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2000.08.15_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular 13TH' august 15, 2000 TIME: 6030 p.m. GLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4°00 p.m. on Friday, august 11, 2000, Marti "Bo utvvcll, City lo fk L Fall to Order Mayor Williams 1 Invocation Councilor Brogdon 3. Flag Salute 4. Doll Call Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 Page 2 5, Consideration and Appropriate .Action Relating to a bequest for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent99 are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request, A. motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is ion - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 1, 2000 regular Meeting and August 8, 2000 Special Meeting. Attachment #5 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5 -B C. Action Relating to the Closing of Portions of a Utility Easement Crossing the Forest Creek Business Park Located on the West Side of the Owasso Expressway, Forth of East 76' Street forth and Directly North of the Keller-Williams Office Attachment 5-C The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested easement closing. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council to Rescind the Bid Award for Bid Package IOF- Detention Equipment Awarded to Sweeper Metal on June 6, 2000. Mr Carr Attachment #6 The staff will recommend that Bid Package l OF- Detention Equipment, relating to the City Hall/Police Station construction, be rescinded. Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 Page 3 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Lot Tieing Agreement for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, Block 10, Original Town of Owasso. Ms Sorrells Attachment #7 The staff will recoinmend Council approval of the lot tieing agreement for the City Hall/Police Station Site. The Owasso Planning Commission has hold a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPUD-12, a Request for Council Approval of an Amendment to a Previously Approved Planned Unit Development, Ms Sorrells See Attachment #8 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and has recommended Council approval of an amendment to OPUD-12 on property generally located 1/4 mile north of East 96th St N, east of Garnett Rd, and containing a total of 160.83 acres, more or less. Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 Page 4. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2000-08, a Resolution Calling a Non-Partisan Special Election Pursuant to Provisions of the Owasso City Charter and Oklahoma Election Laws for the Purpose of Electing a Council Member for Ward 2. Mr Cates Ms Boutwell Attachment It 10 The staff will recommend approval of Resolution #2000-08, 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of a Members to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee, Personnel Board, and Capital Improvements Financing Committee. Mayor Williams Attachment 911 The Mayor will offer names for the above-listed appointments, and request confirmation by the Council of those appointments. 12. Report fTom City Manager. 13. Report from City Attorney. Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 Page 5 14. Report fi -cam City Councilors. 150 New Business. 16. A4j ournment. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 1, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday August 1, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 28, 2000, and Addendum to Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 4:00 pore. on Monday, July 31, 2000. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Allan harder, Human Resources Officer. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, dice Mayor Melinda Moss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Mayor Williams read and presented a proclamation to Dr Denise Bode, Business of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2000. FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of July 18, 2000 Regular Meeting and the July 26, 2000 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. tfiv] I to I I Wil I UVID) 'Ile STMKO1810 Mr 2 mill AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Voss, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. -2- Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE TEST FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO RESCIND 'THE BID AWARD FOR BID PACKAGE I OF-DETENTI ETAL ON JUNE 6, 2000, AND AWARD THE BID TO THE NEXT LOWEST BIDDER. Mr 0nT said that, because of inf-brination received from Sweeper Metal late in the day that staff has not had sufficient time to analyze, staff is requesting that this item be removed from the agenda and placed on an agenda at a later date. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE UEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR CAMDEN PARK I AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COUNTY OWASSO TULSA CO U — Y. STATE OF, OKLAHOMA. Ms Sorrells said that some issues have come -up relating to this plat since the Planning Commission hearing, and it will be necessary for the Planning Commission to consider the issues prior to being placed on the City Council agenda. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the final plat for Camden Park 11 be returned to the Owasso Planning Commission, to be considered at their regular meeting on September 11, 2000. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Later in the meeting it was brought to the attention of the Council that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is on September 12, 2000, not September 11. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, that the final plat for Camden Park 11 be returned to the Owasso Planning Commission, to be considered at their regular meeting on September 12, 2000, AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #653, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR WARD DESIGNATIONS FOR PREVIOUSLY ANNEXED PROPERTIES. Mr Rooney said that the City Council unanimously approved the annexation of different properties on March 7, 2000 by adopting Ordinances 632, 633, 634, and 635. Although the ward boundary map indicates that these properties are located in Ward 1, that was not indicated in any of the ordinances. Ordinance #653 corrects the above mentioned ordinances, and provides the -3- Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 Ward I designation for the properties mentioned. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve Ordinance #653. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATINGIOAMQUER TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OFONE VEHICLE BYTHE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTME-NT- AN I" E PUT QHASE F EMERGENCY EQUIPME NT F QR J I HAT VEHICLE. _ AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 119MMINK ILIJ HIMUJ01112MI WIR 1PARARINNILeXABINBRUT10111 Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried •-0. Mr Cates presented the item. Items 13 and 14 are the same, with item 13 relating to Rogers County and Item 14 relating to Washington County. Some of the areas annexed by the City of Owasso within the fenceline are properties being served by rural water districts, and which AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Ms Voss moved, seconded by his Barnhouse, to approve the proposed agreement between the City of Owasso and Rural Water District No 3, Washington County, pertaining to the repair -5- Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 and/or replacement of the district's water transmission or water distribution lines within the city limits of Owasso, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPRORIATE ACTION 'RELATING,,' 'K L � FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF A CONTRACT AWARDED BY THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FOR 96TH STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE TO PROCEED TO MCGUIRE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO INC FOR THE EAST 96 TH STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. -6- Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPIUATE ACTION RELL TINGT 0 A R'FQ1 T-Fq'r FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER 4:2, A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF e OWASSO AND HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC Ti LS INTERSECTION AND SIGNALIZATION IMPROVEMENTS. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF A MEMBER TO THE GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE. -.7- Owasso City Council August 1, 2000 AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY.- None Motion carried 4-0. 1TEM19: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell mentioned that the 2010 Land Use Master Plan document has been completed and is being distributed. ITEM 20: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM21: RE PORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. None. ITEM 22: NEW BUSINESS, None. ITEM 23: ADJOURNMENT Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to adjourn. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -8- H C Williams, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, August 8, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, August 8, 2000 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 4, 2000, ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. P: SEAT ABSENT Will Williams, Mayor Mark Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor (in at 5:35) STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Mr Mitchell told the Council that the City of Tulsa is increasing the rate it charges the City of Owasso for water by 140 per 1000 gallons, effective September 1, 2000. There was discussion concerning the adjustment of water rates to city customers to reflect that change. There was also Owasso City Council August 8, 2000 discussion relating to an adjustment in the minimum charge, as well as the overall water consumption rated It was the consensus of the Council to pass on the rate increase from the City of Tulsa and to further study any other increases. The staff will place an ordinance on the September 51h City Council agenda to increase the rate for water by 140 per 1000 gallons. The ordinance will contain an emergency clause, making it effective on October 1, 20004 1'1EM se DIS CUSSION RE,L TIN TO POLITICAL SIGNS. Mayor Williams discussed the current sign ordinance as it relates to political signs, The ordinance allows political suns to be placed on private property with consent of the owner up to six weeps prior to an election and to remain in place up to two weeps following an election., Although the ordinance prohibits political suns in right-of-way, the city has taken a relaxed stance on this issue as long as the signs do not obstruct or interfere with traffic and as long as they are removed immediately following the election, It was the consensus of the Council that the ordinance not be changed, but that the relaxed stance for political signs continue. ITEM 5: REPORT PORT FROM CITY MANAGER. ITEM 6: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Moss, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: Done Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -2- H C Williams, Mayor Fund General Ambulance E-911 Capital Improvements M-MM8= Total 370.00 2436 636.96 200.78 9,250.64 5,609.56 1,254.40 1,543.40 676.72 6,190.05 529.55 3,547.78 273.28 11,752.54 4,905.36 1,658.31 14.00 It 48,437.69 1,750.62 1,750.62 1,903.66 1,903.66 1,055.00 1,055.00 92,014.44 92,014.44 It 405 Utility Billing 1,760.84 420 Water 10,137.76 450 Wastewater treatment plant 11,273.96 455 Wastewater Collection 3,133.12 480 Refuse Collections 20,886.09 485 Recycle Center 7,085.51 TOTAL 56,597.90 OPWA Capital Improvements 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 212,477M TOTAL 212,477.69 OPWA Sewer Line Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 TOTAL 23,000.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 9,150.63 TOTAL 9,150.63 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Camp 2,823.08 TOTAL 2,823.08 Claims Total 482,979.07 City of Owasso Cash Requirements Lists vendor name, invoices and total amount due. Also includes vendor number and claim number that can be compared to the "Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order" report, ;ity of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11o40am Page 1 :ash Requirements Vendor invoice Due Cumulative :Laim# Number Vendor Name invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 4191 40 NAPA AUTO PARTS 655461 07/17/00 08/15/00 54.22 54,22 649491 07/03/00 655977 07/18/00 652360 07/11/00 4192 1394 RAMADA INN 3071 07/24/00 08/15/00 147000 201.22 4193 904 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA INC 50023 07/11/00 08/15/00 384000 585022 50084 07/17/00 50154 07/24/00 49943 07/05/00 49924 06/30/00 41194 1038 WAL °MART 1436 07/05/00 08/15/00 302093 888¢15 2786 07/05/00 3201 07/08/00 4195 294 ICMA 3080678 07/17/00 08/15/00 24.50 912.65 4196 774 ESTES INC 351699 07/11/00 08/15/00 4,620 00 5,532065 351140 06/30/00 4197 85 AUTO ZONE 535373994 07/16/00 08/15/00 18095 5,551060 535375497 07/17/00 4198 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864 - 110705°0 07/13/00 08/15/00 20018 5,571°78 4199 942 RON STUCKEY 7/00 07/30/00 0811 -5/00 49.50 5,621.28 4200 483 KENNY A PEACOCK 7/00 07/30/00 08/15/00 49050 5,670°78 4201 124 JEFF CARNEY 7/00 07/30/00 08/15/00 49050 5,720428 4202 7 BMI SYSTEMS OF TULSA 148497 07/20/00 08/15/00 166.50 5,886478 4203 998 DON TAYLOR 7/00 07/30/00 08/15/00 49050 5,936.28 4204 252 LONNIE D GREEN 7/00 07/30/00 08115/00 49.50 5,985078 4205 612 CHRIS WILSON 7/00 07/30/00 08/15100 49050 6,035.28 4206 1301 TIM GRAHAM 7/00 07/30/00 08/15100 49050 6,084 78 4207 19 GCSAA 081000 08/10/00 08/15/00 125000 6,209078 4208 606 VINITA FLAG & APRON CO 66935 07/17/00 08115/00 275.24 6,485002 4209 342 LUBER BROS INC 34375 07/13/00 08/15/00 277091 6,762.93 34303 07/10/00 4210 949 SCHAEFFER MFG CO 919378BL 07/13/00 08/15/00 204037 6,967 30 4211 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 13152 07/18/00 08/15/00 143057 7,110.87 13119 07/17/00 12347 07/05/00 4212 35 LEROYS REEL MOWER BGR7600 07/06/00 08/15/00 98070 7,209057 4213 1021 TULSA NEW HOLLAND INC 213666 07/17/00 08/15/00 86019 7,295076 4214 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 655 - 071789 07/17/00 08/15/00 161051 7,457.27 655 - 071863 07121100 655 -71692 07/13/00 655- 071501 07/05/00 655-071478 07/03/00 655- 071816 07/19/00 1507 - 071030 06/09/00 1507 - 071270 06/21/00 1513 - 070982 06/07/00 4215 46 PARKS OIL COMPANY 80075 07/06/00 08/15/00 867023 8,324050 80074 07/06/00 80106 07/06/00 4216 13 E -Z -GO TEXTRON 559109 07/10/00 08/15/00 41,67 8,366°17 4217 1446 J P COOKE CO 988129 07/18/00 08/15/00 128,82 8,494099 4219 889 OK SHERIFFS 8 PEACE 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 25000 8,519°99 ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of nwoacv Aug 10, zonn 11:40am puee Z onon Requirements Vendor invoice Due cumuiutivm C Laim# --'-- Number '''--- Vendor wunm '--'-'''-'-'''-'---'-'------'-''-'----- Invnime# ---'--''-''-''-''--' Date -'------ Date ------'- Amount Due -------''--'-- Amount Due ------ - ''- '- 4220 262 nnmsmr ouooeTT 7y18-8/17 08/17/00 08/15/00 200.00 8,719.99 4221 812 KIMBALL ACE oxmowxns 1503-071864 07/21/00 08Y15/00 172.77 ma9z76 1503-071733 07/14/00 1503-071424 06/30/00 1503-071539 07/06/00 1503'071538 07/06/00 1503-071553 07/07/00 1513-071557 07/07/00 4222 1061 o & a muPpn 1392 07/21/00 08/15/80 14*,65 0,842 41 4223 883 ouLxxom» NATURAL oxm 6/00 USE 86/30/08 08/15/00 492.02 9,534.43 4324 78 xomoclxreo PARTS & auppLv 88395 07/18/00 08/15/00 61.37 n^'5y6'VO 4225 778 xcoumx7s FIRE soulpmswr 7'4317 07/13108 08/15/00 51.00 9^647^00 4226 793 /p oomxN IwounxwCs omp44835u9 06/28/00 08/15/00 100.00 9`747'00 4227 743 oosMosxaco 527616 07/19/80 08/15/00 413.75 10'160^75 4228 1239 cow movsmwMEwT INC cE86762 07y25/00 08/15/00 1,055.80 11"215'73 4229 1044 wxaTs m4wxosmsuT OF ouLx 1006-0044347 07/18/08 08/75/00 169.68 11"385'35 4231 1098 TULSA WORLD 2177389 07/18/00 08/15/00 278.12 1166347 2183449 07/23/00 4232 1450 LARRY uIroosLL 739071821 07y17700 08/15/00 297.00 11,960'47 4233 482 poLo nxLpx LAuxsw ww auLr 073-0521943 07/10/00 08/15/00 40'00 12 uU0.47 4254 454 puLo nxLpo Lxunsm CORP 242435 07y13/00 08/15/00 145.76 12"'1*6' 2s 4235 1349 pnemzuMwsxn INC 62131*0 07/14/00 08u15/00 7M96 1285619 6213578 07/17/00 4236 726 ouTrsn & auox 602072 07/18/00 08/15/00 34.25 12,890.44 4237 103 onIonsuToxs SPORTS INC 767725 07y19/00 08/15/00 351.00 13`2^1'44 4238 1395 ruYLnn mxos 4845572 07y13/00 08/15/00 683.34 1392�' 7a " 4848550 07/18/00 4239 785 ww oRxImmsn INC 568-488019 -7 07/19/00 08/15/00 39.86 13 o64.64 42m 938 wouTxwsnTsxw BELL TsLs 072400 87/24/00 08/15/00 36.25 14'0no a9 4241 1452 xLxw smwxnoo,Iwo 1000452 07714/00 08/15/00 1,848.00 15'"84a''8o 4274 107 BAILEY snuzpmsmT 12780 07711/00 08/15/00 56.63 159o5' 52 ' 12734 07/10/00 12352 07/05/00 13945 08/03/00 4275 792 xumnsm Luuoen co 38723 07/13/00 08/15/00 92.87 15'998.39 38730 07y13/00 39643 07/24/00 4276 556 TOTAL nxoIo 19125 07/24/00 08/15/00 105.00 16,103.39 4277 1005 cLwmaIc onsvxoLeT crcx168583 07128/00 08/15/00 124.19 1$,227'58 4278 129 AT&T wIncLsms msnvICsm 12124152 08/25/00 08/15/00 10.35 16'237.93 4279 1455 THE mxrIouxL c/vIc Lsxmus 080100 08/01/00 08/15/00 150.00 16,387.93 4280 717 rxxuT axwo OF ou^amo 9/00 08/01/00 08/15/00 23,000.00 39'387.93 4281 855 wxTzowxL pIms pmo/scr/uw 080100 08/01/0$ 08/15/00 115.00 39,502,93 4282 93* oowxxo nrxmPsn 072480 07/24/00 08/15/00 175.00 39,677'93 4283 358 onZzsn pmzwTIws 0 06/16/00 00/15/00 30.00 39,707.93 4284 89 xnooczxTsS cowxsnczxL CORP 080100 08/01/00 08/15/00 4,344.94 44,052'87 4285 152 ozxwsm mxvsL 13134 07y28/00 88/15/00 522.00 44'574.87 4286 129 AT&T wInsLsoo SsuvIuso 13166997 07/25/00 08/15/00 10.35 44,585.22 4287 714 ooLx, wnoILsoow INC 22831 07/21/00 00/15/00 70.00 44,655.22 4288 938 mnuToweoTsnw BELL TcLs 91827221011268 06/29y00 08/15/00 432.68 45,087.88 4289 377 MCI TsLecnmwuwIcxrIoum 04690086 07/25/00 08/15/00 416.15 45,504'03 4290 595 uwzrso LINEN 89678 07/07y00 08/15/00 275.22 45'779.25 oom.xp Accounts pavmhie uoieaue 5.8.3 w*xpno18 By ocoTr moxoaoLT (SRS) city of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11o40am Page 3 rash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative farm# .mw_me Number __e___ Vendor Name ---------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- Amount Due -------------- 95757 07/28/00 93717 07/21/00 91666 07/14/00 595080 07/21/00 4291 485 PATROL TECHNOLOGY 72500 -02 07/25/00 08/15/00 153°90 45,933015 4292 1451 CITY OF EDMOND 072000 07/20/00 08/15/00 375000 46,308015 4293 715 BEST WESTERN 72325 07/23/00 08/15/00 88000 46,396°15 4294 793 JP HOGAN INSURANCE 071900 07/19/00 08/15/00 971,50 47,367065 07190 07/19/00 4295 537 J B STIGALL 072400 07/24/00 08/15/00 80.00 47,447465 4296 427 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 11714 07114/00 08/15/00 1,292 50 48,740.15 4297 26 IRRIGATION & TURF EQUIP INC 363 07/14/00 08/15/00 2,300800 51,040015 4298 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 2257 07/26/00 08/15/00 5,700300 56,740015 4299 1443 UNISTRUT 563405 07/19/00 08115/00 593.90 57,334 05 4300 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240120730 07/27/00 08/15/00 159005 57,493 10 824012OT32 07/27/00 8240120733 07/27/00 8240120724 07/27/00 8240120725 07/27/00 8240120731 07/27/00 4301 856 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE 089118 07/25/00 08115/00 437.75 57,930 85 4302 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 59728 07/19/00 08/15/00 142099 58,073084 59718 07/19/00 4303 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 12299 07/26/00 08/15/00 8,788044 66,862028 4304 1320 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD SERVICES INC 5629 07/25/00 08/15/00 1,656000 68,518028 4305 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 13246 07/19/00 08/15100 34.68 68,552096 13507 07/24/00 4306 1144 THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE 072100 07/21/00 08/15/00 93046 68,646042 4307 1408 SUPERIOR READY MIX 1456 07/21/00 08/15/00 319050 68,965.92 4308 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 294892 07/12/00 08/15100 370037 69,336.29 294891 07/06/00 294890 07/11/00 294887 07/06/00 294888 07/11/00 4309 1404 UTILITY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS INC 3277 07/20/00 08/15/00 450.00 69,786029 4310 378 MET 461 07/17/00 08/15/00 1,822065 71,608.94 4311 157 DAY TIMERS INC 35680692 07/08/00 08115/00 36.48 71,645042 4312 1100 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 080100 08/01100 08/15/00 85.00 71,730 42 4313 263 HUB + GARVER 13 07/01/00 08/15/00 3,880400 75,610042 4314 104 BRUSHHOG SERVICES 00 -07 -19 07/27/00 08/15/00 699400 76,309.42 00-07 -18 07/27/00 4315 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 6263 07/24/00 08/15/00 55.00 76,364042 4316 1209 W W GRAINGER 864 °733391°6 07/21/00 08/15/00 38,18 76,402,60 4317 1307 SCHWANS SALES 163655406 07121/00 08/15/00 29,95 76,432055 4318 678 ALBERTSONS 888191 07/31/00 08/15/00 383.42 76,815.97 888297 07/30/00 888074 07/29/00 888296 07/27/00 159760 07/18/00 159758 07/25/00 159756 07/24/00 159726 07/22/00 ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11o40am Page 4 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# ------ Number ------ Vendor Name -dmed_- _e_mmee.,m_ ---- --- -- pm- ___ -- --- Invoice# o_ -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- -------------- Amount Due 888102 07/10/00 888292 07/14100 888186 07/11/00 4319 344 LOI,TES COMPANIES INC 24316782684 06/15/00 08/15/00 223032 77,039029 4320 84 ALLIANT FOODSERVICE INC 5118950 07/24/00 08/15/00 231087 77,271.16 5048785 07/13/00 4321 732 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA 58432322 07/26/00 08/15/00 1,608 45 78,879„61 58432246 07/25100 58431953 07/19100 58432245 07/25/00 58431884 07/18/00 58431524 07/11/00 58431523 07/11100 4322 1038 WAL -MART 6421 07/27/00 08/15/00 78.94 78,958055 4286 07/19/00 4334 167 DUCT DOCTOR INC 00 -513 08/05/00 08/15/00 100.00 79,058 55 4335 313 BURR KANNADY 002 07/19/00 08/15/00 109.12 79,167067 4336 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864 °944177-4 07/25/00 08/15/00 238.23 79,405°90 432-204101-5 07/27/00 4337 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 71998 07/27/00 08/15/00 29.94 79,435084 4338 1387 ANOK SIGNS 050100 05/01/00 08/15/00 97000 79,532.84 061500 06/15/00 4339 981 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE 7140472 07/14/00 08/15/00 980.93 80,513°77 7190338 07/19/00 7280463 07/28/00 4340 957 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO 435003 07/11/00 08/15/00 592°62 81,106039 436073 07/25/00 4341 336 LANCE INC 8928 07/28/00 08/15/00 191020 81,297059 8836 07/21/00 8730 07/14/00 4342 1151 IMPERIAL COFFEE SERVICE 4764 07/25/00 08/15/00 80040 81,377 99 4676 07/11/00 4343 229 FADLER CO INC 568358 02/15/00 08/15/00 944089 82,322088 598230 07/11/00 601297 07/27/00 598229 07/11/00 600721 07/25/00 4344 267 HORIZON CONST CO INC 7 08/12100 08/15/00 92,014°44 174,337032 4345 1311 VULCAN SIGNS 15429 05/22/00 08/15/00 483,00 174,820032 4346 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1515 - 071433 06/30/00 08/15/00 14°25 174,834.57 1516- 071434 06/30/00 4347 554 TULSA COUNTY MIS 9907 08/01/00 08/15/00 40000 174,874°57 4348 939 HOWARD STAMPER 080100 08/01/00 08/15/00 150°00 175,024°57 4349 877 OWASSO AUTO CARE & MAINT 25047 08/01/00 08/15/00 54.00 175,078057 25048 08/01/00 4350 1110 PAGENET 998566 07/23/00 08/15/00 146,85 175,225042 4351 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12152617 07/25/00 08/15/00 131056 175,356098 4352 877 OWASSO AUTO CARE & MAINT 25049 08/01/00 08/15100 43°75 175,400073 4353 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 327359 07/05/00 08/15/00 532,80 175,933.53 329765 07/31/00 4354 1456 PAVING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 46622 07/21/00 08/15/00 48.96 175,982049 4355 357 SHERRY LABORATORIES INC T1658 07/27/00 08/15/00 160000 176,142049 CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11e40am Page 5 .ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative :Laim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due T1551 07/24/00 T1534 07/19/00 T1499 07/13/00 4356 567 TULSA COUNTY BOCC 00 °020 07/24/00 08115/00 848.80 176,991.29 4357 929 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 2185 - 0003646 07/01/00 08/15/00 13,030 98 190,022.27 2185 - •0003419 07/01/00 2185 °0003652 07/01/00 2185 - 0003424 07/01/00 4358 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864-632375 -1 07/20/00 08/15/00 44176 190,464.03 864 - 696821 -7 03/23/00 4359 488 QUICK SERVICE STEEL 135542 08/02 /00 08115/00 29.90 190,493.93 4360 819 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE 13794 08/04/00 08/15/00 115.00 190,608.93 13651 07/31/00 4361 1244 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOL` 299364 08/01/00 08/15/00 88.87 190,697.80 4362 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET CVCS168411 08/03/00 08/15/00 301.03 190,998.83 CVW75953 07/28/00 4363 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 181684 07/18/00 08/15/00 318.00 191,316.83 4364 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1512 - 071872 07/21/00 08/15/00 249.74 191,566.57 1512 - 071430 06130/00 1512 °07155 07/07/00 4365 865 B & M TIRE CENTER INC 20970 08/01/00 08/15/00 11.50 191,578.07 4366 660 ALLIED TOWING 105690 07119/00 08/15/00 101.30 191,679.37 4367 1145 ADMIRAL EXPRESS 275332 07/28/00 08/15/00 57.24 191,736.61 4368 1054 ZEP MFG CO 48195576 07/28/00 08/15/00 145.00 191,881.61 4369 811 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO 84089 07/25/00 08/15/00 31.00 191,912.61 4370 1038 WAL °MART 6182 07/26/00 08/15/00 54.41 191,967.02 6458 08/01/00 4371 932 RADIATOR SHOPPE INC 306776 07/02/00 08/15/00 35.00 192,002.02 4372 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1504 °71724 07/14/00 08/15/00 86.72 192,088.74 1504 °071866 07/21/00 1504 °071972 07/25/00 1504 °071425 06/30/00 4373 406 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 3356 08/03/00 08/15/00 328.03 192,416.77 4374 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240120729 07/27/00 08/15/00 76.00 192,492.77 8240121507 08/03/00 8240121505 08/03/00 8240120727 07/27/00 4375 1050 WELSCO INC 346796 07/31/00 08/15/00 54.43 192,547.20 4376 355 MESO 9127 07/25/00 08/15/00 373.75 192,920.95 4377 1029 T &W TIRE CO 5003678 07/18/00 08/15/00 482.48 193,403.43 3135425 07/25/00 4379 857 CROW BURLINGAME D166012 07/27/00 08/15/00 904.56 194,307.99 D165987 07/26/00 D165358 07/19/00 D165225 07/18/00 D165453 07/20/00 D166146 07/28/00 D166420 08/01/00 D166616 08/03/00 D166529 08/02/00 D166066 07/27/00 D166513 08/02/00 :CS.AP Accounts PayabLe Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11a40am Page 6 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due D166732 08/04/00 D165609 07/21/00 D166147 07/28/00 D165858 07/25/00 D165856 07/25/00 D165851 07/25/00 D165109 07/17/00 D166338 07/31/00 D166296 07/31/00 4380 364 MILEAGE MASTERS 154304 07/18/00 08/15/00 380095 194,688.94 154507 07/26/00 154182 07/05/00 154169 07/13/00 154167 07/17/00 154486 07/26/00 4381 764 CITY GARAGE 7/00 07/30/00 08/15/00 9,264059 203,953053 4382 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864 °472743 °3 08/01/00 08/15/00 107.39 204,060 92 864°472742 -5 08/01/00 4383 538 SAMS CLUB 1052 07/30/00 08/15/00 198038 204,259.30 1136 07/31/00 4384 42 OAKLEY INC 92656586 07/26/00 08/15/00 75.00 204,334030 4385 1395 TAYLOR MADE 4616619 06/08/00 08/15/00 2,589.34 206,923 64 4619259 06/12/00 4618311 06 /09/00 4386 987 SAN °O -LET SERVICE 62432 07/31/00 08115/00 65°00 206,988064 4387 1460 MATTHEW OR STACY ROBBINS 12W00025 -4 07/31/00 08/15/00 25.14 207,013078 4388 1387 A -OK SIGNS 072500 07/25/00 08/15/00 35000 207,048078 4389 1062 RONALD D CATES 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 6,022005 213,070 83 4390 1459 IACP POLICY CENTER 128430 07/31/00 08/15/00 30°00 213,100 83 4391 1171 MARLIN LEASING 255243 07/31/00 08/15/00 100°00 213,200.83 4392 537 J B STIGALL 080700 08/07/00 08/15100 80°00 213,280 83 4393 638 WARREN CLINIC 803240 08/02/00 08/15/00 31000 213,311083 4394 1457 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL 082000 08/20/00 08/15/00 732,40 214,044 23 4395 931 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 748537 06/13/00 08/15/00 206.85 214,251 08 748538 06/13/00 755425 07/21/00 755426 07/21/00 75295 07/26/00 756296 07/26/00 756297 07/26/00 756298 07/26/00 756515 07/26/00 756516 07/26/00 4396 1287 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC B03240 07/28/00 08/15/00 226°95 214,478°03 4397 859 OK FIRE CHIEFS ASSO 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 52000 214,530003 4398 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 13848 08/01/00 08/15/00 25°54 214,555°57 13833 08/01/00 4399 100 BILL BASORE 128080 07/24/00 08/15/00 400000 214,955.57 4400 1075 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES 44594 07/12/00 08/15/00 346.37 215,301094 2022161 07/11/00 45810 07/25/00 4401 96 BEST WESTERN 98494 04/27/00 08/15/00 130023 215,432017 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) nty of owaoxv Aug 10' 2000 11:40um pane r i .ash Requirements | Vendor Invoice owe oumu(etive 2mim# {--- Number --- vwndu, Name -------------------' Invoioe# ---------- Date ---- Date ---- Amount Due ------- Amount Due ------- 4402 1044 wxors mxwxaemeor OF onuv 1006'004137 07/01/00 08/15/00 3,766.42 219,193.59 1006-0045923 07/16/00 4403 594 uwITso nswTxm 11893296'001 07/28K00 08/15/00 1,531.00 220,729'59 � 4404 1355 nus'a cLsxwIws ysnvIue m/on 08/01/00 08/15/00 805.00 221,534.59 4405 1410 BIRD-X, INC 191323 07/26100 08115/00 58.15 221,3*2.74 4406 801 uwI/co axrsTY u cuxImm INC 3635 08/01/00 08/15/00 1,172.50 222,765.24 4407 368 Ixow oppIos moLuTIomo 750440 07/27/00 08/15/00 325.50 223,090'74 4408 362 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE mpsozaLzTy 32356 08/02/00 08/15/00 60.00 223,150.74 4409 1084 puo 167841949 87y31/00 08/15/00 2,792.63 225,943.37 4410 1084 pmo 7/00 USE 07/31/80 08/15/88 23,836.75 248,980.12 4411 938 mmTowcwTenw BELL TBs 9180Va48372025 07121108 08/15/00 1,903.88 250,883.78 4412 358 noc/sx pnIwlzNs 12303 08/04/00 88/15/00 49.50 250,933.28 4413 1392 nnomoLxmn osxvY oommxcToxm 3 07/19100 08/15/80 190,751.26 441,884,54 4414 283 oua + emvsm 13 08/01/80 08/15/00 17,846.43 459,530'97 4415 933 ST xoowm meoIcxL cswTsn 1 88/02/00 08/15/00 90.00 459,620.97 4416 285 zpmTx/rpp 314171 08/02/80 08/15/00 177.00 439,797.97 4417 ! 454 poLo nxLpo L*unsm CORP 250765 07/18/00 08/15/00 26.98 ` 459,824.95 4418 482 pnLo RALPH Lxunew Qw omLP 73-0522250 07/12/00 08/15/00 496.96 480,321.91 ' 73'0522259 07/12/00 ( rs n522365 ' 07/12/00 � - 7� 048136Z 01/21/00 4419 1467 mopToPImsm INC 118285 07/27y00 08/15/00 37.27 460'359.18 4421 863 oxLxxumx NATURAL GAS 111-2811584o-ou1 07/13/00 08V15/00 179'01 460,538.19 } 4422 627 wemrERm mmIwsmm pnooucTm 103873 08/01/00 08/15/00 75.20 460'613.39 / *� 1Z� �nw�rx, INC 71�53 0�2�O0 �V15/� 5�.2u 461,167.65 719804 07/27y00 716711 07/24/00 84813 06/28/00 � 4424 11 mxvIo osoppesY & xmnooIATsa 1028339 07/26/00 08/15/00 55.98 461,223.57 91711*5 07/27/00 4425 314 pIwa 4626495 07/10/00 08/15/00 64.48 461,288.03 ! 4426 103 onInasmTows mponrS INC 770337 07/28/00 08/15/00 175.79 461,463-82 768684 07/25/00 4428 1471 oaIm IwrcxwxT/omxL 361438 07/14/00 08/15/00 371'92 461,835'74 362590 07/25/00 4429 1265 wsmTsam uoLr INC 148913 07>25/08 08/15/00 1,564.20 463'399'94 os11999 07/27/00 4430 358 moZzsn pnIwTzws 12153 08/07/80 08/15/00 194.15 463,594'09 4431 17 ponr-JoY omxwsw na 3851419 07y20/00 08/15/00 689.62 464,283'71 � 3825872 07/06/00 3682721 04/19/00 4432 11 oxvIo asoppnsY u xmmocIxrsm 1021936 07/05/00 08/15/00 604.00 464,887'71 4433 642 YALE cLsxwsem 200 07/31/00 08/15/00 2,122.71 467,010'42 202 07/31/00 aoo 07>31/00 204 07/31/00 205 07131/00 � 206 07/31/00 � � 207 07/31/00 200 07/31/00 210 07y31/00 211 07/31/00 ,nu.xp xvruvnto poywbie neieame 5'8'3 w°xpnO10 By uuurr moxoaoo (SRS) City of Owasso Cash Requirements Aug 10, 2000 11a40am Page 8 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# -- -- -- Number -Rama- Vendor Name --------- n----------------------- - - - --- Invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- -------------- Amount Due -------------- Amount Due 212 07/31/00 213 07/31/00 215 07/31/00 218 07/31/00 219 07/31/00 220 07/31/00 221 07/31/00 222 07/31/00 223 07/31/00 224 07/31/00 225 07/31/00 227 07/31/00 230 07/31/00 236 07/31/00 237 07/31/00 238 07/31/00 4434 371 MARK MEYER 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 501.75 467,512.17 4435 1440 ROGER STEVENS 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 156.60 467,668.77 4436 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 080100 08/01/00 08/15/00 186.75 467,855.52 4437 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 080100 08/01/00 08/15/00 191.70 468,047.22 4438 264 BRANDON HAMILTON 073100 07/31/00 08/15/00 132.75 468,179.97 4439 171 TYRONE DINKINS 072500 07125/00 08/15/00 316.35 468,496.32 4440 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12155800 07/25/00 08/15/00 27.60 468,523.92 4441 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 081500 08/15/00 08/15/00 964.91 469,488.83 4442 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042 -00588 -007 VRS 07/21/00 08/15/00 112.00 469,600.83 4443 879 OWASSO DRUG 803240 05/22/00 08/15/00 116.69 469,717.52 4444 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL. GROUP D06060 06/13/00 08/15/00 51.66 469,769018 4445 1419 CUSTOM CLEANING 6452 07/07/00 08/15/00 1,090.00 470,859.18 4446 446 0 REIL.LY AUTO PARTS 155 - 225318 07/13/00 08/15/00 1,507 85 472,367.03 155 - 225663 07/14/00 155 - 232385 08/04/00 155 - 232384 08/04/00 155-233271 08107/00 155-232401 08/04/00 4447 1465 JUDY EPPERSON 2557 08/07/00 08/15/00 300.00 472,667.03 4448 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12265 07128/00 08/15/00 2,787.60 475,454.63 4449 808 INCOG 20027 07/28/00 08/15/00 403.75 475,858.38 4450 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER INC 16259 07/28/00 08/15100 2,803.67 478,662.05 16252 07/24/00 16271 07/31/00 4451 808 INCOG 201010 07/28/00 08/15/00 2,630.50 481,292.55 4453 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAY 200042 - 00598 -006 VRS 06126/00 08/15/00 960.00 482,252.55 200042 -00584 -007 VRS 06/26/00 200042 -00606 -002 VRS 06/26/00 200042 - 00595 -005 VRS 06/26/00 200042 - 00597 -004 VRS 06/26/00 200042- 03935 -002 VRS 06/26/00 200042-00607-002 VRS 06/26/00 200042 - 03937 -002 VRS 06/26/00 4454 814 REASORS 21306 06/30/00 08/15/00 26.78 482,279.33 20947 07/07/00 30917 05/12/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payabte Release 5.8.3 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11a4Oam Page 9 :ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative ,Laim# ------ Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date ___mee_® Date -------- Amount Due -------- ------ Amount Due -------------- 4455 372 MAYS DRUG 34893 06/21/00 08/15/00 100.62 482,379095 4456 857 CROW BURLINGAME D162258 06/12/00 08/15/00 171022 482,551017 4457 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP 011139 08/03/00 08/15/00 51.66 482,602083 4420 388 NIKE INC 36488416 07/31/00 08/16/00 131.40 482 ®734023 4427 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 207004 07/21/00 08/16/00 397.19 483,131.42 213251 07/24/00 222245 07/26/00 Total cash required for week ending 08/18/2000 483,131.42 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO1O By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Lists vendor number, invoice number, invoice amount and a description of the claim, May be used to compare to the "Cash Requirements" report. ;ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber ----- Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ®-blow Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ---- Amount Date Amount bade ---- -------- ----------- __ndn_mdd_vd Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 347 797 08/03/00 4457 C11139 08/15/00 51°66 51066 1 EA #011139 1140 814 06/30/00 4454 21306 08/15/00 4056 22.22 1 EA PHOTO PROCESSING 07/07/00 20947 9.70 4056 PHOTO PROCESSING 05/12/00 30917 12°52 2023 857 06/12/00 4456 D162258 08/15/00 171022 171022 1 EA REPAIR SUPPLIES 2180 638 08/02/00 4393 B03240 08/15/00 31°00 31.00 1 EA 803240 2733 642 07/31/00 4433 200 08/15100 118.46 2,122„71 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 07/31/00 202 54011 07/31/00 203 82094 07/31/00 204 52064 07/31/00 205 55„28 07/31/00 206 72°09 07/31/00 207 45076 07/31/00 208 86.87 07/31/00 210 96075 07131/00 211 124.26 07/31/00 212 55028 07/31/00 213 203045 07/31/00 215 63017 07/31/00 218 50.02 07/31/00 219 122042 07/31/00 220 39048 07131/00 221 105056 07131/00 222 51090 07/31/00 223 52064 07/31/00 224 98°77 07/31/00 225 58°66 07/31/00 227 153014 07/31/00 230 47.38 07/31/00 236 76.37 07/31/00 237 60.54 07131/00 238 94.77 2735 939 08/01/00 4348 080100 08/15/00 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 2738 129 07/25/00 4440 12155800 08/15/00 27.60 27°60 12 CELL PHONE USE 2745 107 07/19/00 4305 13246 08/15/00 1074 32.94 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/24/00 13507 32094 1.74 REPAIR PART 2745 107 08/01/00 4398 13848 08/15/00 10°24 25054 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/01/00 13833 15030 2748 104 07/27/00 4314 00-07-19 08/15/00 299000 400000 3 MOWING-THREE LAKES 07/27/00 00 ®07 °18 400.00 299,00 3 MOWING- LAKERIDGE 2749 1408 07121100 4307 1456 08/15/00 319°50 319050 6 CONCRETE 2754 100 07/24/00 4399 128080 08/15/00 400°00 400000 2 DOZER RENTAL 2755 6 07/24/00 4315 6263 08/15/00 55000 0,00 6 SOD 000 6 SOD 27,50 6 SOD 27°50 SOD 2756 1040 07/26/00 4298 2257 08/15/00 5,700 00 5,700000 100 GREEN POLYCARTS °6/20/00 2757 1056 07/19/00 4302 59728 08/15/00 114099 114,99 6 RENTALS 07/19/00 59718 28000 0.00 6 RENTALS 0,00 6 RENTALS 28,00 MOWER BLADE :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 2 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number e_r___ Date -------- Code Number _--- ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ---- -- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ------------------------ 2758 729 07/26/00 4303 12299 08/15/00 8,788°44 8,788044 3 METER SETS -9 /7/99 2759 1320 07/25/00 4304 5629 08/15/00 1,65600 82.94 9 76 ST N MEDIAN MOWINGS 1,573006 3 HWY 169 MOWINGS 2761 1039 07/12/00 4308 294892 08/15/00 94.00 299.99 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/06/00 294891 92.49 70.38 HYDRANT WRENCH /PROBE 07/11/00 294890 72°50 07/06/00 294887 41000 07/11/00 294888 70°38 2765 591 07127/00 4300 8240120730 08/15/00 27090 30.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/27/00 8240120732 29.00 29400 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/27/00 8240120733 48.95 27.90 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/27/00 8240120724 30.30 48095 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/27/00 8240/20725 18„35 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 07/27/00 8240120731 4.55 4055 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 2766 567 07/24/00 4356 00 -020 08/15/00 848.80 848080 12 STREET SIGNS 2770 357 07/27/00 4355 T1658 08/15/00 40.00 160.00 12 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 07/24/00 T1551 40.00 07/19/00 T1534 40000 07113/00 T1499 40.00 2773 1394 07/24/00 4192 3071 08/15/00 147.00 147°00 3 LODGING °WOFFORD 2775 929 07/01/00 4357 2185 - 0003646 08/15/00 6,054007 9,561026 TIPPING FEES 07/01/00 2185 °0003419 6,654.44 3,147025 TIPPING FEES 07/01/00 2185 °0003652 160°53 322047 TIPPING FEES 07/01/00 2185-0003424 161094 2781 1038 07/05/00 4194 1436 08/15/00 149.87 289089 MAINT SUPPLIES 07/05/00 2786 140002 13.04 PAPER SUPPLIES /COFFEE 07/08/00 3201 13004 2785 612 07/30/00 4205 7/00 08/15/00 49.50 49.50 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2786 998 07/30/00 4203 7/00 08/15/00 49.50 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2787 124 07/30/00 4201 7/00 08/15/00 49°50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2789 483 07/30/00 4200 7/00 08/15/00 49.50 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2790 812 07/21/00 4221 1503 - 071864 08/15/00 22.33 161078 MAINT SUPPLIES 07114/00 1503-071723 74.79 10°99 MEASURING TAPE 06/30/00 1503 °071424 23010 07/06/00 1503 - 071539 °28091 07/06/00 1503 - 071538 28.91 07/07/00 1503 °071553 41.56 07/07/00 1513 °071557 10099 2791 252 07/30/00 4204 7/00 08/15/00 49°50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2792 904 07/11/00 4193 50023 08/15/00 50000 384°00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 07/17/00 50084 22.00 07/24/00 50154 34000 07/05/00 49943 8400 06/30/00 49924 270.00 2793 942 07/30/00 4199 7/00 08/15/00 49°50 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2794 1301 07/30/00 4206 7/00 08/15/00 49°50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2801 1410 07/26/00 4405 191523 08/15/00 58.15 58°15 SPIKES 2814 797 06/13/00 4444 D06060 08/15/00 51°66 51.66 D06060 2816 372 06/21/00 4455 34893 08/15/00 100062 100462 SO4140 2821 793 06/28/00 4226 OMP44835K9 08/15/00 100°00 100°00 INSURANCE PAYMENT 2868 857 07/27/00 4379 D166012 08/15/00 4.40 904056 24 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) city of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11e41am Page 3 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber ------ Number ______ Date -------- Code Number _--- n_omn® Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- dom_v__m__m_ Amount Date Amount -------- d_____m_mw ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 07/26/00 D165987 15.59 07/19/00 D165358 6002 07/18/00 D165225 200078 07120100 D165453 17.88 07/28/00 D166146 23096 08/01/00 D166420 3099 08103/00 D166616 14.27 08/02/00 D166529 '18M 07/27/00 D166066 65069 08/02/00 D166513 -3.60 08104/00 D166732 100086 07121/00 D165609 123°98 07/28/00 D166147 40.68 07/25/00 D165858 3099 07/25/00 D165856 -127.63 07/25/00 D165851 210.56 07/17/00 D165109 8.99 07/31/00 D166338 161.82 07/31/00 D166296 13084 2870 1050 07/31/00 4375 346796 08/15/00 54.43 13.06 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 41037 12 CYLINDER RENTAL 2871 812 07/14/00 4372 1504-71724 08/15/00 5.49 64.41 12 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07121100 1504 °071866 46010 22.31 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 07/25/00 1504- 071972 22.97 06/30/00 1504 °071425 12°16 2872 591 07/27/00 4374 8240120729 08/15/00 11.45 16095 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/03/00 8240121507 11.45 59.05 24 UNIFORM RENTAL. 08/03/00 8240/21505 26055 07/27/00 8240120727 26055 2873 446 07/13/00 4446 155 °225318 08/15/00 1,334.00 1,507.85 24 REPAIR PARTS 07/14/00 155-225663 21.82 08/04/00 155-232385 18.00 08/04/00 155-232384 49.95 08/07/00 155 - 233271 4060 08/04/00 155-232401 79°48 2874 364 07/18/00 4380 154304 08/15/00 45000 380095 12 TIRE REPAIRS 07/26/00 154507 65°00 07/05/00 154182 45000 07/13/00 154169 47.00 07/17/00 154167 118096 07/26100 154486 59°99 2877 1171 07/31/00 4391 255243 08/15/00 100°00 100.00 6 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 2880 764 07/30/00 4381 7/00 08/15/00 9,264.59 9473 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 11010 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 0,00 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 298029 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 2,498.16 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 64,12 VEHICLE MAINT 07/00 1,044 33 VEHICLE MAINT 07/00 135.78 VEHICLE MAINT 07/00 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 O *APR083 By SCOTT SHAD6OLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 4 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number __de nn__r_ Invoice ------------ Due Date __dwm__e Amount Date ------------ -------- Amount Amounts ---------- ------------ Claim Description ----------------------- 2.00 VEHICLE MAINT 07/00 23.96 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 46095 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 1,388 21 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 3,741.96 VEHICLE MAINT 7/00 0.00 VEHICLE MAINT 7 100 2881 1419 07/07/00 4445 6452 08/15/00 1,090000 1,090.00 12 JANITORIAL SERVICE 2886 537 07/24/00 4295 072400 08/15/00 80°00 80°00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2886 537 08/07/00 4392 080700 08/15/00 80000 80.00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2914 66 07/05/00 4353 327359 08/15/00 519.42 532.80 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 07/31/00 329765 13.38 2928 262 08/17/00 4220 7/18 °8/17 08/15/00 200.00 200000 CLEANING SERVICES 2934 554 08/01/00 4347 9907 08/15/00 40,00 40000 12 DIAL -UP SERVICE 2945 715 07/23/00 4293 72325 08/15/00 88.00 88000 2 LODGING- PARRIS 3005 594 07/28/00 4403 11893296-001 08/15/00 1,531.00 1,531 00 PLATE COMPACTOR 3029 856 07/25/00 4301 089118 08/15/00 437.75 437.75 OFFICE FURNITURE 3042 427 07/14/00 4296 11714 08/15/00 1,292°50 1,292 50 DOOR REPAIR 3053 7 07120100 4202 148497 08/15/00 166.50 166.50 COPIER RENTAL 3063 1239 07/25/00 4228 CE86762 08/15/00 1,055 00 1,055.