HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.05.09_Worksession Agenda 3. Discussion Relating to Phone System Mr McElrath Discussion Relating to McCarty Park Mr Rooney Attachment #2 -~~---~-~~--~----~~---~--~ _._._--~---~----~,~~-~~~, 1. Call to Order Mayor Williams AGENDA on Special May 9, 2000 5 :30 p.m. TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 8. Report from City Manager Mr Mitchell 7. Preliminary FY 2000-20001 Budget Review Mr Mitchell Ms Bishop Update on Status Mr Mitchell Vacant to 5. Discussion Relating to Mr Mitchell Ms Boutwell Attachment #5 to Discussion Relating to the Group. Ms Owasso City Council May 9, 2000 Page 2 9. Adjournment Owasso City Council May 9,2000 Page 3 6. Preliminary FY 2000-2001 Budget Review - Mr Mitchell and Ms Bishop will present a preliminary budget for fiscal 2000-2001 and hand out some preliminary figures for Council review and comment. 5. Update on Status of City HalllPolice Station - Bids for the City HalllPolice Station facility will be opened on May 9th. Mr Mitchell will update the Council on the status of the project and have preliminary figures from the bids received if they are available. 4. Discussion Relating to Procedure to Fill Vacant Council Seats - The Council has an adopted policy for filling vacancies in its membership. Ms Boutwell will review that policy. See memorandum from Ms Boutwell dated May 5, 2000. 3. Discussion Relating to Election of Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group _ The staff will request direction from the Council regarding nominees to OMAG. See memorandum from Ms Boutwell dated May 4, 2000. City's phone system. - Mr McElrath Tulsa May 2000. 1. Information and discussion relating to the following issues is planned session on Tuesday, May 9th at 5 :30 p.m. the Hall May 2000 MEMORANDUM addition to the ballfields, area additional ballfields, both illuminated, are located at a is at available Recently, staff was notified by Tulsa County regarding the possibility of ending the lease agreement This would result in the City maintaining this park agreement 2000 : THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY 011' MEMORANDUM " to 8~'i$!-Atf:)'t)'" ! rl C, @>if!~@!e.i Ire (', IIi\I ~ ~'t~~8lI jb These leases are & ) 1;199 5 year 1 Round~up Club 7@88 Acres J'une 1 ff 198 sso McCarty Park..... 25 year lease/Tulsa Co. 12.12 Acres (eastern) Jan.lf1980~Jan.lf2Q05 IT IS AGREED, this instrument contains all of the agreements of the parties, and all prior negotiations or representations, oral or written, are rrerged herein. . IT IS AGREED, Lessee has inspected the premises and lands, and is satisfied with the same, and accepts the lands and pranises in the condition as is at this date for the purposes set out. IT IS AGREED, upon termination of . this Lease, or any extension thereof, as above set out, Lessee will give peaceable possession of said lands, in the same cx:mdition as it)1as at the date of the taking possession thereof, or with improved permanent...betterments. Lessee reserves the right to re:tnVe all personal propeftyfran said pranises upon expiration of this lease or upon vacation of said p;remises by I..essee. TO HAVE AND '1'0 ROIDp said and p~u herein dEmised! for a term of twenty-five (25) YEARS, fran and after the Istqay of January, 1980, to the intent, that said lands may beheld by the:'Lessee for use for recreational and Park purposes only p and for:no o~ purposes, unde.r the follO\ving tenus and conditions~ . (a) IT IS AGREED, Lessee will oot assign this lease orany part thereof, without the written consent of the ~soor, and i c . (b) IT IS FURI'HER AGREED, Lessee agrees to pay as rental for the said term for said tract of land the sume of Ten and No/IOO ($10.00) [x)llars" due and payable within thirty (30) days after executioo:Of this agreement by I2ssor and Lessee. 