HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.03.14_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: March 14, 2000 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall Lower Level Conference Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 10, 2000, March�ell. City 'Boutw 1, City Clerk Call to Order Mayor Wilken 2. Public Fireworks Display Representative fi-om Owasso Assembly of God Church Owasso City Council Marclh 14, 2000 Page 2 4. Update /Discussion Relating to Remaining Easements for 86`x' & Main Intersection Project. Mr McElrath Report from City Manager City Mall Project Update Vehicle Purchase Structure of Work Session Mr Mitchell 6. Adj ournm ent. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO CITY CLERK March t 2000 Information and discussion relating to the following issues is planned for the City Council work session on "Tuesday, March 14 'h at 5:30 p.m. in the City Fall bower Level Conference Room. 1. Public Fireworks Display m Pastor Arvle Knight and /or a representative of the Owasso Assembly of God Church will discuss a city-wide fireworks display sponsored by the church, See attached memorandum dated February 299 2000. 2. Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal - See attached memorandum from Robert Carr dated 3/9/00. 3. Street Overlay Interlocal Agreement -- See attached memorandum from Robert Carr dated 3/9/00° 4. bowing Contracts w See attached memorandum from Robert Garr dated 3/9/000 5. Commercial Defuse Collection Permits m See attached memorandum from Hobert Garr dated. 3/9/000 de Sd "' & Main Intersection Project Easements - Mr Mc9 lrath will update the Council regarding the remaining easements required for the 86 "' & Main Intersection Project, `7o City Hall Project Update - Mr Mitchell will have a copy of the Mans and specifications for the Council to review before it goes to bid. S. Vehicle Purchase - Mr Mitchell will brief the Council on a plan to transfer the City Manager's vehicle to the police detective division and purchase a new vehicle for the City Manager. See attached memorandum from Regena Guthrie dated 3/10/00. 9. Structure of 'Work Session - Mr Mitchell will discuss with the Council the manner in which they would like to see the work session structured. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO COPY. t LARRY MIT4 (? i CITY MANAGER i } R 1411 f CITY CL- 11W DATE: February 29, 2000 I have received a request fi-orn Pastor Flo Knight of the Owasso Assembly of God Church for an item to be placed on the City Council agenda for consideration to approve a city -wide fireworks display sponsored by the church, with some possible assistance from the Chamber of Commerce. Attached for your review is a copy of the city code requiring that approval, After conferring with Mr Cates, I have suggested that Pastor Knight or his representative come to the Work Session on March 14 " to explain what they want to do, and then that an action item be placed on the regular agenda on March 21 ". Pastor might is wanting to wove fairly quickly on this so that they will have sufficient time to raise the funds needed for this display if it is approved. assault; or °lie language or literature, in its common acceptance, is calculated to cause a breach of peace or an assault. (prior Code, Sec. 14 -58) Page 10 ---16 a. The group organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must obtain the city council's specific approval for the event; b. The event must be open to the public, free of charge; e. The use, display, firing, ignition, lighting and discharge of the rreworLs niust be done in the presence of an authorized representative of the city fire department; and d. The group(s) organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must inderm ify and hold the city hanii1ess for any damage caused by the event and provide an insurance policy, with the city named as an insured, covering and protecting the city from liability to the extent it is not immune by state law. (l�l °ior 77-Sec. -17; Card. o. 354, Ill /86) dross Referee eo Fire Prevention Code, Section 13 ®101 Bottle a ti.o Sections licenses, 68 O.S. 1621 et seq.; municipal 1. .. 1.