HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.12.12_City Council Agenda_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE; TIME: PLACE: Special December 12, 2006 6:00 p.m. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cleric and posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Friday, December 8, 2006. r Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Cleric Call to Order Mayor Stephen Cataudella 2. Discussion relating to Community Development Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #2 A. Proposed Final Plat (1) B. Proposed Rezoning (1) C. Proposed Planned Unit Development (Prairie Village PUD) D. Proposed Amendment to a Planned Unit Development (Larkin Bailey PUD) E. Environmental Review for CDBG '06 (Rayola Park Splash Pad) F. Public Hearing and Proposed Resolution of Support for Tax Credits for Prairie Village 3. Discussion relating; to Fire Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #3 A. Status of Bids received for the purchase of an Ambulance Chassis and Refurbished Box Owasso City Council December 12, 2006 Page 2 4. Discussion relating to IT Department Items Mr. Looney Attachment #4 A. Status of Bids received for the purchase of Integrated Software 5. Discussion relating to Public Works Department Items Mr. Rooney Attachment #5 A. Change Order and Final Payment request for Silvercreek Drainage Improvements B. ODOT Bids received for the construction of E. 86th Street North and N. Mingo Intersection 6. Discussion relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray Attachment #6 A. FY 05-06 Carryover budget requests E. City Manager Report T Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the office of the City Manager, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 30I(13)(I). Mayor Cataudella 8. Adjournment S.\Agendas\Council Work Session\2006\1212doc MEMORANDUM T 0: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: CHIP MCCULLEY CITY PLANNER BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received an application to review the final plat for Keys Landing —1. The applicant is proposing 139 residential lots, on approximately 39.06 acres of property zoned RS®3 (Residential Single -Family). The general location of the subject property is on the west side of North 129t" bast Avenue, approximately 1/2 mile north of Bast 6011 Street North, .lust south of the Baptist Retirement Village. A general area map is attached. EXISTING LAND USE. Undeveloped t 1111 M I. North: baptist Retirement Village South: Agriculture Bast: Agriculture Nest: Agriculture RESIDENTIAL L PL+ T PROCESS: The three primary steps in the development of residential property in Owasso include; annexation, zoning., and platting. The third step in the development of property is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Flats illustrate the development concept for the property, and are often modified significantly after being reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Owasso Planning Commission. Sometimes, difficult development issues such as existing utility lines, wells, or easements are brought to light at the preliminary plat stage and must be remedied prior to development. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. after obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. If approved, the final plat is filed with the office of the County Clerk and governs all future development on that property. ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 139 residential lots, on approximately 39.06 acres of property zoned RS-3 (Residential Single -Family). According to the Owasso Zoning Code, single family uses are included in Use Unit 6, and are allowed by right on property zoned RS-3. ienever any subdivision of land is proposed, before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the owner of the land or his agent shall apply for and secure both Planning Commission and City Council approval of a final plat for such proposed subdivision. The Final Plat review process gives the citizens of Owasso the opportunity to actively participate in the physical development and layout of the city. The development will be served by City of Owasso sewer and water. The Final Plat meets Owasso Zoning Code Bulk and Area requirements. The lot and block specifications established in the plat layout are adequate for the development of single family homes. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: TEE: The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the November 29, 2006 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and/or concerns. The Technical Advisory made the following recommendations: 1. Applicant must show a second access for emergency access. 2. Final Plat Covenants need to show the standard language for the utility providers 3. Clause 1.7 of the covenants should read "City of Owasso". 4. Applicant must indicate pad elevation on lots in Mock 4. 5. Applicant needs to make the drainage easement into a reserve area. 6. Applicant must indicate street names and addresses prior to the filing of the plat. 7. Project is subject to $624.00 storm siren fee as well as $61,620.00 sanitary sewer payback fee. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Tor mission will consider the application at their public hearing to be conducted on December 11, 2006. I ,C MEN ATI N® The staff intends to recommend approval of Keys banding Final Plat. 1. Case Map 2. Final Plat Owasso Community unity Development Department 11 l N. Main St. Owasso, OK 7405.E 918, 376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cltyofowasso.com Final Plat Keys Landing Find Hat Kew Landing - I R 14 E A PART OF THE SF/4 OF SECTION 32, 7-21-N. R-11-E EAST 787N STREET NORTH AN ADDITION 70 THE CITY OF OWASSO. TULSA COUNTY. OlLATQMA o A`• P.�,, c�� �� {')WNER; DEVELOPER ENGINEF,R SU RVFYf')R:'p.*^ �`" T 1< /s Landing DeveloprTe^P I L.C. Independent De i Benchmark SUrveying & 32 'd .c+ux. ¢ 21 S07 South Xanihuo Con,,,Rar.ts, LLC Land Services, Inc. N ooxxxc .m oorx.,, i1 / ulsa Oklahoma 74104 1520 W 1 0 g d S' e P O ©— 10 nor,. (918) 587 2525 Roger.. .. Arkonos 727566 Pss xaa Oklahoma 74055 >,.k..r„ Phone. (479) 521-7837 Phone- (918) 274-9081 � a„o 5soie. 1 'Do V1i-'^ -^,-`�"' EAST 66TH STREET NORTH IN IN a,nc.. or ,xs rrc.r or•axiv,iax, i rti �kl2hom Inc. y �narro<ie A goon a,nop 7 Un 30aPL't R&klrem°n2 Leni9f r gHI`J v' s��pomo , 777 f ddVt,.t G c C PN 8 ID D. C 9�`.m rn 33 zs {•`t�L`� .mow r»_/t'� '4� p/a 1 4b DoXarr Location Map waaPoru Perx �' """ �"'• "--'"v ae•aa' _ oax. or oecxxixo II nsr !1,21"-,.