'l'ogether with full to Lessee to layout, improve cmd maintain such land for purpose of being l'!Sed for recreational and Park purposes OO,y ,'men and if shall 00 . subject to the exceptions and reservations herein ~tessed. . A copy of the General Warranty Deed designating the above described tract of land is attached hereto. ; i1~ J ,.', 'I'hat portion consisting of the eight l~ ,(800) feet of the South one half (~) of the South One bal.f (~) of the West one hald (~) of the Nort::he1wt one ~ (J..i) of Section tvlentY~five (25), Towruohip twenty""OM (21) North, Range thirteen (13) East, 'lUlsa County, Oklahana, Containing twelve point twelve (12.12) acres more or less, tcrwi t: of the covenants and let ro1d. Tl:JISA 'I'BA'r in expressed" Lesoor does described WI'INESSETH: LEASE FOR PARK -~~ , i- TIllS LEASE, Made and entered into on this ~ day of :1- j!, , 19j? 6 , by and between the CITY OF OWASSO, OKL.1lliCMA, a rnunicipa~ration, Part of the first part, hereinafter called the "LESSOR" and Tfill BOARD OF' COUNTY CQ'I.1MISSIONERS of Tltlsa County, State of Party of the Second Part, hereinafter called the "LESSEE". 97:111 APPROvro FEB 26 1980' ,I ... ~ .J ~ .'. J fE:B ~ 6 APPROVAL: DEP.ARI:MEN'r OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT '" TEll]; BOARD Q1!' COl'JNT'I L BY: CI'n OF OWASSO " ~I APPROVED AS TO FORM: A'ITEST: ATrEST: .J IN WI'I'NESS WHEREOF, Lessor and'Lessee, by their duly authorized representatives, do hereby affix their signatures, on this day and year setout. ;)F '"" .;i. ., !. ,. . !i:' ~-;: n. ~ "~'~'" \;~ G.~"';'~:'.""~'''' 'pO "':.',..'~ ~. '(0 ",e lr ,>, ~ '. ; .. ..,. .' !c',,:';": j"l!'m h ". ho \'"cWld' d\~ \\'hh;n~l1d forcgoin'r ir.utrUmclll,3l1J ~dmowkd.?'CJ to mA. lfuI j she - ,..eY', I I '" '( 'I'd '" ,..' u '., ",' ",.,' n...:.' ... . ",'c.JI1. ''0 unlJrf ~ct Jnu uee,", .,,! ,* llte,.n rllr~.il t.,er"", reI .on". ,-~, ~ . ''1 .' -.r ,. r~ ~ I W Ci"otl lIn,!, ........~.I ,hd !\Cal..,j "ffi," lit;' .by 3nJ :'c~r 3!:<;Z\'~ ~<ttl' <,,' ;."/;':it' : .'~.. " 'T' . u..y,o. ~~,*, :/&:' ,.~' .' ~ P!"'!Jl: ,,",' . .}lib';- . 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'.. l.\~fullr seized In _ ": ,..__. _ ... ,t, ~~n, fight o! 3n "~(Jltne anJ !!\uefc.21bl. eil'l" of. ~-, ?: mheflt3nCe !!1 fee simple, of and !!1 .ll an.1 .mgul.r the aoove granted 3~d described preml.ell, wlln the llrrt:Kl'f1,"t~; .hat the ~ (; '. 0 ',1!'.W are free, cle.f, allll dischjlled and unencumbered of "me:! from all former ''!,IIe:! olh?y gram., lidlW, clJafg~~ "$13t,"" jtl'!<m"~~. /::. :'~~ .7. w:.., asacsmle.ltS .rd encumlltncc., of wl13IMlever ll'IU~~, and find. F.XCEl'!,: ~~gcl!lelll', 1.'lJ!IJillg r~rl:ti"',.... of r~rd .nd :', J, .f' . I ' .. , .' . ' . "". . <,,~ . )1 6peel~ ~~enUil nol, Ie\. uue,._o"..,.".,,""q.b........ ...... ", ........... ......... ""....~......-\...r',.. ......""" .. ""","va ." ...~ .~....'.i .V,p'~.~ ij ..'::~~~~..:,~::~~: ~.... ..c......: '. .: ',~.:.~:..~~..:..'~::~~.~::~~:....::._....~ ..~~d -rhA' ,....; g::I~;~.S:~~*:,r~ . i . WARR:\ST, ,\ND fOREt'F.R DEFEND lite ....'1< unlO lhe ..,id pmy granllie........:. '... t;,~ ,............;.,...:., ,heim and ...igns. y ~gli",1 ':,i:! party smllIOY, ..._..h.~x .... . .... heirs Of ~$.,i!(1l> ~ncl ~l! and 'e\'~ry perllOn or peroons who~U'W~"r bwfully chiming . ~. or '" chl:n the nm~, . ;;:"~1~' \,,-'J rl.Jv'vvt-.....v\p.~.~- ~.~ ".. ,,,.,0.',) '.'. ~I i I ~,! II' ~ II ~' ~. . il. .,.-01/. d.',: ':-(~ . . rmiy Or!!lC lltOOndp~tl" party gm,i.., '. .~. ,br 01 } ,. (OUJn'lWla Form 'of .4 r/;"a,,:ll!d.~1fl~~') " County of . ..._1'.ullil'i.... ".. . ., .....,(")7 h 1-.:. m<, d.. Iln.:!.d;.'II",j, ., :-:,,:.IF" l' :!.lic. in ~~I fOf ~lhl County and Si~IC. un .this.... 0...... , . ., ." .' R thF i M Ca t hf~.... -..I'j,."I.;'rc;'Gn,IlYJI'p::re.:!... ""YO' .:..<:~P.., c:....!=..y..~..... ~ .11 .ft ., 1 ~ & ~ :} .' f -2~c:.. 'oi:w-Q1,~~'~~m"lT.I'"~. i. ,,u'Y"i;, .. ';''''. "f':',.. ., ..... iJ' p ..; ,.:, . " . ~ . .1 . ~_'.~ ~ ~':. ~ :.J. .6., II" \\'fT:\E~:; \VHEREOF, ti.., !l.1id r~rlf gr:mlor, 113 S ...... hereD!llOlllii.., ".._..he:c...:... .tOI'C "lit.. . '. ',:) ),..jf".':'~;6f':~!, /' ,... ..' . .-tt:.~. ....' WoO . , Ruth Fainl\4Ct:arty "...'hancl... the dJY and Y~1 .~..,...... ~~Town..sE..iJ?.. ~~"..,~?!f.~J:i..' ... There shall be , .' '.' ,~- n;;-d~i~~~:i'~i~~'tiol'l' ~p~~.~"~he"b~si.s oiurac~',""6r'e'e~~C"cofor'''c;r nationa ~~.. ........~. G.~~__~~~QU'''~_''<=-'''=' .."""......,..". .", .,,,.....:... ~,..~. "Q ',,"~<>=O><>' ".""."........... '""""",,,,,,,,,,,,=,,,_,,.,,'0"'''''''''===''''''''''.''' =""""=-==="'''''''.''''''"<=~''.~' the or occupancy. of the land, '. .The .United States' of . .=."._..,,,,,,.. .. .... .".._..,.""==...,,.....,,"'''. .u".."..";..,~<"...4.=...._.......<<>..=-==..,,.~""==><><o=_ a beneficiary of this covenant and entitled to __...=."",,,,,,....., .."",..._,.". ,.. _.",. ....H ...,."=..".,."."<>.s..'.,.......J..".".O;-""'".,."''''W~''Q<>=.,,=_.<>,,.,...,=>.=<N>'<<>-==-,,,.;..",_ shall not selL lease. or otherwise dispose "u' _o"..~..... ....u...~.....o.o_....o..o......... ...... .....-......ap.piova:t.. @f. !ll'lt{l l13id DOL[,ARS, WITNES5~:1"H, 'I'h.t In oongidcr3l1011 of the 8um I" Ihe Slate of I L'(ll~ t'j.li baldNCUi.. . ~(HJlHv CL!AI\ . <f1)eurrttl llOarrauty IDeell " (O~t.A"OMA s-rA"'t/'l'O'V 1'0...) ,". ,',.' . '~ . IC.'L . , . ,,' .' . .. . . ')~"1' /11'1<) L-:.'" . llilS lNDEN1 URE: M~de thiS..:?':: I.....d.y oL.._.~~_.-....A. D., 191J)...:.., f .., Ruth Fain McCarty,a 1....91~H: /)t' \ll\.I.,At10~^ , nn;l~ r,:i}U~TY /'HF,rt' . . -:,r:t)fn . , MAY ,~ : /I ;>>~ AMP7D 378 o~,~3~25 l'A:E 720B9 ~\ ~~ '",. .;.' ..:;; h'lltPfq~...rhJid,"1 J'lillli'1~ '" SI.ilti'll\\"fY Cr... Tuh:l, O~I,J. In connection with the issuance of this ~User Agreement", the Pity of Owasso, Oklahoma will not discriminate against any applicant because of race, religion, oolor, sex, national origin or handicap status. Further, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma will take affIrmative action to assure that no temporary user deny admittance to the mcilities for its scheduled event based on the mctor of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or handicap status, Such action by the City The City agrees that the Club shall retain ownership of all hpprovements made at the facility when such improvements are not of a permanent nature. The City further agrees that such non-permanent improvements may be removed by the Club upon the termination of this Agreement. It is further agreed by the User that no dangerous, obnoxious or unlawful activities will be permitted to take place in the McCarty Park Rodeo Grounds, and the City retains the right hereunder to remove any person or persons engaged in such activities and, if appropriate, to terminate this agreement by reason of such activities. User further agrees that use of the McCarty, Park Rodeo Grounds by the User shall at all times be subject to the reasonable rules and regulations as may be from time to time promulgated by the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The User hereby agrees to pay to the City of Owasso, OklahQpm for use of the McCarty Park Rodeo Grounds, a temporary user foo in the form of mafii~ the grounds in a reasonable 111.aIlIlef and providing improvements as author.iW:l, as well as pay all utility ~sts associated therew#th. 4 By virtue of this instrument, the City rec.og~ the OwassoRound-Up Club Inc, as the priority user of the McCarty Park Rodeo Grounds arid" facilities, and agrees to consider scheduled club activities prior to allowing any other party the use of such facilities. The City hereby grants to User permission to occupy ana use grounds solely for the of conducting horsemanship and activities such appropriate incidental purposes relating thereto, for a period of time beginning on September 1, 1996 and ending on August 2006, or at such earlier time as this agreement may be terminated by the City for cause, NOW: THEREFORE>> CONTAINED>> to utilize the WHEREAS>> the undersigned user in conformity with the provisions hereof, the Park use by persons, gronps or appropriate purposes; and, at is the owner of the the an tletween the to as to as RODEO GROUNDS MCCARTY USER AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA CONTRACI'SIMCRTVUSRAGR By:_ -JQW1 3~~ President 1 USER OWASSO ROUND~UP CLUB mc Ii!. .~~A)(~~~Iu~ Marc BoutweU,.j::lty Clerk it 4 'if; ArrEST: OF A Ml1nicipa~poration This agreement embodies the understanding of the parties, and tl1ere are no further or other agreements or understandings, written or in effect between the relating to the subject matter This instrument may amended or an of formalitv r<iD'l1pA by" User shall UIUCUll.!HY me ILny ana hold the harmless for any and all for or in any way connected with, the or use of the premises this agreement, or any means of ingress thereto or egress therefrom, except liability for injuries, property damage, or of life or solely by the negligence the City Oklahoma, and the reserves the to other users to the in with the convenient use of the Stich mutual uses all users, The right at the sole discretion of the City and It is agreed between the User and the City that this agreement is to the shall not inure to the successors or of the or be shall include, bl1t'not be limited to, immediate termination of this agreement and/or removal of the offender(s). MCCARTY PARK RODEO GROUNDS USER AGREEMENT PAGE 2 This year there are two trustees "up" for election for tenns ending on June 30, 2003. The nominating process has produced six candidates for those two positions (see attac1mlent). As a member of OMAG, Owasso may cast votes for two of the six candidates. Members of OMAG must have their ballots retumed by May 31, 2000 in order for their vote to be included in the final count. Upon completion of the count, the two nominees with the highest vote totals will be declared the winners and will be seated effective July I, 2000. As an lnterlocal Cooperative Agency, the OMAG is govemed by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership. Elections are held annually for a prescribed number of trustees. There are seven trustees serving terms of three years. Trustees must be elected from the officers and staff of member cities through a nomination and election process detailed in the organization's by- laws. Since its formation, the agency/trust has evolved to a full service insurance provider for its members and currently offers liability, property, workers compensation, auto and specialty insurance coverage to its members. Although the City of Owasso no longer purchases insurance from OMAG, the city is a fun member of the OMAG, with the voting rights accorded such membership. IS an formed 1977 by Municipal individual The group was response to a crisis the withdrawal municipal insurance coverage by most Oklahoma insurance companies. without liability coverage prompted the cities to join together to is as a "modified self insurance program" for its members. 2000 MEMORANIlUM to 1. Memorandum Ballot 1 the six nominees, and feels in two The staff has reviewed the biographical sketches a tn:-1t thp. Council Annual OMAG Ballot May 10, 2000 Page 2 The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group is an Interlocal Cooperation Act Agency of Cities and Towns Providing: (;mup ! ,iCe ,l\: I kalth Benefits Plan. Municipal Liability Protection Plan. Workers' Compensation Plan 405-525-5888 o 4130 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite A, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 731 (1) signed by the Mayor; (2) attested to by the City Clerk; and (3) returned by certified mail, post-marked no later than May 31,2000. Your Ballot must be: PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FAILURE TO PROPERLY SUBMIT THIS BALLOT WILL INVALIDATE THE BALLOT! Mr.Stanley Alexander, Councilmember of The Village; Mr. George Jones, Finance Director of Bartlesville; and Ms. Chris Hardin, Mayor of Shawnee. For terms ending in 2002 - Mr. Doug Henley, City Manager of Nichols Hills; Mr. Larry Shelton, City Manager of Chickasha. are: are: on tenns three- or your two (2) members to the of Trustees of the Oklahoma Municipal terms commencing July 1, to use the Oklahoma Municipal Ol{lahoma Municipal Assurance LEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FAILURE TO PROPERLY SUBMIT THIS BALLOT WILL WALIDATE THE BALLOT! Your Ballot must be returned by certified mail to the Oklahoma Municipal ssurance Groupp 4130 N. Lincoln Blvd~ Suite A~ Oklahoma Cityp OKp 73105~S209~ and must be post~marked f} later than Ma~~ 31p 2f}OJ1" Clerk ,2000 Date: Mayor Ballot cast for the governing body of the municipality lULL TACKETT. City Mana~er. Woodward. Currently Chairman-OMAG Board. Since my election, OMAG has retumed $4,300,000 to members from the Workers' Comp Plan, plus Liability Plan discounts. During my tenure, tmining programs expanded and scholarships were created for CMAO Conference, Past Personnel Director for Dave Hams, Okmulgee - Terry