HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.07.18_City Council AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 18, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.mo PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4000 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 200€ 0 1 ! I o Call t® Order Mayor Williams 2. Invocation Dr David Fall Baptist Retirement enter 3. Flag Salute Boy Scout Troop 1 4. Roll Call Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment of a Qualified Elector as a Councilor for Ward 2. Mr Cates Attachment #5 6, Administration of Oath of Office to Ward 2 Councilor, Ms Boutwell 7. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Williams Attachment #7 .Program, proclaiming July 8, 2000 as Margaret Hudson Program Day in the City of Owasso. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to b*, routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of July 3, 2000 Rescheduled Regular Meeting and July 11, 2000 Special Meeting Attachment #8-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #8-B Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 Page 3 C. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storm Drainage Systems Constructed to Serve Fairways Rio Attachment #8- The staff recorn -mends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. D. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Streets and Storm Drainage Systems Constructed to Serve Preston. Lakes 1e Attachment #8-D The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed wider the contract, and that final payment, retainage in the amount of $21,500 be authorized. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to - 00 -09, a Request to Rezone Property Located Nest of North 1291h East Ave at East 101" Street North, Forth of Owasso Market; from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light), 5 Acres, More or Less, GIs Sorrells Attachment #10 The Owasso ,.g Commission has 1. R on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 Page 4 11° Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Final Plat for Owasso Market 11, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Ms Sorrells Attachment #I I The Owasso Planning Com-mission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Owasso Market 11, a 25.76 acre subdivision located on the north side of East 96h St North, adjacent to and west of Owasso Market. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to Various Boards, Trusts, Comm issions and Committees. Mayor Williams Attachment # 12 Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 Page 5 14. Report from City Attorney. 1.5. Report frorn City Councilors. 16. Now Business. 17. Adjournment. TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- RONALD D S'A'TES CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF WARD 2 CITY COUNCILOR DATE-. July 13, 2000 The following persons have submitted the required "letter of interest" for your consideration: D E "Jody" Caviness 9012 N 104th East Ave Ms Boutwell has verified that each of the above addresses is within the boundaries of Ward 2 and that the City Council was notified of each letter of interest on the day that it was received. The agenda provides an opportunity for the Council to select from the candidates a person to fill the Ward 2 vacancy. Such selection requires a valid motion and second, and a majority vote of the remaining Councilors (three votes). Should the Council fill the vacancy by such action, the oath of office will be administered to the selected candidate under the next agenda item, FiVIN, mm 1. Policy Statement Relating to Selection Process 2. Copy of Newspaper Notice 3. Letters of Interest (David Hall & Jody Caviness) 7. A tentative date, established by the Council, for action on filling the vacancy to be taken as an agenda item of the City Council, notice to clearly state that such date is tentative and, due to various reasons, could be altered to a later date, Section D - All "letters of interest" shall be received by the City Clerk or designee and thereupon shall be noted the date mid time of receipt, as well as the name of the person receiving the submittal. Such notations to be directly upon the "letter of interest" and not on the envelope in which the letter was contained. Section H - The Council shall direct the City Clerk to place an item on the Council agenda for action within fifteen days of the date of the close of accepting "letters of interest". In the event actual action on the item is not taken by the Council, such item shall either be continued to a date specific or shall be continued to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Section I - Upon action by the Council and the successful selection of a successor to the position, such person shall immediately be administered the oath of office and seated as a member of the City Council, Adopted May 4, 1993 It shall be the Policy of the Owasso City Council to fill vacancies in its membership, when such vacancies occur after the close of a regular filing period for candidates for Council and the unexpired term of the vacancy extends beyond the time when the terins for Council members elected that year begin, utilizing the following process: Section C - The notice of vacancy shall be written and published in a manner to communicate, at a minimum, the following information: 1. The number of the Wards) wherein the vacancy has occurred. 2. A map of the Wards of the City and a general description of the political boundaries of the Ward(s). 3. A statement of qualifications as stated in Section 2-1 of the Owasso City Charter. 4. The address of the City Clerk and the manner of marking the envelope containing the "letter of interest". 5. The beginning date and ending date and ending time that "letters of interest" are to be accepted. 6. A request for information relative to the address of the interested citizen, the voting precinct of the interested citizen, and any other information the interested citizen should wish to include in his/her submittal, provided, however, that such submittal shall not exceed ten total pages of standard 8%" x 11" size paper or copies. .Ward oi 0 s y i s' wantel-"- Continued from page IA Baptist Retirement Center of Owasso Dr. David H. Hall Assistant Administrator July 6, 2000 City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Re: "letter of inter6st" I have been a resident of Owasso since Jund of 1986 and I currently reside at 10205 E. 89'h St. North. My employment at one of the largest employers'of Owasso has given me the opportunity to become involved with the ® of our city. I have watch with keen interest and have kept informed by receiving the monthly mailings from the city as well as the yearly budget proposal. My service to the community has been through by involverne'nt with the Owasso Rotary Club-having served As secretary and president, I have been on the board of the local American Heart Association, and currently serve as Vice President of the Board of Directors for Volunteer Network Owasso. TIMM, the progress that Owasso has experienced.' Si RM 37.U0 North 127 East Avenue . Owasso, OK 74055 918/272-2281 A ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma ® David H. HALL 10205 E. 80 St. N.. - Owasso, OK 740.55 - Objective To provide a quality of life to senior adults, To meet their physical, emotional, mental, and spixitual needs by providing them accommodation and programs that meet thm needs in a Christian environment Ernployrnent AsS1STANTADmrNxSTRXTOR Baptist Retirement Centers of 01dahoma, Inc. 1994-CunENT Owasso, Oklahoma As the Assistant Administrator, my responsibility is to direct the program of the residents who -live in the 256 independent apartments. This involves the renting, managing, and supervising the apartment complex. This position also is directly involved in the interaction with the residents through program planning, activities, and in meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, ADMINISTRATOR OF MIMOSA ASSISTED LIMO CENTER Baptist Retirement Centers of OklahomA Inc, 1994 -CuRRENT Owasso, 01dahoma Serve as the administrator of our licensed Assisted Living Facility. Responsible for the day-to-day administration and operation of program and financial operations; planning, development, implementation, evaluation and improvement of program sea-vices; employ and manage staff-, and the delivery of high quality services. CHAPLAIN 1986-1994 Baptist Retirement Centers of 01dahoma, Inc. I W "I" IN OWN PASTOA OF SE-TUMAL SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCHES 1969-1985 Pioneer Baptist Church; Hagerman Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Antlers, Ok; Winnetka Baptist Church of Tulsi% Ok. Served as Interim Pastor: Brookside Baptist Church; Locust Grove Baptist Church; 1986-1999 Porter Baptist Church; and Easton Heights Baptist Church. Education Skills BACHELOR. OF SCIENCE Hardin- Simmomi University RE, E,SIDEN IAA CARE ADMDUSTRATOR LICENSE ® hnplemented and developed the Residential Care Program for the Baptist retirement Center of Owasso. ® Developed the Policy and Procedure Manuel for the Residential Care Program for the Baptist Retirement Centers of Oklahoma. ® Sired as coordinator in the stmt up of additional Residential Care Centers for the Baptist Retirement Centers of Oklahoma. 11 af 11=11 July 6, 2000 City of Owasso Attn: Marcia Boutwefl, City Clerk 207 S. Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Cowicil Members - i pi JUL 0 7 2000 Lf Us Please accept this as my request t® be considered for t e vacant City Council position for Ward 2. 1 understand that it is for the remainder oft current tern. My family and I have lived at 9012 M 104' E. Avenue in the Fairways addition of Owasso for the past two years. I have verified that address to be in and 2. I am a registered voter in precinct 720751 I am 57 years of age. My wife and I have been married 24 years and have threv grown children. We are members of Bethel Baptist church. D.E. "Jody" Caviness PROCLA-MX17" . C11Y OF OWASSO, OK-1,A OMB NOW, THEREFORE, 1, H C Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Saturday July 8, 2000 as anq,prc *TgAT g'V mr �"o P, in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and encourage all citizens to support the Margaret Hudson Program. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 18' day of July, 2000. H C Williams, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING Monday, July 3, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a rescheduled regular session on Monday, July 3, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 30, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Councilor Brogdon. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute, ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice May ®r Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, ouncil ®r STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Ronald D Cates, City Attorney ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATINGIQ-A-EEQUEST- FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONS -.NT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 20, 2000 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Council July 3, 2000 AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. IT 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO a THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS TO VARIOUS DLQ- COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. This itern was withdrawn by Mayor Williams and will be placed on the July 18, 2000 City Council agenda. Members t® Boards, Trusts, Commissions and Coinmitfees whose terms expired on June 309 2000 will continue to serve until their successors are appointed. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 8: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. MM RM Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, t® adjourn. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -2- H C Williams, May ®r OWASSO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, July 11, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session ®n Tuesday, July 11, 2000 in the over Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin. board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 7, 20004 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 5:30 pam. PRESENT ABSENT Will Williams, Mayor Mark Lou Bax -nhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor (in at 5:45 p.m.) Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Other staff present: Tim Rooney, Sherry Bishop, Bob Allen, Robert Carr. Citizens present: Alan Blakesley, David Vines, Buford Williams, D M Sokolosky. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO EARLY DEMOLITION OF ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Owasso City Council July 11, 2000 for the demolition is $3300 if it is done at the same time as the police station. A $1000 UP- charge will be added if it is done now. The cost of renting a trailer will be $500-$600 per month. Consensus of the Council was to proceed with the demolition. LTEM 5- Chief Allen discussed the new 800 Nfflz radio system, The system has been installed and all services completed. A now 250 ft tower will be constructed, and that should eliminate any areas where there is a problem with communication. The 450 MHz system that was removed from the police and fire departtrients will be utilized by the public works department. LTEM 6- Ms Bishop discussed a proposal to outsource utility billing. Three proposals have been received and, although much higher than the current in-house system, they will be able to utilize a folded bill that will be returned in an envelope provided, and there will be the capability for up to three "stuffers" to be included in utility bill mailings at no additional cost. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM QIT)LMAI�& ER.. (L_ Mr Rooney gave a brief demonstration of the weather-related software now installed and being used by the City. -2- Owasso City Council ITEM 9: ADIOURNMENT Ms Bar Ouse moved, seconded by Ms Vass, to adjourn. AYE: Bainhouse, Voss-, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried -0, and the rn.ceting was adjourned at 8:40 pma. Marcia. Boutwel.l, City Clary -3- H C Williams, Mayor ErAmmm B City of Owasso Claims 7/16/00 Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 50.00 105 Municipal Court 13.62 110 Managerial 1,326.72 120 Finance 512A5 150 General Government 30,211.02 160 Community Development 956.52 170 Engineering 201,10 175 Information Systems 2,217.50 161 Support Services 3,61036 190 Cemetery 6016 201 Police Services 9,290,50 215 Police Communications 692.66 221 Animal Control 514.36 250 Fire Services 9,527.10 260 Emergency Preparedness 69.16 300 Streets 36,705.22 515 Park Maintenance 2,617.22 550 Community Center 2,964.99 TOTAL 104,003.52 Ambulance 256 Ambulance 673.19 TOTAL 67119 -911 -911 Services 1,902.19 TOTAL 1,902.19 Bond Projects Streets /Intersections 40,151.21 Sports Park 21,549.61 TOTAL 61,701.02 OPGA Merchandise 9,676.67 Food and Beverage 711.33 600 Golf Shop 900.00 605 Cart Operations 256.17 610 Golf Course Maintenance 4,613.26 670 Food and Beverage Operations 14.65 690 Golf Administration 1,523.10 691 Clubhouse 1,764.03 600 Debt Service 4,136.04 TOTAL 23,999.45 OPWA 400 Administration 1,979.16 405 Utility Billing 1,517:65 420 Water 2,106.45 450 Wastewater treatment plant 12,266.62 455 Wastewater Collection 2,105.33 480 Refuse Collections 16,079.75 B 485 Recycle Center 2,464°60 TOTAL 40, 563.37 PWA Capital Improvements 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 19y, x'4049 TOTAL 197,274A9 PWA Sewer Dine Extension Debt Service 23,000000 TOTAL 239000,00 City Garage 135 City Garage 6,031 A6 TOTAL AL 6,031 A5 Worker ° Comp Self Insurance 160 Workers' Comp 306A4 TOTAL 306x44 Collision Self-Insurance 160 Collision Self-Insurance 2,130070 TOTAL 2,1 30.70 Claims Total 461 ,33612 City of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 08e59am Page. 1 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due CumulaCive Claim# nmdm ®e Number ---- -- Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# cow- dvdae----- ---- Date -- -- - ----- Date -- ---- -- Amount Due -------- - ----- e------- Amount Due wmdme- 3735 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 288 06/29/00 07/18/00 23.75 23.75 281 06/28/00 280 06/28/00 3736 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC SO4140 04/14/00 07/18/00 46049 70.24 3737 1369 SOKOLOSKY CLINIC L03290 03/29/00 07/18/00 45400 115024 3738 372 MAYS DRUG 34560 06/08/00 07/18/00 100.62 215.86 3739 372 MAYS DRUG 34228 05/26/00 07/18/00 43056 259.42 3740 372 MAYS DRUG 34383 06/01/00 07/18/00 23027 282.69 3741 281 INDEPENDENT TESTING LABS 6-12325 06/21/00 07/18/00 359.30 641.99 3742 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 141956 06/29/00 07/18/00 39.00 680.,99 3743 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12155800 06/25/00 07118/00 25 »50 706.49 3744 1175 OWASSO SPORTS PARK INC 24 06/24/00 07/18/00 21,549 81 22,256 30 3745 1414 CLAITOROS LAW BOOKS & PUB DIV., INC 541202 06/29/00 07/18/00 27.20 22,283050 3746 1141 WORLD CLASS SECURITY 12109 06/22/00 07/18/00 60.00 22,343 50 3747 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 141848 06/27/00 07/18/00 95.05 22,438.55 3748 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1518-070737 05/26/00 07/18/00 50.11 22,488.66 1518-070873 06/02/00 1518-071162 06/16/00 3749 1038 WAL -MART 9226 06/23/00 07/18/00 25000 22,513466 3750 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 24294 06/28/00 07/18/00 287„99 22,801065 24285 06/23/00 24272 06/20/00 24302 06/29/00 24301 06/29/00 3751 1168 FOX INTERNATIONAL 156438500 06/26/00 07/18/00 760.61 23,562°26 3752 554 TULSA COUNTY MIS 9674 06/30/00 07/18/00 40000 23,602026 3753 14 EIS COMMUNICATIONS 185205 02/25/00 07/18/00 7,000.00 30,602026 3754 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 326619 06/26/00 07/18/00 212.03 30,814.29 326938 06/30/00 C298902 08/26/99 C298904 08/26/99 C299256 08131/99 C281848 02/23/99 3755 1098 TULSA WORLD 2153525 06/18/00 07/18/00 236000 31,050 29 3756 630 WAYEST SAFETY INC 187155 06/28/00 07/18/00 6,014430 37,064.59 3757 415 OKLAHOMA EAGLE 33429 06/22/00 07/18/00 37x87 37,102.46 3758 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 2241 06/29/00 07118/00 236.36 37,338.82 3759 364 MILEAGE MASTERS 153236 06/16/00 07/18/00 321067 37,660049 153340 06/05/00 153108 06/07/00 153602 06/29/00 152894 06/08/00 3760 857 CROW BURLINGAME D163648 06/29/00 07/18/00 93.14 37,753063 D163650 06/29/00 D163584 06/28/00 D163543 06/28/00 3761 769 DISTRICT II PROBATION 2000354 06/20/00 07/18/00 403014 38,156077 3762 1388 ECONO AUTO PAINTING 50041 06/26/00 07/18/00 758,00 38,914477 3763 208 FOSTERS PAINT & BODY SHOP 2469 06/30/00 07/18/00 2,130,70 41,045847 3764 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240117759 06/29/00 07/18/00 42.20 41,087°67 8240117757 06129/00 3765 360 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 81669A 06/22/00 07/18/00 15,911.00 56,998.67 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) vity of Owasso ,ash Requirements Vendor Invoice olaim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date 3766 313 BURR KANNADY 3767 408 CHRISTINA OGLE CSR 3768 159 DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL & ANDERSON LL 3769 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 3770 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 3771 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 3772 771 ENLOW TRACTOR INC 3773 134 CLASSIC ELECTRIC 3774 1332 EXECU TRAIN COMPUTER CENTER 3775 295 INFINETE TECHNOLOGY SOLLTIONS 3776 233 FIZZ °O WATER 3777 1405 PSI PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS 3778 14 EIS COMMUNICATIONS 3779 1110 PAGENET 3780 556 TOTAL RADIO 3781 360 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 3782 717 FIRST BANK OF OWASSO :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 06/30/00 03/17/99 06/27/00 06/30/00 04/24/00 04/25/00 04/27/00 05/08/00 05/09/00 05/10/00 05/10/00 05/10/00 05/15/00 05/18/00 05/19/00 05/23/00 05/24/00 05/30/00 09/23/99 10/12/99 10/18/99 11/04/99 10/18/99 10/15/99 06/14/00 06/01/00 06/13/00 06/02/00 06/09/00 06/14/00 06/13/00 09/23/99 10/12/99 10/18/99 11/04/99 05/26/00 06/02/00 06/09/00 06/16/00 06/19/00 06/22/00 06/27/00 06/16/00 06/28/00 06/26/00 06/27/00 06/16/00 06/16/00 05/23/00 06/20/00 06/28/00 07/18/00 Jut 146 2000 08e59am Page_ 2 Due Cumulatiive Date mdmeeemm ------------ Amount Due -- -------------- Amount Due 07/18/00 540.00 57,538067 07/18/00 47.50 57,586017 07/18/00 630,00 58,216017 07/18/00 421078 58,637095 07/18/00 621000 59,258095 07/18/00 137005 59,396 00 07/18/00 07/18/00 56.00 59,589.72 07/18/00 1,750.00 61,339.72 ( 61,807.22 07/18/00 31.60 61,838.82 07/18/00 162.93 6210 . 07/18/00 0.0 07/18100 127.95 62,399.70 07/18/00 280.00 62,679.70 07/18/00 287.19 62,966.89 07/18/00 !1f 44 85,966.89 4.: SHADBOLT City of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 08e59am Page 3 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# o -mPa- Number - -- --- Vendor Name ---------- w------------ ---------- - - Invoice# - - -- -------------- ---- Date -„ -- m ----- Date -- - - -a -- Amount Due -------- - - - - -- -------- Amount Due - --- -- 3783 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 141847 06/27/00 07/18/00 194010 86,160099 3784 674 AMC INDUSTRIES INC 349865 06/21/00 07/18/00 102007 86,263006 3785 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 11619 06/23/00 07/18/00 39°25 86,302031 11079 06/13/00 3786 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 655 - 071157 06/16/00 07/18/00 38.87 86,341 18 655 - 071110 06/14/00 3787 678 ALBERTSONS 159791 06/29/00 07/18/00 151.86 86,493.04 159793 06/27/00 888122 06/26/00 159794 06/22/00 159790 06/25/00 159789 06/22/00 888180 06 /24/00 3788 336 LANCE INC 8515 06/30/00 07/18/00 151.39 86,644.43 x412 06/23/00 3790 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12141 06/20/00 07/18/00 283.15 86,927058 12138 06/19/00 3791 348 MAXFLI GOLF DIVISION 2205811 06/15/00 07/18100 141033 87,068 91 2214819 06/29/00 3792 995 SABONA 40306 06/16/00 07/18/00 162.75 878231.66 40350 06/20/00 3793 17 FOOT-JOY DRAWER CS 3764257 05/31/00 07/18/00 3,974006 91,205072 6689623 06/23/00 3630785 03/22/00 3794 1242 STERLING INTERNATIONAL LLC USA -16 06/19/00 07/18/00 300400 91,505072 3796 1425 AMERICAN DRY GOODS 28991 06/15/00 07/18/00 120814 91,625086 3797 1236 OFFICE DEPOT 102387865 -001 06/28/00 07/18/00 65.97 91,691083 3798 877 OWASSO AUTO CARE MAINT 24567 06/05/00 07/18/00 81.95 91,773078 25575 06/05/00 3799 341 CHUCK LAWLESS 042500 04/25/00 07/18/00 265036 92,039014 3800 1110 PAGENET 463224 06/23/00 07/18100 127095 92,167.09 3801 1417 LYNN CARD 20006210010 06/28/00 07/18/00 125°00 92,292009 3802 1098 TULSA WORLD 2167070 07/02/00 07/18/00 402004 92,694.13 2173204 07/09/00 2173198 07/09/00 3803 1029 T &W TIRE CO 3125518 06/16/00 07/18/00 1,304°28 93,998,41 3804 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12212 06/30/00 07/18/00 50.00 94,048.41 12210 06/19/00 3805 1412 INDUSTRIAL SPLICING 66134 06/27/00 07/18/00 347.10 94,395°51 3806 1408 GOWIN CONCRETE CO. 1364 06/23/00 07/18/00 161425 94,556876 3807 376 MAGNUM CONSTRUCTION INC 4 06/08/00 07/18/00 31,958.48 126,515.24 3808 534 SOUTHERN RUBBER STAMP 132187 06/22/00 07/18/00 29090 126,545014 3809 636 SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT 6065 -1 06/24/00 07/18/00 30°36 126,575,50 3810 1415 SAFEWARE INC 19000969 -01 06/20/00 07/18/00 1,021.80 127,597030 3811 485 PATROL TECHNOLOGY 62000 -01 06/20/00 07/18/00 609050 128,206480 62700 -03 06/27/00 3812 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1515 - 071033 06/09/00 07/18/00 42.96 128,249,76 1516 - 070870 06/02/00 1516- 071034 06/09/00 1516-071161 06/16/00 3813 1209 W W GRAINGER 864 - 149783-2 06/29/00 07/18/00 111,48 128,361°24 3814 1168 FOX INTERNATIONAL 156235700 07/06/00 07/18/00 37438 128,398.62 CCSBAP Accounts Payable Release 5.803 N *APR01O By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso JUL 14, 2000 08s59am Page, 4 ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative taim# m ®mm- Number ® ®mdmm Vendor Name - -- loom---- --- - -- --- ---- dd -muu ®- men - Invoice# - -- e- ®-mm-------- ------ Date -- ---- ®m Date -- ---- -- Amount Due - avmod- mewme -- Amount Due -------------- 3815 722 CLASSIC DESIGNS 300 06/22/00 07/18/00 56.00 128,454.62 3816 677 APERTURES INC 80779 06/30/00 07/18/00 118.27 128,572 <89 80821 06/30/00 3817 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 1006 °0041837 06/18/00 07/18/00 42.87 128,615.76 3818 1314 PREMIER MONOGRAM 936 06/23/00 07/18/00 168.00 128 ®783076 3819 1075 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES 45401 06/21/00 07/18/00 118.34 128,902.10 3820 1054 ZEP MFG CO 48194191 06/29/00 07/18/00 294.48 129,196.58 3821 1342 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY 21147 06/15/00 07/18/00 307400 129 ®503058 3822 263 HUB + GARVER 12 07/01/00 07/18/00 17,846.43 147,350.01 3823 1373 L & S TRUCKING 219754 05/11/00 07/18/00 200.00 147,550001 3824 1392 CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS 2 06/21/00 07 /18/00 179,428.06 326,978.07 3825 1202 ANALYTICAL PRODUCTS 75535 06/30/00 07/18/00 158.00 327,136.07 3826 53 SAND SPRINGS SAND & GRAVEL 14547 06/30/00 07/18/00 302.00 327,438 07 3827 72 ANI SAFETY & SUPPLY 55378 06/23/00 07/18/00 104.95 327,543.02 3828 987 SAM-0-LET SERVICE 61932 06/30/00 07/18/00 65.00 327,608.02 3829 255 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 311249 06/26/00 07/18/00 29.95 327,637.97 3830 394 NICK KNOTT TURF SUPPLY 217853 06/13/00 07/18/00 56.95 327,694.92 3831 1132 ROBERTSON TIRE 5004914 06/13/00 07/18/00 81.90 327,776.82 3832 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 664529 06/08/00 07/18/00 85.63 327,862.45 664793 06/10/00 665827 06/21/00 3833 264 BRANDON HAMLITON 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 132.30 327,994.75 3834 371 MARK MEYER 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 502.20 328,496.95 3835 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 195.45 328,692.40 3836 847 DIANNE MOSS 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 178.20 328,870°60 3837 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 194.25 329,064.85 3838 171 TYRONE DINKINS 062700 06/27/00 07/18/00 315.45 329,380.30 3839 703 BERNRODS TRUCK A TRAILER 16223 06/29/00 07/18/00 158.50 329,538.80 3840 158 DRYSDALES 422065 05/25/00 07/18/00 79.99 329,618.79 3841 714 BOLAY MOBILECOM INC 21870 10/22/99 07/18/00 187.60 329,806039 3842 765 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC WA0003197 06/26/00 07/18/00 2,076.00 331,882.39 3843 789 FUELMAN 10765 07/01/00 07/18/00 8,044.90 339,927.29 3844 764 CITY GARAGE 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 7,609.17 347,536.46 3845 1050 WELSCO INC 343127 06 /30/00 07/18/00 52.75 347,589.21 3846 1145 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 270267-0 06/28/00 07/18/00 54.82 347,644.03 0270050 °0 06/29/00 270894-0 06/30/00 C270030 -0 07/06/00 3847 698 B K M OIL COMPANY 180935 06/29/00 07/18/00 366.30 348,010.33 3848 123 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO 38470 06/27/00 07/18/00 431.10 348,441.43 3849 400 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING 27155 06/26/00 07/18/00 63.30 348,504.73 3850 267 HORIZON CONST CO INC 6 06/30/00 07/18/00 40,151.21 388,655.94 3851 1319 DANNY PATTON 061900 06/19/00 07/18/00 80.00 388,735.94 3852 1226 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES 4712 06/07/00 07/18/00 499.50 389,235.44 3853 1161 FORT BEND SERVICES INC 86858 06/20/00 07/18/00 800.00 390,035.44 3854 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 2242 06/29/00 07/18/00 12,875.00 402,910.44 3855 688 ADVANCE CHEMICAL 10-0006 -48774 06/27/00 07/18/00 432.90 403,343.34 3856 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 100640043674 06/16/00 07/18/00 2,310.34 405,653.68 3857 1320 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD SERVICES 5610 06/26/00 07/18/00 1,496800 407,149.68 3858 1084 PSO 167841949 06/20/00 07/18/00 2,795030 409,944.98 3859 40 NAPA AUTO PARTS 649217 07/03/00 07/18/00 184.75 410,129.73 647943 06/29/00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8,3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso JUL 14, 2000 08o59am Page 5 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# ---- -- Number -u ®mm- Vendor Name mmemw®-- mmme----- ---------------- -- Invoice# ---- -------------------- Date -- ---- ®m Date -- - --- -- Amount Due -------- ---- -- Amount Due -------------- 3860 13 E-Z ®GO TEXTRON 553974 06/28/00 07/18/00 24028 410,154.01 3861 153 DYNA SYSTEMS 10216396 06/15/00 07/18/00 204.15 410,358016 3862 35 LEROYS REEL MOWER BGR7300 07/03/00 07/18/00 419085 4100778.01 3863 46 PARKS OIL COMPANY 79763 06/27/00 07/18/00 780400 411,558001 3864 229 FADLER CO INC 617660 07/03/00 07/18/00 299°03 411,857004 618616 07/07/00 3865 678 ALBERTSONS 888294 07/08/00 07/18/00 84.92 411,941.96 888126 07/08/00 888123 07/01/00 888293 07/06/00 888284 07/04/00 3866 336 LANCE INC 8614 07/07/00 07118100 91024 412,033.20 3867 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 2915930 04/10/00 07/18/00 2,045055 414,078075 156677 06/29/00 121784 06/16/00 155756 06/29/00 3868 103 BRIDGESTONE SPORTS INC 759844 06/22/00 07/18/00 9060 414,088°35 642250 