HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.09.05_City Council AgendaPUBLIC OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 5, 2000 TIME: 6,30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City hall 4000 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2000, Marci Boutwell, City Clerk 1 e Call to Order Mayor Williams 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Reading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Williams Attachment #4 The Mayor will proclaim Thursday, September 7, 2000 as United Way Day in the City of Owasso, and present a proclamation to Owasso United Way representatives. Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 2 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. Aa Approval of the Minutes of August 15, 2000 Regular Meeting. Attachment ft-5--A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment 0-B C. Action Relating to Ordinance #654, an by the Owasso Public Works Authority, the Authority Were Increased. Attachment #-5-C Ordinance Approving and Adopting an- Action Wherein Rates for the Purchase of Water from Staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance 11654. D Action Relating to Ordinance #655, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Generally Located on the East Side of Garnett Road, North of Bailey Ranch Estates and Bailey Ranch Estates 11; from RS-2 (Residential Single-Family Medium Density) and RE (Residential Estates) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density), Containing 79.3 Acres, More or Less, Attachment #5-D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #655, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on August 15, 2000 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. E, Action Relating to Ordinance #656, an Ordinance Providing for an Amendment to OPUD-12, a Planned Unit Development on Property Generally Located 1/4 Mile North of East 96th St N, East of Garnett Rd, and Containing a Total of 160.83 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #5 ®E The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #656 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on August 15, 2000 to approve the amended PUD and authorize an ordinance. F. Action Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Nottingham V. Attachment #5-F The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 'age 3 G. fiction Relating to Acceptance of Improvements to the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve the Jack Stout Property, Attachment #5 -G The staff recommends Council acceptance of the inflastructure improvements, 1 -L Action relating to a Request for the Appointment, of a Court Clerk. Attachznent 0-11 The City Manager and Finance Director recommend the appointment of Jnli ,Stevens to the position of Court Clerk. 60 Consideration and appropriate Action Relating to a Donation of Deal Property To Be Used As Right-of-Way for the 861h ,Street North Widening Project. Mr McElrath Attachment #6 Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 4 The staff will recommend Council approval of a Letter of Agreement for the purchase of real property located at 10435 E 86th St N at a cost of $ 15,000 to be utilized in the construction of the Ator Sewer belief Line; authorization for the Mayor to execute the Netter of Agreement; authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents incidental and necessary to the closing of the transaction, and authorization for payment. & Consideration and .Appropriate Action Relating to Acceptance of a Letter of Agreement Between the City of Owasso and Strawdey McCarty for a Temporary Easement, and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute all Necessary Documents, Mr McElrath See Attachment #7 I The staff will reconrrrrend Council approval of a letter of Agreement for the donation of a temporary easement located at 9497 E 86 "n t N to be utilized in the construction of the Ator Sewer Relief Tine, in exchange for certain considerations detailed in said Letter; authorization for the Mayor to execute the Letter; and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents incidental and necessary to the closing of the transaction. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating Resolution #200009, a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement. Mr McElrath Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #200009, authorizing the City of Owasso to enter into a Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in connection with improvements to 86th Street North; and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 5 The Owasso Annexation Con rnittee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested annexation. The staff concurs with the recommendation., 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a bequest for City Council .Approval of a Final flat for Nottingham Estates V, an .Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Mils Soirells Attachment #11 The Owasso Planning Commission conducted a hearing on this request in March and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Nottingham Estates V, a 44-lot, 24.5' acre subdivision, located south of E 96th St N and west of ITT 145th East Ave. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Camden Park II, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Ms Sorrells Attachment #12 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Camden Park II, a 42-lot, 13.86 acre subdivision, located on the east side of N 129th East Ave, south of Windsor Lake, north of Barrington, and east of Camden Park. The staff concurs with the recommendation. Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 6 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a bequest to Close a Portion of East First Street Immediately Past of Main Street and Directly South of the Police Station. Mr Rooney .Attachment #13 The staff` will recommend that the street be closed to be utilized as a part of the city hall /police station site. 14� Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Final Acceptance of `Mork Performed Under a Contract for FY 1999-2000 Street Repairs, Between the City of Owasso and Magnum Construction- Inc, and Authorization for final Payment and Release of Retainage, Mr Lutz Attachment II1 4 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment, including retainage in the amount of $25,707.13 be authorized. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Dole Line Relocation for the City :Hall /Police Station Construction Project, Mr Mitchell Attachment #15 The staff will recommend Council approval for an expenditure of $6800 to PSO for the purpose of installing new power poles, lines, and anchors in the area of the construction prof ect, Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 7 160 Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a Contract With Birch Telecom of Oklahoma Inc for the Collection of E -911 Funds and Remittance of Sarre to the City of Owasso. Mr Cates Attachment #16 The staff will recommend. City Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents which approve the collection of E-911 funds and remittance of those ends to the City of Owasso, 170 Consideration and .Appropriate Action Relating to the Appointment and Confirmation of Members to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee and Capital Projects Financing Committee. Mayor Williams The Mayor will offer the name of Donnie Johns for appointment to the Sales 'Tax Watchdog Committee as a representative of Financial Institutions; and the following appointments to the Capital Projects Financing Committee: Pete Kourtis, representing citizens-at-large and Will Williams and Mary Lou Barnhouse, representing the City Council. 1$, Deport from City Manager, Report o Owasso City Council September 5, 2000 Page 8 200 Report from City Councilors. 21 . New Business. 22. Adjoumment. _ C CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, the City of Owasso and surrounding area are included as part of the Tulsa Area United Way campaign; and, WHERE, AS, the United Way campaign helps fund the Boy Scouts of American, Girl Scouts of America, Margaret Hudson Agency, Volunteer Network Owasso, Green Country YMCA, Iced Cross, Consumer Credit Counseling Services, and Family and Children's Services within the City of Owasso; and, WHEREAS, the citizens of the Owasso area utilize not only the services of the above - listed agencies, but also numerous other United Way agencies located in the greater Tulsa area; and, WHEREAS, Owasso -area citizens benefited greatly in 1999 in a variety of ways by utilizing United Way agency services valued at approximately $178,810; and, WHEREAS, Owasso residents have generously donated to the Tulsa Area United Way campaign in past years, raising almost $100,000 in the 1999 campaign, NOW, THEREFORE, T, H C Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Thursday, September 7, 2000 as in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and urge all citizens to give generously of their resources to assist in the programs of the United Way agencies. IN WI'T'NESS THERE OF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 5' day of September, 2000. H C Williams, Mayor The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday August 15, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 11, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the ineeting to order at 6:35 p.m, ITEM 2: INVOCATiON The invocation was offered by Councilor Randy Brogdon, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE his Boutwell led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. The consent agenda included minutes of the August 1, 2000 regular meeting and the August 8, 2000 Special Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $48,437.69; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $1,750.62; Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQLIES T FOR CITY COUNCIL TO RESCIND THE BID AWARD FOR BID PACKAGE 10E-DETE METAL ON JUNE 6, 2000. AYE: Barahouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A LOT TIEING AGREEMENT FOR LOTS 2, 3, 4 5, 6, & 7, BLOCK 10, ORIGINAL TOWN OF OWASSO. -2- Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPUD-12, A F AN AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the amendment to OPUD-12. AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0. _3- Owasso City Council August 15, 2000 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING RESOLUTION #2000 ®0� A SOL IJTION CAL L INS A(7I�m� ARTISAN SPECIAL, ELECTION PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE OWASSO CITY CHARTER AND OKLAHOMA ELECTION LAWS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A COUNCIL MEMBER FOR WARD 2. Mr Cates presented the item. He said that pursuant to direction from the City Council, a resolution has been prepared calling for a special election to be held on November 7, 2000 fog° the purpose of electing a council member to fill the vacant Ward 2 seat. Because this date occurs within 120 days of the first filing day for the next general municipal election, the Council has the option of either calling a special election or leaving the seat vacant until the next general municipal election, Should the Council choose to call a special election, the filing days are specified in the resolution as September 5, 6 & 7, 2000. Resolution , #2000 -04 also allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County Election Board and identifies the process that must be followed to meet all legal requirements. The elected councilor will serge for the remainder of the `ward 2 term. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve Resolution #2000 -08. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS TO THE SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE PERSONNEL BOARD A CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE. - AYE: Barnhouse, Williams, Brogdon NAY: None The remaining vacancies, consisting of a Financial Institutions Representative to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee, and two councilors and a citizen -at -large for the Capital Improvements Financing Committee, will be appointed at the September 5"' City Council meeting. -4- Owasso City Council ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER August 15, 2000 Mr Mitchell said that the Tulsa County Commissioners will be meeting at 9;00 a.m. on Monday, August 21st, and will be considering taking a vote to place a continuation of the tax now being collected for the construction of the county jail on the November 7th ballot to be utilized for county capital improvements. A delegation from the city plans to attend that meeting, Proposals have been received for the downtown redevelopment and will be reviewed with the OT DA, ITEM 3e REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report, ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Mayor Williams commented on the need to improve 76th St N and discussed the meeting held with other 'Tulsa County mayors where this item was discussed, ITEM 15o NEW BUSINESS, Mr David. "Tittle, 13331 E 76th St N, requested city assistance in address a flooding problem in the area of 76th St N & 134�h East Ave, as the result of run-off from Copper Meadows, ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Ms Bainhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn, AYE: Bainhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -5w FI C Williams, Mayor City of Owasso Claims 9/5/00 Fund Department Juvenile Court Ambulance Capital Improvements Bond Projects 107 Juvenile Court TOTAL Refunds 255 Ambulance TOTAL 96th Street Signalization Computerization TOTAL Streets/intersections City Hall/Police Station Project Management TOTAL Total 7U0 372.49 4,593.41 33.86 2,342.91 819.99 272.90 1,645.31 2,163.55 108.26 7,264.66 828.96 631.84 2,762.03 349.59 5,405.91 672,25 5,681.41 480.24 10.00 36,509.57 ■ 194.89 4,919.76 5,114.65 16,955.04 16,955.04 1,300.00 3,817.22 8,000.00 OPGA Merchandise 4,548.16 600 Golf Shop 292.34 605 Cart Operations 163.37 610 Golf Course Maintenance 8,989.21 690 Golf Administration 1,057.00 11 691 Clubhouse 1,236.36 690 Debt Service 35,753.66 TOTAL 52,042.29 OJPWA Refunds 91.25 400 Administration 695.74 405 Utility Billing 1,663.14 420 Water 194',591.51 450 Wastewater treatment plant 4,577.06 455 Wastewater Collection 3,669.70 460 Defuse Collections 1,463.46 465 Recycle Center 63.13 TOTAL 206, 615.0 3 OPWA Capital Improvements 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant 33,600.00 455 Wastewater Collections 4,100.00 Debt Service 27,064.66 TOTAL 64,784M O PWA Sales Tax Debt Service '120,765.41 TOTAL 12O,765.41 09ity Garage 165 City Garage 10,817M TOTAL 10,617.07 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 5,994.20 TOTAL 5,994.20 Claims Total 532,990.34 City of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03.05pm Page 1 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumutative Claim# ---- -- Number - -- - -- Vendor Name ------------- --------- -- --- ------ --- Invoice# - -- ---- ---------- --- Date --- -- - - - --- Date --- ----- Amount Due --- ----- --- --- Amount Due --------- -o.mnv 4499 1038 WAL -MART 8631 08/09/00 09/05/00 63.78 63.78 5550 07/27/00 4500 1453 GALAXY DISTRIBUTING CO 15952 07/31/00 09/05/00 199.90 263.68 242 07/31/00 4501 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12449146 07/25/00 09/05/00 10„65 274.33 4502 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET 168848 08/03/00 09/05/00 480.21 754.54 4503 1466 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE 082200 08/22/00 09/05/00 10.00 764054 4504 1098 TULSA WORLD 2192904 08/05/00 09/05/00 91.88 856.42 4505 416 OWASSO REPORTER 080100 08/01/00 09/05/00 52.00 908.42 4506 941 APAC °OKLAHOMA INC 192457 07/03/00 09/05/00 225.,19 1,133 61 07/23/00 4507 366 MILL MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 66850ry6 07/18/00 09/05/00 239,02 J 1,3/2.63 616863 07/18/00 616972 07/20/00 616979 07/21/00 4508 816 KIMS INTERNATIONAL 107527 07/31/00 09/05/00 22474 1,395 37 4509 1357 CHARLES RUMBAUGH 080700 08/07/00 09/05/00 630°00 2,025.37 4510 153 DYNA SYSTEMS 10228043 07/19/00 09/05/00 151°05 2,176.42 4511 46 PARKS OIL COMPANY 80975 08 /02/00 09/05/00 610.00 2,786 42 4512 1038 WAL °MART 7684 08/04/00 09/05/00 44.55 2,830.97 4513 13 E -Z °GO TEXTRON 572474 07/27/00 09/05/00 586.17 3,417.14 4514 342 LUBER BROS INC 684600 07/24/00 09/05/00 42.82 3,459.96 34570 07/20/00 4515 745 CHEMSEARCH 526180 07/14/00 09/05/00 226.55 3,686.51 4516 261 HOLLIDAY SAND & GRAVEL 64637 07/24/00 09/05/00 378049 4,065 00 4517 58 VICTOR WELDING SUPPLY CO 84874 07/28/00 09/05/00 30.55 4,095055 4518 1021 TULSA NEW HOLLAND INC 214165 07/24/00 09/05/00 14.38 4,109.93 4519 1469 AZ COMMERCIAL 535391598 08/01/00 09/05/00 12006 4,121.99 4520 255 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 302282 07/25/00 09105/00 34.90 4,156.89 4521 939 HOWARD STAMPER 080100 08/01/00 09/05/0ry0 60,00 4,216.89 4522 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 34233 06/10/00 09/05/00 23.78 4,240.67 24439 08/07/00 4523 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1518 - 071877 07/21/00 09/05/00 62022 4,302.89 1518 - 071729 07/14/00 1518 - 071694 07/13/00 4524 1023 TRACE ANALYTICS INC 000-243 07/10/00 09/05/00 461000 4,763.89 4525 961 SPRINT PCS 4766686 -3 08/13/00 09/05/00 27099 4,791088 4526 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240120726 07/27/00 09/05/00 64.20 4,856.08 8240120728 07/27/00 8240121504 08/03/00 8240121506 08/03/00 8240122264 08/10/00 8240122266 08/10100 8240123027 08/17/00 8240123029 08/17/00 4527 766 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 09-2100516 08/09/00 09/05/00 350.00 5,206.08 4528 1211 MARY JO WICHERS 081700 08/17/00 09/05/00 75.00 5,281.08 4529 1003 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT INC 551081460001 04/21/00 09/05/00 159.80 5,440.88 S51088870101 06/22/00 571150930001 07/26/00 4530 548 STRATHE VETERINARY 26633 07/13/00 09/05/00 39.00 5,479.88 4531 485 PATROL TECHNOLOGY 72400-06 07/24/00 09/05/00 449.85 5,929.73 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso :ash Requirements Aug 31, 2000 03;05prn Page 2 Vendor Invoice Due Cumutative :L aim# --nww Number ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -- ------ Date -------- m- Amount Due wv____ ----- _ -------------- Amount Due 72400 °07 07/24/00 80500-01 08/05/00 80500-02 08/05/00 4532 417 ONYX CORPORATION 27498 08/08/00 09/05/00 56.95 5,986°68 4533 1168 FOX INTERNATIONAL 161163700 08/09/00 09/05/00 770098 6,757.66 4534 1038 WAL -MART 1489 07/05/00 09/05/00 736091 7,494 57 1766 07/06/00 1933 07/07/00 3098 07/13/00 3135 07/13/00 3712 07/16/00 5601 07/27/00 6272 07/31/00 2880 07/06/00 2882 07/06100 4822 07/17/00 5089 07/19/00 5109 07/19/00 5320 07/20/00 6990 07/31/00 1174 07/03/00 4535 765 DALE LEES SERVICE INC 28942 06/13/00 09/05/00 4,940.20 12,434077 29555 07/03/00 29565 07/05/00 29207 07/08/00 29232 07/10/00 29350 07/13/00 29452 07/18/00 29272 07/19/00 29673 07121100 29738 07121/00 4536 504 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC 23050 07/14/00 09/05/00 17.74 12,452051 4537 1332 EXECU TRAIN COMPUTER CENTER 1064-8845 08/04/00 09/05/00 1,400000 13,852.51 4538 1239 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CG78933 08/08/00 09/05/00 105039 13,957.90 4539 770 EVE INC 140260 08/10/00 09/05/00 330020 14,288JO 4540 18 GALL'S INC 542225620001 08/05/00 09/05/00 28095 14,317.05 4541 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12310 08/07/00 09/05/00 30000 14,347005 4542 835 MEDICLAIMS INC 073100 07/31/00 09/05/00 3,047°91 17,394096 4543 676 APEX COMPUTERS 2K0430 08/09/00 09/05/00 35000 17,429 96 4544 931 RETNERFORD PUBLICATIONS 758228 08/04/00 09/05/00 130.90 17,560.86 4545 862 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 86319 08/03/00 09/05/00 150°00 17,710°86 4546 774 ESTES INC 352819 07/31/00 09/05/00 1,088009 18,798095 4547 1037 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC 080100 08/01/00 09/05/00 300.00 19,098.95 4548 1409 CALAWAY TRANSFER & STORAGE INC 11879 08/08/00 09/05/00 3,335.12 22,434.07 4549 1399 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY 8383 08/01/00 09/05/00 140000 22,574007 4550 1039 MATER PRODUCTS INC 297005 07/17/00 09/05/00 1,110°00 23,684 07 296935 07/19/00 4551 1449 PACKING GASKETS K SEALS 116969 °00 08/03/00 09/05/00 535.00 24,219°07 4552 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 670097 08/03100 09/05/00 138°13 24,357,20 670131 08/02/00 670128 08/02/00 669954 08/01/00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5,8.3 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03o05pm Page 3 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 668635 07/19/00 662446 07/17/00 4553 1161 FORT BEND SERVICES INC 87651 08/04100 09/05/00 1,920000 26,277 20 87382 07/27/00 4554 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 59899 07/27/00 09/05/00 36.30 26,313°50 4555 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 296937 07/28/00 09/05/00 96.50 26,410°00 296430 07/19/00 4556 750 COWEN CONSTRUCTION INC 11 08/14/00 09/05/00 8,00Oo00 34,410.00 4557 1084 PSO 892471996 07/31/00 09/05/00 30.27 34,440 27 4558 818 BANK ONE 11RUST CO NA 4047403 08/07/00 09/05/00 2,500 00 36,940027 4559 263 HUB + GARVER 1 07/01/00 09/05/00 32,600 00 69,540.27 4560 1204 MONTGOMERY WATSON 320464 08/02/00 09/05/00 24,367.00 93,907 27 4561 1450 LARRY MITCHELL 081100 08/11/00 09/05/00 622.14 94,529 41 4562 774 ESTES INC 353162 08/07/00 09/05/00 885„00 95,414041 353629 08/15/00 4563 1357 CHARLES RUMBAUGH 081400 08/14/00 09/05/00 450.00 95,864441 4564 994 SAFETY KLEEN CORP 838333 06/29/00 09/05/00 139.75 96,004016 4565 749 CHEMCO CHEMICAL CO 175470 07/19/00 09/05/00 121.71 96,125087 4566 941 APAC°OKLAHOMA INC 192168 07/26/00 09/05/00 360.41 96,486028 192985 08/06100 4567 645 YALE UNIFORM RENTAL 339444 08/16/00 09/05/00 37028 96,523,56 336809 08/09/00 331028 07/26/00 334172 08/02/00 4568 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 655 °072450 08/14/00 09/05/00 115"68 96,639 24 655 °072247 08/07/00 655 °072534 08/17/00 4569 52 ROSE INDUSTRIES 322601 08/02/00 09/05/00 113.95 96,753019 4571 1228 LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC INC 1564 08/11/00 09/05/00 80000 96,833.19 4572 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 656 °072459 08/14/00 09/05/00 24.98 96,858,17 4573 1287 HEALTHSOUTH HOLDINGS INC B03230 08/04/00 09/05/00 70.50 96,928067 4574 1432 HSDC OF TULSA 804120 08/04/00 09/05/00 935.98 97,864.65 4575 1476 MARY JO GRIFFIN 060200 06/02/00 09/05/00 195.00 98,059065 4576 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864 °557222 -6 08/15/00 09/05/00 53089 98,113°54 864 - 557223 -4 08/15/00 4577 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 1996-9/00 09/01/00 09/05/00 154,019 26 252,132°80 1997 -9/00 09/01/00 1998-9/00 09/01/00 4578 818 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP- 92-0107 -L 09/01/00 09/05/00 27,084x86 279,217066 ORF °99 °008 -L 09/01/00 FAP- 92-107 -L 09/01/00 4579 1084 PSG 107871006 08/29/00 09/05/00 138.24 279,355090 4580 862 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 86526 08/04/00 09/05/00 80000 279,435°90 86892 08/09/00 83898 05/01/00 83899 05/01/00 4581 961 SPRINT PCS 5227234°2 08/03/00 09/05/00 50.00 279,485,90 4582 1339 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 36182 08/02/00 09/05/00 62,00 279,547°90 4583 763 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 6348231 08/02/00 09/05/00 1,319043 280,867033 4584 729 CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC 12300 08/10/00 09/05/00 5,542 68 286,410001 4585 100 BILL BASORE 129023 08/06/00 09/05/00 840.00 287,250°01 129022 08/05/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03e05pm Page 4 ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Laim# _wind Number ------ Vendor Name ----------------------------------- ----- Invoice# --------------- ---- Date -- -------- Date -- --- -e- Amount Due -------------- ------ Amount Due w__m_w - — 129018 08/02/00 4586 239 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY 95283 07/26/00 09/05/00 112.38 287,362039 95492 08/04/00 4587 567 TULSA COUNTY BOCC 00-022 08/02/00 09/05/00 1,338.55 288,700°94 00 °023 08/04/00 4588 1021 TULSA NEW HOLLAND INC 214556 07/28/00 09/05/00 9532 288,796.26 4589 537 H B STIGALL 080900 08/09/00 09/05/00 114.00 288,910426 80900 08/09/00 4590 1226 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES 4930 07/31/00 09/05/00 1,359060 290,269x86 4637 07/25/00 4591 1075 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES 45822 07/26100 09/05/00 346.79 290,616.65 2022366 08/03/00 2022304 07/28/00 2022365 08/03/00 2022250 07/20/00 4592 1058 ANCHOR STONE CO 63909 07/22/00 09/05/00 31032 290,926097 100209 07/29/00 4593 6 BROWN FARMS SOD 6324 07/31/00 09/05/00 48402 290,974,99 4594 1144 THOMPSON °S GENERAL STORE 072800 07/28/00 09/05/00 101°95 2918076°94 4595 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240121508 08/03/00 09/05100 346.02 291,422,96 8240121510 08/03/00 824012/511 08/03/00 8240121502 08/03/00 8240121503 08/03/00 8240121509 08/03/00 8240122268 08/10/00 8240122270 08/10/00 824012227/ 08/10/00 8240122262 08/10/00 8240122263 08/10/00 8240122269 08/10/00 4596 1038 WAL °MART 6283 07/26/00 09/05/00 99.80 291,52236 4597 1100 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 1458302 09/30/00 09/05/00 85000 291,607.76 4598 829 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TULSA 211368 08/07/00 09/05/00 581.30 292,189006 4599 514 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO 1498 08/04/00 09/05/00 322.50 292,511056 1491 08/02/00 1522 08/12100 4600 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 296617 07/20/00 09/05100 1,362001 293,873 57 295144 07/17/00 297004 07/26/00 296934 07/19100 296428 07/22/00 296429 07/25/00 295044 07/17/00 294893 07/07100 296933 07/21/00 4601 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 1513-71431 06/30/00 09/05/00 430°95 294,304°52 1514 °71876 07/21/00 1513 °71556 07/07/00 1513 °71727 07/14/00 1507 °71426 06/30/00 1507 °71554 07/07/00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N*APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Cash Requirements Aug 31, 2000 03a05pm Page 5 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# ------ Number ---- -- Vendor Name --------------------------------- ------ Invoice# -------------------- Date -- ---- -- Date -------- -------------- Amount Due -------------- Amount Due 1507-71973 07/25/00 1511 °71726 07/14/00 1511 °71974 07/25/00 1511 °71429 06/30/00 1511 °71870 07/21/00 1513 -71874 07/21/00 1514-71432 06 /30/00 1510 -71868 07/21/00 1510.71725 07/14/00 1510-71332 06/26/00 1510-71428 06/30/00 1501-71861 07/21/00 4603 358 DOZIER PRINTING 12312 08/07/00 09/05/00 37.50 294,342002 4604 233 FIZZ-0 WATER 248326 08/18/00 09/05/00 38.40 294,380.42 4605 1243 SOUTH CENTRAL GOLF INC 221 08/15/00 09/05/00 495000 294,875.42 4606 960 SWBYPS 081100 08/11/00 09/05/00 91000 294,966 „42 4607 1487 IMAGE- PRODUCTIONS 4872BR 08/16/00 09/05/00 872.90 295,839 32 4608 1488 DONATHAN DISCOUNT TIRE AUTO 322 08/10/00 09/05/00 75031 295,914063 4609 1468 DATACOM MARKETING 91408 05/31/00 09/05/00 321050 296,236.13 4610 129 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES 12152617 04/25/00 09/05/00 143031 296,379.44 4611 1301 TIM GRAHAM 8 /00 08/30/00 09/05/00 49050 296,428.94 4612 998 DON TAYLOR 8 /00 08/30/00 09/05/00 49050 296,478.44 4613 124 JEFF CARNEY 8 /00 08130/00 09/05/00 49.50 296,527094 4614 483 KENNY A PEACOCK 8 /00 08130/00 09/05/00 49.50 296,577„44 4615 252 LONNIE D GREEN 8 /00 08/30/00 09/05/00 49.50 296,626°94 4616 942 RON STUCKEY 8100 08/30100 09/05/00 49050 296,676.44 4617 612 CHRIS WILSON 8/00 08/30/00 09/05/00 49.50 296,725.94 4618 1038 WAL °MART 7735 08/04/00 09/05/00 36018 296,762 12 4619 904 PACE PRODUCTS or TULSA INC 50459 08/14/00 09/05/00 48.00 296,810012 4620 814 REASORS 19592 07/05/00 09/05/00 13.16 296,823 28 4621 1003 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT INC 194931 08/10/00 09/05/00 160075 296,984003 4622 66 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC 328638 07/20/00 09/05/00 961033 297,945036 329033 07/24/00 329580 07/28/00 330430 08/07/00 330468 08/07100 4623 881 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 7/00 07/30/00 09/05/00 312062 298,257098 4624 871 OK STATE DEPT HEALTH 080900 08/09/00 09/05/00 168000 298,425098 4625 781 FEDEX 4 °965 -38195 07/21/00 09105/00 13.76 298,439074 4626 537 J B STIGALL 081700 08/17/00 09/05/00 80.00 298,519.74 4627 516 DAVID RENFRO 072500 07/25/00 09/05/00 240400 298,759074 4628 627 WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 104377 08/10/00 09/05/00 182°00 298,941074 4629 436 OWASSO TROPHIES 203 07/26/00 09/05/00 114000 299,055.74 4630 722 CLASSIC DESIGNS 306 08/11/00 09/05/00 56000 299,111°74 4631 1055 ACTION PLUMBING 97464 08/14/00 09/05/00 95°00 299,206074 4632 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 24516 08/23/00 09/05/00 39.99 299,246073 4633 1484 QUALITY DATA SYSTEMS 5197 08/16/00 09/05/00 12077 299,259 50 4634 939 HOWARD STAMPER 081500 08/15/00 09/05/00 350000 299,609050 4635 943 SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY 24463 08/10/00 09/05/00 50095 299,660045 4636 366 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY 670360 08/04/00 09/05/00 4098 299,665043 4637 394 NICK KNOTT TURF SUPPLY 218193 08/08/00 09/05/00 386,55 300,051°98 4638 774 ESTES INC 353630 08/15/00 09/05/00 1,649.09 301,701007 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03a05pm Page 6 ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative laim# _ee ®A Number ---- -- Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# e- mmmm-------- - ----- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- -------------- Amount Due 4639 314 PING 4686306 08/16/00 09/05/00 110054 301,811 61 4640 1300 WEAVER BUSINESS FORMS 8031 08/18/00 09/05/00 96092 301,908°53 4641 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 14343 08/10/00 09/05/00 47.94 301,956047 4642 560 TULSA RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES INC F09259 08/14/00 09/05/00 135°09 302,091056 4643 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC T06260 08/14100 09/05/00 72.32 302,163088 4644 507 RADIOLOGY CONSULTANTS OF TULSA T02010 08/14/00 09/05/00 17048 302,181036 4645 638 WARREN CLINIC B04180 08/14/00 09/05/00 30099 302,212035 4646 372 MAYS DRUG 35483 07/20/00 09/05/00 118.93 302,331028 4647 209 FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS TAY C03179 03/10/00 09/05/00 224.00 302,555.28 4648 313 BURR KANNADY 082200 08/22/00 09/05/00 125055 302,680083 4649 1481 SHESHUNOFF INFORMATION SERVICES 9426341 07/28/00 09/05/00 334.95 303,015.78 4650 '1248 BRIAN DEMPSTER 081100 08/11/00 09/05/00 300.00 303,315 78 2188 08/23/00 4651 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL., HEALTH W07090 08/14/00 09/05/00 95.15 303,410 93 4652 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH F09259 08/14/00 09/05/00 69.74 303,480.67 4653 1470 DISABILITY EVALUATIONS OF TULSA T02010 08/04/00 09/05/00 450.00 303,930.67 4654 797 HILLCREST MEDICAL GROUP T05170 08/04/00 09/05/00 54053 303,985°20 4655 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/00 PLEXAR 07/29/00 09/05/00 2,222.87 306,208407 4656 893 PITNEY BOWES INC 789564 09/01/00 09/05/00 574.00 306,782007 789565 09/01/00 789566 09/01/00 4657 863 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 7/00 USE 07/30/00 09/05/00 734.04 307,516.11 4658 938 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELE 7/00 NON °PLEXAR 07/30/00 09/05/00 432031 307,948042 4659 255 GUARDIAN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 325357 08/15/00 09/05/00 204.00 308,152042 4660 451 PGA OF AMERICA 813062442 08/07100 09/05/00 254.84 308,407026 4661 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 259505 08/11/00 09/05/00 1,519 „36 309,926.62 267986 08/17/00 269002 08/17/00 4662 1264 KASCO 59238 02/29/00 09/05/00 525.00 310,451062 4663 812 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE 656 °072677 08/24/00 09/05/00 115686 310,567.48 1512 °072203 08 /04/00 1512 °072561 08 /18 /00 1512-072704 08/25/00 4664 555 TAYLORMADE LOCK & KEY 082100 08/21/00 09/05/00 45000 310,612 48 4665 879 OWASSO DRUG 804120 08/21/00 09/05/00 11.49 310,623.97 4666 1003 TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT INC 194657 08/09/00 09/05/00 950.10 311,574°07 194777 08 /09/00 4667 1168 FOX INTERNATIONAL 163442600 08/17100 09/05/00 298.20 311,872°27 4668 1044 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA 1006-0049422 08/18/00 09/05/00 190457 312,062084 4669 576 COX COMMUNICATIONS 082300 08/23/00 09/05/00 61.89 312,124°73 4670 485 PATROL TECHNOLOGY 81800-02 08/18/00 09/05/00 141.00 312,265073 71700-01 08/16/00 4671 940 STANDARD AUTO SUPPLY 123336 08/23/00 09/05/00 18000 312,283.73 4672 18 GALL'S INC 2935179 08/19/00 09/05/00 7031 312,291.04 4673 1108 POWERPHONE INC 10675 08/10/00 09/05/00 398.00 312,689004 4674 1086 POLICE PETTY CASH 083000 08/30/00 09/05/00 55017 312,744 „21 4675 356 MEDCENTER INC W06190 °3739061 06119/00 09/05/00 72.32 312,816053 4676 356 MEDCENTER INC W06190 °3742901 06/19/00 09/05/00 46.49 312,863°02 4677 1427 BROWN CONSTRUCTION 1 08122/00 09/05/00 1,800000 314,663002 4678 1360 OLIN HOLMES 8/10-8/24 08/24/00 09/05/00 180.00 314,843002 4679 931 RETHERFORD PUBLICATIONS 759818 08/10/00 09/05/00 234030 315,077.32 759819 08/10/00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5 „803 N *APR010 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Cash Requirements Aug 31, 2000 03e05pm Page 7 Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# ------ Humber ------ Vendor Name ----------------------------- ------ Invoice# w -------------- ---- -- Date -------- Date -------- -------- Amount Due ---- -- -------- Amount Due ---- -- 762887 08/22/00 762888 08/22/00 4680 145 COMMERCE & LEGAL NEWS 233421 08/12/00 09/05/00 28.80 315,106°12 4681 1480 DEBBIE THOMPSON 12/21-1/18 08/30/00 09/05/00 50.00 315,156,12 4682 406 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 4372 08/22/00 09/05/00 249.99 315,406011 4683 1294 US CELLULAR 500197`.307 °005 08/14/00 09/05/00 273019 315,679 30 4684 1490 DAVID B PARSONS INC C09178 08/14/00 09/05/00 42.50 315,721080 4685 944 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL H08169 08/14/00 09/05/00 1,881009 317,602.89 4686 933 ST JOHNS MEDICAL CENTER F08259 08/14/00 09/05/00 715.23 318,318°12 4687 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC H10129 °475061 08/14/00 09/05/00 200.00 318,518012 4688 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC B04120 °423071 08/14/00 09/05/00 46449 318,564 61 4689 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC B04120 °402731 08/14/00 09/05/00 86,99 318,651060 4690 1288 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC 504140 - 443901 08/14/00 09/05/00 69.74 318,721034 4691 159 DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL. ANDERSON LL 013211 °00004-005 KLB 08/10/00 09/05/00 138,.30 318,859064 4692 886 OK TAX COMMISSION P110129 08/15/00 09/05/00 259.86 319,119.50 4693 886 OK TAX COMMISSION N10129 08/15/00 09/05/00 178°65 319,298,15 4694 703 BERNRODS TRUCK & TRAILER INC. 16258 07/27/00 09/05/00 4,899.41 324,197.56 16282 08/11100 16300 08/23/00 4695 406 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN 106337430-001 08/21/00 09/05/00 422.96 324,620 52 106298920 °001 08/21/00 105300127 -001 08/09/00 4696 1005 CLASSIC CHEVROLET CVCS168951 08/18/00 09/05/00 485°98 325,106 50 CVW76562 08/25/00 4697 698 B & M OIL COMPANY 182639 08/09/00 09/05/00 185°90 325,292.40 4698 1040 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT 2266 08/07/00 09/05/00 762011 326,054 51 4699 598 U NAME IT TRAILERS 081600 08116/00 09/05/00 94000 326,148.,51 4700 932 RADIATOR SHOPPE INC; 306837 08/03/00 09/05/00 145.00 326,293051 306838 08/03/00 4701 76 ASSOCIATED PARTS &, SUPPLY 92327 08/21/00 09/05/00 106.89 326,400 40 4702 1191 LIBERTY FLAGS, INC„ 15907 08/22/00 09/05/00 45.00 326,445.40 4703 857 CROW BURLINGAME D163658 06/29/00 09/05/00 630.41 327,075,81 D167314 08/10/00 C8280 08/10/00 D167372 08/11/00 C8284 08/11/00 D167246 08/10/00 D167417 08/11/00 D168462 08/23/00 D168370 08/22/00 D160555 05/24/00 D159797 05/16/00 D158606 05/02/00 D158723 05/03/00 D156787 04/12/00 D162874 06/19/00 D158814 05/04/00 D161913 06/08/00 D161919 06/08/00 4704 1199 RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT 4574 08/07/00 09/05/00 204.04 327,279085 4705 1463 NPC INT'L INC 86 /MAIN INTERSECTION 09105/00 09/05/00 1,300000 328,579085 4706 1486 STRAWDEY MCCARTY S MCCARTY 09/05/00 09/05/00 4,100000 332,679.85 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03:05pm Page 8 ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Laim# Number Vendor Name Invoice# Date Date Amount Due Amount Due 4707 566 TULSA CLEANING SYSTEMS 22057 08109/00 09/05/00 22000 332,701085 4708 123 CONTINENTAL BATTERY CO 39023 08/08/00 09/05/00 137.85 332,839°70 4709 769 DISTRICT II PROBATION 2001003 08/10/00 09/05/00 586012 333,425.82 2000339 05/10/00 4710 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240123030 08/17/00 09/05/00 114000 333,539 82 8240123028 08/17/00 8240/22267 08/10/00 8240122265 08/10/00 8240123793 08/24/00 8240123795 08/24/00 4711 446 O REILL,Y AUTO PARTS 155-237555 08/21/00 09/05/00 119..57 333,659039 155-237567 08/21/00 155 °234258 08/10/00 155°234408 08/10/00 4712 1419 CUSTOM CLEANING CUSTODIAL, CORP 6486 08/01/00 09/05/00 1,090 00 334,749 39 4713 1029 T &W TIRE CO 5004067 08/08/00 09/05/00 1,123044 335,872 83 3135430 08/01/00 4714 1482 TULSA USED EQUIP & IND 1880 08/08/00 09/05/00 82.91 335,955.74 4715 1144 THOMPSON'S GENERAL, STORE 080900 08/09/00 09/05/00 32°05 335,987.79 4716 1009 TRIM RITE INC 5602 08/11/00 09/05/00 405°00 336,392.79 4717 774 ESTES INC 353347 08/09/00 09/05/00 72.13 336,464.92 4718 107 BAILEY EQUIPMENT 14577 08/15/00 09/05/00 25028 336,490 20 4719 248 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO 50131752 08/09/00 09/05/00 58013 336,548 33 4720 785 WW GRAINGER INC 933 - 165170 °4 08/09/00 09/05/00 124.31 336,672°64 4721 365 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY 74008648 07/25/00 09/05/00 431499 337,104.63 74008860 07/28/00 4722 819 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE 13781 08/11/00 09/05/00 537078 337,642,41 13544 07/O7/OO 13550 08/10/00 13879 08/21/00 4723 492 QUILL OFFICE PRODUCTS 9459097 08/07/00 09/05/00 86041 337,728°82 9447160 08/07/00 4753 538 SAMS CLUB 1414 08/25/00 09/05/00 393.10 338,121.92 4754 789 FUELMAN 20708 08/01/00 09/05/00 6,397.55 344,519 47 4755 1495 WHEEL COVER WORLD 216878 08/15/00 09/05/00 40.00 344,559047 4756 1065 CITY OF TULSA 081100 08/11/00 09/05/00 151,088069 495,648 16 4757 1439 CREATIVE COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC 714 07/31/00 09/05/00 16,955°04 512,603.20 751 08/11/00 755 08/11/00 4758 1002 TREASURER PETTY CASH 083000 08/30/00 09/05/00 1,159 81 513,763°01 4759 1478 UNISYS OK MEDICAID 080100 08/01/00 09/05/00 113004 513,876.05 80100 08/01/00 4760 1479 ELAINE BAKER 080100 08/01/00 09/05/00 25000 513,901005 4761 450 OK HEALTHCARE AUTHORITY 080100 08/01/00 09/05/00 56085 513,957090 4762 1038 WAL °MART 7991 08/09/00 09/05/00 41.37 513,999.27 1841 08/30/00 4764 1229 ASHWORTH, INC 729195 08/18/00 09/05/00 69°34 514,068.61 4765 1350 ELITE DESIGNS 7286 08/24/00 09/05/00 149,50 514,218 11 4766 474 PPO SOLUTIONS CO115O 08/04/00 09/05/00 107°09 514,325020 804120 08/04/00 SO4140 07/28/00 803230 08/14/00 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO1O By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03:05pm Page 9 Cash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative Claim# _n_v__ Plumber ------ Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -------- Date -------- Amount Due -------------- Amount Due -------------- FO9259 08/21/00 F9259 08/21/00 F092599 08/21/00 HO8169 08/21/00 04120 08/21/00 0041200 08/21/00 W07O90 08/21/00 706260 08/21/00 W0619O 08/21/00 W6190 08/21/00 54140 08/21/00 4767 1038 WAL-MART 9983 08/16/00 09105/00 55.32 514,380J2 9371 08/17/00 4768 1049 WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER 080300 08/03/00 09/05/00 2,640 96 517,021448 4769 1056 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL & SALES 60141 08/07/00 09/05/00 27 50 517,048.98 4770 1319 DANNY PATTON 081500 08/15/00 09/05/00 80.00 517,128098 4771 591 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 8240123031 08/17/00 09/05/00 169.80 517,298078 8240123033 08/17/00 8240123034 08/17/00 8240123025 08/17/00 8240123026 08/17/00 8240123032 08/17/00 4772 1294 US CELLULAR 500093816° -006 08/14/00 09/05/00 122.40 517,421°18 4773 1404 UTILITY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS INC 3402 08/23/00 09/05/00 1,470 00 518,891018 3344 08/07/00 4774 296 ,TERRY WOODS WELDING 1233 08/03100 09/05/00 90.00 518,981.18 4775 594 UNITED RENTALS 840730 08/01/00 09/05/00 401°20 519,382 38 4776 1492 PUMPS AND CONTROLS, INC 148759 08/09/00 09/05100 45.22 519,427060 4777 857 CROW IBURLINGAME D166511 08/02/00 09/05/00 189096 519,617°56 D156774 04/12/00 D162639 06/16/00 D16O795 05/26100 D15O915 02/04/00 07791 03/24/00 D157025 04/15/00 D157474 04/02/00 4778 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 298015 08/21/00 09/05/00 657°92 520,275.48 298159 08/07/00 298161 08/03/00 297841 08/04/00 4779 1039 WATER PRODUCTS INC 298011 08/04/00 09/05/00 3,722°88 523,998036 29479 08/01/00 298160 08/02/00 298012 08/01/00 297014 08/01/00 298013 08/02/00 4780 785 WW GRAINGER INC 864 - 849873 -4 08/04/00 09/05100 168.48 524,166.84 4781 763 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 6266192 07/27/00 09/05/00 474044 524,641°28 6294510 07/27/00 4782 811 KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT CO 13260 08/14/00 09/05/00 1,375.00 526,016,28 13254 08114/00 4783 1472 L&M TRUCKING & BACKHOE 081700 08/17/00 09/05/00 375.00 526,391.28 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 N *APRO10 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03a05pm Page 10 ash Requirements Vendor Invoice Due Cumulative (aim# ----- Number --- --- Vendor Name --------------------------------------- Invoice# -------------------- Date -- ---- -- Date -------- Amount Due ------------ -- Amount Due -------------- 081100 08/11/00 4784 1464 USA BLUR BOOK 359351 08/07/00 09/05/00 389,33 526,780461 4785 1294 US CELLULAR 500093816 °005 07/14/00 09/05/00 122090 5260903°51 4786 360 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 746634 07/27/00 09/05/00 101007 5270004°58 4787 11 DAVID GEOFFREY & ASSOCIATES 9172303 08/18/00 09/05/00 114020 5270118 78 1030307 07/31/00 4788 54 SOUTH KANSAS & OKLA RR SKOL 068 07/24/00 09/05/00 528°00 527,646078 SKOL 069 07/24/00 SKOL 070 07/24/00 SKOL 071 07/24/00 4789 986 SAPULPA DIGGING INC RETAINER 08/30/00 09/05/00 10000 00 5280646,78 4790 1075 GELLCO SAFETY SHOES 2022485 08/17/00 09/05/00 111.14 5280757092 4791 104 BRUSHHOG SERVICES 00 °08 -32 08/29/00 09/05/00 699000 5290456492 00-08-31 08/29/00 4792 475 PORT°A-JOHN OF TULSA 60324 08/08/00 09/05/00 MOO 5290526 92 4793 615 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL, HEALTH 1044601 06/20/00 09/05/00 216AO 5290742 92 1095959 07/17/00 1094960 07/17/00 1110501 07/24/00 1120823 07/28/00 1128446 08/01/00 1132885 08/03/00 1100494 07/19/00 4794 1100 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION 083000 08/30/00 09/05/00 85¢00 5290827°92 4795 171 TYRONE DINKINS 081700 08/17/00 09/05/00 275.85 5300103077 4796 1152 BRAD SPARKMAN 082100 08/21/00 09/05/00 270090 53003744,67 4797 371 MARK MEYER 080800 08/08/00 09/05/00 352080 5300727.47 4798 475 PORT-A--JOHN OF TULSA 57324 01/31/00 09/05/00 245.40 5300972087 57273 07/31/00 4799 264 BRANDON HAMILTON 08100 08/10100 09/05/00 294030 5310267017 4800 38 OSCAR MCLAURIN 082100 08/21/00 09/05/00 440,30 531,707°47 4801 793 JP HOGAN INSURANCE 69751 08/18/00 09/05/00 60000 531,767047 69750 08/18/00 4802 17 FOOT -JOY DRAWER CS 3905849 08/22/00 09/05/00 49038 5310816 85 4570 17 FOOT -JOY DRAWER CS 3865844 07/28/00 09/06/00 123°43 531,940428 3879442 08/07/00 4602 57 TITLEIST DRAWER CS 246449 08/04/00 09/06/00 928.18 532,868046 243453 08/03/00 246998 08/04/00 4763 388 NIKE INC 36678338 08/22/00 09/06/00 164.88 533,033834 Total cash required for sleek ending 09/08/2000 533,033.34 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5°843 N *APRO10 533 P O33 ® 4 *+ 0j 03 ® - ee -06B 5329999 ®34 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03o06pm Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor HuIL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------- ---- -- -------- --- ------ ------------ - - ---- -- ------------ -------- ---- --e„_r ------------ ----------------------- 1462 507 08/14/00 4644 T02010 09/05/00 1864 1211 08/17/00 4528 081700 09/05/00 2193 638 08/14/00 4645 804180 09/05/00 2543 765 06/13/00 4535 28942 09/05/00 2545 2` %32 27:34 2736 2742 2746 2747 07/03/00 07/05/00 07/08/00 07/10/00 07/13/00 07/18/00 07/19/00 07/21/00 07/21/00 560 08/14/00 627 08/10/00 766 08/09/00 1294 08/14/00 961 08/13/00 812 06/30/00 07/21/00 07/07/00 07/14/00 06/30/00 07/07/00 07/25/00 07/14/00 07/25/00 06/30/00 07/21/00 07/21/00 06/30/00 07/21/00 07/14/00 06/26/00 06/30/00 07/21/00 1049 08/03/00 763 07/27/00 07/27/00 239 07/26/00 08/04/00 4525 4766686 °3 4601 1513 °71431 1514 -71876 1513 °71556 1513°71727 1507 °71426 1507 -71554 1507-71973 1511 °71726 1511-71974 1511 °71429 1511°71870 1513 °71874 1514 -71432 1510-71868 1510071725 1510-71332 1510-71428 1501 °71861 4768 080300 4781 6266192 6294510 4586 95283 95492 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 17.48 17048 1 EA 702010 75,00 75.00 1 EA JUV TOBACCO PROGRAM 30099 30.99 1 EA 804180 187.00 4,940.20 1 EA AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 321u85 75000 588.72 116„00 103016 174.00 108075 58.00 3,207072 135.09 182.00 350.00 273019 27°99 31,99 23°16 O.99 24.08 32497 3.14 12099 2.07 19475 53052 15048 20040 13943 63.84 10045 1099 92.21 8.49 2,640096 113°56 360.88 47.22 65.16 2748 104 08/29/00 4 29555 29565 29207 29232 29350 29452 29272 29673 297:38 4642 E09259 09/05/00 4628 104377 09/05/00 4527 09- 2100516 09/05/00 4683 500197307-00 09/05/00 4525 4766686 °3 4601 1513 °71431 1514 -71876 1513 °71556 1513°71727 1507 °71426 1507 -71554 1507-71973 1511 °71726 1511-71974 1511 °71429 1511°71870 1513 °71874 1514 -71432 1510-71868 1510071725 1510-71332 1510-71428 1501 °71861 4768 080300 4781 6266192 6294510 4586 95283 95492 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 09/05/00 17.48 17048 1 EA 702010 75,00 75.00 1 EA JUV TOBACCO PROGRAM 30099 30.99 1 EA 804180 187.00 4,940.20 1 EA AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 321u85 75000 588.72 116„00 103016 174.00 108075 58.00 3,207072 135.09 182.00 350.00 273019 27°99 31,99 23°16 O.99 24.08 32497 3.14 12099 2.07 19475 53052 15048 20040 13943 63.84 10045 1099 92.21 8.49 2,640096 113°56 360.88 47.22 65.16 2748 104 08/29/00 4 4791 00 -08 °32 0 135°09 1 EA E09259 182000 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 350000 12 OLETS RENTAL 35.63 12 PHONE USE -CHIEF 237056 12 PHONE USE-OTHERS 27.99 12 PHONE USE °KLAHR 183.70 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 90.82 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 44°57 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 53°86 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 49.10 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6.71 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2.19 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2,640.96 PURCHASED WATER 474°44 6 LAB SUPPLIES O.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23061 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 65016 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23461 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0000 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 400°00 3 MOWING-THREE LAKES 299,00 3 MOWING °LAKERIDGE 0.00 6 CONCRETE 322050 CONCRETE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03a06pm Page 2 lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber emm_n Number ---- -- Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- wme_ed Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- -------- -- ---- Amounts ------- Claim Description ----------------------- 2750 366 08/03/00 4552 670097 09/05/00 60060 138013 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/02/00 670131 6000 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/02/00 670128 9000 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/01/00 669954 41.58 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/19/00 668635 18°55 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/17/00 662446 2040 2751 1319 081/5/00 4770 081500 09/05/00 80°00 80000 6 EASEMENT MOWINGS 2754 100 08106/00 4585 129023 09/05/00 400000 800.00 2 DOZER RENTAL 08/05/00 129022 400.00 40.00 TOPSOIL 08/02/00 129018 40.00 2755 6 07/31/00 4593 6324 09/05/00 48,02 0.00 6 SOD 4M2 6 SOD 0.00 6 SOD 2757 1056 07/27/00 4554 59899 09/05100 36,30 0.00 6 RENTALS 0.00 6 RENTALS 36°30 6 RENTALS 2757 1056 08/07/00 4769 60141 09/05/00 27050 0.00 6 RENTALS 0.00 6 RENTALS 0800 6 RENTALS 27.50 TRIPOD-RENTAL 2758 729 08/10/00 4584 12300 09/05/00 5,542.68 5,542 68 3 METER SETS-917/99 2760 1039 07/17/00 4550 297005 09/05/00 185000 1,110.00 WATER METERS -10 /19/99 07/19/00 296935 925.00 2760 1039 08/21/00 4778 298015 09/05/00 92050 501914 WATER METERS -10 /19/99 08/07/00 298159 222064 156078 PLUMBING; SUPPLIES 08/03/00 298161 186.00 08/04/00 297841 156078 2761 1039 07/28/00 4555 296937 09/05/00 5.50 96050 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/19/00 296430 91000 2762 1039 07/20/00 4600 296617 09/05/00 99.20 1,334 62 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/17/00 295144 40.40 27.39 WATER PUMP 07/26/00 297004 110400 07119/00 296934 116.34 07/22/00 296428 98.17 07/25/00 296429 508.00 07/17100 295044 350°51 07/07/00 294893 12000 07/21/00 296933 27.39 2762 1039 08/04/00 4779 298011 09/05/00 117830 3,722.88 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 08/01/00 29479 14.00 08/02/00 298160 412.00 08/01/00 298012 241 „27 08/01/00 297014 1,435.53 08/02/00 298013 1,502.78 2764 1038 07/26/00 4596 6283 09/05/00 99°80 99080 8 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 5 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 2764 1038 08/16/00 4767 9983 09/05/00 21°44 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 08/17/00 9371 33.88 0000 5 UNIFORM JEANS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order Aug 31, 2000 03206pm Page 3 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2765 591 08/03/00 4595 8240121508 09/05/00 27.90 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 08/03/00 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 8240121510 12 16010 49050 12 08/03/00 49050 8240121511 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 61.85 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 08/03/00 12 8240121502 30060 58022 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 30°60 08/03/00 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 8240121503 12 18.35 30.60 12 08/03/00 31°10 8240121509 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 4.55 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 08/10/00 12 8240122268 3,335°12 27090 EXPENSES-MITCHELL 08/10/00 12 8240122270 29.00 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 08/10/00 8240/22271 48.95 08/10/00 8240122262 30030 08/10/00 8240122263 18.35 08/10/00 8240122269 4x55 2765 591 08/17/00 4771 8240123031 09/05/00 27.90 08/17/00 8240123033 16°10 08/17/00 8240123034 68005 08/17/00 8240123025 34085 08/17/00 8240123026 18.35 08/17/00 8240123032 4.55 2766 567 08/02/00 4587 00-022 09/05/00 1,255°61 08/04/00 00-023 82°94 2767 537 08/09/00 4589 080900 09/05/00 31.00 08/09/00 80900 83000 2777 1075 07/26/00 4591 45822 09/05/00 122.39 08/03/00 2022366 -1648 07/28/00 2022304 3,15 08/03/00 2022365 117089 07/20/00 2022250 104084 2778 1399 08/01/00 4549 8383 09/05/00 140.00 2785 612 08/30/00 4617 8 /00 09/05/00 49850 2786 998 08/30/00 4612 8 /00 09/05/00 49050 2787 124 08/30/00 4613 8 /00 09/05/00 49850 2789 483 08/30/00 4614 8 /00 09/05/00 49050 2791 252 08/30/00 4615 8 /00 09/05/00 49050 2793 942 08/30/00 4616 8 /00 09/05/00 49.50 2794 1301 08/30/00 4611 8 /00 09/05/00 49050 2800 1294 08/14/00 4772 500093816 -00 09/05/00 122040 2800 1294 07/14/00 2802 1409 08 /08 /00 4785 500093816-00 09/05/00 122.90 4548 11879 09/05/00 3,335012 2867 123 08 /08 /00 4708 39023 09105/00 137°85 CCS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 33.88 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0000 UNIFORM JEANS 21.44 FILM 88052 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 45.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 55.80 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 110.80 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 36070 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 9010 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 34085 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 16010 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 27°90 6 UNIFORM RENTAL. 68 „05 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18035 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 4055 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,255.61 12 STREET SIGNS 82.94 STREET CLOSED SIGN 114000 6 EASEMENT MOUINGS °3 /21/00 104.84 SAFETY BOOTS 117.89 SAFETY BOOTS 124006 SAFETY BOOTS 140.00 MATERIALS TESTING 49050 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49°50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 30060 12 CELL PHONE- ROBERTS 30060 12 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 30°60 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 30.60 12 CELL PHONE - STEVENS 30.60 12 CELL PHONE- ROBERTS 31°10 12 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 30.60 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 30060 12 CELL PHONE-STEVENS 3,335°12 MOVING EXPENSES-MITCHELL 137085 12 BATTERIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03a06pm Page 4 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber _vane Number ° ° - - °- Date - - ---- -- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ---- Amount Date Amount -- ---- -- m- meem -- ----- ---- -- .__m Amounts -------- Claim Description ----------------------- 2868 €157 06/29/00 4703 D163658 09/05/00 153.60 79012 24 REPAIR PARTS 08/10/00 D167314 21.92 506001 IMPACT WRENCH 08/10/00 C8280 °153.60 19.96 REPAIR PARTS 08/11/00 D167372 23068 2020 REPAIR PARTS 08/11/00 C8284 °235014 23.12 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 08/10/00 D167246 2072 08/11/00 D167417 •28082 08/23/00 D168462 19.96 08/22/00 D168370 506.01 05/24/00 D160555 7.53 05/16/00 D159797 52°64 05/02/00 D158606 217.49 05/03/00 D158723 2072 04/12/00 D156787 14.38 06/19/00 D162874 2020 05/04/00 D158814 10.19 06/08/00 D161913 6.46 06/08/00 D161919 6.47 2869 769 08/10/00 4709 2001003 09/05/00 239025 586.12 12 DOG WORK PROGRAM 05/10/00 2000339 346.87 2872 591 08/17/00 4710 8240123030 09/05/00 11¢45 28.40 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/17/00 8240123028 26.55 85060 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 08/10/00 8240122267 11045 08/10/00 8740122265 26055 08/24/00 8240123793 26055 08/24/00 8240123795 11045 21373 446 08/21/00 4711 155-237555 09/05/00 58.73 115060 24 REPAIR PARTS 08/21/00 155-237567 11077 3097 REPAIR PARTS 08/10/00 155-234258 45010 08/10/00 155-234408 3.97 2878 789 08/01/00 4754 20708 09/05/00 6,397 55 95050 FUEL 7/00 198.14 FUEL 7/00 126070 FUEL 7/00 238.96 FUEL 7/00 2,168079 FUEL 7/00 29014 FUEL 07/00 714.49 FUEL 7 /00 466°80 FUEL 7/00 232072 FUEL 7/00 67°43 FUEL 7/00 455010 FUEL 7/00 71.29 FUEL 7/00 255,26 FUEL 7/00 1,243 97 FUEL 7/00 0000 FUEL 7/00 33,26 FUEL 7/00 2879 576 08/23/00 4669 082300 09/05/00 61,89 61089 12 CABLE SERVICE 2886 537 08/17/00 4626 081700 09/05/00 80000 80.00 10 ATOR PARK MOWINGS 2932 615 06 /20/00 4793 1044601 09/05/00 27000 216000 PRE -EMP DRUG SCREENS 07/17/00 1095959 27°00 07/17/00 1094960 27°00 07/24/00 1110501 27°00 ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 0 *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03;06pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 07/28/00 1120823 27.00 08/01/00 1128446 27.00 08/03/00 1132885 27000 07/19/00 1100494 27000 2997 1360 08/24/00 4678 8/10 -8/24 09/05/00 180.00 180000 45 BAILIFF DUTIES 3002 1427 08/22/00 4677 1 09/05/00 1,800.00 1,800000 COLUMN COVERS-6/6/00 3016 1288 08/14/00 4643 T06260 09/05/00 72.32 72032 T06260 3022 129 07/25/00 4501 12449146 09/05/00 10065 10„65 SR VAN -USE 3091 538 08/25/00 4753 1414 09/05/00 393.10 9 49 GLOVES 217027 COFFEE /PAPER SUPPLIES/ AUDIO TAPES 39053 COFFEE 28,99 COMPUTER PAPER 14084 COFFEE /PAPER SUPPLIES 14.85 COFFEE /PAPER SUPPLIES 14084 COFFEE 53,29 CLEANING SUPPLIES 3115 591 07/27/00 4526 8240120726 09/05/00 5.30 21.20 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 07/27/00 8240120728 10°75 43.00 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 08/03/00 8240121504 5030 08/03/00 8240121506 10075 08/10/00 8240122264 5.30 08/10/00 8240122266 10.75 08/17/00 8240123027 5.30 08/17/00 8240123029 10075 3127 18 08/19/00 4672 2935179 09/05/00 7.31 7.31 LIGHTBAR PART 3135 66 07/20/00 4622 328638 09/05/00 661606 961.33 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 07/24/00 329033 31.87 07/28/00 329580 123012 08/07/00 330430 107.28 08/07/00 330468 38.00 3143 1339 08/02/00 4582 36182 09/05/00 62000 62.00 MANUAL -AYRES 3161 1161 08/04/00 4553 87651 09/05/00 960 ®00 1,920000 CHEMICALS 07/27/00 87382 960.00 3193 263 07/01/00 4559 1 09/05/00 32,600000 32,600000 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3194 750 08/14/00 4556 11 09/05/00 8,000000 8,000.00 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3197 1204 08/02/00 4560 320464 09/05/00 24,367.00 24,367 00 WATER MASTER PLAN 11 °16 ®99 3210 615 08/14/00 4652 F09259 09/05/00 69074 69074 F09259 3211 615 08/14/00 4651 W07090 09/05/00 95.15 95°15 W07090 3214 1098 08/05/00 4504 2192904 09/05/00 91°88 91°88 EMPLOYMENT ADS 3216 1449 08/03/00 4551 116969 °00 09/05/00 535000 535.00 PUMP REPAIR 3234 1044 08/18/00 4668 1006 °0049422 09/05/00 190857 190.57 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 3236 763 08/02/00 4583 6348231 09/05/00 1,319.43 1,319°43 INCUBATOR 3243 1065 08/11/00 4756 081100 09/05/00 151,088°69 151,088°69 PURCHASED WATER 7/00 3244 1144 07/28/00 4594 072800 09/05/00 101°95 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS 0,00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso npaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03:06pm Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber v__dd Number n__m_n Date -------- Code Number nee_ ------ Invoice ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ---- -w ---- -- ---- - Amounts -vve- ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 101°95 UNIFORM JEANS /SAFETY BOOTS 3252 1453 07/31/00 4500 15952 09/05/00 179°90 199.90 2 BILLIARD BALLS 07/31/00 242 20.00 3258 814 07/05/00 4620 19592 09/05/00 13016 13.16 PHOTO PROCESSING 3259 904 08/14/00 4619 50459 09/05/00 48,00 48000 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 3260 1038 08/04/00 4618 7735 09/05/00 36018 36.18 MAINT SUPPLIES 3270 1332 08/04/00 4537 1064-8845 09/05/00 1,400°00 1,400°00 TRAINING 3277 1239 08/08/00 4538 CG78933 09/05/00 105039 105.39 REPLACE MODEMS 3283 829 08/07/00 4598 211368 09/05/00 581.30 184.54 SAW BLADES 396.76 SAW BLADES 3294 770 08/10/00 4539 140260 09/05/00 330°20 330.20 CLEANING SUPPLIES 3298 931 08/1O/O0 4679 759818 09/05/00 70,40 234.30 12 LEGAL NOTICES 08/10/00 759819 70.40 08/22/00 762887 56010 08/22/00 762888 WAD 3302 812 07/21/00 4523 1518 °071877 09/05/00 29014 62.22 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/14/00 1518.071729 20.10 07/13/00 1518 °071694 12098 3303 1038 08/09/00 4499 8631 09/05/00 3088 59090 CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/27/00 5550 59090 3088 KEYS 3316 1168 08/09100 4533 161163700 09/05/00 770098 770098 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 3322 1152 08/21/00 4796 082100 09/05/00 270090 270.90 METER READINGS 3323 38 08/21/00 4800 082100 09/05/00 440030 440.30 METER READINGS 3324 171 08/17/00 4795 081700 09/05/00 275.85 275.85 METER READINGS 3325 371 08/08/00 4797 080800 09/05/00 352.80 352080 METER READINGS 3326 264 08/10/00 4799 08100 09/05/00 294.30 294.30 METER READINGS 3344 1058 07/22/00 4592 63909 09/05/00 64.44 310.32 GRAVEL 07/29/00 100209 245088 3345 475 08 /08 /00 4792 60324 09/05/00 70000 70.00 RENTAL 3345 475 01/31/00 4798 57324 09/05/00 70000 245°40 RENTAL 07/31/00 57273 175.40 3348 1226 07/31/00 4590 4930 09/05/00 610070 1,359.60 JETTER RENTAL 07/25/00 4637 74&90 3349 1021 07/28/00 4588 214556 09/05/00 95°32 47°66 SICKLE MOWER BAR 47066 SICKLE MOWER BAR 3353 504 07/14/00 4536 23050 09/05/00 17074 17.74 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 3371 372 07/20/00 4646 35483 09/05/00 118,93 118093 504140 3376 939 08/01/00 4521 080100 09/05/00 60.00 60.00 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 3377 943 06/10/00 4522 34233 09/05/00 11.48 11448 STENCILS 08/07/00 24439 12°30 12.30 NAMEPLATE- STEVENS 3378 1463 09/05/00 4705 86 /MAIN INTE 09/05/00 1,300.00 1,300000 EASEMENT ACQUISITION 3382 313 08/22/00 4648 082200 09/05/00 125.55 125.55 MILEAGE 3383 1464 08/07/00 4784 359351 09/05/00 389,33 389.33 PRESSURE CHART RECORDER 3384 1005 08/03/00 4502 168848 09/05/00 480021 480021 VEHICLE REPAIR 3388 1100 09/30/00 4597 1458302 09/05/00 85000 85.00 MEMBERSHIP- NICHOLSON 3394 416 08/01/00 4505 080100 09/05/00 52°00 52.00 SUBSCRIPTION 3395 516 07/25/00 4627 072500 09/05/00 240,00 240000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 3396 18 08/05/00 4540 542225620001 09/05/00 28°95 28095 REPAIR PART 3398 785 08/04/00 4780 864 °849873 -4 09/05/00 168048 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0°00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0°00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order Aug 31, 2000 03a06pm Page 7 P.O. vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 3399 1466 08/22/00 4503 082200 09/05/00 10.00 3402 879 08/21/00 4665 804120 09/05/00 11.49 3404 811 08/14/00 4782 13260 09/05/00 125000 08/14/00 13254 1,250000 3405 358 08/07/00 4541 12310 09/05/00 30.00 3407 1037 08/01/00 4547 080100 09/05/00 300.00 3425 1468 05/31/00 4609 91408 09/05/00 321°50 3426 835 07/31/00 4542 073100 09/05/00 3,047 »91 3427 941 07 /03/00 4506 192457 09/05/00 203.75 07/23/00 191796 21.44 3428 366 07/18/00 4507 668506 09/05/00 39082 07/18/00 616863 199420 07/20/00 616972 199.20 07/21/00 616979 199020 3429 816 07131/00 4508 107527 09/05/00 22°74 3430 1357 08/07/00 4509 080700 09/05/00 630000 3431 153 07/19/00 4510 10228043 09/05/00 151005 3432 46 08/02/00 4511 80975 09/05/00 610.00 3433 1038 08/04/00 4512 7684 09/05/00 44055 3434 13 07/27/00 4513 572474 09/05/00 586917 3435 774 07/31/00 4546 352819 09/05/00 1,088009 3436 342 07/24/00 4514 684600 09/05/00 17.82 07/20/00 34570 25.00 3437 745 07/14/00 4515 526180 09/05/00 226.55 3438 261 07/24/00 4516 64637 09/05/00 378049 3439 58 07/28/00 4517 84874 09/05/00 30055 3440 1021 07/24/00 4518 214165 09/05/00 1438 3441 1469 08/01/00 4519 535391598 09/05/00 12.06 3442 255 07/25/00 4520 302282 09/05/00 34°90 3444 129 04/25100 4610 12152617 09/05/00 143.31 3445 1023 07/10/00 4524 000 -243 09/05/00 461.00 3446 781 07/21/00 4625 4- °965 °38195 09/05/00 13076 3447 209 03/10/00 4647 003179 09/05/00 224.00 3448 1470 08 /04/00 4653 T02010 09/05/00 450.00 3449 1287 08/04/00 4573 803230 09/05/00 70.50 3450 797 08/04/00 4654 T05170 09/05/00 54.53 3451 1432 08/04/00 4574 804120 09/05/00 935.98 3453 931 08/04/00 4544 758228 09/05/00 130.90 3454 862 08/03/00 4545 86319 09/05/00 150000 3461 436 07/26/00 4629 203 09/05/00 114.00 3463 1003 04/21/00 4529 551081460001 09/05/00 34°90 06/22/00 551088870101 74095 07/26/00 S71150930001 49.95 3464 1038 07/05/00 4534 1489 09/05/00 7.76 07/06/00 1766 129°13 07/07/00 1933 53.77 07/13/00 3098 6.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q *APR083 168048 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10400 RESOURCE BOOK 11049 8041200 1,375 00 TRAC °HOE /BACKHOE RENTAL 30.00 PRINTING 225000 CIVIL DEFENSE USAGE 75,00 CEMETERY USAGE 321¢50 ADVERTISING 3,047.91 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 203075 RIP RAP 2144 ASPHALT 23902 CONCRETE 22.74 REPAIR PARTS 630.00 SOD 151005 REPAIR PARTS 610400 FUEL 44055 MAINT SUPPLIES 586017 ELECTRIC MOTOR 1,088409 CHEMICALS 42.82 THROTTLE CABLE / CLUTCH 226.55 PART CLEANER 378.49 SAND 30055 WELDING SUPPLIES 000 MUFFLER 14.38 REPAIR PARTS 12.06 REPAIR PARTS 34090 SECURITY MONITORING 77°62 PHONE USE-ALLEN 65.69 PHONE USE-OTHERS 461000 BREATHING TEST KIT 13076 SHIPPING CHARGES 224000 C031799 450000 T020100 70,50 8032300 54°53 T051700 935098 8041200 130.90 LEGAL AD 150,00 CONFERENCE-MITCHELL 114000 38 NAME PLATES 34.90 SWITCH MODULE 124,90 UNIFORM PANTS -DAVIS 248°28 MAINT SUPPLIES 22.40 FILM PROCESSING 406030 DOG FOOD /CLEANING SUPPLIES 59093 SCANNER By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,i ty of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03o06pm Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description end -- -- ---- -------- ---- - -made ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- -- -- -_ ®_ ---- ---- -- ------------ ----------------------- 56x95 TONER CARTRIDGE 1,090 „00 12 JANITORIAL SERVICE-•6 /20/00 375°00 DUMP TRUCK SERVICE 16075 UNIFORM 168000 AMBULANCE RUN FORMS 39°00 SUPPLIES -BRIT 449085 UNIFORM GEAR 35.00 COMPUTER TEST -GOLF 20°64 7/00 USE 291.98 7/00 USE 398.00 2 TRAINING - DISPATCHERS 20.00 ANNUAL DUES 30000 ANNUAL FEES- BOUTWELL 30000 ANNUAL FEES - BISHOP 195000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT” 3,979.96 FAP -- 92-0107 -L 3,049°02 ORF- 99.008 -L 20,055 88 FAP - 92°0107 --L 33,253085 1996 REVENUE BONDS 39,023.33 1997 REVENUE BONDS 81,742°08 1998 REVENUE BONDS 300.00 REIMB °ELECTRICAL CLASS 138024 STREET LIGHTS 50000 PHONE USE - MITCHELL 622.14 REIMB MOVING EXPENSES 113.04 AMB REFUND 25.00 AMB REFUND 95000 PLUMBING REPAIR 50°00 REFUND - CEMETERY SPACE 334095 REFERENCE BOOK 82°91 VEHICLE REPAIR 12.40 MAINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 07/13/00 3135 5.40 07/16/00 3712 2.70 07/27/00 5601 8040 07/31/00 6272 8.10 07/06/00 2880 59093 07/06/00 2882 16056 07/17/00 4822 54.34 07/19/00 5089 22.40 07/19/00 5109 110081 07/20/00 5320 208.60 07/31/00 6990 16.56 07/03/00 1174 26045 3465 417 08/08/00 4532 27498 09/05/00 56.95 3466 1419 08/01/00 4712 6486 09/05/00 1,090°00 3467 14 72 08/17/00 4783 081700 09/05/00 105.00 08/11/00 081100 270.00 3470 1003 08/10/00 4621 194931 09/05/00 160.75 3471 871 08/09/00 4624 080900 09/05/00 168.00 3472 548 07/13/00 4530 26633 09105/00 39000 3473 485 07/24/00 4531 72400 -06 09/05/00 115000 07/24/00 72400 --07 275005 08/05/00 80500 -01 19°25 08/05/00 80500-02 40055 3475 676 08/09/00 4543 2KO430 09/05/00 35000 3476 881 07/30/00 4623 7/00 09/05/00 312062 3478 1108 08/10/00 4673 10675 09/05/00 398800 3481 862 08/04/00 4580 86526 09/05/00 40.00 08/09/00 86892 60000 05/01/00 83898 -10.00 05/01/00 83899 - -10000 3482 1476 06/02/00 4575 060200 09/05/00 195000 3484 818 09/01/00 4578 FAP °92 -0107- 09/05/00 3,979.96 09/01/00 ORF -99 -008 -L 3,049.02 09/01/00 FAP - 92°107 -L 20,055088 3485 818 09/01/00 4577 1996° -9/00 09/05/00 33,253 85 09/01/00 1997-9/00 39,023033 09/01100 1998 -9100 81,742008 3486 1248 08/11/00 4650 081100 09/05/00 150.00 08/23/00 2188 150,00 3487 1084 08/29/00 4579 107871006 09/05/00 138024 3488 961 08/03/00 4581 5227234-2 09/05/00 50.00 3492 1450 08/11/00 4561 081100 09/05/00 622014 3493 1478 08/01/00 4759 080100 09/05/00 56.52 08/01/00 80100 56052 3494 1479 08/01/00 4760 080100 09/05/00 25°00 3496 1055 08/14/00 4631 97464 09/05/00 95.00 3498 1480 08/30/00 4681 12/21 -1/18 09/05/00 50.00 3502 1481 07/28/00 4649 9426341 09/05/00 334°95 3503 1482 08/08/00 4714 1880 09/05/00 82091 3504 1038 08/09/00 4762 7991 09/05/00 12040 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5,8.3 Q *APRO83 56x95 TONER CARTRIDGE 1,090 „00 12 JANITORIAL SERVICE-•6 /20/00 375°00 DUMP TRUCK SERVICE 16075 UNIFORM 168000 AMBULANCE RUN FORMS 39°00 SUPPLIES -BRIT 449085 UNIFORM GEAR 35.00 COMPUTER TEST -GOLF 20°64 7/00 USE 291.98 7/00 USE 398.00 2 TRAINING - DISPATCHERS 20.00 ANNUAL DUES 30000 ANNUAL FEES- BOUTWELL 30000 ANNUAL FEES - BISHOP 195000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT” 3,979.96 FAP -- 92-0107 -L 3,049°02 ORF- 99.008 -L 20,055 88 FAP - 92°0107 --L 33,253085 1996 REVENUE BONDS 39,023.33 1997 REVENUE BONDS 81,742°08 1998 REVENUE BONDS 300.00 REIMB °ELECTRICAL CLASS 138024 STREET LIGHTS 50000 PHONE USE - MITCHELL 622.14 REIMB MOVING EXPENSES 113.04 AMB REFUND 25.00 AMB REFUND 95000 PLUMBING REPAIR 50°00 REFUND - CEMETERY SPACE 334095 REFERENCE BOOK 82°91 VEHICLE REPAIR 12.40 MAINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03o06pm Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ --- --- - - - - ---- ---- --- --- ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- - ----------- _ --------------------- -- 28097 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 32005 MAINT SUPPLIES 1,123 44 TIRES 22000 CLEANING SUPPLIES 405°00 VEHICLE REPAIR 204.04 VEHICLE REPAIR 431.99 TIRES 537.78 TOWING FEES 124.31 TOOLS 58,13 TOOLS 72813 MAINT SUPPLIES 25°28 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 58.50 84 INTERNATIONAL 43446 92 LODAL 4,406045 84 INTERNATIONAL 86.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.95 CARTRIDGE 350 „00 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 56.00 UNIFORM SHIRT PATCHES 12077 REFERENCE MATERIAL 39.99 NOTARY SEAL-STEVENS 28x80 LEGAL NOTICE 298°20 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 4,100.00 REIMBURSEMENT °PROPERTY DAMAGE 2,500000 ADMINISTRATION FEES 30027 STREET LIGHTS 885°00 CHEMICALS 450000 SOD 53089 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 139.75 PARTS CLEANER 121.71 RAKES 360.41 RIP RAP 37028 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 115068 FAUCET /PAPER SUPPLIES 113095 BANDANNAS 125.78 SHOES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 08/30/00 1841 28°97 3505 1144 08/09/00 4715 080900 09/05/00 32.05 3506 1029 08/08/00 4713 5004067 09/05/00 518000 08/01/00 3135430 605.44 3507 566 08/09/00 4707 22057 09/05/00 22°00 3508 1009 08/11/00 4716 5602 09/05/00 405.00 3509 1199 08/07/00 4704 4574 09/05/00 204004 3510 365 07/25/00 4721 74008648 09/05/00 116.39 07/28/00 74008860 315¢60 3511 819 08/11/00 4722 13781 09/05/00 70400 07/07/00 13544 172.00 08/10/00 13550 250.00 08/21/00 13879 45.78 3512 785 08/09/00 4720 933 °165170°'4 09/05/00 124031 3513 248 08/09/00 4719 50131752 09/05/00 58.13 3514 774 08/09/00 4717 353347 09/05/00 72°13 3515 107 08/15/00 4718 14577 09/05/00 25.28 3516 703 07/27/00 4694 16258 09/05/00 58.50 08/11/00 16282 434.46 08/23/00 16300 4,406 45 3518 492 08/07/00 4723 9459097 09/05/00 84042 08/07/00 9447160 1099 3520 943 08/10/00 4635 24463 09/05/00 50.95 3521 939 08/15/00 4634 081500 09/05/00 350.00 3522 722 08/11/00 4630 306 09/05/00 56.00 3524 1484 08/16/00 4633 5197 09/05/00 12477 3527 943 08/23/00 4632 24516 09/05/00 39.99 3528 145 08/12/00 4680 233421 09/05/00 28.80 3534 1168 08/17/00 4667 163442600 09/05/00 298.20 3536 1486 09/05/00 4706 S MCCARTY 09/05/00 4,100.00 3537 818 08107/00 4558 4047403 09/05/00 2,500.00 3538 1084 07/31/00 4557 892471996 09/05/00 30.27 3539 774 08/07/00 4562 353162 09/05/00 840.00 08/15/00 353629 45.00 3540 1357 08/14/00 4563 081400 09/05/00 450000 3541 785 08/15/00 4576 864 - 557222 °6 09/05/00 26.98 08/15/00 864 - 557223 -4 26.91 3542 994 06/29/00 4564 838333 09/05/00 139075 3543 749 07/19/00 4565 175470 09/05/00 121°71 3544 941 07/26/00 4566 192168 09/05/00 166.47 08/06/00 192985 193°94 3545 645 08/16/00 4567 339444 09/05/00 8.70 08/09/00 336809 11.18 07/26/00 331028 8.70 08/02/00 334172 8.70 3546 812 08/14/00 4568 655-072450 09/05/00 34.97 08/07/00 655-072247 44.83 08/17/00 655°072534 35 „88 3547 52 08/02/00 4569 322601 09/05/00 113.95 3548 17 07/28/00 4570 3865844 09/05/00 74.27 09/06/00 /1 40 08/07/00 3879442 51.51 09/06/00 ', 0o95y, CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 28097 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 32005 MAINT SUPPLIES 1,123 44 TIRES 22000 CLEANING SUPPLIES 405°00 VEHICLE REPAIR 204.04 VEHICLE REPAIR 431.99 TIRES 537.78 TOWING FEES 124.31 TOOLS 58,13 TOOLS 72813 MAINT SUPPLIES 25°28 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 58.50 84 INTERNATIONAL 43446 92 LODAL 4,406045 84 INTERNATIONAL 86.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.95 CARTRIDGE 350 „00 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 56.00 UNIFORM SHIRT PATCHES 12077 REFERENCE MATERIAL 39.99 NOTARY SEAL-STEVENS 28x80 LEGAL NOTICE 298°20 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 4,100.00 REIMBURSEMENT °PROPERTY DAMAGE 2,500000 ADMINISTRATION FEES 30027 STREET LIGHTS 885°00 CHEMICALS 450000 SOD 53089 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 139.75 PARTS CLEANER 121.71 RAKES 360.41 RIP RAP 37028 UNIFORM CLEAN /RENT 115068 FAUCET /PAPER SUPPLIES 113095 BANDANNAS 125.78 SHOES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso 08/11/00 57.68 751 PLEXAR 2,588004 07 /00 Aug 31, 2000 03a06pm Page 10 npaid Claims by Purchase Order 11,372 00 3563 360 07/27/00 4786 746634 09/05/00 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item 08/01/00 umber ---- Number - - - --- Date -------- Code Plumber oW__ dd -u -w Invoice ------------ Due Date -- ---- -o ------------ Amount Date -------- ---- Amount ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 3549 1228 08/11/00 4571 1564 09/05/00 80000 80 „00 REPAIR SERVICE 3550 812 08/14/00 4572 656 °072459 09105/00 24098 194657 09/05/00 24098 REPAIR PARTS 3551 57 08/04/00 4602 246449 09/05!00 549.00 09/06/00 x,21 60) 966010 CAPS /GOLFBALLS 09/05/00 2,222°87 08/03/00 243453 23313 09/06/00 19_f2,.> 08/04/00 246998 183097 09/06/00 TT> 3552 358 08/07/00 4603 12312 09/05/00 37.50 37,50 PRINTING 3553 233 08/18/00 4604 248326 09/05/00 38040 38.40 FLATTERIES -WATER 3554 1243 08/15/00 4605 221 09/05/00 495000 495.00 ADVERTISING 3555 960 08/11/00 4606 081100 09/05/00 91,00 91000 ADVERTISING 3556 1487 08/16/00 4607 4872BR 09/05/00 872.90 872.90 CAPS 3557 1488 08/10/00 4608 322 09/05/00 75031 75.31 TIRE 3559 366 08/04/00 4636 670360 09/05/00 4.98 4098 REPAIR PARTS 0000 GRAVEL 3560 938 07/30/00 4658 7/00 NON -PLE 09/05/00 432.31 48064 07/00 NON-PLEXAR 95075 07/00 NON-PLEXAR 63.95 07/00 NON-PLEXAR 47.97 07/00 NON-PLEXAR 176.00 07/00 NON-PLEXAR 3561 863 07/30/00 4657 7/00 USE 09/05/00 7,54004 59.44 07/00 USE 32°15 07/00 USE 41008 07/00 USE 108.41 07/00 USE 21025 07/00 USE 58094 07 /00 USE 97019 07/00 USE 94031 07/00 USE 17.81 07/00 USE 203.46 07/00 USE 3562 1439 07/31/00 4757 714 09/05/00 2,995°00 16,955.04 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6/1/99 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 101°07 COPIER MAINT 85000 MEMBERSHIP DUES -LUTZ 56°85 REFUND #2538 574000 ANNUAL EQUIP MAINT 950.10 UNIFORMS 59404 07 /00 08/11/00 57.68 751 PLEXAR 2,588004 07 /00 PLEXAR 08/11/00 07/00 755 117°39 11,372 00 3563 360 07/27/00 4786 746634 09/05/00 101.07 3564 1100 08/30/00 4794 083000 09/05/00 85000 3566 450 08/01/00 4761 080100 09/05/00 56085 3567 893 09101/00 4656 789564 09/05/00 204000 09/01/00 789565 177.00 09/01/00 789566 193.00 3568 1003 08/09/00 4666 194657 09/05/00 875°15 08/09/00 194777 74095 3569 938 07/29/00 4655 7 /00 PLEXAR 09/05/00 2,222°87 CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 101°07 COPIER MAINT 85000 MEMBERSHIP DUES -LUTZ 56°85 REFUND #2538 574000 ANNUAL EQUIP MAINT 950.10 UNIFORMS 59404 07 /00 PLEXAR 57.68 07/00 PLEXAR 76°15 07 /00 PLEXAR 314005 07/00 PLEXAR 117°39 07/00 PLEXAR 340046 07/00 PLEXAR 29°52 07/00 PLEXAR 240003 07/00 PLEXAR 28,84 07/00 PLEXAR 28,84 07/00 PLEXAR 311.88 07/00 PLEXAR 35°78 07/00 PLEXAR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Aug 31, 2000 03e06pm Page 11 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -- - ----- Code Plumber n -dn ------ Invoice - eeeeud-_e ®m Due Date -------- -- Amount Date Amount ---- -d -md- -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description - ----- ---- ---- _ ----- 50094 07/00 PLEXAR 29-52 07/00 PLEXAR 133.83 07/00 PLEXAR 50020 07/00 PLEXAR 29051 07/00 PLEXAR 231°53 07/00 PLEXAR 57068 07/00 PLEXAR 3570 886 08/15/00 4692 N10129 09/05/00 259086 259.86 WCC #20000- 11037X/M10129 3571 356 06/19/00 4675 W06190°37390 09/05/00 72.32 72032 W06190 3572 886 08/15/00 4693 N10129 09/05/00 178.65 178,65 WCC #2000w11037X12/N10129 3573 356 06/19/00 4676 W06190 -37429 09/05/00 46.,49 46„49 W06190 3574 1288 08/14/00 4690 SO4140.44390 09/05/00 69.74 69.74 SO4140 3575 1288 08/14/00 4689 804120°40273 09/05/00 86099 86999 004120 3576 1288 08/14/00 4688 B04120 -42307 09/05/00 46.49 46049 804120 3577 1288 08/14/00 4687 N10129 -47506 09/05/00 200.00 200.00 N10129 3578 933 08/14/00 4686 F08259 09/05/00 715.23 715023 F08259 3579 944 08/14/00 4685 H08169 09/05/00 19881.09 1,881009 H08169 3580 159 08/10/00 4691 013211 °00004 09/05/00 138.30 138.30 GRIEVANCE ARBITRATIONS 3581 1490 08/14/00 4684 C09178 09/05/00 42.50 42050 009178 3587 1075 08117/00 4790 2022485 09/05/00 111.14 111014 SAFETY BOOTS- HARRIS 3588 1404 08/23/00 4773 3402 09/05/00 720.00 1,470000 ROAD BORE 08/07/00 3344 750000 3591 1492 08/09/00 4776 148759 09/05/00 45.22 45°22 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3592 594 08/01/00 4775 840730 09/05/00 401020 401.20 SIGN RENTAL 3593 296 08/03/00 4774 1233 09/05/00 90.00 90.00 WELDING 3594 857 08/02/00 4777 D166511 09/05/00 71.59 71.59 REPAIR SUPPLIES 04/12/00 D156774 21.99 81048 REPAIR SUPPLIES 06/16/00 D162639 2.00 36.89 REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/26/00 D160795 16045 02/04/00 D150915 2„92 03/24/00 07791 • -4047 04/15/00 D157025 4.63 04/02/00 D157474 74.85 3599 107 08/10/00 4641 14343 09/05/00 47.94 47°94 REPAIR PARTS 3600 1300 08/18/00 4640 8031 09/05/00 96.92 96092 PAPER SUPPLIES 3601 314 08/16/00 4639 4686306 09/05/00 110054 110.54 GOLF BAG 3602 774 08/15/00 4638 353630 09/05/00 1,649.09 1,649009 FERTILIZER 3603 394 08/08/00 4637 218193 09/05/00 386055 386055 TOURNAMENT FLAGS /ALUM CUPS 3605 485 08/18/00 4670 81800-02 09/05/00 15000 15°00 TICKET" BOOK HOLDER 08/16/00 71700 °01 126°00 126°00 3 UNIFORM SHIRTS 3607 1005 08/18/00 4696 CVCS168951 09/05/00 463°95 463095 VEHICLE REPAIR 08/25/00 CVW76562 22.03 22003 REPAIR PARTS 3609 598 08/16/00 4699 081600 09/05/00 94.00 94000 REPAIR PARTS 3610 932 08/03/00 4700 306837 09/05/00 20.00 125.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 08/03/00 306838 125°00 20,00 VEHICLE REPAIR 3611 1040 08/07/00 4698 2266 09/05/00 762°11 762°11 REPAIR PARTS 3612 1495 08/15/00 4755 216878 09/05/00 40000 40000 REPAIR PARTS 3613 406 08/21/00 4695 106337430-00 09/05/00 105.06 130054 OFFICE / PAPER SUPPLIES 08/21/00 106298920 °00 106088 81.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03v06pm Page 12 Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description umw_a ------ -------- m__d ------ ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---- m-- -- - - dmemm -- ---- ----------------------- 08/09/00 105300127000 211.02 3614 1191 08/22/00 4702 15907 09/05/00 45.00 3615 76 08/21/00 4701 92327 09/05/00 106.89 3616 698 08/09/00 4697 182639 09/05/00 155.90 3617 1002 05/30/00 4758 083000 09/05/00 1,159.81 3620 1086 08/30/00 4674 083000 09/05/00 3621 812 08/24/00 4663 656-072677 09/05/00 08/04/00 1512 ®072203 .CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 5.8.3 Q*APR083 55.17 19.99 47.89 139.37 OFFICE SUPPLIES /INK CARTRIDGE 37.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.50 FLAG 22.50 FLAG 3.89 MAINT SUPPLIES 103.00 ELECTRIC MOTOR 185.90 OIL /LUBRICANTS 6.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 27.00 TAG 10.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 6.41 REIMB PETTY CASH 12.38 REIMB PETTY CASH 3.86 REIMB PETTY CASH 46.53 DOC MEALS 8.15 REIMB PETTY CASH 0.94 REIMB PETTY CASH 6.90 REIMB PETTY CASH 6.91 REIMB PETTY CASH 1.80 REIMB PETTY CASH 98.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 5.37 REIMB PETTY CASH 25.00 NOTARY FEE 1.55 REIMB PETTY CASH 4.34 REIMB PETTY CASH 68.82 MILEAGE -EWING 33.67 MILEAGE /MEALS °BLEVINS 20.00 REFUND 91.25 REFUND 47.00 BOOKS 8.05 REIMB -PETTY CASH 86.00 BELTS FOR AMBULANCE 7.65 REIMB-PETTY CASH 3.65 REIMB-PETTY CASH 3.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 24.89 REPAIR PARTS 14.88 REIMB-PETTY CASH 104.60 LODGING &FUELMCKNIGHT 17.71 REIMB-PETTY CASH 30.00 MEDIATION 50.00 SUBSCRIPTION 177.00 SHUTTLE- WILLSON 90.00 PARKING- WILLSON 10.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 34.35 MEALS/TOLLS /PARKING 1.61 PAPER GOODS 19.21 REIMB PETTY CASH 19.99 REPAIR SUPPLIES 95.87 REPAIR / MAIIT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Aug 31, 2000 03a06pm Page 13 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice HoLd Claim Vendor FulL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ mp_ndm - ° - - - ° °- ---- ---- -- ------ ---- -- -------- - ------ - - ---- -------- ---------- _- I ---------- ------------------------ 3622 3623 3624 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3635 3642 3643 3645 3646 3647 3648 08/18/00 08/25/00 1264 02/29/00 940 08/23/00 406 08/22/00 555 08121/00 57 08/11/00 08/17/00 08/17/00 451 08/07/00 255 08/15/00 11 08/18/00 07/31/00 54 07/24/00 07/24/00 07/24/00 07/24/00 986 08/30/00 474 08/04/00 08/04/00 07/28/00 08/14/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 08/21/00 793 08/18/00 08/18/00 1350 08/24/00 17 08/22/00 388 08122/00 1229 08/18/00 TOTAL 275 records listed 5339080-33,1'+ 1512-072561 38°89 1512 °072704 9009 4662 59238 09/05100 525000 4671 123336 09/05/00 MOO 4682 4372 09/05/00 249,99 4664 082100 09/05/00 45°00 4661 259505 09/05/00 1,017,96 09/06/00 267986 430.08 269002 71032 09/06/00 4660 813062442 09/05/00 254084 4659 325357 09/05/00 204.00 4787 9172303 09/05/00 -604.00 1030307 718020 4788 SKOL 068 09/05/00 103,00 SKOL 069 130°00 SKOL 070 130000 SKOL 071 165000 4789 RETAINER 09/05/00 1,000.00 4766 001150 09/05/00 6028 804120 6.11 SO4140 1,30 B03230 1094 F09259 3.76 F9259 1.94 F092599 19°87 H08169 52.26 B4120 2.42 B041200 1030 W07090 2065 T06260 2.01 W06190 2.01 W6190 1.30 S4140 1094 4801 69751 09/05/00 30000 69750 30000 4765 7286 09/05/00 149050 4802 3905849 09/05/00 49038 4763 36678338 09/05/00 171°60 09/06/00 4764 729195 09/05/00 69034 d 533,080033 5339080-33,1'+ 40.32 2.68 _o �2 n nQ 525000 GOLF CLUBS 18000 REPAIR PARTS 249099 FAX MACHINE 45000 LOCK REPLACEMENT 1,519 36 CAP / CLUB 254.84 ANNUAL DUES 204.00 REPLACE PANEL. & SIREN 114020 SHIRTS 52800 RIGHT-OF-WAY LEASE 1,000°00 NORTHSIDE INTERCEPTOR-2/l/00 107.09 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 60.00 NOTARY BOND- STEVENS 149.50 ADVERTISING 49038 BELTS 171.60 GOLF BALLS 69034 SLACKS -40 0.95 21 ®60 9 ®12 ado 7.20 4G ®32 2 ®68 — 6 ®72 009 5322990.34 40.32 2.68 _o �2 n nQ 525000 GOLF CLUBS 18000 REPAIR PARTS 249099 FAX MACHINE 45000 LOCK REPLACEMENT 1,519 36 CAP / CLUB 254.84 ANNUAL DUES 204.00 REPLACE PANEL. & SIREN 114020 SHIRTS 52800 RIGHT-OF-WAY LEASE 1,000°00 NORTHSIDE INTERCEPTOR-2/l/00 107.09 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 60.00 NOTARY BOND- STEVENS 149.50 ADVERTISING 49038 BELTS 171.60 GOLF BALLS 69034 SLACKS CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/12/00 Qopa[trnent rt�m Exp Qye me— men-s—ea i Q it-ad _E x p. an 19 _Q 19 General Fund Managerial 0.00 13,175.47 Community Development 0.00 6,950.41 HUMINT-wo =_ 0.00 1,689.81 Police 2102.37 58,168.51 Animal Control 0.00 1,878.03 "'aggpiNg $ n Street 186.76 14,528.73 7 Community-Senior Center 0.00 3,441.63 General Fund Total $3,167.43 $170,501.03 000 Garage Fund Total $0.00 $3,436.83 nio SUN sm Council Member Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 03/26/00 sip rtment Q ve i �e x en General Fund r v r Managerial 0.00 139122°61 Community Development 0.00 6,936°67 t # #G4✓ft k � `r `a �i,� ....�F�'r�� � �',�f � t � � k; ��' � �` .�� � 0' 4�..�# h l # k� � Lk �� Information Systems _ 0°00 1,632°63 Police 1264.09 66, 549.32 a Animal Control 0.00 1,676,03 yy�"Rg 'Street ripp $p� ppx� g 1,039.88 10,940°37 Community- Senior Center 0.00 3,467,07 _... ......_..__ General Fund Total $2,562.16 $163,937.54 Garage Fund Total $25.20 $3,727.09 APPROVED: September 5, %0. Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08112/00 Department Overtime Expenses -let Ejptn, e Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $114.52 $10,904.00 APPROVED: September 59 2000 Mayor Council Member CITY OF OWA PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/26/00 Department .--Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $31095 $10,682000 APPROVED ptember 5, 2000 1*12 =112 Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT. WATER -RATE IN ,AA DATE: September 1, 2000 BACKGROUND: 3-11�1 Since 1988, City of Owasso customers have seen equivalent rate increases passed on after Tulsa rate increases. In 1992, the Owasso Public Works Authority established an OP WA Capital Improvements Fund to finance water and sewer projects with earmarked rate increases, There have been no rate changes to fund increased operating costs for providing water services during the past twelve years. Montgomery Watson, consultant engineer, has provided the City Council and staff with a preliminary update of the Water Master Plan. Tentatively identified capital improvements needed to alleviate existing water system capacity problems are estimated to cost nearly $2,000,000. The adjusted water rates would generate approximately $106,000 in new water revenue. The new dollars would be used to pay for higher maintenance and operation costs associated with an expanding, as well as aging, water distribution system. Additional revenues would be required to service any debt payment obligation incurred as a result of the issuance of revenue bonds for capital improvements, RURAL RATE CUSTOMERS: In April of 1999, the City Council and the OPWA Trustees reduced water rates to customers residing outside the Owasso city limits and established those rates at 20% more than the rate inside the city, The current proposal would maintain that 20% difference, The proposed new rate would change the base minimuin fee -for 1.000 gallons of water from $8.75 to $9.00, an increase of 25 cents, The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would change from $3050 to $3,84, an increase of 34 cents, CUSTOMER IMPACT. RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends Council adoption of Ordinance #654, approving the water rates as set forth by the Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution # 2000-06. M , rlljffl E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASS09 OKLAHOMA THAT- SECTION ONE: The water rates hereinafter set forth as established by the Owasso Public Works Authority, an Oklahoma public Trust having the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as it beneficiary, are hereby adopted, approved and directed to be implemented in accordance with :.resolution 42000-06 of the Owasso .public Works Authority dated Septeruber° 5, 2000. SECTION TWO: The provisions of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, referenced as part 17, Utilities, Chapter 1 Water, Sewer acrd Sanitation Systems, Section 17-109 `Mater Dates shall be amended as follows: Section 17-109 WATER RATES A. There hereby are established the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business located within the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water mater at such connection; provided that, regardless of amount of water metered, the monthly charge for water for each connection shall not be less than the "minimum charge" set forth; WATER RATES %N1O THL 1. First 1000 gallons $7.50 (minimaxii charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $3.20 B. There are hereby established the following uniform rates for the volume of water delivered during each calendar month at each connection to the water system serving one household or business, located outside the corporate limits of the City, as shown by the water meter as such connection; provided that, regardless of the amount of water metered, the monthly charge for each such connection shall not be less than the "minimum charge" set forth; WATER RATES (�IOI®T L Yl 1. First 1000 gallons $9.00 (minimum charge); and, 2. Each additional 1000 gallons $3.84 PASSED AND APPROVED this 5t" day of September, 2000. ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney CITE OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: H C Williams, Mayor $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 111111 111111111111111111 lj!�p M 113 Current Rate .0 Propos!d ed Raate nic MEMORANDUTIA TO. HONORABLE MAYORAND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJE `- ORDINANCE 9.655 ZONING CASE OZ -00-08 . DATE: August 319 2000 BACKGROUND At the August 15, 2000 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a. rezoning request from Owasso Land Trust. The subject property contains 79032 acres, more or less. Ordinance No. 655 would formally adopt the action taken by the Coy cil at the A u ust 15, 2000 meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 6550 ATTACHMENTS NT 1, Location Map 2. Ordinance No. 655 A A 7 WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the properly herein described, and, W1 -1-1 5, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OZ -00.O& NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL I OF 111E C II`Y OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, 7O -WIT: Section. The zormi g classification of the following described property, to -wit: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED I TILE NW/4 AND PAIN OF THE SW/4.OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA BEING MORE PARTIC PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: be, and the same is hereby rezoned from RS -2 (Residential Single - Family, Medium Density) and RE (Residential Estate) TO RS -3 (Residential Single - Family, High Density), Section 2. That all ordinances or parks of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AIND APPROVED this 51' day of September, 2000. H. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Ronald D. Cates, City attorney Ordinance 655 Page 2 TO. HONORABLE MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE #656 DATE. August 319 2000 BACKGROUND At the August 15, 2000 regular meeting, the City Council unanimously approved Planned Unit Development OP -12A an amendment to the Bailey Ranch planned Unit Development. The subject propel contains 79.32 acres, more or less, Ordinance No. 656 would formally adapt the action taker. by the Council at the august 15, 2000 meeting, RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance boa 656. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2, Ordinance No, 656 E. 116'" STREET N. (STATE HIGHWAY 20) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OPUD- 12A AMENDING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OPUD ®12 ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OIL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recormnendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested rezoning of application OEUD- 12A. NOW, 'I "HERE ORJ , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 0013 CIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, ' HXF, TO -WIT: Section 1. the Planned Unit Development, OPUD -12A, together with the Outline Development Flan submitted therewith and the followings described property, to -wit: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN TIM N` /4 AND PART OF THE Sid /4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, MANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA BEING MORE PARTiCUL,ARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: be, and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5t' day of September, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma H, C. Williams, Mayor ATTEST Marcia Boutwell, City Clork. APPROVED AS TO FORM Donald D. Cates, City Attornoy Ordinance #656 Page 2 ERIC �X T Oa �O�ggp LE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL /y FROM: PHIL LUT Z, P.E. ENGINEERING PROD ,CT MANAGER SUBJE ;TB ACCEPTANCE OFWATER& SANITARY SE A; sys'rEmS NOTTINGHAM V DATE. .August 29, 2000 BACKGROUND, The subject development is located south of 96`Y' Street North and oast of 139th" East Avenue (see attached location map). The project includes 976 LF of 8 -inch, 19154 LF of 6 -inch and 695 LF of 4 -inch water lines and 3,595 LF of sanitary sewer lines, designs for those facilities were approved and construction was inspected by the public Works Department, The water and sanitary sewer systems have been permitted for construction by ODEQ (see attached). FINAL INSPECTION Public Works personnel conducted final inspections with the contractor on August 24, 2000. Punch list items identified during the inspection have been corrected. The contractor has provided a one -year maintenance bond for both utilities (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Nottingham V water and sanitary sewer systems. ATTACHMENTS- 1. Location map 2. ®DEQ permit notifications 3. Maintenance bond 0 Robert Carr, Public Works Director City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Rea Permit No. WL000072000739 Nottingham Estates 5 Water Line Extension PWSID No. 3002718 mljffll�� FRANK KEATING Governor Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072000739 for the construction of 976 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC, plus 1,154 linear feet of six (6) inch PVC, plus 695 linear feet of four (4) inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Nottingham Estates 5 water line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on July 16, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, Rocky P. E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division RWC/HJT/so c: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWPB 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101--1677 ptintod on recycled paper w1th soy Ink F Robert Carr, Public Works Director City of Owasso L.O. Lox 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Ike; Permit No. SL.CTO00720 0y [2 Nottingham Estates 5 Seeger Line Extension S -21310 Lear Mr. Carr. FRANK KEATING Governor Enclosed Is Permit No. SL000072000 40 for the construction of 3,595 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line, pleas all appurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates 5 sever line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, The project authorized by this permit should be constructed In accordance with the plans approved by this departmerat on July 16, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity® flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are evade. Receipt of this permit should be voted in the minutes of the neat regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a ratter of permanent record. We are relearning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files, RWC /HJT /so c: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc' Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Section Manager, DE Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printod on recycled paper with soy Ink IE� MIC TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74101 it KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BOND NUMBER � 2 THAT WE., . ..... as Principal, and OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, an OMahoma corporation, fteving ks prifidpal place of husinm. In the C-%y of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, as Surety, are hold and firmly bound TYANN DEVELOPMENT, INC. WHEREAS tin said Prindpal Ism contmeW mWn kaprovanma dendbad as follow* Nottingham Estates V Sanitary Sewer System & Water Supply System otherwise to r@mWn in full force and effW, sub0d,howem to W following Wrm provision- 1W to make arty such repairs, SIGNED, swled and dated this A44, day of 19 _10 0 1 �D President Principal BY A� f xd Michael Ted.o OKLAHOMA . Oklahoma Know all Men by these presents: That the OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Oklahoma, having its principal office in the city ol" Tulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By -Law, which was adopted by the Stockholders of the said Company, to -wit: Section 10, Article IV, "All bonds, policies, undertakings or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the Company by the Chairman of the Board, The President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer may appoint Attorneys in Bait or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies, or undertakings in the name. of the Company. The corporate seal is. not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, or other obligations of the corporation," The Co1hpany sloes hereby constitute and appoint Jacque V. Brown and Michael Tedford, indiVidually of CLARE MORE, 0K ` W WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set riry.hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation ® ® ® ®` ®AAABaA ®a! ®pdd dd ®�'� ��� °Pa° this 24th day of yr� �9 MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE LE MAYO AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: .ACCEP'T'ANCE OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM JACK STOUT PROPERTY DATE- a August 29, 2000 BACKGROUND - The subject project is located east of 1171n East Avenue and south of 71" Street North, just northwest of the 117"' East Avenue lift station. (see attached location map). The sanitary sewer has been permitted by the t7DEQ to include 670 LF of 8 -inch line. (see attached permit notification). FINAL INSPECTIONS, Public Works personnel conducted a final sanitary sewer inspection on March 24, 2000. A punch list of items requiring correction was issued to the owner and the construction contractor. All items were corrected as of June 12, 2000. Acceptance was delayed awaiting receipt of a one - year maintenance bond (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Jack Stout property sanitary sewer system. ATTACHMENTS. 1. Location map 2. ®DEQ permit notification 3. Maintenance bond oil, • WO SEWER CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DATE. 6/00 (PAGE M 1 OF I MARK COLEMAN Executive Director August 17, 1999 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. City of Owasso 320 South Dogwood Owasso, OK 7405 Re: Permit Flo. SL000072990603 Jack Stout Property Sewer Line Project •1010 Dear Mr. Carr: FRANK KEATING Governor Enclosed is Permit Igo. SL000072990603 for the construction of 070 linear feet of eight ( ) inch sewer lira and appurtenances to serve the Jack Stout Property Sewer Line Project, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on August 17, 1099. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are rude. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a ratter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, r Bronson Dolvin Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division cc: Dennis L. dodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor, DEQ Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printed on recycled paper with soy ink o� d� BOND NUMBER. OK 00033446 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT WE, — Danny Stout, 206 West 17th,, Owasso, OK 74055 as Principal, and OKLA110MA SURETY COMPANY, an Oklahoma corPOrdfl0fl, having its PriAdPal place Of hUMANG in the CRY of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, as Surety, am hold and firmly bound unto City of Owasso, 207 So. Cedar Owasso, OK 74 055 1 — as Obligee, in the POW an of Ten Thousand and no/1,00 -- DWIm (S 1.01000 L m lawful Money ofthe United States of America, forthe Wmentof which, wallandtrulyto he made, wobind ourAm. amrhairs, _9xwMrs,adminWMom, suomsors and assigns, !a!" and severally, firmly by those p VMEAEAS the said Principal has CoWiructed carlaIn improvemuft dwdbad as fo]W- s- Construction of approximately 400' of sever line connected to Danny Stout House,, located at 11703 E. 72nd St. No.,,, Owasso, OK 74055 Which Wd improvements hw@ been cOnWuckd to conform wb sp@dfimdons prepared by e Obligee, by and through its pro r reiremtative shall live ft PdTdjj no tha [tin to make any such repairs. 'time in which SIGNED, SUN and dated this 10th — day Of ___ARfflMLz000 Danny Stout B-12M Os (&N) V£ t k O k SURETY COMPANY Tulsa, Oklahoma Know all Men by these presents: That the OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Oklahoma, having its principal office in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By -Law, which was adopted by the Stockholders of the said Company, to -wit: Section 10, Article Iii, "All bonds, policies, undertakings or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the Company by the Chairman of the Board, The President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any "Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, oi- the Treasurer may appoint Attorneys in Pact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies, or tuideriakiugs in the name of the Company. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, or other- obligations of the corporation." The Company does hereby constitute anal appoint Ann Carpenter, Rosy Cooper, Victoria Dodd, Robert E. Harper, John R. Hogan, Pat, Hogan, Marls Long, Robbie Loyd, Jamie Moore, Sandy Pollock, Norma € eynolds, Robert o iefen and Davi d 1„ Vaughan, individually ofTULSA, O its true and lawfill attorney(s)- in4act, to ekecute, seal and deliver for and on its bel -calf as Surety, and as its act and deed, Any and all bonds and undertakings of Suretyship And the execration of such instrurnent(s) in pursuance of the presents, shall be as binding upon the said OKLAHOMA SiTKETY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. IN WITNESS WI-MIZEOF, OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY has executed and attested these presents this 26 clay of Judy ,1999 m _ W A DER ®N ASSISTAN SECRETARY TODD BA _ `IA �ICB I'RBSl17I!NT on this .: 26 day of' July ,19 99 before me, a Notary Public of the State of Oklahoma in and for the County of Tulsa, carne the. individual to me personally known to be the officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the .OKLAHOMA SURE TY COMPANY aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, and that , MIWAIWUection 10, of the By -Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. En, TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASS FROM: SIDE Y BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT- MUNICIPAL COURT C-LE K APPOINTMENT DATE: September 1, 2000 BACKGROUND. l�l The Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso provides that the city clerk shall be the clerk of the municipal court unless otherwise provided by council action. .Another individual may be appointed by the council to serve in the official capacity of clerk of the municipal court. In July, Tammy Crimes, municipal court clerk, transferred to a position in the human resources department of the city. Juliann Stevens has been hired to serve as the new court clerk, To become official, that appointment must be made by council action. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council appoint Juliann Stevens to serve in the official capacity of clerk of the municipal court. IT OR mi To® THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO From: JIM McELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPP Irl'SERVICES Subject. Rl(,,HT OF WAY ACQUISITION FOR 86 W AND MAIN WILDENING PROJECT Date: August 30, 2000 BACKGROUND- Two of the parcels needed. for the 86"' Street Widening Project lie on land owned by Bethel Baptist Church. One is needed for permanent and the other for working light of way. Negotiations have been completed with the Church, and the City Manager has sent the Church a proposed Letter of Agreement. The Church has signed the Letter, and a copy is attached to this memorandum. All of the items agreed to by the City in the Letter of Agreement have been reviewed by Staff and by City Attorney Ron Cates. The drainage specified is already included as part of the construction documents, and although the retaining wall is not included, City Engineer Phil Lutz has examined the site and agrees that such all improvement will be necessary and must be included in the City's construction plans. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Letter of Agreement 2. Easement Documents 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 30, 2000 The Rev. JimWheeler Bethel Baptist Church R 0. Box 178 Owasso, OK 74055 RE': Proposed Agreemei.rt - 86'b , Street Right of Way Dear Pastor Wheeler: (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 This letter proposes commitments made by the City of Owasso in order to secure permanent and temporary rights of way for the subject project Please understand that agreements proposed herein are commitments recommended by the City Manager and are subject to City Council ratification at a later date, We have reviewed the requests addressed in your conversations with City staff and agree to the following in exchange for the churchs donation of the right of way in question (see attached drawing and legal description of parcel.) 2. The Church will open an escrow account at a local financial institution of the Church's designation in which the City will deposit funds in the amount of $4100, to remain until the satisfactory completion of the 86 a Street widening project. Topsoil shall be restored to all disturbed areas, and the are shall be sodded to obtain ground cover equivalent to adjacent property. The construction contractor shall be required to replace or re,,$air - - ermanent curbin§,*-,,avinA,--d d-AtJAd6trj&%V4 and/or removed due to constm tion activities. The City shall construct a storm sewer system to sneers proper drainage of storm rater from die intersection of 86th Street North and Dog ,wood to the east, such that water does not remain standing in the intersection. cooperation Thank you for your e„ way purchase and for these much-needed upgrades to the infrastructure of the City of Owasso. The City very much apprecitates the Churchs spirit of cooperation o together for the mutual benefit of the citizens of Owasso. rl -C: Mayor and City Coll City Attorney F BETH EL BAPTIST August 30, 2000 PAGE 3 AC NO &1 EDGE N The above commitments I through 6 comply with Bethel Baptist Church's requirements, The Church is willing to donate permanent right of way to the, City of Owasso based on these commitments. et for Bethel Baptist Church late °TA TE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY 0FrU1,SA ) Before nee, the undersign ed, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this -- day of _ 9 2000, personally appeared to me knovin to be the identical. person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrut ent and acknowledged to ine that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes herein set forth. IN WITNE SS WHE REOF, I hereunto set ray official signature and affixed my seal the day d year last above written. Accepted by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this day of 2000. TI. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk S'TI' ®17213(033)1JI2 JP17028(04) EASEMENT 1 g EASEMENT wihle— r Public Highway KNOW ALL MEN BY °I°HESH PRESENTS, THAT D&tbc UgpjkLQhuwjLof Tulsa County, Oklahoma, herein called the Grantors (whether one or more) for and in consideration of the sum of ( _ _ 'and other�vgood valuable and sufficient considerations, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and dedicate unto the w s the following described lots or parcels of land for the purpose of establishing thereon a public highway or facilities necessary and incidental thereto, to -wit: NORTH 8.25 FEET OF THE SOUTH 24,75 FEET OF FHE SOUTH 331 FEET OF THE WEST 3:30 FEET T OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SII X14) OIL T14E SO[1`I"kll.;AS'I' QUARTER (SE a /,) O SECTION ION 19, '1 OWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COMITY, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, CONTAINING 0,063 ACRES MORE OR LES& To have and to hold said above described premises unto the said Gil Qf Qwamo free, clear and discharged fr -olra any and all claims of damages or injury that may be sustained directly or indirectly to the remaining lands of the Grantors by reason of the construction and maintenance of a public highway and all highway excavations, ernbanknrents, structures, bridges, drains, sight distance of safety areas and other facilities that may now or hereafter be, in the discretion of the grantee, necessary for the construction and maintenance of a public highway and incidental facilities over, across or along the above described real estate; the supervision and control of said public highway to be in such municipality, county or other agency of the State of Oklahoma as has or may have jurisdiction thereof by the laws of the State of Oklahoma; and said it„ of wasso its officers, agents, contractors and employees are hereby granted free access to said property for the pt„ °pose of entering upon, constructing, maintaining or regulating the use of said public highway and incidental facilities. Said Grantors hereby covenant and warrant that at the time of delivery of these presents they are the owners in fee simple of the above described premises and that same are free and clear of all liens and claims whatsoever, except undersigned Grantors hereby designate and appoint as agent to execute the claim and receive the compensation herein named. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors herein named have hereunto set their hands and seals this the of STP- 17213(033)UR JP 17028(04) EASEMENT 18T WDV- ,3w I. ®9V TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT _ E f1� of Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, herein called the raaators (whether one or gore) for and in consideration of the sum of ($ �ea._ __ w) and other good valuable and sufficient considerations, haslhave this clay Sold to the { i if , vvasso, a temporary Casement over the following described land, to -wit: NORTH 20 FEET OF THE SOUTH 70 FEET OF THE SOUTH 331 FEET OF THE WEST 320FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 19, "TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN EASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OWASO, OKLAHOMA, CONTAINING 0.15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, A We the understand owner(s) hereby designate and appoint As agent to execute the claim and receive the compensation herein named for said right -of ways IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors heroein nallied have hereunto set their hands and seals this the day a _b _ Form 41 City WEI W411 To. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO From: JIM MeELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES Subject. EASEMENT ACQUISITION FOR ATOR SEWER RELIEF LINE Date: Arigust 9, 2000 BACKGROUND: 1. Mills Property Easement 11IFEMIII M -7ll August 30, 2000 PAGE 2 The land area for the easement for both the inain and the sub-main are included in the Sanitary Sewer Easement executed by Helen Mills. Finally, the City has agTeed to the Mills asking price of $159000 for the acquisition of the, entire easement. 2. Temporary Easements on other properties RE(�-OMMENDATION- 1. Letters ®f Agreement with Mills Family Trust and Strawdey McCarty 2. Sanitary Sewer Easement from Mills Family Trust City Y Owasso South Cedar PO Box :8 4 s August 29, 2000 Mills Family Trust -Ms. Rowena N1.1s, °J "°istee 10435 E 86' to North Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Ms. Mills, 1. The City of Owasso will pay Mills Maly 'li st ("Seller ") a sum of $15,000 in exchange for the granting of the easements. 2. The City will install a sub-main from the new sewer line to serve the existing residence of Helen Cox Mills and or other residences located tract. The City will, at its expense, perform a tap on the sub-main to provide the Helen Cox Mills sewer removed 3. The City will pay for the replacement of any trees and shrubs which are either damaged try.;, the new sewer line; 4. The City will compact and re-grade, and re-seed all areas disturbed during the construction process. If any disturbed area later settles, City will again areas; compact and fill in such areas so as to make them level with the undisturbed adjacent 5. The improvements to be built, by the Cit-Y must be a a "* with those plans and fie- _.<ati provided to Seller by the City; �i MILLS LETTER OF AGREEMENT Page 2 August 29, 2000 ?o if any of Seller's fence is removed, the City must replace all fence removed in a good and workmanlike manner; furthermore, any fencing affected by the construction process must be carefully monitored so as to keep the existing cattle on the subject 40 acres within the confines of the pasture during the construction process; & The City's improvements must provide for unobstructed ingress and egress to Seller's remaining property, both during and after the construction process, 9° The (pity shall replace any concrete or other bard surfacing, if any, that is removed by the City. Thank your for your cooperation in suggesting estin arrangements that will allow for execution of the easement agreement. MMLS LETTER OF AGREEMENT Page 3 August , 0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The above commitments I through 9 comply with my requirements. I am willing to sell temporary and permanent easements to the City of Owasso based on these commitments, The Mills Family Revocable Livin `1:°r ust Dated December 20, 1990 By Rowena Mills STATE', OF OKLAHOMA) S COUNTY OF TULSA ) Before me, the undersigned, a rotary lNablic in and for said County mid State, on this ___day of 2000, personally appeared Rowena bills to nee known to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the saine as her f °ee and voluntary act and deed for the purposes herein set forth, LN WITNESS WDERE OF, l hereunto set nay official signature and affixed any seal the day and year last; above written. My Commission Expires: Accepted by the City of Owasso, o Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA H. Co Williams, Mayor Mills Family Revocable LivingTrUSt 10435 E 86" St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 Know All Men By These Presents: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD such casement and right-of -way unto the said CITY O OWASSO, Oklahoma, its successors and assigns, forever. am 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 21, 2000 Mr. Straw McCarty NW of City Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. McCarty, City of Owasso W18) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 1, The City shall update the abstract of the property tip to the point of sale of permanent right-of-way easement purchased from Grantor on September 25,1984. See attached Exhibit A. 3. The City, in keeping with the provisions of the agreement found in Exhibit A, shall also reimburse the Grantor for the cost of a certain large walnut tree permanently damaged by the above-mentioned erosion. The City shall pay Grantor a sum of $4,000 as full and complete satisfaction to the Grantor for the loss of the tree, as as a sum of $ 100 incurred by the Grantor in having the tree's value appraised. I 4. The City's improvements must provide for unobstructed ingress and egress to Grantor's remaining property, both during and after the construction process. This MiN August 21, 2000 PAGE shall include ultimate restoration of the driveways on Grantor's property. o The City shall replace any concrete or other hard surfacing, if any, that is removed aid. /or damaged by the City and shall repair any damage e doge to the existing residential. driveway, 7. It is farther understood and agreed that the, City agrees, at the City's discretion, either to repair or pay Grantor for the repair of any actual damages to crops, improvements or fences which may result from the laying, erecting, maintaining, operating or removing of aforesaid sewer line. o The City shall ensure that Grantor's access to the sewer lies remains active doing the time of const etion or that other provision is made by the City for the collection and disposal of Grantor's wastewater. agreement. Thank you for your cooperation in suggesting arrangements that will allow for execution +f the easement August 21, 2000 PAGE 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The above commitments I through 8 comply with my requirements. I ainwilling to donate temporary easement to the City of Owasso based on these commitments. Strawdey McCarl ty STATE OF OKLAHOMA) )SS COUNTY OF, I-ULSA Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day of m9 2000, personally appeared Strawdey McCarty to me iierr to be the identical person(s) who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes here m set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my official signature and affixed my seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: Notary Public Accepted by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, tbis-day of 2000. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA H. C. Williams, Mayor lq -69"dbc ORIV6 A) O /011 310481 KNOW ALL MEN BY TffESE PRESMMS- 0 is I c;j "'V , �- r ° i t in consideration of e Dollars ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideratioxi in the form of l o t ° two (2) sewer taps per nimho .e, as well as locating a wye at Station -90 of &- s" paid to Ruth McCarty, di re -ter referred to as "Grantor ", by the Owasso Public Works Autho of Owasso, O l ot ., ad/ r the City of Owasso, 01clahma, hereinafter collectively referred to as "" r ee " m the receipt of icJi is ereby ,c -owled ed, the Grantor does hereby grant, argain, sell." transfer and canvey inat o the Gnaffi . eq its successors ad ass , � J perpetual e seamt with I me ri it to erect, const-ruct, install, lay', and thereafter rise, operate, Taped, repair, nnmtain, replace, mid � r e sewer utility systems over, across and though the land of Grantor situate e Tulsa County, Shale of Oklahoma, said Nand being described as follows.- ie South Half of the Soutlieast Quarter (S /2 SE /4) of Section 24, Township 21 North, Range 13 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, lying and being situate West of the AJA S.F. &CLlroad Right-of-Way, e -. It is further understood d agreed that said Grantee agrees to pay A W P o Grantor any actual damages to craps, iniprovements or fences which my exult frm the laying, erecting, minta-ining, operating or rawving of uch sewer line. agreerrent shah.° be bid on the heirs, 9 ecators and a,ssigns of the parties hereto. IN WMESS WkERBOF, the •paarties have heretnito set the :L -r bm-ids and seals this � 6 � day ®f 1984. GRANTOR- �l STATE OXIAHMk s OF TM-SA WHEREOF, IN WITNESS I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea.l;.. the day and year last above written" � ss sseaauaa i / :.00° ��•"; ; ?far"•,,,,,rl >. 1C t 7. OF C7 IY4-n.�c�_er�, ASS®, OKLMAHOMA By., for 'o- „c— m 4 —A— 4 —A V-1,14- TM A-7— —A Prate= ­4A F , I v heremito set m °� and afT L my ic 1. - eal the day and year last save written. g p.. ✓ Not e PLEE, yP {Ssion Expires. f;� P issi®n Expires T 4 m e SS: m�l_11'11�?01__/ao 3 s BOOK48APAGE 404 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. 0 A sion Expires ission ExpireS b PP -Sk",� X1- C1:I rn rn U) asy a sue' ....... ... 8 Strawdy Clinton McCarty North Owasso, OK f' ST ' :3i' `t v,s 5ia KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS, the CITY OF O ASSO desires to obtain the temporary right to use and occupy a strip of land adjacent to the permanent easement on which a sanitary sewer is to be constructed. NOW 'I`FEREF01W, for a suPri of $1.00 and other good and valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby give and grant to the CITY OF OWA SO, its employees, representatives, agents, and /or persons under contract with it, the temporary eight to go upon and use the following described tract of land in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to-wit; A fifteen foot strip of land lying north and adjacent to an existing ten foot sewer easement across the east 250 feet of the SWIIg SE I/4 and of that pact of the SETA SF' /A lying west of the A.`r. and S.F. railroad all in Section 24,'T21N, RI 3E. Strawvdy Clinton McCarty (individual Acknowledgment) STATE OF OKLAHOMA) )SS. COUNTY O Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for said County and State, on this _ day of s 20 _, personally appeared 5tr4v✓dy Clinton McCagy _ to me known to be the identical persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument in writing and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official qeal the day i year last above wdtten. My Commission Expires Notary Public N 11-1 1M/ / ~ | /| / MEMORANDUM To: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- JIM MeELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES SUBJECT.- RIGHT OF WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR 86TH AND MAIN WIDENING PROJECT; RESOLUTION #200009 DATE. August 30, 2000 BACKGROUND- ODOT requires that the agreement be approved by resolution, and Resolution #200009 fulfills that requirement. RECOMMENDATION: I. Resolution #200009 2. ODOT Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment Agreement RESOLUTION NO 2000 -09 A, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, CJKLAI3OTt/IA PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION UTION OF° A ItICaIrF-OFdWAY, PUBLIC; UTILITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT. '�WIEREAS, it appearing reasonable and necessary for the CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA to execute a Right-of-Way, Public Utility and Encroachment .Agreement in corsanection with the construction of a public project known as STP-17213(033)UR,, lob No. 1 %028(04)Consto, (02) /W, (03)Utih, in accordance with the terms and tenor of 69 0.& 1991, ,Sections 1205, 1.206, 1401 and 1403, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL O:u THE CITY OF OWASSO, O IA110 A sitting in regular session, that such contract be entered and that a copy of same be hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference, all as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5 "' day of September, 2000 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. H C "Will" Williams, .Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORIM, Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Population 11,151 RIGHT-OF-WAY, PUBLIC UTILITY AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into between the CltY Of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereinafter called the City and the Department of Transportation of the State of Oklahoma, hereinafter called the Department, in connection with the location and improvement Of a portion of the City Street System within the corporate limits of the City, now designated as 86th Street North under plans and specifications for'STP-1 72B(033)UR, Job No. 17028(04)Constr., (02)R/W, (03)IJUL, Job No, Witnesseth: WHEREAS, it is mutually agreed between the Parties that certain improvements -should be made to the highway now as follows: That the Department proposes construction of 86th Street North, From Dogwood to Main, Department provide the basis Of cooperation between the parties to Offect such high the WHEREAS, legislative authorization and the rules, regulations, and policies of h improvements, way NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 2B(033)UR Job No., 17 28(04) P890: 2 limits of the Cy & Mat it will: (a) Determine and locate, with the Departmont,s approval, a detour route over existing city streets, if a re-routing Of traffic or a detour is necessary during the period of construction. $ 'That subsequent to the construction of said project, it will: IN CONSIDERATION of the grants and covenants by the City herein contained and the faithful performance thereof by the City, the Department agrees to construct said project in accordance with said plans and specifications; provided that the right to make such changes in the plans and specifications as are necessary for the proper construction of said project is reserved to the Department. the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, the City ap _ day of _, I q—, and the State on the _ day of—, 19— MUM _61—Ti—CLERK 04 CITY OF OWASSA MAYOR STATE OF OKLAHOMA I&QU TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWA FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJE'CT. ANNEXATION PREs,rON LAKES, L.L.C. DATE: August 31, 2000 BACKGROUND Preston Lakes, L.L.C. has submitted to the City of Owasso a petition for annexation of -their property totaling approximately 6102 acres. A location map is attached for your information and review. The annexation of a 5' wide strip of right-of way between the subject property and the previously annexed Tulsa Technology Center site is being requested to satisfy contiguity requirements. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their July 269 2000 regular meeting and offered no comment. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request at their meeting held July 27, 2000 and recommended approval. Notification of the annexation request was published in the August 24 and August 31, 2000 editions of the Owasso Reporter. Adjacent property owners were notified prior to review by the Planning Commission. A copy of the procedures for annexation are attached for your information and review. Staff has received no negative comments from adjacent property owners since notifications The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the August 8, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Annexation request subject t® the following conditions: A scaled engineering report or letter confirming the ability of Washington County WD3 to provide adequate fire protection standards be submitted prior to approval of airy plat associated with the annexed property, XrTACHMENTS 1. Annexation Petition 2. Location Map 3 . Legal Descriptions 4 City of Owasso Annexation Policy 5° City of Owasso Annexation Procedures HONORABLE BEFORE THE THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three - fourths of the registered voters and being the owner of not less than three-fourths (ire value) of the hereinafter d scrrib d real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to wit: See Exhibits "A" "B" Attached Hereto lasing territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City.of Owasso, Oklahoma, grad teat presently embraced within the Limits th r df h r � p itions the City Council of the City of Owasso, OMahorna, to annex the aforemeniion d real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 12th day of July, 2000. PRESTON LAKES, L.L.C. Legal Description Surveyor's Certification and Land Services, Inc. " " -C EXHIBIT IBM WESTCOUNMY CLUB ROAD PHONE: (918) 341-6067 CLAREMORE, OKLAHOMA 74017 FAX' (918) 341-2699 C A. NO. 2238 V" WE 6130,01 SURVEY BY. KMN DRAWN BY: SAS SCALE- 10-200' " " -C EXHIBIT tract of land situated in the E/2 of Section 9, Township 1 North, Rma8e 14 East the IDAM,Julsa County, State of Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows- The West a 4 feet of the East 16.50 feet ®f the NEM of the SEA and the t 5.00 & 'Of the fast I &SO feet of the SEM oft 4 of said Section, EXHIBIT n " ANNEXATION POLICY 6' P'VoPextiGs that are -rejected for Considered for annexation .* n should not be for r, rejection 0. Adopted by =r a, ANNEXATION POLICY 6' P'VoPextiGs that are -rejected for Considered for annexation .* n should not be for r, rejection 0. Adopted by =r MMURES FOR ANNEXATION CITY COUNCIL SPONSORED ANNEXATION- 1. City CZ=cil direction to study the amiemation of property., 2 Notice pablished two consecutive weeks in the Owasso Reporter of a Planning Co mission Hearing which will include a map and text of the, proposed annexation. 3. Review by a Standing Annexation Cormittee and recommendation to the Adopted by City Council on March 1, 198 8- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT, "INA-1, PLAT NorrINGHAM ESTATES V DATE- August 28, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request fi°om ryann Development to review a final plat for Nottingham Estates V located immediately cast of Nottingham Estates 11, 111. and IV, south. of E. W' Street N. A location map is shown on the final plat for your reference. 'The proposed final plat contains 44 single-family residential lots On 24.57 acres, naore or less. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their February 23, 2000 regular. meeting. Four comments were noted on the Planning Commission staff report attached for your information and review. At the time of Planning Commission review, item number four had not been addressed. The issue, regarding stormwater detention, has been resolved in coordination with Public Works. The final plat was reviewed and unanimously approved at the March 14, 2000 regular meeting of the Owasso Planning Commission. Oklahoma DEQ permits have been issued for the extension of water and sewer lines and are attached for your review. Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Nottingham Estates V. 1. DEQ Permits 2. Planning Cowunission Staff Repor 3. Fin1 l Plat for Nottingham Estates I B-31-2000 10:29AM FROM DLH ENGINEERING ING 918 272 9039 P__�i MARK COLEMAN eculive Oireaur July 16, 2000 Mssa 0 K t A M 0 M A MARTNgNP O¢ tNVIROMMINIA6 ®UAIRT OKIAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY F. Robert Carr, Public Works Director City of Owasso 0. anx 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re-, Permit Nob SL00007 0007 0 Nottingham Estates 5 Sawar IP ine Extension -110 Dear i iro carro FRANK KEATIN Governor Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072000740 for the construction of 3,695 linear feet of eight 989 inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates 5 sewer lino extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans, approved by this department on July 16, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and spocifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should he noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City ®f Owasso, after which it nhould be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning, one 11 i set of the approved plans t0 you, sending one G 11 set to your engineer and retaining one i1 9 set for our files. c, Dennis L. o, Engineering, P'. Manager, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, PO. BOX 9677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 non, P,Ia Gov I 0 ENGINEERING 9039 8 -2110 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT July 16, 2000 Pursuant to Q.So 27A 2- 6-4011 the Cited of Owasso is hereby granted this Tier 8 Permit to construct 3,595 linear Petit of eight iii inch PVC sanitary sewer lino, plus all Oppurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates 5 sewer line extension, located in part of Section 21, T-21 N, -14F, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved on July 16, 2000 By acceptance of this parmit, the parmittee agrees to operate and maintain the facilities in accordance with Discharge - OP DES €N OE l rules OAC 252,605 and to comply with the state certification laws, `title 59, Section 1109 ®I I 16 O. S. and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder regarding the requirements for certified operators. iH MARK COLEMAN 111AUMENT Of 91114OHMMAI OWN E DEPARTMENT QUALITY x t ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Permit No. SL000072000740 SEWER L ONES S -21310 14) That when it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated in Water Pollution Control Construction Standards ® C 252.656- 5 ®4(t)(1) and OAC 252:656-5- 4(c)(2), respectively, the sewer shall be designed and constructed equal to water pipe, and shall be pressure tested to the highest pressure obtainable antler the most severe head conditions of the collections cyst rn prior to backfilling in accordance with plater Pollution Construction Standard OAC 252:656- 5 -5(b)o Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit In writing within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions or provisions, H.J. Thung, P. E., EngineerinhWanager, DWSRFIConstruction Permit Section Water Quality Divisions C F'o �- B-31-200 10:30AM FROM DLH ENGINEERING INC 918 272 9039 July 16, 2000 0 X t A h 0 M A 9E®ARYMNI OF ENVIRONMENYA1 OUA11YY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENI OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY F< Robert Carr, u lic' rk Director City of Owasso .On Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re, permit No. WL000072000739 Nottingham Estates 5 Water, Line Extension PWSID No. 300271$ Dear Mr. Carr, FRANK KEATING vern®f Enclosed is hermit Nao WL000072000739 for tha construction of 976 linear feet of eight M inch PVC, plus 1, 154 linear feet of six 9 l inch PVC, plus 695 linear feet of four �4) inch PVC water lire, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Nottingham Estates tj water lire extension, City of Owasso, °hulas County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the pleas approved by this department on July I 6o 2000, Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity ®. flow or operation of units rust be approved, in writing, by the 0ep r meat before changes are made. neceipt of this regular ()wasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We n ( ) one and retaining one I I I set for our ,el Very truly yours, Rock Dennis L. Hado, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Mary z Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Nathan kuhnart, Planning & Management Division, OWRB 4-31-2000 f.. 3 R. M FROM DLH ENGINEERING 918 272 9039 WATER LINES PWSID No. 3002716 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT July td 20 Pursuant to Oa S. 27A 2-6-304, the City of Owasso is hereby granted this Tier I Permit to construct 976 linear feet of eight !9? inch PVC, plus 1, 164 linear fact of six (6) inch PVC, plus 696 linear feet of four i t inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Nottingham Estates 5 water line extension, located in part of gection 21, T-21 N, R-14 E, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, in accordance with the plans approved on July 160 2000. By acceptance of this pars -nit® the pmr itteo agrees to operate and maintain the facility in accordance with the OubfiC Water Supply Operation rule (OAC (OA 252.631) and to comply with the State Certification laws, Title 59, Section 1101 -1116 OZ. and the rule and regulations adopted thereunder regarding the requirements for cartified operators. 707 MORIN ROBINSON, P.Q. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 ® K l A H 0 M A MARK (01LUN HPAIRTWHY ®B 9NV140NMENTAI QUAIIYY FRANK KFATING hgove 01raw OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL11Y Governor Permit ftla. WL000072000739 WATER LINES F"WD Nob 3002718 PERMITTO C No.37Lid T 14) That when it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated in Public Water Supply Construction Standards OAC 252-.625-17-4(7)IA) and OAC 252-.625-17- 4(7)( )a respectively, the sewer shall be designed and constructed equal to water pipe, and shall be pressure tested to the highest pressure obtainable under the must severe head conditions of the collection systern prior to b ckfilling'in accordance with Water Pollution Construction Standard OAC 252:656-5 -5(b). Failure to appeal the conditions of thi3 permit in writing within 30 days trop) the date of issue will constitute mcceptance of the permit and all conditions and provisions. H.J, Thungo P-E-, EngineeflUg Manager, DWSRFIC Water Quality Division N Permit Section �k W'L M MEMORANDUM TO- THE PLA-NNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY D. ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER RE, - FINAL PLAT NOTTINGHAM ESTATES V DATE: March 7, 2000 BACKGROUND: The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department has reviewed construction plans and sent them back to the developer's engineer for revisions. Permits from DEQ are necessary for both water and sanitary sewer construction prior to this item being forwarded to the City Council. Additionally, the above noted concerns regarding storm water detention will also need to be addressed prior to any fon-nal Council action Acceleratiort/Deceleration lanes have been installed along E. 961h Street North as a requirement for the previous platting of Nottingham Estates IV. RE, COMMENDATION Staff reconamends Planning Co.-minissionapproval of the final plat for Nottingham Estates V, ATTACHMENTS/ENCYLOSURES L Final Plat for Nottingham Estates V 1 Copies of Nottingham Plats 3. Memorandum from Nottingham Estates 11 Preliminary Plat (May of 1996) OATH DEC. 27, 1996 LOCATIOM MAP TWAL ACRM- 92.46 TOTAL =3- �b eL - —s -ZT wcg q r—fl 2's 2"!as Z"- ao� m —iv 14"WW AIPIR 'm-a- 9 II MEASANT IWW WTATrJ BLOCK 2 f PLXAU16 Vam M,ATO it q I A4 r BLOCK 31 SLOC14 I I W IT -A OC, 1 5 a i 7 i a a -L L r r 22 11, 10 It L 21 PARK AREA q ROCK 2 la r -ngovwfllup m4e-Anv mAi vomcu t°iTv MAP 'IVRVICV. INC U09 IS OWNCY 0"UL9A. OHLANOMA • "'E FILED U ust ® 1999 Wrif 1�10110001AY VIA POay&81 "1�! BCPOB'90106RIP6160/1011-1411i ®® q° 384 NOTTINGHAM ESTATES III AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OMHOMA A SUBDMSION CONTAINING A PART OF THE OF NE/4 OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH. RANGE 14 EAST BRENTWOOD VILLAGE ENGMER DLII ENGINEERING, INC, OK LA 1703 EXP, 6 -30-01 I3636 M. 117TH E. AVE., 0204 OWASSO, OK 74000 918 -272 -7362 >a�a go `l R-14 _E SEC;. 21 LOCATION M0 17.32 ,AGREE 23 LOTS T 2fl E"E tKt93 FlHt �°dt cegS tH.M1ileda �e2at5ia p�s'•f•o Ae, fa^+Iq w`isia)a9 �s x+9 {,v ro:i�, ro�t9mk�a�f � ., �•: ro .. e •t. a ;41A ,• W, o, •. a LEGAL DESCRIPTION THEE PIRA d" HOOK - TULSA COON` V - COPYRIGHT 1999 REAY MALRnmram CITY MAP SIERVICIE TuL AA OKLAHOMA F'ROERAL LAW PROHIBITS ORPROOUCTION -FOR ANY11"PURP103M WITHOUT PERMISSION OPP COPYRIGHT OWNED TO: THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWA 1ROM. TIMOTHY ROONE Y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DMECTOR SUB,TF,CT-. PRELEUINARY PLAT N-OTTINGI-TAM ESTATES 11 DATE.- May 6, 1996 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request for review of a preliminary plat for Nottingham Estates 11, Nottingham Estates Il is a proposed 92 lot residential addition located on a 68,56 acre tract. The subject tract is located immediately east of Pleasant View Estates (Tulsa County) and Nottingham Estates. Access to this addition will be via E. 96th Street North and will tie into Nottingham Estates, The Technical Advisory Cornmittee reviewed the preliminary plat at their May 1, 1996 meeting. At that rneeting, the utility compwiies supplied the developer with several different comments and requests regarding utility easements. All of those requests will be included on any final plat application. In addition to the utility company comments, staff also provided a list of all of the city comments regarding the plat and construction plans. Those comments are as follows: Preliminary Nottingham Estates H Page 2 of An additional itcrrr of note is the likely development of Nottingham Estates 11. The area contained within this plat is likely to develop in phases, the first of which will be the most northerly portion of the plat. The developer should be commended for giving the stiff and the Planning Commission the opportunity to look at the whole picture at the beginning of the prgject9 rather that a pr ject that is piece-mealcd together. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the prellminaiy plat of Nottingham Estates ll with the inclusion of staff's recur mendations/comme its and those of the area utility companies. ATTACHMENTS L Area map. Copy of Nottingham Estates Addition. ENCLOSU L Preliminary plat for Nottingham Estates Addition. MEMORANDUM TO,- HONORABLE, MAYOR AND COUNCIL CI'T'Y OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. FINAL PLAX CAMDEN PARK 11 ATE® august 31, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request fora Trail's End Development for the review of the final plat of Camden Park 11, located i ediately cast of Camden Park, south of Windsor Lake 1 and Windsor Lake 11 extended, great of Nottingham Estates and north of Barrington point and Barrington estates. A location map is included on the plat within your packet, The subject plat contains 42 lots on a 13.86 acre area, RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Camden Park II subject to the condition of approval required by the Owasso Planning Commission. ATTACHMENTS I . Fhial Plat for Cwnden Park 11. 1 DEQ Permits November 9, 1999 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P. E., Director of Public Works City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Rea Permit No. SL000072991051 Camden Park 91 Sewer Una Project 8-21310 Dear Mr. Carr. Enclosed is Permit N ae SL000072991 0 1 for the construction of 797 linear feet of eight (a) inch PVC sewer lime, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Camden Park 11 Addition, City of Owasso` Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authofted by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on November 9, 1999. Any deviations from the approved pleas and specifications affecting capacity, flows or operation of units mast be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes ®f the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning an (`t) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files® Engineering, Wayne Cranny, P.E., V4PC Unit Supervisor, DEQ Bill Warden, Regional Direct i F. Robert errs Jr P. E. Director of Public Works City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 4055 Re, Permit No. WL00 07 g 10 g Camden Park 11 Waterline Proect PWSID No. 3 DO72 t Dear Mr. Carr, �J LYZ Lt, -, Enclosed is Permit boo WL000072991050 for the construction of 766 linear feet of four (4) inch PVC, pigs 720 linear $bet of six () Inch PVC, plus 24$75 linear feet of eight () inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Camden Park 11 addition, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, The project authorize I by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on November 5, 1999. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affectiig capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the bepartment before clanger are made. Receipt of this perm t should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should ld made a matter of permanent r cdr ° MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROO ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. ORDINANCE NO. 657 PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF EAST FIRS`' s,rREE f DATE. August 31, 2000 BACKGROUND-. The site of the new City Mall, currently under construction, was created through utilizing land which was previously owned by the City and through the purchase of land which was not previously owned by the City. This resulted in the City owning nearly two blocks of land which is dissected by East First Street. In order to create a larger building area by utilizing land which is now occupied by East First Street, thus treating the site in a more comprehensive manner, it is necessary for the City of Owasso to close to the public use that portion of East First Street surrounded by property that is now owned by the City. Section 42. 110 of the Oklahoma Municipal Code provides for the right of a municipal governing body to close to the public use any public way or easement within the municipality whenever deemed necessary or expedient. The municipality is required to provide written notice of any proposed closing of a public gray or easement to any holder of a franchise or others determined by the governing body to have a special right or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the public way or easement at least thirty (30) days prior to passage of any ordinance providing for closing of a public way or easement. A copy of Section 42110 of the Oklahoma Municipal Code is attached for your information and review. Letters were mailed to Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Natural Gas, Southwestern Bell Telephone, and Cox Communications on August 7, 2000, along with a map showing that portion of Bast First Street the City would like to close. A copy of the letters are attached for your information and review. Staff received comments, either verbal, written, or by fax, from all four utility providers. None are objecting to the closure. The City fulfills the thirty (30) day notice requirement on September 5, 2000. A copy of Ordinance No. 657 is attached, and passage of it would formally close that portion of East First Street. Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 657. 1. Map showing portion of East First Street to be closed. 2. Section 42110 of the Oklahoma Municipal Code 3. Letters sent to Utility Providers. 4. Ordinance No. 657 YANTA ST W (OATAHOMA ST) N ATLINKAI ii o 71 ID ZD (11 IV), leer ST (KA IVS-4 S ST) N Af A IN ST Ul �D 0,C 0 114�- S "T E (vissoul"I S'T) -00 COW A' BlY.1 CJI E letters across that part of the plat so vacated the word "Vacated" The clerk shall also note on the original plat a, reference to the decree of instrument and the volume and page where recorded, SECTION 42-108. VACATING DART OF A PLAT - CLOSING 1I GHW` S Any part of a plat may be vacated in accordance with the procedures and subject to the conditions of Sections 42 -101 through 42-115 of this title, provided that such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other owners in the plat, Nothing contained in this section shall authorize the closing or obstructing of any public highway laid out according to law, SECTION 42 -10% EFFECT OF VACATION - OWNER MAY PLAT AGAIN r, ENCLOSE PUBLIC WAYS m REVERSION OF FEE A. The owner of any lot in a plat which has been vacated by decree or written instrument may cause the same and a proportionate part of adjacent public ways and public grounds to be platted and numbered by a registered land surveyor, When the plat is acknowledged by the owner and is recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the plat is located, the lots may be conveyed and assessed by the numbers given them on the plate Bo When any part of a plat has been vacated by decree or written instrument, the owners of the lots so vacated may enclose the public ways and public grounds adjoining the lots in equal proportion, C. clothing contained in this article shall operate to preclude a fee from reverting to its owner when a public right-of-way is vacated in law or in fact. SECTION 42-110® POWER TO CLOSE PUBLIC MAYS OR EASEMENTS BY ORDINANCE OPENING - RIGHTS OF UTILITIES A. The municipal governing body by ordinance may close to the public use any public way or casement within the municipality whenever deemed necessary or expedient. The procedure for closing a public way or easement shall be established by ordinance or resolution adopted by the municipality, B. The municipality shall give written notice of any proposed closing of a public way or casement to any holder of a franchise or others determined by the governing body to have a special right or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the public way or casement at least thirty (30) days prior to passage of any ordinance providing for closing of public way or easement. C. The municipality shall bsolute right to reopqn the public way or easerne velwithout expense to the municipality. The public way or easement may be reopened by ordinance whene " 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one -half in area of the property abutting on the public way or easement previously closed is filed with the governing body. 42 -6 D. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing executed by the owners thereof, SECTION 42 -111. COURT ACTION BY OWNERS TO FORECLOSE OR REOPEN P :UBL,IC JAY d PETITION SECTION" 42 -111 NOTICE OF COURT ACTION BY OWNERS TO FORECLOSE OIL RE.OPEN Notice of the verified petition by a property owner to ;foreclose the right to reopen the public way or to reopen the public way shall be given by: Service of summons to the municipality as provided in civil action; 2. Service of summons to public service corporations, transmission and utility companies or franchise holders having rights in the public way or casement; and b. Notice to the public shall be given by o circulation published in the county where the property s at least thirty answer (30) days prior to the hearing. The summons or publication notice shall provide for an e not less than (Amended, effective SECTION 42-113® HEARING AND DISPOSITION OF PETITION TO FORECLOSE OR REOPEN 42 -7 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 7, 2000 Mr. Craig Irons Cox Communications PO Box 470800 Tulsa, OK 74147-0800 RE: Right-of-Way Closing Dear Mr. Irons, N (918) 272-2251 FAX (91 8) 272-4999 The purpose of this letter is to provide the required thirty (30) days notice to your company and other utility providers within the City of Owasso of a planned right-of-way closing. The closing involves the fight-of-way described as the western 200 feet of East First Street, between Blocks 10 and 15, Original Town of Owasso. The general location of the right- of-way is between Main and Birch. A subject map, with the right-of-way proposed for closing highlighted, is attached for your information and review. As you may be aware, this area is the future site of the Owasso City Hall, Questions or comments regarding the proposed right-of-way closing may be directed to Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager, City of Owasso, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055; or by calling (91 8) 272 -22510 Sincerely, bey"a' Timothy D -0 e y Assistant City Manager 5 207 South Cedar PO Box Owasso, �,VK 7 August 7, 2000 Mr. Curtis Bryant Public Service Company of Oklatiorna PO Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 RE: fight- of-`ay Closing Dmir Mr. Bryant, irk 3 The purpose of this letter is to provide the required thirty ( 0) days notice to your company and other utility providers within the City of Owasso of a planned right -of-way closing, The closing involves the right-of-way described as the western 200 feet of East First Street, between Blocks 10 and 15, Original Town of Owasso. The general location of the right- of-way is between Main and Birch. A subject map, with the right-of-way proposed for closing highlighted, is attached for your information and review. As you may be aware, this area is the future site of the Owasso City Hall, Questions or comments regarding the proposed right-of-way closing may be directed to Tina. Rooney, Assistant City Manager, City of Owasso, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 740559 or by calling (91 8) 272 -225 1, Sincerely, Timothy D. o ey Assistant City Manager 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August. 7, 2000 Mr. Doyle Goias Oklahoma Natural Gas 12250 E. 96"' Street North Owasso, OK 74055 lu:': Right-of-Way Closing Door Mr. Goins, � t The purpose of this letter is to provide the required thirty (30) days notice to your company and other utility providers within the City of Owasso of a planned right-of-way closing. The closing involves the right-of-way described as the western 200 feet of East First Street, between Blocks 10 and 15, Original Town of Owasso. The general location of the right- of-way is between Main and Birch. A subject map, with the right-of--way proposed for closing highlighted, is attached for your information and review. As you may be aware, this area is the future site of the Owasso City HaIL Questions or comments regarding the proposed right-of-way closing may be directed to Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager, City of Owasso, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055; or by calling (91 g) 272-2251. Sincerely, Timothy D. Roey Assistant City Manager Cc: file 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 7, 2000 Mr. Phil Sowell Southwestern Boll Telephone Cv°onnpany 5305E 71" Street Tulsa, OK 74136 RE: Right-of-Way ay Closing Dear Mr. Sowell, =--m'oo ( 1 ) 272-2251 FAX ( 1 ) 272 -4999 The purpose of this letter is to provide the required thirty (30) days notice to your company and other utility providers within the City of Owasso of , pl an d right -of-w y �losi� a ' hc closing involves the right- of-way described as the western 200 feet of East First Street, between Blocks 10 and 15, Original Town of Owasso, The general location of the right- of-way is between Main and Birch., A subject reap, with the right-of-way proposed for closing highlighted, is attached for your information and review, As you may be aware, this area is the future site of the Owasso City Hall. Questions or comments regarding the proposed right-of-way closing may be directed to 'rim Rooney, Assistant City Manager, City of Owasso, P® Box 180, Owasso, OK 740559 or by calling (918) 272 ®2251, Sincerely, `timothy D. Roo Assistant City Manager Cc. file CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 657 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF EAST FIRST STREET, BETWEEN BLOCKS TEN (10) AND FIFTEEN (15), ORIGINAL TOXIN OF OWASSO, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THIS ORDINANCE, WITH CERTAIN RESERVATIONS HEREIN PRESCRIBED AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE,. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held regarding the request for approval of a street closing herein described, and, ER -E,AS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of ihie staff and all statements for and against the requested street closing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 111E COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OIL OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, Section 1. That the western 200 feet of East First Street, between Blocks 10 and 15, Original Town of Owasso is hereby closed for public use. Section 2. That the municipality shall retain the absolute eight to reopen the public way or casement without expense to the municipality. Closing the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing executed by owners thereof. Section 3. That there be riled in the office of the County Cleric of 'Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance. Section 4. That the Ordinance shall become effective th i y (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of September, 2000. City of Owasso H.C. "Will" Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CLASS® FROM. PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT. MANAGE SUBJECT, AC,CEPTANC'!, AND FINAL PAYMENT, FY 99 -00 STREET REPAIRS DATE: .August 28, 2000 BACKGROUND- The project, in conjunction with the FY99-00 Street Division Capital Outlay Budget, was awarded to Magnum Construction in March 2000 in the amount of $ 125,000. The project advertisement included 39 sites and 12 alternate sites located throughout the City, Magnum's low bid exceeded available funds, therefore no alternate sites were awarded and the base bid sites were reduced to thirty- three. Some of the larger sites, particularly on 116`1i Street forth and 861h Street North, had expanded in area from that measured during the survey and the depth of the patch areas also had to be increased. In order to accomplish the larger, more visible sites, some of the smaller sites had to be deleted. Final payment will be for twenty-six sites al: a total cost of $142,920.60 (see attached site map). This is a 13% increase over the award amount. FUNDING. Funds reserved in the FY99 -00 Capital Improvement Budget for contract street repairs amount to $125,000. Since the final cost for accomplishing this gears program amounted to $142,920.60, staff recommends making up the shortfall by supplementing funds in the amount of $17,920.60 from the FYOO -01 budget. This years budget allots about $96,000 for street repairs. Payments to date amount to $117,213.47. Final payment, including return of retainage, amounts to $25,707.13 (see attached). FINAL, INSPECTION- Public Works personnel conducted final inspection with the contractor on August 3, 2000. A punch list of corrective items developed during the inspection was completed on August 22' Magnum has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the work (see attached). RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends acceptance of the FYI 999-2000 Street Repair project and final payment (including return of retainage) to Magnum Construction in the amount of $25,707.13. ATTACHMENTS. 1. Location map 2. Final payment request 3. Maintenance bond Page Onc of 5 TQ (Owner) Contract Date: _L _7 City of Owasso Application Date: 8/28/00 FROM: (Contractor) Pedod 8L3 Ma-gnum Construction, Inc. Distribution To: Owner PROJEC-T. FY99-00 Street Repairs at various Locations Architect Contractor COWRACT FOR: Engineer CONTRACTOWS APPUCATION FOR PAYmFNT ,Application is made for payment, as shown' below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. Original Contract Sum 20 Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line I & 2) 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on Continuation Sheet) $ 125 000x00 $ —0— $ 125 0 000 a 00 $ 142,920.60 Total Retainage (Line 5a & 5b) -0- 6. Total Earned Less Retainagle 142,920.60 (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7. Less Previous Certificates for Payment $--117,213.47 0100 00300 - Page 8 o ' 14 8. CURIIENT PRY EN ®f DUE Balance to Finish, Plug Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) CI-IAN GE ORDER SUMMARY: Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number Date Approved TOTALS Net Change by Change Orders ADDITIONS 259707 13 0- DEDUCTIONS CONTRACTOR: STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF TULSA � ) Subscribed and sworn t® before nic this 28th day Of My Conmiission Expires:._ January 27, 2001 Date: 8/28/00 August 2000 Notary Public 5T6 -6 ENT 00300 ee 11a ge 0 of 14 ARC9irm- rs / ENGINEER'S TIFICA` E FOR PAYMENT AMOUNT CERTIFIED IFI ��� 5 (Attach P'� t certified differs fro m the amountXappHe faro F), ) M � _� N _ 9 �� 6300 � Page 10 of 14 CONTINUATION HEE`r Page 4 �n Or 5 _ Application and Ccrtilecation 1br Payment, containing Contractor's Si ric(1 Certilication is attached, Application Number, 5. � — Application Date-, 8/28/00 PcriOd to: 1,./8/00 to 8/3/00_ a n In tabulations below, asnounts are Stated t0 the nearest dollar, Use c'Olurnn I On Contracts wife e variable ret ina e for line it is may apply, t ITEM ON SCHEDULED WORK COMPLEM NO° OF WORK VALUE FROM PREvious WORK COMPLETED APPLICATION r_ THIS PEIUOD (cunt) R F) MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN O O IN zr " AND STORED O DATE NOTE: At bottorn of totals. M % BALANCE ( C) TO FINISH RETAINAOE (C -G) 00300 - Page I 1 of 14 UAWL-Q���. �V � STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA )SS 6o&ractW r —supil—i Subscribed ans MOM to before Me this 2 day of 2000, Not Pu MY Commission Expires:__ January 27, 2001 Architect, Fngineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ day of My Commission Expires: NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. 00300 - Ng e 12 sit* 1.3 Bond No. OK0034485 SECTION 004' 0 MAINTENANCE BOND WEI REAS, fl-ic undersigned, � Magnum, Cons true tio_ii,__ Inc. . executed Contract Io FY 1999-2000 dtd the a.°� .v day of __.lax e - 20005 designated for ,.FY 1999-2000 wst� e�, � ���,.,�� various location within the City, I�_Lah rq4. including all Of the work mentioned and described in said Contract, arld t0 be performed by the undersigned strictly and punctually in accordance with the tenns, conditions, plans and specifications cations thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, f O " .A-LL BEN BY `:THESE PRESENTS: That Magnum Construction, Inc. of P.O. Box 707, Broke. Arrow, OK 74013 and Oklahoma Suret as Principal MAINTENANCE BOND 01 {)t) 00420 ... Page I of 2 NOW, Tl-ll;lZEFORE, if the said Principal and Surety shall faithfully and securely keep and perform all of the obligations herein provided to be kept and performed by them, or either of thc111, then this obhgabon shall be null and void and of no force and effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect at all times, SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this fTE r o �a Title '5p (SEAJ,,) Oklahoma Surety Company Surety (SEAL) 9th___. day of____ ___,,March 20ft Contractor (Principal) Title S ;�)R'q (SEAL) Attorne in-Fact Sandra L. Crain (Accompany the bond with a Power of attorney) MEMORANDUM TO- THE ONO L ; MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY 01FOWASSO FO: LARRY MITCHELL CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 'RELOCATION 01" OVERHEAD POWER POLES LOCATED AT 101 N. MAIN N ST 'S' DATE. August 31, 2000 BACKGROUND- Currently, electrical services aloe Main. Street are provided above ground. This does include electrical services to the existing Police Department building. In anticipation of additional fixture beautification projects taking place within the area after the new facility has been completed, it has been proposed that the new facility have all utility connections run under grounds ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter dated August 299 2000 from Joe Greene, AEP /Public Service Company of Oklahoma Proposal and Cost Estimate 2. Letter dated August 30, 2000 from Joe Greene, P/Public Service Company of Oklahoma Cost Estimate Breakdown 3. Page two (2) from Owner's Meeting held on August 28, 2000 at the Jobsite Trailer 4. Area site plan 20, d -blol 212 E SiwA SWW TW%N OK 74102-0201 Office 918.SW2159 Fax m& 9y COWGR CAMWWAOn 111OW692VASUM TWm OkLibom 74101-3465 918-376-IM M, ,41wm ", 2000 IVA- MIM'd MEE FOG 8T6 ACbWWSMWMCMbV TUTAL P.02 qAy P. W NO I nnmisNOD KIM03 6s2oi 000e-w�onu AUG-31-2000 _, tiv 3� Joe e" customer seivice Tecae, SR blic ace y o a s 212 H. Sixth SUM Tuba, OK 74 102-020 office 9I 599.2159 FgX 913. 295 7291 &ME&MMM RECD .° ai C � TA'- AUG 3 i 20 1 Augl-M A 2 A CMV MW. °i OTAU PAGE a 1 ** TOTAL P.02 I 110 West 23rd Street PO Box 3465 W111-3465 COWEN CONSTRUCTION 518 584 6922 P.03/04 No. MEETING DATE' T/Z5fl4L------7 S,oBjEC,f - . owner's Meeting 8-28-00 ,STXrUS SURTED. DUE RALLINCOURT NEW 05 RADIO T'OWFR tal Radio has n0 NEW upd�we -'blo infonnaliow, to lepom To provided any infamlatim Prepared BY: CAL Dated. 8/29/00 Signed: 4DouetersOn Pap 2 of 3 exrdilifto ri VV MUMM CKV a MOM NMI. w co 5j m m z 0 mil ygy 1 NIVPJ HINON WNW313 Walau Ism RM J33UIS HOU113 HIHON rml .8 mmmmw�l WIMP 0 31vwmw UAL 'MM MM I 'MIJ DRUM WMMM GROW Oliva 01 NM AUN co m El z 0 0 31vwmw UAL 'MM MM I TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL O CITY F OWASSO FROM. RONALD D CATES CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT. COST RACT /IT H BIRCH TELECOM OF OKLAHOMA INC TO PROVIDE E-911 SERVICE DATE: August 29, 2000 BACKG ROUND - A request has now been received fi-om Birch Telecom of Oklahoma Inc to provide telephone service to Owasso citizens beginning as soon as the contract has been executed by both parties. The attached contract authorizes Birch to collect the E-911 service fees assessed on local access lines and remit same to the City of Owasso. For this service, Birch will retain two percent (2%) of the five percent (5%) fee collected. As more companies enter into the telephone provider arena, we are seeing more requests of this type. It is important that the City of Owasso receive the appropriate funds from all telephone providers as required by City Ordinance #571. Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documentation which allows Birch Telecom of Oklahoma Inc to begin providing service to Owasso citizens and to collect identified E-911 fees. 1. Birch Contract 2. Owasso City Ordinance #571 AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E -911) SERVICE THIS AGRE EMENT for Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911 Service) ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 5 1h day of September, 2000, by and between Birch Telecom of Oklahoma Inc ("Birch"), a Delaware corporation, having its principal place of business at 2020 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 65108-1914, and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ( "City"), having its principal place of business at 207 S Cedar, Owasso 74055. WHEREAS, Birch is a Telecommunications Service Provider as defined by Oklahoma Administrative Code 1.65:55, providing telecommunications services in the State of Oklahoma, and in the City of Owasso; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications set-vices to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, WHERE AS, Birch, in conjunction with Southwestern Bell, offers its subscribers Enhanced Emergency Number (E -911) Service, which shall include, but not be limited to, the development of a Master Street Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Location Identification (ALI) and the Automatic Number Identilication (ANT) services; and WHERE AS, Birch is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to the terns and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1 This Agreement is entered into between Birch and the City for provision of UNE-P telecommunication services by Birch to the City for the City's use in their efforts to receive reports of emergencies from the public in the City's designated areas. 2. As authorized by the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. Supp 19969 Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's ordinance Number 5719 Birch shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Birch shall retain two percent (2%) of the total amount collected. 3. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Bir toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. I 4. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical service and providing this information to Southwestern Bell and Birch on the f provided by Southwestern Bell. 5o MSAG updates will be processed by Birch as quickly as reasonably possible aft-or receipt of information from the City. The ALI data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion of the order for service. 6. The parties hereto further agree that, in the absence of any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control of Birch, the in-service date for the services covered by this Agreement shall be as soon as possible. 7. Where service is provided under this contract for use in conjunction with the City- provided communications equipment, the operating characteristics of such equipment shall be such as not to interfere with any of the features offered by Birch. 8. Additions, modifications, or removals of features will be made by Birch at the City's request. Each such addition, modification, or removal will be subject to the charges and rates in effect at the time the work is performed. 9. Birch's Credit Records and Billing Records are confidential and proprietary. The City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this information is used only in connection with City's provision of E-911 Service, 10. Birch will provide maintenance at no additional cost for the City's E-911 Service on a two (2) hour response time, twenty-four (24) hours a day. The City will be provided the names of Birch's personnel to notify when emergency repair is required for the City's E-911 Service. -2- 120 Birch shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems, except that the City shall be entitled to an allowance for interruptions. 15. The failure of either party to enforce any of its provisions of this Agreement, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its palt of any such provisions, but at the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. 16. The City and Birch agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations, and codes in the performance of this Agreement. 17. All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the 'United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: -3- To the City: City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Witb a Copy to, Birch Telecom of Oklahoma Inc 202 Baltimore Ave Kansas City, MO 64108-1914 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by written notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. 18. The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, carte ®t be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the parties hereto. 19. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the service described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or promises made by any party, or to any employee, officer, or agent, of either party, which is not contained in the Agreement shall be binding or valid. 21. Birch further agrees that there will be no additional charges incurred by the City upon execution of this Agreement. -4-- 22, Birch and the City shall each have the right to cancel this Agreement as follows: (a) Birch shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation of the City of any of the teens and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation. within such period. (b) T'h.e City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by birch of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Birch and failure by birch to cure such violation within such period. IN wrrNESS WHEREOF, said parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf as of the date indicated below. ATTEST: Garcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & CONTENT: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney -5- THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ye_�r . C "Will" Williams, Mayor Um BIRCH TELECOM OF OKLAHOMA INC 0 Printed Marne & Title Em WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has determined there exists a need for ancillary communication systems necessary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel and therefore that restoration of the fee to the amount of five percent (5 %) is necessary, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMAq A` - Section fart 13, Public Safety, Chapter 6,911 Emergency Telephone Service, Section 13 -604, Collection of Fee, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be repealed and in lieu thereof thereby provided the following, to -wit: Section 13-604, Collection of Fee publication SufimTmo. That this ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the date of first "# k'd by t provided, however, forth be assessed and collected from the Ist day of May, 1998, until the 30th day of June, 2001, whereupon such fee assessment and collection shall cease unless otherwise ordained. A om 2 mm ASSO, OKLAHOMA OF O CA CIO ORDINANCE NUMBER w e o AN ORDINANCE L A TO PART 13, PUBLIC SAFETY, CHAPTER 6, 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE ' °g8 /aa9, /flltle'° SERVICE, SETT N 13 -604, COLLECTION OF FEE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES O CITY OF O ASSO OKLAHOMA, REPEALING SECTION 13 -604 AND ADOPTING A REVISED SECTION 13-604 SERVICE FEE N TAROT' ON TELEPHONE SERVICE, DECLaA G AN EFFECTWE DATE. WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has determined there exists a need for ancillary communication systems necessary to pass the reported emergency to the appropriate emergency service and personnel and therefore that restoration of the fee to the amount of five percent (5 %) is necessary, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMAq A` - Section fart 13, Public Safety, Chapter 6,911 Emergency Telephone Service, Section 13 -604, Collection of Fee, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be repealed and in lieu thereof thereby provided the following, to -wit: Section 13-604, Collection of Fee publication SufimTmo. That this ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days from the date of first "# k'd by t provided, however, forth be assessed and collected from the Ist day of May, 1998, until the 30th day of June, 2001, whereupon such fee assessment and collection shall cease unless otherwise ordained. A om 2 mm 1 1 APPROVED this J&L ray of 1998. a�. 9�9 ®�y9098908Bd9@888 &B8 �:;?981eloAA5e9 a< °°'area Mar ° 130 ell, City Clrl� D. Cites, City attorney 2780w348.cts CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By :., � a Mary LI Barnhouse, Mayor