-[ v +,os g . Va� 23 � as 1.. =2 un—F-1—I a °Yii 1 a �,�q„ a /'� / ` $9 , vk^'^ a H Y1'S. �y� 3AI m ^eB / M A pzo v ar1 .'i"..k.",." a Imp 1n ll L ---- � Rc�rx• A,•o A I .I oe z R - r e y 1 J&zr36 Ilq 1 I 1 �� "s, 12 1 "�� . fvs , rincrtry „ f 1iUl-r I h' � I I II 'i' e In formation egal Description sr..nmR n. 1,vv, "a�nxo,sw e +env u< 9 � '" aoV mo w r • ^au,";Pm ounrt,[n (;[/.) or 2e,io„ ,ne,._,v,o pz�t c, c ini xrn,11 .xo xnxc� ra. v rzxw xl .,>,z c1 an.,.uw a.+<,mw.<, enxo x.oxr a>ancu:a,. uFxu,oco ., ru,mn 1- R, o "•i°6a �, ou'�ipc5<oHnrr R'IX-ll s`a e1-E 1n"o?e`Nw'or lsl,, 11 rl lIT 41i r >r F I i �''N n> wmuel Lcmmons ]:eys Lmzdlny - I November 21, 200E ! i� TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO �, £ i FROM: � ■ � 4f PLANNERCITY ATE: December 49 2006 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the rezoning of approximately 150 acres, located at the southeast corner of East 76th Street North and Mingo Road from AG agricultural to IL industrial. The property is 150 acres, currently undeveloped and zoned AG agricultural, was annexed into Owasso in April, 2003. A general area snap has been attached for your review. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES: The property is undeveloped and is bordered by 76t Street to the North, the SILO railroad tracks to the cast, and lingo Road to the west. Fein-X Manufacturing and Wild Fairs Smoke Lodge are north of the site and on the south side of East 761h Street North, while Sertoma, Group Elaksley, and Owasso Public Works lie north of the property on the North side of East 761h Street. Across the railroad tracks to the east are a variety of commercial industrial uses including Firstl3ank Owasso, a mini -storage development, two wrecker services, and municipal facilities such as the vehicle maintenance shop, animal shelter, skate park, and wastewater treatment plant. To the south and vest of the site are undeveloped agricultural acreages. PRESENT ZONING. The subject property is zoned AG Agricultural, as are the territories to the south and west. Land north of the property is zoned for agricultural, industrial, and commercial purposes. Properties cast of the railroad are zoned commercially and industrially. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. The first step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is annexation. Annexation is the method whereby land located outside the City limits is made a part of the City The second step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is rezoning;. In order to develop the property, the land must be zoned for particular kinds of uses, such as residential, office, commercial, or industrial. Rezoning decisions are made in accordance with the growth policy displayed in the Owasso Faster Flan. Specific development concerns, such as drainage, traffic, water/wastewater services, and stormwater detention are not able to be considered at the zoning stage of the development process. Planned Unit :Developments (PUD) are specific types of zoning classifications applied to individual properties with site -specific development requirements. The third step in the development of a piece of property in Owasso is platting. A preliminary plat is required for any development that proposes to divide land into two or more lots. Preliminary plats illustrate the development concept for the property. After the preliminary plat has been reviewed by the City and various utility companies, construction plans for the development's infrastructure are typically submitted and reviewed. Once the property development proposal shows a division of lots that is acceptable to both the developer and the City of Owasso, a final plat application is submitted. A final plat illustrates the layout and dimension of lots included on the final plat, right-of-way widths, easements, and other physical characteristics that must be provided for review by the City. After obtaining approval from the TAC and Planning Commission, the final plat is considered by the City Council. ANALYSIS: The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve the rezoning of approximately 150 acres from (AG) Agriculture to (IL) bight Industrial. If the rezoning is approved, industrial uses such as manufacturing facilities could be considered for the 150 acres on the south side of East 76th Street North. The Owasso band Use Faster Plan was revised at the November meeting to allow for the industrial development. The site is bordered by a mixture of industrial, commercial, and undeveloped properties, and is located in the southern part of the community, the portion of Owasso where planned industrial uses are already designated on the Master Plan. The staff finds that the proposed land use would be compatible with the uses located on these nearby properties. While there are no specific developments that have made formal applications to the City for the property to this point, the site is being marketed to industrial uses. Different industrial users have reviewed the site, and are considering pursuing industrial developments for the property. Letters were trailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. PLANN COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission will consider the application at their public hearing to be conducted on December 11, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: The staff intends to recommend approval of OZ 06-09, ATTACH EFTS® __l General Area Map Owasso Community Development DepartmeDt 111. N. Main St. Owasso, OIL 74055 918.376.1500 918.376.1597 www.cityofowasso.com w THE HONORABLE MAYO' ' AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM:CHIP 1' CITY PI BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve a proposed 1.93 acre Manned Unit Development with an underlying zoning of ®2 Residential Multi -Family at the northwest corner of East 116t" Street Forth and Forth 129th East .Avenue. The Prairie Village PUD proposes 40 apartment units for senior citizens with low to moderate incomes. The staff has verified that federal guidelines would prevent the development from changing in the fixture to allow non -senior citizens to occupy the apartments. Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USE forth: Large Tot Residential South: Tame Lot Residential/.Agriculture East: Agriculture West: Large Lot Residential CONCEPT OF A PITD: The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. The supplemental zoning district PUD must be approved by the City Council. as a prerequisite to the Planned Unit Development. Ordinance No, 808, adopted in February, 2005 requires all new multi family developments be included within a Planned Unit Development. ANALYSIS: OPUD 06-03 (Prairie Village) is a proposed planned unit development (P ) comprised of approximately 1.93 acres. The development concept behind the Prairie Village PUD is for a proposed housing development for seniors. The 1.93 acre site is located at the northwest corner of East 116th Street North and Forth 129th East Avenue. The site has approximately 425 feet of frontage along East 116th Street North. The proposed development consists of a two story building, including parking and drives. A conceptual Site flan is attached for your review as Exhibit "A" The applicant is proposing a 35,500 sq. t. building containing 40 dwelling units and related amenities. Unless modified by the Planning Commission, the proposed structure will consists of wood construction with 80% exterior brick masonry and 20% cementations board siding. All site lighting, landscaping, and signage will be in accordance with the requirements of the City of Owasso. Land Area: 1.93 Acres Maximum building Floor Area Ratio: 0.50 Proposed Floor Area Ratio: 0.23 Proposed Building Height: 45 Ft Parking Ratio: One space per unit The subject PUD application is part of a continuance of direction in the overall development scheme for the area. The request to amend the master plan was made in conjunction with a request to annex the property last month (November 2006). The staff finds that the site is located at an arterial intersection. This location suggests that either commercial or transitional land uses would be appropriate for the property as the Master Plan calls for nodal development patterns at primary intersections like this one. Existing residential properties north, south, and west of the site should be buffered from the future commercial developments that will occur east of Forth 129th East Avenue. The proposed senior laving development would provide such a buffer. The staff finds that the proposed land use would be compatible with the uses located on these nearby properties. Furthermore, the staff finds that the site is an appropriate location for senior multi- family uses. According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any PUD application and determine the following: 1. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD ordinance. a. To permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining, and proximate properties; b. To permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c. To provide and preserve meaningful open space; and d. To achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. FUTURE PLANNING ISSUES: Future planning issues must still be considered if the PUD is approved. If approved, the applicant must submit a plat, site plan, and infrastructure plans that must be approved by the City of Owasso. Sidewalks will be required along all public rights -of -way associated with the subject property. Perimeter sidewalks must be installed at the time of overall development, while the internal walks may be constructed as individual lots are developed. The applicant has identified the terrain of the area as relatively flat terrain. The existing soils on the site would appear to create no unusual development problems that are not typically encountered in development in and around the City of Owasso. Storm water detention is required and will be further defined at the platting stage. The developer will be responsible for extending sewer to the site. The staff published legal notice of the PUD request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso planning Commission will consider the application at their public hearing to be conducted on :December 11, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: The staff intends to recommend approval of 0P1. D 06-03 . A: TA HE T S® 1. General area leap 2. OPUD 06-03 Development Outline plan € '� i TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF pk 4`Y FROM:► MCCULLEIN CITY t BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request to review and approve an amendment to a proposed 225 acre Planned Unit Development located between 96th and 106t" Streets Forth and between Mingo and Garnett Roads. It should be noted this PUD represents a portion of the Larkin Bailey Ranch that was previously approved by the Tulsa County Commission in June 1991 as PUD #469. EXISTING LAND USE The majority of the property is yet undeveloped. A new water storage tank sits in the middle of the property, and the Dailey Medical Center and medical office building are east of the storage tank, The First Christian Church has begun construction on their new church in the southeastern part of the PUD. SURROUNDING SAND USE North: Large Lot Residential and future Sportspark expansion area South: Residential (EI Rio Vista and Loney Creek) Bast: Large Lot. Residential and Sawgrass Park/Bailey Ranch Estates Nest: barge Lot Residential and undeveloped agricultural land PRESENT ZONING OP (The bakes at Bailey Ranch Planned Unit Development) CONCEPT OF A PIT: The concept of a Planned Unit Development -s to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend a coning ordinance in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. The supplemental zoning district PUD must be approved by the City Council as a prerequisite to the Planned Unit Development. Ordinance No. 808, adopted in February, 2005 requires all new multi -family developments be included within a Planned Unit Development. ANALYSIS® OPUD 06-04 ('The Lakes at Bailey Ranch) is a proposed planned unit development (PUD) comprised of approximately 225 acres. The development concept behind The Lakes at Bailey Ranch PUD is mixed use development situated on rolling terrain that features tree lined creeks and scattered farm ponds. Aside from a very small portion of the property that is located within the 100 year fioodplain, the site has excellent development possibilities. The outline development plan shows the various land uses and their relationship to each other in this 225 acre site. Anticipated to be developed in such a way that the less intense land uses will be buffered from the more intense land uses by means of greenbelts, lakes and landscape buffers, and/or through a hierarchy of more intense to less intense land uses. These greenbelt/lake buffer areas will feature existing and proposed lakes that will function both aesthetically as well as provide stormwater detention. These areas will also contain areas of passive and active recreational activities. In addition to the aesthetic, recreational and stormwater detention functions this area will afford, the buffering of the more intense land uses from the less intense land uses is vitally important. In the low lying creek area to be developed into lakes and walkways, a 404 permit from the Corp. of Engineers will be required. This permitting process is underway. Below is the Data Summary of the proposed amendment to the PUD. Development Standards. Land Area: 225.24 Acres Total Dwelling Units: 745 Total Project Density: 131 DDs/ac Land Use® Single family (RS-2— 2.7 DU/ac) Multi -Family ( d2=-18 DJ/ac) Commercial (C€ =0.