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2000.05.16_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 16, 2000 TIME: 6;30 p.m. PLACE„ Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cleric and posted at City Hall 4400 p.m. on Friday, May 12, 2000. Marcia outwell, City Cleric AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Williams 2. Invocation Pastor Duane Drogdon Dope Worship Center & Tulsa Police Department Chaplain 3. Flag Salute Tammy Grimes, Court Cleric 4. Oath of Office Administered to Councilor -Elect Drogdon Ms Boutwell 5. Oath of Office Administered to Police Chief Jim Greene. Mr Mitchell ()WaSS0 City COLHICII May l6, 2000 Pagc 2 6. Roll Call 7. Recognition of Outstanding Employees. Mayor Williams Attachment #7 The Mayor will recognize and present Certificates of Recognition to employees who participated in Corporate Challenge. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 2, 2000 Regular Meeting. Attachment #8-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #8-B Ow�lsso City Council May 10, 2000 hagc 3 C. action Relating to the Election of Two 'Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance group, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Official Ballot. Attachment #8 - -C V The City may cast a ballot in the annual election for trustees to the OMAG. The OMAC is our liability insurance carrier and is comprised of a pool of Oklahoma cities joined together to ensure municipal insurance coverage. The staff recommends the Council cast votes for Patti Fusel, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Ft Cobb; and William Tackett, City Manager, Woodward. D. Request Council authorization for Notice, Equalization and Levy of Assessments Against Properties Within Tulsa County Sewer Improvement District No. 5. Attachment #8 -D The staff recommends Council authorization for notice, equalization and levy of assessments against properties within the District sufficient to pay the interest, principal and reserve due on the outstanding indebtedness represented by the District Bonds. E. Action Relating to acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storm Drainage Systems Constructed to Serve Country Estates, Phases I and 1I. Attachment #8 -E The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. F. Action Relating to a Workers Compensation Claim against the City of Owasso By Billy Cook. Attachment #8 -F The staff recommends Council approval of a negotiated joint petition final settlement with Mr Cook wherein the city would pay $8000 for injuries received in an accident on September 17, 1998, and authorization of payment for the claim, plus associated settlement costs. Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 Page 4 9. Consideration and appropriate Action relating to Resolution 92000 -05, a Resolution Adopting a position regarding Future "traffic Movements at the U.S. highway 169 and 66"' Street North Interchange. Mr Mitchell Attachment 9-9 The staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #2000 --05, and. authorization for the staff to deliver the resolution to the appropriate officials. 10. Consideration and appropriate action Relating to a Request for City Council Acceptance of payment for a Claim Filed against a Surety Bond. Mr Cates Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of a check from Mid -State Surety Corporation in the amount of $9100, representing payment in full for a claim filed against the surety company, and authorization for the Mayor to execute a partial release and Assignment. 11. Consideration and Appropriate action relating to a Supplemental appropriation to the Capital Improvements Fund. Ms Bishop Attachment #11 The staff will recommend City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the Capital Improvements Fund budget increasing revenues by $9100 and increasing expenditures by $9100. Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 Page 5 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval for Highway 169 Landscaping Replacement. Mr Lutz Attachment #12 The staff has solicited and received quotes for landscaping replacement and will recommend City Council approval of a contract with Worley's Greenhouse & Nursery Inc in the amount of $6836. 11 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final plat for Quikfn'p Commercial Center, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Ms Sorrells Attachment # 13 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for QuikTrip Commercial Center, a 1.56 acre, I-lot subdivision, located on the south side of East 76th St North, east of U.S. Highway 169. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ-00-05, a request to Rezone Property Located on the North Side of East 106th Street North, West of Garnett Road; from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single- Family high Density), RD (Residential Duplex), and OM (Office Medium), Containing 80.3 Acres, More or Less. Ms Sorrells Attachment 414 The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 Page 6 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPUS -19, a Request for Council Approval of a Manned Unit Development. Ms Sorrells See Attachment #14 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and has recommended Council approval of the PUD on property located on the north side of East 106th Street North, west of Garnett Road, and containing 80.3 acres, more or less. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to OZ- 00-06, a bequest to rezone Property Located on the North Side of East 96th Street North, East of Garnett Road; from AG (agriculture) to CO (Commercial General), Containing 7.88 acres, More or Less. Ms Sorrells .Attachment # 16 The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. 17. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to OZ-00-07, a Request to rezone Property Located on the Forth Side of East 96th Street North, West of Mingo road; from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General) and CS (Commercial Shopping Center), Containing 19 Acres, More or Less. Ms Sorrells Attachment #17 The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. OwBSSO City Council May 16, 2000 Page 7 18. Consideration and Appropriate .Action relating to OPUD-20, a bequest for Council Approval of a Planned Unit Development. Ms Sorrells .Attachment #18 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a bearing on this request and has recommended Council approval of the PUD on property located on the west side of the Owasso Expressway between Fast 76"' Street North and lust d6`" Street North, and containing 6.35 acres, more or less. 1.9. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a Request for City Council .Approval for the City of Owasso to Participate in the FY 2000 C1 BG -Small Cities Program. Mr Rooney Attachment # 19 The staff will recommend Council approval for the City to participate in the FY 2000 - CI BG -Small Cities Program, direction for the staff to draft a Letter of Intent to participate in the program, and authorization for the Mayor to sign such letter. 20. Consideration and Appropriate Actior Authorization to Submit an Application Conservation Fund Grant. Mr Rooney Attachment #20 Relating to a Request for City Council for a National Park Service Land and Water The staff will recommend Council authorization to submit an application for LWCF grant hinds, to be utilized for the construction of a picnic shelter or a ball field at McCarty Park. Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 Page 8 21. Consideration and Appropriate .Action relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Vehicle for the police Chief's Use. Lt Motto Attachment #21 The staff will recommend approval of a contract and authorization for payment to Hudiburg Auto Croup, Midwest City, OIL for the purchase of a 2000 Chevrolet Impala raid -size police vehicle at a purchase price of $19,300, utilizing State Contract #500035 22. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a Bequest for Additional Funding for the 800 Mhz Radio System Lt Motto Attachment #22 The staff will recommend City Council approval and authorization for payment in the amount of $5858 to 'Total Radio Inc for additional equipment in the police communications division. 23. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of a Vehicle for the City Manager's Use. Mr McElrath .Attachment #23 The staff has solicited bids and will recommend approval of a contract and authorization for payment to Crown Auto World, Tulsa, OIL for the purchase of Silvertone Jeep Cherokee Sport at a purchase price of $19,960. Owasso City C'ounci) May 16, 2000 Page y 24. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Communication Tower Site Lease Agreement. Mr Cates Attachment #24. The staff will recommend Council approval of a 20-year, renewable lcasc agreement with Titan Towers LP for a site on which to construct a communication tower, subject to all terms and conditions of said lease. 25. Report from City Manager. 26. Report from City .Attorney. 27. Deport from City Councilors. 28. New Business. Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 1'agc 10 29. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a .Request to Recess the City Council .Meeting for the purpose of Holding a Reception to honor Councilor Brogdon, Mayor Williams, Retiring Mayor Wilken, and police Chief' Jim Greene, the City Council Meeting to be Reconvened Thirty Minutes From Time of Recess. Mayor Williams 30. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations Between the City of Owasso and the IAFF (Firefighters) and Between the City of Owasso and the FOP (Police); Such Executive Session Provided for in O.S. 25, Section 30 7(B)(2); and for the Purpose of Discussing Fending Actions, Claims, and Litigation Involving: A. FOP Grievance Arbitration - H Burl Cox - CONTRACT DISPUTE .- PMCS Case No 000425- 09620 -8, B. FOP Grievance Arbitration - Mark Cleveland ° DISCIPLINARY ACTION -FMCS Case No 00425 - 09622 -8, C. FOP Grievance Arbitration - Lodge #149 - CONTRACT DISPUTE _. FMCS Arbitration Panel Requested, D. FOP Grievance Arbitration - Mike Denton - DISCIPLINARY DISMISSAL, - FCMS Arbitration Panel Requested, E. Grievance Arbitration Anticipated - H Burl Cox - DISCIPLINARY DISMISSAL,, F. Grievance Arbitration Anticipated - Kenneth Yount - SHIFT ASSIGNMENT, G. Grievance Arbitration Anticipated - Darryl Jones - WEARING RANK WHILE IN ACTING STATUS, H. EEOC Complaint - H Burl Cox - ADA DISCRIMINATION, I. EEOC Complaint - Lisa Barstow Cox - GENDER AND NATIONAL, ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION, J. Murrell vs Taylor and the City of Owasso - Case No CJ- 2000 -1621, K. Edgar° Pales Jr vs the City of Owasso and City Commissioners of the City of Owasso - Case No. CJ99 -4054, L. Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Unemployment Claim - Mike Denton, M. Deboran D Miller- vs the City of Owasso a municipal corporation° J Wi11in ham in his individual and official capacity as a police officer S Jones in his individual and official capacity as a police officer, Alexander Chief of Police in her official capacity; and other persons individually and in their official capacity, Such Discussion Allowed Pursuant to 25 OS, Section 307- 13(4). Mr F larder Owasso City Council May 16, 2000 Page 11 The staff will request approval of an executive session for the purposes stated. 31. Consideration and Appropriate Action Arising out of Discussions Held in Executive Session regarding Engaging the Services of Kristen Brightmire to represent the City of Owasso in Hearings Before the Personnel Board, as Well as Grievance Arbitration Arising Out of Disciplinary 'Terminations of Members of FOP Lodge #149. Mr Harder Mr Cates Attachment #31 The staff will recommend authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements as may be necessary to engage Kristen Brightmire to represent the City of Owasso in hearings before the Personnel Board, as well as grievance arbitration arising out of disciplinary terminations of members of FOP Lodge #149. 32. Adjournment. j OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 2, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 2, 7000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and .Agenda posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2000. G ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER `Mice Mayor- Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6 :35 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATIO The invocation was offered by Pastor Clarence Lambert, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Councilor Williams. ITEM 4: ROLL, CALL, PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou L3arnhouse., Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Moss, Councilor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, that Councilor Williams be elected to the position of Mayor. AYE: Bode, Voss, Williams, Barriiiouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and Mayor Williams presided over the remainder of the meeting. Owasso City Council I�1 L'M 6: Bf,BCT10N OF MICE MAYO][2. May 2, 2000 Mayor Williams moved, seconded by Dr Bode, that Ms Barnhouse be elected to the position of Vice Mayor. ASE: Williams, Bode, Voss, Barnhouse NAY: None Lotion carried 4 -0. I1E '7: CONSIDERATION AND 1 FROP-PJAlE ACTION RELATING TO A 3E UE�-C TO RECESS THE CIi' COUNCIL MEETING __TO BE RE- CONVENED FOLLOWING THE OPWA AND OPGA MEETINGS. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, that the regular meeting of the Owasso City Council be recessed, to be reconvened following the OFWA and OPGA meetings. AYE: Bode, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was recessed at 6:4.0 p.m. Mayor Williams reconvened the meeting at 6:56 p.m. -2- Owasso City C011nell May 2, 2000 G. Action Relating to Ordinance 11646, an Ordinance Approving and Adopting an Action by the Owasso Public Works Authority, Wherein Rates for Sanitary Sewer Customers of the Owasso Public Works Authority Were Established Pursuant to OPWA Resolution #2000 - -03, and Declaring an Effective Date. 1-4. Action Relating to Final Acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storm Drainage Systems Constructed to Serve Nottingham III, an Addition to- the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. The consent agenda included minutes of the April 18, 2000 regular meeting and April 25, 2000 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund. $45,280.86; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $8,204.11; (3) Juvenile Court $75.00; (4.) Capital Improvements $4,656.19; (5) Bond Projects $19,500.00; (6) City Garage $12,692.43; (7) Workers Comp Self-Insurance $8,376.77, (8) Pleasant View Sewer District $2,760.00; (9) Payroll $161,482.71; (10) City Garage Payroll $3,862.76. Item C requested approval of Ordinance #642 approving a rezoning as authorized by Council action of April 18, 2000. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #643 approving a rezoning as authorized by Council action of April 18, 2000. Item E requested approval of Ordinance #644 approving a rezoning as authorized by Council action of April 18, 2000. Item F requested approval of Ordinance #645 approving a Planned Unit Development as authorized by Council action of April 18, 2000. Item G requested approval of Ordinance #646 approving action taken by the OPWA to establish rates for sanitary sewer customers. Item H requested acceptance of improvements to the streets and storm drainage systems constructed to serve Nottingham Ill. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Moss, Barnhouse, Bode, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION TO SUPPORT CONTINUING IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY 169 AND 66TH STREET NORTH INTERCHANGE AND SUPPORT FOR KEEPING THE INTERSECTION OPEN. Mr Mitchell said that Vice Mayor Barnhouse and staff met with several citizens and business owners in the area of the U.S. Highway 169 and 66th St N interchange to hear their concerns about the proposed closure of the intersection. At their work session on April 25th the City Council also heard and discussed these concerns. Mr Mitchell said that he had been in contact with Mr Ed Kellogg of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, who told him that an environmental study is now under way and that the intersection may be closed in 90100 days. Several citizens were present to request Council support to keep the intersection open. Questions raised concerned a public hearing for citizen input, impact on economic development, increased traffic at 76"' St N and 86th St N, access for businesses, and the aesthetics of the entry into the community. Safety issues were discussed, with council members stressing the need for compromise with ODOT, as well as the need to explore possible improvements to the interchange which would address the safety issues. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mayor Williams, that the staff draft a resolution adopting a position of support for the citizens and y Owasso City Council May 2, 2000 business owners in the area of the interchange at U.S. highway 169 and 66`x' Street North in their efforts to request modifications to the intersection so that it may remain open, if safety issues are addressed and a compromise reached with ODOT that would implement a plan to improve the intel "seetlon. AYE: Voss, Williams, Bode, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. STEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REC�UEST FOR APPROVAL, OF A FINAL, PLAT FOR THE FAIRWAYS VI AT BAILEY RANCH,- AN ADDITION -10- THE FIE CITY OF OWASSO TUUL,SA COUNTYq STATE OF OKLAHOMA. Mr Rooney presented the item.. The City has received a request from Kourtis Properties for the review of a final plat for Fairways VI, a 15.31 acre, 42 lot subdivision, located immediately west of Fairways II addition and north of Hale Acres. All planning, zoning, subdivision, and Technical Advisory Committee requirements have been addressed. The Planning Commission approved the final plat for Fairways VI at their March 9, 2000 meeting. DEQ permits for water and sanitary sewer extensions have been issued by DEQ, Requirements of this plat include sidewalks along Mingo Road and acceleration/deccleration lanes. Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Noss, to approve the final plat for Fairways VI. AYE: Bode, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. 4 Lei §U01 ff L&Aj 1, i ! E Mr Rooney said that a supplemental appropriation is needed in the Information Systems Department for the purpose of meeting current consulting needs and future salary needs within the department. Sufficient fmids are available in the city's fund reserves to cover the appropriation. Interviews have been held for the position of Software Support Technician and a finalist will be selected soon. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund's Information Systems budget in the amount of $20,000. AYE: Voss, Barihouse, Bode, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ._4_ Owasso City Council May 2, 2000 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT 'WITH PRECISION COMPONENTS INC. Mr McElrath said that because pars: of the properly being sold to Precision Components belongs to the OPWA and part belongs to the City, it is necessary for both bodies to approve-the sale by amending the Real Estate Purchase Contract Early Occupancy Agreement dated November 16, 1999. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Dr Lode, to approve the amendment to the contract and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract and necessary documents to finalize the sale. AYE: Voss, Lode, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell reported that a reception will be held following the City Council meeting on May 16t" honoring newly- seated Councilor Randy Brogdon, new Mayor Will Williams, and retiring Mayor Mark Wilken. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. -5 - Owasso City Council I'T'EM 17: NEW BUSINESS. None. ITEM 18: ADJOURNiMI;NT Dr Bode moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. AYE: Bode, Moss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at :23 p.m, Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -6- H C Williams, Mayor May 2, 2000 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 9, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 9, 2000 in the Lower Level Confcrcncc Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 5, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL _T0 ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Will Williams, Mayor Mark Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Denise Bode, Councilor Melinda Moss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO MCC ARTY PARK. Mr McElrath said that the agreement for phone service with Southwestern Bell expired in January. Staff believes that at this time, with the rapidly changing technology and with the construction of new city facilities, it would be best to bid a one -year contract rather than something long terns. Unless the Council has concerns, staff plans to develop bid documents for plexar or equivalent phone service utilizing a one-year contract. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE ELECTION OF TRUSTEES TO THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP Elections are held annually for a prescribed number of trustees to the OMAG board. As a member of OMAG, the City of Owasso has voting rights for trustees. Ms Boutwell said that a ballot has bccn received, and must be marked and returned by May 31, 2000. The staff has Owasso City Council May 9, 2000 reviewed the biographical sketches of the six nominees and fccls comfortable in making a recommendation to the Council. The selection of trustees will be placed on the May 16`h agenda. Staff was instructed to recommend two nominccs. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PROCEDURE TO FILL VACANT CODICIL, SEATS. On May 4, 1993, the City Council adopted a policy establishing a process to fill vacancies in the membership of the council. Ms Boutwell presented a review of the policy. ITEM 6: UPDATE ON STATUS OF CITY HALL /POLICE STATION. Mr Mitchell updated the council on the status of the project. Bids were opened this afternoon, with bids being received on approximately 70% of the contracts. The remaining contracts will be re -bid. ITEM 7: PRELIMINARY FY 2000 -2001 BUDGET REVIEW. Mr Mitchell and Ms Bishop gave a brief overview of the FY 2000 -2001 budget. There was discussion concerning salaries and pay scales. The council will receive their copies of the proposed budget by June 1, and a public hearing will be held on June 131h, ITEM 8: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Items discussed briefly included a resolution adopting a position regarding the interchange at U.S. Highway 169 and 66t1' St ITT, a letter from Commissioner Collins requesting support to ask Tulsa County voters to extend the 2 /12the percent sales tax, the internal police investigation, and the hiring of a new police chief. Dr Bode out at 7:10 p.m. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Mayor Williams moved, seconded by Ms Moss, to adjourn. AYE: Williams, Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse MAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting Nvas adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Marcia Boutwcll, City Clerk -2- Mark Wilken, Mayor City of Owasso Claims 5K16/2000 Fund Department Total General Deposit Refund 70.00 105 Municipal Court 104.53 - 110 Managerial 5.235.99 120 Finance 198.58 15O General Government 7.258.04 16O Community Development 63028 170 Engineering 143.24 175 Information Systems 892.50 181 Support Services 1.708.82 190 Cemetery 91.18 201 Police Services 12.77028 215 Police Communications 350.00 221 Animal Control 166.49 250 Fire Services 1.596.88 280 Emergency Preparedness 4.823.20 300 Streets 46.908.74 515 Park Maintenance 2`231.22 550 Community Center 2.197�07 710 EoonomicDeve|opment 12.50 TOTAL 87'286.44 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 2.743.43 TOTAL 2.743.43 E-911 E-911 Services 1.901.28 TOTAL 1.901.28 Capital Projects Grants 550 Community Center 29.760.00 TOTAL 20.760.00 Bond Projects Streets/intersections 224.921.87 Engineering 53.027.00 TOTAL 278.548.87 UP8A Merchandise 24.381.02 Food and Bever-age 5.714.43 Sales Tax 11.435.72 Daily Operating Account 1.300.80 d00 Golf Shop 482.53 8O5 Cart Operations 771.01 010 Golf Course Maintenance 8.801.17 870 Food and Beverage Operations 727.19 8D0 Golf Administration 1.681.23 691 Clubhouse 902.31 800 Debt Service 4.138.04 TOTAL 60.105.35 OPVVA 400 Administration 1.20473 4O5 Utility Billing 3.28238 420 Water 8.147.82 450 Wastewater treatment plant 20,591.25 ' 455 Wastewater Collection 1,51077 480 Refuse Collections 20.044.08 485 Recycle Center 967.92 TOTAL 55,74875 OPVVA Capital Improvements Debt Service 750.00 TOTAL 750,00 OPVVA Sewer LinaExtension Debt Service 23.000.00 TOTAL 23.000.