HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.02.01_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF TI-IF MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTIJORITY TYPES OF MhIMNG: Regular DATE: February 1, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.rn, A E : Council Charnbcrs, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 28, 2000. Marcia outwell Authority Secretary AGENDA 1. Call to Order Chairman Wilken 2. Flag Salute 3 Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All platters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be cuacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of January 18, 2000 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 -A Owasso Public Worlcs Authority I- cbruary 1, 2000 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. AttachmcM #4 -13 C. Action Relating to an Independent Audit of Financial Transaction for the OPWA Fund for FY 1998 -99, and a bequest for the Trustees to Receive the .Audit f M01—t. Attacli��zent #4 -C The staff recommends the Authority "receive"' the audit for review and information. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of Change Order #l, a Change Order to a Contract Between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Sapulpa Digging Co, Sapulpa, OIL, for the Northside Wastewater Collection System Improvements. Mr Lutz Attachment #5 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #1, adding $245,437 to the cost of the project in unit prices to extend the 15 " interceptor north from 106" St N to 116t" St M 6. Report from OP-WA Manager. %. Report from OP-WA Attorney. Owasso Public Works ALIthority I Cbruary 1, 2000 Pagc 3 Ncw BLISlrless. 9. Adjournment, OWASSO PUBLIC WORDS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 18, 2000 T'he Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tucsday, January 18, 2000 in the Council Chambcrs at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public -Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, January 14, 2000. ITEM 1 CALF, TO ORDER Chairman Wilken called the meeting to order at 7:46 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was given during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Mark Wilken, Chair Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Chair Denise Bode, Trustee Melinda Moss, 'Trustee H C "Will" Williams, Trustee STAFF Timothy Rooney, Acting City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUS_T FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA, A. Approval of the Minutes of January 4, 2000 Rcgular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the January 4, 2000 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $57,540.89; (2) OPWA Sewer Line Extension $23,000.00; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $2,000.00; (4) Payroll $33,619.95. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr- Williams, to approve the consent agenda. OWaSSO Public Works Authority ARIL: Bode, Williams, Voss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAZI: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 5: REPORTFROM OPWA MANAGER No report. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OPWA AT'rORNEY. No report. ITEM %: NEW BUSINESS. None I'T'EM 8: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Barrehouse, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Banihouse, Voss, Williams, Wilken NAB': None Lotion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 1:46 p.m. Marcia Boutwcll, Secretary W)_ January 18, 2000 Mark Wdken, Chairperson City of Owasso Claims 2 /1/2000 Fund Department Total General Deposits 50.00 105 Municipal Court 61,65 110 Managerial 902,49 120 Finance 625,75 150 General Government 3,682,35 160 Community Development 7,847.09 170 Engineering 593.77 181 Support Services 592.21 201 Police Services 2,955.22 215 Police Communications 262,55 221 Animal Control 1,010.83 250 Fire Services 1 ,708.15 280 Emergency Preparedness 117.41 300 Streets 9,037.83 515 Park Maintenance 352.76 550 Community Center 996.80 710 Economic Development 80.48 TOTAL 30,877.34 Ambulance Ambulance Refunds 634.07 255 Ambulance 1,959.50 TOTAL 2,593.57 Bond Projects Community Center 449.00 Project Management 13,468.50 Streets /Intersections 9,000.00 Main Street 212.31 Computerization 2,645.00 TOTAL 25,774.81 OPGA Golf Merchandise 3,447.42 Food & Beverage 1,368.44 605 Cart Operations 22.66 610 Golf course Maintenance 2,094.93 670 Food & Beverage Operations 290.52 690 Golf Administration 721.00 691 Clubhouse 6,771.77 800 Debt Service 39,919.38 TOTAL 54,636.12 OPWA 59.49 400 Administration 688.77 405 Utility Billing 1,670.85 420 Water 232,281,70 OPWA Debt Service 01-AA Sales Tax City Garage Workers' Comp Self Insurance Clain-is Total 45O Wastewater Treatment Plant 142.48 453 Wastewater Collection 2.46272 480 Refuse Collections 1.989.90 485 Recycle Center 46M TOTAL 239.342.06 - Debt Service 38.137M TOTAL 36,137,08 Debt Service 124.8287G TOTAL 124.82875 i8G City Garage 8,215.26 TOTAL 8,215.26 150 VVorkera'Cornp 5.839.43 TOTAL 5'839.43 528245.32 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 01/15/00 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES ....... . . . . . .. ................. Z . . ........... ........ . ....,.A a .Utility ... B.i.l..I.i.n..g ........... 0.00 2,065.27 Wa.s.te.water 269.70 6,370.46 ... ............ ............ .... .. ............ ............... ............ Mam k ......... 677 lo::� 4', 5, Refuse 0.00 39045.08 ........... ... ..... ...... ..... . ....... ......... ... -..- ........... ............... .............................. ............. 1 er ....... ....... ........... $20 4155 47.- ............ . ............. APPROVED: February 1, 2000 w Trustee Trustee TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM- SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. AUDIT -REPORT FOR FISCAL, 1998 -99 DATE.