04/20/00 3870 1285 LOWERY AIR CONDITIONING INC 12465 06/23/00 07/18/00 154.00 414,242 35 3871 1421 SHORTS AUTO ELECTRIC 72285 06/30/00 07/18/00 95.00 414,337035 3872 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 7831 07/05/00 07/18/00 65.90 414,403025 3873 1423 GEO GRAPHICS INC COLOOA043PM 06/28/00 07/18/00 129.95 414,533.20 3875 1424 NATIONWIDE RECOGNITION SERVICES 06206 06/15/00 07/18/00 215.00 414,748020 3876 1033 US POSTMASTER 070300 07/03/00 07/18/00 2,000.00 416,748.20 3877 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET CVCS166824 06/20/00 07/18/00 157.98 416,906,18 3878 1422 ROBERT HUGHETT 071700 07/17/00 07/18/00 200000 417,106°18 3879 89 ASSOCIATES COMMERCIAL CORP 070100 07/01/00 07/18/00 4,138.04 421,244.22 3880 231 FRANKLIN COVEY 709812405 06/12/00 07/18/00 35.96 421,280418 3882 1406 OK EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOC 2161 07/01/00 07/18/00 25000 421,305.18 3883 1145 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 272117 °0 07/11/00 07/18/00 31450 421,336.68 3884 766 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 04-2100146 07/01/00 07/18/00 350.00 421,686068 3885 1171 MARLIN LEASING 230070 06/30/00 07/18/00 100000 421,786068 3886 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12184 06/12/00 07/18/00 30°00 421,816°68 3887 362 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY 32205 07/05/00 07/18/00 30.00 421,846.68 3888 814 REASORS 18306 06/29/00 07/18/00 307074 422,154042 18694 06/01/00 18945 06/09/00 18949 06/27/00 19462 06/16/00 19465 06/19/00 19562 06/12/00 19581 06/21/00 3889 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 24311 07/01/00 07/18/00 43062 422,198.04 24322 07/07/00 24330 07/10/00 3890 72 ANI SAFETY & SUPPLY 55946 07/05/00 07/18/00 22005 422,220009 3891 1399 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY 8341 07/03/00 07/18/00 170.00 422,390009 3892 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 12242 07/01/00 07/18/00 72,48 422,462057 3893 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 6038 07/05/00 07/18/00 110,00 422,572,57 3894 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240118510 07/06/00 07/18/00 162.05 422,734.62 8240118512 07/06/00 8240118513 07/06/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 08;59am Page 6 ash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative laim# w -vov Number --woad Vendor Name ------------------ ---- -- --mamma- --- Invoice# -- - -- ---- -- Amp- m- m -a--- Date ® „ -nn ®mm Date ne -mw- -- Amount Due -------------- -- Amount Due ----wade- --- 8240118504 07/06/00 8240118505 07/06/00 8240118511 07/06/00 3895 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 292482 07/03/00 07/18/00 43037 422,777099 292480 07/03/00 3896 100 RILL BASORE 498611 07/05/00 07/18/00 160.00 422,937099 3897 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER 16227 07/06/00 07/18/00 1,065004 424,003.03 16237 07/10/00 3898 152 DIANES TRAVEL 13070 07/12/00 07/18/00 687000 424,690°03 3899 1033 US POSTMASTER 071400 07/14/00 07/18/00 680x00 425,370 03 3900 377 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS 64678443 06/25/00 07/18/00 406.31 425,776034 3901 772 EDDIES TRANSMISSIONS 071000 07/10/00 07/18/00 521°50 426,297.84 3902 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240118509 07/06/00 07/18/00 42020 426,340 04 8240118507 07/06/00 3903 857 CROW BURLINGAME D164567 07/11/00 07/18/00 553050 426,893 54 D164463 07/10/00 D164141 07/06/00 3904 128 CHANUTE RADAR SERVICE 13126 06/26/00 07/18/00 156°35 427,049 89 3905 1135 SMITH & ASSOCIATES 062800 06/28/00 07/18/00 70400 427,119089 3906 1386 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE 36296 06/30/00 07/18/00 30097 427,150086 3907 939 HOWARD STAMPER 070500 07/05/00 07/18/00 425,00 427,575.86 3908 548 STRATHE VETERINARY 26377 07/06/00 07/18/00 36.00 4427,611086 3909 574 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY 93537 06/05/00 07118/00 130.88 427,742074 93543 06/06/00 93561 06/13/00 93592 06/23/00 93615 06/29/00 93632 07/03/00 93577 06/19/00 3910 774 ESTES INC 351139 06/30/00 07/18/00 2,020 „20 429,762°94 350609 07/05/00 350619 07/05/00 3911 1426 MISER ASPHALT CO 4292 07 /05/00 07/18/00 900,00 430,662 94 3912 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 12427 07/06/00 07/18/00 205034 430,868428 12428 07/06/00 3913 10 02 TREASURER PETTY CASH 071200 07/12/00 07/18/00 280.37 431,148.65 3914 1084 PSO 06/00 06/30/00 07/18/00 20,373812 451,521.77 3915 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 91800612231720 06/23/00 07/18/00 1,902 19 453,423.96 3916 537 J B STIGALL 070300 07/03/00 07/18/00 80.00 453,503096 3917 881 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 245052 453,749.48 3918 568 TUCKER JANITORIAL 142136 07/07/00 07/18/00 650015 454,399063 3919 939 HOWARD STAMPER 070100 07/01/00 07/18/00 150.00 454,549.63 3920 1243 SOUTH CENTRAL GOLF INC 63 06/05/00 07/18/00 495.00 455,044063 3921 1062 RONALD D CATES 063000 06/30/00 07/18/00 3,454,28 458,498.91 3789 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 115563 06/15/00 07/19/00 1,08437 459,583.28 119466 06/16/00 128102 06/20/00 125084 06/19/00 3795 9 CALLAWAY GOLF 94782870 06/21/00 07/19/00 865.96 460,449024 3869 17 FOOT-JOY DRAWER CS 3801839 06/20/00 07/19/00 1,171003 461,620 27 3815155 06/27/00 3820045 06/29/00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.803 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 08a59am Page 7 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumllative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due .,d_- ®_ memo -- --------------------------------------- -------------------- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -------------- -------------- 3500420 06/20/00 3502556 06/21/00 3796402 06/19/00 3574 725 COBRA GOLF INC 3067396 06/27/00 07/19/00 151.13 WH' Total Cash required for week ending 07/21/2000 4618771.40 4.61 C�1 J;5e .A)o- �. X65 32 + 4619836.7 � 4618771°40 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*'APR010 By SCOTT SNADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Hut 14, 2000 09o00am Page- 1 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber -em -a Number --- --- Date q- ---- -- Code Number ---- me -wue Invoice --- --- - -- --- Due Date -- -- --w- ew Amount Date Amount ®me ®w ®wwmm e ®mm ®m-- ---- ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------WO®-nm------- 764 263 07/01/00 3822 12 07/18/00 17,846.43 17,846.43 1 EA WWTP PHASE II- 2/2/99 801 267 06/30/00 3850 6 07/18/00 40,151.21 40,151 21 1 EA STREETS/INTERSECTIONS-1 1/16/99 905 554 06/30/00 3752 9674 07/18/00 40.00 40.00 1 EA DIAL -UP SERVICE 907 129 06/25/00 3743 12155800 07/18/00 25.50 2.32 1 EA PHONE USE-MOTTO 23.18 1 EA PHONE USE -ALL 931 717 07/18/00 3782 071800 07/18/00 23,000„00 23,000.00 5 ELM CREEK NOTE 1611 630 06/28/00 3756 187155 07/18/00 6,014 30 6,014.30 1 EA SC6A SYSTEM 4/4/00 1726 376 06/08/00 3807 4 07/18/00 31,958.48 31,958.48 STREET REPAIRS 3/7/00 1785 1320 06/26/00 3857 5610 07/18/00 1,496.,00 56.00 9 EA 76 ST N MOWINGS -3 /21/00 1,440.,00 3 EA HWY 169 MOWINGS °3/21/00 1952 769 06/20/00 3761 2000354 07/18/00 403.14 403.14 1 EA DOC WORK PROGRAM 2142 1040 06/29/00 3854 2242 07/18/00 12,875.00 11,400.00 200 GREEN POLYCARTS 8/17/99 1,475.00 25 EA RED POLYCARTS 8/17/99 2189 1369 03/29/00 3737 L03290 07/18/00 45.00 45.00 1 EA L03290 2201 1373 05/11/00 3823 219754 07/18/00 200.00 200.00 2 EA TOP SOIL 2265 1202 06/30/00 3825 75535 07/18/00 158.00 158.00 1 EA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -LAO 2280 1168 07/06/00 3814 156235700 07118/00 37.38 37.38 1 EA RADIO ORGANIZER 2300 104006/29/00 3758 2241 07/18/00 236.36 236.36 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 2304 1168 06/26/00 3751 156438500 07/18/00 760x61 760.61 1 EA VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 2335 408 03/17/99 3767 003179 07/18/00 47.50 47.50 1 EA 003179 2353 615 04124/00 3770 929067 07/18/00 27.00 621.00 27 EA PRE -EMP DRUG SCREENS 04/25/00 931386 27.00 04/27/00 938415 27.00 05/08/00 956185 27.00 05/09/00 960351 27.00 05/10/00 962910 27.00 05/10/00 96169 27.00 05/10/00 963538 27.00 05/15/00 972430 27.00 05/18/00 979583 27.00 05/19/00 983502 27.00 05/23100 990218 27.00 05/24/00 991414 27.00 05/30/00 1001049 27.00 09/23/99 549667 27.00 10/12/99 575027 27.00 10/18199 578146 27.00 11/04/99 627265 27.00 10/18/99 627513 27.00 10/15/99 624262 27.00 06/14/00 1034040 27.00 06/01/00 1008093 27.00 06/13/00 1030725 27.00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order JUL 14, 2000 09a00am Page 2 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold CLaim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts CLaim Description ---- -- e -ema- --------- ---- ---- -- ------------ m- red- -- --------- ma -- ---- -- ---- -derma ------------ ----------------------- 2458 1054 06/29/00 2462 53 06/30/00 2464 1161 06 /20/00 2468 1392 06/21100 2612 789 07/01/00 3820 48194191 07/18/00 294.1- 3826 07/18/00 L 0 3824 2 07/18/00 179,428.06 3843 10765 07/18/00 8,044090 CCS.AP Accounts PayabLe ReLease 5.8.3 Q *APR083 911000 COPIER 6/20/00 15,000.00 COPIER 6/20/00 432090 CHLORINE 758000 PAINT VAN 2,130.70 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 1,304 ®28 1 EA TIRES 305400 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 16.67 VEHICLE REPAIR 0400 1 EA 06/02100 6/00 1010669 EA 27400 6/00 4069 1 06/09/00 VEHICLE MAINT 1024181 0.00 1 27.00 VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 06/14/00 EA 1034248 6/00 27000 EA VEHICLE MAINT 06/13/00 729.68 1 1030469 VEHICLE MAINT 27000 44087 1 EA 09/23/99 6/00 0549667 EA -27000 6/00 45.00 1 10/12/99 VEHICLE MAINT 0575027 522.73 1 -27.00 VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 10/18199 EA 0578146 6/00 -27.00 10.14 VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 11/04/99 294.48 1 0627265 WEED CHEMICALS -27.00 2383 360 06/22/00 3765 81669A 07/18/00 15,911 00 2387 688 06/27/00 3855 10- 0006 °4877 07/18/00 432.90 2428 1388 06/26/00 3762 50041 07/18/00 758.00 2430 208 06/30/00 3763 2469 07/18/00 2,130.70 2431 1029 06/16/00 3803 3125518 07/18/00 1,304028 2437 364 06/16/00 3759 153236 07/18/00 105800 834.93 1 EA 06/05/00 153340 45000 26.55 1 06/07/00 FUEL 06/00 153108 597.09 1 45000 FUEL 06/00 06/29/00 EA 153602 65000 EA FUEL 06/00 06/08/00 152894 By SCOTT SHADOOLT (SRS) 61.67 2451 764 06/30/00 3844 063000 07/18/00 7,609417 2458 1054 06/29/00 2462 53 06/30/00 2464 1161 06 /20/00 2468 1392 06/21100 2612 789 07/01/00 3820 48194191 07/18/00 294.1- 3826 07/18/00 L 0 3824 2 07/18/00 179,428.06 3843 10765 07/18/00 8,044090 CCS.AP Accounts PayabLe ReLease 5.8.3 Q *APR083 911000 COPIER 6/20/00 15,000.00 COPIER 6/20/00 432090 CHLORINE 758000 PAINT VAN 2,130.70 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 1,304 ®28 1 EA TIRES 305400 1 EA VEHICLE REPAIR 16.67 VEHICLE REPAIR 0400 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 10.34 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 4069 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 0.00 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 1,751.45 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 69.24 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6100 729.68 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 44087 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 45.70 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 45.00 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 522.73 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 3,920088 1 EA VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 454.45 VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 10.14 VEHICLE MAINT 6/00 294.48 1 EA WEED CHEMICALS 302.00 1 EA GRAVEL 800000 1 EA SLUDGE OED CHEMICALS 179,428.06 1 EA WWTP °PHASE IIA °3/7/00 111863 1 EA FUEL 06/00 245,63 1 EA FUEL 06/00 181041 1 EA FUEL 06/00 441.96 1 EA FUEL 06/00 2,711076 1 EA FUEL 06/00 70,24 FUEL 6/00 725,04 1 EA FUEL 06/00 834.93 1 EA FUEL 06/00 337°85 FUEL 6/00 26.55 1 EA FUEL 06/00 597.09 1 EA FUEL 06/00 0.00 1 EA FUEL 06/00 444°86 1 EA FUEL 06/00 By SCOTT SHADOOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso JUL 14, 2000 09a00am Page_ 3 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice DISC Due Discount Line Item umber mmeoo Number momma- Date -- ---- -- Code Number -me- ---- -- Invoice - Amumm - ----- Due Date -- ---- -- ma- Amount Date Amount and -- -P -e o- m ®ammm ea ®oem ---- ew- Amounts P--- ---- -- Claim Description ®- mama----------- -- ---- 1,231492 1 EA FUEL 06/00 18,77 1 EA FUEL 06/00 65026 FUEL 6/00 2613 1050 06/30/00 3845 343127 07/10/00 52.75 12.66 1 EA WELDING SUPPLIES 40009 1 EA WELDING SUPPLIES 2615 057 06/29/00 3760 0163640 07/10/00 3463 93014 1 EA REPAIR PARTS 06/29/00 D163650 63021 06/20/00 D163584 10014 06/20/00 D163543 16.16 2617 591 06/29/00 3764 0240117759 07/10/00 15065 15.65 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 06/29/00 0240117757 26.55 26055 1 EA UNIFORM RENTAL 2670 1075 06/21/00 3019 45401 07/10/00 110.34 118.34 1 EA SAFETY BOOTS- HOFFMAN 2607 765 06/26100 3042 WA0003197 07/10/00 2,076.00 2,0/6000 1 EA AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 2600 1044 06/16/00 3056 1006-0043674 07/10/00 2,310034 2,310034 1 EA RECYCLE /REFUSE 0.00 1 EA RECYCLE GLASS 2609 1405 06/27/00 3777 Cm10071498 07/10/00 162093 162093 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 2690 66 06/26/00 3754 326619 07/10/00 525035 212.03 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 06/30/00 326930 13.30 00/26/99 0290902 -53.75 00/26/99 0290904 -159.74 00/31/99 0299256 -53.75 02/23/99 0201040 -59.46 2691 14 06/16/00 3770 107725 07/10/00 105000 270000 1 EA RADIO REPAIR 06/16/00 187715 165000 2692 1110 05/23/00 3779 095519 07/10/00 127495 127.95 1 EA PAGER RENTAL 2693 556 06/20/00 3700 10721 07/18/00 200.00 200000 1 EA PA SYSTEM REPAIR 2695 1332 06/16/00 3774 1064 °0509 07/10/00 1,750000 1„750000 1 EA TRAINING- WILLSON 2696 1030 06/23/00 3749 9226 07/10/00 25.00 25.00 1 EA WEATHER ALERT RADIO 2697 943 06/20/00 3750 24294 07/10/00 160000 207499 1 EA OFFICE SUPPLIES 06/23/00 24205 35075 06/20/00 24272 70026 06/29/00 24302 6099 06/29/00 24301 6.99 2700 159 06/27/00 3760 013211-00004 07/10/00 630.00 630.00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 2709 134 06/27/00 3773 6164 07/10/00 56°00 56.00 ELECTRICAL WORK 2710 771 06/22/00 3772 241422 07/10/00 137,72 137.72 TRACTOR PARTS 2711 012 05/26/00 3771 1512 °070734 07/10/00 31462 137005 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/02/00 1512 °070060 4.99 06/09/00 1512 °071032 72065 06/16/00 1512 °071159 20°31 06/19/00 1512 ®071200 7.40 2714 627 06/30/00 3769 102704 07/10/00 421.70 421070 COPIER MAINT 2715 1044 06/10/00 3017 1006 ®0041037 07/10/00 42007 42,07 RECYCLE /REFUSE 2710 1226 06/07/00 3052 4712 07/10/00 499,50 499.50 CLEAN SEWER LINE 2719 1319 06/19/00 3851 061900 07/10/00 80000 80000 MOWING 2720 1342 06/15/00 3821 21147 07/18/00 307000 307000 FIRE HYDRANT MARKERS 2721 1408 06/23/00 3806 1364 07/18/00 161.25 161425 CONCRETE 2722 1141 06/22/00 3746 12109 07/18/00 60.00 60800 DOOR KEYS 2723 812 05/26/00 3748 1518-070737 07/18/00 23,97 50011 REPAIR SUPPLIES CS ®AP Accounts Payable Release 5.843 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 09a00am Page 4 Unpaid Ctaims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Ctaim Vendor Full Amt Invoice DISC Due Discount Line Item Number em - -om Number ---- -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ma -w deem-- Invoice ------ ---- -- Due Date a- mmmm -- --- Amount Date Amount --- ---- -- °- -- -red ---------- ------ Amounts -- -- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 06/02/00 1518 °070073 14028 06/16/00 1518 °071162 11.86 2724 568 06/27/00 3747 141848 07/10/00 95005 95.05 MAINT SUPPLIES 2725 295 06/28/00 3775 3022076 07/18/00 467050 467,50 CONSULTING SERVICES 2726 358 06/30/00 3804 12212 07/18/00 20.00 50,00 PRINTING 06/19/00 12210 30000 2731 231 06/12/00 3880 709812405 07/18/00 35.96 35096 PLANNER REFILL /BINDER 2734 766 07/01/00 3884 04-2100146 07/18/00 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2735 939 07/01/00 3919 070100 07/10/00 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 2740 703 06/29/00 3839 16223 07/10/00 150,50 57,63 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 43.23 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 57064 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2745 107 07 /01/00 3892 12242 07/18/00 72.48 72.48 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2754 100 07/05/00 3896 498611 07/10/00 160.00 160.00 2 DOZER SERVICE 2755 6 07/05/00 3893 6038 07/18/00 110400 0400 6 SOD O.00 6 SOD 110000 6 SOD 2762 1039 07/03/00 3895 292402 07/18/00 3.60 43037 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/03/00 292480 39.77 2765 591 07/06/00 3894 8240118510 07/18/00 30090 30.