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE 3085 595 07/07/00 4290 89678 08/15/00 56017 213=22 LINEN SERVICES 07/28/00 95757 72.83 62.00 LINEN SERVICES 07/21/00 93717 57.23 07/14/00 91666 55072 07/21/00 595080 33027 3091 538 07/30/00 4383 1052 08/15/00 57098 19»97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/31100 1136 140040 137.96 SURGE PROTECTOR /COMPUTER PAPER 26.47 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3132 1029 07/18/00 4377 5003678 08/15/00 294000 482048 REPAIR PARTS 07/25/00 3135425 188.48 3134 313 07/19/00 4335 002 08/15/00 109012 109012 MILEAGE 6/22 °7/19 3140 1440 07/31/00 4435 073100 08/15/00 156.60 156060 METER READINGS 3150 1443 07/19/00 4299 563405 08/15/00 593.90 593490 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3165 1392 07/19/00 4413 3 08/15/00 190,751°26 190,751.26 WWTP °PHASE IIA- 3/7/00 3191 793 07/19/00 4294 071900 08/15/00 857,50 114°00 HONESTY BOND 07/19/00 07190 114000 857.50 PUBLIC ENTITY BOND 3193 263 07101/00 4313 13 08/15/00 3,880.00 3,880000 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3193 263 08/01/00 4414 13 08/15/00 17,846.43 17,846043 WWTP PHASE II A 12/7/99 3199 889 07131/00 4219 073100 08/15/00 25°00 25000 MEMBERSHIP DUES- GREENE 3200 1446 07/18/00 4217 988129 08/15/00 128.82 128.82 DOG LICENSE TAGS 3204 1061 07121100 4222 1392 08/15/00 149,65 149 ®65 BUNKER GEAR CLEANER 3205 879 05/22/00 4443 B03240 08/15/00 116.69 116,69 803240 3209 294 07/17/00 4195 3080678 08/15/00 24,50 24050 REFERENCE BOOK 3214 1098 07/16/00 4231 2177389 08/15/00 160,12 278.12 EMPLOYMENT ADS 07/23/00 2183449 118000 3215 1404 07/20/00 4309 3277 08/15/00 450°00 450°00 ROAD BORE 3217 863 06/30/00 4223 6/00 USE 08/15/00 492002 48.20 6/00 USE 36023 6/00 USE 20050 6/00 USE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 'ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 5 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber ------ Number em -mau Date vmeme___ Code Number mmm_ m ®memv Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- --- Amount Date Amount --- ------ -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description a-mo____ - - --- _- am-w____ 18025 6/00 USE 112.10 6/00 USE 20.78 6/00 USE 26048 6/00 USE 22,01 6/00 USE 9.24 6/00 USE 9006 6/00 USE 74.85 6/00 USE 94032 6/00 USE 3218 939 07/24/00 4282 072400 08/15/00 175.00 100000 RADIO REMOVAL /INSTALLATION 75.00 RADIO REMOVAL /INSTALLATION 3219 26 07/14/00 4297 363 08/15/00 2,300000 2,300.00 ELECTRIC UTILITY CART 3220 40 07/17/00 4191 655461 08/15/00 28023 54022 REPAIR PARTS 07/03/00 649491 --4,00 07/18/00 655977 12.90 07/11/00 652360 17.09 3221 13 07/10/00 4216 559109 08115/00 41°67 41067 SHOCKS 3222 46 07/06/00 4215 80075 08/15/00 352023 867.23 FUEL /OIL 07/06/00 80074 535000 07/06/00 80106 020°00 3223 812 07/17/00 4214 655-071789 08/15/00 11058 156.13 REPAIR PARTS 07/21/00 655 °071863 35088 3069 REPAIR PARTS 07/13/00 655 °71692 39087 1.69 REPAIR PARTS 07/05/00 655- 071501 17.19 07/03/00 655 - 071478 38087 07/19/00 655-071816 12.74 06/09/00 1507 °071030 1072 06/21/00 1507 - 071270 1097 06/07/00 1513-070982 1.69 3224 1021 07/17/00 4213 213666 08/15/00 86.19 86019 MUFFLER /GASKETS 3225 35 07/06/00 4212 BGR7600 08/15/00 98070 98070 BEARINGS 3226 107 07/18/00 4211 13152 08/15/00 3025 143.57 REPAIR PARTS 07/17/00 13119 115.89 07/05/00 12347 24.43 3227 949 07113100 4210 919378BL 08/15/00 204°37 204.37 TIRE SEALANT 3228 342 07/13/00 4209 34375 08/15/00 223.77 277.91 REPAIR PARTS 07/10/00 34303 54°14 3229 606 07/17/00 4208 66935 08/15/00 275.24 275024 COURSE FLAGS 3230 19 08/10/00 4207 081000 08/15/00 125.00 125000 ANNUAL DUES 3231 785 07/13/00 4198 864-110705 -0 08/15/00 20,18 20°18 BATTERY FILLER 3232 85 07/16/00 4197 535373994 08/15/00 9498 9.98 REPAIR PARTS 07/17/00 535375497 8097 8097 REPAIR PARTS 3233 774 07/11/00 4196 351699 08/15/00 2,100.00 4,620000 FERTILIZER 06/30/00 351140 2,520000 3234 1044 07/18/00 4229 1006 °0044347 08/15/00 169060 169060 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 3244 1144 07/21/00 4306 072100 08/15/00 93.46 93.46 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS O.00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS O.00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY :CS,AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuIL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Ctaim Description - --- -- -- - - -- -------- ---- - - - - -- -- ---- - ----- -- ---- -- ------------ -- ---- -- ----- -- - -H - ------------ ----------- ------ - --- -- 3245 1100 08/01/00 4312 080100 08/15/00 85.00 3246 167 08/05/00 4334 00-513 08/15/00 100,00 3248 209 07/21100 4442 200042 -00588 08/15/00 112,00 3249 1450 07/17/00 4232 739071821 08/15/00 297.00 3250 1451 07/20/00 4292 072000 08/15/00 375.00 3251 1452 07/14/00 4241 1000452 08/15/00 1,848,00 3253 778 07/13/00 4225 7 -4317 08/15/00 51000 3254 76 07/18100 4224 88395 08/15/00 61457 3256 933 08/02/00 4415 1 08/15/00 90.00 3257 855 08/01/00 4281 080100 08/15/00 115000 3261 485 07/25/00 4291 72500 -02 08/15/00 153090 3262 482 07/10/00 4233 073 - 0521943 08/15/00 40.00 3263 454 07/13/00 4234 242435 08/15/00 145076 3264 1349 07/14100 4235 6213190 08/15/00 535.40 07/17/00 6213576 174.56 3265 726 07/18/00 4236 602072 08/15/00 34025 3266 103 07/19/00 4237 767725 08/15/00 351°00 3267 1395 07/13/00 4238 4645572 08/15/00 559°95 07/18/00 4648550 123.39 3268 785 07/19/00 4239 568 - 488019 -7 08/15/00 39086 3269 938 07/24/00 4240 072400 08/15/00 36.25 3272 556 07/24/00 4276 19125 08/15/00 105.00 3273 1005 07/28/00 4277 CTCS168585 08/15/00 124019 3274 745 07/19/00 4227 527616 08/15/00 413075 3275 938 06/29/00 4288 918272210112 08/15/00 432°66 3276 377 07/25/00 4289 64690086 08/15/00 416.15 3278 714 07/21/00 4287 22831 08/15/00 70.00 CCSeAP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 0 *APR083 BOOTS O.00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS 85.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES- ROBERTS 100.00 REPAIR SERVICES 112.00 LEGAL SERVICES 297°00 AIRFARE REIMBURSEMENT 150.00 TRAINING °MITCHELL /ROONE Y 75.00 TRAINING - BISHOP 75.00 TRAINING- CARLSON 75.00 TRAINING -CARR 1,848000 112 PARKING LOT BUMPERS 51.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 61.57 REPAIR PARTS 90°00 TRAINING- ROBINSON 115000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 153.90 UNIFORM 40"00 JACKET 145076 SHIRTS 709096 SHIRTS 34.25 SHIRT 351.00 GOLF CLUB 683.34 SHOES 39.86 TERMINAL PROTECTOR 36.25 TELEPHONE REPAIR 105000 RADIO REPAIR 124,19 AMBULANCE REPAIR 413075 TIRE GUARDS 49055 6/00 NON °PLEXAR 95.75 6/00 NON °PLEXAR 63.00 6 /00 NON °PLEXAR 48.36 6/00 NON-PLEXAR 176°00 6 /00 NON °PLEXAR 6,78 7/00 USE 7025 7/00 USE 2040 7/00 USE 125031 7/00 USE 16,34 7/00 USE 52°95 7/00 USE 7022 7/00 USE 37022 7/00 USE 43.71 7/00 USE 22°57 7/00 USE 18.25 7/00 USE 7.57 7/00 USE 9.04 7/00 USE 41454 7/00 USE 70000 RADIO REPAIR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 7 lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order PX. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuIL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber, _e_W- Number ------ Date -------- Code Number _--- ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date -------- ---------- Amount Amounts ------------ Claim Description ----------------------- 3279 129 06/25/00 4278 /2124152 08/15/00 10035 10035 PHONE USE- ROONEY 3280 1455 08/01/00 4279 080100 08/15/00 150000 150°00 MEMBERSHIP DUES-MITCHELL 3281 378 07/17/00 4310 461 08/15/00 1,822.65 1,822°65 MEMBERSHIP DUES 3282 1075 07/12100 4400 44594 08/15/00 124x99 117089 SAFETY BOOTS- HOFFMAN 07/11/00 2022161 117°89 124.99 SAFETY BOOTS - FRANCISCO 07125/00 45810 103.49 103.49 SAFETY SHOES °NICKOLSON 3284 96 04/27/00 4401 98494 08/15/00 130.23 130023 LODGING °MCKNIGHT 3285 1456 07/21/00 4354 46622 08/15/00 48496 48096 ASPHALT 3286 129 07/25/00 4286 12/66997 08/15/00 10.35 10.35 7/00 USE-STAMPER 3287 812 06/30/00 4346 1515 °071433 08/15/00 0.99 13°26 MAINT SUPPLIES 06/30/00 1516 - 071434 13026 0.99 MAINT SUPPLIES 3288 1044 07/01/00 4402 1006- 004137 08/15/00 1,593006 3,766042 RECYCLE /REFUSE 07/16/00 1006 °0045923 2,173036 0.00 RECYCLE /GLASS 3290 1457 08/20100 4394 082000 08/15/00 732.40 732.40 LODGING- WILLSON 3291 717 08/01/00 4280 9/00 08/15/00 23,000 00 23,000„00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 3292 152 07/28/00 4285 13134 08/15/00 522000 522.00 AIRFARE °WILLSON 3293 859 07/31/00 4397 073100 08/15/00 52.00 52.00 2 MEMBERSHIP DUES °ALLEN /STUCKEY 3296 157 07/08/00 4311 35680692 08115/00 36.48 36.48 PLANNER REFILL 3297 89 08/01/00 4284 080100 08/15/00 4,344.94 4,344.94 CART LEASE 3298 931 06/13/00 4395 748537 08/15/00 23065 206.85 12 LEGAL NOTICES 06/13/00 748538 21050 07/21/00 755425 23065 07/21/00 755426 21050 07/26/00 75295 18070 07/26/00 756296 17.00 07/26/00 756297 18.70 07/26/00 756298 17.00 07/26/00 756515 23.65 07/26/00 756516 21050 3300 358 06/16/00 4283 0 08/15/00 30.00 30000 PRINTING 3301 987 07/31/00 4386 62432 08/15/00 65.00 65.00 12 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 3304 1110 07/23/00 4350 998566 08/15/00 146085 146°85 PAGER RENTAL 3305 877 08/01/00 4349 25047 08/15/00 33000 54000 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 08/01/00 25048 21000 3306 792 07/13/00 4275 38723 08/15/00 9.55 92087 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/13/00 38730 32059 07/24/00 39643 50°73 3307 107 07/11/00 4274 12780 08/15/00 7.50 48019 WEEDEATER SUPPLIES 07/10/00 12734 3000 8044 REPAIR PARTS 07/05/00 12352 37069 08/03/00 13945 8044 3308 129 07/25100 4351 12152617 08/15/00 131056 67°67 PHONE USE-ALLEN 63089 PHONE USE-OTHERS 3312 877 08/01/00 4352 25049 08/15/00 43075 43.75 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 3314 267 08/12/00 4344 7 08/15/00 92,014044 92,014044 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 11/16/99 3315 1459 07/31/00 4390 128430 08/15/00 3000 30000 SUBSCRIPTION 3317 812 07121100 4364 1512-071872 08/15/00 10097 146°46 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/30/00 1512-071430 236077 103°28 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 10, 2000 11e41am Page 8 Unpaid CLaims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number - -n- -- Number -- ---- Date -- ---- -- Code Number Invoice -- -- -- ---- ------ ---- -- Due Date -- ---- -- ------ Amount Date Amount ---- -- -- ---- -- ---- ---- -- ------------ Amounts Ctaim Description ----------------------- 07/07/00 1512 -07155 2.00 3318 785 07/25/00 4336 864-944177 -4 08/15/00 199°00 238°23 MOTOR 07/27/00 432 - 204101 -5 39023 3319 812 07/27/00 4337 71998 08/15/00 29094 29x94 FLUORESCENT BULBS 3320 1387 05/01/00 4338 050100 08/15/00 22,00 97.00 GOLF COURSE SIGNS 06/15/00 061500 75.00 3321 1387 07125/00 4388 072500 08/15/00 35000 35000 LETTERING FOR DROP BOX 3322 1152 08/01100 4436 080100 08/15/00 186.75 186.75 METER READINGS 3323 38 08/01/00 4437 080100 08/15/00 191470 191070 METER READINGS 3324 171 07/25/00 4439 072500 08/15/00 316035 316.35 METER READINGS 3325 371 07/31/00 4434 073100 08/15/00 501075 501.75 METER READINGS 3326 264 07/31/00 4438 073100 08/15/00 132075 132075 METER READINGS 3327 1460 07/31/00 4387 121400025 -4 08/15/00 25014 25.14 REFUND 12WO025-4 OVERPAYMENT 3328 1307 07/21/00 4317 163655406 08/15/00 29,95 29095 GROCERIES 3329 678 07/31/00 4318 888191 08/15/00 37.93 383.42 GROCERIES 07/30/00 888297 3.00 07/29/00 888074 13.38 07/27/00 888296 54.43 07/18/00 159760 65093 07/25/00 159758 93001 07/24/00 159756 28485 07/22/00 159726 31°16 07/10/00 888102 9.95 07/14/00 888292 3.08 07/11/00 888186 42.70 3330 344 06/15/00 4319 24316782684 08/15/00 223.32 223432 HALOGEN LIGHT BULBS 3331 1038 07/27/00 4322 6421 08/15/00 10.72 3.76 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/19/00 4286 68022 3052 PAPER SUPPLIES 60094 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 10072 UNIFORM PANTS 3332 84 07/24/00 4320 5118950 08/15/00 132.00 133.03 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/13/00 5048785 99°87 54082 GROCERIES 28.99 PAPER SUPPLIES 15.03 GROCERIES 3333 732 07/26/00 4321 58432322 08/15/00 24050 122050 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/25/00 58432246 -24050 1,485095 GROCERIES 07/19/00 58431953 24050 07/25/00 58432245 674.70 07/18/00 58431884 227.05 07/11/00 58431524 -7020 07/11/00 58431523 689,40 3334 229 02/15/00 4343 568358 08/15/00 159,50 261°71 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/11/00 598230 207°77 583072 GROCERIES 07/27/00 601297 90088 66.90 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/11/00 598229 66°90 32056 PAPER SUPPLIES 07/25/00 600721 419084 3335 1151 07/25/00 4342 4764 08/15/00 54.90 80.40 COFFEE / TEA 07/11/00 4676 25,50 3336 336 07/28/00 4341 8928 08/15/00 47074 191°20 GROCERIES 07121100 8836 78066 07/14/00 8730 64080 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5,8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) rity of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 3337 957 07/11/00 4340 435003 08/15/00 343°25 07/25/00 436073 249.37 3338 981 07/14/00 4339 7140472 08/15/00 390051 07/19/00 7190338 351°75 07/28/00 7200463 238,67 3339 1355 00/01/00 4404 8/00 08/15/00 805000 3340 285 08/02/00 4416 314171 08/15/00 177000 3341 1311 05/22/00 4345 15429 08/15/00 483000 3351 785 08/01/00 4382 864-472743-3 08/15/00 98.69 08/01/00 864-472742 °5 8070 3352 1038 07/26/00 4370 6182 08/15/00 45.00 08/01/00 6458 9041 3354 932 07/02/00 4371 306776 08/15/00 35.00 3355 488 08/02/00 4359 135542 08/15/00 29.90 3356 406 08/03/00 4373 3356 08/15100 328.03 3357 819 08/04/00 4360 13794 08/15/00 75.00 07/31/00 13651 40000 3358 811 07/25/00 4369 84089 08/15/00 31000 3359 1244 08/01/00 4361 299364 08/15/00 88.87 3360 1005 08/03/00 4362 CVCS168411 08115/00 227020 07/28/00 CVW75953 73.83 3361 698 07/18/00 4363 181684 08/15/00 318.00 3362 703 07/28/00 4450 16259 08/15/00 707.92 07/24/00 16252 74.07 07/31/00 16271 2,021.68 3363 865 08/01/00 4365 20970 08/15/00 11.50 3364 660 07/19/00 4366 105690 08/15/00 101030 3365 1145 07/28/00 4367 275332 08/15/00 57024 3366 1054 07/28/00 4368 48195576 08/15/00 145.00 3367 1002 08/15/00 4441 081500 08/15/00 964.91 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 246,02 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 346460 SNACKS 980.93 GROCERIES 805.00 CLEANING SERVICE 8/00 177000 TRAINING MATERIALS 483.00 SIGNS 8.70 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 98069 TOOLS 14.01 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 2,47 REPAIR SUPPLIES O.97 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 36.96 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 35.00 VEHICLE. REPAIR 29090 REPAIR PARTS 7.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES 31498 OFFICE SUPPLIES 147019 CHAIR 1017 OFFICE SUPPLIES 99099 FILE CABINET 39092 OFFICE SUPPLIES 115.00 TOWING FEE 31°00 REPAIR PARTS 88.87 TOOLS 73083 REPAIR PARTS 227420 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 318.00 OIL /LUBRICANTS 2,803.67 VEHICLE REPAIR 11.50 REPAIR PARTS 101.30 TOWING FEES 34091 OFFICE SUPPLIES 22°33 OFFICE SUPPLIES 145.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 6050 REIMB PETTY CASH 13,00 REIMS PETTY CASH 3096 REIMB PETTY CASH 14°00 REIMB PETTY CASH 7.59 REIMB PETTY CASH 11.98 REIMB PETTY CASH 7072 REIMB PETTY CASH 15,00 REIMB PETTY CASH 388,04 TRAVEL EXP -HURST 195°03 PER DIEM /MILEAGE °WOFFORD 50,00 REFUND 79036 MILEAGE °BISHOP 129°07 RELAYS 6050 REIMB /REFUNDS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Futt Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number -- - - -e Number -men -- Date -- --- - -- Code Number ---- ---- -- Invoice -- ---- ------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 5017 REIMB /REFUNDS 6.99 REIMB /REFUNDS 4.00 REIMB /REFUNDS 1000 REIMB /REFUNDS 20°00 REIMB /REFUNDS 3369 601 08/01/00 4406 3635 08/15/00 1,172050 1,172050 RISK MANAGEMENT 3372 1287 07/28/00 4396 B03240 08/15/00 226°95 226095 B3240 3373 355 07/25/00 4376 9127 08/15/00 373.75 186087 TESTING EXPENSES 186.88 TESTING EXPENSES 3374 209 06/26/00 4453 200042 -00598 08/15/00 160000 960.00 LEGAL SERVICES 06/26/00 200042 -00584 24M0 06/26/00 200042-00606 128000 06/26/00 200042 -00595 56.00 06/26/00 200042-00597 80.00 06/26/00 200042 -03935 56°00 06/26/00 200042 -00607 96.00 06/26/00 200042 -03937 136.00 3375 1209 07/21/00 4316 864 - 733391 -6 08/15/00 38018 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 38818 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3379 808 07/28/00 4451 201010 08/15/00 2,630.50 2,630°50 MEMBERSHIP DUES 3380 808 07/28/00 4449 20027 08/15/00 40375 403075 FIRST QTR ASSESSMENT 3386 1084 07/31/00 4409 167841949 08/15/00 2,792063 2,792°63 STREET LIGHTS 3387 1062 07/31/00 4389 073100 08/15/00 6,022°05 700000 RETAINER 700,00 RETAINER 4,502°05 LEGAL SERVICES 120°00 LEGAL. SERVICES 3389 1084 07/31/00 4410 7/00 USE 08/15/00 23,036°75 1,200073 07/00 USE 647.48 07/00 USE 347.87 07/00 USE 753.54 07/00 USE 253,40 07/00 USE 977°42 07/00 USE 63090 07/00 USE 344.85 07/00 USE 912°64 07/00 USE 602.60 07/00 USE 10,364.10 07/00 USE 503022 07/00 USE 144096 07/00 USE 1,450064 07/00 USE 2,172°17 07/00 USE 435092 07/00 USE 1,861031 07/00 USE 3390 938 07/21/00 4411 9180OB463720 08/15/00 1,903°66 1,903066 E -911 3391 1465 08/07/00 4447 2557 08/15/00 300°00 300000 REFUND ON CEMETERY SPACE 3392 358 08/04/00 4412 12303 08/15/00 49°50 49050 50 COLOR COPIES 3393 358 07/28/00 4448 12265 08/15/00 2,787,60 2,787°60 COMP PLAN PRINTING 3398 785 07/20/00 4358 864 - 632375 -1 08/15/00 261,00 180°76 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 03/23/00 864 - 696821 -7 180076 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) dity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 10, 2000 11o41am Page 11 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber ._..nw- Number ---- -- Date -------- Code Number __-- __e___ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- Amount ------------ Date -------- ---------- Amount d_m__amd___n Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 261°00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3406 1467 07/27/00 4419 118285 08/15/00 37027 37027 SOFT SPIKES 3408 388 07/31/00 4420 36488416 08/15/00 136.80 08/16/00 5.46'>F 136080 GOLF BALLS 3409 863 07/13/00 4421 111 °28115640 08/15/00 179.01 179°01 7100 USE 3410 627 08/01/00 4422 103873 08/15/00 75.20 75020 TONER CARTRIDGE 3411 1229 07/27/00 4423 719553 08/15/00 571.58 360°31 GOLF SHIRTS 07/27/00 719804 97007 132476 GOLF VISORS 07/24/00 716711 210°61 61.19 GOLF SLACKS 06/28/00 84813 - .325 00 3412 11 07/26/00 4424 1028339 08/15/00 239.92 55.92 SHIRTS 07/27/00 9171195 - 184000 3413 314 07/10/00 4425 4626495 08/15/00 64046 64A6 GOLF CLUBS 3414 103 07/28/00 4426 770337 08/15/00 171°60 08/16/00 6072 175079 GOLF BALLS 07/25/00 768684 4.19 3415 57 07121100 4427 207004 08/15/00 260.26 08/16/00 9 11 107.41 CAPS 07/24/00 213251 107041 08/16/00 4014.> 260.26 BAGS 07/26/00 222245 44°38 08/16/00 `i7o8 ®_.s 44.38 CLUBS 3416 1471 07/14/00 4428 361438 08/15/00 183.96 371092 GOLF BAGS 07/25/00 362590 187096 3417 1265 07/25/00 4429 148913 08/15/00 1,485000 1,564°20 RANGE BALL CLEANER 07/27/00 DE11999 79,20 3418 358 08/07/00 4430 12153 08/15/00 194.15 194415 PRINTING 3419 17 07/20/00 4431 3851419 08/15/00 49.82 08/16/00 0.92 49.82 BELTS 07/06/00 3825872 24.50 24050 CAP 04119/00 3682721 615030 08/16/00 48096 615.30 RAIN WEAR 3420 11 07/05/00 4432 1021936 08/15/00 604.00 604.00 GOLF BALLS 3421 42 07/26/00 4384 92656586 08/15/00 75.00 75.00 SUNGLASSES 3422 1395 06/08/00 4385 4616619 08/15/00 1,799 08 08/16/00 89.95 1,812.84 BALLS 06/12/00 4619259 116.00 08/16/00 5.80 776.50 BAGS 06/09/00 4618311 674.26 3423 454 07/18/00 4417 250765 08/15/00 26098 26098 SHORTS 3424 482 07/12/00 4418 73-0522250 08/15/00 167.88 496096 SHIRTS 07112100 73- 0522259 235001 07/12/00 73-0522265 50084 01121/00 73 °0481362 43.23 3457 362 08/02/00 4408 32356 08/15/00 60000 60.00 BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 3458 360 07/27/00 4407 750440 08/15/00 325050 325.50 COPIER MAINT TOTAL W 483,151.68 Ha 172061 220 records listed X839151.6 L�Olr " 172- 002 432 ,1979.7' CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD NDIN DATE 07/29/00 rtm ffit Q vertir x t General Fund t 1 .. _�._,., ..�. ..✓.....,ae ..c, a...,.,., .,, _.,r.,3,`. .«au..,S f f _z..�._.� .' ...,... }.ii„ 3',, cL.� �'!._ ��S..au:.r,. d� �...�._._��(� ,.. Se�i,�,o e �fr �d�,7 �L'� Managerial 0.00 11,664.89 Community Development 0.00 6,962.12 Information Systems 0.00 1,689.81 e , `'p4'�y+,`�g�yr i >�� r. 7C3�3'E'3, �✓ a, ,,� ,� �x '� - �e "`� aef� w�,�;;' � " '"7y. � Police y r p+ 33.84 52,334.67 CB S Animal Control 0.00 1,373 03{ Street r3E p� yt�g 322.59 10,748.82 ;AkG:Sftffi"s6s'4'v a 9�.��''h �d ,.1 -D "'t Yy,,:.d�*1 �" �' ; -• t''_ 0 j� A rr'zr, °��. �y 7 ,.� Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,442.64 $ e �w -General Fund Total Garage Fund Total $87.60 $3,519.20 - APPROVED: August 15, 2000 Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 07/29/00 Department Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $189A3 $10,65927 APPROVED: August 159 2000 2 Council Member A MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLEI AY R AND COUNCIL CITY OF CHASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJEcr: EASEMENT CLOSURE FOREST CREEK BUSINESS PARK DATE. August 9, 2000 BACKGROUND Forest Creek Business Park, L.L.C. is requesting review of a proposed closing of a portion of an. existing utility casement within Forest Creek Business Park located west of the Owasso Expressway and north of E. V" Street N'. A location map is attached for your information and review, Forest Creek Business Park was approved as a Planned Unit Development (OP -20) by the Owasso Planning Commission and City Council earlier this year. The proposed easement closure has been reviewed by Public works with no comments generated. The Technical Advisory committee reviewed the request at their July 269 2000 regular meeting. One comment by PS O was recorded. While PSO has no objection to the closure they did request the redesign be coordinated with their office. The applicant intends to bury all utilities to the site. The Easement Closure request was approved by the Owasso Planning Commission at their August 8, 2000 regular meeting. Staff recommends approval of the requested Easement Closure subject to the following condition: ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Letter of Request 3. Closure Legal Description 4. Site Plan ' ~ | Efl AM ml AV MUM OSSVIA* ` - � � W", | ^| | , , July 18, 2000 Re: Easement Closure Forest Creek Business Park Dear Ms, Sorrells, You can reach me at (918) 782-3349 if you have any further questions or needs. Thank you in advance for your assistance on this matter and welcome to Owasso! Forest Creek Business Park, LLC John A. Rupe, managing member TUE 16:30 CANTRELL&ASSOC 27488 R-C-) —5 ey I -r- m, , a E,".ASEMENT To BE VACATED A 15 FEET ANEW A 5 FEET WID' PSO E�ASEMENT LCJCA`rED l,'N l*--v--wr---,E8T DRIVE INDUSIPIIAL- PARK, BEYNO MORE PARTICULARY DE-SCR'IDED AS FOLAJIWSP mm�m FROM SE CORNER OF' L.OT s roRPEST DRIVE INDUS�TRIAL POP:K; Go North 89 deem eq 24 minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of 5.00 feet a point; T14ENCE North, a distance of 94.76 feet to a point THENC'E'. Nco-thy 17 dogynes 19 minutes 53 seconds Eagt, a distanco of 6.16 feet the POINT OF BEGINNING SAW POINT BEING [IN rHE NORTH LINEm OF' LOT 6 i THENCE North 17 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance of 135.76 feet 0:1 a point; THENCE North 13 degrees 17 minutes 04 seconds Eant, n distance of 319.52 fuet tcl a point; THENCU Ncwth 76 degrees 42 minutes 56 seconds Went, a distancro of t5d00 fcic-st point; THENCE North 0 degroas 04 minute5 00 voconds West, a distance of l0o-00 feet a point; THENCE South 89 degrees 25 minutoz ll seconds Wamt, a distance of 15m00 feet a point,- THENCE South 0 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 90.11 feet to a point; THENCE South 13 degrees 17 minutus 04 seconds West, a distwice of 317.77 feet a point; THENCE South 17 degrees 47 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 161.21 feet to a point; THENCE Eastp a distance of 20.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing i3l.w square feet or 0.:3020 acres. .PLAT OF' . ALFA /AGSM LAND Y"�` E SURVEY 05 ' LOTS 3,4, IS 6 AND RKIME °A° _ IN PORREST DRIVE )NDUSTAM PARRS --AN ADDITION TO ONADSO, TU19A CO., OTD.A N89°68SB _ _ �P ® _ IA, Z - -- - - 5 °PEv v�a'PECA3l `ATD'FIACNQ£TIOY I �3� � °wmexaERRY I i i OAR` FRNGffi HCOSE wcmaat n„5 •i, ��q�R7 ' �Y�,° � tK \ ib'VY%`CNDERtf rP°z7 G � ALFiYAaSLE 6196. 90 °H CXFe'tiRY. \ ��a ° 15 ERN � N J i � to °HACSf�i1RY\ s4�� 7p s \ � ��cra¢es;9 5;� \t tt a°tlnctla� 4'! �II °CAN \♦ t 1!' ci p \t f "1A °FeGAM tt t+ 1 �. tq PSGP>Ai .. °N$eKDEEINY 1 tt' j!i � i 's /?i'�GL pfi `J.".,...,`""° 2'PCCAN ai �! i✓°9f`itACf@tft#Y14 °i9 Mo nRY IN i SCA N 5 BASED 0'.4 NCATN ULZ DY LOT 3 F iCM PLAY. J Dry rTA. YV 59931'38 °C FRO. P, f / 1 ! P °v. !! i i f �i w! HzPAt ti m 7 I i 108.05' HPaS`2;516 °dl YND. I�PAp I4$,� q SLAB i Y 12 " LAl c. ) t '�YSroecnra /i I. '✓'l' d PEOAId zf l + - t t't ♦� �q� R i ° COTTANti"COD. 0 P1; •' PIMOEL HI A4�. 7�SERla' Oi- Alb LOTS 3 t; 4 OF FCmor Dom NpusmoAL PAN#. TIL9A cOunn, OALAHmA, LESS Aw @)tt{PY. itl {,HEh`E061 BE3GAikIW. PARMS A A, G THIS DESCRIBED PARCEL. CONTAINS 4AS ACRES HIM OR LESS. AND PARet1 Q. A TRACT 66' LAi$9 LOCATED IH THE NE /4 OF ME 3E /4 C£ 13,9 SE /4 OF SCOTCH 30, P -29-6 A-14-C, TULSA OQUNri' eETC.Ut00A '00% PARTUTULARLY RCSCUS D A9 FOLLOWS, CON11XfNml AT THE S6 OWNfA CP L0Y' $, .fOAPESP OPAYQ INDUSTRIAL PARM, AN ADDITION TO.THE CITY OF OWASSO, LYO..AH e � YGPTR;E N- 1.7d4'ti �C- ALQbU THE'-EA.9't lYNC q SAID lOT 3 A DYSTANCE Of 05.0 FY. TO ME P604T O.°' OECRNWNO; MMCE �: <N +OY3S'W° -W' AM. P01PCNNjILM To ITIC SAll EI9Y LINE OF LOT 9 A 019YPNCE OF 200.69 fT.: THENCE S- Bf°35'Tf °nE 0.0.a6FR m ME NE' C %LOT. 4'.QF6 SAJU 9OWSY-OME oA)UNTYOAL PARU THENCE S- 1318'38' -W ALONG :. AkC t dtd) NSTANCE CS'3S.O2: FT. 'TO A &H,NO Ul-MO EAST L /N£,• THENCE CONTINUadO ALDHG SAID CAST LINE 9 , i FOU E ©ur7q F IP No. P I NOTE, ALL N!MENSIONS AMC SURYEYPDI DRTCNSIOAS AND TIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS ARE BASED ON Tm SURlIEYEO M04SIONS. CBRIIF1CAUM T0+ THE COLT COAFPAMES, m A. RUDE 0.111 134"'FAMUENP NAYWOND K LORD XuAN YARMS, RAVER dONN A. ROPE .&. THIS IS PO CERTIFY THAT MIS NAP OR PLAT AND 11 T AA MY IS BASED YARS WAD *MMVUM UENTS P ACCORONCE AM STANDARD OCTAL RECJ1 MRTLY TAOUSIED A B ARMED BY ALTA AND AM LN FOA ALMA /AGSM LAND TITLE SURVCYS,# 109$ INCLUDES IYEAfs 6,9,10.11 AND 15 OF YAM A TRECF. AM PURSUANT TO ME ACCURACY 9TAHOMS (AS ADC9TED BY AL,TA AM AM! HE _ IN EFFECT ON 7149 DATE OF TINS CfATIFICARON) OF AN URBAN SURIEY. P�4 _A.9. WAS4 L b WAT5ON $URYSTING CO., INC. ,CpdG OF 401 E. ROGERS BLVD. DE SIGAT00K, OW- UlO)MA 74070 ^ - SET IP S8B'42'We foc44 BP / way °WBi'EGAN ! ! 7 PP IP NBB`OS'08`W PARCEL "A" E�10. a s1i10'B4 °w 8.9a' REAL STATE i I 1 1 I / �D °PEGAt� I . I 1 I I I 1 ! I la SAN. NN 0 P1; •' PIMOEL HI A4�. 7�SERla' Oi- Alb LOTS 3 t; 4 OF FCmor Dom NpusmoAL PAN#. TIL9A cOunn, OALAHmA, LESS Aw @)tt{PY. itl {,HEh`E061 BE3GAikIW. PARMS A A, G THIS DESCRIBED PARCEL. CONTAINS 4AS ACRES HIM OR LESS. AND PARet1 Q. A TRACT 66' LAi$9 LOCATED IH THE NE /4 OF ME 3E /4 C£ 13,9 SE /4 OF SCOTCH 30, P -29-6 A-14-C, TULSA OQUNri' eETC.Ut00A '00% PARTUTULARLY RCSCUS D A9 FOLLOWS, CON11XfNml AT THE S6 OWNfA CP L0Y' $, .fOAPESP OPAYQ INDUSTRIAL PARM, AN ADDITION TO.THE CITY OF OWASSO, LYO..AH e � YGPTR;E N- 1.7d4'ti �C- ALQbU THE'-EA.9't lYNC q SAID lOT 3 A DYSTANCE Of 05.0 FY. TO ME P604T O.°' OECRNWNO; MMCE �: <N +OY3S'W° -W' AM. P01PCNNjILM To ITIC SAll EI9Y LINE OF LOT 9 A 019YPNCE OF 200.69 fT.: THENCE S- Bf°35'Tf °nE 0.0.a6FR m ME NE' C %LOT. 4'.QF6 SAJU 9OWSY-OME oA)UNTYOAL PARU THENCE S- 1318'38' -W ALONG :. AkC t dtd) NSTANCE CS'3S.O2: FT. 'TO A &H,NO Ul-MO EAST L /N£,• THENCE CONTINUadO ALDHG SAID CAST LINE 9 , i FOU E ©ur7q F IP No. P I NOTE, ALL N!MENSIONS AMC SURYEYPDI DRTCNSIOAS AND TIC PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS ARE BASED ON Tm SURlIEYEO M04SIONS. CBRIIF1CAUM T0+ THE COLT COAFPAMES, m A. RUDE 0.111 134"'FAMUENP NAYWOND K LORD XuAN YARMS, RAVER dONN A. ROPE .&. THIS IS PO CERTIFY THAT MIS NAP OR PLAT AND 11 T AA MY IS BASED YARS WAD *MMVUM UENTS P ACCORONCE AM STANDARD OCTAL RECJ1 MRTLY TAOUSIED A B ARMED BY ALTA AND AM LN FOA ALMA /AGSM LAND TITLE SURVCYS,# 109$ INCLUDES IYEAfs 6,9,10.11 AND 15 OF YAM A TRECF. AM PURSUANT TO ME ACCURACY 9TAHOMS (AS ADC9TED BY AL,TA AM AM! HE _ IN EFFECT ON 7149 DATE OF TINS CfATIFICARON) OF AN URBAN SURIEY. P�4 _A.9. WAS4 L b WAT5ON $URYSTING CO., INC. ,CpdG OF 401 E. ROGERS BLVD. DE SIGAT00K, OW- UlO)MA 74070 ^ - PHONE. 918- 396 -3214 TO. THE HONORABLE MXVOR & crry COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO CITY CLERK SUBJECT. BID PACKAGE IOF - DETENTION EQUIPMENT' CITY HALL/POLICE STATION DATE: august 10, 2000 Attached is correspondence frorn Douglas Peterson, Cowen Construction Project Manager for the City :all /Police, Station project, outlining the reason for recommending that the bid from Sweeper Metal be rescinded. The correspondence was submitted to city staff following a meeting with representatives of Sweeper fetal on Wednesday, august Sri, Cowen Construction 1110 west 23rd Street hone: 918- 582-2220 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-3465 Fax: 918 - 584.8922 August 10, 200O City of Owasso 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attn: fany Mitchell Project. Owasso City Hall & Police Station Project 9: 98170 Re. Job #: Dear Larry: I would like to submit a summary for yesterday's meeting with Bill Knesek of Sweeper Metal Fabricators, Ron Cates, Robert Carr, and Larry Mitchell of the City of Owasso, and Doug Peterson of Cowen Construction. Highlights of the meeting; Reason for recommending rescission of award for Did Package 1 Of- Detention Equipment 1. setter from Sweeper Metal to Cowen Construction on 6/14/00 indicates that jail doors, frames, and hardware were excluded from the submitted bid. 2, fetter indicates that if the agreement is not "corrected and clarified ", Sweeper Metal Fabricators will be forced to decline the project. 3. Since a firll scope of work was not included in the proposal at bid time, and was not revealed to Cowen Construction until after the award, Cowen Construction recommended to the City of Owasso that the award be rescinded. Rebuttal from Sweeper Metal Fabricators 1, Specification 11190 for the detention equipment did not include provisions for jail doors, frames, and hardware, 2. The estimator thought there were holes and gaps in the bid package so only section 11190 was bid. Continued discussion: Sweeper Metal was asked why they did not send a RFI or ask a question at the prebid conference about the absence of a jail door, frame, and hardware specification. Sweeper Metal assumed that it was covered under other bid packages. Sweeper Metal went on to say that the plans call for a commercial grade door not a detention grade usually found in Division 11191 which is not listed in the specifications. Resolution: Sweeper Metal's award for the bid package I OF- Detention Equipment will be rescinded, A specification will be added through an addendurn for jail doors, frames, and hardware. Bid package I OF will be rebid per bidding requirements set forth by the Mate of Oklahoma, Sweeper Metal Fabricators was satisfied with this resolution. Sincerely, Douglas Peterson Project Manager CC; Robert Carr Ron Cates Bill Knesek Encl. MEMORANDUM O. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO DONNA SOS ELLS CITY PLANNER suBjEcr. LOT TIEING AGREEMENT LOTS 2,3,4,5,6 AND 7, BLOCK 10 ORIGINAL TOWN OF OWASSO DATE. August 8, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso is requesting review of a Lot Tieing Agreement to six lots located within the Original Town of Owasso between Main Street and Birch Street and between E. I" Street N. mid E. 2nd Street N. The City of Owasso is requesting the lot tieing agreement in order to allow for the construction of the Owasso City Hall and Police Station and their associated facilities. It is necessary for the City of Owasso to record this agreement with itself to maintain compliance with the Owasso Zoning Code. Approval and granting of the lot tieing agreement will ensure the following: 1. Location Map 2. Copy of Lot Tieing Agreement .e siP® - -moo."__. — ® �..,,oe• - - 1vr: °a° •.,�.• °°.'."° ^°.® ®vim Y •�p v° ,e FOED z Y �d I CAM. CARR e4� -�Srg Mg I FtI c e j * 1 IO E IES t I STIES e I AYS Q F9> ST. BROAD W-A a ° ST 6ELL EL CO °STEMI EEm� i3�sySl9 °a. iais{,14. CHArLES i ®SO" ca co AF'a ms2bC a' TEL c® K�aavaa flg data S�t18Paaa Irl End DEL g sue° e` > >E �r °. 58o a BELL C, AGREEMENT TIES AGREEMENT made and entered into this 15th day of August, 2000, by and between TEE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ITS PROPRIETARY CAPACITY hereinafter designated "Party of the First Part ", and the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA., IN ITS GOVERNMENTAL CAPACITY, a municipal cor -poration, hereinafter designated "Party of the Second Part effect they will not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber said First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth properties, separate and independent of each other. (4) This Agreement shall automatically terminate: (a) Upon the replatdng of the above described properties into a single lot as required by laws or (b) At such time as it becomes unnecessary for any reason or cause to combine or use the aforesaid properties as a single lot in order to meet or satisfy the then existing bulk, area and off-street parking requirements of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, Zoning Code then in force and effect. -Upon the occurrence of either of the events described in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this rannerical paragraph, the Second Marty shall, immediately upon the request of the then record owner of the above described properties, execute in recordable form. a release or mutual release of this Agreement. (5) This Agreement shall be binding upon the patties hereto and each of them, their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEMEOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written, CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, a municipal corporation By (mayor) "Party of the First Farts, City Clerk City Attorney APPROVED this — day of 20 AT'T'EST: By - -- -- (Mayor) - - _r "Second Party„ City Clerk City Attorney APPROVED this _ day of , 20 STATE OF COUNTY OF before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of _ _ , 20 —, personally appeared - and (husband and rife) to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as — — - free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. GIIVBN under my hand and seal the day and year last above vrritten, My Commission Expires: NOTARY NOTARY pU3 LIC "CITY Y OF OWASSO ACi NOWL,EMCFl" MENI T" STATE OF ) COUNTY U } before me, the undersigned, a Notary public in and for said County and State, on this day of - _ , 20—, personally appeared m .. _ and to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same as � free and voluntary act and deed of such u� City, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, GIVEN under my hand acrd seal the day acrd year last above written. My Commission Expires; MEMORANDUM TO.- HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DONNA OR LIDS CITY PLANNER SUBJE CT: PUD AMENDMENT AND REZONING OPUD-12A AND OZ-00-08 BAILEY RANCH ESTATES P.U.D. DAXE.- August 9, 2000 BACKGROUND Staff recommends approval of OP -12A and, separately, OZ-00-08 subject to the conditions approved by the Planning Commission. I. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Staff Report 3. Amended Outline Development Plan 4. Revised Master Plan CONCEPT OF A PUD The use of a PUD technique is a way t® amend a zoning ordinance in accordance with a g,QmUIete,-coordijjgqd plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal the changes by using variances of the zoning regulations. BACKGROUND The Zoning Code identifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and shall determine: 1. Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive .plan. 2, Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of the surrounding areas. 3. Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4. whether the PUD is consistent with the stated, purpose and standards of the D Ordinance. a. Permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b. permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c. provide and preserve rnearningfi l open space; d. Achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. Initially, these issues were reviewed during the application phase of OP -12. While controversial, OP LTD-12 was determined to be in compliance with the zoning code. A copy of the pertinant portion of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 149 1994 are attached for your review. Certain conditions of approval of OP -12 are specifically relevant to the requested amendment. Referencing the minutes of the March 14, 1994 regular meeting, the particularly relevant conditions are as follows: Condition 4-2: That unless specifically set out in the standards and conditions of this PUD, single-family detached lots shall typical ; Condition #6a That within the PUD, the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 436 units. Condition #9e That the minimum rear yard setback of any lot within the addition be 20% of the lot depth providing it is not less than 25 feet. Condition #11: The larger lot sizes designated along the north and cast boundaries of the PUD shall not be altered to a smaller size. Condition 913: A rear building line of 50 feet be added to the larger perimeter lots, It should be noted at this time, the applicant who originally filed this atinendinent and rezoning request is no longer the applicant. The new applicant, Owasso Land Trust, has held several meetings with surrounding property owners regarding these and other issues. The applicant has made modifications to the master plan to reflect the negotiated concessions to the surrounding neighbors' concerns. The Owasso 2010 Land Use ?aster Plan is implemented through the use of the zoning process. "his means when zoning or PUD requests are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council, they should be consistent with the Comprehensive, Plan or logical reasons should be presented to show that the plan needs to be amended, The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject tract to be Low Intensity Residential. As the applicant is proposing a single-family detached residential scheme, it is staffs opinion this proposed amendment is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. ent The remaining surrounding properties are rural residential in nature with lots 2.5 acres and larger. The owners of these properties had previously negotiated a buffer of RE (Residential Estate) lots along the cast and north perimeters of the P.U.D. The applicant ftas met with these property owners and has agreed to maintain the 50' rear yard setback as well as providing a minimum 2200 square foot house size restriction on the perimeter lots. Given these assurances, these surrounding property owners have agreed to lot widths of 70'. A sample signed letter of agreement is attached for your information and review. Other signed letters are on file in the Community Development office. Legal Planning and &eua ineer Un Previously approved internal circulation patterns are to remain generally the smile. Connections to N. Garnett Road and adjacent developments are to remain as previously approved. Stormwater detention facilities for the entire Bailey Ranch Estates PUD are to be integrated into the proposed park within the heretofore undeveloped portion of the PUD. Unified Treatment of the PUD S inW_C� The proposed entrance to the development from Garnett Road at the north end of the site will receive the same treatment as the southern access. 6. A 50 rear yard setback be required on all lots along the north and cast boundaries. 7. Lots along the north and cast boundaries will have a minimum width of 70'. 8. All conditions of approval of OP-UD-12 not specifically revised at this time remain in effect as conditions of approval. ATTACHMENTS FILE No.955 08/03 '00 PM 01:57 ID:Legacy Sales & Leasing FAX: PAGE N Z e ' The on °ri 1 F.U.D. allo od 1 500 square foot houses. Tho revised PM D° ° vva�e require 2200 square foot houses on lets Mong the north and cast perimeters, original The P.U.D. required U foot rear yard set -back line for 1 om on the north and cast perimeter lots. The revised P.U,D. will maintain that same 50 foot rear yard sOt back line for thoso perimeter lots. The original Pal, , allowed the subject perimeter lots ko have a Minimum %vidth of 125 feet. g The. revised P.U.D. will allow such perimeter lots to have a minimum width of 70 Feet if n consensus can be reached amongst adjacent property owners to onibrace these revisions, Kourfis Properties will firmly commit to include theso precise rovisions in the amendment documents filed with the City Of0wasso. 0 l° Kourtis Properties, L C. ya ette ourtio W,BOX41Ll �') t����)C °) l��reo, a °�C�"� 9 918 272-3282 VAX; 918 2 72 -0216 AUG-03-00 04:15 PM HARRYMTGCOOWASSO 919 274 0334 P.02 Please publish the following legal advertiseinent in the jyy 20, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to-. City of Owasso ATTN. Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to, A&W Land Development P.O. Box 7 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Rezoning and Planned Unit Development Amendinent NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF TBE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA "PLICATION. OPUD-12A & OZ-00-08 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Connuission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 8th day of August, 2000. At that time and place, consideration will be given to die proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described C,roperty: man= THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF M GARNETT ROAD AND NORTH OF E. 96T11 STREET N NORTH OF BAILEY RANCH ESTATES AND BAILEY RANCH ESTATES 11. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. M A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 17th day of July, 20000 Donna Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 -City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER 3=0192ma� 11, 11 � Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. ®n the 8th day of August, 2000. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from A Land Development, applicant, for a proposed change of zoning classification fi-om PUD/RS-2 (Residential Single-Family, Medium Intensity) and RE (Residential Estate) to PUD/RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Intensity). The subject property contained within 79.32 is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NW/4 AND PART OF THE S A OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NOXIII, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA BEING MORE, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF N. GARNETT ROAD AND NORTH OF E. 96TH STREET N. . NORTH OF BAILEY RANCH ESTATES AND BAILEY RANCH ESTATES 11 Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma,, this 18th day of July, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner y� h TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITYCOUNCIL CITY I" OWASSO FROM- RONALD D CATES CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: : , SOLUTION TO CALL SPECIAL ELECTION-COUNCIL WARD 2 DATE. August 9, 1999 BACKGROUND During the regular meeting of the City Council on July 18, 2000 and a special meeting on July 25, 2000, direction was given to staff to initiate the process for holding a special election to fill the vacancy in the Ward 2 position on the City Council. Pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso City Charter and Oklahoma statutory provisions governing the holding of a special election for the purpose of filling vacancies on the City Council, the Council shall take action by Resolution to call such election, SPECIAL ELECTION AUGUST 9, 111 PAGE 2 Staff has prepared resolution #2000-08 which, if approved by Council, calls for a special election to be conducted for the Ward 2 vacancy and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County Election. Board. It also identifies the process that must be followed to meet all legal requirements, The filing; period is identified as September 5, 6, & 7, 2000, All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Tulsa County Election. Board between 8000 a.m. and 5000 p.m. on one of those days. Only qualified electors who have resided in Ward 2 for at least sip months prior to :li.ling a declaration of candidacy shall be qualified to hold the office of Ward 2 Council Member, All registered voters residing within the city limits of the City of Owasso will be able to Grote for the candidate. The special election is set in accordance with state law and will be November 7, 2000. The candidate receiving the most rotes cast will be declared the winner. The elected councilor will be sworn in at the first meeting of the City Council after staff has received the Certificate of Election from the 'Tulsa County Election Board, The new councilor could be sworn in and seated as early as November 21, 2000, however, staff anticipates that it may be December 5, 2000. The elected councilor would then serve the remainder of the three -year terra, Staff recommends approval of Resolution #2000-0$, providing notice to the Tulsa County Election Board, designating a filing period, designating a special election date, and certifying precincts to be opened. IN 1. Resolution #2000 -08 RE,SOLUTION NO 2000008 NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR ELECTING A CITY" COUNCIL MEMBER. FROM WARD 2 OF THE CIry OF OVdASSO, OKLAHOMA, DESIGNATING A FILING PERIOD, DESIGNATING A SPECIAL ELECTION DATE,, AND CERTIFYING PRECINCTS TO BE OPENED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWA.SSO, OKLAHOMA-. 1, That a non - partisan Special Election for a City Council Member to represent Ward 2 for the unexpired term thereof ending on the first Monday in May 2003, be bold on November 7, 2000. 2. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who have resided in Ward 2 for at least sips (6) months prior to filing a declaration of candidacy shall be qualified to hold the office of Ward 2 Council Member. 1 The filing period shall be September 5, 2000 through September 7, 2000 for the Special Election. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, O lahorna, hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that the following numbered precincts in Tulsa County are to be opened: 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, and 7559 and that the .following numbered precincts in Rogers County are to be opened: 2130. MASSED AND APPROVED this 15' day of August, 2000 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, 01dahoma. Fl. C "Will" Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Cleric Ronald D Cates, City Attorney TO. THE HONOR-ABLE MAYOR O CI'T'Y COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM- MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT. RE MAINING APPOINTMENTS ATE: August 11, 2000 At the time the agenda was being prepared, we were waiting confirmation from some of the prospective appointees as to their willingness to serve. A list of the appointees to fill the remaining vacancies on the Personnel Board and the Sales "fax Watchdog Committee, as well as appointees to the newly - created Capital Projects Financing Committee, will be provided to you at the City CounclI meeting.