- January 26, 2000 BACKGROUND. An independent audit, performed by a certified accountant, is required by City Charter and state statutes. The report of the independent auditor must be filed with the governing body and with the office of the State Auditor and Inspector. On ?March 3, 1998, the City Council approved a contract with Crawford & Associates, P.C., of Oklahoma City to perform an audit for the city and its trust authorities. On February Z, 1999, the City Council approved a one -year extension of those auditing services for FY 1998 -99. All audit work is complete and copies of the financial statements are attached for your information and review. Frank Crawford will represent the accounting firm and will present the audit at the City Council meeting. If the Council has any questions or would life additional information after that presentation, I would be glad to address those requests. Copies of the audited financial statements are also available for public inspection in the Finance Department at City Hall. Staff recommends that the Public Works Authority take action to "receive" the audit report. ATTACHMENTS Financial Statements for Fiscal 1998 -99 A TO. IIONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES O ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM PHIL LUT , P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT. CHANGE ORDER #I, EXTENSION OF INTERCEPTOR NORTIISIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION IMPROVEMENT OVEME"NT DATE: January 25, 2000 BACKGROUND: The Northside Wastewater Collection Improvement project includes sewer construction in conformance with a 1998 Consent Order issued by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) as a result of storm event bypasses in the area of North Mingo Road. The Northside project includes upgrading sanitary sewer service to the northwest quadrant of the City by replacing the old 106t11 Street Lift Station and force main with a gravity line(see attached location map). The basic contract was let to Sapulpa Digging in June 1999 in the amount of $374,000. The basic work was considered substantially complete on November 27, 1999. Although the initial contract did much to alleviate the bypass problems, an existing 8- inch line, lying within a 10 -foot permanent easement and extending north from the upper limits of the original project limit to 116th Street North, continues to cause periodic bypasses due to inflow into old manholes and infiltration into the 8n-inch line. Staff proposes to extend the 15 -inch gravity line from the old lift station area to 116th Street North in order to provide increased capacity. SCOPE Off' CHANGE- The proposed change will include installation of approximately 5,200 LIT of 15 -inch pipe with associated appurtenances for a negotiated price of $245,437.00 (see attached Change Order). The majority of cost involves an extension of existing bid items and is not subject to the 15% limit increase. New bid items amount to only 9.8% of the original contract price. Staff has obtained authorization for tcmporary construction easements from all ten landowners along the extension alignment. Authorization for the extension has been received from ODEQ via letter dated December 23, 1999. A revised construction permit is forthcoming. FUNDING: Project funding is provided by a 1992 Oklahoma Mater Resources Board loan. Project handing included in the FY99 -00 budget, togetlier with accrued interest amounted to $693,000. The amount due the contractor under the original contract ($372,838.00) and associated engincering design fees ($26,500.00) totals $399,338.00. (In order to keep the contract opcn, $500 has been retained from payments to the contractor under the original contract.) The above total plus costs for acquiring easements ($51,122) amounts to $450,460.00, which leaves approximately $242,000 available for the change order. The fee negotiated with the engineer (HUB+Garver) to design the extension is $15,520.00. An amendment to the design agreement was approved by Council on December 7, 1999. This fee, together with the negotiated change order amount ($245,437), totals $260,957.00, resulting in a deficit of about $19,000. the remaining funds required for this project will be provided from the Ole WA cash account. RECOMMENDATION- Staff requests approval of Change Order #1 to the contract with Sapulpa Digging, Inc., for the extension of the Northside sanitary sewer line in the amount of $245,437. ATTACHMENTS- 1. Location map 2. Change Order F.\SEWER\north—wcstew—colL Vii C SD 1-2000 PROJECT- Northside Wastewater Collection System Improventents TO CON-IMACTOR: Sapulpa Digging Lnc CI-LkNGE ORDER NUMBER- I DNIF,: January 10, 2000 CONTRACT DATE,: June 15, 1999 CON TRACS FOloo Mort side intercepter The Contract is chmiged as follows: Add of 5176 LF of 15" gravity sewer line extending from end of original contract north to 11.6 East Avenue. Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor Sa 12a DigDng Inc_ Su CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 1105 ADDRESS SaDulDa. OK 74067 BY Les Gregg® sident j Mil P.O. Box 180 ADDRESS Owasso, OK 74055 M DATE / — JZ- DATE Attachment to Change Order No. 1 Noithside Wastewater Collection System prove en Owasso Public Works Authority Additions Based o �l Unit Prices Item a tit Unit Cost l Total Clearing e d Grubbing 5176 L °' $1.50 $ 7 g7 4 °00 15 " Gravity Sewer Line 517 $30 °00 $155,280° 4" hole 16 EA 1400.00 22,400.00 499 Service Connection 8 EA 300.00 2,400.00 4" Service Lie 120 IX 5 °00 600.00 Boring and 30 "9 Steel Casing 100 LF 150.00 15,000.00 Right of Way Restoration 5176 LF 1°00 5,176° Subtotal — Additions Based on Original Unit prices $208,620° 1 emobilazatio emolltion LS $15,317.00 $15,317° By Fuss Pumping LS 20,000.00 2, Connect Existing Serer Line to New Line 3 EA 500.00 1,5 Subtotal — Additions Not Based on Original Unit Prices $369$170 Total Additional Cost — Change Order No. 1 $245,437° 11 9° of Original Contract Price