HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.01.04_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF TFIE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: JaMiary 4, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE.- Council Chambers, Ov,'asso Community Center Not-tee and agenda filed In the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board all 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 30, 1999. Marcia Boutwell,, City Clerk AGENDA Call to Order Mayor Wllkcn Invocation Councilor Bode I Flag Salute Acting Chief Motto 4. Roll Cali Owasso City Council .January 4, 2000 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one notion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of December 21, 1999 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 -B C. Action Relating to Ordinance #628, an Ordinance providing for the Rezoning of Property Generally Located on the South Side of East 76'1' Street North, West of Forth 129t1' East Avenue; froln RS -1 (Residential Single Family Low Density) to RD (Residential Duplex), Containing 15.84 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #5 -C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #628, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action oEi December 21, 1999 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #629, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located on the South Side of East 76'x' Street North, West of North 129'1' Mast Avenue, and containing 32.33 acres, rnorc or less. Attachment #5 -D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #629 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on December 21, 1999 to approve the P1_TD and authorize an ordinance. E. Action. Relating to Ordinance #630, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Two 15.4 Acre Tracts of Land Generally Located on the East Side of Mingo Road, North of East 106''' Street North; from AO (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density) and CC (Commercial General). Attaclunent #5 -E The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #630, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on December 21, 1999 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council January 4, 2000 Page 1-". Action Relating to Acceptance of Improveinents to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Helscel industrial Center East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. _ttachment #5 -F The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. C, fiction Relating to Resolution #2000-01, a Resolution Calling a Non- Partisan Primary and General Election Pursuant to Provisions of the Owasso City Charter for the Purpose of :Electing Council Members for Wards 1 & 2. Attachment 95 -G The staff recommends Council adoption of Resolution #2000 -01. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of Four Vehicles by the Owasso Police Department; and the Purchase and Installation of Emergency Equipment for Whose Vehicles. Acting Chief Motto Attachnient #6 The staff will recommend approval of a contract and authorization for payment to Hudiburg Auto Group, Midwest City, OK for the purchase of four 2000 Chevrolet impala mid -size police vehicles at a purchase price of $19,144 each ($76,576 total); and the purchase of emergency police equipment from Fox International at a cost of $5384.16 and from Trim -Rite at a cost of $1540; and installation of emergency equipment to Howard Stamper at a cost of $2000. Owasso City Council ,January 4, 2000 Page 4 ID 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relatin- to a Workers Compensation Clain Against the City of Owasso By Darren Francisco. Ms Guthrie Attachment #7 The staff will recommend Council approval of a negotiated settlement by joint petition with Mr Francisco wherein the city would pay 517,500 for injuries received in an accident on February 28, 1999, such payment in return for complete elimination of future medical claims against the city for those injuries, and authorize payment for the -claim, plus associated court costs and legal fees. S. Report from City Manager. 9. Report from City Attorney. 10. Report from City Councilors. 11. New Business. W«SSQ �,ly. Council �y �.1l January G^ 2000 P<1`(,G 5 12. AdJOvUrnii -ient. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 21, 1999 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TOO ER Mayor Wilk on called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was given during the OPWA meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wilken, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF jeff Hancock, City manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Wilkep read and presented a proclamation to his son, Jonathan Wilken, proclaiming I., December 25-31, 1.999 as Family Week in the City of Owasso. Jonathan came up with the idea of the proclamation, which recognizes the importance of families spending quality time together in order to build stronger family relationships. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of December 7, 1999 Regular Meeting and December Z:1 14, 1999 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda -included minutes of the December 7, 1999 regular meeting and December 14, 1999 special meetings, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the -following claims: (1) General Fund $58,704.66; (2) Collision Self-insurance Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 $40-00; (3) Workers Comp Self-Insurance Plan 51,019.66; (4) Ambulance Service Fund $3,225.94; (5) E-911 $1,902,47; (6) City Garage $8,127.97; (7) Capital 11-11provoll-lents 1 $23,556.19; (8) Bond Projects Fund S88,353.47; (9) Payroll $]95,67_'5,48; (10) City Garage 0J 1:1 Payroll $4,094.45. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss., to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Bamhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A BID FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF CARPET AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. Mr Henderson said that one of the projects in the 1997 bond issue is improvements to the community center. The City also applied for a grant to assist with some of the community center work, and a grant has been awarded for car-pet replacement. Sealed bids were taken for the carpet project, with only one bid being received. That bid includes the removal of existing carpet and baseboards and the installation of new carpet and appurtenances The carpet will not be laid until the roofing project has been accepted. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to award the bid for the purchase and installation of carpet at the community center to Mill Creek Carpet and Tile in the amount of $29,760. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY FUNDING (TEA-21) FOR THE NORTH MAIN STREET ENHANCEMENT PROJECT. Mr Henderson presented the item. He said that, at a public meeting relating to Main Street improvements, the public consensus is to leave the existing Main St roadway as a four-lane street and repair the deficient areas and overlay the street. Staff detennined that an enhancement to the street could be included at a later date. That enhancement includes application for TEA-21 funds to add bicycle lanes, lighting and enhancements on the outside of the existing curb. The application is due at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation offices on January 3, 2000. Council approval of the application is required. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the TEA-21 application and authorize the Mayor to execute the application. AYE: Voss, Williams, Bode, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. -2- Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT FOR THE RELOCATION OF A GAS LINE AT 76"-' STREET NORTH AND 12941° EAST AVENUE INTERSECTION. Mayor Wilken and Councilor Williams recused themselves from participation in or voting on this issue, and Vice Mayor Barnhouse presided. Mr Henderson said that the widening and signalizing of the intersection at 76"' St N and 129'h East Ave requires that a gas line in a private casement be relocated. The maximum cost to the City would be $175,000 and funds are available through the bond issue. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the val roug I'D agreement with Oklahoma Natural Gas Company for the gas line relocation at 76" St N & 129t" East Ave at a cost not to exceed $175,000, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Bode, Voss, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TOO INANCE #626, AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO USED MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS AND AUTOMOTIVE DISMANTLERS AND PARTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr Rooney said that numerous citizen. complaints have been received in recent months regarding the sale of vehicles on vacant or unused portions of parking lots throughout the city. Licensed used vehicle dealers are complaining about these makeshift car lots, the visual impact on the surrounding area is undesirable, and the City has no Jurisdiction over this practice unless the property owner posts the property. Ordinance 9626 would prohibit the sale of vehicles on open lots unless the necessary state license is obtained and the zoning is appropriate. It would allow the Police Department and Code Enforcement Officer to tow the vehicles after a sufficient notice, warning, citation or warrant has been issued. This ordinance will not affect an individual's right to sell a vehicle licensed in their name at their private resident. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Ordinance 9626. AYE: Voss, Williams, Bode, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 1TEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AT TACHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE #626. Mr Rooney said that an emergency clause has been attached to Ordinance #626 so that it can 'Lake effect upon publication since there is currently no provision in the code that covers the sale of vehicles on vacant or unused portions of parking lots. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse to approve the attachment ofian emergency clause to Ordinance #626. -3- Owasso City Council December 2l , 1999 AYE: Voss, Bamhouse, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #99-09, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TIDE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TV PERMIT HOLDER. Mr Rooney said that the City was notified on November 18, 1999 by TCI Cablcvision that they have entered into a planned reorganization agreement which will result in the transfer of the local cable television pen-nit for the City of Owasso and the subsequent change of ownership of the new permit holder. Resolution #99-09 gives the City's consent to all transactions, in accordance with the terms of the pen-nit. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve Ordinance #99- 09. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion. carried 5-0 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED OF DEDICATION FROM THE LARKIN BAILEY TRUST TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED. Mr Warlick presented the item. The City of Owasso has received an offer to dedicate right-of- way to the public. The right-of-way dedication is generally located on the north, northeast, and northwest sides of the Lakes PUD, and would generally result in 50 feet of right-of-way along existing roadway. This property is located on the south side of E 106th St N between Mingo Road and Garnett Road, the west side of Garnett Road from the intersection with E 106"' St N extending approximately one-half mile to the south, and the east side of Mingo Road from the intersection with E 106th St N extending approximately one-quarter mile to the south. Additional portions to be dedicated include a small triangular strip located on the southeast comer of E 106"' St N and Mingo Road, and eight feet on the southwest side and near the intersection of N 106t!' East Ave and Garnett Road. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to accept the deed of dedication from the Larkin Bailey Trust to the City of Owasso, and authorization. for the Mayor to execute the deed. AYE: Williams, Voss, Bode, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. -4- Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-99-12, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EAST 76"" STREET NORTH, WEST OF NORTH 129TIl EAST AVENUE-, FROM RS-1 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY LOW DENSITY) TO RD (RESIDENTIAL Duplex). CONTAINING 15.84 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Mr Warlick said that OZ-99-12 would rezone property on the southwest comer of 76"' St N and N 129"' East Ave. The tract is currently undeveloped, and the proposed rezoning will serve as a portion of the underlying zoning for OPUD-17. The proposed rezoning will allow for an expansion of the Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center. The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the rezoning at their December 14, 1999 regular meeting. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve OZ-99-12 AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken, NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-99-13. A mail am MWILOWN-59 Mr Warlick presented the item. D.M. Sokolosky is the owner and applicant for Tract A and David Vines in the owner and applicant for Tract B of the rezoning request. Tract A proposes a zoning change from AG to RS-3, and Tract B proposes a change from AG to CG. The subject properties are currently undeveloped. The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously recommended a 1 9 approval of the rezoning at their December 14, 1999 regular meeting, with no challenge of the proposed land use. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve OZ- 99-13. AYE- Voss, Williams, Bode, Bamhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPUD- 17, REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. My Warhck said that the applicant, Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center, proposes a Planned Unit Development on 32.33 ) acres, more or less, on property generally located south of E 76"' St N on the west side of N 129"' East Ave. The applicant proposes up to 209 family units (154 quadru.plexes and 55 duplexes), along with accessory commercial buildings, parks and a community building. The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the rezoning at I - 5 - Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 their December 14, 1999 regular meeting, with conditions to address storm drainage concerns. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve OPUD-17, with the following conditions as recommended by the Owasso Planning Coinniission: A. That the applicant's Development Text, and Outline Development be considered to be the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code; B. That single-family attached dwellings shall be constructed to the standards specifically set out in the test of this PUD: C. That the proposed accessory commercial development conform, to the PUD accessory commercial requirements of the Owasso Zoning Code; D. That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwellings shall not exceed 209; E. That as this proposal already meets the maximum allowable development densities, only decreases in development will be allowed as minor transfers (10% decrease in a development area's density), and then only so long as there is no significant change in the character of the development-, F. That a detailed drainage report be submitted at the time of platting, and certification of such document by an engineer; G. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing property within the PUD shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary; H. That no building permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria outlined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the developer: 1. That Acceleration/Deceleration lanes are required at the access point to the subject property along the arterial street (N 129'1' East Ave); J. That the development will include sidewalks along the abutting arterial streets and the interior drives within the proposed development, K. The Planning Commission reserves the right to prescribe additional buffering and screening as it deems necessary during the platting process. To the extent that the developer chooses to vary i from the outline PUD, the developer can and should expect additional buffering requirements as necessary to ensure compatibility with surround land uses, L. That the applicant will meet with surrounding property owners to the south, west, and cast of the subject property prior to plattinc, of the property. The applicant will review existing and C, I proposed stormwater control measures to ensure that they are adequate. AYE: Bode, Williams, Barnhouse, Voss, Milken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES. Mr McElrath said that cleaning services for the City Hall and Public Works buildings have been performed on a month-to-month basis. With the move of the Public Works Department to their new building, bids for this service have been solicited. Four companies responded to the advertisement for bids, and were allowed to bid on either or both buildings. ABM Janitorial Services submitted the low bid, and a contract has been prepared for services to the end of the -6- Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 current fiisca] yea,, with an option for renewal if approved by both the City and the vendor. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to accept the bid Submittal and approve the contract for services with ABM Janitorial Services for the cleaning of City Hall and the Public Works building at a cost of $1078 per month, with services to begin on January 3, 2000, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. AYE: Barnhouse, Bode, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE 4149. Mr Harder said that the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 began negotiations for an agreement for FY 1999-2000 in March. Negotiations continued through a declared impasse and Federal Mediation. and Conciliation Services mediation. Negotiations continued even though FMCS Binding Interest Arbitration was scheduled for December 10'h. The parties reached a tentative agreement as arbitration was scheduled to begin, and the Lodge's membership ratified the agreement on December 14th. The cost of the agreement is $92,856.82 greater than the cost of the agreement for the previous -fiscal year. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the agreement between the City and FOP Lodge #149, providing for wages, benefits and other working conditions for FY 1999-2000, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT WITH RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO 3, ROGERS COUNTY. Mr Cates presented the item. He said that discussion have occurred with the Board of Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County to -work out methods of furnishing billing, collection and remittance of utility service and ambulance charges and assuring adequate fire flow capacity in areas served by a rural water district that have been annexed into the City of Owasso. This agreement addresses those concerns and has been executed by the Board of Directors of Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County. This same agreement was approved by the OPWA. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve the agreement with Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. -7- Owasso City Council AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: Noric Motion carried 5-0. December 21, 1999 ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT WITH RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO 3, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mr Cates presented the item. He said that discussion have occurred with the Board of Rural Water District No. 3, Washington County to work out methods of furnishing billing, -collection and remittance of utility service and ambulance charges and assuring adequate fire flow capacity in areas served by a rural water district that have been annexed into the City of Owasso. This agreement addresses those concerns. This same agreement was approved by the OPWA. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the agreement with Rural Water District No. 33, Washington County, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 20: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUIRING CONFIRMATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL. This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the Mayor until such time as the person being considered can be contacted. No report. - 8 - Owasso City Council December 21, 1999 ITEM 25: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)(1). Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 7:10 p.m. Out of executive session, and the meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. ID ITEM 26: CONSIDERATION AND TAKING OF ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION AS A RESULT OF THE EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor W111ken announced that, as a result of the executive session, two actions were requested. The first action would accept the resignation of the City Manager with an effective date and the second action would appoint an interim city manager. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to accept the resignation of City Manager Jeff Hancock effective December 31, 1999. A voice vote was called for, all Councilors voted in the affirmative, and the Mayor announced the matter passed. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, that Assistant City Manager Timothy Rooney be appointed Interim City Manager effective January 1, 2000. A voice vote was called for, all Councilors voted in the affirmative, and the Mayor announced the matter passed. ITEM 27: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -9- Mark Wilken, Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. CLAIMS LIST DATE. December 28, 1999 beginning with this agenda, the purchase orders and claims are being processed for payment in the new computer system. In the past, an "A/P Claims Report" has been included in the agenda for Council or Trustee approval. Numerous reports in the new computer system provide information about the claims/invlices being processed for payment. However none of those reports provides complete information comparable to the old A/P Claims Report. The -reports included in this agenda are the best reports we have to offer at this time. We will continue to try different reports and may discover one that is more complete. If not, a custom program will be requested to generate an appropriate report for Council review and approval. Your patience is appreciated until then. As always, please call for any additional information. W= MM-010 40038.06 1440.00 1410.00 42888.06 1349.83 1722.79 9001.69 1805.79 2595.57 282.67 22.15 16780.49 11 City of Owasso Claims 1/4/2000 Fund Department General Deposits 105 Municipal Court 110 Managerial 120 Finance 150 General Government 160 Community Development 170 Engineering 181 Support Services 190 Cemetery 201 Police Services 215 Police Communications 221 Animal Control 250 Fire Services 300 Streets 515 Park Maintenance 550 Community Center 710 Economic Development General TOTAL Ambulance 255 Ambulance TOTAL Bond Projects Streets/Intersections Community Center City Hall TOTAL OPGA Golf Merchandise Food & Beverage 600 Golf Shop 605 Cart 0 Derations 610 Golf Course Maintenance 670 Food & Beverage Operations 690 Golf administration 691 Clubhouse 800 Debt Service TOTAL OPWA 400 OPWA Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 455 Wastewater Collections 480 Refuse Collections 485 Recycle Center TOTAL W= MM-010 40038.06 1440.00 1410.00 42888.06 1349.83 1722.79 9001.69 1805.79 2595.57 282.67 22.15 16780.49 11 OPWA Capital Improvements WWTP Phase 11 800 Debt Service TOTAL OPWA Revenue Bonds Sales Tax TOTAL City Garage 185 City Garage TOTAL Workers' Comp Self-insurance 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 15930.00 27221.70 43151 .70 124828.75 124828.75 6333.92 6333.92 1600.50 1600.50 268940.14 City of Owassc Cash Requirements Lists vendor name, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase order" report. City of Owasso Cash Requirements Vendor CLaim# Number Vendor Name 102 231 FRANKLIN COVEY Dec 29, 1999 02:42pp Page I Invoice Due Cumutative invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 25585772 11/21/99 01/04/00 173.00 25589532 12/01/99 25669252 12/03/99 Total cash required for week ending 01/07/2000 173.00 1 314 PING 4209954,M 12/27/99 01/04/00 940.27 10 1068 CRAWFORD & ASSOCIATES PC C99027-1 12/27/99 01/04/00 3,800.00 41913.27 A99023-8 12/27/99 100 805 HAYNES EQUIPMENT 192 11/30/99 01/04/00 1,300.00 61213.27 101 765 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC 27011 11/24/99 01/04/00 48.00 6,261.27 103 296 JERRY WOODS WELDING 1176 12116/99 01/04/00 90.00 6,351.27 104 873 OWASSO OVERHEAD DOOR 12/8199 12/08/99 01/04/00 63.00 61414.27 105 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 21887 11/15/99 01/04/00 121.50 6,535.77 106 803 HOME DEPOT INC 9141839 12/05/99 01/04/00 131.30 6:667.07 107 829 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA 123081 12/03/99 01/04/00 28.46 6,695.53 108 14 EIS COMMUNICATIONS 0183238 11/30/99 01/04/00 225.00 6:920.53 182943 11/18/99 109 1021 TULSA FORD NEW HOLLAND INC 202924 11/23199 01/04/00 51.54 61972.07 11 826 METROCALL 3520875-2 01/04/00 01/04/00 786.92 7,758.99 110 823 MACS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 25854 12/08/99 01/04/00 84.28 7,843.27 ill 649 ARMY NAVY SURPLUS 13786 12/10/99 01/04/00 289.90 81133.17 112 1049 WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER 17406 12/01/99 01/04/00 1,498.00 9,631.17 113 1100 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 1128708 12/29/99 01/04/00 85.00 91716.17 114 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 23412 12/15/99 01/04/00 32.88 9,749.05 115 978 SCOTT RICE 34380 11/12/99 01/04/00 1'410.00 11,159.05 116 878 OKIE ONE CALL SYSTEM 2000268 12/10/99 01/04/00 134.00 111293.05 117 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 3815 11/17/99 01/04/00 51.60 11,344.65 4100 12/07/99 118 1141 WORLD CLASS SECURITY 9922 11/22/99 01/04/00 5558.83 11,903.48 119 210 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 1656451-R2 11/29/99 01/04/00 44.97 11,948.45 12 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 1997 12/27/99 01/04/00 135,630.87 147,579.32 1998 12/27/99 1996 12/27/99 13 42 OAKLEY INC 91977804 12/27/99 01/04/00 583.09 148,162.41 91855968 12/27/99 91963989 12/27/99 91970990 12/27/99 14 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11347 12/27/99 01/04/00 277.41 148,439.82 11348 12/27/99 15 454 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORP 608947 12127/99 01/04/00 404.79 148,844.61 615477 12/27/99 613332 12/27/99 598069 12/27/99 615476 12/27/99 16 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 21974 12/27/99 01/04/00 110.90 148,955.51 17 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 67767 12/27/99 01/04/00 92.115 149,047.66 67798 12/27/99 18 963 STANDARD COFFEE 7114-65235 01/05/99 01/04/00 22.60 149,070.26 19 960 SWBYPS 303-1467-3600 12/27/99 01/04/00 98.20 149,168.46 20 855 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 596465 12/27/99 01/04/00 205.70 149,374.16 21 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 96676 12/27/99 01/04/00 2111.00 149,585.16 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) :ity of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 2 Lash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative CLaim# Number Vendor Name invoice Date Amount Due 22 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA ORF-99-008-L 12/27/99 01/04/00 3,071.37 152,656.53 23 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP-92-0107-L 12/27/99 01/04/00 24,150.33 176,806.86 24 544 HOWARD SMITH 12/99 12/27/99 01/04/00 120.00 176,926.86 25 411 OWASSO GLASS 5603 12/28/99 01/04/00 56.94 176,983.80 26 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER 15845 12/28/99 01/04/00 903.03 177,886.83 27 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 172233 12/28/99 01/04/00 821.00 178,707.83 28 1138 HUMPHREY HOSE 5602 12/28/99 01/04/00 25.89 178,733.72 29 1046 WOODS PORTABLE WELDING 1143 12/28/99 01/04/00 250.00 178,983.72 3 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 12155800 12/27/99 01/04/00 224.30 179,208.02 31 683 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 237682 12/28/99 01/04/00 541.50 179,749.52 237452 12/28/99 236721 12/28/99 235585 12/28/99 237654 12/28/99 32 364 MILEAGE MASTERS 146644 12/28/99 01/04/00 395.84 180,145.36 33 488 QUICK SERVICE STEEL 124085 12/09/99 01/04/00 13.15 180,158.51 34 932 RADIATOR SHOPPE INC 415137 12/01/99 01/04/00 60.00 180,218.51 4151193 12/20/99 35 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 71246 12/15/99 01/04/00 13.28 180,231.79 36 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 122799 12/27/99 01/04/00 572.59 180,804.38 37 755 CROSSROADS COMMERCIAL 330 12/02/99 01/04/00 1,125.00 181,929.38 329 12/02/99 38 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 33094 12/23/99 01/04/00 82.93 182,012.31 33092 12/23/99 32445 12/16/99 32443 12/16/99 39 648 ALSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC 105411 12/15/99 01/04/00 1,192.89 183,205.20 105421 12/21/99 4 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 15118235 12/27/99 01/04/00 40.19 183,245.39 40 1146 BAYOUTH DEPT STORE 121599 12/15/99 01/04/00 129.99 183,375.38 41 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 912230458 12/23/99 01/04/00 192.95 183,568.33 42 552 TRAILS END 120999 12/09/99 01/04/00 825.00 184,393.33 43 1029 T&W TIRE CO 809028 12/07/99 01/04/00 397.58 184,790.91 3073395 12/07/99 44 336 LANCE INC 5453 12/17/99 01/04/00 42.74 184,833.65 5573 12/24/99 45 538 SAMS CLUB 32360837835 12/15/99 01/04/00 111.47 184,945.12 46 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58421536 12/14/99 01/04/00 61.70 185,006.82 47 771 -ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC s3063-01 12/17/99 01/04/00 686.27 185,693.09 233403 12/17/99 233159 12/08/99 233153 12/07/99 48 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 3379 12/21/99 01/04/00 534.65 186,227.74 1926 12/21/99 3315 12/13/99 2089 12/15/99 49 678 ALBERTSONS 161251 12/15/99 01/04/00 189.49 186,417.23 161258 12/17/99 161226 12/18/99 161245 12/17/99 161227 12/23/99 161250 12/15/99 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm, Page 3 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative CLaim# Number Vendor Name I rvo i c e," Date Amount Due 161216 12/26/99 161273 12/21/99 5 781 FEDEX 4-904-53692 12/27/99 01/04/00 167.50 186,584.73 50 957 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO 419319 12/17/99 01/04/00 104.47 186,689.20 51 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 5395 12/20/99 01/04/00 258.59 186,947.79 4806 11/11/99 4705 11/04/99 4735 11/08/99 4771 11/09/99 4810 11/11/99 4842 11/15/99 4713 11/05/99 4683 11/02/99 4736 11/08/99 4717 11/05/99 5237 12/08/99 52 941 APAC-OKLAHOMA INC 175256 12/12/99 01/04/00 109.36 187,057.15 174778 12/05/99 174777 12/05/99 53 595 UNITED LINEN 30472 12/17199 01/04/00 318.40 187,375.55 29500 12/17/99 31509 12/24/99 28305 12/13/99 29401 12/17/99 54 105 DELBERT E BROOKS 1618 12/26/99 01/04/00 480.00 187,855.55 55 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 96104 11/24/99 01/04/00 450.33 188,305.88 56 1038 WAL-MART 6987 12/13/99 01/04/00 69.88 188,375.76 57 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11330 12/13/99 01/04/00 125.17 188,500.93 11198 12/05/99 58 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 646273 12/03/99 01/04/00 25.65 188,526.58 645440 11/23/99 644430 11/15/99 644437 11/15/99 645456 11/24/99 59 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 12287 12/20/99 01/04/00 7,261.42 195,788.00 6 961 SPRINT PCS 4766686-3 12/27/99 01/04/00 27.99 195,815.99 60 100 BILL BASCRE 96473 12/02199 01/04/00 175.00 195,990.99 61 857 CROW BURLINGAME 147386 '12/21/99 01/04/00 934.24 196,925.23 142958 10/28/99 146456 12/10/99 146879 12/15/99 146603 12/11/99 146991 12/16/99 146870 12/15/99 146840 12/15/99 146775 12/14199 146640 12/13/99 146731 12/14/99 146960 12/16/99 147024 12117/99 147566 12/23/99 147296 12/20/99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8 1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) city of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 4 .ash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Amount Due 146885 12/15/99 C7498 12/21/99 147295 12/20/99 147066 12/17/99 147006 12/16/99 147241 12/20/99 12/13/99 146660 12/13/99 147411 12/21/99 62 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 32446 12/16/99 01/04/00 147.14 197,072.37 32448 12/16/99 32449 12/16/99 32440 12/16/99 32441 12/16/99 32447 12/16/99 63 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 90176 12/07/99 01/04/00 176.50 197,248.87 64 263 HUB + GARVER 8 12/01/99 01/04/00 15,930.00 213,178.87 65 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 33095 12/23/99 01/04/00 138.20 213,317.07 33097 12/23/99 33098 12/23/99 33087 12/23/99 33089 12/23/99 33096 12/23/99 66 384 NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL 976431 12/07/99 01/04/00 1,388.00 214,705.07 67 566 TULSA CLEANING SYSTEMS 20846 12/13/99 01/04/00 29.50 214,734.57 68 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 23452 12/28/99 01/04/00 63.75 214,798.32 23438 12/22/99 69 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00598-002VRS 11/29/99 01/04/00 472.00 215,270.32 7 961 SPRINT PCS 3510603-6 12/27/99 01/04/00 86.08 215,356.40 70 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00595-003VRS 11/29/99 01/04/00 200.00 215,556.40 200042-00597-002VRS 10/31/99 71 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00584-004VRS 10/31/99 01/04/00 112.00 215,668.40 72 310 KIRK CHIROPRACTIC 04121999 04/12/99 01/04/00 251.69 215,920.09 04071999 04/07/99 73 1143 XPEDX 1400390 12/13/99 01/04/00 356.80 216,276.89 74 1137 DELTA TITLE & ESCROW 122159489 12/29/99 01/04/00 2,550.01 218,826.90 75 1136 GUARANTY ABSTRACT E124105 12/29/99 01/04/00 37,293.65 256,120.55 76 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1042000 12/29199 01/04/00 40.00 256,160.55 77 21 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE 990930-4 12/20/99 01/04/00 600.00 256,760.55 78 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SL000072981209 12/29/99 01/04/00 520.00 257,280.55 79 1150 MATTHEW S FISHER 12/13/99 12/13/99 01/04/00 1,440.00 258,720.55 8 1038 WAL-MART 438,5489,6022 01104/00 01/04/00 275.62 258,996.17 80 666 ALL COPY SUPPLIES 3230 12/28/99 01/04/00 285.00 259,281.17 81 372 MAYS DRUG 29727 11/03/99 01/04/00 20.93 259,302.10 82 1148 GILCREASE MEDICAL 74983.0 11/01/99 01/04/00 400.00 259,702.10 83 935 SCOTT MEDICAL CLINIC 247000 08/02/99 01/04/00 61.44 259,763.54 84 1149 JEFFREY GALLES DO 109465 07/12/99 01/04/00 82.44 259,845.98 85 1033 US POSTMASTER 122899 12/29/99 01/04/00 2,000.00 261,845.98 86 687 AMERICAN ICE MACHINES 4936 12/17/99 01/04/00 2,500.00 264,345.98 87 1078 INDUSTRIAL MOTOR SERVICE INC 9485 11/29199 01/04/00 1,543.00 265,888.98 88 778 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT 11-7645 11/17/99 01/04/00 37.15 265,926.13 -89 1147 BEWLEY SALES 261886 11/17/99 01/04/00 132.74 266,058.87 :CS.AP Accounts PayabLe ReLease 5.8.1 N*APRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 5 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative CLaim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Amount Due 9 939 HOWARD STAMPER 1/2000 01/04/00 01/04/00 150.00 266,208.87 90 636 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT 4216-2 10/22/99 01/04/00 106.63 266,315.50 3126-4 10/01/99 4577-7 10/29/99 4035-6 10/19/99 4018-2 10/19/99 4019-0 10/19/99 4906-8 11/05/99 4919-1 11/05/99 91 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 1112497404001 12/14/99 01/04/00 239.37 266,554.87 1112811640001 12/13/99 92 377 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 64688110 12/25/99 01/04/00 452.43 267,007.30 93 1151 IMPERIAL COFFEE SERVICE 67031 12/22/99 01/04/00 79.40 267,086.70 94 171 TYRONE DINKINS 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 277.65 267,364.35 95 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 265.05 267,629.40 96 973 MICHAEL SHADBOLT 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 348.75 267,978.15 97 264 BRANDON HAMLITON 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 280.35 268,258.50 98 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 487.24 268,745.74 99 497 RIDGWAYS 42-191028 11/30/99 01/04/00 194.40 268,940.14 Total cash required for week ending 01/07/2000 -------- - - - - -- 268,767.14 'K CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Lists vendor number, invoice number, invoice amount and a description of the claim. May be used to compare to the "Cash Requirements" report. City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page I Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuLL Amt invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Amounts Claim Description 1 210 11/29/99 119 1656451-R2 01/04/00 44.97 44.97 SUBSCRIPTION 3 231 11/21/99 102 25585772 01/04/00 141.80 173.00 1 EA PLANNER 12/01/99 25589532 4.80 12/03/99 25669252 26.40 5 765 11/24/99 101 27011 01/04/00 48.00 48-00 1 EA FURNACE REPAIR 13 310 04/12/99 72 04121999 01/04/00 141.49 251.69 1 EA T01059 04/07/99 04071999 110.20 14 209 10/31/99 71 200042-00584 01/04/00 112.00 112.00 1 EA 511208 15 209 11/29/99 69 200042-00598 01/04/00 472.00 472.00 1 EA C09178 16 209 11/29/99 70 200042-00595 01/04/00 120.00 200.00 1 EA 804039 10/31/99 200042-00597 80.00 20 1021 11/23/99 109 202924 01/04/00 51.54 51.54 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 21 107 11/17/99 117 3815 01/04/00 41.60 41.60 1 EA EQUIPMENT REPAIR 12/07/99 4100 10.00 10.00 1 EA EQUIPMENT REPAIR 22 714 11/15199 105 21887 01/04/00 121.50 121.50 1 EA RADIO REPAIR 23 1100 12/29/99 113 1128708 01/04/00 85.00 85.