HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.09.19_OPWA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE O ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 19, 2000 TIME: 6;30 p.m. PLACE: Council]. Chambers, Owasso C "on��A�,unity Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4000 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2000. Marci Boutwell, Authority Secretary AGENDA 1. gall to Order Chairman Williams 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of September 5, 2000 regular Meeting. Attachment #4 -A Owasso public Works authority September 19, 2000 Page 2 & approval of Claims. Attachment #4-B 5, Consideratio n and appropriate action Relating; to a Request to award a Contract for the :purchase of a Backhoe Loader, Mr Roberts Attachment #5 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend a contract be awarded to Keystone Equipment Co, "Tulsa, Off. for the purchase of a bacld oe loader consistent with bid specifications at a cost of $53,779. 6. Consideration and appropriate Action Relating to a Request for approval of Change Order 111, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Crossland Heavy Contractors, Columbus, KS, for Work. Change Directives. Mr Lutz Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #1, adding $29,296.45 to the cost of the project, as well as ten additional days in the contract time for the purpose of approving work done under Work Change Directives 1-10 as authorized by OPWA Resolution #97 -01. Owasso Public Works Authority September 199 2000 Page 3 Report from OPWA Attorney, 9. New Business. 10, Adjournment, The Owasso Public Works Authority met in a regular session on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL .To ORDER Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Jim McElrath, Support Services Director, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE. Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Chairman Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Chairman. Randy Brogdon, Trustee Melinda Voss, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 15, 2000 Regular Meeting, B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the August 15, 2000 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $206,815.03; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements $64,784.86; (3) OPWA Sales Tax $120,765.41; (4) Payroll #1 $37,448.46; (5) Payroll #2 $39,793.71. Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the consent agenda. Owasso Public Works authority September 5, 2000 AYE: Barnhouse, Moss, Erogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carr=ied 4-0. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND _ APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPWA RESOLUTION #200 0 4 ,S WATER PURCHASED FROM THE AUTHORITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH INCREASE, Ms Bishop presented the item, We have been notified by the City of "Tulsa of a water rate increase of 14 cents per thousand gallons effective on October 1, 2000, :based on operating costs and additional capital improvement needs, staff proposes that water rates be increased more than the 14 cent increase from the City of Tulsa, The proposed new rate would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $7.30 to $7,50, an increase of 20 cents. The amount charged for each additional 1000 gallons would change from $2,92 to $3,20, an increase of 28 cents, The adjusted water rates would generate approximately $106,000 in new water revenue, which would be used to pay for the higher maintenance and operation costs associated with an expanding, as well as an aging, water distribution system. Rates to water customers outside the city limits were set by the City Council in April of 1999 at 20% more than the rate inside the city limits. The current proposal would maintain that difference, The proposed new rate for customers outside the city limits would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $8,75 to $9,00, an increase of 25 cents. The amount charged for each additional 1.000 gallons would change from $3.50 to $3,54, an increase of 34 cents, Mr Urogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve CIPWA Resolution 9-2000.06, providing for an increase in water rates. AYE: Irogdon,larnhouse, Voss, Williams NAY: None Lotion carried 4-0. ITEM 7e REPORT FROM C PWA MANAGER No report. No report, ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS. -2- Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion can-ied 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned. at 6:39 pxn, Marcia Boutwell, Secretary September 5, 2000 H C Williams, Chairperson [I City of Owasso Claims 9/19/00 Fund Department Total General 105 Municipal Court 16.71 110 Managerial 2,1311.56 120 Finance 1,607.52 150 General Government 3,123,10 360 Community Development 1,771.79 170 Engineering 409.94 1II i Support Services 673,03 190 Cemetery - 435.32 201 Police Services 6,123.54 215 Police Communications 326.58 221 Animal Control 337,56 250 Fire Services 3,147.94 230 Emergency preparedness 18&31 300 Streets 42,177.39 515 Park Maintenance 3,192.44 550 Community Center 2,176.40 710 Economic Development 213.27 715 CO DA Work flan 123.50 TOTAL AL 67,317.31 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 2,905x46 TOTAL 2,905.45 Capital Improvements 96th Street Signalization 39,064.50 TOTAL 39,064.50 Bond Projects Streets /Intersections 91,426.62 City ball /Police Station 5,053.24 Project Management 9,267.00 TOTAL 105,746.86 OPGA Merchandise 7,153.54 Food and Beverage 7,761.54 Sales Tax 13,035.42 600 Coif Shop 706.00 610 Golf Course Maintenance 1,356.62 670 Food and Beverage Operations 770.64 690 Golf Administration 565.00 691 Clubhouse 3,327.03 800 Debt Service 4,133.04 TOTAL 39,322.33 PWA Capital irr` prov rnents OPWA Sewer Une Extension City Garage Workers' Corrip Self insurance 450 Wastewater Treatment Pleat TOTAL: 165 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers' Corp TOTAL 1,1€i1.71 1, 516.05 1 9,669.39 19,685.02 6,0 t�M 13,396M 7,651.06 69,57628 260,122 D i 260, 1 2 D I 4,3 74.74 4,374.74 ,1 31.36 2,131.36 Claims Total 614,061.34 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 09/09/00 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Utility Billing 0o00 1,959034 Wastewater 1264A9 7,753.36 t Refuse 557.75 6,287.46 rt A 41 APPROVED: September 19, 2000 mmom W-1 Trustee MEMORANDUM SUBJECT. AUTHORIZATION FOR BACKHOE PURCHASE -WATER DIVISION DATE. September 12, 2000 BACKGROUND- The FY 00-01 Public Works Department Water Distribution Division Budget includes funds in the amount of $55,000 for the purchase of a new back hoc loader. Presently, personnel in the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Divisions share use of the existing 1997 Ford backhoe. The new backhoe is needed to meet system maintenance and repair demands and ensure an adequate amount of back-up equipment is available in case of equipment breakdown or extended down time for repairs. OF t During specification design, Water Distribution and `wastewater Collection personnel requested the backhoe be equipped with 4 -wheel drive and an extended boom for increased digging capability. Due to equipment cost increases associated with these additional features, staff included two alternate items into the bid proposal. These items are; 1 — Four -wheel drive with limited slip differential; and Z -- Existing equipment trade -in allowance. A backhoe with 4 -wheel drive is beneficial for repair and maintenance activity in isolated and remote locations. As an option to offset the cost of nonstandard components, a trade-in allowance was included in the specifications for the existing 1984 John Deere backhoe. (Due to age and deteriorating condition, the John Deere backhoe is seldom used and appropriate only for light -duty applications. This alternative would only be considered if all bid submittals were to exceed budgeted funds. ) Page 2 Water Division Backhoe BID ANALYSIS In July 2000, bids were advertised and proposal packets were mailed to five (5) prospective vendors. Five (5) bids were received on August 17th. A bid summary including both alternates is tabulated below. Tulsa Ford New Holland and Keystone Equipment were the only vendors that bid units which included the 4 -wheel drive package and did not exceed budget. The bid proposal submitted by 'Tulsa Ford New Holland did not fully comply with bid specifications. Keystone Equipment provided the low bid within the established budget for equipment complying with each specification; therefore, consideration of the trade -in allowance was not necessary. FUNDING SOURCE. The FY 00 -01 Water Distribution Division Budget includes $55,000 in Capital Outlay for the purchase of a backhoe loader (61 ®420 ®54400). j ?�: I�j Staff recommends 'Trustees approve the purchase of a current production model 4-wheel drive John Deere Model 310SE- backhoe loader with extended boom in the amount of $53,779.00 from Keystone Equipment Company, Tulsa, OK. 1. Bid documents 2. Bid proposal from Keystone Equipment Company Maw Bid With Base Bid With w Bidder /Equipment Type Total .base Bid 4-- heel Drive Option 4-Wheel Drive, Minus g r ile TuA Allowance OCT Equipment Company Case -- Model 580 Super L $52,915.00 $58,785.00 $50,785.00 Darr Equipment Company Caterpillar - -- Model 4160 $51,334.00 $57,615.00 $52,61 5.00 Kirby - Smith Machinery Inc. Komatsu -- Model WB140 -2 $54,395.00 $55,745.00 $51,745.00 'I`ulsa Ford New Holland Ford -- model 555E $54,990.00 $54,990.00 $49,490.00 Keystone Equipment Company John Deere _. Model 3105E $48,056,00 $53,779,00 $47,779.00 Tulsa Ford New Holland and Keystone Equipment were the only vendors that bid units which included the 4 -wheel drive package and did not exceed budget. The bid proposal submitted by 'Tulsa Ford New Holland did not fully comply with bid specifications. Keystone Equipment provided the low bid within the established budget for equipment complying with each specification; therefore, consideration of the trade -in allowance was not necessary. FUNDING SOURCE. The FY 00 -01 Water Distribution Division Budget includes $55,000 in Capital Outlay for the purchase of a backhoe loader (61 ®420 ®54400). j ?�: I�j Staff recommends 'Trustees approve the purchase of a current production model 4-wheel drive John Deere Model 310SE- backhoe loader with extended boom in the amount of $53,779.00 from Keystone Equipment Company, Tulsa, OK. 1. Bid documents 2. Bid proposal from Keystone Equipment Company I ITIS L I r, I C ALI![ ON S FOR DID, BACKI-10 14, r., ADER GENERAL DESciurriON The following is a comprehensive list of specifications fbr a bacichoe loader to be purchased for the Owasso Public Works Authority. Equipment shall bcnew, of current production model and shall be provided with all standard equipment as provided. by the manufacturer. At the time of delivery, the tractor shall not have more than ten (10) hours registered on the meter. GENERAL PROVISIONS 4. BIDS -'The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all technicalities, informalities, or other minor deviations fi-om the bid document. 5. INSPECTION - An acceptance inspection shall be conducted between the supplier and the Authority before delivery will be accepted. The inspection date shall be at the Authority's convenience. All discrepancies noted during the inspection shall be remedied at the supplier's prior to payment for this equipment. 6. PAYMENT - As with all public trust authorities in Oklahoma, payment must be approved and sigiied on a claims list by the proper Trust authority. Payment shall be made only after complete and acceptable delivery of the equipment, in accordance with these specifications. The Owasso City Council/Owasso Public Works Authority meets regularly on the first and third Tucsday of every month. T NOMI"' MDDIIR JUSPONSMIU'ry - If final delivery of the equipment includes the use of serviccs of another -'company, the Owasso Public Works Authority will hold the bidder respoiisihic for thosc outside services. l3. PROPOSAL EXPENSES - Expenses for developing the proposal are entirely the responsibility of the bidder and shall not be chargeable to the Owasso Public Works Authority, 9 PRIOR INFORMATION - Any information which may have been released either orally or in writing prior to the issuance of this bid request shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither the Owasso Public Works Authority nor the vendor, 10, VENDOR CONTACT - Any proposal accepted will be incorporated into the contract which the Owasso Public Works Authority will enter into with the vendor, 11. PROPOSED COST - It is not the policy of the Owasso Public Works Authority to negotiate the price after the vendor is selected. The supplied bid form shall include one price for the basic specified equipment, All bids delivered to the City/Authority shall be scaled and visibly marked SEALED BID. 1.2. CONTACT PERSON- Questions and clarification concerning this bid shall be directed to Chris Roberts, Public Works Field Operations Supervisor, by calling (918) 272-4959 Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ­ 2 - 3' 4. -jpy r I lima a y r SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Please rote that these specifications establish ininfinum criteria and the bidder may exceed the, rioted specifications. The specifications identify the characteristics desired by the authority such that it is the Autlionty's intent to receive bids for a backhoe loader which aye similar to the specifications. Exceptions tions to these specific requirements must be clearly noted. 20 _ TEAS POWER a. 2200 RPM COMPLIES b. Minimum of 80 SAE net horsepower COMPLIES .� 3. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM a, 1 -volt COMPLIES bo 65-ainp alternator S ca Dual heavy-duty batteries �—c0L- 4. STEERING ae Hydrostatic power - steering _C0MPLIE a, Torque converter /full powershift reverser COMPLIES ba Fully synchronized transmission COMPLIES co Four (4) forward speeds COMPLIES d. Four (4) reverse speeds COMPLIES — 6, HYDRAULIC SY'S'TEM ao Gear type pump ® with 35 GPM minimum flow COMPLIES ba Hydraulic Oil cooler COMPLIES -3- 7 C.A.PAC! _L TrES a. Fueltank. 35 gallons COMPLIES b� Engine coolariL 17 quarts COMPLIES— c. Engine, oil w/ filter- 9quaits 8. Dim a. Front: 12,5/80-18 traction type JAL - 16" 12PR b. 21L X 24 12PR 19.5L - 24" 8PR 9, LIGHTS a. Two (2) front halogen work/driving lights COMPLIES b Two (2) rear halogen work lights COMPLIES cd Two (2) font flashing/turning lights (amber) COMPLIES d. Two (2) rear fl-ashing/turning lights (araber) COMPLIES e, Two (2) rear stop/tail lights (red) COMPLIES f. Rotating beacon --COMP _LT E S 10 °_® a. One (1) interior, rear view _CnX'P1jX19__ b. Two (2) outside rear view mirrors _QtiM�'LI E �S 11 ° &TABILIZERS a. Pivoting type w/reversible pads COMPLIES 12. BACKHOE CONTROLS . a. SAE excavator two-lever controls COMPLIES 13. -CAB a. Headliner COMPLIES b. Dome light COMPLIES c. Left cab door COMPLIES d. Right cab door COMPLIES e. Tinted safety glass COMPLIES f. Two (2) front and one (1) rear windshield wipers COMPLIES g. Fresh air intake heater/defroster/pressurizer ® 40,000 COMPLIES h. Mechanical deluxe suspension cloth seat w/seatbelt COMPLIES -4,- 14. & BBCKHOE BU �_Q �t CKET a. 24" heavy-duty bucket with lifting hoops COMPLIES 15. BACKHOE BUS a. 90 degree digging from the is of tractor Without coming in contact with any part of the tractor COMPLIES b. Digging depth of 1.8'Y 66KHTE'S� c. Minimum bucket cylinder-digging force at 12,000 lbs 6_0MPLTE9 16. ULSCELLANEO US 17. OTHER a. Manuals: one (1) copy each of operators and parts manuals __�Q_QNPLIES 1. 4-wheel drive with limited slip differential (front axle only) 4 5 e 723 - 00 W/211 - 24" 12PR REAR & 12.5/80 X 18 10PR FRONT TIRES 2. Trade-in allowance (1984 John Deere 31010 ($6,000.00) '110 A YEAR EQUIPMENT 1984 John Deere 3 1013 The above listed equipment may be examined by contacting ClLris Roberts at 918-272-4959). -5- BID -PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE BACKHOELO.kDER FOR THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS A1Y1'HORlTY OWASSO, OKLAHOMA TOTA-T, BASE B11) PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS '$.A'8_056_2_Q NOTE, (OPTION. AUXILIARY TRANSMISSION BOTTOM GUAIU) = $500.00 INSTALLED) KLTERNATE #1 4-WHEEL DRIVIi, WITH LIMIT0") SLIP D]rFFERENrIATI., (FRONT AXLE 01,11,Y) $ 5,723.00 ALT ERNATE #2 TRA DE -ICI ,&LLOWANCE ( $ 6,000.00) I hereby acluiowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by -die statements on the Bid Proposal-Submittal, Pages. KEYSTONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Namme ofl'-'ompaiiy y _SAT E5_ MAMA GM________ Title P.O. BOX 669 Address 1100 W. KEYSTONE EXPRESSWAY SAND SPRINGS, OIL® 74063 BID OPENING: AUGUST 17,2000 @ 2.00 P.M NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA of lawful age, being fart duly swore, on oath says that (s)he is the agent authorized by the bidder to submit the attached hid. Afflml - umber states that the bidder has not been a part of any collusion among bidders in restraint of fteedom of competition. by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to re rain from bidding; or with State, Comity, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or saber thing offal e for special consideration in the letting of a contract. Subscribed and sworn to before; me fids Keystone Equipment Co. Printed N .. e 1 s , days f_, AUGUST m uc-- v� Notary Public TOTE: COMPLE. I T T I . lUL WITH BID PROPOSAL MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM- F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P. E. CTOR PUBLIC WORKS DI1,M SIJBJECT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER I - PHASE IIA WASTEWATER TIZEATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS DATE: September 12, 2000 BACKGROUND: A construction contract with Crossland Heavy Constructors, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase IIA Improvements in the amount of $1,965,950.00 was approved by the Trustees at the March 7, 2000 meeting. Work to be performed in this phase of construction consists of constructing a new sludge digester and belt filter press and modifications to the plant headworks, ultraviolet disinfection and Main Lift Station, Included in the contract price is $60,000 for a "Project Allowance." The intent of this item was to be used as contingency for -unforeseen construction conditions. Work in this contract includes construction around and to existing structures and equipment. As a result, it is anticipated that some unforeseen circumstances will occur that will require modification to the engineering design drawings and changes in the work to be performed. These changes may result in additional or deductive costs on the project. The General conditions to the contract state such changes require an official Change Order process. A Change Order is defined as: A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work within the general scope of the Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time. In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, contract changes are subject to compliance with provisions of the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. Chapter 61, paragraph 121 entitled "Change orders or addendums" indicates the following: Page 2 Change Order dumber 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase IIA Change orders or addendurns to public construction contracts of over One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall not exceed the greater of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000,00) or a ten percent (10%) cumulative increase in the original contract amount, Any change orders or cumulative change orders which exceed these limits shall require readvertising for bids on that part of the contract, Change orders in any annount shall be formally approved by the governing body of the public agency involved and the reasons therefor recorded in fhe permanent records, Change Orders are to be processed through the Contractor, Resident Engineer, and the Owner for authorization. For this project, the Owner is the City Council acting as the Owasso Public Works Authority; therefore, all Change Orders are to be approved by the Authority. EXPEDITING FIELD CHANGES- Typically, due to the nature of this work, it is necessary to make changes as construction proceeds or with little lead time due to the schedule of construction. The time required. to receive, review and process a Change Order for approval could take as long as 30 -45 days, depending on occurrence of an OPWA meeting, In some cases, conditions such as timing constraints, construction sequencing and availability of manpower may make it difficult to delay work. It would be beneficial to the city to proceed with construction, rather than delay and potentially be faced with higher incremental costs, In addition, costs of making some of the changes can be expected to be relatively small in relation to the total project cost. Good business practice is to find means to expedite authorization for these types of changes. Under these conditions, provision has been allowed in the contract for use of a "Work Directive Change." Directions for use of the form have not been included in the documents, however. "Therefore, procedures and policies enabling the use of the form are discussed below. The Resident Engineer initiates the form, including a description of the items involved and attachments. Based on information transferred between the Engineer and Contractor, the Engineer will complete and sign the form and all copies are to be sent to the Owner for authorization. The Engineer alone does not have authority to authorize changes in price or time. Page 3 Change Order Number 1 Wastewater `f'reati-nent Plant Improvements phase IIA Once the work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost and time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. 'The Change Order will be submitted to the "trustees for final review and consideration, DELEGATED _AU'r n ' ION ' o -PUB ,IC WORKS DI CT.0R � ., On June 17, 1997, the authority approved authorization for the Public Works Director to act as a representative of the authority Work Change Directives for amounts not to exceed. $5,000. A maximum cumulative total of $20,000 was also authorized prior to submittal of a Change Order for the Directives. Once the work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost grid time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Order will be submitted to the 'Trustees for final review and consideration. In order to enable review and trackin- of the cumulative directives prior to p��hange C7 d °a the n�onthl I�ro�ect status Deport w�11 include a summary of costs (see attached exarnp e and a copy ®f each `work 12irectivc Change will b� provided to cacti i 4ustee as the _are issued. CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 A Change Order has been submitted for Trustees approval representing the summary of authorized Mork Change Directives numbers 1 ®6 and $ -10 are shown below: Work Directive No. 1 m Raise manhole at RV dump station Work Directive No. 2 —Melt press water line modifications Work Directive No.3 -- Delete second belt press pad Work Directive No. 4 — Headwall for storm drain at RV dump station Work directive No. 5 — Modify filtrate return connection Work Directive No. 6 — RV turnaround area drain Work Directive No. 8 — Install quick coupling connection at belt filter press building $1,436.34 (No additional days) $1,317.96 (No additional days) ($1,970.33) (No additional days) $704.84 (I additional day) $61.74 (I additional day) $676.45 (1 additional day) $535.64 (No additional days) Page 4 Change Order Number 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase IIA Work. Directive No. 9 -- Mudge bypass line for belt press $829.51 (No additional days) Work Directive No. 1.0 — Move jib crane to belt press building $4,034.03 _h..« 2 ad iit or c ys) ` o, AL AU'rHO W Z D WORD CHANGE DIRE crivE $7,626.18 (5 additional days) Each of these directives are below the limits established for° authorization by the Public Works Director. An additional work change is included in the Change Order (designated as Mork Change Directive No. 7) in an amount of $21,670.27 and 5 additional work days. The proposed change is for replacement of sludge pumps. The two existing pumps are original plant equipment that are over 12- ,.years old. Due to the age and continual use of these pumps to direct sludge flow through the facility, there has been recent repeated instances of mechanical failures, One of the pumps is currently out -of- service and failure of both pumps would result in significant sludge handling problems, This work change requires approval by the "Trustees and is included in Change Order Number l . The total cost of work change directives 1 -- 10 is in the amount of $29,296.45 and includes 10 additional work days.. remains in the project allowance should other changes be needed. FUNDING SOURCE: A $60,000 Project Allowance is included in the total contract award. All change order costs are proposed to be included under the "Project Allowance" for this contract; therefore, there is no increase in the contract amount. Staff proposes the Authority authorize the use of a portion of the allowance in the amount of $29,296.45 to pay for items included in Change Order No. 1. Funds in the amount of $30,703.05 will still be included in the project allowance. At the present time, funds have been obligated on the project in the amount of $1,905,950 (the total contract award of $1,965,950 less the $60,000 project allowance). Approval of the Change Order will increase the obligated funds to $1,935,246.45. Page 5 Change Order Number 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase III. Staff recur ends the Trustees authorization to use a portion of the $60,000 project allowance for° the Wastewater Treatment :plant Phase IIA Irrrprovernents to pair for Change Order Moe 1 to include a $29,296,45 increase in the contract obligation and an increase in the contract tinic of 10 days. I OPWA Resolution 97-01 2a Change Order Number 1 OP WA RESOLUTION NO 97-01 BE IT RESOLVED BY TIC E TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1997 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority. arY i Btamhouse, Chairperson ATTEST: 5 . MM , MarckBoutwell, Trust Secretary d D Cates, Trust Attorney 3 � ;1, , PROJECT- Wastewater ater Treatment Plant Expansion phase TIA TO CONT A TO e Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. 833 South East .Avenue P.O. Box 350 Columbus, KS 66725 CHANGE ORDER #o DATE: CONTRACT DATE- The Contract is changed to incorporate work directives loo. 1 through 10 into the project under the contract allowance, NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE, OWNER AND CON"1"RAC'11 O The original Contr5O. Suj_n was filet change by previously authorized Change Orders The Con-:-act Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be (unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sung including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (unchanged) The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is March 27,2001 9/ 12/00 3/7/00 $ 1,965,950.00 G.00 $ 1,965,950,00 $ 0,00 $ 1,965,950.00 VIVO Phase ork Directive Description Dollar Amount Change No. 1 Raise, Manhole at RVTurnaround $1,436034 2 dolt Press Water Line Modifications 1,317.96 3 Delete 2" bolt Dross lead (1,970033) 4 Add Headwall on 24" RCP Drain 70U4 5 Modify Filtrate Return Connection 61. 74. 6 RV Turnaround Drain 676,4.5 I Drain Pump ,Station Rehabilitation 21,67002 7 8 Add Quick Coupling Connection in Belt Dross 535064 9 Adel Sludge Bypass Line for Bolt Dross 829,51 10 Move Job Grano to Bolt Dross Building 4034.03 WORK DIR.ECTIVE CHANGE NO. DATE: PROJECT: WASTELY AID- LLM—PRQ—V!-"LM-L,'—N!S---EELAS� TIA OWINT�,R QWASS0-.1 Q ALL it hX L&U ENGENTEER: GARVEL�_Eti_ CONTRAM"OR: CROSSLAN JE I I)L -A r LQ .... .. The -following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance. wifh° hstilfication or Goal: Work Directive Chanc0 e No. I ,,ate- June 7, 2000 proiect: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements — Phase HA 0-w-mr- -asso Public rks Aaffiorify Ow Wo Garver Eng�eers g Con-L-ractor, Crossland Hem�y Contractors, Inc. The fgqfloqwaing_�york ov other items am reauested for irnD1 Agnc wise mentation in gccOre wi& se e �xih�g 4' diameter manbole at RV pumping station. The mardiole naffs to be mised approxintately 5% Lfus�figafioytorGoah �F-dsfjxlg rmAnhole Was not shown oil plans. Manhole mmd-s to be raised rG L- for designed RV turimround. Date tak-2 A in m�ork-, June 13, 2000 dd] CaJ endar Dr;';�. REQUESTED BY: ME Bacldioe Cat el 16 10,0 $7.95 1 4- $79M Loader Cat IT-28 Mechanical. compactor 1 L& $19.88 $20.46 $1,004.44 c �h� <h WORK DIRECTFV-E CHANGE NO® 2 DATE: July 240 2000 PROJECT: WASTEWATER TREAT vIENT PLANT INrl'ROVENENi"S - PHASE III d i'E,R hhAhh 1'UB IC WORKS ALFF1-4OMY ENGENM -'1 R: GrIWER NINE, RS v . CON-IRACTOR: CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS, INC. The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with: he -olac;e the 2" waterline heeding the bolt filter ��ess b�aildin� �nri� %rah' hirl�, Extend the 6" waterline to center the waterline inside the belt n ess buildin � v_ �Add I" hose bib connections to all hydrants. Justification or Coal: 'The larger size -oi-De is for the future belt pipe , hisµwill allow the future belt r)ress to be set without ��umina overhead_ waterlines. The ohty Dlant situerintendent N rearrested that the hose bibs to F tow match the existing hvdTants, _ Date to be--in work: July 17, 2000 Add`l Calendar Days: 0 ITEM DESCRLPTION COST TOTAL AL T O DATE =� Materials (See attacheh , X64.15 Previous C: 51.436,34 Labor 57.50 Equipment 0.00 'total with this 'tom: Payroll Additive, & 276.50 M2 7b4.30 Overhead @ 30% Subtotal $ 1,19 .15 Profit 10% e s 119.81 TOTAL $ l,� 17.96 REQUESTED BY: AUT IORIZED BY: UA11 -1 Owasso Public Works Authority Crossland Heavy Contractoi-s Wastewater Treatment Plaut Improvements Phase IIA P-0. BOx 350 01W llroJecl No. 98-013 DZAC. J1113124, 9,00'k Columbus, KS 66725 Breakdown of Allowance Wc,---Ic Directive Filp * 2 Deese 1) 1 Desedifflon- Ine-rease waterline that supplies the belt presses at the belt fifteir press building froni- 2" 10 4", also extend the 711)�I �jj .0 6 s i 3),L I i i ile 1 )1)1 xil �IPPMXilllally 20'. Added i wall hydrant. rs. RaLe/Hr. QtY. Unit Price. Total Superintendent 0.' $23-00 Foreman $19.0c) $ 19.00 Operator $16.00 $16.00 I-aborer 1 $11.00 $11.00 SuMolal: $57.50 MaLerials: 6" C-goo pipe 20.0 pp 40,57 $31-40 6"X6"X4" DIP tee 1.0 ea $47-53 $47-53 ,C gate valve ---- Lo ea $180.00 - $180.00 4"X,I" sch 8o Lee ---- 3.0 ea S12.00 $36.00 ZJ."X2"Sell 80 I)LIShilIg 3.0 ea -614-99 $44.97 4"X3" sch 8o, tee -- 2.0 ea $19-70 $39.40 394X2 1/2" sch 8o bushing -- 2.0 e -a $ x o . 8 3 l $21.66 2 1/2" Sell 80 pipe 20.0 la $ 57 $31-40 1/2- 90 bend Freeze-proof 4.0 ea $6.46 $25.84 wall hydrant -hose 1.0 ea $149-00 $149-00 bibs 3-G ea $5-,15 $16-35 4" megalugs 3.0 ea $22.50 $67.50 ,1" sch 8o pipe 4� 0.0 if $2.---,,5 $90.0 01 4" sett 8o COUPHIIgS 2.0 ea A $9�8-5 0 $19-70 WORIK DRRECTTVE CHANGE NO, 3 DATE: Juiv 18. 2000 PROJFCT: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INTROVIE11AENTS -,PHASE HA ___ OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS-AUTHORITY ENGFNEER� GARVER ENGINEERS CO NI' RACTOR: CROSSLAND IFL,AVY CONTRACTORS, INC. The followM2 work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance witlia Delete the concrete and rebar for the future belt mess containment basin at the belt filter -cress building. Justification or G-oal: The future belt Dress may or may not be the same model as the MuTent one being Installed. The contaliurient basin is designed f-jor the Koml 1 ne -Sanderson, Date to begin work: dust 15, 2000 Add'l Calendar Days-- 0 ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials (See attached) 417.64 Previous WDC $2.754.30 Labor s -1,098.00 _Equipment -0- Total with this WD Payroll Additive & S - 454.69 S 783.97 Overhead @ 30% Subtotal S _L97 .33 Profit 10% S -0- TOTA-L S -1,970.33 REQUESTED BY: 0 CTOR DATE . I I RECOMAENDED BY: � j U ENGII Hit DATE AUTHORIZED BY: DATE Owasso Public Works Authority WasleivaterTreatment Plant Improvements Phase IIA ORF Project No. 98-013 Date. JUIY 24, 2000 Breakdown of Allowance Work Urea lve * 3 DesmjLILLom Delete the concrete containment basin for the fulure belt fillter press. Hi-s. 11"ILC/1-1r. I Q LV. Ullit -4.0 $23.00 Crossland Heavy Contractors -0. Box 350 Colunibus, KS, 66725 Pl-ice. � Ti)tal -$92.0('- EQ-Ui -$1,515.64 -,Ii3U-04 -$1117.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$304.00 Carpenter -24-0� $18.25 -$438-00 Laborer _72740 Ii.00 $ -,$264.00 Subtotal: $1,098.00 MaLevials: Conereie -3.0 Cy $65.00 -$195.00 Rebar Ibs E $0.241 W -$192.00 $0.00 $0.00 Taxes: EQ-Ui -$1,515.64 -,Ii3U-04 -$1117.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 WORK DMCTIV-E CHANGE NO. 4 DATE: JuIv 18, 2000 PROJECT: WASTEWATER TRE AT' ENTPLANT LAW ROVENIENTS - PHASE Iii OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGTIMEER: GiARVER ENGINE-ERS CONTRACTOR: CROSSLAND HEAVY "'ONTRACTORS, INC. The following work or other items are requested for in-iplementation in accordance - with: Build headwall around existing 24" RCP bar RV turnaround. Justification or Goal: Existin'-a 24" RCP did not have a headwall. With the 4' concrete swale die, cont-ractor is constructing . the runoff will not erode around the, existing nine. Date to begin work: June 102000 Add'l Calendar Days: 01 ITEM DESCRIPFION COST TOT.,-kL TO DATE Materials (See attached) 150.00 Previous VVDC $ 783.97 Labor 327.00 Equipment $ 15.S'0 Total with this WD Pawoll Additive & 147.87 L48&8I Overhead @ 30% Subtotal 640.77 Profit 10% 64.07 TOTAL 704. REQUESTED BY: ftmwolm��i� ALTTHORIZED BY: I CriN M _LLA-4a— --,� DATE 1 5 / (), DATE DAM Owasso Public Works Aixthority Crosslartd Heavy Contractors WaslewaterTreatment Plant Improvemenis Phase II A ?-O- BOX 3,50 ORFIlroject No. 98-013 Date® jUIV,2,A. 200) VC, i i i i i ,iy ; t tt• i� DATA': duly 18. 2000 PROJECT: WASTT"WATE -R'rB AT I'LAN°T" R—VW QiE� SS I MA—S)-�. IIA C71N1 OASSO PLTL,I txIC7IC�? AiJ TiIC?iiS1 Y� m .�®. Y C ONO ACTOR: M S1,AhE) The following work Or other items are requested for implementation in accordance Witfi: Delete rnanho 1gKq cgnLiecLign witt v� c t y a� li wves and cleats outs. Justification or Goal: At the time of°des'ane the concrete electric line was not known. _ When the contractor excavated fczr the rrl rdiolee there was not enough room for the 4' diametcr rrtad -0l1 Date to begin work: June 12. 2000 Add`l Calendar Days: 01 ITEM Materials Labor Equipment Payroll Additive & Overhead @.30% Subtotal Profit l0% "TOT"AL REQUESTED BSI: AUTHORIZED BY: DESCRIPTION COST .w See attached) - -� ®1032 $ 44.50 ___n 12.95 56.1" 5.61 61.74 TOTAL TO PA TE Previous YVDC � 11 488.81 Total with thJis WD S 1.550.55 Owasso Public Works Authority Crossland Heavy Contractors Wastewater Treatment Plant linprovements Phase ITIA P-0. BOX 33=0 Ott F Project No. 98-013 Date: silly 24, 2000 Calm ngb-us, KS 66725 teak® of Allowance Work Directive * 5 escripfion® Delete manhole at 8" filtrate return line at fle-in to existing Ihie. Add: 8" -fires, 45 benrdls, and clean-outs. Labor.- III.S. Rate Hr. Q ty. Unit Price. Total I Superintendent C, 5 $23.0,0 Foreman -1.0 --- $19.00 -$19.00 Operator -2.0 $16.00 -$32.00 Laborer -2.0 $11-00 -$2-2.00 $84-50 Labor. 1-1119 Rate/1-1r. QLY. Unit Price. Total Superinteiident 1.0 $23.00 $23-00 Foreman 1.0 $19.00 $19.Oo Op eraLor Laborer 2.O $iLoo, $32.00 5.0 $11.00 $55-00 11�2tot�® $129.Or Materials: 4' diameter manhole 1.0 ea -$325.00 -$325.00 8"X8" solid sleeve 3�O $4-.4 4 $12z1.32 8 "X8 X4" PVC wye 3.0 ea $i6.76 $50.28 WTS"X8" w i.0 ea $ 34.8 g $34-85 8" - 45 bend 0 ea F is - $18.2,5 $18.25 8" - 22 1/2 bend 2.0 ea $18.2,5 $36.5o I , WORK DIRECTM CHANGE NO. 6 DATE: July 26. 2000 P1.CJJI'T :I A S 1 aATl R, 1� "i�7 S' PI 1�TvT Tw ii'iZC7�T/Ii I -MA ZIA. T OWNER OwAtu CiJl°JTRAC "1 O : ROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS. INC.__..u_. The following work or other items are requested for "n accordance with: Install 60�L.F.. of 4"' PVC DiDC from —the existing RV wash down area to the 4" concrete swage. e„ Justification or Goal:m The exist na 4" i) e drains to the cast: Since the contractor his built the new RV turnarotma area. the runoff took in the turnaround area,. The new location will allow the runoff to drain to the Droroer location. Date to %e in work: August 1e 2000 AAd'l Calendar Days: �01 ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials (See attached) S 233.53 Previous WDC $ 19550.55 Labor S 185.00 Equipment S 54.52 Total with this Payroll Additive & S 141.91 � _ � 1 �7.00 = Overhead @ 30% Subtotal S 614.96 .Profit 10% $ 61.49 TOTAL 676.45 0 ORMUMMI 1 C AUTFIOR ZED BY: UWMI OV\Tasso Public Works Authority Crossland Heavy Contractors W,tsteiN,attei"l'i°eatiiiei-it Mann Improvements Phase IIA P. 0. B C, x 350 ORFI'rojecL No. 98-013 Date- July 26, 2000 Columbus-, KSS 66725 Breakdown of Allowance Work Directive # 6 FT77A-- 7cri, - histal, Descri Ahm. Install 6o L. F. Of 4" PVC pipe from the MT waslidown arep to [lie 4'concrete swale - FLabor: Hrs. -- R-atc/llr. QLy. Ufflt - Price. Total Superintendent 1.0 $23-00 $23•Oc operator peralor 6-0 $16.00 a r $96.00 Laborer 6.0 $11.00 $6'6.o0 - Subwlal: $185.00 MaLerials: 4" Sch,10 PVC pipe 60.0 It $1-303 $78-00 1 1/2" crusher FUJI rock .0 6 t 7. $78.,j0 Misc. Small 1001S $1.00; $60.00 Taxes: $17-13 stlkotal: p $233.53 Ca€ Gl1bt3 bacidioe 6.o $7.95 1 $47-70 Mechanical compacLor 2.0 $341 $6.821 S-U-MoLal: $51.52 oLah - ------------ $473.05 WORK DERFCTrVF. CHANGE NO. 7 DATE: July 26. 2000 P R 0 JEC S': WASTEWATER TREAJi Mr :)Lkj l`r S -3ROvf \1E:NI "r5 P��AS ,IIA . ENGl�°�''ER: GARV 1t itiiCsrl : 5 CONTRACTOR: ROSSL -rD AV. Mw ACjO S. fNC. The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance Mth: Install (2) new 5 H.P. Dumps and related accessories for the existing lift station. Items include: new guide rails. lififfig chain- base wl "bows. irtterior airing and small lifting crane. Price dons �o� irrclt�de anv additional electrical work other than the connection_of the oUMDS to the existing junction boxes Justification or Goal: Ciry plant superintendent requested or the replacement of the existing and related items. Date to begin Work: October 160 2.000 Addl Calendar Days: 05 ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DAT Materials (See attached) $ 11,59' ). Previous VVDC m 2—,727.00 Labor + Subcont. $ 39142.00 Equipment $ 41 8.24 Total with this WD Payroll Additive & $ 4,546.21 S 21897.27 Overhead @ 30% Subtotal $ 19,700.25 Profit 10% $ 1,970.02 T° $ 21,670.27 REQUESTED BY: AUTHORIZED BY: OWNED DATE !1 r DesedRLjqjjL_ Labor: Alms® Rate/ffi% Qt UjjjL -1 Pr im Total Superhae-ndent 16.o $234)0 il $.,168.oc Foreman 48-0' $19.00 '00 $912.00 Carpenter 16.o $160oo . 00 X256 .00 I-aborer 96.o 81-1.00 $i,o56.1 oo subtoLah 2s592.00 materialls: Yeomans SUL PUIIIJ)S 2. 0- ea. 83,689.00 $7,378-00 Ostainless steel guide rails 2.O ea. 8,350-00- $700-00 Liffing crane 1.0 ea. $i,65o.00 f $i,650.00 6" Ductile iron pipe flgXpe 2.10 ea. z $248-56 $497-12 Flange adapters 2.0 ea, $ 27.6_-, $55.30 6" go bend 2,0 ea. $53.92 $107.84 Misc. materials 1.0 -- Is $225-00 $225-00 Concrete 2.0 cy 865.00 5.00 $130-00 $850-51 SubLotah $11,593.80 Bawmigak Grove 28T011 crane Subcontract- E 7 lectrical 16.o $26.14 to) L.S. $55R00 $418.24 $418.2zi $550.00 $550.00 WORK MRFcrivE CHANGE NO. 8 DATE: July 26. 2000 PROJECT: W STEWATER TREATIMENT PLANT I PROVEN1Ei� rS - PHASE- CIA__ OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: OR: CROSSLAND_HEA:tIY CONTRACTORS, INC. The following work or ether items are requested for implementation in accordance Frith. Install 6 " X 6" X 6 " X 49' ductile_iron crass at the sludge nn p icing in the belt Dress building. Remove 4" Late valve and QUiolc ooU-0lirig at existing sludL-C DUIDD and -DlacO it can_ the cross at the belt caress buildtna. Justification or Goal: At the reguesstt of the citv_Dl�rl� superirit�r�d�nia install qross so that it sludge does need to be aumDed from the sludge line. this will allow ea.sv access for transT)or4 .�tion -or hpulw cuff. _�. �. _.� � Date to begin work.._a Decc mber °10±, 2000 Add'I Calendar Daysa 0_ I1 T� DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE � Materials (See attached) 273.04 Previous LvZ7O 23.$9i. �7 Labor 101.50 Equipment S ®Om F "total with this WD ll Additive & 112.37 S 24.432.91 ead @ 30`% tal I 446.95 10% 44.69 AL � 535.64 9 4 DATE: July 26, 2000 PROJECT: Wwisl°iw:WATER TREATMENT ivfPR0VE- NTS. m PFIASE 11A OWNTE C3WASSO PUBLIC AUTHORITY CONTRACTOR: CROSSLAND HEAVY CONTRACTORS, INC. The following work or oilier itorrrs are requested foi. implementation in accorildazrco with: Install 6" X 6" X 4 "' te��a���m ug valve, 4"45* bend, and a 4"' X 6� f1g. X plain end pipe at the belt mess S _m iPi �._ _ Justification or Goal: Extra piping is added so that a ter plymcreisn added to the sl dae. thy; inixture rr avb check before the solution eaters the belt mess Date to begin work:. December 10. 2000 � Addl Calendar Days: 0__ _ ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO 3ir-4TE Materials (See attached) 485.57 Previous WDC $ 24-432'.91 Labor 101.50 Equipment ®0- Total with this WD Payroll Additive & 176.12 S 25.262.42 Overhead @ 30% Subtotal 763,19 Profit 10% 76.32 TOTAL 829.51 q � AUTHORIZED BY: Owasso Public Works Authority Crossland Heavy Contractors WastewitLerTreatment PlauL Improvements Phase IIA P.O. BOX 350 OR F Project No. 98-013 Date- JUIY 26, P-000 Columbues, KS 6672,f:, Breakdown of Allowance Work Directive 9 DeseLildIgLij Add it 6"x6"M" tee on sludge line after polymer, hicludes 45 bendand pipe to drain Lgal oi% III r S. .,ate/ r® Qty. llit Pi-iee. Total Superintendent 0.5 $23-00 -0a $11-50 Foreman 3.0 $19.00 $57.00 Laborer 3.() $1m)o $33.00 Sul)LoLah. $10i.50 MaLerials: pp 0"x6"x,j" fIg tee ea. $33.25 $89.25 4 " Plug valve 1.0 ea. $203-5550 $203-50 4" 45 bend ea. $38.85 $38-85 4" bolt & gasket set 3.0 ea. $6.75 $20.25 ,1" flg x pe 5' pipe 1.0 ea. $98-10 C - Elxes: 1913.1-0- $35.62 StIbLotah $485.57 $0-00 $0.001 $587-07 WORK DERECTIVE CHANGE NO. 10 DATE: July 26_ 2000 PROJI ,,C;T: WASTEWATER TTREATNT.NT PLANT ffyfPR0VE1\/ M­1\FTS w PHASE TIA OWN -ER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEER GARVER ENGINEERS CON T "°f Off: CCROSSLAND �dAVrCONFRAC TORS. INC. The following work or other items are requested for implementation entatio in accordance with: Remove 1/4 -Ton lib crane located at the existing UV structure an. Install it inside the belt �r °ors building. _ _� a _ � _ Justification or Goal:_- At the reauest of the c1tvriant superintendent- the crane will be relocated to heh) personal load and unload oolvmer barrels off delivver"v trucks onto the 'DOlyrner�feed syster � r AUTHORIZED BY: Owasso Public Works Authority Crossland Heavy Contractors ' �IV,-Isteiv�ilei-'I're,itiiietit 11,1111 Improvements Phase IIA. P.O. BOX 350 (MU" Project No. 98-013 Date: Juiv Pffbno, lu,"