HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.03.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC; NOTICE, OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: March 21, 2000 TIME: 6;30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office or the City Clerk and Posted at City hall 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2000. e Marcia utwell, CitvClerk I� 1. Call to Order Mayor Wilken 2. Invocation Pastor Arvle Knight Owasso Assembly of (sod Church 3. Flag Salute Chris Roberts, Public Works Department 4. Moll Call Owasso City Council M arcli 21, 2000 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request, A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -- debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of March 1, 2000 Regular Meeting and Larch 149 2000 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-13 C. Action Relating to the Extension of a Contract for Police Department Uniform Cleaning. Attachment #5-C The staff recommends Council approval of a one year extension of a contract with Yale Cleaners to provide uniform cleaning for the Police Department through June 30, 2001 at the prices specified in the contract dated July 219 1998, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the extension agreement. D. Action Relating to the Renewal of the Enhanced 911 Interlocal Agreement. Attachment #5-D The staff recommends City Council approval to renew the existing interlocal agreement as required by the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. E. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Owasso Market, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Attachment #5aE The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. F. Action Relating to Acceptance of Acceleration/Deceleration Lanes at Friendship Baptist Church, Located at west of the southwest comer of E 86 "' St N & 145 "' East Ave. Attachment #5 -F The staff recommends Council acceptance of the acceleration /deceleration lanes. Owasso City Council March 21, 2000 11agc 3 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a Request for Approval of a Public Fireworks Display. Pastor Arvle Knight Attachment #6 Pastor might will request City Council approval for the Owasso Ministers' Fellowship and the Owasso Chamber of Commerce to hold a public fireworks display in celebration of Independence Day. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a request from Theresa Spears for Annexation of an 8.25 -Acre Tract of Land Generally Located on the Northeast Corner of East 96th Street forth and Garnett road. Mr Rooney Attachment #7 The Owasso Annexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ- OOm01, a Request to Rezone Property Located on the North Side of East 96th Street North, West of U.S. Highway 169; from OL (Office Light), RS-3 (Residential Single - Family Nigh Density), and RS ®2 (residential Single-Family Medium Density) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center), Containing 16.67 Acres, More or Less. Mr Rooney Attachment #S The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and has recommended Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. Owasso City Council March 21, 2000 l'agc 4 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Mowing Contracts for City properties. Mr Roberts Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council approval of the following contracts: 1. Rayola park - TLC, Lawn Care at $210.00 per mowing 1 Elm Creep :parr - LeMasters Lawn Service at $242.00 per mowing 3. Ator Heights parr w J B Stigall at $80.00 per mowing 4. bride Dark (86th St) w TLC Lawn Care at $46.95 per mowing 5. Ator Heights Utility Easement ® J B Stigall at $31.00 per mowing 6. El Rio `vista Center Medians & Frontage, 96th & Garnett Intersection, 22nd & Garnett Median - TLC Lawn Care at $111.95 per mowing %. Three Lakes Drainage Easement - BrushHog Services at $400.00 per mowing 8. Lakcridge Drainage Easement -v Roy Taylor at $299.00 per mowing 9. Owasso Expressway Nest Side Easement -v Danny Patton at $80.00 per mowing 10, 76`11 St N Center Medians _. Complete Household Set -vice Inc at $28.00 per mowing 11. Main St, Fifth St Drainage, & Third & Main St Easements - J B Stigall at $83.00 per mowing 11 U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way - Complete Household Service Inc at $1600.00 per mowing loo Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Approval of an Interlocal Agreement for Street Repairs, Mr Carr Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement with Tulsa County for the paving of Main Street from 4"' St to I I"' St, and paving at the Baptist Retirement Center on N 122nd East Ave, 73`d St N, and 127t1' East Ave. (Jwasso City Council March 21, 2000 Page 5 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund Budget, Managerial Department. Ms Bishop Attachment # 11 The staff will request Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Budget increasing revenues by $ 1.3,553 and increasing expenditures in the Managerial Department by $ 19,684. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Authorization to purchase a Vehicle for the City Manager's Use. Mr McElrath Attachment #12 The staff will recommend approval of the purchase of a 2000 Jeep Cherokee from Hudiburg Auto Group -Jeep, Midwest City, OIL, utilizing Mate Contract #0070- 06 -55, and authorization for payment in the amount of $19,684. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Bid for the purchase of an Above - Ground Lift for the City Garage. Mr McElrath Attachment # 13 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend that the bid be awarded to Malchi Automotive Equipment Supply Co, Broken Arrow, OK, for the purchase of one above - ground lift in the amount of $6663.00. Owasso City Council March 21, 2000 l'agc b 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for the Approval of Contracts for the Sale of Real Estate, Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents, and Authorization for payment of Beal Estate, Closing Costs, and Fees. Mr McElrath Attachment # 14 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Mayor's Appointments to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. Mayor Milken Attachment #15 Owasso City Council March 21, 2000 Page 7 16. Report from City Manager. IT Report from City attorney. 18. Report from City Councilors. 19. New Business. 20. Adjournment. 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES OF IZEGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March i, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 7, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4000 p.m. on Friday, March 3, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 6.34 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Dave Freese of the Westport Mennonite Brethren Church. ,y Phil Lutz led in the flag salute. ITEM 4e ROLL CALL STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Donald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA, A. Approval of the Minutes of February 15 2000 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #632, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of 80 Acres Generally Locates on the North Side of East 106 "' St N, East of Mingo Road & South of the Owasso Sports Park. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #633, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of a 160 Acre and a 40 Acre Tract of Land Located at the Southwest Cornea- of East 106 "' St N and North 145 "' East Avenue, and a Five Foot Wide Strip of Land Located on the West Side of North 145"' East Ave Along and Between the Aforementioned Properties. Owasso City Council March 7, 2000 E. Action Relating to Ordinance #634, an Ordinance Providing for the .Annexation of a 10 Acre Tract of nand Located on the Northeast Corner of East 96t1' Street Forth and Mingo road. F. Action Relating to Renewal of an Agreement for Ambulance Lulling Administrative Services. The consent agenda included minutes of the February 15 2000 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $58,720.77- (2) Ambulance Service Fund $6,322.16; (3) E -911 Fund $1,898.049 (4) Bond Projects $52,678.00; (5) City Garage $7,485.55, (6) Workers Comp Self - Insurance $22,347.91; (7) Collision Self Insurance $649.169 (8) Payroll #1 $166,557.22, (9) Payroll #2 $163,328.40; (10) City Garage Payroll 91 $3,831.04, (11) City Garage Payroll #2 $3,849.10. Item C requested approval of Ordinance #6329 annexing 80 acres of land south of the Owasso Sports Park. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #633, annexing land at the southwest corxrer° of E 106th St N and N 145th E Ave. Item E requested approval of Ordinance 9634, annexing 10 acres located on the northeast corner of E 96th St N and Mingo Rd. Item F requested renewal of an agreement with Mediclaims Inc to provide ambulance billing administrative services for a monthly fee equal to 10% of the actual cash receipts plus postage costs, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda, AYE: Bode, Williams, Noss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAT: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE OR THE ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF L; BETWEEN NORTH -a NORTH w Mr Rooney said that the City Council approved annexation of the above - mention tract, plus Lot 9, Block 1 of Graceland Acres addition, at their February 15, 2000 meeting. Since that meeting, the annexation has been reviewed and the annexation request revised to exclude the lot in Graccland Acres. Graceland Acres is a 'Tulsa County subdivision, and excluding this lot is more consistent with the City's annexation policy. Ordinance #635 reflects that revision. Ms `loss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve Ordinance #635. AYE: Voss, Bamhouse, Bode, Williams, Wilken NAB': None Motion carried 5 -0. -2-- OWassO City COLHICil March 7, 2000 11-1hI -M 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF' A FINAL PLAT FOR COUNTRY ESTATES IV AN ADDITION TO THE CI"I'y OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY,- STATE —OF OKLAHOMA. AYE: Williams, Barnhouse, Rode, Voss, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. MI b3i e i , z I t AYE: Voss, Bode, Williams, Bamhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council March 7, 2000 HI'EM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR 199 -2000 STREET REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Mr Lutz presented the item. The Public Works Department staff compiled information relating to needed street repairs in conjunction with the FY99 -00 Capital Improvement fund budget. A total of 39 sites were selected for repair, at an estimated cost of $173,281. An additional 12 sites were included in the advertisement for bids as addmaltemates should bids received be lower than anticipated. Two bids were received and opened on February 15, 2000. The lowest bid exceeded the available funds, so six of the smaller sites were deleted and no add alternates are recommended for award. The six sites deleted from the bid will be repaired by the City. The recommended award at $125,000 will allow repair of 33 sites, with a small contingency for field modifications. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms `doss, to award a contract for 19992000 street repairs to Magnum Construction Inc, Broken Arrow, OIL in the base bid amount of $125,000. AYE: Bode, Moss, Williams, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5 - - -0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A_ WORKER'S COMPENSATION CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF OWASSO BY BRIAN DEMPSTER. — Ms Guthrie said that Brian Dempster, an employee in the Parks Department, injured his back on July 8, 1999. He underwent several weeks of therapy and was then sent to a back specialist. Surgery was performed on October 27, 1999. Mr Dempster returned to light duty on November 15, 1999, and was released to full duty on January 31, 2000. At the time of his release, his physician performed an evaluation and rated him for permanent impairment. He was rated with a 13% permanent impairment to the whole person, secondary to the wide limitation of motion and residual aching in the back of his left gluteal area. According to the State of Oklahoma Worker's Compensation Disability Computation Chart, this rating entitles Mr Dempster to 56 weeks of compensation at a weekly rate of $213, or $11,928 for the 13% impairment. This form of settlement is not final in the event a change in condition occurs or arises, but may be reopened and reviewed as provided by law. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve a 13% impairment rating for the back injury, and authorization of payment to Mr Dempster in the amount of $11,928, plus associated costs. AYE: Bode, Williams, Moss, Barnhouse, Wilken NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ". 4 Owasso City Council March 7, 2000 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPIROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO MAYOR'S — -- APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF A.D.R.JSTMENT. Mayor Willsen submitted the named of Mr Jim Marta for appointment to the Owasso Board of Adjustment to fill a vacancy created by a resignation, and moved for confirmation. ter Bode seconded the motion. AYE: Wilken, Bode, Noss, Williams, Barnhousc NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 12 REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell announced that the City has received an Achievement Award from the United Way for exceeding our goal. He also announced that bid specifications for city hall should be ready within a week. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY- COUNCILORS. Mayor `Milken welcomed Mr Mitchell to the community and to the City. ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. None. ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Moss, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Loss, vv illianis, Barnhousc, Wilken NAB': None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Marcia BOLItweII, City Clerk _. 5 - Mark Wilken, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, March 14, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 in the Lower Level Conference Doom at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 4 :30 p.m. on Friday, March 10, 2000, ITEM 1: CAFE TO ORDER Mayor Wilken called the meeting to order at 5 :35 p.m PRESENT Mark Milken, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor -elect STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT' Melinda Voss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor Others present: Sherry Bishop, Finance Director; Robert Carr, public; Works Director; Jim. McElrath, Support Services Director; Cary .Akin, Arvle Knight, & Kevin Nor -wood. Owasso City Council March 14, 2000 request the dcclaratiorl of an emergency and waiving competitive bidding requirements for a contract to haul and dispose of the liquid sludge. B. STREET OVERLAY INTERLOCAI_, AGREEMENT m The Tulsa County Engineer has agreed to provide county equipment and labor for two paving projects within the city limits of Owasso, On project is Main Street rehabilitation and the other is for pavement overlay at the Baptist Retirement Center. The cost to the City will be for :materials only, C. MOWING CONTRACTS w bids have been received for the April to October mowing contracts and will be awarded on March 21St. The cost for moving El Rio vista Drainage Easement increased $40.00 per mowing over last season, and that bid will not be awarded, Staff cleared that easement of brush and debris last year, and will be able to maintain it this season. D. COMMERCIAL REFUSE COLLECTION PERMITS - A meeting with commercial refuse haulers presently providing service within the City of Owasso was held recently. Current collection frequency and quantities have been analyzed by staff, and a proposed monthly permit fee has been calculated based on present monthly revenue generated. An ordinance providing for a permitting fee will be presented to the Council for approval some time in April, ITEM 4e UPDATE /DISCUSSION RELATING TO REMAINING EASEMENTS FOR 86 T MAIN INTERSECTION PROJECT. Mr McElrath discussed the remaining easements needed for the 86th & Main. Settlements have been reached with two more of the property owners, and a request to approve the contracts and settlement documents will be placed on the March 21" agenda. A. CITY IgALL PROJECT UPDATE m Mr Mitchell presented a set of construction plans and a preliminary time line received from Urban Design Group, leading to a ground breaking in late May. B. VEHICLE PURCHASE m The detective division in the police department is in need of another vehicle sufficient for transporting equipment, evidence or personnel to and from crime scenes and other agencies. Funds available are not sufficient for such a purchase. Staff is proposing the 1998 Dodge van currently assigned to the City Manager be transferred to the police department, and a 2000 Jeep Cherokee be purchased for the City Manager's use. A vehicle can be purchased from the state bid. It will be necessary to approve a supplemental appropriation for this purchase. C. STRUCTURE OF `NORM SESSION ® Mr Mitchell discussed with the Council the structure of the work sessions. Comments were that not every item that appears on a regular agenda, particularly routine items, needs to go to the work session. -2- Owasso City Council I`I'I_'M 6: ADJOURNMENT Dr Epode moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Barnhouse, Milken NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6 :45 p.m. Marcia 13outwell, City Clerk ... 3 Mark Wilken, Mayor March 14, 2000 y�4 105 Municipal Court 1637 110 Managerial 440.44 120 Finance 140.56 150 General Government 8,819.60 160 Community Development 1,587.48 170 Engineering 686.66 181 Support Services 1,149.86 190 Cemetery 236.72 201 Police Services 7,497.93 215 Police Communications 45327 221 Animal Control 693.19 250 Fire Services 3,518.57 280 Emergency Preparedness 159.91 300 Streets 8,271.13 515 Park Maintenance 3,406.66 550 Community Center 858.94 TOTAL 37,937.29 Ambulance Ambulance Refunds 20.00 255 Ambulance 3,393.62 T'OT'AL 3,413.62 -911 F -911 Services 1,898.00 `DOTAL 1,898.00 Capital Improvements Computerization 9,366.30 TOTAL 9,366.30 Bond Projects Community Center 772.23 City Hall 10,290.00 Project Engineering 143,744.00 Project Management 11,600.00 portsPark 7,800.00 Streets & Intersections 168,827.73 86 & Main 65.88 T'OT'AL 343,099.84 OPGA Merchandise 8,214.45 Food & Beverage 2,194.99 Daily Operating Account 943.70 605 Cart Operations 278.95 610 Golf Course Maintenance 3,994.23 670 Food & Beverage Operations 203.81 690 Golf Administration 636.10 691 Clubhouse 955.45 TOTAL 17,421.66 OPWA 400 Administration 1,869.20 405 Utility Billing 2,500.60 420 Water 84,281.09 450 Wastewater treatment plant 9,274.49 455 Wastewater Collection 13,747.00 480 Refuse Collections 19,991.67 485 Recycle Center 9,543.50 TOTAL 14' 1,20 7.55 OPWA Capital Improvements 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 3,600.00 Debt Service 24,150.33 TOTAL 27,750.33 OPWA Sewer Line Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 Wastewater Collection 3,350.00 TOTAL 26,350.