HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.05.09_OEDA Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING:Regular DATE:May 9, 2013 TIME:10:00 a.m. PLACE:Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in theoffice of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00p.m. on Tuesday,May 7, 2013. _______________________________________________________ Chelsea M.E. Levo,Economic Development Director _________________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA 1.Call to Order Mr. Charney, Chairman 2.Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. Approval of minutes of the April 11, 2013 regular meeting and the April 22, 2013special A. meeting Attachment Approval of claims B. Attachment . Acceptance of the monthly financial report C Attachment 3.Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 4.Consideration and appropriate action relating to a draft resolution regardingthe designation of the Hotel Tax Fund Attachment #4 Mr. Ray Staff will present a proposed resolution for discussion. OEDA May 9, 2013 Page 2 5.Presentation and discussionrelating to proposed Resolution No. 2013-01approving the OEDA FY 2014 Annual Operating Budget Attachment #5 Ms.Bishop Staff will present a proposed budget for discussion. 6.Report from Economic Development Director Attachment #6 Ms. Levo * Discussion of Marketing Materials * Monthly Building Report * Public Works Project Status Report *Business Development Report * Monthly Sales Tax Report 7.Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray 8.Report from OEDA Trustees 9.New Business (New Business is any item of business whichcould not have been foreseen at thetime of posting of the agenda.) 10. Adjournment MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, April 11, 2013 The Owasso Economic Development Authoritymet in regularsession on Thursday, April 11,2013 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PMon Tuesday, April 9, 2013. CALL TO ORDER& ROLL CALL ITEM 1: Mr. Charneycalled the meeting to order at 10:00AM. PRESENT David Charney, Chairman Frank Enzbrenner,Vice Chairman Jeri Moberly, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Trustee Dirk Thomas, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee Gary Akin, Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT None ITEM 2:CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENTAGENDA A.Approval of minutes of the March12, 2013Regular Meeting B.Approval of claims C.Acceptance of the monthly financial report Following discussion, Dr. Thomasmoved to approve the consent agenda,seconded by Ms. Moberly. AYE:Charney, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas,Akin, Spriggs NAY:Enzbrenner Motion carried 6-1. ITEM 3:DISCUSSION RELATED TO THE FY2013-2014 OEDA AND HOTEL TAX BUDGET A discussion regarding the 3% Hotel Tax projected FY 13 year-end balance and FY 14 anticipated revenues was held. Potential economic development activities for FY 14 were discussed. Mr. Charney called a special meeting for Monday April 22, 2013 at 10:00am to continue the discussion of which activities should be recommended for funding from the Hotel Taxbudget. ITEM 4:CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE RECOMMENDATION TO THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PORTION OF THE HOTEL TAX FUND April 11, 2013 This item was removed from the agenda. No discussion was held. REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ITEM 5: Ms. Levointroduced Roger Stevens and Bronce Stephensonto provide a monthly status report of the Public Works and Community Development departments. ITEM 6:REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No report. REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES ITEM 7: No Report. ITEM 8:NEW BUSINESS None. ITEM 9:ADJOURNMENT Dr. Thomasmoved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ms. Moberly AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Motion carried 7-0. At 11:50AM, the meeting adjourned. ____________________________ Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Monday,April 22, 2013 The Owasso Economic Development Authoritymet in specialsession on Monday,April 22,2013 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PMon Thursday, April 11, 2013. CALL TO ORDER& ROLL CALL ITEM 1: Mr. Charneycalled the meeting to order at 10:00AM. PRESENT David Charney, Chairman Frank Enzbrenner,Vice Chairman Jeri Moberly, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Trustee Dirk Thomas, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee Gary Akin, Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT None ITEM 2:CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE FY 2014 HOTEL TAX BUDGET Mr. Ray presented a summary of actual revenues, expenditures, and fund balance of the 3%Hotel Taxfor FY 10, FY 11, and FY 12. Also presented was the projected FY 13 year-end balance and FY 14 anticipatedrevenues.Discussion was held regarding the funding of economic development activities from the FY 2014 Hotel Tax. Following discussion, Mr. Charney asked Trustees to vote whether or not to recommend to the City Council the funding of each activity from the FY 2014 Hotel Tax Fund. Tulsa’s Future Recruiting Trips (2)$2,000 Tulsa Chamber Intercity Visit (2 participants)$4,000 Tulsa Chamber DC Fly-In (2 participants)$4,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Akin, Spriggs NAY:Sokolosky, Thomas Economic Development Contract$48,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Independence Day Fireworks$17,000 AYE:Charney, Moberly, Thomas, Akin NAY:Enzbrenner, Sokolosky, Spriggs Tulsa’s Future$15,000 AYE:Charney, Moberly,Thomas, Akin, Enzbrenner, Sokolosky NAY:None ABSTAIN: Spriggs April 22, 2013 Economic Summit$5,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, NAY:Spriggs Community and Holiday Banners$5,000 Holly Trolley$7,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Owasso Chamber of Commerce Agreement$1,250 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin NAY:None Dr. Spriggsexited the meeting prior to the vote and returned after the vote for this item concluded Marketing Materials$10,000 AYE:None NAY:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs Farmers Market Feasibility / Site Plan$15,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Other Projects $5,000 AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Subsequent to the discussion of funding economic development activities for FY 2014, Mr. Charney commented that a resolution or some other document bedrafted that would advise the City Council of the OEDA’s priorities and vision for the Hotel Tax Fund balance. A resolution will be presented to the Authority for consideration and additional discussion during the May OEDA meeting. ADJOURNMENT ITEM 3: Dr. Thomasmoved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dr. Spriggs AYE:Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Sokolosky, Thomas, Akin, Spriggs NAY:None Motion carried 7-0. At 11:40AM, the meeting adjourned. ____________________________ Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- TO:THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY FROM:CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT:CLAIMS, OEDA May 9, 2013 DATE: No Claims for April2013. Honorable Chair and Trustees TO: OwassoEconomic Development Authority Chelsea M.E. Levo FROM: Economic Development Director Hotel Tax Fund Balance SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2013-02 May 9,2013 DATE: BACKGROUND: The Hotel Tax fund (City of Owasso) is used to account for the revenues received from the 5% hotel tax and to account for the use of those restricted funds. HOTEL TAX FUNDBALANCE: The OEDA held discussion regarding the 3% Hotel Tax regarding economic development activities at the regular and special meetings in April. The OEDA expressed the desire to cast their vision for the future use of the Hotel Tax Fund balance. Aresolution was suggested as a starting point for advising the City Council of the OEDA’s priorities and vision for potentially using the fund balance for economic development prospects looking to relocate or expand in Owasso. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 2013-02 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2013-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EXPRESSING ITS POSITION RELATING TO THE USE OF FUNDS DERIVED FROM THE CITY’S HOTEL TAX; SPECIFICALLY THE THREE PERCENT PORTION (3%) OFTHE TAX INITIALLY APPROVED BY THE OWASSO VOTERS TO ENCOURAGE, PROMOTE, AND FOSTER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT, AND TOURISM AND PURSUE REGIONAL PROMOTION FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO The voters of the City of Owasso did, on March 5, 2002,approve a tax known as WHEREAS: the Hotel Tax; and, Ordinance No. 699, approved by the Owasso City Council on January 8, 2002, WHEREAS: providedfor the City Council appropriation and expenditure of the revenues derived from the Hotel Taxand specifically restricted the use of the revenue derived from the Hotel Tax for the purposeof encouraging, promoting, and fosteringeconomic development, cultural enhancement, tourism andpursuingregional promotion for the City of Owasso; and, The Owasso Economic Development Authority was created as a means to provide WHEREAS: a public trust for financing economic development prospects, advise and counsel the City Council and City staff on economic development issues, and promote activities that will benefit and strengthen the economy of the City of Owasso and the State of Oklahoma; and, the Authority seeks tofoster an environment that facilitates economic growth by WHEREAS: retainingand expanding established businesses,and attracting new businessdevelopment, promoting cultural enhancement, and pursuingregional promotion forthe City of Owasso. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: The intent of this resolution is to express the desire of the members of the OEDA with THAT: respect to the accumulation and expenditure of funds derived from the initial 3% Hotel Tax; and, The Trusteesof the Authority encourage the City Council to maintain a strong fund THAT: balance in the Hotel Tax Fund; and, The Hotel Tax Fund Balance should be maintained for the primary purpose as a THAT: potential incentive fund for economic development prospects wishing to relocate or expand in the City of Owasso. this___day of _____, 2013 by the Trustees of the Owasso Economic APPROVED AND ADOPTED DevelopmentAuthority. ____________________________________ AuthorityChairman ____________________________________ Authority Secretary TO:THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY FROM:CHELSEA M.E. LEVO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT:FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014BUDGET APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2013-01 May 9, 2013 DATE: BACKGROUND: The proposed budget for fiscal year 2013-2014ispresented for the OEDA Trustees review. As a Title 60 Public Trust, the OEDA is required to file an annual budget with its beneficiary, the City of Owasso. The budget or appropriation for a public trust is not a legal restriction on the expenditure of funds as it is for a municipality.Resolution No. 2013- 01 adopts the annual operating budget for the OEDA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends OEDA Trustee approval of Resolution No.2013-01 adopting the FY 2013-2014budget proposal with estimated resources of $9,054and total appropriations for expenditure of $5,000. : ATTACHMENTS OEDA Proposed Budget OEDA Budget Adoption Resolution OEDAFUND DESCRIPTION The OwassoEconomic Development Authority Fund is established to account for revenues and expenditures of the City 's Economic Development Trust Authority. Thepurpose of the OEDA is to plan, implement, and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Therecommended FY 2014 budget includes $5,000 in contingency funding for Economic Development activities that may arise during the fiscal year. Summary of Revenues and Expenditures OEDA Fund Projected ActualActualActualProposedPercent 2010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014Change Revenues Charges for Services 0000- Miscellaneous 8880-100.00% Total Revenues 8880-100.00% Other Sources Transfers In 0000- Total Revenues & Other Sources 8880-100.00% Expenditures Other Services & Charges 0005,000- Debt Service 0000- Total Department Expenditures 0005,000- Other Uses Transfers Out 0000- Total Expenditures & Other Uses 0005,000- Change in Fund Balance 888(5,000)- Projected Beginning Balance 9,0309,0389,0469,0540.09% Projected Ending Balance 9,0389,0469,0544,054-55.22% OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2013-01 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; ESTABLISHING LEVELS OF EXPENDITURES AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It is the intent of the Owasso Economic Development Authorityto adopt an WHEREAS: operating budget for fiscal year 2013-2014; and, The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens WHEREAS: of Owasso; and, Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and, WHEREAS: Certain filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. WHEREAS: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Total resources available in the amount of $5,000and total appropriations in the THAT: amount of $5,000are hereby established. The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 2013. THAT: this ____day of _________, 2013 by the Trustees of the Owasso APPROVED AND ADOPTED Economic DevelopmentAuthority. ____________________________________ AuthorityChairman ATTEST: __________________________________________ Authority Secretary PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department May 3, 2013 E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a “matching grant”; 80% - ODOT funding and 20% Cityfunding. ODOT awardedconstruction contract to Paragon Contractors in the amount of - $1,952,952. -Construction is scheduled to commence in June 2013. Santa Fe Lift Station and Force MainImprovements February 2010, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount - of $145,874 to Greely and Hansen Engineering. November 2011, OPWA Trustees awarded a construction contract to W.N. - Couch in the amount of $2,636,700. Santa Fe lift station issubstantially complete.Turf restorationand landscaping is - underway withfinal completion expectedin May. Three Lakes Stormwater Channel Improvements Project includes widening and shaping ofthenorth/south channeleastof US - Hwy 169, from to 83rdStreet North southward to the end of the existing concrete channel. The engineering design is being performed by the City of Owasso’s Engineering - Division. Currently, the design is 100% complete. In April 2012, AT&Tmobilized and completed the relocation of their utility. - December 2012, Council awarded a construction contract to Tri-Star - Construction in the amount of $623,882. Sanitary sewerhasbeenrelocated to thewest side of the channel. - Approximately300’ of concrete footing and blocks have been installed. - Currently, the project is 40% complete with a completiondate scheduled in August 2013. East 106th Street North Water Improvements Project includes extending12”water line from 106th Street North/N. 110th East - Avenue to 106th Street North and Mingo Road. The engineering design wasperformed by the City of Owasso’s Engineering - Division. Currently, the design is 100% complete. City crews have installed 1,700 linear feet of water line. Project is scheduled to - complete by June 2013. Water Division have installed over 1,900 linear feet of 12” water line. Projectis - expected to be complete by June2013. Water Division has installed approximately 4,000 linear feet of12”water line. - Anticipated completion time is still expected to be by June 2013. Water Division has now installed approximately 4,300 linear feet of 12” water line - including the bore under the railroad. Currently, the project is approximately 80% complete with completion expected in June 2013. E. 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwy169 to N. 129th East Avenue In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to - receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right-of-way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso’s Capital Improvement Fund. In October2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to - receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso’s Capital Improvement Fund. In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the - Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76Street North th Widening Project. In March,INCOG presentedthis project to itsmembers for consideration to - receive funding in2012 for the engineering design.Project was approvedby the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. In April 2012, the project was approved byINCOG Board of Directors - Engineering Consultant interviews wereheld on January 16, 2013. - Engineering agreement and funding agreement to be approved at the May 7, th - 2013, Council Meeting. Design kick-off meeting anticipatedfor mid-late May. - Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements May 2012, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of - $175,000 to KelloggEngineeringINC. Engineering design is approximately 40% completewith final design expectedin - July 2013. Finalplans, engineering report and environmental document are expected to be - submitted to ODEQ in May. Bid advertisement is expected to occur in August 2013 with construction - scheduled to commence by November 2013. Garnett Widening (from E. 96Street North to E. 106Street North) thth In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry - in the amount of $345,600. Engineering design is approximately 35% complete. Preliminary plans are - currently be reviewed by City staff. Engineering design is still on schedule to be complete by October 2013. FY 2012-2013 Street Rehabilitation Project May 2012, City Council approved the FY 2012-2013 project list. - July 2012, City Council approved the Inter-local Agreement between City of - Owasso and Tulsa County. City Council awarded the Street Rehabilitation project to Tri-Star Construction on - October 16, 2012. The crack sealing portionof the project has been completed. The remaining base repairs, milling,overlay, orfog sealing began in December 2012. Base repairs, as well as curb and gutter replacement on Cedar Street is - complete. Base, curb, and gutter repairs in Willawood addition arecomplete. Crews have - mobilized in the El Rio Vista for curb and gutter repairs.Upon completion of repairs in this addition, constructioncrew will mobilize to Post Office Road and then Preston Lakes. Tulsa Countyis scheduled to mobilize in early June to begin the asphalt overlay - phase of this project. Tulsa County expects their work to take approximately 30- days to complete. Thus, FY 2013 Street Re-habilitation Program should be complete by July 2013. N 129E Ave, E 96St N & Service Rd Widening, Drainage, Water,Sanitary thth Sewer Improvements On January 8, 2013, pre-construction meeting was conducted with Becco and - general contractor Crossland Construction.Streetimprovements are scheduled to commence in January2013 with final completion anticipated in August 2013. On January 9, 2013, pre-construction meeting was conductedwith United Utilities - and Crossland Construction. Water distribution and Sanitary Sewer improvements commencedin January2013 with finalcompletion anticipated in June 2013. On the south side ofE 96St N, utility relocations are still in progress (AT&T). -th Offsite water linefrom Garnett to the Sam’s siteis in progress with approximately - 2,400linear feet installed.This phase of work is estimatedto be 40% complete with final completion scheduled inJune 2013. Service road is approximately 95% complete with completion scheduled to - occur by mid-June as improvements on N 129E Ave just north of the E 96 St N th (entrance to service road)intersection have commenced. Highway 75 and 116StreetOverpass Improvements th E116St N is closed at Yale heading west. All traffic must detour north or south at -th this intersection. Improvements are scheduled to be complete by August 2013. Sub base aggregate is being applied to east side of Highway 75 on 116. th - Grading on the west side of highway 75 is approximately 40% complete. Center beam and columns which support the bridge deck are in place. Final completion is scheduled in August 2013. Original Town Sewer Line Improvements Sanitary sewer project is funded in the FY 2012-2013 Wastewater Collection - Operating Budget. As a result of inverse slope, several sections ofthegravity sewer line are in need - of replacement. The estimated cost for such improvements is$200,000. Survey work is in progress as well as In-house engineering and design. - Anticipated bid advertisement for this project is expected in late June of 2013. Hale Acres offsite Sanitary Sewer Line Improvements Sanitary sewer project is funded in the FY 2012-2013 Wastewater Collection - Operating Budget. As a result of inadequate slope, the offsite Hale Acres gravity sewer line is need - of replacement. The estimated cost for such improvements is $270,000. Survey work is complete and In-house engineering and design is in progress. - Anticipated bid advertisement for this project is expected in late June of 2013. TO:THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. HARKINS DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT:DIRECTOR’S REPORT DATE: May 9, 2013 RETAIL & SERVICE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Street N. and HWY 169. Discount Tires is constructinga store on the NW corner of 116 th Los Cabos Owasso located in Tyann Plaza plan opened on Monday. Street N and 129E Avenue. Sam’s Club continuesconstruction at the NE Corner of 96 thth Constein &Associates, Inc., a customized lab testing for the oilfield completion and Avenue, simulation services has opened new offices in Owasso located at 403 W. 2 nd Suite 106. C&A has successfully delivered testing and consulting services in the oil industry since 1997.C&A specializes in well completions in soft formation and hydraulic fracturing fluid. Test offerings are based on client protocol, data requirements, and specific well conditions. HEALTH CARE UPDATE Senior Suites, afull service nursing facility continues constructionon land to the south of the St. John Owasso medical campus. HOTELS/MOTELS A 46-room Super 8 hotel still plansto build where the former Catfish Country location was on 76Street. th