HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.06.13_Joint Meeting Agenda_CC_OPWA_OPGA NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING JOIN'I' SPECIAL SESSION OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AND THE OW ASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special June 13, 2000 6:30 p.m. Recreation Room Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 9, 2000. ~/r~dUKLG Marcia outwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Mayor Williams PUBLIC HEARING Presentation and Open Discussion, Including Public Comment, of the Fiscal 2000.-2001 Budget Mitchell will a of the proposed for consideration any public comments offered. answer as OWClSSO City Council .Tunc ]3,2000 Page 2 3. Discussion Relating to Utility Billing Provider. Ms Bishop 4. Discussion Relating to Ator Relief Line. Mr McElrath Mr Can Attachment #4 5. Discussion Relating to 96th St N Improvements. Mr Can Mr Mitchell 6. Update and Discussion Relating to Status of City Hall/Police Station Project. Mr Mitchell 7. Discussion Relating to Mayor Williams Attachment #7 to and Owasso ('ity ('ouncil .Tunc 13,2000 Pilgc 3 8. Discussion Rclating to Procedure to Fill Vacant Council Seats. Mayor Williams Attachment #8 9. Report from City Manager. Mr Mitchell 10. Adjournment. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT: COUNCIL WORK SESSION SCHEDULE FOR 6/13/00 DATE: June 8, 2000 Information and discussion relating to the following issues is planned for the City Council work session on Tuesday, June 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the Recreation Room at the Owasso Community Center. 1. Discussion Relating to Utility Billing Provider .. Ms Bishop will discuss the outsourcing of the utility billing function. Discussion Relatinglo Ator Relief Line - Mr McElrath & Mr Can will discuss the status of the project and proposed Letters of Agreement to be offered to two landowners for easements. 3. Discussion Relating to 96th St N Improv~ments ~ Mr Can & Mr Mitchell will discuss the bids received for the 96th St N Improvements project, as well as the status ofthe project. 4. Update and Discussion Relating to Status of City Hall/Police Station Project - Mr Mitchell will provide an update on the status of the project. 5. Discussion . RelatilJlL1Q__~p-ointmentuo Boards, C()mmissions,~.?11d ~ommittee~ - The Mayor will discuss appointments to be made for those terms ending on 30th provide opportunity for Councilors to make suggestions appointments. 6. Discussion Relating to Procedure to Fill Vacant Council Seats - The Council has accepted the resignation of Councilor Bode and declared her seat to be vacant. The adopted policy for filling vacancies in the membership of the Council will be discussed, and the steps in the process reviewed. E OHAN U TO: F. HOBEHT . HR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR COPY: LAHRY MITClfELL CITY MANAGI~R FROM: .HM Md~LRATH SUPPORT SI~RVICES DIRECTOR SUBJJl:CT: STATUS I~EPORT ON ILASEMENTS FOR ATOR RELlEFLJNE DATE: June 8, 2000 As of today, working easements have been obtained as prescribed by the engineer for the following parcels I. Trails End Development, by donation 2. Ronald and G\vendolyn Ogan, by donation of agreement for working and/or permanent easements have been drafred for the following parcels, based upon conversations with and/or letters from the landowners and/or their representatives: I. Rowena 'ILs 2. Strawdey McCarty have been and approved as to legal and need to be submitted to so that [ can to I packet on Friday morning At the Session we can get any input the Council might have into the possibility of any further negotiations with the landowners so that we can submit 11nal letters of agreement to the Council for their approval. letters of agreement have becn approved by the Council, the landowners stand ready to sign casement documents. These casements will complete the acquisitions necessary f()r t he project. draBs are attached to this memo. and content by the approval; 1'1 ;I,'{,' 4:1:1/ , J J Jill 11\\,,\',',(1 lill ,,:' 1'J{JWI'())LJ1.~ y ,F:ASEMl~NT Trails Eud Development P.O, Box 641 OW!l\SO, OK 7<l055 KNOW AI.I. MEN BY TIll'S!' Pf<FSFNTS W J lFREAS, the CITY or ow ASSO deslIes to obtam the temporary right to use and occupy II sfnp of land ad;aecm to the pcrIl1ancnt casement on which a sanitary sewer is to be constructed. NOW l1IEREFORE, fO! a sum of$1.00 and other good and vaIuableconsiderations, receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, the undersigned docs hereby give and grant to the CffY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with ~ the temporary right to go upon and use the following described tract ofla.nd in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: The north 100 feet of the east 70 feet of the NB~ NEY.< of Section 25. T21N, R13E and forty feet each side of an existing sewer line beginning at a point 61 feet south of the NW comer of Section 30, DIN, R14E, thence S89030'49"E a distance of 59.98 feet to a point, thence S89"27'14"E a distance of 188m feet to apoint. thenceS71 "56'22"E a distance ofapprorimately360feetto a point of termination 604.49 feet east of the NW comer of said Section 30. This grant of temporary right to use and occupy is given for the purpose ofpennitting the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives. agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the right to use said described property in connection with the conStruction of a sanitmy sewer mentioned in the preamble hereto and shall include the right of use said property in every lawful manner or means reasonably necessary to accomplish the construction, installation and laying of said sanitary sewer aoove mentioned.. It is llllderstood and agreed that his grant of temporary easeX'l1ent slWl not be ruled of record in the office of the County Clerk in and for Tulsa, COllllty, State of Oklahoma, provided; however, that the parties grantor agree that this grant shall be binding Upon their heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives during the term hereofi and further agree that in ~ event that premises covered by this temporary grant are sold, assigned or con~ that the purchaser or grantee thereof will be advised of the ex-i,tence of this temporary grnnt and that said sale term shall be made subject tot he righrs herein given. he..t'Cto ~- 20.80, Authorized Representative STATE OF OKLAHDMA (Individual ) )SS. ) Ii PUblic within on this to :md ~ withm and saJ.ue as their free and voluntary iilct {O me that and purposes therein set forth. IN WfrNESS and yeu. last aoove written. I have hereunto set my hand Ilnd Ilffu::ed my official seal the I,.., 'v V P?nfr,?,?/p -~ \ . I~< ~ ~ LiJ.o. "j),,~~~fi.&A~~. _' ~ My commisS~t:, @""V,,,? -:. Notary Public ::: r-" ". -';""'''i-v <%I ~ _ ". -:. . ... 'J ...1:,. i::' .},. v.4 " f""'\..., ... 0 ..:t' 'Y.;>- c:::- 1/'" \"AI..., .. "c.') fr)C"ho.'/O.' ... ~~ :"(: o'r-,.-~ : ~ :_"'- 'J7 ryo -..... ..."-'. ~~ . .....\. .:tl () . ,,-q, . rr... .... c....; /1_ e e ^ V 0\1) . 'I...' <<@ @G_'-\ .......... @ e @ e (t @ @ 0 "'--;' 'b ".".oF ",:S' )of:) \ 't;\ ,a~~ "ddnJJJ4' ( V '/ \ \j/1 v TE.\1PORARY EASEMENT KNUW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS, the CITY OF OW ASSO desires to obtain the temporary right to use and occupy a strip of land adjacent to the permanent casement on which a sanitary sewer is to be constructed. NOW THEREFORE, for a sum of $ 1 ,00 and other good and valuable tonsiderations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned docs hereby give and grant to the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the temporary right to go upon and use the folJowing described tract ofland in Tulsa Co~nty, Oklahoma, to-wit: The north 48.5 feet of the south 65 feet of that part of the SI/2 of the fE',.lllying east of the A.T. and SF railroad in Section 24, T2IN, Rl3E. This grant of temporary right to use and occupy is given for the purpose of permitting the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the right to use said described property in connection with the construction of a sanitary sewer mentioned in the preamble hereto and shall include the right of use said property in every lawful manner or means reasonably necessary to accomplish the construction, installation and laying of said sanitmy sewer above mentioned. It is understood and agreed that Jlis grant of temporary easement shalJ not be filled of record in the office of the County Clerk in arld for Tulsa, County, State of Oklahoma, provided; however, that the parties grantor agree that this grant shall be binding upon their heirs, executors, administrators arld personal representatives during the term hereof; and fmther agree that in the event that premises covered by this temporary grant ar'e sold, assigned or conveyed, that the purchaser or grantee thereof wilJ be advised of the existence of this temporary grant and that said sale term shall be made subject tot he rights herein given, IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed this day -~L2~. 