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 8.485.64 TOTAL 8'485.64 VVorkere'Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 11'275.68 TOTAL 11.275.68 Claims Total 557.605.44 City orowasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Fists vendor number, invoice number, invoice amount and a description of the claim. May be riscd to compare to the "Cash Requirements" report, City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02o38pm Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Arnt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number - - - - -- Number - - - - -- Date -- - - - --- Code Number - - -- - - - --- Invoice ---- -- - - - - -- Due Date -- - - - - -- - Amount Date Amount - -- -- - - - -- -- - - - --- ---- -- - - -- ------ Amounts - - - - -- Claim Description ----------------------- 9 107 04/19/00 2553 7325 05/16/00 3.00 33.05 6 EA REPAIR SERVICES 04/25/00 8125 30.05 255 366 03/29/00 2341 17041 05/16/00 29,760.00 29,760.00 1 EA CARPET REPLACEMENT -12 /21/99 265 1009 04/10/00 2383 5352 05/16/00 1,734.84 1,734.84 4 EA VEHICLE STRIPING - 1/4/00 328 1040 04/26/00 2421 2217 05/16/00 776.30 419.86 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 09/13/99 2081 - 356.44 566 6 04/19/00 2303 5130 05/16/00 60.00 120.00 1 EA SOD- REPAIRS 04/'19/00 5145 60.00 0.00 1 EA SOD - REPAIRS 566 6 04/26/00 2549 5240 05/16/00 55.00 55.00 1 EA SOD- REPAIRS 0.00 1 EA SOD - REPAIRS 610 812 03/10/00 2440 1516-069309 05/16/00 21.63 72.07 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/03/00 1513- 069182 '14.13 97.67 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/10/00 1508- 069305 4.78 19.12 1 EA MAINTIREPAIR SUPPLIES 04/21/00 1512-070057 1.67 30.24 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/07/00 1508 - 069785 3.92 8.99 1 EA MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/31/00 1508 - 069653 3.23 0.70 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/24/00 1506- 069505 0.70 04/17/00 1507 - 069962 8.99 04/17/00 1507 - 069963 -8.99 04/21/00 1507 - 070054 8.99 03/24/00 1511 - 069508 76.53 03/10/00 1511 - 069307 3.86 03/03/00 1511 - 069179 17.28 03/17/00 1501 - 069394 21.98 03/10/00 1510 - 069306 5.15 03/03/00 1510 - 069180 44.94 703 1033 05/16/00 2432 051600 05/16/00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1 EA POSTAGE 732 12 03/13/00 2406 102 05/16/00 790.00 790.00 2 EA TEE SIGNS 754 827 04/26/00 2302 042600 05/16/00 98,.00 0.00 4 EA HEPATITIS SHOTS 0.00 4 EA HEPATITIS SHOTS 98.00 HEPATITIS SHOTS 758 357 05/03/00 2547 T903 05/16/00 40.00 160.00 1 EA SLUDGE ANALYSIS 04/21/00 T793 40.00 05/21/00 T824 40.00 05/14/00 T773 40.00 762 366 04/20/00 2304 659214 05/16/00 13.32 127.15 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/20/00 659220 19,02 13.32 REPAIR PARTS 04/20/00 659223 10.65 04 /20/00 659241 23.60 04/14/00 658466 21.30 04/14/00 658465 52.58 762 366 04/27/00 2551 659980 05/16/00 23.18 23.18 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/03/00 660691 85.77 85.77 REPAIR SUPPLIES /SMALL TOOLS 765 612 05/01/00 2391 050100 05/16/00 49.50 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity o9 Owasso May 11, 2000 02e38pm Page 2 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Futt Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - - -- - - ---- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - -- - -- ------ - - - --- -- - - -- -- ---- - -- - -- ------ - - - - -- - -------- ----- - - - - -- -- 766 942 05/01/00 2390 050100 05/16/00 49.50 767 124 05/01/00 2389 050100 05/16/00 49.50 768 483 05/01/00 2388 050100 05/16/00 49.50 776 591 04/27/00 2301 8240111216 05/16/00 32.40 04/27/00 8240111224 16.10 04/27/00 8240111222 30.90 04/27/00 8240111225 42.25 04/27/00 8240111217 18.35 04/27/00 8240111223 4.55 776 591 05/04/00 2548 8240111943 05/16/00 30.90 05/04/00 8240111945 29.00 05/04/00 8240111946 29.35 05/04/00 8240111937 32.40 05/04/00 8240111938 18°35 05/04/00 8240111944 4.55 793 1219 05/04/00 2444 3217213 05/16/00 53,627.00 795 252 05/01/00 2387 050100 05/16/00 49.50 796 998 05/01/00 2386 050100 05/16/00 49.50 797 360 04/27/00 2349 652449 05/16/00 294078 801 267 04/18/00 2445 435 05/16/00 227,521 87 890 576 04/18/00 2369 4/00 USE 05/16/00 61.89 898 939 05/01/00 2371 050100 05/16/00 150°00 905 554 05/01/00 2310 9205 05/16/00 40.00 907 129 04/25/00 2340 12155800 05/16/00 126.74 911 636 01/15/00 2376 7794 -5 05/16/00 10.80 02/05/00 8658 -1 15094 912 642 04/30/00 2397 043000 05/16/00 923.63 915 1171 04/30/00 2366 184393 05/16/00 100000 919 645 04/19/00 2407 291127 05/16/00 9.90 04/26/00 293957 10.30 05/03/00 297467 9.50 12/15/99 237669 9.18 928 987 04/30/00 2408 60932 05/16/00 65000 931 717 05/08/00 2365 050800 05/16/00 23,000.00 1141 812 03/10/00 2314 069302 05/16/00 6.29 03/24/00 069503 5.07 04/07/00 069774 11.98 04/14/00 069906 12.75 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 4 *APR083 RUNS 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 32.40 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 16.10 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 30090 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 42.25 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 18.35 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 4.55 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 32040 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 29.00 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 30.90 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 29035 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 18.35 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 4.55 1 EA UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 53,627.00 1 EA ENG SERVICES - 5/26/98 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 294078 1 EA COPIER MAINTENANCE 220,125°06 1 EA STREETS /INTERSECTIONS -1 1/16/99 7,396081 SIDEWALK PROJECT 61089 1 EA CABLE SERVICE 150.00 1 EA RETAINER /SERVICES 40000 1 EA DIAL -UP SERVICE 11.52 1 EA PHONE USE -MOTTO 115022 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 26.74 1 EA PAINT 923.63 1 EA UNIFORM CLEANING 100.00 5 DIGITAL PLAYER - CONTRACT 38,88 6 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 65,00 5 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 23,000.00 5 ELM CREEK NOTE 111.81 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 04/21/00 070052 75.72 1142 857 04/15/00 2359 D157086 05/16/00 -6.47 28.39 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 04/15/00 D157059 12.17 10.19 REPAIR PARTS 04/08/00 D156437 3.71 03/20/00 D154613 18.98 04/27/00 D158148 10.19 1194 362 05/03/00 2433 031838 05/16/00 30.00 30.00 1 EA 610 -WASTE DISPOSAL 1200 567 05/02/00 2546 00 -014 05/16/00 491.84 491.84 6 EA STREET SIGNS 1201 514 04/21/00 2305 91832 05/16/00 78.01 0.00 1 EA CONCRETE 78.01 REPAIR SUPPLIES 1201 514 04/10/00 2441 90644 05/16/00 62.40 1,331.72 1 EA CONCRETE 04/25/00 92100 798.76 62.40 CONCRETE 04/25/00 92099 265.21 04/28/00 92460 267.75 1236 329 03/28/00 2370 299091317 05/16/00 159.00 159.00 1 EA TRAINING- MO7INGO 1248 812 03/10/00 2452 1504- 069303 05/16/00 133.65 89.27 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 03/03/00 1504 - 069167 7„53 296.82 REPAIR PARTS 03/03/00 1504 - 069178 36.56 51.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/31/00 1504 - 069652 103.59 7.98 REPAIR PARTS 03/17/00 1506° *069397 7.98 19.97 REPAIR PARTS 03/03/00 1504-069169 -7.53 5.28 REPAIR PARTS 03/17/00 1504 - 069396 42.45 3.99 REPAIR PARTS 03/24/00 1504 - 069504 19.76 13.53 REPAIR PARTS 04/07/00 1504 - 069775 25.40 04/21/00 1504 - 070053 64.50 04/14/00 1504- 069907 40.42 05/03/00 655 - 070242 13.53 1290 437 02/14/00 2393 N10189 05/16/00 524.61 524.61 1 EA N10189 1393 729 04/28/00 2448 12294 05/16/00 3,050.00 3,050.00 1 EA METER SETS - 9/7/99 1454 437 02/28/00 2392 N10259 05/16/00 382.45 382.45 1 EA N10259 1465 638 03/20/00 2398 G02030 05/16/00 30.99 30.99 1 EA G02030 1486 974 04/25/00 2405 417 05/16/00 17,820„00 17,820.00 1 EA SLUDGE DISPOSAL -3 /21/00 1572 661 04/21/00 2298 53331 05/16/00 225.00 225000 1 EA TRAINING- MCKNIGHT 1578 1056 04/25/00 2299 1578 05/16/00 143.00 0.00 1 EA EQUIPMENT RENTALS 143.00 1 EA EQUIPMENT RENTALS O.00 1 EA EQUIPMENT RENTALS 1582 1039 04/18/00 2308 0281695 05/16/00 915.00 2,379.00 1 EA WATER METERS -10 /19/99 04/17/00 0281267 915000 04/17/00 0281266 549.00 1599 1038 04/12/00 2360 7580 05/16/00 65.67 186.86 1 EA MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 04/21/00 7330 56.51 17.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/06/00 6460 9.96 04/10/00 7324 54.72 04/21/00 9253 17.28 1600 904 04/12/00 2384 48809 05/16/00 24.00 140.00 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 04/05/00 48724 26.00 03/31/00 48623 90.00 1610 1301 05/01/00 2385 050100 05/16/00 49.50 49.50 1 EA VOLUNTEER FIRE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ty of Owasso May 11, 2000 02e38pm Page 4 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item tuber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 1612 287 06/02/00 2404 060200 05/16/00 175.00 1631 789 05/01/00 2417 71906 05/16/00 5,648.74 1633 764 04/30/00 2451 043000 05/16/00 13,162.73 1635 1050 04/30/00 2458 335804 05/16/00 52275 1637 129 04/25/00 2321 12449146 05/16/00 11.40 1638 865 05/05/00 2416 4334 05/16/00 96.00 1651 509 04/26/00 2300 168918 05/16/00 152088 1726 376 05/05/00 2446 050500 05/16/00 30,652474 1741 1193 04/26/00 2431 9495 05/16/00 190.00 1767 1039 04/24/00 2307 0281124 05/16/00 -69.70 04/18/00 0281342 107.91 04/20/00 0281344 194068 04/20/00 0281011 315°60 1783 1039 04/20/00 2306 0281265 05/16/00 110000 04/14/00 0280668 42.70 04/18/00 0281345 17056 04/14/00 0280062 12°00 1789 1318 04/23/00 2297 20 05/16/00 111095 ..CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APRO83 RUNS 175 00 1 EA TRAINING- PARRIS 16.16 1 EA FUEL 4/00 123.21 1 EA FUEL 4/00 117.28 1 EA FUEL 4/00 255060 1 EA FUEL 4/00 28058 1 EA FUEL 4/00 1,879018 1 EA FUEL. 4/00 45064 1 EA FUEL 4/00 612004 1 EA FUEL 4/00 64059 1 EA FUEL_ 4/00 177025 1 EA FUEL 4/00 590.,72 1 EA FUEL 4/00 328055 1 EA FUEL 4/00 0.00 1 EA FUEL. 4/00 295004 1 EA FUEL 4/00 145035 1 EA FUEL 4/00 944.36 1 EA FUEL 4/00 25019 1 EA FUEL 4/00 109.96 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 9015 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 25°80 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 99058 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 2,771,48 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 0.00 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 2,135.30 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 722.01 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 0.00 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 1,110.89 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 1,165.79 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 51028 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 4,961.49 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 0.00 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 4/00 40.09 1 EA CYLINDER RENTAL 12066 1 EA CYLINDER RENTAL 11040 1 EA PHONE USE m SR VAN 96000 1 EA TIRES /TIRE SUPPLIES 152888 6 EA FILTERS 30,652°74 STREET REPAIRS 3/7/00 190800 4 EA CHECK STOCK 548°49 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 29.56 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 42.70 REPAIR SUPPLIES 110000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 223.90 9 EA MEDIAN MOWINGS 3/21/00 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02o38pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 299.00 3 EA LAKERIDGE MOWINGS 3/21/00 70.00 3 EA RENTAL 450.00 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 110,33 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 54.35 OFFICE°SUPPLIES -138.96 MOUSE &KEYBOARD 48.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.50 OFFICE SUPPLIES '14.08 REPAIR SUPPLIES 305„94 1 EA TIRES 560.52 TIRES 1,675 17 1 EA AMMUNITION 199.75 1 EA EVIDENCE COLL SUPPLIES 210.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 40.00 1 EA BAILIFF DUTIES-05 /00 173.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 32.99 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 19.90 TIRE 8.99 TRIMMER LINE 5.28 REPAIR PARTS 20.70 HEAT SINK ASSEMBLY 59.00 1 EA EXTENSION CABLE 2,063.65 1 EA CARPET CLEANING MACHINE 319.80 1 EA REIMBURSEMENT /TRAVEL EXP 420.00 2 EA MOWING RAYOLA PARK 93.90 2 EA MOWING PRIDE PARK 23095 POSTAGE 271.45 1 EA ADVERTISING 136.64 1 EA SLACKS 232.32 1 EA GOLF CLUB 1,220.00 1 EA TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE 0.00 1 EA PHONE USE -MOTTO 70.05 1 EA PHONE USE - OTHERS 50.00 1 EA CAMCORDER REPAIR 26.40 1 EA METAL PIPE 350.00 1 EA OLETS RENTAL 57.00 1 EA TRAINING -DAVIS By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 04/23/00 19 111.95 1791 1317 04/19/00 2374 0001 05/16/00 299.00 1805 475 04/30/00 2550 58824 05/16/00 70.00 1814 1324 04/2.6/00 2426 072966 05/16/00 100.00 04/11/00 072732 350.00 1815 1145 05/05/00 2454 261557 -0 05/16/00 173.69 04/06/00 256489 -0 35.10 04/19/00 258901 -0 26.98 04/12/00 025380 -0 138.96 1820 366 04/19/00 2429 658992 05/16/00 1408 1829 364 05/01/00 2428 151460 05/16/00 560.52 04/20/00 151033 105.00 04 /28/00 151344 59.99 04/24/00 151129 45.00 04/07/00 150620 45.00 04/06/00 150548 50.95 1833 854 04/26/00 2342 2694 05/16/00 1,675.17 1841 452 04/28/00 2373 014280 05/16/00 199.75 1860 932 04/20/00 2423 618422 05/16/00 165.00 04/25/00 618294 45.00 1865 544 05/04/00 2438 050400 05/16/00 40.00 1878 467 05/01/00 2422 24084 05/16/00 11,3.00 1888 1244 04/17/00 2427 64 -205 05/16/00 32.99 1892 107 04/12/00 2375 7192 05/16/00 19.90 04/17/00 7492 8.99 04/12/00 7193 5.28 1902 300 04/12/00 2400 08843 05/16/00 20.70 1905 196 05/02/00 2434 0050040 05/16/00 59.00 1906 568 05/02/00 2309 140068 05/16/00 2,063.65 1908 1335 03/30/00 2357 033000 05/16/00 319.80 1909 1318 04/23/00 2382 21 05/16/00 93.90 04/23/00 18 420.00 1911 781 04/21/00 2381 4 -940 -38739 05/16/00 23.95 1912 1338 04/11/00 2380 A432413 05/16/00 271,45 1913 1256 04/17/00 2378 550429 05/16/00 136.64 1914 9 04/13/00 2379 94289562 05/16/00 232.32 1915 1295 04/13/00 2367 041300 05/16/00 1,220 00 1917 1294 04/14/00 2358 23097307 05/16/00 70.05 1918 280 04/17/00 2372 2217 05/16/00 50.00 1920 586 04/20/00 2296 16128 05/16/00 26.40 1921 766 04/13/00 2363 04-2025368 05/16/00 350,00 1923 766 04/13/00 2362 08- 2011496 05/16/00 57.00 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 299.00 3 EA LAKERIDGE MOWINGS 3/21/00 70.00 3 EA RENTAL 450.00 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 110,33 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 54.35 OFFICE°SUPPLIES -138.96 MOUSE &KEYBOARD 48.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.50 OFFICE SUPPLIES '14.08 REPAIR SUPPLIES 305„94 1 EA TIRES 560.52 TIRES 1,675 17 1 EA AMMUNITION 199.75 1 EA EVIDENCE COLL SUPPLIES 210.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 40.00 1 EA BAILIFF DUTIES-05 /00 173.00 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 32.99 1 EA REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 19.90 TIRE 8.99 TRIMMER LINE 5.28 REPAIR PARTS 20.70 HEAT SINK ASSEMBLY 59.00 1 EA EXTENSION CABLE 2,063.65 1 EA CARPET CLEANING MACHINE 319.80 1 EA REIMBURSEMENT /TRAVEL EXP 420.00 2 EA MOWING RAYOLA PARK 93.90 2 EA MOWING PRIDE PARK 23095 POSTAGE 271.45 1 EA ADVERTISING 136.64 1 EA SLACKS 232.32 1 EA GOLF CLUB 1,220.00 1 EA TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE 0.00 1 EA PHONE USE -MOTTO 70.05 1 EA PHONE USE - OTHERS 50.00 1 EA CAMCORDER REPAIR 26.40 1 EA METAL PIPE 350.00 1 EA OLETS RENTAL 57.00 1 EA TRAINING -DAVIS By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ty of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 6 unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claire Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ember Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 1924 961 04/14/00 2361 041200 05/16/00 27.99 27.99 1 EA PHONE USE -KLAHR 1928 1044 04/18/00 2465 1006 - 0037049 05/16/00 14,888.31 14,888.31 1 EA COMMERCIAL REFUSE 4/00 1929 818 04/19/00 2377 4038920 05/16/00 750.00 750.00 ADMINISTRATION FEE 1937 1342 04/14/00 2295 20899 05/16/00 307.00 307.00 1 EA SIGNS 1940 777 06/01/00 2443 060100 05/16/00 74.00 74.00 1 EA SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 1947 263 04/27/00 2315 042700 05/16/00 2,500 00 2,500.00 1 EA SURVEYING 1948 698 04/25/00 2453 177995 05/16/00 91.64 91.64 1 EA OIL /LUBRICANTS 1950 897 04/27/00 2343 0655 05/16/00 23.80 12375 4 EA NAME TAGS 05/04/00 0811 99.95 1951 358 04/28/00 2459 11938 05/16/00 140.00 140000 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 1953 406 05/05/00 2418 050500 05/16/00 109.63 146.36 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/05/00 50500 -33.99 91.46 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/25/00 042500 98.09 8.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/25/00 42500 167.34 11.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/26/00 042600 173.01 98.09 OFFFICE SUPPLIES 79.09 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 65,12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1954 591 04/27/00 2430 8240111219 05/16/00 26055 21015 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 04/27/00 8240111221 15.65 63.25 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 05/04/00 82401/1942 15.65 05/04/00 824011/940 26.55 1955 1038 04/21/00 2455 7267 05/16/00 16°03 50.12 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 04/25/00 0016 9073 34.40 REPAIR PARTS 04/25/00 0024 31.86 26.35 OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/04/00 9761 18085 05/04/00 9743 34.40 1956 857 04/17/00 2449 D157128 05/16/00 19.35 0.00 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/13/00 D156876 90.49 459460 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 04/19/00 D157380 66022 23090 REPAIR PARTS 04/2.6/00 D158033 66.82 04/12/00 D156740 137°11 04/19/00 D157368 -75013 04/21/00 D157617 91.08 04/14/00 D156962 9.79 04/17/00 D157187 53.87 04/25/00 D157941 23090 1957 1180 04/01/00 2424 196683 05/16/00 1,078.00 1,078000 1 EA JANITORIAL SERVICES -4/00 1959 446 04/21/00 2450 155 - 198918 05/16/00 2.49 1,804.40 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 04/27/00 155- 200758 16.89 2.49 REPAIR PARTS 05/02/00 155 - 202433 2.59 05/02/00 155 - 202432 36,54 05/02/00 155 - 202331 9.99 04/17/00 155-197451 0.00 04/07/00 155 - 194236 1,352.31 04/27/00 155 - 200650 18.72 04/25/00 155- 200158 48.12 04/11/00 155 - 195688 - 150°70 04/11/00 155 - 195661 61.45 :S.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 7 P.0- Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - -- - - -- - - -- --- - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - -- - -- ------ - -- - -- -- - -- --- ---- - -- - -- - ----- -- - - -- ----------------------- CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 162.12 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 50.00 1 EA COPIER RENTAL -5/00 1.33 1 EA 506289 1.58 1 EA C03080 14.34 1 EA N10129 3.,77 1 EA F04240 2.00 1 EA 502080 14.76 1 EA N01310 1.34 1 EA N03060 33038 1 EA F06119 1.34 1 EA 501130 1.42 1 EA G02030 3001 1 EA CO2100 2.00 1 EA C03020 3.74 1 EA G02280 60.00 1 EA F02289 189.44 1 EA T02010 80.50 1 EA C01150 104.70 1 EA C011500 24.00 1 EA F02289 46.49 1 EA C01150 69074 1 EA C10150 120025 1 EA C01150 2,305.75 1 EA BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION 243°00 9 EA PRE °EMP SCREENINGS 180000 1 EA TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 30023 1 EA 04/00 USE 10026 1 EA 04/00 USE 14°46 1 EA 04/00 USE 101010 1 EA 04/00 USE 22°23 1 EA 04/00 USE 72.64 1 EA 04/00 USE 11077 1 EA 04/00 USE 38.33 1 EA 04/00 USE 47484 1 EA 04/00 USE 16°01 1 EA 04/00 USE 5078 1 EA 04/00 USE 6,43 1 EA 04/00 USE 8.78 1 EA 04/00 USE 11.71 1 EA 04/00 USE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 04/28/00 155 - 201038 12.48 04/25/00 155- 200135 3.12 04/26/00 155 - 2.00399 38.55 04/11/00 155 - 195628 150.70 04/26/00 155200518 17.05 04/11/00 155.195624 186.59 1960 1005 04/12/00 2456 73779 05/16/00 65.69 04/14/00 73824 4.63 05 /02/00 74182 67.89 05/02/00 74197 23.91 1962 666 05/01/00 2425 3424 05/16/00 50.00 1972 1347 06/28/99 2347 506289 05/16/00 1.33 03/08/00 C03080 1.58 10/12/99 N10129 14.34 04/24/00 F04240 3,77 1973 474 02/08/00 2348 S02080 05116/00 1.94 01/31/00 N01310 14.29 03/06/00 N03060 1030 06/11/99 F06119 32.31 01/13/00 501130 1.30 02/03/00 G02030 1037 02/10/00 CO2100 2.91 03/02/00 003020 1.94 02/28/00 G02280 3.62 09/29/99 F09299 2.01 1974 844 02/28/99 2345 F02289 05/16/00 60.00 1975 1348 02101100 2346 T02010 05/16/00 189,44 1976 1287 03/23/00 2491 C01150 05/16/00 80050 1977 1288 02/10/00 2498 C01150 05/16/00 104.70 1978 209 01/24/00 2497 F02289 05/16/00 24.00 1979 1288 03/06/00 2496 C01150 05/16/00 46.49 1980 1288 03/02/00 2495 C01150 05/16/00 69074 1981 1287 01/15/00 2494 C01150 05/16/00 120.25 1982 624 04/26/00 2344 042600 05/16/00 2,305.75 1983 615 05/01/00 2316 050100 05/16100 243000 1984 1107 04/19/00 2317 041900 05/16/00 180.00 1985 377 04/25/00 2312 4/00 USE 05/16/00 453.61 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 162.12 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 50.00 1 EA COPIER RENTAL -5/00 1.33 1 EA 506289 1.58 1 EA C03080 14.34 1 EA N10129 3.,77 1 EA F04240 2.00 1 EA 502080 14.76 1 EA N01310 1.34 1 EA N03060 33038 1 EA F06119 1.34 1 EA 501130 1.42 1 EA G02030 3001 1 EA CO2100 2.00 1 EA C03020 3.74 1 EA G02280 60.00 1 EA F02289 189.44 1 EA T02010 80.50 1 EA C01150 104.70 1 EA C011500 24.00 1 EA F02289 46.49 1 EA C01150 69074 1 EA C10150 120025 1 EA C01150 2,305.75 1 EA BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION 243°00 9 EA PRE °EMP SCREENINGS 180000 1 EA TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 30023 1 EA 04/00 USE 10026 1 EA 04/00 USE 14°46 1 EA 04/00 USE 101010 1 EA 04/00 USE 22°23 1 EA 04/00 USE 72.64 1 EA 04/00 USE 11077 1 EA 04/00 USE 38.33 1 EA 04/00 USE 47484 1 EA 04/00 USE 16°01 1 EA 04/00 USE 5078 1 EA 04/00 USE 6,43 1 EA 04/00 USE 8.78 1 EA 04/00 USE 11.71 1 EA 04/00 USE By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) lty of Owasso May 11, 2000 02o38pm Page 8 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item jrnber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 56.04 1 EA 04/00 USE 1986 992 04/13/00 2320 041300 05/16/00 2,070.00 2,070.00 1 EA MATERIAL REMOVAL 1987 295 04/27/00 2354 3022026 05/16/00 892.50 892.50 1 EA COMPUTER CONSULTING 1989 90 05/01/00 2333 050100 05/16/00 172.00 172.00 1 EA MEMBERSHIP- SORRELLS 1990 1062 04/30/00 2311 043000 05/16/00 4,641.94 700..00 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 2,941.94 LEGAL SERVICES 300.00 LEGAL SERVICES 1991 129 04/25/00 2356 12124152 05/16/00 11.96 11.96 PHONE USE - ROONEY 1992 591 04/20/00 2368 8240110509 05/16/00 6.65 26.60 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT' 04/20/00 824011051/ 14.40 57.60 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 04/13/00 8240109787 6.65 04/13/00 8240109789 14.40 04/06/00 8240109086 14.40 04/06/00 8240109084 6.65 04/27/00 8240111218 6.65 04/27/00 8240111220 14.40 1993 938 04/19/00 2313 04/00 USE 05/16/00 1,901.28 1,901.28 E911 1994 129 04/25/00 2355 12166997 05/16/00 16.20 16.20 4/00 USE-STAMPER 1995 105 04/30/00 2353 001622 05/16/00 600.00 600,00 CART MAINT 1996 255 12/22/00 2352 00265129 05/16/00 29.95 29.95 SECURITY MONITORING 1997 57 04/18/00 2318 2942037 05/16/00 210,00 05/17/00 8.00 1,924.52 GOLF BALLS 04/25/00 2961344 141.97 05/17/00 5.52 04/25/00 2961711 229,26 04/03/00 2889345 294.00 05/17/00 11.52 04/27/00 2968264 84.58 05/17/00 3.24 03/31/00 2885955 177.00 04/03/00 2889993 114.00 04/03/00 2893566 344.52 05/17/00 13.60 04/10/00 2911822 154.93 05/17/00 6.00 04/07/00 2909605 174.26 05/17/00 6.80 1998 1350 04/21/00 2351 5282 05/16/00 149.50 149.50 ADVERTISING 2000 89 04/30/00 2319 043000 05116/00 4,138.04 4,138.04 CART LEASE 2001 1351 04/27100 2403 1388 05/16/00 85.00 85.00 1 EA MOBILE PHONE INSTALLATION 2004 1056 04/27/00 2334 57653 05/16/00 41.80 41.80 1 EA PUMP RENTAL 2005 107 04/20/00 2335 7676 05016/00 7.74 8.99 1 EA WEEDEATER REPAIR PARTS 04/21/00 7777 1.25 15.50 PRIMER PAINT 05/04/00 8642 15.50 2006 1039 04/14/00 2336 0280671 05/16/00 164.48 164.48 1 EA MATER LINE REPAIR PARTS 2007 568 04/25/00 2337 139849 05/16/00 143.30 143.30 1 EA RESTROOM SUPPLIES 2008 792 04/14/00 2338 28654 05/16/00 3.13 58.24 1 EA PARTS FOR WET WELL 04/13/00 28780 6.98 04/13/00 28793 4.27 04/24/00 30154 4.52 04/28/00 30784 0.66 04/28/00 30726 1.26 05/01/00 31089 5.27 c..CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order May 11, 2000 02e38pm Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -- - - -- --- - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- - --- -- -- ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- --- --- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- ---- -- - -- - -- ------ --- -------- - - - - -- CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APRO83 59 52 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.65 1 EA NAME PLATE- BROGDON 555.00 ADVERTISING 150.29 SHOES - 73.42 SLACKS 159.33 CAPS 32.00 WATER-BATTERIES 511.56 GOLF CLUBS 1,624.30 SHIRTS /SLACKS 862.47 CAPS 04/28/00 543.57 SHORTS 30714 36.34 SHIRTS 3.80 11,336.33 RAIN SHIRTS /SHOES 637.78 04/28/00 30689 23.28 41.61 04/27/00 30551 4.52 04/27/00 30620 0.55 2009 943 04/14/00 2339 24032 05/16/00 59.52 04/21/00 24066 12.65 2010 351 04/07/00 2322 060100 05/16/00 555.00 2011 522 04/17/00 2323 5083406R 05/16/00 150.29 2012 1256 04/24/00 2324 555685 05/16/00 36.71 04/24/00 555745 36.71 2013 1229 04/24/00 2325 673195 05/16/00 159.33 2014 233 02/28/00 2326 216426 05/16/00 32.00 2015 1321 04/26/00 2327 0048762 05/16/00 511.56 2016 1349 03/27/00 2328 6190016 05/16/00 176.55 03/27/00 6190017 293.87 04/27/00 6195736 €36.90 03/30/00 6190507 1,291 03 05/03/00 6196652 - 224.05 2017 191 04/26/00 2329 0023566 05/16/00 862.47 2018 681 04/28/00 2330 64352 05/16/00 543.57 2019 726 04/26/00 2331 544827 05/16/00 36.34 2020 17 03/21/00 2332 3628188 05/16/00 31.45 05/17/00 02/18/00 3579789 8,141.95 05/17/00 02/23/00 3585317 533.73 05/17/00 03/13/00 3613353 1,156.76 05/17/00 04/18/00 3679591 190.24 05/17/00 04/17/00 3677464 528.78 05/17/00 04/24/00 3689459 49.82 05/17/00 03/17/00 3622486 839.60 05/17/00 05/03100 3711563 126.80 05/17/00 05/01/00 6676138 °175.20 05/01/00 6675999 -87.60 2025 1002 05/04/00 2394 050400 05/16/00 604.96 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APRO83 59 52 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.65 1 EA NAME PLATE- BROGDON 555.00 ADVERTISING 150.29 SHOES - 73.42 SLACKS 159.33 CAPS 32.00 WATER-BATTERIES 511.56 GOLF CLUBS 1,624.30 SHIRTS /SLACKS 7.57 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 4.00 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 7.30 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 50.81 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 12.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 6.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 37.76 1 EA BOOK 47.46 1 EA DOC LUNCHES 17.68 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 20.00 1 EA REFUND 25.00 1 EA EMT RENEWAL - MARLAR 46.03 1 EA CORP CHALLENGE 45.00 1 EA MEDIATION FEE 50.00 1 EA REFUND 46.50 1 EA HANDBOOK 63.00 1 EA PER DIEM - BISHOP 50.70 EMP. MEALS 20.49 EMP. MEALS 2.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 1,50 REIMB-PETTY CASH By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) 862.47 CAPS 543.57 SHORTS 36.34 SHIRTS 2.40 11,336.33 RAIN SHIRTS /SHOES 637.78 40.73 91.00 14.82 41.61 0.92 65.36 9.88 7.57 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 4.00 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 7.30 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 50.81 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 12.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 6.50 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 37.76 1 EA BOOK 47.46 1 EA DOC LUNCHES 17.68 1 EA REIMB PETTY CASH 20.00 1 EA REFUND 25.00 1 EA EMT RENEWAL - MARLAR 46.03 1 EA CORP CHALLENGE 45.00 1 EA MEDIATION FEE 50.00 1 EA REFUND 46.50 1 EA HANDBOOK 63.00 1 EA PER DIEM - BISHOP 50.70 EMP. MEALS 20.49 EMP. MEALS 2.