`i5) Shopping (CS--0.50) Office (D-=0.50) ITs Gross Acres 155 56.97 590 31.9 1,276,933.5 sf 39.09 1,053,614.2 sf 48.0 1,004, 7 11.4 sf 46.13 According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on any PUD application and determine the following: l . Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Ilan. 2. Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD ordinance. a. To permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. To permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site, c. To provide and preserve meaningful open space; and d. To achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. FUTURE PLANNING ISSUES: Future planning issues must still be considered if the PUD is approved. If approved, the applicant must submit a plat, site plan, and infrastructure plans that must be approved by the City of Owasso. Sidewalks will be required along all public rights -of -way associated with the subject property. Perimeter sidewalks must be installed at the time of overall development, while the internal walks may be constructed as individual lots are developed. The applicant has identified the terrain of the area as relatively flat terrain. The existing soils on the site would appear to create no unusual development problems that are not typically encountered in development in and around the City of Owasso. Storm water detention is required and will be further defined at the platting stage. The developer will be responsible for extending sewer to the site. The staff published legal notice of the PUD request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius of the subject property. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission will consider the application at their public hearing to be conducted on :December 11, 2006. RECOMMENDATION: The staff intends to recommend approval. of OPUD 06-04. ATTAR E ENTS: 1. General Area leap 2. OPUD 06-04 Development Outline :plan Owasso Community Development Depatlnent 111 N. Main St. Owasso, ®K 74055 918.376.1500 918.376,1597 www.cityofowasso.com 0illl= ro Subject Property W TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY *F On�ASS* FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRE' CTOR SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OF GRANT FOR THE RAYOLA PARK SPLASH PAD IMPROVEMENTS `® November 5, 2006 Or. May 16, 2006, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #2006-11 as part of the application process requesting financial assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce under the FY 2006 Small Cities set -aside funding. The application was specifically directed toward park improvements. The intent is to build a splash pad facility at payola Park in Owasso. The recommended improvements were presented at a public hearing on September 5, 20W FUNDING: The staff received notice in September that funding) in the amount of $66,450 has been approved. A "one -for -one" cash match is required of the city each year in order to receive the grant fffinds. The FY 2006-2007 city budget includes funds within the Parks Department in an amount MffiCiCrlt to satisfy the match requirement. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMEM A. series of steps must be taken in order for ODOC to release the Small Cities grant funds for the street improvement program. Each step requires formal action by the Council, however, these steps are generally considered to be "house cleaning" type actions. First, an Eirvironniental Review Record must be prepared. This record consists of a request for revieiA, being sent to various state and federal agencies and a documentation of theix -responses in the foi m of a statutory checklist and an enviromnental assessment. I 'he staff has determined that this project will have no sigtificant effect on the envirorinient. As a result of this determination, the Council is hi a position to designate the Mayor as the certifying) officer to execute the Environmental Certification and Release of Funds Request and to make a finding of No Significant Environmental Impact. In addition, the Council must approve an Antidisplacement Plan even though no displacement will occur as a part of the program. The INCOG staff has prepared those documents. It is anticipated that future actions may have to be taken by the Council to complete other grant requirements not directly related to environmental concerns. However, at this point the following is a specific explanation of each current request by agenda item. DESIGNATION F MAYOR AS CERTHYMG OFMCER Federal and state regulations require that each grant recipient designate a certifying official. This official is typically the mayor when the recipient of a grant is a municipality. The certifying official (through use of the staff and contractually with INCOG) assumes responsibility for the environmental review process, making findings, and signing certifications. EC Al The staff intends to recommend Council designation of the Mayor as the City's certifying official for - documents required by the grant and authorized by the Council. FINDING OF NO SIGNMCANT E"ACT ON THE BACKGROUND This is a finding that the project is not a major federal action that will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to the State for the release of project fiends will not require an Environmental hnpact Statement. In order to make this finding it is necessary to complete a Statutory Checklist, an Environmental Assessnienit checklist, and maintain documentation of the Environmental Review Record infori- nation, INCOG staff has completed all of these and documentation has been placed ire the project's permanent file, RECOMMENDATION: The staff- recon-nnends that the Council approve the INCOG reports and finding of no significant impact on the environment as a result of the street improvement. project, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment. EXECUTE AN ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATF, AND THE REQUEST FOR RELEAS OF FUNDS BACKGROUND - The nviron-inental Certification is a document that identifies that the City has carried out its responsibilities for envirom-rental review :in accordance with all state and federal regplations and that it has been determined that a full Environmental Impact