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2000.08.01_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OFTHE MEETING OFTHE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF'MEETING: Regular DATE: August 1, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 prn, on Friday, July 28, 2000, MVarcti"-outwell, City erk��—� L Call to Order Mayor Williams 2. invocation Allan Harder Human Resources Officer 3, Flag Salute 4. Roll Call Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 2 5. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation, Mayor Williams Attachment #5 The Mayor will present a proclamation to Dr Denise Bode, Business of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2000, 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable, A. Approval of the Minutes of July 18, 2000 Regular Meeting and July 26, 2000 Special Meeting Attachment #6-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #6-13 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #652, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Generally Located West of North 1291h East Ave at East 101" Street North, North of Owasso Market; front AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light), Containing 5 Acres, More or Less. Attachment 96-C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #652, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on July 18, 2000 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #635, Amended, an Ordinance Amending a Previously Adopted Ordinance Containing an Error in a Legal Description. Attachment #6-D The staff recommends approval of Ordinance #635, Amended. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 3 E. Action Relating to a Workers Compensation Claim Against the City of Owasso By Charles Nicholson, Attachment #6-E The staff recommends Council approval of a negotiated joint petition final settlement with Mr Nicholson wherein the city would pay $6600 for injuries received in an accident on October 12, 1999, and authorization of payment for the claim, plus associated settlement costs of $513,51, 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council to Rescind the Bid Award for Bid Package 7B Metal Roof Panels Awarded to Home Steel Framing on June 6, 2000, and Direction to Re-bid the Package. Mir Carr Attachment #7 The staff will recommend that Bid Package 7B-Metal Roof Panels, relating to the City Hall/Police Station construction, be rescinded and the package be re-bid. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council to Rescind the Bid Award for Bid Package I OF-Detention Equipment Awarded to Sweeper Metal on June 6, 2000, and Award the Bid to the Next Lowest Bidder. Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend that Bid Package IOF-Detention Equipment, relating to the City Hall/Police Station construction, be rescinded and the bid be awarded to Murray Womble in the amount of $23,808. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 4 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Camden Park 11, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State, of Oklahoma. Ms Sorrells Attachment 119 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Camden Park 11, a 13.86 acre, 42-lot subdivision, located on the cast side of N 129"' East Ave between E 861' St N and E 96"' St N, south of Windsor Lake, north of Barrington, and west of Nottingham. The staff concurs with the recornmendation. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance 4653, an Ordinance Providing for Ward Designations for Previously Annexed Properties, Mr Rooney Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #653. H. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award a Contract for the Purchase of One Vehicle by the Owasso Police Department; and the Purchase Emergency Equipment for That Vehicle, Deputy Chief Motto Attachment # 11 The staff will recommend approval of a contract and authorization for payment to Keystone Chevrolet, Sand Springs, OK for the purchase of one 2000 Chevrolet Impala police unit at a purchase price of $17,800; and the purchase of emergency police equipment from Fox International at a cost not to exceed $800. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 5 12o Consideration. and .Appropriate Action Contribution and Lending Agreement. Mr Cates Mr Mitchell Attachment t�12 Relating; to an Infrastructure Construction The staff will recommend Council approval of the agreement between RCB Bank Inc, the City of Owasso and the Owasso Public Works Authority for signalization and street improvements aloe R 96 "' St N, west of U.S. Highway 169, authorizing incurrence of indebtedness by the OPWA, authorizing the waiver of competitive bidding, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document. The staff will recommend approval of the proposed agreement and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 6 The staff will recommend approval of the proposed agreement and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same. JM Addendu,,�) ,lArm 1,Y Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Issuance of a Notice to Proceed to /16 McGuire Brothers Construction Co Inc, for the East 96th Street North Roadway Improvements Project, Mr Mitchell Attachment 1115 The staff will recommend Council approval to issue the Notice to Proceed, -W. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of Change Order Q, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Horizon Construction Company Inc, Tulsa, OK, for Intersection and Signalization Improvements. Mr Lutz Attachment # 16 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #2, adding $13,007.40 to the cost of the project, in order to lower a water line to allow for a drainage structure. k7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of a I i? Member to the Golf Advisory Committee. Mayor Williams RUBLIC NOTICE OF OF • 1. • CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: August 1, 2000 TIME„ 6030 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at city hall at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 31, 1000. LAM -14 Marc Boutwell, City The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on July 28, 2000. Items numbered 1 through 14 shall remain the sank. Items numbered 15 through 22 are now numbered 16 through 23, and a new item 15 is listed as follows: 15. Consideration and Appropriate .Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval and Acceptance of a Contract Awarded by the Owasso Public Works Authority for 96th Street North Roadway Improvements. Mr Cates The staff will request Council approval and acceptance of the above- referenced contract with McGuire Brothers Construction Co Inc. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Page 7 The Mayor will offer the name of 1 risk Hauser as an appointment to the Golf Advisory Committee for the remainder of an unexpired term ending on June 30, 2001, such vacancy created by a resignation, and request confirmation by the Council of that appointment. TZ' Deport from City Manager, j-1 Report from City Attorney. `) Report from City Councilors. Al New Business. Adjournment. PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OICI,I -HOl'JI.A WHEREAS, The OEDA, the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, the Owasso Reporter, and the City of Owasso have developed a special business recognition program as a means of honoring the valuable contributions of local, community- minded businesses; and, WHEREAS, The quality of life in Owasso is a reflection of the level of involvement exhibited by its business owners and employees and their active support of community events; and WHEREAS, The involvement of businesses through their support of local projects and promotions by the sharing of their resources, provides for the economic well-being of the community and demonstrates a commitment that goes beyond the standard measure of business success; and, WHEREAS, Dr Denise Bode and her employees have demonstrated concern for the Owasso community through involvement in various conummitywwide projects; and, WHEREAS, A consistent quality in business operations, together with a focus on the betterment of Owasso through civic activity, merits appreciation and recognition by the entire community, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Will Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim DENISE DR BODE THIRD QUARTER 2000 IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this I" day of August, 2000. Will Williams, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, July 18, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday July 18, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 14, 2000 ITEM 1: CALL-TO ORDER. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m, ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by David Hall, Assistant Administrator at the Baptist Retirement Center, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE, Boy Scout Troop #80 presented the colors and led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk 1, Owasso City Council AYE: Voss, Brogdon NAY: Barnhouse, Williams Motion was defeated 2-2. July 18, 2000 Ms Bainhouse moved., seconded by Mayor Williams, to appoint Dr David Hall to the Ward 2 council position. AYE: Barnhouse, Williams NAY: Voss, Brogdon Motion was defeated 2-2. Mr Cates informed the Council that the next step in the process is to approve a resolution calling for a special election to fill the vacant seat. ITEM 6: ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO WARD 2 COUNCILOR. Since no Councilor was appointed, this item was not necessary. ITEM 7: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Mayor Williams read and presented a proclamation to representatives of the Margaret Hudson Program, proclaiming Saturday, July 8, 2000 as Margaret Hudson Program Day in the City of Owasso, ------ — --- - - ------- —, The consent agenda included minutes of the July 3, 2000 regular meeting and the July 11, 2000 Special Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $181,803.52; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $873.19; (3) Bond Projects $61,701.02; (4) E-911 $1,902.19; (5) City Garage $6,081.85; (6) Workers Comp Self-Insurance $306.44; (7) Collision Self-Insurance $2,130.70; (8) Payroll $165,779.25; (9) City Garage Payroll $3,906.26; (10) Ambulance Payroll $9,706.61. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the consent agenda. - 2 - Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND — APPROPRIATE ACTION ICELATING TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK PEPXORMED UNDER A CONTRACT FOR TBE CONSTRUCTION OF A-RESTROOM AT TTIE- OWASSO SPORTS PARK BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO "D OWASSO SPQRTS 13ARK I _ffiCv_AM AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL PA AM) RELEASE OF Rb AINAGE, AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None oti ®n carried 4-0. X '14 At (AGRICULT G 5 ACRES_, MORE OR LESS. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. -3 - Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQDEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR OWASSO MARKET 1j.AN ADDITION TO TBE CITY OF OWASSO ,—TULSA CQUNTY STATT Or OKLAHOMA. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Voss, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS TO VARIOUS TTEES. Mayor Williams presented the following names for appointment to various Boards, Trusts, Commissions, and Committees: PLANNING COMMISSION 1\& Ray Haynes (reappointment) 110 E 24h Ct Tenn Ending 6/30/03 303 E 14' Ct Term Ending 6/30/03 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr foe Ramey (reappointment) 10125 N 122 nd East Ave Term Ending 6/30/03 -4- Owasso City Council PERSONNEL BOARD MY James Hughes (reappointment) 8943 N 133rd East Ave Term Ending 6/30/03 July 18, 2000 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVL,'I,OPM:r:,.NLT AUTHORITY Ms Brenda Lawrence (reappointment) 7702 Owasso Expy Term Ending 6/30/05 A& Will Williams (Council Representative) 12406 E 89' St N Term Ending 6/30/01 Mr Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) 315 S Cedar Term Ending 6/30/01 GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Dr Edward Sokolosky (reappointment) 10101 E 92nd St N Term Ending 6/30/03 -5- Owasso City Council July 18, 2000 INC OG BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr Will Williams, Mayor Term Ending 4/30/01. Mr Larry Mitchell, City Manager Alternate IBC LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUM Mr Allan Harder, Human Resources Officer Term Ending 6/30/01 Ms Sherry Bishop Finance Director Tenn Ending 6/30/01 11YE Mr Robert Carr PE METROPOLITAN ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST Mr Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/01 -6- Owasso City Council TIUNSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE M- Randy Bradon, City Council Tenn Ending 6/30/01 Mr Tim Rooney, Alternate Assistant City Manager TIZANSPORTATION TECHM-CAT. COMMITTEE 1° Robert Carr PE Public Works Director Term Ending 6/30/01 M-r Phil Lutz, Alternate Engineering Staff RE, GIONAL ENHANCED 911 BOARD Mr Jim Greene Police Chief Term Ending 6/30/02 July 18, 2000 As the result of resignations, there are two vacancies on the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee, one vacancy on the Golf Advisory Committee, and one vacancy on the Personnel Board remaining to be filled. Also, appointments need to be made to a newly-created Capital Improvements Financing Committee. The appointments to fill the remaining vacancies will be made in August, Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to confirm the above appointments. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Bradon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Mr Mitchell introduced Mr Stan Ewing, who has recently been employed as the Director of Planning and Economic Development. He also announced that the INCOG General Assembly will be meeting on Thursday, July 20t" at Freddie's Steakhouse in Sapulpa, with ODOT Director Neil McCaleb as guest speaker. -7- RMO ITEM 17: ADJOURNMENT Ms B rnhouse moored, seconded by Ms Voss, to adjourn. )moo Barnhouse, doss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7005 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -8- H C Williams, Mayor July 18, 2000 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, July 26, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 in the Lower Level Conference Doom at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City lull bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 24, 2000. ITEMW 1 _ - -CALL, TO ORDER Mayor Williarnns called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PRESENT ABSENT Will Williarns, Mayor Mark Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor (in at 5:45 p.m.) Dandy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE VACANT WARD 2 COUNCIL SEAT, Mr Cates briefed the Council on state law relating to the calling of a special election. He discussed the time constraints, and told the Council that the soonest a special election may be held is November 7, 2000. If the Council chooses to adopt a resolution calling for an election on that date, the City of Owasso would not have to bear any expense except for the printing of ballots because the election would be held in conjunction with a state and national election. Consensus was that the Council is desirous of calling a special election to fill the vacant seat. Mr Cates said that the resolution will be placed on the agenda on August 15th, which will allow staff sufficient time to develop a resolution and a time line for the filing period and for publishing the resolution. ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT Ms Earnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Noss, to adjourn. AYE: Earnhousc, Voss, Progdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m. II C Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Fund General Ambulance Ambulance Capital improvements OPWA MM 300.00 287.78 1,196.77 434.93 12,4.60.39 528.84 98.10 552.50 738.96 90.44 7,602.45 299.17 363.71 3,873.19 37.24• 5,472.86 4,688.63 160.71 45.78 5,938.07 1,687.80 839.40 39,233.05 194.90 3,184.18 3,379.08 4,975.00 6,933.49 11,908.49 4,797.00 4,797.00 5,938.07 1,687.80 839.40 OPW2 CapiallImprovements OPl 2 Sales" x City Garage Workers' Comp Self Insurance Claims Total 27,08+88 2608] ±8 l2 %§ %4] ]20,785.4] 3,303.45 3,303.45 3,636.61 3,63%8] 511,141.67 City of Owasso Cash Requirements Lists vendor name, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order" report. � :itv of owaomn Jut zo' zoon 07:33am Page 1 ,ash Requirements | � Vendor invoice Due Cumulative ,Laim# '-'' Number -'--' Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoi^=u '------ ''--'''- Date '---- Date '''-- Amount Due -------------- ''--''---'' Amount Due 3974 943 ouounoxw oppzos auppu 24321 07107100 08/01/00 250.91 250.91 3975 864 ou pImspIuxrene 061400 06/14/00 08/01/00 420.00 670.91 3976 1038 wxL-wxxT 2669 07111/00 02V01/00 10.14 681.05 1526 07/05/00 3977 835 meo/oLxzmS INC 063000 08/03/00 08/01/00 2'026.15 2,707.20 3978 601 uw/Tso mxrsTY & cLxImu INC saoo 07/01/00 $8/01/00 1,172.50 3,879.70 3979 1431 Jnow m osmrzTu, oo o01150 06/30/00 08/01/00 225.90 4,105.60 3988 1431 Joou n ossriTo, uo c01150 07/07700 08/01/00 29.25 4,134.85 3981 1288 TULSA oowe & JOINT ASSOC a04120 07/07y00 08/01/00 219.77 4,354.58 3982 1432 omnn OF mLmx m11208 06/30/00 08/01/00 1,942.60 6,297.18 3983 162 DELI, ccwpursn CORP 401880215 07712/08 08Y01/00 1,373.00 7,670.18 3984 627 ws*Tcmw auoIwsaa pxooucm 103027 07710/00 08/01/00 39.03 7,709.21 3985 597 USX INC 28994860801 07/06/00 08/01/00 17.31 7,726.52 3986 1003 TuxxLL uwzpouw & suuIpmswT INC o51083410102 06/16/00 08/01/00 942.24 8,668.76 u51090350001 06/23/00 m51090660001 06/27/00 p08528050101 08/29/00 y510*1030001 06/30/00 n51091040001 06/30/00 o51091630001 07/05/00 m51086190102 07/08/00 m51092110001 07/10/00 3987 1415 xxpsuxxs INC 19000969-02 07/06/00 08/01/00 1'114.85 9'783.61 3988 485 pxTnoL TcnowoLoaY 70100-01 86/30/00 08/01/00 689.40 10,453'01 70600'01 or/oa/nu 3989 1073 sLscTnomIo oIcTx/Iuw nYnrrmm 12793 0$/30/00 08/01/00 270.00 10,723.01 3990 677 xpenronsa INC 81164 07718/00 08/01/00 112.79 10,835.80 81274 07/12/00 3991 434 oov INC 700828 07/07/00 08/01/00 145.25 10,981.05 3992 129 AT&T wInsLcoa oswvIusa 12152617 06/25/00 08/01/00 145.32 11,126.37 3993 1285 LowsuY AIR cowoITIowIme INC 12517 07/07/00 08/01/00 2,547.00 13,673.37 3994 1217 pxroIo oowTnoL Xx624*62 07/11/00 08/01/80 505'50 14,178.87 3995 saz msoIoxL compLIxmcs mrscIxLIrY 32204 07y05/00 08101/00 60.00 14'238.87 3996 1239 oow sovcewmswT INC co26885 07y12/00 08/01/00 188.48 14,427.35 3997 537 J o u/zaxLL 071300 07/13/00 08/01/00 80.00 14,507.35 3998 1083 OK muwIozpxL Lsxoue 85*84 07/01/00 08/01/00 10,068.06 24'575'41 39*9 868 oou pIxs msnv/cs /oxzwIwa 34590 06/24/00 08/01/00 25.00 24'600.41 4000 84 xLLIxwT p000asnvzcs INC 48616*3 06/15/00 08/01/00 155'56 24,755.97 4001 144 cuxTIo mearxunxwT ouppL, 262865 05/23/00 08/01/00 108.58 24,864.55 4002 1151 zmpsnIxL coFpse osnvIrs 4627 06/27/00 08/01/00 53.90 24,918.45 4003 Zzg pxoLen CO INC 593304 06/13/00 08/01/00 743.61 25'662.06 594627 06/20/00 5*5815 06/27/00 4004 957 orxwoano oIxTnzour/ms co 433950 06/27/00 08/01/00 299.06 25,961.12 4005 981 m,nco p000 msmvzoe 6260113 06/26/00 08/01/00 681.84 26,642.96 6230453 06/23/00 6140126 06/14/00 4006 595 uwzTso Lzwsw 87631 oa/so/on 08/01/00 216.48 26'859.44 85544 06/23/00 s86947 06/23/00 *007 732 aesxr pLxIwu oocx coLx 58430416 06/20/00 08/01/00 981.10 27,820.54 58430794 06/27/00 'oo.xp Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 m°xpR010 By ocorT o:xmooLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07o33am Page 2 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 4008 1306 DAYLIGHT DONUTS 4009 1307 SCHWANS SALES 4010 931 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 4011 940 STANDARD AUTO SUPPLY 4012 366 MILL. CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 4013 145 COMMERCE & LEGAL NEWS 4014 1413 LANDCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 4015 642 YALE CLEANERS 4016 871 OK STATE DEPT HEALTH 4017 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 4018 1389 EVERFRESH CARPET COMPANY 4019 941 APAC °OKLAHOMA INC 4020 358 DOZIER PRINTING 4021 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 4022 1038 WAL -MART 4023 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 2579 -20 163668496 693184 120613 117307 117269 121906 151530 666535 666045 2.32539 032400 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 208 210 211 212 213 215 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 230 236 237 238 99BO94 2233 313025 189700 190132 12167 12298 1650 128 292330 291980 291981 290881 292164 292324 06/23/00 08/01/00 06/22/00 08/01/00 12/09/99 08/01/00 06/19/00 08/01/00 03/23/00 03/29/00 07/20/00 07/12/00 06/28/00 08/01100 06/23/00 06/27/00 08/01/00 03/24/00 08/01/00 06/30/00 08/01/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/03/00 0630/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/03/00 06/30/00 03/17/00 08/01/00 06/12/00 08/01/00 06/30/00 08/01/00 06/25/00 08/01/00 06/29/00 06/12/00 08/01/00 06/29/00 08/01/00 06/28/00 08/01/00 06/28/00 06/27/00 08/01/00 06/21/00 06/19/00 06/20/00 06/22/00 06/22/00 11008 35,94 175.00 38°70 22053 34,50 375.00 970.84 50.00 29033 25,00 104071 55060 9,800000 25.86 4,320.83 27,831.62 27,867.56 28,042.56 28,081 26 28,103 79 28,138029 28,513.29 29,484 13 29,534413 29,563,46 29,588°46 29,693017 29,748 77 39,548.77 39,574.63 43,895046 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso ;ash Requirements Jul 28, 2000 07a33am Page 3 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative J aim# ----- Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# ----- I -- - - ---- --------------- Date -------- Date -------- -------------- Amount Due Amount Due ----------- 292325 06/22/00 291749 06/28/00 290879 06/19/00 4024 504 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC 21462 06109/00 08/01/00 23.70 43,919.16 4025 76 ASSOCIATED PARTS & SUPPLY 86174 06129/00 08/01/00 45.45 43,964.61 4026 18 GALL'S INC 541519090001 07/12/00 08/01/00 434.65 44,399.26 4027 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12449146 06/25/00 08/01/00 10,65 44,409.91 4028 961 SPRINT PCS 071300 07/13/00 08/01/00 12,85 44,422.76 4029 415 OKLAHOMA EAGLE 33566 07/13/00 08/01/00 132.94 44,555.70 4030 793 JP HOGAN INSURANCE 080100 08/01/00 08/01/00 980.50 45,536.20 4031 1411 CMAO 112 07/17/00 08/01/00 160.00 45,696.20 4032 94 BGR DAILY ACCOUNT 071800 07/18/00 08/01/00 614.63 46,310.83 4033 678 ALBERTSONS 888124 07/06/00 08/01/00 35.63 46,346.46 4034 1307 SCHWANS SALES 163669905 07/08/00 08/01/00 46.43 46,392 89 4035 1306 DAYLIGHT DONUTS 2624 -1 07/08/00 08/01/00 8.18 46,401.07 4036 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58431296 07/06/00 08/01/00 998.85 47,399.92 58431086 07/03/00 58431297 07/06/00 4037 1038 WAL °MART 1733 07/06/00 08/01/00 26.10 47,426.02 1183 07103/00 4038 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 7030290 07103/00 08/01/00 583.74 48,009.76 7070602 07/07/00 232472 07/03/00 4039 1355 SUE'S CLEANING SERVICE 071000 07/10/00 08/01/00 805.00 48,814.76 4040 1395 TAYLOR MADE 4636638 06/30/00 08/01/00 348.84 49,163.60 4042 357 SHERRY LABORATORIES INC T1391 06/28/00 08/01/00 80.00 49,243.60 T1438 07/06/00 4043 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 12759 07/11/00 08/01/00 85.70 49,32930 4044 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 2239 06/21/00 08/01/00 205.00 49,534.30 4045 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 292815 07/03/00 08/01/00 71.60 49,605.90 4046 100 BILL BASORE 289086 06/17/00 08/01/00 1,040.00 50,645.90 289082 06/15/00 289085 06 /10/00 4047 1209 W W GRAINGER 864- 857920 -2 06/27/00 08/01/00 37535 51,021.25 864 - 857917 -8 06/27/00 864 - 857919 -4 06/27/00 864 - 857918 -6 06/27/00 4048 1038 WAL °MART 4312 07/14/00 08/01/00 222.18 51,243.43 3882 07/12/00 3884 07/12100 3883 07112100 4049 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 824 - 0119251 07/13/00 08/01/00 162.05 51,405.48 824- 0119253 07/13100 824 - 0119254 07/13/00 824 - 0119245 07/13/00 824 - 0119246 07/13/00 824- 0119252 07/13/00 4050 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 94767 07/06/00 08/01/00 1,157.00 52,562.48 4051 295 INFINETE TECHNOLOGY SODUTIONS 3022092 07/17/00 08/01/00 340.00 52,902.48 4052 533 SHAWNEE LIGHTING SYSTEMS INC 6580 07/12/00 08/01/00 329.90 53,232.38 4053 1360 OLIN HOLMES 073100 07/27/00 08/01/00 240.00 53,472.38 4054 1439 CREATIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC 759905 -8919 03/21/00 08 /01/00 5,265.00 58,737.38 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of nuoo»u Jut zu, zono 07:33am pane 4 Cash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative uLaim# --' Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invu/^r# - ------------------- Date '----'' Date '''-'--' Amount 000 ' -'- ''-- '-' Amount Due --------------- 4055 159 oosnwse, mmwoexa. oxwIsL & xwosnmow u 013211'00004'004um 06/30/00 08/01/00 360.00 59,097.38 4056 1084 poo 107871006 07707/00 08/01/00 133.74 59'231.12 4057 aZa mcTnocxu 9507560-2 07/08/00 08/01/00 64*.25 59'875.37 4058 405 no xumw or cxIsra or poLzoe 881000 07/10/00 08/01/00 150.00 60,025.37 4059 961 mpnIwT pum 5227234'2 07/04/00 08/01/00 51.71 60,077.08 4060 295 ImrIweTe TecxwoLooY momozown 3022088 07/12/00 08y01/00 212.50 60,289.58 4061 676 xpsx uowpuTenm 2KC343 07/13/00 08/01/00 6.50 60,296.08 4082 500 axoIo aoxoo 32381 07/17/00 08/01/00 44.93 60,341.06 32109 07y13/80 4063 1382 TLC LAWN cxns 73 07/16/00 08/01/00 830.00 60,971.06 4064 1383 TLC LAWN Cxcc 72 07/16/00 08/01/08 140.85 61,111.91 4065 1435 x-Tsxm cxopsr cLsxwIwa 070780 07/07/00 88/01/00 275.00 61,386.91 4066 818 uxmu ONE rxumT CO wx rxp 92'0107'L 08/81/00 08/01/00 27,084.88 88,471.77 unp'99'008 L 08/01/00 mp 92'o107L 08/01/00 4067 318 axwK ONE TRUST CO wx 1996 08/01/00 08/01/00 154,019.26 242,491.03 1997 08/01/00 1998 08/01/00 4068 474 ppn aoLurIowe n04120 05/30/00 08/01/00 46.63 242,337.66 004140 05/30/00 S04140 05/30/00 o06160 08/18/00 B03230 06/16/00 p09259 06/22/00 w10129 06/22/00 as03230 06/22/00 ow04140 06/22/00 oo10250 06/22/00 4069 129 AT&T wInsLcou msuvzus; 12166997 06/25/00 08/01/00 14.35 242,552.01 4070 591 umIrImmT onnpomxTIom 824-0118508 87706/00 08/01/00 64.20 242,616.21 824-0117758 06/29/00 824'011*249 07/13/00 8240119*84 07/20/00 8240118506 or/nu/nu 8240117756 06/29/00 8240119247 07/13/00 8240119982 07120100 4071 5*1 uwzpznmr conpoexTIow 824-0117760 06/29/00 08/01/00 162.05 242'778.26 824-0117762 na/a*/ou 824-0117763 06/29/00 824 -0117754 08/29/00 824-0117755 06/29/00 824-0117761 07/29/00 4073 358 oozIsx pnIwrIwm s 07/19/00 08/01/00 53.25 242'831.51 4074 995 sxaowx 40870 07y14/00 08/01/00 116.00 242,947.51 4075 1039 wxTsn pnooucro INC 292814 07/03/00 08101/00 91.00 243,038.51 4076 647 x-1 rswce INC 27231 07717/00 08/01/00 11153.11 244'191.62 27227 07/13/00 4077 1418 pLzso7 SUITS 126184 07/18/00 08/01/00 260.75 244,452.37 4078 548 mrxxrxs vsTenIwxmY 26211 06/30/00 08/01/00 82.75 244'535.12 4079 943 suounaxw uprIrs nuppLY 24342 07y12/00 08/81/00 27.09 244,562.21 24381 07y21/00 ocn.xp Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 mmxpno10 By oonrT mxxnooLT (SRS) xtymOwasso JuL 2n'2000 07/33am Page 5 :ash Requirements vcnnvr Invoice Due oumuietive :iaim# --'' Number -''--- Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoixe# -------------------- ootr '-'--'' note '--'- Amount Due ----'''---' Amount Due -------------- ^mso 1038 wxL-nxnr 7685 06/06/00 08/81/00 415.47 244,977.68 9165 06/14/00 6 ua/1nyou 1890 08/30/00 1939 06/30/00 7401 06/13/00 9046 06/13/00 7938 06/16/00 Duav 06/21/00 9250 06/23/00 9782 06/26/00 162 06/28/00 4001 627 wemTsnw ouaIwsam PnoouoTs 103286 07y13/00 08/01y00 170.38 245,148.06 4082 1438 newxzmmxwcs xorsL 081000 08/18/00 08/01/00 89.00 245,237.06 4083 85 xuTu Zows 535370203 07713/00 08/01/80 153.93 243,390.99 535370163 07y13/00 4084 7 em/ mrnTswo OF ruLax 147836 06129/00 88/01/80 166,50 245,557'49 4085 1294 ua csLLuLxn 500197307-084 07/14/00 08/01/00 190.35 245,755.04 4088 337 J a mTIoxLL 070800 07/08/00 08/01/00 114.00 245,869.84 70800 07/08/00 4087 1239 uou aovsnwmswT INC Co84119 07/17/00 08/01/00 295,49 246,165.33 *008 645 YALE uwIponm nsmrxL 323128 07/0+/00 08/01/00 2*.56 246,191'89 325787 07/12/00 328375 07y19/00 31997e 06/28/00 4889 1068 unxwpono & xaaocIxTem pn A-00014-5 07/15/00 88/01/00 400.88 246,591.89 4090 893 pIrws, aowsa INC 644277 08/03/00 08/01/00 329.50 246,921.39 4091 1448 xoRIxwmc ROBINSON 062700 06/27/00 08/01/00 50.00 246'*71.39 4092 287 IwrsanIm xsxLTx 1680 07/11/00 08/01/00 570.80 247,541.39 4893 627 usarsnw uuaIwsmm puouuoTm 103407 07/18/00 08/01/00 182,00 247,723.39 4094 358 oozIso puIwrIwu 12250 07/11/00 08/01/00 ]o.no 247,753.39 40*5 294 Iomx 071400 07/14/00 08/01/00 46'45 247'799.84 4896 1433 xmEnIcxw SOCIETY OF Lxw000xps xmCoIrsc7 061400 06/14/00 08/01/00 313.00 248,112.84 4097 342 masn axom INC 24629 07718/00 08/01/00 19'498.00 267,610.84 409e sno »xoIu mnxuu 32342 07y17y00 08/01/00 29.99 267'*40.83 4099 576 uox oowmuwznxrIowo 071800 07/18/00 08/01/00 61.89 267,702.72 4100 1144 Toowpmow's ueweexL oTone 12138 07/07/00 08/01/00 261.07 267,9*3.79 12143 07/07/00 12827 07714/00 12400 07/11/00 4101 591 uwIpInmr conponx7Iow 824-011924e 07713/00 08/01/00 81.16 268,044.95 824'0119983 07720/00 824-0119250 07/13/00 824-0119985 07/20/00 4102 1038 uxL-mxor 3261 07/08/00 08/01/00 134.82 288,179.77 3926 07y12/00 4103 1386 oouTxsnm xonIouLTuxs 49203 07/18/00 08/01/00 12.99 268,192.76 4104 1086 puLIos PETTY cxno 95 07/06/00 08/01/00 29.75 268,222.51 11 07/20/00 3133 07/13/00 071300 07/13/00 4105 485 pxTnoL recxwnLoor 71700'01 07y17/00 08/01/00 210.00 268.432.51 . .cn.xp Accounts pmyabLc xeioemo 5.8.3 m*xpno10 By SCOTT uoxoaoLr (mno) City of Owasso JuL 28, 2000 07a33am Page 6 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 4106 677 APERTURES INC 81627 07/19/00 08/01/00 83061 268,516.12 4107 538 SAMS CLUB 1473 07/13/00 08/01/00 495062 269,011074 4108 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 75698 07/18/00 08/01/00 207.57 269,219°31 75695 07/18/00 85262 06/29/00 75262 06/26/00 75347 06/29/00 75513 07/10/00 4109 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER 16240 07/11/00 08/01/00 526.22 269,145.53 16249 07/19/00 4110 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 4889 07/11/00 08/01/00 184A8 269,929 61 4111 85 AUTO GONE 618424 07/13/00 08/01/00 22.94 269,952055 4112 1145 ADMIRAL, EXPRESS 272836 07/14/00 08/01/00 45.41 269,997.96 273136 07/17/00 4113 771 ENLOW TRACTOR INC 242334 07/07/00 08/01/00 160.19 270,158015 1:114 811 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO 83937 07/19/00 08/01/00 9.22 270,167,37 4115 816 KIMS INTERNATIONAL 107196 07/11100 08/01/00 26022 270,193059 4116 819 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE 13441 07/06/00 08/01/00 88.00 270,281.59 4117 433 OK TRUCK SUPPLY 1202010018 07/19/00 08/01/00 112.79 270,39438 4118 1199 RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT 4484 07/12/00 08/01/00 20.00 270,414.38 4119 3 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY 24299 07/12/00 08/01/00 97.50 270,511088 24173 07/05/00 4120 778 ACCURATE EIRE EQUIPMENT 7 -4613 07/13/00 08/01/00 45000 270,556.88 4121 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 324273 06101/00 08101/00 322021 270,879 09 328651 07/20/00 4122 769 DISTRICT II PROBATION 2000367 07/10/00 08/01/00 324.38 271,203047 4123 950 SDI 281059 04/24/00 08/01/00 323072 271,527,19 4124 103 BRIDGESTONE SPORTS INC 759982 06/22/00 08/01/00 778.05 272,305.24 728944 03/29/00 4125 9 CALLAWAY GOLF 94770358 06/20/00 08/01/00 567°00 272,872024 4126 360 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 737998 07/19/00 08/01/00 651000 273,523024 4127 1043 SIGNALTEK INC 2793 06/03/00 08/01/00 500.00 274,023°24 4128 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12313359 06/25/00 08101/00 14055 274,037479 4129 666 ALL COPY SUPPLIES 3487 06/29/00 08/01/00 285.00 274,322.79 4130 350 MAILBOXES ETC 617 06/27/00 08/01/00 54.13 274,376092 4133 1065 CITY OF TULSA 071200 07/12/00 08/01/00 202,454 77 476,831469 4134 296 JERRY WOODS WELDING 1230 07/18/00 08/01/00 155.00 476,986069 4135 60 WORKS & LENTZ INC 063000 06/30/00 08/01/00 194,90 477,181059 4136 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 073000 07/30/00 08/01/00 762099 477,944058 4137 1441 TULSA CUSTOM PAINT 4461 07/19/00 08/01/00 125°00 478,069058 4138 1219 CH2M HILL 3227718 07/19/00 08/01/00 4,797 00 482,866058 4139 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 293822 07/13/00 08/01/00 111.06 482,977°64 293847 07114/00 293527 07112100 293823 07/12/00 294449 07/14/00 4140 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 294232 07/13/00 08/01/00 1,300.00 484,277,64 4141 1399 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY 8364 07/17/00 08/01/00 265000 484,542064 4142 1408 SUPERIOR READY MIX 1449 07/19/00 08/01/00 645000 485,187,64 4143 100 BILL BASORE 498627 07/01/00 08/01/00 800,00 485,987064 498628 07/08/00 4144 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 95121 07/19/00 08/01/00 263070 486,251034 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APROIO By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso ceoo Requirements Jul 28, 2000 07:33um Page r Vendor Invoice mmr cumuiative :L^im# ---' Number --'-- vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invuice# -------'''--''' mate --'-'' Date '---''- Amount Due -''''''''--- -------------- Amount Due 4145 15 KOCx mxTcnzxm 503179 Or/ns/oo 08V01/00 50.40 486'301.74 4146 475 ponr'x'Joxw or TULSA 59024 06/30/00 08/01/00 7n.ou 486,371.74 4147 140e aopsnIox usxoY mzx 1381 07/03/00 08/01/00 419.25 486'790.9* 4148 1444 perswa m xsnooIxTsm ewaIwssna, INC unoasrs nr/nr/nn 08/01/00 4'975.00 491'7*5.9* 4149 1039 uxTsn pnoouuTm INC 294451 07/13/00 08/01/00 272.93 492,038.92 4150 1161 rnnr oswo ysovzusa INC 87281 07/18/00 08/01/00 800.00 492,838.92 4151 873 owxmao ovenxsxo 000n 11552 07/10/00 08/01/00 97,00 492,935,92 4152 647 x'1 pswcs INC 27230 07/17/00 08/01/00 536.50 493,472.42 4153 591 uwIrznmT cooponxrIow 824'0119986 07/20/00 88/01/00 168.25 493,640'67 824'0119988 07/20/00 824'0119989 07/28/00 824-0119980 07/20/00 824-0119981 07/20/00 824-0119987 07/20/00 4154 1394 uo ceuuLxn 500093816-005 07/14/00 08/01/00 120.50 493,761'17 4155 1038 wxL'mmeT 3371 07/21/00 08J01/80 293.24 494,054'41 3190 87/13/00 5128 07/19100 4473 nr/zo/oo 4986 07/18/00 4158 239 osonoe & ssonos mxrsrY 94879 07/11/00 08/01/00 393.65 494,448.06 94969 07y13/00 94916 07/12/00 4157 1049 u:mxIwa/nw CO munxL wxTsn ororoo 07/07/00 08/01/00 2'656.08 497,104.14 4158 1319 oxww, pxTrow 071800 07718/00 08/01/00 80.00 497'184.14 4159 1209 w w anxzwosn 864-839783-7 07/11/00 08/01/00 51.06 497'235.20 4160 za* oexwuou nxxILrow 071000 07/10/00 08/01/00 293.40 497,528.60 4161 371 mxeu MEYER 071000 07/10/00 08/01/00 348.30 497'876.90 4162 171 Trxows oIwxzwa 071500 07/15/80 08/01/00 280.35 498,157.25 4163 38 omcx: woLxumzw 071200 07/12/00 08/01/00 450.29 498,607.54 416* 1152 ooxo mpxnxwxw 072000 07/20/00 08/01/00 270.05 498.877.59 4165 1033 un pomTwxsTsn 072600 nr/a*/no 08/01/00 500.00 499,377.59 4166 496 nownu rnus vxms xxnouwne 422 07/12/80 08/01/00 36.36 499,433.95 159 07/19/00 2385'xs0001 06/13/00 533 07/24/00 529 or/a*/uo 4167 857 unou nunLIwuxms o165451 07/20/00 08/01/00 2*5.76 499,729.71 o164230 87/07/00 o164227 07y07/00 o164150 07/06/00 D164549 07/11/00 o164778 07/13/00 D164455 07/10/00 o164142 07/06/00 D164477 07/10/00 o164566 07/11/00 4168 406 oprzos ospor cxxo pLxw 102369307'001 06/28/00 08/01/00 289.92 500'019.63 103510192 -001 07y14/00 103509462-001 07/14/00 103064873 -001 87111100 4169 446 o eszLLY xuTo pxm/u 155'227678 07/20/00 08/01/00 840.31 500'859.94 cua.xp Accounts po,ebie neieaaa 5.8.3 w*xp»o10 By aoorT uoxnooLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jut 28, 2000 07a33am Page 8 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Plumber Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 155-225319 07/13/00 155 °223145 07/06/00 155-226932 07/18/00 155 °223146 07/06/00 155 °223039 07/06/00 155 - 218163 06 /20/00 4170 1366 MATCO TOOLS 42886 07/07/00 08/01/00 109095 500,969 89 4171 936 SEWER EQUIP CO OF AMERICA 39401 06 /30/00 08/01/00 219°25 501,189014 4172 1143 XPEDX 3570190 07/11/00 08/01/00 459.00 501,648.14 4173 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL `IELE 27222518285 06/29/00 08/01100 1,712°65 503,360079 4174 129 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 15118235 07/11/00 08/01/00 33.45 503,394 24 4175 1362 LEMASTERS LAWN SERVICE 62 07/31/00 08/01/00 968000 504,362,24 4176 1411 CMAO 072100 07 121/00 08/01/00 206.17 504,568441 4178 960 SWBYPS 071100 07/11/00 08/01/00 91000 504,659041 4182 42 OAKLEY INC 92568204 07/07/00 08/01/00 193„59 504,853 00 92573933 07/07/00 4184 496 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 402 07/11/00 08/01/00 70.92 504,923492 273 06/28/00 2341- RE0001 06/09/00 2397- RE0001 06/13/00 2326- RE0001 06/08/00 4185 941 APAC °OKLAHOMA INC 190730 07/09/00 08/01/00 88050 505,012042 4186 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 59579 07/14/00 08/01/00 317648 505,329090 59676 07/17/00 4187 1318 SCOTT SIMMONS 71 07/16/00 08/01/00 335.85 505,665075 4188 533 SHAWNEE LIGHTING SYSTEMS INC 6574 05/23/00 08/01/00 11236.00 506,901.75 4190 939 HOWARD STAMPER 072700 07/27/00 08/01/00 150.00 507,051.75 4041 348 MAXFLI GOLF DIVISION 2217232 07/05/00 08/02/00 97.61 507,149 36 4072 17 FOOT-JOY DRAWER CS 3835321 07112100 08/02/00 83064 507,233000 4177 103 BRIDGESTONE SPORTS INC 765396 07/11/00 08/02/00 537025 507,770°25 764569 07/07/00 4179 724 CLEVELAND GOLF CO INC 502061 07/06/00 08/02/00 66°24 507,836.49 4180 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 166796 07/06/00 08/02/00 2,580.95 510,417.44 176836 07/11/00 176367 07/11/00 178351 07/11/00 4181 711 BG ENTERPRISES 17570 07/10/00 08/02/00 322006 510,739,50 4183 9 CALLAWAY GOLF 94931378 07/13/00 08/02/00 425.93 511,165.43 Total cash required for week ending 08/04/2000 511,165043 5.119 165.43 *+ nr)p 511��,41��7 � CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Lists vendor number, invoice number, invoice amount and a description of the claim, May be used to compare to the "Cash Requirements" report. City of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07o33am Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 912 642 06/30/00 4015 200 08/01/00 55,28 970084 1 EA UNIFORM CLEANING 06/30/00 201 59005 06/30/00 202 18.04 06/30/00 203 44°10 06/30/00 204 26°32 06/30/00 205 28096 06/30/00 206 32.60 06/30/00 208 21.06 06/30/00 210 47.38 06130100 211 56484 06/30/00 212 10053 06/03/00 213 86.87 06/30/00 215 15°79 06/30/00 219 55.28 06/30/00 220 15„79 06/30/00 221 31056 06/30/00 222 30„84 06/30/00 223 2.6032 06/30/00 224 48.72 06/30/00 225 32034 06/30/00 227 92°92 06/30/00 230 15079 06 /30/00 236 31.59 06/03/00 237 34.22 06/30/00 238 52.65 2290 769 07/10/00 4122 2000367 08/01/00 324.38 324.38 1 EA DOC WORK PROGRAM 2374 66 06/01/00 4121 324273 08/01/00 252°55 322.21 1 EA AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 07/20/00 328651 69°66 2531 868 06/24/00 3999 34590 08/01/00 25000 25000 1 EA TRAINING°WAKLEY 2700 871 03/17/00 4016 99BO94 08/01/00 50000 50,00 1 EA TRAINING- MATHES 2717 1040 06/12/00 4017 2233 08101/00 29033 29°33 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2732 627 07/10/00 3984 103027 08/01/00 39.03 39.03 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2732 627 07/18/00 4093 103407 08/01/00 182000 182.00 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2736 1294 07/14/00 4085 500197307 -00 08/01/00 198.35 38099 12 PHONE USE -CHIEF 159036 12 PHONE USE - OTHERS 2737 961 07113/00 4028 071300 08/01/00 12085 12.85 12 PHONE USE °KLAHR 2742 1049 07/07/00 4157 070700 08/01/00 2,656808 2,656008 PURCHASED WATER 2744 941 07/09/00 4185 190730 08 /01/00 88.50 88.50 6 GRAVEL /ASPHALT 2745 107 07/11/00 4043 12759 08/01/00 85,70 85.70 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2747 239 07/06/00 4050 94767 08/01/00 1,157 00 17000 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 17000 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 17000 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 17.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 363000 TRAFFIC CONES 363000 TRAFFIC CONES 363°00 TRAFFIC CONES 2747 239 07/19/00 4144 95121 08/01/00 263070 58038 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 58°38 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73°47 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73.47 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 0 *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07.33am Page 2 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber - - - -- Number ------ Date -- - - ---- Code Number -- -- ------ Invoice ------ - - - --- Due Date -------- - -------- Amount Date Amount --- _ -------- ----- - - --- - Amounts ----- - - - - -- Claim Description ----------------------- 2747 239 07/11/00 4156 94879 08/01/00 107.22 84.36 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 07/13/00 94969 245.58 84.35 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 07/12/00 94916 40.85 84.35 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 84.35 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 56.24 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2751 1319 07/18/00 4158 071800 08/01/00 80.00 80.00 6 EASEMENT MOWINGS 2754 100 07/01/00 4143 498627 08/01/00 400.00 800.00 2 DOZER RENTAL 07/08/00 498628 400.00 2757 1056 07/14/00 4186 59579 08/01/00 84.51 84.51 6 RENTALS 07/17/00 59676 232.97 0.00 6 RENTALS 0.00 6 RENTALS 232.97 RENTAL 2761 1039 07/03/00 4075 292814 08/01/00 91.00 91.00 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 2762 1039 07/03/00 4045 292815 08/01/00 71.60 71.60 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 2762 1039 07/13/00 4139 293822 08/01/00 56.38 100.68 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/14/00 293847 °46000 10.38 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/12/00 293527 55.18 07/12/00 293823 10.50 07/14/00 294449 35.00 2764 1038 07/14/00 4048 4312 08/01/00 6.97 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 07/12/00 3882 81.41 0.00 5 UNIFORM JEANS 07/12/00 3884 58.43 215.21 4 UNIFORM JEANS 07/12/00 3883 75.37 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 6.97 SUNCARE PRODUCT 2764 1038 07/21/00 4155 5371 08/01/00 41.89 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 07/13/00 3190 107.89 0.00 5 UNIFORM JEANS 07/19/00 5128 18.89 84.70 4 UNIFORM JEANS 07/20/00 4473 84.70 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 07/18/00 4986 39.87 24.96 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 9.96 PHONE 24.89 RAINSUIT 19088 MAINT SUPPLIES 19.88 MAINT SUPPLIES 57.68 MAINT SUPPLIES 4.48 DICTIONARY 46.81 SURGE PROTECTOR /OFFICE SUPPLIES 2765 591 07/13/00 4049 824- 0119251 08/01/00 30.90 30.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824-0119253 29.00 29.00 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824 - 0119254 48.95 30.90 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824- 0119245 30.30 48.95 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824 - 0119246 18.35 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824 - 0119252 4.55 4.55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 2765 591 07/20/00 4153 824 - 0119986 08/01/00 30.90 30.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/20/00 824 - 0119988 16.10 16.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/20/00 824 - 0119989 68.05 30.90 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/20/00 824 - 0119980 30.30 68.05 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/20/00 824 - 0119981 18.35 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/20/00 824-0119987 4.55 4.55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 By SCOTT" SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07a33am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- - ----- Invoice --- --- -- ---- Due Date -- - --- -- Amount Date -- w____ -- - ®_ -------- Amount Amounts ---------- --- --------- Claim Description _--- ___-- _- ___--_- _- -.,p 2767 537 07/08/00 4086 070800 08/01/00 83.00 114.00 6 EASEMENT MOWINGS- 3/21/00 07J08 /00 70800 31.00 2768 1318 07/16/00 4187 71 08101/00 335.85 335.85 3 MEDIAN MOWINGS -3 /21/00 2776 '1039 07/13/00 4140 294232 08/01/00 1,300 00 1,300 00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2778 1399 07/17/00 4141 8364 08/01/00 265.00 265.00 MATERIALS TESTING 2798 1065 07112100 4133 071200 08/01/00 202,454„77 202,454.77 PURCHASED WATER 2800 1294 07/14/00 4154 500093816.00 08/01/00 120.50 30.60 12 CELL PHONE-ROBERTS 28.70 12 CELL PHONE °ON -CALL. 30.60 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 30.60 12 CELL PHONE- STEVENS 2803 1411 07/17/00 4031 112 08 /01 /00 160.00 85.00 CONFERENCE-CARLSON 75.00 CONFERENCE- ROONEY 2806 360 07/19/00 4126 737998 08/01/00 651.00 651.00 12 COPIER MAINT 2812 1413 03/24/00 4014 032400 08/01/00 375.00 375.00 APPRAISAL FEES 2824 145 06/27/00 4013 232539 08/01/00 34.50 34.50 LEGAL NOTICE 2868 857 07/20/00 4167 D165451 08/01/00 47.94 295.76 24 REPAIR PARTS 07/07/00 D164230 30.52 07/07/00 D164227 1.26 07/06/00 D164150 10.07 07/11/00 D164549 -10.32 07/13/00 D164778 21.92 07/10/00 D164455 46.96 07/06/00 D164142 100.83 07/10/00 D164477 36.05 07/11/00 D164566 10.53 2872 591 07/13/00 4101 824 - 0119248 08/01/00 26.55 23.86 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 07120100 824 - 0119983 26.55 57.30 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/13/00 824 - 0119250 15.65 07/20/00 824 - 0119985 12.41 2873 446 07/20/00 4169 155 - 227678 08/01/00 96.30 840.31 24 REPAIR PARTS 07/13/00 155 - 225319 759.05 07/06/00 155 - 223145 -13.24 07/18/00 155 - 226932 15.24 07/06/00 155 - 223146 9.96 07/06/00 155 - 223039 15.99 06 /20/00 155 - 218163 •42.99 2875 1143 07/11/00 4172 3570190 08/01/00 459.00 321.30 COPY PAPER 137.70 COPY PAPER 2876 645 07/06/00 4088 323128 08/01/00 10.14 26.56 6 UNIFORM CLEAN / RENT 07/12/00 325787 9.66 07/19/00 328375 8.70 06/28/00 319978 -1.94 2879 576 07/18/00 4099 071800 08/01/00 61.89 61.89 12 CABLE SERVICE 2886 537 07/13/00 3997 071300 08/01/00 80.00 80.00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2891 18 07/12/00 4026 541519090001 08/01/00 434.65 434.65 SAFETY SUPPLIES 2893 1083 07/01/00 3998 85484 08/01/00 10,068.06 10,068.06 SERVICE FEES 2000/2001 2900 1039 06/27/00 4023 292330 08/01/00 91.00 414.83 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 06/21/00 291980 150.03 1,965.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/19/00 291981 220.00 91.00 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 06/20/00 290881 44.80 1,850.00 METER SETS 10 -19-99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Jul 28, 2000 07o33am Page 4 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount line Item lumber ._.._.- Number --- --- Date -------- Code Number ---- ___man Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ------ ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 06/22/00 292164 96°00 06/22/00 292324 925,00 06/22/00 292325 925.00 06/28/00 291749 19000 06/19/00 290879 1,850.00 2901 1038 06/28/00 4022 1650 08/01/00 8092 16.94 JEANS 06/28/00 128 16094 8092 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2902 591 06/29/00 4071 824 °0117760 08/01/00 30090 30030 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/29/00 824-0117762 29000 29000 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/29/00 824-0117763 48095 30.90 UNIFORM RENTAL. 06/29/00 824-0117754 3030 48,95 UNIFORM RENTAL 06/29/00 824 - 0117755 18035 18035 UNIFORM RENTAL. 07/29/00 824 °0117761 4055 4055 UNIFORM RENTAL 2903 1043 06/03/00 4127 2793 08/01/00 500.00 500.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL MAINT 2904 941 06/25/00 4019 189700 08/01/00 52.44 104071 ASPHALT 06/29/00 190132 52.27 2905 729 06/29/00 4021 12298 08/01/00 9,800000 9,800.00 METER SETS-9/7/99 2906 350 06/27/00 4130 617 08/01/00 54.13 12.13 SHIPPING 4200 PRIN"T"ING 2907 666 06/29/00 4129 3487 08/01/00 285000 285000 COPIER TONER 2908 358 06/12/00 4020 12167 08/01/00 55.60 55.60 COPIER TONER 2909 129 06/25/00 4128 12313359 08/01/00 14055 14055 PHONE -CARR 2910 1389 06/30/00 4018 313025 08/01/00 25.00 25.00 CARPET CLEANING 2913 1217 07/11/00 3994 IV624962 08/01/00 505450 505050 LIFEPACK BATTERIES 2915 434 07/07/00 3991 700028 08/01/00 145°25 145.25 IDENTIFICATION KITS 2916 647 07/17/00 4152 27230 08 /01/00 536050 536050 FENCE REPAIR 2931 415 07/13/00 4029 33566 08/01/00 132094 132.94 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00-6/01 2933 943 07/07/00 3974 24321 08/01/00 250091 250091 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2940 940 06/19/00 4011 120613 08/01/00 9090 34.95 REPAIR PARTS 03/23/00 117307 17.00 1.80 REPAIR PARTS 03/29/00 117269 8005 1095 REPAIR PARTS 07/20/00 121906 1.95 07112100 151530 1.80 2941 366 06/28/00 4012 666535 08/01/00 16°94 5.59 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/23/00 666045 5059 16.94 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2946 162 07/12/00 3983 401060215 08/01/00 1,373.00 1,373.00 COMPUTER & MONITOR 2951 1285 07/07/00 3993 12517 08/01/00 2,547000 2,547.00 AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 2977 864 06 /14/00 3975 061400 08/01/00 420.00 420.00 VOLUNTEER DUES 2986 129 06/25/00 3992 12152617 08/01/00 145032 70033 PHONE USE -ALLEN 74.99 PHONE USE-OTHERS 2987 362 07/05/00 3995 32204 08/01/00 60.00 60000 12 BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 2997 1360 07/27/00 4053 073100 08/01/00 240.00 240°00 45 BAILIFF DUTIES 2998 1418 07/18/00 4077 126184 08/01/00 260°75 260075 SAFETY SUIT 2999 1073 06/30/00 3989 12793 08/01/00 270000 270000 RECORDABLE DISCS 3006 1239 07/12/00 3996 CD26885 08/01/00 188048 188.48 WEB APPLICATION SOFTWARE 3007 1038 07/11/00 3976 2669 08/01/00 4017 4,17 PRINTER CABLE 07/05/00 1526 5097 5,97 BATTERY - UTILITY BILLING CLOCK 3008 1003 06/16/00 3986 551083410102 08/01/00 155094 906034 UNIFORM PANTS 06/23/00 551090350001 149090 35090 UNIFORM PANTS ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07e33am Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 06/27/00 551090660001 102000 06/29/00 P00528050101 248085 06/30/00 551091030001 14085 06/30/00 551091040001 9.95 07/05/00 551091630001 74„95 07/06/00 551086190102 149.90 07/10/00 551092110001 35090 3009 100 06/17/00 4046 289086 08/01/00 400°00 800.00 DOZER RENTAL 06/15/00 289082 240,00 240.00 TOPSOIL. 06/10/00 289085 400000 3010 1040 06/21/00 4044 2239 08/01/00 205000 205000 POLYCART LIDS 3011 1209 06/27/00 4047 864- 857920 -2 08/01/00 89.10 80.16 BATTERIES 06/27/00 864--857917 --8 87.34 89.10 DRUM TRUCK 06/27/00 864 °857919 °4 118975 206009 WRENCH SET /ADJ WRENCH 06/77/00 864 - 857918 -6 80.16 3012 357 06/28/00 4042 T1391 08/01/00 40.00 80.00 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 07106100 T1438 40000 3015 601 07/01/00 3978 3608 08/01/00 1,172050 1,172050 RISK MANAGEMENT 3017 1432 06/30/00 3982 511208 08/01/00 1,942.60 1,942.60 511208 3018 1431 07/07/00 3980 C01150 08/01/00 29,25 29025 001150 3019 1288 07/07/00 3981 804120 08/01/00 219.73 219°73 804120 3020 1431 06/30/00 3979 C01150 08/01/00 225090 225.90 001150 3021 504 06/09/00 4024 21462 08/01/00 23.70 23°70 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3022 129 06/25/00 4027 12449146 08/01/00 10065 10065 SR VAN -USE 3023 76 06/29/00 4025 86174 08/01/00 45°45 45.45 FUSES 3025 485 06/30100 3988 70100 -01 08/01/00 513.40 669,40 UNIFORM SHIRT /GEAR 07/06/00 70600 -01 156.00 3026 597 07/06/00 3985 26994860001 08/01/00 17°31 17.31 LAMINATION POUCHES 3027 1415 07/06/00 3987 19000969 -02 08/01/00 1,114085 1,114 85 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 3028 677 07/10/00 3990 81164 08/01/00 92,79 112079 EVIDENCE PHOTOS 07/12/00 81274 20.00 3039 835 06/03/00 3977 063000 08/01/00 2,026015 2,026015 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 3041 496 07/12/00 4166 42.2 08/01/00 40.23 42088 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 07/19/00 159 1.16 6.29 REPAIR PARTS 06/13/00 2385- RE0001 1049 7019 OUTLET ANALYZER 07/24/00 533 6.29 07/24/00 529 7.19 3043 3 07/12/00 4119 24299 08/01/00 72.00 97.50 REPAIR PARTS 07/05/00 24173 25050 3044 778 07/13/00 4120 7-4613 08/01/00 45000 45000 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 3045 771 07/07/00 4113 242334 08/01/00 160019 160.19 REPAIR PARTS 3046 1144 07/07/00 4100 12138 08/01/00 91045 157012 SAFETY BOOTS-TAYLOR 07/07/00 12143 131°67 12050 MAINT SUPPLIES 07/14/00 12627 25,45 91.45 SAFETY BOOTS -SMITH 07/11/00 12400 12050 3047 819 07/06/00 4116 13441 08/01/00 88000 88,00 TOWING FEE 3048 406 06/28100 4168 102369307 -00 08/01/00 82°88 36°99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/14/00 103510192 -00 23,83 34093 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/14/00 103509462 -00 105,30 41,74 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/11/00 103064873 -00 77,91 5099 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6049 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 508,3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Jul. 28, 2000 07e33am Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber .__a Number -- - - -- Date -------- - Code Number w_ -- - -a--- Invoice -- ---- ---- -- Due Date -------- -- Amount Date Amount --- - - -- - -- -- ---- -- --- - - - - --- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 32017 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2048 OFFICE SUPPLIES 129.13 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3049 936 06/30/00 4171 39401 08/01/00 219025 219.25 REPAIR PARTS 3050 703 07/11/00 4109 16240 08/01/00 388°50 526.22 VEHICLE REPAIR 07/19/00 16249 137072 3051 1366 07/07/00 4170 42886 08/01/00 109,95 109.95 SMALL TOOLS 3053 7 06/29/00 4084 147836 08/01/00 166050 166050 COPIER RENTAL 3054 85 07/13/00 4083 535370205 08/01/00 143.95 153.93 REPAIR PARTS 07/13/00 535370163 9.98 3055 159 06/30/00 4055 013211 -00004 08/01/00 360.00 360,00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 3056 793 08/01/00 4030 080100 08/01/00 980.50 980°50 INSURANCE 3057 358 07/11/00 4094 12250 08/01/00 30000 30.00 PRINTING 3064 294 07/14/00 1+095 071400 08/01/00 46045 46.45 REFERENCE BOOK 3065 1433 06/14/00 4096 061400 08/01/00 313000 313000 MEMBERSHIP- SORRELLS 3068 84 06/15/00 4000 4861693 08/01/00 155x56 7075 GROCERIES 19.80 PAPER SUPPLIES 128.01 GROCERIES /PAPER SUPPLIES 3069 144 05/23/00 4001 262865 08101/00 108058 108.58 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 3070 1151 06/27/00 4002 4627 08/01/00 53.90 53090 COFFEE 3071 229 06/13/00 4003 593304 08/01/00 364.94 69°75 GROCERIES 06/20/00 594627 136.09 128425 PAPER SUPPLIES 06/27100 595815 242.58 545,61 GROCERIES 3072 957 06/27/00 4004 433950 08/01/00 299006 117017 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 181,89 SNACKS 3073 981 06/26/00 4005 6260113 08/01/00 56429 26°40 GROCERIES 06/23/00 6230453 273.78 655044 GROCERIES 06/14/00 6140126 351.77 3074 595 06/30/00 4006 87631 08/01/00 84.96 185°48 LINEN SERVICES 06/23/00 85544 59.26 31.00 LINEN SERVICES 06/23/00 586947 72.26 3075 732 06/20/00 4007 58430416 08/01/00 526070 936060 BEVERAGES 06/27/00 58430794 434040 24050 PAPER SUPPLIES 3076 1306 06/23/00 4008 2579 -20 08/01/00 11008 11008 GROCERIES 3077 1307 06/22/00 4009 163668496 08/01/00 35094 35494 GROCERIES 3078 931 12/09/99 4010 693184 08/01/00 175000 175°00 ADVERTISING 3080 961 07/04/00 4059 5227234 -2 08/01/00 51.71 51.71 PHONE USE - MITCHELL 3081 348 07/05/00 4041 2217232 08/01/00 101.57 08/02/00 3096 101457 GOLF BALLS 3082 1395 06/30/00 4040 4636638 08/01/00 348.84 348084 GOLF BAGS 3083 1355 07/10/00 4039 071000 08/01/00 805°00 805000 CLEANING SERVICES 7/00 3084 981 07/03/00 4038 7030290 08/01/00 373007 555055 GROCERIES 07/07/00 7070602 266.96 28019 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/03/00 232472 -56°29 3086 1038 07/06/00 4037 1733 08/01/00 13.70 12,40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/03/00 1183 12°40 13.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3087 732 07106/00 4036 58431296 08/01/00 581,70 949.85 BEVERAGES 07/03/00 58431086 441065 49000 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/06/00 58431297 -24.50 3088 1306 07/08/00 4035 2624 -1 08/01/00 8018 8,18 GROCERIES 3089 1307 07/08/00 4034 163669905 08/01/00 46°43 46.43 GROCERIES 3090 1038 07/08100 4102 3261 08/01/00 121085 121,85 SAFETY BOOTS -EVANS :CS,AP Accounts payable Retease 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso JUL 28, 2000 07:33am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Pull Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 07/12/00 3926 3091 538 07/13/00 4107 1473 3092 85 07/13/00 3093 1145 07/14/00 07/17/00 3094 295 07/12/00 3095 826 07/08/00 4111 618424 4112 272836 273136 4060 3022088 4057 9507560 --2 3096 12.97 08/01/00 495.62 08/01/00 22.94 08/01/00 34..01 11.40 08/01/00 212.50 08/01100 644.25 3096 500 07/17/00 4062 32381 08/01/00 14.99 07/13/00 32109 29.99 3097 676 07/13/00 4061 280343 08/01/00 6.50 3098 627 07/13/00 4081 103286 08/01/00 170.38 3099 1038 06/06/00 4080 7685 08/01/00 51.25 06/14/00 9165 10x51 06/19/00 6 41°52 06/30/00 1890 42.78 06 /30/00 1939 25086 06/13/00 7401 139.93 06/13/00 9046 46.84 06116/00 7938 7.50 06/21/00 8869 1077 06/23/00 9256 11.88 06/26/00 9782 7.84 06/28/00 162 27.79 3100 816 07/11/00 4115 107196 08/01100 26022 3101 1005 07/18100 4108 75698 08/01/00 40.20 07/18/00 75695 4.08 06/29/00 85262 -12.24 06/26/00 75262 12.24 06/29/00 75347 15023 07/10/00 75513 148.06 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 12097 OFFICE SUPPLIES 142.76 PAPER SUPPLIES /COFFEE 259050 PAPER /CLEANING SUPPLIES/COFFEE 28.62 COFEE /PAPER SUPPLIES 35.94 COFFEE 28080 COFFEE /CLEANING SUPPLIES 22.94 REPAIR PARTS 45.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 212.50 TECH SUPPORT 7.12 PAGING SERVICE 21.35 PAGING SERVICE 14023 PAGING SERVICE 35.56 PAGING SERVICE 7.12 PAGING SERVICE 336.14 PAGING SERVICE 21.33 PAGING SERVICE 9.29 PAGING SERVICE 49.83 PAGING SERVICE 7.12 PAGING SERVICE 42.68 PAGING SERVICE 28.46 PAGING SERVICE 28.45 PAGING SERVICE 7.11 PAGING SERVICE 7.11 PAGING SERVICE 21.35 PAGING SERVICE 44.98 CRIMPING TOOL /CABLE 6.50 CABLE 170.38 COPIER MAINTENANCE 324.42 MAINT SUPPLIES 10.51 CLEANING SUPPLIES /EXTENSION CORD 7.84 PHOTO PROCESSING 72.70 SCISSORS /BATTERIES 26.22 REPAIR PARTS 207.57 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07e33am Page 8 lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Dumber • - - - -- Number - - - - -- Date -- - - - - -- Code Number - - -- ------ Invoice ------ - - - - -- Due Date -- - - - - -- Amount Date ----- - ------ -- - - - --- Amount Amounts ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Claim Description ----------------------- 3102 943 07112/00 4079 24342 08/01/00 12014 27409 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/21/00 24381 14095 3103 548 06/30/00 4078 26211 08/01/00 82,75 82°75 VET SERVICES 3104 405 07/10/00 4058 081000 08/01/00 150000 150.00 CONFERENCE- GREENE 3105 1438 08/10/00 4082 081000 08/01/00 89000 89000 LODGING- GREENE 3106 1439 03/21/00 4054 759905 -8919 08/01/00 5,265 00 5,265000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE /TRAINING 3107 1084 07/07/00 4056 107871006 08/01/00 133P74 133,74 STREET LIGHTS 3108 94 07/18/00 4032 071800 08/01/00 614°63 614.63 REIMB PETTY CASH 3109 678 07/06/00 4033 888124 08/01/00 35.63 5099 CLEANING SUPPLIES 8.47 CLEANING SUPPLIES 21.17 GROCERIES 3110 474 05/30/00 4068 B04120 08/01/00 1080 46063 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 05/30/00 004140 1.97 05/30/00 SO4140 3.02 06/16/00 G06160 336 06/16/00 B03230 1.49 06/22/00 F09259 3.47 06/22/00 N10129 2.40 06/22/00 BE03230 3074 06/22/00 SM04140 7.09 06/22/00 GR10250 17489 3111 129 06/25/00 4069 12166997 08/01/00 14.35 14035 6/00 USE 3112 1239 07/17/00 4087 CD84119 08/01/00 295.49 295449 PRINTER CARD 3113 500 07/17/00 4098 32342 08/01/00 29099 29.99 CELL PHONE BATTERY 3114 287 07/11/00 4092 1680 08/01/00 570000 570.00 PRE - EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 3115 591 07/06/00 4070 824 - 0118508 08/01/00 10075 21020 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 06/29/00 824-0117758 10075 43.00 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 07/13/00 824-0119249 10.75 07/20/00 8240119984 10.75 07/06/00 8240118506 5030 06/29/00 8240117756 5930 07/13/00 8240119247 5.30 07/20/00 8240119982 5030 3117 533 07112100 4052 6580 08/01/00 329,90 329.90 LIGHTING REPAIR 3118 295 07/17/00 4051 3022092 08/01/00 340°00 340000 TROUBLESHOOTING 3119 1382 07/16/00 4064 72 08/01/00 140085 140085 10 PARK MOWINGS 3121 818 08/01/00 4067 1996 08/01/00 33,253085 33,253.85 1996 REVENUE BONDS 08/01/00 1997 39,023033 39,023033 1997 REVENUE BONDS 08/01/00 1998 81,742.08 81,742°08 1998 REVENUE BONDS 3122 818 08/01/00 4066 FAP °92 -0107° 08/01/00 20,055°88 20,055,88 FAP -92- 0107 -L 08/01/00 ORF- 99-008 -L 3,049.02 3,049,02 ORF -99 -008 -L 08/01/00 FAP °- 92 -0107L 3,979096 3,979.96 FAP -92- 0107 -L 3123 1382 07/16/00 4063 73 08/01/00 630.00 630000 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 3124 1435 07/07/00 4065 070700 08/01/00 275.00 275°00 CLEANING SERVICES 3125 1002 07/30/00 4136 073000 08/01/00 762.99 1,99 REIMS PETTY CASH 8.95 REIMB PETTY CASH 150.00 REFUNDS 251°40 CONFERENCE- CARLSON /ROON EY 145033 TRAINING- PARRIS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 t1 *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Jul 28, 2000 07o33am Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 100.00 COURT BONDS 50°00 CITY MGR EXPENSE 7.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 21400 FUEL 27032 DOC LUNCHES 3126 60 06/30/00 4135 063000 08/01/00 194.90 194090 COLLECTIONS 3128 865 07/11/00 4110 4889 08/01/00 184.08 184.08 TIRES 3130 811 07/19/00 4114 83937 08/01/00 9022 9022 REPAIR PARTS 3131 1199 07/12/00 4118 4484 08/01/00 20°00 20.