31...,20.m. IowJ{ l~L 11 .~ Ronald Lee Og~~"'----~- COUNTY OF (Individual Acknowledgment) ) )SS, ) STATE OF OKLAHOMA Before a Nota.ry Public within and for said County and on this day of 20 QtL personally appeared ...Rona\i:L..Lee and (iYi.ffidoL,{!L~ .Og.ill} to me known to be the identical persons who executed the within and foregoing instlllment in writing and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written, 1\ly Co;nmission Expires 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 June 6, 2000 Mills Family Trust Ms. Rowena Mills, Trustee 10435 E 86th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Ms, Mills, This letter is to propose an offer by the City of Ow as so, contingent upon City Council approval, in order to obtain a permanent and a temporary easement (a copy of each being attached to this agreement and deemed a part thereof) to construct and maintain a sewer line across property ofMiIls Family Trust located in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, T21N, R14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, The following are commitments made by the City: 1, The City of Owasso will pay Mills Family exchange for the easements, (fiSeIler") a sum $15,000 2. The will allow the family to tap new sewer line to serve the existing residence of Helen Cox Mills located on the subject 40 acre tract No tap will be charged. 3. The City will pay for the replacement of any trees and shrubs which are either removed or seriously damaged due to the construction of the new sewer line; 4. re~grade, and disturbed area areas so as to areas; 5. to plans 6. Seller's remaining property must remain of construction materials and debris; / I['<IIIY ol,'.;c1IC1s Icnce is rcmovec!, the City must Icpl<lcC alllence relllOvcc! in a good <IllcI worl<ll1i1nlike manner, fUlthermorc, <lny fencing ;drected by the construction process must be careflJJJy monitored so as to keep thc existing cattle on the subject 4U acrcs within the conllnes oE'the pasture during the construction process; I). The City's improvements must provide f<.1r unobstructed ingress and egress to Seller's remaining property, both during and after the construction process; 9. The City shall replace any concrete or other hard surfacing, if any, that is removed by the City; and J o. It: at a later date, the Mills family, or their grantee, requests that sewer taps be permitted along 86th Street North on the Seller's remaining property, then the City shall permit up to two (2) such sewer taps, at no charge, to the Mills family or the Grantee. In exchange for these commitments, the Seller will execute and deliver the Temporary and Permanent Easements to the City of Owasso in the form attached. It is understood by the City of Owasso that the City will complete and perform the commitments listed to the absolute satisfaction of the Seller and that to help ensure this, the ascertainment of such satisfaction on the part of Seller shall be included as part of the contractor's project inspection ("punch list") upon completion of the work. Thank you for your cooperation in suggesting arrangements that will allow for execution of the easement agreement. Sincerely, Larry Mitchell City Manager, City of Owasso A( 'KNOWIJ':I)( d~MI-:NI The rl/)OVC cornrnitmcllts I through 10 corllply with my Icquircmellts I al11 willing to sell tClnpolary and pcnllallcnt eascmcnts to the City o/'Owasso bascd on thcsc cornmitrncnts. Mills Family Trust (Rowena Mills, Trustee) STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said COtltlly and State, on this _~day of ~---~--' 2000, personally appeared Rowena Mills to me known to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instnnnent and acknowledged to me that she executed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes herein set forth IN WITNESS WHEREOF, r hereunto set my official signature and affixed my seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: Notary Public Accepted by the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, this____day of__________, 2000, ~---------_...~-~--~~ H. C. Williams, Mayor --_._---._-------_..~-----..- _..._--._-----_._--~ a I, J'I';Ml'.QIs/\ f{ Y E, \ S 1<~1\11 ~ N'!: J-.:N()\v AU. IVII'N II Y TIIL,,)I~ I'!,I:SLNTS W I [I :RLM;, Il1c CITY OF OW ASSO dcsircs to oblainthe temporary righllo use and occupy a strip of land adjaccnt to the permanent easement on which a sanitary sewer is to be constructed, NOW '1'1 IEREFORE, for a sum of $l,(j(j and other good and valuable considerations, receipt wl1L'leof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby give and grant to the C1TY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the temporary right to go upon and use the following described tract of land in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: The north 30 feet of the south 86.5 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, T21N, R 14E and a strip of land 15 feet wide with it's west edge lying 15 feet cast of a line and a strip of land 50 feet wide with it's cast edge lying 15 feet west of a line beginning at a point 56,5 feet north and 60 feet west of the SE comer of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4, thence north a distance 772.00 feet, thence northeast a distance of 280 feet to a point 35 feet west and 225 feet south of the NE comer of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4, thence northeast to a point of termination 30 feet west of said NE comer. This grant of temporary right to use and occupy is given for the purpose of permitting the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the right to use said described property in connection with the constmction of a sanitary sewer mentioned in the preamble hereto and shall include the right of use said property in every lawful manner or means reasonably necessary to accomplish the construction, installation and laying of said sanitmy sewer above mentioned, It is understood and agreed that his grant of temporary easement shall not be filled of record in the office of the County Clerk: in and for Tulsa, County, State of Oklahoma, provided; however, that the p,uties grantor agree that this grant shall be binding upon their heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives during the term hereof; and further agree that in the event that premises covered by this temporary grant are sold, assigned or conveyed, that the purchaser or grantee thereof will be advised of the existence of this temporary grant and that said sale telm shall be made subject tot he rights herein given. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instmment to be executed this day ___._______., ,', Mills Family Trust Authorized Representative STATE OF OKLAHOMA (Individual Acknowledgment) ) COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned, a Notmy Public within and for said County and on this --~-----. day 20_~_, personally appeared, Mills FamiIYInL~_ to me known to be the identical persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument in writing and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereullto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written, IV1)' Commission Expires Notary Public SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT I~I]()IV A/I Mcn By TIJe.:sc I'I'CSClll.,: That thc undersigncd, Mills Family Trust , the OWNERS of the legal and cquitable title to thc fol lowing dcscribed real estate situated in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, for ;lI1d in considcration of the sum of One Dollar ($ I ,00) cash in hand paid by the CITY OF OW ASSO, Ok lahoma, and other good and val uable considerations, receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant and convey unto the said CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, a perpetual easement, through, over, under and across the following property, situated in said County, to-wit: The north 40 feet of the south 56,5 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, T21N, R 14E and 15 feet each side of a line beginning at a point 56,5 feet nOl1h and 60feet west of the SE comer of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4 thence NOoo06'55"W a distance of 772,00 feet to a point, thence northeast a distance of 280 feet to a point 35 feet we~t and 225 feet south of the NE comer of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4, thence northeast 225 feet to a p6int of tenninatiiVn 30 feet west of said NE comer. for the purpose of permitting the said CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, to construct a sanitary sewer thereon through, over, under and across said property, together with all necessary and convenient appurtenances thereto; and to use and maintain the same and of affording the CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, its officers, agents, employees, and all persons under contract with it, the right to enter upon said premises and strip of land for the purpose of surveying, excavating for, laying, constructing, operating, repairing, relaying, and maintaining said sanitary sewer, and for the further purpose of enabling the said CIT OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, to do any and all convenient things to such construction, operation, repairing, and maintaining of such sanitary sewer. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD such easement and right-of.way unto the said CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, its successors and assigns, forever. Dated this day Mills Family Tmst Authorized Representative ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF OKLAHOMA I ,/ COUNTY OF ) )SS ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, appeared , personally known to me to be such, that they executed the above and foregoing document freely and and for the uses and purposes therein stated, Notmy Public Commission Expires: --~-~~-~~-~~ Acccptcd by the City Council of CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, this ___ day of -__________._, 20__, XITEST: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA CHARNEY 8: CHARNEY A Professional Corporation Attorneys At Law 202 South Cedar, Suite A Post Office Box 240 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 272-5338 (918) 272-5376 (fax) May 15, 2000 Mr. Jim McElrath City of Owasso Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Hand-Delivered Re: Granting of Easement from Mills Family Trust for Owasso Ator Interceptor Dear Jim: The Mills Family Trust ("Seller") is prepared to grant the requested permanent and temporary easements to the City of Owasso ("City") as forth in the March 8, 2000 letter from Jay Updike (copy attached). The Mills family requests that the amount of the financial consideration for the granting of the easements, which approximate one-half (1/2) mile in sum $15,000.00. In addition, following items are conditions the subject contract: 1. The City will allow the Mills family to tap into the new sewer line to serve the existing residence of Helen Cox Mills located on the subject 40 acre tract. No tap fee will be charged and the City will pay for the construction of necessary improvements, lines, . so as allow the subject home be by City sewer; rou 3. The and re-grade, and areas disturbed during the construction process. If any disturbed area later settles, then the City will again compact and fill in such areas so as to make them level with the undisturbed adjacent afoeas; 4. The improvements to be built by the City must be built substantially in accordance with those plans and specifications provided to Seller by the City; 5. Seller's remaining pr'operty must remain free of construction materials and debr-is; 6. If any of Seller's fence is removed, the City must replace all fence removed in a good and workmanlike manner; furthermore, any fencing affected by the construction process must be carefully monitored so as to keep the existing cattle on the subject 40 acres within the confines of the pasture during the construction process; 7. The City's improvements must provide for unobstructed ingress and egress to Seller's remaining property, both during and after the construction process; 8. The City shall replace any concrete or other hard surfacing, if any, that is removed by the City; and 9. If, at a later date, the Mills family, or their grantee, requests that sewer taps be permitted along 86th Street North on the Seller's remaining property, then the City shall permit up to five such sewer taps, at no charge, to the Mills family or their Grantee. If you wish discuss any of these items further, please call me. It is my understanding that you will be presenting me with a simple contract that these provisions. . Very truly yours, Cf~:3j;R~Ec;~__J David E. Charney . _/_/ 26399 G(lrv(~r, Inc, i 11'1111"('1' ; ,.1 Ii' /, i' ,illl( I,()j ! I JI." I ()!. 1,;1, r ,;!/ jl, Ill{ :'/l() I/J:):i J /\/ 'llH ;J1iJ I/,/J V/WW(j;W./(:(lfl(; ',r)lfl GARVER ENGINEERS March 8, 2000 Mr. David Charney Charney and Charney P,O. Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: Owasso Ator Interceptor Dear Mr. Charney: In accordance with our meeting of March 7, 2000 we have revised the route of the proposed sewer line to cross the Helen Mills Trust property. As agreed we have shifted the last manhole on the fruit trees as possible. east to as I Mills. I on new route Revised legal description for the temporary and permanent easements are as follows: permanent Easement Hll'llh\lh)11 IN @ t .\\\';:1'\ " ,\i, \lI t1lJll!:;\II!t' ;\1 61 rvLldl~;l)n f\1S e L.1t[1(~ 1"1C\'k. ,\11 G I ()(JI~;vill<.~, !\Y ~ rlrl~". (11\ Mr. Charney March 8, 2000 Page 2 Temporary Easement The north 30 feet of the south 86.5 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19, T21 N, R14E and a strip of land 15 feet wide with it's west edge lying 15 feet east of a line and a strip ofland 50 feet wide with it's east edge lying 15 feet west of a line beginning at a point 56.5 feet north and 60 feet west of the SE corner of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4, thence north a distance 772.00 feet, thence northeast a distance of 280 feet to a point 35 feet west and 225 feet south of the NE corner of said SE 1/4 SW 1/4, thence northeast to a point of termination 30 feet west of said NE corner. By copy of this letter I am notifying Mr. Jim McElwrath at the City of Owasso of the route revision and requesting that he proceed with the acquisition process. Sincerely, GARVER o cc: RobeIt Carr Jim McEI wrath (918) 212-2251 FAX (918) 212-4999 Owasso 201 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 June 7, 2000 Mr. Strawdey McCarty NW of City Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. McCarty, This letter is to propose an offer by the City of Owasso("City"), contingent upon City Council approval, in order to obtain a temporary easement (a copy of which is attached to this agreement and deemed a part thereof) to construct and maintain a sewer line across the property of Strawdey McCarty ("Seller") located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 24, T21N, RUE, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The following are commitments made by the City: 1, The City shaH update the abstract propexty up to the point sale right-.ot."way easement purchased from Seller on September 25, 1984, See attached Exhibit A. City CUlTent sewer means to restore soil washout resulting i:i'om construction, maintenance, or repair of the sewer line built 1984, at or around the point where line crosses Ranch Creek on the Seller's property. Plans for the remedy shaH be discussed with and approved by the SeHer in advance of the work being done. This remedy is in every way in accord with the provisions of the agreement having been entered into by the City and Seller on September 1984, See attached Exhibit 3. execute Easement to the City in the attached, It is understood by the City Owasso that the City will com,plete and perform the commitments listed to the satisfaction of the Seller and that to help ensure this, the ascertainment of such satisfaction on the part of Seller shall be included as part ofthe contractor's project inspection ("punch list") upon completion of the work. Thank you ror your cooperation in suggesting arrangements that will allow f()I execution or thc casement agrecment. Sincerely, Larry Mitchell City Manager, City of Ow as so ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The above commitments 1 through 3 comply with my requirements. I am willing to donate temporary easement to the City of Owasso based on these commitments. Strawdey McCarty ST A TE OF OKLAHOMA) ) COUNTY TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said ComIty and State, on this __day of ~ ,2000, personally appeared Strawdey McCarty to me known to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free ,md voluntary act and deed for the purposes herein set forlh. IN WITNESS \\THEREOF, I hereunto set my official signature and affixed my seal the day and year last abovc written. My Commission Expires: Notary Public SO, H. Williams, Mayor ATTEST: ~'_____~.n.___..___.~._ '~.___"_.____n~.~______,.~ ___.________ Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk TEMPORAHY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESI:: PRESENTS WHEREAS, thc CITY OF OW ASSO desires to obtain the temporary right to use and occupy a strip or land adjaccnt to thc permanent easement on which a sanitalY sewer is to be constructed. NOW THEREFORE, 1'01' a slim 01'$1.00 and other good and valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby give and grant to the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the temporary right to go upon and use the following described tract ofland in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit: The north 48.5 feet of the south 65.0 feet of SW14 SE14 and of that part of the SE14 SE14 lying west of the A.T. and S,F. railroad all in Section 24, T21N, R13E. , This grant of temporary right to use and occupy is given for the purpose of permitting the CITY OF OW ASSO, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or persons under contract with it, the right to use said described property in connection with the construction of a sanitary sewer mentioned in the preamble hereto and shall include the right of use said property in every lawful manner or means reasonably necessary to accomplish the construction, installation and laying of said sanitmy sewer above mentioned. It is understood and agreed that his grant of temporary easement shall not be filed of record in the office of the County Clerk in and for Tulsa, County, State of Oklahoma, provided; however, that the pmties grantor agree that this grallt shall be binding upon their heirs, executors, administrators and personal representatives during the term hereof; and further agree that in the event that premises covered by this temporm'y grant are sold, assigned or conveyed, that the purchaser or grantee thereof will be advised of the existence of this tempormy grant and that said sale during said telm shall be made subject tot he rights herein given. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pmties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed this ___... day__~________, 20._. '. Strawdy Clinton McCarty COUNTY OF (Individual Acknowledgment) ) )SS. ) ST ATE OF OKLAHOMA Before me, the a Notary Public within and for said day of 20 personally appeared to me known to be the identical persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument in and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written, My Commission Expires: Notary Public j~~ ')\\ r ,+, c~'{;) (. xl/( /;1-1 / L/;) if TF;:Rf!.A eE ,])1211/[;- /UL<:;A) OK 71101 31048t o C f i:'f . ,v ,I- BOOK 481.9 r~GE 401 RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENr KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That in consideration of One Dollars ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in the form of alloca.ting two (2) sewer taps per manhole, as well as locating a wye at Station 8-90 of dra:wings, paid to Ruth McCarty, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", by the (Masso Public Works Authority of Owasso, Oklahoma, and/or the City of Ow'asso, Oklahoma, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantee", the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby grant, bargain, ilJ sell, transfer and convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement with the right to erect, construct, install, lay, ~ t:J and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, replace, and '1v remove sewer utility systems over, across and though the land of Grantor situate in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, said land being described as follows: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S/2 SE/4) of Section 24, Township 21 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, lying and being situate West of the A. T.& SoF. Railroad Right~of~Way. together with the right ingress and the successors and easemerlt. as Com:nencing at West Half Southeast Quarter (W/2 SE/4) of Section 24, Tawnsl1ip Range 13 East; thence West. a distance 630.00 feet; thence North, a distance of 21.5 feet to the Point of Begirm.ing; thence East. parallel and adj acent to the North right~of~way line for 86th Street North, a distance 14560 feet to the A. & S. F 0 Right=of=Way. sewer aud connection ~.th the sewer line; however. it expressly lmderstood that no be removed from the temporary construction easement granted herein. Expiration of the aforesaid temporary easement shall occur thirty (30) days from acceptance of said construction by Grantee, said acceptance being filed of record by Grantee. or. the expiration of one (1) year from the date hereof. whichever date occurs sooner 0 PAGE , It is further understood and agreed th,'3.t said Grantee agrees to pay f,t'.lp Rr;f,ld to Grantor any actual damages to crops, improvements or fences which may result from the laying, erecting, maintaining, operating or removing of such sewer line. That the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and/or the (Masso Public Works Authority, guarantee Grantor that the drainage topography of the area adj acent to the easement herein granted shall be tmdisturbed and remain or be returned to that which existed prior to the excavation herein concerned, as well as any dirt rerroved during the process of excavatiorl, not necessary for purposes of back~fill or filling of the pond shall remain on the property of Grantor. It is :further understood and agreed that if and in the event the sewer utility system erected, constructed, installed, laid and thereafter used, operated, inspected, repaired, maintained, or replaced in the easement herein provided shall ever, for any reason, be abandoned by the Grantee, then in such event, the ea8eIIll2I1t shall revert to the heirs and assign.s of the Grantor 0 This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors and of the hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~CJ_ set ) ) ss~ ) STATE OF OKLAHCMA CDUNTY act OOK4819PAGl: 403 ?:,j~~C2:~~::~;:,~c, ~ty "\, ",."'('I.'/'i'iI~,:iT/.dlt""" .'.' , ,.",X:::/~!:;:::~~~rl.~;Jiff..t,vtf.E';'::,'.; .~ ......'." /'" ~"b~ OF "QKI:..;AHCMA ',,:..'Ji:..;;:;)r,~i@b~BY"6~-~~ , .: . GRANrEE: CITY~(JvJASSO' OKLAHOMA By: ___ _4l'./~ y. cer, yor ) ) ss: ) Before me~ the undersigr:1ed, a Notary Public within and for said County and State, on this u~ day of ~~~k""" . 1984, personally appeared Boyd M. Spencer, to me we 1 kilown to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. ". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ':';~~'1?fficia1,'seal day III Iii II, 111111 .' ,.dC". c,.o;. .,' I '){';\<o''''''''' /1 ""."'" ,\\;:Jo.:trf;uAJ1J:.:{)' '/~~.r'::;'\{>" ,'\,.... V~0e.;)O<lil~.. ~...,."/ ....i.I... y~~ ,.:.~''Y ~.~~(tJ;,;Y;i(<"~li~' 0~;.~;t~1~}'(~~~)~/ " ",.iit"~"OI . '."u,"",..-".,. 'jt$!I!J~f,L",", ~~~;'T~ion _ _ .'~::::: ;'0;\"" 0,-,"'.',;,..... .~, ~R,;.C6mmjssloll tlqme.S .:.;:;:-:?~~"..-.~i}~~~.f(O:>I~Ij"'..~. '. ~~ ..,. ~ ,'1, "..... .. . .', r.., ," . .., ...., r".... ",'\ ( \' ":' C"\ \\ ,"',' . f . '.::?;~/l~::;A;;-:;~iSi'\\i~i';'\\. . "" "., .."....-.,.- . .,. '." . . my _'rman >~.p?;~~'~ ~::).: . i~~~~'>'\<::; r,: ~ "'.9.) ~~~~ : ,~ ",., ss: 4~1/'W!'f?' ': ",t~~"'i . .\me" . tho e a Notal"V and ., . \"\'.' \ ., .' \ \j "J Coun~,l~Q;'State, on this day of p 1984, personally appeared Boyd ~cer, to me we own to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing inst:nm:mt on behalf of The Owasso Public Works Authority, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. BOOK 481~Jr^Gr: 404 TN WIINESS WHEREOF, I hc'3.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. _ . .'. c:W0:!H;:ts0;{;:;;: .... Not~ H':'.:'~O~~~;~'8ion Expires: _ /1t~~jf~{~t~'.~~i,;coinmission Expires 6 4~(.i '\itd1/'~"IJt~""l4lt.,L ~'t.l ,;;. .' 'f .<..2~~'~:~~<~; , :~;/';":/. (".';00 "~\:';o\'t'>' '~'.I\~.~.'; .~...J~A.-t,.,C5:~ i:.~.1\\\,,~;~.: 'H,'" .,.III7ft',!,!", '^" II';""", "':;:~;:~?r?:(;~(i~~\~~rJ:?( ,<' . .' ':.~ :. > U3 n co ::::! ": ~ :;:...... ~ G) ., .: ,., n:::_~""'Q c--'-- ~ r=<>""':: zr.. ~... -<u; n~ ::;;(1) :;;:0 ;A ''Tj VJ ~ ....d ...., :> '.jj~~~ " :.J (no ;:.; > 'TJ :,JOO ....,..,~;;r.: '._ I c::. "_'z> '.J --I:I: '7.:.,0 CJ :t r1 > o ~, . ,'I (I 'I I q I,.J (- r I I il ) ,) b (/ :~t01 / L/;).Lf 7 (:121</f ct: flklf/& j/-'- .r:.~ I jV 14- 7CLL,<::A 0;:::: 7Lf/o Y ) COOK 4819 PhGE :393 RIGHT-Of-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That in consideration of One Dollars ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in the form of allocating two (2) sewer taps per manhole, as well as fill and leveling work performed on the pond area on the premises hereinafter described, paid to Ruth McCarty, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" 9 by the Ow'asso Public Works Authority of Owasso, Oklahoma, and/or the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantee", the receipt of which is hereby ~) acknowledged. the Grantor does hereby grant. bargain. sell, transfer and convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement with the right to erect. construct, install. lay, and cJ\f\ P thereafter use, operate. inspect. repair, maintain, replace, and remove \ v S'2\A7er utility systems over, across and though the land of Grantor situate in Tulsa County, State of Oklahorna., said land being described as follows: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW/4 NE/4) and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (N/2 SW/4 NE/4). all in Section 25. Township 21 North. Range Eclst of the Indian Base and Meridian. together the Grantor. easement. ingress and egress over adj acent ffilccessors and . for the purposes as Comnencing at of North Half of Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (Nf2 SW/4 NE/4) Section 25. Township 21 North. Range 13 Eclst of the Indian Base and Meridian. thence West. a distance of 630.