Statement is not required. The Environmental Cortification is a, prerequisite for the Request for Release of Funds. The Request for Release of Funds is a docurnent that identifies that the City has completed all the requirements of the giant, whether they are state, federal or local grant conditions. C .. The staff intends to recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Environmental Certificate and the "Request for Release of Fun&' as required by grant conditions. ANTIODISPIACEAUNT PLAN 11 A-1 In" The Antidisplacement Plan addresses the actual or unexpected demolition of low/moderate income dwelling units. There will be no demolition of dwelling units because of this project. However, it is required that a plan be approved that states that demolition is not planned and, if unexpected demolition should occur, all federal regulations would be followed to mitigate any adverse impact. L The staff intends to recommend Council adoption of an Antidisplacement Plan for the restroom and sidewalk improvement program, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the plan document. U, I DATE: December 5, 2006 BACKGROUND- would provide ad valorem property tax refief a period of five years. For the district to be created, the City Council would first be required to create a local review committee and appoint one Council committee.member to serve on that •mmittee would be comprised propertyrepresentatives fiom each Owasso oa County, healththe 'iartment. Separate agreements approvingof the tax incentive district be required from all beneficiaries; each organization would have the power of veto. After the i develo i ment of i f t Ian and the oresentation of that i However,, Vintagecompany does not believe a Tax Incentive District will be accomplished for this project. Housing still intends to pursue the Tax Credits fimade. The proposed Resolution 2006-29 is presented as a statement of the City Cio ncil's support for the award of tax credits to Vintage Housing, Incorporated for the development of Prairie Village. C N: The staff intends to recommend that the City Council conduct a public heating to receive citizen comment related to the; request from Vintage Housing, Inc. Further, the staff intends to recommend Council approval. of Resolution 2006-29. ATTACHWA m 1. Resolution 2006-29 2. Location map 3. Conceptual preliminary site drawing RESOLUTION 2006-29 SUPPORTING FAVORABLE CONSIDERATION FOR A TAX CREDIT AWARD TO VINTAGE HOUSING, INC. RELATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRAIRIE VILLAGE WHEREAS, Vintage Housing, Inc. is proposing to construct a 40-unit congregate living facility for low-- and moderate -income seniors known as Prairie Village, to be located within the Owasso city limits, at the northwest corner of East 116 th Street North and North 129th EastAvenue;and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso supports economic development and, promotes affordable housing for the benefit of the citizens of Owasso; ROW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The City Council of The City of Owasso supports favorable consideration to be given for a tax credit award for the development of Prairie Village. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, it is noted that the proposed development is consistent with the City of Owasso's affordable housing strategies and comprehensive plan. ADOPTED this __ day of 2006. Mayor The City of Owasso, Oklahoma Attest: City Clerk, The City of Owasso Owasso COnimuniy! Development Department 111 N, Main S! Owasso, OK 74055 918,376.1500 91&J76I597 www.cityofowasso.com -0000 PROPOSED 2 STORY ��/ / /iz, b / . / /, / BUILDING FLOOR 17,750 SF SECOND FLOOR 17 750 SF 33.0 Lu o — � PLINE ROPERTY— - --- � TO BE DEDICATED � Q, 0 24.75STATUTORY J—RIGHT-OF-WAY 116th STREET NORTH, CONCEPTUAL 597E PLAN SCALE: 1'>60' °° l R 14 E Location Qyap SITE LOCATION !I N 5 I 1 ICI � e i -g-5 T p g A FTE DATAN 8 PARKING SPACES DATA = o Q k REQUIRED PROVIDED z :E\ I.� STANDARD PARKING (t xr Room) 48 51 W O E jj Z = < k 2 h ACCESSIBLE PARKING INCLUDED ABOVE 3 4 � f- v �I '> LAND USE DATA Uo @1 p0 Z O LAND O USE CARE HOME/NURSING HOME Co Ili ® uI ,� m PROPOSED ZONING .RM-2/P.U.0. __j a --1 FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.42 > ^ 0 co _ r :._D LEGAL DESCRIPTION< I THE EAST 425 FEET OF THE SOUTH 290 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST Q d- 6C.0 C QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4, SE/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE j OF OKLAHOMA- LESS AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 80 FEET AND THE 1 if -IT 60 FEET THEREOF. �[ I V LANDSCAPING NO-F, THE DEVELOPER IS REQUIRED TO MEET THE CITY M h i OF OWASSO LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE. LANDSCAPING O � SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING IS ONLY A GRAPHIC »TM« PROPOSED 31DEWALK REPRESENTk- OF AREAS THAT WILL BE ALONG STREET FRONTAGE LANDSCAPED. THE NUMBER OF TREES AND SHRUBS WILL BE CALCULATED DURING THE DESIGN PHASE Q j � a__ _ - _ _ OF THE PROJECT. LEGEND: PROPOSED PAVEMENT AREA < f �-^- i,__j V:NDSCAPED AREA D f LARGE SIZE TREES {! MEDIUM SIZE TREES � - ( C/` SIVALL SIZE TREES V BUSHES GO 20 0 40 GRAPHIC SCALE 40' OATS: 11 EXHIBIT TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL, CITY OF OWASSO FROM: BRADD K. CLARK FIRE CVIEF SUBJECT: AMBULANCE CHASSIS BID AMBULANCE REFURBISHMENT BID DATE- December 4, 2006 BACKGROUND The Fiscal Year 2006-07 ambulance capital budget provides funding for the purchase of a new ambulance chassis. This chassis will replace a 2000 model Freightliner chassis currently in reserve due to the accumulation of miles on the vehicle. The FY 2006-07 ambulance capital budget also includes the funding necessary to refurbish the 2000 model ambulance box, as well as rc-mount the ambulance box on the new chassis. In July of 2006, the fire department formed an ambulance project team, whose mission was to determine the most efficient and effective approach to readying an ambulance for Fire Station No. 3 and to develop the appropriate specifications. The team determined that replacing the chassis and refurbishing the ambulance module of the 2000 Frei ghtlincr/Excellance ambulance was the most cost-effective approach to ensuring the reliability of the department's emergency medical response vehicles. The team has determined that the purchase of the chassis locally will result in a greater cost -savings to the City, versus purchasing the chassis from the refurbishment vendor. Based upon their research, the team has concluded that a crossover chassis, with the best features of a light duty truck