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 1,50 REIMB-PETTY CASH By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) .ty of Owasso _.ipaid Claims by Purchase Order May 11, 2000 02a38pm Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ember Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - -- -- - --- -- - - - - -- - --- - ----- ---- -- - - ---- --------- ------------ -- - - ---- ---- - - - - -- --------- -- ----------------------- 2027 1086 04/09/00 2028 2029 20.30 2032 2033 2034 2035 2038 2041 2044 2045 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 417 05/02/00 1003 04/27/00 1135 04/27/00 1337 05/02/00 812 03/03/00 03/10/00 03/24/00 03/31/00 04/07/00 04/14/00 03/51/00 04/07/00 04/14/00 366 04/29/00 548 04/01/00 04/14/00 04/27/00 1201 02/29/00 773 03/15/00 551 04/19/00 688 04/27/00 04/21/00 941 04/30/00 1029 04/27/00 771 05/03/00 433 04/13/00 573 04/24/00 12/17/99 359 04/26/00 1199 04/26/00 05/01/00 1072 04/27/00 538 05/03/00 05/04/00 05/05/00 2412 15317365 05/16/00 .2.410 26532 05/16/00 2437 551082090001 05/16/00 2411 042700 05/16/00 2435 F369212 05/16/00 2436 1516 - 069183 05/16/00 1516- 069310 1516 - 069510 1516-069660 1516-069793 1516- 069913 1515-069659 1515°-069792 1515-069912 2409 660231 05/16/00 2413 040100 05/16/00 041400 042700 2350 022900 05/16/00 2447 031500 05/16/00 2442 4579194 05/16/00 2439 10 -0004 -4640 05/16/00 10- 0004-4617 2552 185466 05/16/00 2460 3113105 05/16/00 2461 238100 05/16/00 2462 1201040048 05/16/00 2419 FOCS533785 05/16/00 121799 2463 204558 05/16/00 2457 4325 05/16/00 43300 2414 81240 05/16/00 2420 249 05/16/00 52 106 29.58 66.99 175.85 105.00 105.00 7.90 20.57 27.83 3565 2.68 29.65 1541 11048 3.50 58.99 18.00 18.00 36.00 90000 670000 99.99 432090 432.90 182.85 402.30 92.95 24020 5.00 14.73 34.40 205000 188000 165°00 421.02 30.95 35°98 2056 1352 05/03/00 2415 9168 05/16/00 22.00 2057 1059 04/27/00 2402 0509007 05/16/00 54.00 2058 1353 05/02/00 2486 050200 05/16/00 4,796°81 :SOAP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 33.41 LUNCH -TREE GRANT 9.75 REIMB -PETTY CASH 14.88 1 EA REIMB PHONE CALLS 2.70 2 EA UNIFORM CAPS 12.00 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 66.99 1 EA TONER CARTRIDGE 175.85 1 EA UNIFORM 105.00 1 EA I?RE-EMP MMPIS 105000 3 EA LODGING -DAVIS 124.28 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 30.39 MAINT SUPPLIES 58.99 1 EA LUMBER 72000 1 EA EUTHANASIA DRUGS 90.00 EQUIPMENT STORAGE 670000 1 EA PERMIT FEE 99099 1 EA REFRIGERATOR 865080 1 EA CHLORINE 182.85 1 EA ASPHALT /GRAVEL 402030 1 EA TIRES 92.95 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 24020 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 14.73 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 5000 STATE INSPECTION 34.40 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 393000 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 165000 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 30°95 SNACKS 82.44 COMPUTER PAPER 130.38 CLEANING SUPPLIES 35093 COFFEE 35°93 COFFEE 35093 COFFEE 1.24 CUPS 49.96 CLEANING SUPPLIES 6.58 CLEANING SUPPLIES 34097 TRASH BAGS 13.68 CLEANING SUPPLIES 29,96 COFFEE 22,00 1 EA MAINT SUPPLIES 54.00 1 EA STICKERS 4,796°81 1 EA RELOCATE POWER By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02o38pm Page 11 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number - - - - -- Date -- - - - - -- Code Number - --- -- - - -- Invoice ------ - - - - -- Due Date -- - - - - -- ------ Amount Date Amount - -- --- -- - -- --- ---- - - ---- ------ Amounts - - ---- Claim Description ---------------- ---- - -- POLE 2059 1110 04/23/00 2488 000334108 05/16/00 127.95 8.70 1 EA PAGER- STUCKEY 119.25 15 EA PAGERS-OTHERS 2060 783 05/04/00 2401 050400 05/16/00 4,607.00 2,732.00 2 EA REPLACE SIREN RECEIVERS 1,875.00 STORM MAINT CONTRACT 2061 1354 05/01/00 2399 050100 05/16/00 250.00 250.00 SPONSORSHIP 2062 1009 04/14/00 2487 5367 05/16/00 60.00 60.00 1 EA PIN - STRIPING /EMBLEM INSTALL, 2064 485 05/02/00 2493 050200-03 05/16/00 125 47 337.27 1 EA UNIFORMS /GEAR 05/03/00 05030 -11 211.80 2066 881 04/30/00 2545 1680000 05/16/00 1.72 119.21 1 EA 04/00 USE 05/01/00 16R0000 -A 217.78 120,93 1 EA 04/00 USE 04/30/00 1680000 -B 13076 05/01/00 16R0000 -C 6.88 2067 1256 04/28/00 2492 561955 05/16/00 1,387°61 05/17/00 77.61 1,387.61 SHIRTS & SHORTS 2068 1084 05/19/00 2395 167841949 05/16/00 2,786 34 2,786 34 STREET LIGHTS 2069 863 04/27/00 2396 111240181400 05/16/00 91.87 91.87 4/00 USE 2070 537 04/27/00 2364 042700 05/16/00 80.00 80,00 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2071 321 04/27/00 2466 070161932 05/16/00 49059 49059 PARTS FOR WETWELL 2072 824 03/28/00 2467 518781 05/16/00 68072 68.72 CONCRETE REPAIR WORK 2073 358 04/27/00 2489 11962 05/16/00 50.07 50.07 POSTCARDS 2074 1038 04/14/00 2484 7981 05/16/00 33047 33047 CUPS & FOOD CONTAINERS 2075 595 04114/00 2483 64366 05/16/00 55.01 359045 LINEN SERVICE 04/14/00 565681 58.53 62.00 LINEN SERVICE 05/05/00 70677 57.24 04/21/00 66426 69067 04/21/00 567460 85041 04/25/00 S68622 6006 04/28/00 68541 89053 2076 957 04/14/00 2482 428212 05/16/00 439024 286066 SNACKS 04/27/00 429293 257.05 409°63 TOBACCO PRODUCT'S 2077 981 05/03/00 2541 005030333 05/16/00 358078 1,133059 GROCERIES 04/12/00 004120340 306053 115065 PAPER SUPPLIES 04/19/00 004190340 316.23 34.36 PAPER SUPPLIES 04/26/00 004260353 302006 2078 336 05/05/00 2481 007646 05/16/00 103093 342072 SNACKS 04/28/00 007527 128.77 04/14/00 007323 80.75 04/21/00 007419 31°50 04/21/00 007420 -2.23 2079 1151 04/11/00 2480 67225 05/16/00 79040 79°40 COFFEE 2080 229 04/18/00 2479 582077 05116/00 884023 1,478,63 GROCERIES 04/25/00 583574 262.33 118°84 FOOD PREP SUPPLIES 04/25/00 583573 17038 60.38 PAPER SUPPLIES 05/02/00 585164 377035 128002 PAPER SUPPLIES 04/12/00 580911 12.73 04/11/00 580551 231,85 2081 732 04/25/00 2478 58427689 05/16/00 310010 98°00 CUPS 05/02/00 58428005 505.15 1,621460 BEVERAGES 04/14/00 58427229 114"00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 0 *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ty of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order May 11, 2000 02o38pm Page 12 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item tuber - - -- Number - --- -- Date -- - - - - -- Code Number - - -- - - - - -- Invoice ------ --- - -- Due Date -- - - - - -- ------ Amount - - - - -- Date Amount -- - -- - -- ---- - - - - -- -- Amounts ---- - -- - -- Claim Description --------------- -- - - - - -- 04/18/00 58427358 547.60 04/11/00 58427026 262.75 04/11/00 58427027 -20.00 2082 678 04/25/00 2477 888127 05/16/00 14.32 329.65 GROCERIES 04/30/00 159746 23.43 1.78 CLEANING SUPPLIES 05/02/00 159748 34.26 05/03/00 159702 24.07 04/17/00 161211 23.47 04/12/00 161208 52.95 04/13/00 161299 34.25 04/11/00 161292 2.18 04/10/00 161297 14.46 04/21/00 16'1214 42.90 04/18/00 161209 44.70 04/11/00 888128 20.44 2083 1307 04/26/00 2476 0163662473 05116/00 32.55 32.55 GROCERIES 2084 94 05/10/00 2475 051000 05/16/00 1,309.80 1,309.80 REIMB -PETTY CASH 2085 348 04/28/00 2474 2175896 05/16/00 97.47 05/17/00 3.80 193.97 GOLF BALLS CAPS 04/27/00 2174101 96.50 05/17/00 3.76 2086 358 05/01/00 2473 11947 05/16/00 80.00 80.00 SELF INKING STAMP 2087 314 04/03/00 2472 4378374 05/16/00 861.42 861.42 GOLF BAGS 2088 1229 04/30/00 2471 679360 05/16/00 161.16 493.78 SHIRTS & SHORTS 04/28/00 676896 332.62 2089 17 04/21/00 2470 3687654 05/16/00 15062 05/17/00 0023 136.88 SHOES & SHOE TREE 04/26/00 3696632 121026 05/17/00 2:,34 2090 1356 05/01/00 2469 050100 05/16/00 318000 318000 ADVERTISING 2091 1355 05/08/00 2468 050800 05/16/00 560°00 560.00 CLEANING SERVICES 2092 835 05/12/00 2485 051200 05/16/00 2,276.43 2,276043 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 2093 57 05/01/00 2514 2976766 05/16/00 2,119.00 05/17/00 83.04 2,119000 GOLF BALLS & GOLF CLUB 2094 454 05/03/00 2513 957432 05/16/00 1,412.99 05/17/00 28.26 1,412.99 SHIRTS 2095 1262 05/02/00 2512 90171550 05/16/00 164.28 05/17/00 15.80 164.28 GOLF CLUES 2096 342 04/19/00 2511 032766 05/16/00 65.48 212.16 REPAIR PARTS 04/25/00 032842 102.70 04/25/00 032852 43.98 2097 812 05/03/00 2510 655°070245 05/16/00 51.84 87.72 SHOVEL&iCUPS 04/07/00 655-069790 35088 2098 40 05/02/00 2509 629754 05/16/00 82°83 185.61 REPAIR PARTS 04/14/00 626810 77076 05/02/00 629755 25002 2100 107 04/20/00 2508 7666 05/16100 25.00 25000 MOWER BLADE 2101 774 04/20/00 2507 346836 05/16/00 5,880.00 5,880 00 FERTILIZER 2102 16 04/19/00 2506 361116021 05/16/00 46.72 46.72 EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 2103 47 03/09/00 2505 102463 05/16/00 27.04 27.04 REPAIR PARTS 2104 153 04/06/00 2504 10191685 05/16/00 192.71 192.71 REPAIR PARTS 2105 486 04/28/00 2503 042800SF7 05/16/00 133.72 133.72 REPAIR PARTS 2106 674 04/24/00 2502 336133 05/16/00 65.00 65.00 IRRIGATION 2107 1358 05/01/00 2501 621184440 05/16/00 389.00 389.00 ANNUAL DUES 2108 255 04/25/00 2500 00293760 05/16/00 29.95 29.95 SECURITY MONITORING 2109 1357 05/08/00 2499 050800 05/16/00 630,00 630.00 SOD 2114 407 05/09/00 2542 C05090 05/16/00 75,00 75.00 1 EA WCC#99- 9494F/C05090 2115 1359 09/17/98 2543 009178 05/16/00 7,680°00 7,680.00 1 EA S.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 13 Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- -- - - - --- -- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- -- - - -- -- ---- ----- -- - - -- 2116 886 09/17/98 2515 C09188 05/16/00 220.00 2116 886 09/17/98 2516 C09178 05/16/00 640.00 2117 601 05/01/00 2544 3551 05/16/00 933.75 2126 537 05/08/00 2490 050800 05/16/00 80.00 2128 264 04/23/00 2554 042300 05/16/00 129.15 2129 1152 04/26/00 2555 042600 05/16/00 195,45 2130 38 04/28/00 2556 042800 05/16/00 384.15 2131 171 04/27/00 2557 042700 05/16/00 315.90 2132 847 05/01/00 2558 050100 05/16/00 178.20 2133 371 04/29/00 2559 042900 05/16/00 485.10 TOTAL 546,169.72 240 records U sted 1,174.02 WCC #99- 9494F/C09178 220.00 1 EA WCC #99- 9494F/C09178 640.00 1 EA I-ICC #99- 9494F/C09178 933.75 1 EA CONTRACT ADMIN 10/19/99 80.00 ATOR PARK MOWING 129.15 DIETER READINGS 195.45 METER READINGS 384.15 METER READINGS 315.90 METER RE=ADINGS 178.20 METER READINGS 485.10 METER READINGS City of Owasso Cash Rcquircn-icnts Lists vendor namc, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor dumber and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Maims by purchase Order" report. City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38W Page 1 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 2295 1342 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY 20899 04/14/00 05/16/00 307°00 307000 2296 586 USUABLE STEEL YARD 16128 04/20/00 05/16/00 26040 333°40 2297 1318 TLC LAWN CARE 20 04/23/00 05/16/00 223090 557030 19 04/23/00 2298 661 ACCURATE TRAINING CENTER S3331 04/21/00 05/16/00 225,00 782030 2299 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 1578 04/25/00 05/16/00 143.00 925430 2300 509 RED BUD AIR FILTER SVC 168918 04/26/00 05/16/00 152088 1,078 18 2301 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240111216 04/27/00 05/16/00 144.55 1,222 73 8240111224 04/27/00 8240111222 04/27/00 8240111225 04/27/00 8240111217 04/27/00 824011/223 04/27/00 2302 827 WARREN CLINIC 042600 04/26/00 05/16/00 98000 1,320 73 2303 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 5130 04/19/00 05/16/00 120000 1,440 73 5145 04/19/00 2304 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 659214 04/20/00 05/16/00 140.47 1,581.20 659220 04/20/00 659223 04/20/00 659241 04/20/00 658466 04/14/00 658465 04/14/00 2305 514 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 91832 04/21/00 05/16/00 78.01 1,659 21 2306 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 0281265 04/20/00 05/16/00 182026 1,841 47 0280668 04/14/00 0281345 04/18/00 0280062 04/14/00 2307 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 0281124 04/24/00 05/16/00 548.49 2,389096 0281342 04/18/00 0281344 04/20/00 0281011 04/20/00 2308 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 0281695 04/18/00 05/16/00 2,379.00 4,768,96 0281267 04/17/00 0281266 04/17/00 2309 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 140068 05/02/00 05/16/00 2,063.65 6,832 61 2310 554 TULSA COUNTY MIS 9205 05/01/00 05/16/00 40000 6,872061 2311 1062 RONALD D CATES 043000 04/30/00 05/16/00 4,641.94 11,514.55 2312 377 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4/00 USE 04/25/00 05/16/00 453061 11,968 16 2313 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 04/00 USE 04/19/00 05/16/00 1,901028 13,869044 2314 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 069302 03/10/00 05/16/00 111081 13,981025 069503 03/24/00 069774 04/07/00 069906 04/14/00 070052 04/21/00 2315 263 HUB + GARVER 042700 04/27/00 05/16/00 2,500000 16,481025 2316 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 050100 05/01/00 05/16/00 243.00 16,724025 2317 1107 REGENA GUTHRIE 041900 04/19/00 05/16/00 180000 16,904,25 2318 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 2942037 04/18/00 05/16/00 1,924052 18,828.77 2961344 04/25/00 2961711 04/25/00 2889345 04/03/00 2968264 04/27/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N'*APRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) "ity of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 2 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative laimt# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 2885955 03/31/00 2889993 04/03/00 2893566 04/03/00 2911822 04/10/00 2909605 04/07/00 2319 89 ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORP 043000 04/30/00 05/16/00 4,138004 22,966 81 2320 992 SIMMONS HOMES INC 041300 04/13/00 05/16/00 2,070 00 25,036081 2321 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12449146 04/25/00 05/16/00 Y1.40 25,048021 2322 351 METROPOLITAN TULSA 060100 04/07/00 05/16/00 555000 25,603 21 2323 522 RALPH LAUREN FOOTWEAR CO 50834068 04/17/00 05/16/00 150"29 25,753 50 2324 1256 TOMMY HILFIGER GOLF 555685 04/24/00 05/16/00 73042 25,826092 555745 04/24/00 2325 1229 ASHWORTH, INC 673195 04/24/00 05/16/00 159033 25,986425 2326 233 FIZZ -0 WATER 216426 02/28/00 05/16/00 32.00 26,018.25 2327 1321 US KIDS GOLF 0048762 04/26/00 05/16/00 511.56 26,529.81 2328 1349 PREMIUMWEAR INC 6190016 03/27/00 05/16/00 1,624030 28,154.11 6190017 03/27/00 6195736 04/27/00 6190507 03/30/00 6196652 05/03/00 2329 191 EAST COURSE HEADWEAR 0023566 04/26/00 05/16/00 862047 29,016 58 2330 681 REPUBLIC BUSINESS CREDIT" 64352 04/28/00 05/16/00 543.57 29,560015 2331 726 CUTTER & BUCK 544827 04/26/00 05/16/00 36.34 29,596 49 2332 17 FOOT -JOY DRAWER CS 3628188 03/21/00 05/16/00 11,336033 40,932 82 3579789 02/18/00 3585317 02/23/00 3613353 03/13/00 3679591 04/18/00 3677464 04/17/00 3689459 04/24/00 3622486 03/17/00 3711563 05/03/00 6676138 05/01/00 6675999 05/01/00 2333 90 AMERICAN PLANNERS ASSOCIATION 050100 05/01/00 05/16/00 172°00 41,104 82 2334 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 57653 04/27/00 05/16/00 41.80 41,146062 2335 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 7676 04/20/00 05/16/00 24.49 41,171,11 7777 04/21/00 8642 05/04/00 2336 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 0280671 04/14/00 05/16/00 164.48 41,335059 2337 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 139849 04/25/00 05/16/00 143.30 41,478.89 2338 792 HUGHES LUMBER CO 28654 04/14/00 05/16/00 58.24 41,537013 28780 04/13/00 28793 04/13/00 30154 04/24/00 30784 04/28/00 30726 04/28/00 31089 05/01/00 30714 04/28/00 30689 04/28/00 30551 04/27/00 30620 04/27/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 3 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# - - - --- Number - -- --- Vendor Name ------------- ----------- --------- - Invoice# - -- -- ----- --- ---- -- - Date --- -- --------- Date - --- -- -- Amount Due -- -- -- -- - - - -- Amount Due -------------- 2339 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 24032 04/14/00 05/16/00 72.17 41,609.30 24066 04/21/00 2340 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 12155800 04/25/00 05/16/00 126.74 41,736.04 2341 366 MILL. CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 17041 03/29/00 05/16/00 29,760.00 71,496.04 2342 854 MATRE ARMS 2694 04/26/00 05/16/00 1,675.17 73,171.21 2343 897 CRUISER TECH 0655 04/27/00 05/16/00 123.75 73,294.96 0811 05/04/00 2344 624 WEBER INVESTIGATIONS, INC 042600 04/26/00 05/16/00 2,305.75 75,600.71 2345 844 FONDA S MORGAN CSR F02289 02/28/99 05/16/00 60.00 75,660 71 2346 1348 BRADFORD BOONE, MD T02010 02/01/00 05/16/00 189.44 75,850.15 2347 1347 SMART CORPORATION 506289 06/28/99 05/16/00 21.02 75,871„17 003080 03/08/00 N10129 10/12/99 F04240 04/24/00 2348 474 FPO SOLUTIONS 502080 02/08/00 05/16/00 62.99 75,934.16 M01310 01/31/00 N03060 03/06/00 F06119 06/11/99 501130 01/13/00 G02030 02 /03/00 CO2100 02/10/00 C03020 03/02/00 G02280 02/28/00 F09299 09/29/99 2349 360 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 652449 04/27/00 05/16/00 294.78 76,228.94 2350 1201 ATTIC STORAGE: 022900 02/29/00 05/16/00 90.00 76,318.94 2351 1350 ELITE DESIGNS 5282 04/21/00 05/16/00 149.50 76,468.44 2352 255 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 00265129 12/22/00 05/16/00 29.95 76,498.39 2353 105 DELBERT E BROOKS 001622 04/30/00 05/16/00 600.00 77,098.39 2354 295 INFINETE TECHNOLOGY SOULTIONS 3022026 04/27/00 05/16/00 892.50 77,990.89 2355 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12166997 04/25/00 05/16/00 16020 78,007.09 2356 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12124152 04/25/00 05/16/00 11.96 78,019.05 2357 1335 DAVID M DOWNS 033000 03/30/00 05/16/00 319.80 78,338.85 2358 1294 US CELLULAR 23097307 04/14/00 05/16/00 70.05 78,408.90 2359 857 CROW BURLINGAME D157086 04/15/00 05/16/00 38.58 78,447.48 D157059 04/15/00 D156437 04/08/00 0154613 03/20/00 D158148 04/27/00 2360 1038 WAL °MART 7580 04/12/00 05/16/00 204.14 78,651.62 7330 04/21/00 6460 04/06/00 7324 04/10/00 9253 04/21/00 2361 961 SPRINT PCS 041200 04/14/00 05/16/00 27.99 78,679.61 2362 766 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 08-2011496 04/13/00 05/16/00 57.00 78,736.61 2363 766 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 04- 2025368 04/13/00 05/16/00 350,00 79,086.61 2364 537 J B STIGALL 042700 04/27/00 05/16/00 80.00 79,166.61 2365 717 FIRST BANK OF OWASSO 050800 05/08/00 05/16/00 23,000.00 102,166.61 2366 1171 MARLIN LEASING 184393 04/30/00 05/16/00 100.00 102,266,61 2367 1295 ANGELA FOYIL 041300 04/13/00 05/16/00 1,220.00 103,486.61 2368 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240110509 04/20/00 05/16/00 84°20 103,570.81 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ity of Owasso ash Requirements May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 4 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative iaim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 2369 576 COX COMMUNICATIONS 2370 329 LAW ADVISORY GROUP INC 2371 939 HOWARD STAMPER 2372 280 INTERNATIONAL POLICE TECH 2373 452 LYNN PEAVEY CO 2374 1317 ROY TAYLOR 2375 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 2376 636 SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT 2377 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 2378 1256 TOMMY HILFIGER GOLF 2379 9 CALLAWAY GOLF 2380 1338 INFOTEL PUBLICATIONS 2381 781 FEDEX 34.17 2382 1318 TLC LAWN CARE 2383 1009 "TRIM RITE INC 2384 904 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA INC 2385 1301 TIM GRAHAM 2386 998 DON TAYLOR 2387 252 LONNIE D GREEN 2388 483 KENNY A PEACOCK 2389 124 JEFF CARNEY 2390 942 RON STUCKEY 2391 612 CHRIS WILSON 2392 437 OWASSO PHYSICAL THERAPY 2393 437 OWASSO PHYSICAL THERAPY 2394 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 2395 1084 PSO 2396 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 2397 642 YALE CLEANERS 2398 638 WARREN CLINIC 2399 1354 OWASSO EDUCATION FOUNDATION INC 2400 300 JUSTICE GOLF CAR CO INC 2401 783 GODDARD ENTERPRISES 2402 1059 BOCA INTERNATIONAL 2403 1351 PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL SERVICES 2404 287 INTEGRIS HEALTH 2405 974 SLUDGE TECHNOLOGY INC 2406 12 DESIGNER PROCESSES INC 2407 645 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL uCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N'*APR01O 8240110511 8240'109787 8240109789 8240109086 8240109084 8240111218 8240111220 4/00 USE 299091317 050100 2217 014280 0001 7192 7492 7193 7794 -5 8658 -1 4038920 550429 94289562 A432413 4- 940 - -38739 21 18 5352 48809 48724 48623 050100 050100 050100 050100 050100 050100 050100 N10259 N10189 050400 167841949 1112401814001 043000 G02030 050100 08843 050400 0509007 1388 060200 417 102 291127 04/20/00 04/13/00 04/13/00 04/06/00 04/06/00 04/27/00 04/27/00 04/18/00 03/28/00 05/01/00 04/17/00 04/28/00 04/19/00 04/12/00 04/17/00 04/12/00 01/15/00 02/05/00 04 /19/00 04/17/00 04/13/00 04/11/00 04/21/00 04/23/00 04/23/00 04/10/00 04/12/00 04/05/00 03/31/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 05/01/00 02/28/00 02/14/00 05/04/00 05/19/00 04/27/00 04/30/00 03/20/00 05/01/00 04/12/00 05/04/00 04/27/00 04/27/00 06/02/00 04/25/00 03/13/00 04/19/00 05/16/00 61.89 103,632 70 05/16/00 159000 103,791„70 05/16/00 150000 103,941070 05/16/00 50.00 103,991470 05/16/00 19935 104,191 45 05/16/00 299.00 104,490045 05/16/00 34.17 104,524062 05/16/00 26.74 104,551 36 05/16/00 750.00 105,301036 05/16/00 136.64 105,438.00 05/16/00 232.32 105,670.32 05/16/00 271045 105,941077 05/16/00 23.95 105,965.72 05/16/00 513090 106,479062 05/16/00 1,734084 108,214046 05/16/00 140000 108,354.46 05/16/00 49°50 108,403096 05/16/00 49.50 108,453.46 05/16/00 49,50 108,502096 05/16/00 49°50 108,552046 05/16/00 49050 108,601096 05/16/00 49°50 108,651046 05/16/00 49050 108,700 96 05/16/00 382045 109,083041 05/16/00 524.61 109,608002 05/16/00 604096 110,212098 05/16/00 2,786.34 112,999032 05/16/00 91087 113,091.19 05/16/00 923.63 114,014,82 05/16/00 30°99 114,045081 05/16/00 250.00 114,295°81 05/16/00 20,70 114,316051 05/16/00 4,607000 118,923,51 05/16/00 54,00 118,977,51 05/16/00 85.00 119,062.51 05/16/00 175,00 119,237.51 05/16/00 17,820.00 137,057°51 05/16/00 790,00 137,847051 05/16/00 38088 137,886°39 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) c/tv of ow^,v^ c«,h Requirements May 11, zoou 02:38pm Page 5 cIaimx Vendor wumur, vendor wumo Invv|cew Invoice Due cumuLative Date Date Amount Due Amount owe 293957 04/26/00 297467 05/03/00 237669 12/15/99 z^oo por sxw'o'Lsl cenvzcs 60932 04/30/00 05/16/00 65 .00 137,951.39 2409 zaa MILL cnscc Lumasn u SUPPLY 660231 04/29/00 05/16/00 58.99 13an1n sa 2410 *17 ow,x CORPORATION 26532 05/02/00 05/16/00 u6'pv 1su'nrr'sr 2411 1135 smIrx u xssnczxrsy 042700 04/27700 05/16/00 1os'no 1so'1nz'sr 2412 1086 poLIoc PETTY cxoo 15317365 04/09/00 05/16/08 2Y'5o 13D'211'Y5 2413 548 omxTxs vsrsnImxnY 040100 04/01/00 05/16/00 7Z'00 1]8'283'95 041400 04/14/00 042708 04/27/00 2414 1072 on/ve 7nxzw mpeczxL/prS 81240 04/27/80 05/16/00 165.00 138 448 95 2415 1352 vxcuum & PxeSauns /xmu 9168 05/03/00 05/16/80 22'00 138"470'y5 2416 865 a & m TIRE uewrsn INC 4334 05105/00 05/16/00 96'On 138^5a6'95 2417 789 mELmxw 71908 05/01/00 05/16/80 5,648.74 '514'os 144'215'89 '77 2418 406 oppzzs ospor cxno pLxw 050500 05/05/08 05/16/00 144'7Z9� ' 50500 05/05/00 042500 u^/us/ou 42500 o*/as/no m*z^oo 04/26/00 2419 5 7 mmx xu/o cousorzow pooa533785 04/24/00 05/16/00 19'73 144.749.50 121799 1e/17/99 2420 538 axmm ome 249 05/03/00 05/16/00 487.95 1*5'237.45 sZ 05/04/00 106 05/05/00 2421 1040 WILLIAMS nspums sQuIpmsm7 2217 04/28/00 05/16/00 419'86 145,657.31 2081 09/13/99 2422 467 pascIozow FLUID powsn 24084 05/01/00 05/16/00 1T1 00 145,830.31 2423 932 xxoIxTon xonpps INC 61*422 04/20/00 05/16/00 210^V0 146O40J1 6182*4 04/25/00 2424 11e0 xow JxwIroxzuL usnvIoso 1e6683 04/01/00 05/16/00 1,0-m.00 1^r 11a 31 Z^zs ^aa ALL COPY uuppLIso 3424 05/01/00 05/16/00 5uon 147'1uo'3/ 2426 1324 sxar TULSA rnucu pxnrm 072966 04/26/00 05/16/00 45o'0n 14r"61a'31 072732 04/11/00 2427 1244 oxwaoo msIaoT Tmom 64-205 04/17/00 05/18/00 32.99 147,651.30 2428 364 mILsxoe mmm7sno 151460 05/01/00 05/16/00 o6u'4a 14ns17re 151033 04/20/00 151344 04/28/00 151129 04/24/00 150620 04/07y00 150548 04/06/00 2429 366 MILL cnesn Luwosu & ouppLY 658992 04/19/00 05/16/00 14.08 148,531.84 2430 591 uwIFIomr 000ponxTzuw 8240111219 04/27/00 05/16/00 o4'4n 1^8a1�' 24 ' 8240111221 04/27700 8240111942 05/04/00 8240111940 05/04/00 2431 1193 xxLxypn INC 9495 04/26/00 05/16/00 190 .00 ' 148,806.24 2432 1033 om pnormxmrsn 051600 05/16/00 05/16/00 1,500.00 15o3n6z4 2*33 362 wsozoxL oompLzxwus mpscIxLIr, 031838 05/03/00 05/16/00 3Voo 150,336.24 Z434 196 sp/c msoIcxL 0050040 05/02/00 05/16/00 xp'oo 15o's9s'24 2435 1337 osnr wsnrsnw Tnxoc wzwon p369212 05/02/00 05/16/00 1o5'no 1sn'5uo'z^ 2436 812 xzxoxLL Ace xxmowxne 1516-069183 03/03/00 05/16/00 154'u7 15n'6*4'v/ 'JLJ) coo'xp xunvuntx pnyobie neie000 5'8'3 w^xpnn18 a' Jxwsr JxoK"ow "ity of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:381x- Page 6 :ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative aim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 1516 - 069310 03/10/00 1516 - 069510 03/24/00 1516- 069660 03/31/00 1516 - 069793 04/07/00 1516- 069913 04/14/00 1515 - 069659 03/31/00 1515 - 069792 04/07/00 1515 - 069912 04/14/00 2437 1003 TUXALL UINIFORM & EQUIP 551082090001 04/27/00 05/16/00 175.85 150,830.76 2438 544 HOWARD SMITH 050400 05/04/00 05/16/00 40000 150,870076 2439 688 ADVANCE CHEMICAL 10- 0004 -46402 04/27/00 05/16/00 865080 151,i36a56 10 -0004 -46170 04/21/00 2440 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1516- 069309 03/10/00 05/16/00 228.79 151,965„35 1513 - 069182 03/03/00 1508 - 069305 03/10/00 1512 - 070057 04/21/00 1508 - 069785 04/07/00 1508 - 069653 03/31/00 1506 - 069505 03/24/00 1507- 069962 04/17/00 1507 - 069963 04/17/00 1507 - 070054 04/21/00 1511 - 069508 03/24/00 1511 - 069307 03/10/00 1511- 069179 03/03/00 1501-069394 03/17/00 1510 - 069306 03/10/00 1510-069180 03/03/00 2441 514 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 90644 04/10/00 05/16/00 1,394 12 153,359047 92100 04/25/00 92099 04125/00 92460 04/28/00 2442 551 SEARS 4579194 04/19/00 05/16/00 99099 153,459046 2443 777 ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD 060100 06/01/00 05/16/00 74.00 153,533046 2444 1219 CH2M HILL. 3217213 05/04/00 05/16/00 53,627000 207,160046 2445 267 HORIZON CONST CO INC 435 04/18/00 05/16/00 227,521087 434,682.33 2446 376 MAGNUM CONSTRUCTION INC 050500 05/05/00 05/16/00 30,652074 465,335 07 2447 773 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 031500 03/15/00 05/16/00 670000 466,005 07 2448 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 12294 04/28/00 05/16/00 3,050°00 469,055007 2449 857 CROW BURLINGAME D157128 04/17/00 05/16/00 483.50 469,538057 D156876 04/13/00 D157380 04/19/00 D158033 04 /26/00 D156740 04/12/00 D157368 04/19/00 D157617 04/21/00 D156962 04/14/00 D157187 04/17/00 D157941 04/25/00 2450 446 0 REILLV AUTO PARTS 155- 198918 04/21/00 05/16/00 1,806°89 471,345846 155 - 200758 04/27/00 155 - 202433 05/02/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Cash Requirements May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 7 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Ctaim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 155 - 202432 05/02/00 155-202331 05/02/00 155 - 197451 04/17/00 155- 194236 04/07/00 155 - 200650 04/27/00 155 °200158 04/25/00 155 - 195688 04/11/00 155 - 195661 04/11/00 ° 155 - 201038 04 /28/00 155 - 200135 04/25/00 155-200399 04/26/00 155 °195628 04/11/00 '155200518 04/26/00 155.195624 04/11/00 2451 764 CITY GARAGE 043000 04/30/00 05/16/00 13,162073 484,508019 2452 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1504-069303 03/10/00 05/16/00 487084 484,996.03 1504-•069167 03/03/00 1504 - 069178 03/03/00 1504-069652 03/31/00 1506- *069397 03/17/00 1504- 069169 03/03/00 1504 - 069396 03/17/00 1504-069504 03/24/00 1504- 069775 04/07/00 1504 - 070053 04/21/00 1504 - 069907 04/14/00 655-070242 05/03/00 2453 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 177995 04/25/00 05/16/00 91.64 485,087 67 2454 1145 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 261557 -0 05/05/00 05/16/00 96081 485,184 48 256489 -0 04/06/00 258901°0 04/19/00 025380-0 04/12/00 2455 1038 WAL -MART 7267 04/21/00 05/16/00 110.87 485,295035 0016 04/25/00 0024 04/25/00 9761 05/04/00 9743 05/04/00 2456 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 73779 04/12/00 05/16/00 162.12 485,457 47 73824 04/14/00 74182 05/02/00 74197 05/02/00 2457 1199 RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT 4325 04/26/00 05/16/00 393000 485,850047 4330. 