HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.08.21_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular RECEIVED DATE: August 21, 2012 AUG !"1 2012 TIME: 6:30 p.m. ko PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building City Clerk's Office 109 N. Birch A Notice of the meeting and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 17, 2012. Sherry'BishoK, City Clerk AGENDA Call to Order Chairman Doug Bonebrake 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of the August 7, 2012 Regular Meeting and August 14, 2012 Special Meeting Attachment # 3 -A B. Approval of Claims Attachment # 3 -B C. Acknowledge receipt of the monthly budget status report Attachment # 3 -C D. Approval of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Certificate of Completion and Distribution confirming that the information in the report is correct and consistent with the compliance monitoring data previously submitted to the ODEQ Attachment # 3 -D 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda Owasso Public Works Authority August 21, 2012 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of Change Order No. 1, for the Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvement Project Mr. John Feary Attachment #5 Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 1, for the Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvement Project, in the amount of $14,000, adjusting the total contract amount to $2,650,700. 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the request for approval of Resolution No. 2012 -04 of the Owasso Public Works Authority establishing water service rates within and without the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, sanitary sewer service rates and refuse and yardwaste collection and disposal rates and establishing an effective date. Ms. Sherry Bishop Attachment #6 Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2012 -04. 7. Report from OPWA Manager Report from OPWA Attorney New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 10. Adjournment 0: \MANAGERIAL \City Council \Agendas \OPWA\20 1 2002 1 1 2. docx OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 7, 2012 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 3, 2012. ITEM 1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. ITEM 2 ROLL CALL PRESENT Doug Bonebrake, Chairman Chris Kelley, Vice Chairman Jeri Moberly, Trustee Patrick Ross, Trustee A quorum was declared present STAFF Rodney Ray, Authority Manager Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney ABSENT Charlie Brown, Trustee ITEM 3 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the July 17, 2012 Regular Meeting B. Approval of Claims Mr. Ross moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $750,342.84. Also included for review were the payroll payment reports for 07/14/2012 and 07/28/2012. YEA: Kelley, Ross, Moberly, Bonebrake NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 ITEM 4 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action required ITEM 5 REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report ITEM 6 REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY No report Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 7 NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 8 ADJOURNMENT Mr. Ross moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley, to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Ross, Kelley, Moberly, Bonebrake NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Ashley Hickman, Minute Clerk August 7, 2012 Doug Bonebrake, Chairman OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, August 14, 2012 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a special meeting on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, August 10, 2012. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Doug Bonebrake, Mayor /Chairman Chris Kelley, Vice Mayor /Vice Chairman Jeri Moberly, Councilor /Trustee Charlie Brown Councilor /Trustee Patrick Ross, Councilor /Trustee A quorum was declared present ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO OPERATIONAL ITEMS A. Santa Fe Lift Station Change Order B. Powderhorn Ranch Annexation Request C. Braums Final Plat Warren Lehr presented the items and discussion was held. It was further explained that these items will be placed on the August 21 agenda for consideration and appropriate action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. Proposed Planned Unit Development Chapter Changes B. Swimming Pool Text Amendment C. Proposed Right -of -Way 86th /Memorial D. Proposed Utility Billing Rate Structure E. Recording of City Council Meetings F. Proposed Retail Attractions Contract G. City Manager Report Sales Tax Report Karl Fritschen presented item A, Proposed Planned Unit Development Chapter Changes, and discussion was held. It was further explained that this item will be brought back to the September work session for further discussion. Bronce Stephenson presented item B, Swimming Pool Text Amendment, and discussion was held. It was further explained that this item will be placed on the August 21 agenda for consideration and appropriate action. Rodney Ray and Julie Lombardi presented item C, Proposed Right -of -Way 86th /Memorial, and discussion was held. It was further explained that this item will be placed on the August 21 agenda for consideration and appropriate action Owasso City Council /OPWA /OPGA August 14, 2012 Sherry Bishop presented item D, Proposed Utility Billing Rate Structure, and discussion was held. It was further explained that this item will be placed on the August 21 agenda for consideration and appropriate action. Larry White presented item E, Recording of the City Council Meetings, and discussion was held. Chelsea Harkins presented item F, Proposed Retail Attractions Contract, and discussion was held. It was further explained that this item will be placed on the August 21 agenda for consideration and appropriate action. Rodney Ray presented item H, City Manager Report. He provided the Sales Tax Report and information regarding Vision 2. ITEM 4: Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing: a. Personnel matters relating to the Office of the City Manger, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B) (1); and b. Confidential communications between the City Council and the City Attorney concerning pending litigation as provided for in the O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(4) Mr. Brown moved to enter into executive session, seconded by Mr. Ross. YEA: Ross, Brown, Kelley, Moberly, Bonebrake NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 The City Council entered executive session at 9:10 p.m. At 10:08 p.m., the City Council returned from executive session. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS No Report ITEM 6: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Brown moved for adjournment, seconded by Mayor Bonebrake. YEA: Kelley, Moberly, Brown, Bonebrake NAY: Ross Motion carried 4 -1 Meeting adjourned at 10:09 p.m. Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk 2 Doug Bonebrake, Mayor /Chairman Claims List 8/21/2012 Bud et Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Pa ment Amouni OPWA JAMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORP. 1COLLECTION SERVICES 119.54 TOTAL OPWA 119.54 OPWA ADMINISTRATION CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 216.66 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 46.40 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 47.30 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL LIABILITY SELF IN 100,000.00 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC A/C UNIT FOR PUBLIC WORKS 8,457.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 97.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL BATTERY - BATTERIES 12.60 TREASURER PETTY CASH TAG 37.50 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXPENSE - JULY 20 47.52 PRO -FENCE PW GATE REPAIR 357.22 STANDLEY SYSTEMS, LLC STAPLES FOR COPIER 79.83 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION CELL PHONE SERVICE 59.30 STAND -BY PERSONNEL, INC TEMPORARY CLERICAL 580.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- RECEPTACLE 3.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 200.44 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE 1,374.30 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS INATURAL GAS USAGE 83.76 TOTAL OPWA ADMINISTRATION 111,701.07 UTILITY BILLING JPMORGAN CHASE BANK POSPAPER- RECEIPT PAPER 49.80 TODD C. KIMBALL METER READER 540.90 KATHLEEN A BALSIGER METER READER 148.95 SAV -ON PRINTING & SIGNS LLC DOOR HANGERS 190.00 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SERVICES INC BILLING SERVICES 2,445.94 TODD C. KIMBALL METER READER 473.85 TYRONE EUGENE DINKINS IMETER READER 288.60 TOTAL UTILITY BILLING 4,138.04 WATER CITY GARAGE VEH & TRK PARTS - JULY, 2 246.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 8.34 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PVC FITTINGS 16.60 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE PARTS 3.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX -FIRE HOSE 91.50 CITY OF TULSA UTILITIES WATER 122,848.13 CITY OF TULSA UTILITIES WATER 265,946.54 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 44.97 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 38.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - HYDRANT 88.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - CHLORINE PACKS 30.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - EXTENSION KIT 460.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IWATER PROD -PARTS 111.06 Page 1 Claims List 8/21/2012 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni WATER JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - HYDRANT PARTS 1,077.63 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - SUPPLIES 1,526.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - SADDLES /CLAMPS 220.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ANCHOR PAINT -PAINT 21.35 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXPENSE - JULY 20 1,953.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZEE -FIRST AID KITS 375.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE -PEX FITTINGS 152.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEAD O- BRIEN- VALVES 185.31 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACCURATE- TESTING 2,960.00 AEP IPSO ELECTRIC USE 428.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - ORGANIZERS 59.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES 59.34 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 1,000.00 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT FOR DRESS UPS 40.00 ANCHOR STONE COMPANY ICRUSHER RUN STONE 57.00 TOTAL WATER 400,052.17 12" WATER LINE - 106TH ST JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREENHILL- SCREENINGS 644.87 L & M DUMPTRUCK & BACKHOE SERVICE 106 ST N WATER LINE REPLA 750.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -PIPE TONGS 875.00 TOTAL 12" WATER LINE -106TH ST 2,269.87 WASTEWATER TREATMENT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER TO BUMPER -TOOL 18.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS- SUPPLIES 19.99 CITY GARAGE LABOR /OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 583.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREEN ACE SOD -PEA GRAVEL 150.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACCURATE -BOD /COD TEST 65.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CDL 41.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZEE -FIRST AID KITS 93.90 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXPENSE - JULY 20 873.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NCL OF WISC -LAB TESTING 99.13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -BOOTS 109.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT- SLUDGE DISPOSE 2,057.27 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER2BUMPER- WRENCH 16.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PPE 36.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES 162.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULCO OILS -OIL 115.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK KOMLINE -BELTS 1,537.46 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WIN FIELD-INSECTICIDE/PEST 54.71 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACCURATE- SLUDGE ANALYSIS 1,530.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROSE STATE - TRAINING CLASS 273.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DEQ -EXAM FEE 62.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 68.07 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 58.36 TULSA ASPHALT, LLC ASPHALT - WWTP ROAD PATCH 659.89 Page 2 Claims List 8/21/2012 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Pavment Amounl WASTEWATER TREATMENT AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE 17,370.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER2BUMPER -TOOLS 7.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON -ARGON FUEL WWTP 127.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT- SLUDGE REMOVAL 1,626.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SEAL CO -PARTS 72.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HUTHEL & ASSOC- BIOMONITOR 925.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TERMINIX -PEST CONTROL 57.00 CITY GARAGE VEH & TRK PARTS - JULY, 2 765.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 1OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 25.09 TOTAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 29,663.44 WWTP EXPANSION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS 54.78 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS 98.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PARTS 57.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - MATERIALS 28.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 58.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD - MATERIALS 52.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MILL CREEK LBR -PARTS 22.41 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MILL CREEK LBR -PARTS 48.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -PARTS 43.54 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- EXTENSION CORDS 59.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS 36.46 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -PARTS 241.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-PARTS 31.93 TOTAL WWTP EXPANSION 836.08 WASTEWATER COLLECTION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK RUBBER- DISCHARGE HOSE 7,817.39 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREEN EQUIP -RADIO DETECT 5,899.00 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 144.11 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 39.68 CITY GARAGE VEH & TRK PARTS - JULY, 2 661.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - MATERALS 44.07 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP DOUBLE OAKS ELECTRIC 5.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - CANOPY 199.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES 99.98 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP GARRETT CREEK ELECTRIC 148.60 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP GARRETT CREEK ELECTRIC 251.42 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP WATER CONTROL ELECTRIC 25.76 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 58.49 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 35.12 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP COFFEE CREEK ELECTRIC 512.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK RUBBER - GASKETS 59.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATER PROD -PVC PIPE 34.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - BATTERIES 21.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GELLCO -BOOTS 134.99 Page 3 Claims List 8/21/2012 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni WASTEWATER COLLECTION; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 6.23 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 2.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 95.09 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -DUCT TAPE 35.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 22.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 3.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRAINGER- SAFETY VESTS 39.52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZEE -FIRST AID KITS 234.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BA ELECTRIC - STARTER KIT 360.00 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE 3,462.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- MATERIALS 69.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- INVERTER 19.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES 28.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ARCTIC - REPAIR 242.47 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXPENSE - JULY 20 1,395.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 84.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - BATTERIES 62.88 CITY GARAGE LABOR /OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 833.33 L & B DIRT PIT DIRT FOR DRESS UPS 45.00 L & B DIRT PIT IDIRT FOR DRESS UPS 45.00 TOTAL WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS 23,281.41 SANTA FE LIFT STATION W. N. COUCH, INC SANTA FE LIFT STATION 85,837.50 TOTAL SANTA FE LIFT STATION 85,837.50 RANCH CREEK INTERCEPTOI KELLOGG ENGINEERING, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 8,820.30 TOTAL RANCH CREEK INTERCEPTOR 8,820.30 REFUSE COLLECTIONS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT -REF TIP FEE 8,178.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT -REF TIP FEE 7,261.58 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION CELL PHONE SERVICE 59.30 CITY GARAGE LABOR /OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 3,333.33 ZEE MEDICAL, INC FIRST AID KITS 422.55 MCNEILUS FINANCIAL INC HARNESS 42.37 MCNEILUS FINANCIAL INC HARNESS 292.54 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PARTS 12.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BLUE ENERGY -FUEL 11.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BLUE ENERGY -FUEL 14.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED ENGINES - SWITCHES 681.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALSUMA TRUCK - REPAIRS 118.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALSUMA TRUCK - REPAIRS 2,485.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER213UMPER -ZIP TIES 27.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER2BUMPER -BOLTS 3.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK KENKOOL -AC REPAIR 480.22 Page 4 Claims List 8/21/2012 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Pa ment Amounl REFUSE COLLECTIONS UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 38.21 MCNEILUS FINANCIAL INC COMPUTER MODULE 1,037.29 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 38.21 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -PARTS 11.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMPER2BUMPER- CONNECTOR 1.15 CITY GARAGE VEH & TRK PARTS - JULY, 2 6,872.28 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES IFUELMAN EXPENSE - JULY 20 7,672.91 TOTAL REFUSE COLLECTIONS 39,095.83 RECYCLE CENTER CITY GARAGE VEH & TRK PARTS - JULY, 2 153.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUM PER26UMPER- SUPPLIES 19.28 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 10.98 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL 10.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT -REC TIP FEE 1,655.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT -REC TIP FEE 1,943.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT - ROLLOFF FEE 188.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT -REC ROLLOFFS 4,358.74 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE 120.11 NATIONAL WASTE & DISPOSAL, INC. GLASS ROLLOFF 200.00 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - JULY, 20 166.66 TOTAL RECYCLE CENTER 8,828 27 FUND GRAND TOTAL 714,643.5 OPWA ST SUB - DEBT SERV ISF SHOPS INVESTORS, L.P. IDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 47,813.12 TOTAL OPWA ST SUB - DEBT SERV 47,81372 FUND GRAND TOTAL 47,813.1 OPWA GRAND TOTAL $762,456.64 Page 5 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/11/12 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses OPWA Administration 8,022.84 12,118.36 Utility Billing 4,448.00 7,599.32 Water 10,955.93 17,535.04 Wastewater 11,180.16 19,291.28 Wastewater Collection 7,023.09 11,834.88 Santa Fe Lift Station 2,075.00 2,309.06 Refuse 9,072.95 14,544.81 Recycle Center 1,054.40 1,945.86 FUND TOTAL 53,832.37 87,178.61 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY - OPERATING FUND FISCAL YEAR 2012 -2013 Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of July 31, 2012 OPERATING REVENUES: Water Wastewater Refuse & recycle Other fees Interest & other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUES OVER EXPENSES TRANSFERS IN (OUT) Transfers in Transfers out TOTALTRANSFERS OWRB PROCEEDS AND EXPENDITURES Proceeds of OWRB debt Expenditures of OWRB Debt TOTAL OWRB PROCEEDS AND EXPENDITURES NET INCOME (LOSS) WORKING CAPITAL - Beginning Balance WORKING CAPITAL - Ending Balance *Amount may change. MONTH YEAR PERCENT T(1 -nATF T(1 -IIATG RI Inr-PT (1G RI Ill(;GT 521,952 521,952 4,885,000 10.68% 264,251 264,251 3,426,000 7.71% 153,370 153,370 1,852,400 8.28% 39,405 39,405 435,100 9.06% 1,890 1,890 220,300 0.86% 980,868 980,868 10, 818, 800 9.07% 172,606 172,606 2,318,577 7.44% 334,028 334,028 3,325,970 10.04% 77,515 77,515 1,440,643 5.38% 9,100 9,100 791,750 1.15% 140,231 140,231 3,127,101 4.48% 733,479 733,479 11,004,041 6.67% 247,389 (185,241) - 133.55% 247,389 - - 238,200 0.00% - - (400,000) 0.00% - - (161,800) 0.00% - - - #DIV /0! (4,117) (4,117) (4,117) 100.00% (4,117) (4,117) (4,117) 243,271 243,271 (351,158) 2,216,144 2,216,144 2,459,415 1,864,986 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY - OPERATING FUND FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Statement of Revenues & Expenses *As of June 30, 2012 OPERATING REVENUES: Water Wastewater Refuse & recycle Other fees Interest & other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUES OVER EXPENSES TRANSFERS IN (OUT) Transfers in Transfers out TOTALTRANSFERS OWRB PROCEEDS AND EXPENDITURES Proceeds of OWRB debt Expenditures of OWRB Debt TOTAL OWRB PROCEEDS AND EXPENDITURES NET INCOME (LOSS) WORKING CAPITAL - Beginning Balance WORKING CAPITAL - Ending Balance MONTH YEAR TO -DATE TO -DATF BUDGET 421,717 4,735,383 4,613,000 248,438 3,080,580 3,286,600 163,283 1,760,781 1,753,100 34,181 491,646 475,700 1,656 369,106 299,900 869,275 10, 437, 495 10, 428, 300 173,591 2,223,699 2,315,167 328,459 3,184,086 3,164,695 164,623 1,492,146 1,787,776 11,846 759,068 770,375 147,074 2,997,314 3,077,036 825,592 10, 656, 314 11,115, 049 43,683 (218,819) PERCENT OF BUDGET 102.65% 93.73% 100.44% 103.35% 123.08% I UU.Uy" /o 96.05% 100.61% 83.46% 98.53% W 41 95.87% (686,749) 31.86% - 250,482 249,900 100.23% (75,000) (393,671) (300,000) 131.22% (75,000) (143,189) (50,100) 285.81% 96,397 2,526,796 7,565,432 33.40% (92,280) (2,527,459) (7,565,432) 33.41% 4,117 (663) - (27,200) (362,671) (736,849) 2,973,273 2,973,273 2,236,424 2,610,603 *Note: Report is not final for fiscal year -end. Accounts Payable is still in process. 0 The City Wit out Limits. MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Travis Blundell Utility Superintendent SUBJECT: Annual Water Quality Report Water Quality Report Certificate Of Completion And Distribution DATE: August 17, 2012 BACKGROUND: Every year, in conformance with the Safe Drinking Water Act', the City of Owasso prepares and distributes the Annual Water Quality Report to our customers in an effort to enable our citizens to make practical and knowledgeable decisions about their health and the environment. The report contains basic educational information on the water quality - including levels of any detected contaminants, and compliance with drinking water rules. At a minimum, the report must provide consumers with the following fundamental information: ➢ Lake, river, aquifer, or other source of the drinking water ➢ A brief summary of the susceptibility to contamination of the local drinking water source, based on the source water assessments, that states are completing over the next five years ➢ How to get a copy of the water system's complete source water assessment ➢ The level (or range of levels) of any contaminant found in local drinking water, as well as EPA's health -based standard (maximum contaminant level) for comparison ➢ The likely source of that contaminant in the local drinking water supply ➢ The potential health effects of any contaminant detected in violation of an EPA health standard, and an accounting of the system's actions to restore safe drinking water ➢ The water system's compliance with other drinking water - related rules ➢ Phone numbers of additional sources of information, including the water system and EPA's safe drinking water hotline It is worth noting that because the report simply summarizes information the City must collect to comply with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, no additional monitoring is required to comply with this mandate. Additionally, since the City purchases water from the City of Tulsa, Owasso's Water Quality Report uses much of the educational information and monitoring data provided by the City of Tulsa. A copy of the City of Owasso 2012 Water Quality Report is included as Attachment A. 1 Right -to -Know Amendment to Clean Water Act in (1996) requires that all owners of systems serving 25 residents or more or that have 15 service connections serving year round residents distribute such report. The mandate also requires that the City mail or deliver a copy of the Water Quality Report to each water customer, make an effort to deliver the report to non - bill - paying customers, and provide copies of the report upon request. The City must send a copy of the Water Quality Report to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and submit a Certificate of Completion and Distribution by October 1, 2012. The Certificate confirms that the information contained in the report is correct and that all distribution requirements have been met. COMPLIANCE STATUS: Staff confirms that the information contained in the City of Owasso 2012 Annual Water Quality Report, completed in May 2012, is correct and consistent with compliance monitoring data previously submitted to ODEQ. Copies of the report were distributed through the utility bills, June 5th, June 15th and June 26th of 2012. In addition, the report may be viewed by visiting the City of Owasso webpage2 or the offices of the Public Works Department at 301 West 2nd Avenue, Owasso. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Trustee approval of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Certificate of Completion and Distribution and authorization for the Chairman to execute all necessary documents. ATTACHMENT: A. Copy of 2012 Water Quality Report B. Certificate of Completion and Distribution 2 Address: http:// www .cityofowasso.com/PublicWorks/ Water %20Quality %2OReport%202005.pdf Public Works Department 301 West 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 180 OThe City- Wit out Limits. Owasso. OK 74055 2012 ANNUAL WATER QUALITY REPORT The City of Owasso is pleased to submit to you the 2012 Annual Water Quality Report. We take great pride in providing you, our customer, with reliable and safe drinking water that meets all Federal and State regulations. Again this year, contaminant levels in our water are well below the maximum allowable levels. _Why are there contaminants in my drinking there contaminants in my drinkingwater? Drinking water, including bottled water, may be expected to contain at least small amounts of contaminants. The presence of these contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects may be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800- 426- 4791). The sources of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or human activity. Contaminants that may be present in water prior to treatment include: Microbial contaminant which come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife. Inorganic contaminates are naturally- occurring or a result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production and mining or farming. Pesticides and herbicides come from a variety of sources such as agricultural urban storm water runoff and residential uses. Chemical contaminants include synthetic chemicals which are byproducts of industrial processes and petroleum production that can come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic systems. Radioactive contaminants are naturally occurring substances or the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water, which provide protection for public health. Is Owasso's water safe to drink? YES! The City of Owasso and the City of Tulsa routinely monitor for contaminants in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws. In 2011, the City of Tulsa analyzed more than 3,000 samples looking for pollutants that might be dangerous to your health and substances that can make the water taste or smell unpleasant. In addition, the City of Owasso collected 300 samples from many different locations throughout the distribution area. The data tabulation table shows the results of our monitoring for the period of January through December 2011. What does the data mean? This report is being provided to show that our drinking water IS SAFE and meets Federal and State requirements. As you review the data table, you will see that we had a presence of Total Coliform in October 2011. Although the contaminants were at safe levels, federal law required us to make public notification to our customers. Since October 2011, fifty water samples have been analyzed and all fifty samples were free of any contaminants. The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality has verified and closed out this violation. Where does Owasso's water come from? Our water is purchased from the City of Tulsa. The water is treated surface water transported from three sources in northeastern Oklahoma (Lake Oologah on the Verdigris River, Lake Spavinaw and Lake Eucha on Spavinaw Creek, and Lake Hudson on the Neosho River). After the water reaches the lakes it travels to the Mohawk and A.B. Jewell water treatment plants where it is treated to remove any substances that might threaten public health. To Learn More about our Water Learn More about our Water Utili�: Please attend any of the regular scheduled meetings of the Owasso City Council and the Owasso Public Works Authority. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at Old Central (109 N. Birch) beginning at 6:30 p.m. How to Contact Us: For questions concerning your water utility, please contact the Owasso Public Works Department at 918 - 272 -4959. Inquires about this report may be directed to Roger Stevens (Public Works Director). For questions about your water bill, please contact the City of Owasso Utility Billing Office at 918 - 376 -1500. For Additional Information: Visit our website at: www.citvofowasso.com 2012 Annual Water Quality Report WATER QUALITY DATA TABULATION Tulsa's Water Quality Data: Collected During 2011 ' urbidity level found I I I 0.08 .owest monthly % meetina regulations IM0 Total Colliform Bacteria within �j ia, 1 u.o ry I u aow or me nme Presence of colifonn bacteria in more N/A Soil runoff distribution system 0.46% (monthly) than 5% of monthly samples 0 Naturally present in the environment Barium 0.047 0.034 0.063 2 parts million Naturally present in the environment, drilling per 2 waste, metal refineries Beta Particles 2.42 2.17 2.66 pCi /Liter : MCL = 4 /yr Decay of natural and man made mineral mrem 0 deposits Chlorine MRDL- - 4.0 parts per million annual MD R L * 1.8 0.76 3.2 average 4.0 Water additive used to control microbes Chlorite 0.094 0 0.21 1 part per million 0.8 By- product of drinking water disinfection AL-1.3 part per milliion at 90th Copper 0.17 ppm at 90th percentile percentile 1.3 Corrosion of household plumbing systems Fluoride 0.68 0.07 1.3 4 parts per million 2 Water additive promoting strong teeth 0.060 part per million running annual Halo Acetic Acids 0.016 0 0.055 average N/A By- product