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2000.12.05_City Council Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE O ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: December 5, 2000 TIME: 6:30 porgy, LACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center., Notice and agenda filed in the office. of the City Clerk. and. posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Fri(.lay, December 1, 20K Marei Boutwell, City C erk AGENDA 1. Call. to Order Mayor Williams 2, Invocation Robert Can° Public Works Director 3, Flag Salute 4, Roll Call Owasso City Council December 5, 2000 Page 2 5, Special Presentation Michael Watson Allstate Insurance and Michael Watson's A Great Date Insurance Agency are helping sponsor "Owasso's promise " both financially and by providing office space. They have requested a few minutes on the City Council agenda to explain the program. and to make a financial presentation to representatives of "Owasso "s Promise". 6. Consideration and Appropriate .Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent " are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion, Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable, A- Approval of the minutes of November 21, :2000 regular Meeting. Attachment 8-6 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment 116 -13 Ca Action Relating to Ordinance #664, an Ordinance :providing for the Closing of a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 20, Bloch 5, El Rio Vista II, Attachment #6 -C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #664, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on November 21, 2000 to approve the easement closing and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council December 5, 2000 Page 3 7e Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the General fend Budget, Ms Bishop Attachment 117 The staff will recommend City Council action to approve a supplement appropriation to the General Fund, increasing miscellaneous revenue and increasing the .police Department expenditures by $12,254, reflecting, an insurance payment for damages to a police vehicle. & Consideration and .Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Award. a Contract for the Purchase of "three Vehicles by the Owasso police Department, Deputy Chief Motto Attachment # The staff will recommend approval of a contract and authorization for payment to Keystone Chevrolet, Sand Springs, Old for the purchase of three 2001 Chevrolet Impala mid -size police vehicles at a purchase price of $19,400 each ($58,200 total), 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Acceptance of CD G Funds, and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute the Appropriate Documents Mr Ewing Attachment #9 The City of Owasso has received notification from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce of the award of a CD G m Small Cities grant in the amount of $67,132, The staff will recommend City Council acceptance of the grant, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents Owasso City Council December 5, 2000 Page 4 10. Report from City Manager, 1, 1 . Report.ftom City Attorney. 12. Report from City Councilors. A RECEPTION HONORING RECENTLY-SEATED COUNCILOR REBECCA ARMSTRONG WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTER LOBBY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE OPGA MEETING. ALL OWASSO CITIZENS AND GUEsTs ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. 130 New Business, 14. Adjournment. O ASSO CITE'" COUNCIL MINIJTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 21, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday November 21, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board. at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 17, 20009 and Addendum to Agenda posted on the City lull bulletin board at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, November 20, 2000, ITEM, 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6 :30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Jim McElrath, Support Services director. ITEM 3: FLACK SALUTE TE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute, ITEM 4: OATH OF' OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COUNCILOR -ELECT ARMSTRONG, Ms Boutwell administered the oath of office to Councilor -elect Armstrong, and Councilor .Armstrong was seated at the council bench. ITEM 5: ROLL CALL STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Donald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. Mayor Williams presented a proclamation to Nancy Johnson and Jim McElrath designating November 12, 2000 as America Recycles Day in Owasso. He also read a proclamation designating Saturday, December 2, 2000 as Volunteer Network Owasso Cares Day. Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TQ A RF EST AYE: Banahouse, Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF BID PACKAGE 10-F JAIL EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY HALUPOLICE STATION. -2- Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Ms Barnhouse, to award Bid Package I OF for jail equipment for the City Hall/Police Station facility to Sweeper Metal Fabricators Cor-p in the amount of $19,09300 AYE: Voss, Barnhouse, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion can --ied 54 ITEM 9:, CONSIDERATION, AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A RE, 2� A CHANGE ORDER 'TO FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER W' CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND VARIOUS CONTRACTORS FOR THE CITY HALL/POLICE STATION PROJECT, ALL AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR PLUMBING SERVICES FOR THE EQUIPMENT STORAGE BUILDING AND SHOP AT THE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY. - 3 - Owasso City Council November 219 2000 building and shop at the Vehicle Maintenance facility to Action Plumbing and Sewer Company, Owasso, OK in the amount of $6900, AYE: Brogdon, Barnhouse, Voss, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. 11 1 EM H: CONSIDERATION' AND APPROPIdATE ACTION PELATING TO THE PAirIAL CLOSING OF A 1705' UTILITY EASEMENT - ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF LOT X-RLQQK L 5 E RL STA-!UL0-8aJ[,,,�6 J�L.jj). ,--L- QXIL AYE: Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. -4- Owasso City Council November 21, 2000 Fund, when combined with the $25,000, there will be sufficient funds for the contract. Although it isn't necessary, the OEDA is also requesting authorization from the Council to enter into the contract. Ms `doss moved, seconded by Mr I rogdon, to authorize the transfer of $8959.48 from the :economic Development Department and $20,240.09 from the OEDA Work Ilan to the Owasso Economic Development Authority for the purpose of partially :funding an OEDA contract with Alaback Design Associates for the purpose of performing work related to the development of a Downtown Redevelopment Concept Plan; and authorization for the OEDA. to enter into such a contract. AYE: Voss, Bro d.on, Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams MAY: lone Motion carried 4-0. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Mitchell reminded the Council of the planning session on "Tuesday, Novernber 28'1' and also reminded everyone of the Award's Banquet on Saturday, December 2 nd ITEM 14::( REPORT T FROM: CI"T"Y A'TTORN Y. No report. ITEM_ 15; EPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. None. ITEM 160 NEW BUSINESS. ITEM 17: ADJOURNMENT Ms Barnhouse moved, seconded by Ms Voss to adjourn. AYE: Barnhouse, Voss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7 :00 p.m. Marcia I3outwell, City Clerk 5- H C: Williams, Mayor Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 50.00 105 Municipal Court 62,99 110 Managerial 1,70017 120 Finance 3.47 150 General Government 14,539.36 160 Community Development 20196 170 Engineering 202.35 175 Information Systems 1134 131 Support Services 425.61 190 Cemetery 103.43 201 Police Services 1,359.01 215 Police Communications 654A2 221 Animal Control 161.50 250 Fire Services 3,935.47 230 Emergency preparedness 119.24 300 Streets 9,26329 515 park Maintenance 241.46 550 Community Center 703.57 710 Economic Development 47.00 TOTAL 33,300,51 Ambulance Refunds 575.14 255 Ambulance 1,116.77 TOTAL 1,691.91 Ambulance Capital 255 Ambulance 671.73 TOTAL 67116 Bond projects Streets /Intersections 33,344.52 City Fall /Police Station 90,030.95 Project Management 3,279.00 TOTAL 1329154.47 OPGA Merchandise 1,193.36 Food and Beverage 1,672.36 600 Golf Shop 60.66 605 Cart Operations 30.67 610 Golf Course Maintenance 1,314.31 670 Food and Beverage Operations 546.10 690 Golf Administration 795.17 691 Clubhouse 1,365.97 600 Debt Service 33,253.35 TOTAL 40,233.67 OPA Capital Improvements PA Sales Tax City Garage Workers' Corp Sale Insurance Debt Service TOTAL 166 City Garage TOTAL 160 Workers' Come TOTAL 918.45 3,099°6 164,811 M 649 e 1 7 5,289022 q9 49eVY,k 3,016,13 182,723.66 32,54327 2,5412` 1290621,23 120,621.23 12,336.69 12,336M Claims Total 566,966M City of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11m03am Page 1 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice HoLd Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number emwa_o Number ed ®mw_ Date -------- Code Number -- -- ---- -- Invoice# ------------ Due Date -- - ----- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---- - ----- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 2734 766 11/01/00 6636 04-2109674 12/05/00 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 2736 1294 11/14/00 6637 500197307 °00 12/05/00 301016 36058 12 PHONE USE-CHIEF 8 264.58 12 PHONE USE-OTHERS 2737 961 11/13/00 6580 4766686-3/11 12/05/00 27.99 27099 12 PHONE USE -KLAHR 912 2744 941 11/12/00 6701 200863 12/05/00 76030 572.05 6 GRAVEL /ASPHALT 11/05/00 200397 73089 11/15100 201284 144087 11/15/00 201285 55089 11/15/00 201287 221.10 2747 239 11/08/00 6672 97989 12/05/00 378.40 75968 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 75.68 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 75.68 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 75068 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 75468 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2747 239 11120/00 6707 98287 12/05/00 354.80 70096 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 70096 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 70.96 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 70096 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 70.96 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2750 366 11/13/00 6703 630595 12/05/00 17.80 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/13100 630573 12025 66000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/15/00 630778 66°00 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/24/00 628832 5.55 30,05 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/01/00 629517 108.48 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 108048 REPAIR SUPPLIES 5055 REPAIR SUPPLIES 2755 6 11/01/00 6649 7041 12/05/00 110.00 0.00 6 SOD 0.00 6 SOD 110.00 6 SOD 2763 1038 11/02/00 6738 7922 12/05/00 27,.12 132002 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/26/00 8218 14.29 0.00 12 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/19/00 1546 9020 0.00 12 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/17/00 6597 161024 0.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.96 CHAIR- DUGGAN 2764 1038 11/10/00 6709 3188 12/05/00 22°08 0.00 8 UNIFORM JEANS 11/14/00 3781 7094 0.00 5 UNIFORM JEANS 11/09/00 6340 89496 0.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 11/02/00 6537 89830 0000 4 UNIFORM JEANS O.00 4 UNIFORM JEANS 89030 UNIFORM JEANS 30.02 REPAIR / MAINT SUPPLIES 89.96 MICROWAVE 2765 591 11/16/00 6695 8240133104 12/05/00 20030 56080 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133106 33455 54.20 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133107 53050 40060 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133098 28040 119.90 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133099 18035 36.70 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133105 4055 9010 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/23/00 8240133882 20030 11/23/00 8240133884 20.65 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 30, 2000 11e03am Page 2 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ---- -- Date -------- Code bawd Number ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -- -- -- -d demo---- Amount Date Amount ---- oo -ead -- ae- emm ---- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 11/23/00 8240133885 66,40 11/23/00 8240133876 28.40 11123/00 8240133877 18.35 11/23/00 8240133883 4.55 2769 827 11/21/00 6696 237292 12/05/00 33.00 75000 HEPATITIS SHOTS 11/21/00 31769 75.00 33000 HEPATITIS SHOTS 2786 998 12/01/00 6648 120100 12/05/00 49050 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2787 124 12/01/00 6645 120100 12/05/00 49050 49„50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2789 483 12/01/00 6642 120100 12/05/00 49050 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2791 252 12/01/00 6643 120100 12/05/00 49.50 49050 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2793 942 12/01/00 6641 120100 12/05/00 49850 49.,50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2794 1301 12 /01/00 6644 120100 12/05/00 49,50 49.50 12 VOLUNTEER FIRE RUNS 2800 1294 11/14/00 6665 500093816 °00 12/05/00 130.01 30.60 12 CELL PHONE- ROBERTS 9 30060 12 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 30060 12 CELL PHONE-STAND-BY 38021 12 CELL PHONE- STEVENS 2867 123 11121100 6692 40391 12/05/00 44.45 44.45 12 BATTERIES 2868 857 10/19/00 CEPO 6691 D173449 12/05/00 48.68 869°82 24 REPAIR PARTS 11/01/00 D174456 367.76 11/13/00 D175423 22099 11/15/00 D175637 330000 11/13/00 D175383 15002 11/20/00 D176033 61,99 11/28/00 D176589 23.38 2869 769 11/13/00 6687 2001046 12/05/00 367050 367850 12 DOC WORK PROGRAM 2872 591 11/16/00 6686 8240133103 12/05/00 11045 22090 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/23100 8240133881 11045 53410 24 UNIFORM RENTAL 11/16/00 8240133101 26455 11123/00 8240133879 26055 2873 446 11/07/00 CEPO 6685 155261360 12/05/00 0.59 148.98 24 REPAIR PARTS 11/16/00 155264206 33048 11/16/00 155264201 15A6 11/17/00 155264513 71050 11/20/00 155265475 23.36 11120100 155265429 4699 2874 364 11/16/00 6690 158834 12/05/00 316000 667.00 12 TIRE REPAIRS 11/22/00 158988 351000 2879 576 11/22/00 6619 112200 12/05/00 61089 61.89 12 CABLE SERVICE 3120 1059 11/22/00 6573 530553 12/05/00 83000 83.00 INSPECTION STICKERS 3154 1144 07/12/00 6710 12465 12/05/00 25000 25000 UNIFORM JEANS- ROBERTS 3196 1219 11/17/00 6677 3243326 12/05/00 8,279.00 8,279 00 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 °26 °98 3202 129 11/11/00 6582 15118235 12/05/00 43000 43000 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 3214 1098 11/09/00 6626 2285297 12/05/00 96072 609.54 EMPLOYMENT ADS 11/09/00 2285298 52,39 11/09/00 2285299 100075 11/12/00 2285296 71°20 11/12/00 2285386 113,32 11/12/00 2285387 61084 11/12/00 2285388 113032 3322 1152 11/14/00 6722 111400 12/05/00 270.45 270045 METER READINGS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 640°6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11s03am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice DISC Due Discount Line Item Number mm, --- Number ------ Date -- ------ Code Number mae_ °°bade Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date e- oee -re ---------- Amount Amounts ------------ CLaim Description ----------------------- 3323 38 11111/00 6719 111000 12/05/00 483030 483,30 METER READINGS 3325 371 11/10/00 6721 111000 12/05/00 342090 342.90 METER READINGS 3326 264 11/10/00 6723 111000 12/05/00 289.35 289.35 METER READINGS 3398 785 11/08/00 6669 8649037606 12/05/00 110000 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/08/00 8649037614 2011 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 112011 REPAIR SUPPLIES 3661 1504 11/10/00 6705 1 12/05/00 27,174.00 27,174.00 PLUMBING 6/6/00 3662 1505 10/25/00 6674 3 12/05/00 2,250 00 2,250.00 ELECTRICAL 6/6/00 3663 1506 10/31/00 6706 1 12/05/00 733450 733.50 FIRE PROTECTION 6/6100 3666 1519 11/03/00 6673 143/145 12/05/00 2,160.00 2,160 00 SAFETY 6/6/00 3667 1515 11/10/00 6675 4 12/05/00 33,004.00 33,004000 CONCRETE 6/6/00 3781 703 11/20/00 6724 16429 12/05/00 4,625015 4,625015 VEHICLE REPAIR 3970 1049 11110/00 6682 111000 12/05/00 2,391.48 2,391.48 PURCHASED WATER-9/00 3997 1557 11/20/00 6590 51588 12/05/00 1,416058 1,416.58 BILLING SERVICE 4045 743 11/05/00 6676 3 12/05/00 9,000 00 9,000.00 ROCK BASE GRADING 4066 1144 10/06/00 6712 17710 12/05/00 120.90 120090 3 CARHARTT COVERALLS 4075 829 11/20/00 6740 220273 12/05/00 309.40 363095 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/17/00 220110 35.00 25.19 RAIN GEAR 11/16/00 219959 19°55 8.81 RAIN GEAR 11/09/00 219623 25.19 11/09/00 219622 8.81 4085 630 11/13/00 6589 192299 12/05/00 165055 165.55 SCBA MASK 4086 356 11/13/00 6631 1034 12/05/00 102059 102059 C09050 4087 356 11/13/00 6630 1034 12/05/00 132°62 132062 009050 4088 356 11/13/00 6629 1034 12/05/00 78029 78429 009050 4089 827 11/13/00 6634 916920 12/05/00 31000 31000 509250 4091 797 11/17/00 6623 1791417 12/05/00 144000 144000 H08170 4151 406 10/16/00 6736 110919599001 12/05/00 48.06 200070 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 11/01/00 112318705001 200070 48.06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 11/08/00 113262403001 169001 169.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 4166 356 11/13/00 6632 1034 12/05/00 110.69 110.69 C9050 4236 356 11/13/00 6633 1034 12/05/00 69.74 69.74 009050 4237 879 10/05/00 6635 100500 12/05/00 39038 39.38 810050 4285 1056 11/02/00 6668 61934 12/05/00 192 ®50 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 10/31/00 61899 171.05 0000 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 10/30/00 61861 396000 759055 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 4289 729 11/14/00 6667 12318 12105/00 6,550°00 6,550.00 METER SETS 9/7/99 4306 601 12/01/00 6758 3772 12/05/00 1,417.67 1,417.67 8 CONTRACT ADMIN 10/17/00 4322 941 11/15/00 6679 201288 12/05/00 17,222.96 22,523019 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 11/15/00 201286 5,300023 4322 941 11112100 6681 200864 12/05/00 9,650.06 9,650°06 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 4323 15 11/14/00 6683 585211 12/05/00 830.69 830.69 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 4323 15 11/20/00 6762 586638 12/05/00 840.58 840.58 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0,6 Q*'APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) pity of 0wasso Nov 30, 2000 11203am Page 4 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber dame- Number ---- -- Date -------- Code Number ---- d ®m__m Invoice# ------------ Due Date -- ---- -- Amount Date Amount ------------ -- ---- -a ---- --- - -, ------------ Amounts Claim Description ------------------------ 4344 1065 11/13100 6737 111300 12/05/00 152,685°43 152,685°43 PURCHASED WATER 10/00 4346 818 12/01/00 6621 ORF-99 -008 -L 12/05/00 3,432088 3,432088 7 OWRB LOAN /12000 12/01/00 FAP -92 °010 7- 5,032089 5,032089 7 OWRB LOAN L/12 °00 12/01/00 FAP °92 0107° 24,077.50 24,077.50 7 OWRB LOAN L/12 °0 4347 818 12/01/00 6620 1996-12/00 12/05/00 33,253085 33,253.85 7 1996 REVENUE BONDS 12/01100 1997 -12/00 38,432.48 38,432.48 7 199 7 REVENUE BONDS 12/01/00 1998 -12/00 82,188075 82,188.75 7 1998 REVENUE BONDS 4395 267 11/20/00 6656 516 12/05/00 3,363091 3,363 91 REPAIR SERVICES 4408 1075 11/13/00 6670 46503 12/05/00 65„24 65„24 SAFETY BOOTS- BURTON O.00 SAFETY BOOTS °MORADOS 4419 1044 11/01/00 6659 60841°•1006 °0 12105/00 1,639.60 1,639.60 RECYCLE REFUSE 0.00 RECYCLE GLASS 4426 1607 11/17/00 6575 111700 12/05/00 400000 400.00 SAFETY WORKSHOP 4429 1413 11/02/00 6678 2 12/05/00 13,009.45 13,009145 SITE UTILITIES 6/20/00 4434 66 10/30/00 6610 338548 12/05/00 717.06 840018 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 11/10/00 339806 123012 4440 158 10/27/00 6624 505444 12/05/00 44400 44000 2 UNIFORM PANTS 4478 585 10126/00 6592 725 12/05/00 204.00 204000 UNIFORM LOGOS 4479 1039 10/24/00 6593 312787 12/05/00 22050 22050 PRESSURE GAUGE 4480 436 11/01/00 6591 232 12/05/00 23.50 23050 PLACARDS 4482 893 11/10/00 6577 574835 12/05/00 130010 130.10 POSTAGE SUPPLIES 4483 129 10/25/00 6596 12152617 12105/00 147.35 120076 PHONE USE-ALLEN 26.59 PHONE USE-OTHERS 4485 1684 11/13100 6628 3799501/3790 12/05/00 70.00 70000 B06060 181 4486 1684 11/13/00 6627 3790181 12/05/00 48,00 48.00 806060 4487 1238 11/17/00 6622 1994870 12/05/00 98.00 98000 C09050 4489 586 10/18/00 6652 16586 12/05/00 52.65 52065 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4490 500 10/19/00 6657 39094 12/05/00 68099 68.99 CELL PHONE BATTERY -CARR 4491 811 10/23/00 6653 28013 12/05/00 37.50 37050 FUEL 4492 511 11/21/00 6739 553377 12/05/00 3,112 00 3,112000 RENTAL -SEWER CLEANING EQUIPT 4494 1686 11/03/00 6595 772 12/05/00 49x00 49.00 SOFTWARE UPDATE 4499 1491 11/13/00 6658 25228 12/05/00 130000 130000 HOLIDAY FLYERS 4505 1110 10/23/00 6594 702213 12/05/00 128070 128°70 PAGER RENTAL 4512 1039 11/02/00 6700 314438 12/05/00 17.36 2,329086 WATER METERS 10/19/00 10/27/00 314001 2,312050 4518 497 11/08/00 6655 42-218632 12/05/00 70014 70014 PLOTTER PAPER 4519 649 11/20/00 6741 13625 12/05/00 39099 39°99 HIP °WADERS /DUGAN 4523 1541 11/02/00 6666 19638 12/05/00 225,00 225,00 RISER 4524 59 10/26100 6664 4663198 12/05/00 222.10 222010 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4549 1714 11/08/00 6647 960955 12/05/00 95000 95.00 PHONE 4550 223 10/23/00 6654 33502 12/05/00 347.86 347.86 ROAD STRIPING MATERIAL 4551 100 10130/00 6660 192258 12/05/00 160.00 160000 TOP SOIL 4553 935 10/12/00 6661 56 12/05/00 70 „00 70.00 TETANUS SHOT -SAUER 4554 823 08/08/00 6662 36508 12/05/00 126810 126010 REPAIR SUPPLIES 4555 791 10/03/00 6663 34613 12/05/00 111050 390.25 REPAIR SUPPLIES 09/25/00 34443 50.00 09/01/00 34194 128.75 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6,0 6 Q *APR ®83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11a03am Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O„ Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 09/06/00 34219 100400 4557 1144 08/28/00 6711 15234 12/05/00 25.00 25000 UNIFORM PANTS -DUGAN 4563 1160 11/02/00 6625 8710 12/05/00 368050 368050 HELMET 4583 1015 11/06/00 6583 110600 12/05/00 2,700.00 2,700.00 FURNISHING DESIGN SVS 4585 1058 11/18/00 6742 694209 12/05/00 795°91 1,443 68 SCREENINGS 11/18/00 694309 647077 4588 351 11/06/00 6581 21286 12/05/00 25.00 25000 REGISTRATION-EWING 4589 1073 11/14/00 6578 13244 12/05/00 273050 273.50 DVD DISCS 4590 548 10/10/00 6579 2959 12/05/00 75.00 116.00 EUTHANASIA DRUGS 11/08/00 30397 41°00 4591 938 10/30/00 6588 10/00 NON-PL 12/05/00 485.15 50.77 10/00 NON °PLEXAR EXAR 95.75 10/00 NON°PLEXAR 63096 10/00 NON °PLEXAR 98,67 10/00 NON- PLEXAR 176°00 10/00 NON °PLEXAR 4592 863 10/30/00 6586 10/00 USE 12/05/00 1,178.15 88°62 10/00 USE 64.44 10/00 USE 43.52 10/00 USE 252.26 10/00 USE 21038 10/00 USE 92.64 10100 USE 185.48 10/00 USE 91.86 10/00 USE 47.34 10/00 USE 290061 10/00 USE 4594 1149 12/01/00 6646 120100 12/05/00 250000 250.00 10 EMS AUDIT 4598 1720 11/16/00 6713 111600 12/05/00 60 „00 60.00 TRAINING- CUNNINGHAM /BAR NES 4599 474 11/06/00 6585 10654 12/05/00 3.51 25.68 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 11/06/00 10653 9.53 10112100 10588 2044 10/12/00 10589 1.94 10/12/00 10580 1„94 10/02/00 10557 2001 11/06/00 10656 2.37 11/06/00 10655 1.94 4600 649 11/08/00 6650 7109 12/05/00 111.95 90°95 RAIN GEAR 11/09/00 13615 90095 111.95 RAIN GEAR 4601 1101 11/08/00 6684 103745 12/05/00 110.00 110400 MEMBERSHIP DUES -CARR 4602 1038 11/20/00 6763 4441 12/05/00 5.92 260°27 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/07/00 173 85809 11/14/00 2497 33.60 11/15/00 2515 63085 11/16/00 664 71°81 4603 568 10/24/00 6757 145705 12/05/00 106°25 147°85 CLEANING SUPPLIES 10/24/00 145706 41060 4605 406 10/11/00 6576 110724958001 12/05/00 -14.99 85.11 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 10/06/00 110378656001 77.12 0 10/11/00 110725008001 22098 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,ity of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11203am Page 6 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 0 4606 1566 11/10/00 6587 709847 12/05/00 217036 217°36 EMP APPRECIATION 4611 1750 11/29/00 6571 394 12/05/00 575.14 575014 REFUND OVERPAYMENT 4612 1002 11/29/00 6570 120500 12/05/00 636050 5097 REIMB PETTY CASH 3047 REIMB PETTY CASH 4.53 REIMB PETTY CASH 99096 PER DIEM-MITCHELL 20.61 PARTS 49090 WORK SESSION /COUNCIL 50.00 REFUND 146032 MILEAGE- HURST /ROBINSON 53.00 TAG /ENROLLMENT FEE - GRIFFIN 20.00 CAR WASH 5.00 REIM °PETTY CASH 82.86 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION -EAGLE AWARD 94088 LOKGING °ROONEY 4613 1144 11/08/00 6704 2723 12/05/00 181.77 144.42 JEANS /CARHARTTS 01/14/00 687 90005 90.05 JEANS /CARHARTTS 07/28/00 13478 51090 0.00 JEANS /CARHARTTS 07/21/00 13050 93046 51090 JEANS /CARHARTTS 09/01/00 15502 29.95 181.77 JEANS /CARHARTTS 01/13/00 661 50096 29.95 JEANS /CARHARTTS 4614 1751 11/16/00 6680 36848 12/05/00 74000 74000 WINDOW CLEANING 4616 778 11/09/00 6671 11°8595 12/05/00 43000 43.00 SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 4617 1407 11/20/00 6574 111400 12/05/00 1,320800 1,320400 MEMBERSHIP DUES 4618 929 11/16/00 6694 21850004716 12/05/00 5,484 53 0400 TIPPING FEES 4,236098 TIPPING FEES 1,247 55 TIPPING FEES 4619 1408 11/10/00 6651 1838 12/05/00 1,419 00 1,419000 CONCRETE 4619 1408 11/14/00 6708 1851 12/05/00 129000 129°00 CONCRETE 4620 1075 11/13/00 6702 2022828 12/05/00 118.34 23066 SAFETY BOOTS 23067 SAFETY BOOTS 23 „67 SAFETY BOOTS 23067 SAFETY BOOTS 23067 SAFETY BOOTS 4632 1752 11/13/00 6640 407 - 0010006) 12/05/00 31,00 31.00 S11208 4633 1608 11/13/00 6639 4087 12/05/00 114.43 114°43 W07090 4634 1608 11/13/00 6638 4087 12/05/00 54.58 54.58 W07090 4635 1753 11/15/00 6760 111500 12/05/00 520000 520000 MEDIATION SERVICES 4636 1041 11/30/00 6761 51956 ®350 12/05/00 198°75 198.75 OKLAHOMA STATUTES 4637 961 11/02/00 6615 5227234°2 12/05/00 29.99 29.99 PHONE USE - MITCHELL 4638 1754 11/28/00 6616 010101 12/05/00 663.98 663098 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 4639 1755 11/08/00 6759 082600 12/05/00 68622000 6,622,00 SETTLEMENT FOR INJURY 4643 1005 11/14/00 6726 78202 12/05/00 3.22 193491 REPAIR PARTS 11/14/00 78206 0014 11/14/00 78184 3.56 10/16/00 77596 95°74 11/20/00 78348 91025 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11e03am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number eu -H -- Number ---- -- Date -- -- ---- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ee- ume ---- -- Due Date -- ---- -- ------------ Amount Date Amount wW -mao -- --- - ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ---------------- -- ----- 4644 433 11/14/00 6733 1203190044 12/05/00 13.48 5.48 SMALL TOOLS 10/19/00 1202930009 3.60 17,08 REPAIR PARTS 11/17/00 1203220030 5048 4645 1143 11/17/00 6688 4843990 12/05/00 23080 290050 COPY PAPER 11/17/00 4843890 238000 23°80 COPY PAPER 11/13/00 4765390 290.50 238°00 COPY PAPER 4646 648 11/06/00 6727 1482 12/05/00 524.90 1,589078 VEHICLE REPAIR 11/17/00 1496 1,064088 4647 932 10/18/00 6725 206774 12/05/00 45.00 45°00 REPAIR PARTS 4648 1756 11/10/00 6728 595380 12/05/00 75.00 75.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 4649 771 11/20/00 6693 248836 12/05/00 °21095 124.,28 REPAIR PARTS 11/20/00 248852 -409.58 11/03/00 248543 47020 11/01/00 248649 508.61 4650 183 11/09/00 6729 TH71344 12/05/00 501860 511020 VEHICLE REPAIR 11/16/00 PC700022133 9.60 4651 414 11/13/00 6730 79754 12/05/00 239.98 239.98 OFFICE FURNITURE 4652 59 11/06/00 6689 4444763 12/05/00 1,472.70 1,.472,70 REPAIR PARTS 4653 1199 11/17/00 6731 4736 12/05/00 124000 124.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 4654 566 11/10/00 6732 22495 12/05/00 70.00 70000 CLEANING SUPPLIES 4655 772 11/10/00 6734 110800 12/05/00 1,445065 1,445065 VEHICLE REPAIR 4656 411 11/15/00 6735 6289 12/05/00 68.00 68000 VEHICLE REPAIR 4660 500 11/19/00 6715 41173 12/05/00 16.63 16063 MAINT SUPPLIES 4661 1041 10/24/00 6716 51834551 12/05/00 20.00 20000 OKLAHOMA STATUTES 4662 810 11/16/00 6714 2037 12/05/00 22.00 22800 PRINTING 4663 943 11/20/00 6717 24926 12/05/00 17.65 17.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/22/00 24938 4.99 13035 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/20/00 24921 13.35 4099 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4664 938 10/29/00 6569 10/00 PLEXAR 12/05/00 1,888.15 47000 10/00 PLEXAR 47000 10/00 PLEXAR 62099 10/00 PLEXAR 3 M 98 10/00 PLEXAR 93097 10/00 PLEXAR 274040 10/00 PLEXAR 23050 10/00 PLEXAR 199.09 10/00 PLEXAR 23.49 10/00 PLEXAR 23050 10/00 PLEXAR 251.97 10/00 PLEXAR 29.05 10/00 PLEXAR 43,84 10/00 PLEXAR 23°50 10/00 PLEXAR 109.97 10/00 PLEXAR 51.44 10/00 PLEXAR 23°49 10/00 PLEXAR 196097 10/00 PLEXAR 47.00 10/00 PLEXAR 4665 1265 11/13/00 6601 152996 12/05/00 60068 60.68 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4666 1306 11/12/00 6602 5485-22 12/05/00 34493 34.93 GROCERIES 4667 678 11/05/00 6603 888195 12/05/00 16.88 178019 GROCERIES 10/31/00 888016 20°61 11.16 PAPER SUPPLIES 11/07/00 159705 6087 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADSOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Nov 30, 2000 11o03am Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description odneme ------ -- ---- -- moo- - - - - -- and---- ---- -- -- ---- -- ----- - ---- -- -- ---- -- am a.------- ------ ---- -- ---- ---------- wmemao --- CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 3.84 15.36 8.00 179070 BEVERAGES 174.36 GOLF BAGS/BALLS 200400 ADVERTISING 12,401.76 GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION 59.80 LEGAL NOTICE 861050 GROCERIES 38 „27 PAPER SUPPLIES 18.08 CLEANING SUPPLIES 227.65 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 119.75 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 16.70 10/00 USE 7042 10/00 USE 137.42 10/00 USE 408.00 FERTILIZER 29,19 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 21012 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 150.35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 25733 GROCERIES 149.27 LINEN SERVICE 31.00 LINEN SERVICE 51.36 SNACKS 109085 COFFEE 11106/00 REFRESHMENTS /SUPPLIES 888194 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 49,24 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 13034 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/09/00 PRINTING 159737 REGISTRATION FEE 39053 PAGING SERVICE 21.26 PAGING SERVICE 11/01/00 PAGING SERVICE 888019 PAGING SERVICE 22017 PAGING SERVICE 224896 PAGING SERVICE 11/15/00 PAGING SERVICE 159797 PAGING SERVICE 34005 PAGING SERVICE 4668 732 10/31/00 6604 58437572 12/05/00 179070 10/31/00 58437573 127 „80 11/02/00 58437730 127.80 4669 57 11/06/00 6605 6411874 12/05/00 -527.00 12/06/00 10/13/00 397065 101.36 12/06/00 11/01/00 434676 390.00 12/06/00 11/01/00 434491 210000 12/06/00 4670 1757 12/01/00 6606 120100 12/05/00 200.00 4675 159 11/13/00 6572 013211 KLB 12/05/00 12,401.76 4678 145 11/15/00 6597 234967 12/05/00 59.80 4679 229 10131/00 6607 622419 12/05/00 199009 11/07/00 6239€10 599002 11/14/00 625576 119074 4680 144 09/14/00 660€1 272295 12/05/00 119.75 08/17/00 269862 227065 4681 881 11/04/00 6609 6398 °10/00 12/05/00 16.70 11/04/00 6397-10/00 137042 11/04/00 6399°10/00 7.42 4683 394 11/02/00 6610 218613 12/05/00 408.00 4684 366 11/13/00 6611 630534 12/05/00 29019 4684 366 11/22100 6613 378371 12/05/00 10002 11/15/00 375732 11010 4685 994 11/15/00 6612 14485591 12/05/00 150035 4687 981 11/15/00 6614 11150436 12/05/00 257433 4688 595 11/08/00 6566 27048 12/05/00 12.73 11/06/00 26645 32012 11/10/00 26924 73.57 11/03/00 24859 61085 4689 336 11/03/00 6567 10444 12/05/00 40.08 11/10/00 10568 11028 4690 1151 11/14/00 6568 5610 12/05/00 109085 4692 1038 11/26/00 6756 9310 12/05/00 24.36 11/10/00 6410 21.75 4693 1038 11/17/00 6600 3442 12/05/00 27°09 11/27/00 9544 13034 4700 1574 11/05/00 6599 8047 12/05/00 174000 4701 867 06/20/00 6598 62000 12/05/00 35.00 4702 826 11/11/00 6718 2441915-2 12/05/00 541.05 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 3.84 15.36 8.00 179070 BEVERAGES 174.36 GOLF BAGS/BALLS 200400 ADVERTISING 12,401.76 GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION 59.80 LEGAL NOTICE 861050 GROCERIES 38 „27 PAPER SUPPLIES 18.08 CLEANING SUPPLIES 227.65 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 119.75 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 16.70 10/00 USE 7042 10/00 USE 137.42 10/00 USE 408.00 FERTILIZER 29,19 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 21012 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 150.35 CLEANING SUPPLIES 25733 GROCERIES 149.27 LINEN SERVICE 31.00 LINEN SERVICE 51.36 SNACKS 109085 COFFEE 24.36 REFRESHMENTS /SUPPLIES 21475 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 27009 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 13034 OFFICE SUPPLIES 174.00 PRINTING 35.00 REGISTRATION FEE 7,09 PAGING SERVICE 21.26 PAGING SERVICE 14017 PAGING SERVICE 35041 PAGING SERVICE 7.09 PAGING SERVICE 224896 PAGING SERVICE 14.29 PAGING SERVICE 14018 PAGING SERVICE 67°97 PAGING SERVICE 42050 PAGING SERVICE 28°34 PAGING SERVICE By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Nov 30, 2000 11o03am Page 9 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number emaame Number om_wm® Date Code - Gee - --- .�m__ Number ------ Invoice# --- --------- Due Date -- ---- -- Amount ------------ Date ----Amount -------- e- Amounts uwdw -- ---- Claim Description ----------------- ---- -o 28.35 PAGING SERVICE 7.09 PAGING SERVICE 7008 PAGING SERVICE 21027 PAGING SERVICE 4704 1355 12/01100 6743 120100 12/05/00 630.00 630.00 CLEANING SERVICE 4705 726 11/02/00 6744 679057 12/05/00 36.34 36034 SHIRTS 4706 1468 10/25/00 6745 105605 °1' 12/05/00 401050 401050 ADVERTISING 4707 233 11/15/00 6746 269222 12/05/00 23445 23045 WATER - BATTERIES 4708 388 10/26/00 6747 37288407 12/05/00 286.95 12/06/00 11.48 296.07 GOLF BALLS 11/01/00 37367381 9.12 12/06/00 OJ 8 4709 17 11/14/00 6748 4042925 12/05/00 98470 12/06/00 1„94 227006 SHOE'S 11/08/00 4035339 26.28 12/06/00 0.45 11/08/00 4035164 102.08 12/06/00 1094 4710 454 11/03/00 6749 528852 12/05100 261.06 294011 SHIRTS 11/03/00 528851 3305 4711 42 11/18/00 6750 92960760 12/05/00 38.59 38.59 SUNGLASSES 4712 314 11/09/00 6751 4824949 12/05/00 170002 170.02 GOLF CLUBS 4713 745 11/17/00 6752 568776 12/05/00 236.80 236.80 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 4714 606 11/10/00 6753 88089 12/05/00 275.52 275.52 COURSE FLAGS 4715 342 11/10/00 6754 36102 12/05/00 36074 79.21 REPAIR PARTS 11/10/00 36108 42.47 4716 1772 11/08/00 6755 /0806095 12/05/00 193°67 193.67 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4717 109 10/26/00 6617 464659 12/05/00 584002 671078 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 11107/00 466678 87076 4744 1578 11/05/00 6720 110500 12/05/00 288000 288.00 DETER READINGS TOTAL 566,010005 wV43.19 194 records listed 43-19 jrryry '�ma�yy 0 V 2 5658966 -X36 t 11/18/00 Damtaffllt Overtime Exoensea �1_ tai Exp nses General Fund �ipl 0 n00 g1'.7 Managerial 0.00 13,055.47 3735 . Community Development 0,00 6,9791 Information Systems 0n00 1,619,17 General Fund Total $2,033.85 $160,884.6 r:' APPROVED: December 5, 2000 Council Member CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/18/00 -)qp 0verti!Lqf- -`� Total E� -nses _penses Ambulance Fund F APPROVED: December 5, 2000 2 Council Member Council Member TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM-. DONNA SORRELLS CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. DIVAN Igo© 664 EASEMENTCLOSURE (Ward One) ATE. November 29, 2000 BACKGROUND At the November 21, 2000 regular meeting the City Council unanimously approved a request for the closing of portion of a utility casement located within Lot 20, Block 5, ]�"l Rio Vista 11. Ordinance N ®e 664 would :fbr lall_y adopt the action to en by the City Council. at the November 21, 2000 meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 664, ATTACHMENTS 1 o Location Map 2, Ordinance N®, 664 m1 _�_. e.._�w _. _...___...._�.._...._��_._.. . r WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a portion of a certain utility easement, WHEREAS, said utility easement is described as follows: The east eight feet (8') of the west seventeen and one half feet (17.5') of the south severity foci: (70') of Lot I`wenty (20), block Five (5), El Trio Vista 1.1 Addition, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. WHEREAS, pursuant to 'Title 11, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell "Telephone Company, and/or Cox Communication; and, WHERE AS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if arty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TI'IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, Section 1., The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to -wit: THE EAST EIGHT FEET (8') OF HE WEST SEVENTEEN AND ONE HALF FEET (17,5') OF THE SOUTH SEVENTH FEET (70') OF LOT TWENTY (20), BLOCK FIVE (5), EI.,RIO VISTA 11 ADDITION, CITY OF OWASSO, 'TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private gays existing by operation of law unless released in Ming by the owners thereof. action 3. That all ordinances or pants of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5a` day of December, 2000. City of Owasso, Oklahoma ATTEST HI C. Williams, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO.- HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT- BUDGET SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 1, 2000 CGS A police vehicle was involved in an accident in July, (See attached memo.) The insurance company for other party has reimbursed the City in the amount of $12,254.09, An amendment to the budget is needed in order for the police Department to use these finds to purchase a replacement vehicle, The amount of the insurance settlement will not cover the total cost of a new vehicle, so some fends in the existing budget will also be used. Staff is requesting an increase in the General Fund revenue budget of $12,254, and an increase in the police Department capital outlay expenditure budget for the same amount, Because the increases in revenue and expenditures are equal, this budget supplement would have no effect on the fund balance in the General Fund, Staff recommends Council approval of a General Fund budget supplement increasing revenues and increasing expenditures in the police Department by $12,254. Memo from T Grimes Copy of Farmers Ins check MEMORANDUM O. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO FROM� TAMMY GRIMES, HR RISK MANAGEA"s. SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT ENT TO TA , D VEHICLE DATE: ove-mber 29, 2000 BACKGROUND- The 1 The Police Department 1996 Chevy Caprice was involved in an automobile accident on July 12, 2000 while on the way to answer a cardiac arrest call. The accident occurred when another vehicle failed to yield to the emergency vehicle and crashed into the side of the police car, This police unit has been determined as a total loss by Farmers Insurance Company, the insurance carrier of the other vehicle, Farmers Insurance has taken possession of the vehicle and paid the City of Owasso $12,254,09, This money has been receipted into the General Fund. III 113 ? 2 9 ?8S 11 w CLAIMANT /PAid ENT INSURED: JOHN MCKOWN DATE OF LOSS: 07/12/00 SALN: 38 210941 CHECK NO.: /137297851 PAYMENT UNDER INSURED'S OWASSO POLICE 909931MITTIUM USER ICJ: CRID: Y387CK 7198 T O o THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O LASSO FROM. CLIFFORD R. MOTTO O Eh �y CHIEF OF P0110E SXJBJE -`TI REQUEST TO PURCHASE AND AI TI- 0111ZE PAYMENT FOR T I� -',E POLICE VEHICLES DATE- November 27, 2000 BACKGROUND: The 1~Y 2000 - -2001 operating budget for the Owasso Police Department contains $76,000.00 in funding; for the purchase of three police vehicles. The 2001 Oklahoma State Contract, Number SWI0035, has recently been published and the "mid—size" police vehicle is once again the 2001 Chevrolet Impala. The State Bid dealership is Hudiburg Auto Croup — Chevrolet in Midwest City, Oklahoma. In the past, the department has purchased Chevrolet Impalas for its fleet, and to date, has experienced no mechanical problems with these units. For the 2001 model year, Chevrolet has included features as standard equipment which could only be ordered as options last year. The purchase price for 2001 is also a few hundred dollars lower than what it was in 2000. The police department is requesting to purchase three 2001 Chevrolet Impala police vehicles at a cost of $19, 400.00 each, from Keystone Chevrolet in Sands Springs, Oklahoma. If approved, delivery can be expected in early January of 2001 POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE NOVEMBER 279 2000 IMAGE 2 Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve the purchase and authorize payment of $589200400 to Keystone Chevrolet in Sands Springs, Oklahoma for three 2001 Chevrolet Impala police vehicles. ATTACHMENT. i EC T I, 2001 Oklahom a State Vehicle Bid T-i-, J T- /2 J 0 I VEHICLE'S 0070 -06 ®10 (CONTINUED) PAGE 49 B-1 MID-SIZE POLICE PURSUIT AUTOMOBILIES, in accordance with this specification, shall be furnished in the following type. Your door, post type sedan - minimum wheelbase 10411 C. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS.- C -1 The following specifications in effect: on cute of invitation to Bid shall form a part of the specification: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (Public Law 89 -563) Cade of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 85, Control of Air Pelantion from New Motor vehicles and New motor vehicle Engines, Environmental Protection Agency. D. REQUIREMENTS: D-2 Each automobile must have a minimum trunk space as indicated in the most recent edition of the Gas Mileage Guide published by the U.S. Enviernmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy of the following: TRUNK SPACE: Specify. 18.0 Cubic Feet NOTE: Engine included must be adequate to meet or exceed minimum performance critercial as tested by I.A.C.P. or Michigan Mate Police Tests. 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) TRANSMISSION- To be at least four (4) speed auto- matic matic transmission. Transmission will be equipped with manufacturer,s recommended auxiliary trans- mission Oil cooler (if available) and will be suitable for Police Purr itl vehicles conforming to t here specifications. To be heaviest duty available le for vehicle icy. STEERING- Power assisted steering factory 1n-, stalled with h heavy duty auxiliary cooler when available. To provide maximum 'firm" feel and fast, return characteristics BRAKES. Four Wheel, Power assisted, Disc with h anti lock braking system that meets s with Michigan State Test; standards. AIR CONDITIONING: Standard, non-automatic tempera t ure control model, factory installed integral dash iouvers, with tinted glass all around. ALTERNATOR. Minimum ' rating-100 amperes with integral voltage regulator. Shall be of heavy duty design capable of withstanding patrol vehicle operation at 110 mph., transistorized zed regulat or. Dual Front Factory Installed Air Bag. VEHICLE f S 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) PACE 51 WHBELSs To be equipped with five (5) full size rims. Wheels shall be painted black and shall conform to the National Wheel, and Rim Association, Inc. SPecification No. X4030, TIRES- vehicles shall be equipped with five (5 ) full size blackwall tubeless type tires construct- ed with two (2) radial al Polyester Cord beady plies and two (2) steel belted reinforced by two (2) nylon overlays. Tires are to be certified by the manufacturer for Haigh speed police persuit a The type, size and ply ratings are to be stated can bids submitted, Spare tires and rims need to be factory new, All tires must be rated for the maximum speed of the vehicle. STEERING WHEEL, Tilt /adjustable, with anti.- sl.iP surface. Inside Hood Release REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER UNIT; To be electronic grid. Control to be convenient to driver's reach. FIGHTS. Dome light (s) to be standard manufac- turer's. Engline and Trunk compartment lights to be equipped with mercury switch. CADGES, Ammeter or voltmeter, water temperature and oil pressure gauges. RADIO: Factory installed APB /PM /Cassette ANTI - FREEZE: Serviced to -29 C (w20 F) or lower HORNS. Dail note, Dual Horn DECK LID: Electronic remote release with control within convenient reach of driver. CATALYTIC CONVERTER, Heat shield to eliminate grass fire hazard, if available, LOCKS. Single key locking system (all locks on PAGE 52 0070 -06-10 (CONTINUED) one oar keyed alike). Three (3) keys to be furnished with each rear, MIRRORS. Rear view inside day /nice 'type. Match- ing rear view outsidee Left hand remote control type and manual right hand insalled on doors Control (s) to be wig _hin convenient reach of driver. FLOOR COVERING- Standard carpet, color coordinated UPHOLSTERY: To be manufacturer's standard, and to be color compatible with vehicle exterior. This includes headliner, floor covering and seat covering. EATS. Heavy dut;y.bucket front seat 40/40 or equal, (heavy duty fabric). Rear seats to be manufacturer's standard. WINDSHIELD WASHER. Electric, manufacturer's standard. POWER DOOR LOCKSa Door lock override on drivers side door only. WINDSHIELD WIPER: Multiple speed electric, including intermittent. CIGARETTE LIGHTER: Located in instrument panel. OPERATOR'S GAL LICENSE PLATE BRACKET: Rear only PAINT: Black & White or Blue & White (Per Purchaser's specifications) POWER WINDOWS: Factory installed. 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) ,;y�vr PACE 53 delivery. if such failure renders the vehicle incapable of being driven, the vendor will be responsible for haying the vehlle transported to his Place of business. if such failure takes place outside the dealer's service area, the ven- dor will be responsible for reimbursing the near- est authorized dealer for services rendered under this warranty. Do you have a standard 36 month /36, 000 miles fall coverage warranty or greater (except tires)? X Yes If greater state coverage -- Months -Mile Tires are exempt, from this warranty, bast; musty be covered by the the manufacturer's standard war- ranty and serviced by the local. authorized dealer of the tire manufaceturer. D5 PARTS. The State of Oklahoma shall exce t the manufact carer to have an adequate stook of replace- ment parts available to service State vehicles and to make delivery witnin a reasonable time for all normal replacement parts to their dealers who may service State vehicles. The State further expects that warranty service and repair as .well as non- warranty service and repairs will be handle with- out prejudice by local. dealerships throughout the United States D -% DBCALS: No decals or markings or any type per ttainlncg two advertisement shall be placed on vehi- cles delivered to the Striate, except trademarks or model designation normally installed by manufac- turer's of the automobile D-7 OPTIONS. See Bid Sheets 0070 -06 -10 (CONTINUED) 0 ®150 -22 PAGE 54 (3) with anti -lock brakes, the vehicles will stop in a straight line on dry pavement. (4) Vehicle will be pected to provide outstand- ing roadability, maneuverability, cornering and other road handling characteristics necessary for vehicles engaged in high speed patrol pursuit works E. ELECTRICAL- All electrical equipment shall be shielded tO minimize radio interference in they 40-50 mhz, 150 -155 mhz, and they 800 mhz ranges, and will include radio interference suppression banding strap. In the event that radio frequency "Oise is generated by the vehicle and it inter - feres with they normal Op raton Of they communica- tions equipment, it shall be the responsibility of the vendor tO rectify the interference problem, The vendor shall perform any re airs or replace any parts necessary to solve th interference problem with nO charges to the ordering agency. ChevrOlemt - Impala VENDOR: 730668039 BPO NUMBER: EP19463 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET PENCE PER EA : 19,302.000000 Option # 22 Split Bench Seat with cloth fabric Only comes with Vinyl rear seat No charge Chevrolet m AM6 VENDOR: 730668039 BPO NUMBER: EP19463 ®15023 OptmiOn # 23 Power seats Chevrolet - Std. VENDOR: 730668039 BPO NUMBER: BP19463 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET PRICE PER EA . 0.000010 D I IUR PRICE PER EA : 0.000010 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) -- 150-24 Option # 24 T l t:, /Cruise /Internlittent wipers Tilt & wipers are stile Chevrolet M K34 VENDOR. 730660039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP- CHEa;VROLE;T BPO NTE1 BER, BP19463 PRICE PER ESA o 240.000000 °150 --27 Option # 27 Parts manual Mire fish only Dearer VENDOR- 730660039 EEEiDIBURG AUTO CROUP-CHEVROLET EXPO NUMBER. BP19463 PRICE EVER RA e 125.000000 , O w30 Option # 20 Service manual Dealer. VENDOR -o 730668039 RUDIBURG AUTO GROU uOE�J VROLET BPO 3RR o DPI9463 PRICE PER BA m J 50 . 000000 :1. - 150 -30 Option # 30 - 150 -31 Option # 31 Factory ® 75,00o mile premium care (your best warranty) 36 month with $50.00 deduct (2WD) GM PP VENDOR. 730668039 EiiTE IBURO AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET EXPO NUMBER: BP19463 PRIOR PER EA < 2,140.000000 °150-32 Option # 32 VEHICLE ° S 0070-06-1-0 (CONTINUED) BPO NUMBER BP19463 PRICE PER EA 75.000000 - 15,0 -34 Option # 34 Standard/Police Duty vinyl rear seat No charge VBND R; 730668039 %l °UD BURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER. BP19463 PRICE PER EA a it a 00001® - 150-39 Option # 39 Wiring package, Front; (PW7) o Five- circuit harness one end coile d on RE shock tower routes through dash panel with the other end in a. 36 -inch coil, at center of dash. Chevrolet - Std VENDORo 734668639 HUDIBLORG AUTO ROUP CHEVRf LET BPO NUMBER-. EP19463 PRICE PER EA o 0.000010 -150-42 Option # 42 Paint: One standard production color Deduct Chevrde� Del Paint VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIDURG AUTO GROUP- CHEVROLET DPP NUMBER. DPI9463 PRICE PER EA e °350.000oo4 - 150 -43 OPtioxi # 43 V HICLEOS PACE 57 0070-06-10 (CONTINUED) **0070-06-25** Automobiles, compact, four door. Be TYPES, CLASSES and GRADES B ®1 Compact automobiles in accordance with this specification shall be furnished in the following types: Four Door Dealer w CT VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET PPO NUMBER, DPI9463 PRICE PER EA o 225.000000 - 150.,.,50 Option # s0 Electronic Remote Coritr°ol Mirrors left right; hand side Chevrolet Stdo VENDOR. `730668039 HUDIB RG A.UrO GROUP— i:HEVROLEa, BPO NUMBER- BP19463 PRICE PER FAA 0 00000010 - 150 -51 Option # 51 Daytime Running sights Chevrolet Std, VENDOR: 730668039 HUDIBURG AUTO GROUP - CHEVROLET PO NUMBER. BP19463 PRICE PER BA L 0.000010 �10•91 Option # 91 Disable daytime running lights and automatic headlights. (This option will be used for - Law Enforcement; ONLY) Dealer w Std. _. VENDOR. 730668039 ER 1a URG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPS NUMBER: BP19463 PRICE PER KA a 0.600010 °150 -92 Option # 92 Auxillary Map sight Dealer -- CT VENDOR. 730668039 hUDIBURG AUTO GROUP-CHEVROLET BPO NUMBER: BP19463 PRICE PER EA a 850600000 **0070-06-25** Automobiles, compact, four door. Be TYPES, CLASSES and GRADES B ®1 Compact automobiles in accordance with this specification shall be furnished in the following types: Four Door MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWA FROME STAN EWING DIRE CTOR OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENl.' SUBJECT: ACCEPTA_NCE OF SMALL crrIES GRANT DA,rE. November 279 2000 BACKGROUND- Staff recommends that the City Council accept the Small Cities set-aside grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, and authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance letter and all appropriate documents. VNEVOTA2111 I 1. ODOC Notification Letter STATE OF OKI AROMA 900 North Stiles Avenue / P. 0. Box 26980 DEPA}K mrw Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126 -0980 U.S.A. OF COMWRCT; Tel: (405) 815 -6552 Fax: (405) 815 -5199 ?Yh November 15, 2000 H.C. "Will" Williams, Mayor City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OIL. 74055 -0180 Dear Mayor: illia so Please indicate your acceptance of this grant offer by returning a signed copy of this letter as soon as possible. Additionally, please provide your Federal Employer Identification (FEI) Number in the space provided below. A contract cannot be written without the submission of the above information, Please understand that acceptance ojnthis offer rues not constitute your authority to expend =funds or make any commitments of funds relative to the project until execution of the contract We look forward to working with you in the coming months. Should you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance to you, please contact Do Scott Myers at 405/815 ®5356. Sincerely, Ronald E. Bussert Executive Director REB/jb ce U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe U.S, Senator Don Nickles U.S. Representative Thomas Coburn U.S. Representative Steve Largent FEH Nuii.ber Accept Decline Chief Elected Official