Powell. Shawnee, City Manager, Woodward since 1997, (Woodward participates in all three of the Oklahoma Municipal Assunmce Group Plans.) REUBEN W. PULIS. City Manager. Kin&lSher. Involved in Municipal Government twenty yearn. City M3l'mger of Kingfisher for ten Ih years. Electric Superintendent and Assistant to City Manager in Walters. On Board of Directors for Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority, Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma and Northern Oklahoma Development Authority. Received American Public Power Association Seven Hats Award. - (Kingfisher participates in the Municipal Liability Protection and Workersl Compensation Plans.) OMAG Board member with more than years of experience as the ClerkITreasurer of OMAG member town Fort Cobb. Certified Municipal Clerk and MWlicipal Finance Administrator. the of the OMAG Board and serves as Vice President of the MWlicipal Treasurers lmd Finance Association, (Fort Cobb in aU three the Oklahoma Municipal DAN GALLOWA-~City Managy,Bethan~ Mr. Galloway has served 16 years as City in including Owasso. Clinton and Bethany. He served six years directing a five-state transportation/environmental study for Congre.<;s and served as Regional Economist for U.S. Anny Corp of Engineers. He previously served on the OMAG Board for seven years. (Bethany participates in aU three of the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group Plans,) CllrOOr in held ooven~l in in Yukon, undertaken CIl' the arts to Yukon lmd is active in events. Nonrum and Oklahoma a new sales in the DAYID E. .cHESHER, SR.. Community EnhanCeKnent Director~ Yukon. Over 30 years of Human Resource and General Mlmagement ex.perience. Has worked for City of Oklahoma City, General Electric, Honeyvvell and First Oklahoma Blmcorporation, Enh.ancement Director the City of Yukon, in the Workers' Compensation PlllInc.\ '"" 1e biographical sketch for each nominee was written by the persons who made the nomination. Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. OU MAY VOTE FOR TWQ.ill NOMINEES, OKLAIIOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP 2000 Election of Two Trustees BALLOT . 1. Policy Statement 2. Notice used the last time a vacancy occurred ATTACHMENTS: This policy is being presented to you at this time so that you will be aware of the adopted procedure should a vacancy occur. COMMENTS: The authority for the council to fill vacancies in its membership is found in two places: 1) The Charter, Section 10 (page G~9), provides that the council "by majority vote of its remaining members, shall fill vacancies in its own membership for the unexpired term(s), or until successors are elected... Ii, and 2) 11 O.S., Section 8-109, provides that "when a vacancy occurs in an office of an elected municipal officiaL.. the governing body shall appoint...a person to fill the vacancy until the next general municipal election... . Any vacancy shall then be filled at the next general municipal election... by election of a person to complete the balance of the unexpired term. If the vacancy has not been filled within sixty (60) days after it occurs, the governing body shall call for a special election... for the purpose of filling the vacancy for the duration of the unexpired term... ." May 1 adopted a policy establishing a to was to ensure a defined policy that ilie can u~ s~e some assurance that each vacancy is dealt with the laws those filling a a the same manner and is consistent with 2000 THE MEMORANDUM 1 6. A request for information relative to the address of the interested citizen, the voting precinct of the interested citizen, and any other information the interested citizen should wish to include in his/her submittal, provided, however, that such submittal shall not exceed ten total pages of standard 81/2" x 11" size paper or COpieS. 5. The beginning date and ending date and ending time that "letters of interest" are to be accepted. 4. The address of the City Clerk and the manner of marking the envelope containing the "letter of interest" . 3. A statement of qualifications as stated in Section 2-1 of the Owasso City Charter. 2. A map of the Wards of the City and a general description of the political boundaries of the Ward(s). vacancy has occurred. 