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 8240118512 16010 16.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 8240118513 61.85 30090 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 0240118504 30030 61.85 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 8240118505 10.35 18035 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 8240118511 4.55 4.55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 2778 1399 07/03/00 3891 8341 07/18/00 170000 170.00 MATERIALS TESTING 2782 1406 07/01/00 3882 2161 07/18/00 25 „00 25,00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2795 1243 06/05/00 3920 63 07/18/00 495000 495000 ADVERTISING 2796 568 07/07/00 3918 142136 07/18/00 650.15 650.15 STEAM CLEANER 2805 233 06/26/00 3776 239304 07/18/00 31°60 31.60 WATER-BATTERIES 2807 1314 06/23/00 3818 936 07/18/00 168000 33860 UNIFORM HATS 33.60 UNIFORM HATS 33.60 UNIFORM HATS 33.60 UNIFORM HATS 33.60 UNIFORM HATS 2808 1412 06/27/00 3805 66134 07/18/00 347010 347 »10 PUMP CHAINS 2809 1005 06/20/00 3877 CVCS166824 07/18/00 157,98 157098 VEHICLE REPAIR 2810 313 06/30/00 3766 1 07/18100 540000 540.00 27 JUNE INSPECTIONS 2811 14 02/25/00 3753 185205 07/18/00 7,000°00 7,000800 CONSULTING SERVICES 6/21/98 2815 1288 04/14/00 3736 S04140 07/18/00 46.49 46049 S04140 2517 372 06/01/00 3740 34383 07/18/00 23027 23027 S04140 2818 372 06/08/00 3738 34560 07/18/00 100.62 100.62 504140 2819 372 05/26/00 3739 34225 07/18/00 43.56 43056 504140 2822 1414 06/29/00 3745 541202 07/18/00 27.20 27020 PUBLICATION 2823 1175 06/24/00 3744 24 07/18/00 21,549,01 21,549081 RESTROOM CONSTRUCTION 2834 158 05/25/00 3840 422065 07/18/00 79899 79099 SAFETY BOOTS-MOODY 2535 714 10/22/99 3841 21570 07/18/00 187°60 187 ®60 RADIO REPAIRS 2837 698 06/29/00 3847 180935 07/18/00 366030 366°30 OIL /LUBRICANTS 2538 123 06/27/00 3848 38470 07/18/00 431.10 431.10 BATTERIES 2839 1145 06/25/00 3846 270267 °0 07/18/00 6084 55011 OFFICE SUPPLIES 06/29/00 C270050 -0 -7.13 00.29 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso JUL 14, 2000 09;00am Page 5 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Umber omwwm Number ---- -- Date -beam--- Code Number ---- --- - -- Invoice ------ ------ Due Date -- -- ---- ------ Amount Date Amount -A - ®m® ®- oowm -R - mda ® -mm -- bode Amounts --- -dam- Claim Description ----------------------- 06/30/00 270894-0 68.31 07/06/00 0270030 °0 °13.20 2841 400 06/26/00 3849 27155 07/18/00 63.30 63030 MAINT SUPPLIES 2842 415 06/22/00 3757 33429 07/18100 37.87 37.87 EMPLOYMENT AD 2844 1236 06/28/00 3797 102387865-00 07/18/00 65,97 65,97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2845 341 04/25/00 3799 042500 07/18/00 265036 265036 REIMB MILEAGE 2847 877 06/05/00 3798 24567 07/18/00 56095 25000 VEHICLE MAINT 06/05/00 25575 25000 56095 VEHICLE MAINT 2848 1110 06/23/00 3800 463224 07/18/00 127.95 127.95 PAGER RENTAL 2849 1417 06/28/00 3801 20006210010 07/18/00 125.00 125.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2850 1415 06/20/00 3810 19000969-01 07/18/00 1,021.80 1,021080 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2851 72 06/23/00 3827 55378 07118/00 104.95 104.95 SAFETY FLASHLIGHTS 2854 722 06/22/00 3815 300 07/18/00 56000 56000 UNIFORM EMBROIDERY 2855 636 06/24/00 3809 6065-1 07/18/00 30.36 30.36 STAIN 2856 677 06/30/00 3816 80779 07/18/00 108.27 118.27 EVIDENCE PHOTOS 06/30/00 80821 10.00 2857 568 06/27/00 3783 141847 07/18/00 194010 194.10 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2858 534 06/22/00 3808 132187 07/18/00 29090 29.90 NOTARY SEAL-ROSS 2859 485 06/20/00 3811 62000 °01 07/18/00 14000 609.50 UNIFORM BELT 06/27/00 62700 °03 595050 2861 812 06/09/00 3812 1515 °071033 07/18/00 17.98 24098 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/02/00 1516 ®070870 7.02 17.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 06/09/00 1516 °071034 13098 06/16/00 1516-071161 3.98 2862 1209 06/29/00 3813 864 - 149783 °2 07/18/00 111048 111048 LIGHT FIXTURE 2863 772 07/10/00 3901 071000 07/18/00 521.50 521.50 VEHICLE REPAIR 2864 89 07/01/00 3879 070100 07/18/00 4,138004 4,138.04 CART LEASE 2865 703 07/06/00 3897 16227 07/18/00 714600 1,065004 VEHICLE REPAIR 07/10/00 16237 351°04 2866 1145 07/11/00 3883 272117-0 07/18/00 31.50 31050 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2868 857 07/11/00 3903 D164567 07/18/00 488.55 553050 24 REPAIR PARTS 07/10/00 D164463 32.67 07/06/00 D164141 32.28 2872 591 07/06/00 3902 8240118509 07/18/00 15065 15.65 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/06/00 8240118507 26.55 26.55 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 2877 1171 06/30/00 3885 230070 07/18/00 100000 100.00 6 DIGITAL PLAYER - CONTRACT 2883 1135 06/28/00 3905 062800 07/18/00 70 „00 70°00 2 MMPI TESTING 2884 939 07/05/00 3907 070500 07/18/00 425000 425,00 RADIO INSTALLATIONS 2885 548 07/06/00 3908 26377 07/18/00 36000 36000 EUTHANASIA DRUGS 2886 537 07/03/00 3916 070300 07/18/00 80.00 80000 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2888 128 06/26/00 3904 13126 07/18/00 156.35 156,35 RADAR UNIT REPAIR 2889 1386 06/30/00 3906 36296 07/18/00 30.97 30 „97 FLEA FOGGERS 2890 72 07/05/00 3890 55946 07/18/00 22005 22005 CRIME SCENE SUPPLIES 2892 1002 07/12/00 3913 071200 07/18/00 280837 17096 REIMB PETTY CASH 15.02 REIMB PETTY CASH 5,89 REIMB PETTY CASH 29045 MILEAGE-JACKSON 25.00 DUES-BISHOP 33017 MILEAGE °BOUTWELL 64,16 LUNCH ®ROONEY /MITCHELL 24472 REPAIR PARTS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Jul 14, 2000 09a00am Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Held Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2894 1033 07/03/00 3876 070300 07/18/00 2,000.00 2895 938 06/23/00 3915 918008122317 07/18/00 1,902019 2896 1084 06/30/00 3914 06/00 07/18/00 20,373.12 2897 377 06/25/00 3900 64678443 07/18/00 406.31 2898 1098 06/18/00 3755 2153525 07/18/00 236.00 2912 881 06/30/00 3917 063000 07/18/00 245052 2920 1285 06/23/00 3870 12465 07/18/00 154.00 2921 1421 06/30/00 3871 72285 07/18/00 95.00 2922 865 07/05/00 3872 7831 07/18/00 65090 2926 107 07/06/00 3912 12427 07/18/00 42.89 9,613.64 06/00 07/06/00 473.14 12428 USE 162.45 2927 574 06/05/00 3909 93537 07/18/00 14.25 USE 739.51 06/06/00 USE 93543 06/00 17.63 10.83 06/00 06/13/00 6.39 93561 USE 15.75 06/00 USE 06/23/00 06/00 93592 20.24 25.50 USE 56.49 06/28/00 USE 93615 06/00 15.75 21.79 06/00 07/03/00 50.95 93632 USE 21.75 06/00 06/19/00 06/00 93577 5.76 20.25 2928 1422 07/17/00 3878 071700 07/18/00 200.00 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 9 *APR083 6/00 USE 15.00 REIMB °PETTY CASH 50.00 DEPOSIT REFUND -COMM CENTER /COON 2,000.00 POSTAGE 1,902.19 E °911 1,060.30 06/00 USE 15.52 06/00 USE 308.51 06/00 USE 697.87 06/00 USE 206.96 06/00 USE 813056 06/00 USE 64.16 06/00 USE 345.93 06/00 USE 760.68 06/00 USE 574.23 06/00 USE 9,613.64 06/00 USE 473.14 06/00 USE 126.93 06/00 USE 1,140.17 06/00 USE 1,778.97 06/00 USE 739.51 06/00 USE 1,653.04 06/00 USE 10.83 06/00 USE 6.39 06/00 USE 13.62 06/00 USE 113.00 06/00 USE 20.24 06/00 USE 56.49 06/00 USE 6.72 06/00 USE 21.79 06/00 50.95 06/00 USE 17.77 06/00 16.64 06/00 USE 5.76 06/00 USE 7.58 06/00 USE 58.53 06/00 USE 236.00 EMPLOYMENT AD 226.57 6/00 USE 18.95 6/00 USE 154.00 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 95.00 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 65.90 TIRES 205.34 REPAIR SUPPLIES 110.63 CLEANING SERVICES 20.25 CLEANING SERVICES 200.00 CLEANING SERVICES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Jul 14, 2000 09o00am Page 7 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber .w ®a -® Number ---- -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- -boom- Invoice ------ ---- -- Due Date ---- -moo a- Amount vv-- ---- -- Date Amount -- ---- -- - wv- -d-- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 2929 1090 07102/00 3002 2167070 07/18/00 194°12 402.04 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 07/09/00 2173204 127.36 07/09/00 2173195 50856 2935 725 06/27/00 3874 3067396 07/15/00 154.13 07/19/00 ® 154.13 GOLF CLUB 2936 1424 06/15/00 3575 062K16 07/15/00 215.00 215°00 ADVERTISING 2937 1423 06/25/00 3573 COLOOA043PN 07/15/00 129.95 129095 ADVERTISING 2935 496 06/29/00 3735 255 07/15/00 11.74 12001 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/25/00 251 7.95 5.47 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/25/00 250 4003 1.59 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 1.49 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 3019 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 2942 565 06/29/00 3742 141956 07/15/00 39000 39.00 SOAP 2943 251 06121/00 3741 6 °12325 07/15/00 359.30 359430 LADDER TESTING 2947 943 07/01/00 3559 24311 07/15/00 20076 43.62 2 NAME PLATES 07/07/00 24322 17.30 07/10/00 24330 5.56 2945 362 07/05/00 3557 32205 07/15/00 30¢00 30000 MEDICAL WASTE PICKUP 2949 355 06/12/00 3556 12154 07/15/00 30000 30.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2950 514 06/29/00 3555 15306 07/15/00 57.55 105.39 FILM PROCESSING 06/01/00 15694 47055 202.35 PRISONER MEALS 06/09/00 15945 22052 06/27/00 15949 21.18 06/16/00 19462 114050 06/19/00 19465 6057 06/12/00 19562 2064 06/21/00 19551 4003 2952 957 06/30/00 3525 61932 07/15/00 65000 65.00 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 2953 255 06/26/00 3529 311249 07/15/00 29.95 29.95 SECURITY MONITORING 2954 394 06/13/00 3530 217553 07/15/00 56.95 56.95 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2955 1132 06/13/00 3531 5004914 07/15/00 5190 51090 TIRES 2957 674 06/21/00 3754 349565 07/18/00 102.07 102407 REPAIR PARTS 2959 107 06/23/00 3755 11619 07/15/00 3.49 39»25 REPAIR PARTS 06/13/00 11079 35,76 2960 512 06/16/00 3756 655-071157 07/15/00 35055 35°57 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/14/00 655 °071110 2.99 2961 675 06/29/00 3757 159791 07/15/00 37.96 127.67 GROCERIES 06/27/00 159793 4.64 24019 TOBACCO PRODUCT 06/26/00 555122 15063 06/22/00 159794 20,37 06/25/00 159790 17.66 06/22/00 159759 11.02 06/24/00 555150 41.55 2962 336 06/30/00 3755 5515 07/15/00 65,11 151°39 SNACKS 06/23/00 5412 53,25 2963 57 06/15/00 3759 115563 07/15/00 36051 07/19/00 1a129a02 BAG /CAPS /SHOES /CLUBS 06/16/00 119466 117055 07/19/00 06/20/00 125102 454.93 07/19/00 U20.80 06/19/00 125054 520.00 07/19/00 2964 355 06/20/00 3790 12141 07/15/00 76.40 253015 CART TAGS 06/19/00 12135 206075 2965 345 06/15/00 3791 2205511 07/18/00 43056 141033 GOLF BALLS /GLOVES 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order JUL 14, 2000 09:00am Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number and Date -------- Code Number Invoice ®® amen - ®em -- -- ---- -- m Due Date - vm ® -m -m ---- 4Amount Date -- -- -moo ----- Amount ----- --- Amounts Claim Description -------- ----------------------- 06/29/00 2214819 97447 2965 366 06/08/00 3832 664529 07/18/00 32,74 85063 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/10/00 664793 42.93 06/21/00 665827 9,96 2966 995 06/16/00 3792 40306 07/18/00 60050 16235 WATCHES /WATCH BANDS 06/20/00 40350 102.25 2967 17 05/31/00 3793 3764257 07/18/00 1,283035 07/19/00 100°30 3,974006 SHOES /SHOE TREE 06/23/00 6689623 -221,90 03/22/00 3630785 2,912.61 07/19/00 233 „01 2968 1242 06/19/00 3794 USA-16 07/18/00 300000 300.00 ADVERTISING 2969 9 06/21/00 3795 94782870 07/18/00 883.63 07/19/00 1r 883063 GOLF CLUBS 2970 1425 06/15/00 3796 28991 07/18/00 120014 120.14 CAPS 2971 40 07/03/00 3859 649217 07/18/00 59°95 184075 REPAIR PARTS 06/29/00 647943 124.80 2972 13 06/28/00 3860 553974 07/18/00 24,28 24.28 REPAIR PARTS 2973 774 06/30/00 3910 351139 07/18/00 1,380.00 2,020020 FERTILIZER 07/05/00 350609 495000 07/05/00 350619 145020 2974 153 06/15/00 3861 10216396 07/18/00 204415 204.15 REPAIR PARTS 2975 35 07/03/00 3862 BGR7300 07/18/00 419.85 419885 SHARPEN BLADES 2976 46 06/27/00 3863 79763 07/18/00 780.00 780°00 FUEL 2978 229 07/03/00 3864 617660 07/18/00 134003 46047 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/07/00 618616 165400 14031 PAPER SUPPLIES 2979 678 07/08/00 3865 888294 07118/00 9.79 238025 78.59 GROCERIES GROCERIES 07/08/00 888126 36073 0434 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/01/00 888123 10469 5.99 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/06/00 888293 5.63 07/04/00 888284 22«08 2980 336 07/07/00 3866 8614 07/18/00 91024 91024 SNACKS 2981 57 04/10/00 3867 2915930 07118/00 37"/065 2,045 55 GOLF CLUBS /GOLF BALLS /CAPS 06/29/00 156677 214093 07/19/00 06/16/00 121784 147.97 07119/00 06/29/00 155756 1,305°00 07/19/00 2982 103 06/22/00 3868 759844 07/18100 129060 9.60 GOLF BALLS 04/20/00 642250 -120.00 2983 17 06/20/00 3869 3801839 07/18/00 108076 07/19/00 1,171003 RAIN GEAR /SHOES 06/27/00 3815155 87°38 07/19/00 06/29/00 3820045 34.21 07/19/00 06/20/00 3800420 182.52 07/19/00 06/21/00 3802856 242070 07/19/00 06/19/00 3796402 515.46 07/19/00 2984 1426 07/05/00 3911 4292 07/18/00 900,00 900000 ASPHALT-CART PATH 2985 1084 06/20/00 3858 167841949 07/18/00 2,795.30 2,795030 STREET LIGHTS 3000 1062 06/30/00 3921 063000 07/18/00 3,454°28 700.00 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 1,646.73 LEGAL SERVICES 3024 1033 07/14/00 3899 071400 07/18/00 680.00 407.55 100000 LEGAL SERVICES PERMIT 3031 152 07/12/00 3898 13070 07/18/00 687°00 580000 229.00 POSTAGE AIRFARE - BISHOP CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 O *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Jut 14, 2000 09o00am Page 9 npaid Ctaims by Purchase Order „ P.O. Vendor Invoice Hotd Claim Vendor Futt Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber - ---- Number --- --- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- ®mm ® „m Invoice ------ - ----- Due Date .,- mama.® ------ Amount Date Amount ---- -- e- dva -N- m4 ®mee - --- -- Amounts -- ---- - -- Claim Description ----------------------- 229.00 AIRFARE - JACKSON 229.00 AIRFARE °WILLSON 3032 264 06/30/00 3833 063000 07/18/00 132.30 132°30 METER READINGS 3033 371 06/30/00 3834 063000 07/18/00 502020 502.20 METER READINGS 3034 1152 06/30/00 3835 063000 07/18/00 195045 195.45 METER READINGS 3035 847 06/30/00 3836 063000 07/18/00 178.20 178420 METER READINGS 3036 38 06/30/00 3837 063000 07/18/00 194.25 194925 METER READINGS 3037 171 06/27/00 3838 062700 07/18/00 315.45 315045 METER READINGS 3038 360 06/28/00 3781 713982 07/18/00 287.19 287.19 COPIER MAINTENANCE OTAL 461,83672 398.63 86 records 'Listed CITY OF OWASSO anarsai OD00 11 536,31 x`'9? � vum..r�.w. -�i -- »..,,,.�.��,.....,»,.,,.�,:.. tee ............................. _ _..._.. __. _. 5 - 0800 5,573,47 0,00 1,639,31 Police 2433,43 64,552.77 General Fund Total $ . ` ' 0 -- - $ Mayer 1 � Fund General Department Total 250 Gm Services 77,80¢ Tot 2Z /O¢ City of Owasso Detail List for Open Batch 1491 SRSWILD Jul 17, 2000 11o10am Page 1 Tran Effctive PO New Clm New PO Tran Entry Record Control Entered Type -------- Date -------- Batch -------- Batch Batch Code m___mmm_ ------ -- a_o_ Date User Id -------- Count Total Total Variance CLM.NEW 07/17/00 1490 CLAC -------- 07/17/00 SRS ------ -------------- 1 -------------- 77,800000 -------------- 77,800.00 0.00 Cnt Claim# Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Due Date Claim Amount GL Distribution 1 3925 1434 MERT2 FIRE APARAT 110299 11/02/99 07/18/00 77,800 00 01 °250 °54500 ij_�c4� "Ioe iC 77,80000 GL Amount 77,800 00 77,800.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 508,3 BATCNoDETAIL By SCOTT SNADBOLT (SRS) A MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYORAND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: M C P` F STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE FAIRWAYS V DATE- July 12, 2000 CKGROUN `fhe project is located cast of Mingo Road, about Y2 -milc north of 76"' Street North (see attached location ap )o Designs for the facilities were approved and installations were inspected by the Public Works Department, developer EINAL INSPECTION- Public Works personnel conducted final street and drainage inspections on September 14,1999. Punch lists of corrective items developed- during the inspection were provid to the 2000. complete as of June 28, proviaect for the storm drainage system and a two-year bond provided for streets (see attached). BE_COMMENDATION. Staff recowtwendq f Location :!' bonds 2. Maintenance W IFL%O IMWL%VO 9 k9z 01-1� Bq-To 96TH ST.N. 95TH ST 9 5TH CT Frq/A 0 IFRV ANT 93 iot- 93RD ST w I& /> 1 7TH ST Maintenance Bond MNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, ARROW CONCRETE COMPANY A DIVISION OF TULSA O ASPAN, IN 1601 E HOUSTON BROKEN ARROW Off; 74012 -4407 as Principal, uid EMPLOYERS lNSURANCsE OF WAUSAU A Mutual C OnIpany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and authorized to do a surenj business in the State of �� �� acrd firmly bound unto the a� Surety, are held K6URTIS PROPERTIES, L a L o C PO BOX 419 OWASSO OX 74059 is'Obligee, in the sum ®i D Obi HUNDRED a1XTy_TWO ` 1_1Oi� . D SEEN HUMMED SIXTY-FOUR AND 20/100 DOLLARS ($162,764.20) lawful money Of the United States of America, for the payment Of which SuM well and truly to be trade, we bird ourselves, our lgeirs, executors, administrators, stt�eesscars and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents- WHEREAS, can this 22nd day of January, 1999 , the said Principal, entered into a contract for STREET PAVING TO SERVE FAIRWAYS V OWASSO, OK ffor the sir of $162,764.20 n acrd, SEATED with our seals and dated this 29th day of January, 1999 NSURANOE U U A ("ueual Company By SC;0020 e COOL EY 1` —98 DEFECT BOND BOND NUMBER MIV KNOB ALL MEN BY THEbE P a THAT WE, IRA M. GREECE ffiStRUCTI 9 COMPANY OMMOMA SURM COMPANY BY 4AC wommom MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. PHIL LUTZ, P. E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SU, CT: ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE PRESTON LAKE, S I DATE: July 12, 2000 HI-VIEW ESTATES PARADISE VALLEY LLJ > > < 0-11SPERING PINES 1, 2 3 < LL -1 UNPLATTED In Nt Qo PRESTON LAKES UNPLATTM E. 86TH ST. N. LOCATION MAP PRESTON LAKES CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION OF I Maintenance and KNOW ALL MEN Y'HESS PRESENTS, that we, ARROW CONCRETE COMPANY DIVISION OF TUI8A DYAD , :t c- BRA N ARROW OK 4012.4407 as principals and EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU A lthlal'Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State Of Wisconsin and authorized to do a surety business in the State of OKLAHOMA and firmly bound unto the s as Surety, are held PETE KOURTIS, PRESTON LAKES L.L. PO BOX 24® OWASSO OK 74055 as Obligee, in the sum of ($817,42629) i" k ) i OTI.S FOB HTMDRED TWENTY-SIX AND 29/10() DOLLARS law: til money of the United States of erica, for the payment of which stun well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our 4eirs, CXCCutors., adml istrators, successors and assiM ;jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHERE-AS, on this 22nd day of ept e er, 1999 , the Said principal, entered into a contract for PAVING FOR PRESTON LAKES, OW O, OK &rthCSUMOf $1317,426029 ,ands SEALED our seals and dated this 2nd day of November, 1999 ARROW - COMPANY A DIVISION OF A, M David G. Markle Title President EMPL ®YE �iANCE �GAU A Mutual Com (Seal) on SCO02 l � , o COOL Y 12 -9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DAVID WARREN PAM(S SUPEIUNTENDENT SUBJECT. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE SPORTS PARK RESTROOM AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT DATE: July 119 2000 BACKGROUND: In October of 1997, the citizens of Owasso approved a 10 million-dollar bond issue for Capital Improvement Projects within the City of Owasso. Projects within that bond issue included street and intersection improvements, remodeling and expansion of existing facilities, and improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. Included, as one of the projects for Sports park improvements, was the construction of an additional restroom. Staff developed a bid packet in August of 1998, based largely on the previously constructed restroom at the Sports Park. Bids were submitted and were opened in September of 1998. Two bids were received for the construction of the restroom facility, ranging from $102,775 to $133,627. The lowest bid represented over a $17,000 increase in less than 10 months over the cost of constructing the first restroom. As a result, staff recommended rejection of those bids and Council authorization to solicit bids once again. Upon the second solicitation of bids, a pro-bid meeting was conducted, and bids were opened on November 30, 1998. A total of five bids were received ranging from $85,405 to $135,740. All bids met bid specifications and the lowest bid was submitted by Sports Park, Inc. Sports Park, Inc. was awarded the bid to construct the restroom in December of 1998. The restroorn has been recently completed. The restroom is virtually identical to the first restroom that was constructed at the Sports Park and upon acceptance by the City Council and authorization for final payment, will have been constructed for $405.00 less than the total cost of the first restroom and $17,775 less than the low bid received the first time the project went out to bid. A final walk through inspection was performed by Mr. Warren and all punch list items have been addressed at this time. 111101 Funding for this item is contained within the Bond Projects portion of the budget. As was stated when the bid was awarded to Sports Park, Inc., this type of partnership and spirit of cooperation arnong developers is not common in many cone unities acid it is precisely ghat makes our cominunity special. The City of Owasso, its residents, and these that utilize the Sports Park will benefit greatly as a result of the progressive nature and community concein of these individuals. RECOMMENDATION. ION. Staff recornine ds Council acceptance of the second restroom constructed at the Owasso Sports Park, and authorization of final payment to Sports Park, hie, for the amount of $21,550, as well as authorization to release any retaina ea ATTACHMENTS: 1 a Award of Bid Memorandum dated December 9, 199$0 MEMORANDUM To THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DAVIDWARREN PARKS SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: AWARD OF BID FOR RESTROOM CONSTRUCTION OWASSO SPORTS PARK DATE: Decenfber 9, 1998 DAICKGROMMM- In October of 1997, the citizens of Owasso approved a 10 million dollar bond issue for Capital Improvement Projects within the City of Owasso. Projects within that bond issue included street and intersection improvements, remodeling and expansion of existing facilities, and improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. Included as one of the projects for Sports Park improvements was the construction of an additional restroom. Requests for bids were once again advertised acid a mandatory pre-bid meeting was conducted. Those bids were submitted for consideration and were opened on ovember 30, 1.998° Five bids were received for the construction of the facility: review of the bids submitted indicates that all bids did meet bid specification requirements. Further review indicates that Sports Park, Inc is the lowest bid for the construction of the restroom facility at $85,405. afm exceed While the bids submitted by Sports Park, Inc is identical to the cost for the construction of the first restroom at the Sports Park, it does o by identified $20,405, as the bond project had a budget of $65,000 .; Be advised, however, o_;.st n_ cost for the restroom, or the final cost to the city, is likely to be closer to, if not lower than, the $65,000 figure. Sports park, Inc 85,405.00 Builder's Unlimited Inc 101:,233° KBM Construction Services 11.1, 1 a Harrington Construction 119,750M Judds Bros Construction Co 135,740. review of the bids submitted indicates that all bids did meet bid specification requirements. Further review indicates that Sports Park, Inc is the lowest bid for the construction of the restroom facility at $85,405. afm exceed While the bids submitted by Sports Park, Inc is identical to the cost for the construction of the first restroom at the Sports Park, it does o by identified $20,405, as the bond project had a budget of $65,000 .; Be advised, however, o_;.st n_ cost for the restroom, or the final cost to the city, is likely to be closer to, if not lower than, the $65,000 figure. .RM Staff recommends the contract for the proposed Spoits Park restroorn. facility be awarded to Sports Parke Inc in the amount of $85,405m A-TTACHIMMENUM 1. Memorandum dated September 29, 1 998 requesting authorization to reject all bids. 2m Bid Documents 34 Bid Tally Sheet MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT, REZONING REQUEST OZ-00-09 DANE: July 11, 2000 BACKGROUND Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light). 1. Subject Map 2. Staff Report for OZ-00-09 69 9 AGIR F- E. 106th STREET N. o RE X40h Y. NO. z RE o TO: HONORABLE OR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJE CT. FINA-1, PLAT OWASSO MARKET 1I DATE.- July 12, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Seayco-TIV Owasso Market L.L.C. for a review of a Final Plat bor Owasso Market 11 located on E. 964' Street N. west of Owasso Market. 'rho proposed final plat contains 5 lots on 25.76 acres, more or less. A location map is shown on the feral plat. The Technical Advisory Comnlittoo reviewed the final plat for the subject property at their June 28, 2000 regular meeting. The comments generally referred to the addition or modification of easements. A copy of the TAC memorandum has been attached for your information. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department has reviewed construction plans for the development. The sewer and water improvements required for this development are in place. Requirements for this plat include sidewalk along E. 96" Street N. and acceleration/deceleration lanes. N-M JMU Iffl, Admus 2. The 100' drainage casement required on Lot 1, Block 2 and to be conveyed by separate instrument be noted on the final plat. 3. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department review the function of the constructed detention pond located at the southwest comer of the property. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Owasso Market 11 subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission. 