and the medium duty chassis would be the best solution. This would result in a much improved ride quality for the patient and ambulance personnel. Therefore the ambulance project team developed chassis specifications that would be cost effective and ensure the purchase of a quality chassis for the purpose of remounting an existing ambulance modulc. The team also developed ambulance module remount/refurbish specifications for the purpose of removing an existing 2000 year unodcl ambulance modulc fi-om the 2000 Freightliner and rcfiirbishing the module to the departnicnt's current requirements. The module will then be rcmountcd onto a new 2007 year chassis. The proposed specification package requires that the vendor offer a lifetime warranty on the remount/rcfiirbish work that is accomplished. This will enslarc the delivery of a quality product and will offer reliable service for the next five to seven years. It is Staffs belief that the completion of this project will occur prior to the end of the Fiscal Year, and in time for the opening of Fire Station No. 3. FUNDING - The FY 2006-07 ambulance capital budget includes fiends in the amount of $199,000 for this project, which includes both the chassis and the refurbishment of the ambulance module. III OPENING: A bid opening for this project will occur at City Hall on Tuesday, December 12, 2006. RECOMMENDATION - Staff intends to present the results of the bid evaluation process at the City Council Work Session on December 12, 2006. The formal presentation of the results of the bid evaluation process accompanied by a request for appropriate action would thcn occur at the December 19, 2006 regular meeting of the City Council. IF; I0�it 171 AI1H11► E1 TO: THE HONORABLE E MAYOR AND COUNCIL, CITE' OF OWASSO FROM: TERESA O INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR DATE. December 49 2006 BACKGROUND: Staff requested quotes from prc-qualified vendors to replace an aging, inefficient software system, as well as to provide data systems not currently available with the City's existing software. Pre -qualification was determined by a company's ability to provide an appropriate integrated municipal software solution. The requested sealed quotes were opened on Monday, September 25, 2006, followed by an evaluation by the City's software project team. L1 . 1 FITH i F . Several objectives were sought in a new municipal software system, including: The ability for all departments to access financial data ® Automated work order system to be used by all departments * Online customer access to utility data and bill payment Land management with OIS integration capability ® Increased reporting capability Include in the evaluation criteria was the vendors demonstrated commitment to support and development as technology changes. The proposals were graded against requircments, and ranked. Reference cities were contacted and extensively interviewed by members of City staff. Sungard has been selected by staff as the vendor best capable of meeting the required objectives to provide an integrated Municipal Software solution for the City. Significant improvements provided b Sungard's software over the City's current system include: Direct access to data by all staff Increased reporting, query & presentation capabilities Online entry of service requests by citizens Online bill payment capability Workflow procedures Remote data entry by staff Improved training and support CITY SOFTWARE PURCHASE PAGE 2 Attached is a breakdown by price and feature of the modules included in this system. The licensing fees for the complete system total $160,007. Training and Implementation is estimated at $138,000. Training and Implementation do not include travel expenses for Sungard staff. Additional expenditures will be necessary for these expenses and conversion of existing data into the new system. Conversion fees are estimated to be $60,000. The fees for licensing and implementation total $298,007. Funds will be expended over the period of time required for the full implementation. The full implementation of the software modules is expected to take up to a year to complete, extending into the Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The Information Technology Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget includes $400,000 for the purchase and implementation of an integrated software solution. Annual maintenance fees for this system will be required after the first year of implementation in the amount of $42,115, beginning FY 2007 — 2008. REi COMMENDATION. Staff is prepared to request Council action on the purchase of an integrated Municipal software solution from Sungard at the December 19, 2006 meeting of the City Council. ATTACHMENT T Sun_gard Software Module List A B L (C I D FUNCTIONAL AREA LICENSE I TRAINING & IMPLEMENTATION NEW 3 Financial Accounting 4 Fund Accounting $23,040 $10,000 5 Accounts Payable $1,0001 6 Project Accounting $2,0001 7 8 Budget Preparation Revenue Tracking --------- - 9 Workflow & Purchasing 7-0 11 Personnel Budgeting Asset Management $3,600 $4,8001 $1,000 $1,000 12 Inventory $4,8001 13 Electronic Dashboard $4,800 --$1,000 $1,000 14 State Reporting $8,700 $1,500 15 SUB TOTALS $49,740 $20,5001- 16 17 FIR & Payroll 18 Base Payroll $12,6001 $12,5001 19 Personnel 20 Applicant Tracking 21 Applicant Tracking(Web) —�—$5,160� $1,000 22 Employee Benefits $3,600 $500 23 24 Electronic Timesheets Position Control $3,600 $500 $2,000 25 Salary Projections $2,4001 $500 26 —27 Employee Access -SUB $5,760 $500 Ti $33,120 $117,500� 28 29 Utility Billing -50— 31 Base Cash Receipts $12,0001 1 $4,200 $17,0001 $2,0001 32— —Accounts Recievable 1 $7,200 -3-3 Hand Held Interface I $3,000i $3,0001 34 SUB TOTAL I $26,4001 $25,0001 35 36 Land Management 37 -- - ----- ------ Base $5,4001 $3,0001 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Permits Inspections Contractor Licensing Code Enforcement Constituent Relationship SUB TOTAL Work Orders Base $13,200 $8,000 $3,0001 $1,000� $7,200�__ $4,5001 $7,200 $4,5001 $36,000; $ I, q0*1 $8,400 $10,0* $8,4001 $10,000 - --- - --- 47 48 Equipment Maintenance SUB TOTAI-i A 1 FUNCTIONAL AREA LICENSE TRAINING & IMPLEMENTATION NEW 49- 50 Citizen Access 51 Base $8,400 $2,000 52 Utility Billing $1,8001 $500-- 53 Permitting $1,800 $5001 54 Code Enforcement $1,800 $500 55 Inspectors Access $1,800 $500 56 Constituent Relationship(web) $3,600 $500 57 Web Payments(UB & Permits) $5,4001 $500 58 SUB TOTAL $24,600! $5,000 59 60 System Support Applications $35,2251, $39,000 61 Discount -$53,4781 62 63 TOTALS1 $160,0071 $138,0001 64 COMPLETE PACKAGE $298,0071 65 ---- 66 Denotes functionality not available in current software systems. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 '75 ----- --- ---------- -- 76 77 78 79 80 TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO i IA BACKGROUND. As awarded on January ), 2006 by the City Council, this contract specified the construction of substantial upgrades to the stormwater collection and conveyance systems in the Eradfords, Willows and Tillage of Silver Creek and in the Nottingham Subdivision, Such improvements (also known as "off -site" improvements) were designed by Meshek and. Associates to work in coordination with the "on -site" improvements constructed as part of a development agreement with the developers of Camelot Estates, The work was awarded to Keystone Services, Inc,, Bixby, Oklahoma in the total amount of $569,229.95 and Notice to Proceed was issued on February 9, 2006. Interim inspections were made periodically during the construction as each element of the work was completed. Various system components have been available for stormwater control purposes throughout the late spring and summer and have performed as designed, Progress payments have been made in the amount of $539,007,40, Pay Request No. 8 in the amount of $43,970. 77 was submitted on November 27, 2006 by the Contactor as a request for final payment (see Attachment A). CHANGE ORDER NUMBER I The work was awarded as a unit price contract where the quantities presented in the Bid Form were estimated based on expected conditions and used solely for the purpose of comparison of bids, It was therefore anticipated that a quantity adjustment would be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided, In response to unanticipated site conditions, additional pipe and structure revisions were required at several locations — these additions account for 68% of the project over -runs. Offsetting these additional expenses, two structure modifications and the valley gutter at East 87"' Terrace were omitted from the project scope. Final quantity adjustments Silver Creep Drainage Improvements Acceptance And Final payment Page 2 of 3 reflected an additional expenditure of $13,748.22 (2.42% of the original contract amount) as detailed below: nand Description Unit Unit Cost Adiustment Total Unclassified Excavation CY $16.00 68.6 $1,097.76 Solid Slab Bermuda Sodding SY $1.85 6 $11.10 Aggregate Base - Type A CY $40.00 18.9 $754.44 Separator Fabric SY $1.00 5.0 $5.00 Asphalt Concrete - Type A TN $45.10 13.7 $616.50 Asphalt Concrete - Type C TN $60.00 29.4 $1,764.00 Class A Concrete for Sm. Structures CY $400.00 5.8 $2,320.00 Reinforcing Steel LB $1.00 66.0 $66.00 6" Combination Curb & Gutter, nimble LF $11.00 28.0 $308.00 TIES Concrete Driveway Replacement SY $45.00 63.2 $2,846.25 5' ID Manhole Replacement EA $4,500.00 1.0 $4,500,00 30" Class III RCP w/ C443 joints LF $65.00 87.9 $5,777.50 36" Class III RCP w/ C443 joints LF $85.00 24.0 $2,040.00 48" Class III RCP w/ C443 Joints LF $130.00 79 $10,270.00 Trench Excavation CY $7.00 280.2 $1,961.40 Standard Bedding Material CY $35.00 76.5 $2,6 76.02 Reprove & Replace Brick Mailbox EA $500.00 1.0 $500.00 Wheelchair Ramp EA $600.00 2.0 $1,200.00 Street Washdown LF $2.00 80.0 $160.00 Overrun Sub -Total $38,873.97 Temporary Siltation Screen LF $1.25 ($212.50) Class C Concrete CY $225.00 ($168.75) 12" Type 1-A Plain Rip -Rap CY $70.00 ($700.00) Filter Blanket CY $50.00 ($800.00) Filter Fabric SY $5.00 ($625.00) 4' Concrete Sideway SY $31.50 ($94.50) III S Concrete Valley Gutter SY $65.00 ($5,525.00) Inlet Reconstruction Inlet No. 15 EA $89500.00 ($8,500.00) Inlet Reconstruction Inlet No. 16 EA $8,500.00 ($8,500.00) Underrun Sub -Total Total Project Overrun ($25,125.75) $ I3,748.22 FINAL PAYMENT: A final inspection was completed on November 2, 2006 and all items identified at this inspection requiring correction were agreed to at a meeting with the Contractor on Silver Creek Drainage Improvements .Acceptance .And Final Payment Page 3 of 3 November 17, 2006. The Contactor is currently on -site completing final items addressed at this meeting. The Contractor has provided a two-year maintenance bond for the work as part of the Contract Documents. M11115-1"N WIN During its regular meeting of January 3, 2006, Council approved an allocation of $30,000 for potential change orders during construction of off -site improvements. Done of such allowance has been spent to -date, thus, adequate funding remains in the project budget to satisfy this request. RIIA:COMMENDATIONS. Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Silver Creek Drainage Improvements and authorization for final payment to Keystone Services, Inc. in the amount of $43,970.77 for a revised contract amount of $582,978.17. ATTACHMENTS: A. Final Pay Request ATTACHMENT A _._ APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE O F PAYMENT—-] Page One of TO. a4. �� �i ._ Contract Date: _m Application Date: t FROM: (Contractor) tractor) KEWS`fi NE, SERVICES, INC. PeriodP.O. BOX 21 BIXBY, OK 74008 Dishibution To- Owner PROJECT!�,._?e,' Contractor CONTRACT FOR: Engineer CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is niade for payment, as showD below, in connection With t-hr C olltra.ct Continuation sheep: Is attached. cj 1. Original Contract t Sum Z Net Change by Change Orders 4. Total Completed pleted Stored to Date (C;o lu'DII G 01) Continuation Sbeet) , 4_ 4 dye._. c C-) Cry 2., % of Completed Work $ (Col i D & E on Continuation tinuatio Sleet) -'I JNA _ . % f Storms Material F on Continuation Sheet,) 9 Total Eame .1 Less Retainage (.,Line 4 less Lies 5 Total) 7Bess PreviousPre-vious Creiti cat s for Payment r e' .M .DEMENT I CURRENT PAYMENT DUE C>e 9. Balance to Finish, Plas Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) CFIANGE ORDER SUMMARY: ADDITIONS DEDUCTJONS Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved TOTALS $ Net Cbange by Chanpe Orders The -a-adersigned Contractor certifies that to the, best of 'the co tt a to , es luiowledge !IC _, information and belief, the W0XK covered by this Application for PaYment, has been corqpleted - the Contract Documents, that all arnounts have been paid by the Contractor for accordance witb in Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received tom the A 0 Vi KF-YSTONP SERVIC.E�S,' CONTIZACT(A", V, i 1 0 STATE OE""OKL-A]HOMA )SS C0(,TN"-rYo0F Date: S-4fimaribed arid m,,)rorto betbrer i- ay o f )�y No. 010 01525 C3 cn EXPIRES Notai7/ POolic 2-10-09 ;;m i MY n Expires: - commissio O�- AGREEMENT 06-5�-67P—,wW 9 —.r F - ARCHITECT'S / ENGINJ'�',ERS CER]"IFICATE FOR PAYMEINT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect/s/Engineer's knowledge, in -formation and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERIVIED $ (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from. tb.c amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: By: Date: This ceitificate is not negotiable, `.Phe AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payinent and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Ow-ner or Contractor uDder this Contract. AGREEVANT Page-10 —cif 5 CONTINIUA'rioN SHEET Page of Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Ceitification is attached. Application Number: Application Date: Period to: In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply, �-- (cont) F R F) MATERULS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN D 0 G TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D -1, E + f) NOTE: At bottom of each col-urmn, rwi totak H % BALANCE TO HNISH RETAYNAGE (a/c) (C-G) AGREEMENT 0403 00300 - Page I I ®f 15 CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKfAHOMA I" J) 9 )SS V4 COUNTY OF' The -undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is trees and correct. Afflant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the Affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain iwinent or the award of this contract. E SERVIC13 S, INC. Subscribed and sworn to bed )re me this day of __U 4 _ Notary Public Commission Y. My Commission Expires: Architect, Engineer or other Super viso_-ry Official Sifbscribed and swozn, tobefi)re me 1-bisdh-,5., of Notai.y Public Com-n1issioll My Comnaission Eoxpires: NOTE: Strike uWt Nvords -not appropriate and sign appropriate signature fine. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidwiit. AGREEMENT --Page _12of 15 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- 'x SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE ( ` t DIRE' 1 � t ! i O t ., K1,13J DATE: December 8, 2006 In 1993, the City Council adopted a "Carryover Budget Policy." Each year since then, the City Council has approved a "carryover" supplemental appropriation. A "carryover" budget is a concept wherein a department's budgeted, but unexpended, funds from one fiscal year may be re - budgeted (appropriated) to the next fiscal year. The goal of a carryover budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of public funds. Traditional public sector budgets "reward" the expenditure of all of the funds under a manager's control and justify an increasing level of appropriations in subsequent fiscal years. In using this traditional philosophy, efforts to be efficient and save money often are "rewarded" by a reduction in future budgets. The carryover budget promotes a philosophy of "save and invest it" rather than "spend it or lose it." Managers who save money from last year's budget have been rewarded by the possibility of a carryover appropriation to the new fiscal year budget. GENERAL, FUND At the end of fiscal year 2005-2006, the total of unexpended operating budgets (excluding personal services budgets) in all departments in the General Fund was $929,487. $470,000 of that unexpended budget is recommended as a Carryover Budget Supplement. The approved FY 2006-07 budget projected available fund balance for July 1, 2006 at $3,210,000 in the General Fund. 'That estimate was based on certain assumptions about revenues and spending that would occur through the end of the fiscal year. Based on the draft of the audited financial statements, the July 1, 2006 budget basis fund balance is $3,989,178, or $779,178 greater than the budgeted estimate. The available fund balance has already been used this fiscal year to fund two supplemental appropriations in the General Fund. Budget supplements totaling $307,000 were approved for the Elm Crcck Pond dredging project ($130,000) and for the Three Lakes street projeet ($170,000). After those appropriations, $472,178 is available to fund a carryover budget request while still maintaining the 15% fund balance reserve in the general fund. A supplemental appropriation of $470,000 for fourteen departments of the General Fund will be recommended for Council approval. OTHER FUNDS -- Carryover recommendations in other city funds for projects in progress at fiscal year end include: ® E911 Fund $25,000 * Stormwater Management Fund $39,041 Fire Capital Fund $ 7,105 OPWA FUND — Carryover recommendations for projects in progress at fiscal year end total $249,862. An itemized listing of the Carryover Budget recommendation is attached. Staff will request consideration of a supplemental appropriation for: General Fund $470,000 E911 Fund $25,000 Stormwater Management Fund $39,041 Fire Capital Fund $7,105 OPWA Fund $249,862 ATTACHMENT Schedule of Carryover budget Supplement Recommendation City of Owasso Schedule of Carryover Budget Supplement Recommendation FY 2007 December 8, 2006 General Fund 01 110 Managerial furniture 6,500 01 110 Managerial special projects - city hall park 8,000 01 110 Managerial special projects - veterans memorial benches 3,600 01 120 Finance computer, furniture 4,000 01 130 I-IR Character initiative donation 2,788 01 150 General Government INCOG grant administration 6,007 01 175 IT GIS contract 23,290 01 181 Support Services conferce room projector 5,000 01 181 Support Services restroom tile repairs 2,000 01 181 Support Services floor buffer/stripper 2,000 01 181 Support Services office furniture 2,000 01 201 Police laptop mounts 15,000 01 201 Police Homeland Security grant balance 6,807 01 201 Police recruitment supplies 3,000 01 215 Communications radios (also E911 Fund) 25,000 01 250 Fire grant match 10,985 01 280 Emergency Preparedness storm siren - grounding 1,962 01 300 Streets Three Lakes Village street project 151,525 01 300 Streets sidewalk repairs 2,950 01 300 Streets traffic control maintenance 1,983 01 300 Streets litter sign project 1,920 01 300 Streets CDBG sidewalk match 1,334 01 370 Stormwater Three lakes II Channel project 140,000 01 370 Stormwater drainage projects 20,000 01 370 Stormwater additional street sweeper rental 8,000 01 370 Stormwater 76th street tree project 2,635 01 515 Parks park improvements 3,372 01 550 Community Center exterior building improvements n _ 8,342 Total General Fund $ 470,000 Other Funds _ 21 215 E911 Fund Radios (also General Fund) 25,000 27 370 Stormwater Management Fund Silver Creek project 30,000 27 370 Stormwater Management Fund Master Plan - Meshek 9,041 42 250 Fire Capital Fund Pumper truck/equipment 7,105 Total City General & Other Funds $ 541,146 OP WA 61 480 (Refuse polycarts 59,750 61 480 Refuse Crane/Bridgeport vehicle 181,395 61 485 Recycle Center Gate & driveway 8,717 Total OPWA Fund $ 249,862