05/01/00 2458 1050 WELSCO INC 335804 04/30/00 05/16/00 52075 485,903 22 2459 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11938 04/28/00 05/16/00 140°00 486,043022 2460 1029 T &W TIRE CO 3113105 04/27/00 05/16100 402030 486,445.52 2461 771 ENLOW FORD TRACTOR INC 238100 05/03/00 05/16/00 92095 486,538047 2462 433 OK TRUCK SUPPLY 1201040048 04/13/00 05/16/00 24.20 486,562.67 2463 359 MIKE QUINN DODGE 204558 04/26/00 05/16/00 34040 486,597°07 2465 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 1006 - 0037049 04/18/00 05/16/00 14,888.31 501,485,38 2466 321 LOCKE WHOLESALE ELEC 070161932 04/27/00 05/16/00 49059 501,534.97 2467 824 MID - CONTINENT CONCRETE CO 518781 03/28/00 05/16/00 68.72 501,603069 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.803 N *APRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ulty of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 8 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative aim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 2468 1355 SUE'S CLEANING SERVICE 050800 05/08/00 05/16/00 560.00 502,163.69 2469 1356 HOME TOWN DIRECTORIES 050100 05/01/00 05/16/00 318.00 502,481.69 2471 1229 ASHWORTH, INC 679360 04/30/00 05/16/00 493.78 502,975.47 676896 04/28/00 2472 314 PING 4378374 04/03/00 05/16/00 861.42 503,836 89 2473 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11947 05/01/00 05/16/00 80.00 503,916089 2475 94 BGR DAILY ACCOUNT 051000 05/10/00 05/16/00 1,309 80 505,226.69 2476 1307 SCHWANS SALES 0163662473 04/26/00 05/16/00 32.55 505,259.24 2477 678 ALBERTSONS 888127 04/25/00 05/16/00 331.43 505,590.67 159746 04/30/00 159748 05/02100 159702 05/03/00 161211 04/17/00 '161208 04/12/00 161299 04/13/00 161292 04/11/00 161297 04/10/00 161214 04/21/00 161209 04/18/00 888128 04/11/00 2478 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58427689 04/25/00 05/16/00 1,719.60 507,310.27 58428005 05/02/00 58427229 04/14/00 58427358 04/18/00 58427026 04/11/00 58427027 04/11/00 2479 229 FADLER CO INC 582077 04/18/00 05/16/00 1,785.87 509,096.14 583574 04/25/00 583573 04/25/00 585164 05/02/00 580911 04/12/00 580551 04/11/00 2480 1151 IMPERIAL COFFEE SERVICE 67225 04/11/00 05/16/00 79.40 509,175.54 2481 336 LANCE INC 007646 05/05/00 05/16/00 342.72 509,518 26 007527 04/28/00 007323 04/14/00 007419 04/21/00 007420 04/21/00 2482 957 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO 428212 04/14/00 05116/00 696.29 510,214.55 429293 04/27/00 2483 595 UNITED LINEN 64366 04/14/00 05/16/00 421.45 510,636.00 S65681 04/14/00 70677 05/05/00 66426 04/21/00 567460 04/21/00 568622 04/25/00 68541 04/28/00 2484 1038 WAL °MART 7981 04/14/00 05/16/00 33.47 510,669 47 2485 835 MEDICLAIMS INC 051200 05/12/00 05/16/00 2,276 43 512,945.90 2486 1353 GRDA 050200 05/02/00 05/16100 4,796.81 517,742071 2487 1009 TRIM RITE INC 5367 04/14/00 05/16/00 60.00 517,802071 2488 1110 PAGENET 000334108 04/23/00 05/16/00 127°95 517,930066 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5,8.3 N*APRO10 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) City of Owasso Cash Requirements Vendor Claim ## Number Vendor Name Invoice ## - - - - -- - - - - -- ------------- ------- ----- ------ -- - - -- -- ------ -------- - -- - -- 2489 358 DOZIER PRINTING 11962 2490 537 J B STIGALL 050800 2491 1287 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC C01150 2493 485 PATROL TECHNOLOGY 050200 -03 05030 -11 2494 1287 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC 001150 2495 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC CO1150 2496 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC C01150 2497 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY F02289 2498 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC C01150 2499 1357 CHARLES RUMBAUGH 050800 2500 255 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 00293760 2501 1358 THE PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS ASSOCIATION OF 621184440 2502 674 AMC INDUSTRIES INC 336133 2503 486 PAR III TURF EQUIP LLC 042800SF7 2504 153 DYNA SYSTEMS '10191685 2505 47 PRECISION SMALL ENGINE CO 102463 2506 16 FIREMASTER °OK DISTRICT 361116021 2507 774 ESTES INC 346836 2508 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 7666 2509 40 NAPA AUTO PARTS 629754 626810 629755 2510 812 KIMBALL. ACE HARDWARE 655--070245 655 - 069790 2511 342 LUBER BROS INC 032766 032842 032852 2515 886 OK TAX COMMISSION 009188 2516 886 OK TAX COMMISSION C09178 2541 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 005030333 004120340 004190340 004260353 2542 407 OK 14ORKERS COMP COURT C05090 2543 1359 BILLY JOE COOK AND 009178 2544 601 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS INC 3551 2545 881 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 16R0000 16R0000 -A 1680000 -B 16R0000 -C 2546 567 TULSA COUNTY BOCC 00 -014 2547 357 SHERRY LABORATORIES INC T903 T793 T824 T773 2548 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240111943 8240111945 8240111946 8240111937 8240111938 8240111944 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 Invoice Due Date Date - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- 04/27/00 05/16/00 05/08/00 05/16/00 03/23/00 05/16/00 05/02/00 05/16/00 05/03/00 01/15/00 05/16/00 03/02/00 05/16/00 03/06/00 05/16/00 01/24/00 05/16/00 02/10/00 05/16/00 05/08/00 05/16/00 04/25/00 05/16/00 05/01/00 05/16/00 04/24/00 05/16/00 04/28/00 05/16/00 04/06/00 05/16/00 03/09/00 05/16/00 04/19/00 05/16/00 04/20/00 05/16/00 04/20/00 05/16/00 05/02/00 05/16/00 04/14/00 05/02/00 05/03/00 05/16/00 04/07/00 04/19/00 05/16/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 09/17/98 05/16/00 09/17/98 05/16/00 05/03/00 05/16/00 04/12/00 04/19/00 04/26/00 05/09/00 05/16/00 09/17/98 05/16/00 05 /01/00 05/16/00 04/30/00 05/16/00 05/01/00 04/30/00 05/01/00 05/02/00 05/16/00 05/03/00 05/16/00 04/21/00 05/21/00 05/14/00 05/04/00 05/16/00 05/04/00 05/04/00 05/04/00 05/04/00 05/04/00 May 11, 2000 02 38pm Page 9 120.25 69074 '6049 24.00 104.70 630.00 29095 389.00 65000 133.72 192.71 27004 46.72 5,880 00 25.00 185.61 518,598.75 518,668.49 518,714.98 5'18,738.98 518,843 68 519,473.68 519,503.63 519,892,63 519,957.63 520,091 35 520,284006 520,311.10 520,357.82 526,23/082 526,262.82 526,448 43 87.72 526,536.15 212.16 526,748.31 220.00 526,968.31 640.00 527,608031 1,283060 528,891.91 75.00 528,966091 7,680.00 536,646091 933075 537,580 66 240.14 537,870080 491°84 538,312.64 160.00 538,472°64 144055 538,617.19 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) Cumulative Amount Due Amount Due 50.07 517,980.73 80.00 518,060.73 80.50 518,141 23 337.27 518,478.50 120.25 69074 '6049 24.00 104.70 630.00 29095 389.00 65000 133.72 192.71 27004 46.72 5,880 00 25.00 185.61 518,598.75 518,668.49 518,714.98 5'18,738.98 518,843 68 519,473.68 519,503.63 519,892,63 519,957.63 520,091 35 520,284006 520,311.10 520,357.82 526,23/082 526,262.82 526,448 43 87.72 526,536.15 212.16 526,748.31 220.00 526,968.31 640.00 527,608031 1,283060 528,891.91 75.00 528,966091 7,680.00 536,646091 933075 537,580 66 240.14 537,870080 491°84 538,312.64 160.00 538,472°64 144055 538,617.19 By JANET JACKSON (JLJ) ty of Owasso May 11, 2000 02:38pm Page 10 ,sh Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative aim# - -- Number - - - - -- Vendor Name -------- ---------------------- --- - -- - -- Invoice# ---- ---- - - - --- Date _ -- - - - --- Date -- -- - - -- Amount Due ------ -- - - - - -- Amount Due -------- - - - - -- 2.549 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 5240 04/26/00 05/16/00 55.00 538,672.19 2.550 475 PORT -A -JOHN OF TULSA 58824 04/30/00 05/16/00 70.00 538,742.19 2551 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 659980 04/27/00 05/16/00 108.95 538,851.14 660691 05/03/00 2552 941 APAC- OKLAHOMA INC 185466 04/30/00 05/16/00 182.85 539,033.99 2553 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 7325 04/19/00 05/16/00 33.05 539 „067.04 8125 04/25/00 2554 264 BRANDON HAMLITON 042300 04/23/00 05/16/00 129.115 539,196 19 2555 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 042600 04/26/00 05/16/00 195.45 539,391.64 2556 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 042800 04/28/00 05/16/00 384015 539,775.79 2557 171 1YRONE. DINKINS 042700 04/27/00 05/16/00 315.90 540,091,69 2558 847 DIANNE MOSS 050100 05/01/00 05/16/00 178.20 540,269.89 2559 371 MARK MEYER 042900 04/29/00 05/16/00 485.10 540,754.99 2470 17 FOOT-JOY DRAWER CS 3687654 04/21/00 05/17/00 134.31 540,889 30 3696632 04/26/00 2474 348 MAXFLI GOLF DIVISION 2175896 04/28/00 05/17/00 186.41 541,075,.71 2174101 04/27/00 2492 1256 TOMMY HILFIGER GOLF 561955 04/28/00 05/17/00 1,310 00 542,385,71 2512 1262 ADAMS 90171550 05/02/00 05/17/00 148.48 542,534.19 2513 454 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORP 957432 05/03/00 05/17/00 1,384 73 543,918.92 2514 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 2976766 05/01/00 05/17/00 2,035 96 545,954 88 Total cash required for week ending 05/19/2000 545,954088 —S.AP Accounts Payabl 0- *c 545,954-88 -+ S ={ J r .LJJ 72 Q ..� + A J o By JANET JACKSON (JL.J) City of Owasso May 11, 2000 08 :28am Page 1 Disbursement Approval Voucher Vend# Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount 888 OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 05/11/00 11,435.72 - ----- - - - - -- CLaimit PO# Contract# Description 2464 2110 4/00 SALES TAX Invoiceit Invc Dt Gross Amount Disc Amt Disc Use Net Amount 043000 04/30/00 11,435.72 0.00 11,435.72 GL Distribution Gross Amount Description 55 -•000 -20007 11,435.72 4/00 SALES TAX Approved by Date CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR030 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/06/00 LepPrilnt !/eftr e_EmsCTotal Lase, General Lund Municipal Court.. O,O 2g33 3 ,Manager - i' 1 0,00 1 2,79822 Fina'nc'e . Community Development 0,00 5,917.42" Engineer .. , Information Systems 0.00 204 36 General Fund Total ' �. a� 1 Garage Fund }s APPROVED: May 16, 2000 im Council Member Council Member M MEMORANDUM To. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O AS FROM. MA CIA B0UTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT. ANNUAL ELECTION OFTRUSTEES TO OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL AL ASSURANCE GROUP DATE,. May 10, 2000 BACKGROUND The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG) is an Oklahoma "Interlocal Cooperation Agency" formed in 1977 by the Oklahoma Municipal League and approximately 35 individual cities. The group was created in response to a crisis created by the withdrawal of municipal insurance coverage by most Oklahoma insurance companies. Finding themselves without liability coverage prompted the cities to join together to form what is best termed as a "modified self insurance program" for its members. Since its formation, the agency /trust has evolved to a full service insurance provider for its members and currently offers liability, property, workers compensation, auto and specialty insurance coverage to its members. Although the City of Owasso no longer purchases insurance from OMAG, the city is a full member of the OMAG, with the voting rights accorded such membership. As an Interlocal Cooperative Agency, the OMAG is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership. Elections are held amzually for a prescribed number of trustees. There are seven trustees serving terms of three years. Trustees must be elected from the officers and staff of member cities through a nomination and election process detailed in the organization's by- laws. This year there are two trustees "up" for election for terms ending on June 30, 2003. The nominating process has produced six candidates for those two positions (see attachment). As a member° of OMAG, Owasso may cast votes for two of the six candidates. Members of OMAG must have their ballots returned by May 31, 2000 in order for their vote to be included in the final count. Upon completion of the count, the two nominees with the highest vote totals will be declared the winners and will be seated effective July 1, 2000. /annual OMAG Ballot May 10, 2000 Pagc 2 The staff has reviewed the biographical sketches of the six nominees, and feels comfortable in making a rccomrnendation to the Council relating to the election. RECOMMENDATION- The staff recommends Council approval of an OMAG ballot that casts Owasso`s two votes for Ms Matti fusel ('own Clerk/Treasurer, lit Cobb), and Mr William Tackett (City Manager, Woodward), and that the mayor be authorized to execute the official ballot on behalf of the city. Both of these candidates are currently serving as OMAG Board members, AT TACHMEN,rs 10 Memorandum from OMAG relating to election 2e Ballot Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group TO- Members of the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group FROM: Stephen E. Reel, Interim Chief Executive Officer DJVI"E4,-. April 18, 2000 SUMS T: Election of'Pwo Trustees Herein is the O"ICLkL BALLOT for the governing body of your municipality to use in electing two (2) members to the Board of Trust= of the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group for tbree-, year terms commencing July 1, 2000. 7histees, whose to es expire on June 30, 2000, are.- Ms. Patti Kusel, Town ClerkJTreasurer of Fort Cobb; and Mr. William Tackett, City Manager of Woodward. Tmstees who reinain in office are For terms ending in 2001 - Doug Henley, City Manager of Nichols Hills; and Mr. Larry Shelton, City Manager of Chickasha. For terms ending in 2002- - 1171r—.6 exanuer, uounc =erf-T=7--41=a; Mr. George Jones, Finance Director of Bartlesville; and Ms. Chris Hardin, Mayor of Shawnee. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FAILURE TO PROPERLY SUBMrr THIS BALLOT WILL INVALIDATE THE BALLOT! Your Ballot must e® (1) signed by the Mayor; (2) attested to by the City Clerk; and (3) returned by certified mail, post-marked no later than May 31, 2000® 405-525-6624 - 4130 N. 1-ii7coln Blvd., Suite A, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-5209 ® FAX 405-525-5888 Hic Oklahoma MunicipA Assurance Group is an Intel-local Cooperation Act Agency of0ties and Towns Providing: 0oup Lit", S" I lealth Renefits Plan ® Municipal Liability Protection Nall - workers' Compensation Plan BALLOT ® Attachment #2 be biographical sketch for each nominee was written by the persons who made the nomination, Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. DU MAY VOTE FOR mi Y® f2l NOMINEES, �V➢T� its o� ��e�� tereit� �,han� ant__ it t�� Yukon, Over 30 years of Human Resource and General Management experience. Has wore for City of Oklahoma City, General Electric, Honeywell and First Oklahoma, Bancorporation. Currently Community Enhancement Director for the City of Yukon. (Yukon participates in the Workers, Compensation plans.) �. a , wi���� can icapal ®�re� °n�ent career in 1964: held several municipal positions in Norman and Oklahoma City. Former City Manager in Norman; currently in Yukon. Saaccessfirlly undertaken CIP Programs handed by a, new sales tax; building renovations-, developing programs to bring Cho aria to Yukon and is active in community events. Galion participates in the Workers' Compensation Plans.) PAN GALLOWAY City Mana er® Bethany. Mr. Galloway has served 16 years as City Manager in Oklahoma, including Owasso, Minton and Bethany. He served six years directing a five-state transportation/environmental shady for Congress and sued as Regional Economist for U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. He previously served on the OMAG Board for seven years° (Bethany participates in all three of the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group Plans.) BILL TACKETT,,. City Manaaer Woodward, Currently Chairman-OMAG Board. Since my election, OMAG has returned $4,300,000 to members from the Workers' Comp Plan. plus Liability Plan discounts. During my tenure, training programs expanded and scholarships were created for CMAO Conference. Past Personnel Director for Dave Harris, Okmulgee - Terry Powell, i. t. ce 1997. (Wss all Oklahoxna Municipal Assurance Group Ballot o. the poverning body the - Signed: Mayor Attested: Date: ,2000 Clerk LE ASE BE ADVISED D +i THE FAILURE TO :F 3 O SUBMIT THIS BALLOT WILL qVAL]DATE :1, 3, t Group, ;(� Lincoln i Suite Y.` Oklahoma " L. OK, 73105-5209, .. 4 3` £, c g2 _r I: r 'r MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM.- MICHELE TER FINANCE A "M NT SUBJECT- ASSESSMENT OF SEWER IMPROVEMENT DI ICT DATE- MAY 3, 2099 IR_ ) 3 t. Homeowners in the Pleasa nt Vier Estates Addition approached staff in 1995 concerning the ability to connect to City sowers in order to alleviate septic system problems in their subdivision. The addition is outside the current nt City limits, but collection linos were designed in conformance with established city criteria. RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends Council authorize notice, equalization and levy of assessments against properties within the Tula County Sever Improvement District #6 sufficient to pay the interest, principal and reserve due can the outstanding indebtedness represented by the District Bands. ATTACHMENT'Q-111 Amortization Schedule for Payment of Bonds and Interest Q-WrT_SEIIER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 6 AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT OF BONDS AND INTEREST 100,000.00 72,720.00 172 720.00 The above amortization schedule is subject to change contingent upon the development of Johnson properties north of 96th St. N. It developed, developers will reimburse the District at a rate of $1,338.50 per acre. Any reimbursments will be applied to the payoff of the bonds. Payment Principal Principal Interest "total Due Date Balance 4 �yv Payment 100,000.00 m tl 11/01/98 97,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 16,000.00 1996 assessment 05/01/99 92,000.00 5,000.00 2,910.00 7,910.00 11/01/99 92,000.00 0.00 2,760.00 2,760`.00 1999 assessment 05/01/00 0.f0}0 2,760 00 2J,7r60.0jj0� 11/01/00 (9�2,0"�00.f0j0 5,SJ.}iy0`y0,00`; 2,760.00 ( {} Assessment p�. y���;a g� yyry �-p gy 2000 Assess t e 3t / 0 /01f01 �('.9i7,p00�0.0 f0'� iy„312 }e.�700.00 y11114yg�.�O}0 2,610.00 `/�,ji�`*�6p0°g. X00 z� ,61 11/01/01 8 ,000,00 0.00 y"#'i70,00 2A60,00 y0.00 2,460,00 ,460,00 2001 assessment 05/01/02 82,000.00 0.00 2,460.00 2,460.00 11101102 77,000.00 5,000.00 2,460.00 7,460.00 2002 assessment 05/01/03 72,000.00 5,000.00 2,310.00 7,310.00 11/01/03 72,000.00 0.00 2,160.00 2,160.00 2003 assessment 05/01/04 72,000.00 0.00 2,160.00 2,160.00 11/01/04 67,000.00 5,000.00 2,160.00 7,160.00 2004 assessment 05/01/05 62,000.00 5,000.00 2,010.00 7,010.00 62,j0�0 0.00 1) ,860.0/0] 1,660.00 /'�j} �±C C go /y 2005 assessment (11/01/05 / 05/01 /06 /0�.j0�0 62,000.100} ,860./00 1,860.00 57,(0�0(0.(0�ji'0� f0�.00 5,000.00 Q4 f,860.0 `i ]} fj / 6,86(�".j/. ( }(`j(( Assessment �e �vyryy 2006 Assessment ]11/01/06 05/01 /00 52,10 5,1000.00` 1,710.00 f000 6, 71 0.00 11/01/07 (000. /ij00 52,000.00 0:010 1,560.00 1,560.00 2007 assessment 05/01/06 52,000.00 0.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 11/01/08 47,000.00 5,000.00 1,560.00 6,560.00 2006 assessment 05/01/09 42,000.00 5,000.00 1,410.00 6,410.00 2,(0}(0�0.f0�/0} 1,260.00 1,260.00 Assessment y+ 2009 assessment q11/01/09 /j (}4] 05/01 /110 42,000.00 f0�.00 0.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 11/01/10 37,000.00 5,000.00 1,260.00 6,260.00 2010 assessment 05/01 /11 32,000.00 5,000.00 1,110.00 6,110.00 11/01/11 32,000.00 0.00 960.00 960.00 2011 assessment 05/01/12 32,000.00 0.00 960.00 960.00 11101112 27,000.00 5,000.00 960.00 5,960.00 2012 assessment 05/01/13 22,000.00 5,000.00 610.00 5,810.00 11/01/13 22,000.00 0.00 660.00 660.00 2013 assessment 05/01/14 22,000.00 0.00 660.00 660.00 11/01/14 17,000.00 5,000.00 660.00 5,660.00 2014 assessment 05/01 /15 12,000.00 5,000.00 510.00 5,510.00 11/01/15 12,000.00 0.00 360.00 360.00 2015 assessment 05/01/16 12,000.00 0.00 360.00 360.00 11/01/16 7,000.00 5,000.00 360.00 5,360.00 .2.016 assessment 05/01/17 0.00 7,000.00 210.00 7,210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 72,720.00 172 720.00 The above amortization schedule is subject to change contingent upon the development of Johnson properties north of 96th St. N. It developed, developers will reimburse the District at a rate of $1,338.50 per acre. Any reimbursments will be applied to the payoff of the bonds. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF O ASSO FROM- PHIL L UTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE TANCE OF STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE COUNTRY ESTATES PHASES I AND II DATE: May 10, 2000 The developments are located north of 116 "' Street North and west of forth Garnett Load (see attached location map), Designs for these facilities were approved and construction was inspected by the public Works Department. Public Works personnel conducted final streets and storm drainage inspections in June 1996 and July 1997 (Phase I) and March 1991 (Phase II). Installation of street signs was a major punch list item which delayed acceptance. Also, subsequent to the inspections and prior to completion of the punch lists, areas of pavement subsidence developed at several areas within the developments. The subsidence occurred at areas where utility trenches crossed the streets. The developer was notified that the streets would not be accepted until the damaged areas were corrected. Much time elapsed deten-nining which contractor (i.e., the developer's construction contractor or one of the utility contractors) was responsible for the damage. When the damaged areas were finally repaired, the street contractor was hesitant to provide an updated, two-year maintenance bond because of the long period which had elapsed since the paving was completed. In January 2000, the Public Works Department issued a letter to the developer and the street contractor (see attached) offering that, since what would have been a normal maintenance period for both subdivisions had passed, the City would conduct what could be considered a "maintenance period inspection ". Following this inspection and completion of the punch list thereby generated, we would accept the streets and storm drainage without requiring new maintenance bonds. INFIZASTIZUCTURE COUNTRY ESTATES l & Il MAY 10, 2000 PA(II—) MAINTENANCE PERIOD INSPECTION- public Works personnel conducted an inspection on February 14, 2000, and a punch list of required corrections was provided to the construction contractor. All corrections were complete as of May 3, 2000, RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends acceptance of the Counter Estates phase 1 and phase 11 streets and storm_ drainage systems without the requirement fbr maintenance bonds. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location reap 2. Letter to developer /contractor III I 2 6T ST R E ET N CD FR TH I I 6--FH I 067H 9 67H a LOCATION MAP COUNTRY ESTATES I & 21 0 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ku777 -7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION FTITTJ 9 67H a LOCATION MAP COUNTRY ESTATES I & 21 0 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ku777 -7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 207 South Cedar i' Box 180 Owasso, OK 740di January y 3, 2000 A&W Development, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Owasso, OIL_ 74,055 lzy ity `s of OwasstZ ' SUBJECT; Acceptance of Streets Country Estates Subdivision Dear Sirs or madams: ci ! Cc: Public Works Director Roger Stevens APAC Oklahoma TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF O IASSO FROM- CUTH IE SUBJECT, BILLY COOS WORKE RS'COMPENSATION SETTLEMENT DATE- MAY 9, 2000 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso from October 1997 to July 1999 employed billy Cook as a part-time maintenance worker in the Support Services division. On September 17, 1998, Mr. Cook was carrying a floor buffer while going up the stairs in City Hall and fell, injuring his right shoulder. Mr. Cook underwent shoulder surgery to repair his injury in .August of 1999. In January 2000, was released by Dr. Simmons with 14% impairment to the whole man. Mr. Cook then sought evaluation by Dr. Trinidad who assigned 31 % impairment to the whole man. SETTLEMENT. . Mr. Vic Seagle, the City's workers' compensation attorney, met with staff prior to the scheduled workers' compensation trial on Thursday, May 4, 2000. Before trial began that morning, a joint petition settlement with Mr. Cook and his attorney was negotiated. The 14% impairment rating assigned by Dr. Simmons under the workers' compensation disability computation chart is assigned a value of $4524.98. The 31% impairment rating assigned by Dr. Trinidad is valued at $ 11,646.26. Mr. Cook and his attorney have agreed to a full and final settlement in the amount of $8,000 for his injury RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a settlement in the amount of $8,000 plus associated attorney and settlement costs. ATTACHMENTS: Claim Payment Order (4) BILLY JOE COOK AND DRYCE HILL, HIS ATTORNEY 717S HOUSTON, STE5O8 TULSA, 0K 74127 Iml SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS --- [— . TO BILLY JOE COOK AND THE BRYCE HILL, HIS ATTORNEY ORDER OF 717S HOUSTON, STE508 TULSA, OK 74127 o»re Awmowr 5/85/00 $7'0$8.00 R. No. 10158 Date of Service 5/05/00 Thru 5/06/00 AMOUNT 5105/00 *7,680.00 EMPLOYEE DEPARTMEN 90-15 Joint Petition Settl -9494F Iml SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS --- [— . TO BILLY JOE COOK AND THE BRYCE HILL, HIS ATTORNEY ORDER OF 717S HOUSTON, STE508 TULSA, OK 74127 o»re Awmowr 5/85/00 $7'0$8.00 OKLAHOMA WORKERS' COMPENSATION COURT 1915 N STILES AVE OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 UNITED SAFETY t? CLAIMS, INC. CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER No. Date Of Service 5/05 /00 ThrU 5105/00 DATE AMOUNT 5/05/00 $ 75.00 ACCOUNT NO. 37041997- 600omoo : EMPLOYER City of Owasso O6 FICE NO, TuigA F'RC NO; .: 10 LOCATION 1 EMPLOYEE H COOK INJURY DATE 9/17/98 DEPARTMENT go-15 S.S. NO. 386-36 8577 Filing Fee, WCC 99- 9494F UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. No. CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER PAY SEVENTY -FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS Yom OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 2501 LINCOLN BLVD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73104- ° — -- -- UNITED SAELTY- Bi.CLAIMS; INC: CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER No� 10159 Date of Service 5/05/00 Thru 5/05/00 DATE AMOUNT 5/05/00 *640,00 ACCOUNT N0. 3704197- 000003600 CLAIM N0: 45 EMPLOYER Crev of Owasso OFFICE .NO-- TULSA PROC. NO 70 .. LOCATION. EMPLOYEE B COOK INJURY DATE. 9/17(98 DEPARTMENT 90 -15 S.S. NO. , 3H6 M -8577 Speciaal Index lnity Tax Fund, WCC #99-- 9494F UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. ®0 CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER PAY SIX HUNDRED FORTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS - -- OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 2501 LINCOLN BLVD OKLAHOMA CITY, 0K 73194 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER PAY TWO HUNDRED TWENTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ,,,r f f "I i z i�F a UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. � CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER � Date of Service 5 /05/00 Thru 5/05/00 DATE AMOUNT 5/05/00,, *220.00 ACCOUNT NO, 37041997- 000003600 CLAIM NO, 45 EMPLOYER City of Owasso OKICL NQ. TULSA PROC. NO, io LOCATION 1 EMPLOYEE 6 COOK INJURY DATE 9/17;98 DEPARTMENT 90 -15 S.S. NC. 386.36-8577: Safety Fund, W/C Admin Fund, Self- insured Guaranty Fund, WCC #99-9494F UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER PAY TWO HUNDRED TWENTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ,,,r f f "I i z i�F a CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RLSOLU`hION NO 2000 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ADOPTING A POSITION REGARDING FUTURE TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS AT THE U.& HIGHWAY 169 AND 66" STREET NORTH INTERCHANGE, WHEREAS, the Ok lahorna Department of 'Transportation is- conducting an environmental review relating to the future traffic movement at the U.S. Highway 169 and 66''' Street North interchange; and, WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation is preparing construction design documents for the contemplated highway improvements on the 76 °i Street North and U.S. Highway 169 interchange; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso is interested in working with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to address transportation safety issues within the U.S. Highway 169 corridor; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso is concerned about the environmental, economic, and aesthetic impacts of the proposed transportation infrastructure work scheduled for the two highway interchanges, and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso supports citizens and business owners in the area of the interchange at U.S. Highway 169 and 66 "' Street North in their efforts to request modifications to the interchange. NOW, THERE, FORE,, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that the position of the Owasso City Council regarding the interchange at U.S. Highway 169 and 66 "' Street North is that all parties involved should explore ways to address safety issues and implement a plan to improve the intersection so that it may .remain open, and thereby reduce any adverse economic impact on the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, pledges to work with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to address all transportation issues within the U.S. Highway 169 corridor between and including the 66`h Street North and 76" Street North interchanges. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16 °i day of May, 2000 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. AT'T'EST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney H C Williams, Mayor MEMORANDUM To. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASS FROM. RONALD D CATES CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT- SURE TY BOND CLAIM DATE. May 11, 2000 BACKGROUND. Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the check from Mid -State Surety Corporation in the amount of $9100, representing payment in full for a claim filed against the surety company, and authorization for the Mayor to execute a Partial Release and .Assignment. .. i i ,� �r,,, 1. Correspondence to Mid -State Surety dated March 8, 2000 2. Correspondence form Mid -State dated April 25, 2000 3. Copy of check 4. Partial Release and Assignment E CEIVD RONALD n CATES MAR 10 2000 Attorney at Law Suitc 630, ParkCentrc 525 South Main Tulsa. Oklahoma 74103 1)13- 532 -7447 FAX 913 -532 -0166 March b, 2000 Carol J. Thorp Mid -State Surety Corporation 501 Riverside., Suite 101 Gurnee, IL 600' 1 In Re: City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Highway 169 Enhancement Landscaping phase I Project w Robinson Lawn mowing and Landscaping Dear Ms. Thorp: Please be advised that I serve as City Attorney for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. In such capacity there has been referred to me by officials of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, their claim on Maintenance Bond Number 572006 issued for Robinson Custom Landscaping by Mid - Mate Surety Corporation on the 16"' day of October, 1998. As you are aware, subsequent to the acceptance of the work performed by your principal, Jason Robinson d /b /a Robinson Custom Landscaping by the City Council on January 5, 1999, numerous deficiencies were encountered in the U.S. 169 Landscaping Phase I project between 76"' and 86`" Street North in Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. In that regard, due notification was given of such deficiencies within the one year time frame of the Maintenance Bond. For your review I am enclosing herewith documentation indicating the deficiencies and the reparations needed to correct such. I am aware that you have previously taken the position that the bonds issued by Mid -State Surety, in particular the Maintenance Bond Number 572006 issued in the amount of $14,999.00 is "worthless" by virtue of your company not being authorized to issue bonds in the State of Oklahoma. In regards to such position, I would urge you to consult your legal counsel concerning the correctness of such. Initially, it is without question that your attorney-in-fact Billy E. Bennet, Jr., of Springdale, Arkansas, did issue on behalf of your company the Maintenance Bond in question. I would submit that the commission of an unlawful act by virtue of issuance of a surety bond in a state wherein you are not authorized to issue such surety bonds does not provide a defense to the liability arising therefrom. Accordingly, it is my position that your company would be estoppel to deny liability arising under the Maintenance Bond. Therefore, please consider this as demand for immediate payment of the sums as set forth in the U.S. Highway 169 Landscaping Replacement Plantings Estimate at this time in the amount of $9,100.00. Failure to do so will result in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, taking any and all appropriate legal action against your company, your agent Billy E. Bennet, Jr., of Walker Brothers, Insurance, as well as the principal Jason Robinson d /b /a Robinsons Lawn Mowing and Landscaping to recover the sums lawfully due and owing unto it. I would anticipate that if litigation is necessary to resolve this matter the sums that might be ultimately determined to be due and owing unto the City of Owasso, considering the circumstances surrounding this Carol J. Thorp March 8, 2000 Page 2 controversy, quite possibly and in all likelihood would exceed the contract sure of $9,100.00 as it presently exists. YOU SHOULD GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDfN' lC /nhc cc: Larry Mitchell City Manager F. Robert Carr, P.E. City Engineer April 25, 2000 Ronald D. Cates Suite 680, ParkCentre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74-103 RE: Your Client: City of Owasso, Oklahoma Principal: Jason Robinson d/b/a Robinson Custom Landscaping Our Bond No.: 572006 Maintenance Bond/Highway 169/Landscaping Phase D Dear Mr. Cates: Please find enclosed our check in the amount of $9,100 for payment under our bond for the landscape replacement planting. Please find enclosed our Partial Release and Assignment to the extent of our payment. Please have the appropriate official execute the Partial Release and Assignment and return it to my attention. If you have any additional questions please advise. bmb/rjp Enclosure cc: Harold Recard N MINE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 TO THE CITY OF OWASSO ORDER OF: BY BY AUTHORIZED SIGNAT URES W102rmr.38W' 10007200009C310. LO?CL2 SV V 6 1 Received by Sherry Bishop, Finance Director, this day of May, 2000. 4se return to Ronald D. CAtes, City At torney, in the enclosed, self addressed & s7attped envelope. P I-- Mkb-State F PASS' Check No. 22 6 G 3 -3 Ij 102 Kercheval C h 1, D R t Grosse Pointe Farms, M1 48236 (313) 886-2200 DETACH STATEMENT BEFORE DEPOSITING ci t t b rl f I I klITEG N. 042700 042700 ROBINSON/57"20-06 S Mid State Surety Corporation COMERICA BANK 7 20 � Y1 102 Kercheval DETROIT, MICHIGAN CHECK NO. -0 ?86 6 38 jI Grosse Pointe Farms, M1 48236 0 (313) 886-2200 38633 9 104/27/00 PAY VOID IF NOT CASHED W 60 DAYS MINE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND 00/100 TO THE CITY OF OWASSO ORDER OF: BY BY AUTHORIZED SIGNAT URES W102rmr.38W' 10007200009C310. LO?CL2 SV V 6 1 Received by Sherry Bishop, Finance Director, this day of May, 2000. 4se return to Ronald D. CAtes, City At torney, in the enclosed, self addressed & s7attped envelope. PARTIAL RELEASE AND ASSIGNMENT IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of 9,100.00, by Mid.-State Surety Corporation the undersigned partially releases said company from all claims of any nature which the undersigned may have against said company as surety on bond covering the following contract: - Narne of Contractor, Jason Robinson d/b/a Robinson CUstom Landscaping Name of Obligee: City of Owasso, Oklahoma Description of Contract: Maintenance Bond/Highway 160 /Landscaping Phase D Date: go Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ day of Notary Public, State of NM 0 O: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ® .A SO FROM- SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BUDGET SUPPLEMENT DATE- May 12, 2000 The City has received a check for $9,100 from laid -State ,Surety Corporation for payment under a maintenance bond for their client, Robinson Custom Landscaping. The payment is for replacement of landscape plantings along US Highway 169 right of way. The landscaping project originated as a 'Transportation Enhancement project Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) three years ago. The landscaping was the City's 20% local match to federal funding for the highway fencing replacement. The $9,100 band payment must be used to replace the landscaping in order to fulfill the project agreement. A budget supplement is needed for the replacement project. RE COMMENDATION: ,Staff recommends Council approval of a supplement to the Capital Improvements Fund budget increasing revenues by $9,100 and increasing expenditures by $9,100, s To. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITE' COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM- PHIL LUT Z, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT" MANAGER SUBJECT. AWARD OF CONTRACT U.S. HIGHWAY 169 LANDSCAPING REPLACEMENT DATE - May 10, 2000 BACKGROUND- The original landscaping contract was awarded to Robinson Lawnmowing and Landscaping of Berryville, .Arkansas, in October 1998 (see attached site map) The work is part of the overall Highway 169 Enhancement project for fencing along Highway 169 between 76`h and 86ch Streets North installed by the Oklahoma Department of "transportation and landscaping provided by the City of Owasso. The landscaping work was accepted in January 1999 and a one-year maintenance bond was provided. During the several months following acceptance, many plants and trees began showing signs of distress due to lack of maintenance. Staff made numerous contacts (and attempts to contact) with Robertson with minimum response. Many plants died during the Summer due to lack of water. During this period, efforts to contact Robertson were fruitless as it appeared that the contractor was no longer in business. Lased on adjusted basic contract unit prices, the City Attorney filed a claim against the maintenance bond for replacing lost plants and trees in the amount of $9,100. These funds were. received from the bond surety in April 2000. Public Works proceeded to request bids for the replacement work (see attached scope of work). Bids were received from five contractors as follows: 1. Lenard's Great Outdoors $9,997.00 2. Nichols Landscaping, Inc. 9,423.00 3. Holland Landscape 6,947.00 4. Worley's Greenhouse and Nursery 6,836.00 (low bid) 5. Schaffner's Lawn Care Non Responsive FUNDING AND BID ANALYSIS: Funds are provided by the Capital Improvement Fund. REC®1VIMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval to award the U.S. Highway 169 Landscaping Replacement to Worley's Greenhouse and Nursery, Inc., in the amount of $6,836.00. ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Map 2. Scope of work HIGHWAY 169 ENHANCEMENT REPLACEMENT PLANTINGS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENrl I 86TH ST- PA. -V" z TH 85TH ca L LOTH Im ne Ell w 84-FH T o) 8 RD 3:— w U--T 6T (o 3 83R S co > 6TH Thi ;2 tj U !� 61 X815 nf I ST 80TH ui vi 79TH CT 2ND OTH 'N79TH ST cq T 1 ST ST 78 P H 0) 78TH 77TH PL isi "I 7T T 76TH 76TH S ADi PROJECT LOCATION J.S. HIGHWAY 169 LANDSCAPING Replacement Plantings Estimate Owasso Public Works Department May 1999 Item Description, Plants in Place (quantity Austrian Pine, 5 ft._. 6 ft. 24 2 Dwarf Crape Myrtle, 24."-30", Nana, Red 39 3 Nandina, 24 "-30'" 7 4. Juniper, One gallon j 42 5 Redbud, 2" caliper 2 6 Stake Existing 'Frees i 6 7 replace Croup Ar -ea Edging, lLF 465 8 Site Preparation, Each site 72 MEMORANDUM To. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO "ROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. FINAL PLAT Q IC TRIP COMMERCIAL CENTER #2R DATE- May 11, 2000 The City of Owasso has received a request from QuickTrip Corporation to review a final plat for QuickTrip Commercial Cantor #2R, The new QuickTrip site is located on the south side of E. 76" Street loo east of the Owasso Expressway. The site is currently occupied by The Owasso Veterinary Clinic. The proposed final plat contains a single lot on 1,5 acres, more or less. The requirement for preliminary plat approval has been waived due to the fact the plat is for a single site and there are no unresolved issues, Staff recommends approval of the final plat for QuickTrip Commercial Center #2R IN1.1 05-11-00 07:38am From- 0 K L A H 0 M A MARK COLEMAN OEPARTmENT Of ENVIRONWNTAL OUA(IrY Executive Director OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY T-880 P 02/05 F-048 Mr. Robert Carr, Public Works Director City of Owalsso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74-065-0180 Ro. Permit No. SL000072000432 Qulk Trip Commercial Center (0wasso Comm, Center 11) Sower Line Extension S-21310 E KEATING Doverrm Enclosed is Permit No. SL 007200043 for the construction of 862 linear feet of eight ( 8) inch PVC plus 40 linear feet of eight (8) inch DIP plus all appurtenances to serve the Quik Trip Commercial Center (Owasso Comm. Center 111 sower line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. -rho project aithorized by this permit should bo constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on May 8, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in The minutes of the next regular meating of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining ono (1) set for our files. MZIMEMZ� Ft�cl<y Ch E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division fflffgrf . C, Steve A. Powell, P.E., DeShazo, Tang & Associates, Inc. Wayne Craney, P,E., WPC Section Manager, DEQ Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ McAlester DEQ Office U5 -II -00 OT ; 38am F r om- T-BBO P 03/05 F-048 POU"it No. SL000072000,432 I 05 -11-00 07:38am From- MARK COLEMAN Executive Director W — 0 K l A H 0 M A NPAAPMENY OF ENVIAONMENTA, OVALRY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY T -880 P 04/05 F ®048 FRANK KFARNG Governor Petvnix Noo SL000072000432 SEWER UNES S- 2.f310 Pr--'RMrT TO CONSTRUCT 6) That the Oklahoma 0epartrnent of Environmental Quality shall be inept informod of 00t urrences wNc h may affect. the eventual performance of the works or that will iAnduly delay the progress Of the projects 7) That the p+orrnittee will take steps to assure that the connection of Metres services to the sewers is done in such a manner that the functioning of the sewers gill not be impaired and that oarth and ground water will be exclud ®d from the sewers when the rranncction is completed° 10) The issuance of this Permit does not relieve the responsible parties of any obligations or liabilities which the perrrlittee may be under pursuant to prior enforcement action takon by the Department. 0 PWW on socycm PqW VAN a" W* 05-11-00 DT:Ham From- T-880 P 05/05 F-048 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT S-21310 14) That whon it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical Separation as stipulated in Water Pollution Control Construction Standards OAG 252-655-9-1(f) and OAC 252.655-9-1(g), respectiveIN/, the sewer shall be designed and constructed equal to water pipe, and shall be pressure tested to the highest pressure obtainable under the rno-9t severe head conditions of the collection system prior to backfilling in accordance with Water Pollution Construction Standard OAC 252:655-9- 1 (h), Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit in wdfinq within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions or provisions, HA Thung, P.E., Engineeri�nMaAger, 6WSRF /Con strur,!J n PerrniiSection Water Quality Divipion PrWad on m%v*d poor wh my irk Q. -iii C AL PLAT ikTri p Comme"rcial Center #2R A TRRZF CF LAM THAT IS FIMT CF TK waenr—%%T WAMM M/4y CF TsE WMM /a➢ CF =CN 5' M N FMGE 14 EAST OF THE ROM RME MEIMM C" ar M= i.L.-A Cik, STATE � (adalrcnca �ap ®U= OF ACCM ® MWT FM AM$ asnrro THE ��� ® I P f Im Si f A CHM= am am fw..ZwaL AT 7m grATE OF T� SL)MMARY OF QUANTMFS I- �-- A- ON -SITE & 12,M-11l ACT INELvDB F'ONREMSCN OF ,w 5$ RELirteu TO VERIFY LOCAT01, AA RA.AILE. STORE CAN— DICN DEPTH AND SIZE OF 12' WATER BE DFIVII-ED V PW PRIER TO INSTALLATION, Asv ITT 2�K -T"` SIGN 'D CANOPY MATCH EMSTING CURB A A o- I W/ C NEDTT CARD PANEL NEW CURB AND GUTTER 1 POLE S. 30`1"NEW CONC. ENTRY 1, NEIZ. Fm "N T LAYOUT PLAN 20 s0 O DO "Q -TER L1c a FOR LA- 6 11 BI 7� FBI P C. PIPE tR POLE LkGHT Pal LIGHT -T FIXTURE R25, G,O. 0.,R6) ENTRY SEE D DETAIL Ow, x,I,IIT LA�. , A— CONNECT NEW is' R-C - POPE to c=sTNG PIPE ,T, Co", COLLAR AT ELSV. BROWN ON GRADM PLAN R25, (,_o. ajM NOTES- ) HANDICAP R�'G BONS SHALL BE CENTERED ON E .ANDICAPPED PARNIND STALLS. SIGNS SHALL ArE THE INTERNATIONAL SYNT OF ACCESSIBILITY ON THE. AND ONE DION A� TIE STATEMENT '"N ACCESSIBLE' BELOW �E SMSOt- OF ACCESBIOI.TY, SOITI, I, , �ALL BE A MMUM OF 60' AND A OF 12' A.0I/E I TB BICE WAU, 2 ) THE UTILITY LOCATIONS REPRIESIDITED ON 1,11 DRAINING WERE COUPIUED FROM BOTH FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND R`rDRAA"O4 FROM VAATWS UPUTY COMPANIES. CONTRACTOR BNALL CONTACT THE —WS UTILITY COMPANIES AND ME -E ONE-CALL SYSTEM IN ORDER TO 1 R LOCATIONS PRIOR TO C STRDCTON 3) SE' LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR LOCATION Ol' THE I' PVC P C UNDER ENTRY AREAS FOR LAWN IRRIGATION PIRDII, 4) SEE GRADING PLAN FOR DETAILS OF THE ST BEV<R SYSTEM AND SITE ONA,,N, 5) LOCATION 0" LARGE INDLE SION (E) IS To BE DMIRMINED BY OT RESRRESENTAIRW AM SON CWPANY RERRESENTAD . SYL"8OL DC�=ATTON SIGN LEGEND DESCRIPTION 8' � 6" BASE PLATE MT., 4" TUB' STEEL AA RA.AILE. STORE CAN— DICN WOUNTIWG POST 76• a -T"` SIGN 'D CANOPY A A o- I W/ C NEDTT CARD PANEL 1 NOTES- ) HANDICAP R�'G BONS SHALL BE CENTERED ON E .ANDICAPPED PARNIND STALLS. SIGNS SHALL ArE THE INTERNATIONAL SYNT OF ACCESSIBILITY ON THE. AND ONE DION A� TIE STATEMENT '"N ACCESSIBLE' BELOW �E SMSOt- OF ACCESBIOI.TY, SOITI, I, , �ALL BE A MMUM OF 60' AND A OF 12' A.0I/E I TB BICE WAU, 2 ) THE UTILITY LOCATIONS REPRIESIDITED ON 1,11 DRAINING WERE COUPIUED FROM BOTH FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND R`rDRAA"O4 FROM VAATWS UPUTY COMPANIES. CONTRACTOR BNALL CONTACT THE —WS UTILITY COMPANIES AND ME -E ONE-CALL SYSTEM IN ORDER TO 1 R LOCATIONS PRIOR TO C STRDCTON 3) SE' LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR LOCATION Ol' THE I' PVC P C UNDER ENTRY AREAS FOR LAWN IRRIGATION PIRDII, 4) SEE GRADING PLAN FOR DETAILS OF THE ST BEV<R SYSTEM AND SITE ONA,,N, 5) LOCATION 0" LARGE INDLE SION (E) IS To BE DMIRMINED BY OT RESRRESENTAIRW AM SON CWPANY RERRESENTAD . SYL"8OL DC�=ATTON SIGN LEGEND DESCRIPTION 8' � 6" BASE PLATE MT., 4" TUB' STEEL AA RA.AILE. STORE CAN— DICN WOUNTIWG POST M BUILDING a -T"` SIGN 'D CANOPY A A o- I W/ C NEDTT CARD PANEL P -wB POLE S. < ON -SITE AREA SS 7,909.34 1.56 ACRE S.F. .F. (1.56 ACRE .F. (1.56 ACRE MA 20 s0 O DO "Q 5�- -WARD POSTS -0. SINGLE CRATED MAIN RILET-J L2-ARM poLELZw.7- """ "" -�-1 - nxnm v/ S�Ec. P 8- R.C. PIPE FREEZELESS YARD 3/4" 0 WATER LINE 4' THICK CONIC- SLAB SEE PLAN MEW THIS SHT, F /2' C XP KNNT SEE QETA,R -A- CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER V1/2 Cy GRAVEL AIR ..QQMERESSOR AND FREEZLESS YAP HYDRANT PA12 - EIEVATION/SECTIO 2 SASE PLATE 3/4' ANCHOR BOLTS 96 RESAR VERTICAL W1 9-3 RESAR� TIES 0 PIPE 2' D.C. DRAIN PJNCTIOM BOX V-o. ANCHOR BOLTS & 2" HOPE PlPE =-.-A PROVIDED BY LIGHT 'I�E SUPPLIER 0', SINGLE GRATED DRAIN INLET AN-CHOR BOLT TFMPLAT71: 95' R.C. PIPE 4'-6. C. R FROM F/C OR 78'-8 A..OLE LEVELING NUTS S_ CLR FROM SIDEWALK (F I' CHAMFER 47' EXPOSED ===:X 24' C.Ej. CONCRETE, FILL -I'S ANI R.. FINISH GRADE OR SIDEWALK 41— 4' I.D. MANHOLE 1�- I.C. PIPE PVC C cI ONDUIT L e_ll _J, E2—F -LD1QULBAS DETLiL 0 "ORA X-rOQE C"E7 t A. IOD; I Z OIAND- 0 g lal mx QT #2R SrM PLAN I 7 RAMP -T 4(. C A SOP-8, SEE m 65' 1 ,IOIINT KAN a ]UI=T RIS -5 24' 1,- T-T Y. 12.000 cAlls 31-0" 2 � 'CED V SEC RECyr. I MI 55'-6" 4- HOPE PIPE FOR ROOF ORAEN 1 FOR R, 3 4' 2-ARU POLE UGNT nx'Un pppp 1DO'-7" w/ aza RECEPT. sq,-7' Ills! 0. 9'-6' R6' -5° R4' 5' T .... R.C. . C ,Pc R5, 25** 7' is 6 • 5• 1. L41 6-1 = = = = — — IT' 15" R.C. PIPE 12'-S* SINGLE CRATED MAIN RILET-J L2-ARM poLELZw.7- """ "" -�-1 - nxnm v/ S�Ec. P 8- R.C. PIPE FREEZELESS YARD 3/4" 0 WATER LINE 4' THICK CONIC- SLAB SEE PLAN MEW THIS SHT, F /2' C XP KNNT SEE QETA,R -A- CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER V1/2 Cy GRAVEL AIR ..QQMERESSOR AND FREEZLESS YAP HYDRANT PA12 - EIEVATION/SECTIO 2 SASE PLATE 3/4' ANCHOR BOLTS 96 RESAR VERTICAL W1 9-3 RESAR� TIES 0 PIPE 2' D.C. DRAIN PJNCTIOM BOX V-o. ANCHOR BOLTS & 2" HOPE PlPE =-.-A PROVIDED BY LIGHT 'I�E SUPPLIER 0', SINGLE GRATED DRAIN INLET AN-CHOR BOLT TFMPLAT71: 95' R.C. PIPE 4'-6. C. R FROM F/C OR 78'-8 A..OLE LEVELING NUTS S_ CLR FROM SIDEWALK (F I' CHAMFER 47' EXPOSED ===:X 24' C.Ej. CONCRETE, FILL -I'S ANI R.. FINISH GRADE OR SIDEWALK 41— 4' I.D. MANHOLE 1�- I.C. PIPE PVC C cI ONDUIT L e_ll _J, E2—F -LD1QULBAS DETLiL 0 "ORA X-rOQE C"E7 t A. IOD; I Z OIAND- 0 g lal mx QT #2R SrM PLAN I 7 MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. REZONING AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REQUEST OZ-00-05, OPIJD-19 DATE- May 10, 2000 ftl��V W OPUD- 19 was, also, unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. Staff concurs with that recommendation. A copy of the staff report for OZ-00-05 & OPLJD-19 is attached for your information and review. Separate action will be required on each request, with action occurring on the zoning first, followed by the Planned Unit Development. R ,COMMENDATIONS OZ- -00 -05 Staff recommends approval of 02--00 --059 rezoning the subject property frorn AG to OM (212 acres), RD (16.9 acres) and RS -3 (40.2 acres). OPUD -19 Staff rccommc nds approval of OPUID -19 subject to conditions of approval, ATTACHMENTS 1. Subject Trap 2. Staff report for OZ- 00-05 & OPUD -19 Surrounding Zoning CONCEPT OF A PUD The concept behind a planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to a conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control, and a detailed plan (Outline Development plan) for the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public input and review. The PUD allows for greater creativity and flexibility than could be achieved by traditional zoning in the planning and development of large parcels of land. The use of a PUTS technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a cornPlete, coordinated plan of develo meat for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances of the zoning regulations. BACKGROUND Planned Unit Development #19 is 80.3 acres in size, all of which is undeveloped. Currently, the entire tract is zoned ACS (Agriculture) and was annexed by the City of Owasso in March of this year. The subject property is located on the north side of E. 106th Street N. between Ganrnett Road and Mingo Road. The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The PUD application is accompanied by a zoning application (OZ- 00 -05). The plan and text call for the development of 36 acres of single - family residential with RS-3 (Residential Single Family, High Density) development, 14.2 acres of RD (Residential Duplex) development, 19.3 acres of OM (Office Medium Intensity) development and 10.8 acres of park/open space. Staff is proposing a concurrent review of OPUD -19 and OZ- 00 -05. STAFF ANALYSIS The Zoning Code identifies that the .Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and shall determine: I. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. 'Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of the surrounding areas. 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD Ordinance. a. Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. Hermit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site, c. Provide and preserve meaningful open space, d. Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property to be developed as low - intensity residential accommodating greenway /pedestrian trail. The southerly 19.3 acres are designated as office, the middle 19.3 acres of the PUD will be developed as single- fatiiily detached residential and the northern portion of the site, adjacent to the Owasso Sports Complex is planned 14.2 acres of single - family duplex. It is staffs opinion that the residential portions of this PUD plan are in line with the Comprehensive Plan. Although the Plan does not call for office uses on the north side of 13. 106th Street N., it did call for an extensive area of commercial /office along the south side of tlic road. Since the approved PU® development plan for the Lakes at Bailey Ranch does not utilize the entire area allotted by the Comprhensivc Plan as commercial /office, it is staffs opinion this use is appropriate and does not significantly deviate from the spirit of the Plan. arApony_ fth xistin d Expec �r�l! ted e npgt There has been a trend with new development in the Owasso area toward more mixed - use developments. The area of the subject property is just such a case with the previouly mentioned Lakes at Bailey Ranch as well as Dale acres, which has a mixture of residential uses. It is staffs opinion that development which would be permitted with both the requested underlying zoning as well as the proposed PUD, would be consistent with existing and expected development. Le ah Planning end �i�e n in�e� °i� The applicant has provided two on -site lakes within the natural drianage way on the site, as well as significant greenway /park adjacent to the lakes and through the site. A detailed drainage report is recommended for this development at the time of platting. The open space is, apparently, in line with the Comprehensive Plan's call for greenway /pedestrian trail in this area. The Development Plan does not address the pedestrian trail issue. Staff would recommend the requirement of a trail system related to the greenway and extending through the site. Staff would also recommend the inclusion of a sidewalk along E. 106th Street N. in addtion to the required internal sidewalk system. Vehicular circulation is well planned with a single boulevard entrance on to E. 106th Street N. and a stub -out for connection with future deveeopment to the east. Staff would recommend the applicant consider a future connection to the west, also. Unified Treatment of the PUD Subiecct Area The applicant has effectively utilized the project site and its existing natural features. The creation of lakes and the associated open space within the primary natural drainageway will be a valuable amenity for the neighborhood. The Outline Development Plan does not address lot layout and secondary circulation patterns. It should be noted at this time, the solutions regarding these issues should meet the standards of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. Staff recommends no flag lots be permitted. RECOMMENDATION OZ -00 -05 It is staffs opinion that OZ-00 -05 is consistent, in spirit, with the Comprehensive Flan and the Amendments Chapter of the Zoning Code. Staff recommends approval of OZ- 0005, rezoning the subject property from AG to Old (23.2 acres), RD (16.9 acres) and RS-3 (40.2 acres). OPUD -19 It is staffs opinion that OPUD -19 is consistant with the Comprhensive Plan and the Planned Unit Development portion of the Owasso Zoning Code. Staff recommends approval of OPUD -19 subject to the following conditions: That the applicant's Development Text and Outline Development Plan be considered the Outline Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Owasso Zoning Code. 2. That within OP - 19, the maximum number of development units shall not exceed 335. 3. That the applicant address lot configuration, secondary vehicular circulation, and pedestrian circulation at the time of site plan review. . 4. That sidewalks be required along E. 106th Street N. That a trail system be required throughout the greenway as required by the Comprehensive Plait. 6. That a detailed drainage report, certified by an engineer, be required at the time of platting. 7. That no flag lots be permitted within this development. 8. That the reference on page 6 of the PUD text pertaining to a Lein being placed on a homeowner's "personal property" be changed to "real property ". 9. That minor transfers (10% increase in a development area's density) of dwelling units from one form of residential development area to another can occur if a significant change in the character of the either development area is not created. 10. That no building permits be issued within any portion of the PUD until all criteria oulined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the developer. 11. That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory Committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the PUD. 12. All covenants of any subdivision plat containing properly within the PUD shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. 