1. Final Plat for Owasso Market II MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. WILL WILLIAMS MAYOR SUBJECT. IMQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS DATE- July 13, 2000 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to authority contained in Article 2, Section 2-4, subsection (c) of the Charter of Lhg--Qity of Owasso, the City Council has established ordinances that provide, generally, for the Mayor to appoint members to various boards, commissions, trusts, and committees; such appointments subject to confirmation by the City Council. Additionally, the Council has established the same procedure, by precedent, for those appointments not specifically addressed by ordinance. It is, therefore, the purpose of this memorandum, to recomm end for Council confirination the following appointments to the positions indicated- PLANNING COMMISSION Mr Ray Haynes (reappointment) 110 E 24" Ct Mr Bob Randolph (reappointment) 303 E 14"' Ct Term Ending 6/30/03 BOARD OF ADfUSTMENT Mr Joe Ramey (reappointme 10125 N 122 d East Ave I PERSONNEL BOARD Mr James Hughes (reappointme 8943 N 133dEast Ave Term Endim 6/30/03 1 APPOINTMENTS JULY 139 2000 PAGE 2 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Ms Brenda Lawrence (reappointment) 7702 Owasso Expy Tenn Ending 6/30/05 Mr Will Williams (Council Representative) 12406 E 899" St N Term Ending 6/30/01 Mr Gary Aldn (Chamber Representative) 315 S Cedar Term Ending 6/30/01 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr Edward Sokolosky (reappointment) 10101 E 92nd StN Term Ending 6/30/03 Mr Dale Prevett - Banking Representative Mr Tim Rich - Chamber Representative Mr John Groth - Citizen Ms Sherry Bishop - City Finance Director Mr Bob Allen - Fire Chief Mr Jim Greene - Police Chief Mr Robert Carr - Public Works Director Nlr Stan Ewing - Planning & Economic Development Director Mr Tim Rooney - Assistant City Manager Mr Larry Mitchell - City Manager JULY 13, 2000 PAGE 3 IN'COG BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr Will Williams, Mayor Term Ending 4/30/01 Mr Larry Mitchell, City Manager Alternate INCOG LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Allan Harder, Human. Resources Officer Tenn Ending 6/30/01 REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY Ms Shen-y Bishop Finance Director Term Ending 6/30/01 Mx Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/01 T=P'=MT Mr Robert Carr PE Public 'Vorks Director Tenn Ending 6/30/01 Mr Robert Carr PE Mr Randy Brogdon, City Council Tenn Ending 6/30/01 Mr Tim Rooney, Alternate Assistant City Manager NOT -s RJLY 13, 2000 PAGE 4 TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director °Tu=rn Ending 6/30/01 Mr Phil Lutz, Alternate 1mgmecring Staff REGIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD Mr Jim Greene Police Chief Tenn Ending 6/30/02 As the result of resignations, thane are two vacancies on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee, one vacancy on the G ®1T Advisory Committee, and one vacancy on the Personnel Board remaining to he filled. The appointments to Till the remaining vacancies will he made in August. U, COMMENDATION- 1 recommend Council confer° atio of the above appointments. I at MINIM INTIM-110WIF-1 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCH, CITY OF OWASSO FROM. !,&RRY M11TCHELL CITY M-ANA-CwE R SUBJECT. CITY MANAGER'S RE, PORT DATE. July 149 2000 yout .-ivork need not b'b lost; thatis where�h -ihou1d:b&'..- Nom D Thor'eau eflrV: avid MANAGEIIIAL UPCOMING MEETINGS: The Indian Nations Council of Govermnents (INCOG) will be holding their General Assembly Meeting next Tuesday, July 20, 2000 at Freddie's Steak House in Sapulpa. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. An agenda is attached for review. Please note item number five is a briefing by Secretary of Transportation, Neat McCaleb, regarding transportation issues of the State and the INCOG region. EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION ACTIVITY —The latest Driller Ticket Winners are: I F III I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill!!il I I I IFIN ill I III Police Department — Geri Ramsey has been employed as a dispatcher. She has experience if) working with the public from the retail industr . She is eam�l per hour. j� Fire Department — Randy Robinson has bee re-employed as a Paramedic/Firefighter. He previously was employed in the same capacity from July 1998 until June 2000 when he resigned to conduct personal business. • -, July 14, 111 PAGE Support Services — Joni Frank-Taylor has submitted her resignation as Secretary/Receptionist effective July 14. She has accepted a positi ®n in the private sector. The City has employed her since October 1997, EM-E, RGENCY PREPAREDNE SS EMERGENCY S111ZE 'IES 1'I G — Emergency siren testing continues at the noon hoer on the second and fourth Friday of each months Sirens were tested today at the noon hour and the next scheduled testing of the sirens is on July 28, 2000 at noon. If you have any questions, please contact Rooney. GENERAL E ENS' Once again, this year's Block Party Program includes visits from the Owasso Fire, Police, and Refuse Departments; as well as Best Invitation Participation in the Block Party Program is free and all Block Party their efforts. For more information regarding the Block Party Program, please contact Mr. Rooney. PLANNING COMMISSION — The fols approved Commission at their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 7 p.m. in the Owasso Community A request for preliminary plat or the North Mingo Business Park. contains generally described as a portion of Lots 3 and 4, Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 14 st property -,: comer of f6 Street North and north Mingo Road. 11i • City Manager's Report July 14, 2000 PAGE 3 Final Plat — Owasso Market 11 -- A request for review of a final plat for Owasso Market 11. The subject property contains 25.76 acres and is generally described as a portion of the SE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The property is located on the north side of East 96h Street North adjacent to and west of Owasso Market. Site Plan — so re's Home Center — A request for review of a site plan for Lowe's Home Center on a 13.17 acre site to be described as Lot 1, Block 1, Owasso Market 11, Final Plat — Coffee Creek — A request for review of Coffee Creek Subdivision. The preliminary plat for this site was submitted for TAC review as Woodridge, The Subject property contains 33 acres and is generally described as the NE/4 Section 16, Township 21 . North, Range 14 East. The property is located on the west side of North 145h East Avenue south of East 106"' Street North. Right--of y -Wa Dedication — A request for review of a right-of-way dedication. The subject property is generally described as a portion of the S of the 1 /4 of Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, This right-of-way dedication is required to provide access for the "Coffee Creek Elementary" school site also to be reviewed at this meeting. Final Plat — Coffee Creek Elementary — A request for review of a final plat for Owasso Public Schools Elementary located within Coffee Creek PUD (formerly Woodridge PUD). The subject property contains 10 acres and is generally described as a portion of the SW/4 of the NE/4 of Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East ih The property is locAted on the south side of d right-of-way cast of North 135 East Avenue. Laff -- A request Tor review o site plan Tow e 4wasso, Public Schools Elementary located within Coffee Creek PUD (formerly Woodridge PUD). Site Plan --QuickTrip QR — A request for review of a site plan for QuickTrip #2R described as Lot 1, Block I QuickTrip Commercial Center #2R and located at 11502 E. 76' Street N. Site Plan — Bradford Park — A request for review of a site plan th for Bradford Park described as Lot 1, Block I Bradford Park and located at 7000 N. 129 E. Avenue. CM000714.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.ciiyofowasso.com July 14, 2000 PAGE 4 The Planning Commission did not recommend the following item for approval: OZ-00-09 — Doi �enn — A request for rezoning of a 5.0-acre parcel of land located west of North 129h East Avenue at East 101" Street North, north of Owasso Market. The sub ect property is generally described as a portion of the E/2 of the E/2 of Section 17, j Township 21 North, Range 14 East. Proposed was a rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General). The Planning Commission tabled the following item until their next regular meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 at 7 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center. The Planning Commission tabled this item at the request of the applicant in order to allow for a neighborhood meeting to be conducted between the applicant, surrounding and interested property owners, and staff. The neighborhood meeting will be conducted on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. at the Owasso Community Center. riKOARD OF ADJUSTMENT — The following items are tentatively'scheduled for review by the Owasso Board of Adjustment at their next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 7 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center: OBOA-00-08 — Nobel Sokolos — A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for a deviation in the required front yard setback in an.RS-2 Zoning District. The subject property is des ciibed as Camden Park 11 and is generally located east of North 129 Ih East Avenue between East 90th Street North and East 92d Street North. CM000714.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: www.cIIyofowasso.coiM ---i ---nTX75r7R7PM July 14, 2000 PAGE 5 SPORTS PARK USER GROUP - The.next meeting of the Sports Park User Group will be conducted at 6 p°m, on Wednesday, July 26, 2000, in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall. Several of the trees at Friendship Park have been infected with the bacteria and staff is following the direction provided by the OSU Extension Office for treatment. The first step in the treatment is removal of all infected tissue 12 to 18 inches below the infected area to insure the removal of all tissue that might contain the bacteria, Cutting tools must then be disinfected to prevent future spreading of the disease. A topical solution is also applied to the tree& Due to the requirement of removing all of the infected area, citizens may inquire as to why the trees are being "hacked" in such a fashion, While the Pear Trees at Friendship Park will not look aesthetically pleasing for the remainder of the season, and quite possibly next Spring as well, staff is exploring every available avenue to save the trees rat-her than replace them, If you or citizens have any questions regarding the trees at Friendship Park or any questions about "Fire Blight", please contact Mr. Rooney or Mr. Warren. RJLY 4TH FIREWORKS - The Police Department called in approximately twenty off-duty officers to supplement patrol coverage for the 4th of July Owasso Freedom Celebration. The event went extremely well with only minor incidents occurring during the fireworks display. Several of these off-duty officers were held over upon conclusion of the event and worked into CM000714.d3c Visit Ow �asso.com ki )) July 145 0 PAGE 6 the morning hours, as the 4h of July is one of the busiest days for the Department. Overtime costs were significant for this event. The Malice Department welcomes mss. Gerri Ramsey who began her employment with the Department on July 10, 2000. lamas. Ramsey is our newest Malice Dispatcher and fills the sixth position that was vacated by Mr. Russell berry who transferred to the Animal Control. Division Ms. Ramsey will be in training for approximately eight weeks. On July 31" 2000, the Department will hire its two newest Police Officers. Chief Greene will swear in 111r. Damon Jobe and Mr. Robert Funk at 9030 a.m. at Owasso City Fall. The Department will host a brief reception far these two officers immediately fallowing the ceremony. City staff and the public are invited to attend. MARGARET O E TO GRADUATE - Officers provided traffic control for the Sixth Annual Race to Graduate on Saturday July 8, 2000. This annual event consists of a Bicycle Tour, a 5K .race, and a one -mile fun run. This year, approximately one hundred runners tools part in the 5K race along 86b Street North roartc. All race proceeds benefit the Owasso Campus of the Margaret Dodson Program. POLICE VEHICLES - The Department currently has five police units out of service. A 1990 unit has been taken out of service as it has in excess of 120 thousand miles on it and it too costly to repair. Four other grits are down and in need of ermine replacement. The Department has not yet decided if these units are worth the cost of repairs as all four units are 1993 models and older and have very high mileage, CM000714.doc Visit Owasso on the Web: 1 INCOG General Assembly Meeting Ager)da 2, Building Inspections Department Report — June 2000 3. Residential of Inventory Status 4 Building Permits — New Construction Counts 5. Occupancy Pe its RECEIVED JUL 14 2000 INDIAN NATIONS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS GENERAL ASSEMBLY July 20, 2000 Freddie's Steak I-louse 6:30 p.m. 1425 New Sapulpa Road Sapulpa, OK A G E N D A CONSIDER, DISCUSS AND/OR TAKE ACTION N. 1 a Call to Order 20 Approval of Minutes of January 20, 2000 3. Election of Officers 4. Approval of Progress Report on Board of Directors Activities and Adoption of FY 2001 Work Program and Budget 5. Briefing on Transportation Issues of the State and the IN ® Region - Secretary of Transportation, Neal Mc Caleb 6. Briefing on State Question No. 685 — Increase Millage for City-County Health Departments ® Clyde Cole "I WOU11111111,11:16 W19 Building Permits Issued 51 3,539.59 Economic Development 49 5,500m Mechanical Perrnits Issued 45 38149.06 Electrical Permits Issued 43 3,239.90 Plumbing Permits Issued 60 3,439090 Recreation Development 33 5,26®090 Sign Permits Issued 6 139.90 reinpecticn Fees ® 0099 Sewer Taps 39 15,69099 Water maps 33 148199890 .ter deter Deposits 2Z I 0 332 $60,319.59 Building 1 Mechanical 106 Electrical 146 Plumbing 219 einsecti ®n 55 Other TOTAL INSPECTIONS 694 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS June 30, 2000 SUBDIVISION # OF LOTS #DEVELOPED AVAILABLE Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 118 98 20 Bailey Ranch Est 11 (6/99) 133 55 78 Barrington Estates (12/96) 127 127 0 Barrington Point (4194) 41 41 0 Barrington Point if (10/94) 49 47 2 Barrington Point 111 (8/96) 32 24 8 Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) 83 62 21 Brentwood Estates (5/94) 51 49 2 Brentwood Park (2/97) 20 20 0 Brentwood Village (6/99) 64 30 34 Broadmore Heights (10/92) 32 28 4 Camden Park (1/94) 38 34 4 Caudle Estates (10/98) 38 28 10 Central Park (2/95) 45 38 7 Central Park 11 (7/97) 96 76 20 Country Estates (9/95) 138 138 0 Country Estates 11 (6/97) 193 190 3 Country Estates 111 (3/99) 61 57 4 Country Estates IV (4/00) 158 26 132 Double Oaks (9/92) 90 90 0 Double Oaks 11 (8/92) 22 21 1 Double Oaks 111 (8/93) 63 62 1 Double Oaks IV (11/94) 96 96 0 Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) 80 77 3 Fairways 11 (1/97) 84 71 13 Fairways 111 (3/99) 43 29 14 Fairways III Extended (6/99) 104 10 94 Fairways IV (5/98) 69 53 16 Fairways IV Extended (6/99) 22 10 12 Fairways V (8/99) 71 7 64 Nottingham Estates (11/94) 46 44 2 Nottingham Estates 11 (3/97) 15 10 5 Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) 23 9 14 Preston Lakes (12/31) 272 43 229 The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) 23 18 5 The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) 31 16 15 The Village at Southern Links (11/95) 61 59 2 The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) 84 4 80 Windsor Lake (8/92) 39 39 0 Windsor Lake 11 (6/93) 40 40 0 Windsor Lake 11 Ext (10/93) 2 2 TOTALS -4 2899 1978 -921 Windsor Lake 11 Ext (10/93) Windsor Lake 11(6/93) Windsor Lake (8/92) The Willows at Silver Greek (1/00) The Village at Southern Links (11/95) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) The Estates at Southern Links (12/95) Preston Lakes (12131) Nottingham Estates 111 (9/99) Nottingham Estates 11 (3/97) Nottingham Estates (11/94) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (6/98) Fairways III Extended (6199) Fairways 111 (3/99) Fairways 11 (1/97) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Double Oaks IV (11/94) Double Oaks 111 (8/93) Double Oaks 11 (8/92) Double Oaks (9/92) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Country Estates 11 (6/97) Country Estates (9/95) Central Park 11 (7/97) Central Park (2195) Caudle Estates (10/98) Camden Park (1/94) Broadmore Heights (10/92) Brentwood Village (6/99) Brentwood Park (2/97) Brentwood Estates (5/94) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Barrington Point 111 (8/96) Barrington Point 11 (110/94) Barrington Point (4/94) Barrington Estates (12/96) Bailey Ranch Est 11 (6/99) Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 0 50 M— _ �] 250 300 Total Lots Lots Deve Lope d COMMERCIAL Month 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 % 4 NuutRf7t5 tr � >' $�r S[.'