HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.06.04_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, June 4, 2012 at Old
Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin
board at 1:00 p.m. on June 1, 2012.
Dr. Callery called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Paul Loving
Dr. Mark Callery
David Vines
Tammy Laakso
Alex Mills
A quorum was declared present.
Karl Fritschen
Marsha Hensley
Bronce Stephenson
Daniel Dearing
Warren Lehr
Julie Lombardi
Rodney Ray
ITEM 3. Public Hearing - Rezoning OZ 12 -03, Willis Farms - Consideration and
appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance
of a zoning map amendment to rezone 29.98 acres of land from AG
(Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). The general location of the
property is the northeast corner of North 129'" East Avenue and East 96'"
Street North.
Bronce Stephenson presented a brief overview, recommending the Planning Commission
approval of the rezoning #OZ 12 -03, Willis Farms.
Approximately forty (40) citizens were present. The following comments were expressed:
Julie McCartt - 9314 N 133 E Ave - Opposed to commercial zoning on this property.
Office light zoning would be a better choice. Owasso is suppose to be a community with
character. Make zoning changes to protect the surrounding property owners. Has
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stormwater concerns. Sent an email to the City Council but never received a response.
Greg Alberty - 13307 E 95 PI No - According to the Owasso zoning code, you can
consider a less intense zoning. You can consider office light zoning. Not opposed to
Sam's or hard corners being commercial zoning. Opposes Bronce's statement regarding
the section line being used as a buffer. Balance the harmony with the city and the
citizens. The uses between commercial and office light zoning are huge. Office use
should be the buffer. Place an office zoning buffer on perimeter of land.
Eli Smith - 9217 N 133 E Ave - Approves of economic development and growth but we
need to observe how it impacts the surrounding property uses. Interview the Nottingham
residents concerning the Life Church. There are alternative locations with better
infrastructure and better traffic flow. Three major concerns:
1) Other properties around town are more suitable.
2) Infrastructure problems at this site.
3) Noise pollution.
Dale Alimena - 9316 N 132 E Ave - Vote no. Owasso people are affected by the way the
city is doing everything at a minimum. Be fair to the citizens. We cannot prepare for our
case in such a short period of time.
Gale Sullenberger - 9306 N 133 E Ave - Owasso zoning code, page 83, states that we
have other options in zoning. Not opposed to Sam's but the entrance at N 133 E Ave is
already very busy. Please consider the needs of the Windsor Lake residents.
Wayne Alberty - 9302 N 129 E Ave - Has been a planning professional for 40 years. The
code states that you can consider something less than what was advertised which is CS
(Commercial Shopping). We need good planning practice on this property which is not
commercial zoning. It is across the street from a residential neighborhood. Do the right
thing and utilize a buffer of office light zoning.
Derek Chute - 13209 E 94 St No - His area has not been included in this process, they
were not notified. You need to deny this rezoning until issues are resolved. There are
stormwater issues and traffic issues.
John Leffler - 9404 N 132 E Ave - Echoes the comments from the last person. Concerns
with light pollution, buffering issues, traffic on N 133 E Ave and noise pollution.
Britney Keirsey - 9313 N 133 E Ave - Concerns regarding the traffic on N 133 E Ave,
buffering, noise and light pollution. Property values will be affected. Vote no and wait for
issues to be resolved.
Adam Mock - 9504 N 132 E Ave - Vote no on commercial zoning.
Denise Burnett - 13001 E 93 Ct No - Buffering is important. Home Depot is very noisy and
the lights are very bright. Look at a buffer zone.
Caroline Wescott - 9407 N 132 E Ave - Vote no. Lives behind CVS and Walgreens close
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by, it is very noisy. Need to consider a buffer for lighting and noise.
Jon McAlister- 13108 E 95 Ct No- Has traffic concerns. Consider the entrance to be
placed on the service road only. Table the item.
Harold Charney - 9319 N 132 E Ave - Lived in Owasso 56 years. Visit Windsor Lake
subdivision and consider to table this item to allow us time to study.
Eric Wood - 13301 E 94 PI No - Want to see Sam's Club in Owasso but vote no tonight and
take more time to study all the issues.
Josh McAlister - 13108 E 95 Ct No - CVS and Walgreens are behind us, stop and consider
if it was your neighbor. Not opposed to Sam's Club, but vote no.
Mr. Ray requested a two minute recess.
Alex Mills moved to recess, Tammy Laakso seconded. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
YEA: Callery, Loving, Vines, Laakso, Mills
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0, the meeting was in recess at 6:55 PM.
The meeting was back to order at 6:58 PM.
Karl Fritschen stated that the new landscape and lighting ordinance, the new overlay
district, and the new parking chapter are all in place and are great planning tools for this
project. Mr. Lou Reynolds, the attorney for the developer, was present to answer any
questions from the Commissioners.
David Vines moved, seconded by Dr. Loving, to approve the rezoning of #OZ 12 -03 from
AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping), Willis Farms. A vote on the motion was
recorded as follows:
YEA: Callery, Loving, Vines, Laakso, Mills
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0.
ITEM 4. ADJOURNMENT - Tammy Laakso moved, seconded by David Vines, to
adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Callery, Loving, Vines, Laakso, Mills
NAY: None
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Motion carried 5 -0 and the meet}ng wa's adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Chairperson U
ice Chairperson
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