HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.06.20_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE O JASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: .tune 20, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center. Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4.00 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 2000. Marcia utwell, .Authority ecretary -- 1. Cali to Order 3 Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed tinder "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 6, 2000 Regular Meeting and June 3, 2000 Special Meeting and Public Hearing. Attachnletlt H4-A Owasso Public Works Authority RHic 20, 2000 1'agc 2 B. Approval of Claims, Attachment 114 - 5, Consideration and .Appropriate .Action Relating to a Request to .Award a Contract for the Purchase of Water Meters. Mr Roberts Attachment ent #5 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend a contract be awarded to Water Products of Oklahoma Inc, Owasso, OIL for the purchase of water meters consistent with bid specifications at a cost of $92.50 per 5//8" x 3/4 " meter, $160.43 per 1. " meter, $319.89 per 11/2" meter, and $433.06 per 2 " meter, 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to .Award a Contract for the Purchase of Residential Refuse Containers (Polycarts). Mr Roberts Attachment #6 Staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend a contract be awarded to Williams Refuse Equipment Co Inc, Owasso, OIL for a time period through June 30, 2001 to supply residential refuse containers consistent with bid specifications, at a cost of $57.00 per green cart and $59.00 per red cart. Owasso I'Liblic; Works ALItilority JUnc 20, 2000 Page 3 7 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Approval of a Certificate of Completion and Distribution of the 2000 Consumer Confidence Report and authorization for the Chair to Execute the Document. Mr Roberts Attaehi ent #7 Staff has completed and distributed the 2000 Consumer Confidence Report as mandated by the DEQ and will recommend that the Chair be authorized to execute the Certificate of Completion. e Consideration and appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for East 96' Street North Roadway improvements Mr Carr Attaehrrient #8 Owasso Public Works Authority JUnc 20, 2000 Page; 4 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Letter of intent with L,andco Construction for the Sale of Property. Kr Kitchell Mr Cates Attachment #9 The staff will recomrnend Trustee authorization for the Chair and Secretary to sign a Letter of Intent with L,andco Construction for sale of property referred to as Sewer Lagoon Ponds #1 and #2. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a bequest for Trustee Adoption of OPWA esolntion ; 2000 -049 a Resolution Adopting an FY 2000 -2001 OPWA Budget for All ands Administered by the Owasso Public Works Authority. Mr Kitchell Attachment #-10 The staff will recommend Trustee adoption of OPWA Resolution #2000-04, and that the staff be directed to make the appropriate filings of such resolution and budget documents. 11. Report fi °om TWA Manager. 12. Report froin OPWA Attorney. {)vvxxoo l`oh|io VYorko/\udhod<y Juoo20,2000 Page 5 13. NcvvBuGiuCou. 14. Adjoumment. M11"'111111111 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTFIORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 6, 2000 The Owasso public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 6, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of :Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 4-:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2, 2000. ITEM 1: CALLTO O--R1-)ER Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 7 :10 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE, The flag salute was given during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL, CALL PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Chairman Mary Lou I3ainhouse, Mice Chairman Melinda doss, Trustee Randy Brogdon, Trustee STAFF Larry Kitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Motion can -led 4 -0. Owasso Public Works Authority June 6, 2000 ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION �El EC VF D AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 6: O�N ACTION REL T T A 1 TEL _ CIL AND NON-DISTURBAM A TTO EN I ACS EMENT, AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barrihouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. No report. ITEM 8- REPORT FROM OP'vNIA ATTORNEY. No report. -2- Owmso [public Works Authority 1'1`1 M 9: NEW BUSINESS, None ITEM 10: ADJOURNMEN'r Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barn.house to adjourn. AYE: Voss, _ arnhouse, Bro don, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 1015 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary _I_ ,tune G, 2000 H C Williams, Chairperson OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, /OWASSO PUBLIC WORDS AUTHORITY/ OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 13, 2000 The Owasso City Council, The Owasso Public Works Authority, and The Owasso Public Golf .Authority met in a joint special meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Clearing and .Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, June q, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6 :35 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will " Williams, Mayor /Chairperson Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mice Mayor /Vice Chair Melinda Moss, Councilor /Trustee Bandy Brogdon, Councilor /'T'rustee STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Others present: Peggy Robinson, Owasso reporter; Sherry Bishop, Finance Director, Tire Rooney, Assistant City Manager, Jiro Greene, Police Chief, Cliff Motto, Deputy Police Chief, Russell Carlson, Director of Golf, Bob .Allen, Fire Chief, Jinn McElrath, Support Services Director, and Jan Worley, Community Center Director. ITE171 PRESENTATION B OF w 2000-2001 BUDGET. Mr Mitchell presented the proposed FY 2000-2001 budget, and budget summary. He pointed out accomplishments of the past year and outlined goals for the coaling fiscal year. Emphasis will be placed on a water rate adjustment, pay plan for non - uniform employees, capital improvement plan, and downtown redevelopment. Following the presentation by Mr Mitchell, questions and conuncnts were received from the public, with response from the Council and staff. The proposed budget will be considered for action by the City Council, OPWA, & OPGA at the Jude 20, 2000 regular meeting. The public hearing concluded at 7:15 p.rn. lTl,M 3; DISCUSSION RELATING TO UTILITY BILLING PROVIDER. Ms Bishop discussed a proposal to outsourcc the City's utility billing service.. Currently the City bills of) a postcard. With tlae new coanputer systean and sollwarc, it will be aaecessary to use a laarger sire card that allows 661- barcodilag, Ora folded lctter sire hill which will allow for a rcturn Owasso City C'OLinci]/OPWA/OPGA June l3,2000 The Mayor declared a five-minute break at 8:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:05 p.m ITEM 5: nl-scuasm RELATIN-Qjo-2-- r -kLJMPROVEMENTS. ITEM 6: UPDATE AND DISCUSSION RELATING TO STAIUS ,QF CITY HA-LL/POLICE STATION PROJECT. LT-EM7.- DISCUSSION RFLATING • APPOINTMENTS TO BQARDS,, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. 'I'lic Mayor briefly discussed the upcoming appointments and requested that Councilors convey t1161- SL1ggCSti0jjS to him concernin-1 g rd those appointments. Appoints will be made on July 3 . Owasso City C'ou11cil /Ol1WA /OPGA June 13, 2000 1''1-M 8: DISCUSSION RFL ATING 'I'O._PROCh®URE 'rO FIL,L, VACANT COUNCIL, SEATS. Mayor Williams said that an item will be placed on the June 20`}' City Council agenda to authorize the City Clerk to begin the procedure to fill the council scat vacated by Ward Two Councilor Denise Bode. The procedure will request Letters of Interest to be received from June a 7th make July �ti� � <a. Council 23"` through July i ° it is planned to make a selection at the Jl�ly 1� Clity Council meeting, and a_ a s �a a2 d d 3 sr� rn9c a4 that 5 �aa�i it meeting. the selected person will b° administered the oath o.t A office €znk -1. seated � x Cc)u . . g° ITEM 9; REPORT FROM a y_MANAGER. ITEM 10; ADJOURNMENT. Ms Voss moored, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, I3rogdon, Williams NAY: Done Motion carried 3-u0, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. H C Williams, Mayor /Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary U City of Owasso Claims 6/20/00 Fund Department Total General 105 Municipal Court 187.91 110 Managerial 671.89 120 Finance 150 General Government 173,068.75 160 Community Development 48119 170 Engineering 29424 175 Information Systems 3,557.50 181 Support Services 4,897.46 190 Cemetery 156.57 201 Police Services 7,530.36 215 Police Communications 126.45 221 Animal Control 441.36 250 Fire Services 4,181.98 280 Emergency Preparedness 171.76 300 Streets 22,092.4.5 515 Park Maintenance 3,639.21 550 Community Center 655.80 TOTAL 222,155.4.8 Ambulance Refunds 516.52 255 Ambulance 3,552.27 TOTAL 4,068.79 F -911 E-911 Services 1,526.17 TOTAL 1,526.17 Capital Improvements Hwy 169 Enhancement 6,974.00 TOTAL 6,974.00 Bond Projects Streets/Intersections 134,265.17 Computerization 4,410.00 TOTAL 138,675.17 OPGA Merchandise 2,915.03 Food and Beverage 3,252.67 600 Golf Shop 6.50 605 Cart