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. thence North parallel and adj acent to the County Business Eclsement as filed Book 3910 Page Tulsa Records a to on an. purpose of operating machine:t'Y. depositing spoil excavation in the construction of said sewer line and for all necessary and reasonable uses connection with the construction of said sewer line. however. it is expressly understood that no trees be re.rooved from the temporary construction easement granted herein. Expiration of the aforesaid temporary easerrent shall occur thirty (30) days from acceptance of said construction by Grantee? said acceptance being filed of record by Grantee, or. the expiration of one (l) year from the date hereof. whichever date occurs sooner. BOOK 481.9 PAGE :394 It is further understood and agreed that said Grantee agrees to pay AN lJt<EI:1A to Grantor any actual damages to crops, improvements or fences Which may result from the laying, erecting, maintaining, operating or rermving of such sewer line. A That the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and/or the Ov.7asso Public Works Authority, guarantee Grantor that the ~clrainage~ topography of the area Yi'-./ adj acent to the easement herein granted shall be undisturbed and remain or be :r:etJdIDed to that Which existed prior to the~herein concerned, as well as any dirt rermved during the ~ess of excavation, not necessary for purposes of badk~fill or filling of the pond shall remain on the property of Grantor. -- - =--------......... It is further understood and agreed that if and in the event the sewer utility system erected, constructed, installed, laid and thereafter used, operated, inspected, repaired, rraintained. or replaced in the easement herein provided shall ever, for any reason. be abandoned .~ by the Grantee, then in such event, the easement shall revert to the heirs and assigns of the Grantor. 'Ihis agreement shall be binding trpon the heirs. executors and assigns of the parties hereto. 1/ [' IN WI"fNESS ~'JHERillF ~ ~~t!~> day of set 1984. STATE OF OKLAHCl1A ) ) 88: ) COUNTY OF TULSA act .\ 1\()oyAt119rhGE 3~}5 GRANrEE : ',:. "J. ,I.' ',,,:"'~';':"" ( , ,:.":'I'~i'~Ir':_; \' :A:C~T'("\,,, ' ^. >>'.0':~" ~:,\i..(~}>;/", . ,;" 'I' ~ .J"{,.l C2 t "'~'t. 't ~-r ~ J f' , ,:,(;~~~~,j,;{":~::~':':,(: ,::'""':~', , ' " '\ <I'W;"";: ~, ('':')' . ':j':\i;':t;,v<f: :.'1).' d" . :'--:~;'" ,~ OJ "II'{~1"'1 '1:L.!},.' I'('l~q; , {...., ,4 ." /"~',\:":,~:Hhd.iI~,,,,\1>~~WiZ!(:"',~,; " ':..dJ' V".'~"~!'\..;t\, ;t;'~~(:;'f~Il,...~,\, 1 \ 01,: f df 'f .:1'1:..'('\"<..." I f I I I~<).I I " ~ ,.1 J \\" (\I ~.~ 't,I' ~ ~11' ,,'1(' 1,(1 ~ " ~;t'J 4 ,~. 'I I ',' ~'''','.~..,(, {.1.'" t. t'\1 '~~1."~"~ "\"1'/ '.1'~. (>-/' ';,::';(~'d1;i~~ /,q'F OKIAHCMA ,;...:.,'.:.~:~!~~bS~~~(!"'" .~..' ;t_: ' .;','t,.,;.".I"'.!CQUN[Y OF TULSA /','~':;(:}'~,'~'~:F:~,\.;, :.,;~ . eIn ~PSSO, O!ili\HCMA By: :.--- Boy .. ~~~ ) ) ss: ) Before me. the undersigned~ a Notary Public within and for said County and State, on this ~ 4- --- day of -:5€.,,~-t~b-e'll'" , 1984, personally appeared Boyd M. Spencer, to me well known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrtm1erlt on behalf of the City of Owasso 9 Oklahoma, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto . official day , ,.': ":-~I;~l~~;':tR~~~t.)L. ". .",'. ,.1;',', 1\ \'':' U .Yt///f'\'.;.. ff~~~~~:i;A \&.~(~~':~~~li'~~; . :: o;~~~!:(".-:;{j,~'t', 581.0n :;;. .{.\'l(" iJ": J " '\,~.'.,' . ;::-,';f,!" :~, . j;Cnmmission Expires ,~,_, .ft} . .,...,....' \::\',,~ . ',.;' o,,~,,3~ ~ /}J~:~~ .~ Q:Q;o 0 .~.~":,~?. :~,. ~ <> " , .::~: S ~ ' =". ':'l.-;'~~....t:t' "a. ~,L'_},.\, ..,,\,"'t:..:;:-.;,::>- L ~"'i{ii~~~;'(i,s~,?", .. my ) ) ss: ) me ~ undersigned, a Notary , within County and ~ on this Z.~t:b.day of "S~e-Mbe.tr'" v 1984, personally appeared Boyd 1'1:: Spencer 9 to me we kriown 1:0 be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instn.:!lrel1t on behalf of The Owasso Public Works Authority, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. /// / ,-~ -->, BOOK4819PAGt 394 It is further understood and agreed that said Grantee agrees to pay AN OREe to Grantor any actual damages to crops, improvements or fences vmich may rcsul t from the laying, erecting, maintaining, operating or rem:wing of such sewer line. J That the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and/or the Owasso Public Works Authority, guarantee Grantor that the drainage_ topography of the area ';l....... adj acent to the easement herein granted shall be tmdisturbed and remain or be ;:~ to that which existed prior to the ~herein concerned, as well as any dirt rerroved during the ~ss of excavation, not necessary for purposes of baCk-fill or filling of the pond shall remain on the property of Grantor. -- ~ It is further tmderstood and agreed that if and in the event the sewer utility system erected, constructed, installed, laid and thereafter used, operated, inspected, repaired, IT'aintained, or replaced in the easement herein provided shall ever, for any reason, be abandoned .~ by the Grantee, then in such event, the easement shall revert to the heirs and assigns of the Grantor. This agreenEnt shall be binding upon the heirs, executors and assigns of the parties hereto. V l IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~ this ~~ day of 1984@ have set STATE OF OKLAHCMA COUNTY OF 'TIJLSA ) ) ss: ) ()OOK 4819 PAGE GRANTEE : ~. 'J ' . CITY ~AS2IJ. OKH\HCMA By: '__ BOy .. ~Jt~ ',I. ~:- /,,;,.':-,;1:' ~" ,.<.,:'~:\:)>'~//(.< '.' , . "..:JftJ,@T .,.,1".' .. ~ ,~).'; :~(~'.'i'~~","'~~.'i({.~.)~ ,:~.\';/:.l,..'~' ,:; ,:\,..<;1 'J,,{.\Q 'f 1-J:lJ 'f 'f' ),J. " :~'.';'),>\\li~::\f.',\'~'(/ ':\' ";":';'", . II ""i,/.,,~..lft.y, . " ..~I~'.\hr~,?(,,. ~, 1:.:.)": ':j'W;th~~ t,).;.: !f"Wi.2" .1t.:>.: "',:. '7~.\.'.:i;;t~(h'tllj.+~!, hp'g,.~,: : ~1~;'/"il~1.~~!KJj\~\: ~.~:i/;....(~.;:;. IJ~' . (,(,.'dc/../<:t;f'<<."'( J( j"~.i,~' ,'",. ..t" ',' ",.?" ",1"1. \..~7<~;.', I,v" . 't~701.,1<S'ft''\ 1,..t;.rj,,,,,"";('fJI..,A't, " (\/ ''''~1.''~'.-~' 'd'P' '.1. ,~", ~f) .; ,~;(t;'2H:j:~~' ,QF OKLAHrnA ~r::~~1;\{~::f~~/'<~"\>'/:; ~i'~ : ~)'\lt":"t'imuNrY OF TULSA . /:r;>:~:}~_,~:~,;.p;.,\'; ,.:. . ,...... ) ) ss: ) Before me. the undersigned~ a Notary Public within and for said County and State~ on this ~-+ -day of ~e...~-t~h-eV" ~ 1984, personally appeared Boyd M. Spencer, to me well known to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of the City of Qv..rasso~ Oklahoma, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 1988 ) ) ss ) me ~ undersigned, a Notary p wlthin and ~ on this '2,.";1j:;.dayof "S~e.-M'ae.~ & 1984, personally appeared Boyd}.t Spencer 9 to ~ we known. to be the identical person who executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of The Owasso Public Works Authority, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voltmtary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. BOOf<4819rAGF 396 IN vJITNESS WIlli1.u-'<DF, I have hereilllto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. , --1L~' . ~ "'\\\~\\\i)'UW"!~"'~'";,,. -c- - · Nota~ ' ':'" '.,.1' ' ,-' ).~'"'''c: I",.~,:,// ." .', ;: -<' ~1,~ ., 0- q ~ ~ r.' <I ~t""~:';.~/.?,/.-.. '. \""''V'~''''''1'A'~,r. .:."U:~';'\:;':' '"~'1,Iiu~~~,'YQ,,,~..: ~,~ssion Expires: ". ';1. ~ ~~~Wi~~it.Jt!;\:r.r::;>\';t,\,C~\'::/MY::Gommj ss ion Expi res -'!,-'ilJ.ir~jie~:'~)>P':!!r~""("'" ":.:l" , , ~~.J= "\'~';~'::::':j/:r::;';,.~;8f2fSj.~i~;~:":";,3anuary 31, 1988 ';~i;':'.' ....:.~'!tli>hl\lo't~I(,I":1 ',~,'1 (SEAL) ;lr~_~., \ fJ f':'.""'-~'~I';'Jfl1~.;j~r'I~"r.~'o ~ " "'.;',.~~ -;;.. ., \!~, ::'O'~\;.:i\;~I:"~l[;:'h' .' ".: ""-;;"'\j:" . ,:p.~ ,'::;' 't3~J'. /, 'gi't~t~'!i~:t;-;> - ' J;:> U5.... Vl C? o::J --' -ifli J7" ~,......~ :;; <=-: ffl :::; c: ~ C3::~ ca .=~o {J --:> N ~~ ~ -" g~~ .2~s:. """'1' ",g, ::i01 -0 ~-).."..:P" D~ (F ~ ~"') :::{:r: ~ :;0-<,0 C'? rn __ 0 '3: r- (j? .. ('1 J:P ~ a ~ \\QfJK 481.9 PAGE A'ITEST: GRANrEE : erIT 'ASso.'I~ By: ,Nc/ ~ Boy . Spell r, ~yor : :})~.~_?J\{. i ,'" I '"iil'.," ~ \1:r~iJe.." ~ :.!\.t~f.'ib.Jf.~'~ ..'~ 1\:::';::r.~; .;t!1 ii[;!~!~;;;. . ,\>'> , .. ~ SS : . .""iJ\'''''~ ,",'f~."':''' .'WIt.~.tf\';(E1:u, '~SyY:fL/~{!,;':1~7Nt~,~~,f~~" .', ) .:~:>'\:/i:?K:~jj.;&;ibr~'~, the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for said '<CoUnty and State, on this ~s:f~ day of $~oe.M.~, 1984, personally appeared Boyd M. Spencer, to me we known to be the identical person 'Who executed the within and foregoing inst:rurrent on behalf of the City of Owasso. Oklahoma, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WrfNESS WHEREOF ~ I have hereunto . official seal day ",~:~'\~~ j;~:l;~: ~:fgK;~<\' " .,v. "'A't:"; . "~"',S..~ ~ lZ/..~ .""\ _~t~ge{l~-;1t"'.~...;,.~.- . . :~~.~. <lJ O.~:i\;,;~ :~q.~ft?~':::-:" '.':::: >~;t: .~T:'~~"''S!'' ". ' ", ",~;?!.. """'~'\~' ".' , ';'!~:i(~{*: .4':., "~B~\:"..~ .' ~.' @ _ Q ':::'Si: ,. ~~?~c,:;" ,"'__ .s~on ~~res. ?'.~ .:;~;J ".'t;~\lll~\\:~!~, Y:~~tnt,3SiO!J, EOXPlJEtl . - . .'..t, 0 "'C'~ ;"""""''''0 . Mn~''''''''f''31 1 88 _--";'.-;' I.~(~;i:~:$ '. \ -:~.,.:;\~,..\ ~''''.. 