HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.10.09_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special October 9, 2012 6:00 p.m. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch RECEIVED�el OCT 0 � 2012 City Clerk's Office Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the Ci Ha bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, October 5, 2012. ` Sherry Bisho ity Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Discussion Relating to Administrative Items Ms. Bishop Attachment #2 A. Property Insurance Renewal B. Excess Workers Comp Insurance C. Vehicle Maintenance Facility RFQ Review D. Contract with Crawford and Associates 3. Discussion Relating to Operational Items Mr. Lehr Attachment #3 A. FY 2013 Street Rehabilitation Bid Review B. Garnett Widening Project - Engineering Agreement 4. Discussion Relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray Attachment #4 A. PUD Chapter Amendments B. Code Enforcement - Citation Authority C. Vision 2 Project Selection Process D. Baseball 4 -Plex Bid Review E. Elm Creek RFQ Review F. Traffic Calming Program G. City Manager Report Sales Tax Report 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the Office of the City Manager, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(8)(1) The City Council will meet in executive session with Greenwood Performance to discuss the annual evaluation of the City Manager. 6. Report from City Councilors 7. Adjournment OCity edit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Michele Dempster ' Zi _ Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Property Insurance Renewal DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: Each year the City's property - casualty insurance coverage renews on November l St. This policy provides coverage for City property, including non - building items i.e. traffic lights and pump stations), similar to homeowners insurance. Renewal quotes are being solicited by the City's agent of record based on the current deductible of $25,000. Property casualty insurance is funded through the General Liability- Property Self- Insurance Fund, and funding for the proposed renewal was included in the FY 2013 budget. COMMENTS: The City's Agent of Record has been in the process of soliciting renewal quotes. Currently one quote has been received through Allianz Global for $50,010. This amount includes adding coverage for the City owned equipment at the new CNG station. The cost of last year's coverage was $40,240. The original coverage was $35,953, with an additional $4,287 in coverage added mid -year to cover the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. In order to insure the City is getting the best price available for coverage, staff would like to have the opportunity to continue reviewing any quotes submitted up to the renewal date. The City must enter into a contract for property coverage prior to the November 1 St. PROPOSAL: In order to allow staff the opportunity to review quotes that may be submitted later in the month staff intends to recommend Council authorization for the City Manager to approve a contract for property- casualty insurance for an amount not to exceed the $50,010 quote at the October 16, 2012 council meeting. This authorization will allow the City Manager to enter into a contract for a lesser amount with a different carrier, should the opportunity arise. The Cr #y VYit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Michele Dempster '�`(� Human Resources Director' SUBJECT: Excess Workers' Compensation Coverage DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: The City is self- insured for workers' compensation. As a result, all costs associated with an employee's on- the -job injury are paid by the City through the Workers' Comp fund, up to the specific retention limit of $750,000 per injury. The City purchases Specific Excess Workers' Compensation insurance to protect the City from exposure to any injury with expenses exceeding $750,000. The Excess coverage renews annually on October 26th and is calculated as a rate per $100 of payroll. Specific Excess Workers' Compensation insurance is funded through the Workers' Compensation Self- Insurance fund. The FY 2013 budget includes funding for the proposed renewal. COMMENTS: The City's agent of record is in the process of soliciting quotes for the upcoming Specific Excess Workers' Compensation renewal. The cost of last year's coverage was $39,817. PROPOSAL: Staff intends to recommend Council authorization for the City Manager to approve a contract for Specific Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance and authorization of payment at the October 16, 2012 Council Meeting. V The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Larry D. White Support Services Director SUBJECT: New Vehicle Maintenance Facility Support Services Department DATE: October S, 2012 BACKGROUND: The current vehicle maintenance facility is no longer large enough to accommodate the City's growing fleet of vehicles. Some of the City's trucks and equipment will not fit into the current maintenance center. A new facility would provide the Vehicle Maintenance Division with a building large enough to serve the increased fleet which would include state -of- the -art technology for a new generation of vehicles. For these reasons, the Owasso Capital Improvements Committee recently listed the construction of a new vehicle maintenance center as one of the highest priorities on the capital improvements list. The design and engineering of a new vehicle maintenance facility will take approximately seven (7) months to complete. Once design and engineering is completed, the bid process will be started for construction of the project. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: A Request for Qualification /Proposals (RFQ /P) was solicited from several Tulsa area firms with vehicle maintenance center design experience. The Scope of Work will include: • Performing professional engineering and design services on the project; • Evaluating the City's existing vehicle maintenance center; • Conducting site assessments of the current and potential future sites, including identification of equipment from current site which can be used at the future site; • Collecting data, including photos, concerning vehicle maintenance arrangements in at least three (3) other local municipalities and at the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, campus for the Tulsa Technology Center; • Providing information about available studies pertaining to this project; • Preparing all documents necessary for approval by appropriate government authorities; • Preparing design plans, drawings and estimated capital costs; The ideal firm(s) would have experience with the design of a vehicle maintenance center and familiarity with OSHA requirements for this type of work area. QUALIFICATIONS BASED SELECTION PROCESS: On September 7, 2012, Staff received Qualifications from seven (7) architecture and engineering firms. These firms are as follows: BKL Incorporated, Tulsa, Oklahoma; CJC Architects, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma; Chase Fetters Hewitt, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Crafton Tull, Tulsa, Oklahoma; GI-12 Architects, LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Matrix Architects, Engineers, Planners, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wozencraft and Associates, PLLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma; On September 12, 2012 staff reviewed and graded the proposals using the criteria identified in the RFQ /P. Based upon the submitted proposals, staff ranked the top two (2) firms and selected Matrix as the most responsive and highest qualified firm. Staff has entered into fee negotiations with Matrix. If negotiations are unsuccessful, then we will visit with the next firm. Once negotiations are complete the recommendation will be presented at the Owasso City Council Meeting on November 6, 2012. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the FY 2012 -2013 Capital Improvement Fund. ATTACHMENTS: A. Request for Qualifications REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING FOR NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Date of Issuance: August 20, 2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 8.20.2012 Page 1 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Request for Qualifications for Professional Services for Architecture and Engineering for New Vehicle Maintenance Facility Table of Contents Section 100 General Information ............................... Page 3 Section 200 Requirements of the Successful Architect/Engineer ...... Page 4 Section 300 Anticipated Scope of Services ....................... Page 4 Section 400 Qualifications Content ...... . ..................... Page 6 Section 500 Review Criteria for the Qualifications Received ......... Page 7 Section 600 City Contact Information ........................... Page 8 Attachment 1 Standard CAP Form 254 State of Oklahoma ............ Page 9 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 2 of 14 City of Owasso Support Services Department 111 North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 100 GENERAL INFORMATION NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS A. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to obtain professional services for the architecture and engineering of a new vehicle maintenance facility for the City of Owasso. B. All qualified qualifications statements will be considered without regard to age, race, creed, color sex, handicap or national origin. C. Instructions and Statement of Submission 1. Closing Submission Date: Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) on September 7, 2012. The SOQ will be referred to a review committee who will evaluate each statement in accordance with the evaluation criteria stated later in this RFQ. The goal of this project is to determine the best qualified firm, prepare a scope of services, negotiate a fee proposal and provide a contract to the City Council for approval. 2. Conditions of the Statement: All costs associated with the preparation of a proposal in response to this RFQ will be the responsibility of the offerer and will not be reimbursed by the City of Owasso. 3. Instructions to Prospective Architects/Engineers: a. Qualifications should be addressed as follows: Larry D. White Support Services Director City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 (111 North Main Street) Owasso, OK 74055 b. Qualifications may be mailed or hand delivered. It is important that the offerer's proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the lower left hand corner with the following information: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY It is the responsibility of the offerer to ensure that the proposal is received by the date and time specified above. Late submittals will not be considered. 