HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.04.09_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: E'Regular April 9, 2013 6:00 P.M. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on th # all bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, April 5, 2013. Sherry BishcrCity Clerkr AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Discussion Relating to the Code of Ordinances, Part 2, Chapter 4, Section 2- 411(H), Items Previously Voted on by Council Ms. Lombardi Attachment #2 3. Discussion .Relating to Administrative Items Ms. Bishop Attachment #3 A. Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Project - OWRB Loan Application B. Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Assessment Area - Amended Ordinance/ Resolution 4. Discussion Relating to Operational Items Mr. Lehr Attachment #4 A. Recreational Trails - Grant Application 5. Discussion Relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray Attachment #5 A. FY 2014 Budget B. City Manager Report At&T Piprmit Renewal Sales Tax Report Report from City Councilor 7. Adjournment Administration and Government f. Adoption of Resolution No. and that the reading of the resolution be waived; g. Approve or reject the claim of in the amount of; or h. Approve consent agenda items. Thereafter, members desiring to second such motion shall so indicate to the mayor by raising the member's hand. Subsequent to the main motion receiving a second, the mayor shall call for a vote; whereupon, the city clerk shall in varying order, with the mayor being called last, call for a roll call vote. In all cases, the member making the motion, the member seconding the motion and the vote of the members thereon shall be entered in the minutes of the council. Every council member abstaining from voting on a motion or being silent to same shall be recorded as having cast a negative vote on such matter. 2. If no member offers a motion on an agenda item, the mayor shall again call for a. motion. If no motion is presented after the second calling, the mayor shall declare the item fails for lack of motion. Similarly, if no one seconds another member's motion, the mayor shall, after calling twice therefore, declare that the motion fails for lack of a second. Upon a motion having been offered and seconded, the mayor shall call for a vote. 4. Any time prior to the mayor's calling for vote of the council, a member may move to amend the motion, which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane to the main motion and be accepted by the member making the main motion and the member seconding same, if applicable. (Ord. No. 347, 11/5/85) SECTION 2-412 ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Any person desiring to address the council shall first secure the permission of the mayor to do so; provided, however, that under the following headings of business, any qualified person may address the council without securing prior permission: A. Written communications. Interested parties or their authorized representatives may address the council by written communications in regard to matters then under discussion. B. Oral communications. Taxpayers or residents of the city, or their authorized legal representatives, may address the council by oral communications on any matter concerning the city's business, or any matter over which the council has control; provided, however, preference shall be given those persons who have notified the city clerk in advance of their desire to speak in order that same may appear on the agenda of the city council. Absent an emergency situation, no action will be taken by the city council on a matter deemed not listed on the agenda and falling within the new business section of the agenda. (Ord. No. 347, 11/5/85) ' 11 Page 2-17 Ron 9. . 't! TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Sherry Bishop Assistant City Manager, Administrative Services SUBJECT: Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Improvement Proje OWRB Loan p• a DATE: April 5, 2013 I BACKGROUND: This project and financing was presented for discussion at the March 12, 2013 work session. At that time, staff announced the intention to present the loan application at the April 2, 2013 OPWA meeting. However, consulting professionals requested the opportunity to have a coordination meeting on the project first. On March 23, finance and public works staff met with the project engineer, financial advisor and bond counsel to review all aspects of the project and the timeline for approval and completion. PROJECT HISTORY AND TIMELINE: The Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Improvement Project is upstream of the Santa Fe Pump Station (located on East 76th Street North) and extends to East 96th Street North. The project work includes upgrading the existing 18" sanitary sewer line to a new 30" diameter sewer line. A memo from Roger Stevens, Public Works Director, is attached. His memo provides a more detailed description of the project including an explanation of why completion of this project is essential to continue to provide sanitary sewer services to current and future customers. Ranch Cree4,Sewer Interceptor Improvement Project with financing identified as Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund - unanimous approval by OPWA Trustees April 17, 2012. Kellogg Engineering project design contract for $175,000 -- unanimous approval by OPWA Trustees May 15, 2012. Resolution authorizing OWRB application to OPWA Trustees for approval - April 2013. M Multiple approvals by various bodies will be required to complete this project. Some of those with the estimated timeline are listed below. • Loan application to OWRB • Loan approval (Letter of Binding Commitment) by OWRB Trustees • Acceptance of "Letter Of Binding Agreement" by OPWA Trustees • Engineering Plans and Specifications to Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ)and OWRB • Advertise for construction bids - August 2013 • Open bids and submit bid documents to OWRB • Resolution authorizing OWRB loan by OPWA Trustees and City Council - September 2013. .T • Award construction contract bid by OPWA Trustees -September 2013. • Project construction The Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) operates the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan �W. program and the Financial Assistance Program (FAP). These programs provide low-interest financing for eligible projects. Since 1992, all of OPWA's major water and wastewater construction projects have been financed by the OWRB. In order to obtain financing through the OWRB, an application must be authorized by the OPWA Trustees. The resolution would authorize the OWRB application for the Ranch Creek Interceptor project and authorize other action necessary to proceed with financing the project. This resolution authorizes: • Execution and filing of an application for financial assistance with the ORB; • Payment of application fees to the ORB; • Municipal Finance Services (Rick Smith as Financial Advisor) to fake action necessary to obtain the financing; • Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary to carry out the terms of the resolution. Staff will recommend approval of a resolution authorizing an application with the OWRB for a loan to finance the construction of the Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Improvement Project. A draft resolution is att*,che*. ATTACHMENT: OPWA Resolution - Draft Memo dated April 5, 2013 - Ranch Creek Sewer Interceptor Improvement Project .n RESOLUTION DRAFT :•_ r • s• -• • • r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, THAT: Section 2. Professionals. The Authority hereby authorizes Municipal Finance Services, Inc. t# prepare • • submit the referenced Application(s) on behalf of f • •' • to take such other actior Matters. #s is necessary to obtain financing f5r the referenced Project. Section 3. Other • • or Vice Chairman • i Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Authority are hereby outhorized and directed to do all other lawful things necessary to carry out the terms and conditions of this Resolution. Jw�; 1�1 •♦ • - • A' TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Roger Stevens Public Works Director SUBJECT: Ranch Creek Interceptor Improvements Project DATE: April 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor was constructed in 1984. The line starts at the Santa Fe Lift Station and traverses along the north side of E. 76th Street North to the west side of the Ranch Creek bridge. The interceptor turns northward, runs through McCarty Park and continues to E. 86th Street North along N. 91st East Avenue. The line continues northward following Ranch Creek. On April 17, 2012, City staff presented to the Trustees a project concept and funding source (via loan OWRB) for the Anch Creek Interceptor Improvement Project. The Owasso Public Works .4 Engineering INC. in May 2012. 011 the funding agencies. Finance department is compiling water usage information for the lender so the application process is underway. Right-of-way negotiation will begin soon to obtain the easements we will need to construct the line. 0 There are 4,500 acres • large sections ♦ land still remaining (Includes tracts 5 acres • larger in the Owasso fenceline) in Owasso that can develop if the Ranch Creek Interceptor is upgraded. Leave the line in its current condition and • eventual moratorium will be placed on the sewer line. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Sherry Bishop Assistant City Manager In January 1997�\ the City Council and the C)PWA Trustees took action to establish o per acre assessment to naonup costs onmzoioted with the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer project in the Elm Creek Drainage Bonin. [)PVVA Resolution No. 1998-07 defined the drainage basin and the assessment area on areas depicted per on attached map. In 2002, the Tech Center Sewer Interceptor connected to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor extending the availability of sewer services several miles to the north. The {}PVVA Trustees approved o Sanitary Sewer Payback Contract with Owasso Land Trust (]D) for the system improvements with a payback to OLT for any connections to the Tech Center Sewer Interceptor. The contract with OLT was for ten years and expired un July l'2Ol2. When the Tech Center interceptor attached to the Elm Creek interceptor, the Elm Creek assessment area expanded to include all areas served by connection to the Elm Creek Sewer |ntemeptor. The understanding was that some properties could be subject to both the Elm Creek assessment and the Tech Center payback fees. With the expiration of the Tech Center Payback Contract, project documents were reviewed for close out and to update what areas were xfi|| subject to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor assessment fee. No documentation was found that had enacted the expansion of the Elm Creek assessment area beyond the original area defined in OPWA Resolution No. 1998-07. gtjel��� Staff is proposing that the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor ordinance and resolution be amended ao that all areas served by the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor would be subject tOthe onwsnxment fee' not just the original assessment area. The attached draft ordinance and C)PVVA Resolution would make payment of the assessment fee mandatory for any property connecting to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor, A. City Council Ordinance Draft B. OPVVA Resolution -Draft C. Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Map D. Ordinance No. 5qb E. OPVVARexo|udion No. 98-07 , � � � U P1 I z F-11 z Lai :1 z LOA III THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 17, CHAPTER 3, OF THE CITY • OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ENACTING SECTION ELM CREEK SEWER INTERCEPTOR. 1;jIliq 1 1111 SECTION 17-ft" ELM CREEK SEWER INTERCEPTOR 0 It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote public health, safety and �elfare. The Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor was constructed in 1998 to serve the Elm Creek Sewer Drainage Basin. This improvement shall be known as and referred to within this'brdinance as the "Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor." The Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor is hereby established as the area depicted on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Exhibit "A" shall be made a part of this ordinance. This area shall The designated as the Assessment Area. All property within the Assessment Area may connect to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor subsequent to the effective date • this ordinance. . moum& i� (jj All costs associated with the construction of the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor shall be recouped through an assessment per acre for all property located within the Assessment Area. The assessment amount per acre was previously established by adoption of a Resolution by the Owasso Public Works Authority and may be amended by Resolution of the Owasso Public Works Authority. 0 1 A 1 0 6 Itaw---------- - -1 ■ �;l Properties not located within the Assessment Area may request connection to the Elm Creek Sewer Street Interceptor. Upon approval of the connection, payment of the assessment becomes mandatory, and shall be due upon the approval of a final plat. Properties which have already been developed • pay such., assessment upon • • ! the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION EIGHT (8): REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. ' If any part or parts of this ordinance are held invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion sh not • - affected ! • in in full force !' • effect. , i SECTION T (1): CODIFICATION The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by enacting an ordinance to 11 codified in Part 17, Chapter as • v f • — • • • • ! • • • • • • •! • i J1 P W. :�s k*r r r x 'VIAR '41 A R '41 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. IDRAFFT i.i A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ELM CREEK SEWER INTERCEPTOR PROJECT AND AMENDING THE ASSESSMENT AREA SUBJECT • THE ASSESS11EVT FEE WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority previously approved Resolution No. 1998-07 establishing per acre assessments of $1,580 for the recoupment of costs associated with the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer Project in the Elm Creek Drainage Basin and designated the Assessment Area; a mama 0 IT! 11! 1 1! 1! 111 --- W-1 r- =11 00-& SuIrVul I I I Iul utI rIujtT;I 07171M ir It. • Igricli MITI i.-Ft�eKSewer Frainage basin and designated the Assessment Area. z: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, THAT: The Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor Assessment Area be amended by City of Owasso Ordinance No. W.to include all areas served by connection to the Elm Creek Sewer Interceptor. am" zMal a IV. DO C # 99014C�43 FEE 8.00 PGS' B/P 6171/0837-0837 ?`;c VMS I&Vh 0. FDMASS04. MCLAIADMA Ilk. 0RDINAN-CR WNIBER 996 Section . This ordinance shall becom e e-Iffective thirty days from the date of first Tw publication as provided by state law. ; k6nald D. Cates, City 't rney 2780-362.ord 3110 0 MMM��# ■ hul IcAn'U.J.,U 'N INLRIV116-MIK 98-07 U21"A" :11YIMM42 tin 3 A IMILT03 IN "'ma ar 121 a Sec�on Qn : The Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority hereby establish thri Elm Creek Drainage Basin as bein I L M that area depicted on the map attached hereto, made a part hereof, and marked as Exhibit"B" hereto. Sect�w Tilrec-, That the portions set forth on Exhibit "B" hereto, same being the assessment area shall be and same herebp are assessed costs in the amount * for recoupment ofthe costs asso3iated with the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer Project. Said assessment shall be due and paydble only upon the connection of any development properties located within the Elm Creek lnterceptor�gSewer assessment area to the Elm Creek Interceptor Sewer trunk line heretofore referred to. St�i n, Eou : That insofar as any other properties within the Elm Creek Drainage Basin but not within the above defined assessment are such ro ert bein de i te h .0 By: Denise Bodo, Chaprman vww—tx.w Pk 10 IRIMM APPRO AS TO,FORrR:! MEMO= 0 nTitoy'Wwi gut Li if$. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Resolution for Committing City Funds and Resources to a Transportation Alternatives (TA) Project, Ranch Creek Trail DATE: April 5, 2013 BACKGROUND: The Transportation Alternatives (TA) program is a new program under the IMoving Ahead for Progress (MAP -21) federal legislation signed into law July 6, 2012, The program became effective October 1, 2012. The TA program allows for increased flexibility in projects and effectively combines project eligibility from the former Transportation Enhancements (TE), Recreational Trails Program and Safe Routes to School programs which were enacted under the previous transportation bill known as the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA -LU). Since 1991, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) has administered the selection process for TE projects at the state level. That process included a statewide selection committee that considered applications submitted in September 2010 for the TE program. As Congress considered reauthorization of the federal transportation program, ODOT placed a hold on those applications until the passing of MAP -21. In December 2012, ODOT notified INCOG of the projects that would be considered by the TE Committee. From that list, three projects fell within the Tulsa Urbanized Area, which are identified in Appendix B in the attached application. INCOG is recommending funding for those three projects from FY 2013 -2014 funds in the Transportation Alternatives program which are sub - allocated to the Tulsa Urbanized Area. For FY 2015 -2016, INCOG expects to have approximately $2.2 million available for projects in the Tulsa Urbanized Area. While MAP -21 currently expires on September 30, 2014, future legislation is expected to include the TA program at the current funding level. However, all projects submitted and selected as a part of this process are subject to future federal transportation authorizations. In November 2010, the City of Owasso submitted an application to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Ranch Creek Trail along with a resolution adopted by the City Council for funding under the former Transportation Enhancement Program. Due to the aforementioned delays, the Owasso application was essentially put on hold. With the passage of the new federal legislation, INCOG is again soliciting communities for TA project applications. The purpose of the TA program remains the same, to provide a funding source to states for projects that focus on improving the quality of life for communities outside the realm of typical highway and road improvement projects. As a requirement, all projects must be related to the Intermodal Transportation System. The required relationship must be one of function, proximity, or impact. The most common types of projects typically funded under this program are :-A I In an effort to build on the Quality of Life initiative and respond to the desires of the citizens, Owasso is submitting a TA application for the Ranch Creek Trail project. The TA program provides 80% funding with a 20% local match with a maximum total federal share of $500,000, If a project exceeds the $500,000 limit, the applicant will be required to fund the overage in its entirety. Projects must have • least • 20• commitment of non-federal funds to the total project cost. 0. S w w • March 15,2013 -Application Cycle Opens • April 30,2013 -Applications Due to INCOG by 5:(Epm • June 19, 2013 - INCOG staff to present project recommendations to the Transportation Technical Committee ;-I • June 26, 2013 - Transportation Policy Committee to recommend projects to INCOG Board of Directors • July 9, 2013 - INCOG Board of Directors to approve project selection 11000 W- IftOJVQ4kr-KOzL!;K40 RIILS Staff intends to recommend approval of Resolution No, 2013-_ endorsing the submission of a TA application to INCOG for the Ranch Creek Trail, at the April 16 City Council meeting. F-I I A. TA Application with Resolution - Ranch Creek Trail B . Map and Miscellaneous Documents :!�J ri.;, Tulsa Urbanized Arr-;! Project Title This project in its entirety, serves to bring trail segments from the Ranch Creek Trail Tulsa Regional Trails Master Plan further into the Owasso Ranch Creek Trail (Segment One): This project would consist of an existing regional park with downtown Owasso and points to a I O'Wide off-street multi use trail that begins at 76th St N., the south and will provide a trailhead with a restroom facility. follows Ranch Creek North, then along the south and west and (38) identified on the Owasso Trails Plan and serves to banks of a large pond, then through a large diameter pipe further expand the Tulsa Regional Trails Master Plan. Sponsor (must be eligible sponsor (formally used for cattle crossing) under the railroad spur Into under Section Error! Reference McCarty Park. At 76th St. N. the trail will transition to a paved 5 Sponsor Contact Name foot wide striped shoulder facility and connect to the Mohawk- Sponsor Contact Title Director of Public Works Owasso Trail And Bikeway at Mingo Road. If funding permits a City of Owasso Address trail will be deyploped from McCarty Park northward to 86th St. Owasso, OK 74055 N. along the park entrance road as a wide shoulder or (918)272-4959 Email sidewalk. The project will provide a connection to the Mohawk-Owasso Trail And Bikeway, which is in the process of being completed. Most of the trail would be located in a wooded setting adjacent to a flowing creek, where there is abundant wildlife and native hardwood trees, Because the trail will be built in a wooded setting containing water features, it is also envisioned that the trail could double as an Project Lasation (must he environmental educational resource. principally in the Tulsa Urbanized Area) Downtown Connector (Segment Two): This proiect would provide a paved 5'wide striped shoulder which would be out of the travel lanes for cyclists to use between Mingo Road and downtown Owasso. The segment serves to augment the approved Mohawk-Owasso Trail And Bikeway Project by providing a dedicated lane for cyclists out of the travel lane. This segment would also add a component to phase one of the Owasso Main Street improvements, which were built in downtown Owasso with Vision 2025 funding. IFFY 2U15-201G|NOO8 Transportation Alternatives Application n 1, Page 1of10 This project in its entirety, serves to bring trail segments from the Tulsa Regional Trails Master Plan further into the Owasso community. Additionally, the proposed trails will link together an existing regional park with downtown Owasso and points to the south and will provide a trailhead with a restroom facility. The proposed project essentially implements connections (Ah) and (38) identified on the Owasso Trails Plan and serves to further expand the Tulsa Regional Trails Master Plan. Sponsor (must be eligible sponsor City of Owasso under Section Error! Reference %ource not found.) Sponsor Contact Name Roger Stevens Sponsor Contact Title Director of Public Works City of Owasso Address 301 W. 2nd Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 Phone (918)272-4959 Email rstevens@cityofowasso.com IFFY 2U15-201G|NOO8 Transportation Alternatives Application n 1, Page 1of10 M I 1WMA 11 r, I 9.L7-x*l WA 1 IN Orza;kyr,. I W to] r-A lei M4140MMOM" Signature Date: Printed Name: Title: m � FFY2O15-201O| Alternatives Application " Page 2of1Or Part III: Project Technical Information Required elements (attach additional pages) 1. Resolution from governing body indicating support for the project and commitment of non-federal matching funds and ongoing maintenance of the proposed project 2. Detailed, complete and realistic project budget 3. Project map �liptional elements (attach additional pages) 1. Conceptual design plans showing a rendering of the proje'l 2. Photos of existing conditions at the project site 3. Demographic information showing the population served 4. Letters of support from community organizations FFY2O15--2018|NCO8 Transportation Alternatives Application * Page 3of1U 3. Oaoohbo any safety benefits the project will achieve. Is there evidence of crash experience that would benefit oedaathanoorbicvois1a? Most of the proposed project will be composed of a multi-use trail separated completely from vehicular traffic. The other segment of the facility will be a striped wide shoulder along 76th St. N out of any travel lanes linking the downtown area to the actual trail. We are not proposing any on street bicycle routes with this submittal. There will be safety lighting and striping at the location where the trail meets 76th St. N. and connects to the Mohawk-Owasso Trail and Bikeway. Owasso does not have a trail system ir�place; therefore we do not have any historical accident information specifically related to trial 6r bicycle route safety. 4. How does the project benefit your community? How are destinations within the community connected by the project? How might people use the project as a transportation alternative to get ToworK.acnmmortomaKeoersonaim Owasso does not have an extensive network of trails like other communities in the Tulsa area. Recently, The City of Owasso concluded a substantial civic engagement campaign effort called the Quality Of Life Initiative. This project, in which over 8GO citizens participated, revealed that Owasso citizens desire trails and promoting healthy lifestyles. |f funded itin anticipated that the proposed project wi||ootas000tO|yntforothertroi|p/ojeotoinOw00000ndpromote alternatives to the single occupant vehicle for work, commerce, or recreation. Additionally, the facility will provide o safe means for walking, exerdne, and recreating. Downtown Owasso currently has a large bicycle shop, which is well supported by the citizens. If the project is funded and constructed the proposed frail will serve to enhance this business as well om set the stage for other economic growth. The Downtown Owasso Master Plan also envisions o future pedestrian oriented environment, which this project wiUxupport. 6. Does the sponsor have control of the ROW for the If so, has the ROW been acquired in aonoruwnnzno t-eoeoa unnorm ma|ooaoon Assistance anoAcquisition Fo|iciemAcrY Owasso was provided letters from the property owners where the frail will be located, given permission the build the frail. The Larkin Bailey Trusfisthe primary land holder and they have given their permission to establish o frail eawement within their property. The other affect land owner io the VVfTCC> Railroad Company. The frail needs to cross under their rail spur and they .; FFY2O15-201G|NOOG Transportation Alternatives Application Page 4of1U � provided a letter allowing us to cross under their tracks either using the 8 foot cattle tunnel or installing a new box culvert suitable for pedestrian use, These letters have been attached with this application. 6. Describe the proposed ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the project once it is fteill PILRe� FFYOU15-2010|NCOG Transportation Alternatives Application Page 5of1O 7. Use this space to provide any additional details that relate to the rating criteria that were not CAUU111155uLl III LIIU UUU5LI1JrI5 dk)UVU. This trail has the ability to establish a trailhead in terms of a parking lot and restroom facility. 8. Attach maps, budget estimates, and resolution from local governing body. List attachments here: a. Concept Plan b. Cost Estimate c. Letters of Support d. Site Pictures FFY 2015-2016 INCOG Transportation Alternatives Application Page 6 of 10 Ill MIMI SUFF-719=w- RIF-A -3 0,0 1!�,9Z9T1T.AJm - is WHEREAS, Transportation Alternatives Urbanized Area funds have been made available for transportation improvements within the Tulsa Urbanized Area; and WHEREAS, The City of Qwasso has selected apn*ct described aafollows: Ranch Creek Trail; and VVHEREA8, the selected project is consistent with the local comprehensive p|an, including applicable Major Street and Highway Plan Element or the Regional Trails Membyr P|an, as applicable, and the Regional Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, the engineer's preliminary estimate of cost is $682.523. and Federal participation under the terms of the federal law, Moving Ahead for Pnognamm in the 21st Century (%4AP'21) relating to Transportation Alternatives Urbanized Area funds are hereby requested for funding of 80 percent of the project cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Qvvaaao proposes to use local capital improvement funds for the balance of the project costs; and WHEREAS, the Qty of [)we000 agrees to provide for satisfactory maintenance after oomp|ation, and to furnish the necessary riQh1'of'uvay clear and unobstructed; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has required matching funds available and further agrees to deposit with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said matching funds within thirty (30) days after approval by the Federal Highway Administration. NOVV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Indian Nations Council of Governments is hereby requested to program this project into the Transportation Improvement PrQQram for the Tulsa Transportation Management Area; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program. the Oklahoma Transportation Commission is hereby requested to concur in the programming and selection of this project and to submit the same to the Federal Highway Administration for its approval. (Chief Elected Official or local governing bodv) (Clerk/Secretary/Attorney) Attachment A Concept Plan FFY 2015 -2016 INCOG Transportation Alternatives Application Page 7 of 10 Tu sa Area I lll� 21 AS T ilk Son sp., 4 NEI A � two, INN IN NO mi at i u I sii.by 6% m to 1051I#1-01 w : � � Mlk A l:C Attachment B Cost Estimate FFY 2015 -2016 INCOG Transportation Alternatives Application Page 8 of 10 MULTI -USE TRAIL LINKING McCARTY PARK TO MOHAWK- OWASSO TRAII CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE RANCH CREEK TRAIL - McCARTY PARK TO MINGO AT 76TH ST Item Unit No. Item Description Unit Price Quantity Cost$ 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 80,000 1 80,000 2 EXCAVATION - REMOVE FROM SITE LS 15.00 1,900 28,500 3 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 10,000.00 1 10,000 4 10' TRAIL - 6" AGGR. BASE, TYPE A W/ FABRIC SY 16.00 5,600 89,600 5 5' SHOULDER LANES - 6" AGGR. BASE W/ FABRIC SY 16.00 800 12,800 6 10' TRAIL - 3" BITUMINOUS ASPHALT SY 14.00 5,600 78,400 7 5' SHOULDER - 6" BITUMINOUS ASPHALT SY 24.00 800 19,200 8 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL LF 40.00 300 12,000 9 RAILROAD PERMIT AND INSURANCE LS 10,000.00 1 10,000 10 CULVERTS ALONG TRAIL & 76TH ST ROW LF 50.00 100 5,000 11 THERMOPLASTIC PAINT LS 5,000.00 1 5,000 12 SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS SY 3.25 22,200 72,150 BASE ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT COST" ................. ............................... $422,650 CONTINGENCY @ 10% 42,265 CONCEPTUAL ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT COST ...... ............................... $464,915 OWASSO DOWNTOWN CONNECTOR - MINGO /76TH TO ATLANTA AVE 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS 5,000 1 5,000 2 EXCAVATION - REMOVE FROM SITE CY 15.00 800 12,000 3 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 10,000.00 1 10,000 4 5' SHOULDER LANES - 6" AGGR. BASE (2800 FT) SY 16.00 1,600 25,600 5 5' SHOULDER - 6" BITUMINOUS ASPHALT SY 24.00 1,600 38,400 6 5' CONC. SIDEWALK - 4" AGGR. BASE (2800 FT) SY 16.00 1,600 25,600 7 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 32.00 1,600 51,200 8 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL LF 40.00 200 8,000 9 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LS 5,000.00 1 5,000 10 THERMOPLASTIC PAINT LS 5,000.00 1 5,000 11 SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS SY 3.25 3,700 12,025 BASE ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT COST ................. ............................... CONTINGENCY @ 10% CONCEPTUAL ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENT COST ...... ............................... TOTAL FOR BASE AND OPTIONAL WORK WITH CONTINGENCIES ..................... 3 $197,825 19,783 $217,608 $682,5 APPENDIX B FFY 2013-2014 TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES RECOMMENDED PROJECTS INCOG URBANIZED AREA ONLY Funding requested subtotal $1,746,839 0536,380 $2,283,219 Park Road Trail I City _�Glenpool ----- ?�edestrian and Bicycle Sidewalk Expansion City • .�.. Sidewalk • Ramp Improvements •- Funding requested subtotal $1,746,839 0536,380 $2,283,219 Attachment C Letters of Support T?,, FFY 2015 -2016 INCOG Transportation Alternatives Application n Page 9 of 10 ly, - A-10 WN a IMAIN m September 22, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: The Trustees of the Larkin Bailey FOLIII(lati011 have reviewed the attached MULTI-USE TRAIL AND PARK ADDITION linking McCarty Park to Mohawk Owasso Trail dated September 15, 2010, They have agreed that the Larkin Bailey Foundation would give a permanent irrevocable easement as shown on theattachcd drawing to the City of Owasso or transfer said property by Special Warrant Deed. The legal description of the 23.2 Acres would be furnislmd by the City or Owasso to the Laurin Bailey Foundation. FU Y1 Patsy i s velm Trustee 612 South D*nver • Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119-1097 Jim A 5� i. Chamber of 1 I l J December 29, 2010 )!1 Oklahoma Department of Transportation Special Projects Branch 20 NE 21St Street Oklahoma City, OK 74105 -3204 Dear Special Projects Branch Manager: Please accept this letter of support for two important enhancement grant applications being submitted by the city of Owasso. The grant requests are for The Ranch Creek Proposal and the Main Street Proposal. Identifying quality of life improvements, planning for said improvements, and seeing the plan through to fruition, is extremely important when addressing the requests of a growing population. Over the years, our chamber has heard requests from citizens for expanded walking trails connecting our city with regional trails network. The Ranch Creek Proposal will enhance the quality of life, not only for the residents in Owasso, but for those residing throughout the re @ion. With the approval of this grant request, a long sought after quality of life initiative can become a reality. Additionally, the 76th Street North and Main Street Proposal will assist in improving pedestrian movements in downtown Owasso. Improvements to the sidewalks and streets will make our intersection safer and friendlier to pedestrians helping to promote downtown visits and commercial development. The Owasso Chamber supports the approval of both grant applications. Sincerely, Gary W. Akin President December 21, 20 1.0 Community Development Director KadFrbschen City mfOwasso 9'(3' Box 18O Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Karl: It was nice to meet you last week and discuss the Ranch Creek Trail in Owasso, Oklahoma. This week | had ameeting internally 1m discuss the trail with our management team. In that meeting vvedecided that the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad gives approval for the trail 10 pass underneath our tracks. Of course, asme discussed may would expect this 1obein the safest manner possible tm prevent anything negative from happening. We look forward to -with you as you move forward on this project. J .... LI xmk � 62.6 tf 9 X987.8 it 09.7 zl� 1 11' :T b , • per, x- x5m / �`I e y � is P4,, �- " �� � � Xr �4 � �• x .' , ' n x' — �� f ran j t ; v- j v xsa�s r¢J �k t Ni X5884 PIN SOU „� xs�• L , � sus ______ — -- - 92���i, + 1 � 1 7 1X9822. X579.4 jr f 1 XSM '5X7 _ F x592 — ! %."l Vie'';