� s KS: ! %� ffi9;' .5�1R "N�rY,Yd� .% A� �n.:; ;: .•'.. �...' I�ay 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 1. 4 p 2 7ta1y 1 0 1 1 p 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 .. August 0: 0:. September 1 0 0 1 0 0 ®. .:.. 2 2 2 0 October .0. .2 Noveabex- 0 0 2 0 , 1 0 2 1 2 1 TOTALS TALS Year to Dati 10 „�e � ��— 8 � 4 4 1� 8 8 �10 10 ��� L2 ;l —9-- Includen Churches, Schools, alld GovernAAext Facilities June Year to Date Count 60? "1 CL 30 a 95 .................................................. ............................... rr 1937 1986 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199€1 1999 2000 CO RC CAL Building Permits (Now Constmuct$,on Dollars) $20,000,000 y`ea New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year $25,000,000 0��.,.m ®w.a „m.m.m.ed ® .m.em .e.o® .we ®b.o,- --- --- ® $20,000,000 ............... . ... . .. . . ....................... . ................. . �' $15,000,000 J :......................... . ................... ............................... ®® $10,000,000 ..i .................. . ........ . ......... . .................... . ...... ON $5,000,000 $fl ,� fi.Y/f/{.`'• n. ir: r Yf`r': / %/; rlr / r /' .,/ /•.r / r// 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 �:; 10P % 4 NuutRf7t5 tr � >' $�r S[.'� s KS: ! %� ffi9;' .5�1R "N�rY,Yd� .% A� �n.:; ;: .•'.. �...' New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year $25,000,000 0��.,.m ®w.a „m.m.m.ed ® .m.em .e.o® .we ®b.o,- --- --- ® $20,000,000 ............... . ... . .. . . ....................... . ................. . �' $15,000,000 J :......................... . ................... ............................... ®® $10,000,000 ..i .................. . ........ . ......... . .................... . ...... ON $5,000,000 $fl ,� fi.Y/f/{.`'• n. ir: r Yf`r': / %/; rlr / r /' .,/ /•.r / r// 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Month 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 January 14 4 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 February 5. ..'= � T :.. ��i 11 ;M 8 .:.. 3 & >: 5:5:. 33: 2i 2fi March 16 2 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 1� _ W. 3 17.8 .,':8: ,; 2- : ::'... . 3: 5.1 May 11 8 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 42 duly 21 7 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 September 13 11 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 i November 5 8 10 1 8 19 13 1,5 20 13 14 26 14 TOTALS 146 72 98 90 99 142 133 162 208 293 333 4011 362 203 e Year to 11at; 58 48 43 62 72 88 89 164 192 225 210 203 16: V 5! June Year to Date Count .e......... e.... .ee..,.,...,,..e.........ee..,e 1 ...... Arm's ii1i"'. romi-i SEA, 11.1, flo. ° ° ° °.. °mo °a ° ° °a °° $24,000,000 a 6 t0 $12,000,000 00 M RESIDENTIAL Building P® fies (Now Construction Dollars) a e • a , • e e e e • e • • e .. . .. . e e . . . . . . . . a e , e < . : e , , e . . .. . . .. . . . . . r•• ••!Yr�• J!T , ;? ryJY. J. MEN, % OWN � $40,000,000 ............... ,............. .e:a °,e; °.`,:::°............................ ............ 1987 1988 1 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ........................... . .................... $05,000,000 � ®, ,.:.,,......:,.,..,.. A.,..,... ..:. ......:......,.a.,.,.,.a.,�..,. :,... � $30,000,000 .,.. ,...,,:..,:.,,:.,..... .,:.,,...,,....,:,,.a., °:.,,... .�f�.. ,:.,.. o $25,000,000 1. ................ ....... .......................... , .. ,....... e .......... < .. .m $20,000,000 •; . ...... . ... 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Owasso City Hall & Police Station Re: Metal Roof Panels Dear Larry: Project o 98170 Job o Addendum Six has just been issued by Urban Design Group for Specification Section 07411 Manufactured o f Panel& This addendum 1 all confusion between the metal roof panels originally bid and what was origin0y proposed to be included in this project, Robert C a iz . OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 200 N. E. 21 st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3204 July 10, 2000 Dear Recipicrn: Please review and make the STIP available for public review and comments during working hours through Friday, August 11, 2000. All written comments should be addressed to the O Planning Division, 200 NE 21" Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. Deadline for receiving comments is Friday, August 11, 2000. After receiving public input, transportation officials will make the necessary final changes and request federal approval of the program in September. Copies of any changes will be forwarded to you for inclusion in the STIP. "The n2ission of the Oklahoma Departusew of Transportation is to provide a safe, economical, and effective transportation neftvorkfor the people, congmeree and coningunides of Oklahoma " ,Torte 21, 2000 OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N. E. 21 st Street Oklahoma Ity, OK 73105-3204 The honorable Denise Bode, Mayor City of Owasso 207 S. Cedar Owasso Oklahoma 74066 Dear Mayor Bode: lea Approved Corridor Study and Environmental Assessment for SH 20 from US 75 east to Im44, approximately 24 miles, Tulsa and Rogers Counties, The Environmental Assessment contains a listing ofthe existing noise impacted areas identified that will require additional noise steady analysis when final design plans are prepared to determine if noise mitigation is reasonable and feasible. Please be advised that it is a local responsibility to prevent any development along highway corridors which would violate federal noise standards. Failure to properly control development excludes the use of federal hands for noise abatement on future transportation projects in this corridor. Based on the approved alignment, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODD T) requests assistance in preserving this corridor through compatible land use planning. It is the Department's intent to utilize this corridor for future highway development. Failure to protect this corridor from development may jeopardize highway funding for the much needed SH-20 highway improvements for Rogers and 'Tulsa Counties. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please contact me at (406) 521-6916. E _ MORM "The inission of dlae Oklahoma Dep aitment of Tr4wsponation is to provide a safe, econengicdal, (8ffiaal effective dreaaasport adfon nenvork for the people, conmerce and coraaraaassaldaes of Oklahoma. " 211111,131` M a a IExecutive Summary IIntroduction M P ;wiii AAA potential and historical/culturaVarcheologicaI resources were also significant considerations in recommending a preferred alternative. Preferred Alignment Description State Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report. November 1999 Ao2 \I a� ♦FF♦ y s State Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report. November 1999 Ao2 M I1-44/WM Rogers Turnpike to SH 20 (approximately 2S mfles). Build a new set of 2- The Preferred Alternative combines the best alternatives in each sub ea in teims of State Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report November 1999 A.4 aN State Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report November 1999 A.4 r� Farmland Impacts Relocation Impacts Parking impacts associated with businesses located in downtown Collinsville indicate that 120 of the existing 240 parking spaces would be lost when the current angled parking is converted to parallel parking. Sufficient parking would remain, both along SH 20 and in adjacent side streets and parking lots. 2�= I IState Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report. November 9 999 A.5 potential mitigation measures for residential development located in the vicinity of the turnpike. IWetiand Impacts The preferred aligmuent would impact approximately 5.8 acres (2.3 hectares) of potential jurisdictional wetlands. I Floodplain Impacts It has been determined that there will be no significant encroachment into floodplains by the preferred alignment. Again, because the tumpike/1-44 alternative was developed after the alternatives analysis, it is recommended that additional floodplain studies be conducted on that segment when final construction plans are available. Historic and Archeological Preservation Development costs associated with the implementation of the preferred alignment are estimated to be $137 million. This estimate includes right-of-way acquisition, construction, and utilities installation/replacement. her Considerations 4 State Highway 20 Corridor Study/Revised Draft Report. November 9 999 A.6 777 2 M / � � + / J!"i", \ .: State Highway 20 Corridor q / Study/Revised Draft new± November 1999 A\ w E c t; V E E M NO 40 P-� w — — 519 MW — — --- ------------- No Mft�Wd Preferred Alignment EMWW bO SWXWIsw LM 16 FMSJMM Raddums PMN� uwftam Iff "ds fiwo-auy NVOW Mminm I AowkWW Enawdwrk-A I FW'6w SU* $137 Mftn Iffw I Fw Staft Okfia WeOard3 RM*ed 1 �kl I ) WE Fll TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. LARRY MITCHELL CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- Opportunity — "Washington 2000" The State Chamber's Anneal Trip to Washington D.C. DATE- July 21, 2000 Attached is a summary of events planned on the State Chamber's Annual trip to Washington D.C. The Owasso Chamber is planning on having about six of its members attend. If any of you are interested in attending, please let me know and I will handle the arrangements. Ifyou have any additional questions related to the, trip, contact Gary Akin at the Chamber 272-2141. The State Chamber's Annual Trip To Washington,, D.C. September 10 — 12,2000 Featuning the Annual Congressional Reception key ActiVities: Nunday, 01nning Roe-eption Embassy of the People"a Republic of Chim HOSW bY H% Excollency W U Zhaoxing Ambawador to ft United Swes AM Tuwdav, September 12 10-30 am. Breakfast witb Oklahoma Senators IM 71 �,N-Tx R77, N 17, 777 Karen Cagle (405)235-3669, Ext.243 8421 E61st, Suite Tulsa, Oklahoma pn33 (o18)459-3n00 (91N459-3539 tax July 13, 2000 9171 M Larry Mitchell City Manager City of Owasso 2U7 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74O55 CERTIFIED MAIL Dear Mr, Mitchell: During 2O0Owe are planning several significant upgrades and enhancements tn the way wm currently dobusiness. Cox Communications, |nc. will be making rate and channel adjustments in August that |want to make you aware of: Effective August 15, 2000, we will change our programming line-up in order to make it more appealing to a broader base of customers and non-customers; and, we will be implementing certain adjustments to our service charges. The programming changes we will be implementing are: adding WGNbo Our basic |ineup. which will effect all ofour customers. Discovery channel will move to our Expended Basic line-up and wawill introduce a more customer- friendly channel line-up with "genre" programming groups. For examp|e, all of our "Sports" channels will be put together, am well ao "Family and EnhedainmenC' Please see the enclosed channel line-up for your convenience. The service rate adjustments generally reflect inflation and the increased costs of bringing our customers many of their favorite cable networks -- just as the networks' costs of obtaining new and better programming have also increased. Non-rebuild customers will not see an adjustment onBasic Service and Expanded Basic Service will go from $14.Q2 to $16.23. Also, beginning August 15, 2000, our premium rates will increase for all customers Who receive premium channels a |a carte ae well aa our analog package offering. Customers that currently subscribe to8tarz| and Encore will have e ^gnandfmthemd^ rate of $8.90 (an increase of$1.Q1)for 12 months. This increase is due to the fact that 8tacd has become a first-rate premium service, offering more first-run movies than any other pay service, besides HBO. We will introduce our new analog package that includes HBO. Stacz| and Encore for $13.05. this gives our customers the opportunity to receive e value packed premium |ine-up. We will notify our customers of these changes. Attached isacopy of the revised rate structure and channel line-up cards that will go into effect starting August i5. 