1.3. That acceleration /deceleration lanes be required on E. 106th Street N. 140 Detailed landscaping plans (type, species, size, location, and irrigation) shall be required to be submitted with site plans of any office development. Said plans will reviewed by staff and must be approved by the Manning Commission, 15. That sidewalks be provided as set required by section 3.4 "Sidewalks" of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. ATTACHMENTS MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM® DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT ZONING RE, UES`r OZ-00-06 DATE- May 10, 2000 r?. > 0 Theresa Spears has requested approval of a rezoning application. The subject property is 1.88 acres, more or less, and is located at the northeast corner of E. 96th Street N. and N. Garnett Road. The applicant is requesting rezoning on the parcel of land from AC (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). If approved, the rezoning would allow for the development of general commercial uses such as retail, office, and services. For a detailed listing of permitted uses within the CG zoning district, please refer to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 610. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at their May 9, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of OZa-00 -06. At that meeting, there was no citizen comment regarding this application. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from AG (Agricultural) to CG (Commercial General). 1. Subject Map 2. Staff Deport for OZ -00 -06 BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT- Theresa Spears, Owner RE QUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. Rezoning from AG (.Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is 1.$8 acres, more or less, and is located at the northeast corer of E. 96th Street N. and N. Garrett Road, A complete legal description is attached for your information and review. EXISTING LAND USE- The subject property is currently undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE. The subject property is bound on the north, east and south by undeveloped and rural residential, To the 'west is a Phillips 66 station and El Rio Vista Subdivision. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments, Chapter 6 "Commercial District Provisions ", and the Owasso 2010 Comprehensive Plan. SITE INFORMATION- No unusual development hardships are noted. The applicant is requesting rezoning on a parcel of land approximately 7.88 acres in area from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). The Comprehensive Plan shows this area as medium intensity commercial. It is staff s opinion that rezoning the subject property to CG is entirely in line with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is unprepared, at this time, to state a proposed use for the subject property. It should be noted, that prior to development of the site, a site plan must be submitted for review and approval. The potential uses within the CG (Commercial General) zoning district are retail and services, office, cultural and recreational, gasoline sales and automotive services, restaurants, off street parking and outdoor advertising and hotel and motel. For a detailed listing of permitted uses within the zoning district, please refer to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 610. As required by the Owasso .Zoning Code, Chapter 2, Section 250, a six foot high screening wall or Icnce will be required at the time of development. A detail of the wall or fence design will be required at the time of Site Plan review. Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 24, 2000 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on .April 27, 2000. Copies of each have been attached for you information and review, Additionally, the subject property was posted on April 27, 2000. Staff has not received any phone calls regarding this rezoning. RE COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request from .ACC- (Agricultural) to CG (Commercial General). ATTACHMENTS 1. Rezoning Application 2. Location/Zoning leap 3. Legal Description 4. Letter of Notification for OZ- -00 -06 5. Legal Notification for OZ -00-06 FEE SCHEDULE 0- ®99 acres 75 1- 4 ®99 acres 100 5°19 ®99 acres 150 20 acres & above 200 CITY OF OWASSO 0z° 1f applicant is ether than owner, please indicate interest, (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) do hereby ce that e information herein submitted is complete, true and accurate® sned® -- Address: APPLICANT - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Date Received® _ - - Seca Twpo - -- Rga ee Receipt No ®® Date.- Vote: -taff Recommendations °dinance No. City Council Action: Vote-. & TITLE COMPANY, TULSA, OKLA� JDMA ,Abotrarf of 'Tifle Im 3eZ:1r�aIng 594 feet West of the Northeast Corner of the South Half --(-,'i-)—o-f--t—he--Sout—hwe--s-t-Q-U-ar—t-er-- —(SW� )' of �Ee —Southwest Quzi-riE�e--CN7� I'—;t—hen—ce —West i26 feet; thence' South -660 feet; thence East 326.7 feet; thence North - thence g300q_ feet thence East�399e3 feet North 360 feet to the Point of Beginning, of Section Seventeen (Li � ,Township Twenty-one (21) North, Range.Fourteen (14) East,- of the Indian Base and Meridian, -- Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U. S. �`oV-e—rnm-ent Survey thereof, LESS & EXCEPT. the West 1 South 16.5 feet of the East 310.2 feet of the West 7v N feet thereof for road jpLur 'go,ses._ MARY ANN MORIARTY SECRETARY I 01 (D (D m (D N 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 V" 0 C, ity of Owasso NO DICE 'ro PROPERTY OWNER OZ-00-06 The above described tract of land contains 7.88 acres, and is located on the north side of E 96"' Street N and the east side of Garnett Road. To be considered is a rezoning All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Comn-iission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the reconn-nendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Director. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request, If you are unable to attend this meetin] plcasc forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Commission mcmbers at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hail, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -22510 This is your only personal- notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 20' day of April, 2000, Donna Sorrells City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the -ApEll 27, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter® Please send Proof of Publication to- City of Owasso ATTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74-055 Please bill publication costs to. Theresa Spears 9709 N. Garnett Road Owasso, OK 74055 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSE D ANIENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASS09 OKLAHOMA ® OZ-00-06 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9th day of April, 2000. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the change of the zoning classification of die following dpersocproij property: FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) to CG (GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in pail, by the Owasso planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law, The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission ission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time d place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Connnunity Development Director. . A snap showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City lull, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-225 ° Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 20'h day of April, 2000. 1�o a Sore °ells City Planner MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OFOWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT, REZONING REQUEST OZ -00-07 DATE. May 9, 2000 BACKGROUND Charney & Charney have requested approval of a rezoning application. The subject property totals 10 acres, more or less, and is located at the northwest corner of E. 36th Street N. and N. Mingo Load. The applicant is requesting a rezoning fifom ACS (agriculture) to CG (Commercial General), 2.5 acres, and CS (Shopping Center), T5 acres. If approved, the rezoning would allow for the development of general commercial uses such as retail, office and services, for a detialed listing of permitted uses within the CCU and CS zoning districts, please refer to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 610. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at their May 9, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of OZ- 00-07. At that meeting, there was no citizen comment regarding this application. 1. Subject Map 2. Staff Report for ®Z -00-07 U. 0 SUBJ:oz-�--�--0?0-!OL7 T ECT Ty PS:Z: PROPERTY ""FT m Iff M 9-1-1 Im, BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT. David E. Charney, Agent REQUESTED ACTION AND PU POSEa A request for rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General), 2.5 acres, and CS (Shopping Center), 7.5 acres. LOCATION AND SIZE- The subject property totals 10 acres, more or less, and is located at the northwest corner of E. 96th Street N. and N. Mingo Road. A complete legal description of the subject property is attached for your information and review. EXISTING LAND USE. The subject property is currently undeveloped. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: The Zoning Code for the City of Owasso, Chapter 15 "Amendments ", Chapter 6 "Commercial District Provisions ", and the Owasso 2010 Comprehensive Plan. SITE INFORMATION: No unusual development hardships are noted. The applicant is requesting rezoning on a parcel of land approximately 10 acres in area from AG (.Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General), 2.5 acres, and CS (Shopping Center), 7.5 acres. A rezoning of this property to commercial uses is entirely in line with normal development procedures at major intersections. The Comprehensive Plan calls for this site to be developed commercial surrounded by school and low density residential. It is staffs opinion that rezoning this property to CG /CS is constent with the Comprehensive Plan. The potential uses, allowed by right, within the CG (Commercial General) zoning district are retail, trades and services, office, cultural and recreational, gasoline sales and automotive services, restaurants, off - street parking and outdoor advertising and hotel and motel. The CS (Shopping Center) zoning district allows for all of the above except trades and associated services and drive -in restaurants. For a detailed listing of permitted uses within the zoning district, please refer to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 610. Prior to development of the site, a site plan roust be submitted for review and approval. As required by the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 2, Section 250, a six foot high screening wall or fence will be required at the time of development. A detail of the wall or fence design will be required at the time of Site Flan review. Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 24, 2000 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on April 27, 2000. Copies of each have been attached for you information and review. Additionally, the subject property was posted on April 27, 2000. Staff has not received any phone calls regarding this rezoning. 3 Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request fi °orn AG (Agficulture) to CG (Commercial General) and CS (Commercial Shopping). 1. Rezoning Application 2. Location/Zoning Map 3. Legal Description 4. Letter of Notification for OZ -00 @07 5. Legal Notification for OZ -00 -07 gal Description of Tract under Application-. (If by metes, and bounds, attach plat of survey) See attached applicant is other than owner, please indicate interest-. (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) 11 advertising and sign charges to: Charn & Charn (name) Box 240 Owasso_, OK 74055 272-5338 Address) (phone) ` -e Received: Sec® Twp® Rg® -a Receipt No.® IC Recommendation: City Council Action: ,Ite-. Vote: Date: Vote-.-- toff Recummendation2 dinance No. SCHEDULE CITY OF OWASSO 010 acres 9 75 0.99 acres 100 APPLICATION FOR REZONING 0Z- 19.99 acres 150 acres & above 200 ;eral Location.. -- -SELF q J4 _Lj=2L -13' is Cgu 9 h ST. 19� in�o ,sent Zoning Present Use:— vacant land o p o s e d Zoning. CS and QG Proposed Use2 unknown gal Description of Tract under Application-. (If by metes, and bounds, attach plat of survey) See attached applicant is other than owner, please indicate interest-. (purchaser, lessee, agent for, other) 11 advertising and sign charges to: Charn & Charn (name) Box 240 Owasso_, OK 74055 272-5338 Address) (phone) ` -e Received: Sec® Twp® Rg® -a Receipt No.® IC Recommendation: City Council Action: ,Ite-. Vote: Date: Vote-.-- toff Recummendation2 dinance No. u. I I EXHIBIT T 21 N R 13 E Loqqtlon_map 1'-4000' Benchmark su 1040 W01 COUNTRY CLUB CLAREMORE ' OKLAHOMA QA, NO, 2238 and Land Services, Inc. f -j9- 'HONE: 18) 341.&m7 FAX: (918) 341-2699 UR DATE 6/30199 4A,`. 051 11 M�N A TRACT OF LAND SIT'UATED IN THE SOUTIffiAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF ITIE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST, OF THE, I. & & M., TULSA couNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. LEI -NG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, THE SOUTH 329.09 FEET OF'f'H-E EAST 32823 FEET OF THE, SOUTH HALF (S/2) OF TIM EAST HALF (E/2) OF THE SOUT14EAST QUARTER (S /4) OF THE SOUTH-EAST QUARTER (S ,/4), SAID TRACT CONTAPqNG 2.5 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 10 178 zoning legal.doc 04/24/00 sas A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (S /4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 13, TOWNSI-HP 21 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST, OF THE T. B. & M., -fULSA COUNTY, s'rATE OF OKLAHOMA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESC AS FOLLOWS - THE SOIJTH I-IALF (S/2) OF THE EAST HALF (E/2) OF -ME SOT NTH EAST QUAD -ITE'R (SE/4) OF TTIE SOtJT-flF,,ASI'Q-CJARrE-R LESS AND EXCEPT 10 178 zonftig legal.doc 04/2•/00 sas 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 II 74055 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER -00 -07 r Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Conunission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9" day of March, 2000° At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Charney Charney, went for the owner, for a proposed change of zoning classification frorn ACS (Agriculture) to CG (General Commercial) and CS (Shopping "enter), which would allow for commercial development of the property- described as follows: ALONG WITH above The described contains 10.0 acres, and is located on the north side of Mingo Street N and the west side of Road. # be ' • e d is a rezoning All persons interested in this platter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or argLiments for any or all of the above matters. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 20' play of April, 2000. 9 Donna S®rells Please publish the following legal advertisement in the Aprcil Z7, X000 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso AT loo Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. Theresa Spears 9709 N. Garnett Road Owasso, OK 74055 Fal, all "PLICATION'. .'OZ-00-07 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 9th day of April, 2000. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: FROM AG (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) to CG (GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) AND CS (SHOPPING CENTER WISTRICT) TRACTCONTAINING 2.5 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALONG WITH All persons interested in, this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Cormnission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Director. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the i ro V. reo; Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 20" day ®f April, 2000. ba S®rrells City Planner ATI� -11s I° ,1i TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OIL O ASSO FROM. . NNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ENT PUD-20 DATE- l ay 9., 2000 BACKGROUND Forest Creep Business Park, L.L.C. has requested approval of a Manned Emit Development application, Currently the tract is zoned CG (Commercial General). 'The subject property is located not of E 76th Street ITT on the unrest side of the Owasso Expressway, 'The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would retain the CG (Commercial General) underlying zoning and be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the development of the 4-/-6.5 acre parcel as a business park with 15 buildings ranging in size from 1,800 to 6,500 square feet. Staff recommends approval of OP -20 subject to the conditions of approval. 1. Subject Map 2. Staff Report for OPUD -20 �e OWASSO EXPRESSWAY 0 ul ", g CONCEPT OF A PUD The concept behind a Manned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to a conventional development 'where a particular tract is under common ownership or control, and a detailed plan (Outline Development Plan) for the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public input and review, The PUD allows for greater creativity and flexibility than could be achieved by traditional zoning in the planning and development of large parcels of land. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a c�gmplete � coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances of the zoning regulations. BACKGROUND Planned Knit Development #20 is 6.5 acres, more or less in size, all of which is undeveloped. Currently the tract is zoned CC (Commercial General). The subject property is located north of l 76th Street N on the west side of the Owasso Expressway. The applicant is requesting approval of PUD supplemental zoning on the subject tract that would retain the CG (Commercial General) underlying zoning and be developed in accordance with a submitted Outline Development Plan and Text. The plan and text call for the development of the +/ -6.5 acre parcel as a business parr with 15 buildings ranging in size from 1,800 to 6,500 square feet. The Toning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and shall determine: l . Whether the PUD is consistant with the Compi-chensive Plan. 2. Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of the surrounding areas. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. Whether the PUD is consistant with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD Ordinance. a. Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. Permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c. Provide and preserve meaningful open space; d. Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. The Comprehensive Plan designates a portion of the subject property to be developed as Commercial /Office while the majority of the site is proposed to be Park/Recreational. Given the existing uses surrounding the subject property, and the proximity of Rayola Park to the site, it is staffs opinion that the community would not be adversely affected if the site is developed as a complement to the existing uses. As stated previously, the surrounding land uses include Commercial and Light Industrial, primarily, and the area which is zoned RM -1 is currently the location of the Owasso Public Schools bus barn and maitenance facility. 'fhc intention of the applicant is to provide commercial buildings to service small businesses. ']'he buildings and grounds will be maintained by means of an association, which will upkeep the property and landscaping around each building and the common areas. It is staffs opinion that the proposed PUD would be consistent with existing and expected development. Staff has received two phone calls regarding this PUD application. Both asking what the development would be and neither having negative comments regarding the application. RECQMMEJ1DArr>0N OPUD-20 It is staffs opinion that OPUD -20 is consistent with the Planned Unit Development portion of the Owasso Zoning Code and, while not entirely consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (which shows this particular site as park), does follow the spirit of the Comprehensive Plan for the area. Staff recommends approval of OPUD-20 subject to the f ®llowint conditions: 1. o That all requirements of an Outline .Development Plan as required by the PUD Chapter of the Zoning Code be met at the time of the submission of the Final Site Plan for site plan review. Development Text should also meet all requirements and be resubmitted at that time. 2. That a detailed drainage report, certified by an engineer, be submitted at the time of platting. 3. That sidewalks be required fi °om buildings to parking and building to building within the interior of the PUD. 4. That the Final Site Plan meet all requirements of Chapter 10, Off - Street Parking, of the Owasso Zoning Code. 5. That all conditions imposed by the Owasso Technical Advisory committee for subdivision plat approval be met as conditions of the P 6. That no building permits be issued within the PUD until all criteria outlined within Chapter 8 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations are met by the developer. 7. That all covenants of the subdivision plat of the PUD property shall incorporate all PUD standards and conditions of approval and make the City of Owasso beneficiary. To- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGE SUBJECT. CD G -SMALL Cams SET -ASIDE PROGRAM LETTER OF INTEN'r DATE- May 5, 2000 BACKGROUND- In 1997, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce /Office of Community Development (ODOC /OCD) established under the Community Development dock Grant (CDBG) Program a three -year (1997, 1998, and 1999) community development demonstration program for communities with populations between 1 5,000 and 50,000. This program has been extended one more year to all eligible communities under the FY 2000 CDG program, In order for the City of Owasso to participate in the FY" 2000 CDBG -Small Cities program, a Letter of Intent signed by the Mayor must be submitted to the State of Oklahoma Department of Commerce no later than May 30, 2000. Upon receipt of the letter, ODOC /OCD will forward application forms and INCOG would provide the grant administrator services to the City of Owasso. Before the application is submitted, a minimum of one formal public hearing will be required to obtain citizen input regarding the intended use of the funds toward any project. VAen the City of Owasso was initially notified that we would be eligible to participate in this year's program in January of this year, staff has reviewed the possibilities of utilizing the funds toward the Main Street improvements. Historically, ADA concerns and improvements to pedestrian accessibility have been looked upon favorably to receive funding and as you are aware, curb and gutter as well as sidewalk replacement are items that will be addressed with the scheduled Main Street improvements. Additional information regarding the CDBG ®Small Cities Program is attached for your information and review. Staff recommends Council approval of the City of Owasso�s participation in the FY 2000 CDB -Small Cities Program, directing staff to draft a Letter of Intent to participate in the program, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the letter. ATTACHMENTS: 1,Y 2000 CDBG-.Small Cities Program Information STAI V OPOK LA[ IONIA 'XX) Noilh Sit lc, Avcijoc/V 0. 1 iox 26990 DvVAM MEN I Okl;ihmim City. Okhjhoitia 73126 (Y)HO U.S.A. ol, COMMEW F f d: (405) HIS -6512 Fax: (405) X I 5 199 January 28, 2,000 'imothy Rooney, Interim City Manager City of Owasso 207 South Cedar P. 0, Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. Rooney: Thank you for your recent letter advocating that the City of Owasso be accepted to participate in the Small Cities set-aside in the FY 2000 CDBG State Plan. Thank you for interest in the CDBG program. Sincerely, Brenda Williams Agency Deputy Director Office of Community Developnient BW/pn Enclosures Proposed State Plan, FOR ADMINISIR-A TIONOF THESMALL CIT[ES COMMUNITY DE VEL OPMENT BL 0 CK G- WANT (CDB G) Fiscal Year 2000 KA m NO UNA MK wo Small Cities Set aside In 1997 the Department established a thi- eemyear corrim Unity development demonstration program for communities with populations between 15,000 and 50,000. The program will be extended one more year to all eligible communities dander the FY'2000 program. Comi-yruri-ities with a 1998 census population update of 15,000 to 50,000 which are currently not HUD designated entitlement communities are eligible to participate in the FY'2000 Small Cities set - aside, The total funding amount for the set -aside is $2,000,000° The allocation formula for each community will be based on a weight of 70% for poverty and 30% for population with a base amount of $50,000° The communities with the allocation are listed below: 1° Stillwater $153,341 11° Bartlesville $103,605 2° Muskogee $140,079 12° Claremore $101,947 3° Ardmore $129,579 13° Ponca Cray $98,079 4° Chickasha $126,263 140 Sapulpa $92,553 5° Ada $119,079 15. Moore $89,237 6. Duncan $114,658 16. Bethany $84,263 7° Altus $109,132 17° Yukon $73,763 8. El Reno $109,132 18° Sand Springs $71,553 9° McAlester $108,519 19° Owasso $67,132 10. Del City $ 108,026 To participate in this set - aside, the communities must continue to agree to'tho fallowing conditions. 1 e Leverage project at 1;1 ° All leverage must be project specific. 2m No administration from CDBG, but leverage can include reasonable administration. 3. Cannot apply for y Community Development (Cif) set- aside daring the FY 2000 program year. If currently on any CD wait list, application must be withdrawn. However, if the Small _ City is currently on th6 Regionalization wait list or plans to participate in a regional project in the future, it is allowed. 4. File a letter of intent by May 30, 2000, and have an approved comprehensive plan by October 1, 2000. 6 The project must achieve a national objective, Funds allocated to a community which chooses not to participate will be placed in the reuse pool. OklaAhoniPa Depaaament o Commence 21 CDDG —17Iscaal Yeas 2000 rineal State Plat' 11/05/99 Contents of o rehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan will serve as the application for CDBG Bands. It must be complete and timely to be eligible for funds. 