1. The number of the Ward(s) wherein a manner to C - notice shall at a the following information: B~, Upon declaration a as described Section A (above), Council shall, by majority vote, instruct the City Clerk to cause to be published in a newspaper local circulation a such vacancy and a request for considered as candidates to fill vacancy to file "letters an ""."" IS Ae, It shall be the Policy the Owasso City Council to fill vacancies its membership, when such vacancies occur after close of a regular filing period candidates term the beyond terms OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Adopted May 4., 1993 Section I - Upon action by the Council and the successful selection of a successor to the position, such person shall immediately be administered the oath of office and seated as a member of the City Council. Section H - The Council shall direct the City Clerk to place an item on the Council agenda for action within fifteen days of the date of the close of accepting "letters of interest". In the event actual action on the item is not taken by the Council, such item shall either be continued to a date specific or shall be continued to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. - The City Clerk or designee shall, at the close of business (5:00 p.m.) each day during the ten day acceptance period, deliver to the remaining Council members all submittals received during that day. In no event shall any submittal be delivered to any Council member on any date other than the date the submittal is received. Provided, however, that in the event a remaining Council member has notified the City Clerk that the delivery of submittals to him/her received on a certain day should be delayed due to his/her request, such request to be noted in the master file maintained for each vacancy. The original of each submittal shall be retained by the Clerk or designee in a master file containing all notices, documents, publications, notes, and submittals of the selection process from its inception. F "" Vi ...n;:;\dUUU e, un.:: submittal the exact as exact as possible. a manner to the integrity of the submittal, but no event shall any changes be made the manner of the submittal presentation enhance or original submittal. a manner to or not listed address is or is not to within the affected Ward. In all cases wherein the initial determination by the or designee is that the listed address is not within the Ward which has been declared to be vacant, a follow-up verification by the City Plalmer or designee is required before such is noted on the "letter of interest". E.. Section - All "letters of interest" shall be received by the City Clerk or designee and thereupon shall be noted the date and time of receipt, as well as the name of the person Such notations to directly upon "letter was 7. A tentative date, established by the Council, for action on filling the vacancy to be taken as an agenda item of the City Council, notice to clearly state that such date is tentative and, due to various reasons, could be altered to a later date. The Owasso City Council expects to take action at the October 6, 1998 City Council meeting to fill the Ward 3 vacancy. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 1998. ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 3 appointment to this vacancy. Upon appointment, such Councilor shall continue to reside within Ward 3 during the entire term of said Councilor's office, or upon removal of residence therefrom, forfeit such office. No Councilor may hold any office in the City government by appointment by the City Manager or by any subordinate of the City Manager. This appointment shall be for a period of time until the next regular City election Councilors. At that time, a Councilmember shall be elected to serve a full term. shall indicating address other information the submittal not the voting should to standard 81/2" x 11 " paper. All "letters interest" shall be by City Clerk, on September 18, 1998 and ending on September 28, 1998. Letters must be placed an envelope clearly marked "letter of interest". All letters must be mailed or delivered to: a COUNCIL VACANCY NOTICE OF