8.20. M-12 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 3 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 4. Right to Reject: The City reserves the right to reject any and all Qualifications received in response to the RFQ. Rating of each statement will be based only on the factors and procedures described in the RFQ. 200 REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUCCESSFUL ARCHITECT/ENGINEER A. Complete the project with the team outlined in the proposal. B. Provide General liability insurance with a minimum combined coverage of $1,000,000. C. Provide Errors and Omissions Insurance to remain in effect during the project and the term of any legal liability. Errors and Omissions coverage to be for a minimum of $500,000, deductibles subject to approval. D. Provide Workman Compensation insurance in accordance with the applicable state statute. E. During the course of the work the ARCHITECT /ENGINEER will be required to submit proof of the required insurance coverage. F. It is a requirement that the firm be accessible to the City of Owasso for staff, Council and public meetings. The lead team representative (or their designated alternate) must be able to respond to issues and /or be present at City of Owasso offices within twenty -four (24) hours of notification. 300 ANTICIPATED SCOPE OF SERVICES A. GENERAL 1. ARCHITECT /ENGINEER agrees to perform professional services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. 2. ARCHITECT /ENGINEER will serve as professional architectural /engineering representative to the City on the project, and will give consultations and advice to the City during the performance of their services. 3. ARCHITECT /ENGINEER will prepare all documents necessary so that the City may secure approval of such governmental authorities as have jurisdiction over approval applicable to this project. 4. ARCHITECT /ENGINEER will become thoroughly knowledgeable about the contents, conclusions, and recommendations of all available studies pertaining to these projects. As needed by the ARCHITECT /ENGINEER, conduct other 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 4 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS onsite investigations or inspections of the project areas to aid in the planning activities. 5. It is anticipated that the City may provide staff to perform a portion of the work. The duration and availability of City's staff is not defined at this time. 6. Ultimate Goal is the construction of a Vehicle Maintenance Facility that will serve the City of Owasso for the next 20 years. B. SERVICES 1. Background: a. The purpose of the work is to prepare a proposal for the architecture and engineering of a Vehicle Maintenance Facility. The document must include an evaluation of the City's existing Vehicle Maintenance Center; b. The City of Owasso Vehicle Maintenance Center currently provides service for over 200 pieces of equipment including city vehicles, trucks, trailers, and other heavy equipment; c. The City of Owasso has provided its own Vehicle Maintenance Center for more than 20 years. 2. The qualifications may include, but not be limited to, the ability to perform the following elements: a. Data Collection i. Determine vehicle maintenance arrangements, including procedures, in at least three (3) other local municipalities and at the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, campus for the Tulsa Technology Center; ii. Provide photos of other facilities mentioned above; b. Site Assessment i. Conduct a site assessment of the current and future sites; ii. Evaluate preliminary building layout based on the discussion with staff and experiences; iii. Evaluate soils conditions and recommend treatment if necessary. c. Evaluate Existing System i. Outline limitations and problems of current site; 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 5 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ii. Determine which equipment from current site can be used at the future site. d. Documentation and Workshops /Meetings i. Prepare report recommending improvements from current facility and estimated capital costs. ii. Provide renderings of the new vehicle maintenance facility and site iii. Be available to discuss the architecture and engineering of the new Vehicle Maintenance Facility at a City Council Work Session. 400 QUALIFICATIONS CONTENT All sections A through G must be included to receive points in Section 500. Consulting architectural /engineering firms desiring consideration should submit Qualifications in the following format: A. Cover letter B. Project Understanding and Approach: This section shall demonstrate understanding of the scope of the Project and summarize the approach to providing each of the services included in Section 300 of the RFQ. This section should not merely restate the contents of the Request for Qualifications but provide a discussion of planned approach and specific work elements to be performed in accomplishing all phases of this work. Include schedule with time frames and tasks. A Scope of Work will be developed from this section. C. Project Organization and Staffing: This section shall discuss project staffing including key personnel and their qualifications. The Project Manager shall be identified. Resumes of key personnel and project manager shall be included as an appendix. D. Qualifications of the ARCHITECT /ENGINEER: 1. This section shall discuss prior experiences of the firm. Particular mention should be made regarding previous experience on _similar projects. References MUST be included. 2. The section shall also include a discussion of projects performed within the past five (5) years involving the construction of a vehicle maintenance type facility. The discussion of each project shall include a description of any similar project, schedules (both architecture and construction) and special circumstances encountered in the project. 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 6 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS 3. All current or pending litigation, against the firm shall be provided. 4. This portion of the proposal shall also include a listing of all projects currently in progress by the proposed project team and their anticipated completion dates. E. Rate Schedule: A rate schedule of hourly fees charged by the firm by type of employee should be included with the qualifications information. F. Standard Qualification Form: The firm shall demonstrate abilities by inclusion of a SF254 specific to this project (copy attached). G. Description of Additional or Supporting Services: The consulting architectural /engineering firm shall submit a description of other capabilities to provide the City with additional information which may be used as a reference should they desire the firm to perform additional or supporting services. H. Number of Copies of Proposal: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER shall submit one (1) original and four (4) copies of the proposal to the City in response to the RFQ. I. CAUTION: All information requested shall be included in the ro osal at the time of submittal. incomplete Qualifications will be considered informal and ma be subject to rejection on that basis 500 REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE QUALIFICATIONS RECEIVED A. All Qualifications that have been received by the deadline and in the manner required in this RFQ will be opened and evaluated by a Review Committee. The evaluation will be based upon the criteria presented in section F. Qualifications will be ranked according to the total number of evaluation points assigned by the Review Committee. Based upon this initial evaluation, the Review Committee will identify one firm as most "Qualified and Highly Responsive ". B. If warranted, the Review Committee may, at its discretion, postpone the selection and select one or more of the firms for an interview in order to exchange additional information or clarify portions of the proposal contents. C. The ARCHITECT /ENGINEER selected as most "Qualified and Highly Responsive" will be requested to submit a detailed Scope of Services and fee proposal for final evaluation by the Review committee. The detailed Scope of Services will consist of all modifications and refinements made to the original RFQ Scope of Services. Said modifications will be based upon review of the original ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S proposal, any and all RFQ Addenda, oral or 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 7 of 14 CITY OF OWASSO NEW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CENTER REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS written communications between the ARCHITECT /ENGINEER and CITY, and all other pertinent factors relating to the scope or conditions of the project. D. Based upon the evaluation process outline above, the Review Committee will contact an ARCHITECT /ENGINEER and negotiate the terms of the contract for services. If the contract negotiations are successful, then the Review Committee will make a recommendation to the City for approval of the Architectural/Engineering Services Contract. E. A point system will be used to rank the Qualifications from which the review committee will then recommend an award to the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER that will provide the best service to the City of Owasso. F. Qualifications will be reviewed in terms of content and completeness. Any or all references may be contacted. Each required item, as defined in Section 500, will be reviewed and rated according to the criteria described below. The following factors will be assessed throughout the review process: 1. Experience, technical competence, and licenses (as required by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations) of the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER and project staff in the required areas of expertise. 2. Capacity to perform all required services. 3. Evaluation of ARCHITECT /ENGINEER record on similar projects which shall include quality of work and cost control. G. All written material, oral interviews and other information relative to the RFQ obtained during the review process will be treated confidentially, except as required pursuant to local and state laws. 600 CITY CONTACT INFORMATION A. Any questions should be directed to Larry D. White, Support Services Director, City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Questions may be submitted by phone call at (918) 272 -3459 or in writing to lwhitekcityofowasso com. 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 8 of 14 STATE OF OKLAHOMA Department of Central Services Construction and Properties Division INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING CAP FORM 254 GENERAL: CAP Form 254 is the designated form to be used by Architects, Engineers and other design Consultants to register for the purpose of doing business with the State of Oklahoma in accordance with O.S. 61, Section 62. It must be submitted annually; out of date forms cannot be considered in the selection process. This form is used in conjunction with CAP Form 255 in the same manner as Federal Standard Forms 254 and 255 are used for Federal selections. 255 is to be used for a specific project and 254 is used to be registered for consideration. These forms have been designed to be as similar as possible to the federal forms but SF254 and SF255 MAY NOT be used for State registration and selection. These forms MAY be freely copied or electronically digitized for computer use. Item 1. The firm's legal name, mailing address, and telephone number. Item 1 a. Enter the firm's Oklahoma Certificate of Authority Number, IF REQUIRED. Individuals doing business under their own name are not required to have other than their personal registration. Out of state firms will be required to be certified in Oklahoma before being awarded a contract. 8.20.2012 Item 1 b. Enter the firm's FEI or Tax ID Number. Failure to do so will require the form to be returned. Item I c. Check whether the firm is a parent or branch of the company. Items 2 and 3 are self explanatory. Item 4. Specify whether the firm is a partnership, corporation, joint- venture or independent owner. You may indicate any other special ownership /size relationship by checking the boxes as appropriate. Oklahoma does not have any laws at this time giving set asides or preferences for the special categories shown but these should be provided to permit their consideration in the selection process at the discretion of the agency. Items 5, 5a, 6 and 7 are self explanatory. Item 8. List the make up of the firm by primary function with firm members being listed once. Blank lines are provided for any of the fields shown on page 2. Item 9. This is for the purpose of showing previous work in the three categories shown. The first column should be for the current year, progressing to the preceding four years. Indicate the total fees received each year in each category using the fee ranges shown. Item 10. Show your firm's experience in all appropriate design fields using the codes shown on page 2. The Glossary for these terms are the same as shown in the Federal Glossary for SF254 and SF255. Item 11. List projects performed during the last five years, indicating the profile codes from page 2 and showing whether the work was performed as a ( P)anership, (C)orporation, (J)oint- (V)enture, or as an (I)ndependent. Item 12. A principal of the firm must sign and date the questionnaire for it to be accepted. One (1) copy of the completed form should be delivered or mailed to: City of Oklahoma City Public Works Department 420 West Main, Suite 700 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Page 9 of 14 State of Oklahoma Consultant Registration Questionnaire 5. Name of Parent Company, if any: 1. Firm Name /Business Address/Telephone Number: 2. Year Present Firm 3. Date Prepared: Established 1a. Oklahoma Certificate of Authority Number (Arch,Engr,Sur) 1b. FEI /SSN /Tax ID Number 1c. Submittal is for Parent Company Branch or Subsidiary Office. 6. Names of not more than two principals to contact: Title /Telephone 4. Specify type of ownership and check below, if applicable. Individual Partnership Corporation Joint - Venture A. Small Business B. Minority Owned Business C. Woman -Owned Business 5a. Former Parent Company Name(s), if any, and year(s) established: 7. Present Offices: City /State /Telephone /Number of personnel each office 7a. Total Personnel 7b. Fax Number 8. Personnel by discipline. (List each person only once, by primary function.) 7c. Email Address Administrative _ Architects — Economists Electrical Engineers _ Mechanical Engineers — CADD Technicians _ _ Mining Engineers _Estimators _ Planners: Urban /Regional — Chemical Engineers _ Geologists _ Sanitary Engineers — Civil Engineers — Construction Inspectors _ Hydrologists Interior Designers _ Soils Engineers nrafforc _ I _ __ . _Specification Writers 9. Summary of Professional Services Fees Received: Last 5 years (most recent first) Direct State contract work: 20_ 19 19 19 19 Other Public Funds work: Private Funds work: Form 254 (01/2004) This form may be copied or computer generated Page 1 of 5 Pages Ranges of Professional Services Fees Index 1. Less than $5,000 2. $5,000 to $50,000 3. $50,000 to $100,000 4. $100,000 to $500,000 5. $500,000 to $1 million 6. Over $1 million VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FA CH /TY Page 10 of 14 Return this form to: City of Oklahoma City Public Works Department 420 West Main, Suite 700 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Experience Profile Code Numbers for use with questions 10 an 11. 001 Acoustics; Noise Abatement 002 Aerial Photogrammetry 003 Agricultural Development; Grain Storage; Farm Mechanization 004 Air Pollution Control 005 Airports; Navaids; Airport Lighting; Aircraft Fueling 006 Airports; Terminals & Hangars; Freight Handling 007 Arctic Facilities 122 Armories 118 Asbestos Abatement 008 Auditoriums & Theaters 009 Automation; Controls; Instrumentation 010 Barracks; Dormitories 011 Bridges 012 Cemeteries (Planning & Relocation) 013 Chemical Processing & Storage 014 Churches; Chapels 124 Civil Engineering 015 Codes; Standards; Ordinances 016 Cold Storage; Refrigeration; Fast Freeze 017 Commercial Buildings (low rise); Shopping Centers 018 Communications Systems; TV; Microwave 019 Computer Facilities; Computer Service 020 Conservation and Resource Management 021 Construction Management 022 Corrosion Control; Cathodic Protection; Electrolysis 023 Cost Estimating 024 Dams (Concrete; Arch) 025 Dams (Earth; Rock); Dikes; Levees 026 Desalinization (Process & Facilities) 027 Dining Halls; Clubs; Restaurants 028 Ecological & Archeological Investigations 029 Educational Facilities; Classrooms 030 Electrical Engineering, Electronics 031 Elevators; Escalators; People- Movers 032 Energy Conservation; New Energy Sources 033 Environmental Impact Studies, Assessments or - Statements 126 Facilities Management 034 Fallout Shelters: Blast- Resistant Design 035 Field Houses; Gyms; Stadiums 036 Fire Protection, Smoke Detection 037 Fisheries; Fish Ladders 038 Forestry & Forest Products 039 Garages; Vehicle Maintenance Facilities; Parkinq Deck: \P Form 254 (01/2004) This form may be copied or computer 10. Profile of Firm's Project Experience, Last 5 years. 040 041 Gas Systems (Propane; Natural, Etc.) Graphic Design 080 Plumbing & Piping Design 042 Harbors; Jetties; Piers; Ship Terminal Facilities 081 082 Pneumatic Structures; Air - Support Buildings Postal Facilities 043 044 Heating; Ventilating; Air Conditioning Health Systems Planning 083 Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution 045 046 Highrise; Air - Rights -Type Buildings Highways; Streets; Airfield Paving; Parking_Lots 084 085 Prisons & Correctional Facilities Product, Machine & Equipment Design 047 Historical Preservation 086 087 Radar; Sonar; Radio & Radar Telescopes Railroads, Rapid Transit 048 049 Hospital & Medical Facilities Hotels; Motels 088 Recreation Facilities (Parks, Marinas, Etc.) 050 Housing (Residential, Multi - Family; Apartments; 089 090 Rehabilitation (Buildings, Structures, Facilities) Resource Recovery; Recycling 051 Condominiums) Hydraulics & Pneumatics 091 Radio Frequency Systems & Shieldings 052 053 Industrial Buildings; Manufacturing Plants Industrial Processes; Quality Control 092 093 Rivers; Canals; Waterways: Flood Control Safety Engineering; Accident Studies; OSHA Studies 054 Industrial Waste Treatment 094 095 Security Systems, Intruder & Smoke Detection Seismic Designs & Studies 055 056 Interior Design; Space Planning Irrigation: Drainage 096 Sewage Collection, Treatment and Disposal 057 Judicial and Courtroom Facilities 097 098 Soils & Geologic Studies; Foundations Solar Energy Utilization 058 059 Laboratories; Medical Research Facilities Landscape Architecture 099 Solid Wastes; Incineration -, Land Fill 121 Laundries 100 Special Environments; Clean Rooms, Etc. 060 061 Libraries; Museums; Galleries Lighting (Interiors; Display, Theater, Etc. 101 102 Structural Design; Special Structures Surveying; Platting; a Flood Plain Studies y g' g' pp in g' 062 Lighting (Exteriors; Streets; Memorials; Athletic Fields; 104 Pools Storm Water Handling & Facilities 119 Etc.) Master Plan - Site Development 105 106 Telephone Systems (Rural; Mobile; Intercom; Etc.) 063 120 Materials Handling Systems; Conveyors; Sorters 107 Testing & Inspection Services Traffic & Transportation Engineering 127 Meat Processing Plants Mechanical Engineering, HVAC 108 Towers (Self- Supporting & Guyed Systems) 064 065 Metallurgy Microclimatology; Tropical Engineering 109 125 Tunnels & Subways Underwater Inspections 066 Military Design Standards 110 111 Urban Renewals; Community Development Utilities (Gas & Steam) 067 068 Mining & Mineralogy Missile Facilities (Silos; Fuels; Transport) 112 113 Value Analysis; Life -Cycle Costing Warehouses & Depots 069 Modular Systems Design; Pre - Fabricated Structures or Components 114 Water Resources; Hydrology; Ground Water 070 Naval Architecture; Off -Shore Platforms 115 123 Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Welfare Facilities 071 072 Nuclear Facilities; Nuclear Shielding Office Buildings; Industrial Parks 116 Wind Tunnels; Research/Testing Facilities Design 073 Oceanographic Engineering 117 Zoning; Land Use Studies 074 Ordnance; Munitions; Special Weapons 201 075 Petroleum Exploration; Refining 202 076 Petroleum and Fuel (Storage and Distribution) 077 Pipelines (Cross- Country- Liquid & Gas) 078 Planning (Community, Regional, Areawide and State) 079 Planning (Site, Installation, and Project) rated. Page 2 of 5 Pages 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 8.20.2012 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY Pano 17 of I n U/ Ql(`I C AAA IA ITrn I An Page 13 of 14 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. CAP Form 254 (01/2004) This form maybe copied or computer generated. Page 4 of 5 Paoes U/ Ql(`I C AAA IA ITrn I An Page 13 of 14 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 8.20.2012 Page 14 of 14 (ro> The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Sherry Bishop Assistant City Manager, Administrative Services SUBJECT: Contract for Consulting Accounting Services DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: Marcy Twyman with the accounting firm of Crawford & Associates has been working with the finance department to assist city staff preparing for the annual audit by our independent auditors, Cole & Reed. The contract with Crawford & Associates is for an amount not to exceed $25,000 with services billed hourly. Through September 281h, $16,742 has been billed on this contract. Anticipating that it will be several months before a finance director will be on the job and several months after that before a deputy director could be hired, staff is recommending a contract for additional consulting accounting services with Crawford & Associates. The finance department staff is very capable of performing the day -to -day functions of the department. However, over the next several months, there will become a significant accumulation of other accounting work that cannot be performed by the existing staff. PROPOSAL: Staff intends to recommend authorization for the city manager to enter into a contract with Crawford & Associates for consulting accounting services. V nTh.City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: FY 2012 -2013 Street Rehabilitation Program Construction Contract Bid Update DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: The FY 2012 -2013 Capital Improvements Fund allows for the expenditure of $1,200,000 in maintenance, repair, and /or resurfacing of residential and non - residential roadways throughout the City as part of the Annual Street Rehabilitation Program. Roadway preservation and rehabilitation sites were evaluated and ranked based on a comprehensive assessment of roadway conditions (both residential and non - residential). In addition, the evaluation process identifies maintenance methods that will increase roadway lifecycle and minimize future maintenance costs, while enhancing overall roadway driving conditions and public safety. On May 17, 2012, the City Council approved the street rehabilitation sites for 2012 -13. On July 17, 2012, the City of Owasso entered into an Inter -local agreement with Tulsa County in order to further maximize the return on investment. Specifically, the agreement will consist of using county labor and equipment for roadway segments receiving a 2" asphalt overlay. ADVERTISING FOR BIDS: On July 17, 2012, City Council approved the recommended projects. The scope of work for this portion of the project entails milling or removal of the top layer of asphalt, base repair and fog sealing where warranted. Advertisements for bids were published on September 11, 2012, in accordance with state law and a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held at City Hall on September 25, 2012 with five (5) contractors in attendance. The bid opening is scheduled to occur on October 5, 2012 at City Hall. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff will examine and evaluate each submitted bid and provide a summary to the City Council during the October Work Session. ATTACHMENT: A. Location Map 3 U N O n U U C C N C O 2 O a 0 N I N O N 0 N I N 0 N I N Li Li w cn / REPAIR AND OVERLAY PROJECT mm— CRACKSEAL AND FOGSEAL STREET REPAIR PROJECT FY 2012 -2013 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION o I SHEET 1 OF 31 The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Garnett Road Widening Project Engineering Services DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: Garnett Road from 96th Street North to 106th Street North is currently the heaviest traveled two - lane roadway in Owasso. Traffic counts on this road segment were tabulated at approximately 13,500 vehicles per day in 2012. The road, once on the highway system, accommodates heavy residential traffic, commercial uses, and hospital traffic. For these reasons, the Owasso Capital Improvements Committee named the widening of Garnett as one of the projects recommended to City Council for priority listing. The design of Garnett Road is estimated to require approximately seven (7) months to complete. Once design is completed, right -of -way acquisition could begin and, shortly thereafter, utility relocation. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: A Request for Qualification /Proposals (RFQ /P) was solicited from several Tulsa area firms with roadway design experience. The Scope of Work would include: • Field and property surveys on the project; • Preparation of a conceptual design report; • Right -of -way research on the properties along the project; • Preparation of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental document; • Preparation of design plans; • Assistance during project bidding; • Construction administration during construction; • Preparation of record drawings once the project is completed. The ideal firm(s) would have local roadway design experience, familiarity with ODOT design standards, and knowledge of the INCOG Urbanized Funding program of the area. QUALIFICATIONS BASED SELECTION PROCESS: On August 10, 2012, Staff received Qualifications from thirteen (13) engineering firms. These firms are as follows: Dewberry Design Group, Tulsa, Oklahoma Poe & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma BKL, Tulsa, Oklahoma EST, Tulsa, Oklahoma Nickle and Associates, Tulsa, Oklahoma Tetra -tech, Tulsa, Oklahoma PEC, Tulsa, Oklahoma Impact Engineering /WP Moore, Owasso /Tulsa, Oklahoma Wallace Engineering, Tulsa, Oklahoma Schemmer, Tulsa, Oklahoma Garver, Tulsa, Oklahoma CTA, Tulsa, Oklahoma Cardinal Engineering, Tulsa, Oklahoma On September 28 2012, staff reviewed and graded the proposals using the criteria identified in the RFQ /P. Based upon the submitted proposals, staff ranked the top three (3) firms and selected Dewberry as the most responsive and highest qualified firm. Staff has entered into fee negotiations with Dewberry, but if negotiations are unsuccessful, then negotiations will commence with the next highest graded firm. Once negotiations are complete, the recommended firm will be presented at the Owasso City Council Meeting on October 17, 2012. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included FY 2012 -2013 Capital Improvements Fund. ATTACHMENTS: A. Location Map B. Request for Qualifications /Proposal N Q 0 0 ti BAILEY MEDICAL CENTER LOCATION MAP 9/7/2012 Legend 0 North TT TIS MAP IS FOR TNFORNrATTCJN PT7RPO SF ONLY AND TS NOT TNTFNDED TO P-F PR F6SFNT AN ACCURATE AND TRUk SCALY:. USE (DF THIS MAI' 1S WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATTON BY CITY OF C3WASSO OF ITS ACCURACY. AT OWASSO CITY OF OWASSO 111 N. Main Street P.O. BOX 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 0� The City Wit out Limits. ...removing obstacles standing in the way of people celebrating their lives. lot July 26, 2012 Notice to Interested Engineering Firms Re: Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Professional Engineering Services North Garnett Road Widening The City of Owasso is inviting qualified firms to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to provide Professional Engineering Services related to the design of the North Garnett Road widening from 96`h Street North to 106th Street North in Owasso, Oklahoma. The proposed roadway is anticipated to be five (5) lanes constructed in concrete. Multi -model lanes will be considered as will landscaping in the center - medians where turn lanes are not needed. Pavement width will vary, but be a minimum of 64' wide. Project will include curb, guttering, sidewalk, drainage infrastructure and water distribution system relocations (Washington County Rural Water District #3 and City of Owasso). The Design Services may include, but are not limited to the following: • Topographical and Property Surveying; • Conceptual Plan and Design Report; • Environmental Studies; • Property Ownership Determination • 30 %, 60 %, 90% and Final Design plans • Utility Relocation Coordination • Bidding Services • Construction Administration Services • As -built Plan Preparation Emphasis will be placed on the design being completed on time and within budget. At a minimum, initial and monthly design workshops and review meetings will be held to ensure concepts and designs are as required by the City of Owasso. The design agreement will require the use of a scheduling program to monitor and track the progress. Schedule versus actual progress will be reviewed on no less than a monthly basis. Further, the design agreement will include the requirement for an in -house Quality Assurance and Quality Control review and certification statement by the firm. The SOQ submittal will be evaluated on the following: 301 West 2 "d Avenue (918) 272 -4959 P.O. Box 180 City of Owasso FAX (918) 272 -4996 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 A City of Character www.cityofowasso.com md� (70> T City Wi mits. ...removing — Design Team Experience related to Roadway (30 points) Design obstacles — Verifiable References for Roadway Projects in (20 points) Oklahoma — Firm Experience in Design of Similar Roadway (20 points) standing Projects — Availability of Design Team to Complete Work (20 points) in the way (Provide Proposed Schedule of Completion in Work Days to complete the tasks about. Indicate tasks that will run concurrently) of people — Familiarity with City of Owasso Design Standards (10 points) Construction Methods and Procedures celebrating The response shall be limited to twenty (20) single -sided pages, not including resumes. Five (5) their lives. copies of the SOQ and will be received by City of Owasso, 301 W. 2nd Street, P.O. 180, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, until 4:00p.m. (local time) August 10, 2012. The three (3) most responsive firms shall be selected to submit proposals for the project. Once the proposals are reviewed and ranked, we will begin fee negotiations with the highest scoring firm and will continue until an agreement can be negotiated. We anticipate the process will be completed by August 31, 2012. Interviews may be required for the final selection. The City of Owasso reserves the sole right to evaluate the submittal, waive any irregularities therein, select candidates for submittal of proposals or reject any and all firms that submitted should it be deemed for its best interest. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your interest and submittal of SOQ. Please direct comments, questions, and any request for information to H. Dwayne Henderson, City Engineer, City of Owasso at (918) 272 -4959 or via email at dhendersonCCcityofowasso.com. Sincerely, CITY OF OWASSO H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer 301 West 2nd Avenue (918) 272 -4959 P.O. Box 180 City of Owasso FAX (918) 272 -4996 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 A City of Character www.cityofowasso.com Mo0 The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Karl Fritschen, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment - Planned Unit Development Chapter DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: At City Council Work Sessions on August 14 and September 11, 2012, staff presented an initial draft of the proposed new Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance for Chapter 8 of the Owasso Zoning Code for review and discussion. This same draft was also presented to the OEDA on August 9 and September 13 and discussed with the Planning Commission on September 10. Additionally, since the August Work Session, the proposed new ordinance was placed on the city website and city Facebook page to allow for public comment and discussion. Based on discussions and input received with the above referenced bodies, staff made changes to the document, which is attached for your review. As with the other text amendments, the PUD Chapter amendments follow a transparent process which seeks input from all interested stakeholders. Below is an updated schedule for proceeding with the text amendment for Chapter 8 of the Zoning Code, Planned Unit Developments and Overlay Districts. ✓ August 9, 2012 - Present the proposed amendments to the Owasso Economic Development Authority (OEDA) ✓ August 14, 2012 - Present the proposed amendments to the Owasso City Council at work session ✓ August 15, 2012 - Place the proposed amendments on the city website and city Facebook page ✓ August 15 through 31 - Meet individually with the Planning Commission members ✓ September 10, 2012 - Discussion item, Planning Commission meeting ✓ September 11, 2012 - Second presentation and discussion with the Owasso City Council at work session ✓ September 13, 2012 - Second presentation and discussion with the OEDA • October 8, 2012 - Planning Commission - continued discussion • October 9, 2012 - Third presentation to the City Council at work session • October 11, 2012 - Third presentation to the OEDA • November 12, 2012 - Planning Commission action • November 13, 2012 - Fourth presentation to the City Council at work session • November 20, 2012 - Public hearing at the City Council meeting • December 4, 2012 - City Council action for approval of an ordinance REASON FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGE: These changes are being considered to establish a level and predictable playing field for all applicants choosing to use the PUD method for development, while at the same time ensuring sustainable quality development. Furthermore, the amendments help ensure a higher quality standard and consistency throughout the entire community, which maintains and increases property values. These changes are also consistent with the vision set forth by the approved Quality of Life Initiative document. ACTION: This item is for discussion purposes only at this time. ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft, PUD Chapter CHAPTER 8 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a special zoning overlay that provides alternatives to conventional land development. Upon approval, it becomes a supplement to the existing zoning of the subject property. A PUD is also a means of encouraging creative development of land and promotes project design that is often unseen in conventional development. A PUD shall not be seen as a tool to circumvent the zoning and subdivisions regulations of the City of Owasso, but rather as a tool for intelligent, well - planned, and quality developments that fit within Owasso's existing neighborhoods and context of the surrounding area. A PUD provides flexibility to allow for the development on properties with unique physical characteristics by promoting innovative design and providing guidelines which ensure that development is beneficial to the City of Owasso's future growth. While great flexibility is given to provide special restrictions which will allow development not otherwise permitted, procedures are established herein to ensure against misuse of the increased flexibility. 8.2 GOALS Because PUD's allow greater flexibly than otherwise would be allowed with the base zoning, there are specific goals that need to be accomplished with each application. All PUD's shall be evaluated on their ability to accomplish the following: 1. Maintain and Enhance the Quality of Life in Owasso 2. Provide Opportunities for Urban Infill 3. Maintain and Promote a Sense of Community 4. Encourage Development That Otherwise Could Not Occur on the Site 5. Preserve and Provide Meaningful Open Space 6. Promote Connectivity and Compatibility with Surrounding Development 7. Inspire Unique and Thoughtful Development 8. Support the Development of Strong Neighborhoods 9. Provide Amenities Beyond Conventional Development 10. Preserve the Physical Characteristics of the Land 8.3 APPLICABILITY 1. A PUD may be submitted for any parcel of land located within any general zoning district or combination of general zoning districts within the Owasso City Limits. In all cases, the PUD will be reviewed as to the proposed location and character of the uses and the unified treatment of the development of the tract. The regulations of the general zoning district or districts remain applicable except as specifically modified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 2. Approval of a Conceptual Development Plan is required prior to development of a PUD district. Comprehensive Development Plans are subject to recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. This PUD chapter shall complement the other sections of the Owasso Zoning Code. In instances where the requirements are conflicting, the Community Development Administrator shall determine the correct action. 4. A Conceptual Development Plan shall be submitted concurrently with a request for rezoning. 8.4 MINIMUM STANDARDS A. DENSITY By their very nature, PUD's are designed to develop parcels of land with unique or unusual, natural or man -made conditions. In order to promote development that makes use of and preserves such unique features, it may be necessary to cluster density within developments. If clustering of density is proposed, additional amenities shall be provided; the design shall promote and maintain useable open space; and a layout shall be provided that complements the existing conditions of the site. All PUD's shall calculate density based upon the gross area of the tract, which may include flood plains, rights of way, or easements to provide an overall gross density for the project that shall be expressed in units per acre. The gross density calculations shall be provided within the PUD Design and Intent Statement. 1. Single - Family Residential Densities - A residential PUD shall not exceed a gross density above five (5) dwelling units per acre for single- family residential developments. Should a development propose a density higher than five (5) units per acre, written justification shall be provided explaining the rationale of the decision and additional amenities shall be provided to mitigate the increased densities. 2. Multi - Family Residential Densities - Multi - family densities shall be consistent with Chapter 4 of the Owasso Zoning Code and shall not exceed a maximum of twenty - five (25) units per acre gross density. Any proposed development that contains over 25 units /acre shall provide an explanation of why the higher density would be appropriate and how the additional density would be mitigated All multi - family residential developments shall be accomplished through a PUD. B. LAND USE PERCENTAGES In any residential PUD, at least 20% of the gross area of the tract should be devoted to open space, common areas or amenities. Rights -of -way and utility easements on individual lots shall not apply to open space calculations. If at least 20% open space cannot be achieved the developer shall provide amenities in addition to those required in section 8.4 L in order to mitigate the reduction in open space. C. PRESERVATION OF TREES AND OTHER NATURAL FEATURES PUD's shall be designed to preserve and enhance the existing physical characteristics of the land and the natural vegetation that exists on the land. Projects that require clear cutting or denuding of large tracts of land for development are discouraged. Trees in excess of eight (8) inches in caliper shall be preserved and worked into the overall design of the project, unless the applicant can provide substantial justification to remove said trees. Tree preservation credits shall be applied to all landscaping plans and additional landscaping shall be required for projects that remove excessive healthy vegetation. D. SCREENING AND BUFFERING Screening is an important part of any PUD proposal, especially when incompatible uses are proposed within the PUD, or exist in adjoining developments. Screening may be employed in the form of: 1. Fencing - Natural materials are encouraged; 2. Walls - Stone, brick, split -faced block, or decorative materials shall be used. 3. Berms - Berms may be used in combination with vegetation or fencing to achieve the desired result. 4. Vegetation - Vegetation provides a screening mechanism that can be efficient and aesthetically pleasing. In many cases, leaving the natural vegetation as a means of screening achieves the desired results. 5. New vegetation may be planted that also achieves the intent of this section. Materials and sizes of vegetation shall be provided with the required Conceptual Development Plan and conform to Chapter 20 of the Zoning Code. Buffer yards shall be provided at all boundaries of the PUD where higher intensity or higher density uses adjoin existing tracts that are of a lower intensity or density. An example of this may be 5000 SF lots adjoining an existing single family development containing 20,000 SF lots. Buffers shall vary in size depending on the use or the density of the development, but in shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. Vegetation and screening is required in buffer yards. All residential PUD's shall contain decorative perimeter fencing surrounding the development and shall also contain language covering the long -term maintenance of the fencing. E. TRANSITION OF USES Great care shall be given as to the location of the more intense uses or densities within the PUD. Transition shall be achieved when possible by placing less intense uses along the perimeter of the PUD area with more intense uses near the center of the PUD. For example, if a PUD is proposed in an area that abuts mostly acreage lots, the PUD should place larger lots meeting RE or RS -1 standards along the perimeter and move towards smaller lots within the core of the PUD area or along arterial streets. If transition cannot be achieved, a large and well - vegetated buffer should be provided. F. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIRED Each PUD shall require a landscape concept plan at the time of submittal. The landscape plan shall depict general locations for landscaping, but shall not be required to go into great detail on the conceptual plan. Trees, however, shall be shown on the conceptual landscape plan. More detailed landscape plans may be required in the later stages of the development process in conformance with the City's adopted landscape requirements, or if the Administrator or Planning Commission deems it necessary during at the conceptual landscape phase. G. ADHERENCE TO CITY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS All adopted landscape requirements shall be met by any PUD. A PUD shall provide landscaping that exceeds the City's minimum requirements in order to meet the goals, purpose, and criteria outlined in the PUD ordinance. H. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Low - Impact Design (LID) Criteria All PUD proposals are encouraged to incorporate LID techniques. Utilizing LID techniques can greatly reduce infrastructure costs and can be incorporated into common areas and open space. Some LID design possibilities are: Bio- retention areas (rain gardens), Green roofs, Permeable paving or driveways, Cisterns, Vegetated swales, and Impervious surface reduction. All PUD's are encouraged to define how LID principles shall be applied. 2. Grading and Site Disturbance PUD sites shall not be denuded of all vegetation. Great care should be given to developing drainage and grading plans that incorporate natural areas and preserve the topography and vegetation of the PUD area. All creeks or perennial streams shall have a minimum of a 20 foot undisturbed buffer measured from the top of the stream or creek bank and shall be included into the design of the PUD whenever possible. 3. Adherence to City, State, and Federal Requirements All grading and drainage plans shall meet all City, State and Federal requirements. I. PARKING AND CIRCULATION The developer shall provide plans that depict the safe and efficient movement of vehicles throughout the PUD. For any PUD that proposes more than two - hundred (200) residential units, a traffic study shall be provided to the City of Owasso for review. All Federal, State, and City regulations shall be met by the PUD proposal. All parking areas, driveways or other means of vehicular access shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. J. OPEN SPACE At least 25% of the provided open space shall be developed and maintained for active or passive recreational activities. The remainder should be kept as marshland, wildlife areas, woodlands, creeks, etc. At least 10% of the above reference area shall be out of the floodplain (100 Year) and floodway. K. COMMON AREAS Common areas shall be provided throughout the development for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the surrounding area. Common areas promote social interaction and help to create a sense of community. L. AMENITIES REQUIRED Any residential PUD development shall provide at least one (1) amenity from each of the categories from the Table 8 -1. 1) For any residential development that proposes a gross density of more than four (4) units per acre, one an additional amenity from any category shall be required for each 0.5 units per acre over 4. 2) A developer may propose any amenity not provided on the list and an explanation of what category it should fall under. The Community Development Administrator, the Planning Commission, or the City Council shall determine if an amenity is acceptable. 3) Amenities may be combined into one or more park /recreation areas. (i.e. pool with a club house or a park area with a basketball court, playground, and walking trails). 4) Park and recreation areas shall be placed in a centralized location within the development so it is convenient and accessible. 5) Any standing water feature or pond shall be re- circulated through a fountain, waterfall, or other aeration device. This requirement applies to any storm retention pond that is maintains a pool elevation of water. 6) All amenities will have long -term maintenance requirements that should be considered by future Homeowners Associations Appropriate lan�ua!ge should be included that clearly states that maintenance shall be covered by the developer until such a time that a Homeowners Association is formed 7) Amenities approved as a part of any PUD should be installed prior to the completion of the entire project. At least one (1) amenity shall be installed by the time 25% of the lots are developed and all amenities should be installed or completed prior to 75% of the lots being developed No building permit shall be issued if a development does not meet these amenity requirements TABLE 8 -1, REQUIRED AMENITIES CATEGORY AMENITY FEATURE SPORTS FIELDS, TENNIS COURTS, BASKETBALL COURTS, ACTIVE RECREATION VOLLEYBALL COURT, DISC GOLF COURSE, SKATE FACILITIES, BIKE PATHS, HIKING TRAILS, GOLF FACILITIES STOCKED FISHING POND, NATURE PRESERVE AREAS OF AT LEAST 2 ACRES, HORSE SHOE PIT, WILDLIFE VIEWING AREA (IF PASSIVE RECREATION ADJACENT TO PRESERVED HABITAT), CAMP GROUNDS, EQUESTRIAN FACILITIES, MEDITATION AREA, WALKING PATHS OR TRAILS DOG PARKS, PICNIC AREAS, PAVILLIONS, OUTDOOR PUBLIC GATHERING AREAS AMPHITHEATRE, CLUBHOUSE, GAZEBO, BBQ AREA, DOCK AREAS, COMMUNITY GARDEN, PARK AREA FAMILY RECREATIONAL AREAS TOT LOT, SPLASH PAD, SWIMMING POOL, PLAYGROUND M. CONSISTENCY WITH LAND USE PLAN Any proposed PUD shall be developed in accordance with the adopted Owasso Land Use Master Plan. The PUD shall meet the Goals, Objectives and Action Strategies stated within the plan. N. COMPATIBILITY WITH SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT Each PUD shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding development in the area. If the proposed development is not in character with the surrounding area, the PUD shall show how the development can be screened or employs techniques that will mitigate the incompatibility. 8.5 PROCEDURE A. PRE - APPLICATION MEETING A pre- application meeting is required prior to submitting a formal application for the proposed PUD project. This step offers the developer a chance to meet with City staff to discuss ideas related to the development of a PUD on a piece of property. City staff from different departments shall be available to discuss the project, answer questions and provide information to the developer. B. SUBMITTAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 1. After submittal of a completed PUD application packet with all required information, the Administrator shall provide a professional review of the project and shall assist the developer in understanding the PUD process. 2. The Administrator shall require sufficient detail in the Conceptual Development Plan to provide an opportunity for the reviewing bodies to make informed decisions and evaluate compliance with the applicable approval criteria. 3. The Administrator shall provide recommendations regarding changes or additions to the PUD that would make the project more consistent with the goals, purpose and standards of the PUD outlined in this chapter. Upon completion of a successful application the PUD shall be placed on the next available Planning Commission Agenda C. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) Prior to the Planning Commission, the City of Owasso's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) shall review the PUD proposal and all supporting documentation. 2. The TAC shall provide comments to the developer regarding utilities, engineering, planning, and project design. 3. All TAC comments shall be addressed by the developer prior to the PUD being reviewed by the Planning Commission or City Council. D. OPTIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING It shall be at the discretion of the applicant to hold a local neighborhood meeting to introduce the project and listen to any concerns of the citizens If such a meeting is held City Staff will be present to answer procedural and City related questions, but will otherwise observe and report on the discussions held at the meeting. Neighborhood meetings shall be held at least 14 calander days prior to the project being heard by the Planning Commission It is also suggested that developers provide the Homeowners Associations of surrounding neighborhoods with a copy of the proposed development plans - - - _ _ _ E. PLANNING COMMISSION The function of the Planning Commission is to listen to public concerns afford the applicant an opportunity to make a formal presentation regarding the project review the project for conformity with the requirements of this ordinance and to offer suggestions regarding the project design as it relates to impacts to adjoining properties. It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to review each PUD prior to consideration of the City Council. The Planning Commission shall review each application using the following process 1. Planning Commission Action a) The Planning Commission shall review each PUD application for conformity to this ordinance. The Planning Commission action shall follow the process identified in section 1330.3 of the Zoning Code. b) The Planning Commission shall study the proposed PUD application taking into account the recommendations of the staff, the review criteria and other applicable standards in this Ordinance If the Planning Commission determines that the ordinance is not being met in certain areas then they may make suggestions to the applicant and transmit the suggestions to the City Council as part of their report The Planning Commission shalt hear from the general public and engage the developer in discussion of the ro ect. c) The Planning Commission shall discuss a es any potential issues that they feel the project has and offer suggestions I^ ^pC } that may help the project that meet the goals purpose and criteria identified in this chapter and this information shall akse be transmitted to the City Council Sheuld the Pi 5 (;GFR 'iS6i Reed mere iefermatien, the— rte,:R GaR—be The Planning Commission shall have 60 days to act on a PUD application If after 60 days the Planning Commission still cannot render a decision the applicant may proceed to the City Council for consideration The 60 day period shall commence when the PUD is first heard by the Planning Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting 3. made a reeemrrm RdatiGR W the iii- r 'I F. CITY COUNCIL The City Council shall make the final decision on any PUD application. A final PUD plan shall be approved along with an Ordinance. The approved ordinance and PUD development plan shall dictate any future development on the subject property, unless the PUD is amended or the PUD is a4ewedzg expires. The City Council shall use the information provided by City staff, the recommendation from the Planning Commission, a-n4 tie input from the public and the applicant rrejeGt d� �,ev to make a decision as approve or deny and proposed PUD. 1. The City Council may add conditions to the project that they feel are necessary to meet the intent of the PUD Ordinance. 2. Should the City Council require more information; the item can be tabled to a future meeting. If any major changes are made to the plans or new information is brought forward after review by the Planning Commission the City Council may ask that the project return to the Planning Commission for review. I All conditions imposed by the Council shall become binding and shall be met before the project may proceed. 4. All planned development districts approved in accordance with provisions of this ordinance in its original form or by subsequent amendments thereto shall be referenced on the zoning districts map and a list of such planned development districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein shall be maintained in the Community Development Department PUD PROCESS FLOW CHART Pre Application meeting with planning staff. Submittal of Application Packet and Applicable Fees Application reviewed and public hearing scheduled. Staff Notification prepared for Review newspaper and mailing list. Sign posted on the subject property. TAC Meeting Planning Commission City Council Final Action and Ordinance prepared 8.6 TIMELINE AND EXPIRATION A. VALIDATION A PUD shall be validated once any portion of the property has been platted and recorded or a building permit is approved. B. ZONING ORDINANCE Because a PUD is a zoning action approved through City Council by Ordinance, the City shall file the ordinance approving the designation of a PUD on a tract of land, with the County Clerk's Office upon platting and recording any portion of the PUD. C. EXPIRATION For any PUD in which there has been no building permit issued nor any portion of the property platted after five (5) years since approval by the City Council, the PUD shall be considered null and void and shall be brought back before the Planning Commission and City Council for consideration prior to any development on the property. Upon approval of the PUD by the City Council, the Administrator shall transmit in writing the date by which the PUD will expire. j PUD's are approved with underlying zoning The underlining zoning of the site shall not expire, only the PUD overlay shall expire D. CONFORMANCE WITH CURRENT REGULATIONS Expired PUD's shall be required to meet the most recently adopted regulations ordinances, and development standards the te:514 E. EXTENSIONS An extension may be granted by the Administrator for PUD's that are nearing the 5 year expiration date. PUD's may be extended one (1) time for a maximum of two (2) additional years, provided a letter is submitted to the Administrator asking for the extension no less than two (2) months prior to the five (5) year expiration date. Said letter must indicate the following: 1. Reason for the extension 2. That there are no changes to the original PUD approved by the City Council. 3. Expected date by which a portion of the PUD will be platted It shall be the developing party or an individual who has legal authority to sign documents on their behalf responsibly to ask for and sign the letter of extension. If no extension has been sought and granted, said PUD shall be considered expired. a+4 process pFeSGFibed iR this . If no portion of the property has been platted nor any building permit received by the Community Development Department, within the two (2) year extension period, said PUD shall expire and a new PUD application must be submitted. 8.7 AMENDMENTS There may be instances when a change or amendment to the original PUD is necessary or desired. In these situations, the magnitude of these amendments is considered. There are two types of amendments that can occur with a valid PUD, a major amendment and a minor amendment. If amendments have been made then a determination shall be required as to whether or not said amendments constitute a major or minor plan change A. MAJOR AMENDMENT A major amendment is described as a significant change that increases the density, intensifies the use, redistributes uses or creates inconsistencies with the character of the PUD that was initially approved. A major amendment shall proceed through the entire PUD process as outlined in this chapter. The Administrator shall determine if the changes to the PUD meet the criteria for a major amendment, is an appropriate change, and will maintain the spirit of what was approved in the original PUD. Modifications from the previously approved PUD plan shall be deemed by the administrator to be a major amendment if said modifications cause one of the followin to occur: 1. Increase the total number of dwelling units by more than ten percent 10% 2. Reduce the amount of common open space by ten percent 10% from what was originally approved; 3. Reallocate the area of an t nonresidential areas as shown on the a roved PUD plan by more than ten percent (10 %) Example: An approved 100 acre PUD shows 20 acres for office 20 acres for commercial, and 60 acres for residential smile family If the amendment proposes to move 10 acres of commercial to another location within the PUD then it would be deemed to be a ma inr amendment. 4. Eliminate a proposed use that was approved with the original PUD 5. Change the location of the access points into the PUD or connections to adjoining residential development Modifications in the location or design of minor streets cul de -sacs alle s or facilities for water and for dis osal of stormwater and wastewater internal to the development shall not be considered as a major amendment 6. Complete elimination of a recreational feature that was identified in the approved PUD without replacing �t with an in kind feature B. APPEAL An appeal from the Administrators decision that the changes to the PUD construe a maior amendment shall be made in writing by filing a notice of appeal to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days of the Administrators decision Said appeal shall be heard a regular meetingg of the Planning Commission at which time the applicant may defend his proposal Appeals shall not require public notification. C. MINOR AMENDMENT Small changes that still meet the intent of the ordinance, do not increase the density, are consistent with surrounding development, and do not pose a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the City of Owasso can be administratively approved as a Minor Amendment. Minor amendments may also include relocation of landscape areas, parking areas, drive aisles, or other similar changes that are minor in scope. 1. Minor amendments shall be approved administratively. Depending upon the nature of the amendment, the Administrator may be require the PUD to go before the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) 8.8 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN The required conceptual plan shall be a rendered plan that clearly articulates the overall concept of the PUD. Figure 8.1 illustrates an acceptable conceptual site plan rendering. The site plan shall include the entire PUD area, and may include site plans of smaller areas to provide more specificity if the development is large. 1. The site plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: d) Name of the proposed development e) Name and address of the property owner and developer f) Name of the preparer of the document g) Graphic scale drawn at a scale no smaller than 1:100, a north arrow, date of preparation, and a legend. Vicinity map outlining the location of the development in relation to major streets within 1000 feet, schools, and other landmarks. The County where the development lies shall be depicted. h) Legal description of the property shall be pFevided. i) Total acreage of the tract, total acreage of the proposed area to be improved, and acreage of open space j) Location and name of abutting subdivisions and City Limit Lines. k) Wooded areas, wetlands, waterways, floodplain and floodway, ponds and other natural features shalt be depi -e l) General location of all proposed streets n) Proposed density of the development depicted in gross density figures (gross units per acre of the entire development) o) Location and identification of all land uses within the PUD shall be depicted. Identification of all amenity locations, detention areas, open space areas, etc shall )e c-le w y a.�p;c-t� p) General location of parking areas for non single- family areas q) Depiction of any proposed walking trails, pathways, and buffer yards, including fences r) Notation on the plan of how wide the buffer yards will be and how they will be landscaped s) Location and type of amenities provided Figure 8.7 -1 B. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS THE PRELIMINARY PLAT Should a conceptual site plan be provided that goes into sufficient detail necessary for submittal of a preliminary plat, the plan may be used as the preliminary plat for the PUD project. If the site plan is to be used as the preliminary plat, it must contain all of the required elements for preliminary plat approval outlined in the subdivision regulations of the City of Owasso. If the PUD is approved with a site plan that is sufficient to be used as a preliminary plat, the applicant may proceed to the final plat stage. It is not required that the entire development be platted only 1LIL portion the applicant intends to develop Wtially. Additionally the conceptual site plan can be used as the actual site ptan for the development if it has TAC comments that have been addressed. If the site plan is unchan ed additional TAC review will not be required 8.9 DESIGN AND INTENT STATMENT A. REQUIREMENTS The design and intent statement shall clearly articulate the vision for the proposed development and shall identify key elements of the project that justify using a PUD approach over conventional zoning. 1. At a minimum, the design and intent statement shall include some basic elements, listed below. a. Overall project statement of proposed use and intent. b. List of the proposed land uses including residential densities c. List of all parties involved (applicant, owner, agent, plan preparer) d. Thorough narrative explaining why the development is appropriate, how it complies with the PUD ordinance. The applicant should explain how the PUD is consistent with the goals, purposes, and standards listed in this chapter. e. A statement regarding the compatibility of the proposed development with the surrounding area. The statement should address buffer zones, transition, screening, types of materials to be used, square footage of structures, . f. A table showing how the proposed PUD will differ from current bulk standards, with an outline of what sections of the zoning ordinance or subdivision regulations that the PUD seeks relief from. g. An outline of the covenants that will govern the property and information about the development of a Homeowners Association and how they will govern the common areas. h. An anticipated timeline for development, which may include a phasing plan. i. The PUD's consistency with the Owasso Land Use Master Plan. Sections 8.90 -8.99 Reserved COD The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Karl Fritschen, RLA, AICP Community Development Director SUBJECT: Proposed Ordinance Enabling Code Enforcement Officer Ability to Issue Citations DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: The process of code enforcement involves a sequence of steps. When a complaint is made regarding a potential violation, staff first investigates the issue. If it is determined that such a violation exists, the property is worked as a violation. In most cases, code violations follow the following process: 1. The individual is sent a courtesy letter stating the violation and he has ten (10) days to correct the violation before further action is taken. 2. If after ten (10) days the violation is still not corrected, then a certified letter is sent to the individual, which informs him that he has ten (10) days to address the issue or further action will be taken. This letter also sets an abatement hearing date with the code enforcement officer and hearing officer (usually the Community Development Director or his designee) and provides options to the individual such as going before the Board of Adjustment. The hearing allows the individual to explain why he cannot meet the deadline or correct the violation. 3. If the individual does not appear at the abatement hearing, a 48 hour notice is posted on the property. 4. If after 48 hours the violation is still not corrected, then a citation can be issued. Currently, this involves the code enforcement officer locating a police officer to accompany him to the property where the police officer issues the citation. The citation sets a court date at which time the violator will appear before the judge. The judge usually will set the amount of the fine. This memo focuses on step 4, issuing citations. As noted, the code enforcement officer must seek out a police officer to issue the citation. Staff proposes to amend both the zoning code and municipal code to allow the code enforcement officer the ability to issue a citation. ANALYSIS: Currently, the code enforcement officer must seek a police officer to issue a citation for any violation. The proposed change will improve the efficiency of the process by allowing the code enforcement officer to issue the citation. There is also a safety perspective that must be considered. Currently, whenever the code enforcement officer approaches a property, he frequently encounters individuals upset about the situation. Our code enforcement officer currently has no means of identifying himself. There have been situations in the past, where code enforcement officers have been met with resistance and uncooperative people. A badge that is prominently displayed gives a little more authority to the individual, which in turn can yield more cooperation from the offender. The current process lacks efficiency, as it requires taking manpower away from the police department to issue a citation. Staff believes this change streamlines the entire process and better utilizes city personnel. Staff research also verified that the City of Owasso, when compared to other communities of similar size in the region, is the only one without a sworn code enforcement officer who has the ability to issue citations. Therefore, staff has drafted an ordinance which would authorize code enforcement officers to issue citations for certain violations of the law. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff will recommend approval of the proposed ordinance authorizing code enforcement officers to issues citations for violations of the following sections of the Owasso Code of Ordinances: Part 5 - Building Regulations and Codes Part 8 - Health and Sanitation Part 12 - Zoning Code Part 14 - Streets and Public Works Part 15 - Traffic and Vehicles (limited parked vehicles) ATTACHMENT: A. Proposed Ordinance to abandoned, inoperable, dismantled or improperly CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 1, GENERAL PROVISIONS, CHAPTER 1, USE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE CODE, SECTION 1- 108(F), GENERAL PENALTY, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 1 OF THE CITY OF OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING THE SECTION NAMED ABOVE TO BE CODIFIED AS SHOWN BELOW. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE: Part One, General Provisions, Chapter 1, Use and Construction of the Code, Section 1 -108 (F), General Penalty, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be added to the Code as follows: CHAPTER 1 USE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE CODE SECTION 1 -108 GENERAL PENALTY A. TRAFFIC OFFENSES: The maximum fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine for traffic- related offenses relating to speeding or parking shall not exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). B. ALCOHOL OR DRUG RELATED OFFENSES: The maximum fine or deferral fee in lieu of a fine for alcohol - related or drug - related offenses shall not exceed Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00). C. OTHER OFFENSES: For all other offenses, the maximum fine or deferral in lieu of a fine shall not exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). D. Each day or any portion of a day during which any violation of this Code or any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. E. Any person who shall aid, abet, or assist in the violation of any provision of this Code shall be deemed guilty of an offense and, upon conviction therefore, shall be punished in accordance with the punishment provided for violation of the provision such person aided, abetted or assisted in violating. F. The director of the Department of Community Development, and his designees within that Department, shall be sworn and authorized to issue a citation for violations of the Zoning Code of the City of Owasso as adopted in Section 12 -201 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances and for violations of Part 5, Building Regulations and Codes, Part 8, Health and Sanitation, Part 14, Streets and Public Works and Part 15, Traffic and Vehicles within this Code. The citations shall state the date and location of the violation, the section number of the ordinance or Zoning Code regulation that has been violated and shall direct the defendant to appear in the Owasso Municipal Court on a designated day or pay the required fine within ten (10) working days of the date the citation is issued. The citation shall state that if the defendant fails to appear within the time specified or pay the fine for the violation, a warrant for failure to appear may be issued, which may result in the defendant being arrested. SECTION TWO (2): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION THREE (3): SEVERABILITY If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION FOUR (4): DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. 2 SECTION FIVE (5): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as shown above and codified in Part 1, Chapter 1, Section 1- 108(F). PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the day of , 2012. — Doug Bonebrake, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED as to form and legality this _ day of , 2012. Julie Lombardi, City Attorney V The MC!y Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Warren Lehr Assistant City Manager, Operations SUBJECT: CIP Committee Recommendation Vision 2 Project Selection Process DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee was established in 1988 under Ordinance No. 395. The City Council elected to appoint this committee to develop, prioritize, and recommend the capital improvement needs of the city in the hopes of creating a more orderly, planned process than had existed before. The City Council adopted Resolution 2003 -14 in September 2003, which established the procedure for amending the priority determination of capital improvement projects eligible to receive funding from the Capital Improvements Fund, also known as the permanent third -penny sales tax. City of Owasso staff and the Capital Improvements Committee have continued the comprehensive planning process since the creation of the initial plan in 1988 and the update in 2003. VISION 2: In order to utilize the CIP Committee's familiarity with capital improvement needs for the City of Owasso, the committee was recently tasked with the development of a Vision 2 project selection process in the event that the project proposition is approved in the upcoming November 6 election. Components of the Vision 2 project selection process include notice to be given to the general public in May of 2016, well in advance of funding, which would be available by mid -year 2017. Relevant social media would be used to publicize notifications of the process elements and solicit input from citizens. Elements of the process would include an online survey, solicitation of input on appropriate social media, and public meetings to increase awareness of potential projects and to receive as much citizen input as possible. All input and survey results would then be summarized and made available to the CIP Committee and the City Council. The CIP Committee would then meet as many times as necessary to develop recommendations to the City Council who would then review the recommendations and have the authority to revise and approve them as it deems appropriate. Finally, the City Council would adopt a Vision 2 project list by resolution. REQUEST: Staff is requesting City Council review of the CIP Committee's recommendation of a Vision 2 project selection process. ATTACHMENT: A. Owasso CIP Committee Recommendation for Vision 2 Project Selection Process VISION 2 PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee Recommendation The CIP Committee has developed a Vision 2 project selection process in the event that the project proposition is approved in the November 6 election. The process would begin on or about July 1, 2016 in anticipation of funds becoming available by mid -year 2017. The process would include the following components: ■ Notice - Public notice of the beginning of the process would be given 60 days in advance, on or about May 1, 2016. Notice would be given on the City of Owasso website and posted consistently and frequently on City social media outlets, and other media as deemed appropriate. ■ Public Meetings - At least two (2) public meetings would be conducted by the CIP Committee to increase awareness of potential projects and to solicit as much citizen input as possible. • Online Survey - Notice would include links to a well conceived, but brief online survey that would be made available for 90 days. • Social Media - The City would consistently utilize its Facebook, Twitter, website, and other appropriate media to seek input and publicize notifications of the process elements and schedule, links to an online survey, and meeting times and places. ■ Citizen Input Summary - City staff and CIP Committee members would compile all input, comments, and survey results; make the summary available to the public through all appropriate media outlets; and forward the summary of input to the CIP Committee and the City Council. ■ CIP Meetings - The CIP Committee would meet as many times as necessary to discuss community input and develop recommendations to the City Council. These CIP Committee meetings would be posted and open to the public in a City Council Work Session format that would allow citizens to be present to hear all discussions. • CIP Committee Recommendation - The CIP Committee would then recommend a priority list of Vision 2 projects to the City Council. • City Council Resolution - The City Council would review the CIP Committee recommendations and have the authority to revise and approve them as it deems appropriate. The City Council would then adopt a Vision 2 project list by resolution. The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Larry Langford Director of Recreation and Culture SUBJECT: Sports Park, 4 -flex Bid Review DATE: October5, 2012 BACKGROUND: The FY 2012 -2013 budget allows for the expenditure of $305,000 in the Capital Improvements Fund for construction of a baseball 4 -plex at the Owasso Sports Park. The project consists of a base bid and six (6) alternates that include field lighting and irrigation, a warm -up area, replacement of existing asphalt with concrete, and artificial shade canopies. BID ANALYSIS Advertisements for bids were published in accordance with state law and a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held at City Hall on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 for the construction of a baseball 4 -plex at the Owasso Sports Park. Fifteen (15) contractors were in attendance. Bids were opened publicly on September 18, 2012 at 10:00AM with six (6) bids received. The lowest base bid received was from Penn Athletic Fields in the amount of $527,723. The submitted bid package was examined for any improper or unbalanced bids and none were discovered. Staff contacted the cities of Claremore, Shawnee, Meeker, and Seminole, Oklahoma to inquire about the quality, timeliness, professionalism, and overall satisfaction with the work of Penn Athletic Fields. Both the project reviews and references confirmed quality craftsmanship, integrity, and dependability. PROPOSED ACTION: An item has been placed on the October 9, 2012 work session agenda for additional discussion. ATTACHMENT: A. Bid Tabulation v nTheity Wit out Limits. Bid Tabulation Sports Park South Baseball 4 -Plex Opening Date: September 18th, 2012 10:00 AM Bidder Base Bid ALT #1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4 ALT #5 ALT #6 Total Bid Hoey Construction $785,230.02 $448,962.6 $55,886.79 $3,021.14 $179,326.62 $23,502.74 $9,259.03 $1,505,188.9 Penn Athletic Fields $527,723.00 1 $310,500.0 $54,000.00 $5,900.00 $112,744.50 $14,200.00 $24,960.00 $1,060,027.5 Bronze Oak $1,214,041.10 0 $436,000.0 $53,000.00 $6,289.00 $169,010.00 $23,000.00 $9,200.00 0 $1,910,540.1 KC Electric Co. $847,524.00 0 $398,193.6 $81,342.28 $4,876.65 $80,009.72 $26,707.75 $20,294.08 0 $1,458,948.1 Southeast Tulsa Construction $932,298.28 3 $418,382.5 $53,337.89 $3,343.86 $124,913.70 $21,901.90 $8,628.40 1 $1,562,806.6 Tri -Star Construction $612,806.80 8 $425,000.0 $57,000.00 $2,710.00 $129,162.00 $22,500.00 $12,000.00 1 $1,261,178.8 0 0 a TCity Wio mits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Larry Langford Recreation and Culture Director SUBJECT: RFQ for Engineering of Elm Creek Park Improvements DATE: October 5, 2012 BACKGROUND: Elm Creek Park has been identified to have significant issues with erosion and stabilization of the pond banks; outdated playground equipment; and bridges, shelters, and walkways that are in need of major repair or replacement, The FY 2012 -2013 budget allows for the expenditure of $300,000 in the Capital Improvements Fund for engineering of improvements at Elm Creek Park. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised to area firms with park design experience. The proposed improvements are anticipated to be a multi -year project with several phases. Major renovations will be considered and could include bank stabilization, trail enhancement, landscaping, and structural replacements. The scope of work would include: • Topographical and property surveying, • Preparation of a conceptual plan and design report; • Research and report of environmental studies; • Property ownership determination; • Preparation of 30 %, 60 %, 90% and final design plans; • Utility relocation coordination; • Bidding services (Phase 1); QUALIFICATIONS BASED SELECTION PROCESS: On September 28, 2012, Staff received qualifications from four (4) engineering firms, These firms are as follows: • Bird Surveying & Design, PLLC, Owasso, OK • Craffon Tull, Tulsa, OK • Impact Engineering and Planning, PLC, Owasso, OK • PDG, Inc., Tulsa, OK Staff is currently reviewing and grading the proposals using the criteria identified in the RFQ, Based upon the submitted proposals, staff will rank the top three (3) firms and select the most responsive and highest qualified firm. Once staff has identified the most qualified firm, fee negotiations will begin, but if negotiations are unsuccessful, staff will seek to negotiate a fee with the next qualified firm ranked. Once negotiations are complete, the recommended firm will be presented to City Council, FUNDING: Funding for this project is included FY 2012 -2013 Budget,