-1.1e. eowea9 -401 ear 011hol"Ilt'l, emeent H,at Punnowder may be kept in quantities of not MEMORANDUM DATE: f 9 2000 C. Mowing Contracts Bids have been received for the April — October 2000 contract mowing period, A comparison of bids with the past year will be presented Commercial Refuse Collection Permits meeting was Fold with commercial refuse haulers presently providing service within the City of Owasso, Current collection frequency and quantities has been analyzed by staff. A proposed monthly permit foe has been calculated based on present monthly revenue generated. q �' } � } r ;� f � F 1 Z Garver, Inc. Engineers 5411 S. 125th Cast Ave. Suite 301 Tulsa, OK 74146 -6206 918- 250 -5922 FAX 918 -250 -6529 www.garverinc.com As per your request we have reviewed the operation of the treatment plant with regard to the accumulation of sludge in the treatment process.. The existing drying beds cannot keep pace with the plant's sludge production. Consequently sludge has accumulated in the digester, clairifiers and in the oxidation ditch. Based on our calculations approximately 500,000 gallons of sludge (at 2% solids) needs to be wasted beginning as soon as possible. In our opinion the two best alternatives for removal and disposal of the sludge are as follows: I ° Lease a portable belt press, dewater the sludge and haul to a landfills 2. Contract with a sludge disposal specialist to haul and land apply the sludge as a liquid. The approximate cost of each alternative is as follows: Belt .Press Rental $12,000.00 f month x 3 months $36,000°00 Labor 7,500000 Landfill 3,000 °00 Polymer 0 Total Estimated Cost $48,500000 Brentwood, TN ® Fayetteville, AR ® Huntsville, AL ® Madison, MS ® Little Rock, AR ® Louisville, KY ® Tulsa, OK F. Robert Carr March 2, 2000 Memo - Page Two Ir The "wet" option provides the most flexibility. The amount of sludge to be removed can be adjusted depending on the weather and how the treatment process responds. cc: Charles Nicholson PROPOSAL Sludge Technology, Inc. 8 10 1 West 3 3"" Street South 401 Proposal Submitted To: Charles Nicholson City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasw, Oklahoma 74055 We hereby Submit specifications and estimates for: Hauling liquid sludge from the City of Owasso to the Muskogee County site land applying. Quote is based on 40,000-50,000,gallons of sludge per week at the pri of .0594 per gallon. i I specifications for the sum of. ,0594 per gallon, based on 40,000-50,000 gWlons per week. WIT Authori=d Sig=tffe D/j J. . Leatheimaxi To: F. Robert Pijblic Works Director From: Charles A. Nicholson Jr. Wastewater Treatment Chief perat ®r Date: February 17, 2000 As per your request on, February 9, 2000,1 have inquired as to a how and where to dispose ®f the treated sludge. RKC2,0 ATIQN 1 11 lip e c °t; r t Quantities and costs are based on typical road paving plans and design drawings for the projecl Tack Coat 2,100 gallons Flow able Fill 500 CY Traffic Stripe (4- inch) 10,000 L �ptl�t ctl�cxx��x�t_cx�tc�° Type B AC 1,000 tons e Fabric Reinforcement 500 SY Tack Coat 100 gallons Flowablc pill 150 CY Sr*- rI \rs t 6,A M Ve r G04 �A lC I 1.3 COMP �� AGRE'EMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made the _ day of 2000, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "COUNTY" and the City of Owasso, Tulsa county, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "CITY". WHEREAS, by virtue of 69 O.S. 1981, Section 1903, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities to construct, improve, and repair any of the streets of such municipalities, and; WHEREAS, the County is desirous of participating in projects and the provision of services mutually advantageous to the COUNTY and other units of government; THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: L The duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the projects described herein, based upon the COLTNTY's work schedule. 2. The purpose of the Agreement shall be for paving of Main Street (from e Street to 11 Street) and paving at the Baptist Retirement Center on N. 122�d East Avenue (from 76b Street North to 73-d Street North), 73"d Street North (from 122� d E. Avenue to 127h E. Avenue) and 127h E. Avenue (from 76h Street North to 73d Street North). 3. The CITY shall provide for all required right-of-way, utility relocation, construction of roadway subbase, drainage system construction, maintenance and payment for all paving materials used by the COUNTY. 4, The CO'LJNTY shall provide all labor and equipment required to complete the paving. 5. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of execution thereof and is intended only for the purpose detailed in Section 2 above. 6 The rights, duties and obligations under and arising from this Agreement shall not be assigned by either party hereto without the express written consent of the other. Page 2 ATTEST: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Marcia Bout well, City Clerk Mark Wilken, Mayor Date, APPROVED AS TO FORM-: Assistant District Attorney ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS YULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Joan Hastings, County Clerk Wilbert Collins, Chairman DATE: (1) UNIT PRICE B!® PER INTERSECTION a SI NALIZA ON IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR - HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. (2) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHERIN TULSA COUNTY TO PROVOE LABOR & EQUIPMENT, AND CITY TO FURNISH MATERIALS. (3) NEW ITEM - WT PRPCE ESTWATEC Street Repair Project FY 99-00 4 mt l � 3 4 Mowing of City � � d Analysis } � The year 2000 mowing bid was advertised and bid packages were sent to ten (10) perspective mowing contractors. Twelve (12) mowing contractors submitted bids which staff believe are competitive. The following tabulation compares the 1999 and 2000 bids: AREA DESCRIPTION 1999 BID PER MOWING 2000 BID PER MOWING Ra ola Park $ 214.00 $ 210.00 Elm Creek Park $ 195.00 $ 194.49 Ato�hts Park $ 70.00 $ 69,49 Pride Park 86th Street $ 49.00 $ 46.95 TOTAL. COST PER MOWING P S $ 528000 $ 520.93 El Rio Vista Medians and Frontage 96th and Garnett Intersection and 22 Garnett Median $ 115.00 $ 111.95 Ator $ 25.00 $ 31.00 El Rio Vista Drainage Easement $ 55.00 $ 95,00 Three Lakes Drainage Easement _ _ $ 400.00 $ 400,00 Lakerid e Drainage Easement $ 300.00 w $ 299,00 Owasso EaSpressway West Side Easement $ 55.00 � $ 80,00 76t11 Street North Medians $ 29,00 $ 28,00 Main, 5th Street and 3rd and Main Easements $ 65.00 $ 83.00 tT S, Llighway 169 IZihtmof Warr__ $1,650.00A�mm $1,600000 TOTAL COST PER MOWING FOR EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY $2694,00 $2,727 ®95 TOTAL, ANNUAL MOWING COST $27,396.00 $27,423.84 The 2000 mowing bids for the Parks had a decrease of $7,07 to $520.93 per mowing from the 1999 costs. The Parks mowing season is eighteen (18) rnowings, used on each low bid, total cost for the season is $9,376.74. Parks Department staff is currently evaluating the bids and checking vendor references. used on the outcome of the evaluation, actual costs :For the 2000 season may vary from projected total cost. f CITY OF OWASSO March 7, 2000 Frequency yarft Tow Mcf0ty Hauler Type of Cordainer cantaigm Number of collec� per cm4k4A&d per Fee Permit Fee Yards unft ($3.5Wy.-d waste management Duffnnter 2 26 1 52 $7.00 $182.00 Dumpder 2 3 2 12 $14.00 $42.00 Duffq-t- 2 1 3 6 $21.00 $21.00 Dumpster 3 14 1 42 $10.50 $147.00 Dumpster 3 5 2 30 $21.00 $105.00 DumpsLar 3 9 3 81 $31.50 $283.50 Duffp*- 4 17 1 68 $14.00 $238.00 Dumpd- 4 a 2 64 $28.00 $224-00 D-qmt- 4 8 3 96 $42.00 $336.00 Dumpater 6 14 1 84 $21.00 $294.00 Duffqnter 6 a 2 96 $42.00 $M.00 Dumpster 6 8 3 144 $63.00 $5D4.00 DumpsW a 9 1 72 $28.00 $252.00 Dumpd- a 7 2 112 $56.00 $392.00 Dumpster a 57 3 1368 $84.00 $4,788.00 3-0 1 0.5 15 $52.50 $52.50 30 4 1 120 $105.00 $420.00 30 1 05 60 $210.00 $210.00 W 1 1 120 $420.00 $420.00 40 1 0.5 80 $280.00 $280.00 42 1 0.25 42 $147.00 $147.00 B19 (Allied) 30 1 3 360 $1,26D.00 $1-7m.00 Li 42 1 0.25 42 $147.00 $147.00 Amedmn 6 2 1 12 $21.00 $42.00 2 1 16 $28.00 $56.00 10 2 160 $56.00 $560.00 5 40 $14.00 $140.00 6 48 $1168M $168.00 a w, 30 TOTAL 3472 MONTH TOTAL $12,152.00 Using present monthly revenue generation'. $11,868 net revenue/ 3472 cubic yards collected per week mm $3-48/ctibic yard (use $3.50/cubic yard) Billed yards calWcted per week = 2327 yards Not billed yards ® 1 I -Z yards (additional 492%) CITY OF OWASSO Commercial Refuse Collection - Percent Change of Monthly Fee (March 7, 2000 A B C D E F G H i p(NIOU'rly 00 ebq b e t fj� �y .. eke Ct4 y m "Vw TO: 4. t LARRY CITY MANAGET DATE: MARCH 99 2000 If this transfer were to occur, the result of vehicle assignments would bee Detective Harper- Det. Sgt. Klahr- Detective De Armond- Dynasty Corsica (running ) Once the other Corsica is repaired it would be available for police services to use for equipment /supplies delivery and pi WV09/2000 1 U 0 �-7) 9102/2491b SUPPORT SERVICES PAGE 02 RN M"ok? M, a City of Owasso Bm price, four door, V6, 4.0 L $18,409 Exterior: Silverstone matalliq Interior: Agate (gray) 9 Option #2 1, Cloth interior seats N/C Option 024, Tilt/cruiseAntermittent vvipers $474 Option 025, Rear window defroster N/C Option #28, Service Manual $125 Option #38, Limited Slip DifferendW $242 Option #48, Power Door Locks and Windows $459 Total $19,684 'rbank, you for your assistance in this matter, Also, pi a brochure on the Jeep Chewkee to my attention at POD 130, Owam, OK 740550