of drinking water disinfection AL* =0.015 part per milliion at 90th Lead <0.002ppm at the 90th percentile percentile 0 Corrosion of household plumbing systems Nitrate =10 parts pe r million / Nitrite = 1 Nitrate - Nitrite 0.1 0 0.34 part per million 10;1 Runoff from fertilizer use Results are part per mi M L is TT* llion. Total Organic Carbon 2.1 1.2 3.4 percent removal N/A Naturally found in the environment 0.080 parts per million running annual Trihalomethane 0.052 0.013 0.092 average N/A I By- product of drinking water disinfection Some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. The risk assessment developed for trihalomethanes showed that those central nervous system, consuming 2 liters of water with 100 trihalomethanes for 70 years increased the likelihood of developing cancer by 1 in one million. Maximum Uontanninant ppb Level Unregulated Contaminants Avg. Min. Max. -(MCL) *MCLG Likely Unregulated- aesthetic level 0.2 parts Aluminum 1 0 • Coagulant treatment product, natural 0 0 per million deposits Chloride Unregulated- aesthetic 0 parts Naturally present and brine from oilfield 14 9.8 18 per million operations Unregulated- aesthetic level 0.3 parts Iron 0.004 0 0.016 per million Naturally present in the environment Sodium 11.2 1 7.24 1 15.9 1 Standards have not been established Naturally occuring of urban stormwater runoff Unregulated- aestheUc level 250 parts Sulfate 22 4.5 60 per million Owasso's Water Quality Data: Collected During 2011 Naturally present in the environment ITAIrAne . mwant Total Coliform 5 >1 positive 0 positve Naturally present in the environment "Definitions of Terms Found in the Table: MCL (Maximum Contaminant eve he highest level of a contaminant allowed in drinking water. MCLS are set as close to the MCLGs as Teasible using the bestavailable treatment technology and taking cost into consideration. MCLs are enforceable standards. MCLG (Maximum Contaminant Level Goal): The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety and are non - enforceable public health goals. MRLD (Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level): The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant necessary for control of microbial contaminants. is MRDLG ( Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal): The level of drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants. not TT (Treatment Technique): A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. AL (Action Level): The concentration of a contaminant, which if exceeded, triggers a treatment or other requirement which a water system must follow. NTU (Nephelolometric Turbidity Unit): A measurement of the turbidity, or cloudiness, of the water. Turbidity has no health effects. However, turbidity can interfere with disinfection and provides a medium for microbial growth. Turbidity may indicate the presence of disease - causing organisms. These organisms include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and associated headaches. mrem/yr (millirems per year): A measure of radiation absorbed by the body. ppm (parts per million): Comparable to 1 minute in two years. ppb (parts per billion): Comparable to 1 minute in 2,000 years. N/A ( Not Applicable) ** Data collected August 2010. Frequency of monitoring requirements is within compliance regulations. "` Data collected September 2010. Frequency of monitoring requirement is within compliance regulations. Consumer Confidence Report CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION and DISTRIBUTION PWS Name: City of Owasso PWSID #3007218 The community water system indicated above hereby confirms that the Consumer Confidence Report has been distributed to customers (and appropriate notices of availability have been given) in accordance with 40 CFR 141.155. Further, the system certifies that the information contained in the report is correct and consistent with the compliance monitoring data previously submitted to the primacy agency. Certified by: Name: Title: Chairman, Owasso Public Works Authority Phone: 918 -376 -1577 Date: RETURN a copy of your Consumer Confidence Report and the signed Certificate of Completion and Distribution to the following address: Consumer Confidence Report Water Quality Division Department of the Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 -1677 Oe T City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Chairman and Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvements Change Order #1 DATE: August 17, 2011 BACKGROUND: In accordance with the 2005 Wastewater Master Plan and in order to comply with an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Consent Order (No. 10 -036), which was issued in January 2010, these improvements will upgrade the Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main to provide adequate pumping capacity and conveyance for current and future wastewater flows from the Ranch Creek Interceptor. During the construction process, and due to the significant excavation affiliated with the lift station, staff realized that any future connections to the wet well structure would be very difficult and expensive due to the depth required for future influent gravity lines. Included in the current budget is the design of the new Ranch Creek Interceptor, which will be needed for future development on the west side of U.S. 169. In order to facilitate that future connection to the wet well, the current design has in place a 36" opening to be capped with a blind flange fitting at the wet well structure. The designed influent line will be approximately 27' below the top of the wet well. At that depth, excavation in such close proximity will result in substantial shoring costs, as well as the removal of newly installed decorative fence and landscaping at the Santa Fe site. Staff proposes the installation of two (2) 18' long joints of 36" pipe from the wet well penetration to the west in alignment with the proposed future Ranch Creek Interceptor upgrade. The installation of this pipe will extend the line 36' from the west wall of the lift station and allow access for the future connection with little to no disturbance at the new Santa Fe site. The contractor has proposed a cost of $14,000 for this work. City staff has been in direct contact with the design engineer who feels that this change order is necessary and the price is in accordance with current construction fees of this nature. OP.171.0O3 Funding for the construction of this project has been obtained from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) via a loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. This change order would be funded through the loan's budgeted contingency category. The current contingency budget line item available in this project is $122,292. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1 for the Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvement Project in the amount of $14,000 adjusting the total contract amount to $2,650,700. ATTACHMENT: A. Proposed Change Order Prepared by Greeley & Hansen B. Location Map CITY OF OWASSO, OK SANTA FE LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT Change Order No. 1 DATE: August 3, 2012 CONTRACT: Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Replacement CONTRACTOR: W.N. Couch Contractors 401 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER: Compensate the Contractor for providing an additional 36 feet of 36 -inch ductile iron pipe for the future Ranch Creek Interceptor improvements. METHOD TO BE USED IN MAKING PAYMENT: The payment for this Change Order will be made in accordance with Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the General Conditions and Section 01250 of the Contract. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Replacement Change Order No. 1 ADJUSTMENTS TO THE CONTRACT AMOUNT: The adjustment to the contract amount resulting from this Change Order is an addition in the amount of $ 14,00.00 determined as follows: Compensate the Contractor for providing an additional 36 feet of 36 -inch ductile iron pipe for the future Ranch Creek Interceptor improvements. TOTAL $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 The considerations provided herein are accepted by the Contractor as full compensation for all costs associated with this Change Order including all direct and indirect costs, whether field or office incurred, and any costs associated with additional time, if any, which may be required as a result of this Change Order. It is mutually agreed that the lump sum price or prices listed above are accepted by the Contractor as payment in full for all work under this Change Order, or as full credit against the contract amount in omission of work included. All Work included in this Change Order is subject to all applicable terms and conditions of the Contract. Original Contract Amount ... ............................... $ 2,636,700.00 Adjusted Contract Amount (previous) ............. $ 2,636,700.00 Adjustment this Change Order ........................ $ 14,000.00 Adjusted Contract Amount .. ............................... $ 2,650,700.00 ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT TIlVIE: This Change Order No. 1 does not affect the Contract Times under Article 4 of Section 00520 of the Contract. 2 City of Owasso, Oklahoma Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Replacement Change Order No. 1 Recommended: GREELEY AND HANSEN, LLC Ryan M. Christopher, PE Project Manager Accepted: W.N. COUCH CONTRACTORS, INC. IM Approved: CITY OF OWASSO, OK Chair Owasso Public Works Authority Date: Date: Date: N97'A 7 of 5t A. SANTA FE LIFTSTATION / FORCEMAIN UPGRADE CITY OF OWASSO 9/30/11 Legend 111 N. Main Street P.O. Box 180 0 Owasso, OK 74055 North THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY _,%,ND0 IS NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT ,&-N ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE. USE OF THIS MAP IS WITHOUT 918.376.1500 WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION 1BY'CITY OF CDWASSO OF ITS ACCURACY. V The City Wit out Limits. TO: Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Sherry Bishop Assistant City Manager, Administrative Services SUBJECT: Water, Wastewater, and Refuse Rate Changes for FY 2013 OPWA Resolution No. 2012 -04 DATE: August 17, 2012 BACKGROUND: The City of Tulsa gave notice that the rate they charge the OPWA for water will increase by 7% or $0.18 per thousand gallons effective October 1, 2012. The OPWA budget for FY 2013 includes a revenue increase of $425,000 based on rate increases for water, wastewater, and refuse services to become effective October 1, 2012. Current water rates for all city customers are $11.01 for the minimum monthly meter charge (including the first thousand gallons) and $4.44 for each additional thousand gallons of usage. Council /OPWA Trustee discussions indicated an interest in alternative water rate structures that could reduce the impact of rate increases on low- income and senior customers whose water usage is very low. Based on those discussions over the past few months, staff recommends the following: • Water Rates • Change to a tiered usage rate structure with rates from $4.62 to $4.81 per thousand gallons, which reflects increases from $0.18 to $0.37 per thousand gallons; • Change the minimum monthly meter charge to be based on the size of the water meter with a range from $1 1.10 to $50.00 per month, which reflects increases from $0.09 to $38.99 per month; • Estimated revenue increase of $150,000 for FY 2013; • Wastewater Rates • Usage rate of $2.95 per 1000 gallons, an increase of $0.40; • No change in the minimum monthly charge of $6.97; • Residential usage is based on average winter water usage; • Estimated revenue increase of $250,000 for FY 2013; • Refuse Rates • Monthly rate per cart of $13.95 per month, an increase of $0.25; • Estimated revenue increase of $25,000 for FY 2013. 1 Water Rates Currently all customers within the city (single - family residential, multi - family residential, commercial, and industrial) are billed at the same base rate and usage rate. The rates for all customers outside the city are 20% more than within the city. The recommended changes would provide various "base" rates depending on water meter size and a tier of usage rates depending on volume of water used. A tiered usage rate structure establishes usage ranges with increasing rates for higher volume water usage. The tiered rate provides different usage rates for low, medium, and high usage customers with as many tiers as desired. The software presently in use for utility billing is designed to accommodate a variety of rate structures including usage tiers. Currently, all OPWA customers pay the same base rate of $11.01, which includes the first 1000 gallons of water usage. Under the new rate structure, the base or meter charge for each customer would be associated with the size of the water meter. OPWA customer water meters range in size from 3/4" to 6 ". The cost to replace those meters ranges from $260 to $4,955. Amortized over the 10 -year life of a water meter, the cost ranges from $2.17 to $41.29 per month. An increase in the monthly base rate for larger water meters seems more equitable to most customers. This- cost -of service data is limited to the replacement of water meters only and is not intended to imply that any other cost -of- service analysis has been performed. Below are the proposed changes for the monthly minimum charge for each meter size with an estimated increase in monthly revenue. As previously noted in the proposed tier rates, the rate increase for the residential size (3/4 ") meter is $0.09, less than the rate increase for the cost of water. The large meter rate changes would bring those rates within a range more appropriate with their cost of service. Rates for water customers outside the corporate limits of Owasso would be 20% more than these listed below. Meter Size Estimated Quantity Current Base Meter Charge Proposed Increase Proposed Base Meter Charge Estimated Monthly Revenue Increase 3/4" 8,630 $11.01 $0.09 $11.10 $776.70 1,, 158 $11.01 $0.99 $12.00 $156.42 1 '/2 " 96 $11.01 $2.99 $14.00 $287.04 2" 193 $1 1.01 $3.99 $15.00 $770.07 3" 23 $11.01 $18.99 $30.00 $436.77 4" 8 $11.01 $23.99 $35.00 $191.92 6" 2 $11.01 $38.99 $50.00 $77.98 Water Usage Tiers Winter and summer water usage was reviewed for typical usage patterns. The usage rate tiers below are recommended based on these usage patterns with an effort to balance the interests of all customers and minimize the impact of rate increases to the low usage customers. 2 The original water rate increase proposal was for a $0.28 per thousand gallon increase for all water usage. This tiered rate proposal would increase rates by $0.28 only on usage of more than 6 thousand gallons per month. The base rate for usage of 1000 gallons or less would increase by only $0.09, passing on only half of the Tulsa rate increase. Rates for water customers outside the corporate limits of Owasso would be 20% more than these listed below. The revenue increase for this tiered rate structure would be approximately $1,700 less per month than a $0.28 increase for all usage based on winter consumption patterns and approximately $1,100 per month more based on high summer consumption patterns. Proposed usage tiers and rate changes: Usage Rate Tiers Current Usa a Rate Proposed Increase Proposed Usage Rate Base (3/" Meter) $11.01 Base $0.09 $11.10 Base 2,000 $4.44 $0.18 $4.62 3,000 - 5,000 $4.44 $0.23 $4.67 6,000 - 10,000 $4.44 $0.28 $4.72 11,000 - 20,000 $4.44 $0.32 $4.76 21,000 or more $4.44 $0,37 $4.81 WASTEWATER RATES The method of calculating usage for sewer customers in Owasso who are served by the rural water districts changed effective July of 2011. That change resulted in an unexpected revenue reduction of $240,000 for fiscal year 2012. Rate increases were proposed in the FY 2013 budget to offset that revenue loss. The current wastewater usage rate is $2.55 per thousand with a base minimum rate of $6.97 per month. Rates are the same for all categories of customers. For residential customers, the usage billing is based on the average winter water usage. The proposed $2.95 usage rate per thousand is a $0.40 increase. No change is proposed for the base minimum rate of $6.97 per month. REFUSE RATES Polycart refuse service rates are proposed to increase by $0.25 per cart per month. Current rates were approved in April 2007. Type of Service New Rate Old Rate % of Change Residential $13.95 $13.70 1,8% Multi-family $13.95 $13.70 1.8% Commercial $15.95 $15.70 1.6% Yardwaste $11.95 $1 1.70 2.1% Ordinances and Resolutions Water, wastewater, and refuse rates are established by City Ordinance and OPWA Resolution. Ordinance No. 101 1 establishes rates for water, sewer, and refuse service effective October 1, 2012. 3 OPWA Resolution No. 2012 -04 establishes rates for water, sewer, and refuse service effective October 1, 2012. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends OPWA Trustee approval of Resolution No. 2012 -04 establishing rates for water, sewer, and refuse service. ATTACHMENTS OPWA Resolution No. 2012 -04 4 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2012-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE RATES WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, SANITARY SEWER SERVICE RATES AND REFUSE AND YARDWASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL RATES AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority desires to establish the following rates for the provision of water service effective October 1, 2012: Usage Tier Rates Minimum Meter Char a for First 1,000 gallons Meter Size Users Inside the Corporate Limits Users Outside the Corporate Limits 3/4" $11.10 $13.32 1" $12.00 $14.40 1 '/2 1, 14.00 11 6.80 2" $15.00 1iR .00 3" $30.00 $36.00 4" 135.00 $42.00 6" $50.00 $60.00 Usage Tier Rates Volume Rate er 1,000 allons Residential Users Inside the Cor orate Limits Users Outside the Cor orate Limits First 1,000 gallons Minimum Meter Charge Minimum Meter Charge 2,000 gallons $4.62 $5.54 3,000 - 5,000 gallons $4.67 $5.60 6,000 - 10,000 gallons $4.72 $5.66 11,000 - 20,000 gallons $4.76 $5.71 21,000 gallons or more $4.81 $5.77 WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority desires to establish the following rates for the provision of sanitary sewer service effective October 1, 2012: Base Rate - $6.97 Rate for each 1,000 gallons - $2.95 WHEREAS, The Owasso Public Works Authority desires to establish the following rates for the provision of refuse service effective October 1, 2012: Type of Cart Monthly Rate per Cart Residential $13.95 Multi - Family $13.95 Commercial $15.95 Yardwaste $11.95 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, THAT: Section One: From and after the effective date of this Resolution (as hereinafter set forth), the charge by the Authority for water, sewer and refuse services shall be adjusted in accordance with the above - referenced recital paragraphs and as specifically codified pursuant to Ordinance No. 1011 of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ( "City "). Section Two: The water, sewer and refuse rates established pursuant to the Resolution shall become effective with the first utility billing cycle in October 2012, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 215+ DAY OF AUGUST, 2012. ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, Authority Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY Doug Bonebrake, Chairman 2