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 3133 433 07/19/00 4117 1202010018 08/01/00 112.79 112.79 REPAIR PARTS 3136 485 07/17100 4105 71700-01 08/01/00 210°00 210.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS 3137 1386 07/18/00 4103 49203 08/01/00 12099 12°99 GROOMING TOOL 3138 677 07/19/00 4106 81627 08/01/00 83.61 83061 EVIDENCE PHOTOS 3139 1086 07/06/00 4104 95 08/01/00 4.15 15090 POSTAGE 07/20/00 11 11.75 13085 LUNCH -TRYON 07/13/00 3133 6.24 07/13/00 071300 7061 3141 1441 07/19/00 4137 4461 08/01/00 125.00 125.00 DROP BOX REPAIR 3142 296 07/18/00 4134 1230 08/01/00 155.00 155000 DROP BOX REPAIR 3151 15 07/05/00 4145 503179 08/01/00 50040 50.40 EMULSION 3152 873 07/10/00 4151 11552 08/01/00 97000 97000 DOOR REPAIR 3153 475 06/30/00 4146 59824 08/01/00 70°00 70,00 RENTAL 3157 1039 07/13/00 4149 294451 08/01/00 272.93 272°93 WATERING TANK 3159 496 07/11/00 4184 402 08/01/00 40023 40023 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/28/00 273 9.99 25095 TOOL BOX /ANVIL PRUNER 06/09/00 2341- RE0001 4.74 4.74 FUSES 06/13/00 2397- RE0001 7,98 06/08/00 2326- RE0001 7098 3160 893 08/03/00 4090 644277 08/01100 329.50 329050 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 3161 1161 07/18/00 4150 87281 08/01/00 800000 800000 CHEMICALS 3164 1408 07/03/00 4147 1381 08/01/00 419.25 419025 CONCRETE 3168 1411 07/21/00 4176 072100 08/01/00 206017 206017 MEMBERSHIP DUES- ROONEY 3169 1408 07/19/00 4142 1449 08/01/00 645.00 645,00 CONCRETE 3174 1444 07/07/00 4148 600637E 08/01/00 4,975.00 4,975 00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3175 103 06/22/00 4124 759982 08/01/00 606045 08/02/00 23x76 778005 GLOVES /GOLF BALLS 03/29/00 728944 171.60 3176 9 06/20/00 4125 94770358 08/01/00 567.00 567°00 GOLF CLUBS 3177 950 04/24/00 4123 281059 08/01/00 323.72 323072 SHIRTS 3178 103 07/11/00 4117 765396 08/01/00 144030 08/02/00 5.28 144,30 GOLF BALLS 07/07/00 764569 414007 08/02/00 15084 414407 GOLF BALLS 3179 960 07/11/00 4178 071100 08/01/00 91000 91.00 ADVERTISING 3180 724 07/06/00 4179 502061 08/01/00 69000 08/02/00 2076 69.00 GOLF CLUBS 3181 57 07/06/00 4180 166796 08/01/00 468.00 08/02/00 18024 2,685.97 CAPS /BALLS /T0WELS 07/11/00 176836 325.42 08/02/00 12.72 07/11/00 176367 210°96 08/02/00 8028 07/11/00 178351 1,681°59 08/02/00 65°78 3182 711 07/10/00 4181 17570 08/01/00 334075 08/02/00 12.69 334.75 GOLF TEES 3183 42 07/07/00 4182 92568204 08/01/00 90°00 193.59 SUNGLASSES 07/07/00 92573933 103°59 3185 9 07/13/00 4183 94931378 08/01/00 434,41 08/02/00 8.48 434041 GOLF BALLS 3186 17 07/12/00 4072 3835321 08/01/00 85°26 08/02/00 1062 85°26 SHOES 3187 358 07/19/00 4073 E 08/01/00 53025 53025 PRINTING CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 508,3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) dity of Owasso Jul 28, 2000 07a33am Page 10 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Vumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ na____ -------- _om_ ___e_m ------------ _______v ------------ -------- ---------- wam___am____ ----------------------- 3188 995 07/14/00 4074 40870 08/01/00 116.00 3189 1068 07/15/00 4089 A-00014-5 08/01/00 400.00 3192 342 07/18/00 4097 24629 08/01/00 19,498.00 3196 1219 07/19/00 4138 3227718 08/01/00 4,797.00 3201 647 07/17/00 4076 27231 08/01/00 321.20 51.06 4190 07/13/00 08/01/00 27227 831.91 3202 129 07/11/00 4174 15118235 08/01/00 33.45 3203 1362 07/31/00 4175 62 08/01/00 968.00 3212 938 06/29/00 4173 27222518285 08/01/00 1,712,65 3213 1448 06/27/00 3235 533 05/23/00 3237 1033 07/26/00 3238 1152 07/20/00 3239 38 07/12/00 3240 171 07/15/00 3241 371 07/10/00 3242 264 07/10/00 3247 1209 07/11/00 3255 939 07/27/00 TOTAL 214 records Listed 4091 062700 08/01/00 50.00 4188 6574 08/01/00 1,236.00 4165 072600 08/01/00 500.00 4164 072000 08/01/00 270.05 4163 071200 08/01/00 450.29 4162 071500 08/01/00 280.35 4161 071000 08/01/00 348.30 4160 071000 08/01/00 293.40 4159 864 °839783 -7 08/01/00 51.06 4190 072700 08/01/00 150.00 511,321.08 179.41 I), ) 1-11 v.? 116.00 WATCHES /WATCH BAND 400.00 AUDIT SERVICES 0.00 AUDIT SERVICES 19,498.00 MOWERS-7/18/00 4,797.00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 °26 °98 321.20 REPAIR FENCE 831.91 SPORTS PARK LIFT STATION FENCE 33.45 12 PHONE USE--WARREN 968.00 11 ELM CREEK MOWING 22.89 6 /00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 47.78 6/00 PLEXAR 285.06 6/00 PLEXAR 91.56 6/00 PLEXAR 253.79 6/00 PLEXAR 24.89 6/00 PLEXAR 193.24 6/00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 234.45 6/00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 47.78 6/00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 91.56 6/00 PLEXAR 46.81 6/00 PLEXAR 22.89 6/00 PLEXAR 189.72 6/00 PLEXAR 45.78 6/00 PLEXAR 50.00 REFUND- ROBINSON 1,236.00 LIGHTING REPAIRS 500.00 POSTAGE 270.05 METER READINGS 450.29 METER READINGS 280.35 METER READINGS 348.30 METER READINGS 293.40 METER READINGS 51.06 REPAIR SUPPLIES 150.00 RETAINER /SERVICES TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKER'S COMP SELF INS GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFER FROM E-911 FUND molmm 5,208.37 10,000.00 21,400.00 1,735.13 TRANSFERS TOTAL 5783NTS-07- CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 0`x/16/00 Department yerjrrn x n c Total n-q q General Fund Managerial _ _ 0.00 11 ,333.41 community Develooment rye ' R I r 0.00 6,706.99 0.00 19669.31 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,416.63 General Fund Total $3,965.32 $159,022.36 arcie Fund �► $50.40 $4,333.64 APPROVED: August 1, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. ORDINANCE NO. 652 REZONING CASE OZ-00-09 DATE. July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND At the July 18, 2,000 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request from Doug Penn. The subject property contains 5.0 acres, more, or less, and was rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light). Ordinance No. 652 would formally adopt the action taken by the Council at the July 18, 2000 mooting, RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 6520 ATTACHMENTS I. Subject Map 2. Ordinance No. 652 N 469 2 b ° rlq e P / P' �S �'ifi_ =��F` 5 ORDINANCE O. 652 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ -00m 09 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE, 14 EAST, TULSA COUNT', OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) TO OL (OFFICE; LIGHT), REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING All EFFECTIVE BATE. WHEREAS; public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described; anal, WHERE AS; the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ-00-09. NOW, THEREFORE, B E IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY D F pp O qpggIA, THAT. SEC`Y'ION � . The zoning classification of the following described property, to-wit: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE E/2iF THE E /2OFSECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST ON THE INDIAN BASE MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SUR V E ppHEI@EOF, SAID 'TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARS'' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to OL (Office Light), SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma this 1" day of August, 2000. ATTEST: H. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR O AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT, a ORDINANCE NO. 35, AMENDED CORRECTING A SCRIVENER'S ERROR IN ORDINANCE NO, 635 DATE. July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND- At the March 7, 2000 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved Ordinance No, 635, annexing property located within the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, immediately adjacent to the Graceland acres Addition. (Tulsa County) and The Greens of Owasso, The legal description of the property described in Ordinance No. 635 contained an error, This error is referred to as "Scrivener's Error99 and occasionally occur when typing complex legal descriptions. Ordinance No. 635, Amended would correct the error in the legal description. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 635, Amended, ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance No. 635 Amended 2. Ordinance No. 635 3. Subject map min, .� AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 635 TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR WITHIN A LEGAL. DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUSLY ANNEXED PROPERTY. WHEREAS, Subsection (1) of Ordinance No. 635 contained a scrivener's error in the described land to be annexed and Ordinance No. 635 Amended provides the correct legal description, and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to correct this scriveners error, and `i%VI:IEREAS, the described land within Subsection. (1) is correctly described as follows; (1) THE NORTH HAIL' OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (N12 NW /4 SE /4) OF SECTION 28, "TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. SURVEY 'THEREOF. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Section 1. That subsection (1) of Ordinance Rio. 635 be, and the same, is amended to provide as follows, to -wit: THE NORTH HALE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (N /2 NW /4 SE /4) OF SECTION 28, 'TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN EASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COMITY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. SURVEY THEREOF. Section 2. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed, PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of August, 2000. City of Owasso ILC. "Will" Williams, Mayor Marcia Eoutwell, City Clerk Ronald D Cates, City Attorney CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA i. D ORDINANCE NO. 635 `WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional territory providing that the governing body receives written consent from the owners of at least a majority of the acres to be &- onexed, and WI REAS, the Joe B. Wolfe and Krisandra S. Wolfe have requested the annexation of additional territory, and the City of Owasso has received said written consent to annex additional territory, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso; and WHEREAS, notice of the presentation of said annexation request was given by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said annexation request would be considered by the City Council of the City of Owasso, at a nreeting to be held on February 15, 2000 at 6:30 PM at the Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 15`h day of February, 2000, said consent was duly considered by the City Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Municipal Code, and fluther, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAWD BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, Section .1. That the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Owasso and described in the annexation request presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21 -103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: W Iwo _ . WOrm TO THE U.S. SURVEY THEREOF; be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and the corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. Section 2. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and all persons residing therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and are hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars. Section 3. That from and after the passage and publication of this Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof, shall be deemed to be in the AG (Agriculture) zoning district of the City of Owasso in accordance with the provisions of Section 110.3 of the Owasso Zoning Ordinance. Section 4. That of County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true aiid -coffect copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of .territory hereby annexed. * PASSFD AND APPROVED this 7"' day ®f Mach, 20000 n. J Mark Wilken, Mayor MZar x � WoiA eI19 City C;I. AS TO FORM: City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ALLANK III RDEIS HUMAN RESOURCES DIRE CTOR SUBJECT. WORUKE RS COMPENSATION JOINT PETITION SETTLE, MENT DATE: July 19, 2000 BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: A mutually agreeable Joint Petition settlement agreement was made that, if approved, would pay Mr. Nicholson a lump sum payment of $6,600.00. In addition to that amount, the City would be required to pay filing fees of $75.00, a Multiple Injury Fund payment of $259.86, and a payment to the Workers Compensation Administrative Fund of $178.65. The total amount to bring final settlement to this claim would be $7,113.51. Staff recommends Council approval of the proposed Joint Petition settlement of this claim and authorization for payments associated with the same. ATTACHMENTS- United Safety & Claims, Inc. forms CHARLES NICH LS N 803 N 10 `OLLIN VILLE, OIL 74-021 -r FE :iJ l P�C���1NG: � �� � a� Date of S&vi6e 711.9 0 q Thru. 7/I /{�� , , ,AMQUNT S P C 6�lJitlT N : 37 19:J U9gQti3 C?i1 " : I C 1 3 41" M 'l . R ...... f l wassc "" F I E Nt3 Tt1L A :...... PROC :NO:;'.:* 1Q LG7CATiC}�1 1 EMPLOYEE NlCH0LS0N :: If�JUEiY ®FATE. ........ 1of1.2l99 DEPARTfViENT. i5 Pp Sri NJ®: ".:44 t 48,073 tJl l _ Pi E ERlT �.:J fTLE ENi :. :. . UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. No. CLAIM! PAYMENT ORDER OKLAHOMA WORKERS' COMPENSATION COURT' 1915 N STILES AVE OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS, INC. N o. 10337 CLAIM PAYMENT ORDER PAY SEVENTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS --- JUL-19-2000 18:05 CUWEN CONSTRUCTION 918 582 2227 P.02/08 Cowen Construction 11 l West 23rd Sireet Tulsa, Oklahonm 74101-3465 July 'I 9p 2000 City of Owasso 207 Soutli Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 ® Lan-y Mitchell Project. Owasso City Hall & Police Station Project fl, 98170 Re.- Metal Roof: is Job #: Deax Larry: Addendum Six has just been issued by Urban Design Group for Specification Section 07411 Manufactured Roof Panel& This addendum clears all confusion between the metal roof panels originally bid and wbat was originally proposed to be included in this project. It is the strong opiWon of Urban Design Group and Cowen Construction that you rescind the award for the Bid Package 7B-Metal Roof Panels and put Us item up for public rebid. I have put this Specification Section on hold until I here how City Council wants to handle this matter, CC: Robert Can, Marcia Boutwell, Kathleen Page Encl. Suedfication Seeflan 07411 Manufachwed Rp-*-B2wn&-, t 2 3 7 1 11 1 1 1 1 t is 1 0 1 JUL-19-2000 10005 COWEN CONSTRUCTION 710 502 2227 P °03/08 1P ADDENDUM N0.6 Dated July 18, 2000 Owasso City Hall and Police Station Owama, Oklahoma F n DWan Group, Irmo East 4th Street, Suite 500 Tulsa, 01dahorna 74103-5119 To, Cowen Construction Company ny This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Set of Construction Documents dated arch 2000 as noted heroin., Following are Verbai des ions of change5, Modirications, and additions to the Project as described i" the win 8 qmcifications, and docurnent& Items are separated into Architectural, Ci il, Structural® Mechanical, Plumbing, Site, and ElechicaL ArchitecWoM items. l° Revised a Construction Documents PeeUge dated r , 20110, SpecMication Manufactumd Roof Panels, mplace entire specification section with the attached revised specification- Addendum Six Page R Owasso City Hall and Police Station Owasso, Oklahoma July 18, 2000 JUL•I� -2WWW 1U:Ub COWEN CONSTRUCHUN 'J18 t)ud 222Y F.04/WU 0 SECTION 07411 MANUFACTURED ROOF PANELS PART I - 9 1A. SIJMMARY A- This Sectiw, incl the followiq: Standb* smn roof pnek W Related Sections include'd2a followiag: 1.2 PERFORMANCE REQUMEMENTS C. Wind-Uplift Resistance. Provide xoof panel assemblies that meet reqwamts of UL 580 for Class 90 wind-uplift nsistam. A. Product Data7 include manufaames product specifications, sumdad dMils, cordfied Pr ten results, and general mcowmendations, as applicable to materials and finishes for component and for total panel assemblies, B. Shop Drawings: Show layouts of panels on roofs, details of e* conditions, joints, panel profiles, supports, andwram, aim flashiW, undwlayme31 4 closures, mow guards, and spccial details. Distinguish betw= fiwtoty- and field-issmbled work. For imaed products indicawd to comply with certain design loadings, include sauctural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualifted professional enocer responsible for thek preparation. 07411-1 Owasso City M & Police Stadon RCVLWd April 18, 2000 D. Samples for Verificadon: Providc sample panels 12 ix� long by actiml panel wift in tk profile, style, color, nd taxtum Wdcated TurAude clips, caps, battems, Wtfflers, closurcs, and other exposed pawl accessories. L4 QUALITY AISSURANCE & Handft Excrcisc C= in unloaft, swring, md emct6g wof parich to prevent bending, wArping, MsM& and surf= *uwr0 C, Stwk mauriah on platfomn or panem, covered vath tupmilim or oftr saftable wcAertight aud vcnnkftd covering. Stom panels to onsum dryms& Do not store panels M Contact vath other materials that wj& causo stainmg, dwum, oi other surface damage. 1.6 PROJECT COMMONS & Field Mmsuranu=: Velffy 100MOD of suuckwal members and opedW in substmw by field meau=e= befim Mrication mW indiage mmuv=cm an Shop Drawings. Coardiam fabrication schedule with cmiatmcdon proams to avoid delaying the Work. Established Donensions: Wbm field measumments cmmot be made vathout delaying the Woric, cidw cmblish open" dimensions and proceed vdth fabricating roof panels without field measuranwa or allow for uimming panel units, Coordinate roof consftWoft 10 onsum WtW locatifir, of nmonvil memben and to ensure opening dimensions co=pond to emblisbcd dimemons. X General Wan-antr Silecial Waffandes SPUMcd iu 6S Mcle shall na deprive the Owner of other ngMs ft Owner may have under other pwwmons of ft ContrM Dommts and " be m add Mon to, and rau concurrew wdk other wan=fia ma& by flic Commetor under requirements of the Comm Documcm. H. Special Finish Warranty: Submit a written wanwity, signed by manufiattrer, covering ftilure of the fiwtory,applicd cmnor finish on meal roof panels within the specified warramy period and agreeing to iepin�r finish or replace roof pawls that show evidence of finish deterioration. Deterioration of fi" includes, but is not limited to, color fade, dWkWM cracking, peeling, and loss of Mm integrity. 11111 111 1,1,11111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiij 11111�� 1�zIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III; iiiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111� :111q!11111111111�11 07411-2 OWMU City IM & Ponce stafian Rovised UMMUMM E. t Wananty P on. PART2-PRODUCTS °1 T -0 A. AvWl%ble e ids: Stabs mt to Compliance with requirmfflts, MaOU&CUMrs offetmg nwW panels o hide, but 11 13 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. ProvWc wiftrials and accmwes mqwxed fbc a compkW roof pawl assembly w=mn=dvd by l s admmuc Wdicated. Self-tapping manu&durees standud 1,}, o n Via! e to med wmd uphft requffmcuts. C. Accessories: otherwise rF+ifi A provide coupmuits complete rad p. ud - l y . "i d k.. a r. 4 m4 wvt: r , ftsclac, t,i , .', tta_. corm wits, n* c, S:; ; clips, seam coven, baftm, fi�, W=nq se�.Y 1pask4ay fillers, clowre strips, and similar item. Match nnwd* and finishes ofpanek 07411-3 Cif Han & police swtion Reviud AprH 388 2000 14 FABRICAMON by nmubewnes owdud pwcodum and processes, as necessary to fuM indicated a Comply wth wdicaW tu and vwth dimemiom-A and a B. Fabricate pawl joints %vith captiva gukm of none ftom movmwts wakin 'Cl bl a 2.5 PANEL SUPPOM AND ANCHORAGE A. Secondary Framing: Provide compoua complying with the Light Gage Stmeftual h"tutds "Guide Specificafions" and Conum Drawings. LUCULION e1 3.2 PREPARATION A. C 1...4 1 1'.: y metal panel ,. '.l, r vath rma drawap woric, flasWng; and coustmcdon of dccks, parapets, Walls, and other adjonung work to provide a leakproof, swm,--and noncorrosive Wstallation. B. Prompdy remove 1} `,'f`,` from exposW smfwas omatal pawls. Strip with care avoid to damap to d X7411 -4 City HA & Police sudon i Y, 3.3 . PANEL INSTALLAMON A, Chmrdt Comply with pand nsumb=ff ees wfiam Wstruc6ons and rmomw=A-Wons for insaftion, as applicable to projed couMom and supporting substmes. Anchor panels and other con4wnews of the Woik ncmvly in p1m, with provisions for thennd and Maml MovemwL 1. Field cutift oftriar pands by forch i% not pcminc& I bsWU pands wah concaW Aistmrs, w&u othovise WU =ft& R Accessories. hWM cow@onms wquirW for a complow roof p=1 aa=ibly including Wm, copuip, bscm, ndge clomm, ch sem covw, baftens, &shiW, guam, bWanrs gaskeb, fiHM, CIUMM 5WP8, and shaiLu iftm. C haikr meWs by pakifing cwh mcW wfwc in am of conwt with a biftwinous wadW by applymg gubbuUM-mpbft Unftlaylnent to cwA moW awfice, or by other pennaam separation as vzowmeaM by mamacmars of disskfda radab. D. Com back side of meW pawls wah bitaminans entmg,%vW= it will contact wood, ferrous nWK or emmfifions 0munctim E. Joint Seden: hwMH gaskeft, joint fillm, and sealants whm indicated and wbm mquind for weateiprmf pedomum of pand asumblies. Provide typo of gaskou, Wars, and sc*w Mcmd or, if not admwise Mcmd, ryM mommended by panel wnftemm I, WWI vmnd=rsW muW ridge cap. Flmh aW sW pmxls at cavo wd rake with rubber, !MN l�� 11111pill I 07411-5 Owasso City K%U A Police Station Revised LIMEEMM TOTAL P.08 JUL-;2Y-;2WUU I U: �A COWEN CON5TRUCTION 918 584 8922 P.02/39 Cowen Construction 1110 West 23rd Seel -ruha, Oklahoma 74101-3465 July 1 a, 2000 City of Owasso 320 South Dogwood PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attn: Robert Coxf Project: Owasso City Hall & Police Station Project #: 98170 Re, Job M it is my recommendation that the City of Owasso rescind the award of Bid Package I OF - 'J�RLJdg�jo-and isque it to M Womble, Inc. Sw f0w IQ —Sc6pe-of Wffi`� S-Wff bn 1'1T9 - ti0 . U - Eq—dipffiTent 01/07/00 03: 23 FAX to U3 JUL-14-2000 10'.03 COWEN CONSTRUCTION 9iG 502 2227 P.03/05 for Hundrev Percent (100%) of amimat amount. The bandkV GorMeny MUSt be on Me Depadment of the Trenutys HaUng of appmved vmeffes- The Gat of banding in (nduded In the proposal amouni. 01 /07 /UU 03.23 FAX 71 - 14-°2000 10.04 PART Ia GMERAL COWEN CONSTRUCTION SEMON 11190 ION s `' 1,1 U Y A> Thm Secdon ` h imAudw Um following. I - Jail cell bquipmnz ° °lading bunk, desL and stool 1.2 SUBMMALS A.. Produca Dam. Far each type of pro&m indicated. 910 502 222°7 P . 04/ 1004 , Product Dam lncla& constmcdon deWls, materW descriptions, dimnsiums, of individual compnenm and proffles, and finishes. 13 QUALITY ASSURANC-E PART2-PRODUCTS a PART 34 - EX.k'CUI'10N 3,9 EXUMINA110N - e gubmms paid co dldo q for compliance with requirements for insu l ion toter c s and other conditions i ng pedOnUM06 Of WO& I o Pmcced With installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have twen cartected, 3.2 rNsTAL-YskT10N. GENERAL A� ImMl jai:. cell equip nt In accordance way Drawings and manufacturer's in5tructions, 1 1 1 9 0 END OF SECTION a MUM owdsw Cep HW1 & Mks Sudan i Mamb d, TOTAL P ®05 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OASSO FROM. a DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. FINA , PLAT CAMDEN PARK 11 DATE- July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Trail's End Development for the review of the final plat of Camden Bark 119 located immediately east of Camden Park, south of Windsor :sake 11 and Windsor fake 11 extended, west of Nottingham Estates and north of Barrington point and Barrington Estates. A location map is included on the plat within your packet. The subject plat contains 42 lots on a 13.86 acre area. The technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for the subject property at their March 29,2 000 regular meeting. No comments and /or corrections were provided for the developer at that meeting with the exception of several address changes included on the final plat in your packet. The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (D Q) has provided the applicant with permits required for the extension of water and sewer to the site. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for Camden Park 11 at their April 11, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the plat. The Owasso Board of .Adjustment will review a variance request from the applicant at a special meeting held Tuesday, August 1, 2000, The variance would allow for a reduction of the required 30' front yard setback to 25' for the overall development, and a reduction of the required 259 rear yard setback on Lot 1, Block 5 to 15'. Staff anticipates approval of the variance request by the Board of Adjustment. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Camden Park 11. TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CI TY MANAGER sum' a,cn. ORDINANCE NO. 653 PROVIDING WARD DESIGNATIONS FOR ANNEXED PROPERTY DATE: July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND- At the March 7, 2000 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved the annexation of four different properties through the adoption of Ordinance loos, 632, 633, 634, and 635, When properties are annexed by the City of Owasso and an ordinance is adopted, the ordinance must also provide a Ward designation for the subject property. The subject properties contained in each of the above ordinances were not provided a particular Ward designation. Coincidently, all of the properties contained within the above Ordinances should be placed in Ward 1, Ordinance No. 653 would correct Ordinance Dose 632, 633, 634, and 635 and provide the Ward 1 designation that is required, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance Igoe 653. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance loo. 653 2. Subject maps for Ordinance 632, 633, 634, and 635 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A WARD DESIGNATION FOR ANNEXED PROPERTY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF TIIiS ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, on the 15th day of February, 2000, Petitions for annexation were duly considered by the City Council and were deterrnined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and WIMIZEAS, on the 7th day of March, 2000, Ordinances 632, 633, 634, and 635 were adopted by the City of Owasso, thus annexing the territory dese6bed in each of said ordinances; anal WHEREAS, upon the required publication of Ordinances 632, 633, 634, and 635 it was determined that none of the annexed territory described within said ordinances were provided a Waxd designation as required, WHEREAS, the staff and Council have reviewed the territory described in each of the Ordinances and have determined the designation of Ward 1 to be appropriate, NOW, THEREFORE, ICE IT ORDAINED BY THE Ci)UNCII., OF THE CITY O OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, Section 1. That the territory described in Ordinances 632, 633, 634, and 635 shall be a part of Wa°d One ofthe City of Owasso, Oklahoma Section 2. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk. of Tulsa County, Oklahorna, a trifle and correct copy of this Ordinance. Section 3. That the Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state lawn. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of August, 2000. City of Owasso H.C. 66Will" Williams, Mayor ATTEST. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk G"'lTj # Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney ,- - » a11 ST. N a \� \ I Subject Property t OU I "I Cs -I-f W�� �U I �11 M TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- XIM GREENE CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJEWT. REQUEST AUTHORIZATIONFOR PURCHASE AND PAYMENT OF POLICE VEHICLE FROM KEYSTONE CHEVROLET DATE- July 18, 2000 BACKGROUND: The Department was contacted by Keystone Chevrolet in Sand Springs, Oklahoma and was advised that they had purchased a 2000 Chevrolet Impala police unit that was used as a "factory demonstrator" vehicle. The unit, which has 4000 miles on it, was taken to various police departments as a display model since 2000 was the first year Chevrolet made an Impala police car. j,9#W,0%WTAWj1rW" XLY 18, 2000 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION- Staff- recommends the Owasso City Council authorize the purchase of one 2000 Chevrolet Impala police unit from Keystone Chevrolet in Sand Springs, Oklahoma and authorize payment for same in the amount of $17,800.00 and authorize the purchase and payment of emergency equipment for this vehicle florn Fox Inter national at a cost not to exceed $800.000 ATTACHMENT- Vehicle Price Sheet — Keystone Chevrolet EQUIPMENT co'k, R-a-r-,J A ffl-12, . . . . . . . . . . . ec:x A I t OK CHECK CREDIT- SSN 274-1404 R.C.B. OF OWASSO 212 P02 JUL 24 '00 15:03 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this :26 thday ofJuly2000, by and among RCB BANK INC., 300 West Page Boulevard, Claremore, Oklahoma, 74017, hereinafter referred to as RCB, the CITY OF O ASSO, 207 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter roffi°r°ed to as, "CITY" and the OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, 207 South Cod r, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055, l -erein fter referred to as "OP WA". RCB is developing a 5.6551 acre, .l Block, 3 feat subdivision in the NW/4 of the NE /4 of Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, such property being gencrally located on she south side of East 96" Street North and crest of U.S. Highway 1699 WHEREAS, in conjunction Frith such real estate development, signal and stred improvements are required along the northern perimeter of such real estate development as well as along East 961 Street North; and, VMEREAS, RC B, CXTY and OP A, under the conditions hereinafter set forth, agree to participate in the signal and street improvements, all as more specifically set forth hereinafter, i; ELI X13 shall loan to the OPWA the sutra of Seventy -Five Thousand and o/1®® Dollars 2?4-1404 R.C.B. OF OWASSO 212 P03 JUL 24 100 15.03 Im Em, APPROVED ON TMS 26th DAY OF July '20cs RCB Bank, Inc. I 274 -1404 R.C.B. OF OWASSO APPROVED ON TIUS 71TE,S T - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Approved as to form. jffm- 212 PO4 JUL. 24 100 15:03 RCB Hank Tom G_0 ^Bayless, - C"hiof Financial_ Officer 26th DAY OF JLLIY —92000 City of O sso, Oklahortul KC. "Will" Williams, Mayor R 3 ON TMS DAY OF 2000 N Owasso Public Works 274-1404 R.C.B. OF OWASSO 212 P05 JUL 24 100 15:04 Marcia Bout well, City Clerk Ronald D, Cates, City Afturney wu ms 2780.409 da.m(pd m EC, "Will" Williams, Mayor RONALD D. CATES Attorney at Law Suite 680, ParkCentre 525 South Main 918-582-7447 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 FAX 918-582-0166 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FROM RONALD D. CATES, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJEcr. AGREEMENT BETWEEN RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 3, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA AND THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DATE- July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND 111 I M21 It is recommended to the City Council that the agreement with Rural Water District No. 3, Rogers County, Oklahoma be approved, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the same. US= 2780-472mwcao.wpd AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered thus day of`_, 2000, by and between Rural Water District Noe 3, Rogers County, Oklahoma, an organization created pursuant to the Oklahorna Ural Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Management District Act, as amended, 82 O. S. Section 1324, et se ,a (District), and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma municipal corporation (City). & District operates a water distribution system serving potable enter to residents within District's boundary which, in part, lies within the corporate lirnits of the City; B. District's utilizes water distribution system line lying within the corporate lirnits of City which often ties cross public streets over which the City has jurisdiction and control, and, ) The Distract will advise the City of any control valves, air relief valves, blow-off assemblies or outer fixtures in the immediate vicinity of repair location, The City will be responsible for any darna e to District property thus identified, The City will perform the following tasks, to-wit: l) The City will excavate the waterline trench down to the bedding layer and replace the excavated crushed. stone backfill by compacting to 95% maxim urn density, The City will replace the pavement section over the trench to the depth and with same material as the existing pavement, The District within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice therefor will rei nburse the City for labor, egUip O11t and materials required for pavement replacement, MIMSC r The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the successors mid assures of the parties hereto. In the event that any provision of this Agreement drill be determined tx) be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder- of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and each remaining provision, terns, covella t or condition shall be enforced by the fullest extent of the law, This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. This Agreement shall be, deemed to have been drafted by both parties and not by one, to the exclusion o the other. Any notice or other communication hereunder shall be in writing, and if mailed by certified registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, shall be deemed to have been duly given made on the date of receipt, or if not mailed in such manner, then as of the date actually delivered to District or City at the addresses listed below: Rural Water District No. Rogers County 13277 South Ash Street Claremore, OK 74017 ATTEST: (SEAL) RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 3, ROGERS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Secretary Larry Mallory Russell Bradshaw Chairman of the Board DISTRICT ATTEST. CITY OF OWASSO, OK-LAHOMA Marcia out ell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates City Attorney y °- Williams, Mayor Xm� vo A9vd aoom'�jaw saivo 99TOZOG 71C-ZT 00002-elllo RONALD D. CATES Attorney at Law Suite 680, ParkCentre 525 South Main 918-582-7447 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 FAX 918-5820166 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASS09 OKLAHOMA FROM. RONALD D. CATES, CITY ATToRNEY SUBJECT - AGRE EMENT BETWEEN RURAL WATER DISTRICT NO. 3, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OKLAHOMA AND THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DATE: July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND It is recommended to the City Council that the agreement with Rural Water District No. 3, Washington County, Oklahoma be approved, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the same. Agreement 2780-473mwcao.wpd This Agreement is made and entered thus day of _, 2000, by and between Rural Water District No, 3, Washington County, Oklahoma-, an organization created pursuant to the Oklahoma Rural Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Management District Act, as amended, 82 O.S. Section 13240 et seq., (District), and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma municipal colpormion (City), A. District operates a water distribution syqtern serving potable water to residents withirl District's boundary which, in piul, lies within the corporate limits of die City-, B. District's utifizams water distribution system lines lying within the conjorate limits of City which often times cross public streetq over which the City hasjurisdiction mid control; and, The District is by these prcsonts given permission to disturb, cxcavate, and/or rernovc paved portions of City controlled public streets for the purpose of repairing and/or replacing portions of District's water distribution system lines crossing City controlled public streets. The pennission hereby granted is expressly conditioned upon the following, to-wic 1) The District will be responsible for repair/replacement of all District water lines lying within City limits which are in need of repair/replacement. In conjunction witb such repair and/or replacement, District shall, at all times, assure proper vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic warnings, barricades and directional movements to protect the traveling public; make every elfort to TUM�—TREcT,173T —WaTe—r fine repair/repiacement a MMMMMMUM—UT 48 hours prior to required pavement disturbances and replacement; 3) The District will be responsible for pressure testing and chlorination of all repaired/replaced water lines according to Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality requirements; 4) The District will bed repaired/replaced water lines with sand or screenings to one (1) foot above the pipe; Pavement elevation to allow traffic to cross the trench; 6} The District will advise the City of any control valves, air relief valves, blow-off assemblies or other fixtures in the immediate vicinity of R repair location. The City will be responsible for any damage to District property thus identified, The City will perform the following tasks, to -vita 1) The City will excavate the waterline trench down to the bedding layer and replace the excavated onighed stone backfill by compartin to 5% maximum density, 2) The City will replace the pavement section over the trench to the depth and with same material as the existing pavement. The District triet wi ire thirty (3 0) days of receipt of invoice therefor will reimburse the City for labor, equipment and materials required for pavement replacement. MISCELLANEOUS The terms and provisions of'this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the sure ssors and assigns oft the parties hereto, In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder oft is Agreement shall not be affected thereby and each retaining provision, terrn, covenant or condition shall be enforced by the fullest extent ofthe law. This Agreement sha,lI be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahorn& This Agreement shall be deemed to have been drafted by both parties and not by one to the exclusion of the other. Any notice or other communicaA shall be registered be been t o made .�' ' the date actually �1 District Rural Water District No. 3, Washington County P.O. Box 70 O 74021 Notices directed to City shall be sent to: City of Owasso, Oklahoma P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74051 This Agreement represents the entire, integrated agreement between District and City and supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals, representations, commitments, understandings or agrearnents bouveen the parties, either written or oral. EXECUTED on the day of � . � 20000 ATTEST: (SEAL) Secretmy Robert Semi A` 1EST; mmm Marcia Houtwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS T . Ronald D. Cates City Attorney RURAL AT DISTRICT NO. 3, WASHINGTON C OtWT , OKLAHOMA William Jacobs Chairman of the Board DISTRICT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLA140MA By. H.C. Williams, Mayor TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- LARRY MITCHELL CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF NOTICE TO PROCEED TO McGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - EAST 96 T11 STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DATE- July 28, 2000 BACKGROUND- On June 20, 2000 a contract in the amount of $530,431.90 for the East 96"' Street Roadway Improvement Project was awarded to McGuire Brothers Construction. This project award was conditional and contingent upon the following stipulations: I. City of Owasso/OPWA securing written approval of the design specifications from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), 2. City of Owasso/OPWA securing financial commitments from both RC13 Bank ($109,821.70) and SEAYCO-THF Owasso Market LLC ($84,431.90). The City of Owasso/OPWA has successfully negotiated and finalized the required financial arrangements with both private parties (see attached agreements). As of this week, the necessary funding commitments have been acquired to proceed with the roadway improvement project. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) has indicated verbally that there are no apparent issues concerning the final design for the street improvements, and written confirmation should be forthcoming. The delay in transmitting the official approval letter is caused by the decision to route the design document back through the Federal Highway Administration (FHA). As we understand the design review process, FHA conducts a monthly meeting, scheduled for August 7"', to review and sign off on all of their highway projects, regardless of size and scope. NOTICE TO PROCEED - E 96TH JULY" 78, 2000 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: TION Staff recommends ds that the City Council move forward without the ODOT approval letter and issue the Notice to proceed to McGuire Brothers Construction. There is a potential. risk that either OD OT or FHA might make some last minute changes, however, we do not believe that the contractor will encounter any construction problems as a result of those modifications, By issuing the Notice to proceed, the contractor can gain approximately two weeks on a mad improvement project that is estimated to take nearly 1.20 days to complete, Obviously, this roadway improvement is "time sensitive" since the Owasso Market shopping center is scheduled to open in mid - October, ATTACHMENTS: 1 o Agreement with SEAYC -THF . Agreement with RC13 Dank (see item 412) 101 North Main Street, BcnWnvffle, Arkansas 72712 Oee (501) t (501) o June 16, c city mmnw City Of OWMO 207 Smgh cedar 5 MW ftubft (918) ma" and ma DC&M7 ammmum .Application for r Any person Who lmoiOngly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of chain containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, Which is a crime and subjects such person to crhninal and civil penalties. Supplemental schedules attached to and for sing part- of this application° El Financial Statement (focal 3607` 8) Certificate of Depository Designation (form 360350) El Clearance of Accounts (form 360031) C7 Affidavit of Loss (form 360777) 11f any answer below is yes, give full details. General Information — To Be Completed For All Bonds Producer M Milo = SEAYCO —TIIF Owasso Market L.L.C. Address of Applicant_ 2127 Lnnerbel Amount of Bond 34 °431° Dr.. #200 City of *Are you now or have you previously been bonded by another surety? St. Louis MO 63114 5 of Bond or Description (Attac License, Permit or Miscellaneous What insurance do you carry on the operations permitted by this bond? at company carries the insurance? Have you ever failed in business? III bond form and copies of any related documents) there any,judgments against you or suits not 360776.10 -99 Sale I of 4 Fireman's Fund Insurance Company The American Insurance Company National Surety Corporation ]rea 9 S Associated Indemnity Corporation Fund' American Automobile Insurance Company .Application for r Any person Who lmoiOngly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of chain containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, Which is a crime and subjects such person to crhninal and civil penalties. Supplemental schedules attached to and for sing part- of this application° El Financial Statement (focal 3607` 8) Certificate of Depository Designation (form 360350) El Clearance of Accounts (form 360031) C7 Affidavit of Loss (form 360777) 11f any answer below is yes, give full details. General Information — To Be Completed For All Bonds Producer M Milo = SEAYCO —TIIF Owasso Market L.L.C. Address of Applicant_ 2127 Lnnerbel Amount of Bond 34 °431° Dr.. #200 City of *Are you now or have you previously been bonded by another surety? St. Louis MO 63114 5 of Bond or Description (Attac License, Permit or Miscellaneous What insurance do you carry on the operations permitted by this bond? at company carries the insurance? Have you ever failed in business? III bond form and copies of any related documents) there any,judgments against you or suits not 360776.10 -99 Sale I of 4 Fiduciary Provide Documentation of Assets and Liabilities of the Estate and copy of will, trust, etc. Name of Deceased, Incompetent or Minor Date of Death (Deceased) or Birth (Incompetent or Minor) Uourt Where Proceeding Filed I Date of Appointment Name and Address of Attorney Relationship of Applicant to Deceased, Incompetent or Minor 'List Nexk of Ilan, Legatees or Heirs and Relationship -Are you succeeding another fiduciary in the management of this estate? Name and address of former fiduciary. 0 "'Have you given bond for estate 'Are you indebted to the estate? Judicial (Attach copy of judgment or other court documents) Name and Address of Attorney — - Will joint control be exercised? Title of Action Court In Which Action Is Pending Amount of Judgment, Claim or Value of Property Involved Basis of Suit Public Official (Complete and attach supplemental forms, if appropriate: Certificate of repository Designation, Clearance of Accounts) Elected or appointed? 'Term: Years: From: To: Your previous occupancy of this position Number of subordinates. Are they bonded? From: To: Duties of Your Office -- State Fully When were your accounts last audited and by whom? Are annual audits required by law? Approximate amount of money handled during the year? To whom are receipts turned over? Depository Banks and Limit of Deposits Extent of Liability For Uncollected Taxes Each of the undersigned hereby affirms that the foregoing statements made and answers given are the truth and are made to induce Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, The American Insurance Company, National Surety Corporation, American Automobile Insurance Company, Associated Indemnity Corporation, as the case may be, any one or all hereinafter referred to as Surety, to execute or procure the execution of any or all of the bonds above described, subsequent bonds, undertakings and any and all extensions, modification or renewals thereof, additions thereto or substitutions therefor, any and all such instruments separately and collectively being hereinafter called the Bond. In consideration of the execution of such Bond and in compliance with a promise of the undersigned made prior thereto, the undersigned hereby agree, for themselves, their personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as follows: 1. To pay the Surety in advance the premium for the first year or a fractional part thereof and the same amount annually thereafter until the Surety shall be discharged or released from any and all liability and responsibility under said Bond, and all matters arising therefrom, and until competent written legal evidence of such discharge or release, satisfactory to the Surety, is served on the Surety, The amount of such premium shall be computed and paid in accordance with the Surety's regular manual of rates effective at the date of the execution of said Bond. 2. To indemnify and keep indemnified the Surety and hold and save it harmless from and against any and all liability, damage, loss, cost and expense of whatsoever kind or nature, including counsel and attorney fees, which the Surety may at any time sustain or incur by reason of, or in consequence of having executed or procured the execution of the Bond or enforcing this agreement against any of the undersigned or in procuring or in attempting to procure its release from liability under the Bond. If the Surety shall set up a reserve to cover any liability, claim, suit or judgment under said Bond, the undersigned will, immediately upon demand, deposit with the Surety a sum of money, equal to such reserve and any increase thereof, to be held by the Surety as collateral security on said Bond. Any money or property which shall have been or shall hereafter be pledged by any of the undersigned as collateral security on said Bond shall be held subject to the terms of the Surety's regular form of collateral receipt which is hereby made a part of this instrument to the same extent as if set out at length herein, and any such collateral shall be available, in the discretion of the Surety, as collateral security on any other or all bonds heretofore or hereafter executed for or at the request of any of the undersigned. 4, If the Surety shall procure any other company or companies to execute or join with it in executing, or to reinsure said Bonds, this instrument shall inure to the benefit of such other company or companies, its or their successors and assigns, so as to give It or them a direct right of action against the indemnitors to enforce the provisions of this instrument and in that event the word "Surety„ wherever used herein, shall be deemed to include such other company or companies, as their respective interests may appear. 5. An itemized statement of payments made by the Surety for any of the purposes above specified, sworn to by an officer of the Surety, or the voucher or vouchers for such payments, shall be prima facie evidence of the liability of the undersigned to reimburse the Surety for such payments, with interest. 6. The Surety in its sole discretion and without notice to the undersigned, is hereby authorized but not required, (a) from time to time to make or consent to any change in said Bond or to issue any substitutes for any renewal thereof, and this instrument shall apply to such substituted or changed Bond or renewal; (b) take such action as it may deem appropriate to prevent or minimize loss under said Bond, including but not limited to steps to procure discharge from liability under said Bond; and (c) to adjust, settle or compromise any claim or suit arising under said Bond and, with respect to any such claim or suit, to take any action it may deem appropriate and any adjustment, settlement or compromise made or action taken by the Surety shall be conclusive against and binding upon the undersigned. 7. Each of the undersigned agrees to pay the full amount of the foregoing regardless of (a) the failure of the Principal to sign any such Bond or (b) any claim that other indemnity, security or collateral was to have been obtained or (c) the release, return or exchange by the Surety with or without the consent of the undersigned, or any indemnity, security or collateral that may have been obtained or (d) the fact that any party signing this instrument is not bound for any reason. S. Separate suits may be brought hereunder as causes of action accrue, and suit may be brought against any and all of the undersigned; and suit or suits upon one or more causes of action, or against one or more of the undersigned, shall not prejudice or bar subsequent suits against any other or all of the undersigned on the same or any other cause or causes of action, whether theretofore or thereafter accruing. 9. The undersigned hereby expressly waive notice from the Surety of any claim or demand made against the Surety or the principal under the Bond or any information the Surety may receive concerning any contract or bond. The Surety shall have the right to decline any or all Bonds herein applied for and shall have the right to withdraw from or cancel the same at any time, all without incurring any liability to the undersigned. 10. Wherever used in this instrument the plural term shall include the singular and the singular shall include the plural, as the circum- stances require. If any portion of this agreement be in conflict with any law controlling the construction hereof, such portion of this instrument shall be considered to be deleted and the remainder shall continue in full force and effect. rage 3 of 4 Signed and Sealed this 6th _ day of ju1_Y , 2000 , APPLICABLE TO NEW YORK STATE ONLY - Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading information concerning any fact ma erial thereto, commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and shall also be subject to a civil. penalty no exceed five thousand dollars and the stated value of the claim for each such violation. ' AAT1` NE State of - SEAYCO -Tllj nsso/Mark,et VL.0 Tax: Identification No. "lax Identification No, `fax Identification No, (SEAL) (SE AL) (SEAL) County of J ss: Individual(s) Acluiowled ement On this._ �_ � ��__ day of . _� _..____ _._.. ew__. , before ine personally carne to me known and known to me to be the individual(s) who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that---- he _executed same, rotary 1'ublio____� State of County of ss: Partner(s) Acknowledgement On this day of w _ , . before me personally came _ to me known and stated that —__. he _ _ is (are) partner(s) in the firm of and acknowledged that __.® he® executed the foregoing instrument as the act of the said firm. , to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say Bond #111 3351 1003 KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS: Thai Bond #111 3351 1003 d'i MOM Imb PROMED, FURTRER, that the said SURETY, for value feed hereby stipulates and agmes that no cbwge. extension ar ft e, akt=afion or addWay, to the leans Of the contract or tQ work to b pert d r of the p afca ovi �p sh I i a t obligation on this bowa and it does hemby waivc nodca of y sttc e, extension bf 6rnc, AlterAIjaw, of addition to the termq of e coarxact tar to the Wok Or to the spc4ficadonw. PROVIDED, FURMER, that no final scitlement bet a , the OWNEX and the PUNCIPAL shall aWdge the viglht of the other bmaciary hemunder, whose cAMIM way bc Sa * ti Tho OWNER in We only beneficiory hemunder. I q u tc s, ear-h of Wch dmII bodeemcdan original, ffds e 6th d y of d w. �e V 00 A - B � - (nci) Scoremy (SEAL) (Wimm as to p u pal) St - Louis .LoCC #200 St. Louis, MO 63141 ucer n Bond #111 3351 1003 SUrexy The erican Insur Company ltornqy in Fact) will-lam E. 1,1101-'I h 727 CraaLg Rgad (Aftcss) St. Louis M0 6314. NOTEX)Ata of bohd must no% be pflor to date, of ronkao. Yf CO"MaCtorispannenhip, all pamews shoved d execute van =L FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY a California corporation, NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, an Illinois corporation. THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a New Jersey corporation redomesticated in Nebraska. ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION, a California corporation. and AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, a MISSOnrt corporation, (herein collectivety called "tile Companies ") does each hereby appoint William E. Knoblauch, St, Louis, MO their true and lawful Attorneys) °ur -Fact, with full power of authority hereby conferred in their name, place and Stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof - -- ------ =,------ - - - ®m- -- --- m----------- - --------------- ------------- and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if Such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seals of the Companies and duly attested by the Companies' Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming; all that the said Attorney(s) -in -Fact may do in the premises. This power of attorney is granted tinder and by the authority of Article VII of the By -laws of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION and AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY which provisions are now in full force and effect. This power of attorney is signed and sealed under the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION and AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held. or by written consent, on the 19th day of March, 1995, and said Resolution has not been amended or repealed: "RESOLVED, that the signature of any Vice- President, Assistant Secretary, and Resident Assistant Secretary of the Companies, and the seat of the Companies may be affixed or printed on any power of attorney, on any revocation of any power of attorney, or on any certificate relating thereto, by facsimile, and any power of attorney, any revocation of any power of attorney, or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Companies:' IN WITNE WHEREOF', the Comp vies have caused th se }resents to be signed by their Vice - President, and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed this �.-___ fI �_ day of ____V Oototer _ _ __ , _ 199 ;:Y o „..an1,,,,,e s7,N s ,,, "111 " °,,,, FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY d,ME,p `, C® ,�J9 `Q„P >, Gy '.���OA P 0 RAY�BR,+11, �.� "�gp�ltE lys a , ° ° °, oo . ° �.P,'' -,, NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION : > t: d s ° �: '` �'` THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COIv1PANY SEPT 1970 - .1A4 sl ° a 11' G E A '^ ASSOCIATED INDEMNITY CORPORATION u '•. m� •��b`e AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY �� 71CIN0\ \y m' ° °e Pau G °a c `� JG @P3 66•' ............:' \. . .11V CE C }SCE By STATE OF CALIFORNIA Vic -President SS. COUNTY OF MARIN On this 20 day of October 1998 , before me personally came M. A. Mallonee to me known, who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he is a Vice - President of each company, described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of the said Companies; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such company seals: that they were so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said companies and that he signed his name thereto by like order. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year herein first above written. La OCAMPO R i Commission # 1163726 z M� Notary Public - California Morin County My Comm. Expires Nov 28,2001 Votary Public CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF MARIN I, the undersigned. Resident Assistant Secretary of each company, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore that Article VII of the By -la\ss of each company, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors; set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed at the County of Marin. Dated the 6th day of July 2000 J pPOq iJ,A `a\aOE�.u„l yr c',,, eq°�:• ,1NO :,��e eAPOR4 f��11, ...... 9�.. SEPT 3A70V io •.x. • . 't C IN_y ��•w' y off' 61, _.,Resident \ssistant SWecre._t- .a_r�y CECO ��.. _..,.,...,.. Stag of- Mi s County of t, �n ss: On July 6, 2000 , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and s -worn, personally appeared William Ea 1(n.oblat.tch known to me to be Attorney-in-Fact act of `>"he, Ainer .can Iusuraiic e Compaiay the corporation described in and that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of the said corporation, and he duly cacknolaiedged to me that such corporation executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l ha e hqrqUXgq t e #ff y official seal, the clay and year stated in this certificate above. L NELSON I°1®ry Public fit© Seal � �e My Commission Expires �'Ti� � E �� iViaSSO1� St, Louis C�»Y Notary Pas lac MY Commission Expire"S" AM. 1,4 2002 TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER H-2 INTERSECTION AND SIGNA-LIZATION IMPROVEMENTS DATE. July 26, 2000 BACKGROUND The subject contract was awarded to Horizon Construction Company, Inc., in November 1999 in the amount of $1,268,129.64. Work includes roadway improvement and signalization of intersections at 116'h Street North at North Garnett Road and 76t" Street North at 1291h East Avenue, signalization for two intersections on 86"' Street North at 123"j East Avenue and roadway surface improvement on 86t" Street North between Main Street and Mingo Road. One previous Change Order has been issued in the amount of $7,144.25 increasing the current contract amount to $1, 275,273.89. Funding is provided by the 1998 Bond Issue. The cost of this change, plus other increases attributed to variations of existing bid item quantities, will not exceed the allowable 10-percent overage of the basic contract. Staff recommends approval of Change Order #2 in the amount of $13,007,40 and a contract extension of 5 days. ATTACHMENTS: I . Change Order #2 07/27/00 THU 09:52 FAX 9182346507 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION [x]002 O1/07/00 21;23 FAX a 01 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: 1998 Bond Issue Pr cts CHANGE ORDER NubfflEw o (2 ) The Contzaa is LOWOr aPProximately- 450 LP of 12-inch water 1 1ne on the ort side Of 76th � No.,, east of 129th E. Ave, Not YaUd antfl ftned by Owner .,: W Box ,; Owasso® OR 74055 DATE�. By TOE 000600 w 1 OF L 07/25/00 TUE 12:35 FAI 91-82346507 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION U002 00141=e7vo CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Po Box 690 Owasso Oklalaoriia Voice: 918-234-6500 Fax: 918-234-6507 JULY25, 2000 Reference: INTER-SECTION AND SIGNALIZA,riON IMPROVEMENTS 1.998 BOND PROJECTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Pl-ffl : Enclosed is lJorizons proposal. to relocate the 12" waterline cast of 129"' East Avenue. Total estirnated cost $13007.4-0. B.-orizo-n is also reqaesting, a 45 calender day tinae extension at this time for utility relocatiori debays and the additional waterline work, If yoti have any questions or need further infon-nation, please do not hesitate to call, Sincerely, Max Wolf (President) 07/25/00 TUE 12:35 FAX 9182346507 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION Q003 CD W) c-> C) C) CD c:) CD co 'r CD L'o 00 Lo M c") e CD 'lei, 0 0 Lo 04 0 C--,) 0 CD Lo o(o L'() Lf) to Lo in c') in " 00 -4- 04 00 c) (D > c"l co co cq (D M CN c-'J < (2) -- > < < < < < < < LL w LLJ LLJ w W LLJ LU —j m I U) (D (D > (D M CN c-'J < (2) -- > ri- v-- (D LLJ -j- LJJ Lu < > 0 N 0 Lf) w Lo -t "j- m I