Operations 226.57 610 Golf Course Maintenance 3,065.06 670 Food and Beverage Operations 343.91 690 Golf Administration 172.39 691 Clubhouse 1,770.68 TOTAL 11,752.81 U OPWA Capital improvements OPWA Sewer Line Extension City Garage Workers" oryip Self Insurance Claims Total 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant TOTAL Debt Service TOTAL 186 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 1,761.38 6,634.72 21,120.49 4,252.90 2,462.16 363J3 36,594.78 84,654.45 84,654.45 23,000.00 23,000.00 2,956,93 ,956.98 3,997.15 3,997.15 536,355.73 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL. PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/03/00 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Wastewater ................. APPROVED: June 20, 2000 Trustee MEMORANDUM no Room RACKGRQVND. HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY CHRIS ROBERfS pUBI,IC WORKS FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER AWARD OF CONTRACT TO PURCHASE WATER METERS June 14, 2000 On an annual basis, the Owasso Public Works Authority has purchased 100-700 water meters through the bidding process. The bulk purchase of meters has proven to be an essential savings in terms of cash outlay. The Trustees last approved a purchase contract with Water Products of Oklahoma on October 12, 1999. The current contract is due to expire on June 30, 2000. Over the last few years, the City of Owasso has standardized the water meter for use in our water system. The city standard is based upon the Neptune Pro-Read water meter manufactured by Schlumberger. The specified equipment will be upgraded as more meters are installed in the system. With the present equipment, a receptacle supplied with the meter can be connected to the meter and bolted to the lid. A hand-held visual reader is applied to the receptacle and a signal containing a digital meter reading can be seen. All actions parallel typical meter readings, with the exception that the meter reader does not have to lift the lid, clean the surface of the glass and take a reading. C. To date in FY 99-00, work orders have been processed for 267 new water meter installations. Replacement of cXistillg meters accounted for approximately 100 additional meters. Due to gl-o\vtll in otir system, we estimate approximately 700 new ineters will be required for FY 00 -01. These meters will be Installed for all new residential and commercial construction . and ill locllt*()lls j_Ccjtl,r,jj,, I-eplacenjelit ore\',, ing meters dLIC to nialrillictions 01' Zero-co listimpt 1011. I I I __ e \ 'sting Page 2 FY 00 -01 Water .Meter Contract Delivery of the meters will be in partial orders over the contract period of July 1, 2000 through June 309 2001. Orders are to be placed in quantities of not less than 10 meters per order. Bill )%��,IJAIJON- Bid specifications were advertised on May 16, 2000 and mailed to five (5) potential vendors. One (1) bid was received on June 1, 2000. The bid was from Water :products of Oklahoma, Inn. (Owasso, Oklahoma) with the unit prices as follows: Vendor° gantity L7escription LJnit_I�rice Total Price Water Products 700 5/8" X3/4" meters 92.50 164,750.00 Of Oklahoma 10 1" meters $160.43 $ 1,604.30 5 1 -1/2" meters $319.89 $ 19599.45 5 2" meters $433.06 $ 2,165.30 Water Products was the successful bidder on the previous meter contract awards. The unit price for the following has increased slightly since the last contract: 5/8" X3/4" meters from $91.50 to $92.50; 1" meters from $152.00 to $160.43; 1-1 /2" meters from $278.00 to $319.89; and 2" meters from $375.00 to $433.06 each. The FY OO-01 Public Works Department Water Division Operating Supplies budget (line item 61.420 ®52100) includes sufficient funds to purchase the needed meters. Staff recommends the Trustees award a contract to Water Products of Oklahoma, Inc., Owasso, OIL for the purchase of 5/8" X3/4" water meters at $92.50 each, 1" water meters at $160.43 each 1 -1 /2" water meters at $319.89 each, and 2" meters at $433.06 each. A-IJAC HleiENTS 1. Bid Specification 2. Bid Submittal WATER METER SPECIFICA'rIONS The ci � tIo s described are for bids for the purchase of the following minimum expected quantities- July 19 2000 through June 30, 2001 WATER METER SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 2 1. Meters Case a) The meter ease shall be high grade bronze to equal or exceed .A W- A standards, The 5/g", 3/411, 1 °a, 1 %�e and 2" meter eases shall be of tl�e r- ost ° roof p type. The frost bottom, if furnished, shall be of case iron. (plastic in lieu of east iron must be indicated as an ex.ceptiori to the specifications.) All meters furnished shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Cold dater