HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.11.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OFTHE O ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEET'ING. Regular DATE: November 21, 2006 TIDE: 6.30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 17, 2006. Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella 2. Invocation Mire Frantz, Community Outreach Discovery Bible Fellowship 1 Flag Salute 4. Roll Call S \Agendas\Counci1\2006\1121.doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non® debatable. A. Approval of Minutes of the November 7, 2006 regular Meeting and November 14, 2006 Special Meeting. Attachment # 5-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 5 m13 Co Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly F'Y 2006-2007 budget status report. Attachment # 5®C D. Acknowledgement of receiving Agreements for Urban Engineering Services from Design and Engineering, Incorporated, Cook and Associates, Kellogg Engineering, Incorporated, Tarnrer Consulting, LLC, Khoury Engineering, Incorporated, Wallace Engineering Structural Consultants, Incorporated, LW Survey Engineering & Design Company, Tuttle and Associates, Incorporated, DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Incorporated, and Independent Design Consultants, LLC; and, authorization of the Mayor to execute each agreement. Attachment # 5-D E. Approval of the assignments to the Audit Committee Seat Numbers and term expirations as follows: Seat No. 2, Mr. Dennis Phillips, term expires July 1, 2007; Seat No. 3, Ms. Dorothy Carson, term expires July 1, 2008; Seat No. 4, Mr. John Manning, term expires July 1, 2008; Seat No. 5, Mr. Guy Nightingale, term expires July 1, 2009. Attachment # 5 m E F. Acceptance of the Advance Auto Parts Water System Improvements, including the installation of approximately fifty-six (56) feet of six -,inch PVC potable water line and one (1) fire hydrant. Attachment # 5 -F S:AAgendasVCouncilA2006A1 121-doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page 3 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, modifying the land use classification at the southeast corner of E. 76"' Street North and N. Mingo Load from Residential to Industrial use. Mr. McCulley Attachment 46 Staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, modifying the Land use classification at the southeast corner of E. 76"' Street North and N. Mingo Road from Residential to Industrial use. 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, modifying the land use classification at the northwest corner of E. 116th Street North and N. 129th East Avenue from Residential to Transitional use. Mr. McCulley Attachment 97 Staff will recommend Council approval of an amendment to the 2015 Land Use Masterplan, modifying the land use classification northwest corner of E. 1161h Street North and N. 129th East Avenue from Residential to Transitional use. 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of rezoning request OZ 06-07, a request to rezone approximately 25 acres, more or less, located on the northwest corner of E. 106th Street North and N. 161 st East Avenue from Agriculture (ACC) to Residential Single -Family (RSd2). Mr. McCulley Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council approval of rezoning request OZ 06 -07. S:AAgendas\CouncilA2006A1121.doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page 4 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of annexation request OA 06-12, a request to annex approximately 2.83 acres, more or less, located at the northwest corner of E. 116th Street North and N. 129th East Avenue. Mr. McCulley Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of annexation request OA 06-12. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council to award a bid to Commercial Power Solutions and authorization of payment in the amount of $32,646 for the purchase and installation of a facility generator for Fire Station No. 2. Mr. Clark Attachment # 10 Staff will recommend Council award a bid to Commercial Power Solutions of Owasso, Oklahoma, and authorization of payment in the amount of $32,646 for the purchase and installation of a facility generator for Fire Station No. 2. 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council to award a bid to Crossland Construction for the construction of Fire Station No. 3, and authorization of payment in the amount of $1,697,000. Mr. Clark Attachment # 11 Staff will recommend Council award a contract for the construction of Fire Station. No. 3 to Crossland Construction of Columbus, Kansas and authorization of payment in the amount of $ 1,697,000. SVAgendasVC0uncilA2006A1121.doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page S 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-26, a resolution approving the incurrence of indebtedness by the Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") issuing its utility system and sales tax revenue note, series 2006 (the "note"); providing that the organizational document creating the Authority is subject to the provisions of the indenture, authorizing the issuance of said note; waiving competitive bidding with respect to the sale of said note and approving the proceedings of the Authority pertaining to the sale of said note; ratifying and confirming a security agreement by and between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City") and the Authority pertaining to the year-to-year pledge of certain sales tax revenues; ratifying and confirming a lease agreement; establishing the City's reasonable expectation with respect to the issuance of tax-exempt obligations by or on behalf of said City in calendar year 2006, and designating the note as a qualified tax-exempt obligation; and containing other provisions relating thereto. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 12 Staff will recommend Council approve Resolution No. 2006-26. 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a Settlement Agreement between the City of Owasso, Wesley Ater, and the Owasso Public Schools relating to Case No. CJ 2003-6380 as filed in the District Court of Tulsa County; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute all necessary documents relating to such Settlement Agreement, Ms. Lombardi Attachment # 13 Staff will recommend Council approval of a Settlement Agreement between the City of Owasso, Wesley Ator, and the Owasso Public Schools relating to Case No. CJ 2003-6380 �.s filed in the District Court of Tulsa County; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute all necessary documents relating to the Settlement Agreement. S \Agcndas\Coun6l\2006\1121 doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page 6 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-27, a resolution approving the incurrence of indebtedness by the Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") issuing its promissory note, series 2006 the "Note"); providing that the organizational document creating the Authority is subject to the provisions of the indenture, authorizing the issuance of said Note; waiving competitive bidding with respect to the sale of said Note and approving the proceedings of the Authority pertaining to the sale of said Note; establishing the City's reasonable expectation with respect to the issuance of tax-exempt obligations by or on behalf of said City in calendar year 2006, and designating the Note as a qualified tax-exempt obligation; and containing other provisions relating thereto. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 14 Staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-27. 15. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Capital Improvements Fund and authorization for payment in the amount of $300,125 for the purchase of Right of Way for the E. 86th Street North and N. Main Street Intersection Improvements. Ms. Bishop Attachment # 15 Staff will recommend Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Capital Improvements Fund and authorization for payment in the amount of $300,125 for the purchase of Right of Way for the F. 86tn Street North and N. Main Street Intersection Improvements. 16. Report from City Manager. 17, Report from City Attorney. S AAgendas\Counci I\2006\ 1 121. doc Owasso City Council November 21, 2006 Page I 18. Report from City Councilors. 19. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 20. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the office of the City Manager, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(1). Mayor Cataudella 21. Adjournment, S.\Agendas\Council\2006\ 1 121 .doc OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 7, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. ITEM 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor D.J. Gall, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor Susan Kimball, Councilor A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Julie Lombardi, City Attorney ITEM 3. PRESENTATION OF THE CHARACTER TRAIT OF HOSPITALITY, FOLLOWED BY A. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Dale Blackwood, a member of the Owasso Character Council, presented to the Council `Hospitality' the Character Trait of the Month for November, 2006. ITEM 4. PRESENTATION OF TIRE CITY OF OWASSO EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Mr. Ray introduced to the Council Loyd Mosier, a mernber of the Owasso Fire Department, as the City's Employee of the Month for November, 2006. ITEM 5. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the October 17, 2006 Regular Meeting and the October 26, 2006 Special Meeting, B. Approval of Claims. oirasso Cite Council November 7, 2006 C. Acceptance of the 2006 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) as provided by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce in the amount of $66,540.00 for the purpose of constructing an aquatic splash pad facility at Rayola Park; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute the grant acceptance letter and all necessary grant documents. D. Approval of an agreement between the City of Owasso and INCOG for administrative services relating to the 2006 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant; and, authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. E. Acceptance of the Caudle Center sanitary sewer and water system improvements to include approximately 628 linear feet of eight -inch PVC sanitary sewer line and approximately 1,264 linear feet of eight -inch PVC water line. F. Acceptance of the Logan's Roadhouse Restaurant storm system improvements to include the construction of one (1) public storm system junction box. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Colgan, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $308,719.50, self-insurance medical claims & fees totaling $139,252.14, and payroll claims for two pay periods totaling $775,590.81. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE 2007 HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANT; APPROVAL OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2006-2007 GENERAL FUND; AND, A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION INCREASING EXPENDITURES IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET Assistant Chief Chambliss presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council acceptance of the 2007 Highway Safety Grant in the amount of $40,000.00; approval of an amcndment to the FY 2006-2007 General Fund Budget increasing the estimate of revenues in the amount of $40,000.00; and, approval of a supplemental appropriation increasing expenditures in the amount of n40,000.00 in the Police ,Department Budget. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gail, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. N Owasso City Council November 7, 2006 At this time, Councilor Guevara recused himself from discussion and voting on Item 7. Mr. Guevara left Council Chambers. ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE THREE LADES VILLAGE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT 11 (REVISED SCOPE) AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT TO TRI-STAR CONSTRUCTION, L.L.C. Mr. Alexander presented the item. Mr. Gall moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, for Council acceptance of the Three Lakes Village Roadway Improvements Contract II (revised scope) and authorization for final payment to Tri-Star Construction, L.L.C. in the amount of $47,344.70 for a total project cost of $136,037.05. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Guevara returned to Council Chambers. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE FY 2006- 2007 CIP STREET REPAIR PROGRAM Mr. Alexander presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council to award a contract for the FY 2006-2007 CIP Street Repair Program to Eecco Contractors, Incorporated of Tulsa, Oklahoma in the amount of S275,080.00. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan., Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM n. CONSI rll_/_�TION' AND AI�PROPRIATE, ACTION l E LAT'ING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNICIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006"04, A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING THE CITY OF OWASSO'S INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN THE SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM, AND, REQUESTING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 3 011%ccsso City Council Nowi� fiber 7, 2006 Mr. Alexander presented the item. Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-24 requesting the Oklahoma Transportation Commission to consider the selection of the following Intersection Improvement Projects, in order of priority, as candidates for federal funding. 1. North Garnett Road and East 106t1' Street North 2. North 145t1' East Avenue and East 96"' Street North 3. North 145t1' East Avenue and 106t1' Street North 4. North Mingo Road and East 96t1i Street North YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAB': None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2006-25, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF TULSA INDUSTRIAL AUTHORITY VARIABLE RATE DEMAND OBLIGATIONS ('MCA OF GREATER TULSA PROJECT), SERIES 2006, IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT` NOT TO EXCEED $17,500,000.00; AND APPROVING CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO Ms. Lombardi presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, for Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-05. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM I I. REPORT FROM CITE' MANAGER. None. ITEM 12. REPOI-Z'I PROM CITY A'P OT.?,N Y None Pi OIVCISSo City Coullcil November 7, 006 ITEM 13. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Ms. Kimball requested the Mayor consider a special recognition for Judy Russell, newly elected President of the Executive Women International Board of Directors. Ms. Kimball also recognized Marcia Boutwell for her part in the presentation of the "Through Our Grandmothers' Eyes" exhibit that will be at the Owasso Historical Museum from November 6 through November 22. ITEM 14. NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 15. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk Steve Cataudella, Mayor 5 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL, MEETINGS Tuesday, November 14, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5::00 PM on Friday, November 10, 2006. ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor Mayne Guevara, Councilor DJ Gall, Councilor A quorum was declared present, Vice Mayor Colgan submitted a letter to the Mayor and City Manager declaring that he would not be seeping re-election at the end of his term. ITEM 2; DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT' ITEMS IT A. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO TFIE 2015 LAND USE MASTED. PLAN(2) B. FINAL PLAT (1) C. REZONING REQUEST (1) D. ANNEXATION REQUEST (1) Ms. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that all items were approved with the exception of the Final Plat item which was continued to the December Planning Commission meeting, The remaining items will be forwarded to the City Council for action at the November 21, 2006 regular meeting. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. SOLICITATION FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE AN AMBULANCE CHASSIS AND REFURBISHED BOX B. SOLICITATION FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE A GENERATOR FOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 Owasso City Council November 14, 2006 Mr. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both items were included in the FY 2006-07 budget, with the purchase of the generator for Station No.2 being supplemented by a Department of Homeland Security grant. The staff will proceed with obtaining bids for the ambulance chassis and refurbished box with a recommendation being forwarded to the City Council at a meeting in December. The generator purchase and the recommendation for award will be placed on the November 21, 2006 City Council agenda. Mr. Rooney stated that originally staff had hoped to come to the City Council with a recommendation regarding this item, Staff has narrowed the potential award to two bidders and would like to continue to review both to ensure due diligence is performed. Staff intends to bring this item back to the City Council at the December work session. ITEM 5e DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE B. CONSTRUCTION BIDS RECEIVED FOR FIDE STATION NO, 3 C. AUDIT COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT OF TERMS D. PROPOSED REFINANCING OF THE 96 REVENUE BOND E. PROPOSED DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF THE ATOM PROPERTY F, TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES G. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Ray reviewed the above items. The timeline for the Zoning Code update were discussed as well as potential additional changes, The Fire Station No. 3 bid award would be forwarded to the November 21, 2006 regular meeting of the City Council, as well as assignment of terms for the Audit Committee. The revenue bonds and the Ator Field purchased were discussed and will be placed on the November 21, 2006 regular meeting of the City Council for action. TIE` collaboration opportunities and opinions were discussed. A presentation was made to Councilor Guevara, N Owasso City Council We 6 ME -MA W C!' l_ 1 LhOSECTION1 (4 Councilor Kimball moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Colgan, to enter into executive session at 9:20 PM. The Council returned from Executive Session at 9:36 PM. ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT Councilor Kimball moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Cohan, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM. I CITY OF OWASSO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PSO STREET LIGHTS 13.74 REFUND TOTAL 13.74 FOWLER, TERA i TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 306.90 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.59 OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE OMCCA FALL CONFERENCE 95.00 OTA TOLLS 6.70 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE/JACKSON/MTG EXPENSE 195.56 MUNICIPAL. COURT DEPT TOTAL 605.75 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSE 149.31 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 9.21 FUELMAN FUEL 89.72 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 76.66 CINGULAR WIRELESS CELL PHONE USE 136.69 OTA TOLLS 10.30 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE\LOMBARD I\AIRFARE\ROONEY 351.74 TREASURER PETTY CASH MTG EXPENSE/RAY/ROONEY 30.00 ASHWORTH JACKETS -LONGEVITY 360.98 NES TRAFFIC SAFETY MESSAGE BOARD SIGNAGE 220.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 124.48 MANAGERIAL, DEPT TOTAL 1,559.t29 OFFICE DEPOT LABELS 9.99 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 49.96 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 10.24 TREASURER PETTY CAST, MEETING EXP/BISHOP 15.00 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL. CARD CENTER PRINTER SUPPLIES 108.75 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 59.91 WORDCOM COLORED PAPER 129.35 CHARACTER TRAINING INSTITUTE CHARACTER INITiTA T IVE 128.34 A N Z SIGNS CHARACTER BANNER 665.00 COMMUNITYCARE 1-11\40 EAP SERVICES-NOV 199.00 THE OKLAHOMAN EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 96.06 THE OKLAHOMAN EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 96.06 i-ULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 279.57 TULSA WORLD EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 119.48 OTA TOLLS 10.20 TREASURER PE-C I Y CASH MILEAGE.\DANE 717 TUL SA METRO CHAMBER TRAINING/DANE 10.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHAMBER MEETING 21.00 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPT `1'°OTAI _ 1,930,49 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 465.93 SAWON PRINTING ENVELOPES 270.47 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINTENANCE 602.28 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 9.22 WAL-MART SUPPLIES 15.22 HEARTLAND CONSULTING CONSULTING SERVICES-NOV 10,500.00 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPERS LEGAL NOTICES 34.80 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPERS LEGAL NOTICE 34.80 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL REFUSE SERVICE 129.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/06 USE 469.48 PSO 10/06 USE 4,409.44 PITNEY BOWES METER RENTAL 233.24 AT&T PHONE USE 1,095.85 US POSTMASTER PO BOX RENTAL 232.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL 18,501.73 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 79.79 JOE'S PRINT SHOP LABELS 57.00 RICH & CARTMILL BONDS 30.00 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 16.66 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 10.52 FUELMAN FUEL 267.72 DENNIS G BUNYARD ABATEMENT MOWING 125.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CAR WASH 5.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 14.09 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 230.00 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UP SERVICE 60.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MTG EXPENSE/MCCORD 6.53 TREASURER PETTY CASH FILING FEE/HENSLEY 10.00 OFFICE DEPOT PDA FOR INSPECTORS 399.98 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL mm� 1,312,29 TRIAD PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS 90.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 121.94 FUELMAN FUEL 347,89 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAIM -SERVICE 230.00 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL 789.83 ME T ROCALL MAINTENANCE/PAGING SOFTWARE 225.00 FUELMAN FUEL 32.25 OTA TOLLS 9.80 TREASURER PETTY CASH PARKING 6.00 DELL MUNICIPAL SOFTWARE/HARDWARE 21,799.51 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEFT TOTALA22,07.56 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 38.36 UPS STORE SHIPPING PHONE 8.42 LOWES OPERATING SUPPLIES 5A7 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPI_.Y CLEANING SUPPLIES 220.65 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 14.89 CARD CENTER PHONE SUPPLIES 25.00 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 446.79 LIBERTY FLAGS OKLAHOMA FLAGS 269.00 LOWES PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 36.41 RADIO SHACK CABLES/ADAPTORS/PLUGS 74.45 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY PLUMBING SUPPLIES 30.50 P A M DISTRIBUTING PHYSICAL PROPERTY SUPPLIES 17.80 WAL•-MART CD PLAYER/ADAPTORS 36.78 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 56.60 FUELMAN FUEL 332.09 WAL-MART TERRA TELECOM CARRIER COMPANY COX COMMUNICATIONS PYRAMID COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL CITY GARAGE CITY GARAGE FUELK4AN AT&T L0VVES VVORLEYSQREENHOUSE FUELMAN PSO VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP NORTHERN TOOL DELL OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT WALMA0' WEST PAYMENT CENTER ARTCRAFTPROMOTIONAL CONCEPTS PATR0LTECHNOLOGY LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS LUVVES NATIONAL IMPRINT CORP OKLAH0K8APOLICE SUPPLY SAMS CLUB SOUTHERN RUBBER STAMP WAL-MART GALL'S GALL'S PATRQLTECHNDLDGY EMBLEM ENTERPRISES CITY GARAGE FUELK8AN TREASURER PETTY (,ASH CLANEY. KEN HDVVARD E STAMPER DVVASSOFITNESS ZONE OKLAH0K8ANATURAL, GAS PSD 8KA|NGER YALE CLEANERS CITY GARAGE AT&T DAKXON JOBE HD P|TTJR JDHN E RE|D&ASSOCIATES SCALE PROGRAM NEW PHONE LINES VAVREPA|RS'CH |NTERNETFEES-0C PHONE EQUIPMENT PE8TCONTR0LOCKCH VEH|CLEMA|NT-3ERV|CE VEH|CLEK8A|NT-PARTS FUEL PHONE USE VACUUM EQUIPMENT SUPPORT SERVICES DEPTT0TAL CEMETERY MULCH FUEL 1O0OUSE CEMETARY USAGE TRAILER CART CEMETERY DEPTTOTAL TONER CARTRIDGE BINDERS APPTDAY TIMERS BINDERS FOR NEW HIRES OFFICE SUPPLIES MANUALS 2000LAW BOOKS JRPOLICE BADGES BATTERY FIREARM TRAINING OPERATING SUPPLIES PENCILS FOR SCHOOL PROMOTION REK8|NGTDNPELLETS SUPPLIES N0TARYCR|K8ER/K8C|NT|RE SUPPLIES BODY ARM/DUTY CUFF CASE/BELT UNIFORM PANTS -BIKE PATROL DOUBLE MAG#2 CLOTH BADGES VEH|CLEK8A|NT-PARTS FUEL FUEL PROMOTIONAL PROCESS RADIO REPAIR SERVICES PHYSICAL F1TNESSPROGRAM 1O0OUQE 100OUSE DOOR LOCK -DISPATCH UNIFORM CLEANING VEH|CLEK8A!NT-SERV|CE PHONE USE PER DIEM PER DIEM TRAINING-DAVIS 4�90 294.00 282.00 69.95 2.77321 110.00 230.00 53.41 199.50 141.65 469.00 6,240.89 17.85 10.30 15.90 14.19 213.72 ��___ O.11 89.99 14.07 54.57 1417 506.66 |17.09 240.00 131.74 1780 131�A5 35.84 148]8 250.00 174.16 30.50 75.26 749]0 143.97 20�50 172.17 5,355.04 8.12221 32.00 88�O0 150.00 75.00 241.15 2,570,94 81.53 1,814.71 4.531.67 945.74 138.50 JOHNERE0&ASSOCIATES JOHNERBD&ASSOCIATES JOHNERE|D&ASSOCIATES J0HNERBD&ASSOCIATES OKASSOC OFCHIEFS 0FPOLICE PUBLIC AGENCY TRAINING COUNCIL TREASURER PETTY CASH TREASURER PETTY CASH DELL PATHFINDER DEVELOPMENT GROUP OKCORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES OKCORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES SOUTHWEST SOLUTIONS GROUP DELL BDU.COM METROCALL TREASURER PETTY CASH MURPHYSANITARY SUPPLY SAMS CLUB WAL-MART TOTAL RADIO DEPARTMENT OFPUBLIC SAFETY DELL GALL'S CARD CENTER LOVVE8 S4K4SCLUB WAL-MART ANIMAL CARE EUU|PMENT&SERVICES FUELK4AN CITY OFTUL8A PS0 CITY GARAGE AT&T TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE DEPOT TREASURER PETTY CASH LOVVEG SAMS CLUB TREASURER PETTY CASH EMBLEM ENTERPRISES NORTH AK8ER|CAFIRE EQUIPMENT OKLAHUK4APOLICE SUPPLY SKAGGSCOK4PAN|ES SKAGGSCDK4PAN|ES VVAYESTSAFETY CITY GARAGE FUELMAN K8ETRDCALL TRAINING -FUNK TRAINING-P|TT TRAINING -WELLS TRAINING -WOODRUFF 0ACPCUNFERENCE TACT|CAL8EKX|NARUONES MEETING EXPENSE FILING FEES COMPUTER EASY STREET LICENSES FURN|TURBEV|DENCEOFF|CE MODULAR FURNITURE/SQUAD ROOM SPACESAVERMOBILE STORAGE SYSTEM POLICE DEPTTOTAL U8BPRINTER CABLE UNIFORM -PANTS MA|NTENANCE/PAG|NGS0FTVVARE NOTARYCOMMKCARR|ER CLEANING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PRISONER MEALS RADIO MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT RENTAL MONITOR/SPEAKER POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL STETHOSCOPES -EUTHANASIA POSTER FLOWERS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COLLAR BRASS FUEL EUTHANASIA SERVICE |O0OUSE VEH|CLEMA|NT-SERV|CE PHONE USE PER0EM8HEMSDTH ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT TOTAL OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS FLUORESCENT LIGHTING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EMBLEMS -UNIFORM UNIFORM EQUIPMENT FLAG EMBLEMS BOOTS/BELTS UNIFORM BELTS BINDING KIT FORTRUCKS VEH|CLEMA|Nl-PART8 FUEL K8A|NTENANCE/PAG|NGSUFTVVARE 395.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 175.00 250.00 122.71 30.00 025.70 199.00 1,069.00 12.323.50 19,987.70 62,443.58 24.05 93.95 308.33 25.00 6.20 108.76 27048 675.00 700.00 207.74 109.97 10.45 13.40 210�58 33.84 35.2 105.41 148.00 2Oi40 153.33 35.91 6825 86.48 45.01 180.82 98.34 31.08 481�553 443.00 23,40 121.44 18.90 280/40 1/45U]7 1.320/N 30833 WAYEST SAFETY OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PSO GLASS MAN WAYEST SAFETY CITY GARAGE CULLIGAN AT&T FIRE PROTECTION PUBLICATIONS FIRE SERVICE TRAINING FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OTA OWASSO FITNESS ZONE TREASURER PETTY CASH FIT TESTING/FIREFIGHTERS 1,625.00 10/06 USE 840.56 10/06 USE 1,003.58 GLASS -OVERHEAD DOOR 87.00 PARTS FOR L-1 57.30 VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 920.00 WATER/COOLER 16.45 PHONE USE 233.67 TRAINING MANUALS 126.00 JENNINGS CLASS FEE 98.00 WILLIAMS CLASS FEE 98.00 TOLLS 8.55 PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM 240.00 PER DIEM/5 FIREMEN 570.00 FIRE [KEPT TOTAL 10,781.50 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.87 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 12.28 PSO 10/06 USE 135.72 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP STORM SIRENS 16.32 AT&T PHONE USE 17.96 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEFT TOTAL 208.15 CROW BURLINGAME COMPANY WELDING ROD TAYLORMADE LOCK & KEY TOOL BOX KEYS O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE LIGHT KIT/SNOW PLOW REPAIR VANCE BROTHERS "LACK FOR ASPHALT WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES ATWOODS OUTERWEAR-TURNER/ROUSE/HUNT GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM GEAR UNIFIRS T HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING TULSA COUNTY BOCC TRAFFIC SIGNS CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINTPARTS FUELMAN FUEL ATWOODS SHOVELS PSO 10/06 USE PSO STREET LIGHTS OWASSO FENCE CO REPAIR WHITE FENCE PAVING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY CRACK SEALING PROJECT CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE AT&T PHONE USE HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP VACCINE-HUNT/ROUSE INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASS(MEMBERSHIP DUES-DOYI._E INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL_ ASSr MEMBERSHIP DUES -HUNT INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASS(MEMBERSHIP DUES-RIDGWAY TREASURER PETI'Y CASH CDL LICENSE/TURNER AUST IN PAVING THREE LAKES ST RECONST RUC I ION STEETS KEPT TOTAL. ATWOODS CROW BURLINGAME COMPANY TWIN CITIES READY MIX ATWOODS GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP FUEL. STABILIZER ABILIZER BELTS CONCRETE CENTRAL PARK OUTERWEAR -BUSBY UNIFORM GEAR UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 5.59 10.00 90.19 54.90 496.09 421.94 33.71 202.01 279.30 1,209.19 1,179.24 17.85 1,099.26 4,699.13 210.00 1,168.10 1,533.33 22.32 206.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 66.50 14,262.98 27,417,63 30.74' 12.98 480,00 69.99 33.67 74.78 WAL-MART HATS 13.58 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 936.42 FUELMAN FUEL 985.87 BAILEY EQUIPMENT CHAIN SHARPENING 9.49 WARREN CAT RENTAL DAMAGE REPAIR 660.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 1,073.33 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL LIFT RENTAL 165.00 STORMWATER DEPT TOTAL 4,545.>35 A N Z SIGNS BANNERS -ELM CREEK CLOSING 150.00 A N Z SIGNS BANNER 150.00 BAIN, JEFF HARVEST FESTIVAL 30.00 CINDY SIGNS SIGNS 57.60 HUGHES LUMBER LUMBER 47.18 LOWES CONCRETE/RESTROOM SUPPLIES 214.31 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.35 OWASSO TOP SOIL FILL DIRT 410.00 MISER ASPHALT COMP CONCRETE WORK @ SPORTS PARK 2,650.00 SHAWNEE LIGHTING SYSTEMS BALL FIELD LIGHTS 946.08 WAL-MART HARVEST FESTIVAL SUPPLIES 33.76 FUELMAN FUEL 358.02 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/06 USE 177.47 PSO 10/06 USE 1,065.76 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 306.67 AT&T PHONE USE 90.45 SCOTT-MACON EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL 229.00 PARKS DEPT TOTAL, " 6,935.65 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 363.63 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL RENTAL -FLOOR BUFFER 107.54 L.OWES FLOORCARE/LIGHTS 62.96 I. -OWES FLOOR CARE SUPPLIES 20.88 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY FLOOR SUPPLIES `153.25 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 263.15 THE FADLER COMPANY SUPPLIES 25.08 WAL-•MART SUPPLIES 17.82 FUELMAN FUEL 109.79 OKLAHOMA NATURAL_ GAS 10/06 USE 272.04 PSO 10/06 USE 1,101A6 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 30.83 AT&T PHONE USE 124.79 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE BULK PERMIT 800.00_ COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL 3,45122 OKLAHOMA NATURAL. GAS 10/06 USE 82.63 PSO 10/06 USE -17.10 I._OWE.S OUTDOOR LIGHT SUPPLIES 36.41 A.I,.&T PHONE USE 20.95 HISTORICAL MUSEUM DEPT TOTAL ­'____._122.89 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 74.75 WORDCOM COLORED TONER 195.80 CITY GARAGE. VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 8.99 FUELMAN FUEL 89.85 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 76.67 TRIAD PRINTING QOL PRINTS 121.80 CLE INTERNATIONAL TRAINING-HAYES 405.00 OK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL TRAINING-HAYES 150.00 OTA TOLLS 6.70 UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA EDI CONFERENCE/HAYES 1,115.00 SAMS CLUB SUPPLIES 7.88 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 43.61 ECONOMIC [DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 2,296.05 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 175,232.43 ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 6,182.56 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALTY BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 215.00 PACE PRODUCTS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 225.00 TRI-ANIM HEALTH SERVICES ELECTRODE 263.41 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE BULBS FOR MEDIC 1 2.40 FUELMAN FUEL 1,807.85 ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT 4,655.70 MEDTRONIC ANNUAL MAINTENANCE LIFEPACKS 3,935.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-SERVICE 766.67 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING AED CARDS/WORKBOOKS/MANUALS 254.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL _ 18,307.59 AT&T E911 FEES 1,876.41 E-911 FUND TOTAL 1,876.41 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPERS ARTICLE ON STATION #3 81.20 C2A ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SVS-86/MINGO 400.00 POE & ASSOCIATES 06/07 CIP STREET REHAB PROJECT 1,086.48 VISTA CONSTRUCTION SPORTS PARK RESTROOM 13,199.50 "—m-14,7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 77.18 ALLIANCE MEDICAL FLOTEC REGULATORS/EZ GLIDE POLES 4,000.00 AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND DOTAL mA 4,000.00 MISER ASPHALT COMP SIDEWALK jai CENTENNIAL PARK 3,000.00 ROGERS COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRI( WATER METER CENTENNIAL PARK 2,845.32 DARK (DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL �_. 5,845.32 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.99 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT-PARTS 31.06 AMERIFLEX HOSE PARTS FOR RESALE 63.80 BRAKE REBUILDERS PARTS FOR RESALE 356.30 CLASSIC CHEVROLEI PARTS FOR RESALE 50.09 FRONTIER INTERNATONAL. TRUCKS REPAIRS -TRASH VEHICLE 5,277.48 FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS PARTS -TRASH TRUCK 722.54 OK TRUCK SUPPLY PARTS 14.63 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 808.07 PRECISION FLUID POWER PARTS 638.00 QUEKSERVICE STEEL CO OF TULSA PARTS 426.50 T & W TIRE TIRES 216.45 UNITED ENGINES PARTS FOR FIRE TRUCK 79.42 UNITED ENGINES PARTS FOR TRASH TRUCK 339.83 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/06 USE 193.37 PSO 10/06 USE 518.21 AT&T PHONE USE 35.91 QUALITY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE WWC TRUCK ALIGNMENT 49.95 T & W TIRE I -IRE REPAIR 110.00 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL � 9,947.60 IMPREST ACCOUNT IMPREST ACCOUNT PPO SOLUTIONS RICH & CARTMILL IMPREST ACCOUNT IMPREST ACCOUNT IMPREST ACCOUNT IMPREST ACCOUNT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIRD PARTY ADMIN FEES WORKERS COMP INS MEDICAL CLAIMS MEDICAL CLAIMS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENTS WORKERS COMP FUND TOTAL PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE COMPANIES PROPERTY INSURANCE SELF-INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 1,118.00 943.80 1,450.00 21,483.00 655.78 1,187.44 528.00 683.76 28,049.78 22,675.00 22,675.00 GRAND TOTAL 280,701.31 CITY OF OWASO VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 24,431.91 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 20,678.41 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 20,537.89 ADMIN FEES 401.00 HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 66,049.21 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 2,899.20 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 1,586.80 ADMIN FEES 1,734.04 DENTAL DEPT TOTAL 6,220.04 VSP VISION MEDICAL SERVICE 1,688.41 VISION DEPT TOTAL 1,688.41 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL � 73,957.66 CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/11/2006 Department Overtimg_flpenses Total Expensq�q Municipal Court 1-33.25 5,551.75 Managerial 0.00 17.179.15 Human Resourses 0.00 7,706.50 Community Development 0.00 15,791.17, Engineering 0.00 15,942.79 Support Services 0.00 9,453.00 425.83 11 A00.79 Ambulance Fund and Total $1,209.98 $17,278 09 I- r-merqencv 911 'Fund CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of October 31, 2006 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses & permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines & forfeits Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay MONTH YEAR PERCENT TO -DATE TO -DATE BUDGET OF BUDGET $ 1,359,012 $ 5,513,988 $ 16,670,000 33.08% 18,632 80,631.98 373,000 21.62% 46,407 202,781.35 382,000 53.08% 19,614 76,022.51 217,900 34.89% 228 189,898.83 584,000 32.52% 10,073 38,748.18 95,300 40.66% 1,453,966 33.30% 6,102,071 18,322,200 723,674 3,238,318 9,894,855 32.73% 65,635 184,030 535,195 34.39% 116,014 409,233 1,411,265 29.00% 103,078 411,588 2,060,910 19.97% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,008,400 4,243,169 13,902,225 30.52% REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 445,566 1,858,902 4,419,975 42.06% TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in 859,138 3,575,186 10,163,000 35.18% Transfers out (1,281,566) ___ (5,334,088) (16,001,375) 33.34% TOTAL TRANSFERS (422,427) (1,758,902) (5,838,375)E - 30.13% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 23,138 100,000 (1,418,400) FUND BALANCE (GAAP Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance 5,343,181 $ 5,443,182 _4,002,29_2_ 3,210,000 $ 4,102,292 $ 1,791,600 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. R« CITY MANAGER DATE: November 17, 2006 On August 15, 2006, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 872, establishing an Audit Committee and adopting procedures for the committee to follow. The purpose of this audit committee is to assist in overseeing the annual audit of financial statements, ensure the person or organization completing the audit is independent of city staff, and address control and compliance weaknesses. On September 19, 2006, the City Council approved the Mayor's request for confirmation of the following appointments to the Audit Committee: Banker: Mr. Dennis Phillips, First Bank of Owasso Businessperson: Ms. Dorothy Carson, CPA., Kallenberger & Assoc. Non -practicing CPA.; Mr. John Manning, CPA, Oneck Mr. Guy Nightingale, Williams Auditor City Council. Ms. Susan Kimball The Audit Committee membership was established but the initial staggered term and "Seat No." for each member was not specified. Ordinance No. 872 describes the membership terms in Section 7-704, Terms of Appointment as: All members of the audit committee shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years except for the city councilor who will be appointed for a one year term or until their successors shall be qualified and appointed. The appointment of members shall be for staggered terms, The five (5) voting positions o11 the audit committee shall be divided into seats numbered one through five. Seat No. 1 shall be held by a city councilor who is serving the second year of his three-year term of office. The term of office for Seat No. 1 shall expire on July 1, 2007, and every July 1st, thereafter. No city councilor may succeed them self in office. Seat No. 2 may be held by any of the remaining categories of members and shall expire on July 1, 2007, and on every third year thereafter. Seats No. 3 and 4 may be held by any of the Demo September 7, 2006 Page 2 of 2 remaining categories of members and shall expire on July 1, 2008, and on every third year thereafter. Seat No. 5 may be held by any of the remaining categories of members and shall expire on July 1, 2009, and on every third year thereafter. The staff has prepared a recommended list of terms for each of the four initial committee appointees: Seat No. 2 Mr. Dennis Phillips, First Bank of Owasso, term expires July 1, 2007 Seat No. 3 Ms. Dorothy Carson, CPA, Kallenberger & Assoc., term expires July 1, 2008 Seat No. 4 Mr. John Manning, CPA, Oneok, term expires July 1, 2008 Seat No. 5 Mr. Guy Nightingale, Williams Auditor, term expires July 1, 2009 Staff recommends City Council approval of the assignments of Audit Committee Seat Numbers and term expirations as follows: Seat No. 2 Mr. Dennis Phillips, term expires July 1, 2007 Seat No. 3 Ms. Dorothy Carson, term expires July 1, 2008 Seat No. 4 Mr. John Manning, term expires July 1, 2008 Seat No. 5 Mr. Guy Nightingale, term expires July 1, 2009 TO- TAE A01ORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O _ 9 FROM:J.B.13 'R PROJECT .j 14h DATE- November 3, 2006 to"D, - e� E�1�>ic�r= The subject commercial development is located at the intersection of Fast 86"' Street North and Gan-ictt Road (see attached map). The water system improvements include the installation of approximately fifty-six (56) feet of six (6) inch PVC potable water line and one (1) fire hydrant. Design of the water system improvements were reviewed. and approved in April 2006. FINAL INSPECTIONS Final inspection for the water system improvement was conducted on August 1, 2006. All items identified at the final inspection requiring correction to meet city standards have been completed. The construction contractor has provided the required two-year maintenance bond for the system. Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Advanced Auto Farts water system improvements. AT 'ACHMEN'rs. A. I-ocatzon Map T-1e Maintenance Bond C, ODEQ Permit ATTACHMENT E 86 S UrVIA111 ) Oyom Public W0±5 Department Engineering D6. P.O.180 Owasso, OK 7 055 918.272.4959 wwy±�loavam.com ADVANCED AUTO :< LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT B Maintenance Bond fr PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC KNOW ALL MEIN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we W. N. Couch, Inc. as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and Mid -Continent Casualty Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal sum of Fourteen thousand, seven hundred seventy dollars and no/100----($14,770.00) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEARS after final approval of the Waterline for Advanced Auto -Owasso, OIL, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and/or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. _ SIGINTED, SEALED, AND DATED: July 7, 2006 -W I"', Conch, Inc., Principal BY: Mid. -Continent Surety J'a lei a iris, A Attorney -,in -Fact act Attach Power of .Attorney October 6, 200 Aria Stagg, P.E. City of Owasso 301 W. 2na Ave. Owasso, Old 74006 o: Reference No. 3OO7218 [dear Ms. Stagg: Enclosed is Permit Exemption No. WLSCOO72061191 for the construction of 56 feet of six (6) inch PVC potable water lino and all appurtenances to serve the propory of Advance Auto Farts. After completion of construction but prig to the commencement of service by such an extension, sufficiency certification by a certified water works operator licensed by the State of Oklahoma that the extension as constructed meets or exceeds the Board standards rarest be submitted to the Department. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the application approved by this Department on October 6, 2006. Any deviations from the approved application affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Executive Director before charges are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. Sincerely, Justin Hodge SRIF/Constr ction Permit Section Dater Quality Divisions J fab Enclosure c: Candy Matson, PWS District Representative, DEQ Tula DEQ Office, R.S., Tulsa County DEQ Environmental Specialist Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Manager, DEQ Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101-1677 printed on recycled paper with soy ink IM q. 411 �I : E s �i 1'�1li1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF [f REERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDIRECTOR DATE: November 14, 2006 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request that the 2015 Land Use piaster Flan be revised, changing the planned land use classification at the southeast cornea- of East 76t' Street Forth and Mingo Road from residential to industrial. The property is 150 acres, is currently undeveloped and zoned AG Agricultural, and was annexed into Owasso in April, 2003. A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: The property is undeveloped and is bordered by 76t' Street to the North, the SKO railroad tracks to the east, and Mingo Road to the west. fin-X Manufacturing and Wild Hairs Smoke Lodge are north of the site and on the south side of East 76t" Street North, while Sertoma, Croup Blaksley, and Owasso Public Works lie north of the property on the North side of East 761h Street. Across the railroad tracks to the east are a variety of commercial industrial uses including FirstBank Owasso, a mini -storage development, two wrecker services, and municipal facilities such as the vehicle maintenance shop, animal shelter, skate park, and wastewater treatment plant. To the south and west of the site are undeveloped agricultural acreages. PRESENT ZONING: The subject property is zoned AG Agricultural, as are the territories to the south and west. Land north of the property is zoned for agricultural, industrial, and commercial purposes. Properties east of the railroad are zoned commercially and industrially. DE a L D ENT PROCESS, The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexations Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning, in order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso piaster Man. Specific development concerns, such as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and stormwater detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. Manned Unit Developments (P ) are specific types of zoning classifications applied to individual properties with site -specific development requirements. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted and reviewed. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. ANALYSIS: The staff has received a rezoning request from Ken Robinson to zone the property for Industrial use, and that request is scheduled to be considered at the December Planning Commission meeting. Pursuant to that rezoning request, the City has been asked to modify the 2015 band Use Faster Plan, changing the designated future use of the property from residential to industrial. If the plan amendment is approved, industrial uses such as manufacturing facilities could be considered for the 150 acres on the south side of East Vh Street North. While there are no specific developments that have made formal applications to the City for the property to this point, the site is being marketed to industrial uses. Different industrial users have reviewed the site, and are considering pursuing industrial developments for the property. In analyzing the request, the staff considered two key factors: first, what is the highest and best use of the property, and second, is the proposed land use distribution consistent and compatible with existing development patterns in the area.. The staff believes that the answer to both questions is "yes". HIGFIEST AND BEST USE -- The fact that industrial users are already considering locating facilities on the subject property suggests that industrial use would be viable for the property. The property's situation near the railroad and two arterials, and its distance from residential developments, demonstrates compliance with the Faster Plan goal of where to locate industrial uses in Owasso. The staff finds that the site is an appropriate location for industrial uses. COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS -- The site is bordered by a mixture of industrial, commercial, and undeveloped properties, and is located in the southern part of the community, the portion of Owasso where planned industrial uses are already designated on the Vaster Plan. The staff finds that the proposed land use would be compatible with the uses located on these nearby properties. Should the Master Plan be amended, a rezoning of the property to Industrial use would be considered in December. Then, any development proposing to locate at the site would have to be initiated. with a. plat, to be followed later with a site plan. PLANNIING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission considered the application at a public hearing conducted on November 13, 2006. At that public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the blaster Plan Amendment. RE COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan Amendment. 1. General Area Map 2. Master Plan map W I ST N I I Owasso Conununity Dovelopment Department 111 N. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 918376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com AMENDMENT TO THE 2015 LAND USE MASTER PLAN E BRWWAY ST W I AVE S E I AVE S W 2 AVE S W 3 AVE S E 3 AVE S W 4 AVE S E 4 AVE S E 5 WE =I ovvas'o communs,y 10 111 N. lvl,,�� Si 2 &anci Ise Master Plan Owasso OK 40.5-5 l W M376.1500 'Owasso 0t. 918376.1597 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: 7 t ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE® November 14, 2006 The City of Owasso has received a request that the 2015 Land Use Master Plan be revised, changing the planned land use classification at the northwest corner of East 116th Street North and North 129th East Avenue from residential to transitional. The property is 2.83 acres, is currently zoned AG Agricultural, and has been requested for annexation into the City of Owasso. A general area map has been attached for your review. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: The property is being used residentially, and a single-family dwelling is located on the site. Land to the north, south, and west is also used for residential single-family purposes. Properties to the east and southeast are undeveloped. PRESENT KING® The subject property and surrounding properties are zoned ACT Agricultural, except for the acreage to the east, which is included with the Morrow Place PUD, The subject site is designated for residential use by the 2015 Land Use master Plan, as is the neighboring property on the west side of North 129th East Avenue. Land on the cast side of Forth 12901 East Avenue is planned for commercial use by the Faster Plan. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City ('he second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. 1n order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular binds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth Policy displayed in the Owasso Master Plan. Specific development concerns, suclA as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and stormwater detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. Planned Unit Developments (PUD) are specific types of zoning classifications applied to individual properties with site -specific development requirements. The third step in the development of a piece of properly in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted and reviewed. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. ANALYSI Staff received a petition from Vintage housing requesting that the 2015 band Use faster flan be revised, changing the designated future land use for the parcel from residential to transitional. If the plan amendment is approved, transitional uses such as offices and multi -family uses could be considered for the 2.8 acres at the northwest corner of East 116th Street North and North 129th East Avenue. The request to amend the master plan has been made in conjunction with a request to annex the property. Vintage Dousing proposes to develop a 40 unit senior living apartment complex on the site. The proposed name of the development is Prairie Village. In analyzing the request, the staff considered two key factors: first, what is the highest and best use of the property, and second, is the proposed land use distribution consistent and compatible with existing development patterns in the area. The staff believes that the answer to both questions is "yes". HIGHEST AND BEST USE - The staff finds that the site is located at an arterial intersection. This location suggests that either commercial or transitional land uses would be appropriate for the property as the faster Plan calls for nodal development patterns at primary intersections like this one. When the property was evaluated as part of the Faster Plan update in 2004, the property was scheduled for residential use because the property had already been developed residentially, a single-family dwelling currently occupies the site. The staff finds that the site is an appropriate location for senior multi -family uses. COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING DEVELOPMENT -°NT" PATTERNS - Existing residential properties north, south, and west of the site should be buffered from the future commercial developments that will occur east of North 129th East Avenue. The proposed senior living development would provide such a buffer. The staff finds that the proposed land use would be compatible with the uses located on these nearby properties. Following a master plan amendment would be the development of a Planned Unit Development (PUD), a plat, and a. site plan for the project. All multi -family developments in Owasso must be included with PUDs. Along with approval of a PUD, approval must also be given for a final plat of the property. After the plat is approved, a site plan would be required before any building permit could be issued. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission considered the application at a public hearing conducted on November 13, 2006. At that public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Master Plan Amendment. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the faster Plan Amendment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Applicant's Petition 3. Master Plan map 4�. ;�. ;�; �' owacso co-=-, mitt Developnnent Depmrtnent m.m St C)wzsso, OK 74055 918.376 i 500 918.376A 597 0 m jr Owasso 2015"' ILand use Master Plan October 59 2006 Mr. Eric Wiles City Municipal Building I I I North Main Owasso, OK 74133 Dear Mr. Ray: As you know, Vintage Housing Inc. and Ronald E. Smith are co - developers of Prairie Village, an affordable housing facility for seniors age 62 and above. To this end, we have obtained an option to purchase real property having the following legal description: The East 425 feet ®f the South 290 feet ®f the SE/4 SE/4 of Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 1.4 East, Tulsa County, State ®f Oklahoma, according tote U.S. Government survey thereof, (referred to below as the "property"), 'rho property is situated at the northwest comer of I I 6th Street North and 129th East Avenue. By this letter, we are requesting that the City of Owasso m-nex the property. The property owners support this request, as evidenced in. paragraph 5.g. of the Option Agreement, a copy of which is enclosed. If additional information is required, we will be pleased to provide it. Sincerely, Bill Major Executive Director Enclosure cc: Betty J. Douthit Edwina Douthit, Jr. Ronald E. Smith MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO I-RROM:CHIP MCCULLEY CIT"•.g PLANNER ATE: November 14, 2006 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the rezoning of approximately 25 acres from. (AG) Agriculture to (RS-2) Residential Single® Family, located on the northwest corner of East 106f1' Street Forth and Forth 161 't East Avenue. 1�➢ ° A 4. f SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Large Lot. Residential (Ranch Acres) South: Large Lot residential/Agriculture East: Large Lot Residential/Agriculture West: Large Lot Residential (Ranch Acres) PRESENT ZONING A (Agriculture) E ELOP ENTCESS: The first step in the development, of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a pail of the City. Property owners and land developers sometimes choose to have their property annexed into Owasso in order to receive Owasso municipal services, such as police and fire protection, refuse collection., and sanitary sewer. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. 1n order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular binds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoningdecisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso raster Plan. Specific development. concerns, such as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and stormwater detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted. These plans include specifications and drawings for stormwater drainage, streets and grading and erosion control, waterlines, stormwater detention, and wastewater lines. Often, approval is required of other agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Quality for wastewater collection and the ITS Army Corps of Engineers for properties that may be development sensitive. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. If approved, the final plat is filed with the office of the County Clerk and governs all future development on that property. The fourth step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is the site plan. Site plans are reviewed by the TAC and Planning Commission. Issues such as building setbacks, parking, access; landscaping, and building footprint are presented in the site plan. Once a site plan is approved, the development is clear to apply for a building permit and to submit construction plans for the building's foundation, plumbing, electrical system, and HVAC. ANALYSIS The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the rezoning of approximately 25 acres from (AG) Agriculture to (RS-2) Residential Single- Family. It is the applicant's intent to develop the property as Prestige Pond, a residential subdivision containing 42 lots, with an average lot size of 10, 500 sq ft. The Owasso Land Use pilaster Man was revised at the October meeting to allow for the residential development. The staff finds that the proposed residential development to the north and west and the existing pond at the hard corner make this request compatible with the surrounding land uses. Staff' feels that the design of the development is an example of a developer working with the natural features of the land to provide for a good development. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. PLANNING COAUMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission considered the application at a public hearing conducted on November 13, 2006. At that public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Rezoning. ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Maps 2. Legal descriptions of proposed tracts I la0e Acidition Ranch Alcr e's Subje6itt -Property Woodl6nd View LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) and the East Half (E/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Ten (10), Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Rogers County, Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, AND Commencing at the Southeast Corner of Section Ten (10) , Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Rogers County, Oklahoma, according to the United States Government Survey thereof, thence North 01'10' 37" West along the East line of said Section 1-0, 658.55 feet; thence South 88044108" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 88'44'08" West 1294.20 feet -to a point on the West line of the E/2 of the SE/4 of Section 10; thence North 01013159" West 670.1.5 feet along the West line of the E/2 of the SE/4 of said Section 10; thence North 88'49'23" East 659.93 feet; thence South 01'12'1.8" East 663.92 feet, North 88'46'24" East 634.60 feet; thence South 01'10'37" East 4.81 feet -to the Point of Beginning. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF O FROM:CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER G ' as �if' £ DATE® November 1, 200 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received request to review the annexation of approximately 2.83 acres, located at the northwest corner of East 116"' Street North and Forth 129t 1 East Avenue. North: Large Lot Residential South: Large Lot Residential/Agriculture East: Agriculture West: Large Lot Residential PRESENT ZONING (Agriculture) Tulsa County DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City. Property owners and land developers sometimes choose to have their property annexed into Owasso in order to receive Owasso municipal services, such as police and fire protection, refuse collection, and sanitary sewer. The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular binds of rases, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Master Ulan. The third step in the development of a pied of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary flats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing; utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. ANNEXATION REVIEW PROCESS The annexation process is initiated when a property owner submits a petition to the City of Owasso requesting that the City bring the property into the City limits. The applicant must submit as part of the request a signed petition requesting the annexation, an accurate legal description and map of the property being requested for annexation and a certified 300' radius report so that staff may send legal notices to surrounding property owners. Upon receipt of all appropriate materials the staff initiates the review process which begins with a thorough analysis of the request. The annexation request is then presented to the Owasso Annexation Committee for review and recommendation. The Annexation Committee is made up of staff, elected officials and citizens. The Committee reviews the petition for compliance with the Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso Planning Commission. The Owasso Planning Commission holds a public hearing to determine if the property is compliant with the Owasso Annexation Policy and establishes a recommendation to the Owasso City Council. The Owasso City Council will make the final determination to annex the property or refuse annexation. If the property is annexed into the City limits an ordinance officially declaring the annexation is written and adopted by the City Council. Once adopted the ordinance is circulated to appropriate regional and national agencies for recording and altering maps. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting to annex approximately 2.83 acres, located at the northwest corner of East 116t11 Street North and North 129t11 East Avenue. It is the applicant's intent to develop the property as Prairie Village, an affordable housing facility for seniors age 62 and above. If the property is annexed into the City the applicant will be required to follow normal development procedures which would include P (Planned Unit Development) approval, final plat and site plan review. If annexed, any development proposed for the property would be required to meet the Owasso Zoning Code and the Owasso Subdivision Regulations and any appropriate site engineering standards as proscribed by Public Works including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the Owasso Reporter and letters of notification were nailed to property owners within a. 300' radius. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at its meeting on October 25, 2006. At that meeting, the committee unanimously recommended approval of the annexation. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission considered the application at a public hearing conducted on November 13, 2006. At that public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Annexation. he r. I I ammon NO I rym g4my U ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Area Map 2. Applicants Annexation Petition � ^ S �S o / k / 4 °, § @ \.. N&NGOvALLEY EXWY \ October 5, 2006 I MY I I I North Main Owasso, OK 74133 Dear Mr. Ray: As you know, Vintage Housing Inc. and Ronald E. Smith are co - developers of Prairie Village, an affordable housing facility for seniors age 62 and above. To this end, we have obtained an option to purchase real property having the following legal description.: The East 425 feet of the out 290 feet of the SE/4 SE/4 of Section 5, Township 21 NoiIt Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U.S. Government survey thereof, (referred to below as the "property'), The property is situated at the northwest corner of I 16th Street North and 129th East Avenue. By this letter, we are requesting that the City of Owasso annex the property. The property owners support this request, as evidenced in paragraph 5.go of the Option Agreement, a copy of which is enclosed. If additional information is required, we will be pleased to provide it. Sincerely, Bill MaJor Executive Director Enclosure cc: Betty J. Douthit Edwin John Douthit, Jr. Ronald E. Smith 126TH ST. No Owasso cormnuuty Deveiop,-neni DepuLuent S, 0-wasso, OK 74055 91S.376A-500 Owasso 2015 Land Use Master Plan 91&,76,1597 TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCII CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD K. CLARK '' .€1 •-V,''Jt. DAI'E: November 15, 2006 BACKGROUND - The Fiscal Year 2006-07 fire capital budget provides funding for the purchase and installation of a facility generator for Fire Station No. 2. Part of the funding for this project is included in the Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters Grant received by the City in 2005. The grant amount eligible for the project is $5,197, which will be reimbursed upon completion of the project. This facility generator will replace a generator currently located in the basement of the fire station, and will power the entire building, including the Emergency Operations Center. Specifications were developed for this project that included the design of a diesel -powered generator with a 24ahour fuel supply, an automated weekly test option, and all required electric work to power the entire building in the event of a power loss. FUNDING - The FY 2006-07 fire capital budget includes funds to cornplete this project, in addition to the Federal grant amount of $5,197.00, BIDS RE CEIVED- A bid opening was held at City Hall on October 1.6, 2006. Three bids were received for the generator project: 1. Commercial Power solutions: $32,646 2. United Engines, L,L,C. $35,891 3. Clifford Power systems; $47,955 `Fhe bids were evaluated by Fire Department and support services staff` and determined to meet or exceed all of the specifications. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council award the contract and authorize payment in the amount of $32,646 to Commercial Power solutions of Owasso, Oklahoma., ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Summary Sheet 1 Did Submittal Page CITY OF OWASSO I I I N. Main PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 376-1500 BID DOCUMENTATIO Opening Date: Item: Number of Bids: Bids Opened By: Witness: Witness: Commercial Power Solutions Owasso, OIL United Engines, LLC Tulsa, OIL Clifford Power Systems Tulsa, O Certification: October 16, 2006 Diesel Powered Generator 3 Marcia Boutwell Larry White Peter Taylor Base Bid $32,646°00 $359891 v00 $47,955°00 1, Marcia Boutwell, Contract Administrator, do hereby certify that:, to the best of my knowledge, this Bid Docurrientation is true and correct, Sip -,nature: (SV 3 d .. t"..' ai Y.0 ONE DIESEL POWERED GENERATOJ FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO, OKLAHOMA BASE BID (EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION) $3 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal -Submittal Pages. Name of Company Printed N jeof Bell er Bidder's Si,,nature—'- Title Address Phone Number TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: )> STATION NO. DATE: November 15, 2006 Advertisements for the design specifications and bidding opportunities for the Fire Station No. 3 project were published in the Owasso Reporter on October 17 and 24, 2006 and in three trade journals (Bid Mews, Southwest Construction News, and ABC). In the first two days, twelve packets were picked -up at City Hall, requiring the preparation of additional bid packets for additional prospective bidders. The bid opening for the project occurred on November 7, 2006 at City hall, DEVELOPMENT DETAILS: The Fire Station No. 3 project has received approval for the final site plan and the final plat reviews from the Owasso Planning Commission. The Architect hired for the project has developed the construction specifications necessary for the bid process, based upon the input of City of Owasso staff from Support Services, Information Technology, fire, and Community Development departments, F'ACILITY PROJECT - As a general overview of the project, the following are characteristics of the fire station as depicted in the design specifications for this project. Some of these features are unique to the fire station due to the twenty-four hour use of the building and the weight of the fire apparatus: * Six firefighter residential station with individual sleeping quarters Two separate bathroom facilities to accommodate a Co-ed workforce Exterior elevation designed to blend into a residential area * Roof design for a residential look with a 6/12 pitch with asphalt shingles * Exterior walls are a blend of brick and plaster 0 Interior walls are steel studs and trusses Apparatus bays are concrete block walls Facility floor will be post tensioned concrete slab All sleeping areas will be carpeted The site is a corner lot and will provide three drive through apparatus bays ® Exterior paving will be concrete designed to withstand the weight of all fire fighting equipment and apparatus ® On site detention pond capable of excess capacity to provide for regional storm water runoff ® heating and cooling system will be a residential split system with three furnaces for the living quarters ® a ground source heat pump system is designed and was bid as an alternate ® Emergency power generator for backup power in the event of a power outage ® a vehicle exhaust extraction system for the vehicular exhaust ® Radiant gas heat and power drop cords available at the apparatus bays ® Tornado storm shelter room constructed of concrete block with a concrete lid for firefighter and citizen use ® Extractor washer and drying cabinet for cleaning of the "Bunker Gear" in addition to a standard washer and dryer for the residential cleaning The design of this facility focused on a practical and energy efficient building that will last for several decades of around the clock use. This project will substantially improve the fire department's response time and emergency responder availability, and ultimately the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of the City. ���M A total of 8 bids were opened on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. all of the bids received appear to meet bid specifications: Crossland Construction $ 1,697,000 Ctestline Construction 1,748,000 Magnum Construction 1,807,000 MNBE 1,809,885 Brewer Construction 1,813,600 Crossroads Construction 1,8 70,000 Builders Unlimited 1,889,093 Simmons homes 2,016,433 A review of the above bids indicates that Crossland Construction is the low bidder, This bid would include the alternate of providing a ground soutrce heat pump system. FUNDING - The funding for this project is identified in the CIP in ICY 2006--0T The overall finding for the project, including all facility construction, site work, and the building furnishings is $1.9 million. To date, a total of $303,032.23 has either been spent; or encumbered as a result of the land purchase and the selection of the architectural firm, BKL,. If the above bid were to be awarded as presented, the cost of the facility at this point is $2,000,032.23, a total of $100,032.23 over budget, additionally, the extension of water and sewer services, facility furnishings, and a 5% contingency would add a need for an additional $307,450 for a total project cost of $2,307,482.23. Ms. Bisho-has reviewed the capital Improvement Fund and sufficient fiandin for this project is available. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: There are three areas in which staff would like to provide additional comments and/or information to the City Council. ® Staff does not feel that re -bidding the project would be efficient in cost or in the overall timeline of construction. A total of 8 bids were received for this project — 5 of which are relatively competitive W which indicates a favorable response to the specifications and bid documents. A re -bidding of the project not only would add delay, but also potentially alienate bidders from re -submitting any competitive bid. ® Staff was contacted by one of the bidders — Mr. Greg Simmons of Simmons Homes — after the bids were opened. According to Mr. Simmons, he felt that the City of Owasso received a very good bid from Crossland Construction and commented on their excellent reputation. He did not feel that re -bidding the station would necessarily be beneficial to the City of Owasso. Staff has reviewed the bid specifications and is confident that if the contract were to be awarded, there are some savings that could be realized in the for�-fl of change orders (deductions) to the contract as presented. Examples of areas staff could gain savings are the scope of the detention work, facility furnishings, changing some of the architectural features of the facility (safe room), and reducing the size of the emergency powcr generator. Staff does, however, want to be cognizant as to not reduce the quality of the overall facility. RECOMMENDATION - Staff recommends Council award the contract for the construction of Fire Station No. 3 to Crossland Construction of Columbus, IDS for the amount of $1,697,000, ATTACHMENTS. 1, Bid Tabulation Sheet ?. Bid Submittal gage Nov 17 06 03a 13p Special Projects 910_-27 -496G Po I Base Bid GroundBidder #, . Ptimp BrewerHeat Construction - � 0 0 Builders Unlimited $1,8749,509 $339.584 Crossland Construction $1,649,000 $48,000 Crossroads Construction $1,815,000 $55,000 UNBE f SimmonsIJi M, m m X \,"LERICAL: ADMN\464-0,,,lv3ssocife, Siafion\ 454-Bid Tabulatiojj.--J� �aqe 1 of I Prinled 1 V712006 10.23 AM 0 M 0 ct 61 74 N Nov 17 CSC 03:13p Special Projects 5. BIDDER. will complete the work in accordance with the Contact Documents for the following prices: BID SCHEDULE AND FORM CONSTRUCTION OF OWASSO I-0 STATION #3 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHO A. LUMP SUM BASS, BIB Words Following Alternates shall be expressed in words and figures as add/deduct to Base Bid as indicated. Cross out tenus "Add" or "Deduct" as applicable. in case of discrepancy,, amount shown in words will gov rrra. See Spe cification Section 01030 for description. ALTERNATE 1: Replace steel framing with Wood Framing. Refer to Specification Section 01030 for description. Addl cdtzc th.e sin-n of words ALTERNATEProvide and Install parking Structure. Refer to Specification Section 01030 for description - Add the scar of��_ ._ ,-,aiold a . Words Al :i°ERFI'°lT 3, Novide and Install Groaxr'ad Source Heat Purnp Syeteiyi in lice of Split Systerra. Refer to Specification Section 01030 for descriptions. Add the sure cif i _ Words Following Unit Prices shall be expressed words arid figtares, -In oaso of di PorCparrcy arno�r�t show In words will govern. Se Division 1 Tor- descriptions, tFJ\T1I" PRJCE 1, add and deduct- For rernoval and rrplacernent of unsu,itable material. Refer to Spec]fication Sier tion 02210 2 . l C,. ac surn of Words �_;._fr Dollar'; per clrfric yard. 6. BIDDER acknowledges that estimated quantifies used in preparation of the rrrait Price Bid ;arc not guaranteed and. are solely for the ;k�zarpose of comparison of Rids, Final payment for all Unit Price Bid i.tcr'r,s will be used on actual quantit' pro�>ided, determined as provided in the Contract Documents. 1006 - 00200 - Page 3 of 6 P. BIDDER agees that the Work will he substantially complete within 270 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times com ence to run as provided by the General Conditions, and completed and ready for final payinent in accordance with the General Conditions within 300 calendar days. BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified for substantial comPlelfosn until the work is substantially complete, €l. The fbilowing documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid Security in the fore oI'� � I �b:��� die Statement of Bidder's Qualification, Section 00230; and C. All forms listed in hrstructions to Bidders, and Section 00110. 9. The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of'the Corrstrrlction Conti -act included as part of the Contract Documents have the rneanixrgs assigned to he rn hi General Conditions, S IMMI T..T'S ,D 0_? -- F : 0 _._ _ _.�._. 002GO -- 'age 4 of 6 TO® HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITE' COUNCIL CITE' OF OASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-26 1996 REVENUE BOND REFUNDING November 00L The OPWA has outstanding revenue bond debt of $3,830,000 issued in 1996 for the bailey Ranch Golf Club. As of July 1, 2006, that debt is callable and could be refinanced at a lower interest rate. In 1992, the Owasso Public Golf Authority issued revenue bonds to finance the construction of the Bailey ranch Golf Club, The 1992 Revenue bonds were secured only by the revenues of the golf course with no pledge of revenue from the City of Owasso. In 1996, the OPGA was reorganized and the city management tools responsibility for operation of the golf course. At that same time, the OPWA issued revenue bonds and "purchased" the golf course from the OPGA. The 1996 Revenue Bonds are secured by the OPWA utility revenues, the OPGA golf revenues and two cents of the City of Owasso's sales tax. The outstanding 1996 Revenue Bonds bear interest rates ranging from 5.55% to 6.15% with final. maturity of July 1, 2017. As of July 1, 2006 the bonds became callable at a 2% premium. The final maturity of the new debt would remain at July 1, 2017. The estimated interest rate for new debt is 3.95%, providing a gross saving of approximately $600,000. The interest rate and final pricing of the debt will be available for the meeting on Tuesday, the 21 ", Allan Brooks, Bond Counsel, and Keith McDonald, Financial Advisor, are working to finalize documents and other details of the financing. If this refunding is approved by the City Council and the OPWA Trustees, loan closing will be scheduled for the 27'1' As a public trust of the City of Owasso, the OPWA cannot incur debt without the approval of the City Council. City Resolution No. 2006-26 authorizes the OPWA to incur debt and authorizes the execution of any documents related to the transaction. The attached resolution contains several blank spaces that will be completed after bids are received on Tuesday. RECOMMENDATION - Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution No. 2006-26 approving the incurrence of indebtedness by the OPWA and containing other provisions related thereto. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 2006-26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1. Indebtedness'` Authorized. The Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority") is hereby authorized to incur an indebtedness by the issuance of its Utility and Sales Tax Revenue Dote, Series 2006, in the amount of $ _- ---.00 (the "Mote"), according to the terms and conditions of a General Bored Indenture, as previously supplemented and amended and as further supplemented and amended by a Series 2006 Supplemental Dote Indenture, all by and between the Authority and Batik of New York Trust Company, N.A., as successor to J.P. Morgan Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (collectively, the "Indenture"), provided that said Mote shall never constitute a debt of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City"). �;EC l itch! 2. >'Qr _national 11ocument Subject to lndenture. The organizational document creating the Authority, is hereby made subject to the terms of the Indenture authorizing the issuance and securing the payment of the mote as more fully described in Section 1 hereof. SECTION . Waiving Competitive �iddiz��9 Approval of Sale Proceedings. The waiving of competitive bidding for the sale of the Dote and the sale of said Note by the Authority to at a price of par, is hereby approved. SECTION 4. Secu�°ity dement. The City hereby ratifies and confirms a Security Agreement between the City and the Authority (the "Security Agreement"), which Security Agreement pertains to a year-to-year pledge of certain Sales Tax revenue as security for the Note. SECTION 5. Lease Agreement. The Lease dated July 31, 1973, as amended by Amendment to Lease dated as of July 1, 1996, both by and between the City and the Authority, whereby the City leases unto the Authority its then existing and thereafter acquired water, sanitary sewer, garbage and trash collection systems and the Bailey Ranch Golf Club (the 66Lease Agreement"), is hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION 6. City's Ex2eetations. The City anticipates that the total amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) issued by The Owasso Public Works Authority or other issuers on behalf of said City, will not exceed $5,000,000 for calendar year 2006, and the City hereby designates the Note to be a qualified tax-exempt obligation with respect to the financial institution interest deduction provisions contained in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and irrevocably allocates to the Authority not to exceed $ .00 of the City's $5,000,000 exemption from the rebate requirements pursuant to Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and authorizes the Mayor or Vice -Mayor to execute and deliver on behalf of the City a Certificate of Designation to that effect. SECTION 7. AuthorizingExecution. The Mayor or Vice -Mayor and City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk of the City representing the City at the closing of the above -referenced note issue are hereby authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the City any and all certifications and documentation necessary or attendant to the delivery of the Note, as directed by Bond Counsel. [Remainder of Page Left Blank Intentionally] I INIne �; [ ����. (SEAL,) Name: Stephen Cataudella ATTEST: Flame: Sherry Bishop Title: City Clerk V l TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: 4 $. TROUT ) It i ,`,4BAj , 1)i { CITY ATTOR1TEY SUBJECT. PURCHASE OF ATOI2 PROPERTY AND SETTLEMENT OF LEGAL ACTION BACKGROUND Pursuant to the legal settlement reached with Wesley Ator to purchase the entire seven acres 1iZown as "Ator Field' for $2,115,000, City staff has prepared settlement documents. These documents include a Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release, which will be executed by Mr. Ator, the School District and the City, and a Contract for Sale of the Seven Acre Tract known as "Ator Field." The Settlement Agreement is a "global" settlement, release and dismissal of all actions, claims and appeals relating to this issue by all parties. It specifically provides that all parties will release their claims and rights to any and all attorney fees, post and pre judgment interest, and costs, The Contract for Sale includes provisions establishing that the purchase price of $2,115,000 will be paid by the by the City to Mr. Ator in two installments. The first payment of $715,000 will be paid on or before December 1, 2006, and the remaining payment of $1,400,000 is due to be paid on January 5, 2007. In addition, the field will continue to be known as "Ator Field" for as long as the City owns the property and utilizes it as a sports field, When the School District has fully purchased the land, they will be free to change the name of the field if they so desire. In addition to the Settlement Agreement and Contract for Sale, the City's bond counsel, Allan Brooks of Fagin, Brown, Bush, Tinney & Kiser, is preparing a lease/purchase agreement to be executed by the School District and the City. This agreement will allow the School District to purchase the land for $1,790,435.10 ($2,115,000 minus $324,489.93 for right-of-way previously acquired by the City) plus additional loan costs and fees the City may incur, and to pay out the purchase price to the City over a twelve year period. If at any time prior to full payment for the land the School District ceases to make payments to the City, the lease/purchase agreement will specifically provide that the City may terminate the contract and sell the land to recoup its investment. Counsel for the School District has advised City staff that the monies used to purchase the land will be taken from. the School District's building fund. This will require the School District to treat each annual payment under the lease/purchase agreement as a capital expenditure and acquire a small portion of the land annually. For each of the annual payments made by the School District prior to the final year, the City will deed a small parcel to the School District. I When the final payment is made, the City will deed the remainder of the land to the School District. The lease/purchase agreement will not be completed by the City's bond counsel until the terms of the loan are fully determined. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release, and authorize the Mayor to execute both documents. ATTACHMENTS Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release PjI ECIT.ALS® A. On October 8, 2003, Ator filed an action in the District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, styled Reuel Wesley Ator v. The Unknown Heirs, Personal Representatives, .Devisees, Trustees, Successors and Assigns of Thelma A. Ator, deceased, et al., Case No. CJ 2003-6380 (the "Quiet 'Title Action"). Ator sought to quiet title in himself and against the School District and the City in the following described real property, and to obtain certain other relief including attorneys fees and rent: The South seven. (7) Acres of the Southwest Quarter [SW/4] of the Southwest Quarter [SW/4] of the Southeast Quarter [Sig/4] of Section Nineteen. (19), 'township Twenty-one (21.) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the [Indian Base Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma], (the 66Subject Property"), On September 15, 2004, the District Court entered its Journal Entry of Summary— Judgment Quieting Title - quieting title to the Subject Property in Ator. the School District and the City timely appealed that judgment, B. On March 3, 2005, Ator filed a second action in the District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, styled Reuel Wesley Ator v.Board, of Education of Owasso Independent ,school District No..11, Case No. CJ 2005-1338 (the "Injunction Action"). The City was not a party to the hijunction Action. Ator sought an injunction prohibiting the School District from using the Subject property during the pendency of the appeal of the Quiet 'Title Action. Following an evidentiary hearing on July 6, 2005, the District Court denied Ater's request for an injunction and dismissed the Injunction Action. Ator timely filed an appeal, C. The judgment in the Quiet Title Action was affirmed by the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals on Jude 15, 2006. By order entered on September 25, 2006, the Oklahoma Supreme Court declined to grant certiorari to review the decision of the Court of Civil. Appeals in the Quiet `title Action and that decision became nal as to the quiet title issues. The case was remanded to the District Court to deal with the remaining issues and relief sought by Ator. D. On September 26, 2006, the School District filed an action in the District Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, styled .Independent School District No. 11 of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, v...Reuel Wesley Ator, et al., Case No. CJ 2006-6047 (the 66Condemnation Action"). The School District sought to acquire for public purposes the North 35 feet of the Subject Property. E. Ator, E & S, Boyd, the School District, and the City have agreed to settle any and all claims, disputes, and differences existing between or among them, known or unknown, as of the date of this Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements contained herein and intending to be legally bound, the parties agree as follows: I . Ator agrees to sell his entire interest in the Subject Property to City, and the City agrees to purchase Ator's entire interest in the Subject Property, for the sum of $2,115,000, ,�a144 W'T *rpw Vz*w Friday, December 1, 2006, and the second and final installment in the amount of $1,400,000, shall be paid no sooner than and no later than Friday, January 5, 2007. Ator agrees to convey title to the Subject Property to the City, subject to a "vendor's lien", as set forth on the instrument of conveyance, and an "attorneys' lien", when the first installment of $715,000 is paid on or before December 1, 2006. 2. The aforementioned installment payments totaling $2,115,000.00 shall be made payable to REUEL WESLEY ATOR, EATON & SPARKS, Attorneys for Ator, and TIC UGLAS L. BOYD, Attorney for Ator, 3. Ator agrees to allow the City to take possession of the Subject Property immediately upon the execution of a mutually acceptable contract of purchase. Ator agrees to take no action to interfere with the use of the Subject Property by the School District and / or the City pending execution of a mutually acceptable contract of purchase and the closing of the purchase / sale transaction. 4. Ator and his attorneys agree to voluntarily dismiss the Quiet Title Action with, prejudice, to voluntarily dismiss the appeal of the Injunction Action with prejudice, to waive any and all claims they have or may have against the School District and / or the City, and to release the "vendor's lien" and the "attorneys' lien" upon payment of the second and final installment of the purchase price. 5. The City and the School District agree to insure the Subject Property, assume responsibility for all utilities on the Subject Property, and hold Ator harmless against any and all liabilities that might arise out of the possession and use of the Subject Property between the, time of execution of a mutually acceptable contract of purchase and the closing of the transaction, 6. The School District agrees to voluntarily dismiss the Condemnation, Action with prejudice, T Ator, the School District, and the City agree that the parties to the Quiet Title Action, the Injunction Action, and the Condemnation Action are to bear their own costs and attorney fees. N 8. Except for the obligations created by this Settlement Agreement and any purchase I sale agreement entered into between the City and Ator as to the Subject property, each party to this Settlement Agreement agrees to release and hereby releases the tither of any and all claims, liabilities, and actions, known or unknown, that each party may have against the other as of the date of the execution of this Settlement agreement as set out below. Subject9. The City agrees to retain the name "Ator Field" on the o°erty for so long as the Subject Property as or The undersigned warrant and represent that each and, by doing so, to bind their legal representatives, successors and assigns forever. counterparts of this Agreement will be signed and each such copy shall constitute an original and equalhave !UAE4L �SLATOR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11 F `1` LSA COUNTY, OKLAHO A ATTEST-. By...,.ate �..n�a_..............._.P..._....—.e..,..mb..s,...........,e».�......Fe,..., Clerk, Beard. of Education .president, Board of Education THE CITY OF OWASSO I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OWASSO FROM. SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2006-27 OPWA RESO, ( I {i fig _ , 0 0 60 { FINANCING •` Off'PROPERTY DATE: November 17, 2006 BACKGROUND: An agreement has been reached with Wesley Ator for the purchase of sown acres known as Ator Field for $2,115,000. The city will pay $300,125 for the right of way required for the 86t" Street North and Main intersection improvements, The balance of the purchase price will be financed by debt issued by the OPWA. CITY I , SOLUTION NO. 2006-27 — As a public trust of the City of Owasso, the OPWA cannot incur debt without the approval of the City Council, City Resolution No, 2006-27 authorizes the OPWA to incur debt and authorizes the execution of any documents related to the transaction. The attached Resolution No. 2006-09 contains several blank spaces that will be completed after bids are received, OPWA+ SOLUTION NO. 2006-09 — OPWA Resolution No, 2006-09 authorizes the OPWA. to issue a Promissory Note for the purpose of purchasing the Ator land; authorizes a lease purchase agreement with the school district; and authorizes the execution of any documents necessary to the transaction, The resolution contains several blank_ spaces that will be completed after bids for the financing are received, RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution No, 2006-2 % approving the incurrence of indebtedness by the OPWA, and containing other provisions related thereto, Staff recommends OPWA Trustee approval of Resolution No, 2006-09 authorizing the OPWA. 2006 Promissory Note and containing other related provisions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1, Indebtedness _.Authorized, The Owasso Public Works -Authority (the ".Authority") is hereby authorized to incur an indebtedness by the issuance of its Promissory Mote, Series 2006, in the amount of _ _,00 (the "Note"), according to the terms and conditions of a Note Indenture by and between the Authority and Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (the "Indenture."), provided that said Nate shall never constitute a debt of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (the "City") SECTION 2, Organizational Document Subject to Indenture. The organizational document creating the Authority, is hereby made subject to the terms of the Indenture authorizing the issuance and sectuing,the payment of the Dote as more fully described in Section 1 hereof SECTION 3 of competitive bi.dd tv� C:om etitiyq y ldd ng� �tclyal of Sale Proceedings, The waiving )r the sale of the Note and the sale of said Note by the Authority to a price of par, is hereby approved, SECTION 4. City's Ex ectations, The City anticipates that the total amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) issued by The Owasso Public Works Authority or other issuers on behalf of said City, will not exceed $5,000,000 for calendar year 2006, and the City hereby designates the Note to be a qualified tax-exempt obligation with respect to the financial institution interest deduction provisions contained in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and irrevocably allocates to the Authority not to exceed $ .00 of the City's $5,000,000 exemption from the rebate requirements pursuant to Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and authorizes the Mayor or Vice -Mayor to execute and deliver on behalf of the City a Certificate of Designation to that effect. SECTION S. Authorizing Execution. The Mayor or Vice -Mayor and City Cleric or Deputy City Cleric of the City representing the City at the closing of the above -referenced note issue are hereby authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the City any and all certifications and documentation necessary or attendant to the delivery of the Note, as directed by Bond Counsel. ATTEST: Name: Sherry Bishop Title: City Cleric Name: Title: 2 t GjI- •� 11 Cataudella TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASS FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOI SUBJECT: 86Tx & MAIN INTERSECTION ROW AT®R PROPERTY t)ti November 0 (a BACKGROUND: An agreement has been reached with Wesley Ator for the purchase of seven acres know as Ator Field for $2,115,000. The portion of the land required for the right of way for the 86"' Street Forth and main intersection improvement project has been valued at $300,125. "That intersection project was originally authorized by the voters in the 1997 sales tax election with appropriation from the Capital Improvements Fund of the city. Staff is recommending that $300,125 for the right of way portion of the Ator land purchase be appropriated and paid from the capital improvements fund. RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the Capital_ Improvements Fund and authorization for payment of $300,125 for the purchase of right of way for the 861" Street North and Main intersection improvement project,