HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.11.14_City Council Minutes_SpecialOWASSO CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES OF SPECIAL, MEETING Tuesday, November 14, 2006 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5es00 PM on Friday, November 10, 2006. ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER. Mayor Cataudella called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Mayor Brent Colgan, Vice Mayor Susan Kimball, Councilor Wayne Guevara, Councilor D3 Gall, Councilor A quorum was declared present. Vice Mayor Cohan submitted a letter to the Mayor and City Manager declaring that he would not be seeking reelection at the end of his term. ITEM 2e DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ITEMS � _ _ A. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO THE 2015 LAND USE MASTER PLAN(2) B. FINAL PLAT (1) C. REZONING REQUEST (1) D. ANNEXATION REQUEST (1) Ms. Rooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that all items were approved with the exception of the Final Plat item which was continued to the December Planning Commission. meeting. The remaining items will be forwarded to the City Council for action at the November 21, 2006 regular meeting. ITEM 3� DISCUSSION RELATING TO FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEMS A. SOLICITATION FOR BIDS To PURCHASE AN AMBULANCE CHASSIS AND REFURBISHED BOX B. SOLICITATION FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE A GENERATOR FOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 Owasso City Council November 14, 2006 Mr. Mooney reviewed the above items. It was explained that both items were included in the FY 2006-07 budget, with the purchase of the generator for Station No.2 being supplemented by a Department of Homeland Security grant. The staff will proceed with obtaining bids for the ambulance chassis and refurbished box with a recommendation being forwarded to the City Council at a meeting in December. The generator purchase and the recommendation for award will be placed on the November 21, 2006 City Council agenda. Mr. Looney stated that originally staff had hoped to come to the City Council with a recommendation regarding this item. Staff has narrowed the potential award to two bidders and would life to continue to review both to ensure due diligence is performed. Staff intends to bring this item back to the City Council at the December work session. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITE' MANAGER ITEMS T A. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE B. CONSTRUCTION KIDS RECEIVED FOR FIRE STATION NO. 3 C, AUDIT COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT OF TERMS D, PROPOSED REFINANCING OF THE 96 REVENUE BOND E. PROPOSED DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF THE ATOR PROPERTY Fi 'TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TLF) COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES G. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Ray reviewed the above items. The timeline for the Zoning Code update were discussed as well as potential additional changes, The Fire Station No. 3 bid award would be forwarded to the November 21, 2006 regular meeting of the City Council, as well as assignment of terms for the Audit Committee. The revenue bonds and the Ator Field purchased were discussed and will be placed on the November 21, 2006 regular meeting of the City Council for action, TIF collaboration opportunities and opinions were discussed. A presentation was made to Councilor Guevara. I Owasso City Council November 14, 2006 Up WE IM =0 Councilor Kimball moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Cohan, to enter into executive session at 9:20 PM. The Council returned from Executive Session at 9:36 PM. ITEM 7e ADJOURNMENT Councilor Kimball moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Colgan, to adjourn, The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM, 4 Mayor I