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2000.11.07_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF' MEETING: Regular DATE: November %, 2000 TIME: 6s30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Tell 4 :00 p.m, on Friday, November 3, 2000, Marci 13outwell, City Clerk 1. o Call to Order Mayor Williams 2. Invocation Councilor Randy I3rogdon 3. Presentation of Colors & Flag Salute Boy Scout "Troop #57 4. Roll Call Owasso City Council November `%, 2000 Page 2 5. reading of Mayor's Proclamations. Mayor Williams Attachment #5 The Mayor will read a proclamation designating Wednesday, November 15, 2000 as America recycles Day, and a proclamation designating November 12 -18, 2000 as Oklahoma Heritage Weer, 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2000 Regular Meeting. Attachment #6 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment ##6 -B The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #660, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 17, 2000 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. D. Action relating to Ordinance #661, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located on the Wiest Side of North 145th East .Ave, South of 116t" St N, and containing 61.24 acres, more or less Gard 1). Attachment #6 ®D The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance 4661 and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 17, 2000 to approve the PUD and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council November 7, 2000 Page 3 E. .Action Relating to Ordinance #662, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property generally Located North of Fast 116` }' St N and West of N Garnett Pad; from AG (Agriculture) to X5--3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 17.65 Acres, More or Less (hard 1). Attachment #6-E The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance 4662, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on October 17, 2000 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. F. Action Relating .Acceptance of the eater and Sanitary Severer Systems Constructed to Serve The Fairways ail, Attachment #6 -F The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of' a Final Plat for Bradford Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (Ward 5). Ms Sorrells Attachment #7 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Bradford Park, an 18.66 acre, one -lot subdivision, located on N 129th Fast Ave, south of F 76"i St N. The staff concurs with the recommendation. Owasso City Council November i, 2000 Page 4 Consideration and Appropriate .Action Relating to a Request for the Purchase of Materials for the Baptist Retirement Center Paving project, M-r Lutz Attachment #8 The staff will recommend City Council approval for the purchase of paging materials from Lobo Moldings Inc, in an amount not to exceed $18,24.0; such materials to be used for the Baptist Retirement Center Paving Project. 9. Consideration and .Appropriate .Action Relating to City Council Approval to Increase Court Costs. Ms Stevens Attachment #9 Pursuant to Section 6 -138 of the City Code, staff will recommend that court costs be increased from the current $22.00 to $25.00 to conform with the recent changes in CI,EE fees. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a bequest for City Council Approval of Change Order #1, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and I-3orizon Construction Company Inc, "Tulsa, OIL, for Main Street Rehabilitation, and Authorization for payment. Mr Lutz Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #1, raising the authorized contract amount from $84,709.31 to an amount not to exceed $110,000; and authorization for payment to the contractor in the amount of $96 ,860.16. Owasso City Council November i, 2000 Page 5 1.1. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of Change Order #4, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and Horizon Construction Company Inc, "Tulsa, Oil, for Intersection and Signalization Improvements, and Authorization for Payment. Mr Lutz Attachment 111. 1 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order 11-4, raising the authorized contract arnount from. $1,288,281.29 to an amount not to exceed $1,500,000; and authorization for payment to the contractor in the amount of $82,027, 1 O. 1.2. Deport from City Manager. 13. Deport from City Attorney. 14. Deport from City Councilors. 15. New Business. Owasso City Council November 7, 2000 Page 6 16. Adjournment, a� r CITY Cif' OWASSO, OK ,QI-IOMA WHEREAS, each year, Americans generate more than 217 million tons of Municipal solid waste; and, WHEREAS, while the ration has reached an overall recycling rate of more than 28 percent, much more can be done, especially in closing the loop and purchasing products made with recycled content; acrd, WHEREAS, to focus the nation's attention on the importance of recycling and closing the loop, businesses, industries, governinent agencies, nonprofit organizations, and individuals have joined together to celebrate Adnerica Recycles day and are encouraging their employers, staff, customers, membership, and all citizens to pledge to buy more recycled-.content products starting on November 15`", acrd, WHEREAS, participating in America Recycles Day is one way citizens can help raise awareness about the need to reduce waste by reusing, recycling, and buying recycled products; and, WHEREAS, the therne of America Recycles Day is "For Our Children's p'uture...Buy Recycled `today and WHERE, AS, state and community leaders need to spread the word about the excellent recycling programs they have established, the growth of markets for recyclable materials, and the importance of buying recycled products, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Will Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim the 15°i day of November 2000 as in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and encourage all citizens to recycle and to purchase products made from recycled materials. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 7' day of November, 2000. H C Williams, Mayor PROCLAMATION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, the signing of the Statehood Proclamation on November 16, 190 7 was one of the most significant actions in the history of the State of Oklahoma; and, WHERE AS, the week of November 12-18, 2000 has been declared Oklahoma Heritage Week in the Mate of Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, it is our desire that all Oklahomans pause during this time and reflect on our Oklahoma heritage, as well as our national heritage; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has the opportunity to play an important role in the observance of this great week, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Will Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim November 12 --15, 2000 as OKLAHOMA HERITAGE WEEK in our community, and encourage all citizens, clubs, churches, business organizations, and schools to observe this week by giving personal attention to all special Statehood Day observances, to fly the State Flag and the National Colors and to participate in and help sponsor programs, projects, and activities emphasizing the heritage of our great state. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 7' day of November, 200. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Will Williams, Mayor The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday October 17, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 13, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:36 pmi ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the OPWA meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT 1-1 C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Randy Brogdon, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present, Mayor Williams presented a proclamation to Trish Hauser, naming her office of Shelter Insurance as Business of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 2000. He also presented a proclamation to Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney designating October 23-31 as Red Ribbon Week in Owasso. Mr Rooney distributed red ribbons to the City Council. Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 E. Action Relating to Extension of a Contract Between the City of Owasso and a "Third Marty Administrator" for the City's Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Fund. The consent agenda included minutes of the October 3, 2000 regular meeting and the October 1.0, 2000 special meeting, by reference made a park; hereto, Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $35,825.53, (2) Ambulance Capital fund $4,339.09- (3) E -911 $1,949219 (4) Capital Improvements $120,161.70; (5) Bond Projects $301,490.79; (6) City Garage $3,828,439 (7) Collision Self-Insurance $1,244.829 (S) Payroll $166,979.569 (9) City Garage :payroll $3,915.289 (10) Ambulance Payroll $1.0,256,14. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of Ordinance #-#659, approving the annexation of 17.65 acres located north of Country Estates IV. Item D requested approval of an expenditure in the amount of .229% per $100 of payroll to Republic 'western Insurance Company for the purchase of workers compensation excess insurance. Item E requested the extension of a contract with United Safety and Claims for one year at a rate of .00335% of annual payroll to provide the services of a third party administrator to assist in the management of the city's self-insurance workers compensation program. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY; Done Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 6e CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR GENERAL LIABILITY, PUBLIC OFFICIALS ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LAW ENFORCEMENT PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LI ILITYg AID AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL. Ms Crimes presented the item. Beginning with the policy year effective November 1, 1996, National American Insurance Company has provided general liability insurance coverage for the City. The current policy will expire October 31, 2000. NAIC has investigated and paid claims, inspected facilities, made loss control recommendations, and provided claims paying services. The 1999 -2000 premium was $78,376, and will increase to $124,279 for 2000 -2001, an increase of 59 %. Reasons for the increase are $3 million dollars worth of additional property, increase in the Tort limit by $25,000 as mandated by state law, an excessive number of claims during the 1999 -2000 year, and rates industry -wide are up even for entities without claims. John Hogan of J -P Hogan Insurance was present to answer questions concerning the insurance. Councilors had several questions relating to the increase in the cost of premiums and whether or not quotes had been taken from other companies. Mr IIogan said that most companies do not want to insure municipalities and, because of the number of claims the City had this past year, there was some question as to NAIC would continue our coverage. Following further discussion, Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms doss, to approve an expenditure of $124,279 to National American -2- Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 Insurance Company for renewal of General Liability, Public Officials Errors and Omission, Law Enforcement Professional Liability, Employee Benefits Liability, and Auto Liability insurance. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. iTEM7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REL ATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT ISO THE PURCHASE OF A LADDER TRUCK THROUGH A LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Ms Sorrells presented the item. Item #8, OZ-00-10 is the underlying zoning for item #9, OPUD- 21 and both items were presented simultaneously. The subject property is located at the southwest corner of E 116th St N and N 145`h East Ave, and contains 61.24 acres, more or less. Ms Sorrells pointed out that the listing of IM should be IL. The plan calls for the development of -3 - Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 27.87 acres of CS (Shopping Cantor) generally located on the western half of the property adjacent to U.S. Highway 1699 14.33 acres of CG (Commercial General) located across the northern boundary of the property along E 1161h St N; 10.14 acres of OM (Office Medium) located along the eastern half of the south property line adjacent to a proposed public right -of- way and immediately south of the commercial area fronting E 116 "h 'St N; and 8.91 acres of IL (Industrial Light) located within the interior of the property, OZ-00-10 and OPiJO -21 have been reviewed by the Planning Commission, with a recommendation for approval. Ms Ilarnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the requested zoning. AYE: I3arnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 90 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPPJATE ACTION _ RELATING TO OPUD -21, A REQLMST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PLANNED , UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Ms Voss moved., seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve OPUD -21. AYE: doss, Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. is ti mm, i f AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. . -4v Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AN EASEMENT PLAT FOR THE GREENS AT., OWASSO AND OWASSO GOLF AND ATHLETIC~_ CLUB AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF -OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY,_SIATE OF OKLAHOMA, Ms Sorrells said that the City has received a request for approval of an Easement Plat for The Greens at Owasso and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club, located along and west of N 145 "' East Ave between E 76th St N and E 86`t' St N, and partially extending; west to N 1.29th East Ave. The Owasso Planning; Commission approved the final plat for The Greens at Owasso in April 1995, At that time it was agreed by all interested parties that the development would occur under a blanket easement over the entire development, The applicant now wishes to dedicate the necessary utility easements, The Planning; Commission reviewed the Easement Plat at their October 10, 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended. approval, Ms `doss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the Easement Flat for The Careens at Owasso and Owasso Golf and Athletic Club, AYE: Voss, Brog don, Barnhouse, Williams NAY; None Lotion carried 4-0. ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND CH2M HILL FOR U.S. HIGHWAY 169 AND 76 TI STREET NORTH INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS. -5 - Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnbouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 40 iTEM 13:. CONSIDERATION-_-AND ..,-APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF' OWASSO AND CH2M HILL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATIN-G TO THE CITY HALUPOLICE STATION PROJECT. Mr Carr said that in May 1.995 contracts were awarded to CH2M Hill for architectural/engineering services and to Lioness Realty Group Inc for program management team set-vices for projects included in the 1998 bond issue. In March 1999, amendment number I to the contract was approved that terminated the services with Lioness Realty, awarded a new program management team contract to Cowen Construction, and modified the total contract amount. In September 1999, amendment number 2 was approved, and modified engineering fees due to project scope changes. The initial program, management team scope of services provided site evaluation, space planning, value engineering and construction management for the construction of City Hall/Police Station, When the team dissolved, some scope of work elements applicable to construction administration services were not defined to be taken over by the A/E. Amendment number 3 provides for CH2M Hill to provide construction observation for conformance to contract documents, review and approval of contractor monthly pay requests, and preparation of electronic files of "red-lined" construction drawings to reflect changes and modifications during construction. Total fee for the additional services is $24,800, for a revised contract amount of $693,228. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Amendment #3 to the Agreement for Engineering Services for Capital improvement Projects with CH2M Hill in the amount of $24,800, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Bainhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF MATERIALS FOR THE MAIN STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT. Mr Lutz said that the Main Street project consists of milling the existing pavement surface between First and Eleventh Streets, placing a four-inch overlay, and minor drainage improvements. A contract to perform the milling and minor repair was recently awarded to Horizon Construction. Through an interlocal agreement, overlay will be placed by Tulsa County, with the city providing materials. Materials required for the work include Type B asphaltic concrete, asphalt emulsion tack coat, fabric reinforcement and binder to adhere the fabric. Quotes were taken to provide the materials. Staff recommended approval for the - 6- Owasso City Council October 17, 2000 purchase of asphaltic concrete from APAC- Oklahoma at a prig of $1 8.50 per ton, not to exceed a total cost of $83,250; tack coat and binder from Loch Inc at a price of $0.83 per gallon, not to exceed a total cost of $5395; and fabric reinforcement from Iiensco Inc at a price of $0.34 per square yard, not to exceed a total price of $6630. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve the requested purchase of materials for the Main Street Rehabilitation Project. AYE,: Brogdon, Voss, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Lotion carried 4-0. ITEM. 15: IEPOW -r FROM CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 17: REP6RT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. :done. ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS. Mayor Williams reported that the VFW is holding a breakfast on October 281h Cost is three cans of food or three nonperishable items and $1.00. The food items will be used to fill holiday food baskets for needy families. ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN IO FOR PURPOSE SECTION PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAG ED FOR IN O.S. 25, R Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. The Council entered into executive session at 7:25 p.m. Out of executive session at 9:05 p.m. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon to adjourn. -7 Owasso City Council AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Barnnhouse, Williams MAY: None Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -8- October 17, 7000 H C Williams, Mayor City of Owasso Claims 11/07100 Fund Departirnent General Deposit Refunds 105 Municipal Court 110 Managerial 120 Finance 150 General Government 160 Community Development 170 Engineering 181 Support Services 190 Cemetery 201 Police Services 215 Police Communications 221 Animal Control 250 Fire Services 280 Emergency Preparedness 300 Streets 515 Park Maintenance 550 Community Center 710 Economic Development TOTAL Ambulance Ambulance Capital it Refunds 255 Ambulance TOTAL -911 Services TOTAL Total 200.00 301.4.5 '1,618.27 388.39 2,670.35 5,499.91 761.87 2,642.53 19.83 9,356.05 1,177.77 157.03 9,534.96 118.97 11,115.31 2,59334 862.47 114.83 4.9,133.32 5&52 822.62 879.14 150,175.15 150,175.15 2,153.81 2,153.81 Bond Projects City Hall/Police Station 231,267.12 Project Management 12,071.00 TOTAL 243,338.12 12.94 • 211.31 4537 , 13 It OPWA Refunds 400 Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 455 Wastewater Collection 430 Refuse Collections 485 Recycle renter TOTAL OPWA Capital Improvements OPWA males Tax City Garage Workers' Comp Self Insurance 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant Debt Service TOTAL Debt Service TOTAL 135 City Garage TOTAL AL 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 390.00 1 ,€333.47 2,233.36 275,677.46 14,799.46 5,794.43 26,140.73 9,302.43 336,376.36 19, 560.00 36,564.39 56,1 4.89 120,621.23 1 20,62 1.23 20,969.54 20,969.54 2,360.29 2,360.29 Claims Total 1,037,14.120 City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order Nov 02® 2000 04a02pm Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2737 961 10/12/00 2739 812 09115/00 2743 688 10/24/00 2747 239 10/04/00 10/10/00 2747 239 10117/00 6002 4766686 °3 11/07/00 6023 1513073117 11/07/00 6170 10- 0010 -5356 11/07/00 4 6028 97032 11/07/00 97160 6121 97358 11/07/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 193.70 12 PHONE USE - OTHERS 27.99 27.99 12 PHONE USE -KLAHR 26.72 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5.77 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 20.95 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 432.90 432.90 6 CHLORINE 216.20 73,85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 79.20 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 191.50 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 b PROTECTIVE CLOTHING By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 1677 10/30/00 6087 84 10/30/00 31 „35 31.35 1678 10/30/00 6088 85 10/ 6' 27,41 27.41 1679 10/30/00 6089 86 ,-i /30!00 31.35 31.35 1680 10/30100 6090 87 ".0 10/30/00 2.37 2 °37 1681 10/30100 6091 >,'' 10/30/00 37.77 W-F 11005 E 95 PL N 16II2 10/30/00 89 10/30100 28o�r9 28n4V- 1002 E 95 ST N 1673 10/30/00, a 6093 90 10/30/00 2.78 2.78 1674 167 10/ /30/00 6094 6095 91 92 10/30/00 10/30/00 22.07 5.22 22.07 5.22 681 10/30/00 6096 93 10/30/00 9.01 9.01 11005 E 95 PL N 1683 10/18/00 6097 94 10/18/00 42.70 42.70 1683 10/18/00 v5977 6098 95 10/18/00 3a39 3 °39 977 542 10/16/00 950021246 11/07/00 m 126.32.,s� 126x32 1 EA T02010 f� 1294 195 10/12/00 5841 4392591 11107/00 128.55 128.55 1 EA T02010 1463 879 10/12/00 5842 T02010 11/07/00 45.98 45.98 1 EA T02010 2732 627 10/10/00 5844 106574 11/07/00 182.00 182.00 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2733 642 09/30/00 5852 202 11/07/00 17.62 17.62 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 2734 766 10/03/00 5845 100300 11/07/00 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2735 939 11/01/00 6176 110100 11/07/00 150.00 150 „00 12 RETAINER 2736 1294 10/14/00 6108 500197307 °00 11/07/00 230.28 36.58 12 PHONE USE -CHIEF 7 2737 961 10/12/00 2739 812 09115/00 2743 688 10/24/00 2747 239 10/04/00 10/10/00 2747 239 10117/00 6002 4766686 °3 11/07/00 6023 1513073117 11/07/00 6170 10- 0010 -5356 11/07/00 4 6028 97032 11/07/00 97160 6121 97358 11/07/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 193.70 12 PHONE USE - OTHERS 27.99 27.99 12 PHONE USE -KLAHR 26.72 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5.77 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 20.95 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 432.90 432.90 6 CHLORINE 216.20 73,85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 79.20 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0.00 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 73.85 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 191.50 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 38.30 b PROTECTIVE CLOTHING By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) eity of Owasso Nov 02, 2000 04.02pm Page 2 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber .mme..a Number ------ Date -------- Code Number e_nm ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- -- Amount Date Amount ---- ---- -- -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 38.30 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2750 366 10/09/00 6014 627128 11/07/00 19.77 19.77 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/03/00 626414 36.90 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 36.90 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2753 1043 08/31/00 6031 2840 11/07/00 1,031.65 1,598.05 6 SIGNALIZATION 09/30/00 2868 566.40 2755 6 10/03/00 6127 7396 11/07/00 110.00 0.00 6 SOD 110.00 6 SOD 0.00 6 SOD 2755 6 10/19/00 6166 6977 11/07/00 50.00 0.00 6 SOD 10/09/00 6907 110.00 160.00 6 SOD 10/13/00 6940 55.00 55.00 6 SOD 2761 1039 10/04/00 6120 308539 11/07/00 22.97 22.97 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/10/00 309621 27.00 27.00 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 2761 1039 10/02/00 6181 309261 11/07/00 35.63 35.63 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 2763 1038 10/19/00 6036 3469 11/07/00 355.71 10.87 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0„00 12 MAINT SUPPLIES 324.88 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 19.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2763 1038 10/25/00 6175 1853 11/07/00 135.05 0.00 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 46.71 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88.34 12 MAINT SUPPLIES 2764 1038 10/13/00 6037 2793 11/07/00 39.92 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 10/11/00 97 2.97 42.89 5 UNIFORM JEANS 10/24/00 1043 14.93 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 14.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2764 1038 10124/00 6162 1068 11/07/00 106.72 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 5 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 106.72 4 UNIFORM JEANS 0.00 UNIFORM JEANS 2765 591 10/19/00 6038 8240129995 11/07/00 20.30 56.80 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/19/00 8240129997 29.00 45.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/19/00 8240129998 48.95 40.60 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/19/00 8240129989 28.40 117.00 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/19/00 8240129990 18.35 36.70 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/19/00 8240129996 4.55 9.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10112100 8240129223 20.30 10/12/00 8240129225 16.10 10112100 8240129226 68.05 10/12/00 8240129217 28.40 10/12/00 8240129218 18.35 10/12/00 8240129224 4.55 2765 591 10/26/00 6173 8240130798 11/07/00 20.30 28.40 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 10/26/00 8240130800 16.10 16.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q- APRO83 By SCOTT SHAD60LT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04o02pm Page 3 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ ---- -- -------- ---- oven-- ------------ -------- ------------ -------- e- emwm ---- ------ ---- -- --------------------- -- 20430 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 61085 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 4455 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 846°10 REPAIR SUPPLIES 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49,50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49450 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49°50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 15.39 T05170 4445 12 BAT'T'ERIES 811.78 24 REPAIR PARTS 288075 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 16.99 12 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 86.92 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 3098 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 22°98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8,61 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 5.91 REPAIR SUPPLIES 23098 FLOOR LAMPS 59041 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 132°75 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,809.84 24 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 10/26/00 8240130801 61085 10/26/00 8240130792 28040 10/26/00 8240130793 18035 10/26/00 8240130799 4.55 2776 1039 10/17/00 6179 311417 11/07/00 846.10 2786 998 11/01/00 6102 11/00 11/07/00 49.50 2787 124 11/01/00 6103 11/00 11/07/00 49050 2789 483 11/01/00 6104 11/00 11/07/00 49.50 2791 252 11/01/00 6105 11/00 11/07/00 49°50 2793 942 11/01/00 6100 11/00 11/07/00 49050 2794 1301 11/01/00 6101 11/00 11/07/00 49.50 2820 879 10/12/00 5865 052600 11/07/00 15039 2867 123 10/10/00 6193 12 11/07/00 44.45 2868 857 08/17/00 6221 D167922 11/07/00 42499 08/29/00 D169043 9.84 09/07/00 D169870 6.49 09/08/00 D169972 49.77 09/11/00 D170133 86036 09/15/00 D170484 2099 09/19/00 D170809 9.81 09/18/00 D170721 107856 09/22/00 D171042 36.95 09/21/00 D171031 48016 09/02/00 D171071 38.74 09/19/00 D170819 26.15 09/27/00 D171432 167019 09/27/00 D171431 14.75 09/29/00 D171653 21.54 09/27/00 D171430 37.84 09/30/00 D171919 66099 09/30/00 D171912 37066 2869 769 10/16/00 6204 2001025 11/07/00 288.75 2871 812 10/13/00 6150 1504078693 11/07/00 3.98 10/06/00 1504073553 16.99 09/08/00 1504072968 8.40 10/06/00 1510073556 22098 09/29/00 1504073420 29°90 10/20/00 1504073850 35087 09/01/00 1504072845 23023 09/15/00 1504073112 28002 2872 591 10/19/00 6188 8240129992 11/07/00 26,55 10/12/00 8240129220 26055 10/05/00 8240128438 26055 10/26/00 8240130795 26°55 09/28/00 82401276471 26055 09/28/00 8240127673 12453 10/05/00 8240128440 11.45 10/12/00 8240129222 11,45 10/19/00 8240129994 11045 10/26/00 8240130797 12053 2873 446 08/23/00 6205 155238217 11/07/00 1,342038 CCS.AP Accounts Payable ReLease 6.0.6 Q *APR083 20430 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 61085 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 4455 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 846°10 REPAIR SUPPLIES 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49,50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49450 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49°50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 15.39 T05170 4445 12 BAT'T'ERIES 811.78 24 REPAIR PARTS 288075 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 16.99 12 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 86.92 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 3098 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 22°98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8,61 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 5.91 REPAIR SUPPLIES 23098 FLOOR LAMPS 59041 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 132°75 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,809.84 24 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Nov 02, 2000 04e02pm Page 4 npaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item umber - ---- Number ---- -W Date -------- Code Number m_ -e ------ Invoice# ------ --- --- Due Date -------- Amount Date ------------ -- ---- -- Amount Amounts ---------- ------------ Claim Description ----------------------- 09/13/00 155244602 2.18 09/14/00 155244781 16069 09/18/00 155246061 83044 09/26/00 155248638 39006 09/26/00 155248526 22099 09/25/00 155248206 218,42 10/02/00 155250584 7.18 10/18/00 155255598 44,94 10/04/00 155251388 14068 10/02/00 155250549 17.88 2879 576 10/22100 6143 102200 11/07/00 61.89 61°89 12 CABLE SERVICE 2924 25 10/28/00 6149 3 °OWAFD 11/07/00 208000 208000 DODGING -HURST 2928 262 10/30/00 6107 10/18 °10/30 11/07/00 86.71 86071 CLEANING SERVICES 2931 415 10/05/00 5853 34025 11/07/00 66.05 66005 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00.6/01 2932 615 10/10/00 6005 1285451 11/07/00 27„00 135.00 PRE °EMP DRUG SCREENS 09/25/00 1248947 27,00 10/11/00 1287242 27.00 09/25/00 1250661 27000 09/25/00 1250497 27°00 2997 1360 10/19/00 6003 10/12 °10/19 11/07/00 120000 120000 45 BAILIFF DUTIES 3053 7 10/19/00 6049 708802 11/07/00 195.38 195.38 COPIER RENTAL 3091 538 10/13/00 6200 1242 11/07/00 297005 172005 MAINT SUPPLIES 125000 ANNUAL CARD RENEWAL 3115 591 10/05/00 5858 8240128437 11/07/00 5.30 21°20 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 10/05/00 8240128439 10.75 43.00 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 09/28/00 8240127670 5.30 09/28/00 8240127672 10.75 09/21/00 8240/26901 5030 09/21/00 8240126903 10.75 10112100 8240129219 5030 10112100 8240129221 10,75 3119 1382 10/30/00 6235 117 11/07/00 93.90 93.90 10 PARK MOWINGS 3120 1059 10/06/00 5840 526125 11/07/00 45000 45000 INSPECTION STICKERS 3123 1382 10/30/00 6236 118 11/07/00 420.00 420000 10 RAYOLA PARK MOWINGS 3190 1445 11/01/00 6134 110100 11/07/00 150,175.15 150,175415 AMBULANCE PURCHASE 4/20/99 3193 263 10/01/00 6161 3 11/07/00 19,560.00 19,560 00 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3196 1219 10/23/00 6163 3240398 11/07/00 4,242000 4,242 „00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5-26-98 3196 1219 10/18/00 6165 3240049 11/07/00 7,829°00 7,829000 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 °26 °98 3202 129 10/11/00 5966 15118235 11/07/00 35020 35.20 12 PHONE USE - WARREN 3203 1362 10/10/00 5849 82 11/07/00 484000 484.00 11 ELM CREEK MOWING 3234 1044 10/18/00 6142 58937 - 1006-0 11/07/00 176°55 176°55 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 3381 313 10/31/00 6137 8 11/07/00 560000 560000 INSPECTION SERVICES 3382 313 10/23/00 6010 9 11/07/00 69.13 69.13 MILEAGE 3398 785 09/15/00 6029 568 °913309-7 11/07/00 75078 29.52 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/04/00 864 - 313392 °2 29052 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 75°78 REPAIR SUPPLIES :CSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04o02pm Page 5 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number -- -- --bead Invoice# ------------ Due Date --- ----- ------ Amount Date Amount ---- -- - abbe - ®° ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 3403 879 10/12/00 5864 072800 11107/00 15039 15039 K072600 3442 255 10/13/00 5881 347155 11/07/00 10.00 29,95 SECURITY MONITORING 10/03/00 10/13/00 1003-4026 347156 130x00 19.95 10/05/00 3442 255 10/23/00 6004 347467 11/07/00 10.00 29.95 SECURITY MONITORING 120000 10/23/00 347468 19.95 120000 3466 1419 10/01/00 6231 6554 11/07/00 1,090.00 1,090,00 12 JANITORIAL 3519 1045 10/03/00 5833 1003 -4031 11/07/00 60000 10/05/00 1003 °4021 170.00 10/03/00 1003-4022 130000 10/03/00 1003-4024 130400 10/03/00 1003 -4025 130000 10/03/00 1003-4026 130x00 10/05/00 1003-4028 130°00 10/05/00 1003 -4029 120000 10/05/00 1003°4030 120000 3529 814 09/11/00 6132 20243 11/07/00 15083 09/20/00 22172 2060 10/13/00 22434 6024 09/27/00 1972 5000 10/04/00 22416 1068 3534 1168 10/11/00 5888 163442601 11/07/00 289.93 3604 1017 10/23/00 6066 2-0443 11/07/00 130.00 3606 703 10/19/00 6194 16384 11/07100 1,650°40 09129/00 16348 488058 3608 1244 10/10/00 6191 64 -360 11/07/00 53.95 3662 1505 09/25/00 6032 26 °2 11/07/00 16,875.00 3667 1515 10/06/00 6034 3 11/07/00 84,878.00 3697 879 08/16/00 5862 081600 11/07/00 37009 3698 935 10/11/00 5861 3698 11/07/00 334°44 3699 935 08/23/00 5863 082300 11/07/00 54°00 3745 1039 10/04/00 6035 308778 11/07/00 191.46 10/04/00 308774 284.61 10/02100 308773 35,69 10/03/00 308541 287018 10/04/00 308540 1,092005 3786 1191 10/05/00 6190 16267 11/07/00 34.10 3799 1530 09/19/00 6189 16506 11/07/00 249°11 3839 1168 10/10/00 5832 165461100 11/07/00 48,54 3846 1039 10/07/00 6039 304623 11/07/00 185.00 10/04/00 308770 15°00 3846 1039 10/11/00 6119 310373 11/07/00 1,017,50 3846 1039 10/02/00 6180 311692 11/07/00 555,00 10/04/00 311691 925,00 3846 1039 10/16/00 6198 312218 11/07/00 1,017.50 3851 1314 10/09/00 6016 965 11/07/00 329.00 SERVICE -6 /20/00 1 „120.00 LODGING - ANNUAL RETREAT 29.67 PHOTO PROCESSING 1.68 PHOTO PROCESSING 289.93 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 130.00 TRAINING- THOMPSON 2,138.98 VEHICLE REPAIR 53095 TOOLS 16,875000 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 84,878.00 CONCRETE 6/6/00 37009 K08160 334.44 K08160 5400 K07270 1,890099 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 0°00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 PHYSICAL PROPERTY SERVICE 34.10 FLAG 249011 ANNUAL WEBSITE PAYMENT 48054 MICROPHONE 200°00 METERS-10/19/99 1,017.50 METERS-10/19/99 1,480.00 METERS -10 /19/99 1,017050 METERS -10 /19/99 65,80 CAPS 65080 CAPS 65480 CAPS 65080 CAPS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04o02pm Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description - ---- ---- -- -------- ®n_., ------ pn ®mw_v__e,r -- ---- -- - eWme° ---- -- -------- d--- ---- -- ------------ ----------------------- 3894 362 10/23/00 6067 32846 11/07/00 90000 3908 1040 10/18/00 6126 2309 11/07/00 14,350.00 3918 1059 10/06/00 5828 526126 11107/00 59000 3920 765 10106/00 6026 3885 11107/00 2,471.00 3935 234 09/19/00 6009 151477 11/07/00 75000 10/01/00 151465 54088 09/07/00 151471 144.88 3949 364 09/08/00 6216 156298 11/07/00 77.50 09/20/00 156991 65000 3970 1049 10/12/00 6130 101200 11/07/00 3,286008 3983 65 10/11/00 5886 6711 °001 11/07/00 25000 3997 1557 10120/00 5972 51384 11/07/00 865.67 3997 1557 10/31/00 6237 51450 11/07/00 1,372.69 4016 158 10/17/00 5819 101700 11/07/00 1,451.90 4021 879 09/19/00 5854 091900 11/07/00 81079 4022 568 09115/00 6006 144439 11/07/00 111°35 4023 575 09/21/00 5971 092100 11/07/00 1,100 00 4027 1545 10 /09/00 6129 258 11/07/00 30.00 4042 66 09/27/00 6000 335247 11/07/00 334069 09/27/00 335435 32.85 09/27/00 337314 145.40 4045 743 10/05/00 6033 2 11/07/00 34,560000 4047 1038 10/26/00 6099 1214 11/07/00 46022 10/16/00 778 14.92 10/12/00 278 6077 10/23/00 4116 105.12 09/28/00 7092 62°06 4048 904 10/09/00 6178 51185 11107/00 34000 10/16/00 51253 20.00 10/23/00 51321 42000 10/24/00 51350 34000 4049 812 09122/00 6147 1503073275 11/07/00 95067 09/01/00 1503072844 72069 09/08/00 1503072967 46092 09/15100 1503073111 100.48 09/29/00 1503073419 75.93 10/06/00 1503073552 8.37 10/13/00 1503073692 74.16 10/20100 1503073849 21098 4052 1560 10/20/00 5999 102000 11/07/00 50.00 4053 96 10/25/00 6050 13248 11/07/00 60°32 4055 1065 10/11/00 5975 9/00 USE 11/07/00 198,872.00 4066 1144 10/26/00 6153 102600 11/07/00 120.62 4070 1562 10/04/00 5884 530400 11107/00 572045 4075 829 10/13/00 6171 217498 11107/00 35,00 10116/00 Z176Z4 70000 10/23100 Z18Z31 70.00 4078 929 09/30/00 5991 2185 °0004381 11/07/00 4,649072 09/30/00 2185-0004388 230.40 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 65 80 CAPS 90.00 BIO °WASTE DISPOSAL 14,350.00 POLY CARTS 8/17/99 59000 1999 BUILDING CODES /INDEX TABS 2,471000 AIR CONDITIONER 274076 UNIFORM SHOES 142050 VEHICLE REPAIR 3,286.08 PURCHASED WATER-9/00 25000 DISPATCHER TRAINING 865067 BILLING SERVICE 9/15/00 1,372¢69 BILLING SERVICE 1,451090 UNIFORM PANTS 81.79 W07090 111.35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 1,100 00 PERMIT SIGNS 30.00 ROCK HAULING 512.94 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 34,560 00 ROCK BASE GRADING 235009 MAINT SUPPLIES 130,00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 496.20 MAINT SUPPLIES 50000 CONFERENCE °DEMAURO 60°32 2 LODGING-DEMAURO 198,872.00 PURCHASED WATER 09/00 120.62 3 CARHARTT COVERALLS 572045 OLETS TERMINAL 175.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3,368°06 TIPPING FEES 1,281°66 TIPPING FEES 230440 TIPPING FEES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 02, 2000 04e02pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number --mead Number ------ Date -------- Code Number _a_- ---- -- Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ------ ---- ----- - -- Amounts ---- -- ---- Claim Description ----------------------- 4090 935 10/16/00 5978 294600 11/07/00 95.88 95.88 T07060 4092 935 10/12/00 5860 280900 11/07/00 88.44 88.44 K08160 4093 209 09/18/00 5857 200042 °00588 11/07/00 116.00 116.00 F02289 -009 4094 209 09/18/00 5856 200042°00606 11/07/00 184.00 184.00 501139 -003 4095 209 09/25/00 5855 200042 -03935 11/07/00 184.00 184.00 H08169 -003 py 4096 ry 209 (y �g ��^^,, 09/18/O0 yq 5859 (y'p d 20 -03937 ,+ 11/0(/00 �y �q py 48.00 p°� 48.00 pry 102010 ry0042 °003 4101 1038 10/11/00 5847 4461 11107100 5.96 0.00 UNIFORM PANTS °DEMPSTER 10/11/00 101 99.80 99.80 UNIFORM PANTS°MARLAR 5.96 PHONE CORD 4103 1161 10 /06/00 6027 88618 11/07/00 1,033.87 1,033.87 CHEMICALS 4105 1203 09/26/00 6017 38489 11/07/00 126.28 126.28 FAUCET REPAIR 4126 1565 10/11/00 5887 1000013389 11/07/00 50.40 50A0 REFERENCE MATERIAL 4133 1239 10/10/00 5843 CP22075 11/07/00 51.49 51.49 MODEM 4140 511 09/30/00 6015 553307 11/07/00 816.00 1,156.00 VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 10/10/00 553320 340.00 4142 1075 10/11/00 6169 1 -13 11/07/00 130.49 130.49 SAFETY BOOTS ®0'BRIEN 4144 111 10/13/00 6167 132045-0 11/07/00 86.98 86.98 PAINT 4149 504 09/13/00 6211 25965 11/07/00 29 „04 29.04 REPAIR / MAINT SUPPLIES 4153 1143 10/19/00 6187 4516390 11/07/00 238.00 618.80 COPIER PAPER 09/20/00 4248090 142.80 09/27/00 4336590 238.00 4159 1569 10/09/00 6013 100900 11/07/00 165.00 165.00 PERCOLATION TEST 4160 1570 10/06/00 5850 21373 11/07/00 62.00 62.00 RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN 4163 1567 10/11/00 5885 18297 11/07/00 18.95 18.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4165 1573 10/06/00 5851 100600 11107/00 55.00 55.00 W/C COURT REPORTING 4167 129 09/25/00 5836 12/52617 11/07/00 136.05 70.26 PHONE USE-ALLEN 65.79 PHONE USE-OTHERS 4168 166 09/28/00 6022 156697101 11/07/00 95.75 95.75 SAFETY GEAR 4169 855 09/25/00 5837 738453 11/07/00 199.20 199.20 REFERENCE BOOKS 4170 1223 09/27/00 5838 D3833980 11/07/00 230.89 230.89 SAFETY SUPPLIES 4172 943 10/05/00 5834 24692 11/07/00 31.99 31.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4173 1574 10/17/00 5968 8022 11/07/00 217.00 105.00 PRINTING 112.00 PRINTING 4174 819 09/28/00 5835 453 11/07/00 71.79 71.79 TOWING FEE 4176 350 09/22/00 5846 125193 11107/00 49.75 61.68 BLUEPRINTS 09/12/00 628587 11.93 4177 811 09/25/00 6018 27272 11/07/00 172.54 172.54 EXCAVATOR REPAIRS 4178 1226 10/02/00 6020 5107 11/07/00 497.50 1,024.00 JET SEWER LINE 10/09/00 5132 526.50 4179 1663 09/20/00 6021 2867618 11/07/00 170.00 170.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL°CARR 4182 811 10/17/00 6124 1638 11/07/00 53,779.00 53,779.00 BACKHOE 9/19/00 4186 941 09/17/00 6024 196298 11/07/00 658.29 658.29 GRAVEL 4187 322 09/26/00 5997 14408 11/07/00 119.00 119.00 TONER CARTRIDGE 4188 100 09/26/00 6025 230258 11/07/00 320.00 320.00 FILL DIRT 4192 231 10/11/00 5829 709813657 11/07/00 143.96 143.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4194 1217 10/09/00 5987 668502 11/07/00 166,00 166.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 4198 1110 09/23/00 5818 106429 11/07/00 141.80 141.80 PAGER RENTAL 4207 1265 07/24/00 5848 148912 11/07/00 115.72 115.72 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0. 6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Nov 02, 2000 04o02pm Page 8 )npaid CLaims by Purchase Order P.O. vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber _m__m Number ---- -- Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice#i ------------ Due Date - o -dmm -- --- Amount Date Amount -- ------- - -------- ---- ---- -- em- Amounts n- o - ----- Claim Description ----------------------- 4211 1109 10/19/00 6135 900684 11/07/00 91.89 91°89 RED RIBBON BANNERS 4212 1003 09/22/00 5825 208458 11/07/00 401080 1,310090 UNIFORMS /GEAR 09/26/00 209415 87095 87.95 WINDBREAKER 10/03/00 212369 808015 10/11/00 215149 100095 4213 485 10/03/00 5822 10030001 11/07/00 218095 584095 UNIFORM SHIRTS /BELT 10/04/00 10040006 52000 10/06/00 10060003 314.00 4214 574 09/12/00 5970 93950 11/07/00 14,25 31.50 LINEN SERVICE 09/25/00 2486 17425 4215 129 08/25/00 5882 12124152 11/07/00 156.69 156069 CELL PHONE /BILL 07/0098/00 4216 636 10/10/00 5824 1964 °0 11/07/00 19012 19.12 STAIN /SUPPLIES 4219 1581 10/13/00 5820 435639581 11/07/00 150.93 150093 UNIFORM COATS 4220 1058 09/30/00 6030 438009 11/07/00 364.72 494.00 ROCK FOR DRAINAGE 10/07/00 472209 129028 4221 1226 10/02100 6019 4944 11/07/00 876,50 876050 TV INSPECTION 4223 630 09/26/00 5817 190631 11/07/00 1,022°00 1,022.00 SCBA TEST 4225 450 09/22/00 6001 287 11/07/00 56.52 56.52 REFUND ##287 4226 366 09/20/00 5880 625035 11/07/00 8.26 44.31 MAINT SUPPLIES 09/20/00 624965 34.24 09/19/00 624886 1081 4228 1603 10/02/00 5879 SB74055 11/07/00 145000 145000 DUES - BISHOP 4229 500 10/06/00 5823 38185 11/07/00 13.99 13°99 COMPUTER CABLE 4230 893 09/16/00 6217 879230 11/07/00 205,00 205000 EQUIP MAINT 4231 1038 09/23/00 5821 5752 11/07/00 28097 11°04 ANIMAL SUPPLIES 09/15/00 4903 11.04 21017 OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/15/00 4984 10.66 22074 PHOTO PROCESSING 09/17/00 5265 8.03 98 26 FILM /CASSETTES 09/18/00 5477 9.30 09/21/00 5939 7000 09/23/00 6256 -2897 09/27/00 6918 53.86 09/28/00 7029 5088 09/13/00 4158 32.56 09/01/00 2627 0.81 09/07/00 3677 14007 4232 193 10/19100 6140 145993 11/07/00 412095 412.95 COLE DIRECTORY-METRO SEARCH 4233 568 10/06/00 5878 145115 11/07/00 117.10 117010 RESTROOM SUPPLIES 4234 425 10/05/00 5827 15815 11/07/00 615000 615°00 3 SAFETY CONFERENCE 4240 1322 10/18/00 5826 101800 11/07/00 4,148,00 4,148.00 BUILDERS RISK POLICY 4241 961 10/03/00 5883 5227234--2 11/07/00 29032 29032 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 4243 981 10/11/00 5866 10110255 11/07/00 406°18 1,253018 GROCERIES 09/20/00 9200423 338001 09/29100 9290526 508099 4244 957 10/03/00 5867 441566 11/07/00 306°15 52°32 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 253083 SNACKS 4245 336 09/29/00 5868 9891 11/07/00 76.59 179007 SNACKS 10/10/00 10047 29,58 10/06/00 10003 72.90 4246 1151 09/20/00 5869 5148 11/07/00 84035 164.75 COFFEE ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04e02pm Page 9 P.O. Vendor Invoice Mold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ---- -- Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date n- ummP -- ddn_nam_mewn Amount Date Amount -------- ----- ----- ------- Amounts ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 10/03/00 5258 80,40 4247 229 09/26/00 5870 614668 11/07/00 104.90 1,315.79 GROCERIES 09/20/00 613264 416.20 101023 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/11/00 618193 117.82 60036 PAPER SUPPLIES 10/10/00 617913 417.37 66090 PAPER SUPPLIES 10/03/00 616315 512.20 10/09/00 CMM616315 -24.21 4248 144 10/09/00 5871 274359 11/07/00 8,20 65.32 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 09/21/00 272889 57.12 4249 84 09/25/00 5872 5545461 11/07/00 153.82 34.83 GROCERIES 118.99 PAPER SUPPLIES 4250 678 10/11/00 5839 888038 11/07/00 26°41 483.95 GROCERIES 10/10/00 888178 25"56 24495 CLEANING SUPPLIES 09/21/00 888034 4.39 101.94 BEVERAGES 09/22!00 888028 42.59 19.37 PHOTO PROCESSING 09/30/00 159780 101.94 12.94 GROCERIES 09/25/00 159784 33.88 10/07/00 888107 12°94 09/26/00 888035 40a72 09/18/00 888033 80043 09/26/00 888036 7098 09/29/00 159783 6086 09/21/00 888026 25.92 09/26/00 888029 41.65 09/21/00 888027 13.52 10/03/00 888084 39057 10/04/00 159704 36095 10/08/00 888037 4.98 05/21/00 159765 25°59 02/15/00 161228 17.28 04/27/00 159785 10027 05/25/00 159721 43.72 4251 732 10/05/00 5877 58436224 11/07/00 42°60 751015 BEVERAGES 10/10/00 58436456 292°30 147.00 PAPER SUPPLIES 09/26/00 58435675 378025 09/20/00 58435335 185.00 4252 1307 09/01/00 5876 163658636 11/07/00 35094 35.94 SNACKS 4253 9 05/05/00 5875 94455282 11/07/00 51°48 51°48 GOLF CLUBS 4254 1345 08/15/00 5874 78862 11/07/00 400000 400000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 08/09/00 78495 85000 85000 REPAIR PARTS 4255 595 09/25/00 5873 514078 11/07/00 80.40 333004 LINEN SERVICE 10/06100 16433 71085 46.50 LINEN SERVICE 09/29/00 14366 91003 10/06/00 517392 26°66 09/22/00 12274 109060 4256 1604 10/13100 5974 101300 11/07/00 60.00 60.00 REFUND °YARDWASTE BAGS 4257 1605 10/13/00 5973 101300 11/07/00 330.00 330.00 REFUND- YARDWASTE BAGS 4258 158 10/19/00 5967 101900 11/07/00 95.96 95,96 UNIFORM PANTS- DEMPSTER 4259 1248 10/12/00 5831 101200 11/07/00 120,00 120,00 REIMB -MECH CLASS 4260 846 10112100 5830 101200 11/07/00 120 „00 120000 REIMB -MECH CLASS 4261 428 11/01/00 5986 102992 11/07/00 280800 59.27 PIKE PASS 93.21 PIKE PASS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04o02pm Page 10 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line item lumber -mmwd Number -need- Date -------- Code Number ---- ---- -- Invoice# ------------ Due Date -- ---- -- -- Amount Date Amount --------- -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts - Claim Description ----------------------- 6M1 PIKE PASS 67.11 PIKE PASS 4264 789 10/01/00 6201 37080 11/07/00 6,844 24 66.72 FUEL 09/00 60.03 FUEL 09/00 323.96 FUEL 09/00 727.66 FUEL. 09/00 152024 FUEL 09/00 452°94 FUEL 09/00 33.81 FUEL 09/00 2,194 12 FUEL 09/00 15044 FUEL 09/00 58.74 FUEL 09/00 19173 FUEL 09/00 1,369.39 FUEL. 09/00 850°33 FUEL 9/00 278054 FUEL 9/00 48.76 FUEL 9/00 19.83 FUEL 9/00 4265 764 09/30/00 6196 9/00 11/07/00 17,901.,09 9,128.44 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 391951 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 293081 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 8025 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 366.99 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 58.20 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 1,409930 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 O.00 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 706.79 VEHICLE MAINT 09100 30.97 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 5,285037 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 110.56 VEHICLE MAINT 09/00 75.90 VEHICLE MAINT 35.00 VEHICLE MAINT 4266 1029 10/06/00 6186 3156595 11/07/00 135.84 134004 TIRES 09118/00 3151156 1,190032 1,192012 TIRE REPAIRS 4270 1199 09/19/00 6220 4664 11/07/00 20.00 20000 VEHICLE REPAIR 4271 698 10/04/00 6199 185101 11/07/00 503 „90 510.66 OIL /LUBRICANTS 10/10/00 185393 6076 4272 771 09/20/00 6192 247075 11/07/00 12055 72.26 REPAIR PARTS 09/08/00 246538 59071 4273 1606 09/18/00 6210 81632 11/07/00 51.84 51.84 REPAIR PARTS 4274 366 09/25/00 6212 625536 11/07/00 31.44 31°44 MAINT SUPPLIES 4275 433 10/17/00 6202 1202910035 11/07/00 20°51 967.89 REPAIR PARTS 08/30/00 1202430039 17°37 09/11/00 1202550048 25006 09/29/00 1202730012 13087 10/20/00 1202940005 8.96 10/18/00 1202920047 31.91 09/28/00 1202720003 32846 09/20/00 1202640015 817075 4276 1032 09115/00 6209 199648 11/07/00 697.56 697056 VEHICLE REPAIR 4278 1050 09/30/00 6208 354102 11/07/00 52.75 52075 CYLINDER RENTAL 4279 1040 09118/00 6207 2291 11/07/00 520.24 800016 REPAIR PARTS :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 02, 2000 04v02pm Page 11 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 09/18/00 2290 279.92 4280 1607 10/12/00 6106 101200 11/07/00 300000 300.00 WORKSHOP 4281 350 09/22/00 6128 125197 11/07/00 252.00 65.40 PRINTING 09/19/00 125182 38050 65040 PRINTING 09/30/00 125246 36.50 23.40 PRINTING 65.40 PRINTING 65.40 PRINTING 42°00 PRINTING 428"'2 609 10/03/00 6041 4240 11/07/00 221.19 221°19 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 4283 1021 09/26/00 6040 218185 11/07/00 66005 66005 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4284 509 10/05/00 6042 175901 11/07/00 203.84 203.84 BLOWER FILTERS 4285 1056 10/05/00 6183 61348 11./07/00 198.00 90°20 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 10/02/00 61298 41.80 52080 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 10/02/00 61284 55„00 256.30 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 09/29/00 61229 35.20 66075 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 08/31/00 60645 58.30 10/06/00 61367 52.80 10/16/00 61333 24.95 4286 594 10/11/00 6197 13631667 -001 11/07/00 75.00 633°00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 08/20/00 12037339 °001 558.00 4287 1044 10/01100 6122 56280 - 01006 ° - 11/07/00 1,891 34 4,042.55 RECYCLE /REFUSE 7 10/18/00 60244 °1006• °7 2,151°21 0.00 RECYCLE /GLASS 4288 929 10116/00 6125 2185 °0004501 11/07/00 5,085 71 553°19 TIPPING FEES 10/16/00 2185-0004507 553°19 1,156049 TIPPING FEES 3,929022 TIPPING FEES 4289 729 10/24/00 6168 12316 11/07/00 3,150 00 9,000 00 METER SETS 9/7/99 10/13/00 12310 1,710 00 10/31/00 12309 4,140.00 4290 1124 09/27/00 6206 58536 11/07/00 426000 441.75 REPAIR PARTS 8/15/00 07/24/00 J30777 6,692.00 6,692 00 TRUCK DUMP BED 09/13/00 58441 15.75 4291 818 11/01/00 6012 1996/11 11/07/00 33,253.85 38,432048 1997 REVENUE BONDS 11/01/00 1997/11 38,432.48 33,253085 1996 REVENUE BONDS 11/01/00 1998/11 82,188075 82,188075 1998 REVENUE BONDS 4292 818 11/01/00 6011 ORF °99 008 °L 11/07/00 3,432°88 3,432.88 OWRB LOAN ORF °99-008 -L 11/01/00 FAP °92 °0107° 5,032 89 5,032.89 OWRB LOAN FAP °92 °0107 °1. 11/01/00 L FAP92- 0107 -L 28,099 12 28,099.12 OWRB LOAN FAP- 92- 0107°L 4293 938 09/29/00 5985 9/00 use 11/07/00 1,893 13 46044 09/00 PLEXAR 47045 09/00 PLEXAR 63045 09/00 PLEXAR 317.45 09/00 PLEXAR 98,68 09/00 PLEXAR 275046 09/00 PLEXAR 24.23 09/00 PLEXAR 199,86 09/00 PLEXAR 23022 09/00 PLEXAR 23022 09/00 PLEXAR 251.23 09/00 PLEXAR 28077 09/00 PLEXAR 44030 09/00 PLEXAR CCS »AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso Inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04a02pm Page 12 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber dmm_e Number ------ Date -------- Code Humber ---- ---- -- Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -- ---- -- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 24023 09/00 PLEXAR 108,88 09/00 PLEXAR 49°87 09100 PLEXAR 23022 09/00 PLEXAR 196.73 09/00 PLEXAR 46.44 09/00 PLEXAR 4297 1083 10/09/00 5969 88123 11/07/00 37°50 37050 3 DIRECTORIES 4298 417 10/17/00 6007 28233 11/07/00 56.95 56.95 TONER CARTRIDGE 4299 108 10/17/00 6008 597711 11/07/00 394.97 394°97 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 4301 808 10/06/00 6064 201124 11/07/00 2,630,50 2,630050 3 MEMBERSHIP DUES 10/06/00 201141 403075 403.75 3 LEGISLATIVE ASSESSMENT 4303 259 10/12/00 5989 A029360 11/07/00 69.74 69.74 W07090 4304 1608 10112100 5988 4029 11/07/00 87066 87066 K08160 4305 259 10/12/00 5990 A029383 11/07/00 69.74 69.74 K08160 4307 814 09/05/00 6111 20231 11/07/00 4.93 79.61 FILM PROCESSING 09/05/00 20233 28060 59089 PRISONER MEALS 09/09/00 20235 9.00 09/20/00 20236 10008 09/18/00 22111 59.89 09/19/00 22173 11.20 09/30/00 22175 6072 09/29/00 22401 9.08 4308 645 10118/00 5980 364534 11/07/00 8,70 35076 SHOP TOWELS 10/11/00 361813 9066 10/04/00 359155 8070 09/27/00 355919 8070 4309 1038 10/11/00 5979 3844227 11/07/00 104002 164074 FLOWERS /OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/10/00 8640 9.68 10/12/00 4498 51004 4310 1039 10/02/00 5982 308772 11/07/00 46.70 46x70 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 10/04/00 308775 4.16 4.16 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4311 657 09/30/00 5981 44978 11/07/00 378°00 378000 CONCRETE 4312 1349 03/30/00 5984 6190507 11/07/00 227083 227083 SHIRTS 4313 13 10/11/00 5983 625197 11/07/00 36.41 36041 LEAF SPRING 4314 134 09/12/00 6051 6359 11/07/00 440000 440000 ELECTRICAL. WORK 4315 425 11/01/00 6058 110100 11/07/00 215.00 215.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4319 159 09/30/00 6052 013211000040 11/07/00 15000 15°00 GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION 07 4320 100 10/03/00 6182 230265 11/07/00 320,00 2,610.00 DOZER RENTAL 10/04/00 230292 390000 320,00 TOPSOIL 10/13/00 230288 400.00 10/05/00 230293 390000 10/02/00 230290 390°00 10/03/00 230291 390000 10/06/00 230294 390°00 10/07/00 230296 260000 4324 1491 10120100 6172 25084 11/07/00 103°30 103°30 PRINTING 4326 649 10/27/00 6174 13612 11/07/00 79°98 39099 HIP WADERS -SAUER 39099 HIP WADERS °OIBRIEN 4329 496 10/18/00 6152 1476 11/07/00 53°84 0000 REPAIR SUPPLIES 53084 REPAIR SUPPLIES :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov O2, 2000 O4:02pm Page 13 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ ---- -- -------- dm_m mmnan_ ------------ -- ---- -- ------------ -- ---- -- -- -I- ----- ------ ---- -- ----------------------- 4331 1611 10/23/00 6177 37925 11/07/00 89.70 4333 865 10/23/00 6230 4561 11/07/00 178090 4357 1288 10/19/00 6054 5752 11/07/00 261.90 4334 1005 10/13/00 6222 CTCS172O66 11/07/00 656.13 4359 1608 10/24/00 6056 77752 11/07/00 72.38 4335 1134 10/11/00 6214 91992 °0 11/07/00 29085 4336 467 10110/00 6225 25113 11/07/00 371.00 10/25/00 25183 379°75 4337 343 10/05/00 6227 2211 11/07/00 135000 4338 1613 08/29/00 6248 1215302 11/07/00 209000 4340 1138 10/04/00 6229 7425 11/07/00 42.49 4341 566 10/19/00 6218 22403 11/07/00 160000 4342 476 10/10/00 6223 R4775911 11/07/00 252039 4349 1615 09/27/00 6059 11742 11/07/00 100„00 4350 1612 10/12/00 6185 581756 11/07/00 389.00 4351 855 10/11/00 6232 747803 11/07/00 28.75 4353 826 10/14/00 6249 1725796-2 11/07/00 630,38 4354 1616 11/17/00 6065 111700 11/07/00 249064 4355 1617 10/18/00 6053 101800 11/07/00 92020 4357 1288 10/16/00 6054 89601/98051 11/07/00 342.99 4358 507 10/16/00 6055 2950021246 11/07/00 17049 4359 1608 10116/00 6056 4087 11/07/00 85018 4360 259 10/16/00 6057 AO2936O 11/07/00 69074 4361 863 09/30/00 6060 9/00 USE 11107100 805.46 4362 960 10/11/00 6073 101100 11/07/00 91000 4363 1239 10/23/00 6164 CQ98951 11/07/00 76.27 4364 893 11/03/00 6061 833741 11/07/00 320.00 4365 1076 10113/00 6062 31002 11/07/00 150°00 4366 342 10/16/00 6068 35880 11/07/00 728011 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APRO83 89.70 6 MERCURY VAPOR LIGHTS 440°80 VEHICLE REPAIR 728051 REPAIR PARTS 29.85 REPAIR PARTS 750075 REPAIR PARTS 135.00 REPAIR PARTS 209.00 REPAIR PARTS 42.49 REPAIR PARTS 160000 CLEANING SUPPLIES 252.39 REPAIR PARTS 100.00 REFUND ZONING FEE 389.00 CONFERENCENMCELRATH 28.75 REFERENCE BOOK 7012 PAGING SERVICE 21034 PAGING SERVICE 14.23 PAGING SERVICE 35.59 PAGING SERVICE 7.12 PAGING SERVICE 322020 PAGING SERVICE 14024 PAGING SERVICE 9.29 PAGING SERVICE 64.04 PAGING SERVICE 42.70 PAGING SERVICE 28°46 PAGING SERVICE 28047 PAGING SERVICE 7.12 PAGING SERVICE 7012 PAGING SERVICE 21.34 PAGING SERVICE 249.64 LODGING - MITCHELL 92.20 WITNESS EXPENSES 342099 C01150 17°49 TO201O 85018 007090 6974 4407090 49.01 9/00 USE 32.32 9/00 USE 41°40 9/00 USE 130°98 9/00 USE 20°46 9/00 USE 74429 9/00 USE 114.13 9/00 USE 91086 9/00 USE 21.90 9/00 USE 229.11 9/00 USE 91000 ADVERTISING 76.27 REPLACE MODEM 320000 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 150,00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 909°02 REPAIR PARTS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) vity of Owasso lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04 :02pm Page 14 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description .mmme® ------ -- ---- -- ---- ------ ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- -- --- - -- ---- - -m_W® -v- owm ---- -- ----------------------- 4373 726 10/06/00 6063 35802 11/07/00 180.91 4367 35 10/14/00 6069 BGR1O140O 11/07/00 64 „50 4368 394 10/02/00 6070 218514 11/07/00 40.50 4369 153 10109/00 6071 10259493 11/07/00 179.46 4370 366 10/12/00 6072 627578 11/07/00 4.75 10/12/00 627466 -19.45 4376 42 10/11/00 6047 627451 11/07/00 23.50 10/11/00 627347 171.66 4377 17 10/04/00 6046 626557 11/07/00 8.38 4371 1040 10/143/00 6226 2311 1/107/00 69044 10/18/00 2310 165.50 4372 406 10/10/00 6224 11097/555 11/07/00 190.43 10112100 111218030 53.63 10/09/00 110919599 48.06 4379 812 10/17/00 6044 111630714 11/07/00 60.97 4380 1491 09/27/00 6043 109846716 11/07/00 152.43 4373 726 09/27/00 6063 648608 11/07/00 32°00 4374 1321 10/09/00 6118 70015 11/07/00 34.00 4375 1229 10/02/00 6048 745752 11/07/00 207.,47 09/29/00 744599 154.63 10/12/00 91089 °27°00 10/09/00 908848 °109 05 4376 42 10/09100 6047 92930865 11/07/00 68059 10/04/00 92916645 78059 4377 17 08/30/00 6046 3922941 11/07/00 1,713.15 11/08/00 08/29/00 3918826 109.06 09128/00 3971333 103005 4378 314 10102100 6045 4769167 11/07/00 110085 10/06/00 4777834 36.45 10/11100 4782908 65°51 4379 812 10/19/00 6044 656073824 11/07/00 23.97 4380 1491 10/18/00 6043 25069 11/07/00 174090 4382 67 10/01/00 6110 98480 11/07/00 45.00 4383 636 10/10/00 6113 1968-1 11/07/00 1 9 81 10/14/00 2204-0 -2.75 4385 935 10/12/00 6112 55 11/07/00 80.00 4387 1131 10/17/00 6136 156697102 11/07/00 64.05 4388 1657 10/12/00 6114 101200 11/07/00 105°95 4389 1038 10/12/00 6115 2618 11/07/00 90.10 4390 812 09/01100 6146 1518072848 11/07/00 14095 09/15/00 1518073118 21044 09/08/00 1518072973 64°24 09/29/00 1518073426 10029 4391 943 09/28/00 6145 24667 11/07/00 32062 10/11/00 24719 197067 4392 1038 10/23/00 6144 5691 11/07/00 8094 10/23/00 5690 53.30 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 64 50 REPAIR PARTS 4050 REPAIR PARTS 179.46 REPAIR PARTS 180046 REPAIR SUPPLIES 8038 REPAIR SUPPLIES 234.94 REPAIR PARTS 5.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25°55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11098 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 60.97 OFFICES SUPPLIES 53063 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 190.43 OFFICE SUPPLIES 32000 VEST 34.00 GOLF BAG 226.05 SLACKS 147018 SUNGLASSES 134.94 1,925.26 JACKETS /CAPS /SHOES 212.81 GOLF CLUBS &BAGS 23.97 REPAIRIMAINT SUPPLIES 174090 PRINTING 45.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-ALLEN 17006 PAINT SUPPLIES 80.00 HEPATITIS B SHOT- RAMSEY 64°05 COVERALLS 105.95 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 90.10 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 110.92 MAINT SUPPLIES 230029 OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.24 CLEANING SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04v02pm Page 15 P.O, Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 4393 1658 10/25/00 6131 102500 11/07/00 100°00 4396 1660 08 /02/00 6117 080200 11/07/00 1,420,00 4397 939 10/25/00 6123 102500 11/07/00 250000 4398 1038 10/23/00 6215 4160 11/07/00 28.97 10/27/00 4627 36.96 4399 1055 09/22/00 6195 2102 11/07/00 571075 4400 107 10/24/00 6213 55713 11/07100 74.22 4401 1002 11/01/00 6139 110100 11/07/00 1,276.29 4403 1618 10/24/00 4404 1084 10/03/00 10/27/00 11/08/00 11/16/00 4405 424 10/19/00 4406 938 09/29/00 6203 25013 11107/00 6133 775301005 -10 11/07/00 /00 107871006-10 /00 920401007 -11 /00 167841949 -11 /00 6138 010 -19 -00 11/07/00 6109 9/00 NON -PLE 11/07/00 XAR CCS,AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 96.20 62078 138.21 80.78 3,253 08 25000 482.18 100°00 CEMETERY SPACE REFUND 1,420.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 250000 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 28.97 MAINT SUPPLIES 36.96 INK CARTRIDGE 571075 PLUMBING REPAIR 74.22 VEHICLE REPAIR O.95 REIMB PETTY CASH 5.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 3,00 REIMS PETTY CASH 4..00 REIMB PETTY CASH 16.00 REIMS PETTY CASH 93.00 MILEAGE- STEVENS 39 „68 MILEAGE-KELLEY 70.29 UNIFORMS -PERRY 70.,29 UNIFORMS-PERRY 68.00 SAFETY STICKERS 7.48 REIMS PETTY CASH 42700 PER DIEM- HURST /DEMAURO /ROBI NSON 93039 PER DIEM- BISHOP /WILLSON /JAC KSON 25000 REGISTRATION- STEVENS 7.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 8000 REIMS -PETTY CASH 2450 REIMB-PETTY CASH 5055 REIMB-PETTY CASH 17997 REIMS -PETTY CASH 12077 REIMB -PETTY CASH 0.35 REIMB -PETTY CASH 6929 REIMB -PETTY CASH 3.50 REIMB-PETTY CASH 52.39 MILEAGE -EWING 12029 REIMB-PETTY CASH 97.96 MILEAGE- DEMAURO 126x14 MILEAGE,TOLLS,CLASS -KEL LEY AND MATHIS 96°20 REPAIR PARTS 3,472 07 09/00 USE 62.78 09/00 USE 25000 MEMBERSHIP DUES- MCCORD 49024 09/00 NON - PLEXAR 95.75 09/00 NON - PLEXAR By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ;ity of Owasso inpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04e02pm Page 16 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice#B Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ---- - one - ®A -------- an_m --- --- ------------ -------- ------------ - - ---- -- ----- ----- - mmemm ---- -- ----------------------- 4407 573 10/13/00 6219 FOCS602126 11/07/00 487892 4409 943 10/16/00 6156 24741 11/07/00 114.55 10/16/00 24742 36.35 10/18/00 24754 19.30 4411 509 10/09/00 6157 175900 11/07/00 124.11 4412 1661 10/16/00 6158 5387244 11/07/00 24°04 4413 805 10/11/00 6159 1153 11/07/00 46010 4414 1075 09/30/00 6155 1 °11 11/07/00 89.99 4417 1662 12101100 6116 120100 11/07/00 170.00 4418 1039 10/12/00 6184 311881 11/07/00 27.96 10/02/00 311882 365.00 10/16/00 312221 231000 10/17/00 311876 250.00 10/11/00 311878 14°95 10/17/00 311879 59.00 10/11/00 311880 16080 10/17/00 311877 12.20 10/02/00 309259 29090 10/02/00 309260 46086 10/05/00 310581 50.43 4421 183 10/06/00 6154 x00598001 11/07/00 1,030.00 4425 877 10/26/00 6234 1466 11/07/00 50000 4427 1070 10/27/00 6238 1334 11/07/00 75.00 4429 1413 10/03/00 6151 1 11/07/00 90,085 05 4430 1044 10/18/00 6141 58957°106 °8 11/07/00 72°99 4432 938 10/21/00 6247 918008466629 11/07/00 2,153.81 45 4441 595 10/27/00 6259 24224 11/07/00 14x90 10/13/00 19620 41001 10/13/00 18504 63425 10/27/00 22838 70067 10/20/00 20670 67025 4442 1355 11/01/00 6258 110100 11/07/00 595.00 4443 981 10/18/00 6252 10180438 11/07/00 293024 10/27/00 10270244 407096 4444 957 10/24/00 6253 443146 11/07/00 439056 4445 336 10/13/00 6254 10112 11/07/00 36066 10120100 10217 28.40 10/27/00 10332 28.80 4446 1151 10/30/00 6255 5476 11/07/00 54.90 10/16/00 5371 54090 4447 229 10/24/00 6256 620868 11/07/00 185080 10/16/00 619171 214035 10/20/00 620145 78472 4448 84 10/26/00 6261 5757892 11/07/00 295076 4449 678 10/30/00 6257 888012 11/07/00 29°49 09/16/00 888032 68.30 10/24/00 888192 17.38 ,CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 63096 09100 NON- PLEXAR 27-3.23 09100 NON °PLEXAR 487092 VEHICLE REPAIR 65.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 104092 OFFICE SUPPLIES 124.11 AIR FILTERS 24.04 LABOR LAID POSTER 46.10 REPAIR SUPPLIES 89.99 SAFETY BOOTS -HOLT 170.00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 1,076.14 REPAIR SUPPLIES 27.96 REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,030°00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 50000 VEHICLE REPAIR 75.00 UNIFORM JACKET 90,085.05 SITE UTILITIES 6 120 /00 72.99 REFUSE SERVICE 10/00 2,153081 E °911 210058 LINEN SERVICE 46.50 LINEN SERVICE 595.00 CLEANING SERVICE 620.59 GROCERIES 80.61 PAPER PRODUCTS 198.22 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 241034 SNACKS 93.86 SNACKS 109080 COFFEE 392009 GROCERIES 28.50 PAPER SUPPLIES 58028 PAPER SUPPLIES 35067 GROCERIES 260.09 PAPER SUPPLIES 292021 GROCERIES 33.14 KITCHEN SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04a02pm Page 17 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 65074 13035 3025 8073 26.11 5023 42.77 277065 399.20 538.46 54070 68.53 849.07 19057 .-686°25 67.24 226096 181°18 15048 6088 58.56 30.15 230.67 73023 °73,23 78623 45005 203.06 555080 18123 35081 263.58 35088 23.78 42039 24000 37.47 495°00 43.48 645000 20.89 140000 97021 11497 14097 10045 48061 3099 31430 49052 -41°30 3,98 1,093.35 BEVERAGES 121.96 PAPER SUPPLIES 54.70 GROCERIES 334098 SHIRTS /SLACKS /,JACKET 181.18 9/00 USE 15048 9/00 USE 6088 9/00 USE 58.56 REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.15 WATER-BATTERIES 230.67 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78°23 REPAIR PARTS 45.05 OFFICE SUPPLIES 940009 GRAVEL /SAND 35.81 REPAIR SUPPLIES 263°58 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 59066 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 42039 REPAIR PARTS 61.47 SLACKS 495.00 ADVERTISING 43.48 REPAIR PARTS 665089 FUEL 140000 REPAIR PARTS 97021 UNIFORM JEANS-BUTCHER 170.81 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 49.70 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 10/13/00 888048 10/13100 888108 10/13/00 888041 10/17/00 888003 10/21/00 888014 10116/00 888004 10/27/00 888015 4450 732 10/24/00 6262 58437216 10/17/00 58436840 10/03/00 58436089 4451 1306 10/18/00 6251 5486 -9 4452 454 10/17/00 6250 489052 10/06/00 457847 03/29100 14664 12/02/99 83698 09/18/00 404019 09/14100 399266 4454 881 09/30/00 6241 6397 -9/00 09/30/00 6398-9/00 09/30/00 6399 -9100 4455 40 10/23/00 6242 695283 4456 233 10/25/00 6243 262896 4457 1019 10/24/00 6244 31216 4458 107 10/26/00 6245 55747 10/26/00 55748 10/26/00 55749 4459 1038 10/26/00 6246 4488 4460 261 10/16/00 6271 71798 10123/00 72366 10/09/00 71186 4461 40 10/12/00 6260 691418 4462 745 10/13/00 6270 556872 4463 812 10/30/00 6269 655074030 10/18/00 655073785 4464 816 10/23/00 6268 109038 4465 1229 10/24/00 6267 754644 10/24/00 754656 4466 1243 10/18/00 6266 395 4467 342 10/26/00 6265 35997 4468 46 10/25/00 6264 83919 10/25/00 83920 4469 1488 10/27/00 6263 100810 4470 1038 10/27/00 6240 1358 4471 812 10/24/00 6239 1517073933 10/25/00 1512073970 10/20/00 1512073854 10/13/00 1512073697 10/06/00 1512073557 09/29/00 1512073423 10/25/00 1517073973 4472 792 10/24/00 6233 13471 09/29/00 45855 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 11/07/00 65074 13035 3025 8073 26.11 5023 42.77 277065 399.20 538.46 54070 68.53 849.07 19057 .-686°25 67.24 226096 181°18 15048 6088 58.56 30.15 230.67 73023 °73,23 78623 45005 203.06 555080 18123 35081 263.58 35088 23.78 42039 24000 37.47 495°00 43.48 645000 20.89 140000 97021 11497 14097 10045 48061 3099 31430 49052 -41°30 3,98 1,093.35 BEVERAGES 121.96 PAPER SUPPLIES 54.70 GROCERIES 334098 SHIRTS /SLACKS /,JACKET 181.18 9/00 USE 15048 9/00 USE 6088 9/00 USE 58.56 REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.15 WATER-BATTERIES 230.67 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78°23 REPAIR PARTS 45.05 OFFICE SUPPLIES 940009 GRAVEL /SAND 35.81 REPAIR SUPPLIES 263°58 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 59066 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 42039 REPAIR PARTS 61.47 SLACKS 495.00 ADVERTISING 43.48 REPAIR PARTS 665089 FUEL 140000 REPAIR PARTS 97021 UNIFORM JEANS-BUTCHER 170.81 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 49.70 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,ity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by purchase Order Nov 02, 2000 04e02pm Page 18 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description emdenm ------ - Ww -wn-- e ®dm dnmo_m ------------ -- --- - -- - - ®--- mama -- me -dead- ---- ---- -- ------------ ----------------------- 10/24/00 48101 10/24/00 48129 10/24/00 48138 10/24/00 48144 TOTAL 568 records listed 3030 44088 34.70 4014 1,037,786.76 134094 Golf ;Se. 134-94 .— 0011, 46.09 — 4. 4.53 — CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/21/00 Departoneat Qmerf --xp nses 'Eotal I- erj�j General Fund I A A Community Development 0.00 6,978.27 . ... ....... . ......... .... .. .... ... ... Infor ti n ste s 0.00 1,619J7 . . ... ..... . . .. . ..... ...... ... .. . ...... ... . Street 244.39 7,347.99 Bill General Fund Total $1,852.41 $158,86927 xmzffm� Am November 7, 2000 M1 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 10/21/00 p2L_ Ambulance Fund A I FUND TOTAL $26153 $9,956.88 APPROVED: November 7, 2000 am Council Member Council Member MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE No. 660 OZ-00-10 (Ward One) DATE- October 31, 2000 BACKGROUND At the October 17, 2000 regiafar meeting the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request for a 61024 acre, more or less, parcel of land located south of E. 110 Street No (State Highway 20) and west of N. 145h E. Aven'oe. Ordinance No. 660 would f-bnnally adopt the action taken by the City Council at the October 17, 2000 meeting, RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 660 ATTACHMENTS 1, Location Map 20 Ordinance N ®o 660 It'll Surrounat,ng WHEREAS, AS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, 'WHEREAS, the O-wasso City Coin aril has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all startexnents for and against the requested rezorring of application OZ -00 -100 STOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINTD BY TIM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O ASSO, OKLAHOMA, . T, TO -WIT: &PctigD L. The zoning classification of the following described property, to -wit: be, and the same is hereby rezoned from AG (Agriculture) to CG (Commercial General), Im be, and the swmc is hereby rezoned kom A (Agriculture) to TL (hadustrial Light), be, and the same is hereby rezoned frcom AG (Agriculture) to OM (Office Medium). Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7`}' day of November, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma H. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia 13outwell, City Clerk :ul Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney z� MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO .6_ ROM. DONNA S L .dS ,T`T'Y PLANNER SUBJECT. . TN NC No. 661 OPUD-21 and e) DATE- October 31, 2000 BACKGROUND At the October 11, 2000 regular meeting the City Council unanimously approved a supplemental zoning request for a 61024 acre, more or less, parcel of laid located south of E. 116" Street N. (State Highway 20) and merest of N. 1.45P' E. venue. Ordinance Non 661 would formally adopt the action taken. by the City Council at the October 17, 2000 meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 661 ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Ordinance N ®0 661 CID 6 Surrounai,ng' Zoning., 'RO M affiW Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes development upon such tract in accordance with the provisions of the Outline Development Plan of October 2, 2000 submitted with the application, as well as all amendments or modifications thereto, as required by City Council, same being hereby made a part hereof such Outline Development Plan and included therewith. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED flis Pday of November, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma H� C. Williams, Mayor ATTEST Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT'- ORDINANCE No. 662 -00-12 (Ward One) A°l. "m October 31, 2000 BACKGROUND At the October 17, 2000 regular meeting the City Council unanimously approved a rezoning request for a 17.65 acre, raore or less, parcel of land located north of E. 1.16'h Street No and west of N. Garnett R ad° Ordinance No. 662 would formally adopt tlxe action taken by the City Council at the October 17, 2006 meeting- RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 662° ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2, Ordinance N ®0 662 [I I I 1* R- 14-E E. 126TH E. 11 6TH ST. N. 0 w T L 21 z N LOCATION MAP I is W1131 RE AS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and, t- EPEAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for atd against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 00 -12. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THB CaUNC-CL OF T.T.-IE CITY OF OWASSLR, OKLAHOMA, OMA, "THAT, TO-WIT: ection lw, The zoning classification of the following described property, to-wit: THE NORTH HALF (N /2) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE /4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (1 /4) OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF TTII~; INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, LESS AND EXCEPT, THE SOUTH 332 FEET OF THE EAST 325 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 17.65 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ACCORDING TO THE U3. SURVEY THEREOF, be, and the same is hereby rezoned from ACS (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single- Family, High Density). Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, aiid the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section .That this Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7f' day of November, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma H. C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM PHIL, LU` Z, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGE R SUBJECT. ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND ANN' ARY SEWER SYSTEMS FAIRWAYS III DATE. October 309 7000 BACKGROUND The subject development is located south of 96th`h Street North, immediately east of North Mingo Road (see attached location map), The project includes 2,596 LF of 12- inch , 926 LF of -Winch and 720 LF of 6-inch water lines and 3,465 LF of 8 -inch sanitary suer lines. They systems have been permitted by ODEQ (see attached permit notifications). Designs were approved and construction inspected by the Public Works Department. inch line is replaced by the new interceptor, FINAL INSPECI'IONSB Public Works personnel conducted final water and sanitary sewer inspections with the contractor on October 25, 20004 Minor deficiencies were corrected on the day of inspection, Public Works Department has received one -year maintenance bonds for both utilities (see attached), RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Fairways VI water and sanitary sewer systems, AI"'I`A NIENLTS- 1, Location map 2. ODEQ permit notifications 30 Maintenance bonds a i c� 0 J a s 0- �c z O Lu W 0 5. E ., ` / ..., 11 v ..✓� • N r ' t Y� E A S T' 96th STREET NORTH FAIRWAYS VI X 1... i ,w ; \,\.. I ?IF: VA �i1 �i. . f' f O cF 1 Ai ...f::. AI_,O t �� I ,._..... ,r _......___...._. i _ i 1 ` =.. A \ �L J C r -r..l L G N f O <. r \� . ...... .._ ........... ..........__ _ -_. C �I � I f EA S T 86th STREET ;NORTH SOLF (COU R LOCATION MAP FAIRWAYS I CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION �. parE:_. 1000 vace re ©. I OF 1 1 Robert Farr, Jr., P.E. Director Public Works City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma '74055 Pea Permit No. WL000072000284 Fairways VI at Bailey Ranch Water Line Extension PW ID No. 3002718 Dear Mr. Carr: FRANK KEATING Governor Enclosed is Permit Noe WL000072000284 for the construction of 2,596 linear feet of twelve (12) inch plus 926 linear feet of eight (8) inch plus 720 linear feet of six (6) inch plus 695 linear feet of four () inch PVC water line plus all appurtenances to serve the Fairways VI at Bailey Ranch water line extension, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on April 9, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before'changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record, We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set, to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files, Very truly yours, RocktynC,P. E . DWSRF /Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division RWC /HJT /so Enclosure ce William E. Lewis, P.E., Lewis Engineering, P.C. Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRR 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printod on rocycled papor with soy Ink ►' t 4 December 19, 1999 0 K L A H 0 M A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY t F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E, Public forks Director City of Owasso 391 let 2nd. Avenue Owasso, Oklahoma 74955 l "fie. Permit Flo. SL00007 991 Fairways V1 at Bailey Ranch Sewer Line Extension C- 2°1310 Dear Mr. Carr; Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072991233 for the construction of 3,465 linear feet of eight () inch PVC sanitary sewer lire plus all appurtenances to servo the Fairways V1 at the Bailey Ranch sewer lire extension, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on December 19, 1999. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before change are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our file. Very truly yours, Rocky ben, P.E. Construction Permit Unit Water Quality Division c: William E. Lewis, P.E., Consulting Engineer Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Unit Supervisor, DEQ Bill Warden, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printod on rocyclod popor with soy ink 0� g,01® SIGN . ED, scaled a'nd dated ft Ist day of ----._October 19 _.ZOOO President Pdncipal OKLAHOMA SUREW COMPANY B AAitl *T p d a.12.05 08 ('s-38) TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT, ANAL PLAT BRADFORD PA (Ward 5) DA:rE. October 31, 2000 BACKGROUND Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Bradford Park subject to the following conditions: 1. Acceleration/deceleration lanes shall be required along E. 760' Street N. and N. 129" E. Avenue. 2. Sidewalks shall be required along all public rights-of-ways with deferral of installation along N. 12901 E. Avenue only until the beginning of phase two of the development. ATTACHMENTS 1. DEQ Permits for Bradford Park 2. Final Plat for Bradford Park September 18, 2000 Robert Carr, Jr., P, E,, City of Owasso Past Office Box 180 0 K L A H 0 M A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Director of Public Works Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-0180 Re- Permit No. WL00007200 g45 Bradford Park Water Line Extension PW ID Noe 3002718 Dear Mr. Carr-, FRANK KEATING Governor Enclosed is Permit No. WL000072000945 for the construction of 4,372 linear foot of six (a) inch PVC water line plays all appurtenances to serve the Bradford Dark water lire extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. a. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on September 18, 2000. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to yore, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Rocky n, P. E. DW F /Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division RWC /HJT/so Associates, Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB 707 NORTH ROBINSON, PO. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 prinod on recycled paper ipAth soy Ink gee PERMT TO CONSTRUCT September 18, 2000 Permit No. WL000072000945 PWSI i" No 3002718 Pursuant to MSo 27A 2-6 -304, the City of Owass o is hereby granted this Tier 1 Permit to construct 4,372 linear feet of six (6) inch PVC water lire plus all appurtenances to serve the Bradford Park water lire extension, located in part of the NEM of Section 32, T -21 N, R-14 , City of Owass o, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, in accordance with the plans approved on September 18, 2000. By acceptance of this permit, the -permutes agrees to operate and maintain th facility in accordance with the Public Water Supply Operation rules (OAC 262:631) and to comply with the State Certification laws, Title 59, Section 1901. :1116 O. S. and the rule and regulations adopted therounder regarding the requirements f ®r certified operators. This permit is issued subject to the following provisions and conditions. 1 That the recipient of the permit is responsible that the project receives supervision and inspection by competent and qualified personnel. M 3) IM RE 707 NORTH ROBINSON, Pi)a BOX 1677, NKlAHOMA CITY, N 1AM ®MA 73101°1677 printod on racyclod papor with soy ink WAFER 1-1NS PWSID No. 3002718 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT ) That before placing this facility into service, at least two samples of the water, taken on different days, shall be tested for bacteria to shove that it is safe for drinking purposes. 71 That any deviations from approved plans or specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved by the Department before any such deviations are made in the construction of this project. f) That the recipient of the permit is responsible for the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board, and that this department will be notified in writing of any sale or transfer of ownership of these facilities, 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA (1TY, OKLAHOMA 7310141677 prinlod on recycled papor with soy Ink TER LINES PWSID No. 3002718 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit in writing within 30 days from the date of issue, will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions and provisions. H.J. qhung, P. E., Engineering Manager, DWSRF /Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division N 707 NOW ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printed on recycled paper with soy Ink September 18, 2000 F. Robert Carr, Jr., P. E., Director of Public Works City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 207 South Cedar Owasso, Oklahoma 740505-0180 Re- Permit No. SLO0007200094 Bradford Park Sewer Line Extension S -21310 Dear Mr. Carr: Enclosed is Permit No. SL00007 00 4 for the construction of 2,952 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sewer line plus all appurtenances to serve the Bradford Dark sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on September 18, 2000, Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, Rocky C n, P.E. ®WSRF /Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division RWC /HJ°T° /s® c: Thomas J. Cobb, P.E., Breisch & Associates, Inc. Wayne Craney, P.E., WPC Section Manager, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA (IiY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printed on recycled papor with soy Ink SEWER LINES -21 310 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT September 18, 2000 1. 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OWHO A 73181 -1677 printed on racyciod paper with soy Ink PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT ft [. Per It Noe SL000072000 46 SEWER LINES S-21310 ) That the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality shall be kept informed of occurrences which may affect the eventual performance of the works or that will unduly delay the progress of the project, 7) That the perrnittee will tale steps to assure that the connection of house services to the sewers is done in such a manner that the functioning of the severs will not be !repaired and that earth and ground water will be excluded from the sewers when the connection is completed. 8) That any deviations from approved plans or specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved by the Department before any such deviations are made in the construction of this project. 9) That the recipient of the permit is responsible for the continued operation and maintenance of these facilities in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Environmental Quality Board, and that this department will be notified in writing of any sale or transfer of ownership of these facilities. 10) The issuance of this permit does not relieve the responsible parties of any obligations or liabilities which the permittee may be under pursuant to prior enforcement action taken by the Department. a printed on recycled papar with soy Ink PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT BE Pori-nit Non SL000072000946 SEWER UNES S-21310 14) That when it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated in Water pollution Control Construction Standards OAC 252.666-5-4(c)(1) and OACB 252.656-5- 4 (c) (2), respectively, the sewer shall be designed and constructed equal to water pipe, and shall be pressure tested to the highest pressure obtainable under the most severe head conditions of the collection system prior to b ckfilling in accordance with Wa ter Pollution Construction Standard CAC 2 52:656-5- 5(b)a Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit in writing within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the per -nit and all conditions or provisions, `hung, p, a, Engineering Manager, DWSR F7Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division 3 707 NORTH ROBINSON, PO, BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA (111, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 printod on rocyclod papor with soy Ink MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. PHIL LU TZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER uBjEc'I e PURCHASE ORDER FOR MATERIALS BAPTIST CENTER LOOP ROAD DATE: October 30, 2000 BACKGROUND- The subject project is located south of 76ch Street North and west of 129`h l=ust Avenue (see attached Location Map). Work will include a 2 -inch overlay of the existing loop road by Tulsa County under an interlocal agreement using paving materials procurred by the City. The majority of streets within the Baptist complex are privately maintained with only the loop road with points of access off of 76 "' Street North at 122 d and 127th East Avenues under City maintenance. The City has accomplished spot patching of deteriorated roadway areas during the past years, but the need exists to extend the life of the traffic surface with a total- surface overlay. PROCUREMENT Off' MATERIALS: ALL: Materials required for the work include ODOT Typc; B asphaltic concrete (1,000 tons) and asphalt tack coat (300 gallons). Materials prices are as follows: 1. Asphaltic Concrete � / —The Tulsa County Bid List was used to establish the lowest price fx °orn those who submitted bids. Lobo Holdings, Inc. also submitted a quote. APAC- Oklahoma (Bid List) $18.50 /ton Lobo Moldings, Inc. $ 18.03 /ton (low quote) The low unit price submitted amounts to a cost of $18,030.00 2. Asphalt Tack Coat — The Tulsa County Laid List was used to establish the lowest price from those who submitted bids. Lobo Moldings, Inc. also submitted a quote. Koch Materials (Bid List) $ 0.83 /gallon Lobo Holdings, Inc. $ 0.70 /gallon (low quote) The lour unit price submitted amounts to a cost of $210.00 FUNDING- Funds will be provided from the FY00 -01 Streets Division capital budget for residential street repair (Line Item 01-300 - 54210). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve an award for paving materials to Lobo Holdings, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $18,240.00 for street repairs at the Baptist retirement Center. ATTACHMENTS: - _ - � III � 2. Price quotes I ()3 1 /00 'ITI," 1.3:56 FAX 91.82346507 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION [a 002 LOBO HOLDINGS, INC. P. 0. BOX 1228 OWASSO, OK4,AMOMA 74055 D,D.A. A MATERIALS COMPANY P. 0, BOX 598 CAT00SA,q3K1,A-1-14V)M-A 14015 September 28, 2,000 Dear Phil., Re: Price List for Baptist Loop Road Enclosed are the asphalt prices for the above referenced pwica 1h ltdo Quanum -'r-()-M LCw TY T-1 �k _$J2900 FOP, our Plant at A3737 R 40-4 okjahonju_ Sincerely, Lobo Holdfi-Ags, Im mm Wolf, President The Pleat Mix for Asphalt Concrete Pavement to be furnished under this proposal shall conform iq, Section 708.04, 1 988 Edition, Oklahoma State Highway Specification. All bid prices x:..011, at bidder's plHrits an =.gyps , Type B, Type, and Type D. 4200 01 001, 003 004 00285 BIDDERS TYPE A TYPE B TYPE 0 PAC— O , ING-JEAST 16.75 17.25 18-40 SPRINGS 18.50 20.00 20.20 20-95 M50 18.7.E m x,9.50 a� 75 1&25 18.25 1950 M W Y- 'JIU t"Ji. 4200 091 09.580 -- BIDDERS -- KOCH MATERIA1,8 ITEM NO IT5M UNIT NIB V, Gal, 81 302-A-002 MS-2 Gal, 03 302-A-003 ss-1 Gw 1A, 302-A-004 SS-1 �-j GaL Uj 302-A-005 RS-1 Gal. 302-A-006 RS-2 Gal. )6 88-1 Premix Tow 17 302-C-001 Hot Water Gala Gal. Gal. Gal. Gal. -- BIDDERS -- KOCH MATERIA1,8 K'0.181. PLAINT. F-0.0. JOB SIT F- yi/B NIB V, .80 81 N/A a43 Nowim M ■ F.0,8. PL-ANT I F,O,S� Joe 61, -TOTAL. D. 0'-' K REQUEST EFORL PURCHASF NJ 6 0 V"; a S ,,-:.,,t -,t,;Ad in i op-eratm-- —get. _Yes V// P11 aft , hon---=--'� t t u - - z ,-�n' -I :-.nsvequest-S.22119� .era 7?- W Publ - , Wot Dire= BAPTIST LOOP ROAD A/C Overlay 1. LyWq B A/C Mats i4l: 3,500 LF X 22 Ft width =: 8,600 sq. yds. Use 220 Lbs per square yard for 2-inch overlay =-. 946 tons S SAYIQQUPR� 2. Tack Coat: Use ratio from Mair.i. Street — (1,780 gal for 4,000 tons) — -, t for 1000 tons Say 450 gallons 20r) TV 1 a 3' w 3 k) TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. J L,IANN M. STEVENS COUWrCLERK SUBJECT- CITY CODE 6 -138 I couwr COSTS A''; a October 25, 2000 BACKGROUNDS Can .lucre 5, 2000, Enrolled Senate Bill 1121 was signed by Governor Keating increasing the Penalty Assessment Fee, collected by the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEFT), by $3.00. This fee is collected on all criminal and traffic convictions at a rate of $4.00 per citation, At the time the Penalty Fee is assessed, a separate $3.00 fee for the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is also added, for a total of $7.00 payable to CLEET, Beginning November 1, 2000, the Penalty Assessment Fee will increase to $7.00 per citation. The AFIS fee will not change. Accordingly, there will be an increase for a total of $10.00 payable to CLEFT. The fee increase is to be used for the purpose of building and operating a State Law Enforcement Training Facility. The Owasso Municipal Court currently assesses $22.00 in court costs, along with the appropriate fine. These monies are then earmarked for their individual purposes and deposited into the General Fund as revenue. In Fiscal Year 19992000, the court assessed fines and costs on 1,779 citations, with $7.00 of each citation payable to CLEET. Title 11 of the Oklahoma State Statutes, Article 17, Section 27 ®126 allows the municipal governing body to determine the costs that may be charged and collected, not to exceed the sum of $25.00, The staff recommends the City Council by motion, as authorized by Section 6-138 of the City Code, increase the current court costs to $25.00 to allow collection of the increase in the CLEET Penalty Assessment Fee. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (918) 272-0445. IM 1. Legislative Updates from CLEFT 2. Copy of Enrolled Serrate Bill 1121 State Oklahoma Councii on Law Enforcement Education and Training YASSESSMENT (Collected pursuant to Title 20 0. S. Section 1313, 2 and 1313.3) August 22, 2000 ATTENTION. Court Clerks., Please find enclosed a copy of Enrolled Senate Bill 1121 that was signed by Governor Keating on Jane 5, 2000" This bill provides for a three dollar increase to the Penalty Assessment Fee beginning November 1, 2000. It also charged the amount retained on the Penalty Assessment Fee portion from % to a flat rate of $.08 per fee. To understand the report form and the effect of these changes, you must understand that the Penalty Assessment Fee (PAF) and AFIS Fee are two different fees with different formulas. Legislative Changes Effective November 18 2000 Current Nov. I Penalty Assessment Fee $4.00 .00 AFIS Fee (o charge) La ,0 E-1.00 `dotal Collected $ 7000 $ 90.00 Administrative Fee Retained. Changed from % to a flat rate of .03 per fee Flat rate of $.06 per fee (No change) Total Administrative Fee Retained, $.14 New forms have been enclosed reflecting the change in the fee rate and administrative fee. This information has been provided to Mr. Lanny Evans with Encode so that programmers can make the modification to the program many court clerks are using. CL TT representatives will be at the October 9 Municipal Coutl Clerks Association How will fees collected at the old rates be reported? Penalty Fees that were ordered paid prior to November 1, 2000, at the $4.00 rate, must be listed separately. The revised report form retained the reporting line for fees collected at the $4.00 rate. Fees ordered paid prior to July 1, 1990, rust also be reported separately because the AFI S fee would not be collected. The reporting form has-been changed to more clearly %3n Mor, and OS131. See the sample below. NUMBER OF PENALTY FEES COLLECTED 2 X $ 4.00 (Ordered paid prior to 7/1190 No AFIS) NUMBER OF PENALTY FEES COLLECTED 4 X $4000 (Ordered paid prior to 11/1/2000) NUMBER OF PENALTY FEES COLLECTED 4 X $7.00(Ordered paid on or after 11/1/2000) - . S ubtotal Subtract Administrative Fee: Total Number of Fees 10 XK08 I ... ... ... . ... Amount Penalty Fees Pai& Line A NUMBER OF AFIS FEES COLLECTED a X $ 3.00 Subtract Administrative Fee: Number of fees: a X $ 0.06 Amount AFIS Fees Pald° Line B 6.00 28.00 52.00 .80 51.20 .-2,4.00 - .48 23.52 How are pardaI fees reported? Partial fee collections should be recorded as a fraction, The formula would be to divide the amount paid by the fee amount, Partial payments are split between the Penalty Fee and AFIS Fees. If the fee was ordered paid prior to July 1, 19909 the payment would not be split between the two fees.. If you are unsure, simply list the fee amount paid and the number of fees on a separate line and we will make the calculations. Example: $ 4.00 (Paid Amount) + $ 10.00 (New Fee Amount) = M $ 4.00 (Paid Amount) + $ 7.00 (Fee amount before 11/1/00) = .58 NUMBER OF PENALTY FEES COLLECTED 10 X $4.00 (Ordered paid prior to 11/112000) NUM 13ER OF PENALTY FEES COLLECTED 21.4 X $7.00(Ordered paid on or after 11/1/2000) NUMBER OF AFIS FEES COLLECTED 31.4 X $ 3.00 Adjustments. A new section has been added to the report to reflect adjustments for over or under payments. The most frequent causes for adjustments are calculation errors, check amount errors (the amount of the check is different than the amount owed due to a reversal of numbers, etc.), administrative fees were nol withheld, or late payment fees are owed. Enclosure: Signed SB 1121 Revised Report Form Sample Report Form Sample Adjustment Letter MROTJ" S of t4e -Senate BYT-,L W, and Mas of tb\ House memo amy state or mLmiicipal court baving wCourt" and jurisdiction to ilWOse a crim'wa f 'no or pm <y © . Q I. PrOviding criminalistic laboratory services, 2. Thg purebase and maintenmPs Of GquiPment for use by the jaboratcxY In POrfozm'ng amlyzis/ 3 Educ atiOno tz'an"129# and scienti fic development Of! Oklahom- State Bureau ag Investigation pmeonn6lo and I ,a. The dootructiOn Of seized property and t&emicalm as prescribed in Sactions 2-S05 aud 2-S08 of Title 63 of thQ Oklahma Statutes- page 2 MEMORANDUM Ton HONORABLE MAYOR R AND COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM- PHIL LIJTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECTMANAGER SUBJECT CHANGE ORIEL 911 AND CONTRACTOR PAYMENT 1998 BOND ISSUE MAIN STREET REHABILITATION DATE: November 2, 2000 BACKGROUND The subject contract consists of milling the existing pavement surface between First and Eleventh Streets, placing a four -inch overlay and improvement of drainage structures. The contract for milling and drainage work was awarded to Horizon Construction Company, Inc., in September 19, 2000 in the amount of $84,709.31. The overlay is to be performed by Tulsa County under an interlocal agreement with materials purchased by the City. Total materials work orders amount to $95,275. The milling and drainage work was started on October 13th. During the milling operation, several areas of deteriorated base were encountered. The contract included a line item for base repairs but the extent of repair has exceeded the contract amount. Also, additional sections of curb and gutter were identified for repair in order to provide proper drainage once the overlay is placed. The overlay placement was scheduled for the week following the milling. However, rainfall delayed the start of overlay placement and recurring rainfall continues to delay progress. During the past two weeks, traffic on the milled surface has caused additional areas of damage due to the decreased pavement surface. Repair of these areas is essential to providing a suitable base for the overlay. CHAN E OREER The additional work required for repairing base failures and additional curb and gutter sections amount to $ 19,354.02. The contractor payment request is attached for a contract amount of $104,063.33 and staff is recommending payment of the requested $98,860.16 as part of this memorandum. Although the contractor has completed the actual physical work, he continues to experience costs for traffic control devices until the overlay can be accomplished. The overlay has been rescheduled for November 6th but weather forecasts indicate additional rainfall preceding this date. Staff recommends a contingency amount to allow for additional cost for traffic control devices and possible additional patch areas due to traffic. A recommended contingency amount of $5,936.67 phis the additional work in place results in a change order amount of $25,290.69 and a total authorized contract amount of $ 110,000.00 (sec attached change order). PROJECT FUNDING Funding is provided by the 1998 Bond Issue. The cost of this change is due to variations of existing bid item quantities and does not apply to the allowable 10-percent increase over the basic contract for changed work in conformance with state law, RE COMMENDATION; Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order 111 to the contract for Main Street Rehabilitation with Horizon Construction Company, Owasso, Oklahoma, to raise the authorized contract limit not to exceed. $110,000.00 and authorization for payment to the contractor in the amount of $98,860.16. ATTACHMENTS. 1. Change Order # 1 2. Contractor Fray .bequest, 11/01/00 CHANGE ORDER PROJEC T a ) ,') � 2 Gov, d I � � u a, � d r CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 6 aa, (1) ATE: Vii -�) 2 a( ") a C0N'l C T SATE- ), t A A � 6ol') TO CONTRACTOR: r"2-ix, &) v),f ?? °m d A °-.on C N l"P A-CT FOR. NA i &w /j (IJ p b" Allm A10 0 e,yry 6le l ei, <e The Contract is changed as follows: fn aW� JLl p aU qYdq, ii,d 0,V+V - ?,ZJ- Not vari untH signed y the Owner and Contractor NOTE. This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Scam Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. CONTRACTOR OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS -- _ . -- BY DATE � DATE 0GCl600 T OF g TO: 10/31/00 FROM: HORIZON CON TRUcTiON Keay INCA PER IO%� P.O. BOX 600 I I TRUBUTION TO: X OWNER OWASSO, OK 74055 ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR ENGINEER PRO.IEC�._ , MAIN STRE:�E�WT" RF°HABILIT"ATION CONTRACT FOR. 3OND PROJECTS E �NTIAC iOR° APPLICA E°ION FOR PAYMENT APPLICATION IS MADE FOR PAYMENT, AS SHOWN BELOW, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUATION SHEET IS ATTACHED, ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $84,709.31 NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS $0000 CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (LINE 1 &. ) $84,709.31 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE $104,063433 COLUMN G ON CONTINUATION SHEET )A. 5000% OF COMPLETED WORK $5,203.17 COLUMN D & E ON CONTINUATION SHEET - FINAL ,13- PERCENT OF STORED MATERIAL COLUMN F ON CONTINUATION SHEET �Co TOTAL RETAINAGE (LINE 5A & 513) $5,203°17 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $968360.16 LINE 4 LESS LINE 5 TOTAL LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $0.00 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $98,660,16 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE LINK 3 LESS LINE 6 ($199354,00 li CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY' CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED IN PREVIOUS MONTHS BY OWNER TOTALS APPROVED THIIS MONTH NUMBER DA-rE APPROVED__ TOTALS NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS mom $ $0.00 DEDUCTIONS $ 0 CONTRACTOR: HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. BY: DATE: STATE OF OKLAHOMP) ) Ss COUNTY OF TULSA ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 720ML SEAL KELLY PAULING TULSA COUNTY NOTARY NOTARY-NBL(N,- COMMISSIC -7)(Fill[RES APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTINUATION SHEET PAY APPLICATION NO. ONE SCHEDULE OF VALUES Page 2 of 2 Application Date: 9115/2000 Job No. 1069 Period Thru: 10/31/2000 PROJECT:MAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS O E WORK COMPLETED- UNIT Previous Application I This Application PRICE QUANITY AMOUNT i QUANITY s AMOUNT 4.92 mo e 26.00 127.92 2.95 om 17,600.00 p 51,920,00 18.75 0.00 94.90 1,779.38 812.00 0.00 29.00 23,548.00 6.91 0.00 122.40 845.78 7.90 g 0.00 350.30 6 2,767,37 4.19 mo 742.90 3,112.75 0.50 P 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,482.13 0.00 1.00 s 2,482. 13 115.00 0.00 `s 52.00 17,480.00 I 2,313.59 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 SCHEDULED FINAL QUANIT Y s UANITY AMOUNT TO DATE 17.00 17,600.00 51.00 2&00 51.00 72.00 432.00 10,200.00 1.00 24.00 1 127.92 51,920.00 1,779.38 23,548.00 845.78 2,767.37 3,112.75 0.00 2,482.13 17,480.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 104,063.33 104,063.33 The undersigned Contractor certifies that all work in this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and that he has Paid all obligations for previously completed work on which payments have been issued. Contractor: Date: CLAT.M OR INVOICE AFFIJDAVIT STATE' OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF ) ss The undersigned (Ard- utect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawhfl age, being first duly sworn, on oath, says that tl (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is tree and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or rriateri ls) as shov�na by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordarice with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the affiant° A.ffiant further states that (s)he has rria.de no payment, nor givers, nor donated, or agreed'to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly,. to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of ttds contract. Contractor or Supplier day of My Commission xpir°es: ' ° Z- -1, � zi(x - � Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me tf-iis clay of Notary Public My Conuriission Expires: f' in NOTE: Strike Out E,vords not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. M (Owner) ARCHITECT'S T'S PROJECT NO: TbLe, ckt�y of Owasso 20.E Soutla Cedar CONTRACT T FOR Owasso, CSC. 74055 C ON°i RAc, i° DATE: September 21, 2000 L In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the there insert name and address of surety as it appears in the bond). Mid- Continent Casualty Company P.O. Box 1409 , SURETY, Tulsa, OK 74101-1409 on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor as it appears in she band) Horizon Construction Company® Inc P.O. Box 690 txrasso, OK 74055 hereby approves the reduction in or partial release of retainage to the Contractor as follows- !zeduction in reta i-nage to 5 CONTRACTOR, as set forth in the said Surety's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF® day October, 2000 the Surety has hereunto set its hand t ��d�e x�,. 27 �f MID-CONTINENT A UA T AN Tulsa, Oldahoma Know all Mete by these presents: That the MID- CON`11NEN'1' CASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Oklahoma, having its principal office in the city of°Tulsa, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following By -Law, which was adopted by the Stockholders of the said Company on March 13th, 1947, to -wit: "Article IV, Section 7. -- "The Executive Officers of the Company shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one more Resident Vice President, Resident Assistant Secretaries mid Attorneys-in-Fact and at any time to remove any such resident Vice President, resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorneydin -fact and revoke the power and authority given hire. None of such appointees treed be Directors of the Company," The Company does hereby constitute and appoint loss Cooper, Victoria Dodd, Robert E. D. Harper, John R. Hogan, Pat Hogan, Ann Hopkins, brass Keller, Mark Long, Robbie Loyd, Jamie Moore, Sandy Pollock, Norma Reynolds, Karl Seizinger and DaVid L, augh o, indlaridu lly of TULSA, OK its true and. law-fat attrirney(s)Nin-fact, to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety, and as its act and deed, Any and all bonds and undertakings of Suretyship And the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall. be as binding upon the said 10D_ -CON11� TENl°I' CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Tulsa, Oklahoma. IN WII.NEss `iA PEOF, MID-CONr11NENT CASUALTY COMPANY has executed and .attested these presents this 13 '. day of Septernb r 2000 ATTEST.- AAAN SO N ASSISTANT SECRETARY . TODD BAZATA VICE PRESIDEW On this, ,: 13 day of Sopt�rrtk�or 9 2000 before me; a Notary Public of the State of Oklahoma iaa and for the C ®only of. Pulsar Caine the individual to ine personally known to be the officer described in, and who executed the preceding iiistrinuei t, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly-sworn', said that he. is the therein described and authorized off`icor of the WD-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Company, and that Article TV, Section 7, of the I3y_i,aws of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. 1A�Oeatbt9PP1Q�aPt ® ®a � r 10A I � a � �F, C have heraunto set aaa� hand and affixed my official seal. at the City of Tulsa, the day and year first above written. ® ® ®T��`� m, LIN My Cornmission expires 11-14-°°00 _- a fatdl9 FOR �s AS L FAY SCOTT Notary Public 'DPafd e, ®a,®®® I, SARA 09SON Assistcutt Secretary of MID- CON °TINENI" CASUALTY COMPANY do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the 13v -taws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation, and of a Power of Attorneti issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the P esolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. Phis certifies that away facsimile or mcchaciically- produ:cd signature ofany ofcer of the Company and Company seal, wherever appearing upon a power of attorney issued by the Company, shall he valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHERE1,0F, I have ltcreunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile, seal of said corporation this 27 day of October � 2000 C" Assistant Secretaay RNO.IoO0578 HORIZON P.O. BOX 690 OWASSO, OK 74055 CITY OF OWASSO ATTEN: PHIL LUTZ JOB LOCATION: MAIN STREET REHAB.--OWASSO, OK ITEM CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT UMBER QUANTITY ADDITIONAL QUANTITIES wmlsffl9� 10/31/00 UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 1 17 26 SY SOLID SLAB SODDING $4.92 $127.92 2 17600 17600 SY COLD MILLING PAVEMENT $2.95 $51,920.00 3 51 91.4 LF COMBINED CURB & GUTTER $18.75 $1,713.75 4 23 23 EA INLET GRATE $812.00 $18,676.00 5 51 122.4 LF REMOVAL OFCOMBINED CURB & GUTTER $6.91 $845.78 6 72 350.3 SY REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT $7.90 $2,767,37 7 432 743 LF SAWING PAVEMENT $4.19 $3,113.17 8 10200 0 LF 4" TRAFFIC STRIPE $0.50 $0.00 9 1 1 LS TRAFFIC CONTROL $2,482.13 $2,482.13 10 24 152 CY QUIKSET FLOW FILL" $115.00 $17,480.00 1A 0 2 EA DOUBLE GRATE DROP INLET $2,313.59 $4,627.18 2A 0 31 LF CONCRETE GUTTER ONLY $10.00 $310.00 19.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR JOB $1049063.30 *88.5 QSFF 63.5 ECONO- CRETE MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO ROM: PHIL I. UT Z, I .E. ENGI EEI :NG PROJECT MANAGE SUBJECT., CHANGE ORDF R 114 AND CONTRACTOR. AYMENT 1998 BOND ISSUE INTERSECTI N AND SIGNALIZATION IMPROVEMENTS DATE- November 2, 2000 BACKGROUND The subject contract was awarded to Horizon Construction Company, Inc., in November 1999 in the amount of $1,268,128.64, Work. includes roadway improvement and signalization of intersections at 1.161h Street North at North Garnett Road and 76th Street North at 129th Fast Avenue, signalization for two intersections on 86th Street North at 123 "d East Avenue and roadway surface improvement on 86th Street Nor1h. between Main Street and Mingo Road, Three previous change orders have been issued increasing the contact amount by a total of $20,151.65 to $1,288,281.29 and time increases totaling 43 days. Based on contractor submittals and estimated quantities needed to complete the work, the net adjustments to contract bid item quantities will amount to an increase of approximately $203,000 over the approved contract amount (see attached cost analysis). The major portion of the increase can be attributed to Item 2- Excavation, Item 7- Aggregate base and Item 19- Class A concrete. In order to provide a contingency for any additional quantity increases until the work is completed, staff recommends including a contingency of approximately $35,000 (total contract approval will be $1,500,000.00). Staff does not believe this contingency amount will be required to complete the work, but recommend this higher limit to provide for any future variation in contract quantities. Final payment will not be made until the contractor provides justification for all quantity increases and resulting costs. We currently hold about $73,000 in retainage. PROJECT FUNDING Funding is provided by the 1998 Bond Issue. The cost of this change is due to variations of existing bid item quantities and does not apply to the allowable 10- percent increase over the basic contract for changed work in conformance with state law. RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order #4 to the contract for intersection and Signalization Improvements with Horizon Construction Company, Inc., Owasso, Oklahoma, to raise the authorized contract limit not to exceed $1,500,000 and authorization for payment, to the contractor in the amount of $82,027.10. ATTACHMENTS- 1. Change Order #4 2. Cost Analysis 3. Contractor Spay bequest, 11/01/00 I ]'111! 00:52 FAX 01,82346-507 HORIZON CONSTRUCTION //I17/00 21:23 FAX To CONTEMCTOR. Horizon Const.,,rual,tion co., Inc. P.O. Box 690 Owasso, Oklahoma 7405S CONTMCT DATM November 2 3, 19 9 9 M, F , - A, Im, ; t; Conft= Is dungW P7 -ffi -T - A nfiz S.- fh6kWd, il� #00tv #-A a (4, dw, 1p vay-,adl,-�ny ti A Ef ,% Not Y&Hd unM signed by the Owow and Contmaor 71,60 r fZx '111111 Illpillill 11! qIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1p Illpill ;11111�111 III �ll�illillilli liplillill liplillp I III llpl�� I I III ppl will l��� lippil I q I llpg�� 2 11111ra: xicoo I Al Horizon Costs.xis E November 2, 2000 Total . Quan i 116th Contract Quantities 36th/123rd 86th Overlay 1 76th11 29th Total Qu2nt Quantity , I A-mt Total Amt Sched Variance Arnt Bid :: 1!i:: Description /Garnett Sched Sch Sch Chgd j Sch Chgd j Sch Chgd Chgd Variance Charged Chgd I Clearing & Grubbing. AC $1,926.00 5.1 0.5 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 4.6 4.6 5 01 $9,822E.6L 2 Unclassified Excavation, CY $7.08 7363 480 937.89 0 I_O 0 �347 59' i 6883 10536-66 11822.24l $9,82260 $0.00 3 Machine Grading. STA S230.00 34 6 6 4459.241 ---F- $83,701-461 -------- $52,130.04 $31,571.42 4,; Temporary Bale Barrier, LF $2.89 710 200 0 0 o 0 0 28 8.32 7 14.32 : l --19.6 8 7- $�,293.601 $7,820001 -S4526 5 Temporary Sediment Filter, EA $110.00 30 0 - 0 10 0 0 0 500 0 0 MOOT $2,051.90 42�051 6 Solid Slab Sodding, SY $1.55 5645 1685 2300 0 60 0 319 0 0 0 0 30 3900 0 l 10849.67 01 �0-71 -30, $0.00 $3,300.001 -S3.300.00 7 1 Aggregate Base Type A, CY $26.91 --195-0 --2750 150 -240 302.86 0 0 200 878.491 1600 4618.33 13468.67� 5799.681 78235.67; 3849.68 $20,876.44 $156,069.39 $8,749.751 $12,126.69 8, Subbase (Select). CY 0-1 0 0 0 0 2510 24-9204 Sli 10)3.594.89 Treated Subgrade, SY --$4.70 90-60 690 799.5 14-92.04 -1257.96 $19,605.41 �$52.474.50 S36.135.00 g -S16,529.59 -9;8'Ljme 10iTack Coat, GAL - 3800 000 0 0 0 0 600 1 60 8-3-70- 8260.5 9060 - 0 $42,582.00 $42,58ZOO $040 11 !Prime Coat, GAL $1.54 1500 100 3900 0 $4,875.00 $4,750�00 $ � 0 00 $125�()O $ 5 ()o 12 ;Asphaffic Concrete Type A. TON -$30.30 ---�300 - 100 0 0 0 1 0 140C) 1400� �1500 0 $2,310.00 $2,3 $0,00 13 -- Asphaltic Concrete T - Type B (Rolymer Mod), TON $35.71 - 3270 _2�00 1100 �1203 �981 1 1091.67 �o 0 0 0 i 0 670 j 0 521.851 31.00 15 00 2957Y8 1650 3161.76. -138.241 $95,801.33 $99SiN-o 44,18&67 14 Asphaltic Concrete Type C, TON S31 A 1 1170 600 364.55 :: 48 $11U40.30 $116�771101 -S231.40 15';8` Plainconcrete Pavement, SY $32.37 1020 0 o 0 70 231.791 500 500 1096.34 1 -73.66f $34,107.14 $36,398.7'0 - 16 Cold Milling Pavement 2', SY $5.E 465 900 0 2018.87 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 1 398.861 1020 440 82.64 4Ac) 32.64 -937�36 $2,675.06 $33.017.40 430�34Z34 17: Fabric Reinforcement, SY . ..... -EA $2.05 8030 130 528.69 0 0 - 1 6300 14835.1 1600 .0 1600 2857.73 ! 1392.73 $16,660.57 $ 09 $8,540.95 A-S2.291.56 S8,119.62 18 � STD Headwall For 18' Pipe, $73-3.13 - -3 696 6963.8-1066.2 C)66 $14,275.79 $13 6150 $1 E6,461 ZO 42,185.71 19 Class A Concrete, CY $303.89 215 0 0 0 0 0 1 31 2 $733.13 $1,466.26 20 Class A Concrete for Small Structures, CY - --��67.00 - I 1 2 0 0 0 G 215 - 269.01 269.01 54-01 $81,749,45 $65.336.35 $16,413.10 21 'Class C Concrete,CY $275.71 12 0 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 E 2.66 .66 3.66 $2,176.22 $467.00 - $1.709.22 22 1 Reinfor cing Steel, LBS - $0.56 - 50100 0 0 0.1 i 0 0 12 12 - 12.1 0.1 :$:3:: $3,308.52 $27.57 23 � Type I Plain Rip Rap, CY $59.80 5 0 0 0 1 0 . 11 0 j 50100 1 62847.94 62847.94 12747.94 $35. 194,851 328,056.00 37.138.85 24i Concrete Curb (8'Intergra(), LF $7.72 195 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 9 9 4 $538.201 $299,00 $239.20 25 Combined Curb & Gutter (6" Barrier), LF 11.76 282 250 235 0 32 0 0 i 0 j 0 195 233 233E 38 $1,798.76 $293.36 26: Combined Curb & Gutter LF $12.25 1070 0 0 0 0 0 0 2351 -47 52,763.60 $3,316.32 -$552.72 27 4° Concrete Sidewalk, SY --- $23.35 55 0 1 0 55 0 54.761 0 0 0 0 1070 1. 1070 1070 � 0 S1 3,107.50 $13.107.50 S0.00 28 4° Concrete Handicap Ramp, EA $546.29 - 4 0 0 0 0 54.761 -0.24 $9,278.65 31,284.25 -$5.60 --29 6° �Concrete Driveway (H.E.S.), SY $28.92 160 0 I 0 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 -2170 41, 0^ 32,185.16 $2,185.16 $0.00 30 Manhole (Diameter), EA S1,61E26 2 0 0 0 0 1 --6-- 0 0 160 2101 Sol $6,073.20 $4,627.20 $1,446.00 31'Manhole Frame & Cover, EA $262.19 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 2L'- 0 '1' $3238.52 $3,238.52 $o.00 - 32 Inlet C0 Des2-B, EA - $1,297.00 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 i 5 5 $1,310-95 $1,310,95 N 0 9� �$2,594.00 -$0.00 33 Area Inlet (City of Tulsa DI- Type 2), EA �$I�,970-00 0 0 o 0 1 -ji 2 3 -2 3 1 $3,891.00 $1,297.00 1 0 n 1 0 0 0 2 11 $3940.00 $1,970,00 S1,970.00 34, Inlet , Frame And Grate, EA $3 00 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 6F 21 $2,184.00 $1,456.00 -3728.00 Page HuhzonCuats.ms Total I Contract Quantities Uescription Bid Price . I Qu2n Sched 11 6th/Garnett S h Ch9d 86th/123rd 86Ih Oved2y Sch Chgd Sch Chgd 76th/129th Sch Chqd tal Quan. Quantity Chgd arian Total Amt Charged Total Arnt Schad Variance Amt 43 18' Corrugated GaIv. Steel Pipe, LF $21.56 _26E_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 331 331 71 $7J36,36 $5,605601 S1,530.76 45'Trench Excavation, CY $9.25 27 1252.38 46 STD. Bedding Material, CY $33.82 180 0 o 98L38 $11,584.52 $2,497.50 $9,G87.02 50 Remove of concrete Pavinnent, SY !F3.66 511 Removal of Asphit Pavment, BY 65 1630 0 $5,965.80 $5,965.80 SOLO — 4473.19 2753A9 $7,380.761 $2,838.00 $4,542.76 56 'Sawing Pavement, LF ___�3.25 7630 2200 2176.67 20 30 610 1185 4800 4800 8241.67 61187 $26,785.43 $24,794.50 $1,9W,93 63 1112" PVC Sch.40 Plastic Cond (trench), LF $3.76— 1325 __200 484 265 722 o 0 860 860 2066 741 $7,768.16 $4,985.31 $2,782.85 65 3-PVC SCHAO Plastic Conduit (Trenrhed), LF $645 715 30 30 635 376 0 0 50 103 - 41,096.50 66 3'PVC SCHAO Plastic Conduit (Bored), LF $16.13 750 110 77 420 471 0 0 220 509 — 220 768 18 18 $12,387. �84�$12�09375 $294.09 Page 2 Horizon Costs. is Description 69 Structural Concrete, CY 70 Reinforcing Steel, LBS 71 21'MH Pole 30° MST ARM (GALV Steel), EA 72 32 Pole 35 Mst ArrrV6' Lum. Arm (Gale SH), EA 73 3Z Pole 40 Mst Arm/ 6 Lum. Arm (Gale Sil), EA 751/c No. 10 Electrical Conductor. LF 76 I/c No. 6 ElecGicaP Conductor, LF 77 Veh Actuated LTraf. Sig. Con. Ass., EA 78 Solid State Digit! _11- Detector, EA 79' Loop Detector Wire. LF 80 Pedestrian Pushbutton, EA 81 1 way 3 Sect Adj. Sig Hd (Mst Arm MTD)(S-6), EA 82 1 way 3 Sect Adj. Sig Hd (Clamp MTD)(S-6), EA 83 1 way 5 Sect Adj. Sig Hd (Mst Arm MTD)(S-29). 84 1 way 5 Sect Adj. Sig Hd (Clamp MTD)(S-19), EA 85 1 way 2 Sec. Ped. Sig. HD. (Clamp MTD)(S-20), EA 86 8'Backplate (12' HDS)(B-1), EA - 87j5' Barkplate (12' HDS)(B-2), EA Bid P io rice $325.50 $1. 0 $2,1 .00 $3,146.50 $3,58a.5o 5488.25 $0.54 $1.09 --i-7,59500 - $97.65 - 586.80 $352,63 $375.38 5759.50 $759.50 $292.95 - $59.68 Quan Schad 26.4 3821 2 3 3 4 4120 200 -3 - 28 - 14300 -8 21 8 7 2 8 21 7 , 116th Son 2.3 414 0 0 1400 60 1 6 - 4200 0 6 1 4 1 0 6 4 /Garnett '_�UaFuffles 86th/123rd I 86th I Overlay 76th/129th I Chgd 7,67 I Total Quan� Quantity Chgd Variance 31.44 5.04' Total Am, i, I Total Amt Schad Variance Amt Charged $8,593.20 $1,640.52 Chgd Sch Chgd I Sch i Chgd Sch 4.3 j 12.4 18.971 0 1 o 11.2 11 414 1734 2835 1-0 0 1673 0 2 -t I i G 0 0 0-1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 I -i 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 i 792 1120 f 0 0 j 0 1600 11 0 70 274 f 0 0 1 70 0 0 8 13 -63 G 9 3808 f 6100 6886 j 0 1 0 4000 0 j 8 f 8 0 j 0 0 6 8 14 0 .0 7 1 6 0 -1 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 1 0 �,O 0 8 0 0 0 6 8 14 0 0 7 6 2 2 1673 4921,621 1100-62 54,921.62 $3,821.00 S1,100-62 0 1 - 1 2, 170 001 $4,34 0.00 -$2,170.00 1 1 -2 S3,146.50� $9,439,50 -S6,293-00 3 31 0 $10,741.501 $10,741.50 $0.00 0 1 -3, $1,953.00 -51,464.75 16M 2392 -1728 51,291.68 $2.228.59 -$936.91 - 144 70 3444F 5374.96 $217.00 $157,96 1 3 0 $22,785.00 522,785.00 50_00 9 30i 21 $292950 S2,734.201 $195.30 4000 14694E 394 $31,885.98 S31,031.00 -7 $854.98 8� 0 $624.40 $694.40 $0.00 21 0 $7.405.23 $7,405.93 50.10 ------- 7 8� 0 S3,003.04 $3,003.04 ---------------- $0,00 I 7t 0 $5,316,50 $5,316.50 $0.00 2� 0 $1,519.00 $1,519.00 $0.00 0 3T-0 _$2,343.60 $2,34160 SUO 1 21 0 $1,253.28 $1.253.18 $0.10 88,5/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable, LF 89 7/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable, LF 90:9/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable. LF 91 12/C Traffic Sig Signal Electrical Cable, LF 92 15/C Traffic Signal Electrical Cable, _LF 9312/C Shiedled Loop Detector Lead-in Cable, LF 94; Sheet Aluminum Signs, SF 95 j Mast Arm Mounted Signs, SF 96 2- 3.65 G.STL. Pipe Posts, LF - 98 - Type 1 Code 3. EA 50.92 $1.19 $1.25 $1.63 $0.49 1700 $17.33 $11.50 $18-00 5450 860 2190 - 370 110 8440 166 280 202 4 700 300 500 0 0 1880 50 114 80 411 273 536 0 0 2469 0 42 0 0-1 11� 4050 11,' 2791 1 050 9 260 339 1 go 7 , 10 8 �19011 1078 �10 370 1, 475 1 5 'ito 0 5010 j 4016 j 44 0 90 143 j 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _7- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 j 0 700 _0 300 1, .00 500 0 0 - 0 1550 _-50]: 72 76 50 9 9 2 $488.25 U 8 $379.75 $108.50 700 3902 �8 $2 77() - 42 - 700 3902 -1548 $2,770.42 $3,843.61 - 41,073.19 00 $839 300 912 52� $83904 $793.14 $45.90 00 1 5 21 4 -7 $2 6' 500 2114 -76 $2,51566 51 5 6 616 $2,6130.,77 0 0 -475 105 $593!75 U61.67 5 .7 ;7 -$98.11 $132.08 0 n _110I $0.00 $179.03 4179.03 �1550 -4051 $3,937.15 $4,120.83 72 51,224.00 $2,813.50 -261 __19 -$183.68 -$11589.50 76 -$4,523.13 $4,852.40 -50 7S 329,27 5,n - -152 $575.00 $2,323.00 -$1,748.00 98 Traffic Stripe (Plastic) (4' Wide, 99, Traffic Stripe (Plastic) (Arrows), EA 100; Traffic Stripe (Plastic) (Words), EA 101 iConstruction Traffic Stipe (paint), LF 102'Pavement marking Removal (Traffic Stripe), LF $0.46 $47.00 UU ]]$�173.00 So 2 $0.23 So SO.35 42900 29 12 00 5500 640 0 9600 10 5 0 0 9600 10 5 2458 1850 0 0 4 1 5500 5500 1 9500.1. 9500 18300 i I 7 8 0 0 12 2 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 2855 5500 640 640 j 01 2939 I 0 4 18300 4- 42900 0 0 $72.00 519,734.00 $72.00 $19.734.00 $0.00 50.00 12 30- -$1,41 C).O() -$j'3C),_00 S47�0 5 1 1 $2,249.00 $2,076.001 $173.00 24293 2960 56,809.38 $1,265.00 $5,544.38 5048 2G477 9837' $3,666.95 $224,001 $3,442.95 i� Horizon Costs.xis Page E Description Bid Price Total Quan Schell 116th/Garnett Sch Chgd Contract Quantities 86th/123rd 86th Overlay Sch Chgd Sch Chgd 76th/129th otai Quan Quantity n Sc? Chgd Chgd Va any Totaf Amt _ otal Amt Sched Variance Amt Charged 103 Construction Traffic Control, LS 104,Remove & Reset Sign, EA '105 Quick Set Plowable Fill (City of Tulsa Spec.), CY 106 High Early Strength Con Concrete, CY 107 PainSng of at Poles, EA 108 Remove/Repl Water Meter & Vault Ass, EA 523,042.00 $270.25 79.64 $218.00 $862.00 $4,628.00 1 8 370 760 4 1 0.3 0 370 560 4 0.30 1 b48.5 573 0.1 L 0 0 1 01 1 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 0 -8 0 0 i 200 296.5 i 0.3 0. . 3 01 ------- �0� 8 0 0 548.5 178.5 0 1 0 869.5� 109.5� $23,042.00 $4 T324.00� 54 $189 551.010 $23°042.00 $2,162.00 '-'9 466.810) $29,4�- �68().00 ESE165 E680.GO $0.00 $2,162.00 514,215.74 S23,871.00 4 0 1 0 �011 -0 4! 01 0. 01 S3 444.8 uU '�' u �6 S675.001 $3,4-48.GO S4°628.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S675.GO i0etour Signage at 116th �86th 0 Detour Signage at 0 Additional Signage for Closure I, Change Order 8f1 - Deleted 5 poles in line items (86th/123rd), Add 6 poles, net change +$7,144.25 0� 01 0 01 a 0 $391.001 ::$�I ��26958� S7, €44.25 r-suo $0.00 MOO $391.00 $1,269.58 --$7,144.25 Change Order #2 - Relocate 12" City water line 76th11 29th 9 513,007A0 0.00 $13,007,40 MOO TOTAL AL CONTRACT, CURRENT CHGS i 51 X71,700.111 I TOTAL CONTRACT, ORIGINAL TOTAL -tAL CONTRACT OVERAGE i PERCENT OVERAGE 1 $1.268,096.61 16.061 $203,603.50 PERIOD TO: 10/31/00 FROM: HORIZON CONSTRUCTION C O., INC, P.O. BOX 690 DISTRUBUTION TO- X OWNER OWASSO, OK 74055 ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR PROJECT: : INTERSECTION & SIGNALIZATION IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEER CONTRACT FOR: BOND PROJECTS �C�N°T �,� APPLIA TIC�N �'C�R PAYMN.� APPLICATION IS MADE FOR PAYMENT, AS SHOWN BELOW, IN CONNECTION WITH TIME CONTRACTOR ONT INUATION SHEETIS ATTACHED. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SIAM $1,263,129064 NE I" CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS $20,151.65 CONTRACT SLIM TO DATE (LINE 1 & 2) $1,233,281.29 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE $1,464,344.47 COLUMN G ON CONTINUATION SKEET k 5400% OF COMPLETED WORK $73,217,22 COLUMN D & E ON CONTINUATION SHEET - FINAL 3. PERCENT OF STORED MATERIAL COLUMN F ON CONTINUATION SHEET TOTAL RETAINA (LINE 5A & ) $73,217.22 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $1,391,127425 LINE 4 LESS LINE 5 TOTAL LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $1,309,100,15 PAY AF9YICAYION f, TEN YI ;YEN: rb 1 a Yfttk I i �u II i I CLEARING AND GRU081NG z I UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 1 3 1 MACHINE GWI14G A I TEMPORARY BALE D.WRIER 5 ITEMPORARYSEO:MENr FILTER 1 6 SOLID SLAB SODDING 7 1 AGOREOATE EASE TYPE A 1 O I SUDDASE(SELECT) i 9 I B' LIME TREATED SIIEGRAOE 1 10 1 TACK COAT i I I PRIIAE COAT 1 12 1 A""ALYIC CONCRETE "IS A 1 i] ASPHALT CONCRETE TYPE O IROL'7MER MOD 4 1 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE YVPE C i IS 16' PLAINCON7CRETE PAVEMENT 1 16 1 COLD MILLING PAVEMENT (2') i i] F-C r4Ei.NFORCEME11T 1 16 1 STO HEAD.•IALL FOR f0• PIP, 19 I CLASS A CO7CRETE 20 )CIASSA CO NCRETE FOR SMALL STRUCTHAEK 21 I CLASS C CCN{REYE i 22 I REINFORCING STEEL i 23 I YYK l PLAIN RIP RAP 1 34 i CO.'CR£TECURBI6'....ERON"' i 0.5 ICOts9 ;p. @CUR86GUTTER(6 "&1RRIER) I 20. I CO1.,.O CORE 6 GUTTER(s °EARRIER) I 0.Y 14'CGNCRETE SIDE -l" i 2a l4 "COCRETEMEELOVV RATA? 1 as 16° CO:CRETEORNEWAY (N.£.S.) I 2 I M4NNOLE (' DIAASETEft) i 39 1 1NLEY ILET CIE FRAJ£EAND COVr ".R I 10. 1G DES (Type i 13 Al ET FRAM(TYPEC ) 1 34 11 OAST FRAME RE IN ATE I 15 I CAST IRO4 CURE INSET i 3S I "'JUST T ADJUST TO GI2AOE I 37 (ADJUST TO S GRADE SGDI i 33 VALVE BOXES ADJUST TO GRAVE 1 39 MIEN METER RESET 40 I REEMOVE S RELOCATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL P'CLE I at 11S• STORM SEWER PIPE (CLASS III RCP) I 40. 12A° STOW, SEWER PiPE(CIASS III RCP! i 43 1 IC CGRUGATED GALV. STEEL PIPE i 44 I GALV. STEEL CULVERT END SECTION FOR 16° F 45 1 TREtICH EXCAVATION i , 1 STD OEDOINO MATERIAL, 1 47 I REIAOVE A RESET FIRE HYDRANT de I R "OVAL OF STRUCTURE (RCS) I 49 1 REMOVAl. OF AREA IN Et I 2 I REMOVAL OF CONCRETE PAV -LIENY i 51 I RE WA; PP ASPHALT PAVEMENT I 52 1 REMOVAL OF CURB A GUTTER 1 53 1 FEIAOVAL OF S!DE,,Mx 1 5A I REMOVAL OF SIGNAL EQUIPMENT 1 55 I REMOVAL OF SALVAGE SIGNS 1 55 I SAWO,'G PAVEMENT I 4Y i FENCE STYLE YA" I Se I FENCE STYLE CLF 1 ZLSOX INSTALATI -SlI -C I REMOVE RESET MALSOX i I 'LIZ-0, i I CONSTRUCTION STAKING 1 1 14' PVC SCM. AO PLASTIC CONDUIT (TRENCH I 1114' PVC SCH. 40 PLASTIC CONOUIT(SOREO) I 1 3" PVC SCH, 40 PLASTIC CONDUIT (TRENCHED) 13'PVC SCH." PLASTIC C.NOUIT(BORED) i I PULL EOM SIZE 19 1 I FULL BOX SIZE IM I STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 1 i REINFORCI77O STEEL 1 121' MM POLE, 20'MST I I JY MH POLE, 35' MST ARIA A 6' NUM. ANA (GA.V i I3Y- POLE, 40 MST ARM 66'LUNL ARIA(GA 11 I? MNT.S.S. KID POLE i 10 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR (1 /C NO 901 i I O ELE,CTR9CAL CC,OoVCTCR VX rNO 0) 1 I VEIT ACTUATED SOLID STATE TRAP SIG CON A51 I'D STATE 0101TAL INDUCTIVE VEH LOOP DETEC i I LOOP DETECTOR 4• ARE I I PEDESTRIAN FUCH WVC,,4 1 1 MY 3 SECTION ADJ. SIGNAL NEAR (MAST AR, I 11 WAY 3 SECTION ADJ. S.-1. HEAD (CLAMP M I I 1 WAY 5 SECTION AOL SIGNAL HEAD (MAST AR, I 11 WAY 5 SECTION AOJ. SIGNAL HEAD (CWAP M I I i WAY 2 SECTION FED SIGNAL HEAD (CW1.P 141 I W BACK PLATE (IF HDSX0.1) I I5 °L CKPLATE(12'HOSX &tl 1 I TRAFFIC .SIO/AL ELECTRICAL CAME (51,31 I I TRAFFIC 91 HALL ELECTRICAL CABLE (TIC) i I YPAFFIC MORAL EL ECTRICALCADLE(=) 1 I TRAFFIC 51O4AL ELECTRICAL CABLE (1011) i I TRAFFIC S:GNAL ELECTRICAL CABLE (9- 1 I SHIELOED LOOP DETECTOR LE-IN CABLE (2A I I SIiEET ALUMINUM SIGNS I MASTARMMOUNTED SIGNS I 12'fLO ]65 C. STL, PIPE POSTS 1 I DELINEATORS - TYPE I CODE 3 1 1 TWPIC 11RIPE (P1A511CX4' WIDE) 1 1 l wilt; 8 RIPE IIIA$Nq (AR. -Kl 1 ITwFIG STRIPE(ISA9Nq I WORDS) I I CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC STRIPE (PANT) I I PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL (TRAFFIC STRI 1 I CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL I REMOVE AND RESET SIGNS 1 I QUICK-SET CONCRETE (CITY OF TULSA SPEC.) i 1 NIGHEARLYSTRENGTHCONCRETE 1 I PAINTING OF SIGNAL POLES I I -TER LINE ADJUSTMENT 1 1 IU.POVR SIGNAGE @1 16tH 1 I DETWRALTMGE FOR i IADOTIOA. SIGNAGE FOfl CLOSURE 1 I ,MST ono£R 1 I l at•- HPOLE, 05'MST i 121'MN POLE, ]O IASi I 111' M19 POLE. 40' MST 1 i I I WATERLINE 1 PORING 1 METER VAULT RELOCATION I IF VA LVE 1 f2' 1 10'fAE0 ALUOS 1 Yo1P I TRANSITIONS CHANGE ORDER 2 P,242 M2 APp'e -Dma: 11!14000 J.NO. Im PNiatl TW 10,31 /2-0 PROJECT:INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS C D UNIT i PravwaAppsaab4 j TFia APF(eal »n I SCHEDULED I FIMAA. PRICE I GUANITY OIANITY 1 AMOUNT I ,,, ,..,�.,. ...,...... _......_.. I I TO DAVE 1,920.. I S.f0 7.06 1 91,359.]3 0]000 1 14.10 189 1 om 1 tss I 6.0106, ad 91 4,652." 13 -14 1,492.01 4.]01 ,,23242 1.25 3,650.. 1,54 i 1,450. 30.00 1 2,.2.46 35.71 1 2,71" w 31.11 1 9,052.37 32.37 I Oa. 563 1 2.58,.39 1.001 as6]20 713131 3.00 3..69 I 289.01 .Y.. 1 4.68 275.71 1 10.2 0.65 1 02,617.69 9.&1 I 900 ,,72 I 211.. 11.70 I 235.0 92.25 1 1 017.10 23.35 54.76 548.22 i 4.00 28.921 "a.Ob 1,619.26 I 2.00 262.99 i 9,267,00 j 3.00 9,970.0 i a.. av+Lw I 9.. 2sow I 520,18 I 211.4 -9 I 10.. 7aoo4 i Y.w 1 4A..0.. I 9.00 I .so I MINI 43.59 1 115." 1 21 So 3 ".wi AL la I 12.. 1 9.25 1 9,2".41 I 33.02 I 021.05 1. i 1,.;8,10 I 3,50.00 1 2.wj 530.w 1,65 1 A,341.6a I ,.,a 1 328..1 tA9 I 5,.76 1 ws." 1 w 1 z" "1 .( 1.05 I 7,333.67 i 5.581 WINI 1035 i 436.44 995. I 1 90...1 4.00 aa.2." I 1.02 i 9,335. I 1.00 i 076 I 1,039.. i 9200 I 1 0.45 I 503w.00 . I 97.931 715..I am 211.1 1I ,11,56 i 9,w 1 305.2 I 29.29 1 I N i 4,074,921 2.170.. I IN I 3,147.50 I 3.. I 3.500.. i L 1 4 ".25 3. . 0.54 1 T9P.. l 1.2 I 279.. 1 7.50705 3,00 i 87251 NN 0017 1 70,094.. I 83.80 I 0.. 1 352.83 1 0.a" I a" a 1 1,. 739.50 1 6.00 i 759.2 I 9.. 1 291.95 I 8.00 I 59961 20.001 5435 i 8 I 0/t 1 3,202 i 692 I 912 1 1.19 i 9.914 1 lzsl rsl 97.00 17.33 ( 185 I 121 16. I 048 1 40,155 I IN m ,a I 30 i . u l 02a1 , I 00,559 I 0..31 i 6,591 1 21,072. I 1 1 27025 81 ]9641 5791 0]0 2- l . 1 692." 1 4 I 4.602.. I 9 I 9810" 1 0.22.09 I ]283." 1 000 1 D wl 05ss- 1 Issas; H i 19405.41 1 13992.17 I A 6a 2 I 0239.. Cana si 1 32739.23 I 0"1.53 I Isom. I 13,55.]0 1 2 I &1,4M945 ILAS 1 2,IaLN I 219.94( i 15104.65 530.20 I 9706.76 l 2]63,60 1 S 1MIT 1 1278.65 1 a i9I 37760. 3238.62 I o.- i 30 1 9940ow .0 1 4." I O.w I 0.2 I o.w i 2314 IES l am2.5a I 460.. i 2620." 1 1735.19 i 5]1340 aao a I 9930/.x9 i 09024.20 I o.i 720. ".w 1 5365 00 I 4511.07 I 1101.64 91.M 1 s45.. i 20wI a3 E1,,43 i 4151.52 1 4517.15 WINI 651so. I 8335.. i 0162.64 1 700.2 3283.. I 95aaw 1 ION" 1 9waaa I 6613.- I 4074,92 I w Mo i 0439.50 I 0- 46625 i .as :1.1".1 l 0.]o aam ". i 020.66o 5 i x3aw.9a 1 89140 0510" I 974.10 i 455].. I 59" 1 0343.80 1 11.301 434.. 1 227312 1 "].0 i w3 75 I 59] 75 I Owl 9977 05 I owi 2..05 l owl 0.1 I,Ha. 0I 1 i 0221046 w I 2w.Os I 0965.6. l 8109.40 1 21113.. I 43961.5 I 89551.. 1 3446.. 1 4808.. I 975.50 ON ]91.00 I 9 1 991.. ".s0. 991 tae956 1 0.w z.5.w 1 2 1 42w.w 2,7 "m 1 a 1 552,0" a'.5m I 2 1 71]0" o." o.. 0" 9.-00 1 I 1 "l.w 4,1..42 i 9 I 41..49. 112111 6 I 1439.78 991.071 91 611.071 92.63 I a5 291] a$ 91.79 1154 5E Nr84.12 195 59 i 1 3 1 559.91 I I o -I 13.007.40 1 1 I 13 "7.49 1 Owl O- 1 0.. I 4.10 ¢62.51 3,274.57 1 7,363.. O.w 0." 3930 0.- 0.. 710.w 0..I owl Sow 5,2..1 0,1:,IA9 I 5,645,00 917.02 1 25AN 20 1 1.950.00 0.2 I ow I 2,750" t.aa7.: i 8,5 "631 9,020.. 0.. Ow 9,6woo 0001 0..1 269.30 i 9..9.79 1 3,]..00 I 0.00 ow I 3,270. 1 o. 1 ow I 1,170.. 1 O.w I o.. 1 1Am. 1 62.66 I 36621 1 0495.w 1 (o w)I (0. -)I b.OJOw I 0.wi Owl 1.001 o.Do 1 0.. 1 2i5.w I 0.001 owi 1..1 a.. I 0. I ;71.9..w.00 I 0.. I ON I s.w i 0.Do I O.w l 'N" 1 Do I o,w I aa2- i 201.00 1 3J07.25 1 9,070.. 1 0.w1 0..1 sawl awl 0.001 4mi Pan 1 2,324.59 I Team i am i o.wl ami 5.00 I 9,390.95 1 5.00 1 a. -I o.m aw l l n.- I o.. I IN I 3.00 I an, as I 4.00 TOO i i,W.o.w I a. 1 0.2 1 0 ." i 9,. 1 0.. I 0." 1 300 1 0.001 o.wl awl 0.. I tl." I 4.00 i ON! 0. 001 1.001 0.. i 0.. I 90.00 I o.w 1 ow I sl1.w i 90 ,. 1,402 I 260.. 1 0.2 I o.w i 0.o.. 1 2f.9i I 2 ON 1 270.w i NI I 2401 i "w I o.wl owl Lwi o.l o..l a.wl MW i 0.2 I 2.w I 0,. I o.w I i,e]aw 1 1J 1.33 1 210,691 U'aw I ON aw I SON 0.. 1 a. I tow 1 O.w I 0..w ON owi f..1 591.00 I 9,927.25 1 Y,wow i O.w 1 0.. I 7.w 1 o.w 1 ow I 260. 1 ,IN I 460. i 4.00 I 0.00 1 01 I 4.00 I 0..1 0.1 9.001 a.m l owl a- 1 2VI.w 601.34 9,325.. awlI am I 140.. I 0. "i ON i 715..1 am I 0.w I2 .w i 9.00 ( 717,w 1 21,00 I I- l Nim I So. i 2.951 ass. 1 36"01 020.27 1 220.27 1 1,820. I 0.00 1 o.w i 0000 i (2.00)1 (a,N3m)I 3.001 2.w ( ,,ta, w 1 3.00 I O.w 0.00 4. 0..) 0..I 0,120,001 1 O.I O.wl 3..1 7,00 i "355 I 0.o.. 1 2.310..1 6,024.72 I 14,1 ".. i Owl 0..1 8.001 1.. i "I'll 29.. Y. I 2,27.2 I 6.00 I 9.. 1.001 75o. 2000 i am 0.. 1 b.w 1.. I 59.99 I 2L- 1 I." I a1251 7 1 374.1 x65.54 6.4501 was 57 ., 1 1 .01 Owl Owl 2.1001 0. I 0.. I 370 1 am i owl 110 I 0. 1 0.. 1 a4J0 I U. oOw1 2b1 o.w 1 o w I 200 1 owl 0.i 0021 awl am l 41 owl a.00 I 4z,coa I owl owl al o. "l o.I w1 I.W.O5 1 6,6w , :W.TOT,. I 640 a.w i 1 1 owl 0..1 o.wi 91 o.w I 0.. 1 3701 am 1 0.. I 180 1 a N m t 0.00 l 4 1 fl.I 0..1 awi 0..1 0.001 o.wl 1 i 0.m o.i I awl 0. "1 0.. 1 0.Do 1 o.w l 0001 owl owl 1 owl O 2 1 a..1 ON . 1 l 21 I O I z N a. 1 o. i 0.00 1 ON 0..1 o.i 0.001 all 0 i .. a.I 000 owl 0001 0..1 awl owl o.l 21 Owl awl am owl Owl o..l owl 0.. I o." I 0.1 0.1 I �I I 9,600. i 7370140 I 0.2 I 0.41 1 00,0]0.4] 1 159,039.30 1 laws 411 42.562.. 1 4,192 50 I 1,23].1 1 65,.1,33 I aa,6,8.59 I 30,]30.23 1 a.asfsJ I t 5,455.62 1 13,455.70 1 2.199 ]9 1 al, %,0.45 1 2. so z,694.a i 5,19,." 1 6017a I 9,706.70 I 2,703.. 1 nal a I i 2]8.05 I 7,165.16 I 0,034.6/ I I 52 x 1 9,310.&11 3,691.. 1 LIMO.. I a,IG,.w 1 610.. 0.00 1 1 o.w I x.314.40 1 46e0. I a230.w 1 7,205 91 I 7,137.36 2,¢x9.55 I 11,504.52 I 21,619 0.0 I Owl " 1 13aw I sms. 1 7,TVaM I 01.66 1 oLO, I 915.. I 2]0." I a5,76Le2 i 4,151.50 1 4.51].15 I 392.. 1 65,1596 1 9,315.. 1 7.,..w 1 3,2203.. .2 1 i 91,532.95 1 9.255.. 1 0,115.- 1 0,2337, I 4,295.99 a. w i . 1 31x9M.2 1 0,449.2 47. 422 so ] .68 I 90.2 I 23,162" i 0,714.00 1 08, 1 ON 40 06, 401 4,406.23 I '.31].04 I 5.5NTw 1 519.. 1 0,34320 I 1,253.18 1 'I 0,530- . 1 aat" 1 50175 1 503. r5 1 0065 1 a.177651 0.. 1 o i 0.o . I ON l 10,71.10 i L41o. 1 2,249.. 1 6,152.N I 3,6".85 l 16.1]2.40 I 0,(0200 i 41,992.54 1 169,551.. 4.010 IN I ,28.w l o.DO 1 O.2 o - 630.2 0 . I " I Sat. I to 0mI o.- i 5.2.. 1 5,530.. I 4.130" o.w I o.. 1 IN 40 I I 79 1 1 8 I mf 671 2113:5 1 20,761.10 I I 159.7] l am 1 I 11,.7.401 1 0.1 TOTAL 1,376,OOD 0.O 60,114.21 tABJ,]J447 tie„ �. 1,. a. I,... 4r... x,,, I..,.., elM. u.: x. a,,.,,.....( �... n.. N ...��..i..'n..........�. ....... ... .. .• :. _ .��__. I 118'H A I 10YtlA 1 11.9 B I 7841 GAR NETT ETT I 1 ;6 �1n IMUIb aArn41 257 1 1 I f 0" I I 99 7 - 347 so j 1as]E 60. 0 32 I 2,]00..1 102N I 319.1 1 ta0f90T 618 49 4 6 79950 1 moow1 100. I 201. 1 gum 2,010.07 1 520 69 i 2.00 I I i I 216.00 1 I i I 1 I ilul 2.309.07 1 240,. t i 9.00 1 I 0,140 6] i 1 i 6.m I am 464.00 i 30.0 j 77.w I 2.w j 4.00 1 494.. 1 Y93.w 1 I 9.. i 8.2 1 3.600.. 1 5000 1 1.. i Too 1 1.. I 0." I 2 SM. I 537m 1 2,469.. 1 ®NI4] O,Ow.w low 5.. a,4SLOO 8a. Qw 5,92 673.. 4.00 54.76 0.w I I I I i 1 i I I 1 i 1 i I I 5x.78 I wI Saw I i I 0.10 1 010 i 22 w 1 3Sw l 976.0 1 0390. I 5m 1 9407 1 2.019.92 I 9.00 I 9.00 274- 1 ,001 93.00 i 0,6@O.w I awl 4.00 I 2,. 1 7.. 1 2,731 - I 1392 i 0)0- 1 A7S. I n,ofa "I 0000 1 4ow I Owl 5.500" i 7.1 9.w I Now I 0.10 1 z." 1 am 1 a.. I i 1 I I t8 J] I 1392 O! 2002 60000 1 9.sww .IOT ]8 Sat s5 I 9 .1625, 031 79 1 4. 2 " 2w00. . 03 3, 0`"9 09 1 FIJ,S 91 I 9, 1 239 ai I 2&1 1 92,61].94 9. I 233 w 8^e 29a. IN 12 3w 200 a" aCa 1." 900 I.Do 70" 4. 119 IN 200 05 36 e,0. 13 i 0.w I t- 530. 9,00538 I 21 13 9.9 C5- 1 4,4F5" I 744.. 1 43644 0.101 am 0101 ow 2a. 901. II, . 4.. 1 0.w ,.0.7 1 7JYk35] I 1m I 300 900 Y2 2.396. IN IN " 00 10 1" I 374. ". 0800 1 10555 w I 1200 1 s. 04,297 w 2.030.30 1 5,048. 0.301 1 1 aw." I CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED IN PREVIOUS MONTHS BY OWNER TOTALS APPROVED THIS MONTH NUMBER DATE APPROVED TOTALS NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS ADDITIONS s DEDUCTIONS $ 20151.65 CONTRACTOR: HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. BY: STATE OF OKLAHOMP) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DATE: /131% -zd SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 20 �i�lff C LAiM OR VOICE ArTIDAVU STATE OF OKLAI-IOMA C0TJN r' T -f�-� 1 The undersigned (Arcl- itect, Contractor, Suppler, Engineer or Supervisory Off=icial), of lawful age, being . s8t du y sworn, on oaCh. says that tf s (voice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Affia t further states (fiat the (work, services or materials) as shown by this h -ivoice or Claim have been (cornpleted or suppled) in accordance with. the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the affiarit° Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any "other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract-. Contractor or Supplier Subs c 'bed an rrr to before me this A- day of-_( Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of � 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires: NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit.