HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.11.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE O ASSO CITY OUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 21, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLAC E: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cler and posted at City fall. 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 1 7, 2000, Zrci Boutwaell, City Clerk AGENDA NDA 1 a Cali to Order Mayor Williams 1 Invocation Jim McElrath, Support Services Director 3. Flag Salute 4, Oath of Office Administered to Councilor-Elect Armstrong Ms Boutwell Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Rage 2 6, Pleading of Mayor's Proclamation. Mayor Williams Attachment 11.6 The Mayor will present a proclarnnation to representatives of Volunteer Network Owasso designating December 2, 2000 as Volunteer Network Owasso Day. 7, Consideration and appropriate Action Pleading to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request, A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. approval of the Minutes of November 7, 2000 Regular Meeting and November 16, 2000 Special Meeting. Attachment #7 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #7-B C. action Relating to approval of a Change in the Automatic Renewal Period with AFLAC for administration of the Flexible Spending Plan. Attachment #7-C The staff recommends Council approval from calendar year to fiscal year to conform with contracts with other city insurance carriers. D. Action Relating to a Worker's Compensation Claim for an ®n- the -Job Injury, Attachment #7 ®D The staff will recommend Council approval in the amount of $6622.00 for an injury claim by Bob Allen, Owasso Eire Department, per claim payment order #010673, representing temporary total disability for a predetermined time. E. Action Relating acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Country Estates IV. Attachment #7 ®E The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Page 3 F, Action Rel4titig to Ordinance #663, an Ordinance Pertaining to Advertising Agents and License pees Attachment 7 -F The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #663, Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the award of laid Package 10 -F Tail. Equipment for the City Fall /:Police Station Project Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff has solicited and opened bids for Bid package 10 -p Tail Equipment for the City Hall/Police Station project, and will recommend that the bid be awarded to Sweeper Metal Fabricators Corp in the amount of $19,093, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #2, adding $27,452,25 to the cost of the project, generated by a revised space plan, a revised site plan, and discrepancies in the construction documents, Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Page 4 10o Consideration arid Appropriate fiction Relating to the Award of a Contract for Plumbing Services for the Equipment Storage Building and ,Shop at the 9W Vehicle maintenance Facility. Ms Lutz Attaclirnnent #10 The staff has received sealed bids and will recommend that a contract be awarded to Action Plumbing and Sewer Company, Owasso, OK in the amount of $6900 for plumbing services fir the equipment storage building and shop at the Vehicle Maintenance facility, 1.1� Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the ;partial Closing of a 17.5' Utility Easement Along the West Property Line of Lot 20, Bloch 5, El Rio Vista 11 (10809 E 96"' P1 N) Ids Sorrells Attachment #I I The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recorrnnends Council approval of the requested easement closing. The staff concurs with the recommendation, Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Page 5 11 Consideration and .Appropriate .Action Relating to a Request for City Council Authorization for the Owasso Economic Development authority to Enter Into a Contract for Services with Alaback Design Associates; and Authorization to Transfer $8959.48 from the Economic Development Department and $20,240,09 from the OEDA Mork Flan, Roth in the General Fund, for a Total Transfer of $29,199,57 to the Owasso Economic Development Authority, Mr (wing Attachment f1.2 The staff will recommend Council authorization for the transfer of funds as mentioned above for the purpose of partially funding an Owasso Economic Development Authority contract with Alaback Design Associates for the purpose of performing work related to the development of a Downtown Redevelopment Concept Flan; and authorization for the ODA to enter into such contract. 13. Deport from City Manager. 14. Deport from City Attorney. 150 Report from City Councilors. Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Page 6 16, New Business. IT A(1jourrirnent. PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, TYPE OF MEETING: TlNG: Regular ATE: November 21, 2000 TIME: 6030 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Noti.ee of Addendum filed in the office of the .City Clerk. and pasted at city hall at 11:30 a.m. on.. Monday, November 20, 20K Miarei a outwell, City Cl rk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed or]. November 17, 2000, grad is a correction to Item 9-7-Eo item #7-E should read as follows: E. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Streets a_ad Store Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Gauntry Estates IV. Attachment #7-E The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements, PROCIAMATION CITY" OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. WHEREAS, voluntary participation strengthens us as a nation, strengthens our cornrrrunities, and fulfills us as individual human beings; and, WHEREAS, almost anything that really matters to us, anything that embodies our deepest commitment to the way we live and care for human life, depends on some form of volunteerism; and, WHEREAS, volunteerism is vital at all times, and will make a difference in the lives of those who come after us; an, WHEREAS, Volunteer Network Owasso began in 1994 with. a United inlay Venture Grant; and, WHERE, S, during the past six years, Volunteer Network Owasso has provided many important services to the community by encouraging and coordinating volunteerism, providing basic needs assistance, and offering information and referral services to residents in need, thereby enhancing the quality of life of those influenced by how much volunteers care, NOW, 'THEREFORE, I, H C Williams, by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Saturday, December 2, 2000 as in the Owasso Community, and urge all citizens to give generously of their resources to assist in the programs of this agency. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 21" day of November, 2000. H C Williams, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 7, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday November 7, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City hall bulletin board at 4;00 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 2000, ITEM 1 e CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called this meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2e INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Councilor Brogdon, ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Cub Scout Pack #57 presented the colors and led in the flag salute. ITEM 4; BOLL CALL PRESENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Mary Lou Barnbouse, Nice Mayor Dandy Brogdon, Councilor STAp`Ii Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Melinda Voss, Councilor Mayor Williams presented a proclamation to Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney designating November 12, 2000 as America Recycles Day in Owasso. He also read a proclamation designating November 12-18, 2000 as Oklahoma Heritage Week. The proclamation will be forwarded to the Oklahoma Heritage Association. Owasso City Council November 7, 2000 D. Action Relating to Ordinance #661, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located on the West Side of North 145th East Ave, South of 116th St N, And Containing 61.24• Acres, More or Less (Ward 1). E. Action Relating to Ordinance #662, an Ordinance Providing for the rezoning of Property Generally Located North of East 116th St N and West of N Garnett Rd, from AG (agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density), Containing 17.65 Acres, More or Less (Ward. 1). F. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve The Fairways VI, The consent agenda included minutes of the October 17, 2000 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $49,133,329 (2) Ambulance Fund ($879.14); (3) Ambulance Capital Fund $150,175.15; (4) E -911 $2,153.419 (5) Fond Projects $243,338.129 (6) City Garage $20,969.549 (7) Workers Comp Self-Insurance $2,360.299 (8) Payroll $154,869.279 (9) City Garage Payroll $3,96.669 (10) Ambulance Payroll $9,956.84. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of Ordinance #660, approving the rezoning of property located on the west side of N 145th East Ave, south of E 116th St M Item D requested approval of Ordinance #661, approving a Planned Unit Development containing 61.24 acres and located on the west side of N 145th East Ave, south of 116t1' St N. Item E requested approval of Ordinance 9662, approving the rezoning of property located north of E 116th St N and west of N Garnett Rd and containing 17.65 acres. Item F requested Council acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer systems constructed to serve The Fairways VI, Ids Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the consent agenda, AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carded 3 -0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE FOR CITY COUNCIL ■O t FOR BRA:! PARK A ADDITION OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMAffARD 5. _. Ms Sorrells said that the City of Owasso has received a request from the Baptist Retirement Center for review of a final plat for Bradford Park, located south of E 76th St N and west of N 1291h East Ave. The plat contains one lot on 18.661 acres, more or less. The final plat was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and all of their concerns have been addressed and are reflected on the plat. The plat has also been reviewed by the Owasso Planning Commission and has been approved by that body. The project will be developed in phases and the applicant has requested the deferral of installation of sidewalks along N 129th East Ave until future phases are being constructed. Staff recommended approval of the final plat subject to two conditions: (1) Acceleration/deceleration lanes shall be required along E 76th St N and N 129t1' East Ave, and (2) Sidewalks shall be required along all public rights-of-ways with deferral of installation along N 129th East Ave until the beginning of the second phase of the development. -2 Owasso City Council November %, 2000 Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the final plat for Bradford park, subject to the two conditions mentioned, AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion. carried 3 -0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND A-PPROPRIATE ACTION RE�LATING'J�Q REQLJEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF MATERIALS FOR THE BAPTIST RETIREMENT GENTEEL -P )LING PRC7JECT. Mr Lutz presented the item. The project is a street that loops through the Baptist Retirement Center. Mork will include a 2-inch overlay of the existing road, with work being done by Tulsa County under an interlocal agreement, and using paving materials supplied by the City, This is the only street within the Center that is maintained by the City; all other streets are privately maintained. Bids for materials were requested, and the 'Tulsa County id List was utilized to establish the lowest price. Materials required for the work include Type B asphaltic concrete and asphalt tack coat. Staff recommended approval for the purchase of asphaltic concrete and asphalt tack coat from Lobo holdings Inc in an amount not to exceed $18,240, Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Barnhouse, to approve the requested purchase of materials for the Baptist retirement Center paving project. AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. ITEM9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL TO INCREASE COURT COSTS. AYE: 13arnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3 -0. _3w Owasso City Council November 7, 2000 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TQ A REQCJEa�F FOR CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL, OF CHANGE ORDER #1, A CHANGE .ORDER TO , A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND HORIZON, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY" INC TULSA OK , FOR MAIN STREET REHABILIT'A.TIO�AND ACTSIIC)1���iII�1� PC�RI'AYMETT, Mr Lutz presented the item, The project consists of milling the existing pavement surface between :First and Eleventh Streets, placing a four -inch overlay, and improvement of drainage structures, The contract for milling and drainage work was awarded to Horizon Construction Co Inc on September 19, 2000 in the amount of $84,709,31. The overlay will be performed by Tulsa County under an interlocal agreement, During the milling operation, several areas of deteriorated base were encountered, The contract included a line item for base repairs, but the extent of those repairs has exceed the contract amount. Also, additional sections of curb and gutter were identified for repair in order to provide proper drainage once the overlay is completed. The additional work required increased the contract by $19,354.02, increasing the contract to ,$104,063,33. The contractor has completed the milling and drainage work and has requested payment in the amount of $98,860,16 - the contract amount less 5% retainage, Horizon Construction will continue the traffic control portion of the contract until the overlay is completed. Because of the rain delays, there is an increase in that amount, Staff requested a contingency amount of $5,936067 to cover this item. The total amount of Change Order #1 is $25,290,69, increasing the contract to $110,000, Ms I3arnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Change Order #1 to the contract with Horizon Construction for the Main Street Rehabilitation project, raising the authorized contract amount from $84,709.31 to an amount not to exceed $ 110,0009 and authorization for payment to the contractor in the amount of $98,860.16, AYE: Bar°nhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, -4 - Owasso City Council November 7, 2000 have been experienced for relocation of existing utilities not fully defined on the contract plans. The contractor's latest request for payment is in the amount of $82,027.10. This payment, along with payments already made, exceeds the approved contract limit, used on contractor submittals and estimated quantities needed to complete the work, the net adjustments to contract bid item quantities will amount to an increase of approximately $203,000 over the approved contract amount, In order to provide a contingency for any additional quantity increases until the -work is completed, staff recommended including a contingency of approximately $35,000. This will bring the total contract amount to $1,500,000. The contractor will be required to justify all quantity increases and resulting costs. Mr Bro don moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve Change Order #4 to a contract with Horizon Construction Co Inc for intersection and signalization improvement projects, raising the authorized contract amount of $1,288,281.29 to an amount not to exceed $1,500,000, and authorization for payment to the contractor in the amount of $82,027.10. AYE: I3rogdon, Barnhouse, Williams NAY; Done Motion carried 3 -"0. rrEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No report, ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. ffim ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. am -5... Owasso City Council ITEM 16: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Mr Brog;don to adjourn. .AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: lone Lotion carried 3 -0, and the meeting, was adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -6- November I, 2000 H C Williams, , mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL CIL, MINUTES OF SPECIAL, MEETING Thursday, November 16, 2000 The Owasso City Council Diet in special session on Thursday, November 16, 2000 in the Tower Level Conference Doom at Owasso City hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Fall bulletin board. at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2000. ITEM 1: CALL, TO 0LI')EI1 Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. PLE SENT A13 SENT Will Williams, Mayor Melinda Voss, Councilor Mark Lou Barnhouse, Vice Mayor Dandy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong - Councilor -Elect STAFF Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stan Ewing - Community & Economic Development Director A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A CONTRACTFOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN. _ ORDINANCE ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO AN B. I OF THE CODE ORDINANCES. Ms Boutwell said that the current code requires all persons or groups distributing handbill -type materials to obtain a $50.00 permit. Staff believes that this places an undue burden on non-profit and service organizations. A ordinance has been drafted that would place new language in the code requiring only those persons who distribute handbill materials for commercial, for profit, advertising purposes to obtain a permit. A provision has been made for a per occurrence fee of $10.00. This item will also appear on the November 16 `h City Council agenda for action. Owasso City Council ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barn house moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Brogdon, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -2- November 16, 2000 H C Williams, Mayor Fund General City of Owasso Claims 11/21/00 Addendum Department `dotal Managerial 1,269,37 Total 1,2693 1 City of Owasso Claims 11/21/00 Fund (Department Total General Deposit }refunds 20.00 105 Municipal Court 257.35 110 Managerial 649.21 120 Finance 6.50 150 General Government 5,974.45 160 Community Development 791.29 170 Engineering 206.58 '975 Information Systems 249.27 161 Support et -vices 1,244.41 190 Cemetery 31.97 201 Felice Services 6,887.03 215 Police Communications 1,101.00 221 Animal Control 3,509.63 250 lire Cervices 5,504.13 260 Emergency Preparedness 63.99 300 Streets 2,601.92 515 Park Maintenance 2,176.51 550 Community Center 1,309.26 710 Economic Development 12.50 715 O CDDA Work Plan 2,726.41 TOTAL 35,523.43 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 2,191.62 TOTAL 2,191.62 Capital Improvements 96th Street Signalization 68,751.99 TOTAL 66,751.99 Bond Projects City Fall /Police Station 5,175.60 Project Management 14,762.35 TOTAL 19,937.95 OPGA Merchandise 473.26 605 Cart Operations 331.59 610 Golf Course Maintenance 4,539.34 690 Golf Administration 395.00 691 Clubhouse 2,004.93 800 [Debt Service 4,136.04 TOTAL 11,932.16 ®IOWA 400 Administration 405 Utility Billing 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 455 Wastewater Collection 480 Refuse Collections 485 Recycle Center TOTAL 0 WA Capital Improvements O WA Sewer Line Extension City Garage Workers` Cornp Self Insurance 450 Wastewater 1 "reatment Plant TOTAL Debt Service TOTAL 185 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers` Comp TOTAL 2,278.42 4,784.20 23,587.32 13,473.01 1,887.40 7,386.60 1,680.09 55,086.13 169,963.84 169,960.3.64 Claims Total 415,288.48 City of Owasso Nov 16, 2000 03e59pm Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2732 627 11/09/00 6343 107585 11/21/00 182000 182 ®00 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 2733 642 10/31/00 6372 200-10/00 11/21/00 52.42 1,317027 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 10/31 /00 202 °10 55054 10/31/00 203 °10 36.00 10/31/00 205-10 7472 10/31/00 204-10 25072 10/31/00 206 °10 70.14 10/31/00 208-10 15.43 10/31/00 209 °10 41.15 10/31/00 210 °10 63037 10/31/00 211-10 73.31 10/31/00 212 °10 54045 10/31/00 213 -10 77.22 10/31/00 215 °10 23015 10/31/00 218-10 30x86 10/31/00 219°10 63.12 10/31/00 220 °10 25072 10/31/00 221-10 78.74 10/31/00 22710 18.00 10/31/00 223-10 25072 10/31/00 224 °10 60.45 10/31/00 225-10 20.57 10/31/00 227 °10 74°68 10/31100 230-10 38.58 10/31/00 233-10 54.01 10/31/00 236 °10 130.91 10/31/00 237-10 51,43 10/31/00 238-10 48.86 27x8 129 10/25/00 6330 /2155800 11/21/00 10000 10.00 12 CELL PHONE USE 2739 812 10/20/00 6471 1510073852 11/21/00 27030 88.14 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/29/00 1501073418 16065 203.94 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/20/00 1501073848 10094 159016 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/25/00 1510073968 25098 150.28 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/25/00 1511073969 9.52 45030 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/25/00 1513073971 25093 16065 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/06/00 1513073558 54.79 09/29/00 1513073424 42094 10/13/00 1513073698 96043 10/20/00 1513073856 93°05 10/20/00 1508073851 2.98 10/13/00 /507073694 35°72 09/29/00 1508073421 74.84 10/20/00 1511073853 68.53 10/13/00 1511073696 14.79 09/29/00 1511073422 29058 10/06/00 1507073555 4.38 10/06/00 1506073554 5.20 10/13/00 1510073695 23092 2743 688 11/07/00 6458 10001154037 11/21/00 432.90 432090 6 CHLORINE 2744 941 10/29/00 6466 199872 11/21/00 70090 70490 6 GRAVEL /ASPHALT 2746 763 10/25/00 6464 6110571 11/21/00 608.31 608031 6 LAB SUPPLIES 2747 239 10/31/00 6462 97744 11/21/00 119040 29085 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 0 *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) eity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 16, 2000 03e59pm Page 2 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 29885 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0000 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 29085 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 29085 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2749 514 10/26/00 6472 1801 11/21/00 96.75 96.75 6 CONCRETE 2750 366 10/24/00 6475 628762 11/21/00 22060 35.80 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/25/00 628950 13020 2.64 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/17/00 628054 2.64 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/17/00 628932 -15.68 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/18/00 628197 60023 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/17/00 628112 82°35 170.97 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 10/24/00 628831 18.49 30.74 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 10/31/00 629497 12°25 10/30/00 629336 44007 2765 591 11/02/00 6450 82401315'ri 11/21/00 20°30 56°80 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/02/00 8240131575 29.00 45.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/02/00 8240131576 48.95 40060 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/02/00 8240131567 28.40 117.00 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/02/00 8240131568 18.35 36.70 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/02/00 8240131574 4055 9.10 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/09/00 8240132347 20.30 11/09/00 8240132349 16010 11/09/00 8240132350 68005 11/09/00 8240132341 28„40 11/09/00 8240132342 18035 11/09/00 8240132348 4.55 2769 827 11109/00 6449 946259 11/21/00 52.02 52002 HEPATITIS SHOTS 11/09/00 946263 92,00 92000 HEPATITIS SHOTS 2770 357 10/23100 6463 T2430 11/21/00 40000 240.00 12 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 10/23/00 T2427 40.00 10/31/00 T2497 40000 10/13/00 T2348 40000 10/02/00 T2194 40.00 09/22/00 T2179 40.00 2867 123 11/01/00 6402 40118 11/21/00 238026 238.26 12 BATTERIES 2868 857 /0/02100 6409 171889 11/21/00 5.32 1,210091 24 REPAIR PARTS 09/27/00 171519 267.49 10/03/00 172010 26016 10/04/00 172098 53°25 10/05/00 172204 3.24 10110/00 172599 280°74 10/11/00 172745 11°65 10/12/00 172802 11069 10/16/00 172143 27084 10/20/00 173551 5.82 10123/00 173751 19036 10/23/00 173753 3.51 10/25/00 173912 88053 10/23/00 173723 90.49 10/26/00 174022 143,52 10/30/00 174283 7099 11/08/00 175044 95088 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 16, 2000 03o59pm Page 3 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 2872 2873 NM 2877 2934 2997 3022 3091 MW AFL 11/08/00 11/10/00 11/10/00 591 11/09/00 11/02/00 11/02/00 11/09/00 446 10/30/00 CEPO 10/27/00 10/26/00 10/30/00 10/10/00 10/11/00 10/23/00 10/18/00 10/31/00 10/20/00 10/20/00 10/23/00 10/26/00 10/25/00 364 10/09/00 10/12/00 10/30/00 10/03/00 10/16/00 1171 10/31/00 554 11/01/00 1360 11/16/00 129 10/25/00 538 11/13/00 591 10/26/00 11/02/00 11/09/00 10/19/00 10/26/00 11/02/00 10/19/00 11/09/00 1392 10/19/00 263 11/01/00 175040 175234 175208 6427 8240132346 8240131572 8240131570 8240132344 6407 155259138 155258392 155257993 155259137 155253220 155253540 155257016 155255597 155259452 155256218 155256351 155257172 155257296 155257734 6406 157541 157661 158310 157366 157847 6400 334640 6332 628 6430 11/9-11/16 6390 /2449146 6426 1307 6365 8240130796 8240131571 8240132345 8240129993 8240130794 8240131569 8240129991 8240132343 6468 6 6469 16 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APRO83 11/2.1/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 11/21/00 26.24 12063 29056 1145 1145 26055 26.55 37488 13.49 16.90 29942 88.,71 67°60 17.05 97.99 62.38 9044 364037 90.26 9.99 420074 65000 65000 65.00 4500 65.00 100.00 40..00 120.00 23.30 206.56 10075 14040 14.40 10.75 14070 14070 1120 14070 137,019.71 20,996.43 22.90 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 53010 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 1,326.31 24 REPAIR PARTS 305000 12 TIRE REPAIRS 100.00 6 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 40.00 12 DIAL -UP SERVICE 120.00 45 BAILIFF DUTIES 23030 SR VAN-USE 0.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 12007 MAINT SUPPLIES 8.91 MAINT SUPPLIES 8.92 MAINT SUPPLIES 8.92 MAINT SUPPLIES 8092 MAINT SUPPLIES 90099 PAPER /MAINT SUPPLIES 13016 MAINT SUPPLIES 14°99 MAINT SUPPLIES 39068 PAPER /MAINT SUPPLIES 55030 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 50030 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 137,019.71 WWTP °PHASE IIAm3 /7/00 20,996043 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,ity of Owasso Nov 16, 2000 03e59pm Page 4 lnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description eee - ®W ------ ------ -- ---- eu ®ewn ------------ -------- ------ ---- -- -- ---- -- -d- -Baba°- ------------ ------------------ 3193 263 11/01/00 6476 4 11/21/00 11,947°50 3194 750 11/07/00 6455 104.E 11/21/00 14,762035 3197 1204 10/31/00 6456 346748 11/21/00 18,959°00 3291 717 12/01/00 6371 120100 11/21/00 23,000°00 3322 1152 11/05/00 6479 110500 11/21/00 457050 3323 38 11/06/00 6481 110600 11/21100 682.95 3324 171 10/16/00 6480 101600 11/21/00 767.10 3325 371 10/16/00 6478 101600 11/21/00 882045 3326 264 10/31/00 6477 103100 11/21/00 442.80 3350 475 11/03/00 6453 60657 11/21/00 130000 3398 785 10/23/00 6473 8646789043 11/21/00 45019 10/23/00 8646789035 185.50 3443 581 08/04/00 6331 11864 11/21/00 75.00 3466 1419 10/31/00 6403 6592 11/21/00 1,090400 3589 129 10/25/00 6368 12313359 11/21/00 47.64 3729 797 11/06/00 6360 1747315 11/21/00 51.66 3773 475 11/03/00 6454 60656 11/21/00 70000 3787 932 10/18/00 6423 206773 11/21/00 45.00 3790 1500 10/30/00 6401 103000 11/21/00 1,451026 3823 360 10/27/00 6367 844103 11/21/00 77»06 3826 1534 11/10/00 6452 3 11121/00 68,751°99 3880 126 10/31/00 6393 369399 11/21/00 483.00 3882 556 10/20/00 6375 MB001366 11/21/00 2,948°00 3894 362 11/01/00 6336 32909 11/21/00 35.00 3983 65 10/31/00 6374 6815-001 11/21/00 50.00 3997 1557 11/10/00 6342 51484 11/21/00 1,551.40 4017 126 10/27/00 6392 369079 11/21/00 1,817 00 11/03/00 369641 348°00 4027 1545 11/01/00 6459 261 11/21/00 80000 4073 1399 11/01/00 6460 8545 11/21/00 405°00 4075 829 10/31/00 6461 218840 11/21/00 150.00 4156 1497 10/18/00 6440 309247 11/21/00 100.00 10/18/00 309189 100.00 4193 66 10/16/00 6395 337133 11/21100 550°06 10/26/00 338230 111.40 10/27/00 338345 40.10 4197 1575 10/13/00 6485 85 11/21/00 4,999000 4235 797 11/06/00 6364 1824806 11/21/00 34044 4238 879 10/06/00 6361 100900 11/21/00 8069 4239 372 10/04/00 6362 37150 11/21/00 29.14 4267 819 11/08/00 6410 14518 11/21/00 63012 10/11/00 14333 30 „00 4285 1056 10/20/00 6457 61707 11/21/00 55000 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 11,947.50 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 14,762035 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 18,959°00 WATER MASTER PLAN 11 -16-99 23,000000 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 457050 METER READINGS 682095 METER READINGS 767010 METER READINGS 882045 METER READINGS 442480 METER READINGS 130.00 RENTAL 45.19 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 18550 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 75.00 TRAINING-MITCHELL 1,090,00 12 JANITORIAL SERVICE -6 /20/00 47064 11 PHONE USE -KROPP 51.66 H08170 70.00 RENTAL 45.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 1,451.26 VEHICLE REPAIR 77006 COPIER MAINTENANCE 68,751099 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 -20-00 483°00 HOSE 2,948 00 RADIOS 35.00 BIO -WASTE DISPOSAL 50000 DISPATCHER TRAINING 1„551040 BILLING SERVICE 9/15/00 2,165 00 SAFETY BOOTS /COATS /PANTS 0,00 ROCK HAULING 80.00 TOPSOIL 405000 MATERIALS TESTING 150°00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 100000 TRAINING- EDWARDS 100.00 TRAINING °SHELTON 701.56 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 4,999000 TEMPORARY FENCING 34.44 M09110 8.69 009050 29014 M09110 93,12 TOWING CHARGES 55,00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 16, 2000 03e59pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number -- - --- Date m- uwbe -- Code Number - ®oa ------ Invoice# ------ -- ---- Due Date -------- ----- Amount Date - - ----- -- - ----- Amount Amounts ­ ...., --- --- ------------ Claim Description ----------------------- 4289 729 11/01/00 6465 12317 11/21/00 1,050°00 1,050.00 METER SET'S 9/7/99 4294 1160 10/12/00 6366 8128 11121/00 38.50 38.50 UNIFORM SHIELD 4306 601 11/01/00 6341 3735 11/21/00 1,417 67 1,417 67 8 CONTRACT ADMIN 10/17/00 4317 372 10/12/00 6363 37318 11/21/00 29.88 29088 M09110 4329 496 10/06/00 6451 1355 11/21/00 0.35 0,00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/10/00 1380 6029 0.35 REPAIR SUPPLIES 6.29 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4332 66 10120100 6396 337761 11/21/00 469072 629032 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 10127/00 338410 46.20 11/09/00 339653 113040 4381 1361 11/06/00 6333 10/26 °11/2 11/21/00 120,00 120,00 2 BAILIFF DUTIES 4384 1562 10/30/00 6373 53080.E 11/21/00 573.40 573.,40 OLETS TERMINAL EXPANSION 4386 707 11/02/00 6439 NC180925 11/21/00 295.26 295.26 POLICE SUPPLIES 4402 1619 10/24/00 6419 277637 11/21/00 203022 203.22 REPAIR PARTS 4408 1075 11/01/00 6474 118866 11/21/00 99099 0.00 SAFETY BOOTS - BURTON 11102100 2022716 118.34 99.99 SAFETY BOOTS- MORADOS 118034 SAFETY BOOTS-BOWMAN 4416 585 11/02/00 6394 757 11/21/00 276°00 276°00 15 UNIFORM SHIRTS 4418 1039 10/30/00 6470 314144 11/21/00 116088 673052 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/23/00 312785 279004 10/25/00 312945 112080 10/20/00 312783 164480 4420 929 11/01/00 6484 21850004605 11/21/00 6,031.34 47.52 TIPPING FEES 11/01/00 21850004611 47052 4,567.79 TIPPING FEES 1,463055 TIPPING FEES 4428 855 11/01/00 6369 756746 11/21/00 49070 49.70 REFERENCE BOOK 4431 1003 10/18/00 6337 217268 11/21/00 24.95 24.95 BATTERIES 10/18/00 217270 224485 224.85 UNIFORM PANTS 10/20/00 218416 27.00 27.00 LIGHT BULBS 4433 1405 10/30/00 6335 C-10076452 11/21/00 557,86 575.74 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 10/31/00 C °10076491 46048 10/30/00 C- 10076470 36020 10/31/00 C-10076511 w64�80 4439 770 11/02/00 6334 146785 11/21/00 507.09 470.23 CLEANING SUPPLIES 05/25/00 135025 °18043 06126/00 8272 °18443 4453 812 10/25/00 6437 1515073972 11/21/00 10.99 37083 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/29/00 1516073425 31.51 26.94 KEYS /INSPECTION MIRRORS 10/06/00 1516073559 1.98 10.99 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 10/13/00 1516073699 2498 10/20/00 1516073857 28.30 4473 418 10/27/00 6398 TQCSPR 11/21/00 368°00 368.00 AIR FARE-MITCHELL 4474 808 10/26/00 6388 201154 11121100 2,726041 2,726 41 OEDA MARKETING MAP 4476 939 11/01/00 6433 110100 11/21/00 250000 250000 EQUIPMENT REMOVAL 4477 485 10/27/00 6436 102700 °01 11/21/00 19.95 19.95 UNIFORM GEAR 4481 862 09/30/00 6391 87834 11/21/00 95°00 95.00 CONFERENCE °SORRELLS 4488 793 10/27/00 6386 72461 11/21100 11,629.00 11,629.00 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 10/17/00 4493 943 11/02/00 6432 24822 11/21/00 32099 32099 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 4495 781 10/20/00 6346 498947248 11/21/00 146042 23026 POSTAGE CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADSOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 16, 2000 03a59pm Page 6 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Fult Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ------ --need -- ---- -- ---- - - --- ------ ---- -- d- - -n -w- ------------ -------- _- - -- ---- ------------ ------- - --- -- mead ---- -- 4497 1062 10/30/00 6384 10/30 11/21/00 2,€357029 4496 714 11/01/00 6438 23559 11/21/00 51050 4500 1075 10/06/00 6397 13296 11/21/00 350806 4501 666 11/06/00 6385 3700 11/21/00 100000 4503 159 10/30/00 6358 4346 11/21/00 1,755 75 4506 1002 11/21/00 6389 112100 11/21/00 442°74 4507 1709 11/21/00 6348 11030 11121100 50.00 4508 89 11/20/00 6347 120100 11/21/00 4,138.04 4509 1710 11/04/00 6357 623 11/21/00 75.00 4510 1084 10/30/00 6345 10/00 USE 11/21/00 23,218081 10/30/00 775301005 46.60 4511 1711 11/02/00 6356 110200 11/21/00 200.00 4513 377 10/25/00 6344 64724287 11/21/00 420.99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Retease 640,6 O *APR083 123.16 POSTAGE 700000 RETAINER 700.00 RETAINER 1,407 29 LEGAL SERVICES 50000 LEGAL SERVICES 51450 PROGRAM RADIO 35006 SAFETY BOOTS /JACKETS 100800 PRINTER TONER 1,755075 ARBITRATION EXPENSES 12050 REIMB PETTY CASH 5,95 REIMB PETTY CASH 7.00 REIMS PETTY CASH 0.22 REIMS PETTY CASH 2075 REIMS PETTY CASH 6050 REIMB PETTY CASH 6000 REIMB PETTY CASH 68.30 CHAMBER /MILEAGE °BOUTWEL L 35x90 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION €36°37 SAFETY BOOTS-BURTON 46.53 DOC LUNCH 17°48 REIMB-PETTY CASH 10025 REIMB--PETTY CASH 7.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 5000 REIMB -PETTY CASH 4.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 100.99 UNIFORMS-PARKER 20000 REFUND-ANIMAL SHELTER 50°00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 4,138404 7 CART LEASE 75.00 PEST CONTROL 1,197.60 10/00 USE 15032 10/00 USE 357°67 10/00 USE 801051 10/00 USE 293092 10 100 USE 968.52 10/00 USE 63.99 10/00 USE 408.36 10/00 USE 791099 10/00 USE 555012 10/00 USE 11,249031 10/00 USE 379071 10/00 USE 169488 10/00 USE 1,229.83 10/00 USE 1,141°86 10/00 USE 1,891.71 10/00 USE 1,702051 10/00 USE 46060 10/00 USE 200°00 ADVERTISING 27.49 10/00 USE 7040 10/00 USE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 16, 2000 03e59pm Page 7 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 1735 10/00 USE 101045 10/00 USE 19.51 10/00 USE 65046 10/00 USE 40030 10/00 USE 41.20 10/00 USE 23.66 10/00 USE 15010 10/00 USE 9.65 10/00 USE 52,42 10/00 USE 4514 701 11/16/00 6354 111600 11/21/00 75000 75.00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 4515 1712 11/01/00 6355 72310 11121/00 4M OO 428000 FENCE REPAIRS 4516 814 10/14/00 6434 20254 11121100 9,39 142085 FILM PROCESSING 10/23/00 20272 11.20 128.64 PRISONER MEALS 10/14/00 22143 128.64 10/20/00 22198 14033 10/09/00 22191 5010 10/10/00 22192 3.30 10/26/00 22306 5.59 10/29/00 22354 16064 10/31/00 22365 13016 10/13/00 22435 4080 10/16/00 22438 9036 10/14/00 24121 49098 4517 574 10/31/00 6431 2224 11121100 21875 39075 LINEN SERVICE 10/16/00 2108 13.50 21.75 LINEN SERVICE 10/18/00 2142 26.25 4521 943 10/30/00 6387 24801 11121100 10090 10490 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4525 811 10/05/00 6404 27524 11/21/00 3,906.17 3,906.17 VEHICLE REPAIR 10/23/00 114790 327.48 327048 VEHICLE REPAIR 4526 1713 11/08/00 6414 22306 11/21100 64.29 64029 REPAIR PARTS 4527 1029 10/20/00 6422 3160006 11/21/00 2,728098 2,728.98 TIRES 4529 1574 10/17/00 6429 8022 11/21/00 208.00 208000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4530 1494 11/02/00 6421 110200 11/21/00 410040 410.40 MAINT /REPAIR 4531 344 11/07/00 6412 24331272233 11/21/00 68009 68009 MAINT SUPPLIES 4532 227 10/26100 6413 513037 11/21/00 112°40 112.40 REPAIR PARTS 4533 1145 10/31/00 6417 293257 11/21/00 46056 46.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4534 1352 10/30/00 6420 10286 11/21/00 20°00 20.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 4535 698 11/01/00 6415 186420 11121/00 54022 54022 OIL /LUBRICANTS 4536 865 10/26/00 6416 5807 11/21100 483.80 483080 TIRES 4537 1005 11/06/00 6408 78017 11121/00 1.39 190.27 REPAIR PARTS 10/10100 77469 0026 10/30/00 77878 39000 10/27/00 77856 1,16 10/25/00 77807 22,10 10/11/00 77495 126.36 4538 1199 10/27/00 6424 4717 11/21/00 284.00 284°00 VEHICLE REPAIR 4539 1050 10/31/00 6418 357743 11/21/00 54.43 54.43 CYLINDER RENTAL 4540 1038 11/02/00 6428 1979 11/21/00 134.98 51.01 MAINT SUPPLIES 54000 MAINT SUPPLIES 29.97 MAINT SUPPLIES 4541 764 11121100 6425 112100 11/21/00 5,177047 0000 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) vity of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 16, 2000 03o59pm Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice bold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Vumber --dame Number ------ Date -- ---- -- Code Number ---- - ----m Invoice# ----- , ---- -- Due Date -- ---- -- ------------ Amount Date Amount --- -- - --- ---- ---- -- ------ Amounts ---- -- Claim Description ----------------------- 1,146.77 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 509.03 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 45.10 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 748013 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 37.66 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 219°36 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 869.81 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 0.00 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 1,324.61 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 36023 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 8.43 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 49.09 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 48,25 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 135,00 VEHICLE MAINT 10/00 4542 46 10/25/00 6353 83929 1112//00 645.00 645,00 FUEL 4543 774 10/31/00 6349 356357 11/21/00 368.00 368.00 CHEMICALS 4544 486 10/27/00 6350 10270003 11/21/00 '73.45 73°45 MATTING 4545 1039 10/24/00 6351 312906 11/21/00 14028 56.28 RUBBER BOOTS /HOSE 10/27100 313258 42.00 4546 674 10/25/00 6352 379272 11/21/00 253021 386.52 SERVICE SAT CONTROLLERS 10/27/00 379756 133.31 4547 1191 11/08/00 6405 16673 11/21/00 117°20 0.00 FLAG 0,00 FLAG 60070 FLAG 56450 FLAG 4548 789 11/01/00 6411 47226 11/21/00 7,054„92 576.61 FUEL 10/00 1,365000 FUEL 10/00 303056 FUEL 10/00 27003 FUEL 10/00 47°89 FUEL 10/00 47,49 FUEL 10/00 66088 FUEL 10/00 2,058.07 FUEL 10/00 33076 FUEL 10100 150051 FUEL 10/00 188044 FUEL 10100 802094 FUEL 10/00 937°88 FUEL 10/00 158000 FUEL 10/00 264°17 FUEL 10/00 26069 FUEL 10/00 4558 1086 11/21/00 6435 112100 11/21/00 40029 11°00 TITLE TRANSFER 6.44 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6075 POSTAGE 5036 FILM DEVELOPMENT 8059 INTERVIEW BOARD 2.15 DUPLICATE KEYS 4561 1716 11/06/00 6482 405500090020 11/21/00 971030 971°30 C09050 4562 1431 11103/00 6483 2262 11/21/00 182074 182,74 D09080 4565 785 10/25/00 6444 8648723362 11/21/00 10.09 10009 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 10/19/00 8644671243 11.18 11°18 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4566 300 10/31/00 6443 7483 11/21/00 319°50 321050 REPAIR PARTS CCSDAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 16, 2000 03o59pm Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O„ Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FuLL Amt Invoice Disc flue Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts claim Description 10/26/00 7460 2000 4567 1719 10/31/00 6383 9524 11121100 250.00 250000 ANNUAL SPRINKLER INSPECTION 4568 454 10/23/00 6441 501409 11/21/00 226030 226.30 SHIRTS 4569 17 10/16/00 6442 4000376 11/21/00 149023 11/22/00 2.88 251.83 SHOES 10/20/00 4009275 52.50 11/22/00 1.02 10/26/00 4017942 50.10 11/22/00 0.97 4571 810 11/09/00 6399 2029 11/21/00 36°00 36000 PRINTING 4572 674 11/06/00 6376 381262 11/21/00 52099 52099 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4573 774 11/07/00 6377 356518 11/21/00 198060 198060 BENTGRASS SEED 4574 40 11/02/00 6378 698717 11/21/00 396010 396.10 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4575 1488 11102100 6445 100883 11/21/00 89.04 89.04 TRACTOR TIRE 4576 1228 11/08/00 6379 110600 11/21/00 213.00 213000 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 4578 352 11/07/00 6380 90970 11/21/00 64000 64»00 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4579 645 11/01/00 6381 369854 11/21/00 8.70 17.40 SHOP TOWELS 10/25/00 367175 8.70 4580 1239 11/07/00 6446 CT06955 11/21/00 249027 249027 REPAIR PARTS 4582 1718 11102100 6447 109362 11121100 127060 127060 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4594 1149 11/01/00 6340 110100 11/21/00 250°00 250.00 10 EMS AUDIT 4595 334 11/03/00 6359 022899 11/21/00 866,09 866009 F02289 4596 360 10/27/00 6370 847852 11/21/00 411.00 411°00 COPIER MAINT 4597 960 11/09/00 6467 110900 11121/00 95.00 95.00 12 ADVERTISING TOTAL 415,293°35 w 4.87 152 records Listed 415 S 293 - 3 5 * + r7 tai o) 4. 87 - 002 4159288-48 * CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Department, General Fund a Community DevelODryient MrIM111.19111wirfigm 11/04/00 Overtime ynen qp.,, MN M ME Lnatal - Ex a ffii —se–,s HKIIIIINEWIlil in Police 1583.08 55,600.501 HIM Street 102.95 7,236.5 Community-Senior Center 0 3,467O ... .... . . General Fund Total $4,146.66 $164,642.6 Garacie Fund Garage Fund Total $0.00-. Council Member Council Member November 21, 2000 CITY OF OWA PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/04/00 1Lep-2=r2tpTti — Overtime Expenses–, Total E?g2�eLiLq§_ Ambulance Fund F U , - APPROVED: November 21, 2000 Council Member Council Member TO- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TAMMY GRIMES, HR DATE- NOVEMBER 10, 2000 SUBJECT AFLAC FLEX ONE RENEWAL DATE BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso added a Flexible Spending Plan in 1992 to the employee benefits package to take advantage of the tai savings from paying premiums for insurance, dependent care expenses, etc., before taxes. AFL,AC4s Flex One became the administrator in 1997 saving the city more than $ 1200.00 per yeam AFLAC offers a zero cost program if 20 or more employees are enrolled in a product offered by AFL,.AC within the Flexible Spending Plan. AP'L,AC also offers disability income insurance, group medical, vision., dental, accident, and cancer insurance as well as medical care expense reimbursement and dependent care expense reimbursement on a Pre-tax Premium basis. The policy is set up for are automatic renewal period of January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. We have requested that the policy be revised to a renewal period of January 1, 2001 through June 309 2001 and then renew again on July 1, 2001 through June 30, 20020 Currently all other benefits offered to City employee's is July I ". This change will enable all benefit plans to renew on July 1. Clancy :lackey, our AFLAC representative, has agreed to snake the necessary renewal changes. These changes will not have any adverse effects on the coverage for City employees nor will we incur any additional costs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the change in renewal dates with L,AC's Flex One spending account. Plan Document 2. Request form to change Al~LA.0 renewal dates. This form will also remove the previous administrator, Re ena Guthrie and add current administrator, Tammy Grimes. 11 CITY OF OWASSO t) Dame and Address of Employer/ CITY OF A Ian Administrator- MICHELE DEMPSTER 07 S. CEDAR 9) Name and Address of registered OWASSO, OK 74065 Employer's Telephone urribero (919) 272 -2251 3) Employer's Federal Tax Identification Numbor° 73- 6069613 4) Plan number assigned to cafeteria plea (e.g., 501 if this i5 the first ERISA plea number assigned) 6) 126 Start Date: 01/01/98 6) Effective Date of this Flee-, 01/01/00 7) asst Day of the Plan Year-, 12/31/00 Subsequent Plan Years: 01/01-12/31 ) Name and Address of CLAIMS PROCESSOR. FLEX ONE Plan Service Provider. 1932 WYNNTON ROAD COLUMBUS, GA 31999 9) Name and Address of registered RONALD D. CAFES agent for Service of legal CITY ATTORNEY process: 06/1 0/ 09 version SPD97 All Employees employed by the Employer shall be eligible to participate under the Plan 2x, �et the following: BENEFITS PROVIDED UNDER THE PLAN 3 SPD97 MEMORANDUM TO- HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. TAMMY GRIMES RISK MANAGER SUBJECT-. OR10'RS' COMPENS TIO SETTLEMENT BOB G. ALLEN' DATE® November 13, 2000 BACKGROUND: On August 269 2000, Bob G. Allen sustained an on-the-job injury while moving a fan. The injury was diagnosed as a hernia and was treated by surgery on October 119 2000. He has since returned to work. DISCUSSION- Hernia injuries are treated differently than other injuries under workers' compensation. Father than being subject to findings of Permanent Martial Disability (I PD) there is a provision for Temporary 'Total Disability (T"TD) for a predetermined time of 14 weeks, Because Bob G. Allen's pay is at the maximum level for workers' compensation payments, the 14 weeks of PPD totals $6,622,00. prepared United Safety & Claims, Inc., the City's third party administrator (TPA) has Workers' Compensation Court Form 8 and an a o Bob o $6,622.00 in settlement of the Workers' Compensation s W Us, Staff recommends approval of the PPD settlement and authorization to pay the same to Bob G. Alen. 1. Workers' Compensation Court Form 8 2. United Safety & Claims, Inc. Claim, Payment Order Rio. 010673 BOB G. ALLEN ]]125 N lla E AVE 0W ASSO,OK 74,055 N ml TO THE ORDER or . „ �.... . >.. BOB G. ALLEN 11125 N ]]a E AVE OWASSO,OK 74055 U# AMOUNT Send original to Workers' Compensation Court WORKERS' GUMHEN6A I IUN UUUM i 1915 NORTH STILES OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73105-4918 In re claim of: Name of Claimant (Injured Employee) Bob G. Allen Clalrr offs Social Seourlty .dumber 443-50-0544 44 Name of t rnployer or Respondent City of Owasso Employer's Insurance Carrier or Own nisk Group Own Risk (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY EMPLOYEE OF I "IE EIF`T O COMPENSATION PAYMENT �f�111 =i1 CLAIM ;�` DATE OF ACCIDENT 08126%00 Receipt r � � r t � 3�� � cs 00% 10f� . a----Dollars ($ _fi � 622___Q0 _) Six thousand sire hundred twenty -two & 00/1 � 0 rn king in all, with payment heretofore received by rye, a total sum ca-----Dollars on account of injury sustained by me can th��_ v�� _.---day _WOO, as provided by the award heretofore made by the Workers' Compensation nsation Court. Temporary Disability Paid...... oo.oa........ 6,622.00 Permari nt Disability Paid... -0- SUBTOTAL .... _ .............o.aoao U... I ... ...... - .... ...... Total Disfigurement Paid .....o.....,... ..........o........, $ 0-� �7�iA .................. 6,622.00 LessAttorney Pees ........... ... ...... ........o...,.......,. .o,....o..a.a.......,.......... _ -0- ATT: ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMANT- Return Form 3 Receipt to: P 0 Box 4716479 Tulsa, Oil 74147 -164 7 N 06/00 MEMORANDUM To-. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY Y O ASSO FROM. PHIL LUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROD ±;CT MANAGER SUBJECT. ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE COUNTRY ESTATES IV DATE- November 14, 2000 BACKGROUND. ,The subject development is located north of 11Gch Street North about one -_half mile cast of North Mingo Road (sec attached location map). Designs for these facilities were approved and construction was inspected by the Public Works Department. FINAL INSPECTION Public Works personnel conducted a final street inspection on April 28, 2000 and a final storm drainage inspection on May 8, 2000. Acceptance was delayed awaiting correction of drainage problems along the perimeter with the Westport subdivision. munch lists of deficiencies identified during the inspections have been corrected. Construction contractors have provided a one -year maintenance bond for storm drainage and a two - year maintenance bond for streets (see attached). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Country Estates 1V streets and storm drainage systems. ATTACHMENTS - 1. Location map 2. Maintenance bonds 14 E as Principal, and MID - CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY, an Oklahoma corporation, having its principal place of business in the City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, City of Owasso, O as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto as Obligee, of in the penal earn Thirty Eigh- . Thousand Nine Hun recd Toren � 38,920.00 - lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS AS the said principal has constructed cartain improvements described as follows: Inlets in Country Estates IV Sub—Division Owasso, O Which said improvements have been constructed to conform with specifications prepared by NOW, THEREFORE, REFORE, TH CONDITION OF IS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the said Principal shall maintain said improvements for a period of One (1 ) year(s) against any failure due to defective workmanship or materials, said 2ne (1 ) year(s) period to begin with the date of completion and acceptance of such completed improvements described above, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subject however to the following express provision: The Obligee, by and through its proper representative, shall give the Principal and the Surety written notice of all repairs required to fulfill the terms of this maintenance guarantee; and the said principal and Surety shall, after receipt of any such notice, be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to make any such repairs. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 21st day of _______ April 2 0 0 0 Becco ContrSIctooK Inc Principal MID- CONTIN T CASUALP, COMPANY By ` Attorney -in -fact KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT WE, B c.,co Cont,racigc as Principal, and MID - CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY, an Oklahoma corporation, having its principal place of business in the City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto OK.�_. w as Obligee, Three Hundred Ninety Four Thousand Five in the penal sum of Hundred ,Dollars {S�3� 5�$ lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fina ily by these presents. WHEREAS the said Principal has constructed certain improvements described as follows: Streets in Country Estates Iii° Sub-division in Owasso, Off{ Which said improvements have been constructed to conform with specifications prepared by NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, if the said Principal shall maintain said improvements for a Two (2) Two (2) period of _ year(s) against any failure due to defective workmanship or materials, said — year(s) period to begin with the date of completion and acceptance of such completed improvements described above, then this obligation shall be null and void, othenvise to remain in full force and effect, subject however to the following express provision: The Obligee, by and through its proper representative, shall give the Principal and the Surety written notice of all repairs required to fulfill the terms of this maintenance guarantee; and the said Principal and Surety shall, after receipt of any such notice, be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to make any such repairs. SIGNED, sealed and dated this 21st day of April a r2000 Becco Contractors, Inc. MID- CONTINENT CASUALW COMPANY By Je f 'F PJ ' z ern P Attorney inefact MMNIE.NANCE BOND CAN® NQ 1 3 i� I� �i i�° °Tk � �`°Se THAT Buford Williams as nciPal9 hercinaRer called Contractor, and Victore Insurance Company its SurctY, hereiflafer called Surly. are finydy bound unto The City of Owasso Oklahoma as Oblip ee, here ter called 0% cr® hj the pew mn of Dollars for the pay mew whcfcof the Contractor and Suretya bead eheinselvesq .heir heirs, exccutors, adr°r r str tors, gjacc sor�n and assigm, jointly and sc -0rflly, f rkidy by these Present& H . AS„ C0ut=T0f h by'vniftm agreement, dated —Apr 11.1 fl, 2000 � �_ entered hito a contract with o Owner for i m 5c�wer serves Cc��aritr Esc es Phase IV -__ dditic�n tc� the C °s c�3= flwassc� Oklahoma in cA� and Specifications, which comract is by re Tr&rrcd to as the Contract. NO W9 THEREFORF, thr, mndidon of this ohs eau is s� cfi � if Contractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty matexinIs or workmanship, and pay for any damage to other work resuffing thereftom, which shall appear within a period of one (11).�.° ykjr(s) from the die of acceptance of the work prolAded for in the Contract this obligAdon to be v id ter se to rm-nain a n full force, mid affect. PROVIDED, HOB E,-It 0 %wjer° Sh l gave Conlr i or d S notice observed defccts �I � � hl� promptness. SIGNED and mated this 10 s�ry day of Ap s toff ®. In the pry of Buford Williams Principal (SEAL) MM ll i rfnr� I �4i�ranr� Cnmoan� Su (S AL) Attorney®irt -Fact Edward Qrase Fm __ MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O iAS O CITY CLERK SUBJECT � O DINAN E #663 DATE: November 14, 2000 BACKGROUND-. Section 941.3 of the Code of Ordinances pertains to license fees under the jurisdiction of the City Clerk's office. Paragraph B. I. refers to persons or groups who deliver or distribute handbill -type materials for advertising purposes, and sets a permit fee. The proposed ordinance would place new language in the code requiring; only those persons who distribute handbill materials for commercial, for profit, advertising purposes to obtain a permit. A provision has also been made for a per occurrence fee of $10.00. 'These changes in the code will allow nonprofit and service organizations to advertise, through the use of circulars and handbills, fundraisers and other events without having to obtain a permit, 1. Ordinance #663 1 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9113 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES DETRAINING TO LICENSE FEES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY CLERK'S OF'F'ICE, SPECIFICALLY AIIYF;RTISING AGENTS, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONF'LIC`T' HE RE ITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO-WIT- Section ection Oneo That Section 9113 & 1. of the City Code is hereby m- vended to read as follows, to -write 1. Advertising agent, defined to be any person who delivers or distributes, or contracts with another to deliver or distribute, handbills, circulars, posters, samples, or any other tiring for corrrrnorcial, for profit, advertising purlroses ° Ten Dollars ($10.00) per occurrence or Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year; PASSED AND APPROVE D this 21" day of November, 2000. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA By: ATTEST- Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS O F'ORdW. Ronald D Cates, City Attorney 1~l C Williams, Mayor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCUL CITY OF OWASSO DATE- November 14, 2000 On August 15, 2000 the bid for Jail Equipment in the amount of $14,047 to Sweeper Metal (Bid Package I OF) was rescinded, A full scope of work was n ®t included in the construction documents at the time of the original bid. Specifications were amended by Urban Design Group and rebid. A bid was received on November 1, 2000 from Sweeper Metal Fabricators Corp. in the amount of $19,093. Following award of this bid package, the total construction amount (including approved Change Order #1) is $3,504,502. I ' I KIM 1 , I RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council award Bid Package I OF for JA Equipment for the City Hall/Polia4 Department Building construction to Sweeper Metal Fabricators Corp. in the amount of $19,093. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Specifications (Bid Package 10F) and November 19 2000 Bid from Sweeper Metal 2, Project Costs Summary 17..-34 COWEN CONSTRUCTION 918 582 2227 P.02/'04 Off The Subcantmolfar Ivill W MR00nalble F r daily genarial hOUSAW0009 !Qdudhq haul Of tMh 40 on analte dumpy v, MOSPing, t @,, as directed by the Constructlan Manager i order to keep the bwffd[ng and prigmWea iron from debrIs and unseft canditiorm resulting from the 8386 1d 1 r me eon thousand and PMPOMI Amount, ME t r m' Pi old 1 an MOM On addendum e [n ., Propwal w: &@Loa 1 r& DOWA Extexftl 1 aft 4 in ter Station and reply with Spandrel glass, r l mount: Alternate #e supply anel ifistall'stoy)o 170wtnv in IMby r OCT-30-2000 1? e 07 9W 3S2 21el 9G% P,03 DWO �krii 14, ZQOO it 24s 2000 4 --21_oy 4& 200 SWPIOPR METAL RABRICIWIGRA COUP, Fu Vice—Frasidexit 71-06— TOTAL P.04 Owasso City Hall & Police Station PROJECT SUMMARY af,b Bid Packages Subcontractor/Suppiler Estimated Base ci Alternates Base contract Change Order #1 Change Order#2 IA Temporary Facilities City of Owasso 79,350 79,350 79,350 16 § -a Fe -ty, RK Services t �,006j 3-,-7 -0, -0 IC Final bea"in- a Jani-King 7,000 6,900 2A.1 Earthwork Carter l= i _c -a v'aidn g 247,026 $ '177,000 $ 377,000 $ 555 2AI Site Utilities Landco, Included Above $ 103,094.50 $ 103,095 2B Asphalt Paving 4ac Paving $ 47,250 43,000 43,000 A 26 NE Irrigation 30,000 _V 57_,500 §5 57,500 $ (402.25) 2D Termite Treatment Arrow Exterminators $ 3,470 $ 3,650 l 3,650 2E Buiiding Demolition Arrow Wrecking $ 8,000 13,000 $ 13,000 3A ICBM Construction $ 265,965 309,044 $ 4,987 $ 9.601, $ 6,450 4A �Concrete Masonry Brazael Masonry 285,354 $ 282,800 $ 282,800 $ 13,075 SA Structural Steel KB M Construction -m- - _F ---Borne _Steel 375,000 267,926 $ 9,868 $ 277,794 5,175 5B Light �°sa�ge Tra�sses r-a 1 n- g- $ 26,000 $ 19,123 $ 3,0 5 SA _ Rough Carpentry Brown Construction $ 86'_800 _23,922 65_000 '-1-3-3-,-000 7A biii Up oofing Turner Roofing $ 93,900 $ 63,555 $ (12,471) $ 56,084 7B Metal Ro-o-Fing Turner Roofing 646,648 -- - WEiaFt§ e- r-pro-o-fl-n-g W- o fin g TErIeFy pmr os $ 6,786 7D 7 E ' - GMC Coiumn Covers S ' Sast-et - er --_ - - - Brown Construction $ 34�450 17,600 $ 59300 S 22,000 (2,240) $ $ 57,060 22,000 Hollow M Metal Frames& Doors Murray Womble $ . ........... 21,520 $ 21,400 .. $ 21,400 8B Doors -Frames Precision Door -Ro-b-inson $ 3,950 11,027 11,027 sc Aluminum &Gla_s_s . Glass - - - ----- - --- $ T777 7-2 $ 79,292 T _�5EO_' $ 83,552 ------ - 555 - 3D Finm--h ka-rd-w-a-re Murray Womble 37,400 47,256 t $ (516) ,BE Instali Doors & Hardware n Construction -Murray -Womble 55,396 75,900 75,000 8� 6�Wh ei_a� �oliin_g bo-ors ' 2,000 �iT�8_55' $ 8,511 8,511 9A 96 Drywall Flooring U, Enterprises Allen's Floor Systems $ 91,440 $ 315,000 91,660 $ 9,_69_G 315,000 301,350 9C Painting- Vale Painting $ 90�828 $ 3%900 275 9D Acoustical Ceilings Asia Enterprises $ 41,767 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 IGA I Lockers & Benches Murray Womble $ 4,080 $ 3,338 5,3_ 5� i MB IFE Cabinets & Accessories Murray Womble 2,510 66 -ii-i � 9-i-h WcE;s__Son'e_S 3,747 10 Toiler a Murray Womble $ I OD ToHet PaM on- s- Murray Wombie $ 8,000 $ 4,147 $ 4,147 GE Flagpole Murray Womble $ 1,465_ 1,858 $ 1,868 1 �beten�w L�u6m_eni S_ w_­ee_pe_r - $ 0F Metals $ 50,000 $ 19,093 19,093 IDG Access Flooring Burgess Company $ 3,645 $ 6,950 6,950 11 OH Cubicle Curtains & Track Murray Womble $ 2:600 1,771 101 Interior §Ggnage Architectural Signs $ ----5,000 - 4108646 4,864 1, Southern Millwork $ 56,166 4-1--,736 14A Elevator Schindler Elevator $ 34,0001-, 25,490 25,490 15A Mechanical Forest Shoemaker $ 330,000 $ 360,000 $ 360,000 15B Plumbing Russell Mechanical $ 155,000 $ 161,848 $ 161,848 36A Pikiflc_al 0 rl - Ca _ pI t o 1 Electric 259,575 I50 Fire Protection Mac Fire Protection $ 44,000 $ 28,525 28,525 KNVT0N Tota! $ 79,350 $ 13,700 6,900 $ 377,555 $ 103,095 $ 43,000 $ 57,098 3,650 13,060 330,092 $ 295,875 $ 282,969 $ 43,045 $ 333,000 $ 51,084 141,648 $ 6,786 5T,0_6_6 t &066 t 26,673 0,730 $ 34,107 � 750000 $ 315,000 t 305,4_ -1-8 $ 40,175 $ 40,000 $ 3,3W 6,0- 65 $ 6,9W $ 1,771 $ 4,864 41-j-36- $ 25,490 3-6- 0,0-0-0- $ 161,948 28,525 City Of Owasso - Bond Projects Fund Sales Tax/Capital Future Fund /Revenue Bonds October 1997 Election 10/30/00 Original Amended Coat project Total Project Estimate „y t t xpended o Contracts y Estimate "Total Streets: F a 66th Street (Cedar to Main) 2,430,000 2,363,200 327,063 1,960,000 2,30 7,O6e3 66 & Mingo Intersection 660,000 525,300 1,6601 600,000 601,680 66 & 145 E Ave Intersection 775,000 703,600 960 1,165,000 1,165,960 N Main (1st to 9th) 260,000 223,300 4,361 205,275 209,636 OW 76 & Hwy 169 ( ngr) 100,000 100,000 m 76,112 23,666 100,000 street & Intersection ProjecW 1,365,0010 1,241,526 9,397,624 190,9001 1,566,524 76 & 129 E Ave Intersection - d 116 & Garnett Intersection - w 66 & 923 E Ave Intersection - R 036 (Main to Mingo) - Street Resurfacing Projects: 471,000 462,000 966,561 966,561 Atlanta (3rd to 11th) G Carlsbad (3rd to 7th) & Beaumont 129 E Ave (High School to 93) 11 Street (Main to Cedar) Facilities: a City Hall /Police Station 3,000,000 2,509,526 538,257 30365,239 03010329 4,224,825 Community Center 200,000 171,593 97,705 97,705 Sports Park, n a Parking Lot 150,000 124,700 66,779 € 8,779 Restroom 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Four -plea & Soccer Fields 265,000 285,000 302,901 302,901 Administration: m Project Manager Salary 142,000 125 ®909 125,909 Architect/Engineer Fee 562,171 620,473 73,206 693,676 Program Management Services Fee 236,060 139,665 57,273 196,938 Available: Contingent Project 262,000 262,000 `Fatal 9,963,000 9,999,000 4,696,959 3,968,004 4,070,217 12,755,160 City of Owasso m Bond Projects Fund Sales Tax/Capital Future Fund /revenue Bonds October 1997 Election As 0f October 31, 2000 Total - additional funding sources Total all funding sources 750,000 - 600,000 - 90,000 - 185,000 - 1 55,000 50,000 u 600,000 1 90,000 165,000 165,000 1,610,000 19610,000 9,999,000 ~ $ 12,797,967 �s - 706 -, 50,467 4 - �� X9447,499 Amended Actual Funding Source � Original Estimate project � ��d��t � Revenue � to Date .. Remaining _ Bu��m� Revenue Bond proceeds 7,460,000 7,450,889 7,450,689 (0) Sales Tax & Capital Future Funds 2,170,000 2,1 71,519 1,634,019 357,500 Capital Improvements Fund 269,000 269,000 269,000 - Interest (all funds) 100,000 1,096,559 796,559 300,000 Total - original inal Mandan, sources 9,999,000 10,967,967 10,050,467 y~ 667,499 Total - additional funding sources Total all funding sources 750,000 - 600,000 - 90,000 - 185,000 - 1 55,000 50,000 u 600,000 1 90,000 165,000 165,000 1,610,000 19610,000 9,999,000 ~ $ 12,797,967 �s - 706 -, 50,467 4 - �� X9447,499 TO- e HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCH, CITY OF ASS 1MO F C //pp'er� P 'PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CHANGE OR-DER #2 ATE: November 14, 2000 Items included in the change order are both additive and deductive, depending on the nature of the modification. Bid packages modified, description of work, source ofchanges mid assts are listed on Attachment 1. Changes are proposed to the following bid packages: Cowen Construction has reviewed, evaluated and negotiated pricing of these changes. In their conform opinioD, the proposed costs J- reasonable market value. The total asst ofChange Order #2 is $27, 452.25. Following approval of this change order, the total construction amount is $3,531,954. Page 2 Change Order #2 City Hall/Police Department Building Bid Packages FUNDING SOURCE-. Funds for this bid package aria available in the 1998 Bond Issue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recd ends Council approve Change Order #2 for the City HIMI/Police Department Building in the amount of $27,452,25. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Change Order #2 Surnmary of Costs 2. Letter from Cowen Construction dated November 1, 2000 3. Project Costs Summary OVASSO CITY HALL and POLICE STATION Addendum 8 Summary Change Order #2 Bid Package —i- Desdiption Source of Change (29700) 2K. Earthwork Undercut additional dirt at dock and dumpster, Revised Space Plan 555.00 8D - Finish Hardware St2Nng. and mob|iZodonof equipment Revised Site Plan 5 55.0 0 2C - Landscaping Revised scope of work Revised Site Plan (402.25) 3A - Concrete Wire mesh excluded for 2nd floor slab Plan Discrepancy $ 1,701 00 Additional curb and gutter Revised Site Plan $ 1.932.00 -R, —Pair�fing Concrete paving at crosswalk and dumpntorpad Revised Site Plan $ 6.569A0 Delete concrete stamweDa@ east side walkway Revised Site Plan $ <3.742.00> Ma�ry block walls at detention corridor'9183 Discrepancy 11,300.00 Difference in price for long brick ties where Revised Space Plan (140.00) brick has been moved out Plan Discrepancy $ 1.775.00 5A - Structural Steel Add W6 x 15 hoist beam Plan Discrepancy 448.50 16A - Electrical Add 8O|fof guard rail and 58|fof wall rail Plan Discrepancy $ 4.728.50 8A - Hollow Metal Delete seven frames Revised Space Plan (Z7-06–) Doors & Frames 8B- Wood Doors Delete two wood doors Revised Space Plan (29700) 8C - Glass & Glazing Addition of window type Y Revised Space Plan 555.00 8D - Finish Hardware Delete two finish hardware sets Revised Space Plan (5i(3.6f) 913 - Flooring Install vinyl step treads for �d`ditio—nal-;io`ps Plan Discrepancy �9 6. 0 0 Change Rm1D9to ceramic tile in lieu nyVCT Revised Space Plan $ 1.84&00 Add ceramic base in lieu of rubber base Revised Space Plan $ 1.224.00 -R, —Pair�fing Added window type Y Revised Space Plan $ 75.00 Added schedule to show number of sidelights and transoms bzfinish Plan Discrepancy 240.00 Delete finishing of seven door frames Revised Space Plan (140.00) Added pipe rail Revised Site Plan $ 100.00 16A - Electrical Relocate light fixtures, outlets, switches and associated conduits Revised Space Plan 28.50 Delete type Wi&N fixtures and associated wire and conduit around guard rails mtcupola Revised Space Plan $ (1.037.00) TOTAL OF CHANGE ORDERS $ 27,452.25 Source mf Change Breakdown Revised Space Plan $ 1.253.50 Revised Site Plan $ 5.01175 Plan Discrepancy $ 21.187.00 11-1-00 1110 West 23rd Street Phone: 918-582-2220 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-3465 Fax: 918.584 -8922 November 1, 2000 City of Owasso - Public Works 320 S. Dogwood PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Attn: Robert Lair Project: Owasso City lull & Police Station Project #: 98170 Rem Addendir 8/ Charge Order # 2 ado 9: Dear Mr. Cam Attached is a cost summary associated with Adderdurn 8 / Proposal Request N1.. The additional costs were generated by either a revised space; plan, revised site plan or discrepancies it the construction documents. I have reviewed, evaluated and in some cases negotiated the pricing for these changes and concluded that the proposed costs conforrrn to a reasonable market value. In my summary, I have included: Addendum 8 hied August 28, 2000 Itemized proposals for each scope of work Source of change If you have any questions regarding this Change Order, please call me at 582-2220. Thank you. CC: Larry Mitchell Encl. ADDENDUM NO. 8 Dated August 28, 2000 Re: Owasso City Hall and Police Station Owasso, Oklahoma From: Urban Design Group, Inc. 0 Past O' Street, Suite 500 Tulsa, Olciahor -na '/410395119 To: Cowen Construction Company This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the original Set of Constnaction Documents dated 6 March 2000 as rioted herein. Following are verbal descriptions of changes, modifications, and additions to the Project as described in the issued drawings, specifications, and documents. Iterns are separated into Architectural, Civil, Landscaping, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical. Architectural Items: Al. Clarification: Contract Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 0001. Add Sheets Lt 01 and L102. New plant list and design. Add sheets Al 06A, A201 A, A202A, A302A, A303A, A304, A304A, DELE TD A510, ADD 602, ADD A703, ADD P302, ADD P303o A2. Clarification/Modif!cation: Construction Documents Package dated march 6, 2000, Sheet A101 revise rooms 179, 18`l, '182,186, 185 as per owner request, related electrical and hvac. Revise entrance area at door 156A. Devise area at door 154. Revise area at rooms 131, 130. Revise area at roofs 113, 1144 :Revise area at elevator and elevator machine room. A3. ClarificatiordModif!cation: Construction Documents Package dated Larch 6, 2000, Sheet A102. Revise areas at open area to lobby below, rooms 212, 210, 228, 215, 216, 211 as per owner request. A4. Clarification/Modif!cation. Construction Documents (-package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A104. Revise areas at rooms 179, 181, 186, 185. A5. Clarification/Modification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A105, revise areas at rooms 212, 210, 228, 215, 211. Ate. Clarification/Modification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet Al 06A, add overflow roof drains as per plumbing sheets. A7. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, greets A201A, A202A, revise grade lines to match the grading plan, revise loading dock area. A8. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheets A203, A205, revise grade line and add dimensions for ceramic the in brick wall. A9. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheets A302A, A303A, REVISE LOBBY AREA, REVISE HOLDING CELL AREA. A10. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6. 2000, Sheet A401, revise shower area, kitchen, laundry, storage areas. A11. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 403, revise restroom plan. Al2. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A407, A408, A410, revise notes on interior elevations. A13o Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A a0T, A502, A503, revise wall sectiors. A14. Clarification. Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A508, revise enlarged details modifying gutter detail. Al 5. Clarification- Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 600, revise enlarged details modifying the light fixture detail by the guardrail. A16. Clarification- Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A511, A512., A513, A514 revising enlarged plan detail changes, location of brick and block relationship. All. Clarification: Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A601, inserting a revised door schedule and door types elevations. A18. Clarification: Construction Docurryents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A602, adding or modifying window or door frame elevations. Al 9a Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet ,A603, adding partition types. A20o Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated march 6, 2000, Sheet A703 revising stairwell configuration. A21a Clarification: Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 1101, 1102, Insert Finishes Key, revise areas changed on previous sheets. A22. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, revise bases, Structural items: Sy Clarification.:'Construction Documents Padlkacge dated March 6, 2000,.Sheet.SI900,.add dimensions show -i -no the location and size of the recessed slabs` Add additional piers and grade t ea `f+ P`support of the masonry walls in the jail area, S2e Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 5200, Add note for reinforcing in second floor slab. S3, Clarification: Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 201, at the elevator shaft, add W6x15 hoist beam and connection note. S4. Clarification: Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 402, Details 1, 2, and 3, add pitch to the top chord. Details 1, 2, and 3, add span length to metal stud trusses. Details 1, 2, and 3, revise channel support ac base of trusses to a tube. Sv. Clarification° Construction Documents Packaae dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 5501, detail 1, add additional masonry walls and ceiling slab at the jail area. Owasso City Hall & Police Station Iverhea i ing Gors Murray Wombi $ PROJECT SUMMARY 9A b r-y- W,-a- i i jAsta Enterprises �te� 9b Bid Packages Subcontractor/Suppiler $ Estimated Base ct Alternates Base Contract C�'h2nge Order t Change Order #2 1A 1 Temporary Facilities -a City of Owasso $ 79,350 $ 79,350 - - - $ 79,350 I B s f-e t-y- RK Services $ $ ___T1:7_67 ---1-3,-70-0 $ IDA Lockers i �en'_ c-fie-is F�Ena Clean Jani-King 4,080, '00 �00 $ 5,900 '16B �ffta_6in_et_s &Acce_s_s_ories 2A.1 Earthwork ��Ia_r_te_r t�_ca_va_G__n_ g $ 247,026 $ 177,000 177,000 $ 856 2A2 --- te lJtiEities Landco Included Above $ 103,094.50 10D Toilet Partitions Murray Womble 2B Asphalt 0aving 4ac Oaving_ $ 47,250 $ 43,00 1 0 10L 4 3"0' 00' Murray Womble 2C Lan-d-sca-ping- NE irrigation '000 $ $ 57,500 $ 57,500 $ (4U.25) 2D Ter m ite Treatment Arrow Exterminators $ 3,470 $ 3,550 $ 3,650 2E Bull - ding bemoli6an t __ -i - ' i.5,665 i -3, 0- -0 -0 3A Concrete - - _ -- KB M Construction $ 269,96� Southem Millwork 09,044 4,987 $ 314,031 $ 9,601 $ 6e466 4A Masonry Brazael Masonry $ 285,354 $ 0() $ 282,800 $ 13,075 54 Structural Steel __'____f__ ICBM Construction __ - -S - - -- -- - $ 375,000 $ 5"1 75 15B Ligfit6augerusses Home Steel Framing $ 26,000 $ 23,922 ' 69J23 43 ,04 5 15C i8A GA Rough Carpentry Brown Construction $ __'_'_6g_ 8j,800 $ 7__T-F' j'000 $ _ %00 ­j-5§ 53 7A 6 u- 1 it- 0 p- 0 o-o- i n- _g Turner Roofing $ 93,900 $ 63,555 $ (12,471) $ 51,084 7B Me-ita-i Roofing- _te_r_pr'c_ofin_g Turner Roofing -Trey $ 65,100 $ 90,969 $ 50,579 t 345,648 71C W 4444 Waterproofing $ 23 ®620 $ 6,53 1 ---2--75- 6,786 76 EF§ EIFS Systems $ 34,450 $ 59'L02 $ (2,240) $ 57,060 7E GMC Column Covers _Frames_& -Dooms Brown Construction $ 17,600 -21,520 $ 000 --2-1,-40 $ 22,000 8'k Ho-flo-w-, Me-t-ai M-urray W__o­mble­_'_ $ 21,400 3B Wood Doors -Fia-m-es Precision Door 35,02®_ $ (297)1 ad Afum-in-u-m &Gla_s_s__ bsonG1ass__ $ 47,772 $ 79,202 1 $ 4,350 $ 555 8D Finish Hardware Murray Womble 47,256 (5 16) 3E Install Doors &. Hardware --- j Brown Construction.­ 55,396 $ 75,0001--. 75,000 275 Him tits iz hs it at rs Iverhea i ing Gors Murray Wombi $ 9A b r-y- W,-a- i i jAsta Enterprises 9b iii6;i7i�g­ Allen's Floor Systems $ 91,440 6C Painting Nale Painting $ 90,828 9D Asta Enterprises $ ___T1:7_67 IDA Lockers i �en'_ c-fie-is Murray Womble $ 4,080, '16B �ffta_6in_et_s &Acce_s_s_ories Murray Womble $ _1225 2�510 10C Toilet & Bath Accessories Murray Womble 10D Toilet Partitions Murray Womble $ BAD 43447f 10L magpole Murray Womble I& beie-ii-fi"o-n- Equ-i-pnient Sweeper Metals $ 50,000 1 GG G I k Access Flooring 6,6rci- u e rtains & Track Burgess Compa ny Murray Womble $ 10i- Interior Signage Architectural Signs uoo 12A Casework Southem Millwork $ 5"" 0 4- A t i ev­a to r Schindler Elevator $ 34,000 I Me cila-nic-a-i Vorest Shoemaker 0 30,0600 15B Piumbing Russell Mechanical 155,000 15C i8A Fire Protection jma E� e- EV, c-a jOil c Fire frotection Capitol El_eEffic $ $ 44,000 �_81 _550 275 Him tits iz hs it at rs r� CITY OF OWASSO �® CITY NIALLIPOLICH STATION OPTIONS CITY NULL PROJECT COST S4,V01,140 L5 _j -M50,114 $4,899,814 COWEN COWEN CONST. CONST. PREPARED BY. PUBLIC WORKS 09125J99 0912909 Vann - Odow 8, am OPTION 16 OPTION 26 OPTION 16 PROJECT HARE CONSTRUCTION SIM CLEARING $48,00 $23,500 $23,500 KM'HrwoaK IN BASE sli'm 571,000 PAVING WBASR S71,050 $71,050 CURB AND OUTTER M BASE $34,000 534,000 SIDEWALKS IN BASE $12,750 M2,750 ISLANDS AM APPROACHES IN BASE 56,00 $6,00 MISC CONCRETE IN BASE $7,200 -sm,m $7,200 -526,00 ..- -s2,83-0 Tmam -IN BASH 8-2,600 CONCRETE FOUITITO I AN 11.1 533,900 SLAB ON GRADE a.mp IN BASE 547,500 $47,500 ELEVATED SLABS (2ND NMR) IN BASE $14,400 $14,400 PAN STAIRS INBASE $1,800 si'mo FIEVATED SLABS (3RD FLOOR) IN BASE 52,900 so REINFORCING STEEL e. $o so _S240Q0 STRUCTURAL STEEL $o .-IN so -$"Oom MISC. PADS AND INTERIOR CONCRETE BASE $7,200 $7,200 iTRUCTURAL STEEL - LIGHT TRUSSES IN EASE $400,000 SI0,00 MASONRY CAST STOMP ---iiiBASH - - -i500,- --Tl00,W CO SITIONSIBRO1.119 INBASE - S70,000 BUILT-UP ROOF IN BASE $75,0Q0 $82,350 DRYWALL IN BASE $200,000 -S40,154 8175,000 _533,134 Tc-cousnc IN --BASP ROUGRICARTENTRY INBASE $62,570 $62,570 HOLLOW METAL FRAMES IN BASF $12,500 $12,500 HOLLOW METAL DOORS IN BASE 54,000 $000 WOOD DOORS IN BASE 916.000 516,000 PINISIIIIARDWARE IN BASS 834,720 $34.720 CASEWORK AND TOPS IN BASE 506,900 506'900 OLASS AND GLAZING IN BASE 979,140 594,140 xKK PAW AND FINISH BASE snoow $100,000 E76 R. WOVMM60 IN BASE $59,650 $70,650 TORST PARTITIONS IN BASE S11,400 $11,400 TOILET ACCESSORIES INBASE - 56,500 '--- $6,500 LOCKERS BASE 76,000 $6,0 O FMRRXnNGLJISIIERS IN BASE $2,300 82,300 FLAGPOLE INBASE 32,100 $2,100 NIGIIT DEPOSIT INBASE $3,500 $3,300 JAIL EQUIPMENT INBASE $60,00 560,00 OVERHEADDOORS INBASE $2,300 &3UPALA IN BASE $25,000 ---i50.000 $23,000 LANDSCAPING - BASF. 530,000 M.EVATOR IN BASE $30,000 ----83-20,00 S30,ODO JIVAC INBASE ' $300.000 -- PLUMB ING FW BASE i2O(4000 820,00 FME PROTECTION SYSTEM 145,000 840,00 $40,000 ELECTRICAL INBASE 5330,000 5330,00 SUBTOTAL - BASE CONSTRUCTION COST $2,994,710 $3,215,984 93,065,604 ANCILLARY COSTS CABLING $32,500 $60,000 860'000 SIONAGE $26,200 527.000 $27,000 TELEPITONII SYSTEM $42,029 $42,029 $42,029 SECURITY SYSTEM $40,600 540,00� $40,000 B-911 DISPATCH EQUIPMENT 5160,000 5160,000 $160,000 WT-051Ai5F TANK REMOVAL @ IUGSTING CITY IIALL SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $3,306,039 33,555,013 53,404,713 CONTM40PNCMS $500,000 ss000ffl $30,D0 Rlaltr-OF-WAY S350,000 ---5636,481 $359,000 $359,000 PROFFSSIONALFEES il36,1.1 63 _�,481 PROJECT SIONAaK 9620 5620 $620 CITY NULL PROJECT COST S4,V01,140 L5 _j -M50,114 $4,899,814 OVERALL PROJECT BUDGET Owasso City Hall & Police Station 2-Nov-00 Construction Cost $ 2,994,710 $ 3,375,703 $ 3,494,901 $ 3,5319954 Additional Costs ZaRng 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,600 Signage 26,200 26,200 269200 26,200 Telephon ystern 42,029 42,029 42,029 42,029 ,Security System 40,600 40,600 40,600 40,600 1 -919 Dispatch Equipment 160,000 i 160,000 1609000 160,000 :Storage Tank Removal @ 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 i existing City Hall I Contingencies 500,000 Soo 000 I 500,000 500,000 1 Right-of-Way 358,000 358:000 358,000 358,000 I Professional Fees 636,481 636,481 1 636,481 636,481 I Project Signage 620 620 620 620 Overall Project Total 49801,140 $ 59182,133 $ 5,301,331 $ 5,3389384 OVERALL Owasso City Full & Police Station 2 N®v ®00 Owasso City Hall & Police Station PROJECT SUMMARY Ze� Bid Packages SubcontractoriSupplier Estimated Base 6sR#acI alternates E IA Temporary Facilities City of Owasso 7-9.35-0- 79 350 is Safety RK Services 11,000 13,700 j- -Z IC Fin a€ Clean ang-King 2A.1 Earthwork barter Excavating 247,026 $ 77,666 2A2 Site Utilities Landco Included 303,994.50 - - -- --- 2b Asphait, Paving Apac0aving $ 43 �600 2C Lands-caping NE Irrigation 10,000 $ - 57,500 $ 2D Termite Treatment Arrow Exterminators 2E BuHding Demolition Arrow -W- W-reeking -- - $ 8,000 $ 13,000 3A Concrete 265,965 $ 309,044 4,987 $ 4A Masonry- Brazael Masonry 5A structural Steel ICBM Construction KUM t 267,926 i 9 86 5b L i g i i t Gauge -'-- - - T- r-u- s-s' e s- H-- o- me Steel - Framing - 26,000 $ 23,922 $ 19,123 $ 6A Rough Carpentry Brown Construction 86,800 $ 105,000 $ 28,000 7A Buiit-Up Roofing Turner Roofing $ 93,900 $ 63,555 $ (12,471) - 7B Metal Roofing Turner Roofing $ �I60 6�GG- $ 7C Wa­t e- r p r'o- o- -fi n g- T- r-e -y- - W-- a t e r p r c, o Ill n g j -Y3-,6-20-- 7 EIFS Systems -t-- --34,450-- - ----- -59,3-060- 7E OF RC Column­ C- ove is Brown Construction 8�, H-oli-o--w-,-M--e-t-al-Fr-a-m-e-s-&-D-oor-s---M-urra-y Wom-bie-­­ 2-1,52-0 21,400 '39 Wood ®Dora Precision Door 3,950 $ 11,027 $ j -- - - -- � - - -- - - - - ------ R------- ---- --- - -- 20 8c �umi num Frames & GI as s Robinson obInson Giass 7 7772$ 7 $ 8D Finish Hardware - - - Woo m- -b"I e- - 37,400 $ 47, . 256 $ 8E hn-s-tail boors & Hardware Brown Construction �96 -$--'-75,000 $ 8F Overhead Coiling Doors Murray Womble 2,000 $ 8,511 $ 09A 5 r-y-w-a- i I Asia Enterprises 9B Flooring Allen's Flo ®r Systems $ 91,440 $ 91,660 $ Painting Vale Painting 90,828 910 Acoustical Ceilings Asta Enterprises 10A Lockers i benches Murray Womble 4,080 $ 3,338 100 FE Cabinets & Accessories Murraywo-MR-e It OC to- lie- i & Bath Accessories Mu-rray -W-om-be , ,7 16D T ci I a i - P ar' t id"o'i n- s- Murray Womble 8,666 4147 IOE Flagpole Murray Womble 868 i& Detention Equipment Sweeper Metals 90C Recess Flooring Burgess Company $ 3,645 $ 5,950 $ 10H Cubicle Curtains & Track Murray Womble -$ --2:660- $ 1,771 10- i in-ieiicisignn-g-e- Architectural Signs ---Kb66- Tam I2A Casework d6-u-th-em Millwork -,41,736 14A Elevator S c h i n dii FE ke-va--Gi.', 34,000 $ 25,490 - 3 5A Me'dia-nic-i-I Forest Shoemaker 330,000 $ 360,000 - -I- ase Contract Change Order P-1 Change Order #2 79350 13700 43,000 31 314,031 i $ 9,563 !1; 6,460 282,800 13 ot5 277,7 1 94 6:175 43,045 133000 51,084 - - -------- 6,785 57 060 $ (427)1 11,027 I (29 47,256 - _335,Q0®= 01,350 39,900 $ 275 2,51 1,771 41,736 __ 1 25,490 360,000 IbB mumbing Russell Mechanical s $ 155,000 $ 161,S48 15-C FiF,e- P-r-o-i-ectio-n Mac Fire Protection 41�PLO 1 28,525 1�A tiectricai Oil Capitol Electric 381,550 $ 259,575 259,575 2-Nov-00 Total $ 79,350 6,900 43,000 57,098 3,650 13,000 330,092 295,875 $ 282,969 $ 43,045 $ 133,000 14- i,646 $ 6,786 $ 57,060 -3-0 $ 46,740 75,000 315,000 -165,4- -1 -8 $ 46-,iy5 $ 40,000 3,338 $ 2,510 3,747 4,147 $ 5,950 iJ7-i .41,736. 25,490 360,000 161,848 5111 Q-RA MEMORANDUM TO— HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM: PHIL LUUTZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT, CON,r AC`s" FOR PLUMBING EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING AND SHOP VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY DATE- November 15., 2000 BACKGROUND- The City solicited bids for two storage /maintenance buildings M f U-nst 2000. One building will be located in the Public Works compound and the other at the Support Services Vehicle Maintenance Facility. Following bid opening, Staff entered into negotiations with the low bidder (Brewer Constriction Company) to reduce the total cost of the project (see attached revised bid and scope of work). The building contract was awarded to Brewer on October 3, 2000. As paid: of the revised scope of work, the requirement for plumbing was eliminated from the Public Works building and bids were obtained for plumbing the building at the Vehicle Maintenance facility. SOLICITATION OF RIDS Bids for the plumbing work were solicited from 25 vendors. Those who responded are as follows (see attached bids): :Progressive Plumbing & Pleating, Inc. $ 99501.00 Zri -City Plumbing & Mechanical 11,100.00 Southeast Plumbing, Inc. 12,221.28 Action Plumbing & Sewer Company 6,900.00 (low bid) RECOMMENDATION. ENDAT"ION. Staff recommends Council approval for a plumbing contract for the Equipment Storage and Shop Building, Vehicle Maintenance Facility, to Action Plumbing & Sewer Company, Owasso, Oklahoma, in the amount of $6,900.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised building bid and scope of work 2. Bids VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BUILDING SITE - 495 S Main St 11EM1 PE-�CRIPTIQN A. OP w � A _L8- TOTAL BID FOR VEHICLE MAMTENANCE FACILny A1 Perimeter Fence at Vehicle Maintenance Facffity (ADD AIJ) PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING SITE - 301 W Second Ave $, ,e , rr M. Z131. o61-9- M1,31 I ! i FTMI TOTAL BID YOR BOTH SITES Z7 -Z q-. 5-, dc' GRAND TOTAL of it Plus Add Alternate) 25 September 2000 Re: Revised Bid Notes: 001,009- Includes Pre-Treat only 004,012- Includes concrete work for all post, bollard's, any floors 002,010 Includes 26 gauge panels, Barn. supplier standard steel doors, and windows Any yestions call Leslie Brewer 918-476-5811 Leslie rarer Brewer Construction Company P 0. Box 967 a Chouteau, Oklahoma 74337 918/476-5811 e FAX 918/476-6876 Progressive Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 2121 S. 125th East Suite 106 Tulsa,, OK 74129 Sealed Bid Did For: City of Owasso Storage Building at Vehicle Maintenance Building Bid suni includes all plumbing per plans and specs for this job. Bid sum, to include all Labor, inaterial and equipment to complete job per plans and specs. The total Bid Sum is: 4 ­7 )( J ,23 1-) TRX—CXTY PLUMBXNG & 14ECHANXCALr XNC. POST OB7XCE BOX 490 sPERRY, OKLAHOM 74073-0490 (918) 288-6754 FAX (918) 288-6791 November 14, 2000 Attn: Sheryl Duggan City of Owasso PO Box 180 Owasso, OK V 4 0 5 5 RE: CITY OF O O STORAGE BUILDING 301 W 2"D AVE OWASSO, OK 74055 Quoted price to furn1sh and install all plui ii°-)g, co.T.flplete, per plans and specifications at the above referenced project. NO cutting or NO patching of concrete or asphalt included in the following quote. BASE BID PL NG $ 11,700000 ** PRICE QUOTED IS FIRM FOR A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS FROM THIS DATE. im SOUTHEAST PLUMBING, INC. "Cleanest Plumbers in Tofvn" 9772 East 11th SL, Tulsa, OK, 74128 Phone- (918) 834 -2217 Fax. (918) 834-9249 of Owasso { 272 -2251 P. 0. _ Ox 180. Oivasso, OK 74055 272 -4959 S ;n: 272 -4996 11-10-00 Install plumbing for 1 stool, 1 lavatory, I floor drain, 1 hot water tank. Run air line from air compressor to work shop with 3 drops in shop and 6 drops in equipment room. .R-L w. sewer from building drain and connect to existing clean Out. R 15' grater service connect to existing water line. Run gas service line and connect to existing line. TOTAL, QUOTE $12,227.28 Ditches to be back lied with dirt excavated. This contract includes a rock: clause, if necessary. Street cutting, patch work are extra of this contract. All work to be per city and state and code. Any changes or additions to be extra of this contract. hereby to flarnrSll material and labor -° complete na accordance with above specifications, for the Sam of: "twelve thousand, two hundred, i�renty seven dollars and 2� /100 ® ®rom�w ®oa ®m�m ®� ®® Va—yment fo a ma a as no Tows: 40% rough-in, 40% T ®Oldt, 2 o orn All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a P _. workmanlike inarmer according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation h'om abode specification.; involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, aid wilt become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All Authorized Signature: agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covmg lXi M/ men's Coin nsation Insurance. T his proposal may be withdrawn b us if not RrC Jilflw of Troyood� -- The above prices, specifications and conditions are signature: satisf €ictory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: within WE ACTION PLUMBING & SEWER CO. 110 W. I Irt Street P.O. box 2 5 OWASSO, OKLAHOM�,;74055 (918) 272-1212- Pago No, of 3 47 W10 ATT&,1 S ERYL DUGGA-N, ROUGH INr TOP OUT & FINAL PLUMBING FOR NEW BLDG. WITH CREANE FIX ' TURESeWHITE & DELTA FAAUCETS. 6 GA.L. WATER. HEATER. RUN AIR II] WATER & SEWER LINES,,, GAS LINE® $ 260( $ 105C P-V'- Q. SC. 40 PLAS',%g TC, 2350 $ 900 -- $ 6,90 ANY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS WOULD RESULT IN ADDITION&T, CHARGES; WE: PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor — complete In accordance with the above sPecifications, - for the sum of: Payment to be made as follows: dollars (s 1/3 PYMT. DUE ON ROUGH INf1/3 PYMT. ON TOP OUT, UPON COMPLETION- F AND PYMT IN FULL I)II110 of Atmopimu)o; , slanaturo W10 ATT&,1 S ERYL DUGGA-N, ROUGH INr TOP OUT & FINAL PLUMBING FOR NEW BLDG. WITH CREANE FIX ' TURESeWHITE & DELTA FAAUCETS. 6 GA.L. WATER. HEATER. RUN AIR II] WATER & SEWER LINES,,, GAS LINE® $ 260( $ 105C P-V'- Q. SC. 40 PLAS',%g TC, 2350 $ 900 -- $ 6,90 ANY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS WOULD RESULT IN ADDITION&T, CHARGES; WE: PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor — complete In accordance with the above sPecifications, - for the sum of: Payment to be made as follows: dollars (s 1/3 PYMT. DUE ON ROUGH INf1/3 PYMT. ON TOP OUT, UPON COMPLETION- F AND PYMT IN FULL I)II110 of Atmopimu)o; , slanaturo TO: HONORABLE I MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OAO FROM- ON A SORRE LL CITY PLANNER NE SUBJECT. EASEMENT CLOSURE LOT 20, BLOCK 5, EL R-io vii, .A II OAT , Novernber° 15, 2000 Homes Unlimited, Inca is requesting review of a proposed closing of a portion of an existing utility easement within El Rio Vista II located north of E. 96`h Strout ire and west of N. Garnett Load at 111809 Ea 96t' place N. The property is described as t.,ot 20, Bloch 5, El Rio Vista 11. A_ location reap is attached. for your information and review. The background on similar requests on this particular property is extensive, A previous request for a partial closure of this easement was approved by the Planning Commission in September, 1983, and was subsequently denied three times by the City Council, The residence, built in 1983, on. the subject property was constructed over a 17.5' utility easement along the west property line. Homes Unlimited has requested a partial closure of the utility easements 'there are discrepancies between where utilities within the easement were thought to be located in 1983, and what has been field verified by the various utility providers recently, It is staff's opinion the current positions are more accurate, since field locations can be verified, The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at the November 149 2000 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Staff recommends approval of the closing of the east 8' of the west 1.7.5' of the south 70' of Lot 209 Block 5, El Rio Vista 11, ATTACHMENT'S I. Location MLp 20 Letter of Request 1 Legal Deseriptior). 4, Inspection Plat 5� Utility Provider Comments ... ............... ... ..... ...... ...... ....... .......... .... ........ .......... .... l...,..,...,,.--.,..... EI06�' M, PUD 469 o -Iqz-f w SUBJECT P R 0 P E lul v September 21, 2000 Donna Sorrells Community Development City Planner City of Owasso 207 S cedar Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Easement Closure Lot 20 Block 5 El Rio Vista 11 Dear Ms, Sorrells: I am including for your review: 1) a copy of the survey showing the casement & encroachment 2) a coy ®f letter from Payne Surveying showing Legal description 3) a check for $25000 for process I can be reached at 272-0770 if you have any further questions or needs. Sin e ly, Judy Zachary 11960 E 86th St N. - OWASSO, OK 74055 - 918-272-0770 - FAX 9-18 -272 -1210 i First Title tract 8503 M 120" East Am Ovosm OK 74065 Uss Gaylord 10809 Effirst ," place l Owasso, OK 74055 H ED M The East 17.a feet ol the South 70.0 feet of Lot 20 In Block 5 of ; RIO VISTA 11, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat 04273. TOTAL. P.01 CUSTOMER: PAY NE SURVEYING SERVICES FirsTitle & Abstract Services Inc.; Commonwealth Land Title Ins. Co., CIAREMORE, OX1AHOMA (918) 341-0017 Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. EIORROIWER: REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S INSPECTION PLAT AND Gary M. Gaylord & Lisa M. Gaylord CERTIFICATE FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES (File #OWOO-945) THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X (UNSHADED) PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, # 400210-0236H, REVISED SFIA". SEPTEMBER 22, 1999. Smiley L.' Freeman, Trustee NOTE: SUBJECT DWELLING IS ENCROACHED UPON 17.5' Lfl'ILIrY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. 9.7 In to Cq E. 96TH PL. N. b q LO ONORTH SCALE 1'=20' CERTIFICATE FirsTitle & Abstract Services, Inc.; Commonwealth Land Title Ins. Co.; This plat is made for and at the request of Bank of Oklaho property described as: Lrn-q-, —NA---- for mortgage loan purposes only covering Lot Twenty (20), Block Five (5), EL RIO VISTA 11, -ruisa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat No. 4273. 10809 East 96th Place North Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 1 hereby certify that the above inspection plat shows the improvements as located on the premises described, that they are entirely within the described tract boundaries, and that there are no encroachments thereon except as indicated; that the above plat shows all recorded plat easements and other such easements as have been disclosed and furnished on behalf of lender; that this plat was prepared for identification purposes only for th agee and is not a land or property line survey; that no property corners were set, and it is not to be U r upon for the establishment of fence, building or other improvement lines. No responsibility is assn r reby to the present or future land owner or occupant. tp. RANDALL WITNESS my hand and seal this -,M-L day of -,-LugRsl--- 2000. RAY Revised 9-7-00 for Titlework. GM-GAYLORD RANDA� R. PAYN0 CA &68 (LS) EXPI MEMORANDUM TO: DONNA SOR11FLLS CITY PLANNER TI1RU: F. ROBEwr CARR, JR., P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM. PHIL LUTZ, P.E.ML ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT. EASEMENT CLOSURE REQUEST LOT 20, BLOCK 5, EL RIO VISTA DATE. November 7, 2000 The attached surveyed plat shows the location of the sanitary main at the west lot perimeter. The distance from the west edge of the house to the main is about 8 feet which is sufficient space for any maintenance required on the main. However, closing the cast 8 feet of the existing 17.5-foot casement would leave only 905 feet for City and other private utilities. 4eArbstract Service@, Inc., PAYNE SURVEYING SERVICES c w alth Land Title In@. Co.. CLAREMORE, OXW1OHA (910) 341 if Oklahoma, NA, . 1 —06A7 RR Eta; . REGISTERED L&ND SURVEYOR'S INSPECTION PLAT AND Ltelas M. Gaylord & "y M Gu� lord CERTIFICATE FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES (no #40 —945) THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X (UNSHADED PER SELLEM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, 0 400210-0236H, RWSED Steil ®y ' Freeman, Truckee SSEPTEMBER 22, 1999� L "OIL, SUBJECT DWw= M rMCROALUM UPON 17W MUTY EASEMW AS SRO= ON DRAMNO. �A fly rf) Trarn &j9d, housue. I Snn4ar� mon6lds I 75.00' 10' uTIL-- r-smr. J LOT 20 BLOCK 5 ArT.70 w L .. q6TH EL. N. NORTH SCALE 1'-20* 'M —GAYLORD _RAN �DAR. p 6a e,_ � CA 68 CLS) k, lot 5 fi Office: 918-274-4003 FAX. 918-274-4020 dpins(apn&com MESSAGE Donna, ONG has reversed there decision and agrees to release the portion of easement as requested. CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: The information contained in thia facsimilo is privileged and confidential Information Intended for the sole use of this addressee, If the reader of this facsimile is not the Intended recipient. or the employee or agent responsible for deliveng it to the intended =!U!6= rMIT-MUM M" grim, yfffiMMIMMM-Mur "t Iowa- Ion rqftmw"IWL43 NOU --09 ®2000 01:37 ONCE 910 508 5110 P.02i02 November 9, 2000 Donna Soffells City Planner, City of Owasso 207 & Cedar Owasso, 0.7055 S"iab e to Lot 20 Block 5, El Rio Vista U Addition Donna: In regards to the existing 17,5' easement on the east side of the above mentioned lot, ONG has no objection to releasing the East 8.0 feet of the West 1745 feet of the South 70.0 feet of Lot 20 Are Block 5 of El o Vista 119 Tulsa, Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma according to the recorded Plat 427, Sincerely, C"k-74�-0,4 Doyle Coins Oklahoma Natual Gas Company ` ac Member 274 -4003 TOTAL P.02 November 7, 2000 Donna Sorrels City Planner, City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 17 ., 1Jf3JZ- f7fled in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 2;00 PM on Ortober24,2000a C4111 "D Donna o e1l'�: City Planner Wed end. y, November 19 2000 2.00 P Owasso City Hall Confermice Room, 207 S. Cechy AGENDA a -,r4 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL COPY- SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM. STAN EWING DIRE CTOR 011" COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT. BUDGET TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND TO OEDA & APPROVAL OF OEDA CONTRACTING WITH ALA BACK DESIGN ASSOCIATES DATE. November 16, 2000 BACKGROUND. The OEDA recently advertised for "Requests For Qualification" for a "Downtown Redevelopment Concept & Implementation Strategy", short listed applicants and conducted consultant interviews, Alaback Design Associates was selected for this project, and has entered into a contract for services with OEDA in the amount of $54,145.00. At a special meeting on November 14, 2000, OEDA authorized an appropriation of $15,000.00 from the OEDA Fund to the OEDA (95-710) budget. This will bring the OEDA "Special Project" budget (95-710) to $25,000. Although it isn't necessary, because of the requested transfer of funds, the OEDA is asking for Council authorization to enter into a contract in the amount $54,145.00 with Alaback Design Associates for the development of the Downtown Redevelopment Concept Plan and Implementation Strategy. BUDGET TRANSFERS/ALABACK CONTRACT NOVEMBER 16, 2000 PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council authorization. for the transfer of $8959.48 from the Economic Development Department and $20,240.09 -from the OEDA Work. Plan, both in the General fund, for a total transfer of $29,199057 to the Owasso Economic; Development Authority for the purpose of partially f-b.nding an OEDA contract with Alaback Design associates for the pL rposo of performing work related to the development of a Downtown Redevelopment Concept Plan; and further recommend authorization fear the OEDA to enter into such contract. AT TA I EN TS I. Fund Summary Tr »-f r FROM Gencral Find OEDAWork Plan (01 715) 20,15U9 O the 01-1,0A Firnd (95 710) ry .. "29,109.57 Sirramary $29,109.57 to be transferred ftom the General Fund to the OEDA Ftuid It +fY�Y+�•Y'�'� � ��" .9�1M1:596iltcu'd9�k£Fk�JV A9l�e+�l6�l S%.�@LS�I'�ii .fA7.@l§`�J£�l �6Y'��.W�Y..P :3.a`l_�' �A96��NW>A9vYl�e�"P >✓�` eve ,.�M�.e2'W�A)f4'%5�6'�A.k?':> �u3 �' P�Y' i.? 2YfflGJ". ffi+.:✓ eJd�a 'Yklr�e5v;.:,lti9. ✓,43'd�,:bl J�4#�S4V' � �:J..tJ Nl3%�J.&k`H< The City Council approved thefollowing appropriations in their KY 0 -01 General fund Budget Economic Development Division $10,000 of which we are requesting $8,959.48 be transferred out OEDA Work Plan -EID Division $25,000 of ich we are requesting $20,150.09 be transferred out