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL-CARR 36 488 12/09/99 33 124085 01/04/00 13.15 13.15 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 37 703 12/28/99 26 15845 01/04/00 903.03 903.03 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 38 364 12/28/99 32 146644 01/04/00 395.84 395.84 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 39 1046 12/28/99 29 1143 01/04/00 250.00 250.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 40 932 12/01/99 34 415137 01/04/00 35.00 60.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 12/20/99 415193 25.00 42 698 12/28/99 27 172233 01/04/00 821.00 821.00 1 EA OIL & LUBRICANTS 44 1005 12/15/99 35 71246 01/04/00 13.28 13-28 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 45 878 12/10/99 116 2000268 01/04/00 134.00 134.00 1 EA OKIE MEMBERSHIP FEE 59 411 12/28/99 25 5603 01/04/00 56.94 56.94 1 EA SAFETY GLASS 76 649 12/10/99 Ill 13786 01/04/00 289.90 289.90 1 78 803 12/05/99 106 9141839 01/04/00 131.30 131.30 1 EA LANDSCAPING PLANTS 79 1049 12/01/99 112 17406 01/04/00 1,498.00 1,498.00 3 EA PURCHASED WATER 80 829 12/03/99 107 123081 01/04/00 28.46 28.46 1 EA HAND TAMPER 81 805 11/30/99 100 192 01/04/00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1 EA MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 82 14 11/30199 108 C183238 01/04/00 -33.06 225.00 1 EA RADIO SET-UPS 11/18/99 182943 258.06 83 978 11/12/99 115 34380 01/04/00 1,410.00 1,410.00 1 EA FURNITURE BID 84 943 12/15/99 114 23412 01104/00 32.88 32.88 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 85 773 12/29/99 76 1042000 01/04/00 40.00 40.00 1 EA EXAM-FRANCISCO 87 873 12/08/99 104 12/8/99 01/04/00 63.00 63.00 1 EA DOOR REPAIR 88 296 12/16/99 103 1176 01/04/00 90.00 90.00 1 EA LIFT STATION REPAIR 90 823 12/08/99 110 25854 01/04/00 84.28 84.28 1 EA LIFT STATION PUMP 103 1143 12/13/99 73 1400390 01/04/00 356.80 356.80 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 105 1141 11/22/99 118 9922 01/04/00 558.83 558.83 1 EA REPAIR LOCKS 107 1138 12/28199 28 5602 01/04/00 25.89 25.89 1 EA REPAIR PARTS ill 314 12/27/99 1 4209954,M 01/04/00 940.27 62.05 GOLF BAGS 707.67 GOLF CLUBS 148.60 CAPS 21.95 CLUB REPAIR 112 129 12/27/99 3 12155800 01/04/00 224.30 158.13 PHONE USE-ALL 66.17 PHONE USE-MOTTC CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 O-APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ,ity of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 2 inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor -invoice HoLd Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item qumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 113 129 12/27/99 4 15118235 01/04/00 40.19 40.19 PHONE USE-WARREN 114 781 12/27/99 5 4-904-53692 01/04/00 167.50 167.50 POSTAGE 115 961 12/27/99 6 4766686-3 01/04/00 27.99 27.99 PHONE USE-KLAHR 116 961 12/27/99 7 3510603-6 01/04/00 86.08 86.08 PHONE USE-HANCOCK 117 1038 01/04/00 8 438,5489,602 01/04/00 275.62 4.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.11 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 118 939 01/04/00 9 1/2000 01/04100 150.00 150.00 RETAINER/SERVICES 119 1068 12/27/99 10 099027-1 01/04/00 800.00 1,600.00 AUDIT SERVICES 12/27/99 A99023-8 3,000.00 1,400.00 AUDIT SERVICES 800.00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 120 826 01/04100 11 3520875-2 01/04/00 786.92 7.10 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 14.20 PAGER USE 21.30 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 486.57 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 9.25 PAGER USE 49.70 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 49.70 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 14.20 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 21.30 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 121 818 12/27/99 12 1997 01/04/00 42,640.00 42,640.00 1997 REVENUE BONDS 12127/99 1998 32,188.75 82,188.75 1998 REVENUE BONDS 12/27/99 1996 10,802.12 10,802.12 1996 REVENUE BONDS 122 42 12/27/99 13 91977804 01/04100 268.88 583.09 SUNGLASSES 12/27/99 91855968 128.48 12/27/99 91963989 18.48 12/27/99 91970990 167.25 123 358 12/27199 14 11347 01/04/00 161.25 277.41 PRINTED FORMS 12/27/99 11348 116.16 124 454 12/27/99 15 608947 01/04/00 47.98 47.98 VESTS 12/27/99 615477 210.08 210.08 JACKETS 12/27/99 613332 23.86 27.61 SHIRTS 12/27/99 598069 95.26 119.12 SLACKS 12/27/99 615476 27.61 125 714 12/27/99 16 21974 01/04/00 110.90 110.90 RADIO REPAIR 126 812 12/27/99 17 67767 01/04/00 31.18 92.15 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/27/99 67798 60.97 127 963 01/05/99 18 7114-65235 01/04/00 22.60 22.60 COFFEE 128 960 12/27/99 19 303-1467-360 01/04/00 98.20 98.20 ADVERTISING 129 855 12/27/99 20 596465 01/04/00 205.70 205.70 CODE HANDBOOK 130 627 12/27/99 21 96676 01/04/00 211.00 211.00 COPIER MAINTENANCE CCS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 5.8.1 Q*APRO83 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Dec 29, 1999 03D09pm Page 3 P.O. vendor invoice Hotd Claim vendor Fula Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts CLaim Description 131 818 12/27/99 132 818 12/27/99 133 544 12/27/99 140 683 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 148 1002 12/27/99 22 ORF -99 -008 -L 01/04/00 23 FAP -92 -0107- 01/04/00 24 12/99 01/04/00 31 237682 01/04/00 01/04/00 237452 152 384 236721 66 976431 235585 1,388.00 01/04/00 155 237654 12/13/99 36 122799 01/04/00 3,071.37 24 150.33 120.00 14.85 3.34 54.49 202.92 265.90 572.59 149 1136 12/29/99 75 E124105 01/04/00 37,293.65 150 1137 12/29/99 74 122159489 01/04/00 2,550.01 152 384 12/07/99 66 976431 12/07/99 1,388.00 01/04/00 155 566 12/13/99 67 20846 01/04/00 29.50 158 943 12/28/99 68 23452 01/04/00 31.88 12/22/99 23438 31.87 159 1146 12/15/99 40 121599 01/04/00 129.99 160 981 12/23/99 41 912230458 01/04/00 192.95 161 552 12/09/99 42 120999 01/04/00 825.00 162 336 12/17/99 44 5453 01104/00 29.18 12/24/99 5573 13.56 163 732 12/14/99 46 58421536 01/04/00 61.70 164 678 12/15/99 49 161251 01/04/00 47.51 12/17/99 161258 17.54 12/18/99 161226 27.90 12/17/99 161245 9.10 12/23/99 161227 35.82 12/15/99 161250 28.13 12/26/99 161216 16.11 12/21/99 161273 7.38 165 957 12/17/99 50 419319 01/04/00 104.47 166 595 12/17/99 53 30472 01/04/00 48.30 12/17/99 29500 17.09 12/24/99 31509 59.64 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 3,071.37 OWRB LOAN 24,150.33 OWRE LOAN 120.00 BAILIFF DUTIES 37.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES 180.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.83 OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.80 OFFICE CHAIR 38.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.45 REIMS PETTY CASH 13.47 REIMB PETTY CASH 18.04 REIMS PETTY CASH 10.18 REIMS PETTY CASH 18.70 REIMS PETTY CASH 60.00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 39.00 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 31.52 COUNCIL MEETING 20.00 RYE GRASS 112.44 CITY MGR EXPENSES 22.80 SERVICE CHECK 33.27 REPAIR PARTS 29.76 MILEAGE- JACKSON 6.44 POSTAGE 32.18 CITY MGR EXPENSES 49.49 DOC LUNCHES 17.85 REIMS PETTY CASH 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 37,293.65 GENTRY PROPERTY 2,550.01 MARQUETTE PROPERTY 1:388.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 29.50 MAINT SUPPLIES 63.75 COMPUTER PAPER 129.99 WINTER COVERALLS 173.15 GROCERIES 19.80 PAPER SUPPLIES 825.00 CATERED FOOD 42.74 SNACKS 61.70 SOFT DRINKS 182.11 GROCERIES 7.38 PAPER SUPPLIES 72.63 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 31.84 SNACKS 318.40 LINEN SERVICE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 4 P.O. vendor Invoice HoLd Claim Vendor Fu[L Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 12/13/99 28305 65.45 12/17/99 29401 127.92 167 105 12/26/99 54 1618 01/04/00 480.00 480.00 CART MAINTENANCE 168 857 12/21/99 61 147386 01/04/00 40.36 909.36 REPAIR PARTS 10/28/99 142958 46.34 15.00 REPAIR PARTS 12/10/99 146456 25.95 9.88 REPAIR PARTS 12/15/99 146879 17.31 12/11/99 146603 -10.41 12/16/99 146991 -24.80 12/15/99 146870 4.06 12/15/99 146840 181.32 12/14/99 146775 53.27 12/13/99 146640 26.12 12/14/99 146731 180.87 12/16/99 146960 77.94 12/17/99 147024 -2.96 12/23/99 147566 6.86 12120/99 147296 45.54 12115199 146885 21.19 12/21/99 C7498 -32.94 12/20/99 147295 32.94 12/17/99 147066 58.53 12/16/99 147006 90.02 12/20/99 147241 64.52 12/13/99 146674 7.33 12/13/99 146660 15.00 12/21/99 147411 9.88 169 755 12/02199 37 330 01/04/00 375.00 1,125.00 BUILDING CLEANING 12/02/99 329 750.00 170 591 12/23/99 38 33094 01/04/00 15.65 20.97 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33092 26.55 61.96 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32445 15.04 12/16/99 32443 25.69 171 648 12/15/99 39 105411 01/04/00 966.80 1,192.89 VEHICLE REPAIR 12121/99 105421 226.09 173 1029 12/07/99 43 809028 01/04/00 129.50 397.58 TIRES 12/07/99 3073395 268.08 174 538 12/15/99 45 32360837835 01/04000 111.47 111.47 MAINT SUPPLIES 175 771 12/17/99 47 s3063-01 01/04/00 339.03 339.03 TRACTOR REPAIR 12/17/99 233403 296.32 347.24 REPAIR PARTS 12/08/99 233159 -28.78 12/07/99 233153 79.70 176 865 12/21/99 48 3379 01/04100 232.00 534.65 TIRES/REPAIRS 12/21/99 1926 39.95 12/13/99 3315 163.80 12/15/99 2089 98.90 177 496 12/20/99 51 5395 01/04/00 14.99 215.26 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11111/99 4806 12.88 15.46 MIANT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/04/99 4705 21.25 12.88 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/08/99 4735 12.06 14.99 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/09/99 4771 7.16 11/11/99 4810 47.37 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts CLaim Description 11/15/99 4842 4.77 11/05/99 4713 11/02/99 4683 51.80 11/08/99 4736 47.15 11/05/99 4717 12.53 12/08/99 5237 15.46 178 941 12/12/99 52 175256 01/04/00 46.33 109.36 GRAVE! 12/05/99 174778 31.67 12/05/99 174777 31.36 180 627 11/24/99 55 96104 01/04/00 450.33 450.33 COPIER FAINT 181 1038 12/13/99 56 6987 01/04/00 69.88 69.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES 182 358 12/13/99 57 11330 01/04/00 75.45 125.17 DOOR HANGERS 12/05/99 11198 49.72 183 366 12/03/99 58 646273 01/04/00 13.04 25.65 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/23/99 645440 1.40 11/15/99 644430 4.28 11/15/99 644437 2.99 11/24/99 645456 3.94 184 729 12/20/99 59 12287 01/04/00 7,261.42 7,261.42 METER SETS 9/7/99 185 100 12/02/99 60 96473 01/04/00 175.00 175.00 SAND 186 591 12/16/99 62 32446 01/04/00 22.57 31.30 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32448 28.04 28.04 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32449 43.23 22.57 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32440 31.30 43.23 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32441 17.60 17.60 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/16/99 32447 4.40 4.40 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 187 239 12/07/99 63 90176 01/04100 176.50 58.84 SAFETY SUPPLIES 58.33 SAFETY SUPPLIES 58.83 SAFETY SUPPLIES 188 591 12/23/99 65 33095 01/04/00 23.30 32.40 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33097 16.10 16.10 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33098 43.45 23.30 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33087 32.40 43.45 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33089 18.40 18.40 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33096 4.55 4.55 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 189 263 12/01/99 64 8 01/04/00 15,930.00 15,930.00 WWTP PHASE 11 2/2/99 190 21 12/20/99 77 990930-4 01/04/00 600.00 600.00 STAFF TRAINING 191 773 12/29/99 78 SL0000729812 01/04/00 520.00 520.00 PERMIT REVIEW FEE 192 1150 12/13/99 79 12/13/99 01/04/00 1,440.00 1,440.00 PAINT INTERIOR 193 666 12/28/99 80 3230 01/04/00 285.00 285.00 COPIER TONER 194 372 11/03/99 81 29727 01/04/00 20.93 20.93 D07149 195 1148 11/01/99 82 74983.0 01/04/00 400.00 400.00 511278 196 935 08/02/99 83 247000 01/04/00 61.44 61.44 D07209 197 1149 07/12/99 84 109465 01/04/00 82.44 82.44 M07129 198 1033 12/29/99 85 122899 01/04/00 2,000.00 2,000.00 POSTAGE 199 687 12/17/99 86 4936 01/04/00 2,500.00 2,500.00 ICE MACHINE 200 1078 11/29/99 87 9485 01/04/00 1,543.00 1,543.00 REPAIR PUMP MOTOR 201 778 11/17/99 88 11-7645 01/04/00 37.15 37.15 SVS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 202 1147 11/17/99 89 261886 01/04/00 132.74 132.74 CLEANING SUPPLIES 203 636 10/22/99 90 4216-2 01/04/00 2.46 58.63 PAINT,SUPPLIES 10/01/99 3126-4 2.49 48.00 PAINT,SUPPLIES - 10/29/99 4577-7 34.02 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso 01/04/00 79.40 94 1042000 Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 6 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order 265.05 96 1042000 01/04/00 343.75 97 P.O. Vendor invoice HoLd Claim Vendor Full Amt invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item 99 42-191028 lumber Number Date Code Number invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 10/19/99 4035-6 1.08 10/19/99 4018-2 17.24 10/19/99 4019-0 1.34 11/05/99 4906-8 30.88 31/05/99 4919-1 17.12 204 863 12/14/99 91 111249740400 01/04/00 9.96 9.96 11/99 USE 12/13/99 111281164000 229.41 229.41 11/99 USE 205 '377 12/25/99 92 64688110 01/04/00 452.43 25.86 12/99 USE 206 1151 12/22/99 207 171 12/29/99 208 1152 12/29/99 209 973 12/29/99 210 264 12129/99 211 38 12129/99 212 497 11/30/99 93 67031 01/04/00 79.40 94 1042000 01104/00 277.65 95 1042000 01/04/00 265.05 96 1042000 01/04/00 343.75 97 1042000 01/04/00 280.35 98 1042000 01/04/00 487.24 99 42-191028 01/04/00 194.40 rOTAL 268,940.14 0.00 117 records listed 9.31 12/99 USE 15.06 12/99 USE 132.04 12/99 USE 13.65 12/99 USE 52.77 12/99 USE 29.72 12/99 USE 50.97 12/99 USE 17.82 12/99 USE 6.10 12/99 USE 21.13 12/99 USE 6.81 12/99 USE 9.46 12/99 USE 42.92 12/99 USE 18.81 12/99 USE 79.40 COFFEEJEA 277.65 METER READER 265.05 METER READER 348.75 METER READER 280.35 METER READER 487.24 METER READER 194.40 BLUEPRINT COPIES CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/18/99 Information Systems 0 00 194.84 ...Garage Fund Totai $0.00 $3,977.58 APPROVED: January 4, 2000 Garage Fund Totai $0.00 $3,977.58 APPROVED: January 4, 2000 City of Owasso Clainis 1/412000 Addendum Fund Department Total GeneFai 110 Managerial 11810.64 OPWA 405 Utility Billing 100.00 TOTAL 1,910,64 City of Owasso Claims by Batch and GL Account for Batches Batch GL Account 59 01-110-52050 01-110-53680 01-110-53680 01-110-53680 61-405-53615 Total for Batch 59 Grand Total 59 to 59 Line Item Amt Claim 35.00 124 172.74 120 1,563.00 121 39.90 122 100.00 123 1,910.64 1,910.64 Jan 04, 2000 11:20am Page 1 PO# Vendor Vendor Name Invoice# Invc Dt Due Date 97 294 ICMA 58012118 09/30/99 01/04/00 28 814 REASORS 20749 12/11/00 01/04/00 16849 10/28/00 72 1122 CUSTOM CRAFT AWARDS 1299008 12/01/00 01/04/00 73 1121 HOMELAND 263930 10128/00 01/04/00 75 1033 US POSTMASTER 9 01/04/00 01/04/00 CCS.AP Accounts PayabLe Release 5.8.1 R*APZBATCHGL*A By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 628 DATE: December 29, 1999 BACKGROWNDo At the December 21, 1999 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a request to rezone property located in Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The 15.84 acre subject property is located south of E 76th Street N, on the west side of N 129th E Avenue. The rezoning request changes the zoning on the subject property from RS-1 (Residential Single-Family Low-Density) District to RD (Residential Duplex) District. The subject property will serve as a portion of the underlying zoning for OPUD-17, Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 628 which formally adopts the City Council's action of May 18, 1999, thus establishing the change in zoning designation from RS -1 to RD. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 628. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance N.1o. 628, 2. Subject Map. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 628 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-99-12 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM RS-1 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY LOW-DENSITY) DISTRICT TO RD (RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX) DISTRICT, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have beer, held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of C, C, Z� application OZ-99-12. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit A TRACT OF LAND BEING PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21, NORTH, RANGE 1.4 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE N00°05'00"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 300 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S89°55'46"W PARALELL TO THE EAST-WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 1685.87 FEET, THENCE N00°00'04"W A DISTANCE OF 409.18 FEET; THENCE N89°55'46"E A DISTANCE OF 1,686.48 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE S00°05'00"W ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 409.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 15.84 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. be, and the same is hereby rezoned from RS-1 (Residential Single-Family Low-Density) District to RD (Residential Duplex) District, Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of January, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST: Mark Wilken, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, -City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- THER WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 629 DATE- December 29, 1999 BACKGROUND: At the December 21, 1999 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a request to rezone property located in Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The 32.33 acre subject property is located south of E 76th Street N, on the west side of N 129th E Avenue. The rezoning request changes will allow OPUD-17, a planned unit development for the Oklahoma Baptist Retirement Center. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 629 which formally adopts the City Council's action of December 21, 1999, thus establishing OPUD-17. RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 629. ATTACHMENTS. 1. Ordinance No. 629, 2. Subject Map. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 629 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICA'T'ION NUMBER OPUD -17, ESTABLISHING A SUPPLEMENTAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, 'TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OPUD -17. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND BEING PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE /4) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 21, NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNT', STATE OF OKLAHOMA BEING MORE PARTICULAR' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; THENCE 589°55'46 "W ALONG THE LAST - WEST QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 1985.43 FEET; THENCE N00°00'04 "W A DISTANCE OF 709.18 FEET; THENCE N89°55'46 "E A DISTANCE OF 1986.48 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE S00°05'00 "W ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 709.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 32.33 ACMES, MORE OR LESS. be, and the same is hereby rezoned and assigned the supplemental zoning district designation of planned unit development conforming to, and in accordance with the outline development plan for OPUD -17. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4 "' day of January, 2000. City o; Owasso, Oklahoma Dark Wilken, Mayor AT'TES'T': Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- THERON WARLICK CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. ORDINANCE NO. 630 DATE- . December 29, 1999 BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 630 which for -rally adopts the City Council's action of December 21, 1999 thus establishing the change in zoning designation from AG to RS-3 and CG. RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecomiriends Council approval of Ordinance No. 630. ATTACHMENTS- 1. Ordinance No. 630, 2. Subject Map. CITY OF OWASSO ORDINANCE NO. 630 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-99-13 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOU TEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) DISTRICT TO RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY HIGH-DENSITY) DISTRICT, AND CG (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-99-13. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property- to wit: TRACT A - A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT THREE (3' OF SECTION (7), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE (21.) NORTH, RANGE (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDDUN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION SEVEN; THENCE NORTH 01°36'23" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE FOR 1,766.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND-, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 01036'23" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SECTION SEVEN FOR 888.38 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT THREE; THENCE NORTH 88°44'31" EAST AILONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT THREE FOR 882.96 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTE FE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTH 14°15'55" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOR 920.36 FEET; THEN SOUTH 88°3558" WEST PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION SEVEN FOR 631.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) District to RS-3 (Residential Single - Family High-Density) District, AND TRACT B - A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF GOVERNMENT LOTS THREE (3) AND FOUR (4) IN SECTION SEVEN (7), TOWNSHIP TWENTY' -ONE (23) NORTH, RANGE (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT OF 1LA_ND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION SEVENT; THENCE NORTH 01°36'23" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SECTION SEVEN FOR 1,766.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°35'58" EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION SEVEN FOR 631.24 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTE FE RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -WAY; THENCE SOUTH 14°15'55" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE FOR 1,834.37 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SECTION SEVEN; THENCE SOUTH 88°35'58" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE FOR 129.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; be, and the same is :hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) District to CG (General Commercial) District. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4" day of January, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma Mark Milken, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OLASSO FROM. PHIL LUTZ, P. E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS HELSCEL INDUSTRIAL CENTER EAST, PHASE I DATE: December 29, 1999 BACKGROUND- The subject project is located east of U.S. Highway 169 and north of 66th Street North (see attached location map). The utilities have been permitted by ODEQ for both phases of the east development including 1,860 LF of 8" sanitary sewer line (on and off-site) and 2,948 LE of 6" waterline (on and off-sitc). See attached permits. The lines currently constructed and recommended for acceptance are to serve the Phase I development. FINAL INSPECTIONS- Public Works personnel conducted final inspections for the water and sanitary sewer systems on July 30, 1999 and December 21, 1999, respectively. Punch lists of items requiring correction were given to the contractor on those dates and all items have been completed. The contractor has -provided one-year maintenance bonds for the utilities (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Helseel Industrial Center East, Phase 1, water and sanitary sewer systems. ATTACHMENTS- Location map 2. ODEQ permits 3. Maintenance bonds F. Robert Carr, P.E. City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072980591 Helscel Industrial Property Sewer Line Project S-21310 Dear Mr. Carr : Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with tle plans approved by this department on July 10, 1998. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plansto you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Bronson, Bolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division BBB/HJT/aw Enclosure cc: Dennis Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, inc. "Wayne Craney, P.I.E., WPC Unit Supervisor Eddie Terriii, R.S., Regional Director, DEC 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101-1677 printed on recycled paper wish soy ink F. Robert Carr, P. City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 7401 Re: Permit No. WL000072980590 Heiscei Industrial Prop- 0 8 Dear Mr. Carr: FRANK KEUNG Governor Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072980590 for the construction of 2,948 L.F. of six (6) inch waterlirl ttnd app: rtenancesto serve the Heiscel industrial PropertyWaterline Project, City of Owasso, TulsU County, Oklahoma. 0 The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with tie plans approved by this department on July 10, 1998. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. 1�- cc: Dennis dodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Mary Arnold, PWS District Representative, DEQ Eddie Terrill, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P0. BOX -1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101-11677 printed on recycled paper with soy ink The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 536 N. Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45025 BOND# 3-626-326 Maintenance Bond Knov,7 All Men By These Presents, That -we, R&M PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. as Principal, and 71HE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, 2 corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, with principal offices at Hamilton, Ohio, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF OWASSA (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the penal sum of SIXTY-E.I6HT..THO.USAND,. THREE HUNDRED, .6.8. .382,.00 Dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. DATEDthis day of . WHEREAS, the said Principal has heretofore entered into a contract with the Obligee above named for SANITARY SEWER EXTENTION, HELSCEL EAST INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT and, WHEREAS, the work called for under said contract has now been completed and accepted by said Obligee; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if said Principal shall, for a period of ONE. YEAR years from and after the ACEPTANCE day of THE PROJECT, indemnify the Obligee against any loss or damage directly arising by reason of any defect in the material or workmanship which may be discovered within the period aforesaid, then this obligation shall be void; other-wise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of any default on the part of said Principal, written statement of the particular facts showing such default and the date thereof shall be delivered to the Surety by registered mail, at its Home Office in the City of Hamilton, Ohio, promptly and an any event within ten (10) days after the Obligee or his representative shall learn of such default; and that no claim, suit, or action by reason of any default of the Principal shall be brought here- under after the expiration of thirty days from the end of the maintenance period as herein set forth. R&M PIPEPE CONSTRUCTION, INC. THE OHI CA ALLY qNSURANCE COMPANY ER NEMANN ATTORNEY- lid -FACT 121" 2 9/19 9 9 10: 06 918-2273585 Rat -n, CONSTRUCTION INC CERTIFIED Y 09 POWER OF ATTORNtY MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAY & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MA CIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- RESOLUTION TO CALL ELECTIONS - COUNCIL WARDS 1 & 2 DA'Tt'E- December 29, 1999 BACKGROUND. Pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso City Charter governing the election of City Council m. embers, the Council shall take action by Resolution to call any necessary Ward Elections. Such elections are needed for the following Wards: Ward #1 Three Year Term (Mark Wilken) Ward #2 Three Year Term (Denise Bode) Staff has prepared Resolution #2000-01 which, if approved by Council, calls for elections to be conducted for 'these Wards and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County Election Board. It also identifies the process that must be followed to meet all legal requirements. The filing period is February 7, 8, & 9, 2000. All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy -with the Tulsa County Election Board between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on one of those days. The primary election is set by Charter and will be March 7, 2000. If a general election is necessa It wi ll be held on April 4, 2000. A general election will be held if one candidate in the election does not receive a majority of all the votes cast for that Ward. The elected councilors will be swoni in at the first meeting in May (May 2, 2000). RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends approval of Resolution #2000-01. ATTACHMENT- Resoluiion #2000-01 CITE' OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 2000 -01 NOTICE OF ELECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, a Primary Election shall be held on the 7 "' day of March, 2000 for the purpose of electing Council Members to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, for Wards and terms as follows: WA._RtD NO. TERM 3 years 2 3 years WHEREAS, a General Election, if necessary, shall thereafter be held on April 4, 2000 to elect said Council Members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITE.' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: 1. That a non - partisan Primary Elections for City Council Members, as set out, be held on March 7, 2000. 2. That the General Election thereafter, if necessary, be held on April 4, 2000. 3. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in the respective ward shall be qualified to hold the Office of Council Member. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that the following numbered precincts are to be opened: 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, and 755. The City of Owasso certifies that there are no qualified electors who live within Rogers County. " The filing period is from February 7, 2000 through February 9, 21000 for the Primary Election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 41h Clay of ,lanuary, 2000 by the City Council or the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Mark Wilken, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City CIerk APPROVED AS TOO FORM: Ronald O Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- LIEUTENANT CLIFFORD R. MOTTO ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT. PURCHASE OF POLICE VEHICLES AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT D ATr E - December 29, 1.999 BACKGROUND. The FY 1999 - 2000 Owasso Police Department operating budget contains $90,285.00 in funds for the purchase of four new patrol vehicles and all necessary emergency equipment for these vehicles. The Department has received the "State Vehicle Bid List", which is the vehicle purchasing contract for the State of Oklahoma. Our Department makes all vehicle purchases from this list, as it is the "guaranteed" lowest price for all new vehicles. This year's contract number is SWO0035, and the State Contract is effective from November 30, 1999 until November 29, 2000. The vehicle dealership that has been awarded the bid for both the "full-sized" and "mid-sized" police unit is "Hudiburg Auto Group - Chevrolet" in Midwest City, Oklahoma. For the 2000 model year, the Ford Crown Victoria is the full-size police vehicle and the Chevrolet Impala is the mid-size police vehicle. Both the Ford and the Chevrolet are equipped with full police packages, which ensures that the vehicles are equipped with "heavy-duty" parts that can stand up to above average wear and tear, as well as severe driving conditions. The Departirtent usually purchases the full—size police model, as it is a larger car, more powerful, and has more room to transport prisoners. Unfortunately, the base price for the full-size car is pproximately $1000.00 higher than last year. If we were to purchase four full-size police units and outfit them with the usual emergency equipment, the Department would not have enough funding available in this year's budget. The Department needs these vehicles, as we have thirty police officers and only twenty-five cars. Some of our vehicles are as much as ten years old and have in excess of 100,000 miles on them. Even with this purchase, the Department will still need to keep these older vehicles in service. POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE DECEMBER 29, 1999 PAGE 2 I have, therefore, decided to purchase the "inid-size" police unit for the 2000 niodol year, lin reviewing test comparisons that were perforn-ied on both vehicles by the Michigan Slate Police. there are not any significant differences between the Ford and the Chevrolet. Both cars received high marks in all categories tested and performed well. The Chevrolet Impala actually scored higher than the Ford Crown Victoria. I believe that the Chevrolet Impala, with a base price that is $1122.00 "lower" than the Ford, will serve the Department well. The price for the 2000 Chevrolet Impala is $19,144.00. The price of four cars, without en-iergency equipment, will be $76,576.00. Each police vehicle will require the following emergency equipment: I Overhead light-bar 2. Siren and speaker 3. Rear -deck lights 4. Switch control box 5. Radio / equipment rack 6. Headlight flasher unit 7. Red spot light 8. Miscellaneous fuses, electrical connectors, and flashers. I contacted three suppliers of police equipment and requested price quotes for the above listed items. The three vendors were Tuxall Uniforin and Equipment, Gall's Inc., and Fox International. Price quotes were as follows: Tuxall, $6580.80 for four vehicles Gall's $7418.91 for four vehicles Fox $5384.16 for four vehicles Fox International provided the lowest price quote, $5384.16, The Department uses "Trim-Rite" in Tulsa, Oklahoma for all its vehicle striping. The cost for striping each vehicle is $385.00. Total cost for four vehicles will be $ 1540.00. The installation of all police radios and emergency equipment will cost $500.00 per vehicle for a total cost of $2000.00. Mr. Howard Stamper will perfarin all equipment installations. POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE DECEMBER 29, 1 999 PAGE 3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recori.rends Council approval and authorization for payment for four 2000 Chevrolet Impala unid -size police vehicles from Hudiburg auto Group, Midwest City, Oklahoma, utilizing State Contract Number SWO0035, for a total cost of $76,576.00; and approval to purchase the emergency equipment listed from Fox International for $5384.16; to Trim -Rite for the striping of the police vehicles in the amount of $1540.00, and to Howard Stamper for the installation of emergency equipment in the amount of $2000.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. State Bid Vehicle Description 2. Equipment Price Quotes 3. Vehicle Surveys and Evaluations VEH7CLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) minimum specifications for MID SIZE POLICE PURSUIT AUTOMOBILES purchased by the State of Oklahoma. Be TYPES, CLASSES, and GRADES B-1 MID-SIZE POLICE PURSUIT AUTOMOBILIES, in accordance with this specification, shall be furnished in the following type: Four door, post type sedan-minimum wheelbase 104" C. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: C-1 The following specifications in effect on date of Invitation to Bid shall form a part Of the specification Federal Motor Vehicle safety Standard (Public Law 89-563). Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 85, Control of Air Polution from New Motor Vehicles and New Motor Vehicle Engines, Environmental Protection Agency. Do REQUIREMENTS: D-2 Each automobile must have a minimum trunk space as indicated in the most recent edition of the Gas mileage Guide published by the U.S. Enviornmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department Of Energy of the following: TRUNK SPACE: Specify 18.0 ENGINE: Must be 5 cylinders minimum. Cubic inch dismlacement is at manufacturer's option, but cannot be less than 2.3 liter with sequential electronic fuel injection and unique electronic engine control strategy. Engine must be the largest manufacturer's engine for police package VEHICLE CONTRACT PAGE 37 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) and offering maximum performance. NOTE: Engine included must be adequate to meet or exceed minimum, performance criterial as tested by I.A.C.P. or Michigan State Police Tests. TRANSMISSION: To be at least four (4) speed auto- matic transmission. Transmission will be equipped with manufacturer's recommended auxiliary trans- mission oil cooler (if available) and will be suitable for police pursuitl vehicles conforming to these specifications. To be heaviest duty available for vehicle bid. STEERING: Power assisted steering factory in- stalled with heavy duty auxiliary cooler when available. To provide maximum "firm" feel and fast return characteristics. BRAKES: Four Wheel, Power assisted, Disc with anti lock braking system that meets with Michigan State Test standards. AIR CONDITIONING: Standard, non-automatic tempera Lure control model, factory installed integral dash louvers, with tinted glass all around. ALTERNATOR: Minimum rating-100 amperes with integral voltage regulator. Shall be of heavy duty design capable of withstanding patrol vehicle operation at 110 mph., transistorized regulator. BATTERY: 12 volt, 54 amperes hour minimum, minimum cold cranking amperes 690 CCA, maintenance free type battery. COOLING SYSTEM* Vehicle to have maximum size available with police package. "Coolant Recovery" system to be incorporated factory installed. Fan to have flex blades if available with no less than five (5) blades. Dual Front Factory installed Air Bag. SPEEDOMETER: To be calibrated to within 2% accuracy. Scale to be 2 mph increments and to be from 0-120 mph scale. VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) PAGE 38 SUSPENSION: To be equipped with heavy duty shock absorbers front and rear. Springs front and rear or torsion bars on front with springs on rear. must meet or exceed performance criterial as tested by 1.A.C.P., or Michigan state Police. WHEELS: To be equipped with five (5) full size rims. Wheels shall be painted black and shall conform, to the National Wheel and.Rim. Association, Inc. specification No. X4030. LIGHTS: Dome light (s) to be standard manufac- turer's. Engline and Trunk compartment lights to be equipped with mercury switch. VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) PAGE 39 CATALYTIC CONVERTER: Heat shield to eliminate grass fire hazard, if available. LOCKS.- Single key locking system (all locks on one car keyed alike). Three (3) keys to be furnished with each car. MIRRORS: Rearview inside day/nite type. Match- ing rear view outside: Left hand remote control type and manual right hand insalled on doors. Control(s) to be within convenient reach of driver. FLOOR COVERING: Standard carpet, color coordinated. UPHOLSTERY: To be manufacturer's standard, and to be color compatible with vehicle exterior. This includes headliner, floor covering and seat covering. SEATS. Heavy duty bucket front. seat 40/40 or equal, (heavy duty fabric). Rear seat to be manufacturer's standard. WINDSHIELD WASHER: Electric, manufacturer's standard. POWER DOOR LOCKS. Door lock override on drivers side door only. WINDSHIELD WIPER: Multiple speed electric, including intermittent. CIGARETTE LIGHTER: Located in instrument panel. OPERATOR'S MANUAL LICENSE PLATE BRACKET: Rear only PAINT: Black & White or Blue & White (Per Purchaser's specifications) POWER WINDOWS: Factory installed. D-4 WARRANTY: The manufacturer warrants each automobile to be good material and workmanship and VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTTNUED) PAGE 40 agrees to promptly replace any part or parts which fail due to defective material or workmanship under normal use. Such replacement must be free of charge to the owner for a period of 3 years or 36,000 miles, whichever occurs first, from date of delivery° if such failure renders the vehicle incapable of being driven, the vendor will be responsible for having the vehile transported to his place of business. if such failure takes place outside the dealer's service area, the ven- dor will be responsible for reimbursing the near- est authorized dealer for services rendered under this warranty. Do you have a standard 36 month/36,000 miles full coverage warranty or greater (except tires)? XX Yes if greater state coverage Months mile Tires are exempt from this warranty, but must be covered by the tire manufacturer's standard war- ranty and serviced by the local authorized dealer of the tire manufacturer® D-6 DECALS: No decals or markings or any type per taining to advertisement shall be placed on vehi- cles delivered to the State, except trademarks or model designation normally installed by manufac- turer's of the automobile. D-7 OPTIONS: See Bid Sheet (1) ACCELERATION: Bidders will submit current Michigan State Police Test result for their ve- (1999 specifications cations will be accepted if no charges are made in the 2000 vehicles that would affect performance.) VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) PAGE 41 (2) TOP SPEED: A speed of a least 120 mph will be reached on a lever course within a three (3) mile distance fro-in the initial speed of 0 mph with a clean roof configuration. (3) With anti-lock brakes, the vehicle will stop in a straight line on dry pavement. (4) Vehicle will be expected to provide outstand- ing roadability, maneuverability, cornering and other road handling characteristics necessary for a vehicle engaged in high speed patrol pursuit work. E. ELECTRICAL: All electrical equipment shall be shielded to minimize radio interference in the 40-50 mhz, 150-155 rLhz, and the 800 mhz ranges, and will include radio interference suppression bonding strap. In the event that radio frequency noise is generated by the vehicle and it inter- feres with the normal operators of the communica- tions equipment, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor to rectify the interference problem. The vendor shall perform any ' repairs or replace any parts necessary to solve the interference problem with no charges to the ordering agency. MWITHOUT FACTORY PAINT--DEALER TWO-TONE/////// CHEVROLET IMPALA VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA z 18,91-1.0o0000 -150-27 option # 27 Parts manual HELM VENDOR. 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 125.000000 -150-28 option 4 28 Service manual VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) own PAGE 42 VENDOR, 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER* BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 1000000000 -150-31 option # 31 -150-33 option # 33 Rubber Floor molded cover, front & rear CHEVY 6A3 VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER* BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 71.250000 -150-34 Option # 34 standard/Police Duty vinyl rear seat STANDARD VENDOR. 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 0.000010 -150-39 option # 39 Wiring package, Front (PW7): Five-circuit harness one end coiled on RH shock tower routes through dash panel with the other end in a 36-inch coil at center of dash. CHEVY 6J3/6j4 VENDOR, 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET VEHICLE CONTRACT 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) PACE 43 BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 139.000000 -150-42-A Option # 42 Paint: One standard production color Deduct CHEVY DI FACTORY DEDUCT VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA e -325.00000,0 -150-43 option # 43 7 mil Clear Armorshield shatter resistant coating, Per the following Specifications: Solar Transmittance - 73% Solar Absorptance - 20% Solar Reflectance - 7% Total Solar Energy Rejected - 23% Tensile Strength - 155 ply ASTM D2582 Puncture Test - 11801 lbs (average) PHIL WILLIAM Pin] VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 242.000000 -150-44 option # 44 -150-50 option # 50 Electronic Remote Control Mirrors left/right hand side CHEVY DF2 VENDOR-. 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP17961 PRICE PER EA : 92.000000 -150-51 option # 51 Daytime Running Lights PHIL WILLIAM PW SWITCH OFF/ON VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO CROUP - CHEVROLET VEHICLE CONTRACT PAGE 44 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) BPO NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 88.000000 -150-92 option # 92 Auxillary Map Light CHEVY 6C7 VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BP✓ NUMBER: BP17981 PRICE PER EA : 85.000000 December 16, 1999 Tuxall Uniform & Equipment Attention: Steve 1411 East 3rd Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120 Dear Steve: 101 North MAin Street Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Mara A. AlexAnder Chief of Police In the very near future the Owasso Police Department will be purchasing four (4) 2000 Chevrolet Impala Police Units. You will find listed below equipment that each unit will need. Please supply this department with a quote on the listed equipment by end of business day, Tuesday, December 21, 19990 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 Federal Signal Corporation All Light 8treethawk Lightbar with alley lights, takedown lights, revolving center light and amber rear flashers 4 Federal Signal Corporation - Headlight Flashers 4 Federal Signal Corporation - PA300 Siren 4 Federal Signal Corporation - S 30 Switch Control Box 4 Vertical Radio Rack - equipped to hold three (3) radios Thank you, if you have any questions regarding the above listed equipment please- call Lieutenant Clifford Motto at 918-272-4901. Sincerely, Lieutenant Clifford R. Motto Interim Chief of Police FROM : TUXALL UN17ORM5 IN! TULSA PHONE NO. : 918 582 8275 Dec. 20 1999 12:42PM P1 CUSTOMER ORDER F R (918) 582-8274 11 FAX (918) 582�82 December 16, 1999 Gall's, Inc. 2680 Palumbo Driveet Lexington, Kentucky 40509-1000 Dear Gall's: 101 North MRin Street Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Maria A. Alexander Chief of Police In the very near future the Owasso Police Department will be purchasing four (4) 2000 Chevrolet Impala Police Units. You will find listed below equipment that each unit will need. Please supply this department with a quote on the listed equipment by end of business day, Tuesday, December 21, 1999. AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4 Federal Signal Corporation All Light Streethawk Lightbar with alley lights, takedown lights, revolving center lighl and amber rear flashers 4 Federal Signal Corporation — Headlight Flashers 4 Federal Signal Corporation — PA300 Siren 4 Federal Signal Corporation — S 30 Switch Control Box 4 Vertical Radio Rack — equipped to hold three (3) radios Thank you, if you have any questions regarding the above listed equipment please call Lieutenant Clifford Motto at 918-272-4901. Sincerely, Lieutenant Clifford R. Motto Interim Chief of Police CRM/nee FROM - 1999,12-17 1044 #677 P.01/01 12uote, Form --I S& 11&m JVumber Product Descripian --�Wl Extend'7ed Defiery .2ty Price Price' Dqy, ARO 43INALLUGH7 SIRE ETHAWKUGHTSAR 4 ON SAR'STREETHAWK TX-K—EDGW- N LIGHTS $265i'76 5-30 LS bAR HAWK ALLEY LB093 YES 4 $67,19 $268.,76 5-30 ON BAR HAWK FLASHING LIGHTS LB227 R7R ALL LIGHT HAWK CENTER OPTION ROTATOR $258,'76 5.30 4 $71.99 $287-95 5-30 FS01 FHL2 FLASHER UNIT $158.39 $633.56 5-30 VPR-SCHI-0 SINGLE HALOGEN VIPER LIGHT $142-80 $1,142.40 30-45 VPR.-MRLI-Q! 'W71 VIPER REAR DECK MOUNTING Kff 8 $37.20 $297.§0 GALLS 3 DECK COMMUNICATION ORGAMZER 4 $43.19 $172. °i6 5-15 Remember, Gall's backs aff of our new it tars, SiFens, Subtotal and speaker 4 s- wit, aFREE 5- YEA R WAR RA N 7YI Freight S299.9.9 Sales Tax you have any qjjqsj;on5, or would like fG place the order, $7,418L91- Thanks, Jill Rambo PLEASE REFER ALL INQUIRIES AND ORDERS TO QUOTE # ASOVE. PRICES ARE DAYS,. QUOTE VALID ONLY IN ITS ENTIRETY. 'Frjday' 7, 199,41 I page I op Donna Calvey Fox International LTD., Inc. 23600 Aurora Road Bedford Heights, Ohio 44146 Dear Ms. Calvey: 101 North Main Street Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 As per our conversation yesterday, I plan on purchasing four (4), 2000 Chevrolet Impala police units sometime late January or early February of 2000. 1 would once again like to deal with Fox International for all the emergency equipment. I have received your January 2000 Millennium catalogue and I would appreciate a price quote for the following: Four of each: Federal Signal Corp.- All Light Streethawk lightbar. Page?- 25 Order # 106-4814 Light colors to be as shown on page 25 BUT rear flashers to be "Amber". Switch Control — Page # 25 Model 5W300 Order # 106-SW300 Siren Federal Signal Corp. Page # 25 Model PA300 Order # PA30OMSC 100 Watt Speaker No Page # Model#MS100-07 Speaker for a 2000 Chevrolet Impala Rear deck lights Federal Signal Corp. Page# 10 Viper Interior Light mounting bracket to be used for rear deck lights Four with Red lens and Four with Blue lens Order# 106-VPR-SCH1 Fox International Page 2 oF2 Four of each- Communication Organizer: Page # 64 Order# SAF-SR-9 our of each: Headlight Flasher Code 3 Page # 5 Model 710 Order # SAJ7-7 10 You can fax me the quote at 91.8-272-4900. Any questions, please call me at ( 918 ) 272-4901 or 272-2244 Thank you Sincerely, Lieutenant Clifford R. Motto interim Chief of Police QUOTE # 2842 MaMMMINUM P.O. DATE REQUISITIONER SHIP VIA F.0-S. POINT TERMS 12116/99 L-T MOTTO **QUOTE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS" Send oil correspondence to: Donna Calvey Fox internstional Ltd.. Inc. 23600 Aurora Rd. Bedford offs., Ohio 44146 440-439-8329: Fax 800 -36g -9110 INTERNATMAL: 440439-889S UNIT P ICEI TOTAL 679.501 2,718- 00 89,251 35T00 204.751 819.00 i ;2.75.1 531 00 89-251 357.00 SUBTOTALI SHIPPING OTHER TOTAL CON'T AU-HORIZED BY DONNA, CALVEY DATE 12/16199 OF VEHICLE ® 2000 CHEVY IM A QUOTE GOOD FOR 30DAYS Send Lail corres;mdence to! Donna C@Ney Fox Ltd., InC 23600 Aurora Rd. Bedford H2s , C)hic 44146 440-439-8329, Sax 800.369-9110 iNTERNAT*NAL-440-439-8893 SHIPPING & MANI)LING OTHER TOTAL AUTHORiZED BY DONNA CALVEY DATE 12/16/99 "A-61chigan State Police Tests 2000 Patrol Vehicles pa'ro' vehicles are one of the most critical pur- chases that a law enforcement agency makes. For both large and small agencies, patrol vehicle purchases frequently represent the second largest expenditure, after personnel, in their annual operating budgets. The selection of the right vehicle that balances both the agencies' budgetary and performance requirements has become an increasingly challenging task for police fleet administrators. Many agencies are painfully aware of the consequences that result from being "penny wise and pound foolish," where vehicles with inadequate performance, such as regular production passenger vehicles not specifically designed for police service, are selected because they cost less than "police-package" vehicles. While some agencies have had limited success with nontraditional police vehicles, most agencies find that the increased maintenance costs resulting from such vehicles breaking down under the stress of police service quickly offsets any initial "savings." For more than 20 years, the Michigan State Police (MSP) has conducted extensive evaluations of the per- formance capabilities of each new model year's police vehicles as part of its annual vehicle procurement pro- cess. Since 1981, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), through its National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), has sponsored these tests through a partnership with MSP. By disseminating these results to State and local law enforcement agen- cies, NIJ helps these agencies select vehicles that maxi- mize their budgets and ensures that evaluated vehicles provide reliable and safe performance under the in- creased demands of police service. The 2000 model year patrol vehicles were evaluated from September 18 through 20, 1999. For the pur- poses of the MSP evaluation, police-package vehicles are those that are designed and manufactured for use in the full spectrum of law enforcement patrol service, including high-speed pursuits. A "special- service" vehicle is a vehicle that may be used by law enforcement agencies for specialized use (e.g., off-road, inclement weather, K-9, or commercial vehicle enforcement), but is not designed or manu- factured to be used in pursuit situations. By creating this distinction, it is hoped that it will be easier for agencies to realistically assess the capabilities of each vehicle. Each vehicle is subjected to six major tests and evaluations. The results are weighted to reflect the relative importance of each attribute as related to MSP operational requirements. Table 1 lists the tests and ooint scores. MSP scores each vehicle's overall performance, reviews the manufacturer's bid price, and calculates a final score for each vehicle using a sophisticated formula that combines the overall performance score and the manufacturer's price. Eight police-package vehicles and two special- service vehicles were submitted for evaluation. Table 2 provides a complete listing and description of each vehicle. This NLECTC bulletin contains a Table 1 Tests and scoring Test Points synopsis of the test results; a detailed report also is available. Page 7 of this bulletin contains information on how to obtain the report. it should be noted that the MSP vehicle specifications, test categories, and scoring reflect MSP needs. If your department employs this or a similar method, consider your own needs carefully and alter the weighting factors accordingly. What's new for 2000 Chevrolet. For the 2000 model year, there are signifi- cant changes to Chevrolet's police vehicle lineup. The Lumina and Tahoe police-package vehicles have been discontinued and replaced by the all-new Impala sedan. The Impala debuts as the replacement for the full-size Caprice, Chevrolet's popular police vehicle that was discontinued after the 1996 model year. The front-wheeli-drive Impala represents a significant departure from the traditional rear-wheel-drive configuration of police-package vehicles, but Chevrolet's engineers state that they have spent considerable time designing a vehicle that will meet the durability and performance demands required by the law enforcement community. While the Impala has a shorter wheelbase and overall length than the Caprice, its interior room is comparable to that of the Caprice. The Impala is powered by GM's 200-horsepower 3.8L V6 engine, last used in the Lumina police package. Other standard features include 4-wheel indepen- dent suspension, 4-wheel Antilock Braking Sys- tem (ABS) disc brakes, traction control, and a 'tire pressure monitoring system. Chevrolet is once again offering the Camaro, available with an automatic transmission or an optional six-speed manual transmission, for highway and traffic enforce- ment use. There are no significant styling or mechanical changes from last year's version. Chevrolet is not offering its Tahoe sport-utility vehicle in either a police-package or special-service package for this model year. However, it is possible that the Tahoe may return for the 2001 model year as a special- service package. Ford. For the 2000 model year, Ford's Police Intercep- tor features several new mechanical features intended to enhance overall performance and handling. A new aluminum, metal-matrix drive shaft has been incorpo- rated to improve top speed and acceleration. The rear springs have been improved to increase handling per- Table 2 Vehicles tested Category Vehicle Engine Police Chevrolet Camaro (6-speed manual) 5.71- (350 old) SFI Police DaimlerChrysler Jeep Cherokee (2-wheel drive) 4.OL (242 cid) PFI Police Ford Police Interceptor 4.6L (281 cid) SF1 Special Service Ford Explorer (2-wheel drive) 4.OL (245 cid) PFI Volvo V-70 T5 Wagon 2.31-(142 cid) PFI Turbo cid = Cubic inch displacement SH = Sequential port fuel injection PFI = Multiport fuel injection L = Liter Turbo = Turbocharged Photo courtesy of Michigan State Police. formance. Additionally, the 2000 Police Interceptor features a 130-mph speed limiter and a standard "one- touch" driver's window that fully lowers the driver's window with a touch of the window control button. In response to numerous requests from the law enforce- ment community prompted by officer safety consider- ations, Ford has eliminated the "auto-off" parking brake feature, which automatically releases the parking brake when the gear selector is shifted out of "park." Ford also is offering an optional headliner without the built-in front map light. There are no major styling or appear- ance changes to the Police Interceptor from last year's model. As in past years, the Police Interceptor will be offered in both a gasoline-powered, fuel-injected version and a compressed natural gas (CNG) version. (Note: Ford elected not to test the commercially available version of the CNG Police Interceptor this year.) The Ford Explorer (2-wheel drive) and Expedition (4-wheel drive) are available as a special-service pack- age, and have no major performance or mechanical changes from the 1999 model year. DaimlerChrysler Jeep: The DaimlerChrysler Jeep Cherokee is once again offered in both 2-wheel- and 4-wheel-drive versions. A larger (124 amp) alternator has been added, and engine refinements have improved the fuel economy to 16 miles per gallon (MPG) city and 22 MPG highway for the 2-wheel-drive model and 16 MPG city and 21 MPG highway for the 4-wheel-drive model. The 2000 Cherokee also features new, higher metallic composition brake pads, which Jeep engineers state will enhance braking performance. Volvo: The S-70 sedan and V-70 wagon both feature several performance enhancements for 2000. Working Photo courtesy of Michigan State Police. with the California Highway Patrol, Volvo engineers developed a new chassis tuning design for the police- package vehicle. Both Volvos also feature "high- I penorm ance spin control," -which electronically adjusts the throttle, balancing engine torque to actual wheel friction to prevent excessive wheel spinning during rapid acceleration. The 2000 Volvos also feature 16- inch Auto-bahn brakes with Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD), which Volvo engineers state will ensure stability under braking into turns. Vehicle dynamics testing Objective. To determine high-speed pursuit handling characteristics. The 1.635-mile road racing course contains hills, curves, and corners; except for the ab- sence of traffic, it simulates actual pursuit conditions. The evaluation measures each vehicle's blending of suspen- sion components, acceleration capabilities, and braking characteristics. Methodology: Each vehicle is driven 6 timed -laps by four drivers. The final score is the average of the 12 fastest laps. Table 3 shows the average results of the vehicle dynamics test. Acceleration Qualification test objective- To determine the ability of each vehicle to accelerate from a standing start to 60 mph within 10 seconds, 80 mph within 17.2 seconds, and 1100 mph within 28.2 seconds. Competitive test objective. To determine accelera- tion, time I o 1.00 mph. Methodology- Using a Matron noncontact optical sensor in conjunction with a personal computer, each vehicle is driven through four acceleration sequences----two northbound and two southbound—to allow for wind direction. The average of the four is the score on the competitive test. 'Top speed Qualification test objective: To determine the vehicle's ability to reach I 10 mph within I mile, and 120 mph within 2 miles. Competitive test objective. To determine the actual top speed (up to 150 mph) attained -within 14 miles from a standing start. Methodology- Following the fourth acceleration run, the vehicle continues to accelerate to the top speed attainable -within 14 miles from the start of the run. The highest speed attained within the 14 miles is the vehicle's score on the competitive test. Table 4 summa- rizes the acceleration and top-speed test results. Braking testing Brake test objective- To determine the deceleration rate attained _to_o ained by each test vehicle on 12, 6 mph impending skid (threshold) stops, with ABS in opera- tion if the vehicle is so equipped. Each vehicle will be scored on the average deceleration rate it attains, 4 Brake test methodology: Each vehicle will make two decelerations at specific, predetermined points on the test road from 90-to-0 mph at 22 ft/sect. with the driver using a decelerometer to maintain the decelera- tion rate. Immediately after these "heat-up" stops are completed, the vehicle will be turned around and will make six measured 60-to-0 mph impending skid (threshold) stops with ABS in operation. if the vehicle Table 3 Results of vehicle dynamics testing Make/Model Average* Chevrolet Camaro (Automatic) 1:20.49 5.7L SFi Chevrolet Camaro (6-speed manual) 1:20.56 5.7L SFI Chevrolet Impala 1:25.49 3.8L SF1 '6-wm1'erChr'y's-le r Jeep Cherokee (2-wheel drive) 1:25.82 4.OL PFI Jeep.Cherokee Wwhe'dl drive) 1:27.58 PF1 Ford Police Interceptor 1:25.71 4.6L SFI Pord Expedition (4-wheel drive) ord Explorer (2-wheel drive) 4.OL PFI Volvo V-70 TS Wagon 1:23.80 2.3L PH Turbo NOTE: Times are in minutes, seconds, and hundredths of a second, i.e., 1:29.74 = I minute. 29 seconds, and 74/100 of a second. Average of the 12 fastest laps. The vehicle manufacturer has indicated that these vehicles are neither designed for nor intended to be used as pursuit vehicles. Therefore, these vehicles were not subjected to vehicle dynamics testing. Photo courtesy of Michigan State Police. Table 4 Results of acceleration* and top-speed testing 11 .10 0 4, 0 1.97 2.07 1.81 2.06 2.10 2.34 2.43 3 31 3.49 3.04, 3.76: 3, 3.43 4.79 5.03 4.69 5.56 5.78 4.39 4.55 OZ x.56 6 x.731,_3 9.52 10.24 8.75 10.93 11.55 7.48 7. 75; 9. 12 61 'J3.7O 11.68 1435 33 64 17.41 19.30 11-1533 1 18.81 21.99 i 11.54 12.06 0-100 1 13.92 1 13.57 1 24.92 1 31.08 1 35.32 1 26.09 1 37.36 1 49.02 1 17.86 1 18.56 represent the average of four runs. Phase l Avg. initial speed (mph)* Avg. stopping distance (ft)* Avg. deceleration rate* (ft/sec sqd) Phase 11 Avg. initial speed (mph)* Avg. stopping distance (ft)* Avg. deceleration rate (ft/sec scid) Average Deceleration Rate (ft/sec sqd)** Projected stopping distance from 60 mph based on average deceleration rate (ft) represent the average of four runs. Phase l Avg. initial speed (mph)* Avg. stopping distance (ft)* Avg. deceleration rate* (ft/sec sqd) Phase 11 Avg. initial speed (mph)* Avg. stopping distance (ft)* Avg. deceleration rate (ft/sec scid) Average Deceleration Rate (ft/sec sqd)** Projected stopping distance from 60 mph based on average deceleration rate (ft) nu venicies nave amilOCKing oraKing systems. Figures represent the average of six measured stops. **Calculated from the average deceleration rate (ft/sec sold) of all 12 measured stops. Figures represent the average of six measured stops. **Calculated from the average deceleration rate (ft/sec sold) of all 12 measured stops. is so equipped, at specific, predetermined points. Fol- lovAng a 4-minute heat soak, the entire sequence will be repeated. The exact initial velocity at the beginning of each of the 60-to-0 mph decelerations and the exact distance required to make each stop will be recorded by means of a fifth wheel in conjunction with electronic seed and distance meters. The data resulting from the 12 stops will be used to calculate the average decelera- tion rate, which is the vehicle's score for this test. Table 5 (page 5.) shows the results of the bralking test. Ergonomics and communications Objectives: To -ate the vehicle's ability to provide a suitable environment for patrol officers to perform their job, to accommodate the required communications and emergency warning equipment, and to assess the relative difficult . v of installing the e equipment. Methodology. A minimum of four officers indepen- dently and individually score each vehicle on comfort and instrumentation. Personnel from the Communica- tions Division who are responsible for new car prep- aration conduct the communications portion of the evaluation based on the relative difficulty of the neces- sary installations. Each factor is graded on a 1-to-10 scale, with I representing totally unacceptable and 10 representing superior. The scores are averaged to mini- mize personal prejudice. Table 6a shows a comparison of the exterior and interior dimensions of the vehicles evaluated. Table 6b shows the results of the ergonom- ics and communications test. (Only one of each model was tested since the interior dimensions are essentially the same.) I-able 6a Summary of exterior and interior dimensions Volvo V-70 T5 Wacion 186.2 56.2 104.9 3448 Make / Mo&5 � Length Height Wheeibase Weight Head Room Head Room Leg Room Leg Room Shoulder Room F Cfii6 3 7 "'11H (inches) (inches) (inches) (lbs) (front) (rear) (fmnt) (rear) (front) carnaro BE Ford Explorer (2WD) 57.0 51.9 51.7 55.9 48.0 7,_777777' Chevrolet impala 200.1 57.4 110.5 3590 39.2 36.8 42.2 38.4 59.0 For­dPoG,; 9;t_erc;pto_r 212.0 56.8 114.7 4039 39.4 38.0 42.5 39.6 60.8 KID- Ford Explorer (2WD) 188.5 67.5 111.9 3939 39.9 39.3 42.4 36.8 57.1 Volvo V-70 T5 Wacion 186.2 56.2 104.9 3448 39.1 37.8 41.4 35.2 57.1 Make/ Mode Shoulder Room Hip Room Hip Room Interior, Front Interior, Rear Interior, Combined Trunk Capacity Fuel Capacity (rear) (front) (rear) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) (gallons) Chevrolet Impala 58.9 56.8 55.7 56.5 48.2 104.7 Ford Police Interceptor 60.3 57.1 59.0 58.2 51.1 109.3 20.6 19.0 Ki U Ford Explorer (2WD) 57.0 51.9 51.7 55.9 48.0 103.9 42.6 (g) 21.0 ':rN 6 T6 Se'da" Volvo V-70 T5 Waaon 56.3 55.2 55.2 55.3 43.3 98.6 37.1 (i) 19.3 (a) -Behind 2nd seat; with 2nd seat down= 32.8 cu. ft. (d) For Jeep Cherokee 4WD. (g) Behind 2nd seat; with 2nd seat down = 81.6 cu. ft. (b) With compact spare tire. (e) Behind 2nd seat; with 2nd seat down = 69.0 cu. ft. (h) With rear seat down = 33.2 cu. ft. (c) For Jeep Cherokee 2WD. (f) -Behind 2nd seat, with 2nd seat down= 118.3 cu. ft. (i) Behind 2nd seat; with 2nd seat down = 67.0 cu. ft. Objective: To determine fuel economy potential. The scoring data are valid and reliable for comparison but may not necessarily be an accurate prediction of the car's actual fuel economy. Methodology: The vehicles' scores are based on estimates of city fuel economy to the nearest one-tenth of a mile per gallon from data supplied by the vehicle manufacturers. Table 7 shows the estimated Environ- Table •b Results of ergonomics and communications test Vehicle Score* Chevrolet Impala 213.75 Ford Police Interceptor 213.58 Ford Explorer 199.78 29 29"M Volvo V-70 T5 Wagon 176.63 *Scores are the total points the automobile received for each of 29 attributes the MSP considers important in determining the acceptability of the vehicle as a patrol car—for example, front seat adjustabilfty, clarity of instrumentation, and front and back visibility- The higher the number, the better the vehicle scored. mental Protection Agency (EPA) fuel economy ratings, rounded to the nearest whole number for city. highwav, and combined driving conditions. If you Would like a copy of the full report, write or call the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Tech- nology Center, P.O. Box 1160, RoclMlk, MD 20849 - 1160, 800-248-2742, or 301-519-5060; or download it from JUSTNET, http:11,wvvw.n1ectc.org. Table 7 Fuel economy Make/Modei EPA mHes per gallon City Highway Combined Camarc, (Automatic) 5.7L (350 cid) SF1 17 27 -20"-. Chevrolet Camaro (6 -speed manual) 5.7L (350 cid) SFI 18 29 22 DaimlerChrysler Jeep Cherokee (2-wheel drive) 4.OL (242 cid) PFI 16 22 18 rysler Jeep Cherokee (4-wheel drive) 4.OL (242 cid) PR 16 21 Ford Police Interceptor 4.6L (281 cid) SFI 16 21 18 clition (4-wheel drive) 5.4L (329 old) SF[ 12 16 14 Ford Explorer (2-wheel drive) 4.OL (245 cid) PFI 21 18 T5 Sedan 2.3L (142 cid) PR Turbo 19 27 22 Volvo V-70 T5 Wagon 2.3L (142 cid) PFI Turbo 19 27 22 Photo courtesy of Michigan State Police. )gy Center is supported by Cooperative Agreement 4, Justice, National Institute of Justice. Analyses of test by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department ogy, U.S. Department of Commerce; or Aspen of Justice Programs, which also includes the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, by Tom hates urine the -first week of June, a group of police fleet managers and jour- nalists visited GM of Canada's Oshawa, Ontario headquarters to preview the 2000 9C1 Impala. Police Package. A 9CI impala? Right. The new Impala carries on the 9C I designation formerly used by the police favored Caprice. After spending about six hours behind the wheel of the Impala, its predecessor and the Ford Police Interceptor, we found more than just the name had changed. The old V8-powered 9CI was a front engine. rear drive sedan built on a sep- arate frame and chassis. Police have driven this type of vehicle since Dick Tracy was a beat patrolman. The new 9C1 is a V6-powered, front engine, front drive sedan built on a unit body with a high strength aluminum front engine cradle that carries the engine, transmission and front suspension. That's a pretty radical change for law enf0TCCM(-,Q1. In p0liCiTllcl, equipment has to work, ojcrc',, no time for experi- mentation or product dc\ch)prncni. But GM's police and fleet executives said they've done their homework. They know the road ahead is rough and they face a lot of resistance, but they think they've put together a FWD package that will work for law enforcement. Front wheel drive (FWD) police cars do not have a good history. The con- ventional wisdom is that front drivers won't stand up under the stress police work puts on a vehicle, It also says FWD performance can't equal that of a RID vehicle. Bruce Wiley, Product Manager, said the new Impala Police Package is going to chance those perceptions. During his presentation at the Oshawa headquar- ters he stressed that the Impala is the first automobile GM has designed that included law enforcement requirements while on the drawing board. In the past, designers were given a retail market vehicle and told to make the best police vehicle of it. When the Impala 2000 design para- meters were laid down, police require- men's were included with those of the retail market. Wiley said they took their experiences with the old Caprice 9C1 and included the best features in the new design. One exampic he citcd was the bolt- on wheel caps instead of covers held on by metal or plastic clips. This is a direct result of the problems with the Caprice wheel covers, which became shiny Frisbees under hard cornering. By refer- ring to past experiences. NVilev, said they have a car that works « ell in both the retail and police market. Addressing possible buyer resis- tance, Wile), said GM is providing law enforcement a vehicle that is represen- tative of the times. "I see us as being the leaders in introducing new technol- ogy and getting ahead of the came in the future." The benchmark for the Impala was the Caprice, both in durability and per- formance. The goal of the Impala designers was to match the Caprice at a minimum in most areas. Regarding reliability and performance, Wiley said, "We knew where the Caprice was and we knew what we had to work with (in the Impala). We had to optimize the Impala's performance and reliability in order to be successful in law enforce- ment." He made a point when he added, "You will be able to jump curbs in the new Impala." Based on their durability data, Wiley said the Impala is a more durable vehi- cle than the Caprice. In their simulated police durability testing the Impala fared about 65% better than the Caprice did in its heyday. In one test they ran the Impala a simulated 100,000 miles, disassembled it and measured wear and other factors, reassembled the vehicle and ran it another 100,000 miles. They had never done that with a police pack- age before. In the simulated durability testing the MPMR M _MM"_ __ cars were driven seven days a week, 24 hours per dal over a 16-week period. in that time the cars covered 33,000 miles which equates to 100,000 miles of real world driving. Tests included curb jumping, pot holes and other extreme conditions. The heart of the Impala is the engine, a reliable 200 hp 3,8L V6 that started life in the early 60s as the Buick V6 and has been developed and refined over the ensuing years. The engine is speed limited to 124 mph to protect the fluid systems in the vehicle. At sus- tained speeds over 127 mph engineers found the fluid systems may become overheated since they' re operating at their maximum output levels. While testing showed an ungoverned Impala would equal some of the early model Caprice's top speeds, designers had to take into account new pursuit policies as well as liability concerns. Since pursuit polices range from none to "don't even think about it," Wiley said they decided it would be more realistic and practical to focus the Impala's performance on the low end of the spectrum, 0 - 60, 0 - 80 etc. times. Experience shows that those figures are often more ;important than top speed. Quick low end acceleration can reduce the duration and length of a pursuit. The trend seems to be moving away from 130 and higher top speeds. Wiley also pointed out, "(for officers who do want high top speeds) we do offer the 134C Camaro with a 155 mph top speed." Stressing durability, Wiley said the engine coolant has a 100,000 mile Ille cycle and platinum spark plugs good for 1009000 miles. To improve mainte- nance.airencripe ofl, change sensor bases oil change intervals on the vehicle's actual driving cycle not mileage and signals for oil chances with a warning light on the instrument panel. Frequent start up and shut downs and short trips are harder on an engine than sustained driving at steady speeds so the oil needs to be changed more frequently. The 4T65E 4-speed automatic trans- mission is filled with the new Dexron A' life cycle of 50,000 IrF fluid and has a H miles. Civilian versions of the Impala have a 100,000 mile ATF fluid life cycle. It was also pointed out that, while the Impala doesn't have a trac- tion control, 2nd near can be used to start off and acts like traction control in poor weather. Another durability feature is the engine control module (ECM). ECMs, like any computer, are sensitive to heat and one of the hottest areas in any auto- mobile is under the hood. To protect the ECM and increase its life engineers mounted it inside the engine air cleaner where there's a constant flow of air. While not exactly a durability feature the Impala also has an idle boost, bat- tery rundown protection. If the car sits with all the equipment on, the body computer will increase the idle speed so the alternator produces 125 amps. The alternator normally produces about 96 amps at idle with the a/c running. If the equipment draw continues to exceed the alternator's power output the com- puter's "rundown" protection program will be-in shutting off equipment. It shuts off only equipment on the vehicle side such as the a/c, ANYIFIM radio, rear defogger etc. If the voltage drops to a critical point the body computer shuts the engine down while there's still enough power in the battery for one restart. Other small details of the Impala include an air-to-oil power steering oil cooler, a 100 amp outlet in trunk to make mounting equipment there easier, a surveillance switch for instrument panel lights and a Silghtsaver"m interior light — with both red and white lenses. In normal conditions the white light is used; under surveillance or other spe- cial conditions the red light lens is used. While we didn't do any measured acceleration times, we were told the Impala had been tested and came up 62 LAVA' and ORDER july 1999 with acceleration times of: 0 - 60 mph in 8.6 seconds and 0 - 100 in 23.0. The benchmark Caprice did beat the impala in 0 - 60, but only by .8 of a second. In the informal drag races we ran against the Caprice and Ford Police intercep- tor, we usually lagged a little behind the Caprice and stayed even with Or beat the Ford. Specifications and quotes are fine but what's -important is what happens on the road. Chevrolet set up two sepa- rate events so we could evaluate the Impala using both the Caprice and Ford Police Interceptor as comparisons. The first event was a "ride and drive" on a wide range of highways and roads where we took turns driving each vehi- cle. By the end of the morning we'd driven all three vehicles. On the road the Impala is an impres- sive vehicle. One of the first things we noticed was interior room. While the Impala is four inches narrower in shoul- der room than the Caprice and .9 inch- es narrower than the Ford Police Inter- ceptor it made virtually no difference. There's plenty of room between the driver's shoulder and the door. Space between the bucket seats is less than either the Ford or the Caprice but there's still room for equipment. On an interstate highway the Impala was smooth and quiet. We found the seats more comfortable than either the Caprice or the Ford. Given the equip- ment officers wear the bucket seats gripped well enough. When it comes to leg room, a 6'2" officer had to move the driver's seat up a notch or two from the rearmost seating position. While noise from the light bar was noticeable it wasn't intrusive. Controls were close at hand, though the heater controls were partially blocked by the laptop computer screen when it was in the open position. We found no wind wander in cross winds and no problems being pushed around by the slip streams of large trucks. On a washboard gravel road we were impressed to find no rear axle "walk" at reasonable speeds. With its narrower turning radius a U-turn on a two-lane country road required only a left turn, reverse and we were off in the opposite direction. U-tums on residential streets should be no problem. For normal dri- ving the impala was smooth, quiet and comfortable. We'd like to spend a full eight hour shift behind the wheel to be sure, but our initial impression was the Impala will work just fine in the real world. After a couple of hours of street and highway driving we visited Mosport Park for brake testing. handling and high speed driving. Mosport Park is a road racing course about 2.5 miles lonc, and includes a skid pad and short han- dling course used for Go-Kart racing. Chevrolet engineers had set up a series of chicanes on the longer road course to demonstrate the Impala's handling and slow drivers down. We came'away from that testing with some very posi- tive impressions. On the ABS tests on the skid pad the Impala's brakes pulled the car down smoothly and quickly. The skid pad featured an area painted with epoxy paint to reduce tire grip. Chevrolet engineers added to the fun by keeping the area wetted down. Due to the size of the skid pad we weren't able to do any really high speed panic stops but we were able to get up around 60 mph. On straight ahead panic stops the ABS pulled the Impala down like we'd dropped an anchor. We did feel mild pedal kickback from the ABS but it was more a vibration through the pedal than the kickback of earlier systems. When it came to panic stops with eva- sive maneuvers we found the Impala's four-wheel discs and ABS allowed us complete control. We never reached a speed where we couldn't keep the car under control. And the Impala's rack and pinion steering made the maneu- vers smooth and easy. Moving over to the short handling course the Impala really -shined. While we had to struggle to keep the Caprice and Ford on the road, the Impala defi- nitely felt more agile. Steering was closer to neutral and we felt almost no understeer in sharp comers. We did discover that drivers will have to change their driving styles with the Impala. In the traditional RWD car you have to brake before a corner and accelerate through it for maximum han- dling. Often you can use the engine's power to help throw the car around. Judicious applications of power will bring the rear end around as you comer so you can be set up to drive straight ahead as you exit the corner. With the impala you have to drive deeper into the corner before lifting off and brak- ing. Where you'd apply power before the apex, or center, of the corner in a rear driver, in the Impala you went in Jeeper and applied the power at or after the apex to pull the car through. Trying to power through the corner using RWD techniques resulted in the inside wheel lifting. While we never Crot the inside wheel high enough up to induce wheel spin, we could feel that we were approaching that point. After several laps of hard braking and cor- nering the Impala's brakes were still solid and responded to our inputs. And, again, the rack and pinion steering made maneuvering easy. There was no need to do excessive hand-over-hand grips to maneuver around sharp cor- ners. Something we didn't find true in either the Caprice or the Ford Police Interceptor. Moving on to the longer track the Impala again was impressive. We won't say it was intentional but the chicanes set up for the testing were extreme with all requiring almost 90 degree turns to enter. That obviously favored the Impala's shorter wheelbase and overall length. Still, heading into the chicanes the brakes pulled us down smoothly. Going through the chicanes there was noticeable body roll but the rack and pinion steering made the maneuvering easier and faster than the traditional recirculatine, ball steering used on the Ford. In side-by-side starts against the Caprice the older model generally took the lead. Against the Ford it was more often a tie. But after a number of laps on the longer road course we found the Impala to be thoroughly competent. We abused the brakes as much as we could and never faded them. Body roll in hard corners was minimal and on a par with the competition. In steady radius curves you could set the steering wheel angle and hold it through the entire curve. We give GM engineers high praise for the Impala's front sus- pension and drive system. Summing up, I'd say Chevrolet has done their homework. They freely admit the Impala isn't the Caprice. It doesn't have the acceleration nor the MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROMa REGENA GUT RISK MANAGER SUBJECT- WORKERS' COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT- F. DA FRANCISCO DATE. DECEMBER 29,1999 BACKGROUND: Mr. Darren Francisco, while "on-call" at approximately Sam on February 28, 1999, was ill-Juxed when a bullet tore through his left index finger, the gear shift knob and his leg. he bullet was fired through the truck window as Darren was i driing n a city water driving maintenance 'truck, west on 76th Street North near Sheridan Road after repairing a water Beak. Subsequent to this injury, Darren underwent surgery on March 1, 1999, to repair the inju[ries to his left hand and left thigh. In early May the pins were removed as a result of the initial surgery. y. Again ' in June, additional surgery was required to re-structure the finger. Mr. Francisco returned to work on a restricted light-duty status June 23, 1999, and was released to full-duty on August 31, 1999. At this time, Darren is assigned to the wastewater treatment plant and is training as an operator. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM: On October 11, 1999, Mr. Francisco was evaluated by Dr. Hallford and was given a 45% impairment rating to the left hand and a 7% impairment rating to the whole man, with a dollar value of $26,497,20. Dr. Farrar on December 2, 1999, rated Darren with a 80% impairment to the left index finger and a 2% impairment rating to the whole person, a dollar value of $7,981.71. During a settlement meeting prior to the scheduled workers' compensation trial on December 22, 1999; the parties negotiated a joint Petition Settlement Order whereby the City would pay Mr. Francisco $17,500 as a full and final settlement for his injuries and ail claims arising from this incident, known and unknown. RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends approval and acceptance of the negotiated settlement by Joint Petition Order in the amount of $17,500, plus associated legal and court costs. ATTACHMENTS: Court Claim 99-5019KJCertificate to joint Petition MEMORANDUM TO-, THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. JEFF HANCOCK CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: December 29, 1999 HUMAN RESOURCES- The following personnel actions have occurred since the last report: Police Department — Russell Perry and Linda Andrews have been employed as Communications Officers. Mr. Perry has been working since October 11 as a Dispatcher's Assistant answering incoming phone calls during weekday mornings. Ms. Andrews has extensive experience in emergency communications with Bristow and Bixby. Both are earning $9.15 per hour. City'111all, — Juanita May, morning receptionist since 1992, has submitted her resignation effective with the New Year. She and her husband Sam plan to enjoy retirement. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT — DECEMBER 28, 1999 REGULAR MEETING — The following items were unanimously approved at the December 28, 1999 Regular Meeting of the Owasso Board of Adjustment at 7:00 PM in the Owasso Community Center: OBOA-99-32 — Owasso Market — A request for a variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Appendix F, Owasso Sign Ordinance, to allow a signage in excess of maximum area requirements. The property is located on the north side of E 96th Street N, west of the December 29, 1999 PAGE 2 Owasso Expressway. The subject property is described as Lots i & 2, Block 1. Owasso Market Addition and is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center). OBOA-99-33.— Hodges — A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Chapter, Section 240, Yards, to allow a carport in the required front yard of property located at 609 N Ash. The subject property is described as Lot 3, Block 3, Raywood Addition and is zoned RS-3 (Residential Single - Family High-Density). If you have any questions regarding these items, please contact Theron Warlick or Marsha Hensley. PLANNING COMMISSION — JANUARY 11, 1999 REGULAR MEETING — CANCELLED — No Agenda items have been received for review at the January 11, 2000 Regular Meeting. .-Ais a result, this meeting has been canceled. If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact Theron Warlick or Marsha Hensley. SPORTS PARK USER GROUP — The next meeting of the Sports Park User Croup will be :geld on January 26, 2000 at 6:00 PM at City Hall in the downstairs conference room. Y2-K POLICE CONTINGENCY PLAN - The Police Department has prepared and coordinated with the City, its Y2K Action Plan for New Year's Eve. in brief, the entire patrol division will report for duty at 8:00 p.m. on Friday December 311, 1999 and remain on duty for as long as necessary. Additional Dispatchers will also be on duty throughout the evening. Although we do December 29, 1999 PAGE 3 not expect any Y2K related problems, the Department will be ready in the unlikely event that there are. There will be additional officers assigned to each of the three patrol districts as well as officers assigned to the parking lots of each elementary school and the High School from 11:30 p.m. until 12:30 a.m.. Although New Year's Eve is traditionally a very busy night for the Department, the main focus of the evening will be the security of the cornibunity. EMBEZZLEMENT CASE - Detective Sergeant Tony Klahr has just completed an extensive investigation involving an individual who embezzled $ 929000.00 from a local business. This was a very complicated case involving many man-hours. Sergeant Klahr did an outstanding Job in his case preparation and an arrest warrant for the suspect is forthcoming. ENGINEERING- BOND PROJECTS/INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS — G will be relocating -poles at the intersection of 76th Street North and 129th East Avenue during the week of January 3, 2000. This activity should not affect traffic. Please refer any questions to Dwayne Henderson at 272 - 4959. CM991229.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us ATTACHMENTS 1. Owasso Market/96th Street cooridor Street improvements preliminary cost estimates from Peters & Associates dated December 23, 1999 MEMORANDLM to: Robert Carr, Director Public Works Department cc, Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Sherry Bishop, Finance Director Ron Cates, Attorney Theron Warlick, City,!Mann.4 FROM: Jeff Hancock City Manager SUBJECT: Preliminary CV QiMates / Owasso Market Area — 96th Street Corridor DATE- December 2S, 1999 Attached is a letter with cost estimates for the recommended improvements from Peters & Associates for the third contract with SEAYCO on the Owasso Market/96th Street Corridor Improvements. Please review and provide Mr. Rooney and Mr. Cates your comments. After your review, 1 would suggest that you forward this report to Frank Enzbrenner of RCB and request that RCB participate in the funding of both the road improvements and traffic signal near their property. Mr. Enzbrenner has previously indicated that RC B would participate. This commitment should occur before the approval of RC 's final plat and site plan. After meeting with RCB and deciding which projects the City wants constructed and included in the SEA CC contract, I would suggest a meeting with Mr. Seay to negotiate the contract terms. The SEAYCO Company should provide both engineering and construction that will meet our standards and approval for said improvements. As stated to the Council, I am available at anytime if you need my assistance. attachments December 23, 1999 Mr, Jeff Hancock City Manager City of Owasso 297 South Cedar P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OIL 74655 Bus: (916) 72 -2261 Bus Fax: (9f 8) 272 -4999 PETERS & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED Re: Preliminary Cost Estimates Owasso, Oklahoma As you requested, Peters & Associates Engineers, Inc. has prepared this preliminary cost estimates for the corridor improvements recommended as a part of our current work on this project. Enclosed please find prelim nary costs estimates for the foliowing segments: Segment 1 — Garnett Road Intersection Segment 2 — Garnett Road Approach to Owasso Market West Drive Segment 3 Owasso Market — North Side Segment 4 — Oak Tree Business lark — South Side Segment 5 — U.S. Highway 169 to earth 129th East Avenue Summary of Cost Estimates Segment 3 — Owasso Market — North Side This segment should be constructed as shown in the East 96th Street Corridor Study when Owasso Market is constructed. Although the Owasso Market Traffic Study recommendations will for off -site improvements will be adequate for the opening day traffic of Owasso markets the improvements recommended in the East 96th Street Corridor Study should be constructed to avoid unnecessary reconstruction of East 96th Street, P.O. BOX 21638 LI'T'TLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 7222 (501) 225.0500 FAX: (501) 225 -0602 Mn Jeff Hancock 12/23/99 Page 2 Segment 4 - Oak Tree Business Park - South Sidee similarly, this segment should be construced as shown in the East 96th Street Cooridor Study when Oak Tree Business Park is constructed. The improvments recommended in the East 96th Street Cooridor Study should be construded to avoid unnecessary reconstruction of East 96th Street. Segment 5 - U.S. Highway 169 to North 129th East Avenue this segment should be construced when the LOS is less than LOS "D" and the warrant eleven "Peak Hour Warrant" (Manual On Uniform traffic Control Devices) is satisfied. This should occur when the approach traffic volumes for eastbound and westbound on East 96th Street at North 129th East Avenue reach 1,200 vehilces in the PM peak hour. If you have any questions concerning this information or if further information is needed at this time, please contact me. Sincerely, Peters & Associates Engineers, INC. Gregory B. Simmons vice President 20-Dec-99 Segment I Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate- Garnett Road Intersection 1 Sete Preparation - Mobilization LS $ 2 Unclassified Eycavation CY $ 3 Remove & Dispose Curb& Gutter LF $ 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Course SY $ 5 Tack Coat GL $ 6 HMAC Surface Course (Type H) TN $ 7 HMAC Binder Course (Type 11) TN $ 8 Crushed Stone Base TN $ 9 3' Std. Curb & Gutter LF $ 10 Pavement Markings - 4' LF $ 11 Pavement Markings - Arrow White EA $ 12 Pavement Markings - "ONLY' White EA $ 13 Pavement Markings - White Stop Bar I Z' LF $ 14 Traffic Control for Construction EA $ 15 Pen-nanent Traffic Control Signs EA $ 16 Street Lighting Poies, Fixtures, Foundations, Wiring EA $ 17 Concrete Sidewalk SF $ 18 Stoanwater Drainage LF $ 9 Traffic Signals and interconnect: 3010 Mh Street and 129th East Avenue LS $ 96'th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS $ 96th Street and U.S. 169 SB Off Ramp LS $ 96th Street and 121 at East Avenue LS $ 96th Street and Garnett Road LS $ Construction Sub-ToW. 4,338.35 1 $ 4,388.35 10.00 1951 $ 19,514.81 3.50 1348 $ 4,718.00 3.60 67 $ 240.00 2.50 10 $ 25.00 47.00 515 $ 24,213.98 38.00 779 $ 29,588.36 12.00 234 $ 2,810.13 10.00 1956 $ 19,560.00 0.30 3010 $ 903.02 45.00 a $ 360.00 65.00 4 $ 260.00 3.50 245 $ 856.80 720.00 1 $ 720.00 175.00 22 $ 3,867.50 950.00 2 $ 1, .00 3.00 5640 $ 16,920.00 40.00 324 $ 12,960.00 30,000.00 0 $ 90, .00 0 $ - 90, .00 0 $ 75,000.00 0 $ - 80, .00 1 $ 80,000.00 900 Contingency @ 10% LS $ 22,380.60 1 $ 22,380.60 Engineering Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 26,856.72 1 $ 26,856.72 Construction Inspection I Survey Control LS $ 19,023.51 1 $ 19,023.51 Utility Relocations and Adjustments LS $ - ?? Not Included Right of Way for Construction LS $ - ?? Not Included Non-Construction Sub-Total: Project 7otal,. 292,066.79 Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate: Garnett Road Approach to Owasso Market West Access Drive Utility Relocations and Adjustments I Site Preparation - Mobilization LS $ 5,735.00 1 $ 5,735.00 2 Unclassified Excavation CY $ 10.00 4813 $ 48,127.78 3 Remove & Dispose Curb & Gutter LF $ 3.50 0 $ - 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Course SY $ 3.60 0 $ - 5 Tack Coat GL $ 2.50 25 $ 61.25 6 HMAC Surface Course (Type H) TN $ 47.00 1271 $ 59,716.95 7 HMAC Binder Course hype 11) TN $ 38.00 1920 $ 72,971.34 8 Crashed Stone Base TN $ 12.00 578 $ 6,930.40 9 8" Std, Curb & Gutter LF $ 10.00 26W $ 26,000.00 10 Pavement Markings - 4' LF $ 0.30 6634 $ 1,990.28 11 Pavement Markings - Avow White EA $ 45.00 6 $ 270.00 12 Pavement Markings- "ONLY' White EA $ 65.00 0 $ - 13 Pavement Markings - White Stop Bar 12'° LF $ 3.50 0 $ - 14 Traffic Controi for Construction EA $ 1,764.00 1 $ 1,764.00 15 Permanent Traffic Control Signs EA $ 175.00 16 $ 2,786.88 IS Street Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Foundations, Wlring EA $ 950.00 5 $ 4,655.00 17 Concrete Sidevvdk SE $ 3.00 9468 $ 28,404.00 IS Storm, water Drainage LF $ 40.00 827 $ 33,072.00 19 Traffic Signals and Interconnect: 96th Street and 129th East Avenue LS $ 80,000.00 0 $ - 96th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS $ 90,000.00 0 $ - 96th Street and U.S. 169 SS Off Ramp LS $ 90,000.00 0 $ - h Street and 121 st East Avenue LS $ 75,000.00 0 $ - 96th Street and Game' t Road LS $ 80,000.00 0 $ - Construction Sub -T otal- Contingency @ 10% LS $ 29,248.49 1 $ 29,248.49 En&wing Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 35,098.18 1 $ 35,098.18 Construction inspection / Survey Control LS $ 24,861.21 1 $ 24,861.21 Utility Relocations and Adjustments LS $ - ?? Not Included Right of Way for Construction LS $ - ?? Not Included Non-Construction Sub-T otal-. 89,207.88 Project Total, 3818692.75 20-Dec-99 Segment 3 Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate: Owasso Market - North Side Construction Sub-7otaI- 7,413.91 7,413.91 I Site Preparation - Mobilizzation LS $ 2 Unclassified Excavation CY $ 3 Remove & Dispose Curb & Gutter LF $ 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Course SY $ 5 Tack Coa GL $ 6 HIVAC Surface Course (Type fl) TN $ 7 HMAC Binder Course (Type li) TN $ 3 Crushed Stone Base TN $ 9 8" Std. Curb & Gutter LF $ 10 Pavement Markings - 4?' LF $ 11 Pavement Markings - Arrow White EA $ 12 Pavement Maddngs -"ONLY' White EA $ 13 Pavement Markings - White Stop Bar I Z' LF $ 14 7raffiC Control for Construction EA $ 15 Permanent Traffic Control Signs EA $ 16 Street Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Foundations, Wiring EA $ 171 Concrete Sidewalk SF $ 8 Stormwater Drainage LF $ 19 Traffic Signals and Interconnect: 2 96th Street and 129th East Avenue LS $ 96th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS $ 96th Street and U.S. 169 SB Off Ramp LS $ 96th Street and 121 at East Avenue LS $ 96th Street and Garnett Road LS $ Construction Sub-7otaI- 7,413.91 1 $ 7,413.91 10.00 4216 $ 42,155.56 3.50 0 $ 32,139.29 1 $ 32,139.29 3.60 156 $ - 7? 561.46 2.50 39 $ 97.50 47.00 1113 $ 52,3M.61 38.00 1682 $ 63,916.25 12.00 506 $ 6,070.40 10.00 1466 $ 14,660.00 0.30 5278 $ 1,583.37 45.00 2 $ 90.00 65.00 2 $ 130.00 350 24 $ 84.00 1,764.00 1 $ 1,764.00 175.00 25 $ 4,436.25 950.00 8 $ 7,410.00 3.00 7330 $ 21,990.00 40.00 1586 $ 63,440.00 80,000.00 0 $ - 90, .00 0 $ - 90, .00 1 $ 90,000.00 75,000.00 0 $ - 80, .00 0 $ Contingency @ 10% LS $ 37,810.93 1 $ 37,810.93 Engineering Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 45,373.12 1 $ 45,373.12 Construction inspection I Survey Control LS $ 32,139.29 1 $ 32,139.29 Utifity Reiccations and Adjustments LS $ - 7? Not included Right of Way for Construction. LS $ - 7? Not included Non-Construction Sub-Totak HMMMH�M Project Total, 493,432.64 20-Dec-99 Seamen', 4 Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate: Oak Tree Business Park South Side 10.00 652 I Site Preparation - Mobilization LS $ 2 Unclassified Excavation Cy $ 3 Remove & Dispose Curb & Gutter LF $ 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Course SY $ 5 Tack Coat GL $ 5 HIMAC Surface Course (Type fl) TN $ 7 HMAC Binder Course (Type ll) TN $ 8 Crushed Stone Base TN 78 9 3' Sta. Curb & Gutter LF 10.00 10 Pavement Markings - 4" LF $ 11 Pavement Markings - Arrow White EA $ 12 Pavement )Markings -"ONLY" White EA $ 13 Pavement Markings - White Stop Bar 12°° LF $ 14 Traffic Control for Construction EA $ 15 permanent Traffic Control Signs EA $ 16 Street Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Foundations, Wlring EA $ 17 Concrete Sidewalk SF 175.00 IS StornnwaterDrainage LF $ l 19 Traffic Signals and Interconnect: 2 $ 96th Street and 129th East Avenue LS $ 96th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS $ 96th Street and U.S. 169 SB Off Ramp LS . $ Mh Street and 121 st East Avenue LS $ Mh Street and Garnett Road LS $ Construction Sub-Total- 2,649.39 1 $ 2,649.39 10.00 652 $ 6,519.44 3.50 0 $ - 3.60 133 $ 479.88 2.50 39 $ 97.50 47.00 172 $ 8,089.33 38.00 260 $ 9,884.78 12.00 78 $ 938.80 10.00 534 $ 5,340.00 0.30 182 $ 54.47 45.00 2 $ 90.00 65.00 0 $ - 3.50 24 $ 84.00 1,764.00 1 $ 1,764.00 175.00 7 $ 1,137.50 950.00 2 $ 1,900.00 3.00 2670 $ 8,010.00 40.00 327 $ 13,080.00 80,000.00 0 $ - 90, .00 0 $ 90,000.00 0 $ 75, .00 1 $ 75,000.00 80,000.00 0 $ ,Contingency @ 10% LS $ 13,511.91 1 $ 13,511.91 Engineering Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 16,214.29 1 $ 16,214.29 Construction Inspection I Survey Control LS $ 11,485.12 1 $ 11,485.12 Uflity Relocations and Adjustments LS $ - ?? Not Included Right of Way for Construction LS $ - ?1? Not Included Non-Construction Sub-Total- 41,211.32 Project Totak 176,330.42 go Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate. U.S Highway 169 to North 129th East Avenue $ 40,225.15 I Site Preparation - Mobilization LS $ 7,887.28 1 $ 7,887.28 2 Unclassified Excavation CY $ 10.00 3271 $ 32,710.19 3 Remove & Dispose Curb & Gutter LB $ 3.50 1348 $ 4,718.00 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Course SY $ 3.60 84 $ 302.40 5 Tack Coat GL $ 2.50 21 $ 52.50 6 HMAC Surface Course (Type fl) TN $ 47.00 364 $ 40,586.80 7 MAC Binder Course Type fl) TN $ 38.00 1305 $ 49,595.181 8 Crushed Stone Base TN $ 12.00 393 $ 1 4,710.27 9 $0e Std. Curb & Gutter LP $ 10.00 3118 $ 31,176.00 10 Pavement Marklngs - 4`' LF $ 0.30 5244 $ 1,573.13 11 Pavement Mar Dings - Arrow White EA $ 45.00 17 $ 765.00 12 PavementiMarkings -'ONLY' White EA $ 65.00 8 $ 520.00 13 Pavement Markings - White Stop Bar 12' LF $ 3.50 216 $ 756.00 14 Traffic Control for Construction EA $ 1,512.00 1 $ 15 Permanent Traffic Control Signs EA $ 175.00 14 $ 2,388.75 8" Barrier Curb LF $ 20.00 $ - 8" Concrete Filled Bollards EA $ 35.00 $ - 16 Street Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Foundations, Wiring EA $ 950.00 4 $ 3,990.00 17 Concrete Sidewalk SF $ 3.00 7344 $ 22,032.00 18 Stormwater Drainage I u $ 40.00 674 $ 26,976.00 19 Traffic Signals and Interconnect; 96th Street and 129th East Avenue LS $ 80,000.00 1 $ 80,000.00 96th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS $ 90, .00 1 $ 90,000.00 96-th Street and U.S. 169 SS Off Ramp LS $ 90,000.00 0 $ - 96th Street and 121 st East Avenue LS $ 75, .00 0 $ Mh Street and Garnett Road LS $ 80,000.00 0 $ Construction Sub - Total- Contingency @ 10% LS $ 40,225.15 40,295.15 Engineering Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 48,270.13 48,270.18 Construction lnspection I Survey Control LS $ 34,191.38 :34,191.38 Utility Relocations and Adjustments LS $ - ?? Not included Right of Way for Construction LS $ - ?? Not Included Non-Construction Sub-Totak 122,686.71 Project Total: $ 524,938.20 is \DWG \DNG837 Owasso, OK \Owasso- Corr - Figures \Projected - Road- Geometry.dwg Peters & Associates Engineers, Inc. OTHER ITEMS PRESENTED TO Council with this agenda. EXCESS INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of December, 1999, by and between SEAYCO - thf oWASSO MARKET. L.L.C., a Missouri Limited Liability Company whose mailing address is c/o THF Realty, 955 Executive Parkway, Suite 210, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141-6357, hereafter refered to as "SEAYCO" and the Owasso Public Works Authority, whose address is 207 South Cedar, Owasso Oklahoma 74055, an Oklahoma Public Trust having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as its beneficiary, hereinafter refered to as "OPWA" WHEREAS, SEAYCO is developing a 45.94 acres 7 lot subdivision in the Sout Half (S/2) of Section 17, Township 21 North (t-21N), Range 14 East (R-14E), City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, such property being generally located on the north side of East 96th Street North and west of U.S. Highway 169, hereinafter Refereed to as "Owasso Market"; and, WHEREAS, in conjunction with such real estate development, traffic signal and/or street improvements in and along the perimeter of Owasso Market as well as along east 96th street north are necessary; and, WHEREAS, SEAYCO and OPWA, under the conditions hereinfater set forth, agree to participate in the deisgn and construction of the traffic signal and/or street improvements, all as more specifically set forth hereinafter NOW, THEREFORE, be it mutually agreed that: 1. SEAYCO, by and thrugh its engineers, Peters & Associates, engineers, incorporated, has caused to be provided an engineering study, to-wit: A. Traffic volume counts at the intersections of (1) East 96th Street North and Garnett Avenue (2)East 96th Street North and 129th Avenue, (3) East 96th Street North and the northbound on/off ramps on U.S. Highway 169, (4) East 96th Street North and the southbound on/off ramps on U.S. Highway 169, (5) East 96th Street North and 121st Avenue. B. Projected traffic volume growth in the corridor area. C. Capacity and level of service analysis for the above referenced intersections D. Improvement needs to accomodate projected traffic volumes, including land configurations at the above referenced intersections and the street segments between them and traffic signal analysis. E. Schenaic interstion layout for land configuration and traffic control. 2. SEAYCO shall accomplish the tatks associated with the traffic signal and/or street improvments in and along the perimeter of Owasso Market as well as along East 96th Street North as set forth on Exhibit "A" hereto, the same being made a part ehreof. 3. OPWA will pay to SEAYCO, at the address provided for above, the sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars and no/100 ($150,000.00), plus interest at a "pass-through" rate (that is at an interest rate equal to that interest rate paid by SEAYCO, to offset any additional and related cost to the forgoing traffic signalization and/or street improvments, including, but not limited to street improvenets in and along the perameter of Owasso Market as well as improvments along East 96th Street North. The Sum of One hundred fifty thousand dollars and no/100 ($150,000.00), plus interest shall be paid to SEAYCO in three (3) equal monthly installments beginning the 15th day of sepember, 2000 and concluding on the 15th day of november, 2000. in addition to the foregoing, OPWA will pay to SEAYCO the sum of fifteen thousnad dollars and no/100 ($15,000.00), plus interset at a "pass-through" rate as defined above, in repayment of an advnce by SEAYCO for the cost of the aforementioned engineering study performed by Peters & Associates. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars and no/100 ($15,000.00) plus interset shall be paid to SEAYCO, at the address provided for above, in three (3) equal monthly installments concurrently with the payment of the monthly instllments noted above. Insofar as said "Pass-through" interst rate is concerned, it is the understanding of the parties that such interest rate will be One Hunded Thirty (130) basis points over the establshed rate adjusted daily and as published in the wall street jouranl nothwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge that the "pass-through" interest rate of One hundred thirty (130) basis points over is subject to change as SEAYCO may change its financing arraignements from time to time if such are on more favorable terms that the rate herein contplated. Notwithstanding anything to the contary herein, SEAYCO shall provide OPWA with documentation of the "pass-through" interst rate and SEAYCO's actual interest payment thereof prior to OPWA paying the first monthying installment on September 15, 2000. 4.It is expressly agreed between the parties that OPWA may prepay in whole or in part the foregoing obligation at any time without any payment penalty. 5. The foregoing constitutes the entire agreement between the partis as relates to the OPWA contribution to the traffic signalization and/or street improvment sin and along the permiter of owasso market as well as along East 96th Street North except for that certain agreement excluded of even date hereinwith between the immediate parties relating to the installation, acceptance and acquisition of the traffic signal at the intersection of East 96th Street North and a proposed enterance to Owasso Market as yet to be determined. IN WITNESS WERHEOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day ang year first written above. 01/03/2000 17:28 5820166 CAFES UNDERWOOD PAGE 01 g,- --r- .Dul Pa ACREEMENT, made and mterod info tai s SEAYCO THJ� Q%V as, ,4 . -- dAy Of DMIC919bor, 1999, by and betweQ1 0 Market L LZ, a Miszzouri L nit Liability company whose 6,naijisjg a,,jdrb,. c/0 NIT Realty, 955 Executive par . k%,ay, Suite 210, S as "SEAVC0,1, , Z. Louis, Missouri, 63141-6357 4a)eafber refearcd k'I an'd the 0-RE50 Pubhc WoFks Audmiiiy, sa aass is 207 South Cg&r, 7405,S, W Oklahoma P0flc Trust haytrq the City of owe�,,50, ok-jahwa as Owasso, its bemary, WHEREAS, SF.AYC0 and OPWA, tmdw lad cwdl6ons be:cmafterset f in Che dLsign and C�on,, orth , sgrw to ,e t.afftc signal andf, participato impro%nme2ite, aij as more sp,�015c4lly W NOW, THEREFORL be zzm4tt@ally agtej thaw IL SEAYCO, by drd ui.rougN .0 be, , its 01&0m, Pciers A=ciatcs, F-ngjncgrs� Incorporated, has caused provided an engm=ing Study, m-%V-R: By: THE Owasso Market, L.L.C, EAST 96TH STREET NORTH Note TRAFFIC SIGNAL WILL BE FULLY ACTUATED AND WILL BE INSTALLED ON MAST ARMS AND POLES WITH UNDERGROUND WIRING. ADD!T|0NALLY, THIS SIGNAL WILL BE CAPABLE OF OPERATING AS A PART OF A COORDINATED SIGNAL SYSTEM AS OTHER TRAFFIC SIGNALS ARE |N3TALLED IN THE VICINITY. TH!S TRAFFIC SIGNAL WILL CONFORM T0 THE SPEC- 1F|CAT|ON3 OF THE CITY OF OWASSD AND THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. EXHIBIT 6N I TRAFFIC SIGNAI- 0 50 .wzSA Santa Fe Depot, 111 South Elgin Avenue, Tulso, Oklahoma 74120--1816 Certificate of Authorization Number 1783 (Exp. June 30, 2001)