6'MI_~g;; '. . Y my THE _~rman ) ) ss: ) n1ie~ tmdersigned? a Cotmty and ~ on this 7-<:: ~ day personally appeared Boyd M. Spencer, to me own identical person 'Who executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of The Owasso Public Works Authority, in writing and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. . BOOK 4819 rAGE 400 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. ..",,"""',,'u. . Nota~~ \'. ll' "- U II, , ,\ \ _ '" \) i\ '; I...... I (r ;:. '<<, ,': "\:';;'':':':)'~..''''l.q4;IC:''9'jjO'' ("" ~~. " ::~';,(,,;) .;'0':'\ A,R J:1Y'. Cofuni.ssion ~cp1.res: '-ii" 'V-" . -. ;ff,fi1.;?J!'''?:~':lIJ\i\C. ': My~C()mmission Expir~ ,- r.'" y>\'\'C) 04^" 'I ' " ffAf 1980 j::: /,' , ,- ,1,";'\"" :', :t<l~~ ~ ,. ...' l\ ,~ , I" I . '1':;~ -cr"i -~ -----.---'t m__. ~~:: "!;~\I'''Q ,:\',: 1\,',:-;lf~~.t.; .....'.. ')~ :- ) /.~::f:l.'~~\"o~ I""~(;'.,;.:il;.,,; )4:".../ ~ ..: " 'Ii ~ ',,,(V' 01 't'I'" 0 ( .. " , f'z~ ,7;;';- :'S::.~: 11\", (L /.... ,,<> ~" ~~\... \~ ,......:..' \\~~""",,,,,,',f~/"'/~<l"""", \" "..... -'<'0,:'// ~'#.C(' f.: C ',,\' ,1'~""'::"'1~1/la ~).:~ ;.~\\,\ , ',wo'. /~/(I/I/Ifllll <'.:'Il:?:':~'" .: .'~". .-: > C? ~r;-i us = .;;;;:- '1 - u> r :;: :\-1~ ....-:J c: fT1 )~C:i _C:>-" _:69- ~.Q~ :"'2 '~):> '_..1 -i:J: ::::V....::O C:J 3: PI ~ ~ <<.n C) ::; ~ s:;-=- N =~;)~ --! (f: - .. f::JFiOf::JOSAl -- -- - - ---------- ~~~~-~~-~ - - TREE SEn VICE - Dan Butler 12220 E. 9'1 st Broken Arrow, OK 74012 258-1905 . TREES H11MMED . Tr1EES REMOVED . STUMP GfllNDING o TOPf'ING F'ropOc;iJl No . HAULING o LANDSCAPING Sheet No. Insumd Bonded A Member of Better Business Bureau A Member of Tulsa Chamber of Commerce Dat<<50 ~~ f~roposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Street City Date of Plans State We hereby prop~s,e ,to furnish the ~aterials and perfor~ labor necessary for the completion ~f ~te (ftl.Yh\M~3Zi, ~ Q j C~ Lf; 0 {) f) .W K e~fill.A-P' ..Q _ / All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner Dollars ($ with for the drawings the sum of. ) with payments to be made as follows Any alteration or deviation [rom above specifications involving extra costs Respectfully submitted will be executed only upon written order, and will become an extra charge over and above tile estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, acci- dents, or delays beyond our control. r\!ote This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not within OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified, Payments will be made as outlined above. Signature Date _.___.___ --~____ Signature ____._ !)4!)O MAnE IN W;A EST'IMATE FOR LOST TREE McCardy Property Owasso Public Works Department May 2000 Estimate based on "Sbade and Ornamental Tree Appraisal" Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Oklal1oma State University I, Estimate f.)r 18" diameter Oak 81 (rat 10 of cross-sectional area for an 18" dia. tree VS. area of 2" dia tree) X $50 (wholesale price for 2" dia. tree) = $4,050 2. Estimate f)r 24" diameter Oak 144 X $50 = $7,200 'cst-it" Fax Note 7671 ~ oC MEMORANDUM TO: WILL WILLIAMS MAYOR FROM: MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT: 2000-2001 APPOINTMENTS DATE: June 8, 2000 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article Section subsection (e) of the Charter of the City of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions,..,J;;msts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the CounciL Additionally, the Council has established the same not addressed by following positions are second meeting June or, at the appointment, appointments latest, the first meeting'in :July: at GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Term will end 6/30/03) Edward (Doc) Sokolosky 1102 N Main Owasso, 74055 ~.. term 1) 5 COMMITTEE (All terms will end 6/30/01) Mr Ray Haynes.. Planning Commission MrCharles Willey - Board of Adjustment Mr Dale Johnson - Public Schools Ms Melinda Voss - City Council Mr H C "Will" Williams.. City Council Chicf Bob Allcn - Firc Department APPOINTMENTS 2000 .TUNE 8, 2000 PAGE 2 Chief Jim Greene- Police Department Mr Robeli Can.. Public Works Mr Larry Mitchell - City Manager Mr Tim Rooney.. Assistant City Manager Ms Donna Sorrells ~ City Planner Mr Ron Cates - City Attorney BOARD OF ADmSTMENT (Term will end 6/30/03) Joe Ramey 10125 N 12211d East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-2520 6/30/01) 141 (w) Mr Mark Wilken (Council Representative) (Term will end 6/30/01) 9221 N 133rd EAve Owasso, OK 74055 274..0411 (h) 588-7\ 05 (w) APPOINTMENTS 2000 .TUNE 8, 2000 PAGE :3 Mr Brenda Lawrence (Term will end 6/30/05) 7702 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 371-2489 (h) 272-0809 (w) PERSONNEL BOARD (Term will end 6/30/03) James Hughes 303 E 16th St Owasso, OK 74055 274-0222 PLANNING COMMISSION (Term will end 6/30/03) Ray Haynes 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9884 Bob Randolph 303 E 14th St Owasso, 1 LEGISLATIVE (Term will Mr Allan Harder, Human Resources Officer 6/30/01) REGIONAL METROPOLITAN Ms ShelTY Bishop will 6/30/01) 1) METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST (Term will end 6/30/01) Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director APPOINTMENTS 2000 .TUNE 8, 2000 PAGE 4 TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE (Term will end 6/30/01 Mr Mark Wilken, Mayor Mr Timothy Rooney, Alternate Assistant City Manager TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Tenl1 will end 6/30/01) Mr Robeli Carr PE Public Works Director Mr Phil Lutz, Alternate Engineering Staff NEW COMMITTEE TO BE~ APPOINTED-- This committcc camc from a suggestion made at a joint Capital Improvements Committee/City Council meeting on Novcmber 9, 1999, and further discusscd at a Capital Improvements Committee mceting on May 23, 2000. The purpose of the committee would be to develop a plan for financing capital projects. CAP IT AL PROJECTS FINANCING COMMITTEE 9 Members City Council (2 appointees) 1. 2. Capital Improvements Committee (2 appointees) 1. NOTE: Dale Prcvett & Frank Enzbrenner have volunteered to represent the Capital (2 1. City Staff appointees) 1. 2. GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE FY 99-00 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Tom Rikkola 804 N Elm Owasso, OK 74055 272-5675 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/02 Edward (Doc) Sokolosky 1102 N Main Owasso, OK 74055 272-5355 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/00 Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272-5112 (h) 272-4333 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/02 STAFF SUPPORT Russell Carlson Director of Golf Katheryn Holman PO Box 502 Owasso, OK 74055 272-9733 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/01 Marcia Boutwell City Clerk Ted Vancuren 17701 E 10Sth St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-3305 (h) Term Expires: 6/30/01 at 5 :00 at tern1S, are Boards\C;o II!\dvs.doc ow ASSO ANNEXAI'lON COMMITTEE FY 99-00 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Ray I-faynes Planning Commission 110 E 24th Ct 272-9884 Jim Greene Owasso Police Chief PO Box 180 272-2244 Charles Willey Plarming Commission 2401 N Birch 272-1924 Robert Can Public Works Director PO Box 180 272-4958 Dale Johnson Owasso Public Schools 1501 NAsh 272-5367 Donna Sorrells City Planner PO Box 180 272-2251 Melinda Vass City Council 13108 E 77th N 272-9686 Tim Rooney ~1\ssistant City Manager Box 1 1 C "Will" Williams City Council 12406 E 89th St N 272-6330 Lany Mitchell City Manager 207 S Cedar 272-2251 Ron Cates Marsha Community This Committee meets as needed to annexation requests and recommends action to the Planning Commission and City Council based on the City's annexation criteria, Meetings are generally held at 5 :00 p.m. in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Terms expire on June JO of each year; with some members serving by virtue of another office or authority. 1l0^lmS\^NNEX^TN. WPD OW ASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FY 99~00 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS STAFF SUPPORT Joe Ramey, Chair 10125 N 122tld East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-2520 Tellli Expires: 6/30/00 Donna Sorrells City Planner Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary Ken Foster, Secretary 13207 E 93rd St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-7211 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Susan Kimball 13908 E 8ih PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272-1146 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Vicki Tapp, Chair 1 10 E 7ih St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-6926 Term Expires: 6/30/02 Jim Igarta 8600 N 123 rd East 74055 274-8212 (h); (b) 6/30/02 meets on the month at 7:00 as the when there is business to The Board acts on all requests with to zoning variances and exceptions. The meetings last approximately one hour. Meetings are held at the Community Center, with staff support given by the Community Development Department Members are appointed by the Mayor for three-year terms, with City Council confirmation. 