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 7,382.51 TOTAL 7,382.51 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 9,458.24 TOTAL 9,45824 Collision Self Insurance Collision Self Insurance 908.00 T'OT'AL 908.00 Claims Total 626,193.36 Cite of Owasso Cash RC(ILiircments Lists vendor name, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order99 report. City of Owasso mar 17' znoo 09:16am puyv 1 canx Requirements Vendor Invoice Due oumvLutive ctoim# Number '-'' Vendor Name ''' '-' ' ----' --'-'' '- - In,uiceV '' - -'- Date - Date Amount Due ' ---'' Amount Due '- ' 1177 750 omew oowsmuu/zox INC 864 03/25/00 03/21/00 11'600.00 11'600.00 1178 1219 oxZm HILL 3206734 02121100 03/21/00 143,744.00 155.344'00 1179 497 xxnuwxYo 42-197364 0e/24/00 03/21/00 83.65 155'427.65 1180 158 unronxLsa 030200 nn/o»/no ns/u/on 875.90 156,303.55 1181 642 yxLs cLsxwsmm 022900 oz/zp/oo 03/21/00 843.43 157'146'98 1182 368 zmow oprIcs yoLuTInwa 0731em 02/14/00 03/21/00 87.50 157'234.48 1183 nua JsrpsnY oxuem oo 030300 03/03/00 03/21/00 250.00 157,484'48 1184 1251 m^cx Tnucn mxLsm 11022 02110100 03/21/00 424.96 157,909.44 1185 814 xsxmoxm 18411 01/28/00 03/21/00 130'21 158,039.65 18536 01121100 18801 0110100 20310 01112100 21799 01/18/00 21864 01/10/00 21894 01/18/08 18406 01/21/00 18813 01/28/00 18840 02/15/00 19153 02101100 1186 360 Ixow orpIcc SOLUTIONS 582990 02/28/00 03/21/00 341.57 158,381.22 1187 812 xImoxu xce xxnowxne 068565 -1512 01/29/00 03/21/00 97'8* 158'479'06 068583'1512 01/31/00 068670-1512 02/04/00 068792'1512 02111100 069019-1512 02/24/00 1189 934 mnurxwsmr cuumr comsa oomwczL. 022900 oz/z*/nu 03/21/00 130.00 158'609.06 1189 554 ruLnx nuumry m/u 8738 03/01/00 03/21/00 ^o'no 158,649'06 1190 860 ox onns ospT or *s«oo 022800 02/28/00 03/21/00 168.00 158'817'06 1191 350 mxImnxsS src 369812 01/14/00 03/21/00 65'88 158'882.94 1192 129 AT&T wInsLsus osnvzcsm 12155800 02/23/00 03/21/00 162.60 159,045.54 1193 881 owxaeo ruoLIo woxuo vuroouITv 022300 02/23/00 03/21/00 197'18 159,242'72 1194 591 umIpInmr componxrInw 0103457 02/10/00 03/21/00 107.80 159'350.52 104149 02/17/00 105557 oS/na/on 104855 02/24/00 104853 02/24/00 103455 02110100 105555 ns/nz/nu 104147 02117100 1195 1110 pxoswsr 144239 02/23/00 03/21/00 160'71 159,511.23 1196 129 AT&T wIeeLsoo usxvIosm 12152617 na/as/oo 03/21/00 158.14 159.669.37 1197 358 onZIsu pnIwTIwo 11595 02/20/00 03/21/00 133.13 159.802.50 1198 940 xTxwoxum xuTo SUPPLY 116132 nz/am/oo 03/21/00 38'00 159,840.50 1203 1086 POLICE PETTY cxnx 272*965 oa/o»/no 03/21/00 81'60 159'922'10 021600 03/16/00 358455 02/16/00 030800 03/06/00 030300 03/03/00 1204 1253 oLxoxxavn 21294 02121/00 03/21/00 125.00 160,047'10 1205 1126 nwwI noosw xorsL 032300 03/23/00 03/21/00 528'00 160,575.10 1210 18 GALL'S INC 401935410001 03/02/00 03/21/00 50.95 160,626.05 1211 994 mxrerY xLssw uonp 0011617737 02/27y00 03/21/00 556'50 161,182.55 cux.xp Accounts puvmbio neimaae 5.8.3 w^xpno10 By Jxwc/ Jxcconw (JLJ) ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09:16am Page 2 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative :Laim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 1212 897 PHILLIPS POLICE EQUIP 1213 386 NATIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL ASSN 1214 1175 OWASSO SPORTS PARK INC 1215 158 DRYSDALES 1216 1058 ANCHOR STONE CO 1217 766 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1218 792 HUGHES LUMBER CO 1219 162 DELL COMPUTER CORP 1220 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 1221 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 1222 1203 MULLIN PLUMBING INC 1223 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1224 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 1225 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 1226 1075 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES 1227 1038 WAL -MART 1228 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE -CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 119702 031300 030700 430685 363709 2014891 22490 23376 23465 24924 24775 340996800 5247 5021 4927 0271771 0271772 0271774 0271775 0272261 33098 0690171510 0687941514 0684851505 0685641510 0686671510 0687901510 0685061511 0690181511 0687911511 0681771514 0687801513 0690701513 0687891508 0690161508 0686661508 0271417 824 - 0105559 0105561 0105562 0105553 0105554 0105560 3099 3160 7465 830- RE0002 787 -E0001 734- RE0001 742- RE0001 885- RE0001 3792- REG001 02/29/00 03/21/00 03/13/00 03/21/00 03/07/00 03/21/00 03/02/00 03/21/00 03/04/00 03/21/00 02101100 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 02/23/00 02/24/00 03/08/00 03/07/00 02/29/00 03/21/00 03/03/00 03/21/00 02/22/00 02/16/00 02/16/00 03/21/00 02/17/00 02/16/00 02/16/00 02/08/00 02/09/00 03/21/00 02/24/00 03/21/00 02/11/00 01/25/00 01/29/00 02/04/00 02/11/00 01/26/00 02/24/00 02111/00 01/07/00 02/10/00 02/24/00 02/11/00 02/24/00 02/04/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 03/02/00 03/21/00 03/02/00 03/02/00 03/02/00 03/02/00 03/02/00 02/28/00 03/21/00 03/01/00 11/15/00 03/21/00 02/28/00 03/21/00 02/24/00 02/22/00 02/22/00 03/03/00 09/09/99 53090 161,236,45 35000 161,271045 7,800000 169,071045 119099 169,191044 38°43 169,229,87 350,00 169,579087 2619 169,606.06 3,459.00 173,065,06 4911 173,11417 686.41 173,800058 250000 174,050058 355.21 174,405079 39065 174,445.,44 147030 174,592074 219058 174,812032 43.92 174,856°24 53.70 174,909,94 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of uwav,^ Mar 17, zuoo 09:16am paoc s cuox Requirements Vendor Invoice Due cvmu<otive cLeim0 -'- wmxber -- ----- Vendor Name ------------------------------------ ---- Invoice* --------------- note -------- Date --'-' Amount Due -------------- -------------- Amount Due 844-ce0002 02/29/00 1229 a onowx pxnwa nmo 4730 02/22/00 03/21/00 60.00 174'969.*4 1230 239 aeonus u osonus oxpsn 91851 02/24/00 03/21/00 369.20 175,339.14 91966 02/29/00 1231 366 Hzu oxssc Luwopn & aoppn 653699 02/28/00 03/21/00 110.25 175,449.39 611927 02/22/00 1232 1226 IwousmzxL cowmsnoIxL ewrsnpozmso 4322 02/17/00 03/21/00 623.25 176,072.84 1233 129 AT&T wIxsLsmm wsnvIoea 022300 02/23/00 03/21/00 20.83 176,093'47 1234 669 xox wnscuIwo co OF ou INC 030100 03/01/00 03/21/00 10'290'00 186,383'47 1235 764 CITY umnxse 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 14,914.11 201,297.58 1236 1118 aLoaxL auezwsmo 49209602 12/38/00 03/21/08 160.02 201,457.60 1238 129 AT&T wIxsLsoa asovzcsa 12313359 02/23/00 03/21/00 92.70 201,550,30 1239 943 muaunoaw oppIos muppLY 23851 03/09/00 08/21/00 323'60 201,873.90 23865 03/10/00 23694 02/03/00 23772 02121100 238I6 03/06/00 1240 137 ooexoKss ouImIwa wxTsxIxLm 1076566-00 01/13/00 03/21/00 430.21 202,304.11 1077812-00 02/14/00 1241 1077 nnuas OF vxuuuwa 33827 02/23/00 08/21/00 23.90 202,328.01 1242 778 xccunx/p pIns souIpmswr 022100 02121100 03/21/00 50.00 202'378'01 1243 1038 wwL'wxnT 9740 02/23/00 03/21/00 48'50 202,426.51 1244 933 ST Joxwn wsoInxL cewTso 1 03/09/00 03/21/00 35'00 202'461'51 1245 384 w^rInmxc oucupxrInwxL 976636 OS/nr/oo 03/21/00 50.00 202,511.51 1246 149 cosxoxss wxTIow swo 021700 02/17/08 os/o/nn 1'496.00 204,007.51 1247 717 pIno/ oxwx OF owxxoo 69525-4/00 03/10/00 03121/00 23,000'00 227,007.51 1248 1033 um poa7mmorsp 32100 03/10/00 03/21/00 2,000.00 229,007.51 1249 naz uvwommmu auSIwsno SYSTEMS 13552 03/07y00 03/21/00 57.00 229.064.51 1250 454 poLo nxLpx Lxunsw CORP 784064 02/28/00 03/21/00 350'17 229'414.68 770*03 02/23/00 788213 uz/a*/no 1251 1171 mxuLzw Lsxa/wa 147324 02/29/00 03/21/00 100.00 229,514.68 1252 57 rITeInT unxweu Cm 2791081 02/23/00 03/21/00 1e0'08 229,704.76 2798525 oz/za/nu 1253 1265 wsorsnw aoLp INC 142486 02/29/00 03/21/00 187'67 229'892.43 1254 1264 uxnnu 59210 02/29/00 03/21/00 1'310'30 231'202'73 1255 11 mxvzo msoppnsY u xmmoczxrsm 972765 02/28/00 03/21/00 878.23 232,080.96 0974073 03/01/00 1256 soo mar,ns ooLp oxn CO INC oozro 03/06/00 03/21/00 8.77 232'089'73 1257 24 Vxxm'Jnnnxw cowpxwv 020278 03/01/00 03/21/00 189'44 232,279.17 1258 1263 vam GOLF 310003 ns/uS/on 03/21/00 480.00 232'759'17 1260 1258 roMmy ozLpIesn ooLr 508563 nz/zy/on 03/21/00 1.742'94 234'502.11 508501 nz/os/on 1261 1261 wxuonsaon mnLp oompxw, 362060 02123/00 03/21/00 163.10 234'665.21 1262 1044 wxa/e mxmxuswswr OF oxLx 1006-0032656 na/uz/oo 03/21/00 9.289.14 243,934.35 1006'0034209 02/18/08 1263 688 xovxwos oxsmIoxL 10-0002 -44322 02/28/00 03/21/00 632'00 244,566.35 1264 1065 CITY OF TULSA 1/00 USE 01/31/00 03/21/00 79,534'97 324,101'32 1265 1268 ommY w coenr 2265 03/08/00 03/21/00 20'00 324,121.32 1266 1002 msxooncx PETTY cxux 030900 ns/on/on 03/21/00 359.97 324,481.29 1267 729 CUNNINGHAM pLomoIwo INC 12290 03/03/00 03/21/00 2'040.00 326,521'29 1268 sss rxYLoxmxns Locu u xer 1207 ny/or/on 03/21/00 35'00 326,556.2* onm'xp xmo*vnts pnyouie urieooe 5.8'3 m*xpwn1n By JANET JAcuuow (JLJ) "ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09e16am Page 4 Casty Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative (aim# Number Vendor Name invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 1269 903 PNEU °DART INC 1270 754 CREATIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS 1271 645 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL 1272 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1273 58 VICTOR MELDING SUPPLY CO 1274 674 AMC INDUSTRIES INC 1275 987 SAN--O-LET SERVICE 1276 35 LEROYS REEL. MOWER 1277 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 1279 1039 MATER PRODUCTS INC 1280 13 E -Z -GO TEXTRON 1281 153 DYNA SYSTEMS 1282 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 1283 394 NICK KNOTT TURF SUPPLY 1284 40 NAPA AUTO PARTS 1285 13 E °Z °GO TEXTRON 1286 362 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY 1287 765 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC 1288 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1289 356 MEDCENTER INC 1290 542 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL 1291 1183 TOM A MARBERRY, MD 1292 474 PPO SOLUTIONS 1293 1274 DR WILLIAM R GILLOCK 1294 356 MEDCENTER INC 1295 368 TOM A MARBERRY MD 1296 356 MEDCENTER INC CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 54332 759727.8919 789541°8919 273482 270053 655-069175 655 °069120 655 - 069125 655-069295 655 °069281 655 °069279 74657 -I 324392 59932 BGR22300 56211 0272880 0451350 10175168 10175169 2/00 USE 10270 618917 0455875 031469 27389 1518- 068672 1518-068741 1518-069022 1515- 069021 656 - 069233 E102599 H081699 S011399 W072999 14081699 D070899 7093099 G102599 D70899 D7899 G10259 S011399 C091798 C111399 S11399 L082699 D111899 H08169 T09309 S01139 W07299 03/02/00 03/21/00 02/28/00 03/21/00 02/22/00 03/08/00 03/21/00 03/01/00 03/03/00 03/21/00 03/01/00 03/01/00 03/10/00 03/09/00 03/09/00 03/08/00 03/21/00 02/29/00 03/21/00 02/29/00 03/21/00 02/23/00 03/21/00 02/28/00 03/21/00 03/01/00 03/21/00 02/24/00 03/21/00 02/24/00 03/21/00 02/24/00 03/06/00 03/21/00 02/29/00 03/21/00 02/29/00 03/21/00 03/06/00 03/21/00 03/01/00 03/21/00 02102/00 03/21/00 02/04/00 03/21/00 02/09/00 02/24/00 02/24/00 03/07/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 03/03/00 03/21/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 03/03/00 02/28/00 02/29/00 02/22/00 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 02/15/00 03/21/00 44°84 5,907030 20044 92°66 30054 194»40 65°00 674.75 41.80 33060 41030 303.20 130051 658015 82058 26°90 35.00 88000 35199 243.28 496.80 46049 226.37 326,601°13 332,508 43 332,528 87 332,621 53 332,652.07 332,846 47 332,911 47 333,586,22 333,628.02 333,661 62 333,702.92 334,006.12 334,136063 334,794078 334,877036 334,904.26 334,939.26 335,027026 335,379„25 250000 336,642°19 273°14 336,915°33 40°50 336,955°83 202036 337,158019 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of ow^nuu Mar 17' znnn 09:16om puye s omoh xonvircm,nto Vendor Invoice Due uumuiative ntaim# Number Vendor Name --------------------------------------- znvviue# ' - Date Date Amount Due -------------- - Amount Due _'' '' urzvv oz/zz/ou 1297 1123 cswmxL oTx/cn omroo c11139 02/15/00 03/21/00 212.45 337'370.64 1298 356 msnosw/sn INC o11189 02/15/00 03/21/00 229.08 337'599.72 1299 1272 xwsaTocoIx opscIxLIu/ o07189 02/22/00 03/21/00 413'40 338'013.12 1300 1085 pnuIny eoo, ooup INC 5864 02121100 03/21/00 908.00 338,921.12 1301 1123 csurnxL urxTso oxrno a10259 nr/oo/on 03/21/00 92.98 339.014.10 s102599 os/ua/on 1302 1197 nrxwonmos nLIwzu c1115* na/zs/oo 03/21/00 1.073.99 340,088.09 1303 1197 mrxwoxzous cLIwxc c11159 02/24/00 03/21/00 89e.80 340'986.89 1304 372 mmym onuo w10139 03/03/00 03/21/00 37'95 341,024'84 1305 1197 mTxmoxIous CLINIC u11139 03/03/00 03/21/08 449.40 341,474.24 1306 1197 uTxwonIuas CLINIC r11139 03/03/00 03/21/00 882.70 342,358.94 1307 372 mxYm unuu c01150 03/03/00 03/21/00 11.94 342,368,88 1308 372 moYa noum c01280 03/03/00 03/21/00 42.06 342,410.94 1309 372 mmYo uxuo m10189 02/22/00 03/21/00 47.27 342,458,21 1310 356 meoosw/sx INC c11159 03/02/00 03/21/00 46.49 342,504.70 1311 1133 /uLmx oxmnpxsoIo & aponTa wcoIuIws o09178 02/15/00 03/21/00 81'46 342,586.16 1332 666 ALL cupY ouppL/sm 3344 03/01/00 03/21/00 50.00 342'636.16 1333 *54 oxco u xomocIxrce INC 50856 02/25/00 03/21/00 324'00 342,960'16 1334 1038 wxL'mxxr 2225 11/18/99 03/21/00 97-48 343'057.64 1126 03/03/00 8778 03/06/00 7791 03/0V00 1587 03/06/00 n«sr 03/07/00 1335 ssr cxnw ouwLIwaxms m153235 03/03/00 03/21/00 noo'ur 343,858.31 o152788 02/28/00 o152491 02/24/00 o1528+ oz/Zo/no u153258 03/03/00 o152e29 nz/zo/uo o153**8 03/06/00 o153413 03/06/00 o153483 os/na/uo o152386 02/23/00 o153648 ns/oo/un o153459 03/06/00 D153643 os/oo/nu o153186 un/no/on o153732 os/ov/on o153642 03/08/00 n153725 03/09/00 o153684 03/08/00 n153478 03/06/00 o152807 nz/za/oo c7730 03/06/00 1336 1145 xnmIxxL sxpnsoS 250769-0 oS/nz/oo 03/21/00 269'05 344^127.36 251196-0 oo/no/oO 251196 03/06/00 1337 785 ww onxIwosx INC 864-431758-1 no/ou/on 03/21/00 284'28 344,391.64 864-457948-7 02/10/00 1338 365 mYsno rIns ouppo 74002448 03/03/00 03/21/00 47'20 344,*38'84 cCm'xp Accounts pavuuio neiemom 5'8.3 w°xpnn10 By Jxws/ Jxoxmnw (JLJ) ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09:16am Page 6 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative laim# __1 --- Number ------ Vendor Name ------------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date --------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- ------------- Amount Due 1339 1275 TOW DOLLY ENTERPRISES 14426 03/10/00 03/21/00 199080 344,638.64 14337 02/28/00 1340 566 TULSA CLEANING SYSTEMS 21221 03/04/00 03/21/00 160000 344,798064 1341 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 824-0106253 03/09/00 03/21/00 84.40 344,883004 824-0106251 03/09/00 824-0105558 03/02/00 824-0105556 03/02/00 1342 1050 WELSCO INC 328503 02/29/00 03/21/00 51007 344,934011 1343 538 SAMS CLUB 50788263011 03/03/00 03/21/00 602.41 345,536.52 1344 946 STEVES WHOLESALE 64469 03/03/00 03/21/00 68.01 345,604.53 1345 1205 SPEEDOMETER SERVICE CO 100306001 03/06/00 03/21/00 25002 345,629.55 1346 1199 RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT 4406 03/07/00 03/21/00 120.00 345,749.55 4381 02/17/00 4398 03/01/00 1347 495 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY YH697000 02/24/00 03/21/00 77.06 345,826.61 1348 458 PAULS ALTERNATOR SERVICE 6714 03/06/00 03/21/00 150009 345,976070 1349 446 0 REILLY AUTO PARTS 182536 02/29/00 03/21/00 131003 346,107.73 182537 02/29/00 182433 02/29/00 182429 02/29/00 1350 411 OWASSO GLASS 5756 02/25/00 03/21/00 236009 346,343.82 1351 364 MILEAGE MASTERS 148855 02117100 03/21/00 894090 347,238072 148636 02/10/00 149150 02/02/00 149153 02/28/00 148509 02/07/00 148812 02/15/00 148596 02/09/00 148641 02110100 1352 1191 LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. 14297 03/14/00 03/21/00 67050 547,306.22 14117 02/25/00 1353 343 JIM LANDS UPHOLSTERY 2251 03/01/00 03/21/00 80.00 347,386022 1354 819 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE 12523 02/28/00 03/21/00 50050 347,436.72 1355 771 ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC 235622 03/09/00 03/21100 1,898008 349,334.80 234411 01/31/00 235712 03/13/00 1356 789 FUELMAN 56244 03/01/00 03/21/00 5,967.93 355,302.73 1357 17 FOOT-JOY DRAWER CS 3577832 02/18/00 03/21/00 755025 356,057098 3467548 11/29/99 3483391 12/08/99 3565749 02/09100 3581271 02/22/00 3591358 02/28/00 3591357 02/28/00 6642477 11/04/00 6657780 01/17/00 1358 769 DISTRICT II PROBATION 1999311 03/10/00 03/21/00 375.98 356,433.96 1359 123 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO 367971 03/07/00 03/21/00 85.90 356,519086 1360 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 3826 02/22/00 03/21/00 173.54 356,693.40 1361 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 175589 02/29/00 03/21/00 438018 357,131058 175839 03/09/00 175680 03,/n3/nn ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of owumo^ mar 17, 2000 09m6am pooe r u^ah Requirements veoovr Invoice Due Cumulative clnip# -- Number Vendor Name ''--' -'- ''---' ' - '''' Invoi^ew ------------------ Date ' ' mate ''''-' ' Amount Due -------------- -----''-' Amount Due - 1362 1152 ouxo apxnKmmw 032100 oz/zv/oo 03/21/00 193.65 357,325.23 1363 602 vxwcs exom INC 12080 uz/zs/un 03/21/00 25.00 ssr'sso.zs 1364 49* noxxx muc vxLue oxxuwxns 541-xs0002 ux/opyno 03/21/00 26'87 357,377.10 666-ns0001 02/16/00 1365 1038 wxL'mxn7 xoar 03/06/00 03/21/00 aa'Dr 357,443.95 aros 03/06/00 1366 591 uwIp/nmT uonponx7Iow 824'0106254 03/09/00 03/21/00 142.70 357,586.65 824'0106256 03/09/00 824-0106257 03/09/00 824-0106248 0I/09/00 824'0106249 03/09/00 824-0106255 03/09/00 1367 239 osonsE & asouac mxrsTY 92190 03y09/00 03/31/00 56.10 357,642.75 1368 357 mosnmY LxannxTooIeo INC /308 02/21/00 03/21/00 120.00 337,762.75 T297 02/21/00 r230 02111100 1389 514 nxImoow cowonsTs CO 88378 03/02/00 03/21/00 203.25 357^966'08 87981 02/24/00 88205 oz/a*/oo 1370 567 TULSA oouwr, aooc 00 -005 02/28/00 03/21/00 423'36 358'389.38 00'007 03/07/00 00 -006 03/03/00 1371 941 xpxo-ouLxxowx INC 180662 03/05/00 03/21/00 260'05 35e,649.41 1372 171 TYonws o/wxIwo 032100 02/29/00 03/21/00 315.90 358,965.31 1373 38 oocxn wcLxumIw 032100 02/29/00 03/21/00 199.50 359'164.81 1374 134 oLxmozo sLecrxzm 5978 03/07/00 03/21/00 415.00 359,579.81 1375 263 oua + axovsn 10 02/29/00 03/21/00 3,600'00 3e3,179.81 1376 263 xuo + mxnvso s 03/10/00 03/21/00 10'580.00 373'759.81 1377 784 uxomsT/ aImwn 2130 12/21/00 03121/00 50.00 373,809'81 1378 1008 wIooxsL & oIwoss rnsxr 021800 02/18/00 03/21/00 3,350'00 377,159.e1 1379 94 oax oxIn xcnouwr 32100 03/15/00 03/21/00 943'70 378,103.51 1380 264 anxwoow xxmLzrow 032100 02/29/00 03/21/00 124'20 378'227.71 1381 732 GREAT pLxIwm cnox ouLx 031600 03/16/00 03/21/00 796.27 379,023.98 1382 678 xLBsnTmomo 888196 02/27/00 03/21/00 210.13 379,234.11 161233 03/11/00 161283 03/13/00 161234 03/05/00 888197 03/02/00 161270 03/08/00 1383 229 rxoLso co INC 574512 03/14/00 03/21/00 329'02 379,563'13 572935 03/07/00 1384 1151 IMPERIAL ooFrss mcnvIoe 66803 03/13/00 03/21/00 29.08 37*,593.21 1385 336 Lxwcs INC 67*9 03/10/00 03/21/00 102.86 379,695'07 6635 03/03/00 1386 981 oYoco pnoo msnvzcs 3090441 03/09/00 03/21/00 e23'10 380,518.17 3010405 03/01/00 3080368 03/08/00 1387 7 nwI mYmTsmo or ruLmx 144642 03/10/00 03/21/00 169'38 380,687'55 1388 595 uwzTso Lzwew 51862 03/03/00 03/21/00 164.44 380,851.99 53881 03/10/00 n54490 03/10/00 1389 344 Lnwsu compxwIsm INC 024305397569 02/22/00 03/21/00 344'46 381,196.45 ccn.xp Accounts Payable Release 5'8.3 w~xpen10 By Jxwsr Jxcuoow (JLJ) :ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09:16am Page 8 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative :taim# ------ Number ------ Vendor Name -------------- ----------------- ---- Invoice# -- 1. - ----------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due ------ -------- Amount Due ------------ - - 1390 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 14932267456 03/22/00 03/21/00 470.06 381,666.51 14931112262 03/22/00 14936496263 