20 Implement: a Citi MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL, CI`T'Y OIL OWASSO FROMo TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT A1N CITY MANAGER SUBJECTS NATIONA1L, PARK SERVICE — LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PUBLIC HEARING AND GRANT APPLICATION DATE: May 11, 2000 BACKGROUND, The City of Owasso was recently notified, through INCOG, of the availability of an appropriation from the National Park Service -- Land and Water Conservation Fund. The matching funds will be disbursed to qualified projects for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas. The maximum funding available per project is $50,000. The application deadline is June 1, 2000 and requires a public hearing prior to making application for the grant. The City of Owasso has utilized the National Park Service — LWCF grants in the past. Picnic shelter facilities were built at both payola and Elm Creek Parks through L,WCF grants, The last time handing was available to municipalities through this program was in 1996. The L,WCF program provides matching fund grants (50 /50) to local, county, and state agencies and Indian tribes to aid in acquiring and developing outdoor recreation areas for public use. Funds are available on a 50 -50 matching basis and all funds are provided on a reimbursement basis. Eligible projects include acquisition of land for parks, installation of playground equipment, construction of ball fields, picnic areas and the support facilities for other outdoor recreation activities. All facilities developed with L,WCF funds must meet federal accessibility requirements and other federal guidelines. Recently, staff has been involved in discussions with Tulsa County regarding the possibility of ending the lease agreement for McCarty Park. McCarty Park is owned by the City of Owasso but is managed by Tulsa County through a lease agreement that would expire in 2005. While there would be increased facility maintenance expenses, as well as an increase in the demands placed upon Parks Department personnel, it is the opinion of staff that ending the lease agreement and taking control of McCarty Park would have more benefits than detriments. There is an increasing need for ball fields for utilization by the general public, not organized youth sport groups, and the addition of the two ball fields at McCarty Park would address that need. A final recommendation regarding McCarty Park will be made within the next 30 days. With the above in mind, staff would like to submit an application to obtain funding fi °om the L,WCF grant. A review of facility needs at McCarty Park has been performed by staff and it was determined that a picnic shelter and /or a balifield would be beneficial additions to that park. The picnic shelter located at 1Zayola Park and the three picnic shelters located at Elm Creels Park continue to be used at a near capacity ratc. The addition of a picnic shelter at McCarty Park would make that park more desirable for family reunions, church picnics, and scouting activities. Equally, a ball field designated for adult public play at McCarty Park would bring new recreational opportunities to the general public in Owasso. While certainly it can be determined that $100,000 ($50,000 from the LWCF grant and $50,000 from the City) will not build both an adult ball held and a picnic shelter, it is staff's opinion that the City should submit an application that includes both facilities. An application that designates the shelter as the first choice to receive funding, with the ball field as the second choice, would cover any possible unknown preferences of the grant selection review committee, hopefully ensuring the city to receive funds for one of the desired improvements, As staff noted, a public hearing regarding this request is required prior to application for LWCF funds. A legal advertisement regarding the public hearing was published in the May 11, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter to notify the public of the request. Staff would suggest that the public hearing is designed to obtain public input, if any, regarding the staff's recommendation. REA COMMENDATION. Staff recommends Council authorization to submit an application to receive LWCF grant funds. The application would request funds to construct a picnic shelter or a ball field at McCarty Park, with the city's first preference being that of the picnic shelter, ATTACHMENTS. 1. LWCF Grant Information 1 Copy of the Legal Advertisement for the Public Hearing Approved projects are given a two-year time frame for completion. Developments made before a project has officially been approved by the NPS are not eligible for reimbursement. All development projects must include recreational facilities. Support facilities, such as restrooms, parking, etc., should not exceed 40% of the project costs. * * ** HINTS"""" ACCESSIBILITY. Applicants should note that now accessibility guidelines are being developed for outdoor developed areas, play areas, and recreation facilities, The original Applications will be due June 1 to be eligible for funding. If you have any questions about this application or the LWCF program, please contract this office at (405) 521-2980. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Citizens are requested to participate in the hearing and express their views on community unity park and recreation needs, The Owasso City Council will incorporate any comments or proposals, where feasible, in the application to be submitted by ,tune 19 20009 to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND crry COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM- LIEUTENANT NT CLIFFORD Igo MOTTO ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT. REQUEST TO PURCHASE POLICE VEHICLE DATE- MAY 10, 2000 BACKGROUND- The Owasso Police Department has an authorized sworn staff of thirty police officers. Although there are thirty vehicles in the Department's fleet, only twenty -six vehicles are available for the patrol division to drive. 'There are two units that are out of service, as they each need an engine. Since these two units are eight years old and have in excess of 100,000 miles on them., a decision will be made in the upcoming fiscal year if repairs are to be made or if the vehicles should be retired. another unit is out of service with major electrical problems and since this unit has approximately 90,000 miles on it, repairs will also take place in the upcoming fiscal year if the vehicle is to be maintained as part of the Department's fleet. One vehicle is an unmarked unit that is driven by civilian staff when attending training functions and picking up supplies for the Department. The vehicle situation is not critical at the present time since the Department has three vacant police positions at the time of this writing. The Chief of Police position will be filled on Monday, May 15, 2000 and, unfortunately, there is no car for the Chief to drive. I had to reassign the vehicle that was driven by the former Chief of Police to the detective division, as they were in need of a car that would not only be dependable, but would be able to hold their crime scene equipment. I contacted Mr. Dee Robberson of Hudiburg auto Group in Midwest City, Oklahoma, who is the "state bid" vendor for police units. Mr. Robberson advised me that he had ten full -size Ford Crown Victoria and two Chevrolet Impala police units that originally were ordered for the Oklahoma City Police Department but for some reason the order had been cancelled prior to the vehicles arriving at the dealership. The Ford was priced too high, as it was close to $21,000.00, however; the state bid price for the Chevrolet Impala was $19,300.00. As you are aware, the Department recently purchased four 2000 Chevrolet Impala police vehicles from _Hudiburg auto Group under Oklahoma State Bid contract number SW00035. This 2000 Chevrolet Impala, priced at$ 19,300.00, is also from the same state bid contract. REQUEST' TO PUIZCIIASE POLICE VEHICLE MAY 10, 2000 PAGE 2 Altlloug;h the purchase of this police vehicle was not planned for nor included in the Department's operating budget for fiscal year 1999«2000, funds arc available in this year's budget for the purchase. "I WA-M. The Department is requesting that this 2000 Chevrolet Impala police unit i.s purchased for Chief of police Jinn Greene under Oklahoma State Bid contract number S` 00035. Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve and authorize payment for one 2000 Chevrolet Impala mid -size police vehicle from Hudiburg Auto Croup, Midwest City, Oklahoma, utilizing State Contract Number SWO0035, for a total cost of $19,300.00. raFEMEERAMMEMMI TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- LIEuTENANTCLIFFORD R. MOTTO ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SU JEcr- REQUEST FUNDING FOR 800 RADIO SYSTEM DATE: MAY 10, 2000 BACKGROUND- 3i { Funding is available for this additional radio equipment from two sources. The "capital outlay " portion of the Police Communications operating budget, specifically line number 01 -215- 54400, has $2,519.00 in remaining finds. The General Government "radio budget ", specifically line nUrnber 01- 1505445, has $319452.00 in remaining funds. FUNDING 1`0R ADDITIONAL 800 SYSTEM EQUIPMENT MAY 10, 2000 PAG E 2 RI UIl-ST Since the City knows that additional equipnnent will have to be purchased for the new 800 radio system in the future, I suggest that we keep as much money as possible in the General Government radio fund. I therefore would like to offset this unanticipated expense using Police Con-rmunications capital outlay funds. RECOMMEN ATiON Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council authorize payment in the amount of $5,858.00, to Total Radio Incorporated for additional equipment needed in the police Communications division, utilizing police Communications capital outlay funds in the amount of $2,500.00 and General Government radio budget funds in the amount of $3,358.00. ATTACHMENT Equipment Invoice --Total Radio Incorporated REPAIT TO: 3158 S. 1 08th E. Ave. Suite 276 Tulsa, OK 74146 Mom DATE INVOICE* 172 CITTY OF OWASSO CjHF MOTTO/BOB AL 111114 207 3 CEDAR O OK'74055 P,O. NUMBER 00-0419TR TERMS Met 30 REP TIMB ME,MORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. JIM McELRATH SUPPORT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT- PURCHASE OF VEHICLE FOR CITY MANAGER'S USE DATE- May 11, 2000 BACKGROUND. Bids went out to Crown Auto World and Chris Nikel's Autohaus, both of Tulsa and Hudiburg Auto Group-Jeep of Oklahoma City. It was indicated on the bid specifications that the color Silverstone was preferred. Bids were received as follows: Silverstone Cherokee Sport Crown Auto $19,960 Forest Green Cherokee Sport Crown Auto - $19,381 Silverstone Cherokee Sport Chris Nikel $19,988 White Cherokee Sport Hudiburg $20,740 Blue Cherokee Sport Hudibmg $20,740 Red Cherokee Sport Hudiburg $20,740 All bids received meet or exceed the minimum specifications set forth in the bid solicitation. MEMORANDUM JEEP PURCHASE May 11, 2000 PAGE; 2 RE;C O U DA'TI N Staff`recommends that the City Council approve the purchase of one Jeep Cherokee Sport from Crown Auto World in the specified preferred color of Silverstone in the amount of $19,960 and that the Council authorize payment to be made in this amount from th6 funds set wide in the budget for that purpose in the amount of $ 19,684, with the additional fundmV of $276 to come from other funds available to the City Manager. ATTACHMENTS- 1. Bid solicitation letter 2. Bid documents 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 May 5, 2000 Chris Nikel's Autohaus .Attn: Dan Humphrey 11 "' and Lewis Tulsa, OK 74104 Crown Auto World Attn: Steve Lujan 4444 S. Sheridan Rd Tulsa, OK fludiburg Auto Group-Jeep Attn: Dee Robberson 6000 Tinker Diagonal Midwest City, OK 73110 wzff� The City Manager of the City of Owasso has issued authorization to receive bids on the purchase of a vehicle for the City of Owasso. Sealed bids must be received n® later than 12 noon Wednesday May 10, 2000. Bids may be mailed or hand-delivered. Faxed bids are not acceptable. On the bid envelope please note: "Scaled bid for City Manager Vehicle." Please return the bids to: City of Owasso Attn: Jim McElrath P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Ylease specily in 7n delivery. Minimum specifications listed must be met, but may be exceeded. Jeep r. Cherokee Sport 2WD 4 Dr Silverstone metallic Prem Cloth Hi-back bucket ft BID SOLICITATION, N, C;IT F O ASS .1VE,P CIIE;ROKE;E; SPORT May 5, 2000 PAGE 2 "Transmission: 4 speed automatic Engine 4.0 L. Power 'T'ech 16 _ Radio AM /FM Cassette -- Option a��,e AA4 -Sport Value Group Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Sincerely, .lima McElrath, Director of Support Services 4444 S. Sheridan ® "Tulsa, OK ® 74145 ® 918-663-4444 /1%I FIS/ l G1 /-,[,IoF] l l: 59 91 H ?7 2491 ) SUPPORT SF_R \/ICES PAGE Fj4 ST &-TE OF OKLAHOMA.- COUNTY to Ontrcictur, Suppli =rB e� il�eer, are j� �� Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ff0tarY Public Pierr7ooA� �'°'Jfdll Al llla Commission Expires �11 2233 . F i I U1. . St- tAb T 4/15/00 3:47 prn Yulsa OK 741414 SP. 4VIL441W (91 H)S92-1636 PURCHASE- Mgr: Name: Wk#: (918) Spouse- AC611v(-17 Wk#: Address- lim#: (918) City: -A*wj State: OK Zip: 7,40+2-;? y�_5�5e Yr.- 2 6d 0 Model- CiVe4l, V e-t- Pkg: Serial Stock Line/Dept. Miles: Equipment Changes: --7- 1-,��ZV,965 6TIew. Yr: Model: Pkg.- Serial Purchase Date, Price. ext rapt Du o Amt- Miles: License: State MO/Yr., Decal Color: Other Comments: 11 ' 182721_iI5 SU- PPORT 5ERVICES FA6E 0,1 Contracl:pi �,i �—cf�j �tect SU cribed and sworn to berg me this �.\day of Coomission Expires ---- ------------------------------------- - - AM? ------------------------ DAIMLERCHR . YSLER MOTORS CORPORATTON INVOICE 4 7 C) "" -A PLANT ZONE DEALER VEHICLE ID NO. TNVOICE� No. -r ,�v(jIUS DT TOfiR20 I 52 44S78 1J4PT48S@YTj206282 Y X�)T--S-812S-35r, 0I1,--),11(10 -1jTP f�IVER.SIDE AUTOPLEX LLC TO; 91F, S 0 E0 R G' R NT'CUiI IRX P R I(-"N I.-,E",y MCALESTER OK 74501 K E Y SOLD RIVERSIDE AUTOPLEX LLC ACC KEY* 2 4 5) 9 01 1 Y 2 4 TO: 916 80. GBORGE NIGH EXPR V MCALESTER OK 74501 WIT, BY: CHRYSLER F7NANCIAL CORPOIRATTON SAR HP 36.1 C R ED IT SALE XX CASH L' ALE 0 0 0 - 2 2 2.222 0 0 ,30DY ----------- C'QUIP11 DESCRIPTION I WHOLESALE PRICE ;OJT 74 Jeep Cherokee 2WD 4dr Sport 18, Pwi Stone White Clear Coat M5A2 Seats Prem Cloth Hi -Back Bucket N0 CHARGE' AA4 Sport Value. Group 1, 9 '� 9 1 . 00 AWS Smoker Group 1-7,00 DGB DSA Tr a n s m i s,� si d, o n - 4-Speed Aut.,.omat.-i-c 803.00 Axle - Trac-Lak Differential 242.00 ERH Lngine 4.QL Power Tech 1--6 NO � 'H A. R G f -, MDA Dracket Front Licei-ise Plate - NO CHAkC,E NHiM SpeQd Control 21.3.00 T B 13 Spare Tire - Pull Size 1 '79.00 wiw Wheels -- 15 x '7,0 Allt-imirium "Eccon . 208 00 YDH DaimlerChrysler Owner Loyalty Mail . 20.00 YGF 8 Additional Gallons Of Gas 2TJ Cu8tomer Prcferred Package 2TJ 26J Customex, Preferred Package 26,T 3GJ Sport Value Group Discount 1,993.00- E40 KAN8AS CITY - DAA 190,00 M40 KANSAS CITY - PPA 160.00 J16 DESTINATION CHARGE 535.00 HD 66000 ----------------------------------------------------------- MSRP RETAIL TOTAL 22, SSO , 00 -- - -- TOTAL- J 2 0 , i4 0 . 00 OR7GINAT, INVOICE THIS VEHICLE IS MANUFACTURED TO MEET SPECIFIC UNITED STATES REQUIREMENTS. THIS VEHICLE IS NOT MANUPACTURED FOR SALE OR REGISTRATION OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES, ---------- I --------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- DAIMLE-RCHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION !NVOICE 90'75 -R PLANT ZONE DEALER VEHICLE ID NO. INVOICE NO- T NVO I C-'- D TOT,RDO 1 52 641578 lj'4FT48S6YL20G28l Y-X,I,'T-1- , D8125348 01/21/00 S1-11P RIVERSIDE AUTOPLPX LL TO 916 SO, CEORGE NIGH SXPR IGN KEY MCALESTER OK '74501 TRK KRY 071)7 '-OLD /A C I C., ?" E y RIVERSIDE' AUTOPLEX LLC TO; 91.6 SO. GEORGE NIGH EXPR MCALESTER OK 74501 SHIPPING W-1- PAID FOR BYE CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CO RPORZAT ION' SAP,' I-TP 36 CREDT'I' SALE XX CASH SALE 000-22-2222 .1 00 D 0 DY F A ("F 0 RY I EQUIP" DESCRIPTION W H (") 1, F .,AT,-F,, PR -[C -'E XjT'i-174 ------------ Jeep Cherokee 2WD 4dr Sport --- 11-8, 163,00 PBT PatvioL Blue Pearl Coat M =) A 2 Seats - Preen Cloth Ili-Back, Bucket NO CIHAR(-"�, AA4 Sport - Value Group 1-993.00 AWS C'moker I G, Group 1'/.00 DGD Transmj.,ssa.an - 4-Speed Aii.tomatic 8" 00 D,q A Axle - T-rac-Lok Differential 2,12-0() CRH Engine I—OL Power Tech 1-6 NO CHARGE MPA 2racket Front License Plate NO CHARGE NHM Speed Control 213.00 Tap Spare Tire - Full Size 1-79,00 WJW Wheels - 1S x 7,0 Aluminum 112ccoll 208 00 YDH Daimle:r-Chrysler Owner Loyalty Mail , 20 00 YGF 8 Ac3ditional Gallons Of Gas , 10,00 2TJ Customtr Preferred Package 2TJ 26J Cu8Lomer Preferred Package 26J 3GJ Sport Value Group Discount 1,993.00- 240 KANSAS CITY DAA 190.00 M40 KANSAS CITY PPA 160.00, 316 DESTINATION CITARGE S3 5) 0 14D 66000 MDH -4 011422 EP 19170 ---------------------------------------------------------- - ---------- MSRP R2TAIL TOT S -- - AL 22 , SO � 00 TOTAL 20, 740. 00 -- - - - - - ORIGINAL INV01(--'E: mis VEHICLE IS MANUFACTURED TO MEET SPECIFIC UNITED STATES REQUIREMENTS. THIS VEHICLE, IS NOT MANUFACTURED FOR SALE OR REGISTRA,rioN OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES, --------------- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - DAIMLHRCy-4RYSLER MOTORS CORPO-PLATION TNVOT(.-R' 8 --A PLANT ',ONE DEALER VE'llic-'LE 1D NO. `T'OLE'DO 1 52 44578 1J4FT48S4YL206280 'S1 I I P RIVERSIDE AUTOPLERX L- LC 1,0! 916 SO, GEORGE Nl("'H EXPR MCALESTER OK 74S01 �01',D RIVE'RSIOR A-T.JT0PLRX LLC "fo 916 SO, CfFORGR NfF,'-"H r:XPR MCALESTER OK ?4501. 1(;N KEY - M221'7 TP,K K�Y 2 2 17 A C C K-E Y 1459'-: i - .11. y i. ---) Sf-ITPPING WT. 33.3-1/j. I.AID -F-"OR BY; CHRYST..,ER FINANCIAL CORPORATION SAE HP 6 CREDIT SALE XX CASH SALE 000-222222--�; 130DY F,QTJIP61 - DESCRIPTION ----------------- y WHOLESALI,. PIPTC.7 x J)T H? 4 Jeep Cherokee 2WO 4dr Sport 18, 163 00 PR4 Flame Red Clear Coat MSAZ Seats - Prem Clotl� TTj,-B K a c, D�jc!�,eL NO CHARGE AA4 Sport - Value Group 1,993000 AWS Smoker's G-roup 7. % r)o Tr a ns m i S s i o n 4--S�ccd Aut - omat ic 201- - 00 DSA - A-x le Tracy - T-, o k Diyfcrential 242-90 ERH Engine - 4.01, Power Tech. 1-6 NO 1141DA Bracket - Front License Plate No C IA'ti�E N14M Speed ConLrol 213.00 T B 9 W13-W kare TiT-e - r,`1.111 Si7e 1. -�9 . 00 W eels - 15 x 7.0 Aluminum "Eccoll 208.00 YDH Dairrilox-Clarysler Owner Loyalty Mail 20.00 YGF 8 Addit.Tonal Gallons of Gas 10 00 2TJ Customer Preferred Package 2TJ . 26J Customer Preferred Package 26J 3GJ Sport Value Croup -Discount 9S)3. 00- E40 KANSAS CITY - DAA 190,00 M40 KANSAS CITY - PPA 160-00 316 DESTINATION CHARGE 5, � 5. 11) 0 H8 66000 MDH 011908 EP 1.9470 - ---------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- - - MSRP R2TATL TOTAL 22,550,00 TOTAL 20,740.00 1 ORIGINAL INVO fhIS VEHICLE T I CE S MANUFACTURED TO MEET SPPCTFTC UNITED STATES ZEQUIREMENTS. THIS VEHICLE IS NOT MANUFACTIJRE�D FOR SALE OR I REGIS TRATION OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. ------------------------------------------------ 9102724915 SUPPORT SERVICES PAGE 04 NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ST11-TE OF OKLAHOM-A: COUNTY 0 F ontract6r,- suppl: engineer, arc —R—itect Commission Expires / MEMORANDUM TO� THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM- RONALD D CATES CITY ATTORNEY SU JECT a PROPOSED LEAS , AGREEMENT w CITY OF O ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND TITAN TOWERS LP DATE- May 11, 2000 INTRODUCTION- Presented for the Council's consideration is a proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Titan Towers LP, relating to location of a telecommunications tower on property owned by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and popularly referred to as the Water Storage `rank Site on 96 "' Street North. Over the course of the last several months, the City Council, in work sessions, has been apprized of the conceptual proposal whereby the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, would lease unto Titan Towers LP, property owned by the City and popularly referred to as the Water Storage Tank Site on 96 `1 Street North. During the course of the presentations, it was communicated to the City Council that not only would location of a telecommunications tower on the property be compatible with the City's utilization of the site for the water storage tank, but also and more importantly, the location of such telecommunications tower would be of great benefit to the City by virtue of its ability to co-locate thereon. Subsequent to such conceptual discussions, a proposed Lease Agreement prepared by attorneys for Titan Towers LP, was presented for review and comment. In that regard, at a work session of the City Council, I informed members of the City Council that I had concerns with certain provisions of such proposed Lease Agreement, briefly outlining same, and would enter into discussions with legal counsel for Titan Towers LP concerning such. In this respect, I have included herewith a copy of correspondence dated March i, 2000, addressed to Chief Bob Allen, outlining my specific concerns with the proposed Lease Agreement. Subsequent to his receipt of such correspondence, Chief Allen transmitted my observations to the representatives of Titan Towers LP, which resulted in a revised draft being submitted. My review of the revised draft indicated modifications to the proposed Lease Agreement which essentially addressed the concerns which I have previously expressed in my correspondence to Chief Allen on March 7, 2000. In that respect, I am including a copy of 1.,EASE AG1tEEMENT TITAN TOWERS 1-1' MAY 11, 2000 ['AGE 2 correspondence dated April 18, 2000, addressed to Mr Larry Mitchell, City Manager and Chief Bob Allen relating to my review of the modified proposed Lease Agreement. Subsequent to such communication, further discussions were held with Mr C G Whitten of Whitten and Young PC, Abilene, Texas, attorneys for "titan 'Powers LP, which resulted in further modification and transmittal of the proposed lease Agreement now being presented to the City Council for consideration. I am including a copy of correspondence dated May 2, 2000, from Mr Whitten. I would note that in my correspondence dated April 18, 2000, 1 made an observation concerning deed reservations contained in the conveyance from Enterline and Adams to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. As observed in my correspondence, I have discussed this matter with Mr Frank Enzbrenner with RCB Bank and have received from Mr Enzbrenner a copy of the twit Claim Deed executed by Enterline and Adams releasing the restrictions of which I was concerned. A copy of such Quit Claim Deed and release of Restrictions is included herewith. I would like to express my appreciation to Mr Larry Mitchell and Chief Bob Allen for their assistance in the review and processing of this matter. Should you have any questions or comments concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact me, Mr Mitchell or Chief Allen. RECOMMENDATION. It is respectfully recommended that the City Council approve the proposed Lease Agreement between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and Titan 'towers LP and authorize the Mayor to execute such Lease .Agreement, 1. Letter to Chief Bob Allen dated March 7, 2000 2. Letter to City Manager Larry Mitchell and Chief Bob .Allen dated April 18, 2000 3. Letter from C G Whitten dated May 2, 2000 4. Quit Claim Deed and release of restrictions 5. Proposed Lease Agreement 11: "1 58201.66 (-"ATES 1A IDEPI,,)OOD PAGE 0,1 RONALD D. CATES Attorney at Law Suite 680. ParkCentre 515 South Main Tuisa, Oklahoma 74103 918 -582- 74A7 March 7, 2000 Chief Bob Allen Owasso Fire Department P'0. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 In Re: TQwer Lease with 'Tlian Towers, ,a Dear Chief Allen: FAX 91,x-582-0)66 I would reconunend that the provisions of paragraph 9, Assignability. of the proposed I Lease Agreement be modified to provide that Lessee shall have the right to assign the lease bul trily upon first obtaining written consent of the Lessor, such consent not to be unreasonably Witt-Aield. As the proposed Lease Agreement is presently written, the Lessee inay assign witho anv consent of the Lessorand Lessor will look solely to the assignee for satisfaction of the U 1 i : _:,� L �i f;F c�, ES UIDE IA00L) PUac 05 Chief Bob Allen Parch 7, 2000 Page 2 obligations, 1. world submit that. such in all likelihood would n ®t be an acceptable, provision to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. oma. After you have had an opportunity t0 review the or comments conceming saxne, please do not hesitate to should you have any questions City Atto ey C /nhe encl . xc: Larry Mitchell City Manager w/ encl. 2780 -43 3.Ibact t I I-) /I I I / 1 11 U 1i ij 11 : 31 5 ;249166 f--(1-1E'3 UHL)EP1,,1(-J1-JD RONALD D. CAXES Attorney at Law Suite 680, ParkCentrc 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 ollol.582-7447 April 18, 2000 Mr. Larry Mitchell City Manager CiTy of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Chief Bob Allen Owasso Fire Department P,O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 PAGE 06 FAX 919-W-0166 In Re: Proposed Tower Lease City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Titan Towers, L.P. Gentlemen: My review of the proposed modified Lease Agreement leaves me with only two concerns. Initially, the language of paragraph I relating to Use, although modified to provide for Lessor's consent as relates to ancillary buildings and improvements, not only excludes any input as to the location of the communication tower but sets the interpretative tone for the consent of Lessor wherein it indicates the that "the principal use of the Site is the utilization of the site and tower by Lessee for itself and its tenants". Additionally, it is my recommendation that this proposed Lease Agreement not proceed for City Council approval until we have ascertained that the reservation of use provisions as contained in the conveyance from Enterline and Adams by which the City carne into title to this property has in fact been released. On this point I have on this date had a conversation with Ivir. Frank Enzbrenner of RCB Bank. Mr. Enzbrenner Indicates that his batik 2 c +x," 1 1 000 11: -i1 582016 6 MDERWOOD FW-iE 0-17 Mn Larry Mitchell Chief Bob Allen April l8y 2000 Page 2 h m in fact paid the sum of )5,000.00 and obtained anew deed which in effect releases sul� . reservation of uses. Once we have received such dociane station from Mr. En brenner, un�'�ffst a dablly that will l��e��r� t a ay' second I corkcer`�. RD C f nhc WHrFMN & YOUNG, P. C - ATTORNEYS AT LAW BANK OF AMERICA TOWER, SUITE 1402 500 CHESTNUT STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79602 C. G. WHITMN Tel: (915) 672-7824 Fax: (915) 672-2158 May 2, 2000 Ronald D. Cates, Esq. Suite 680, Park Centre 525 South Main Tulsa, Oklahoma '74103 'Re.- City of Owasso, Oklahoma Tower Lease with Titan Towers, L. P. PLEASE REPLY TO: Post Office Box 209 Abilene, Tcxn 79604 In accordance with our telephone conversation of this date, as soon as the City Council has approved the Lease, please send me two executed copies thereof for our execution and return to you of one fully executed copy of the I We will take full responsibility ford with Gemco on this matter. I need to be certain that Titan will secure access to this property from a public road, and I have asked the title company to have the surveyor indicate such access. The only other question relating to the tower Lease is the proration of ad valorem mid business/personal taxes. I am assuming that the City of Owasso is exempt from these taxes and that there need be no proration thereof prior to our closing. If you have some question concerning this matter, please let me hear from you. Yours very truly, 0 YOUNG, P.C. Whitten CGW\bb Enclosures cc: Tom Modisett C.:\W1ND()WS\F.,-it-\WWit.,, RE COVED MAC 'mm Ww Aar Am ty hag Me 'First Pon due* bOC4 ON1141h. i 1'Weve ft Suh 940 Overy awftrAml fl yid e4�ndiq im Comlaw P d of Dwormuon mti) The C,I i' , t944, m4 fwwfta in Boa 4799, pupp or th, pay o��g� sa? the office ®� Coupgty C `t € y, St an °Q I & NIRA &I a afa $e pmv `&kv pigg PW fija% fga i'bj alffi hmd aml alumW '" t° %tq Sest In ax -, tho day and youf f a 1 1418 6% 9 SWM 1"I ol) G % Ai E S 6S..d x.33. H, THAT: TO HAVE AND TO HOL13 the Site unto Less miss Lessee's successors, assigns and legal representatives, subject to the terms and provisions hereafter stated, for the term of years specified below. RM Lessee may own and place On the Site. The description of such easement is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof and a surveyor's plat is attached hereto reflecting the location of the Site and the easement. 2. 0 CONWLIANCE WITH LAWS Lessee agrees, at its expense, to conduct all operations on said Site in full compliance with aU laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders or directives of any government authority, and shall not commit or allow to be committed any public or private nuisance thereon. M Lessor warrants that Lessor owns fee simple title to the Site, and that the leasehold estate herein created is and shall be free and clear of all liens and other encumbrances. Lessor wan-ants that this agreement includes access to the Site as such access is represented by the easement described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. LEASE. AGREEMENT Page 2 C: MIN DOWS\Favoritc8\Wh itton, C.O\Ti1A1frOWOr8\StuqrVu Genico\Loaac Aggnt.doc a This lea -, shall commence on the _ day of _ . �.� 2 and continue for a primary tern of twenty (20) years from such date, and Lessee shall have the right to renew the same for two (2) additional dive (5) year periods of time, up6n the sine terms aged conditions set forth herein. VA Inasmuch as Lessor is the owner of such land, it being a municipal corporation, no ad valorem taxes should be charged for Lessee's utilization thereof. 1 (a) Lessee may terminate this lease at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice to Lessor of its intention to do so, LEASE. LEASEAGRIC, EMENT Page 3 C:MIN DO ISWavoehog\4 iduen, C,G \TitAeaTueuorASttaafj's Gonico \Uagc Agmt,dm (b) Lessor may terminate this lease if Lessee shall fail to comply with the material provisions or conditions of this lease, and if such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice given by Lessor to Lessee specifying such default. a ASSIGNABILITY Lessee shall have the right at any time and from time to tirne during the terry of this lease to assign the same, subject to the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent shad not be unreasonably withheld by Lessor. Subsequent to the consent by Lessor, it shall look solely to Lessee's assignee for the satisfaction of Lessee's obligations hereunder, and Lessee shall be released from any further obligations under this lease, 10. ACCEPTABLE NCU Notwithstanding the terms and provisions of Paragraph 4 hereof, this lease is made expressly subject to certain valid and existing easements, leases, rights-of-way, oil, gas and mineral rights, and restrictions which are presently of record. NON- `1 A Upon Lzssee's written request, Lessor mortgage, deed of trust or other lien on the •` or '" ` obtain agreement from such s of a force during the term of this lease or any renewal fez i long as Lessee shall continue to recognize and perform all of the material covenants and conditions of this lease. NIII 7 AM= 1111111 .G1 NT Page 4 C; \w9 ws\F &volt ,os \wie'st cn, CG \`r itanTc worn \stuart'a Ganic® \roan Agmt.doc This lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, assigns (where assignment is allowed) and legal representatives. This agreement shall be executed in duplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original of this instrument, and both of which shall constitute one and the same instrument, I. All notices pertaining to this lease, shall be considered as duly delivered when mailed to the addresses hereafter specified by registered, certified or regular mail, or by facsimile during regular business hours of the party addressed. Either party may from time to time designate a different address by written notice to the other party. The initial addresses and facsimile numbers to be utilized hereunder are as follows, to-wit: Lessor: City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Fax No. Lessee: Titan Towers, I.I.P. 1500 Industrial Blvd., Suite 304W Abilene, Texas 79602 Attn: Operations Manager Fax No. (914) 692-7749 on L Vl.A S E. A G Klr� ENE NT Page 5 C:\WINDOWS\I','avo6tos\VAiitton, C,G\'NA"T0w8\SW&Wa Genico\boan Agnfl.doc INI LEI ASEAGRE, EMEN . I' hige 6 C: MIN DOWS\FavoHtoo\WhRt6n, C,G\Thah'rowors\Stuarj,g Genico\Loam Agint.doc its successor, assignee or legal representative by registered mail, postage prepaid, indicating Lessor's desire to sell the property and the details of such bona fide third- party offer therefor. Such right of refusal shall remain in force through the to of this lease and any renewal thereof, M MISCELLANEOUS (f) In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this lease shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this lease shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or provisions had never been contained herein. (g) The headings of the paragraphs of this lease are for the guidance and convenience of reference only and shall not otherwise affect any of the terms or provisions hereof. (h) Lessee shall install a grounding system for the Tower and related buildings in accordance with the relevant City of Owasso building code and Lessor's grounding specifications. LEASEAGREEMENT Page 7 C:\W1ND0WS\Favodtos\Mitton, C.G\Th&nTowora\Stuarvs Gcgnco\Ua-go Agmt,doc (i) Lessor shall have the right to install upon the Tower, at a mounting height to be determined, a microwave antenna and equipment to provide telephone for Lessor's system, for which Lessor shall be charged a rental equal to the fair market value of such use. EXECUTED on this the 16'hday of May, 2000. Lessor: CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA M Its I'R'Ssee: TITAN TOWERS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership By. Titan Towers, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, its General Partner M UASEAGREX04 Nge 8 C: \WIN DOWSWavoritos\Whition, C,G\TitanT(iwora\Stti&jj,o Oomco\Uonoo Agmt.dec THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA § COUNTY OF TULSA GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this --,- day of 2000. Notary Public, State of Oklahoma THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TAYLOR GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 2000 ..&M, .a &M, BRENT page 9 CAW1ND0WS\Favokit6a\VNuon, C,G\j'jtA9"F(')w6r8\StuaWs Gonico\Loaso Agant,doc MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S RFPORY DATE- May 12, 2000 ""A MOTIIER -IS NOTA PERSON TO LEAN ON BUTA PERSON TO MAKE LEAIVING UNNE, CE, SSAR Y. - - Doroffiv Fisher GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY HALL / POLICE STATION — A meeting will be held in the upcoming week to review the tabulation of is received for the City Hall / Police Building Project. Status of the project ar-ri, recommendations will be provided to the Mayor and Council at a special meeting to be held on June 1, 2000. EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION ACTIVITY — Winners of the last two weeks of Driller tickets include the following: Effie Grimes — Golf Course Chris Kropp — Public Works Tracy Treniain — Fire Department Randall Milss — Fire Department Chris Roberts — Public Works Pat Nicholson — Cominunity Center City Manager's Report May 12, 2000 PAGE 2 IiUMAN RESOURCES - The following personnel actions have occurred since the last report: Police Department — Deborah Turrentine has started her training program as a disp?ttcher. She is an Owasso resident and has been previously employed in the private sector° the is earning V15 per hour, Following an internal investigation and due process hearings and reviews,, !Y. Burl Cox was terminatedfrom employment with the City on May 5, 2000, Jim Greene has been employed as Chief of Police. He is a retired captain with the Tulsa Police Department and an Owasso resident. Managerial - Teresa Wilson has been employed as Software Support Technician effective May 30. She will be relocating from Enid where she has been employed in a similar position with the City of Enid. She is earning $35, 000 annually. Litigation — The City's liability insurer, National American Insurance has settled the lawsuit filed by a passenger in an automobile that was involved in a traffic accident with a police car in October 1999. Terms of the settlement have not been disclosed. A copy of the notice of settlement is attached. WEATHER ALERT RADIOS — In order to promote preparedness for severe weather and the safety of the public, the City of Owasso and Wal-Mart have partnered to make Midland Weather Alert Radios affordable to all citizens of Owasso. The radios have seven channels and will sound automatically in the event of any type of Severe Weather Statement, Watch, or Warning issued by the National Weather Service. The radios also have an AIVI/FM radio, as well as a backup power supply, and while usually listing for well over $70 will be available to Owasso area residents for $25. The benefits of having a weather-alert radio in your home and/or business is increased warning time and notification, especially during the evening, which allows for better preparation and movement to a safer arez. The radios went on sale on Thursday, May 4, 2000, almost one year to the day of the tornadoes that devastated Moore, Midwest City, and Stroud. The use of weather-alert radios is recommended by the National Weather Service as the best form of severe weather notification. Ms. Robinson from the Owasso Reporter will be covering this special safety promotion in the May 18, 2000 Owasso Reporter. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rooney. CM000512.doc Visit Owasso on die Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us City M/ 111ager's IZcport May 12, 2000 IPAGF 3 EMERGENCE SIREN TESTING - Emergency siren testing continues at Moon on the second and fourth Friday of each month. The neat scheduled testing of the sirens is on May 12, 2000 at Noon. To date, the scheduled testing of the sirens have resulted in two sirens being replaced. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rooney, C OMM MT's DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COMMISSION _- The following items were unanimously approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at their regular meeting on "fuesday, May 9, 2000 at 7:00 pore. in the Owasso Community Center: OZ -00-06 -- Theresa Spears -- A request for the running of a 7.88 acre parcel of land located on the north side of East 96"' Street North on the east side of Garnett Road. The property is described as a portion of the S/2 of the S/4 of the S/4 of Section 17, T -21 N, R-14 -E. Proposed is a rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). OZ-00-07 Charney & Charngy - A request for the rezoning of a 10 acre parcel of land located on the north side of East 96 1h Street North and the west side of Mingo Road. The property is described as a portion of the SE/4 of the SE/4 of Section Proposed General) (Shopping Center). P; 1 — Forest Creek Business ' 6. .. (more less) parcel of land located on the west side Owasso Expressway north property of East 76 th Street North. The b as . portion of (Commercial of the SE/4 of Section 30, T-21-N, R-14-E. Proposed is a rezoning from CG Unit Development) * zoning. Final Plat - OuikTriv Commercial Center #2R - A request to review a final plat for QuickTrip Commercial • • of acre lot. 1j property located on East 76"' Street North east of the Owasso Expressway. The site is currently occupied by the Owasso Veterinary Hospital. CM0005l2.doc "Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us City Marnagcr's Report May 12, 2000 ['AGE 4 The above items are included on the May 16, 2000 Council agenda for action. if you have questions regarding the above items, Tease contact Ms. Sorrells or Ms. Hensley. BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT — The following items are tentatively scheduled for review by the Owasso Board of Adjustment at their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 7 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center: BOA00-06 -- A request by OikTrip Corporation for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10., Section 1021 --- Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising. The subject property is located on the south side of E. 76'h Street North, cast of the Owasso Expressway at the future location of a new QuikTrip facility. OBO.A -00-07 — A request by Ryan Nelson for a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code in order to allow for a ikon - Permanent .Accessory Vendor. The subject property is located at 11226 N. Garnett Road in Owasso. OBOA -00 ®08 - - -- A request by Trail's End Development for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430 — Bulk and Area Requirements in .Residential Districts to allow for a deviation in fiont yard setbacks in the Camden Park 11 Addition. The subject property is located immediately north of Barrington Point 1 and 1T, if you have any questions regarding g these items, please contact Ms. Sorrells or Ms. Hensley. month BUILDING PERMITS -- The building permit activity report for the month of April is attached for your information and review. As indicated in the last City Manager's Report, April did turn out to be a record o a' million SPORTS PARK USER GROUP - The next meeting of the Sports Park User Group will be held at 6:00 p May ill . in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall. NATIONAL CLEAN-UP DAY Parks in National Clean-Up Day on May 13, 2000. This year, the club has ` general some painting, landscaping, and minor maintenance will be performed. If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact Mr. Warren. C 000512.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso °ok,us City Manager's lZcport May 129 2000 IIAGE 5 POLICE DEPARTMENT NEW POLICE EMPLOYEES - The Police Department is pleased to announce that on May 8'h, 2000, Mr. John Daniels and Mr. Howard Smith will be sworn in as our two newest Police Officers. The Department will also hire Ms. Deborah Turrentine as our sixth Dispatcher on May 2000. The Department welcomes its newest members and wishes them the best of luck as they begin their new careers. 800 RADIO SYSTEM - The new 800-radio system has arrived and radios are being installed in all police vehicles at the time of this writing. The new system is expected to be operational by next week. Once this system is up and running, the 450 radio system will be given to the Public Works Department. TRAINING - Detective Sonya DeArmond will be attending the Criminal Investigation Academy in Oklahoma City beginning next week. The academy is an intensive three-week course and provides a solid foundation in the investigation field for personnel assigned to the detective CM000512.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ei.owasso.ok.us City Manager's Report May 12, 2000 11AGJ6 division. The academy is usually held two tinges per year and has an extensive "waiting list ". The Department sends all of its detectives to this academy within their first year of being assigned to the division. SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT' In the FY2000 budget, $15,000 was set aside for the purchase of a copier fog° City lull. The present Toshiba copier is approaching the end of its useful life in an intensive use situation. Over the past few months breakdowns have begun to occur on a much more frequent basin A few months ago a task force composed of Marcia Boutwell, Lori Molina and Jim McElrath began research on the variety of copiers available for high-speed use. They recently completed their research and are prepared to make a purchase recommendation to the Council at the June 6, 2000 meeting. If you have questions or comments, please direct them to Mr. McElrath at 272 -3459. CM000512.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ci.owasso.ok.us ATTACHMENTS Mr. Jim Creme's resume I. Memorandum Regarding Bid Items 2. Notice of ettlement 3. Monthly Sales Tax Repoft 8, Legislative Consortium 2000 Brief Uplate MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWA FROM. MARCIA BOUT WELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- BID ITEMS DATE- May 129 2000 Following is an update of items in the bidding process: L Storage Facilities at Public Works & Vehicle Maintenance Bid was opened April 11 "' and is being reviewed. 2. City Hall/Police Station Bids were opened May 9' and are being reviewed. 30 96"' St N Roadway Improvements Bid was advertised April 27"'. Bid will be opened May 30th, 40 Water Meters Bid was advertised May I I". Bid will be opened June 1". 5. Polycarts Bid was advertised May 11 "'. Bid will be opened June V. —I- MH(,HHARL P. A.TKINSON, WALTER D. BHASHCHNS, GREOORYY U. NELL1.9- DANIEL R. HHOLUMAN- &K. CLARK PHHXPPSa OALEN L. HRTti`RTXNO1RA2,V JOHN S. GLADD JOHN L CA98WILE WILLIAM As FIASCO JAMES N° R3D24ONDS MARTHA J. PHILLIPS JON D. STA RBRR , MARK 117, MA05PRR%Rg NZARR`H°RHANDA J1 BECRKWORTa'RH °A.LSO A.DHrryRD 9N TEXAS "Aye ADRHHjTHD HAP COLORADO "'ALSO ADHHUTED XN KANSAS AND HaWRXDA ATTORINEYS KXRS°TEN E. PACE R"RHOPROOKON.lAL OOMPORATXON SCOTT &t. HALL HY30Ca ° MSCEN" °RRE JEFFREY L. WILSON MAROARET M. C CAR KE Pt 25 SOUTI —R MAIN JENNIFER R. ANNTS TULSA, OHILAHOMA 74103°•4024 ERIC J. H §EOTN w LE RHCA R (9A6) 502-8677 %RONH S. RCIERSON4f CRRISR°HNE M° DEN,90Nm 11,14..AIL. aLQ'Anmad c�aAn=>IF.TRR7.cORRP a X..,kaiPT�L3 e3, RT.>�h3RnH'�" � it `v .. ._t ��� �OaOa 565-6096 ,'" ° Jr31......� .% RYAN C. HARPER JOSEPH F. GLASS- .w ...... .. ........ v,...._,..,,..,...,....�.«,.,., YRa'RbXa: Bast, 02 "Bs.FR" BEVERLY J. R UBINO. M,Da 4sr ®s x.acnusnD To r2RACTXCE LA.W) Ms. Dawn Koester National Ameriewn Insurance Company Po 0e Box 3 Chandler, Oklahoma 7 834 RE: Murrell v° Taylor and City of Owasso Claim No: MU0064.58 Our File: 382 -241 Dear Ms. Koester: Enclosed is a file-stamped copy of the Dismissal With Prejudice. By copy of this letter to Mr. Harder, I am providing him a copy of the Dismissal. I will now close my file. L Allen d z Gregory D. Dellis 2 1 10 - a `�'4 8� 3 I m I IN THE DISTRICTCOURT IN AND FOR TULSA COUN DISTRICT COURT STATE OF OKLAHOMA '"F I L E D k: �SEIAWN MURRELL, 1��O 28 f-1 D-1SML%5ALXffB APR 2 8 ?000 '9AU-y HOWE SMITH RT GLERI STATE OF 0" TMA 0OWW Case, No- 7— 2000 COMES NOW the plahtiff- herch), Shown Murrefl, and dismisses with prejudge ME= PLAINTIff' mills u ' v�Pkm 243 1 E. 5 1 st Street, Ste. 40 1 Tulsa, OK 74 105 (918) 712-7600 N % l N A I hereby certify that on the --26-.- day of April, 20008 a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was mailed with proper postage prepaid thereon to the following: ATK1NSON, HASKINS, NELLIS, HILEMAN PHIPPS, BRITTINGRAM & GLADD Gregory D. Dellis, OBA116609 1500 ParkCentre 525 South Main Tulsa, OK. 74103 01 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 city of Owasso FY 1999 -200 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr may Jun Year-to-Date Sales Tax Totals Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr may Juu Acqual � t�udget ®d Last Year City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Budget to Actual Comparison May ll,2000 Actual Collections Budget Projections Over (Under) Projection &Y-10 unt Percent Amount Percent Am count ec Q�ant Jul $512,985.26 8.55% $5049000000 8.40% $8,985.26 1 o78% Aug 511,393024 8.52% 492,000.00 8.20% 19,393.24 3.94% Sep 514,497.85 8.57% 504,000.00 8.40% 10,497.85 2.08% Oct 514,225.81 8057% 519,000000 8.65% (4,774019) --0.92% Nov 491,721077 .20'/® 474,000000 7.90% 17,721.77 3074% Dec 5009720.86 8.35% 507,000.00 8.45% (6,279.14) -1.24% Jan 497,158026 8.29% 492,000.00 8.20% 5,158026 1.05% Feb 557,555.78 9029®/ 570,000000 9.50% (12,444.22) -2.18% Mar 466,381.43 7.77% 483,000.00 8.05% (16,618.57) -3.44% Apr 4.68,301025 7.81% 474,000.00 7.90% (59698.75) -1020% May 504955 3065 8.41% 489,000.00 8.15% 15,553 ®5 3.18% Jun Totals $5,539,495.36 92432% J5,508,000000 91.,80% $319495036 0.57% City of Owasso Sales Tax Report ,rwo Year Comparison May '11,2000 Fiscal 1999-2000 Fiscal 1998-99 Increase or (Decrease) Percent Percent \ffi nt. -QLR-UA9.Q—t --AMQII[BL, ft u-@ —I s)LA- c A Effl- U I Jul $ 512,985.26 6,55% $ 4519469.72 3016% $ 619515054 13063% Aug 511,393.24 8052% 4539908027 820% 57,484.97 12466% Sep 514,497.85 8.57% 4489643.93 8.11% 659853.92 14.68% Oct 5149225081 8.57010 4989631.93 9.01% 159593.88 3013% Nov 491,721077 8020% 4369276009 7.88% 559445.68 12.710/0 Dec 5009720.86 835% 4369740079 7089% 63,980.07 14.65% Jan 497,158.26 8029% 471,618.68 8052% 259539.58 5042% Feb 5579555078 9029% 534977636 9.66010 22,778.92 4.26010 Mar 4669381443 7.77% 431,742.84 7.80% 34,638.59 8002% Apr 468,301.25 7.81010 397,609.91 7.19% 70691434 17.78% May 5049553085 8.41010 500,921482 9.05% 39632003 0073% Jun Totals $ 5,539,495036 92.32% $ 5,0629340.84 91.49% $ 4779154 52 9.430/0 City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years Jul $ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun IIIHEM BEE= um� 1996-97 1995-96 302,677.03 318,501.67 329,039.92 324,380.83 315,843.10 318,501 a16 329,059.46 403,481.21 299,608.15 300,385.63 346,300.39 34.4,428.74 ,39949°36 ,�331009 b 4,944929066 4,433,36° 9 Building 4 162 lQt l Building Permits leaded 65 14,91€ .50 Economic Development 56 9,0U00 Mechanical Permits Issued 59 4,935099 Electrical Permits Issued 67 5,995.99 I iUmbing Permits Issued 79 5,985099 Recreation Development 49 7,825.00 Sign Permits Issued 6 112.59 einspection Fees ® 9099 Sewer Taps 55 26,809.99 Water Taps 33 13,700.00 .ter Peter Deposits TOTALS PERMITS 488 $899784.90 Building 4 162 Mechanical Electrical 139 Plumbing 172 Reinspecti ®n 1 Other =I' TOTAL INSPECTIONS 573 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS April 30, 2000 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS #DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 116 96 - 22 Bailey Ranch lost 11 (6/99) 133 46 6 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 127 0-- Barrington Point (4/94) 41 41 0 Barrington Point II (10/94) 49 47 2 Barrington Point Ili (3/96) 32 24 6 Bradtords at Silver Creek (2/93) 63 61 22 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 49 2 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 26 36 roadmore Heights (10/92) 32 26 4 Camden Park (1/94) 36 34 4 Caudle Estates (10/93) 36 26 12 Central bark (2/95) 45 37 3 Central Park li (7/97) 96 76 20 Country Estates (9/95) 136 136 0 Country Estates 11 (6/97) 193 190 3 Country Estates 111 (3/99) 61 57 4 Country Estates IV (4/00) 156 9 149 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 90 0 Double Oaks 11 (6/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks III (5/93) 63 62 1 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 96 0 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (/95) 60 77 3 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 69 15 Fairways III (3/99) 43 21 22 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 7 97 Fairways IV (5/95) 69 51 13 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 10 12 Fairways V (5/99) 71 6 65 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 44 2 Nottingham Estates II (3/97) 15 10 5 Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) 23 7 16 Preston Lakes (12/31) 272 27 245 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 16 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 15 16 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 53 3 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 34 3 60 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake 11 (6/93) 40 40 0 Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) 4 2 2 TOTALS2999 1909 CITY OF OWASSO Residential Status 0 5® 100 150 200 250 300 otal Lets N Lots Developed REGIDENTIA-L Building Parmitm (Now Conatruction Counts) m"10,11 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1.998 1999 2000 J.,mil it y 3.4 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 Fohk.tnl.'y 3 5 3 4 7 10 11, 10 a 18 35 33 21 26 mr.1 )-,, 11 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 Ap i.- i 1 22 a 6 9 3 12 I I) 1.8 18 39 26 48 38 61 May 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 June 14 4 12 5 10 13 18 23 1'5 37 25 45 40 July 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 Auguet 1.21 � 9 14 10 3.0 9 2U'" 20 0 22 33 September 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 3f- 29 October., 10 5 1.4 .. .... . 36 23 November 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 is 20 13 14 26 14 December 4 TOTALSI 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 401 3 2, 131 Year to Dat .1 �Z 4 �6 2 T1�4,i— 14=1 13T- April Year to Date Count 1 XAL Building Permits (Now Construction Dollars) April Year to Date Dollars ------------ ------ $16,000,000 Mom 9.Z=- - $12,000,000 2 V; 0 $8,000,000 r- 00 0 $4,000,000 z To 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Now Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year lot to • P I WIMUMS COMMRCIAL Building Permits (Now Construction Counts) M<untlt Jeu ua 1987 1.9EII 1- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 try 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 +i 2 3 Marcia 3 0 p 1 0 1 2 0 7 6 12 Apr il, 2 p 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 May p 0 1 1 1 ;' l Q' 9 5 36 © 1 0 1 1 2 2 3, 0 1 4 0 July l 0 t� 4d i '�I'q �lil�iu ' l 1 0... i :; �ill� 0 , ullil,ll IIiII�I�I 0 i 1 1 2 September 1 0 0 1 al.. ilil ii u;li� i I'I i CG tai ® 1 1 lill4l i 0 !: 0 2 ? 2 0 November., 0 ® 2 2 p 1 December 0 2 1 2 1 0 5 IOJ'sY,' 13 0 � .w 8 8 12 73� 1.9 20 26 66 26 Year to Dat 9 p Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities i � 9 � 1 i April Year t0 bate COUrIt CO RCS BuIlding P® ts (b ,Tew con struation April Year to Date Dollars 5 4 -14f i Z Y g ''; ♦ : -• _ r i • '. i Y -Mel • i .�. y . . •e� s R f!! New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year +i CO RCS BuIlding P® ts (b ,Tew con struation April Year to Date Dollars 5 4 -14f i Z Y g ''; ♦ : -• _ r i • '. i Y -Mel • i .�. y . . •e� s R f!! New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE JANUARY 2000 1/5/00 ,Cellular & More 11624 E 86 St No The Children's Depot 8831 Owasso Exp Job Analysis 104 West Broadway DLSS Security 9220 No Garnett #G Ch ay Enterprises 11330 No Garnett #-M FEBRUARY 2000 1/5/00 Fit Express - Mitch Miller 310 E 5th St Enchantment Gifts 9100 A No Garnett Rd Tori's Ceramics 8263 Owasso Exp #G Holiday Enterprises 8351 Owasso Exp Victory Energy 8263 Owasso Exp #E Raze of Beauty 8525 N 129 E Ave MARCH 2000 1/5/00 Stanfield Industries, Inc. 11330 No Garnett Mostly Fiction 105 W 2nd Ave Tantasic 8301 N Owasso Exp Friendship Baptist Church 14100 E 86 St No Armstrong Sign & Design 102 C South Atlanta Owasso Towne Center 8501 N 129 E Ave BeautyCo 12910 E 86 St No Pharmacy Providers, Inc, 121 So Main St Wine & Spirits Liquor Store 8517 N 129 E Ave LaMode Cleaners 8505 N 129 E Ave Floral Systems, Inc. 104 West Broadway,#3 APRIL 2000 1 Shiever's Karate 306 E 5 Ave, D & Sav-On Printing, Inc 308 E 5 Ave Secure Facility Integrators 202 E 2nd Ave Puzzles Family Restaurant 11531 N Garnett New 1/5/00 1/5/00 Yes Now 1/17/00 1/17/00 Yes New 1/12/00 1/12/00 Yes Now 1/13/00 1/13/00 Yes New 1/13/00 1/13/00 Yes Relocate 2/4/00 2/7100 Yes Relocate 2/8/00 2/8/00 Yes Now 2/8/00 2/14/00 Yes New 2/18/00 3/1/00 Yes New 2/23/00 2/23/00 Yes Relocate 2/28/00 2/28100 Yes New 3/8/00 3/9/00 No New 3/10/00 4/17/00 No Relocate 3/20/00 4/17/00 No Relocate 3/20/00 4/9/00 No Now 3/21/00 3/10100 Yes New 3/22/00 3/27/00 Yes New 3/22/00 4/20/00 No New 3/29/00 4/15/00 No New 3/29/00 4/1/00 Yes New 3/30/00 4/7/00 Yes New 3/30/00 1/1/00 No Relocate 4/4/00 4/4/00 No New 4/5/00 5/1100 No New 4/11/00 4/11/00 No Owner Chg 4/13/00 4/17/00 No 11"GISLATIVI. CONSORTIUM 2000 Initiate and fuss MonitorintY of' Of IFA Rules- The Oklahoma I lousing Finance Agency is considering major changes to the Low Income Housing 'Tax Credit program rules. A meeting was scheduled May 9 with Mouse Administrative tw s Chair Charles (Gray, Representative [)an Webb, the (FIFA Director, "Tulsa Housing Authority Director Roy Hancock and Mandell Matheson to work out how rules will be written. It is hopeful that a resolution can be passed requiring OHFA to Kass emergency rules so the Tulsa Housing Authority can continue the Osage Hills project and be eligible to compete for OI-IFA tax credits. Q`THE . f3lf4,,S QF TNII` REST Jail_Qperation Contracts- This bill is sponsored by the Oklahoma Sheriff's Association and would force the jail trust authority to get written permission from the Tulsa County Shedff to renew the contract with private operators, House conferees are as follows, Sweedn, Corn, Taylor and ebb. No senate conferees as yet. HB2296 Sen. Leftwich' and Rep. Sweeden. S13 1219 Vehicle inspection Elimination is in Senate conference committee. It eliminates commercial visual vehicle. inspection. Senator ` eedn and Representative Hillard, 1413 2088 Transit Revolving Fund is in .House conference committee, It would transfer I% of vehicle registration fees to transit revolving fimd from the general fund. -,tea abgUaabU��� �do►�erlka acent to We SupplI;akes by Representative Bob Plunk and Senator Rick Littlefield is in conference c►,r mittPP May 2000