dieters`° 0700, latest revision issued by A A. The following requirements for specific details are made referring to the selection numbers contained in the AWWA specifications. All meters shall consist of a bronze main-case with the serial number stamped on the main -case. Only displacement meters of the flat nutating disc type will be accepted because of improved operation. The size, capacity, accuracy and meter lengths shall be as specified in AWWA Standard 0700, latest revision. The maximum number of disc nutations is not to exceed those specified in AWWA 0700, latest revision. WATF"R. METER SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 3 �R MAIN—CASn Main-cases shall be the removable bottom cap typo with the bottom cap secured by four (4) bolts on 5/8" and 3/4" sizes, six (6) bolts on the 1" size, and eight () bolts on the 1'W' ' and " sizes, l ottorn caps shall be interchangeable, size -for size, between °ost-Drotected cast iron and non - frost protected (bronze) models. No meters utilizing frost plugs gill be accepted, Frost-protected meters shall have a cast iron bottom cap. Non -frost protected meters shall have bronze or synthetic polymer bottom caps. The cross section of the bottom shall break clean when subjected to freezing pressure of 600 -850 psi. All main -case bolts shall be of 300 series stainless steel to prevent corrosion. Bottom cap bolt lugs shall be enclosed in the main-case and shall not have externally exposed, threaded through holes. GISTE- The register shall be of the straight reading scaled rnagietic drive typo and shall contain six (6) numeral wheels. Registers must be roll scaled and dry. All direct reading register lenses shall be flat, of high strength, and impact resistant glass to prevent breakage. The roister retaining shall be designed to absorb impact fi °orn the roister. The register shall have the size, model and date of manufacture stamped on the dial face. The dial shall be of the center sweep pointer type and shall contain 100 equally divided graduations at its periphery. The register mast contain a low flog indicator with a 1: 1 disc notating ratio to provide leak detection. Register boxes shall be synthetic polymer or bronze. All meters mast be adaptable to encoder type registers without interruption of the customer's service. Registers shall be secured to the main -case by means of a plastic tamper-proof seal to allow for in -line service replacement. Seal screws are not accepted. The measuring chamber shall be of a 2 -piece snap joint type. The chamber shall be made of non - hydrolyzing synthetic polymer, shall be smoothly and accurately machined and shall contain a removable; molded diaphragm of the same materials as that of the chamber. No screws shall be used to secure the chamber together. WATER METER SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 4 The control block shall be the same material as the measuring chamber and be mounted on the chamber top to provide sand ring protection. The control blocs assembly shall be removable to facilitate repairing and allow for a greater disc socket gear surface for increased longevity. Control block assemblies shall be designed so as not to allow any magnetic slippage which would result in a loss of revenue° The measuring chamber outlet port shall be sealed to the ream —case outlet port by means of an "0" ring gasket to eliminate any chamber leak paths. The chamber is a mutating disc type, the flat nutating disc shall be one piece construction molded of a non - hydrolyzing synthetic polymer and shall contain a type 316 stainless steel spindle The nutating disc shall be equipped with a synthetic polymer thrust roller located within the disc slot. The roller head shall roll on the buttressed track provided by the diaphragm in the measuring chamger near the chamber's outport. STRAINEi RS: All meters shall contain removable polypropylene plastic strainer screens° The strainer shall be located near the inlet main -case port before the measuring chamber and control block assembly. PERFOMMANCE: Registers must be guaranteed for at least ten years. All meters will be guaranteed for one year on material and worlananship. - To ensure accuracy, each meter must be accompanied by a factory test tag certifying the accuracy at the flows required by AWWA 0700 (low, intermediate, and full flog). Meters and meter parts shall be manufactured in the Continental United States. shall Manufacturers model the • standardization. Meter suppliers must have been manufacturing meters for at least ten years, All meters sliall be guaranteed adaptable to the Neptune AR13 Encoder, Central Meter Reading (CMR), Tricon, Neptune Manual Reader (NA4? and the Unigun Electronic Reading 