03/22/00 27243628284 03/21/00 27221011268 03/21/00 27293392713 03/13/00 1391 1084 PSO 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 12,750.66 394,417.17 1392 826 METROCALL 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 990.89 395,408.06 1393 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 11124018140001 02/29/00 03/21/00 510.08 395,918.14 1112526655002 02/29/00 1394 377 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 450.19 396,368.33 1395 1084 PSO 107871006 02/29/00 03/21/00 2,975.09 399,343.42 167841949 02/29/00 1396 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELL 0OB20710527 02/29/00 03/21/00 1,898.00 401,241.42 1397 827 WARREN CLINIC 511109 11/10/99 03/21/00 103.60 401,345x02 1398 879 OWASSO DRUG K05139 03/06/00 03/21/00 85.28 401,430.30 1399 195 EMERGENCY CARE INC F02289 02/28/99 03/21/00 279.74 401,710.04 1400 893 PITNEY BOWES INC 925458 02/03/00 03/21/00 329.50 402,039.54 1401 774 ESTES INC 343129-2 01112100 03/21/00 1,029.00 403,068.54 1402 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 316464 03/09/00 03/21/00 782.73 403,851.27 1403 1123 CENTRAL STATES ORTHO G10259 11/01/99 03/21/00 215.71 404,066.98 1404 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 15,131.56 419,198.54 1405 573 TULSA AUTO COLLECTION FOCS512342 02/25/00 03/21/00 223.80 419,422.34 CM1918 12/06/99 FOCS499314 01/14/00 1406 931 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 32624 03/09/00 03/21/00 177.68 419,600.02 1407 1098 TULSA WORLD 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 604.64 420,204.66 1408 415 OKLAHOMA EAGLE 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 56.60 420,261.26 1409 1033 US POSTMASTER 030100 03/14/00 03/21/00 1,000.00 421,261.26 1410 406 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 093362742001 03/10/00 03/21/00 1,207.67 422,468.93 092715879001 03/02/00 092069842001 03/02/00 092459354001 02/29/00 092459017001 02/29/00 092729243001 03/02/00 093362742002 03/10/00 093499578001 03/13/00 1411 379 NATIONAL AMERICAN OMP44835K9 01/11/00 03/21/00 118.00 422,586.93 1412 933 ST JOHNS MEDICAL CENTER 182891211 10/27/99 03/21/00 2,675000 425,061.93 1413 847 DIANNE MOSS 022900 02/29/00 03121/00 180.90 425,242.83 1414 371 MARK MEYER 022900 02/29/00 03/21/00 486.45 425,729.28 1415 267 HORIZON CONST CO INC 2 03/16/00 03/21/00 168,827.73 594,557.01 1416 1062 RONALD D CATES 031000 03/10/00 03/21/00 4,851.08 599,408.09 1259 1262 ADAMS 90147333 03/01/00 03/22/00 2,372.94 601,781.03 90147332 03/01/00 Total cash required for week ending 03/24/2000 -------- ------ 601,781.03 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 508 3 N*APR010 601 781-031- 1- 1'qs1) 2 4 1, SO - 3 3 V 2632-00 + 626,193-3-6 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso C.)npaid Maims by PUrchasc Order Lists vendor nurnber, invoice number, invoice amount and a description, of the claim. May be used to compare to the "Crash Rcquiremcnts" report. :ity of nwo^nu Mar 17' zoon 09/17om poso 1 Unpaid ctnimo by pu,o»nno Order P.O. v,muo' Invoice :vid ciaim v*nuvr pu/l Amt Invoice Disc Due oixunuut Line Item /umbc, ---- Number '''' ootv ' - Code Number '' -- Invoice ''' ' Due omm -------- Amount nmto Amount -' '- -------- ' ' Amounts ' c[aim Description ---------------------- v 107 ns/os/oo 1220 5247 03/21/00 14.02 46.96 6 sx ncpx/n aenvIosa o»/zz/on 5021 32.94 2.15 nepxzx pxxru 02/16/00 ^nar 2.15 ss 1118 12/30/00 1736 49209602 03/21/00 160.02 160.02 1 sx rxxzwIwG ouppLIeo au 1126 03/23/00 1205 oszsnn 03/21/00 528.00 528.00 1 sx L000Iwa'worpnno 71 1123 11/01/99 1403 a10259 03/21/00 215'71 215'71 1 ex o10259 336 1123 oJ/oZ/ou 1301 a10259 03/21/00 46.49 92'98 1 ex wx10259 03/02/00 a102599 46'49 361 372 02/22/00 1309 w10189 03/21/00 47.27 47'27 1 sx #w18189 566 & 02122100 1229 47-3O 03/21/00 00.00 60.00 l sx SOD -REPAIRS 571 129 02/23/00 1238 12313359 03/21/00 92.70 38.70 1 sx pxoms uos'oxnn 27'30 1 sx pxoms USE -STEVENS 18.50 1 ex pxnws uae/uw-cxu 16.20 1 sx pxows uus/arAwn'av 610 812 02/24/00 1223 0690171510 03/21/00 12.99 12,99 1 sx mxIwT/nspxIn uuppLIcr 02111100 0687941514 2.98 2.98 1 ex mxIm7/nepxzn uuprLIcu 01/25/00 0684:51505 8'99 6.99 1 ex wxIwT/nspxIn uuppLIsy 01/29/00 0685641510 56'98 148.78 1 s^ mxIwr/nspxIx suppLzss 02/04/00 0686*71510 26'93 44'2* 1 sx mxIwnnspxIn auppL/sa 02111100 0687901510 64.87 23,70 01/26/00 0685061511 17'98 48'34 02/24/00 0690181511 1.98 67.17 02/11/00 0687911511 24'30 01/07/00 0681771514 23.70 02110100 0687801513 2.49 02/24/00 0690201513 45'85 02/11/00 0687891508 6'97 02/24/00 0690161508 10'71 02/04/00 068666150e 49'49 611 103e 03/06/00 1365 0867 03/21/00 34.8* 0.00 1 sx uppIoe uuppLIsn 03/06/00 8705 31.97 0.00 1 sx orpzce muppLzso 31.97 1 sx wxIwr/nspxIo auppLIcn 34.88 612 1039 02/16/00 1221 0271771 03/21/00 245.00 686.41 1 sx ospxIn/mxIwr yuppLIeo 02/17/00 0271772 18.91 02/16/00 0271774 17.84 02/16/00 0271775 206.24 na/oa/oV 0272261 198.62 621 1197 02/24/00 1303 u11159 03/21/00 898.80 898.80 1 sx r11159 626 1197 02/25/00 1302 c11159 03/21/00 1,073.99 1,073.99 1 eo c11159 703 1033 03/14/00 1409 030100 03/21/00 1'000'00 1,000'00 1 ex pnorxoe 705 38 02/29/00 1373 032100 03/21/00 199.50 199'50 1 sx wercn ncxoIwou 706 264 02/29/00 1380 032100 03/21/00 124.20 124.20 1 sx msrse nsxoIweo 708 171 02/29/00 1372 032100 03/21/00 315.90 315.90 1 sx wsrsx nsxo/woo 709 1152 02/29/00 1362 032100 03/21/00 193'65 193.65 1 sx msrsn usxnzwom ;oa'xp xuonunta payau|e me'ouo, 5.8'3 o'xPn083 By Jxwsr Jxcxoow (JLJ) City of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 O9o17am Page 2 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 710 847 02/29/00 1413 022900 03/21/00 711 371 02/29/00 1414 022900 03/21/00 727 18 03/02/00 1210 401935410001 03/21/00 748 1039 02/15/00 1224 0271417 03/21/00 755 1038 11/15/00 1227 7465 03/21/00 758 357 02/21/00 1368 T3O8 03/21/00 02121100 T297 02111100 T23O 761 496 02/28/00 1228 830- REOOO2 03/21/00 02/24/00 787 -EO0O1 02/22/00 734- RE0001 02/22/00 742- REOOO1 03/03/00 885- REOOO1 09/09/99 3792- REGO01 02/29/00 844- REOOO2 761 496 02/09/00 1364 541- REOOO2 03/21/00 02/16/00 666 °REOOOI 762 366 02/28/00 1231 653699 03/21/00 02/22/00 611927 763 263 03/10/00 1376 3 03/21/00 764 263 02/29/00 1375 10 03/21/00 773 1075 02/28/00 1226 3099 03/21/00 03/01100 3160 776 591 03/02/00 1225 824 - 0105559 03/21/00 03/02/00 0105561 03/02/00 0105562 03/02/00 0105553 03/02/00 0105554 03/02/00 0105560 776 591 03/09/00 1366 824 - 0106254 03/21/00 03/09/00 824 - 0106256 03/09/00 824 - 0106257 03/09/00 824 - 0106248 03/09/00 824 - 0106249 03/09/00 824 - 0106255 793 1219 02/21/00 1178 3206734 03/21/00 797 360 02/28/00 1186 582990 03/21/00 801 267 03/16/00 1415 2 03/21/00 180,90 486,45 50,95 39,65 43092 40000 40000 40000 8.99 5.29 10.08 5099 5099 6,.99 10.37 16000 10087 10.65 99060 10,580.00 3,60000 109°79 109,79 23030 16010 48000 32040 22095 4.55 23030 29000 35°10 32.40 18035 4055 143,744.00 341,57 168,827073 806 750 03/25/00 1177 864 03/21/00 11,600000 827 129 02/23/00 1233 022300 03/21/00 20.83 841 764 02/29/00 1235 022900 03/21/00 14,914011 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 180090 1 EA METER READINGS 486045 1 EA METER READINGS 50095 1 EA UNIFORM BELT 39065 1 EA MAIN /REPAIR SUPPLIES 43.92 1 EA UNIFORM JEANS 120000 1 EA SLUDGE ANALYSIS 37 52 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 5092 1O.26 26087 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 110025 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 10,580000 1 EA ENGINEERING SVS- 6/15/99 3,600400 1 EA WWTP PHASE II- 2/2/99 109079 1 EA SAFETY BOOTS 109.79 32.40 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 16010 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 23,30 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 48.00 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 22095 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 4,55 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 32°40 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 29000 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 23.30 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 35.10 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 18035 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 4055 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 143,744000 1 EA ENG SERVICES - 5/26/98 341.57 1 EA COPIER MAINTENANCE 168,827.73 1 EA STREETS/INTERSECTIONS -1 1/16/99 11,600400 1 EA PROGRAM MGMT- 3/16/99 10033 1 EA PHONE USE-MCELRATH 10050 1 EA PHONE USE-SR VAN 536021 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 91016 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 'ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09.17am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FUII Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 888 669 03/01/00 1234 030100 03/21/00 10,290 00 892 149 02/17/00 1246 021700 03/21/00 1,496.00 896 789 03/01/00 1356 56244 03/21/00 5,967.93 905 554 03/01/00 1189 8738 03/21/00 40.00 907 129 02/23/00 1192 12155800 03/21/00 162.60 912 642 02/29/00 1181 022900 03/21/00 843.43 930 774 01112100 1401 343129-2 03/21/00 1,029.00 939 1044 02/02/00 1262 1006- 0032656 03/21/00 3,919 11 02/18/00 1006 - 0034209 5,350.03 941 602 02/25/00 1363 12080 03/21/00 25.00 967 1197 03/03/00 1305 C11139 03/21/00 449.40 968 372 03/03/00 1308 C01280 03/21/00 42.06 969 372 03/03/00 1307 001150 03/21/00 11.94 981 372 03/03/00 1304 N10139 03/21/00 37.95 985 1197 03/03/00 1306 011139 03/21/00 882.70 990 162 02/29/00 1219 340996800 03/21/00 3,459.00 1001 941 03/05/00 1371 180662 03/21/00 260.05 1002 239 02/24/00 1230 91851 03/21/00 192.70 02/29/00 91966 176.50 1002 239 03/09/00 1367 92190 03/21/00 56.10 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 259.08 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 2,846 81 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT-2 /00 2,985.80 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 2,263.93 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 672.19 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT -2/00 820.20 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT°2 /00 556.72 3,688.33 193.68 10,290.00 1 EA HOUSE DEMOLITION- 1/18/00 1,496.00 1 EA EMT TRAINING-BISHOP 1715 FUEL 170.52 FUEL 102.14 FUEL 305.65 FUEL 25.72 FUEL 1,938.21 FUEL 55.16 FUEL 545.37 FUEL 627.15 FUEL 216.32 FUEL 36.86 FUEL 386.88 FUEL 49.22 FUEL 490059 FUEL 996.09 FUEL 4.90 FUEL 40.00 1 EA DIAL -UP SERVICE 162.60 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL. 843.43 1 EA UNIFORM CLEANING 1,029.00 6 PRE - EMERGENT 9,269.14 1 EA RECYCLE /GLASS 25.00 1 EA SEMINAR - HARRIS 0.00 1 EA SEMINAR -KROPP O.00 1 EA SEMINAR - PARKER 0.00 1 EA SEMINAR- ROBERTS 44940 1 EA C11139 42.06 1 EA C01280 11.94 1 EA 001150 37.95 1 EA N10139 882.70 1 EA C11139 3,459.00 COMPUTER 260.05 1 EA GRAVEL /ASPHALT 58.84 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 251.53 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 58.83 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 14.03 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES 14.03 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES O.00 1 EA SAFETY SUPPLIES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of owaonv war 17' znnn 09:17om poeo ^ unn^iu oio/His by Purchase Order P.O. vewuvr Invoice noLu c|eim Vendor pu/t mmt Invoice oiou Due Discount Lin, Item Number ' ' wumup, ------ Date ' cmue Number Invoice - nu, mate Amount Date Amount ' Amounts ' c/eim ----------------------- Description 14.02 1 sx uApsr, suppucs 14.02 1 sx axper, uuppucu 1050 pv^ 02127100 1211 0011617737 os/znno 556.50 556'50 1 sx oxxm oLuoGs OIL 1083 1203 nz/myon mzz osnpo oy/m/oo 250.00 250'00 1 ex ry Imopsorzow'yawex 1086 350 01/14/00 1191 369812 os/m/on 65.88 ar'oa 1 sx oxIppIwa/nuppusn 1102 uw 01/28/00 1185 18411 03/21/00 1.60 32'84 1 sx pxoro pnocssoIwu 01121100 1e536 64'79 80.57 1 sx pnIoowso mcxLm 01/20/80 18801 0.81 9.36 FILM rnoosooma 01112100 20310 15.78 7.44 FILM PROCsmozwu 01/18/00 21789 35.47 01/10/00 21864 3'96 01/18/00 21894 1.00 01171100 18406 4.68 01/28/00 18813 4.68 02/15/00 18840 5.04 02/01/00 19153 z'*o 1105 134 03/07y00 1374 5978 08/21/00 415.00 415'00 1 sx sLscTmcxL msxvmsn 1108 497 02/24/00 1179 42-1973e4 03/21/00 83.65 as'as 1 sx pLcxren pxpso 1109 1226 02/17/00 1232 4322 03/21/00 623'25 623.25 1 sx oLmcoxas cLsxnIwa 1110 933 03/09/00 1244 1 03/21/00 35.00 35'00 / sx rz^IwImm mxwuxm 1112 158 03102/00 1180 030200 03/21/00 875'90 875.90 so sx uwIponw pxwTa 1113 1251 02/10/00 1184 11022 03/21/00 424'96 424.96 1 sx vs:zcLs xspxzn 1114 384 03/07y00 1245 976*36 03/21/00 50.00 50.00 1 sx xspxTIrza e uxor 1115 oan oz/zo/oo 1190 022800 03/21/00 168.00 168.00 1 sx xmouLxwce ouppLIem 1117 360 02/14/00 1182 07318x 03/21/00 or'su 87.50 1 sx oppIus uuppLzso 1119 1065 01/31/00 1264 1/00 USE 03/21/00 7*.534'97 79,53*'97 1 EA punuoxmeo wxTsn 1/aono 1132 812 01/29y00 1187 068565-1512 03/21/00 13.98 97.84 1 cx asp^zm muppLIsw 01/31/00 068583-1512 3.99 02/04/00 068670-1512 46.75 02111100 06e792-1512 2.67 02/24/00 069019'1512 30'45 1133 934 02129y00 11e8 oaa*oo 03/21/00 130.00 130.00 2 sx LIcswos eswswxm'mcoono/umn 1134 1253 02121100 1204 21294 03/21/00 125.00 125.00 1 sx ssevIus u ncpxIn T,pewmIrsn 1135 358 02/28/00 1197 11595 03/21/00 133.13 133.13 1 sx orpIos muppL\so 1136 1086 oz/oz/nn 1203 2724965 03/21/00 21.53 21.53 1 ex owzponm cxp 02/16/00 021600 4.53 60.07 1 sx pssn eo*mo sxpewos 02/16/00 358455 21.28 os/oa/oo osoaon 15.31 03/03/00 ososoo 18'95 1137 *40 02/28/00 1198 116132 03/21/00 38.00 38.00 1 sx nxozo nspxzx 1138 1044 02/29/00 1404 022900 03/21/00 15,131.56 15'131'56 1 sx COMM Kspoos-2/2000 1144 1077 02/23/00 12*1 33827 03/21/00 23.90 23.90 1 ex CEILING TILE 1145 778 02/21/00 1242 022100 nr/m/oo 50.00 50.00 1 ex rIxs suuzpmswT /sur 1146 1038 02/23/00 1243 9740 03/21/00 48.50 48.50 1 sx cLexxImo ouppLIsx 1147 943 03/09/00 1239 23851 03/21/00 41.42 311.e3 1 cx oprIns suppLIsm 03/10/00 ?�oas 17.60 11.97 cco'xp xoouunto puvabLe neieame 5.8.3 o°xpnnus By Jxwsr JxcKoow (Ju) ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 09o17am Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 342 02 1 EA REFINISHING SUPPLIE 6.98 2.99 430.21 1 EA CEILING TILE 3,60 755025 SHOES 5.22 1091 2062 4083 84.65 1 EA PHONE USE -ALLEN 24060 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 48089 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 250000 4 EMS AUDIT 26019 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 35.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP DUES- DICKINSON 53090 2 EA UNIFORM PANTS 35000 1 EA BIO -TASTE DISPOSAL 14088 1 EA PAGER -ALLEN 145.83 1 EA PAGER-OTHERS 50.20 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 57.60 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 88029 WATER MILL 108089 COMMERCIAL TRASH 423°36 6 EA STREET SIGNS 141.75 1 EA CONCRETE 61,50 50,00 1 EA SIGNS By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 02/03/00 23694 91,66 02121100 23772 160.95 03/06/00 23836 11.97 1148 812 02/04/00 1288 1518 - 068672 03/21/00 12,16 02/09/00 1518 - 068741 31035 02/24/00 1518- 069022 298.51 02/24/00 1515 - 069021 6.98 03/07/00 656 - 069233 2.99 1149 137 01/13/00 1240 1076566 °00 03/21/00 322056 02/14/00 1077812 -00 107.65 1162 17 02/18/00 1357 3577832 03/21/00 184056 03/22/00 11/29/99 3467548 155.51 12/08/99 3483391 106.20 03/22/00 02/09/00 3565749 119031 02/22/00 3581271 99092 03/22/00 02/28/00 3591358 136.06 03/22/00 02/28/00 3591357 247087 03/22/00 11/04/00 6642477 -63.78 01/17/00 6657780 -90.40 1187 129 02/23/00 1196 12152617 03/21/00 158014 1188 788 03/03/00 1183 030300 03/21/00 250000 1190 792 02/15/00 1218 22490 03/21/00 4.60 02/23/00 23376 7.21 02/24/00 23465 10050 03/08/00 24924 2.30 03/07/00 24775 1058 1191 386 03/13/00 1213 031300 03/21/00 35000 1193 897 02/29/00 1212 119702 03/21/00 53090 1194 362 03/01/00 1286 031469 03/21/00 35000 1195 1110 02/23/00 1195 144239 03/21/00 160071 1196 591 02/10/00 1194 0103457 03/21/00 14.40 02/17/00 104149 14040 03/02/00 105557 14.40 02/24/00 104855 14.40 02/24/00 104853 12,55 02110100 103455 12055 03/02/00 105555 12.55 02/17/00 104147 12,55 1198 881 02/23/00 1193 022300 03/21/00 197°18 1200 567 02/28/00 1370 00 -005 03/21/00 345028 03/07/00 00 -007 37092 03/03/00 00 -006 40.16 1201 514 03/02/00 1369 88378 03/21/00 63°00 02/24/00 87981 61050 02/29/00 88205 78.75 1202 784 12/21/00 1377 2130 03/21/00 50.00 _CS,AP Accounts payable Release 5,8.3 O *APR083 342 02 1 EA REFINISHING SUPPLIE 6.98 2.99 430.21 1 EA CEILING TILE 3,60 755025 SHOES 5.22 1091 2062 4083 84.65 1 EA PHONE USE -ALLEN 24060 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 48089 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 250000 4 EMS AUDIT 26019 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 35.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP DUES- DICKINSON 53090 2 EA UNIFORM PANTS 35000 1 EA BIO -TASTE DISPOSAL 14088 1 EA PAGER -ALLEN 145.83 1 EA PAGER-OTHERS 50.20 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 57.60 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 88029 WATER MILL 108089 COMMERCIAL TRASH 423°36 6 EA STREET SIGNS 141.75 1 EA CONCRETE 61,50 50,00 1 EA SIGNS By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date ______ ____.._ -------- .___ _-.____ ------------ _______e ------------- ________ 1206 765 02102100 1287 27389 03/21/00 88.00 1207 555 03/07/00 1268 1207 03/21/00 35.00 1208 903 03/02/00 1269 54332 03/21/00 44.84 1211 1058 03/04/00 1216 363709 03/21/00 38.43 1212 1008 02/18/00 1378 021800 03/21/00 3,350.00 1213 1261 02/23/00 1261 362060 03/21/00 163.10 1214 1256 02/25/00 1260 508563 03/21/00 1,101009 02/25/00 508501 641.85 1215 1262 03/01/00 1259 90147333 03/21/00 306.58 03/22/00 03/01/00 90147332 2,328.36 03/22/00 1216 1263 03/03/00 1258 310003 03/21/00 480.00 1217 24 03/01/00 1257 020278 03/21/00 189044 1218 300 03/06/00 1256 00278 03/21/00 8.77 1219 11 02/28/00 1255 972765 03/21/00 702.80 03/01/00 0974073 175043 1220 1264 02/29/00 1254 59210 03/21/00 1,310 30 1221 1265 02/29/00 1253 142486 03/21/00 187.67 1222 57 02/23/00 1252 2791081 03/21/00 36.76 02/28/00 2798525 153.32 1223 1171 02/29/00 1251 147324 03/21/00 100°00 1224 454 02/28/00 1250 784064 03/21/00 57061 02/23/00 770903 226.97 02/29/00 788213 65.59 1231 66 03/09/00 1402 316464 03/21/00 782073 1232 822 03107/00 1249 13552 03/21/00 57000 1233 1002 03/09/00 1266 030900 03/21/00 359.97 1237 158 03/02/00 1215 430685 03/21/00 119.99 1238 1268 03/08/00 1265 2265 03/21/00 20.00 1240 865 02/22/00 1360 3826 03/21/00 173.54 1241 857 03/03/00 1335 D153235 03/21/00 3039 02/28/00 D152788 45.85 02/24/00 D152491 128.71 02/28/00 D15286 0.99 03/03/00 D153258 13.26 02/28/00 D152829 60014 03/06/00 D153468 53.33 03/06/00 D153413 4.67 03/06/00 D153483 2.91 02/23/00 D152386 5.57 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 Mar 17, 2000 09e17am Page 6 Discount Line Item Amount Amounts Claim Description - ._________ ____________ ----------------------- 88.00 1 EA FURNACE REPAIR 35.00 1 EA LOCK RE- KEYING 44.84 1 EA TRANQUILIZER DRUGS 38.43 1 EA CRUSHER RUN 3,350.00 1 EA TREE REPLACEMENT 163010 GOLF CLUBS 1,74294 SHIRTS 30.00 2,634.94 GOLF CLUBS 232.00 480.00 ANNUAL DUES 189.44 UMBRELLAS 8.77 REPAIR PART 878.23 SWEATERS & GOLF BALLS 1,310.30 GOLF CLUBS 187.67 REPAIR SUPPLIES 190008 GOLF CLUB 100.00 DIGITAL PLAYER - CONTRACT 350.17 SHIRTS & SLACKS 782073 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 57.00 1 EA CALCULATOR REPAIR 19.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 6.