130a rds\13 rdadj S(, doc ow ^SSO C^PlT^L IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE FY 99-00 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS Mary Lou Barnhouse 303 N Elm Owasso, OK 74055 272-4796 (w) Melinda Voss 13108 E 77th PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272-9686 Cloyd O'Dell 8524 N 129th EAve Owasso, OK 74055 272-7616 (w) Ray Haynes 110 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9884 Jim Ablett PSO PO Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 599-3264 (w) Tom Kimball 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272-11 (w) John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, 74055 179 Frank Enzbrenner 350 Owasso, OK 74055 1409 (w) Dale Prevett PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 301 (w) Scott Buckmaster Bank of the Lakes,.------OFF 8504 N 128th E Owasso, OK 74055 535 (w) 180 5 Bob Allen PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 1473 Police Chief PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272-4901 Tim Rooncy PO Box I 80 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2251 STAFF SUPPORT Marsha Hensley, Secretary Community Development Secretary Larry Mitchell PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 272-2251 This committee meets for three to four months in late winter and early spring to review Capital requests and recommend action to the City Council. The committee also adopts a revised Capital Improvements Plan each year for recommendation to the Council. Meetings are held in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall, and last from one to two hours. Staff members and City Council membership on the committee is determined by virtue of their position. Other members are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Terms expire on June 30 of each year. 1l0i\RD.s\Ci\PIMPRO. WPD ()W ^SSO LCONOMIC j)1':VI~LOPMFNT ^lJTIIORITY FY 99-00 OW ^SSO, OKL^IIOM^ MEMBERS Gary Akin, Chair 3 15 S Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 272-2141 (w) Tcrm Expircs: 6/30/00 (Chambcr Rcprescntative) Brian Smith, Vicc Chair 202 E Second A vc Owasso, OK 74055 274-8570 (h) 272-5922 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/02 Mark Wilken 9221 N 133rd East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 274-0411 (h) 588-7105 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/00 (Council Representative) Dee Sokolosky PO Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 272-6752 (h) 272-5301 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/03 Tom Kimball 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 19 (h) 272,-1146 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/04 STAFF SUPPORT Economic Development Director Sherry Bishop Finance Director Larry Mitchell Manager Brenda 7702 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 371-2489 (h) 272-0809 (w) Term Expires: 6/30/00 Mary J 0 Griffin Clerical Support Frank Enzbrenner 350 1 (h) 1401 (w) Term % 1 'fhis Authority meets on Thursday of month at 10:00 a.m, in the at Owasso City Hall. Meetings last approximately onc hour. Room The dutics of this Authority are to plan, implemcnt and promote projects and programs that will dircctly benefit the economic ,veIl bcing of the community. Membcrs are appointcd by the Mayor for five-year terms, with City Council Confirmation. lloards/l'colll kVt:. wl'd OW ASSO PERSONNEL BOARD FY 99~00 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS STAFF SUPPORT Rev Dale Blackwood 9808 N 14ih East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-3581 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Regena Guthrie Human Resources Clerk Jack Green 303 E 16th St Owasso, OK 74055 272-9019 Tenn Expires: 6/30/02 James Hughes, Chair 8943 N 133rd East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 274..0222 Term Expires: 6/30/00 This Board meets when there is business to be addresse.d relating to appeals personnel decisions, Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from an employee is received in the City Clerk's office per the Personnel Policy Manual. Meetings are held in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall and last two to three hours. are appointed by the Mayor Council Boards \Pcrsol1l1c I.doc OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FY 99-00 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS STAFF SUPPORT Ray Haynes, Chair 11 0 E 24th Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9884 Term Expires: 6/30/00 Donna Sonells City Planner Marsha Hensley, Recording Secretary Community Development Secretary Bob Randolph 303 E 14th St Owasso, OK 74055 272-2531 TelID Expires: 6/30/00 Charles Willey, Vice Chair 2401 N Birch Owasso, OK 74055 272-1924 Term Expires: 6/30/01 Helton NElm Owasso, 74055 272..8453 Term Expires: 6/30/01 meets on last Development Department. at IS This is a quasi-legislative commission whose function is to review and recommend to the City Counci I actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, and other rclated planning functions. Mcmbcrs arc appointed by the Mayor for three-ycar terms, with City Council confirmation, I ~()a rds \P I a n('o 1111ll. doL' INDIVIDUAL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FY 99-00 OW ASSO, OKLAI-IOMA INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT - INCOQ Will Williams Mayor (4/30/00) Larry Mitchell, Alternate City Manager Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a two-year term expiring on December 31 of each year. By tradition, the Mayor serves on this body, with the new Mayor being appointed in May of each year. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 1 :30 p,m, 111 the Aaronson Auditorium at Tulsa City.-County Library and last approximately two hours. This is a regional council of local governments involved with planning functions and Federal grant review functions, Allan Harder Human Resources Officer Appointed by the Mayor with Council confilmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Public Appointed by the each year. with . confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 Meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Tulsa City- County Library and last approximately one hour. This is a Public Trust of area cities emphasizing sewer planning and operations. I~NV!J{ONMUNTAL POLlCY COMMITTEE Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation. Term ending on June 30 of each year. METROPOLIT AN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Robert Carr Public Works Director Appointed by the Mayor with Council confilmation. No tenn specified in the Trust Indenture, Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 1 :30 p.m. in the large conference room at INCOG, and last approximately two hours. TULSA METRO AREA TRANSPORT A nON AUTHORITY -POLICY COMMITTEE Will Williams Mayor Tim Rooney, Alternate Assistant City Manager Appointed by the each year. with Council to a term on 30 Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 :30 p.m, in the City City of Tulsa and last approximately one and one-half hours, of the This Authority is a regional transpOliatiol1 plmming organization emphasizing long range highway and street systems, Phil Lutz, Alternate Engineering Staff Appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a one-year term expiring on June 30 of each year. Meetings are held at 10:30 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month on the 11 th floor at Tulsa City Hall and last approximately one-and-one-halfhours, This is thc technical advisory group for the TMA TS policy committee. REC;IONAL ENHANCED 9] ] BOARD .Tim Grccne Chicf of Policc Appoointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation to a three-year tenl1. The current term will cxpire 011 June 30, 2002. I ~oa rds\llldi v idua I.doc OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT It shall bc thc Policy of thc Owasso City Council to fill vacancies in its membership, when such vacancics occur aftcr the close of a regular filing period for candidates for Council and the unexpired term of the vacancy extends beyond the time whcn the terms for Council members clected that year begin, utilizing the following process: Section A - A vacancy in the Council membership shall be declared upon the receipt of a properly submitted resignation from a member of the Council in writing setting forth an effective date, or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is caused by appropriate Council action pursuant to law; or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is otherwise created wherein such written resignation is not received, but an obvious vacancy is created. Section B - Upon declaration of a vacancy as described in Section A (above), the Council shall, by majority vote, instruct the City Clerk to cause to be published in a newspaper of local circulation a notice of such vacancy and a request for persons interested in being considered as candidates to fill the vacancy to file "letters of interest" with the Clerk during an established ten-day acceptance period, such period to begin no later than five days after publication of the notice of vacancy. Section C - The notice of vacancy shall be written and published in a manner to communicate, at a minimum, the following informatioff: 1. The number of the Ward(s) wherein the has map of the vV' ards of the City and a general description boundaries of the Ward(s). political 3, statement of qualifications as stated 111 Section 1 of the Owasso City Charter. 4. The address of the City Clerk and the manner of marking containing the "letter of interest". envelope 5, are request for information relative to the the voting precinct of the interested citizen, and any other information the interested citizen should wish to include in his/her submittal, provided, however, that such submittal shall not exceed ten total pages of standard 8Y2" x 1 I " size paper or copies. 7. ^ tcntative datc, cstablished by thc Council, for action on filling the vacancy to bc takcn as an agenda item oCthe City Council, notice to clearly state that such datc is tentative and, duc to various rcasons, could be altered to a later date, Section D - All "lctters of interest" shall be received by the City Clerk or designee and thercupon shall be noted the date and time of receipt, as well as the name of the person receiving the submittal. Such notations to be directly upon the "letter of interest" and not on the envelope in which the letter was contained. Section E - Upon receipt of a "letter of interest", the City Clerk or designee shall consult a Ward map or other instrument to determine if the address listed as the citizen's residence is within the boundaries of the Ward in which the vacancy is declared to exist. In all cases, such verification shall be noted directly upon the original "letter of interest" in a manner to denote whether or not the listed address is or is not considered to be within the affected Ward. In all cases wherein the initial determination by the Clerk or designee is that the listed address is not within the Ward which has been declared to be vacant, a follow-up verification by the City Planner or designee is required before such is noted on the "letter of interest", Section F - Upon completion of the requirements of Section E, the City Clerk or designee shall cause to be made duplicates of the submittal in the exact number as of the remaining Council members and in as exact form as possible, Each submittal shall be bound in a maImer to insure the integrity of the submittal, but in no event shaU any changes be made in the manner of the submittal presentation that would enhance or detract from the original subrnittal. ., The City Clerk or designee shaU, at close business :00 p.m.) during the ten day acceptance period, deliver to the remaining Council members submittals received during that day. no event shall 'any submittal be delivered to any Council member on any date other than 'the. date the submittal is received. Provided, however, that in the event a remaining Council member has notified the City Clerk that the delivery of submittals to him/her received on a certain day should be delayed due to his/her request, such request to be noted in the master file maintained for each vacancy. The original of each submittal shall be retained by the Clerk or designee in a master file containing all notices, documents, publications, notes, and submittals ofthe selection from its within fifteen event actual be continued to a scheduled Council meeting. Section j ~ Upon action by the Council and the successful selection of a successor to the position, such person shall immediately be administered the oath of office and seated as a member 0 C the City Council. Adopted May 4, 1993 Charter ~" Section 2-8 Counci Imen: absences to terminate membership..::. If the mayor or any other councilman is absent from more than one~half of all the regular and special meetings of the council held within any period of four consecutive calendar months, such person shall thereupon cease to hold office. Section Counci Imen: removal. The mayor or any other counci Iman may be removed from office for any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, and by the method or methods prescribed thereby, and by recall as provided in this charter. ---- Sect i on 2~ I 0 Counci I: vacancies. The council, by majority vote of its remaining members, shall fill vacancies in its own membership for the unexpired terms or until successors are elected as provided in this section. If a vacancy occurs before the beginning of a regular filing period for candidates for councilmen, and the unexpired term extends beyond the time when the terms of councilmen elected that year begin, then a councilman for that place shall be elected at the elections of that year to serve the rest of the unexpired term beginning at the time the terms of councilmen elected that year begin. A majori smal number determine its own by yeas a quorum, a I may shall 2 I voters under their power of initiative, lahoma". I ond it ! ordi nances the People 3 provided thot 0 gronting it ty and has electors voting on I n full opproved at on question. II time; nance within the qualified 14 An emergency ordinance is an ordinance which in the judgment of the counci I is necessary for the immediate preservation of peace, health, or safety, and which should . ~. SECTION 8-101. REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A municipal elected official may be removed from office for any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, and by the method or methods prescribed thereby. SECTION 8-108. ABSENCE FROM GOVERNING BODY MEETINGS Whenever a member of the municipal governing body is absent from more than one-half of all meetings of the governing body, regular and special, held within any period of four (4) consecutive months, he shall thereupon cease to hold office. SECTION 8-109, VACANCIES IN OFFICE A. When a vacancy occurs in an office of an elected municipal official except the mayor, the governing body shall appoint, by a majority vote of the remaining members, a person to fill the vacancy until the next general municipal election, or the next biennial town meeting if the municipality is subject to the Oklahoma Town Meeting Act, Section 16~301 et seq. of this title, and to serve until a successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy shall then be filled ~~ the next general municipal election or biennial town meeting by election of a person to complete the balance of any unexpired term. If the has not been filled within sixty (60) after occurs, the body shall call for a special election or a town meet for the purpose of fill vacancy for the durat of the unexpired term .,.~un~ess said vacancy occurs or said election would occur within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the first day of the filing period for the next general municipal election or within one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the next biennial to\>Jn meet.ing. If a vacancy is not. filled by the special election or at a special town meeting, it shall be filled as for in this subsection. EL If of the offices of a more than s (60) fLL lections or more than 8 biennial town meet , the rema shall 1 for a or a town meeting f is sub to the Oklahoma Town be held soon as possible 8~3 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL VACANCY l'*t ,,0/j I,,'..' !J:' ~.1 ,r ~ /1.:,),;/) .J ,1 jJ \;l The City of Owasso requests "letters of interest" from citizens interested in filling a vacancy on the City Council created by the resignation of the Ward 2 Councilor. The person appointed by the Council to fill that vacancy must be a resident of Ward 2 of the City of Owasso. For a general description of the Ward 2 boundaries, see the ward map below or for a specific legal description, contact Owasso City Clerk, Marcia Boutwell, 207 S Cedar, Owasso, OK, 918- 272-2251. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in Ward 2 shall be considered for the appointment to fill this vacancy, Upon appointment, such Councilor shall continue to reside within Ward 2 during the entire term of said Councilor's office, or upon removal of residence therefrom, forfeit such office. No Councilor may hold any office in the City government by appointment by the City Manager or by any subordinate of the City Manager. This appointment shall be for a period of time until the next regular City election for Councilors, At that time, a Councilmember shall be elected to serve a full telTIl. Letters of Interest shall contain inforn1ation clearly indicating the address of the interested citizen, the voting precinct of the interested citizen, and any other infolTIlation the interested citizen should wish to include, provided that such submittal shall not exceed 10 total pages of standard 8 W' x 11" paper. All "letters of interest" shall be received by the Owasso City Clerk, beginning on June 2000 and ending on July 7,2000, Letters must be placed in an envelope clearly marked "letter of interest", All letters must be mailed or delivered to: City of Owasso 207 S Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 ATTENTION: Marcia Boutwell City Clerk will 5:00 on July 7,2000,