131D PROPOSAL - SUBMI' U _r]rTAI, PAGE 700 NEPTUNE 5/8" X 3/4" T-10 PRO-READ USG WATER METERS 10 NEPTUNE I " T- 10 PRO-READ USG WATER METERS 5 NEPTUNE iw, T -10 PRO -READ USG WATER METERS 5 NEPTUNE 2" T-10 PRO-RE AD USG WATER METERS UNIT PRICE PER METER (5/8", X 3/4") TOTAL AMOUNT FOR 700 METERS UNIT PRICE PER METER (I ") TOTAL AMOUNT FOR 10 METERS UNIT PRICE PER METER (IV,") TOT AI, AMOUNT FOR 5 M-ETERS UNIT PRICE PER METER (2") TOTAL AMOUNT FOR 5 METERS TOTAL METER BID -1--- 92.50 160.43 319.89 433-06 4,750800 1,604.30 1,599.45 2,165-30 70,119.05 I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Water Products of Oklahoma, Inc. Company Name By: Signatt ure Title P.O. Box 349 Address Owasso, OK 74055-0349 _918 -3715100 Telephone BID OPENING. JUNE 1, 2000 010:00 AM. 1 >� SUBJECT. REQUEsTTO AWARD CONTRACT F , SIDENTIAL RE, FUSE COLLECTION CONTAINERS DATE- June 14, 2000 I 11 t The proposed contract guarantees a fixed price for FY 00 -01 regardless of the number of carts ordered. Therefore, staff will not request Trustee approval for the purchase of carts again until next fiscal year. Payment for a bulk purchase must be approved by the Trustees. Following publication of' the notice to bid and mailing of the bid packet to prospective bidders, orrc (l) bid and three (3) "No Bid" responses were received by the bid date of June 1, 2000. The following bids were received: Page 2 Residential Refuse Collection Containers BIDDER MANUFACTURER GREEN C_ ART BID RE D CART BID ns:� �A Refuse I C RT BID Iliar Equipment Williams Refuse Equipment s_ ,()0,) Fk�O �v a � 00 Amer'-Kart $57.00 k -�Siol $59.00 Water Products of Oklahoma I w s 'L(2 L ) N/A No Bid No Bid Schaefer Systems Inc. (charlotte NQ N/A No Bid No Bid Roto Industries LCAtnaheirn,S 1�1 /A leis ido did RID -INF, ORMATION, SPECIFICATIONS FOR NINETY X901 GALLON pOLYCART 1. The Owasso public Works Authority is soliciting a unit pace quote for green polycarts with a minimum size of ninety (90) gallons; and a unit price quote for red polycarts with a minimum size of ninety (90' ) gallons. Both are being solicited to meet the requirements of tthe 'City Owasso / ��� � � l'°1r �Or111J 2001 (1`11.e Ar aer. ;-Kart Con, Poly-Kart 2000 is (g� p._.,gC�i od. .� a�2. �.oa. �. .�. .�., �trv� csv s. < a aaa. presently being used.) 2. It is anticipated that polycarts will be ordered in fife (50) unit quantities, however, the Owasso Public Works Authority reserves the right to order whatever number and color of carts is weeded at the tirne the order is placed. It is further anticipated that the Owasso Public Works .Authority will purchase a total of approximately 800 green and 200 red carts. 3. The purchase price shall be guaranteed for any orders placed during the period fi °ors the date of issuance of "Notice of Award" until June 309 2001. 8. The stress points of attachment for the top life bar /support frame will have at least two (2) reinforcement plates measuring 4" x 4" x 1/8 " mounted on the inside of the container body. The plates will provide extra support for the bolts which are used to attach the top lift bare 9. The lift bars shall be spaced as follows: (1) Bottom lift bar shall be 13 inches from the ground, and (2) Top lift bar shall be 33 inches from the ground. 10. The casts shall have 12 inch diameter wheels with semi-pneumatic tires. 1 l . The cart lid shall be fully hinged and shall have a high tension rubber wind latch. 12. These specifications shall be interpreted as minimum requirements. 11 The bidder shall include brochures with the bid submittal showing the polycart specifications. The warranty for the carts shall be clearly stated. A sample cart shall be provided upon request. P®L,'Y"CART SPECIFICATIONS MAY 2000 PAGE 2 14. The bidder shall include a list of replacement parts and the price of each part, The purchase price of replacement parts shall be guaranteed for any orders placed until June 30, 20001 15. Delivery of the first 100 green POlycarts will be accepted immediately, but no later than October 1, 2000. 16, All carts shall be bid F.O.B BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE NINETY (90) GALLON POLYCARTS UNIT PRICE PER POI,YCAJ,T, GREEN $57.00 UNIT PRICE PER POLYCART, RED $ 5 9 0 0 I hereby acluiowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. 'Sii' tur�l RIS L. WILLIAMS PRESIDENT f , itle P.O. BOX 1138 Address OWASSO, OK 74055 WILLIMIS REFUSE EQUIPMENT CO. , INC. .918-272-7215 Phone Delivery Date of First 100 Green Polycarts: 45-60 days ARO FIFIVIn "(61, 125121FRIII'liIIII 11111111111: III� Iii ImAl i j, 1111111111q�',I 0011,11:11:9 11 00,01 111111 �� INMK'1111�1, I 1 11 11", "1 1 1 REFIT, M-11 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT, CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPOWf CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND DISTRIBUTION DATE: June 1.4, 2000 BACKGROUND- Beginning in 19999 owners of community water systems serving at least 25 residents year round or that have 15 service connections serving year round residents, are required to prepare and distribute an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). The report is being developed to provide consumers information regarding the source(s) and quality of their drinking water. The CCR contains basic information on the source(s) of the community water system's water supply and levels of any detected contaminants in the water. In addition, the report includes information on compliance with other drinking water rules and some brief educational information. This brief annual report to community water system customers (and others that may drink the water) summarizes information that each community water system already must collect to comply with the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. A community water system owner does not need to collect any new monitoring data just for the CCR. This right -to -know requirement is a centerpiece of the 1996 amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the final CCR rule on August 19, 1998 that establishes the requirements for the CCR's content, foriilat and distribution requirements. C21�.PO12�1'[�'G RI�IJIIZ1�11�IE1�'I'S< The CCIZ is based on calendar year data. The 2000 CCR includes data from January through Dcccriiber 1999 for nio1iitorilig done in 1999, as well as data from other inollitoring that is oil a lorngcr monitoring cycle. Tlic CCIZ imist contain the following: Page 2 Consumer Confidence Report Certification Since the City of Owasso purchases water from the City of Tulsa, specific, educational information and monitoring data presented in Tulsa's Water Quality Report were included in the City of Owasso report. 11171111 i� IL By July 1, 2000 community water systems that serves more than 10,000 people must mail or deliver a copy of the CCR to each water customer. In addition, the system must make an effort to get the report to non-bill-paying customers and provide copies upon request. All community water systems must send a copy of the CCR to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and submit a Certificate of Completion by July 1, 2000. The Certificate of Completion confirms that the information contained in the report is correct and that all distribution requirements have been met. j L11 On June 16, 2000 Public Works Department staff finalized the CCR and mailed approximately 11,000 copies to consumers and one (1) copy to the DEQ. Additional copies are currently available to the public at the utility billing window located at City Hall. Tlic final action in the reporting process is to submit a Certificate of Completion and Distribution to the DEQ. Staff confirms that the information contained in the Consumer Confidence Report is correct and consistent with the compliance monitoring ffCVi0LISIy Submitted to the DEQ and that ID the report has been distributed in accordance with 40 CFR, 141.155. Page 3 C 0115 mer Confidence Report Certification Staff recommends `Trustees approval of the Consumer Confidence deport Certificate of Completion and Distribution with the UOKlanorna Department of Enviro=ental Quality and authorization for the Chair to execute the document. A 'I' CHMENI' 1 o Copy of Consumer Confidence deport 2. Certificate of Completion and Distribution MCLs are set at very stringent levels. To understand the possible health effects described for many regulated constituents, it has been stated that a person would have to drink 2 liters of water every day at the MCL level for a lifetime to have a one -in -a- million chance of having the described health effect. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800- 426 - 4791). T he sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive. material, and can pick lip substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that n2ay be present in source water before the City of Tulsa treats it include: Afd4°!'llbial C°61111•aini1 ants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife. 11101- gallic (°6lllPamillants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally- occurring or result from urban storinwater rum2ff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining or farming. 