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 13.00 1 EA REIMB PETTTY CASH 55.93 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 22.00 1 EA LICENSE TAG 6.40 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 4.26 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 20.00 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 95088 1 EA CLEANING SUP /INSP STICKERS 5.00 3050 10.00 98.00 119.99 1 EA WORK BOOTS 20000 1 EA REFUND 82265 173°54 1 EA TIRES /TIRE REPAIRS 770.67 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 30.00 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) .ity of Owasso Mar 17, 2000 O9e17am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber _ _ _ _ __ Number _ ____ __ Date __________ Code Number __ ______ Invoice _________. -- Due Date -------- _ ------------- Amount Date Amount -------- __________ ------------ Amounts Claim Description ------------------------ 03/08/00 D153648 4.77 03/06/00 D153459 21.19 03/08/00 D153643 21.63 03/02/00 D153186 80.32 03/09/00 D153732 14.67 03/08/00 D153642 26.01 03/09/00 D153725 110.22 03/08/00 D153684 138.49 03/06/00 D153478 156.55 02/28/00 D1528O7 10.00 03/06/00 C7730 -102.00 1242 1175 03/07/00 1214 030700 03/21/00 7,800 00 7,800.00 1 EA RESTROOM CONST- 12/15/98 1243 123 03/07/00 1359 367971 03/21/00 85.90 85.90 1 EA BATTERIES 1245 769 03/10/00 1358 1999311 03/21/00 375.98 375098 1 EA DOC WORK PROGRAM -3/00 1249 538 03/03/00 1343 50788263011 03/21/00 602.41 69.33 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 251.80 80030 36.39 80.83 8.52 41.10 34014 1250 591 03/09/00 1341 824 - 0106253 03/21/00 15.65 21015 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 03/09/00 824 - 0106251 26.55 63025 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 03/02/00 824- 0105558 15.65 03/02/00 824--0105556 26.55 1251 1050 02/29/00 1342 328503 03/21/00 51.07 38.81 1 EA CYLINDER RENTAL-2/00 12.26 1 EA CYLINDER RENTAL -2/00 1252 954 02/25/00 1333 50856 03/21/00 324.00 324.00 1 EA SURVEY 1253 946 03/03/00 1344 64469 03/21/00 68001 62.03 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 5.98 1254 495 02/24/00 1347 YH697O00 03/21/00 77.06 77.06 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 1255 1199 03/07/00 1346 4406 03/21/00 20.00 120.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 02/17/00 4381 80.00 03/01/00 4398 20.00 1256 1205 03/06/00 1345 100306001 03/21/00 25.02 25.02 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 1257 666 03/01/00 1332 3344 03/21/00 50.00 50.00 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 1258 1145 03/02/00 1336 250769-0 03/21/00 18.62 250.43 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 03/08/00 251196 °0 -22.99 18.62 03/06/00 251196 273.42 1259 698 02/29/00 1361 175589 03/21/00 29.96 332°96 1 EA OIL /LUBRICANTS 03/09/00 175839 303.00 105°22 03/03/00 175680 105.22 1260 771 03/09/00 1355 235622 03/21/00 419.20 1,898°08 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 01/31/00 234411 739.44 03/13/00 235712 739.44 1261 785 03/08/00 1337 864 - 431758 -1 03/21/00 249.00 249.00 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 17, 2000 09.17am Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Ctaim Vendor Fult Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description .._._ __ _ _ _ ___ --------- _ -_- ------ ------------ -------- -- __________ -------- __________ ------------ -- --------------------- 15.28 22.50 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 45.00 80.00 1 EA UPHOLSTERY REPAIR 50.50 1 EA VEHICLE TOWING 480.00 1 EA TIRES 414.90 47.20 1 EA TIRE SUPPLIES 204.51 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 346.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 466.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88.97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.00 FIXTURES 115.03 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 16.00 2,475.00 1 EA D07089 212.45 1 EA 000139 229.08 1 EA D11189 59.00 1 EA INSURANCE PREMIUM 59.00 1 EA INSURANCE PREMIUM 908.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 413.40 1 EA B07189 81.46 1 EA C09178 46.49 1 EA C111599 236.09 1 EA VEHICLE GLASS REPAIR 250.00 1 EA H08169 243.28 1 EA G102599 496.80 1 EA H08169 40.50 1 EA S01139 273.14 1 EA T09309 202.36 1 EA W07299 350.00 OLETS RENTAL 3,451.08 LEGAL SERVICES 700.00 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 23,000.00 ELM CREEK NOTE 2,000.00 POSTAGE 150.09 VEHICLE REPAIR By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 02110100 864- 457948 -7 15.28 1262 1191 03/14/00 1352 14297 03/21/00 45.00 02/2.5/00 14117 22.50 1263 343 03/01/00 1353 2251 03/21/00 80.00 1264 819 02/28/00 1354 12523 03/21/00 50.50 1265 364 02117100 1351 148855 03/21/00 60.00 02110100 148636 60.00 02/02/00 149150 120.00 02/28/00 149153 60.00 02/07/00 148509 418.97 02/15/00 148812 45.95 02/09/00 148596 74.99 02110/00 148641 54.99 1266 365 03/03/00 1338 74002448 03/21/00 47.20 1267 406 03/10/00 1410 093362742001 03/21/00 202.70 03/02/00 092715879001 242.62 03/02/00 092069842001 - 199.99 02/29/00 092459354001 325.16 02/29/00 092459017001 88.97 03/02/00 092729243001 30.40 03/10/00 093362742002 376.25 03/13/00 093499578001 141.56 1268 446 02/29/00 1349 182536 03/21/00 128.41 02/29/00 182537 131.03 02/29/00 182433 16.00 02/29/00 182429 112.41 1270 933 10/27/99 1412 1828912/1 03/21/00 2,475.00 1275 1123 02/15/00 1297 011139 03/21/00 212.45 1274 356 02/15/00 1298 D11189 03/21/00 229.08 1275 379 01/11/00 1411 OMP44835K9 03/21/00 118.00 1276 1085 02/21/00 1300 5864 03/21/00 908.00 1277 1272 02/22/00 1299 807189 03/21/00 413.40 1278 1133 02/15/00 1311 C09178 03/21/00 81.46 1279 356 03/02/00 1310 C11159 03/21/00 46.49 1281 411 02/25/00 1350 5756 03/21/00 236.09 1284 1274 02122100 1293 H08169 03/21/00 250.00 1287 356 02/15/00 1289 E102599 03/21/00 243.28 1289 542 02/15/00 1290 H081699 03/21/00 496.80 1291 368 02/15/00 1295 S01139 03/21/00 40.50 1293 356 02/15/00 1294 T09309 03/21/00 273.14 1295 356 02/15/00 1296 W07299 03/21/00 69.74 02/23/00 W7299 132.62 1296 766 02101100 1217 2014891 03/21/00 350.00 1297 1062 03/10/00 1416 031000 03121/00 4,851.08 1298 717 03/10/00 1247 69525 -4/00 03/21/00 23,000.00 1299 1033 03/10/00 1248 32100 03/21/00 2,000.00 1307 458 03/06/00 1348 6714 03/21/00 150.09 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 15.28 22.50 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 45.00 80.00 1 EA UPHOLSTERY REPAIR 50.50 1 EA VEHICLE TOWING 480.00 1 EA TIRES 414.90 47.20 1 EA TIRE SUPPLIES 204.51 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 346.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 466.72 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88.97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.00 FIXTURES 115.03 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 16.00 2,475.00 1 EA D07089 212.45 1 EA 000139 229.08 1 EA D11189 59.00 1 EA INSURANCE PREMIUM 59.00 1 EA INSURANCE PREMIUM 908.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 413.40 1 EA B07189 81.46 1 EA C09178 46.49 1 EA C111599 236.09 1 EA VEHICLE GLASS REPAIR 250.00 1 EA H08169 243.28 1 EA G102599 496.80 1 EA H08169 40.50 1 EA S01139 273.14 1 EA T09309 202.36 1 EA W07299 350.00 OLETS RENTAL 3,451.08 LEGAL SERVICES 700.00 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 23,000.00 ELM CREEK NOTE 2,000.00 POSTAGE 150.09 VEHICLE REPAIR By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) Jty of n°moo^ P.O. Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mat, 17, 2000 09.17am Page 9 Vendor Invoice ooiu Claim Vendor Fu// Amt Invoice umm Due Discount Line Item Ivmuer Number - Date nou^ Number ' ' Invoice --'-' Due nxto xmuvot Date Amount '- -------- - '' Amounts Claim Description 1309 566 03/04/00 1340 21221 03/21/00 160.00 160.00 nspxzn suvpLIes 1311 srs 02/25/00 1405 pouomoz*z 03/21/00 86.01 86.01 vcxmLs nspxm 12/06/99 om1918 ss.ss 137.79 01/14/00 pocs499314 193.34 1313 1038 11/18/99 1334 2225 03/21/00 25.59 12.38 nepxIn pxnrx 03/03/00 1126 12.38 25.59 03/06/00 arra 14.82 34'58 03/01/00 7791 1*'88 1.94 os/mVno 1587 17.99 2.17 03/07/00 8937 11'82 5.94 14.88 1315 1183 02/15/08 1291 m011399 03/21/00 46'49 46.49 m01139 1316 474 03/00/00 1292 w072999 03/21/00 1.94 226.37 MEDICAL xsvIsw peEm 03/03/00 11081699 13.80 03/03/00 o070899 3.75 83/03/00 T093099 7.59 08/03/00 m102599 6.76 03/03/00 u70899 104.26 03/03/00 o7899 68.75 03/03/00 a10259 1.29 03/03/00 m011399 1.13 03/03/00 o091798 2'26 03/03/00 o111I99 5.90 03/03/00 s11399 1.29 oz/za/nn mozavo 1.2* 02/29/00 o111899 6.36 1318 1275 03/10/00 1339 14426 03/21/00 64.95 199'80 :srxzn px*Ta ua/aa/no 14337 134.85 1319 893 02/03/00 1400 925458 03/21/00 329.50 329.50 1 sx meTso nswTxL 1323 ^aa 02/28/00 1263 10'0002-4432 03/21/00 632.00 e32.00 oxLunIws 1326 754 02/28/00 1270 759727-8919 00/21/00 3,711.45 5,907.30 compuTco aopruxne 6'1'99 uVaz/no 789541'8919 2'195.e5 1331 e45 os/ng/uo 1271 273482 03/21/00 9.82 20.44 000p rowsm 03/01/00 arnoss 10'62 1332 812 03/03/00 1272 655-069175 03/21/00 12'99 92.66 nspxIm muppLIsa 03/01/00 655-069120 29.90 03/01/00 655'069125 5.75 03/10/00 655-069295 21'07 03/09Y00 655 -069281 21.96 os/ny/on 655 -069279 0.99 1333 58 03/08/00 1273 74657-1 03/21/00 30.54 30.54 wsmIwa auppLzcs 1334 674 02/29/00 1274 324392 ns/zl/oo 194.40 194.40 opnzwxLex :sxum 1335 987 02/29/00 1275 59932 03/31/00 65.00 ^y'no TOILET asxvIoe 1336 35 02/23/00 1276 aonzzsno 03/21/00 674.75 674.75 snuIpmswr nspxzx 1337 1056 nZ/za/oo 1277 56211 03/21/00 41'80 41.80 Jxcn xxmwsw nswTxL 1339 1039 03/01/00 1279 0272880 03/21/00 33.60 33.60 oIncxxnus ooxs 1340 13 02/24/00 1280 0451350 03/21/00 41.30 41.30 nspxzx pxe/u 1341 153 02/24/00 1281 10175168 03/21/00 263.e1 303.20 nspxIm pxmo 02/24/00 10175169 39.39 1342 863 03/06/00 1282 2/00 USE 03/21/00 130'51 130.51 z/oo USE 1346 394 nZ/zv/no 1283 10270 03/21/00 658.15 658.15 rsxTzLzZsn rcm.xp Accounts Payable Release 5.8'3 o`xpnn83 By JANET Jxcxouw (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 17, 2000 09.17am Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 1347 40 02129100 1284 618917 03/21/00 82.58 1348 13 03/06/00 1285 0455875 03/21/00 26.90 1349 729 03/03/00 1267 12290 03/21/00 2,040.00 1352 879 03/06/00 1398 K05139 03/21/00 85.28 1353 195 02/28/99 1399 F02289 03/21/00 279.74 1354 827 11/10/99 1397 511109 03/21/00 103.60 1356 94 03/15/00 1379 32100 03/21/00 943070 1357 415 02129100 1408 022900 03/21/00 56.60 1358 1098 02/29/00 1407 022900 03/21/00 604.64 1359 931 03/09/00 1406 32624 03/21/00 177.68 1361 732 03/16/00 1381 031600 03/21/00 796.27 1362 344 02122100 1389 024305397569 03/21/00 344.46 1363 678 02/27/00 1382 888196 03/21/00 31.90 03/11/00 161233 20.99 03/13/00 161283 27.31 03/05/00 161234 76.29 03/02/00 888197 30.22 03/08/00 161270 23.42 1364 229 03/14/00 1383 574512 03/21/00 120029 03/07/00 572935 208.73 1365 1151 03/13/00 1384 66803 03/21/00 29.08 1366 336 03/10/00 1385 6759 03/21/00 41.16 03/03/00 6635 6130 1367 981 03/09/00 1386 3090441 03/21/00 90,50 03/01/00 3010405 368.67 03/08/00 3080368 363.93 1370 7 03/10/00 1387-144642 03/21/00 169,38 1371 595 03/03/00 1388 51862 03/21/00 55.35 03/10/00 53881 62.09 03/10/00 S54490 47.00 1372 938 03/22/00 1390 14932267456 03/21/00 95075 03/22/00 14931112262 176.00 03/22/00 14936496263 63.96 03/21/00 27243628284 49.21 03/21/00 27221011268 49°67 03/13/00 27293392713 35.47 1373 1084 02/29/00 1391 022900 03/21/00 12,750.66 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 508.3 Q *APR083 82.58 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 26.90 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 2,040.00 METER SETS 85.28 K05139 279.74 F02289 103.60 S11109 943.70 REIMS PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0¢00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.60 ADVERTISING 604064 ADVERTISING 177.68 ADVERTISING 796.27 SOFT DRINKS 344.46 LIGHT BULBS 138.49 GROCERIES 5.68 PAPER SUPPLIES 65.96 BEVERAGES 329.02 GROCERIES 29008 COFFEE FILTERS 102.86 SNACKS 733.31 GROCERIES 33°69 PAPER SUPPLIES 56.10 PAPER SUPPLIES 169.38 COPIER LEASE /MAINT. 164.44 LINEN SERVICE 49067 2100 USE NON- PLEXAR 63.96 2100 USE 176000 2100 USE 95.75 2100 USE 49021 2100 USE 35.47 2100 USE 461059 2100 USE 15,26 2100 USE 288.16 2100 USE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ;ity of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Mar 17, 2000 09.17am Page 11 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Futt Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Vumber Plumber Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------- - _..------ -- -- - - - - -- ------------- -------- ------------ --------- ---------- --------- --- ---------------------- - 1374 826 02/29100 1375 863 02/29/00 02/29/00 1376 377 02/29/00 1377 1084 02/29/00 02/29/00 1378 938 02/29/00 1392 022900 03/21/00 1393 111240181400 03/21/00 111252665500 1394 022900 03/21/00 990.89 91.87 418.21 450.19 1395 107871006 03/21/00 205.51 167841949 2,769.58 1396 00820710527 03/21/00 1,898.00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 349.02 2100 USE 445.72 2100 USE 414.58 2100 USE 64.16 2100 USE 346.06 2100 USE 553.76 MOUSE 307.87 2/00 USE 7,361.14 2/00 USE 240.71 2100 USE 164.31 2100 USE 361.27 2100 USE 398.11 2100 USE 440.11 2100 USE 538.83 2/00 USE 7.57 2100 USE 30.25 2100 USE 15.13 2100 USE 37.83 2/00 USE 9.89 2/00 USE 504.81 2/00 USE 22.70 2/00 USE 7.56 2100 USE 10.18 2100 USE 52.95 2/00 USE 7.57 2100 USE 37.83 2100 USE 30.27 2100 USE 32.81 2100 USE 10.58 2100 USE 7.57 2100 USE 157.82 2100 USE 7.57 2100 USE 418.21 2100 USE 91.87 2/00 USE 4.95 2/00 USE 11.97 2/00 USE 16.37 2100 USE 151.15 2100 USE 16.92 2/00 USE 54.36 2100 USE 7.62 2100 USE 43.68 2100 USE 45.81 2100 USE 25.15 2100 USE 16.28 2100 USE 7.61 2100 USE 11.63 2100 USE 36.69 2100 USE 2,975.09 STREET LIGHTS 1,898.00 E -911 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order Mar 17, 2000 09o17am Page 12 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description TOTAL- 602,043003 280.18 210 records listed CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/11/00 Information Systems 0.00 1 - 1, 196.44 General Fund Garaqe Fund Total = $0.00 $3,831.04 APPROVED: March 21, 2000 Council Member s MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OIASSO FROM mEIJTENANT CLIFFORD Ism MOTTO ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: RE NE IAL OF CLEANING CONTRACT WITH YALE CLEANERS DATE. march 11, 2000 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Police Department has had a uniform cleaning contract with Yale Cleaners since 1998. The original contract, which first became effective on July 21, 1998, could be extended for a second and third year if both parties mutually agreed to it. The contract was indeed extended for a second year, which began on July 1, 1999 and is due to expire on .Tune 30, 2000. The Police Department is satisfied with the duality of work Yale Gleaners provides to us on a regular basis and would like for the cleaning contract to be extended for the third and final year. I have spoken with the owner of Yale Cleaners, Mr. Bill Rothrock, and he has agreed to renew the contract for the third year. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the third and final year's extension of the uniform cleaning contract between the City of Owasso and Yale Cleaners. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Original Cleaning Contract Award 2. Second Year Contract Extension 3. Yale Cleaners "Third year Agreement 4. 'Third Year Contract Extension TMS AGREEMENT, made this 21st day of July, 1998, between the City of Owasso, (CITY), and Yale Cleaners (CONTRACTOR). WIME, SSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements contained herein and incorporated by reference: 1. "he CONTRACTOR will provide uniform laundry and dry cleaning services for CITY. I The CONTRACTOR will furnish the laundering and/or dry cleaning of all police officers uniforms, communications personnel uniforms, animal control officer and civilian attire for the police chief and detectives of the Owasso Police Department (35 employees). This service shall include labor and other services necessary to provide the cleaning as specified in the Contract Documents. 5. The term "Contract Documents" means the Contract Documents and Bid Specifications packet in its entirety. 6. This Agreement shall be bindin -upon all parties hereto arid their respective heirs, executor 9 administrators, successors and assigns. 7. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding. 8. This Agreement shall not be enlarged, modified or alter6d except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 9. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance. 177 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES YALE CLEANERS PAGE 2 CITY OF O A SO, OKLAHOMA s, s, y� _ Denise Bode, Mayor Effirnm AS TO FORM & CONTENT: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney V YALE CLEANERS, , C O C TO By C tv-4 l o P -'4 `M,2, Tide z r � ATTACHMENT "A" RWTRQPQSALIM�a.�� Provide any additional information necessary, Civilian clothing Trousers, etc Shirt Provide listing of specifics,if diff-crent. Cost per uniform laundered F4 rl e ue (trouser & shirt) Uniform trouser only Unif-orin shirt only -9. s--;, Civilian clothing nousers, etc qF Shirt The city will pay a per item st® All billing must be detailed to the officer, to and article of clothing. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Did Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title 110 1 Address /-// X-7 5-7 Cost per uniform cleaned (trouser & shirt) Uniform trouser only Uniforni sW only q —d\ Tic Y, 0 6 — Jacket Provide any additional information necessary, Civilian clothing Trousers, etc Shirt Provide listing of specifics,if diff-crent. Cost per uniform laundered F4 rl e ue (trouser & shirt) Uniform trouser only Unif-orin shirt only -9. s--;, Civilian clothing nousers, etc qF Shirt The city will pay a per item st® All billing must be detailed to the officer, to and article of clothing. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Did Proposal - Submittal Pages. Signature Title 110 1 Address /-// X-7 5-7 SUBJE, CT- RENEWAL OF CLEANING CONTRACT WInI YALE CLE ANE RS DATE: March 5, 1999 BACKGROUND: Yale Cleaners has provided excellent service to the Owasso Police, Department during this first year. �W I;-� I . Initial Contract Award 2. Signed Extension CITY Y F Otl Y d ASS®, OKLAHOMA POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM CLEANING Purs uant to terms of a Contract for Services between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Yale Clearers, entered into on the 21st day of July 1998 for FY 1998 -99, ray signatijre on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terns and conditions contained therein for the Period from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000a YALE CLEANERS William C Rothroek III Date _ e The City of Ow so, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Yale Cleaners for a period of twelve months between July 1, 1999 and June 30, 20000 CITY OF OWASSO, iJ aAI-jO A y Denise Bode, Mayor mate } March i, 2000 Mr. William C. Rothrock I I I Yale Cleaners 12801 East 86 "' Street North Owasso, Oklahorna 74055 Dear Mr. Rothrock, 10 1 North Mann Street Owasso, Oklahoma °740ss In 1998, the Owasso Police Department contracted with your company to provide uniform cleaning services for our employees. This initial contract was intended to be for a three-year period if second and third year extensions were mutually agreed to by both parties. The second year of the contract was agreed to in March of 1999 for the period from July 19 1999 through June 309 2000. The third and final year of thi.s cleaning contract is rapidly approaching. _I would like to know if you are interested in renewing the contract for the third year. This third year's contract would become effective July 1, 2000 and will run through June 30, 2001. Please let me know if you wish to renew the contract by signing below. yes: I wish to renew the third year of the contract William C. Rothroc I I I L` do not wish to renew the third year of the U; r William C. Rothrock I I I Sincerely, Lieutenant C ri d R. Mot Acting Chief of Police I b. crry OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA O ASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM CLEANING Pursuant to terms of a Contract for Set -vices between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Yale Cleaners, entered into on the 21" day of July 1998 for FY 1998 - -- 1999, rnv signature on this document will serve to formally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the period fx -orn July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 YALE; CLEANERS E William Ca Rothroek 1 1 1 Date The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the move referenced contract between the City of Grasso and Yale Cleaners for a period of twelve months between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001° CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA LVA Mark Wilken, Mayor I)1_ 4 � K-111i MEMORANDUM To. THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O A SO FROM- LIEUTENANT CLIFFORD R. MOTTO ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF E-911 Ili II±,RLOCAL AGREEMENT N DATE. March 11, 2000 BACKGROUND: In 1989, the City of Owasso, together with the surrounding communities of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area, executed the first "interlocal agreement" with Southwestern Dell Telephone and established 66Enhanced" 911 Emergency Telephone service. The "Enhanced" 911 service replaced the traditional 911 system, which only rang directly into the Police Department and did not display the name or address of the caller using the system. The upgrade to the 911 system has proved invaluable as the location of the emergency is displayed in a matter of seconds, thus enabling emergency personnel to have the exact location of the call. The interlocal agreement requires that all community governments that participate in the E--911 system must jointly fund the system. Collecting a surcharge on local telephone bills accomplishes this. Owasso collects a 5% surcharge on the base telephone bill of each resident who has telephone service. In order to participate in the E -911 system, the Office of the Attorney General has ruled that the interlocal agreement must be renewed annually. The renewal must be completed prior to May I of each year. Failure to renew the agreement would disqualify the City from collecting the 5% surcharge, as well as prohibit Owasso from the participating in the system. The City of Owasso has historically renewed the E ®911 Interlocal Agreement annually since its inception. INCOG is facilitating the renewal process and has provided the "Notice of Renewal" form that is to be executed by the Mayor of Owasso. E -91 1 INTEIZI -OCAIL AGREEMENT MARCH 11, 2000 I'AG E 2 IIECOMMh;NDAIJON. Staff recommends City Council approval of the "Notice of Renewal of Interlocal Agreement" for the E -911 system. ATTACHMENTS 1. Interlocal Agreement Rencwal Document 2, Agenda for the Regional Enhanced 911 board NOTICE OF RENEWAL OF 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, an Interlocal Agreement to share costs of the regional Enhanced 011 system was entered into by the _City (City, County, Town) Onrasso and approved by the Oklahoma attorney General. on March 1.4 , 1989; and WHERE' S, the Agreement will automatically- terminate July 1, 2000 unless renewed prior to May 1, 2000® and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the parties to the Agreement deem it appropriate to continue to participate in the regional Enhanced 911. system and to equitably share the costs of the system according to the terms of the Agreement;. THEREFORE, the � ®a_ C°i.ty _ _ of {City, County, Owasso ®u _ does hereby renew the lnterl,ocal Agreement for Fiscal Year 2001 APPROVED BY -- City of Owasso (City, County, 'I'o n) this day of 2000 0 WNWILVE APPROVED Clerk Attorney r By. T i t 1 e a lea ror C i%y of C�vasso REGIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD REGULAR MEETING ednesdayy, March 8, 2000 Tulsa Central Library, Lecture Roorn 1030 PM AGENDA Vl, Report on Legislation for Wireless 011 Fee i Vile Discussion of Renewal of 011 Intorlocal Agreement Villa Now Business IX. Adjourn If you require special accommodation, please contact INCOG at 584-7526 by March 7, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OWASSO MARKET DATE. March 139 2000 FINAL INSPECTIONS- Public Works personnel conducted a final inspection on February 19 2000. A punch list of items requiring correction was issued on February 3rd. All items have been completed. The contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the system. (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Owasso Market sanitary sewer line. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. ODEQ permit notifications 3. Maintenance bond I� r� September 28, 1999 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P. E., Director of Public Works City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re- Permit No' , SL000072990920 Owasso Market (and future developments) sewer line project S-21310 Dear Mr. Carr- Enclosed is Permit No. SL0 O0072990920 for the construction ®f 3,800 linear feet of eigt (8) inch PVC sewer line plus all appurtenances to serve the Owasso Market (and future developments), Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this pen-nit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on September 28, 1999. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our filell Very truly yours, Rocky h Construc ion, Water Qualit gw (, RWC/HJT/s( Enclosure c: Glenn G. Gregory, Jr., �.E., Sack and Associates, Inc. Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor, DEQ Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CRY, OKLAHOMA 7310141677 pdrited on mcyclad palmr witil soy ink BOND NO. SWIFSU0274782 Bond No.SWIFSU0274782 MAINTENANCE BOND SIGNED, SEALED AND AT THIS THE, CONDITION OF I OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT, WHEREAS the Principal entered into a contract with the Obligee for SANITARY SEWER TO SERVE OWASSO MARKET AND WHEREAS, the Obligee requires a guarantee from the Principal against defective materials and workmanship in connection with said SANITARY SEWER TO SERVE OWASSO MARKET NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make any repairs or replacements which may become necessary during the period of ONE YEAR because of defective materials or workmanship in connection with said contract of which defectiveness the days after discovery thereof, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall be in full force and effect. 1-83 Attomey-in-Fact PAM DER ICHSWEILER � � a ,I Cam HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM HIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF ACCELERATION/DECELERATION LANES FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH CH DATE: March 13, 2000 x The subject project is located west of the southwest corner of 86 1r' Street North and 145tt' Ee Avenue, (see attached location map). The project is in conjunction with construction of a new church at this location, FINAL INSPECTIONS. Public Works personnel conducted a final inspection on February 11, 2000, punch list items were corrected on that date. The contractor has provided at two -year maintenance bond for the pavement (see attached). 11 ,-W and No. 12695 k KHOW ALL MEN By THEsE PRESENTS , That we- Wilson Pavia T.nc a as Pri-nclpal, and VICLUEU Surety, are held and _ l ®f Owasso M Wilson Paring & Excavating, 10-c® (Seal) :::: Bye :2M, Victore Insurance Compan 2a I, Attorne me -31n-Fact Cindi L. Smith VICTORE INSURANCE COMPANY 3817 NORTH WEST EXPRESSWAY, SUITE OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73112 I1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That VIC'TORE INSURANCE COMPANY Y a Corporation ration duly organized under the lam of the State of Oklahoma, having its pdncipal offim in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma pursuant to the following resolution which is now in full form and cf W-. That the president tiny from time to time appoint Attorneys-in-Fact, and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give any such appointee such authority as his certificate and other writings obligatory in nature of a board, and such officer or the Board of Dirwon may at any time remove such appointee and revoke the power and authority given him' does hereby make and appoint: its tram and lawful A.ttorney(s) -m- act, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknovde lge and deliver in its behalf, and as its act and deed, as follows All bonds except hail Bonds not to exceed on any single instrument This Dower of Attorney is signed and scaled by facsimile under authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting called and held on the 12th clay of May, 1989° :aS 'ageerfifica .` binding on the Company" IN W1174ESS WHEREOF VIC'TORE INSURANCE COMPANY ANY has caused thew presents to be signed by its President and its corporate sea to be of ed this c _ 15th day of a � JULY _ , 19 �® ° ° °�,� 0 IS (STATE OF OKLAHOMA) 4$ (County of Oklahoma) Altus E. Wilder, III® m a MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUT ELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT: CITY-WIDE FIREWORKS DISPLAY DATE: March 16, 2000 BACKGROUND- Pastor Knight will address the Council to request approval for this celebration. City of Owasso Code of Ordinances relating to fireworks B, 1-1 Al"t' Aa assault; or 2, h® Ian age or literature, in its common acceptance, is calculi to cause a breach of % peace or all assault. (Prior Code, See. 14 -5) CAN 10 -" It is unlawful for any person , publish, distribute or circa iterature or language within, the corporate limits oft at sts profane ridicule on any deity, or any rely ► in its on acceptance is a or where the natural consequence is to cause a breach of the a o lt. Q ° e, ° 14 -59) A. Except as prodded in Subsection B of this section the sale, use, display, firing, igniting, lighting or discharge of fireworks within the city is unlawful and an offense. B. `fhe following are exceptions to the prohibitions in Subsection Aa 1 ° The firing, igniting or lighting of the following are exempt from the prohibition contained in Subsection A of this section- sparklers, fountains, pinwheels and all such types of fireworks that are not explosive or noise making in character and are stationary. Not included in this exception are Roman candles, bottle rockets and sky r ketss 2. The city council may, for the common good, approve and sponsor a public display of fireworks within the city celebrating Independence Day. The public display of fireworks must meet each of the following requirements: Page 10 -16 a° The group organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must obtain the city council's specific approval for the event; The use, display, firing, ignition, fighting and discharge of the fireworks must he done in the presence of an authorized representative f the city fire department; and d. The oup(s) organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must indemnify ; the city harmless x h caused by the event and provide an insuranc* policy, with the city named as ed, covering o e from liability to the extent it is not immune by state law. 4" I 1111111111!11i a: iii: Milli � 1,'s 11: . A,. - --l—h— aawM^A l ^a e vti c 4nnraaa ovorant 41in ' H§RmnnwelAr mnv hA km $ in minntitim, of noB TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ONE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. ANNEXATION REQUEST THERESA SPEARS DATE. March 15, 2000 Copies of the annexation policy and procedures, as well as the legal advertisements, arc attached for Your information and review. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at a March 9, 2000 Special Meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request, The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at their March 14, 2000 regular meeting and also unanimously recommended approval of the annexation request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the annexation request. ATTACHMENTS 1. Subject Map 2. City of Owasso Annexation Policy 3. City of Owasso Annexation Procedures 4. Copy of the Legal Advertisements 4 doptod by douncil can Marcy i ® 1988 PIMEWRES FOR ANNMCATION CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED /WNEXATION-. CITIZEN SPONSORED ANNEXATION: I- Submission to the City Planner of an application and petition arB Adopted by City Council on March 1, 1988 Please Publish the following legal advertisement in the February 24, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter, Please send Proof of Publication too City of' Owasso ATIN Theron Warlick P0 Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 "DO Please bill publication costs to- A VJ Theresa Spears 0 9709 N 113"' E Avenue _Vt Owasso, OK 74055 BEFORE THE HONO-1 LE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 9" day of February, 2000, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission, at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM on the 14" day of March, 2000. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Planning Commission will submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. See the attached map for property location. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (91 8) 272 ®2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 22nd day of February, 2000. Theron Warlick City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the March 2 and March 9, 2000 editions of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof ol'Publication to: City of Owasso ATIN: Theron Warlick PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs too 'Theresa Spears 9709 N 113"' E Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 lllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lUlllllllll llllUllllllllllllUlllllllllllll BEFO1U,', THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION CONSIDERATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than threes •fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: THERESA P. SPEARS, FOR THE ESATE OF ALBERT EUGENE SPEARS (DECEASED) You are hereby advised that the above request for annexation was filed with the City Planner of the City of Owasso on the 9h day of February, 2000, and that said request will be presented to the Owasso City Council at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:30 PM on the 21" day of March, 2000. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and give their objections to or arguments for the proposal. The Owasso City Council will consider and act on the annexation request as provided by law. See the attached map for property location. For more information on the proposed annexation contact the Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 22" d day of February, 2000. Theron Warlick City Planiier llllllllllllllllfflllllIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIllffllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER RE. OZ-00-01 OWASSO MARKET RE ZONING DATE- March 15, 2000 Information regarding the rezoning request was posted on the subject property and notification was mailed to property owners within 300' of the rezoning request. Additionally, appropriate legal notice was published in the Owasso Reporter. Staff has had no public opposition to the request. The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request at their March 14, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request. Staff recommends Council approval of rezoning application OZ-00-01, rezoning the subject property from OL, RS-2, and RS-3 to CS. ATTACHMENTS: 1, OZ-00-01 Staff Report CITY OF OWASSO Planning Department OZ -00 ®01 Staff Report Timothy D. Rooney — Assistant City Manager BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLCANT- Charles E. Norman, attorney for contract purchaser of subject property. REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. A request for the rezoning of property from OL (Office Light), RS­3 (Residential Single-Family High Density), and RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) to allow for additional commercial development that would be included in the Owasso Market tract. LOCATION AND SIZE- The property is generally located north of E. 96th Street North and west of the Owasso Expressway. The subject property would be at the western edge of what is known as the Owasso Market. The subject property contains 16.67 acres, more or less. EXISTING LAND USE- The subject property is currently undeveloped, with the exception of a large detention facility that has been constructed to serve the subject property and the Owasso Market development. The subject property is abutted on the east by the planned Owasso Market development which is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center) and will contain Super Wal-Mart, Kohl's Department Store, a commercial shopping center connecting the two anchor tenants, and several commercial pads likely to be developed as restaurant sites. Farther east is the Owasso Expressway. The subject property would be abutted to the no by a 125 strip of RS-2 zoning that was required in OZ-98-07 in order to serve as a buffer between the Owasso Market development and Bailey Ranch Estates 11. APPLICABLE UL it w The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 1 "Amendments", Chapter 6 "Commercial District Provisions MASTER L . The Owasso 2010 Faster Plan identifies the northwest corner of E. 96tr' Street North and the Owasso Expressway as being appropriate for Commercial/Office development. SITE INFORMATION- o unusual development hardships are noted. 3 'E P���''t the rezoning is approved, staff will review any commercial site plan carefully for possible problem areas and would encourage the Planning Commission members to do the same, Letters were sent to property owners within 300' of the subject property and notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. Copies of the letters to property owners and the legal advertisement are attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request, rezoning the subject property from OL (Office Light), RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) and IBS® (Residential Single-Family High Density) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center). UFM..�r STREET NORTH V I I-- F CONCEMAL&TE PifQq CF 'OWA,%O MARKET' SWA'AAWASSOCZ47ES I 0 0 W z U Y R -14—E EAST IOF Te9 STREET NGRT} EAST 96Tki S = NORn- h�aTa ,O ASSO MARKET MY OF OWASSO MXSACMrlY . OKW 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ-00-01 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 14'h day of March, 2000. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE SEA OF THE SW/4 OF SECTION 17, T.- 21-N, R-14-E OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, CITY OF OWASSO, ITJLSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, SAID TRACT OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: The above described tract of land contains 726,160 square feet or 16.6703 acres, and is located on the north side of E 96" Street N, west of the Owasso Expressway. To be considered is a rezoning from OL (Office Low-Intensity), RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High-Density) and RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium- Intensity) District to CS (Shopping Center Commercial) District. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present them objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in park, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its reconunendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recorrnfendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available f rom the Owasso Community Development Director. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in uniting to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (91 b) 272 -2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 22nd day of February, 2000. Theron Warlick City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the February 179 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso ATTN:Theron Warlick P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs tom Charles Norman 2900 Mid-Continent 'rower Tulsa, OK 74103-4023 RE: Owasso Market Rezoning llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION. OZ-00-01 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Plani-iing Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 14'' day of March, 2000. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: OZ-00-01 Page 1 of 3 All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available fi -om the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, OZ-00-01 Page 2 of 3 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15 "' day of February, 2000. Theron Warfick City Planner OZ -00 -01 Page 3 of 3 .......... 11 !Z1r'1(11r),31 I ilmii� TO' HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- CHRIS ROBERTS PUBLIC WORIe.S FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR DAVID ARRE, N PARKS SUPERINTENDEN'r SUBJECT- REQUEST FOR APPROVAL. OF MOWING CONTRACTS DATE.- March 13, 2000 For the past ten (10) years, the City of Owasso has utilized private sector contractors for the purpose of providing mowing services during the summer months. The program was developed to privatize the service and provide support so that city crews can continue to carry out their normal job assignments. There are four (4) criteria used to evaluate the mowing program: quality, timeliness, cost and citizen reaction. Historically, the privatized mowing has met or exceeded our expectations in each of these areas. An annual review of the program is used to make necessary adjustments to maintain effectiveness. Page 2 Mowing Contracts BID ANALYSIS. The year 2000 mowing bid was advertised and bid packages were sent to ten (10) prospective contractors, Twelve (12) contractors submitted bids which staff believes are competitive, The following tabulation compares the 1999 and 2000 bids: AREA DESCRIPTION 1.999 BID PER MOWING 2000 BID PER MO WI Rayola Park $ — 210.00' -Elm Creek Park $ 195.00 $ 242.00 Ator Heights Park $ 70.00 $ 80.00 Pride Park (86" StreeF) $ 49.00 $ 46.95 TOTAL COST PER MOWING PARKS $ 528.00 $ 578.95 El Rio Vista Medians and Frontage 96"' and Garnett Intersection and 22n`' Garnett Median $ 115.00 $ 111.95 Ator Heights Utility Easement $ 25.00 $ 31.00 El Rio Vista Drainage Easement $ 55.00 Rejected $ 95.00 rbree Lakes Drainage Easement $ 400.00 $ 400.00- Lakeridge Drainage Easement $ 300.00 29-9.00 Owasso Expressway West Side Easement $ 55.00 $ 80.00 -76-'ffi —Street North Medians $ 29.00 $ 28.00 Main,5 1 �Street and 3' and Main Easements $ 65.00 $ 83.0-0 U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way $1,650.00 $1,600.00 TOTAL COST PER MOWING FUR-- LEASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY $2,694.00 $2,632.95 The 2000 mowing bids for the Parks had an increase of $50.95 to $578.95 per mowing from the 1999 costs. The Parks mowing season is eighteen (18) mowings. Total cost for the season is $10,421.10. The 2000 mowing bids for the easements, medians and right-of-way areas had a slight decrease of $61.05 to $2,632.95 per mowing. This decrease reflects elimination of the contract for the El Rio Vista drainage easement and the rejection of the sole bid. Street Division personnel have elected to maintain the El Rio Vista easement. The easement was cleared last year, which allows easy access with city equipment. Based upon the bid submitted, it is more cost-effective for city personnel to maintain the easement compared with utilization of private sector services. The mowing season for the easements and right-of-way calls for six (6) mowings each. The medians, frontage and intersections are mowed more frequently, totaling eighteen (18) seasonal mowings each, Page 3 Mowing Contracts Total cost for the season will be $ 17,477.10. The total expense for all awarded contract mowing of the parks, medians, easements and rights-of-way is $27,898.20, an increase of $502.20 for the calendar year 2000 mowing season compared to the 1999 season. FUNDING SOURCE- Funding for the FY 99 -00 mowing program (July - October 1999 and April-June 2000) was approved as part of the Street Division and Parks Department budget for Physical Property Services (01-300-53100/01 -515- 53100). funding to continue the mowing July-October 2000 and the start-up of the 2001 season April -June will be included in the FY 00 -01 budget. COMME NDATION: Staff believes that the utilization of private sector: contractors permits the City to use its personnel in a more efficient manner, The bidding process has attracted very competitive bids. Staff recommends Council award the following contracts: 1. 'Tabulation of Bids 2. Bid Specification 3. Maps of lowing Areas Item: Mowing City Property City of Owasso/Owasso Public Works Authority Opening Date: March 2, 2000 207 S Cedar Number of Bids: See Chart Owasso, OK 74055 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: David Warren Witness: Chris Roberts / Chris Kropp 1999 BID TLC Lawn L Turner A Ownes LeMasters I Morris i j B Stigall] Schaffner A Rock D Patton Brushhog R Taylor CHS Inc Rayola Park $214.00 $210.00 $212.00 $225.00 $279.00 Elm Creek Park $195.00 $194.49 $330.00 $280.00 $242.00 $250.00 Ator Heights Park 1 $70.00 $69.49 $90.00 1 $103.00 $80.00 Pride Park (86h Street) $49.00 $46.95 $60.00 $49.00 $50.00 $48.00 Ator Heights Utility Easement $25.00 $31.00 $95.00 $50.00 El Rio Vista Center Medians, El Palo Vista Frontage, 96" & Garnett Intersection, n 22 d & Garnett Median $115.00 $111.95 $122.00 $125.00 S135.00 El Rio Vista Drainage Easement $55.00 $95.00 Three Lakes Drainage Easement $400.00 $400.00 Lakeridge Drainage Easement $300.00 $300.00 S299.00 Owasso Expressway West Side Easement $55.00 $80.00 7e St N Center Medians $29.00 $28.50 $28.00 Main St 5h St , , d & 3' &Main Basements $65.00 $83.00 5100.00 U.S. Highway 169 Right-of-Way $1650.00 $1650.00 $1600.00 TOTAL BIDS $3222.00 1311) lU'Q l l M 1 NTS 1. lark bids will be awarded separatcly. Ogc contractor will not be awarded more than two ap rlc co,7tY °acts. � � _ 2. The rnedian, utility and drainage easement bids may be awarded to the same contractor. 3. Contractors must gall for an inspection of work on the day it is completed. Contractors rnowing the parrs shall call the Darks Department at 371-9244, and contractors mowing the medians and easements shall call the public Works Department at 272-4959, All work must be inspected or payment will not be made for that plowing period, 4. ha melt will be made following the first City Council meeting of each month for the preceding month's work. invoices must be turned in no later than the last "Tuesday of each month. 5. The park contracts will begin April 7, 2000 and continue through October 13, 2000. The median and intersection contracts will begin April 10, 2000 and continue through September 1.5, 2000. The easement contracts will begin April 10, 2000 and continue through September 22, 2000. An optional mowing may be rewired by October 20, 2000 for the easement contracts, and will be at the sole discretion of the City. 6. Maps are included in this bid packet to identify all specific locations. Return 7. the Bid Proposal and the Non Collusion i Affldavit in a sealed envelope f.i "SEALED BID" and the name of the project you are bidding to the offlee of the City Clerk. rate - '�e 8. If you have questions concerning the intent of the City, contact Chris Roberts at 2724959 for clarification during regular working hours. GEI NEJZAL CONDITIONS 1. Upon award of a bid, the signed contract shall establish an independent contractor relationship between the awardce (contractor) and the City. The Contractor is not to be considered an agent or employee of the City for any purpose, nor is the Contractor entitled to any benefits. 2. The City shall schedule a pre-work- conference after the Notice of Award and prior to the commencement of any work. 4. No modification, variation, change, addition, deletion, or alteration of the relationship of the parties shall be effective unless agreed to in writing and executed by both parties hereto. 5. The only mowing contract that will require the contractor to carry liability insurance is the U.S. HIGHWAY :169 RIGHT-OF, Fm AY. That contractor will need to provide to the City of Owasso a copy of his Certificate of Insurance showing the amount of coverage and the term of the policy. The minimum amount of coverage is One Million Dollars. 6. Contractors awarded bids in 2000 will be given the option of mowing the same property during the 2001 mowing season at the 2000 bid price. All contractors holding mowing contracts for the year 2000 will be contacted by the City early in 2001 and will be required to execute a new contract if they wish to mow the same property in 2001. This will be done prior to issuing bid documents, and those properties will not be included in the bid document. MOWING CITY hIZOPE11TIES S IJ MM I I lz 2000 SP1-✓CI Fl C;A'IONS ALL AREAS Pick yip trash and deposit in appropriate containers before mowin PARKS. Rayoia, Ehn Creek, Pride ( 6(h Street) and Ator Heights Mow the entire park area with a riding lawn mower or hand mower with turf tiros. "Brush Hog" type mower shall not be used. No bar tread tires shall be used. All grass should be cut 1 to 1' /2 inches in height. Mow within four inches (4 ") of any obstruction: fences, fence corners, trees, poles, etc, Creeks and embankments should be plowed per agreeable distance from the water. `The city crews will be responsible for "weed - eating" all ditches; around all trees, light poles, picnic tables, and fences; and steep hills and slopes. it is the intent of the City to have the Hmowing contractor" mow as close to all structures, fences, fence corners, trees, and drainage ditches as is possible. The City is requiring the parks to be mowed once _eyery ten days. Mowing shall not be done prior to 8°00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. No mowing is to be done on the weekends (from 5:00 p.m. on Friday until 8:00 a.m. on Monday). The walking /jogging trails(s) shall be kept free of grass clippings or other yardwaste. a i i t j' l Rio Vista Drainage;. Three g Lakeridge Drainage; Fifth Street Drainage, Main Street, and Third & Main; Owasso Expressway U.S. Highway 169 o '," Railroad St N (East & West Sides) Mow the entire area with a hand mower, riding slower, or "Brush Hog" type slower. Upon completion of mowing, gI °ass height shall be 3 °' to 4' The City is requesting these areas to be plowed once a month. The "mowing contractor" will slow the entire aI°ea to within 4" of all structures, fences, fence corners, drainage channel embankments and trees. M IAMANS AND 111C)NTAGE, 14;1 ltlo Vista Center Medians; El 11io Vista Froaatage; 761" St N Medhins9 22"( & Garnett median Mow the nicdian areas with a riding lawn mower or hared mower. All grass should be cut 1 to V2 in hcs 1n 11-dg it. T he medians and adjacent pavement shall be kept free of grass clippings or other yardwasteo The City is requiring the medians to be rnowed once e�rer two weeks. Contractor shall edge curbs and weed eat around poles. � @INTERSECTION. 96'h t N & Garnett Rd (NE< SE & SW Corners) Mow the entire area with a riding mower or hand mower. Upon completion of mowing, grass height shall be 3" to 4" The City is requesting these areas to be mowed once every two weeps, The "mowing contractor" will mow the entire area to within 4 " of all structures, fences, fence corners, drainage channel embaiikments and trees. NOTE. NO MOWING ANY CITY PROPERTY SHALL BE DONE CAN OZONE ALERT DAYS. it W! v p4 fl0 0113 TF, 1' Ad ty- L an! 31 �Y. y4l� to me in U, .. 4 die 4A 14 t6 .14 a a X 2Y A�s ts STREET I A ce 0 % x RIli—RI Us F-IK- M.: As im ags Its 4 STREET itl Us 'A &V a I �T STREET Pet % W! v 0113 TF, 1' Ad L an! .. 4 die 4A 14 t6 .14 a a X 3rd STREET 0— 19 A IP I Illy —22F I'M .7 go TF, 1' Ad L an! .. 4 die 4A 14 .14 a a X 3rd COORT I A ce ch RIli—RI Us F-IK- M.: As I— uw - Its 4 itl Us a Ir 1 0 P all 0— 19 A IP I Illy —22F I'M I Boa li all d. SB I MIRMI, lltv�l � m I lfl' 91 —7. J�C4 I MIRMI, lltv�l � 12 o� a�a pirm S. 91 —7. —r- 12 o� a�a pirm S. E. 24 laf met w It aft td Q ° era 89th ST N m I qFo ° 6th TRIIEE ' NORTH' d® X98° °B• � h � ° � �� ° Ll Q ° era 89th ST N m I qFo ° 6th TRIIEE ' NORTH' STREET I X Z 1. A w. R cn STREET I X Z 1. A w. R �1 2 cr- i 4 a i OL 10 0 w cs EET NONTH 4 �. ;� ��_c e� :� �� t 3 �' � ��� ;��� m� �� �� r � —�_ ���..�, �� .;,� �� �:�. �� ;e ;fry j'ny W. V CMI-� Em. UD -9. a � IL 0 c AYOL ARK a AG ,REC. CG fff. - �HFI r G ffi w a t 1 1 8 cs V) �71 gel [--4 u 0 N 9 a Ns THIRD & MAIN STREET VACANT I m I 9 Is FIFTH STREET DRAINAGE EAS M, I No a I N D MAIN STREET EASEMENT iza Im H W T. 3 NIP J i wm t .l 1R; t, f TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MAIN STREET REHABILrrATION AND BAPTIST lnREMENT CENTER PAVING A`I "Em March 159 2000 BACKGROUND: Tulsa County Engineering was agreeable to participation on both projects. In order to formalize responsibilities, an Interlocal Agreement has been drafted with "Tulsa County (see Attachment 1) that includes the following: The City of Owasso shall provide all required materials; "Tulsa County shall provide all necessary labor and equipment to complete the projects; and Duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the projects. :funding for the materials to be used by Tulsa County for the Main Street rehabilitation project is included in the 1998 Bond Issue. Materials are expected to cost approximately $1389000, Page 2 Interlocal Agreement — Tulsa County Funds for the Baptist Retirement Center overlay will depend on the timing of work by the County. It is expected that funds will be included in the FYOO -01 Street Division budget for operating supplies (line item 01-300- 52100). Materials are expected to be approximately $22,000° Should the work be able to be performed in FY99 -00, a supplemental budget transfer from reserves will be needed. 1 A` ION. Staff recommends Council approval of the Interlocal Agreement with 'Tulsa County for paving work as part of the main Street Rehabilitation project in the 1998 Bond Issue and overlay at the Baptist Retirement Center and authorise the Mayor to execute the Agreement. AT" rAC HI ENI"S I o Interlocal Agreement 2. Engineer's Estimate for the Main Street Rehabilitation Project 3, residential Street Repair Program excerpts THIS AGREEMENT, made the Ai R EL-ME NT day of' , 2000, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "COUNTY" and the City of Owasso, Tulsa county, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "CITY", WITNESSETH- WHEREi .AS, by virtue of 69 O.S. 198 1, Section 1903, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities to construct, improve, and repair any of the streets of such municipalities, and; WHEREAS, the County is desirous of participating in projects and the provision of services mutually advantageous to the COUNTY and other units of government; ` HE REFORF, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the projects described herein, based upon the COUNTY's work schedule. 2. The purpose of the Agreement shall be for paving of Main Street (from 4 "' Street to 11 "' Street) and paving at the Baptist Retirement Center on N. 122nd East Avenue (from 76'h Stx°eet Forth to 73rd Street Forth), 73'd Street Forth (from 122" d E. Avenue to 127"' E. Avenue) and 127t" E. Avenue (from 76`" Street Forth to 73rd Street Forth). 3. The CITY shall provide for all required right-of-way, utility relocation, construction of roadway subbase, drainage system construction, maintenance and payment for all paving materials used by the COUNTY. 4. The COUNTY shall provide all labor and equipment required to complete the paving. S. This Agreement shall be effective fi °om and after the date of execution thereof and is intended only for the purpose detailed in Section 2 above. 6. The rights, duties and obligations under and arising from this Agreement shall not be assigned by either party hereto without the express written consent of the other. Page 2 Intcrlocal Agreement _ City of Owasso and TLI]sa County APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ron Cates, City Attorney ATTEST': CITY OF OWASSO, OT ,AROMA Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mark Wilken, Mayor Mateo APPROVED A TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney Quantities and costs are based on typical road paving plans and design drawings for the project, 1�4yi gaterials Main Street Type B AC (polymer rnodified)(insolnble) 79000 tons Fabric Reinforcement 21,000 SY Tack Coat 2,100 gallons Plowable Fill 500 CY Traffic Stripe (4 -inch) 10,0001,E F3a�tist IZetir��nt Center Tape B AC 1,000 tons Fabric Reinforcement 500 SY Tack Coat 100 gallons Plowable Fill 150 C Y (2) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHERIN TULSA COUNTY TO PROWDE LABOR & EQUIPMENT, AND CITY TO FURN�SH MATERIALS, (3) NEW ITEM - UNIT PRICE D MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJE _ r. GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUPPLEMENT E1 dT ATE- March 17, 2000 AC Unencumbered funds must be available in the budget before the Council can approve a purchase or a contract. At the March 21 meeting, Council will be asked to consider and tale action on the purchase of a vehicle for the City Manager, Funds are not available in the Managerial Department budget for this purchase; therefore a budget supplement must be approved before acti ®n is taken on the purchase. During this fiscal year, payments were received from insurance companies f ®r a police vehicle and motorcycle. The revenue was n ®t anticipated and not budgeted, so this revenue is available t® supplement the general fund for part of the new vehicle purchase, The requested supplement to the General Fund, Managerial Department capital outlay expenditures for the vehicle purchase is $19,684. The requested supplement to the General Fund revenues is $13,553. The remaining $6,131 would utilize the reserves in the General . Staff recommends Council I t . of a supplement to the General Fund budget increasing revenues by $13,553 and increasing expenditures in the Managerial Department TO.- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITE' OF OWASSO FROM- JIM McELRATH SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT, PURCHASE OIL VEHICLE ICLE F R CITY MANAGER'S USE DATE: March 15, 2000 BACKGROUND: It has come to staffs attention that the Detective Division of the Police Department has need of a vehicle suitable for better transportation 'of equipment, evidence, and/or personnel than can be provided by the vehicles currently assigned for the division's use. No funds are currently budgeted for the purchase of such a vehicle. There are, however, insurance monies recovered from "At-- Fault " parties in accidents involving two vehicles assigned to the Police Department, The vehicle currently assigned to the City Manager is a 1998 Dodge Van, It is proposed that this vehicle be transferred to the Police Department and that a new vehicle be purchased for the City Manager's use, The 1998 vehicle is in excellent condition and would well serve the needs of the division as listed above. Staff proposes that such a vehicle transfer be made and that the Council authorize purchase of a new vehicle for the City Manager, The vehicle that is proposed for purchase from the State bid list is a Jeep Cherokee with a total cost of $19,684. Specifications for this vehicle are as follows: 2000 Jeep Cherokee, with the following specifications and/or options: Base price, four door, V6, 4.0 L $18,409 Exterior: Silverstone metallic; Interior: Agate (gray) Option #21, Cloth interior seats N/C Option #24, 'Tilt /cruise /intermittent wipers $474 Option #25, Dear window defroster N/C Option #28, Service Manual $ 125 Option #38, Limited Slip Differential $242 Option #48, Power Door Locks and Windows $459 VEHICLE PURCHASE March 15, 2000 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recon-imends that the City Council approve the purchase of a 2000 Jeep Cherokee as specified above from Hudiburg Auto Group -Jeep, Midwest City, OK, the state bid vendor, in the amount of $ 19,684, with monies to come from the managerial department budget and that the City Council authorize payment for said vehicle in the amount designated. TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: JIM MeELRATH SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF ABOVE-GROUND L FOR CITY GAR-/%,GE DATE: March 15, 2000 BACKGROUND: Specifications: MEMORANDUM LIFTPURCHASE March 15, 2000 PAGE 2 Installation costs were be included as part of the bid. Buyer was to be responsible for bringing any electric, air and/or fluid lines to the point of installation hookup. Bids in the amounts listed were received from the following vendors: Myers Tire SuRply Company $11,510 4325 ®H NW 4 P.O. Box 271256 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Bids were reviewed by staff. The low bid from Malchi Equipment is for a highly- regarded name-brand lift ("Forward" lift) and would well serve the City's needs. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the purchase of an above-ground lift as specified from Malchi Automotive Equipment Supply, Inc. in the amount of $6663 from monies budgeted for the City Garage in the current year. MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY CAP OWASSO FROM. JIM McELRATH uPPr SERVICES DIRECTOR uBjEc a RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACTS R 86rn AND MAIN INTERSECTION PROJECT I' NMI] One of the projects included on the October 1997 bond issue was the widening of the intersection at 86th and fain. bight of way and working easement negotiations have been completed on two additional parcels. Completion of negotiations on the remaining parcel is expected within the next couple of weeks. Information on the parcels is as follows: LANDOWNERS LOCATION PE Henry and Pearlie Robinson Johnny and Mary Melton 204 W. 12th St .046 ac NPC International Corp 301 E. 12th St .208 ac TEMP COST $ 10,900 035 ac $400 Legal descriptions and renderings of each parcel are attached as referenced exhibits to the signed contracts. The title insurance underwriters require that the transactions for the purchase of the permanent rights of way be conducted in formal closings. Costs of closings, including title opinions, insurance, and other costs are estimated by the closing companies to be $2,000 or less. 86""' & MAIN R-O-W'S March 15, 2000 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION - Contracts CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between, HENRY R. F ORJNS5� N an�ARTJTE Mae RQ 1NSON band and wife and JO�%NNY D _ E ON axad M�R� T_ON husband and hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, WLTNESSETH That for and in consideration of the sum of Ten tho isand_ in- p,_hiindrPd fir. No /40 (S9 X00 Oq_� DOLLARS to be paid by City to the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, the parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: I. Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good and sufficient warranty deed the following described property in Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: See attached EXHIBIT "A" together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and clear of all liens, mortgages, easements, assessments and encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to same, except 2> Ti °l Effamninatj no Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to Cite- within ten (10)) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its expense. Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined for merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers. If requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. The City shall have ten (10) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof. Upon approval of title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall. be closed upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. :3a Closing° At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery of said deed sellers shall. submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said property. At the same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable possession of all said premises in as good condition as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified, 4,;- 1��a o9 a Buyer will pay partial mortgage release fee if a fee is required by mortgagee. Seller will install a temporary gravel drive and parking to the south of the building. The gravel drive and parking shall terminate upon the completion of construction of the 86th Street North and Main street widening project. IN WITNESS W EREOF, the part' s have executed this contract at Owasso, Oklahoma, this _ day of 2000 ;% m y , Robinson, Pearlie Robinson �Tohnny Do Melton Nay44elton SELLERS ATTEST CITY CLERIC - - - APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF OWASSO CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR ra,enoa 2 T Q 0 0� 21 o Q9 N R-14-E EAST 86TH STREET NORTH 6TH STREET LOCKTION MA N 1/4 CORNEI 1/4 SECTION LINE I Exhibit "Ay' ( z OWNER: ROBINSON, HENRY R. & PEARLIa & MELTON, JOHNNY D. & MARY P. 0., BOX 575 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74-055 ACCOONT NO.: 10181 SCALE: 1" =,601 'T 86TH STREET NORTH 0 50f R/W LINE TEMPORARY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS- That the undersigned, %l R Robinson anar1 1�% Rolm2n lausbnd anc� tvi Viand_ ,7olann� IJ Me1 t on �r`y ,7 RS�an� h�zsband ?nd wP, the owner of the legal and equitable title to the following described real estate situated in the City of Owasso, Owasso County, State of Oklahoma, for and in consideration of the sum of fQA i-lundred and N&J_Q k$4QOO_QO) DOLLARS to be paid by the City of Owasso (hereinafter called City, as first Party), and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the said City, a temporary easement, through, over, Lander and across the following described property, situated in said County, to -wit: See attached Exhibit "B" The sole purpose of this easement is to grant to the City, its officers, agents, employees, and /or all persons under contract with it, the right to enter upon said premises and strip of land for the purpose of construction of a public project. This public project will include construction contracts and /or set-vices which may include but are not limited to project construction, utility relocations, grading, and drainage. This public project is to be constructed on a permanent easement and /or right of way and is not a part of this temporary easement. It is a condition of this casement that it shall not be filed of record and that all rights conveyed to the City by this easement shall terminate upon completion of construction and final acceptance by the City of the work performed on the permanent easement and /or right of way referred to above. IN WITNESS iI-TilEOf, the Owner herein has hereunto set his hand and seal this Ab—day of > 2000. STATE Of_O� OMA ) )ss. COUNTY Of _ J A ) QWAL n Pearli . Robinson 8 ar elton Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of 2000, personally appeared Henry R Robinson and thrust 2T T 92 0 D� 21 o N I ACCOUNT NO.: 10181 SCALE, 1" = 60/ EAST 76TH STREET NOF LOCATION'MA N 1/4 CORNET 1/4 SECTION LINE I "HIS AGRE -E E-NT, by and between NPj2JN['F:I NATIONAi --C-ORI'OlKAILQN hereinafter called Sellers, and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, ITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum ofLEQLWj 'm`TltUE Sdtp� j � N ^I'Y 1WF-AND—h[QLLQQA43_U5M)__ DOLLARS to be paid by City to the order of Sellers as hereinafter provided, the parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: 1, 541t. Sellers agree to sell, transfer and convey to City by good and sufficient warranty deed the following described property in Owasso, "Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: See attached EXHIBIT "All together with all improvements thereon and hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, free and cleat- of all liens, mortgages, easements, assessments and encumbrances of every kind and character whatsoever, and to warrant the title to same, except 2. xtle ���rrrirr tiasr�. Basic abstract as is shall be delivered to City within ten (10) days from date. The City shall have same certified to date at its expense. Ten days after date abstract brought down to date, same shall be examined for merchantable title in the above premises, in sellers. If requirements are necessary, sellers shall have ten (10) days thereafter within which to comply. The City shall have ten (10) days thereafter to examine and approve the sufficiency thereof Upon approval of title by City, transaction shall be ready for closing and shall be closed upon fifteen (15) days notice in writing from either party to the other. 3. 1 irr. At the time set for closing, sellers shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to City a good and sufficient warranty deed in statutory form, bearing requisite revenue stamps, transferring and conveying to City all of said property, free and clear of all taxes, liens and encumbrances. Concurrently with the delivery of said deed sellers shall submit affidavit showing all lienable claims have been paid in full and that sellers are in quiet, peaceable and undisputed possession of all said property. At the same time sellers shall deliver to City quiet and peaceable possession of all said premises in as good condition as the same now are, reasonable wear and tear alone expected, and City shall thereupon pay to sellers the purchase price above specified. Miscellanegry . The City of Owasso will work around the sign. CITY CLERIC APPROVE D AS TO FORM: CITY OF OWASSO CITY ATTORNEY Y l�A`Y"OR pameA 17 T R 21 N 60, If (o SECTION LINE SCALE: 1" = 601 270® PROP. 50"- R/W LINE FAST 86TH STREET NORTI (STATUTORY 16 8 50' P MEMORANDUM TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- APPOINTMENTS TO WATC14DOG COMMITTEE DATE- March 16, 2000 BACKGROUND- There are currently three vacancies on the Committee created by the resignations of Steve Baggett and Harold Merrill, both representing the retail business community, and Billie Fullbright, representing financial institutions. LVIIIXU=3411-1 >i� Watchdog Committee Members OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FY 99 -00 MEMBERS TAIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 8810 N 134th East Ct Owasso, OIL 74055 272-9287 (h)9 272 -6274 (w) RECI ;ATION GROU13S - One Slot Murray Adams 12822 E 107" St N Owasso, OIL 74055 3719999 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OIL 74055 272 -4333 John (both 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OIL 74055 272 -5179 CITIZENS -AT- LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th East Ave Owasso, OIL 74055 622 -8080 (w) Citizens -at -large Cont. Millard bills 2008 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-1760 Vicki Tapp 12510 E I7"' St N Owasso, OK 74055 272 -6926 SUPPORT STAFF Larry Mitchell City Manager Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Marcia Boutwell City Clerk This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July at 7;00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation ". BoardsMatchdog. doe MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- LARRY MITCHELL CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- CITY MANAGER'S REPOWr DATE: March 17, 2000 ""Happiness often sneaks through a door you didn 't know You left open 99 - John Bar#ymore MANAGERIAL- HUMAN RESOURCES — The following personnel actions have -occurred since the last report: Police Department — Linda Andrews submitted her resignation as a dispatcher. She has been employed since December 1999. OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE — Letters are being prepared to send to our Legislati-*.4 members to request they support House Bill 2034. This bill would modify the statutes set in 1993 that reallocated a certain portion of tax monies received from city and county governments to the States general fmid instead of being returned to the city do governments. A copy of correspondence received from the League is attached. March 17, 2000 IIA(&I' 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING COMMISSION -- The following items were approved by the Planning Conunission at their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2000 at 7:00 p.m, in the Owasso Community Center: Annexation - Theresa Spears - A request for annexation of property described as portions of the S/2 SW/4- SW/4 of Section 17, T-21-N, R-14-E. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of East 96' Street North and Garnett Road and contains 8.25 acres more or less. Final Plat - Nottin gh am V - A request for review of a final plat for Nottingham V, a 44 lot, 24.5 acre subdivision described as a portion of the W/2 NE/4 of Section 21, `T -21-N R-14-E0 The subject property is located south of East 96" Street North and west of North 145"' East Avenue. P North - A request for review of a preliminary at for the Lakes at Bailey Ranch North, a 9 lot, 146.51 acre subdivision described as a portion of the N/2 of Section 18, T-21-N, R-14-E. This subject property is located o south of East 106'hStreet North and West of Garnett Road. A request for review of a preliminary plat for Oakwood, a 53 lot, 15.42 acre subdivision described as a portion of the W/2 NW/4 SW/4 of Section 7, T-21-N, R-14-E. The subject property is located on UIC -east of Mingo Road, north of East 106' Street North. Final Plat - Fairways VI - A request for review of a final plat for Fairways VI at Bailey Ranch, a 42 lot, 15.37 acre subdivision described as a portion of the W/2 NW/4 of Section 19, T-21-N, R-14-E. The subject property is located east of Mingo Road, south of East 96" Street North. Al - A request for review of a replat of a portion of Hale Acres Addition. The applicant proposes 10 lots on 2.9 acres CM000317.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us March 17, 2000 I)AGI 3 described as Block 4, Lots 12, 13, and 14 of the bale Acres Addition, The subject property is located east of the Owasso ,Sports lark, north of East 114 "' ,street North, rcliminary Plat obblosto Business bark request for review of a preliminary plat for Cobblestone Business lark, a 4 lot, 7 °72 acre subdivision described as a portion of the N/2 NW/4 /4 of Section 20, -21-N, R-14--E, If you have questions regarding any of these items, please contact Ms. Hensley. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT – The March 28, 2000 regularly scheduled meeting of the Owasso Board of Adjustment has been canceled due to lack of agenda items. CM00031.7,doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.cLowasso.ok.us March 17, 2000 ["AGE 4 HIGHWAY SAFETY - AWARD - One of the requirernents of our Highway Safety Grant is for the Police Department to participate in State and Federal traffic safety campaigns. The Department recently received two awards regarding its involvement in two 1999 campaigns. The first was for the 1999 Safe Summer Campaign, and the second was for the 1999 Operation ABC Mobilization America Buckles Up Children, POLICE OFFICER GRADUATION -The Police Department is proud to announce the graduation of Officer Nick Boatman on March 10, 2000, Officer Boatman's academy class was the first class to graduate in the year 2000. Officer Boatman was awarded a certificate by the Oklahoma Sheriffs and Peace officers Association for academic achievement as he graduated first in his class. We all congratulate him on ajob well done! PUBLIC WORKS - PAVEMENT CRACK SEALING PROGRAM - In August 1998, Public Works Department staff developed and implemented a pavement maintenance program. The primary objective of the program is to seal cracks in pavements to reduce deterioration of the asphalt and concrete surfaces. Pavement cracks allow moisture to penetrate the surface and weaken the road sub-grade. Traffic over the area begins to break up the pavement around the crack, creating a larger point of repair. Crack sealing reduces deterioration and usually will extend the life span of the pavement. The FY 99-00 maintenance program was initiated in September 1999 in the Ator Heights residential development and continued through Octobe-r-1999. Street Division personnel assessed pavement conditions and prepared cracks for' the application of sealant materials. Cracks must bm clean of vegetation/debris and occasionally widened/deepened to allow adequate penetration of sealant material. Street Division personnel will be continuing the crack-sealing program in Ator Heights beginning on March 20"'. The first phase of the maintenance will include all concrete roads north of 19t" Street. The second phase will include 19th Street and all roads extending south to 14"' Street. Questions may be directed to Mr. Roberts or Mr. Carr. CM000317.doe Visit Owass-o-on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us 1, Memorandum Regarding Bid Items 2e Sales Tax Report 3. Water Pollution Control Plant Monthly Report 4. Occupancy Permits 5. Building Inspections Division February 2000 Report 6. Residential Lot Inventory Stars 11. Employer of the Year Domination Farm (Skills USA -VILA) MEMORANDUM TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. MARCIA BourWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT: BID ITEMS DAT& March 17, 2000 Following is an update of items in the bidding process-: 1. Above; Ground Lift for City Garage Bids were opened February 8 1h . Bid will be awarded March 21" 2. Mowing City Properties Bids were opened March 2n "4 Bids will be awarded March 21". 3, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Communications System Bids were opened February 29''. Bid will be awarded April 18". 