HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.12.19_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OIL THE O ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: December 19, 2000 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cleric and posted at City Hall 4800 p.m. on Friday, December 15, 2000. Marci outwell, City Clerk AGENDA L Call to Order Mayor Williams 20 Invocation Alan harder Human Resources Department 4 Doll Call 5, Special Presentation Owasso City Council December 19, 2000 Page 2 6e Consideration and appropriate faction Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request, A motion to adopt the Consent agenda is non-debatable. k Approval of the Minutes of Decerrrber° 5, 2000 Regular Meeting and December 12, 2000 Special Meeting. Attachrn.ent #r6 -A B . approval of Claims. Attachment #d6eb Co Action relating to Resolution #2000 -1.3, a resolution Directing filing and Notification of the Publication of a biennial Supplement to the City Code. Attachment i #6-C The staff recommends Council approval of Resolution #2000 -13e 7. Consideration and Appropriate fiction relating to Council .Approval of a Name Chosen for the City mark on 86 "' Street forth, Mr Rooney Attachment #7 The staff will present the winner of the "Name the Park" contest and request that his choice of a name for the park on 86'11 St N be approved by the Council. Owasso City Council December 199 2000 Page 3 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Amendment to the General Fund; and a Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the Capital Improvements Fund and Capital Projects Grant Fund Budgets, Ms Bishop Attachment #8 9, Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Approval of a "Carry-Over" Budget and Supplemental Appropriation to Various Departments Within the General Fund, Ambulance Capital Fund, and Capital Improvements Fund. is Bishop Attachment #9 The staff will recommend Council approval of the requested carry-over from FY 1999® 2000 and approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 2000-2001 General Fund budget of $397,923, Ambulance Capital Fund of $154,453, and Capital Improvements Fund of $330,457. Owasso City Council December 19, 2000 Page 4 10. Consideration and Appropriate .Action Relating to final Acceptance of Work performed Linder a Contract for Main Street Rehabilitation, Between the City of Owasso and horizon Construction Co Inc, and Authorization for Final payment and Release ofRetaina e. Mr Lutz Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract, and that final payment, including retainage in the amount of $109,217.45 be authorized, 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #l, a Change Order to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and McGuire Brothers Construction for 96 "' Street North Roadway Improvements. Mr Lutz Attachment #11 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order 111, adding 18 days to the project time, extending the completion date to January 17, 2001. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council approval of a Letter of Agreement With National American Insurance to Establish a Claims Adjustment Committee. Mr Harder Attachment #12 The staff will recommend approval of a setter of Agreement with National American Insurance in which a Claims Adjustment Committee will be established to act on claims under the deductible amount and authorize the City Manager to approve such claims; and authorization for the City Manager to execute the Letter of Agreement. Owasso City Council December 19, 2000 Page 5 130 Report from City Manager, 14. Report fi °orn City Attorney, 150 Report frogs. City Councilors, 1.5, New Business. 17. adjournment. OWASSO CITE' COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 5, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday December 5, 2000 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 1 2000. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Robert Carr, Public Works Director. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Williams led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL, PRESENT ABSENT H C "Will" Williams, Mayor Melinda Moss, Councilor Dandy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5: SPECIAL PRESENTATION. Michael Watson introduced Mary Jo Wichers, who explained the Owasso's Promise program. Mr Watson then presented a $ 1000 check to the program on behalf of Allstate Insurance and Michael Watson's A Great Rate Insurance Agency. Mr Watson's agency is also providing office space for Owasso's Promise director. ITEM6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the November 21, 2000 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #664, an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of a Portion of a Utility Easement Located on Lot 20, Block 5, El Rio Vista II. Owasso City Council December 5, 2000 The consent agenda included minutes of the November 21, 2000 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $33,800.51; (2) Ambulance Fund $1,691.91; (3) Ambulance Capital Fund $$671.789 (4) Bond Projects .$132,154.47; (5) City Garage $12,336.699 (6) Workers Comp Self Insurance $9,189.67; (7) Payroll $160,884,68; (8) City Garage Payroll $3,894.72; (9) Ambulance Payroll $9,908.50. Item C on the consent agenda requested approval of Ordinance ##664, providing for the closing of a portion of a utility easement located on Lot 20, Block 5, El Rio Vista 1:I, as authorized by Council action on November 21, 2000 to approve the easement closing and authorize an ordinance, Ms Moss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to app rove the consent agenda. AYE: Moss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4w0. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REOUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET, _ —. Ms Bishop said that a police vehicle was involved in amt accident in July. The insurance provider totaled the vehicle and issued a check to the city in the amount of $12,254.09. In order for the police department to use these funds to apply toward the purchase of another vehicle, an amendment to the budget is needed. Because the increase in revenues and expenditures is equal, the budget supplement will have no effect on the fund balance in the General Fund. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Voss, to approve a General Fund budget supplement increasing revenues by $12,254 and increasing expenditures in the Police Department capital outlay line item by the same amount. AYE: Brogdon, Voss, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION O AWARD A CONTRACT FOR OF BY THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mr Motto said that the FY 2000 -2001 operating budget for the police department contains $76,000 in funding for the purchase of three police vehicles. The 2001 state contract has been received, and the mid -size police vehicle is the 2001 Chevrolet Impala. The state bid dealership is Hudiburg Auto Group in Midwest City, OK. The cost for the 2001 Chevrolet Impala is $19,432. Keystone Chevrolet in Sand Springs has offered the same vehicle at a cost of $19,400, $32 below the state bid price. By utilizing Keystone Chevrolet, the department can service these vehicles locally and avoid the initial expense of picking them up from Midwest City. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the purchase of three 2001 Chevrolet Impala police -2- Owasso City Council December 5, 2000 vehicles from Keystone Chevrolet, Sand Springs, OK at a purchase price of $19,400 each ($58,200 total), and authorize payment. AYE: Voss, 13rogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Lotion carried 4-0. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ._. ACCEPTANCE OF CDBG FUND AND ,AUTHORIZATION F_OR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMEN'T`S Mr Ewing presented the item. On September 19, 2000, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #2000 -12 as part of the application process requesting financial assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce under the FY 2000 Small Cities set -aside funding. Staff received notice on November 17, 2000 that funding in the amount of $67,132 has been approved, and is awaiting formal acceptance by the City Council. Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr 13rogdon, to accept the Small Cities set- aside grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and authorize the Mayor to execute all appropriate documents. AYE: Noss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried- 4 -0. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER No report. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. Mayor Williams acknowledge employees from the fire /ambulance department who were present with the department's new ambulance. Everyone was invited on a tour through the ambulance. ITEM 13: NEW BUSINESS. None -- 3 Owasso City Council ITEM 14: ADJOURNMENT Ms Voss moved, seconded by Ms Brogdon to adjourn, AYE: `Moss, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams NAY: gone Motion carried 4 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Marcia Eoutwell, City Clerk _4_ December 5, 2000 H C Williams, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 12, 2000 The Owasso City Council met in special session on 'Tuesday, December 12, 2000 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4,00 p.m. on Thursday, December `%, 2000. ITEM EM 1; CALL, TO ORDER In the absence of the mayor and vice mayor, the city clerk called the meeting to order at 5 :50 p.m. PRESENT Will Williams, Mayor (in at 6:05) Melinda. Voss, Council Randy Brogdon, Councilor Rebecca Ar°rnstrong, Councilor STAFF Larry Mitchell, City Manager Marcia Lloutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Councilor ITEM 3e DISCUSSION RELATING TO C Y- OVE'RBUDGETS. Ms Bishop explained the concept of carry -over budgets and discussed the proposed carry-over budgets that will be on the December 19"' City Council agenda. Also discussed were supplemental appropriations that will be on the December 19tt' agenda, for which funds have been received from various sources, but have not be budgeted. ITEM _2: UPDATE ON WATER MASTER PLAN. Representatives from Montgomery Watson presented the final draft of the Water Master Plan, including cost estimates. The plan was discussed, with councilors suggesting some changes. This item will be discussed again at the February Work Session. Mr Mitchell discussed options for use of the present city hall building once the new building has been completed, Owasso City Council ITEM 5: PLANNING SESSION FOLLOW-UP. —UP. December 12, 2000 The planning session recently held for the council were discussed, Councilors will have another session with Ms Hough before their round -table meeting with staff Councilors who have not turned in their "assignment" were reminded to do so. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER, No report. ITEM 7a DJOUI�NMENT Ms Voss moved, seconded by Mr Bro don, to adjourn. YE: Voss, Bropdon, !Armstrong, Williams NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9 :00 p,mn Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk - 2 _. C Williams, Mayor City of Owasso Claims 12/19100 Fund Department General Deposit Refunds 106 Municipal Court 110 Managerial 120 Finance 150 General Government 160 C ommunity Development 170 Engineering 175 Information Systems 161 Support Services 190 Cemetery 201 Police Services 221 Animal Control 250 Fire Services 260 Emergency preparedness 300 Streets 515 Park maintenance 560 Community Center TOTAL Ambulance Ambulance Capital Em Capital Improvements Refunds 255 Ambulance TOTAL - -911 Services TOTAL 96th Street Signalization TOTAL Total 50.00 '169.11 3,1 76.54 144.26 76,359.29 962.1'" 92.62 354.76 1,251.55 40.61 4,575.21 641.56 6,534.59 127.99 66,936.46 3,002.72 1,613.47 166,179.36 515.53 3,671.64 4,16/.17 2,937.53 2,96%.53 2,096.46 2,096.46 44,496.90 44,496.90 Bond projects Streets /Intersections 97,932.33 City Hall /police Station 261.91 "TOTAL, 96,194.24 to OPGA Merchandise Food and Beverage Daily Operating Account Sales Tax 605 Cart Operations 610 Golf Course Maintenance 670 Food and Beverage Operations 690 Golf Administration 691 Clubhouse 600 Debt Service TOTAL Chi =TWA Capital Improvements OPWA Sewer mine Extension City Garage Workers` Comp Self Insurance 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant TOTAL 135 City Garage TOTAL 150 Workers' Comp TOTAL 55.57 1,334.16 1,447.3°1 4,126.53 39.15 2,565.26 351.96 391.45 3,029.67 4,133.04 17,934.10 64,244.67 3,119.35 26,521.90 24,327,32 6,772.36 669.15 447.35 123,326.60 419,347.04 419,34`7,04 7,170.30 7,170.30 1,393.21 1,39€3.21 Claims Total 913,370.41 City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Dec 15, 2000 08e22am Page 1 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Clairn Description 2733 642 11/30/00 6869 200/11 12/19/00 37091 1,057.55 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 11/30/00 202/11 °6011 11/30/00 203/11 46012 11/30/00 204/11 25.69 11/30/00 205/11 2.57 11/30/00 206/11 28026 11/30/00 208/11 41.10 11/30/00 209/11 17098 11/30/00 210/11 48081 11/30/00 211/11 61.59 11/30/00 212/11 30.83 11/30/00 213/11 79.63 11/30/00 215/11 41010 11/30/00 218/11 35996 11/30/00 219/11 44,97 11/30/00 220/11 23.12 11/30/00 221/11 20¢09 11/30/00 222/11 20.55 11/30/00 223/11 51.38 11130/00 224/11 20055 11/30/00 225/11 35.84 11/30/00 227/11 77.31 11/30100 230/11 25469 11/30/00 233/11 84.77 11/30/00 236/11 87.34 11/30/00 237/11 30.83 11/30/00 238/11 43.67 2735 939 12/01/00 6872 120100 12/19/00 150000 150.00 12 RETAINER 2738 129 11/25/00 6870 12155800 12/19/00 10.00 10»00 12 CELL PHONE USE 2739 812 11/10/00 6956 1508074242 12/19/00 1098 175.98 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/03/00 1508074116 72.87 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/20/00 1513074420 8472 57.90 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/03/00 1511074119 21098 83.57 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11103/00 1507074115 11.14 23.95 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/17/00 1511074373 8.59 9.90 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/08/00 1507074187 6.99 17.99 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/10/00 1507074241 11.97 3.99 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/17100 1507074371 4099 11/08/00 1510074184 37.58 11/17/00 1510074372 15.64 11/10/00 1510074243 1.82 11/08/00 1510074205 0.99 11/03/00 1510074118 109002 11/02/00 1501071085 2 „94 11110/00 1501074238 3.98 11124/00 1501074482 2.98 11/24/00 1513074486 19078 11/17/00 1513074375 29°32 2743 688 11/21/00 6858 10001154540 12/19/00 432,90 432090 6 CHLORINE 2743 688 12/06/00 6967 10 -0012 °5499 12/19/00 432.90 432090 6 CHLORINE 1 2744 941 12/03/00 6948 202768 12/19/00 37026 218.90 6 GRAVEL /ASPHALT CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 By SCOTT SHADEOLT (SRS) mity of Owasso 10/31/00 6846 2891 12/19/OC 2755 Dec 15, 2000 08o22am Page Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order 11/15/00 7058 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item 591 VUmber ------ Number ------ Date Code e ®-beam- _ -mw Number ---- -- Invoice# - me ®nm ----- Due Date - -- ---- -- dmne_m Amount Date Amount - ---- - -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 12/03/00 '11/30/00 202766 8240134636 181.64 2745 107 12/05/00 6972 56265 12/19/00 31049 78.92 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/06/00 11/30/00 56276 824134634 38099 2765 591 12/07/00 6964 12/05/00 12/19/00 56263 8.44 8240135420 2747 239 12/06/00 6966 98663 12/19/00 126°70 25.34 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2753 1043 10/31/00 6846 2891 12/19/OC 2755 6 11/27/00 6971 7090 12/19/OC 11/15/00 7058 2761 1039 11/07/00 6848 613552 12/19/OC 2765 591 11/30/00 6860 8240134633 12/19/00 11/30/00 8240134635 '11/30/00 8240134636 11/30/00 8240134627 11/30/00 8240134628 11/30/00 824134634 2765 591 12/07/00 6964 8240135418 12/19/00 12/07/00 8240135420 12/07/00 8240135421 12/07/00 8240135412 12/07/00 8240135413 12/07/00 8240135419 2776 1039 11/15/00 6849 316262 12/19/00 11/10/00 316553 11/15/00 316554 2800 1294 10/14/00 6854 5000938164100 12/19/00 8 2868 857 11/30/00 CEPO 6934 D176801 12/19/00 11/30/00 D176807 12/07/00 D177379 12101/00 D176892 12/08/00 D177515 12/04/00 D177089 11/20/00 D176046 12/01/00 08647 12/05/00 D177159 12/05/00 D177205 12/06/00 D177267 2877 1171 11/30/00 6861 361521 12/19/00 2923 868 10/27/00 6874 35466 12/19/00 2931 415 11/16/00 7028 34363 12119/00 11/16/00 34364 11/16/00 34365 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 393.,73 14,.70 50000 52.00 20030 33.55 48095 3295 18035 4455 20030 20065 68¢05 32095 18.35 4055 18000 17425 29.90 13143 8.97 264°71 5054 40065 6.74 28432 - -90.49 -28°60 23°10 176042 7.37 100000 100000 17015 27066 3047 25034 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 25.34 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 25034 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 25¢34 6 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 393"73 6 SIGNALI2ATION 14¢70 6 SOD 50000 6 SOD 0.00 6 SOD 52°00 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 32.95 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 33»55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 20.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 48.95 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.35 6 UNIFORM RENTAL. 4.55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 32.,95 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 20.65 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 20.30 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 68005 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18035 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 4.55 6 UNIFORM RENTAL 18.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 47015 REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.60 12 CELL PHONE- ROBERTS 32.60 12 CELL PHONE-ON-CALL 30060 12 CELL PHONE - STAND -BY 37.63 12 CELL PHONE- STEVENS 44273 24 REPAIR PARTS 100000 6 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 100000 TRAINING -HURST 91.69 EMPLOYMENT ADS 7/00 °6/01 2 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 15, 2000 08222am Page 3 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number, Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description woe - ®m ---- -- -------- ---- ---- -- ------ --- --- -- - - ---- ------------ -------- -- - -- ----- ----- ---mead ----------------------- 3442 255 11/16/00 7035 34366 12/19/00 16.41 2932 615 11/03/00 6889 1337104 12/19/00 27°00 3466 1419 10/19/00 6926 1304146 12/19/00 27000 3589 129 10/17/00 7023 1297795 12/19/00 27.00 2934 554 12/01/00 6877 873 12/19/00 40000 2997 1360 12/14/00 7032 12/7 °12/14 12/19/00 120000 3014 879 07/28/00 6888 041200 12/19/00 22.98 3053 7 11/22/00 6887 714545 12/19/00 181.08 3115 591 11/23/00 7033 8240133880 12/19/00 14.40 3926 868 11/23/00 6876 8240133878 12/19/00 14.70 CCS.AP Accounts Payable 11/16/00 8240133100 14,70 11/16/00 8240133102 14040 11/30/00 8240134629 14.70 11/30/00 8240134631 14840 12/07/00 8240135414 14070 12/07/00 8240135416 14.40 3165 1392 11/20/00 6992 7 12/19/00 392,550061 3170 263 12/01/00 6915 6 12/19/00 3,000.00 3193 263 12/01/00 6990 17 12/19/00 27,296 43 3197 1204 11/29/00 7044 365066 12/19/00 18,959°00 3291 717 12/30/00 6886 010101 12/19/00 23,000.00 3314 267 11/23/00 CEPO 6954 4 12/19/00 51,266023 3322 1152 12/01/00 6974 120100 12/19/00 193.35 3324 171 12/01/00 6977 120100 12/19/00 487.05 3325 371 12/01/00 6975 120100 12/19/00 550.80 3326 264 12/01/00 6976 120100 12/19/00 163080 3350 475 12/05/00 6945 66661 12/19/00 130000 3381 313 11/30/00 6880 11 12/19/00 280.00 3382 313 11/30/00 6881 10 12/19/00 60.14 3398 785 11/17/00 6857 8646524127 12/19/00 121°62 3442 255 11/21/00 7035 359073 12/19/00 19095 11/21/00 359072 10.00 3466 1419 12/01/00 6926 6622 12/19/00 1,090000 3589 129 11/25/00 7023 12313359 12/19/00 39°99 3670 941 11/26/00 6994 202075 12/19/00 131°91 3773 475 12/05/00 6949 66662 12/19/00 70.00 3823 360 11/28/00 6914 875076 12/19/00 50.80 3826 1534 12/08/00 7026 4 12/19/00 448496.90 3894 362 12/06/00 6897 33158 12/19/00 60000 3926 868 10/06/00 6876 35212 12/19/00 25°00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APRO83 81000 PRE °EMP DRUG SCREENS 40.00 12 DIAL-UP SERVICE 120000 45 BAILIFF DUTIES 22098 B04120 181.08 COPIER RENTAL 58080 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 57.60 UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING-PARKS 392,550 61 UUTP °PHASE IIA- 3/7/00 3,000.00 ATOR RELIEF LINE 6/15/99 27,296 43 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 18,959 00 WATER MASTER PLAN 11 -16-99 23,000 00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 51,266.23 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 11/16/99 193435 METER READINGS 487.05 METER READINGS 550 „80 METER READINGS 163080 METER READINGS 130000 RENTAL 280000 INSPECTION SERVICES 60.14 MILEAGE 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0.00 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 0000 6 REPAIR SUPPLIES 40454 REPAIR SUPPLIES 40054 REPAIR SUPPLIES 40.54 REPAIR SUPPLIES 29895 SECURITY MONITORING 1,090.00 12 JANITORIAL SERVICE-6/20/00 39°99 11 PHONE USE -KROPP 131.91 ASPHALT PAVING 70.00 RENTAL 50080 COPIER MAINTENANCE 44,496°90 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6°20 °00 60°00 BIO °WASTE DISPOSAL 25.00 TRAINING °KELLEY By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ,ity of Owasso Dec 15, 2000 08o22am Page 4 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice H®Ld Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item dumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 3933 406 09/19/00 6864 1124 12/19/00 58.03 3997 1557 11/30/00 7021 51650 12/19/00 669,75 12/10/00 51684 857°70 4019 25 11/16/00 6892 12854 12/19/00 205024 4020 868 10/27/00 6875 35467 12119/00 100.00 4050 857 11/02/00 6890 D174572 12/19/00 13049 10/09/00 D172462 17.97 4073 1399 11/16/00 6851 8568 12/19/00 315.00 4073 1399 12/01/00 6958 8588 12/19/00 650.00 4138 594 10/11/00 6962 13691632 12/19/00 347002 4143 1154 10/18/00 6856 5674938 12/19/00 199.00 4183 594 10/25/00 6961 14032691 12/19/00 7,776.00 4222 585 11/30/00 6879 901 12/19/00 1,560.00 11/16/00 841 22.35 11/02/00 756 23.10 4242 267 11/03/00 6946 1 12/19/00 10,357.29 4263 1495 09/13/00 6931 216051 12/19/00 40000 4285 1056 11/06/00 6845 62005 12/19/00 192.50 11/15/00 62164 77°00 4286 594 10/15/00 6963 13394180 12/19/00 181.80 4318 1609 12/08/00 7039 A053368 12/19/00 344450 4321 1074 11/17/00 6991 15498 12/19/00 6,630400 4322 941 11/26/00 7024 202076 12119/00 8,871 02 12/03/00 202767 9,237871 12/03/00 202769 10,556.75 4323 15 11/28/00 6968 588168 12/19/00 77;5033 4329 496 11/20/00 6953 1795 12/19/00 '17.99 11/17/00 1768 11069 11/14/00 1727 2.69 4345 1614 12/07/00 6993 1 12/19/00 30,150.00 4418 1039 11/02/00 6850 315892 12/19/00 6.10 11/01/00 316869 110.80 4418 1039 11/13/00 6965 317200 12/19/00 31.75 11/15/00 316868 91.48 11/16/00 317201 25056 4418 1039 12/04/00 6970 318142 12/19/00 21.44 4423 797 12/08/00 7036 1880902 12/19/00 34.44 4435 1038 12101100 6900 9494 12119/00 39.37 11/29/00 9252 - •24096 11/29/00 9249 113°69 12101/00 5790 -4.96 11/27/00 8973 86,12 11/14/00 2486 17.82 11/10/00 5720 3097 11/01/00 1689 15.76 11/29/00 9248 20026 'CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 58.03 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,527.45 BILLING SERVICE 205824 4 LODGING- ROBINSON 100000 TRAINING- ROBINSON 31.46 MAINT /REPAIR SUPPLIES 315400 MATERIALS TESTING 650000 MATERIALS TESTING 347002 AUTOMATIC LEVEL 199000 TRAINING- ROBERTS 7,776.00 HYDRAULIC HAMMER 10/3/00 1,605 45 46 UNIFORM SHIRTS 10,357 29 MAIN ST REHAB-10/03/00 40000 VEHICLE PARTS 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 192050 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 77000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 181080 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 344.50 A08290 6,630 00 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 28,665 48 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 77333 MAIN STREET REHAB 10/17/00 0.00 REPAIR SUPPLIES 29068 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 2.69 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 30,150000 EQUIPMENT STORAGE BLDG 116.90 REPAIR SUPPLIES 117004 REPAIR SUPPLIES 31.75 REPAIR SUPPLIES 21.44 REPAIR SUPPLIES 34044 M09110 102017 MAINT SUPPLIES 207.06 MINT SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 15, 2000 08o22am Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice€ Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 11121/00 9592 15025 10/31/00 8057 8,54 12/08/00 3272 18037 4437 812 10/25/00 6873 1503073967 12/19/00 16049 66030 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/03/00 /503074112 33067 9.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/10/00 1503074239 8099 11/17100 /503074369 2.99 11/24/00 1503074483 4.16 11/30/00 656074636 9098 4438 904 11/27/00 6891 51751 12/19/00 26.00 92.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 11/20/00 51701 8.00 11/16/00 51665 18.00 11/06/00 51556 8.00 11/03/00 51532 16.00 11/15/00 51644 16.00 4502 1708 12/05/00 6955 1361 12/19/00 7,110.67 15,048.20 PAVING- UAPTIST HOME 12/06/00 1368 5,937053 4508 89 12/30/00 6885 010101 12/19/00 4,138.04 4,138.04 / CART LEAST, 4512 1039 11/01/00 6847 315891 12/19/00 1,850000 1,942850 WATER METERS 10/19/99 11/06/00 315893 92°50 4512 1039 12/04/00 6947 318735 12/19/00 925000 1,572050 WATER METERS 10/19/00 11110/00 316556 647050 4556 1373 11106/00 6853 78464 12/19/00 565000 165000 TOP SOIL 400.00 DOZER RENTAL 4564 1717 12/06/00 6868 248012 12/19/00 1,700000 1,700.00 RELOCATE RADIO TONER BLDG 4585 1058 11/30/00 6951 762809 12/19/00 43804 43.04 SCREENINGS 4613 1144 12/04/00 6960 120400 12/19/00 124087 27.75 JEANS /CARHARTTS 27075 JEANS /CARHARTTTS 13.87 JEANS /CARHARTTS 27075 JEANS /CARHARTTS 27075 JEANS /CARHARTTS 4619 1408 11/21/00 6855 1874 12/19/00 129.00 129.00 CONCRETE 4619 1408 11/29/00 6959 1886 12/19/00 96.75 96.75 CONCRETE 4620 1075 10105/00 6973 2023000 12/19100 117.89 0.00 SAFETY BOOTS 117089 SAFETY BOOTS 0.00 SAFETY BOOTS 0.00 SAFETY BOOTS 0.00 SAFETY BOOTS 4621 1074 11/30/00 6952 15484 12/19/00 500°00 1,480°00 FILTER FABRIC 11/30/00 15493 980°00 4629 790 12/08/00 7041 764117 12/19/00 94055 94°55 D10140 4630 372 11/09/00 7037 37923 12/19/00 184091 184091 510310 4631 935 11/07/00 7042 110700 12119/00 80036 80036 B11060 4640 364 11/30/00 6933 159288 12/19/00 64099 305.93 TIRE REPAIRS 11/29/00 159277 45°00 11120100 159046 70,95 11/02/00 158567 65.00 08/10/00 155800 59099 4641 1072 10/11/00 6923 84993 12/19/00 146.16 146 „16 REPAIR PARTS 4642 1029 11/30/00 6939 3168999 12/19/00 55000 687.00 TIRES 11/16/00 3166145 632.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APRO83 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 15, 2000 08:22am Page 6 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Pull Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item ?dumber ------ Number - ----- Date ----- --- Code Number edam ------ Invoice# e ®emmm ---- -- Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---- ---- -- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 4659 556 11/02/00 6893 1552 12/19/00 140.00 140.00 RADIO REPAIR 4672 797 12/08/00 7038 1808973 12/19/00 51066 51066 5103100 4677 357 11/27/00 6052 72679 12/19/00 40.00 160000 SLUDGE ANALYSIS 11/29/00 T2718 40400 11/10/00 T2579 140.00 11/00/00 T2537 40.00 4606 645 11/22/00 6903 378371 12/19/00 21.12 21°12 SHOP TOWELS 4691 035 10/31/00 6062 1494 12/19/00 2,536.50 2,536.50 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 4694 930 11/21/00 6063 91€1000290432 12/19/00 2,096.46 2,096046 E-911 10 4695 1239 11/27/00 6066 CV31749 12/19/00 51049 51.49 FAX MODEM 4690 1059 12/31/00 6878 123100 12/19/00 175.00 295.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES°DEMPSTER 11/02/00 5206€12 120000 4719 1200 11/15/00 6884 03057 12/19/00 969.99 969,99 PROJECTOR SCREEN 4723 1559 11/16/00 6871 2004904 12/19/00 125000 125.00 PHONE LINE REPAIR 4724 704 10/25/00 6003 5535 12/19/00 22020 97.20 SIGNS /DECALS 11/16/00 1016 75.00 4725 231 11/29/00 6065 709814310 12/19/00 46896 46.96 TIME MGMT UPDATE 4726 1217 11/30/00 6898 IV6928765 12/19/00 400000 408.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 4727 109 11/29/00 6899 470338 12/19/00 837.97 907.67 AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT 11/30/00 470846 69070 4728 153 12/01/00 6911 544975010001 12/19/00 484097 484897 AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT 4729 825 11/29/00 6867 722444 12/19/00 624.90 624°90 AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT 4730 242 11/25/00 6912 40748 12/19/00 168000 336°00 PUMP SERVICE TEST 11/20/00 40750 168000 4731 267 12/06/00 7025 529 12/19/00 240.00 240000 EQUIPMENT--MAIN ST REHAB 4732 805 06/14/00 6916 809 12/19/00 3,396.64 3,396 64 LIGHTNING DAMAGE REPAIR 4733 1545 09/30/00 6944 253 12/19/00 90.00 410.00 GRAVEL /DIRT HAULING 11/17/00 262 320000 60.00 GRAVEL /DIRT HAULING 11/17/00 263 60000 4T34 261 11/13/00 6859 73565 12/19/00 469.42 469.42 FILL SAND 4735 1226 11/14/00 6044 5117 12/19/00 351.50 351 „50 TV INSPECTION -SEWER 4736 494 11/00/00 6843 20944 12/19/00 173.25 173 „25 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4737 1494 11/14/00 6913 111400 12/19/00 38„00 30600 PEST CONTROL 4739 1239 11/29/00 7043 CV74466 12/19/00 51°49 51.49 MODEM 4740 1030 11/28/00 6082 9004 12/19/00 24029 24.29 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 4746 1776 10124/00 6895 8492 12/19/00 465.00 465.00 SURVEY WATER TOWER SITE 4747 1141 11/22/00 7027 13846 12/19/00 41.00 41400 DOOR KEYS 4751 1030 11/30/00 6910 162 12/19/00 33.17 33.17 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4754 862 11/21/00 6896 09305 12/19/00 550.00 550.00 LABOR RELATIONS PROGRAM 4756 819 11/30/00 7017 14737 12/19/00 96.56 96.56 TOLLING CHARGE 4758 857 12/04/00 6909 D177045 12/19/00 2.19 15410 ANTENNA & WIRE 12/04/00 D177042 12.99 4759 792 11/01/00 6908 48841 12/19/00 4.12 38015 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/20/00 50222 34°03 4760 303 12/07/00 6907 2351 12/19/00 108.42 108442 TRACTOR PARTS 4762 85 11/01/00 6906 535473640 12/19/00 3099 4.76 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 11/24/00 535492389 4.76 6040 REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 12/08/00 535505301 2049 4763 1084 11/30/00 7030 167841949 12/19/00 3,313°94 3,313°94 11/00 USE 4764 1062 12/19/00 7031 121900 12/19/00 4,180.56 700.00 RETAINER CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase order Dec 15, 2000 08:22am Page 7 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number ------ Number ------ Date -------- Code Number ---- ------ Invoice# ------------ Due Date -------- ------------ Amount Date Amount -------- ---------- ------------ Amounts Claim Description ----------------------- 2,780.56 LEGAL SERVICES 700.00 RETAINER 4767 1009 11/27/00 7019 1825 12/19/00 343.00 343.00 GRAPHICS INSTALLATION 4768 1252 11/29/00 7034 119494 12/19/00 11060 11.60 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 4769 1110 11/23/00 7018 369721 12/19/00 131.31 131.31 PAGER RENTAL 4771 450 10/13/00 6940 082600 12/19/00 103.53 56.85 REFUND 41455 46.68 Rum #2756 4772 1546 10/13/00 6941 082300 12/19/00 400.00 400.00 REFUND #3326 4773 377 11/25/00 6902 64655593 12/19/00 397.53 23.33 11/00 USE 8.00 11/00 USE 19.17 11100 USE 9440 11100 USE 8.89 11/00 USE 110.07 11/00 USE 32.63 11/00 USE 8.47 11/00 USE 16.54 11/00 USE 5.32 11/00 USE 11.57 11/00 USE 12.15 11100 USE 46.99 11/00 USE 4776 1265 08/25/00 6905 1140 12/19/00 135.00 135.00 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 4777 1084 11/30/00 6901 113000 12/19/00 40,691.50 1,896.40 11/00 USE 30.61 11/00 USE 598.44 11/00 USE 1,339.27 11/00 USE 641.56 11/00 USE 1,539.35 11/00 USE '127.99 11/00 USE 1,172.13 11/00 USE 1,236.30 11/00 USE 913.85 11/00 USE 22,165.28 11/00 USE 747.68 11/00 USE 305.93 11100 USE 1,755041 11/00 USE 1,901.29 11/00 USE 1,584.56 11/00 USE 2,735.45 11/00 USE 4778 812 11/16/00 7029 655074347 12/19/00 4.58 607.78 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/06/00 655074788 0.99 11/03/00 1512074120 26.92 11/10/00 1512074244 77.53 11/17/00 1512074371, 54.35 11/24/00 1512074485 28.45 11/24/00 1517074488 267.95 11/17/00 1517074378 102.18 11/10/00 1517074247 21.97 11/15/00 1517074333 22.86 4780 1200 11/09/00 6904 26640 12/19/00 175.00 350.00 CAMERA RENTAL 11/17/00 26602 175.00 4781 1122 12/01/00 6894 20003982 12/19/00 1,646.50 1,646.50 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order Dec 15, 2000 08e22am Page 8 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Vumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 4782 4784 4788 4789 4800 4801 4813 4814 609 11/01/00 10/30/00 11/02/00 784 11/17/00 1239 12/06/00 1002 12/19/00 811 11/30/00 1040 11/17/00 771 10/26/00 12/06/00 11/20/00 764 12/19/00 6957 11346 11354 11345 6950 1019 7016 CW69918 6942 121900 6938 13473 6930 2334 6929 58420 -01 249112 248842 6925 121900 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 12/19/00 65.00 65°00 65.00 50,00 354076 481084 350.00 525042 3,059.37 30015 5.04 9,670008 4815 58 12/06/00 6937 94443 °1 12/19/00 43036 4816 1244 12/05/00 6928 326417 12/19/00 446.88 4817 365 11/20/00 6936 74015021 12/19/00 185083 4818 568 12/08/00 6932 147246 12/19/00 16035 12/06/00 148118 86 „00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q*APR083 195000 LANDSCAPING MATERIAL 50.00 SIGN 354.76 BACKUP TAPES 10092 REIMS PETTY CASH 4.25 REIMB PETTY CASH 5.01 REIMB PETTY CASH 11000 REIMB PETTY CASH 5.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 5039 REIMB PETTY CASH 15°00 REIMB PETTY CASH 8.37 REIMB PETTY CASH 3830 STAFF LUNCH 85000 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 28844 SEMINAR-C. ROBERTS 50.00 REFUND 20000 NOTARY COMMISSION 35.64 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 33052 COUNCIL WORK SESSION 5.35 REIMB-PETTY CASH 12.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 0.84 REIMB -PETTY CASH 21°00 CHAMBER & PARKING 13000 REIMB-PETTY CASH 5.00 REIMB -PETTY CASH 53.81 DEC LUNCH 15 „00 REIMB —PETTY CASH 350000 REPAIR PARTS 525.42 REPAIR PARTS 3,094.56 VEHICLE REPAIR 0.00 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 9.25 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 24437 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 0.00 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 0.00 VEHICLE MAINT 11100 1,258 32 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 133076 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 2,407011 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 5039 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 0000 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 761°49 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 8023 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 5,061.16 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 1,00 VEHICLE MAINT 11/00 43036 TOOLS 446,88 TOOLS 185°83 REPAIR PARTS 102035 CLEANING SUPPLIES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order Dec 15, 2000 08a22am Page 9 P.O. Vendor invoice HoLd Claim Vendor FULL Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 4819 433 11129/00 6927 1203340034 12/19/00 34075 CART SUPPLIES 291045 12/06/00 3096 30079 1203410040 15.68 74.28 4820 427 12/04/00 6924 17140 12/19/00 1,497050 11/22/00 16735 96.00 4822 1783 11/22/00 6935 56898 12/19/00 83.50 12/01/00 57174 93.50 4828 379 11/01/00 6985 OMP4483500 12/19/00 85,424000 11101/00 OP04483500 19,073,.00 11/01/00 OLE4483500 19,782000 4829 1810 12/01/00 6986 104 12/19/00 250000 4830 1811 11/27/00 6987 4390 12/19/00 1,711.95 4832 187 12/01/00 6988 5984 12/19/00 451"00 4834 793 11/30/00 6983 73695 12/19/00 450000 4835 1812 11/14/00 6989 14370 12/19/00 175000 4836 1813 11/20/00 7015 112000 12/19/00 295.00 4840 543 12/08/00 6984 2228120 12/19/00 989.00 4841 1450 11/20/00 6943 112000 12/19/00 139054 4842 69 12/04/00 7012 101 12/19/00 750.00 4845 360 11/28/00 6920 879222 12119/00 418.71 4847 1000 12/08/00 7011 120800 12/19/00 1,778 08 4849 666 12/08/00 6921 3748 12/19/00 125.00 4852 1556 12/15/00 6922 121500 12/19/00 2,000.00 4853 1200 12/06/00 7022 66315 12/19/00 135400 4854 141 09/14/00 6998 091400 12/19/00 22.50 4855 595 11/17/00 6999 29058 12/19/00 65.,24 11/24/00 31211 61015 12101100 534715 144083 4856 981 11/29/00 7000 1/290410 12/19/00 409029 12101100 12010392 237014 4857 336 12/01/00 7001 10924 12/19/00 30072 11/23/00 10810 11°28 4858 1816 12/01/00 7007 67431 12/19/00 348.75 12/01/00 116392 °17.74 4859 1151 11/27/00 7008 5706 12119/00 54090 4860 229 11/28/00 7009 628243 12/19/00 259.86 4861 732 11/28/00 7010 58438967 12/19/00 °40000 11/28/00 58438965 380.90 11/28/00 58438966 °24.50 11/30/00 58439101 24050 4862 678 12/01/00 7002 159838 12/19/00 53.81 11/24/00 159711 25.59 11/28/00 159712 45001 4863 300 11/15/00 7003 7557 12/19/00 9000 4864 233 12/07/00 7004 273248 12/19/00 30015 4865 1338 11/23/00 7005 A452910 12/19/00 291045 4866 57 11/16/00 7006 469316 12119/00 103.79 12/20/00 11/28/00 490015 405000 12/20/00 10/19/00 6406423 °478.00 4867 1044 11/18/00 6997 62938 - 1006-2 12/19/00 176035 4869 17 11/10/00 6996 4039124 12/19/00 98.70 11/21/00 6734981 -26.28 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.6 Q *APR083 109803 REPAIR PARTS 1,593050 DOOR REPAIR 177000 REPAIR PARTS 62,139.50 LIABILITY INS 10/17/00 62,139°50 LIABILITY INS 10/17/00 250,00 ARBITRATION FEE 1,711°95 ARBITRATION FEES 451000 EAP SERVICES 450.00 TREASURER BOND-BISHOP 175.00 ARBITRATION FEE 295°00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 989,00 A08260 139054 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 750.00 CONSULTING 418071 COPIER MAINT 1,778008 SPECIAL. ELECTION 11/7/00 125°00 PRINTER TONER 2,000000 POSTAGE 135.00 VIDEO CAMERA REPAIR 22,50 DECORATIONS 46.50 LINEN SERVICE 224072 LINEN SERVICE 623912 GROCERIES 23031 PAPER SUPPLIES 42000 SNACKS 331001 GROCERIES 54090 COFFEE 259086 GROCERIES 340090 BEVERAGES 121052 GROCERIES 2089 CLEANING SUPPLIES 9.00 CART SUPPLIES 30015 CART SUPPLIES 291045 ADVERTISING 3096 30079 GOLF BALLS /CAPS 15.68 176.35 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 44.42 SHOES By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) ity of Owasso Dec 15, 2000 08o22am Page 10 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Vumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description 4875 645 11/22/00 8.70 6755244 11/29/00 °28°00 4870 153 11/20/00 6982 10275255 12/19/00 5.40 12/13/00 525400 11/21/00 11/14/00 10275751 15870 151098 4871 40 12/04/00 6978 708515 12/19/00 83088 6969 6873 11/28100 9097 706628 3930 260073 4872 342 11/18/00 6979 31307 12/19/00 159.47 12/19/00 95.81 03/24/00 32375 60.02 4874 1038 11/29/00 6980 3083 12/19/00 14040 12/02/00 9888 106.54 12/08/00 3738 39.88 11/30/00 2187 32085 4875 645 12/06/00 8.70 11/29/00 4876 94 12/19/00 4877 212 12/31/00 4888 814 12/13/00 525400 7014 11/14/00 12/19/00 15870 11/20/00 4889 1038 06/01/00 09/09/00 4890 38 12/01/00 4891 797 12/08/00 TOTAL 199 records listed 6981 384901 12119/00 8.70 381030 9066 7013 121900 12/19/00 1,447.31 7045 7/1°12/31/00 12/19/00 525400 7014 20292 12/19/00 15870 21371 2.16 21377 4.08 6969 6873 12/19/00 9097 3930 13.92 6995 120100 12/19/00 197040 7040 1240634 12/19/00 95.81 914,261052 19e64 { //+`y ep .;r{ 914 s 2 �ji .1, - 52'* -F 1.!0) !3.x,.20... 19 m 6�� nq &IC S,jee. -rAx 4 , I �,3 a 5 3 � 003 9 -16',3 T ) e 1j, I 157.38 REPAIR SUPPLIES 344.61 REPAIR SUPPLIES 219049 REPAIR PARTS 22°94 GROCERIES 9.91 MAINT SUPPLIES 35.88 MAINT SUPPLIES :32.75 ,KITCHEN SUPPLIES 37091 GROCERIES 14.40 MAINT SUPPLIES 3988 MODEM 18.36 SHOP TOWELS 1,44731 REIMB- PETTY CASH 525000 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN 7/1-12131/00 4008 FILM PROCESSING 17.86 FILM PROCESSING 13092 MAINT SUPPLIES 9097 MAINT SUPPLIES 197040 METER READINGS 95081 D03159 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 1 2/02/00 aapartmen General Fund M lunicipal Court ZOW'59 Managerial 0.00 13,344°20 Community Development 0.00 Information Systems 0.00 Police 204085 Animal Control 0.00 1,951.22 Street 263.88 8,669.19 General Fund Total $2,078.92 $189,022.80 s December 19, 2000 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/02100 Overtime L_ Total Exp Ambulance Fund FUND TOTAL $308.96 $10,139008 APPROVED: Docembor 19, 2000 Council Member wzmr=�,, � T o THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO CITY CLERK SUBJECT. RESOLUTION #2000 -13 m BIENNIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE E CITY OF OWASSO CORD, OF ORDINANCES DATE: December 14, 2000 BACKGROUND. Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes requires that every municipality codify biennial supplements to the permanent volume of compiled penal ordinances. The statues further require that the governing body adopt a resolution notifying the public of that supplementation, and file a copy of such resolution with the county cic k in each county where the municipality is located. In 1996, we published a complete new code book in loose leaf form, and in 1998 a supplement was published, The rationale behind utilizing a loose leaf form is to assure that those persons needing irequent access to the code be kept current on the ordinances adopted. The code updates are now being done in the city clerk's office, and the plan is to issue a supplement quarterly or biannually, dependent upon the number of codes adopted. Resolution 92000 ®13 meets the statutory requirements for supplementation, publication and notification of the biennial code supplement, containing all ordinances adopted through December 5, 20000 Staff recommends adoption of resolution #2000-13. 1. resolution #2000 -13 I�ESOLUTION NO 1i1 A RL,1SOLUTT O OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF JHE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA DIRECTING FILING AND NOTIFICATION OF T14E PUBLICATION OF A SUPPLEMENT T TO THE C7`VJASSO CITY CODE. WHEREAS, the City is required to publish its code of compiled penal ordinances and to deposit a copy of the code with the Tulsa and Rogers County lava libraries pursuant to Sections 14 -109 and 14 -110 of Title 11 of the Oklaborraa Statutes; and, WHEREAS, the City is required to _adopt a resolution. notifying the public; of the publication of its aide pursuant to Section 144110 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes and to Tale a copy of the resolution in the office of the County Clerk and in the office of the Supreme Court, and, WHEREAS, the City is required, pursuant to Sections 14-107 (A) and 14 -108 of Title 11 of the Oklahoma Statutes, to make legal publication by publishing the titles and a condensed gist or sun iniarythereof of said Code NOW, THERE FORE, B E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OR THE ryy OKLAHOMA, THAT the public is hereby notified of the publication of a supplement to the ;ode of Ordinances containing all ordinances adopted through December 5, 2000, and that copies of the ;ode are available for review in the office of the City Clerk; and, 16. Transportation, and 17e Utilities. THAT the City Clerk shall cause one copy of this resolution to be fled with the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County and the office of the County Clerk of Rogers County; and, THAT the City Clerk shall cause one copy of this resolution and one copy of the supplement to the Code to be fled with the Law Library of Tulsa County and the Lacy Library of Rogers County; and, THAT at least three (3) copies of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances shall be kepi: in the office of the City Clerk for public use, inspection and exana.ination. ADOPTED this 19 " day of Deceniber, 2000 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. H C "Will" Willia_nns, Mayor .ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D Cates, City Attorney MEMORANDUM TO- THE O RABL MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: TIMOTHY ROONE Y ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- - "NATIVI , THAT PARK" FUND ftA_1 E R BE'NEFIT'll' NG UNITED WAY PROPOSED NAME OF PARK ATE- December 11, 2000 BACKS This year's United Way fend raising campaign for city employees consisted not only of the direct donation through payroll deduction, but also tire creation of the "Kiss The Pig," `gleans Week" and "Name That Park" contest for the city park on E. 16th Street North between Three Lakes 11 and Lakeridge Additions. Can November 27, 2000, at the annual "fight's On Ceremony" for Winter Wonderland, the winning entry for the "Name That Park" contest was drawn. The winning entry was sold to Mr. Carroll Harris of the Copper Meadows Addition (13033 K 77th Court North), Mr. Farris has requested. to name the park on E. 86th Street - "Veteran's Park." If approved by the City Council, the park will be named "Veteran's bark" for a period of two years until such time that the park is renamed through a similar fend raising effort. Garrett Signs of Owasso donated the sign and when it is completed it will be placed in the park. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Council approval of the name "Veteran's Park" for the city park located on E. 86th Street North in Owasso. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 0 m M cc W FT-171 813t ST. ml MILLS ELEM. t 6J TO: HONORABLE LE AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASS FROM. SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR CTO SUBJECT: BUDGET SUPPLEMENT DATE® December 15, 2000 AC Any project, contract or transfer approved by the Council must also be included in the approved budget. Decently, the Council has approved several 66projects99 but the budget has not been amended to reflect those transactions. CAPITAL PROJECTS GRANT FUND— In 1998, the City received a $35,000 Community Development Flock Grant (CDPG) through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) to replace the roof of the community center building. After completion of the project, $5,240 remained in the grant budget. ODOC has extended the grant period and authorized addition repairs with the remaining funds. An amendment to the Capital Projects Grant Fund would increase grant revenues by $5,240 and increase the community center improvement project budget by $5,240, RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the following budget amendments General Fund— Economic Development Department, decrease expenditure, $8,959; OED . Word Plan Department, decrease expenditure, $20,241 Transfer to the OED A, increase expenditure, $29,2000 Capital Improvements Fund-- Miscellaneous revenue, $119,4.32, 6" Street Improvements Project, increase expenditure, $11.9,4.32, Capital Projects Grant Fund— Increase Grant revenue, $5,240, Community Center Improvements Project, increase expenditure, $5,2400 MEMORANDUM TO. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OWASSO FROM- SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE I ECTO SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CARRYOVER U G T AP13ROPRIATION ATE. December 15, 2000 BACKGROUND- Since 1993, the City Council has approved a "carryover" supplemental appropriation, A 66 carryover" budget is a concept wherein budgeted, but unexpended, funds from one fiscal year may be re- budgeted (appropriated) to the next fiscal year, The goal of a carryover budget is to encourage economy and efficiency in the use of public funds, Traditional public sector budgets "regard" the expenditure of all of the fends under a manager's control and "justify" an increasing level of appropriations in subsequent fiscal years. Efforts to be efficient and save money often are "rewarded" by a reduction in future budgets. The carryover budget promotes a philosophy of "save and invest it" rather. than "spend it or lose it." Managers who save money from last year's budget are rewarded by the possibility of a carryover appropriation to the new fiscal year budget. This is the eighth year for the City's managers to operate under a carryover budget concept. The General Fund has a total of $795,557 in budgeted but unexpended funds remaining from the 1999 -2000 budget. Of that amount, $422,326 is eligible for carryover requests. (Funds from personal services line items and certain other items normally are not eligible for carryover). As indicated in the list below, the General fund carryover recommendation is for $397,923. The new ambulance was budgeted and ordered in FY 1999 -2000 in the Ambulance Capital Fund. The ambulance was only recently delivered so $154,453 for that expenditure should be included in the current FY budget. Five projects budgeted in the Capital Improvements Fund of FY 1999 -2000 are currently in progress and have unexpended funds that should be carried over to supplement the FY 2000 -01 budget, Those projects are listed in the table below. t EST- Carryover appropriations have been requested for the Ambulance Capital Fund, the Capital Improvements Fund., and for thirteen departments within the General Fund, The carryover requests are summarized below. u Fund & Departipent _ _ P� s e ._u _ _._ Amount General Fund - Municipal Court -Furniture & equipment 2,500 Managerial Building transition 6,800 Finance Personal services 15,000 General Government Radio system. 3,000 Building transition 145,900 Community Development faster plan printing & operations 1,891 Future vehicle 12,158 Support Services Floor burnisher & copier/FAX 5,405 Police Security camera system 19,352 Fire Wildland vehicle 77,800 Ladder truck equipment 10,683 Streets Street repair projects 35,000 Parrs Park improvements 9,411 Conununity Center Meal & air repairs 11,432 Economic Development Replace funds transferred to GEDA 7,435 ®EDA Work flan Replace funds transferred to OEDA 340 156 Total General Fund $397,923 Ambulance Capital Fund Ambulance 150,175 EMS equipment 4 <278 Total Ambulance Ca ital Fund $154,453 Capital Improvements 96' Street Improvements 75,000 Fund Male Acres drainage 20,661 Computerization 209,520 Hwy 169 enhancement 13,634 76`h Street & Hwy 169 engineering 11,642 Total Capital Improvements Fund $330,457 RE COMMENDATION- Staff recornmends supplemental appropriations for the following- General Fund Municipal Court 2,500 Managerial 6,800 Finance 15,000 General Govenninent 148,900 Conn-nunity Development 14,049 Support Services 5,405 Police 19,352 Fire 88,483 Streets 35,000 Parks 9,411 Community Center 11,432 Economic Development 7,435 OEDA Work Plan --- 34J56 Total General Fund $397,923 Ambulance Capital Fund $154,453 Capital Improvements Fund $330,457 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASS FROM: PHIL LL TZ, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGED SUBJECT- ACCEPTANCE OF MAIN STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. DATE- December 11., 2000 One change order was issued increasing the authorized contract amount to $110,000,000 The contractor has submitted a final payment request in the amount of $ 109,217,45 (see attached). FINAL INSPECTION® A final inspection was conducted on December 11, 2000, "There were no deficiencies noted on the work done by Horizon PROJECT FUNDING: Funds are provided by the 1998 bond issue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council acceptance of the work and final payment for the Main Street Rehabilitation contract by Horizon Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $109,217,45. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final payment request 2® Maintenance bond APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMEIJ PROJECT: MAIN STREET RE11ABILITATION CONTRACT FOR: BOND PROJECTS CONTRACT DATE: 09/19/00 APPLICATION DATE: 12/05/00 PERIOD TO: 12/4./2000 DISTRUBUTION -ro. X OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR ENGINEER [ EI� T A CT�R'SAPPLICXTION FOR PAYMENT] APPLICATION IS MADE FOR PAYMENT, AS SHOWN BELOW, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUATION SHEET IS ATTACHED. 5A. 0.00% OF COMPLETED WORK $0.00 COLUMN D & E ON CONTINUATION SHEET - FINAL 5B. PERCENT OF STORED MATERIAL COLUMN F ON CONTINUATION SHEET 5C. TOTAL RETAINAGE (LINE 5A & 5B) Woo 6 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $109,217.45 LINE 4 LESS LINE 5 TOTAL 7 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $98,860.16 8 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $10,357.29 9 BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE LINE 3 LESS LINE 6 $782.55 CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED IN PREVIOUS MONTHS BY OWNER TOTALS $.jL25,29Q.6_ APPROVED THIS MON-rf--1 NUMBER ONE $ DATE APPROVED 11/3/2000 TOTALS $ NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS DEDUCTIONS $ 25290.69 CONTRACTOR BY: HORIZON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. STATE OF OKLAHOMP) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DATE- / D - W - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAYOF -- % 20_m_ KELLY PAULING TULSA COUNTY SE11- NOTARY 1�16�lww COMMISSION MPIRE ARCHITE CTS a / ENGINEERS R A FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations the data Comprising the above appEcation, the Architect/ Fngineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architects/Engineer's knowledge, ffiformation and befief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the 11-_'o t act Docinnents, and the Contractor is entitled, to payment of the ar:nomt certified. (Attach Explanation if, arnount remit=ted defers ffroxn the arnotmt applied for.) 148035 AGREEMENT NOVEMBER 24, 1 999 1.0 00300 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTINUATION SHEET SCHEDULE QFVALUES Page 2of2 Application Date: 1215/2000 PAY APPL|C/T|ONN0 TWO Job No. 1O89 PeriodThnu: 12-15/2000 pRQJECT:MA|N STREET IMPROVEMENTS A B � --�--- _ --------- --------------------- E ----------- G ---------- -------- H | ! |-------'--------- WORK : ---------'--------- COMPLETED | ---------- | ---------- --------- Description Description �| Description | | | No. of SCHEDULED QUAN|TY F;��L | Q§AN|Ty AMOUNT ''=,'""^�+� ��«un /n/s«Pp�o» | | Work PRICE | --- | | | | ------------------'/ m"°w'^` | *m«�um' { Qu«mI/r | AMOUNT | | | TO DATE | � | | | SOLID SLAB SODDING | | 492 | '-- |----------|----------------------------''-------------------- 26OO | ---- 127S� { 11.00 i '— | ��12 | | 17�Q � | | | 182�4 2 �COLD K�LUN8PAVEMENT | | 17,600.00 | 51—'-- | "�° / O�G \ �7�OO�O | | 51�20�0 3 |C0�BNED�U��AND�UTTER07B���ER) | ��-- | `^`~ | �~^~~~ | ~^^~~ "�" � 000 | �UI0 ( | 1J7S�8 4 �}�LETF���EA�D8�4TE � g1-- i | ^~`-~~~ | �""! O8U / 23l0 | o3�4a�o � |�E��«�LQFCVmCnETE�UR��N��UTTE� | �g1 ! `�' 1---- | ���" "�"~u | u�» / B0] | o«z@| | | �5�U 6 |REMOVAL VF CONCRETE PAVEMENT | ^`~ | ~^"�" | �'"^v | »�o | OVO —UG | 72l0 | | 2707�7 7 8 SAWING PAVEMENT | |T�4FF|CSTRPE(PL�ST[;�rNA�E} | { �� --~ | ~''�'` i =�" / v�o / 432OO ---' � | �112J5 9 | TRAFFIC CONTROL | | 2,482.13 ~�~ | / �8O | �"0 | | 1 v�»v�u � uuu 5,100.00 | u�u 1 o�o»uu | | �1OO�O �O |QU/Q{SETFL�VVA8LEF|LL | | 152G& | -- j�°"�^^ | '`""�" i v�v | | «�u | :�m | z^�m | / 2�8o13 | 17�8OOO |7��OEACHD0QBLEGRATED�OP|NLET | �''.~` | ^~'~~~ | °"" | v�u| uu« ( | |CDNCRETE�HTTER | | | | | | | '~~~ | | | | | | | "�" | | | 0.00 | | { «uu | | | | | O�O 0.00 | | | | ToTA/ | | | | ^.^.~._ | ! | | | -'_ �u*.u��.uu 5,154.12 109,21745 The undersigned Contractor certifies that all work in this Application for Payment has been completed in---���� ��� ��� ---- ob|{Aa§m»x�rP�vou»|yoomP!e�dwo�on which paymen�have been �sued. ��o'uu'`c�«a^`m Documents, nehaspoida!| Contractor:- Date: /�2—��-����� SECTION 00420 Bona No. BDO082718 MAINTENANCE BOND Horizon rastruc t -i. on 'WIJEREAS, the u dersigned, . -_(.,,(.) ,—, r)C..__.��� _,�w_— has executed Contract No. dated the e day of .v 19_._, designated as construction of the Main Street RehabibRation s c Bond wProjects including alb of the work nienCics.ned and described in said Contract, and to be p rforryi d. by, the undersigned st- ictly and puric.tuaRy in. accordance with fh.e terse, conditions, plans and specifications thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if ffie said and and keep and jerform all of Le obli�ptions herein i%rovided to be ke%t and Czerformed bgAi=,. or either of them, then this obligation and o. and remain in full force and effect at all 148035 MAINTE NANCE BOND AUGUST 15, 2000 1 00420 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Lhis2lstday of —,-§ �t�m b�__ . __, 19 ( 2000 ATFE,ST: Title: (SEAL) mu)--Carr Surety c HORIZON COINSTRUOTION COnPANY, Contractor (Principal) Title: rz- (SEAL) 6MV. .4 ell) A�Qney -In, Fact I LOYD (Accompany the bond with a Power of Attorney) 148035 MAINTENANCE BON-D AUGUST15, 2000 2 00420 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O ASSO EROMm PHIL LU Z, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER fi g TIME EXTENSION 96TH STREET NORTH ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 1 CGUIRE, BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. DATE. December 11, 2000 CHANGE ORDER .Although the award was made in June 2000, the Notice to Proceed was delayed until .August 4, 2000 in order to finalize funding agreements with the Owasso Market developer and other parties involved in the 96'h Street corridor development. The Notice to Proceed established a completion date of December 30, 2000. PROJECT" FUNDING Funding is provided by combined funding from of OPWA, SEAYCO Group (Owasso Market) and RCB Bank (RCB Center). COMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Change Order #1, 96th Street North Roadway Improvements, with McGuire Brothers Construction Company, Inc., for a time extension amounting to 18 calendar days establishing a completion date of January 17, 2001. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Change Order # 1 PROJECT: 96th Street North Roadway Improvements TO CONTRACTOR: McGuire Brothers Construction, Inc 8415 South Regency Drive is ►, CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: One ( l ) DATE: December 119 2000 CONTRACT DA 1 fa o June 20, 2000 Tulsa, DID 74131 CONTRACT QUO : Roadway widening, si nalizatiori. an drainage structure improvements The Contract is charged as follows: Increase the authorized contract period in the amount of 18 calendar days due to abnormal weather delays. Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum/Time which have been authmized by Construction Change Directive McGuire Brothers Construction, Inca CONTRACTOR 8415 South Regency Drive Tulsa, OIL 74131 ADDRESS IM A7.yrl�l 1096 Authorized Representative City of Owasso OWNER 207 S. Cedar Owasso, } IE7..AVYj CHANGE ORDER 000600 - l OF l 4k �, = TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ALLAN E. HARDER IIUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR StJBJECT: THIRD PAWrY CLAIM SETTLE, MENT PROGRAM NATIONAL AMEIUCAN INSURANCE COMPANY (NAICO) AND THE CITY OF OWA OK DATE: December 12, 2000 BACKGROUND: A part of the negotiations for liability insurance for the City of Owasso, OK from NAICO is the inclusion of a $2,000.00 deductible for new claims, Previous policies did not include a deductible but one was agreed upon to better address claims and to reduce costs. The City's plan for adjusting claims includes the creation of an Adjustment Committee consisting of Jim Greene, Chief of Police; Allan Harder, Human Resources Director; Moe Hogan, Agent, Hogan Insurance; and Tammy Grimes, Risk Manager as an alternate member. The Committee will meet as necessary to review claims and make recommendations to the City Manager for final approval and payment. Claims meeting the following criteria will be submitted to NAICO for adjustment, the Committee will review all other claims. 1. Claims where coverage is questionable 2. Claims with liability questions 3. Claims with bodily injury 4. Claims without clearly defined damages 5. Claims lacking documentation for costs 6. Claims in excess of $2,000.00 Ia Claims involving a "total loss" 8. Claims from lightening damages Claims reviewed by the Committee but not handled within 35 days of the receipt of the claim by the City will be submitted to NAICO. Additionally, claims that become complex or those the City prefers not to handle may be submitted to NAICO for adjustment by their claims department, if the 'Third Marty Claim .Adjustment program_ is approved, the Council will receive activity reports at least quarterly through the City Manager's Report. Also, paid claims will be items on the claims list and paid from the General Government account. IMPLEMENTATION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends the Council approve the 'Third Marty Claim Adjustment Program, authorize the City Manager to execute the letter agreement, and authorize the City Manager to pay claims recommended for payment by the .Adjustment Committee. Fetter Agreement from NAICO with Third party Claim Adjustment program Corporate Office- Omaha, Nebraska Direct Dial (405)258 -4242 December 5, 2000 :harry Mitchell Owasso City Manager P. 0, fox 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Re: `1 "hlyd Party Claim Settlement Program Dear Mr. Mitchell: DEC 0 ; 20Cg Claim Department: Chandler, Oklahoma Facsimile (405) 258-4204 This will acknowledge your request to handle certain Third Party claims that fall within the policy deductible currently written by National American Insurance Company, It is my understanding you have information on hove National American Insurance Company would like to have this settlement program administered. However, for the clarification, I am attaching a copy of our Agency Settlement program guidelines and ask that you review and acknowledge the understanding of these guidelines by signing a copy of this letter and returning it to wee It is my understanding the City will form an adjustment committee to review and make recommendations on each claim. The recommendations for the approved clams will be submitted to the City Manager for final approval and payment. The following is a list of members for the Adjustment Committee: Jim Green, Police Chief Allan Harder, Human Resources Director Moe Hogan, Hogan Insurance or Taffiay Grimes, Risk Manager, Claim handling criteria is as follows: ® Claims that do not involve a total loss ® Claims involving lightning damage must have a signed lightning affidavit from a reputable repair person. 1010 Manvel Avenue CA P.O. Box 38 El Chandler, Oklahoma 74834 405 - -25$ -0804 Q WA TS 1-800 -332 -2210 Q Casualty FAX 405 - 258 - 132911 Worker's Compensation FAX 405 -258 -3005 Larry Mitchell December 5, 2000 We request you handle these claims within a 35 -day period from the date; the claim was reported to the City, Any claims which become complex or which the City prefers not to handle, should be forw rded. to National American Insurance Company's claim office in Chandler, Oklahoma as quickly as passible, Good documentation is very irnpoitant in the claim Dandling process, therefore, your files should record all activity in the claim handling process. National American Insurance Company will be available to review pry issue with you regarding these claims, I suggest you contact any of the following individuals Faith. questions: Kirby Kasparek, Jim Martin, or Dawn Roaster, Deep in mind, this program will only be available to you as long as your policy contains a liability deductible of $2,000 ®r greater, `'hank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation in administering this special program, Sincerely, Richard La Evans Senior Mice President I E /mea cc: foe Mogan Kogan Insurance Po 0. Box 957 Owasso, OK 74055 Kirby Kasparek Tina Christy A, T- I have reviewed, understand, and will comply with the conditions of this program. Signature Title Date A: WE-00 27?.ivpd National American Insurance Company THIRD SETTLEMENT pecific claims authorities on third party losses will be granted to the Insured tl °o gh agreement between the Claims Department and the Insurede `:i`he following reporting recfahernents apply, Deport all third party claims involving the possibility of injury and all claims involving damages in excess of $2,000 to the claims office° No bodily injury clams are to be handled by the Insured. The Insured may not handle any portion of a claim involving bodily injury. It should be reported to the claims office to handle all portions of the claim, even if within the settlement authority. 1 Claims involving questionable coverage and /or questionable liability should be referred to the claims office. Any denial of coverage or liability will be made by the claims office, 3. bosses involving total or borderline total losses should be reported directly to the claims office for handling. Certain reporting requirements dictate that this type loss be handled by the claims office, Also, in our continuing effort to combat insurance fraud, this type claim will be handled by the claim department, 4. Any claim that remains open for a period of more than 60 days from the receipt of notice of loss must be referred to the claims office. Any supporting documents gathered should be submitted with the notice of claim.. The claim will then be handled to conclusion by the claims office. 5. Any claim the Insured chooses not to adjust, or any case that poses an exposure in excess of the agency authority, should be referred to the claims office. damage 6. Two competitive appraisals from competent body shops are required on all auto physical appears damages the ,' 7. Theft and burglary claims should include a detailed itemized list giving a fell description, age, and purchase price of the claimed items. 8. All losses involving lightning damage require a signed lightning affidavit from the insured. CHECKLISTS FOR ADJUSTMENTS A. Coverage Verification The agent should confirm the lass involves an insured peril; the property described in the policy or the vehicle identified in the policy as well as confirmation that the accident occurred within the policy period, In the event there is a question of coverage, the claim should be referred to the claims office for farther handling, B. Other :Insurance Prior to paying a loss, always confinn insured has no other insurance policy in force which will respond to the loss, C. Mortgage or loss Payees The mortgagee or loss payee's name rest be included on all losses handled through the agency draft program, M Police Reports Many policies require theft, burglary, and robbery losses be reported to the police. A copy of the police report is required on all such losses° E. Depreciation Losses subject to "actual cash value" should be evaluated for depreciation. When adjusting auto claims, allowances should be made for gear on tires, mileage, condition of convertible tops, battery guarantees, paint condition, upholstery, etc, 3 Consideration general the item, as well as the item's original F. Deductibles Always be sure to check for deductibles prior to paying a loss. There are many different types of deductibles, so if there is any question as to the applicability of a deductible, the agent should call the claims office. G. Repairs As previously directed, obtain competitive bids when considering auto repair bills. loo not authorize repairs, this is the insured's responsibility, We are obligated to pay reasonable repair costs less applicable deductibles, H. Subrogation Subrogation is a very important consideration in the ultimate loss, Be, alert to subrogation, possibilities and provide all details. The agent should immediately notify the claims department when the potential for subrogation exists, Files with subrogation possibilities must be referred to the claims department after settlement of the claims. The company is responsible fog° pursuing subrogation. 1© Salvage Be alert to salvage possibilities. The claims office will look to the agent to advise when salvage is involved, The claims office will be responsible for pursuing salvage recovery, Under no circurnstances is the agent to sell salvage. Claim files involving salvage are to be reported to the claims office when closed.