1'es'ticiddev' and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sOLIrCCS Such as agricultural and residential, Ilse. Radioactive active 4 °llll!llllllllAllll�, Awhich tire naturally occurring. Organic crlC°ynical d'AlwAlllllllants including Synthetic and volatile, organic chemicals, which are by- products of industrial IlrocesSCS and hetroletini production, alief caul also conic from gas Stations, urban storniwater rlinOff, and septic tanks. Consumer Confidence Re port CERTIFICATE OF COMPLE77ON and DISTRIBUTION PWS Name- City of Owasso PWS ID H -- 3007218 The cornri-runity water system indicated above hereby confirms that the Consumer Confidence Report has been distributed to customers (and appropriate notices of availability have been given) in accordance with 40 Cpl § 141.155. Further, the system certifies that the information contained in the report is correct and consistent with the compliance monitoring data previously submitted to the primacy agency. Certified by: Date- RETURN a copy of your Consumer Confidence Report and the signed Certificate of Completion and Distribution to the following address- Consumer Conridence Reports Water Quality Division Department of the Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 MEMORANDUM .1 MJ J c,r: AWARD OF BID EAST 96TH ST RE ET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (U. S. Higilway 169 overpass to 450 feet west of Na 119 'h E. avenue) DATE- June 16, 2000 RA U Three (3) bids for the project were received on May 30, 2000. The bids are summarized as hollows: Bidder - - - -- (- ,ovation — Total Bid Amount $530,431.90 McGuire Brothers ConstrUCt➢oll Tulsa, OK _---- _ -__. -- --- ken Allow, OK $571,( �5 141 it!➢lllill CO ➢lstrt1Ctloll Bro — -- — — - Owasso, OK . 662,_ 1',", . llorix.➢ln Constlr➢ctuxl Cu. - -- Page 2 Award of Bid V11 Street North Improvements A summary of funds available prior to the bid are as follows: City of Owasso Traffic signal (Highway 169 northbound ramp) Road improvements (Owasso $75,000 Market) Additional road improvements 150000 , RCB Center 111,000 Traffic signal (N. 121st E. Avenue)(loan) Lane west of Highway 169 ramp 75,000 Total construction contributions --3,0279.74 $441,279.74 Using the apparent low bid, additional funds are needed for the project in an amount of $89,15116. A meeting was held with Torn Sea y (The SEAYCO Group, Inc.) on June 8, 2000 to discuss this issue. A letter from Mr. Seay is attached the summarizes his conclusions from the meeting (see Attachment 3). Mr. Seay was to discuss possible reductions in Price with the contractor, but has suggested that the additional $89,152.16 deficit be split with the OPWA. (The OPWA portion would be $44,576.08.) Following discussion with the Trustees at the June 13, 2000 Work Session, offered $15,000 toward the deficit. Due to increased costs above the en the City Manager has engineer's estimate, lie has agreed to contribute an additional 15% in an amount of $4,541-96. Mr. Seay has agreed to fund the remainder (equal to $69,610.20). DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVAL: '"10 C01IStRICtion documents have been reviewed and approved by the Oklahoma Department of "ral'spOrt,ltion (ODOT). A letter request for approval to proceed with this c0lstniction was sent to ODO'I'011 May 9, 2000 (see Attachment 4). formal written approval has yet to be received by the city. Page 3 Award of Bid 96`h Street North Improvements Staff recommends Trustees award a bid for roadway improvements on Fast 96`h Street Forth (froin the U S. Highway 169 overpass to 450 feet unrest of N. 119"' E. Avenue) to McGuire B .others Construction, 'Tulsa. Oklahoma in an amount of $530,431090, Authorization to proceed to be contingent upon receipt of formal approval by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Cation. A"lt "TACHM ,NT 1. Bid Documentation 2. Bid Tabulations 3e RC13 Bank commitments (setter elated April 20, 1000) 4, Letter from The SEAYCO Group, Inc. received June 13, 2000 5. setter to t7DOT dated May 9, 2000 requesting approval of the project HCf-i'— '10--2000 14: '14 CA TY OF 01,,1CaSS0 CITY OF OWASSO/OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918)272-2251 ENT'LQN opelling Date: Co-uncil/Trustee Approval'. flee: Number of Bids: Bids Opened By-. witfless. wi-mess. 96"' Street 1 r h Roadwwy 1hyl3rovem wit s Bidder Tota],Sase Did McGuixe Brothers constTuction $528,731 M Tuba, OK Magnum Construction $559,29M5 Broken Armw, OK Cerfification: 913 272 4999 P.01 Attachment 1 e=,TABULATIONS GEBSTREET NORTH ROADWAY l,a m aN7a mSO ,OKLAHOMA $448.07025 528,731M Total AW-On U 559.297.65 $2,450.CG 9,704.00 Total aid $450,52025 530.431.20 571,047.65 6b--SI&13 April 20, 2000 Mr. Frank En6renner RC B Bank 11633 East 86"' Street North Owasso, OK 74055 RE: 96"' Street North Widening and Signalization Dear Mr. Enzbrenner: (91 8) 272-2251 FAX (91 8) 272-4999 This letter is to confirm agreements made between you and the City of Owasso/Owasso Public Works Authority (OP WA) concerning financing portions of the subject project. The following items were agreed: 1. RCB, Bank will construct a lane and sidewalk on the south side of 96"' Street No from the proposed entrance to the existing U.S. Highway 169 southbound ramp. Cost of construction will be based on the actual accepted project bid amount. The engineer's estimated cost of this construction is $30,279.74. 