4. Storage Facilities at Public Works & Vehicle Maintenance Bids were advertised February 24"'. Bids will be opened April 11 ",a 5. Polyethylene Yard/Lawn Waste Bags Bid will be advertised March 20'h & opened April 11 "' � I � $Ei00,00^ „1500,001 $400,00( $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 m T7,000,00� $6,000,00( $5,000,00( $4,000,OOC $3,000,000 ;2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 �mc uan Feb Mar Apr" Ma Jun YOar -to -Date Sales Tax Totals Litoc Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun ActuW Budgeted Last Year City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison March 10, 2000 Actual Collections Budget Projections (YndoL Projection L_ A mQ —un Percent m A ount fEe rcii6f Amount _ __ Percent Jul $512,985026 8.55% $504,000.00 8440% $8,985026 1.78% Aug 511,393024 8x52% 492,000000 8.20% 19,393024 3094% Sep 514,497.85 8.57% 504,000.00 8.40% 10,497085 2.08% Oct 51492250811 6057®1 519,000400 6065% (49774.19) -0.92% Nov 4919721.77 8.20% 474,000.00 7090% 17721077 3074% Dee 500,720086 8.35% 507,000.00 8.45% (6,279014) -124% Jan 4979158.26 8.29% 492,000.00 8.20% 5,158.26 1405% Feb 557,555078 9029®/ 570,000.00 9050% (12,444.22) -2.18% Mar 4669381443 7077% 483,000°00 8005% (169618.57) -304.4% Apr May Jun Totals $4,566,640.26 76.11% $4,5459000.00 75075% —$219640.26 0048% City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparison March 10, 2000 Fiscal 1999-2000 Percent, -A—m-mi iL -QMU-d--QD—t, Fiscal 1998-99 — — Increase or (Decrease) Percent LA Qt je rat Jul $ 512,985.26 8.55% $ 451,469.72 8.16% $ 6119515e54- 13.63% Aug 511,393024 8.52% 453,908027 8.20% 57,484.97 12066% Sep 514,497.85 8.57% 448,643093 8.11% 65,853092 14068% Oct 514,225.81 8057% 498,631093 9.01% 158593088 3.13% Nov 491,721077 8.20% 436,276.09 7.88% 55,445068 12.71% Dec 500,720086 8035% 436,74-0.79 7.89% 63,980007 14.65% Jan 4979158.26 8.29% 471,618.68 8.52% 259539.58 5042% Feb 557,555.78 9029®/ 534,776086 9.66% 22,778092 4426% Mar 466,381043 7.77% 4319742.84 7.80% 34,638059 8.02% Apr May Jun Totals $ 4,566,640.26 76.11% $ 4,163,809.11 75025% $ 402,831.15 9067% Note: Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sales Tax Budget is $690009000 City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues L=ast Five Fiscal Years Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov o Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1999-2000 1996 -97 302,671.03 313,501.67 329,039.92 324,330033 315,343,10 313,501 x16 329,059046 403,431,21 299,603015 300,3€35063 346,300°39 34'4,423,74. FEBRUARY 2000 Operations were as follows throughout the month: The plant processed 50.7 million gallons of wastewater during the mouth, with an average daily flow of 1.749 million gallons per day® Current plant design capacity = ®1 MGD.) We have looked at several options for disposing of sludge accumulation at the plant® We found that the most effective means is by land application through a private contractor. ® 1826 inches of rainfall occurred during the month® All applicable state and federal discharge permit requirements -met for the month® 95.50% of all applicable sewage constituents were removed in the plant treatment process. 39 tons of sludge was processed through the drying beds and hauled to landfill. Four (4) sludge beds were drawn for a total of 0.100 MG. Plant Phase 11A Improvement bid opening was held on February 14, 2000. Low bidder was Crossland Heavy Contractors. Pre-construction meeting is scheduled for Mar 30, 2000. Polymer addition has enhanced the percent of solids to the drying beds from 0.5 to 1.0 %. Scheduled project to demonstrate addition of polymer directly to drying beds for third or fourth week of March 2000. Documents for renewal of plant discharge permit were reviewed to OD and are being processed. Permit should be issued in March 2000 for review and comments. .1. 3/7/009:53 AM City of Owasso _--,..Monthly SSO Report I! H JANUARY 1999 Schlotzsk ' be-1 y 12661 E 36th St No Ron's Hamburgers 9100 N Garnett, //M Jazzercise 6506 N 126 E Ave Wall Paper for Less 110 South Main Lee Cleanind sfeW- 11237 E 114 St No C & R Liquor 11230 No Garnett Enchantment Flowers 8571 Ow Exp, #A I Ideal Motors 11226 N Garnett MARCH 1999 1/6/99 Robert A Long 12346 1 66th St No eMax Realtors 12315 E 66th St No Beth Beach Gift Shop 112 S® Main St Metro Tulsa Foot & Ankle 11215 N Garnett #13 OPENING COMPLETE DATE New 1/6/99 2/15/99 Yes New 1/6/99 1/11/99 Yes Owner Change 1/2/99 1/2/99 Yes Relocate 1/5/99 2/6/99 Yes New 2/9/99 2/12/99 Yes Owner Change 2/15/99 2/15/99 Yes Now 2/15/99 3/1/99 Yes New 2/16/99 3/1/99 Yes Relocate 3/11/99 2/1/99 Yes New 3/12/99 2/1/99 Yes New 3/22/99 3/26/99 Yes New 3/26/99 4/1/99 Yes 3d Tech, Inca McGraw Davison Realtors Pet Grooming By Rindy Midwestern Opticle Equip Chief Body Works, LLC Consignment Pius Lisa Moore -Fitness & Karate The Stadium Sports Center Albertson ®s 11211 -D No Garnett 7901 N Ow Exp 11230 -B No Garnett 9204 No Garnett 9202 No Garnett 706 No Main St 11330 No Garnett,A B 306 E 5th Ave 12912 66 St No New New New New New New Owner Change New New 4/1/99 4/5/99 4/12/99 4/12/99 4/12/99 4/13/99 4/22/99 4/12/99 4/16/99 2/1/99 2/15/99 4/15/99 4/15/99 1/11/99 4/16/99 5/11/99 5/1/99 4/16/99 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MAY 1 Owasso Oriental Store C & R Liquor 209 E 2nd Ave 11230 N Garnett Road New Owner Change 5/17/99 5/17/99 7/1/99 6/20/99 Yes Yes JUNE 1 ®enis® Bode, O. -D-8291 Precision Door & Window Owasso Exp 8255 Owasso Exp Now New 6/6/99 6/23/99 6/14/99 6/1/99 Yes Yes nu� ME Apollo's Karate ____ 12330 E 86 St No New 7/20/99 7/23/99 Yes fantastic 8361 No Owasso Exp New 7/29/99 8/14/99 Yes T-Shirts Express 708 No Main St New 7/14/99 7/14/99 No Cali Top Nails 8516 No 129 E Ave Relocate 7/2/99 7/14/99 Yes Guaranty Abstract Co 9106 No Garnett Owner Change 7/14/99 8/2/99 Yes Legacy Sales 9102 No Garnett, A & B Relocate 7/7/99 7/16/99 Yes Owasso Fitness 12650 E 86 PI No Expanding 7/2/99 7/2/99 Yes AUGUST 1999 Albertson's Express 12902 E 86 St No New 8/13/99 8/18/99 Yes Metcalf Productions 104 W Broadway #6 New 8/20/99 8/26/99 Yes SEPTEMBER 1999 (7hr`ls­tin_e_ Peters _ 103 E 2nd Ave New 9/10/99 9/23/99 Yes First Mortgage Co 9102-D No Garnett New 9/29/99 9/11/99 Yes Blimpies 12400 E 86 St No New 9/1/99 9/1/99 Yes Mountain Mama's 106 So Atlanta New 9/9/99 10/15/99 Yes OCTOBER 1999 White Computer Systems 8555 N 117 E Ave #106 New 10/18/99 10/18/99 Yes Rib Crib 8551 N 129 E Ave New 10/19/99 10/25/99 Yes Bon-Bons of Owasso 409 E 2nd Ave New 10/25/99 11/8/99 Yes M & M Tax Services 104 So Main Relocate 10/28/99 111/2/99 Yes J-Rae-L's 11531 No Garnett Rd New 10/29/99 11/1/99 Yes NOVEMBER 1999 Calvary Chapel 11211 A No Garnett Rd New 11/17/99 11/21/99 Yes German Corner Gymnastics 8243 Owasso Exp Relocate 11/17/99 11/11/99 Yes Pizza Hut 12922 E 86 St No Relocate 11/19/99 11/29/99 Yes DECEMBER 1999 T-Shirt Express 8351 Owasso Exp Relocate 12/9/99 12/15/99 Yes Speedy Bob's Auto Lot 11226 IN Garnett Rd New 12/16/99 12/17199 Yes JANUARY 2000 Cellular & More 11624 E 86 St No New 1/5/00 1/5/00 Yes The Children's Depot 8831 Owasso Exp New 1/17/00 1/17/00 Yes Job Analysis 104 West Broadway New 1/12/00 1/12/00 Yes DLSS Security 9220 No Garnett #G New 1/13/00 1/13/00 Yes Chay Enterprises 11330 No Garnett #M Now 1/13/00 1/13/00 Yes FEBRUARY 2000 2/4/00 —r-'t " E^p.usx - m/u,/ xxmer 310 E 5th St Enchantment Gifts 9100 A No Garnett Rd |o/|'a Cenmrnioo 8263 Owasso Exp #G Holiday Enterprises 8351 Dvvouao Exp Victory Energy 8263 Owasso Exp #E Raze of Beauty 8525 N 129 E Ave Relocate 2/4/00 2D00 Yes x*|ocuk* 2/8/00 2/8/00 Yes New 2/8/00 2/14/00 No New 2/18/00 3/1/00 No New 2/23/00 2/23/00 Yes Relocate 2/28/00 2/2-8/00 No NJ Building Permits Issued 40 20,471.50 Economic Development 27 7,756.00 Mechanical Permits Issued 39 5,879.50 Electrical Permits issued 42 5,959.50 Plumbing Permits Issued 44 5,999.50 Recreation Development 20 3,225000 Sign Permits Issued 0 0.00 Reinspection Fees 0 0.00 Sewer Taps 27 109800.00 Water Taps 34 12,200000 Water Meter Deposits 2-5 TOTAL PERMITS 298 $73,541.00 Building 117 Mechanical 56 Electrical 92 Plumbing 135 ReInspectlon 48 Other a TOTAL INSPECTIONS 443 ' M, CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS February 29, 2000 SUBDIVISION —Est —(2/95) — # OF LOTS #DEVEL OP ED # AVAILABLE Bailey Rancl 113 9-1 —27 Bailey Ranch Est 11 (6/99) 133 25 108 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 127 0 Barrington Point (4/94) 41 41 0 Barrington Point 11 (10/94) 49 46 3 Barrington Point 111 (8/96) 32 24 8 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 56 27 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 49 2 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 20 44 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Camden Park (1/94) 38 34 4 Caudle Estates (10/98) 38 26 12 Central Park (2/95) 45 33 12 Central Park 11 (7/97) 96 76 20 Country Estates (9/95) 138 138 0 Country Estates 11 (6/97) 193 190 3 Country Estates 111 (3/99) 61 57 4 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 90 0 Double Oaks 11 (8/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks 111 (8/93) 63 62 1 Double Oaks IV (111/94) 96 96 0 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 77 3 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 69 15 Fairways 111 (3/99) 43 17 26 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 7 97 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 48 21 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 10 12 Fairways V (8/99) 71 5 66 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 44 2 Nottingham Estates 11 (3/97) 15 10 5 Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) 23 6 17 Preston Lakes (12/31) 272 13 259 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 14 17 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 58 3 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 3 80 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake 11 (6/93) 40 40 0 Windsor Lake 11 Ext (10/93) 4 m---27-41------1 2 2 TOTALS 130 M, CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot Inventory Status 0 so 100 160 200 250 300 [::�Motal Lot� —'—� LotsDm(o ®L-- February Year to fate Count 20 v l C014MRCIAL Building Permits (New COnst:vucteian Dollars) February Year to gate Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year COUKERMAL Building permits (Now Conatruation Counts) Month January 1987 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 199G 1997 1996 1999 2000 11Y! 7a:uary 4 0 p 2 2 0 "' 0 1 1 p 0 5 2 3 March 3 0 0 0 p 0 p p 1 0 1, 2 0 7 6 12 Apr11 2 0 0 0 0 2 1, 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 May p 0 0 1 1 l ® 0 2 5 36 0 June 1. 0 0 ° 1 4 p Jul y 1 n a, 1 n 1 Aucquot 0 0 2 3' 2 o n September 1 0 0 0 a- 0 4 2 7, October 0 0 1 1 1e 9 1 0 0 2 2 2 n Noveraber 0 p 2 1 2 0 0 0 l 2 2 3 December o 1 fl 3, 1 TOTALS 0 a 8 �0 1 l 2, 0 5 12 13 19 20 26 6i6 gyeaY." to D at 4 © .��." 0 _ .- ., ..a.�.,:_..,se..,�_......w... ......... 2 ...._.- ..,�_..,._._.e...,.,..., 1s2c1uclera Ciat2'r.�,k2e�€aa Sclaeaol€�e and �"$ovesx�nte� rat �'ac�.2it�a�es 2 2 0 12 8 as February Year to fate Count 20 v l C014MRCIAL Building Permits (New COnst:vucteian Dollars) February Year to gate Dollars New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year mm It I 1 1967 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 a AI It I a ry 14 4 1 7 8 G 6 9 3.2 16 45 29 21 20 Ile I) ruA 1. y 3 5 3 4 7 10 11 10 a 18 35 33 21 26 Wk I 1 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51. Ap r i. 1 22 a 6 9 3 12 17 18 18 39 26 48 38 Kay 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 im-le 14 4 12 5 10 13 18 23 15 37 25 45 40 July 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 Auquot 12 6 9 14 10 ijo 9 ltd 20 � 6 30 22 33 septelalDel 13 11. 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 October 10 5 7J: 13 24 36 23 November 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 . . . .. ..... TOTALS 3,46 72 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 362 46 Year to Da m, 16 1 6 February Year to Date Count " ------------------------------------------ 100 -C" I .............. ....... I...,., ........ .... ....... ............. so W M n, .1. , � .. . ., � '. . .. . .. � � , . .. � .. I , . , I .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. 25 0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 $8,000,000 .G o $6,000,000 0 2 U $4,000,000 r- 0 00 0 $2,000,000 z RIM RESMEMIAL Building Poxmits (New Construction Dollaxs) February Year to Date Dollars .......... 1987 1988 1989 1 9DO 199• 1992 1993 1994 19• 5 1996 1997 1•98 1999 -2000 New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year �x \\gmm - aMMINIE 1987 1988 1989 1 WO 1991 1999 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDJATE RELEASE CONTACT: Dianne Moss 272-4-959 The City of Owasso is preparing for the start of the 2000 yardwaste separation program. Curbside collection will begin on Monday, April lOtli, The 2000 program again offers citizens three options if they wish to collect and dispose of their yardwaste, "off is pp -- Use city-approved yardwaste bags purchased from City Hall, the Recycle Center, Burd's or the two Owasso Quik-trip stores. The price of the bags is 10 bags for $3.50. or: Choose the red, yardwaste-only polyeart option ($6.50 per month for the use of one cart). This may be arranged by contacting the Utility Billing Service Counter at City Hall, 272-2251 during normal working hours, Monday through Friday. or: Customers may deliver yardwaste to the Recycle Center themselves in any type of container. The yardwaste-only red polycarts provide a sturdy container similar in size and capacity to the green container. The yardwaste-only red polycarts will be emptied only on the scheduled yardwaste collection day for that neighborhood. For all residents living east of U.S. Highway 169-(Three Lakes, Elm Creek, Copper Meadows, Double Oaks, Lakeridge, Barrington, Camden, Windsor Lake, Nottingham, :14entwood, Central Park, Silver Creek). For all residents living west of U.S. Highway 169 (Old Town, Ator, El Rio Vist.19 Westport, Hillside, Meadowcrest, Hale Acres, German Corner, Bailey Ranch Estatel Country Estates, Fairways, Southern Links, Caudle Estates). 0 M h , � ALWAYS SLIDE THE SEAT BACK - AND SIT BACK! BUCKLE ONE! CHILD EN IN BACK! EVERY R February 18, 2000 Lieutenant Clifford Motto Owasso Police Deparu -nent 10 North Main Owasso, Oldahorrra 74055-2923 Dear Lieutenant Motto: Charles A. Hurley 0 Executive Director cra Public Affairs Cv National Safety Council co c�a c�a National Safety Council @ 1025 Connecticut Ave,, NW - Suite 1200 m Warhington, DC 20036-5405 ` i Thank you for your commitment to the Mobilizations. Because of our hard work,, restraint use for children and adults is at an all-time high and child fatalities have decrease] v a� Summer 1999 ;f�,1-�s " Motto, Owasso ._ a J NoRTHEAsT OKLAHOMA r � x rr� ► � r z, 0 E z r• k ' lY j RECEIVEV..,. MAR 15 2000 President �q Don Rodoiph Mayors Minton 201 N.E. rd STREET e OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 Vice President (405) 623 -7516 1 ®600 -324 ®6651 ® FAx (405) 5267660 ® www.oml.org Jess Nelson An tkm Mks � Of Mayor, Guymon Past President TO: All City aRaers dr Clerks Jerry Johnston Mayor, Ordrn °i Le lsfatiye e aitment Executive Director ri >3 0iny George � SUBJECT: House ill 4 � r rt Marc _-K � . � �t , J � { r�r Lgilati® �e'n 9 93 0iles3 Section 9 3a1 e aid et�oi 0:1) unconstitutional) nverts�d ai d noun overnment sales.ta es ti hat of a ,. y.� _ tY state tax. ,presentative Ra idy; eutler and Senator ve Hdibb:&�a�e . L introduced HB 2034 =that would m6dify the statutes to provid e fdrr'progr`at; �Y allocation ®f the ifferencp between the gross discount sand fhe 3 0Q triakimum Y discount ppr® n oh amount A � S wF r .fib ' s UM � unconstitutionally retainte e"sta"W since 1993, and should -RUM i.irned to the municipal �and'c ®unit' ova efts e have prodded yon ith ist of the' ` � local ®vernments in Okladnoma and .1 e amount of local .rev-enueAt of hay °bash r retained by the state ?` Please find ttacheda a er for your to use in raftinga our F House and Senate me , o e o Rep' w tchboardt � 0) 21 711 use: 'All, Q5) -557 7351 Senate witch ®ark: (405) a24 1 Senate a': {�5) 521 5507 House Senate ddress MM The Honorable��=q# Rr a ®klahom State Capitol � ; 2300 N Lincolhn Blvd � ` Oklahoma City , ®K73'1> t tiS fit.. {4Y N Your state legislators: c rasses can a found on the we ,der wwvv;lsbastate:ok�os f' ;formations �� 4h e . F �F`d f(4 I would also asktha ge your House andJor;Senate . Ito sigin rrr� :;:onto the bill as coy `kit w®uid be vary `helpful to ,Q g, , �eff0 s if y ®u could s y communication,im w may �egislators>� , z5 March 8, 2000 Dear (State Senator or Representative): M M 0`07 MUM M q MOIN ale, #- IIIIIIMP E VITTIL snoulla you have any questiorl or concerns. 9=1 Source: Oklahoma Tax Commission Page 9 of 13 I 'Actual Estimated Estimated Actual Total Fatal Actual CITY /C OUN't"Y .u„ FY 99 FY 97«99 FY 94-96 FY 9499 MULDRCOW 2,399.17 6,908.01 N 4,598 26 `11,50627 MULHALL 132.94 372.71 245.87 618.58 MURRAY CO 9,565.07 24,110.64 13,199.19 37,309.83 MUSKOGEE 176,573.49 418,561.71 247,254.35 665,816,06 MUSKOGEE CO 66,898.33 72,172.07 139,070.40 MUSTANG 27,216.66 74,616.92 47,875.19 122,492A 1 MASH 148.83 444.64 315.48 760.12 NEWCASTLE 11,966.52 31,616.97 19,499.94 51,116.91 NEWKIRK 855.12 2,43234 1,690.39 4,122.73 NICHOLS DILLS 6,368.60 18,626.18 13,53114 32,158.32 NICOMA PARK 2,800.80 7,721.60 4,812.96 12,534.56 NINNEKAH 363.31 1,054.96 751.13 1,806.09 NOBLE 5,515.40 14,599.40 8,861.95 23,461.35 NOBLE CO 831.15 2,202.72 1,465.21 3,667.93 N ORGE 22.09 62.50 41.59 104.09 NORMAN 239,798.67 658,572.45 437,138.65 1 ,095,71 1.10 NORTH ENID 323.14 915.45 622.10 1,537.55 NORTH MLAMl 54.79 156.07 114.72 270.79 N(OWAiA 3,229.27 9,407.69 8,110.43 17,518.12 N OWA`l°A CO 1,199.25 3,506.41 2,932.97 6,439.38 OAKLAND 206.18 588.12 410.14 998.26 OAKS 2.36 7.64 2.71 10.35 OCHELAT°A 124.93 348.37 243.33 591.70 4OILT ON 482.08 1,358.17 935.89 2.294.06 OKARCHE 824.48 2,403.77 1,733.00 4,136.77 OKAY 570.42 1,390.36 873.52 2.263.88 ®KEENS 183.76 387.32 175.27 562.59 OKEMAH 3,642.18 9,373.34 6,176.23 15,549.57 OKFUSKEE CO 1,753.83 4,430.07 2,850.82 7,280.89 OKLAHOMA CITY 1,742,062.81 4,901,890.86 3,367,325.92 8,269,216.78 fOKMULGEE 55,569.61 160,089.74 110,680.20 270,769.94 ®LUSTEE 36.72 71.45 9.08 80.53 O OLOGAH 879.11 2,531.22 1,809.00 4,340.22 ORLANDO 14.15 54.81 43.03 97.84 ®SAGE CO 11,631.68 28,076.92 17,968.52 46,045.44 OTTAWA CO 7,661.18 17,578.52 11,840.05 29,418.57 a OWASSO 69,879.04 184,877.64 119,113.42 303,991.06 PADEN 155.76 458.99 331.36 790.35 PANAMA 428.94 1,228.28 860.95 2,089.23 PAOLL. 240.03 713.57 497.69 1,211.26 PAULS VALLEY 24,882.68 71,021.37 48,815.46 119,836.83 PAWMUSKA 1,928.23 4,185.60 2,388.29 6,573.89 PAWNEE 788.12 2,303.03 1,598.86 3,030t89 Source: Oklahoma Tax Commission Page 9 of 13 I EI L, E C THE E A NOMINATION Name of Employer Place Employ ent Name of VICA Member a(� 0U , r ou f + e, IIY 7 1 � 4 �lal A O 03/17/00 13:27 FAX 2724990 bs Place Name ............... Why do you fee' that your employer deserWs to be employer of the yew. Femr, �Try has which would qualify them for VICA Employer of the Year) M M 03/17/00 13:27 FAX 2724990 Dn EMPLOVER OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FOILM Name of Employer Place ae Name of VILA Mernber o���. Wh do you feel that your employer dese i ' to be employer of the Ay� gg � � z .may ]� e° ..d[.e�'�„. �� e9 1'• d d `� Ale. eta- ,a I ,;�• EM U3 /17/UU 13:Z7 FAX 2724990 Name of Employer AR " 0 Imploven Name of VICA Member Lindsay flammons Why do you feel that your employer deserves to be employer of the year? (Write one to two pamgraphs and explain the qualities that your employef has which would qualify them for VICA Employer of the Year) The City Of0wasm has dedicated themselves to hiring Sldlls-USA VICA students for Many of their part-timc positions. Over the past few yean they have NM cooperated very well with MM Carol Mahar imaking their training stations some of the best In the prograin. VICA students are currently employed at Dailey Golf Ranch, City Hall,