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2000.01.04_OPWA Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: January 4, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 - 00 p.m. on Thursday, December 30, 1999, ity S�ecretary Marcliafutwell, Autho ri o AGENDA 1. Call to Order Chairman Wilken 2. Fla- Salute n 3 of Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relatinc, to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request, A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of December 21, 1999 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority January 4, 2000 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-B 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action on Excess Infrastructure Construction Agreements Between SEAYCO-THF Owasso Market, LLC and the Owasso Public Works Authority as Relates to Signalization and Street Improvements Along 961h Street Nolth Commercial Corridor. Mr Cates Attachment 95 The staff will recommend approval of two agreements with SEAYCO and authorization for the Chair to execute the documents. 6. Report from OPWA Manager. 7. Report from OPWA Attorney. 8. New Business. Owasso PUblic Works Authority january 4, 2000 a0 c 9. Ad;iouns:mcnt. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, Decernber 21, 1999 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, December 21 1999 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 1999 Z--� IT FIJI I CALL TO ORDER Chairman silken called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2; INVOCATION The in vocation was offered by Councilor WI-11 Williams. ITEM ": FLAG SALUTE ---- --- J City Attorney Ron Cates led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Mark Ti ken, Chair Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Chair Denise Bode, Trustee Melinda Voss, Tr-ustee H C "Will" William. s, Trustee STAFF Jeff Hancock, City Manager Ronald. D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATHON AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. A- pproval of the Minutes of December 7, 1999 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the December 7, 1999 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $77,183.39-- (2) OP IA Capital Improvement Fund $41,934.86; (3) OPWA Sewer Line Extension $23,000.00; (4) Payroll $33,480.26. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Ba=house, to approve the consent agenda. Owasso Public Works Authority December 3l, 1999 AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Voss, Williams, Wilken NAY: None I,��# ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT WITH RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 3,.ROGERS COUNT-,-'. Mr Cates presented the item. He said that discussion have occurred with the Board of Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County to work out methods of furnishing billing, collection and remittance of utility service and ambulance charges and assuring adequate fire flow capacity in areas served by a rural water district that have been annexed into the City of Owasso. This agreement addresses those concerns and has been executed by the Board of Directors of Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to approve the agreement with Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County, and authorize the Chair to execute the agreement. AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Banahouse, Wilken NAY: None ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT WITH RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 3, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mr Cates presented the item. He said that discussion have occurred with the Board of Rural Water District No. 3, Washington County to work out methods of furnishing billing, collection and remittance of utility service and ambulance charges and assuring adequate fire flow capacity in areas served by a rural water district that have been annexed into the City of Owasso. This agreement addresses those concerns. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the agreement with Rural Water District No. 3, Washington County, and authorize the Chair to execute the agreement. AYE: Voss, Williams, Bode, Barnhouse, Wilber NAY: None Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 9: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY. No repor-L ITEM 10: NEW BUSINESS. None ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Ms Bamnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary -3- December 21, 1999 Mark Wilken, Chairperson N City of Owasso Claims 11412000 Fund Department Total Genera Deposits 50.00 105 Municipal Court 135.06 110 Managerial 902.66 120 Finance 1629.76 150 General Government 3792.40 160 Community Development 303.41 170 Engineering 98.86 181 Support Services 1303.20 190 Cemetery 33.47 201 Police Services 1336.85 215 Police Communications 28.40 221 Animal Control 7.10 250 Fire Services 362.77 300 Streets 4620.17 515 Park Maintenance 81.18 550 Community Center 21.13 710 Economic Development 18.81 General TOTAL 14725.23 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 1388.00 TOTAL 1388.00 Bond Projects Streets/lntersections 40038.06 Community Center 1440.00 City Hall 1410.00 TOTAL 42888.06 OPGA Golf Merchandise 1928.15 Food & Beverage 1491.17 600 Golf Shop 277.41 605 Cart Operations 480.00 610 Golf Course Maintenance 148.53 670 Food & Beverage Operations 345.58 690 Golf Administration 1498.20 691 Clubhouse 272.33 800 Debt Service 10802.12 TOTAL 17243.49 OPWA 400 OPWA Administration 1349.83 405 Utility Billing 1722.79 420 Water 9001.69 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 1805.79 455 Wastewater Collections 2595.57 480 Refuse Collections 282.67 485 Recycle Center 22.15 TOTAL 16780.49 OPWA Capital Improvements WWTP Phase 11 115930.00 800 Debt Service 272211.70 TOTAL 431511 .70 OPWA Revenue Bonds 124828.75 Sales Tax TOTAL 124828.75 City Garage 185 City Garage 6333.92 TOTAL 6333.92 Workers' Comp Self-insurance 150 Workers' Comp 1600.50 TOTAL 1600.50 Claims Total 268940.14 City of Owasso C asl 1 Rcquiremer ts Lists vendor narne, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase order" report. City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm. Page I Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumutative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due - --- -- - - - - -- -------- -------------- ------- ---- - - - - -- -------------- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- ------ - -- - -- ------ -- - - - - -- 102 231 FRANKLIN COVEY TotaL cash required for week ending 01/07/2000 1 314 PING 10 1068 CRAWFORD & ASSOCIATES PC 100 805 HAYNES EQUIPMENT 101 765 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC 103 296 MERRY WOODS WELDING 104 873 OWASSO OVERHEAD DOOR 105 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 106 803 HOME DEPOT INC 107 829 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA 108 14 EIS COMMUNICATIONS 109 1021 TULSA FORD NEW HOLLAND INC 11 826 METROCALL 110 823 MACS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 111 649 ARMY NAVY SURPLUS 112 1049 WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER 113 1100 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 114 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 115 978 SCOTT RICE 116 878 OKIE ONE CALL SYSTEM 117 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENI 118 1141 WORLD CLASS SECURITY 119 210 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE 12 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 13 42 OAKLEY INC 14 358 DOZIER PRINTING 15 454 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORP 16 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 17 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 18 963 STANDARD COFFEE 19 960 SWBYPS 20 855 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 21 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N *APR010 25585772 25589532 25669252 4209954,M 099027 -1 A99023 -8 192 27011 1176 12/8/99 21887 9141839 123081 C183238 182943 202924 3520875 -2 25854 13786 17406 1128708 23412 34380 2000268 3815 4100 9922 1656451 -R2 1997 1998 1996 91977804 91855968 91963989 91970990 11347 11348 608947 615477 613332 598069 615476 21974 67767 67798 7114 -65235 303 - 1467 -3600 596465 96676 11/21/99 01/04/00 12/01/99 12/03/99 12/27/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 149,070.26 11/30/99 01/04/00 11/24/99 01104/00 12/16/99 01/04/00 12/08/99 01/04100 11/15199 01/04/00 12105/99 01/04/00 12/03199 01/04/00 11/30/99 01/04/00 11118/99 11123199 01/04/00 01/04100 01/04/00 12/08/99 01104/00 12/10199 01/04100 12101/99 01/04/00 12/29/99 01/04/00 12115/99 01/04100 11112/99 01/04/00 12/10/99 01/04/00 11/17/99 01/04100 12/07199 11/22199 01/04100 11/29199 01/04/00 12/27199 01/04/00 12/27/99 12/27199 12/27/99 01104100 12/27/99 12/27/99 12/27/99 12/27/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 12/27/99 01/04/00 12/27199 12/27/99 12/27/99 12/27/99 12127/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 01/04/00 12127/99 01/05/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 01104/00 12/27/99 01/04/00 12/27/99 01/04/00 173.00 €73.00 940.27 3,800.00 1,300.00 48.00 90.00 63.00 121..50 131.30 28.46 225.00 51.54 786.92 84.28 289.90 1,498.00 85.00 32.88 1,410.00 134.00 5 €.60 558.83 44.97 135,630.87 -�K 173.00 113.27 4.913.27 6,213,27 6,261.27 6,351.27 6,414.27 6,535.77 6,667.07 6,695.53 6,920.53 6,972.07 7,758.99 7,843.27 8,133.17 9,631.17 9,716.17 9,749.05 11,159.05 11,293.05 11,344.65 11,903.48 11,948.45 147,579.32 583°09 148,162.41 277.41 148,439.82 404.79 148,844.61 110.90 148,955.51 92.15 149,047.66 22.60 149,070.26 98.20 149,168.46 205.70 149,374.16 211.00 149,585.16 By JANET JACKSON iJLJ3 City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 2 Cash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative Ciaing ------ Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- -------------- Amount Due 22 818 I BANK ONE TRUST CO NA ORF-99-008-L 12/27/99 01/04/00 3,071.37 152,656.53 23 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP-92-0107-L 12/27/99 01/04/00 24,150.33 176,806.86 24 544 HOWARD SMITH 12/99 12/27/99 01/04/00 120.00 176,926.86 25 411 OWASSO GLASS 5603 12/28/99 01/04/00 56.94 176,983.80 26 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER 15845 12/28/99 01/04/00 903.03 177,886.83 27 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 172233 12/28/99 01/04/00 821.00 178,707.83 23 1138 HUMPHREY HOSE 5602 12/28/99 01/04/00 25.89 178,733.72 29 1046 WOODS PORTABLE WELDING 1143 12/28/99 01/04/00 250.00 178,983.72 3 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 12155800 12/27/99 01/04/00 224.30 179,208.02 31 683 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 237682 12/28/99 01/04/00 541.50 179,749.52 237452 12/28/99 236721 12/28/99 235585 12/28/99 237654 12/28/99 32 364 MILEAGE MASTERS 146644 12/28199 01104100 395.84 180,145.36 33 488 QUICK SERVICE STEEL 124085 12/09/99 01/04/00 13.15 180,158.51 34 932 RADIATOR SHOPPE INC 415137 12/01/99 01/04/00 60.00 180,218.51 415193 12/20/99 35 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 71246 12/15/99 01104/00 13.28 180,231.79 36 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 122799 12/27/99 01/04/00 572.59 180,804.38 37 755 CROSSROADS COMMERCIAL 330 12/02/99 01/04/00 1,125.00 181,929.38 329 12/02/99 38 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 33094 12/23/99 01/04/00 82.93 182,012.31 33092 12/23/99 32445 12/16/99 32443 12/16/99 39 648 AILSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC 105411 12/15/99 01/04/00 1,192.89 183,205.20 105421 12/21/99 4 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 15118235 12/27/99 01/04/00 40.19 183,245.39 40 1146 BAYOUTH DEPT STORE 121599 12115/99 01/04/00 129.99 183,375.38 41 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 912230458 12/23/99 01/04/00 192.95 183,568.33 42 552 TRAILS END 120999 12/09/99 01/04/00 825.00 184,393.33 43 1029 T&W TIRE CO 809028 12/07/99 01/04/00 397.58 184,790.91 3073395 12/07/99 44 336 LANCE INC 5453 12/17/99 01/04/00 42.74 184,833.65 5573 12/24/99 45 538 SAMS CLUB 32360837835 12/15/99 01104/00 111.47 184,945.12 46 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58421536 12/14/99 01/04/00 61.70 185,006.82 47 771 ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC s3063-01 12/17/99 01/04/00 686.27 185,693.09 233403 12/17/99 233159 12/08/99 233153 12/07/99 48 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 3379 01104/00 534.65 186,227.74 1926 12/21/99 3315 12/13/99 2089 12/15/99 49 678 ALBERTSONS 161251 12/15/99 01/04100 189.49 186,417.23 161258 12/17/99 161226 12/18/99 161245 12/17/99 161227 12/23/99 161250 12/15/99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 3 Cash Requirements Vendor invoice Due cumutative CLaimff ------ Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoiceg -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- -------- Amount Due - - - - -- 161216 12/26/99 161273 12/21/99 5 781 FEDEX 4-904-53692 12/27/99 01/04/00 167.50 186,584.73 50 957 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO 419319 12/17/99 01104/00 104.47 186,689.20 51 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 5395 12/20/99 01/04/00 258.59 186,947.79 4806 11/11/99 4705 11104/99 4735 11/08/99 4771 11/09/99 4810 ll/li/99 4842 11/15199 4713 11/05/99 4683 11/02/99 4736 11/08/99 4717 11/05/99 5237 12/08/99 52 941 APAC-OKLAHOMA, INC 175256 12/12/99 01/04/00 109.36 187,057.15 174778 12/05/99 174777 12105/99 53 595 UNITED LINEN 30472 12/17/99 01/04/00 318.40 187,375.55 29500 12/17/99 31509 12/24/99 28305 12/13/99 29401 12117199 54 105 DELBERT E BROOKS 1618 12/26/99 01104/00 480.00 187,855.55 55 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 96104 11/24/99 01/04/00 450.33 188,305.88 56 1038 WAL-MART 6987 12113/99 01/04100 69.88 188,375.76 57 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11330 12/13/99 01/04/00 125.17 188,500.93 11198 12/05/99 58 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 646273 12/03/99 01104100 25.65 188,526.58 645440 11123/99 644430 11/15/99 644437 11/15/99 645456 11124/99 59 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 12287 12/20/99 01/04/00 7,261.42 195,788.00 6 961 SPRINT PCS 4766686-3 12/27/99 01/04/00 27.99 195,815.99 60 100 BILL BASORE 96473 12102/99 01/04/00 175.00 195,990.99 61 857 CROW BURLINGAME 147386 12/21/99 01/04/00 934.24 196,925.23 142958 10/28/99 146456 12110/99 146879 12115/99 146603 12/11199 146991 12/16/99 146870 12/15/99 146840 12/15/99 146775 12114199 146640 12/13/99 146731 12/14/99 146960 12116/99 147024 12/17/99 147566 12/23199 147296 12/20/99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 'ity of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02:42pm Page 4 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative :kaim# ------ Number ------ Vendor Name ---------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- -------------- Amount Due --- Amount Due ----- - --- -- 146885 12/15/99 f-7498 12/21/99 147295 12/20/99 147066 12/17/99 147006 12/16/99 147241 12/20/99 146674 12/13/99 146660 12/13/99 147411 12/21/99 62 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 32446 12/16/99 01/04/00 147.14 197,072.37 32448 12/16/99 32449 12/16/99 32440 12/16/99 32441 12/16/99 32447 12/16/99 63 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 90176 12107/99 01/04/00 176.50 197,248.87 64 263 HUB + GARVER 8 12/01199 01/04/00 15,930.00 213,178.87 65 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 33095 12/23/99 01/04/00 138.20 213,317.07 33097 12/23/99 33098 12/23/99 33087 12/23/99 33089 12/23/99 33096 12/23/99 66 384 NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL 976431 12/07/99 01/04/00 1,388.00 214,705.07 67 566 TULSA CLEANING SYSTEMS 20846 12/13/99 01/04/00 29.50 214,734.57 68 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 23452 12/28/99 01/04/00 63.75 214,798.32 23438 12122/99 69 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00598-002VRS 11129/99 01/04/00 472.00 215,270.32 7 961 SPRINT PCS 3510603-6 12/27/99 01/04/00 86.08 215,356.40 70 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00595-003VRS 11/29/99 01/04/00 200.00 215,556.40 200042-00597-002VRS 10/31/99 71 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042-00584-004VRS 10/31/99 01/04/00 112.00 215,668.40 72 310 KIRK CHIROPRACTIC 04121999 04/12199 01/04/00 251.69 215,920.09 04071999 04/07/99 73 1143 XPEDX 1400390 12113/99 01/04/00 356.80 216,276.89 74 1137 DELTA TITLE 8 ESCROW 122159489 12/29/99 01/04/00 2,550.01 218,826.90 75 1136 GUARANTY ABSTRACT E124105 12/29/99 01/04/00 37,293.65 256,120.55 76 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 40.00 256,160.55 77 21 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE 990930-4 12/20/99 01/04/00 600.00 256,760.55 78 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SL000072981209 12129/99 01/04/00 520.00 257,280.55 79 1150 MATTHEW S FISHER 12/13199 12/13/99 01/04/00 1,440.00 258,720.55 8 1038 WAL-MART 438,5489,6022 01/04/00 01/04/00 275.62 258,996.17 80 666 ALL COPY SUPPLIES 3230 12/28/99 01/04/00 285.00 259,281.17 81 372 MAYS DRUG 29727 11103/99 01/04/00 20.93 259,302.10 32 1148 GILCREASE MEDICAL 74983.0 11/01/99 01/04/00 400.00 259,702.10 83 935 SCOTT MEDICAL CLINIC 247000 08/02/99 01/04/00 61.44 259,763.54 84 1149 JEFFREY GALLES DO 109465 07/12/99 01104/00 82.44 259,845.98 85 1033 US POSTMASTER 122899 12129/99 01/04/00 2,000.00 261,845.98 86 687 AMERICAN ICE MACHINES 4936 12/17199 01/04/00 2,500.00 264,345.98 87 1078 INDUSTRIAL MOTOR SERVICE INC 9485 11129/99 01/04/00 1,543.00 265,888.98 88 773 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT 11-7645 11/17/99 01/04/00 37.15 265,926.13 39 1147 BEWLEY SALES 261886 11/17/99 01/04/00 132.74 266,058.87 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 02.42pm Page 5 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# ------ Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- ------- Amount Due - - -- --- 9 939 HOWARD STAMPER 1/2000 01/04/00 01/04/00 1150.00 266,208.87 90 636 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT 4216-2 10/22/99 01/04/00 106.63 266,315.50 3126-4 10/01/99 4577-7 10/29/99 4035-6 10/19/99 4018-2 10/19/99 4019-0 10/19/99 4906-8 11/05/99 4919-1 11/05/99 91 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 1112497404001 12/14/99 01/04/00 239.37 266,554.87 1112811640001 12/13/99 92 377 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 64688110 12/25/99 01/04/00 452.43 267,007.30 93 1151 IMPERIAL COFFEE SERVICE 67031 12/22/99 01/04100 79.40 267 ' 086.70 94 171 TYRONE DINKINS 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 277.65 267,364.35 95 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 1042000 12129/99 01/04/00 265.05 267,629.40 96 973 MICHAEL SHADBOLT 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 348.75 267,978.15 97 264 BRANDON HAMLITON 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 280035 268,258.50 98 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 1042000 12/29/99 01/04/00 487.24 268,745.74 99 497 RIDGWAYS 42-191028 11/30199 01/04/00 194.40 268,940.14 Total cash required for week ending 01/0712000 -- --- --- - - - - -- 268,767.14 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Lists vendor n=ber, invoice number, invoice amount and a description ®f the claim. May be used to compare to the "Cash Requirements" report. City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date Code -------- ---- Number ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts CLaim Description ----------------------- 1 210 11/29/99 119 1656451-R2 01/04/00 44.97 44.97 SUBSCRIPTION 3 231 11/21/99 102 25585772 01/04/00 141.80 173.00 1 EA PLANNER 12/01/99 25589532 4.80 12/03/99 25669252 26.40 5 765 11/24/99 101 27011 01/04/00 48.00 48.00 1 EA FURNACE REPAIR 13 310 04/12/99 72 04121999 01/04/00 141.49 251.69 1 EA 501059 04/07/99 04071999 110.20 14 209 10/31/99 71 200042-00584 01/04/00 112.00 112.00 1 EA 511208 15 209 11/29/99 69 200042-00598 01/04/00 472.00 472.00 1 EA 009178 16 209 11/29/99 70 200042-00595 01/04/00 120.00 200.00 1 EA B04039 10/31/99 200042-00597 80.00 20 1021 11/23/99 109 202924 01/04/00 51.54 51.54 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 21 107 11/17/99 117 3815 01/04/00 41.60 41.60 1 EA EQUIPMENT REPAIR 12/07/99 4100 10.00 10.00 1. EA EQUIPMENT REPAIR 22 714 11/15/99 105 21887 01/04/00 121.50 121.50 1 EA RADIO REPAIR 23 1100 12/29/99 113 1128708 01/04/00 85.00 85.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL-CARR 36 488 12/09/99 33 124085 01104/00 13.15 13.15 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 37 703 12/28/99 26 15845 01/04100 903.03 903.03 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 38 364 12/28/99 32 146644 01104/00 395.84 395.34 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 39 1046 12/28/99 29 1143 01/04/00 250.00 250.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 40 932 12/01/99 34 415137 01/04/00 35.00 60.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 12/20/99 415193 25.00 42 698 12/28/99 27 172233 01/04/00 821.00 821.00 1 EA OIL & LUBRICANTS 44 1005 12/15/99 35 71246 01/04/00 13.28 13.28 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 45 878 12/10/99 116 2000268 01/04/00 134.00 134.00 1 EA OKIE MEMBERSHIP FEE 59 411 12/28/99 25 5603 01/04100 56.94 56.94 1 EA SAFETY GLASS 76 649 12/10/99 111 13786 01/04/00 289.90 289.90 1 78 803 12/05199 106 9141839 01/04/00 131.30 131.30 1 EA LANDSCAPING PLANTS 79 1049 12/01/99 112 17406 01/04/00 1,498.00 1,498.00 3 EA PURCHASED WATER 80 829 12/03/99 107 123081 01/04100 28.46 28.46 1 EA HAND TAMPER 81 805 11/30/99 100 192 01/04/00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1 EA MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 82 14 11/30/99 108 C183238 01/04/00 -33.06 225.00 1 EA RADIO SET-UPS 11/18/99 182943 258.06 83 978 11/12/99 115 34380 01/04/00 1,410.00 1,410.00 1 EA FURNITURE BID 84 943 12/15/99 114 23412 01104/00 32.88 32.88 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 85 773 12/29/99 76 1042000 01/04/00 40.00 40.00 1 EA EXAM-FRANCISCO 87 873 12/08/99 104 12/8/99 01/04/00 63.00 63.00 1 EA DOOR REPAIR 88 296 12/16/99 103 1176 01/04/00 90.00 90.00 1 EA LIFT STATION REPAIR 90 823 12/08/99 110 25854 01/04/00 84.28 84.23 1 EA LIFT STATION PUMP 103 1143 12/13/99 73 1400390 01/04/00 356.80 356.80 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 105 1141 11/22/99 118 9922 01/04/00 558.83 558.83 1 EA REPAIR LOOKS 107 1138 12/28/99 28 5602 01/04/00 25.89 25.89 1 EA REPAIR PARTS ill 314 12/27/99 1 4209954,M 01/04/00 940.27 62.05 GOLF BAGS 707.67 GOLF CLUBS 148.60 CAPS 21.95 CLUB REPAIR 112 129 12/27/99 3 12155800 01/04/00 224.30 158.13 PHONE USE-ALL 66.17 PHONE USE-MOTTO CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.3.1 Q*APRO83 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 2 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date Code Number -------- ---- ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------- - - - --- 113 129 12/27/99 4 15118235 01/04/00 40.19 40.19 PHONE USE-WARREN 114 781 12/27199 5 4-904-53692 01/04/00 167.50 167.50 POSTAGE 115 961 12/27/99 6 4766686-3 01/04/00 27.99 27.99 PHONE USE-KLAHR 116 961 12/27/99 7 3510603-6 01/04/00 86.08 86.08 PHONE USE-HANCOCK 117 1038 01/04/00 8 438,5489,602 01/04/00 275.62 4.94 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73.11 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 118 939 01/04/00 9 1/2000 01/04/00 150.00 150.00 RETAINER/SERVICES 119 1068 12/27/99 10 C99027-1 01/04/00 800.00 1,600.00 AUDIT SERVICES 12/27/99 A99023-8 3,000.00 1,400.00 AUDIT SERVICES 800.00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 120 826 01/04/00 11 3520875-2 01104/00 786.92 7.10 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 14.20 PAGER USE 21.30 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 486.57 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 9.25 PAGER USE 49.70 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 49.70 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 14.20 PAGER USE 7.10 PAGER USE 21.30 PAGER USE 28.40 PAGER USE 121 818 12/27199 12 1997 01/04/00 42,640.00 42,640.00 1997 REVENUE BONDS 12/27/99 1998 82,188.75 82,188.75 1998 REVENUE BONDS 12/27/99 1996 10,802.12 10,802.12 1996 REVENUE BONDS 122 42 12/27199 13 91977804 01/04/00 268.83 583.09 SUNGLASSES 12127/99 91855968 128.48 12/27/99 91963989 13.48 12/27/99 91970990 167.25 123 358 12/27199 14 11347 01/04/00 161.25 277.41 PRINTED FORMS 12/27/99 11348 116.16 124 454 12/27/99 15 608947 01/04/00 47.98 47.98 VESTS 12/27199 615477 210.08 210.08 JACKETS 12/27/99 613332 23.86 27.61 SHIRTS 12/27/99 598069 95.26 119.12 SLACKS 12/27/99 615476 27.61 125 714 12/27/99 16 21974 01/04/00 110.90 RADIO REPAIR 126 812 12/27199 17 67767 01/04/00 31.18 92.15 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/27/99 67798 60.97 127 963 01/05/99 18 7114-65235 01/04/00 22.60 22.60 COFFEE 128 960 12/27/99 19 303-1467-360 011/04/00 98.20 98.20 ADVERTISING 129 855 12/27199 20 596465 01/04/00 205.70 205.70 CODE HANDBOOK 130 627 12/27199 2T 96676 01/04/00 211.00 211.00 COPIER MAINTENANCE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.3.1 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuIL Amt invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -- ---- --- - -- -- - -- - -- - - -- - --- -- ---- -- - - -- -- -- - - ---- ----- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- --- - - - - - -- ------ - -- - -- --- -------------- - - - - -- 131 818 12/27/99 132 818 12/27/99 133 544 12/27/99 140 683 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 12/28/99 148 1002 12/27/99 22 ORF- 99 -008-L 01/04/00 23 FAP- 92-0107- 01/04/00 24 12/99 01/04/00 31 237682 01/04/00 237452 01/04/00 236721 150 235585 12/29/99 237654 122159489 36 122799 01/04/00 3,071.37 24,150.33 120.00 14,85 3.34 54.49 202.92 265.90 572.59 149 1136 12/29/99 75 E124105 01/04/00 37,293.65 150 1137 12/29/99 74 122159489 01/04/00 2,550.01 152 384 12/07/99 66 976431 12/07/99 1,388,00 01104/00 155 566 12113/99 67 20846 01/04100 29,50 158 943 12/28/99 68 23452 01/04/00 31.88 12/22/99 23438 31.87 159 1146 12/15/99 40 121599 01/04/00 129.99 160 981 12/23/99 41 912230458 01/04/00 192.95 161 552 12/09/99 42 120999 01/04/00 825.00 162 336 12/17/99 44 5453 01/04/00 29.18 12/24/99 5573 13.56 163 732 12/14/99 46 58421536 01/04/00 61,70 164 678 12/15/99 49 161251 01/04/00 47.51 12/17/99 161258 17.54 12/18/99 161226 27.90 12/17/99 161245 9.10 12/23/99 161227 35.82 12/15/99 161250 28.13 12/26/99 161216 16.11 12/21/99 161273 7.38 165 957 12/17/99 50 419319 01/04/00 104.47 166 595 12/17/99 53 30472 01/04/00 48.30 12/17/99 29500 17.09 12/24/99 31509 59.64 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 3,071.37 OWRS LOAM 24,150.33 OWRS LOAM 120.00 BAILIFF DUTIES 37.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES 180.60 OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.83 OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.80 OFFICE CHAIR 38.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.45 REIMS PETTY CASH 13.47 REDS PETTY CASH 18.04 REIMB PETTY CASH 10.18 REIMB PETTY CASH 18.70 REIMB PETTY CASH 60.00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 39.00 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 31.52 COUNCIL MEETING 20.00 RYE GRASS 112.44 CITY MGR EXPENSES 22.80 SERVICE CHECK 33.27 REPAIR PARTS 29.76 MILEAGE - JACKSON 6.44 POSTAGE 32.18 CITY MGR EXPENSES 49.49 DOC LUNCHES 17.85 REIMB PETTY CASH 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 37,293.65 GENTRY PROPERTY 2,550.01 MARQUETTE PROPERTY 1,388.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 29.50 MAINT SUPPLIES 63.75 COMPUTER PAPER 129.99 WINTER COVERALLS 173.15 GROCERIES 19.80 PAPER SUPPLIES 825,00 CATERED FOOD 42.74 SNACKS 61.70 SOFT DRINKS 182.11 GROCERIES 7.38 PAPER SUPPLIES 72.63 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 31.84 SNACKS 318.40 LINEN SERVICE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) :ity Of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 4 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber ----- Number ------ Date Code -------- ---- Number ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description --------------- -- - - - - -- 12/13/99 28305 65.45 12/17/99 29401 127.92 167 105 12/26/99 54 1618 01/04/00 480.00 480.00 CART MAINTENANCE 168 857 12/21/99 61 147386 01/04/00 40.36 909.36 REPAIR PARTS 10/28/99 142958 46.34 15.00 REPAIR PARTS 12/10/99 146456 25.95 9.88 REPAIR PARTS 12/15/99 146879 17.31 12111/99 146603 -10.41 12/16/99 146991 -24.80 12115199 146870 4.06 12115/99 146840 181.32 12/14/99 146775 53.27 12113/99 146640 26.12 12114/99 146731 180.87 12116/99 146960 77.94 12117199 147024 -2.96 12/23199 147566 6.86 12120/99 147296 45.54 12/15/99 146885 21.19 12/21199 C7498 -32.94 12120/99 147295 32.94 12/17/99 147066 58.53 12116/99 147006 90.02 12/20/99 147241 64.52 12113/99 146674 7.33 12/13/99 146660 15.00 12121199 147411 9.88 169 755 12/02199 37 330 01/04/00 375.00 1,125.00 BUILDING CLEANING 12/02/99 329 750.00 170 591 12/23199 38 33094 01104/00 15.65 20.97 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12123199 33092 26.55 61.96 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32445 15.04 12/16199 32443 25.69 171 648 12/15/99 39 105411 01/04/00 966.80 1,192.89 VEHICLE REPAIR 12121199 105421 226.09 173 1029 12107199 43 809028 01/04100 129.50 397.58 TIRES 12/07/99 3073395 268.08 174 538 12/15/99 45 32360837835 01/04/00 111.47 111.47 MAINT SUPPLIES 175 771 12/17/99 47 s3063-01 01/04/00 339.03 339.03 TRACTOR REPAIR 12/17199 233403 296.32 347.24 REPAIR PARTS 12/08/99 233159 -28.78 12107/99 233153 79.70 176 865 12121/99 48 3379 01/04/00 232.00 534.65 TIRES/REPAIRS 12/21/99 1926 39.95 12/13/99 3315 163.80 12/15/99 2089 98.90 177 496 12/20/99 51 5395 01/04/00 14.99 215.26 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/11/99 4806 12.88 15.46 MIANT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/04/99 4705 21.25 12.88 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/08/99 4735 12.06 14.99 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11109/99 4771 7.16 11111/99 4810 47.87 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description --------------- -- - - -- -- 11/15/99 4842 4.77 11/05/99 4713 10.67 11/02/99 4683 51.80 11/08/99 4736 47.15 11/05/99 4717 12.53 12/08/99 5237 15.46 178 941 12/12/99 52 175256 01/04/00 46.33 109.36 GRAVEL 12/05/99 174778 31.67 12/05/99 174777 31.36 180 627 11/24/99 55 96104 01/04/00 450.33 450.33 COPIER MAINT 181 1038 12/13/99 56 6987 01/04/00 69.88 69.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES 182 358 12/13/99 57 11330 01/04/00 75.45 125.17 DOOR HANGERS 12/05/99 11198 49.72 183 366 12/03/99 58 646273 01/04/00 13.04 25.65 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/23/99 645440 1.40 11/15/99 644430 4.28 11/15199 644437 2.99 11/24/99 645456 3.94 184 729 12/20/99 59 12287 01104/00 7,261.42 7,261.42 METER SETS 9/7/99 185 100 12/02/99 60 96473 01/04/00 175.00 175.00 SAND 186 591 12/16/99 62 32446 01/04/00 22.57 31.30 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/16/99 32448 28.04 28.04 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32449 43.23 22.57 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/16/99 32440 31.30 43.23 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12116/99 32441 17.60 17.60 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12116199 32447 4.40 4.40 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 187 239 12/07/99 63 90176 01104/00 176.50 58.84 SAFETY SUPPLIES 58.83 SAFETY SUPPLIES 188 591 12/23/99 65 33095 01/04/00 23.30 58.83 32.40 SAFETY SUPPLIES UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/23/99 33097 16.10 16.10 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33098 43.45 23.30 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/23/99 33087 32.40 43.45 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33089 18.40 18.40 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 12/23/99 33096 4.55 4.55 UNIFORM CLEAN/RENT 189 263 12/01/99 64 8 01/04/00 15,930.00 15,930.00 WWTP PHASE 11 212/99 190 21 12/20/99 77 990930-4 01/04/00 600.00 600.00 STAFF TRAINING 191 773 12/29/99 78 SL0000729812 01/04/00 520.00 520.00 PERMIT REVIEW FEE 192 1150 12/13/99 79 12/13199 01/04/00 1,440.00 1,440.00 PAINT INTERIOR 193 666 12/28/99 80 3230 01/04/00 285.00 285.00 COPIER TONER 194 372 11/03/99 81 29727 01/04100 20.93 20.93 D07149 195 1148 11/01/99 82 74983.0 01/04/00 400.00 400.00 S11278 196 935 08/02/99 33 247000 01/04/00 61.44 61.44 D07209 197 1149 07/12/99 84 109465 01/04/00 82.44 82.44 M07129 198 1033 12/29/99 85 122899 01/04/00 2,000.00 2,000.00 POSTAGE 199 687 12/17/99 86 4936 01/04/00 2,500.00 2,500.00 ICE MACHINE 200 1078 11/29/99 87 9485 01/04/00 1,543.00 1,543.00 REPAIR PUMP MOTOR 201 778 11/17/99 88 11-7645 01/04/00 37.15 37.15 SVS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 202 1147 11/17/99 89 261886 01/04/00 132.74 132.74 CLEANING SUPPLIES 203 636 10/22/99 90 4216-2 01/04/00 2.46 58.63 PAINT,SUPPLIES 10/01/99 3126-4 2.49 48.00 PAINT,SUPPLIES 10/29/99 4577-7 34.02 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q*APR083 By JANET JACKSON ,JLJ) :ity of Owasso Dec 29, 1999 03:09pm Page 6 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuLl Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item qumber Number Dale Code Number invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ ------ --------- ---- ------ ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 10/i9/99 10/19/99 10/19/99 11/05/99 11/05/99 204 363 12/14/99 12/13/99 205 377 12/25/99 206 1151 12/22/99 207 171 12/29199 208 1152 12/29199 209 973 12/29/99 210 264 12129/99 211 38 12129199 212 497 11/30/99 TOTAL 117 records listed 4035-6 1.08 4018-2 17.24 4019-0 1.34 4906-8 30.88 4919-1 17.12 91 111249740400 01/04100 9.96 111281164000 229.41 92 64688110 01/04/00 452.43 93 67031 01/04/00 79.40 94 1042000 01/04/00 277.65 95 1042000 01/04/00 265.05 96 1042000 01/04/00 348.75 97 1042000 01/04/00 280.35 98 1042000 01/04/00 487.24 99 42-191028 01104/00 194.40 9.96 11/99 USE 229.41 11/99 USE 25.86 12/99 USE 9.31 12/99 USE 15.06 12/99 USE 132.04 12/99 USE 13.65 12/99 USE 52.77 12/99 USE 29.72 12/99 USE 50.97 12/99 USE 17.82 12/99 USE 6.10 12/99 USE 21.13 12/99 USE 6.81 12/99 USE 9.46 12/99 USE 42.92 12/99 USE 18.81 12/99 USE 79.40 COFFEEJEA 277.65 METER READER 265.05 METER READER 348.75 METER READER 280.35 METER READER 487.24 METER READER 194.40 BLUEPRINT COPIES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/18/99 019121 � L ►! I OVERTWE TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Pw . ... ........ :4- .............. .. .......... Utility Billing .......... ......................... 0.00 2,085.83 Wastewater ...... 1 423.60 6,191.62 .......... ... . ... - ... ....... X �3100 Refuse . ...... 5— 0.00 3�549.89 lrr xx� e ...... b. 11 MEMORANDUM TO- THE HONORABLE CHAIR & TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: RONALD D CATES AUTHORITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT- EXCESS INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENTS SEAYCO-THF OWASSO MARKET, LLC (SEAYCO) AND THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY (OPWA) DATE: December 29, 1999 BACKGROUND- As you are aware I am sure, for a considerable period of time representatives of the OPWA and SEAYCO have been negotiating arrangements relating to advance private funding of public infrastructure necessitated by the impending development along 96"' Street North and west of U.S. Highway 169, primarily the Owasso Market area along the north side of 96t' Street North. Such negotiations have culminated into two (2) proposed Excess Infrastructure Construction Agreements. The first agreement provides for SEAYCO to accomplish traffic signal improvements in the area as described on Exhibit "A" to such agreement and, upon completion of such and acceptance by the OPWA, the OPWA would pay unto SEAYCO the total sum of $75,000. The second agreement provides for SEA-'�'CO to accomplish additional signals, as well as street ZD improvements described on Exhibit "A" to said agreement. For such construction, the OPWA w 'd rein SEAYCO the sum of $150,000 plus "pass through" interest, as well as $15,000 oul -11 L plus "pass 'through" interest for an engineering traffic study paid for by SEAYCO associated with the 96' Street North commercial corridor. These nnatters were presented to the Council in tentative drafts at the December 14"' work session. At the time of this writing, I am discussing with SEAYCO representatives fine tuning of the agreennerits, as well as exhibits for final presentation on the January 4, 2000 meeting. Copies of the Final proposed agreements will be distributed prior to the meeting on Tuesday night. RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends Trustee approval of both agreements with SEAYCO and authorization for the Chair to cXcck,-itethc documents.