2. RCB Bank will provide funding for signalizing the intersection at 96 1h Street North and North 121" East Avenue (entrance to the Oak Tree Industrial Park). Cost of the signalization at this location is estimated to be $75,000. The OPWA will pay back RCB Bank the actual cost of construction of the signalization without interest, if paid within three (3) years. In order to award the construction contract for these items, the OP WA will need to receive the agreed upon funds after review of bids and prior to award. It is expected that the contract will be awarded on June 6, 2000. If you require further information or have understandings other than that stated, please contact me at 272-2251. CC: PLiblic Works Director Attachment 3 18- Jan -00 RCB Sear Owasso, Oklahoma Preliminary Cost Estimate, RCB m South Side ITEM UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION $ 90,000.00 1 Site Preparation ... Mobilization �vA LS 2 Unclassified Excavation CY 3 Remove & Dispose Curb & Gutter LF 4 Remove & Dispose Surface & Base Courso Sy 5 Tack Coat GL 6 HMAC Surface Course (Type Il) TN 7 HMAC Binder Course (Type II) TN 8 Crushed Stone Base TN 9 8' Std. Curb & Gutter LF 10 Pavement Markings - 4" LF 11 Pavement Markings - Arrow White lei 12 Pavement Markings -'ONLY' White EA 13 Pavement Markings - White Stole Bar 12' LF 14 "Traffic Control for Construction EA 15 Permanent Traffic Control Signs EA 16 Street Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Foundations, Wiring EA 17 Concrete Sidewalk SF 18 Stormwater Drainage LP 19 Traffic Signals and Interconnect 38.00 96th Street and 129th East Avenue LS 96th Street and U.S. 169 NB Off Ramp LS 96th Street and U.S. 169 SB Off Ramp LS 96th Street and 121st East Avenue LS 96th Street and Garnett Road LS $ 80,000.00 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED $ 90,000.00 ESflee D $ UNIT COST QUANTITY � $ w AMOUNT $ 23.18 1.�,$mF.�..��. 0 28.18 $ 10.00 199 $ 1,990.74 $ 150 0 $ e $ 3.60 67 $ 239.94 $ 2.50 20 $ 48.75 $ 47.00 53 $ 2,470.11 $ 38.00 79 $ 3,018.36 $ 12.00 7€3 $ 938.80 $ 10.00 215 $ 2,150.00 $ 0.30 91 $ 27.23 $ 45.00 2 $ 90.00 $ 65.00 0 $ N $ 3.50 12 $ 42.00 $ 720.00 1 $ 720.00 $ 175.00 3 $ 568.75 $ 950.00 1 $ 950.00 $ 3.00 1075 $ 3,225.00 $ 40.00 1 $ 6,700.00 $ 80,000.00 0 $ e $ 90,000.00 0 $ $ 90,000.00 0 $ w $ 75,000.00 0 $ m $ 80,000.00 0 $ n Construction Sub-Total: 23,202.87 Contingency @ 10% LS $ 2,320.29 1 $ 2,320.29 Engineering Design and Surveys for Design LS $ 2,784.34 1 $ Construction Inspection / Survey Control LS $ 1,972.24 2,784.34 Utility Relocations and Adjustments LS $ 1 $ 1,972.24 Right of Way for Construction LS - ?? $ Not Included m ?? Not Included Non - Construction Sub - Total: $ 7,076.87 Project Total: $ 308279.74 JIJI-1-1-1-2000 11. - 17 cir OF 01,,)A9SO =1� 91e 272 4999 P.02 RECEIVED Roal Mutate Develop:=Lent JUN 13 2000 1 101 Nor ffi loin Street Bentonville, Arkanaw 72712 Phone: (501) 464-4661 Rax. (501) 464-4670 Yolus fi-Wy, lhomw P. Smy Cca Jewy Emanuel Attachment 4 207 South Cedar 910 Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Kristine R. Spence, P. E. Division VIR Traffic Engineer Oklahoma Department of Transportation P.O. Box 660 Tulsa, OK 74101 SUBJECT: Traffic Sigmal Installation U.S. Highway 169 Southbound Off Ramp at 960' Sty eet North Owasso Market Dear Ms. Spence: Would Wou rclease forward thi approval for access to the site. Attachment 5 C 0 1 ty of wasso Kristine R. Spence, P. E. Division VIR Traffic Engineer Oklahoma Department of Transportation P.O. Box 660 Tulsa, OK 74101 SUBJECT: Traffic Sigmal Installation U.S. Highway 169 Southbound Off Ramp at 960' Sty eet North Owasso Market Dear Ms. Spence: Would Wou rclease forward thi approval for access to the site. Attachment 5 Jun 16 00 12:42p the seako group 501-464-4670 P<2 W"e SEWO Gronp, im, Mr. Larry Mitchell city mamger City ofd so 207 South cedar OWMO, Oklgloma 74055 V's Fac 11 (918) 272-4999 and MWA Defivejy Real Estate Development W I North mWn. Street Bentonville, &kaxlsas 72712, P110ne: 1501) 464-4661 Pax: (501) 464-4614 June 16,200o Re- Contribution by a owgm Market I G the t® "I Stmt North (the "PrOjcd") id Owasso, 01dahome . Publk Improvemcats Dear 1.,yo In the event that you have MY questims: or SV99cstim, please do not hesitate to cont-ac.t tree at yom Convenience. Cordially, Y Thomas P. S