2O0Oby billing cycle. | will also send you samples of ail customer communication as they become available. | would also like bn speak bo other initiatives we will be implementing this year. We have just recently put inonew telephone system and switch that will allow us to take customers' calls more efficiently and more effectively. On July 31, 2000, we will be converting to a different billing vendor, lCOMs, which is Cox Communication's preferred billing vendor. We intend to made this billing system conversion as seamless as possible to our customers and plan to communicate with them using billing inserts. We will provide you with copies of these communications as they are produced. |want to let you know some of the benefits we expect to receive from this billing conversion as well as other improvements we are making in our system. The new billing system will be much more flexible to the needs ofour customers and to the needs for our business. For example, customers will now have the opportunity to pay their bills on-line through the uox.uomwaboiha. Our new monthly statements will be much clearer and easier to read aowell. Due bn the fact that we will move to the Cox Communications, Inc. preferred billing platform, we will gain the benefits of o uniform, efficient and established billing system. This allows uoUo obtain quick solutions to billing problems, expand and modify our bills as our business continues to grow, and hold down our billing costs. Larry Mitchell Page Two July 13.2OOO Beginning with the statements wm mail in August, customers will see slight changes |n the due date of their payments and timing of their statements, We will be communicating each of these changes to custorners prior to such change. VVe are trying to minimize any prorated bills during the conversion, but certain customers may receive o bill for more than one month mfservice. If this is necessary, that bill would either be preceded or followed by a bill for less than one month ofservice. The combined bills Would represent our normal charges for two months of service. Late fees will only be imposed on payments as of the debo norma||y imposed on our old billing system, Customer account information will continue bnba available at all times on the old billing ayabam until we are fully operational on our new system the week of August 1m We anticipate that we will be mailing customer statements on our new system on a regular schedule by the second week ufAugust. VVe are committed to provide our customers with the best customer service and product value vve can offer, In addition to all of the changes mentioned obuva, we have addressed the rebuild initiative that was started by TC| 8 years ago. Cox has committed over $100 million dollars in capital support over the next year to complete the fiber- optic rebuild by the end of 2001. We will also be adding seven highly requested networks on the Rebuild Expanded Basic line-up including, The History Channel, TV Land, Food Network, Travel Channel, Univision, Court TV and Home Shopping Network in addition to the current rebuild expended basic channels that our customers already receive, including: TV Guide Channe|, FX, MSN8C' CNBC, Fox News Chunno|, Cartoon Nehwork, Animal P|enet, The Learning Chonna|, Great American Cnuntry, VH-1, Comedy Contna|, E!, CSPAN||, Fox Sports Southwest and PIN Network. The 7 new additions will give our rebuild customers over 22 new networks! This makes our line-up one of the best line-Lips in the country —atan affordable price! In order to give our custorners the best value and choice, we will introduce new Digital Cable packages on August 15, 2000. These new packages will reinforce the digital cable ^nsa|ignmeny' tha1vvi|| take place in October, where we will go from e channel offering of 115 channels to over 230 channels with our digital cable product in rebuild areas. In order to bring more digital cable channels to our customers as well as improved picture and sound quality, Cox Communications - Tulsa will move from a "national" control of our digital cable line-up to a "local" control. Once this happens, we will add more channels including 27 premium movie channels, Toon Disney, Bloomberg Information TV, Oxygen and more! i will keep you updated on the progress nf our goals this year. As this pmoeum pmgnaaaeo, we will continue to launch our High-Speed Internet product, @Home. Just like cable changed how you watch TV. Cox @Home will change how you use the Internet. Also coming aoon. Tulsa area customers will have a new choice for local telephone service by late 2001. | will be in touch with you as soon as information becomes available to discuss the timeline for your community in regards to our rebuild initiative. Again, our employees and our management team are committed to executing these changes in a manner that minimizes the impact to our customers. However, your office may receive phone calls from our customers inquiring about the channel/rate adjustment, or the format of the new bills. Please forward those calls to our staff edGG5-820O. 24 hours aday. |f you wish bo answer these customer calls, please let us know ifwe have not provided you with the necessary information to answer any queuUonn. We sincerely hope that both you and our customers will see the benefits to customer service from this new billing system. If you have questions regarding this or any other mudur. please call meat45A-3S40. Sincerely, John Bowen Vice-President and General Manager Cox Communications Tulsa JB/|ah ono|oaunea Basic, Expanded Basic HBO, Starz!, Encore $40.65 Cox Choke Hits Includes:Basic / Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TN1C Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 9 PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 6 Premium "plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote $51,95 Digital "Plus ": Same as Choice Hits plus 19 Digital Special - Interest channels $56.95 Cox Total Hits Includes :Basic/ Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and TMC Interactive Guide, 7 additional Premium Plexes (extra movie channels), 6 Discovery Channels, 6 PPV, 30 Music Choice, 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and Digital "Plus" service which has 19 Digital Special Interest Channels, and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programming o FREE! $61.95 Before 8115 After 9/15 Basic Service channels 2-24° $10.67 $10,67 Expanded Basic Service channels 25 -44 $14,92 $16.23 Additional Outlet Analog Programming Free Free _ _ Cox Di ital Cable Service a la carte 4�6 Digital Cable Service- First Outlet $10.00 n/a Digital Cable "Movies" a la carte $3.00 Digital Cable "Plus" a la carte $13.00 Additional Outlet Digital Programming $4.99 $3,00 Digital Receiver Mental $3.00 $3.00 Digital Universal Remote Control Rental $0,30 $0.30 Cox Premium Services a la carte HBO, Showtime, The Movie Channel" LL. $11.90 $13.95 aw Cinemax $11.45 $13.95 Starz! $6.75 $13.95 Encore $1.75 n/a ' FxmWas chennols 14,15,16,16 and 22 " I he P.W�M1a Ghannel is avataWs only mrough U qg tal Gab;a at an adationei..aWy cosL You must suosmoa to a premmm sa". to —ana we pax taaos or mat seimca. Basic, Expanded Basic HBO, Starz!, Encore $40.65 Cox Choke Hits Includes:Basic / Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TN1C Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 9 PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 6 Premium "plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote $51,95 Digital "Plus ": Same as Choice Hits plus 19 Digital Special - Interest channels $56.95 Cox Total Hits Includes :Basic/ Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and TMC Interactive Guide, 7 additional Premium Plexes (extra movie channels), 6 Discovery Channels, 6 PPV, 30 Music Choice, 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and Digital "Plus" service which has 19 Digital Special Interest Channels, and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programming o FREE! $61.95 3 Basic, Expanded Basic HBO, Starz!, Encore $43.90 Cox Choice Hits Includes:Basic /Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TMC Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 6 Premium °plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote $51,95 Digital "Plus ": Same as Choice Flits plus 19 Digital Special - Interest channels $56,95 Cox Greatest Hits Includes:Basic / Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of Two Premiums: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TMC Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 7 Premium "plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programming - FREE! $59,95 Digital "Plus Same as Choice Nits plus 19 Digital Special- Interest channels $64.95 Cox Total Hits Includes: Basic/ Expanded Basic /Starz! /Encore HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and TMC Interactive Guide, 7 additional Premium Plexes (extra movie channels), 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and Digital "Plus" service which has 19 Digital Special Interest Channels, and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programminci - FREE! WAS Before 8115 After 8115 Basic Service channels 2 -24" $10.88 $11.18 Expanded Basic Service channels 25 -79 $17.12 $18.77 Additional Outlet Analog Programming Free Free Cox Di ital Cable Service a la carte Digital Cable Service - First Outlet $10.00 n/a Digital Cable "Movies" $8,00 Digital Cable "Plus" $13.00 Additional Outlet Digital Programming $4.99 $3.00 Digital Receiver Rental $3.00 $3.00 Digital Universal Remote Control Rental $0.30 $0.30 Cox Premium Services a la carte HBO, Showtime, The Movie Channel* $11.90 $13.95 Cinemax $11.45 $13.95 Starz! $6.75 $13.95 Encore $1.75 n/a ° EWW,,3 d -ml, 14,15,16,10md 22 Basic, Expanded Basic HBO, Starz!, Encore $43.90 Cox Choice Hits Includes:Basic /Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TMC Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 6 Premium °plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote $51,95 Digital "Plus ": Same as Choice Flits plus 19 Digital Special - Interest channels $56,95 Cox Greatest Hits Includes:Basic / Expanded Basic /Start! /Encore Your Choice of Two Premiums: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax or TMC Digital "Movie ": Interactive Guide, 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, up to 7 Premium "plexes" (extra movie channels), 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programming - FREE! $59,95 Digital "Plus Same as Choice Nits plus 19 Digital Special- Interest channels $64.95 Cox Total Hits Includes: Basic/ Expanded Basic /Starz! /Encore HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and TMC Interactive Guide, 7 additional Premium Plexes (extra movie channels), 6 Discovery Channels, 59 Movie & Sports PPV, 30 Music Choice, 1 Digital Receiver and Digital Universal Remote and Digital "Plus" service which has 19 Digital Special Interest Channels, and includes an Additional Outlet Digital Programminci - FREE! WAS Cox Communications Tulsa Non - Rebuild Analog Lineup 2 KJRH -NBC 3 KTPX - PAX 4 WGN - chicago 5 KOKI - FOX 6 KOTV - CBS 7 KWHB - IND47 8 KTUL -ABC 9 Local Origination 10 KTFO - UPN 11 KOED - PBS 12 KRSC - Rogers State College 13 TBS 'i4 HBO 15 Cinemax 16 Encore 17 KDOR - IND 18 Showtime 19 KWBT - WB 20 Tulsa Public Schools 21 Tulsa Community College 22 Starz! 23 KGEB - Oral Roberts 24 Local Government Channel 25 ESPN _ _. Sooris 26 espn2 27 Fox Sports Southwest 28 A &E 29 TNT Family & 30 Discovery Channel Entertainment 31 Howie & Garden Channel 32 Disney Channel 33 Nickelodeon 34 USA 35 American Movie Classics 36 Lifetime 37 Fox Family Channel 38 TNN/ GAG 39 MTV 40 BET 41 CNN �" News& 42 Headline News Information 43 The Weather Channel 44 C -SPAN 45 CNBC 47 TV Guide Channel' 48 FX° 49 QVC " Not officially offered in the non - rebuild Non - Rebuild Digital Lineup 120 Noggin 121 Discovery Kids Channel 160 Sci -Fi Channel 161 Game Show Network 162 BBC Americas 163 TV Land 180 Bravo 201 Discovery Home & Leisure 220 Discovery Health 270 The History Channel 271 Discovery Civilization Channel 272 Discovery Science Channel 274 Discovery Wings 401 Fox Sports World 402 ESPNews 403 ESPN Classic Sports 404 Outdoor Life 405 The Golf Channel 408 Speedvision 471 VH -1 Country 473 VH -1 Classic Rock 501 Turner Classic Movies 502 Romance Classics 503 Independent Film Channel 519 Encore Love Channel 521 Encore Mystery 523 Encore Westerns 535 Starz!2 552 HBO Plus 554 HBO Signature 577 Showtime 2 590 The Movie Channel 801 IN Demand 1 802 IN Demand 2 803 IN Demand 3 804 IN Demand 4 805 iN Demand 5 806 IN Demand 6 844 Hot Choice 851 Spice 900 The Listening Room 901 Lite Classical 902 Jazz Vocal Blend 903 Hottest Hits 904 Modern Country 905 Alternative Rock 906 Adult Contemporary 907 Contemporary Christian 908 Rock n' Roll Oldies 909 Classic Rock 910 Urban Beat 911 70s Hits 912 80s Hits 913 Classic Hits Blend 914 Album Rock 916 Soft Hits 917 Dance 918 Acid Jazz 919 Retro Dance 920 Golden Oldies 921 Coffeehouse Rock 922 Classic R &B 923 Rock n' Country 924 New Age 926 Great Standards 927 Contemporary Instrumental 928 Children's 929 Smooth Jazz 930 Reggae 936 Holiday & Happenings Cox Communications Tulsa Rebuild Analog Lineup 2 KJRH -NBC 3 KTPX - PAX 4 WGN - chicago 5 KOKI - FOX 6 KOTV -CBS 7 KWHB - IND47 8 KTUL -ABC 9 Local Origination 10 KTFO - UPN 11 KOED - PBS '12 KRSC - Rogers State College '13 TBS 14 1-1 BO 16 Cinemax 16 Encore 17 KDOR - IND 'I8 Showtirne 19 KWBT - WB 20 Tulsa Public Schools 21 Tulsa Community College 22 Starz! 23 KGEB . Oral Roberts 24 Local Government Channel 25 ESPN Snorts 26 espn2 27 Fox Sports Southwest 28 A &E 29 TNT Entertainment 30 Discovery Channel _ .._. _ 31 Home & Garden Television 32 Disney Channel 33 Nickelodeon 34 USA 35 American Movie Classics 36 Lifetime 37 Fox Fancily Channel 38 TNN / Great American Country 39 PTV 40 BET 41 CNN New _ _._.. s & 42 Headline News Information 43 The Weather Channel 44 C -SPAN 45 CNBC 47 TV Guide Channel 48 FX 49 QVC 50 MSNBC 51 News 6 52 Fox News Channel 53 Court TV 54 CSPAN II 55 The History Channel -- 56 The Learning Channel Varety 57 Animal Planet 58 Food Network 59 Travel Channel 60 El 61 Comedy Central 62 TV Land 63 Cartoon Network 64 Great American Country 65 VH•1 66 Univision 67 Bulletin Board Shopping 68 Home Shopping Network — - 70 PIN Network 71 Leased Access 72 Leased Access Rebuild Digital Lineup 121 Discovery Kids Channel 160 Sci -Fi Channel 161 Game Show Network 162 BBC Americas 163 TV Land 180 Bravo 201 Discovery Home & Leisure 220 Discovery Health 270 The History Channel 271 Discovery Civilization Channel 272 Discovery Science Channel 274 Discovery Wings 401 Fox Sports World 402 ESPNews 403 ESPN Classic Sporfis 404 Outdoor Life 405 The Golf Channel 408 Speedvision 471 VH -1 Country 473 VIA-1 Classic Rock 501 Turner Classic Movies 502 Romance Classics 503 Independent Film Channel 519 Encore Love Channel 521 Encore Mystery 523 Encore Westerns 535 Starz!2 552 HBO Plus 554 HBO Signature 577 Showtime 2 590 The Movie Channel 800 iN Demand Preview Channel 801 -835 IN Demand 1 -35 844 Hot Choice 851 Spice 852 Spice2 853 Playboy 420 ESPN Previews 421 -427 ESPN on PPV 428 ESPN Extra 440 NBA Previews 441 -451 NBA on PPV 900 The Listening Room 901 Lite Classical 902 Jazz Vocal Blend 903 Hottest Hits 904 Modern Country 905 Alternative Rock 906 Adult Contemporary 907 Contemporary Christian 908 Rock n' Roll Oldies 909 Classic Rock 910 Urban Beat 911 70s Hits 912 80s Hits 913 Classic Hits Blend 914 Album Rock 916 Soft Hits 917 Dance 918 Acid Jazz 919 Retro Dance 920 Golden Oldies 921 Coffeehouse Rock 922 Classic R &B 923 Rock n' Country 924 New Age 926 Great Standards 927 Contemporary Instrumental 928 Children's 929 Smooth Jazz 930 Reggae 936 Holiday & Happenings