommendations r ♦ and future were prioritized according to system needs. Finally, construction costs were developed. l The Owasso water distribution system findings were as follows: 1. The inlet pressures from the 'Tulsa system are critical to the Owasso water distribution system. When the inlet pressure at the meter connections is between 115 psi and 150 psi this pressure is satisfactory for meeting the minimum hydraulic criteria. However, when MONTGOMERY WATSON ES-1 MONTGOMERY WATSON ES -2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Construct a new in -line pump station at the site of the current 10-inch meter connection to Tulsa to serve the upper pressure zones The new pump station will be configured as follows: The lower pressure zone was designed such that no pumping is required, even in peals demand conditions. A pressure - reducing valve (PRV) will be used to control pressures in the lower pressure zone. The PRV settings will be 90 psi during low demand periods and 120 psi during peals demand times. This PRV will be located in the new pump station for convenience of access and maintenance. ® Abandon the Ator Tank. The elevation of this tank is such that it cannot be used as usable system storage, Consideration was given to using the . for tank as a supply tank for a transfer pump station between the lower and upper pressure planes. However, the recommended new pump station discussed above does not require a tank. Remove existing PRVs and control valves downstream of the Tulsa meters (except for the new PRV in the new pump station described earlier.) This will allow the lower pressure plane to be fed from the Tulsa system pressure without any pumping, ® The proposed improvements will require the construction of new transmission mains. The existing transmission mains will need to be paralleled with new pipes to increase the capacity of the existing system. New transmission mains will need to be constructed to extend to areas outside the Owasso service area, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY a peak demand day. The improvements include the creation of a new pressure plane, a new booster pump station, a 2.0 MG elevated storage tank, and paralleling the existing transmission mains, Table ES-1 - Summary of Phased CIP Prod of Costs Phase Time of Phase Project Cost of CIP I Installations Immediately $12,801,295 11 Installations by Year 2005 $1,134,600 III Installations by Year 2010 $6,479,000 IV Installations by Year 2015 $762,600 Installations by Year 2020 $78-1,200 Total $21,958,695 MONTGOMERY WATSON ES-4 3 . ' j f *. .. . 7 • i71 OPWA RESOLUTION NO. 2001-03 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE WATER MASTER PLAN AS A STATEMENT OF THE AUTHORITYS POLICY FOR THE EXTENSION, EXPANSION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF OWASSO MUNICIPAL, WATER SYSTEM. MWEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma is one of the fastest growing communities in the state, and, WHEREAS, the impact of that growth places a great deal of stress on the inf.rastraacture of the city, specifically on the water system; and, WHEREAS, proper planning and development of infrastructure today will directly impact growth development tomorrow; and, WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Owasso Public Works Authority to be proactive rather than reactive in matters of growth and development; and, WHEREAS, Montgomery Watson was awarded a contract on November 16, 1999 to develop a grater system master plan; and, WHEREAS, a water master plan, dated February 2001, has now been completed; and, WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority, Owasso, Oklahoma have reviewed the 2001 Water Master Plan as developed by Montgomery Watson and desire to adopt the plan as a policy statement for the development, expansion and extension of publicly financed improvements to the municipal water system of the City of Owasso. NOW THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVE, D BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA that the 'Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority hereby adopt the 2001 Water faster Plan as a policy statement for the Authority. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20"' day of February, 2001, by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority, Owasso, Oklahoma. H C "Will" Williams, Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney