HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.01.18_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: January 18, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. or Friday, January 14, 2000. MZ�rcia �outwelil,Cityy Cleric le AGENDA I. Call to Order Mayor Wilken 2. Invocation Pastor B=:r-=F=%EaR 09-le 1131o4n,& F7V 1 FlacF Z� Salute Jim McElrath, Director of Support Services 4. Roll Call Owasso City Council January 18, 2000 Page 2 5. Special Employee Recognition and Presentation OML Staff — Corolift '940.cs er Attachment #5 A member of the Oklahoma Municipal League staff will present a certificate and lapel pin I'D to James Leigh in recognition of his 25 years of municipal service. RNMEM A RECEPTION HONORING SGT LEIGH WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTER LOBBY IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OPGA MEETING. ALL OWASSO CITIZENS AND GUESTS A-RE INVITED TO ATTEND. 6. Request By Citizen to Address the City Council. Mr Harry Miller Attachment #6 Mr Miller has provided the City Clerk with a written request to address the Council concerning police officers, meter readers, and street repairs. 7. Joint Presentation and Discussion with the Owasso Planning Commission Relating to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr Rooney Mr Fritschen Mr Fritschen will present the Comprehensive Plan to the City Council and Planning 'D Commission, followed by consideration for adoption of the plan by each body separately. Owasso City Council January '11,18, 2000 !"age 3 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Adoption of a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Mr Rooney Attachment #48 Following the joint presentation and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan by the Owasso Planning Commission, staff will recommend adoption of the plan by the City Council. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from. consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of January 4, 2000 Regular Meeting, January 4, 2000 Special Meeting and January 11, 2000 Special Meeting. Attachment #9A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #9B C. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storn-i Drainage I Systems Constructed to Serve the Fairways III, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Attachment #9C The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Owasso City Council January 18, 2000 Page 4 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Approval of Contracts for the Sale of Real Estate, Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents, and Authorization for Payment of Real Estate, Closing Costs, and Fees. Z71 Mr McElrath Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of contracts for the sale of real estate, such property to be utilized for the 86th St North and Main Street Intersection improvement Project, from Charles R & Terry A Ary, located at 102 E 12"' St, in the amount of $3,740; from Charles R & Terry A Ary, located at 109 E Itt" St, in the amount of $1,000; from Burl D & Cora Mae Wilbanks, located at 201 E 11 t" St, in the amount of $ 100; from Mills Family Trust, located immediately west of Ator Field and extending west IOU along 86L, St, in the amount of $1,000- from the Board of Education of Owasso, located at the northwest comer of 86" St N & N Main, as a donation.; from Hazel E Allyn, located at the northeast comer of 86"' St N & N Main, in the amount of $197,000; from Donna M Morgan, located at 1012 N Ash, in the amount of $2,000; from Dallas W & Bueanna M Kelsey, located at 1010 N Ash, in the amount of 51,300; and from FMS Family Trust, located at 108 W 12 th St, in the amount of $1,000; to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma- ' authorization for the Mayor to execute the contracts; authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents incidental and necessary to the closing of the transactions: authorization for payment as indicated in the contracts; and approval and authorization for payment of closing costs and related fees in an amount not to exceed $2,000?cr parse to 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Proposal for the Demolition and Removal of Structures Located at 105 N Main, 104 N Birch and 108 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma. Mr McElrath Attachment #11 The staff will recon-u-tend approval of a proposal submitted by Ark Wrecking, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for the removal of the above nanned structures at a cost of $110,290, and authorization for the Mayor to sign a proposal acceptance, O-Vvasso a y Couned January 18, 2000 Page 5 12. "'olisideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Extension of an Agreement for C01npUtCr Services. Mr Rooney Attachmerlt #i2 T-" c staff will recommend extenslop of an agreement with InfiNETe Technology Solutions to provide information system support in an, amount not to exceed an additional $20,000. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Matters Concerning the Hiring and Appointment of Larry Mitchell to the Office of the City Manager, Such Executive Session Provided for in 25 O.S., Section 307(B)(1). Mayor silken The Mayor will request Council approval of an executive session for the foregoing purpose. Cons'derat 4 1 L ion and Appropriate Action Relating to a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund Budget, Managerial Department, Personal Services, Increasing Same in the Arnount Necessary to Fund an Employment Agreement Between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Larry Mitchell. Mayor Wilken Mr Cates The Mayor will request Council' approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General FLind Budget In the amount of S'190,000 for the pill-pose of funding the employment Owasso City Cotincd .ianUary 18, 2000 Page 6 15. Consideration and Appropriate fiction Relating to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Larry Mitchell, Such Contract Relating to the Position of City Manager for the City of Owasso and Mr Mitchell's Appointment Thereto; and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute the Contract. Mayor Wilken Mr Cates Pursuant to the selection and negotiation process, a contact will be presented and recommended for Council approval. The contract, if approved, will appoint Mr Mitchell as the City Manager for the City of Owasso, and establishes March 1, 2000 through .tune 30, 2001 as the terra of that appointment. 16. Report from City Manager. 17. Report from City Attorney. 18. Report from City Councilors. 19. New BUSHress. Owasso Csly Council January 18, 2000 Pa c 7 20. Adjournment. ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR JOINT SESSION OF CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING I COMMISSION ON TUESDAY, JANUAR I 8T Y 1. Mayor -calls to order the meeting of the City Council 1 Invocation 3. F lag S al u t e 4. Roll Call 5. Special Employee Recognition 6, Citizen addresses Council 7. Chair calls to order the meeting of the Planning Commission & Roll Call for Planning Commission 9. Mayor reads Item 7 and Mr Rooney & Mr Fritschen make presentation 10. Planning Commission votes on Comprehensive Plan 11. Planning Commission adjourris 11 City Council continues meeting beginning with Item 8 The Okfahoma Municip"af League, Inc. has entered upon its 0 H Roll o Service !f T& nam of Y..,ames C. Leigh. In recognition of a quarter centur q of sery 0 IC e to the City ofOwasso p Executive Director 5 , -), ) 0 0 Date MEMORANDUM TO- OWASSO CITY COUNCIL AND OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM- KARL FRITSCHEN COMPREHENSIVE PLANNER CONSULTANT DATE: January 17, 20®0 BACKGROUND: 1n order to keep the plan fairly realistic, a 10-year planning horizon was recommended and that the Plan should be crafted in such a way as to allow for periodic updates, adjustments, and modifications. Upon adoption of the Plan, staff would begin revisiting current city codes and ordinances in order to address the issues and accomplish the concepts identified Plan. In january, 1999, Staff held the first of 7 MPSC meetings, each open to public, to begin the Plan update process. The first couple of meetings provided the MPSC with an orientation to the planning process and an analysis of the current conditions in Owasso, which included items in such areas as population growth, transportation, environmental features, and economic characteristics. The other meetings involved more interaction with the MPSC, and were designed to get their input. Items such as making assumptions about the growth of the community, direction of growth, identifying key issues and concerns, setting goals, reviewing staff reports and land use concepts were the focus of the meetings. 1� Plan\menlo to council foradoption.doc 01/11/00 An important component of any plan, is the extent the general citizenry of the community is involved in the process. Public input actually began in the Fall of 1997 with Vision Owasso, which was a vision building exercise open to all citizens of the community. Vision Owasso met once a week for four consecutive weeks and approximately 60 people attended these meetings in which several general goals for the community were developed and issues identified. In the summer of 1998, a survey questionnaire was distributed throughout the community and several civic groups. The survey was used to get initial picture of the concerns, wants, and needs of Owasso citizens. Beginning in May!999, the first of 4 public input workshops were held in various quadrants of the community to allow more convenience for the public to attend. Each meeting included an overview and analysis of the community, open discussion, and two exercises allowing the public to rank the importance of key issues and a slide show in which they could rank images of the physical features of a community and how well they liked or disliked them. Approximately 60 people attended the public meetings. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan is the culmination of nearly 18 months of work by the MPSC and Staff. It is important to note that this is not the end, but rather the beginning. The plan should be used to assist with future zoning and development decisions and provide a vision for the community. In order to achieve the goals outlined in the plan and address the key issues, many of the local ordinances and zoning codes will have to be examined and changed. The completion of the Master Plan provides the first step in this process. The Plan should at a minimum be updated every 2 or 3 years to keep it from becoming outdated. Approval of the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan and the goals and objectives identified by area leaders, citizens, and steering committee members. Together, these items shall serve as the official long range planning documents for Owasso. Further, the Master Plan shall replace the 1978 and 1985 adopted planning documents. I 1:\tiici-oii.-wit•lick\Owasso\Mistei- 111anWlemo to council for adopfion,doc OM Hoo DRAFT GOAL STATEMENTS AND ACTION PLANS ADDRESSING KEY ISSUES AND NEEDS The draft goal statements identified by the committee are incorporated into this document. Additionally, staff has developed action plan statements and strategies for each of the key issues. Community Facilities, Infrastructure, and Transportatiol Goal Statement- Owasso will be a community that provides for (the development of) sustainable infrastructure, maintains and improves its community facilities and transportation network, to enhance the quality of life and accommodate the current population as well as future growth. Issues and Needs Issue I 0 Roadways that are inadequate, deteriorating, and ine fficient; a transportation network that in many places is having difficulty meeting current traffic demands and will have problems meeting future traf,fic demands. Action Statement: Target transportation as the primary future goal for the community by being more proactive and less reactive to the growth issues in place. Action Plan: L Explore the feasibility of establishing a roadway improvement fund and/or improvement or assessment districts in high growth commercial corridors 1 2. Continue building a good working relationship with INCOO and ensure that facilities needing improvement during the plan period are shown on the regional long range transportation plan In Z� zn 3. Aggressively pursue STP funding for roadway improvement projects; submit one or more projects each year so that they can be programmed on the statewide TIP 4. Establish a 4 -lane connection to Cherokee Industrial Park 5. Use the capital -improvement plan to implement roadway projects shown on the Owasso 2010 Plan 6, Determine the impacts of taking in more miles of roads into the city limits prior to annexation T Develop a comprehensive multi-modal transportation network to include on road bicycle routes, pedestrian systems, and future transit options including park and ride locations Explore traffic calming designs for mesidential streets and revise subdivision standards where appropriate 9, Create an access management plan for developing co nierc'al coi -ridors, including but not limited to driveway spacih-,(, standards and corner clearance 10. Encourage the implementation of through collector streets in developing square mile sections 11. Explore the feasibility of transit between Cherokee Industrial Park and Owasso 12. Explore private non-profit funding opportunities options foi providing transportation services for the elderly; developed cooperative agreements with the local churches 13. Aggressively pursue a Traffic Master Plan for determining needs for lane expansion and signalization 14. Develop a maintenance program for up-keep on the existing streets 15. Utilize Tulsa and Rogers County to assist more on projects (interlocal agreements) 16. Utilize tax increment financing (TIF's) for funding improvements 17. Identify joint funding mechanisms for roadway improvements and establish procedures for pursing t� funding. a.) USDEA, b.) Tulsa County, c.) TIF, d.) TIP/STP e.) CDBG, f.) special assessment, g.) ODOT Lack of sewer service and infrastructure in strategically important corridors, particularly to the north adjacent to the Owasso Expressway; a needfor maintenance of the existing sewer system. Action Statement: Expand sewer service into previously unserved areas, while maintaining and upgrading existing improvements to accommodate these expansions. lin= 3. Conduct a cost benefit study of all options of wastewater treatment including advanced treatment options (tertiary treatment), facility expansion, and partnering with adjacent municipalities 4. Develop an impacts assessment of expanding sewer service into adjacent rural residential areas versus expansion into potential commercial growth corridors 5. Explore raising rates to implement needed expansion and maintenance 6. Develop an interlocal agreement between the City and area Rural Water Districts to enforce water Z� shut-offs for delinquent sewer bills 7. Pursue funding opportunities through United States Economic Development Authority (USEDA), Community Development Block Grants (CD130), and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Issue 3 0 Maintenance and expansion of the schools. Action Statement: Assist the schools in expansion efforts by shannIg resources in order to keep their quality reputation. 2 Action Plan: I. Establish a committee composed of members Of the School Board's Long Range Planning CoMmIttec, city staff, and possibly developers to discuss future school site locations and growth related issues 2. Address and resolve communications deficiencies between the City and the Owasso School System 3. Provide City representation at the School Board Meetings Issue 4 Aging and it communitv , facilities and equipment with respect to current and anticipated growth; maintaining staffing levels in the city's fire and police departments consistent with the growth. (e.g. need of an additional fire station, police station upgrades, and constant maintenance and upkeep o- refase and other outdated equipment), Action Statement; Provide excellent emergency response, quality of life service by improving facilities, expanding operations and partnering with other emergency service departments and public service companies. Action Plano 1. Make an inventory assessment of all equipment and personnel; establish benchmarks with other communities 1 Determine what functions should be run by the public sector and those which could be run by the private sector 3. Develop and expand upon existing partnerships with other emergency service departments 4. Develop and expand upon, existing partnership with other public service companies Issue 5 15 Lack of a drainage and stormwater plan. Action Statement: Strive to implement a comprehensive drainage and stormwater plan for the fenceline geography of Owasso. Action Plan: 1. Inventory map all watersheds I - 2. Explore the option of a stormwater management fee, much like the City of Tulsa requires 3. Identify regional detention areas that can also serve the dual use of park areas rather than on-site detention as currently required, especially in targeted areas of growth 4. Map and document all current problem areas 5. Revise where necessary the current City of Owasso Engineering Design Criteria stormwater design standards Engineering Z� 6. Adopt Federal Clean Water Act (Erosion Control) standards/best management practices as part of the SUbdivision., rcgulatiolls I Issue 6 10 Lack of diverse anti sqljicientf nding sources.1brinunicilyal services and infrastruclure, Action Statement: Pursue diverse funding programs for infrastructure improvements Action Plan: 1. Explore all options of financing municipal improvements including: grants, tax increment financing districts, benefits assessment districts, pay back approaches, sales tax initiatives, fees in- lieu -of, etc. 2. Consider the employment of a grants writer by the City to pursue funding 3. Clearly define initiatives to the public for referendum on sales and property tax increases 6. Focus improvements in areas producing the greatest return on investment 7. Upgrade the existing water distribution system 8. Research alternative source of water (e.g.. impoundments, or wells) Issue 8 0 Repair and maintain signage of streets in subdivisions. Action Statement: Update, repair and improve inspection and maintenance procedures of street signs in subdivisions. Action Plan: 1. Develop a database inventory of all signs to identify needs; explore using GIS/GPS technology 2. Identify problem locations and include repairs in the 5 year Capital Improvements Plan use GIS to catalog and schedule Pro.jeCIS 4 3. Develop sound infrastructure inspection procedL11•C guidelines to clearly identify what departments are responsible Im- what; hold 4 meetings a year between affected departments to discuss problems and 1dentify soludOns Issue 9 ID Street lighung, especially in areas with sidewalks. Action Statement: Improve pedestrian saffety by working with local public utility companies to keep walkways lit at night. Action Plan: 1. Develop a database inventory of all street light fixtures; explore using GPS technology 2. Revise where necessary the current City of Owasso Engineering Design Criteria for street lighting; develop a street lighting policy I Owasso will encourage targeted growth through coordinated land annexation and development to achieve complementary land uses and enhance quality of life. I Issue I 0 Annexation of key growth corridors to control the development that occurs. Action Statement: Corridors important to the long-term health of the community will be studied for annexation to insure quality standards of development. Action Plan: 1. Pursue annexation of key commercial growth corridors through effective communications with affected land owners 2. Consider the need to develop special districts to finance improvements and achieve a quality looking product 3. Study the impacts of entire corridors rather than a piecemeal approach 4. Require development agreements similar to Planned Unit Developments (PUD's) as a condition for the extension of utilities and/or annexations Issue 2 Loss and or negative impacts to local natural resources such as creeks, wooded areas, Open prairies, and sensitive wildlife areas. Action Statement: Implement the necessary steps to assure protection of the environment through proper planning and consideration of applicable federal, state, and local government assistance. Action Plan: 1. Revise subdivision development standards to protect riparian habitats, water resources, trees, and diverse ecosystem habitats 2. Utilize the Blue Thumb organization to assist with water quality protection and public education 3. Explore the opportunity of creating Wetlands Mitigation Banks in the Bird Creek floodplain 4. Minimize development activity in the floodplain 6 5. Identify areas that could be purchased with federal conservation funds that can be established as urban Mildflife preserves 6. Consider the development of a tree farm similar to Tulsa 7. Change the subdivision regulations to require the preservation of trees in developments Issue 3 19 Rock quarry and the associated blasting. Action Statement. Form, an alliance with the quarry industries in the area to facilitate communications with citizens. Action Plan: 1. Work with quarry operators on scheduling blasting times and perhaps establish public notification procedures 2. Establish a buffer zone around the quarry to limit intensity and type of development 3. Educate the public on the importance of the quarry to the community in terms of the economics and supplying the raw material to build roads, sidewalks, and bridges. Issue 4 Protection �f o treats of landfor high quality commercial, industrial, office, and technology sites. Action Statement: Protect prime commercial tracts of land through effective land use planning. Action Plan: 1. Establish good communications with land owners in prime future tracts of land that can be developed as commercial, office, or industrial parks 2. Protect important future commercial areas through zoning changes conforming to the land uses identified on the Owasso 2010 Plan 3. Utilize the Owasso 2010 Plan as a marketing tool 4. Revise the land use plan to ensure protection of such corridors S. Establish a strategy to attract commercial developments adjacent and in proximity to the new Tulsa Technology Campus by identifying and establishing infrastructure priorities for targeted corridors Issue 5 Lack Qf community image and orfibcal point. - I Action Statennent: Create alfocal point in the community to portray a positive image. Acdon Plan: 1, Establish comn�,ffl ee to define and determine the best possible locations for a focal point 7 2. Consider utilizing historic preservation funding for refurbishment of the old steam locomotive and incorporate it into a park area with high visibility 3. Explore the option of theme type signage along major thoroughfares (e.g. railroad or Indian on a horse) 4. Explore all potential funding resources for financing improvements in targeted areas 5. Utilize the Main Street Project/New City hall as an anchor for a resurgence for downtown Issue i 0 Lack of affordable housing. Action Statement: Encourage development of affordable housing in appropriate locations. Action Plan: 1. Conduct a housing stock inventory and develop a database to include type, condition, and value of existing homes 2. Weigh the available housing stock against average area wage rates to determine overall affordability C, 3. Encourage home ownership 4. Control the size and intensity of multi-family apartment projects by modifying the zoning code I Issue 8 Dhe loss ofpolenlial sales tax revenues,for building materials to adjacent county jurisdictions and permilfees ft)r development projects occurring outside the city limits which are annexed at later tinze. Action Statement: Develop incentive mechanisms to encourage annexations prior to commencement of construction. Action Plan: L Consider charging inspection fees for developments outside of the city limits 2. Charge an assessment fee to the developer and each contractor comparable to the sales tax that would have been generated if the developments and residential construction would have occurred in the city 'limits 3. Study charging higher connection fees for utility taps Z7, III, 4. Explore the potential of "point of use" taxation Issue 9 Lack of major medical fiacilities in the communit- Action Statement: Support local clinics and encourage the development of advanced medical care in the area to help improve quality of life. Action Plan: 1. Establish the need for medical facilities and determine deficiencies in community and region 2. Ensure adequate land area is available for developing medical facilities; identify key corridors 3. Consider collaborations to stimulate medical research 4. Support Chamber of Commerce initiatives in actively courting medical facilities to the area Issue 10 Is Protecting residential areas from commercial and industrial encroachment. Action Statement: Keep the interests of the residents as a high priority by controlling development of potentially encroaching commercial projects. Action Plan: 1. Establish buffering and screening requirements in the Owasso Zoning Code 2, Utilize transitional zoning, which places lower intensity uses near residential areas 3. Focus high intensity commercial and industrial land uses near major transportation facilities 4, Consider long-term development South ol'76"' St. N. as industrial 5. CO'ItMUC W C11COLH-11-C the appointment off' informed citizens on the Owasso Board of Adjustment I and Plannim, Coin missI011 N Issue 11 19 Lack of good land use coordination with Tulsa and Rogers Counly, Action Statement: Form a coalition with Tulsa and Rogers County to keep the land use plans for all three entities from conflicting with each other. Action Plan: 1. Work toward maintaining the zoning map within the City rather than relying on INCOG 2. Establish lines of communications for land use and zoning data from Rogers and Tulsa 3. Owasso needs to manage its geographic advantage of being part of both Tulsa and Rogers Counties and avail itself of all available resources 10 Quality of Life Goal Statement- Owasso is a community that creates opportunities for its citizens to enjoy their lives through access to a broad spectrum. of excellent services, facilities, and amenities. Issues and Needs Issue I 10 A need fior entertainment and activity centers (particularly for the youth and young adults), "sit down" restaurants, and places where cultural arts can be exhibited and displayed. Action Statement: Actively attract cultural events and other entertainment for the area residents. Action Plan: 1. Attract entertainment type activities through an active marketing campaign: identify appropriate locations and types of activities sought 2. Develop a pedestrian gathering place in the community where cultural arts are displayed 3. Develop passenger /excursion train service to Bartlesville 1� 4. Develop plans to redevelop the Central Business District (CBD) 5. Pursue are exposition center for the area 6. Encourage the Chamber of Commerce to be proactive in these issues 7. Develop an amphitheater and a place where outdoor events can be held 8. Pursue the development of an all weather community swimming pool Issue 2 0 Loss of*the sense of community and country type atmosphere as the city continues growing, Action Statement: Develop measures to ensure that a "small town" atmosphere continues in the community. Action Plan: 1. Ensure that neighborhoods are focused around a park or school 2. Continue and expand upon the block party concept 1 Retain RS--1 or larger residential areas; direct rural residential housing in areas not served with sewer 4. When possible avoid placing high intensity commercial land uses Immediately next to rural residenfia] areas. In cases where this may be difficult require buffering and screening requirements. 5, Form nC,*-1-l1-)o,-'1h00d OMUPS that Call meet with city olTicials once or twice a year to discuss iSSUCS 6. Encourage pedestrian trail development to foster interaction among people 7. Avoid high concentrations of high intensity residential uses in one particular area; keep acreage small and diverse 8. Encourage events that exemplify small town events like carnivals, outside entertainment in parks 9. Develop an urban growth boundary representing the maximum area for development to be serviced with sewers 19 Visual quality along many of the community's arterial streets, south, and west gateways (e.g. sign pollution, little if any landscaping, inconsistent and unattractive building style). Action Statement: Encourage property owners at the City's gateways to landscape and improve their property to enhance visitor's first impressions of Owasso. Action Plan: 1. Rewrite or revise city codes and signag zoning ordinances to control e and architecture in the special Z�I t) C, planning areas defined on the 2010 Owasso Plan map. 2. Create a landscape ordinance 3. Utilize citizen groups to begin communicating and encouraging local businesses to beautify their property 4. Continue seeking federal, state, or local funding tree planting along the highway corridors, assisting businesses in and out of the city limits in screening unsightly areas, and buying out billboard signs 5. Seek out volunteer groups to prepare, plant, and maintain flower plot areas in highly visible locations 6. Create a program where a citizens group could vote on or give an award for commercial and I Zn residential entry property periodically 7. Consider creating an Owasso beautification fund that would allow citizens to make a cash contribution with their utility bills 8. Modify the Owasso Zoning Code to eliminate strip development in favor of clustered development 12 Goal Statement- Owasso will enhance and expand its recreational facilities to provide a variety of opportunities for citizens to participate in indoor and outdoor activities. Issues and Needs Issue I 0 Lack of anticipated active park and recreational activities (Future demands or park plan). Action Statement: Develop a comprehensive park and recreation plan. Action Plan: 1. Inventory all park and recreation equipment and establish benchmarks with other communities and Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan standards 2. Conduct a needs assessment of the characteristics of the present and future populations 3. Encourage more park placement within new developments 4. Initiate the development park area in old town west of Main Street, possibly use CDBG funds 5. Reevaluate the park development fee to check its effectiveness 6. Collaborate with the Larkin Bailey Foundation for a potential park area west of SKO Railroad along 76 1h St. N� 7. Develop a softball fourplex for adult softball (community and church) leagues Issue 2 Lack of passive recreational parks for activities like nature studies, walking, picnicking, fishing, and relaxing rather than active parks for organized team sports. I Action Statement: Develop more passive park and recreation areas through zoning code modifications, cooperative efforts with the County governments, private organizations and environmental service agencies. Action Plan: 1. Identify potential sites suitable for passive park areas 2. Revise the SUbdIvision standards to include smaller passive park areas 3. Develop park areas around ponds or other natural amenities 4. Connniunicale with the Larkin Bailey Foundation about the potential for a natural park near 761h St. K and M'MOO 1 ) 5. Explore the potential of land dedication in place of the park development fee 6. Explore using Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Wildlife Federation Funds, National Audubon Society or other similar entities to purchase land for urban wildlife preserves. 14 Economic evesopment Goal Statement. Issue I 19 Lack of incentive mechanisms far quality economic expansion and development. Action Statement: Develop incentive mechanisms for quality economic expansion and development. Action Plan: 1. Consider the addition of a grants writer/administrator to city staff. =1 2. Ensure that the OEDA has an active role in econornic growth. 3. Form a foundation, similar to that in McAlester, OK, where property is donated to the foundation and is sold to potential industries at lower interest rates. 4. Form a good working relationship with the Grand Gateway Economic Development Administration for industries in Rogers County S. Pursue EDA Grants for infrastructure expansion to potential industrial sites 6. Utilize the CDBG programs to spur economic development in blighted areas Issue 2 0 Lack of a sufficient ad-valorem tax base orfinancing n7echanism, Action Statement: Work with the County and Owasso School system on an ad-valorem tax base for Economic Development. Action Plan: 1. Study the concept of using a portion of property taxes as a potential revenue source 2. Explore sales tax initiatives to finance programs: hotel/n,,otel economic development sales tax 3, Ensure sites are available, zoned appropriately and served with utilities 4. Consider the development of a visitors center to stimulate tourism 5. Target key corridors o lf growth and prioritize allocation of funds t) C, 6. Develop strong, public relations Programs Oil I-SSUes so c't* i izens can make informed choices in clection's. 15 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 4, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 4, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted. on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 30, 1999. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Councilor Bode. T ITEM 3: F —� AQ SALUTE Acting Police Chief Cliff Motto led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Mark, Wilken, Mayor Mary T ouBarnhouse, Vice Mayor .1.1 Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "IYIII" Williams, Councilor S TAFIF Timothy Rooney, Acting City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quonam was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST Owasso City Council Jarivary 4, 2000 E. Action Relating to Ordinance #630, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Two 15.4 Acre Tracts of Land Generally Located on the East SlIde. of Mingo Road, North of East 106"1 Street North; from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density) and CG (Commercial General). F. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Helseel Industrial Center East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. G. Action Relating to Resolution #2000-01, a Resolution Calling a Non-Partisan Primary and General Election Pursuant to Provisions of the Owasso City Chafter for the Purpose of Electing Council Members for Wards I & 2. The consent agenda included minutes of the December 21, 1999 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $16,535.87; (2) Workers Comp Self-insurance Plan $1,600,50; (3) Ambulance Service Fund $1,388.00; (4) City Garage $6,333.92,- (5) Bond Projects Fund $42,888,06; (6) Payroll $169,804.38; (7) City Garage Payroll $3,977.58. Item C requested approval of Ordinance #628, approving rezoning as authorized by Council action on December 21, 1999. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #629, approving a PUD as authorized by Council action on December 21, 1999. Item E requested approval of Ordinance #630, approving rezoning as authorized by Council action on December 21, 1999. Item F requested acceptance of improvements to the water and sanitary sewer systems constructed to serve HeIscel Industrial Center East. Item G requested approval of Resolution #2000-01, calling for a non-partisan primary and general election for Councilors for Wards I & 2. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF FOUR VEHICLES BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. AND THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT FOR THOSE VEHICLES. The item was presented by Acting Chief Motto, who said 'that the 1999-2000 operating budget for the Police Department contains funding for the purchase of four new police vehicles for the patrol division and necessary emergency equipment. Each year the State of Oklahoma awards one contract to the vehicle dealership that provides the lowest and best bid for police vehicles, and Although municipalities may purchase from that state bid. h the department has always p ZD purchased the Ford Crown Victoria, the price of that vehicle will not allow four to be purchased with the current funding. The mid-size police vehicle is the Chevrolet Impala. This vehicle has received high marks in all tests conducted on it. Hudiburg Auto Group - Chevrolet in Midwest City has been awarded the 1999-2000 state bid at a base cost of $19,144 for each vehicle. Additionally, quotes were received for emergency equipment, with the best bid being received from Fox. Staff recommended that the vehicle striping be awarded to Trim-rite and -2- Owasso City COLUICil January 4, 2000 AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Voss, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF OWASSO BY TEA EN FRANCISCO. Ms Guthrie said that Mr Francisco was injured on the hand when a bullet was fired through the window of a city maintenance truck he was driving while on-call at approximately 3:00 a.m. on February 28, 1999. Mr Francisco has returned to work, and on December 2, 1999, was rated with an 80% impairment to the left index finer and a 2% impairment rating to the whole person. A settlement for compensation has been negotiated with Mr Francisco. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve a negotiated settlement by joint petition with Mr Francisco wherein the city would pay $17,500 for injuries received in an accident on February 28, 1999, such payment in return for complete elimination of future medical claims against the city for those injuries, and authorization of payment for the claims, plus associated court costs and legal fees. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Williams, Bode, Milken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8 REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Rooney reported that Burning of the Greens will be held on Thursday, January 6t" at 6:30 p.m. at the Sports Park. The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee will meet on Monday, January 10t" at 7:00 p.rn. at the Community Center. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. - 3 - Owasso City COLHICil ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. IRS =II, • 9X4291614211 Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjjoumed at 6:40 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -4- Mark Wilken, Mayor January 4, 2000 I OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING a ucsday, January 4, 2000 The Ovvasso C-ity Council met in special session on Tuesday, January 4, 2000 in the Conference Roorn at Bank of the Lakes per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, January 3, 2000. " r I I EM 1: CAM TO ORDER Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wlilken, Mayor Mary !,ou Bannhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C"Wi'll" Williams, Councilor STAFI,- jeffHancock, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia. Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. T TEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY IMANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O . 25, SECTION. 307(B)(1). Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. AYE: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 7:33 p.m. Out of executive session and the niecting reconvened at 9:55 p.m. Z' Owasso City Council my Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:555 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mark Willem, Mayor January 44, 2000 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 11, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, January 11, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 7, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wilken, Mayor Mar�j Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF Tim Rooney, Acting, City Manager I Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum -was declared -present, ITEM 2: COMPUTER ISSUES Mr Rooney & Mr McMurray addressed the Council relative to the status of implementation of the new computer system. Several items remain to be done, and staff will recommend at the regular City Council meeting an extension of the contract with InfiNETe Technology Solutions. At some point in the near future, the recommendation will be made to hire a Software Support Technician in order to reduce the amount of time spent by the Finance Department relating to technical -issues and to lower the cost paid to InfiNETe for computer support. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO NEW RADIO TOWER.. Chief Allen briefly discussed the proposed tower for the placement of antennas for the 800 systen-,. Mr Cates discussed a proposed contract for same. ITEM 4: UPDATE ON 86 T11 ST N AND MAIN ST EASEMENTS. Mr McElrath discussed the easement acquisition for the 86"' and Main project. Agreements have bcei,i secured with most of the property owners. ITEM 5: UPDATE ON BOND PROJECTS. Mr lleaacicrsoaa updated tile Council on the status of the bond projects, and distributed a mcinom- -�dunl to the Council exphlhlialg the Status of each of tine projects. Owasso City Council ITEM 6: STATUS OF NORTH OWASSO SEWER PROJECT. January l 1, 2000 Mr Carr discussed the project. He said there have been some bypasses in the line from the Sports Park, Grease was found in that line and it is being cleaned. The creek is also being flushed and clean-up is expected to be finished by the end of the week. A change order to the contract with Sapupla Digging will be placed on the next OPWA agenda to extend the interceptor line from 106"' St N to 116"' St N. ITEM 7: UPDATE RELATING TO NSP SEWER DISCHARGE. Mr Carr said that National Steak and Poultry has evaluated their water usage and sewer charges. They believe that some of the water they use does not return to the sewer, but is evaporated or used in their product. They requested that some of the sewer charges they have paid over the past four years be returned in the form of a credit on their utility bill. Staff believes that no credit should be given the company, but that a determination of their usage be made and their bill adjusted from this point forward. ITEM 8: DISCUSSION RELATING TO APPOINTMENT TO THE BOA-RD OF ADJUSTMENT. This item was removed from the agenda by the Mayor and will be placed on the next work session agenda. ITEM 9: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PROJECT PROTOCOL. Mr Rooney said that this item was placed on the agenda because of staff concerns relative to information dissemination. He requested that this item, too, be scheduled on the next work session agenda. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. z:1u be a Mr Rooney reported that a portion of the regular City Council meeting on January 8th will I joint session with the Owasso Planning Commission to hear a presentation of the comprehensive plan from former Comprehensive Planner Karl Fritschen. Items will be placed on the agendas of both the Planning Commission and the City Council to adopt the plan. Mr Rooney informed the Council that he will be attending a budget conference In Stillwater on January 12"', 13`11, & 14th, and that Fire Chief Bob Allen has been appointed Acting City Manager during that tin n1c, ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING MATTERS CONCERNING THE HIRING AND APPOINTMENT OF LARRY MITCHELL TO THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN 25 O.S., SECTION 307(B)(1). Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to enter into executive session for the stated purpose, -2- Owasso City Council January 11, 2000 AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Williams, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried, 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 6:30 p.m. Out of executive sesslion and the meeting reconvened at 7:20p.m. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE HIRING AND APPOINTMENT OF LARRY MITCHELL TO THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the Council authorize Mayor Milken and Councilor Williams to enter into negotiations to hire Larry Mitchell as City Manager of the City of Owasso. Mayor Wilken asked for questions or comments from the audience and the Council. Heating none, he called for the question. AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Voss, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13: ADJOURIKIN/IENT Ms Barn-house moved, seconded by Dr Bode, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Bode, Voss, Williams, Wilken NAY: None Mot-ion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. I Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mark Milken, Mayor 105 Municipal Court 110 Managerial 120 Finance 150 General Government 160 Community Development 170 Engineering 181 Support Services 190 Cemetery 201 Police Services 215 Poflce Communications 221 Animal Control 250 Fire Services 280 Emergency Preparedness 300 Streets 515 Park Maintenance 550 Community Center 710 Economic Development General TOTAL Ambulance 255 Ambulance TOTAL E -911 E -911 TOTAL Capital Improvements Computerization Main Street Project T 0 T A,11- Bond Projects Streetsfttersections Community Center Sports Park 86/Main Intersection TOTAL OPGA Golf Merchandise Food & Beverage 600 Golf Shop 605 Cart Operations 610 Golf Course Maintenance 670 Food & Beverage Operations 690 Golf Administration 691 Clubhouse 690.00 623.62 10,875.84 1,164.66 13,354.12 90.16 3,526.51 0.00 0.00 4,070.13 343.36 319.52 2,110.42 w OPWA Sewer Line Extension OPWA Sales Tax City Garage Workers' Comp Self-Insurance NIFUIRW �141 l[l 800 Debt Service TOTAL 4,138.04 14,503,14 2,122.32 1,616.09 6,874.69 9,99434 2,848.24 27,233.23 6,851.48 57,54039 23,000.00 23.000.30 2,000.00 ?,000.00 3,50 1.1 4 3,501.14 1,686.06 1,686.06 194,834.49 City of Owasso Cash Requirenierits Lists vendor name, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order" report. ity of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 1 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 125 1115 STEVE MATHES 78897 12/16/00 01/18/00 50.00 50.00 126 5 RAY ALLEN 125565 12/29/99 01/18/00 32.95 82.95 127 1133 TULSA ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE 33498 12/03/99 01/18/00 47.68 130.63 128 946 STEVES WHOLESALE 63689 01/03/00 01/18/00 656.04 786.67 129 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 261043 12/01/99 01/18/00 2,255.98 3,042.65 262262 12/17/99 258955 11/29/99 130 1139 GRANT MANUFACTURING 42624 12/24/99 01/1.8/00 1,173.75 4,216.40 131 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TOM O'BRIEN 12/16/99 01/18/00 200.00 4,416.40 ROBERT SAUER 12/16/99 GEORGE BOWMAN 12/16/99 132 372 MAYS DRUG 30028 11/18/99 01/18/00 118.89 4,535.29 133 1134 FLUID SPECIALTIES 1- 62791 -0 12/21/99 01/18/00 47.52 4,582.81 134 609 WORLEYS GREENHOUSE 10886 10/28/99 01/18/00 90.95 4,673.76 10858 11/09/99 135 152 DIANES TRAVEL 12131 12/27/99 01/18/00 325.15 4,998.91 136 152 DIANES TRAVEL, 12120 12/20/99 01/18/00 286.50 5,285.41 137 555 TAYLORMADE LOCK & KEY 12/13/99 12/13/99 01/18/00 35.00 5,320.41 138 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 309039 12/20/99 01/18/00 497.51 5,817.92 309207 12/21/99 309478 12/27/99 139 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 647664 12/17/99 01/18/00 263.14 6,081.06 140 242 GAINES APPARATUS SERVICE 99291101 11/29/99 01/18/00 240.00 6,321.06 141 1003 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP S51056630001 12/14/99 01/18/00 118.90 6,439.96 142 242 GAINES APPARATUS SERVICE 99181201 12/19/99 01/1.8/00 144.00 6,583.96 143 1055 ACTION PLUMBING 12/20/99 12/20/99 01/18/00 58.00 6,641.96 144 1117 JOE WAKLEY 12/14/99 01/18/00 38.30 6,680.26 145 1117 JOE WAKLEY 11.18.99 11/18/99 01/18/00 111.08 6,791.34 146 1116 BRG PRECISION PROD 3836 12/08/99 01/18/00 1,023.95 7,815.29 147 1132 ROBERTSON TIRE 4001704 12/17/99 01/18/00 1,024.1.2 8,839.43. 4001696 12/1.7/99 148 792 HUGHES LUMBER CO 96678 12/16/99 01/18/00 28.70 8,868.1.1 96708 12/16/99 96837 12/17/99 149 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 609722 12/15/99 01 /18 /00 823.30 9,691.41 150 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 67864 12/20/99 01/18/00 45.34 9,736.75 67966 12/27/99 151 40 NAPA AUTO PAR'I'S 606935 12/14/99 01/18/00 70.99 9,807.74 607927 12/21/99 607432 12/17/99 152 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 261810 12/13/99 01 /18/00 66.44 9,874.18 153 13 L-- 7_, -GO TEXTRON 41301.1 1.2/13/99 01/18/00 68.24 9,942.42 154 647 A -1 FENCE INC' 12/7/99 12/07/99 01/18/00 29.41 9,971.83 155 548 S'1RATHE VETERINARY 12/15/99 1.2/15/99 01 /18/00 144.82 10,116.65 12/22/99 12/22/99 12/2B/99 12/28/99 156 400 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING 25224 1.2/20/99 01 /18 /00 '77.90 10,194.55 157 434 ODV INC 12991.15 12/16/99 01/18/00 139.50 10,334.05 158 897 PHILLIPS POLICE EQUIP 11.7512 12/20/99 01/18/00 26.95 :1.0,361.00 159 1135 SMITH & ASSOCIATES 12/13/99 12/13/99 01/18/00 70.00 10,431.00 160 1003 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIP 551046410002 12/16/99 01/18/00 340.90 10,771.90 551046510103 11/26/99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 NIAPRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) v of Owasso ._as' Re':uirements Vendor Clair, -# Number Vendor Name Invoiceii 161 857 CROW BURLIINGAME 162 971 SETON NAME PLATE CO 163 636 SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT 164 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 165 1144 THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE 166 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP 167 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP 168 1181 WAL -MART SUPERCENTER 193 881 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 194 89 ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORP 19S 1.038 WAL -MART 196 1159 FIRE HOUSE SOFTWARE 197 1171 MARLIN LEASING 198 1160 PAUL CONWAY SHIELDS 199, 482 POLO RALPH LAUREN WW GOLF 200 96 BEST WESTERN 201 1162 CURRENT ELECTRIC 202 242 GAINES APPARATUS SERVICE 203 358 DOZIER PRINTING 204 944 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL 205 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 206 576 TCI CABLEVISION OF TULSA 207 857 CROW BURLINGAME 208 788 JEFFERY GALLES DO 209 S99 UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOC 210 1062 RONALD D CATES 211 771 ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC 212 994 SAFETY KLEEN CORP 213 1172 MANTEK 214 153 DYNA SYSTEMS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N- APRO10 d1.45834 D145637 D145486 D146182 D1441.98 D144850 C352269-01. 6775 -5 6800 -1 1006- 0022720 25530 25505 113802 4/99 6827 16 80000 C 16 R0000 B 16 R0000 A 16 R0000 FEBRUARY, 2000 1836 10084 117235 98862.4 625518 625519 84658 83827 3495 99201201 11382 11349 11388 12/30/99 97125 8495560060067053 148017 145991 146878 147652 12/99 F012740SSBIL101LRKO 2780 -002 2780 -001 2780 -361 2780 -411 2780 -419 2780 -357 102480 0011034859 185509 10149359 Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 2 Invoice Due Cumulative Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 12/02/99 01/18/00 1.26.39 10,898.29 11/30/99 11/29/99 12/0'7/99 1.1/11/99 1.1/19/99 12/02/99 01/18/00 72.30 10,9 "70.59 12/18/99 01/18/00 58.56 LL,029.15 12/18/99 11/06/99 01/18/00 3,787.25 14,816.40 12/20/99 01/18/00 163.90 14,980.30 12/20/99 10/27/99 01/18/00 50.00 15,030.30 04/01/99 01/18/00 50.00 15,080.30 12/20/99 01/18/00 1.39.86 15,220.16 12/26/99 01/18/00 199.58 15,419.74 12/26/99 12/26/99 1.2/26/99 01/12/00 01/18/00 4,1.38.04 19,557.78 12/09/99 01/18/00 ;1.49.96 19,707.74 12/18/99 01/18/00 6,220.00 25,92 "7.74 12/31/99 01/18/00 107.92 26,035.66 12/1S/99 01/18/00 432.00 26,467.66 12/22/99 01/18/00 90.16 26,557.82 12/22/99 11/11/99 01 /18/00 244.16 26,801.98 11./12/99 01/03/00 01/18/00 261.06 27,063.04 12/20/99 01/18/00 393.60 27,456.64 12/21/99 01/18/00 141.60 27,598.24 12/02/99 12/27/99 12/30/99 01/18/00 175.00 27,773.24 12/29/99 01/18/00 235.28 28,008.52 12/18/99 01/18/00 61.89 28,070.41 12/30/99 01/18/00 37.98 28,108.39 12/04/99 12/15/99 12/24/99 01/12/00 01/18/00 250.00 28,358.39 01/06/00 01/18/00 100.00 28,458.39 12/31/99 01 /18 /00 5,869.47 34,327.86 12/31/99 12/31/99 12/31/99 12/31/99 12/31/99 12/20/99 01/18/00 116.48 34,444.34 12/29/99 01 /18 /00 142.50 34,586.84 12/14/99 01 /18 /00 173.26 34,760.10 12/14/99 01/18/00 322.63 35,082.73 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Cash Requirements Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 3 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 215 1173 ULTRA -CHEM INC 507829 12/17/99 01/18/00 85.57 35,168.30 216 1119 ORR SAFETY CORP 1443457 01/03/00 01/18/00 11,624.50 46,792.80 217 1132 ROBERTSON TIRE 4001927 12/27/99 01/18/00 165.68 46,958.48 218 892 MEDTRONIC PHYSIO- CONTROL CORP. IVS24880 12/23/99 01/18/00 262.50 47,220.98 219 242 GAINES APPARATUS SERVICE 99231201 12/23/99 01/18/00 201.60 47,422.58 220 252 LONNIE D GREEN 1 /2000 01/12/00 01118100 49.50 47,472.08 221 483 KENNY A PEACOCK 1/2000 01/12/00 01/18/00 49.50 47,521.58 222 124 JEFF CARNEY 1/2000 01/12/00 01/18/00 49.50 47,571.08 223 612 CHRIS WILSON 1/2000 01/12/00 01/18/00 49.50 47,620.58 224 942 RON STUCKEY 1/2000 01/12/00 01/18/00 49.50 47,670.08 225 998 DON TAYLOR 1/2000 01/12/00 01/18/00 49.50 47,719.58 226' 1038 WAL -MART 5808 12/08/99 01/18/00 81.90 47,801.48 227 345 LAMPTON WELDING SUPPLY R142405 11/30/99 01/18/00 31.80 47,833.28 228 904 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA INC 47173 12/06/99 01/18/00 62.00 47,895.28 47218 12/09/99 47332 12/20/99 47388 12/24/99 229 18 GALL'S INC 40186662001 01/05/00 01/18/00 442.96 48,338.24 230 1157 BATTERY PRODUCTS 681.90 01/03/00 01/18/00 64.69 48,402.93 231 144 CURTIS RESTAURANT SUPPLY 234839 &93188 06/21/99 01/18/00 15.73 48,418.66 94206 12/13/99 94205 12/13/99 232 774 ESTES INC 342936 12/30/99 01/18/00 590.00 49,008.66 233 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 708370 12/06/99 01/1 -8/00 54.00 49,062.66 703983 12/02/99 234 1059 BOCA INTERNATIONAL 01/18/2000 01/18/00 01/18/00 120.00 49,182.66 235 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12166997 12/23/99 01/18/00 11.39 49,194.05 236 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 067386 11/26/99 01/18/00 116.85 49,310.90 067543 12/03/99 067544 12/03/99 067675 12/10/99 067814 12/17/99 06795I 12/24/99 237 554 TULSA COUNTY MIS 8273 01/03/00 01/18/00 40.00 49,350.90 238 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 4032684 12/16/99 01/18/00 2,000.00 51,350.90 239 1084 PSO SEE ATTACHED 12/08/99 01/18/00 14,199.98 65,550.88 240 1041 WEST PUBLISHING CO 203 - 724 -646 11/22/99 01/18/00 202.75 65,753.63 241 939 HOWARD STAMPER JANUARY,2000 01/01/00 01/18/00 150.00 65,903.63 242 452 LYNN PEAVEY CO 006084 12/20/99 01/18/00 70.60 65,974.23 243 1 -148 GILCREASE MEDICAL 048 -98- 000001.2 12/21/99 01/18/00 41'7.66 66,391.89 244 1133 'TULSA ORT140PAEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE 048 -98- 0000032 12/22/99 01/18/00 69.74 66,461.63 245 560 TULSA RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES INC 048 -98- 0000032 12/22/99 01/18/00 15.89 66,477.52 246 356 MEDCENTER INC 048 -98- 0000039 12./22/99 01/18/00 89.69 66,567.21 247 662 ANESTHESIA ASSOC INC 048 -98- 0000006 12/21/99 01/18/00 575.88 67,143.09 248 1155 THE POLICE CHIEF 990900L179 09/01/99 01/18/00 770.00 67,913.09 249 425 ON SAFETY COUNCIL 14445 1.2/27/99 01/18/00 165.00 68,078.09 250 162 DELI. COMPUTER CORP 211725014 12/1'7/99 01/18/00 3,146.00 '71,224,09 251 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 90462 12/20/99 01/18/00 90.20 71,314.29 252 1161 FORT BEND SERVICJ.,S INC 84272 12/13/99 01/18/00 872.44 '72,186.73 253 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 54497 12/09/99 01/18/00 56.18 '72,242.91 254 941 APAC- OKLA140MA INC 175619 12/15/99 01/18/00 66.61 72,309.52 255 68 AIM EQUIPMENT 39016 12/17/99 01 /18/00 390.00 '72,699.52 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) C-'--v of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 4 Cash Re-.xaire[menrs Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim Number. Vendor Name Invoice4 Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 255 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 646594 12/07/99 01/1.8/00 26.08 72,725.60 646774 12/08/99 257 357 SHERRY LABOR.A'T'ORIES INC 99 -5091 11/19/99 01/18/00 240.00 72,965.60 99 -5029 11/11/99 99-5352 12/22/99 99 -5270 12/20/99 99 -5208 12/10/99 99 -5171 12/09/99 258 1038 WAL -MART 4355 12/20/99 01/18/00 31.34 72,996.94 8537 12/20/99 259 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 258766 11/24/99 01/18/00 925.00 73,921..94 260 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 135986 12/21/99 01/18/00 61.45 73,983.39 261 144 CURTIS RESTAURA\7T SUPPLY 250375 12/23/99 01/18/00 120.20 74,103.59 262 352 MURRAY WOMBLE INC 86707 12/27/99 01/18/00 100.00 '74,203.59 86123 12/02/99 263 '783 GODDARD EN'T'ERPRISES 12/28/99 12/28/99 01/18/00 1,875.00 '76,078.59 264 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 67819 12/17/99 01/18/00 327.46 76,406.05 67681 12/10/99 67553 12/03/99 67388 11/26/99 265 424 OKLAHOMA CODE ENFORCEMENT FEBRUARY 4, 2000 02/04/00 01/18/00 85.00 76,491.05 266 1038 WAL -MART 2203 01/06/00 01/18/00 85.02 76,576.07 267 814 REASORS 1.9879 12/29/99 01/18/00 159.00 76,735.07 2668 1086 POLICE PETTY CASH 11.8200 01/12/00 01/18/00 51.78 76,786.85 269 574 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY 97- 403 12 /13/99 01/18/00 71.25 76,858.10 270 162 DELL COMPU'T'ER CORP 311724702 1.2/16/99 01/18/00 3,676.00 80,534.10 31.1724264 12/16/99 271 1170 BEST WESTERN INN FEBRUARY 3, 2000 02/03/00 01/18/00 45.00 80,579.10 272 417 ONYX CORPORATION 25046 12/14/99 01/1.8/00 392.69 80,971.79 25235 01/05/00 25258 01/06/00 273 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 067177 11/12/99 01/18/00 376.54 81,348.33 067289 11/19/99 067552 12/03/99 067387 11/26/99 067818 12/17/99 274 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 67677 12/10/99 01/18/00 79.40 81,427.73 67549 12/03/99 67817 12/17/99 67954 12/24/99 67547 12/03/99 67816 12/17/99 275, 137 CHEROKEE BUILDING MATERIALS 1.073657 -00 11/03/99 01/18/00 623.62 82,051.35 276 1163 MIKE DENTON FALL 99 01/12/00 01/18/00 90.00 82,141.35 277 1158 ANIMAL RELOCATORS 11/23/99 11/24/99 01/18/00 116.00 82,257.35 278 778 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT 12 -8552 12/30/99 01/18/00 33.56 82,290.91 279 929 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 2185- 0001426 12/17/99 01/18/00 8,818.22 91,109.13 2185- 0001320 12/01/99 280 487 PERKINS CONSULTING 12/11/99 12/11/99 01/18/00 634.50 91,743.63 281 891 PRENTICE HALL 24 -011- 393782669 -2 12/10/99 01 /18 /00 82.28 91,825.91 282 684 ALLIED FENCE CO 24017 12/09/99 01 /18 /00 1,296.00 93,121.91 283 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP 24499 12/21/99 01/18/00 160.00 93,281.91 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 5 Cash Reoairements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim& Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 284 929 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKL.A 1006- 0025059 12/18/99 01/18/00 15,628.21 108,910.12 285 372 MAYS DRUG 27782 08/13/99 01/18/00 76.61 108,986.73 286 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12449146 12/23/99 01 /18 /00 23.08 109,009.81 287 764 CITY GARAGE 01/04/00 01/04/00 01 /18 /00 6,905.81 115,915.62 288 1136 GUARANTY ABSTRACT 750177 11/04/99 01/18/00 270.00 116,185.62 289 1085 PRUITTS BODY SHOP INC 5729 12/20/99 01/18/00 135.80 116,321.42 290 433 OK TRUCK SUPPLY 2200030076 01/03/00 01/18/00 36.1.0 116,357.52 291 1050 WELSCO INC 321294 12/31/99 01 /18 /00 52.75 116,410.27 292 1145 AD14IRAL EXPRESS 239916 -0 01/06/00 01/18/00 606.03 117,016.30 239540 -0 01/05/00 239641 -0 01 /05 /00 239668 -0 01/04/00 239087 -0 01/04/00 293 772 EDDIES TRANSMISSIONS 70OR -4 01/04/00 01/18/00 1,093.00 118,109.30 4C60E 01/03/00 294 1136 GUARANTY ABSTRACT 751607 01/03/00 01/18/00 420.00 118,529.30 750162 11/04/99 295 789 FUELMAN 4152301 01/17/00 01/18/00 5,528.13 124,057.43 296 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 068021 12/29/99 01/18/00 184.91 124,242.34 068105 01/04/00 067381 11/26/99 067469 11/30/99 297 7 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA 142941 01/06/00 01/18/00 169.38 124,411.72 298 1012 TULSA COUNTY CLERK 412460 12/27/99 01/18/00 44.00 124,455.72 299 931 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 694578 12/15/99 01/18/00 551.35 1.25,007.07 694577 12/15/99 690348 11/22/99 690349 11/22/99 689959 11/22/99 689962 11/22/99 300 344 LOWES COMPANIES INC 24335290297 1.2/18/99 01/18/00 1,150.15 126,157.22 24334889840 12/14/99 24329984086 10/26/99 24329984080 10/26/99 24332687273 11/22/99 24332386989 11/19/99 24333788568 12/03/99 24333287872 11/28/99 301 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 272 -2101. 12/29/99 01/18/00 151.2.9 126,308.51 272 -4362 12/29/99 272 -9339 12/29/99 302 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL, GAS 11.12401814001. 12/28/99 01/18/00 91.87 126,400.38 303 1.038 WAL -MART" 6567 3.2/11/99 01./18/00 23.26 126,423.64 7913 12/1.7/99 304 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 121.24152 12/23/99 01/18/00 91.23 126,514.87 305 222 FOUTAINS RESTAURANT 1126 12/11/99 01/18/00 1,500.00 128,014.8.7 1123 12/10/99 306 407 OK WORKERS COMP COURT WCC- 99- 1.8015A 01/1.3/00 01/18/00 '75.00 128,089.87 307 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELL. 918 -99B- 281.7 -354 -6 12/2.3/99 01/18/00 1,898.05 1.29,987.92 308 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 6468693 12/31/99 01/18/00 66.33 130,054.25 309 674 AMC INDUSTRIES INC 313771 01/05/00 01/18/00 253.09 130,307.34 310 46 PARKS OIL COMPANY 73554 01/05/00 01/18/00 467.13 130,774.47 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1. N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) i _ity o` Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08.32am Page 6 Casi': Recuirement s Vender Invoice Due Cumulative C_G_,.. .a_.mber Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 3'?1 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 121.55800 12/23/99 01/18/00 '134,33 L30,908.80 31-2 987 SAN -O -LET SERVICE 58932 12/31/99 01/18/00 65.00 130,973.80 3 "2 678 ALBERTSONS 161236 01/01/00 01/1.8/00 11.3.34 131,087.1.4 1612.55 1.2/30/99 161237 01 /06/00 37.4 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58422165 12/28/99 01 /18/00 593.15 131,680.29 58422487 01/04/00 58422164 12/28/99 58422241 12/29/99 58422242 12/29/99 315 957 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO 420429 01/04/00 01/18/00 215.43 131,895.72 316 1151 IMPERIAL COFFEE SERVICE 65711 01/03/00 01/18/00 81.85 1.31,977.57 317 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 34413 01/06/00 01/18/00 84.40 1.32,061.97 34411 01/06/00 33616 12/30/99 3361.4 12/30/99 18 357 CROW BURLINGAME 148847 01/11/00 07./].8/00 1,079.22 133,141.19 147802 1.2/28/99 c7537 12/29/99 07505 12/22/99 147285 12/20/99 147292 12/18/99 146866 1.2/15/99 146861 12/15/99 1.47273 12/18/99 C7517 12/23/99 148172 01/03/00 147784 12/28/99 147900 12/28/99 147921 12/29/99 147463 12/22/99 147451 12/22/99 147466 12/22/99 C7500 12/22/99 148435 01/06/00 148445 01/06/00 148496 01/07/00 148427 01/06/00 148186 01/03/00 148270 01/04/00 148273 01/04/00 148267 01/04/00 148167 01/03/00 148184 01/03/00 148195 01/03/00 148274 01/04/00 148342 01/05/00 319 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 671.95 133,813.14 320 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 2130 12/21/99 01/18/00 401.90 134,215.04 3425 12/28/99 321 123 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO 36087 01/04/00 01/18/00 373.60 134,588.64 18138 01/06/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N *APRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 7 Cass. Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claims - -- - -- Number - - - - -- Vendor Name --------------------------------- - - Invoice# - --- --- ----------- - - - --- Date -- - - - - -- Date -- - - - - -- Amount Due -- ------ - - - - -- -------- Amount - - - Due - -- 322 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 23516 01/06/00 01/18/00 25.06 134,613.70 23470 12/30/99 323 538 SAMS CLUB 32360837835 -1098 01 /0S /00 01./1.8/00 691.07 135,304.77 32360837835 -1548 12/28/99 324 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 67537 12/03/99 01/18/00 239.61 135,544.38 67671 12/10/99 67383 11/26/99 67670 12/10/99 67811 12/17/99 325 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 5185 12/06/99 01/18/00 16.39 135,560.77 22 01/04/00 326 336 LANCE INC 5781 01/07/00 01/18/00 50.20 135,610.97 5672 12/31/99 327 792 HUGHES LUMBER CO 95177 12/01/99 01/18/00 17.62 135,628.59 95747 12/07/99 32? 784 GARRETT SIG14S 5132 12/23/99 01/18/00 25.00 135,653.59 329 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 01182000 01/13/00 01/18/00 157.05 135,81.0.64 330 595 UNITED LINEN 33428 12/31/99 01/18/00 11.5.63 135,926.27 35397 01/07/00 331 847 DIANNE MOSS 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 183.00 136,109.27 332 171 TYRONE DINKINS 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 318.15 136,427.42 333 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 195.15 136,622.57 334 264 BRANDON HAMLITON 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 123.75 136,746.32 335 371 MARK MEYER 01/1.8/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 481.95 137,228.27 336 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 912300138 12/30/99 01/18/00 797.29 138,025.56 0197427 01/05/00 910270147 10/27/99 912290413 12/29/99 1050323 01/05/00 337 973 MICHAEL SHADBOLT 01/18/2000 01/13/00 01/18/00 49.20 138,074.76 338 754 CREATIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS 758877 -8919 12/17/99 01/18/00 4,738.82 142,813.58 758846 -8919 12/16/99 758860 -8919 12/17/99 339 229 FADLER CO INC CMM55'7085 12/28/99 01/18/00 438.73 143,252.31 557085 12/17/99 559545 01/04/00 S589SB 12/30/99 340 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240033093 12/23/99 01/18/00 106.99 1.43,359.30 8240033091 1.2/23/99 8240032442 12/16/99 8240032444 12/16/99 8240033613 12/30/99 8240033615 1.2/30/99 8240034410 01 /06/00 824003441.2 01/06/00 341 1143 XPEDX 1636790 01/03/00 01/18/00 334.50 1.43,693.80 342 717 FIRST BANK OF OWASSO LOAN? ff69525 01/13/00 01 /18/00 23,000.00 166,693.80 343 372 MAYS DRUG 30064 11/18/99 01/18/00 76.61 166,770.41 344 507 RADIOLOGY CONSULTANTS OF TULSA 048 -98- 0000034 12/22/99 01/18/00 122.41 166,892.82 345 226 FHC INC 1.1042 11/30/99 01/18/00 1,164.66 168,057.48 346 1174 LOGAN COUNTY ASPHALT 017418 11/17/99 01/18/00 627.50 168,684.98 347 1162 CURRENT ELECTRIC 3498 01/05/00 01/18/00 135.81 168,820.79 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N *APR01.0 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Re i.rements Vendor Number Vendor Name lnvoiceff 343 1164 DAN -D -CO, INC 349 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 351 1191 LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. 352 :1.110 PAGENET 53 352 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY 354 1175 OWASSO SPORTS PARK INC 355 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 356 642 YALE CLEANERS 357 1.039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 358 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 359 609 WORLEYS GREENHOUSE 360 647 A -1 FENCE INC 361 316 LOCKE SUPPLY 362 137 CHEROKEE BUILDING MATERIALS 363 551 SEARS 364 475 PORT -A -JOHN OF TULSA 365 358 DOZIER PRINTING 366 1055 ACTION PLUMBING 367 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 368 1164 DAN- D - -0O3 INC 369 1021 TULSA FORD NEW HOLLAND INC 370 1.044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 371 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 372 1043 SIGNALTEK INC 373 1144 THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE 374 567 TULSA COUNTY BOCC 375 1038 WAL -MART 376 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 377 941 APAC- OKLAHOMA INC 378 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 379' 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 380 941 APAC - OKLAHOMA INC 381 100 BILL BASORE 382 514 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 383 1192 HOLLY EQUIPMENT SALES INC 384 552 TRAILS END 385 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N�APRO10 9760 0262720 -1N 13638 0001.06444 01/18/2000 01/18/00 4466 12/31/99 263515 1182.000 10956 17.075 26323 67104711 107061912 1075220 -00 441.0233 56824 11394 122999 21277 9697 203487 203484 1006 - 0027535 3441.4 34416 34417 34408 34409 34415 2638 165 99 -028 2053 54688 175618 175934 263009 263010 263765 90532 176645 504764 84123 84680 84207 42050 120999 -UTIL 261040 261045 Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 8 Invoice Due Cumulative Date Date. Amount Due Amount Due 12/25/99 01/18/00 190.00 :1.69,01.0.79 12/14/99 01/18/00 48.41 169,059.20 O1 /04/00 01/18/00 45.00 169,1.04.20 12/23/99 01/18/00 120.00 169,224.20 01/05/00 01/18/00 60.00 1.69,284.2,0 01/04/00 01/18/00 10,875.84 1.80,160.04 01./1.0/00 12/23/99 01/1.8/00 180.00 180,340.04 12/31/99 01/18/00 '794.75 181.,134.79 12/13/99 01/18/00 750.00 181,884.79 01/14/00 01/18/00 240.00 182,124.79 11/30/99 01/18/00 99.00 182,223.79 12/01/99 12/13/99 01/18/00 29.41. 182,253.20 1.0/13/99 01/18/00 336.50 182,589.70 11/30/99 1.2/09/99 01/18/00 43.01. 182,632.71 12/20/99 01/18/00 113.97 182,746.68 12/10/99 01 /18 /00 95.00 182,841.68 12/30/99 01/18/00 105.00 182,946.68 1.2/29/99 01/18/00 89.00 183,035.68 09/30/99 01/18/00 195.15 183,230.83 12/25/99 01/18/00 175.00 1.83,405.83 12/21/99 01/18/00 54.39 183,460.22 12/21./99 12/18/99 01/18/00 1,309.38 184,769.60 01/06/00 01/18/00 138.20 184,907.80 01/06/00 01/06/00 01/06/00 01/06/00 01/06/00 11/30/99 01/18/00 821.00 185,728.80 01/05/00 01/18/00 130.00 185,858.80 12/29/99 01/18/00 426.10 186,284.90 01/05/00 01/18/00 182.99 186,467.89 12/17/99 01/18/00 298.50 186,766.39 12/15/99 01/18/00 569.77 187,336.16 12/19/99 12/14/99 01/18/00 696.44 188,032.60 12/13/99 01/03/00 12/22/99 01/18/00 71.78 188,104.38 01/02/00 01/18/00 1.10.44 188,214.82 O1 /01 /00 01/18/00 175.00 188,389.82 12/16/99 01 /18 /00 1,117.50 189,507.32 12/28/99 12/17/99 12/30/99 01/18/00 4,860.00 194,367.32 12/09/99 01/18/00 349.57 194,716.89 12/01/99 01/18/00 82.15 194,799.04 12/19/09 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:32am Page 9 Cash Reau-'rements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim* -Number Vendor Name Invoice# ------ ------ --------------------------------------- -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- Amount Due -------------- 386 1038 WAL-MLART 700 12/30/99 01/18/00 35.45 194,834.49 Total cash required for week ending 01/21/2000 -------------- 194,834.49 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of' Owasso Uipald Cialins by Purchase Order Lists vcndornurn, ber, invoice number, invoice amount and a description of the claim. May be used to compare to the "Cash Requirennents" report. City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O_ Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item " "amber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2 797 10/27/99 166 113802 01/18/00 50.00 50.00 1 EA PRE - EMPLOYMENT SCREEN & 18 01/05/00 229 40186662001 01/18/00 442.96 442.96 1 EA PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 8 1039 12/13/99 357 263515 01/18/00 750.00 750.00 1 EA PUMP 24 971 12/02/99 162 C352269 -01 01/18/00 72.30 72.30 1 EA SIGNS 25 434 12/16/99 157 1299115 01/18/00 139.50 139.50 1 EA DRUG 'PEST KITS 26 929 12/18/99 284 1006- 0025059 01/18/00 15,628.21 15,628.21 1 EA COMMERCIAL REFUSE 12/99 27 1003 12/16/99 160 551046410002 01/18/00 299.95 340.90 1 EA UNIFORM PANTS - BOATMAN 11/26/99 SS1046510103 40.95 29 609 10/28/99 134 10886 01/18/00 69.95 90.95 1 EA LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES 11/09/99 10858 21.00 31 366 12/17/99 139 647664 01/18/00 263.14 263.14 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 32 242 11/29/99 140 99291101 01/1 - 8/00 240.00 240.00 1 EA PUMP SERVICE 'T'ES'T' 33 66 12/20/99 138 309039 01/18/00 384.35 497.51 7. EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 12/21/99 309207 5.88 12/27/99 309478 107.28 34 1119 01/03/00 216 1443457 01/18/00 11,624.50 1.1,624.50 1 EA SCAR - 12/7/99 46 1003 12/14/99 141 SSIOS6630001 01 /18 /00 118.90 118.90 1 EA UNIFORM BLAZER 47 242 12/19/99 142 99181201 01/18/00 144.00 144.00 1 EA PUMP TEST 48 1055 12/20/99 143 12/20/99 01/18/00 58.00 58.00 1 EA WATER VALVE PARTS 49 1121 12/20/99 168 6827 01/18/00 139.86 139.86 1 EA BATTERIES /VIDEO BAGS 50 647 12/07/99 154 12/7/99 01/18/00 2.9.41. 29.41 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 51 1059 01/18/00 234 01/18/2000 01/18/00 120.00 120.00 1 EA APPROVAL STICKERS 52 1115 12/16/00 125 78897 01/18/00 50.00 50.00 1 EA REIMBURSE EXAM FEE 53 S55 12/13/99 137 12/13/99 01/18/00 35.00 35.00 1 EA LOCK REPAIR 54 1117 12/14/99 144 12.14.99 01/18/00 38.30 38.30 1. EA REIMS MILEAGE /REGIST FEES 55 1116 12/08/99 146 3836 01/18/00 1,023.95 1,023.95 1 EA TRAINING MATERIALS 56 609 11/30/99 359 10956 01/18/00 49.50 49.50 1 EA TREE & MULCH 12/01/99 11075 49.50 49.50 1 TREE 57 792 12/16/99 148 96678 01/18/00 20.34 28.70 1 EA REPAIR / MAINT SUPPLIES 12/16/99 96708 2.39 12/17/99 96837 5.97 61 1117 11/18/99 145 11.18.99 01/1.8/00 1.11.08 111.08 1 EA REIMB MILEAGE /MEALS 62 5 12/29/99 126 125565 01/18/00 32.95 32.95 1 EA LEAD LEASH 63 372 11/1.8/99 1.32 30028 01./18/00 1.18.89 118.89 1 EA D07149 64 152 12/20/99 136 12120 01/18/00 286.50 286.50 1 EA AIR FARE- FRI`I'SCHEN 65 1132 12/17/99 147 4001704 01/:1.8/00 434.52 1,024.12 1 EA TIRES /OIL CHANGE 12/17/99 4001696 589.60 69 152 12/27/99 1.35 12_131 01/18/00 325.15 325.15 1. EA AIR FARE- WOFFORD 89 946 01/03/00 128 63689 01/18/00 656.04 656.04 1 EA TOOLS 91 1039 12/01/99 129 261043 01/18/00 405.98 2,255.98 6 EA WATER METERS 12/17/99 262262 925.00 11/29/99 258955 925.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q-APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) .ity of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page U_ ^.aid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice ]-Told Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item - _r teuir er Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 93 548 12/1.5/99 155 12/15/99 01/18/00 24.50 24.50 I EA VET SERVICES 12/22/99 12/22/99 102.32 120.32 EUTHANASIA SUPPLIES 12/28/99 12/28/99 18.00 94 897 12/20/99 158 117512 01/18/00 26.95 26.95 1. EA SEARCH GLOVES 5 400 12/20/99 1.56 25224 01/1.8/00 77.90 '77.90 I EA EMERGENCY LIGHTING BATTERY 96 797 04/01/99 167 4/99 01/18/00 50.00 50.00 1 EA EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 101 1133 12/03/99 127 33498 01/18/00 47.68 47.68 1 EA 009178 102 1134 12/21/99 133 1- 62'791 -0 01/18/00 47.52 47.52 1 EA HOSE REPAIR 106 1139 12/24/99 130 42624 01/18/00 1,173.75 1,1.73.75 1 EA EQUIPMENT FOR MATER TRUCK 108 1135 12/13/99 159 12/13/99 01/18/00 '70.00 70.00 2 EA MMPI TESTS 109 1144 12/20/99 165 25530 01/18/00 111.25 163.90 5 EA CARHARTTS 12/20/99 25505 52.65 134 812 12/20/99 150 67864 01/18/00 1.0.22 45.34 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/27/99 67966 35.12 135 366 12/15/99 149 609722 01/1.8/00 823.30 823.30 FENCE MATERIALS 136 40 12/14/99 151 606935 01/18/00 20.18 '70.99 REPAIR PARTS 1.2/2.1/99 607927 23.73 12/17/99 607432 27.08 137 1039 12/13/99 152 261810 01./18/00 66.44 66.44 IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 138 13 12/13/99 1.53 41301L 01/18/00 68.24 68.24 REPAIR PARTS 139 1.044 11/06/99 164 1006- 0022720 01/18/00 3,787.25 3,787.25 REFUSE- RECYCLE 141 857 12/02/99 161 d145834 01/18/00 54.42 65.02 1 17./30/99 D145637 21.07 6.95 1 11/29/99 D145486 9.39 54.42 1 12/07/99 D146182 1.34 0.00 0 11/11/99 D144198 33.22 11/19/99 D144850 6.95 143 789 01/17/00 295 4152301 01/18/00 5,528.13 39.78 FUEL 145 929 12/17/99 279 2185- 0001426 01/18/00 12/01/99 2185- 0001320 147 773 12/16/99 131 TOM O'BRIEN 01/18/00 12/16/99 ROBERT SAUER 12/16/99 GEORGE BOWMA CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 4, 829.03 3, 989.19 80.00 40.00 80.00 2 149.47 FUEL 81.74 FUEL 261.43 FUEL 23.44 FUEL 1,907.86 FUEL 43.49 FUEL 569.90 FUEL 665.56 FUEL 212.29 FUEL 1.50 FUEL 381.65 FUEL 977.19 FUEL 53.14 FUEL 159.69 FUEL 7,231.31 TIPPING FEES 1,586.91 TIPPING FEES 40.00 LICENSE -BOWAN 40.00 LICENSE- O'BRIEN 40.00 LICENSE -BOWAN 40.00 LICENSE- O'BRIEN 40.00 LICENSE -SAUER By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item !"I ber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - - --- - -- --- -------- - - -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - - --- - ---- --- - - -- -- - - - - -- ---- - -- - -- - -- -- --- ---- ----- ------------ - - - - -- 151 636 12/18/99 163 6775 -5 01/18/00 37.10 222 892 12/23/99 12/18/99 IV524880 6800 -1 262.50 21.46 223 156 137 11/03/99 275 1073657 -00 01/18/00 623.62 224 172 1050 12/31/99 291 321294 01/18/00 52.75 225 216 417 12/14/99 272 25046 01/18/00 89.99 226 574 12/13/99 01/05/00 97 -403 25235 71.25 88.00 229 162 12/17/99 01/06/00 311725014 25258 3,146.00 214.70 230 217 242 12/20/99 202 99201201 01/18/00 393.60 231 218 773 01/14/00 358 1182000 01/18/00 240.00 232 221 1132 1.2/27/99 217 4001927 07./18/00 165.68 222 892 12/23/99 218 IV524880 01/18/00 262.50 223 242 12/23/99 219 99231201, 01/1.8/00 201.60 224 487 12/1.1/99 280 12/11/99 01/18/00 634.50 225 891 12/10/99 7.81 24- 011 -39378 01/18/00 82.28 226 574 12/13/99 269 97 -403 01/18/00 71.25 229 162 12/17/99 250 311725014 01/18/00 3,146.00 230 783 12/28/99 263 12/28/99 01/18/00 1,875.00 231 424 02/04/00 265 FEBRUARY 4, 01/18/00 85.00 232 814 12/29/99 267 1.9879 01./1.8/00 159.00 237 1038 12/09/99 195 1836 01/18/00 149.96 238 797 12/21/99 283 24499 01/18/00 160.00 239 1038 01/06/00 266 2203 01/18/00 85.02 240 551 12/20/99 363 4410233 01/18/00 1.13.97 241 316 10/13/99 361 67104711 01/18/00 270.53 11/30/99 107061912 65.97 242 137 12/09/99 362 1075220 -00 01/18/00 43.01 243 1021 12/21/99 369 203487 01/18/00 57.04 12/21/99 203464 2.65 244 647 12/13/99 360 26323 01/18/00 29.41 245 812 12/17/99 264 67819 01/18/00 42.78 12/10/99 67681 41.88 12/03/99 67553 144.48 11/26/99 67388 98.32 246 568 12/21/99 260 135986 07./1.8/00 61.45 247 144 12/23/99 261 250375 01/18/00 120.20 248 352 1.2/27/99 262 86707 01/18/00 45.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q*APR083 58.56 PAINT 623.62 CEILING TILES 40.09 CYLINDER RENTAL 12.66 CYLINDER RENTAL 89.99 1 EA TONER CARTRIDGE 40.00 TONER CARTRIDGE 88.00 TONER CARTRIDGE 174.70 PRINTER REPAIR 393.60 1 EA VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 40.00 1 EA WATER EXAM - OBRIEN 40.00 1 EA WASTEWATER EXAM - OBRIEN 40.00 1 WASTEWATER EXAM -SAUER 40.00 1 WASTEWATER EXAM- BOWMAN 40.00 1 WATER EXAM -SAUER 40.00 1 WATER EXAM - BOWMAN 165.68 2 EA 'TIRES 262.50 15 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 201.60 1 EA VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 634.50 1 EA POLICE ARBITRATION FEES 82.28 1 EA REFERENCE BOOKS 71.25 95 LB BUNDLE LAUNDRY 3,146.00 1 EA COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,875.00 SIREN MAINT CONTRACT 85.00 CONFERENCE- MCCORD 159.00 FILM 149.96 VCR 160.00 PHYSICAL -MILLS 85.02 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 113.97 1 EA UNIFORM JEANS 270.53 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 65.97 AIR VENTS 43.01 1. EA BUILDIING MATERIALS 54.39 1 EA BUILDING SUPPLIES 29.41 1 EA SIGN POSTS 327.46 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 61.45 1 EA PAPER SUPPLIES 120.20 1 EA OVEN RACK /FREEZER REAPIR 100.00 1 EA DOOR REPAIRS By JANET.' JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso 12/30/99 278 :1.2 -8552 01 /18/00 33.56 Jan 14, 2000 08.35am Page paid Claims by Purchase Order 7.97 12/03/99 67549 P.C. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full. Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount: Line Item _......x.Er Nu;rber Date Code Number. Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 67547 12/02/99 86123 55.00 6781.6 5.15 249 1155 09/01/99 248 9909001.179 01/1.8/00 770.00 49.50 770.00 1 EA EMPLOYMENT AD 251 1.157 01/03/00 230 68190 01/18/00 64.69 998 64.69 1. EA RADIO BATTERY 252 1.62 12/16/99 270 311724702 01/18/00 2,618.00 1/2000 3,676.00 1 EA COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 271 252 12/16/99 220 311.7242.64 01/18/00 1,058.00 272 483 01/12/00 256 1.086 01/12/00 268 17.8200 01 /18/00 51.78 01/1.2/00 14.97 1 EA MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 257 778 12/30/99 278 :1.2 -8552 01 /18/00 33.56 253 812 12/10/99 274 67677 01/18/00 7.97 12/03/99 67549 1.57 12/17/99 67817 30.84 12/24/99 67954 29.13 12/03/99 67547 4.74 12/17/99 6781.6 5.15 267 612 01/12/00 223 1/2000 01/18/00 49.50 268 942 01/12/00 224 1/2000 01/18/00 49.50 269 998 01/12/00 225 1/2000 01/18/00 49.50 270 124 01/12/00 222 1/2000 01/18/00 49.50 271 252 01/12/00 220 1/2000 01/18/00 49.50 272 483 01/12/00 221 1/2000 01/7.8/00 49.50 273 788 01/1.2/00 208 12/99 01/18/00 250.00 274 129 12/23/99 235 12166997 01/18/00 11.39 275 857 12/30/99 207 148017 01/18/00 8.09 12/04/99 145991 9.02 12/15/99 146878 9.98 12/24/99 147652 10.89 276 904 12/06/99 228 47173 01/18/00 8.00 12/09/99 47218 12.00 12/20/99 47332 8.00 12/24/99 47388 34.00 277 1160 12/15/99 198 988624 01/18/00 432.00 278 1159 12/18/99 196 10084 01/18/00 6,220.00 279 1038 12/08/99 226 5808 01/18/00 81.90 280 345 11/30/99 227 R142405 01/18/00 31.80 281 96 11/11/99 200 84658 01/18/00 124.06 11/12/99 83827 120.10 282 1161 12/13/99 252 84272 01/18/00 872.44 283 .1162 01/03/00 201 3495 01/18/00 261.06 284 1163 01/12/00 276 FALL 99 01/18/00 90.00 285 1164 12/25/99 368 9697 01/18/00 175.00 286 68 12/17/99 255 39016 01 /18 /00 390.00 287 239 12/20/99 251 90462 01/18/00 90.20 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 30.21 1. EA CERTIFICATE FRAMES, COFFEE 6.60 1. EA POSTAGE /UPS 33.56 1 EA SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 7.97 1 EA KEYS MADE /BROOM 61.54 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 9.89 1 EA HARDWARE /KEYS /JOIST HANGER 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUN 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUN 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUN 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER EIRE RUN 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUN 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUN 250.00 1 EA EMS AUDIT 11.39 1 EA PHONE USE- STAMPER 37.98 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 62.00 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 4 432.00 1 EA HELMET SHIELDS 6,220.00 1 EA COMPUTER SOFTWARE 81.90 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 31.80 1 EA CYLINDER RENTAL 244.16 1 EA LODGING - ALLEN /STUCKEY 872.44 1 EA CHEMICALS 261.06 1 EA RADIO RE- WIRING 90.00 3 EA TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 175.00 1 EA INSTALL PHONES 390.00 1 EA DOZER RENTAL 22.55 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 22.55 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 5 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ;u -giber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------- -- - - -- -- --------------- - - - - -- 283 1056 12/09/99 253 54497 01/18/00 56.18 289 941 12/15/99 254 175619 01/18/00 66.61 290 1170 02/03/00 271 FEBRUARY 3, 01/18/00 45.00 291 599 01/06/00 209 F01274055BTL 01 /18 /00 100.00 292 576 12/18/99 206 849556006006 01/18/00 61.89 293 627 12/29/99 205 97125 01/18/00 235.28 294 144 06/21/99 231 234839 &93188 01/18/00 71.90 11/1.1/99 12/13/99 99 -5029 94206 40.00 -21.36 12/13/99 94205 -34.81 295 358 12/21/99 203 11382 01/18/00 61.60 40.00 12/02/99 11349 50.00 40.00 12/27/99 11388 12/09/99 30.00 296 482 12/22/99 199 625518 01/18/00 50.11 256 646594 12/22/99 13.04 625519 40.05 297 1171 12/31/99 197 117235 01/18/00 107.92 298 1002 01/13/00 31.9 01/18/2000 01/18/00 671.95 299 684 12/09/99 282 24017 01/18/00 1,296.00 300 1039 11/24/99 259 258766 01/18/00 925.00 301 1038 12/20/99 258 4355 01/18/00 15.84 1.2/20/99 8537 15.50 302 1158 11/24/99 277 11/23/99 01./18/00 1.16.00 303 357 11/19/99 257 99- -5091 01/18/00 40.00 11/1.1/99 99 -5029 40.00 12/22/99 99- 5352 40.00 12/20/99 99 -5270 40.00 12/10/99 99 -5208 40.00 12/09/99 99- 5171 40.00 304° 366 12/07/99 256 646594 01/18/00 13.04 12/08/99 646774 13.04 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q- APRO83 22.55 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 22.55 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 56.18 1 EA EQUIPMENT RENTAL 66.61 1 EA GRAVEL 45.00 1 EA LODGING - MCCORD 100.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP DUES 61.89 1 EA CABLE USE 12/99 235.28 1 EA COPIER MAINTENANCE 15.73 1 EA OVEN RACK 111.60 1 EA PRINTED FORMS 30.00 1 EA PRINTED FORMS 90.16 1 EA SLACKS /JACKET 107.92 1 EA DIGITAL PLAYER - CONTRACT 12.63 :1 EA REIMS PETTY CASH 25.23 1 EA MEALS 13.33 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 7.75 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 5.65 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 39.00 1 EA LICENSE 36.00 1 EA REFUND 271.31, 1 EA MILEAGE- TOBIAS 6.00 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 14.20 I EA REIMB PETTY CASH 28.14 1 EA EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 5.40 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 41.35 1. EA CITY MANAGER EXPENSE 7.48 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 23.00 HYDRATED LIME 7.75 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 63.00 1 EA PER DIEM /ROONEY 64.73 1. EA UNIFORMS /J. FRANK 0.00 1,296.00 1 EA GATE 925.00 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 1.5.50 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.84 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 116.00 1 EA BEAVER REMOVAL, 240.00 I EA SLUDGE ANALYSIS 26.08 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 0 ity Of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 6 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order =.0. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Nr_.be N'i,^ber Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 939 01/01/00 241 JANUARY,2000 01/18/00 150.00 150.00 1 EA RETAINER /SERVICES 305 452 12/20/99 242 006084 01/18/00 '70.60 70.60 1 EA EVIDENCE COLLECTION 307 1041 11/22/99 240 203 -724 -646 01 /18 /00 202.75 202.75 1 EA OKLAHOMA STATUTES 303 61.5 12/06/99 233 708370 01/18/00 27.00 54.00 1 EACH PRE -EMP DRUG SCREENING 12/02/99 '703983 27.00 309 425 12/27/99 249 14445 01/18/00 165.00 165.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 312 662 12/21/99 247 048 -98 -00000 01/18/00 575.88 575.88 1 EA 4S01139 313 764 01/04/00 287 01/04/00 01/18/00 6,905.81 150.30 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT. 11.21 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT. 8.77 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 575.36 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT. 164.84 1 EA VEHICLE 1AIN`I' 1,405.93 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 1.5.62 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 7.22 1. EA VEHICLE MAINT 1.61 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 1,368.06 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 3,196.89 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 314 944 12/30/99 204 12/30/99 01/18/00 175.00 175.00 TRAINING - WOFFORD 315 812 11/26/99 236 067386 01/18/00 1.94 116.85 REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/03/99 067543 59.97 12/03/99 067544 11.86 12/10/99 067675 14.66 12/17/99 067814 3.49 12/24/99 067951 24.93 316 1062 12/31/99 210 2780 -002 01/18/00 1,400.00 700.00 RETAINER 12/31/99 2780- 001 1,569.47 700.00 RETAINER 12/31/99 2780- 361 160.00 470.00 LEGAL SERVICES 12/31/99 2780 -411 220.00 3,999.47 LEGAL SERVICES 12/31/99 2780 -419 2,050.00 12/31/99 2780 -357 470.00 317 1136 11/04/99 288 750177 01/18/00 270.00 270.00 1 EA MARQUETTE PROPERTY 318, 812 12/29/99 296 068021 01/18/00 148.91 172.84 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01/04/00 068105 7.99 12.07 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/26/99 067381 12.07 11/30/99 067469 15.94 319 771 12/20/99 211 102480 01/18/00 116.48 116.48 TRACTOR PARTS 320 1136 01/03/00 294 751607 01/18/00 20.00 420.00 1 EA GENTRY PROPERTY 11/04/99 750162 400.00 321 994 12/29/99 212 0011034859 01/18/00 142.50 142.50 SERVICE PARTS CLEANER 322 1172 12/14/99 213 185509 01/18/00 173.26 173.26 REPAIR SUPPLIES 324 774 12/30/99 232 342936 01/18/00 590.00 590.00 WEED CHEMICALS 325 153 12/14/99 214 10149359 01 /18 /00 322.63 322.63 SHOP HARDWARE 326 1085 12/20/99 289 5729 01/18/00 135.80 135.80 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 327 1173 12/17/99 215 507829 01 /18 /00 85.57 85.57 LUBRICANTS 330 1145 01/06/00 292 239916 -0 01/18/00 10.74 308.77 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 01/05/00 239540 -0 6.69 225.07 7. EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 01/05/00 239641 -0 33.11 7.97 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 01/04/00 239668 -0 74.00 46.79 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 01/04/00 239087 -0 481.49 6.69 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item N.: -1= -- - - -- :dumber - -- - -- Date -- ------ Code Number ---- -- - - -- Invoice ------ - --- -- Due Date -- - ----- ----- Amount - -- - Date Amount - -- -- - - - - -- --- - -- - --- - Amounts ----- - - -- -- Claim Description ----------------- - ----- 10.74 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 333 1191 01/04/00 351 13638 01/18/00 45.00 22.50 1 EA FLAGS 22.50 1 EA FLAGS 335 433 01/03/00 290 2200030076 01/18/00 36.10 36.10 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 339 356 12/22/99 246 048 -98 -00000 01/18/00 89.69 89.69 1 EA 4G10259 340 560 12/22/99 245 048 -98 -00000 01/18/00 15.89 15.89 1. EA 4D07159 341 812 11/12/99 273 067177 01/18/00 35.67 376.54 1 EA WINTER WONDERLAND 11/19/99 067289 22.62 12/03/99 067552 18.83 11/26/99 067387 292.18 12/17/99 067818 7.24 342 818 12/16/99 238 4032684 01/18/00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 EA ADMINISTRATION FEE 343 881 12/26/99 193 16 R0000 C 01/18/00 1.72 108.89 1 EA 12/99 WATER USE 12/26/99 16 R0000 B 1.72 90.69 1 EA 12/99 WATER USE 12/26/99 16 R0000 A 194.42 12/26/99 16 R0000 1.72 344 129 12/23/99 286 12449146 01/18/00 23.08 12.29 1 EA PHONE USE- McELRATH 10.79 1 EA PHONE USE -SR VAN 345 1133 72/22/99 244 048 - -98 -00000 01/18/00 69.74 69.74 1 EA ffD071089 346 1148 12/21/99 243 048 -98 -00000 01/18/00 417.66 417.66 1. EA JIF02289 348 1084 12/08/99 239 SEE ATTACHED 01/18/00 14,199.98 554.39 1 EA 12/99 USE 15.26 1. EA 12/99 USE 231.97 1 EA 12/99 USE 421.36 1 EA 12/99 USE 250.12 I EA 12/99 USE 412.81 1 EA 12/99 USE 64.16 1. EA 12/99 USE 346.06 1 EA 12/99 USE 476.14 1 EA 12/99 USE 255.11 1 EA 12/99 USE 8,679.84 1. EA 12/99 USE 331.40 1 EA 12/99 USE 124.40 1 EA 12/99 USE 496.92 1 EA 12/99 USE 481.76 1 EA 12/99 USE 383.69 1 EA 12/99 USE 674.59 1 EA 12/99 USE 349 554 01/03/00 237 8273 01/18/00 40.00 40.00 1 EA DIAL, UP SERVICE 351. 1039 12/01/99 385 261040 01/18/00 24.00 24.00 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/19/09 261045 58.15 58.15 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 352 1038 12/30/99 386 700 01/18/00 35.45 35.45 I EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 355 1044 12/18/99 370 1006- 0027535 01/18/00 1,309.38 1,235.26 1 EA REFUSE RECYCLE; '74.12 1 EA GLASS RECYCLE 357 1055 12 /29/99 366 122999 01/18/00 89.00 89.00 1 EA PLUMBING REPAIR SERVICES 358 358 12/30/99 365 11394 01/18/000 105.00 105.00 1 EA PRINTED FORMS 359 475 12/10/99 364 56824 01/1.8/00 95.00 95.00 1 EA RENTAL 360 714 09/30/99 367 21277 01/1.8/00 195.15 1.95.15 1 EA RADIO REPAIR 362 772 01/04/00 293 70OR -4 01/18/00 145.00 1,093.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIRS 01/03/00 4C60E 948.00 364 552 12/09/99 384 120999 -UTIL 01/18/00 349.57 349.57 1 EA EMPLOYEE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 QIAPRO83 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 8 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. "vendor Invoice Bold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item N'_mber Number Date Code Number. Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description APPRECIATION 365 372 08/13/99 285 27782 01/18/00 76.61 76.61 I EA itF02289 366 69 01/12/00 194 FEBRUARY, 20 01./18/00 4,138.04 4,138.04 1 EA CART LEASE 370 1143 01/03/00 341 1636790 01/18/00 334.50 200.70 1 EA COPY PAPER 133.80 1 EA COPY PAPER 0.00 372 372 11/18/99 343 30064 01/18/00 76.61 76.61 1 EA F02289 373 717 01/13/00 342 LOAN 469525 01 /18 /00 23,000.00 23,000.00 1 EA ELM CREEK NOTE 374 507 12/22/99 344 048 -98 -00000 01/18/00 122.41 122.41 1. EA H08169 376 226 11/30/99 345 1.1042 01/18/00 1,164.66 1,164.66 1 EA ENGINEERING SVC -86 /MAIN 377 11,74 11/17/99 346 017418 01/18/00 627.50 627.50 1 EA ASPHALT 378 1162 01/05/00 347 3498 01/18/00 135.81 135.81 1 EA ELECTRICAL WORK 379 1164 12/25/99 348 9760 01/18/00 190.00 190.00 2 RUN LINES AT CLUBHOUSE 382 1039 12/14/99 349 0262720 -IN 01/18/00 48.41 48.41 1. EA IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 388 1110 12/23/99 352 000106444 01/18/00 120.00 7.95 1 EA PAGER -ALLEN 112.05 1 EA PAGER - OTHERS 391 362 01/05/00 353 031113 01/18/00 60.00 60.00 1 EA BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 392 1175 01/04/00 354 01/18/2000 01/18/00 5,476.00 10,875.84 1. EA RESTROOM CONSTRUCTION 12/15/98 01/10/00 01/18/00 5,399.84 393 6 12/23/99 355 4466 01/18/00 180.00 180.00 1 EA SOD REPAIRS 395 642 12/31/99 356 12 /31/99 01/18/00 794.75 794.75 1. EA UNIFORM CLEANING 417 7 01/06/00 297 142941 01/18/00 169.38 169.38 1. EA COPIER LEASE /MAINT 424 1012 12/27/99 298 412460 01/18/00 44.00 44.00 1 EA FILING FEES 425 931 12/15/99 299 694578 Ol/18/00 66.60 551.35 1 EA LEGAL NOTICES 12/15/99 694577 196.90 11/22/99 690348 28.05 11/22/99 690349 25.50 11/22/99 689959 103.40 11/22/99 689962 130.90 426 344 12/18/99 300 24335290297 01/18/00 291.03 540.80 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 12/14/99 24334889840 92.50 5.94 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 10/26/99 24329984086 204.15 603.41 CLUBHOUSE SUPPLIES 10/26/99 24329984080 -84.21 11/22/99 24332687273 264.12 1.1/19/99 24332386989 242.84 12/03/99 24333788568 59.68 11/28/99 24333287872 80.04 427 938 12/29/99 301 272 -2101 01/18/00 49.64 49.64 1 EA NON - PLEXAR 12/29/99 272 -4362 48.45 48.45 1. EA NON - PLEXAR 12/29/99 272 -9339 53.20 53.20 1 EA NON - PLEXAR 428 863 12/28/99 302 111240181400 01 /18 /00 91.87 91.87 1 EA 12/99 USE 429 1038 12/11/99 303 6567 01/18/00 7.92 17.32 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 12/17/99 7913 15.34 5.94 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 430 129 12/23/99 304 12124152 01/18/00 91.23 91.23 1 EA PHONE USE- ROONEY CCS.AP.Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item !- ,Umber - - - - -- Number - - - - -- Date -- -- - - -- Code Number - - -- - - - - -- Invoice ---- -- - - - - -- Due Date -- - - - - -- -- Amount Date Amount ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------ Amounts - - - - -- Claim Description ----------------- - - - - -- 43"1 222 12/11/99 305 1126 01/18/00 900.00 1,500.00 1 EA CATERED FOOD 12/10/99 1123 600.00 432 407 01/13/00 306 WCC -99 -18015 01/18/00 75.00 75.00 1 EA SETTLEMENT FILING FEE- WWC- 99- 1801SA 433 938 12/23/99 307 918 -992 -2817 01/18/00 1,898.05 1,898.05 1 EA E -911 SERVICE 434 366 12/31/99 308 6468693 01/18/00 66.33 66.33 1 EA FENCE PARTS 435 674 01/05/00 309 313771 01 /18 /00 253.09 253.09 1 EA IRRIGATION CONTROLLER REPAIR 436 46 01/05/00 310 73554 01/18/00 467.13 467.13 1 EA UNLEADED FUEL 437 129 12/23/99 311 12155800 01/18/00 134.33 107.64 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 26.69 1 EA PHONE USE -MOTTO 438 987 12/31/99 312 58932 01/18/00 65.00 65.00 1 EA TOILET SERVICE 439 67B 01/01/00 313 161236 01/18/00 43.00 101.17 1 EA GROCERIES 12/30/99 161255 33.66 12.17 1 EA GROCERIES 01/06/00 161237 36.68 440 732 12/28/99 314 58422165 01/18/00 -41.00 544.15 1 EA SOFT DRINKS 01/04/00 58422487 381.40 49.00 1 EA SOFT DRINKS 12/28/99 58422164 209.05 12/29/99 58422241. 103.70 12/29/99 58422242 -60.00 441 957 01/04/00 315 420429 01/18/00 215.43 48.42 1 EA TOBACCO PRODUCTS 167.01 1 EA SNACKS _42 1151 01/03/00 316 65711 01/18/00 81.85 81.85 1 EA COFFEE 444 591 01/06/00 317 34413 01/18/00 15.65 21.15 1 EA UNIFORM RENT /CLEAN 01/06/00 34411 26.55 63.25 1 EA UNIFORN RENT /CLEAN 12/30/99 33616 15.65 12/30/99 33614 26.55 445 857 01/11/00 318 148847 01/18/00 1.48 1,003.93 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/28/99 147802 14.14 75.29 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 12/29/99 c7537 -23.58 12/22/99 C7S05 -5.00 12/20/99 147285 11.32 12/18/99 147292 16.52 12/15/99 146866 3.30 12/15/99 1.46861 96.31 12/18/99 147273 29.45 12/23/99 07517 -10.00 01/03/00 148172 53.33 12/28/99 147784 73.60 12/28/99 147900 14.95 12/29/99 147921- 30.55 12/22/99 147463 85.93 12/22/99 147451 50.16 12/22/99 1.47466 174.96 12/22/99 C7500 -4.30 01/06/00 1.48435 11.65 01/06/00 1.48445 60.77 01/07/00 148496 27.46 01/06/00 148427 54.97 01/03/00 148186 45.54 01/04/00 148270 133.81 01/04/00 148273 10.22 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 QIAPR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 10 . uaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full. Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item .,..tuber *lumber Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount. Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 01/04/00 148267 6.46 01/03/00 148167 11.65 01/03/00 148184 1.8.28 01/03/00 1.48195 10.00 01/04/00 148274 5.3:1. 01 /05/00 148342 69.98 446 865 12/21/99 320 2130 0:1./1.8/00 160.00 401.90 1 EA TIRE /VEHICLE REPAIRS 12/28/99 3425 241.90 447 123 01/04/00 321 36087 01/18/00 244.75 373.60 1 EA BATTERIES 01/06/00 18138 128.85 448 538 01/05/00 323 32360837835- 01/18/00 287.27 107.84 1 EA COMPUTER PAPER 12/28/99 32360837835- 403.80 71.92 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 349.95 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 29.60 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 64.92 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 13.99 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 52.85 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 449 812 12/03/99 324 67537 01./18/00 80.60 212.09 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 1.2/10/99 67671 36.97 27.52 1 EA MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/26/99 67383 21.90 12/10/99 67670 41.81 12/17/99 67811 58.33 450 336 01/07/00 326 5781 01/18/00 28.80 50.20 1 EA SNACKS 12/31/99 5672 21.40 451 595 12/31/99 330 33428 01/18/00 58.74 115.63 1 EA LINEN SERVICE . 01/07/00 35397 56.89 452 981 12/30/99 336 912300138 01/18/00 169.39 651.31 1 EA GROCERIES 01/05/00 0197427 -82.97 109.16 1 EA PAPER SUPPLIES 10/27/99 910270147 333.54 36.82 1 EA PAPER SUPPLIES 12/29/99 912290413 178.43 01/05/00 1050323 198.90 453 229 12/28/99 339 CMM557085 01/18/00 -18.17 382.40 1 EA GROCERIES 12/17/99 557085 125.95 13.25 1 EA PAPER SUPPLIES 01/04/00 559545 180.06 43.08 1 EA PAPER SUPPLIES 12/30/99 558958 150.89 458 754 12/17/99 338 758877 -8919 01/18/00 2,200.00 4,738.82 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6/1/99 12/16/99 758846 -8919 710.19 12/17/99 758860 -8919 1,828.63 459 591 12/23/99 340 8240033093 01/18/00 14.40 51.19 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/23/99 8240033091 12.55 55.80 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 12/16/99 8240032442 12.19 12/16/99 8240032444 13.95 12/30/99 8240033613 12.55 12/30/99 8240033615 14.40 01/06/00 8240034410 12.55 01/06/00 8240034412 14.40 460 973 01/13/00 337 01/18/2000 01/18/00 49.20 49.20 1 EA METER READER 461 371 01/13/00 335 01/18/2000 01/18/00 481.95 481.95 1 EA METER READER CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.1 Q�APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso 176645 01/18/00 110.44 381 504764 Jan 14, 2000 08:35am Page 11 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order 01/18/00 258.00 84680 387.00 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item 01/1.8/00 4,860.00 .;u7ber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 452 264 01/13/00 334 01/18/2000 01/18/00 123.75 123.75 1 EA METER READER 463 38 01/13/00 333 01/18 /2000 01/18/00 195.15 195.15 1 EA METER READER 464 171 01/13/00 332 01/18/2000 01/18/00 318.15 318.15 1 EA METER READER 465 847 01/13/00 331 01/18/2000 01/18/00 183.00 183.00 1 EA METER READER 466 1152 01/13/00 329 01182000 01 /18 /00 157.05 157.05 1 EA METER READER 469 784 12/23/99 328 5132 01/18/00 25.00 25.00 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 470, 792 12/01/99 327 95177 01/18/00 5.64 11.98 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 12/07/99 95747 11.98 5.64 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 471 496 12/06/99 325 5185 01/18/00 10.43 2.99 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 01/04/00 22 5.96 13.40 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 472 943 01106100 322 2351.6 01/18/00 19.90 19.90 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/30/99 23470 5.16 5.16 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 474 591 01/06/00 371 34414 01/18/00 23.30 32.40 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 01/06/00 34416 16.10 16.10 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 01/06/00 34417 43.45 23.30 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 01/06/00 34408 32.40 43.45 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 01/06/00 34409 18.40 18.40 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 01/06/00 34415 4.55 4.55 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 475 1043 11/30/99 372 2638 01/18/00 821.00 821.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 476 1144 01/05/00 373 165 01/18/00 130.00 130.00 WINTER COVERALLS 477 567 12/29/99 374 99 -028 01/18/00 426.10 426.10 STREET SIGNS 478 1038 01/05/00 375 2053 01/18/00 182.99 71.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 111.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 479 1056 12/17/99 376 54688 01/18/00 298.50 298.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 480 941 12/15/99 377 175618 01/18/00 409.56 569.77 GRAVEL 12/19/99 175934 1.60.21 481 1039 12/14/99 378 263009 01/18/00 27.38 696.44 REPAIR / MAINT SUPPLIES 12/13/99 263010 114.54 01/03/00 263765 554.52 482 239 12/22/99 379 90532 01/18/00 71.78 17.95 GLOVES 483 941 01/02/00 484 100 01/01/00 485 514 12/16/99 12/28/99 12/17/99 486 1192 12/30/99 TOTAL 237 records listed 380 176645 01/18/00 110.44 381 504764 01/18/00 175.00 382 84123 01/18/00 258.00 84680 387.00 84207 472.50 383 42050 01/1.8/00 4,860.00 L94,834.49 0.00 17.94 GLOVES 17.95 GLOVES 17.94 GLOVES 110.44 ASPHALT 175.00 SANDY LOAM 1,117.50 CONCRETE 4,860.00 EMPLOYEE LOCKERS B C�TY OF 0'VVASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 01/01/00 Genera� Fund Total $3,485.16 $229,142.39 Garace Fund Garage Fund Total $0.00 $3,800.83 APPROVED: January 18, 2000 Mayor CouncH Member Council Member --------- - ---- --- ------- Genera� Fund Total $3,485.16 $229,142.39 Garace Fund Garage Fund Total $0.00 $3,800.83 APPROVED: January 18, 2000 Mayor CouncH Member Council Member x MEMORANDUM T0; HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM AND STREET SYSTEMS FAIRWAYS III DATE-. January 13, 2000 BACKGROUND. The subject project is located south of 96" St. North and west of Garnett Road (see attached 'location ma p)° The cop-tractors have provided a two-year maintenance bond f ®r the streets and a one-year bond for storm drainage. (See attached). FINAL INSPECTION. A final inspection was held on Februa-nj 10, 1999 and a punch list of items required to meet City standards was given to the contractors on that date. All punch list items were complete on December 27, 1999. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recomm. ends acceptance of the Fairways III streets and storm drainage systems. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. Maintenance bonds m COMBS I 98 Pi 9 9 T !Lj KEI T Z-7- ANN i 0) 0 Q7 TH 7 '�--9 7 TH 0 COVENTRY C:) � 7-1 H 97fi-i 97T 9 6T Hl' H 9 6TH ST, NJ 9TH 86TH ST, N ............ .... > T� < > rAu� D 1 � llI[ - FT 41 1 7 T A'l PS- I ............ .............. .... ............ ........ .... ......... ... ........... .... -TH % FAIRWAYS M A TU I A T07 IF�<' 1-111LE 122ND -1 2 20 19TH, < L-Ll < ry 1 t r-- 1 , 4T, I < I I I CD KNOW ALL MEN BY 717-11ESE PRESENTS; that we, ARROW CONCRETE COMPANY A DIVISION OF =SA DYNASPAN, INC. 1601 E HOUSTON BROKEN ARROW OK 74012-4407 as Principal, and EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A Mutual Company, a corpoao n 0 rg ed un der th e laws of [he State of Wisconsin a-ad authorized to do a surety business in the State of OKLAHOMA as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the KOTTRTIS PROPERTIES, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 419 OWASSO OK 74055 as Obligee, in the sum of SIX 11=RE-D 'ONEE THEO A-7,1D S- RE .n v-M Hr ED JND THIRTY- 7-'WO �A-7�M 00/100 DOLLARS ($601,732.00) lawful money of the Unifted States of America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: WHEREAS, on this 2 8 th day of September, ?998 , the said Principal, entered into a contract for S=ET PAVING TO SERVIE FAIRWAYS III OWASSO, OK for the sumof $601,732-00 ; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of the specifications for said work, the said Principal is required to give a bond for NDRF SIX HU 11D C)NE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THI1 T7,-TWO AMD 001100 DOLLARS ($601,732.00) to protect the Obligee against the result of fauity materials or workmanship for a period of 2 YEARS from and after the date of the completion and acceptance of same, namely, untii the 13-th day of December, 2000 - NOW, T HEREFORE, if the said Principal shall for a period of 2 m from and after the date of the completion and acceptance of same by said Obligee replace any and all defects arising in said work whether resulting m defective materials or to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. defective wor-kiimship, then the above obligation T fro ec al SEALED with our seals and dated this 6th day of October, 1398 ARROW CONCRETE COMPANY A DIVISION OF TULSA DYNASPAN, INC. (Seal) By (Seal) M SCO020 F. E. COOL EY 04-96 z:MPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A Mutual Company POWER OF ATTORNEY 0191061098103635 EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A Mutual Comvanv 4 � By SEAL F-Irlmn On this 1st day of April 1999 , before me personally came Timothy C. Mulloy, to me known, ,vho being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is a vice president of the EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A Mutual Company, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said L'Istrument is such corporate seal and that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set any hand and affixed any official seal the day and year herein first above written. rHAT WE. TPA M_ aRRRN �=TRITrTTON COMPAIRY and OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, an Oldahom corporation, having b Principal place of business in the City of Tulsa and State of 01dahoA Fairways III Sub-Division (Storms Sewer) I �112 MUM The Obfigae, by and through Its proper mpmsmtdk, shall gk the ftcipal and the Surety wftm mbce of all repairs mWired to fulfill the temm of this mainten2nce guarantee, and N said PTindpal and Su" shall, after receipt of any such notice, be allowed a reasonable period of *m In which to rmke any such rmairs. SIG 18th January 10 2000 NED, smW and daW ft day of - IS,- Michael Tedford 110�211 its true and lawful attorneys; -in-fact, to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, and as its act and deed, Any and all bonds and undertakings of Suretyship And the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY has executed and attested these S presents this ath day of Apri 1 '19 9,8 I � ATTEST: C 1� Sar& Anderson ASSISTANT SECRETARY VICE PRESIDENT I, Sara Anderson Assistant Secretary of OKLAHOMA4URETY COTVPANY do hereby , ify that the foregoing exit, of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Atto y sued pursuant hereto, are �and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in fuull for , ca IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation B-8888-OS this 18th day of January A�00� Sara An�derso�n� Assistant Secretary ME MORANDUM TO: T HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JIM McELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES SUBJECT. RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACTS FOR 86T" AND MAIN INTERSECTION PROJECT DATE, January 11, 2000 BACKGROUND. One of the projects included on the October, 1997, bond issue was the widening of the intersection at 86th and Main. Cinnabar Service Company has been providing City staff with assistance in negotiations with property owners for the rights of way needed f ®r this project. eel-, Negotiations have been finalized on all but two parcels. The -Following table itemizes information concerning the parcels on which signed contracts have been obtained: 5" V �'R Chanles R. and Terry A. Ary i5—harles R. and Terry A, Ary 102 E. 12th St. 109 E. 11th St. 261.36 343.43 $3,740 $1,000 Burl D. & Cora Mae Wilbanks 201 E. 11th St. 174.24 $100 Mills Family Trust 86th St., immediately W. of Ator Field 1350.36 $1,000 Board of Education of Owasso –E. N.W. Corner of N. Main & 86th St. N. 46783.44 Donation daze! Allyn Donna M. Morgan N.E. Corner of N. Main & 36th St. N. 1012 N. Ash 41556.24 566 $197,000' $2,000 Dallas W. & Bueanna M. Kelsey 1010 N .,ash .0015 (acres), $1,3001 FP--kT,S. Family Trust 108 W 12th SL 2003.761 $1--.0001 Legall descriptions and renderings of each parcel are attached as referenced exhibits to the signed. contracts. The title insurance underwriters require that the transactions for the purchase of these right of way parcels be conducted in formal closings. Costs of closings, including title opinions, insurance, and other costs are estimated by the closing companies to average under $2,000 per parcel. <°<\ ,6 861h & MAIN :OW January 11, 2000 PAGE 2 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. JIM MeELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES SUBJECT. REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AT SITE FOR NEW CITY HALL DATE. January i 1, 2000 BACKGROUND. In 'july of 1999, the City solicited bids for the sale and removal of three residential structures located within, the Owasso City limits, at 105 N. Main, and 104 and 108 N. Birch. Removal of these structures is required in order to allow work to begin on the new city hall/police station when the plans are complete. The bid included proper disconnection of all public utilities serving the sites, as well as clean up of the sites. No bids were received. Following this, the houses were advertised in local papers for sale and, eventually, even free removal. Over a period of the next few months, a number of individuals indicated interest in one or more of the houses, either for removal as salvage or to move intact. In each case, upon closer exarnination either by the parties involved or by house moving companies, everyone who expressed initial interest changed their minds. Apparently the structures are in such bad shape that they cannot be moved and remain satisfactorily intact. Nor does it appear that anyone wants then, even for salvage ge purposes. The Owasso Fire Department was contacted about the 'biB`v of burning the structures in some sort of training exercise or controlled bum. Staff possibility 11-� It) was advised by the Owasso Fire Chief that this is not a viable solution due to the proximity of the structures to other buildings. Since the City has made all reasonable and statutorily required efforts to remove these structures, City Attorney Ron Cates has advised that the City is free to negotiate for their removal. Consealuci-itly, staff has received a proposal from Ark Wrecking Company, a well-regarded local company with whon,, the City has fora -,erly contracted, for the removal of the structures. STRUCTURL.'. REMOVAL JANUARY 11, 2000 PAGE 2 Ark Wrecking will remove all three structures, including all necessary paperwork, utility disconnects and seals, site cleanup and any necessary fill. The arnount negotiated for this work is $10,290. A contract/proposal from Ark Wrecking is attached for Council examination. Staff believes that Such removal is apparently the City's best and, perhaps, only option for removal of these structures so that the site can be readied for construction. Staff recommends City Council approval of the contract/proposal from Ark Wrecking Company in the amount of $10,290 for the removal of structures at 105 N, Main, 104 M Birch and 108 M Birch, and site clean up, to be paid from the bond issue monies reserved for building of the new city hall/police station, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the proposal, signifying acceptance. 1. Proposal from Ark Wrecking Z..) 01/13/20eFd 26:57 I — 1 4 , SD4Ps4 FKUPOSAL -SUMN17FO" City of Owatsv Aun, Jim McEIrath '3182724915 4521. Main qt, -CODE ()w-4sso, OK 74055 SUPPORT SERVICES RRCN ARK WRECk'INC 918 583 S913 PROPOSAL Dcrnaiihon of houscs and c JU� LOCATION Owasso, OK PAGE 02 Price Excludes: t"'Wity dis�unnrcts and/or relocations excluding saniiary sewer serfl, 3. imported fill, N01 cur S: I i Ark Wi,,zckingf, will retain all salvage, 2. For the prow'don of the owner and other pailies involvede Ark Wrtcking Co. DfOklahuira. Inc. maintains., �afwy Frog=,, Hazardou% Communication, Lead TvIonuoriig, and Drug Free Work Place Program. This information lb avai !able For review . ftylm t to bemada w 10;1"we -- lin NU Won ComplezioT ofabove dtscribed worL MEMORANDUM To- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER RE- REQUEST TO EXTEND INFORMATION SYSTEM CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH INFINETE TECHNOLOGIES DATE: January 11, 2000 BACKGROUND: Due to the resignation of the City's Information Systems Director and problems with both the existing finance software package and the proposed software package, the City of Owasso entered into an agreement with Rusty McMurray of InfiNETe Technology Solutions on October 5, 1999. That initial agreement was extended by the City Council on November 16, 1999. The total costs for both agreements was $30,000 and included providing immediate assistance to evaluate the problem areas of the network system, full networking of the new Public Works facility, software installation at the Fire Station, and Golf Course networking and software installation. While the City has not exceeded the $30,000.00 limit at this time, there are several items remaining that need to be taken care of to complete Phase i of the implementation program. Those items are: The installation of network virus protection software at City Hall, Public Works, Fire Station, and CO-olfCourse Clubhouse facilities. This would prevent any type of virus entering our network servers from outside of our system. a Installation of the recently purchased Fire Department software. Backup operator training for each of the city servers, Local backup administrators and backup/backup administrators will be responsible for their departmental backups of servers until the City WAN has been completed, Sup-port and Implementation for the City Financial Package (CCS) program through the rollout I , period. (May-June 2000) FUNDING: Funding foir the costs associated with the contract for services with InfiNETe Technology Solutions would be available within the General Fund information Systems Department Budget — Salary Lille 1.) 1 ltenl No. 51-180-5101, Staff would request that Council extend the agreement for services with'.N!Ir. ID Me!\/Iurray of ln-,5NETe Technology Solutions for an amount not to exceed an additional $20,000. A status report from Mr. McMurray regarding Phase I and the planned Phase II of t1he Computer 4' - technology Implementation is attached for your review, as well as an update for each facility. An additional update regarding the progress of the CCS software package and completed training will be provided to the Council at the February 8, 2000 Council Work Session. Staff recommends Council extension of the agreement with InfiNETe Technology Solutions to provide Information System support for an amount not to exceed an additional $20,000. 1. Owasso Technical Summary from Mr. McMurray. Owasso City Technical Summary Phase 2 Contact — Rusty W. McMurray, President - InfiNETe Technology Solutions 294-9311 City of Owasso Technical Completion Outline Attached Document I Owasso Police Department * Database Program Development / Records Department , * PC troubleshooting and repair ® Technical Support Contact — Rusty W, McMurray, President - InfiNE'Fe Technology Solutions 294-9-3 114 City of Owasso CCS (Creative Computer Solutions) Status Update Attached Document 2 L CCS I C L iaca oft Fnnil Sware I i�i CCS B Q, R rjorti * Call tracking logs * Fax backs * Resolution summary Internal B,,,U!p R: porth System and documentation * Call, Tracking logs * Documentation and resolution status COMMUnication with CCS s * Outline of commumication process * Remote Access Service (RAS) by CCS * identify potential breakdowns in communication process Uvdate disks (MS Rim Fix djL4al Process of updating systems and frequency Identify and resolve problems and issues with. CCS update disks Prinfin'a Issues ,,d Support City Finance Department personnel, CCS, and 3 party hardware and software products implementation for payroll and vend ®r automated check vvriting system Corntact --- Rusty W, McMurray, President - InfiNETe Technology Solutions 294-93 11 MEMORANDUM. TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO F R 0 M'. TIM ROONEY INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT DATE: January 14, 2000 "Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears." - Barbara Johnson MANAGERIAL: HUMIANT RIESOTURCES - The following personnel actions have occurred since the last report: Finance — Ms. Lonlic Gray has submitted her resignation effective January 14, 2000. She has been employed since August as an Accounts Payable Clerk. Golf Course — Mike Talley has been employed as a golf course laborer. He brings course maintenance experience from other golf courses in the Tulsa area. He is earning $8.00 per hour. GENERAL GOVERNMENT. SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE - The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee held a regular meeting on Monday, January 10, 2000. This committee, formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election as a citizen oversight committee throughout the life of the sales tax extension, meets twice yearly to review financial reports and projects. The streets resurfacing project and ' the Sports Park four -plea and soccer fields have been completed since the last mcefing. The conimittee approved the project completion reports for those two projects. The completion reports are attached, if you have questions regarding the reports, please direct them to Mr. Flenderson, Also approved and attached, is the rCgL!Iar project progress report. Tile M-ogress report is also printed in the Owasso Reporter so citizens have an opportunity to See the sWillsOrcurrent projects. Please direct questions re-,�Iarding the progress report to Ms. Bishop. JMIUary 14, 2000 PAGE 2 PUBLIC UBLIC AUCTION - An auction of two adult Emus, Impounded at the Animal Control Facility since December for running at large, will be sold at public auction for cash to the highest bidder. The auction will be held at the Owasso Aninial Control Facility, 500 S Main, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 2000. If you have questions, please direct therm to Chief Motto- or Ms. Boutwell. Additionally, the Environmental Assessment developed by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to assess the proposed project's impact on the environ ment is available for public review at the Owasso Library, 103 West Broadway. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. CITY OF OWASSO INTERNET AND E-MAIL POLICY – A copy of the City of' Owasso Internet/E -mail Policy is attached for your information and review. This policy, adopted in December of 1999, was developed to ensure the proper utilization of e-mail with its ancillary applications and the internet. If you have any questions regarding the policy, please contact me. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT – The regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment scheduled for Tuesday, January 25, 2000 has been cancelled due to lack of agenda items. The next regularly Z, scheduled meeting of the Board of Adjustment is February 22, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center. PLANNING COMMISSION – As previously reported in the last City Manager's Report, the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for January 11, 2000 was cancelled due to lack of agenda items. The Planning Commission will, however, hold a special joint meeting UMUOO I 14.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci,owasso,ok.—us January 14, 2000 PAGES with the City Council on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 in order to review the 2010 Master Plan. That nnecting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Owasso Cornniunity Center. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8, 2000 at'7:00,o.m. in the Owasso Community Center. ROGERS I'COUNITY COMMISSIONERS—ANCHOR STONE REZONING—DENIED-Anchor Stone requested the rezoning of an 80-acre tract from AG (Agriculture) to M (Mining) District. The subject property is located approximately Y4 mile south of the intersection of East '76th Street North and North 161't East Avenue. The subject property is north and cast of the existing mining Z:) property and would have allowed a substantial expansion of mining operations in that area. TAX CREDIT' APARTMENTS — EAST 116TH STREET NORTH — Redwood Development has notified the reap City of its intention to I reapply for tax credits from the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OH A) on February 1, 2000. The Owasso Board of Adjustment approved a Special Exception to construct a 64-unit apartment complex on 10 acres zoned CS (Shopping Center) District on July 27, 1999. The subject property is located on the south side of East 116"' Street North, east of the Owasso Sports Park. The Special Exception is valid for one year from the date of approval (through July 27, 2000). On August 10, i999, the Owasso City Council conducted a public hearing regarding the OHFA tax credit application. The -findings of that hearing and a resolution of support of the tax credit application (Resolution #99-05) were forwarded to OHFA in August. The resolution is non- cxpi"'-Ing CMOOO 1 1 4.d.oc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us January 14, 2000 PAGE 4 Redwood's I-CSUbmission to OHFA is identical to the previous submission in June of 1999. The resubmission on February I requires no additional action by City Council or the Board of Adjustment. If you have any questions, please contact Theron War lick or me. SPORTS PARK USER GROUP — The next meeting of the Sports Park User Group will be held on Wednesday, January 269 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall. BURNING OF THE GREENS — Approximately 125 people attended the 41h A-n=aal Buming of the Greens at the Owasso Sports Park on- Thursday, January 6, 2000. This event has consistently attracted more Owasso residents interested in attending a "smaller hometown -flavored" event, as opposed to that held by the City of Tulsa. Next year's Burning of the Greens will be held on Saturday, January 6, 2001 at 6:30 p.m., at the Owasso Sports Park. POLICE ACADEMY - Officer Nick Boatman began the C.L.E.E —T. Police Academy on Monday January 10, 2000. Officer Boatman will be in fine acadeiny for the next nine weeks and, upon � MUM 1 14.00c Visit Owasso on the ,Ianum-y 14, 2000 PAGE 5 gradualion,, will be immediately eligible to be assigned to patrol duty as he has already 0 completedl, I-A-is Department "field training". We all wish him success while in the academy. POLICE TESTING - The Owasso Police Department entrance examination has been scheduled for Janniary 2 1, 2000. Human Resources has received approximately 100 applications; however, only about thirty applicants can provide proof of having an "Associates Degree", which is again, required to be a Police Officer with the City of Owasso. The Department currently has two vacant positions due to the loss of two officers to the Tulsa Police Department in December of 1999. DISPATCH TRAINING - Mr. Russell Perry will be completing his formal Dispatch training this week and will be released to "solo-dispatch" on Sunday, January 16, 2000. Mr. Perry replaces Ms. Lauren Mackey, who resigned a few months ago. As soon as Mr. Perry is assigned to a shift, Ms. Linda Andrews -will begin her formal training with Communications Supervisor Bill Alen, DECEMBER 1999 OHSO GRANT - During the month of December 1999, Officers worked sixty hours of overtime on the Oklahoma Highway Safety Grant at a cost of $ 1,388.01. Grant officers made 139 traffic contacts that resulted in 57 citations/warnings for speed violations, 46 citations/war-nings for seat, belt violations, 39 citations/warnings for "other" types of traffic violations, one citation for a child restraint violation, and six arrests. ENGINEERING: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT I' EXPANSION — Design for Phase IIA Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements has been completed by HUB+Garver Engineers. This phase of improvements largely involves construction of sludge dewatering facilities. The plans have been It, I'D submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and approval of the plans and specifications has been received. A similar submittal has been provided to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The project was advertised on January 13t". A mandatory jy Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for February 2 . Bids are due to be opened on February 14 . Following review of the bids and contract documents, it is anticipated that Council approval of the contract will take place on March 7"'. Refer any questions to Mr. Carr at 272-4959. CMOOO', 14.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.LIS ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum Regarding Bid iterns C, 2. Project Completion Reports 3, Capital Improvement Project/Progress Report 4, Public Auction Announcement 5. Notice of Public Hearing (State Highway 20) 6. City of Owasso - Intemet/E-Mail Policy 7. Building Permit Activity Report 8, Building Inspection Report 9. Residential Lot Inventory 10. Occu fancy Permits I 11. CDBG Small Cities Set Aside -Program (letter to ODOC) 12. Water Pollution Control Plant Monthly Report (December 99) 13. Consent Order Items — Status Report 14. Sales Tax Reports MEMORANDUM TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT-. BID ITEMS DATE-. January 14, 2000 Following is an update of items in the bidding process: I 14 Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements Phase IIA Bid was advertised January 12. 3"'. Bids will be opened February 14 1h 2. FY 99-00 Street Repairs Bid was advertised January 13'h. Bids -,,vill be opened February 15 1h —I- PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT Phil l'ut7J-Dwsvne. H nderson PROJECT COORDINATOR P1�0JI'C'I'C01W)LETION REPORT Parks DEPARTMENT PROJE=—MANAGER - t-z-lq lqq DATE, SALES TAX PROJECTS Sales TaxlCapftal Future/Revenue Bonds BOND PR - OJECT FUND - October 1997 Election Progress Report #4 Dated 12/31/99 PROJECT- - Budget Expended Design Bid Construction Streets: 86th Street (Cedar to Main) 86 & Mingo Intersection 86 & 145 E Ave Intersection N Main (1st to 9th) POW 76 & Hwy 169 Streets & intersections Project: 76 & 129 E Ave inter section 116 & Garnet, Intersection 86 & 123 E Ave intersection 36 (Main to Mingo) Streets Resurfacing Project: Atlanta (3rd to 11th) Carlsbad (3rd to 7th) & Beaumont 129 E Ave (High School to 93) 11 Str (Main to Cedar) Facilities- City Hall/Ponce Station Community Center Sports Park; Parking Lot Restroom Four-plex S. Soccer ReIds Administration. Project Manager Salary Architect/Engineer Fee Program Management Services Fee Avaiiable: Contingent Project Total 2,383,200 45,859 50,500 525,300 1,680 x 703,600 960 x 223,300 4,137 x 100,000 0 x 1,241,528 38,745 324,458 462,000 966,581 M1 ME M 142,000 112,586 562,171 373,754 238,080 63,642 262,000 0 E-1 7 9,999,000 $ 2,438,217 FY 1999-2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PROJECTS - Progress Report #34 Dated 12/31/99 FR-03ECT Budget Expended Design Bid Construction Public Works Bidg Remodei 50,500 50,500 Firearms Range 30,000 4,108 x Hale Acres Drainage Project 59,925 39,264 W.", N x Computerization 624,377 324,458 x x x Hwy 169 Enhancement 25,000 13,492 x 129th E Ave Overlay 30,000 30,000 95th Str Signalization (Wal-Mart) 75,000 0 75th &.Hwy 169 Engineering 112,974 83,667 x N N Sidewalk Program 15,000 15,000 Total $ 1,022,776 560,489 rim -3- PUBLIC AUCTION Two adult Emus, having been taken up and impounded 'in the pound of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma for running at large contrary ordinances of the City of Owasso, will, unless redeemed within three (3) m days a � this auction publication, be sold at public p u° to the highest bidder. Said auction will be heb- Control 500 S Main, Owasso, OK at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19, 2004 l ". Dated this 13" day of,lanuary, 2000. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING All interested persons are hereby given notice that the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) will be conducting a public hearing regarding the proposed improvements to SH 20 from US 75 (west of Collinsville) to the Will Rogers Turnpike (east of Claremore) in Tulsa and Rogers Counties. the public hearing will also serve as the removal hearing for the three locations that will be taken off the State Highway System where the proposed improvements include a new I alignment. New alignments to S 2 are proposed t® take place in Collinsville at the S-cuurve east of town, at Keetonville Hill, and in Claremore with the proposed southern bypass. Written statements regarding the proposed project may be submitted through March 1,* 2000, to the Planning Engineer, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, 200 Northeast 2 "1" Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -30- -5- Intemet/E-mal"l Policy M-- City of Owasso Internet and E-mail Use Policy W M_ The responsibility for assuring complete compliance with the provisions of this policy rests with the Department Director, supervisors and the individual employee i,,1volved. It is the responsibility of e-mail and Internet users to stay informed regarding City information that's disseminated electronically. 71-his includes understanding and keeping up-to-date on System operations. W As with the telephone, other limited uses that do not interfere with the employee's responsibilities or conflict with the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. b. Restrictions from personal use include, but are not limited to: i. Use for co=., or ffinancial gain. H. Discourteous communication to or about other persons. Solicitation, including charitable campaigns, except as specifically authorized or part of official City-sponsored events. i.e., Blood Drives, United Way, etc. iv. Issuing or forwarding chain mail and other frivolous messages, such as practical jokes. V. Sending mass mailings to individual mailboxes whether directly or indirectly through distribution lists is prohibited. A departmental e-mail representative may receive authorization to send such a mailing. vi. Accessing any pornographic/sexually explicit sites. their e-mail from unauthorized use by not giving out their account passwords to others or using anothers e -mail account unless specifically authorized. 6. Accessing a web site or location on the Internet where a fee is charged is prohibited. Employees acquiring such charges bear sole responsibility for them unless accessing a fee-based site has been approved by the respective Department Director, Penalties Any use of the City's electronic mail or the Internet in violation of this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination. Unlawful use may result in referral for criminal prosecution. RESIDENTIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) mo�lth 1986 1987 1988 1989 5990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 January 12 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 llebruz,ozy io 3 5 3 41 7 10 ii io 8 is 35 33 21 14 36 2 7 14 5 12 12 35 28 30 34 34 51 April 29 22 3 6 9 3 12 17 18 18 39 26 48 38 May 17 31 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 June 119 14 4 12 5 10 13 i8 23 15 37 .25 45 40 July 19 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 August 17 5 J� ll 1 �:Iiii I 20, !0Jbj:20�::i, 26.;�,!�ili i'll:, '16b i�,22 33 September 17 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 October 17 3!, November 9 5 8 io 2 8 39 13 15 20 13 114 26 34 December 57 5.,: TOTALS 197 1.4.6 72 98 99 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 Year to Dat 137 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 December Year to Date Count 00 y -- - ----- ------ e.A_„---- - ----- - -- ----- --------------- ---------- ----- ---------- 4 .............. .. R•;/ .............................. ME IN ...... ....... ............. M.. NO, 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 o $20,000,000 $10,00(),000 z $0 lsbb 1967 1985 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1906 1997 1998 1999 RESIT EN'TZAL Bu:L2.c1±nq Permits (New Construct±om nnll—) December Year to Date Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year ............... .......... ...... ......... ............. t2 $40,000,000, ti ............. ......... ........ ..... . $35 GOO 000 A,— $30,000,000 ............... $25,000,000 $20=0X0 $15 000X0 J" C) .................. ......... d $10�000,00 z $0 _M4011 - 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 7 COMMERCIAL Building, Parmits (Now Construction CO3,1, ts) Month 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 3,993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 `fear to Dale Dollars January 3 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1999 February 21 4' '' 0� 0 0 0 ��' I 1 0 i ' 1 0 1 1 0 t�l�'!!�Ili% � :'� , . 7 March 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 E 0 15 0 April 4 2 0 0 1 1 $8,000,000 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 G 1991 1992 1993 May 1 0 0 0 jx x 2 2 3 0 June 0 1 0 0 $0 0 2 3, July 2 1 0 1 1997 0 1 'i J1, August 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 1'11�'� 1 September 4 1 0 0 1 0 :.0, October 2 0 0 0 0 2' November 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 December 2 1 0 1 3 0 5 4 0 5 TOTALS 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 13 19 20 26 66 26 Year to Dat 24 12 1 7 13 8 8 12 13 19 Includes C hurches, Schools, and Government Facilities 20 26 6 26 December Year to Date Count COMMERCIAL Buildina Permits (New Construction 60 December `fear to Dale Dollars 45 ............... ............... $24,000,000 .. .... ... ...... - ---- --- ----- 0 ................... 30 $16,000,000 ....... E................. ........... ....... 2 E 0 15 0 U) $8,000,000 ............ ........ — 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 COMMERCIAL Buildina Permits (New Construction New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year December `fear to Dale Dollars $24,000,000 - ---- --- ----- 0 ................... $16,000,000 ....... 2 U) $8,000,000 ............ ........ — z m l jx x $0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 1999 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year liu- Building Permits Issued 19 6,352°00 Economic Development 13 3,307.00 Mechanical Permits Issued 20 1,620.00 Electrical Permits Issued 21 1,680.00 Plumbing Permits Issued 29 1 ,730°00 Recreation Development 13 25100.00 Sign Permits Issued 5 62.50 Reinspection Fees 3 0,00 Sewer Taps a 17 6%300°00 Water Taps 25 9,300.00 Water Meter Deposits 17 350,00 TOTAL PERMITS 184 $33,551.50 EJUS—PECTIONS FOR THE MONTH Building 97 Mechanical 63 Electrical 34 Plumbing 162 eiection 50 Other TOTAL INSPECTIONS 46 ENIAN KWIM CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS December 31, 1999 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS DEVEL OPED AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2195) 118 87 31 Bailey Ranch Est il (6/99) 133 18 115 Barrington Estates '12/96) k 127 127 0 Barrington Point (4194) 41 41 0 Barrington Point ll '10/94) k 49 46 3 Barrington Point M (8/96) 32 23 9 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2198) 83 54 29 Brentwood Estates (5194) 51 49 2 Brentwood Park (2197) 20 20 0 Brentwood Village (6199) 64 13 51 Broadmore 'Heights '10/92) k 32 28 4 Camden Park (1194) 38 34 4 Caudle Estates (10198) 38 21 17 Centrai Park (2195) 45 32 13 Central Park 11 (7197) 96 74 22 Country Estates (9195) 138 138 0 Country Estates it (6197) 193 190 3 Country Estates lli (3/99) 61 54 7 Double Oaks (9192) 90 90 0 DouUe Oaks it (8192) 22 21 1 Double Oaks M (8193) 63 62 1 Double Oaks; �V (11/94) 96 96 0 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8195) 80 77 3 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 69 15 Fairways Ill (319911 43 15 28 Fairways M Extended (6/99) 104' 7 97 Fairways IV (5198) 69 48 21 Fairways IV Extended (6199) 22 9 13 Fairways V (8199) , 71 5 66 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 44 2 Nottingham Estates il (3197) 15 10 5 Nottingham Estates Ill (9199) 23 4 19 Preston Lakes (`t 2131) 272 10 262 The Estates at Southern Links (12195) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6197) 31 14 17 The Village at Southern Links (11195) 61 58 3 Windsor Lake (8/92� 1 y 39 39 0 Windsor 1-ake 11 (6193) 40 40 0 Windsor Lake 11 Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS MM 1787 870 �. CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Stafis--, bu 100 - 150 200 250 300 M Total Lots M Lots Developed a J Schiotzsky's Deii 12551 E 86th St No New 1/6/99 2/15/99 Yes Bongs Hamburgers 9166 N Garnett, #fit New 1/6/99 1/11/99 Yes Jazzercise 6596 N 128 E Aire Owner Change 1/2199 1/2/99 Yes /ail Paper for Less 119 South Main; Reiocate 1/5/99 2/8/99 Yes FEBRUARY 1999 Lee Cleaning Systems 11237 E 114 St No New 2/9/99 2/12/99 Yes C & R Liquor 11236 No Garnett Rd Owner Change 2/35/99 2 115/99 Yes Enchantment Flowers 8571 Ova Exp, #A New 2/35/99 3 ✓1/99 Yes Ideal Motors 11226 N Garnett New 2/16/99 3/1/99 Yes MARCH 1999 9262 No Garnett New 4/12/99 1/1 1/99 Yes Robert Long 12345 E 86th St No Relocate 3/11/99 2/1/99 Yes Reax Realtors 12315 E 36th St No New 3/32/99 2/1/99 Yes Beth Beach Gift Shop 112 So Main St New 3/22/99 3/26/99 Yes Metro Tulsa Foot & Ankle 11215 N Garnett #B New 3/25/99 4/1/99 Yes 3d Tech, Inc. 11211 -D No Garnett New 4/3/99 2/1/99 Yes McGraw Davison Realtors 7961 N Ow Exp New 4/5/99 2/15/99 Yes Pet Grooming By Rindy 11230-B No Garnett New 4/12/99 4/15/99 Yes Midwestern Opticie Equip 9264 No Garnett New 4/12/99 4/15/99 Yes Chief Body Works, LLC 9262 No Garnett New 4/12/99 1/1 1/99 Yes Consignment Pius 766 No Main St New 4/13/99 4/15199 Yes Lisa Moore-Fitness & Karate 11336 No Garnett, &S Owner Change 4/22/99 5/1199 Yes The Stadium Sports Center 396 E 5th Ave New 4/12199 5/1/99 Yes MAY 999 Owasso Oriental Store 299 E 2nd Ave New 5/17/99 7/1/99 Yes C & R Liquor 11236 N Garnett Road Owner Change 5/17/99 6/20/99 Yes JUNE1999 Denise Bode, 0, D, 5291 Owasso Exp New 6/6/99 6/14/99 Yes Precision Door & Window 3255 Owasso Exp New 6/23/99 811/99 No -10- JULY 1999 7/23199 Yes Apollo's Karate 'fantastic 12330 E 86 St No New 7114199 8361 No Owasso Exp New T-Shirts Express 708 No Main St New Cali Top Nails 8516 No 129 E Ave Relocate Guaranty Abstract Cc 9106 No Garnett Owner Change Legacy Sales 9102 No Garnett, A & B Relocate Owasso Fitness 12650 E 86 PI No Expanding AUGUST 1999 Albertsori°s 'Express 12902 E 86 St No New Metcalf Productions 104 W Broadway #6 New SEPTEMBER 1999 Christine Peters 103 E 2nd Ave New First Mortgage Co 9102-D No Garnett New Blimpies 12400 E 86 St No New OCTOBER 1999 White Computer Systems 8555 N 117 E Ave #106 New Rib Crib 8551 IN 129 E Ave New Bon-Bons of Owasso 409 E 2nd Ave New M & M Tax Services 104 So Main Relocate J-Rae-L's 11531 No Garnett Rd New NOVEMBER 1999 Calvary Chapel 11211 A No Garnett Rd New German Corner Gymnastics 8243 Owasso Exp Relocate Pizza Hut 12922 E 86 St No Relocate DECEMBER 1999 T -Shirt Express 8351 Owasso Exp Relocate Speedy Bob's Auto Lot 11226 N Garnett Rd New 7/20/99 7/23199 Yes 7129/99 8111/4/99 Yes 7114199 7114199 No 7/2/99 7/14199 Yes 7114199 8/2/99 Yes 7/7/99 7/16/99 Yes 7/2199 7/2199 Yes 8113/99 818/99 Yes 8120/99 8/26/99 Yes 9/10/99 9123/99 Yes 9129/99 9/1/99 Yes 9/1/99 9119/99 Yes 10/18199 10118199 Yes 10/19/99 10/25199 Yes 10125/99 1118/99 Yes 10/28/99 1112/99 No 10/29199 11/1/99 Yes 11/17/99 11121199 Yes 11/17/99 11/1199 Yes 11/19/99 11129/99 Yes 12/9199 If, 2115/99 No 12/16/99 12117199 No 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 January 3, 2000 City of Owass4 Mr. D. Se® Myers Oklahoma Department of Conunerce 900 IN-orth Stiles Avenue P.O. Box 26980 Okl&ioma City, Oklahoma 73126-0980 Subject: CDBG SmaH Cildes Set Aside Program Dear -Nir–liviyer-s: We widerstwid that the SM,1�11 Cities Set Aside was established as a demollstratioli program t® last. through 1999, FUrther, we have mceived crews that the progm, ni may be preserved, but chaiig,qd to exclude cities under 25,0K It is 01ir understaiidiiig drat the S111,111 Cities Set Aside —11— Is Page 2 January 3, 2000 Program has been extremely successful in its present form, and the City of Owasso i 11 (SU -984) Population Estimates for Places: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July° 1, 1998 (includes revised April 1, 1990 census population counts) Source: Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 10233 Contact: Statistical Information Staff, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, (301) 457 -2422 Internet Release Date: June 30 1999 11,1518 11,187 11 —7777 77,7777, ti. rt: t�GF� C v s cps � P� .y� `si-MdF. � ;,t. _ �'.az Yr '�kM • ° � � Sti Y. �, � - -. 4 v s1-s .4 verage�AnrrGal�� Growth r ®wfh '7190-,-,7198 k d77 8" � Number 431 Number�'3 881: Rate 3.77% Rate 34.80% DECEMBER 1999 Operations were as follows throughout the month: The plant processed 60.4 million gallons of wastewater during the month, with an average daily flow of 1.949 million gallons per day. (Current plant design capacity 2.15 MGD.) We have experimented with some addition of polymers to the existing sludge holding tank and are still comparing results of these tests. 0 5.51 Inches of rainfall occurred during the month. 0 All applicable state and federal discharges meet permit requirements for the month. 9&95% of all applicable sewage constituents were removed in the plant treatment process. 0 10 Tons of sludge was processed through the drying beds. 0 Two( 2) safety meetings were held with no loss of time due to injuries. 0 Plant up grade phase 11-A scheduled to go out for bids sometime in January 2000. Polymer experiments have proven. to enhance the percent of solids to the drying beds Born. 0.5 'to 1.0%. Documents for renewal of plant discharge permit were resubmitted to ODEQ for processing, Permit should be issued in February 2000 for review. 0 Ten (10) bypasses reported (see attached list). -12- City of Owasso M onthly SSO Report Permit Number # OK0020303 Date Time Duration in Hours Area/Location Millions Reported 12/4/99 6:00 2 E. 114TH @ N. 9 of Gallons By SD Cause =7— 12/4/99 6:00 30 E. 111TH @ K97TH 0.015 SD 12/4/99 6:30 32 11407 N. 96TH E. AVE 0.016 SD 12/4/99 12/4/99 9:00 9:00 2 300 N. BIRCH 0.001 SD STOPAGE 12/4/99 9:00 2 2 3RD S. CEDAR 0.001 SD STOPAGE 12/4/99 9:00 2 401 N. CEDAR 0.001 SD STOPAGE 12/4/99 9:00 6 E. 76TH @ S. MAIN 0.001 SD STOPAGE 12/15/99 17:15 0.8 N. 104TH @ E. 90TH ST. 0.003 SD W 12/30/99 16:00 20 420 S. BIRCH S. OF E. 116` H & 11 TH 0.0075 SD 11fi .97TH 0.001 JW STOPAGE I � \ ` \ i / d / Hin"i' ll, N DE» No. OK0020303 ase Number 98-288 $600,000 $500i000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,C)OO $0 $0 City of was FY 1999-2000 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons Jug Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Year-to-Date Sales Tax Totals ju, Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Me Jun --*,—Actual --R— Budgeted --Ak— Last `!e ]r City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison January 10, 2000 Actual Collections Budget Projections Arn®unt Percent Amount Percent Over (Under) Projecflon Amount Percent Jul $512,985.26 8.55% $504,000.00 8.40% $8,985.26 1.78% Aug 511,393.24 8.52% 492,000.00 8.20% 19,393.24 3.94% Sep 514,497.85 3.57®/ 504,000.00 8.40% 10,497.85 2.08% Oct 514,225.81 8.57% 519,000.00 8.65% (4,774.19) -0.92% Nov 491,721.77 8.20% 474,000.00 7.90% 17,721.77 3.74% Dec 500,720.86 8.35% 507,000.00 8.45% (6,279.14) -1.24% Jan 497,158.26 8.29% 492,000.00 8.20% 5,158.26 1.05% Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals 59.05®/ $50,703.05 1.45% $3,542,703.05 $3,492,000-00 53.20®/ City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Companson January 10, 2000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals Fiscal 1999-2000 Fiscal 1998099 Increase or (Decrease) $ 512,935.26 511,393.24 514,49735 514,225.81 491,721.77 500,720.86 497,158.26 Percent Percent of Budga—t Amount of Actual Amount Percent 8.55% $ 451,469.72 8.16% $ 61,515.54 13.63% 8.52% 453,908.27 8.20% 57,484.97 12.66% 8.57% 448,643.93 8.11% 65,853.92 14.68% 6.57®1 498,631.93 9.01 % 15,593.88 3.13% 8.20% 436,276.09 7.88% 55,445.68 12.71% 8.35% 436,74079 7.89% 63,980.07 14.65% 8.29% 471,618.68 8.52% 25,539.58 5.42% 3,542,703.05 59.05% $ 3,197,289.41 Nole: Rscal Year 1999-2000 Saes Tax Budget is $6,000,000 57.78% $ 345,413.64 10.80% City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenu Last Five Fiscal Years I 1999-2000 — 1998-99 1997-98 1996-97 1995-96 Jul $ 512,985.26 $ 451,469.72 $ 420,13273 $ 458,982,56 $ 302,677.03 Aug 511,393.24 453,908.27 425,520.68 379,225.10 318,501.67 Sep 514,497.85 448,643.93 407,667.33 354,317.60 329,039.92 Oct 514,225.81 498,631.93 419,775.03 355,906.44 324,380.83 Nov 491,721.77 436,276.09 394,121.26 348,053.09 315,843.10 Dec 500,720.86 436,740.79 407,464.80 371,343.15 318,501.16 Jan 497,158.26 471,618.68 401,090.96 352,475.89 329,059.46 Feb 534,776.86 453,481.05 4169838.52 403,481.21 Mar 431,742.84 346,369.60 327,340.85 299,608.15 Apr 397,609.91 429,894.26 334,584.71 3008385.63 May 500,921.82 400,592.30 403,735.94 346,300.39 Jun 470,869.75 4389182.66 385,564.37 344,428.74 A 3,542,703.05 $ 5,533,210.59 $ 4,944,292.66 $ 4,488,368.22 $ 38-932,207.29 OTHER ITEMS PRESENTED TO COUNCIL itITH THIs AGENDA. CONTRACT THI'S AGREEMENT, by and between _.Mills Family Trust, hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLA140MUk, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, WTTNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of L DOLLARS to be paid by City ty to the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, the Da.ties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: Saleo Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to I City bv good and Oklahoma, to-wit", a fS 4- sufficient warranty 'eed the following described property in Owasso, Tulsa County, See attached EXHIBIT "A" together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and clear of all liens, mortgages, easements, assessments and , encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to same, exce,ot 2. Title Exaraination. Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to City within ten (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its expense. Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined for merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers. if requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. The City shall have ten (10) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. Upon approval tj-, of L title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed upon fifteen (15) days notice ce n writing from either party to the other. 3. Closing. At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and de City to C -,-',v, a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property, free and clear of all taxes-, liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery of said deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full -'i and that sellers are n quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said property. At the same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable said premises in as good condition .L possession of all shall as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified. Nis ellaneous, See -At tack ne t I attached hereto IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Oklahoma, this Rowena'Mills ATTEST CITY CLERK APPROVE'-" AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Parcel 1-4 day parties have executed this contract t Of ° SELLERS'� - I I �-L�sf- CITY OF' OWASSO MAYOR Owasso, A-1-aichim.ent I 4. MisceitaneOLIS; r,, 45 and for further consideration for Setter ente­inz into 7­5 aE_-iezM-7,t, t 'he City hereby covenants, warrant-s- aTid repr�zsen� e a L of which shal[II, survive the Closing, A. Th , e fm ov premenLS - be L-Lllt by the City must be built in with those plans and C a"t­ ors provic,--d tLl' Seller by the City; B. Seeue,-s e-iiainf--ning prope-ty must remain free of c� c-Ons-Iructior mater-*,_;::.S, I.Jeb7is; C. Trite City m-Ist and sod all adjacent areas in the coniz,uctic�-j process; D. r a,,y 0-f Seiler-s zence .. s removed, the City must replace a-lt fence in a good and workmanlike mar­er; T ` City sha ,­ U re, I-J. e Jinited States Postal mailbox h, e Post and re-:nstaIl t-e maii :)cx at the City�s expense on the south, site of` Street- F. ThIe City shall re-grade than certain mound of dirt and sunken areas Just insde the southeast corner of Setter's re ;wining p,.Iopertty -=-suiLitinc, from the installation of the Umne :n 1971 G. The City's improyements m mist provide for unobstructed irni,lo.ress a�)dl egress -1 ® Seller's remaining property, both durii7ig and a-ftLer she _-onstrLction process; and H. �he City Sha-U, rep-ace a-,v concrete or other hard SLrfacing. if ant's LhE: is 7e7i oared by the City on Setter's re mafning pmperzzy. Dated, this —11 day o-r Dec­m�, — - r, 1999- H. Rowena Mills, Trustee of thy- N'li 111 s FF a m il y T_ s t Dazed DI-cernber 20,199( Attest: City C! e r k Approved As To City Attomey C:­76399\_Spcc.j�j' C�)Tditlorll C_ L C, asso —List T 21 2 m R-14-E EAST 96TH BEET NORTH EAST 86TH STREET NORTH L0CA-FQN MAP PROP. 30 R/W LINE EXISTING � -R/W LINE EAST 8'Til STREET NORTH I NTS .74' 16.50' (STATUTORY R/ W) SrECTION LINE LEGAL DLESQRIPT QN FOR ..DERMA NEN- �� :'�-T-07-WAY ACQUISITION: NORTH 13.50' FEET OF- THE SOUTH 30 FEET E7 :-AST 74 FE OF THE SOUTH ST 99. ET EA QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUART . 7- OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND ?OUSE COUNTY, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, C0NTA!Nft('; 0.03f ACRES, MORE OR LESS. T 21 N R 941 E EAST §q TH NOR-fm DL-6-1-10b MAP PAGE o4 SCALE I " = 60 CONTRACT r - THIS AG-REEMENT, by and between--Dallas Kelsey and Bueanna Kelsey .L called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a mun--' and wi f e - hereinafter ca h -u s 1D a corporation, hereinafter called City, 'ca-; WITNESSETH: That for and - L n consideration of the sum of DOLLARS to be naid by City to n- the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, the pa----'-s have agreed and hereby agree as follows. 1. S) a. 1 C- . Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good and i sufficent warranty deed the following described property in Owass i- Oklahoma, to-wi+.-: o, Tulsa Count , See attached EXHIBIT "A" -oge'her with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and clear of all easements, assessments encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to encum, ilens, mortgages, ease except warrant the -title sa to L -me, 2,, Title Examinatio Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to c4l-�,- L �-, I -.— ten 10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its e---pense, in the above Premises, in sellers. If requirements are ne`cessar7,.- Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be exam ned fo-, merchantab 'e 'villa sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. have ten (10) days thereafter The C s'n City Lo examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. pon approval of title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. 3. -1 �-OE.i:InCT. Al- the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and de--'-'L-\.7e-- to 1-Y a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bear --'-- requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to city all of said property, free L and clear of all -taxes- liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery of said deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in and that sellers are in 'quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all Property. At the same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and ceacea,_7_ possession, of all said Premises in as aood condition as the same now are wear and 'year alone expected, and City shall 'thereupon pay to price above specified, - sellers the purchase 4. Misce laneous. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract at Owasso, Oklahoma, thi -s - day of A Dallas Kelsey ABue 'nejn"aXelsey���� SELLERS ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF OWASSO CITY -AT-,ORN7--z - MAYOR Parcel 20 CONTRACT THTS AGREEMENT, by and between Donna M.Morgan, a sing.le ]2erson., hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITTY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, here na I cali-ed City, WTTNESSE'TL'H: 0_ That for and in consideration of the sum of he par t 1es DOLLARS to be paid by City to the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, L_ have agreed and hereby agree as follows: 10 Sale Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good and . sui:Elclent warranty deed the following described property in Owasso, Tulsa Count., Oklahoma, to-w-'Lt- U See attached EXHIBIT "A" together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances there belonging, free and clear of all 'liens, mortgages, easements, assessments a= encumbrances of every "'Kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to same, except 2. Title Examination. Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to City Len (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date a t its expense, Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined ___ merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers° if requirements are necessa­- sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. The City sna-'-, have ten (10) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. 7 approval of title by City, -transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. 3. closin--. At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances. - Concurrently with the delivery of saIJ deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all 1,4Lenable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said property. At the same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable possession of all said premises in as good condition as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified 4. Miscellaneous. Contractors for the Buyer will not enter the Sellers property beyond the right of way designated on Exhibit "A". Buyer agrees to pay the Seller an additional $ /00.00 if the contractor(s) or a representative thereof enters Sellers property beyond tl-ie -right of way on Exhibit "A". 7N -1 WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract at Owasso, / V'-V this' 11"ISY-1 0 i P_ A Oklahoma, day f U rn b 1999, Donna Morgan SELLER ATTEST: CITY CLERK ERK I APPROVED AS TO FORIM: CITY OF OWASSO CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR Parcel 19 21 N OR-1 4—E EAST 96TH STREET NORTH 9, I < N 86TH STREET NORTIH LOCATION MAP Exhibit "A'5 I OWNER: W LBANKS, BURL D. & C MAE 201 EAST 11TH STREET OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 ACCOUNT NO.: LOT 6 - 02840 SCALE: 1 " = 60' SECTION LINE - - ----------- EAST 86th STREET NORTH CONTRACT TH__1_S AGREEMENT, by and between Burl D. Wilbanks and Cora Mae Wil!Dan.-fs husband 4-ife-, hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, 01=�' municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and No /100 (S100 00` DOLLARS to be paid by City to the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, the pa--ties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: Sale Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good aan_-� sufficient warranty deed the following described property in Owasso, Tulsa Cc'-­,_%-, Oklahoma, to-wJt - See attached EXHIBIT 8877 together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and clear of all liens, mortgages, easements, assessments encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to sa-.e, except 2. Title Examination. Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to City wJ­- ten (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its e_xpens i e Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers, If requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. The City shall have ten (1110) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency there Of. U=- approval 0,1 title tle by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be c1c-sea' - _L L upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. 3. C1 0 s in - At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver -".0 City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery 0-f " said L deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said I' ' property. At he same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable"t possession of all said -premises in as good condition as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purc'nase price above specified. 41. Miscellaneous. Upon completion of construction Buyer shall leave Sellers property in its current grading condition. Buyer agrees that the Sellers chain link fencing is not to be effected in any way by this project. !N W71TNESS WHEREOF Oklahoma, this the parties have executed this contract at Owasso, day o 1999. 141 Bur 4����� ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORNI: CITY ATTORNEY Parcel 6 Cora Mae Wilbanks SELLERS CITY OF OWASSO MAYOR CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between.. HARLES ROBERT ARY and TERRY ..A. ARyIausbanf and T if hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OMMOMA, a munic4 corporation, hereinafter called City, -pal WI]"NESSETH: 91 C oz C*JE Z That for and in consideration of the sum of L �_ be paid DOLLARS -o m6mtd:��� )-& provided, by City to the order of Sellers as hereinafter the parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: Sale. Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good and suff-icient warranty deed the following described property in Owasso, Tulsa County Oklahoma, to-wit. See attached EX 1'31T q7A?9 together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances the-reunto belonging, �c free and clear of all liens, mortgages, f encumbrances Of every kind and character whatsoever, and to easementswarrant the tiassessments tle to same, and except L 2 Title Ex inatiol-ja tE�xan 3asic abstract as is shall he delivered to city within ten (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its expense. Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined for merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers. If requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to Comply. The City shall have ten (110) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. upon approval Of title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed Upon fifteen (15)" days notice in writing from either party to the other. 3. At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps® transferring and conveying to City all of said property, 'L free and, clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery of said deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed Possession of all said property, At the same time sellers shall deliver possession of all said premises in as good condition as to City quiet and peaceable wear and, tear alone ex the same now are, reasonable expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified, L 4. Misceliane—g. SELLERS ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Parcel 5 CITY OF OWASSO MAYOR 0 T < 0 21 ` 10 N R-18 4-E EAST 96TH STREET NORTH EAST 86TH STREET NORTH LOCATION MAP SCALE: I" = 60' SECTION LINE EAST 86th STREET NORTH ITION THE NORTH 5.89 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1, NICHOLS HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, CONTAINING 0.008 ACRES MORE OR LESS. CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between HAZEL E. ALLYN a single ]2erson hereinafter r ca. Lled Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKTI�HOMA, a municipal corporation hereina-i-e called City? L hereinafter WITNESS ETTY : That for and in consideration of the slam. of L L -�2ne Hundred Thou s and--=-w-, and No /1 ®0 DOLLARS to be paid by city to the order cf Sellers as hereinafter Provided, the parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: i Sale4 Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to sufficient warranty deed the following sell, property in Owasso, by good and Oklahoma, to -wit so, Tulsa CCU----,-y, See attached EXHIBIT 23A" together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and clear of all liens, mortgages, easements, assessments and encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to same, except 2. Title Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to city with,---, ten (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its expense. Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined for merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers. If requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply' The City shall have ten (10) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. upon approval Of title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed upon fifteen L (-15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. I - 3. Closing. At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property- free and clear of all taxes, 'Liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the de-1,'ve-?-v' of said deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said property. At the same time sellers- shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable possession of all said premises in as good condition as the same now are reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified. 4. Miscellaneous. T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this cop-tract at Owasso, Oklahoma, this Hazel E. Allyn, ATTEST: CITY CLERK day of APPROVED AS -70 FORM: CITY OF OWASSO CITY ATTORNEY Parcel /6 MAYOR 1999. T 21 o N I —1 —' - EAZ-7 96TH STREET NORTH --E�367-h STREET NORTH LO'CATiON MAP WEST LINE SE 1/4, SW EAST cz� Exhibit "A" wolffmiskTaR -L't---.GAL DESCRIP71-I01N FOR PERMANENT RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION: 50' ORY R/W) NORTH 3375,50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 50 FEET AND THE WEST 50' FEET OF THE WEST HALF (W/2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (S //) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORT�- RANGE 114 EAST OF THE 1NDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, �-,"WT AINMNif- n OC,11 Ae-MFl:' nl--) i [7C'<-' KW ALL MEN BY THESE See attached Exhibit "B99 The sole, purpose of this easement is to grant to the City, its officers, agents, emplo -v ees. and/or all persons under contract with it, the right to enter upon said premises and strip of land for the puose of construction of a public project. This public project will include construction contracts and /or services which may include but are not limited to project construction, utility relocations, grading, and drainage, This public project is to be constructed on a permanent easement and/or right of way and is not a part of this temporary easement, It is a condition of this easement that it shall not be fled of record and that all rights conveyed to the City by this easement shall terminate upon completion of construction and final acceptance by the City of the work performed on the permanent easement and/or right of way referred to above. STATE OF, OKLAHOMA ) )ss. COUNTY Of TULSA Before me d, a Notary public in and for said County and State, on this day of1999, personally appeared Charles R Acv and Terry to me /mown to be the identical persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to nee that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth, GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. v Notary public My commission expires Parcel 4T -17.03 "3182724915 SUPPORT SERViGES 14. -E- rAxhibit "B" 7&VIT st, -N SITRCF-'6 - a�RTH- !IAUL U2 R SKARON ST L1175 08' yn R SKARON ST TEMPORARY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: See attached Exhibit "B" 14-L is a condition of this casement that it shall not be -filed of record and that all rights conveyed to the City by this easement shall terminate upon completion of construction and final acceptance by the City of the work performed on the permanent easement and/or right of way referred to above. ITINT, 7FI I Ss WHE OF, the Owner herein has hereunto set his hand and seal this m2u— —, 1999, Ef Lday o Ta & STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) )ss. COUTNTY OF--111,1- LA Before me e and r th d signed, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this rs day of V 999, personally appeared P, M, S. FAMILY TRUST to me knovm to be the identical persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that --Lh�y executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forte, GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. c2oc 11 IL� I My commission expires Parcel 44T A Notary Public T Q 2 N R- 14-E EAST 86TH STREET NORTH 30 — --------- EAST 76TH STREET NORrH LOC TI ON MAP C-1 Exhibit "B" OWNER: EDWARD J. SOKOLOSKY D.O. a PATRICIA M.-.SOKOLOSKY 1815 EAST SKELLY DRIVE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74105 ACCOUNT NO.: 58340 SCALE: 1" = 60/ EAST 86TH STREET NORTH SECTION LINE EXISTING 60 If R/W LINE C\� 100 ® C14 LEGAL FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: THE NORTH 100 FEET OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1. OWASSO CENTER, CITY OF owAsso, TULSA COUNIFY, OKLAHOMA, CON T, 0.046 ACRES® MORE OR LESS. i PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE See Attached Exhibit "C" It is a condition of this easement that it shall not be filed of record and that all rights conveyed to the City by this easement shall terminate upon completion of construction and final acceptance by the City of the work performed on the permanent easement and/or right of way referred to above, . IN SITE F, the Owner herein has hereunto set his hand and seal thi L� dada of r Err" � '1999. Dres i den- t Education of Owasso STATE F _ �ss4 C F IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto set ray official signature affixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written, My commission expires: r Lc-�� Parcel 15T Ll�� 6 Notary Public 1 C7 � EMENT: